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tugas: bhs.

nama: Syarah nurpuspa dewi

kelas: X-10

• The Invisible's sister was still cooking while they were shaking the bell in front of her wigwam. When
she opened the door, she saw two beautiful women in beautiful clothes. She greeted them and asked
directly if they knew what her brother looked like. They lied and said yes, but she soon found out that
they didn't.

Soon after her sisters left for The Invisible Man's wigwam, the Rough- Face Girl went to her father asking
for fine clothes and jewelry because she wanted to marry The Invisible Man, too. Her father told her that
he had nothing beautiful left. Then she wore her dress carved with pictures of the sun, moon, stars,
plants, trees, and animals. She was off to meet The Invisible Man. As she was walking to see The
Invisible Man, people laughed and made fun of her because of her clothes. But she continued walking
through the village and reached his wigwam. When she met the sister of The Invisible Man, she was
able to answer all questions that the sister had. The Invisible Man and his sister gave her beautiful
clothing and told her to bathe in the water. The water cleansed her of her scars and made her beautiful
again. She was as pretty as a picture. Finally the two were married and lived happily ever after.

Adapted from Rafe Martin's Rough face girl

• Adik perempuan The Invisible masih memasak saat mereka menggoyang bel di depan wigwamnya.
Ketika dia membuka pintu, dia melihat dua wanita cantik dengan pakaian indah. Dia menyapa mereka
dan bertanya langsung apakah mereka tahu seperti apa rupa kakaknya. Mereka berbohong dan
mengatakan ya, tetapi dia segera mengetahui bahwa mereka tidak melakukannya.

Segera setelah saudara perempuannya pergi ke wigwam The Invisible Man, Gadis Berwajah Kasar
pergi ke ayahnya untuk meminta pakaian dan perhiasan bagus karena dia juga ingin menikah dengan
The Invisible Man. Ayahnya memberitahunya bahwa dia tidak punya apa-apa lagi yang indah. Kemudian
dia mengenakan gaunnya yang diukir dengan gambar matahari, bulan, bintang, tanaman, pohon, dan
binatang. Dia pergi menemui The Invisible Man. Saat dia berjalan untuk melihat The Invisible Man,
orang-orang tertawa dan mengolok-oloknya karena pakaiannya. Tapi dia terus berjalan melewati desa
dan mencapai wigwamnya. Ketika dia bertemu dengan saudari The Invisible Man, dia dapat menjawab
semua pertanyaan yang dimiliki saudari itu. The Invisible Man dan saudara perempuannya memberinya
pakaian yang indah dan menyuruhnya mandi di air. Air membersihkan bekas lukanya dan membuatnya
cantik kembali. Dia secantik gambar. Akhirnya keduanya menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

Diadaptasi dari gadis berwajah kasar Rafe Martin

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