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1- What is Embedded Systems ?

2- What is DMA ?

3- What is Priority Inversion ?

4- What is Structures and Micros ?

5- What is ISR ?

6- What you will gonna do when you rejected from ITI ?

7- what is the available companies here in Egypt ?

8- Is laptop an embedded device ?

9- Tell me, What microcontrollers you have deal with ?

10- how we can chose microcontroller ?

11- difference between Can & Lin .

12- What is Deadlock and how to over come ?

13- difference between compiler and interpreter .

14- what is TCP & UDP in Embedded Systems ?

15- difference between RISC & CSIC .

16- What is the type of loops in C programming ?

17- How to know about the microcontroller is RISC or CISC ?

18- If you have 2 microcontroller which parameters you will look out in datasheet ?

19- what the difference between C & Embedded C ?

20- Is C OOP ?

21- What is type of RTOS ?

22- Microcontroller vs Microprocessor

23- How to contact more than one MCU together ?

24- Did u worked on MCU before and what was its type ?


26- line Function ?

27- If you have 2 microcontroller avr & pic and you have declared a variable which one will be bigger in
space ?

28- What is interrupt latency ?

29- what is interrupt Vector ?

30- what is Macros ?

31- What is volatile variables and extern ?

32- what difference between c++ and java ?

33- what is the event handler ?

34- what is the Multi tasking, Multi user, Multi processing, Multi thread ?

35- what is the algorithm of CPU scheduling ?

36- what is the processing scheduler

37- what is SDLC ?

38- How to connect more than one microcontroller ?

39- Is the executable file (exe) in C# real ?

40- Time-division multiplexing (TDM)

41- ISA is acronym for (Instruction Set Arch).

42- soft real time and hard real time

43- Semaphore, Mutex, Scheduler, Context Switching, Round Robin, Addressing modes, Thread and
Multithreading, static and dynamic allocation

44- watch dog timer functionality ?

45- What is peripheral ?

46- What is Pointer in C ?

47- what do you know about management memory and what its example in a computer

48- what is RAM how it works ?

49- what is 7 released and its protocols

50- What is OS and its type ?

51- What is memory type on windows XP ?

52- what is override, overload, method signature, inheritance

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