DBMS - Model Papers

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Hall Ticket Number: Hb CS/IT222(R20) B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, OCTOBER-2022 ‘Semester IV [Second Year] (Regular) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ‘Time: Three hours Maximum Marks: 70 Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (14 x 1 = 14) ‘Answer One Question from cack unit. (4 x 14 = 56) Answer the following in brief: (a) List the data models. col (b) Define ER diagram. col (©) What are overlap constraints? col (@) What are aggregate functions? col (©) How NULL values are handled in SQL? coz (0) List the difference between primary key and candidate key. co2z (g) What is the need of DISTINCT keyword in SQL? CO3 (h) What is empty entity? co3 (i) Define Fifth Normal Form (SNF). co G)_ What is an integrity constraint? co4 (k) Define Lock. cos (Define log-based recovery. cos (m) What is Database consistency? cos (n) What are ACID rules? cos UNIT-1 (a) Explain the following terms (i) Database (ji) Meta data (iii) Data Dictionary (6M) COL (b) List the different keys in RDBS and explain each. (8M) COI (OR) 3. (@) Construct the schema diagram for library ‘management system. (7M) (b) Discuss database architecture with neat diagram. cM) UNIT 4, Write SQL statements for following: Student( Enmo, name, courseld, email, cellno) ‘Course(courseld, course_nm, duration) (Adda column department in course table. (Gi) List the total number of registered courses of cach student (iii) Updated check constraint for emailld, it must be unique. (iv) Find out fist of students who have enrolled in “computer” course. (v)_ List name of all courses with their duration. (vi) List name of all students start with “a”. (vii) List emailfd and cell no of all mechanical engineering students, (OR) 5. (a) Explain the following SQL constructs with examples: (8M) (order by ii) group by and having Gilias select (iv) schema (b) Explain relational algebra with example. (om) UNIT - Il 6. (a) What is functional dependency? Explain its (™M) (b) How to represent a weak entity set in ER diagram? Explain with suitable example. «my col col co2 co2 co2 C03 co3 (OR) 7. (a) Does 3NF allow redundancy? Justify your answer. (7M) CO3 (b) Explain about BCNF and list the difference between BCNF and 3NF. (7M) CO3 UNIT-IV 8. (a) Discuss read-only, write-only and read-before- write protocols in serializability. (7M) Co4 (b) Explain the use of 2PL would prevent interference between two transactions, (7M) Cos (OR) 9. (@) Explain timestamp-based protocols with suitable example. (7M) CO4 (b) Discuss the purpose of the checkpoint mechanism, How often should checkpoints be performed? (7M) Cos CS/IT222(R20) Hall Ticket Numbers CB215(R20) B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL-2022 ‘Semester III [Second Year] (Regular) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (14x 1 = 14) ‘Answver One Question from each uni. (4 x 14= 56) 1. Answer the following: (a) Give the syntax of the following commands INSERT & DELETE (b) Define ER Diagram. (©) Define super key. (a) Explain types of outer join operations. (e) What are SQL constructs to create a table? (f) Give brief account on weak-entity set (g) Define fully functional dependence. (h) Define Fifth Normal Form (SNF). (i) What are ACID rules? (j) Define Lock. (k) Define Tree based indexing () Describe object-oriented database. (im) What is the difference between authentic authorization? (n) What is SQL injection? UNIT-1 2. (a) What is a data model? Explain various data models. (7M) COL (b) Explain the concept of aggregation in ER diagrams with the help of diagram, (7M) COL (ocwsizao OD UNL) OVALS Ova Jo sofeiueapestp pur sofemeape amp. oqlsoseq, 09 (Hw) -sascqeiep +09 (WL) OD (NL) Jeuonejer pue pewerto rafgo onemuesayig (0) sjonuo3, ssoooy paseg s[ox moge [feIep ut ssnosiqy ‘soseqatep [eto] pu sasequwep qam waasuag soouaiayip wiojdeg, AI~aINa. @ ©) 6 @ @) 8 £09 UNL) £09 (WL) £09 (NL) £02 (NL) zoo wioy [euuiow ppo-e9g pur JNE * ZOO ONL) tod ONL) 109 (NL) TOD (WL) Jortuos ovo.unowos poseq-yoo] ut uoruaxaxd ypo[-peap urejdyg (q) ‘wor-e7{UvAI0 ay sy meydieg goary, + Aq yuwou! st wy, (e) (HO) sajduexa tpg smjnoyeo peuonejar ajdm yo sonueuios pue xewxs amp ssnosiq (q) cjg <4 40] Soy arepypuns acp ave yeApA wo {{N} CET AD © OILS tT be Oa} ft ‘Dh eta} 1D} © ta'H}} sarowapuadap jeuonouny res pur (NWT Mt 1H $9 ‘4 °G} = Y eutorog jouonepoy sip 1opIsuoD (e) « HI- LIND. sojdurexa ajqurins qua (NOG) NZ SINT wrerdxg (ao) ‘soydurexa ojquims Yara Atonb portation pue Aranb paisau B wsamtq saouasa[JIP ay AAI (Q) ‘SINAC Ue opqeptese stmtenstos Arnon snouwa Joug giutensuos AmBayur uw st rey AA (e) HINA -pouapuadapur pjep Jo sac scou1p aq mrejdxg geouopusdapuy eq st Ie (q) cwesseip watt Ip amponns waysts asequep urejdxy (v) to) Hall Ticket Number: CB215(R20) B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST-2022 ‘Semester III [Second Year] (Supplementary) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, ‘Time: Three hours Maximum Marks: 70 Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (14 x Answer One Question from each unit, (4x 1 1. Answer the following: (a) What are overlap constraints? (b) Define BR diagram. (©) List the data models. (@ What are aggregate functions? (©) List the DML commands @® List the differences between primary key and candidate key. (g) Define composite attribute. (h) What is Natural join? (@ How NULL values are handled in SQL? (List transaction ACID properties. (kK). What is Database consistency? (What is separation of duties in RBAC? (m) List the advantages of DAC. () What is least privilege in RBAC? UNIT -I 2. (a) Explain the following terms briefly cM) @) Attribute (i) Entity Gi) Relationship Gv) Weak entity (b) Explain Class hierarchies and Aggregation with neat ER diagrams. cm (oR) col col col co2 co2 co2 co2 co3 co3 co3 co3 co4 co4 cod coi col Cocwsizao 09 ONL) OD (WL) wim pewawioldur oq affajtaud io) AI~ ZINA. ssoooe souareyjIP moge eI UT —— soap Jo worriedas yo adiounsd ayp uo MOH, vO GN) sanss{ Angas moge jeiap ut ureldx OD (NL) ‘sosequrep jeuonvya: ‘au Jo saseiueapestp pu saRmunapr 3 09 £09 £00 £09 zoo zo zoo 103 109, (nwo an gv Ut anfeA ploy Key yoswes Him prooas v Suryorwds soy unpLodye we ayy, (a) (wes yosnuos Kouausnouoa posvq-yoo| uw} uonuoxaid yoor-peap ued (¥) (ao) oN “sioonroid paseg duseisawyy ssnosiq (q) wd Bupxopu pose yseey amp moge ssnosiql (2) Mm INA “rejnuats ase soureu esoym siojes Jo some amy punt (A) 2Uysuy, pour Jojms ¥ Aq paasasa2 sywog Jo stojoo axp put (a!) “yeog woe v pue 10g pal & paniasar aavy OYM SiO]Ies Jo soweU aU pul (tt) sye0q pal {IW paatosar anvy oy sto¥es jo some ay) puRL (1H) “sieoq om svo] 18 ponsasar axvy oy srONeS Jo saueN emp PULL (1) “Glojoo ‘eureug ‘piq) sivog pus (Kep “pig ‘pis) soatosoy ‘(03v “Sunes “otsvus pis) siopteg st sainqune pue stonejas sam am aro oumssy Benue] Arand paimonng pue snore jeuonejay ajdny, ‘eqe8ty HuoNeIEY uF suonsanb Sumoyjor ayp 0p souenb ay (yo) (wo “couepunpas £q pasneo suroqgoxd ou urpjdyg juonezyeus0N 10} poor amp sEwAA (@) ns {tomy vaaMmag aouaiayyIp aus JUAN ANOM Pu Wwog jeULON CRN wie (2) TIN (NL) “swesBeyp yg Jo sainivoj jouomppe on wEydxy_ CQ) GAL) -atduexa uv aig “aynqume ayscduios ouyoq (ev) * M214 (R20) B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH-2023 ‘Semester II [Second Year] (Regular & Supplementary) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ‘Time: Three hours, Maximum Marks: 70 Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (14x 1 = 14) Answer Onte Question from each wnit. (4 x 14= 56) 1. Answer the following: (a) List any four Database applications. col (b) Write any three functionalities of DBA. coi (©). Define key, col (d) Define View. co2 (©) List various aggregate functions. co2 (0. Write basic structure of SQL. co2 (g)_ How to represent key attribute in E-R diagram. co3 (h) Give an example for total participation in E-R model. CO3 (i) What is dirty read? co3 () Define non-trivial functional dependency. co4 (Kk) What is reflexive property cos (). Write INF. cos (m) Define transaction, cos (a) Define schedule, cos UNIT 2, (a) Differentiate file system versus databases. (7M) COl (b) Explain the architecture of DBMS, (7M) COl (OR) 3. (a) Define schema? Explain how data abstraction is achieved in DBMS. (7M) COI (b) Explain vatious types of Database languages. (7M) COI | (Ozw FIZWO $09 GAL) cunpuoge Aexosay Saray weydxg S09 (NL) StunjLIOZye KroAosoy poseg HOT wejdeg Quo) soo (WL) wWYLOR]E Jonuo Aovxnowoy worst, Hin uredxg soo (wu) Joooi0rg Burys07] asuyd on wre|deg AI~ INO -oydurex ue apa, wrog eUHON. MEY UIE GGA [NPG oo Wd) @ ole (q@) @) @ OO (WL) £09 (WL) £09 (WL) 209 ONL) zoo (WL) 709 (WL) ZOO (NL) soysnies Y yeIP HOY [oULON ys9q Ay INO puLY "ye 40) soy awprpuro pury “(Og — Hd ‘dg — Hav ‘Wav —d ‘9a ‘aa ‘Da vi=4 (HO ‘a *V) Uuonejar app Jo samngume [je Sopnjour yoryr se‘ouapuadep [euonouny jo 195 Fuymoxfoy ayy sepIsUoD (e) *L 10) odurwxo uv pin uniog jeunson, ¢ unex (q) aFaT10D @ Wy sananoe sofeur soprsuos fq wiarstg juaurafeuryy aB9]]O) Joy weep y-g UE araK (C) “9 Mm ~LINA, ‘00¢ 01 jenba 40 Wop s9}v01 st apRAR asoyas sa4H0}sn9 ‘24h &q paropso “uosiadsayps ay Aq poinaaxa siap10 osoyp puly o1 K1anb JOS & aay (11) Z10z ‘S #90100 tuo Stapio aprur oy stowonsno esomt puts (1) ‘Aqro outs HE OA yas srouorsna pur suosiadsoyes ou pull (1) sotranb Supnorjoj ey) x9mstry (oy prucmsoyes ‘opess “Ago ‘ourvu sno ‘PL TTORND) owoysn9 (worssnuuro9 ‘Anjo ‘oureu Pr -UETISSTES ewusayes ssouloyos BULMOTIOJ ALI LOPISUOD (4) cayelurexa ue YUM Kranb qns paisou ‘payefauios aquosag (e) “s Qo) vaydurexo we pL ujof inbo-uou pue wof yySir “urof y>] ure{dxg (@) -sjumensuog AyLIoyy JO Sods) snonen uivjdxs gurensuoD AsBor KyAK (©) “Py u- Linn

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