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English IV

Study case



Students will be able to write short biographies.

What do you have to do?

Imagine you all became Colombian historical

personalities or celebrities. Write your short
biographies telling a few glimpses of your lives.
Consider the following instructions when writing
your biographies:

 Write one-paragraph length biographies; your paragraphs must not be longer than 7
 Write three-part paragraphs. Your paragraphs must include a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
 Write your paragraphs using Arial font (11-point, 1,5 lines spacing) or Times New
Roman font (12-point, 1,5 lines spacing).

How do you have to submit the activity?

 Submit a pdf document including your biographies.

 You must do this activity in couples, trios or four people groups. Only one member
of the group must submit the document in the platform.
 Do not include any additional page in your document (e.g., cover page). Write your
full names at the beginning of the document.

English IV
Study case

How is this activity going to be graded?

The activity is going to be graded using the evaluation rubric below.

Needs Not
Excellent Good Fair Fail
improvement submitted
(5,0) (4,0) (3,0) (1,0)
(2,0) (0,0)
Biographies Biographies Biographies Biographies Biographies Text does Task is not
describe all describe describe miss not describe submitted
students’ students’ students’ information. students’
lives in a lives in a lives in a biographies.
highly detailed basic way.
detailed and way.
Text All Most of A few Most of No Task is not
organization biographies biographies biographies biographies biography submitted
include a include a include a lack a topic includes a
topic topic topic sentence, topic
sentence, sentence, sentence, supporting sentence,
supporting supporting supporting sentences or a body
sentences, sentences, sentences, conclusion sentences,
and a and a and a sentence. and
conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion
sentence. sentence. sentence. sentence.
Grammar Variety in Variety in Frequent Frequent Frequent Task is not
and grammar grammar errors in errors in errors in submitted
mechanics and and grammar grammar and grammar
mechanics mechanics and mechanics and
with almost with a few mechanics which affect mechanics
no errors. errors. which do meaning. which
not affect severely
meaning. affect
Group work Students Students Student Student Student Task is not
and cooperate cooperate performs performs performs submitted.
compliance with with activity activity activity
of classmates classmates individually individually, individually,
instructions to perform to perform but meets but activity but activity
the activity. the activity. given does not meet does not
Students’ Students’ instructions. given meet most
activity is activity is instructions. of given
completely partially instructions.
articulated, articulated,
deliberated, deliberated,
and meets and meets
given most of
instructions. given

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