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Course outline


COHORT: 2020 Group COURSE LECTURER: Mr. Tarus Samwel
Course Code: COM 413 Course Title: Object Oriented Programming
Academic Year: 2022/2023 Semester: One
Lecturer: Samwel K. Tarus E-mail:
Phone No: 0713047441 / 0721747732
Prerequisite: COM 121, COM 213

Course Description:
Basics of Java: History, Relationship with other languages, Programming paradigms, features, Programming
formats, statements, data types. OOPs (Object Oriented Programming): Introduction, class, object, methods,
constructors, this keyword, inheritance, super keyword, polymorphism, abstraction, interface, encapsulation,
access specifiers etc. string manipulation, arrays, Packages, exception handling, multithreading, wrapper
classes, AWT, Swing fundamentals, Applets. etc
Class schedule Contents/Topics
Week 1 - Basics of Java: History, Relationship with other languages
Week 2 - Programming paradigms and features of OOP.
Week 3 - Programming formats, statements, data types.
Week 4 -Introduction to OOPs (Object Oriented Programming). Class, Object
Week 5 - Introduction to Java methods, constructors, this keyword, wrapper classes
Week 6 CAT 1 / Assignment (Due date)
Week 7 - Inheritance, super keyword etc
Week 8 - Polymorphism.
Week 9 - abstraction, interface, encapsulation, Access spécifiers etc .
Week 10 - String manipulation and Java arrays
Week 11 -CAT 2
Week 12 - Packages, exception handling, multithreading.
Week 13 - AWT, Swing fundamentals, Applets. etc

Week 14-16 Final Examination

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course should enable the students to:
- To have an in-depth understanding of concepts of object oriented programming paradigm and apply them in
problem solving.
- To understand streams and efficient user interface design techniques using GUI in Java.
- To have a clear knowledge on the language semantics of Java.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of semester, the candidates should be able to: -
- Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and difference between Procedure– Oriented
Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
- Describe the meaning of the object-oriented paradigm, and create class hierarchies using the object-oriented
design process.
- Design and implement Java programs for complex problems, making good use of the features of the
language such as classes, inheritance.
- Learn how GUI can be designed and developed in Java using AWT, Applets and Swings.
Required texts for the course :
1. Herbert Schildt, Java The Complete Reference, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. (Chapters 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10, 11, 21, 22, 29, 30).
2. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java A primer, Tata McGraw Hill companies.
3. Java: The Complete Reference, Twelfth Edition, McGraw-Hill Education By: Herbert Schildt.
4. Beginning Java 1t Fundamentals: Object-Oriented Programing in Java 17 By: Kishori Sharan Adam L.
More reference books:
1. Interactive Object Oriented Programming in Java: Learn and Test Your Skills By: Vaskaran Sarcar.
2. Java for Absolute Beginners: Learn to Program the Fundamentals the Java 9+ Way by Juliani Cosmina.
3. Learning Java - An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java O’Relly by Daniel Leuk, Patrick
Niemeyer, Marc Loy.
4. Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, Global Edition, Pearson Education Ltd. By
Walter Savitch.
Teaching methodologies/approaches
Lectures, illustrations and demonstrations, unsolved problem exercises, question- answer, and group
Other Materials and Equipment (materials, e.g. exercise books, textbooks/modules to be purchased, etc
Course Assessment
Students registered for the course are required to complete all CATs which will comprise 30% (15% CAT 1 and
15% CAT 2) of the final grade and the final end of semester examination will comprise 70%. If a student failed
to do the CAT or the final exam, the result is reported as “I” (incomplete).

Lecturer’s Sign. . Date…09 – 05 - 2023…

HoD’S Sign: Date…………………...

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