Phil Admin 1

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50th District (Pob.) PH104210051
A-et PH082622001
A. Beltran (Camalig) PH160205003
A. Bonifacio PH034915001
A. Bonifacio PH056203001
A. Bonifacio PH083735001
A. Bonifacio-Caguioa-Rimando (ABCR) PH141102125
A. Dalusag PH042107001
A. Mabini PH045618001
A. O. Floirendo PH112315001
A. Pascual PH034926001
A. Rivera (Pob.) PH030805001
Ab-abut PH012818001
Ababa-an PH143201001
Abaca PH012804001
Abaca PH025008001
Abaca PH054105001
Abaca PH060607001
Abaca PH063039001
Abaca PH071231001
Abaca PH083717001
Abaca PH064507001
Abaccan PH012929001
Abachanan PH071240001
Abad Santos PH056203002
Abad Santos PH071231002
Abad Santos PH166721001
Abaga PH103502001
Abaga PH103509001
Abaga PH103515001
Abaga PH124705001
Abaga PH153603001
Abaga PH153613001
Abagao PH021510001
Abagao PH021516001
Abagat (Pob.) PH175302007
Abagon PH036906001
Abanao-Zandueta-Kayong-Chugum-Otek (AZKCO) PH141102129
Abang PH045623001
Abang PH140103001
Abang-abang PH063002001
Abangan Norte PH031411001
Abangan Sur PH031411002
Abangay PH061917001
Abangay PH063016001
Abangay PH063023001
Abangay PH063037001
Abango PH083706001
Abanilla PH083713001
Abanon PH015532001
Abanqueruan PH021518001
Abante PH074616001
Abaquid PH140106001
Abar 2nd PH034926003
Abar Ist PH034926002
Abariongan Ruar PH021526001
Abariongan Uneg PH021526002
Abaroan PH175318001
Abas PH056213001



Ozamis City PH104210000
Sulat PH082622000
Jabonga PH160205000
Llanera PH034915000
Bulan PH056203000
Mayorga PH083735000
Baguio City PH141102000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Guinayangan PH045618000
City of Panabo PH112315000
San Jose City PH034926000
Hermosa PH030805000
Piddig PH012818000
Balbalan PH143201000
Bangui PH012804000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Cataingan PH054105000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Enrique PH063039000
Mabini PH071231000
Dagami PH083717000
Cauayan PH064507000
Sigay PH012929000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Bulan PH056203000
Mabini PH071231000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Baloi PH103502000
Lala PH103509000
Nunungan PH103515000
Libungan PH124705000
Balindong PH153603000
Madalum PH153613000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Agutaya PH175302000
Gerona PH036906000
Baguio City PH141102000
Lucban PH045623000
Bucay PH140103000
Alimodian PH063002000
Marilao PH031411000
Marilao PH031411000
Tapaz PH061917000
Dingle PH063016000
Janiuay PH063023000
Pototan PH063037000
Barugo PH083706000
Calubian PH083713000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Pamplona PH021518000
Pamplona PH074616000
Danglas PH140106000
San Jose City PH034926000
San Jose City PH034926000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Roxas PH175318000
Pilar PH056213000



Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V



PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Abat PH063031001
Abatan PH141105001
Abatan PH142702001
Abatan PH144402001
Abaton PH084808001
Abay PH063029001
Abaya PH012909001
Abbag PH025704001
Abbeg PH021502001
Abdullah Buisan PH153618001
Abehilan PH071237002
Abejao PH082619001
Abella PH050508001
Abella PH051724001
Abelo PH041025001
Aberawan PH175312018
Abeto Mirasol Taft South (Quirino Abeto) PH063022178
Abgao PH086409001
Abgao (Pob.) PH086407001
Abiacao PH041024001
Abian PH025004001
Abiang PH141101001
Abiawin PH045620001
Abiera PH060615001
Abihao PH052002001
Abihid PH071220001
Abihilan PH071211001
Abijao PH083751001
Abijilan PH071222001
Abijod PH112505001
Abilan PH160201001
Abilay PH063029002
Abilay Norte PH063034001
Abilay Sur PH063034002
Abinganan PH025004002
Abinuan PH142704001
Abis PH074614001
Abkir PH012823001
Ablan Pob. (Labucao) PH012805023
Ablan Sarat PH012806001
Ablang-Sapang PH036909001
Ablayan PH072222001
Ableg PH140105001
Ableg PH143208001
Abnate PH112406001
Abo PH043417001
Abo PH051736001
Abo-abo PH045627001
Abo-abo PH175324001
Abo-abo PH064520001
Abogado PH036910001
Abolo PH021504001
Abonagan PH015524001
Abong PH063014001
Abong-abong PH097327001
Abong-Abong PH150704001
Abongan PH175320001
Abot Molina PH015544001
Abra PH021513001
Abra PH023135001


Mina PH063031000
Buguias PH141105000
Hungduan PH142702000
Bauko PH144402000
Laoang PH084808000
Maasin PH063029000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Maddela PH025704000
Alcala PH021502000
Masiu PH153618000
San Isidro PH071237000
Salcedo PH082619000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Naga City PH051724000
San Nicolas PH041025000
El Nido PH175312000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Malitbog PH086409000
City of Maasin PH086407000
San Luis PH041024000
Bambang PH025004000
Atok PH141101000
Infanta PH045620000
Sebaste PH060615000
Baras PH052002000
Dimiao PH071220000
Candijay PH071211000
Villaba PH083751000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Cateel PH112505000
Buenavista PH160201000
Maasin PH063029000
Oton PH063034000
Oton PH063034000
Bambang PH025004000
Lagawe PH142704000
Mabinay PH074614000
Vintar PH012823000
City of Batac PH012805000
Burgos PH012806000
Moncada PH036909000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Daguioman PH140105000
Pasil PH143208000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Tigaon PH051736000
Mauban PH045627000
Sofronio Española PH175324000
Murcia PH064520000
Paniqui PH036910000
Amulung PH021504000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Carles PH063014000
Tabina PH097327000
Maluso PH150704000
Taytay PH175320000
Umingan PH015544000
Gattaran PH021513000
City of Santiago PH023135000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Abre PH083717002
Abualan PH140122001
Abuanan PH064502001
Abucay PH012818002
Abucay PH056213002
Abucay (Pob.) PH082622018
Abucay Norte PH071241001
Abucay Sur PH071241002
Abucayan PH051715001
Abucayan PH072208001
Abucayan Norte PH071210001
Abucayan Sur PH071210002
Abugon PH072246001
Abulalas PH031409001
Abulan PH023115001
Abuleg PH037704001
Abunda PH098307001
Abunda PH104317001
Abung PH041023001
Abuno PH103504001
Abuor PH012914001
Abut PH013314001
Abut PH023122001
Abuyo PH025015001
Abuyog PH056216001
Abuyogay PH083724001
Abuyogon PH083710001
Abuyon PH045644001
Acaban PH087805001
Acacia PH025010001
Acacia PH042118049
Acacia PH112402001
Acacia PH137502001
Acacia (Pob.) PH084805062
Acad PH097302001
Acao PH013307001
Acao PH063012001
Acasia PH086407065
Acbo PH061916001
Accusilian PH021528001
Acedillo PH084823001
Acedillo PH086003002
Acerida PH084803001
Acevida PH043429001
Achasol PH098315001
Achila PH071246001
Aciga PH143209001
Aclan PH160209001
Acle PH041034001
Acli PH035413001
Acmac PH103504038
Acmonan PH126317001
Acnam PH012814001
Acocolao PH036910002
Acop PH015531001
Acosta Pob. (Iloilo) PH012805022
Actin PH074605001
Acuit PH063007001
Acuña PH061917002
Ada PH083748001


Dagami PH083717000
San Juan PH140122000
Bago City PH064502000
Piddig PH012818000
Pilar PH056213000
Sulat PH082622000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Goa PH051715000
Balamban PH072208000
Calape PH071210000
Calape PH071210000
Sibonga PH072246000
Hagonoy PH031409000
Jones PH023115000
Dinalungan PH037704000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Magsaysay PH104317000
San Juan PH041023000
Iligan City PH103504000
Narvacan PH012914000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Quezon PH023122000
Alfonso Castaneda PH025015000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Javier PH083724000
Burauen PH083710000
San Narciso PH045644000
Culaba PH087805000
Kayapa PH025010000
Silang PH042118000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Catarman PH084805000
Aurora PH097302000
Bauang PH013307000
Cabatuan PH063012000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Sigma PH061916000
Tuao PH021528000
Victoria PH084823000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bobon PH084803000
Siniloan PH043429000
Titay PH098315000
Ubay PH071246000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Nasipit PH160209000
Tuy PH041034000
Mexico PH035413000
Iligan City PH103504000
Tupi PH126317000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Paniqui PH036910000
Rosales PH015531000
City of Batac PH012805000
Basay PH074605000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Acuna Tapaz PH061917000
Tanauan PH083748000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Adams (Pob.) PH012801001

Adante PH097209001
Adaoag PH021506001
Adaoay PH141107001
Adaon PH153831001
Adapun-Ali (Dariat) PH103502002
Adcadarao PH063001001
Addalam PH023115002
Addition Hills PH137401001
Addition Hills PH137405001
Adecor PH112317001
Adela PH072238001
Adela PH175108001
Adela Heights (Pob.) PH086007094
Adgao PH063046001
Adia PH041001001
Adia PH043427001
Adia Bitaog PH045619001
Adiangao PH051733001
Adjid PH156601001
Adlaon PH072217001
Adlas PH042118001
Adlawan PH061914001
Adlawan PH071247001
Adlay PH166807001
Adnin PH157009014
Adorable PH104207001
Adovis (Pob.) PH056205001
Adrialuna PH175208001
Adtuyon PH101316001
Aduas PH036910003
Aduas Centro (Aduas) PH034903002
Aduas Norte PH034903090
Aduas Sur PH034903091
Aduyongan PH142706001
Adya PH041014001
Afga PH060417001
Afga PH160314001
Aflek PH126316024
Afunan Cabayu PH021510002
Afus PH126316017
Afusing Bato PH021502002
Afusing Daga PH021502003
Ag-agrao PH012926001
Ag-aguman PH012933001
Aga PH023118001
Aga PH041019001
Aga PH148106001
Agaas PH051711001
Agaga PH012806002
Agagan PH153634001
Agahay PH071232002
Agaman (Proper) PH021506002
Agaman Norte PH021506047
Agaman Sur PH021506048
Agambulong PH061906001
Agan-an PH074620001
Aganan PH061902001
Aganan PH063036001
Agani PH021502004


Adams PH012801000
Piñan PH097209000
Baggao PH021506000
Kabayan PH141107000
Datu Anggal Midtimbang PH153831000
Baloi PH103502000
Ajuy PH063001000
Jones PH023115000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Poro PH072238000
Rizal PH175108000
Gandara PH086007000
Tubungan PH063046000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Gumaca PH045619000
San Jose PH051733000
Indanan PH156601000
Cebu City PH072217000
Silang PH042118000
Roxas City PH061914000
Valencia PH071247000
Carrascal PH166807000
Languyan PH157009000
Jimenez PH104207000
Casiguran PH056205000
Naujan PH175208000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Paniqui PH036910000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Lipa City PH041014000
Tangalan PH060417000
Sibagat PH160314000
T'Boli PH126316000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
T'Boli PH126316000
Alcala PH021502000
Alcala PH021502000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Tagudin PH012933000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Pudtol PH148106000
Caramoan PH051711000
Burgos PH012806000
Maguing PH153634000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Baggao PH021506000
Baggao PH021506000
Baggao PH021506000
Jamindan PH061906000
Sibulan PH074620000
Dao PH061902000
Pavia PH063036000
Alcala PH021502000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Agao-ao PH051730001
Agao Pob. (Bgy. 3) PH160202002
Agape PH071228001
Agape PH071229001
Agapito del Rosario PH035401001
Agapito Yap, Sr. (Napilan) PH104213016
Agas PH083713002
Agat PH015541001
Agawa PH144403001
Agay-ay PH086414001
Agay-ayan PH104308001
Agay-Ayan PH051737001
Agba-o PH063010001
Agbabadiang PH061910001
Agbago PH060406001
Agbalanga PH072233001
Agbalo PH061909001
Agbalogo PH060411001
Agbaluto PH175910001
Agban PH052002002
Agbanawan PH060403001
Agbanban PH061909002
Agbanga PH072206001
Agbanga PH083734001
Agbannawag PH034923002
Agbannawag PH143213001
Agbanog PH061912001
Agbatuan PH061904001
Agbatuan PH063003001
Agbobolo PH063001002
Agboy PH064506001
Agboy Norte PH063028001
Agboy Sur PH063028002
Agbudia PH175910003
Agbun-od PH061906002
Agcabugao PH061901001
Agcagay PH061906003
Agcalaga PH063013002
Agcano PH034911001
Agcarope PH063023002
Agcawilan PH060408001
Agcococ PH061917003
Agcuyawan Calsada PH063007002
Agcuyawan Pulo PH063007003
Agdahon PH061901002
Agdahon PH063035001
Agdalipe PH061912002
Agdaliran PH063038001
Agdangan Pob. (San Cayetano) PH051701001
Agdao PH015524002
Agdao PH015532002
Agdao PH112402002
Agdayao PH063035002
Agdeppa PH013306001
Agdugayan PH060406002
Agdum PH063030001
Aggasi PH012815001
Aggasian PH023114002
Aggay PH012903001
Aggub PH023106001


Ragay PH051730000
Butuan City PH160202000
Loay PH071228000
Loboc PH071229000
Angeles City PH035401000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Calubian PH083713000
Sison PH015541000
Besao PH144403000
San Juan PH086414000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Tinambac PH051737000
Bingawan PH063010000
Panitan PH061910000
Ibajay PH060406000
Moalboal PH072233000
Panay PH061909000
Makato PH060411000
Romblon PH175910000
Baras PH052002000
Banga PH060403000
Panay PH061909000
Asturias PH072206000
Matalom PH083734000
Rizal PH034923000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Dumarao PH061904000
Anilao PH063003000
Ajuy PH063001000
Candoni PH064506000
Leon PH063028000
Leon PH063028000
Romblon PH175910000
Jamindan PH061906000
Cuartero PH061901000
Jamindan PH061906000
Calinog PH063013000
Guimba PH034911000
Janiuay PH063023000
Lezo PH060408000
Tapaz PH061917000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Cuartero PH061901000
City of Passi PH063035000
Pontevedra PH061912000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Baao PH051701000
Malasiqui PH015524000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Passi PH063035000
Bangar PH013306000
Ibajay PH060406000
Miagao PH063030000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Bantay PH012903000
Cabagan PH023106000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Aggub PH025013001
Aggugaddan PH021519001
Agguirit PH021504002
Aggunetan PH021517001
Agkawayan PH175103001
Agkilo PH061910002
Aglahug PH074612001
Aglalana PH061904002
Aglalana PH063035003
Aglanot PH061904003
Aglao PH037111001
Aglayan PH101312001
Agliam PH023130001
Aglibacao PH061906004
Aglibacao PH063013003
Aglimocon PH061907001
Aglinab PH061917004
Aglipay PH012819001
Aglipay (Curva) PH034923011
Aglipay (Pob.) PH012805001
Aglobong PH063023003
Agloloway PH061906005
Aglonok PH063013004
Aglosong PH063015002
Agloway PH061910003
Aglucay PH060411002
Aglupacan PH061917005
Agmailig PH060409001
Agmalobo PH061905001
Agmanaphao PH063031002
Agmanic PH175915001
Agnaga PH061901003
Agnaga PH063015003
Agnaga PH175910004
Agnas (San Miguel Island) PH050517001
Agnay PH175910005
Agnaya PH031417001
Agnipa PH175910006
Agno PH015543001
Agnonoc PH175916001
Ago PH063046002
Agoho PH045607001
Agoho PH054109001
Agoho PH101804001
Agojo PH052008001
Agojo PH061909003
Agojo PH175907001
Agol PH050513001
Agong-ong PH160201002
Agos PH050514001
Agos PH051703001
Agos PH175206002
Agos-agos PH045620002
Agosais PH051717001
Agot PH174001001
Agpalali PH061917006
Agpanabat PH175910002
Agpangi PH087808001
Agpangi PH064505001
Agpay PH013308001


Solano PH025013000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Amulung PH021504000
Lasam PH021517000
Looc PH175103000
Panitan PH061910000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Dumarao PH061904000
City of Passi PH063035000
Dumarao PH061904000
San Marcelino PH037111000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
San Manuel PH023130000
Jamindan PH061906000
Calinog PH063013000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Tapaz PH061917000
Pinili PH012819000
Rizal PH034923000
City of Batac PH012805000
Janiuay PH063023000
Jamindan PH061906000
Calinog PH063013000
Concepcion PH063015000
Panitan PH061910000
Makato PH060411000
Tapaz PH061917000
Libacao PH060409000
Ivisan PH061905000
Mina PH063031000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Cuartero PH061901000
Concepcion PH063015000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Romblon PH175910000
Plaridel PH031417000
Romblon PH175910000
Tayug PH015543000
Ferrol PH175916000
Tubungan PH063046000
Calauag PH045607000
Esperanza PH054109000
Mambajao PH101804000
San Andres PH052008000
Panay PH061909000
Looc PH175907000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Buenavista PH160201000
Polangui PH050514000
Bato PH051703000
Gloria PH175206000
Infanta PH045620000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Boac PH174001000
Tapaz PH061917000
Romblon PH175910000
Naval PH087808000
Calatrava PH064505000
Burgos PH013308000


Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Agpay PH050504001
Agpipili PH063027001
Agpo-Camagong-Tabog PH051717002
Agpudlos PH175912001
Agricula PH060614001
Agriculture PH124709002
AGROCEL Pob. (Aguinaldo-Roxas--Celso Mayor) PH063029004
Agrupacion PH051730002
Agrupacion PH086016001
Agsabu PH160303031
Agsalanan PH063016002
Agsalin PH175206001
Agsam PH082617001
Agsam PH166810001
Agsaman PH082611001
Agsanayan PH067901001
Agsao PH175908001
Agsilab PH061915001
Agsing PH063002002
Agsirab PH061904006
Agsirab PH063025001
Agsoso PH071230001
Agsungot PH072217002
Agsuwao PH072216001
Agta PH063028003
Agtabo PH063035004
Agtambi PH061902002
Agtambo PH063035005
Agtangao PH140101001
Agtanguay PH061902003
Agtatacay PH063016003
Agtatacay Norte PH061915002
Agtatacay Sur PH061915003
Agtipal PH013303001
Agtiwa PH175913001
Agtongo PH175910007
Agtugop PH072206002
Agtuman PH063025002
Aguada PH054105002
Aguada PH054117001
Aguada PH084816001
Aguada PH099701002
Aguada (Pob.) PH104210001
Aguada Norte PH056211001
Aguada Sur PH056211002
Aguadahan PH084808002
Aguadahan PH084819002
Aguado (Piscal Mundo) PH042122011
Aguas PH175108002
Aguet PH140110001
Aguho PH072221001
Aguho PH137606001
Aguiauan PH063030002
Aguid PH144409001
Aguiguican PH021513005
Aguila PH041022001
Aguila PH060615002
Aguilar PH067904001
Aguin PH084804001
Aguinaldo PH023120001


Guinobatan PH050504000
Lemery PH063027000
Lagonoy PH051717000
San Andres PH175912000
San Remigio PH060614000
Midsayap PH124709000
Maasin PH063029000
Ragay PH051730000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Esperanza PH160303000
Dingle PH063016000
Gloria PH175206000
Oras PH082617000
Lanuza PH166810000
Jipapad PH082611000
Buenavista PH067901000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Alimodian PH063002000
Dumarao PH061904000
Lambunao PH063025000
Loon PH071230000
Cebu City PH072217000
Catmon PH072216000
Leon PH063028000
City of Passi PH063035000
Dao PH061902000
City of Passi PH063035000
Bangued PH140101000
Dao PH061902000
Dingle PH063016000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Fernando PH175913000
Romblon PH175910000
Asturias PH072206000
Lambunao PH063025000
Cataingan PH054105000
Placer PH054117000
Rosario PH084816000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Magallanes PH056211000
Magallanes PH056211000
Laoang PH084808000
San Jose PH084819000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Rizal PH175108000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Pateros PH137606000
Miagao PH063030000
Sagada PH144409000
Gattaran PH021513000
San Jose PH041022000
Sebaste PH060615000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Capul PH084804000
Naguilian PH023120000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Aguinaldo PH034928022
Aguinaldo PH056203003
Aguinaldo PH063022003
Aguinaldo PH082601001
Aguinaldo PH082607028
Aguinaldo PH084805001
Aguinaldo PH086408001
Aguinaldo PH098309001
Aguinaldo PH118202001
Aguinaldo PH160303032
Aguinaldo (Rizaluna Este) PH023109001
Aguing PH012930001
Aguingay PH063023004
Aguingayan PH086014001
Aguining PH071235001
Aguioas PH013311001
Aguipo PH071231003
Aguirre PH063044001
Aguisan PH064510001
Aguit-It PH051612001
Aguit-itan (Pob.) PH086003074
Aguitap PH012822001
Aguiting PH083726001
Agumaymayan PH174001002
Agunod PH104212001
Agupalo Este PH034916002
Agupalo Weste PH034916003
Agus PH072226001
Agus-us PH042110001
Agusan PH104305001
Agusan Canyon PH101314001
Agusan Pequeño PH160202003
Agusi PH021510003
Agusipan PH063004001
Agusipan PH063043001
Aguso PH036916001
Agustin Navarra PH061905002
Agutay PH087807001
Agutay PH175908002
Agutayan PH063017001
Agutayan PH063043002
Agutayan PH083719001
Agutayan PH098302021
Agutayan PH175304001
Agutayon PH074612002
Ahan PH153825001
Ahin PH142710001
Airport PH083738092
Airport (Tabucan Airport) PH063022004
Airport Village PH084805002
Ajat (Pob.) PH021515001
Ajong PH074620002
Ajos PH045610001
Ajos PH045628001
Aklan Village PH025703031
Akle PH031419001
Akol PH126509001
Al-alinao Norte PH013311002
Al-alinao Sur PH013311003
Al-aludig PH012927001


Santa Rosa PH034928000

Bulan PH056203000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Arteche PH082601000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Catarman PH084805000
Macrohon PH086408000
Naga PH098309000
Laak PH118202000
Esperanza PH160303000
Cordon PH023109000
Sinait PH012930000
Janiuay PH063023000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Naguilian PH013311000
Mabini PH071231000
Sara PH063044000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Vinzons PH051612000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Solsona PH012822000
Kananga PH083726000
Boac PH174001000
Plaridel PH104212000
Lupao PH034916000
Lupao PH034916000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Indang PH042110000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Agusan Pequeno Butuan City PH160202000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Badiangan PH063004000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Ivisan PH061905000
Maripipi PH087807000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Dueñas PH063017000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Hilongos PH083719000
Buug PH098302000
Balabac PH175304000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Tinoc PH142710000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Catarman PH084805000
Iguig PH021515000
Sibulan PH074620000
Catanauan PH045610000
Mulanay PH045628000
Diffun PH025703000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Palimbang PH126509000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Santiago PH012927000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ala PH126503001
Ala-uli PH030811001
Alab Oriente PH144404002
Alab Proper PH144404001
Alabang PH137603001
Alabangpuro PH050513002
Alabiao PH021528002
Alabidhan PH063010002
Alabug PH021528003
Alac PH015537001
Alacaak PH175111001
Alacalian PH175320025
Alacan PH015524003
Alacan PH015533031
Alacaygan PH063006003
Alacaygan PH064508001
Alad PH175910008
Alae PH101314002
Alag PH175201001
Alagao PH031419002
Alagao PH041006001
Alagatan PH104308002
Alaguia PH021516002
Alaguisoc PH067902002
Alahag PH083723001
Alalasan Lapuz PH063022005
Alalay Chica PH034916004
Alalay Grande PH034916005
Alalum PH041026001
Alamada PH153812001
Alambijud PH072205001
Alambique (Pob.) PH166711001
Alambre PH112402003
Alameda PH063021001
Alaminos PH060410001
Alang-alang PH072230001
Alang-alang PH072248001
Alang-alang PH082604001
Alang-alang PH082607001
Alang-alang PH082617045
Alang-alang PH082618023
Alang-alang PH084809001
Alang-alang PH097302002
Alang-alang PH097328001
Alang-alang PH166724001
Alang-Salacsac PH025010023
Alangan PH012912001
Alangan PH030806001
Alangan PH060616002
Alangilan PH041004001
Alangilan PH041005001
Alangilan PH083701001
Alangilan PH101805001
Alangilan PH064501001
Alangilan PH074618001
Alangilanan PH074615001
Alangtin PH140126001
Alanib PH101310001
Alannay PH021517002
Alaoa PH140125002


Esperanza PH126503000
Pilar PH030811000
Bontoc PH144404000
Bontoc PH144404000
City of Muntinlupa PH137603000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Tuao PH021528000
Bingawan PH063010000
Tuao PH021528000
San Quintin PH015537000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Taytay PH175320000
Malasiqui PH015524000
San Fabian PH015533000
Banate PH063006000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Romblon PH175910000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Baco PH175201000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Bauan PH041006000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Jordan PH067902000
Jaro PH083723000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Lupao PH034916000
Lupao PH034916000
San Pascual PH041026000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Argao PH072205000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Davao City PH112402000
Igbaras PH063021000
Madalag PH060410000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Tabogon PH072248000
City of Borongan PH082604000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Oras PH082617000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Lapinig PH084809000
Aurora PH097302000
Tambulig PH097328000
Surigao City PH166724000
Kayapa PH025010000
Magsingal PH012912000
Limay PH030806000
Sibalom PH060616000
Balete PH041004000
Batangas City PH041005000
Abuyog PH083701000
Sagay PH101805000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Tubo PH140126000
Lantapan PH101310000
Lasam PH021517000
Tineg PH140125000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Alapan I-A PH042109001

Alapan I-B PH042109026
Alapan I-C PH042109027
Alapan II-A PH042109002
Alapan II-B PH042109028
Alapang PH141110001
Alapasco PH063009001
Alas PH054110001
Alas-as PH041025018
Alas-as PH060410002
Alas-asin PH030807001
Alasaging PH061907002
Alasas PH035416001
Alaska PH013302001
Alat PH156602001
Alauli PH035412001
Alawihao PH051603001
Alawijao PH072207001
Alay-Nangbabaan (Alay 15-B) PH012803001
Alayao PH051602001
Alayunan PH061907003
Alba PH021506003
Alba PH166818001
Albagan PH126314001
Albalate PH086005001
Albano (Pob.) PH012809001
Albasan PH054107001
Albasan PH060416001
Albiga PH074619001
Albino Taruc PH166723014
Albor (Pob.) PH168504001
Alcadesma PH175202001
Alcala PH037707001
Alcala PH050503001
Alcala (Pob.) PH013310001
Alcantara PH063027002
Alcate PH175215001
Alcazar PH086020001
Alcoba PH175314001
Aldavoc PH045646001
Aldeguer PH063044002
Aldezar PH051734001
Aldiano Olaes PH042123001
Alegre PH060615003
Alegre PH060617001
Alegre PH063034003
Alegre PH083718001
Alegre PH112401001
Alegria PH054116001
Alegria PH056202002
Alegria PH060405001
Alegria PH060605001
Alegria PH060614002
Alegria PH063016004
Alegria PH067905001
Alegria PH071212001
Alegria PH071213001
Alegria PH071229002
Alegria PH072220001
Alegria PH072252001


Imus City PH042109000

Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Batad PH063009000
Mandaon PH054110000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Madalag PH060410000
Mariveles PH030807000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Aringay PH013302000
Jolo PH156602000
Masantol PH035412000
Daet PH051603000
Badian PH072207000
Badoc PH012803000
Capalonga PH051602000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Baggao PH021506000
Tago PH166818000
Tampakan PH126314000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Dingras PH012809000
Claveria PH054107000
Numancia PH060416000
Siaton PH074619000
Socorro PH166723000
Libjo PH168504000
Bansud PH175202000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Daraga PH050503000
Luna PH013310000
Lemery PH063027000
Victoria PH175215000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Sara PH063044000
Sipocot PH051734000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Sebaste PH060615000
Tibiao PH060617000
Oton PH063034000
Dulag PH083718000
Bansalan PH112401000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Barcelona PH056202000
Buruanga PH060405000
Caluya PH060605000
San Remigio PH060614000
Dingle PH063016000
Sibunag PH067905000
Carmen PH071212000
Catigbian PH071213000
Loboc PH071229000
Cordova PH072220000
Tuburan PH072252000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Alegria PH083707001
Alegria PH083725001
Alegria PH083738001
Alegria PH084818001
Alegria PH086017001
Alegria PH086023001
Alegria PH087804001
Alegria PH097224001
Alegria PH097302003
Alegria PH097322001
Alegria PH098301001
Alegria PH103501001
Alegria PH104208001
Alegria PH112505002
Alegria PH124713001
Alegria PH128001001
Alegria PH160308001
Alegria PH166721002
Alegria PH166724002
Alegria PH166814001
Alegria PH175906001
Alegria PH064520002
Alegria Norte PH071228002
Alegria Sur PH071228003
Alejal PH112303001
Alejandra Navarro (Lasang) PH112402056
Alejandro Village (Santiago) PH084801001
Alejawan PH071221001
Alejawan PH071225001
Alejo Malasig PH012823030
Alejos PH083707002
Alem PH148106002
Alemania PH034918001
Alemania PH071220002
Alfaco PH072234001
Alfonso PH036905001
Alfonso (Tangaoan) PH012910001
Alfonso Angliongto Sr. PH112402197
Alfonso Tabora PH141102136
Alfonso XII PH060409002
Alfonso XIII (Pob.) PH175317001
Alga PH101801001
Algeciras PH175302002
Ali-is PH074606001
Ali Alsree PH098312020
Aliaga PH015524004
Aliaga PH025004003
Alianza PH051732001
Alianza PH064502002
Alibaba PH086003003
Alibadabad PH023131001
Alibago PH015538001
Alibago (Villa Maria) PH021512001
Alibagon PH060411003
Alibagon PH175903001
Alibagu PH023114003
Alibangsay PH013304001
Alibayog PH063044003
Alibayon PH124706001
Alibeng PH015541002


Bato PH083707000
Julita PH083725000
Ormoc City PH083738000
San Isidro PH084818000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Caibiran PH087804000
Baliguian PH097224000
Aurora PH097302000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Alicia PH098301000
Bacolod PH103501000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Cateel PH112505000
President Roxas PH124713000
Alabel PH128001000
San Francisco PH160308000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Surigao City PH166724000
Marihatag PH166814000
Corcuera PH175906000
Murcia PH064520000
Loay PH071228000
Loay PH071228000
Carmen PH112303000
Davao City PH112402000
Allen PH084801000
Duero PH071221000
Jagna PH071225000
Vintar PH012823000
Bato PH083707000
Pudtol PH148106000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Dimiao PH071220000
City of Naga PH072234000
Concepcion PH036905000
Gregorio del Pilar PH012910000
Davao City PH112402000
Baguio City PH141102000
Libacao PH060409000
Quezon PH175317000
Catarman PH101801000
Agutaya PH175302000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Bambang PH025004000
San Fernando PH051732000
Bago City PH064502000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Mariano PH023131000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Enrile PH021512000
Makato PH060411000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Bagulin PH013304000
Sara PH063044000
Magpet PH124706000
Sison PH015541000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Alibihaban PH045640001
Alibog PH175105001
Alibuag PH052008002
Alibunan PH063013006
Alibungbungan PH043417002
Alicante PH064508002
Alicaocao PH023108001
Alicia PH025701018
Alicia PH097319001
Alicia PH137404001
Alicomohan PH104323001
Aliguay PH071232003
Aliguay PH097201001
Aliji PH045646002
Alijis PH064501002
Alijis PH064530001
Alilao PH015519001
Alilem Daya (Pob.) PH012901001
Alilinu PH021510004
Aliliw PH045623002
Alim PH064512001
Alima PH042103001
Alimanao PH021519002
Alimango PH064509001
Alimanguan PH175319001
Alimbo-Baybay PH060414001
Alimbuyog PH051721001
Alimit PH025009002
Alimit PH142706002
Alimoan PH021511001
Alimodias PH063030003
Alimono PH063035006
Alimsog PH050516001
Alin PH056207001
Alinaay PH012905001
Alinam PH023108002
Alinawan PH052007001
Alinaya PH140118001
Alincaoeg PH012925001
Alindahaw PH097330001
Alingaro PH042108001
Alingarog PH082609001
Alinggan PH015511001
Alinsolong PH063009002
Alinun PH153625001
Alinunu PH021501001
Alion PH030807002
Alip (Pob.) PH153805001
Alip Lalabuan PH153618003
Alipang PH013313001
Alipangpang PH015530001
Alipao PH166701002
Alipaoy PH175107001
Alipasiawan PH061904007
Alipata PH063014002
Alipit PH043415001
Alipit PH043426001
Alipuaton PH104322001
Aliputos PH060416002
Alitao PH045647001


San Andres PH045640000

Magsaysay PH175105000
San Andres PH052008000
Calinog PH063013000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Aglipay PH025701000
Molave PH097319000
Quezon City PH137404000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Valladolid PH064530000
Dasol PH015519000
Alilem PH012901000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Lucban PH045623000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Peñablanca PH021519000
City of Escalante PH064509000
San Vicente PH175319000
Nabas PH060414000
Milaor PH051721000
Kasibu PH025009000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Claveria PH021511000
Miagao PH063030000
City of Passi PH063035000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Donsol PH056207000
Cabugao PH012905000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Panganiban PH052007000
Pidigan PH140118000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Tukuran PH097330000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Guiuan PH082609000
Bayambang PH015511000
Batad PH063009000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Abulug PH021501000
Mariveles PH030807000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Masiu PH153618000
Rosario PH013313000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Alegria PH166701000
Paluan PH175107000
Dumarao PH061904000
Carles PH063014000
Magdalena PH043415000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Salay PH104322000
Numancia PH060416000
City of Tayabas PH045647000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Alitap PH045627002
Alitas PH045620003
Alitaya PH015526001
Alitungtung PH021504003
Aliwagwag PH112505003
Aliwanay PH072208002
Aliwekwek PH015522001
Alkikan PH128007001
Allab PH124718001
Allabon PH015501001
Allaguia PH143209002
Allang PH050508002
Allangigan PH013316001
Allangigan PH023102001
Allangigan PH148102001
Allangigan Primero PH012906001
Allangigan Segundo PH012906002
Allasitan PH021518002
Alleomar PH051719001
Allig PH148103001
Allinguigan 1st PH023114004
Allinguigan 2nd PH023114005
Allinguigan 3rd PH023114006
Alloy PH025009029
Alma Villa PH175206029
Almacen PH030805002
Almacen PH045649001
Almaguer North PH025004005
Almaguer South PH025004006
Almanza Dos PH137601010
Almanza Uno PH137601001
Almaria PH071203001
Almeñana PH063027003
Almendras-Cogon (Pob.) PH056216002
Almendras (Pob.) PH112411001
Almero PH054109002
Almieda PH013305028
Almiñe PH054119001
Almojuela PH052010001
Alnay PH050514002
Alno PH141110002
Alo PH072235001
Alo-o PH015544002
Alobo PH050503002
Alobo PH174005001
Alog PH082619002
Alog PH153612001
Alog PH153628001
Alogoog PH012803002
Aloja PH071207001
Alojipan PH060606001
Aloleng PH015501002
Alomanay PH023121015
Alomon PH050514003
Alon PH060618022
Aloneros PH045618002
Alonganan PH153806001
Alonganan PH153836001
Alongong PH050507001
Aloon PH103516001


Mauban PH045627000
Infanta PH045620000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Amulung PH021504000
Cateel PH112505000
Balamban PH072208000
Lingayen PH015522000
Malungon PH128007000
Arakan PH124718000
Agno PH015501000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
City of Ligao PH050508000
San Juan PH013316000
Angadanan PH023102000
Conner PH148102000
City of Candon PH012906000
City of Candon PH012906000
Pamplona PH021518000
Lupi PH051719000
Flora PH148103000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Kasibu PH025009000
Gloria PH175206000
Hermosa PH030805000
Unisan PH045649000
Bambang PH025004000
Bambang PH025004000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
Anda PH071203000
Almenana Lemery PH063027000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Padada PH112411000
Esperanza PH054109000
Balaoan PH013305000
Almine San Jacinto PH054119000
Viga PH052010000
Polangui PH050514000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Oslob PH072235000
Umingan PH015544000
Daraga PH050503000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Salcedo PH082619000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Tubaran PH153628000
Badoc PH012803000
Batuan PH071207000
Culasi PH060606000
Agno PH015501000
Palanan PH023121000
Polangui PH050514000
Valderrama PH060618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Libon PH050507000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Alos PH015503001
Alowin PH103517001
Alsam Ibaba PH045647019
Alsam Ilaya PH045647025
Alsem PH012823003
Alta Vista PH083738108
Alta Vista PH112401002
Altavista PH054118001
Altavista PH072238002
Altavista PH083708001
Altavista PH083734002
Alteza PH051734002
Altura-South PH041031003
Altura Bata PH041031001
Altura Matanda PH041031002
Alu-Duyong PH156617002
Alu-Kabingaan PH156614013
Alu Bunah PH156608001
Alu Bus-Bus PH156617001
Alu Layag-Layag PH156609024
Alu Pangkoh PH156609002
Alua PH034925001
Alubijid PH160201003
Alucao PH021525001
Alucao Weste (San Lorenzo*) PH021508025
Aludaid PH013316002
Aludas PH101302001
Alugan PH082621001
Alugmawa PH063025003
Alula PH034931002
Aluling PH012908001
Alulod PH042110002
Alumar PH071226001
Alumbrado PH043417003
Alumpang Paino Mimbalay PH153618004
Aluna PH104310001
Alunan (Pob.) PH023122002
Alunogan PH144405001
Alupay PH041021001
Alupay PH045639001
Alupay PH045647002
Alupaye PH045630001
Alupidian PH063045001
Alusiis PH037112001
Aluyon PH045606001
Alvañiz PH060612001
Alvar PH112504001
Alvenda PH097208001
Alvindia Segundo PH036916003
Alwa PH037108001
Alzate PH013306002
Amabel PH124706048
Amacalan PH015524005
Amacalan PH036906002
Amado PH148106022
Amag PH166802001
Amaga PH045632001
Amaga PH061916002
Amaga PH086404001
Amaga PH086406001


City of Alaminos PH015503000

Poona Piagapo PH103517000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Vintar PH012823000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Bansalan PH112401000
San Fernando PH054118000
Poro PH072238000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Matalom PH083734000
Sipocot PH051734000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Lugus PH156617000
Tapul PH156614000
Pangutaran PH156608000
Lugus PH156617000
Parang PH156609000
Parang PH156609000
San Isidro PH034925000
Buenavista PH160201000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Buguey PH021508000
San Juan PH013316000
Damulog PH101302000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Lambunao PH063025000
Talugtug PH034931000
Cervantes PH012908000
Indang PH042110000
Getafe PH071226000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Masiu PH153618000
Initao PH104310000
Quezon PH023122000
Natonin PH144405000
Rosario PH041021000
Sampaloc PH045639000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Tigbauan PH063045000
San Narciso PH037112000
Burdeos PH045606000
Alvaniz Patnongon PH060612000
Caraga PH112504000
Mutia PH097208000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Palauig PH037108000
Bangar PH013306000
Magpet PH124706000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Gerona PH036906000
Pudtol PH148106000
Bayabas PH166802000
Patnanungan PH045632000
Sigma PH061916000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Liloan PH086406000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Amaga PH166801001
Amagbagan PH015530002
Amagbagan PH015541003
Amagna (Pob.) PH037110001
Amagos PH083707003
Amagusan PH086401001
Amahit PH083706002
Amalbalan PH015519002
Amallapay PH013320001
Amaloy PH150711001
Amamaros PH063037002
Amambucale PH086010001
Amampacang PH086003004
Amamperez PH015511002
Amamperez PH015547001
Amancion PH072216002
Amancoro PH015513001
Amancosiling Norte PH015511003
Amancosiling Sur PH015511004
Amandangay PH083746001
Amandayehan PH086002001
Amandiego PH015503002
Amangbangan PH015503003
Amanluran PH083748002
Amanoaoac PH015528001
Amansabina PH015526002
Amantacop PH082604002
Amantillo PH086010015
Amar PH060617002
Amarao PH012924001
Amaronan PH015544003
Amas PH124704001
Amas PH175306001
Amatong PH175909002
Amatugan PH072252002
Amaya I PH042120001
Amaya II PH042120028
Amaya III PH042120029
Amaya IV PH042120030
Amaya V PH042120031
Amaya VI PH042120032
Amaya VII PH042120033
Amayco PH064520003
Amayong PH063038002
Amazion PH124704002
Ambabaay PH015508001
Ambabag PH142703001
Ambacan PH083708002
Ambacon PH086403001
Ambacon PH160207001
Ambadao PH153806002
Ambago PH160202004
Ambaguio PH144403002
Ambalangan-Dalin PH015533001
Ambalatungan PH023135002
Ambalayat PH012933002
Ambalgan PH126318001
Ambalingit PH036908001
Ambalite PH013312001
Ambangonan PH013312002


Barobo PH166801000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Sison PH015541000
San Felipe PH037110000
Bato PH083707000
Anahawan PH086401000
Barugo PH083706000
Dasol PH015519000
Tubao PH013320000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
Pototan PH063037000
Marabut PH086010000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bayambang PH015511000
Villasis PH015547000
Catmon PH072216000
Binmaley PH015513000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Basey PH086002000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Tanauan PH083748000
Mapandan PH015528000
Mangaldan PH015526000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Marabut PH086010000
Tibiao PH060617000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Odiongan PH175909000
Tuburan PH072252000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Murcia PH064520000
San Dionisio PH063038000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Bani PH015508000
Kiangan PH142703000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Butuan City PH160202000
Besao PH144403000
San Fabian PH015533000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Tagudin PH012933000
Santo Niño PH126318000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Pugo PH013312000
Pugo PH013312000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ambangonan PH013313002
Ambao PH086404002
Ambaracao Norte PH013311004
Ambaracao Sur PH013311005
Ambarihon PH063046003
Ambasa PH142705002
Ambasador Alzate Village PH034918002
Ambasing PH144409003
Ambassador PH141114001
Ambatali PH023124001
Ambato Legleg PH143215001
Ambayat I PH015511005
Ambayat II PH015511006
Ambil PH175103002
Ambilay PH061910004
Ambiong PH141102126
Ambiong PH141110003
Ambitacay PH013301001
Ambitacay PH013317001
Ambolodto PH153807001
Ambolong PH054101001
Ambolong PH060404001
Ambolong PH153617001
Ambonao PH015517001
Ambongdolan PH141114002
Amboyu-an PH063040001
Ambuan PH071213002
Ambucao PH012927002
Ambuclao PH141104001
Ambuetel PH015517002
Ambugat PH012904001
Ambulogan PH012914002
Ambulon PH097341014
Ambulong PH041031004
Ambulong PH063028004
Ambulong PH175110001
Ambulong PH175906002
Ambulong PH175908003
Ambulong Sapal PH157011001
Amduntog PH142711001
Amdus PH074602001
Ameligan PH061912003
Amerang PH063012002
Amerang PH063029005
Amgaleyguey PH141105002
Amganad PH142701001
Amguhan PH083708003
Amguid PH012906003
Amihan PH137404002
Amilong Labeng PH025010002
Amilongan PH012901002
Amin PH064514001
Amio PH074618002
Amiroy PH063031003
Amistad PH015543002
Amistad PH023101001
Amito Marantao PH153617069
Amlang PH013313003
Amlao PH143213002
Amlimay PH141105003


Rosario PH013313000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Tubungan PH063046000
Lamut PH142705000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Sagada PH144409000
Tublay PH141114000
Ramon PH023124000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
Looc PH175103000
Panitan PH061910000
Baguio City PH141102000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Agoo PH013301000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Aroroy PH054101000
Batan PH060404000
Marawi City PH153617000
Calasiao PH015517000
Tublay PH141114000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Catigbian PH071213000
Santiago PH012927000
Bokod PH141104000
Calasiao PH015517000
Burgos PH012904000
Narvacan PH012914000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Leon PH063028000
San Jose PH175110000
Corcuera PH175906000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Sibutu PH157011000
Asipulo PH142711000
Ayungon PH074602000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Maasin PH063029000
Buguias PH141105000
Banaue PH142701000
City of Baybay PH083708000
City of Candon PH012906000
Quezon City PH137404000
Kayapa PH025010000
Alilem PH012901000
Isabela PH064514000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Mina PH063031000
Tayug PH015543000
Alicia PH023101000
Marawi City PH153617000
Rosario PH013313000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Buguias PH141105000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Amlongan (Del Rosario) PH051705005

Ammacian PH143209003
Ammubuan PH021507001
Ammueg PH025001001
Ammugauan PH023136001
Amobocan PH023108003
Amoguis PH050514004
Amoguis PH051717003
Amoingon PH174001003
Amolongin PH045620004
Amomokpok PH051730003
Amomonting PH056206001
Amonoy PH043416001
Amontay PH045625001
Amontay PH045634001
Amontay PH160209002
Amontay PH166719001
Amontay PH166814002
Amontay PH064503001
Amontoc PH013315002
Amor Cruz PH118202016
Amorogtong PH063021002
Amoros PH104307001
Amoroy PH054101002
Amoslog PH166717002
Amot PH045606002
Amoyong PH153630001
Ampakling PH025006011
Ampalioc PH140114001
Ampandula PH012922001
Ampao PH153601001
Amparado (Pob.) PH051721002
Amparo PH060612002
Amparo PH063036002
Amparo PH086408002
Amparo PH160202006
Ampawid PH118202017
Ampayon PH160202007
Ampenican PH104322002
Ampianga PH104323002
Ampid I PH045811001
Ampid II PH045811011
Ampihanon PH083708004
Ampon PH128007002
Ampongol PH072247001
Ampuagan PH012926002
Ampuan PH153802001
Ampucao PH141106001
Ampusongan PH141103001
Amsic PH035401035
Amsipit PH128004001
Amti PH140102001
Amtic PH050508003
Amtuagan PH140126002
Amucao PH036916004
Amuguis PH045628002
Amungan PH037105001
Amunitan PH021514001
Amurao PH063012003
Amutag PH054101003


Buhi PH051705000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Ambaguio PH025001000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Polangui PH050514000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Boac PH174001000
Infanta PH045620000
Ragay PH051730000
Castilla PH056206000
Majayjay PH043416000
Macalelon PH045625000
Pitogo PH045634000
Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH166719000
Marihatag PH166814000
Binalbagan PH064503000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Laak PH118202000
Igbaras PH063021000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Aroroy PH054101000
Placer PH166717000
Burdeos PH045606000
Wao PH153630000
Diadi PH025006000
Luba PH140114000
Santa PH012922000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Milaor PH051721000
Patnongon PH060612000
Pavia PH063036000
Macrohon PH086408000
Butuan City PH160202000
Laak PH118202000
Butuan City PH160202000
Salay PH104322000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
San Mateo PH045811000
San Mateo PH045811000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Malungon PH128007000
Sogod PH072247000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Buldon PH153802000
Itogon PH141106000
Bakun PH141103000
Angeles City PH035401000
Maasim PH128004000
Boliney PH140102000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Tubo PH140126000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Mulanay PH045628000
Iba PH037105000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Aroroy PH054101000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Amuyong PH042101001
Amuyong PH043414001
An-an PH086404003
An-annam PH012903002
Anaao PH012901003
Anaba PH142701002
Anabel PH144408001
Anabo PH063027004
Anabu I-A PH042109003
Anabu I-B PH042109029
Anabu I-C PH042109030
Anabu I-D PH042109031
Anabu I-E PH042109032
Anabu I-F PH042109033
Anabu I-G PH042109034
Anabu II-A PH042109004
Anabu II-B PH042109035
Anabu II-C PH042109036
Anabu II-D PH042109037
Anabu II-E PH042109038
Anabu II-F PH042109039
Anagasi PH086022001
Anagguan PH021521001
Anahao PH086402037
Anahao PH175909003
Anahao Bag-o PH166818002
Anahao Daan PH166818003
Anahaw PH083720001
Anahaw PH166701011
Anahaw PH064511001
Anahaw (Pob.) PH051606012
Anahaw I PH042118050
Anahaw II PH042118054
Anahawan PH045607002
Anahawan PH083707004
Anahawan PH086418001
Anahawan PH160314002
Anahawan PH074609001
Anahaway PH083739001
Anahawon PH101315001
Anajao PH072205002
Anajawan PH166710001
Anak PH025706001
Anak-Dagat PH041012001
Anak Jati PH156605001
Anakan PH104308003
Anambongan PH015509001
Anameam PH051606001
Anando PH015532003
Ananong PH052010002
Anao PH023106002
Anao PH023126001
Anao PH035413002
Anao PH072225001
Anao PH142709001
Anao (Pob.) PH012818003
Anapao (Bur Anapac) PH015516001
Anapog PH072216003
Anapog PH072243001
Anapog-Sibucao PH174004001


Alfonso PH042101000
Mabitac PH043414000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Bantay PH012903000
Alilem PH012901000
Banaue PH142701000
Sadanga PH144408000
Lemery PH063027000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Paranas PH086022000
Rizal PH021521000
Bontoc PH086402000
Odiongan PH175909000
Tago PH166818000
Tago PH166818000
Hindang PH083720000
Alegria PH166701000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Labo PH051606000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
Calauag PH045607000
Bato PH083707000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Sibagat PH160314000
Dauin PH074609000
Palo PH083739000
Maramag PH101315000
Argao PH072205000
General Luna PH166710000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
Lemery PH041012000
Maimbung PH156605000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Basista PH015509000
Labo PH051606000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Viga PH052010000
Cabagan PH023106000
Roxas PH023126000
Mexico PH035413000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Hingyon PH142709000
Piddig PH012818000
Burgos PH015516000
Catmon PH072216000
San Remigio PH072243000
Mogpog PH174004000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Anapolon PH124718002
Anas PH045607003
Anas PH054111001
Anas PH071247002
Anas PH153635054
Anastacia (Tagbak) PH045648001
Anastacio PH097210001
Añato PH045630002
Anawan PH045636001
Anayan PH051728001
Anayan PH140125003
Anayo PH025002016
Anchukey PH141107002
Andabuen PH023104001
Andagaw PH060407001
Andal Alino (Pob.) PH034930001
Andalan PH156610001
Andalan PH156613001
Andalan PH156619001
Andales PH104310002
Andangin PH015527001
Andap PH118202018
Andap PH118210013
Andarayan PH023108004
Andarayan PH023118002
Andarayan North PH021527001
Andarayan South PH021527037
Andavit PH153836002
Andil PH103503001
Andil PH103509002
Andili PH118206001
Ando PH082604003
Andres Bonifacio PH045644002
Andres Bonifacio PH063040002
Andres Bonifacio PH083724002
Andres Bonifacio PH175206003
Andres Bonifacio PH064504001
Andres Bonifacio PH064523001
Andres Bonifacio (Lower Bokawkan) PH141102117
Andres Bonifacio (Pob.) PH025703001
Andres Ilagan (Mag-asawang Tubig) PH175208025
Andres Micubo Jr. (Balili) PH097219004
Andulauan PH064513001
Anduyan PH013320002
Aneg PH023118003
Angad PH140101002
Angalan PH112402174
Angancasilian PH023106003
Angandog (Bulao) PH103502003
Angang PH021528004
Angare PH063017002
Angarian PH015515001
Angas PH051601001
Angas PH060404002
Angas PH160310001
Angas PH174005002
Angatel PH015545001
Angayan Norte PH015507001
Angayan Sur PH015507002
Angayen (Balut) PH103502004


Arakan PH124718000
Calauag PH045607000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Valencia PH071247000
Picong PH153635000
Tiaong PH045648000
Polanco PH097210000
Anato Pagbilao PH045630000
Polillo PH045636000
Pili PH051728000
Tineg PH140125000
Aritao PH025002000
Kabayan PH141107000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Kalibo PH060407000
Talavera PH034930000
Pata PH156610000
Talipao PH156613000
Omar PH156619000
Initao PH104310000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Laak PH118202000
New Bataan PH118210000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Baroy PH103503000
Lala PH103509000
Mawab PH118206000
City of Borongan PH082604000
San Narciso PH045644000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Javier PH083724000
Gloria PH175206000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Sagay City PH064523000
Baguio City PH141102000
Diffun PH025703000
Naujan PH175208000
Siocon PH097219000
Ilog PH064513000
Tubao PH013320000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Bangued PH140101000
Davao City PH112402000
Cabagan PH023106000
Baloi PH103502000
Tuao PH021528000
Dueñas PH063017000
Bugallon PH015515000
Basud PH051601000
Batan PH060404000
Santa Josefa PH160310000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Balungao PH015507000
Balungao PH015507000
Baloi PH103502000


Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Angeles PH037109001
Angeles PH045602001
Angeles PH045603001
Angeles PH097328042
Angeles PH160304009
Angeles Zone I (Pob.) PH045647003
Angeles Zone II PH045647004
Angeles Zone III PH045647005
Angeles Zone IV PH045647006
Angga-an PH101302002
Anggacan PH143214001
Anggacan Sur PH143214014
Anggapang Norte PH012808001
Anggapang Sur PH012808002
Angilan PH071204001
Angilan PH071221002
Angilan PH072204001
Angilan PH156619002
Angin PH013311006
Angio PH015533002
Angkayamat PH153813001
Angkeling PH144409004
Angkileng PH012925002
Anglas PH043407001
Anglit PH086002002
Angoluan PH023112001
Angset PH012807001
Angub PH061901004
Angustia (Angustia Inapatan) PH051723001
Angustias Zone I (Pob.) PH045647007
Angustias Zone II PH045647008
Angustias Zone III PH045647009
Angustias Zone IV PH045647010
Angyap PH086011001
Angyap PH086012003
Anhawan PH063023005
Anhawon PH061909004
Ani-e PH104306001
Ani-e PH064505002
Anib PH051734003
Aniban I PH042103002
Aniban II PH042103029
Aniban III PH042103030
Aniban IV PH042103031
Aniban V PH042103032
Anibawan PH045606003
Anibong PH043419001
Anibong PH045620005
Anibong PH056211003
Anibong PH083725002
Anibong PH074602003
Anibongan PH071221003
Anibongan PH071240002
Anibongan PH083701002
Anibongan PH083723002
Anibongan PH086017002
Anibongan PH112303002
Anibongan PH118204001
Anibongan PH166711002
Anibongan PH166811001


San Antonio PH037109000

Alabat PH045602000
Atimonan PH045603000
Tambulig PH097328000
La Paz PH160304000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Damulog PH101302000
Tanudan PH143214000
Tanudan PH143214000
Currimao PH012808000
Currimao PH012808000
Antequera PH071204000
Duero PH071221000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Omar PH156619000
Naguilian PH013311000
San Fabian PH015533000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Sagada PH144409000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Cavinti PH043407000
Basey PH086002000
Echague PH023112000
Carasi PH012807000
Cuartero PH061901000
Nabua PH051723000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Motiong PH086012000
Janiuay PH063023000
Panay PH061909000
Claveria PH104306000
Calatrava PH064505000
Sipocot PH051734000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Burdeos PH045606000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Infanta PH045620000
Magallanes PH056211000
Julita PH083725000
Ayungon PH074602000
Duero PH071221000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Abuyog PH083701000
Jaro PH083723000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Carmen PH112303000
Maco PH118204000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Lianga PH166811000


Zambales PH037100000 Region III

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Anibongan PH166812001
Anick (Upper Balogo) PH124711001
Anilao PH031410001
Anilao PH041014003
Anilao PH063036003
Anilao PH086406002
Anilao PH175203001
Anilao-Labac PH041014004
Anilao East PH041016002
Anilao Proper PH041016001
Anilawan PH060604001
Anilawan PH063021003
Aningalan PH060614003
Aningway Sacatihan PH037114001
Aniniaw PH074613001
Aninuan PH175211001
Aniog PH023102002
Aniog PH051731001
Anis PH015548001
Anislag PH050503003
Anislag PH071215001
Anislag PH071232004
Anislag PH072237001
Anislag PH082618001
Anislag PH083722001
Anislag PH086003005
Anislagan PH083713003
Anislagan PH087808002
Anislagan PH118204002
Anislagan PH118209001
Anislagan PH160309001
Anislagan PH166717003
Anislagon PH086413001
Anitap PH112506001
Anitap PH118202019
Anitap PH160313013
Anitapan PH118203012
Anito PH084807001
Anito PH101804002
Anjawan PH063017003
Anlogan PH101322009
Annabuculan PH021504004
Annafatan PH021504005
Annafunan PH023112002
Annafunan PH023137001
Annafunan East PH021529001
Annafunan West PH021529038
Annam PH015544004
Annanuman PH023133001
Annayatan PH021506004
Anninipan PH148103002
Ano PH015532004
Anog PH056210001
Anolid PH015524006
Anolid PH015526003
Anoling PH045617001
Anoling PH050502001
Anoling PH071211002
Anoling PH175209001
Anoling 1st PH036903001


Lingig PH166812000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Lipa City PH041014000
Pavia PH063036000
Liloan PH086406000
Bongabong PH175203000
Lipa City PH041014000
Mabini PH041016000
Mabini PH041016000
Bugasong PH060604000
Igbaras PH063021000
San Remigio PH060614000
Subic PH037114000
La Libertad PH074613000
Puerto Galera PH175211000
Angadanan PH023102000
Sagñay PH051731000
Laoac PH015548000
Daraga PH050503000
Corella PH071215000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Isabel PH083722000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calubian PH083713000
Naval PH087808000
Maco PH118204000
Nabunturan PH118209000
San Luis PH160309000
Placer PH166717000
San Francisco PH086413000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Laak PH118202000
Veruela PH160313000
Mabini PH118203000
Gamay PH084807000
Mambajao PH101804000
Dueñas PH063017000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Amulung PH021504000
Amulung PH021504000
Echague PH023112000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Umingan PH015544000
San Pablo PH023133000
Baggao PH021506000
Flora PH148103000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Juban PH056210000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Mangaldan PH015526000
General Nakar PH045617000
Camalig PH050502000
Candijay PH071211000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Camiling PH036903000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Anoling 2nd PH036903002

Anoling 3rd PH036903003
Anolingan PH160303001
Anolon PH083720002
Anomar PH166724003
Anon PH035406001
Anonang PH015533003
Anonang PH023128001
Anonang PH037102001
Anonang PH045628003
Anonang PH063028005
Anonang PH071209001
Anonang PH071224001
Anonang PH071247003
Anonang PH083710002
Anonang PH097302004
Anonang PH097307057
Anonang PH112317002
Anonang PH112401003
Anonang PH124709003
Anonang (Balitoc*) PH023109025
Anonang Mayor PH012907001
Anonang Menor PH012907002
Anonang Norte PH072211002
Anonang Sur PH072211003
Anonangin PH045619002
Anonas PH015546001
Anonat PH144406001
Anongan PH097216001
Anongo PH084806001
Anono-o PH063020001
Anopog PH072237002
Anopol PH050514005
Anoring PH063044004
Anos PH043411001
Anos PH045625002
Anos PH045647011
Anoyon PH071247004
Anquiana (Angkiana) PH086025030
Anquiray PH021504006
Ansad PH012918001
Ansagan PH141113001
Ansipsip PH025010003
Ansiray PH175110002
Antadao PH144409005
Antagan PH023136002
Antagan I PH023137002
Antagan II PH023137003
Antalon PH063040003
Antao PH166806001
Anticala PH160202008
Antikin PH045620006
Antipangol PH015532005
Antipolo PH034902001
Antipolo PH041021002
Antipolo PH041026002
Antipolo PH041027001
Antipolo PH043423001
Antipolo PH045630003
Antipolo PH045645001


Camiling PH036903000
Camiling PH036903000
Esperanza PH160303000
Hindang PH083720000
Surigao City PH166724000
Floridablanca PH035406000
San Fabian PH015533000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Cabangan PH037102000
Mulanay PH045628000
Leon PH063028000
Buenavista PH071209000
Inabanga PH071224000
Valencia PH071247000
Burauen PH083710000
Aurora PH097302000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Bansalan PH112401000
Midsayap PH124709000
Cordon PH023109000
Caoayan PH012907000
Caoayan PH012907000
City of Bogo PH072211000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Gumaca PH045619000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Paracelis PH144406000
Sibuco PH097216000
Catubig PH084806000
Guimbal PH063020000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Polangui PH050514000
Sara PH063044000
Los Baños PH043411000
Macalelon PH045625000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Valencia PH071247000
San Jorge PH086025000
Amulung PH021504000
San Esteban PH012918000
Tuba PH141113000
Kayapa PH025010000
San Jose PH175110000
Sagada PH144409000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Carmen PH166806000
Butuan City PH160202000
Infanta PH045620000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Bongabon PH034902000
Rosario PH041021000
San Pascual PH041026000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Rizal PH043423000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Sariaya PH045645000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Antipolo PH051701002
Antipolo PH051705001
Antipolo PH051716001
Antipolo PH051722001
Antipolo PH051727001
Antipolo PH051737002
Antipolo PH052001001
Antipolo PH054115001
Antipolo PH056203004
Antipolo PH060406003
Antipolo PH071222002
Antipolo PH072231001
Antipolo PH072252003
Antipolo PH082613001
Antipolo PH083703001
Antipolo PH083722002
Antipolo PH097201002
Antipolo PH142711002
Antipolo PH166708002
Antipolo PH166814003
Antipolo PH174003001
Antipolo PH175208002
Antipolo PH064521001
Antipolo (Pob.) PH037109002
Antipolo Del Norte PH041014005
Antipolo Del Norte PH052011001
Antipolo Del Sur PH041014006
Antipolo Del Sur PH052011002
Antipolo Old PH051723002
Antipolo Young PH051723003
Antipona PH031404001
Antiporda PH021508010
Antipuluan PH175315001
Antiquera PH118209002
Antol PH086004001
Antolon PH051711002
Antong PH126507001
Antongalon PH160202009
Antonino PH013305037
Antonino PH097214001
Antonino PH175215038
Antonino PH175318002
Antonino (Ayusan) PH045615001
Antonino (Pob.) PH023101002
Antonino (Pob.) PH097205001
Antonio Canao PH143206008
Antonio Luna PH160203002
Antutot PH025009001
Anuang PH063012004
Anulid PH015504001
Anuling PH156611001
Anuling Cerca I PH042114014
Anuling Cerca II PH042114015
Anuling Lejos I (Anuling) PH042114001
Anuling Lejos II PH042114016
Anunas PH035401002
Anungu PH021521003
Anupul PH036902001
Anuron PH082616001
Anurturu PH021521002


Baao PH051701000
Buhi PH051705000
Iriga City PH051716000
Minalabac PH051722000
Pasacao PH051727000
Tinambac PH051737000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Palanas PH054115000
Bulan PH056203000
Ibajay PH060406000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Medellin PH072231000
Tuburan PH072252000
Llorente PH082613000
Albuera PH083703000
Isabel PH083722000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Asipulo PH142711000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Marihatag PH166814000
Gasan PH174003000
Naujan PH175208000
Pontevedra PH064521000
San Antonio PH037109000
Lipa City PH041014000
Virac PH052011000
Lipa City PH041014000
Virac PH052011000
Nabua PH051723000
Nabua PH051723000
Bocaue PH031404000
Buguey PH021508000
Narra PH175315000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Calbiga PH086004000
Caramoan PH051711000
Lutayan PH126507000
Butuan City PH160202000
Balaoan PH013305000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Victoria PH175215000
Roxas PH175318000
Dolores PH045615000
Alicia PH023101000
Labason PH097205000
Lubuagan PH143206000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Kasibu PH025009000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Alcala PH015504000
Patikul PH156611000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Angeles City PH035401000
Rizal PH021521000
Bamban PH036902000
Mercedes PH082616000
Rizal PH021521000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Anus PH041022002
Anusan PH045610002
Anyatam PH031419003
Ap-apaya PH140127001
Ap-apid PH142710002
Apacay PH041029001
Apad PH045621005
Apad PH045637001
Apad PH050514006
Apad PH051730004
Apad Lutao PH045607004
Apad Quezon PH045607005
Apad Taisan PH045607006
Apalan PH072252004
Apale PH051730005
Apale PH083722003
Apalen PH015511007
Apaleng PH013314002
Apalit PH035406002
Apanangon PH074612003
Apanay PH023101003
Apang PH012901004
Apao PH140125004
Apar PH041015001
Aparicio PH060406004
Apas PH072217003
Apas PH104310003
Apasan PH045639002
Apatan PH143209004
Apatot PH012918002
Apatut PH013305001
Apatut-Lubong PH012819002
Apaya PH012901005
Apaya PH015524007
Apaya PH015528002
Apayao PH013315003
Apayao PH021520001
Apdo PH060608001
Apelo PH063044005
Apero PH061917007
Apgahan PH060612003
Apian PH063028006
Apiat PH023103001
Apid PH083721001
Apil PH104209001
Apil-apil PH150709001
Apitong PH174001004
Apitong PH175208003
Aplaya PH023117009
Aplaya PH037705001
Aplaya PH041006002
Aplaya PH043422001
Aplaya PH043428001
Aplaya PH104311001
Aplaya PH112403001
Aplaya PH175203033
Apo PH072205003
Apo-apo PH037102002
Apo-Aporawan PH175301001
Apo Island PH074609002


San Jose PH041022000

Catanauan PH045610000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Villaviciosa PH140127000
Tinoc PH142710000
Taal PH041029000
Jomalig PH045621000
Quezon PH045637000
Polangui PH050514000
Ragay PH051730000
Calauag PH045607000
Calauag PH045607000
Calauag PH045607000
Tuburan PH072252000
Ragay PH051730000
Isabel PH083722000
Bayambang PH015511000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Alicia PH023101000
Alilem PH012901000
Tineg PH140125000
Lobo PH041015000
Ibajay PH060406000
Cebu City PH072217000
Initao PH104310000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
San Esteban PH012918000
Balaoan PH013305000
Pinili PH012819000
Alilem PH012901000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Mapandan PH015528000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Piat PH021520000
Hamtic PH060608000
Sara PH063044000
Tapaz PH061917000
Patnongon PH060612000
Leon PH063028000
Aurora PH023103000
Inopacan PH083721000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Boac PH174001000
Naujan PH175208000
Maconacon PH023117000
Dingalan PH037705000
Bauan PH041006000
Pila PH043422000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Jasaan PH104311000
City of Digos PH112403000
Bongabong PH175203000
Argao PH072205000
Cabangan PH037102000
Aborlan PH175301000
Dauin PH074609000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Apo Macote PH101312027

Apoc-apoc PH175301002
Apokon PH112319001
Apollo PH030809025
Apologista PH063044006
Apolong PH074623001
Apolonia PH086022002
Apolonio Samson PH137404003
Apoloy PH074619002
Aponit PH015532006
Apopong PH126303029
Aporao PH015508002
Aporawan PH175301003
Aposaga PH063044007
Aposkahoy PH104306002
Aposong PH153621001
Apostol (Pob.) PH037110002
Appas PH143213003
Apsayan PH036906003
Apuao PH051607001
Apud PH050507002
Apugan-Loakan PH141102001
Apulid PH036910004
Aquib PH012914004
Aquib PH021520002
Aquino PH030804044
Aquino PH034914013
Aquino PH045648031
Aquino PH060406005
Aquino (Marcos) PH104215050
Aquino Nobleza East (Pob.) PH063023046
Aquino Nobleza West (Pob.) PH063023047
Ar-arampang PH013305002
Ar-arusip PH012803003
Ara PH023104002
Ara-al PH064516001
Arab PH140118002
Arabiat PH023112003
Arabunog PH083741001
Arac PH063035007
Aracay PH060611001
Arado PH054121001
Arado PH083710003
Arado PH083718002
Arado PH083739002
Arado PH083748003
Aragan PH012905002
Aragon PH112505004
Araibo PH118211013
Arakan PH124708003
Aramal PH015533004
Aramaywan PH175315002
Aramaywan PH175317002
Aranas PH060402001
Aranda PH064511002
Arangin PH012925003
Arangin PH175208004
Arangote PH060604002
Aranguel PH061913001
Aranguren PH036904001


City of Malaybalay PH101312000

Aborlan PH175301000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Orani PH030809000
Sara PH063044000
Valencia PH074623000
Paranas PH086022000
Quezon City PH137404000
Siaton PH074619000
San Carlos City PH015532000
General Santos City PH126303000
Bani PH015508000
Aborlan PH175301000
Sara PH063044000
Claveria PH104306000
Piagapo PH153621000
San Felipe PH037110000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Gerona PH036906000
Mercedes PH051607000
Libon PH050507000
Baguio City PH141102000
Paniqui PH036910000
Narvacan PH012914000
Piat PH021520000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Licab PH034914000
Tiaong PH045648000
Ibajay PH060406000
Tangub City PH104215000
Janiuay PH063023000
Janiuay PH063023000
Balaoan PH013305000
Badoc PH012803000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Pidigan PH140118000
Echague PH023112000
Pastrana PH083741000
City of Passi PH063035000
Pandan PH060611000
Uson PH054121000
Burauen PH083710000
Dulag PH083718000
Palo PH083739000
Tanauan PH083748000
Cabugao PH012905000
Cateel PH112505000
Pantukan PH118211000
Matalam PH124708000
San Fabian PH015533000
Narra PH175315000
Quezon PH175317000
Balete PH060402000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Naujan PH175208000
Bugasong PH060604000
President Roxas PH061913000
Capas PH036904000


Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Aranjuez PH063005001
Arante PH063044008
Arapison PH086016002
Aras-Asan PH060607002
Aras-Asan PH060615004
Aras-Asan PH166804001
Aratuc PH153802002
Araw At Bituin (Pob.) PH175104010
Arawan PH045641001
Arawane PH086006001
Arbismen PH045618003
Arbor PH072212008
Arcangel PH060402002
Arco PH150702001
Arcon PH023137005
Ardemil PH063044009
Arebasore PH074614002
Arellano PH084803002
Arellano PH168504002
Arellano (Pob.) PH023122003
Arellano (Pob.) PH030810001
Arellano Street (Pob.) PH015527002
Arena Blanco PH097332001
Arenas PH035403001
Arew PH037102004
Argao PH060412001
Argao PH174004002
Argawanon PH072243002
Argayoso PH104318001
Argosino PH045637002
Arguelles PH063022006
Aribungos PH175306002
Aridawen PH021525013
Ariendo PH034902002
Ariman PH056208001
Aring PH012803004
Aringay PH023128002
Aringay PH124703001
Aringin PH036909002
Aringit PH083741002
Ariosa PH097319002
Aripdip PH063042001
Ariston Este PH015506002
Ariston Weste PH015506003
Arizona PH124709004
Arkong Bato PH137504001
Armado PH175101009
Armeña (Cansilongan) PH072229001
Armenia PH036916005
Armenia PH054121002
Arnaldo Pob. (Bgy. 7) PH042108030
Arnap PH012905003
Arnap PH012919001
Arnedo PH015514001
Aro-aldao PH051723004
Arobo PH060607003
Aroganga PH082606001
Aroganga PH084808003
Aromahon PH104314001
Aroman PH124702001


Balasan PH063005000
Sara PH063044000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Sebaste PH060615000
Cagwait PH166804000
Buldon PH153802000
Lubang PH175104000
San Antonio PH045641000
Daram PH086006000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Boljoon PH072212000
Balete PH060402000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Tumauini PH023137000
Sara PH063044000
Mabinay PH074614000
Bobon PH084803000
Libjo PH168504000
Quezon PH023122000
Orion PH030810000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Arayat PH035403000
Cabangan PH037102000
Malay PH060412000
Mogpog PH174004000
San Remigio PH072243000
Manticao PH104318000
Quezon PH045637000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Bongabon PH034902000
Gubat PH056208000
Badoc PH012803000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Kabacan PH124703000
Moncada PH036909000
Pastrana PH083741000
Molave PH097319000
San Rafael PH063042000
Asingan PH015506000
Asingan PH015506000
Midsayap PH124709000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Abra de Ilog PH175101000
Armena (Cansilongan) Malabuyoc PH072229000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Uson PH054121000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Cabugao PH012905000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Bolinao PH015514000
Nabua PH051723000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Dolores PH082606000
Laoang PH084808000
Laguindingan PH104314000
Carmen PH124702000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Aromin PH023112004
Arong PH086007095
Arorogan PH166814004
Aroroy PH056210002
Arosip PH013303002
Aroyao Pequeño PH052003001
Arpili PH072208003
Arsenal Aduana PH063022007
Artacho PH015510001
Artacho PH015541004
Artadi PH104317002
Arteche PH086023002
Artuz PH061917008
Arua-ay PH012818004
Arubub PH023115003
Arumahan PH041012002
Arusip PH023114008
Arwas PH015508003
Arwas PH025006001
As-Is PH041006003
As-Is PH041011001
Asaklat PH025706016
Asan Norte PH015541005
Asan Sur PH015541006
Asana (Pob.) PH043408001
Asassi PH021506005
Asbang PH112410001
Ascomo PH035407034
Asdum PH051609001
Aseniero PH097201003
Aserda PH015528003
Asgad PH082619003
Asgad (Juan M. Alberto) PH052008003
Asia PH064512002
Asibanglan PH143209013
Asid PH054111002
Asilang PH012920040
Asin PH015511008
Asin PH156607001
Asin Este PH015524008
Asin Road PH141102002
Asin Weste PH015524009
Asinan PH015515002
Asinan PH037107001
Asinan PH071209002
Asinan PH112410002
Asinan (Pob.) PH166716008
Asinan Poblacion PH037114002
Asinan Proper PH037114003
Asinga-Via PH021506006
Asis I PH042114002
Asis II PH042114017
Asis III PH042114018
Asisan PH042119001
Asisig PH063039002
Aslong PH051718001
Aslum PH060406006
Aslum PH083702001
Aslum PH083725003
Aslum PH083746002


Echague PH023112000
Gandara PH086007000
Marihatag PH166814000
Juban PH056210000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Aroyao Pequeno Bato PH052003000
Balamban PH072208000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Bautista PH015510000
Sison PH015541000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Tapaz PH061917000
Piddig PH012818000
Jones PH023115000
Lemery PH041012000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Bani PH015508000
Diadi PH025006000
Bauan PH041006000
Laurel PH041011000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
Sison PH015541000
Sison PH015541000
Famy PH043408000
Baggao PH021506000
Matanao PH112410000
Guagua PH035407000
San Vicente PH051609000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Mapandan PH015528000
Salcedo PH082619000
San Andres PH052008000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
City of Masbate PH054111000
San Juan PH012920000
Bayambang PH015511000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Baguio City PH141102000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Bugallon PH015515000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Buenavista PH071209000
Matanao PH112410000
Pilar PH166716000
Subic PH037114000
Subic PH037114000
Baggao PH021506000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
San Enrique PH063039000
Libmanan PH051718000
Ibajay PH060406000
Alangalang PH083702000
Julita PH083725000
Tabontabon PH083746000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Aslum PH086017003
Asluman PH060608002
Asluman PH063014003
Ason (Anson) PH051714001
Aspera PH063044010
Assumption PH031420019
Assumption (Bulol) PH126306001
Astorga PH061904008
Astorga PH063004002
Astorga PH086006002
Astorga PH112412001
Astorga (Burabod) PH083702002
Astorga (Upart) PH083750001
Asturias PH036916006
Asturias PH156602002
Asug PH087804002
Asum (Pob.) PH084814001
Asuncion PH086407002
Asuncion PH086408023
Asuncion PH086409029
Asuncion (Cuatro-Cuatro) PH112303003
Asuncion (Pob.) PH052010003
Aswe-Pabriaga PH063044011
Ata-atahon PH160209004
Atabay PH012916001
Atabay PH060607004
Atabay PH060613001
Atabay PH060614004
Atabay PH063002003
Atabay PH072202001
Atabay PH083719002
Atabay PH074602004
Atabayan PH063045002
Atainan PH015504003
Atan-Awe PH112402004
Ataragadong PH153622001
Atate PH034919013
Ataynan PH015511009
Atbu PH025012013
Atencio PH036909003
Atilano L. Ricardo PH030802016
Atimonan PH063023006
Atioc PH036916007
Atiotes PH060607005
Atiplo PH061908001
Atipolo PH083723044
Atipolo PH083748004
Atipolo PH084808004
Atipolo PH087808003
Atipuluan PH064502003
Atisan PH043424080
Atlae PH128007003
Atlag PH031410002
Atlu-Bola PH035409001
Atok PH148103003
Atok Trail PH141102003
Atong-atong PH150703001
Atop-atop PH072209001
Atotes PH074607001
Atsan (District I) PH052009006


Santa Rita PH086017000

Hamtic PH060608000
Carles PH063014000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Sara PH063044000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Dumarao PH061904000
Badiangan PH063004000
Daram PH086006000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Alangalang PH083702000
Tunga PH083750000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Jolo PH156602000
Caibiran PH087804000
Palapag PH084814000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Macrohon PH086408000
Malitbog PH086409000
Carmen PH112303000
Viga PH052010000
Sara PH063044000
Nasipit PH160209000
Salcedo PH012916000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Jose PH060613000
San Remigio PH060614000
Alimodian PH063002000
Alcoy PH072202000
Hilongos PH083719000
Ayungon PH074602000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Alcala PH015504000
Davao City PH112402000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Palayan City PH034919000
Bayambang PH015511000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Moncada PH036909000
Bagac PH030802000
Janiuay PH063023000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Mambusao PH061908000
Jaro PH083723000
Tanauan PH083748000
Laoang PH084808000
Naval PH087808000
Bago City PH064502000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Malungon PH128007000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Flora PH148103000
Baguio City PH141102000
Lantawan PH150703000
Bantayan PH072209000
Bindoy PH074607000
San Miguel PH052009000


Samar PH086000000 Region VIII

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Atulayan PH045607007
Atulayan PH045636002
Atulayan PH051731002
Atulayan Norte PH021529002
Atulayan Sur PH021529039
Atulinao PH045623003
Atulu PH021515002
Aturan PH174005003
Atuyan PH086412001
Auitan PH023133002
Aulo PH034919001
Aumbay PH112317003
Aundanao PH112317004
Aupagan PH160202010
Aureliana PH060612004
Aurelio PH168506001
Aurelio F. Freires (Poblacion II) PH126506027
Aurora PH023101004
Aurora PH023122004
Aurora PH025011001
Aurora PH054121003
Aurora PH071234001
Aurora PH086025001
Aurora PH086409002
Aurora PH098314001
Aurora PH118201016
Aurora PH137404004
Aurora PH148106023
Aurora PH160306001
Aurora PH160310002
Aurora PH166724004
Aurora PH175208005
Aurora-del Pilar (Pob.) PH063018046
Aurora (Pob.) PH166725001
Aurora East (Pob.) PH025703002
Aurora Hill Proper (Malvar-Sgt. Floresca) PH141102067
Aurora Hill, North Central PH141102078
Aurora Hill, South Central PH141102128
Aurora Pob. (Bgy. 6) PH050505025
Aurora West (Pob.) PH025703003
Austin Heights PH103508001
Avanceña (Bo. 3) PH126306002
Avanzada PH063028007
Avelino PH086016003
Avila PH067901002
Awa PH160306002
Awa-an PH074602005
Awag PH015505003
Awai PH015534001
Awai PH056207002
Awallan PH021506007
Awang PH050510001
Awang PH063030004
Awang PH086020002
Awang PH104321001
Awang PH153807002
Awang East (Pob.) PH086003158
Awang West (Pob.) PH086003159
Awao PH118207001
Awao PH160310003


Calauag PH045607000
Polillo PH045636000
Sagñay PH051731000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Lucban PH045623000
Iguig PH021515000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
San Pablo PH023133000
Palayan City PH034919000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Butuan City PH160202000
Patnongon PH060612000
San Jose PH168506000
Lebak PH126506000
Alicia PH023101000
Quezon PH023122000
Quezon PH025011000
Uson PH054121000
Pilar PH071234000
San Jorge PH086025000
Malitbog PH086409000
Talusan PH098314000
Compostela PH118201000
Quezon City PH137404000
Pudtol PH148106000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Santa Josefa PH160310000
Surigao City PH166724000
Naujan PH175208000
Dumangas PH063018000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Diffun PH025703000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Jovellar PH050505000
Diffun PH025703000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Avancena (Bo. 3) City of Koronadal PH126306000
Leon PH063028000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Buenavista PH067901000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Ayungon PH074602000
Anda PH015505000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Donsol PH056207000
Baggao PH021506000
Malinao PH050510000
Miagao PH063030000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Opol PH104321000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Monkayo PH118207000
Santa Josefa PH160310000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Awasian PH166819001
Awayan PH051718002
Awayan PH051734004
Awayan PH142708001
Awihao PH072251001
Awile PH015505002
Awis PH063028008
Awitan PH051603002
Awitan PH051606002
Awitan PH051608001
Aya PH041022003
Aya PH041030001
Aya PH074613002
Aya-aya PH104316001
Ayaas PH045647012
Ayabang PH063028009
Ayahag PH086412002
Ayala PH035411027
Ayala PH097332002
Ayaman PH063012005
Ayangan PH067905002
Ayangan PH142706003
Ayao-iyao PH041012003
Ayaoan PH013310002
Ayat PH054110002
Ayod PH023110001
Ayong PH063012006
Ayong PH153620001
Ayos Lomboy PH034911002
Ayson PH036906005
Ayubo PH063028010
Ayubo PH063046004
Ayudante PH012906004
Ayugan PH051725001
Ayugao PH051729001
Ayungon PH064516002
Ayungon PH064530002
Ayusan (Pob.) PH012925004
Ayusan I PH045648002
Ayusan II PH045648032
Ayusan Norte PH012934001
Ayusan Sur PH012934002
Ayuti PH045623004
Ayuyan PH063035008
Ayyeng (Pob.) PH140116004
Azagra PH074621001
Azarga PH175913002
Azpetia PH160306003
Azucena PH051734005
Azucena PH072210001
Azucena (Pob.) PH166725002
Azusano PH098315031
B'Laan PH128007006
B. Cadungon PH124715012
B. Del Mundo PH175207001
B. F. Homes PH137604007
B. F. International Village PH137601011
B. Titong PH054111003
Ba-ang PH142702022
Ba-ao PH097201004


City of Tandag PH166819000

Libmanan PH051718000
Sipocot PH051734000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Toledo City PH072251000
Anda PH015505000
Leon PH063028000
Daet PH051603000
Labo PH051606000
Paracale PH051608000
San Jose PH041022000
Talisay PH041030000
La Libertad PH074613000
Lugait PH104316000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Leon PH063028000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Magalang PH035411000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Sibunag PH067905000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Lemery PH041012000
Luna PH013310000
Mandaon PH054110000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Guimba PH034911000
Gerona PH036906000
Leon PH063028000
Tubungan PH063046000
City of Candon PH012906000
Ocampo PH051725000
Presentacion PH051729000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Valladolid PH064530000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Tiaong PH045648000
Tiaong PH045648000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Lucban PH045623000
City of Passi PH063035000
Manabo PH140116000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
San Fernando PH175913000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Sipocot PH051734000
Barili PH072210000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Titay PH098315000
BLaan Malungon PH128007000
Antipas PH124715000
Mansalay PH175207000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Hungduan PH142702000
Dapitan City PH097201000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ba-as PH150702002
Ba-ay PH086003007
Ba-ay PH143209005
Ba-ayan PH141114003
Ba-i PH140111002
Ba-ong PH063002004
Ba-ug PH140122002
Baac PH063017004
Baac PH140112001
Baan PH025002017
Baan PH025010004
Baan KM 3 PH160202012
Baan Riverside Pob. (Bgy. 20) PH160202033
Baanan PH043415004
Baang PH054113001
Baang PH071213003
Baao PH045627003
Baao PH054102001
Baas PH083719003
Baay PH012805002
Baay PH013304002
Baay PH015522002
Baay PH051606003
Babaclayon PH086014002
Babadi PH025010005
Babag PH071217001
Babag PH072217004
Babag PH072226002
Babag PH118207002
Babag PH160202013
Babag (Babuan Island) PH150713001
Babagan PH157006001
Babaguan PH052007002
Babalag East (Pob.) PH143211001
Babalag West (Pob.) PH143211015
Babalaya PH103501002
Babalayan Townsite PH103501003
Baballasioan PH012926003
Babancal PH037103001
Babangonan PH175215002
Babanikhon PH082613002
Babanuang PH023130002
Babaran PH023112005
Babasalon PH103511001
Babasit PH015525002
Babatnin PH031410003
Babayoan PH012924002
Babayog PH153610034
Babayongan PH072222002
Babayuan PH021504007
Babbanoy PH143214002
Babo Pangulo PH035415001
Babo Sacan PH035415002
Baborawon PH101307002
Babuyan PH015520014
Babuyan PH037113001
Babuyan PH166807002
Babuyan PH175316001
Babuyan Claro PH021509009
Bacabac PH015515004


City of Lamitan PH150702000

Calbayog City PH086003000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Tublay PH141114000
Lagayan PH140111000
Alimodian PH063002000
San Juan PH140122000
Dueñas PH063017000
Langiden PH140112000
Aritao PH025002000
Kayapa PH025010000
Butuan City PH160202000
Butuan City PH160202000
Magdalena PH043415000
Mobo PH054113000
Catigbian PH071213000
Mauban PH045627000
Baleno PH054102000
Hilongos PH083719000
City of Batac PH012805000
Bagulin PH013304000
Lingayen PH015522000
Labo PH051606000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Kayapa PH025010000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Cebu City PH072217000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Monkayo PH118207000
Butuan City PH160202000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000
South Ubian PH157006000
Panganiban PH052007000
Rizal PH143211000
Rizal PH143211000
Bacolod PH103501000
Bacolod PH103501000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Candelaria PH037103000
Victoria PH175215000
Llorente PH082613000
San Manuel PH023130000
Echague PH023112000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Manaoag PH015525000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Kapai PH153610000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Amulung PH021504000
Tanudan PH143214000
Porac PH035415000
Porac PH035415000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Infanta PH015520000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Carrascal PH166807000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Calayan PH021509000
Bugallon PH015515000


Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bacabac PH036903004
Bacag PH015547002
Bacag PH140109001
Bacagan PH021506008
Bacahan PH097318001
Bacak PH052001002
Bacalan PH060615005
Bacalan PH098305001
Bacalon PH056211004
Bacan PH060403002
Bacan PH063012007
Bacan PH063046005
Bacani PH013313004
Bacani PH071214001
Bacao PH041032001
Bacao PH098308001
Bacao PH175311001
Bacao I PH042108002
Bacao II PH042108031
Bacar PH012912002
Bacareña PH023132001
Bacarni PH144406002
Bacauan PH063030006
Bacawan PH097306001
Bacawan PH175210001
Bacay PH063018002
Bacay II PH160313014
Bacayan PH072217006
Bacayao PH034911003
Bacayao Norte PH015518001
Bacayao Sur PH015518002
Bacayawan PH082613003
Bacayawan PH097305001
Bacayawan PH103514001
Bacayawan PH153613049
Bacayawan PH153615003
Bacayawan PH153616001
Bacayawan PH153640001
Baccuit PH021504008
Baccuit Norte PH013307002
Baccuit Sur PH013307003
Bacdulong PH126319001
Bacgong PH051711003
Bachao PH083729001
Bachao PH086006003
Bachao Ibaba PH174003003
Bachao Ilaya PH174003004
Bachaw Norte PH060407002
Bachaw Sur PH060407003
Bachawan PH175905002
Bachawan PH175911001
Bacjao PH082602001
Bacjao PH086001001
Bacjao (Calumingan) PH067901005
Bacjawan Norte PH063015004
Bacjawan Sur PH063015005
Backiling PH021505001
Baclao PH064507002
Baclaran PH041003001
Baclaran PH043404001


Camiling PH036903000
Villasis PH015547000
Lacub PH140109000
Baggao PH021506000
Midsalip PH097318000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Sebaste PH060615000
Ipil PH098305000
Magallanes PH056211000
Banga PH060403000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Tubungan PH063046000
Rosario PH013313000
Clarin PH071214000
Taysan PH041032000
Malangas PH098308000
Dumaran PH175311000
City of General Trias PH042108000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Magsingal PH012912000
Bacarena San Mateo PH023132000
Paracelis PH144406000
Miagao PH063030000
Dinas PH097306000
Pola PH175210000
Dumangas PH063018000
Veruela PH160313000
Cebu City PH072217000
Guimba PH034911000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Llorente PH082613000
Dimataling PH097305000
Munai PH103514000
Madalum PH153613000
Malabang PH153615000
Marantao PH153616000
Sultan Dumalondong PH153640000
Amulung PH021504000
Bauang PH013307000
Bauang PH013307000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Caramoan PH051711000
Leyte PH083729000
Daram PH086006000
Gasan PH174003000
Gasan PH174003000
Kalibo PH060407000
Kalibo PH060407000
Concepcion PH175905000
San Agustin PH175911000
Balangiga PH082602000
Almagro PH086001000
Buenavista PH067901000
Concepcion PH063015000
Concepcion PH063015000
Aparri PH021505000
Cauayan PH064507000
Balayan PH041003000
Cabuyao City PH043404000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Baclaran PH045607008
Baclaran PH137604001
Baclas PH041007002
Baclay PH097330002
Baclayan PH063032001
Baclayan PH072212001
Baclayan PH086006004
Baclayan PH175211013
Baclayan Lilod PH153624042
Baclayan Raya PH153624079
Baclayon PH050501001
Baclayon PH101310002
Baclig (Pob.) PH012905004
Bacnar PH015532007
Bacneng PH025012002
Bacnit PH015523002
Bacnit PH101805002
Bacnono PH015511010
Bacnor East PH023105001
Bacnor West PH023105002
Baco PH083729002
Bacolod PH050507003
Bacolod PH050517002
Bacolod PH051703002
Bacolod PH054112001
Bacolod PH056210003
Bacolod PH056211005
Bacolod PH063005002
Bacolod PH063028011
Bacolod PH063030007
Bacolod PH087805002
Bacolod PH104210003
Bacolod PH153606012
Bacolod PH153633001
Bacolod PH166804002
Bacolod PH166807003
Bacolod (Pob.) PH056209002
Bacolod Chico Proper PH153617003
Bacolod I PH153611003
Bacolod II PH153611004
Bacong PH030805003
Bacong PH037708001
Bacong PH045602002
Bacong PH045620007
Bacong PH050508004
Bacong PH060605002
Bacong PH063018003
Bacong PH063020002
Bacong PH071203002
Bacong PH083705019
Bacong PH097213001
Bacong PH097223012
Bacong PH124714027
Bacong PH153616006
Bacong PH074622001
Bacong-Montilla PH064502004
Bacong-Sigsigan PH043408002
Bacong Ibaba PH045616001
Bacong Ilaya PH045616002
Bacongbacong PH174003005


Calauag PH045607000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Calaca PH041007000
Tukuran PH097330000
New Lucena PH063032000
Boljoon PH072212000
Daram PH086006000
Puerto Galera PH175211000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Bacacay PH050501000
Lantapan PH101310000
Cabugao PH012905000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Mabini PH015523000
Sagay PH101805000
Bayambang PH015511000
Burgos PH023105000
Burgos PH023105000
Leyte PH083729000
Libon PH050507000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Bato PH051703000
Milagros PH054112000
Juban PH056210000
Magallanes PH056211000
Balasan PH063005000
Leon PH063028000
Miagao PH063030000
Culaba PH087805000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Bubong PH153606000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Cagwait PH166804000
Carrascal PH166807000
Irosin PH056209000
Marawi City PH153617000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Hermosa PH030805000
San Luis PH037708000
Alabat PH045602000
Infanta PH045620000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Caluya PH060605000
Dumangas PH063018000
Guimbal PH063020000
Anda PH071203000
Babatngon PH083705000
Salug PH097213000
Gutalac PH097223000
Tulunan PH124714000
Marantao PH153616000
Tayasan PH074622000
Bago City PH064502000
Famy PH043408000
General Luna PH045616000
General Luna PH045616000
Gasan PH174003000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bacooc PH140110002
Bacqui PH013303003
Bacradal PH023112006
Bacring PH021504009
Bacsay PH036903005
Bacsay PH148105001
Bacsay Cataraoan Norte PH021511002
Bacsay Cataraoan Sur PH021511030
Bacsay Mapulapula PH021511003
Bacsayan PH012924003
Bacsayan PH013316003
Bacsil PH012804002
Bacsil PH012809002
Bacsil PH012816001
Bacsil PH012920001
Bacsil PH013303004
Bacsil PH013314003
Bactad East PH015546003
Bactas PH051601002
Bactas PH072216004
Bactul I PH086407004
Bactul II PH086407003
Bacubac PH086002003
Baculanad PH083744001
Baculin PH112501001
Baculin PH166809002
Baculod PH021502005
Baculod PH023108006
Baculod PH086404004
Baculod (Pob.) PH023114009
Baculong PH036917001
Baculongan Norte PH141105004
Baculongan Sur PH141105014
Baculud PH021504010
Baculud PH021515003
Bacundao Este PH015524010
Bacundao Weste PH015524011
Bacung PH150705001
Bacungan PH045622001
Bacungan PH112407001
Bacungan PH175208006
Bacungan PH175209002
Bacungan PH175210002
Bacungan PH175316002
Bacungan (Pob.) PH097226001
Bacuranan PH063035009
Bacusanon PH101316002
Bacuyangan PH064512003
Bacuyong PH097209002
Bacyang PH060410003
Bacyaran PH086004002
Bad-as PH063040004
Bad-as PH166717004
Badak PH153605001
Badak PH153623001
Badak PH153807003
Badak PH153819001
Badak Lumao PH153615004
Badas PH112509001
Badas PH140122003


Lagangilang PH140110000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Echague PH023112000
Amulung PH021504000
Camiling PH036903000
Luna PH148105000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
San Juan PH013316000
Bangui PH012804000
Dingras PH012809000
Paoay PH012816000
San Juan PH012920000
Bacnotan PH013303000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Basud PH051601000
Catmon PH072216000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Basey PH086002000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Baganga PH112501000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Alcala PH021502000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Victoria PH036917000
Buguias PH141105000
Buguias PH141105000
Amulung PH021504000
Iguig PH021515000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Sumisip PH150705000
Lopez PH045622000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Naujan PH175208000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Pola PH175210000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Bacungan PH097226000
City of Passi PH063035000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Piñan PH097209000
Madalag PH060410000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Placer PH166717000
Binidayan PH153605000
Pualas PH153623000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Malabang PH153615000
City of Mati PH112509000
San Juan PH140122000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Badbad PH050512001
Badbad Occidental PH071230002
Badbad Oriental PH071230003
Badduat PH148104001
Badeo PH141109001
Badian PH050512002
Badiang PH054105003
Badiang PH060613002
Badiang PH063003002
Badiang PH063032002
Badiang PH063046007
Badiang PH071203003
Badiang PH071224003
Badiang PH071241003
Badiang PH083723003
Badiang PH086407005
Badiang PH086411001
Badiangan PH060403003
Badiangan PH060611002
Badiangan PH060612005
Badiangan PH063001003
Badiangan PH063025004
Badiangan PH063031004
Badiangay PH083744002
Badiangon PH061913002
Badiangon PH086403002
Badiangon PH124718003
Badiangon PH126509002
Bading Pob. (Bgy. 22) PH160202014
Badio PH012819003
Badio PH060416003
Badja PH150706002
Badlan Grande PH063013007
Badlan Pequeño PH063013008
Badling PH054121004
Bado Dangwa PH143213033
Badong PH166818004
Badtasan PH128003001
Badu PH063013009
Baduang PH012815003
Bae PH072246002
Bae PH074612004
Baesa PH137404005
Bag-ong Anonang PH104203002
Bag-ong Balamban PH097315001
Bag-ong Baroy PH097340001
Bag-Ong Barrio PH061917009
Bag-ong Dalaguete PH097315002
Bag-ong Kauswagan PH097328002
Bag-ong Misamis PH097307001
Bag-ong Misamis PH097325001
Bag-ong Oroquieta PH097340002
Bag-ong Silao PH097307003
Bag-ong Tabogon PH097328004
Bag-ong Valencia PH097308002
Bag-otan PH086011021
Baga PH097307002
Baga PH098309002
Baga PH104211001
Baga-as PH064511025


Oas PH050512000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Kabugao PH148104000
Kibungan PH141109000
Oas PH050512000
Cataingan PH054105000
San Jose PH060613000
Anilao PH063003000
New Lucena PH063032000
Tubungan PH063046000
Anda PH071203000
Inabanga PH071224000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Jaro PH083723000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Banga PH060403000
Pandan PH060611000
Patnongon PH060612000
Ajuy PH063001000
Lambunao PH063025000
Mina PH063031000
Santa Fe PH083744000
President Roxas PH061913000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Arakan PH124718000
Palimbang PH126509000
Butuan City PH160202000
Pinili PH012819000
Numancia PH060416000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Calinog PH063013000
Badlan Pequeno Calinog PH063013000
Uson PH054121000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Tago PH166818000
Kiamba PH128003000
Calinog PH063013000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Sibonga PH072246000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Quezon City PH137404000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Mahayag PH097315000
Sominot PH097340000
Tapaz PH061917000
Mahayag PH097315000
Tambulig PH097328000
Dumalinao PH097307000
San Pablo PH097325000
Sominot PH097340000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Tambulig PH097328000
Dumingag PH097308000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Naga PH098309000
Panaon PH104211000
Hinigaran PH064511000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagaba-o PH083729003
Bagabag PH023136003
Bagacay PH045622002
Bagacay PH050505003
Bagacay PH051606004
Bagacay PH051718003
Bagacay PH051733002
Bagacay PH051737003
Bagacay PH054113002
Bagacay PH054119002
Bagacay PH056202003
Bagacay PH056204001
Bagacay PH056208002
Bagacay PH060406007
Bagacay PH060606002
Bagacay PH061909005
Bagacay PH063021004
Bagacay PH063035010
Bagacay PH063037003
Bagacay PH063038003
Bagacay PH063042002
Bagacay PH063045003
Bagacay PH071234002
Bagacay PH071243001
Bagacay PH072213001
Bagacay PH072246003
Bagacay PH076102001
Bagacay PH082617002
Bagacay PH083701004
Bagacay PH083743001
Bagacay PH084809002
Bagacay PH084814002
Bagacay PH086003008
Bagacay PH086006005
Bagacay PH086008001
Bagacay PH097217001
Bagacay PH128001002
Bagacay PH174002001
Bagacay PH175910009
Bagacay PH064505003
Bagacay PH074609003
Bagacay PH074610001
Bagacay East PH063029006
Bagacay East PH083728001
Bagacay Katipunan PH071230004
Bagacay Kawayan PH071230005
Bagacay Saong PH071230006
Bagacay West PH063029007
Bagacay West PH083728002
Bagacayan PH063021005
Bagadion PH051718004
Bagahabag PH025013020
Bagahanglad PH054119003
Bagakay PH072210002
Bagakay PH072247002
Bagakay PH072251002
Bagakay PH104210004
Bagakay PH166707001
Bagakay (Alburo) PH166708001
Bagakay (Pob. West) PH166706010


Leyte PH083729000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Lopez PH045622000
Jovellar PH050505000
Labo PH051606000
Libmanan PH051718000
San Jose PH051733000
Tinambac PH051737000
Mobo PH054113000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Barcelona PH056202000
Bulusan PH056204000
Gubat PH056208000
Ibajay PH060406000
Culasi PH060606000
Panay PH061909000
Igbaras PH063021000
City of Passi PH063035000
Pototan PH063037000
San Dionisio PH063038000
San Rafael PH063042000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Pilar PH071234000
Talibon PH071243000
Borbon PH072213000
Sibonga PH072246000
Larena PH076102000
Oras PH082617000
Abuyog PH083701000
San Miguel PH083743000
Lapinig PH084809000
Palapag PH084814000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Daram PH086006000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Sibutad PH097217000
Alabel PH128001000
Buenavista PH174002000
Romblon PH175910000
Calatrava PH064505000
Dauin PH074609000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Maasin PH063029000
La Paz PH083728000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Maasin PH063029000
La Paz PH083728000
Igbaras PH063021000
Libmanan PH051718000
Solano PH025013000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Barili PH072210000
Sogod PH072247000
Toledo City PH072251000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Dapa PH166707000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Claver PH166706000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagalangit PH041016003
Bagalay PH140124001
Bagalayag PH056206002
Bagalnga PH072218001
Bagalupa PH097312001
Bagamelon PH051718005
Bagan PH153825002
Bagang PH035412003
Bagangan Sr. PH051719003
Bagani Camposanto PH012906005
Bagani Gabor PH012906006
Bagani Tocgo PH012906007
Bagani Ubbog PH012906008
Baganian PH097327002
Baganihan PH112402175
Baganipay PH098314002
Baganito PH087806001
Bagaobawan PH050515003
Bagar PH012906009
Bagasawe PH072252005
Bagasbas PH051603003
Bagasbas PH084813001
Bagatabao PH052001003
Bagatangki PH050510002
Bagatayam PH072247003
Bagauma PH054101004
Bagawang PH052006001
Bagawines PH074624001
Bagay PH021529003
Bagay PH063021006
Bagay PH072221002
Bagaygay PH063044012
Bagbag PH012822002
Bagbag PH013307004
Bagbag PH041031006
Bagbag PH137404006
Bagbag I PH042117002
Bagbag II PH042117013
Bagbago PH012822003
Bagbagon PH150703018
Bagbagotot PH012902001
Bagbaguin PH031412001
Bagbaguin PH031415001
Bagbaguin PH031423001
Bagbaguin PH137504002
Baggao PH021510005
Baggoc PH012907003
Baghari PH060602002
Bagiangun PH153628039
Bagid* PH157004015
Bagna PH031410004
Bagnen Oriente PH144402002
Bagnen Proper PH144402003
Bagnos PH023101005
Bagnos PH023103002
Bago PH012823005
Bago PH034910001
Bago PH041010001
Bago PH061914002
Bago PH071209003


Mabini PH041016000
Tayum PH140124000
Castilla PH056206000
Compostela PH072218000
Labangan PH097312000
Libmanan PH051718000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Masantol PH035412000
Lupi PH051719000
City of Candon PH012906000
City of Candon PH012906000
City of Candon PH012906000
City of Candon PH012906000
Tabina PH097327000
Davao City PH112402000
Talusan PH098314000
Kawayan PH087806000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
City of Candon PH012906000
Tuburan PH072252000
Daet PH051603000
Mondragon PH084813000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Malinao PH050510000
Sogod PH072247000
Aroroy PH054101000
Pandan PH052006000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Igbaras PH063021000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Sara PH063044000
Solsona PH012822000
Bauang PH013307000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Quezon City PH137404000
Rosario PH042117000
Rosario PH042117000
Solsona PH012822000
Lantawan PH150703000
Banayoyo PH012902000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Pandi PH031415000
Santa Maria PH031423000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Caoayan PH012907000
Barbaza PH060602000
Tubaran PH153628000
Simunul PH157004000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Bauko PH144402000
Bauko PH144402000
Alicia PH023101000
Aurora PH023103000
Vintar PH012823000
General Tinio PH034910000
Ibaan PH041010000
Roxas City PH061914000
Buenavista PH071209000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bago PH072206003
Bago PH083707005
Bago PH097218003
Bago PH074622002
Bago (Lalung) PH064532001
Bago Aplaya PH112402176
Bago Chiquito PH061909006
Bago Gallera PH112402005
Bago Grande PH061909007
Bago Oshiro PH112402006
Bagoaingud PH153601002
Bagoaingud PH153602050
Bagoaingud PH153604003
Bagoaingud PH153606002
Bagoaingud PH153609001
Bagoaingud PH153613003
Bagoaingud PH153615006
Bagoaingud PH153619043
Bagoaingud PH153621002
Bagoaingud PH153624001
Bagoaingud PH153625002
Bagoaingud PH153629001
Bagoaingud PH153636004
Bagoaingud PH153638024
Bagoaingud (Bagoinged) PH124712001
Bagocboc PH104321002
Bagoenged PH153807004
Bagoenged PH153810001
Bagoladio PH051706001
Bagolatao PH051722002
Bagolibas PH086017004
Bagolibas PH124717001
Bagonawa PH064525001
Bagonbon PH064524001
Bagong PH083738002
Bagong PH141112002
Bagong PH153808002
Bagong Anyo (Pob.) PH043410002
Bagong Anyo (Pob.) PH045615002
Bagong Argao PH097319003
Bagong Badian PH103505001
Bagong Baguio PH097214002
Bagong Barrio PH031415002
Bagong Barrio PH031419006
Bagong Barrio PH034911004
Bagong Barrio PH060411004
Bagong Bayan PH031410005
Bagong Bayan PH051605001
Bagong Bayan PH052007003
Bagong Bayan PH175312001
Bagong Bayan PH175316003
Bagong Bayan PH175318003
Bagong Bayan (Pob.) PH045627020
Bagong Bayan District (Pob.) PH083707006
Bagong Bayan II-A (Pob.) PH043424001
Bagong Borbon PH098302022
Bagong Buhay PH031420001
Bagong Buhay PH034903005
Bagong Buhay PH034904001
Bagong Buhay PH034919022


Asturias PH072206000
Bato PH083707000
Sindangan PH097218000
Tayasan PH074622000
Salvador Benedicto PH064532000
Davao City PH112402000
Panay PH061909000
Davao City PH112402000
Panay PH061909000
Davao City PH112402000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Balabagan PH153602000
Bayang PH153604000
Bubong PH153606000
Ganassi PH153609000
Madalum PH153613000
Malabang PH153615000
Mulondo PH153619000
Piagapo PH153621000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tugaya PH153629000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Pikit PH124712000
Opol PH104321000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Bula PH051706000
Minalabac PH051722000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Aleosan PH124717000
San Enrique PH064525000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Sablan PH141112000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
Liliw PH043410000
Dolores PH045615000
Molave PH097319000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Pandi PH031415000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Guimba PH034911000
Makato PH060411000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Panganiban PH052007000
El Nido PH175312000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Roxas PH175318000
Mauban PH045627000
Bato PH083707000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Buug PH098302000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabiao PH034904000
Palayan City PH034919000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagong Buhay PH083738109

Bagong Buhay PH098301026
Bagong Buhay PH175208007
Bagong Buhay PH175215004
Bagong Buhay (Pob.) PH045619003
Bagong Buhay II PH031420020
Bagong Buhay III PH031420021
Bagong Clarin PH104217001
Bagong Dawis PH103503002
Bagong Flores PH034916007
Bagong Gutlang PH097319005
Bagong Ilog PH137403001
Bagong Kahayag PH097333002
Bagong Kalsada PH043405001
Bagong Karsada PH042115001
Bagong Katipunan PH137403002
Bagong Kauswagan PH097308030
Bagong Lipunan PH083715046
Bagong Lipunan PH083719049
Bagong Lipunan PH083734031
Bagong Lipunan PH086003160
Bagong Lipunan (Market Area) PH141102130
Bagong Lipunan Ng Crame PH137404008
Bagong Lungsod (Pob.) PH166819002
Bagong Mandaue PH097302005
Bagong Maslog PH097302007
Bagong Nayon PH031403001
Bagong Nayon PH045802011
Bagong Nayon PH104206001
Bagong Negros PH112406002
Bagong Niing PH045641002
Bagong Opon PH097323001
Bagong Oroquieta PH097343001
Bagong Oslob PH097302008
Bagong Pag-asa PH031421056
Bagong Pag-asa PH137404009
Bagong Pag-Asa (Pob.) PH043408003
Bagong Pag-Asa (Pob.) PH043429002
Bagong Pag-Asa (Pob.) PH175316004
Bagong Pag-asa (Poblacion East) PH015534013
Bagong Pag-Asa Pob. (Barangay 3) PH045633009
Bagong Paraiso (Pob.) PH030809001
Bagong Pitogo PH097302009
Bagong Pook PH041012004
Bagong Pook PH041013002
Bagong Pook PH041014007
Bagong Pook PH041017001
Bagong Pook PH041021003
Bagong Pook PH041022004
Bagong Pook PH043422002
Bagong Pook PH043427002
Bagong Pook VI-C (Pob.) PH043424002
Bagong Sabang PH084819003
Bagong San Roque PH050516006
Bagong Sikat PH023101006
Bagong Sikat PH023120002
Bagong Sikat PH023132002
Bagong Sikat PH034903003
Bagong Sikat PH034904002
Bagong Sikat PH034907001


Ormoc City PH083738000

Alicia PH098301000
Naujan PH175208000
Victoria PH175215000
Gumaca PH045619000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Baroy PH103503000
Lupao PH034916000
Molave PH097319000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Lakewood PH097333000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Naic PH042115000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Dumingag PH097308000
Carigara PH083715000
Hilongos PH083719000
Matalom PH083734000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Baguio City PH141102000
Quezon City PH137404000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Aurora PH097302000
Aurora PH097302000
Baliuag PH031403000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Concepcion PH104206000
Kiblawan PH112406000
San Antonio PH045641000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Guipos PH097343000
Aurora PH097302000
San Miguel PH031421000
Quezon City PH137404000
Famy PH043408000
Siniloan PH043429000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Perez PH045633000
Orani PH030809000
Aurora PH097302000
Lemery PH041012000
Lian PH041013000
Lipa City PH041014000
Malvar PH041017000
Rosario PH041021000
San Jose PH041022000
Pila PH043422000
Santa Maria PH043427000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Jose PH084819000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Alicia PH023101000
Naguilian PH023120000
San Mateo PH023132000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabiao PH034904000
Gabaldon PH034907000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagong Sikat PH034917001

Bagong Sikat PH034926004
Bagong Sikat PH034930002
Bagong Sikat PH041001002
Bagong Sikat PH041012005
Bagong Sikat PH051719004
Bagong Sikat PH175110003
Bagong Sikat PH175204001
Bagong Sikat PH175315022
Bagong Sikat (Pob.) PH175104011
Bagong Sikat (Pob.) PH175316005
Bagong Silang PH023114101
Bagong Silang PH030803024
Bagong Silang PH031417002
Bagong Silang PH031421001
Bagong Silang PH034904003
Bagong Silang PH034930003
Bagong Silang PH041006004
Bagong Silang PH041008001
Bagong Silang PH043411002
Bagong Silang PH043413001
Bagong Silang PH043425001
Bagong Silang PH045605002
Bagong Silang PH045607009
Bagong Silang PH045618004
Bagong Silang PH045628004
Bagong Silang PH045638016
Bagong Silang PH045646003
Bagong Silang PH051712001
Bagong Silang PH051727002
Bagong Silang PH083705020
Bagong Silang PH086408024
Bagong Silang PH097209003
Bagong Silang PH097223013
Bagong Silang PH097308047
Bagong Silang PH098307002
Bagong Silang PH098313041
Bagong Silang PH103504031
Bagong Silang PH103505003
Bagong Silang PH104208002
Bagong Silang PH112406003
Bagong Silang PH118202020
Bagong Silang PH118205001
Bagong Silang PH137401002
Bagong Silang PH175215003
Bagong Silang (Bahayang Pag-Asa) PH042109040
Bagong Silang (Marcelo) PH064532002
Bagong Silang (Pob.) PH175316006
Bagong Silang I PH051606005
Bagong Silang II PH051606006
Bagong Silang III (Silang) PH051606049
Bagong Silang Pob. (2nd Zone) PH174005004
Bagong Silang Pob. (Barangay 4) PH045633010
Bagong Silang Pob. (Bgy 5) PH175107010
Bagong Silangan PH137404010
Bagong Sirang PH051728002
Bagong Sirang PH051729002
Bagong Sirang PH051734006
Bagong Sirang PH051735001
Bagong Sirang PH052002003


Science City of Muñoz PH034917000

San Jose City PH034926000
Talavera PH034930000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Lemery PH041012000
Lupi PH051719000
San Jose PH175110000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Narra PH175315000
Lubang PH175104000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Ilagan City PH023114000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Plaridel PH031417000
San Miguel PH031421000
Cabiao PH034904000
Talavera PH034930000
Bauan PH041006000
Calatagan PH041008000
Los Baños PH043411000
Lumban PH043413000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Buenavista PH045605000
Calauag PH045607000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Mulanay PH045628000
Real PH045638000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Pasacao PH051727000
Babatngon PH083705000
Macrohon PH086408000
Piñan PH097209000
Gutalac PH097223000
Dumingag PH097308000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Siay PH098313000
Iligan City PH103504000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Laak PH118202000
Maragusan PH118205000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Victoria PH175215000
Imus City PH042109000
Salvador Benedicto PH064532000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Labo PH051606000
Labo PH051606000
Labo PH051606000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Perez PH045633000
Paluan PH175107000
Quezon City PH137404000
Pili PH051728000
Presentacion PH051729000
Sipocot PH051734000
Siruma PH051735000
Baras PH052002000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagong Sirang PH052008004

Bagong Sirang PH056206003
Bagong Tanza PH023103003
Bagong Tubig PH041007001
Bagong Tubig PH041024002
Bagong Tubig PH042119002
Bagongbanwa PH071245001
Bagongbayan PH060405002
Bagongbayan PH060609043
Bagongbayan PH101306001
Bagongbong PH051722003
Bagongbong PH063007004
Bagongbong PH063017005
Bagongon PH063015006
Bagongon PH086005002
Bagongon PH118201001
Bagongsilang PH101315019
Bagontaas PH101321001
Bagontapay PH124710001
Bagor PH101306002
Bagroy PH064502005
Bagroy PH064503002
Bagsa PH050512003
Bagsa PH086022003
Bagsac PH166813001
Bagsak PH156609003
Bagsak PH156613002
Bagsakan PH063002006
Bagsangan PH056209001
Bagsik PH175901009
Bagsok PH175214001
Bagtas PH042120002
Bagtason PH060604003
Bagtayan PH143208016
Bagte PH082618002
Bagtic PH071213004
Bagtic PH072243003
Bagtic PH064526017
Bagtic PH074613003
Bagtic PH074614003
Bagtic PH074615002
Bagtican PH086407006
Bagting PH034907002
Bagting (Pob.) PH097201048
Bagtingon PH174002002
Bagto PH060408002
Bagtong PH082619004
Bagtu PH037707002
Bagu PH021501002
Bagu PH021518003
Bagu PH141103002
Bagua PH082609002
Bagua PH129804001
Bagua I PH129804006
Bagua II PH129804007
Bagua III PH129804008
Bagubad PH104308004
Baguer PH124705003
Baguhan PH071220003
Baguhan PH071224005


San Andres PH052008000

Castilla PH056206000
Aurora PH023103000
Calaca PH041007000
San Luis PH041024000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tubigon PH071245000
Buruanga PH060405000
Laua-An PH060609000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Minalabac PH051722000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Dueñas PH063017000
Concepcion PH063015000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Compostela PH118201000
Maramag PH101315000
City of Valencia PH101321000
M'Lang PH124710000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Bago City PH064502000
Binalbagan PH064503000
Oas PH050512000
Paranas PH086022000
Madrid PH166813000
Parang PH156609000
Talipao PH156613000
Alimodian PH063002000
Irosin PH056209000
Alcantara PH175901000
Socorro PH175214000
Tanza PH042120000
Bugasong PH060604000
Pasil PH143208000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Catigbian PH071213000
San Remigio PH072243000
Silay City PH064526000
La Libertad PH074613000
Mabinay PH074614000
Manjuyod PH074615000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Buenavista PH174002000
Lezo PH060408000
Salcedo PH082619000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Abulug PH021501000
Pamplona PH021518000
Bakun PH141103000
Guiuan PH082609000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Libungan PH124705000
Dimiao PH071220000
Inabanga PH071224000


Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Baguiangun PH153605002
Baguidbirin PH174005005
Baguiguicon PH103511002
Baguilawa PH041006005
Baguinay PH015525003
Baguinbin PH083740001
Baguindan PH150706017
Baguindoc (Baguinloc) PH036901001
Baguinge PH142703004
Baguingin PH063045004
Baguingin-Lanot PH063002005
Baguio PH045647013
Baguio (Pob.) PH112402007
Baguio Village PH025703004
Baguitan PH097343002
Baguiw PH086024001
Bagumba PH124709005
Bagumbang PH104203003
Bagumbarangay (Pob.) PH043429003
Bagumbayan PH021516003
Bagumbayan PH021528005
Bagumbayan PH025008014
Bagumbayan PH030803001
Bagumbayan PH030811003
Bagumbayan PH031404002
Bagumbayan PH031405001
Bagumbayan PH041031007
Bagumbayan PH043426002
Bagumbayan PH043427003
Bagumbayan PH045801001
Bagumbayan PH045814001
Bagumbayan PH050503004
Bagumbayan PH050508005
Bagumbayan PH050510022
Bagumbayan PH050512004
Bagumbayan PH050518001
Bagumbayan PH051608002
Bagumbayan PH051701003
Bagumbayan PH051706002
Bagumbayan PH051718006
Bagumbayan PH052003002
Bagumbayan PH054105004
Bagumbayan PH054111004
Bagumbayan PH060607006
Bagumbayan PH060611003
Bagumbayan PH060614005
Bagumbayan PH063030008
Bagumbayan PH063040005
Bagumbayan PH063043003
Bagumbayan PH063045005
Bagumbayan PH071229003
Bagumbayan PH071234003
Bagumbayan PH083719004
Bagumbayan PH097214003
Bagumbayan PH112406004
Bagumbayan PH112408019
Bagumbayan PH112410003
Bagumbayan PH112507001
Bagumbayan PH124706005
Bagumbayan PH124714001


Binidayan PH153605000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Bauan PH041006000
Manaoag PH015525000
Palompon PH083740000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Anao PH036901000
Kiangan PH142703000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Alimodian PH063002000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Davao City PH112402000
Diffun PH025703000
Guipos PH097343000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Midsayap PH124709000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Siniloan PH043429000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Tuao PH021528000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Pilar PH030811000
Bocaue PH031404000
Bulacan PH031405000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Angono PH045801000
Teresa PH045814000
Daraga PH050503000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Malinao PH050510000
Oas PH050512000
Tiwi PH050518000
Paracale PH051608000
Baao PH051701000
Bula PH051706000
Libmanan PH051718000
Bato PH052003000
Cataingan PH054105000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Pandan PH060611000
San Remigio PH060614000
Miagao PH063030000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Loboc PH071229000
Pilar PH071234000
Hilongos PH083719000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Malalag PH112408000
Matanao PH112410000
Lupon PH112507000
Magpet PH124706000
Tulunan PH124714000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bagumbayan PH126510001
Bagumbayan PH137404011
Bagumbayan PH137607002
Bagumbayan PH143213004
Bagumbayan PH153631002
Bagumbayan PH153637002
Bagumbayan PH153814001
Bagumbayan PH168503014
Bagumbayan PH064530003
Bagumbayan-Ilajas PH063002007
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH023114011
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH030802001
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH030810002
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH034915016
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH043418001
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH045810001
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH103507001
Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH175212001
Bagumbayan Grande (Pob.) PH051715002
Bagumbayan I PH175203034
Bagumbayan II PH175203035
Bagumbayan Norte PH051724002
Bagumbayan North PH137503002
Bagumbayan Pequeño (Pob.) PH051715003
Bagumbayan Pob. (Bagumbayan-Granada) PH063020003
Bagumbayan Pob. (Bgy. 5) PH042108007
Bagumbayan South PH137503003
Bagumbayan Sur PH051724003
Bagumbong PH045807001
Bagumbong PH153820001
Bagumbuhay PH137404007
Bagunanay PH063046006
Bagunot PH021506009
Bagupaye PH045628005
Bagut PH012809003
Bagutari PH023136004
Bagutong PH148103004
Bagutot PH013303005
Bagyang PH166816001
Baha PH041008002
Baha PH097305002
Bahan PH071224002
Bahao PH051718007
Bahao PH051735002
Bahay PH051711004
Bahay PH051718008
Bahay PH051727003
Bahay PH051733003
Bahay PH072246004
Bahay PH082621002
Bahay PH083701005
Bahay PH083741003
Bahay PH083743002
Bahay PH086016004
Bahay PH086020003
Bahay PH086406003
Bahay Pare PH031412002
Bahay Pare PH035405001
Bahay Toro PH137404012
Bahaybahay PH071241004


President Quirino PH126510000

Quezon City PH137404000
Taguig City PH137607000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Marogong PH153631000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Dinagat PH168503000
Valladolid PH064530000
Alimodian PH063002000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Bagac PH030802000
Orion PH030810000
Llanera PH034915000
Paete PH043418000
Pililla PH045810000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Roxas PH175212000
Goa PH051715000
Bongabong PH175203000
Bongabong PH175203000
Naga City PH051724000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Bagumbayan Pequeno (Pob.) Goa PH051715000
Guimbal PH063020000
City of General Trias PH042108000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Naga City PH051724000
Jala-Jala PH045807000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Quezon City PH137404000
Tubungan PH063046000
Baggao PH021506000
Mulanay PH045628000
Dingras PH012809000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Flora PH148103000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Miguel PH166816000
Calatagan PH041008000
Dimataling PH097305000
Inabanga PH071224000
Libmanan PH051718000
Siruma PH051735000
Caramoan PH051711000
Libmanan PH051718000
Pasacao PH051727000
San Jose PH051733000
Sibonga PH072246000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Abuyog PH083701000
Pastrana PH083741000
San Miguel PH083743000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Liloan PH086406000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Candaba PH035405000
Quezon City PH137404000
Sikatuna PH071241000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bahet PH012919002
Bahi PH051714002
Bahi PH071201001
Bahi PH071230007
Bahi PH118205006
Bahi PH166801002
Bahi PH174003006
Bahi-an PH074621002
Bahian PH071229004
Bahile PH175316008
Bahit PH061909008
Bahit PH061910005
Bahong PH141110004
Bahuyan PH060602003
Bai Sarifinang PH126501001
Baigad PH072209002
Baikingon PH104305002
Bail PH013317002
Bailan PH061912004
Bailan PH166721004
Baimbing PH150702004
Bairan PH072206004
Bairan PH072234002
Bairan PH083743003
Bairan PH074624002
Bairan (Pob.) PH153604004
Baital PH153829001
Baiwas PH150705027
Baja PH086003009
Bajao PH166818005
Baje PH063028012
Baje San Julian PH063013062
Bajumpandan PH074610002
Baka PH153807005
Baka-bakahan PH031415021
Bakabak PH063044013
Bakakeng Central PH141102004
Bakakeng North PH141102005
Bakal PH051608003
Bakal I PH034930004
Bakal II PH034930005
Bakal III PH034930006
Bakat PH153829002
Bakat PH153837001
Bakaw-bakaw PH157009015
Bakero PH034903006
Bakhaw PH063022009
Bakhawan PH072221003
Baki PH097302010
Bakia PH043416002
Bakiad PH051606007
Bakiang PH060618001
Bakid PH074611001
Bakidbakid PH104308005
Bakikis PH153639001
Bakilid PH071220004
Bakilid PH072230002
Baking PH097303001
Baking PH097333001
Bakingking PH160303002


San Ildefonso PH012919000

Garchitorena PH051714000
Alburquerque PH071201000
Loon PH071230000
Maragusan PH118205000
Barobo PH166801000
Gasan PH174003000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
Loboc PH071229000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Panay PH061909000
Panitan PH061910000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Barbaza PH060602000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Bantayan PH072209000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Santa Monica PH166721000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Asturias PH072206000
City of Naga PH072234000
San Miguel PH083743000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Bayang PH153604000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Sumisip PH150705000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Tago PH166818000
Leon PH063028000
Calinog PH063013000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Pandi PH031415000
Sara PH063044000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Paracale PH051608000
Talavera PH034930000
Talavera PH034930000
Talavera PH034930000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Languyan PH157009000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Aurora PH097302000
Majayjay PH043416000
Labo PH051606000
Valderrama PH060618000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Dimiao PH071220000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Bayog PH097303000
Lakewood PH097333000
Esperanza PH160303000


Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bakir PH025003001
Bakitbakit PH015531002
Bakitiw PH015524012
Bakkaan PH156615001
Bakod Bayan PH034903007
Bakong PH156611002
Bakong PH157004001
Bakong PH157009001
Bakud PH156607002
Bakud PH156612001
Bakyawan PH072252006
Bal-ason PH104308006
Bal-loy PH015539001
Bal-Marcoville (Marcoville) PH141102068
Bal-os PH074605002
Bala PH072233002
Bala-as PH074612005
Balaas PH072205004
Balaas PH074615003
Balaba PH050514007
Balabacun PH103514002
Balabag PH060412002
Balabag PH063003003
Balabag PH063012008
Balabag PH063018004
Balabag PH063032003
Balabag PH063036004
Balabag PH063043004
Balabag PH112403002
Balabag PH124704003
Balabag PH064516003
Balabag East PH074623002
Balabag West PH074623003
Balabago PH063002008
Balabago PH063022010
Balabago PH063040006
Balabagon PH050511001
Balabagon PH072233003
Balabak PH124712003
Balabawan PH097338001
Balac-balac PH060606003
Balacag PH015530003
Balacanas PH104326001
Balacayon PH124711003
Balacbaan PH097221008
Balacdas PH082604004
Balacson PH087806002
Balactasan PH060410004
Balading PH050510003
Balading PH175310001
Baladjay PH060614006
Balagan PH015513002
Balagan PH021526003
Balagan PH023131039
Balagao PH021528010
Balagasan PH174001005
Balagatasa PH103512001
Balagawan PH086416002
Balagbag PH025703005
Balagbag PH041002001


Bagabag PH025003000
Rosales PH015531000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Tongkil PH156615000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Patikul PH156611000
Simunul PH157004000
Languyan PH157009000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Siasi PH156612000
Tuburan PH072252000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Baguio City PH141102000
Basay PH074605000
Moalboal PH072233000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Argao PH072205000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Polangui PH050514000
Munai PH103514000
Malay PH060412000
Anilao PH063003000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Dumangas PH063018000
New Lucena PH063032000
Pavia PH063036000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
City of Digos PH112403000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Valencia PH074623000
Valencia PH074623000
Alimodian PH063002000
Iloilo City PH063022000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Manito PH050511000
Moalboal PH072233000
Pikit PH124712000
Pitogo PH097338000
Culasi PH060606000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Villanueva PH104326000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Tampilisan PH097221000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Kawayan PH087806000
Madalag PH060410000
Malinao PH050510000
Cuyo PH175310000
San Remigio PH060614000
Binmaley PH015513000
Santo Niño PH021526000
San Mariano PH023131000
Tuao PH021528000
Boac PH174001000
Maigo PH103512000
Silago PH086416000
Diffun PH025703000
Alitagtag PH041002000


Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balagbag PH041009001
Balagbag PH041023002
Balagbag PH051721003
Balagiao PH063025006
Balagnan PH104302001
Balagñonan PH052006002
Balagon PH082605001
Balagon PH098313002
Balagtas PH041005003
Balagtas PH045649002
Balagtas PH083733001
Balagtas (Pob.) PH030810003
Balagtasan PH150702005
Balagtasin PH041022005
Balagtasin PH041024003
Balagtasin I PH041022006
Balaguen PH175314002
Balagunan PH097219002
Balagunan PH112318001
Balagunun PH153614004
Balagunun PH153634003
Balaigay PH153636005
Balais PH140110003
Balakan PH097213002
Balakbak PH141108001
Balakilong PH041011002
Balala PH175322001
Balaleng PH012903003
Balanac PH043415005
Balanac PH043416004
Balanac PH050508006
Balanac PH063023007
Balanacan PH045649003
Balanacan PH174004003
Balanagan PH097305032
Balanakan PH153806005
Balanakan PH153836003
Balanga PH041010002
Balanga PH041012006
Balangabang PH025010006
Balangao PH098303001
Balangao PH144405002
Balangasan (Pob.) PH097322002
Balangay PH015545002
Balangbalang PH160212002
Balangbang PH142706004
Balangibang PH050514008
Balangigan PH063017006
Balangigay PH101309001
Balangkare Norte PH034909002
Balangkare Sur PH034909003
Balangkas PH137504003
Balangobong PH015503004
Balangobong PH015512001
Balangobong PH015522003
Balangon PH041001004
Balangonan PH118602002
Balanni PH021526004
Balanoy PH036907001
Balansag PH098312001


Cuenca PH041009000
San Juan PH041023000
Milaor PH051721000
Lambunao PH063025000
Balingasag PH104302000
Balagnonan Pandan PH052006000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Siay PH098313000
Batangas City PH041005000
Unisan PH045649000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Orion PH030810000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
San Jose PH041022000
San Luis PH041024000
San Jose PH041022000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Siocon PH097219000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Madamba PH153614000
Maguing PH153634000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Salug PH097213000
Kapangan PH141108000
Laurel PH041011000
Culion PH175322000
Bantay PH012903000
Magdalena PH043415000
Majayjay PH043416000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Janiuay PH063023000
Unisan PH045649000
Mogpog PH174004000
Dimataling PH097305000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Ibaan PH041010000
Lemery PH041012000
Kayapa PH025010000
Diplahan PH098303000
Natonin PH144405000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Remedios T. Romualdez PH160212000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Polangui PH050514000
Dueñas PH063017000
Kitaotao PH101309000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Binalonan PH015512000
Lingayen PH015522000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Santo Niño PH021526000
La Paz PH036907000
Roseller Lim PH098312000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balansay PH175106001
Balantacan PH035408001
Balantad-Carlos Fruto (Pob.) PH063020004
Balantang PH063022011
Balantay PH054108001
Balante PH034908019
Balante PH034917002
Balante PH083725004
Balante PH086002017
Balanti PH036916008
Balanti-an PH063005003
Balanting PH150713002
Balantoy PH143201002
Balao PH072210003
Balao PH083708005
Balao PH083710004
Balao PH175101001
Balaoa PH144410002
Balaoang PH036910005
Balaoc PH013317003
Balaogan PH051706003
Balaoi PH012815004
Balaong PH031421002
Balaoro PH101306003
Balaquid PH087803001
Balaring PH034909004
Balaring PH061905003
Balaring PH174001006
Balaring PH064526001
Balas PH035404001
Balas PH035413003
Balas PH041030003
Balas PH097205002
Balas PH097302011
Balas PH150702006
Balasbas PH050511002
Balasi PH148103005
Balasiao PH112406005
Balasig PH023106004
Balasing PH031423002
Balasinon PH112414001
Balat-an PH061908002
Balat-balud PH084803003
Balat Atis PH045641003
Balatacan PH104215002
Balatakan PH097220001
Balatakan PH097222008
Balatanay PH099701004
Balatas PH051724004
Balatasan PH051708001
Balatasan PH175204002
Balatbat PH041015002
Balatero PH175211002
Balatguti PH086018001
Balatican PH124712004
Balaticon PH063013011
Balatin PH153630002
Balatoc PH143208002
Balatohan PH052009001
Balaton PH051717005


Mamburao PH175106000
Lubao PH035408000
Guimbal PH063020000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Dimasalang PH054108000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Julita PH083725000
Basey PH086002000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Balasan PH063005000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000
Balbalan PH143201000
Barili PH072210000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Burauen PH083710000
Abra de Ilog PH175101000
Tadian PH144410000
Paniqui PH036910000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Bula PH051706000
Pagudpud PH012815000
San Miguel PH031421000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Ivisan PH061905000
Boac PH174001000
Silay City PH064526000
Bacolor PH035404000
Mexico PH035413000
Talisay PH041030000
Labason PH097205000
Aurora PH097302000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Manito PH050511000
Flora PH148103000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Cabagan PH023106000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Sulop PH112414000
Mambusao PH061908000
Bobon PH084803000
San Antonio PH045641000
Tangub City PH104215000
Sirawai PH097220000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Naga City PH051724000
Calabanga PH051708000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Lobo PH041015000
Puerto Galera PH175211000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Pikit PH124712000
Calinog PH063013000
Wao PH153630000
Pasil PH143208000
San Miguel PH052009000
Lagonoy PH051717000


Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B

Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balatong A PH031418001
Balatong B PH031418002
Balatson PH083710005
Balatubat PH021509002
Balatucan PH054113003
Balatucan PH061910006
Balatucan PH175907002
Balatungkayo (Batungkayo) PH153822001
Balauini PH021504011
Balawag PH143213005
Balawag PH153634005
Balawarte PH013301002
Balaweg PH012913001
Balawing PH054101005
Balawis PH142701021
Balaya PH015532008
Balayagmanok PH074603001
Balayagmanok PH074623004
Balayang PH015503005
Balayang PH036917002
Balaybalay PH045627004
Balaybay PH037104001
Balaybuaya PH015511011
Balaygtiki PH072224001
Balayhangin PH043406001
Balaynan PH051715004
Balayong PH015532009
Balayong PH031410006
Balayong PH041006006
Balayong PH043416005
Balayong PH043417004
Balayong PH074616002
Balaytigui PH041019002
Balbagan PH086022004
Balbagon PH101804003
Balbalan PH071220005
Balbalan Proper PH143201003
Balbalasang PH143201004
Balbalayang PH013315004
Balbalayang (Pob.) PH012931008
Balbaldez PH012803005
Balbalino PH034911005
Balballosa PH013316004
Balbaloto PH036917003
Balbalungao PH034916008
Balcon Maravilla PH067902005
Balcon Melliza PH067902006
Baldat PH175322002
Baldatal Islam PH157010001
Baldios PH036915001
Baldoc PH052006003
Baldog PH015532010
Baldoza PH063022012
Baldoza PH083720003
Balecbec PH013311007
Baleguian PH160205001
Balele PH041031008
Balelleng PH023136005
Balenciagao Sur PH143208015
Balengaeng PH112402009


Pulilan PH031418000
Pulilan PH031418000
Burauen PH083710000
Calayan PH021509000
Mobo PH054113000
Panitan PH061910000
Looc PH175907000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Amulung PH021504000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Maguing PH153634000
Agoo PH013301000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Aroroy PH054101000
Banaue PH142701000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Bacong PH074603000
Valencia PH074623000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Victoria PH036917000
Mauban PH045627000
Castillejos PH037104000
Bayambang PH015511000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Calauan PH043406000
Goa PH051715000
San Carlos City PH015532000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Bauan PH041006000
Majayjay PH043416000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Pamplona PH074616000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Paranas PH086022000
Mambajao PH101804000
Dimiao PH071220000
Balbalan PH143201000
Balbalan PH143201000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Sugpon PH012931000
Badoc PH012803000
Guimba PH034911000
San Juan PH013316000
Victoria PH036917000
Lupao PH034916000
Jordan PH067902000
Jordan PH067902000
Culion PH175322000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Pandan PH052006000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Hindang PH083720000
Naguilian PH013311000
Jabonga PH160205000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Pasil PH143208000
Davao City PH112402000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bales PH128004002
Balesin PH045636003
Balet PH112317005
Balete PH025006002
Balete PH025010024
Balete PH025012014
Balete PH036916009
Balete PH041005004
Balete PH041025002
Balete PH054101006
Balete PH056216038
Balete PH124706049
Balete PH175206004
Balete (Pob.) PH166802002
Baleyadaan PH015503008
Balhaan PH072207002
Balian PH043421001
Balian PH098311001
Baliang PH072223001
Baliango PH126509003
Balibadon PH166808001
Balibagan PH063021007
Balibagan Este PH063043005
Balibagan Oeste PH063043006
Balibago PH035401003
Balibago PH035412004
Balibago PH041008003
Balibago PH041013003
Balibago PH041015003
Balibago PH041021004
Balibago PH043428002
Balibago PH045607010
Balibago PH045806002
Balibago I PH036916010
Balibago II PH036916011
Balibayon PH166724006
Balicotoc PH064513002
Balicua PH063046008
Balicuatro PH084811001
Balidbid PH012916003
Balidbid PH072244009
Balide PH097302012
Baligang PH050502002
Baligang PH050508007
Baligat PH012805003
Baligatan PH023114013
Baligayan PH015537002
Balighot PH061907004
Baligtang PH156618001
Baliguian PH051729003
Baliis PH174005006
Balijuagan PH061914003
Baliki PH124709006
Balikyas PH175103003
Balila PH101310003
Balili PH071225002
Balili PH103505004
Balili PH141110005
Balili PH141111001
Balili PH144404003


Maasim PH128004000
Polillo PH045636000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Diadi PH025006000
Kayapa PH025010000
Santa Fe PH025012000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Batangas City PH041005000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Aroroy PH054101000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Magpet PH124706000
Gloria PH175206000
Bayabas PH166802000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Badian PH072207000
Pangil PH043421000
Payao PH098311000
Danao City PH072223000
Palimbang PH126509000
Cortes PH166808000
Igbaras PH063021000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Angeles City PH035401000
Masantol PH035412000
Calatagan PH041008000
Lian PH041013000
Lobo PH041015000
Rosario PH041021000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Calauag PH045607000
Cardona PH045806000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Surigao City PH166724000
Ilog PH064513000
Tubungan PH063046000
Lavezares PH084811000
Salcedo PH012916000
Santa Fe PH072244000
Aurora PH097302000
Camalig PH050502000
City of Ligao PH050508000
City of Batac PH012805000
Ilagan City PH023114000
San Quintin PH015537000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Pandami PH156618000
Presentacion PH051729000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Roxas City PH061914000
Midsayap PH124709000
Looc PH175103000
Lantapan PH101310000
Jagna PH071225000
Kapatagan PH103505000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Mankayan PH141111000
Bontoc PH144404000


Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balili PH074623005
Baliling PH025012003
Balilit PH083715001
Balilit PH083717003
Balimbing PH041007003
Balimbing PH041026003
Balimbing PH043417005
Balimbing PH174001007
Balimbing Proper PH157001001
Balimbingan PH097330005
Balimbingan (Pob.) PH043413002
Balimbingan (West Luya) PH097312003
Balinacon PH043417006
Balinad PH050503005
Balinad PH050514009
Balinarin PH045618005
Balincaguing PH037110003
Balinciagao Norte PH143208003
Balindog PH124704004
Balingaoan PH012906010
Balingasa PH137404013
Balingasag PH061901005
Balingasag PH063017007
Balingasag PH082617003
Balingasag PH083746003
Balingasag PH064502006
Balingasan PH098313005
Balingasao PH071247005
Balingasay PH015514002
Balingayan PH175205001
Balingcanaway PH015531003
Balingcanaway PH036916012
Balingit PH021518004
Balingog East PH034911006
Balingog West PH034911007
Balingueo PH015538002
Balinsasayao PH083701006
Balintad PH101301001
Balintad PH103514003
Balintad PH104318002
Balintad PH153609002
Balintad PH153614003
Balintad A PH153609032
Balintao PH153634006
Balintaugan PH144402004
Balintawak PH041014009
Balintawak PH071243002
Balintawak PH097302013
Balintawak PH097317001
Balintawak PH097322003
Balintawak PH101308003
Balintawak PH104210005
Balintawak (Pob.) PH064509002
Balintocatoc PH023135003
Balintonga PH104201001
Balioeg PH012811001
Baliok PH112402010
Balire PH083706004
Balire PH083750002
Balirong PH072234003


Valencia PH074623000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Carigara PH083715000
Dagami PH083717000
Calaca PH041007000
San Pascual PH041026000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Boac PH174001000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Tukuran PH097330000
Lumban PH043413000
Labangan PH097312000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Daraga PH050503000
Polangui PH050514000
Guinayangan PH045618000
San Felipe PH037110000
Pasil PH143208000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
City of Candon PH012906000
Quezon City PH137404000
Cuartero PH061901000
Dueñas PH063017000
Oras PH082617000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Bago City PH064502000
Siay PH098313000
Valencia PH071247000
Bolinao PH015514000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Rosales PH015531000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Pamplona PH021518000
Guimba PH034911000
Guimba PH034911000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Abuyog PH083701000
Baungon PH101301000
Munai PH103514000
Manticao PH104318000
Ganassi PH153609000
Madamba PH153614000
Ganassi PH153609000
Maguing PH153634000
Bauko PH144402000
Lipa City PH041014000
Talibon PH071243000
Aurora PH097302000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Kibawe PH101308000
Ozamis City PH104210000
City of Escalante PH064509000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Aloran PH104201000
Banna PH012811000
Davao City PH112402000
Barugo PH083706000
Tunga PH083750000
City of Naga PH072234000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balisong PH041029002
Balisong PH072205005
Balit PH061908003
Balit PH160309008
Balite PH015524013
Balite PH025002018
Balite PH031407001
Balite PH031410007
Balite PH031421003
Balite PH034903008
Balite PH036911001
Balite PH041024004
Balite PH050504002
Balite PH052011003
Balite PH083751002
Balite PH084818003
Balite PH084819004
Balite PH087806017
Balite PH101805003
Balite PH166719002
Balite PH175205002
Balite PH175208068
Balite (Pob.) PH045808001
Balite I PH042118003
Balite II PH042118004
Balite Sur PH015532011
Baliti PH035403002
Baliti PH035416002
Balitoc PH041008004
Balitoc PH043408004
Baliton PH128002001
Baliuag PH021519003
Baliuag Nuevo PH051722004
Baliuag Viejo PH051722005
Baliungan PH157007002
Baliw PH012920002
Baliw PH012930003
Baliw PH083719005
Baliw Daya PH012926004
Baliw Laud PH012926005
Baliwag PH042112001
Baliwagan PH104302003
Baliwagan PH064525002
Baliwagan (Pob.) PH072208027
Baliwanan PH148104002
Baliwasan PH097332004
Ballacayu PH023133003
Ballacong PH023114014
Ballag PH015508004
Ballaigui (Pob.) PH012930002
Ballak PH157007044
Ballang PH021508001
Ballay PH013307005
Ballay PH141107003
Ballayangon PH143209006
Ballesteros PH023103004
Balliao PH023104030
Balligi PH015548021
Balligui PH025704003
Balloc PH036913001


Taal PH041029000
Argao PH072205000
Mambusao PH061908000
San Luis PH160309000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Aritao PH025002000
Calumpit PH031407000
City of Malolos PH031410000
San Miguel PH031421000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Pura PH036911000
San Luis PH041024000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Virac PH052011000
Villaba PH083751000
San Isidro PH084818000
San Jose PH084819000
Kawayan PH087806000
Sagay PH101805000
San Francisco PH166719000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Naujan PH175208000
Rodriguez PH045808000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Arayat PH035403000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Calatagan PH041008000
Famy PH043408000
Glan PH128002000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Minalabac PH051722000
Minalabac PH051722000
Tandubas PH157007000
San Juan PH012920000
Sinait PH012930000
Hilongos PH083719000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Magallanes PH042112000
Balingasag PH104302000
San Enrique PH064525000
Balamban PH072208000
Kabugao PH148104000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
San Pablo PH023133000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Bani PH015508000
Sinait PH012930000
Tandubas PH157007000
Buguey PH021508000
Bauang PH013307000
Kabayan PH141107000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Aurora PH023103000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Laoac PH015548000
Maddela PH025704000
San Clemente PH036913000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ballogo PH013303006
Balloscas PH060607007
Balluay PH141112003
Balluyan PH148103006
Balnasan PH084820001
Balnate PH112407002
Balobo PH045620008
Balobo PH150702007
Baloboan PH097307005
Baloc PH034929002
Balocawe PH054108002
Balocawe PH056212001
Balocawe PH083701007
Balocawe PH086007002
Balocawe PH086024002
Balocawe (Pob.) PH082617004
Balocawehay PH083701008
Balococ PH015522004
Balococ PH015532012
Baloganon PH037106001
Balogo PH015513003
Balogo PH050512005
Balogo PH051727004
Balogo PH061911001
Balogo PH082603001
Balogo PH086015005
Balogo PH098311021
Balogo PH124711004
Balogo PH174001008
Balogo PH174005007
Balogo PH175303001
Balogo PH175902001
Balogo PH175904001
Balogo PH074611002
Balogo (Bacon District) PH056216039
Balogo (Sorsogon East District) PH056216003
Balok PH097203001
Balok PH097215001
Balok PH097218057
Balolang PH076102002
Baloling PH015528004
Balolong PH076101001
Balombon PH051708002
Balon PH104216001
Balon-Anito PH030807013
Balonai PH097318040
Balong PH124712005
Balong PH143213006
Balong PH153806006
Balong PH153834001
Balong-balong PH097338002
Balong-Bato PH137405002
Balong Bato PH137404135
Balonga-as PH086020004
Balongating PH097343003
Balongay PH051708003
Balongbalong PH086411002
Balonkan PH097220002
Baloog PH086002004
Balorinay PH083710006


Bacnotan PH013303000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Sablan PH141112000
Flora PH148103000
San Roque PH084820000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Infanta PH045620000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Matnog PH056212000
Abuyog PH083701000
Gandara PH086007000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Oras PH082617000
Abuyog PH083701000
Lingayen PH015522000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Masinloc PH037106000
Binmaley PH015513000
Oas PH050512000
Pasacao PH051727000
Pilar PH061911000
Balangkayan PH082603000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Payao PH098311000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Boac PH174001000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Araceli PH175303000
Banton PH175902000
Calatrava PH175904000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Katipunan PH097203000
Siayan PH097215000
Sindangan PH097218000
Larena PH076102000
Mapandan PH015528000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Calabanga PH051708000
Tudela PH104216000
Mariveles PH030807000
Midsalip PH097318000
Pikit PH124712000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Pitogo PH097338000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Quezon City PH137404000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Guipos PH097343000
Calabanga PH051708000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Sirawai PH097220000
Basey PH086002000
Burauen PH083710000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Baloy PH034906001
Baloyboan PH097322004
Balsaan PH013317004
Balsahan PH042115002
Balsahan-Bisita PH042111014
Balsain PH025008015
Balsic PH030805004
Balsigan PH141102007
Baluan PH126303003
Baluarte PH012916004
Baluarte PH023135004
Baluarte PH071209004
Baluarte PH104324001
Balubad PH031405002
Balubad PH035415004
Balubad PH042118005
Balubad PH043413003
Balubad PH045603002
Balubal PH045645002
Balubal PH104305004
Balubo PH097211001
Balubo PH160303033
Balubohan PH097212020
Balubuan PH097220003
Balucanad PH083714001
Balucanan PH098313001
Balucuan PH061902004
Balucuan PH061916003
Balucuc PH035402001
Balud PH060607008
Balud PH063018005
Balud PH072222003
Balud PH072241002
Balud PH082604005
Balud PH082619005
Balud PH083706005
Balud PH083714002
Balud PH083748005
Balud PH084820002
Balud PH084822001
Balud PH086016005
Balud (Pob.) PH082601002
Balud (Pob.) PH086003010
Balud Del Norte (Pob.) PH056208003
Balud Del Sur (Pob.) PH056208004
Balud I PH063047002
Balud II PH063047003
Balud Lilo-an PH063047001
Balug PH023137007
Baluga PH034930008
Balugan PH144409006
Balugang PH012904002
Balugo PH083703002
Balugo PH083714003
Balugo PH083717057
Balugo PH084810001
Balugo PH086020005
Balugo PH097328005
Balugo PH098304015
Balugo PH175207002


Cuyapo PH034906000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Naic PH042115000
Kawit PH042111000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Hermosa PH030805000
Baguio City PH141102000
General Santos City PH126303000
Salcedo PH012916000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Buenavista PH071209000
Tagoloan PH104324000
Bulacan PH031405000
Porac PH035415000
Silang PH042118000
Lumban PH043413000
Atimonan PH045603000
Sariaya PH045645000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Esperanza PH160303000
Rizal PH097212000
Sirawai PH097220000
Capoocan PH083714000
Siay PH098313000
Dao PH061902000
Sigma PH061916000
Apalit PH035402000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Dumangas PH063018000
Dalaguete PH072222000
San Fernando PH072241000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Salcedo PH082619000
Barugo PH083706000
Capoocan PH083714000
Tanauan PH083748000
San Roque PH084820000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Arteche PH082601000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Gubat PH056208000
Gubat PH056208000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Tumauini PH023137000
Talavera PH034930000
Sagada PH144409000
Burgos PH012904000
Albuera PH083703000
Capoocan PH083714000
Dagami PH083717000
Las Navas PH084810000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Tambulig PH097328000
Imelda PH098304000
Mansalay PH175207000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Balugo PH074610003
Balugo PH074620003
Balugo PH074623006
Balugohin PH045603003
Baluk PH104215051
Baluk-baluk PH041025003
Baluk-baluk PH150712001
Balukbahan PH097303002
Balukbukan PH101309002
Balulang PH104305005
Balumbunan PH097303003
Balungag PH072241003
Balungagan PH160207015
Balungao PH031407002
Balungay PH045602003
Balungay PH045631001
Balungcanag PH021521004
Balungis PH124712006
Balungisan PH098304016
Balungisan PH098311002
Baluno PH097225001
Baluno PH097305005
Baluno PH097332005
Baluno PH098309003
Baluno PH099701005
Balunokan PH097215023
Balunos PH063003004
Baluntay PH128001003
Baluntaya PH118601007
Baluran PH098316001
Balusbos PH060405003
Balusbus PH060412003
Balut PH153601004
Balut PH153631001
Balut PH153824001
Balut (Pob.) PH030809002
Balut (Pob.) PH030810004
Balut I PH030811005
Balut II PH030811006
Balut Maito PH153605003
Balutakay PH112404002
Balutmadiar PH153626019
Balutu PH036905003
Baluyan PH063012009
Baluyan PH098304002
Baluyot PH015510021
Balwan (Bulan) PH126509042
Balza PH021508002
Balza PH050510004
Bambad PH126504003
Bamban PH015520002
Bamban PH030805005
Bamban PH036913002
Bamban PH037106002
Bamban PH045619004
Bamban PH045646004
Bamban PH050511003
Bamban PH174001010
Bambanaba PH034906002
Bambanay PH013316005


Dumaguete City PH074610000

Sibulan PH074620000
Valencia PH074623000
Atimonan PH045603000
Tangub City PH104215000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Hadji Muhtamad PH150712000
Bayog PH097303000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bayog PH097303000
San Fernando PH072241000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Calumpit PH031407000
Alabat PH045602000
Panukulan PH045631000
Rizal PH021521000
Pikit PH124712000
Imelda PH098304000
Payao PH098311000
Godod PH097225000
Dimataling PH097305000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Naga PH098309000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Siayan PH097215000
Anilao PH063003000
Alabel PH128001000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Tungawan PH098316000
Buruanga PH060405000
Malay PH060412000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Marogong PH153631000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Orani PH030809000
Orion PH030810000
Pilar PH030811000
Pilar PH030811000
Binidayan PH153605000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Tamparan PH153626000
Concepcion PH036905000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Imelda PH098304000
Bautista PH015510000
Palimbang PH126509000
Buguey PH021508000
Malinao PH050510000
Isulan PH126504000
Infanta PH015520000
Hermosa PH030805000
San Clemente PH036913000
Masinloc PH037106000
Gumaca PH045619000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Manito PH050511000
Boac PH174001000
Cuyapo PH034906000
San Juan PH013316000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bambanen PH126509036
Bambang PH031404003
Bambang PH031405003
Bambang PH035405002
Bambang PH041007004
Bambang PH043411003
Bambang PH043417007
Bambang PH137403003
Bambang PH137607003
Bambanin PH175215005
Bambong Daku PH097323002
Bambong Diut PH097323003
Ban-ag PH063002009
Ban-ag PH063043007
Ban-Ao PH054117002
Ban-as PH166811003
Ban-ban PH074602006
Bana-ao PH086016006
Banaag PH082609003
Banaag At Pag-Asa (Pob.) PH175104012
Banaao PH144410003
Banaba PH036902002
Banaba PH036916013
Banaba PH041020001
Banaba PH041026004
Banaba PH042118055
Banaba PH045811012
Banaba PH153828001
Banaba (Pob.) PH043408005
Banaba Center PH041005006
Banaba Cerca PH042110003
Banaba Ibaba PH041005009
Banaba Kanluran PH041005007
Banaba Lejos PH042110004
Banaba Silangan PH041005008
Banabahin Ibaba PH045622003
Banabahin Ilaya PH045622004
Banaban PH015511012
Banaban PH031401001
Bañacao PH140101003
Banacon PH071226002
Banacud PH056211006
Banadero PH041031005
Banadero PH043405002
Bañadero PH045636004
Bañadero PH050503006
Banadero (Pob.) PH104210002
Bañag PH050503007
Banaga PH015515003
Banagan PH063028013
Banagbanag PH118208001
Banagbanag PH160314003
Banago PH043417008
Banago PH060605003
Banago PH153602002
Banago PH064501003
Banah PH150706018
Banahao PH054108003
Banahao PH071224007
Banahao PH082609004


Palimbang PH126509000
Bocaue PH031404000
Bulacan PH031405000
Candaba PH035405000
Calaca PH041007000
Los Baños PH043411000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Taguig City PH137607000
Victoria PH175215000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Alimodian PH063002000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Placer PH054117000
Lianga PH166811000
Ayungon PH074602000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Guiuan PH082609000
Lubang PH175104000
Tadian PH144410000
Bamban PH036902000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
San Pascual PH041026000
Silang PH042118000
San Mateo PH045811000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Famy PH043408000
Batangas City PH041005000
Indang PH042110000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Indang PH042110000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Bayambang PH015511000
Angat PH031401000
Banacao Bangued PH140101000
Getafe PH071226000
Magallanes PH056211000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Banadero Polillo PH045636000
Banadero Daraga PH050503000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Banag Daraga PH050503000
Bugallon PH015515000
Leon PH063028000
Montevista PH118208000
Sibagat PH160314000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Caluya PH060605000
Balabagan PH153602000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Inabanga PH071224000
Guiuan PH082609000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banahao PH083708006
Banahao PH086402001
Banahao PH166811002
Banahaw PH128007004
Banahaw Pob. (3rd Zone) PH174005008
Banale PH097322005
Banali PH126512001
Banalo PH041015004
Banalo PH042103003
Bananao PH144406003
Banangan PH141112004
Banao PH025010007
Banao PH050501002
Banao PH050504003
Banao PH050512008
Banao PH112501002
Banao PH142701007
Banao PH142706005
Banao PH144402005
Banao PH144405003
Banaoang PH012903004
Banaoang PH012922002
Banaoang PH015517003
Banaoang PH015526004
Banaoang PH015538003
Banaoang East PH036909004
Banaoang West PH036909005
Banase PH054102002
Banat-e PH083742001
Banate PH061912005
Banate PH128007005
Banatin PH153812003
Banawal PH144405004
Banawan (Binawan) PH050513005
Banawang PH015524014
Banawang PH030802002
Banawang PH052003003
Banawang PH083750003
Banawe PH074616003
Banawon PH060608003
Banay PH012924004
Banayad PH042114019
Banayal PH124714002
Banaybanay PH041014010
Banaybanay PH041020002
Banaybanay PH042102001
Banaybanay PH043404002
Banaybanay PH060413001
Banaybanay PH074606002
Banaybanay I PH041022007
Banaybanay II PH041022008
Banayon PH083717004
Banban PH012804003
Banban PH056207003
Banban PH060609002
Banban PH063009003
Banban PH063025007
Banban PH067901003
Banban PH071220006
Banban PH071227001


City of Baybay PH083708000

Bontoc PH086402000
Lianga PH166811000
Malungon PH128007000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Lobo PH041015000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Paracelis PH144406000
Sablan PH141112000
Kayapa PH025010000
Bacacay PH050501000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Oas PH050512000
Baganga PH112501000
Banaue PH142701000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Bauko PH144402000
Natonin PH144405000
Bantay PH012903000
Santa PH012922000
Calasiao PH015517000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Moncada PH036909000
Moncada PH036909000
Baleno PH054102000
San Isidro PH083742000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Malungon PH128007000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Natonin PH144405000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Bagac PH030802000
Bato PH052003000
Tunga PH083750000
Pamplona PH074616000
Hamtic PH060608000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Mendez PH042114000
Tulunan PH124714000
Lipa City PH041014000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Amadeo PH042102000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Malinao PH060413000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
San Jose PH041022000
San Jose PH041022000
Dagami PH083717000
Bangui PH012804000
Donsol PH056207000
Laua-An PH060609000
Batad PH063009000
Lambunao PH063025000
Buenavista PH067901000
Dimiao PH071220000
Lila PH071227000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banban PH072206005
Banban PH072211004
Banban PH076106001
Banban PH148102018
Banban PH166725003
Banban PH074614005
Banban Grande PH063013012
Banban Pequeño PH063013013
Banbanaal PH012902002
Banbanaba PH012925005
Banbanan PH060614007
Banbanan PH063030009
Banbanan PH097201005
Banbanan PH097211018
Banbanan PH097221009
Banbanan PH175320002
Banbanon PH118202002
Banbanon PH166719003
Banca-banca PH031422002
Banca-banca PH043417009
Banca-banca PH043430001
Bancaan PH042115003
Bancagan PH013311008
Bancal PH031412003
Bancal PH035407002
Bancal PH037101025
Bancal PH042104001
Bancal PH063002010
Bancal PH063014004
Bancal Pugad PH035408003
Bancal Sinubli PH035408002
Bancalaan PH175304003
Bancao-bancao PH175316009
Bancasan PH072243004
Bancasi PH160202016
Bancay 1st PH036903006
Bancay 2nd PH036903007
Banco PH054115003
Bancod PH042110005
Bancoro PH041025004
Bancuro PH175208008
Bandang PH156613003
Bandara-Ingud PH153637003
Bandara Ingud PH153620005
Banday PH103516003
Banday PH153615080
Banday (Pob.) PH086418002
Bandera PH097210002
Bandera PH112317006
Bandera Buisan PH153627003
Banderahan (Upper Ginopolan) PH071247035
Bandi PH056207004
Bandila PH064529001
Banding PH015530004
Bandingun PH153604005
Bandoja (Lupa-an) PH060617003
Bandril PH012913002
Banengbeng PH141112005
Banga PH012931001
Banga PH031412004


Asturias PH072206000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Siquijor PH076106000
Conner PH148102000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Mabinay PH074614000
Calinog PH063013000
Banban Pequeno Calinog PH063013000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
San Remigio PH060614000
Miagao PH063030000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Taytay PH175320000
Laak PH118202000
San Francisco PH166719000
San Rafael PH031422000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Victoria PH043430000
Naic PH042115000
Naguilian PH013311000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Guagua PH035407000
Botolan PH037101000
Carmona PH042104000
Alimodian PH063002000
Carles PH063014000
Lubao PH035408000
Lubao PH035408000
Balabac PH175304000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
San Remigio PH072243000
Butuan City PH160202000
Camiling PH036903000
Camiling PH036903000
Palanas PH054115000
Indang PH042110000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Naujan PH175208000
Talipao PH156613000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Malabang PH153615000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Polanco PH097210000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Taraka PH153627000
Valencia PH071247000
Donsol PH056207000
Toboso PH064529000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Bayang PH153604000
Tibiao PH060617000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Sablan PH141112000
Sugpon PH012931000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banga PH041030004
Banga PH051737004
Banga PH063030010
Banga PH142704003
Banga PH153617006
Banga PH153630003
Banga PH064506002
Banga PH074606003
Banga PH074622003
Banga-an PH061910007
Banga-Pantar PH153616105
Banga Caves PH051730006
Banga I PH031417003
Banga II PH031417004
Bangaan PH025013002
Bangaan PH103506001
Bangaan PH142701003
Bangaan PH144409007
Bangac PH063031005
Bangad PH023134001
Bangad PH034903009
Bangad PH045804001
Bangad PH054112002
Bangad Centro PH143215003
Bangag PH021505002
Bangag PH021516004
Bangag PH021527003
Bangag PH023114015
Bangahan PH101316003
Bangahon PH086007093
Bangal PH030804002
Bangalan PH156601002
Bangalaw PH156615002
Bangan PH021522001
Bangan PH037101001
Bangan-Oda PH015501003
Banganan PH025002001
Banganon PH097223001
Bangantalinga PH037105004
Bangao PH141105006
Bangaoilan East PH013306004
Bangaoilan West PH013306005
Bangar PH013313005
Bangar PH025013003
Bangar PH036917004
Bangar PH142707001
Bangas (Pob.) PH156606012
Bangatan Ngagan PH021513006
Bangate PH056202004
Bangayan PH160206001
Bangbang PH072220002
Bangbang PH101307001
Bangbang PH104319001
Bangbang PH124708004
Bangbang PH142702004
Bangbang PH174003007
Bangbang PH175209003
Bangbangalon PH174001009
Bangbangar PH012904003
Bangbangar PH140101004


Talisay PH041030000
Tinambac PH051737000
Miagao PH063030000
Lagawe PH142704000
Marawi City PH153617000
Wao PH153630000
Candoni PH064506000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Tayasan PH074622000
Panitan PH061910000
Marantao PH153616000
Ragay PH051730000
Plaridel PH031417000
Plaridel PH031417000
Solano PH025013000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Banaue PH142701000
Sagada PH144409000
Mina PH063031000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Binangonan PH045804000
Milagros PH054112000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Aparri PH021505000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Solana PH021527000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Gandara PH086007000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Indanan PH156601000
Tongkil PH156615000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Botolan PH037101000
Agno PH015501000
Aritao PH025002000
Gutalac PH097223000
Iba PH037105000
Buguias PH141105000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Rosario PH013313000
Solano PH025013000
Victoria PH036917000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Hadji Panglima Tahil PH156606000
Gattaran PH021513000
Barcelona PH056202000
Kitcharao PH160206000
Cordova PH072220000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Medina PH104319000
Matalam PH124708000
Hungduan PH142702000
Gasan PH174003000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Boac PH174001000
Burgos PH012904000
Bangued PH140101000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bangbangcag PH140103002
Bangbangolan PH013314004
Bangcagan PH140103003
Bangcal PH083751031
Bangcal PH103523001
Bangcal PH074612006
Bangcal (Pob.) PH175302008
Bangcal (Pob.) PH175310002
Bangcas A PH086403003
Bangcas B PH086403004
Bangco PH037707003
Bangco PH043407002
Bangco PH098315002
Bangco PH103506002
Bangco PH103513002
Bangco PH103515002
Bangco PH153617007
Bangco (Pob.) PH153621003
Bangcogon PH072235002
Bangcol PH037113003
Bangcu PH036902003
Bangcuang PH150706038
Bangcuangan PH174005009
Bangcud PH101312002
Bangculasi PH137503004
Bangcuro PH043417010
Bangcusay PH013314005
Bangday PH156607003
Banggolo Poblacion PH153617008
Banggot (Pob.) PH025004007
Bangiawon PH050512009
Bangilan PH124703002
Bangin PH041001006
Bangin PH041025005
Bangkal PH030801001
Bangkal PH031410008
Bangkal PH031413003
Bangkal PH063045006
Bangkal PH112410004
Bangkal PH124706006
Bangkal PH137602001
Bangkal PH156611003
Bangkal PH175110004
Bangkas Heights PH112402012
Bangkatan PH175201002
Bangkaw-bangkaw PH098307003
Bangkaw-bangkaw PH098309020
Bangkerohan PH084805076
Bangkerohan PH098305002
Bangkilay PH156608003
Bangkilingan PH050517003
Bangkito PH072252007
Bangko PH103502005
Bangko PH104211002
Bangkuruhan PH045607011
Bangkusay (Pob.) PH043418002
Bangladan PH063030011
Banglasan PH118208002
Banglay PH104215003
Banglay PH104313001


Bucay PH140103000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Bucay PH140103000
Villaba PH083751000
Pantar PH103523000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Agutaya PH175302000
Cuyo PH175310000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Cavinti PH043407000
Titay PH098315000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Matungao PH103513000
Nunungan PH103515000
Marawi City PH153617000
Piagapo PH153621000
Oslob PH072235000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Bamban PH036902000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Marawi City PH153617000
Bambang PH025004000
Oas PH050512000
Kabacan PH124703000
Agoncillo PH041001000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Abucay PH030801000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Matanao PH112410000
Magpet PH124706000
City of Makati PH137602000
Patikul PH156611000
San Jose PH175110000
Davao City PH112402000
Baco PH175201000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Naga PH098309000
Catarman PH084805000
Ipil PH098305000
Pangutaran PH156608000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Tuburan PH072252000
Baloi PH103502000
Panaon PH104211000
Calauag PH045607000
Paete PH043418000
Miagao PH063030000
Montevista PH118208000
Tangub City PH104215000
Lagonglong PH104313000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banglayan PH012914005
Banglolao PH140103004
Banglos PH045617002
Bangon PH051719006
Bangon PH054101007
Bangon PH082603002
Bangon PH082621003
Bangon PH083748006
Bangon PH084807002
Bangon PH084814003
Bangon PH086005003
Bangon PH086013001
Bangon PH086026001
Bangon PH153617009
Bangon PH153619002
Bangon PH153622002
Bangon PH153626002
Bangon PH153633003
Bangon PH175909004
Bangon (Dilausan) PH153641001
Bangon (Pob.) PH153620006
Bangon Gote PH086020007
Bangon Proper PH153633033
Bangonay PH160205002
Bangonbangon PH061916004
Bangsar PH012811002
Bangsud PH166818006
Bangtinon PH142709002
Banguian PH021501003
Banguit PH063012010
Banguitan PH144403003
Bangwalog PH071221004
Bangwayin PH174006001
Bangyas PH043406002
Banhal PH142706006
Banhigan PH072207003
Banhigan PH072222004
Bani PH012802001
Bani PH012925036
Bani PH013313006
Bani PH015511013
Bani PH015532013
Bani PH037106003
Bani PH045644003
Bani PH051737006
Bani PH084811002
Banica PH061914004
Banicain PH037107002
Banice PH175902002
Banig PH023137008
Banigan PH097206001
Baniket PH023102003
Banila PH025008003
Banilad PH041019003
Banilad PH043416007
Banilad PH043417011
Banilad PH045647014
Banilad PH072217007
Banilad PH072230003
Banilad PH175209004


Narvacan PH012914000
Bucay PH140103000
General Nakar PH045617000
Lupi PH051719000
Aroroy PH054101000
Balangkayan PH082603000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Tanauan PH083748000
Gamay PH084807000
Palapag PH084814000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
Marawi City PH153617000
Mulondo PH153619000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Tamparan PH153626000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Odiongan PH175909000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Jabonga PH160205000
Sigma PH061916000
Banna PH012811000
Tago PH166818000
Hingyon PH142709000
Abulug PH021501000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Besao PH144403000
Duero PH071221000
Torrijos PH174006000
Calauan PH043406000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Badian PH072207000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Bacarra PH012802000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Rosario PH013313000
Bayambang PH015511000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Masinloc PH037106000
San Narciso PH045644000
Tinambac PH051737000
Lavezares PH084811000
Roxas City PH061914000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Banton PH175902000
Tumauini PH023137000
Liloy PH097206000
Angadanan PH023102000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Majayjay PH043416000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Cebu City PH072217000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Pinamalayan PH175209000


Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I

Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banilad PH074603002
Banilad PH074610004
Banilan PH043420002
Baning PH103519001
Banisilan Poblacion PH124716001
Banisilon PH104201002
Banitan PH034911008
Banjo East PH041031010
Banjo Laurel (Banjo West) PH041031011
Bankal PH063027005
Bankal PH072226003
Banker PH098306002
Bankerohan Norte PH118208003
Bankerohan Sur PH118208004
Banlag PH101321002
Banlag PH118207003
Banlas PH087807002
Banlasan PH071210003
Banlasan PH071244001
Banlasan PH071245003
Banlic PH043404003
Banlic PH043405003
Banlot PH072246005
Bannagao PH023103005
Bannawag PH023102004
Bannawag PH023103006
Bannawag PH023115004
Bannawag PH025703006
Bannawag PH037707004
Bannawag PH124703003
Bannawag PH126510003
Bannawag Norte PH023135005
Bannuar (Pob.) PH012920003
Baño (Pob.) PH043420001
Banocboc PH051612002
Banoen PH012915001
Banog PH074612007
Banog Norte PH015508005
Banog Sur PH015508006
Banogao PH056212002
Banogbanog PH064514002
Banogbog PH174005010
Banonong (Pob.) PH097201049
Banot PH045639003
Banot PH174003008
Banoyo PH041024005
Banquero PH023125001
Banquerohan PH064504002
Banquil PH086021001
Bansag PH063025008
Bansarvil PH103505005
Bansarvil II PH103506003
Bansayan PH153606003
Bansayan PH153621004
Bansayan PH153622004
Bansing PH025005019
Banta-ao PH097307007
Bantaawan PH104308007
Bantac PH124706007
Bantacan PH118210001


Bacong PH074603000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Pakil PH043420000
Sapad PH103519000
Banisilan PH124716000
Aloran PH104201000
Guimba PH034911000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Lemery PH063027000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Montevista PH118208000
Montevista PH118208000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Monkayo PH118207000
Maripipi PH087807000
Calape PH071210000
Trinidad PH071244000
Tubigon PH071245000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Sibonga PH072246000
Aurora PH023103000
Angadanan PH023102000
Aurora PH023103000
Jones PH023115000
Diffun PH025703000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Kabacan PH124703000
President Quirino PH126510000
City of Santiago PH023135000
San Juan PH012920000
Bano (Pob.) Pakil PH043420000
Vinzons PH051612000
Quirino PH012915000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Bani PH015508000
Bani PH015508000
Matnog PH056212000
Isabela PH064514000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Gasan PH174003000
San Luis PH041024000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Villareal PH086021000
Lambunao PH063025000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Bubong PH153606000
Piagapo PH153621000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Bayombong PH025005000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Magpet PH124706000
New Bataan PH118210000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bantad PH045619006
Bantad PH174001011
Bantagan PH083748007
Bantal PH097303004
Bantalan PH153638002
Bantan PH030810007
Bantan Munti PH030811007
Bantangan (Lasak) PH126502002
Bantaoay PH012921001
Bantawon PH086412003
Bantay PH015527003
Bantay PH021510006
Bantay PH021527004
Bantay PH023115005
Bantay PH063043008
Bantay PH143213007
Bantay PH144406004
Bantay PH174001012
Bantay Abot PH012914035
Bantay Insik PH015541007
Bantayan PH015522006
Bantayan PH015526005
Bantayan PH050517004
Bantayan PH056213003
Bantayan PH063039003
Bantayan PH082617005
Bantayan PH084820003
Bantayan PH097218058
Bantayan PH153623002
Bantayan PH064515001
Bantayan PH074610005
Bantayan (Pob.) PH175308001
Bantayanan PH063046009
Bantayanon PH064505004
Bantayao PH153611008
Bante PH086003011
Bantek PH153815028
Bantey PH144410004
Banti PH043416008
Bantian PH086003012
Bantigue PH045630004
Bantigue PH054111005
Bantigue PH061912006
Bantigue PH083719006
Bantigue PH083722004
Bantigue PH083738004
Bantigue (Pob.) PH072209025
Bantilan PH045620009
Bantinan PH025012004
Banting PH156614003
Bantique PH061909009
Banto PH174004004
Bantocaling PH015527004
Bantog PH015506004
Bantog PH015537004
Bantog PH015539002
Bantog PH031421004
Bantog PH036901003
Bantog PH036916014
Bantog PH036917005


Gumaca PH045619000
Boac PH174001000
Tanauan PH083748000
Bayog PH097303000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Orion PH030810000
Pilar PH030811000
Columbio PH126502000
San Vicente PH012921000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Solana PH021527000
Jones PH023115000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Paracelis PH144406000
Boac PH174001000
Narvacan PH012914000
Sison PH015541000
Lingayen PH015522000
Mangaldan PH015526000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Pilar PH056213000
San Enrique PH063039000
Oras PH082617000
San Roque PH084820000
Sindangan PH097218000
Pualas PH153623000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Tubungan PH063046000
Calatrava PH064505000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Upi PH153815000
Tadian PH144410000
Majayjay PH043416000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Pagbilao PH045630000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Hilongos PH083719000
Isabel PH083722000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Bantayan PH072209000
Infanta PH045620000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Tapul PH156614000
Panay PH061909000
Mogpog PH174004000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Asingan PH015506000
San Quintin PH015537000
Santa Maria PH015539000
San Miguel PH031421000
Anao PH036901000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Victoria PH036917000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bantog-Caricutan PH036907002
Bantoga Wato PH153603007
Bantogon (Santa Clara) PH126505001
Bantol PH112402177
Bantolinao PH045607012
Bantolinao PH071204002
Bantolinao PH084816009
Bantolinao PH074615004
Bantonan PH050502003
Bantuan PH071209005
Bantuanon PH101310004
Bantud PH063018006
Bantud PH063022015
Bantud PH063045007
Bantud Fabrica PH063018007
Bantug PH015544005
Bantug PH023102005
Bantug PH023124002
Bantug PH023137009
Bantug PH034902003
Bantug PH034905002
Bantug PH034906003
Bantug PH034907003
Bantug PH034911009
Bantug PH034917003
Bantug PH034930009
Bantug-Petines PH023101007
Bantug (Pob.) PH023126013
Bantug Bulalo PH034903010
Bantug Hacienda PH034930010
Bantug Hamog (Basang Hamog) PH034930011
Bantug Norte PH034903011
Bantugan PH015530006
Bantugan PH051729004
Bantugo PH012913003
Bantulan PH175320003
Banuambayo (Pob.) PH037102005
Banuang Daan PH175309001
Banuang Gurang PH056207005
Banuangan PH097225002
Banuangdaan PH056212003
Banuar PH015548022
Banuar PH025702001
Banubo PH153812004
Banucagon PH124711006
Banucal PH012911001
Banugan PH063017008
Banugao PH045620010
Banus PH175206005
Banutan PH175206006
Banuton PH175208069
Banuyao PH063022016
Banuyao PH063030012
Banuyo PH082604006
Banuyo PH082616002
Banuyo PH174003009
Banuyo (Pob.) PH056213004
Banwaque PH074611003
Banyaga PH041001023
Banza PH160202017


La Paz PH036907000
Balindong PH153603000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Davao City PH112402000
Calauag PH045607000
Antequera PH071204000
Rosario PH084816000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Camalig PH050502000
Buenavista PH071209000
Lantapan PH101310000
Dumangas PH063018000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dumangas PH063018000
Umingan PH015544000
Angadanan PH023102000
Ramon PH023124000
Tumauini PH023137000
Bongabon PH034902000
Carranglan PH034905000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Guimba PH034911000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Talavera PH034930000
Alicia PH023101000
Roxas PH023126000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Talavera PH034930000
Talavera PH034930000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Presentacion PH051729000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Taytay PH175320000
Cabangan PH037102000
Coron PH175309000
Donsol PH056207000
Godod PH097225000
Matnog PH056212000
Laoac PH015548000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Lidlidda PH012911000
Dueñas PH063017000
Infanta PH045620000
Gloria PH175206000
Gloria PH175206000
Naujan PH175208000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Miagao PH063030000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Mercedes PH082616000
Gasan PH174003000
Pilar PH056213000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Butuan City PH160202000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Banzal PH015538004
Bao PH124701001
Bao-angan PH144407001
Bao-as PH012925006
Bao-yan PH140102002
Baoa East PH012805005
Baoa West PH012805006
Baobaoan PH160202018
Baod PH072209003
Baogo PH071224008
Baon PH112510001
Bapor (Pob.) PH054111006
Baquero Norte PH036909006
Baquero Sur PH036909007
Baquioen PH015542001
Bara PH054112003
Bara-as PH153635004
Bara-ason PH103507002
Baraca-Camachile (Pob.) PH037114004
Baracaoit PH021513007
Baracatan PH112402013
Baracbac PH012909002
Baracbac PH012930004
Baracbac PH012933003
Baracbac PH015527005
Baracbac PH015544006
Baracbac PH025012005
Baracbac Este PH013305003
Baracbac Oeste PH013305004
Baraclayan PH063030013
Barag PH054113004
Barahan PH175111002
Baraka PH031413004
Barakanas PH103522001
Barake PH175301004
Baran PH021507002
Baranayan PH126509004
Barancuag PH021528006
Barandal PH043405004
Barandia PH103518001
Barandias PH101316004
Barang PH015524015
Barang (Borang) PH036910006
Barangay 1 PH133901001
Barangay 1 PH137501001
Barangay 1 PH137605001
Barangay 1-A (Pob.) PH112402134
Barangay 1 (Hen. M. Alvarez) PH042105001
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH012903030
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH037702001
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041003003
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041005055
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041007006
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041008016
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041009015
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041011016
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041013016
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH041019049
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH042104012
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH042110023


Santa Barbara PH015538000

Alamada PH124701000
Sabangan PH144407000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Boliney PH140102000
City of Batac PH012805000
City of Batac PH012805000
Butuan City PH160202000
Bantayan PH072209000
Inabanga PH071224000
San Isidro PH112510000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Moncada PH036909000
Moncada PH036909000
Sual PH015542000
Milagros PH054112000
Picong PH153635000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Subic PH037114000
Gattaran PH021513000
Davao City PH112402000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Sinait PH012930000
Tagudin PH012933000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Umingan PH015544000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Balaoan PH013305000
Balaoan PH013305000
Miagao PH063030000
Mobo PH054113000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Tubod PH103522000
Aborlan PH175301000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Palimbang PH126509000
Tuao PH021528000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Salvador PH103518000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Paniqui PH036910000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Calatagan PH041008000
Cuenca PH041009000
Laurel PH041011000
Lian PH041013000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
Indang PH042110000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH042112006

Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH043405038
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045602010
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045610003
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045616003
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045623029
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045624002
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045628006
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH045645046
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH050501032
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH050502046
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH060613003
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH063045008
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082606022
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082608001
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082610008
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082611015
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082613017
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082614008
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH082619006
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH083738021
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH084806045
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH086004028
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH086014010
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH101312038
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH101320019
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH104302020
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH104305073
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH104308033
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH160209010
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH160308015
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH166707002
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH175110005
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH175318015
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH064501004
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH064514016
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH064515021
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH064519002
Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH064527001
Barangay 1 Castillo (Pob.) PH045630019
Barangay 1 Pob. (Zone 1) PH064504003
Barangay 1 Poblacion PH063021033
Barangay 1 Poblacion PH082605018
Barangay 1 Poblacion PH082616008
Barangay 1 Poblacion (Area I) PH042123002
Barangay 10 PH133901010
Barangay 10 PH137501010
Barangay 10 PH137605010
Barangay 10-A (Kingfisher-A) PH042105063
Barangay 10-A (Pob.) PH112402143
Barangay 10-B (Kingfisher-B) PH042105064
Barangay 10 (Kingfisher) PH042105002
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH041003004
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH041005056
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH041019004
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH045610046
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH045623013
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH045624003
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH050501033
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH082606023


Magallanes PH042112000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alabat PH045602000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Mulanay PH045628000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Hernani PH082610000
Jipapad PH082611000
Llorente PH082613000
Maslog PH082614000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Talakag PH101320000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH160308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Roxas PH175318000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Mercedes PH082616000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Catanauan PH045610000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Bacacay PH050501000
Dolores PH082606000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH082613026

Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH082619016
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH083738022
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH101312053
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH104305006
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH104308034
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH166707014
Barangay 10 (Pob.) PH064501005
Barangay 10 Poblacion PH082605019
Barangay 100 PH133901100
Barangay 100 PH137501100
Barangay 100 PH137605100
Barangay 100 (San Roque) PH083747018
Barangay 101 PH133901101
Barangay 101 PH137501101
Barangay 101 PH137605101
Barangay 101 (New Kawayan) PH083747019
Barangay 102 PH133901102
Barangay 102 PH137501102
Barangay 102 PH137605102
Barangay 102 (Old Kawayan) PH083747020
Barangay 103 PH133901103
Barangay 103 PH137501103
Barangay 103 PH137605103
Barangay 103-A (San Paglaum) PH083747022
Barangay 103 (Palanog) PH083747021
Barangay 104 PH133901104
Barangay 104 PH137501104
Barangay 104 PH137605104
Barangay 104 (Salvacion) PH083747023
Barangay 105 PH133901105
Barangay 105 PH137501105
Barangay 105 PH137605105
Barangay 105 (Suhi) PH083747024
Barangay 106 PH133901106
Barangay 106 PH137501106
Barangay 106 PH137605106
Barangay 106 (Santo Niño) PH083747025
Barangay 107 PH133901107
Barangay 107 PH137501107
Barangay 107 PH137605107
Barangay 107 (Santa Elena) PH083747026
Barangay 108 PH133901108
Barangay 108 PH137501108
Barangay 108 PH137605108
Barangay 108 (Tagapuro) PH083747027
Barangay 109 PH133901109
Barangay 109 PH137501109
Barangay 109 PH137605109
Barangay 109-A PH083747135
Barangay 109 (V & G Subd.) PH083747134
Barangay 11 PH133901011
Barangay 11 PH137501011
Barangay 11 PH137605011
Barangay 11-B (Pob.) PH112402144
Barangay 11 (Lawin) PH042105004
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH041003005
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH041005057
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH041019005
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH045624004


Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Barangay 106 (Santo Nino) Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Lucena City PH045624000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH050501034

Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH082606024
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH082613027
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH082619017
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH083738023
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH101312054
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH104305007
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH104308035
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH166707015
Barangay 11 (Pob.) PH064501006
Barangay 110 PH133901110
Barangay 110 PH137501110
Barangay 110 PH137605110
Barangay 110 (Utap) PH083747136
Barangay 111 PH133901111
Barangay 111 PH137501111
Barangay 111 PH137605111
Barangay 112 PH133901112
Barangay 112 PH137501112
Barangay 112 PH137605112
Barangay 113 PH137501113
Barangay 113 PH137605113
Barangay 114 PH137501114
Barangay 114 PH137605114
Barangay 115 PH137501115
Barangay 115 PH137605115
Barangay 116 PH133901116
Barangay 116 PH137501116
Barangay 116 PH137605116
Barangay 117 PH133901117
Barangay 117 PH137501117
Barangay 117 PH137605117
Barangay 118 PH133901118
Barangay 118 PH137501118
Barangay 118 PH137605118
Barangay 119 PH133901119
Barangay 119 PH137501119
Barangay 119 PH137605119
Barangay 12 PH133901012
Barangay 12 PH137501012
Barangay 12 PH137605012
Barangay 12-B (Pob.) PH112402145
Barangay 12 (Love Bird) PH042105005
Barangay 12 (Palanog Resettlement) PH083747032
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH041003006
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH041005058
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH041014077
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH041019006
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH050501035
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH082606025
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH082613028
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH082619018
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH083738024
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH104305008
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH104308036
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH166707016
Barangay 12 (Pob.) PH064501007
Barangay 120 PH133901120
Barangay 120 PH137501120
Barangay 120 PH137605120


Bacacay PH050501000
Dolores PH082606000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lipa City PH041014000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Bacacay PH050501000
Dolores PH082606000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 121 PH133901121

Barangay 121 PH137501121
Barangay 121 PH137605121
Barangay 122 PH133901122
Barangay 122 PH137501122
Barangay 122 PH137605122
Barangay 123 PH133901123
Barangay 123 PH137501123
Barangay 123 PH137605123
Barangay 124 PH133901124
Barangay 124 PH137501124
Barangay 124 PH137605124
Barangay 125 PH133901125
Barangay 125 PH137501125
Barangay 125 PH137605125
Barangay 126 PH133901126
Barangay 126 PH137501126
Barangay 126 PH137605126
Barangay 127 PH133901127
Barangay 127 PH137501127
Barangay 127 PH137605127
Barangay 128 PH133901128
Barangay 128 PH137501128
Barangay 128 PH137605128
Barangay 129 PH133901129
Barangay 129 PH137501129
Barangay 129 PH137605129
Barangay 13 PH083747034
Barangay 13 PH133901013
Barangay 13 PH137501013
Barangay 13 PH137605013
Barangay 13-B (Pob.) PH112402146
Barangay 13 (Aguila) PH042105006
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH041005059
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH050501036
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH082606026
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH082619007
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH083738025
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH104305009
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH104308037
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH166707003
Barangay 13 (Pob.) PH064501008
Barangay 13 (Poblacion 1) PH041033008
Barangay 130 PH133901130
Barangay 130 PH137501130
Barangay 130 PH137605130
Barangay 131 PH133901131
Barangay 131 PH137501131
Barangay 131 PH137605131
Barangay 132 PH133901132
Barangay 132 PH137501132
Barangay 132 PH137605132
Barangay 133 PH133901133
Barangay 133 PH137501133
Barangay 133 PH137605133
Barangay 134 PH133901134
Barangay 134 PH137501134
Barangay 134 PH137605134
Barangay 135 PH133901135
Barangay 135 PH137501135


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Bacacay PH050501000
Dolores PH082606000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tingloy PH041033000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 135 PH137605135

Barangay 136 PH133901136
Barangay 136 PH137501136
Barangay 136 PH137605136
Barangay 137 PH133901137
Barangay 137 PH137501137
Barangay 137 PH137605137
Barangay 138 PH133901138
Barangay 138 PH137501138
Barangay 138 PH137605138
Barangay 139 PH133901139
Barangay 139 PH137501139
Barangay 139 PH137605139
Barangay 14 PH083747035
Barangay 14 PH133901014
Barangay 14 PH137501014
Barangay 14 PH137605014
Barangay 14-B (Pob.) PH112402147
Barangay 14 (Loro) PH042105007
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH041005060
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH050501037
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH082606027
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH083738026
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH104305010
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH104308038
Barangay 14 (Pob.) PH064501009
Barangay 14 (Poblacion 2) PH041033009
Barangay 140 PH133901140
Barangay 140 PH137501140
Barangay 140 PH137605140
Barangay 141 PH133901141
Barangay 141 PH137501141
Barangay 141 PH137605141
Barangay 142 PH133901142
Barangay 142 PH137501142
Barangay 142 PH137605142
Barangay 143 PH133901143
Barangay 143 PH137501143
Barangay 143 PH137605143
Barangay 144 PH133901144
Barangay 144 PH137501144
Barangay 144 PH137605144
Barangay 145 PH133901145
Barangay 145 PH137501145
Barangay 145 PH137605145
Barangay 146 PH133901146
Barangay 146 PH137501146
Barangay 146 PH137605146
Barangay 147 PH133901147
Barangay 147 PH137501147
Barangay 147 PH137605147
Barangay 148 PH133901148
Barangay 148 PH137501148
Barangay 148 PH137605148
Barangay 149 PH133901149
Barangay 149 PH137501149
Barangay 149 PH137605149
Barangay 15 PH083747036
Barangay 15 PH133901015
Barangay 15 PH137501015


Pasay City PH137605000

Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Bacacay PH050501000
Dolores PH082606000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tingloy PH041033000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 15 PH137605015
Barangay 15-B (Pob.) PH112402148
Barangay 15 (Kilyawan) PH042105008
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH041005061
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH082606028
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH083738027
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH104305011
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH104308039
Barangay 15 (Pob.) PH064501010
Barangay 15 (Poblacion 3) PH041033010
Barangay 150 PH133901150
Barangay 150 PH137501150
Barangay 150 PH137605150
Barangay 151 PH133901151
Barangay 151 PH137501151
Barangay 151 PH137605151
Barangay 152 PH133901152
Barangay 152 PH137501152
Barangay 152 PH137605152
Barangay 153 PH133901153
Barangay 153 PH137501153
Barangay 153 PH137605153
Barangay 154 PH133901154
Barangay 154 PH137501154
Barangay 154 PH137605154
Barangay 155 PH133901155
Barangay 155 PH137501155
Barangay 155 PH137605155
Barangay 156 PH133901156
Barangay 156 PH137501156
Barangay 156 PH137605156
Barangay 157 PH133901157
Barangay 157 PH137501157
Barangay 157 PH137605157
Barangay 158 PH133901158
Barangay 158 PH137501158
Barangay 158 PH137605158
Barangay 159 PH133901159
Barangay 159 PH137501159
Barangay 159 PH137605159
Barangay 16 PH083747037
Barangay 16 PH133901016
Barangay 16 PH137501016
Barangay 16 PH137605016
Barangay 16-B (Pob.) PH112402149
Barangay 16 (Martines) PH042105009
Barangay 16 (Pob.) PH041005062
Barangay 16 (Pob.) PH083738028
Barangay 16 (Pob.) PH104305012
Barangay 16 (Pob.) PH104308040
Barangay 16 (Pob.) PH064501011
Barangay 160 PH133901160
Barangay 160 PH137501160
Barangay 160 PH137605160
Barangay 161 PH133901161
Barangay 161 PH137501161
Barangay 161 PH137605161
Barangay 162 PH133901162
Barangay 162 PH137501162
Barangay 162 PH137605162


Pasay City PH137605000

Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Dolores PH082606000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tingloy PH041033000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 163 PH133901163

Barangay 163 PH137501163
Barangay 163 PH137605163
Barangay 164 PH133901164
Barangay 164 PH137501164
Barangay 164 PH137605164
Barangay 165 PH133901165
Barangay 165 PH137501165
Barangay 165 PH137605165
Barangay 166 PH133901166
Barangay 166 PH137501166
Barangay 166 PH137605166
Barangay 167 PH133901167
Barangay 167 PH137501167
Barangay 167 PH137605167
Barangay 168 PH133901168
Barangay 168 PH137501168
Barangay 168 PH137605168
Barangay 169 PH133901169
Barangay 169 PH137501169
Barangay 169 PH137605169
Barangay 17 PH083747038
Barangay 17 PH133901017
Barangay 17 PH137501017
Barangay 17 PH137605017
Barangay 17-B (Pob.) PH112402150
Barangay 17 (Kalapati) PH042105010
Barangay 17 (Pob.) PH041005063
Barangay 17 (Pob.) PH083738029
Barangay 17 (Pob.) PH104305013
Barangay 17 (Pob.) PH104308041
Barangay 17 (Pob.) PH064501012
Barangay 170 PH133901170
Barangay 170 PH137501170
Barangay 170 PH137605170
Barangay 171 PH133901171
Barangay 171 PH137501171
Barangay 171 PH137605171
Barangay 172 PH133901172
Barangay 172 PH137501172
Barangay 172 PH137605172
Barangay 173 PH133901173
Barangay 173 PH137501173
Barangay 173 PH137605173
Barangay 174 PH133901174
Barangay 174 PH137501174
Barangay 174 PH137605174
Barangay 175 PH133901175
Barangay 175 PH137501175
Barangay 175 PH137605175
Barangay 176 PH133901176
Barangay 176 PH137501176
Barangay 176 PH137605176
Barangay 177 PH133901177
Barangay 177 PH137501177
Barangay 177 PH137605177
Barangay 178 PH133901178
Barangay 178 PH137501178
Barangay 178 PH137605178
Barangay 179 PH133901179


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 179 PH137501179

Barangay 179 PH137605179
Barangay 18 PH083747039
Barangay 18 PH133901018
Barangay 18 PH137501018
Barangay 18 PH137605018
Barangay 18-A (Pob.) PH104308042
Barangay 18-B (Pob.) PH112402151
Barangay 18 (Maya) PH042105011
Barangay 18 (Pob.) PH041005064
Barangay 18 (Pob.) PH083738030
Barangay 18 (Pob.) PH104305014
Barangay 18 (Pob.) PH104308073
Barangay 18 (Pob.) PH064501013
Barangay 180 PH133901180
Barangay 180 PH137501180
Barangay 180 PH137605180
Barangay 181 PH133901181
Barangay 181 PH137501181
Barangay 181 PH137605181
Barangay 182 PH133901182
Barangay 182 PH137501182
Barangay 182 PH137605182
Barangay 183 PH133901183
Barangay 183 PH137501183
Barangay 183 PH137605183
Barangay 184 PH133901184
Barangay 184 PH137501184
Barangay 184 PH137605184
Barangay 185 PH133901185
Barangay 185 PH137501185
Barangay 185 PH137605185
Barangay 186 PH133901186
Barangay 186 PH137501186
Barangay 186 PH137605186
Barangay 187 PH133901187
Barangay 187 PH137501187
Barangay 187 PH137605187
Barangay 188 PH133901188
Barangay 188 PH137501188
Barangay 188 PH137605188
Barangay 189 PH133901189
Barangay 189 PH137605189
Barangay 19 PH083747040
Barangay 19 PH133901019
Barangay 19 PH137501019
Barangay 19 PH137605019
Barangay 19-B (Pob.) PH112402152
Barangay 19 (Gemini) PH042105012
Barangay 19 (Pob.) PH041005065
Barangay 19 (Pob.) PH083738031
Barangay 19 (Pob.) PH104305015
Barangay 19 (Pob.) PH104308043
Barangay 19 (Pob.) PH064501014
Barangay 190 PH133901190
Barangay 190 PH137605190
Barangay 191 PH133901191
Barangay 191 PH137605191
Barangay 192 PH133901192
Barangay 192 PH137605192


Caloocan City PH137501000

Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000


NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region

NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 193 PH133901193

Barangay 193 PH137605193
Barangay 194 PH133901194
Barangay 194 PH137605194
Barangay 195 PH133901195
Barangay 195 PH137605195
Barangay 196 PH133901196
Barangay 196 PH137605196
Barangay 197 PH133901197
Barangay 197 PH137605197
Barangay 198 PH133901198
Barangay 198 PH137605198
Barangay 199 PH133901199
Barangay 199 PH137605199
Barangay 2 PH083747006
Barangay 2 PH133901002
Barangay 2 PH137501002
Barangay 2 PH137605002
Barangay 2-A (Pob.) PH112402135
Barangay 2 (C. Tirona) PH042105003
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH012903031
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH037702002
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041003007
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041005066
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041007007
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041008017
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041009016
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041011017
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041013017
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH041019007
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH042104013
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH042110024
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH042112007
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH043405039
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045602011
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045610004
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045616004
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045623005
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045624005
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045628008
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH045645033
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH050501038
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH050502047
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH060613004
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH063045009
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082606029
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082608002
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082610009
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082611016
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082613018
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082614009
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH082619008
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH083738032
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH084806046
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH086004029
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH086014011
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH101312045
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH101320020
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH104302021
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH104305016


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Calatagan PH041008000
Cuenca PH041009000
Laurel PH041011000
Lian PH041013000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
Indang PH042110000
Magallanes PH042112000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alabat PH045602000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Mulanay PH045628000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Hernani PH082610000
Jipapad PH082611000
Llorente PH082613000
Maslog PH082614000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Talakag PH101320000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH104308044

Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH160209011
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH160308016
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH166707017
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH175110006
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH064501015
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH064514017
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH064515023
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH064519003
Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH064527002
Barangay 2 Daungan (Pob.) PH045630020
Barangay 2 Pob. (Zone 2) PH064504004
Barangay 2 Poblacion PH042123003
Barangay 2 Poblacion PH063021034
Barangay 2 Poblacion PH082605020
Barangay 2 Poblacion PH082616009
Barangay 20 PH083747041
Barangay 20 PH133901020
Barangay 20 PH137501020
Barangay 20 PH137605020
Barangay 20-B (Pob.) PH112402153
Barangay 20 (Pob.) PH041005067
Barangay 20 (Pob.) PH083738033
Barangay 20 (Pob.) PH104305075
Barangay 20 (Pob.) PH104308045
Barangay 20 (Pob.) PH064501016
Barangay 20 (Virgo) PH042105013
Barangay 200 PH133901200
Barangay 200 PH137605200
Barangay 201 PH133901201
Barangay 201 PH137605201
Barangay 202 PH133901202
Barangay 202-A PH133901203
Barangay 203 PH133901204
Barangay 204 PH133901205
Barangay 205 PH133901206
Barangay 206 PH133901207
Barangay 207 PH133901208
Barangay 208 PH133901209
Barangay 209 PH133901210
Barangay 21 PH083747042
Barangay 21 PH137501021
Barangay 21 PH137605021
Barangay 21-A PH083747043
Barangay 21-C (Pob.) PH112402154
Barangay 21 (Pob.) PH041005068
Barangay 21 (Pob.) PH083738034
Barangay 21 (Pob.) PH104305017
Barangay 21 (Pob.) PH104308046
Barangay 21 (Pob.) PH064501017
Barangay 21 (Scorpio) PH042105014
Barangay 210 PH133901211
Barangay 211 PH133901212
Barangay 212 PH133901213
Barangay 213 PH133901214
Barangay 214 PH133901215
Barangay 215 PH133901216
Barangay 216 PH133901217
Barangay 217 PH133901218
Barangay 218 PH133901219


Gingoog City PH104308000

Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH160308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Mercedes PH082616000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000


Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X

Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 219 PH133901220

Barangay 22 PH083747044
Barangay 22 PH137501022
Barangay 22 PH137605022
Barangay 22-A (Leo A) PH042105065
Barangay 22-A (Pob.) PH104308047
Barangay 22-C (Pob.) PH112402155
Barangay 22 (Leo) PH042105015
Barangay 22 (Pob.) PH041005069
Barangay 22 (Pob.) PH083738035
Barangay 22 (Pob.) PH104305018
Barangay 22 (Pob.) PH104308074
Barangay 22 (Pob.) PH064501018
Barangay 220 PH133901221
Barangay 221 PH133901222
Barangay 222 PH133901223
Barangay 223 PH133901224
Barangay 224 PH133901225
Barangay 225 PH133901226
Barangay 226 PH133901227
Barangay 227 PH133901228
Barangay 228 PH133901229
Barangay 229 PH133901230
Barangay 23 PH083747045
Barangay 23 PH137501023
Barangay 23 PH137605023
Barangay 23-A PH083747154
Barangay 23-C (Pob.) PH112402156
Barangay 23 (Aquarius) PH042105016
Barangay 23 (Pob.) PH041005070
Barangay 23 (Pob.) PH083738036
Barangay 23 (Pob.) PH104305019
Barangay 23 (Pob.) PH104308048
Barangay 23 (Pob.) PH064501019
Barangay 230 PH133901231
Barangay 231 PH133901232
Barangay 232 PH133901233
Barangay 233 PH133901234
Barangay 234 PH133901235
Barangay 235 PH133901236
Barangay 236 PH133901237
Barangay 237 PH133901238
Barangay 238 PH133901239
Barangay 239 PH133901240
Barangay 24 PH083747046
Barangay 24 PH137501024
Barangay 24 PH137605024
Barangay 24-A (Pob.) PH104308075
Barangay 24-C (Pob.) PH112402157
Barangay 24 (Libra) PH042105017
Barangay 24 (Pob.) PH041005071
Barangay 24 (Pob.) PH083738037
Barangay 24 (Pob.) PH104305020
Barangay 24 (Pob.) PH104308049
Barangay 24 (Pob.) PH064501020
Barangay 240 PH133901241
Barangay 241 PH133901242
Barangay 242 PH133901243
Barangay 243 PH133901244
Barangay 244 PH133901245


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 245 PH133901246

Barangay 246 PH133901247
Barangay 247 PH133901248
Barangay 248 PH133901249
Barangay 249 PH133901250
Barangay 25 PH083747047
Barangay 25 PH133901025
Barangay 25 PH137501025
Barangay 25 PH137605025
Barangay 25-C (Pob.) PH112402158
Barangay 25 (Capricorn) PH042105018
Barangay 25 (Pob.) PH083738038
Barangay 25 (Pob.) PH104305076
Barangay 25 (Pob.) PH104308050
Barangay 25 (Pob.) PH064501021
Barangay 250 PH133901251
Barangay 251 PH133901252
Barangay 252 PH133901253
Barangay 253 PH133901254
Barangay 254 PH133901255
Barangay 255 PH133901256
Barangay 256 PH133901257
Barangay 257 PH133901258
Barangay 258 PH133901259
Barangay 259 PH133901260
Barangay 26 PH083747048
Barangay 26 PH133901026
Barangay 26 PH137501026
Barangay 26 PH137605026
Barangay 26-C (Pob.) PH112402159
Barangay 26 (Cancer) PH042105019
Barangay 26 (Pob.) PH083738039
Barangay 26 (Pob.) PH104305021
Barangay 26 (Pob.) PH104308051
Barangay 26 (Pob.) PH064501022
Barangay 260 PH133901261
Barangay 261 PH133901262
Barangay 262 PH133901263
Barangay 263 PH133901264
Barangay 264 PH133901265
Barangay 265 PH133901266
Barangay 266 PH133901267
Barangay 267 PH133901268
Barangay 268 PH133904001
Barangay 269 PH133904002
Barangay 27 PH083747049
Barangay 27 PH137501027
Barangay 27 PH137605027
Barangay 27-C (Pob.) PH112402160
Barangay 27 (Pob.) PH083738040
Barangay 27 (Pob.) PH104305022
Barangay 27 (Pob.) PH064501023
Barangay 27 (Sagitarius) PH042105020
Barangay 270 PH133904003
Barangay 271 PH133904004
Barangay 272 PH133904005
Barangay 273 PH133904006
Barangay 274 PH133904007
Barangay 275 PH133904008
Barangay 276 PH133904009


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 28 PH083747050
Barangay 28 PH133901028
Barangay 28 PH137501028
Barangay 28 PH137605028
Barangay 28-C (Pob.) PH112402161
Barangay 28 (Pob.) PH083738041
Barangay 28 (Pob.) PH104305023
Barangay 28 (Pob.) PH064501024
Barangay 28 (Taurus) PH042105021
Barangay 281 PH133904014
Barangay 282 PH133904015
Barangay 283 PH133904016
Barangay 284 PH133904017
Barangay 285 PH133904018
Barangay 286 PH133904019
Barangay 287 PH133902001
Barangay 288 PH133902002
Barangay 289 PH133902003
Barangay 29 PH083747051
Barangay 29 PH133901029
Barangay 29 PH137501029
Barangay 29 PH137605029
Barangay 29-A (Lao-lao A) PH042105066
Barangay 29-C (Pob.) PH112402162
Barangay 29 (Lao-lao) PH042105022
Barangay 29 (Pob.) PH083738091
Barangay 29 (Pob.) PH104305077
Barangay 29 (Pob.) PH064501025
Barangay 290 PH133902004
Barangay 291 PH133902005
Barangay 292 PH133902006
Barangay 293 PH133902007
Barangay 294 PH133902008
Barangay 295 PH133902009
Barangay 296 PH133902010
Barangay 297 PH133905001
Barangay 298 PH133905002
Barangay 299 PH133905003
Barangay 3 PH133901003
Barangay 3 PH137501003
Barangay 3 PH137605003
Barangay 3-A (Pob.) PH112402136
Barangay 3 (Hen. E. Aguinaldo) PH042105023
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH012903032
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH037702003
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041003008
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041005072
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041007008
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041008018
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041009017
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041011018
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041013018
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH041019008
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH042104014
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH042110025
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH042112008
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH043405040
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045602012
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045610005
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045616005


Tacloban City PH083747000

Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
San Nicolas PH133904000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Binondo PH133902000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Calatagan PH041008000
Cuenca PH041009000
Laurel PH041011000
Lian PH041013000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
Indang PH042110000
Magallanes PH042112000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alabat PH045602000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045623006

Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045624006
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045628009
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH045645034
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH050501039
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH050502048
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH060613005
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH063045010
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082606030
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082608003
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082610010
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082611017
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082613019
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH082619009
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH083738042
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH084806047
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH086004030
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH086014012
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH101312046
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH101320021
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH104302022
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH104305024
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH104308055
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH160209012
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH160308017
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH166707018
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH175110007
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH064501026
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH064514018
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH064515024
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH064519004
Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH064527003
Barangay 3 Del Carmen (Pob.) PH045630021
Barangay 3 Pob. (Zone 3) PH064504005
Barangay 3 Poblacion PH042123004
Barangay 3 Poblacion PH063021035
Barangay 3 Poblacion PH082605021
Barangay 3 Poblacion PH082616010
Barangay 30 PH083747052
Barangay 30 PH133901030
Barangay 30 PH137501030
Barangay 30 PH137605030
Barangay 30-C (Pob.) PH112402163
Barangay 30 (Bid-bid) PH042105024
Barangay 30 (Pob.) PH104305025
Barangay 30 (Pob.) PH064501027
Barangay 300 PH133905004
Barangay 301 PH133905005
Barangay 302 PH133905006
Barangay 303 PH133905007
Barangay 304 PH133905008
Barangay 305 PH133905009
Barangay 306 PH133903015
Barangay 307 PH133903016
Barangay 308 PH133903017
Barangay 309 PH133903018
Barangay 31 PH083747053
Barangay 31 PH133901031
Barangay 31 PH137501031
Barangay 31 PH137605031


Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Mulanay PH045628000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Hernani PH082610000
Jipapad PH082611000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Talakag PH101320000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH160308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Mercedes PH082616000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 31-D (Pob.) PH112402164

Barangay 31 (Maya-maya) PH042105025
Barangay 31 (Pob.) PH104305078
Barangay 31 (Pob.) PH064501028
Barangay 310 PH133905012
Barangay 311 PH133905013
Barangay 312 PH133905014
Barangay 313 PH133905015
Barangay 314 PH133905016
Barangay 315 PH133905017
Barangay 316 PH133905018
Barangay 317 PH133905019
Barangay 318 PH133905020
Barangay 319 PH133905021
Barangay 32 PH083747054
Barangay 32 PH133901032
Barangay 32 PH137501032
Barangay 32 PH137605032
Barangay 32-D (Pob.) PH112402165
Barangay 32 (Pob.) PH104305026
Barangay 32 (Pob.) PH064501029
Barangay 32 (Salay-salay) PH042105026
Barangay 320 PH133905022
Barangay 321 PH133905023
Barangay 322 PH133905024
Barangay 323 PH133905025
Barangay 324 PH133905026
Barangay 325 PH133905027
Barangay 326 PH133905028
Barangay 327 PH133905029
Barangay 328 PH133905030
Barangay 329 PH133905031
Barangay 33 PH083747055
Barangay 33 PH133901033
Barangay 33 PH137501033
Barangay 33 PH137605033
Barangay 33-D (Pob.) PH112402166
Barangay 33 (Buwan-buwan) PH042105027
Barangay 33 (Pob.) PH104305027
Barangay 33 (Pob.) PH064501030
Barangay 330 PH133905032
Barangay 331 PH133905033
Barangay 332 PH133905034
Barangay 333 PH133905035
Barangay 334 PH133905036
Barangay 335 PH133905037
Barangay 336 PH133905038
Barangay 337 PH133905039
Barangay 338 PH133905040
Barangay 339 PH133905041
Barangay 34 PH083747056
Barangay 34 PH133901034
Barangay 34 PH137501034
Barangay 34 PH137605034
Barangay 34-D (Pob.) PH112402167
Barangay 34 (Lapu-lapu) PH042105028
Barangay 34 (Pob.) PH104305028
Barangay 34 (Pob.) PH064501031
Barangay 340 PH133905042
Barangay 341 PH133905043


Davao City PH112402000

Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000


Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 342 PH133905044

Barangay 343 PH133905045
Barangay 344 PH133905046
Barangay 345 PH133905047
Barangay 346 PH133905048
Barangay 347 PH133905049
Barangay 348 PH133905050
Barangay 349 PH133905051
Barangay 35 PH083747057
Barangay 35 PH133901035
Barangay 35 PH137501035
Barangay 35 PH137605035
Barangay 35-A PH083747058
Barangay 35-D (Pob.) PH112402168
Barangay 35 (Hasa-hasa) PH042105029
Barangay 35 (Pob.) PH104305079
Barangay 35 (Pob.) PH064501032
Barangay 350 PH133905052
Barangay 351 PH133905053
Barangay 352 PH133905054
Barangay 353 PH133905055
Barangay 354 PH133905056
Barangay 355 PH133905057
Barangay 356 PH133905058
Barangay 357 PH133905059
Barangay 358 PH133905060
Barangay 359 PH133905061
Barangay 36 PH083747059
Barangay 36 PH133901036
Barangay 36 PH137501036
Barangay 36 PH137605036
Barangay 36-A PH083747138
Barangay 36-A (Sap-sap A) PH042105067
Barangay 36-D (Pob.) PH112402169
Barangay 36 (Pob.) PH104305080
Barangay 36 (Pob.) PH064501033
Barangay 36 (Sap-sap) PH042105030
Barangay 360 PH133905062
Barangay 361 PH133905063
Barangay 362 PH133905064
Barangay 363 PH133905065
Barangay 364 PH133905066
Barangay 365 PH133905067
Barangay 366 PH133905069
Barangay 367 PH133905070
Barangay 368 PH133905071
Barangay 369 PH133905072
Barangay 37 PH083747060
Barangay 37 PH133901037
Barangay 37 PH137501037
Barangay 37 PH137605037
Barangay 37-A PH083747061
Barangay 37-A (Cadena de Amor A) PH042105068
Barangay 37-D (Pob.) PH112402170
Barangay 37 (Cadena De Amor) PH042105031
Barangay 37 (Pob.) PH104305081
Barangay 37 (Pob.) PH064501034
Barangay 370 PH133905073
Barangay 371 PH133905074
Barangay 372 PH133905075


Santa Cruz PH133905000

Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Davao City PH112402000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 373 PH133905076

Barangay 374 PH133905077
Barangay 375 PH133905078
Barangay 376 PH133905079
Barangay 377 PH133905080
Barangay 378 PH133905081
Barangay 379 PH133905082
Barangay 38 PH083747062
Barangay 38 PH133901038
Barangay 38 PH137501038
Barangay 38 PH137605038
Barangay 38-A (Sampaguita A) PH042105069
Barangay 38-D (Pob.) PH112402171
Barangay 38 (Pob.) PH104305029
Barangay 38 (Pob.) PH064501035
Barangay 38 (Sampaguita) PH042105032
Barangay 380 PH133905083
Barangay 381 PH133905084
Barangay 382 PH133905085
Barangay 383 PH133903003
Barangay 384 PH133903004
Barangay 385 PH133903005
Barangay 386 PH133903006
Barangay 387 PH133903007
Barangay 388 PH133903008
Barangay 389 PH133903009
Barangay 39 PH083747063
Barangay 39 PH133901039
Barangay 39 PH137501039
Barangay 39 PH137605039
Barangay 39-D (Pob.) PH112402172
Barangay 39 (Jasmin) PH042105033
Barangay 39 (Pob.) PH104305030
Barangay 39 (Pob.) PH064501036
Barangay 390 PH133903010
Barangay 391 PH133903011
Barangay 392 PH133903012
Barangay 393 PH133903013
Barangay 394 PH133903014
Barangay 395 PH133906001
Barangay 396 PH133906002
Barangay 397 PH133906003
Barangay 398 PH133906004
Barangay 399 PH133906005
Barangay 4 PH133901004
Barangay 4 PH137501004
Barangay 4 PH137605004
Barangay 4-A (Pob.) PH112402137
Barangay 4 (Hen. M. Trias) PH042105034
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH012903033
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH037702004
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041003009
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041005073
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041007009
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041008019
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041009018
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041011019
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041013019
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH041019009
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH042104015


Santa Cruz PH133905000

Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Davao City PH112402000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Quiapo PH133903000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Calatagan PH041008000
Cuenca PH041009000
Laurel PH041011000
Lian PH041013000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH042110026

Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH042112009
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH043405041
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045602013
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045610006
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045616006
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045623007
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045624007
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045628010
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH045645035
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH050501040
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH050502049
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH060613006
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH063045011
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082606031
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082608004
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082610011
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082611018
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082613020
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH082619010
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH083738043
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH084806048
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH086004031
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH086014013
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH101312047
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH101320022
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH104302023
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH104305031
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH104308056
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH160209013
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH160308018
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH166707019
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH175110008
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH064501037
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH064514019
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH064515025
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH064519005
Barangay 4 (Pob.) PH064527004
Barangay 4 Parang (Pob.) PH045630022
Barangay 4 Pob. (Zone 4) PH064504006
Barangay 4 Poblacion PH042123005
Barangay 4 Poblacion PH063021036
Barangay 4 Poblacion PH082605022
Barangay 4 Poblacion PH082616014
Barangay 40 PH083747064
Barangay 40 PH137501040
Barangay 40 PH137605040
Barangay 40-D (Pob.) PH112402173
Barangay 40 (Gumamela) PH042105035
Barangay 40 (Pob.) PH104305032
Barangay 40 (Pob.) PH064501038
Barangay 400 PH133906006
Barangay 401 PH133906007
Barangay 402 PH133906008
Barangay 403 PH133906009
Barangay 404 PH133906010
Barangay 405 PH133906011
Barangay 406 PH133906012
Barangay 407 PH133906013
Barangay 408 PH133906014


Indang PH042110000
Magallanes PH042112000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alabat PH045602000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Mulanay PH045628000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Hernani PH082610000
Jipapad PH082611000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Talakag PH101320000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH160308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Mercedes PH082616000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 409 PH133906015

Barangay 41 PH083747065
Barangay 41 PH133901041
Barangay 41 PH137501041
Barangay 41 PH137605041
Barangay 41 (Pob.) PH064501039
Barangay 41 (Rosal) PH042105036
Barangay 410 PH133906016
Barangay 411 PH133906017
Barangay 412 PH133906018
Barangay 413 PH133906019
Barangay 414 PH133906020
Barangay 415 PH133906021
Barangay 416 PH133906022
Barangay 417 PH133906023
Barangay 418 PH133906024
Barangay 419 PH133906025
Barangay 42 PH083747066
Barangay 42 PH133901042
Barangay 42 PH137501042
Barangay 42 PH137605042
Barangay 42-A PH083747139
Barangay 42-A (Pinagbuklod A) PH042105070
Barangay 42-B (Pinagbuklod B) PH042105071
Barangay 42-C (Pinagbuklod C) PH042105072
Barangay 42 (Pinagbuklod) PH042105037
Barangay 420 PH133906026
Barangay 421 PH133906027
Barangay 422 PH133906028
Barangay 423 PH133906029
Barangay 424 PH133906030
Barangay 425 PH133906031
Barangay 426 PH133906032
Barangay 427 PH133906033
Barangay 428 PH133906034
Barangay 429 PH133906035
Barangay 43 PH083747067
Barangay 43 PH133901043
Barangay 43 PH137501043
Barangay 43 PH137605043
Barangay 43-A PH083747068
Barangay 43-B PH083747069
Barangay 43 (Pinagpala) PH042105038
Barangay 430 PH133906036
Barangay 431 PH133906037
Barangay 432 PH133906038
Barangay 433 PH133906039
Barangay 434 PH133906040
Barangay 435 PH133906041
Barangay 436 PH133906042
Barangay 437 PH133906043
Barangay 438 PH133906044
Barangay 439 PH133906045
Barangay 44 PH083747070
Barangay 44 PH133901044
Barangay 44 PH137501044
Barangay 44 PH137605044
Barangay 44-A PH083747071
Barangay 44 (Maligaya) PH042105039
Barangay 440 PH133906046


Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 441 PH133906047

Barangay 442 PH133906048
Barangay 443 PH133906049
Barangay 444 PH133906050
Barangay 445 PH133906051
Barangay 446 PH133906052
Barangay 447 PH133906053
Barangay 448 PH133906054
Barangay 449 PH133906055
Barangay 45 PH083747072
Barangay 45 PH133901045
Barangay 45 PH137501045
Barangay 45 PH137605045
Barangay 45-A (Kaunlaran A) PH042105073
Barangay 45 (Kaunlaran) PH042105040
Barangay 450 PH133906056
Barangay 451 PH133906057
Barangay 452 PH133906058
Barangay 453 PH133906059
Barangay 454 PH133906060
Barangay 455 PH133906061
Barangay 456 PH133906062
Barangay 457 PH133906063
Barangay 458 PH133906064
Barangay 459 PH133906065
Barangay 46 PH083747073
Barangay 46 PH133901046
Barangay 46 PH137501046
Barangay 46 PH137605046
Barangay 46 (Sinagtala) PH042105041
Barangay 460 PH133906066
Barangay 461 PH133906067
Barangay 462 PH133906068
Barangay 463 PH133906069
Barangay 464 PH133906070
Barangay 465 PH133906071
Barangay 466 PH133906072
Barangay 467 PH133906073
Barangay 468 PH133906074
Barangay 469 PH133906075
Barangay 47 PH083747074
Barangay 47 PH133901047
Barangay 47 PH137501047
Barangay 47 PH137605047
Barangay 47-A (Pagkakaisa A) PH042105074
Barangay 47-B (Pagkakaisa B) PH042105075
Barangay 47 (Pagkakaisa) PH042105042
Barangay 470 PH133906076
Barangay 471 PH133906077
Barangay 472 PH133906078
Barangay 473 PH133906079
Barangay 474 PH133906080
Barangay 475 PH133906081
Barangay 476 PH133906082
Barangay 477 PH133906083
Barangay 478 PH133906084
Barangay 479 PH133906085
Barangay 48 PH083747075
Barangay 48 PH133901048
Barangay 48 PH137501048


Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 48 PH137605048
Barangay 48-A PH083747140
Barangay 48-A (Narra A) PH042105076
Barangay 48-B PH083747141
Barangay 48 (Narra) PH042105043
Barangay 480 PH133906086
Barangay 481 PH133906087
Barangay 482 PH133906088
Barangay 483 PH133906089
Barangay 484 PH133906090
Barangay 485 PH133906091
Barangay 486 PH133906092
Barangay 487 PH133906093
Barangay 488 PH133906094
Barangay 489 PH133906095
Barangay 49 PH083747076
Barangay 49 PH133901049
Barangay 49 PH137501049
Barangay 49 PH137605049
Barangay 49-A (Akasya A) PH042105077
Barangay 49 (Akasya) PH042105044
Barangay 490 PH133906096
Barangay 491 PH133906097
Barangay 492 PH133906098
Barangay 493 PH133906099
Barangay 494 PH133906100
Barangay 495 PH133906101
Barangay 496 PH133906102
Barangay 497 PH133906103
Barangay 498 PH133906104
Barangay 499 PH133906105
Barangay 5 PH083747011
Barangay 5 PH133901005
Barangay 5 PH137501005
Barangay 5 PH137605005
Barangay 5-A PH083747137
Barangay 5-A (Pob.) PH112402138
Barangay 5 (Hen. E. Evangelista) PH042105045
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH012903034
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH037702005
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041003010
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041005074
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041007010
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041009019
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041011020
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041013020
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH041019010
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH042104016
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH042112010
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH043405042
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045602014
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045610007
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045616007
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045623008
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045624008
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH045645036
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH050501041
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH050502050
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH060613007
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH063045012


Pasay City PH137605000

Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Cuenca PH041009000
Laurel PH041011000
Lian PH041013000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
Magallanes PH042112000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alabat PH045602000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH082606032

Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH082608005
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH082613021
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH082619011
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH083738044
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH084806049
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH086004032
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH101312048
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH101320023
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH104302024
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH104305036
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH104308057
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH160209014
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH160308019
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH166707020
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH175110009
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH064501040
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH064514020
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH064515016
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH064519006
Barangay 5 (Pob.) PH064527005
Barangay 5 Pob. (Zone 5) PH064504007
Barangay 5 Poblacion PH042123006
Barangay 5 Poblacion PH063021037
Barangay 5 Poblacion PH082605023
Barangay 5 Santa Catalina (Pob.) PH045630023
Barangay 50 PH083747077
Barangay 50 PH133901050
Barangay 50 PH137501050
Barangay 50 PH137605050
Barangay 50-A PH083747078
Barangay 50-B PH083747079
Barangay 50 (Kabalyero) PH042105046
Barangay 500 PH133906106
Barangay 501 PH133906107
Barangay 502 PH133906108
Barangay 503 PH133906109
Barangay 504 PH133906110
Barangay 505 PH133906111
Barangay 506 PH133906112
Barangay 507 PH133906113
Barangay 508 PH133906114
Barangay 509 PH133906115
Barangay 51 PH083747080
Barangay 51 PH133901051
Barangay 51 PH137501051
Barangay 51 PH137605051
Barangay 51-A PH083747142
Barangay 51 (Kamagong) PH042105047
Barangay 510 PH133906116
Barangay 511 PH133906117
Barangay 512 PH133906118
Barangay 513 PH133906119
Barangay 514 PH133906120
Barangay 515 PH133906121
Barangay 516 PH133906122
Barangay 517 PH133906123
Barangay 518 PH133906124
Barangay 519 PH133906125
Barangay 52 PH083747081


Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Talakag PH101320000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
San Francisco PH160308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 52 PH133901052
Barangay 52 PH137501052
Barangay 52 PH137605052
Barangay 52 (Ipil) PH042105048
Barangay 520 PH133906126
Barangay 521 PH133906127
Barangay 522 PH133906128
Barangay 523 PH133906129
Barangay 524 PH133906130
Barangay 525 PH133906131
Barangay 526 PH133906132
Barangay 527 PH133906133
Barangay 528 PH133906134
Barangay 529 PH133906135
Barangay 53 PH083747082
Barangay 53 PH133901053
Barangay 53 PH137501053
Barangay 53 PH137605053
Barangay 53-A (Yakal A) PH042105078
Barangay 53-B (Yakal B) PH042105079
Barangay 53 (Yakal) PH042105049
Barangay 530 PH133906136
Barangay 531 PH133906137
Barangay 532 PH133906138
Barangay 533 PH133906139
Barangay 534 PH133906140
Barangay 535 PH133906141
Barangay 536 PH133906142
Barangay 537 PH133906143
Barangay 538 PH133906144
Barangay 539 PH133906145
Barangay 54 PH083747083
Barangay 54 PH133901054
Barangay 54 PH137501054
Barangay 54 PH137605054
Barangay 54-A PH083747143
Barangay 54-A (Pechay A) PH042105080
Barangay 54 (Pechay) PH042105050
Barangay 540 PH133906146
Barangay 541 PH133906147
Barangay 542 PH133906148
Barangay 543 PH133906149
Barangay 544 PH133906150
Barangay 545 PH133906151
Barangay 546 PH133906152
Barangay 547 PH133906153
Barangay 548 PH133906154
Barangay 549 PH133906155
Barangay 55 PH133901055
Barangay 55 PH137501055
Barangay 55 PH137605055
Barangay 55 (Ampalaya) PH042105051
Barangay 550 PH133906156
Barangay 551 PH133906157
Barangay 552 PH133906158
Barangay 553 PH133906159
Barangay 554 PH133906160
Barangay 555 PH133906161
Barangay 556 PH133906162
Barangay 557 PH133906163


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 558 PH133906164

Barangay 559 PH133906165
Barangay 56 PH083747085
Barangay 56 PH133901056
Barangay 56 PH137501056
Barangay 56 PH137605056
Barangay 56-A PH083747145
Barangay 56 (Labanos) PH042105052
Barangay 560 PH133906166
Barangay 561 PH133906167
Barangay 562 PH133906168
Barangay 563 PH133906169
Barangay 564 PH133906170
Barangay 565 PH133906171
Barangay 566 PH133906172
Barangay 567 PH133906173
Barangay 568 PH133906174
Barangay 569 PH133906175
Barangay 57 PH083747086
Barangay 57 PH133901057
Barangay 57 PH137501057
Barangay 57 PH137605057
Barangay 57 (Repolyo) PH042105053
Barangay 570 PH133906176
Barangay 571 PH133906177
Barangay 572 PH133906178
Barangay 573 PH133906179
Barangay 574 PH133906180
Barangay 575 PH133906181
Barangay 576 PH133906182
Barangay 577 PH133906183
Barangay 578 PH133906184
Barangay 579 PH133906185
Barangay 58 PH083747087
Barangay 58 PH133901058
Barangay 58 PH137501058
Barangay 58 PH137605058
Barangay 58-A (Patola A) PH042105081
Barangay 58 (Patola) PH042105054
Barangay 580 PH133906186
Barangay 581 PH133906187
Barangay 582 PH133906188
Barangay 583 PH133906189
Barangay 584 PH133906190
Barangay 585 PH133906191
Barangay 586 PH133906192
Barangay 587 PH133906193
Barangay 587-A PH133906194
Barangay 588 PH133906195
Barangay 589 PH133906196
Barangay 59 PH083747088
Barangay 59 PH133901059
Barangay 59 PH137501059
Barangay 59 PH137605059
Barangay 59-A PH083747146
Barangay 59-B PH083747147
Barangay 59 (Sitaw) PH042105055
Barangay 590 PH133906197
Barangay 591 PH133906198
Barangay 592 PH133906199


Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 593 PH133906200

Barangay 594 PH133906201
Barangay 595 PH133906202
Barangay 596 PH133906203
Barangay 597 PH133906204
Barangay 598 PH133906205
Barangay 599 PH133906206
Barangay 6 PH083747012
Barangay 6 PH133901006
Barangay 6 PH137501006
Barangay 6 PH137605006
Barangay 6-A PH083747013
Barangay 6-A (Pob.) PH112402139
Barangay 6 (Diego Silang) PH042105056
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH012903035
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH037702006
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH041003011
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH041005075
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH041007011
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH041009020
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH041019011
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH042104017
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH043405043
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH045610008
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH045616008
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH045623009
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH045624009
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH045645037
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH050501042
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH050502051
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH060613008
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH063045013
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH082606033
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH082608006
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH082613022
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH082619012
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH083738045
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH084806050
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH086004033
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH101312049
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH104302025
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH104305033
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH104308058
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH160209015
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH166707021
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH175110010
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH064501041
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH064514021
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH064515017
Barangay 6 (Pob.) PH064519007
Barangay 6 Pob. (Zone 6) PH064504008
Barangay 6 Poblacion PH063021038
Barangay 6 Poblacion PH082605024
Barangay 6 Tambak (Pob.) PH045630024
Barangay 60 PH083747089
Barangay 60 PH133901060
Barangay 60 PH137501060
Barangay 60 PH137605060
Barangay 60-A PH083747090
Barangay 60 (Letsugas) PH042105057


Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Bantay PH012903000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calaca PH041007000
Cuenca PH041009000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Sariaya PH045645000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 600 PH133906207

Barangay 601 PH133906208
Barangay 602 PH133906209
Barangay 603 PH133906210
Barangay 604 PH133906211
Barangay 605 PH133906212
Barangay 606 PH133906213
Barangay 607 PH133906214
Barangay 608 PH133906215
Barangay 609 PH133906216
Barangay 61 PH083747091
Barangay 61 PH133901061
Barangay 61 PH137501061
Barangay 61 PH137605061
Barangay 61-A (Talong A) PH042105082
Barangay 61 (Talong) PH042105058
Barangay 610 PH133906217
Barangay 611 PH133906218
Barangay 612 PH133906219
Barangay 613 PH133906220
Barangay 614 PH133906221
Barangay 615 PH133906222
Barangay 616 PH133906223
Barangay 617 PH133906224
Barangay 618 PH133906225
Barangay 619 PH133906226
Barangay 62 PH083747092
Barangay 62 PH133901062
Barangay 62 PH137501062
Barangay 62 PH137605062
Barangay 62-A PH083747148
Barangay 62-A (Kangkong A) PH042105083
Barangay 62-B PH083747149
Barangay 62-B (Kangkong B) PH042105084
Barangay 62 (Kangkong) PH042105059
Barangay 620 PH133906227
Barangay 621 PH133906228
Barangay 622 PH133906229
Barangay 623 PH133906230
Barangay 624 PH133906231
Barangay 625 PH133906232
Barangay 626 PH133906233
Barangay 627 PH133906234
Barangay 628 PH133906235
Barangay 629 PH133906236
Barangay 63 PH083747093
Barangay 63 PH133901063
Barangay 63 PH137501063
Barangay 63 PH137605063
Barangay 630 PH133906237
Barangay 631 PH133906238
Barangay 632 PH133906239
Barangay 633 PH133906240
Barangay 634 PH133906241
Barangay 635 PH133906242
Barangay 636 PH133906243
Barangay 637 PH133907001
Barangay 638 PH133907002
Barangay 639 PH133907003
Barangay 64 PH083747094


Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Cavite City PH042105000
Cavite City PH042105000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
Sampaloc PH133906000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
Tacloban City PH083747000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 64 PH133901064
Barangay 64 PH137501064
Barangay 64 PH137605064
Barangay 640 PH133907004
Barangay 641 PH133907005
Barangay 642 PH133907006
Barangay 643 PH133907007
Barangay 644 PH133907008
Barangay 645 PH133907009
Barangay 646 PH133907010
Barangay 647 PH133907011
Barangay 648 PH133907012
Barangay 649 PH133913001
Barangay 65 PH083747095
Barangay 65 PH133901065
Barangay 65 PH137501065
Barangay 65 PH137605065
Barangay 650 PH133913002
Barangay 651 PH133913003
Barangay 652 PH133913004
Barangay 653 PH133913005
Barangay 654 PH133909001
Barangay 655 PH133909002
Barangay 656 PH133909003
Barangay 657 PH133909004
Barangay 658 PH133909005
Barangay 659 PH133908001
Barangay 659-A PH133908002
Barangay 66 PH083747096
Barangay 66 PH133901066
Barangay 66 PH137501066
Barangay 66 PH137605066
Barangay 66-A PH083747097
Barangay 660 PH133908003
Barangay 660-A PH133908004
Barangay 661 PH133908005
Barangay 662 PH133911001
Barangay 663 PH133908013
Barangay 663-A PH133908014
Barangay 664 PH133908015
Barangay 664-A PH133911004
Barangay 666 PH133908008
Barangay 667 PH133908009
Barangay 668 PH133908010
Barangay 669 PH133908011
Barangay 67 PH083747098
Barangay 67 PH133901067
Barangay 67 PH137501067
Barangay 67 PH137605067
Barangay 670 PH133908012
Barangay 671 PH133911005
Barangay 672 PH133911006
Barangay 673 PH133911007
Barangay 674 PH133911008
Barangay 675 PH133911009
Barangay 676 PH133911010
Barangay 677 PH133911011
Barangay 678 PH133911012
Barangay 679 PH133911013
Barangay 68 PH083747099


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
San Miguel PH133907000
Port Area PH133913000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Port Area PH133913000
Port Area PH133913000
Port Area PH133913000
Port Area PH133913000
Intramuros PH133909000
Intramuros PH133909000
Intramuros PH133909000
Intramuros PH133909000
Intramuros PH133909000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Paco PH133911000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Paco PH133911000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Ermita PH133908000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Ermita PH133908000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Tacloban City PH083747000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 68 PH133901068
Barangay 68 PH137501068
Barangay 68 PH137605068
Barangay 680 PH133911014
Barangay 681 PH133911015
Barangay 682 PH133911016
Barangay 683 PH133911017
Barangay 684 PH133911018
Barangay 685 PH133911019
Barangay 686 PH133911048
Barangay 687 PH133911049
Barangay 688 PH133910059
Barangay 689 PH133910004
Barangay 69 PH083747100
Barangay 69 PH133901069
Barangay 69 PH137501069
Barangay 69 PH137605069
Barangay 690 PH133910005
Barangay 691 PH133910006
Barangay 692 PH133910007
Barangay 693 PH133910008
Barangay 694 PH133910009
Barangay 695 PH133910010
Barangay 696 PH133910011
Barangay 697 PH133910012
Barangay 698 PH133910013
Barangay 699 PH133910014
Barangay 7 PH083747014
Barangay 7 PH133901007
Barangay 7 PH137501007
Barangay 7 PH137605007
Barangay 7-A (Pob.) PH112402140
Barangay 7 (Kapitan Kong) PH042105060
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH037702007
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH041003012
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH041005076
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH041009021
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH041019012
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH042104018
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH043405044
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH045610009
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH045616009
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH045623010
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH045624010
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH050501043
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH050502052
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH060613009
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH063045014
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH082606034
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH082608007
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH082613023
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH082619013
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH083738046
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH084806051
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH086004034
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH101312050
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH104305074
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH104308059
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH160209016
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH166707022


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Cuenca PH041009000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Nasipit PH160209000
Dapa PH166707000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH175110011

Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH064501042
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH064514022
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH064515018
Barangay 7 (Pob.) PH064519008
Barangay 7 Poblacion PH082605025
Barangay 70 PH083747101
Barangay 70 PH133901070
Barangay 70 PH137501070
Barangay 70 PH137605070
Barangay 700 PH133910015
Barangay 701 PH133910016
Barangay 702 PH133910017
Barangay 703 PH133910018
Barangay 704 PH133910019
Barangay 705 PH133910020
Barangay 706 PH133910021
Barangay 707 PH133910022
Barangay 708 PH133910023
Barangay 709 PH133910024
Barangay 71 PH083747102
Barangay 71 PH133901071
Barangay 71 PH137501071
Barangay 71 PH137605071
Barangay 710 PH133910025
Barangay 711 PH133910026
Barangay 712 PH133910027
Barangay 713 PH133910028
Barangay 714 PH133910029
Barangay 715 PH133910030
Barangay 716 PH133910031
Barangay 717 PH133910032
Barangay 718 PH133910033
Barangay 719 PH133910034
Barangay 72 PH083747103
Barangay 72 PH133901072
Barangay 72 PH137501072
Barangay 72 PH137605072
Barangay 720 PH133910035
Barangay 721 PH133910036
Barangay 722 PH133910037
Barangay 723 PH133910038
Barangay 724 PH133910039
Barangay 725 PH133910040
Barangay 726 PH133910041
Barangay 727 PH133910042
Barangay 728 PH133910043
Barangay 729 PH133910044
Barangay 73 PH083747104
Barangay 73 PH133901073
Barangay 73 PH137501073
Barangay 73 PH137605073
Barangay 730 PH133910045
Barangay 731 PH133910046
Barangay 732 PH133910047
Barangay 733 PH133910048
Barangay 734 PH133910063
Barangay 735 PH133910060
Barangay 736 PH133910061
Barangay 737 PH133910062


San Jose PH175110000

Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000


Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B

Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 738 PH133910052

Barangay 739 PH133910053
Barangay 74 PH083747105
Barangay 74 PH133901074
Barangay 74 PH137501074
Barangay 74 PH137605074
Barangay 740 PH133910054
Barangay 741 PH133910055
Barangay 742 PH133910056
Barangay 743 PH133910057
Barangay 744 PH133910058
Barangay 745 PH133914002
Barangay 746 PH133914003
Barangay 747 PH133914004
Barangay 748 PH133914005
Barangay 749 PH133914006
Barangay 75 PH083747106
Barangay 75 PH133901075
Barangay 75 PH137501075
Barangay 75 PH137605075
Barangay 750 PH133914007
Barangay 751 PH133914008
Barangay 752 PH133914009
Barangay 753 PH133914010
Barangay 754 PH133914099
Barangay 755 PH133914011
Barangay 756 PH133914012
Barangay 757 PH133914013
Barangay 758 PH133914014
Barangay 759 PH133914015
Barangay 76 PH083747107
Barangay 76 PH133901076
Barangay 76 PH137501076
Barangay 76 PH137605076
Barangay 760 PH133914016
Barangay 761 PH133914017
Barangay 762 PH133914018
Barangay 763 PH133914019
Barangay 764 PH133914020
Barangay 765 PH133914021
Barangay 766 PH133914022
Barangay 767 PH133914023
Barangay 768 PH133914024
Barangay 769 PH133914025
Barangay 77 PH083747108
Barangay 77 PH133901077
Barangay 77 PH137501077
Barangay 77 PH137605077
Barangay 770 PH133914026
Barangay 771 PH133914027
Barangay 772 PH133914028
Barangay 773 PH133914029
Barangay 774 PH133914030
Barangay 775 PH133914031
Barangay 776 PH133914032
Barangay 777 PH133914033
Barangay 778 PH133914034
Barangay 779 PH133914035
Barangay 78 PH133901078
Barangay 78 PH137501078


Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Malate PH133910000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 78 PH137605078
Barangay 78 (Marasbaras) PH083747109
Barangay 780 PH133914036
Barangay 781 PH133914037
Barangay 782 PH133914038
Barangay 783 PH133914039
Barangay 784 PH133914040
Barangay 785 PH133914041
Barangay 786 PH133914042
Barangay 787 PH133914043
Barangay 788 PH133914044
Barangay 789 PH133914045
Barangay 79 PH133901079
Barangay 79 PH137501079
Barangay 79 PH137605079
Barangay 79 (Marasbaras) PH083747110
Barangay 790 PH133914046
Barangay 791 PH133914047
Barangay 792 PH133914048
Barangay 793 PH133914049
Barangay 794 PH133914050
Barangay 795 PH133914051
Barangay 796 PH133914052
Barangay 797 PH133914053
Barangay 798 PH133914054
Barangay 799 PH133914055
Barangay 8 PH083747015
Barangay 8 PH133901008
Barangay 8 PH137501008
Barangay 8 PH137605008
Barangay 8-A PH083747153
Barangay 8-A (Pob.) PH112402141
Barangay 8 (Manuel S. Rojas) PH042105061
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH037702008
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH041003013
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH041005077
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH041009022
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH041019013
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH042104019
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH045610010
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH045616010
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH045623011
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH045624011
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH050501044
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH060613010
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH063045015
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH082606035
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH082608019
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH082613024
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH082619014
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH083738047
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH084806052
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH101312051
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH104305034
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH104308060
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH166707023
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH175110012
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH064501043
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH064514023
Barangay 8 (Pob.) PH064515019


Pasay City PH137605000

Tacloban City PH083747000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Casiguran PH037702000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Cuenca PH041009000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Carmona PH042104000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Bacacay PH050501000
San Jose PH060613000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Giporlos PH082608000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catubig PH084806000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
San Jose PH175110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 8 Poblacion PH082605026

Barangay 80 PH133901080
Barangay 80 PH137501080
Barangay 80 PH137605080
Barangay 80 (Marasbaras) PH083747112
Barangay 800 PH133914056
Barangay 801 PH133914057
Barangay 802 PH133914058
Barangay 803 PH133914059
Barangay 804 PH133914060
Barangay 805 PH133914061
Barangay 806 PH133914062
Barangay 807 PH133914063
Barangay 808 PH133914100
Barangay 809 PH133911023
Barangay 81 PH133901081
Barangay 81 PH137501081
Barangay 81 PH137605081
Barangay 81 (Marasbaras) PH083747113
Barangay 810 PH133911024
Barangay 811 PH133911025
Barangay 812 PH133911026
Barangay 813 PH133911027
Barangay 814 PH133911028
Barangay 815 PH133911029
Barangay 816 PH133911030
Barangay 817 PH133911031
Barangay 818 PH133911032
Barangay 818-A PH133914101
Barangay 819 PH133911034
Barangay 82 PH133901082
Barangay 82 PH137501082
Barangay 82 PH137605082
Barangay 82 (Marasbaras) PH083747114
Barangay 820 PH133911035
Barangay 821 PH133911036
Barangay 822 PH133911037
Barangay 823 PH133911038
Barangay 824 PH133911039
Barangay 825 PH133911040
Barangay 826 PH133911041
Barangay 827 PH133911042
Barangay 828 PH133911043
Barangay 829 PH133911044
Barangay 83 PH133901083
Barangay 83 PH137501083
Barangay 83 PH137605083
Barangay 83-A (San Jose) PH083747116
Barangay 83-B PH083747150
Barangay 83-C (San Jose) PH083747151
Barangay 83 (San Jose) PH083747115
Barangay 830 PH133911045
Barangay 831 PH133911046
Barangay 832 PH133911047
Barangay 833 PH133912001
Barangay 834 PH133912002
Barangay 835 PH133912003
Barangay 836 PH133912004
Barangay 837 PH133912005
Barangay 838 PH133912006


Can-Avid PH082605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Paco PH133911000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Paco PH133911000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Paco PH133911000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 839 PH133912007

Barangay 84 PH133901084
Barangay 84 PH137501084
Barangay 84 PH137605084
Barangay 84 (San Jose) PH083747117
Barangay 840 PH133912008
Barangay 841 PH133912009
Barangay 842 PH133912010
Barangay 843 PH133912011
Barangay 844 PH133912012
Barangay 845 PH133912013
Barangay 846 PH133912014
Barangay 847 PH133912015
Barangay 848 PH133912016
Barangay 849 PH133912017
Barangay 85 PH133901085
Barangay 85 PH137501085
Barangay 85 PH137605085
Barangay 85 (San Jose) PH083747118
Barangay 850 PH133912018
Barangay 851 PH133912019
Barangay 852 PH133912020
Barangay 853 PH133912021
Barangay 855 PH133912023
Barangay 856 PH133912024
Barangay 857 PH133912025
Barangay 858 PH133912026
Barangay 859 PH133912027
Barangay 86 PH083747119
Barangay 86 PH133901086
Barangay 86 PH137501086
Barangay 86 PH137605086
Barangay 860 PH133912028
Barangay 861 PH133912029
Barangay 862 PH133912030
Barangay 863 PH133912031
Barangay 864 PH133912032
Barangay 865 PH133912033
Barangay 866 PH133914064
Barangay 867 PH133912034
Barangay 868 PH133912035
Barangay 869 PH133912039
Barangay 87 PH083747120
Barangay 87 PH133901087
Barangay 87 PH137501087
Barangay 87 PH137605087
Barangay 870 PH133912036
Barangay 871 PH133912037
Barangay 872 PH133912038
Barangay 873 PH133914066
Barangay 874 PH133914067
Barangay 875 PH133914068
Barangay 876 PH133914069
Barangay 877 PH133914070
Barangay 878 PH133914071
Barangay 879 PH133914072
Barangay 88 PH083747121
Barangay 88 PH133901088
Barangay 88 PH137501088
Barangay 88 PH137605088


Pandacan PH133912000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Pandacan PH133912000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 880 PH133914073

Barangay 881 PH133914074
Barangay 882 PH133914075
Barangay 883 PH133914076
Barangay 884 PH133914077
Barangay 885 PH133914078
Barangay 886 PH133914079
Barangay 887 PH133914080
Barangay 888 PH133914081
Barangay 889 PH133914082
Barangay 89 PH083747122
Barangay 89 PH133901089
Barangay 89 PH137501089
Barangay 89 PH137605089
Barangay 890 PH133914083
Barangay 891 PH133914084
Barangay 892 PH133914085
Barangay 893 PH133914086
Barangay 894 PH133914087
Barangay 895 PH133914088
Barangay 896 PH133914089
Barangay 897 PH133914090
Barangay 898 PH133914091
Barangay 899 PH133914092
Barangay 9 PH133901009
Barangay 9 PH137501009
Barangay 9 PH137605009
Barangay 9-A (Pob.) PH112402142
Barangay 9 (Kanaway) PH042105062
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH041003014
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH041005078
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH041019014
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH045610011
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH045616011
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH045623012
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH045624012
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH050501045
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH063045016
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH082606036
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH082613025
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH082619015
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH083738048
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH101312052
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH104305035
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH104308061
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH166707024
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH064501044
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH064514024
Barangay 9 (Pob.) PH064515020
Barangay 9 Poblacion PH082605027
Barangay 90 PH133901090
Barangay 90 PH137501090
Barangay 90 PH137605090
Barangay 90 (San Jose) PH083747123
Barangay 900 PH133914093
Barangay 901 PH133914094
Barangay 902 PH133914095
Barangay 903 PH133914096
Barangay 904 PH133914097
Barangay 905 PH133914098


Santa Ana PH133914000

Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Davao City PH112402000
Cavite City PH042105000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Catanauan PH045610000
General Luna PH045616000
Lucban PH045623000
Lucena City PH045624000
Bacacay PH050501000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Dolores PH082606000
Llorente PH082613000
Salcedo PH082619000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Dapa PH166707000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000
Santa Ana PH133914000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay 91 PH133901091
Barangay 91 PH137501091
Barangay 91 PH137605091
Barangay 91 (Abucay) PH083747124
Barangay 92 PH133901092
Barangay 92 PH137501092
Barangay 92 PH137605092
Barangay 92 (Apitong) PH083747125
Barangay 93 PH133901093
Barangay 93 PH137501093
Barangay 93 PH137605093
Barangay 93 (Bagacay) PH083747127
Barangay 94 PH133901094
Barangay 94 PH137501094
Barangay 94 PH137605094
Barangay 94-A PH083747155
Barangay 94 (Tigbao) PH083747128
Barangay 95 PH133901095
Barangay 95 PH137501095
Barangay 95 PH137605095
Barangay 95-A (Caibaan) PH083747152
Barangay 95 (Caibaan) PH083747129
Barangay 96 PH133901096
Barangay 96 PH137501096
Barangay 96 PH137605096
Barangay 96 (Calanipawan) PH083747130
Barangay 97 PH133901097
Barangay 97 PH137501097
Barangay 97 PH137605097
Barangay 97 (Cabalawan) PH083747131
Barangay 98 PH133901098
Barangay 98 PH137501098
Barangay 98 PH137605098
Barangay 98 (Camansinay) PH083747132
Barangay 99 PH133901099
Barangay 99 PH137501099
Barangay 99 PH137605099
Barangay 99 (Diit) PH083747133
Barangay A (Pob.) PH015543014
Barangay A (Pob.) PH041021031
Barangay B (Pob.) PH015543015
Barangay B (Pob.) PH041021032
Barangay C (Pob.) PH015543016
Barangay C (Pob.) PH041021033
Barangay D (Pob.) PH015543017
Barangay D (Pob.) PH041021034
Barangay District 1 (Pob.) PH023137037
Barangay District 2 (Pob.) PH023137038
Barangay District 3 (Pob.) PH023137039
Barangay District 4 (Pob.) PH023137040
Barangay Dos (Pob.) PH043404018
Barangay Dos (Pob.) PH097203017
Barangay E (Pob.) PH041021035
Barangay East (Pob.) PH084819029
Barangay I-A (Pob.) PH043424003
Barangay I-A (Pob.) PH064518003
Barangay I-B (Pob.) PH043424004
Barangay I-B (Pob.) PH064518004
Barangay I - City Hall (Pob.) PH104215012
Barangay I (Pob.) PH012934003


Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tondo I / II PH133901000
Caloocan City PH137501000
Pasay City PH137605000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Tayug PH015543000
Rosario PH041021000
Tayug PH015543000
Rosario PH041021000
Tayug PH015543000
Rosario PH041021000
Tayug PH015543000
Rosario PH041021000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Katipunan PH097203000
Rosario PH041021000
San Jose PH084819000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Manapla PH064518000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Manapla PH064518000
Tangub City PH104215000
City of Vigan PH012934000


NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region

NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay I (Pob.) PH013314006

Barangay I (Pob.) PH021512002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH023115006
Barangay I (Pob.) PH023132017
Barangay I (Pob.) PH034913001
Barangay I (Pob.) PH034922010
Barangay I (Pob.) PH037701001
Barangay I (Pob.) PH037707005
Barangay I (Pob.) PH037708002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH041006007
Barangay I (Pob.) PH041028001
Barangay I (Pob.) PH042101002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH042102011
Barangay I (Pob.) PH042118032
Barangay I (Pob.) PH042120016
Barangay I (Pob.) PH043401003
Barangay I (Pob.) PH043419012
Barangay I (Pob.) PH043426014
Barangay I (Pob.) PH043427019
Barangay I (Pob.) PH045607013
Barangay I (Pob.) PH045637012
Barangay I (Pob.) PH045648003
Barangay I (Pob.) PH050509004
Barangay I (Pob.) PH050513023
Barangay I (Pob.) PH051603024
Barangay I (Pob.) PH051607002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH051612014
Barangay I (Pob.) PH051714014
Barangay I (Pob.) PH072229015
Barangay I (Pob.) PH072252048
Barangay I (Pob.) PH086013002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH174002015
Barangay I (Pob.) PH174003024
Barangay I (Pob.) PH175309016
Barangay I (Pob.) PH175910025
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064510016
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064511003
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064512004
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064513014
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064516010
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064518002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064521002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064524010
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064526002
Barangay I (Pob.) PH064531004
Barangay I (Pob.) PH074604001
Barangay I (T. Bugallon) PH015518024
Barangay II-A (Pob.) PH041018018
Barangay II-A (Pob.) PH043424005
Barangay II-A (Pob.) PH064518006
Barangay II-B (Pob.) PH043424006
Barangay II-C (Pob.) PH043424007
Barangay II-D (Pob.) PH043424008
Barangay II-E (Pob.) PH043424009
Barangay II-F (Pob.) PH043424010
Barangay II - Marilou Annex (Pob.) PH104215013
Barangay II (Nueva) PH015518003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH012934004
Barangay II (Pob.) PH013314007
Barangay II (Pob.) PH021512003


City of San Fernando PH013314000

Enrile PH021512000
Jones PH023115000
San Mateo PH023132000
Laur PH034913000
Quezon PH034922000
Baler PH037701000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
San Luis PH037708000
Bauan PH041006000
Santo Tomas PH041028000
Alfonso PH042101000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Tanza PH042120000
Alaminos PH043401000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Calauag PH045607000
Quezon PH045637000
Tiaong PH045648000
Malilipot PH050509000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Vinzons PH051612000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Tuburan PH072252000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Buenavista PH174002000
Gasan PH174003000
Coron PH175309000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Ilog PH064513000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Manapla PH064518000
Pontevedra PH064521000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Silay City PH064526000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Bais City PH074604000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Manapla PH064518000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Tangub City PH104215000
Dagupan City PH015518000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Enrile PH021512000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay II (Pob.) PH023115007

Barangay II (Pob.) PH023132018
Barangay II (Pob.) PH034913002
Barangay II (Pob.) PH034922011
Barangay II (Pob.) PH037701002
Barangay II (Pob.) PH037707006
Barangay II (Pob.) PH037708003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH041006008
Barangay II (Pob.) PH041028002
Barangay II (Pob.) PH042101003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH042102015
Barangay II (Pob.) PH042118033
Barangay II (Pob.) PH042120017
Barangay II (Pob.) PH043401004
Barangay II (Pob.) PH043419013
Barangay II (Pob.) PH043426015
Barangay II (Pob.) PH043427020
Barangay II (Pob.) PH045607014
Barangay II (Pob.) PH045637013
Barangay II (Pob.) PH045648004
Barangay II (Pob.) PH050509005
Barangay II (Pob.) PH050513024
Barangay II (Pob.) PH051603025
Barangay II (Pob.) PH051607003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH051612015
Barangay II (Pob.) PH051714015
Barangay II (Pob.) PH072229016
Barangay II (Pob.) PH072252049
Barangay II (Pob.) PH086013003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH174002016
Barangay II (Pob.) PH174003025
Barangay II (Pob.) PH175309017
Barangay II (Pob.) PH175318029
Barangay II (Pob.) PH175910026
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064510017
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064511004
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064512005
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064513015
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064516011
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064518005
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064521003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064524011
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064526003
Barangay II (Pob.) PH064531005
Barangay II (Pob.) PH074604002
Barangay III- Market Kalubian (Pob.) PH104215029
Barangay III-A PH021512021
Barangay III-A (Pob.) PH043424011
Barangay III-B (Pob.) PH043424012
Barangay III-C (Pob.) PH043424013
Barangay III-D (Pob.) PH043424014
Barangay III-E (Pob.) PH043424015
Barangay III-F (Pob.) PH043424016
Barangay III (Pob.) PH012934005
Barangay III (Pob.) PH013314008
Barangay III (Pob.) PH023132019
Barangay III (Pob.) PH034913003
Barangay III (Pob.) PH037701003
Barangay III (Pob.) PH037707007
Barangay III (Pob.) PH037708004


Jones PH023115000
San Mateo PH023132000
Laur PH034913000
Quezon PH034922000
Baler PH037701000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
San Luis PH037708000
Bauan PH041006000
Santo Tomas PH041028000
Alfonso PH042101000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Tanza PH042120000
Alaminos PH043401000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Calauag PH045607000
Quezon PH045637000
Tiaong PH045648000
Malilipot PH050509000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Vinzons PH051612000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Tuburan PH072252000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Buenavista PH174002000
Gasan PH174003000
Coron PH175309000
Roxas PH175318000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Ilog PH064513000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Manapla PH064518000
Pontevedra PH064521000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Silay City PH064526000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Bais City PH074604000
Tangub City PH104215000
Enrile PH021512000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
San Mateo PH023132000
Laur PH034913000
Baler PH037701000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
San Luis PH037708000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay III (Pob.) PH041006009

Barangay III (Pob.) PH041028003
Barangay III (Pob.) PH042101004
Barangay III (Pob.) PH042102016
Barangay III (Pob.) PH042118034
Barangay III (Pob.) PH042120018
Barangay III (Pob.) PH043401005
Barangay III (Pob.) PH043426016
Barangay III (Pob.) PH043427021
Barangay III (Pob.) PH045607015
Barangay III (Pob.) PH045637014
Barangay III (Pob.) PH045648005
Barangay III (Pob.) PH050509006
Barangay III (Pob.) PH050513025
Barangay III (Pob.) PH051603026
Barangay III (Pob.) PH051607004
Barangay III (Pob.) PH051612016
Barangay III (Pob.) PH051714016
Barangay III (Pob.) PH072252050
Barangay III (Pob.) PH174002017
Barangay III (Pob.) PH174003026
Barangay III (Pob.) PH175309018
Barangay III (Pob.) PH175318030
Barangay III (Pob.) PH175910027
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064510018
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064511005
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064516012
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064521004
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064524012
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064526004
Barangay III (Pob.) PH064531006
Barangay III (San Roque*) PH021512006
Barangay IV-A (Pob.) PH043424017
Barangay IV-B (Pob.) PH043424018
Barangay IV-C (Pob.) PH043424019
Barangay IV - St. Michael (Pob.) PH104215014
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH012934006
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH013314009
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH021512019
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH023132020
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH034913004
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH037701004
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH037707008
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH037708005
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH041006010
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH041028004
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH042101005
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH042102017
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH042118035
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH042120019
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH043401006
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH043426017
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH043427022
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH045607016
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH045637015
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH045648006
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH050509007
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH050513026
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH051603027
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH051607005


Bauan PH041006000
Santo Tomas PH041028000
Alfonso PH042101000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Tanza PH042120000
Alaminos PH043401000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Calauag PH045607000
Quezon PH045637000
Tiaong PH045648000
Malilipot PH050509000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Vinzons PH051612000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Tuburan PH072252000
Buenavista PH174002000
Gasan PH174003000
Coron PH175309000
Roxas PH175318000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Hinigaran PH064511000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Pontevedra PH064521000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Silay City PH064526000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Enrile PH021512000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Tangub City PH104215000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Enrile PH021512000
San Mateo PH023132000
Laur PH034913000
Baler PH037701000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
San Luis PH037708000
Bauan PH041006000
Santo Tomas PH041028000
Alfonso PH042101000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Tanza PH042120000
Alaminos PH043401000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Calauag PH045607000
Quezon PH045637000
Tiaong PH045648000
Malilipot PH050509000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay IV (Pob.) PH051714017

Barangay IV (Pob.) PH072252051
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH174002018
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH175309019
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH175318031
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH175910028
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH064510019
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH064511006
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH064524013
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH064526005
Barangay IV (Pob.) PH064531007
Barangay IV (Zamora) PH015518004
Barangay IX PH012934040
Barangay IX (Daan Banwa) PH064531012
Barangay IX (Pob.) PH042102022
Barangay ng mga Mangingisda PH175316062
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) PH082618003
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) PH082621010
Barangay No. 1 (Pob.) PH086009024
Barangay No. 1 Poblacion PH082620007
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) PH082618004
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) PH082621011
Barangay No. 2 (Pob.) PH086009025
Barangay No. 2 Poblacion PH082620008
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) PH082618005
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) PH082621012
Barangay No. 3 (Pob.) PH086009026
Barangay No. 3 Poblacion PH082620009
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) PH082618006
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) PH082621013
Barangay No. 4 (Pob.) PH086009027
Barangay No. 4 Poblacion PH082620010
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) PH082618007
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) PH082621014
Barangay No. 5 (Pob.) PH086009028
Barangay No. 5 Poblacion PH082620011
Barangay No. 6 (Pob.) PH082618024
Barangay No. 6 (Pob.) PH086009029
Barangay No. 6 Poblacion PH082620012
Barangay No. 7 (Pob.) PH082618025
Barangay No. 7 (Pob.) PH086009030
Barangay No. 8 (Pob.) PH086009031
Barangay North (Pob.) PH084819027
Barangay Poblacion 1 PH082612010
Barangay Poblacion 1 PH082615013
Barangay Poblacion 1 PH124709035
Barangay Poblacion 10 PH082612019
Barangay Poblacion 2 PH082612011
Barangay Poblacion 2 PH082615014
Barangay Poblacion 2 PH124709036
Barangay Poblacion 3 PH082612012
Barangay Poblacion 3 PH082615015
Barangay Poblacion 3 PH124709037
Barangay Poblacion 4 PH082612013
Barangay Poblacion 4 PH082615016
Barangay Poblacion 4 PH124709038
Barangay Poblacion 5 PH082612014
Barangay Poblacion 5 PH082615017
Barangay Poblacion 5 PH124709039
Barangay Poblacion 6 PH082612015


Garchitorena PH051714000
Tuburan PH072252000
Buenavista PH174002000
Coron PH175309000
Roxas PH175318000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Hinigaran PH064511000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Silay City PH064526000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Dagupan City PH015518000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Amadeo PH042102000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Quinapondan PH082618000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Julian PH082620000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Jiabong PH086009000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Jose PH084819000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay Poblacion 6 PH082615018

Barangay Poblacion 6 PH124709040
Barangay Poblacion 7 PH082612016
Barangay Poblacion 7 PH082615019
Barangay Poblacion 7 PH124709041
Barangay Poblacion 8 PH082612017
Barangay Poblacion 8 PH124709042
Barangay Poblacion 9 PH082612018
Barangay Poblacion I PH056215003
Barangay Poblacion I PH082602005
Barangay Poblacion II PH056215004
Barangay Poblacion II PH082602006
Barangay Poblacion III PH056215005
Barangay Poblacion III PH082602007
Barangay Poblacion IV PH056215006
Barangay Poblacion IV PH082602008
Barangay Poblacion V PH082602009
Barangay Poblacion VI PH082602010
Barangay South (Pob.) PH084819028
Barangay Tres (Pob.) PH043404019
Barangay Uno (Pob.) PH043404017
Barangay Uno (Pob.) PH097203016
Barangay V-A (Pob.) PH043424020
Barangay V-B (Pob.) PH043424021
Barangay V-C (Pob.) PH043424022
Barangay V-D (Pob.) PH043424023
Barangay V - Malubog (Pob.) PH104215026
Barangay V (Pob.) PH012934007
Barangay V (Pob.) PH037701005
Barangay V (Pob.) PH042101006
Barangay V (Pob.) PH042102018
Barangay V (Pob.) PH042118036
Barangay V (Pob.) PH043426018
Barangay V (Pob.) PH045607017
Barangay V (Pob.) PH045637016
Barangay V (Pob.) PH050509008
Barangay V (Pob.) PH050513027
Barangay V (Pob.) PH051603028
Barangay V (Pob.) PH051607006
Barangay V (Pob.) PH072252052
Barangay V (Pob.) PH175309020
Barangay V (Pob.) PH064524014
Barangay V (Pob.) PH064526006
Barangay V (Pob.) PH064531008
Barangay V Pob. (Porao Island) PH175318032
Barangay VI-A PH064531029
Barangay VI-A (Pob.) PH043424024
Barangay VI-B (Pob.) PH043424025
Barangay VI-D (Pob.) PH043424027
Barangay VI-E (Pob.) PH043424028
Barangay VI - Lower Polao (Pob.) PH104215023
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH012934008
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH042102019
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH045637017
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH051603029
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH051607007
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH072252053
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH175309032
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH064524015
Barangay VI (Pob.) PH064531009


Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Maydolong PH082615000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Midsayap PH124709000
Lawaan PH082612000
Santa Magdalena PH056215000
Balangiga PH082602000
Santa Magdalena PH056215000
Balangiga PH082602000
Santa Magdalena PH056215000
Balangiga PH082602000
Santa Magdalena PH056215000
Balangiga PH082602000
Balangiga PH082602000
Balangiga PH082602000
San Jose PH084819000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Katipunan PH097203000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Tangub City PH104215000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Baler PH037701000
Alfonso PH042101000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Calauag PH045607000
Quezon PH045637000
Malilipot PH050509000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Tuburan PH072252000
Coron PH175309000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Silay City PH064526000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Roxas PH175318000
City of Victorias PH064531000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Tangub City PH104215000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Amadeo PH042102000
Quezon PH045637000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Tuburan PH072252000
Coron PH175309000
San Carlos City PH064524000
City of Victorias PH064531000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay VI Pob. (Hawaiian) PH064526007

Barangay VI Pob. (Johnson Island) PH175318033
Barangay VII PH012934038
Barangay VII-A (Pob.) PH043424029
Barangay VII-B (Pob.) PH043424030
Barangay VII-C (Pob.) PH043424031
Barangay VII-D (Pob.) PH043424032
Barangay VII-E (Pob.) PH043424033
Barangay VII - Upper Polao (Pob.) PH104215047
Barangay VII (Pob.) PH042102020
Barangay VII (Pob.) PH051603030
Barangay VII (Pob.) PH051607008
Barangay VII (Pob.) PH072252054
Barangay VII (Pob.) PH064531010
Barangay VIII PH012934039
Barangay VIII (Pob.) PH042102021
Barangay VIII (Pob.) PH051603031
Barangay VIII (Pob.) PH072252055
Barangay VIII (Pob.) PH064531011
Barangay West (Pob.) PH084819030
Barangay X (Estado) PH064531013
Barangay X (Pob.) PH042102012
Barangay XI (Gawahon) PH064531014
Barangay XI (Pob.) PH042102013
Barangay XII PH064531015
Barangay XII (Pob.) PH042102014
Barangay XIII PH064531016
Barangay XIV PH064531017
Barangay XIX PH064531025
Barangay XIX-A PH064531026
Barangay XV PH064531018
Barangay XV-A PH064531019
Barangay XVI PH064531020
Barangay XVI-A PH064531021
Barangay XVII PH064531022
Barangay XVIII PH064531023
Barangay XVIII-A PH064531024
Barangay XX PH064531027
Barangay XXI PH064531028
Barangay Zone 1-A (Pob.) PH064522001
Barangay Zone 1 (Pob.) PH045603004
Barangay Zone 1 (Pob.) PH064522003
Barangay Zone 2 (Pob.) PH045603005
Barangay Zone 2 (Pob.) PH064522004
Barangay Zone 3 (Pob.) PH045603006
Barangay Zone 3 (Pob.) PH064522005
Barangay Zone 4-A (Pob.) PH064522002
Barangay Zone 4 (Pob.) PH045603007
Barangay Zone 4 (Pob.) PH064522006
Barangay Zone 5 (Pob.) PH064522007
Barangay Zone 6 (Pob.) PH064522008
Barangay Zone 7 (Pob.) PH064522009
Barangay Zone I (Pob.) PH043412002
Barangay Zone I (Pob.) PH063043009
Barangay Zone I (Pob.) PH097332061
Barangay Zone II (Pob.) PH043412003
Barangay Zone II (Pob.) PH063043010
Barangay Zone II (Pob.) PH097332062
Barangay Zone III (Pob.) PH043412004
Barangay Zone III (Pob.) PH063043011


Silay City PH064526000

Roxas PH175318000
City of Vigan PH012934000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Tangub City PH104215000
Amadeo PH042102000
Daet PH051603000
Mercedes PH051607000
Tuburan PH072252000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Amadeo PH042102000
Daet PH051603000
Tuburan PH072252000
City of Victorias PH064531000
San Jose PH084819000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Amadeo PH042102000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Amadeo PH042102000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Amadeo PH042102000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
City of Victorias PH064531000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Atimonan PH045603000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Atimonan PH045603000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Atimonan PH045603000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Atimonan PH045603000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barangay Zone III (Pob.) PH097332063

Barangay Zone IV (Pob.) PH043412005
Barangay Zone IV (Pob.) PH063043012
Barangay Zone IV (Pob.) PH097332064
Barangay Zone V (Pob.) PH043412006
Barangay Zone V (Pob.) PH063043013
Barangay Zone VI (Pob.) PH043412007
Barangay Zone VI (Pob.) PH063043061
Barangay Zone VII (Pob.) PH043412008
Barangay Zone VIII (Pob.) PH043412009
Barangbang PH060614008
Barangbang PH063028014
Barangca PH031403002
Barangca PH035405003
Barangcalan PH063014005
Barangcuag PH023102006
Barangcuag PH023115008
Baranghawon PH050517005
Barangiran PH124701002
Barangka PH137402001
Barangka Drive PH137401003
Barangka Ibaba PH137401004
Barangka Ilaya PH137401005
Barangka Itaas PH137401006
Barangobong PH012814002
Barangobong PH013310003
Barangobong PH015529001
Barangobong PH015543003
Barangobong PH015547003
Barangobong (Pob.) PH012925007
Barangonan (Iloc) PH175313001
Barani (Pob.) PH012805007
Barao PH153639002
Baraoas PH013314010
Baraoas Norte PH013311009
Baraoas Sur PH013311010
Baraoidan PH021513008
Baras PH054109003
Baras PH056207006
Baras PH063007005
Baras PH063018008
Baras PH063020005
Baras PH082604007
Baras PH082609005
Baras PH083739004
Baras PH083748008
Baras PH086018002
Baras PH086020008
Baras PH126511001
Baras PH166816002
Baras-baras PH036916015
Baras (Lipata) PH082621004
Baras (Mangyan Minority) PH175201026
Baras (Pangpang) PH175320026
Baras (Pob.) PH051710001
Barasalon PH063023008
Barasan PH063018009
Barasan PH063021008
Barasan PH063028015
Barasan PH063037004


Zamboanga City PH097332000

Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Luisiana PH043412000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Luisiana PH043412000
Luisiana PH043412000
San Remigio PH060614000
Leon PH063028000
Baliuag PH031403000
Candaba PH035405000
Carles PH063014000
Angadanan PH023102000
Jones PH023115000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Alamada PH124701000
City of Marikina PH137402000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Luna PH013310000
Natividad PH015529000
Tayug PH015543000
Villasis PH015547000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Linapacan PH175313000
City of Batac PH012805000
Kapatagan PH153639000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Gattaran PH021513000
Esperanza PH054109000
Donsol PH056207000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Dumangas PH063018000
Guimbal PH063020000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Guiuan PH082609000
Palo PH083739000
Tanauan PH083748000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Tarangnan PH086020000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
San Miguel PH166816000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Baco PH175201000
Taytay PH175320000
Canaman PH051710000
Janiuay PH063023000
Dumangas PH063018000
Igbaras PH063021000
Leon PH063028000
Pototan PH063037000


Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barasan Este PH063043014

Barasan Oeste PH063043015
Barasanan A PH060607009
Barasanan B PH060607010
Barasanan C PH060607011
Barat PH015544007
Barat PH025004008
Barayong PH050508008
Barayong PH056216004
Barayong PH083701009
Barayong PH083715002
Barayong PH083739005
Barayong PH086012004
Barayong PH112407003
Barbaqueso (Pob.) PH012807003
Barbar PH012819004
Barbar PH012920004
Barbarangay PH012811003
Barbarit PH012912006
Barbarit PH021513009
Barbo PH082609006
Barbo (Pob.) PH083718022
Barcelona PH012822004
Barcelona PH097201006
Barcelona PH166812002
Barcelonita PH051707001
Barcenaga PH175208010
Barcolan PH023113002
Bardias PH031421006
Baresbes PH012809005
Baresbes PH025011002
Baretbet PH025003002
Bari PH015526006
Bari PH060616004
Bari-is PH087804003
Bariga PH063006005
Barigon PH041001007
Barihan PH031410010
Barihay PH052008005
Bariis PH050518002
Bariis PH056212004
Barikir PH012814003
Barikir PH012930005
Barili PH097221010
Barimbingan PH153624006
Baring PH072215001
Baring PH072226004
Baringcucurong PH012932001
Baringin Norte PH023108007
Baringin Sur PH023108008
Bario-an PH012933004
Bariquir PH013311011
Barira (Pob.) PH153818001
Bariri PH060607012
Bariri PH060613011
Bariri PH063030014
Baris (Lumangculob) PH103522002
Barit PH035405004
Barit PH140114002
Barit PH153603008


Santa Barbara PH063043000

Santa Barbara PH063043000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Umingan PH015544000
Bambang PH025004000
City of Ligao PH050508000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Abuyog PH083701000
Carigara PH083715000
Palo PH083739000
Motiong PH086012000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Carasi PH012807000
Pinili PH012819000
San Juan PH012920000
Banna PH012811000
Magsingal PH012912000
Gattaran PH021513000
Guiuan PH082609000
Dulag PH083718000
Solsona PH012822000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Lingig PH166812000
Cabusao PH051707000
Naujan PH175208000
Gamu PH023113000
San Miguel PH031421000
Dingras PH012809000
Quezon PH025011000
Bagabag PH025003000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Sibalom PH060616000
Caibiran PH087804000
Banate PH063006000
Agoncillo PH041001000
City of Malolos PH031410000
San Andres PH052008000
Tiwi PH050518000
Matnog PH056212000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Sinait PH012930000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Carmen PH072215000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Suyo PH012932000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Tagudin PH012933000
Naguilian PH013311000
Barira PH153818000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Jose PH060613000
Miagao PH063030000
Tubod PH103522000
Candaba PH035405000
Luba PH140114000
Balindong PH153603000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barit PH153609003
Barit PH153611009
Baritan PH031421007
Baritan PH137502002
Baritao PH012933005
Baritao PH015525004
Bariw PH050501003
Bariw PH050502004
Bariw PH050507011
Bariw PH050510005
Barlis PH034903012
Barlo PH015523003
Baro PH015506005
Barobaybay PH051720001
Barobaybay PH084811003
Barobaybay PH086004004
Barobo PH082613004
Barobo PH101321003
Barocboc PH148107001
Barong PH012809006
Barong-barong PH175306003
Barongcot PH101303001
Barongis PH124705004
Barongis PH126509005
Barorao PH153602003
Barorao PH153609033
Baroro PH013303007
Barosbos PH063014006
Barosong PH063045017
Barotuan PH175312003
Baroy PH101306004
Baroy Daku PH103503003
Barra PH045624013
Barra PH061914017
Barra PH104216002
Barra PH104321003
Barra (Pob.) PH097202011
Barraca PH012934009
Barraca PH013306006
Barraca PH015547004
Barras PH074614006
Barrera District (Pob.) PH034903013
Barrera Jr. PH051719007
Barrera Sr. PH051719008
Barreto PH037107003
Barrido PH063001004
Barrientos PH013310004
Barrio Calinog PH063013022
Barroc PH063045018
Barruz (Barangay No. 1) PH086011004
Barsat East PH021506011
Barsat West PH021506012
Bartolabac PH054119004
Barua PH153601005
Barualte PH041023003
Baruan PH015501004
Barubuhan PH097340003
Barucboc Norte PH023122005
Barugohay Central PH083715003
Barugohay Norte PH083715004


Ganassi PH153609000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
San Miguel PH031421000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Tagudin PH012933000
Manaoag PH015525000
Bacacay PH050501000
Camalig PH050502000
Libon PH050507000
Malinao PH050510000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Mabini PH015523000
Asingan PH015506000
Magarao PH051720000
Lavezares PH084811000
Calbiga PH086004000
Llorente PH082613000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
Dingras PH012809000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Libungan PH124705000
Palimbang PH126509000
Balabagan PH153602000
Ganassi PH153609000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Carles PH063014000
Tigbauan PH063045000
El Nido PH175312000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Baroy PH103503000
Lucena City PH045624000
Roxas City PH061914000
Tudela PH104216000
Opol PH104321000
Dipolog City PH097202000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Bangar PH013306000
Villasis PH015547000
Mabinay PH074614000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Lupi PH051719000
Lupi PH051719000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Ajuy PH063001000
Luna PH013310000
Calinog PH063013000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Baggao PH021506000
Baggao PH021506000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
San Juan PH041023000
Agno PH015501000
Sominot PH097340000
Quezon PH023122000
Carigara PH083715000
Carigara PH083715000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Barugohay Sur PH083715005

Baruk PH082605002
Barumbong PH023136006
Barungis PH124712007
Barurao PH126506001
Barurao PH153813003
Barurao II PH126506026
Barusbus PH060610001
Baruya (San Rafael) PH035408004
Baruyan PH175205003
Baruyen PH012804004
Baryong Daan PH071237014
Bas-bas Proper PH157009002
Bas Lugus PH156617003
Basa PH160312001
Basa-Mabini Bonifacio (Pob.) PH063018049
Basa Air Base PH035406003
Basac PH071230008
Basac PH076102003
Basac PH074625001
Basacdacu PH071201002
Basag PH050508009
Basag PH126316001
Basag PH126512002
Basag PH160202019
Basagad PH153623003
Basagan PH050517006
Basagan PH097203002
Basak PH072207004
Basak PH072216006
Basak PH072218002
Basak PH072226005
Basak PH072230004
Basak PH072240001
Basak PH072241005
Basak PH072246006
Basak PH086407007
Basak PH086414002
Basak PH097216002
Basak PH101310005
Basak PH101320001
Basak PH118209003
Basak PH124706008
Basak PH126506003
Basak PH150705028
Basak PH153605004
Basak PH153613006
Basak PH153621005
Basak PH064507007
Basak PH074604003
Basak PH074611004
Basak PH074617001
Basak-bawang PH098308002
Basak Maito PH153625018
Basak Malutlut PH153617066
Basak Pardo PH072217005
Basak San Nicolas PH072217008
Basakan PH150710001
Basalem PH098302002
Basao PH021513010


Carigara PH083715000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Pikit PH124712000
Lebak PH126506000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Lebak PH126506000
Libertad PH060610000
Lubao PH035408000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Bangui PH012804000
San Isidro PH071237000
Languyan PH157009000
Lugus PH156617000
Trento PH160312000
Dumangas PH063018000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Loon PH071230000
Larena PH076102000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Alburquerque PH071201000
City of Ligao PH050508000
T'Boli PH126316000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Butuan City PH160202000
Pualas PH153623000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Katipunan PH097203000
Badian PH072207000
Catmon PH072216000
Compostela PH072218000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Samboan PH072240000
San Fernando PH072241000
Sibonga PH072246000
City of Maasin PH086407000
San Juan PH086414000
Sibuco PH097216000
Lantapan PH101310000
Talakag PH101320000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Magpet PH124706000
Lebak PH126506000
Sumisip PH150705000
Binidayan PH153605000
Madalum PH153613000
Piagapo PH153621000
Cauayan PH064507000
Bais City PH074604000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
San Jose PH074617000
Malangas PH098308000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Marawi City PH153617000
Cebu City PH072217000
Cebu City PH072217000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
Buug PH098302000
Gattaran PH021513000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Basao PH143215004
Basayungun PH153612008
Basbasa PH140124002
Basca PH013302002
Bascaran PH025013004
Bascaran PH050503008
Basdacu PH071230009
Basdio PH071223001
Basdio PH071230010
Basdiot PH072233004
Base Camp PH101315002
Baseco Country (Nassco) PH030807006
Bashoy PH141107004
Basi East PH021527005
Basi West PH021527038
Basiad PH051610001
Basiao PH061905004
Basiao PH071222003
Basiao PH071235003
Basiao PH072207005
Basiao PH086002005
Basiao PH086005004
Basiao PH074617002
Basiao (Pob.) PH045629013
Basiawan PH118604001
Basicao Coastal PH050513003
Basicao Interior PH050513004
Basil PH141114004
Basilisa PH160212003
Basing PH015513004
Basing PH015522007
Basingan PH153606004
Basirang PH104216003
Baslay PH074609004
BasLikud PH157009016
Basnunuk PH157009003
Baso PH087803002
Basud PH050501004
Basud PH050514010
Basud PH056216005
Basud PH083729004
Basud PH083742003
Basud PH086003013
Basud (Pob.) PH050517007
Basud (Pob.) PH086018003
Basug PH012922003
Basuit PH031419007
Bat-Ongan PH054110003
Bata PH064501045
Bataan PH041023004
Bataan PH045639008
Bataan PH051737007
Bataan PH098313042
Bataan PH160304001
Batabat PH061907005
Batabat Norte PH045605004
Batabat Sur PH045605005
Batad PH072243005
Batad PH142701004
Batad Viejo PH063009004


Tinglayan PH143215000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Tayum PH140124000
Aringay PH013302000
Solano PH025013000
Daraga PH050503000
Loon PH071230000
Guindulman PH071223000
Loon PH071230000
Moalboal PH072233000
Maramag PH101315000
Mariveles PH030807000
Kabayan PH141107000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Santa Elena PH051610000
Ivisan PH061905000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Badian PH072207000
Basey PH086002000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
San Jose PH074617000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Tublay PH141114000
Remedios T. Romualdez PH160212000
Binmaley PH015513000
Lingayen PH015522000
Bubong PH153606000
Tudela PH104216000
Dauin PH074609000
Languyan PH157009000
Languyan PH157009000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Bacacay PH050501000
Polangui PH050514000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Leyte PH083729000
San Isidro PH083742000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Santa PH012922000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Mandaon PH054110000
Bacolod City PH064501000
San Juan PH041023000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Tinambac PH051737000
Siay PH098313000
La Paz PH160304000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Buenavista PH045605000
Buenavista PH045605000
San Remigio PH072243000
Banaue PH142701000
Batad PH063009000


Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Batadbatad PH072233005
Batag PH052011004
Batakil PH015530007
Batal PH023135006
Batal PH103513003
Batal-Punud PH153616106
Batalay PH052003004
Batan PH050515004
Batan PH141107005
Batang PH015520003
Batang PH050508010
Batang PH051726001
Batang PH056209003
Batang PH082610001
Batang PH082617006
Batang PH124714003
Batang-baglas PH126509006
Batang-batang PH036916016
Batang-batang PH175315003
Batang 1st PH035422001
Batang 2nd PH035422002
Batangan PH021514002
Batangan PH045617003
Batangan PH101321004
Batangan PH103513004
Batangan PH153606005
Batangan PH153625004
Batangan PH175203002
Batangan PH074607002
Batangas II PH030807003
Batangbatang PH036917006
Batangcaoa PH015545003
Batangcawa PH015511014
Batas PH042118006
Batas PH175320004
Batas Dao PH042107002
Batasan PH035403003
Batasan PH035410001
Batasan PH124707001
Batasan PH175110013
Batasan (Batasan Island) PH071245004
Batasan Bata PH031421008
Batasan Hills PH137404139
Batasan Matanda PH031421009
Batawan PH112501003
Batayan PH097227001
Batayan PH144410005
Batbat PH050504004
Batbatan Island PH060606005
Batbato PH012901006
Batchelor East PH015529003
Batchelor West PH015529004
Batea PH064508006
Bateng PH015526007
Bateria PH012918003
Bateria PH072221004
Bateria PH098310002
Batga PH063046013
Bati-an PH128005001
Batia PH031404004


Moalboal PH072233000
Virac PH052011000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Matungao PH103513000
Marantao PH153616000
Bato PH052003000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Kabayan PH141107000
Infanta PH015520000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Pamplona PH051726000
Irosin PH056209000
Hernani PH082610000
Oras PH082617000
Tulunan PH124714000
Palimbang PH126509000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Narra PH175315000
Sasmuan PH035422000
Sasmuan PH035422000
Gonzaga PH021514000
General Nakar PH045617000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Matungao PH103513000
Bubong PH153606000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Bongabong PH175203000
Bindoy PH074607000
Mariveles PH030807000
Victoria PH036917000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Bayambang PH015511000
Silang PH042118000
Taytay PH175320000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Arayat PH035403000
Macabebe PH035410000
Makilala PH124707000
San Jose PH175110000
Tubigon PH071245000
San Miguel PH031421000
Quezon City PH137404000
San Miguel PH031421000
Baganga PH112501000
Kalawit PH097227000
Tadian PH144410000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Culasi PH060606000
Alilem PH012901000
Natividad PH015529000
Natividad PH015529000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Mangaldan PH015526000
San Esteban PH012918000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Olutanga PH098310000
Tubungan PH063046000
Maitum PH128005000
Bocaue PH031404000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Batiano PH061908004
Batiano PH112501004
Batiano PH175909005
Batiarao PH015505004
Batiawan PH037114005
Batiawan PH082623001
Batican PH045620014
Batinao PH118210002
Bating PH061908005
Batingan PH045804002
Batinguel PH074610006
Batino PH043405061
Batino PH175205004
Batiocan PH124705005
Batis PH137405003
Batitang PH034932001
Batitao PH063044014
Batiti PH063015007
Bato PH012803006
Bato PH012905005
Bato PH013311012
Bato PH013314011
Bato PH037108002
Bato PH045627005
Bato PH045631002
Bato PH056216040
Bato PH061909010
Bato PH061914018
Bato PH063044015
Bato PH063046014
Bato PH071209006
Bato PH071223002
Bato PH072207006
Bato PH072246007
Bato PH072251003
Bato PH082604008
Bato PH082617007
Bato PH083702004
Bato PH084807003
Bato PH086022005
Bato PH087802001
Bato PH087807003
Bato PH097218032
Bato PH103503004
Bato PH104212002
Bato PH112402014
Bato PH112412002
Bato PH124707002
Bato PH124708005
Bato PH150702008
Bato PH153613007
Bato PH175202003
Bato PH175320005
Bato PH064511007
Bato PH064523002
Bato PH074614007
Bato-Alatbang PH142706035
Bato-bato PH061917010
Bato-bato PH124713002
Bato-bato PH150709002


Mambusao PH061908000
Baganga PH112501000
Odiongan PH175909000
Anda PH015505000
Subic PH037114000
Taft PH082623000
Infanta PH045620000
New Bataan PH118210000
Mambusao PH061908000
Binangonan PH045804000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
City of Calamba PH043405000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Libungan PH124705000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Sara PH063044000
Concepcion PH063015000
Badoc PH012803000
Cabugao PH012905000
Naguilian PH013311000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Palauig PH037108000
Mauban PH045627000
Panukulan PH045631000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Panay PH061909000
Roxas City PH061914000
Sara PH063044000
Tubungan PH063046000
Buenavista PH071209000
Guindulman PH071223000
Badian PH072207000
Sibonga PH072246000
Toledo City PH072251000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Oras PH082617000
Alangalang PH083702000
Gamay PH084807000
Paranas PH086022000
Biliran PH087802000
Maripipi PH087807000
Sindangan PH097218000
Baroy PH103503000
Plaridel PH104212000
Davao City PH112402000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Makilala PH124707000
Matalam PH124708000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Madalum PH153613000
Bansud PH175202000
Taytay PH175320000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Sagay City PH064523000
Mabinay PH074614000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Tapaz PH061917000
President Roxas PH124713000
Al-Barka PH150709000


Capiz PH061900000 Region VI

Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bato-bato PH153634008
Bato-bato PH156601003
Bato-bato PH175315004
Bato (San Luis) PH082601003
Bato Bato PH061908006
Bato Batoray PH153609004
Bato Biasong PH063001005
Bato I PH086407009
Bato II PH086407008
Bato Ugis PH156605002
Batobalani PH051608004
Batobato PH060409003
Batobato (Pob.) PH112510012
Batohonan PH052010004
Batolacongan (Basagad) PH103502006
Batolinao PH052002007
Batomelong PH126303032
Batonan Norte PH060606007
Batonan Sur PH060606008
Batong-Labang PH023114017
Batong Buhay PH175109001
Batong Dalig PH042111013
Batong Dalig PH045619007
Batong Dalig PH175214002
Batong Malake PH043411004
Batong Paloway PH052008006
Batonlapoc PH037101003
Batotuling PH128002002
Battalan PH021517003
Battog PH012930006
Battung PH021528007
Battut PH021521026
Batu PH021512022
Batu PH021521005
Batu PH063035011
Batu PH098313006
Batu-batu (Pob.) PH157001002
Batu-Parada PH021523009
Batuan PH060406008
Batuan PH063005004
Batuan PH063017009
Batuan PH063037005
Batuan PH063038004
Batuan PH083738005
Batuan PH086407010
Batuan PH153602004
Batuan PH064516004
Batuan PH064525003
Batuan PH064530004
Batuan Ilaud PH063034004
Batuan Ilaya PH063034005
Batucan PH160311017
Batug PH083718004
Batug PH083723004
Batug PH083724003
Batug PH083730001
Batuganding PH118605001
Batuhan PH043408006
Batuhan PH054111007
Batuhan PH175210004


Maguing PH153634000
Indanan PH156601000
Narra PH175315000
Arteche PH082601000
Mambusao PH061908000
Ganassi PH153609000
Ajuy PH063001000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Maimbung PH156605000
Paracale PH051608000
Libacao PH060409000
San Isidro PH112510000
Viga PH052010000
Baloi PH103502000
Baras PH052002000
General Santos City PH126303000
Culasi PH060606000
Culasi PH060606000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Sablayan PH175109000
Kawit PH042111000
Gumaca PH045619000
Socorro PH175214000
Los Baños PH043411000
San Andres PH052008000
Botolan PH037101000
Glan PH128002000
Lasam PH021517000
Sinait PH012930000
Tuao PH021528000
Rizal PH021521000
Enrile PH021512000
Rizal PH021521000
City of Passi PH063035000
Siay PH098313000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Santa Ana PH021523000
Ibajay PH060406000
Balasan PH063005000
Dueñas PH063017000
Pototan PH063037000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Balabagan PH153602000
La Carlota City PH064516000
San Enrique PH064525000
Valladolid PH064530000
Oton PH063034000
Oton PH063034000
Talacogon PH160311000
Dulag PH083718000
Jaro PH083723000
Javier PH083724000
Macarthur PH083730000
Sarangani PH118605000
Famy PH043408000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Pola PH175210000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Batuhon Dacu PH074609005

Batuila PH054102003
Batulaki PH128002003
Batulawan PH124712008
Batuli PH012817001
Batunan PH166817001
Batungal PH150704002
Batungan PH098316015
Baua PH021514003
Bauan PH021504012
Bauan East PH021527006
Bauan West PH021527039
Baubo PH037707009
Baucan Norte PH071206001
Baucan Sur PH071206002
Baucawe PH166811004
Baud PH071235004
Baug PH015545004
Baugan PH153611011
Baugo PH086402002
Baugo PH086407011
Bauhugan PH071220007
Baui PH023102007
Baukbauk Pob. (G.E. Antonino) PH104303003
Baung PH021520016
Baungis PH150703003
Baungos PH150702055
Bauno Garing PH157001010
Baunoh PH156607004
Baunos PH071237003
Bautista PH013309001
Bautista PH023127001
Bautista PH043424034
Bautista PH050505011
Bautista PH051606008
Bautista PH104213001
Bauyan PH103506004
Baviera PH064523003
Bawa PH036906006
Bawang PH060614009
Bawang PH084808005
Bawang PH086009001
Bawang PH098302003
Bawang PH153614005
Bawani PH118206002
Bawanta PH013307006
Bawer PH015524016
Bawi PH041020014
Bawisan PH156609004
Bawo PH072247004
Bawod (Pob.) PH083742004
Bay PH050508011
Bay-ang PH060404003
Bay-ang PH063001006
Bay-ang PH071246002
Bay-ang PH086025031
Bay-ang PH160203005
Baya PH051730007
Baya PH153609019
Baya-baya PH097327003


Dauin PH074609000
Baleno PH054102000
Glan PH128002000
Pikit PH124712000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Tagbina PH166817000
Maluso PH150704000
Tungawan PH098316000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Amulung PH021504000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Lianga PH166811000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Bontoc PH086402000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Dimiao PH071220000
Angadanan PH023102000
Balingoan PH104303000
Piat PH021520000
Lantawan PH150703000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Old Panamao PH156607000
San Isidro PH071237000
Caba PH013309000
San Agustin PH023127000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Jovellar PH050505000
Labo PH051606000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Sagay City PH064523000
Gerona PH036906000
San Remigio PH060614000
Laoang PH084808000
Jiabong PH086009000
Buug PH098302000
Madamba PH153614000
Mawab PH118206000
Bauang PH013307000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Parang PH156609000
Sogod PH072247000
San Isidro PH083742000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Batan PH060404000
Ajuy PH063001000
Ubay PH071246000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Ragay PH051730000
Ganassi PH153609000
Tabina PH097327000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bayaan PH140107001
Bayabao PH103521003
Bayabao PH153624009
Bayabao Poblacion PH153607044
Bayabas PH013315006
Bayabas PH031424001
Bayabas PH037706001
Bayabas PH045622009
Bayabas PH051606009
Bayabas PH072223002
Bayabas PH083701010
Bayabas PH083717005
Bayabas PH097302014
Bayabas PH104305037
Bayabas PH112402015
Bayabas PH118209027
Bayabas PH140115001
Bayabas PH141112006
Bayabas PH153815003
Bayabas PH160203006
Bayabas PH064530005
Bayabason (Spring) PH101315003
Bayabat PH021504013
Bayabo PH023118004
Bayabo East PH023137010
Bayacabac PH071232005
Bayag Norte PH063028016
Bayag Sur PH063028017
Bayakbakin PH174006002
Bayambang PH015520004
Bayan PH063035012
Bayan PH166814005
Bayan-bayan PH051606010
Bayan-bayanan PH030804045
Bayan-bayanan PH137502003
Bayan (Pob.) PH030809003
Bayan Luma I PH042109010
Bayan Luma II PH042109041
Bayan Luma III PH042109042
Bayan Luma IV PH042109043
Bayan Luma IX PH042109048
Bayan Luma V PH042109044
Bayan Luma VI PH042109045
Bayan Luma VII PH042109046
Bayan Luma VIII PH042109047
Bayan Park East PH141102010
Bayan Park Village PH141102132
Bayan Park West (Bayan Park) PH141102008
Bayanan PH041026005
Bayanan PH042103004
Bayanan PH137603002
Bayanan PH175201027
Bayanan PH175210005
Bayanan I PH175205005
Bayanan II PH175205006
Bayandong PH050501005
Bayanga PH104305038
Bayanga Norte PH153809001
Bayanga Sur PH153809002
Bayani PH175208011


Dolores PH140107000
Tangcal PH103521000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Butig PH153607000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Doña Remedios Trinidad PH031424000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Lopez PH045622000
Labo PH051606000
Danao City PH072223000
Abuyog PH083701000
Dagami PH083717000
Aurora PH097302000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Davao City PH112402000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Malibcong PH140115000
Sablan PH141112000
Upi PH153815000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Valladolid PH064530000
Maramag PH101315000
Amulung PH021504000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Tumauini PH023137000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Leon PH063028000
Leon PH063028000
Torrijos PH174006000
Infanta PH015520000
City of Passi PH063035000
Marihatag PH166814000
Labo PH051606000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Orani PH030809000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
San Pascual PH041026000
Bacoor City PH042103000
City of Muntinlupa PH137603000
Baco PH175201000
Pola PH175210000
City of Calapan PH175205000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Bacacay PH050501000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Matanog PH153809000
Matanog PH153809000
Naujan PH175208000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bayanihan PH034908001
Bayanihan PH037707010
Bayanihan PH097223014
Bayanihan PH137404014
Bayanihan PH168504003
Bayanihan (Pob.) PH043414008
Bayanihan (Pob.) PH045615003
Bayanihan (Pob.) PH045644015
Bayanihan Pob. (Bgy. 27) PH160202020
Bayanihan Pob. (District 4) PH054118020
Bayao PH143209007
Bayaoas PH015502002
Bayaoas PH015545005
Bayaoas PH015546005
Bayaquitos PH043417012
Bayas (Bayas Island) PH063019002
Bayasong PH056213005
Bayasong PH126507002
Bayate PH043410003
Bayawa PH126510004
Bayawahan PH071239001
Bayawang PH041021005
Bayawas PH056207007
Bayawas PH056213006
Baybay PH013317005
Baybay PH015502003
Baybay PH031401002
Baybay PH050510006
Baybay PH050518003
Baybay PH060411005
Baybay PH060417002
Baybay PH060611004
Baybay PH061914019
Baybay PH063040007
Baybay PH084805003
Baybay PH103508002
Baybay PH104203004
Baybay PH104301001
Baybay PH112408002
Baybay PH112505005
Baybay PH166704001
Baybay PH166724007
Baybay (Lumocab) PH054103001
Baybay (Pob.) PH052004001
Baybay (Pob.) PH082622002
Baybay (Pob.) PH083715006
Baybay (Pob.) PH084808006
Baybay (Pob.) PH086002034
Baybay (Pob.) PH097206002
Baybay (Pob.) PH166807004
Baybay District (Pob.) PH084807023
Baybay Lopez PH015513005
Baybay Norte PH015542002
Baybay Norte (Pob.) PH063030015
Baybay Polong PH015513006
Baybay San Roque PH104210043
Baybay Santa Cruz PH104210006
Baybay Sur PH015542003
Baybay Sur (Pob.) PH063030016
Baybay Tanza PH063022017


City of Gapan PH034908000

Maria Aurora PH037707000
Gutalac PH097223000
Quezon City PH137404000
Libjo PH168504000
Mabitac PH043414000
Dolores PH045615000
San Narciso PH045644000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Fernando PH054118000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Aguilar PH015502000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Estancia PH063019000
Pilar PH056213000
Lutayan PH126507000
Liliw PH043410000
President Quirino PH126510000
Sevilla PH071239000
Rosario PH041021000
Donsol PH056207000
Pilar PH056213000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Aguilar PH015502000
Angat PH031401000
Malinao PH050510000
Tiwi PH050518000
Makato PH060411000
Tangalan PH060417000
Pandan PH060611000
Roxas City PH061914000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Catarman PH084805000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Alubijid PH104301000
Malalag PH112408000
Cateel PH112505000
Burgos PH166704000
Surigao City PH166724000
Balud PH054103000
Caramoran PH052004000
Sulat PH082622000
Carigara PH083715000
Laoang PH084808000
Basey PH086002000
Liloy PH097206000
Carrascal PH166807000
Gamay PH084807000
Binmaley PH015513000
Sual PH015542000
Miagao PH063030000
Binmaley PH015513000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Sual PH015542000
Miagao PH063030000
Iloilo City PH063022000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Baybay Triunfo PH104210007

Baybayabas PH012927004
Baybayabas PH034931003
Baybayading PH012916005
Baybayaoas PH036908002
Baybaydagat Pob. (District 1) PH054118017
Baybayin PH041021006
Baybayin (Pob.) PH043411005
Baybayog PH021502006
Baybayon PH071231005
Baye PH061908007
Baye PH072206006
Bayebaye PH061906006
Bayho PH084824001
Baylanan PH101320002
Baylao PH101804004
Baylimango PH097201007
Baylo PH118207004
Baylo PH160309002
Bayo PH021515004
Bayo PH086003015
Bayo Grande PH060601001
Bayo Pequeño PH060601002
Bayobay PH082604009
Bayog PH012806005
Bayog PH043411006
Bayog PH061904009
Bayog PH071235005
Bayog PH083738110
Bayog PH086006006
Bayog PH086012005
Bayog PH153638004
Bayog PH074608001
Bayogo PH166813002
Bayombon PH054111008
Bayong PH071223003
Bayong PH071234004
Bayong PH072208004
Bayongan PH071238001
Bayongon PH045639009
Bayorbor PH041018006
Bayotbot PH175110014
Bayoyong PH015509002
Bayto PH037113004
Bayubay Norte PH012921002
Bayubay Sur PH012921003
Bayuco PH063025009
Bayuco PH063045019
Bayudbud PH041034002
Bayugan 2 PH160308002
Bayugan 3 PH160307001
Bayugao Este PH012924005
Bayugao Oeste PH012924006
Bayugo PH031412005
Bayugo PH045807002
Bayuin PH175214003
Bayunan (Panday Oro) PH063040008
Bayuti PH174001013
Bayuyan PH061913003
Bayuyan PH063019003


Ozamis City PH104210000

Santiago PH012927000
Talugtug PH034931000
Salcedo PH012916000
Mayantoc PH036908000
San Fernando PH054118000
Rosario PH041021000
Los Baños PH043411000
Alcala PH021502000
Mabini PH071231000
Mambusao PH061908000
Asturias PH072206000
Jamindan PH061906000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Talakag PH101320000
Mambajao PH101804000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Monkayo PH118207000
San Luis PH160309000
Iguig PH021515000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Bayo Pequeno Anini-Y PH060601000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Burgos PH012806000
Los Baños PH043411000
Dumarao PH061904000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Daram PH086006000
Motiong PH086012000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Madrid PH166813000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Guindulman PH071223000
Pilar PH071234000
Balamban PH072208000
San Miguel PH071238000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Jose PH175110000
Basista PH015509000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
San Vicente PH012921000
San Vicente PH012921000
Lambunao PH063025000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tuy PH041034000
San Francisco PH160308000
Rosario PH160307000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Jala-Jala PH045807000
Socorro PH175214000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Boac PH174001000
President Roxas PH061913000
Estancia PH063019000


Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bayyo PH144404004
Bazal PH037707011
Bazar PH140120001
Bebe Anac PH035412006
Bebe Matua PH035412007
Bebeladan PH175312004
Beberon PH051732002
Bebito PH045622010
Beckel PH141110006
Becques PH012933007
Becuran PH035420001
Bedbed PH141111002
Beddeng PH037112002
Beddeng Daya PH012934011
Beddeng Laud PH012934010
Bega PH015532014
Begaho PH086003016
Begajo Norte PH051718012
Begajo Sur PH051718013
Begang PH099701006
Begia PH054106002
Begong PH097344001
Begonia PH052010005
Beguin PH056203012
Beguito Nuevo PH051718009
Beguito Viejo PH051718010
Behia PH045648007
Behia PH056211008
Behind The Clouds (San Jose) PH071207016
Bekigan PH144408004
Bel-Air PH137602002
Bel-Cruz PH051719005
Bel-is PH060405004
Belaat PH140125005
Belance PH025007002
Belatan Halu PH157001011
Belbel PH037101026
Belen PH012919003
Belen PH034909005
Belen PH051708004
Belen PH063006006
Belen PH063030017
Belen PH083729005
Belen PH083740002
Belen (Malabog) PH050518004
Belen (Pob.) PH051715005
Beleng PH015511015
Beleng-Belis PH141108002
Belis PH103505007
Belisong PH083746004
Bell (Pob.) PH051720002
Bella PH098301004
Bella Luz PH023132003
Belmonte PH118202021
Belmonte (Pob.) PH052008007
Belong Manubal PH143215006
Belwang PH051719009
Belwang PH144408002
Bemposa PH097302015
Ben-agan (Pob.) PH012805009


Bontoc PH144404000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Sallapadan PH140120000
Masantol PH035412000
Masantol PH035412000
El Nido PH175312000
San Fernando PH051732000
Lopez PH045622000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Tagudin PH012933000
Santa Rita PH035420000
Mankayan PH141111000
San Narciso PH037112000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of Vigan PH012934000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Libmanan PH051718000
Libmanan PH051718000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Cawayan PH054106000
Tigbao PH097344000
Viga PH052010000
Bulan PH056203000
Libmanan PH051718000
Libmanan PH051718000
Tiaong PH045648000
Magallanes PH056211000
Batuan PH071207000
Sadanga PH144408000
City of Makati PH137602000
Lupi PH051719000
Buruanga PH060405000
Tineg PH140125000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Botolan PH037101000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Calabanga PH051708000
Banate PH063006000
Miagao PH063030000
Leyte PH083729000
Palompon PH083740000
Tiwi PH050518000
Goa PH051715000
Bayambang PH015511000
Kapangan PH141108000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Magarao PH051720000
Alicia PH098301000
San Mateo PH023132000
Laak PH118202000
San Andres PH052008000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Lupi PH051719000
Sadanga PH144408000
Aurora PH097302000
City of Batac PH012805000


Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Benben (Bonbon) PH140108002

Bendita I PH042112002
Bendita II PH042112015
Benedicto PH035406004
Benedicto (Jaro) PH063022018
Beneg PH037101004
Benembengan Lower PH150705002
Benembengan Upper PH150705035
Bengkol PH157006005
Benglen PH168501019
Benguet PH023112007
Benguet PH056208006
Benhaan PH101804005
Benigno Aquino (Zone I Pob.) PH166809041
Benigno Aquino Jr. PH097218055
Benigno Aquino, Jr. PH126311022
Benigno S. Aquino (Imelda) PH056203025
Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. PH084814034
Benigwayan PH104301002
Benit PH051606011
Benit PH086409003
Benit PH086415001
Benit PH086417001
Benitez (Pob.) PH126302002
Benitinan PH054118002
Beniton PH086402003
Benjamin Tirona (Area D) PH042123007
Benli (Mangyan Settlement) PH175204003
Benliw PH071246005
Benog PH083722005
Benolen PH153807006
Benolho PH083703003
Benoligan PH124704005
Benoni PH101803001
Benowangan PH082604010
Bensican PH015536001
Bentahon PH160303003
Bentangan PH124702003
Benteng-Sapilang PH013313007
Benticayan PH052002004
Bentig PH071210004
Bentigan PH034906004
Bentuco PH056208007
Bentung PH126312001
Benuatan PH097306002
Bequi-Walin PH012911002
Berada PH124704006
Berang PH034928023
Beray PH097306003
Beray PH104312001
Bergante PH061908008
Beri PH060602004
Beri PH082601004
Beri PH086004003
Beri PH086012006
Berinayan PH041011004
Beriran PH056208008
Bernad PH104205002
Bernaldo A. Julagting (Bitas) PH060612006
Bernardo District (Pob.) PH034903015


La Paz PH140108000
Magallanes PH042112000
Magallanes PH042112000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Botolan PH037101000
Sumisip PH150705000
Sumisip PH150705000
South Ubian PH157006000
Basilisa PH168501000
Echague PH023112000
Gubat PH056208000
Mambajao PH101804000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Sindangan PH097218000
Norala PH126311000
Bulan PH056203000
Palapag PH084814000
Alubijid PH104301000
Labo PH051606000
Malitbog PH086409000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Sogod PH086417000
Banga PH126302000
San Fernando PH054118000
Bontoc PH086402000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Ubay PH071246000
Isabel PH083722000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Albuera PH083703000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Mahinog PH101803000
City of Borongan PH082604000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Esperanza PH160303000
Carmen PH124702000
Rosario PH013313000
Baras PH052002000
Calape PH071210000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Gubat PH056208000
Polomolok PH126312000
Dinas PH097306000
Lidlidda PH012911000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Dinas PH097306000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Mambusao PH061908000
Barbaza PH060602000
Arteche PH082601000
Calbiga PH086004000
Motiong PH086012000
Laurel PH041011000
Gubat PH056208000
Clarin PH104205000
Patnongon PH060612000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bernardo Pulido (Area H) PH042123008

Berong PH175317003
Bersamin PH015504004
Berseba PH160301028
Bershiba PH101309003
Bertese PH034922001
Beruar PH153626058
Berwar PH103521004
Besalan PH012924007
Besao East (Besao Proper) PH144403004
Besao West PH144403005
Besigan PH104305039
Beslig PH086007006
Besong PH025010009
Bessang PH012904005
Bessang PH021503001
Bet-ang PH013305005
Beta PH153628006
Beta PH153641002
Betag PH141110008
Betahon PH104316002
Betania PH034913005
Betaog PH082612001
Betaug PH086006008
Betayan PH153615019
Betes PH034901003
Bethel PH175215006
Bethlehem PH097210003
Beti PH025002002
Betinan PH097324002
Beto PH082623002
Beton PH175320006
Betwagan PH144408003
Beverly Hills PH045802012
Beyaba-Damag PH153617010
BGH Compound PH141102131
Bgy. 1 - Em's Barrio (Pob.) PH050506005
Bgy. 1 Pob. (Roxas St.) PH063041001
Bgy. 10 - Cabugao PH050506072
Bgy. 10 (Pob. R.V.Sanchez St. South) PH063041002
Bgy. 11 - Maoyod Pob. (Bgy. 10 & 11) PH050506007
Bgy. 11 Pob. (R.V.Sanchez St. North) PH063041003
Bgy. 12 - Tula-tula (Pob.) PH050506008
Bgy. 12 Pob. (Sales Malaga Saliedo) PH063041004
Bgy. 13 - Ilawod West Pob. (Ilawod 1) PH050506009
Bgy. 13 Pob. (Sta.Rita-Saclauso St.) PH063041005
Bgy. 14 - Ilawod Pob. (Ilawod 2) PH050506010
Bgy. 14 Pob. (San Miguel North) PH063041006
Bgy. 15 - Ilawod East Pob. (Ilawod 3) PH050506011
Bgy. 15 Pob. (San Miguel South) PH063041007
Bgy. 16 - Kawit-East Washington Drive (Pob.) PH050506012
Bgy. 16 Pob. (San Agustin St.) PH063041008
Bgy. 17 - Rizal Street., Ilawod (Pob.) PH050506013
Bgy. 18 - Cabagñan West (Pob.) PH050506017
Bgy. 19 - Cabagñan PH050506015
Bgy. 2 - Em's Barrio South (Pob.) PH050506016
Bgy. 2 Pob. (Savilla Sto. Rosario) PH063041009
Bgy. 20 - Cabagñan East (Pob.) PH050506021
Bgy. 21 - Binanuahan West (Pob.) PH050506018
Bgy. 22 - Binanuahan East (Pob.) PH050506019


Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000

Quezon PH175317000
Alcala PH015504000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Quezon PH034922000
Tamparan PH153626000
Tangcal PH103521000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Besao PH144403000
Besao PH144403000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Gandara PH086007000
Kayapa PH025010000
Burgos PH012904000
Allacapan PH021503000
Balaoan PH013305000
Tubaran PH153628000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Lugait PH104316000
Laur PH034913000
Lawaan PH082612000
Daram PH086006000
Malabang PH153615000
Aliaga PH034901000
Victoria PH175215000
Polanco PH097210000
Aritao PH025002000
San Miguel PH097324000
Taft PH082623000
Taytay PH175320000
Sadanga PH144408000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Marawi City PH153617000
Baguio City PH141102000
Bgy. 1 - Ems Barrio (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 18 - Cabagnan West (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 19 - Cabagnan Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 2 - Ems Barrio South (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Bgy. 20 - Cabagnan East (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bgy. 23 - Imperial Court Subd. (Pob.) PH050506020

Bgy. 24 - Rizal Street PH050506073
Bgy. 25 - Lapu-lapu (Pob.) PH050506022
Bgy. 26 - Dinagaan (Pob.) PH050506023
Bgy. 27 - Victory Village South (Pob.) PH050506024
Bgy. 28 - Victory Village North (Pob.) PH050506025
Bgy. 29 - Sabang (Pob.) PH050506026
Bgy. 3 - Em's Barrio East (Pob.) PH050506027
Bgy. 3 Pob. (A.S.Suarez St. Zone 1) PH063041010
Bgy. 30 - Pigcale (Pob.) PH050506029
Bgy. 31 - Centro-Baybay (Pob.) PH050506030
Bgy. 32 - San Roque (Bgy. 66) PH050506067
Bgy. 33 - PNR-Peñaranda St.-Iraya (Pob.) PH050506032
Bgy. 34 - Oro Site-Magallanes St. (Pob.) PH050506033
Bgy. 35 - Tinago (Pob.) PH050506034
Bgy. 36 - Kapantawan (Pob.) PH050506028
Bgy. 37 - Bitano (Pob.) PH050506035
Bgy. 38 - Gogon (Bgy. 54) PH050506055
Bgy. 39 - Bonot (Pob.) PH050506037
Bgy. 4 - Sagpon Pob. (Sagpon 1) PH050506038
Bgy. 4 Pob. (A.S.Suarez East) PH063041011
Bgy. 40 - Cruzada (Bgy. 52) PH050506051
Bgy. 41 - Bogtong (Bgy. 45) PH050506046
Bgy. 42 - Rawis (Bgy. 65) PH050506064
Bgy. 43 - Tamaoyan (Bgy. 67) PH050506069
Bgy. 44 - Pawa (Bgy. 61) PH050506062
Bgy. 45 - Dita (Bgy. 51) PH050506053
Bgy. 46 - San Joaquin (Bgy. 64) PH050506066
Bgy. 47 - Arimbay PH050506001
Bgy. 48 - Bagong Abre (Bgy. 42) PH050506003
Bgy. 49 - Bigaa (Bgy. 44) PH050506045
Bgy. 5 - Sagmin Pob. (Sagpon 2) PH050506039
Bgy. 5 Pob. (Santiago St.North) PH063041012
Bgy. 50 - Padang (Bgy. 60) PH050506061
Bgy. 51 - Buyuan (Bgy. 49) PH050506049
Bgy. 52 - Matanag PH050506071
Bgy. 53 - Bonga (Bgy. 48) PH050506047
Bgy. 54 - Mabinit (Bgy. 59) PH050506058
Bgy. 55 - Estanza (Bgy. 53) PH050506054
Bgy. 56 - Taysan (Bgy. 68) PH050506070
Bgy. 57 - Dap-dap (Bgy. 69) PH050506052
Bgy. 58 - Buragwis PH050506074
Bgy. 59 - Puro (Bgy. 63) PH050506063
Bgy. 6 - Bañadero Pob. (Sagpon 3) PH050506040
Bgy. 6 Pob. (Santiago St.South) PH063041013
Bgy. 60 - Lamba PH050506077
Bgy. 61 - Maslog (Bgy. 58) PH050506060
Bgy. 62 - Homapon (Bgy. 55) PH050506056
Bgy. 63 - Mariawa (Bgy. 56) PH050506059
Bgy. 64 - Bagacay (Bgy. 41 Bagacay) PH050506002
Bgy. 65 - Imalnod (Bgy. 57) PH050506057
Bgy. 66 - Banquerohan (Bgy. 43) PH050506004
Bgy. 67 - Bariis (Bgy. 46) PH050506044
Bgy. 68 - San Francisco (Bgy. 62) PH050506065
Bgy. 69 - Buenavista (Bgy.47) PH050506048
Bgy. 7 - Baño (Pob.) PH050506041
Bgy. 7 Pob. (San Roque St.South) PH063041014
Bgy. 70 - Cagbacong (Bgy. 50) PH050506050
Bgy. 8 - Bagumbayan (Pob.) PH050506042
Bgy. 8 Pob. (Montano - San Roque) PH063041015


Legazpi City PH050506000

Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 3 - Ems Barrio East (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 33 - PNR-Penaranda St.-Iraya (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 6 - Banadero Pob. (Sagpon 3) Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Bgy. 7 - Bano (Pob.) Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000
Legazpi City PH050506000
Legazpi City PH050506000
San Miguel PH063041000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
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Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
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Albay PH050500000 Region V
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Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
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Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
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Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bgy. 9 - Pinaric (Pob.) PH050506043

Bgy. 9 Pob. (Salazar San Jose) PH063041016
Bgy. No. 1, San Lorenzo (Pob.) PH012812062
Bgy. No. 10, San Jose (Pob.) PH012812061
Bgy. No. 11, Santa Balbina (Pob.) PH012812072
Bgy. No. 12, San Isidro (Pob.) PH012812059
Bgy. No. 13, Nstra. Sra. De Visitacion (Pob.) PH012812045
Bgy. No. 14, Santo Tomas (Pob.) PH012812078
Bgy. No. 15, San Guillermo (Pob.) PH012812058
Bgy. No. 16, San Jacinto (Pob.) PH012812060
Bgy. No. 17, San Francisco (Pob.) PH012812056
Bgy. No. 19, Santa Marcela (Pob.) PH012812075
Bgy. No. 2, Santa Joaquina (Pob.) PH012812074
Bgy. No. 20, San Miguel (Pob.) PH012812066
Bgy. No. 21, San Pedro (Pob.) PH012812067
Bgy. No. 22, San Andres (Pob.) PH012812054
Bgy. No. 23, San Matias (Pob.) PH012812065
Bgy. No. 24, Nstra. Sra. De Consolacion (Pob.) PH012812041
Bgy. No. 25, Santa Cayetana (Pob.) PH012812073
Bgy. No. 26, San Marcelino (Pob.) PH012812063
Bgy. No. 27, Nstra. Sra. De Soledad (Pob.) PH012812044
Bgy. No. 28, San Bernardo (Pob.) PH012812055
Bgy. No. 29, Santo Tomas (Pob.) PH012812079
Bgy. No. 3, Nstra. Sra. Del Rosario (Pob.) PH012812046
Bgy. No. 30-A, Suyo PH012812080
Bgy. No. 30-B, Santa Maria PH012812076
Bgy. No. 31, Talingaan PH012812081
Bgy. No. 32-A, La Paz East PH012812030
Bgy. No. 32-B, La Paz West PH012812028
Bgy. No. 32-C La Paz East PH012812026
Bgy. No. 33-A, La Paz Proper PH012812031
Bgy. No. 33-B, La Paz Proper PH012812027
Bgy. No. 34-A, Gabu Norte West PH012812023
Bgy. No. 34-B, Gabu Norte East PH012812022
Bgy. No. 35, Gabu Sur PH012812024
Bgy. No. 36, Araniw PH012812002
Bgy. No. 37, Calayab PH012812013
Bgy. No. 38-A, Mangato East PH012812034
Bgy. No. 38-B, Mangato West PH012812035
Bgy. No. 39, Santa Rosa PH012812077
Bgy. No. 4, San Guillermo (Pob.) PH012812057
Bgy. No. 40, Balatong PH012812006
Bgy. No. 41, Balacad PH012812005
Bgy. No. 42, Apaya PH012812001
Bgy. No. 43, Cavit PH012812017
Bgy. No. 44, Zamboanga PH012812084
Bgy. No. 45, Tangid PH012812082
Bgy. No. 46, Nalbo PH012812038
Bgy. No. 47, Bengcag PH012812008
Bgy. No. 48-B, Cabungaan South PH012812012
Bgy. No. 49-A, Darayday PH012812019
Bgy. No. 49-B, Raraburan PH012812048
Bgy. No. 5, San Pedro (Pob.) PH012812068
Bgy. No. 50, Buttong PH012812009
Bgy. No. 51-A, Nangalisan East PH012812039
Bgy. No. 51-B, Nangalisan West PH012812040
Bgy. No. 52-A, San Mateo PH012812064
Bgy. No. 52-B, Lataag PH012812032
Bgy. No. 53, Rioeng PH012812049
Bgy. No. 54-A, Lagui-Sail PH012812029


Legazpi City PH050506000

San Miguel PH063041000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
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Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
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Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
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Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bgy. No. 54-B, Camangaan PH012812014

Bgy. No. 55-A, Barit-Pandan PH012812007
Bgy. No. 55-B, Salet-Bulangon PH012812050
Bgy. No. 55-C, Vira PH012812083
Bgy. No. 56-A, Bacsil North PH012812003
Bgy. No. 56-B, Bacsil South PH012812004
Bgy. No. 57, Pila PH012812047
Bgy. No. 58, Casili PH012812015
Bgy. No. 59-A, Dibua South PH012812021
Bgy. No. 59-B, Dibua North PH012812020
Bgy. No. 6, San Agustin (Pob.) PH012812053
Bgy. No. 60-A, Caaoacan PH012812010
Bgy. No. 60-B, Madiladig PH012812033
Bgy. No. 61, Cataban PH012812016
Bgy. No. 62-A, Navotas North PH012812036
Bgy. No. 62-B, Navotas South PH012812037
Bgy. No. 7-A, Nstra. Sra. De Natividad (Pob.) PH012812042
Bgy. No. 7-B, Nstra. Sra. De Natividad (Pob.) PH012812043
Bgy. No. 8, San Vicente (Pob.) PH012812070
Bgy. No. 9, Santa Angela (Pob.) PH012812071
Bi-ao PH064503003
Bia-an PH060608005
Bia-o PH012926006
Biaan PH030807014
Biabas PH071223004
Biabas PH071246004
Biabe PH153614006
Biabi PH153604006
Biak-na-Bato PH031421011
Biaknabato PH064517001
Biala-an PH153620011
Bialaan PH153604007
Bialong PH124710002
Bialong PH153808004
Biangan PH124707003
Bianuan PH037702019
Biao Escuela PH112402016
Biao Guianga PH112402017
Biao Joaquin PH112402018
Biarong PH153817002
Bias Zabala PH083723043
Biasong PH071230011
Biasong PH072208005
Biasong PH072236001
Biasong PH072250019
Biasong PH083705002
Biasong PH083708008
Biasong PH083742005
Biasong PH086403005
Biasong PH086404005
Biasong PH086405001
Biasong PH086418022
Biasong PH104208003
Biasong PH153635007
Biasong (Pob.) PH097202010
Biasong I PH086001004
Biasong II PH086001026
Biay PH037113005
Biayon PH097214004
Bibiclat PH034901004


Laoag City PH012812000

Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Binalbagan PH064503000
Hamtic PH060608000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Mariveles PH030807000
Guindulman PH071223000
Ubay PH071246000
Madamba PH153614000
Bayang PH153604000
San Miguel PH031421000
La Castellana PH064517000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Bayang PH153604000
M'Lang PH124710000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
Makilala PH124707000
Casiguran PH037702000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000
South Upi PH153817000
Jaro PH083723000
Loon PH071230000
Balamban PH072208000
Pilar PH072236000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Babatngon PH083705000
City of Baybay PH083708000
San Isidro PH083742000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Libagon PH086405000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Picong PH153635000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Almagro PH086001000
Almagro PH086001000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Aliaga PH034901000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bibiclat PH034906005
Bibilik PH097307009
Bibilop PH097318003
Bibincahan PH056216006
Bibirao PH051603004
Bicahan PH071204003
Bical PH021516005
Bical PH021519004
Bical PH034917004
Bical PH035409002
Bical PH051732003
Bical PH056203011
Bical Norte PH015511016
Bical Sur PH015511017
Bicalen PH051729005
Bicao PH071212002
Bicas-bicas PH174002003
Biclat PH031421012
Biclatan PH042108011
Bicobian PH023111006
Bicok PH021528008
Bicos PH034923005
Bicud PH021516006
Biday PH013314012
Bidbiday PH012909003
Bidduang PH021518005
Bidlinan PH083708009
Biec PH015513007
Big Banisilon PH103521005
Big Margus PH128002004
Big Meladoc PH103521006
Biga PH041008005
Biga PH041015005
Biga PH042120003
Biga PH045619008
Biga PH045634004
Biga PH056211007
Biga PH072251004
Biga PH082608008
Biga PH104316003
Biga PH174005011
Biga PH175205007
Biga PH175210006
Biga-a PH054115004
Biga-a PH060413002
Biga-a PH060602005
Biga-a PH060616005
Biga-a PH074613004
Biga I PH042118007
Biga II PH042118056
Biga Occidental PH023136029
Biga Oriental PH023136030
Bigaa PH043404005
Bigaa PH052011005
Bigaan PH045607018
Bigaan PH166809004
Bigaan PH175213001
Bigaas PH051708005
Bigain I PH041022009
Bigain II PH041022010


Cuyapo PH034906000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Midsalip PH097318000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Daet PH051603000
Antequera PH071204000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
San Fernando PH051732000
Bulan PH056203000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
Presentacion PH051729000
Carmen PH071212000
Buenavista PH174002000
San Miguel PH031421000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Divilacan PH023111000
Tuao PH021528000
Rizal PH034923000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Pamplona PH021518000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Binmaley PH015513000
Tangcal PH103521000
Glan PH128002000
Tangcal PH103521000
Calatagan PH041008000
Lobo PH041015000
Tanza PH042120000
Gumaca PH045619000
Pitogo PH045634000
Magallanes PH056211000
Toledo City PH072251000
Giporlos PH082608000
Lugait PH104316000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Pola PH175210000
Palanas PH054115000
Malinao PH060413000
Barbaza PH060602000
Sibalom PH060616000
La Libertad PH074613000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Virac PH052011000
Calauag PH045607000
Hinatuan PH166809000
San Teodoro PH175213000
Calabanga PH051708000
San Jose PH041022000
San Jose PH041022000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bigain South PH041022033

Bigajo PH045622011
Bigao PH023114018
Bigao PH050503009
Bigbiga PH012927005
Bigbiga PH013319001
Bigbiga PH015533006
Bigbiga PH036908003
Bigke PH063026002
Bignay PH041015006
Bignay PH137504005
Bignay 1 PH045645006
Bignay 2 PH045645007
Bigo PH045630005
Bigo PH082601005
Bigte PH031413006
Bihis PH041027002
Bihis PH041029003
Biid PH156609005
Bikal PH051711005
Bikal PH051718014
Bikil PH063046015
Biking PH071219001
Bil-isan PH071233001
Bil-loca PH012805010
Bila PH015541008
Bila PH141104002
Bila (Bua) PH144402006
Bilaan (Pob.) PH156613004
Bilabid PH166724008
Bilabila PH140120002
Bilad PH036903008
Bilangbilangan (Bilangbilangan Island) PH071245005
Bilangbilangan Dako PH071248001
Bilangbilangan Diot PH071248002
Bilao PH061915004
Bilaran PH041019015
Bilay PH160202021
Bilbao PH050515005
Bilet PH025009004
Bili PH072213002
Bilibigao PH021511004
Bilibinwang PH041001005
Bilibiran PH045804003
Bilibol PH086407012
Biliboy PH083738006
Bilidan PH063032004
Bilis PH013308002
Bilisan PH071220008
Bilog PH042101026
Bilog-bilog PH041031013
Bilogo PH041005010
Bilogo PH041032002
Bilolo PH030810008
Bilucao PH045634005
Bilucao PH045639010
Bilucao (San Isidro Western) PH041017002
Biluso PH042118008
Bilwang PH083722006
Bilwang PH087806003


San Jose PH041022000

Lopez PH045622000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Daraga PH050503000
Santiago PH012927000
Sudipen PH013319000
San Fabian PH015533000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Leganes PH063026000
Lobo PH041015000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Arteche PH082601000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Taal PH041029000
Parang PH156609000
Caramoan PH051711000
Libmanan PH051718000
Tubungan PH063046000
Dauis PH071219000
Panglao PH071233000
City of Batac PH012805000
Sison PH015541000
Bokod PH141104000
Bauko PH144402000
Talipao PH156613000
Surigao City PH166724000
Sallapadan PH140120000
Camiling PH036903000
Tubigon PH071245000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Butuan City PH160202000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Kasibu PH025009000
Borbon PH072213000
Claveria PH021511000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Binangonan PH045804000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Ormoc City PH083738000
New Lucena PH063032000
Burgos PH013308000
Dimiao PH071220000
Alfonso PH042101000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Batangas City PH041005000
Taysan PH041032000
Orion PH030810000
Pitogo PH045634000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Malvar PH041017000
Silang PH042118000
Isabel PH083722000
Kawayan PH087806000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bimmanga PH012808003
Bimmanga PH012818005
Bimmanga PH012933008
Bimmotobot PH013311013
Bimpal PH142705016
Binaba-an Armada PH063025010
Binaba-an Labayno PH063025011
Binaba-an Limoso PH063025012
Binaba-an Portigo PH063025013
Binaba-an Tirador PH063025014
Binabag PH072211005
Binabag PH072237003
Binabalian PH015514003
Binabalian PH037103002
Binabaye PH083736001
Binablayan PH142710003
Binacag PH012811022
Binacud PH012930007
Binag PH021516007
Binagasbasan PH051714003
Binagbag PH031401003
Binagbag PH045601001
Binagbangan (Pintor) PH050514011
Binaguiohan PH064509004
Binahaan PH045630006
Binahan Proper PH051730008
Binahan Upper PH051730009
Binahian PH051734007
Binahian A PH045622012
Binahian B PH045622013
Binahian C PH045622014
Binakalan PH104308008
Binakas PH175104001
Binakayan-Aplaya PH042111015
Binakayan-Kanluran PH042111001
Binakod PH031416001
Binalan PH021505003
Binalay PH015524017
Binalay PH051737008
Binalay PH082607002
Binalayan PH082617008
Binalayan PH086020009
Binalayan East PH087807005
Binalayan West PH087807004
Binalayangan PH012928001
Binalbagan PH074608002
Binalian PH025010008
Binaliuan Mayor PH063045020
Binaliuan Menor PH063045021
Binaliw PH051708008
Binaliw PH072217010
Binaliw PH072223004
Binaliw PH086003017
Binaloan PH082623003
Binalud PH063002011
Binambang PH045619009
Biñan PH043419002
Biñan (Poblacion) PH043403001
Binanalan PH086017005
Binancian PH112301004


Currimao PH012808000
Piddig PH012818000
Tagudin PH012933000
Naguilian PH013311000
Lamut PH142705000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lambunao PH063025000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Bolinao PH015514000
Candelaria PH037103000
Merida PH083736000
Tinoc PH142710000
Banna PH012811000
Sinait PH012930000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Angat PH031401000
Agdangan PH045601000
Polangui PH050514000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Ragay PH051730000
Ragay PH051730000
Sipocot PH051734000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Lubang PH175104000
Kawit PH042111000
Kawit PH042111000
Paombong PH031416000
Aparri PH021505000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Tinambac PH051737000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Oras PH082617000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Maripipi PH087807000
Maripipi PH087807000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Kayapa PH025010000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Calabanga PH051708000
Cebu City PH072217000
Danao City PH072223000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Taft PH082623000
Alimodian PH063002000
Gumaca PH045619000
Binan Pagsanjan PH043419000
Binan (Poblacion) City of Biñan PH043403000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Asuncion PH112301000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Binanderahan PH050502006
Biñang 1st PH031404005
Biñang 2nd PH031404006
Binangbang PH060602006
Binangbang Centro PH060602007
Binangga North PH153816028
Binangga South PH153816032
Binanggaran PH086004005
Binangig PH061909011
Binangkilan PH063043016
Binangonan PH098311022
Binanogan PH060618002
Binanowan PH050508012
Binantuan PH061909012
Binanu-an PH060602008
Binanua-an PH063020006
Binanua-an PH063021009
Binanuaan PH051611001
Binanuaanan Grande PH051708006
Binanuaanan Pequeño PH051708007
Binanuahan PH051717006
Binanuahan PH052003005
Binanuahan PH056210004
Binanuahan (Pob.) PH051711006
Binanuahan (Pob.) PH056213007
Binanwaanan PH051728003
Binaobao (Pob.) PH072209004
Binaobawan PH061911002
Binaritan PH030808001
Binarsang PH023125002
Binarzang PH023123001
Binasaran PH140115002
Binasbas PH118202003
Binatagan PH051601003
Binatagan (Pob.) PH050508013
Binatiklan PH084808007
Binaton PH112403004
Binatubo (Binaliwan) PH101803002
Binatug PH023131003
Binauganan PH036916018
Binawangan PH051602002
Binay PH045644004
Binay PH084814004
Binay PH124706009
Binayan PH097312005
Binbinaca PH036908004
Bincungan PH112319003
Binday PH015533007
Binduyan PH175316010
Bineng PH141110007
Binga PH166714001
Binga PH175319002
Bingag PH071219002
Bingauan PH063004031
Bingay PH072213003
Binguang PH023133004
Binibihan PH083715007
Binibitinan PH045636005
Binicalan PH160309009
Binicuil PH064515002


Camalig PH050502000
Binang 1st Bocaue PH031404000
Binang 2nd Bocaue PH031404000
Barbaza PH060602000
Barbaza PH060602000
Talayan PH153816000
Talayan PH153816000
Calbiga PH086004000
Panay PH061909000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Payao PH098311000
Valderrama PH060618000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Panay PH061909000
Barbaza PH060602000
Guimbal PH063020000
Igbaras PH063021000
Talisay PH051611000
Calabanga PH051708000
Binanuaanan Pequeno Calabanga PH051708000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Bato PH052003000
Juban PH056210000
Caramoan PH051711000
Pilar PH056213000
Pili PH051728000
Bantayan PH072209000
Pilar PH061911000
Morong PH030808000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Quirino PH023123000
Malibcong PH140115000
Laak PH118202000
Basud PH051601000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Laoang PH084808000
City of Digos PH112403000
Mahinog PH101803000
San Mariano PH023131000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Capalonga PH051602000
San Narciso PH045644000
Palapag PH084814000
Magpet PH124706000
Labangan PH097312000
Mayantoc PH036908000
City of Tagum PH112319000
San Fabian PH015533000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Mainit PH166714000
San Vicente PH175319000
Dauis PH071219000
Badiangan PH063004000
Borbon PH072213000
San Pablo PH023133000
Carigara PH083715000
Polillo PH045636000
San Luis PH160309000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Biningan PH012805011
Biniray PH097203003
Binisitahan del Norte PH056211009
Binisitahan del Sur PH056211010
Binitagan PH045804004
Binitayan PH050502007
Binitayan PH050503010
Binitayan PH050509001
Binitinan PH104302005
Binlod PH072205006
Binmeckeg PH015541009
Binmonton PH023119002
Binnuangan PH025007020
Bino-ongan PH076101002
Bino-ongan PH086021002
Binobohan PH074611005
Binobong PH051728004
Binobongan PH021503002
Binobucalan PH086008002
Binodegahan PH050513006
Binogawan PH025009005
Binogawan PH071210005
Binogawan PH082621005
Binogsacan Lower PH050504005
Binogsacan Upper PH050504049
Binogtungan PH023104003
Binohangan PH087804004
Biñohon PH074604004
Binolbog PH063028018
Binolo PH083748009
Binolosan Grande PH063013015
Binolosan Pequeño PH063013016
Binon-an PH063009005
Binondo PH112501005
Binongahan PH175911002
Binongan PH012928002
Binongan PH160313001
Binongkalan PH072216007
Binongto-an PH083702005
Binongto-an PH083748010
Binongto-an (Poblacion Norte) PH087807015
Binongtoan PH087805003
Binongtu-an PH086002051
Binoni PH097213004
Binonoan PH045620015
Binoongan PH101309039
Binoongan PH124718004
Binosawan PH050515006
Binotong PH083702006
Binsang PH012817002
Bintakay PH174004005
Bintan (Bentan) PH153821002
Bintana PH104215006
Bintangan PH076102004
Bintawan Norte PH025014009
Bintawan Sur PH025014001
Bintawlan PH157006006
Bintog PH031417005
Bintuan PH175309002
Binuangan PH030802003


City of Batac PH012805000

Katipunan PH097203000
Magallanes PH056211000
Magallanes PH056211000
Binangonan PH045804000
Camalig PH050502000
Daraga PH050503000
Malilipot PH050509000
Balingasag PH104302000
Argao PH072205000
Sison PH015541000
Mallig PH023119000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Villareal PH086021000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Pili PH051728000
Allacapan PH021503000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Kasibu PH025009000
Calape PH071210000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Caibiran PH087804000
Binohon Bais City PH074604000
Leon PH063028000
Tanauan PH083748000
Calinog PH063013000
Binolosan Pequeno Calinog PH063013000
Batad PH063009000
Baganga PH112501000
San Agustin PH175911000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Veruela PH160313000
Catmon PH072216000
Alangalang PH083702000
Tanauan PH083748000
Maripipi PH087807000
Culaba PH087805000
Basey PH086002000
Salug PH097213000
Infanta PH045620000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Arakan PH124718000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Alangalang PH083702000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Mogpog PH174004000
Talitay PH153821000
Tangub City PH104215000
Larena PH076102000
Villaverde PH025014000
Villaverde PH025014000
South Ubian PH157006000
Plaridel PH031417000
Coron PH175309000
Bagac PH030802000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bataan PH030800000 Region III


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Binuangan PH031414001
Binuangan PH097218004
Binuangan PH099701007
Binuangan PH104209002
Binuangan PH118204003
Binuangan PH160211001
Binuay PH097305006
Binubuhan PH064502007
Binubusan PH041013004
Binucayan PH160305001
Binuclutan PH037101027
Binudac PH175322003
Binugao PH112402019
Binugusan PH175911013
Binukawan PH030802004
Binukyahan PH086010016
Binulasan PH045620016
Binulho PH083724004
Binuluangan PH063014009
Binunga PH174001014
Binuni PH103501005
Binuntucan PH061912007
Binutas PH045607019
Bio PH012933009
Bio-os PH074601001
Biong PH051707002
Biong PH052005001
Bioso PH086023003
Bioto PH166819003
Birawan PH086006007
Birayan PH097212001
Birbira PH036903009
Biri Norte PH063028019
Biri Sur PH063028020
Biriran PH056210005
Biruk PH025008013
Birunget PH013314013
Bisag PH023121001
Bisagu PH021505004
Bisal PH015525005
Bisangol PH012902004
Bisaya PH041007012
Bisig PH137504006
Bisitahan PH086020010
Bislian PH045636006
Bislig PH052008008
Bislig PH083715008
Bislig PH083748011
Bismartz PH101304030
Bisocol PH015503006
Biswangan PH097333003
Bit-os PH160202022
Bita PH060606009
Bita PH061902005
Bita PH063017010
Bita-og Gaja PH063032005
Bita-oyan PH063004003
Bita Norte PH063034006
Bita Sur PH063034007
Bitabian PH023131004


Obando PH031414000
Sindangan PH097218000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Maco PH118204000
Tubay PH160211000
Dimataling PH097305000
Bago City PH064502000
Lian PH041013000
Loreto PH160305000
Botolan PH037101000
Culion PH175322000
Davao City PH112402000
San Agustin PH175911000
Bagac PH030802000
Marabut PH086010000
Infanta PH045620000
Javier PH083724000
Carles PH063014000
Boac PH174001000
Bacolod PH103501000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Calauag PH045607000
Tagudin PH012933000
Amlan PH074601000
Cabusao PH051707000
Gigmoto PH052005000
Zumarraga PH086023000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Daram PH086006000
Rizal PH097212000
Camiling PH036903000
Leon PH063028000
Leon PH063028000
Juban PH056210000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Palanan PH023121000
Aparri PH021505000
Manaoag PH015525000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Calaca PH041007000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Polillo PH045636000
San Andres PH052008000
Carigara PH083715000
Tanauan PH083748000
Don Carlos PH101304000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Lakewood PH097333000
Butuan City PH160202000
Culasi PH060606000
Dao PH061902000
Dueñas PH063017000
New Lucena PH063032000
Badiangan PH063004000
Oton PH063034000
Oton PH063034000
San Mariano PH023131000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bitadton Norte PH060606010

Bitadton Sur PH060606011
Bitag Grande PH021506013
Bitag Pequeño PH021506014
Bitalag PH012933010
Bitalag PH013303008
Bitan-agan PH160202023
Bitan-agan PH160308025
Bitan-o/Dalipay (Pob.) PH056216008
Bitanag PH156607005
Bitanhuan PH083708010
Bitaog-Taytay PH063043017
Bitaog Pob. (Ypil III) PH083740052
Bitaogan PH051729006
Bitaogan PH063035013
Bitaogan PH112510003
Bitaoy PH043416010
Bitas PH034903016
Bitas PH063045022
Bitaug PH076101003
Bitaug PH112401004
Bitaug PH166704002
Bitaugan PH071204004
Bitaugan PH082609007
Bitaugan PH166724010
Bitaugan PH166816003
Bitaugan East PH166804003
Bitaugan West PH166804004
Bitayan PH153631004
Bitibut PH104213002
Bitin PH043402001
Bitnong PH025007021
Bito PH118603001
Bito-on PH063014010
Bito-on PH063022019
Bito-on PH104205003
Bito-on Ilawod PH061901007
Bito-on Ilaya PH061901008
Bito (Pob.) PH083701011
Bito Buadi Itowa PH153617012
Bito Buadi Parba PH153617013
Bitoka PH124709007
Biton PH056211011
Bitong PH012909004
Bitoon PH072221005
Bitoon PH072224002
Bitoon PH086415002
Bitoon PH097218005
Bitoon PH097222009
Bitoon PH166708004
Bitu PH142709003
Bitu PH153807007
Bituag PH015545006
Bituan PH124714004
Bitugan PH097220004
Bitulok (North Pob.) PH034907004
Bitungol PH031413007
Biwang PH126501002
Biwas PH042120004
Biyabid PH166722001


Culasi PH060606000
Culasi PH060606000
Baggao PH021506000
Bitag Pequeno Baggao PH021506000
Tagudin PH012933000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Francisco PH160308000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Old Panamao PH156607000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Palompon PH083740000
Presentacion PH051729000
City of Passi PH063035000
San Isidro PH112510000
Majayjay PH043416000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Bansalan PH112401000
Burgos PH166704000
Antequera PH071204000
Guiuan PH082609000
Surigao City PH166724000
San Miguel PH166816000
Cagwait PH166804000
Cagwait PH166804000
Marogong PH153631000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Bay PH043402000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Malita PH118603000
Carles PH063014000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Clarin PH104205000
Cuartero PH061901000
Cuartero PH061901000
Abuyog PH083701000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Midsayap PH124709000
Magallanes PH056211000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Dumanjug PH072224000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Sindangan PH097218000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Hingyon PH142709000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Tulunan PH124714000
Sirawai PH097220000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Tanza PH042120000
Sison PH166722000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Biyan PH045607020
Biyong PH050518005
Biyong PH054111009
Biyoy PH025009007
Blanca Aurora PH086025002
Blancia PH097319006
Blanco PH104302006
Blasco PH061911003
Blensong PH153815004
Blingkong PH126507003
Bliss PH098302023
Blocon PH112407004
Blue Ridge A PH137404015
Blue Ridge B PH137404016
Blumentritt PH064520009
Blumentritt (Pob.) PH083702049
BMA-Balagtas PH031422001
Bo-ot PH153630007
Bo. Independencia PH086019001
Bo. Militar (Fort Magsaysay) PH034919003
Boa PH168502001
Boalan PH097332010
Boblaran PH086023004
Bobo PH153621006
Boboan PH051735003
Boboguiron PH153816005
Boboin PH045620017
Bobok-Bisal PH141104003
Bobolosan PH084808008
Bobon PH012806006
Bobon PH015524018
Bobon PH063006007
Bobon PH063028021
Bobon PH082616003
Bobon PH083710007
Bobon PH112509002
Bobon PH160202024
Bobon 1st PH036903012
Bobon 2nd PH036903013
Bobon A PH086414003
Bobon B PH086414018
Bobon Caarosipan PH036903011
Bobona-on PH166714002
Bobonan PH015506006
Bobonan PH015530008
Bobonao PH112501006
Bobong PH101309004
Bobonga Pantao Ragat PH103516004
Bobonga Radapan PH103516005
Bobongan PH097205005
Bobongan PH097323004
Bobongon PH112318002
Bobonon PH083702007
Bobonot PH015519003
Bobonsuran PH050508014
Bobontugan PH104311002
Boboy PH015501005
Boboy PH041024006
Bobuan PH097303005
Boca Chica PH054120001


Calauag PH045607000
Tiwi PH050518000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Kasibu PH025009000
San Jorge PH086025000
Molave PH097319000
Balingasag PH104302000
Pilar PH061911000
Upi PH153815000
Lutayan PH126507000
Buug PH098302000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Quezon City PH137404000
Quezon City PH137404000
Murcia PH064520000
Alangalang PH083702000
San Rafael PH031422000
Wao PH153630000
Talalora PH086019000
Palayan City PH034919000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Piagapo PH153621000
Siruma PH051735000
Talayan PH153816000
Infanta PH045620000
Bokod PH141104000
Laoang PH084808000
Burgos PH012806000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Banate PH063006000
Leon PH063028000
Mercedes PH082616000
Burauen PH083710000
City of Mati PH112509000
Butuan City PH160202000
Camiling PH036903000
Camiling PH036903000
San Juan PH086414000
San Juan PH086414000
Camiling PH036903000
Mainit PH166714000
Asingan PH015506000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Baganga PH112501000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Labason PH097205000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Alangalang PH083702000
Dasol PH015519000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Jasaan PH104311000
Agno PH015501000
San Luis PH041024000
Bayog PH097303000
San Pascual PH054120000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Boca Engaño PH054107002

Bocacliw PH015502004
Bocal PH051732004
Bocalan PH153626001
Bocana PH064513004
Bocator PH104215007
Bocawe PH166810003
Bocawon PH083728004
Bocboc PH015532015
Bocboc PH045622015
Bocboc PH101304002
Bocboc PH174004006
Bocboc East PH015502006
Bocboc West PH015502007
Boclod PH051733004
Boclod PH063021010
Boco PH082605003
Bocogan PH051717004
Bocohan PH045624014
Bocon PH052004002
Bocos PH142701005
Bocsol PH084805005
Boctol PH071206003
Boctol PH071225003
Bodega PH035406005
Bog-o PH072206007
Bogabongan PH097226002
Bogak PH166812004
Boganga PH153617016
Bogaoan PH015532017
Bogasong PH086405002
Bogayo PH097311004
Bogña PH056216042
Bogñabong PH050517008
Bognuyan PH174003010
Bogo PH071235006
Bogo PH072205007
Bogo PH076104001
Bogo PH086407013
Bogo PH097322006
Bogo (Pob.) PH086418003
Bogo Calabat PH097337001
Bogo Capalaran PH097319007
Bogongbong PH063025005
Bogtong PH050512011
Bogtong PH050515007
Bogtong PH175307001
Bogtong Bolo PH015527007
Bogtong Bunao PH015527008
Bogtong Centro PH015527009
Bogtong Niog PH015527010
Bogtong Silag PH015527011
Bogtongbod PH071214002
Boguibog PH012916006
Bohe PH157006007
Bohe-languyan PH150705036
Bohe-Pahuh PH150711002
Bohe-Piang PH150709003
Bohe-Suyak PH150711003
Bohe-Tambak PH150706019


Boca Engano Claveria PH054107000

Aguilar PH015502000
San Fernando PH051732000
Tamparan PH153626000
Ilog PH064513000
Tangub City PH104215000
Lanuza PH166810000
La Paz PH083728000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Lopez PH045622000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Mogpog PH174004000
Aguilar PH015502000
Aguilar PH015502000
San Jose PH051733000
Igbaras PH063021000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Lucena City PH045624000
Caramoran PH052004000
Banaue PH142701000
Catarman PH084805000
Balilihan PH071206000
Jagna PH071225000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Asturias PH072206000
Bacungan PH097226000
Lingig PH166812000
Marawi City PH153617000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Libagon PH086405000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Bogna City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Bognabong City of Tabaco PH050517000
Gasan PH174003000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Argao PH072205000
Maria PH076104000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Josefina PH097337000
Molave PH097319000
Lambunao PH063025000
Oas PH050512000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Busuanga PH175307000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Clarin PH071214000
Salcedo PH012916000
South Ubian PH157006000
Sumisip PH150705000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bohebaca PH150706003
Bohebessey PH150702054
Boheibu PH150702012
Bohelebung PH150706004
Bohenange PH150702060
Bohesapa PH150702013
Bohetambis PH150707016
Boheyakan PH150702010
Boheyawas PH150702061
Bohol PH175311002
Boi PH174001015
Bojo PH072204002
Boki PH157003001
Bokiawan PH142702018
Bokiawan PH142703005
Bokinggan Pob. (Zone I) PH086017035
Boklaoan PH141108003
Bokong PH097312006
Bol-lilising PH140127002
Bolacan PH031404007
Bolaney PH015503007
Bolao PH153634004
Bolaobalite PH051737005
Bolaoen PH015515005
Bolaoen PH015533008
Bolaoen PH015542004
Bolaoen PH015546007
Bolaoit PH015524019
Bolasi PH015533009
Bolawan PH153631005
Bolboc PH041034003
Bolbogan PH063040010
Bolbok PH041005012
Bolbok PH041014011
Bolbok PH041029004
Bolbolo PH140119002
Bolebok PH126506029
Bolho (Pob.) PH063030018
Bolhog PH063009006
Bolhoon PH166816004
Bolibol PH104209003
Bolila PH118603002
Bolilao PH063018010
Bolilao PH063022021
Bolinao PH023103007
Bolinao-Culalabo PH023136009
Bolinawan PH072214001
Bolingan PH098314003
Bolingit PH015532018
Bolinsong PH104203005
Bolinsong PH153603054
Bolinsong PH153623005
Bolintaguen PH015537005
Boliok PH153824002
Bolirao PH083717006
Bolisong PH097311005
Bolisong PH104307002
Bolisong PH104312002
Bolisong PH074615005
Bolitoc PH037113002


Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Tuburan PH150707000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Dumaran PH175311000
Boac PH174001000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Mapun PH157003000
Hungduan PH142702000
Kiangan PH142703000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Kapangan PH141108000
Labangan PH097312000
Villaviciosa PH140127000
Bocaue PH031404000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Maguing PH153634000
Tinambac PH051737000
Bugallon PH015515000
San Fabian PH015533000
Sual PH015542000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Malasiqui PH015524000
San Fabian PH015533000
Marogong PH153631000
Tuy PH041034000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lipa City PH041014000
Taal PH041029000
Pilar PH140119000
Lebak PH126506000
Miagao PH063030000
Batad PH063009000
San Miguel PH166816000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Malita PH118603000
Dumangas PH063018000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Aurora PH023103000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Talusan PH098314000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Balindong PH153603000
Pualas PH153623000
San Quintin PH015537000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Dagami PH083717000
Kumalarang PH097311000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Santa Cruz PH037113000


Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Boliwong PH142704005
Bolo PH015521001
Bolo PH015534002
Bolo PH041006011
Bolo PH045610012
Bolo PH045628012
Bolo PH050518006
Bolo PH054111010
Bolo PH056212005
Bolo PH061914020
Bolo PH063014011
Bolo PH063029009
Bolo PH174006003
Bolo Batallion PH098306003
Bolo Norte PH051734009
Bolo Sur PH051734008
Bolobolo PH104307003
Boloc PH063046016
Boloc-boloc PH074609006
Bolocaon PH101309005
Bolocaue PH063030019
Bolocboloc PH072210004
Bolocboloc PH074620004
Bolod PH071233002
Bolod (Pob.) PH054120002
Bolodbolod PH086412004
Bolog PH142703021
Boloh-boloh PH150713003
Bololacao PH063032007
Bololmala PH126317002
Bololo PH050504006
Bolong PH097332011
Bolong Este PH063043018
Bolong Oeste PH063043019
Bolongtohan PH083718005
Bolos PH056209004
Bolos PH076106002
Bolos Point PH021513056
Bolosan PH015518006
Bolosan PH015532019
Bolot PH076101004
Bolton PH112408004
Bolusao PH082612002
Bomba PH097322007
Bombon (Pob.) PH050517009
Bombong PH045804005
Bombongan PH045809001
Bomitog PH012811004
Bon-ot PH052008009
Bon-ot PH083719050
Bon-ot PH166807005
Bon-Ot PH056216041
Bon-Ot Big PH056212006
Bon-Ot Small PH056212007
Bonacao PH101318001
Bonawan PH153805017
Bonawon PH074619003
Bonbon PH045631003
Bonbon PH050507012
Bonbon PH054112004


Lagawe PH142704000
Labrador PH015521000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Bauan PH041006000
Catanauan PH045610000
Mulanay PH045628000
Tiwi PH050518000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Matnog PH056212000
Roxas City PH061914000
Carles PH063014000
Maasin PH063029000
Torrijos PH174006000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Sipocot PH051734000
Sipocot PH051734000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Tubungan PH063046000
Dauin PH074609000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Miagao PH063030000
Barili PH072210000
Sibulan PH074620000
Panglao PH071233000
San Pascual PH054120000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Kiangan PH142703000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000
New Lucena PH063032000
Tupi PH126317000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Dulag PH083718000
Irosin PH056209000
Siquijor PH076106000
Gattaran PH021513000
Dagupan City PH015518000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Malalag PH112408000
Lawaan PH082612000
Pagadian City PH097322000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Binangonan PH045804000
Morong PH045809000
Banna PH012811000
San Andres PH052008000
Hilongos PH083719000
Carrascal PH166807000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Matnog PH056212000
Matnog PH056212000
San Fernando PH101318000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Siaton PH074619000
Panukulan PH045631000
Libon PH050507000
Milagros PH054112000


Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bonbon PH060605004
Bonbon PH063025015
Bonbon PH071210006
Bonbon PH071214003
Bonbon PH071228004
Bonbon PH072204003
Bonbon PH072217011
Bonbon PH072235003
Bonbon PH072240002
Bonbon PH101801002
Bonbon PH101805004
Bonbon PH104305040
Bonbon PH104321004
Bonbon PH156611004
Bonbon PH160202025
Bonbon PH175207003
Bonbon (Pob.) PH175103004
Bonbon Lower PH071229005
Bonbon Upper PH071229006
Bonbonon PH071235007
Bonbonon PH103504002
Bonbonon PH074619004
Bondoc PH063046017
Bondoc PH175205008
Bondulan PH063038005
Bone North PH025002003
Bone South PH025002004
Bonfal East PH025005001
Bonfal Proper PH025005002
Bonfal West PH025005003
Bong-ao PH074623008
Bonga PH050508015
Bonga PH056203013
Bonga PH056206004
Bonga PH061909013
Bonga PH063040088
Bonga PH076104002
Bonga PH086012007
Bonga PH086020011
Bonga PH153631006
Bonga PH175917001
Bonga (Upper) PH050501006
Bonga Mayor PH031406001
Bonga Menor PH031406002
Bongabong PH050502009
Bongabong PH104215008
Bongabong PH104216004
Bongabong PH118211001
Bongabong PH153639003
Bongalao PH097216021
Bongalon PH015521002
Bongalon PH050503011
Bongalon PH051731003
Bongalonan PH074605003
Bongan PH142706007
Bongan PH166812003
Bongao Poblacion PH157002027
Bongar PH015524020
Bongato East PH015511018
Bongato West PH015511019


Caluya PH060605000
Lambunao PH063025000
Calape PH071210000
Clarin PH071214000
Loay PH071228000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Cebu City PH072217000
Oslob PH072235000
Samboan PH072240000
Catarman PH101801000
Sagay PH101805000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Opol PH104321000
Patikul PH156611000
Butuan City PH160202000
Mansalay PH175207000
Looc PH175103000
Loboc PH071229000
Loboc PH071229000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Iligan City PH103504000
Siaton PH074619000
Tubungan PH063046000
City of Calapan PH175205000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Aritao PH025002000
Aritao PH025002000
Bayombong PH025005000
Bayombong PH025005000
Bayombong PH025005000
Valencia PH074623000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Bulan PH056203000
Castilla PH056206000
Panay PH061909000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Maria PH076104000
Motiong PH086012000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Marogong PH153631000
Santa Maria PH175917000
Bacacay PH050501000
Bustos PH031406000
Bustos PH031406000
Camalig PH050502000
Tangub City PH104215000
Tudela PH104216000
Pantukan PH118211000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Sibuco PH097216000
Labrador PH015521000
Daraga PH050503000
Sagñay PH051731000
Basay PH074605000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Lingig PH166812000
Bongao PH157002000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bongawisan PH086413015
Bongbong PH071213005
Bongbong PH071244002
Bongbong PH071246007
Bongbong PH086413002
Bongbong PH104210008
Bongbong PH118211002
Bongbong PH074623007
Bongbongan PH060609003
Bongbongan PH061907006
Bongbongan I PH060616006
Bongbongan I-II PH060608006
Bongbongan II PH060616007
Bongbongan III PH060608008
Bongcanaway PH054103002
Bongco PH063037006
Bongco PH071230012
Bongdo PH072213004
Bongdo PH082623004
Bongdo PH083725005
Bongdo PH166718001
Bongdo Gua PH072213005
Bonghon PH082606047
Bongkol PH043410005
Bonglas PH084819005
Bongliw PH084808009
Bonglo (Patagui) PH140113001
Bongloy PH063016005
Bongo PH153817003
Bongo Island (Litayen) PH153811014
Bongol PH063023009
Bongol San Miguel PH063020008
Bongol San Vicente PH063020009
Bongolanon PH124706010
Bongon PH072249001
Bongon PH097220005
Bongoran PH050512010
Bongoyan PH072213006
Bongsod PH060616008
Bongtod PH083728003
Bongtod Pob. (East West) PH166819005
Bongtolan PH012934012
Bongued PH153807008
Bongyas PH072216005
Boniao PH097315004
Bonifacio PH023101008
Bonifacio PH023102008
Bonifacio PH025011004
Bonifacio PH034906006
Bonifacio PH045606004
Bonifacio PH045649007
Bonifacio PH054121005
Bonifacio PH071208001
Bonifacio PH083725006
Bonifacio PH084801002
Bonifacio PH084806003
Bonifacio PH084807004
Bonifacio PH084824002
Bonifacio PH104204001
Bonifacio PH104208004


San Francisco PH086413000

Catigbian PH071213000
Trinidad PH071244000
Ubay PH071246000
San Francisco PH086413000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Pantukan PH118211000
Valencia PH074623000
Laua-An PH060609000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Sibalom PH060616000
Hamtic PH060608000
Sibalom PH060616000
Hamtic PH060608000
Balud PH054103000
Pototan PH063037000
Loon PH071230000
Borbon PH072213000
Taft PH082623000
Julita PH083725000
San Benito PH166718000
Borbon PH072213000
Dolores PH082606000
Liliw PH043410000
San Jose PH084819000
Laoang PH084808000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Dingle PH063016000
South Upi PH153817000
Parang PH153811000
Janiuay PH063023000
Guimbal PH063020000
Guimbal PH063020000
Magpet PH124706000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Sirawai PH097220000
Oas PH050512000
Borbon PH072213000
Sibalom PH060616000
La Paz PH083728000
City of Tandag PH166819000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Catmon PH072216000
Mahayag PH097315000
Alicia PH023101000
Angadanan PH023102000
Quezon PH025011000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Burdeos PH045606000
Unisan PH045649000
Uson PH054121000
Bilar PH071208000
Julita PH083725000
Allen PH084801000
Catubig PH084806000
Gamay PH084807000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Calamba PH104204000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000


Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bonifacio PH112401005
Bonifacio PH112406007
Bonifacio PH160207002
Bonifacio PH166724011
Bonifacio (Arevalo) PH063022023
Bonifacio (Pob.) PH012905006
Bonifacio (Pob.) PH015532020
Bonifacio (Pob.) PH030804003
Bonifacio (Pob.) PH051732005
Bonifacio Aquino PH104317003
Bonifacio District (Pob.) PH034903017
Bonifacio District (Pob.) PH034927002
Bonifacio Tanza PH063022022
Boniga PH153615017
Bonkokan Ilaya PH071227002
Bonkokan Ubos PH071227003
Bonlao PH175901001
Bonliw PH041024007
Bonliw PH174006004
Bono-anon PH086006009
Bono-bono PH175305001
Bonot PH050517010
Bonot-Santa Rosa PH051708009
Bonotbonot PH071209007
Bonoy (Pob.) PH083733009
Bontay PH086003162
Bontoc PH063025016
Bontoc PH083720004
Bontoc Ili PH144404005
Bontod PH054115005
Bontod PH076102005
Bontod PH086015006
Bontol PH060616009
Bontong PH098308040
Bontongon PH101305001
Bontud PH071214004
Bonuan Binloc PH015518007
Bonuan Boquig PH015518008
Bonuan Gueset PH015518009
Bonza PH060409004
Bood PH071232006
Bood PH071246008
Bool PH071242001
Bool Central (Pob.) PH087805004
Bool East (Pob.) PH087805005
Bool West (Pob.) PH087805006
Boor PH045806005
Boot PH041031014
Booy PH071242002
Bora PH036916019
Borabod PH051603005
Borac PH087808021
Borac PH175309003
Borakis PH153603013
Borbon PH160308003
Boring PH084806004
Boring PH153623006
Boriongan PH153627006
Borlongan PH037706003
Borobor PH012909005


Bansalan PH112401000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Surigao City PH166724000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Cabugao PH012905000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Fernando PH051732000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Malabang PH153615000
Lila PH071227000
Lila PH071227000
Alcantara PH175901000
San Luis PH041024000
Torrijos PH174006000
Daram PH086006000
Bataraza PH175305000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Calabanga PH051708000
Buenavista PH071209000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Lambunao PH063025000
Hindang PH083720000
Bontoc PH144404000
Palanas PH054115000
Larena PH076102000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Sibalom PH060616000
Malangas PH098308000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Clarin PH071214000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Libacao PH060409000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Ubay PH071246000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Culaba PH087805000
Culaba PH087805000
Culaba PH087805000
Cardona PH045806000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Daet PH051603000
Naval PH087808000
Coron PH175309000
Balindong PH153603000
San Francisco PH160308000
Catubig PH084806000
Pualas PH153623000
Taraka PH153627000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Galimuyod PH012909000


Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Borobor PH012928003
Borocboroc PH060603001
Borocboroc PH060618003
Borocot PH153634007
Borok PH083738007
Borol 1st PH031402003
Borol 2nd PH031402002
Borong PH063046018
Borong PH086004006
Borongborongan PH051721004
Boroñgon PH063038006
Borongotan PH153815002
Borono PH012933006
Bororan Barangay 1 (Pob.) PH056207008
Borowa PH153627007
Borrowa PH153634009
Borseth PH083702008
Bosigon PH045646005
Bosongon PH071245006
Bosque PH034915025
Botaera PH086023005
Botao PH015538005
Botbot PH060608009
Botbot PH060611005
Botbotones PH036915002
Bote PH052003006
Bothoan (Pob.) PH052004003
Botigues PH072209005
Botilao PH174005012
Botinagan PH052010006
Botique PH015548002
Botlog PH063015008
Boto Ambolong PH153617017
Boto Ragondingan PH153633042
Botoc PH086013004
Botoc Occidental PH071228005
Botoc Oriental PH071228006
Botocan PH043416011
Botocan PH137404017
Boton PH052009003
Boton PH056205002
Boton PH174001016
Botong PH063004004
Botong PH063034008
Botong PH071247006
Botong PH097227002
Botongon PH063019004
Botud PH153634014
Bougainvilla Pob. (Zone II) PH086017036
Boundary PH104213003
Bowi PH103523005
Boy-utan PH013307007
Boyboy PH012818006
Boyco PH074606005
Boyo-an PH071211003
Boyog Norte PH071206004
Boyog Proper PH071206005
Boyog Sur PH071206006
Boyongan PH166717005
Boyugan East PH097311008


Santo Domingo PH012928000

Belison PH060603000
Valderrama PH060618000
Maguing PH153634000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Balagtas PH031402000
Balagtas PH031402000
Tubungan PH063046000
Calbiga PH086004000
Milaor PH051721000
Borongon San Dionisio PH063038000
Upi PH153815000
Tagudin PH012933000
Donsol PH056207000
Taraka PH153627000
Maguing PH153634000
Alangalang PH083702000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Tubigon PH071245000
Llanera PH034915000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Hamtic PH060608000
Pandan PH060611000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Bato PH052003000
Caramoran PH052004000
Bantayan PH072209000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Viga PH052010000
Laoac PH015548000
Concepcion PH063015000
Marawi City PH153617000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Loay PH071228000
Loay PH071228000
Majayjay PH043416000
Quezon City PH137404000
San Miguel PH052009000
Casiguran PH056205000
Boac PH174001000
Badiangan PH063004000
Oton PH063034000
Valencia PH071247000
Kalawit PH097227000
Estancia PH063019000
Maguing PH153634000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Pantar PH103523000
Bauang PH013307000
Piddig PH012818000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Candijay PH071211000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Placer PH166717000
Kumalarang PH097311000


Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Boyugan West PH097311009

BPS Village PH153615018
Brar PH153831002
Braulan PH063039004
Bravo PH034909006
Bretania PH166815001
Brillante PH036910007
Brillante (Pob.) PH056214001
Briones PH045641004
Briones PH060407004
Brookside PH140119003
Brookside PH141102012
Brookspoint PH141102011
Bry. No. 18, San Quirino (Pob.) PH012812069
Bry. No. 48-A, Cabungaan North PH012812011
Bua PH025009006
Buabua PH082619020
Buac Daku PH086417002
Buac Gamay PH086417003
Buacao PH071214005
Buad PH153612011
Buad Lumbac PH153611019
Buadi-Abala PH153619006
Buadi-Bayawa PH153619007
Buadi-Insuba PH153619008
Buadi Alao PH153624013
Buadi Alawang PH153629005
Buadi Amao PH153627009
Buadi Amloy PH153618089
Buadi Amunta PH153627010
Buadi Amunud PH153627070
Buadi Arorao PH153627011
Buadi Atopa PH153627012
Buadi Babai PH153624012
Buadi Dayomangga PH153627013
Buadi Dico PH153629006
Buadi Dingun PH153627008
Buadi Oloc PH153624014
Buadi Ongcalo PH153627014
Buadi Sacayo (Green) PH153617048
Buadiangkay PH153634011
Buadiawani PH153601006
Buadiposo Lilod PH153633005
Buadiposo Proper PH153633006
Buadiposo Raya PH153633025
Buag (Pob.) PH025004009
Buagsong PH072220003
Buahan PH150702011
Bual PH124714005
Bual PH126504005
Bual PH156604004
Bual Norte PH124709008
Bual Sur PH124709009
Bualan PH097311006
Bualan PH098314004
Bualan PH103522003
Bualan PH124712009
Bualan PH153603014
Bualan PH153606006
Bualan PH153621009


Kumalarang PH097311000
Malabang PH153615000
Datu Anggal Midtimbang PH153831000
San Enrique PH063039000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
San Agustin PH166815000
Paniqui PH036910000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
San Antonio PH045641000
Kalibo PH060407000
Pilar PH140119000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Laoag City PH012812000
Laoag City PH012812000
Kasibu PH025009000
Salcedo PH082619000
Sogod PH086417000
Sogod PH086417000
Clarin PH071214000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Mulondo PH153619000
Mulondo PH153619000
Mulondo PH153619000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Tugaya PH153629000
Taraka PH153627000
Masiu PH153618000
Taraka PH153627000
Taraka PH153627000
Taraka PH153627000
Taraka PH153627000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Taraka PH153627000
Tugaya PH153629000
Taraka PH153627000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Taraka PH153627000
Marawi City PH153617000
Maguing PH153634000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Bambang PH025004000
Cordova PH072220000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Tulunan PH124714000
Isulan PH126504000
Luuk PH156604000
Midsayap PH124709000
Midsayap PH124709000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Talusan PH098314000
Tubod PH103522000
Pikit PH124712000
Balindong PH153603000
Bubong PH153606000
Piagapo PH153621000


Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bualan PH153622008
Bualan PH153623008
Bualan PH153636007
Bualan PH153818002
Bualo Lahi PH156605003
Bualo Lipid PH156605004
Buan PH112301006
Buan PH156612004
Buan PH157001003
Buanao PH140115003
Buang PH050501008
Buang PH050517012
Buang PH060611007
Buanga PH012819005
Buangan PH071214006
Buangan PH174006005
Buanoy PH072208006
Buanza PH156601004
Buao PH086007010
Buas PH112410005
Buas (Pob.) PH035405005
Buasao PH034929004
Buatong PH166815002
Buaya PH015527012
Buaya PH063014012
Buaya PH072226006
Buaya PH083701003
Buaya PH143201005
Buayaan Lilod PH153624091
Buayaan Madanding PH153624054
Buayaan Raya PH153624081
Buayaen PH015511020
Buayahon PH063043020
Buayan PH098306004
Buayan PH124710003
Buayan PH126303004
Buayan PH153806008
Buayan PH153836004
Buayang Bato PH137401008
Bubog PH060416004
Bubog PH067905003
Bubog PH175110015
Bubog PH064528001
Bubon PH083708011
Bubong PH103508004
Bubong PH103521007
Bubong PH153601007
Bubong PH153603009
Bubong PH153605005
Bubong PH153613008
Bubong PH153619010
Bubong PH153625037
Bubong PH153629004
Bubong PH153633007
Bubong PH153634051
Bubong-Dimunda PH153622006
Bubong-Dinaig PH103517002
Bubong Bayabao PH153634013
Bubong Cadapaan PH153603011
Bubong Dangiprampiai PH153624092


Poona Bayabao PH153622000

Pualas PH153623000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Barira PH153818000
Maimbung PH156605000
Maimbung PH156605000
Asuncion PH112301000
Siasi PH156612000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Malibcong PH140115000
Bacacay PH050501000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Pandan PH060611000
Pinili PH012819000
Clarin PH071214000
Torrijos PH174006000
Balamban PH072208000
Indanan PH156601000
Gandara PH086007000
Matanao PH112410000
Candaba PH035405000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
San Agustin PH166815000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Carles PH063014000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Abuyog PH083701000
Balbalan PH143201000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Bayambang PH015511000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Kabasalan PH098306000
M'Lang PH124710000
General Santos City PH126303000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Numancia PH060416000
Sibunag PH067905000
San Jose PH175110000
City of Talisay PH064528000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Tangcal PH103521000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Balindong PH153603000
Binidayan PH153605000
Madalum PH153613000
Mulondo PH153619000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tugaya PH153629000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Maguing PH153634000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Maguing PH153634000
Balindong PH153603000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bubong Ilian PH153621010

Bubong Lilod PH153604017
Bubong Lumbac PH153617021
Bubong Macadar PH153612050
Bubong Madanding (Bubong) PH153616107
Bubong Madaya PH103523003
Bubong Radapan PH103513001
Bubong Raya PH153604055
Bubong Tawa-an PH153621007
Bubong Uyaan PH153614007
Bubonga-Ranao PH153605006
Bubonga Cadayonan PH153617019
Bubonga Didagun PH153606008
Bubonga Guilopa PH153619005
Bubonga Lilod Madaya PH153617015
Bubonga Mamaanun PH153621008
Bubonga Marawi PH153617022
Bubonga Pagalamatan PH153617014
Bubonga Punod PH153617023
Bubonga Ranao PH153632004
Buboy PH043417013
Buboy PH043419003
Bubual PH097325002
Bubuan PH156606002
Bubuan PH157006008
Bubug PH023136008
Bubukal PH043410004
Bubukal PH043426003
Bubukal PH043427004
Bubulong Malaki PH031419009
Bubulong Munti PH031419008
Bubulusan PH050504007
Bubuos PH012822005
Buburay PH097305007
Bubuyan PH041018008
Bubuyan PH043405005
Buca PH118604002
Bucac PH160301029
Bucal PH041008006
Bucal PH042102002
Bucal PH042118010
Bucal PH042120005
Bucal PH043405006
Bucal PH043415006
Bucal PH045645009
Bucal PH051712002
Bucal I PH042113002
Bucal II PH042113003
Bucal III A PH042113004
Bucal III B PH042113022
Bucal IV A PH042113005
Bucal IV B PH042113023
Bucal Norte PH023110003
Bucal Sur PH023110002
Bucalag PH012922004
Bucalan PH086008003
Bucalan PH153627016
Bucalan (East Budsalan) PH074608003
Bucalao PH150709004
Bucalbucalan PH056216009


Piagapo PH153621000
Bayang PH153604000
Marawi City PH153617000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Marantao PH153616000
Pantar PH103523000
Matungao PH103513000
Bayang PH153604000
Piagapo PH153621000
Madamba PH153614000
Binidayan PH153605000
Marawi City PH153617000
Bubong PH153606000
Mulondo PH153619000
Marawi City PH153617000
Piagapo PH153621000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Calanogas PH153632000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
San Pablo PH097325000
Hadji Panglima Tahil PH156606000
South Ubian PH157006000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Liliw PH043410000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Santa Maria PH043427000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Solsona PH012822000
Dimataling PH097305000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Santa Maria PH118604000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Calatagan PH041008000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
Tanza PH042120000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Magdalena PH043415000
Sariaya PH045645000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Santa PH012922000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Taraka PH153627000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Al-Barka PH150709000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bucana PH041019016
Bucana PH042121003
Bucana PH097218033
Bucana PH097219005
Bucana PH112402020
Bucana PH118204004
Bucana PH175312017
Bucana Bunglas PH063001007
Bucana Malaki PH042115004
Bucana Sasahan PH042115005
Bucanan PH035411025
Bucandala I PH042109011
Bucandala II PH042109049
Bucandala III PH042109050
Bucandala IV PH042109051
Bucandala V PH042109052
Bucao PH013315007
Bucao PH015525007
Bucao PH045636007
Bucao PH082609009
Bucao East PH012933011
Bucao West PH012933012
Bucari PH063028022
Bucaya PH063040012
Bucayab PH013307008
Bucayan PH097308003
Bucayao PH175205009
Buck Estate PH042101007
Buclad PH112301007
Buco PH041030006
Bucot PH034901005
Bucto PH166803002
Bud-Taran PH156601005
Bud Bunga PH156613007
Bud Seit PH156607006
Bud Sibaud PH156618002
Buda PH112402178
Budac PH140124003
Budas PH153602006
Budbud PH072210005
Budbudan PH060608010
Budburan PH175207004
Budi PH153612012
Budiao PH050503012
Budiawe PH063004005
Budiong PH175909006
Budla-an (Pob.) PH072217013
Budlasan (West Budlasan) PH074608011
Budlingin PH166701003
Buduan (Malituek) PH012806007
Bued PH015503009
Bued PH015512002
Bued PH015517004
Bued PH034906007
Buena Suerte PH023108009
Buena Suerte Pob. (Barangay 2) PH175312002
Buena Vida PH124707004
Buena Voluntad PH104212003
Buenaflor PH054108004
Buenaflor PH126511002


Nasugbu PH041019000
Ternate PH042121000
Sindangan PH097218000
Siocon PH097219000
Davao City PH112402000
Maco PH118204000
El Nido PH175312000
Ajuy PH063001000
Naic PH042115000
Naic PH042115000
Magalang PH035411000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Manaoag PH015525000
Polillo PH045636000
Guiuan PH082609000
Tagudin PH012933000
Tagudin PH012933000
Leon PH063028000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Bauang PH013307000
Dumingag PH097308000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Alfonso PH042101000
Asuncion PH112301000
Talisay PH041030000
Aliaga PH034901000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Indanan PH156601000
Talipao PH156613000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Pandami PH156618000
Davao City PH112402000
Tayum PH140124000
Balabagan PH153602000
Barili PH072210000
Hamtic PH060608000
Mansalay PH175207000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Daraga PH050503000
Badiangan PH063004000
Odiongan PH175909000
Cebu City PH072217000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Alegria PH166701000
Burgos PH012806000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Binalonan PH015512000
Calasiao PH015517000
Cuyapo PH034906000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
El Nido PH175312000
Makilala PH124707000
Plaridel PH104212000
Dimasalang PH054108000
City of Tacurong PH126511000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buenaflor Embarkadero (Pob.) PH063018047

Buenaflores PH126512003
Buenafortuna PH060414003
BuenaGracia PH160311001
Buenasuerte PH051719010
Buenasuerte PH051730010
Buenasuerte PH054115006
Buenasuerte PH054116002
Buenasuerte PH054118003
Buenasuerte PH054121006
Buenasuerte PH060414002
Buenasuerte PH071203004
Buenasuerte PH071234005
Buenasuerte PH084823002
Buenasuerte PH097208002
Buenasuerte PH097330006
Buenasuerte PH160308026
Buenaventura PH071205003
Buenavista PH015544008
Buenavista PH021511005
Buenavista PH023102009
Buenavista PH023113004
Buenavista PH023134002
Buenavista PH023135007
Buenavista PH025704005
Buenavista PH031423003
Buenavista PH035413004
Buenavista PH036911002
Buenavista PH036916020
Buenavista PH037104002
Buenavista PH037706002
Buenavista PH043415007
Buenavista PH043417014
Buenavista PH045602004
Buenavista PH045605006
Buenavista PH045622016
Buenavista PH045628013
Buenavista PH045644005
Buenavista PH050513007
Buenavista PH050515008
Buenavista PH051729007
Buenavista PH051737009
Buenavista PH052002005
Buenavista PH052003007
Buenavista PH052004004
Buenavista PH052010007
Buenavista PH052011006
Buenavista PH054118004
Buenavista PH054121007
Buenavista PH056206005
Buenavista PH056208009
Buenavista PH056209005
Buenavista PH060406009
Buenavista PH060414004
Buenavista PH060603002
Buenavista PH060606012
Buenavista PH063014013
Buenavista PH063016006
Buenavista PH063017011
Buenavista PH063021011


Dumangas PH063018000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Nabas PH060414000
Talacogon PH160311000
Lupi PH051719000
Ragay PH051730000
Palanas PH054115000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
San Fernando PH054118000
Uson PH054121000
Nabas PH060414000
Anda PH071203000
Pilar PH071234000
Victoria PH084823000
Mutia PH097208000
Tukuran PH097330000
San Francisco PH160308000
Baclayon PH071205000
Umingan PH015544000
Claveria PH021511000
Angadanan PH023102000
Gamu PH023113000
Santa Maria PH023134000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Maddela PH025704000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Mexico PH035413000
Pura PH036911000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Castillejos PH037104000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Magdalena PH043415000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Alabat PH045602000
Buenavista PH045605000
Lopez PH045622000
Mulanay PH045628000
San Narciso PH045644000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Presentacion PH051729000
Tinambac PH051737000
Baras PH052002000
Bato PH052003000
Caramoran PH052004000
Viga PH052010000
Virac PH052011000
San Fernando PH054118000
Uson PH054121000
Castilla PH056206000
Gubat PH056208000
Irosin PH056209000
Ibajay PH060406000
Nabas PH060414000
Belison PH060603000
Culasi PH060606000
Carles PH063014000
Dingle PH063016000
Dueñas PH063017000
Igbaras PH063021000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buenavista PH063027006
Buenavista PH063028023
Buenavista PH063035014
Buenavista PH063045023
Buenavista PH063046019
Buenavista PH071212003
Buenavista PH071229007
Buenavista PH071246009
Buenavista PH072214002
Buenavista PH072253001
Buenavista PH082601006
Buenavista PH082606003
Buenavista PH082609010
Buenavista PH082618008
Buenavista PH083701012
Buenavista PH083702009
Buenavista PH083708012
Buenavista PH083710008
Buenavista PH083717007
Buenavista PH083723005
Buenavista PH083740003
Buenavista PH084816002
Buenavista PH084818004
Buenavista PH086002006
Buenavista PH086003019
Buenavista PH086006010
Buenavista PH086018004
Buenavista PH086402004
Buenavista PH086410001
Buenavista PH086411003
Buenavista PH097214005
Buenavista PH097223015
Buenavista PH097322010
Buenavista PH097332012
Buenavista PH101301002
Buenavista PH103502007
Buenavista PH103505008
Buenavista PH104203006
Buenavista PH104209004
Buenavista PH104216005
Buenavista PH112315003
Buenavista PH112401006
Buenavista PH126313002
Buenavista PH153602022
Buenavista PH166707004
Buenavista PH166724012
Buenavista PH166819004
Buenavista PH175109002
Buenavista PH175309004
Buenavista PH175316011
Buenavista PH175907003
Buenavista PH064505005
Buenavista PH064509005
Buenavista PH064510002
Buenavista PH064520010
Buenavista PH074611006
Buenavista PH074618003
Buenavista (Bacon District) PH056216043
Buenavista (Pob.) PH051732006
Buenavista (Sorsogon West District) PH056216010


Lemery PH063027000
Leon PH063028000
City of Passi PH063035000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tubungan PH063046000
Carmen PH071212000
Loboc PH071229000
Ubay PH071246000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Tudela PH072253000
Arteche PH082601000
Dolores PH082606000
Guiuan PH082609000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Abuyog PH083701000
Alangalang PH083702000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Burauen PH083710000
Dagami PH083717000
Jaro PH083723000
Palompon PH083740000
Rosario PH084816000
San Isidro PH084818000
Basey PH086002000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Daram PH086006000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Bontoc PH086402000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Gutalac PH097223000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Baungon PH101301000
Baloi PH103502000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Tudela PH104216000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Bansalan PH112401000
Surallah PH126313000
Balabagan PH153602000
Dapa PH166707000
Surigao City PH166724000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Sablayan PH175109000
Coron PH175309000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Looc PH175907000
Calatrava PH064505000
City of Escalante PH064509000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Murcia PH064520000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
San Fernando PH051732000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buenavista (Vista Hills) PH025005004

Buenavista East PH045608002
Buenavista Gibong PH064521006
Buenavista I PH042108012
Buenavista I PH086025003
Buenavista II PH042108032
Buenavista II PH086025032
Buenavista III PH042108033
Buenavista Norte PH063030020
Buenavista Rizal PH064521007
Buenavista Sur PH063030021
Buenavista West PH045608003
Buenglat PH015532021
Buenlag PH015513008
Buenlag PH015515006
Buenlag PH015517005
Buenlag PH015526008
Buenlag PH015527013
Buenlag PH036906007
Buenlag 1st PH015511021
Buenlag 2nd PH015511022
Bueno PH015527014
Bueno PH036904002
Buenos Aires PH054118005
Buenos Aires PH071212004
Buenos Aires PH071245007
Buenos Aires PH084823003
Buenos Aires PH086026006
Buensuceso PH035403005
Buensuceso PH045619010
Buer PH015502008
Bug-ang PH064529002
Bug-ong PH101804006
Bug-ot PH063029008
Bug-ot PH072205009
Buga PH031421013
Buga PH050507013
Buga PH063021012
Buga PH063028024
Bugaan East PH041011006
Bugaan West PH041011007
Bugabuga PH083751003
Bugabungan PH153815005
Bugabus PH160202026
Bugallon PH023108010
Bugallon-Posadas Street (Pob.) PH015532016
Bugallon Norte PH023124004
Bugallon Proper (Pob.) PH023124022
Bugang PH054116003
Bugang PH063002012
Bugang PH071224009
Bugang PH071238003
Bugang PH101805005
Bugang Norte PH071208002
Bugang Sur PH071208003
Bugao PH052001004
Bugaong PH071209008
Bugaran PH153622007
Bugarot (Catungan-Bugarot) PH060613014
Bugas PH072207007


Bayombong PH025005000
Candelaria PH045608000
Pontevedra PH064521000
City of General Trias PH042108000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of General Trias PH042108000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Miagao PH063030000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Miagao PH063030000
Candelaria PH045608000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Binmaley PH015513000
Bugallon PH015515000
Calasiao PH015517000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Gerona PH036906000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Capas PH036904000
San Fernando PH054118000
Carmen PH071212000
Tubigon PH071245000
Victoria PH084823000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
Arayat PH035403000
Gumaca PH045619000
Aguilar PH015502000
Toboso PH064529000
Mambajao PH101804000
Maasin PH063029000
Argao PH072205000
San Miguel PH031421000
Libon PH050507000
Igbaras PH063021000
Leon PH063028000
Laurel PH041011000
Laurel PH041011000
Villaba PH083751000
Upi PH153815000
Butuan City PH160202000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Ramon PH023124000
Ramon PH023124000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Alimodian PH063002000
Inabanga PH071224000
San Miguel PH071238000
Sagay PH101805000
Bilar PH071208000
Bilar PH071208000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Buenavista PH071209000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
San Jose PH060613000
Badian PH072207000


Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bugas PH082604011
Bugas-bugas PH166717006
Bugasan Norte PH153809003
Bugasan Sur (Pob.) PH153809004
Bugasi PH012811005
Bugasongan PH060408003
Bugasongan PH063045024
Bugatay PH021519005
Bugawas PH153807009
Bugay PH084810002
Bugay PH074606006
Bugayong PH012814004
Bugayong PH015512003
Bugbog PH140103005
Bugbuga PH012924008
Bugbugcao PH013316006
Bugcaon PH101310006
Bugdang PH104325001
Bugho PH071229008
Bugho PH071230013
Bugho PH072233006
Bugho PH072241007
Bugho PH083702010
Bugho PH083725007
Bugho PH086009002
Bugho PH086013005
Bugho PH086403006
Bugho PH086404006
Bugko PH084813002
Bugnan PH034907005
Bugnay PH012906015
Bugnay PH021528009
Bugnay PH025006003
Bugnay PH060616010
Bugnay PH060618004
Bugnay PH063008002
Bugnay PH063021013
Bugnay PH067902008
Bugnay PH143215008
Bugnay PH074614008
Bugo PH060614010
Bugo PH104305041
Bugso PH126512004
Bugsoc PH071240003
Bugsuk (New Cagayancillo) PH175304002
Bugsukan PH160202092
Bugsukan PH166805002
Bugtong PH054110004
Bugtong PH054116004
Bugtong PH056202005
Bugtong PH086003018
Bugtong Kawayan PH072210006
Bugtong Lumangan PH063030022
Bugtong na Buli PH034930012
Bugtong na Pulo PH041014012
Bugtong Na Tuog PH175214027
Bugtong Naulid PH063030023
Bugtongan PH063017012
Bugtongbato PH060406010
Bugtosan PH084810003


City of Borongan PH082604000

Placer PH166717000
Matanog PH153809000
Matanog PH153809000
Banna PH012811000
Lezo PH060408000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Las Navas PH084810000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Binalonan PH015512000
Bucay PH140103000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
San Juan PH013316000
Lantapan PH101310000
Talisayan PH104325000
Loboc PH071229000
Loon PH071230000
Moalboal PH072233000
San Fernando PH072241000
Alangalang PH083702000
Julita PH083725000
Jiabong PH086009000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Mondragon PH084813000
Gabaldon PH034907000
City of Candon PH012906000
Tuao PH021528000
Diadi PH025006000
Sibalom PH060616000
Valderrama PH060618000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Igbaras PH063021000
Jordan PH067902000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Mabinay PH074614000
San Remigio PH060614000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Balabac PH175304000
Butuan City PH160202000
Cantilan PH166805000
Mandaon PH054110000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Barcelona PH056202000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Barili PH072210000
Miagao PH063030000
Talavera PH034930000
Lipa City PH041014000
Socorro PH175214000
Miagao PH063030000
Dueñas PH063017000
Ibajay PH060406000
Las Navas PH084810000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bugui PH012911003
Buguil PH072233007
Buguion PH031407004
Buguis PH112414002
Buguis PH118602001
Bugwak PH101303002
Buhang PH060608011
Buhang PH063022024
Buhang PH160208001
Buhang Taft North PH063022025
Buhangin PH037701006
Buhangin PH045603008
Buhangin PH045804006
Buhangin PH118603003
Buhangin PH175208012
Buhangin (Pob.) PH112402021
Buhangin Pob. (Bgy. 19) PH160202027
Buhanginan PH043417015
Buhanginan (Darayan) PH156611005
Buhatan PH050515009
Buhatan PH050516002
Buhatan PH056216011
Buhawen PH037111002
Buhay PH043429005
Buhay PH063002014
Buhay PH124707005
Buhay Na Sapa PH041023005
Buhay na Tubig PH042109053
Buhay Na Tubig PH175210007
Buhi PH052009004
Buhi PH060606013
Buhian PH050517013
Buhilit (Bubulit) PH036916021
Buhing Calipay PH166720001
Buhingtubig PH072237004
Buhisan PH072217014
Buhisan PH166815003
Buho PH042102026
Buho PH042118009
Buhol na Mangga PH031419010
Buhuan PH175205010
Bui-os PH097341001
Buisan PH031406003
Buisan (Bengabeng) PH153602019
Bukal PH041005013
Bukal PH041012007
Bukal PH041020015
Bukal PH041032003
Bukal PH042114020
Bukal PH043407003
Bukal PH043416003
Bukal PH043417016
Bukal PH043422003
Bukal PH045605007
Bukal PH045607021
Bukal PH045621001
Bukal PH045630007
Bukal PH045646006
Bukal PH045648008
Bukal PH118209028


Lidlidda PH012911000
Moalboal PH072233000
Calumpit PH031407000
Sulop PH112414000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Hamtic PH060608000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Magallanes PH160208000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Baler PH037701000
Atimonan PH045603000
Binangonan PH045804000
Malita PH118603000
Naujan PH175208000
Davao City PH112402000
Butuan City PH160202000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Patikul PH156611000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Siniloan PH043429000
Alimodian PH063002000
Makilala PH124707000
San Juan PH041023000
Imus City PH042109000
Pola PH175210000
San Miguel PH052009000
Culasi PH060606000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
San Isidro PH166720000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Cebu City PH072217000
San Agustin PH166815000
Amadeo PH042102000
Silang PH042118000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Bustos PH031406000
Balabagan PH153602000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lemery PH041012000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Taysan PH041032000
Mendez PH042114000
Cavinti PH043407000
Majayjay PH043416000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Pila PH043422000
Buenavista PH045605000
Calauag PH045607000
Jomalig PH045621000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Tiaong PH045648000
Nabunturan PH118209000


Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bukal PH175203003
Bukal Ibaba PH045647020
Bukal Ilaya PH045647026
Bukal Maligaya PH045618006
Bukal Norte PH045608004
Bukal Sur PH045608005
Bukang Liwayway PH101308036
Bukay Pait PH126315001
Bukid PH083706006
Bukid PH083723006
Bukid PH084810004
Bukid PH118602006
Bukid PH156609006
Bukig PH021505019
Buklod PH126512005
Buko PH104312003
Bukut-Umus PH150713004
Bula PH045648009
Bula PH061908010
Bula PH126303005
Bulaan PH098302004
Bulabog PH056216012
Bulabog PH063010003
Bulabog PH156605005
Bulabud PH060413003
Bulac PH031423004
Bulac PH034930013
Bulac PH035414001
Bulacan PH041016004
Bulacan PH083720006
Bulacan PH097219006
Bulacan PH098311003
Bulacan PH112408005
Bulacan PH175103005
Bulacao PH056208010
Bulacao PH072217015
Bulacao PH072250001
Bulacnin PH041014013
Bulacon PH103518002
Bulacus PH035412008
Bulad PH063020010
Bulad PH063028025
Bulad PH064514003
Bulado PH074611007
Bulag PH012903005
Bulagsong PH045610013
Bulahan PH104306003
Bulajo PH043407004
Bulak PH034908002
Bulak PH072222005
Bulak PH072224003
Bulak PH083701013
Bulak PH083733002
Bulak PH074609007
Bulak Norte PH063009007
Bulak Sur PH063009008
Bulakanon PH124707006
Bulakid PH034911011
Bulakin PH045648010
Bulakin I PH045615004


Bongabong PH175203000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Kibawe PH101308000
Tantangan PH126315000
Barugo PH083706000
Jaro PH083723000
Las Navas PH084810000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Parang PH156609000
Aparri PH021505000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000
Tiaong PH045648000
Mambusao PH061908000
General Santos City PH126303000
Buug PH098302000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Bingawan PH063010000
Maimbung PH156605000
Malinao PH060413000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Talavera PH034930000
Minalin PH035414000
Mabini PH041016000
Hindang PH083720000
Siocon PH097219000
Payao PH098311000
Malalag PH112408000
Looc PH175103000
Gubat PH056208000
Cebu City PH072217000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Lipa City PH041014000
Salvador PH103518000
Masantol PH035412000
Guimbal PH063020000
Leon PH063028000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Bantay PH012903000
Catanauan PH045610000
Claveria PH104306000
Cavinti PH043407000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Abuyog PH083701000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Dauin PH074609000
Batad PH063009000
Batad PH063009000
Makilala PH124707000
Guimba PH034911000
Tiaong PH045648000
Dolores PH045615000


Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bulakin II PH045615016
Bulaklakan PH041014014
Bulaklakan PH175206008
Bulala PH012934013
Bulala PH013303009
Bulala PH021510007
Bulala PH025007003
Bulala PH034906008
Bulala PH051610002
Bulala PH056211012
Bulala-Leguey PH012916007
Bulala Norte PH021505020
Bulala Sur PH021505021
Bulalaan PH013319020
Bulalacao PH051729008
Bulalacao PH052004005
Bulalacao PH060616011
Bulalacao PH087806004
Bulalacao PH141111003
Bulalacao PH175305002
Bulalacao PH175309005
Bulalang PH101318027
Bulalo PH153812006
Bulan PH051734010
Bulan-bulan PH060614011
Bulan-bulan PH150703019
Bulanan Upper PH124709052
Bulanao PH060610002
Bulanao PH143213008
Bulanao Norte PH143213042
Bulanay PH097340004
Bulang PH050510007
Bulangos PH153635009
Bulangsi PH156607007
Bulangsuran PH072240003
Bulanit PH097312007
Bulanon PH064523004
Bulanos PH012914006
Bulansing Tara PH156612006
Bulanting PH150702062
Bulanza PH150703004
Bulao PH084810005
Bulao PH086002052
Bulao PH086004007
Bulao PH086025004
Bulaoen East PH015541010
Bulaoen West PH015541011
Bulaon PH035416003
Bulaqueña PH063019005
Bularan PH063006008
Bularit PH036906008
Bularong PH097317003
Bulasa PH072205010
Bulata PH064507008
Bulatok PH097322011
Bulawan PH051734011
Bulawan PH056209006
Bulawan PH056214002
Bulawan PH071223005
Bulawan PH071231006


Dolores PH045615000
Lipa City PH041014000
Gloria PH175206000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Santa Elena PH051610000
Magallanes PH056211000
Salcedo PH012916000
Aparri PH021505000
Aparri PH021505000
Sudipen PH013319000
Presentacion PH051729000
Caramoran PH052004000
Sibalom PH060616000
Kawayan PH087806000
Mankayan PH141111000
Bataraza PH175305000
Coron PH175309000
San Fernando PH101318000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Sipocot PH051734000
San Remigio PH060614000
Lantawan PH150703000
Midsayap PH124709000
Libertad PH060610000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Sominot PH097340000
Malinao PH050510000
Picong PH153635000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Samboan PH072240000
Labangan PH097312000
Sagay City PH064523000
Narvacan PH012914000
Siasi PH156612000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Lantawan PH150703000
Las Navas PH084810000
Basey PH086002000
Calbiga PH086004000
San Jorge PH086025000
Sison PH015541000
Sison PH015541000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Bulaquena Estancia PH063019000
Banate PH063006000
Gerona PH036906000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Argao PH072205000
Cauayan PH064507000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Sipocot PH051734000
Irosin PH056209000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Guindulman PH071223000
Mabini PH071231000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bulawan PH082614001
Bulawan PH086411004
Bulawan PH097203004
Bulawan PH097313002
Bulawan PH097322012
Bulawan PH097324003
Bulawan PH098311004
Bulawan Jr. PH051719011
Bulawan Sr. PH051719012
Bulawen PH037108003
Bulawon PH037113030
Bulay PH063012011
Bulay PH063029010
Bulayan PH153827001
Bulbol PH143211016
Bulbulala PH012819006
Bulbulala PH012823010
Bulbulala PH012927006
Bulbulala PH013305006
Bulbulala PH140108003
Bulbulala PH140113002
Bulhao PH051606016
Bulho PH063040011
Buli PH041029005
Buli PH045607022
Buli PH083707008
Buli PH137603003
Buli PH140108004
Buli PH175209005
Buli PH175911004
Buli-buli PH150705006
Buli Bawang PH156609008
Buliasnin PH174001017
Bulibod PH153812007
Bulibulihan PH074614009
Buliclic PH012925008
Bulihan PH031410012
Bulihan PH031417006
Bulihan PH041017003
Bulihan PH041019017
Bulihan PH041021007
Bulihan PH042118011
Bulihan PH043408007
Bulihan PH045641005
Bulihkullul PH156612007
Bulilan Norte (Pob.) PH043422004
Bulilan Sur (Pob.) PH043422005
Bulilis PH071246055
Buliluyan PH175305003
Bulingan PH150702014
Buliok PH124712010
Buliok PH153810004
Buliran PH031421014
Buliran PH034903018
Buliran PH034924001
Buliran PH045641006
Bulit PH153822002
Buliwao PH025011003
Bullogan PH072224004
Bullucan PH118202022


Maslog PH082614000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Katipunan PH097203000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Pagadian City PH097322000
San Miguel PH097324000
Payao PH098311000
Lupi PH051719000
Lupi PH051719000
Palauig PH037108000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Maasin PH063029000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Rizal PH143211000
Pinili PH012819000
Vintar PH012823000
Santiago PH012927000
Balaoan PH013305000
La Paz PH140108000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Labo PH051606000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Taal PH041029000
Calauag PH045607000
Bato PH083707000
City of Muntinlupa PH137603000
La Paz PH140108000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
San Agustin PH175911000
Sumisip PH150705000
Parang PH156609000
Boac PH174001000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Mabinay PH074614000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Plaridel PH031417000
Malvar PH041017000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Rosario PH041021000
Silang PH042118000
Famy PH043408000
San Antonio PH045641000
Siasi PH156612000
Pila PH043422000
Pila PH043422000
Ubay PH071246000
Bataraza PH175305000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Pikit PH124712000
Pagalungan PH153810000
San Miguel PH031421000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
San Antonio PH034924000
San Antonio PH045641000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Quezon PH025011000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Laak PH118202000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bulo PH021503003
Bulo PH036917007
Bulo PH045605008
Bulo PH143213034
Bulo Ibaba PH045649005
Bulo Ilaya PH045649006
Bulod PH063002015
Bulod PH083706007
Bulod PH083718003
Bulod PH083744003
Bulod PH103522004
Bulod PH124712011
Bulod PH153805018
Bulod PH153813004
Bulod PH153819002
Bulod PH153822003
Bulod PH074607003
Bulol PH124712012
Bulol-Salo PH112406032
Bulonay PH101305002
Bulongan PH072251005
Buloron PH097318005
Bulsa PH041023006
Bulu PH148104004
Bulu-an PH098305003
Bulua PH104305003
Bulualto PH031421015
Buluan PH086004008
Buluan PH086005005
Buluan PH124703004
Buluan PH124711008
Buluan PH148102002
Buluang PH051703003
Buluang PH072218003
Buluang PH175307002
Buluang (San Antonio) PH051701014
Buluangan PH063020011
Buluangan PH067902009
Buluangan PH064524002
Buluangan I PH060618005
Buluangan II PH060618006
Bulucaon PH124711007
Bululawan PH097333004
Bululawan PH126506004
Bulusan PH031407005
Bulusan PH050507014
Bulusan PH175205011
Bulusukan PH031419011
Bulwa PH104319002
Bulwang PH060416006
Bulwang PH063028026
Bulwang PH072252008
Bulwang PH074614010
Bulwangan PH064512006
Bumagcat PH140124004
Bumbuneg PH013315008
Bun-ayan PH144407002
Bun-od PH061901009
Buna Cerca PH042110006
Buna Lejos I PH042110007


Allacapan PH021503000
Victoria PH036917000
Buenavista PH045605000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Unisan PH045649000
Unisan PH045649000
Alimodian PH063002000
Barugo PH083706000
Dulag PH083718000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Tubod PH103522000
Pikit PH124712000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Bindoy PH074607000
Pikit PH124712000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Toledo City PH072251000
Midsalip PH097318000
San Juan PH041023000
Kabugao PH148104000
Ipil PH098305000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
San Miguel PH031421000
Calbiga PH086004000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Kabacan PH124703000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Conner PH148102000
Bato PH051703000
Compostela PH072218000
Busuanga PH175307000
Baao PH051701000
Guimbal PH063020000
Jordan PH067902000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Valderrama PH060618000
Valderrama PH060618000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Lakewood PH097333000
Lebak PH126506000
Calumpit PH031407000
Libon PH050507000
City of Calapan PH175205000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Medina PH104319000
Numancia PH060416000
Leon PH063028000
Tuburan PH072252000
Mabinay PH074614000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Tayum PH140124000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Sabangan PH144407000
Cuartero PH061901000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buna Lejos II PH042110032

Bunacan PH071245002
Bunacan PH082620001
Bunacan PH083713005
Bunacan PH083742006
Bunagan PH015527015
Bunaguit PH160303004
Bunakan PH072228001
Bunal PH104322003
Bunao PH126317003
Bunao PH074610007
Bunawan PH097225003
Bunawan PH103504003
Bunawan PH104204002
Bunawan PH124714012
Bunawan (Pob.) PH112402022
Bunawan Brook PH160302001
Bunay Bunay Center PH157006011
Bunay Bunay Lookan PH157006010
Bunay Bunay Tong PH157006009
Bundagul PH035409003
Bunducan PH041019018
Bunducan PH054116005
Bundukan PH031404008
Buneg PH015530009
Buneg PH023112008
Buneg PH140109002
Bung-aw PH083719007
Bunga PH034905004
Bunga PH042120006
Bunga PH043417017
Bunga PH061908009
Bunga PH072251006
Bunga PH083701014
Bunga PH083708013
Bunga PH086402005
Bunga PH086410002
Bunga PH087803003
Bunga PH104209005
Bunga PH144410006
Bunga PH160205004
Bunga PH166810004
Bunga PH064532003
Bunga PH074609008
Bunga Ilaya PH071225005
Bunga Mar PH071225006
Bungabong PH153824003
Bungad PH023133005
Bungad PH137404018
Bungahan PH031410013
Bungahan PH041009002
Bungahan PH041010003
Bungahan PH041013005
Bungahan PH043403002
Bungahan PH045619011
Bungahan PH071204005
Bungahin PH064514004
Bunganay PH174001018
Bungca PH063007006
Bungcag PH012809007


Indang PH042110000
Tubigon PH071245000
San Julian PH082620000
Calubian PH083713000
San Isidro PH083742000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Esperanza PH160303000
Madridejos PH072228000
Salay PH104322000
Tupi PH126317000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Godod PH097225000
Iligan City PH103504000
Calamba PH104204000
Tulunan PH124714000
Davao City PH112402000
Bunawan PH160302000
South Ubian PH157006000
South Ubian PH157006000
South Ubian PH157006000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Bocaue PH031404000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Echague PH023112000
Lacub PH140109000
Hilongos PH083719000
Carranglan PH034905000
Tanza PH042120000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Mambusao PH061908000
Toledo City PH072251000
Abuyog PH083701000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Bontoc PH086402000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Tadian PH144410000
Jabonga PH160205000
Lanuza PH166810000
Salvador Benedicto PH064532000
Dauin PH074609000
Jagna PH071225000
Jagna PH071225000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
San Pablo PH023133000
Quezon City PH137404000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Cuenca PH041009000
Ibaan PH041010000
Lian PH041013000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Gumaca PH045619000
Antequera PH071204000
Isabela PH064514000
Boac PH174001000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Dingras PH012809000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Bungcog PH153815006
Bunggo PH043405007
Bungkaung PH156611006
Bungkol PH043415008
Bungliw PH086025005
Bungo PH034908020
Bungol PH013305007
Bungon PH012805004
Bungoy PH045615005
Bungro PH012819007
Bungro PH012905007
Bungro PH012912007
Bungro PH012919004
Bungro PH013310005
Bungro PH013314014
Bungsi PH061908011
Bungsuan PH061904010
Bungtod PH082609008
Bungtod (Pob.) PH072211006
Bunguiao PH097332013
Bunhian PH142708002
Buninan PH142706009
Bunk House PH153615081
Bunlalacao PH015527017
Bunlan PH072245001
Bunlo PH031404009
Bunnay PH023102010
Bunog PH175323001
Bunol PH034911070
Bunot PH112406008
Bunot PH144406006
Bunsod PH060618007
Bunsoran PH175916002
Bunsuran I PH031415004
Bunsuran II PH031415005
Bunsuran III PH031415003
Buntalan PH063029011
Buntalid PH166805003
Buntatala PH063022026
Buntatala PH063026003
Buntawan PH104209006
Buntay PH082617009
Buntay PH083717008
Buntay PH086023006
Buntay (Pob.) PH083701015
Buntay (Pob.) PH083718023
Buntay (Pob.) PH083748040
Buntis PH074603003
Buntod PH061909014
Buntod PH156613008
Buntod PH074603004
Buntong PH103518003
Buntong Proper PH153633008
Buntongun PH153630006
Buntun PH021529015
Bunuanan PH086005006
Bunugan PH021506015
Bunut PH156601006
Bunyagan PH086007014
Bunyasan PH166715002


Upi PH153815000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Patikul PH156611000
Magdalena PH043415000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Balaoan PH013305000
City of Batac PH012805000
Dolores PH045615000
Pinili PH012819000
Cabugao PH012905000
Magsingal PH012912000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Luna PH013310000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Mambusao PH061908000
Dumarao PH061904000
Guiuan PH082609000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Malabang PH153615000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Santander PH072245000
Bocaue PH031404000
Angadanan PH023102000
Rizal PH175323000
Guimba PH034911000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Paracelis PH144406000
Valderrama PH060618000
Ferrol PH175916000
Pandi PH031415000
Pandi PH031415000
Pandi PH031415000
Maasin PH063029000
Cantilan PH166805000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Leganes PH063026000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oras PH082617000
Dagami PH083717000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Abuyog PH083701000
Dulag PH083718000
Tanauan PH083748000
Bacong PH074603000
Panay PH061909000
Talipao PH156613000
Bacong PH074603000
Salvador PH103518000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Wao PH153630000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Baggao PH021506000
Indanan PH156601000
Gandara PH086007000
Malimono PH166715000


Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buo PH043415009
Buong Lupa PH175206007
Buot-Taup Pardo PH072217016
Buquig PH012903006
Bura PH101801003
Burabod PH050507015
Burabod PH050510008
Burabod PH051708010
Burabod PH051714004
Burabod PH051717007
Burabod PH051726002
Burabod PH052007005
Burabod PH054117003
Burabod PH056206006
Burabod PH083723007
Burabod PH083729006
Burabod PH083730002
Burabod PH084817001
Burabod PH086016008
Burabod PH086021003
Burabod PH087802002
Burabod PH087806005
Burabod PH087807008
Burabod PH175322012
Burabod (Pob.) PH056216013
Burabod (Pob.) PH084807024
Burabod I (Pob.) PH086007008
Burabod II (Pob.) PH086007009
Burabud PH084808010
Buraburan PH056210006
Buracan PH051731004
Buracan PH054108005
Buracan PH083728005
Buracan PH104203007
Burak PH063029012
Burak PH082613005
Burak PH082617010
Burak PH082619021
Burak PH083749001
Bural (Zinundungan) PH021521027
Buray PH063034009
Buray (Binogho) PH086022006
Burayoc PH012815005
Burayoc PH013303010
Burboanan PH166803003
Burbuli PH175201004
Burgos PH023101009
Burgos PH023120003
Burgos PH023124005
Burgos PH023128025
Burgos PH025702002
Burgos PH030811009
Burgos PH034905005
Burgos PH034906009
Burgos PH034916010
Burgos PH034928024
Burgos PH034929005
Burgos PH036909008
Burgos PH036910008
Burgos PH036918001


Magdalena PH043415000
Gloria PH175206000
Cebu City PH072217000
Bantay PH012903000
Catarman PH101801000
Libon PH050507000
Malinao PH050510000
Calabanga PH051708000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Pamplona PH051726000
Panganiban PH052007000
Placer PH054117000
Castilla PH056206000
Jaro PH083723000
Leyte PH083729000
Macarthur PH083730000
San Antonio PH084817000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Villareal PH086021000
Biliran PH087802000
Kawayan PH087806000
Maripipi PH087807000
Culion PH175322000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Gamay PH084807000
Gandara PH086007000
Gandara PH086007000
Laoang PH084808000
Juban PH056210000
Sagñay PH051731000
Dimasalang PH054108000
La Paz PH083728000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Maasin PH063029000
Llorente PH082613000
Oras PH082617000
Salcedo PH082619000
Tolosa PH083749000
Rizal PH021521000
Oton PH063034000
Paranas PH086022000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Bacnotan PH013303000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Baco PH175201000
Alicia PH023101000
Naguilian PH023120000
Ramon PH023124000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Pilar PH030811000
Carranglan PH034905000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Lupao PH034916000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Moncada PH036909000
Paniqui PH036910000
San Jose PH036918000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Burgos PH037101028
Burgos PH043416012
Burgos PH045628014
Burgos PH045649008
Burgos PH045808002
Burgos PH050503013
Burgos PH052010008
Burgos PH054104001
Burgos PH054119005
Burgos PH056205003
Burgos PH071243006
Burgos PH083735003
Burgos PH084812001
Burgos PH086002007
Burgos PH086006011
Burgos PH097201009
Burgos PH104201003
Burgos PH104208005
Burgos PH104209007
Burgos PH166808002
Burgos PH175109003
Burgos PH064504009
Burgos PH064521008
Burgos-Gengos (Pob.) PH063020012
Burgos-Mabini-Plaza PH063022099
Burgos-Regidor (Pob.) PH063018045
Burgos-Soliman (Pob.) PH030805006
Burgos (Pob.) PH012925009
Burgos (Pob.) PH030804006
Burgos (Pob.) PH037109003
Burgos (Pob.) PH037111003
Burgos (Pob.) PH041034014
Burgos (Pob.) PH043420003
Burgos (Pob.) PH045622005
Burgos (Pob.) PH045629011
Burgos (San Narciso) PH015529005
Burgos District (Pob.) PH034927003
Burgos Padlan (Pob.) PH015532022
Burgos Street (Pob.) PH015527018
Buri PH054110005
Buri PH061917011
Buri PH063025017
Buri PH083702011
Buri PH083710009
Buri PH083723008
Buri PH112410006
Buri PH175110016
Buri (Pob.) PH083739020
Burias PH061908012
Burias PH128002005
Buriasan (Pob.) PH103519002
Buricain PH124711009
Buringal PH144406007
Burirao PH063025018
Burirao PH175315005
Burlungan PH043415010
Burnay PH034930014
Burnay PH104309001
Burnay PH142704006
Burocbusoc PH051705002


Botolan PH037101000
Majayjay PH043416000
Mulanay PH045628000
Unisan PH045649000
Rodriguez PH045808000
Daraga PH050503000
Viga PH052010000
Batuan PH054104000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Casiguran PH056205000
Talibon PH071243000
Mayorga PH083735000
Mapanas PH084812000
Basey PH086002000
Daram PH086006000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Aloran PH104201000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Cortes PH166808000
Sablayan PH175109000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Guimbal PH063020000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Dumangas PH063018000
Hermosa PH030805000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Antonio PH037109000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Tuy PH041034000
Pakil PH043420000
Lopez PH045622000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Natividad PH015529000
San Leonardo PH034927000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mandaon PH054110000
Tapaz PH061917000
Lambunao PH063025000
Alangalang PH083702000
Burauen PH083710000
Jaro PH083723000
Matanao PH112410000
San Jose PH175110000
Palo PH083739000
Mambusao PH061908000
Glan PH128002000
Sapad PH103519000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Paracelis PH144406000
Lambunao PH063025000
Narra PH175315000
Magdalena PH043415000
Talavera PH034930000
Gitagum PH104309000
Lagawe PH142704000
Buhi PH051705000


Zambales PH037100000 Region III

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Buroh PH156613009
Burol PH034909007
Burol PH041027003
Burol PH042106003
Burol PH043405009
Burol PH043416013
Burol PH137401007
Burol PH175103006
Burol I PH042106047
Burol II PH042106048
Burol III PH042106049
Burot PH021503004
Burot PH036916023
Burot PH063032008
Buru-un PH103504005
Burubud-an PH083701016
Bus-bus PH156602003
Busa PH144407003
Busac PH050508016
Busac PH050512012
Busak PH051718015
Busali PH087802003
Busalian PH071243007
Busao PH071232007
Busaon PH112319004
Busaon PH124716002
Busay PH050503014
Busay PH050508017
Busay PH056211013
Busay PH072233008
Busay PH072237005
Busay PH082616004
Busay PH083706008
Busay PH083742021
Busay PH099701008
Busay PH175914001
Busay PH064502008
Busay (Pob.) PH072217017
Busay (Sacol Island) PH097332014
Buscada (Pob.) PH086002035
Buscalan (Buscalan-Locong) PH143215009
Buscayan PH086408003
Busdac (San Jose) PH050501048
Busdak PH045632002
Busdi PH101312003
Busel-busel PH012927007
Buselbusel PH013310006
Busiing Norte PH012919007
Busiing Sur PH012919006
Busilac PH025005005
Busilac PH142707002
Busilak PH074613005
Busilelao PH023112009
Busing PH054120003
Buso PH112509003
Buso-buso PH041011008
Busog PH060618008
Busogon PH072243006
Busok PH126501003
Busokbusokan PH045644006


Talipao PH156613000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Majayjay PH043416000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Looc PH175103000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
Allacapan PH021503000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
New Lucena PH063032000
Iligan City PH103504000
Abuyog PH083701000
Jolo PH156602000
Sabangan PH144407000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Oas PH050512000
Libmanan PH051718000
Biliran PH087802000
Talibon PH071243000
Maribojoc PH071232000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Banisilan PH124716000
Daraga PH050503000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Magallanes PH056211000
Moalboal PH072233000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Mercedes PH082616000
Barugo PH083706000
San Isidro PH083742000
City of Isabela PH099701000
San Jose PH175914000
Bago City PH064502000
Cebu City PH072217000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Basey PH086002000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Macrohon PH086408000
Bacacay PH050501000
Patnanungan PH045632000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Santiago PH012927000
Luna PH013310000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Bayombong PH025005000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
La Libertad PH074613000
Echague PH023112000
San Pascual PH054120000
City of Mati PH112509000
Laurel PH041011000
Valderrama PH060618000
San Remigio PH072243000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
San Narciso PH045644000


Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Busol PH097344002
Busque PH103510001
Bussaoit PH013303011
Bussot PH012910002
Bustamante PH023116001
Bustrac PH051723005
Buswang New PH060407005
Buswang Old PH060407006
Busy Bees PH175320007
Buta (Sumalindao) PH153640002
Butac PH142708003
Butac PH144405005
Butacal PH061909015
Butadon PH103505010
Butag PH056203014
Butaguin PH045619012
Butan PH071235023
Butanguiad PH045642001
Butansapa PH174004007
Butanyog PH045628015
Butao PH015524021
Butao PH025006012
Butao PH148101001
Butas Na Bato PH037705002
Butason I PH083745002
Butason II PH083745003
Butawanan PH051735004
Butay PH101802001
Butbut (Butbut-Ngibat) PH143215007
Buted PH034931004
Buterin PH153814026
Butig PH082619022
Butig Proper PH153607012
Butigan PH083708014
Butigue PH144406005
Butilen PH153836005
Buting PH137403004
Butir PH012926007
Butnga (Pob.) PH082617011
Buto PH126314008
Buto PH074612008
Butol PH012927008
Buton PH097325003
Buton PH150710002
Buton PH156609009
Buton Mahablo PH156609010
Butong PH041029006
Butong PH043404004
Butong PH072205008
Butong PH072237006
Butong PH072239001
Butong PH098303019
Butong PH101317001
Butong PH074615006
Butril PH126509007
Butuan PH060601004
Butuan PH118602007
Butuay PH104207002
Butubut Este PH013305008
Butubut Norte PH013305009


Tigbao PH097344000
Linamon PH103510000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Gregorio del Pilar PH012910000
Luna PH023116000
Nabua PH051723000
Kalibo PH060407000
Kalibo PH060407000
Taytay PH175320000
Sultan Dumalondong PH153640000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Natonin PH144405000
Panay PH061909000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Bulan PH056203000
Gumaca PH045619000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
San Francisco PH045642000
Mogpog PH174004000
Mulanay PH045628000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Diadi PH025006000
Calanasan PH148101000
Dingalan PH037705000
Tabango PH083745000
Tabango PH083745000
Siruma PH051735000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Talugtug PH034931000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Salcedo PH082619000
Butig PH153607000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Paracelis PH144406000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Oras PH082617000
Tampakan PH126314000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Santiago PH012927000
San Pablo PH097325000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
Parang PH156609000
Parang PH156609000
Taal PH041029000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Argao PH072205000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Ronda PH072239000
Diplahan PH098303000
Quezon PH101317000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Palimbang PH126509000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Jimenez PH104207000
Balaoan PH013305000
Balaoan PH013305000


Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Butubut Oeste PH013305010

Butubut Sur PH013305011
Butucan PH041019019
Butulan PH118602008
Butun PH157007045
Butun PH157010004
Buwag PH142708016
Buwang PH063025019
Buyabod PH174005013
Buyabuyan PH142704008
Buyacanin PH045622017
Buyacaoan PH141105007
Buyao PH045625003
Buyasan PH023131005
Buyasyas PH025010025
Buyasyas PH025012006
Buyayawon PH082616005
Buyo PH050511004
Buyo PH050513008
Buyo PH050514012
Buyo PH051715006
Buyo PH051737010
Buyo PH052011007
Buyo PH054107003
Buyo PH054118006
Buyo PH063035015
Buyo PH063043021
Buyo PH087806018
Buyog PH071225004
Buyog PH071226003
Buyog PH071247007
Buyogan PH098313008
Buyon PH012802002
Buyon PH023108011
Buyot PH101304003
Buyu-an PH063045025
Buyun PH021519006
Buyun PH021525002
C-Handumanan PH101317006
C. Lichauco PH015543005
C. Mangilala PH126510014
C. Verzosa ((Valley Cove*) PH021506049
Caabangan PH083728006
Caabiangaan PH015523005
Caaga PH086409004
Caagaman PH021505022
Caagutayan PH175213008
Caalibangbangan PH034903019
Caamlongan PH086004009
Caanamongan PH036915003
Caanawan PH034926005
Caanibongan PH087803004
Caaniplahan PH034930029
Caanislagan PH083710010
Caanislagan PH083717009
Caano PH060407007
Caaringayan PH015548003
Caarusipan PH013316007
Caasinan PH160203007
Caatihan PH112503002


Balaoan PH013305000
Balaoan PH013305000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Tandubas PH157007000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Lambunao PH063025000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Lagawe PH142704000
Lopez PH045622000
Buguias PH141105000
Macalelon PH045625000
San Mariano PH023131000
Kayapa PH025010000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Mercedes PH082616000
Manito PH050511000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Polangui PH050514000
Goa PH051715000
Tinambac PH051737000
Virac PH052011000
Claveria PH054107000
San Fernando PH054118000
City of Passi PH063035000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Kawayan PH087806000
Jagna PH071225000
Getafe PH071226000
Valencia PH071247000
Siay PH098313000
Bacarra PH012802000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Quezon PH101317000
Tayug PH015543000
President Quirino PH126510000
Baggao PH021506000
La Paz PH083728000
Mabini PH015523000
Malitbog PH086409000
Aparri PH021505000
San Teodoro PH175213000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Calbiga PH086004000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
San Jose City PH034926000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Talavera PH034930000
Burauen PH083710000
Dagami PH083717000
Kalibo PH060407000
Laoac PH015548000
San Juan PH013316000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Boston PH112503000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Caawigan PH051611002
Caayunan PH051601004
Cab-ilan PH168503002
Caba PH142704009
Cababayogan PH084822002
Cababto-an PH084815002
Cababuyan PH142709004
Cabac PH086006012
Cabacanan Proper PH063002017
Cabacanan Rizal PH063002018
Cabacao PH175101002
Cabacaraan PH015535003
Cabacnitan PH071207002
Cabacnitan (Magsaysay) PH071208004
Cabacongan PH050511005
Cabacongan PH051711007
Cabacongan PH071230014
Cabacungan PH083718006
Cabacungan PH084801003
Cabacungan PH086003020
Cabacungan PH086017006
Cabacungan PH104306004
Cabacungan PH118209004
Cabacungan PH166801003
Cabacungan PH064517002
Cabad PH071206007
Cabadbaran PH086417004
Cabadiangan PH071229009
Cabadiangan PH072201001
Cabadiangan PH072218004
Cabadiangan PH072227001
Cabadiangan PH084808011
Cabadiangan PH086407014
Cabadiangan PH101304001
Cabadiangan PH101306005
Cabadiangan PH112507003
Cabadiangan PH064510003
Cabadiangan PH064527006
Cabadisan PH051730011
Cabadsan PH083702012
Cabaducan East (Pob.) PH034918003
Cabaducan West (Pob.) PH034918004
Cabadug PH071230015
Cabagahan PH056212008
Cabagakian PH071220009
Cabagawan PH086412006
Cabagayan PH112511001
Cabagdalan PH072208007
Cabaggan PH021518006
Cabagiao PH063013017
Cabagnaan PH064517004
Cabagñan PH050502010
Cabagñan PH050517014
Cabagngan PH084808012
Cabago-an PH082606004
Cabago-an PH084808013
Cabagoan PH012816002
Cabagohan PH063009009
Cabahug PH064504010
Cabal-asan PH076104003


Talisay PH051611000
Basud PH051601000
Dinagat PH168503000
Lagawe PH142704000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Pambujan PH084815000
Hingyon PH142709000
Daram PH086006000
Alimodian PH063002000
Alimodian PH063002000
Abra de Ilog PH175101000
San Manuel PH015535000
Batuan PH071207000
Bilar PH071208000
Manito PH050511000
Caramoan PH051711000
Loon PH071230000
Dulag PH083718000
Allen PH084801000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Claveria PH104306000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Barobo PH166801000
La Castellana PH064517000
Balilihan PH071206000
Sogod PH086417000
Loboc PH071229000
Alcantara PH072201000
Compostela PH072218000
Liloan PH072227000
Laoang PH084808000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Lupon PH112507000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Ragay PH051730000
Alangalang PH083702000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Loon PH071230000
Matnog PH056212000
Dimiao PH071220000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Tarragona PH112511000
Balamban PH072208000
Pamplona PH021518000
Calinog PH063013000
La Castellana PH064517000
Cabagnan Camalig PH050502000
Cabagnan City of Tabaco PH050517000
Laoang PH084808000
Dolores PH082606000
Laoang PH084808000
Paoay PH012816000
Batad PH063009000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Maria PH076104000


Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V

Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabalabaguan PH063031006
Cabalagnan PH067903001
Cabalagnan PH082604012
Cabalagnan PH083748012
Cabalagnan PH086008004
Cabalangegan PH012934014
Cabalanggan PH012903007
Cabalantian PH035404002
Cabalantian PH101309006
Cabalantian PH104318003
Cabalaoangan PH015537007
Cabalaoangan Norte PH015531004
Cabalaoangan Sur PH015531005
Cabalatan-Alang PH025010010
Cabalaunan PH063030024
Cabalawan PH072247005
Cabalawan PH104317004
Cabalayangan PH013307009
Cabalayongan PH074605004
Cabalhin PH083713007
Cabalic PH063005005
Cabalinadan PH051736002
Cabalitian PH015506007
Cabalitian PH015542005
Cabalitian PH015544010
Cabalitocan PH013310007
Cabaliwan PH083736002
Caballero PH034911014
Caballero PH034919014
Caballero (Pob.) PH043408008
Cabaloran PH097318030
Cabalquinto PH083713006
Cabaluay PH097332015
Cabaluyan 1st PH015527019
Cabaluyan 2nd PH015527020
Cabalwa PH175207005
Cabambangan (Pob.) PH035404003
Cabanabaan PH036903016
Cabanaetan PH015523006
Cabanbanan PH015525009
Cabanbanan PH043419004
Cabanbanan PH051609002
Cabanbanan PH051702002
Cabanbanan PH051708011
Cabanbanan PH060616012
Cabanbanan PH063034010
Cabanbanan PH071220010
Cabanbanan PH064510004
Cabanbanan Norte PH021514004
Cabanbanan Sur PH021514005
Cabancalan PH071239002
Cabancalan PH072230005
Cabang PH086008018
Cabang PH074612009
Cabanga-an PH063004006
Cabangaan PH042118012
Cabangahan PH060410005
Cabangahan PH061910009
Cabangahan PH071238004
Cabangahan PH072219001


Mina PH063031000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Tanauan PH083748000
Hinabangan PH086008000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Bantay PH012903000
Bacolor PH035404000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Manticao PH104318000
San Quintin PH015537000
Rosales PH015531000
Rosales PH015531000
Kayapa PH025010000
Miagao PH063030000
Sogod PH072247000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Bauang PH013307000
Basay PH074605000
Calubian PH083713000
Balasan PH063005000
Tigaon PH051736000
Asingan PH015506000
Sual PH015542000
Umingan PH015544000
Luna PH013310000
Merida PH083736000
Guimba PH034911000
Palayan City PH034919000
Famy PH043408000
Midsalip PH097318000
Calubian PH083713000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mansalay PH175207000
Bacolor PH035404000
Camiling PH036903000
Mabini PH015523000
Manaoag PH015525000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
San Vicente PH051609000
Balatan PH051702000
Calabanga PH051708000
Sibalom PH060616000
Oton PH063034000
Dimiao PH071220000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Sevilla PH071239000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Badiangan PH063004000
Silang PH042118000
Madalag PH060410000
Panitan PH061910000
San Miguel PH071238000
Consolacion PH072219000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabangahan PH072247006
Cabangahan PH101312004
Cabangahan PH166805004
Cabangahan PH166818024
Cabangahan PH074619005
Cabangalan PH150711004
Cabangaran PH012816003
Cabangaran PH012823011
Cabangaran PH012922005
Cabangaran PH015537006
Cabangaran PH015544060
Cabangbangan PH124713031
Cabangcalan PH035406006
Cabangcalan PH054101008
Cabangcalan PH054117004
Cabangcalan PH063029013
Cabangcalan PH063030025
Cabangcalan PH097206003
Cabangcalan PH112502001
Cabangila PH060401001
Cabanglasan PH025010011
Cabanglotan PH012920005
Cabangrayan PH054116006
Cabangtalan PH012930008
Cabanlutan PH074604005
Cabannungan 1st PH023114023
Cabannungan 2nd PH023114024
Cabano PH067904002
Cabanoyoan PH054108006
Cabantao PH160307002
Cabantian PH071223006
Cabantian PH104317005
Cabantian PH112402023
Cabantog PH063023010
Cabantohan PH063027007
Cabanugan PH071237005
Cabaohan PH083741004
Cabaon-an PH083738009
Cabarabuan PH015527021
Cabarambanan PH012930009
Cabarasan PH083706036
Cabarasan PH083718007
Cabarasan PH084807005
Cabarasan Daku PH083739006
Cabarasan Guti PH083739007
Cabarasan Guti PH083748013
Cabarbuhan PH056216044
Cabari-an PH084815004
Cabarian PH050508018
Cabaritan PH012925010
Cabaritan PH012928004
Cabaritan PH015535004
Cabaritan PH015541012
Cabaritan PH021508003
Cabaritan PH023130003
Cabaritan PH143213009
Cabaritan East PH021507003
Cabaritan Norte PH013311014
Cabaritan Sur PH013311015
Cabaritan West PH021507004


Sogod PH072247000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Cantilan PH166805000
Tago PH166818000
Siaton PH074619000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
Paoay PH012816000
Vintar PH012823000
Santa PH012922000
San Quintin PH015537000
Umingan PH015544000
President Roxas PH124713000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Aroroy PH054101000
Placer PH054117000
Maasin PH063029000
Miagao PH063030000
Liloy PH097206000
Banaybanay PH112502000
Altavas PH060401000
Kayapa PH025010000
San Juan PH012920000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Sinait PH012930000
Bais City PH074604000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Rosario PH160307000
Guindulman PH071223000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Davao City PH112402000
Janiuay PH063023000
Lemery PH063027000
San Isidro PH071237000
Pastrana PH083741000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Sinait PH012930000
Barugo PH083706000
Dulag PH083718000
Gamay PH084807000
Palo PH083739000
Palo PH083739000
Tanauan PH083748000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Pambujan PH084815000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
San Manuel PH015535000
Sison PH015541000
Buguey PH021508000
San Manuel PH023130000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Ballesteros PH021507000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabariuan PH060616013
Cabariwan PH051725002
Cabariwan PH060609004
Cabariwan PH083717010
Cabariwan PH084814005
Cabaroan PH012819008
Cabaroan PH012903008
Cabaroan PH012912008
Cabaroan PH012918004
Cabaroan PH012923001
Cabaroan PH012926008
Cabaroan PH012933013
Cabaroan PH013303012
Cabaroan PH013316008
Cabaroan PH140107002
Cabaroan PH140124005
Cabaroan (Negro) PH013314015
Cabaroan (Pob.) PH012818007
Cabaroan (Pob.) PH012917001
Cabaroan Daya PH012934015
Cabaroan Laud PH012934016
Cabarsican PH013303013
Cabarsican PH013314016
Cabaruan PH012802003
Cabaruan PH013317006
Cabaruan PH015527022
Cabaruan PH015533032
Cabaruan PH015544011
Cabaruan PH015546008
Cabaruan PH023108012
Cabaruan PH023120004
Cabaruan PH023123002
Cabaruan PH025704006
Cabaruan PH034911015
Cabaruan PH036915004
Cabaruan PH140106003
Cabaruan PH143213010
Cabaruyan PH124705006
Cabaruyan PH140105002
Cabas-an PH166805005
Cabas-An PH054101009
Cabasag PH051712003
Cabasagan PH103503005
Cabasagan PH103509005
Cabasagan PH103516006
Cabasagan PH112503001
Cabasakan PH071226004
Cabasan PH021519007
Cabasan PH050501009
Cabasaran PH103517007
Cabasaran PH103523006
Cabasaran PH153607013
Cabasaran PH153611020
Cabasaran PH153613018
Cabasaran PH153614008
Cabasaran PH153617024
Cabasaran PH153619011
Cabasaran PH153626004
Cabasaran PH153631008
Cabasaran (Laya) PH103515011


Sibalom PH060616000
Ocampo PH051725000
Laua-An PH060609000
Dagami PH083717000
Palapag PH084814000
Pinili PH012819000
Bantay PH012903000
Magsingal PH012912000
San Esteban PH012918000
Santa Catalina PH012923000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Tagudin PH012933000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Juan PH013316000
Dolores PH140107000
Tayum PH140124000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Piddig PH012818000
San Emilio PH012917000
City of Vigan PH012934000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Bacnotan PH013303000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Bacarra PH012802000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Mangatarem PH015527000
San Fabian PH015533000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Naguilian PH023120000
Quirino PH023123000
Maddela PH025704000
Guimba PH034911000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Danglas PH140106000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Libungan PH124705000
Daguioman PH140105000
Cantilan PH166805000
Aroroy PH054101000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Baroy PH103503000
Lala PH103509000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Boston PH112503000
Getafe PH071226000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Bacacay PH050501000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Pantar PH103523000
Butig PH153607000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Madalum PH153613000
Madamba PH153614000
Marawi City PH153617000
Mulondo PH153619000
Tamparan PH153626000
Marogong PH153631000
Nunungan PH103515000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabasaran (South) PH153615028

Cabascan PH086418004
Cabasi PH063020013
Cabasiangan PH072208008
Cabatac PH063029014
Cabatacan PH148106006
Cabatacan East (Duldugan*) PH021517027
Cabatacan West PH021517028
Cabatang PH045615006
Cabatang PH045648011
Cabatang PH071202001
Cabatanga PH060411006
Cabatangan PH063025020
Cabatangan PH097332016
Cabatangan PH064528002
Cabatbatan PH072241008
Cabatianuhan PH083743004
Cabatling PH015524022
Cabato-an PH083718008
Cabatuan PH015503010
Cabatuan PH015544012
Cabatuan PH034906011
Cabatuan PH037101029
Cabatuan PH051705003
Cabatuan PH071218001
Cabatuan PH084814006
Cabatuan PH086003021
Cabatuanan PH074605005
Cabatuhan PH051606017
Cabawa PH166707005
Cabawan PH071232008
Cabawan PH071242003
Cabawan PH160307003
Cabawangan PH034918005
Cabay PH045648012
Cabay PH082603004
Cabay-Angan PH112323001
Cabayabasan (Capacuan) PH021516008
Cabayaoasan PH015515007
Cabayaoasan PH015527023
Cabayaoasan PH036910009
Cabayawa PH160211002
Cabayawan PH168503003
Cabayhan PH084805007
Cabayo PH012823012
Cabayo PH021526006
Cabayo PH025010026
Cabayogan PH063004007
Cabayogan PH140121001
Cabayu PH021507005
Cabayu PH021513011
Cabayuan PH153802005
Cabayugan PH015527024
Cabayugan PH054106003
Cabayugan PH060413004
Cabayugan PH071210007
Cabayugan PH175316012
Cabaywa PH086015013
Cabaywa PH112301008
Cabbo PH021519008


Malabang PH153615000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Guimbal PH063020000
Balamban PH072208000
Maasin PH063029000
Pudtol PH148106000
Lasam PH021517000
Lasam PH021517000
Dolores PH045615000
Tiaong PH045648000
Alicia PH071202000
Makato PH060411000
Lambunao PH063025000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
City of Talisay PH064528000
San Fernando PH072241000
San Miguel PH083743000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Dulag PH083718000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Umingan PH015544000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Botolan PH037101000
Buhi PH051705000
Danao PH071218000
Palapag PH084814000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Basay PH074605000
Labo PH051606000
Dapa PH166707000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Rosario PH160307000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Tiaong PH045648000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Braulio E. Dujali PH112323000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Bugallon PH015515000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Paniqui PH036910000
Tubay PH160211000
Dinagat PH168503000
Catarman PH084805000
Vintar PH012823000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Kayapa PH025010000
Badiangan PH063004000
San Isidro PH140121000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Gattaran PH021513000
Buldon PH153802000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Cawayan PH054106000
Malinao PH060413000
Calape PH071210000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Asuncion PH112301000
Peñablanca PH021519000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabbunan PH097216022
Cabcab PH052008011
Cabcab PH064514005
Cabcaban PH072210007
Cabcaban PH150705007
Cabcaban PH074607004
Cabcaben PH030807004
Cabcabon PH160202029
Cabcaborao PH140122004
Cabcaburao PH012904006
Cabeldatan PH015509003
Cabengbeng Lower PH150705029
Cabengbeng Upper PH150705030
Cabeseria 10 (Lapigui) PH023114051
Cabeseria 14 and 16 (Casilagan) PH023114042
Cabeseria 17 and 21 (San Rafael) PH023114086
Cabeseria 19 (Villa Suerte*) PH023114027
Cabeseria 2 (Dappat) PH023114044
Cabeseria 22 (Sablang) PH023114075
Cabeseria 23 (San Francisco*) PH023114031
Cabeseria 25 (Sta. Lucia*) PH023114029
Cabeseria 27 (Abuan) PH023114001
Cabeseria 3 (San Fernando) PH023114030
Cabeseria 4 (San Manuel) PH023114020
Cabeseria 5 (Baribad) PH023114016
Cabeseria 6 & 24 (Villa Marcos*) PH023114025
Cabeseria 7 (Nangalisan) PH023114066
Cabeseria 9 and 11 (Capogotan) PH023114039
Cabetayan PH148104007
Cabetican PH035404004
Cabezas PH042122002
Cabgan PH097328007
Cabia-an PH064506003
Cabiangan PH034931005
Cabiangon PH072237007
Cabiawan PH060614012
Cabibihan PH045618007
Cabibihan PH045646012
Cabibihan PH087804005
Cabicahan PH086003022
Cabid-An PH056216014
Cabidian PH071231007
Cabidianan PH112314001
Cabidianan PH118209005
Cabigaan PH056208011
Cabigaan PH175301005
Cabigbigaan PH012928005
Cabigsing (Pob.) PH175310003
Cabiguan PH056213009
Cabiguhan PH056208012
Cabihian PH052011008
Cabil-isan PH072201002
Cabil-isan PH086006013
Cabilang Baybay PH042104006
Cabilao PH124707007
Cabilao Grande PH063014016
Cabilao Pequeño PH063014017
Cabilaoan West PH015548005
Cabilauan PH063007007
Cabilauan PH063032009


Sibuco PH097216000
San Andres PH052008000
Isabela PH064514000
Barili PH072210000
Sumisip PH150705000
Bindoy PH074607000
Mariveles PH030807000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Juan PH140122000
Burgos PH012904000
Basista PH015509000
Sumisip PH150705000
Sumisip PH150705000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Kabugao PH148104000
Bacolor PH035404000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Tambulig PH097328000
Candoni PH064506000
Talugtug PH034931000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
San Remigio PH060614000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Caibiran PH087804000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Mabini PH071231000
New Corella PH112314000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Gubat PH056208000
Aborlan PH175301000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Cuyo PH175310000
Pilar PH056213000
Gubat PH056208000
Virac PH052011000
Alcantara PH072201000
Daram PH086006000
Carmona PH042104000
Makilala PH124707000
Carles PH063014000
Cabilao Pequeno Carles PH063014000
Laoac PH015548000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
New Lucena PH063032000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabilawan PH060410006
Cabileo PH034906010
Cabilinan PH097302016
Cabilocaan PH015517006
Cabinet PH160203009
Cabinet Hill-Teacher's Camp PH141102013
Cabingan PH153617025
Cabinitan PH051730012
Cabintan PH083738093
Cabinuangan PH015523007
Cabinuangan (Pob.) PH118210011
Cabiraoan PH021514006
Cabisilan PH013307010
Cabisocolan PH012823013
Cabisuculan PH034917005
Cabit PH050511006
Cabitan PH054110006
Cabiten PH141111004
Cabitnongan PH015536002
Cabiton-an PH086006014
Cabitoonan PH072251007
Cabitoonan PH166710002
Cabittaogan PH012923002
Cabittauran PH012814005
Cabituculan East PH037707012
Cabituculan West PH037707013
Cabladan PH060616014
Cablalan PH128002006
Cablangan PH084813003
Cabligan (Managa) PH112410021
Cablong PH015530010
Cablong PH015538006
Cabobo PH150702016
Cabog PH071214007
Cabog-Cabog PH030803003
Cabog (Matawe) PH037705003
Cabol-anonan PH104216006
Cabolo-an PH063028027
Cabolo-an PH083706009
Caboloan PH015536003
Caboloan Norte PH063034011
Caboloan Sur PH063034012
Caboluan PH015539003
Cabolutan PH175911005
Cabong PH045605009
Cabong PH082604013
Cabong PH097221001
Cabong PH098309004
Cabong Norte PH045618008
Cabong Sur PH045618009
Cabonga-an PH083748014
Cabongbongan PH103506005
Cabongbongan PH166724013
Cabooan PH043427005
Cabotonan PH051717008
Caboy PH071214008
Cabpangi PH124705007
Cabpangi PH124711041
Cabra PH175104002
Cabradilla PH083713008


Madalag PH060410000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Aurora PH097302000
Calasiao PH015517000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Cabinet Hill-Teachers Camp Baguio City PH141102000
Marawi City PH153617000
Ragay PH051730000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Mabini PH015523000
New Bataan PH118210000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Bauang PH013307000
Vintar PH012823000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Manito PH050511000
Mandaon PH054110000
Mankayan PH141111000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Daram PH086006000
Toledo City PH072251000
General Luna PH166710000
Santa Catalina PH012923000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Sibalom PH060616000
Glan PH128002000
Mondragon PH084813000
Matanao PH112410000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Clarin PH071214000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Dingalan PH037705000
Tudela PH104216000
Leon PH063028000
Barugo PH083706000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Oton PH063034000
Oton PH063034000
Santa Maria PH015539000
San Agustin PH175911000
Buenavista PH045605000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Naga PH098309000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Tanauan PH083748000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Surigao City PH166724000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Clarin PH071214000
Libungan PH124705000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Lubang PH175104000
Calubian PH083713000


Aklan PH060400000 Region VI

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabraran PH050505012
Cabraran Pequeño PH050502011
Cabrera PH054108007
Cabu PH034903020
Cabua-an PH025704007
Cabuaan PH015510003
Cabuaan PH025005020
Cabuaan Oeste (Pob.) PH013305012
Cabuan PH101802002
Cabuaya PH112509004
Cabubugan PH063020014
Cabubuhan PH104317006
Cabubulaonan PH034930028
Cabucbucan PH034923006
Cabuco PH042122003
Cabudadan PH021509001
Cabudburan PH071210008
Cabudian PH063017013
Cabudian PH126302003
Cabueldatan PH015524023
Cabug PH071230016
Cabug PH104319003
Cabug PH064501046
Cabugan PH060405005
Cabugan PH074607005
Cabugao PH012932002
Cabugao PH013303014
Cabugao PH023108014
Cabugao PH025701019
Cabugao PH034929006
Cabugao PH045606005
Cabugao PH051721005
Cabugao PH051730013
Cabugao PH051735005
Cabugao PH052003008
Cabugao PH056207009
Cabugao PH060401002
Cabugao PH060404005
Cabugao PH060406011
Cabugao PH060611008
Cabugao PH061905005
Cabugao PH061910008
Cabugao PH061912008
Cabugao PH061914021
Cabugao PH063013019
Cabugao PH063025021
Cabugao PH063032010
Cabugao PH086006015
Cabugao PH086025033
Cabugao PH166702001
Cabugao PH166708006
Cabugao PH174003011
Cabugao PH175204005
Cabugao PH175309006
Cabugao (Pob.) PH023112066
Cabugao Este PH061909016
Cabugao Norte PH063036009
Cabugao Norte PH063043022
Cabugao Nuevo PH063039005
Cabugao Oeste PH061909017


Jovellar PH050505000
Cabraran Pequeno Camalig PH050502000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Maddela PH025704000
Bautista PH015510000
Bayombong PH025005000
Balaoan PH013305000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
City of Mati PH112509000
Guimbal PH063020000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Talavera PH034930000
Rizal PH034923000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Calayan PH021509000
Calape PH071210000
Dueñas PH063017000
Banga PH126302000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Loon PH071230000
Medina PH104319000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Buruanga PH060405000
Bindoy PH074607000
Suyo PH012932000
Bacnotan PH013303000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Aglipay PH025701000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Burdeos PH045606000
Milaor PH051721000
Ragay PH051730000
Siruma PH051735000
Bato PH052003000
Donsol PH056207000
Altavas PH060401000
Batan PH060404000
Ibajay PH060406000
Pandan PH060611000
Ivisan PH061905000
Panitan PH061910000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Roxas City PH061914000
Calinog PH063013000
Lambunao PH063025000
New Lucena PH063032000
Daram PH086006000
San Jorge PH086025000
Bacuag PH166702000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Gasan PH174003000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Coron PH175309000
Echague PH023112000
Panay PH061909000
Pavia PH063036000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
San Enrique PH063039000
Panay PH061909000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabugao Sur PH063036010

Cabugao Sur PH063043023
Cabugao Viejo PH063039006
Cabugawan PH086003023
Cabugawan PH086005007
Cabugbugan PH012933014
Cabugbugan PH036915005
Cabugcabug PH061913004
Cabugnayan PH013316009
Cabugo PH166706001
Cabugo PH166802003
Cabuguana PH063014018
Cabugwang PH045646007
Cabul-an PH083714004
Cabul-anonan (Pob.) PH086409005
Cabulalaan PH012802004
Cabulalaan PH012930010
Cabulalaan PH015548006
Cabulaloan PH084808014
Cabulanglangan PH012933015
Cabulay PH023135008
Cabulihan PH045634006
Cabulihan PH060412004
Cabulihan PH071245008
Cabulihan PH076102006
Cabulihan PH083738010
Cabulihan PH086407015
Cabulihan PH086419001
Cabulihan PH074624005
Cabulihan Ibaba PH045649012
Cabulihan Ilaya PH045649015
Cabuling PH101318002
Cabuling PH126302004
Cabuling PH126315002
Cabulisan PH083721002
Cabulisan PH086404007
Cabuloan PH012923003
Cabuloan PH015546009
Cabuloan PH140101005
Cabulohan PH101322001
Cabuloran PH083717011
Cabulotan PH074622004
Cabuluan PH021502007
Cabuluan PH025014003
Cabuluan PH036917008
Cabuluan East PH021507006
Cabuluan West PH021507007
Cabunbata PH099701010
Cabunga PH063035016
Cabunga-an PH060614013
Cabunga-an PH063028028
Cabunga-an PH071225007
Cabunga-an PH072242002
Cabunga-an PH082616006
Cabunga-an PH083717012
Cabunga-an PH083751005
Cabunga-an PH084822003
Cabunga-an PH086017007
Cabunga-an PH086018005
Cabunga-an PH086020013


Pavia PH063036000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
San Enrique PH063039000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Tagudin PH012933000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
President Roxas PH061913000
San Juan PH013316000
Claver PH166706000
Bayabas PH166802000
Carles PH063014000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Capoocan PH083714000
Malitbog PH086409000
Bacarra PH012802000
Sinait PH012930000
Laoac PH015548000
Laoang PH084808000
Tagudin PH012933000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Pitogo PH045634000
Malay PH060412000
Tubigon PH071245000
Larena PH076102000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Limasawa PH086419000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Unisan PH045649000
Unisan PH045649000
San Fernando PH101318000
Banga PH126302000
Tantangan PH126315000
Inopacan PH083721000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Santa Catalina PH012923000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Bangued PH140101000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Dagami PH083717000
Tayasan PH074622000
Alcala PH021502000
Villaverde PH025014000
Victoria PH036917000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Ballesteros PH021507000
City of Isabela PH099701000
City of Passi PH063035000
San Remigio PH060614000
Leon PH063028000
Jagna PH071225000
San Francisco PH072242000
Mercedes PH082616000
Dagami PH083717000
Villaba PH083751000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Tarangnan PH086020000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cabunga-an PH104205004
Cabunga-an PH168502002
Cabungaan PH072216008
Cabungaan PH083742008
Cabungaan PH087808022
Cabungahan PH052008010
Cabungahan PH054106004
Cabungahan PH061907007
Cabungahan PH067904003
Cabungahan PH072223006
Cabungahan PH072234004
Cabungahan PH083751004
Cabungahan PH064505006
Cabungalunan PH045606006
Cabungan PH015505005
Cabungan PH051702003
Cabunlawan PH063025022
Cabunlawan PH175313002
Cabunotan PH063030026
Cabuntungan PH153636013
Cabunturan PH050510009
Caburacan PH056206007
Caburacanan PH101312007
Caburan Big PH118602009
Caburan Small (Pob.) PH118602010
Caburao PH012927009
Caburian PH175310004
Caburihan (Pob.) PH084811004
Caburo PH175208070
Cabusay PH051606018
Cabusligan PH012802005
Cabusligan PH012903009
Cabutagan PH051719013
Cabutan PH086415003
Cabutongan PH063028029
Cabutongan PH072245002
Cabuusan PH012808004
Cabuyao PH015514004
Cabuyao PH043410007
Cabuyao PH051734012
Cabuyao Norte PH045629001
Cabuyao Sur PH045629002
Cabuyew PH043417018
Cabuynan PH083748015
Cabuyo PH174006006
Cabuyoan PH052007006
Cabuyuan PH118203013
Cacabugaoan PH015536005
Cacadiran PH012905008
Cacafean PH012813014
Cacalaggan PH148106007
Cacamilingan Norte PH036903017
Cacamilingan Sur PH036903018
Cacandongan PH012920006
Cacandongan PH015510004
Cacandungan PH015529006
Cacao PH083719008
Cacao PH083726002
Cacao PH083728007
Cacao PH097332017


Clarin PH104205000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Catmon PH072216000
San Isidro PH083742000
Naval PH087808000
San Andres PH052008000
Cawayan PH054106000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Danao City PH072223000
City of Naga PH072234000
Villaba PH083751000
Calatrava PH064505000
Burdeos PH045606000
Anda PH015505000
Balatan PH051702000
Lambunao PH063025000
Linapacan PH175313000
Miagao PH063030000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Malinao PH050510000
Castilla PH056206000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Santiago PH012927000
Cuyo PH175310000
Lavezares PH084811000
Naujan PH175208000
Labo PH051606000
Bacarra PH012802000
Bantay PH012903000
Lupi PH051719000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Leon PH063028000
Santander PH072245000
Currimao PH012808000
Bolinao PH015514000
Liliw PH043410000
Sipocot PH051734000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Tanauan PH083748000
Torrijos PH174006000
Panganiban PH052007000
Mabini PH118203000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Cabugao PH012905000
Marcos PH012813000
Pudtol PH148106000
Camiling PH036903000
Camiling PH036903000
San Juan PH012920000
Bautista PH015510000
Natividad PH015529000
Hilongos PH083719000
Kananga PH083726000
La Paz PH083728000
Zamboanga City PH097332000


Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X

Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cacao PH112315004
Cacaoiten PH015527025
Cacaon PH101320003
Cacapasan PH034906012
Cacapian PH013316010
Cacaransan PH086003024
Cacaritan PH015532023
Cacarong Bata PH031415006
Cacarong Matanda PH031415007
Cacatmonan PH082610002
Cacawan PH175209006
Cacayasen PH015516003
Cacub PH126306003
Caculangan PH013316011
Caculangan PH082618009
Cacutud PH035409004
Cadaanan PH021527007
Cadaatan PH118604003
Cadabdab PH063046020
Cadac-an PH083701022
Cadac-an (Calingnan) PH084807006
Cadacad PH012904007
Cadacad PH012913004
Cadacad PH012914007
Cadaclan PH013314017
Cadaclan PH034920001
Cadaclan PH148101002
Cadad-anan PH144410007
Cadagmayan Norte PH063043024
Cadagmayan Sur PH063043025
Cadahunan PH083710011
Cadajug PH060609005
Cadalian PH112402024
Cadandanan PH056203015
Cadanglaan PH012902005
Cadanglaan PH012912010
Cadanglaan PH012930011
Cadanglaan PH036911003
Cadap-agan PH071220011
Cadapaan PH153603015
Cadapdapan PH071211004
Cadapli PH013306007
Cadaratan PH012802006
Cadaruhan PH072213007
Cadaruhan PH086409006
Cadaruhan Sur PH086409030
Cadawag PH050512013
Cadawinonan PH074610008
Cadayacan PH037707027
Cadayon PH153625005
Cadayonan PH103502009
Cadayonan PH103513005
Cadayonan PH103517009
Cadayonan PH103523007
Cadayonan PH153603016
Cadayonan PH153604009
Cadayonan PH153613019
Cadayonan PH153617026
Cadayonan PH153622011
Cadayonan PH153631031


City of Panabo PH112315000

Mangatarem PH015527000
Talakag PH101320000
Cuyapo PH034906000
San Juan PH013316000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Pandi PH031415000
Pandi PH031415000
Hernani PH082610000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Burgos PH015516000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
San Juan PH013316000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Solana PH021527000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Tubungan PH063046000
Abuyog PH083701000
Gamay PH084807000
Burgos PH012904000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Narvacan PH012914000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Calanasan PH148101000
Tadian PH144410000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Burauen PH083710000
Laua-An PH060609000
Davao City PH112402000
Bulan PH056203000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Magsingal PH012912000
Sinait PH012930000
Pura PH036911000
Dimiao PH071220000
Balindong PH153603000
Candijay PH071211000
Bangar PH013306000
Bacarra PH012802000
Borbon PH072213000
Malitbog PH086409000
Malitbog PH086409000
Oas PH050512000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Baloi PH103502000
Matungao PH103513000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Pantar PH103523000
Balindong PH153603000
Bayang PH153604000
Madalum PH153613000
Marawi City PH153617000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Marogong PH153631000


Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cadayonan PH153633009
Cadayonan PH153636035
Cadayonan PH153638005
Cadayonan Bagumbayan PH153627017
Cadayonan I PH153617027
Cadcadir East PH021511006
Cadcadir West PH021511031
Caddangan/Limbauan PH023133007
Caddayan PH150708001
Cade-an PH084807007
Cadian PH082617012
Cadiao PH060602009
Cadiis PH124702005
Cadilang PH063035017
Cadingilan PH153625006
Cadingilan PH153636008
Cadingilan A PH153636036
Cadingilan Occidental PH153604027
Cadingilan Oriental PH153604028
Cadinglian PH063034013
Cadio PH061910010
Caditaan PH051730014
Caditaan PH056211014
Cadiz PH015544013
Cadiz PH126505004
Cadiz Viejo PH064504011
Cadlan PH051728005
Cadlit PH045605010
Cadluman PH063040013
Cadmang-Reserva PH037102006
Cadoldolan PH060616015
Cadoldolan PH063012012
Cadoldolan PH063030027
Cadoldolan PH063040014
Cadolonan PH060614014
Cadong PH051711008
Cadongdongan PH021524001
Cadre Site PH015511023
Cadsalan PH023131006
Cadu PH023114032
Caduang Tete PH035410002
Caduawan PH072248002
Caduha-an PH064504012
Caduhaan PH083740004
Cadulan PH054108008
Cadulawan PH054105005
Cadulawan PH072232001
Cadulawan PH072250002
Caduldulaoan PH036915006
Cadumanian PH013313008
Cadunan PH118203002
Caellayan PH012905009
Caestebanan PH012811006
Cafe PH036905005
Cafe PH063043026
Cag-abaca PH084805008
Cag-aguingay PH084824004
Cag-an PH063003005
Cag-anahaw PH086003027
Cag-anibong PH086003034


Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Taraka PH153627000
Marawi City PH153617000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
San Pablo PH023133000
Akbar PH150708000
Gamay PH084807000
Oras PH082617000
Barbaza PH060602000
Carmen PH124702000
City of Passi PH063035000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Bayang PH153604000
Bayang PH153604000
Oton PH063034000
Panitan PH061910000
Ragay PH051730000
Magallanes PH056211000
Umingan PH015544000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Pili PH051728000
Buenavista PH045605000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Cabangan PH037102000
Sibalom PH060616000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Miagao PH063030000
San Joaquin PH063040000
San Remigio PH060614000
Caramoan PH051711000
Santa Praxedes PH021524000
Bayambang PH015511000
San Mariano PH023131000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Macabebe PH035410000
Tabogon PH072248000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Palompon PH083740000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Cataingan PH054105000
Minglanilla PH072232000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Rosario PH013313000
Mabini PH118203000
Cabugao PH012905000
Banna PH012811000
Concepcion PH036905000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Catarman PH084805000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Anilao PH063003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cag-olango PH082602002
Cag-olango PH086003025
Cag-olo-olo PH086025034
Cagaasan PH084808015
Cagacag PH045622018
Cagaluan PH143208005
Cagamesarag PH084824003
Cagamutan PH051714005
Cagamutan del Norte PH084807008
Cagamutan del Sur PH084807025
Cagamutan Norte PH063026004
Cagamutan Sur PH063026005
Caganayan PH140125006
Cagandungan PH148105016
Cagang PH056202006
Caganganan PH112502002
Cagangohan PH112315005
Cagangon PH083710012
Caganhao PH174001020
Cagara PH054102004
Cagascas PH045646008
Cagat-Lamac PH072223007
Cagaut PH082619023
Cagawasan PH071217005
Cagawasan PH071224010
Cagawasan PH071234006
Cagawasan PH101308006
Cagawitan PH071217006
Cagay PH054111011
Cagay PH061914022
Cagay PH063002019
Cagay PH063028030
Cagay PH072210016
Cagay PH072246008
Cagay-anon PH104214001
Cagayan PH071224011
Cagaycay PH051715007
Cagayungan PH012914008
Cagbalete I PH045627006
Cagbalete II PH045627007
Cagbalogo PH045637003
Cagbalogo PH051612004
Cagban PH063012013
Cagban PH063032012
Cagbanayacao PH086003028
Cagbang PH063030028
Cagbang PH063034014
Cagbaoto PH166802004
Cagbas PH160301030
Cagbatang PH054105006
Cagbayang PH086003029
Cagbibi PH051726003
Cagbigajo PH084815005
Cagbilwang PH086003030
Cagboborac PH086003031
Cagboboto PH086006055
Cagbolo PH056211015
Cagbolo PH083701017
Cagbonga PH082604014
Cagbuaya PH175911006


Balangiga PH082602000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Jorge PH086025000
Laoang PH084808000
Lopez PH045622000
Pasil PH143208000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Gamay PH084807000
Gamay PH084807000
Leganes PH063026000
Leganes PH063026000
Tineg PH140125000
Luna PH148105000
Barcelona PH056202000
Banaybanay PH112502000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Burauen PH083710000
Boac PH174001000
Baleno PH054102000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Danao City PH072223000
Salcedo PH082619000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Inabanga PH071224000
Pilar PH071234000
Kibawe PH101308000
Dagohoy PH071217000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Roxas City PH061914000
Alimodian PH063002000
Leon PH063028000
Barili PH072210000
Sibonga PH072246000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Inabanga PH071224000
Goa PH051715000
Narvacan PH012914000
Mauban PH045627000
Mauban PH045627000
Quezon PH045637000
Vinzons PH051612000
Cabatuan PH063012000
New Lucena PH063032000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Miagao PH063030000
Oton PH063034000
Bayabas PH166802000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Cataingan PH054105000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Pamplona PH051726000
Pambujan PH084815000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Daram PH086006000
Magallanes PH056211000
Abuyog PH083701000
City of Borongan PH082604000
San Agustin PH175911000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cagbugna PH084806005
Cagbuhangin PH083738011
Cagbulacao PH050501010
Cagbunga PH051713001
Cagbunga PH051726004
Cagbungalon PH086406004
Cagcagan PH072238003
Cagda-o PH084822004
Cagdaja PH082618010
Cagdapao PH166818007
Cagdara-o PH082609011
Cagdara-o PH084808016
Cagdarao PH052007007
Cagdianao PH166706002
Cagdine PH082617013
Cagdongon PH056213010
Caggao PH013306008
Caggay PH021529016
Caghalo PH083715009
Caghalong PH082605004
Caghilot PH084822005
Caglanipao PH084818005
Caglanipao Sur PH086003032
Caglao-an PH082606005
Caglate PH045602005
Caglayag PH166807006
Caglayan (New Pob.) PH148102003
Cagliliog PH051737011
Cagmanaba PH050512014
Cagmanaba PH051725003
Cagmanaba PH082611007
Cagmanaba PH084806006
Cagmanaba PH084813004
Cagmanipes Norte PH086003033
Cagmanipes Sur PH086003177
Cagmaslog PH051705004
Cagmasoso PH054110007
Cagngaran PH083728008
Cagniog PH166724014
Cagnipa PH051714006
Cagnipa PH051729009
Cagnipa PH086003035
Cagnituan PH086407016
Cagnocot PH083751006
Cagogobngan PH084806008
Cagongcagong PH071202002
Cagoran PH021516009
Cagpandan PH054102005
Cagpile PH082617014
Cagpo PH174006007
Cagraray PH050501011
Cagraray PH052003009
Cagsalaosao PH086003036
Cagsalay PH082601008
Cagsao PH051708012
Cagsiay I PH045627008
Cagsiay II PH045627009
Cagsiay III PH045627010
Cagsing PH072225002
Cagsumji PH086016035


Catubig PH084806000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Bacacay PH050501000
Gainza PH051713000
Pamplona PH051726000
Liloan PH086406000
Poro PH072238000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Tago PH166818000
Guiuan PH082609000
Laoang PH084808000
Panganiban PH052007000
Claver PH166706000
Oras PH082617000
Pilar PH056213000
Bangar PH013306000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Carigara PH083715000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
San Isidro PH084818000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Dolores PH082606000
Alabat PH045602000
Carrascal PH166807000
Conner PH148102000
Tinambac PH051737000
Oas PH050512000
Ocampo PH051725000
Jipapad PH082611000
Catubig PH084806000
Mondragon PH084813000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Buhi PH051705000
Mandaon PH054110000
La Paz PH083728000
Surigao City PH166724000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Presentacion PH051729000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Villaba PH083751000
Catubig PH084806000
Alicia PH071202000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Baleno PH054102000
Oras PH082617000
Torrijos PH174006000
Bacacay PH050501000
Bato PH052003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Arteche PH082601000
Calabanga PH051708000
Mauban PH045627000
Mauban PH045627000
Mauban PH045627000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Santa Margarita PH086016000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cagtabon PH082606006
Cagtalaba PH056211016
Cagtinae PH166715004
Cagting PH071246011
Cagtoog PH082617015
Cagtutulo PH086020014
Cagubatan PH144410008
Cagudalo PH086005008
Caguiba PH050502053
Caguisan PH175315006
Caguisanan PH063025023
Cagumitan PH021528011
Caguray PH175105003
Caguscos PH050507016
Cagusipan PH086005009
Cagusu-an PH082609012
Cagutian PH086005011
Cagutsan PH086005012
Cagutsan PH166724015
Caguyao PH166803005
Caguyuman PH063016007
Cagwang PH071222004
Cahabaan PH051611003
Cahagnaan PH083734004
Cahaguichican PH063037007
Cahagwayan PH084809003
Cahan PH052001005
Cahayag PH071240009
Cahayag PH071245009
Cahayag PH086413018
Cahayag PH104216007
Cahayagan PH084808017
Cahayagan PH160204001
Cahera PH153631009
Cahicsan PH084813005
Cahigam PH041021008
Cahigan PH083751007
Cahigon PH063013020
Cahil PH041007013
Cahilan I PH041012009
Cahilan II PH041012010
Cahumayan PH072223008
Cahumayhumayan PH083748016
Cahumpan PH086003037
Caidiocan PH074623013
Caidquid PH061908013
Caigangan PH160313015
Caigangan PH174002004
Caigangan PH074618006
Caigdal PH045649009
Caigon PH063029015
Caima PH051718016
Caima PH051734013
Caimbang PH071237006
Caimito PH034919015
Caimpugan PH160308005
Caingal PH015532024
Caingin PH031404010
Caingin PH031410016
Caingin PH031412026


Dolores PH082606000
Magallanes PH056211000
Malimono PH166715000
Ubay PH071246000
Oras PH082617000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Tadian PH144410000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Camalig PH050502000
Narra PH175315000
Lambunao PH063025000
Tuao PH021528000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Libon PH050507000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Guiuan PH082609000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Surigao City PH166724000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Dingle PH063016000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Talisay PH051611000
Matalom PH083734000
Pototan PH063037000
Lapinig PH084809000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Tubigon PH071245000
San Francisco PH086413000
Tudela PH104216000
Laoang PH084808000
Carmen PH160204000
Marogong PH153631000
Mondragon PH084813000
Rosario PH041021000
Villaba PH083751000
Calinog PH063013000
Calaca PH041007000
Lemery PH041012000
Lemery PH041012000
Danao City PH072223000
Tanauan PH083748000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Valencia PH074623000
Mambusao PH061908000
Veruela PH160313000
Buenavista PH174002000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Unisan PH045649000
Maasin PH063029000
Libmanan PH051718000
Sipocot PH051734000
San Isidro PH071237000
Palayan City PH034919000
San Francisco PH160308000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Bocaue PH031404000
City of Malolos PH031410000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Caingin PH031422003
Caingin PH043428003
Caingin PH063022029
Caingin Pob. (Barangay 3) PH042113001
Caingin Tabing Ilog PH034911016
Cainglet PH098306006
Caipilan PH023103008
Caipilan PH076106003
Cairantang PH153631010
Cairatan PH153619013
Cairohan PH063010004
Cairohan PH063035018
Caisawan PH082603008
Caitib PH063030029
Caitican PH076106004
Caiyang PH060404004
Cajagwayan PH082621006
Cajel PH025703007
Cajel PH072213008
Cajilo PH060411007
Cajimos PH175910010
Cajogutan PH050501012
Cal-igang PH084805010
Cal-lao PH140127003
Cal-litang PH015539004
Cala-agus PH061908014
Cala-an PH061910011
Calaan (Pob.) PH153802007
Calaanan PH034902004
Calaasan PH083702013
Calaba PH034925002
Calaba PH140101006
Calabaca PH051602003
Calabacita PH071225008
Calabad PH054108009
Calabagas PH051609003
Calabalabaan PH034917006
Calabanit PH128002007
Calabasa PH034907006
Calabasa PH034912001
Calabasa PH051606019
Calabasa PH097332018
Calabasahan PH175905003
Calabawan PH072225003
Calabayan PH104210009
Calabayan-Minanga PH023102011
Calabcab PH118204005
Calabeng PH015508027
Calabgan PH037702009
Calabidongan PH050502012
Calabigan PH148105017
Calabnian PH083728009
Calabnigan PH051718017
Calabnigan PH052011009
Calabnugan PH074620005
Calaboa PH063026007
Calaboa Este PH063043027
Calaboa Oeste PH063043028
Calabogo PH175910011
Calaboon PH072224009


San Rafael PH031422000

City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Maragondon PH042113000
Guimba PH034911000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Aurora PH023103000
Siquijor PH076106000
Marogong PH153631000
Mulondo PH153619000
Bingawan PH063010000
City of Passi PH063035000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Miagao PH063030000
Siquijor PH076106000
Batan PH060404000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Diffun PH025703000
Borbon PH072213000
Makato PH060411000
Romblon PH175910000
Bacacay PH050501000
Catarman PH084805000
Villaviciosa PH140127000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Mambusao PH061908000
Panitan PH061910000
Buldon PH153802000
Bongabon PH034902000
Alangalang PH083702000
San Isidro PH034925000
Bangued PH140101000
Capalonga PH051602000
Jagna PH071225000
Dimasalang PH054108000
San Vicente PH051609000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Glan PH128002000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Jaen PH034912000
Labo PH051606000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Concepcion PH175905000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Angadanan PH023102000
Maco PH118204000
Bani PH015508000
Casiguran PH037702000
Camalig PH050502000
Luna PH148105000
La Paz PH083728000
Libmanan PH051718000
Virac PH052011000
Sibulan PH074620000
Leganes PH063026000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Romblon PH175910000
Dumanjug PH072224000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calabtangan PH036908005
Calabuanan PH037701007
Calabugao PH013314018
Calaburnay PH051608005
Calabuso (Calabuso South & North) PH042119007
Calaca-an PH063017014
Calaca-an PH104212004
Calacabian PH060409005
Calacapan PH104310004
Calaccab PH023102012
Calaccad PH143213011
Calachuchi (Pob.) PH084805072
Calacja I PH060608012
Calacja II PH060608013
Calades PH098301005
Calafug PH148102004
Calag-itan PH086403007
Calagasan PH072205012
Calagbangan PH051734014
Calagcalag PH074602007
Calagdaan PH166805006
Calaghusan PH083728010
Calagonsao PH175901002
Calagtangan PH063030030
Calaguimit PH050512015
Calaguise PH083729007
Calahan PH045806007
Calahunan PH063022030
Calaigang PH063042003
Calais (Kalines) PH098310005
Calaitan PH160301001
Calajo-an PH072232002
Calala PH060608014
Calalahan PH051733005
Calalaoan (Pob.) PH153632008
Calalinan PH076106005
Calalon PH153641003
Calam-isan PH063034015
Calamagan PH141105008
Calamagui PH021504014
Calamagui PH021527008
Calamagui PH023133008
Calamagui 1st PH023114033
Calamagui 2nd PH023114034
Calamagui East PH023134004
Calamagui North PH023134003
Calamagui West PH023134005
Calamay PH036909009
Calamba PH072217018
Calamba PH160203010
Calamba PH074611008
Calambeg PH012818008
Calambua PH072243007
Calambutan Bajo PH104216014
Calambutan Settlement PH104216015
Calamcam PH104325002
Calamcan PH060409006
Calamegatan PH021508004
Calamias PH041010004
Calamias PH041014015


Mayantoc PH036908000
Baler PH037701000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Paracale PH051608000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Dueñas PH063017000
Plaridel PH104212000
Libacao PH060409000
Initao PH104310000
Angadanan PH023102000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Catarman PH084805000
Hamtic PH060608000
Hamtic PH060608000
Alicia PH098301000
Conner PH148102000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Argao PH072205000
Sipocot PH051734000
Ayungon PH074602000
Cantilan PH166805000
La Paz PH083728000
Alcantara PH175901000
Miagao PH063030000
Oas PH050512000
Leyte PH083729000
Cardona PH045806000
Iloilo City PH063022000
San Rafael PH063042000
Olutanga PH098310000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Hamtic PH060608000
San Jose PH051733000
Calanogas PH153632000
Siquijor PH076106000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
Oton PH063034000
Buguias PH141105000
Amulung PH021504000
Solana PH021527000
San Pablo PH023133000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Moncada PH036909000
Cebu City PH072217000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Piddig PH012818000
San Remigio PH072243000
Tudela PH104216000
Tudela PH104216000
Talisayan PH104325000
Libacao PH060409000
Buguey PH021508000
Ibaan PH041010000
Lipa City PH041014000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Aurora PH037700000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calamias PH041016005
Calamigan PH063015009
Calampinay PH051734015
Calampisawan PH064505007
Calampitao PH063020015
Calampitao PH063021014
Calampitao PH063030031
Calampong PH052011010
Calampong PH086013006
Calan PH041003016
Calanaga PH050515010
Calanan PH143213012
Calanay PH054101010
Calancuasan Norte PH034906013
Calancuasan Sur PH034906014
Calang PH063017015
Calang Canas PH150704003
Calangag PH063009011
Calangag PH074603005
Calangahan PH071236001
Calangahan PH104316004
Calangain PH035408005
Calangatan PH175213002
Calangay PH041025006
Calangay PH043427006
Calangcang PH060411008
Calangcang PH072207008
Calangcawan Norte PH051612005
Calangcawan Sur PH051612006
Calangcuasan PH012916002
Calangcuasan PH037702010
Calanggaman PH071246027
Calangigan (Calamagui) PH023122014
Calango PH074625002
Calanigan Norte PH023136031
Calanigan Sur PH023136032
Calansanan PH063004008
Calansayan PH041022011
Calantac PH021502008
Calantas PH035406007
Calantas PH037702011
Calantas PH041007015
Calantas PH041021009
Calantas PH045625005
Calantas PH045647015
Calantawan PH086012008
Calantiao (Pangobi-an) PH084803012
Calantipay PH031403003
Calantipayan PH045622019
Calantipe PH035402003
Calanutan (Don Felix Coloma) PH015531014
Calanutian PH012930018
Calanutian PH015536006
Calanyugan PH086026007
Calao PH056214003
Calao PH063018012
Calao PH140103006
Calao East (Pob.) PH023135009
Calao West (Pob.) PH023135010
Calaoaan PH012906016


Mabini PH041016000
Concepcion PH063015000
Sipocot PH051734000
Calatrava PH064505000
Guimbal PH063020000
Igbaras PH063021000
Miagao PH063030000
Virac PH052011000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Balayan PH041003000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Aroroy PH054101000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Dueñas PH063017000
Maluso PH150704000
Batad PH063009000
Bacong PH074603000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Lugait PH104316000
Lubao PH035408000
San Teodoro PH175213000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Makato PH060411000
Badian PH072207000
Vinzons PH051612000
Vinzons PH051612000
Salcedo PH012916000
Casiguran PH037702000
Ubay PH071246000
Quezon PH023122000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Badiangan PH063004000
San Jose PH041022000
Alcala PH021502000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Casiguran PH037702000
Calaca PH041007000
Rosario PH041021000
Macalelon PH045625000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Motiong PH086012000
Bobon PH084803000
Baliuag PH031403000
Lopez PH045622000
Apalit PH035402000
Rosales PH015531000
Sinait PH012930000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Dumangas PH063018000
Bucay PH140103000
City of Santiago PH023135000
City of Santiago PH023135000
City of Candon PH012906000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calaoaan PH012924009
Calaoagan PH015548007
Calaoagan PH021520017
Calaoagan PH023128027
Calaoagan Bassit PH021513012
Calaoagan Dackel PH021513013
Calaocalao PH101304004
Calaocan PH015525014
Calaocan PH015536007
Calaocan PH023102013
Calaocan PH023107002
Calaocan PH023127002
Calaocan PH023135011
Calaocan PH025011005
Calaocan PH025702003
Calaocan PH034926006
Calaocan PH037706004
Calaocan PH143211002
Calaocan (Pob.) PH023101010
Calaocan (Pob.) PH025004010
Calaocan District PH034923007
Calapacuan PH037114008
Calapadan PH060602010
Calapagan PH112507006
Calapan PH036909010
Calapan PH098306007
Calapandayan (Pob.) PH037114009
Calapangan PH021526007
Calapangan Norte PH021517005
Calapangan Sur PH021517006
Calaparan PH063022031
Calapaton PH101309007
Calapawan PH061904011
Calapawan PH061909018
Calapayan PH054106005
Calapdan PH063019006
Calape PH072221006
Calape PH098311005
Calapi PH086012009
Calapi PH064511009
Calapugan PH015529007
Calaran PH104204003
Calarayan PH084801004
Calarian PH097332019
Calasag PH031419012
Calasag PH175311003
Calasaguen PH175306004
Calascagas PH051732007
Calasga-an PH074604006
Calasgasan PH051603006
Calassitan PH021526008
Calasuche PH054112005
Calasumanga PH045631004
Calatagan PH072240004
Calatagan Proper PH052011011
Calatagan Tibang PH052011012
Calatagbak PH175317023
Calatcat PH104301003
Calategas PH175315007
Calateo PH056210007


Santa Cruz PH012924000

Laoac PH015548000
Piat PH021520000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Gattaran PH021513000
Gattaran PH021513000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Manaoag PH015525000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Angadanan PH023102000
Cabatuan PH023107000
San Agustin PH023127000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Quezon PH025011000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
San Jose City PH034926000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Rizal PH143211000
Alicia PH023101000
Bambang PH025004000
Rizal PH034923000
Subic PH037114000
Barbaza PH060602000
Lupon PH112507000
Moncada PH036909000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Subic PH037114000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Lasam PH021517000
Lasam PH021517000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Dumarao PH061904000
Panay PH061909000
Cawayan PH054106000
Estancia PH063019000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Payao PH098311000
Motiong PH086012000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Natividad PH015529000
Calamba PH104204000
Allen PH084801000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Dumaran PH175311000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
San Fernando PH051732000
Bais City PH074604000
Daet PH051603000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Milagros PH054112000
Panukulan PH045631000
Samboan PH072240000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
Quezon PH175317000
Alubijid PH104301000
Narra PH175315000
Juban PH056210000


Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calatngan PH166816005
Calatrava PH071212005
Calatunan PH097218036
Calauag PH051724006
Calautit PH012928006
Calautit PH013303015
Calawag PH104302008
Calawag PH124712013
Calawag PH175105004
Calawag PH175320008
Calawagan PH063012014
Calawagan (Kalawagan) PH034903040
Calawan-an PH086006016
Calawat PH051726005
Calawe PH103516008
Calawinan PH063017016
Calawis PH045802001
Calawisan PH072226007
Calawit PH041004002
Calawit PH051733006
Calawitan PH031419013
Calay-ab PH012928007
Calaya PH067903002
Calayaan PH036906009
Calayaan PH041027004
Calayaan PH086004010
Calayan PH021514008
Calayan PH150703037
Calaylayan (Pob.) PH030801002
Calayo PH041019020
Calayo PH063012015
Calayuan PH056212010
Calayucay PH050516003
Calayugan PH086403008
Calayugan PH074623009
Calayugan Norte PH071230017
Calayugan Sur PH071230018
Calbani PH087807009
Calbasag PH083725008
Calbayog PH050509002
Calbueg PH015524026
Calbugos PH083751008
Caldong PH045639011
Cale PH041031015
Cale PH050518007
Cale PH051730015
Cale PH063021015
Calean PH126511003
Calem PH034911017
Calendola PH043425021
Calepaan PH015506008
Caleriohan PH072222007
Calero PH031410017
Calero PH051605002
Calero PH072227002
Calero (Pob.) PH030809004
Calero (Pob.) PH175205013
Cali PH012809009
Cali PH063018013
Cali PH083710013


San Miguel PH166816000

Carmen PH071212000
Sindangan PH097218000
Naga City PH051724000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Balingasag PH104302000
Pikit PH124712000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Taytay PH175320000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Daram PH086006000
Pamplona PH051726000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Dueñas PH063017000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Balete PH041004000
San Jose PH051733000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Gerona PH036906000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Calbiga PH086004000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Lantawan PH150703000
Abucay PH030801000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Matnog PH056212000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Valencia PH074623000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Maripipi PH087807000
Julita PH083725000
Malilipot PH050509000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Villaba PH083751000
Sampaloc PH045639000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Tiwi PH050518000
Ragay PH051730000
Igbaras PH063021000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Guimba PH034911000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Asingan PH015506000
Dalaguete PH072222000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Liloan PH072227000
Orani PH030809000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Dingras PH012809000
Dumangas PH063018000
Burauen PH083710000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calian PH086406005
Calian PH118601001
Caliat (Pob.) PH025011006
Calibagat PH153615071
Caliban PH064520011
Calibangbangan PH175313003
Calibao PH103506006
Calibunan PH160203011
Calibungan PH036917009
Calibutbut PH035404005
Calibuyo PH042120007
Calican PH097209004
Calicanan PH074616017
Calicanto PH041005014
Calicanto PH041023007
Caliclic (Dangca-an) PH112317007
Calico-an PH082604015
Calicuang PH063016008
Calidngan PH072214003
California PH063008004
California PH071246056
Caligangan PH086406006
Caligayan PH023137012
Caliguian (Pob.) PH023105004
Caliking PH141101002
Calilangan PH153602007
Calilangan PH153611021
Calilangan Dicala PH153622012
Calilic PH097217002
Caliligawan PH031410018
Caliling PH064507009
Calillauan PH021527040
Calima PH175210009
Calimag PH142707003
Calimaturod PH023109002
Calimbajan PH060411009
Calimodan PH103518004
Calimpak PH045618010
Calimugtong PH012909006
Calinan (Pob.) PH112402026
Calinao PH086403009
Calinaoan Centro PH023136013
Calinaoan Malasin PH023136015
Calinaoan Norte PH023136016
Calinaoan Sur PH023118006
Calincamasan PH013316012
Calindagan PH074610009
Calinga-an PH071239003
Calingag PH175209007
Calingatan PH041018009
Calingatngan PH082604016
Calingayan PH012930012
Calingayan PH097307011
Calingcaguing PH083706010
Calingcuan PH036916024
Calinginan Norte PH071239004
Calinginan Sur PH071239005
Calingnan PH084806009
Calingonan PH086004011
Calintaan PH021504015


Liloan PH086406000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Quezon PH025011000
Malabang PH153615000
Murcia PH064520000
Linapacan PH175313000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Victoria PH036917000
Bacolor PH035404000
Tanza PH042120000
Piñan PH097209000
Pamplona PH074616000
Batangas City PH041005000
San Juan PH041023000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Dingle PH063016000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Ubay PH071246000
Liloan PH086406000
Tumauini PH023137000
Burgos PH023105000
Atok PH141101000
Balabagan PH153602000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Sibutad PH097217000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Cauayan PH064507000
Solana PH021527000
Pola PH175210000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Cordon PH023109000
Makato PH060411000
Salvador PH103518000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Davao City PH112402000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
San Juan PH013316000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Sevilla PH071239000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Sinait PH012930000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Barugo PH083706000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Sevilla PH071239000
Sevilla PH071239000
Catubig PH084806000
Calbiga PH086004000
Amulung PH021504000


Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII

Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calintaan PH051611004
Calintaan PH056212011
Calintaan PH086401002
Calintaan Pob. (Sto. Niño) PH084808018
Calioet-Libong PH012802007
Caliongan PH072222006
Calios PH043426004
Calipahan PH034930015
Calipapa PH103506007
Calipapa PH153641004
Calipat-An PH054119006
Calipayan PH036915007
Calipayan PH083717013
Calipayan PH083718009
Calipayan PH083735004
Calipayan PH087805007
Caliran PH098307007
Caliraya PH043413004
Calirocan PH086007018
Calisitan PH034917007
Calisitan PH034931006
Calit PH015513009
Calitan PH061909019
Calitcalit PH041023008
Calitlitan PH015544014
Calitlitan PH025002005
Calituban PH071243008
Calius Gueco PH036905006
Calizo PH060402004
Calizon PH031407006
Callaguip PH012816004
Callaguip PH012907004
Callaguip (Pob.) PH012805012
Callan PH060615006
Callan PH063037008
Callao PH021514007
Callao PH021519009
Callao PH023101011
Callao Norte PH021517007
Callao Sur PH021517008
Callawa PH112402027
Callejon PH045641007
Calliat PH013305013
Callitong PH012904008
Callos PH034921001
Callungan PH021522002
Callusa PH012818009
Calma PH071222005
Calmante PH072253002
Calmay PH015518010
Calmay PH015548008
Calmay PH063023011
Calmayon PH056210008
Calo PH041015007
Calo PH043402002
Calo-oy PH060616016
Calobaoan PH015532025
Caloc-an PH160208002
Calocan East PH153617029
Calocan West PH153617030


Talisay PH051611000
Matnog PH056212000
Anahawan PH086401000
Calintaan Pob. (Sto. Nino) Laoang PH084808000
Bacarra PH012802000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Talavera PH034930000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Dagami PH083717000
Dulag PH083718000
Mayorga PH083735000
Culaba PH087805000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Lumban PH043413000
Gandara PH086007000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Talugtug PH034931000
Binmaley PH015513000
Panay PH061909000
San Juan PH041023000
Umingan PH015544000
Aritao PH025002000
Talibon PH071243000
Concepcion PH036905000
Balete PH060402000
Calumpit PH031407000
Paoay PH012816000
Caoayan PH012907000
City of Batac PH012805000
Sebaste PH060615000
Pototan PH063037000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Alicia PH023101000
Lasam PH021517000
Lasam PH021517000
Davao City PH112402000
San Antonio PH045641000
Balaoan PH013305000
Burgos PH012904000
Peñaranda PH034921000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Piddig PH012818000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Tudela PH072253000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Laoac PH015548000
Janiuay PH063023000
Juban PH056210000
Lobo PH041015000
Bay PH043402000
Sibalom PH060616000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Magallanes PH160208000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000


Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calocmoy PH175214005
Calocnayan PH086003039
Caloco PH051737012
Calog PH060616017
Calog Norte PH021501004
Calog Sur PH021501005
Calogcog PH083748017
Caloloma PH086026008
Calolot PH097328008
Calolot PH104203009
Calomagon PH056203016
Calomboyan PH015532026
Calomboyan PH015537009
Calomotan PH084808019
Calongay PH056213011
Calongbuyan PH012906017
Calongbuyan PH012909007
Calongcalong PH072251008
Calongonan PH104307004
Calongongan PH054116007
Caloocan PH023118030
Caloocan PH041003017
Caloocan PH041030008
Caloocan PH126306004
Caloocan (Pob.) PH056212012
Caloocan Dupo PH015513034
Caloocan Norte PH015513010
Caloocan Sur PH015513011
Caloy-Ahan PH063025024
Calpi PH050512016
Calpi PH054107004
Calpi PH056203017
Calpi PH056212013
Calpi PH056213012
Calpidong PH128002008
Calsada PH153812009
Calsada (Pob.) PH175308002
Calsadahay PH083710014
Calsadahay PH083717014
Calsadahay PH083741005
Calsadahay PH083748018
Calsapa PH175213003
Calsib PH015502009
Caltayan PH083728011
Caluan PH097218034
Caluangan PH041007014
Caluangan PH042112003
Caluasan PH071217007
Caluasan PH071238012
Calubang PH064513006
Calubasanhon PH175210008
Calubayan PH175214010
Calubcob PH042115007
Calubcub I PH041023009
Calubcub II PH041023010
Calube PH097217003
Calube PH097324004
Calube PH103506008
Calube PH104201004
Calubian PH083718010


Socorro PH175214000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Tinambac PH051737000
Sibalom PH060616000
Abulug PH021501000
Abulug PH021501000
Tanauan PH083748000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
Tambulig PH097328000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Bulan PH056203000
San Carlos City PH015532000
San Quintin PH015537000
Laoang PH084808000
Pilar PH056213000
City of Candon PH012906000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Toledo City PH072251000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Balayan PH041003000
Talisay PH041030000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Matnog PH056212000
Binmaley PH015513000
Binmaley PH015513000
Binmaley PH015513000
Lambunao PH063025000
Oas PH050512000
Claveria PH054107000
Bulan PH056203000
Matnog PH056212000
Pilar PH056213000
Glan PH128002000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Burauen PH083710000
Dagami PH083717000
Pastrana PH083741000
Tanauan PH083748000
San Teodoro PH175213000
Aguilar PH015502000
La Paz PH083728000
Sindangan PH097218000
Calaca PH041007000
Magallanes PH042112000
Dagohoy PH071217000
San Miguel PH071238000
Ilog PH064513000
Pola PH175210000
Socorro PH175214000
Naic PH042115000
San Juan PH041023000
San Juan PH041023000
Sibutad PH097217000
San Miguel PH097324000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Aloran PH104201000
Dulag PH083718000


Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calubian PH097218035
Calubihan PH063022078
Calubihan PH098306008
Calubihan PH112502003
Calubo PH104312005
Calucap PH097213006
Caluctogan PH083717015
Calugusan PH150702024
Calugusan PH150703026
Calula PH098312002
Caluluan PH036905007
Calulut PH035416004
Caluma PH097344003
Calumala PH041027005
Calumangan PH064502009
Calumanggi PH097308004
Calumangin PH045619013
Calumayin PH041009003
Calumbaya PH012909008
Calumbaya PH013307011
Calumbaya PH140107003
Calumbog PH153615029
Calumbog PH153631032
Calumboyan PH072247007
Calumboyan Norte PH015527026
Calumboyan Sur PH015527027
Calumbuyan PH015542006
Calumbuyan PH063032013
Calumpang PH031407007
Calumpang PH031421016
Calumpang PH035409005
Calumpang PH043410008
Calumpang PH043417019
Calumpang PH045647032
Calumpang PH045804007
Calumpang PH054103004
Calumpang PH054106006
Calumpang PH054117005
Calumpang PH063022032
Calumpang PH072235004
Calumpang PH083734005
Calumpang PH087808004
Calumpang PH126303033
Calumpang PH137402002
Calumpang PH175317005
Calumpang (Pob.) PH043408009
Calumpang (Taisan) PH054112006
Calumpang Cerca PH042110008
Calumpang East PH041024009
Calumpang Lejos I PH042110009
Calumpang Santo Cristo PH045814010
Calumpang West PH041024008
Calumpit PH041015008
Calunacon PH175912002
Calunangan PH083736003
Calunasan PH071210009
Calunasan PH076102007
Calunasan PH076104004
Calunasan PH083736004
Calunasan PH124710004


Sindangan PH097218000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Banaybanay PH112502000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Salug PH097213000
Dagami PH083717000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Lantawan PH150703000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Concepcion PH036905000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Tigbao PH097344000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Bago City PH064502000
Dumingag PH097308000
Gumaca PH045619000
Cuenca PH041009000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Bauang PH013307000
Dolores PH140107000
Malabang PH153615000
Marogong PH153631000
Sogod PH072247000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Sual PH015542000
New Lucena PH063032000
Calumpit PH031407000
San Miguel PH031421000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Liliw PH043410000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Binangonan PH045804000
Balud PH054103000
Cawayan PH054106000
Placer PH054117000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Oslob PH072235000
Matalom PH083734000
Naval PH087808000
General Santos City PH126303000
City of Marikina PH137402000
Quezon PH175317000
Famy PH043408000
Milagros PH054112000
Indang PH042110000
San Luis PH041024000
Indang PH042110000
Teresa PH045814000
San Luis PH041024000
Lobo PH041015000
San Andres PH175912000
Merida PH083736000
Calape PH071210000
Larena PH076102000
Maria PH076104000
Merida PH083736000
M'Lang PH124710000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Calunasan Norte PH071229010

Calunasan Sur PH071229011
Calundan PH086025007
Calunetan PH015541013
Calungboyan PH012922006
Calungbuyan PH012911004
Calungbuyan PH013305014
Calungusan PH030810009
Calupa-an PH074611009
Calupaan PH142707004
Calupaan PH153622013
Calusiche PH043419005
Calut PH150707034
Calutan PH082607003
Calutan PH083717016
Calutcot PH045606007
Calutit PH144404017
Caluwasan PH071214009
Caluwayan PH086010002
Caluya PH104213004
Caluyahan PH086012010
Calvario PH031412006
Calvario PH071227004
Calvario PH071228007
Calvario PH099701011
Calvo (Pob.) PH015527028
Calwit PH045644008
Calzada PH015523008
Calzada PH041003018
Calzada PH050504009
Calzada PH050512017
Calzada PH083724005
Calzada PH137607004
Calzada (Pob.) PH050508019
Calzada Pob. (Bgy. 7) PH050505008
Calzadang Bayu PH035415008
Cam-boayon PH166711004
Cama Juan PH034924002
Camaal PH023123003
Camaba-an PH063040016
Camachile PH030810010
Camachile PH031424004
Camachile PH034907007
Camachiles PH035409006
Camachiles (Pob.) PH056212014
Camachilihan PH031406004
Camachin PH031424003
Camacho PH030803018
Camada PH082604020
Camada PH082615002
Camagong PH045602006
Camagong PH050512018
Camagong PH051707004
Camagong PH051733007
Camagong PH051737013
Camagong PH160209005
Camagong PH166818008
Camagsaan PH051602004
Camagsingalan PH015542007
Camahual PH118605008


Loboc PH071229000
Loboc PH071229000
San Jorge PH086025000
Sison PH015541000
Santa PH012922000
Lidlidda PH012911000
Balaoan PH013305000
Orion PH030810000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Tuburan PH150707000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Dagami PH083717000
Burdeos PH045606000
Bontoc PH144404000
Clarin PH071214000
Marabut PH086010000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Motiong PH086012000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Lila PH071227000
Loay PH071228000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Mangatarem PH015527000
San Narciso PH045644000
Mabini PH015523000
Balayan PH041003000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Oas PH050512000
Javier PH083724000
Taguig City PH137607000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Jovellar PH050505000
Porac PH035415000
Gigaquit PH166711000
San Antonio PH034924000
Quirino PH023123000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Orion PH030810000
Doña Remedios Trinidad PH031424000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Matnog PH056212000
Bustos PH031406000
Doña Remedios Trinidad PH031424000
City of Balanga PH030803000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Maydolong PH082615000
Alabat PH045602000
Oas PH050512000
Cabusao PH051707000
San Jose PH051733000
Tinambac PH051737000
Nasipit PH160209000
Tago PH166818000
Capalonga PH051602000
Sual PH015542000
Sarangani PH118605000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Camalaggoan/D Leaño PH021511032

Camalan PH103509006
Camalanda-an PH064507010
Camaley PH015513012
Camali-an PH071246012
Camalian PH118602011
Camalig PH031412007
Camalig PH063022033
Camalig PH097307013
Camalig PH118605009
Camalig PH153634015
Camalig (Pob.) PH153616022
Camalig Bandara Ingud PH153616009
Camalig Bubong PH153616018
Camaligan PH043405010
Camaligan PH060404006
Camalobalo PH064511010
Camalog PH143209009
Camalongo PH063013023
Camam-onan PH166711003
Camaman-an PH104305042
Camamasi PH025009026
Camambugan PH015545007
Camambugan PH051603007
Camambugan PH051718018
Camambugan PH063005006
Camambugan PH063016009
Camambugan PH063043029
Camambugan PH071246013
Camanacsacan PH034926007
Camanaga PH071238006
Camanang PH015546011
Camanchiles PH112410007
Camanci PH060404007
Camanci Norte PH060416007
Camanci Sur PH060416008
Camancijan PH060606014
Camandag PH025001004
Camandag PH063028031
Camandag PH142711003
Camandag PH064517005
Camandagan PH060607013
Camandao PH175907004
Camandayon PH074612010
Camandiison PH045610014
Camandingan PH012805013
Camando PH063028032
Camang PH086415004
Camanga PH012803007
Camanga PH082619024
Camanga PH097307014
Camanga PH097330007
Camanga PH098308003
Camanga PH098313010
Camanga PH098315003
Camanga PH104318004
Camanga (Pob.) PH082617016
Camangaan PH012934017
Camangaan PH015512004
Camangaan PH015531006


Camalaggoan/D Leano Claveria PH021511000

Lala PH103509000
Cauayan PH064507000
Binmaley PH015513000
Ubay PH071246000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Sarangani PH118605000
Maguing PH153634000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Batan PH060404000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Calinog PH063013000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Kasibu PH025009000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Daet PH051603000
Libmanan PH051718000
Balasan PH063005000
Dingle PH063016000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Ubay PH071246000
San Jose City PH034926000
San Miguel PH071238000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Matanao PH112410000
Batan PH060404000
Numancia PH060416000
Numancia PH060416000
Culasi PH060606000
Ambaguio PH025001000
Leon PH063028000
Asipulo PH142711000
La Castellana PH064517000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Looc PH175907000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Catanauan PH045610000
City of Batac PH012805000
Leon PH063028000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Badoc PH012803000
Salcedo PH082619000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Tukuran PH097330000
Malangas PH098308000
Siay PH098313000
Titay PH098315000
Manticao PH104318000
Oras PH082617000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Binalonan PH015512000
Rosales PH015531000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Camangaan PH015541014
Camangaan East PH036909011
Camangaan West PH036909012
Camangahan PH060604004
Camangahan PH063020016
Camangahan (Caorasan) PH051702004
Camangay PH063026008
Camangcamang PH064514006
Camanggaan PH012920007
Camanggaan PH012924010
Camanggaan PH015536008
Camanggaran PH084822006
Camangyanan PH031423005
Camanhagay PH086015007
Camanjac PH074610010
Camanlangan PH118210003
Camansa PH112301009
Camanse PH104214002
Camansi PH013314019
Camansi PH083715010
Camansi PH083735005
Camansi PH086418005
Camansi PH112402028
Camansi PH118208005
Camansi PH124701003
Camansi PH064515003
Camansihan PH175205015
Camantang PH082605005
Camantangan PH118208006
Camantaya PH175911019
Camantigue PH175203004
Camantiles PH015546012
Camanucan PH104211003
Camarag PH023129001
Camarao PH012914009
Camarao PH023109026
Camarobo-an PH086009004
Camarunggayan PH023103009
Camasi PH021519010
Camasi PH023137013
Camasi PH124713009
Camastilisan PH041007016
Camatagan PH144407004
Camating PH104216008
Camaya PH030807015
Camaya-an PH084822007
Camayaan PH071229012
Camayabsan PH054117006
Camayahan PH160202031
Camaysa PH045647016
Camayse PH086017008
Camayse PH086023007
Camba-og PH064511011
Cambabangan PH021521006
Cambacay PH071207003
Cambacol PH071220012
Cambadbad PH083733003
Cambagahan PH074604007
Cambagang PH118205007
Cambagang PH166801005


Sison PH015541000
Moncada PH036909000
Moncada PH036909000
Bugasong PH060604000
Guimbal PH063020000
Balatan PH051702000
Leganes PH063026000
Isabela PH064514000
San Juan PH012920000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Santa Maria PH031423000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
New Bataan PH118210000
Asuncion PH112301000
Sinacaban PH104214000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Carigara PH083715000
Mayorga PH083735000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Davao City PH112402000
Montevista PH118208000
Alamada PH124701000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Montevista PH118208000
San Agustin PH175911000
Bongabong PH175203000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Panaon PH104211000
San Isidro PH023129000
Narvacan PH012914000
Cordon PH023109000
Jiabong PH086009000
Aurora PH023103000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Tumauini PH023137000
President Roxas PH124713000
Calaca PH041007000
Sabangan PH144407000
Tudela PH104216000
Mariveles PH030807000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Loboc PH071229000
Placer PH054117000
Butuan City PH160202000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Rizal PH021521000
Batuan PH071207000
Dimiao PH071220000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Bais City PH074604000
Maragusan PH118205000
Barobo PH166801000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cambagte PH072225004
Cambagui PH071239006
Cambaguio PH086021004
Cambaguio PH074604008
Cambahanon PH083702014
Cambailan PH071213007
Cambajao PH175903002
Cambakbak PH083740005
Cambalading PH083703004
Cambaleon PH112510004
Cambalidio PH051718019
Cambalo PH175903003
Cambaloctot PH074617004
Cambalong PH083736005
Cambaly PH013304003
Cambanac PH071205001
Cambanay PH072223009
Cambance PH071229013
Cambane PH071211005
Cambañez PH054104003
Cambang-ug PH072251009
Cambangay Norte PH071238007
Cambangkaya PH072216009
Cambanjao PH074604009
Cambanogoy (Pob.) PH112301032
Cambansag PH071237007
Cambante PH082616007
Cambaog PH031406005
Cambaol PH071202003
Cambaquiz PH071230020
Cambaro PH072230006
Cambaro PH086408004
Cambarus PH064521009
Cambas-ac PH166707006
Cambasi PH035412011
Cambatong PH166809005
Cambatutay Nuevo PH086020018
Cambatutay Viejo PH086020019
Cambayan PH086002008
Cambayaon PH071220013
Cambaye PH086026009
Cambaye PH074622005
Cambayobo PH064505008
Cambayog PH072218005
Cambian (Pob.) PH175302009
Cambigong PH072240005
Cambigsi PH071208005
Cambijang PH175903004
Cambilla PH082618011
Cambinocot PH072217019
Cambinoy PH083740006
Cambio PH031421019
Cambitala PH034920003
Cambite (Pob.) PH086418006
Cambitoon PH071224012
Camboang PH072224011
Cambolao PH083702015
Cambong PH021516010
Cambong PH153634016
Cambooc PH086407017


Ginatilan PH072225000
Sevilla PH071239000
Villareal PH086021000
Bais City PH074604000
Alangalang PH083702000
Catigbian PH071213000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Palompon PH083740000
Albuera PH083703000
San Isidro PH112510000
Libmanan PH051718000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
San Jose PH074617000
Merida PH083736000
Bagulin PH013304000
Baclayon PH071205000
Danao City PH072223000
Loboc PH071229000
Candijay PH071211000
Cambanez Batuan PH054104000
Toledo City PH072251000
San Miguel PH071238000
Catmon PH072216000
Bais City PH074604000
Asuncion PH112301000
San Isidro PH071237000
Mercedes PH082616000
Bustos PH031406000
Alicia PH071202000
Loon PH071230000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Macrohon PH086408000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Dapa PH166707000
Masantol PH035412000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Basey PH086002000
Dimiao PH071220000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
Tayasan PH074622000
Calatrava PH064505000
Compostela PH072218000
Agutaya PH175302000
Samboan PH072240000
Bilar PH071208000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Cebu City PH072217000
Palompon PH083740000
San Miguel PH031421000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Inabanga PH071224000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Alangalang PH083702000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Maguing PH153634000
City of Maasin PH086407000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cambuac Norte PH071241005

Cambuac Sur PH071241006
Cambuayon PH166702002
Cambubho PH072223010
Cambucad PH074623010
Cambucao PH083746005
Cambug PH150709005
Cambugason PH071225009
Cambugsa PH064511012
Cambuhat PH071209011
Cambuhawe PH072208009
Cambuhay PH086006017
Cambuilao PH074604010
Cambuja PH043427007
Cambula District (Pob.) PH083718024
Cambulaga PH056216015
Cambulo PH142701009
Cambunang (Pob.) PH175204006
Camburanan PH061917012
Camburay PH175110017
Camburo PH052004006
Camburoy PH072240010
Cambus-oc PH071209012
Cambuyo PH071222006
Camcaman (Pob.) PH056212015
Camcuevas PH082607004
Camdas Subdivision PH141102133
Camestizoan PH012928008
Camflora PH045640002
Camguidan PH012805014
Camia PH063040015
Camias PH031421020
Camias PH035411001
Camias PH035415009
Camias PH071210010
Camili PH175901003
Camiling PH013305015
Camiling PH034911018
Camiling (Camiing) PH037102008
Camilmil PH175205016
Caminawit PH175110018
Camindangan PH064507012
Camindangan PH064527007
Camindoroan PH012920008
Camindoroan PH015536009
Camingawan PH064515004
Camino Nuevo PH097332099
Caminto PH083721003
Camire PH083748019
Camiri PH063039007
Camiros PH063003006
Camitoc PH083718011
Camoboan PH072248004
Camod-Om PH175901004
Camogao PH076101005
Camohaguin PH045619014
Camoning PH112301010
Camono-an PH083717017
Camonoan PH086011005
Camote PH083718012


Sikatuna PH071241000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Bacuag PH166702000
Danao City PH072223000
Valencia PH074623000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Jagna PH071225000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Buenavista PH071209000
Balamban PH072208000
Daram PH086006000
Bais City PH074604000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Dulag PH083718000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Banaue PH142701000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Tapaz PH061917000
San Jose PH175110000
Caramoran PH052004000
Samboan PH072240000
Buenavista PH071209000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Matnog PH056212000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Baguio City PH141102000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
San Andres PH045640000
City of Batac PH012805000
San Joaquin PH063040000
San Miguel PH031421000
Magalang PH035411000
Porac PH035415000
Calape PH071210000
Alcantara PH175901000
Balaoan PH013305000
Guimba PH034911000
Cabangan PH037102000
City of Calapan PH175205000
San Jose PH175110000
Cauayan PH064507000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
San Juan PH012920000
San Nicolas PH015536000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Inopacan PH083721000
Tanauan PH083748000
San Enrique PH063039000
Anilao PH063003000
Dulag PH083718000
Tabogon PH072248000
Alcantara PH175901000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Gumaca PH045619000
Asuncion PH112301000
Dagami PH083717000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Dulag PH083718000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Camp 1 PH103512002
Camp 3 PH141113003
Camp 4 PH141113004
Camp 7 PH072232003
Camp 7 PH141102017
Camp 8 PH072232004
Camp 8 PH072251010
Camp 8 PH141102018
Camp Aguinaldo PH137404019
Camp Allen PH141102016
Camp Blessing PH097303006
Camp Clark PH064514007
Camp Downes PH083738094
Camp Eduard (Geotina) PH166701004
Camp I PH101315004
Camp III PH103518005
Camp IV PH072250020
Camp One PH013313009
Camp One PH141113002
Camp V PH103522005
Campa PH166809006
Campaasan (Pob.) PH175204007
Campacion PH082601009
Campagao PH071208006
Campakerit (Botay) PH082615003
Campalanas PH076103001
Campalingo PH175913003
Campamanog PH071235009
Campamento PH025703008
Campamento PH175210024
Campana PH054121008
Campanario PH023102015
Campangga PH072210008
Campanun-an PH074614011
Campao Occidental PH071226006
Campao Oriental PH071226007
Camparang PH082609013
Camparanga PH084815009
Campatud PH071230021
Campawan PH112501007
Campedico PH084814007
Campeig PH086016011
Campelipa PH086006020
Camperito PH086016010
Campesao PH082604017
Campetik PH083739008
Campidhan PH082620002
Campin PH083731001
Campina PH083719009
Campisong PH072225005
Campiyak PH086015008
Campo PH021515005
Campo PH021526009
Campo PH072242003
Campo PH104312006
Campo PH153628012
Campo PH153823005
Campo PH166702003
Campo (Pob.) PH045629012
Campo Filipino PH141102019


Maigo PH103512000
Tuba PH141113000
Tuba PH141113000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Baguio City PH141102000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Toledo City PH072251000
Baguio City PH141102000
Quezon City PH137404000
Baguio City PH141102000
Bayog PH097303000
Isabela PH064514000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Alegria PH166701000
Maramag PH101315000
Salvador PH103518000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Rosario PH013313000
Tuba PH141113000
Tubod PH103522000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Arteche PH082601000
Bilar PH071208000
Maydolong PH082615000
Lazi PH076103000
San Fernando PH175913000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Diffun PH025703000
Pola PH175210000
Uson PH054121000
Angadanan PH023102000
Barili PH072210000
Mabinay PH074614000
Getafe PH071226000
Getafe PH071226000
Guiuan PH082609000
Pambujan PH084815000
Loon PH071230000
Baganga PH112501000
Palapag PH084814000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Daram PH086006000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Palo PH083739000
San Julian PH082620000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Hilongos PH083719000
Ginatilan PH072225000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Iguig PH021515000
Santo Niño PH021526000
San Francisco PH072242000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Tubaran PH153628000
Paglat PH153823000
Bacuag PH166702000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Baguio City PH141102000


Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X

Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Campo Himoga-an PH064523005

Campo Islam PH097332020
Campo Islam PH103506009
Campo Islam PH153811031
Campo Islam PH156612008
Campo IV PH097323005
Campo Muslim PH153615020
Campo Santiago PH064523006
Campo Santo PH042103033
Campo Tinio PH034903022
Campo Uno PH097302017
Campo Uno PH150702018
Campo V PH097323006
Campokpok PH083745004
Campong PH103523008
Campong a Raya PH153609005
Campong Sabela PH153609034
Campong Talao PH153629010
Campong Ulay PH175323002
Camporog PH083751009
Campos PH034930016
Campos PH036901006
Camposanto 1 - Norte PH036909013
Camposanto 1 - Sur PH036909014
Camposanto 2 PH036909015
Campoyong PH082609014
Campusong PH072213009
Camputhaw (Pob.) PH072217036
Campuyo PH074615007
Camuayan PH104302009
Camudlas PH074607006
Camudmud PH112317008
Camugao PH072237008
Camugao PH064515005
Camul PH097221011
Camunatan PH023114035
Camuning PH035413005
Camuning PH051708013
Camutan PH124715001
Can-abay PH086002009
Can-abong PH082604018
Can-abuhon PH072239002
Can-adieng PH083738012
Can-aga PH072246009
Can-aga PH082604019
Can-aga PH166715015
Can-andan PH083722007
Can-angay PH083721004
Can-aponte PH086014004
Can-aporong PH083701019
Can-asujan PH072214004
Can-ato PH082613006
Can-Awan PH060409007
Can-Cal-Lan (Caniogan-Calero-Lanang) PH045809002
Can-ibuang PH072216010
Can-ilay PH082605007
Can-ipol PH071225010
Can-ipulan PH086016012
Can-isak PH083706011
Can-olin PH071211006


Sagay City PH064523000

Zamboanga City PH097332000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Parang PH153811000
Siasi PH156612000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Malabang PH153615000
Sagay City PH064523000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Aurora PH097302000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Tabango PH083745000
Pantar PH103523000
Ganassi PH153609000
Ganassi PH153609000
Tugaya PH153629000
Rizal PH175323000
Villaba PH083751000
Talavera PH034930000
Anao PH036901000
Moncada PH036909000
Moncada PH036909000
Moncada PH036909000
Guiuan PH082609000
Borbon PH072213000
Cebu City PH072217000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Balingasag PH104302000
Bindoy PH074607000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Mexico PH035413000
Calabanga PH051708000
Antipas PH124715000
Basey PH086002000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Ronda PH072239000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Sibonga PH072246000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Malimono PH166715000
Isabel PH083722000
Inopacan PH083721000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Abuyog PH083701000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Llorente PH082613000
Libacao PH060409000
Morong PH045809000
Catmon PH072216000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Jagna PH071225000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Barugo PH083706000
Candijay PH071211000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Can-oling PH071217002
Can-omay PH071204009
Can-uba PH071225014
Can-uguib (Pob.) PH083701018
Can-ukban PH072235007
Can-untog PH083738013
Can-unzo PH083736007
Can-upao PH071225015
Can Maria PH084809004
Can Omanio PH084809005
Cana-an PH098304003
Canaam PH012823014
Canaan PH097206045
Canaan PH124715002
Canaan PH175215007
Canaan (Pob.) PH012803008
Canaan East PH034923008
Canaan West PH034923009
Canabajan PH063013024
Canabay PH025008016
Canabuan PH025002019
Canabuan PH025012015
Canabuan PH063045026
Canadam PH023117008
Canagahan PH072243008
Canagatan PH021506016
Canagong PH071241007
Canahay (Godwino) PH126313008
Canal PH076106007
Canal PH083715011
Canalate PH031410019
Canamucan PH072218006
Canan PH023107003
Canan PH036910010
Canan (Gapan) PH140108005
Canan Norte PH015524027
Canan Sur PH015524028
Cananaman PH063028033
Cañang PH072235006
Canangaan PH101322002
Canangan PH023102016
Canangca-an PH071215002
Canangca-an PH072235005
Cananghan PH060618009
Cananghan PH063029016
Canano PH086008005
Canantong PH034913006
Canaoalan PH015513013
Canaoay PH013314020
Canaocanao PH072248005
Canap PH083743005
Canapawan PH051606020
Canapian PH061907008
Canapnapan PH071215003
Canapuan PH083723045
Canarem PH015529008
Canarem PH025002020
Canarem PH036917010
Canares PH054104002
Canarom PH050503016


Dagohoy PH071217000
Antequera PH071204000
Jagna PH071225000
Abuyog PH083701000
Oslob PH072235000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Merida PH083736000
Jagna PH071225000
Lapinig PH084809000
Lapinig PH084809000
Imelda PH098304000
Vintar PH012823000
Liloy PH097206000
Antipas PH124715000
Victoria PH175215000
Badoc PH012803000
Rizal PH034923000
Rizal PH034923000
Calinog PH063013000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Aritao PH025002000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Maconacon PH023117000
San Remigio PH072243000
Baggao PH021506000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Surallah PH126313000
Siquijor PH076106000
Carigara PH083715000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Compostela PH072218000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Paniqui PH036910000
La Paz PH140108000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Leon PH063028000
Canang Oslob PH072235000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Angadanan PH023102000
Corella PH071215000
Oslob PH072235000
Valderrama PH060618000
Maasin PH063029000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Laur PH034913000
Binmaley PH015513000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Tabogon PH072248000
San Miguel PH083743000
Labo PH051606000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Corella PH071215000
Jaro PH083723000
Natividad PH015529000
Aritao PH025002000
Victoria PH036917000
Batuan PH054104000
Daraga PH050503000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Canarvacanan PH015504005
Canarvacanan PH015512005
Canas PH063038007
Canasagan PH076105001
Canat PH174001021
Canatan PH112301011
Canatuan PH051711010
Canatuan PH086012012
Canawa PH071211007
Canawan PH097213007
Canaway PH045617005
Canaway PH050509003
Canaway PH160206002
Canaway PH074619007
Canawayon PH082609058
Canawili PH063023012
Canawili PH063029017
Canawillian PH063023013
Canayan PH101312009
Canayaon East PH071222007
Canayaon West PH071222008
Canaynayan PH037113007
Canayonan PH051737014
Canayugan PH160301031
Canayun PH021501006
Canbagtic PH086004012
Canbalisara PH083748020
Canbañez PH083728012
Canbantug PH072205013
Canbantug PH083736008
Canbanua PH072205014
Cancahorao PH054102006
Cancaiyas PH086002010
Cancaraja PH083741006
Cancatac PH071215004
Cancavan PH166806002
Cancawas PH074617005
Cancayang PH083724006
Canciledes PH082610004
Cancohoy PH166708007
Canculajao PH045610015
Canda PH041003019
Canda PH045645010
Canda Ibaba PH045622020
Canda Ilaya PH045622021
Candabong PH071203005
Candabong PH071229014
Candabong PH072201003
Candabong PH072224012
Candabong PH074615008
Candadam PH083708034
Candag-on PH083710015
Candagara PH083717018
Candaguit PH072246010
Candahon PH174004008
Candahug PH083739009
Candaigan PH071230022
Candajec PH071214010
Candalapdap PH045646013
Candalican PH012924011


Alcala PH015504000
Binalonan PH015512000
San Dionisio PH063038000
San Juan PH076105000
Boac PH174001000
Asuncion PH112301000
Caramoan PH051711000
Motiong PH086012000
Candijay PH071211000
Salug PH097213000
General Nakar PH045617000
Malilipot PH050509000
Kitcharao PH160206000
Siaton PH074619000
Guiuan PH082609000
Janiuay PH063023000
Maasin PH063029000
Janiuay PH063023000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Tinambac PH051737000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Abulug PH021501000
Calbiga PH086004000
Tanauan PH083748000
Canbanez La Paz PH083728000
Argao PH072205000
Merida PH083736000
Argao PH072205000
Baleno PH054102000
Basey PH086002000
Pastrana PH083741000
Corella PH071215000
Carmen PH166806000
San Jose PH074617000
Javier PH083724000
Hernani PH082610000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Catanauan PH045610000
Balayan PH041003000
Sariaya PH045645000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Anda PH071203000
Loboc PH071229000
Alcantara PH072201000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Manjuyod PH074615000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Burauen PH083710000
Dagami PH083717000
Sibonga PH072246000
Mogpog PH174004000
Palo PH083739000
Loon PH071230000
Clarin PH071214000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Santa Cruz PH012924000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Candami PH051718020
Candamiang PH072245003
Candana-ay PH074602008
Candanas PH071222009
Candanay Norte PH076106008
Candanay Sur PH076106009
Candangal PH045625004
Candao (Pob.) PH083718025
Candaping A PH076104005
Candaping B PH076104006
Candari PH060611009
Candasag PH071229015
Candasig PH071206008
Candatag PH086409007
Candating PH035403007
Candato PH051718021
Candau-ay PH074610011
Candavid PH071232009
Candawaga PH175323003
Candawid PH084808020
Candayao PH086009005
Candayuman PH086406007
Candelaria PH035410003
Candelaria PH054121009
Candelaria PH060415001
Candelaria PH061917013
Candelaria PH071217003
Candelaria PH083733004
Candelaria PH097206006
Candelaria PH101318028
Candelaria (Pob.) PH037112003
Candigahub PH083715012
Candigum PH076102008
Candiis PH072207009
Candiis PH098308005
Candiis PH104317007
Candiis PH150710003
Candiis PH160313016
Candis PH103522006
Candiz PH097219009
Candomacol PH086012013
Candoros PH082613007
Candual PH061909020
Canduao Occidental PH071247008
Canduao Oriental PH071247009
Candugay PH072210020
Candugue PH086006018
Canduhao PH087807010
Candulang PH071227005
Candulao PH071222010
Canduling PH072239003
Canduman PH072230007
Candumarao PH064511013
Candumayao PH071213008
Candungao PH071237008
Candura PH076105002
Canduyong PH175909008
Canduyucan PH086015014
Caneja PH083713009
Canelar PH097332021


Libmanan PH051718000
Santander PH072245000
Ayungon PH074602000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
Macalelon PH045625000
Dulag PH083718000
Maria PH076104000
Maria PH076104000
Pandan PH060611000
Loboc PH071229000
Balilihan PH071206000
Malitbog PH086409000
Arayat PH035403000
Libmanan PH051718000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Rizal PH175323000
Laoang PH084808000
Jiabong PH086009000
Liloan PH086406000
Macabebe PH035410000
Uson PH054121000
New Washington PH060415000
Tapaz PH061917000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Liloy PH097206000
San Fernando PH101318000
San Narciso PH037112000
Carigara PH083715000
Larena PH076102000
Badian PH072207000
Malangas PH098308000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
Veruela PH160313000
Tubod PH103522000
Siocon PH097219000
Motiong PH086012000
Llorente PH082613000
Panay PH061909000
Valencia PH071247000
Valencia PH071247000
Barili PH072210000
Daram PH086006000
Maripipi PH087807000
Lila PH071227000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Ronda PH072239000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Catigbian PH071213000
San Isidro PH071237000
San Juan PH076105000
Odiongan PH175909000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Calubian PH083713000
Zamboanga City PH097332000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cañelas PH054118007
Caneo PH144404006
Canfabi PH083715047
Cang-adieng PH076106010
Cang-agong PH076106011
Cang-allas PH076102009
Cang-alwang PH076106012
Cang-apa PH076102010
Cang-asa PH076106013
Cang-atuyom PH076106006
Cang-inte PH076106014
Cang-isad PH076106015
Cangabo PH074613006
Cangag PH083722008
Cangatba PH035415010
Cangawa PH071209013
Cangbagsa PH076102011
Cangcahipos PH084808021
Cangclaran PH076103002
Cangcosme PH083740007
Canggohob PH074614012
Cangharay PH074612011
Canghunoghunog PH076106016
Cangisitan PH148105018
Cangmalalag PH076102012
Cangmangki PH076101006
Cangmating PH074620006
Cangmatnog PH076106017
Cangmohao PH076106018
Cangmunag PH076105003
Cangmundo PH071226008
Cangmuya PH083740008
Cangomantong PH076103003
Cangomaod PH086003040
Cangrunaan (Pob.) PH012805015
Canguha PH071210011
Cangumbang PH083739010
Canha-ayon PH083720007
Canhabagat PH072231007
Canhandugan PH083723010
Canhangdon Occidental PH071230023
Canhangdon Oriental PH071230024
Canhawan PH067903003
Canhawan Gote PH086005013
Canhaway PH071223007
Canhayupon PH071220014
Canhidoc PH083739011
Canhumadac PH086003041
Canhumawid PH086007020
Caniag PH036903019
Caniangan PH097323007
Caniangan PH104215009
Canibongan PH097211002
Canibongan PH097308051
Canibongan PH103515003
Canibongan PH153631011
Canibungan PH150703027
Canibungan Daku PH104205005
Canibungan Proper PH104216009
Canibungan Putol PH104205006


Canelas San Fernando PH054118000

Bontoc PH144404000
Carigara PH083715000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
Larena PH076102000
Siquijor PH076106000
Larena PH076102000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
La Libertad PH074613000
Isabel PH083722000
Porac PH035415000
Buenavista PH071209000
Larena PH076102000
Laoang PH084808000
Lazi PH076103000
Palompon PH083740000
Mabinay PH074614000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Siquijor PH076106000
Luna PH148105000
Larena PH076102000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Sibulan PH074620000
Siquijor PH076106000
Siquijor PH076106000
San Juan PH076105000
Getafe PH071226000
Palompon PH083740000
Lazi PH076103000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Batac PH012805000
Calape PH071210000
Palo PH083739000
Hindang PH083720000
Medellin PH072231000
Jaro PH083723000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Guindulman PH071223000
Dimiao PH071220000
Palo PH083739000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Gandara PH086007000
Camiling PH036903000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Tangub City PH104215000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Dumingag PH097308000
Nunungan PH103515000
Marogong PH153631000
Lantawan PH150703000
Clarin PH104205000
Tudela PH104216000
Clarin PH104205000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Canicanian PH045636008
Canidkid PH118208009
Canigaan PH071230025
Caniguing PH023112010
Canila PH087802006
Caningag PH083734006
Caningag PH112504002
Caningay PH064506004
Caninguan PH063025025
Caninoan PH083741007
Caniogan PH031407008
Caniogan PH031410020
Caniogan PH103522007
Caniogan PH137403005
Canipaan PH083740009
Canipaan PH086403010
Canipaan PH175323004
Canipacan PH104205007
Canipay Norte PH097318007
Canipay Sur PH097318008
Canipayan PH060618010
Canipayan PH063043030
Canipo PH175314003
Canito-an PH104305043
Canituan PH060609006
Canituan PH101307003
Caniugan PH021525014
Caniwan PH045606008
Canjalon PH175913004
Canjaway PH082604021
Canjela PH056206008
Canjulao PH071225011
Canjulao PH072226008
Canjumadal PH084815007
Canjunday PH054102007
Canjusa PH064522010
Canlaas PH071204007
Canlabian PH086401003
Canlahao PH074612012
Canlalay PH043403004
Canlamay PH064513007
Canlambo PH076102013
Canlambong PH071220015
Canlampay PH083715013
Canlandog PH064520012
Canlangit PH071240004
Canlanipa PH166724096
Canlapwas (Pob.) PH086005014
Canlapwas (Pob.) PH086026013
Canlaray PH082604022
Canlargo PH074604011
Canlasid PH071229016
Canlasog PH076102014
Canlawis PH086411005
Canlingga PH083717019
Canlinte PH071224013
Canliwag PH082613008
Canlobo PH086013007
Canloloy PH086006019
Canlong PH051714007


Polillo PH045636000
Montevista PH118208000
Loon PH071230000
Echague PH023112000
Biliran PH087802000
Matalom PH083734000
Caraga PH112504000
Candoni PH064506000
Lambunao PH063025000
Pastrana PH083741000
Calumpit PH031407000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Tubod PH103522000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Palompon PH083740000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Rizal PH175323000
Clarin PH104205000
Midsalip PH097318000
Midsalip PH097318000
Valderrama PH060618000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Laua-An PH060609000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Burdeos PH045606000
San Fernando PH175913000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Castilla PH056206000
Jagna PH071225000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Pambujan PH084815000
Baleno PH054102000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Antequera PH071204000
Anahawan PH086401000
Jimalalud PH074612000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Ilog PH064513000
Larena PH076102000
Dimiao PH071220000
Carigara PH083715000
Murcia PH064520000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Surigao City PH166724000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Bais City PH074604000
Loboc PH071229000
Larena PH076102000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Dagami PH083717000
Inabanga PH071224000
Llorente PH082613000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Daram PH086006000
Garchitorena PH051714000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Canloterio PH082615004
Canlubang PH043405011
Canlubi PH052006004
Canlucani PH097201010
Canlumacad PH072245010
Canlumampao PH072251011
Canlupao PH086418007
Canlusay PH086408005
Canlusong PH071247010
Canlusong PH064508011
Canluto PH074607007
Canmaag PH071230019
Canmangao PH071235008
Canmanico PH071247011
Canmanila PH086002011
Canmano PH071236002
Canmanoc PH071230026
Canmarating PH083701020
Canmaya Centro PH071236003
Canmaya Diot PH071236004
Canmogsay PH083749002
Canmoros PH086016013
Canmoros (Pob.) PH064503004
Canmucat PH086021005
Cannery Site PH126312024
Cano-an PH063019007
Canoayan PH097303007
Canocotan PH112319005
Cañogan Abajo Norte PH023136010
Cañogan Abajo Sur PH023136017
Cañogan Alto PH023136018
Canomantag PH083706012
Canomay PH054107005
Canomay PH054108010
Canomoy PH054110008
Canorong PH072225006
Canorong PH072240006
Canquiason PH083751032
Canramos (Pob.) PH083748041
Canroma PH064521010
Cansabusab PH072238004
Cansadan (Cansadan-Tubudan) PH060613015
Cansadong PH086017009
Cansaga PH072219002
Cansaganay PH086006021
Cansague Norte PH071237009
Cansague Sur PH071237010
Cansal-ing PH074614013
Cansalo-ay PH072235009
Cansalongon PH064514008
Cansalonoy PH072239004
Cansamada East PH083717020
Cansamada West PH083717058
Cansan PH023106005
Cansangaya PH082605008
Cansayahon PH072239005
Cansayang PH076105004
Cansayong PH166715014
Cansibao PH071247012
Cansiboy PH083710016


Maydolong PH082615000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Pandan PH052006000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Santander PH072245000
Toledo City PH072251000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Macrohon PH086408000
Valencia PH071247000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Bindoy PH074607000
Loon PH071230000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Valencia PH071247000
Basey PH086002000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Loon PH071230000
Abuyog PH083701000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Tolosa PH083749000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Binalbagan PH064503000
Villareal PH086021000
Polomolok PH126312000
Estancia PH063019000
Bayog PH097303000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Canogan Abajo Norte Santo Tomas PH023136000
Canogan Abajo Sur Santo Tomas PH023136000
Canogan Alto Santo Tomas PH023136000
Barugo PH083706000
Claveria PH054107000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Mandaon PH054110000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Samboan PH072240000
Villaba PH083751000
Tanauan PH083748000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Poro PH072238000
San Jose PH060613000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Consolacion PH072219000
Daram PH086006000
San Isidro PH071237000
San Isidro PH071237000
Mabinay PH074614000
Oslob PH072235000
Isabela PH064514000
Ronda PH072239000
Dagami PH083717000
Dagami PH083717000
Cabagan PH023106000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Ronda PH072239000
San Juan PH076105000
Malimono PH166715000
Valencia PH071247000
Burauen PH083710000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cansibuan PH071204008
Cansilayan PH060618011
Cansilayan PH063018014
Cansilayan PH063037009
Cansilayan PH063045027
Cansilayan PH067901006
Cansilayan PH064520013
Cansinala PH035402004
Cansirong PH086407018
Cansiwang PH071223008
Cansojong PH072250003
Cansomoroy PH072208010
Cansoso PH083733005
Cansuagwit PH071230027
Cansubayon PH071230028
Cansuhay PH071221005
Cansuje PH072205015
Cansumalig PH074606007
Cansumangcay PH082602003
Cansumbol PH071208007
Cansungay PH071234007
Cansuso PH043407005
Canta-ub PH071240005
Cantaan PH101802003
Cantabaco PH072251012
Cantabon PH076106019
Cantagay PH071225012
Cantagda PH175903005
Cantaguic PH086022008
Cantaguic PH086025008
Cantahay PH082609015
Cantalid PH071206009
Cantam-is Bago PH071230032
Cantam-is Baslay PH071230035
Cantamuac PH086409008
Cantandoy PH083740010
Cantao-an PH072234005
Cantao-an PH086022009
Cantaongon PH071230033
Cantapoy PH166715003
Cantariwis PH083749003
Cantaroc A PH076104007
Cantaroc B PH076104008
Cantato (Canturab) PH086022010
Cantenio PH082618012
Canteros PH082605009
Cantiasay PH166724016
Cantibas PH072208011
Canticum PH086004013
Cantigdas PH071207004
Cantiguib PH071201003
Cantil PH054103005
Cantil PH175212002
Cantil-e PH074610012
Cantipay PH072215002
Cantolaroy PH072246011
Cantomco PH082613010
Cantomimbo PH071206010
Cantomoja PH082619025
Cantomugcad PH071209014


Antequera PH071204000
Valderrama PH060618000
Dumangas PH063018000
Pototan PH063037000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Buenavista PH067901000
Murcia PH064520000
Apalit PH035402000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Guindulman PH071223000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Balamban PH072208000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Duero PH071221000
Argao PH072205000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Balangiga PH082602000
Bilar PH071208000
Pilar PH071234000
Cavinti PH043407000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
Toledo City PH072251000
Siquijor PH076106000
Jagna PH071225000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Paranas PH086022000
San Jorge PH086025000
Guiuan PH082609000
Balilihan PH071206000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Malitbog PH086409000
Palompon PH083740000
City of Naga PH072234000
Paranas PH086022000
Loon PH071230000
Malimono PH166715000
Tolosa PH083749000
Maria PH076104000
Maria PH076104000
Paranas PH086022000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Surigao City PH166724000
Balamban PH072208000
Calbiga PH086004000
Batuan PH071207000
Alburquerque PH071201000
Balud PH054103000
Roxas PH175212000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Carmen PH072215000
Sibonga PH072246000
Llorente PH082613000
Balilihan PH071206000
Salcedo PH082619000
Buenavista PH071209000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cantonghao PH083713010
Cantongtong PH086009006
Cantores PH071209015
Cantoria No. 1 PH013310008
Cantoria No. 2 PH013310009
Cantoria No. 3 PH013310010
Cantoria No. 4 PH013310011
Cantorna PH054114001
Cantoyoc PH071214011
Cantuba PH071209016
Cantubi PH082603009
Cantubod PH071218002
Cantugas PH166714003
Cantugbas PH076104009
Cantuhaon PH083740011
Cantukong PH072215004
Cantulan PH060608015
Cantumocad PH071230034
Cantumog PH072215003
Cantuod PH072208012
Cantupa PH074613007
Canturay PH064527008
Canturing PH086407019
Cantutang PH086410014
Cantuyoc PH071225013
Canubay PH104209008
Canubing I PH175205017
Canubing II PH175205018
Canuctan PH084806010
Canumay East (Canumay) PH137504033
Canumay West (Canumay) PH137504007
Canunan PH097343004
Canunghan PH086020020
Canupong PH097223008
Canuto Ramos Pob. (District III) PH034926021
Canuyep PH045628016
Canvais PH086012011
Canvertudes PH083702016
Canwarak PH086023008
Canyaki PH086025009
Canyayo PH175915002
Canyomanao PH084808022
Canyopay PH082604023
Canyoyo PH086010003
Canyuom PH086407020
Caoayan PH012931002
Caoayan PH013308003
Caoayan PH015542008
Caoayan-Kiling PH015532028
Caocaoayan PH036908006
Caoigue PH013320003
Caorasan PH051706004
Capaclan PH175910012
Capacuan PH012805016
Capacuan PH021521007
Capacuan PH021524002
Capacuan PH051608006
Capacuhan PH086003042
Capacuhan PH086401004
Capacujan PH084814008


Calubian PH083713000
Jiabong PH086009000
Buenavista PH071209000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Monreal PH054114000
Clarin PH071214000
Buenavista PH071209000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Danao PH071218000
Mainit PH166714000
Maria PH076104000
Palompon PH083740000
Carmen PH072215000
Hamtic PH060608000
Loon PH071230000
Carmen PH072215000
Balamban PH072208000
La Libertad PH074613000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Jagna PH071225000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
City of Calapan PH175205000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Catubig PH084806000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Guipos PH097343000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Gutalac PH097223000
San Jose City PH034926000
Mulanay PH045628000
Motiong PH086012000
Alangalang PH083702000
Zumarraga PH086023000
San Jorge PH086025000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Laoang PH084808000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Marabut PH086010000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Sugpon PH012931000
Burgos PH013308000
Sual PH015542000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Tubao PH013320000
Bula PH051706000
Romblon PH175910000
City of Batac PH012805000
Rizal PH021521000
Santa Praxedes PH021524000
Paracale PH051608000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Anahawan PH086401000
Palapag PH084814000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Capaculan PH054112007
Capagao PH061910012
Capagaran (Brigida) PH021503005
Capagaypayan PH148105002
Capahuan PH083746006
Capalalian PH021518007
Capalangan PH035402005
Capalaran PH104215010
Capalasanan PH076103004
Capalayan PH166724017
Capaliz PH063018015
Capalong PH045638002
Capalutan PH021503006
Capandan PH166808003
Capandanan PH015522008
Capandanan PH015539005
Capangdanan PH012819009
Capangdanan PH012903010
Capangihan PH083749004
Capangpangan PH012934018
Capangyan PH063025026
Capanickian Norte PH021503007
Capanickian Sur PH021503008
Capanikian PH021511007
Capannikian PH148106009
Capantolan PH015542009
Capaoay (Pob.) PH015534003
Capaoayan PH036909016
Caparacadan PH012907005
Caparan PH098305040
Caparangasan PH086007023
Capariaan PH012924012
Caparispisan PH012815018
Capas PH013301003
Capas PH015512006
Capas PH015544015
Capasan PH012809010
Capase PH097211003
Capasnan PH112508001
Capataan PH015532027
Capataga PH060413005
Capatan PH021529017
Capaya PH035401004
Capayahan PH166727001
Capayang PH174004009
Capayangan PH124716003
Capayas PH071238008
Capayas PH175311004
Capayawan PH037101005
Capaycapay PH063017017
Capaysagan PH086012015
Capayuran PH124711010
Cape PH097211019
Capehan PH036916025
Capellan PH023114037
Capiddigan PH021513014
Capihan PH031422009
Capihan PH101311001
Capilan PH126506005
Capilian PH083701021


Milagros PH054112000
Panitan PH061910000
Allacapan PH021503000
Luna PH148105000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Pamplona PH021518000
Apalit PH035402000
Tangub City PH104215000
Lazi PH076103000
Surigao City PH166724000
Dumangas PH063018000
Real PH045638000
Allacapan PH021503000
Cortes PH166808000
Lingayen PH015522000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Pinili PH012819000
Bantay PH012903000
Tolosa PH083749000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Lambunao PH063025000
Allacapan PH021503000
Allacapan PH021503000
Claveria PH021511000
Pudtol PH148106000
Sual PH015542000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Moncada PH036909000
Caoayan PH012907000
Ipil PH098305000
Gandara PH086007000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Agoo PH013301000
Binalonan PH015512000
Umingan PH015544000
Dingras PH012809000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Manay PH112508000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Malinao PH060413000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Angeles City PH035401000
Tubod PH166727000
Mogpog PH174004000
Banisilan PH124716000
San Miguel PH071238000
Dumaran PH175311000
Botolan PH037101000
Dueñas PH063017000
Motiong PH086012000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Gattaran PH021513000
San Rafael PH031422000
Libona PH101311000
Lebak PH126506000
Abuyog PH083701000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Capilihan PH052011013
Capilihan PH083743006
Capilijan PH060406012
Capilla PH083741008
Capiñahan PH063027008
Capiñahan PH087808005
Capiñahan PH074604012
Capiñahan (Pob.) PH083742009
Capinang PH063038008
Capinitan PH144407005
Capinonan PH101322010
Capintalan PH034905007
Capinyahan PH083751010
Capio-an PH072205016
Capipisa PH042120008
Capirawan PH083739012
Capirpiriwan PH023109003
Capisaan PH025009008
Capisan PH097327004
Capisan PH097332098
Capissayan Norte PH021513015
Capissayan Sur PH021513016
Capitan Angel PH101312010
Capitan Bayong PH101305003
Capitan Claudio PH072251013
Capitan Juan PH101310008
Capitan Tomas PH015531007
Capitangan PH030801003
Capitol PH023118007
Capitol Site (Pob.) PH072217020
Capiton PH153807010
Capitulangan PH104308010
Capiz PH083702017
Capnayan PH060609007
Capo PH023114038
Capocao PH103506010
Caponayan PH175310005
Caponga (Pob.) PH141114006
Capoocan PH086003043
Capoyuan PH060602011
Cappa-cappa PH012918005
Capri PH137404136
Capsay PH054101011
Capt. A. Tirador (Pob.) PH063023060
Capt. C. Nazareno (Pob.) PH042115006
Capt. Fernando PH063028034
Capual Island PH156619003
Capucao C. PH104210010
Capucao P. PH104210011
Capucnasan PH051721006
Capudlosan PH083720008
Capudlosan PH083730004
Capul-an PH063031007
Capulaan PH015507003
Capulaan PH015547005
Capule PH104206002
Capulhan PH083717059
Capuling PH063017018
Capuluan Central PH045618011
Capuluan Tulon PH045618012


Virac PH052011000
San Miguel PH083743000
Ibajay PH060406000
Pastrana PH083741000
Capinahan Lemery PH063027000
Capinahan Naval PH087808000
Capinahan Bais City PH074604000
Capinahan (Pob.) San Isidro PH083742000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Sabangan PH144407000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Carranglan PH034905000
Villaba PH083751000
Argao PH072205000
Tanza PH042120000
Palo PH083739000
Cordon PH023109000
Kasibu PH025009000
Tabina PH097327000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Gattaran PH021513000
Gattaran PH021513000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Toledo City PH072251000
Lantapan PH101310000
Rosales PH015531000
Abucay PH030801000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Cebu City PH072217000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Alangalang PH083702000
Laua-An PH060609000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Cuyo PH175310000
Tublay PH141114000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Barbaza PH060602000
San Esteban PH012918000
Quezon City PH137404000
Aroroy PH054101000
Janiuay PH063023000
Naic PH042115000
Leon PH063028000
Omar PH156619000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Milaor PH051721000
Hindang PH083720000
Macarthur PH083730000
Mina PH063031000
Balungao PH015507000
Villasis PH015547000
Concepcion PH104206000
Dagami PH083717000
Dueñas PH063017000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000


Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Capundag PH104213005
Capungagan PH112305008
Capurictan PH012822006
Capuseran (Capurocan) PH023104004
Caputatan PH051711011
Caputatan Norte PH072231008
Caputatan Sur PH072231009
Caputian PH112408006
Caputican PH034930030
Caputoan PH084810006
Caputol PH104201005
Capuy PH056216016
Capuyhan PH061916005
Caquilingan (San Luis) PH023109004
Caraatan PH086409009
Carabalan PH064510005
Carabaoan PH036908007
Carabatan Bacareno PH023108018
Carabatan Chica PH023108015
Carabatan Grande PH023108016
Carabatan Punta PH023108017
Caracaran PH050515011
Caracol PH097213008
Caradio-an PH064510006
Carael PH015518011
Carael PH036903020
Carael PH037101006
Caragas (Pob.) PH084811005
Caragasan PH142707005
Caragsacan PH037705004
Caragumihan PH052002006
Carahayan PH118602012
Caraisan PH012912011
Caraitan PH012803009
Carallangan PH021502009
Caralucud PH023133009
Caramat PH153627018
Caramay PH175318004
Caramian Alim Raya PH153618002
Caramutan PH015547006
Caramutan PH036907003
Caranan PH051727005
Caranas PH063023014
Caranas PH086007024
Caranas PH086012016
Carandangan-Mipaga PH153611026
Carandangan Calopaan PH153627019
Caranday (La Purisima) PH051701004
Carang PH097201011
Carangag PH052008012
Carangan PH104210012
Carangcang PH051720003
Carangian PH036916026
Caranglaan PH015504006
Caranglaan PH015518012
Caranglaan PH015523009
Caranhug PH083724007
Caraniogan PH023130004
Caranoche PH074618008
Carapdapan PH082601010


Sapang Dalaga PH104213000

Kapalong PH112305000
Solsona PH012822000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Caramoan PH051711000
Medellin PH072231000
Medellin PH072231000
Malalag PH112408000
Talavera PH034930000
Las Navas PH084810000
Aloran PH104201000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Sigma PH061916000
Cordon PH023109000
Malitbog PH086409000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Mayantoc PH036908000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Salug PH097213000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Camiling PH036903000
Botolan PH037101000
Lavezares PH084811000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Dingalan PH037705000
Baras PH052002000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Magsingal PH012912000
Badoc PH012803000
Alcala PH021502000
San Pablo PH023133000
Taraka PH153627000
Roxas PH175318000
Masiu PH153618000
Villasis PH015547000
La Paz PH036907000
Pasacao PH051727000
Janiuay PH063023000
Gandara PH086007000
Motiong PH086012000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Taraka PH153627000
Baao PH051701000
Dapitan City PH097201000
San Andres PH052008000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Magarao PH051720000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Alcala PH015504000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Mabini PH015523000
Javier PH083724000
San Manuel PH023130000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Arteche PH082601000


Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X

Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Carapdapan PH082619026
Carara-an PH063028035
Cararayan PH050518008
Cararayan PH051724007
Caras-an PH166818009
Carasuche PH041029007
Carasuchi PH042110010
Caratacat PH021504016
Caratagan PH050513009
Caratagan PH063013025
Carataya PH061901010
Carataya PH061907009
Caraudan PH063023015
Carawisan I PH060614016
Carawisan II PH060614017
Caray PH012814006
Carayacan PH015537010
Carayacay PH082614003
Carayat PH056214004
Caraycaray PH083743007
Caraycaray PH087808006
Caraycayon PH051736003
Caraye PH083724008
Carayman PH086003044
Carayrayan PH051734016
Carayungan Sur PH015544061
Carbon PH071218003
Carbon PH099701012
Carbon (Pob.) PH072211007
Carbonel PH036906010
Carcarabasa PH012911005
Carcarmay PH013303016
Carcor PH112314002
Cardenas PH025705008
Cardinal PH034911019
Cardiz PH013304004
Cardona PH036906011
Cardona PH140107004
Care PH036916099
Careb PH025003003
Carenahan PH041003020
Cares PH013312003
Cari Mayor PH063026009
Cari Minor PH063026010
Caribquib PH012811008
Caricaran PH056216045
Caricot PH051703004
Carida PH061917014
Caridad PH034903096
Caridad PH045637004
Caridad PH060606015
Caridad PH060608016
Caridad PH061906007
Caridad PH072252015
Caridad PH082619027
Caridad PH083708016
Caridad PH083725009
Caridad PH097308005
Caridad PH166716001
Caridad PH064502010


Salcedo PH082619000
Leon PH063028000
Tiwi PH050518000
Naga City PH051724000
Tago PH166818000
Taal PH041029000
Indang PH042110000
Amulung PH021504000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Calinog PH063013000
Cuartero PH061901000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Janiuay PH063023000
San Remigio PH060614000
San Remigio PH060614000
Nueva Era PH012814000
San Quintin PH015537000
Maslog PH082614000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
San Miguel PH083743000
Naval PH087808000
Tigaon PH051736000
Javier PH083724000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Sipocot PH051734000
Umingan PH015544000
Danao PH071218000
City of Isabela PH099701000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Gerona PH036906000
Lidlidda PH012911000
Bacnotan PH013303000
New Corella PH112314000
Saguday PH025705000
Guimba PH034911000
Bagulin PH013304000
Gerona PH036906000
Dolores PH140107000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Bagabag PH025003000
Balayan PH041003000
Pugo PH013312000
Leganes PH063026000
Leganes PH063026000
Banna PH012811000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Bato PH051703000
Tapaz PH061917000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Quezon PH045637000
Culasi PH060606000
Hamtic PH060608000
Jamindan PH061906000
Tuburan PH072252000
Salcedo PH082619000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Julita PH083725000
Dumingag PH097308000
Pilar PH166716000
Bago City PH064502000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Caridad (Cuyapon) PH126508001

Caridad Ibaba PH045603009
Caridad Ilaya PH045603010
Caridad Norte PH034915002
Caridad Norte PH083734007
Caridad Sur PH034915003
Caridad Sur PH083734008
Carig PH021529018
Carigangan PH063023016
Carigongan PH153606011
Carigsa PH051720004
Carikkikan Norte PH023114040
Carikkikan Sur PH023114041
Carillo PH031409002
Carilucud PH021527009
Caringo PH051607009
Carino PH036910011
Carisquis PH013310012
Carit-an PH060606016
Carit-an PH060612007
Caritan Centro PH021529040
Caritan Norte PH021529019
Caritan Sur PH021529020
Carlagan PH045606009
Carlatan PH013314021
Carlos P. Garcia PH071226009
Carlos P. Garcia PH104309002
Carlosa PH041008007
Carmay PH013307012
Carmay East PH015531035
Carmay West PH015531008
Carmelo PH063006010
Carmelo PH072252016
Carmelo I PH060614018
Carmelo II PH060614019
Carmen PH034932003
Carmen PH036901008
Carmen PH042118013
Carmen PH060611010
Carmen PH072251014
Carmen PH082610005
Carmen PH086003165
Carmen PH104207003
Carmen PH104305044
Carmen PH112402029
Carmen PH112503007
Carmen PH126511004
Carmen PH175911007
Carmen (Misamis Annex) PH104210037
Carmen (Pob.) PH166806003
Carmen (Pob.) PH168505001
Carmen East PH015531009
Carmen West PH015531010
Carmencita PH023118008
Carmencita PH035406008
Carmencita PH061913005
Carmona PH086007025
Carmona PH137602005
Carmundo PH175203005
Carnaga PH086412007


Lambayong PH126508000
Atimonan PH045603000
Atimonan PH045603000
Llanera PH034915000
Matalom PH083734000
Llanera PH034915000
Matalom PH083734000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Janiuay PH063023000
Bubong PH153606000
Magarao PH051720000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Hagonoy PH031409000
Solana PH021527000
Mercedes PH051607000
Paniqui PH036910000
Luna PH013310000
Culasi PH060606000
Patnongon PH060612000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Burdeos PH045606000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Getafe PH071226000
Gitagum PH104309000
Calatagan PH041008000
Bauang PH013307000
Rosales PH015531000
Rosales PH015531000
Banate PH063006000
Tuburan PH072252000
San Remigio PH060614000
San Remigio PH060614000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Anao PH036901000
Silang PH042118000
Pandan PH060611000
Toledo City PH072251000
Hernani PH082610000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Jimenez PH104207000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Davao City PH112402000
Boston PH112503000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
San Agustin PH175911000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Carmen PH166806000
Loreto PH168505000
Rosales PH015531000
Rosales PH015531000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Floridablanca PH035406000
President Roxas PH061913000
Gandara PH086007000
City of Makati PH137602000
Bongabong PH175203000
Saint Bernard PH086412000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Carnaga PH086418008
Carnaza PH072221007
Caroan PH021514009
Carogcog PH050515012
Carohayon PH056210009
Carol-an PH064515006
Carol-an PH074602009
Carolina PH051724008
Carolina PH063028036
Carolina PH082605010
Carolina PH086011006
Carolotan PH025008004
Caromangay PH060608017
Caromatan PH103508005
Caromatan PH103517003
Caronoan PH012920009
Carorian PH052003010
Carosalesan PH015544017
Carosucan Norte PH015506009
Carosucan Sur PH015506010
Carot PH015505006
Caroyocan PH083713011
Caroyroyan PH051728006
Carpenito PH166817002
Carpenter Hill PH126306005
Carpentero PH023137014
Carpoc PH097313003
Carre PH112414003
Carreta PH072217021
Carretunan PH041008008
Carriedo PH015543004
Carriedo PH056208013
Carriedo PH056209007
Carromata PH166816006
Carsadang Bago I PH042109012
Carsadang Bago II PH042109054
Cartagena PH064527009
Cartagena Proper PH104212005
Caruan PH012817004
Carugdog PH060408004
Carugmanan PH124716004
Carulay PH023112011
Carungay PH015511024
Carunuan East PH013313010
Carunuan West PH013313011
Carupay PH097203025
Carupian PH021506017
Caruray PH175319003
Carusikis PH012817005
Carusipan PH012817006
Carusipan PH012905010
Carusocan PH015538007
Carvasana PH063013026
Casa Real PH043420004
Casab-ahan PH086006023
Casab-ahan PH086007026
Casabaan PH037102009
Casabangan PH054116008
Casacon PH098312003
Casagan PH021523001


Tomas Oppus PH086418000

Daanbantayan PH072221000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Juban PH056210000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Ayungon PH074602000
Naga City PH051724000
Leon PH063028000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Hamtic PH060608000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
San Juan PH012920000
Bato PH052003000
Umingan PH015544000
Asingan PH015506000
Asingan PH015506000
Anda PH015505000
Calubian PH083713000
Pili PH051728000
Tagbina PH166817000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Tumauini PH023137000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Sulop PH112414000
Cebu City PH072217000
Calatagan PH041008000
Tayug PH015543000
Gubat PH056208000
Irosin PH056209000
San Miguel PH166816000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Plaridel PH104212000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Lezo PH060408000
Banisilan PH124716000
Echague PH023112000
Bayambang PH015511000
Rosario PH013313000
Rosario PH013313000
Katipunan PH097203000
Baggao PH021506000
San Vicente PH175319000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Cabugao PH012905000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Calinog PH063013000
Pakil PH043420000
Daram PH086006000
Gandara PH086007000
Cabangan PH037102000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Santa Ana PH021523000


Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Casague PH175111003
Casala PH023131007
Casala-an PH074619008
Casalat PH031419014
Casalatan PH023108019
Casalayan PH153636009
Casalngan PH060608018
Casalsagan PH063037010
Casalugan PH051608007
Casalungan PH083724009
Casambalangan (Port Irene) PH021523002
Casamongan PH054103006
Casampagaan PH015548009
Casanayan PH061911004
Casandig PH086007027
Casandig I PH086022011
Casandig II PH086022048
Casanestebanan PH015548010
Casanfernandoan PH015530035
Casanicolasan PH015531012
Casantaan PH013317007
Casantaan PH015546014
Casantamarian PH015537011
Casantiagoan PH015548011
Casao PH086402006
Casapa PH086009007
Casaratan PH015536010
Casasahan Ibaba PH045619015
Casasahan Ilaya PH045619016
Casat PH025005006
Casate PH071246015
Casay PH045642003
Casay PH051719015
Casay PH056205004
Casay PH060601005
Casay PH072205017
Casay PH072222008
Casay Viejo PH060601006
Casbu PH071223009
Casiaman PH013303017
Casian PH175320009
Casiawan PH087803005
Casibang PH087807011
Casibarag Norte PH023106006
Casibarag Sur PH023106007
Casiber PH012922008
Casibole PH104325003
Casibong PH015534004
Casica PH071203006
Casicallan Norte PH021513019
Casicallan Sur PH021513018
Casidman PH082601011
Casig-Ang PH112318016
Casigayan PH143213035
Casiklan PH160207021
Casilagan PH012913005
Casilagan PH012914010
Casilagan PH012924013
Casilagan PH013307013
Casilagan PH013311016


Santa Cruz PH175111000

San Mariano PH023131000
Siaton PH074619000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Hamtic PH060608000
Pototan PH063037000
Paracale PH051608000
Javier PH083724000
Santa Ana PH021523000
Balud PH054103000
Laoac PH015548000
Pilar PH061911000
Gandara PH086007000
Paranas PH086022000
Paranas PH086022000
Laoac PH015548000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Rosales PH015531000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
San Quintin PH015537000
Laoac PH015548000
Bontoc PH086402000
Jiabong PH086009000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Gumaca PH045619000
Gumaca PH045619000
Bayombong PH025005000
Ubay PH071246000
San Francisco PH045642000
Lupi PH051719000
Casiguran PH056205000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Argao PH072205000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Guindulman PH071223000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Taytay PH175320000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Maripipi PH087807000
Cabagan PH023106000
Cabagan PH023106000
Santa PH012922000
Talisayan PH104325000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Anda PH071203000
Gattaran PH021513000
Gattaran PH021513000
Arteche PH082601000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Narvacan PH012914000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Bauang PH013307000
Naguilian PH013311000


Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Casilagan PH013313012
Casilagan PH013316013
Casilagan PH013317008
Casilagan PH015527029
Casilagan PH034923010
Casilagan Norte PH012902006
Casilagan Sur PH012902007
Casilak San Agustin PH104216010
Casilan PH015544018
Casilay PH071240006
Casilda PH083736009
Casile PH034915004
Casile PH043403005
Casile PH043404006
Casile PH074609009
Casili PH012928009
Casili PH023119003
Casili PH036901009
Casili PH056208014
Casili PH072219003
Casili PH072230008
Casili-on PH082619028
Casili-on PH083751011
Casili Norte PH021510009
Casili Sur PH021510026
Casilian PH012802008
Casiligan PH175210010
Casinagan PH050512019
Casingan PH071220016
Casinglot PH104324002
Casingsingan Norte PH021504017
Casingsingan Sur PH021504018
Casini PH056209008
Casinsin PH043420005
Casiongan PH083713012
Casipo PH036913004
Casisang PH101312012
Casispalan PH045646009
Casit-an PH060409008
Casit-an PH060609008
Casitan PH021514010
Casitan PH021518008
Casocos PH012913006
Casongsong PH034911020
Casoocan PH052011014
Casoon PH118207005
Casoroy PH082620003
Cassap Fuera PH023108022
Castañas PH045645011
Castaño PH015530011
Castaños Cerca PH042107003
Castaños Lejos PH042107004
Castellano PH034927004
Castellano PH064505009
Castilla PH083739013
Castillo PH023112012
Castillo PH036905008
Castillo PH041020016
Castillo PH051707005
Castillo PH060411010


Rosario PH013313000
San Juan PH013316000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Rizal PH034923000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Tudela PH104216000
Umingan PH015544000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Merida PH083736000
Llanera PH034915000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Dauin PH074609000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Mallig PH023119000
Anao PH036901000
Gubat PH056208000
Consolacion PH072219000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Salcedo PH082619000
Villaba PH083751000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Bacarra PH012802000
Pola PH175210000
Oas PH050512000
Dimiao PH071220000
Tagoloan PH104324000
Amulung PH021504000
Amulung PH021504000
Irosin PH056209000
Pakil PH043420000
Calubian PH083713000
San Clemente PH036913000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Libacao PH060409000
Laua-An PH060609000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Pamplona PH021518000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Guimba PH034911000
Virac PH052011000
Monkayo PH118207000
San Julian PH082620000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Castanas Sariaya PH045645000
Castano Pozorrubio PH015530000
Castanos Cerca General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Castanos Lejos General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Calatrava PH064505000
Palo PH083739000
Echague PH023112000
Concepcion PH036905000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Cabusao PH051707000
Makato PH060411000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Castillo PH060617004
Castillo PH166816007
Castillo (Pob.) PH045625019
Castillo (Pob.) PH045634025
Castillo Village PH025010027
Castor PH063044017
Castro PH013319002
Castuli PH035410004
Casugad PH051706005
Casuguran PH045621002
Casuguran PH082609017
Casul PH104213006
Casulog PH104322019
Casulucan PH034929007
Casulucan Este PH034930018
Casuna PH051736004
Casuntingan PH072230009
Casuntingan PH083730005
Casuray PH051720005
Casusan PH104201006
Cat-iwing PH086404012
Cata-an PH063040017
Catabaguangan PH051602005
Cataban PH071243009
Cataban PH175320010
Catabana PH060410007
Catabangan Proper PH051730017
Catabayungan PH023106008
Catabban PH023105005
Catablan PH015546015
Catablingan PH045617004
Catabunan PH086003045
Catacdegan Nuevo PH140116014
Catacdegan Viejo PH140116002
Catacte PH031406006
Catadman PH086002012
Catadman PH166724018
Catadman PH168501002
Catadman-Manabay PH104210013
Catadman (Pob.) PH175310006
Catagan PH104215011
Catagbacan PH051715008
Catagbacan PH052008013
Catagbacan PH083710017
Catagbacan PH083751012
Catagbacan Handig PH071230029
Catagbacan Norte PH071230030
Catagbacan Sur PH071230031
Catagda-an PH071234008
Cataggaman Nuevo PH021529021
Cataggaman Pardo PH021529041
Cataggaman Viejo PH021529022
Catagman PH112317009
Catagtaguen PH012811009
Catagudingan PH036913005
Cataguing PH023131008
Cataguingtingan PH013313013
Catagupan PH175304006
Catalanacan PH034917008
Cataliganan PH021517009


Tibiao PH060617000
San Miguel PH166816000
Macalelon PH045625000
Pitogo PH045634000
Kayapa PH025010000
Sara PH063044000
Sudipen PH013319000
Macabebe PH035410000
Bula PH051706000
Jomalig PH045621000
Guiuan PH082609000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Salay PH104322000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Talavera PH034930000
Tigaon PH051736000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Macarthur PH083730000
Magarao PH051720000
Aloran PH104201000
Hinundayan PH086404000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Capalonga PH051602000
Talibon PH071243000
Taytay PH175320000
Madalag PH060410000
Ragay PH051730000
Cabagan PH023106000
Burgos PH023105000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
General Nakar PH045617000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Manabo PH140116000
Manabo PH140116000
Bustos PH031406000
Basey PH086002000
Surigao City PH166724000
Basilisa PH168501000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Cuyo PH175310000
Tangub City PH104215000
Goa PH051715000
San Andres PH052008000
Burauen PH083710000
Villaba PH083751000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Pilar PH071234000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Banna PH012811000
San Clemente PH036913000
San Mariano PH023131000
Rosario PH013313000
Balabac PH175304000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Lasam PH021517000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Catalina PH023108023
Catalina PH086009008
Catalotoan PH051731005
Catalotoan PH051733008
Catalunan Grande PH112402030
Catalunan Pequeño PH112402031
Catamban PH052006006
Catamboan PH076102015
Catamboan (Pob.) PH076103005
Catambungan PH045620023
Catamlangan PH056213013
Catan-agan PH086020021
Catan-Agan PH063039009
Catanagan PH056210010
Catandaan PH041019021
Catandala PH041005016
Catandala PH041010005
Catandog 1 PH083719010
Catandog 2 PH083719011
Catandunganon PH051607010
Catang PH072205018
Catanghalan PH031414002
Catangnan PH166710003
Catangraran PH012822007
Cataning PH030803005
Cataning (Pob.) PH030805007
Catanusan PH051722006
Catanusan PH056210011
Cataogan (Pob.) PH084811006
Cataratan PH021503009
Catarataraan PH015527030
Catarauan PH021504019
Catarauan PH021520018
Catarawan PH025009027
Catarman PH071219004
Catarman PH072220004
Catarman PH072227003
Catarman PH104212006
Catato Pob. (Dist. I) PH086010010
Catayagan PH012925011
Catayauan PH021516011
Cataydongan PH086014005
Catayungan PH175110019
Catbangen PH013314022
Catbawan PH086411006
Catburawan PH050508020
Catdongan PH013316014
Catengan PH144403006
Catep PH175311005
Caterman PH012906018
Cathedral Falls PH103505012
Catibac PH101801004
Caticlan PH060412005
Caticugan PH076106020
Caticugan PH086017010
Caticugan PH074619009
Catig PH063017019
Catig PH086406023
Catigahan PH083740012
Catigan PH112402032


City of Cauayan PH023108000

Jiabong PH086009000
Sagñay PH051731000
San Jose PH051733000
Davao City PH112402000
Catalunan Pequeno Davao City PH112402000
Pandan PH052006000
Larena PH076102000
Lazi PH076103000
Infanta PH045620000
Pilar PH056213000
Tarangnan PH086020000
San Enrique PH063039000
Juban PH056210000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ibaan PH041010000
Hilongos PH083719000
Hilongos PH083719000
Mercedes PH051607000
Argao PH072205000
Obando PH031414000
General Luna PH166710000
Solsona PH012822000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Hermosa PH030805000
Minalabac PH051722000
Juban PH056210000
Lavezares PH084811000
Allacapan PH021503000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Amulung PH021504000
Piat PH021520000
Kasibu PH025009000
Dauis PH071219000
Cordova PH072220000
Liloan PH072227000
Plaridel PH104212000
Marabut PH086010000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
San Jose PH175110000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Pintuyan PH086411000
City of Ligao PH050508000
San Juan PH013316000
Besao PH144403000
Dumaran PH175311000
City of Candon PH012906000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Catarman PH101801000
Malay PH060412000
Siquijor PH076106000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Siaton PH074619000
Dueñas PH063017000
Liloan PH086406000
Palompon PH083740000
Davao City PH112402000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Catigawan PH086013008
Catigbian PH071209017
Catigbian PH083748021
Catigbian PH084808023
Catimon PH034911021
Catiningan PH175214006
Catioan PH051602006
Catipan PH098307008
Catiringan PH063021017
Catituan PH098308006
Catlubong PH141105009
Catmon PH031410021
Catmon PH031423006
Catmon PH041023011
Catmon PH060401003
Catmon PH060616018
Catmon PH071222011
Catmon PH083738015
Catmon PH083745005
Catmon PH083748022
Catmon PH086402007
Catmon PH086412008
Catmon PH086416003
Catmon PH087808007
Catmon PH137502004
Catmonan PH071210012
Catmonan (Pob.) PH083718026
Catmondaan PH072216011
Catmonon PH160303006
Cato PH015520005
Cato PH021528012
Cato-ogan PH060607014
Cato-ogan PH063037011
Catohugan PH101803004
Catol PH037103003
Catolohan PH072222009
Catomag PH050504010
Catoogan PH071244003
Catoogan PH083744004
Catoogan PH086402008
Catorse De Agosto PH086007096
Catoto-ogan PH084810007
Catotoran Norte PH021510010
Catotoran Sur PH021510027
Cattaran PH021527010
Cattubo PH141101003
Catubig PH063004009
Catublian PH086403011
Catubugan PH174001022
Catucdaan PH012905011
Catuday PH015514005
Catug-a PH071247013
Catugan PH021516012
Catugasan PH071220017
Catugasan PH071227006
Catugay PH021506018
Catulayan PH076105005
Catulin PH045605011
Catulinan PH031403004
Catumbalon PH101321005


Pinabacdao PH086013000
Buenavista PH071209000
Tanauan PH083748000
Laoang PH084808000
Guimba PH034911000
Socorro PH175214000
Capalonga PH051602000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Igbaras PH063021000
Malangas PH098308000
Buguias PH141105000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Santa Maria PH031423000
San Juan PH041023000
Altavas PH060401000
Sibalom PH060616000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Tabango PH083745000
Tanauan PH083748000
Bontoc PH086402000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Silago PH086416000
Naval PH087808000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Calape PH071210000
Dulag PH083718000
Catmon PH072216000
Esperanza PH160303000
Infanta PH015520000
Tuao PH021528000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Pototan PH063037000
Mahinog PH101803000
Candelaria PH037103000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Trinidad PH071244000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Bontoc PH086402000
Gandara PH086007000
Las Navas PH084810000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Solana PH021527000
Atok PH141101000
Badiangan PH063004000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Boac PH174001000
Cabugao PH012905000
Bolinao PH015514000
Valencia PH071247000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Dimiao PH071220000
Lila PH071227000
Baggao PH021506000
San Juan PH076105000
Buenavista PH045605000
Baliuag PH031403000
City of Valencia PH101321000


Samar PH086000000 Region VIII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Catumbo PH045610016
Catumsan PH082601013
Catungan I PH060616019
Catungan II PH060616020
Catungan III PH060616021
Catungan IV PH060616022
Catungawan Norte PH071223011
Catungawan Sur PH071223010
Catungi PH015514006
Caturay PH015511025
Caturay PH036906012
Caturay Norte PH015527031
Caturay Sur PH015527032
Catuyan PH097220007
Catwiran I PH175201005
Catwiran II PH175201006
Cau-ayan PH063037012
Cauayan PH025015003
Caub PH166708008
Caubang PH086411007
Caubian PH072226011
Caucab PH087801001
Caudillo PH034903026
Caugbusan PH086007028
Caulangohan (Marevil) PH087804010
Caulayanan PH086012017
Caulisihan PH083721005
Caunayan PH012815006
Caunayan (Pob.) PH012805017
Caupasan (Pob.) PH140106004
Cauplasan PH015539006
Caurasan PH072215005
Caurdanetaan PH015544019
Cauringan PH015541015
Causi PH086413016
Causip PH051706006
Causwagan PH083730006
Causwagan PH097206007
Causwagan PH112502004
Causwagan PH160311002
Causwagan PH166801006
Causwagan Norte PH071213011
Causwagan Sur PH071237011
Caut PH036907004
Cautod (Pob.) PH086016009
Cauyan PH037108004
Cauyonan PH104321005
Cavasi PH050508021
Caviernesan PH015527033
Cavinitan PH052011015
Cavinte PH104210014
Cavite PH034911022
Cavite PH063030032
Cavite PH083702018
Cavite East (Pob.) PH083739021
Cavite West (Pob.) PH083739022
Caw-i PH063009012
Caw-oy PH072226009
Cawa PH045605012
Cawa-cawa (Pob.) PH097201050


Catanauan PH045610000
Arteche PH082601000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
Guindulman PH071223000
Guindulman PH071223000
Bolinao PH015514000
Bayambang PH015511000
Gerona PH036906000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Sirawai PH097220000
Baco PH175201000
Baco PH175201000
Pototan PH063037000
Alfonso Castaneda PH025015000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Almeria PH087801000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Gandara PH086007000
Caibiran PH087804000
Motiong PH086012000
Inopacan PH083721000
Pagudpud PH012815000
City of Batac PH012805000
Danglas PH140106000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Carmen PH072215000
Umingan PH015544000
Sison PH015541000
San Francisco PH086413000
Bula PH051706000
Macarthur PH083730000
Liloy PH097206000
Banaybanay PH112502000
Talacogon PH160311000
Barobo PH166801000
Catigbian PH071213000
San Isidro PH071237000
La Paz PH036907000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Palauig PH037108000
Opol PH104321000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Virac PH052011000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Guimba PH034911000
Miagao PH063030000
Alangalang PH083702000
Palo PH083739000
Palo PH083739000
Batad PH063009000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Buenavista PH045605000
Dapitan City PH097201000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cawacagan PH051703005
Cawag PH037114011
Cawag PH071209018
Cawag PH112317010
Cawagayan PH143209012
Cawayan PH035413006
Cawayan PH045619017
Cawayan PH045622022
Cawayan PH045638003
Cawayan PH050501013
Cawayan PH050511007
Cawayan PH051718022
Cawayan PH054107006
Cawayan PH056209009
Cawayan PH060415002
Cawayan PH063014019
Cawayan PH071224014
Cawayan PH072222010
Cawayan PH084805011
Cawayan PH086005015
Cawayan PH086022014
Cawayan PH086405003
Cawayan PH086418009
Cawayan PH101305004
Cawayan PH101310009
Cawayan PH101317007
Cawayan PH112402033
Cawayan PH140113003
Cawayan PH142711004
Cawayan PH153616025
Cawayan PH175203006
Cawayan PH175911008
Cawayan Bacolod PH153616005
Cawayan Bogtong PH015524029
Cawayan Bugtong PH034911023
Cawayan Exterior PH054111012
Cawayan I PH045642004
Cawayan II PH045642005
Cawayan Interior PH054111013
Cawayan Kalaw PH153616035
Cawayan Linuk PH153616040
Cawayanan PH063030033
Cawayanan PH071231009
Cawayanan PH071245010
Cawayanan PH086402009
Cawayanan PH112503003
Cawayanin PH045622023
Cawayanin PH045634007
Cawayanin Ibaba PH045610017
Cawayanin Ilaya PH045610018
Cawaynan PH051737015
Cawaynin PH045620024
Cawhagan PH072226010
Cawilan PH098314005
Cawilan PH166725004
Cawilan PH166727002
Cawilihan PH063028037
Cawilihan PH124717002
Cawit PH041029008
Cawit PH050511008


Bato PH051703000
Subic PH037114000
Buenavista PH071209000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Mexico PH035413000
Gumaca PH045619000
Lopez PH045622000
Real PH045638000
Bacacay PH050501000
Manito PH050511000
Libmanan PH051718000
Claveria PH054107000
Irosin PH056209000
New Washington PH060415000
Carles PH063014000
Inabanga PH071224000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Catarman PH084805000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Paranas PH086022000
Libagon PH086405000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Lantapan PH101310000
Quezon PH101317000
Davao City PH112402000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Asipulo PH142711000
Marantao PH153616000
Bongabong PH175203000
San Agustin PH175911000
Marantao PH153616000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Guimba PH034911000
City of Masbate PH054111000
San Francisco PH045642000
San Francisco PH045642000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
Miagao PH063030000
Mabini PH071231000
Tubigon PH071245000
Bontoc PH086402000
Boston PH112503000
Lopez PH045622000
Pitogo PH045634000
Catanauan PH045610000
Catanauan PH045610000
Tinambac PH051737000
Infanta PH045620000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Talusan PH098314000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Tubod PH166727000
Leon PH063028000
Aleosan PH124717000
Taal PH041029000
Manito PH050511000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cawit PH056205005
Cawit PH072236002
Cawit PH097332022
Cawit PH174001023
Cawit-cawit PH097216003
Cawit Extension PH056211017
Cawit Proper PH056211018
Cawitan PH074618009
Cawongan PH041020017
Cay Pombo PH031423007
Cayabon PH054112008
Cayabu PH045812001
Cayacay PH071202004
Cayaga PH101318004
Cayagan PH153629011
Cayale PH166818010
Cayam PH071222012
Cayambanan PH015546016
Cayamcam PH098316002
Cayan Este PH063025027
Cayan Oeste PH063025028
Cayang PH072211008
Cayanga PH015515008
Cayanga PH015533010
Cayanga PH036910012
Cayangwan PH060411011
Cayaoan PH036903021
Cayapa PH140110004
Cayapes PH141108004
Cayaponga PH118602013
Cayare (West Poblacion) PH083743023
Cayasan PH036903022
Cayawan PH112508002
Cayawan PH166715005
Caybago PH086003047
Caybunga PH041003021
Cayetano PH168503022
Cayhagan PH064527010
Cayogcog PH051702006
Cayontor PH103507003
Cayos PH063018016
Cayponce PH041003022
Caysasay PH041029009
Caysio PH031423008
Cayubog PH012816005
Cayucay PH015503011
Cayucyucan PH051607011
Cayungnan PH015501006
Cayupo PH071227007
Cayus PH012915002
Cayus PH061911005
Cebole PH101317002
Cebolin PH160312014
Ceboneg PH097302018
Ceboza PH112410008
Cebu PH023129002
Cebuana PH083707009
Cebuano PH126317004
Cebuano Group PH153630009
Cebulan PH160303034


Casiguran PH056205000
Pilar PH072236000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Boac PH174001000
Sibuco PH097216000
Magallanes PH056211000
Magallanes PH056211000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Milagros PH054112000
Tanay PH045812000
Alicia PH071202000
San Fernando PH101318000
Tugaya PH153629000
Tago PH166818000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Tungawan PH098316000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lambunao PH063025000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Bugallon PH015515000
San Fabian PH015533000
Paniqui PH036910000
Makato PH060411000
Camiling PH036903000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Kapangan PH141108000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
San Miguel PH083743000
Camiling PH036903000
Manay PH112508000
Malimono PH166715000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Balayan PH041003000
Dinagat PH168503000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Balatan PH051702000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Dumangas PH063018000
Balayan PH041003000
Taal PH041029000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Paoay PH012816000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Mercedes PH051607000
Agno PH015501000
Lila PH071227000
Quirino PH012915000
Pilar PH061911000
Quezon PH101317000
Trento PH160312000
Aurora PH097302000
Matanao PH112410000
San Isidro PH023129000
Bato PH083707000
Tupi PH126317000
Wao PH153630000
Esperanza PH160303000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cebulano PH112303005
Cebulida PH118202004
Cebulin PH104212007
Cecilia PH160309010
Celestino Villacin PH064504013
Celing PH071204010
Cembo PH137602003
Central PH030803006
Central PH036916027
Central PH063001008
Central PH137404020
Central PH175110020
Central (Pob.) PH037111019
Central (Pob.) PH045635008
Central (Pob.) PH056204002
Central (Pob.) PH056205006
Central (Pob.) PH072217022
Central (Pob.) PH082601014
Central (Pob.) PH086003048
Central (Pob.) PH086021026
Central (Pob.) PH086413003
Central (Pob.) PH097202012
Central (Pob.) PH112501008
Central (Pob.) PH112508003
Central (Pob.) PH112509005
Central (Pob.) PH112511002
Central (Pob.) PH166717007
Central 1 (Pob.) PH083740030
Central 2 (Pob.) PH083740031
Central Barangay (Pob.) PH083719028
Central Barangay 2 (Pob.) PH056207010
Central Bicutan PH137607019
Central Bulanan PH124709010
Central East (Pob.) PH013307014
Central East No. 1 (Pob.) PH013306025
Central East No. 2 (Pob.) PH013306026
Central Glad PH124709012
Central Katingawan PH124709017
Central Labas PH124709020
Central Malamote PH124708006
Central Panatan PH124711011
Central Poblacion PH072234006
Central Signal Village (Signal Village) PH137607013
Central Tabao PH064530006
Central West (Pob.) PH013307015
Central West No. 1 (Pob.) PH013306027
Central West No. 2 (Pob.) PH013306028
Central West No. 3 (Pob.) PH013306029
Centrala PH126313003
Centro PH021504020
Centro PH023136019
Centro PH054110009
Centro PH054121010
Centro PH061902006
Centro - San Antonio PH023114079
Centro (Pob.) PH021501007
Centro (Pob.) PH021508005
Centro (Pob.) PH021516013
Centro (Pob.) PH021518009
Centro (Pob.) PH021519011


Carmen PH112303000
Laak PH118202000
Plaridel PH104212000
San Luis PH160309000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Antequera PH071204000
City of Makati PH137602000
City of Balanga PH030803000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Ajuy PH063001000
Quezon City PH137404000
San Jose PH175110000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Plaridel PH045635000
Bulusan PH056204000
Casiguran PH056205000
Cebu City PH072217000
Arteche PH082601000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Villareal PH086021000
San Francisco PH086413000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Baganga PH112501000
Manay PH112508000
City of Mati PH112509000
Tarragona PH112511000
Placer PH166717000
Palompon PH083740000
Palompon PH083740000
Hilongos PH083719000
Donsol PH056207000
Taguig City PH137607000
Midsayap PH124709000
Bauang PH013307000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Midsayap PH124709000
Midsayap PH124709000
Midsayap PH124709000
Matalam PH124708000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
City of Naga PH072234000
Taguig City PH137607000
Valladolid PH064530000
Bauang PH013307000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Surallah PH126313000
Amulung PH021504000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Mandaon PH054110000
Uson PH054121000
Dao PH061902000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Abulug PH021501000
Buguey PH021508000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Pamplona PH021518000
Peñablanca PH021519000


Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI

Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Centro (Pob.) PH021523003

Centro (Pob.) PH023106018
Centro (Pob.) PH023107004
Centro (Pob.) PH054111014
Centro (Pob.) PH071245011
Centro (Pob.) PH072230010
Centro (Pob.) PH166716009
Centro (San Juan) PH112402179
Centro 1 (Pob.) PH021505005
Centro 1 (Pob.) PH021529005
Centro 1 (Pob.) PH023116002
Centro 1 (Pob.) PH023128004
Centro 10 (Pob.) PH021505014
Centro 10 (Pob.) PH021529013
Centro 11 (Pob.) PH021505015
Centro 11 (Pob.) PH021529014
Centro 12 (Pob.) PH021505016
Centro 12 (Pob.) PH021529037
Centro 13 (Pob.) PH021505017
Centro 14 (Pob.) PH021505018
Centro 15 (Pob.) PH021505023
Centro 2 (Pob.) PH021505006
Centro 2 (Pob.) PH021529035
Centro 2 (Pob.) PH023116003
Centro 2 (Pob.) PH023128005
Centro 3 (Pob.) PH021505007
Centro 3 (Pob.) PH021529036
Centro 3 (Pob.) PH023116004
Centro 4 (Pob.) PH021505008
Centro 4 (Pob.) PH021529006
Centro 5 (Pob.) PH021505009
Centro 5 (Pob.) PH021529007
Centro 6 (Pob.) PH021505010
Centro 6 (Pob.) PH021529008
Centro 7 (Pob.) PH021505011
Centro 7 (Pob.) PH021529009
Centro 8 (Pob.) PH021505012
Centro 8 (Pob.) PH021529010
Centro 9 (Pob.) PH021505013
Centro 9 (Pob.) PH021529011
Centro East (Pob.) PH021503010
Centro East (Pob.) PH021507008
Centro East (Pob.) PH021525003
Centro East (Pob.) PH023135013
Centro Este (Pob.) PH060610013
Centro Hulpa (Pob.) PH104216011
Centro I (Pob.) PH021511008
Centro I (Pob.) PH021517021
Centro I (Pob.) PH021522003
Centro I (Pob.) PH021524003
Centro I (Pob.) PH023102017
Centro I (Pob.) PH023119004
Centro I (Pob.) PH030809016
Centro II PH021509010
Centro II (Pob.) PH021511009
Centro II (Pob.) PH021517031
Centro II (Pob.) PH021522004
Centro II (Pob.) PH021524004
Centro II (Pob.) PH023102018
Centro II (Pob.) PH023119009


Santa Ana PH021523000

Cabagan PH023106000
Cabatuan PH023107000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Tubigon PH071245000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Pilar PH166716000
Davao City PH112402000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Luna PH023116000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Aparri PH021505000
Aparri PH021505000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Luna PH023116000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Luna PH023116000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Aparri PH021505000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Allacapan PH021503000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Libertad PH060610000
Tudela PH104216000
Claveria PH021511000
Lasam PH021517000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Santa Praxedes PH021524000
Angadanan PH023102000
Mallig PH023119000
Orani PH030809000
Calayan PH021509000
Claveria PH021511000
Lasam PH021517000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Santa Praxedes PH021524000
Angadanan PH023102000
Mallig PH023119000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Centro II (Pob.) PH030809006

Centro III PH021511033
Centro III (Pob.) PH021517032
Centro III (Pob.) PH023102019
Centro Ilawod (Pob.) PH060604018
Centro Ilaya (Pob.) PH060604019
Centro IV (Nangasangan) PH021511021
Centro Napu (Pob.) PH104216012
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH021502010
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH021510011
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH021513020
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH021526010
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH060606032
Centro Norte (Pob.) PH060611026
Centro Northeast (Pob.) PH021527011
Centro Northwest (Pob.) PH021527012
Centro Occidental (Pob.) PH050514013
Centro Oriental (Pob.) PH050514014
Centro Poblacion PH023114100
Centro Poblacion PH050512020
Centro Poblacion PH060606031
Centro Pojo (Pob.) PH060604020
Centro Southeast (Pob.) PH021527013
Centro Southwest (Pob.) PH021527014
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH021502011
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH021510012
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH021513021
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH021526011
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH060606033
Centro Sur (Pob.) PH060611011
Centro Toma PH015508007
Centro Upper (Pob.) PH104216013
Centro V (Mina) PH021511034
Centro VI (Minanga) PH021511019
Centro VII (Malasin East) PH021511017
Centro VIII (Malasin West) PH021511035
Centro West PH021508006
Centro West PH021525015
Centro West (Pob.) PH021503011
Centro West (Pob.) PH021507009
Centro West (Pob.) PH023135014
Centro Weste (Pob.) PH060610014
Cepres PH050514015
Cerdeña (Ansan) PH072229005
Cerrudo PH060403004
Cervantes PH084805012
Cervantes PH064509006
Chalalo PH142708004
Chambery PH064518001
Chanarian PH020901005
Chansvilla PH084811007
Charito PH160301002
Chavayan PH020905001
Chaya PH142706010
Cheey PH175307004
Chico Island PH054106031
Chimenea PH054105007
China Town (Pob.) PH153615021
Chinese Pier PH156602004
Chitongco (Pob.) PH084813006


Orani PH030809000
Claveria PH021511000
Lasam PH021517000
Angadanan PH023102000
Bugasong PH060604000
Bugasong PH060604000
Claveria PH021511000
Tudela PH104216000
Alcala PH021502000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Gattaran PH021513000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Culasi PH060606000
Pandan PH060611000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Polangui PH050514000
Polangui PH050514000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Oas PH050512000
Culasi PH060606000
Bugasong PH060604000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Alcala PH021502000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Gattaran PH021513000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Culasi PH060606000
Pandan PH060611000
Bani PH015508000
Tudela PH104216000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
Claveria PH021511000
Buguey PH021508000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Allacapan PH021503000
Ballesteros PH021507000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Libertad PH060610000
Polangui PH050514000
Cerdena (Ansan) Malabuyoc PH072229000
Banga PH060403000
Catarman PH084805000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Manapla PH064518000
Basco PH020901000
Lavezares PH084811000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Sabtang PH020905000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Busuanga PH175307000
Cawayan PH054106000
Cataingan PH054105000
Malabang PH153615000
Jolo PH156602000
Mondragon PH084813000


Bataan PH030800000 Region III

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Christian Village PH153630010

Christiannuevo PH126506006
Chrysanthemum PH043425023
Chua PH126501012
Chumang PH142706011
Chupac PH144401001
Ciabo PH083708089
Cigaras PH043415011
Cili PH015512007
Cinco PH086005016
Cinco PH086016014
Cinco-Cinco PH034903024
Cinco (Barrio 5) PH126302005
Cinense PH034931007
Ciriaco C. Pastrano (Nilabo) PH104209027
Citrus PH031420012
City Camp Central PH141102022
City Camp Proper PH141102023
City Heights PH126303034
City Supermarket (Pob.) PH034903025
Ciudad Real PH031420022
Clarin PH104212008
Clarin Settlement PH104209009
Claro PH137404021
Claro Cortez PH160301032
Claro M. Recto PH035401005
Claro M. Recto PH103512003
Claro M. Recto PH175916003
Claro M. Recto (Lobedico) PH084806020
Claudio Salgado PH175109004
Clavera PH072213010
Clib PH112404005
Clib PH112414004
Coalicion PH160309003
Cobangbang (Carumpit) PH051603008
Cobo PH050517015
Cobo PH052006007
Cobol PH015532029
Cobrador (Naguso) PH175910023
Cochero PH063022035
Cocob PH097223002
Cocok-Cabitan PH056203018
Cocornon PH112507008
Cocoro PH175314004
Codcod PH064524004
Codingle PH061904016
Codiong PH060610004
Codon PH052008014
Codoog PH012914011
Cofcaville PH025704008
Cofradia PH031410056
Cogon PH056204003
Cogon PH056205010
Cogon PH056206009
Cogon PH056208015
Cogon PH056209010
Cogon PH056210012
Cogon PH060408005
Cogon PH060412006
Cogon PH060413006


Wao PH153630000
Lebak PH126506000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Barlig PH144401000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Magdalena PH043415000
Binalonan PH015512000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Banga PH126302000
Talugtug PH034931000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
General Santos City PH126303000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Plaridel PH104212000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Quezon City PH137404000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Angeles City PH035401000
Maigo PH103512000
Ferrol PH175916000
Catubig PH084806000
Sablayan PH175109000
Borbon PH072213000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Sulop PH112414000
San Luis PH160309000
Daet PH051603000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Pandan PH052006000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Romblon PH175910000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Gutalac PH097223000
Bulan PH056203000
Lupon PH112507000
Magsaysay PH175314000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Dumarao PH061904000
Libertad PH060610000
San Andres PH052008000
Narvacan PH012914000
Maddela PH025704000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Bulusan PH056204000
Casiguran PH056205000
Castilla PH056206000
Gubat PH056208000
Irosin PH056209000
Juban PH056210000
Lezo PH060408000
Malay PH060412000
Malinao PH060413000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cogon PH061909021
Cogon PH061910013
Cogon PH061914023
Cogon PH061916006
Cogon PH071206011
Cogon PH071224015
Cogon PH071227008
Cogon PH071242004
Cogon PH072218007
Cogon PH072220005
Cogon PH072224019
Cogon PH072234007
Cogon PH072252017
Cogon PH082609018
Cogon PH083702019
Cogon PH083708093
Cogon PH083715014
Cogon PH083728013
Cogon PH083748023
Cogon PH086002013
Cogon PH086003049
Cogon PH086401015
Cogon PH086411008
Cogon PH097202001
Cogon PH097341002
Cogon PH104210015
Cogon PH104302010
Cogon PH104307006
Cogon PH104309004
Cogon PH112317011
Cogon PH112403005
Cogon PH140125007
Cogon-Bacaca PH112406009
Cogon-Cruz PH072223011
Cogon (Cogon San Joaquin) PH083739014
Cogon (Pob.) PH072211001
Cogon (Talicod) PH112317012
Cogon Combado PH083738016
Cogon East PH072215009
Cogon Norte (Pob.) PH071230036
Cogon Pardo PH072217024
Cogon Ramos (Pob.) PH072217023
Cogon Sur PH071230037
Cogon West PH072215021
Cogonan PH097312008
Cogonon PH118210004
Cogorin Ibaba PH045622024
Cogorin Ilaya PH045622025
Cogtong PH071211008
Cogtoto-og PH086025006
Coguit PH051702007
Cogunan PH041019024
Cojuangco (Pob.) PH034928001
Colab-og PH084823004
Colabaoan PH140122005
Colacling (Del Rosario) PH051719016
Colalo PH141111005
Colambis PH056205007
Colambugan PH101315005
Colase PH072240007


Panay PH061909000
Panitan PH061910000
Roxas City PH061914000
Sigma PH061916000
Balilihan PH071206000
Inabanga PH071224000
Lila PH071227000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Compostela PH072218000
Cordova PH072220000
Dumanjug PH072224000
City of Naga PH072234000
Tuburan PH072252000
Guiuan PH082609000
Alangalang PH083702000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Carigara PH083715000
La Paz PH083728000
Tanauan PH083748000
Basey PH086002000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Anahawan PH086401000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Balingasag PH104302000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Gitagum PH104309000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
City of Digos PH112403000
Tineg PH140125000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Danao City PH072223000
Palo PH083739000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Carmen PH072215000
Loon PH071230000
Cebu City PH072217000
Cebu City PH072217000
Loon PH071230000
Carmen PH072215000
Labangan PH097312000
New Bataan PH118210000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Candijay PH071211000
San Jorge PH086025000
Balatan PH051702000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Victoria PH084823000
San Juan PH140122000
Lupi PH051719000
Mankayan PH141111000
Casiguran PH056205000
Maramag PH101315000
Samboan PH072240000


Capiz PH061900000 Region VI

Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Colasi PH051607012
Colawen PH083741009
Colawin PH072205019
Colawingon PH101320004
Colayo PH015508008
Colayo PH143208007
Coldit PH015506011
Coleto PH166803006
Colgante PH035402007
Coliat PH041010006
Coliat PH050512021
Colibangbang PH036910013
Coliling PH015531013
Coliling PH015532030
Coline PH063002020
Coline-Dalag PH063002021
Colisao PH015533028
Collado PH034930019
Collago PH140111004
Collat PH037106004
Colo PH012805019
Colo PH030804007
Colobe (Tagadtal) PH126509033
Coloconto PH041023012
Colojo PH097338003
Colon PH072234008
Colon PH128004003
Colong-colong PH045646010
Colongan PH041021010
Colongcogong PH051711009
Colongcolong PH060406013
Colongcolong PH175906003
Colongulo PH126313004
Colonia PH072252018
Colonia PH101321006
Colonia PH150702020
Colonia Divina PH064523007
Colonsabak PH112410009
Coloong PH137504009
Colorado PH023128006
Colorado PH112403006
Colorado PH160205005
Coloran PH098313011
Colosas PH112402034
Colosboa PH034906015
Coloyan Tambo PH153607016
Colubot PH036914001
Columbia PH012823015
Columbitin PH034906016
Columbus PH168501003
Colunguan PH023136020
Colupan Alto PH104214004
Colupan Bajo PH104214005
Colvo PH041006012
Comaang PH071214012
Comadaycaday PH051712004
Comadogcadog PH051712007
Comagascas PH160203012
Comagaycay PH052008015
Comaguingking PH051708014


Mercedes PH051607000
Pastrana PH083741000
Argao PH072205000
Talakag PH101320000
Bani PH015508000
Pasil PH143208000
Asingan PH015506000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Apalit PH035402000
Ibaan PH041010000
Oas PH050512000
Paniqui PH036910000
Rosales PH015531000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Alimodian PH063002000
Alimodian PH063002000
San Fabian PH015533000
Talavera PH034930000
Lagayan PH140111000
Masinloc PH037106000
City of Batac PH012805000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Palimbang PH126509000
San Juan PH041023000
Pitogo PH097338000
City of Naga PH072234000
Maasim PH128004000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Rosario PH041021000
Caramoan PH051711000
Ibajay PH060406000
Corcuera PH175906000
Surallah PH126313000
Tuburan PH072252000
City of Valencia PH101321000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Sagay City PH064523000
Matanao PH112410000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
San Guillermo PH023128000
City of Digos PH112403000
Jabonga PH160205000
Siay PH098313000
Davao City PH112402000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Butig PH153607000
San Manuel PH036914000
Vintar PH012823000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Basilisa PH168501000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Bauan PH041006000
Clarin PH071214000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Del Gallego PH051712000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
San Andres PH052008000
Calabanga PH051708000


Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Comapo-capo PH056213014
Comara PH153637005
Comatin PH083724010
Comawas PH166803025
Combado PH072248006
Combado PH086407066
Combado PH074603006
Combis PH083701023
Combis (Pob.) PH083718027
Combo PH097312026
Combot PH175914002
Comcomloong PH012808005
Comembo PH137602004
Cometa PH045634003
Cometa PH045637005
Comillas PH036907005
Comillas North PH012908002
Comillas South PH012908003
Comitang PH034929008
Commercial (Pob.) PH034902005
Commonwealth PH084816010
Commonwealth PH097302019
Commonwealth PH137404022
Communal PH025013021
Communal PH034903027
Communal PH097206008
Communal PH112402035
Comon PH025002006
Comon PH045620018
Comon PH050517016
Comonal PH153625008
Comota PH160304002
Compania PH023137015
Compania PH063022036
Compayan PH063018017
Compo PH063039008
Compol PH101801005
Compostela PH072203001
Compostela PH098302005
Compra PH097206009
Comun PH050502013
Comun PH050510010
Comunal PH175205019
Conacon PH097303008
Conalum PH072205020
Conalum PH083721006
Conant PH086021007
Conat PH104201007
Conaynay PH063043032
Concepcion PH012910003
Concepcion PH013313014
Concepcion PH015544020
Concepcion PH021504021
Concepcion PH023116005
Concepcion PH023118009
Concepcion PH031403005
Concepcion PH034904004
Concepcion PH034910002
Concepcion PH034929009
Concepcion PH034932004


Pilar PH056213000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Javier PH083724000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Tabogon PH072248000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Bacong PH074603000
Abuyog PH083701000
Dulag PH083718000
Labangan PH097312000
San Jose PH175914000
Currimao PH012808000
City of Makati PH137602000
Pitogo PH045634000
Quezon PH045637000
La Paz PH036907000
Cervantes PH012908000
Cervantes PH012908000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Bongabon PH034902000
Rosario PH084816000
Aurora PH097302000
Quezon City PH137404000
Solano PH025013000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Liloy PH097206000
Davao City PH112402000
Aritao PH025002000
Infanta PH045620000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Saguiaran PH153625000
La Paz PH160304000
Tumauini PH023137000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Dumangas PH063018000
San Enrique PH063039000
Catarman PH101801000
Alegria PH072203000
Buug PH098302000
Liloy PH097206000
Camalig PH050502000
Malinao PH050510000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Bayog PH097303000
Argao PH072205000
Inopacan PH083721000
Villareal PH086021000
Aloran PH104201000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Gregorio del Pilar PH012910000
Rosario PH013313000
Umingan PH015544000
Amulung PH021504000
Luna PH023116000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Baliuag PH031403000
Cabiao PH034904000
General Tinio PH034910000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Zaragoza PH034932000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Concepcion PH035404006
Concepcion PH035408006
Concepcion PH035413007
Concepcion PH035418001
Concepcion PH041002002
Concepcion PH041005017
Concepcion PH043413005
Concepcion PH043422006
Concepcion PH043424035
Concepcion PH045622026
Concepcion PH045627011
Concepcion PH045635002
Concepcion PH045803006
Concepcion PH051718023
Concepcion PH054101012
Concepcion PH054105008
Concepcion PH060603003
Concepcion PH061903001
Concepcion PH071218004
Concepcion PH071228008
Concepcion PH082601015
Concepcion PH083719012
Concepcion PH083738017
Concepcion PH086007029
Concepcion PH086022012
Concepcion PH086409010
Concepcion PH086417005
Concepcion PH097227003
Concepcion PH097324005
Concepcion PH097327005
Concepcion PH098301027
Concepcion PH101316005
Concepcion PH101321007
Concepcion PH103505014
Concepcion PH112301012
Concepcion PH112508004
Concepcion PH118202023
Concepcion PH118204006
Concepcion PH118206003
Concepcion PH118208007
Concepcion PH124707008
Concepcion PH137502005
Concepcion PH160203013
Concepcion PH160310010
Concepcion PH175102001
Concepcion PH175208013
Concepcion PH175215008
Concepcion PH175302003
Concepcion PH175307005
Concepcion PH175316013
Concepcion PH064528007
Concepcion PH074615009
Concepcion-Montes PH063022038
Concepcion (Balungis) PH098306009
Concepcion (Banlas) PH071231004
Concepcion (Bo. 6) PH126306006
Concepcion (Calalabangan) PH025013022
Concepcion (Pob.) PH012908004
Concepcion (Pob.) PH052011017
Concepcion Banahaw PH045645012


Bacolor PH035404000
Lubao PH035408000
Mexico PH035413000
San Simon PH035418000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lumban PH043413000
Pila PH043422000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Lopez PH045622000
Mauban PH045627000
Plaridel PH045635000
Baras PH045803000
Libmanan PH051718000
Aroroy PH054101000
Cataingan PH054105000
Belison PH060603000
Dumalag PH061903000
Danao PH071218000
Loay PH071228000
Arteche PH082601000
Hilongos PH083719000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Gandara PH086007000
Paranas PH086022000
Malitbog PH086409000
Sogod PH086417000
Kalawit PH097227000
San Miguel PH097324000
Tabina PH097327000
Alicia PH098301000
Pangantucan PH101316000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Asuncion PH112301000
Manay PH112508000
Laak PH118202000
Maco PH118204000
Mawab PH118206000
Montevista PH118208000
Makilala PH124707000
City of Malabon PH137502000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Santa Josefa PH160310000
Calintaan PH175102000
Naujan PH175208000
Victoria PH175215000
Agutaya PH175302000
Busuanga PH175307000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
City of Talisay PH064528000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Mabini PH071231000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Solano PH025013000
Cervantes PH012908000
Virac PH052011000
Sariaya PH045645000


Pampanga PH035400000 Region III

Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Concepcion Dos PH137402012

Concepcion Grande PH051724009
Concepcion No. 1 PH045645013
Concepcion Norte (Pob.) PH175917002
Concepcion Palasan PH045645014
Concepcion Pequeña PH051724010
Concepcion Pinagbakuran PH045645003
Concepcion Pob. (D.G. Abordo) PH063023049
Concepcion Sur PH175917003
Concepcion Uno PH137402003
Conchu (Lagundian) PH042122009
Conciencia PH061910014
Conconig East PH012925012
Conconig West PH012925013
Concord PH086008007
Concordia PH015516004
Concordia PH041002003
Concordia PH160303007
Concordia (Pob.) PH015514007
Concordia Norte PH067905004
Concordia Sur PH067903004
Condaraan Pob. (Condaraan Dimadap) PH153604012
Conde Itaas PH041005018
Conde Labak PH041005019
Condes PH060606017
Conel PH126303006
Congan PH128002009
Congbalay-Legaspi PH042111016
Conrazon PH175202004
Consing PH064508007
Consocep PH051736005
Consolabao PH086008006
Consolacion PH015546017
Consolacion PH061903002
Consolacion PH063041017
Consolacion PH072222011
Consolacion PH083722009
Consolacion PH086417006
Consolacion PH104305045
Consolacion PH112315006
Consolacion PH166707007
Consolacion PH166716012
Consolacion PH074604013
Consolacion (Pob.) PH013301004
Consorcia PH160207003
Constancia PH067904004
Constantino (Pob.) PH052011018
Consuegra PH013306009
Consuegra PH083729008
Consuelo PH034911024
Consuelo PH035406009
Consuelo PH035410005
Consuelo PH072242004
Consuelo PH104317008
Consuelo PH148107002
Consuelo PH160302002
Consuelo PH166710004
Consuelo PH166805007
Consuelo PH064513008
Consuelo Norte PH037111004


City of Marikina PH137402000

Naga City PH051724000
Sariaya PH045645000
Santa Maria PH175917000
Sariaya PH045645000
Concepcion Pequena Naga City PH051724000
Sariaya PH045645000
Janiuay PH063023000
Santa Maria PH175917000
City of Marikina PH137402000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Panitan PH061910000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Burgos PH015516000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Esperanza PH160303000
Bolinao PH015514000
Sibunag PH067905000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Bayang PH153604000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Culasi PH060606000
General Santos City PH126303000
Glan PH128002000
Kawit PH042111000
Bansud PH175202000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Tigaon PH051736000
Hinabangan PH086008000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Dumalag PH061903000
San Miguel PH063041000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Isabel PH083722000
Sogod PH086417000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Dapa PH166707000
Pilar PH166716000
Bais City PH074604000
Agoo PH013301000
Las Nieves PH160207000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Virac PH052011000
Bangar PH013306000
Leyte PH083729000
Guimba PH034911000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Macabebe PH035410000
San Francisco PH072242000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
Bunawan PH160302000
General Luna PH166710000
Cantilan PH166805000
Ilog PH064513000
San Marcelino PH037111000


NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Consuelo Sur (Pob.) PH037111005

Consular PH023102020
Convento (Pob.) PH175308003
Conversion PH034920004
Corahab PH153615022
Coral PH015528006
Coral PH036910014
Coral-Iloco PH036912001
Coral na Bato PH031422004
Coral Na Munti PH041001008
Coral Ni Bacal PH041007018
Coral Ni Lopez (Sugod) PH041007017
Coralan PH043427008
Coralao PH043416014
Corazon PH031407009
Corazon PH045641008
Corazon PH071238009
Corazon PH166710005
Corazon (Pob.) PH072216019
Corazon de Jesus PH036905009
Corazon De Jesus PH137405004
Corbada PH054118008
Cordero PH034916013
Cordon PH025009009
Cordova PH021504022
Cordova Norte PH063045028
Cordova Sur PH063045029
Coring PH168501004
Cormatan PH153604013
Cormatan PH153610003
Cormatan PH153619014
Cormatan Langban PH153611027
Cormidal PH050517017
Coro PH072222012
Coro-coro PH050518009
Corocawayan PH086018006
Coroconog PH084820004
Corocor PH012802009
Coron-coron PH056212016
Corona PH041033001
Corong-corong Pob. (Barangay 4) PH175312005
Coronobe PH118205008
Coronon PH112412003
Corot-on PH063025029
Corporacion PH112507009
Corrales PH104207004
Corrales PH104311003
Corregidor PH166707008
Corregidor Pob. (Bgy. 10) PH042108013
Corrooy PH013318002
Corte PH072215006
Corte Baud PH071226010
Cortes PH060402005
Cortes PH168501005
Corucuan PH063021016
Coscosnong PH012924014
Cosili East (Proper) PH140101009
Cosili West (Buaya) PH140101008
Cosina PH101320005
Costa Rica PH054104004


San Marcelino PH037111000

Angadanan PH023102000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Malabang PH153615000
Mapandan PH015528000
Paniqui PH036910000
Ramos PH036912000
San Rafael PH031422000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Calaca PH041007000
Calaca PH041007000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Majayjay PH043416000
Calumpit PH031407000
San Antonio PH045641000
San Miguel PH071238000
General Luna PH166710000
Catmon PH072216000
Concepcion PH036905000
City of San Juan PH137405000
San Fernando PH054118000
Lupao PH034916000
Kasibu PH025009000
Amulung PH021504000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Basilisa PH168501000
Bayang PH153604000
Kapai PH153610000
Mulondo PH153619000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Tiwi PH050518000
Santo Niño PH086018000
San Roque PH084820000
Bacarra PH012802000
Matnog PH056212000
Tingloy PH041033000
El Nido PH175312000
Maragusan PH118205000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lupon PH112507000
Jimenez PH104207000
Jasaan PH104311000
Dapa PH166707000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Santol PH013318000
Carmen PH072215000
Getafe PH071226000
Balete PH060402000
Basilisa PH168501000
Igbaras PH063021000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Bangued PH140101000
Bangued PH140101000
Talakag PH101320000
Batuan PH054104000


Zambales PH037100000 Region III

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Costa Rica PH086001005

Costa Rica II PH086001027
Cota Na Daco (Pob.) PH056208016
Cotcot PH072227004
Cotcoton PH072224021
Coticot PH082608009
Cotmo PH051732008
Cotmo PH051734017
Cotmon PH050502014
Cotmon PH050514016
Cotmon PH051703006
Cotnogan PH050514017
Coto PH063025030
Cotongan PH153811027
Cotta PH045624016
Country Club Village PH141102025
Coyaoyao PH051736006
Coyugan Norte PH063028038
Coyugan Sur PH063028039
Cozo PH037702020
Cresencia Village PH141102026
Crespo PH063044018
Crisanto Sanchez Pob. (District V) PH034926023
Crispin Dela Cruz PH112506020
Crispin Salazar North (Pob.) PH063023055
Crispin Salazar South (Pob.) PH063023056
Crispina PH012811011
Cristina PH061917015
Cristina PH083713014
Cristina PH086009009
Cristo PH056207011
Cristo Rey PH036904025
Cristo Rey PH051701005
Cristo Rey PH051703007
Cristo Rey PH051716002
Cristo Rey PH051719017
Cross PH128002010
Crossing PH054121011
Crossing PH101311002
Crossing PH160206010
Crossing (Pob.) PH083742010
Crossing Bayabas PH112402036
Crossing Dapuyan PH063040018
Crossing Luna PH160303035
Crossing Magallon PH064519009
Crossing Palkan PH126312002
Crossing Pulupandan PH064522011
Crossing Rubas PH083723011
Crossing Rubber PH126317005
Crossing Simuay PH153812010
Crossing Sta. Clara PH098309015
Cruz PH015532031
Cruz PH034902006
Cruz PH036917011
Cruz PH063007008
Cruz PH071209019
Cruz PH083740013
Cruz PH141110009
Cruz PH064505010
Cruz na Daan PH031422005


Almagro PH086001000
Almagro PH086001000
Gubat PH056208000
Liloan PH072227000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Giporlos PH082608000
San Fernando PH051732000
Sipocot PH051734000
Camalig PH050502000
Polangui PH050514000
Bato PH051703000
Polangui PH050514000
Lambunao PH063025000
Parang PH153811000
Lucena City PH045624000
Baguio City PH141102000
Tigaon PH051736000
Leon PH063028000
Leon PH063028000
Casiguran PH037702000
Baguio City PH141102000
Sara PH063044000
San Jose City PH034926000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Janiuay PH063023000
Janiuay PH063023000
Banna PH012811000
Tapaz PH061917000
Calubian PH083713000
Jiabong PH086009000
Donsol PH056207000
Capas PH036904000
Baao PH051701000
Bato PH051703000
Iriga City PH051716000
Lupi PH051719000
Glan PH128002000
Uson PH054121000
Libona PH101311000
Kitcharao PH160206000
San Isidro PH083742000
Davao City PH112402000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Esperanza PH160303000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Polomolok PH126312000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Jaro PH083723000
Tupi PH126317000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Naga PH098309000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Bongabon PH034902000
Victoria PH036917000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Buenavista PH071209000
Palompon PH083740000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Calatrava PH064505000
San Rafael PH031422000


Samar PH086000000 Region VIII

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cruz Roja PH034903028

Cuambog (Pob.) PH118203007
Cuambogan PH112319006
Cuaming PH071224016
Cuancabal PH012905012
Cuanos PH072232005
Cuantacla PH012905013
Cuarinta PH168506002
Cuartero PH063022040
Cuasi PH071230038
Cuatro-cuatro PH097307016
Cuatro De Agosto PH083731002
Cuayan PH035401006
Cuayang Bugtong PH035405008
Cuba PH141108006
Cubacub PH072230011
Cubag PH023106009
Cubamba PH041029010
Cubay PH060602012
Cubay PH060610003
Cubay PH061913006
Cubay PH063022041
Cubay PH063025031
Cubay PH063030034
Cubay PH063038009
Cubay PH063039010
Cubay PH063040019
Cubay PH064516006
Cubay-Napultan PH060616051
Cubay-Sermon PH060616023
Cubay Norte PH060412007
Cubay North PH060604005
Cubay South PH060604006
Cubay Sur PH060412008
Cubay Ubos PH063030035
Cubcub PH036908008
Cubcub (Pob.) PH036904003
Cubcubboot PH012906019
Cubi PH061904012
Cubi-cubi PH160209006
Cubo PH160303036
Cuco PH051727006
Cudal PH143213036
Cudangdang PH064508008
Cudian PH061905006
Cudionan PH063038010
Cudog PH142704010
Cuebang Bato PH043408011
Cuenca PH013312004
Cuenco PH084810008
Cueva PH043427009
Cueva PH054120024
Cuevas PH160312002
Cugman PH104305046
Culaba Central (Pob.) PH087805014
Culabay PH097327006
Culaguan PH097216023
Culajao PH061914024
Culalabat PH023108024
Culaman PH118602014


Cabanatuan City PH034903000

Mabini PH118203000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Inabanga PH071224000
Cabugao PH012905000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Cabugao PH012905000
San Jose PH168506000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Loon PH071230000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Angeles City PH035401000
Candaba PH035405000
Kapangan PH141108000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Cabagan PH023106000
Taal PH041029000
Barbaza PH060602000
Libertad PH060610000
President Roxas PH061913000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Lambunao PH063025000
Miagao PH063030000
San Dionisio PH063038000
San Enrique PH063039000
San Joaquin PH063040000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
Malay PH060412000
Bugasong PH060604000
Bugasong PH060604000
Malay PH060412000
Miagao PH063030000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Capas PH036904000
City of Candon PH012906000
Dumarao PH061904000
Nasipit PH160209000
Esperanza PH160303000
Pasacao PH051727000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Ivisan PH061905000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Lagawe PH142704000
Famy PH043408000
Pugo PH013312000
Las Navas PH084810000
Santa Maria PH043427000
San Pascual PH054120000
Trento PH160312000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Culaba PH087805000
Tabina PH097327000
Sibuco PH097216000
Roxas City PH061914000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Culaman PH118603004
Culandanum PH175301020
Culandanum PH175305004
Culang PH015514008
Culango PH175322004
Culao PH021511010
Cularima PH084805013
Culasi PH023121014
Culasi PH056212017
Culasi PH061914025
Culasi PH063001009
Culasi PH082609019
Culasi PH083729009
Culasi PH101319002
Culasian PH083714007
Culasian PH097220009
Culasian PH097325004
Culasian PH098315004
Culasian PH175311006
Culasian PH175323005
Culat PH037702012
Culatingan PH036905010
Culaylay PH034926008
Culi PH160309004
Culi PH160311004
Culian PH112509006
Culianan PH097332023
Culianin PH031417007
Culiat PH034931008
Culiat PH137404025
Culilang PH061913007
Culing Centro PH023107005
Culing East PH023107006
Culing West PH023107007
Culiong PH012916010
Culiong PH140122006
Culipapa PH064512007
Culipat PH036916028
Culis PH030805008
Culit PH160209007
Cullalabo Del Norte PH023105006
Cullalabo Del Sur PH023105008
Cullalabo San Antonio PH023105007
Cullat PH050503015
Culliat PH050508022
Cullit PH021510013
Cullit PH021513022
Cullit PH021516014
Culo PH097319014
Culo PH064522012
Culob PH063037013
Culong PH021528013
Culong PH034911025
Culoy PH043410009
Culpan PH104201008
Cultihan PH041029011
Culubasa PH035413008
Culubasa PH036902004
Culubun PH103516009
Culyat PH060618012


Malita PH118603000
Aborlan PH175301000
Bataraza PH175305000
Bolinao PH015514000
Culion PH175322000
Claveria PH021511000
Catarman PH084805000
Palanan PH023121000
Matnog PH056212000
Roxas City PH061914000
Ajuy PH063001000
Guiuan PH082609000
Leyte PH083729000
Sumilao PH101319000
Capoocan PH083714000
Sirawai PH097220000
San Pablo PH097325000
Titay PH098315000
Dumaran PH175311000
Rizal PH175323000
Casiguran PH037702000
Concepcion PH036905000
San Jose City PH034926000
San Luis PH160309000
Talacogon PH160311000
City of Mati PH112509000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Plaridel PH031417000
Talugtug PH034931000
Quezon City PH137404000
President Roxas PH061913000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Salcedo PH012916000
San Juan PH140122000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Hermosa PH030805000
Nasipit PH160209000
Burgos PH023105000
Burgos PH023105000
Burgos PH023105000
Daraga PH050503000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Gattaran PH021513000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Molave PH097319000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Pototan PH063037000
Tuao PH021528000
Guimba PH034911000
Liliw PH043410000
Aloran PH104201000
Taal PH041029000
Mexico PH035413000
Bamban PH036902000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Valderrama PH060618000


Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cumabao PH023137016
Cumadcad PH056206010
Cumao PH021513023
Cumarascas PH063040020
Cumaron PH097318009
Cumba PH041013007
Cumba PH041014016
Cumu PH023102021
Cuna PH101805006
Cunarum PH063025032
Cunig PH021513024
Cunsad PH063002022
Cunsad PH063023017
Cupa PH071222013
Cupang PH013317009
Cupang PH031415008
Cupang PH041006013
Cupang PH045802002
Cupang PH060403005
Cupang PH137603004
Cupang (Santa Lucia) PH035403030
Cupang North PH030803025
Cupang Proper PH030803008
Cupang West PH030803009
Cupis PH148102005
Curareng PH015504007
Curifang PH025013005
Curry PH051728007
Curry PH084824005
Curry PH086016015
Curtin PH012930013
Curuan PH097332024
Curva PH021518010
Curva PH034906017
Curva PH034917009
Curva PH072231002
Curva PH083738018
Curva PH160210002
Curva-Miagao PH103518006
Curva (J. Tomacruz) PH034902008
Curvada PH054105010
Curvada PH097330008
Curvada PH103505015
Cusipan PH097216024
Cut-cut I PH036916029
Cut-cut II PH036916030
Cuta PH041005020
Cuta PH083706037
Cuta East PH041027006
Cutang Cawayan PH041027007
Cutar PH025002007
Cutay PH083715015
Cutay PH083744018
Cutcot PH031418003
Cutcut PH031408001
Cutcut PH035401007
Cutcut 1st PH036904004
Cutcut 2nd PH036904005
Cutcutan PH045610019
Cutcutan PH071247014


Tumauini PH023137000
Castilla PH056206000
Gattaran PH021513000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Midsalip PH097318000
Lian PH041013000
Lipa City PH041014000
Angadanan PH023102000
Sagay PH101805000
Lambunao PH063025000
Gattaran PH021513000
Alimodian PH063002000
Janiuay PH063023000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Pandi PH031415000
Bauan PH041006000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Banga PH060403000
City of Muntinlupa PH137603000
Arayat PH035403000
City of Balanga PH030803000
City of Balanga PH030803000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Conner PH148102000
Alcala PH015504000
Solano PH025013000
Pili PH051728000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Sinait PH012930000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Pamplona PH021518000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Medellin PH072231000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Santiago PH160210000
Salvador PH103518000
Bongabon PH034902000
Cataingan PH054105000
Tukuran PH097330000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Sibuco PH097216000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Batangas City PH041005000
Barugo PH083706000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Aritao PH025002000
Carigara PH083715000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Pulilan PH031418000
Guiguinto PH031408000
Angeles City PH035401000
Capas PH036904000
Capas PH036904000
Catanauan PH045610000
Valencia PH071247000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Cutog Grande PH023125003

Cutog Pequeño PH023125004
Cutud PH035401008
Cuya PH071246017
Cuya-e PH083725010
Cuyab PH043425002
Cuyad PH063002023
Cuyago PH160205006
Cuyambay PH045812002
Cuyaoyao PH050513010
Cuyapa PH034907008
Cuyapi PH051718024
Cuyapiao PH060612008
Cuyapon PH124703005
D'Ledesma PH126511005
D'Lotilla PH126504007
D. L. Maglanoc Pob. (Bgy.III) PH034905054
D. Mercader (Bongog) PH084806002
Da-an Banwa PH061917016
Da-an Norte PH061917017
Da-an Sur PH061917018
Da-o PH084819007
Daan-Ili PH021503012
Daan-Lungsod PH072202002
Daan-Lungsod PH104308011
Daan Banua PH063019008
Daan Banua PH064515007
Daan Campo PH103511003
Daan Lungsod PH072252019
Daan Lungsod PH083707010
Daan Paz PH072238005
Daan Secante PH072253003
Daan Suyan PH128006001
Daanaingud PH153616026
Daanbanwa PH063025033
Daang Amaya I PH042120009
Daang Amaya II PH042120034
Daang Amaya III PH042120035
Daang Bago PH030804008
Daang Bago (Pob.) PH030810011
Daang Bakal PH137401009
Daang Bilolo (Pob.) PH030810012
Daang Bukid PH042103005
Daang Pare PH030810013
Daang Sarile PH034903029
Daanghari PH137503005
Daanglungsod PH072251015
Daanglungsod PH097203005
Daanlungsod PH054117008
Daanlungsod PH072231003
Daanlungsod PH072235010
Daantabogon PH072248007
Dabbac Grande PH021506020
Dabburab PH023108025
Dabenayan PH153820002
Dabiak PH097203006
Dabliston PH103506011
Dabong PH063023018
Dabubu Grande PH023127003
Dabubu Pequeño PH023127004


Reina Mercedes PH023125000

Cutog Pequeno Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Angeles City PH035401000
Ubay PH071246000
Julita PH083725000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Alimodian PH063002000
Jabonga PH160205000
Tanay PH045812000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Libmanan PH051718000
Patnongon PH060612000
Kabacan PH124703000
DLedesma City of Tacurong PH126511000
DLotilla Isulan PH126504000
Carranglan PH034905000
Catubig PH084806000
Tapaz PH061917000
Tapaz PH061917000
Tapaz PH061917000
San Jose PH084819000
Allacapan PH021503000
Alcoy PH072202000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Estancia PH063019000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Tuburan PH072252000
Bato PH083707000
Poro PH072238000
Tudela PH072253000
Malapatan PH128006000
Marantao PH153616000
Lambunao PH063025000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Orion PH030810000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Orion PH030810000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Orion PH030810000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Toledo City PH072251000
Katipunan PH097203000
Placer PH054117000
Medellin PH072231000
Oslob PH072235000
Tabogon PH072248000
Baggao PH021506000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Katipunan PH097203000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Janiuay PH063023000
San Agustin PH023127000
Dabubu Pequeno San Agustin PH023127000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dacal PH021522005
Dacal PH063039011
Dacal-Lafugu PH021510014
Dacalan PH143214003
Dacanlao PH041007019
Dacap Norte PH015508009
Dacap Sur PH015508010
Dacay PH083718013
Dacdacanan PH063040021
Daclan PH141104004
Daclan PH141114005
Daclapan PH012905014
Dacsol PH097343005
Dacu PH054113005
Dacudac PH144410010
Dacudao PH112324001
Dacudao PH112402037
Dacul PH082623006
Daculan PH063019009
Daculang Bolo PH051604001
Daculang Tubig PH051732009
Dacutan PH012912014
Dacutan PH012933016
Dacutan PH063018018
Dacuton PH061904013
Dadaeman PH012817007
Dadalaquiten Norte PH012930014
Dadalaquiten Sur PH012930015
Dadao PH021509003
Dadaor PH012804005
Dadap PH023116006
Dadap PH025013006
Dadatan PH112317013
Dadayag PH153603021
Dadda PH021504023
Dadda PH021529042
Daddaay PH012901010
Dadiangas East (Pob.) PH126303007
Dadiangas North PH126303035
Dadiangas South PH126303036
Dadiangas West PH126303037
Dado PH124701004
Dado PH153603022
Dado PH153624024
Dado PH153806010
Dado PH153836006
Dadong PH112511003
Dados PH153807011
Dadtumog (Dadtumeg) PH153814003
Dafunganay PH021504024
Daga PH061909022
Daga PH063043033
Daga PH148102006
Daga PH064504014
Daga-ay PH063046021
Dagami PH063029020
Daganas PH056203019
Daganas PH084805015
Dagang PH051608008
Dagara PH148104005


Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
San Enrique PH063039000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Tanudan PH143214000
Calaca PH041007000
Bani PH015508000
Bani PH015508000
Dulag PH083718000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Bokod PH141104000
Tublay PH141114000
Cabugao PH012905000
Guipos PH097343000
Mobo PH054113000
Tadian PH144410000
San Isidro PH112324000
Davao City PH112402000
Taft PH082623000
Estancia PH063019000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
San Fernando PH051732000
Magsingal PH012912000
Tagudin PH012933000
Dumangas PH063018000
Dumarao PH061904000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Sinait PH012930000
Sinait PH012930000
Calayan PH021509000
Bangui PH012804000
Luna PH023116000
Solano PH025013000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Balindong PH153603000
Amulung PH021504000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Alilem PH012901000
General Santos City PH126303000
General Santos City PH126303000
General Santos City PH126303000
General Santos City PH126303000
Alamada PH124701000
Balindong PH153603000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Tarragona PH112511000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Amulung PH021504000
Panay PH061909000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Conner PH148102000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Tubungan PH063046000
Maasin PH063029000
Bulan PH056203000
Catarman PH084805000
Paracale PH051608000
Kabugao PH148104000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dagat-dagatan PH031422006
Dagat-Kidavao PH101321008
Dagatan PH041014017
Dagatan PH041022012
Dagatan PH041032004
Dagatan PH042102003
Dagatan PH043410010
Dagatan PH045615007
Dagatan PH072207011
Dagbasan PH074614014
Dagdag (Pob.) PH144409008
Dagman PH175303004
Dagnawan PH071224017
Dagnawan PH071236005
Dago-ok PH153612017
Dagocdoc (Pob.) PH166819006
Dagohoy PH071208008
Dagohoy PH071218005
Dagohoy PH071224018
Dagohoy PH097218037
Dagohoy PH097343006
Dagohoy PH112322001
Dagohoy PH166707009
Dagohoy Pob. (Bgy. 7) PH160202044
Dagonalan PH153638006
Dagong PH124710006
Dagotdotan PH051604002
Dagsa PH086417007
Dagsa-an PH067901007
Dagsian, Lower PH141102058
Dagsian, Upper PH141102028
Daguan PH153639004
Daguduban PH153617033
Dagueray PH021522006
Daguit PH051606021
Daguitan PH060403006
Dagum PH086003050
Dagum PH097303009
Dagum PH097333005
Daguma PH126501004
Dagumba-an PH101315006
Dagumbaan PH101320006
Dagundalahon PH101320007
Dagup PH013304005
Dagupan PH012823016
Dagupan PH021503013
Dagupan PH021516015
Dagupan PH021528014
Dagupan PH023101012
Dagupan PH023104005
Dagupan PH023132039
Dagupan PH025011012
Dagupan PH025701001
Dagupan PH124703006
Dagupan PH124707009
Dagupan PH148105003
Dagupan Centro (Pob.) PH143213029
Dagupan Weste PH143213037
Dagurongan PH153824004
Dahat PH051717009


San Rafael PH031422000

City of Valencia PH101321000
Lipa City PH041014000
San Jose PH041022000
Taysan PH041032000
Amadeo PH042102000
Liliw PH043410000
Dolores PH045615000
Badian PH072207000
Mabinay PH074614000
Sagada PH144409000
Araceli PH175303000
Inabanga PH071224000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Lumbatan PH153612000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Bilar PH071208000
Danao PH071218000
Inabanga PH071224000
Sindangan PH097218000
Guipos PH097343000
Talaingod PH112322000
Dapa PH166707000
Butuan City PH160202000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
M'Lang PH124710000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Sogod PH086417000
Buenavista PH067901000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Marawi City PH153617000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Labo PH051606000
Banga PH060403000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bayog PH097303000
Lakewood PH097333000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Maramag PH101315000
Talakag PH101320000
Talakag PH101320000
Bagulin PH013304000
Vintar PH012823000
Allacapan PH021503000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Tuao PH021528000
Alicia PH023101000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
San Mateo PH023132000
Quezon PH025011000
Aglipay PH025701000
Kabacan PH124703000
Makilala PH124707000
Luna PH148105000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Lagonoy PH051717000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dahican PH045610020
Dahican PH051605003
Dahican PH112509007
Dahican PH166807007
Dahilayan PH101314003
Dahile PH074614015
Dahilig PH051713002
Dahilig PH104303002
Daig PH124714006
Daig PH174001024
Daine I PH042110012
Daine II PH042110033
Dait PH071209020
Dait Sur PH071224019
Daja PH063029021
Daja-daku PH083742011
Daja-diot PH083742012
Daja Norte PH060403007
Daja Sur PH060403008
Dajay PH126313005
Dakayakan PH097318031
Dakila PH031410014
Daking PH013315021
Dakit PH072210009
Dakit PH072211009
Dakit PH072247009
Dakit (Pob.) PH086413004
Daku PH166710006
Dakutan PH160303008
Dal-lipaoen PH013311017
Dala PH063031008
Dala (Dalama) PH153636010
Dalacdac PH013308004
Dalacon PH104208006
Dalacutan PH101322011
Daladagan PH153832001
Daladap PH126503003
Daladap PH153820003
Dalag PH112402038
Dalagdag PH112402039
Dalagsa-an PH060409009
Dalaguisen PH140110005
Dalahican PH045624018
Dalahikan PH072240008
Dalajican PH175905004
Dalakip PH023102022
Dalakit (Pob.) PH084805077
Dalama PH098311006
Dalama PH103503006
Dalama PH103506036
Dalama PH103514008
Dalama PH103522008
Dalama PH153612018
Dalama PH153619016
Dalamas PH103520001
Dalampang PH034903030
Dalampasigan (Pob.) PH045634029
Dalandanan PH137504010
Dalangin PH098315005
Dalangin Muslim PH098315029


Catanauan PH045610000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
City of Mati PH112509000
Carrascal PH166807000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Mabinay PH074614000
Gainza PH051713000
Balingoan PH104303000
Tulunan PH124714000
Boac PH174001000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Buenavista PH071209000
Inabanga PH071224000
Maasin PH063029000
San Isidro PH083742000
San Isidro PH083742000
Banga PH060403000
Banga PH060403000
Surallah PH126313000
Midsalip PH097318000
City of Malolos PH031410000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Barili PH072210000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Sogod PH072247000
San Francisco PH086413000
General Luna PH166710000
Esperanza PH160303000
Naguilian PH013311000
Mina PH063031000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Burgos PH013308000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Mangudadatu PH153832000
Esperanza PH126503000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000
Libacao PH060409000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Lucena City PH045624000
Samboan PH072240000
Concepcion PH175905000
Angadanan PH023102000
Catarman PH084805000
Payao PH098311000
Baroy PH103503000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Munai PH103514000
Tubod PH103522000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Mulondo PH153619000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Pitogo PH045634000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Titay PH098315000
Titay PH098315000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dalangiring PH015545008
Dalao PH030804009
Dalaoig PH021502012
Dalaon PH097319008
Dalaon PH153606054
Dalapang PH097312009
Dalapang PH097343007
Dalapang PH104210016
Dalapitan PH124708007
Dalaragan PH082609059
Dalas PH051606022
Dalaupon PH074622006
Dalawa PH012901011
Dalawinon PH112407005
Dalaya PH021508007
Dalaya PH021516016
Dalayap PH012819010
Dalayap PH015539008
Dalayap PH021503014
Dalayap PH035405009
Dalayap PH035410006
Dalayap PH036916031
Dalayap (Nalaas) PH140112004
Dalayawon PH175303005
Daldagan PH012909009
Daldalayap PH036913006
Dale PH084820005
Dale-Bong PH153837002
Dalena PH023133006
Dalenat PH023102023
Dalgan PH153810025
Daliao PH112402040
Daliao PH128004004
Daliaon Plantation PH112402041
Dalibubon PH023115009
Dalican PH144404007
Dalican Poblacion PH153807013
Dalicanan PH063035019
Dalid PH063002024
Dalid PH063013027
Dalid PH063043034
Dalid PH072249010
Dalid PH082617018
Dalig PH023105009
Dalig PH031402004
Dalig PH041003023
Dalig PH041005021
Dalig PH045802013
Dalig PH045806008
Dalig PH045814003
Dalig-Kalinga PH023103010
Daligan PH012924015
Daligan PH023115010
Daligan PH051737016
Daligan PH086004014
Daligdigan PH103518007
Dalih PH156613010
Dalije PH063030036
Dalima PH041034004
Dalimag PH140121002


Urbiztondo PH015545000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Alcala PH021502000
Molave PH097319000
Bubong PH153606000
Labangan PH097312000
Guipos PH097343000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Matalam PH124708000
Guiuan PH082609000
Labo PH051606000
Tayasan PH074622000
Alilem PH012901000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Buguey PH021508000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Pinili PH012819000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Allacapan PH021503000
Candaba PH035405000
Macabebe PH035410000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Langiden PH140112000
Araceli PH175303000
Galimuyod PH012909000
San Clemente PH036913000
San Roque PH084820000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
San Pablo PH023133000
Angadanan PH023102000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Davao City PH112402000
Maasim PH128004000
Davao City PH112402000
Jones PH023115000
Bontoc PH144404000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
City of Passi PH063035000
Alimodian PH063002000
Calinog PH063013000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Oras PH082617000
Burgos PH023105000
Balagtas PH031402000
Balayan PH041003000
Batangas City PH041005000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Cardona PH045806000
Teresa PH045814000
Aurora PH023103000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Jones PH023115000
Tinambac PH051737000
Calbiga PH086004000
Salvador PH103518000
Talipao PH156613000
Miagao PH063030000
Tuy PH041034000
San Isidro PH140121000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dalin PH021506021
Dalingaoen (Lalingaon) PH124712015
Dalingap PH104205008
Dalingding PH072221008
Dalingding Sur PH072231004
Dalipay PH051721007
Dalipdip PH060401004
Dalipe PH054106007
Dalipe PH063027009
Dalipe PH124710005
Dalipey PH141103004
Dalipit East PH041002004
Dalipit East PH041009005
Dalipit West PH041002005
Dalipit West PH041009006
Dalipuga PH103504006
Dalipuga PH153612021
Dalirig PH101314004
Dalisay PH098315007
Dalisay PH104201009
Dalit PH140119005
Dalla PH021506022
Dallag PH124718005
Dallangayan Este PH013314023
Dallangayan Oeste PH013314024
Dallao PH023109005
Dalligan PH142703008
Dallipawen PH037112004
Dalnac PH051608009
Dalo-dalo PH157010005
Dalog Balut PH153618023
Dalongue PH015538008
Dalosdoson PH086008008
Daluga PH126501013
Dalumangcob (Pob.) PH153812012
Dalumay PH112407006
Dalumpinas PH015536011
Dalumpinas PH104213026
Dalumpinas Este PH013314025
Dalumpinas Oeste PH013314026
Dalumpines PH083713015
Dalupa PH143208008
Dalupan PH118601008
Dalupaon PH051727007
Dalupiri PH021509011
Dalupirip PH141106002
Dalupirit PH084817002
Dalusan PH063029022
Dalwangan PH101312014
Damabalas PH153806011
Damabalas PH153836007
Damablac PH153816007
Damacan PH050501014
Damacuag PH012925014
Damag PH142708005
Damakling PH153823001
Damalasak PH124712016
Damalasak PH153810006
Damalusay PH153805016
Damalusay PH153823002


Baggao PH021506000
Pikit PH124712000
Clarin PH104205000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Medellin PH072231000
Milaor PH051721000
Altavas PH060401000
Cawayan PH054106000
Lemery PH063027000
M'Lang PH124710000
Bakun PH141103000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Cuenca PH041009000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Cuenca PH041009000
Iligan City PH103504000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Titay PH098315000
Aloran PH104201000
Pilar PH140119000
Baggao PH021506000
Arakan PH124718000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Cordon PH023109000
Kiangan PH142703000
San Narciso PH037112000
Paracale PH051608000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Masiu PH153618000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Magsaysay PH112407000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Calubian PH083713000
Pasil PH143208000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Pasacao PH051727000
Calayan PH021509000
Itogon PH141106000
San Antonio PH084817000
Maasin PH063029000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Talayan PH153816000
Bacacay PH050501000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Paglat PH153823000
Pikit PH124712000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Paglat PH153823000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Damaniog PH153812052
Damar PH137404026
Damasing PH097212002
Damatog PH153834002
Damatulan PH124709011
Damawato PH124714007
Damawato PH153805003
Damayan PH061915005
Damayan PH137404027
Damayan (Pob.) PH043408012
Damayan (Pob.) PH045625022
Damayang Lagi PH137404028
Damayuhan PH104317009
Dambo PH043421002
Damgo PH064508009
Damilag PH101314005
Damilisan PH063030037
Damires PH063023019
Damires PH063032014
Damit PH097303010
Dammang PH021522008
Dammang East PH023112013
Dammang Norte (Joaquin de la Cruz*) PH021510015
Dammang Sur (Felipe Tuzon*) PH021510028
Dammang West PH023112014
Dammao PH023113005
Dammay PH012922009
Damo-ong PH063023020
Damolog PH072247010
Damortis PH013313015
Damortis PH013317010
Dampalan PH097201012
Dampalan PH097214006
Dampalan PH097322056
Dampalan PH104208007
Dampalit PH137502006
Dampas PH071242006
Dampay PH037103004
Dampe PH035406010
Dampias PH104304001
Dampig PH012815007
Dampigan PH082606007
Dampigan PH086017011
Dampil PH104313002
Dampol PH031417008
Dampol I PH031418005
Dampol II-A PH031418006
Dampol II-B PH031418007
Dampulan PH174006008
Dampulan (Pob.) PH034912002
Damsite PH064520014
Damula-an PH083703005
Damulo-an PH083710076
Damurog PH021502013
Damutan PH064512008
Dan-an PH086411009
Dan-ar PH012927010
Dana-Ili PH021501008
Danac PH012931005
Danac East PH140102003


Sultan Kudarat PH153812000

Quezon City PH137404000
Rizal PH097212000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Midsayap PH124709000
Tulunan PH124714000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Quezon City PH137404000
Famy PH043408000
Macalelon PH045625000
Quezon City PH137404000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Pangil PH043421000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Miagao PH063030000
Janiuay PH063023000
New Lucena PH063032000
Bayog PH097303000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Echague PH023112000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Echague PH023112000
Gamu PH023113000
Santa PH012922000
Janiuay PH063023000
Sogod PH072247000
Rosario PH013313000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Candelaria PH037103000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Binuangan PH104304000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Dolores PH082606000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Lagonglong PH104313000
Plaridel PH031417000
Pulilan PH031418000
Pulilan PH031418000
Pulilan PH031418000
Torrijos PH174006000
Jaen PH034912000
Murcia PH064520000
Albuera PH083703000
Burauen PH083710000
Alcala PH021502000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Santiago PH012927000
Abulug PH021501000
Sugpon PH012931000
Boliney PH140102000


Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Danac West PH140102008

Danacbunga PH037101007
Danag PH156611007
Danahao PH071214013
Danan PH097341003
Dananao PH143215010
Danao PH050514018
Danao PH052002008
Danao PH054103008
Danao PH054104005
Danao PH054119007
Danao PH056203020
Danao PH063022042
Danao PH063023021
Danao PH063028040
Danao PH063037014
Danao PH063045030
Danao PH071204011
Danao PH071221006
Danao PH071233003
Danao PH071247015
Danao PH082623007
Danao PH083730007
Danao PH083738019
Danao PH086408025
Danao PH087807012
Danao PH097213009
Danao PH097214007
Danao PH104212009
Danao PH104311004
Danao PH112509008
Danao PH156615003
Danao PH166724019
Danao PH174004010
Danao PH175903006
Danao PH074607008
Danao I PH086003166
Danao II PH086003167
Danao Norte PH175915003
Danao Sur PH175915004
Danapa PH156609011
Danapah PH150709006
Danasan PH072223012
Danatag PH101301003
Danawan PH051718025
Danawan PH060607015
Danawan PH063040022
Danawan PH166724020
Danawan PH074607009
Danawan (Pob.) PH175314005
Dancalan PH051608010
Dancalan PH056204004
Dancalan PH056207012
Dancalan PH084803004
Dancalan PH064513009
Dancalan Caimawan PH045618013
Dancalan Central PH045618014
Dancel (Pob.) PH012809011
Dandamun PH153613012
Dandanun PH153629012


Boliney PH140102000
Botolan PH037101000
Patikul PH156611000
Clarin PH071214000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Polangui PH050514000
Baras PH052002000
Balud PH054103000
Batuan PH054104000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Bulan PH056203000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Janiuay PH063023000
Leon PH063028000
Pototan PH063037000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Antequera PH071204000
Duero PH071221000
Panglao PH071233000
Valencia PH071247000
Taft PH082623000
Macarthur PH083730000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Macrohon PH086408000
Maripipi PH087807000
Salug PH097213000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Plaridel PH104212000
Jasaan PH104311000
City of Mati PH112509000
Tongkil PH156615000
Surigao City PH166724000
Mogpog PH174004000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Bindoy PH074607000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Parang PH156609000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Danao City PH072223000
Baungon PH101301000
Libmanan PH051718000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Surigao City PH166724000
Bindoy PH074607000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Paracale PH051608000
Bulusan PH056204000
Donsol PH056207000
Bobon PH084803000
Ilog PH064513000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Dingras PH012809000
Madalum PH153613000
Tugaya PH153629000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dangan PH023125005
Danganan PH097313004
Danganon PH097220010
Dangay PH071201004
Dangay PH175212003
Dangcalan PH054120004
Dangcalan PH056206011
Dangcalan PH060413007
Dangcalan PH060608019
Dangcol (Bernabe) PH030803010
Dangdangla PH013316015
Dangdangla PH140101010
Danggawan PH101315007
Danggo PH142710004
Dangi PH097210004
Dangimprampiai PH153624027
Dangla PH051714008
Danglag PH072219004
Danglas PH140106005
Danglayan PH041026006
Dangley PH015501007
Dangoy PH143206001
Dangpanan PH054117009
Dangtalan PH143208009
Dangula PH061904014
Dangula-an PH063003008
Dangulaan PH103506012
Danhug PH083738107
Danicop PH052011019
Danicop PH071204012
Danicop PH071240007
Daniel Fajardo PH137601002
Daniel Maing (Dominolog) PH097227004
Danipa PH023104006
Danit PH150711005
Danit-Puntocan PH150702056
Daniw PH043430002
Daniw (Danliw) PH043410011
Dankias PH160202036
Danlag PH126314012
Danlagan PH045622027
Danlagan PH045629003
Danlagan Batis PH045618015
Danlagan Cabayao PH045618016
Danlagan Central PH045618017
Danlagan Reserva PH045618018
Danleg PH175311007
Danlog PH051733009
Danlog PH056213015
Danlugan PH097308006
Danlugan PH097322013
Danlugan PH098302024
Dansal PH097313005
Dansalan PH097205009
Dansalan PH103519004
Dansalan PH153617035
Dansalan PH153619018
Dansalan PH153633010
Dansalan Dacsula PH153605009
Dansolihon PH104305047


Reina Mercedes PH023125000

Lapuyan PH097313000
Sirawai PH097220000
Alburquerque PH071201000
Roxas PH175212000
San Pascual PH054120000
Castilla PH056206000
Malinao PH060413000
Hamtic PH060608000
City of Balanga PH030803000
San Juan PH013316000
Bangued PH140101000
Maramag PH101315000
Tinoc PH142710000
Polanco PH097210000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Consolacion PH072219000
Danglas PH140106000
San Pascual PH041026000
Agno PH015501000
Lubuagan PH143206000
Placer PH054117000
Pasil PH143208000
Dumarao PH061904000
Anilao PH063003000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Virac PH052011000
Antequera PH071204000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
Kalawit PH097227000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Victoria PH043430000
Liliw PH043410000
Butuan City PH160202000
Tampakan PH126314000
Lopez PH045622000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Dumaran PH175311000
San Jose PH051733000
Pilar PH056213000
Dumingag PH097308000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Buug PH098302000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Labason PH097205000
Sapad PH103519000
Marawi City PH153617000
Mulondo PH153619000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Binidayan PH153605000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dansulan PH074604014
Dansulao PH098308007
Dansuli PH104302011
Dansuli PH126504009
Dansullan PH097210005
Danugan PH153623012
Danuman East PH012926009
Danuman West PH012926010
Danus PH083729010
Danzo PH036906013
Dao PH041003024
Dao PH041034005
Dao PH054103007
Dao PH063002025
Dao PH071219005
Dao PH071242005
Dao PH082617019
Dao PH084807010
Dao PH086402010
Dao PH097322014
Dao PH101318005
Dao PH175208014
Dao-an PH097324007
Dao-angan PH140102004
Dao-angan PH143201006
Dao (Pob.) PH056213016
Daoidao PH140122007
Dap-dap PH050515013
Dap-dap PH050518010
Dapaan PH153609031
Dapacan Alto PH104204004
Dapacan Bajo PH104204005
Dapantis PH153829003
Dapao PH153623013
Dapaon PH097218059
Dapawan PH175909010
Dapco PH112315007
Dapdap PH035409007
Dapdap PH036910015
Dapdap PH045607023
Dapdap PH045647017
Dapdap PH054121012
Dapdap PH056213017
Dapdap PH060417003
Dapdap PH063045031
Dapdap PH072218008
Dapdap PH072236003
Dapdap PH072243009
Dapdap PH082606008
Dapdap PH083702020
Dapdap PH084810009
Dapdap PH086020022
Dapdap PH166801007
Dapdap (Pob.) PH056204005
Dapdap East PH042119027
Dapdap West PH042119003
Dapdapan PH061915006
Dapdapan PH063027010
Dapdappig PH012910004
Dapiawan PH153826002


Bais City PH074604000

Malangas PH098308000
Balingasag PH104302000
Isulan PH126504000
Polanco PH097210000
Pualas PH153623000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Leyte PH083729000
Gerona PH036906000
Balayan PH041003000
Tuy PH041034000
Balud PH054103000
Alimodian PH063002000
Dauis PH071219000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Oras PH082617000
Gamay PH084807000
Bontoc PH086402000
Pagadian City PH097322000
San Fernando PH101318000
Naujan PH175208000
San Miguel PH097324000
Boliney PH140102000
Balbalan PH143201000
Pilar PH056213000
San Juan PH140122000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Tiwi PH050518000
Ganassi PH153609000
Calamba PH104204000
Calamba PH104204000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Pualas PH153623000
Sindangan PH097218000
Odiongan PH175909000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Paniqui PH036910000
Calauag PH045607000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Uson PH054121000
Pilar PH056213000
Tangalan PH060417000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Compostela PH072218000
Pilar PH072236000
San Remigio PH072243000
Dolores PH082606000
Alangalang PH083702000
Las Navas PH084810000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Barobo PH166801000
Bulusan PH056204000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Lemery PH063027000
Gregorio del Pilar PH012910000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dapitan PH063037015
Dapitan PH072220006
Dapiwak PH097308048
Daplas PH061902007
Daplayan PH097325005
Daplian PH054118009
Dapnan PH112501009
Dapok PH112406010
Dappig PH023127005
Daquioag PH012813005
Daraga PH051711013
Daraga PH054117010
Daragan PH067901008
Daragutan East PH023131009
Daragutan West PH023131010
Darahuway Daco PH086005017
Darahuway Gote PH086005018
Daraitan PH045812003
Daramba PH103517004
Daramoyod PH153601010
Darampua PH153813006
Daramuangan PH013311018
Daramuangan Norte PH023132040
Daramuangan Sur PH023132004
Darao PH012920010
Darapanan PH153812013
Darapidap PH012906020
Darapidap PH025002008
Darapuay PH112401007
Darasa PH041031016
Darasdas PH012822008
Darat PH012819011
Darawey (Tangal) PH015511065
Dardarat PH012905015
Dardarat PH012920012
Dardarat PH012933017
Dariao PH052004007
Darigayos PH013310013
Darimbang PH103520002
Darimbang PH153624028
Dariwdiw PH012805021
Daro PH083723012
Daro PH097201013
Daro PH074610013
Darong PH112412004
Darubba PH025011007
Darugao PH153815008
Darumawang Bucana PH103509004
Darumawang Ilaya PH103509008
Darupidip PH012817008
Darussalam PH157009004
Das-agan PH160308027
Dasa PH104213007
Dasal PH067905005
Dasalan PH150712002
Dasawao PH153837003
Dasay PH012914012
Dasay PH013316016
Dasikil PH153820004
Dasitam PH071205002


Pototan PH063037000
Cordova PH072220000
Dumingag PH097308000
Dao PH061902000
San Pablo PH097325000
San Fernando PH054118000
Baganga PH112501000
Kiblawan PH112406000
San Agustin PH023127000
Marcos PH012813000
Caramoan PH051711000
Placer PH054117000
Buenavista PH067901000
San Mariano PH023131000
San Mariano PH023131000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Tanay PH045812000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Naguilian PH013311000
San Mateo PH023132000
San Mateo PH023132000
San Juan PH012920000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
City of Candon PH012906000
Aritao PH025002000
Bansalan PH112401000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Solsona PH012822000
Pinili PH012819000
Bayambang PH015511000
Cabugao PH012905000
San Juan PH012920000
Tagudin PH012933000
Caramoran PH052004000
Luna PH013310000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
City of Batac PH012805000
Jaro PH083723000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Quezon PH025011000
Upi PH153815000
Lala PH103509000
Lala PH103509000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Languyan PH157009000
San Francisco PH160308000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Sibunag PH067905000
Hadji Muhtamad PH150712000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Narvacan PH012914000
San Juan PH013316000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Baclayon PH071205000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dasmariñas PH137602006
Dasomalong PH153626062
Dassun PH021527033
Data PH144407006
Datablao PH126502009
Datag PH052008016
Datag PH071220018
Datag PH071222014
Datag PH071224020
Datag PH084811008
Datag PH156607008
Datag PH074619010
Datag East PH052004008
Datag Norte PH071206012
Datag Sur PH071206013
Datag West PH052004009
Datagan PH063013028
Datagan PH097215003
Datagan PH097218038
Datagan PH097223016
Datagan PH097303011
Datagan PH097322015
Datagan PH097340005
Datagan PH097343008
Datagon PH074616004
Datakan PH141108008
Datal Anggas PH128001004
Datal Batong PH128007007
Datal Bila PH128007008
Datal Bob PH126316025
Datal Tampal PH128007009
Datalbukay PH128002011
Datalpandan PH153825003
Datang PH153805019
Dating Bayan PH174005014
Datu PH166716013
Datu Abdul Dadia PH112315002
Datu Agod PH124715013
Datu Amilhamja Jaafar PH157011002
Datu Ampunan PH118202024
Datu Baguinda Putih PH157005016
Datu Bakal PH153837004
Datu Balong PH112324002
Datu Binasing PH124711012
Datu Celo PH124706014
Datu Daligasao PH118604021
Datu Dani PH128003002
Datu Danwata PH118603005
Datu Davao PH118202025
Datu Esmael (Bago-a-ingud) PH042106020
Datu Indang PH124713032
Datu Intan PH118604022
Datu Ito Andong PH126505018
Datu Karon PH126506007
Datu Kilay PH153837005
Datu Ladayon PH124718006
Datu Ma-as PH153627021
Datu Macarimbang Biruar PH153811032
Datu Maguiales PH126509044
Datu Mantil PH124711013


Dasmarinas City of Makati PH137602000

Tamparan PH153626000
Solana PH021527000
Sabangan PH144407000
Columbio PH126502000
San Andres PH052008000
Dimiao PH071220000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Inabanga PH071224000
Lavezares PH084811000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Siaton PH074619000
Caramoran PH052004000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Caramoran PH052004000
Calinog PH063013000
Siayan PH097215000
Sindangan PH097218000
Gutalac PH097223000
Bayog PH097303000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Sominot PH097340000
Guipos PH097343000
Pamplona PH074616000
Kapangan PH141108000
Alabel PH128001000
Malungon PH128007000
Malungon PH128007000
T'Boli PH126316000
Malungon PH128007000
Glan PH128002000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Pilar PH166716000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Antipas PH124715000
Sibutu PH157011000
Laak PH118202000
Sitangkai PH157005000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
San Isidro PH112324000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Magpet PH124706000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Kiamba PH128003000
Malita PH118603000
Laak PH118202000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
President Roxas PH124713000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Lebak PH126506000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Arakan PH124718000
Taraka PH153627000
Parang PH153811000
Palimbang PH126509000
Pigkawayan PH124711000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Datu Matangkil PH124718007

Datu Naga PH153617080
Datu Panas PH098302029
Datu Sa Dansalan PH153617036
Datu Sailila PH097219025
Datu Salumay PH112402180
Datu Sandongan PH124713033
Datu Tambara PH153633043
Datu Tangkilan PH097218060
Datu Totocan PH097308007
Datu Tumanggong PH098316018
Datu Wasay PH126505019
Datumanong PH153628015
Dau PH035409008
Daug PH064512009
Dauman PH118208008
Daungan PH031408002
Daungan (Pob.) PH030805009
Daungan (Pob.) PH045627019
Daungdong PH156610003
David PH015526009
David PH036918002
Davila PH012817009
Davildavilan PH037705005
Dawa-dawa PH098301006
Dawa (Diwa) PH097337002
Dawahon PH083707011
Dawan PH112509009
Dawe PH035414002
Dawis PH060605005
Dawis PH063016011
Dawis PH063032015
Dawis PH063037016
Dawis PH112403007
Dawis PH174003012
Dawis PH074606008
Dawis Centro PH063047004
Dawis Norte PH063047005
Dawis Norte PH072215007
Dawis Sur PH063047006
Dawis Sur PH072215008
Dawo PH086003052
Dawo (Pob.) PH097201051
Dawog PH063030038
Day-as PH072217025
Day-as PH072220007
Day-asan PH166724021
Dayangdang PH051724011
Dayanki PH012904009
Dayano PH166714004
Dayanog PH086414004
Dayao PH054110010
Dayao PH061914027
Dayaohay PH166716014
Dayap PH041019026
Dayap PH043406003
Dayap PH045601002
Dayap PH175111004
Dayap Itaas PH041011010
Dayapan PH041010007


Arakan PH124718000
Marawi City PH153617000
Buug PH098302000
Marawi City PH153617000
Siocon PH097219000
Davao City PH112402000
President Roxas PH124713000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Sindangan PH097218000
Dumingag PH097308000
Tungawan PH098316000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Tubaran PH153628000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Hinoba-An PH064512000
Montevista PH118208000
Guiguinto PH031408000
Hermosa PH030805000
Mauban PH045627000
Pata PH156610000
Mangaldan PH015526000
San Jose PH036918000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Dingalan PH037705000
Alicia PH098301000
Josefina PH097337000
Bato PH083707000
City of Mati PH112509000
Minalin PH035414000
Caluya PH060605000
Dingle PH063016000
New Lucena PH063032000
Pototan PH063037000
City of Digos PH112403000
Gasan PH174003000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Carmen PH072215000
Zarraga PH063047000
Carmen PH072215000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Miagao PH063030000
Cebu City PH072217000
Cordova PH072220000
Surigao City PH166724000
Naga City PH051724000
Burgos PH012904000
Mainit PH166714000
San Juan PH086414000
Mandaon PH054110000
Roxas City PH061914000
Pilar PH166716000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Calauan PH043406000
Agdangan PH045601000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Laurel PH041011000
Ibaan PH041010000


Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dayapan PH041012011
Dayawa PH052009005
Dayawan PH104326003
Dayawan PH153617037
Dayhagan PH051605004
Dayhagan PH054101013
Dayhagan PH061911006
Dayhagan PH063014020
Dayhagan PH083738020
Dayhagan PH175203007
Dayhagon PH061916007
Dayhagon PH072231005
Daykitin PH174002005
Dayo-an PH166818011
Dayoyo PH074612013
Daypay PH174001025
Daywan PH166706003
De Asis PH103505016
De Carabao PH175322014
De Guzman PH015523010
De La Fe PH051705007
De la Paz PH071216001
De La Paz PH035408008
De La Paz PH035418002
De La Paz PH043403006
De La Paz PH043412001
De La Paz PH045605013
De La Paz PH045622028
De La Paz PH063006012
De la Peña PH063008006
De los Santos (Mahilum) PH083721007
De Maria PH084813007
De Ocampo PH042122004
De Oro PH160202093
De Venta Perla PH097210006
De Vera PH023108028
De Vera PH056207013
De Victoria PH086003053
Dean Leopoldo Yabes (Pug-os) PH012930030
Debangan PH175320011
Deboloc PH104212010
Deborok PH097322016
Debucao PH037707014
Decabacan PH025006004
Decabaitot PH175313004
Decabobo PH175309008
Decalachao PH175309009
Decoliat PH037707015
Decreto PH015544021
Deet PH140124006
Deit PH086011007
Deit De Suba PH084822008
Deit De Turag PH084822009
Del Carmen PH035406011
Del Carmen PH035408007
Del Carmen PH035416007
Del Carmen PH043401001
Del Carmen PH051611005
Del Carmen PH051717010
Del Carmen PH051719018


Lemery PH041012000
San Miguel PH052009000
Villanueva PH104326000
Marawi City PH153617000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Aroroy PH054101000
Pilar PH061911000
Carles PH063014000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Bongabong PH175203000
Sigma PH061916000
Medellin PH072231000
Buenavista PH174002000
Tago PH166818000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Boac PH174001000
Claver PH166706000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Culion PH175322000
Mabini PH015523000
Buhi PH051705000
Cortes PH071216000
Lubao PH035408000
San Simon PH035418000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Luisiana PH043412000
Buenavista PH045605000
Lopez PH045622000
Banate PH063006000
De la Pena Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Inopacan PH083721000
Mondragon PH084813000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Butuan City PH160202000
Polanco PH097210000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Donsol PH056207000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Sinait PH012930000
Taytay PH175320000
Plaridel PH104212000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Diadi PH025006000
Linapacan PH175313000
Coron PH175309000
Coron PH175309000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Umingan PH015544000
Tayum PH140124000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Lubao PH035408000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Alaminos PH043401000
Talisay PH051611000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Lupi PH051719000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Del Carmen PH054121013

Del Carmen PH083718014
Del Carmen PH103504032
Del Carmen PH124713003
Del Carmen-Del Rosario (Pob.) PH051722007
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH037102011
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH051708015
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH051731006
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH051733010
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH166708009
Del Carmen (Pob.) PH166720002
Del Carmen Este (Pob.) PH071206014
Del Carmen Norte (Pob.) PH071206015
Del Carmen Sur (Pob.) PH071206017
Del Carmen Weste (Pob.) PH071206016
Del Castillo PH063044016
Del Corpuz PH023107008
Del Mar PH071231010
Del Monte PH071202005
Del Monte PH098302006
Del Monte PH112314003
Del Monte PH112317014
Del Monte PH137404029
Del Monte PH160311005
Del Monte PH160313002
Del Norte (Pob.) PH084812005
Del Pilar PH023107009
Del Pilar PH023131011
Del Pilar PH025702004
Del Pilar PH034923012
Del Pilar PH034928025
Del Pilar PH034932005
Del Pilar PH035416008
Del Pilar PH037104003
Del Pilar PH041026007
Del Pilar PH045622029
Del Pilar PH045637006
Del Pilar PH051602007
Del Pilar PH051701006
Del Pilar PH051714009
Del Pilar PH052010009
Del Pilar PH060608020
Del Pilar PH063008005
Del Pilar PH071234009
Del Pilar PH082606009
Del Pilar PH082615005
Del Pilar PH083718015
Del Pilar PH084810010
Del Pilar PH086002025
Del Pilar PH097209006
Del Pilar PH098308008
Del Pilar PH104202001
Del Pilar PH112314004
Del Pilar PH112508006
Del Pilar PH118203014
Del Pilar PH124706015
Del Pilar PH160203014
Del Pilar PH166720003
Del Pilar PH166723001
Del Pilar PH168502003


Uson PH054121000
Dulag PH083718000
Iligan City PH103504000
President Roxas PH124713000
Minalabac PH051722000
Cabangan PH037102000
Calabanga PH051708000
Sagñay PH051731000
San Jose PH051733000
Del Carmen PH166708000
San Isidro PH166720000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Sara PH063044000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Mabini PH071231000
Alicia PH071202000
Buug PH098302000
New Corella PH112314000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Quezon City PH137404000
Talacogon PH160311000
Veruela PH160313000
Mapanas PH084812000
Cabatuan PH023107000
San Mariano PH023131000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Rizal PH034923000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Zaragoza PH034932000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Castillejos PH037104000
San Pascual PH041026000
Lopez PH045622000
Quezon PH045637000
Capalonga PH051602000
Baao PH051701000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Viga PH052010000
Hamtic PH060608000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Pilar PH071234000
Dolores PH082606000
Maydolong PH082615000
Dulag PH083718000
Las Navas PH084810000
Basey PH086002000
Piñan PH097209000
Malangas PH098308000
Baliangao PH104202000
New Corella PH112314000
Manay PH112508000
Mabini PH118203000
Magpet PH124706000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
San Isidro PH166720000
Socorro PH166723000
Cagdianao PH168502000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Del Pilar PH175208015

Del Pilar (Pob.) PH012933018
Del Pilar (Pob.) PH030804010
Del Pilar (Pob.) PH051732010
Del Razon PH175209008
Del Remedio PH043424036
Del Remedio PH082622004
Del Remedio (Pob.) PH045806009
Del Remedios PH082623008
Del Rosario PH015544062
Del Rosario PH035416009
Del Rosario PH045605014
Del Rosario PH045618019
Del Rosario PH045622030
Del Rosario PH045646011
Del Rosario PH045648013
Del Rosario PH050502015
Del Rosario PH050505013
Del Rosario PH050512022
Del Rosario PH051703008
Del Rosario PH051710002
Del Rosario PH051724012
Del Rosario PH051725004
Del Rosario PH051726006
Del Rosario PH051728008
Del Rosario PH054118010
Del Rosario PH054121014
Del Rosario PH056216046
Del Rosario PH071206018
Del Rosario PH086011008
Del Rosario PH160314004
Del Rosario PH166727003
Del Rosario (Banao) PH051716003
Del Rosario (Bual) PH056213018
Del Rosario (Pob.) PH030811011
Del Rosario (Pob.) PH051701007
Del Rosario (Pob.) PH051721008
Del Rosario (Tagongtong) PH051607013
Del Rosario Pob. (Bgy. 3) PH050516013
Del Socorro PH051722008
Del Sur (Pob.) PH084812006
Dela Cruz PH036902005
Dela Paz PH036916034
Dela Paz PH041005022
Dela Paz PH050503017
Dela Paz PH097206034
Dela Paz PH104205009
Dela Paz PH104211004
Dela Paz PH137403006
Dela Paz (Pob.) PH045802003
Dela Paz Norte PH035416005
Dela Paz Pulot Aplaya PH041005023
Dela Paz Pulot Itaas PH041005024
Dela Paz Sur PH035416006
Delabayan PH103507004
Delabayan West PH103501020
Delapa PH097217005
Delapa PH101317003
Delausan PH153613015
DELCAR Pob. (Delgado-Cartagena) PH063029023


Naujan PH175208000
Tagudin PH012933000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Fernando PH051732000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Sulat PH082622000
Cardona PH045806000
Taft PH082623000
Umingan PH015544000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Buenavista PH045605000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Lopez PH045622000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Tiaong PH045648000
Camalig PH050502000
Jovellar PH050505000
Oas PH050512000
Bato PH051703000
Canaman PH051710000
Naga City PH051724000
Ocampo PH051725000
Pamplona PH051726000
Pili PH051728000
San Fernando PH054118000
Uson PH054121000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Balilihan PH071206000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Sibagat PH160314000
Tubod PH166727000
Iriga City PH051716000
Pilar PH056213000
Pilar PH030811000
Baao PH051701000
Milaor PH051721000
Mercedes PH051607000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Minalabac PH051722000
Mapanas PH084812000
Bamban PH036902000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Batangas City PH041005000
Daraga PH050503000
Liloy PH097206000
Clarin PH104205000
Panaon PH104211000
City of Pasig PH137403000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Bacolod PH103501000
Sibutad PH097217000
Quezon PH101317000
Madalum PH153613000
Maasin PH063029000


Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Delgado-Jalandoni-Bagumbayan PH063022075
Delicioso PH064513010
Delima PH060603004
Delles PH013308005
Delos Angeles (Los Angeles) PH051705016
Delusom PH097226003
Delusom PH097315005
Demang PH144408008
Demang (Pob.) PH144409009
Demapaco PH124705010
Demetrio Fernan PH104203032
Democracia PH063022044
Demoloc PH118603006
Demologan PH103501006
Denigpian PH082606010
Denlag PH126319002
Denoman PH097211004
Denoyan PH097215004
Denrica PH051714010
Depase PH097303012
Depili PH097303016
Depla PH175320012
Depore PH097303014
Deporehan PH097303013
Derilon PH126302006
Desamparados PH063022045
Desamparados PH160311006
Desamparados (Pob.) PH071210013
Desawo PH126316026
Desin PH097209008
Desposorio PH063046022
Destacado Pob. (Bgy.2) PH084821008
Detailen PH037707016
Devera PH063044020
Devilla PH174005015
Dewey PH015514009
Diaat PH037707017
Diagyan PH037703001
Dialaoyao PH023121002
Dialatman PH037707018
Dialongana PH153611031
Diaman PH037707019
Diamanen PH037706025
Diamante PH056214005
Diamantina PH023103011
Diamantina PH023107010
Diamaro PH153615023
Diamla PH153623014
Diampaca PH153613013
Diampaca PH153620015
Diampak PH098306031
Dian-ay PH064509007
Diana PH023117001
Diana Countryside PH097344004
Dianao PH023108029
Dianawan PH037707020
Dianed PH037706005
Diangas PH097224002
Diarabasin PH037706006
Diarao PH023115011


Iloilo City PH063022000

Ilog PH064513000
Belison PH060603000
Burgos PH013308000
Buhi PH051705000
Bacungan PH097226000
Mahayag PH097315000
Sadanga PH144408000
Sagada PH144409000
Libungan PH124705000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Malita PH118603000
Bacolod PH103501000
Dolores PH082606000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Siayan PH097215000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Bayog PH097303000
Bayog PH097303000
Taytay PH175320000
Bayog PH097303000
Bayog PH097303000
Banga PH126302000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Talacogon PH160311000
Calape PH071210000
T'Boli PH126316000
Piñan PH097209000
Tubungan PH063046000
San Vicente PH084821000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Sara PH063044000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Bolinao PH015514000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Dilasag PH037703000
Palanan PH023121000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Aurora PH023103000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Malabang PH153615000
Pualas PH153623000
Madalum PH153613000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Kabasalan PH098306000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Maconacon PH023117000
Tigbao PH097344000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Baliguian PH097224000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Jones PH023115000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Diaro PH050510011
Diasan PH023112067
Diatagon PH166811005
Diaz PH015510006
Diaz PH015544022
Diaz PH035415011
Diaz PH086007097
Diaz PH166719004
Diaz (Romualdez) PH168507005
Dibacong PH037702021
Dibagat PH148104006
Dibalio PH021511011
Dibalo PH037708006
Dibaraybay PH037704005
Dibarosan PH103523010
Dibarosan PH153606023
Dibarosan PH153613014
Dibarusan PH153603024
Dibarusan PH153614010
Dibay PH021509004
Dibayabay PH037708007
Dibet PH037702013
Dibibi PH025702005
Dibul PH025705001
Dibulo PH023110004
Dibulos PH023111012
Dibuluan PH023115012
Dibuluan PH023131012
Dibut PH037708008
Dibutunan PH037706007
Dicabasan PH037703002
Dicabisagan East (Pob.) PH023121010
Dicabisagan West (Pob.) PH023121011
Dicadyuan PH023121003
Dicalongan (Pob.) PH153801004
Dicamay PH023131013
Dicamay I PH023115013
Dicamay II PH023115014
Dicambangan PH023111003
Dicaraoyan PH023112015
Dicarma (Pob.) PH034903031
Dicaroyan PH023111004
Dicatian PH023111005
Dicayas PH097202002
Diclum PH060607016
Diclum PH101314006
Dicoloc PH104207005
Dicolor PH036906014
Dicoyong PH097218007
Diculom PH097224003
Diday PH063030039
Diddadungan PH023121016
Didipio PH025009010
Didiyan PH023121004
Didtaras PH126508002
Diduyon PH025704009
Diegas PH168501020
Diego Silang PH025703009
Diego Silang Pob. (Bgy. 6) PH160202038
Dietban PH023128007


Malinao PH050510000
Echague PH023112000
Lianga PH166811000
Bautista PH015510000
Umingan PH015544000
Porac PH035415000
Gandara PH086007000
San Francisco PH166719000
Tubajon PH168507000
Casiguran PH037702000
Kabugao PH148104000
Claveria PH021511000
San Luis PH037708000
Dinalungan PH037704000
Pantar PH103523000
Bubong PH153606000
Madalum PH153613000
Balindong PH153603000
Madamba PH153614000
Calayan PH021509000
San Luis PH037708000
Casiguran PH037702000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Saguday PH025705000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Divilacan PH023111000
Jones PH023115000
San Mariano PH023131000
San Luis PH037708000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Dilasag PH037703000
Palanan PH023121000
Palanan PH023121000
Palanan PH023121000
Ampatuan PH153801000
San Mariano PH023131000
Jones PH023115000
Jones PH023115000
Divilacan PH023111000
Echague PH023112000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Divilacan PH023111000
Divilacan PH023111000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Jimenez PH104207000
Gerona PH036906000
Sindangan PH097218000
Baliguian PH097224000
Miagao PH063030000
Palanan PH023121000
Kasibu PH025009000
Palanan PH023121000
Lambayong PH126508000
Maddela PH025704000
Basilisa PH168501000
Diffun PH025703000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Guillermo PH023128000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Diezmo PH043404016
Dig-aguyan PH104319004
Digahongan PH083717021
Digal PH153803008
Digdigon PH051715009
Digkilaan PH103504007
Digkilaan PH104318005
Digmala PH034902007
Digman PH042103006
Digon PH097317010
Digongan PH101309037
Digson PH104203033
Diguan PH104210017
Digumased (Pob.) PH023110005
Diit PH175302004
Dikapanikian PH037705006
Dikapinisan PH037708009
Diket PH015544023
Diki PH099701013
Dikildit PH037707021
Dila PH041007020
Dila PH043402003
Dila PH043428004
Dila-an PH063017020
Dila-dila PH035420002
Dilabayan PH153601008
Dilabayan PH153606014
Dilabayan PH153610029
Dilabayan PH153627022
Dilag PH143213013
Dilaguidi PH037703003
Dilakit PH023111007
Dilam PH021509005
Dilan PH015530012
Dilan Paurido PH015546018
Diland PH097208003
Dilanis PH012817010
Dilao PH041003025
Dilausan PH153603025
Dilausan PH153622015
Dilausan PH153624030
Dilausan PH153625009
Dilausan PH153626007
Dilausan PH153641005
Dilausan (Pob.) PH153634019
Dilavo PH012817011
Dilawa PH097209007
Dili PH012924016
Dili PH013307016
Dili PH174003013
Diliman I PH031422007
Diliman II PH031422008
Dilimbayan PH103516010
Dilimbayan PH153607019
Dilimbayan PH153610030
Dilimbayan PH153625031
Dilimbayan PH153629014
Dilimbayan PH153634020
Dilimbayan PH153636012
Dilindongan-Cadayonan PH153611035


Cabuyao City PH043404000

Medina PH104319000
Dagami PH083717000
Buluan PH153803000
Goa PH051715000
Iligan City PH103504000
Manticao PH104318000
Bongabon PH034902000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Agutaya PH175302000
Dingalan PH037705000
San Luis PH037708000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Calaca PH041007000
Bay PH043402000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Dueñas PH063017000
Santa Rita PH035420000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Bubong PH153606000
Kapai PH153610000
Taraka PH153627000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Dilasag PH037703000
Divilacan PH023111000
Calayan PH021509000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Mutia PH097208000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Balayan PH041003000
Balindong PH153603000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tamparan PH153626000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
Maguing PH153634000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Piñan PH097209000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Bauang PH013307000
Gasan PH174003000
San Rafael PH031422000
San Rafael PH031422000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Butig PH153607000
Kapai PH153610000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tugaya PH153629000
Maguing PH153634000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dilong PH140126003
Dilucot PH097225004
Dilud PH097308008
Dimabuno PH037706008
Dimagaling (Dimagalin Proper) PH153610007
Dimalama PH153638007
Dimalco PH104203010
Dimalicu-licu PH023121005
Dimalinao PH097303015
Dimalinao PH097328010
Dimaluade PH023110006
Dimaluna PH104210018
Dimaluna PH153617039
Dimampao PH153828002
Dimanayat PH037708010
Dimanpudso PH037707022
Dimapaok PH153641006
Dimapatoy PH153606015
Dimapnat PH023111008
Dimapula (Pob.) PH023111009
Dimarao PH103501007
Dimarao PH153603026
Dimarao PH153619019
Dimasalang PH160309011
Dimasalang (Pob.) PH034903032
Dimasalang Norte PH034930020
Dimasalang Sur PH034930021
Dimasalansan PH023111010
Dimasangca PH097312027
Dimasari PH023121006
Dimaseset PH037703004
Dimatican PH023121007
Dimayon PH103515005
Dimayon PH103516011
Dimayon PH103520003
Dimayon PH153606058
Dimayon PH153622014
Dimayon PH153627024
Dimayon Proper PH153606017
Dimunda PH153610008
Dina-ayan PH083710077
Dinabongan PH086003054
Dinadiawan PH037706009
Dinaga PH051724013
Dinaga (Pob.) PH051710003
Dinagan PH086003055
Dinagsaan PH104322004
Dinahican PH045620019
Dinahugan PH086410015
Dinaig PH103517005
Dinaig Proper PH153807014
Dinaigan PH153628016
Dinalaoan PH012914013
Dinalaoan PH015517007
Dinanum PH013316017
Dinapa PH056206012
Dinaratan PH012916011
Dinarayat PH034930022
Dinas PH104214006
Dinasan PH097222001


Tubo PH140126000
Godod PH097225000
Dumingag PH097308000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Kapai PH153610000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Palanan PH023121000
Bayog PH097303000
Tambulig PH097328000
Dinapigue PH023110000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Marawi City PH153617000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
San Luis PH037708000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
Bubong PH153606000
Divilacan PH023111000
Divilacan PH023111000
Bacolod PH103501000
Balindong PH153603000
Mulondo PH153619000
San Luis PH160309000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Talavera PH034930000
Talavera PH034930000
Divilacan PH023111000
Labangan PH097312000
Palanan PH023121000
Dilasag PH037703000
Palanan PH023121000
Nunungan PH103515000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Bubong PH153606000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Taraka PH153627000
Bubong PH153606000
Kapai PH153610000
Burauen PH083710000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Naga City PH051724000
Canaman PH051710000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Salay PH104322000
Infanta PH045620000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Tubaran PH153628000
Narvacan PH012914000
Calasiao PH015517000
San Juan PH013316000
Castilla PH056206000
Salcedo PH012916000
Talavera PH034930000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Jose Dalman PH097222000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dinawacan PH086003056
Dinawehan PH104308076
Dine PH025009011
Dingading PH023128008
Dinganen PH153802009
Dinganun Guilopa (Dingunun) PH153640003
Dingasan PH025702014
Dingin PH043419006
Dinginan PH061914028
Dingle PH060403009
Dingle PH063030040
Dingle PH083701024
Diniog PH037703005
Dinoan PH097213010
Dinoronan PH050503018
Dintan PH140119006
Dinulan PH097216004
Dinwede East PH012908005
Dinwede West PH012908006
Diodol PH025701020
Diolangan PH153606019
Diolen PH097208004
Diome PH037707023
Dionela PH060605006
Dionela PH060611012
Diongan PH097215005
Dionisio Riconalla PH097219008
Dionisio S. Garcia PH034903033
Dionum PH097209009
Dioquino Zobel PH137404030
Diora-Zinungan PH021523004
Dioyo PH104213008
Dipacamo PH023128009
Dipala PH098306010
Dipaluda PH023102024
Dipalusan PH097323008
Dipane PH097207002
Dipangit PH023115015
Dipantan PH025706002
Dipatlong PH071232010
Dipatuan PH153601009
Dipaya PH097312010
Dipilat PH012823019
Dipintin PH025704010
Diplo PH097311010
Dipolo PH097319009
Dipolod PH097213011
Dipopor PH097225005
Dipudo PH023111011
Dipusu PH023131014
Diragun PH153631012
Dirdirig (Dirdirig-Paday) PH012904020
Dirisan PH153633044
Dirita-Baloguen PH037105008
Diromoyod PH153636015
Disakan PH097207003
Disimpit PH023115016
Disimuray PH023108030
Disoy PH104213027
Dissimungal PH025706003


Calbayog City PH086003000

Gingoog City PH104308000
Kasibu PH025009000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Buldon PH153802000
Sultan Dumalondong PH153640000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Roxas City PH061914000
Banga PH060403000
Miagao PH063030000
Abuyog PH083701000
Dilasag PH037703000
Salug PH097213000
Daraga PH050503000
Pilar PH140119000
Sibuco PH097216000
Cervantes PH012908000
Cervantes PH012908000
Aglipay PH025701000
Bubong PH153606000
Mutia PH097208000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Caluya PH060605000
Pandan PH060611000
Siayan PH097215000
Siocon PH097219000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Piñan PH097209000
Quezon City PH137404000
Santa Ana PH021523000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Angadanan PH023102000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Manukan PH097207000
Jones PH023115000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Labangan PH097312000
Vintar PH012823000
Maddela PH025704000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Molave PH097319000
Salug PH097213000
Godod PH097225000
Divilacan PH023111000
San Mariano PH023131000
Marogong PH153631000
Burgos PH012904000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Iba PH037105000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Manukan PH097207000
Jones PH023115000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Nagtipunan PH025706000


Samar PH086000000 Region VIII

Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Disso-or PH013307017
District 1 (Pob.) PH023130011
District 1 (Pob.) PH083741022
District 2 (Pob.) PH023130012
District 2 (Pob.) PH083741023
District 3 (Pob.) PH023130013
District 3 (Pob.) PH083741024
District 4 (Pob.) PH023130014
District 4 (Pob.) PH083741025
District I (Pob. I) PH034906018
District I (Pob.) PH023104016
District I (Pob.) PH023108031
District I (Pob.) PH023113017
District I (Pob.) PH023125006
District I (Pob.) PH041012032
District I (Pob.) PH041018001
District I (Pob.) PH051713008
District I (Pob.) PH054119014
District I (Pob.) PH060616061
District I (Pob.) PH083723027
District I (Pob.) PH086404008
District I Pob. (Quezon) PH083746013
District II (Pob. II) PH034906019
District II (Pob.) PH023104007
District II (Pob.) PH023108032
District II (Pob.) PH023113018
District II (Pob.) PH023125007
District II (Pob.) PH041012033
District II (Pob.) PH041018002
District II (Pob.) PH051713009
District II (Pob.) PH054119015
District II (Pob.) PH060616062
District II (Pob.) PH083723028
District II (Pob.) PH086404009
District II Pob. (Rizal) PH083746014
District III (Pob.) PH023108033
District III (Pob.) PH023113019
District III (Pob.) PH041012034
District III (Pob.) PH041018003
District III (Pob.) PH054119016
District III (Pob.) PH060616063
District III (Pob.) PH083723029
District III (Pob.) PH086404010
District III Pob. (Bonifacio) PH083746015
District III Pob. (Don M. Perez) PH025005016
District IV (Pob. IV) PH034906021
District IV (Pob.) PH025005017
District IV (Pob.) PH041012035
District IV (Pob.) PH041018004
District IV (Pob.) PH054119017
District IV (Pob.) PH060616064
District IV (Pob.) PH083723030
District IV Pob. (Macarthur) PH083746016
District V (Pob. V) PH034906022
District VI (Pob. VI) PH034906023
District VII (Pob. VII) PH034906024
District VIII (Pob. VIII) PH034906025
Disud PH097218039
Disulap PH023131015
Disusuan PH023131016


Bauang PH013307000
San Manuel PH023130000
Pastrana PH083741000
San Manuel PH023130000
Pastrana PH083741000
San Manuel PH023130000
Pastrana PH083741000
San Manuel PH023130000
Pastrana PH083741000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Gamu PH023113000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Lemery PH041012000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
Gainza PH051713000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Sibalom PH060616000
Jaro PH083723000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Gamu PH023113000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Lemery PH041012000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
Gainza PH051713000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Sibalom PH060616000
Jaro PH083723000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Tabontabon PH083746000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Gamu PH023113000
Lemery PH041012000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Sibalom PH060616000
Jaro PH083723000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Bayombong PH025005000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Bayombong PH025005000
Lemery PH041012000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Sibalom PH060616000
Jaro PH083723000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Sindangan PH097218000
San Mariano PH023131000
San Mariano PH023131000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dit-Ana PH060410008
Dita PH041009007
Dita PH041012012
Dita PH043410012
Dita PH043428005
Dita PH056208017
Dita PH083725013
Dita PH097332025
Ditago PH103506013
Ditale PH037706010
Ditarum PH023111013
Ditawini PH037704006
Ditay PH098303005
Diteki PH037708011
Ditinagyan PH037702022
Ditoray PH097322017
Ditsaan PH153624032
Ditucalan PH103504039
Ditulan PH097308009
Ditumabo PH037708012
Diversion PH034927005
Divina Pastora (Pob.) PH051703009
Divinagracia PH063022046
Divinan PH023115017
Divino Rostro PH051705009
Divino Rostro (Pob.) PH050517018
Divino Rostro (Pob.) PH052008017
Divinubo PH082604024
Divisoria PH021512007
Divisoria PH023103012
Divisoria PH023134007
Divisoria PH023135015
Divisoria PH035413009
Divisoria PH054105011
Divisoria PH054106008
Divisoria PH054108011
Divisoria PH083702021
Divisoria PH086402011
Divisoria PH097332026
Divisoria PH104212011
Divisoria Norte PH025704011
Divisoria Sur (Bisangal) PH025704004
Diwa PH030811012
Diwa-an PH097201014
Diwan PH097202003
Diwan PH097315006
Dizol PH034926009
Dizon Subdivision PH141102030
Dlanag PH126316027
Dobdob PH072207012
Dobdob PH074623011
Doclong 1 PH036913007
Doclong 2 PH036913008
Docol PH054102008
Dodan PH021505024
Dodan PH021519012
Dogongan PH051603012
Dogongan PH086009011
Doh-Tong PH157004008
Dohinob PH097211005


Madalag PH060410000
Cuenca PH041009000
Lemery PH041012000
Liliw PH043410000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Gubat PH056208000
Julita PH083725000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Divilacan PH023111000
Dinalungan PH037704000
Diplahan PH098303000
San Luis PH037708000
Casiguran PH037702000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Iligan City PH103504000
Dumingag PH097308000
San Luis PH037708000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Bato PH051703000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Jones PH023115000
Buhi PH051705000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
San Andres PH052008000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Enrile PH021512000
Aurora PH023103000
Santa Maria PH023134000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Mexico PH035413000
Cataingan PH054105000
Cawayan PH054106000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Alangalang PH083702000
Bontoc PH086402000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Plaridel PH104212000
Maddela PH025704000
Maddela PH025704000
Pilar PH030811000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Mahayag PH097315000
San Jose City PH034926000
Baguio City PH141102000
T'Boli PH126316000
Badian PH072207000
Valencia PH074623000
San Clemente PH036913000
San Clemente PH036913000
Baleno PH054102000
Aparri PH021505000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Daet PH051603000
Jiabong PH086009000
Simunul PH157004000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000


Aklan PH060400000 Region VI

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dolangan PH153607022
Dolaoan PH015505007
Doldol PH063040024
Doldol PH072224006
Doldol PH064530007
Doldol PH074603007
Doles PH124706016
Dolho PH083707013
Doliman PH015520006
Dolipos Alto PH104209011
Dolipos Bajo PH104209010
Dolis PH064505011
Doljo PH071233004
Dolo PH051733011
Dolo PH112401008
Dologon PH101315008
Dolongan PH086002014
Dolores PH012816006
Dolores PH023123004
Dolores PH034929011
Dolores PH035404007
Dolores PH035409009
Dolores PH035411002
Dolores PH035416010
Dolores PH036904007
Dolores PH036916035
Dolores PH043424037
Dolores PH061903003
Dolores PH063005007
Dolores PH067903005
Dolores PH083738049
Dolores PH084810011
Dolores PH086013010
Dolores PH086015010
Dolores PH104205010
Dolores PH124715003
Dolores PH174005016
Dolores (Hacienda Dolores) PH035415013
Dolores (Piring) PH035413010
Dolores (Pob.) PH037102010
Dolores (Pob.) PH045813001
Dolorosa PH101303003
Dolorosa (Dolorosa Inapatan) PH051723007
Dolos PH056203021
Dolowog PH142707006
Domagocdoc PH083707014
Domagondong PH051712005
Domalandan Center PH015522009
Domalandan East PH015522010
Domalandan West PH015522011
Domandan PH098305041
Domang PH025008017
Domanpot PH015506012
Domenglay PH140113004
Dominador East PH041002006
Dominador West PH041002007
Dominga PH112402042
Domingo PH063044021
Domingo Alarcio (Cabilaoan East) PH015548004
Dominican Hill-Mirador PH141102135


Butig PH153607000
Anda PH015505000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Valladolid PH064530000
Bacong PH074603000
Magpet PH124706000
Bato PH083707000
Infanta PH015520000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Calatrava PH064505000
Panglao PH071233000
San Jose PH051733000
Bansalan PH112401000
Maramag PH101315000
Basey PH086002000
Paoay PH012816000
Quirino PH023123000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Bacolor PH035404000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Magalang PH035411000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Capas PH036904000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
San Pablo City PH043424000
Dumalag PH061903000
Balasan PH063005000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Las Navas PH084810000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Clarin PH104205000
Antipas PH124715000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Porac PH035415000
Mexico PH035413000
Cabangan PH037102000
Taytay PH045813000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Nabua PH051723000
Bulan PH056203000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Bato PH083707000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Lingayen PH015522000
Lingayen PH015522000
Lingayen PH015522000
Ipil PH098305000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Asingan PH015506000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Davao City PH112402000
Sara PH063044000
Laoac PH015548000
Baguio City PH141102000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dominlog PH045607024
Dominorog PH051708016
Dominorog PH101320008
Domoclay PH041005026
Domogdog PH083706038
Domogok PH097215006
Domoit PH045624019
Domoit Kanluran PH045647033
Domoit Silangan PH045647059
Domolog PH074607010
Domolok PH128001005
Domolol PH126509009
Domonar PH083738050
Domorog PH054105012
Domorog PH054109004
Domoyog PH166708010
Domrog PH082607005
Don Alejandro PH160309012
Don Alejandro Quirolgico (Pob.) PH012907016
Don Andres PH098305006
Don Andres Soriano PH104208027
Don Andres Soriano (Lutopan) PH072251016
Don Antonio Village PH015531036
Don Aurelio Chicote PH112506003
Don Basilio PH036906015
Don Benito PH015530013
Don Bernardo Nery Pob. (Tres de Mayo) PH104204019
Don Bosco PH137604008
Don Carlos Norte PH101304005
Don Carlos Sur (Pob.) PH101304022
Don Dimas Querubin (Pob.) PH012907012
Don Domingo Maddela Pob. (District I) PH025005014
Don Eleno PH097214008
Don Enrique Lopez PH112509010
Don Espiridion Villegas PH074624003
Don Esteban-Lapuz PH063022047
Don Faustino Pagaduan PH025703033
Don Felipe Larrazabal PH083738051
Don Francisco PH160202102
Don Galo PH137604002
Don Gregorio Antigua (Taytayan) PH072213011
Don Ignacio Dimson PH035408009
Don Jose PH043428006
Don Jose PH097306032
Don Jose Aguirre PH097207019
Don Juan PH041009008
Don Juan Vercelos PH045642015
Don Justo Abalos (Caroan) PH015544024
Don Leon Balante PH112504004
Don Lorenzo Querubin (Pob.) PH012907017
Don Luis PH041022013
Don Luis PH083713016
Don Manuel PH137404033
Don Mariano Marcos PH025005021
Don Mariano Marcos PH112507010
Don Mariano Marcos (Pob.) PH034912013
Don Mariano Perez, Sr. PH025703010
Don Martin Marundan PH112509011
Don Mateo PH160313003
Don Matias PH015516009


Calauag PH045607000
Calabanga PH051708000
Talakag PH101320000
Batangas City PH041005000
Barugo PH083706000
Siayan PH097215000
Lucena City PH045624000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Bindoy PH074607000
Alabel PH128001000
Palimbang PH126509000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Cataingan PH054105000
Esperanza PH054109000
Del Carmen PH166708000
General Macarthur PH082607000
San Luis PH160309000
Caoayan PH012907000
Ipil PH098305000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Toledo City PH072251000
Rosales PH015531000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Gerona PH036906000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Calamba PH104204000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Caoayan PH012907000
Bayombong PH025005000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
City of Mati PH112509000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Diffun PH025703000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Butuan City PH160202000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Borbon PH072213000
Lubao PH035408000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Dinas PH097306000
Manukan PH097207000
Cuenca PH041009000
San Francisco PH045642000
Umingan PH015544000
Caraga PH112504000
Caoayan PH012907000
San Jose PH041022000
Calubian PH083713000
Quezon City PH137404000
Bayombong PH025005000
Lupon PH112507000
Jaen PH034912000
Diffun PH025703000
City of Mati PH112509000
Veruela PH160313000
Burgos PH015516000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Don Montano PH015544025

Don Pablo Dela Rosa PH054101014
Don Panaca PH124706050
Don Paulino PH166707010
Don Pedro PH015524031
Don Pedro PH104320001
Don Pedro PH160309013
Don Pedro PH175207007
Don Pedro Rodriguez PH072211010
Don Perfecto PH098312021
Don Potenciano Larrazabal PH083738104
Don Ramon PH036901010
Don Ricardo Macias (Dinobot) PH097218009
Don Roque Ablan Sr. PH148101013
Don Ruben Ecleo (Baltazar) PH168506003
Don Salvador Benedicto (Carmen) PH064521011
Don Salvador Lopez, Sr. PH112509012
Don Sergio Osmeña, Sr. PH112411002
Don T. Lutero Center (Pob.) PH063023052
Don T. Lutero East (Pob.) PH063023053
Don T. Lutero West Pob. (Don T. Lutero North) PH063023054
Don Tomas PH051610011
Don Tomas Maddela Pob. (District II) PH025005015
Don Virgilio Gonzales PH072231016
Dona PH030809007
Doña Andrea PH112301013
Doña Anecita PH084815008
Doña Aurora PH045607026
Doña Brigida PH083749014
Doña Carmen PH166817025
Doña Cecilia PH097220011
Doña Concha PH023126031
Doña Consuelo PH104210052
Doña Feliza Z. Mejia PH083738111
Doña Flavia PH160309014
Doña Francisca PH030803026
Doña Helen PH168504004
Doña Helene PH168501006
Doña Imelda PH025703011
Doña Imelda PH137404031
Doña Josefa PH034919016
Doña Josefa PH083730031
Doña Josefa PH097218040
Doña Josefa PH098305042
Doña Josefa PH118202026
Doña Josefa PH137404032
Doña Josefina PH097327016
Doña Juana PH175911011
Doña Loreta PH148106024
Doña Lucia PH034922004
Doña Lucia PH084813008
Doña Maria (Kangkuirina) PH083703006
Doña Maxima PH160309025
Doña Mercedes PH050504011
Doña Pulqueria (Himbang) PH084805025
Dona Ramona T. Alano (Isabela Westsite) PH099701016
Doña Rosario PH160211003
Doña Telesfora PH160211013
Doña Tomasa (Magatol) PH050504012
Doña Trinidad PH175912003


Umingan PH015544000
Aroroy PH054101000
Magpet PH124706000
Dapa PH166707000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Naawan PH104320000
San Luis PH160309000
Mansalay PH175207000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Anao PH036901000
Sindangan PH097218000
Calanasan PH148101000
San Jose PH168506000
Pontevedra PH064521000
City of Mati PH112509000
Don Sergio Osmena, Sr. Padada PH112411000
Janiuay PH063023000
Janiuay PH063023000
Janiuay PH063023000
Santa Elena PH051610000
Bayombong PH025005000
Medellin PH072231000
Orani PH030809000
Dona Andrea Asuncion PH112301000
Dona Anecita Pambujan PH084815000
Dona Aurora Calauag PH045607000
Dona Brigida Tolosa PH083749000
Dona Carmen Tagbina PH166817000
Dona Cecilia Sirawai PH097220000
Dona Concha Roxas PH023126000
Dona Consuelo Ozamis City PH104210000
Dona Feliza Z. Mejia Ormoc City PH083738000
Dona Flavia San Luis PH160309000
Dona Francisca City of Balanga PH030803000
Dona Helen Libjo PH168504000
Dona Helene Basilisa PH168501000
Dona Imelda Diffun PH025703000
Dona Imelda Quezon City PH137404000
Dona Josefa Palayan City PH034919000
Dona Josefa Macarthur PH083730000
Dona Josefa Sindangan PH097218000
Dona Josefa Ipil PH098305000
Dona Josefa Laak PH118202000
Dona Josefa Quezon City PH137404000
Dona Josefina Tabina PH097327000
Dona Juana San Agustin PH175911000
Dona Loreta Pudtol PH148106000
Dona Lucia Quezon PH034922000
Dona Lucia Mondragon PH084813000
Dona Maria (Kangkuirina) Albuera PH083703000
Dona Maxima San Luis PH160309000
Dona Mercedes Guinobatan PH050504000
Dona Pulqueria (Himbang) Catarman PH084805000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Dona Rosario Tubay PH160211000
Dona Telesfora Tubay PH160211000
Dona Tomasa (Magatol) Guinobatan PH050504000
Dona Trinidad San Andres PH175912000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Donacion PH031401005
Dongalo PH012919009
Dongan-Pekong PH112410010
Dongcoan PH153622018
Donggoan PH103505018
Donghol PH083738052
Dongoc PH063040025
Dongon PH086407021
Dongon East PH060416009
Dongon West PH060416010
Dongos PH097306004
Dongsol PH063037019
Dontogan PH141102137
Dontulan PH097319010
Doong PH072209007
Doongan PH160202039
Doongan Ibaba PH045610021
Doongan Ilaya PH045610022
Doos Del Norte PH083720010
Doos Del Sur PH083720011
Dopaj PH025008018
Dorado PH043420006
Dorillo PH082611009
Doro (Binocaran) PH166715001
Dorog PH063028041
Dorol PH071206019
Doroluman PH124718008
Doronan PH153610009
Dorong-an PH063045032
Dorong-an Daplian PH054119008
Dorongan PH015522013
Dorongan Ketaket PH015527034
Dorongan Linmansangan PH015527035
Dorongan Punta PH015527036
Dorongan Sawat PH015527037
Dorongan Valerio PH015527038
Dororian PH052005002
Dos Hermanas PH064528010
Doyong PH015517008
Doyong PH015532032
Doyos (Pob.) PH166807008
DPS Area PH141102029
Dr. Camilo Osias Pob. (Cabuaan Este) PH013305031
Dr. Jose Rizal (Lower Mias) PH097203007
Dr. Pedro T. Orata (Bactad Proper) PH015546004
Drancalan PH063009013
Duacan PH141107009
Duagan PH144410009
Duale PH030806013
Dualing PH124717003
Duaminanga PH153806015
Duaminanga PH153836008
Duang Niog PH051718026
Duangan PH072208013
Duangan PH072237009
Duangan PH160303009
Duanguican PH104216016
Duat PH035404008
Duay PH071221007
Dubduban PH175911012


Angat PH031401000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Matanao PH112410000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Ormoc City PH083738000
San Joaquin PH063040000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Numancia PH060416000
Numancia PH060416000
Dinas PH097306000
Pototan PH063037000
Baguio City PH141102000
Molave PH097319000
Bantayan PH072209000
Butuan City PH160202000
Catanauan PH045610000
Catanauan PH045610000
Hindang PH083720000
Hindang PH083720000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Pakil PH043420000
Jipapad PH082611000
Malimono PH166715000
Leon PH063028000
Balilihan PH071206000
Arakan PH124718000
Kapai PH153610000
Tigbauan PH063045000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Lingayen PH015522000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Gigmoto PH052005000
City of Talisay PH064528000
Calasiao PH015517000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Carrascal PH166807000
Baguio City PH141102000
Balaoan PH013305000
Katipunan PH097203000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Batad PH063009000
Kabayan PH141107000
Tadian PH144410000
Limay PH030806000
Aleosan PH124717000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Libmanan PH051718000
Balamban PH072208000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Esperanza PH160303000
Tudela PH104216000
Bacolor PH035404000
Duero PH071221000
San Agustin PH175911000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dubinan East PH023135016

Dubinan West PH023135017
Ducligan PH140104001
Ducligan PH142701010
Duelic PH097318032
Duengas PH126313006
Duera PH015511027
Duga-a PH150707021
Dugayong PH023112016
Dugayung PH021504025
Dugayung PH021520003
Dugcal PH051709001
Duggo PH156612010
Dughan PH166801008
Dugman PH063038011
Dugmanon PH112510005
Dugmanon PH166809009
Dugo PH021510016
Dugoan PH072246012
Dugong PH140103007
Dugpa PH143209011
Dugsangon PH166702004
Duguengen PH153837006
Dugui San Isidro PH052011021
Dugui San Vicente PH052011020
Dugui Too PH052011023
Dugwakan PH063006013
Dugyan PH072222013
Duhat PH031404011
Duhat PH043407006
Duhat PH043426005
Duhat PH045629004
Duhat PH045635003
Duhatan PH041003026
Duhatan PH041014018
Duhol Kabbon PH156605007
Duhol Tara PH156612011
Duhul Batu PH157003002
Duit PH142703009
Dujali PH112323002
Duka PH083706013
Duka PH104319005
Dukay PH126503005
Dulacac PH015503012
Dulag PH015513014
Dulag PH015522014
Dulag PH103504033
Dulag PH160202094
Dulangan PH041024010
Dulangan PH061911007
Dulangan PH112403008
Dulangan PH153807015
Dulangan PH175211003
Dulangan PH175908004
Dulangan I PH175201007
Dulangan II PH175201008
Dulao PH013302003
Dulao PH083713017
Dulao PH140115004
Dulao PH142704011


City of Santiago PH023135000

City of Santiago PH023135000
Bucloc PH140104000
Banaue PH142701000
Midsalip PH097318000
Surallah PH126313000
Bayambang PH015511000
Tuburan PH150707000
Echague PH023112000
Amulung PH021504000
Piat PH021520000
Camaligan PH051709000
Siasi PH156612000
Barobo PH166801000
San Dionisio PH063038000
San Isidro PH112510000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Sibonga PH072246000
Bucay PH140103000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Bacuag PH166702000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
Banate PH063006000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Bocaue PH031404000
Cavinti PH043407000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Plaridel PH045635000
Balayan PH041003000
Lipa City PH041014000
Maimbung PH156605000
Siasi PH156612000
Mapun PH157003000
Kiangan PH142703000
Braulio E. Dujali PH112323000
Barugo PH083706000
Medina PH104319000
Esperanza PH126503000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Binmaley PH015513000
Lingayen PH015522000
Iligan City PH103504000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Luis PH041024000
Pilar PH061911000
City of Digos PH112403000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Puerto Galera PH175211000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Baco PH175201000
Baco PH175201000
Aringay PH013302000
Calubian PH083713000
Malibcong PH140115000
Lagawe PH142704000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dulao PH064502011
Dulapo PH104209012
Dulay PH153617040
Dulay West PH153617042
Duldulao PH140115005
Dulian PH097308010
Dulian (Upper Bunguiao) PH097332027
Dulian (Upper Pasonanca) PH097332028
Dulig PH015521003
Duljo (Pob.) PH072217027
Duljugan PH083740014
Dullan PH104201010
Dullan PH104203011
Dullan Norte PH104209013
Dullan Sur PH104209014
Dullao PH025004011
Dulli PH025001010
Dulonan PH063022048
Dulong PH104315001
Dulong Bayan PH031420002
Dulong Bayan PH034922005
Dulong Bayan PH042103007
Dulong Bayan (Pob.) PH045634023
Dulong Bayan (Pob.) PH174004011
Dulong Bayan 1 PH045811002
Dulong Bayan 2 PH045811003
Dulong Bayan Pob. (Bgy. 3) PH042108005
Dulong Ilog PH035405010
Dulong Malabon PH031418008
Dulop PH097308011
Duluan PH061907010
Dulumbayan PH045814004
Dumabato Norte PH025704012
Dumabato Sur PH025704013
Dumabel PH025701002
Dumadalig PH126315003
Dumagas PH140102005
Dumagmang PH051606023
Dumagoc PH097322057
Dumagueña PH175315008
Dumaguil PH126311002
Dumaguit PH060415003
Dumalag (Pusod) PH083710027
Dumalagan PH160202040
Dumalaguing PH101305005
Dumalama PH101317004
Dumalan PH072222014
Dumalian PH097324008
Dumalinao PH097318033
Dumalneg PH012810001
Dumalo-ong (Pob.) PH086007031
Dumalogdog PH097218010
Dumangas Nuevo PH126505006
Dumanhog PH076106021
Dumanisi PH025703012
Dumantay PH041005027
Dumara PH097313007
Dumarag PH083741010
Dumarais PH036907006
Dumarait PH104302012


Bago City PH064502000

Oroquieta City PH104209000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Malibcong PH140115000
Dumingag PH097308000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Labrador PH015521000
Cebu City PH072217000
Palompon PH083740000
Aloran PH104201000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Bambang PH025004000
Ambaguio PH025001000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Libertad PH104315000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Quezon PH034922000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Pitogo PH045634000
Mogpog PH174004000
San Mateo PH045811000
San Mateo PH045811000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Candaba PH035405000
Pulilan PH031418000
Dumingag PH097308000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Teresa PH045814000
Maddela PH025704000
Maddela PH025704000
Aglipay PH025701000
Tantangan PH126315000
Boliney PH140102000
Labo PH051606000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Dumaguena Narra PH175315000
Norala PH126311000
New Washington PH060415000
Burauen PH083710000
Butuan City PH160202000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Quezon PH101317000
Dalaguete PH072222000
San Miguel PH097324000
Midsalip PH097318000
Dumalneg PH012810000
Gandara PH086007000
Sindangan PH097218000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Siquijor PH076106000
Diffun PH025703000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Pastrana PH083741000
La Paz PH036907000
Balingasag PH104302000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Dumaran (Pob.) PH175311008

Dumarao PH175318005
Dumatad PH060417004
Dumawing PH023115018
Dumayat PH015512008
Dumayco PH140117001
Dumga PH060411012
Dumiles PH063039012
Duminit PH023108034
Dumlan PH118204007
Dumlog PH060412009
Dumlog PH072250004
Dumlog PH072251017
Dummun PH021513025
Dumolog PH061914026
Dumoy PH112402043
Dumpao PH021515007
Dumpay PH015509004
Dumpilas PH097215007
Dumpoc PH098304004
Dumrog PH060611013
Dunao PH050508023
Dungan PH036905011
Dungao PH021526012
Dungawan Central PH045618020
Dungawan Paalyunan PH045618021
Dungawan Pantay PH045618022
Dungeg PH021523005
Dungeg PH021525004
Dungga PH072223013
Dunggan PH021521008
Dunggoan PH072223014
Dungguan PH153822004
Dunglayan PH012926011
Dungo-an PH124710007
Dungo-an PH074615010
Dungo (Osmeña) PH025701003
Dungon PH015541016
Dungon PH063015010
Dungon PH063022049
Dungon PH156615004
Dungon PH157001004
Dungon A PH063022050
Dungon B PH063022051
Dungos PH124714008
Dunguan PH124717004
Dunmon PH023122013
Duongan PH175215009
Dupac PH015506013
Dupag PH143213014
Dupitac PH012818010
Duplac PH015545009
Duplas PH013312005
Duplas PH013316018
Duplas PH013319003
Dupligan PH143214015
Duquit PH035409010
Duran PH051702008
Duran PH061903004
Duran (Jesus Duran) PH051723009


Dumaran PH175311000
Roxas PH175318000
Tangalan PH060417000
Jones PH023115000
Binalonan PH015512000
Peñarrubia PH140117000
Makato PH060411000
San Enrique PH063039000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Maco PH118204000
Malay PH060412000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Toledo City PH072251000
Gattaran PH021513000
Roxas City PH061914000
Davao City PH112402000
Iguig PH021515000
Basista PH015509000
Siayan PH097215000
Imelda PH098304000
Pandan PH060611000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Concepcion PH036905000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Santa Ana PH021523000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Danao City PH072223000
Rizal PH021521000
Danao City PH072223000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Santa Maria PH012926000
M'Lang PH124710000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Dungo (Osmena) Aglipay PH025701000
Sison PH015541000
Concepcion PH063015000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tongkil PH156615000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tulunan PH124714000
Aleosan PH124717000
Quezon PH023122000
Victoria PH175215000
Asingan PH015506000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Piddig PH012818000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Pugo PH013312000
San Juan PH013316000
Sudipen PH013319000
Tanudan PH143214000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Balatan PH051702000
Dumalag PH061903000
Nabua PH051723000


Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Durano PH103505019
Durian PH101318007
Durian PH153635015
Durian PH160207017
Durianon PH103511004
Duripes PH012802011
Duroc PH023102025
Durog PH060613016
Durog PH063030041
Duruarog PH025006005
Durungao PH041003027
Durungao PH041006014
Durungao PH041024011
Dusacan PH063028042
Dusita PH071240008
Dusoc PH015511028
Dutung-A-Matas PH036905012
Duyan PH072216012
Duyan-duyan PH137404034
Duyan Kabao PH156609012
Duyanduyan PH063012016
Duyanduyan PH063043035
Duyay PH174001026
Duyayyat PH012930016
Duyoc PH061902008
Duyog PH083728014
Duyong PH060611014
Duyun PH021521009
E. Alegado PH128002012
E. Duran PH084803005
E. J. Dulay PH084808026
E. Laodenio PH084812011
E. Quirino PH056203022
E. Rodriguez PH137404035
East Bajac-bajac PH037107005
East Baluarte PH063022052
East Basak PH153617043
East Calaguiman (Pob.) PH030812001
East Carisac PH050507017
East Central Poblacion PH034918008
East Daang Bago (Pob.) PH030812002
East Dalurong PH101309041
East Dirita PH037109005
East Kamias PH137404036
East Kibawe (Pob.) PH101308007
East Kungtad PH156612012
East Migpulao PH097306015
East Poblacion PH037108013
East Poblacion PH043423006
East Poblacion PH071201005
East Poblacion PH072234009
East Poblacion PH097207027
East Poblacion PH097212014
East Rembo PH137602007
East Sisangat PH156612013
East Talisay PH157006013
East Tapinac PH037107006
East Timawa PH063022053
East Valencia PH067901009
East Villaflores PH061907011


Kapatagan PH103505000
San Fernando PH101318000
Picong PH153635000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Bacarra PH012802000
Angadanan PH023102000
San Jose PH060613000
Miagao PH063030000
Diadi PH025006000
Balayan PH041003000
Bauan PH041006000
San Luis PH041024000
Leon PH063028000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Bayambang PH015511000
Concepcion PH036905000
Catmon PH072216000
Quezon City PH137404000
Parang PH156609000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Boac PH174001000
Sinait PH012930000
Dao PH061902000
La Paz PH083728000
Pandan PH060611000
Rizal PH021521000
Glan PH128002000
Bobon PH084803000
Laoang PH084808000
Mapanas PH084812000
Bulan PH056203000
Quezon City PH137404000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Marawi City PH153617000
Samal PH030812000
Libon PH050507000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Samal PH030812000
Kitaotao PH101309000
San Antonio PH037109000
Quezon City PH137404000
Kibawe PH101308000
Siasi PH156612000
Dinas PH097306000
Palauig PH037108000
Rizal PH043423000
Alburquerque PH071201000
City of Naga PH072234000
Manukan PH097207000
Rizal PH097212000
City of Makati PH137602000
Siasi PH156612000
South Ubian PH157006000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Buenavista PH067901000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000


Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


East Visoria PH083715016

Eastern Barangay (Pob.) PH083719029
Eastern Bobongan PH097323009
Eastern Cabul-an PH071209021
Eastern Capsay PH054102009
Eastern Looc PH104212012
Eastern Poblacion PH052002019
Eastern Poblacion PH072238006
Eastern Poblacion PH097340006
Eastern Poblacion PH104208022
Eastern Wao PH153630011
Ebarle PH097337003
Ebro PH160308006
Eco (Pob.) PH084813009
Ecuan PH097318034
Eday PH126502010
Edcor (Gallego Edcor) PH153802011
Eddet PH141107010
Eden PH023130006
Eden PH025702006
Eden PH035413011
Eden PH112402044
Edera PH168501021
Edganzon PH063022054
Eduardo G. Montilla (Camboayon) PH160207016
Edwards (Pob.) PH126316002
Edy PH034918009
Efe PH083713018
Efigenio Lizares PH064528011
Egaña PH060616024
Eguia PH015519004
Eheb PH142710005
Ekip PH141104005
Ekiran PH083702022
El 98 Castilla (Claudio Lopez) PH063022034
El Katipunan PH118202027
El Nonok PH126302007
El Paraiso PH097204001
El Paraiso PH097206035
El Paraiso PH104213028
El Pardo PH072212002
El Progreso PH060405006
El Progreso PH071212006
El Reposo (Barangays 55 & 55A) PH083747084
El Rio PH160314005
El Salvador PH071212007
El Salvador PH103509009
El Salvador PH112314005
Elbebe PH126502011
Elbebe PH153805020
Elcano PH086007032
Eleazar PH148101014
Elecia (Talostos) PH074613029
Elefante PH012902008
Eleonor (Pob.) PH023117002
Elevado PH083734009
Eli PH074612014
Eli PH074613008
Elian PH153826003
Elias Aldana PH137601003


Carigara PH083715000
Hilongos PH083719000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Buenavista PH071209000
Baleno PH054102000
Plaridel PH104212000
Baras PH052002000
Poro PH072238000
Sominot PH097340000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Wao PH153630000
Josefina PH097337000
San Francisco PH160308000
Mondragon PH084813000
Midsalip PH097318000
Columbio PH126502000
Buldon PH153802000
Kabayan PH141107000
San Manuel PH023130000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Mexico PH035413000
Davao City PH112402000
Basilisa PH168501000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Las Nieves PH160207000
T'Boli PH126316000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Calubian PH083713000
City of Talisay PH064528000
Egana Sibalom PH060616000
Dasol PH015519000
Tinoc PH142710000
Bokod PH141104000
Alangalang PH083702000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Laak PH118202000
Banga PH126302000
La Libertad PH097204000
Liloy PH097206000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Boljoon PH072212000
Buruanga PH060405000
Carmen PH071212000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Sibagat PH160314000
Carmen PH071212000
Lala PH103509000
New Corella PH112314000
Columbio PH126502000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Gandara PH086007000
Calanasan PH148101000
La Libertad PH074613000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Maconacon PH023117000
Matalom PH083734000
Jimalalud PH074612000
La Libertad PH074613000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Elihan PH064507013
Elizabeth PH012809032
Elizabeth PH083729011
Elizabeth (Culao) PH012813004
Elizalde (Somil) PH118204008
Ellaperal (Nonok) PH166717008
Elvita PH175315009
Eman PH112401009
Embarcadero PH015526010
Embarcadero PH056210013
Embarcadero PH063009014
Embarcadero (Pob.) PH166807009
Embargo PH104210019
Embayao PH101304006
Embrangga-an PH060602018
Emie Punud PH153617044
Emilia PH148106025
Emiliana PH148107012
Emilod PH175314006
Emmanuel PH041009009
Emmanuel Bergado I PH042106021
Emmanuel Bergado II PH042106050
Enage PH083713019
Encanto PH031401006
Encarnacion PH041008009
Enclaro PH064503005
Engineers' Hill PH141102035
Enrique Villanueva PH074620007
Enriqueta PH084811009
Ensenagan PH061910015
Entablado PH034904005
Entablado PH043423002
Epaw PH084810012
Epeng PH142706036
Epifanio Malia PH042123009
Erenas PH084823006
Erenas PH086025010
Erfe PH015538009
Ermita PH045618023
Ermita PH063018019
Ermita PH064524005
Ermita (Pob.) PH043418003
Ermita (Pob.) PH072217028
Ermita (Poblacion Sur) PH087807016
Ermitaño PH137405005
Erok-erok PH157003013
Escalantera PH063040026
Escaler PH035411003
Escano PH034911026
Escoda PH012813006
Escolta (Pob.) PH168503004
Escopa I PH137404037
Escopa II PH137404038
Escopa III PH137404039
Escopa IV PH137404040
Escoting PH025006006
Escribano PH041023013
Escuala PH056205008
Esguerra District (Pob.) PH034930024
Esmerada PH056213019


Cauayan PH064507000
Dingras PH012809000
Leyte PH083729000
Marcos PH012813000
Maco PH118204000
Placer PH166717000
Narra PH175315000
Bansalan PH112401000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Juban PH056210000
Batad PH063009000
Carrascal PH166807000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Barbaza PH060602000
Marawi City PH153617000
Pudtol PH148106000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Cuenca PH041009000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
Calubian PH083713000
Angat PH031401000
Calatagan PH041008000
Binalbagan PH064503000
Engineers Hill Baguio City PH141102000
Sibulan PH074620000
Lavezares PH084811000
Panitan PH061910000
Cabiao PH034904000
Rizal PH043423000
Las Navas PH084810000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Victoria PH084823000
San Jorge PH086025000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Dumangas PH063018000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Paete PH043418000
Cebu City PH072217000
Maripipi PH087807000
Ermitano City of San Juan PH137405000
Mapun PH157003000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Magalang PH035411000
Guimba PH034911000
Marcos PH012813000
Dinagat PH168503000
Quezon City PH137404000
Quezon City PH137404000
Quezon City PH137404000
Quezon City PH137404000
Diadi PH025006000
San Juan PH041023000
Casiguran PH056205000
Talavera PH034930000
Pilar PH056213000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Esmeralda PH015507004
España PH175913005
Esparagoza PH060617005
Esparar PH060602013
Esperanza PH012823022
Esperanza PH015541017
Esperanza PH015544026
Esperanza PH023102027
Esperanza PH037702014
Esperanza PH037703011
Esperanza PH056213020
Esperanza PH060606018
Esperanza PH061906008
Esperanza PH072204004
Esperanza PH072236004
Esperanza PH072238007
Esperanza PH072242006
Esperanza PH083710029
Esperanza PH083721008
Esperanza PH083734010
Esperanza PH083738053
Esperanza PH086003057
Esperanza PH086402012
Esperanza PH086415005
Esperanza PH097323010
Esperanza PH098310006
Esperanza PH103501008
Esperanza PH104312007
Esperanza PH112318003
Esperanza PH126306007
Esperanza PH126311003
Esperanza PH166708011
Esperanza PH166806004
Esperanza PH168505002
Esperanza (Pob.) PH052008018
Esperanza (Pob.) PH087803007
Esperanza Dos PH086415013
Esperanza East PH023103013
Esperanza I PH060616025
Esperanza Ibaba PH042101008
Esperanza Ibaba PH045622031
Esperanza II PH060616026
Esperanza III PH060616027
Esperanza Ilaya PH042101027
Esperanza Ilaya PH045622032
Esperanza West PH023103014
Espinosa PH054111015
Espinosa PH067902013
Espinosa PH083713020
Espiritu PH012809027
Estaca PH071217004
Estaca PH071222015
Estaca PH071234010
Estaca PH072218009
Estaca (Pob.) PH097202009
Estacion PH036910016
Estacion (Pob.) PH034918019
Estado PH124708008
Estaka PH086005019
Estampar PH054105013


Balungao PH015507000
Espana San Fernando PH175913000
Tibiao PH060617000
Barbaza PH060602000
Vintar PH012823000
Sison PH015541000
Umingan PH015544000
Angadanan PH023102000
Casiguran PH037702000
Dilasag PH037703000
Pilar PH056213000
Culasi PH060606000
Jamindan PH061906000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Pilar PH072236000
Poro PH072238000
San Francisco PH072242000
Burauen PH083710000
Inopacan PH083721000
Matalom PH083734000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bontoc PH086402000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Olutanga PH098310000
Bacolod PH103501000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Norala PH126311000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Carmen PH166806000
Loreto PH168505000
San Andres PH052008000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Aurora PH023103000
Sibalom PH060616000
Alfonso PH042101000
Lopez PH045622000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
Alfonso PH042101000
Lopez PH045622000
Aurora PH023103000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Jordan PH067902000
Calubian PH083713000
Dingras PH012809000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Pilar PH071234000
Compostela PH072218000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Paniqui PH036910000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Matalam PH124708000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Cataingan PH054105000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Estancia PH012817012
Estancia PH012818011
Estancia PH012914014
Estancia PH050510012
Estancia PH060407008
Estanislao Morgado PH160210010
Estante PH104208008
Estanza PH015514010
Estanza PH015522015
Estefania PH021504026
Estefania PH064501047
Estela PH086406008
Ester PH012823023
Esteves PH037702023
Estipona PH036911004
Estonilo PH037707024
Estrada PH023122006
Estrada (Calingcuan) PH036904008
Estrella PH023128010
Estrella PH023132005
Estrella PH034923013
Estrella PH041016006
Estrella PH043425003
Estrella PH050505014
Estrella PH104214007
Estrella PH126510005
Estrella PH175208016
Estrella Village PH175315010
Ettub-ettub PH150705039
Eureka PH104308077
Eustaquio Lopez PH064526008
Eva Puzon PH148101015
Evangelista PH015543006
Evangelista PH015544027
Evangelista PH045803001
Evangelista PH175208017
Ewon PH071239008
Exciban PH051606024
Extension Poblacion PH153630012
F. C. Otic Pob. (Bgy. II) PH034905053
F. Cajelo PH124714026
F. Cajelo (New Maasin) PH124713005
F. De Jesus (Pob.) PH045649025
F. Magallanes PH054111016
F. Nanadiego PH045628017
F. S. Catanico PH104305048
F. Simeon (Pugod) PH051730037
F. Tacorda Village PH052011024
Fabian (Balucot) PH097328006
Fabio PH166725005
Fabrica PH021516017
Fabrica PH041015009
Fabrica PH051609004
Fabrica PH051706007
Fabrica PH051708017
Fabrica PH054113006
Fabrica PH056202008
Fabrica PH056203023
Fabrica PH060608021
Fabrica PH064523008


Pasuquin PH012817000
Piddig PH012818000
Narvacan PH012914000
Malinao PH050510000
Kalibo PH060407000
Santiago PH160210000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Bolinao PH015514000
Lingayen PH015522000
Amulung PH021504000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Liloan PH086406000
Vintar PH012823000
Casiguran PH037702000
Pura PH036911000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Quezon PH023122000
Capas PH036904000
San Guillermo PH023128000
San Mateo PH023132000
Rizal PH034923000
Mabini PH041016000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Jovellar PH050505000
Sinacaban PH104214000
President Quirino PH126510000
Naujan PH175208000
Narra PH175315000
Sumisip PH150705000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Silay City PH064526000
Calanasan PH148101000
Tayug PH015543000
Umingan PH015544000
Baras PH045803000
Naujan PH175208000
Sevilla PH071239000
Labo PH051606000
Wao PH153630000
Carranglan PH034905000
Tulunan PH124714000
President Roxas PH124713000
Unisan PH045649000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Mulanay PH045628000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Ragay PH051730000
Virac PH052011000
Tambulig PH097328000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Lobo PH041015000
San Vicente PH051609000
Bula PH051706000
Calabanga PH051708000
Mobo PH054113000
Barcelona PH056202000
Bulan PH056203000
Hamtic PH060608000
Sagay City PH064523000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Factoria PH082617020
Faigal PH034911027
Fairview PH137404041
Fairview Village PH141102036
Fajardo PH063022056
Fama PH098310007
Famosa PH054114002
Farañal (Pob.) PH037110004
Faraon PH071225016
Farmington PH097221012
Farola PH012933019
Fatima PH015520007
Fatima PH031420015
Fatima PH034920017
Fatima PH043425024
Fatima PH050517019
Fatima PH060415004
Fatima PH060607017
Fatima PH071216002
Fatima PH071224021
Fatima PH071246018
Fatima PH083718016
Fatima PH086008021
Fatima PH086406024
Fatima PH086409031
Fatima PH097206010
Fatima PH097218056
Fatima PH097324009
Fatima PH118210005
Fatima PH126303038
Fatima PH074616005
Fatima PH074618010
Fatima (Benowang) PH112402045
Fatima (Lacsutan) PH097227005
Fatima (Pob.) PH034903035
Fatima (Pob.) PH083751013
Fatima (Pogan) PH097213013
Fatima (Silal) PH098311007
Fatima (Tii) PH175106002
Fatima I PH042106022
Fatima II PH031420023
Fatima II PH042106051
Fatima III PH031420024
Fatima III PH042106052
Fatima IV PH031420025
Fatima V PH031420026
Faustino (Sipay) PH023108035
Fe PH060606019
Fe PH061906009
Feliciano PH060402006
Felis PH118603007
Felisa PH064501048
Felmida-Diaz PH037102026
Fely (Pob.) PH023117003
Ferdinand PH012813007
Ferdinand PH168501007
Ferdinand PH168505003
Ferdinand (Happy Homes-Campo Sioco) PH141102138
Ferdinand E. Marcos PH083713022
Ferdinand E. Marcos Pob. (District II) PH034926020


Oras PH082617000
Guimba PH034911000
Quezon City PH137404000
Baguio City PH141102000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Olutanga PH098310000
Monreal PH054114000
Faranal (Pob.) San Felipe PH037110000
Jagna PH071225000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Tagudin PH012933000
Infanta PH015520000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Pantabangan PH034920000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
New Washington PH060415000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Cortes PH071216000
Inabanga PH071224000
Ubay PH071246000
Dulag PH083718000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Liloan PH086406000
Malitbog PH086409000
Liloy PH097206000
Sindangan PH097218000
San Miguel PH097324000
New Bataan PH118210000
General Santos City PH126303000
Pamplona PH074616000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Davao City PH112402000
Kalawit PH097227000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Villaba PH083751000
Salug PH097213000
Payao PH098311000
Mamburao PH175106000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Culasi PH060606000
Jamindan PH061906000
Balete PH060402000
Malita PH118603000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Cabangan PH037102000
Maconacon PH023117000
Marcos PH012813000
Basilisa PH168501000
Loreto PH168505000
Baguio City PH141102000
Calubian PH083713000
San Jose City PH034926000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Feria (Pob.) PH037110005

Ferlda PH166701008
Fermeldy (Hcda. San Francisco) PH023137021
Fernandez PH061907012
Fernando PH013317011
Fernando Parcon Ward (Pob.) PH063037042
Ferraris PH063044022
Ferreras PH086010004
Fiangtin PH144401002
Fianza PH015536013
Fidel Surtida PH050516004
Fidelisan PH144409010
Filarca (Pob.) PH051737017
Fili PH160301003
Fimagas PH097203008
Finugo Norte PH021517010
Fiorello Calimag (Area C) PH042123012
Fishing Village (Fisherman's Village) PH118603008
Flora PH012928010
Flordeliz PH051721009
Flordeliz PH086408006
Flores PH015535005
Flores PH015544028
Flores PH023120005
Flores PH050513011
Flores PH060606020
Flores PH063022057
Flores PH137502007
Flores (Pob.) PH072216020
Florida PH036903023
Florida PH037707025
Florida PH098314006
Florida PH112305005
Florida PH160202095
Florida Blanca PH034915005
Florista PH050505015
Flormina PH084813010
Flourishing (Pob.) PH021514011
Forbes Park PH137602008
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Baco, Oriental Mindoro PH175201901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Bansud, Oriental Mindoro PH175202901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro PH175203901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Gloria, Oriental Mindoro PH175206901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro PH175208901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro PH175209901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Pola, Oriental Mindoro PH175210901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro PH175211901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Socorro, Oriental Mindoro PH175214901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Tangub City, Misamis Oriental PH104215901
Forest Land under Jurisdiction of Victoria, Oriental Mindoro PH175215901
Formon PH175203008
Fort PH153617045
Fort Bonifacio PH137607020
Fort del Pilar PH141102037
Fort Pikit PH124712019
Fortaliza PH072252020
Fortuna PH012813008
Fortuna PH035406012
Fortuna PH175214008
Fortune PH137402015


San Felipe PH037110000

Alegria PH166701000
Tumauini PH023137000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Pototan PH063037000
Sara PH063044000
Marabut PH086010000
Barlig PH144401000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Sagada PH144409000
Tinambac PH051737000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Katipunan PH097203000
Lasam PH021517000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Fishing Village (Fishermans Village) Malita PH118603000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Milaor PH051721000
Macrohon PH086408000
San Manuel PH015535000
Umingan PH015544000
Naguilian PH023120000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Culasi PH060606000
Iloilo City PH063022000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Catmon PH072216000
Camiling PH036903000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Talusan PH098314000
Kapalong PH112305000
Butuan City PH160202000
Llanera PH034915000
Jovellar PH050505000
Mondragon PH084813000
Gonzaga PH021514000
City of Makati PH137602000
Baco PH175201000
Bansud PH175202000
Bongabong PH175203000
Gloria PH175206000
Naujan PH175208000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Pola PH175210000
Puerto Galera PH175211000
Socorro PH175214000
Tangub City PH104215000
Victoria PH175215000
Bongabong PH175203000
Marawi City PH153617000
Taguig City PH137607000
Baguio City PH141102000
Pikit PH124712000
Tuburan PH072252000
Marcos PH012813000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Socorro PH175214000
City of Marikina PH137402000


Zambales PH037100000 Region III

Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


Foz PH012809012
Fragante PH060611015
Frances PH031407010
Francia PH050508024
Francia PH051716004
Francia (Pob.) PH052011025
Francia Sur PH013320004
Francia West PH013320005
Francisco (San Francisco) PH042119004
Francisco De Castro (Sunshine Vill.) PH042123010
Francisco Homes-Guijo PH031420027
Francisco Homes-Mulawin PH031420028
Francisco Homes-Narra PH031420029
Francisco Homes-Yakal PH031420030
Francisco Reyes PH042123011
Frankfort PH153637006
Frantilla PH063030042
Franza PH034917010
Frederic PH084801018
Freedom PH101322012
Friendship Village Resources (FVR) PH031413033
Fuente Maluso PH150704016
Fuentes* PH063006029
Fuerte PH012907006
Fuga Island PH021505025
Fugaru PH023102028
Fugotan PH153816008
Fugu PH021507010
Fugu PH021513026
Fugu PH021528015
Fugu PH023112017
Fugu PH023114045
Fugu PH023115019
Fugu Abajo PH023137018
Fugu Norte PH023137019
Fugu Sur PH023137020
Fukol PH153816009
Fula PH021508008
Fulgencio PH060402007
Fulgosino PH015544029
Funda PH060608022
Funda PH175310007
Funda-Dalipe PH060613017
Fundacion PH063017021
Fundacion PH063030043
Fundacion PH063037020
Fundado PH051606025
Fundado PH051710004
Fundado PH051735006
Furagui PH021527034
Furao PH023113006
Fusina PH021510017
Fusina PH021516018
Fuyo PH023114046
G. B. Tan PH084808027
G. Del Pilar (Tanga) PH056203062
G. M. Osias PH084807011
G. Redor (Pob.) PH043429020
G. S. Rosario Pob. (Bgy. IV) PH034905055
G.S.I.S. PH043425004


Dingras PH012809000
Pandan PH060611000
Calumpit PH031407000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Iriga City PH051716000
Virac PH052011000
Tubao PH013320000
Tubao PH013320000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Miagao PH063030000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Allen PH084801000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Maluso PH150704000
Banate PH063006000
Caoayan PH012907000
Aparri PH021505000
Angadanan PH023102000
Talayan PH153816000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Gattaran PH021513000
Tuao PH021528000
Echague PH023112000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Jones PH023115000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Talayan PH153816000
Buguey PH021508000
Balete PH060402000
Umingan PH015544000
Hamtic PH060608000
Cuyo PH175310000
San Jose PH060613000
Dueñas PH063017000
Miagao PH063030000
Pototan PH063037000
Labo PH051606000
Canaman PH051710000
Siruma PH051735000
Solana PH021527000
Gamu PH023113000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Laoang PH084808000
Bulan PH056203000
Gamay PH084807000
Siniloan PH043429000
Carranglan PH034905000
City of San Pedro PH043425000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ga-ang PH072252021
Ga-as PH083708017
Gaang PH012808006
Gaang PH143214004
Gaao PH051736007
Gaas PH072208014
Gaas PH083738095
Gaba PH050515014
Gabaldon PH034917011
Gaban PH067904005
Gabao PH012927011
Gabao PH056209011
Gabas PH051705011
Gabas PH083708018
Gabawan PH050503019
Gabawan PH175909012
Gabay PH086003168
Gabayan PH076103006
Gabi PH051734018
Gabi PH054102010
Gabi PH063014021
Gabi PH071246019
Gabi PH072220008
Gabi PH086413017
Gabi PH118201002
Gabihan PH031419015
Gaboc PH051607014
Gabon PH015517009
Gabon PH030801004
Gabon PH050514019
Gabon PH051611006
Gabor Norte PH012924017
Gabor Sur PH012924018
Gabriela Silang PH025703013
Gabriela Silang PH141102144
Gabu PH097205011
Gabu-an PH061914029
Gabuc (Caugiat) PH061912009
Gabun PH021517012
Gabunon PH097328012
Gabur PH012933020
Gabut PH021504027
Gabut PH025008007
Gabut Norte PH012803011
Gabut Sur PH012803012
Gabuyan PH112305006
Gacab PH140115006
Gacao PH083739015
Gacap PH153621011
Gacbusan PH098306011
Gacepan PH166722003
Gadang PH141108009
Gaddanan PH023132007
Gaddang PH021505026
Gaddangao PH021521010
Gaddani PH140124007
Gadgaran PH086003058
Gadgaron PH056212018
Gadongan PH153609006
Gadongan PH153610035


Tuburan PH072252000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Currimao PH012808000
Tanudan PH143214000
Tigaon PH051736000
Balamban PH072208000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Santiago PH012927000
Irosin PH056209000
Buhi PH051705000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Daraga PH050503000
Odiongan PH175909000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Lazi PH076103000
Sipocot PH051734000
Baleno PH054102000
Carles PH063014000
Ubay PH071246000
Cordova PH072220000
San Francisco PH086413000
Compostela PH118201000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Mercedes PH051607000
Calasiao PH015517000
Abucay PH030801000
Polangui PH050514000
Talisay PH051611000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Diffun PH025703000
Baguio City PH141102000
Labason PH097205000
Roxas City PH061914000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Lasam PH021517000
Tambulig PH097328000
Tagudin PH012933000
Amulung PH021504000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Badoc PH012803000
Badoc PH012803000
Kapalong PH112305000
Malibcong PH140115000
Palo PH083739000
Piagapo PH153621000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Sison PH166722000
Kapangan PH141108000
San Mateo PH023132000
Aparri PH021505000
Rizal PH021521000
Tayum PH140124000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Matnog PH056212000
Ganassi PH153609000
Kapai PH153610000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gadongan PH153611039
Gadongan PH153613016
Gadongan PH153617046
Gadongan PH153622019
Gadongan PH153623015
Gadongan PH153624033
Gadongan PH153625010
Gadongan PH153628040
Gadongan Mapantao PH153617068
Gadu PH021527035
Gadung PH153818003
Gadungan PH153811008
Gadungan PH153813008
Gadungan PH153821003
Gadunganpedpandaran PH153811033
Gagabutan PH023108036
Gagaddangan PH021503015
Gagalot PH043416015
Gaggabutan East PH021521011
Gaggabutan West PH021521028
Gagguil PH156616001
Gahak PH042111002
Gahit PH054105014
Gahit PH064508010
Gahol PH041029012
Gahonon PH051603013
Gahoy PH082609022
Gaid PH054108012
Gairan PH072211011
Gais-Guipe PH015519005
Gajo PH050518011
Gajo PH086016016
Gakat PH083708019
Gakat PH086405004
Gala PH104210020
Gala PH104216017
Galakit PH153810008
Galalan PH043421003
Galamay-Amo PH041022014
Galang PH063034016
Galarin PH015545010
Galas PH097202004
Galas PH098310009
Galawan PH153611040
Galdang (Casaloan) PH143208010
Galicia PH050515015
Galicia PH060410009
Galicia PH064513011
Galicia I PH042114003
Galicia II PH042114021
Galicia III PH042114022
Galidan PH124714028
Galingon PH097221002
Galintuja PH025015002
Galintuja PH037707026
Gallano PH013302004
Gallego PH086020023
Galoc PH175322005
Galokso PH097211020
Galongen PH013303018


Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Madalum PH153613000
Marawi City PH153617000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Pualas PH153623000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tubaran PH153628000
Marawi City PH153617000
Solana PH021527000
Barira PH153818000
Parang PH153811000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Talitay PH153821000
Parang PH153811000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Allacapan PH021503000
Majayjay PH043416000
Rizal PH021521000
Rizal PH021521000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Kawit PH042111000
Cataingan PH054105000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Taal PH041029000
Daet PH051603000
Guiuan PH082609000
Dimasalang PH054108000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Dasol PH015519000
Tiwi PH050518000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Libagon PH086405000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Tudela PH104216000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Pangil PH043421000
San Jose PH041022000
Oton PH063034000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Olutanga PH098310000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Pasil PH143208000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Madalag PH060410000
Ilog PH064513000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Mendez PH042114000
Tulunan PH124714000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Alfonso Castaneda PH025015000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Aringay PH013302000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Culion PH175322000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Bacnotan PH013303000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Galonogon PH142708006
Galutan PH084805016
Galvan PH034911028
Gama PH037113008
Gama Grande PH063013030
Gama Pequeño PH063013031
Gamad (Igdamacio) PH060607018
Gamal PH103519005
Gamao PH041033003
Gamao PH160301033
Gamao PH175208018
Gamata PH015532035
Gamay PH083710078
Gamay Central (Pob.) PH084807018
Gamay Occidental I (Pob.) PH084807019
Gamay Oriental I (Pob.) PH084807020
Gambai PH153611041
Gambang PH141103005
Gambar PH153814005
Gambodes PH124718009
Gamis PH025705009
Gammad PH021515009
Gamot PH050514020
Gamot PH082617021
Gampis PH097218041
Gamut PH166801009
Gamut PH166818012
Gamuton PH166701012
Gamuton PH166807010
Gamuton PH166810008
Gana PH013309002
Ganaderia PH034919004
Ganado PH043403007
Ganagan PH012802012
Ganao (Lingad) PH025008008
Ganase PH097206036
Ganasi PH153815009
Ganatan PH124718010
Ganayon PH166811006
Gandaan PH098310010
Gandamato PH153601011
Gandamato PH153604054
Gandasuli PH156611030
Gandawan PH104217002
Gandiangan PH098304005
Gandingan PH101316006
Gandus PH035413012
Ganduz PH034920005
Gang PH153812014
Gang-ngo PH021510018
Gangahin PH045634008
Gangal (Pob.) PH140120003
Gangalan PH023131017
Gangao PH054102011
Gangauan PH021504028
Gango PH045621003
Gango PH098312004
Gango PH101311003
Gango PH104210021
Gansing PH126511006


Aguinaldo PH142708000
Catarman PH084805000
Guimba PH034911000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Calinog PH063013000
Gama Pequeno Calinog PH063013000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Sapad PH103519000
Tingloy PH041033000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Naujan PH175208000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Burauen PH083710000
Gamay PH084807000
Gamay PH084807000
Gamay PH084807000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Bakun PH141103000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Arakan PH124718000
Saguday PH025705000
Iguig PH021515000
Polangui PH050514000
Oras PH082617000
Sindangan PH097218000
Barobo PH166801000
Tago PH166818000
Alegria PH166701000
Carrascal PH166807000
Lanuza PH166810000
Caba PH013309000
Palayan City PH034919000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Bacarra PH012802000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Liloy PH097206000
Upi PH153815000
Arakan PH124718000
Lianga PH166811000
Olutanga PH098310000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Bayang PH153604000
Patikul PH156611000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Imelda PH098304000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Mexico PH035413000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Pitogo PH045634000
Sallapadan PH140120000
San Mariano PH023131000
Baleno PH054102000
Amulung PH021504000
Jomalig PH045621000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Libona PH101311000
Ozamis City PH104210000
City of Tacurong PH126511000


Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gansing (Bilumen) PH126508004

Ganta PH153814006
Ganta PH153837007
Ganzano PH021513027
Ganzon PH061906010
Gaongan PH051734019
Gap-ang PH082606011
Gapang PH140119007
Gapao Balindong PH153627028
Gapas PH045618024
Gapas PH083744019
Gapas Rugasan PH156617004
Gapas Tubig Tuwak PH156617005
Gapasan PH097323011
Gapasan PH175105005
Gapo PH050502016
Gapo PH050503020
Gapok PH126512006
Gappal PH023108037
Gaput PH153628041
Garab PH021515011
Garang PH104215016
Garangan PH063013032
Garawon PH082610003
Garcia PH013320006
Garcia PH061917019
Garcia PH071207005
Garcia PH071238010
Garcia PH086009012
Garcia PH166721005
Garcia PH168504005
Garden (Pob.) PH082601016
Garganera PH083713021
Gargato PH064511014
Garing PH072219005
Garit Norte PH023112018
Garit Sur PH023112019
Garita PH023106010
Garita PH063039013
Garita I A PH042113008
Garita I B PH042113024
Garitan PH012933021
Garlang PH031419016
Garnaden PH012814007
Garreta PH037108005
Garreta PH140118004
Garreta (Pob.) PH012803013
Garrido PH083713023
Garrido PH086414006
Garrita PH015508011
Garsika PH124707010
Gas PH153632015
Gasa PH097333006
Gasa PH104319006
Gasang PH041016007
Gasdo PH086003059
Gasi PH104314002
Gasi PH128003003
Gastay PH124716005
Gaston PH104313003


Lambayong PH126508000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Gattaran PH021513000
Jamindan PH061906000
Sipocot PH051734000
Dolores PH082606000
Pilar PH140119000
Taraka PH153627000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Lugus PH156617000
Lugus PH156617000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Camalig PH050502000
Daraga PH050503000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Tubaran PH153628000
Iguig PH021515000
Tangub City PH104215000
Calinog PH063013000
Hernani PH082610000
Tubao PH013320000
Tapaz PH061917000
Batuan PH071207000
San Miguel PH071238000
Jiabong PH086009000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Libjo PH168504000
Arteche PH082601000
Calubian PH083713000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Consolacion PH072219000
Echague PH023112000
Echague PH023112000
Cabagan PH023106000
San Enrique PH063039000
Maragondon PH042113000
Maragondon PH042113000
Tagudin PH012933000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Nueva Era PH012814000
Palauig PH037108000
Pidigan PH140118000
Badoc PH012803000
Calubian PH083713000
San Juan PH086414000
Bani PH015508000
Makilala PH124707000
Calanogas PH153632000
Lakewood PH097333000
Medina PH104319000
Mabini PH041016000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Laguindingan PH104314000
Kiamba PH128003000
Banisilan PH124716000
Lagonglong PH104313000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gasweling PH141108010
Gata PH051711014
Gata PH104207006
Gata PH153630014
Gata PH153633011
Gata PH156613011
Gata PH166815004
Gata-gata PH156616002
Gata Daku PH104205011
Gata Diot PH104205012
Gatang PH015524032
Gatas PH097227006
Gatas (Pob.) PH097322018
Gatasan PH045610023
Gatbo PH051725005
Gatbo PH056216047
Gatbuca PH031407011
Gate PH056203024
Gatiawin PH035403008
Gatid PH043426006
Gattu PH021518011
Gatub PH097333007
Gatungan PH112402047
Gatuslao PH064506005
Gaub PH063012017
Gaudencio Antonino PH175206009
Gaulan PH098303006
Gaunan PH124710008
Gaunan PH153829004
Gaus PH071235010
Gavino Maderan PH042123013
Gawa-an PH143201007
Gawana (Pob.) PH144401011
Gawang PH153826005
Gawaygaway PH072243010
Gawi PH072235011
Gawil PH097311013
Gawisan PH086407022
Gaya-gaya PH031420003
Gayad PH083714006
Gayagayaan PH045619018
Gayakay PH153638009
Gayam PH082623009
Gayaman PH015513015
Gayaman PH140114003
Gayamat PH012818012
Gayang PH144407007
Gaycon PH098316020
Gayola PH124704007
Gayondato PH086025028
Gayong PH023109006
Gayong-Gayong Norte PH023114047
Gayong-Gayong Sur PH023114048
Gayonga PH153834003
Gayonggayong PH036908009
Gayusan PH015501009
Ge-adgawan PH084815010
Gebalagnan (Hibalagnan) PH084805021
Gebio-an PH061917020
Gebolwangan PH084822011


Kapangan PH141108000
Caramoan PH051711000
Jimenez PH104207000
Wao PH153630000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Talipao PH156613000
San Agustin PH166815000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Clarin PH104205000
Clarin PH104205000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Kalawit PH097227000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Catanauan PH045610000
Ocampo PH051725000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Calumpit PH031407000
Bulan PH056203000
Arayat PH035403000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Pamplona PH021518000
Lakewood PH097333000
Davao City PH112402000
Candoni PH064506000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Gloria PH175206000
Diplahan PH098303000
M'Lang PH124710000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Balbalan PH143201000
Barlig PH144401000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
San Remigio PH072243000
Oslob PH072235000
Kumalarang PH097311000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Capoocan PH083714000
Gumaca PH045619000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Taft PH082623000
Binmaley PH015513000
Luba PH140114000
Piddig PH012818000
Sabangan PH144407000
Tungawan PH098316000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
San Jorge PH086025000
Cordon PH023109000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Agno PH015501000
Pambujan PH084815000
Catarman PH084805000
Tapaz PH061917000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000


Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gebonawan PH084822010
Gebonawan PH084824006
Gebulwangan PH084805022
Gecbo-an PH084822012
Gegachac PH063035022
Geguinta PH084810013
Gelerang Kawayan PH041026008
Gella PH060612010
Gemat-y PH063035020
Gemumua-agahon PH063035021
Gen. Climaco (Malubog) PH072251024
Gen. Eulogio Balao PH021527041
Gen. Lucban (Pob.) PH084803006
Gen. Luna PH043429006
Gen. Luna PH084824007
Gen. Luna (Pob.) PH030804011
Gen. Martin T. Delgado PH063043036
Gen. T. De Leon PH137504011
Genablan Occidental PH056212020
Genablan Oriental PH056212021
Genagasan PH084822014
General PH072253004
General Aguinaldo PH023124021
General Aguinaldo (Bolod-bolod) PH168504006
General Antonio Luna PH083735006
General Delgado PH063032016
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH175109005
General Emilio F. Aguinaldo (Quirino-Magsaysay, Lower) PH141102062
General Esco PH175208019
General Fullon PH060614020
General Fullon (Tina) PH060608023
General Hughes-Montes PH063022061
General Island PH166805008
General Lim (Kaput) PH030810014
General Luna PH034905020
General Luna PH034915006
General Luna PH034923016
General Luna PH034929012
General Luna PH034932008
General Luna PH045649010
General Luna PH060614021
General Luna PH063008007
General Luna PH083730008
General Luna PH124702007
General Luna PH064523009
General Luna PH064529003
General Luna (Pob.) PH015527039
General Luna (Pob.) PH034903036
General Luna, Lower PH141102039
General Luna, Upper PH141102038
General Malvar PH082603010
General Malvar PH084805018
General Malvar PH064521012
General Paulino Santos (Bo. 1) PH126306008
General Prim East PH013306010
General Prim West PH013306011
General Ricarte PH034915008
General Roxas PH083718017
General Terrero PH013306013
Generosa-Cristobal Colon (Pob.) PH063020017


Silvino Lobos PH084822000

Lope de Vega PH084824000
Catarman PH084805000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
City of Passi PH063035000
Las Navas PH084810000
San Pascual PH041026000
Patnongon PH060612000
City of Passi PH063035000
City of Passi PH063035000
Toledo City PH072251000
Solana PH021527000
Bobon PH084803000
Siniloan PH043429000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Matnog PH056212000
Matnog PH056212000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Tudela PH072253000
Ramon PH023124000
Libjo PH168504000
Mayorga PH083735000
New Lucena PH063032000
Sablayan PH175109000
Baguio City PH141102000
Naujan PH175208000
San Remigio PH060614000
Hamtic PH060608000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Cantilan PH166805000
Orion PH030810000
Carranglan PH034905000
Llanera PH034915000
Rizal PH034923000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Unisan PH045649000
San Remigio PH060614000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Macarthur PH083730000
Carmen PH124702000
Sagay City PH064523000
Toboso PH064529000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Catarman PH084805000
Pontevedra PH064521000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Llanera PH034915000
Dulag PH083718000
Bangar PH013306000
Guimbal PH063020000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gengarog PH084819008
Genomoan PH071230039
Genonocan PH071245012
Genoveva PH071247016
Genoveva Baynosa PH124714029
Geotina PH168501008
Geparayan PH084815012
Geparayan De Turag PH084822015
Geracdo PH084810014
Geraga-an PH086003061
Gerali PH086007034
Geratag PH084819009
Gereganan PH086007098
Germinal (Pob.) PH015514011
Gerona-Gimeno (Pob.) PH063020018
Gerongan PH063027011
Geronimo PH045808003
Getigo PH084824008
Getsemane PH160301034
Getulio PH067901011
Giaboc PH086007035
Gibacungan PH083745007
Gibanga PH045645015
Gibanga PH045647018
Gibatangan PH084808028
Gibato PH061904015
Gibgos PH051711015
Gibitngil PH072231006
Gibon PH060414005
Gibraltar PH054104006
Gibraltar PH141102040
Gigoso PH082608010
Giguimitan PH084822013
Gil Montilla PH064527011
Gil Sanchez PH097205036
Gildore PH063044023
Giliga-on PH074619011
Giloctog PH072210010
Gilotongan PH054106010
Gilutongan PH072220009
Gimaga PH051715010
Gimagaan PH056207014
Gimagtocon PH051717012
Gimalas PH041003028
Gimaloto PH056216017
Gimama-a PH072252022
Gimamanay PH063005008
Gimangpang PH104310005
Gimarco PH083745006
Gimaylan PH104315002
Gimba Lagasan PH156609013
Gimenarat East PH083728015
Gimenarat West PH083728016
Ginablan PH056213022
Ginablan PH072207013
Ginablan PH175910013
Ginabucan PH072216013
Ginagdanan PH084820006
Ginalinan Nuevo PH063016012
Ginalinan Viejo PH063016013


San Jose PH084819000

Loon PH071230000
Tubigon PH071245000
Valencia PH071247000
Tulunan PH124714000
Basilisa PH168501000
Pambujan PH084815000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Las Navas PH084810000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Gandara PH086007000
San Jose PH084819000
Gandara PH086007000
Bolinao PH015514000
Guimbal PH063020000
Lemery PH063027000
Rodriguez PH045808000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Buenavista PH067901000
Gandara PH086007000
Tabango PH083745000
Sariaya PH045645000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Laoang PH084808000
Dumarao PH061904000
Caramoan PH051711000
Medellin PH072231000
Nabas PH060414000
Batuan PH054104000
Baguio City PH141102000
Giporlos PH082608000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Labason PH097205000
Sara PH063044000
Siaton PH074619000
Barili PH072210000
Cawayan PH054106000
Cordova PH072220000
Goa PH051715000
Donsol PH056207000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Balayan PH041003000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Tuburan PH072252000
Balasan PH063005000
Initao PH104310000
Tabango PH083745000
Libertad PH104315000
Parang PH156609000
La Paz PH083728000
La Paz PH083728000
Pilar PH056213000
Badian PH072207000
Romblon PH175910000
Catmon PH072216000
San Roque PH084820000
Dingle PH063016000
Dingle PH063016000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ginangra PH056211019
Ginaopan PH153626064
Ginatilan PH072208015
Ginatilan PH124704008
Ginatilan PH124712020
Gindolongan Alabat PH153618032
Gines PH063002026
Gines PH063023022
Gines PH063025034
Gines PH063028043
Gines PH063030044
Gines PH063047007
Gines Interior PH063012018
Gines Nuevo PH063039014
Gines Patag PH063012019
Gines Viejo PH063035023
Gingaroy PH051736008
Ginictan PH060401005
Ginitligan PH052002010
Ginomoy PH063002027
Ginoong Sanay PH045804009
Ginopolan (Ginopolan Proper) PH071247017
Ginorangan (Genorangan) PH051717011
Ginot-an PH063040027
Ginulgan PH084815011
Girado-Magsaysay (Pob.) PH063020019
Girawan PH056207015
Gitabla PH083725014
Gitablan PH083710030
Gitnang Barrio PH045619019
Gitnang Bayan (Pob.) PH174004012
Giwanon PH072210012
Glamang PH112407007
Glamang PH126312003
Glan Padidu PH128002013
Gligli PH124712021
Gloria PH063022062
Gñaran PH051732011
Goaw PH097206012
Gobgob PH143213015
Gobon PH175906004
Goce PH061913008
Godofredo Reyes Sr. (Catabangan Crossing) PH051730016
Gogo PH063019010
Gogognan PH175301006
Gogon PH051711012
Gogon PH056207016
Gogon PH056214006
Gogon Centro PH052011026
Gogon Sirangan PH052011016
Gohang PH142701011
Goin PH097206013
Gokoton (Gokotan) PH124712022
Golden PH015528007
Golden Ribbon Pob. (Bgy. 2) PH160202043
Golden Valley (Maraut) PH118203016
Goleo PH097218042
Golgota (Pob.) PH063023050
Golictop PH097318011
Goliman PH015524033


Magallanes PH056211000
Tamparan PH153626000
Balamban PH072208000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Pikit PH124712000
Masiu PH153618000
Alimodian PH063002000
Janiuay PH063023000
Lambunao PH063025000
Leon PH063028000
Miagao PH063030000
Zarraga PH063047000
Cabatuan PH063012000
San Enrique PH063039000
Cabatuan PH063012000
City of Passi PH063035000
Tigaon PH051736000
Altavas PH060401000
Baras PH052002000
Alimodian PH063002000
Binangonan PH045804000
Valencia PH071247000
Lagonoy PH051717000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Pambujan PH084815000
Guimbal PH063020000
Donsol PH056207000
Julita PH083725000
Burauen PH083710000
Gumaca PH045619000
Mogpog PH174004000
Barili PH072210000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Polomolok PH126312000
Glan PH128002000
Pikit PH124712000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Gnaran San Fernando PH051732000
Liloy PH097206000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Corcuera PH175906000
President Roxas PH061913000
Ragay PH051730000
Estancia PH063019000
Aborlan PH175301000
Caramoan PH051711000
Donsol PH056207000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
Banaue PH142701000
Liloy PH097206000
Pikit PH124712000
Mapandan PH015528000
Butuan City PH160202000
Mabini PH118203000
Sindangan PH097218000
Janiuay PH063023000
Midsalip PH097318000
Malasiqui PH015524000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Goling PH098303007
Goma PH112403009
Gomentoc PH074602010
Gomez PH015524034
Gomez PH023104008
Gomez PH023129003
Gomez PH025702016
Gomez PH034915009
Gomez PH034928026
Gomez PH168503005
Gomez PH064521013
Gomez-Zamora (Pob.) PH042115009
Gomez (Pob.) PH030804012
Gomez (Pob.) PH045622006
Gomot PH015533011
Gomotoc PH098315008
Gomtago PH118605010
Gon-ob PH071229017
Gonayen PH097215008
Gondarangin Asa Adigao PH153618034
Gongogong PH012919010
Gonogon PH144404009
Gonosan PH097319012
Gonzales PH013320007
Gonzales PH015544030
Gonzales PH041031018
Gonzales (Pob.) PH043420007
Gonzalo PH015537012
Goodyear PH098306012
Goran PH021504029
Gordon PH045602007
Gordon Heights PH037107008
Gosi Norte PH021529023
Gosi Sur PH021529043
Gosoon PH160204002
Gossood PH036908010
Gotera (Pob.) PH063020020
Gotob PH050502017
Gotokan Daku PH104210022
Gotokan Diot PH104210023
Gotozon PH071229018
Gov. E. Jaro (Bagahupi) PH083705003
Gov. Evelio B. Javier (Lanag) PH060608030
Gov. Ferrer Pob. (Bgy. 1) PH042108003
Gov. Paciano Bangoy PH112402181
Gov. Vicente Duterte PH112402182
Governor Boyles PH071246020
Goyoden PH015514012
Goyudan PH051703010
Grace Estate PH160301035
Graceville PH031420031
Gracia PH104324003
Granada PH063014022
Granada PH072212003
Granada PH064501049
Grap PH097305009
Greater Lagro PH137404141
Grebona PH124705011
Gredu (Pob.) PH112315009
Green Valley PH083738096


Diplahan PH098303000
City of Digos PH112403000
Ayungon PH074602000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
San Isidro PH023129000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Llanera PH034915000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Dinagat PH168503000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Naic PH042115000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Lopez PH045622000
San Fabian PH015533000
Titay PH098315000
Sarangani PH118605000
Loboc PH071229000
Siayan PH097215000
Masiu PH153618000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Bontoc PH144404000
Molave PH097319000
Tubao PH013320000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Pakil PH043420000
San Quintin PH015537000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Amulung PH021504000
Alabat PH045602000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Carmen PH160204000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Guimbal PH063020000
Camalig PH050502000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Loboc PH071229000
Babatngon PH083705000
Hamtic PH060608000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000
Ubay PH071246000
Bolinao PH015514000
Bato PH051703000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Tagoloan PH104324000
Carles PH063014000
Boljoon PH072212000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Dimataling PH097305000
Quezon City PH137404000
Libungan PH124705000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Ormoc City PH083738000


Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Green Village PH036905055

Greenfield PH124718011
Greenhill PH124713030
Greenhills PH072241009
Greenhills PH137405021
Greenwater Village PH141102041
Gregoria De Jesus PH042123014
Gregorio (Aliang) PH042122012
Gregorio Alino (Pia-ong) PH054108013
Gregorio Pelaez (Lagutay) PH104309005
Gregorio Pimentel PH025703032
Grijalvo PH051732012
Grullo PH037112005
Gua PH060602014
Gua-an PH063026011
Guadalupe PH050515016
Guadalupe PH054109005
Guadalupe PH060409010
Guadalupe PH063023023
Guadalupe PH071212008
Guadalupe PH072203002
Guadalupe PH072211012
Guadalupe PH072214005
Guadalupe PH072217029
Guadalupe PH083721009
Guadalupe PH086025011
Guadalupe PH086407023
Guadalupe PH086408026
Guadalupe PH112303006
Guadalupe PH160303011
Guadalupe PH175309010
Guadalupe PH064524006
Guadalupe (Guadalupe Mendoza) PH083713024
Guadalupe (Utod) PH083708020
Guadalupe Nuevo PH137602009
Guadalupe Viejo PH137602010
Gualsic PH015504008
Guam PH023128011
Guanan North (Zone I) PH150704004
Guanan South (Zone II) PH150704005
Guangan PH124707011
Guanko PH060402008
Guardia PH012902009
Guayabal PH023108038
Guba PH061912011
Guba PH072217030
Guba PH084805020
Guba PH074624004
Guba (Ozamis) PH104205013
Gubaan PH097302021
Gubac PH097322019
Guban PH097220013
Gubang PH083708021
Gubang PH097322020
Gubat PH051603014
Gubat PH051717013
Gubat PH051736009
Gubat PH097211021
Gubat Ilawod PH050501015
Gubat Iraya PH050501016


Concepcion PH036905000
Arakan PH124718000
President Roxas PH124713000
San Fernando PH072241000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Baguio City PH141102000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Gitagum PH104309000
Diffun PH025703000
San Fernando PH051732000
San Narciso PH037112000
Barbaza PH060602000
Leganes PH063026000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Esperanza PH054109000
Libacao PH060409000
Janiuay PH063023000
Carmen PH071212000
Alegria PH072203000
City of Bogo PH072211000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Cebu City PH072217000
Inopacan PH083721000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Macrohon PH086408000
Carmen PH112303000
Esperanza PH160303000
Coron PH175309000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Calubian PH083713000
City of Baybay PH083708000
City of Makati PH137602000
City of Makati PH137602000
Alcala PH015504000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Maluso PH150704000
Maluso PH150704000
Makilala PH124707000
Balete PH060402000
Banayoyo PH012902000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Cebu City PH072217000
Catarman PH084805000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Clarin PH104205000
Aurora PH097302000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Sirawai PH097220000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Daet PH051603000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Tigaon PH051736000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Bacacay PH050501000
Bacacay PH050501000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gubatan PH118204010
Gubatan PH124706021
Gubawang PH098309005
Gucab PH023112020
Gud PH023129004
Gud-an PH086406009
Gueday PH144403007
Gueguesangen PH015526011
Gueguesangen PH015538010
Guelew PH015532036
Guemasan PH035403009
Guerrero PH013307018
Guerrero (Pob.) PH012809013
Guerrero District (Pob.) PH083707015
Guesang PH015526012
Gueset PH015515009
Guesset PH013311019
Gueteb PH015545011
Guevarra PH036907007
Gugo PH030812013
Gugo PH031407012
Gui PH153609007
Gui-ob PH175901010
Guia PH060611016
Guiamalia PH126503007
Guiamlong PH052004010
Guiamon PH060609010
Guiarong PH153620019
Guiarong PH153628017
Guiasan PH160208003
Guiawa PH153834004
Guibahoy PH051717014
Guiban PH104206004
Guibang PH023113009
Guibel PH015534006
Guibo PH097215010
Guibongan PH063030045
Guibongan Bayunan PH063040089
Guibonon PH160303037
Guibuangan PH063031009
Guibuangan PH063037022
Guibuangan PH072210011
Guibuangan PH082605011
Guibuangan PH084807012
Guibuangan Tigbauan PH063012020
Guibwangan PH084806011
Guiday T. Biruar PH153811010
Guiddam PH021501009
Guiguikun PH153606022
Guiguilonen PH015526013
Guihaman PH063026012
Guihay PH045622033
Guihean PH101305006
Guihing PH112404007
Guihing Aplaya PH112404006
Guihob PH074613009
Guija PH060604009
Guijalo PH051711016
Guilang-guilang PH101314007
Guilaoangi (Pob.) PH084808029


Maco PH118204000
Magpet PH124706000
Naga PH098309000
Echague PH023112000
San Isidro PH023129000
Liloan PH086406000
Besao PH144403000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Arayat PH035403000
Bauang PH013307000
Dingras PH012809000
Bato PH083707000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Bugallon PH015515000
Naguilian PH013311000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
La Paz PH036907000
Samal PH030812000
Calumpit PH031407000
Ganassi PH153609000
Alcantara PH175901000
Pandan PH060611000
Esperanza PH126503000
Caramoran PH052004000
Laua-An PH060609000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Tubaran PH153628000
Magallanes PH160208000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Concepcion PH104206000
Gamu PH023113000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Siayan PH097215000
Miagao PH063030000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Esperanza PH160303000
Mina PH063031000
Pototan PH063037000
Barili PH072210000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Gamay PH084807000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Catubig PH084806000
Parang PH153811000
Abulug PH021501000
Bubong PH153606000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Leganes PH063026000
Lopez PH045622000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Hagonoy PH112404000
La Libertad PH074613000
Bugasong PH060604000
Caramoan PH051711000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Laoang PH084808000


Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Guilawa PH098308011
Guilayon PH143213016
Guilid PH050508025
Guilig PH015524035
Guilig PH015526014
Guiling PH015531015
Guiling PH124701005
Guilingan PH023104009
Guiljungan PH064507014
Guilon PH112317015
Guilopa PH153619022
Guimad PH104210024
Guimba PH140122008
Guimba (Lilod Proper) PH153617049
Guimbala-on PH064526010
Guimbangco-an PH072246013
Guimbaoyan Norte PH086003063
Guimbaoyan Sur PH086003064
Guimbaun PH156604029
Guimbawian PH072237010
Guimbonan PH175206010
Guimod PH012903011
Guimod Norte PH012920013
Guimod Sur PH012920014
Guimotan PH097224004
Guimpingan PH175910014
Guimputlan PH097201016
Guin-ansan PH086001007
Guin-arawayan PH084801006
Guin-Awayan PH054117011
Guin-on PH086003062
Guina-ang (Pob.) PH143208011
Guinaang PH144404010
Guinaang PH148102019
Guinaban PH051725006
Guinabang PH012927012
Guinabang PH013303019
Guinabon PH037113009
Guinabonan PH086409011
Guinabot PH097318035
Guinabot PH104213009
Guinabot PH104215017
Guinabsan PH160201004
Guinaburan PH013305016
Guinacas PH063037021
Guinacot PH071223013
Guinacot PH072223015
Guinacutan PH051606026
Guinacutan PH051612007
Guinadiongan PH083714008
Guinalaban PH104215018
Guinalaban PH104322005
Guinalbin PH025701004
Guinamgaman PH148102007
Guinanta PH150709007
Guinaoang PH141111006
Guinarona PH083717022
Guinatan PH023114049
Guinatu-an PH060410010
Guinatungan PH051601005


Malangas PH098308000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Rosales PH015531000
Alamada PH124701000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Cauayan PH064507000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Mulondo PH153619000
Ozamis City PH104210000
San Juan PH140122000
Marawi City PH153617000
Silay City PH064526000
Sibonga PH072246000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Luuk PH156604000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Gloria PH175206000
Bantay PH012903000
San Juan PH012920000
San Juan PH012920000
Baliguian PH097224000
Romblon PH175910000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Almagro PH086001000
Allen PH084801000
Placer PH054117000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Pasil PH143208000
Bontoc PH144404000
Conner PH148102000
Ocampo PH051725000
Santiago PH012927000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Malitbog PH086409000
Midsalip PH097318000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Tangub City PH104215000
Buenavista PH160201000
Balaoan PH013305000
Pototan PH063037000
Guindulman PH071223000
Danao City PH072223000
Labo PH051606000
Vinzons PH051612000
Capoocan PH083714000
Tangub City PH104215000
Salay PH104322000
Aglipay PH025701000
Conner PH148102000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Mankayan PH141111000
Dagami PH083717000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Madalag PH060410000
Basud PH051601000


Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX

Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Guinawahan PH063004010
Guinayang PH045811004
Guinbaliwan PH060415005
Guinbalot-an PH086017012
Guinbanga PH086004015
Guinbanga-an PH060609009
Guinbanwahan PH054103009
Guinbarucan PH086024003
Guinbi-alan PH061907013
Guinbirayan PH175915005
Guinbonyugan PH063013034
Guincaiptan PH054110011
Guincalaban PH074622007
Guinciaman PH083743010
Guindacpan PH071243010
Guindag-an PH083748024
Guindaguitan PH071220019
Guindalitan PH082615006
Guindaohan PH083706014
Guindaponan PH086005049
Guindapunan PH083724011
Guindapunan PH083739016
Guindapunan PH083741011
Guindapunan PH086006024
Guindapunan PH086025035
Guindapunan PH087805008
Guindapunan East PH083715017
Guindapunan West PH083715018
Guindaruhan PH072232006
Guindaulan PH084816011
Guindawahan PH054116009
Guingawan PH083746007
Guingawan PH083748025
Guingona PH104210025
Guingoyuran PH071220020
Guinguinabang PH013316019
Guinguinabang PH140109003
Guinhadap PH054114007
Guinhalaran PH064526011
Guinhalinan PH045644009
Guinhan-Ayan PH054117012
Guinhawa PH031410015
Guinhawa PH041032005
Guinhawa PH041034006
Guinhawa PH045637007
Guinhawa PH175209037
Guinhawa North PH042119028
Guinhawa South PH042119005
Guinhayaan PH175907005
Guinhulacan PH063010005
Guinibon PH153828003
Guinicolalay PH097306005
Guinihon PH142706014
Guinimanan PH097317011
Guinlajon PH056216018
Guinles PH097210007
Guinlin PH097344005
Guinluthangan PH054112009
Guinmaayohan PH082602004
Guino (Giayan) PH025706004


Badiangan PH063004000
San Mateo PH045811000
New Washington PH060415000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Calbiga PH086004000
Laua-An PH060609000
Balud PH054103000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Calinog PH063013000
Mandaon PH054110000
Tayasan PH074622000
San Miguel PH083743000
Talibon PH071243000
Tanauan PH083748000
Dimiao PH071220000
Maydolong PH082615000
Barugo PH083706000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Javier PH083724000
Palo PH083739000
Pastrana PH083741000
Daram PH086006000
San Jorge PH086025000
Culaba PH087805000
Carigara PH083715000
Carigara PH083715000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Rosario PH084816000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Tanauan PH083748000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Dimiao PH071220000
San Juan PH013316000
Lacub PH140109000
Monreal PH054114000
Silay City PH064526000
San Narciso PH045644000
Placer PH054117000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Taysan PH041032000
Tuy PH041034000
Quezon PH045637000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Looc PH175907000
Bingawan PH063010000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Dinas PH097306000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Margosatubig PH097317000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Polanco PH097210000
Tigbao PH097344000
Milagros PH054112000
Balangiga PH082602000
Nagtipunan PH025706000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Guinob-an PH071239009
Guinob-an PH082612004
Guinobat PH050517020
Guinobatan PH052003011
Guinobatan PH063026013
Guinobatan PH063032017
Guinobatan PH071244004
Guinobatan PH175205021
Guinoman PH098303008
Guinosayan PH045607027
Guinotos PH061904017
Guinoyuran PH101321010
Guinpana-an PH064519010
Guinpoliran PH082603011
Guinsaanan PH052002011
Guinsang-an PH126318002
Guinsanga-an PH083721010
Guinsangaan PH086402013
Guinsaugon PH086412009
Guinsay PH072223016
Guinsorongan PH086005020
Guinsularan PH071221008
Guintabo-an PH071246021
Guintagbucan (Pob.) PH083701025
Guintampilan PH086006025
Guintananan PH097308012
Guintarcan PH086021008
Guintas PH060608024
Guintas PH061906011
Guintas PH061916008
Guintas PH063007009
Guintas PH063026014
Guinticgan PH063014023
Guintigbasan PH175915006
Guintigui-an PH083705024
Guintigui-an PH083738106
Guintigui-an PH086002015
Guintiguiban PH175906005
Guintolan PH098311008
Guintoloan PH098309021
Guintomoyan PH104207007
Guintorelan PH054113007
Guintorilan PH064525004
Guintorilan PH064530008
Guintoylan PH086406010
Guintubhan PH064514009
Guintuloan PH098302030
Guinuangan PH045622034
Guinzadan Central PH144402007
Guinzadan Norte PH144402008
Guinzadan Sur PH144402009
Guio-ang PH071223014
Guiom PH054106009
Guiong PH150705010
Guipis PH063003009
Guirang PH086002016
Guiron PH056213021
Guisad Central PH141102042
Guisad Sorong PH141102043
Guisao PH097332030


Sevilla PH071239000
Lawaan PH082612000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Bato PH052003000
Leganes PH063026000
New Lucena PH063032000
Trinidad PH071244000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Diplahan PH098303000
Calauag PH045607000
Dumarao PH061904000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Baras PH052002000
Santo Niño PH126318000
Inopacan PH083721000
Bontoc PH086402000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Danao City PH072223000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Duero PH071221000
Ubay PH071246000
Abuyog PH083701000
Daram PH086006000
Dumingag PH097308000
Villareal PH086021000
Hamtic PH060608000
Jamindan PH061906000
Sigma PH061916000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Leganes PH063026000
Carles PH063014000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Babatngon PH083705000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Basey PH086002000
Corcuera PH175906000
Payao PH098311000
Naga PH098309000
Jimenez PH104207000
Mobo PH054113000
San Enrique PH064525000
Valladolid PH064530000
Liloan PH086406000
Isabela PH064514000
Buug PH098302000
Lopez PH045622000
Bauko PH144402000
Bauko PH144402000
Bauko PH144402000
Guindulman PH071223000
Cawayan PH054106000
Sumisip PH150705000
Anilao PH063003000
Basey PH086002000
Pilar PH056213000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Zamboanga City PH097332000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Guisapong PH097225006
Guiset PH034911029
Guiset Norte (Pob.) PH015535007
Guiset Sur (Pob.) PH015535008
Guisguis PH037113010
Guisguis-San Roque PH045645016
Guisguis-Talon PH045645017
Guisian PH063045033
Guisian PH174004013
Guisican PH051606027
Guisijan PH060609011
Guising PH021513028
Guiso PH063013036
Guitalos PH097318036
Guiteb PH036912002
Guites PH045622035
Guitna PH041001009
Guitna (Pob.) PH175103007
Guitnang Bayan I (Pob.) PH045811005
Guitnang Bayan II (Pob.) PH045811006
Guitol PH051610012
Guitom PH098302008
Guitran PH097308013
Guituan PH098305008
Guiwan PH097332031
Guiwan PH098311023
Guiwan 1 (Pob.) PH083740016
Guiwan 2 (Pob.) PH083740017
Guiwang PH072202003
Guiwanon PH067903006
Guiwanon PH071205004
Guiwanon PH071232011
Guiwanon PH071245013
Guiwanon PH072205021
Guiwanon PH072209009
Guiwanon PH072225007
Guizo PH072230012
Gulac PH025703014
Gulang-gulang PH045624017
Gulang-Gulang PH056209012
Gulangan PH156605008
Gulap PH035405011
Gulayon PH097202005
Gulayon PH098301007
Gulibay PH041006015
Guling PH097343010
Gulod PH034930025
Gulod PH041008010
Gulod PH041011011
Gulod PH041012013
Gulod PH043404007
Gulod PH045804010
Gulod PH137404043
Gulod PH175205022
Gulod Itaas PH041005028
Gulod Labak PH041005029
Gulod Malaya PH045811013
Gulpeng PH012819012
Guma PH097318041
Gumabao PH050512023


Godod PH097225000
Guimba PH034911000
San Manuel PH015535000
San Manuel PH015535000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Mogpog PH174004000
Labo PH051606000
Laua-An PH060609000
Gattaran PH021513000
Calinog PH063013000
Midsalip PH097318000
Ramos PH036912000
Lopez PH045622000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Looc PH175103000
San Mateo PH045811000
San Mateo PH045811000
Santa Elena PH051610000
Buug PH098302000
Dumingag PH097308000
Ipil PH098305000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Payao PH098311000
Palompon PH083740000
Palompon PH083740000
Alcoy PH072202000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Baclayon PH071205000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Tubigon PH071245000
Argao PH072205000
Bantayan PH072209000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Diffun PH025703000
Lucena City PH045624000
Irosin PH056209000
Maimbung PH156605000
Candaba PH035405000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Alicia PH098301000
Bauan PH041006000
Guipos PH097343000
Talavera PH034930000
Calatagan PH041008000
Laurel PH041011000
Lemery PH041012000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Binangonan PH045804000
Quezon City PH137404000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
San Mateo PH045811000
Pinili PH012819000
Midsalip PH097318000
Oas PH050512000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gumabon PH104317010
Gumaga PH124705013
Gumagadong Calawag PH153811009
Gumagamot PH103509010
Gumahan (Pob.) PH097337014
Gumahang PH054101015
Gumalang PH112402048
Gumamela PH041003029
Gumamela (Pob.) PH051606013
Gumamela Pob. (Zone III) PH086017037
Gumaoc Central PH031420032
Gumaoc East PH031420033
Gumaoc West PH031420034
Gumaod PH104306007
Gumapia PH056209013
Gumarueng PH021520004
Gumasa PH128002014
Gumatdang PH141106003
Gumaus PH051608011
Gumbauan PH023112021
Gumbil PH104216018
Gumboc PH063028044
Gumhang PH142710006
Gumian PH045620020
Guminga PH023133010
Guminta PH098302009
Gumitan PH112402183
Gumot-Nagcolaran PH013313016
Gumpingan PH097308014
Gumubat PH045637008
Gun-ob PH072226012
Gundaway (Pob.) PH025702007
Guno PH063043037
Gunting PH072210013
Gunyan PH097215011
Gupa PH037706011
Gupitan PH112305007
Gupot PH097207004
Guppah PH157003005
Gura PH056207017
Gurain PH153601012
Gurain PH153613017
Gurain PH153629016
Guribang PH025703015
Guripan PH097315007
Guruyan PH056210014
Gusa PH086014006
Gusa PH104305049
Gusaran PH084822016
Gusaran PH141107012
Gusing PH012926012
Gusing Norte PH013311020
Gusing Sur PH013311021
Gusom PH097311014
Gustilo PH063022063
Gutad PH035406013
Gutad PH175205023
Gutao PH063016014
Gutapol PH101308008
Gutivan PH175903007


Magsaysay PH104317000
Libungan PH124705000
Parang PH153811000
Lala PH103509000
Josefina PH097337000
Aroroy PH054101000
Davao City PH112402000
Balayan PH041003000
Labo PH051606000
Santa Rita PH086017000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Claveria PH104306000
Irosin PH056209000
Piat PH021520000
Glan PH128002000
Itogon PH141106000
Paracale PH051608000
Echague PH023112000
Tudela PH104216000
Leon PH063028000
Tinoc PH142710000
Infanta PH045620000
San Pablo PH023133000
Buug PH098302000
Davao City PH112402000
Rosario PH013313000
Dumingag PH097308000
Quezon PH045637000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Barili PH072210000
Siayan PH097215000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Kapalong PH112305000
Manukan PH097207000
Mapun PH157003000
Donsol PH056207000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Madalum PH153613000
Tugaya PH153629000
Diffun PH025703000
Mahayag PH097315000
Juban PH056210000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Kabayan PH141107000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Floridablanca PH035406000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Dingle PH063016000
Kibawe PH101308000
Cajidiocan PH175903000


Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Gutlang PH072205022
Gutosan PH083713025
Guyam Malaki PH042110013
Guyam Munti PH042110014
Guyo PH084810015
Guyong PH031423009
Guza PH112508007
Guzman-Jesena PH063022064
Guzon PH015543007
H-2 PH042106080
H. Jolejole PH084810054
H. Jolejole District (Pob.) PH084810016
H. Romero PH034932009
Haba PH064506006
Habag PH082609024
Habag PH166810009
Habagatan PH045804011
Habana PH060405007
Habana PH060414006
Habay PH086413005
Habay I PH042103008
Habay II PH042103034
Habingan PH045603011
Habog-habog Salvacion PH063022065
Habuhab PH087805009
Hacienda PH015515010
Hacienda (San Miguel Island) PH050517021
Hacienda Conchita PH063038012
Hacienda Fe PH064509008
Hacienda Intal PH021506023
Hacienda Maria PH083742013
Hadji Imam Bidin PH157011003
Hadji Mohtar Sulayman PH157011004
Hadji Taha PH157011005
Hagakhakin PH045619023
Hagan PH175203009
Hagbay PH086014007
Hagbuaya PH071213013
Hagbuyo PH071238011
Hagdan PH072235012
Hagdan PH072244002
Hagdang Bato Itaas PH137401010
Hagdang Bato Libis PH137401011
Hagna PH082609060
Hagnaya PH072215010
Hagnaya PH072243011
Hagonghong PH045605016
Hagonoy PH137607005
Hagonoy Crossing PH112404008
Hagpa PH101305007
Hagtu PH074614017
Haguikhikan PH087808008
Haguilanan PH071213014
Haguilanan Grande PH071206020
Haguimit PH051719019
Haguimit PH174005017
Haguimit PH064516007
Haguimitan PH118207007
Hagupit PH175203010
Halaba PH083741012


Argao PH072205000
Calubian PH083713000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Las Navas PH084810000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Manay PH112508000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tayug PH015543000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
Las Navas PH084810000
Las Navas PH084810000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Candoni PH064506000
Guiuan PH082609000
Lanuza PH166810000
Binangonan PH045804000
Buruanga PH060405000
Nabas PH060414000
San Francisco PH086413000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Atimonan PH045603000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Culaba PH087805000
Bugallon PH015515000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
San Dionisio PH063038000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Baggao PH021506000
San Isidro PH083742000
Sibutu PH157011000
Sibutu PH157011000
Sibutu PH157011000
Gumaca PH045619000
Bongabong PH175203000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Catigbian PH071213000
San Miguel PH071238000
Oslob PH072235000
Santa Fe PH072244000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Guiuan PH082609000
Carmen PH072215000
San Remigio PH072243000
Buenavista PH045605000
Taguig City PH137607000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Mabinay PH074614000
Naval PH087808000
Catigbian PH071213000
Balilihan PH071206000
Lupi PH051719000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Monkayo PH118207000
Bongabong PH175203000
Pastrana PH083741000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Halabangbaybay PH054120005
Halag PH142708007
Halang PH041014020
Halang PH041029013
Halang PH042102004
Halang PH042115010
Halang PH043405013
Halapitan PH160304003
Halapitan (Pob.) PH101318022
Halawig-Gogon PH051715011
Halayhay PH042120010
Halayhayin PH043415024
Halayhayin PH043429007
Halayhayin PH045810003
Halian PH166708028
Haligue Kanluran PH041005030
Haligue Silangan PH041005031
Halilan PH126319003
Hallap PH142711005
Halo-halo (St. Joseph) PH137405006
Halog East PH013320008
Halog West PH013320009
Halsey PH175322013
Haluban (Pigbasagan) PH051719020
Hambabauran PH071246022
Hambi-an PH175902004
Hambilan PH156618003
Hambongan PH071224022
Hamod PH063009015
Hamogaway PH160301004
Hamoraon PH051607015
Hamoraon PH051722009
Hamorawon PH050515017
Hamorawon PH082609025
Hamorawon PH086003065
Hampangan PH083719051
Hampipila PH083701026
Hampton PH086007039
Hanagdong PH166715007
Hanawan PH051725007
Handamayan PH166812005
Handang Tumulong Pob. (Bgy 2) PH175107007
Handong PH051718027
Handumanan PH064501061
Handumon PH071226011
Hanggan PH043406004
Hangi PH084810017
Hanginan PH086407024
Hanglid PH061913009
Hangyad PH074604015
Hanib PH020904001
Hanoon PH126319004
Hanopol PH051711017
Hanopol Este PH071206021
Hanopol Norte PH071206022
Hanopol Weste PH071206023
Hanoy PH051711018
Hantag PH086407025
Hapao PH142702019
Hapid PH142705004


San Pascual PH054120000

Aguinaldo PH142708000
Lipa City PH041014000
Taal PH041029000
Amadeo PH042102000
Naic PH042115000
City of Calamba PH043405000
La Paz PH160304000
San Fernando PH101318000
Goa PH051715000
Tanza PH042120000
Magdalena PH043415000
Siniloan PH043429000
Pililla PH045810000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Asipulo PH142711000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Tubao PH013320000
Tubao PH013320000
Culion PH175322000
Lupi PH051719000
Ubay PH071246000
Banton PH175902000
Pandami PH156618000
Inabanga PH071224000
Batad PH063009000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Mercedes PH051607000
Minalabac PH051722000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Guiuan PH082609000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Hilongos PH083719000
Abuyog PH083701000
Gandara PH086007000
Malimono PH166715000
Ocampo PH051725000
Lingig PH166812000
Paluan PH175107000
Libmanan PH051718000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Getafe PH071226000
Calauan PH043406000
Las Navas PH084810000
City of Maasin PH086407000
President Roxas PH061913000
Bais City PH074604000
Mahatao PH020904000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Caramoan PH051711000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Balilihan PH071206000
Caramoan PH051711000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Hungduan PH142702000
Lamut PH142705000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Haponan PH051711019
Happy Hollow PH141102006
Happy Homes (Happy Homes-Lucban) PH141102139
Happy Valley PH030804013
Happy Valley PH084818007
Happy Valley PH175212004
Happy Valley PH175214009
Happy Valley (Pob.) PH097328013
Hapunan PH083710031
Harada Butai PH112411003
Harada Butai PH112414005
Harana PH023116007
Harapin Ang Bukas PH137401012
Harasan PH042110015
Hardinan PH045619020
Harigue PH050507019
Harigue PH060605007
Haring PH051710005
Harip PH166809010
Harobay PH051708018
Harrison PH051714011
Harrison PH175107002
Harrison-Claudio Carantes PH141102140
Hawan PH156614010
Hawan Grande PH052011027
Hawan Ilaya PH052011028
Haway PH015530014
Hawilian PH160303012
Hayanggabon PH166706004
Head Tipan PH097208005
Hebacong PH082604025
Helen (Datag) PH076102016
Helene PH166723002
Helene PH168505004
Helino PH086003060
Henaronagan PH084824009
Henogawe PH084807013
Hermano PH104302013
Hermogenes C. Concepcion, Sr. PH034903092
Hermosa PH015519006
Hermoza PH015511029
Hernandez PH086025012
Hernando PH036901011
Herrera PH050508026
Herrera PH175208020
Herrero PH015518013
Hetebac PH086007099
Hiabangan PH083717023
Hiagsam PH083706015
Hiagsam PH083723013
Hibabngan PH086003066
Hibaca-an PH086014015
Hibago PH051725008
Hibagwan PH086402014
Hibaiyo PH074611010
Hibale PH071218006
Hibao-an Norte PH063022152
Hibao-an Sur PH063022067
Hibatang PH086003067
Hibod-hibod PH086417008


Caramoan PH051711000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Isidro PH084818000
Roxas PH175212000
Socorro PH175214000
Tambulig PH097328000
Burauen PH083710000
Padada PH112411000
Sulop PH112414000
Luna PH023116000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Indang PH042110000
Gumaca PH045619000
Libon PH050507000
Caluya PH060605000
Canaman PH051710000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Calabanga PH051708000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Paluan PH175107000
Baguio City PH141102000
Tapul PH156614000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Esperanza PH160303000
Claver PH166706000
Mutia PH097208000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Larena PH076102000
Socorro PH166723000
Loreto PH168505000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Gamay PH084807000
Balingasag PH104302000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Dasol PH015519000
Bayambang PH015511000
San Jorge PH086025000
Anao PH036901000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Naujan PH175208000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Gandara PH086007000
Dagami PH083717000
Barugo PH083706000
Jaro PH083723000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Ocampo PH051725000
Bontoc PH086402000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Danao PH071218000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Sogod PH086417000


Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V

Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Hibonawan PH083710032
Hibucawan PH083723015
Hibulangan PH083751014
Hibunawan PH083708022
Hibunawon PH083723014
Hibunawon PH083738054
Hicming PH052011029
Hidalgo PH041031019
Hidhid PH056212022
Hiduroma PH086014008
Higasaan PH086003068
Highway (Pob.) PH083718028
Highway Hills PH137401013
Higosoan PH086418023
Higuloan PH083708023
Hijo PH118204011
Hilaan PH086402015
Hilaba PH083706016
Hilabaan PH082606014
Hilabago PH083717024
Hilagpad PH083748026
Hilaitan PH074611011
Hilamonan PH064515008
Hilantagaan PH072244003
Hilapnitan PH083708024
Hilario (Pob.) PH012811012
Hilasgasan PH072210014
Hilawan PH052008019
Hilera PH034912003
Hillside PH141102045
Hilltop PH097201017
Hilotongan PH072209008
Hilub-Ang PH064505012
Hiluctogan PH083715019
Hiluctogan PH083726004
Hiluctogan PH083731026
Hilumot PH086014009
Hilusig PH083731003
Hilwan PH061917021
Hilwan PH063013037
Himaao PH051728009
Himacugo PH083720009
Himakilo PH086402016
Himalandrog PH086003069
Himamaa PH083707012
Himamaloto PH086007100
Himamara PH083731004
Himamaug PH166725007
Himanag PH051717015
Himarco PH083740018
Himatagon (Pob.) PH086412010
Himay PH086025013
Himaya PH104307007
Himaya PH064511015
Himayangan PH086406011
Himbah PH157007046
Himbangan PH086412011
Himbubulo Este PH045618025
Himbubulo Weste PH045618026
Himensulan PH072242007


Burauen PH083710000
Jaro PH083723000
Villaba PH083751000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Jaro PH083723000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Virac PH052011000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Matnog PH056212000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Dulag PH083718000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Maco PH118204000
Bontoc PH086402000
Barugo PH083706000
Dolores PH082606000
Dagami PH083717000
Tanauan PH083748000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Santa Fe PH072244000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Banna PH012811000
Barili PH072210000
San Andres PH052008000
Jaen PH034912000
Baguio City PH141102000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Bantayan PH072209000
Calatrava PH064505000
Carigara PH083715000
Kananga PH083726000
Mahaplag PH083731000
San Jose de Buan PH086014000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Tapaz PH061917000
Calinog PH063013000
Pili PH051728000
Hindang PH083720000
Bontoc PH086402000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bato PH083707000
Gandara PH086007000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Palompon PH083740000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
San Jorge PH086025000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Liloan PH086406000
Tandubas PH157007000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Guinayangan PH045618000
San Francisco PH072242000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Himo-aw PH083719014
Himocdongon PH074614016
Himoga-an Baybay PH064523010
Himokilan Island PH083720012
Himos-onan PH086412012
Himyangan PH086021009
Hinab-Ongan PH064505013
Hinabaan PH045618027
Hinabangan PH084813011
Hinabay PH083721011
Hinabian PH086412030
Hinablayan Pob. (Central 3) PH083740032
Hinabuyan PH083717025
Hinabuyan PH083751015
Hinactacan PH063022068
Hinadharan PH174004014
Hinaga PH086009013
Hinagbuan PH083740019
Hinagdanan PH166817026
Hinagonoyan PH084806013
Hinagtikan PH086418010
Hinaguimitan PH083731005
Hinaguman PH175916005
Hinakpan PH074611012
Hinalaan PH126505007
Hinampacan PH051601006
Hinanggayon PH174004015
Hinangudtan PH086017013
Hinaplanan PH104306008
Hinaplanon PH103504008
Hinapo PH086418011
Hinapolan PH083702023
Hinapoyan PH166806008
Hinapu Daku PH086407026
Hinapu Gamay PH086407027
Hinapulan PH174001029
Hinatad PH084805026
Hinawanan PH071228010
Hinayagan PH086007041
Hindag-an PH086412013
Hindang PH082604026
Hindang PH083725015
Hindang PH086004042
Hindang PH086016017
Hindang PH103504040
Hindangan PH086417009
Hindangon PH104308012
Hindi PH050501017
Hingatmonan PH072208016
Hingatungan PH086416006
Hingotanan East PH071248003
Hingotanan West PH071248004
Hinguiwin PH045629005
Hinica-an PH086012018
Hinigdaan PH104307008
Hinimbangan PH160206003
Hininga-an PH060605008
Hinipaan PH051607016
Hinipaan PH052001006
Hinlayagan Ilaud PH071244005


Hilongos PH083719000
Mabinay PH074614000
Sagay City PH064523000
Hindang PH083720000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Villareal PH086021000
Calatrava PH064505000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Mondragon PH084813000
Inopacan PH083721000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Palompon PH083740000
Dagami PH083717000
Villaba PH083751000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Mogpog PH174004000
Jiabong PH086009000
Palompon PH083740000
Tagbina PH166817000
Catubig PH084806000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Ferrol PH175916000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Basud PH051601000
Mogpog PH174004000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Claveria PH104306000
Iligan City PH103504000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Alangalang PH083702000
Carmen PH166806000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Boac PH174001000
Catarman PH084805000
Loay PH071228000
Gandara PH086007000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Julita PH083725000
Calbiga PH086004000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Iligan City PH103504000
Sogod PH086417000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bacacay PH050501000
Balamban PH072208000
Silago PH086416000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Motiong PH086012000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Kitcharao PH160206000
Caluya PH060605000
Mercedes PH051607000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Trinidad PH071244000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Hinlayagan Ilaya PH071244006

Hinolaso PH082606015
Hinologan PH083717026
Hinugacan PH086007042
Hinugayan PH083706017
Hinukay PH031403006
Hipantag PH086417010
Hiparayan PH084806014
Hiparayan (Kinonongan) PH086007101
Hipgos PH063025035
Hipit PH041025007
Hipodromo PH063022069
Hipona PH061912012
Hippodromo PH072217031
Hipusngo PH083708025
Historia PH015527040
Hita-asan I PH086015011
Hita-asan II PH086015015
Hitapi-an PH084806015
Hitawos PH086402017
Hitoma PH052004011
Hitoog PH083734011
Hitudpan PH083719015
Hitumnog PH083717027
Hiwacloy PH051715013
Hiyop PH052006009
Hobo PH051722010
Holjogon PH054113008
Hollywood PH082609061
Holowon PH142705017
Holugan PH050511009
Holy Child I (Pob.) PH083702050
Holy Child II (Pob.) PH083702051
Holy Cross PH112508008
Holy Friday PH023119005
Holy Ghost Extension PH141102046
Holy Ghost Proper PH141102047
Holy Redeemer Pob. (Bgy. 23) PH160202047
Holy Spirit PH137404140
Homestead PH025004012
Homestead PH051735008
Homestead I PH034930026
Homestead II PH034930027
Honan PH083722010
Hondagua PH045622037
Honeymoon (Honeymoon-Holy Ghost) PH141102141
Honrado PH166719005
Honrado PH166723003
Hornalan PH043405014
Hornasan PH166815005
Horseshoe PH137404044
Hoskyn PH067902014
Hoyo PH042118057
Hubang PH083702024
Hubang PH160308007
Hubangon PH101803005
Hubasan PH086004016
Hubasan PH086404011
Hubo PH051727009
Hubo PH056211020


Trinidad PH071244000
Dolores PH082606000
Dagami PH083717000
Gandara PH086007000
Barugo PH083706000
Baliuag PH031403000
Sogod PH086417000
Catubig PH084806000
Gandara PH086007000
Lambunao PH063025000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Cebu City PH072217000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Mangatarem PH015527000
San Sebastian PH086015000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Catubig PH084806000
Bontoc PH086402000
Caramoran PH052004000
Matalom PH083734000
Hilongos PH083719000
Dagami PH083717000
Goa PH051715000
Pandan PH052006000
Minalabac PH051722000
Mobo PH054113000
Guiuan PH082609000
Lamut PH142705000
Manito PH050511000
Alangalang PH083702000
Alangalang PH083702000
Manay PH112508000
Mallig PH023119000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Butuan City PH160202000
Quezon City PH137404000
Bambang PH025004000
Siruma PH051735000
Talavera PH034930000
Talavera PH034930000
Isabel PH083722000
Lopez PH045622000
Baguio City PH141102000
San Francisco PH166719000
Socorro PH166723000
City of Calamba PH043405000
San Agustin PH166815000
Quezon City PH137404000
Jordan PH067902000
Silang PH042118000
Alangalang PH083702000
San Francisco PH160308000
Mahinog PH101803000
Calbiga PH086004000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Pasacao PH051727000
Magallanes PH056211000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Hucab PH142703011
Hugom PH041023014
Hugon Rosales PH086003071
Hugpa PH082613011
Hugpa PH083738055
Hugpa PH086418012
Hugpa PH087802004
Hugpa East PH083710033
Hugpa West PH083710034
Hukay PH041008011
Hukay PH042118014
Huknan PH082608011
Hulo PH031412008
Hulo PH031414003
Hulo PH034929014
Hulo PH137401014
Hulo (Pob.) PH045810004
Hulong Duhat PH137502008
Humabon Pob. (Bgy. 11) PH160202048
Humayhumay PH071246023
Humayhumay PH074611013
Humayingan PH041013008
Humbac PH042115011
Humilog PH160212004
Huna PH063040029
Hunan PH071209022
Hupi PH174005018
Hupit PH083702025
Husayan PH101306006
Huwit-huwit PH156619004
Huwit-huwit Bas Nonok PH156617007
Huwit-huwit Proper PH156617006
Huyohoy PH104215052
Huyon-Uyon PH045642006
Huyonhuyon PH051736010
I. S. Cruz PH104311015
Iba PH031409003
Iba PH031412009
Iba PH036918003
Iba PH041029014
Iba PH042118015
Iba PH060601007
Iba PH086002018
Iba PH086409012
Iba PH101322003
Iba PH112510006
Iba-Ibayo PH031409027
Iba Este PH031407013
Iba O'Este PH031407014
Ibaba PH030802006
Ibaba PH043428007
Ibaba PH137502009
Ibaba (Pob.) PH030812003
Ibaba del Norte (Pob.) PH043418004
Ibaba del Sur (Pob.) PH043418005
Ibaba East (Pob.) PH175205025
Ibaba West (Pob.) PH175205026
Ibabang Atingay PH043415012
Ibabang Bagumbungan PH045630008
Ibabang Banga PH043416016


Kiangan PH142703000
San Juan PH041023000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Llorente PH082613000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Biliran PH087802000
Burauen PH083710000
Burauen PH083710000
Calatagan PH041008000
Silang PH042118000
Giporlos PH082608000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Obando PH031414000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Pililla PH045810000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Butuan City PH160202000
Ubay PH071246000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Lian PH041013000
Naic PH042115000
Remedios T. Romualdez PH160212000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Buenavista PH071209000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Alangalang PH083702000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Omar PH156619000
Lugus PH156617000
Lugus PH156617000
Tangub City PH104215000
San Francisco PH045642000
Tigaon PH051736000
Jasaan PH104311000
Hagonoy PH031409000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
San Jose PH036918000
Taal PH041029000
Silang PH042118000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Basey PH086002000
Malitbog PH086409000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
San Isidro PH112510000
Hagonoy PH031409000
Calumpit PH031407000
Iba OEste Calumpit PH031407000
Bagac PH030802000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Samal PH030812000
Paete PH043418000
Paete PH043418000
City of Calapan PH175205000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Magdalena PH043415000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Majayjay PH043416000


Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ibabang Bayucain PH043416017

Ibabang Burgos PH045634009
Ibabang Butnong PH043415013
Ibabang Cambuga PH045628018
Ibabang Dupay PH045624020
Ibabang Iyam PH045624021
Ibabang Kinagunan PH045601003
Ibabang Owain PH045639012
Ibabang Pacatin PH045634010
Ibabang Palina PH043410013
Ibabang Palsabangon PH045630009
Ibabang Piña PH045634011
Ibabang Polo PH045630010
Ibabang San Roque PH043410014
Ibabang Soliyao PH045634012
Ibabang Sungi PH043410015
Ibabang Talim PH045624022
Ibabang Taykin PH043410016
Ibabang Tayuman PH045642007
Ibabang Wasay PH045605017
Ibabang Yuni PH045628019
Ibabao PH041009010
Ibabao PH072220010
Ibabao PH072247011
Ibabao PH076106022
Ibabao PH104201011
Ibabao-Estancia PH072230013
Ibabao Bana PH034903037
Ibaca PH061913010
Ibag PH083706018
Ibao PH060408006
Ibarra PH086023009
Ibarra PH086407028
Ibas PH045647024
Ibaugan PH050503021
Ibayo PH030803011
Ibayo PH031411003
Ibayo-Tipas PH137607006
Ibayo Estacion PH042115012
Ibayo Silangan PH042115013
Ibayugan PH051705012
Iberan PH082619029
Iberica PH051606028
Ibid PH051718028
Ibingay PH054111017
Ibis PH030802007
Ibo PH072223017
Ibo PH072226013
Ibo PH072251018
Ibo PH112408007
Ibol PH086005057
Ibona PH037705007
Ibong Sapa (San Vicente Sur) PH052011053
Iboy PH012919011
Ibuan PH160207018
Ibud PH175109006
Ibujan PH023131018
Ibulo PH021506024
Ibung PH025014002
Ican PH015524036


Majayjay PH043416000
Pitogo PH045634000
Magdalena PH043415000
Mulanay PH045628000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lucena City PH045624000
Agdangan PH045601000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Pitogo PH045634000
Liliw PH043410000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Ibabang Pina Pitogo PH045634000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Liliw PH043410000
Pitogo PH045634000
Liliw PH043410000
Lucena City PH045624000
Liliw PH043410000
San Francisco PH045642000
Buenavista PH045605000
Mulanay PH045628000
Cuenca PH041009000
Cordova PH072220000
Sogod PH072247000
Siquijor PH076106000
Aloran PH104201000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
President Roxas PH061913000
Barugo PH083706000
Lezo PH060408000
Zumarraga PH086023000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Daraga PH050503000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Marilao PH031411000
Taguig City PH137607000
Naic PH042115000
Naic PH042115000
Buhi PH051705000
Salcedo PH082619000
Labo PH051606000
Libmanan PH051718000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Bagac PH030802000
Danao City PH072223000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Toledo City PH072251000
Malalag PH112408000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Dingalan PH037705000
Virac PH052011000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Sablayan PH175109000
San Mariano PH023131000
Baggao PH021506000
Villaverde PH025014000
Malasiqui PH015524000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Icanbato (Pob.) PH052004012

Ichon PH086408007
Idao PH060602015
Idaoman PH124713006
Idiacacan PH060611017
Idio PH060615010
Idong PH015511030
Ifugao Village PH025703016
Igabas PH175314007
Igabay PH153602008
Iganagampong PH153827002
Igang PH045623014
Igang PH050501018
Igang PH052011030
Igang PH054111018
Igang PH061906012
Igang PH063037023
Igang PH067903007
Igang PH083708026
Igang PH083713027
Igang-igang PH086017014
Igang-igang PH175305005
Igangon PH112324003
Igasan PH156611008
Igat Island PH097317012
Igbac PH051705013
Igbaje PH063040030
Igbalangao PH060604010
Igbalogo PH060607019
Igbangcal PH063040031
Igbangcal-A PH060607020
Igbangcal-B PH060607021
Igbangcal-C PH060607022
Igbarabatuan PH060601008
Igbarawan PH060612011
Igbical PH060608025
Igbinangon PH063040032
Igbita PH063030046
Igbobon PH060612012
Igbon PH063015011
Igbong PH063007010
Igbonglo PH060613018
Igbucagay PH060608026
Igbugo PH063030047
Igburi PH060612013
Igburi PH063040033
Igcabidio PH063030048
Igcabito-on PH063030050
Igcabuad PH060607023
Igcabugao PH063021018
Igcabutong PH063040034
Igcadac PH060607049
Igcadios PH063028045
Igcadlum PH063040035
Igcado PH060607024
Igcagay PH060610005
Igcalawagan PH060607025
Igcaphang PH063040036
Igcapuyas PH060607026
Igcaratong PH063040037


Caramoran PH052004000
Macrohon PH086408000
Barbaza PH060602000
President Roxas PH124713000
Pandan PH060611000
Sebaste PH060615000
Bayambang PH015511000
Diffun PH025703000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Balabagan PH153602000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Lucban PH045623000
Bacacay PH050501000
Virac PH052011000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Jamindan PH061906000
Pototan PH063037000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Calubian PH083713000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Bataraza PH175305000
San Isidro PH112324000
Patikul PH156611000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Buhi PH051705000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Bugasong PH060604000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Patnongon PH060612000
Hamtic PH060608000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Miagao PH063030000
Patnongon PH060612000
Concepcion PH063015000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
San Jose PH060613000
Hamtic PH060608000
Miagao PH063030000
Patnongon PH060612000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Igbaras PH063021000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Leon PH063028000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Libertad PH060610000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Joaquin PH063040000


Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Igcasicad (San Pedro) PH060607027

Igcatambor PH063030051
Igcawayan PH067904006
Igcococ PH060616028
Igcocolo PH063020021
Igcondao PH063040038
Igcores PH063040039
Igdagmay PH060616030
Igdagmay PH063040040
Igdalaguit PH060607028
Igdalaquit PH060616029
Igdalaquit PH063030052
Igdampog Norte PH063046023
Igdampog Sur PH063046024
Igdanlog PH060607029
Igdarapdap PH067903008
Igdomingding PH063040041
Igdulaca PH063030053
Igdurarog PH060607030
Iglanot PH060616031
Iglau-an PH064520015
Iglesia (Pob.) PH045806012
Iglilico PH063040042
Iglinab PH060618013
Iglugsad PH101318009
Igmasandig PH060618014
Igmaya-an PH064532004
Ignacio Garrata (New Mirapao) PH097306018
Ignacio Jurado (Finugu Sur) PH021517013
Igot PH084815013
Igot PH086021010
Igpaho PH063046025
Igpajo PH063030054
Igpalge PH060601009
Igpalge PH060602016
Igpandan PH063030055
Igpanolong PH060616032
Igparas PH060616033
Igpayong PH063040043
Igpigus PH063021019
Igpit PH104321006
Igpit PH112403010
Igpuro PH063030056
Igpuro-Bariri PH063030057
Igsoligue PH063030058
Igsoro PH060604011
Igsuming PH060616034
Igtadiao PH060609012
Igtalongon PH063021020
Igtambo PH063041018
Igtuba PH063030059
Igtuble PH063046026
Igtugas PH060607031
Igtumarom PH060601010
Igtunarum PH060602017
Igualdad Interior PH051724014
Iguid PH086005021
Iguirindon PH060614023
Igulot PH031404012
Ihan PH112406011


Tobias Fornier PH060607000

Miagao PH063030000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Sibalom PH060616000
Guimbal PH063020000
San Joaquin PH063040000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Sibalom PH060616000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Sibalom PH060616000
Miagao PH063030000
Tubungan PH063046000
Tubungan PH063046000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Miagao PH063030000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Sibalom PH060616000
Murcia PH064520000
Cardona PH045806000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Valderrama PH060618000
San Fernando PH101318000
Valderrama PH060618000
Salvador Benedicto PH064532000
Dinas PH097306000
Lasam PH021517000
Pambujan PH084815000
Villareal PH086021000
Tubungan PH063046000
Miagao PH063030000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Barbaza PH060602000
Miagao PH063030000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibalom PH060616000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Igbaras PH063021000
Opol PH104321000
City of Digos PH112403000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Bugasong PH060604000
Sibalom PH060616000
Laua-An PH060609000
Igbaras PH063021000
San Miguel PH063041000
Miagao PH063030000
Tubungan PH063046000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Barbaza PH060602000
Naga City PH051724000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
San Remigio PH060614000
Bocaue PH031404000
Kiblawan PH112406000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ihatub PH174001027
Ihubok I (Kaychanarianan) PH020901002
Ihubok II (Kayvaluganan) PH020901001
Ikirin PH045630011
Il Papa PH118202005
Ilabas PH060616035
Ilag PH086406012
Ilag PH175213004
Ilajas PH063016015
Ilalag PH153634024
Ilamnay PH061909023
Ilang PH015532037
Ilang PH112402049
Ilang-Ilang PH031408003
Ilangay PH112507011
Ilaor Norte PH050512024
Ilaor Sur PH050512025
Ilas Sur PH061902009
Ilasan Ibaba PH045647021
Ilasan Ilaya PH045647027
Ilat North PH041026009
Ilat South PH041026010
Ilaud PH071234011
Ilaud (Pob.) PH071224023
Ilaud Poblacion PH063007011
Ilauran PH175910015
Ilaures PH060604012
Ilawod PH050502018
Ilawod PH050504013
Ilawod PH051711020
Ilawod (Pob.) PH052003027
Ilawod (Pob.) PH061912019
Ilawod Area Pob. (Dist. 2) PH050503022
Ilawod Poblacion PH063047016
Ilaya PH045635004
Ilaya PH054103010
Ilaya PH071224024
Ilaya PH072239006
Ilaya PH072241024
Ilaya PH086403012
Ilaya PH097201018
Ilaya PH128002015
Ilaya PH137601004
Ilaya PH064505014
Ilaya-Ivisan PH061905007
Ilaya-Tayasan PH074622008
Ilaya (Pob.) PH061912020
Ilaya (Pob.) PH072224031
Ilaya (Pob.) PH175205027
Ilaya 1st PH063018021
Ilaya 2nd PH063018022
Ilaya 3rd PH063018023
Ilaya del Norte (Pob.) PH043418006
Ilaya del Sur (Pob.) PH043418007
Ilaya Poblacion PH063007012
Ilaya Poblacion PH063047017
Ilayang Atingay PH043415014
Ilayang Bagumbungan PH045630012
Ilayang Banga PH043416018
Ilayang Bayucain PH043416019


Boac PH174001000
Basco PH020901000
Basco PH020901000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Laak PH118202000
Sibalom PH060616000
Liloan PH086406000
San Teodoro PH175213000
Dingle PH063016000
Maguing PH153634000
Panay PH061909000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Davao City PH112402000
Guiguinto PH031408000
Lupon PH112507000
Oas PH050512000
Oas PH050512000
Dao PH061902000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
San Pascual PH041026000
San Pascual PH041026000
Pilar PH071234000
Inabanga PH071224000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Romblon PH175910000
Bugasong PH060604000
Camalig PH050502000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Caramoan PH051711000
Bato PH052003000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Daraga PH050503000
Zarraga PH063047000
Plaridel PH045635000
Balud PH054103000
Inabanga PH071224000
Ronda PH072239000
San Fernando PH072241000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Glan PH128002000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
Calatrava PH064505000
Ivisan PH061905000
Tayasan PH074622000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Dumanjug PH072224000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Dumangas PH063018000
Dumangas PH063018000
Dumangas PH063018000
Paete PH043418000
Paete PH043418000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Zarraga PH063047000
Magdalena PH043415000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Majayjay PH043416000
Majayjay PH043416000


Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B

Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ilayang Burgos PH045634013

Ilayang Butnong PH043415015
Ilayang Cambuga (Mabini) PH045628020
Ilayang Dupay PH045624023
Ilayang Ilog A PH045622038
Ilayang Ilog B PH045622039
Ilayang Iyam PH045624024
Ilayang Kinagunan PH045601004
Ilayang Owain PH045639013
Ilayang Pacatin PH045634014
Ilayang Palina PH043410018
Ilayang Palsabangon PH045630013
Ilayang Piña PH045634015
Ilayang Polo PH045630014
Ilayang San Roque PH043410019
Ilayang Soliyao PH045634016
Ilayang Sungi PH043410020
Ilayang Talim PH045624025
Ilayang Taykin PH043410021
Ilayang Tayuman PH045642008
Ilayang Wasay PH045605018
Ilayang Yuni PH045628021
Ilbocean PH124709013
Ile PH071220021
Ili PH148102020
Ili-Centro (Pob.) PH051711022
Ili-ilihon PH104322006
Ili Norte (Pob.) PH013316020
Ili Sur (Pob.) PH013316021
Ilian PH103506014
Ilian PH124706022
Ilian PH124708009
Ilian PH126503008
Ilian PH153601013
Ilian PH153602051
Ilian PH153604014
Ilian PH153614032
Ilian PH153616108
Ilian PH153619024
Ilian PH153620020
Ilian PH153621040
Ilian PH153627029
Ilian PH153635016
Ilian PH175311010
Ilian Poblacion PH153621013
Iligan PH054109006
Iligay PH083751016
Ilihan PH041005032
Ilihan PH071224025
Ilihan PH071246024
Ilihan PH072248008
Ilihan PH072251019
Ilihan PH083710028
Ilihan PH086408008
Ilihan PH097222010
Ilihan PH103511005
Ilihan PH160314006
Ilihan Norte PH071245014
Ilihan Sur PH071245015
Ilijan PH086018007


Pitogo PH045634000
Magdalena PH043415000
Mulanay PH045628000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lopez PH045622000
Lopez PH045622000
Lucena City PH045624000
Agdangan PH045601000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Pitogo PH045634000
Liliw PH043410000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Ilayang Pina Pitogo PH045634000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Liliw PH043410000
Pitogo PH045634000
Liliw PH043410000
Lucena City PH045624000
Liliw PH043410000
San Francisco PH045642000
Buenavista PH045605000
Mulanay PH045628000
Midsayap PH124709000
Dimiao PH071220000
Conner PH148102000
Caramoan PH051711000
Salay PH104322000
San Juan PH013316000
San Juan PH013316000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Magpet PH124706000
Matalam PH124708000
Esperanza PH126503000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Balabagan PH153602000
Bayang PH153604000
Madamba PH153614000
Marantao PH153616000
Mulondo PH153619000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Piagapo PH153621000
Taraka PH153627000
Picong PH153635000
Dumaran PH175311000
Piagapo PH153621000
Esperanza PH054109000
Villaba PH083751000
Batangas City PH041005000
Inabanga PH071224000
Ubay PH071246000
Tabogon PH072248000
Toledo City PH072251000
Burauen PH083710000
Macrohon PH086408000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Sibagat PH160314000
Tubigon PH071245000
Tubigon PH071245000
Santo Niño PH086018000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ilijan PH175906006
Ilijan PH064502012
Iling Proper PH175110021
Ilio-ilio (Iliw-iliw) PH015516005
Ilisan PH098301008
Ilisan PH104212013
Illuru Norte PH021521012
Illuru Sur PH021521029
Ilo PH086016018
Ilo (Pob.) PH086018008
Ilocano PH013319005
Ilocanos Norte PH013314027
Ilocanos Sur PH013314028
Ilog PH041029015
Ilog PH043415016
Ilog PH045620021
Ilog-Bulo PH031421021
Ilog-ilog PH063030060
Ilog Baliwag PH034922006
Ilogmalino PH015514013
Ilomavis PH124704009
Ilongbukid PH063004011
Ilongbukid PH063042004
Ilosong PH045635005
Iluluan PH050502019
Ilustre PH124713007
Ilvita PH175109007
Ilwas (Pob.) PH037114013
Ima PH166722004
Imadejas Pob. (Bgy. 24) PH160202037
Imam Hadji Mohammad PH157011006
Imam Sapie PH157005021
Imamaling PH124706051
Imamawo PH041029016
Imatong (Pob.) PH045810005
Imba PH060605009
Imbalbalatong PH015530015
Imbang Grande PH063035024
Imbang Pequeño PH063039015
Imbatug PH101322004
Imbatug (Pob.) PH101301012
Imbaulan PH063027012
Imbayao PH101312017
Imbesad-an PH063039016
Imbiao PH023126004
Imbo PH015505008
Imbunia PH034912004
Imee (Bactasan) PH168501009
Imelda PH012811013
Imelda PH013308006
Imelda PH013311022
Imelda PH030812004
Imelda PH054107022
Imelda PH071221020
Imelda PH071246025
Imelda PH072236015
Imelda PH083707033
Imelda PH083708027
Imelda PH083733019
Imelda PH083749015


Corcuera PH175906000
Bago City PH064502000
San Jose PH175110000
Burgos PH015516000
Alicia PH098301000
Plaridel PH104212000
Rizal PH021521000
Rizal PH021521000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Sudipen PH013319000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Taal PH041029000
Magdalena PH043415000
Infanta PH045620000
San Miguel PH031421000
Miagao PH063030000
Quezon PH034922000
Bolinao PH015514000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Badiangan PH063004000
San Rafael PH063042000
Plaridel PH045635000
Camalig PH050502000
President Roxas PH124713000
Sablayan PH175109000
Subic PH037114000
Sison PH166722000
Butuan City PH160202000
Sibutu PH157011000
Sitangkai PH157005000
Magpet PH124706000
Taal PH041029000
Pililla PH045810000
Caluya PH060605000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
City of Passi PH063035000
Imbang Pequeno San Enrique PH063039000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Baungon PH101301000
Lemery PH063027000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
San Enrique PH063039000
Roxas PH023126000
Anda PH015505000
Jaen PH034912000
Basilisa PH168501000
Banna PH012811000
Burgos PH013308000
Naguilian PH013311000
Samal PH030812000
Claveria PH054107000
Duero PH071221000
Ubay PH071246000
Pilar PH072236000
Bato PH083707000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Tolosa PH083749000


Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B

Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Imelda PH084801019
Imelda PH084809006
Imelda PH084810018
Imelda PH084813012
Imelda PH084822017
Imelda PH086016019
Imelda PH086416016
Imelda PH087808023
Imelda PH097205037
Imelda PH097218043
Imelda PH097223017
Imelda PH104326010
Imelda PH118202028
Imelda PH148106026
Imelda PH160302008
Imelda PH168507001
Imelda PH074611014
Imelda (Badjang) PH086001025
Imelda (Capariaan) PH012813003
Imelda (Decrito) PH015534005
Imelda (Elimbo) PH084805027
Imelda (Sipa Annex) PH148107003
Imelda (Tubog) PH041023015
Imelda (Upper Camanga) PH098315009
Imelda Bliss Village PH023114102
Imelda District PH034903038
Imelda Marcos (Pong-on) PH083719016
Imelda Pob. (Doña Aurora) PH034912005
Imelda Pob. (Posgo) PH086020024
Imelda R. Marcos (La Salle) PH141102120
Imelda Valley PH034919017
Imelda Village PH141102049
Immaculada PH097205013
Immaculada Concepcion PH097223032
Immaculate Concepcion PH137404045
Immayos Norte PH012920015
Immayos Sur PH012920016
Immuli PH140118005
Imnajbu PH020906002
Imok PH043406005
Impalidan PH063013038
Impalutao PH101305008
Impao PH126504010
Imparayan PH060616036
Impig PH051734020
Impo PH083743011
Importante PH060617006
Improgo PH063044024
Improgo Village (Pob.) PH126302008
Impugong PH142710007
Imugan PH025012008
Imulnod PH175306005
Imurong PH021506025
Imus PH012927013
Inabaan Norte PH013313017
Inabaan Sur PH013313018
Inaban PH025007009
Inabasan PH060608027
Inabasan PH060613019
Inabasan PH060616037


Allen PH084801000
Lapinig PH084809000
Las Navas PH084810000
Mondragon PH084813000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Silago PH086416000
Naval PH087808000
Labason PH097205000
Sindangan PH097218000
Gutalac PH097223000
Villanueva PH104326000
Laak PH118202000
Pudtol PH148106000
Bunawan PH160302000
Tubajon PH168507000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Almagro PH086001000
Marcos PH012813000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Catarman PH084805000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
San Juan PH041023000
Titay PH098315000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Hilongos PH083719000
Imelda Pob. (Dona Aurora) Jaen PH034912000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Baguio City PH141102000
Palayan City PH034919000
Baguio City PH141102000
Labason PH097205000
Gutalac PH097223000
Quezon City PH137404000
San Juan PH012920000
San Juan PH012920000
Pidigan PH140118000
Uyugan PH020906000
Calauan PH043406000
Calinog PH063013000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Isulan PH126504000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sipocot PH051734000
San Miguel PH083743000
Tibiao PH060617000
Sara PH063044000
Banga PH126302000
Tinoc PH142710000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Baggao PH021506000
Santiago PH012927000
Rosario PH013313000
Rosario PH013313000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Hamtic PH060608000
San Jose PH060613000
Sibalom PH060616000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Inabasan PH063012021
Inabasan PH063029025
Inabuan PH045642009
Inac PH124706023
Inaca PH063012022
Inacayan PH118202029
Inacban PH074602011
Inaclagan PH045603012
Inaclagan PH045619021
Inadlawan PH063017022
Inagawan PH175316014
Inagawan Sub-Colony PH175316063
Inagbuhan Ilaya PH045619022
Inagdangan Centro PH063047008
Inagdangan Norte PH063047009
Inagdangan Sur PH063047010
Inaghuban PH071234012
Inagongan PH103520004
Inalad PH083713028
Inalad PH086012019
Inalad PH074619012
Inaladan PH063012023
Inaladan PH153837008
Inalahan PH051718029
Inalig PH045603013
Inalmasinan PH052004013
Inalusan PH045622040
Inambatan PH118207006
Inamlan PH084808030
Inamnan Grande PH050504015
Inamnan Pequeño PH050504014
Inamotan PH015525019
Inampologan PH067905006
Inamyungan PH063010006
Inanahawan PH084815015
Inanama PH023101013
Inanama PH034915010
Inandawa PH051730018
Inandayan PH153615027
Inang PH056213023
Inangatan PH083745008
Inangayan PH063043038
Inanlorenzana PH015511031
Inao-Awan PH043407007
Inaon PH031418009
Inapatan (Del Rosario Inapatan) PH051723006
Inapoy PH064515009
Inapoy PH074614018
Inapugan PH056213024
Inapulangan PH082609026
Inarado PH050503023
Inararan PH056203026
Inararo (Aetas) PH035415036
Inarawan PH045802014
Inarawan PH175208021
Inarumbacan PH086021011
Inas PH124710009
Inasagan PH097302022
Inasagan PH103518025
Inasakan PH175110022


Cabatuan PH063012000
Maasin PH063029000
San Francisco PH045642000
Magpet PH124706000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Laak PH118202000
Ayungon PH074602000
Atimonan PH045603000
Gumaca PH045619000
Dueñas PH063017000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Gumaca PH045619000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Pilar PH071234000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Calubian PH083713000
Motiong PH086012000
Siaton PH074619000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Libmanan PH051718000
Atimonan PH045603000
Caramoran PH052004000
Lopez PH045622000
Monkayo PH118207000
Laoang PH084808000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Inamnan Pequeno Guinobatan PH050504000
Manaoag PH015525000
Sibunag PH067905000
Bingawan PH063010000
Pambujan PH084815000
Alicia PH023101000
Llanera PH034915000
Ragay PH051730000
Malabang PH153615000
Pilar PH056213000
Tabango PH083745000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Bayambang PH015511000
Cavinti PH043407000
Pulilan PH031418000
Nabua PH051723000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Mabinay PH074614000
Pilar PH056213000
Guiuan PH082609000
Daraga PH050503000
Bulan PH056203000
Porac PH035415000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Naujan PH175208000
Villareal PH086021000
M'Lang PH124710000
Aurora PH097302000
Salvador PH103518000
San Jose PH175110000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Inascan PH050504016
Inasudlan PH086021012
Inasuyan PH087806006
Inawan PH153812015
Inawangan PH083725016
Inawasan PH074616007
Inawayan PH112412005
Inayagan PH072234011
Inayangan PH112402184
Inayapan PH043427010
Inayawan PH072217032
Inayawan PH082601017
Inayawan PH103515006
Inayawan PH064507015
Inayupan PH083724012
Incarizan PH056211021
Inchican PH042118016
Inclanay PH175209009
Indag-an PH060616038
Indag-an PH063030061
Indahag PH104305050
Indalawan PH175304005
Indalaza PH101312018
Indaluyon PH063021021
Indangan PH112402050
Indangan PH124704010
Indangan PH124707012
Indatuan PH153834005
Inday PH063022070
Indayagan PH061907014
Indiana PH025004013
Indorohan PH063004012
Indulang PH101320010
Industrial Valley PH137402014
Ineangan PH025007010
Inerangan PH015503013
Inerangan PH015532038
Infante PH063022071
Inga PH021512008
Ingalagala PH015524037
Ingan PH086403013
Ingas PH045620022
Ingas PH063012024
Ingay PH063028046
Ingay PH063046027
Ingore PH063022072
Ingud PH153603027
Ingud PH153605010
Ingud PH153623018
Ingud Norte PH023102030
Ingud Sur PH023102031
Ingwan PH063002028
Ingwan-Batangan PH060608028
Inhobol PH037106005
Iniban PH074602012
Inicbulan PH041006016
Iniguihan District (Pob.) PH083707016
Iniguihan Pob. (Salvacion) PH086418013
Iniligan PH063004013
Inirangan PH015511032


Guinobatan PH050504000
Villareal PH086021000
Kawayan PH087806000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Julita PH083725000
Pamplona PH074616000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
City of Naga PH072234000
Davao City PH112402000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Cebu City PH072217000
Arteche PH082601000
Nunungan PH103515000
Cauayan PH064507000
Javier PH083724000
Magallanes PH056211000
Silang PH042118000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Sibalom PH060616000
Miagao PH063030000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Balabac PH175304000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Igbaras PH063021000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Makilala PH124707000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Bambang PH025004000
Badiangan PH063004000
Talakag PH101320000
City of Marikina PH137402000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Enrile PH021512000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Infanta PH045620000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Leon PH063028000
Tubungan PH063046000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Balindong PH153603000
Binidayan PH153605000
Pualas PH153623000
Angadanan PH023102000
Angadanan PH023102000
Alimodian PH063002000
Hamtic PH060608000
Masinloc PH037106000
Ayungon PH074602000
Bauan PH041006000
Bato PH083707000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Badiangan PH063004000
Bayambang PH015511000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Initan PH060616039
Initan PH061917022
Iniwaran PH054120006
Inlagadian PH056205011
Inlambo PH015526015
Inmalog PH015533012
Inmalog PH015541028
Inmalog Norte PH015533033
Inmanduyan PH015548012
Ino PH174004016
Inobongan PH086015012
Inobulan PH104322007
Inoburan PH072234010
Inoburan PH084806016
Inocencio (B. Pook) PH042122013
Inocencio Salud PH042123015
Inodaran PH153638012
Inogbong PH175305006
Inolinan PH086415015
Inolingan PH064519011
Inoma PH103512004
Inoma PH153632019
Inoman PH015530016
Inoraguiao PH086016020
Inosloban PH041014021
Inoyonan PH051706008
Inroad PH097302023
Insarayan PH060616040
Inspector PH034928027
Insubuan PH060614024
Intaluan PH063037024
Intampilan PH061910016
Intao PH060609013
Integasan PH060602019
Interior PH054119009
Intungcan PH061912013
Intusan PH054115007
Inubod PH086011022
Inudaran PH103507005
Inudaran PH103508006
Inudaran PH153632018
Inudaran PH153639005
Inudaran Campong PH153616023
Inudaran I PH103519006
Inudaran II PH103519007
Inudaran Loway PH153616109
Inudaran Lumbac PH153616047
Inug-ug PH124712023
Inug-ug PH153810009
Inuman PH097218011
Inuntan PH086002019
Inwaloy PH142706015
Inyawan PH060610006
Inzo Arnaldo Village (Cadimahan) PH061914030
Ipag PH030807016
Ipet PH013319004
Ipil PH021514012
Ipil PH023112023
Ipil PH037706012
Ipil PH041029017


Sibalom PH060616000
Tapaz PH061917000
San Pascual PH054120000
Casiguran PH056205000
Mangaldan PH015526000
San Fabian PH015533000
Sison PH015541000
San Fabian PH015533000
Laoac PH015548000
Mogpog PH174004000
San Sebastian PH086015000
Salay PH104322000
City of Naga PH072234000
Catubig PH084806000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Bataraza PH175305000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Maigo PH103512000
Calanogas PH153632000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Lipa City PH041014000
Bula PH051706000
Aurora PH097302000
Sibalom PH060616000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
San Remigio PH060614000
Pototan PH063037000
Panitan PH061910000
Laua-An PH060609000
Barbaza PH060602000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Palanas PH054115000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Calanogas PH153632000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Marantao PH153616000
Sapad PH103519000
Sapad PH103519000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
Pikit PH124712000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Sindangan PH097218000
Basey PH086002000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Libertad PH060610000
Roxas City PH061914000
Mariveles PH030807000
Sudipen PH013319000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Echague PH023112000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Taal PH041029000


Antique PH060600000 Region VI

Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ipil PH045607029
Ipil PH054118011
Ipil PH060404008
Ipil PH060602020
Ipil PH060603005
Ipil PH063005009
Ipil PH063013040
Ipil PH071225017
Ipil PH072215011
Ipil PH083738056
Ipil PH143213043
Ipil PH156605009
Ipil PH156612015
Ipil PH157002005
Ipil PH166724022
Ipil PH174005019
Ipil PH175110023
Ipil PH175203036
Ipil PH175908005
Ipil-Cuneg PH025005022
Ipil-ipil (Pob.) PH084805066
Ipil (Fatima) PH051705010
Ipil (Pob.) PH166711005
Ipil (Pob.) PH166717009
Ipil Heights PH098305009
Ipil I PH042118051
Ipil II PH042118058
Ipilan PH045647030
Ipilan PH097213031
Ipilan PH175306006
Ipilan PH175315011
Iponan PH104305051
Iprog PH063039017
Iquin PH051710006
Iquiran PH086006026
Iraan PH175301007
Iraan PH175318006
Iraan PH175323006
Iraga PH021527036
Iraray PH175324002
Irasan PH097211022
Irawahan PH084806017
Irawan PH175316015
Iraya PH050504017
Iraya PH054106036
Iraya (Del Rosario) PH051705014
Iraya Norte PH050512026
Iraya Sur PH050512027
Iraya Sur PH051609005
Irayang Solong PH051722011
Iringan PH021503016
Iriron PH175102002
Irisan PH141102050
Iruhin East PH042119023
Iruhin South PH042119029
Iruhin West PH042119006
Irukan PH041027008
Isabang PH043416020
Isabang PH045624026
Isabang PH045647031


Calauag PH045607000
San Fernando PH054118000
Batan PH060404000
Barbaza PH060602000
Belison PH060603000
Balasan PH063005000
Calinog PH063013000
Jagna PH071225000
Carmen PH072215000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Maimbung PH156605000
Siasi PH156612000
Bongao PH157002000
Surigao City PH166724000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
San Jose PH175110000
Bongabong PH175203000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Bayombong PH025005000
Catarman PH084805000
Buhi PH051705000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Placer PH166717000
Ipil PH098305000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Salug PH097213000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Narra PH175315000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
San Enrique PH063039000
Canaman PH051710000
Daram PH086006000
Aborlan PH175301000
Roxas PH175318000
Rizal PH175323000
Solana PH021527000
Sofronio Española PH175324000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Catubig PH084806000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Cawayan PH054106000
Buhi PH051705000
Oas PH050512000
Oas PH050512000
San Vicente PH051609000
Minalabac PH051722000
Allacapan PH021503000
Calintaan PH175102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Santa Teresita PH041027000
Majayjay PH043416000
Lucena City PH045624000
City of Tayabas PH045647000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Isabela Eastside (Pob.) PH099701014

Isabela Proper (Pob.) PH099701015
Isabelita PH137405007
Isagani PH086407029
Isauan PH063045034
Isauan PH063046028
Isaub PH175301008
Isca PH021514013
Isian PH063045035
Isian Norte PH063028047
Isian Victoria PH063028048
Isic Isic PH012823024
Isidro D. Tan (Dimaloc-oc) PH104215015
Isidro Paredes PH025703017
Ising (Pob.) PH112303007
Isio PH064507016
Isis PH097210008
Isit PH140107005
Isla PH015532039
Isla PH034928028
Isla PH137504012
Isla (Pob.) PH034903039
Isla (Pob.) PH043421004
Isla De Cana PH063014014
Isok I (Pob.) PH174001061
Isok II Pob. (Kalamias) PH174001028
Israel (Balian Israel) PH098304006
Isugan PH074603008
Isugod PH175317011
Isumbo PH175324003
It-Ba (Pob.) PH050511010
Itab PH142708008
Itangil PH175311009
Itangon PH051706009
Itaran PH050514022
Itaw PH153817004
Itbud PH020906003
Ithan PH045804012
Itlugan PH041021011
Ito Norte PH063012025
Ito Sur PH063012026
Itok PH051602008
Itomang PH051611007
Itombato PH054106011
Iton PH015511033
Itulan PH051727010
Itum PH071221009
Itum PH083734012
Iwa Ilaud PH063037025
Iwa Ilaya PH063037026
Iwahig PH175305007
Iwahig (Pob.) PH175316016
Iwayan PH082617022
Iyagan PH051701008
Iyao PH052004014
Iyasan PH063020032
Iyosan PH087801002
J. Gerona PH056203027
J. Leviste PH041011012
J. M. Alberto PH052002012


City of Isabela PH099701000

City of Isabela PH099701000
City of San Juan PH137405000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tubungan PH063046000
Aborlan PH175301000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Leon PH063028000
Leon PH063028000
Vintar PH012823000
Tangub City PH104215000
Diffun PH025703000
Carmen PH112303000
Cauayan PH064507000
Polanco PH097210000
Dolores PH140107000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Pangil PH043421000
Carles PH063014000
Boac PH174001000
Boac PH174001000
Imelda PH098304000
Bacong PH074603000
Quezon PH175317000
Sofronio Española PH175324000
Manito PH050511000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Dumaran PH175311000
Bula PH051706000
Polangui PH050514000
South Upi PH153817000
Uyugan PH020906000
Binangonan PH045804000
Rosario PH041021000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Capalonga PH051602000
Talisay PH051611000
Cawayan PH054106000
Bayambang PH015511000
Pasacao PH051727000
Duero PH071221000
Matalom PH083734000
Pototan PH063037000
Pototan PH063037000
Bataraza PH175305000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Oras PH082617000
Baao PH051701000
Caramoran PH052004000
Guimbal PH063020000
Almeria PH087801000
Bulan PH056203000
Laurel PH041011000
Baras PH052002000


City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX

City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


J. M. Alberto PH052009009
J. Pallagao PH021506026
J. Rizal (Pob.) PH043429023
J. U. Tienzo (Arimal) PH034916006
J.P. Laurel PH112315010
J.P. Laurel PH128007010
J.P. Laurel (Pon-od) PH056203045
Jabong PH083746008
Jaboy PH166716015
Jaboyoan PH054101016
Jacinto PH086003072
Jacinto Lumbreras PH042123016
Jaclupan PH072250005
Jacmal PH142708009
Jacopon PH086006027
Jacquez PH168506004
Jaena PH083708028
Jaena Norte PH061906013
Jaena Sur PH061906014
Jagbuaya PH072252023
Jagdong PH063017023
Jagna-an PH054119010
Jagnaya PH061906015
Jagnaya PH082619030
Jagobiao PH072230014
Jagoliao PH071226012
Jaguikican PH060609014
Jaguimit PH063017024
Jaguimit PH072234012
Jaguimitan PH063035025
Jaguimitan PH160209008
Jagupit PH160210003
Jakarta (Lookan Latuan) PH157009017
Jalandoni PH060606021
Jalandoni-Wilson PH063022074
Jalandoni Estate-Lapuz PH063022073
Jalas PH060415006
Jalas PH083751017
Jalaud PH063007013
Jalaud Norte PH063047011
Jalaud Sur PH063047012
Jaliobong PH160206004
Jalung PH035415014
Jamabalud PH063037027
Jambad PH061904018
Jambangan PH156612016
Jambawan PH071227009
Jamin-ay PH063013041
Jamislagan PH056216048
Jamog PH063045036
Jamog Gines PH063028049
Jamoog PH084816003
Jamorawon PH054112010
Jamorawon PH056203028
Jamorawon PH087801003
Jamoyaon PH166708012
Jampang PH072205023
Jampason PH104310006
Jampason PH104311005
Jamul-awon PH061909024


San Miguel PH052009000

Baggao PH021506000
Siniloan PH043429000
Lupao PH034916000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Malungon PH128007000
Bulan PH056203000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Pilar PH166716000
Aroroy PH054101000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Daram PH086006000
San Jose PH168506000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Jamindan PH061906000
Jamindan PH061906000
Tuburan PH072252000
Dueñas PH063017000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Jamindan PH061906000
Salcedo PH082619000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Getafe PH071226000
Laua-An PH060609000
Dueñas PH063017000
City of Naga PH072234000
City of Passi PH063035000
Nasipit PH160209000
Santiago PH160210000
Languyan PH157009000
Culasi PH060606000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
New Washington PH060415000
Villaba PH083751000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Zarraga PH063047000
Zarraga PH063047000
Kitcharao PH160206000
Porac PH035415000
Pototan PH063037000
Dumarao PH061904000
Siasi PH156612000
Lila PH071227000
Calinog PH063013000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Leon PH063028000
Rosario PH084816000
Milagros PH054112000
Bulan PH056203000
Almeria PH087801000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Argao PH072205000
Initao PH104310000
Jasaan PH104311000
Panay PH061909000


Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Jamul-Awon PH063015012
Janagdong PH174004017
Janagdong 1 PH045645018
Janagdong 2 PH045645019
Janaojanao PH041023016
Janayjanay PH074617006
Jandalamanon PH074602002
Jandayan Norte PH071226013
Jandayan Sur PH071226014
Jandig PH071232012
Jangan PH054103011
Jangtud PH084814009
Janguslob PH061904019
Janipa-an East PH063031011
Janipa-an Oeste PH063032018
Janipa-an West PH063031010
Janipaan PH166815006
Janipaan Central PH063012027
Janipaan Este PH063012028
Janipaan Oeste PH063012029
Janipaan Olo PH063012030
Janipon PH086025014
Janlagasi PH060606022
Janlud PH060409011
Janlud PH071207006
Janopol PH041031020
Janopol Oriental PH041031021
Janosa PH045804013
Jantianon PH074601002
Jao-asan PH175908006
Japay PH082617023
Japitan PH072210015
Japitan PH082606012
Japitan PH064509010
Japunan PH082621007
Jardin PH012933022
Jardin PH063018025
Jardin PH175322006
Jasa-an PH104208010
Jasaan PH043426007
Jasaan PH101322015
Jasminez PH086007044
Jati-Tunggal PH156601007
Jatian PH097216005
Javalera PH042108014
Javellana PH063022076
Javier PH086417011
Javier PH166801010
Jawa PH074623012
Jawili PH060417005
Jawod PH063040044
Jaybanga PH041015010
Jayubo PH063025036
Jebaca PH061907015
Jebioc PH063037028
Jelicuon Este PH063032019
Jelicuon Lusaya PH063012031
Jelicuon Montinola PH063012032
Jelicuon Oeste PH063032020
Jepaco PH082605012


Concepcion PH063015000
Mogpog PH174004000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
San Juan PH041023000
San Jose PH074617000
Ayungon PH074602000
Getafe PH071226000
Getafe PH071226000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Balud PH054103000
Palapag PH084814000
Dumarao PH061904000
Mina PH063031000
New Lucena PH063032000
Mina PH063031000
San Agustin PH166815000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabatuan PH063012000
San Jorge PH086025000
Culasi PH060606000
Libacao PH060409000
Batuan PH071207000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Binangonan PH045804000
Amlan PH074601000
Magdiwang PH175908000
Oras PH082617000
Barili PH072210000
Dolores PH082606000
City of Escalante PH064509000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Tagudin PH012933000
Dumangas PH063018000
Culion PH175322000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Gandara PH086007000
Indanan PH156601000
Sibuco PH097216000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Sogod PH086417000
Barobo PH166801000
Valencia PH074623000
Tangalan PH060417000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Lobo PH041015000
Lambunao PH063025000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Pototan PH063037000
New Lucena PH063032000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Cabatuan PH063012000
New Lucena PH063032000
Can-Avid PH082605000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Jereos PH063022077
Jerusalem PH064504016
Jesus De La Peña PH137402004
Jewaran PH082611012
Jia-an PH086009014
Jibao-an PH063036011
Jibao-an PH063043039
Jibolo PH063023025
Jibong PH056202010
Jicontol PH082606013
Jidanao PH086009015
Jilabangan PH074622009
Jilocon PH074617007
Jimautan PH086003070
Jimenez PH015528008
Jimilian PH071229019
Jinalinan PH060602021
Jinalinan PH060604013
Jinalinan PH060609015
Jinalinan PH060611018
Jinggan PH156616009
Jintotolo PH054103012
Joaquin Macias PH097218044
Johnson PH160305002
Jolacao PH086016021
Jolason PH063046029
Jolo PH174005020
Jolo PH175318008
Jolog PH063019011
Jolomaynon PH072222015
Jolongajog PH061912014
Jomgao PH072205024
Jona PH063046030
Jones PH083741013
Jongo PH045622041
Jonobjonob PH064509009
Jonop PH050510013
Jordan PH012930017
Jordan PH083751018
Jorge L. Araneta (Ma-ao Central) PH064502015
Joroan PH050518012
Jorog PH063025037
Jose A. Abenir Sr. (Libtong) PH054115008
Jose A. Roño PH086003001
Jose Abad Santos PH084803007
Jose Abad Santos PH153615072
Jose Abad Santos (Pob.) PH084805067
Jose Abad Santos (Siran) PH035407004
Jose Ancheta PH025704038
Jose C. Payumo, Jr. PH030804050
Jose Laurel, Sr. PH043427011
Jose Leido Jr. PH175215036
Jose P. Brillantes, Sr. (Old Lituban) PH097219011
Jose P. Laurel (Casulgan) PH084803008
Jose P. Rizal (Pob.) PH084805075
Jose Rizal PH043427023
Jose Rizal PH112412006
Jose Rizal PH124707013
Jose Rizal PH175301009
Jose Rizal Pob. (Bgy. 25) PH160202045


Iloilo City PH063022000

Cadiz City PH064504000
Jesus De La Pena City of Marikina PH137402000
Jipapad PH082611000
Jiabong PH086009000
Pavia PH063036000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Janiuay PH063023000
Barcelona PH056202000
Dolores PH082606000
Jiabong PH086009000
Tayasan PH074622000
San Jose PH074617000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Mapandan PH015528000
Loboc PH071229000
Barbaza PH060602000
Bugasong PH060604000
Laua-An PH060609000
Pandan PH060611000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Balud PH054103000
Sindangan PH097218000
Loreto PH160305000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Tubungan PH063046000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Roxas PH175318000
Estancia PH063019000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Argao PH072205000
Tubungan PH063046000
Pastrana PH083741000
Lopez PH045622000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Malinao PH050510000
Sinait PH012930000
Villaba PH083751000
Bago City PH064502000
Tiwi PH050518000
Lambunao PH063025000
Palanas PH054115000
Jose A. Rono Calbayog City PH086003000
Bobon PH084803000
Malabang PH153615000
Catarman PH084805000
Guagua PH035407000
Maddela PH025704000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Victoria PH175215000
Siocon PH097219000
Bobon PH084803000
Catarman PH084805000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Makilala PH124707000
Aborlan PH175301000
Butuan City PH160202000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Jose Roño PH086022013

Josefina PH097305033
Josefina PH097317032
Joson (Digidig) PH034905015
Jovellar PH063021022
Jovellar PH112511004
Joyao-joyao PH060416011
Juagdan PH071246026
Juan (Pob.) PH012822009
Juan Adre PH056207018
Juan Cartas PH013309003
Juan Climaco, Sr. (Magdugo) PH072251023
Juan M. Alberto (Poniton) PH052011031
Juaneza PH063044025
Juangon PH086409032
Juanico PH063006018
Juaton PH083738112
Jubang PH084804003
Jubang PH166707011
Jubang PH166818013
Jubas (Pob.) PH086405005
Jubasan PH083721012
Jubasan PH084801007
Jubasan PH084812002
Jubay PH072227005
Jubay PH083713029
Jubgan PH166719006
Jucbong PH142704013
Judge Roman Cruz Sr. (Mandama) PH030805024
Jugaban (Pob.) PH083715020
Jugan PH072219006
Jugas PH060415007
Jugno PH074601003
Julag PH082603012
Juliana PH035416011
Julio Ouano (Pob.) PH166701009
Julita PH060409012
Julita PH087802005
Julo PH034924003
Julongan PH142703012
Julugan I PH042120011
Julugan II PH042120036
Julugan III PH042120037
Julugan IV PH042120038
Julugan V PH042120039
Julugan VI PH042120040
Julugan VII PH042120041
Julugan VIII PH042120042
Jumaguicjic PH061914031
Jumangpas PH072240009
Jumarap PH060403010
Juncarlo PH175912013
Junction PH124704011
Junob PH074610014
Jupi PH056208018
Jurao PH083725017
Jurisdiccion PH021504030
Jurisdiction PH021502014
Jurisdiction PH021510019
Jurisdiction PH021516019


Jose Rono Paranas PH086022000

Dimataling PH097305000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Carranglan PH034905000
Igbaras PH063021000
Tarragona PH112511000
Numancia PH060416000
Ubay PH071246000
Solsona PH012822000
Donsol PH056207000
Caba PH013309000
Toledo City PH072251000
Virac PH052011000
Sara PH063044000
Malitbog PH086409000
Banate PH063006000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Capul PH084804000
Dapa PH166707000
Tago PH166818000
Libagon PH086405000
Inopacan PH083721000
Allen PH084801000
Mapanas PH084812000
Liloan PH072227000
Calubian PH083713000
San Francisco PH166719000
Lagawe PH142704000
Hermosa PH030805000
Carigara PH083715000
Consolacion PH072219000
New Washington PH060415000
Amlan PH074601000
Balangkayan PH082603000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Alegria PH166701000
Libacao PH060409000
Biliran PH087802000
San Antonio PH034924000
Kiangan PH142703000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Tanza PH042120000
Roxas City PH061914000
Samboan PH072240000
Banga PH060403000
San Andres PH175912000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Gubat PH056208000
Julita PH083725000
Amulung PH021504000
Alcala PH021502000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Lal-Lo PH021516000


Samar PH086000000 Region VIII

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Juson PH083713030
Justiniana Edera PH168503023
Justiniana Edera PH168506005
Ka-atoan (Kaatuan) PH101310007
Kaangayan PH097315008
Kabac PH072209006
Kabacsanan PH103504010
Kabakaba PH153815010
Kabalaasnan PH072224007
Kabalabag PH101312021
Kabalantian PH124718012
Kabalasan PH083708029
Kabalutan PH030809026
Kabangasan PH104303004
Kabangbang PH072209010
Kabangkalan PH071235011
Kabangkalan PH072252009
Kabaniakawan PH153639006
Kabasacan PH071236006
Kabasagan PH112410012
Kabasalan PH124712024
Kabasaran (Pob.) PH153636017
Kabatan PH097341004
Kabatangan PH153630016
Kabatbatan PH072224008
Kabatete PH045623015
Kabatiol PH128004005
Kabatuan PH083708015
Kabatuhan Bilaan PH156613059
Kabatuhan Tiis PH156613014
Kabayan Barrio PH141107013
Kabayanan PH137405008
Kabayanihan PH141102142
Kabayunan PH031424002
Kabbon PH156618004
Kabbon Maas PH156601008
Kabbon Takas PH156611009
Kabengi PH153826007
Kabkaban PH072252024
Kablacan PH128004006
Kablangan PH103517008
Kablon PH126317006
Kabuan PH153811030
Kabubu PH156612018
Kabugawan PH148101016
Kabuhi PH097315009
Kabulacan PH124708010
Kabulacan PH074618004
Kabulakan PH104303005
Kabulakan PH126508005
Kabulanan PH126501014
Kabulawan PH104313004
Kabulihan PH034909009
Kabuling PH126509010
Kabuling PH153833001
Kabuluan PH051610013
Kabulusan PH042107005
Kabulusan PH042112014
Kabulusan PH043420008
Kabungaan PH083708030


Calubian PH083713000
Dinagat PH168503000
San Jose PH168506000
Lantapan PH101310000
Mahayag PH097315000
Bantayan PH072209000
Iligan City PH103504000
Upi PH153815000
Dumanjug PH072224000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Arakan PH124718000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Orani PH030809000
Balingoan PH104303000
Bantayan PH072209000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Tuburan PH072252000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Matanao PH112410000
Pikit PH124712000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Wao PH153630000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Lucban PH045623000
Maasim PH128004000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Talipao PH156613000
Talipao PH156613000
Kabayan PH141107000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Baguio City PH141102000
Doña Remedios Trinidad PH031424000
Pandami PH156618000
Indanan PH156601000
Patikul PH156611000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
Tuburan PH072252000
Maasim PH128004000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Tupi PH126317000
Parang PH153811000
Siasi PH156612000
Calanasan PH148101000
Mahayag PH097315000
Matalam PH124708000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Balingoan PH104303000
Lambayong PH126508000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Lagonglong PH104313000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Palimbang PH126509000
Pandag PH153833000
Santa Elena PH051610000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Magallanes PH042112000
Pakil PH043420000
City of Baybay PH083708000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kabungkol PH156613015
Kabuntalan PH153812016
Kabuukan PH156606003
Kadaohan PH083738105
Kadayonan PH103514005
Kadday Mampallam PH156611010
Kadi PH126512007
Kadigasan PH124709014
Kadingilan PH124709015
Kadingilan PH124711014
Kadingilan PH153630017
Kaganhao PH174005021
Kagawasan PH071236007
Kagawasan PH071238005
Kagawasan PH097305010
Kagawasan PH097322021
Kagawasan PH074611015
Kagay PH156601010
Kagay PH156613016
Kagba-o PH072252025
Kagbana PH083710075
Kagingkingan PH086401006
Kagitingan PH141102053
Kaglawaan PH083723009
Kagtalaba PH051610014
Kagumahan PH104312008
Kagumay PH083708031
Kaha PH156609001
Kahapunan PH101321011
Kahawa PH156613017
Kahayag PH071210014
Kahayag PH103501009
Kahayag PH118210014
Kahayag PH166803023
Kahayagan PH097303017
Kahayagan PH097318012
Kahayagan PH097322022
Kahayagan PH098310003
Kahayagan PH103505021
Kahayagan PH166817003
Kahayagan East (Katipunan) PH097302024
Kahayagan West PH097302025
Kahikukuk PH156615005
Kahirupan PH063022197
Kahoy Sinah PH156609015
Kahupian PH086417012
Kahusayan PH101309010
Kaibigan PH051719014
Kailih PH150709008
Kailingan PH084816012
Kaingen PH042111003
Kaingin PH041026011
Kaingin (Pob.) PH034902009
Kaingin (Pob.) PH042103009
Kajatian PH156601011
Kakai Renabor PH103522010
Kakal PH153801011
Kakal PH153823006
Kakar PH153807017
Kakar PH153812017


Talipao PH156613000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Hadji Panglima Tahil PH156606000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Munai PH103514000
Patikul PH156611000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Midsayap PH124709000
Midsayap PH124709000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Wao PH153630000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Sagbayan PH071236000
San Miguel PH071238000
Dimataling PH097305000
Pagadian City PH097322000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Indanan PH156601000
Talipao PH156613000
Tuburan PH072252000
Burauen PH083710000
Anahawan PH086401000
Baguio City PH141102000
Jaro PH083723000
Santa Elena PH051610000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Parang PH156609000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Talipao PH156613000
Calape PH071210000
Bacolod PH103501000
New Bataan PH118210000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Bayog PH097303000
Midsalip PH097318000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Olutanga PH098310000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Tagbina PH166817000
Aurora PH097302000
Aurora PH097302000
Tongkil PH156615000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Parang PH156609000
Sogod PH086417000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Lupi PH051719000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Rosario PH084816000
Kawit PH042111000
San Pascual PH041026000
Bongabon PH034902000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Indanan PH156601000
Tubod PH103522000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Paglat PH153823000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000


Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kakawit PH045623016
Kakiduguen PH025009012
Kakoong PH157007009
Kal-anan PH072248003
Kalabaylabay PH104307010
Kalabaza PH023103015
Kalabuan PH160303038
Kalabugao PH101305010
Kalacacan PH124712025
Kaladturan PH153819005
Kalagangan PH101318010
Kalagonoy PH104308013
Kalaisan PH124704012
Kalakala PH153633013
Kalaklan PH037107011
Kalaludan PH153620057
Kalamongog PH126506008
Kalamtukan PH074606009
Kalamunding (Pob.) PH051606015
Kalanawe I PH126510007
Kalanawe II PH126510008
Kalandagan PH126511007
Kalaneg PH128005002
Kalang-kalang PH157007047
Kalang (Pob.) PH156614014
Kalangahan PH072252010
Kalanganan PH129804002
Kalanganan PH153621014
Kalanganan East PH103523012
Kalanganan I PH129804009
Kalanganan II PH129804010
Kalanganan Lower PH103523013
Kalangay PH045623017
Kalanggaman District (Pob.) PH083707023
Kalangkang PH174005022
Kalao PH083710035
Kalaong PH128005003
Kalasan PH097322023
Kalasungay PH101312019
Kalasuyan PH124704013
Kalaw PH082617024
Kalawaan PH045804014
Kalawaan PH137403007
Kalawag I (Pob.) PH126504011
Kalawag II (Pob.) PH126504012
Kalawag III (Pob.) PH126504013
Kalawaig PH124716006
Kalawakan PH031424005
Kalawit (Pob.) PH097227007
Kalawitan PH104306009
Kalayaan PH045801005
Kalbay PH118602015
Kalbugan PH153810010
Kaledian (Camba) PH035403036
Kaleo PH144401003
Kalian PH097317005
Kalian PH153832002
Kaliantana PH098309006
Kalibo (Santa Cruz) PH045607032
Kalibuhan PH126509011


Lucban PH045623000
Kasibu PH025009000
Tandubas PH157007000
Tabogon PH072248000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Aurora PH023103000
Esperanza PH160303000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Pikit PH124712000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
San Fernando PH101318000
Gingoog City PH104308000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Lebak PH126506000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Labo PH051606000
President Quirino PH126510000
President Quirino PH126510000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Maitum PH128005000
Tandubas PH157007000
Tapul PH156614000
Tuburan PH072252000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Piagapo PH153621000
Pantar PH103523000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Cotabato City PH129804000
Pantar PH103523000
Lucban PH045623000
Bato PH083707000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Burauen PH083710000
Maitum PH128005000
Pagadian City PH097322000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Oras PH082617000
Binangonan PH045804000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Isulan PH126504000
Isulan PH126504000
Isulan PH126504000
Banisilan PH124716000
Doña Remedios Trinidad PH031424000
Kalawit PH097227000
Claveria PH104306000
Angono PH045801000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Arayat PH035403000
Barlig PH144401000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Mangudadatu PH153832000
Naga PH098309000
Calauag PH045607000
Palimbang PH126509000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Cotabato City PH129800000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kaligayahan PH137404046
Kaligtasan PH175203011
Kaligutan PH118202006
Kalikid Norte PH034903041
Kalikid Sur PH034903042
Kalilangan PH097325006
Kalilangan PH101301004
Kalilangan PH103504041
Kalilangan PH103522011
Kalilangan PH103523014
Kalilangan PH153618090
Kalilangan PH153638013
Kalilayan Ibaba PH045649011
Kalilayan Ilaya PH045649014
Kalilihan PH086003164
Kalinawan PH045804015
Kalinawan PH083723016
Kalingking PH101313001
Kalinisan PH175208022
Kalipapa PH153806021
Kalipapa PH153836009
Kalipay PH104308078
Kalipay (Pob.) PH054111019
Kalipay (Pob.) PH175316017
Kalipayan PH083710079
Kalitian PH104312004
Kaliwakiw PH012916008
Kaliwanagan PH034926010
Kalkam PH126317007
Kaltuad PH128002016
Kaluangan PH072206009
Kalubakis PH045636009
Kalubihan PH072210017
Kalubihan (Pob.) PH072217033
Kalubihon PH101304008
Kalubkob PH042118017
Kaludan PH103515008
Kalugmanan PH101314008
Kaluknayan PH104316005
Kalumamis PH153825004
Kalumboyan PH074606010
Kalumenga (Kalumanga) PH153805014
Kalumihan PH101309011
Kalumsing PH012917002
Kalunasan PH072217034
Kaluntay PH153603018
Kalupag PH157009018
Kalusugan PH137404047
Kalusutan PH023102014
Kalyaat PH045623018
Kamada PH124706024
Kamagayan (Pob.) PH072217035
Kamagong PH157002006
Kamalig PH156607011
Kamamburingan PH150711006
Kamandugan PH174005023
Kamanga PH128004007
Kamanikan PH104308079
Kamansi PH072252011
Kamarahan PH124713008


Quezon City PH137404000

Bongabong PH175203000
Laak PH118202000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
San Pablo PH097325000
Baungon PH101301000
Iligan City PH103504000
Tubod PH103522000
Pantar PH103523000
Masiu PH153618000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Unisan PH045649000
Unisan PH045649000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Binangonan PH045804000
Jaro PH083723000
Malitbog PH101313000
Naujan PH175208000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Gingoog City PH104308000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Burauen PH083710000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Salcedo PH012916000
San Jose City PH034926000
Tupi PH126317000
Glan PH128002000
Asturias PH072206000
Polillo PH045636000
Barili PH072210000
Cebu City PH072217000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Silang PH042118000
Nunungan PH103515000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Lugait PH104316000
Guindulungan PH153825000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Kitaotao PH101309000
San Emilio PH012917000
Cebu City PH072217000
Balindong PH153603000
Languyan PH157009000
Quezon City PH137404000
Angadanan PH023102000
Lucban PH045623000
Magpet PH124706000
Cebu City PH072217000
Bongao PH157002000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Maasim PH128004000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Tuburan PH072252000
President Roxas PH124713000


NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region

Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kamarangan PH097216025
Kamasi PH153801012
Kamaunggi PH156614016
Kamawi PH156610004
Kambanog PH072224010
Kambing PH156603002
Kambonggan PH083708032
Kamelon PH104310007
Kamih-Pungud PH156616003
Kamog PH141112007
Kampingganon PH072209011
Kampoot PH072252026
Kamuning PH137404048
Kamuning PH175316018
Kan-an PH072252012
Kan-Bulak PH156604007
Kan-Dayok PH156607015
Kan-ipa PH083708035
Kan-Mindus PH156604008
Kan-Sipat PH156607016
Kan Ague PH156611011
Kan Asaali PH156607014
Kan Islam PH156601012
Kan Ukol PH156607013
Kanaan PH112317016
Kanalo PH128004008
Kanangkaan PH086417013
Kanaokanao PH104203012
Kanapulo PH112407008
Kanaway PH156609016
Kanaway PH156614018
Kandaga PH156613018
Kandalakit PH082622003
Kandang PH156605010
Kandang Tukay PH156601013
Kandingan PH072204005
Kang-actol PH072224013
Kang-iras PH071213009
Kang-iras PH083719017
Kangdampas PH072210018
Kangha-as PH083719052
Kanghalo PH072224014
Kanghumaod PH072224015
Kangkaibe PH072209012
Kangkong PH126503011
Kanguan PH153806039
Kanguha PH072224016
Kangwayan PH072228002
Kanibong PH124714009
Kanihaan PH168504007
Kanim PH097217004
Kanipaan PH097303018
Kanipaan PH126509013
Kanitoan PH104310008
Kanjarang PH156610005
Kanlagay PH156603004
Kanlibot PH156613019
Kanlim-ao PH072249005
Kanluhangon PH072249006
Kanlunsing PH072252013


Sibuco PH097216000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Tapul PH156614000
Pata PH156610000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Kalingalan Caluang PH156603000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Initao PH104310000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Sablan PH141112000
Bantayan PH072209000
Tuburan PH072252000
Quezon City PH137404000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Tuburan PH072252000
Luuk PH156604000
Old Panamao PH156607000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Luuk PH156604000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Patikul PH156611000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Indanan PH156601000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Maasim PH128004000
Sogod PH086417000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Parang PH156609000
Tapul PH156614000
Talipao PH156613000
Sulat PH082622000
Maimbung PH156605000
Indanan PH156601000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Catigbian PH071213000
Hilongos PH083719000
Barili PH072210000
Hilongos PH083719000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Bantayan PH072209000
Esperanza PH126503000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Madridejos PH072228000
Tulunan PH124714000
Libjo PH168504000
Sibutad PH097217000
Bayog PH097303000
Palimbang PH126509000
Initao PH104310000
Pata PH156610000
Kalingalan Caluang PH156603000
Talipao PH156613000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Tuburan PH072252000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kanluran PH042115014
Kanluran PH042117003
Kanluran (Pob.) PH043406013
Kanluran (Pob.) PH043428015
Kanluran (Pob.) PH175103008
Kanluran Kabubuhayan PH043417020
Kanluran Lazaan PH043417024
Kanluran Malicboy PH045630015
Kanluran Talaongan PH043407008
Kanlurang Bukal PH043410022
Kanlurang Calutan PH045601005
Kanlurang Maligaya PH045601006
Kanmangon PH156614017
Kansanok PH087806007
Kansi PH072252014
Kansumandig PH074613010
Kansungka PH083708036
Kantabogon PH072204006
Kantagnos PH083708037
Kantangkas PH072224017
Kantubaon PH072249008
Kanulay PH126501015
Kanyuko PH072224018
Kaong PH042118018
Kaongkod PH072228003
Kaorasan PH072252027
Kap. Tomas Monteverde, Sr. PH112402185
Kapalangan PH034908003
Kapalaran PH097328043
Kapalaran PH101303004
Kapaluhan PH045607033
Kapamanok PH097325007
Kapanikian PH021523006
Kapanikian PH036907008
Kapantaran PH153617051
Kaparangan PH030809008
Kaparasanan PH083710036
Kapasigan PH137403008
Kapatagan PH097341005
Kapatagan PH098301028
Kapatagan PH118202007
Kapatagan PH126512008
Kapatagan PH153639007
Kapatagan (Rizal) PH112403019
Kapatagan Grande PH099701017
Kapatalan PH043408010
Kapatalan PH043429009
Kapatan PH128002017
Kapate PH128003004
Kapatungan PH160312003
Kapaya PH126501005
Kapayawan PH099701057
Kapayawi PH124705014
Kapimpilan PH153812018
Kapimpilan PH153834006
Kapingkong PH126508006
Kapinpilan PH124709016
Kapinpilan PH153801014
Kapitan Kua (Area F) PH042123017
Kapitan Pepe (Pob.) PH034903023


Naic PH042115000
Rosario PH042117000
Calauan PH043406000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Looc PH175103000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Cavinti PH043407000
Liliw PH043410000
Agdangan PH045601000
Agdangan PH045601000
Tapul PH156614000
Kawayan PH087806000
Tuburan PH072252000
La Libertad PH074613000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Silang PH042118000
Madridejos PH072228000
Tuburan PH072252000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Tambulig PH097328000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Calauag PH045607000
San Pablo PH097325000
Santa Ana PH021523000
La Paz PH036907000
Marawi City PH153617000
Orani PH030809000
Burauen PH083710000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Alicia PH098301000
Laak PH118202000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Kapatagan PH153639000
City of Digos PH112403000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Famy PH043408000
Siniloan PH043429000
Glan PH128002000
Kiamba PH128003000
Trento PH160312000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Libungan PH124705000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Lambayong PH126508000
Midsayap PH124709000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kapitan Ramon PH064526012

Kapitangan PH031416002
Kapito PH041013009
Kapitolyo PH137403009
Kapok PH112410013
Kapok-Punggol PH156605011
Kapunitan PH030810016
Karagawan PH148104008
Karaha PH157001012
Karao PH141104006
Karaus PH160308028
Karawan PH156601014
Karcum PH103515004
Karihatag PH166715008
Karikitan PH148102008
Karim PH153802008
Karkum PH103519008
Karuhatan PH137504008
Karungdong PH157002007
Karungdong (Pob.) PH156603013
Kasambagan PH072217037
Kasanyangan PH097332101
Kasapa PH160305013
Kasapa II PH160304010
Kasayanan PH153610025
Kasayanan West PH153610026
Kasigkot PH101304009
Kasigpitan PH098314007
Kasikis PH015504009
Kasilak PH112315011
Kasilawan PH137602011
Kasile PH045804016
Kasily PH174005024
Kasingkasing PH063022079
Kasola PH153611044
Kasoy (Pob.) PH084805068
Kasuga PH112407009
Kataasan PH030804014
Katabbogan PH143209010
Katablangan PH148102009
Katacgahan (Tacgahan) PH074604030
Katalicanan PH124717005
Katamlangan (Matampay) PH153812028
Katanayanan PH124702008
Katangawan PH126303009
Katangtang PH045607034
Katarungan PH071246016
Kataypuanan PH043408013
Kateman PH153825005
Katian PH156601015
Katibpuan PH153816013
Katico PH126510009
Katidtuan PH124703007
Katidtuan PH153812019
Katidtuan PH153814008
Katigan Kanluran PH045647034
Katigan Silangan PH045647060
Katil PH153805004
Katilacan PH124712026
Katilingban PH063022080


Silay City PH064526000

Paombong PH031416000
Lian PH041013000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Matanao PH112410000
Maimbung PH156605000
Orion PH030810000
Kabugao PH148104000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Bokod PH141104000
San Francisco PH160308000
Indanan PH156601000
Nunungan PH103515000
Malimono PH166715000
Conner PH148102000
Buldon PH153802000
Sapad PH103519000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Bongao PH157002000
Kalingalan Caluang PH156603000
Cebu City PH072217000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Loreto PH160305000
La Paz PH160304000
Kapai PH153610000
Kapai PH153610000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Talusan PH098314000
Alcala PH015504000
City of Panabo PH112315000
City of Makati PH137602000
Binangonan PH045804000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Catarman PH084805000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Conner PH148102000
Bais City PH074604000
Aleosan PH124717000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Carmen PH124702000
General Santos City PH126303000
Calauag PH045607000
Ubay PH071246000
Famy PH043408000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Indanan PH156601000
Talayan PH153816000
President Quirino PH126510000
Kabacan PH124703000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Pikit PH124712000
Iloilo City PH063022000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Katilingban PH064528043
Katimo PH045646014
Katipa PH104208011
Katipunan PH012930019
Katipunan PH052009010
Katipunan PH054117013
Katipunan PH060405008
Katipunan PH061917023
Katipunan PH071202006
Katipunan PH071203007
Katipunan PH071212009
Katipunan PH071214014
Katipunan PH071236008
Katipunan PH083701027
Katipunan PH083707017
Katipunan PH083717028
Katipunan PH083720013
Katipunan PH083744005
Katipunan PH086416007
Katipunan PH097323012
Katipunan PH097343011
Katipunan PH098311009
Katipunan PH098312005
Katipunan PH103519009
Katipunan PH104212014
Katipunan PH104214008
Katipunan PH104317023
Katipunan PH104326004
Katipunan PH112305009
Katipunan PH112315012
Katipunan PH112414006
Katipunan PH118205009
Katipunan PH118209006
Katipunan PH118210006
Katipunan PH124704014
Katipunan PH124710010
Katipunan PH124718013
Katipunan PH126318003
Katipunan PH137404049
Katipunan PH150707040
Katipunan PH160207004
Katipunan PH160301006
Katipunan PH160305014
Katipunan PH160313017
Katipunan PH166708013
Katipunan PH166716002
Katipunan-Bayan (Pob.) PH045812004
Katipunan II PH124707014
Katitisan PH126508007
Katogonan PH153633014
Katualan PH112315013
Katubao PH128003005
Katubuan PH103515010
Katugasan PH160203016
Katuli PH153812020
Katumbacan PH153621012
Katuparan PH137607021
Katutungan (Pob.) PH153630019
Kaulayanan PH104323003
Kaum-Air PH150705041


City of Talisay PH064528000

Tagkawayan PH045646000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Sinait PH012930000
San Miguel PH052009000
Placer PH054117000
Buruanga PH060405000
Tapaz PH061917000
Alicia PH071202000
Anda PH071203000
Carmen PH071212000
Clarin PH071214000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Abuyog PH083701000
Bato PH083707000
Dagami PH083717000
Hindang PH083720000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Silago PH086416000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Guipos PH097343000
Payao PH098311000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Sapad PH103519000
Plaridel PH104212000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Villanueva PH104326000
Kapalong PH112305000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Sulop PH112414000
Maragusan PH118205000
Nabunturan PH118209000
New Bataan PH118210000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
M'Lang PH124710000
Arakan PH124718000
Santo Niño PH126318000
Quezon City PH137404000
Tuburan PH150707000
Las Nieves PH160207000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Loreto PH160305000
Veruela PH160313000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Pilar PH166716000
Tanay PH045812000
Makilala PH124707000
Lambayong PH126508000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Kiamba PH128003000
Nunungan PH103515000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Piagapo PH153621000
Taguig City PH137607000
Wao PH153630000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Sumisip PH150705000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kaumbakan PH020904002
Kaumpamatsakem PH150705051
Kaumpang PH156614019
Kaumpurnah PH150713005
Kaumpurnah Zone I PH099701018
Kaumpurnah Zone II PH099701019
Kaumpurnah Zone III PH099701020
Kaunayan PH156611012
Kaunlaran PH137404050
Kauran PH153801015
Kauswagan PH063022081
Kauswagan PH071244007
Kauswagan PH086409033
Kauswagan PH086412014
Kauswagan PH086417014
Kauswagan PH097214009
Kauswagan PH097224005
Kauswagan PH097302027
Kauswagan PH097323013
Kauswagan PH098301010
Kauswagan PH098303010
Kauswagan PH098307011
Kauswagan PH103506015
Kauswagan PH104212015
Kauswagan PH104215019
Kauswagan PH104303006
Kauswagan PH104305052
Kauswagan PH104313005
Kauswagan PH104317011
Kauswagan PH112315014
Kauswagan PH112410014
Kauswagan PH124706026
Kauswagan PH160203017
Kauswagan PH160305015
Kauswagan PH160314007
Kauswagan PH166815007
Kauswagan PH074615011
Kauswagan (Basud) PH084802004
Kauswagan (Talisay) PH097201046
Kauyonan PH101309012
Kawas PH128001006
Kawasan PH072204007
Kawasan PH156607017
Kawayan PH083726003
Kawayan PH083729012
Kawayan PH098301009
Kawayan PH101318003
Kawayan PH128007011
Kawayan Bogtong PH083713031
Kawayanan PH083713032
Kawayanon PH087804006
Kawayanon PH124707015
Kawilihan PH101304010
Kawit PH072231010
Kawit PH097322052
Kawit PH175206012
Kawit Occidental PH103507006
Kawit Oriental PH103507007
Kawitan PH156608004
Kay-Anlog PH043405016


Mahatao PH020904000
Sumisip PH150705000
Tapul PH156614000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000
City of Isabela PH099701000
City of Isabela PH099701000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Patikul PH156611000
Quezon City PH137404000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Trinidad PH071244000
Malitbog PH086409000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Sogod PH086417000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Baliguian PH097224000
Aurora PH097302000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Alicia PH098301000
Diplahan PH098303000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Plaridel PH104212000
Tangub City PH104215000
Balingoan PH104303000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Lagonglong PH104313000
Magsaysay PH104317000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Matanao PH112410000
Magpet PH124706000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Loreto PH160305000
Sibagat PH160314000
San Agustin PH166815000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Biri PH084802000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Alabel PH128001000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Kananga PH083726000
Leyte PH083729000
Alicia PH098301000
San Fernando PH101318000
Malungon PH128007000
Calubian PH083713000
Calubian PH083713000
Caibiran PH087804000
Makilala PH124707000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Medellin PH072231000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Gloria PH175206000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Pangutaran PH156608000
City of Calamba PH043405000


Batanes PH020900000 Region II

Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kay Duke PH174006009

Kaya-kaya PH153828004
Kayaga PH124703008
Kayaga PH153833002
Kayam PH072243012
Kayan East PH144410011
Kayan West PH144410020
Kayang-Hilltop PH141102143
Kayang Extension PH141102051
Kayapa PH141103007
Kayapa Proper East PH025010012
Kayapa Proper West PH025010013
Kayawan (Pob.) PH156610006
Kaybagal East PH042119030
Kaybagal North PH042119024
Kaybagal South (Pob.) PH042119008
Kaybanban PH031420005
Kaybuto (Pob.) PH045812005
Kayhakat PH043427012
Kayhuvokan PH020901006
Kaylaway PH041019022
Kaymisas PH042107006
Kayok PH097206014
Kaypaaba PH042107007
Kaypian PH031420004
Kayquit I PH042110011
Kayquit II PH042110034
Kayquit III PH042110035
Kayrilaw PH041019023
Kaysuyo PH042101023
Kaytambog PH042110016
Kaytapos PH042110036
Kaytitinga I PH042101009
Kaytitinga II PH042101028
Kaytitinga III PH042101029
Kaytome PH045804017
Kayuganan (Pob.) PH020906004
Kayumanggi PH041014022
Kayupo PH128003006
Kayupo (Cuyapo) PH153833003
Kayvaluganan (Pob.) PH020906001
Kedati PH153816014
Kehi Niog PH156608005
Kematu PH126316004
Kemdeng PH175319004
Kenebeka PH153807018
Kenram PH126504016
Kepeng PH157007010
Kerikite PH086001008
Ketegan PH015510017
Keytodac PH126506009
Ki-Buaya (Rizal) PH054120007
Ki-Romero (Roxas) PH054120008
Kiabo PH101313002
Kiadsam PH126512009
Kiagot PH112403011
Kialdan PH153616036
Kialilidan PH153605011
Kiambing PH128005004
Kianggat PH101303005


Torrijos PH174006000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Kabacan PH124703000
Pandag PH153833000
San Remigio PH072243000
Tadian PH144410000
Tadian PH144410000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Bakun PH141103000
Kayapa PH025010000
Kayapa PH025010000
Pata PH156610000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Tanay PH045812000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Basco PH020901000
Nasugbu PH041019000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Liloy PH097206000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Alfonso PH042101000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
Binangonan PH045804000
Uyugan PH020906000
Lipa City PH041014000
Kiamba PH128003000
Pandag PH153833000
Uyugan PH020906000
Talayan PH153816000
Pangutaran PH156608000
T'Boli PH126316000
San Vicente PH175319000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Isulan PH126504000
Tandubas PH157007000
Almagro PH086001000
Bautista PH015510000
Lebak PH126506000
San Pascual PH054120000
San Pascual PH054120000
Malitbog PH101313000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
City of Digos PH112403000
Marantao PH153616000
Binidayan PH153605000
Maitum PH128005000
Dangcagan PH101303000


Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kianibong PH153638015
Kianlagan PH104308080
Kianodan PH153634025
Kiara PH101304011
Kiaring PH124716007
Kias PH141102052
Kiat PH012901013
Kiayap PH128005005
Kiazar (Pob.) PH103520005
Kib-Ayao PH124702010
Kibaghot PH104314003
Kibala PH128007012
Kibalagon PH101306007
Kibalatong PH118603010
Kibanban PH104302014
Kibangay PH101310011
Kibaning PH101307004
Kibao PH112410015
Kibatang PH101304012
Kibenes PH124702011
Kibenton PH101305011
Kibia PH124708012
Kibid PH126311006
Kiblagon PH112408009
Kiblagon PH112414007
Kiblat PH128007013
Kibleg PH153815012
Kibogtok PH101306017
Kibolos PH153610031
Kibonbon PH104307013
Kibongbong PH112406012
Kibongcog PH101318014
Kibuaya PH112404009
Kibucay PH153815013
Kibudoc PH124708013
Kibuging PH104308014
Kibugtongan PH124702012
Kibungsod PH104317012
Kiburiao PH101317008
Kidaco PH050503024
Kidadan PH118604004
Kidalapong PH118603011
Kidalos PH103505026
Kidama PH124708014
Kidama PH153809005
Kidampas PH104323004
Kidawa PH118202008
Kidayan PH126509015
Kiga PH153815014
Kigan PH153817005
Kigay PH098308013
Kigtan PH045607035
Kihan PH128006002
Kiharong PH101315020
Kikilo PH083701028
Kilaban PH074602013
Kilada PH124708015
Kiladap PH153821004
Kilagasan PH124703009
Kilagding PH118202009


Tagoloan II PH153638000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Maguing PH153634000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Banisilan PH124716000
Baguio City PH141102000
Alilem PH012901000
Maitum PH128005000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Carmen PH124702000
Laguindingan PH104314000
Malungon PH128007000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Malita PH118603000
Balingasag PH104302000
Lantapan PH101310000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Matanao PH112410000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Carmen PH124702000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
Matalam PH124708000
Norala PH126311000
Malalag PH112408000
Sulop PH112414000
Malungon PH128007000
Upi PH153815000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Kapai PH153610000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Kiblawan PH112406000
San Fernando PH101318000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Upi PH153815000
Matalam PH124708000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Carmen PH124702000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Quezon PH101317000
Daraga PH050503000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Malita PH118603000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Matalam PH124708000
Matanog PH153809000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Laak PH118202000
Palimbang PH126509000
Upi PH153815000
South Upi PH153817000
Malangas PH098308000
Calauag PH045607000
Malapatan PH128006000
Maramag PH101315000
Abuyog PH083701000
Ayungon PH074602000
Matalam PH124708000
Talitay PH153821000
Kabacan PH124703000
Laak PH118202000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kilait PH045603014
Kilala PH103518008
Kilala PH124702013
Kilala PH153617052
Kilalaban PH097224006
Kilalag PH118603012
Kilalan PH153821005
Kilang PH012909010
Kilangan PH153810013
Kilangit PH104309006
Kilantaao PH051731007
Kilate PH112402051
Kili PH140126004
Kilib PH045623019
Kilicao PH050503025
Kilikili PH086003076
Kilikili East PH153630021
Kilikili West PH153630022
Kilikilihan PH052009011
Kilim PH083708038
Kiling PH083730009
Kiling PH083748054
Kiling PH142707007
Kiliog PH101311004
Kilkiling PH021511012
Killo PH015541018
Kilo-kilo PH174005025
Kilogan PH045632003
Kiloloran PH045638004
Kilomaon PH051731008
Kilong PH144409011
Kilong-Olao PH140102006
Kiloyao PH124705015
Kima PH098311010
Kimadzil PH124702014
Kimagango PH124709018
Kimalok PH104315003
Kimamon PH112318004
Kimanait PH101316007
Kimantong PH050503026
Kimarayang PH124711015
Kimaruhing PH124713034
Kimat PH104215020
Kimaya PH104311006
Kimaya PH104326005
Kimba PH076103007
Kimbutan PH025008019
Kimlawis PH112406013
Kimmalaba PH140107006
Kimolong PH101309013
Kimos (Kima) PH098313018
Kin-iway (Pob.) PH144403015
Kinabag-an PH071210015
Kinabalan PH128007014
Kinabigtasan PH166818014
Kinabiti PH140119008
Kinabjangan PH160209009
Kinablangan PH112501010
Kinaboogan PH045804018
Kinabranan Zone I (Pob.) PH084801008


Atimonan PH045603000
Salvador PH103518000
Carmen PH124702000
Marawi City PH153617000
Baliguian PH097224000
Malita PH118603000
Talitay PH153821000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Gitagum PH104309000
Sagñay PH051731000
Davao City PH112402000
Tubo PH140126000
Lucban PH045623000
Daraga PH050503000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Wao PH153630000
Wao PH153630000
San Miguel PH052009000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Macarthur PH083730000
Tanauan PH083748000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Libona PH101311000
Claveria PH021511000
Sison PH015541000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Patnanungan PH045632000
Real PH045638000
Sagñay PH051731000
Sagada PH144409000
Boliney PH140102000
Libungan PH124705000
Payao PH098311000
Carmen PH124702000
Midsayap PH124709000
Libertad PH104315000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Daraga PH050503000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
President Roxas PH124713000
Tangub City PH104215000
Jasaan PH104311000
Villanueva PH104326000
Lazi PH076103000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Dolores PH140107000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Siay PH098313000
Besao PH144403000
Calape PH071210000
Malungon PH128007000
Tago PH166818000
Pilar PH140119000
Nasipit PH160209000
Baganga PH112501000
Binangonan PH045804000
Allen PH084801000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kinabranan Zone II (Pob.) PH084801021

Kinabuan PH025008020
Kinabuhayan PH045615008
Kinacap PH097306006
Kinachawa PH086415014
Kinagatan PH045804019
Kinagbaan PH071225018
Kinagdan PH063021023
Kinaguitman PH084801009
Kinagunan Ibaba PH045629006
Kinagunan Ilaya PH045629007
Kinahologan PH051717016
Kinakin PH142701013
Kinalabasahan PH051706011
Kinalaglagan PH041018010
Kinalagti PH045631005
Kinalangan PH051712006
Kinalangay Nuevo PH060413008
Kinalangay Viejo PH060413009
Kinalanguyan PH034930031
Kinalansan PH051733012
Kinale PH050514023
Kinalin Ibaba PH045607037
Kinalin Ilaya PH045607038
Kinalkalan PH063005010
Kinalumsan PH083743012
Kinam PH128006003
Kinama PH143211005
Kinamaligan PH045607036
Kinamaligan PH054111020
Kiñaman PH174005026
Kinamandagan PH076103008
Kinamantirisan PH012919016
Kinamayan PH112318005
Kinamaybay PH160303039
Kinamlutan PH160202049
Kinan-oan PH071244008
Kinanga PH118601009
Kinangan PH118603013
Kinangay Norte PH104205014
Kinangay Sur PH104205015
Kinapat PH101302004
Kinarum PH124706052
Kinasang-an Pardo PH072217038
Kinatakutan PH045646015
Kinatarkan PH072244004
Kinatihan I PH045608006
Kinatihan II PH045608007
Kinawahan PH072243013
Kinawayan PH124718014
Kinawe PH101311005
Kinawitan PH050503027
Kinawitnon PH112317017
Kinayan PH166801011
Kinayao PH126501006
King Kabayo PH031421023
Kingan PH153638017
Kingking (Pob.) PH118211004
Kiniktal PH157009019
Kinilidan PH118604023


Allen PH084801000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Dolores PH045615000
Dinas PH097306000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Binangonan PH045804000
Jagna PH071225000
Igbaras PH063021000
Allen PH084801000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Banaue PH142701000
Bula PH051706000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
Panukulan PH045631000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Malinao PH060413000
Malinao PH060413000
Talavera PH034930000
San Jose PH051733000
Polangui PH050514000
Calauag PH045607000
Calauag PH045607000
Balasan PH063005000
San Miguel PH083743000
Malapatan PH128006000
Rizal PH143211000
Calauag PH045607000
City of Masbate PH054111000
Kinaman Santa Cruz PH174005000
Lazi PH076103000
San Ildefonso PH012919000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Esperanza PH160303000
Butuan City PH160202000
Trinidad PH071244000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Malita PH118603000
Clarin PH104205000
Clarin PH104205000
Damulog PH101302000
Magpet PH124706000
Cebu City PH072217000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Santa Fe PH072244000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
San Remigio PH072243000
Arakan PH124718000
Libona PH101311000
Daraga PH050503000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Barobo PH166801000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
San Miguel PH031421000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Pantukan PH118211000
Languyan PH157009000
Santa Maria PH118604000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kinilis PH126312004
Kinimi PH153830001
Kining PH153610032
Kinitan (Kinitaan) PH153815017
Kinmarin PH012916012
Kinodalan PH126506010
Kinuartilan PH050514024
Kinuban PH118204012
Kinukutan PH150709009
Kinuman Norte PH104210026
Kinuman Sur PH104210027
Kinura PH101307005
Kinuskusan PH112401010
Kiobog PH118601002
Kiokmay PH118202010
Kiorao PH101308013
Kiotoy PH112315015
Kioya PH160314008
Kipadukan PH101316008
Kipalbig PH126314002
Kipalili PH112324004
Kipaypayon PH101317009
Kipilas PH101309040
Kipit PH097205015
Kipit PH098315010
Kiponget PH126509016
Kipuntos PH104308015
Kiput PH156610007
Kiraging PH104323005
Kirang PH025002009
Kiraon PH101302005
Kirapan PH103506016
Kirayan Norte PH063030062
Kirayan Sur PH063030063
Kirayan Tacas PH063030064
Kirkir PH153824005
Kisandal PH124706027
Kisanday PH101315009
Kisante PH124707016
Kisawa PH101308014
Kisek PH126509014
Kisolon PH101319001
Kisulad PH118604005
Kisulan PH112406015
Kisupaan PH124713011
Kita-kita PH015507005
Kita-Kita PH034926011
Kitaan Dagat PH097311015
Kitabog PH098315011
Kitacubong (Pob.) PH124701006
Kitaihon PH101309014
Kitamban PH104304002
Kitambis PH104304003
Kitambugun PH153619026
Kitang 2 & Luz PH030806003
Kitang I PH030806002
Kitango PH153826008
Kitaon PH153638018
Kitapok PH153826009
Kitayo PH118602016


Polomolok PH126312000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000
Kapai PH153610000
Upi PH153815000
Salcedo PH012916000
Lebak PH126506000
Polangui PH050514000
Maco PH118204000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Bansalan PH112401000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Laak PH118202000
Kibawe PH101308000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Sibagat PH160314000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Tampakan PH126314000
San Isidro PH112324000
Quezon PH101317000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Labason PH097205000
Titay PH098315000
Palimbang PH126509000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Pata PH156610000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Aritao PH025002000
Damulog PH101302000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Magpet PH124706000
Maramag PH101315000
Makilala PH124707000
Kibawe PH101308000
Palimbang PH126509000
Sumilao PH101319000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Kiblawan PH112406000
President Roxas PH124713000
Balungao PH015507000
San Jose City PH034926000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Titay PH098315000
Alamada PH124701000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Binuangan PH104304000
Binuangan PH104304000
Mulondo PH153619000
Limay PH030806000
Limay PH030806000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000


South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kitingting PH101302006
Kitobo PH101309015
Kitotok PH104312009
Kittag PH021522009
Kitubod PH124705017
Kitulaan PH124702015
Kiulom PH101309038
Kiutaan PH156613020
Kiwalan PH103504011
Kiwalo PH050503028
Kiwanan PH124709057
Kiyaab PH124715004
Klinan 6 PH126312005
Kling (Lumit) PH128003007
Klubi PH126319005
Kodia PH072228004
Kohec PH157010007
Kokoy Romualdez PH083713033
Kolabtingon PH072224020
Kolambog PH124712028
Kolambog PH126504019
Kolambugan PH160314024
Kolot PH097317008
Kompang PH157003003
Kondum PH097325008
Konel PH118605002
Kong-Kong Laminusa PH156612019
Kongkong PH025009030
Koreo PH103506017
Kormatan PH153613010
Kormatan Matampay PH153617032
Koronadal Proper PH126312006
Koronel Jose P. Elises (Area E) PH042123018
Korosoyan PH153818012
Kraan PH126509018
Kristong Hari PH137404024
Krus Na Ligas PH137404051
Kubentong PH153835001
Kud-kud PH156612020
Kudal PH153810014
Kudanding PH126504018
Kudarangan PH124709019
Kuden PH126512010
Kuden PH153821006
Kuguita PH101804007
Kuhaw PH156613021
Kuhon PH150709010
Kuhon Lennuh PH150709011
Kulaman PH101312022
Kulaman PH126512011
Kulaman Valley PH124718015
Kulambog PH153813013
Kulamboh PH156613023
Kulambugan PH098312006
Kulape PH157001013
Kulapi PH045623020
Kulasi PH153819006
Kulasi PH156605012
Kulasian PH098311011
Kulasihan PH101310010


Damulog PH101302000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Kinoguitan PH104312000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Libungan PH124705000
Carmen PH124702000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Talipao PH156613000
Iligan City PH103504000
Daraga PH050503000
Midsayap PH124709000
Antipas PH124715000
Polomolok PH126312000
Kiamba PH128003000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Madridejos PH072228000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Calubian PH083713000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Pikit PH124712000
Isulan PH126504000
Sibagat PH160314000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Mapun PH157003000
San Pablo PH097325000
Sarangani PH118605000
Siasi PH156612000
Kasibu PH025009000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Madalum PH153613000
Marawi City PH153617000
Polomolok PH126312000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Barira PH153818000
Palimbang PH126509000
Quezon City PH137404000
Quezon City PH137404000
Datu Hoffer Ampatuan PH153835000
Siasi PH156612000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Isulan PH126504000
Midsayap PH124709000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Talitay PH153821000
Mambajao PH101804000
Talipao PH156613000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Al-Barka PH150709000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Arakan PH124718000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Talipao PH156613000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Lucban PH045623000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Maimbung PH156605000
Payao PH098311000
Lantapan PH101310000


Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Kulasihan PH103508007
Kulasihan (Villanueva) PH103512013
Kulawit PH045603015
Kulay-kulay PH156607018
Kulay Bato PH150702025
Kulimpang PH153802012
Kulisap PH098311024
Kulong-kulong PH126509017
Kuloy PH153808011
Kumalarang PH099701021
Kumaliskis PH064532005
Kumaludkud PH045607039
Kumao PH148104009
Kumba PH041005033
Kumintang Ibaba PH041005034
Kumintang Ilaya PH041005035
Kunalum PH045607040
Kungtad West PH156612021
Kuppong PH156601016
Kurintem PH153807019
Kurtinganan PH175111012
Kusan (Barrio 8) PH126302009
Kusiong PH153807020
Kutah Parang PH156617008
Kutah Sairap PH156609017
Kuttong PH156613024
Kuya PH101315010
Kuya PH153817001
Kuyaoyao PH045607041
Kuyot PH063023026
L. Adviento PH021513031
L. Empon PH084810019
L. Pimentel PH037708013
La-ag PH063046031
La Anunciacion PH051716005
La Caridad PH160306006
La Casa (Pob.) PH166809012
La Concepcion PH097218012
La Consolacion PH063030065
La Conwap (Guingin) PH025706005
La Curva PH175110024
La Dicha PH098308014
La Esperanza PH056215001
La Esperanza PH071217008
La Esperanza PH097212003
La Esperanza PH124713012
La Esperanza PH124714010
La Filipina PH112319007
La Flora PH160311014
La Fortuna PH063008009
La Fortuna PH071227010
La Fortuna PH097308015
La Fortuna PH098311025
La Fortuna PH101305012
La Fortuna PH124710011
La Fortuna PH160313004
La Fraternidad PH160211004
La Fuente PH034928002
La Granja PH064516008
La Hacienda PH071202007


Kolambugan PH103508000
Maigo PH103512000
Atimonan PH045603000
Old Panamao PH156607000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Buldon PH153802000
Payao PH098311000
Palimbang PH126509000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Salvador Benedicto PH064532000
Calauag PH045607000
Kabugao PH148104000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Calauag PH045607000
Siasi PH156612000
Indanan PH156601000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Banga PH126302000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Lugus PH156617000
Parang PH156609000
Talipao PH156613000
Maramag PH101315000
South Upi PH153817000
Calauag PH045607000
Janiuay PH063023000
Gattaran PH021513000
Las Navas PH084810000
San Luis PH037708000
Tubungan PH063046000
Iriga City PH051716000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Sindangan PH097218000
Miagao PH063030000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
San Jose PH175110000
Malangas PH098308000
Santa Magdalena PH056215000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Rizal PH097212000
President Roxas PH124713000
Tulunan PH124714000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Talacogon PH160311000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Lila PH071227000
Dumingag PH097308000
Payao PH098311000
Impasug-Ong PH101305000
M'Lang PH124710000
Veruela PH160313000
Tubay PH160211000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Alicia PH071202000


Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


La Huerta PH137604003
La Januza PH166710012
La Libertad PH071212010
La Libertad PH097223004
La Libertad PH098315012
La Libertad PH103505027
La Libertad PH112318006
La Libertad (Mawal) PH097206017
La Luna PH015540001
La Medalla PH050513033
La Medalla PH050514025
La Medalla PH051701009
La Medalla PH051716006
La Medalla (Mile 9) PH051737023
La Mesa PH043405018
La Opinion PH051723015
La Paz PH015544031
La Paz PH015547007
La Paz PH023107011
La Paz PH025705002
La Paz PH035411004
La Paz PH036902006
La Paz PH037112006
La Paz PH060608029
La Paz PH060617007
La Paz PH067903009
La Paz PH071212011
La Paz PH072211013
La Paz PH083723046
La Paz PH086003077
La Paz PH086017015
La Paz PH086025015
La Paz PH097332032
La Paz PH098301011
La Paz PH098309007
La Paz PH112303008
La Paz PH137602012
La Paz PH160210005
La Paz PH166802005
La Paz PH074604017
La Paz (Pob.) PH037111006
La Paz (Tinibtiban) PH097302050
La Paz (Turu) PH035403010
La Perian PH160306033
La Perla PH084808031
La Piedad (Pob.) PH099701022
La Purisima PH034901010
La Purisima PH036907009
La Purisima PH050514026
La Purisima PH051706012
La Purisima PH051708019
La Purisima PH051716007
La Purisima PH051719021
La Purisima PH051728010
La Purisima PH051735009
La Purisima PH160306034
La Purisima (La Purisima Agupit) PH051723010
La Purisima (Palhe) PH166804008
La Purisima (Pob.) PH051715014
La Purisima (Pob.) PH051737018


City of Parañaque PH137604000

General Luna PH166710000
Carmen PH071212000
Gutalac PH097223000
Titay PH098315000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Liloy PH097206000
Santo Tomas PH015540000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Polangui PH050514000
Baao PH051701000
Iriga City PH051716000
Tinambac PH051737000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Nabua PH051723000
Umingan PH015544000
Villasis PH015547000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Saguday PH025705000
Magalang PH035411000
Bamban PH036902000
San Narciso PH037112000
Hamtic PH060608000
Tibiao PH060617000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Carmen PH071212000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Jaro PH083723000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Santa Rita PH086017000
San Jorge PH086025000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Alicia PH098301000
Naga PH098309000
Carmen PH112303000
City of Makati PH137602000
Santiago PH160210000
Bayabas PH166802000
Bais City PH074604000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Aurora PH097302000
Arayat PH035403000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Laoang PH084808000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Aliaga PH034901000
La Paz PH036907000
Polangui PH050514000
Bula PH051706000
Calabanga PH051708000
Iriga City PH051716000
Lupi PH051719000
Pili PH051728000
Siruma PH051735000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Nabua PH051723000
Cagwait PH166804000
Goa PH051715000
Tinambac PH051737000


NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region

Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


La Purisima Concepcion PH086417015

La Purisima Concepcion (Pob.) PH072211014
La Purisima Nuevo PH051725009
La Rioja PH060612014
La Roche San Miguel PH097218061
La Roxas PH101315011
La Salette PH023104010
La Salvacion PH071212012
La Suerte PH021504031
La Suerte PH023102032
La Suerte PH071234013
La Suerte PH097322024
La Suerte PH112410016
La Suerte PH124710012
La Suerte PH160306007
La Torre PH034930032
La Torre North PH025005008
La Torre South PH025005023
La Trinidad PH051716008
La Trinidad PH084813013
La Union PH023120006
La Union PH056206013
La Union PH060614025
La Union PH071211009
La Union PH071240010
La Union PH071244009
La Union PH097204002
La Union PH097205017
La Union PH112404010
La Union PH112510007
La Union PH160203018
La Union PH160306008
La Victoria PH051706013
La Victoria PH071212013
La Victoria PH071244010
La Victoria PH071247018
La Victoria PH097204003
La Victoria PH097302028
La Victoria PH098304007
La Virgen Milagrosa (Paguetpet) PH012803027
Laac (Pob.) PH118202014
Laang PH140110006
Laaw PH072213012
Lab-on PH063021024
Labaan PH140104002
Labaan PH140123001
Labac PH041009011
Labac PH042115015
Labah PH156605013
Labakid PH097211023
Labakid PH097218045
Labakid PH097222011
Labang PH025001005
Labangal PH126303012
Labangan PH043417022
Labangan Iling PH175110025
Labangan Poblacion PH175110026
Labangbaybay PH086024004
Labangon PH072217040
Labangon PH072248009


Sogod PH086417000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Ocampo PH051725000
Patnongon PH060612000
Sindangan PH097218000
Maramag PH101315000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Carmen PH071212000
Amulung PH021504000
Angadanan PH023102000
Pilar PH071234000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Matanao PH112410000
M'Lang PH124710000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Talavera PH034930000
Bayombong PH025005000
Bayombong PH025005000
Iriga City PH051716000
Mondragon PH084813000
Naguilian PH023120000
Castilla PH056206000
San Remigio PH060614000
Candijay PH071211000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Trinidad PH071244000
La Libertad PH097204000
Labason PH097205000
Hagonoy PH112404000
San Isidro PH112510000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Bula PH051706000
Carmen PH071212000
Trinidad PH071244000
Valencia PH071247000
La Libertad PH097204000
Aurora PH097302000
Imelda PH098304000
Badoc PH012803000
Laak PH118202000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Borbon PH072213000
Igbaras PH063021000
Bucloc PH140104000
San Quintin PH140123000
Cuenca PH041009000
Naic PH042115000
Maimbung PH156605000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Sindangan PH097218000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Ambaguio PH025001000
General Santos City PH126303000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
San Jose PH175110000
San Jose PH175110000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Cebu City PH072217000
Tabogon PH072248000


Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Labangon PH097308049
Labangtaytay PH054109007
Labao PH051718030
Labao PH160303013
Labas PH043428008
Labasan PH098313021
Labasan PH175203012
Labatan PH098311012
Labawon (Santa Teresita) PH051705015
Labayo PH043407009
Labayug PH015541019
Labben PH021503017
Labi PH034902010
Labi PH098305012
Labigan PH054116010
Labigan PH063044026
Labinab PH023108039
Labinab Grande (Pob.) PH023125008
Labinab Pequeño (Pob.) PH023125009
Labinay PH104210028
Labiray PH097214010
Labisma PH166803007
Labit PH015547008
Labit Proper PH015546019
Labit West PH015546020
Lablabig PH021511013
Labne PH031421024
Labney PH015534007
Labney PH034917012
Labney PH036908011
Labney PH036918004
Labnig PH012920017
Labnig PH045619024
Labnig PH050510014
Labnig PH051608012
Labnig PH160311007
Labnig PH175906007
Labo PH104201013
Labo PH104210029
Labo PH174005027
Labog PH175324004
Labogon PH072230015
Labon PH112414008
Labon PH140103008
Labonan PH175203013
Laboon PH086407030
Laboy PH037706013
Laboy PH056212023
Labrador PH054109008
Labrador PH086403014
Labrador PH098302010
Labrador (Balion) PH083738003
Labrador (Bulod) PH072229006
Labrador (Prinda) PH097210009
Labtic PH083713034
Labu-labu PH153808012
Labu-labu I PH153835002
Labu-labu II PH153835003
Labu-o PH124713013
Labuagon PH101308015


Dumingag PH097308000
Esperanza PH054109000
Libmanan PH051718000
Esperanza PH160303000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Siay PH098313000
Bongabong PH175203000
Payao PH098311000
Buhi PH051705000
Cavinti PH043407000
Sison PH015541000
Allacapan PH021503000
Bongabon PH034902000
Ipil PH098305000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
Sara PH063044000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Labinab Pequeno (Pob.) Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Villasis PH015547000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Claveria PH021511000
San Miguel PH031421000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Mayantoc PH036908000
San Jose PH036918000
San Juan PH012920000
Gumaca PH045619000
Malinao PH050510000
Paracale PH051608000
Talacogon PH160311000
Corcuera PH175906000
Aloran PH104201000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Sofronio Española PH175324000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Sulop PH112414000
Bucay PH140103000
Bongabong PH175203000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Matnog PH056212000
Esperanza PH054109000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Buug PH098302000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Polanco PH097210000
Calubian PH083713000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
Datu Hoffer Ampatuan PH153835000
Datu Hoffer Ampatuan PH153835000
President Roxas PH124713000
Kibawe PH101308000


Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Labuan PH015537013
Labuan PH015544032
Labuan PH097332033
Labuay PH103512005
Labueg PH141108011
Labuin PH043422007
Labuin PH043426008
Labungan PH153807021
Labuon PH071210016
Labut PH012803016
Labut PH012911006
Labut PH012912015
Labut Norte PH012922010
Labut Sur PH012922011
Labuyo PH104215021
Laca PH071225019
Laca PH086410003
Lacab PH023115020
Lacadon PH063017025
Lacadon PH063030066
Lacadon PH063043040
Lacag PH050503029
Lacaon PH074612015
Lacarayan PH097344006
Lacaren PH175314008
Lacaron PH060616041
Lacaron PH061902012
Lacaron PH118603016
Lacaron PH064530010
Lacay Dol-Dol PH063021025
Lacayon PH060604014
Lacdayan PH045644010
Lacmaan PH144403009
Lacmit PH035403011
Lacnapan PH098306013
Lacnog PH143213038
Laco PH148104010
Lacolac PH101301005
Lacong PH012933023
Lacong PH013315012
Laconon PH126316005
Lacquios PH035403012
Lacson PH112402052
Lactawan PH025013007
Lactudan PH060609016
Lactudan PH166804006
Lacturan PH063018026
Lacub (Pob.) PH012805024
Lacuben PH012803017
Lacupayan PH097344007
Ladgadan PH160308029
Ladgaron (Pob.) PH166706005
Ladia PH153812023
Ladol PH128001013
Ladtingan PH124712029
Lag-an PH063012033
Lag-Asan PH064502013
Lag-it PH074622010
Lag-On PH051603015
Laga-an PH064505015


San Quintin PH015537000

Umingan PH015544000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Maigo PH103512000
Kapangan PH141108000
Pila PH043422000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Calape PH071210000
Badoc PH012803000
Lidlidda PH012911000
Magsingal PH012912000
Santa PH012922000
Santa PH012922000
Tangub City PH104215000
Jagna PH071225000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Jones PH023115000
Dueñas PH063017000
Miagao PH063030000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Daraga PH050503000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Tigbao PH097344000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Sibalom PH060616000
Dao PH061902000
Malita PH118603000
Valladolid PH064530000
Igbaras PH063021000
Bugasong PH060604000
San Narciso PH045644000
Besao PH144403000
Arayat PH035403000
Kabasalan PH098306000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Kabugao PH148104000
Baungon PH101301000
Tagudin PH012933000
San Gabriel PH013315000
T'Boli PH126316000
Arayat PH035403000
Davao City PH112402000
Solano PH025013000
Laua-An PH060609000
Cagwait PH166804000
Dumangas PH063018000
City of Batac PH012805000
Badoc PH012803000
Tigbao PH097344000
San Francisco PH160308000
Claver PH166706000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Alabel PH128001000
Pikit PH124712000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Bago City PH064502000
Tayasan PH074622000
Daet PH051603000
Calatrava PH064505000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lagab PH118201003
Lagadlarin PH041015011
Lagag PH097218013
Lagalag PH045648014
Lagan PH144407008
Laganac PH051702009
Lagandang PH101302007
Lagandang PH126504020
Lagandit PH012818013
Lagang PH175902005
Lagao PH126508008
Lagao (1st & 3rd) PH126303011
Lagaoriao (Pob.) PH175310008
Lagare PH034903043
Lagasan PH157002044
Lagasan Asibih PH156605014
Lagasan Higad PH156609019
Lagasit PH015537014
Lagatit PH012928011
Lagawa PH144402010
Lagay PH045607042
Lagayas PH150706011
Lagben PH140110007
Lagdo PH060616042
Lagdungan PH061917024
Lagha PH051729010
Laging Handa PH137404052
Lagnas PH041003030
Lagnas PH175109022
Lago PH056202011
Lago PH128002018
Lago PH166817004
Lagta PH054102012
Lagtang PH072250006
Lagtang PH104301004
Lagtangan PH071239010
Lagtangon PH071232013
Lagting PH098313043
Lagtoh PH156613025
Laguan PH043410023
Laguan PH043423003
Lagubang PH063007014
Lagubang PH126512012
Laguda PH063022085
Lague-lague PH054106032
Laguerta PH043405017
Laguiben PH140110008
Laguilayan PH126504021
Laguile PH041029045
Laguimit PH128002019
Laguinbanua PH060406014
Laguinbanua East PH060416012
Laguinbanua West PH060416013
Laguinbanwa PH054110026
Laguinding PH126503033
Laguio PH043429010
Laguio PH051730019
Laguit Centro PH015515011
Laguit Padilla PH015515012
Laguitan PH153830002


Compostela PH118201000
Lobo PH041015000
Sindangan PH097218000
Tiaong PH045648000
Sabangan PH144407000
Balatan PH051702000
Damulog PH101302000
Isulan PH126504000
Piddig PH012818000
Banton PH175902000
Lambayong PH126508000
General Santos City PH126303000
Cuyo PH175310000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Bongao PH157002000
Maimbung PH156605000
Parang PH156609000
San Quintin PH015537000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Bauko PH144402000
Calauag PH045607000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Sibalom PH060616000
Tapaz PH061917000
Presentacion PH051729000
Quezon City PH137404000
Balayan PH041003000
Sablayan PH175109000
Barcelona PH056202000
Glan PH128002000
Tagbina PH166817000
Baleno PH054102000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Alubijid PH104301000
Sevilla PH071239000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Siay PH098313000
Talipao PH156613000
Liliw PH043410000
Rizal PH043423000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Cawayan PH054106000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Isulan PH126504000
Taal PH041029000
Glan PH128002000
Ibajay PH060406000
Numancia PH060416000
Numancia PH060416000
Mandaon PH054110000
Esperanza PH126503000
Siniloan PH043429000
Ragay PH051730000
Bugallon PH015515000
Bugallon PH015515000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000


Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Laguitas PH101312023
Laguiwan PH083710037
Lagulo PH043417026
Laguma PH086416008
Lagumbingan PH124709021
Lagumit PH118603017
Laguna PH045619025
Laguna PH168502004
Laguna PH175208023
Lagunde PH072235014
Lagunde PH124712030
Lagundi PH031417010
Lagundi PH035413013
Lagundi PH045809003
Lagundi PH050515018
Lagundi PH084801010
Lagundi PH086005022
Lagundi PH097220014
Lagundi PH128003008
Lagyo PH045619060
Laha PH156617009
Lahad Dampong PH157006012
Lahay-lahay PH157007012
Lahi PH118205010
Lahi PH156618005
Lahi PH166711006
Lahi-lahi PH150707005
Lahing PH045625006
Lahing-Lahing PH156619005
Lahong PH054118012
Lahong PH086020026
Lahong Interior PH054102014
Lahong Proper PH054102013
Lahug PH061917025
Lahug (Pob.) PH072217041
Laiban PH045812006
Laih PH098313022
Laila Lumbac Bacon PH153618040
Lainglaingan PH045607043
Lais PH118603018
Laitan PH157006015
Laiya-Aplaya PH041023018
Laiya-Ibabao PH041023017
Lajala PH175309011
Lajog PH071214015
Lajong PH056203030
Lajong PH056210016
Lajong PH056212025
Lakadun PH153618008
Lakambini PH021528016
Lakandula PH035409011
Lakandula PH084810020
Lakandula PH166717010
Lakawan PH045647036
Lake Duminagat PH104217003
Lake Lahit PH126319006
Laker (Sarangani Sur) PH118605006
Lakiki PH097216006
Lakip PH045603016
Lakit PH156607019


City of Malaybalay PH101312000

Burauen PH083710000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Silago PH086416000
Midsayap PH124709000
Malita PH118603000
Gumaca PH045619000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Naujan PH175208000
Oslob PH072235000
Pikit PH124712000
Plaridel PH031417000
Mexico PH035413000
Morong PH045809000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Allen PH084801000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Sirawai PH097220000
Kiamba PH128003000
Gumaca PH045619000
Lugus PH156617000
South Ubian PH157006000
Tandubas PH157007000
Maragusan PH118205000
Pandami PH156618000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Tuburan PH150707000
Macalelon PH045625000
Omar PH156619000
San Fernando PH054118000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Baleno PH054102000
Baleno PH054102000
Tapaz PH061917000
Cebu City PH072217000
Tanay PH045812000
Siay PH098313000
Masiu PH153618000
Calauag PH045607000
Malita PH118603000
South Ubian PH157006000
San Juan PH041023000
San Juan PH041023000
Coron PH175309000
Clarin PH071214000
Bulan PH056203000
Juban PH056210000
Matnog PH056212000
Masiu PH153618000
Tuao PH021528000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Las Navas PH084810000
Placer PH166717000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Sarangani PH118605000
Sibuco PH097216000
Atimonan PH045603000
Old Panamao PH156607000


Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lakit-lakit PH157010009
Lakit Lakit PH157002009
Lakitan PH153614011
Lala PH097322025
Lala-o PH076105006
Lala Proper (Pob.) PH103509012
Lalaan I PH042118019
Lalaan II PH042118020
Lalab PH060404009
Lalab PH097305012
Lalabuan PH153602010
Lalabuan PH153603029
Lalabuan PH153626008
Lalafugan PH021516020
Lalagsan PH064517006
Lalaguna PH045622042
Lalaguna PH054113009
Lalakay PH043411007
Lalakhan PH031423010
Lalangan PH031417011
Lalangitun PH153611046
Lalapac PH036917012
Lalapung PH153612024
Lalapung Central PH153604011
Lalapung Proper (Pob.) PH153604015
Lalapung Upper PH153604053
Lalauanan PH023137022
Lalawigan PH030812005
Lalawigan PH051607017
Lalawigan PH082604027
Lalayat PH041022015
Lale PH086013011
Lalig PH045648015
Laligan PH101321012
Lallana PH042122005
Lallayug PH021528017
Lalo PH045647037
Lalog 1 PH023116008
Lalog 2 PH023116009
Lalong PH012924019
Lalong PH064505016
Lalud PH056204006
Lalud PH104217004
Lalud PH175205028
Lam-ag PH140122009
Lam-an PH104210030
Lam-Apos PH126302010
Lam-awan PH086021013
Lam-Caliaf PH126312007
Lama PH153601014
Lama PH153611047
Lama (Bagoaingud) PH153619027
Lamac PH072219007
Lamac PH072237011
Lamac Lower PH104209015
Lamac Upper PH104209016
Lamacan PH072205025
Lamacan PH072246014
Lamag (Tubtuba) PH012915009
Lamak PH072224022


Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Bongao PH157002000
Madamba PH153614000
Pagadian City PH097322000
San Juan PH076105000
Lala PH103509000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
Batan PH060404000
Dimataling PH097305000
Balabagan PH153602000
Balindong PH153603000
Tamparan PH153626000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
La Castellana PH064517000
Lopez PH045622000
Mobo PH054113000
Los Baños PH043411000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Plaridel PH031417000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Victoria PH036917000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Bayang PH153604000
Bayang PH153604000
Bayang PH153604000
Tumauini PH023137000
Samal PH030812000
Mercedes PH051607000
City of Borongan PH082604000
San Jose PH041022000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Tiaong PH045648000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Tuao PH021528000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Luna PH023116000
Luna PH023116000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Calatrava PH064505000
Bulusan PH056204000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
City of Calapan PH175205000
San Juan PH140122000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Banga PH126302000
Villareal PH086021000
Polomolok PH126312000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Mulondo PH153619000
Consolacion PH072219000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Argao PH072205000
Sibonga PH072246000
Quirino PH012915000
Dumanjug PH072224000


Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lamak PH083719018
Lamalama PH124713014
Lamanan PH112402053
Lamanoc PH083736010
Lamao PH030806004
Lamao PH097206015
Lamao PH175910016
Lamao (Pob.) PH140104004
Lamaosa PH103521008
Lamare PH097303019
Lamba PH126302011
Lambac PH035407005
Lambac PH043419007
Lambac PH045806013
Lambac (Pob.) PH043414002
Lambago PH156604012
Lambagoan PH097216007
Lambajon PH112501011
Lambakin PH031411004
Lambakin PH031421025
Lambakin PH034912006
Lambanah PH156613026
Lambangan PH101322005
Lambangan PH126316014
Lambanogan PH153637008
Lambao PH086016022
Lambayagan PH060616043
Lambayan PH015528009
Lambayao PH153825006
Lambayong PH126314003
Lambayong PH156601017
Lambes (Lames) PH015514014
Lambi-lambian PH157006016
Lambingan PH042120027
Lambingi PH126302012
Lambog PH112508018
Lambojon PH076106023
Lambonao PH086409013
Lambontong PH126313014
Lambug PH072207014
Lambuling PH126316018
Lambusan PH072243014
Lambuyao PH063034017
Lambuyogan PH098301012
Lamcade PH126319007
Lamdalag PH126319008
Lamdas PH074614019
Lamesa PH072208017
Lamesa PH174004018
Lamesa PH174005028
Lamfugon PH126319009
Lamhako PH126316019
Lamian PH126313017
Lamiawan PH112504005
Lamigadato PH103511006
Lamigan PH074602014
Lamin PH153615034
Lamin PH153636014
Lamin PH153818013
Lamingao PH086021014


Hilongos PH083719000
President Roxas PH124713000
Davao City PH112402000
Merida PH083736000
Limay PH030806000
Liloy PH097206000
Romblon PH175910000
Bucloc PH140104000
Tangcal PH103521000
Bayog PH097303000
Banga PH126302000
Guagua PH035407000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Cardona PH045806000
Mabitac PH043414000
Luuk PH156604000
Sibuco PH097216000
Baganga PH112501000
Marilao PH031411000
San Miguel PH031421000
Jaen PH034912000
Talipao PH156613000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
T'Boli PH126316000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Sibalom PH060616000
Mapandan PH015528000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Tampakan PH126314000
Indanan PH156601000
Bolinao PH015514000
South Ubian PH157006000
Tanza PH042120000
Banga PH126302000
Manay PH112508000
Siquijor PH076106000
Malitbog PH086409000
Surallah PH126313000
Badian PH072207000
T'Boli PH126316000
San Remigio PH072243000
Oton PH063034000
Alicia PH098301000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Mabinay PH074614000
Balamban PH072208000
Mogpog PH174004000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
T'Boli PH126316000
Surallah PH126313000
Caraga PH112504000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Ayungon PH074602000
Malabang PH153615000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Barira PH153818000
Villareal PH086021000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lamintak Norte PH072231011

Lamintak Sur PH072231017
Lamion PH157002010
Lamisahan PH097332034
Lamlahak PH126319010
Lamo PH025007011
Lamogong PH074615013
Lamon PH051715015
Lamorito PH034911030
Lamot 1 PH043406006
Lamot 2 PH043406007
Lampagang PH124714011
Lampanusan PH101307006
Lampari PH126302013
Lampasan PH104217005
Lampaya PH063013042
Lampaya PH063028054
Lampayan PH124708017
Lampianao PH112402054
Lampinigan PH099701023
Lampitak PH126314009
Lamputong PH060606023
Lampuyang PH054116011
Lamsalome PH126316008
Lamsugod PH126313018
Lamud PH153817006
Lan-ag PH140109004
Lanag PH063028050
Lanag PH063043041
Lanag PH063045037
Lanag Norte PH063046032
Lanag Sur PH063046033
Lanang PH035405012
Lanang PH054101017
Lanao PH012804006
Lanao PH072206010
Lanao PH072221009
Lanao PH072222016
Lanao PH072233009
Lanao PH072236005
Lanao PH086402018
Lanao PH086407031
Lanao PH104301005
Lanao PH118601010
Lanao PH124704015
Lanao (Pob.) PH052011032
Lanao Dakula PH156609044
Lanao Kuran PH124718016
Lanas PH012809014
Lanas PH015526016
Lanas PH060602022
Lanas PH063007015
Lanas PH072234013
Lanas PH175914003
Lanat PH036914002
Lanatan PH041003031
Lanawan PH083730010
Lanawan PH083741014
Lanawan PH097213032
Lanawan PH150713006


Medellin PH072231000
Medellin PH072231000
Bongao PH157002000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Goa PH051715000
Guimba PH034911000
Calauan PH043406000
Calauan PH043406000
Tulunan PH124714000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Banga PH126302000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Calinog PH063013000
Leon PH063028000
Matalam PH124708000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Tampakan PH126314000
Culasi PH060606000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
T'Boli PH126316000
Surallah PH126313000
South Upi PH153817000
Lacub PH140109000
Leon PH063028000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tubungan PH063046000
Tubungan PH063046000
Candaba PH035405000
Aroroy PH054101000
Bangui PH012804000
Asturias PH072206000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Moalboal PH072233000
Pilar PH072236000
Bontoc PH086402000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Alubijid PH104301000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Virac PH052011000
Parang PH156609000
Arakan PH124718000
Dingras PH012809000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Barbaza PH060602000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
City of Naga PH072234000
San Jose PH175914000
San Manuel PH036914000
Balayan PH041003000
Macarthur PH083730000
Pastrana PH083741000
Salug PH097213000
Tabuan-Lasa PH150713000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lancheta PH126511023
Lanciola PH063044027
Lanco Dimapatoy PH153618041
Lancuas PH012917003
Landa (Gadongan) PH103502012
Landahan PH072251020
Landan PH126312008
Landang Gua PH097332035
Landang Laum PH097332036
Landas PH015526017
Landasan (Sarmiento) PH153811012
Landayan PH043425005
Landican PH071205005
Landig PH034906026
Landing PH030806006
Landing PH030811013
Landing PH045646016
Landing PH104202002
Landingan PH025706006
Landoc PH015503038
Landugan PH150703029
Landusan PH084804004
Landy PH174005029
Lanec PH140125008
Lang-ayan PH012927014
Lang-ayan-Baramban PH012808007
Lang-og PH063028051
Langa PH051601007
Langa-an PH112410017
Langag PH160303040
Langagan PH021522010
Langali PH126509020
Langaoan PH012926013
Langaon PH101301006
Langapod PH097312011
Langasian PH160304004
Langatian PH097211006
Langaton PH050501019
Langayan PH142706018
Langayen PH124712031
Langbaban PH140121003
Langca PH025006013
Langca PH063040045
Langcangan Lower PH104209017
Langcangan Proper PH104209018
Langcangan Upper PH104209019
Langcaon (Evelio Javier) PH060602023
Langcataon PH101316009
Langco PH153809008
Langcuas PH013314029
Langeban PH153814009
Langga PH051604003
Langgal PH126512013
Langgam PH043425006
Langgam PH118204013
Langgan PH021513029
Langgangan PH041003032
Langgao PH087803008
Langgapanan PH153813015
Langgas PH045620025


City of Tacurong PH126511000

Sara PH063044000
Masiu PH153618000
San Emilio PH012917000
Baloi PH103502000
Toledo City PH072251000
Polomolok PH126312000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Parang PH153811000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Baclayon PH071205000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Limay PH030806000
Pilar PH030811000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Baliangao PH104202000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Lantawan PH150703000
Capul PH084804000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Tineg PH140125000
Santiago PH012927000
Currimao PH012808000
Leon PH063028000
Basud PH051601000
Matanao PH112410000
Esperanza PH160303000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Palimbang PH126509000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Baungon PH101301000
Labangan PH097312000
La Paz PH160304000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Bacacay PH050501000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Pikit PH124712000
San Isidro PH140121000
Diadi PH025006000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Barbaza PH060602000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Matanog PH153809000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Maco PH118204000
Gattaran PH021513000
Balayan PH041003000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Infanta PH045620000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Langgawisan PH118205011
Langhub PH156611013
Langil PH150710004
Langilan PH097324012
Langin PH072239007
Langiran PH015511034
Langit PH083702026
Langka PH031412010
Langka PH034919018
Langka PH112507013
Langka PH112509013
Langkaan I PH042106005
Langkaan II PH042106053
Langkas PH072222017
Langkila-an PH160312004
Langkis PH071221010
Langkiwa PH043403009
Langkong PH124710013
Langkong PH153809009
Langla PH034912007
Langlangca Primero PH012906022
Langlangca Segundo PH012906023
Langnao PH148101003
Langob PH084808032
Langogan PH124702016
Langogan PH175316019
Langon PH098316004
Langong PH150710005
Langosig PH072223018
Langoyon PH086003078
Langpas PH156601018
Langtad PH071236009
Langtad PH072205026
Langtad PH072234014
Langtud PH118202011
Languanan PH063040046
Langub PH072205027
Langub PH072206011
Langub PH072244005
Langub PH104204006
Langub PH112402055
Langub PH064509011
Languyan PH150710006
Languyan Proper (Pob.) PH157009005
Languyin PH045636010
Lanigay PH050514027
Lanipao PH012914015
Lanipao PH103504042
Lanipao PH103509013
Lanipe PH067903010
Lanipga PH051706014
Lanipga PH060417006
Lanipga PH061909025
Lanipga PH072215012
Lanipga PH072219008
Lanipga-Cawayan PH051730020
Lanise PH104306010
Lanit PH063022086
Laniton PH051601008
Laniton PH051604004


Maragusan PH118205000
Patikul PH156611000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
San Miguel PH097324000
Ronda PH072239000
Bayambang PH015511000
Alangalang PH083702000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Palayan City PH034919000
Lupon PH112507000
City of Mati PH112509000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Trento PH160312000
Duero PH071221000
City of Biñan PH043403000
M'Lang PH124710000
Matanog PH153809000
Jaen PH034912000
City of Candon PH012906000
City of Candon PH012906000
Calanasan PH148101000
Laoang PH084808000
Carmen PH124702000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Tungawan PH098316000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
Danao City PH072223000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Indanan PH156601000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Argao PH072205000
City of Naga PH072234000
Laak PH118202000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Argao PH072205000
Asturias PH072206000
Santa Fe PH072244000
Calamba PH104204000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Hadji Mohammad Ajul PH150710000
Languyan PH157009000
Polillo PH045636000
Polangui PH050514000
Narvacan PH012914000
Iligan City PH103504000
Lala PH103509000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Bula PH051706000
Tangalan PH060417000
Panay PH061909000
Carmen PH072215000
Consolacion PH072219000
Ragay PH051730000
Claveria PH104306000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Basud PH051601000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000


Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI

Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Laniwan (Pob.) PH084814010

Lanjagan PH063001010
Lanna PH021512009
Lanna PH021527015
Lanna PH023137023
Lanna PH143213017
Lannig PH021527002
Lanoon PH124702017
Lanot PH051607018
Lanot PH061914032
Lanot Grande PH063025038
Lanot Pequeño PH063025039
Lanote PH099701024
Lantad PH064526013
Lantag PH012924020
Lantag PH012933024
Lantang PH071247019
Lantangan PH054110012
Lantangan PH061912015
Lantangan PH063014024
Lantap PH025003004
Lantawan PH072241010
Lantawan PH097311029
Lantawan PH097324013
Lantawan PH097340007
Lantawan PH098302011
Lantawan PH103506018
Lantawan PH112507014
Lantawan Proper (Pob.) PH150703007
Lantay PH101316010
Lantian PH097312012
Lantic PH042104008
Lanting PH023126005
Lanting PH153816018
Lantong PH156605015
Lantong Babag PH156608006
Lantud PH101320011
Lantungan PH097302029
Lantuyang (Mangyan Minority) PH175201028
Lanuro PH112404011
Lanutan PH063030067
Lanzones PH097332037
Lao PH083738057
Lao-angan PH084820007
Lao-lao PH153819007
Lao Proper PH104212016
Lao Santa Cruz PH104212017
Laoa PH012816007
Laoac PH015504010
Laoac PH015530017
Laoag PH015502017
Laoag PH023127006
Laoag PH037102012
Laoag PH037111007
Laoang PH036916039
Laog PH031401007
Laoingen PH012928012
Laois PH015521004
Laon PH174004019
Laon (Pob.) PH030801006


Palapag PH084814000
Ajuy PH063001000
Enrile PH021512000
Solana PH021527000
Tumauini PH023137000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Solana PH021527000
Carmen PH124702000
Mercedes PH051607000
Roxas City PH061914000
Lambunao PH063025000
Lanot Pequeno Lambunao PH063025000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Silay City PH064526000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Tagudin PH012933000
Valencia PH071247000
Mandaon PH054110000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Carles PH063014000
Bagabag PH025003000
San Fernando PH072241000
Kumalarang PH097311000
San Miguel PH097324000
Sominot PH097340000
Buug PH098302000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Lupon PH112507000
Lantawan PH150703000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Labangan PH097312000
Carmona PH042104000
Roxas PH023126000
Talayan PH153816000
Maimbung PH156605000
Pangutaran PH156608000
Talakag PH101320000
Aurora PH097302000
Baco PH175201000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Miagao PH063030000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Ormoc City PH083738000
San Roque PH084820000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Plaridel PH104212000
Plaridel PH104212000
Paoay PH012816000
Alcala PH015504000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Aguilar PH015502000
San Agustin PH023127000
Cabangan PH037102000
San Marcelino PH037111000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Angat PH031401000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Labrador PH015521000
Mogpog PH174004000
Abucay PH030801000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Bataan PH030800000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lap-lapog PH140127004
Lapa PH156605020
Lapaan PH086003079
Lapacan Norte PH071209025
Lapacan Norte PH071224027
Lapacan Sur PH071209026
Lapacan Sur PH071224028
Lapad PH104314004
Lapak PH060614026
Lapak PH156618006
Lapakan PH097332038
Lapaken PH153830003
Lapalo PH015535009
Laparay PH098314008
Lapasan PH104205016
Lapasan PH104305053
Lapat-Balantay PH140125009
Lapatan PH097205019
Lapay PH072205028
Lapay PH083748028
Lapayanbaja PH097210010
Lapayon PH063026015
Lapaz PH061906016
Laperas PH112414009
Laperian PH097324014
Laperian PH097330009
Lapero PH097218014
Lapgap PH082615007
Lapi PH021519013
Lapid Lapid PH157002012
Lapidario (Bayog) PH042122014
Lapidian PH097322026
Lapinig PH056208019
Lapinig PH056211022
Lapinig PH071235012
Lapinig PH103505028
Lapinig (Pob.) PH104303007
Lapinig Del Norte (Pob.) PH084809008
Lapinig Del Sur (Pob.) PH084809007
Lapinigan PH160308008
Lapinigan PH166706006
Lapirawan PH098301013
Lapla PH112414010
Lapnag PH060403011
Lapnit PH031419017
Lapogan PH021513030
Lapogan PH023137024
Lapok PH101320009
Lapok (Lepok) PH153808013
Lapolapo I PH041022016
Lapolapo II PH041022017
Lappa PH148105004
Lapsaon PH071220022
Lapsing PH036909017
Lapting PH012913007
Lapting PH012920018
Lapu PH126312023
Lapu-lapu PH041010008
Lapu-lapu PH097209010
Lapu-lapu PH112402186


Villaviciosa PH140127000
Maimbung PH156605000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Buenavista PH071209000
Inabanga PH071224000
Buenavista PH071209000
Inabanga PH071224000
Laguindingan PH104314000
San Remigio PH060614000
Pandami PH156618000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000
San Manuel PH015535000
Talusan PH098314000
Clarin PH104205000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Tineg PH140125000
Labason PH097205000
Argao PH072205000
Tanauan PH083748000
Polanco PH097210000
Leganes PH063026000
Jamindan PH061906000
Sulop PH112414000
San Miguel PH097324000
Tukuran PH097330000
Sindangan PH097218000
Maydolong PH082615000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Bongao PH157002000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Gubat PH056208000
Magallanes PH056211000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Balingoan PH104303000
Lapinig PH084809000
Lapinig PH084809000
San Francisco PH160308000
Claver PH166706000
Alicia PH098301000
Sulop PH112414000
Banga PH060403000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Gattaran PH021513000
Tumauini PH023137000
Talakag PH101320000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
San Jose PH041022000
San Jose PH041022000
Luna PH148105000
Dimiao PH071220000
Moncada PH036909000
Nagbukel PH012913000
San Juan PH012920000
Polomolok PH126312000
Ibaan PH041010000
Piñan PH097209000
Davao City PH112402000


Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lapu-lapu PH112510008
Lapu-lapu PH118204014
Lapu-Lapu (Lapla) PH112408010
Lapu-lapu (Pob.) PH084805069
Lapu-lapu Pob. (5th Zone) PH174005030
Lapu-lapu Pob. (Bgy. 8) PH160202051
Lapu-lapu Pob. (Dist. 2) PH083717040
Lapuan PH118601011
Lapulabao PH112404012
Laput PH035413014
Lapuz PH126311007
Lapuz Norte PH063022087
Lapuz Sur PH063022088
Lara PH035416012
Lara PH036907010
Laram PH043425007
Larap PH051605005
Larap PH156617010
Larapan PH071225020
Larapan PH103510002
Laray PH083701029
Laray PH083713035
Laray PH083724013
Laray PH086408009
Larayan PH097201019
Larcon PH034902011
Lareg-lareg PH015524038
Larion Alto PH021529024
Larion Bajo PH021529025
Larrazabal PH087808024
Las-ud PH012924021
Las-ud PH012933025
Las-ud PH013309004
Las Arenas PH118211012
Las Navas PH160306009
Las Piñas PH034921003
Las Salinas Norte PH071228011
Las Salinas Sur PH071228012
Lasak PH126502032
Lasangan PH153819008
Laserna PH060414007
Lasilat PH021506027
Lasip PH015517010
Lasip PH015522016
Lasip PH015524039
Lasip Chico PH015518014
Lasip Grande PH015518015
Laskig PH140118007
Laslasong Norte PH012926014
Laslasong Sur PH012926015
Laslasong West PH012926016
Lasong PH036903024
Laste PH175105006
Lat-Asan PH061909026
Lat-ey PH140115007
Lat-osan PH083740020
Lataban PH071240011
Lataban PH072227006
Latabon PH097219012
Latag PH041014024


San Isidro PH112510000

Maco PH118204000
Malalag PH112408000
Catarman PH084805000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Butuan City PH160202000
Dagami PH083717000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Mexico PH035413000
Norala PH126311000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
La Paz PH036907000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Lugus PH156617000
Jagna PH071225000
Linamon PH103510000
Abuyog PH083701000
Calubian PH083713000
Javier PH083724000
Macrohon PH086408000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Bongabon PH034902000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Naval PH087808000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Tagudin PH012933000
Caba PH013309000
Pantukan PH118211000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Las Pinas Peñaranda PH034921000
Loay PH071228000
Loay PH071228000
Columbio PH126502000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Nabas PH060414000
Baggao PH021506000
Calasiao PH015517000
Lingayen PH015522000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Pidigan PH140118000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Camiling PH036903000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Panay PH061909000
Malibcong PH140115000
Palompon PH083740000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Liloan PH072227000
Siocon PH097219000
Lipa City PH041014000


Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI

Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Latag PH041019027
Latag PH041029046
Latagan PH124708018
Latang PH144401005
Latangan PH045628022
Latap PH034906027
Latar-Nocnoc-San Francisco PH025002021
Latasan PH064508012
Latawan PH063004014
Latawan PH063044028
Latazon PH060609017
Latbang PH025010028
Lati PH153603055
Lati-an PH112406016
Lati (Pob.) PH030810017
Latih PH156611014
Lato Lato PH157002013
Latoria PH042115016
Lattac PH021526014
Lattut PH021521013
Latuan (Curuan) PH097332039
Latuan (Suasang) PH157010008
Latud PH175323007
Latung PH156612025
Laturan PH101311006
Laua-an PH060609018
Laud PH157006017
Laud Kulasi PH156605016
Laud Sibaud PH156618016
Laug PH035413015
Lauis PH037103005
Laum Buwahan PH156609021
Laum Maimbung PH156605017
Laum Suwah PH156609023
Laungcupang PH036907011
Laurel PH041016008
Laurel PH041026012
Laurel PH041031022
Laurel PH041032006
Laurel PH045646017
Laurel PH082607018
Laurel PH166725008
Laurel (Centro Norte) PH023109007
Lauren PH015544033
Laurente PH054120009
Laureta (Pob.) PH012822010
Lavides PH045616012
Lavigan PH112506004
Lawa PH031412011
Lawa PH031414004
Lawa PH043405019
Lawa-an PH060415008
Lawa-an PH061914033
Lawa-an PH083701030
Lawa-an PH086021015
Lawa-an PH104201014
Lawa-an (Pob.) PH086002036
Lawa (Pob.) PH118601004
Lawaan PH061904021
Lawaan PH072201004


Nasugbu PH041019000
Taal PH041029000
Matalam PH124708000
Barlig PH144401000
Mulanay PH045628000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Aritao PH025002000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Badiangan PH063004000
Sara PH063044000
Laua-An PH060609000
Kayapa PH025010000
Balindong PH153603000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Orion PH030810000
Patikul PH156611000
Bongao PH157002000
Naic PH042115000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Rizal PH021521000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Rizal PH175323000
Siasi PH156612000
Libona PH101311000
Laua-An PH060609000
South Ubian PH157006000
Maimbung PH156605000
Pandami PH156618000
Mexico PH035413000
Candelaria PH037103000
Parang PH156609000
Maimbung PH156605000
Parang PH156609000
La Paz PH036907000
Mabini PH041016000
San Pascual PH041026000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Taysan PH041032000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Cordon PH023109000
Umingan PH015544000
San Pascual PH054120000
Solsona PH012822000
General Luna PH045616000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Obando PH031414000
City of Calamba PH043405000
New Washington PH060415000
Roxas City PH061914000
Abuyog PH083701000
Villareal PH086021000
Aloran PH104201000
Basey PH086002000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Dumarao PH061904000
Alcantara PH072201000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lawaan PH072223019
Lawaan PH072224023
Lawaan PH084808033
Lawaan PH084820008
Lawaan PH086013012
Lawaan PH097221003
Lawaan PH104308016
Lawaan I PH072250007
Lawaan I PH086022015
Lawaan II PH072250021
Lawaan II PH086022049
Lawaan III PH072250022
Lawacamulag PH036918005
Lawagan PH097205020
Lawaguin PH043417023
Lawak PH015543008
Lawak Langka PH015527041
Lawan PH175901011
Lawang PH037703006
Lawang Bato PH137504013
Lawang Kupang PH034924004
Lawang Pari PH031420035
Lawgawan PH086402019
Lawi PH067902017
Lawi-lawi PH150703031
Lawig PH142705005
Lawigan PH025010029
Lawigan PH060607032
Lawigan PH063040047
Lawigan PH097205021
Lawigan PH101801006
Lawigan PH112509015
Lawigan PH160211005
Lawigan PH166803008
Lawigue PH045647038
Lawila PH150703030
Lawili PH124717006
Lawinon PH050513012
Lawis PH063005011
Lawis PH071210017
Lawis PH071224029
Lawis PH072243015
Lawis PH097218062
Lawit PH104308017
Lawy PH036904009
Lay-Ahan PH063037030
Lay-asan PH143214016
Laya PH071205006
Laya PH142707021
Laya-an PH104206005
Laya East PH143213018
Laya West PH143213019
Layac PH030804015
Layasin PH043407010
Layawan PH104209020
Laygayon PH086013013
Laylay PH174001030
Laylaya PH144403010
Laylayan PH063002029
Layo PH086013014


Danao City PH072223000

Dumanjug PH072224000
Laoang PH084808000
San Roque PH084820000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Gingoog City PH104308000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Paranas PH086022000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Paranas PH086022000
City of Talisay PH072250000
San Jose PH036918000
Labason PH097205000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Tayug PH015543000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Alcantara PH175901000
Dilasag PH037703000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
San Antonio PH034924000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Bontoc PH086402000
Jordan PH067902000
Lantawan PH150703000
Lamut PH142705000
Kayapa PH025010000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Labason PH097205000
Catarman PH101801000
City of Mati PH112509000
Tubay PH160211000
City of Bislig PH166803000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Lantawan PH150703000
Aleosan PH124717000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Balasan PH063005000
Calape PH071210000
Inabanga PH071224000
San Remigio PH072243000
Sindangan PH097218000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Capas PH036904000
Pototan PH063037000
Tanudan PH143214000
Baclayon PH071205000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Concepcion PH104206000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Cavinti PH043407000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Boac PH174001000
Besao PH144403000
Alimodian PH063002000
Pinabacdao PH086013000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Layog PH056202012
Layog PH063029026
Layog PH153810015
Layog PH166818015
Layogbato PH063027013
Layon PH050508027
Layong Mabilog PH042113021
Layug PH043407011
Layugan PH043419008
Layugan PH140103009
Layuhan PH084819012
Layunan (Pob.) PH045804037
Lazareto PH175205029
Lebanon PH118208010
Lebbuh PH150702063
Lebe PH128003009
Leboce PH124707017
Lebueg PH015548014
Lecheria PH043405020
Leet PH015538011
Legarda-Burnham-Kisad PH141102119
Legarda 1 PH097306009
Legarda 2 PH097306007
Legarda 3 PH097306008
Legaspi PH012909011
Legaspi PH015543009
Legaspi PH036914003
Legaspi PH072203003
Legaspi PH086010005
Legaspi PH168502005
Legaspi dela Rama PH063022089
Legayada PH063025040
Legleg PH013303020
Legleg PH013316022
Legleg (Pob.) PH012915007
Lekep-Butao PH015533013
Lelemaan PH015525023
Leling PH112404013
Lemery PH064505017
Lemon PH083714009
Lemon PH160202052
Lemoncret PH103511007
Lemsnolon PH126316028
Lemu Norte PH021512010
Lemu Sur PH021512023
Lenga PH144410012
Lengaoan PH141105015
Lengigon PH072205029
Lenienza PH097322027
Lennec PH034911031
Lenneng PH140113005
Lenneng (Liyyeng) PH148104011
Lenoyahan PH084806021
Lenzon PH023113010
Leon Garcia, Sr. PH112402187
Leon Kilat Pob. (Bgy. 13) PH160202053
Leona PH056213026
Leonarda PH021529044
Leonardo PH097337005
Leondoni PH083738099


Barcelona PH056202000
Maasin PH063029000
Pagalungan PH153810000
Tago PH166818000
Lemery PH063027000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Maragondon PH042113000
Cavinti PH043407000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Bucay PH140103000
San Jose PH084819000
Binangonan PH045804000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Montevista PH118208000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Kiamba PH128003000
Makilala PH124707000
Laoac PH015548000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Baguio City PH141102000
Dinas PH097306000
Dinas PH097306000
Dinas PH097306000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Tayug PH015543000
San Manuel PH036914000
Alegria PH072203000
Marabut PH086010000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Lambunao PH063025000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Juan PH013316000
Quirino PH012915000
San Fabian PH015533000
Manaoag PH015525000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Calatrava PH064505000
Capoocan PH083714000
Butuan City PH160202000
Magsaysay PH103511000
T'Boli PH126316000
Enrile PH021512000
Enrile PH021512000
Tadian PH144410000
Buguias PH141105000
Argao PH072205000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Guimba PH034911000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Kabugao PH148104000
Catubig PH084806000
Gamu PH023113000
Davao City PH112402000
Butuan City PH160202000
Pilar PH056213000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Josefina PH097337000
Ormoc City PH083738000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Leones East PH013320010

Leones West PH013320011
Leong PH063012034
Lepa PH015524040
Lepaga PH124710014
Lepak PH153833004
Lepanto PH023122008
Lepanto PH072203004
Lepute PH041022018
Lerma PH051724017
Leron PH021508009
Leseb PH144402011
Lesseb PH012904010
Lesseb PH012926017
Letapan PH097210011
Lettac Norte PH013318003
Lettac Sur PH013318004
Leuteboro I PH175214012
Leuteboro II PH175214013
Leviste (Tubahan) PH041021047
Lewin PH043413006
Lewing PH086401007
Leynes PH041030009
Li-o PH175910017
Liab PH153820006
Liang PH056209015
Liang PH156609025
Liang PH156611015
Liangan PH103515012
Liangan PH153613040
Liangan PH153614012
Liangan PH153622024
Liangan (Pob.) PH153635024
Liangan East PH103501010
Liangan I PH153613021
Liangan West PH103512006
Lianutan PH156604013
Lias PH031411005
Lias Kanluran PH144401006
Lias Silangan PH144401012
Liasan PH097338004
Liatimco PH166811007
Liawao PH153601015
Lib-og PH086407068
Liba PH097303020
Libaba PH037108006
Libacao PH064510007
Libag Norte PH021529026
Libag Sur PH021529045
Libagong PH083751019
Liban PH156613027
Libang PH012908007
Libang PH060411013
Libaong PH071233005
Libaong PH072243016
Libas PH015532040
Libas PH054117014
Libas PH060403012
Libas PH061914035
Libas PH082620004


Tubao PH013320000
Tubao PH013320000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Malasiqui PH015524000
M'Lang PH124710000
Pandag PH153833000
Quezon PH023122000
Alegria PH072203000
San Jose PH041022000
Naga City PH051724000
Buguey PH021508000
Bauko PH144402000
Burgos PH012904000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Polanco PH097210000
Santol PH013318000
Santol PH013318000
Socorro PH175214000
Socorro PH175214000
Rosario PH041021000
Lumban PH043413000
Anahawan PH086401000
Talisay PH041030000
Romblon PH175910000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Irosin PH056209000
Parang PH156609000
Patikul PH156611000
Nunungan PH103515000
Madalum PH153613000
Madamba PH153614000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Picong PH153635000
Bacolod PH103501000
Madalum PH153613000
Maigo PH103512000
Luuk PH156604000
Marilao PH031411000
Barlig PH144401000
Barlig PH144401000
Pitogo PH097338000
Lianga PH166811000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Bayog PH097303000
Palauig PH037108000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Villaba PH083751000
Talipao PH156613000
Cervantes PH012908000
Makato PH060411000
Panglao PH071233000
San Remigio PH072243000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Placer PH054117000
Banga PH060403000
Roxas City PH061914000
San Julian PH082620000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Libas PH083710038
Libas PH083729013
Libas PH083736011
Libas PH084811010
Libas PH086005023
Libas PH086403040
Libas PH086412015
Libas PH086417016
Libas PH126315004
Libas PH160205007
Libas PH174002006
Libas PH064514010
Libas Gua PH166816008
Libas Sud PH166816009
Libasan PH118209007
Libato PH041023019
Libato PH097328015
Libay PH097217006
Libay-libay PH118204015
Libayoy PH097344008
Libbo PH013304006
Liberacion PH083731006
Liberation PH063022090
Liberato PH060609020
Libertad PH015543010
Libertad PH021501010
Libertad PH023112024
Libertad PH023131019
Libertad PH054106012
Libertad PH054109009
Libertad PH054121015
Libertad PH056203029
Libertad PH060414008
Libertad PH061917026
Libertad PH063006020
Libertad PH071205007
Libertad PH071222016
Libertad PH071245016
Libertad PH072211015
Libertad PH072238008
Libertad PH082606016
Libertad PH082614005
Libertad PH083701031
Libertad PH083714010
Libertad PH083719019
Libertad PH083722011
Libertad PH083726005
Libertad PH083738058
Libertad PH083739017
Libertad PH084811011
Libertad PH084823007
Libertad PH086003081
Libertad PH086011009
Libertad PH086025016
Libertad PH086026014
Libertad PH086407067
Libertad PH087803009
Libertad PH087808010
Libertad PH097302031
Libertad PH097305014


Burauen PH083710000
Leyte PH083729000
Merida PH083736000
Lavezares PH084811000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Sogod PH086417000
Tantangan PH126315000
Jabonga PH160205000
Buenavista PH174002000
Isabela PH064514000
San Miguel PH166816000
San Miguel PH166816000
Nabunturan PH118209000
San Juan PH041023000
Tambulig PH097328000
Sibutad PH097217000
Maco PH118204000
Tigbao PH097344000
Bagulin PH013304000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Laua-An PH060609000
Tayug PH015543000
Abulug PH021501000
Echague PH023112000
San Mariano PH023131000
Cawayan PH054106000
Esperanza PH054109000
Uson PH054121000
Bulan PH056203000
Nabas PH060414000
Tapaz PH061917000
Banate PH063006000
Baclayon PH071205000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Tubigon PH071245000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Poro PH072238000
Dolores PH082606000
Maslog PH082614000
Abuyog PH083701000
Capoocan PH083714000
Hilongos PH083719000
Isabel PH083722000
Kananga PH083726000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Palo PH083739000
Lavezares PH084811000
Victoria PH084823000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Matuguinao PH086011000
San Jorge PH086025000
Pagsanghan PH086026000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Naval PH087808000
Aurora PH097302000
Dimataling PH097305000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Libertad PH097308016
Libertad PH097330010
Libertad PH097340008
Libertad PH101317010
Libertad PH103503007
Libertad PH103507008
Libertad PH103508009
Libertad PH104204007
Libertad PH104213010
Libertad PH104308018
Libertad PH112317018
Libertad PH112401011
Libertad PH124707018
Libertad PH124718017
Libertad PH126502015
Libertad PH160202054
Libertad PH160302003
Libertad PH160306010
Libertad PH166710013
Libertad PH166721006
Libertad PH175203014
Libertad PH175212005
Libertad PH175320027
Libertad PH175909014
Libertad PH064509012
Libertad-Lapuz PH063022092
Libertad (Barangays 1 & 4) PH083747010
Libertad (Pob.) PH037112007
Libertad (Pob.) PH084807026
Libertad (Pob.) PH098316005
Libertad (Pob.) PH126313019
Libertad Alto PH104214010
Libertad Bajo PH104214011
Libertad Norte PH071236010
Libertad Sur PH071213015
Libertad Sur PH071236011
Libertad, Santa Isabel PH063022091
Libertador PH037103006
Liberty PH034920007
Liberty PH071248005
Liberty PH083719020
Liberty PH083735007
Liberty PH083738098
Liberty PH083740021
Liberty PH084805028
Liberty PH104314005
Liberty PH126311008
Liberty PH126314004
Liberty PH168505006
Liberty (Binaliw) PH083707018
Libhu PH086407032
Libi PH128006004
Libid (Pob.) PH045804038
Libis PH031422010
Libis PH137404053
Libis PH175322007
Libis (Pob.) PH045804020
Libis (Pob.) PH175205030
Libis ng Nayon (Pob.) PH043414009
Libjo PH041005036


Dumingag PH097308000
Tukuran PH097330000
Sominot PH097340000
Quezon PH101317000
Baroy PH103503000
Kauswagan PH103507000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Calamba PH104204000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Bansalan PH112401000
Makilala PH124707000
Arakan PH124718000
Columbio PH126502000
Butuan City PH160202000
Bunawan PH160302000
Prosperidad PH160306000
General Luna PH166710000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Bongabong PH175203000
Roxas PH175212000
Taytay PH175320000
Odiongan PH175909000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tacloban City PH083747000
San Narciso PH037112000
Gamay PH084807000
Tungawan PH098316000
Surallah PH126313000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Sinacaban PH104214000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Catigbian PH071213000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Candelaria PH037103000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Hilongos PH083719000
Mayorga PH083735000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Palompon PH083740000
Catarman PH084805000
Laguindingan PH104314000
Norala PH126311000
Tampakan PH126314000
Loreto PH168505000
Bato PH083707000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Malapatan PH128006000
Binangonan PH045804000
San Rafael PH031422000
Quezon City PH137404000
Culion PH175322000
Binangonan PH045804000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Mabitac PH043414000
Batangas City PH041005000


Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Libjo PH045620026
Libjo PH045636011
Libjo PH050518013
Libjo PH052003012
Libjo PH071241008
Libjo PH072248010
Libjo PH083736012
Libjo PH174005031
Libjo PH074609010
Libjo PH074615012
Libjo (Binog) PH084805029
Libnaoan PH012818014
Libo PH045631006
Libo PH072246015
Libo PH072252028
Libo PH076101007
Libo PH083715021
Libo-o PH061908015
Libo-o PH063016016
Libo-o PH063035026
Libo-o PH072239008
Libo-on Gonzales (Pob.) PH063020022
Libod PH050502021
Libod PH050510015
Libod PH051736011
Libod (Pob.) PH052006010
Libod I PH051718031
Libod II PH051718032
Libod Poblacion PH052003017
Libodon PH118203015
Liboganon PH112319008
Libon PH061909027
Libon PH084806018
Libon PH104308019
Libongao PH083726006
Libongcogon PH063047013
Liboo PH124710015
Liboran PH101301007
Liboro PH051730021
Liboron PH071210018
Liboron PH071213016
Liboron PH072215013
Liboron PH104217006
Libot PH063013043
Liboton PH051724018
Libsong PH015539009
Libsong East PH015522017
Libsong West PH015522018
Libtangin PH174003014
Libtec PH140107007
Libtong PH012802013
Libtong PH012933026
Libtong PH013308007
Libtong PH031412012
Libtong PH050507020
Libtong PH050518014
Libtong PH054105015
Libtong PH056206014
Libtong PH087808025
Libtong PH175212006


Infanta PH045620000
Polillo PH045636000
Tiwi PH050518000
Bato PH052003000
Sikatuna PH071241000
Tabogon PH072248000
Merida PH083736000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Dauin PH074609000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Catarman PH084805000
Piddig PH012818000
Panukulan PH045631000
Sibonga PH072246000
Tuburan PH072252000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Carigara PH083715000
Mambusao PH061908000
Dingle PH063016000
City of Passi PH063035000
Ronda PH072239000
Guimbal PH063020000
Camalig PH050502000
Malinao PH050510000
Tigaon PH051736000
Pandan PH052006000
Libmanan PH051718000
Libmanan PH051718000
Bato PH052003000
Mabini PH118203000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Panay PH061909000
Catubig PH084806000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Kananga PH083726000
Zarraga PH063047000
M'Lang PH124710000
Baungon PH101301000
Ragay PH051730000
Calape PH071210000
Catigbian PH071213000
Carmen PH072215000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Calinog PH063013000
Naga City PH051724000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Lingayen PH015522000
Lingayen PH015522000
Gasan PH174003000
Dolores PH140107000
Bacarra PH012802000
Tagudin PH012933000
Burgos PH013308000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Libon PH050507000
Tiwi PH050518000
Cataingan PH054105000
Castilla PH056206000
Naval PH087808000
Roxas PH175212000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Libtong PH175902006
Libtong (East Poblacion) PH083743009
Libua PH126509021
Libuac PH160307010
Libuac PH166724023
Libuak PH112317019
Libucan Dacu PH086020027
Libucan Gote PH086020028
Libucon PH097220015
Libudon PH112509016
Libueg PH036903025
Libug PH150705024
Libuganan PH097324015
Libungan PH153834007
Libungan Torreta PH124711016
Liburon PH072214006
Liburon PH072241011
Libutan PH153820007
Libutan PH153837015
Libuton PH082604028
Libuton PH097207005
Libuton PH112324005
Licabang PH097308017
Licaong PH034917013
Licapao PH103522012
Liciada PH031406007
Lico PH031422011
Lico PH063002030
Lico PH087808012
Lico PH153637009
Lico PH175903008
Lico-an PH063007016
Lico-an PH076104010
Licoan PH101319003
Licod (Pob.) PH083748042
Licolico PH071239011
Licomo PH097332100
Licos PH072223020
Licsi PH015525024
Lictin PH052008020
Licu-an PH063016017
Licuma PH083738097
Licungan (Cullang) PH012931004
Licup PH112317020
Licup PH156601019
Licuro-an PH097318038
Lidasan PH153610036
Lidong PH050514028
Lidong PH050516005
Lidong PH051601009
Lidong PH051711023
Lidong PH051729011
Ligao PH126509043
Ligas PH031410022
Ligas I PH042103010
Ligas II PH042103035
Ligas III PH042103036
Ligaya PH012815008
Ligaya PH025701005
Ligaya PH034907009


Banton PH175902000
San Miguel PH083743000
Palimbang PH126509000
Rosario PH160307000
Surigao City PH166724000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Sirawai PH097220000
City of Mati PH112509000
Camiling PH036903000
Sumisip PH150705000
San Miguel PH097324000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
City of Carcar PH072214000
San Fernando PH072241000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Manukan PH097207000
San Isidro PH112324000
Dumingag PH097308000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Tubod PH103522000
Bustos PH031406000
San Rafael PH031422000
Alimodian PH063002000
Naval PH087808000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Maria PH076104000
Sumilao PH101319000
Tanauan PH083748000
Sevilla PH071239000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Danao City PH072223000
Manaoag PH015525000
San Andres PH052008000
Dingle PH063016000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Sugpon PH012931000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Indanan PH156601000
Midsalip PH097318000
Kapai PH153610000
Polangui PH050514000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Basud PH051601000
Caramoan PH051711000
Presentacion PH051729000
Palimbang PH126509000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Pagudpud PH012815000
Aglipay PH025701000
Gabaldon PH034907000


Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ligaya PH034915011
Ligaya PH041016009
Ligaya PH084816005
Ligaya PH086011010
Ligaya PH098307013
Ligaya PH126303015
Ligaya PH175109008
Ligaya (Pob.) PH175909020
Ligayan PH157011007
Ligban PH050502022
Ligid-Tipas PH137607007
Ligpit Bantayan PH045618028
Ligtasan PH036916041
Ligtong I PH042117005
Ligtong II PH042117006
Ligtong III PH042117012
Ligtong IV PH042117014
Ligtos PH063028052
Liguac PH097213015
Liguac PH097338005
Liguan PH050515019
Ligue PH015511035
Ligue PH153612052
Liguis PH140108006
Liguron PH101320013
Lihbug Kabaw PH156616004
Lika PH124710016
Likas Ng Silangan (Pob.) PH175104013
Likbah PH156616010
Liki PH072208018
Liki PH072247012
Likod PH083723017
Likud PH156610008
Likud Bakkao PH157008002
Likud Dampong PH157006038
Likud Tabawan PH157006019
Lilibangan PH036905013
Lilimasan PH015532041
Lilingayon PH101321013
Liliongan PH124702019
Liliputen PH012819013
Lilit PH126508009
Lilitun PH153613022
Lilo-an PH060413010
Lilo-an PH076104011
Liloan PH072245004
Liloan PH083738059
Liloan PH101801007
Liloan PH104203013
Liloan Norte PH071224030
Liloan Sur PH071224031
Lilod PH153603031
Lilod PH153619028
Lilod Borocot PH153634052
Lilod Madaya (Pob.) PH153617057
Lilod Maguing PH153634048
Lilod Raybalai PH153619030
Lilod Saduc PH153617058
Lilod Tamparan PH153626009
Lilod Tubok PH153626077


Llanera PH034915000
Mabini PH041016000
Rosario PH084816000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Mabuhay PH098307000
General Santos City PH126303000
Sablayan PH175109000
Odiongan PH175909000
Sibutu PH157011000
Camalig PH050502000
Taguig City PH137607000
Guinayangan PH045618000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Rosario PH042117000
Rosario PH042117000
Rosario PH042117000
Rosario PH042117000
Leon PH063028000
Salug PH097213000
Pitogo PH097338000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Bayambang PH015511000
Lumbatan PH153612000
La Paz PH140108000
Talakag PH101320000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
M'Lang PH124710000
Lubang PH175104000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Balamban PH072208000
Sogod PH072247000
Jaro PH083723000
Pata PH156610000
Turtle Islands PH157008000
South Ubian PH157006000
South Ubian PH157006000
Concepcion PH036905000
San Carlos City PH015532000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Carmen PH124702000
Pinili PH012819000
Lambayong PH126508000
Madalum PH153613000
Malinao PH060413000
Maria PH076104000
Santander PH072245000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Catarman PH101801000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Inabanga PH071224000
Inabanga PH071224000
Balindong PH153603000
Mulondo PH153619000
Maguing PH153634000
Marawi City PH153617000
Maguing PH153634000
Mulondo PH153619000
Marawi City PH153617000
Tamparan PH153626000
Tamparan PH153626000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lilukin PH045605019
Lim-ao PH083726007
Lim-ao PH086008009
Lima PH083741016
Limabatong PH097317016
Limaha Pob. (Bgy. 14) PH160202055
Limalima PH064514011
Limamawan PH097311017
Limamawan PH097317014
Limamawan PH097328016
Limao PH043406008
Limao PH112317021
Limaong PH097332040
Limarayon PH086003082
Limas PH097344009
Limason PH097341006
Limba PH083728017
Limba-an PH112314006
Limbahan PH112507015
Limbalud PH153822005
Limbayan PH097338006
Limbayan PH153811013
Limbo PH118204016
Limbo PH153603033
Limbo PH153812024
Limbo-Upas PH150706012
Limbocandis PH150705042
Limbon PH042110018
Limbon PH045645020
Limbon-limbon PH045804021
Limbonga (Limboangan) PH097225007
Limbubong PH150704006
Limbuhan Daku PH083748029
Limbuhan Guti PH083748030
Limbujan PH082607006
Limburan PH083710039
Liminangcong PH175320013
Limo-ok PH150702028
Limocon PH071247020
Limogao PH153625013
Limokon Ilaod PH071220023
Limokon Ilaya PH071220024
Limon Norte PH175907006
Limon Sur PH175907007
Limonan PH097324016
Limonda PH104321007
Limos PH143209014
Limot PH112511005
Limot PH160313005
Limpapa PH097216008
Limpapa PH097332041
Limpongo PH153835004
Limuhay PH126512014
Limulan PH126505011
Limwag PH103503008
Linab PH063029029
Linaban PH060608031
Linabo PH097210012
Linabo PH101312026
Linabo PH101317012


Buenavista PH045605000
Kananga PH083726000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Pastrana PH083741000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Butuan City PH160202000
Isabela PH064514000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Tambulig PH097328000
Calauan PH043406000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Tigbao PH097344000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
La Paz PH083728000
New Corella PH112314000
Lupon PH112507000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Pitogo PH097338000
Parang PH153811000
Maco PH118204000
Balindong PH153603000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Tipo-Tipo PH150706000
Sumisip PH150705000
Indang PH042110000
Sariaya PH045645000
Binangonan PH045804000
Godod PH097225000
Maluso PH150704000
Tanauan PH083748000
Tanauan PH083748000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Burauen PH083710000
Taytay PH175320000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Valencia PH071247000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Dimiao PH071220000
Dimiao PH071220000
Looc PH175907000
Looc PH175907000
San Miguel PH097324000
Opol PH104321000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Tarragona PH112511000
Veruela PH160313000
Sibuco PH097216000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Datu Hoffer Ampatuan PH153835000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Baroy PH103503000
Maasin PH063029000
Hamtic PH060608000
Polanco PH097210000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Quezon PH101317000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Linabo (Pob.) PH097201053

Linabu PH104302015
Linabuan Norte PH060407009
Linabuan Sur PH060403013
Linadasan PH118601012
Linaga PH051710007
Liñagan Calsada PH063029027
Liñagan Tacas PH063029028
Linamanan PH023115021
Linambasan PH061906017
Linamon PH153624045
Linampongan PH061912016
Linamunan PH153816019
Linan PH126317009
Linandangan PH153810017
Linangcob PH124704016
Linangkayan PH104320002
Linantangan PH153837009
Linantayan PH074605006
Linantuyan PH074611016
Linao PH021505027
Linao PH034914002
Linao PH036911005
Linao PH050507021
Linao PH050515020
Linao PH061909028
Linao PH063007017
Linao PH072232007
Linao PH072250008
Linao PH083721013
Linao PH083738060
Linao PH083742014
Linao PH083748031
Linao PH103521009
Linao PH112324006
Linao PH124708019
Linao PH153604018
Linao PH153613023
Linao PH153625012
Linao PH175904002
Linao PH064515010
Linao PH074622011
Linao East PH021529027
Linao Norte PH021529046
Linao West PH021529047
Linaon PH064507017
Linapew PH013320012
Linasin PH037111008
Linateran PH061909029
Linawan PH071203008
Linawan PH112401012
Linawan PH175912004
Linay PH097207006
Linay PH097224007
Linayasan PH060401006
Linayuan PH063004015
Lincod PH071232014
Linconan PH104203014
Lincoro PH086025017
Lincud PH063016018


Dapitan City PH097201000

Balingasag PH104302000
Kalibo PH060407000
Banga PH060403000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Canaman PH051710000
Linagan Calsada Maasin PH063029000
Linagan Tacas Maasin PH063029000
Jones PH023115000
Jamindan PH061906000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Talayan PH153816000
Tupi PH126317000
Pagalungan PH153810000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Naawan PH104320000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Basay PH074605000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Aparri PH021505000
Licab PH034914000
Pura PH036911000
Libon PH050507000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Panay PH061909000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Minglanilla PH072232000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Inopacan PH083721000
Ormoc City PH083738000
San Isidro PH083742000
Tanauan PH083748000
Tangcal PH103521000
San Isidro PH112324000
Matalam PH124708000
Bayang PH153604000
Madalum PH153613000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Calatrava PH175904000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Tayasan PH074622000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Cauayan PH064507000
Tubao PH013320000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Panay PH061909000
Anda PH071203000
Bansalan PH112401000
San Andres PH175912000
Manukan PH097207000
Baliguian PH097224000
Altavas PH060401000
Badiangan PH063004000
Maribojoc PH071232000
Bonifacio PH104203000
San Jorge PH086025000
Dingle PH063016000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Linda PH118209008
Lindaban PH101314009
Lindang PH098303011
Lindero PH060607050
Lindero PH060609021
Lindero PH060610007
Lindogon PH072246016
Lindongan PH103503009
Lindongan PH103514011
Lindongan PH103521010
Lindongan PH153626010
Lindongan Dialongana PH153611052
Lindoy PH166818016
Linek PH153807022
Linga PH043422008
Lingah PH156604014
Lingaling PH023134008
Lingaling PH023137025
Lingasad PH097210013
Lingating PH101301008
Lingatongan PH097207020
Lingatongan PH104206006
Lingay PH140104003
Lingay PH142703013
Lingayao PH160207005
Lingayon PH083702027
Lingayon PH097216009
Lingco-an PH103514012
Lingco-an PH103521011
Lingga PH043405021
Linggangao PH104302016
Lingi-on PH101320014
Lingion PH101314010
Linglingay PH023101014
Linglingay PH023108040
Linglingay PH023113011
Linglingay PH034917014
Lingoy PH144401007
Lingsat PH012903012
Lingsat PH012926018
Lingsat PH013314030
Lingtan PH140101011
Lingu PH021527016
Linguisan PH098316006
Lingunan PH137504014
Linibonan PH166813014
Lininding PH103514013
Lininding PH153621015
Linindingan PH103517010
Linindingan PH153620054
Lininti-an (Pob.) PH166805009
Linmansangan PH015503014
Linmansangan PH015512009
Linmansangan PH015527042
Linno (Villa Cruz*) PH021521014
Linoan PH118208011
Linobayan PH063045038
Linoc PH015513016
Linoguayan PH097341007
Linokmadalum PH097313010


Nabunturan PH118209000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Diplahan PH098303000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Laua-An PH060609000
Libertad PH060610000
Sibonga PH072246000
Baroy PH103503000
Munai PH103514000
Tangcal PH103521000
Tamparan PH153626000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Tago PH166818000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Pila PH043422000
Luuk PH156604000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Tumauini PH023137000
Polanco PH097210000
Baungon PH101301000
Manukan PH097207000
Concepcion PH104206000
Bucloc PH140104000
Kiangan PH142703000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Alangalang PH083702000
Sibuco PH097216000
Munai PH103514000
Tangcal PH103521000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Balingasag PH104302000
Talakag PH101320000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Alicia PH023101000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Gamu PH023113000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Barlig PH144401000
Bantay PH012903000
Santa Maria PH012926000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Bangued PH140101000
Solana PH021527000
Tungawan PH098316000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Madrid PH166813000
Munai PH103514000
Piagapo PH153621000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Cantilan PH166805000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Binalonan PH015512000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Rizal PH021521000
Montevista PH118208000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Binmaley PH015513000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Lapuyan PH097313000


Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Linomot PH023115022
Linong PH013317012
Linongan PH150708002
Linongganan PH166719007
Linonoban PH086012020
Linosutan PH112317022
Linothangan PH074608004
Lintangan PH097216010
Lintaon PH083708039
Lintic PH012902010
Lintuan PH071230040
Lintugop PH097302032
Lintum PH097343012
Linuan PH013308008
Linuan PH150709012
Linuho PH156609026
Linuk PH153609009
Linuk PH153613024
Linuk PH153614013
Linuk PH153623022
Linuk PH153626011
Linuk (Pob.) PH153604019
Linuk Oriental PH153626013
Linusungan PH037111010
Linut-od PH072205030
Lioac Norte PH013311023
Lioac Sur PH013311024
Lioes PH012808008
Liong PH054105016
Liong PH061914034
Liong PH072224024
Liong PH101802004
Liong PH153604020
Liong PH153806025
Liong PH153814011
Liong PH153818004
Liong PH153836010
Liozon PH037108007
Lip-ac PH063039018
Lip-tong PH072245005
Lipa PH101317013
Lipa PH153818005
Lipa PH174005032
Lipacan PH098308016
Lipahan PH041023020
Lipakan PH097211007
Lipakan PH097213017
Lipanto PH086412016
Lipao PH153805021
Lipason PH056213027
Lipat-on PH064505018
Lipata PH045629008
Lipata PH045631007
Lipata PH054102015
Lipata PH060606024
Lipata PH063008010
Lipata PH071235013
Lipata PH084801011
Lipata PH086010017
Lipata PH086022016


Jones PH023115000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Akbar PH150708000
San Francisco PH166719000
Motiong PH086012000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Sibuco PH097216000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Loon PH071230000
Aurora PH097302000
Guipos PH097343000
Burgos PH013308000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Parang PH156609000
Ganassi PH153609000
Madalum PH153613000
Madamba PH153614000
Pualas PH153623000
Tamparan PH153626000
Bayang PH153604000
Tamparan PH153626000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Argao PH072205000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Currimao PH012808000
Cataingan PH054105000
Roxas City PH061914000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
Bayang PH153604000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Barira PH153818000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Palauig PH037108000
San Enrique PH063039000
Santander PH072245000
Quezon PH101317000
Barira PH153818000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Malangas PH098308000
San Juan PH041023000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Salug PH097213000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Pilar PH056213000
Calatrava PH064505000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Panukulan PH045631000
Baleno PH054102000
Culasi PH060606000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Pres. Carlos P. Garcia PH071235000
Allen PH084801000
Marabut PH086010000
Paranas PH086022000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lipata PH166724024
Lipatan PH021526015
Lipawan PH097308018
Lipawan PH153818006
Lipay PH012822011
Lipay PH015547009
Lipay PH037108008
Lipay PH037113011
Lipay PH097222012
Lipay-Dingin-Panibuatan PH037105010
Lipay Este PH013315013
Lipay Norte PH013315014
Lipay Proper PH013315015
Lipay Sur PH013315016
Lipayo PH074609011
Lipayran PH072209013
Lipcan PH140101012
Lipilip PH051734021
Lipit PH012905016
Lipit PH037706014
Lipit-Tomeeng PH015533027
Lipit Norte PH015525025
Lipit Sur PH015525026
Lipol PH118605003
Liponpon, Isla Verde PH041005037
Liposong PH104210031
Lipot PH051721010
Lipot North (Pob.) PH175308004
Lipot South (Pob.) PH175308005
Liptong PH074603009
Liptong PH074623014
Lipuga PH025015004
Lipunos PH156609027
Liputan PH031412013
Liquicia PH013309005
Lira (Pob.) PH012920019
Lirongan PH101320015
Lisap PH175203015
Lisondra PH166724025
Lisqueb PH013303021
Lisub PH060602024
Lisub A PH060601011
Lisub B PH060601012
Lita (Pob.) PH023117004
Lita (Pob.) PH045647039
Litalip PH097222013
Litan PH097343013
Litapan PH097337006
Litapan PH104210032
Litawan PH097216011
Litayon PH098301014
Literon PH086004017
Litlit PH042118021
Litolet PH097215012
Litos PH112414011
Little Baguio PH098304009
Little Baguio PH098306014
Little Baguio PH101318016
Little Baguio PH118603022
Little Baguio PH126313020


Surigao City PH166724000

Santo Niño PH021526000
Dumingag PH097308000
Barira PH153818000
Solsona PH012822000
Villasis PH015547000
Palauig PH037108000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Iba PH037105000
San Gabriel PH013315000
San Gabriel PH013315000
San Gabriel PH013315000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Dauin PH074609000
Bantayan PH072209000
Bangued PH140101000
Sipocot PH051734000
Cabugao PH012905000
Dipaculao PH037706000
San Fabian PH015533000
Manaoag PH015525000
Manaoag PH015525000
Sarangani PH118605000
Batangas City PH041005000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Milaor PH051721000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Bacong PH074603000
Valencia PH074623000
Alfonso Castaneda PH025015000
Parang PH156609000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Caba PH013309000
San Juan PH012920000
Talakag PH101320000
Bongabong PH175203000
Surigao City PH166724000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Barbaza PH060602000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Maconacon PH023117000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Guipos PH097343000
Josefina PH097337000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Sibuco PH097216000
Alicia PH098301000
Calbiga PH086004000
Silang PH042118000
Siayan PH097215000
Sulop PH112414000
Imelda PH098304000
Kabasalan PH098306000
San Fernando PH101318000
Malita PH118603000
Surallah PH126313000


Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Little Baguio PH137405009

Little Margos PH098316021
Little Panay PH112315016
Little Tadian PH142707019
Little Tanauan PH175212020
Little Venice (Pob.) PH084808034
Liu-Bud Pantao PH156613028
Liwa-liwa PH015514015
Liwacsa PH051729012
Liwan PH021521015
Liwan East PH143211006
Liwan Norte PH021512011
Liwan Sur PH021512012
Liwan West PH143211007
Liwanag PH023137026
Liwanag PH097214011
Liwanag-Loakan PH141102145
Liwanag (Pob.) PH175316020
Liwanag (Pob.) PH175909021
Liwanay (Barrio 1) PH126302014
Liwayway PH025703019
Liwayway PH034928003
Liwayway PH045627012
Liwayway PH083730011
Liwayway (Pob.) PH175909031
Liwliwa PH023102029
Liwo PH142706019
Liya-liya PH060609022
Liyaburan PH157001014
Liyang PH030811014
Liyang PH031410023
Liyang PH043408014
Liyang PH043429011
Liyang PH097201020
Liyubud PH157003014
Lizada PH112402057
Lizon Valley PH097322028
Llamera PH168504015
Llavac PH043429012
Llavac PH045638005
Lloren PH013320020
Lo-oc PH071210019
Lo-oc PH084801020
Lo-oc PH074604018
Lo-ok PH084809009
Lo-ok PH086401008
Lo-ok PH087801004
Lo-ok PH150702032
Lo-ok (Pob.) PH064505019
Lo-ong PH063015013
Loacan PH141106004
Loakan Proper PH141102054
Loay PH072251021
Loay PH097223018
Loba-loba PH051718033
Lobbot PH037706015
Lobe-lobe PH083717030
Lobe-lobe East PH083717060
Lobelobe PH086018009
Lobgob PH071239012


City of San Juan PH137405000

Tungawan PH098316000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Roxas PH175212000
Laoang PH084808000
Talipao PH156613000
Bolinao PH015514000
Presentacion PH051729000
Rizal PH021521000
Rizal PH143211000
Enrile PH021512000
Enrile PH021512000
Rizal PH143211000
Tumauini PH023137000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Baguio City PH141102000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Odiongan PH175909000
Banga PH126302000
Diffun PH025703000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Mauban PH045627000
Macarthur PH083730000
Odiongan PH175909000
Angadanan PH023102000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Laua-An PH060609000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Pilar PH030811000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Famy PH043408000
Siniloan PH043429000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Mapun PH157003000
Davao City PH112402000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Libjo PH168504000
Siniloan PH043429000
Real PH045638000
Tubao PH013320000
Calape PH071210000
Allen PH084801000
Bais City PH074604000
Lapinig PH084809000
Anahawan PH086401000
Almeria PH087801000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Calatrava PH064505000
Concepcion PH063015000
Itogon PH141106000
Baguio City PH141102000
Toledo City PH072251000
Gutalac PH097223000
Libmanan PH051718000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Dagami PH083717000
Dagami PH083717000
Santo Niño PH086018000
Sevilla PH071239000


NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region

Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lobing PH098303012
Lobo PH086005024
Lobo PH086411011
Lobo PH166805017
Lobo Basara PH153611054
Loboc PH098316016
Loboc-Lapuz PH063022094
Loboc Lower PH104209021
Loboc Upper PH104209022
Lobogon PH071221011
Lobogon PH104201015
Lobogon PH166708014
Lobong PH015534010
Lobong PH051703011
Loccong PH143215011
Locloc PH037108009
Locloc PH041006018
Locloc PH041024012
Locotan PH064515011
Locsin (Pob.) PH063023051
Locso-An PH054117015
Locso-on PH082604029
Locso-on PH104216021
Loctob PH071247021
Loctob PH086013015
Loctugan PH061914036
Locuban PH097307026
Locus PH104213011
Lodiong PH104203015
Lodlod PH041014025
Logac PH021516021
Logan PH098305043
Logbon PH175910018
Logero PH086010006
Logohon PH060410011
Logon PH072221010
Logpond PH098308018
Logpond PH098313044
Logsongan PH083710040
Logucan PH076104013
Loguilo PH104301006
Loguingot (Loguingot Island) PH063019012
Logung PH021504032
Loho PH051717017
Lohong PH051730022
Loing (Pob.) PH012818015
Lokilokon PH086022017
Lolomboy PH031404013
Loma PH041007021
Loma PH042102005
Loma PH043403011
Loma de Gato PH031411006
Lomacao PH050504018
Lomangcapan PH076101008
Lomangog PH071246031
Lomanoy PH071227011
Lomatud (Burak) PH082623010
Lombo PH072229008
Lombog PH071223016
Lomboy PH013317013


Diplahan PH098303000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Cantilan PH166805000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Tungawan PH098316000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Duero PH071221000
Aloran PH104201000
Del Carmen PH166708000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Bato PH051703000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Palauig PH037108000
Bauan PH041006000
San Luis PH041024000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Janiuay PH063023000
Placer PH054117000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Tudela PH104216000
Valencia PH071247000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Roxas City PH061914000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Lipa City PH041014000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Ipil PH098305000
Romblon PH175910000
Marabut PH086010000
Madalag PH060410000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Malangas PH098308000
Siay PH098313000
Burauen PH083710000
Maria PH076104000
Alubijid PH104301000
Estancia PH063019000
Amulung PH021504000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Ragay PH051730000
Piddig PH012818000
Paranas PH086022000
Bocaue PH031404000
Calaca PH041007000
Amadeo PH042102000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Marilao PH031411000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Ubay PH071246000
Lila PH071227000
Taft PH082623000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Guindulman PH071223000
Santo Tomas PH013317000


Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lomboy PH015513017
Lomboy PH015518016
Lomboy PH015547010
Lomboy PH023102033
Lomboy PH034930033
Lomboy PH036907012
Lomboy PH037102013
Lomboy PH037113012
Lomboy PH061909030
Lomboy PH063040048
Lomboy PH071210020
Lomboy PH071224032
Lomboyan (Santa Ana) PH063040078
Lombuyan PH060602025
Lomidong PH103516013
Lomidong PH153617060
Lomigis Sucod PH153618043
Lomocloc PH054113010
Lomogom PH097225008
Lomonay PH124713016
Lomonon PH083740023
Lomopog PH124709022
Lomoyon PH126502016
Lomoyon PH153805013
Lomuyon PH128003010
Lon-oy PH013315017
Londres PH084801012
Longanapan PH118202012
Longilog PH098315013
Longmot PH097344010
Longos PH015517011
Longos PH015532043
Longos PH015533014
Longos PH031402005
Longos PH031407015
Longos PH031410025
Longos PH031412014
Longos PH031418010
Longos PH037102014
Longos PH043409001
Longos PH137502010
Longos-Amangonan-Parac-Parac Fabrica PH015533034
Longos Proper PH015533035
Longsob PH086003084
Lonoc PH063028053
Lonos PH175910020
Lonoy PH061914037
Lonoy PH061915007
Lonoy PH063013044
Lonoy PH071225021
Lonoy PH083726008
Lonoy PH084807014
Lonoy PH086003085
Lonoy PH086407033
Lonoy PH074604019
Lonoy (Roman Mosqueda) PH063019018
Lonoy Cainsican PH071224033
Lonoy Roma PH071224034
Loo PH141105010
Loob PH034906028


Binmaley PH015513000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Villasis PH015547000
Angadanan PH023102000
Talavera PH034930000
La Paz PH036907000
Cabangan PH037102000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Panay PH061909000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Calape PH071210000
Inabanga PH071224000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Barbaza PH060602000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Marawi City PH153617000
Masiu PH153618000
Mobo PH054113000
Godod PH097225000
President Roxas PH124713000
Palompon PH083740000
Midsayap PH124709000
Columbio PH126502000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Kiamba PH128003000
San Gabriel PH013315000
Allen PH084801000
Laak PH118202000
Titay PH098315000
Tigbao PH097344000
Calasiao PH015517000
San Carlos City PH015532000
San Fabian PH015533000
Balagtas PH031402000
Calumpit PH031407000
City of Malolos PH031410000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Pulilan PH031418000
Cabangan PH037102000
Kalayaan PH043409000
City of Malabon PH137502000
San Fabian PH015533000
San Fabian PH015533000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Leon PH063028000
Romblon PH175910000
Roxas City PH061914000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Calinog PH063013000
Jagna PH071225000
Kananga PH083726000
Gamay PH084807000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Bais City PH074604000
Estancia PH063019000
Inabanga PH071224000
Inabanga PH071224000
Buguias PH141105000
Cuyapo PH034906000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Loob PH041018011
Loob PH045641010
Loob PH051713004
Looban (Pob.) PH056204007
Looc PH037104004
Looc PH041004003
Looc PH041019028
Looc PH043405023
Looc PH045806014
Looc PH054106013
Looc PH054110013
Looc PH071225022
Looc PH071230041
Looc PH071233006
Looc PH072223021
Looc PH072225008
Looc PH072226014
Looc PH072229007
Looc PH072230016
Looc PH072235015
Looc PH072243017
Looc PH072245006
Looc PH076104012
Looc PH086003083
Looc PH086415016
Looc PH086418014
Looc PH087803010
Looc PH087804007
Looc PH087805010
Looc PH101801008
Looc PH104322008
Looc PH104326011
Looc PH074610015
Looc PH074620008
Looc-Barlak PH098307014
Looc-labuan PH098316007
Looc Norte PH072206012
Looc Proper PH104212018
Looc Sapi PH098310012
Loog PH086002021
Look 1st PH031410026
Look 2nd PH031410027
Look Natuh PH157010016
Lookan Banaran PH157010002
Lookan Latuan PH157010017
Lookbisaya (Kaulungan Island) PH150709013
Loon PH060609019
Loong PH072248011
Looy PH153817007
Lope De Vega (Pob.) PH084824010
Lopero PH097222014
Lopez PH012902011
Lopez (Pob.) PH015527043
Lopez Jaena PH126311009
Lopez Jaena PH141102055
Lopez Jaena PH064520018
Lopez Jaena PH064523011
Lopez Jaena - Rizal (Pob.) PH063018048
Lopez Jaena (Jaro) PH063022093
Lopez Jaena Norte PH063022095


Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Antonio PH045641000
Gainza PH051713000
Bulusan PH056204000
Castillejos PH037104000
Balete PH041004000
Nasugbu PH041019000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Cardona PH045806000
Cawayan PH054106000
Mandaon PH054110000
Jagna PH071225000
Loon PH071230000
Panglao PH071233000
Danao City PH072223000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Oslob PH072235000
San Remigio PH072243000
Santander PH072245000
Maria PH076104000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Ricardo PH086415000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Caibiran PH087804000
Culaba PH087805000
Catarman PH101801000
Salay PH104322000
Villanueva PH104326000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Sibulan PH074620000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Tungawan PH098316000
Asturias PH072206000
Plaridel PH104212000
Olutanga PH098310000
Basey PH086002000
City of Malolos PH031410000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Laua-An PH060609000
Tabogon PH072248000
South Upi PH153817000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Norala PH126311000
Baguio City PH141102000
Murcia PH064520000
Sagay City PH064523000
Dumangas PH063018000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lopez Jaena Sur PH063022096

Lopez Jaena Ward (Pob.) PH063037032
Lopez Vito PH063040049
Lopoc (Pob.) PH097205022
Lopoken (Lepolon) PH126509038
Loqueb Este PH015524041
Loqueb Norte PH015524042
Loqueb Sur PH015524043
Lorega (Lorega San Miguel) PH072217042
Lorenzo PH153602027
Lorenzo (Pob.) PH012811014
Lorenzo Tan PH104215022
Loreto PH056206015
Loreto PH071216003
Loria PH023102034
Los Amigos PH112402058
Los Angeles PH071246030
Los Angeles PH160202056
Los Angeles PH175314009
Los Arcos PH160306011
Los Martires PH083717029
Losa PH086006028
Losad PH144407009
Lote PH030803027
Lotloton PH076101009
Lotuban PH074625003
Lourdes PH034928029
Lourdes PH035405013
Lourdes PH035414003
Lourdes PH035416013
Lourdes PH036902007
Lourdes PH036916042
Lourdes PH045622043
Lourdes PH050514029
Lourdes PH051701010
Lourdes PH051719022
Lourdes PH052006011
Lourdes PH056207019
Lourdes PH056213028
Lourdes PH071216004
Lourdes PH071233007
Lourdes PH083702028
Lourdes PH083741030
Lourdes PH084810022
Lourdes PH097322029
Lourdes PH101303006
Lourdes PH101321014
Lourdes PH104301007
Lourdes PH137404054
Lourdes PH175105007
Lourdes (El Escaño) PH023102026
Lourdes (Lauc Pau) PH035408010
Lourdes (Matungal-tungal) PH034903051
Lourdes (Pob.) PH072211016
Lourdes (Santa Lourdes) PH051705040
Lourdes North West PH035401010
Lourdes Old PH051723011
Lourdes Subdivision Extension PH141102056
Lourdes Subdivision, Lower PH141102059
Lourdes Subdivision, Proper PH141102122


Iloilo City PH063022000

Pototan PH063037000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Labason PH097205000
Palimbang PH126509000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Cebu City PH072217000
Balabagan PH153602000
Banna PH012811000
Tangub City PH104215000
Castilla PH056206000
Cortes PH071216000
Angadanan PH023102000
Davao City PH112402000
Ubay PH071246000
Butuan City PH160202000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Dagami PH083717000
Daram PH086006000
Sabangan PH144407000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Candaba PH035405000
Minalin PH035414000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Bamban PH036902000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Lopez PH045622000
Polangui PH050514000
Baao PH051701000
Lupi PH051719000
Pandan PH052006000
Donsol PH056207000
Pilar PH056213000
Cortes PH071216000
Panglao PH071233000
Alangalang PH083702000
Pastrana PH083741000
Las Navas PH084810000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Dangcagan PH101303000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Alubijid PH104301000
Quezon City PH137404000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Lourdes (El Escano) Angadanan PH023102000
Lubao PH035408000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Buhi PH051705000
Angeles City PH035401000
Nabua PH051723000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lourdes Sur PH035401011

Lourdes Sur East PH035401012
Lourdes Young PH051723012
Lourmah (Lower Mahayag) PH097315011
Lowan PH083734013
Lower Bagong Tudela PH097337007
Lower Baguer PH124711017
Lower Bala PH112407010
Lower Baluran PH098304001
Lower Bañas PH150703024
Lower Bangad PH143215023
Lower Bato-bato PH150708003
Lower Bayao PH097330011
Lower Becerril PH072212004
Lower Bicutan PH137607008
Lower Binuang PH156613029
Lower Cabangcalan PH076103009
Lower Campo Islam (Pob.) PH097312013
Lower Caningag (Perimbangan) PH103511015
Lower Caynaga PH084824011
Lower Dado PH124701015
Lower Dilag PH153833005
Lower Dimalinao PH097319016
Lower Dimaya PH097306013
Lower Dimorok PH097319015
Lower Glad PH124709023
Lower Gumay PH097209011
Lower Hiraan PH083715022
Lower Idtig PH153819009
Lower Ipil Heights PH098305013
Lower Itil PH153602029
Lower Jasaan (Pob.) PH104311007
Lower Kamuntayan PH156613030
Lower Katingawan PH124709024
Lower Katipunan PH112411004
Lower Katungal PH126511008
Lower Landing PH097308019
Lower Laus PH156613031
Lower Liasan PH097328019
Lower Libas PH166725009
Lower Limonzo PH112411005
Lower Lodiong (Pob.) PH097328020
Lower Lubo PH143214007
Lower Lux PH097223033
Lower Maculan PH126319011
Lower Mainit PH128007015
Lower Malamote PH124708020
Lower Malinao PH112411006
Lower Mangali PH143214005
Lower Manggas PH150703008
Lower Marber PH112410019
Lower Maton PH148106010
Lower Mingading PH124717007
Lower Natimao-an PH072215014
Lower Olave PH160201027
Lower Omon PH051730023
Lower Panaga (Roxas) PH112315017
Lower Pangangkalan PH124711018
Lower Paniki-an PH097338007
Lower Patag PH166722005


Angeles City PH035401000

Angeles City PH035401000
Nabua PH051723000
Mahayag PH097315000
Matalom PH083734000
Josefina PH097337000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Imelda PH098304000
Lower Banas Lantawan PH150703000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Akbar PH150708000
Tukuran PH097330000
Boljoon PH072212000
Taguig City PH137607000
Talipao PH156613000
Lazi PH076103000
Labangan PH097312000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Alamada PH124701000
Pandag PH153833000
Molave PH097319000
Dinas PH097306000
Molave PH097319000
Midsayap PH124709000
Piñan PH097209000
Carigara PH083715000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Ipil PH098305000
Balabagan PH153602000
Jasaan PH104311000
Talipao PH156613000
Midsayap PH124709000
Padada PH112411000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Dumingag PH097308000
Talipao PH156613000
Tambulig PH097328000
Tagana-An PH166725000
Padada PH112411000
Tambulig PH097328000
Tanudan PH143214000
Gutalac PH097223000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Malungon PH128007000
Matalam PH124708000
Padada PH112411000
Tanudan PH143214000
Lantawan PH150703000
Matanao PH112410000
Pudtol PH148106000
Aleosan PH124717000
Carmen PH072215000
Buenavista PH160201000
Ragay PH051730000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Pitogo PH097338000
Sison PH166722000


Pampanga PH035400000 Region III

Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lower Patibulan PH156607028

Lower Poblacion PH072236006
Lower Pulacan PH097312014
Lower Salug Daku PH097315012
Lower Sambulawan PH097323014
Lower Sampunay PH156609045
Lower San Agustin PH013307034
Lower Sang-an PH097312028
Lower Santa Cruz PH051730024
Lower Santo Niño PH097315013
Lower Sibatang PH097322030
Lower Siling PH153803023
Lower Sinangkapan PH150707028
Lower Sinumaan PH156613032
Lower Sogod PH083715023
Lower Sulitan PH098309008
Lower Tablas PH150707041
Lower Talacogon PH104316006
Lower Talipao PH156613033
Lower Taloctoc PH143214006
Lower Tambaking PH156605019
Lower Taviran PH153814028
Lower Taway PH098305015
Lower Timonan PH097308020
Lower Tiparak PH097328021
Lower Tumapoc PH013308011
Lower Tungawan PH098316008
Lower Uma PH143206006
Lower Usogan PH097328022
Lower Usugan PH104203016
Lower Villa Jacinta PH086408010
Loyal PH175215010
Loyo (Pob.) PH086002037
Loyola PH166809014
Loyola Heights PH137404055
Loyola Heights (Pob.) PH082622005
Loyonsawang (Pob.) PH083701032
Loyuran PH097203026
Lt. Bilag PH148106027
Luac PH015508012
Luac PH175322008
Luacan PH030804016
Luag PH063017026
Lual PH037702015
Lual PH045620027
Lual (Pob.) PH045627017
Lual Rural PH045627042
Lualhati PH141102063
Luan PH071211010
Luan PH083718019
Luan PH086418027
Luan-luan PH063002031
Luanan PH097313011
Luanan PH124717008
Luayan PH153832003
Luayon PH124707019
Lub-lubba PH140107008
Luba PH012925016
Lubacan PH063020023
Luban PH112509017


Old Panamao PH156607000

Pilar PH072236000
Labangan PH097312000
Mahayag PH097315000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Parang PH156609000
Bauang PH013307000
Labangan PH097312000
Ragay PH051730000
Lower Santo Nino Mahayag PH097315000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Buluan PH153803000
Tuburan PH150707000
Talipao PH156613000
Carigara PH083715000
Naga PH098309000
Tuburan PH150707000
Lugait PH104316000
Talipao PH156613000
Tanudan PH143214000
Maimbung PH156605000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Ipil PH098305000
Dumingag PH097308000
Tambulig PH097328000
Burgos PH013308000
Tungawan PH098316000
Lubuagan PH143206000
Tambulig PH097328000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Macrohon PH086408000
Victoria PH175215000
Basey PH086002000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Quezon City PH137404000
Sulat PH082622000
Abuyog PH083701000
Katipunan PH097203000
Pudtol PH148106000
Bani PH015508000
Culion PH175322000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Dueñas PH063017000
Casiguran PH037702000
Infanta PH045620000
Mauban PH045627000
Mauban PH045627000
Baguio City PH141102000
Candijay PH071211000
Dulag PH083718000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Alimodian PH063002000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Aleosan PH124717000
Mangudadatu PH153832000
Makilala PH124707000
Dolores PH140107000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Guimbal PH063020000
City of Mati PH112509000


Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lubang PH071209028
Lubang PH086004018
Lubas PH051711024
Lubas PH052008021
Lubas PH141110010
Lubayat PH045638006
Lubbak Parang PH157003015
Lubgan PH051706015
Lubi PH045603017
Lubi-lubi PH083728018
Lubiano PH056213025
Lubid PH097302033
Lubid PH175310009
Lubigan PH012803018
Lubigan PH036918006
Lubigan PH045618029
Lubigan PH051703012
Lubigan PH097332042
Lubigan Jr. PH051734022
Lubigan Sr. PH051734023
Lubilan PH104320003
Lubing PH012904011
Lubing PH013316023
Lublub PH060618015
Lublub (Pob.) PH025015005
Lubluban PH104315004
Lubnac PH012823027
Lubnac PH012933027
Lubo PH021526016
Lubo PH045807007
Lubo PH072247013
Lubo PH103511008
Lubo PH141109002
Lubo PH153616044
Lubo-ong PH142702020
Lubog PH063045039
Lubogan PH112402059
Lubok PH097220016
Lubon PH144410013
Lubong PH012921004
Lubong PH012925015
Lubong PH012926019
Lubong PH015544034
Lubong PH140101013
Lubong PH148101004
Lubuk-lubuk PH156616005
Lubukan PH150712003
Lubusan PH097313012
Luca PH063001011
Luca PH072208019
Luca PH074621003
Lucab PH148104012
Lucaban PH012904012
Lucac PH160308009
Lucanin PH030807005
Lucao PH015518017
Lucap PH015503015
Lucapon North PH037113013
Lucapon South PH037113014
Lucatan PH112511006


Buenavista PH071209000
Calbiga PH086004000
Caramoan PH051711000
San Andres PH052008000
La Trinidad PH141110000
Real PH045638000
Mapun PH157003000
Bula PH051706000
Atimonan PH045603000
La Paz PH083728000
Pilar PH056213000
Aurora PH097302000
Cuyo PH175310000
Badoc PH012803000
San Jose PH036918000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Bato PH051703000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Sipocot PH051734000
Sipocot PH051734000
Naawan PH104320000
Burgos PH012904000
San Juan PH013316000
Valderrama PH060618000
Alfonso Castaneda PH025015000
Libertad PH104315000
Vintar PH012823000
Tagudin PH012933000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Jala-Jala PH045807000
Sogod PH072247000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Kibungan PH141109000
Marantao PH153616000
Hungduan PH142702000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Davao City PH112402000
Sirawai PH097220000
Tadian PH144410000
San Vicente PH012921000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Umingan PH015544000
Bangued PH140101000
Calanasan PH148101000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Hadji Muhtamad PH150712000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Ajuy PH063001000
Balamban PH072208000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
Kabugao PH148104000
Burgos PH012904000
San Francisco PH160308000
Mariveles PH030807000
Dagupan City PH015518000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Tarragona PH112511000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lucban PH021501011
Lucban PH023104024
Lucban PH023126006
Lucban PH142705006
Lucban (Pob.) PH015532044
Lucban Pook PH041003034
Lucban Putol PH041003033
Lucbanan PH051602009
Lucbuan PH175314010
Lucbuan PH175316021
Lucbuban PH012916013
Lucena PH160306012
Lucerdoni (Irong-irong) PH086020025
Lucero PH015514016
Lucero PH061906018
Lucero (Pob.) PH037111011
Luciano (Bitangan) PH042122015
Luciente 1.0 PH015514017
Luciente 2.0 PH015514018
Lucio Laurel PH175206013
Lucky PH041012014
Lucmayan PH067903011
Lucnab PH141102064
Lucob PH071210021
Lucob-lucob PH086006056
Lucoban PH097306012
Lucod PH112501017
Lucog PH143213020
Lucong PH043414003
Lucsoon PH087808013
Lucsuhin PH041008013
Lucsuhin PH041010009
Lucsuhin PH042118022
Luctob PH045625007
Luctoga PH060409013
Lucutan PH045627013
Ludiong PH097306014
Luec PH021510020
Luga PH021525005
Lugam PH031410028
Lugdungan PH097202006
Lugo PH072213013
Lugsad PH051708021
Lugsongan PH086419002
Lugta PH060609023
Lugui PH051606030
Luguna PH153632031
Lugus Proper PH156617011
Luhib PH126319012
Luhod PH072210021
Luhod-Bayang PH060611019
Luhong PH124715005
Luhong PH142710008
Luinab PH103504043
Luisita PH084823008
Luka PH072235016
Lukay PH083702029
Lukay PH083705021
Lukay PH083743014
Lukbuton PH099701027


Abulug PH021501000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Roxas PH023126000
Lamut PH142705000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Balayan PH041003000
Balayan PH041003000
Capalonga PH051602000
Magsaysay PH175314000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Salcedo PH012916000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Bolinao PH015514000
Jamindan PH061906000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Trece Martires City PH042122000
Bolinao PH015514000
Bolinao PH015514000
Gloria PH175206000
Lemery PH041012000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Baguio City PH141102000
Calape PH071210000
Daram PH086006000
Dinas PH097306000
Baganga PH112501000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Mabitac PH043414000
Naval PH087808000
Calatagan PH041008000
Ibaan PH041010000
Silang PH042118000
Macalelon PH045625000
Libacao PH060409000
Mauban PH045627000
Dinas PH097306000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Borbon PH072213000
Calabanga PH051708000
Limasawa PH086419000
Laua-An PH060609000
Labo PH051606000
Calanogas PH153632000
Lugus PH156617000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Barili PH072210000
Pandan PH060611000
Antipas PH124715000
Tinoc PH142710000
Iligan City PH103504000
Victoria PH084823000
Oslob PH072235000
Alangalang PH083702000
Babatngon PH083705000
San Miguel PH083743000
City of Isabela PH099701000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lukidnon PH025008010
Lukketon PH150705043
Luklukan Norte PH051605006
Luklukan Sur PH051605007
Luksuhin PH042101010
Luksuhin Ilaya PH042101024
Luksumbang PH150702035
Lukuan PH097333009
Lul-luno PH140114005
Lullutan PH023114050
Luluasan PH051702010
Lulugayan PH086009016
Lum-an PH086417017
Luma PH128003011
Lumaba PH140127005
Lumabao PH052006012
Lumabao PH153819010
Lumacad PH175303006
Lumad PH097322031
Lumah Dapdap PH156608007
Lumakil PH126312009
Lumala-og PH084810021
Lumalantang PH086023010
Lumampong Balagbag PH042110019
Lumampong Halayhay PH042110020
Lumanay PH063025041
Lumang Bayan PH031417012
Lumang Bayan PH175201010
Lumang Bayan PH175205031
Lumang Lipa PH041018012
Lumangan PH063021026
Lumangan PH063030068
Lumangbayan PH175101003
Lumangbayan PH175107003
Lumangbayan PH175111006
Lumangbayan PH175209010
Lumangbayan PH175213005
Lumangoy PH097340009
Lumaniag PH041013012
Lumanping PH097222015
Lumapao PH074608005
Lumasa PH153627035
Lumasa Proper (Salvador Concha) PH153627056
Lumasal PH128004009
Lumatab PH118204017
Lumatil PH128004010
Lumay PH097224008
Lumayang PH097332043
Lumayao PH015537015
Lumaynay PH060401007
Lumba-Bayabao PH103514014
Lumba-Punod PH103523031
Lumbaan-Bicbica PH012819014
Lumbaan Mahaba PH156609029
Lumbac PH031418011
Lumbac PH103502013
Lumbac PH103508010
Lumbac PH103511009
Lumbac PH153602052
Lumbac PH153604021


Dupax del Sur PH025008000

Sumisip PH150705000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Lakewood PH097333000
Luba PH140114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Balatan PH051702000
Jiabong PH086009000
Sogod PH086417000
Kiamba PH128003000
Villaviciosa PH140127000
Pandan PH052006000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Araceli PH175303000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Pangutaran PH156608000
Polomolok PH126312000
Las Navas PH084810000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Lambunao PH063025000
Plaridel PH031417000
Baco PH175201000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
Igbaras PH063021000
Miagao PH063030000
Abra de Ilog PH175101000
Paluan PH175107000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
San Teodoro PH175213000
Sominot PH097340000
Lian PH041013000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Taraka PH153627000
Taraka PH153627000
Maasim PH128004000
Maco PH118204000
Maasim PH128004000
Baliguian PH097224000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
San Quintin PH015537000
Altavas PH060401000
Munai PH103514000
Pantar PH103523000
Pinili PH012819000
Parang PH156609000
Pulilan PH031418000
Baloi PH103502000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Balabagan PH153602000
Bayang PH153604000


Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II

Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lumbac PH153605012
Lumbac PH153609010
Lumbac PH153612028
Lumbac PH153613041
Lumbac PH153622026
Lumbac PH153623023
Lumbac PH153626065
Lumbac PH153629019
Lumbac PH153633015
Lumbac PH153634028
Lumbac PH153640004
Lumbac-Dimarao PH153634056
Lumbac (Lumbac Bubong) PH153619034
Lumbac Bacayawan PH153611055
Lumbac Bacayawan PH153612029
Lumbac Bagoaingud PH153627036
Lumbac Bubong Maindang PH153627037
Lumbac Cadayonan PH153604010
Lumbac Dilausan PH153641007
Lumbac Kialdan PH153616039
Lumbac Lalan PH153603035
Lumbac Marinaut PH153617063
Lumbac Pitakus PH153627038
Lumbac Toros PH153625007
Lumbac Wato PH153603036
Lumbaca-Ingud PH153601016
Lumbaca Ingud PH153614014
Lumbaca Ingud PH153618091
Lumbaca Ingud PH153619033
Lumbaca Ingud PH153622027
Lumbaca Ingud PH153626014
Lumbaca Lilod PH153626016
Lumbaca Madaya (Pob.) PH153617062
Lumbaca Mamaan PH153621017
Lumbaca Toros PH153617064
Lumbacaingud PH153609029
Lumbacaingud South PH153626015
Lumbad PH012809015
Lumbal PH097341008
Lumban PH104215024
Lumbang PH015517012
Lumbang PH041014026
Lumbang PH056213030
Lumbang PH072222018
Lumbang PH099701029
Lumbang Calzada PH041007022
Lumbang Este PH175903009
Lumbang Na Bata PH041007023
Lumbang Na Matanda PH041007024
Lumbang Weste PH175903010
Lumbangan PH041019029
Lumbangan PH041021012
Lumbangan PH041034007
Lumbangan PH097332044
Lumbangan PH074614020
Lumbatan PH103517012
Lumbatan Manacab PH153633017
Lumbatan Pataingud PH153633018
Lumbatan Ramain PH153624048
Lumbay PH071234014


Binidayan PH153605000
Ganassi PH153609000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Madalum PH153613000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Pualas PH153623000
Tamparan PH153626000
Tugaya PH153629000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Maguing PH153634000
Sultan Dumalondong PH153640000
Maguing PH153634000
Mulondo PH153619000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Taraka PH153627000
Taraka PH153627000
Bayang PH153604000
Lumbaca-Unayan PH153641000
Marantao PH153616000
Balindong PH153603000
Marawi City PH153617000
Taraka PH153627000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Balindong PH153603000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Madamba PH153614000
Masiu PH153618000
Mulondo PH153619000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Tamparan PH153626000
Tamparan PH153626000
Marawi City PH153617000
Piagapo PH153621000
Marawi City PH153617000
Ganassi PH153609000
Tamparan PH153626000
Dingras PH012809000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Tangub City PH104215000
Calasiao PH015517000
Lipa City PH041014000
Pilar PH056213000
Dalaguete PH072222000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Calaca PH041007000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Calaca PH041007000
Calaca PH041007000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Rosario PH041021000
Tuy PH041034000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Mabinay PH074614000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Pilar PH071234000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lumbayanague PH153625015
Lumbayao PH097221013
Lumbayao PH097325009
Lumbayao PH098306015
Lumbayao PH101321015
Lumbayao PH104201016
Lumbayao PH153603032
Lumbayao PH156613035
Lumbia PH054118013
Lumbia PH097322053
Lumbia PH097327008
Lumbia PH098305016
Lumbia PH104305054
Lumbia PH064507018
Lumbia (Ana Cuenca) PH063019001
Lumbo PH063037033
Lumbo PH101321016
Lumbo PH104301008
Lumbo PH104313006
Lumbocan PH160202057
Lumbog PH086403015
Lumbog PH097317018
Lumbog PH098304010
Lumiad PH112402060
Lumil PH041022019
Lumil PH042118023
Lumingon PH045648016
Lumintao PH101317014
Lumipa PH042107008
Lumipac PH104202003
Lumitan PH126509022
Lumobang PH140122010
Lumpanac PH098304008
Lumpatan PH060614027
Lumping Pigih Daho PH156613036
Lumpunid PH097318016
Lumutan PH045603018
Lumutan PH045617006
Lumuton PH150702034
Lun Masla PH128006005
Lun Padidu PH128006006
Luna PH012904013
Luna PH015514019
Luna PH015523012
Luna PH015529009
Luna PH023123005
Luna PH023135018
Luna PH034906029
Luna PH034928030
Luna PH036906016
Luna PH054117016
Luna PH054119011
Luna PH060616044
Luna PH083738113
Luna PH086024005
Luna PH104306011
Luna PH112305012
Luna PH166724026
Luna PH168506006
Luna PH175203016


Saguiaran PH153625000
Tampilisan PH097221000
San Pablo PH097325000
Kabasalan PH098306000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Aloran PH104201000
Balindong PH153603000
Talipao PH156613000
San Fernando PH054118000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Tabina PH097327000
Ipil PH098305000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Cauayan PH064507000
Estancia PH063019000
Pototan PH063037000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Alubijid PH104301000
Lagonglong PH104313000
Butuan City PH160202000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Imelda PH098304000
Davao City PH112402000
San Jose PH041022000
Silang PH042118000
Tiaong PH045648000
Quezon PH101317000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Baliangao PH104202000
Palimbang PH126509000
San Juan PH140122000
Imelda PH098304000
San Remigio PH060614000
Talipao PH156613000
Midsalip PH097318000
Atimonan PH045603000
General Nakar PH045617000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Malapatan PH128006000
Malapatan PH128006000
Burgos PH012904000
Bolinao PH015514000
Mabini PH015523000
Natividad PH015529000
Quirino PH023123000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Gerona PH036906000
Placer PH054117000
San Jacinto PH054119000
Sibalom PH060616000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Claveria PH104306000
Kapalong PH112305000
Surigao City PH166724000
San Jose PH168506000
Bongabong PH175203000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Luna PH064504017
Luna-Candol (Pob.) PH056208020
Luna (Jaro) PH063022097
Luna (La Paz) PH063022198
Luna (Pob.) PH023126014
Luna (Pob.) PH037109006
Luna (Pob.) PH041034013
Luna Este PH015544036
Luna Norte PH124707020
Luna Sur PH124707021
Luna Weste PH015544035
Lunang PH082620020
Lunang PH083719021
Lunang I (Look) PH086001011
Lunang II PH086001012
Lunao PH104308020
Lunas PH072206013
Lunas PH086407034
Lunas PH144401008
Lunas PH175910019
Lunay PH153612032
Lunayan PH061901011
Lundag PH071203009
Lundag PH071234015
Lundag PH083736013
Lunday PH097216012
Lunduban (Ragondingan) PH153633037
Lunec PH015524044
Lunen PH126317010
Luneta PH056202013
Luneta PH083728019
Luneta PH084807015
Lunga PH074623015
Lungag PH112403012
Lungan Gitong PH156609028
Lungao PH015536015
Lungaog PH112318007
Lunggang PH156605018
Lunggang PH156607023
Lungib PH045607044
Lungib PH056205012
Lungib PH056213029
Lungib PH084823009
Lungib PH086007048
Lungkiaban PH156613037
Lungog PH012914016
Lungsod (Pob.) PH175310012
Lungsoda-an PH071211011
Lungsoda-an PH071231011
Lungsodaan PH086404013
Lungsodaan PH086410005
Lungsodaan East PH071222017
Lungsodaan West PH071222018
Lunib PH097341009
Lunocan PH101314011
Lunop PH072212009
Lunotan PH104308021
Lunsad PH045804022
Luntad (Pob.) PH083739023
Luntal PH041029018


Cadiz City PH064504000

Gubat PH056208000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Roxas PH023126000
San Antonio PH037109000
Tuy PH041034000
Umingan PH015544000
Makilala PH124707000
Makilala PH124707000
Umingan PH015544000
San Julian PH082620000
Hilongos PH083719000
Almagro PH086001000
Almagro PH086001000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Asturias PH072206000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Barlig PH144401000
Romblon PH175910000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Cuartero PH061901000
Anda PH071203000
Pilar PH071234000
Merida PH083736000
Sibuco PH097216000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Tupi PH126317000
Barcelona PH056202000
La Paz PH083728000
Gamay PH084807000
Valencia PH074623000
City of Digos PH112403000
Parang PH156609000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Maimbung PH156605000
Old Panamao PH156607000
Calauag PH045607000
Casiguran PH056205000
Pilar PH056213000
Victoria PH084823000
Gandara PH086007000
Talipao PH156613000
Narvacan PH012914000
Cuyo PH175310000
Candijay PH071211000
Mabini PH071231000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Padre Burgos PH086410000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Boljoon PH072212000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Binangonan PH045804000
Palo PH083739000
Taal PH041029000


Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI

Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Luntal PH041034008
Lunzuran PH097332045
Luod PH045632004
Luop PH098303026
Lupa PH025009014
Lupa PH063043042
Lupa PH072218010
Lupa-an PH060609024
Lupa Abu PH156609030
Lupa Pula (Pob.) PH157003004
Lupac PH174001031
Lupagan PH104205017
Luparan PH112414012
Lupasang PH097207007
Lupi PH051732013
Lupi PH051737019
Lupi PH056214007
Lupiagan PH101319004
Lupig PH086017016
Lupit PH060404010
Lupitan PH103515013
Lupitan PH103517013
Luplupa PH143215012
Lupo PH060401008
Lupo PH072210022
Lupok (Pob.) PH082609028
Luquilu PH023106011
Luquin PH043410025
Lurad PH025006014
Luray II PH072251022
Lurogan PH101321017
Lus-Onan PH061909031
Lusacan PH045648017
Lusad Pob. (Dist. 6) PH083717041
Lusain PH153639008
Lusaran PH072217043
Lusay PH153820009
Lusod PH025704014
Lusod PH082619031
Lusod PH141107014
Lusok PH034902012
Lusok PH174005033
Lusong PH072252029
Lusong PH175911015
Lusong (Plateau) PH071209029
Lusot PH104202004
Lussoc PH012928013
Lusuac PH140117002
Lusungan (Pob.) PH030810018
Lut-od PH072237012
Luta PH142704014
Luta Del Norte PH041017005
Luta Del Sur PH041017006
Lutac PH063012035
Lutac PH072234015
Lutao PH071224035
Lutao PH104211005
Lutao PH074603010
Lutay PH128007016
Lutay PH074622012


Tuy PH041034000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Patnanungan PH045632000
Diplahan PH098303000
Kasibu PH025009000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Compostela PH072218000
Laua-An PH060609000
Parang PH156609000
Mapun PH157003000
Boac PH174001000
Clarin PH104205000
Sulop PH112414000
Manukan PH097207000
San Fernando PH051732000
Tinambac PH051737000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Sumilao PH101319000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Batan PH060404000
Nunungan PH103515000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Altavas PH060401000
Barili PH072210000
Guiuan PH082609000
Cabagan PH023106000
Liliw PH043410000
Diadi PH025006000
Toledo City PH072251000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Panay PH061909000
Tiaong PH045648000
Dagami PH083717000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Cebu City PH072217000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Maddela PH025704000
Salcedo PH082619000
Kabayan PH141107000
Bongabon PH034902000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Tuburan PH072252000
San Agustin PH175911000
Buenavista PH071209000
Baliangao PH104202000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Peñarrubia PH140117000
Orion PH030810000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Lagawe PH142704000
Malvar PH041017000
Malvar PH041017000
Cabatuan PH063012000
City of Naga PH072234000
Inabanga PH071224000
Panaon PH104211000
Bacong PH074603000
Malungon PH128007000
Tayasan PH074622000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Lutayan Proper PH126507004

Lutiman PH098301015
Luttuacan PH148104013
Luttuad PH025703020
Lutucan 1 PH045645023
Lutucan Bata PH045645021
Lutucan Malabag PH045645022
Lutungan PH063021027
Luuk-Bait PH150705031
Luuk-Maluha PH150703036
Luuk-tulay PH156610009
Luuk (Pob.) PH156615006
Luuk Buntal PH157001005
Luuk Datan PH157004009
Luuk Laminusa PH156612023
Luuk Pandan PH157002014
Luuk Tara PH156612026
Luuk Tulay PH157002015
Luukbongsod PH150712004
Luvimin PH124704017
Lux PH097223005
Luy-a PH054101018
Luy-a PH072231012
Luy-a PH097330012
Luya PH041008014
Luya PH041024013
Luya-luya PH045627014
Luyahan PH041013013
Luyan (Luyan South) PH015528010
Luyang PH025005024
Luyang PH060616045
Luyang PH072215015
Luyang PH072243018
Luyang PH076106024
Luyang PH074614021
Luyao PH023116010
Luyo PH071220025
Luyo PH071224036
Luyo PH072210023
Luyon PH148105019
Luyong Catungan PH054113011
Luyongbaybay PH072209014
Luyongbonbon PH104321008
Luyos PH034924005
Luyos PH041031023
Luz PH072217044
Luz PH074611017
Luz Banzon PH104311008
Luz Village PH124710017
Luzaran PH104208012
Luzon PH021511014
Luzon PH023107012
Luzon PH112506005
Luzong PH076106025
Luzong PH140114006
Luzong PH140116003
Luzong Norte PH013306015
Luzong Sur PH013306016
Luzvilla PH097209012
Luzviminda PH175316064


Lutayan PH126507000
Alicia PH098301000
Kabugao PH148104000
Diffun PH025703000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Igbaras PH063021000
Sumisip PH150705000
Lantawan PH150703000
Pata PH156610000
Tongkil PH156615000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Simunul PH157004000
Siasi PH156612000
Bongao PH157002000
Siasi PH156612000
Bongao PH157002000
Hadji Muhtamad PH150712000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Gutalac PH097223000
Aroroy PH054101000
Medellin PH072231000
Tukuran PH097330000
Calatagan PH041008000
San Luis PH041024000
Mauban PH045627000
Lian PH041013000
Mapandan PH015528000
Bayombong PH025005000
Sibalom PH060616000
Carmen PH072215000
San Remigio PH072243000
Siquijor PH076106000
Mabinay PH074614000
Luna PH023116000
Dimiao PH071220000
Inabanga PH071224000
Barili PH072210000
Luna PH148105000
Mobo PH054113000
Bantayan PH072209000
Opol PH104321000
San Antonio PH034924000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Cebu City PH072217000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Jasaan PH104311000
M'Lang PH124710000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Claveria PH021511000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Siquijor PH076106000
Luba PH140114000
Manabo PH140116000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Piñan PH097209000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000


Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII

Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Luzviminda I PH042106023
Luzviminda II PH042106054
Lydia PH148106028
Lydia PH160304011
Lydia (Pob.) PH012813009
M. Chavez PH067904007
M. H. del Pilar PH015511036
M. H. Del Pilar PH064521014
M. L. Tumagay Pob. (Remas Mabuton) PH045635011
M. Roxas PH056203049
M. S. Garcia PH034903044
M. Soriano PH015532091
M. V. Hechanova PH063022098
M. Veloso PH083713036
M.H. del Pilar PH023101015
M.V. Hechanova (Balagon) PH063026001
Ma-a PH112402061
Ma-ao Barrio PH064502014
Ma-aslob PH064505020
Ma-atas PH168502006
Ma. Concepcion PH175214029
Maab-abaca PH012818016
Maabab PH083710041
Maabay PH067905007
Maabot PH045633001
Maabud North PH041025009
Maabud South PH041025010
Maac PH101802005
Maadios PH060611020
Maag PH112510009
Maahas PH043411008
Maalan PH061907016
Maalas-As PH041021013
Maalat PH072228005
Maaliw (Pob.) PH045634026
Maalo PH056210017
Maambal PH015530018
Maambong PH101311007
Maamot PH036918007
Maan PH126316016
Maanahao PH054105017
Maanahao PH054115009
Maananteng PH012822012
Maanas PH104319007
Maanda PH083729014
Maangas PH051729013
Maantol PH061906019
Maanyag PH086418015
Maapag PH101321018
Maapas PH041005011
Maas-asin PH012912017
Maasim PH031419018
Maasim PH031422012
Maasin PH015526018
Maasin PH025011011
Maasin PH034931009
Maasin PH036911006
Maasin PH036913010
Maasin PH060616046
Maasin PH063035027


City of Dasmariñas PH042106000

City of Dasmariñas PH042106000
Pudtol PH148106000
La Paz PH160304000
Marcos PH012813000
San Lorenzo PH067904000
Bayambang PH015511000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Plaridel PH045635000
Bulan PH056203000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Calubian PH083713000
Alicia PH023101000
Leganes PH063026000
Davao City PH112402000
Bago City PH064502000
Calatrava PH064505000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Socorro PH175214000
Piddig PH012818000
Burauen PH083710000
Sibunag PH067905000
Perez PH045633000
San Nicolas PH041025000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
Pandan PH060611000
San Isidro PH112510000
Los Baños PH043411000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Rosario PH041021000
Madridejos PH072228000
Pitogo PH045634000
Juban PH056210000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Libona PH101311000
San Jose PH036918000
T'Boli PH126316000
Cataingan PH054105000
Palanas PH054115000
Solsona PH012822000
Medina PH104319000
Leyte PH083729000
Presentacion PH051729000
Jamindan PH061906000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Batangas City PH041005000
Magsingal PH012912000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
San Rafael PH031422000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Quezon PH025011000
Talugtug PH034931000
Pura PH036911000
San Clemente PH036913000
Sibalom PH060616000
City of Passi PH063035000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maasin PH083720014
Maasin PH097332046
Maasin PH098305044
Maasin PH160303014
Maasin PH166716003
Maasin PH175204008
Maasin PH175306010
Maasin PH175317014
Maaslum PH074602015
Maaslum PH074615015
Maate PH043408015
Maawi PH015503039
Maayongtubig PH074609012
Mabaay PH144402012
Mababanaba PH036918008
Mababang Baybay PH054107009
Mabaca PH143201009
Mabaca PH143214009
Mabacan PH043406009
Mabacong (Matoco) PH041005046
Mabagon PH083720015
Mabahay PH156613038
Mabahin PH166808004
Mabalanoy PH041023021
Mabalas-balas PH031422013
Mabalbalino PH015532045
Mabaleng PH012805025
Mabalite PH144410014
Mabalodbalod PH051736012
Mabalor PH041010010
Mabanate PH056213031
Mabanban PH045622044
Mabanbanag PH012823028
Mabanengbeng 1st PH013303022
Mabanengbeng 2nd PH013303023
Mabanglit PH037102016
Mabanguc PH021505028
Mabangug PH023106012
Mabanogbog PH015546022
Mabantad PH023108041
Mabantao PH112305013
Mabaras PH084814011
Mabas PH104208028
Mabasa PH025007012
Mabasa PH060612015
Mabasa PH072205031
Mabatang PH030801007
Mabatao PH103518009
Mabato PH041021014
Mabato PH042113009
Mabato PH043405024
Mabato PH052009012
Mabato PH083738114
Mabato PH074602016
Mabato-Azufre PH043421005
Mabato (Pob.) PH045627018
Mabatobato PH054110014
Mabatobato (Lamut) PH142705007
Mabaus PH112303010
Mabay PH128005006


Hindang PH083720000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Ipil PH098305000
Esperanza PH160303000
Pilar PH166716000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Quezon PH175317000
Ayungon PH074602000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Famy PH043408000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Dauin PH074609000
Bauko PH144402000
San Jose PH036918000
Claveria PH054107000
Balbalan PH143201000
Tanudan PH143214000
Calauan PH043406000
Batangas City PH041005000
Hindang PH083720000
Talipao PH156613000
Cortes PH166808000
San Juan PH041023000
San Rafael PH031422000
San Carlos City PH015532000
City of Batac PH012805000
Tadian PH144410000
Tigaon PH051736000
Ibaan PH041010000
Pilar PH056213000
Lopez PH045622000
Vintar PH012823000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Cabangan PH037102000
Aparri PH021505000
Cabagan PH023106000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Kapalong PH112305000
Palapag PH084814000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Patnongon PH060612000
Argao PH072205000
Abucay PH030801000
Salvador PH103518000
Rosario PH041021000
Maragondon PH042113000
City of Calamba PH043405000
San Miguel PH052009000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Ayungon PH074602000
Pangil PH043421000
Mauban PH045627000
Mandaon PH054110000
Lamut PH142705000
Carmen PH112303000
Maitum PH128005000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mabayabas PH041032007
Mabayag PH012909012
Mabayan PH063030069
Mabayawas PH050507022
Mabayo PH030808002
Mabayuan PH037107013
Mabbang PH021521016
Mabbayad PH023112025
Mabca PH051731010
Mabical PH035406014
Mabicay PH086417018
Mabiga PH030805010
Mabiga PH035409012
Mabigo (Pob.) PH074608009
Mabila (Pob.) PH118605004
Mabilang PH036910017
Mabilao PH015533015
Mabilbila Norte PH012922013
Mabilbila Sur PH012922012
Mabileg PH012929002
Mabilo PH060407010
Mabilo PH060415009
Mabilo I PH051606031
Mabilo II PH051606032
Mabilog PH036905014
Mabilog Na Bundok PH041015012
Mabilong PH143206002
Mabini PH015507006
Mabini PH015537016
Mabini PH021506046
Mabini PH023101016
Mabini PH023113012
Mabini PH023135019
Mabini PH034915012
Mabini PH034928031
Mabini PH034929016
Mabini PH036906017
Mabini PH036909018
Mabini PH036916046
Mabini PH041001010
Mabini PH041014027
Mabini PH041031024
Mabini PH045605020
Mabini PH045606010
Mabini PH045607045
Mabini PH045622045
Mabini PH045649016
Mabini PH045803009
Mabini PH050503030
Mabini PH051602010
Mabini PH051712008
Mabini PH051718035
Mabini PH052004015
Mabini PH052007008
Mabini PH052010010
Mabini PH054115010
Mabini PH054119012
Mabini PH054120010
Mabini PH054121017
Mabini PH056205013


Taysan PH041032000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Miagao PH063030000
Libon PH050507000
Morong PH030808000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Rizal PH021521000
Echague PH023112000
Sagñay PH051731000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Sogod PH086417000
Hermosa PH030805000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Sarangani PH118605000
Paniqui PH036910000
San Fabian PH015533000
Santa PH012922000
Santa PH012922000
Sigay PH012929000
Kalibo PH060407000
New Washington PH060415000
Labo PH051606000
Labo PH051606000
Concepcion PH036905000
Lobo PH041015000
Lubuagan PH143206000
Balungao PH015507000
San Quintin PH015537000
Baggao PH021506000
Alicia PH023101000
Gamu PH023113000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Llanera PH034915000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Gerona PH036906000
Moncada PH036909000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Agoncillo PH041001000
Lipa City PH041014000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Buenavista PH045605000
Burdeos PH045606000
Calauag PH045607000
Lopez PH045622000
Unisan PH045649000
Baras PH045803000
Daraga PH050503000
Capalonga PH051602000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Libmanan PH051718000
Caramoran PH052004000
Panganiban PH052007000
Viga PH052010000
Palanas PH054115000
San Jacinto PH054119000
San Pascual PH054120000
Uson PH054121000
Casiguran PH056205000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mabini PH056207020
Mabini PH060616047
Mabini PH061917027
Mabini PH067901014
Mabini PH072217045
Mabini PH072238010
Mabini PH082622006
Mabini PH083707019
Mabini PH083735002
Mabini PH083738061
Mabini PH083740024
Mabini PH084805032
Mabini PH084809010
Mabini PH084810023
Mabini PH086002022
Mabini PH086006029
Mabini PH086408011
Mabini PH087808014
Mabini PH097323015
Mabini PH098308020
Mabini PH098312007
Mabini PH098315014
Mabini PH104202005
Mabini PH104304004
Mabini PH112407011
Mabini PH112408011
Mabini PH112508009
Mabini PH126306009
Mabini PH160203019
Mabini PH166714005
Mabini PH166716004
Mabini PH166717011
Mabini PH166721007
Mabini PH166724027
Mabini PH168507002
Mabini PH175110027
Mabini PH175208024
Mabini PH175215011
Mabini PH175301010
Mabini PH175312006
Mabini PH175906008
Mabini PH175912005
Mabini PH175913006
Mabini PH064504018
Mabini PH064509013
Mabini PH064521015
Mabini PH064522013
Mabini PH064530011
Mabini-J. Rizal PH137401015
Mabini (Borja) PH168502013
Mabini (Pob.) PH015527044
Mabini (Pob.) PH015532046
Mabini (Pob.) PH045619026
Mabini Ext. (Pob.) PH030804018
Mabini Extension PH034903046
Mabini Homesite PH034903047
Mabini I (Calbayog District) PH086003086
Mabini Ibaba PH045625008
Mabini II (Oquendo District) PH086003087
Mabini Ilaya PH045625009


Donsol PH056207000
Sibalom PH060616000
Tapaz PH061917000
Buenavista PH067901000
Cebu City PH072217000
Poro PH072238000
Sulat PH082622000
Bato PH083707000
Mayorga PH083735000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Palompon PH083740000
Catarman PH084805000
Lapinig PH084809000
Las Navas PH084810000
Basey PH086002000
Daram PH086006000
Macrohon PH086408000
Naval PH087808000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Malangas PH098308000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Titay PH098315000
Baliangao PH104202000
Binuangan PH104304000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Malalag PH112408000
Manay PH112508000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Mainit PH166714000
Pilar PH166716000
Placer PH166717000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Surigao City PH166724000
Tubajon PH168507000
San Jose PH175110000
Naujan PH175208000
Victoria PH175215000
Aborlan PH175301000
El Nido PH175312000
Corcuera PH175906000
San Andres PH175912000
San Fernando PH175913000
Cadiz City PH064504000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Pulupandan PH064522000
Valladolid PH064530000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Mangatarem PH015527000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Gumaca PH045619000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Macalelon PH045625000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Macalelon PH045625000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mabini Norte PH063040050

Mabini Pob. (Bgy. 2) PH050505005
Mabini Proper (Pob.) PH030804017
Mabini Sur PH063040051
Mabitbitnong PH021526017
Mabiton PH054107010
Mablad PH060602026
Mable PH153615038
Mabnang PH021511015
Mabolo PH031410029
Mabolo PH042115018
Mabolo PH051724019
Mabolo PH072217046
Mabolo PH137504015
Mabolo-Delgado PH063022043
Mabolo (Pob.) PH084805074
Mabolo I PH042103011
Mabolo II PH042103037
Mabolo III PH042103038
Mabongtot PH143206003
Mabua PH166724028
Mabua PH166819008
Mabuanbuan PH035422004
Mabuco PH030805011
Mabugnao PH103519010
Mabugnao PH118205012
Mabuhay PH023102035
Mabuhay PH023112026
Mabuhay PH034930034
Mabuhay PH042104009
Mabuhay PH051735010
Mabuhay PH054104007
Mabuhay PH054113012
Mabuhay PH054116012
Mabuhay PH054120011
Mabuhay PH054121023
Mabuhay PH071224037
Mabuhay PH082605013
Mabuhay PH082611013
Mabuhay PH082617025
Mabuhay PH082623011
Mabuhay PH083731007
Mabuhay PH084818008
Mabuhay PH086001028
Mabuhay PH086007049
Mabuhay PH086010018
Mabuhay PH086016023
Mabuhay PH086025036
Mabuhay PH097206037
Mabuhay PH097212004
Mabuhay PH097214012
Mabuhay PH097319017
Mabuhay PH097325010
Mabuhay PH097327009
Mabuhay PH098302012
Mabuhay PH101301009
Mabuhay PH101306008
Mabuhay PH101318029
Mabuhay PH101321019
Mabuhay PH103506019


San Joaquin PH063040000

Jovellar PH050505000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Claveria PH054107000
Barbaza PH060602000
Malabang PH153615000
Claveria PH021511000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Naic PH042115000
Naga City PH051724000
Cebu City PH072217000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Catarman PH084805000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Lubuagan PH143206000
Surigao City PH166724000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Sasmuan PH035422000
Hermosa PH030805000
Sapad PH103519000
Maragusan PH118205000
Angadanan PH023102000
Echague PH023112000
Talavera PH034930000
Carmona PH042104000
Siruma PH051735000
Batuan PH054104000
Mobo PH054113000
Pio V. Corpuz PH054116000
San Pascual PH054120000
Uson PH054121000
Inabanga PH071224000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Jipapad PH082611000
Oras PH082617000
Taft PH082623000
Mahaplag PH083731000
San Isidro PH084818000
Almagro PH086001000
Gandara PH086007000
Marabut PH086010000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
San Jorge PH086025000
Liloy PH097206000
Rizal PH097212000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Molave PH097319000
San Pablo PH097325000
Tabina PH097327000
Buug PH098302000
Baungon PH101301000
Kadingilan PH101306000
San Fernando PH101318000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mabuhay PH112303011
Mabuhay PH112401013
Mabuhay PH112402062
Mabuhay PH118202030
Mabuhay PH118601013
Mabuhay PH124713035
Mabuhay PH126303016
Mabuhay PH160301007
Mabuhay PH160306013
Mabuhay PH166708016
Mabuhay PH166716005
Mabuhay PH166722006
Mabuhay PH166819009
Mabuhay PH174006010
Mabuhay PH175212007
Mabuhay PH074618011
Mabuhay (Bongcanaway III) PH054103003
Mabuhay (Pob.) PH056204008
Mabuhay (Pob.) PH166721008
Mabuhay (Pob.) PH175316022
Mabuhay Cabigohan PH071244012
Mabuhay I PH175214014
Mabuhay II PH175214028
Mabuli PH072248012
Mabuligon Pob. (Barangay No. 2) PH086011011
Mabulitec PH015524045
Mabulo PH175913007
Mabunao PH072249013
Mabunao PH097212005
Mabunao PH112315018
Mabunao PH074604020
Mabunga PH034908021
Mabunga PH041021015
Mabunga PH045619027
Mabunga PH050502023
Mabunga PH083731008
Mabunga PH101301010
Mabunga PH112401014
Mabunga PH074611018
Mabuñga PH045642016
Mabungtot PH140112005
Mabuno PH021513033
Maburak PH034908022
Mabusag Norte PH012803020
Mabusag Sur PH012803021
Mabusao PH060406015
Mabuslo PH025004014
Mabutag PH045605021
Mabuti PH012813010
Mabuttal East PH021507012
Mabuttal West PH021507013
Mabuyong PH060601013
Mac PH086417019
Mac-Arthur PH160303010
Maca-anga PH082613012
Maca-opao PH101307007
Macaalan PH086004020
Macaalang PH083717031
Macaangay PH051705028
Macaas PH071245017


Carmen PH112303000
Bansalan PH112401000
Davao City PH112402000
Laak PH118202000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
President Roxas PH124713000
General Santos City PH126303000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Pilar PH166716000
Sison PH166722000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Torrijos PH174006000
Roxas PH175212000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Balud PH054103000
Bulusan PH056204000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Trinidad PH071244000
Socorro PH175214000
Socorro PH175214000
Tabogon PH072248000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Malasiqui PH015524000
San Fernando PH175913000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Rizal PH097212000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Bais City PH074604000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Rosario PH041021000
Gumaca PH045619000
Camalig PH050502000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Baungon PH101301000
Bansalan PH112401000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Mabunga San Francisco PH045642000
Langiden PH140112000
Gattaran PH021513000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Badoc PH012803000
Badoc PH012803000
Ibajay PH060406000
Bambang PH025004000
Buenavista PH045605000
Marcos PH012813000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Sogod PH086417000
Esperanza PH160303000
Llorente PH082613000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Calbiga PH086004000
Dagami PH083717000
Buhi PH051705000
Tubigon PH071245000


Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Macaas PH072216014
Macabaclay PH034902013
Macabacle PH035404009
Macabalan PH104305055
Macabangan Imbala PH153618044
Macabao PH153609011
Macabari PH056202014
Macabasa PH124701007
Macabato PH013302005
Macabayao PH104207009
Macabenban PH124702021
Macabenga PH025007022
Macabetas PH086009017
Macabiag (Pob.) PH012930020
Macabibo PH104213029
Macabico (Macabiso) PH153824006
Macabit PH015508013
Macabito PH015517013
Macabling PH043428009
Macaboboni PH015501010
Macabog PH056216019
Macabolig PH124704018
Macabual PH124712034
Macabucod PH034901016
Macabud PH045808004
Macabug PH054101019
Macabug PH083738062
Macabugos PH050507023
Macad (Hebrio Lourdes) PH051727008
Macadaag Talaguian PH153618045
Macadar PH153610037
Macadar PH153612033
Macagahay PH064519012
Macagoco PH083721014
Macagtas PH084805033
Macaguiling PH153605014
Macaguiling PH153609012
Macaguiling PH153611058
Macaguing PH036915008
Macalag PH153827003
Macalag PH153835010
Macalamcam A PH041021016
Macalamcam B PH041021017
Macalana PH144401009
Macalang PH015519007
Macalang PH150709014
Macalang PH160201007
Macalaoat PH023107013
Macalas PH175910021
Macalauat PH023102036
Macalaya PH056206016
Macalaya PH166717012
Macalbang PH063015014
Macaleeng PH015505009
Macalibre PH097214013
Macalibre Alto PH104208013
Macalibre Bajo PH104208014
Macalidong PH050508028
Macalingan PH071227012
Macalino PH148101017


Catmon PH072216000
Bongabon PH034902000
Bacolor PH035404000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Masiu PH153618000
Ganassi PH153609000
Barcelona PH056202000
Alamada PH124701000
Aringay PH013302000
Jimenez PH104207000
Carmen PH124702000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Jiabong PH086009000
Sinait PH012930000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Bani PH015508000
Calasiao PH015517000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Agno PH015501000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Pikit PH124712000
Aliaga PH034901000
Rodriguez PH045808000
Aroroy PH054101000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Libon PH050507000
Pasacao PH051727000
Masiu PH153618000
Kapai PH153610000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Inopacan PH083721000
Catarman PH084805000
Binidayan PH153605000
Ganassi PH153609000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Datu Hoffer Ampatuan PH153835000
Rosario PH041021000
Rosario PH041021000
Barlig PH144401000
Dasol PH015519000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Buenavista PH160201000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Romblon PH175910000
Angadanan PH023102000
Castilla PH056206000
Placer PH166717000
Concepcion PH063015000
Anda PH015505000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Lila PH071227000
Calanasan PH148101000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Macalong PH015506014
Macalong PH015546023
Macalong PH025009015
Macalong PH036907013
Macalpe PH086006030
Macalpi PH083715024
Macalpiay PH083741017
Macalunod PH086023011
Macalupang Lumbac Caramian PH153618047
Macalva Central PH013301005
Macalva Norte PH013301006
Macalva Sur PH013301007
Macambol PH112509018
Macamias PH034911032
Macamot PH045804024
Macañao PH023116011
Macanaya (Pescaria) PH021505029
Macandocandong PH015505010
Macangao PH112507016
Macaniao PH023102037
Macanip PH083723018
Macao PH153602032
Macaoayan PH012904014
Macapabellag PH034911033
Macapagal PH082607027
Macapagal PH166720004
Macapagal Village PH035409013
Macapari PH101302008
Macapil PH021520005
Macapsing PH034923018
Macapso PH074624006
Macarang PH015527045
Macarang PH037108010
Macarascas PH175316023
Macarcarmay PH140101014
Macarina PH060612016
Macario PH083736021
Macario Adriatico PH175206014
Macario Dacon PH042123019
Macarse PH034932011
Macarthur PH054114003
Macarthur PH063022100
Macarthur PH082601020
Macarthur PH084810024
Macarthur PH084811012
Macarthur PH101303007
MacArthur PH084802003
Macasampen PH153825007
Macasandag PH153811026
Macasandal PH034907010
Macasandig PH104305056
Macasendeg PH124709025
Macasendeg PH124712035
Macasilao PH064505021
Macasin PH045627015
Macasing PH097215013
Macasing PH097308021
Macasing PH097322032
Macasipac PH043427013
Macasitas PH050513013


Asingan PH015506000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Kasibu PH025009000
La Paz PH036907000
Daram PH086006000
Carigara PH083715000
Pastrana PH083741000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Masiu PH153618000
Agoo PH013301000
Agoo PH013301000
Agoo PH013301000
City of Mati PH112509000
Guimba PH034911000
Binangonan PH045804000
Macanao Luna PH023116000
Aparri PH021505000
Anda PH015505000
Lupon PH112507000
Angadanan PH023102000
Jaro PH083723000
Balabagan PH153602000
Burgos PH012904000
Guimba PH034911000
General Macarthur PH082607000
San Isidro PH166720000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Damulog PH101302000
Piat PH021520000
Rizal PH034923000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Palauig PH037108000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Bangued PH140101000
Patnongon PH060612000
Merida PH083736000
Gloria PH175206000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Monreal PH054114000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Arteche PH082601000
Las Navas PH084810000
Lavezares PH084811000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Biri PH084802000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Parang PH153811000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Midsayap PH124709000
Pikit PH124712000
Calatrava PH064505000
Mauban PH045627000
Siayan PH097215000
Dumingag PH097308000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Pio Duran PH050513000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Macatad PH043429016
Macatal PH023103017
Macatbong PH034903048
Macatcatud PH012912018
Macatcatuit PH034911034
Macate PH025004015
Macatel PH021524005
Macatingog PH086003088
Macatiw PH015503016
Macatoc PH175215012
Macatol PH063037034
Macatunao PH063015015
Macawayan PH056209016
Macaycayawan PH015542010
Macayepyep PH012811015
Macayo PH015504011
Macayocayo PH015511037
Macayucayu PH023131020
Macayug PH015526019
Macayug PH015534011
Macgum PH112314007
Macleodes PH097210014
Macogon PH051606033
Macol PH118603023
Macolabo Island PH051608013
Macompara Apa Mimbalay PH153618053
Macopa PH083723019
Macopa PH086021016
Macopa PH104325004
Macopa PH118202031
Macopa PH118207008
Macopa PH166719008
Macpac PH045610024
Macray PH140101016
Mactan PH054106014
Mactan PH072226015
Mactang PH051602011
Macubon (Sina-ad) PH104201037
Macugay PH023116012
Macugo PH086007050
Maculay PH097341010
Maculiw PH052007009
Macupa PH072252030
Macupa PH083729015
Macupit PH012802014
Macuranding PH153615073
Macutal PH052002013
Macutay PH143211008
Macuyon PH097220017
Mada-o PH087806008
Madadamian PH023112027
Madaguing PH104306012
Madalag PH097222002
Madalag PH175901005
Madalag PH064508013
Madalipay PH140103010
Madalunot PH041007025
Madalunot PH086013016
Madamba PH054105018
Madamba PH103517014


Siniloan PH043429000
Aurora PH023103000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Magsingal PH012912000
Guimba PH034911000
Bambang PH025004000
Santa Praxedes PH021524000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Victoria PH175215000
Pototan PH063037000
Concepcion PH063015000
Irosin PH056209000
Sual PH015542000
Banna PH012811000
Alcala PH015504000
Bayambang PH015511000
San Mariano PH023131000
Mangaldan PH015526000
San Jacinto PH015534000
New Corella PH112314000
Polanco PH097210000
Labo PH051606000
Malita PH118603000
Paracale PH051608000
Masiu PH153618000
Jaro PH083723000
Villareal PH086021000
Talisayan PH104325000
Laak PH118202000
Monkayo PH118207000
San Francisco PH166719000
Catanauan PH045610000
Bangued PH140101000
Cawayan PH054106000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Capalonga PH051602000
Aloran PH104201000
Luna PH023116000
Gandara PH086007000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Panganiban PH052007000
Tuburan PH072252000
Leyte PH083729000
Bacarra PH012802000
Malabang PH153615000
Baras PH052002000
Rizal PH143211000
Sirawai PH097220000
Kawayan PH087806000
Echague PH023112000
Claveria PH104306000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Alcantara PH175901000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Bucay PH140103000
Calaca PH041007000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Cataingan PH054105000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Madamba PH153614019
Madamba (Pob.) PH012809016
Madanding PH126508010
Madanding PH153601018
Madanding PH153606027
Madanding PH153622030
Madanding PH153634030
Madang PH153620029
Madangcalan PH054102016
Madangog PH071210022
Madanlog PH063038013
Madao PH054121016
Madarag PH063025042
Madarag PH063039019
Madarang PH012916014
Madasigon (Pob.) PH097319018
Madatag PH148104014
Madaum PH112319009
Madaya PH101316011
Madaya PH103514015
Madaya PH103516015
Madaya PH103517015
Madaya PH103518010
Madaya PH153605015
Madaya PH153612034
Madaya PH153613025
Madaya PH153615082
Madaya PH153619035
Madaya PH153628042
Madaya PH153634031
Madayegdeg PH013314031
Madaymen PH141109003
Madbad PH054106015
Maddalero PH021508011
Maddarulug (Santo Domingo) PH021527026
Maddarulug Norte PH021512013
Maddarulug Sur PH021512024
Maddiangat PH025011008
Madduang PH148104015
Madia PH153826010
Madidis PH153805022
Madlangdungan PH045607046
Madlawon (Pob.) PH056204009
Madoldolon PH175303007
Madong PH063023027
Madongo PH144409012
Madrangca PH060613020
Madrelino PH166808005
Madridejos PH072203005
Madua Norte PH071221012
Madua Sur PH071221013
Maduao PH112315019
Maducayan PH144405006
Madulano PH061913011
Madulao PH045610025
Madupayas PH012803022
Maduroto Pob. (Barangay No. 3) PH086011012
Maduya PH042104010
Maduyo PH063030070
Maeling PH034918011


Madamba PH153614000
Dingras PH012809000
Lambayong PH126508000
Bacolod-Kalawi PH153601000
Bubong PH153606000
Poona Bayabao PH153622000
Maguing PH153634000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Baleno PH054102000
Calape PH071210000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Uson PH054121000
Lambunao PH063025000
San Enrique PH063039000
Salcedo PH012916000
Molave PH097319000
Kabugao PH148104000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Munai PH103514000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Salvador PH103518000
Binidayan PH153605000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Madalum PH153613000
Malabang PH153615000
Mulondo PH153619000
Tubaran PH153628000
Maguing PH153634000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Kibungan PH141109000
Cawayan PH054106000
Buguey PH021508000
Solana PH021527000
Enrile PH021512000
Enrile PH021512000
Quezon PH025011000
Kabugao PH148104000
Datu Saudi-Ampatuan PH153826000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Calauag PH045607000
Bulusan PH056204000
Araceli PH175303000
Janiuay PH063023000
Sagada PH144409000
San Jose PH060613000
Cortes PH166808000
Alegria PH072203000
Duero PH071221000
Duero PH071221000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Natonin PH144405000
President Roxas PH061913000
Catanauan PH045610000
Badoc PH012803000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Carmona PH042104000
Miagao PH063030000
Nampicuan PH034918000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maestrang Kikay (Pob.) PH034930035

Mag-aba PH060611021
Mag-abo PH074601004
Mag-alwa PH072252031
Mag-Ampon (Pob.) PH045812007
Mag-antoy PH072252032
Mag-Asawang Ilat PH042119010
Mag-asawang Sampaloc PH034909010
Mag-asawang Sapa PH031423011
Mag-aso PH071204013
Mag-aso PH083723020
Mag-aso PH083728020
Mag-aso PH074609013
Mag-ata PH086418024
Mag-atubang PH072252033
Mag-atubang PH083701034
Mag-ubay PH086003089
Maga PH142706020
Maga-an PH086023012
Magabe PH041003035
Magabta PH148104016
Magacan PH021522011
Magadap PH051722012
Magading PH118209009
Magahis PH041034009
Magahis PH097305034
Magahis PH097317031
Magais I PH051712009
Magais II PH051712010
Magalalag East PH021512014
Magalalag West (San Nicolas*) PH021512025
Magalang-Galang PH041006019
Magalawa PH037108011
Magallanes PH015543012
Magallanes PH045605022
Magallanes PH045618030
Magallanes PH045622046
Magallanes PH060414009
Magallanes PH086002023
Magallanes PH086419003
Magallanes PH137602013
Magallanes PH166706007
Magallanes (Pob.) PH013310014
Magallang PH050507024
Magallon PH124710018
Magallon Cadre PH064519013
Magallungon (Sta. Teresa*) PH021516022
Magalong PH015523013
Magamay PH067903012
Maganao PH126509023
Maganay PH098302013
Magancina PH063043043
Maganda PH112511007
Maganda PH150702064
Maganding PH103514016
Maganding PH153635028
Magang PH051603018
Magangit PH118204018
Magangit PH118210008
Magangon PH097210015


Talavera PH034930000
Pandan PH060611000
Amlan PH074601000
Tuburan PH072252000
Tanay PH045812000
Tuburan PH072252000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Antequera PH071204000
Jaro PH083723000
La Paz PH083728000
Dauin PH074609000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Tuburan PH072252000
Abuyog PH083701000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Balayan PH041003000
Kabugao PH148104000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Minalabac PH051722000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Tuy PH041034000
Dimataling PH097305000
Margosatubig PH097317000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Enrile PH021512000
Enrile PH021512000
Bauan PH041006000
Palauig PH037108000
Tayug PH015543000
Buenavista PH045605000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Lopez PH045622000
Nabas PH060414000
Basey PH086002000
Limasawa PH086419000
City of Makati PH137602000
Claver PH166706000
Luna PH013310000
Libon PH050507000
M'Lang PH124710000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Mabini PH015523000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Palimbang PH126509000
Buug PH098302000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Tarragona PH112511000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Munai PH103514000
Picong PH153635000
Daet PH051603000
Maco PH118204000
New Bataan PH118210000
Polanco PH097210000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maganhan PH083708041
Maganoy PH153828005
Magao PH036905015
Magaogao PH143209015
Magapi PH041004004
Magapit PH021516023
Magapo PH050517022
Magapua PH174004020
Magapuy PH025005009
Magara (Arasan) PH175318009
Magarang PH060612017
Magarang PH153603037
Magasang PH166805010
Magaslong PH153806028
Magaslong PH153836011
Magaspac PH036906018
Magassi PH023106013
Magaswi PH083738063
Magatas PH086412017
Magatas PH086417020
Magatas PH074620009
Magatos PH112301026
Magatos PH124703010
Magaud PH160305003
Magaupas PH086406013
Magay PH072218011
Magay PH083748032
Magayo Bagoaingud PH153618052
Magbabadil PH175301011
Magbagacay PH086412018
Magballo PH064515012
Magbangon (Pob.) PH087803011
Magbato PH063025043
Magbay PH175110028
Magbok PH124714013
Magcaalam PH124706029
Magcagong PH072246017
Magcagong PH118205013
Magcalape PH072206014
Magcalon PH060613021
Magcamiguing PH104204008
Magcapay PH063028055
Magcaraguit PH054108014
Magcasuang PH083705005
Magcawa PH150709015
Magdagooc PH160205008
Magdalena PH021511016
Magdalena PH023107014
Magdalena PH054102017
Magdalena PH060601014
Magdalena PH060614028
Magdalo PH042109055
Magdalo PH063006022
Magdalo PH063022101
Magdalo (Pob.) PH043408016
Magdalo (Putol) PH042111007
Magdapio PH043419009
Magdaup PH098305018
Magdawat PH086013017
Magdiwang PH042116001


City of Baybay PH083708000

Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Concepcion PH036905000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Balete PH041004000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Mogpog PH174004000
Bayombong PH025005000
Roxas PH175318000
Patnongon PH060612000
Balindong PH153603000
Cantilan PH166805000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Gerona PH036906000
Cabagan PH023106000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Sogod PH086417000
Sibulan PH074620000
Asuncion PH112301000
Kabacan PH124703000
Loreto PH160305000
Liloan PH086406000
Compostela PH072218000
Tanauan PH083748000
Masiu PH153618000
Aborlan PH175301000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
City of Kabankalan PH064515000
Cabucgayan PH087803000
Lambunao PH063025000
San Jose PH175110000
Tulunan PH124714000
Magpet PH124706000
Sibonga PH072246000
Maragusan PH118205000
Asturias PH072206000
San Jose PH060613000
Calamba PH104204000
Leon PH063028000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Babatngon PH083705000
Al-Barka PH150709000
Jabonga PH160205000
Claveria PH021511000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Baleno PH054102000
Anini-Y PH060601000
San Remigio PH060614000
Imus City PH042109000
Banate PH063006000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Famy PH043408000
Kawit PH042111000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Ipil PH098305000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Noveleta PH042116000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Magdug PH112506006
Magdum PH112319010
Magdungao PH063035028
Maggok PH142702010
Maghan-ay PH072252034
Maghanoy PH072210024
Maghaway PH072250009
Maghipid PH084824012
Maghubas PH083710042
Maghulod PH083748033
Maginhawa (Pob.) PH175104014
Magkaipit PH054118014
Magkakaibigan (Pob.) PH175316024
Magkalape PH160314009
Magkalungay PH101318030
Magkarila PH104325005
Magkasag PH086405006
Magkaya PH071209030
Magkiangkang PH160301036
Maglahos PH074624009
Maglahus PH112505009
Maglalambay PH175307006
Maglambing PH166817006
Maglambong PH054114004
Maglaoi Centro PH012808009
Maglaoi Norte PH012808010
Maglaoi Sur PH012808011
Maglatab PH166817007
Magleticia PH023112028
Maglihe PH074622013
Magliman PH035404010
Magliman PH035416014
Maglinao PH074605007
Maglipad (Rosario) PH045607047
Maglipay (Pob.) PH082622007
Magmarale PH031421027
Magnaga PH118211005
Magnangoy PH083719022
Magnao PH143213021
Magnesia Del Norte PH052011033
Magnesia Del Sur PH052011034
Magnuang PH012805026
Magobawok PH166802006
Magogod PH021504033
Magogon PH050502024
Magon PH126315005
Magonaya PH153605016
Magongbong PH082606002
Magongon PH084806023
Magoong PH103510003
Magosilom (Pob.) PH166805011
Magpag-ong PH060404011
Magpanambo PH050514030
Magpapalayoc PH034927006
Magpatao PH103509014
Magpayang PH166714006
Magrafil PH021514014
Magroyong PH166816010
Magsaggaw PH157001015
Magsalangi PH054112011


Governor Generoso PH112506000

City of Tagum PH112319000
City of Passi PH063035000
Hungduan PH142702000
Tuburan PH072252000
Barili PH072210000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Burauen PH083710000
Tanauan PH083748000
Lubang PH175104000
San Fernando PH054118000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Sibagat PH160314000
San Fernando PH101318000
Talisayan PH104325000
Libagon PH086405000
Buenavista PH071209000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Cateel PH112505000
Busuanga PH175307000
Tagbina PH166817000
Monreal PH054114000
Currimao PH012808000
Currimao PH012808000
Currimao PH012808000
Tagbina PH166817000
Echague PH023112000
Tayasan PH074622000
Bacolor PH035404000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Basay PH074605000
Calauag PH045607000
Sulat PH082622000
San Miguel PH031421000
Pantukan PH118211000
Hilongos PH083719000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Virac PH052011000
Virac PH052011000
City of Batac PH012805000
Bayabas PH166802000
Amulung PH021504000
Camalig PH050502000
Tantangan PH126315000
Binidayan PH153605000
Dolores PH082606000
Catubig PH084806000
Linamon PH103510000
Cantilan PH166805000
Batan PH060404000
Polangui PH050514000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Lala PH103509000
Mainit PH166714000
Gonzaga PH021514000
San Miguel PH166816000
Panglima Sugala PH157001000
Milagros PH054112000


Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI

Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Magsalisi PH034912008
Magsasaka Pob. (District 3) PH054118019
Magsaysay PH012930021
Magsaysay PH013320015
Magsaysay PH015501011
Magsaysay PH015503017
Magsaysay PH015511038
Magsaysay PH015519008
Magsaysay PH015521005
Magsaysay PH021517014
Magsaysay PH023107015
Magsaysay PH025005010
Magsaysay PH025703021
Magsaysay PH030804019
Magsaysay PH034901015
Magsaysay PH035407006
Magsaysay PH037104005
Magsaysay PH043425008
Magsaysay PH043429015
Magsaysay PH045603019
Magsaysay PH045616013
Magsaysay PH045618031
Magsaysay PH045620028
Magsaysay PH045628024
Magsaysay PH045641011
Magsaysay PH045646018
Magsaysay PH051602015
Magsaysay PH052001007
Magsaysay PH052010011
Magsaysay PH054109010
Magsaysay PH054121018
Magsaysay PH056203031
Magsaysay PH056211023
Magsaysay PH060612018
Magsaysay PH063022102
Magsaysay PH063029031
Magsaysay PH067901015
Magsaysay PH071239013
Magsaysay PH071240012
Magsaysay PH071243013
Magsaysay PH071247022
Magsaysay PH082603013
Magsaysay PH082606018
Magsaysay PH082607007
Magsaysay PH082611014
Magsaysay PH083702030
Magsaysay PH083718020
Magsaysay PH083740025
Magsaysay PH084808035
Magsaysay PH084810025
Magsaysay PH084811013
Magsaysay PH084812003
Magsaysay PH084814012
Magsaysay PH084824013
Magsaysay PH086001029
Magsaysay PH086017017
Magsaysay PH097217007
Magsaysay PH097218063
Magsaysay PH097323016
Magsaysay PH098312008


Jaen PH034912000
San Fernando PH054118000
Sinait PH012930000
Tubao PH013320000
Agno PH015501000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Bayambang PH015511000
Dasol PH015519000
Labrador PH015521000
Lasam PH021517000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Bayombong PH025005000
Diffun PH025703000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Aliaga PH034901000
Guagua PH035407000
Castillejos PH037104000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Siniloan PH043429000
Atimonan PH045603000
General Luna PH045616000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Infanta PH045620000
Mulanay PH045628000
San Antonio PH045641000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Capalonga PH051602000
Bagamanoc PH052001000
Viga PH052010000
Esperanza PH054109000
Uson PH054121000
Bulan PH056203000
Magallanes PH056211000
Patnongon PH060612000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Maasin PH063029000
Buenavista PH067901000
Sevilla PH071239000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Talibon PH071243000
Valencia PH071247000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Dolores PH082606000
General Macarthur PH082607000
Jipapad PH082611000
Alangalang PH083702000
Dulag PH083718000
Palompon PH083740000
Laoang PH084808000
Las Navas PH084810000
Lavezares PH084811000
Mapanas PH084812000
Palapag PH084814000
Lope de Vega PH084824000
Almagro PH086001000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Sibutad PH097217000
Sindangan PH097218000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
Roseller Lim PH098312000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Magsaysay PH098313023
Magsaysay PH101308016
Magsaysay PH101309019
Magsaysay PH101312029
Magsaysay PH101317016
Magsaysay PH104202006
Magsaysay PH104211006
Magsaysay PH112303012
Magsaysay PH112402188
Magsaysay PH112507017
Magsaysay PH118209010
Magsaysay PH118210007
Magsaysay PH124704041
Magsaysay PH124715006
Magsaysay PH126306010
Magsaysay PH126312016
Magsaysay PH126503034
Magsaysay PH143213022
Magsaysay PH153811015
Magsaysay PH160205009
Magsaysay PH160306014
Magsaysay PH160313006
Magsaysay PH160314010
Magsaysay PH166710014
Magsaysay PH166721009
Magsaysay PH166813003
Magsaysay PH166817008
Magsaysay PH168503007
Magsaysay PH168504008
Magsaysay PH168505008
Magsaysay PH175308006
Magsaysay PH175311011
Magsaysay PH175915007
Magsaysay PH064504019
Magsaysay PH074609014
Magsaysay PH074611021
Magsaysay (Balua) PH060606004
Magsaysay (Binabongol) PH064509003
Magsaysay (Camp 4) PH051737020
Magsaysay (Capay) PH015534009
Magsaysay (Centro Sur Oeste) PH023109008
Magsaysay (Doce) PH084803010
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH012933028
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH023101017
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH023120007
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH025705003
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH034931010
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH045622007
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH166714007
Magsaysay (Pob.) PH166717013
Magsaysay (Responde) PH083724014
Magsaysay District PH034903049
Magsaysay District (Pob.) PH012922014
Magsaysay Hills PH025004026
Magsaysay Pob (Bgy. 4) PH050505007
Magsaysay Private Road PH141102066
Magsaysay South PH034903097
Magsaysay Village PH063022103
Magsaysay, Lower PH141102065
Magsaysay, Upper PH141102159


Siay PH098313000
Kibawe PH101308000
Kitaotao PH101309000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Quezon PH101317000
Baliangao PH104202000
Panaon PH104211000
Carmen PH112303000
Davao City PH112402000
Lupon PH112507000
Nabunturan PH118209000
New Bataan PH118210000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Antipas PH124715000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Polomolok PH126312000
Esperanza PH126503000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Parang PH153811000
Jabonga PH160205000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Veruela PH160313000
Sibagat PH160314000
General Luna PH166710000
Santa Monica PH166721000
Madrid PH166813000
Tagbina PH166817000
Dinagat PH168503000
Libjo PH168504000
Loreto PH168505000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Dumaran PH175311000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Cadiz City PH064504000
Dauin PH074609000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Culasi PH060606000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Tinambac PH051737000
San Jacinto PH015534000
Cordon PH023109000
Bobon PH084803000
Tagudin PH012933000
Alicia PH023101000
Naguilian PH023120000
Saguday PH025705000
Talugtug PH034931000
Lopez PH045622000
Mainit PH166714000
Placer PH166717000
Javier PH083724000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Santa PH012922000
Bambang PH025004000
Jovellar PH050505000
Baguio City PH141102000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000


Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Magsico PH072241012
Magsidel PH021509006
Magsija PH071206024
Magsikap PH045617010
Magsikap PH175108003
Magsilay PH143208012
Magsino PH045637009
Magsiping PH013310015
Magsuganao PH083731009
Magsuhot PH074603011
Magsusunog PH074616008
Magtagobtob PH072223022
Magtaking PH015515013
Magtaking PH015532047
Magtang PH051737021
Magtangale PH166719009
Magtanggol PH034917017
Magtanggol PH137606002
Magtanggol (Pob.) PH034902014
Magtangtang PH071218007
Magtaon PH084812004
Magtibay PH175208071
Magticol PH064529004
Magting PH097343014
Magting PH101804008
Magtino PH082613013
Magtongtong PH071210023
Magtuad PH084806024
Magtuhao PH074622015
Magtulis PH060602027
Magtuod PH112402063
Magubahay PH060404012
Magubilan PH061909032
Magugba PH060409014
Magugpo East PH112319023
Magugpo North PH112319024
Magugpo Poblacion PH112319016
Magugpo South PH112319025
Magugpo West PH112319026
Maguibuay PH045646019
Maguid PH126509024
Maguihan PH041012015
Maguikay PH072230017
Maguikay PH097302034
Maguilayan PH045622047
Maguilling PH021520006
Maguinao PH031422014
Maguinda PH160202060
Maguindanao PH103506020
Maguing Proper PH153634032
Maguino-o PH086003090
Maguirig PH021527017
Maguiron PH050504021
Maguisguis PH037101008
Maguiting PH045644011
Magulalung Occidental PH153602011
Magulalung Oriental PH153602012
Magulibas PH118602019
Maguling PH128005007
Magulon PH142705008


San Fernando PH072241000

Calayan PH021509000
Balilihan PH071206000
General Nakar PH045617000
Rizal PH175108000
Pasil PH143208000
Quezon PH045637000
Luna PH013310000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Bacong PH074603000
Pamplona PH074616000
Danao City PH072223000
Bugallon PH015515000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Tinambac PH051737000
San Francisco PH166719000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Pateros PH137606000
Bongabon PH034902000
Danao PH071218000
Mapanas PH084812000
Naujan PH175208000
Toboso PH064529000
Guipos PH097343000
Mambajao PH101804000
Llorente PH082613000
Calape PH071210000
Catubig PH084806000
Tayasan PH074622000
Barbaza PH060602000
Davao City PH112402000
Batan PH060404000
Panay PH061909000
Libacao PH060409000
City of Tagum PH112319000
City of Tagum PH112319000
City of Tagum PH112319000
City of Tagum PH112319000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Palimbang PH126509000
Lemery PH041012000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Aurora PH097302000
Lopez PH045622000
Piat PH021520000
San Rafael PH031422000
Butuan City PH160202000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Maguing PH153634000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Solana PH021527000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Botolan PH037101000
San Narciso PH045644000
Balabagan PH153602000
Balabagan PH153602000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Maitum PH128005000
Lamut PH142705000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Magulon PH142706021
Magumbali PH035405014
Magungunay PH013311025
Magupange PH166717014
Magupising PH112323003
Magurang PH050514031
Maguyam PH042118026
Maguyepyep PH140120004
Magwawa PH112318008
Magyapo PH060609025
Mahaba PH050508029
Mahaba PH160203041
Mahaba PH166814006
Mahaba PH175906009
Mahabang Baybay (Long Beach) PH175911016
Mahabang Dahilig PH041005038
Mahabang Dahilig PH041012016
Mahabang Lalim PH045617007
Mahabang Lodlod PH041029019
Mahabang Parang PH031423013
Mahabang Parang PH041005039
Mahabang Parang PH041024014
Mahabang Parang PH045623021
Mahabang Parang PH045801014
Mahabang Parang PH045804023
Mahabang Parang PH175208026
Mahabang Sapa PH061901023
Mahabangkahoy Cerca PH042110022
Mahabangkahoy Lejos PH042110021
Mahacot Kanluran PH041005041
Mahacot Silangan PH041005040
Mahagbu PH071244013
Mahagcot PH160303015
Mahagna (New Cagbolo) PH083701033
Mahagnao PH083710043
Mahagsay PH160309015
Mahait PH083713037
Mahal Na Pangalan PH175205032
Mahala PH156613039
Mahalang PH064510010
Mahalingeb PH097313013
Mahalit PH083736014
Mahalo PH086401009
Mahalo PH157003006
Mahanadiong PH041032008
Mahanay PH071243014
Mahanay (Mahanay Island) PH071226015
Mahangcao PH086004019
Mahangin PH071211012
Mahanlud PH072229009
Mahanlud PH074612016
Mahanub PH112501012
Mahanub PH166711007
Mahanud PH086011013
Mahapag PH160309016
Maharlika PH031420036
Maharlika PH042109056
Maharlika PH043425025
Maharlika PH137404056
Maharlika PH160311015


Mayoyao PH142706000
Candaba PH035405000
Naguilian PH013311000
Placer PH166717000
Braulio E. Dujali PH112323000
Polangui PH050514000
Silang PH042118000
Sallapadan PH140120000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Laua-An PH060609000
City of Ligao PH050508000
City of Cabadbaran PH160203000
Marihatag PH166814000
Corcuera PH175906000
San Agustin PH175911000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lemery PH041012000
General Nakar PH045617000
Taal PH041029000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Batangas City PH041005000
San Luis PH041024000
Lucban PH045623000
Angono PH045801000
Binangonan PH045804000
Naujan PH175208000
Cuartero PH061901000
Indang PH042110000
Indang PH042110000
Batangas City PH041005000
Batangas City PH041005000
Trinidad PH071244000
Esperanza PH160303000
Abuyog PH083701000
Burauen PH083710000
San Luis PH160309000
Calubian PH083713000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Talipao PH156613000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Merida PH083736000
Anahawan PH086401000
Mapun PH157003000
Taysan PH041032000
Talibon PH071243000
Getafe PH071226000
Calbiga PH086004000
Candijay PH071211000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Baganga PH112501000
Gigaquit PH166711000
Matuguinao PH086011000
San Luis PH160309000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Imus City PH042109000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Quezon City PH137404000
Talacogon PH160311000


Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maharlika PH166803024
Maharlika East PH042119031
Maharlika Pob. (1st Zone) PH174005034
Maharlika Village PH137607009
Maharlika West PH042119011
Maharuhay PH072231018
Mahatalang PH150705032
Mahawak PH072231019
Mahawan PH083726009
Mahawan-hawan PH051606034
Mahawid PH150707025
Mahay PH160202061
Mahayag PH054117017
Mahayag PH071202008
Mahayag PH071217009
Mahayag PH071238013
Mahayag PH083703008
Mahayag PH083722012
Mahayag PH083731010
Mahayag PH083736015
Mahayag PH083738064
Mahayag PH086011014
Mahayag PH086016024
Mahayag PH086021017
Mahayag PH086412019
Mahayag PH097305017
Mahayag PH101317017
Mahayag PH104325006
Mahayag PH112402064
Mahayag PH112502006
Mahayag PH160301037
Mahayag (Maitum) PH166816011
Mahayag Norte PH071213017
Mahayag Sur PH071213018
Mahayahay PH041012017
Mahayahay PH054106017
Mahayahay PH054117018
Mahayahay PH083701035
Mahayahay PH083703009
Mahayahay PH083708042
Mahayahay PH083731011
Mahayahay PH083738065
Mahayahay PH086402020
Mahayahay PH086407035
Mahayahay PH086409034
Mahayahay PH086412020
Mahayahay PH086417021
Mahayahay PH097214014
Mahayahay PH097302035
Mahayahay PH097308022
Mahayahay PH097311019
Mahayahay PH098313024
Mahayahay PH098314009
Mahayahay PH101304013
Mahayahay PH103505030
Mahayahay PH103506021
Mahayahay PH103512007
Mahayahay PH104208015
Mahayahay PH104317013
Mahayahay PH104318006


City of Bislig PH166803000

Tagaytay City PH042119000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Taguig City PH137607000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Medellin PH072231000
Sumisip PH150705000
Medellin PH072231000
Kananga PH083726000
Labo PH051606000
Tuburan PH150707000
Butuan City PH160202000
Placer PH054117000
Alicia PH071202000
Dagohoy PH071217000
San Miguel PH071238000
Albuera PH083703000
Isabel PH083722000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Merida PH083736000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Villareal PH086021000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Dimataling PH097305000
Quezon PH101317000
Talisayan PH104325000
Davao City PH112402000
Banaybanay PH112502000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
San Miguel PH166816000
Catigbian PH071213000
Catigbian PH071213000
Lemery PH041012000
Cawayan PH054106000
Placer PH054117000
Abuyog PH083701000
Albuera PH083703000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Bontoc PH086402000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Malitbog PH086409000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Sogod PH086417000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Aurora PH097302000
Dumingag PH097308000
Kumalarang PH097311000
Siay PH098313000
Talusan PH098314000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Maigo PH103512000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Manticao PH104318000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mahayahay PH112403013
Mahayahay PH112404014
Mahayahay PH112507019
Mahayahay PH118205014
Mahayahay PH160206005
Mahayahay PH160309017
Mahayahay PH160314011
Mahayahay PH166708017
Mahayahay PH166812006
Mahayahay PH168506007
Mahayahay Lower (Zone I) PH150704007
Mahayahay Upper (Zone II) PH150704019
Mahayhay PH103504012
Mahayod-Hayod PH045622048
Mahilum PH083720016
Mahilum PH064505028
Mahinhin PH174001032
Mahinta PH045646020
Mahipon PH034908004
Mahipon PH043407012
Mahogany Pob. (Bgy. 21) PH160202062
Mahongcog PH124706030
Mahunig PH174003015
Mahunodhunod PH061901012
Mai Ditimbang Balindong PH153618005
Mai Sindaoloan Dansalan PH153618007
Maibo PH112407021
Maibo PH126315006
Maibu PH160202063
Maican PH101302009
Maidan PH153629021
Maidan Linuk PH153626022
Maidapa PH153812026
Maidlang PH175205033
Maigang PH045617008
Maigang PH072210025
Maigang PH097206038
Maigpa PH015511039
Maigsing Dahilig PH041012018
Maihao PH054106018
Maiit PH043417027
Maikay PH104216022
Mailag PH101321020
Mailhi PH083708043
Mailum PH064502016
Maimbaguiang PH153638030
Maimpis PH035416015
Mainaga PH041016010
Maindang PH061901013
Maindang PH126507005
Maindig PH153605017
Maindig Ditsaan PH153624055
Mainguit PH063004016
Mainit PH041016011
Mainit PH051703013
Mainit PH061901014
Mainit PH072234016
Mainit PH072235017
Mainit PH086401010
Mainit PH086411012


City of Digos PH112403000

Hagonoy PH112404000
Lupon PH112507000
Maragusan PH118205000
Kitcharao PH160206000
San Luis PH160309000
Sibagat PH160314000
Del Carmen PH166708000
Lingig PH166812000
San Jose PH168506000
Maluso PH150704000
Maluso PH150704000
Iligan City PH103504000
Lopez PH045622000
Hindang PH083720000
Calatrava PH064505000
Boac PH174001000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Cavinti PH043407000
Butuan City PH160202000
Magpet PH124706000
Gasan PH174003000
Cuartero PH061901000
Masiu PH153618000
Masiu PH153618000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Tantangan PH126315000
Butuan City PH160202000
Damulog PH101302000
Tugaya PH153629000
Tamparan PH153626000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
City of Calapan PH175205000
General Nakar PH045617000
Barili PH072210000
Liloy PH097206000
Bayambang PH015511000
Lemery PH041012000
Cawayan PH054106000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Tudela PH104216000
City of Valencia PH101321000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Bago City PH064502000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Mabini PH041016000
Cuartero PH061901000
Lutayan PH126507000
Binidayan PH153605000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Badiangan PH063004000
Mabini PH041016000
Bato PH051703000
Cuartero PH061901000
City of Naga PH072234000
Oslob PH072235000
Anahawan PH086401000
Pintuyan PH086411000


Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mainit PH101801009
Mainit PH103504013
Mainit PH112505010
Mainit PH118204031
Mainit PH118209011
Mainit PH144404011
Mainit PH174001033
Mainit PH175306011
Mainit PH175902007
Mainit Norte PH045633002
Mainit Sur PH045633003
Maipalig PH012805027
Maipon PH050504022
Mairok Ibaba PH045649013
Mairok Ilaya PH045649017
Maisog PH051604005
Maite PH030805012
Maite PH076105007
Maite Grande PH063025044
Maite Pequeño PH063025045
Maitim PH043402004
Maitim 2nd Central PH042119032
Maitim 2nd East PH042119012
Maitim 2nd West PH042119025
Maitim I PH042102007
Maito Salug PH103519011
Maitong PH153814012
Maitum PH071213019
Maitum PH083701036
Maitum PH083708044
Maitum PH166819010
Maitumaig PH153827004
Majacob PH086020029
Majada Labas PH043405062
Majanlud PH061915008
Majlong PH142708010
Majuben PH041016012
Makabaclay PH034908018
Makadayon PH153821007
Makaguiling PH153812027
Makainis PH153819011
Makalangot PH124718018
Makapilapil PH031419019
Makat PH153805023
Makat (Sumali Pas) PH126502017
Makate PH025703022
Makawa PH104201017
Makawayan PH041033004
Makawayan PH174006011
Makiang PH097219026
Makilas PH098305039
Makilignit PH064514012
Makiling PH043405026
Makiling PH064523013
Makina PH041004005
Makina PH041007027
Makina PH042115019
Makinabang PH031403007
Makindol PH023104011
Making PH153811016


Catarman PH101801000
Iligan City PH103504000
Cateel PH112505000
Maco PH118204000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Bontoc PH144404000
Boac PH174001000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Banton PH175902000
Perez PH045633000
Perez PH045633000
City of Batac PH012805000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Unisan PH045649000
Unisan PH045649000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Hermosa PH030805000
San Juan PH076105000
Lambunao PH063025000
Maite Pequeno Lambunao PH063025000
Bay PH043402000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Amadeo PH042102000
Sapad PH103519000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Catigbian PH071213000
Abuyog PH083701000
City of Baybay PH083708000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Tarangnan PH086020000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Mabini PH041016000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Talitay PH153821000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Arakan PH124718000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Columbio PH126502000
Diffun PH025703000
Aloran PH104201000
Tingloy PH041033000
Torrijos PH174006000
Siocon PH097219000
Ipil PH098305000
Isabela PH064514000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Sagay City PH064523000
Balete PH041004000
Calaca PH041007000
Naic PH042115000
Baliuag PH031403000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Parang PH153811000


Camiguin PH101800000 Region X

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Makinhas PH083708045
Makir PH153807023
Makiri PH099701030
Makiwalo PH084813014
Makuguihon (Pob.) PH097319019
Makulapnit PH174005035
Mal-ay PH045622049
Mal-ong PH015505011
Mala-abangon PH153626020
Mala Este PH021508012
Mala Salug PH103519012
Mala Weste PH021508013
Malabag PH042118027
Malabago PH013317014
Malabago PH015517014
Malabago PH015526020
Malabago PH037113015
Malabago PH072207015
Malabago PH074603012
Malabago PH074612017
Malabahay PH045625010
Malabal PH086004021
Malaban PH043403012
Malabanan PH041004006
Malabanban Norte PH045608008
Malabanban Sur PH045608009
Malabang Damsite PH112404017
Malabanias PH035401013
Malabaogan PH103511010
Malabbac PH021515013
Malabbaga PH140108007
Malabca PH083710044
Malabia PH030803012
Malabiga PH050507025
Malabing PH025009016
Malabnig PH050504023
Malabo PH175215013
Malabo PH074623016
Malabo-Kalantukan PH043410026
Malabobo PH015527046
Malabod PH128007017
Malabog PH050503031
Malabog PH051711025
Malabog PH112402065
Malabon-Kaingin PH034912010
Malabon (San Roque) PH037103007
Malabor PH060617008
Malabrigo PH041015013
Malabtog PH045619028
Malabuan PH124707022
Malabugas PH074606011
Malabuhan PH074619013
Malaca PH015545012
Malacampa PH036903027
Malacañang PH012933029
Malacañang PH015532048
Malacañang PH034928004
Malacañang PH060606025
Malacapas PH015519010
Malacbang PH051608014


City of Baybay PH083708000

Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Mondragon PH084813000
Molave PH097319000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Lopez PH045622000
Anda PH015505000
Tamparan PH153626000
Buguey PH021508000
Sapad PH103519000
Buguey PH021508000
Silang PH042118000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Calasiao PH015517000
Mangaldan PH015526000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Badian PH072207000
Bacong PH074603000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Macalelon PH045625000
Calbiga PH086004000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Balete PH041004000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Angeles City PH035401000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Iguig PH021515000
La Paz PH140108000
Burauen PH083710000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Libon PH050507000
Kasibu PH025009000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Victoria PH175215000
Valencia PH074623000
Liliw PH043410000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Malungon PH128007000
Daraga PH050503000
Caramoan PH051711000
Davao City PH112402000
Jaen PH034912000
Candelaria PH037103000
Tibiao PH060617000
Lobo PH041015000
Gumaca PH045619000
Makilala PH124707000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Siaton PH074619000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Camiling PH036903000
Malacanang Tagudin PH012933000
Malacanang San Carlos City PH015532000
Malacanang Santa Rosa PH034928000
Malacanang Culasi PH060606000
Dasol PH015519000
Paracale PH051608000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malacca PH157001016
Malaconini PH051735011
Malad PH175205034
Maladi PH153635029
Malag-it PH061912017
Malag-it PH063013073
Malag-it PH063025046
Malag-it Grande PH063035029
Malag-it Pequeño PH063035030
Malaga PH086003091
Malaga PH074607011
Malagab-i PH061901015
Malagakit PH124711019
Malagalad PH097308023
Malagana PH104306013
Malaganding PH153628043
Malagandis PH098315015
Malagap PH124716008
Malagasang I-A PH042109014
Malagasang I-B PH042109057
Malagasang I-C PH042109058
Malagasang I-D PH042109059
Malagasang I-E PH042109060
Malagasang I-F PH042109061
Malagasang I-G PH042109062
Malagasang II-A PH042109015
Malagasang II-B PH042109063
Malagasang II-C PH042109064
Malagasang II-D PH042109065
Malagasang II-E PH042109066
Malagasang II-F PH042109067
Malagasang II-G PH042109068
Malagnat PH143209016
Malagonlong PH041014028
Malagos PH112402066
Malaguicay PH083701037
Malaguicay PH083748034
Malaguico PH051734024
Malaguinabot PH063013045
Malaguinabot PH083710045
Malaguinabot PH083743015
Malaguining PH086019002
Malaguit PH051608015
Malagutay PH097332047
Malagyan PH063030071
Malaiba PH060613022
Malaiba PH074608006
Malaig PH103515015
Malaig PH153603056
Malaigang PH153630025
Malaihao (San Ramon) PH083710046
Malainen Bago PH042115020
Malainen Luma PH042115021
Malainin PH041010011
Malaintos PH082606048
Malajog PH086003092
Malakaban PH045804039
Malakas PH150702065
Malakdang (Pob.) PH020905002
Malaking Ambling PH043415002


Panglima Sugala PH157001000

Siruma PH051735000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Picong PH153635000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Calinog PH063013000
Lambunao PH063025000
City of Passi PH063035000
Malag-it Pequeno City of Passi PH063035000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bindoy PH074607000
Cuartero PH061901000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Dumingag PH097308000
Claveria PH104306000
Tubaran PH153628000
Titay PH098315000
Banisilan PH124716000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Lipa City PH041014000
Davao City PH112402000
Abuyog PH083701000
Tanauan PH083748000
Sipocot PH051734000
Calinog PH063013000
Burauen PH083710000
San Miguel PH083743000
Talalora PH086019000
Paracale PH051608000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Miagao PH063030000
San Jose PH060613000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Nunungan PH103515000
Balindong PH153603000
Wao PH153630000
Burauen PH083710000
Naic PH042115000
Naic PH042115000
Ibaan PH041010000
Dolores PH082606000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Binangonan PH045804000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Sabtang PH020905000
Magdalena PH043415000


Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malaking Ilog PH054120025

Malaking Ilog PH175304007
Malaking Patag PH175322009
Malaking Pook PH041026013
Malaking Pulo PH041031025
Malaking Tatyao PH042118059
Malala PH153805006
Malalag (Pob.) PH128005008
Malalag Cogon PH128007018
Malalag Tubig PH118604006
Malalam PH023114052
Malalam-Malacabibi PH021527043
Malalan PH118602020
Malalangsi PH074616009
Malalao PH143213023
Malalatan PH021502015
Malalay PH041003036
Malalay PH072239009
Malalim PH041005042
Malalim Na Sanog PH041015014
Malalinta PH021528033
Malalinta PH023130007
Malalis PH153640005
Malalison Island PH060606026
Malama PH050508030
Malama PH148102010
Malamag East PH023137029
Malamag West PH023137030
Malamba PH112402067
Malamboy-Bondolan PH063002033
Malambuhangin PH097219027
Malamhay PH063002032
Malamig PH031406008
Malamig PH043403013
Malamig PH137401016
Malamig PH175205035
Malamig PH175206015
Malamin PH012920020
Malamodao PH118204019
Malamote PH124703011
Malamote PH124709026
Malampa (Peninaan-Malampa) PH012823038
Malamsit (Pau-Malamsit) PH140117005
Malanang PH104321009
Malanao PH021516024
Malanay PH015538012
Malandag PH128007019
Malanday PH045811007
Malanday PH137402005
Malanday PH137504016
Malandayon PH060413011
Malandog PH060608033
Malanduague PH124703012
Malangabang PH063015016
Malangag PH124715007
Malangcao-Basud PH051606035
Malanggam-Calubacan PH045806016
Malangit PH153833006
Malangog PH153827005
Malangsa PH086406014


San Pascual PH054120000

Balabac PH175304000
Culion PH175322000
San Pascual PH041026000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Silang PH042118000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Maitum PH128005000
Malungon PH128007000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Solana PH021527000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Pamplona PH074616000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Alcala PH021502000
Balayan PH041003000
Ronda PH072239000
Batangas City PH041005000
Lobo PH041015000
Tuao PH021528000
San Manuel PH023130000
Sultan Dumalondong PH153640000
Culasi PH060606000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Conner PH148102000
Tumauini PH023137000
Tumauini PH023137000
Davao City PH112402000
Alimodian PH063002000
Siocon PH097219000
Alimodian PH063002000
Bustos PH031406000
City of Biñan PH043403000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Gloria PH175206000
San Juan PH012920000
Maco PH118204000
Kabacan PH124703000
Midsayap PH124709000
Vintar PH012823000
Peñarrubia PH140117000
Opol PH104321000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Malungon PH128007000
San Mateo PH045811000
City of Marikina PH137402000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Malinao PH060413000
Hamtic PH060608000
Kabacan PH124703000
Concepcion PH063015000
Antipas PH124715000
Labo PH051606000
Cardona PH045806000
Pandag PH153833000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Liloan PH086406000


Masbate PH054100000 Region V

Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malangsa PH074624007
Malannao PH023102038
Malannit PH023115023
Malanog PH064505022
Malansad Nuevo PH051718036
Malansad Viejo PH051718037
Malanta PH156618007
Malanta PH157010012
Malaoa PH045647040
Malapaao PH140112006
Malapad PH045638007
Malapad PH175201011
Malapad Cogon PH061916009
Malapad Na Bato PH041019032
Malapad Na Parang PH041015015
Malapag PH124702022
Malapagay PH023136021
Malapang PH124717009
Malapat PH023109009
Malapawe PH063013046
Malapay PH050513014
Malapaya PH063044029
Malapit PH034925004
Malapoc PH056207021
Malapoc PH063005012
Malapoc PH072223023
Malapoc Norte PH086407036
Malapoc Sur PH086407037
Malapong PH160201008
Malaruhatan PH041013014
Malasay PH097203010
Malasibog PH064509014
Malasik PH097307029
Malasila PH124707023
Malasin PH012804007
Malasin PH015530019
Malasin PH023102039
Malasin PH023103018
Malasin PH023105012
Malasin PH023117007
Malasin PH023132009
Malasin PH034926012
Malasin PH034929017
Malasin PH037707028
Malasin (Angeles) PH023114053
Malasin (Pob.) PH025007013
Malassa PH157002016
Malasugui PH051606036
Malatad PH124715008
Malatap PH051606037
Malatas PH064505023
Malatawan PH054115025
Malatbo PH072225009
Malate (Pob.) PH034919010
Malatgao PH175315012
Malatgao PH175317024
Malatimon PH153801018
Malating PH097323017
Malativas PH112315020
Malatuneng (Malatunol) PH126509025


Vallehermoso PH074624000
Angadanan PH023102000
Jones PH023115000
Calatrava PH064505000
Libmanan PH051718000
Libmanan PH051718000
Pandami PH156618000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Langiden PH140112000
Real PH045638000
Baco PH175201000
Sigma PH061916000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Lobo PH041015000
Carmen PH124702000
Santo Tomas PH023136000
Aleosan PH124717000
Cordon PH023109000
Calinog PH063013000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Sara PH063044000
San Isidro PH034925000
Donsol PH056207000
Balasan PH063005000
Danao City PH072223000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Buenavista PH160201000
Lian PH041013000
Katipunan PH097203000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Makilala PH124707000
Bangui PH012804000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Angadanan PH023102000
Aurora PH023103000
Burgos PH023105000
Maconacon PH023117000
San Mateo PH023132000
San Jose City PH034926000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Maria Aurora PH037707000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
Bongao PH157002000
Labo PH051606000
Antipas PH124715000
Labo PH051606000
Calatrava PH064505000
Palanas PH054115000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Palayan City PH034919000
Narra PH175315000
Quezon PH175317000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Ramon Magsaysay PH097323000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Palimbang PH126509000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malaubang PH104210033
Malauli PH035412012
Malaunay PH074623017
Malawa PH015522019
Malawaan PH175108004
Malawag (San Jose Malawag) PH051723026
Malawak PH031406009
Malawanit PH112407012
Malawig PH175309012
Malawog PH063043044
Malaya PH012908017
Malaya PH030807017
Malaya PH041021018
Malaya PH043417028
Malaya PH045616014
Malaya PH045810006
Malaya PH051606038
Malaya PH137404057
Malaya PH175208027
Malaya PH175209011
Malaya (Barrio 9) PH126302015
Malaya (Pook Malaya) PH034929024
Malayak PH174004021
Malayal PH097216013
Malayan PH124710019
Malayanan PH101318031
Malayantoc PH034929019
Malayep PH036906019
Malayo PH015545013
Malayo Norte PH071216005
Malayo Sur PH071216006
Malayog PH086003093
Malayog PH086007102
Malayong PH175206016
Malayu-an PH063001012
Malayugan PH148103008
Malazarte PH083733020
Malbago PH072221011
Malbago PH072228006
Malbago PH086402021
Malbang PH034920009
Malbang PH128004011
Malbeg-Patalan PH034906030
Malbog PH045646021
Malbog PH056211024
Malbog PH056213032
Malbog PH063019013
Malbog PH071225023
Malbog PH082619032
Malbog PH083749005
Malbog PH174001034
Malbog PH174002007
Malbogon PH051718038
Malbong PH051713005
Malbug PH054106019
Malcampo PH175318010
Malcolm Square-Perfecto (Jose Abad Santos) PH141102147
Male PH063046034
Malegdeg PH126512015
Malekkeg PH148107004


Ozamis City PH104210000

Masantol PH035412000
Valencia PH074623000
Lingayen PH015522000
Rizal PH175108000
Nabua PH051723000
Bustos PH031406000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Coron PH175309000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Cervantes PH012908000
Mariveles PH030807000
Rosario PH041021000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
General Luna PH045616000
Pililla PH045810000
Labo PH051606000
Quezon City PH137404000
Naujan PH175208000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Banga PH126302000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Mogpog PH174004000
Sibuco PH097216000
M'Lang PH124710000
San Fernando PH101318000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
Gerona PH036906000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Cortes PH071216000
Cortes PH071216000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Gandara PH086007000
Gloria PH175206000
Ajuy PH063001000
Flora PH148103000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Madridejos PH072228000
Bontoc PH086402000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Maasim PH128004000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Magallanes PH056211000
Pilar PH056213000
Estancia PH063019000
Jagna PH071225000
Salcedo PH082619000
Tolosa PH083749000
Boac PH174001000
Buenavista PH174002000
Libmanan PH051718000
Gainza PH051713000
Cawayan PH054106000
Roxas PH175318000
Baguio City PH141102000
Tubungan PH063046000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Santa Marcela PH148107000


Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X

Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malengen PH124705019
Malhacan PH031412015
Malhiao PH072207016
Mali-ao PH063036012
Mali Little Baguio PH098304011
Malian PH097223019
Maliangcog PH175209012
Maliao PH061917028
Maliao PH063028056
Malibabag PH021519015
Malibacsan PH104207008
Malibago PH023112029
Malibago PH051606039
Malibago PH083705004
Malibago PH086412021
Malibago PH112505011
Malibago PH174006012
Malibago PH175210011
Malibang PH148106012
Malibangcao PH104205018
Malibas PH054115011
Malibatuan PH124718019
Malibay PH031421028
Malibayo PH041005043
Malibcong (Pob.) PH140115008
Malibong PH015527047
Malibong PH015545014
Malibong Bata PH031415009
Malibong Matanda PH031415010
Malibpolok PH153829005
Malibu PH041034010
Malibud PH104308022
Malicato PH160207006
Maliclico PH013319006
Malico PH015536016
Malico PH025012016
Malico PH063009016
Malico PH086413019
Malideg PH012915004
Malidong PH050513015
Malidong PH084807016
Maligang PH128003012
Maligay PH156611016
Maligaya PH023108043
Maligaya PH023112030
Maligaya PH023119006
Maligaya PH023121008
Maligaya PH023137031
Maligaya PH030804046
Maligaya PH030807018
Maligaya PH031421058
Maligaya PH034904006
Maligaya PH034917018
Maligaya PH034919005
Maligaya PH034923019
Maligaya PH035406016
Maligaya PH036916047
Maligaya PH037706016
Maligaya PH041012020
Maligaya PH041021019


Libungan PH124705000
City of Meycauayan PH031412000
Badian PH072207000
Pavia PH063036000
Imelda PH098304000
Gutalac PH097223000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Tapaz PH061917000
Leon PH063028000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Jimenez PH104207000
Echague PH023112000
Labo PH051606000
Babatngon PH083705000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Cateel PH112505000
Torrijos PH174006000
Pola PH175210000
Pudtol PH148106000
Clarin PH104205000
Palanas PH054115000
Arakan PH124718000
San Miguel PH031421000
Batangas City PH041005000
Malibcong PH140115000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Urbiztondo PH015545000
Pandi PH031415000
Pandi PH031415000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Tuy PH041034000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Sudipen PH013319000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Santa Fe PH025012000
Batad PH063009000
San Francisco PH086413000
Quirino PH012915000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Gamay PH084807000
Kiamba PH128003000
Patikul PH156611000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Echague PH023112000
Mallig PH023119000
Palanan PH023121000
Tumauini PH023137000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Mariveles PH030807000
San Miguel PH031421000
Cabiao PH034904000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Palayan City PH034919000
Rizal PH034923000
Floridablanca PH035406000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Lemery PH041012000
Rosario PH041021000


Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII

Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maligaya PH045607048
Maligaya PH045617009
Maligaya PH051711026
Maligaya PH083731027
Maligaya PH086017018
Maligaya PH097210016
Maligaya PH098313025
Maligaya PH101312030
Maligaya PH126502019
Maligaya PH126508011
Maligaya PH150702066
Maligaya PH160307011
Maligaya PH166809017
Maligaya PH174001019
Maligaya PH175104003
Maligaya (Esperanza) PH045605023
Maligaya (Pob.) PH037703007
Maligaya (Pob.) PH043414010
Maligaya (Pob.) PH045615009
Maligaya (Pob.) PH045644014
Maligaya (Pob.) PH175206017
Maligaya (Pob.) PH175316025
Maligaya Pob. (Barangay 1) PH175312011
Maligcong PH012916015
Maligcong PH144404012
Maligo PH126312011
Maligo PH153623024
Maligubaan PH104206007
Maligue (Lunot) PH099701031
Malihao PH086008019
Malihud PH175305008
Maliig PH175104004
Maliit Digos PH112404018
Malijao PH071220026
Maliksi I PH042103012
Maliksi II PH042103039
Maliksi III PH042103040
Malila PH097206039
Malila-t PH097221014
Malilico PH175909015
Malilion PH015536017
Malilitao PH021511018
Malim PH097327010
Malimanga PH037103008
Malimatoc I PH041016014
Malimatoc II PH041016015
Malimba PH034908005
Malimbato PH103520006
Malimbaya PH156601020
Malimono PH153617065
Malimpec PH015511040
Malimpec PH015524047
Malimpec East PH015509005
Malimpin PH015519011
Malimpuec PH015522020
Malin-awa PH143213039
Malinan PH124704020
Malinao PH034907011
Malinao PH043415017
Malinao PH043416021


Calauag PH045607000
General Nakar PH045617000
Caramoan PH051711000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Polanco PH097210000
Siay PH098313000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Columbio PH126502000
Lambayong PH126508000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Rosario PH160307000
Hinatuan PH166809000
Boac PH174001000
Lubang PH175104000
Buenavista PH045605000
Dilasag PH037703000
Mabitac PH043414000
Dolores PH045615000
San Narciso PH045644000
Gloria PH175206000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
El Nido PH175312000
Salcedo PH012916000
Bontoc PH144404000
Polomolok PH126312000
Pualas PH153623000
Concepcion PH104206000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Bataraza PH175305000
Lubang PH175104000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Dimiao PH071220000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Liloy PH097206000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Odiongan PH175909000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Claveria PH021511000
Tabina PH097327000
Candelaria PH037103000
Mabini PH041016000
Mabini PH041016000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Tagoloan PH103520000
Indanan PH156601000
Marawi City PH153617000
Bayambang PH015511000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Basista PH015509000
Dasol PH015519000
Lingayen PH015522000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Gabaldon PH034907000
Magdalena PH043415000
Majayjay PH043416000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malinao PH043417029
Malinao PH043426009
Malinao PH051718039
Malinao PH056207022
Malinao PH071222019
Malinao PH082623012
Malinao PH083731012
Malinao PH086412022
Malinao PH086417022
Malinao PH097224009
Malinao PH098307015
Malinao PH101306009
Malinao PH101307008
Malinao PH104308023
Malinao PH118202032
Malinao PH124716009
Malinao PH137403010
Malinao PH153638025
Malinao PH166710015
Malinao PH168507003
Malinao PH174006013
Malinao PH175208028
Malinao PH175315013
Malinao East PH071227013
Malinao Ibaba PH045603020
Malinao Ilaya PH045603021
Malinao West PH071227014
Malinas PH103505031
Malinawon PH118206004
Malindang PH104209024
Malindig PH041006020
Malindog PH060406016
Malindong PH015513019
Malineng PH034906031
Maling (Kabugao) PH143201010
Malingao PH103522014
Malingao PH124709027
Malingao PH153808023
Malingeb PH012903013
Malingin PH071248006
Malingin PH072211017
Malingin PH072221012
Malingin PH064502017
Malingon PH082617026
Malingon PH126510012
Malingon PH153638026
Malinis PH041012021
Malinis (Pob.) PH150702067
Malino PH035416016
Malino PH086009018
Malinta PH021517015
Malinta PH043411015
Malinta PH054111021
Malinta PH137504017
Malintuboan PH097205024
Malioer PH015511041
Maliogliog PH063015017
Maliolio PH034928005
Malipampang PH031419020
Malipayon PH101316012


Nagcarlan PH043417000
Santa Cruz PH043426000
Libmanan PH051718000
Donsol PH056207000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Taft PH082623000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Sogod PH086417000
Baliguian PH097224000
Mabuhay PH098307000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Laak PH118202000
Banisilan PH124716000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
General Luna PH166710000
Tubajon PH168507000
Torrijos PH174006000
Naujan PH175208000
Narra PH175315000
Lila PH071227000
Atimonan PH045603000
Atimonan PH045603000
Lila PH071227000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Mawab PH118206000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Bauan PH041006000
Ibajay PH060406000
Binmaley PH015513000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Balbalan PH143201000
Tubod PH103522000
Midsayap PH124709000
Shariff Aguak PH153808000
Bantay PH012903000
Bien Unido PH071248000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Bago City PH064502000
Oras PH082617000
President Quirino PH126510000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Lemery PH041012000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Jiabong PH086009000
Lasam PH021517000
Los Baños PH043411000
City of Masbate PH054111000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Labason PH097205000
Bayambang PH015511000
Concepcion PH063015000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Pangantucan PH101316000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malipayon-Delgado PH063022104
Maliplipit PH140119009
Malipo PH050504024
Malipoon PH083731013
Malipot PH097219014
Malire PH124715009
Malis PH031408004
Malis PH175306012
Malisbong PH126509026
Malisbong PH175109023
Malita PH140101017
Malitam PH041005044
Malitao PH023112031
Malitbog PH051722013
Malitbog PH061917029
Malitbog PH071217010
Malitbog PH175203017
Malitbog Centro PH063013047
Malitbog Ilawod PH063010007
Malitbog Ilaya PH063010008
Malitbogay PH083724015
Malitbogay PH083741018
Malitlit PH041014029
Malitlit PH043428010
Malitub PH175305009
Malitubog PH124701008
Maliwaliw PH082619033
Maliwaliw PH083717032
Maliwalo PH036916048
Maliwalu PH035404011
Maliwanag PH103503011
Maliwanag PH103512008
Maliwanag PH103516016
Maliwanag PH103517016
Maliwanag PH153604024
Maliwanag PH153625019
Maliwanag PH153626021
Maliwanag PH160303041
Maliwanag PH175207010
Maliwara PH015532050
Malixi PH166817009
Maljo PH083721016
Mallabo PH023131021
Mallalatang Grande PH023125010
Mallalatang Tunggui PH023125011
Mallango PH143215013
Mallig PH148103012
Mallorca PH034927007
Mallorga PH086019003
Malna Proper PH153610017
Malo PH175202005
Malo-ong Canal PH150702036
Malo-ong San Jose PH150702037
Malobago PH050503032
Malobago PH050504025
Malobago PH050511011
Malobago PH050515021
Malobago PH054105019
Malobago PH082606019
Malobago PH082614006


Iloilo City PH063022000

Pilar PH140119000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Mahaplag PH083731000
Siocon PH097219000
Antipas PH124715000
Guiguinto PH031408000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
Palimbang PH126509000
Sablayan PH175109000
Bangued PH140101000
Batangas City PH041005000
Echague PH023112000
Minalabac PH051722000
Tapaz PH061917000
Dagohoy PH071217000
Bongabong PH175203000
Calinog PH063013000
Bingawan PH063010000
Bingawan PH063010000
Javier PH083724000
Pastrana PH083741000
Lipa City PH041014000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Bataraza PH175305000
Alamada PH124701000
Salcedo PH082619000
Dagami PH083717000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Bacolor PH035404000
Baroy PH103503000
Maigo PH103512000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Bayang PH153604000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tamparan PH153626000
Esperanza PH160303000
Mansalay PH175207000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Tagbina PH166817000
Inopacan PH083721000
San Mariano PH023131000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Flora PH148103000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Talalora PH086019000
Kapai PH153610000
Bansud PH175202000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Daraga PH050503000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Manito PH050511000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Cataingan PH054105000
Dolores PH082606000
Maslog PH082614000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malobago PH082615008
Malobago PH083713038
Malobago PH083723021
Malobago PH084820009
Malobago PH086001013
Malobago PH086010019
Malobago PH086012021
Malobago (Villalinda) PH086009019
Malobalo PH101309020
Malocloc Norte PH061905008
Malocloc Sur PH061905009
Maloco PH060406017
Malogo PH082605014
Maloh PH074619014
Malokiat PH015530020
Malolos PH050510016
Malolos PH072210026
Maloloy-on (Pob.) PH097319020
Maloma PH037110006
Malomboy PH037101030
Malones PH072222019
Malongcay Dacu PH074609015
Malongcay Diot PH074625004
Malongon PH112407013
Malonoy PH061902013
Malonoy PH061904023
Malonoy PH086012022
Malonoy PH086021018
Malonzo PH036902008
Malopalo PH086003094
Maloray PH072222020
Maloro PH104215025
Malpag PH083743016
Malpalon PH175102003
Malpitic PH035416017
Malpoc PH160201009
Maltana PH126314005
Maluac PH036909019
Maluanluan PH175210012
Maluao PH124711020
Maluay PH074625005
Malubago PH051734025
Malubal PH098312022
Malubay PH175206018
Malubi PH054101020
Malubibit Norte PH148103009
Malubibit Sur PH148103013
Malublub PH063004017
Malublub PH063028057
Malubo PH097315015
Malubog PH072217048
Malubon PH064523012
Malucsad PH143208013
Malued PH015518018
Malugas PH097203009
Malugay PH175214015
Malugong PH126316029
Maluid PH036917013
Maluko PH101314012
Malumin PH021528019


Maydolong PH082615000
Calubian PH083713000
Jaro PH083723000
San Roque PH084820000
Almagro PH086001000
Marabut PH086010000
Motiong PH086012000
Jiabong PH086009000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Ivisan PH061905000
Ivisan PH061905000
Ibajay PH060406000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Siaton PH074619000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Malinao PH050510000
Barili PH072210000
Molave PH097319000
San Felipe PH037110000
Botolan PH037101000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Dauin PH074609000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Dao PH061902000
Dumarao PH061904000
Motiong PH086012000
Villareal PH086021000
Bamban PH036902000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Tangub City PH104215000
San Miguel PH083743000
Calintaan PH175102000
City of San Fernando PH035416000
Buenavista PH160201000
Tampakan PH126314000
Moncada PH036909000
Pola PH175210000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Sipocot PH051734000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Gloria PH175206000
Aroroy PH054101000
Flora PH148103000
Flora PH148103000
Badiangan PH063004000
Leon PH063028000
Mahayag PH097315000
Cebu City PH072217000
Sagay City PH064523000
Pasil PH143208000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Katipunan PH097203000
Socorro PH175214000
T'Boli PH126316000
Victoria PH036917000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Tuao PH021528000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Malumot PH031416003
Malunang PH063047014
Malunec PH015527048
Malungon PH098308021
Malungon PH098316009
Malungon PH124707024
Malungon Gamay PH128007020
Malungun PH153606028
Malungun PH153607063
Malungun PH153627042
Malungun PH153634033
Malungun Borocot PH153634053
Malungun Pagalongan PH153634054
Maluno Norte PH023104012
Maluno Sur PH023104013
Malupa PH036905017
Malupak PH045623022
Malusac PH035422005
Malusak PH045603022
Malusak PH174004022
Malusak (Pob.) PH043428011
Malusak (Pob.) PH174001035
Malusay PH074611022
Malusgod PH063017027
Malusgod PH063037035
Maluyo PH021503018
Malvar PH023135020
Malvar PH045649018
Malvar PH175208029
Maly PH045811008
Mama-an Pagalongan PH153638027
Mama-anon PH103519013
Mama (San Juan) PH097307030
Mamaanon PH103518011
Mamaanun PH103502014
Mamaanun PH153621018
Mamacao PH112305015
Mamacao PH118604007
Mamad PH097224010
Mamagon PH098309010
Mamagum PH103506022
Mamala PH045639014
Mamala I PH045645024
Mamala II PH045645047
Mamalad PH104204009
Mamali PH112509019
Mamali PH126507006
Mamali PH126508012
Mamalingling PH015518019
Mamandil PH034930036
Mamanga Daku PH104212019
Mamanga Gamay PH104212020
Mamangan PH112324007
Mamanok PH156618008
Mamarlao PH015532051
Mamasapano PH153820010
Mamat-ing Norte PH013311026
Mamat-ing Sur PH013311027
Mamatid PH043404009
Mamatitang PH035409015


Paombong PH031416000
Zarraga PH063047000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Malangas PH098308000
Tungawan PH098316000
Makilala PH124707000
Malungon PH128007000
Bubong PH153606000
Butig PH153607000
Taraka PH153627000
Maguing PH153634000
Maguing PH153634000
Maguing PH153634000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Concepcion PH036905000
Lucban PH045623000
Sasmuan PH035422000
Atimonan PH045603000
Mogpog PH174004000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Boac PH174001000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Dueñas PH063017000
Pototan PH063037000
Allacapan PH021503000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Unisan PH045649000
Naujan PH175208000
San Mateo PH045811000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Sapad PH103519000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Salvador PH103518000
Baloi PH103502000
Piagapo PH153621000
Kapalong PH112305000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Baliguian PH097224000
Naga PH098309000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Sampaloc PH045639000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Calamba PH104204000
City of Mati PH112509000
Lutayan PH126507000
Lambayong PH126508000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Talavera PH034930000
Plaridel PH104212000
Plaridel PH104212000
San Isidro PH112324000
Pandami PH156618000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Mamasapano PH153820000
Naguilian PH013311000
Naguilian PH013311000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Mabalacat City PH035409000


Bulacan PH031400000 Region III

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mamawan PH097223009
Mamawan PH097224011
Mamay PH013310016
Mamba PH060410012
Mambabanga PH023116013
Mambacag PH021528020
Mambagaton PH064510008
Mambago-A PH112317023
Mambago-B PH112317024
Mambaid PH074612018
Mambajao (Pob.) PH086407038
Mambajog PH056212026
Mambalili PH160302004
Mambaling PH045607049
Mambaling PH072217049
Mambalite PH051603019
Mambalite PH051718040
Mambalot PH175306013
Mambangnan PH034927008
Mambarao PH034929020
Mambaroto PH064527012
Mambatad PH063030072
Mambatangan PH101314013
Mambawi PH063002034
Mambayaan PH104302017
Mambayawas PH051718041
Mambing PH112314008
Mambiranan PH063013049
Mambiranan Grande PH063035031
Mambiranan Pequeño PH063035032
Mambog PH012924022
Mambog PH031410031
Mambog PH037101009
Mambog PH045625011
Mambog PH045804025
Mambog PH054108015
Mambog PH060403014
Mambog PH063034018
Mambog PH086013018
Mambog - Mandama PH030805013
Mambog I PH042103013
Mambog II PH042103041
Mambog III PH042103042
Mambog IV PH042103043
Mambog V PH042103044
Mambool PH071221014
Mambuaya PH104305057
Mambucal PH126306011
Mambug PH012904015
Mambug PH012927015
Mambugan PH045802010
Mambugsay PH064507020
Mambulac PH064526015
Mambulo Nuevo PH051718042
Mambulo Viejo PH051718043
Mambulod PH074613011
Mambungalon PH051607019
Mambuquiao PH060404013
Mamburao PH074616010
Mambuyo PH063043045


Gutalac PH097223000
Baliguian PH097224000
Luna PH013310000
Madalag PH060410000
Luna PH023116000
Tuao PH021528000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Jimalalud PH074612000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Matnog PH056212000
Bunawan PH160302000
Calauag PH045607000
Cebu City PH072217000
Daet PH051603000
Libmanan PH051718000
Brooke's Point PH175306000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Santo Domingo PH034929000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Miagao PH063030000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Alimodian PH063002000
Balingasag PH104302000
Libmanan PH051718000
New Corella PH112314000
Calinog PH063013000
City of Passi PH063035000
Mambiranan Pequeno City of Passi PH063035000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Botolan PH037101000
Macalelon PH045625000
Binangonan PH045804000
Dimasalang PH054108000
Banga PH060403000
Oton PH063034000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Hermosa PH030805000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Duero PH071221000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Burgos PH012904000
Santiago PH012927000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Cauayan PH064507000
Silay City PH064526000
Libmanan PH051718000
Libmanan PH051718000
La Libertad PH074613000
Mercedes PH051607000
Batan PH060404000
Pamplona PH074616000
Santa Barbara PH063043000


Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mameltac PH013314032
Mamhut Norte PH063005013
Mamhut Sur PH063005014
Mamis PH166801013
Mamlad PH050505016
Mamlad PH050513016
Mamonit PH036908012
Mampaitan PH174004023
Mampalasan PH043403014
Mampallam PH156613040
Mampang PH097332048
Mampas PH074603013
Mampas PH074623018
Mampayag PH101314014
Mampi PH166810010
Mampili PH051601010
Mampio PH175308007
Mampirao PH051711027
Mampirao PH051733013
Mampungo PH051608016
Mampurog PH051604006
Mamunga PH118207009
Mamuyao PH045812008
Man-atong PH012932003
Man-it PH063035033
Man-od PH071240014
Man-Ogob PH051609006
Man-Uling PH064507021
Man-up PH060401009
Man-up PH060404014
Mana PH118603024
Manaba PH071222020
Manaboc PH012904016
Manacab (Pob.) PH153633019
Manacabac PH063023028
Manacnac PH034919006
Manacsac PH034911035
Manaet PH050501020
Manag PH148102011
Managa PH112401015
Managanaga PH054101021
Managanaga PH056203032
Managase PH072213014
Managase PH072248013
Managok PH101312031
Managopaya PH063006023
Managos PH015511042
Managpi PH175205036
Managuit PH063018029
Manahao PH084815016
Manaing PH086013019
Manajao PH084814013
Manaka PH104210034
Manakem PH036903028
Manalad PH064513012
Manaling (Cata-an) PH060607033
Manalipa PH097332049
Manalo PH021504034
Manalo PH175316026
Manalocon Talub PH153618055


City of San Fernando PH013314000

Balasan PH063005000
Balasan PH063005000
Barobo PH166801000
Jovellar PH050505000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Mogpog PH174004000
City of Biñan PH043403000
Talipao PH156613000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Bacong PH074603000
Valencia PH074623000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Lanuza PH166810000
Basud PH051601000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
Caramoan PH051711000
San Jose PH051733000
Paracale PH051608000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Monkayo PH118207000
Tanay PH045812000
Suyo PH012932000
City of Passi PH063035000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
San Vicente PH051609000
Cauayan PH064507000
Altavas PH060401000
Batan PH060404000
Malita PH118603000
Garcia Hernandez PH071222000
Burgos PH012904000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Janiuay PH063023000
Palayan City PH034919000
Guimba PH034911000
Bacacay PH050501000
Conner PH148102000
Bansalan PH112401000
Aroroy PH054101000
Bulan PH056203000
Borbon PH072213000
Tabogon PH072248000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Banate PH063006000
Bayambang PH015511000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Dumangas PH063018000
Pambujan PH084815000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Palapag PH084814000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Camiling PH036903000
Ilog PH064513000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Amulung PH021504000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Masiu PH153618000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manalog PH086403016
Manalog PH101312032
Manalongon PH074618012
Manalpac PH012822013
Manalupong PH041006021
Manambia PH166817010
Manambong Norte PH015511043
Manambong Parte PH015511044
Manambong Sur PH015511045
Manambrag PH052008022
Manambulan PH112402068
Manamoc PH051717018
Manamoc PH054101022
Manamoc PH175310010
Manamong PH104201018
Manampunay PH063028058
Manamtam PH025004016
Manan-ao PH076101010
Manan-ao PH103503012
Mananao PH050515022
Mananao PH051737022
Mananao PH175107004
Mananayo PH153615043
Manangat PH012907007
Mananggal PH072222021
Mananggal PH150712005
Manangle PH051734026
Manangon PH098303027
Manano PH023119007
Mananti PH156604015
Mananum Bag-o PH104319008
Mananum Daan PH104319009
Manaoag PH023108044
Manaoag PH023123006
Manaoag (Aquiliquilao) PH021515014
Manaois PH036910018
Manaol PH015530021
Manaol PH043417030
Manaol PH097219028
Manaol PH104313007
Manaolan PH063004018
Manapa PH160201010
Manapao PH051722014
Manapao PH054107011
Manapao PH056208021
Manapao PH061912018
Manarang PH012823031
Manarapan PH124702024
Manaring PH023114054
Manaring PH023120008
Manaripay PH063013050
Manarog PH034909011
Manarug PH083724016
Manasa PH045623023
Manasa PH063002035
Manat PH015513020
Manat PH118209012
Manat PH160312015
Manatad PH072246018
Manatal PH031415011


Hinunangan PH086403000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Solsona PH012822000
Bauan PH041006000
Tagbina PH166817000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
Bayambang PH015511000
San Andres PH052008000
Davao City PH112402000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Aroroy PH054101000
Cuyo PH175310000
Aloran PH104201000
Leon PH063028000
Bambang PH025004000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000
Baroy PH103503000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Tinambac PH051737000
Paluan PH175107000
Malabang PH153615000
Caoayan PH012907000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Hadji Muhtamad PH150712000
Sipocot PH051734000
Diplahan PH098303000
Mallig PH023119000
Luuk PH156604000
Medina PH104319000
Medina PH104319000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Quirino PH023123000
Iguig PH021515000
Paniqui PH036910000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Siocon PH097219000
Lagonglong PH104313000
Badiangan PH063004000
Buenavista PH160201000
Minalabac PH051722000
Claveria PH054107000
Gubat PH056208000
Pontevedra PH061912000
Vintar PH012823000
Carmen PH124702000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Naguilian PH023120000
Calinog PH063013000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Javier PH083724000
Lucban PH045623000
Alimodian PH063002000
Binmaley PH015513000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Trento PH160312000
Sibonga PH072246000
Pandi PH031415000


Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manato Central PH045646022

Manato Station PH045646023
Manaul PH034932012
Manaul PH083719053
Manaul PH150705013
Manaul PH175207011
Manaulan PH063025047
Manaulanan PH124712037
Manawan PH050502025
Manawan PH097222003
Manay PH112315021
Manaybanay PH083741019
Manaybanay PH084812012
Manayday PH140121004
Manayon PH012804008
Manayupit PH061907017
Mancao PH050515023
Mancares PH086020030
Mancatian PH035415016
Mancawayan PH051718044
Mancilang PH072228007
Mancol PH086003096
Mancol (Pob.) PH086025037
Mancruz (Mangcruz) PH051603021
Mancup PH015517015
Mandacanan PH051718045
Mandahikan PH101322013
Mandahilag PH104325007
Mandaing PH101322006
Mandalagan PH064501050
Mandali PH054113013
Mandaloque PH012809017
Mandalupang PH074615016
Mandamo PH160202064
Mandangoa PH104302018
Mandapaton PH074613012
Mandara PH153624057
Mandaragat PH175316065
Mandasig PH035405015
Mandaug PH071210024
Mandawa PH071248007
Mandazo PH051601011
Mandeg PH097313014
Mandiclum (Mandiclom) PH051711028
Mandih PH097218015
Mandile PH031421030
Mandili PH035405016
Mandilikit PH072205032
Mandog PH063029032
Mandong PH060404015
Mandoog PH045622050
Mandoyucan PH086006031
Mandu-ao PH074606012
Mandu-awak PH063038014
Manduang PH072232008
Manduao PH101801010
Mandug PH112402069
Mandugang PH084819013
Mandulan PH157002017
Mandulog PH103504014


Tagkawayan PH045646000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Zaragoza PH034932000
Hilongos PH083719000
Sumisip PH150705000
Mansalay PH175207000
Lambunao PH063025000
Pikit PH124712000
Camalig PH050502000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Pastrana PH083741000
Mapanas PH084812000
San Isidro PH140121000
Bangui PH012804000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Porac PH035415000
Libmanan PH051718000
Madridejos PH072228000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Jorge PH086025000
Daet PH051603000
Calasiao PH015517000
Libmanan PH051718000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Talisayan PH104325000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Mobo PH054113000
Dingras PH012809000
Manjuyod PH074615000
Butuan City PH160202000
Balingasag PH104302000
La Libertad PH074613000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Candaba PH035405000
Calape PH071210000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Basud PH051601000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Caramoan PH051711000
Sindangan PH097218000
San Miguel PH031421000
Candaba PH035405000
Argao PH072205000
Maasin PH063029000
Batan PH060404000
Lopez PH045622000
Daram PH086006000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Minglanilla PH072232000
Catarman PH101801000
Davao City PH112402000
San Jose PH084819000
Bongao PH157002000
Iligan City PH103504000


Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mandus PH166812007
Manduyog PH063002036
Manduyong PH072207017
Manering PH084806025
Manga PH013302006
Manga PH021519016
Manga PH036904010
Manga PH050512028
Manga PH071242008
Manga PH072201005
Manga PH097322033
Manga PH103508011
Manga PH104215027
Manga PH112410022
Manga PH166813004
Manga (Mangga) PH051703014
Mangaan PH013318005
Mangaco PH072225010
Mangadeg PH153805007
Mangagoy PH166803009
Mangal (Pob.) PH150705014
Mangalcal PH112303014
Mangalen PH126510013
Mangali Centro PH143214017
Mangalit PH035409016
Mangalut PH150708004
Mangan PH060403015
Mangan PH103515014
Mangan-Vaca PH037114014
Mangandingay PH023102040
Mangandingay PH034917016
Mangandingay PH036914004
Mangandingay (Pob.) PH025702008
Manganese PH063003010
Mangangan I PH175201012
Mangangan II PH175201013
Mangansag PH175906010
Mangapo PH051734028
Mangarin PH175110029
Mangas I PH042101011
Mangas II PH042101030
Mangayang PH025008011
Mangayao PH015511046
Mangayao PH045646024
Mangayao PH153627071
Mangayawan PH051710008
Mangayon PH118201004
Mangcal PH086022018
Mangcamagong PH051601012
Mangcasuy PH015512011
Mangcawayan PH051612009
Mangcawayan PH051719024
Mangcayo PH051612008
Mangcuram PH023114055
Mangero PH045640003
Mangga PH023122009
Mangga PH034925005
Mangga PH035405017
Mangga PH051734027
Mangga PH072252035


Lingig PH166812000
Alimodian PH063002000
Badian PH072207000
Catubig PH084806000
Aringay PH013302000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Capas PH036904000
Oas PH050512000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Alcantara PH072201000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Tangub City PH104215000
Matanao PH112410000
Madrid PH166813000
Bato PH051703000
Santol PH013318000
Ginatilan PH072225000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Sumisip PH150705000
Carmen PH112303000
President Quirino PH126510000
Tanudan PH143214000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Akbar PH150708000
Banga PH060403000
Nunungan PH103515000
Subic PH037114000
Angadanan PH023102000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
San Manuel PH036914000
Cabarroguis PH025702000
Anilao PH063003000
Baco PH175201000
Baco PH175201000
Corcuera PH175906000
Sipocot PH051734000
San Jose PH175110000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
Dupax del Sur PH025008000
Bayambang PH015511000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Taraka PH153627000
Canaman PH051710000
Compostela PH118201000
Paranas PH086022000
Basud PH051601000
Binalonan PH015512000
Vinzons PH051612000
Lupi PH051719000
Vinzons PH051612000
Ilagan City PH023114000
San Andres PH045640000
Quezon PH023122000
San Isidro PH034925000
Candaba PH035405000
Sipocot PH051734000
Tuburan PH072252000


Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII


PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mangga PH104323006
Mangga PH137404059
Mangga-Cacutud PH035403013
Manggagawa PH045618032
Manggahan PH031423014
Manggahan PH041018013
Manggahan PH041024015
Manggahan PH042108015
Manggahan PH045615010
Manggahan PH045808005
Manggahan PH137403011
Manggahan PH153615044
Manggahan-Lawin PH042111017
Manggahan (Pob.) PH045634022
Manggahan (Pob.) PH175316027
Manggalang PH045618033
Manggalang-Bantilan PH045645027
Manggalang-Kiling PH045645028
Manggalang 1 PH045645025
Manggalang Tulo-tulo PH045645026
Manggalayan Bundok PH045603024
Manggalayan Labak PH045603025
Manggan-Dampay PH015524048
Manggang Marikit PH034911036
Manggas PH041020018
Manggay PH153821008
Manggis PH156601021
Manggitahan PH037703008
Manghanoy PH064517007
Manghinao Proper PH041006022
Manghinao Uno PH041006023
Manghulyawon PH074613013
Mangidkid PH104212021
Mangil PH063023029
Mangilag Norte PH045608010
Mangilag Sur PH045608011
Mangilala PH126315007
Mangilay PH097215014
Mangile PH118602021
Mangiliol PH174003016
Mangin PH015518020
Mangino PH034908006
Mangitayag PH012818017
Mangkallay PH156617012
Mangkasay PH051608017
Manglad PH025704015
Manglicmot (Pob.) PH037110007
Manglit PH086411013
Mangloy PH118202033
Mangnao-Canal PH074610016
Mangogon PH051717019
Mangolago PH036917014
Mangop PH097226004
Mangorocoro PH063001013
Mangoso PH061916010
Mangoto PH072237013
Mangoto PH074616011
Mangsee PH175304008
Manguehan PH104208016
Manguehay PH086005025


Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Quezon City PH137404000
Arayat PH035403000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Santa Maria PH031423000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Luis PH041024000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Dolores PH045615000
Rodriguez PH045808000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Malabang PH153615000
Kawit PH042111000
Pitogo PH045634000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Sariaya PH045645000
Atimonan PH045603000
Atimonan PH045603000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Guimba PH034911000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Talitay PH153821000
Indanan PH156601000
Dilasag PH037703000
La Castellana PH064517000
Bauan PH041006000
Bauan PH041006000
La Libertad PH074613000
Plaridel PH104212000
Janiuay PH063023000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Tantangan PH126315000
Siayan PH097215000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Gasan PH174003000
Dagupan City PH015518000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Piddig PH012818000
Lugus PH156617000
Paracale PH051608000
Maddela PH025704000
San Felipe PH037110000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Laak PH118202000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Victoria PH036917000
Bacungan PH097226000
Ajuy PH063001000
Sigma PH061916000
Pinamungahan PH072237000
Pamplona PH074616000
Balabac PH175304000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000


Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X

NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manguiao PH072206015
Manguiles PH097315016
Manguiring PH051708022
Manguisian PH045622051
Manguisoc PH051607020
Manguna PH063012036
Manguso PH150708005
Mangusu PH097332050
Manguyang PH175206020
Mangyan PH072246019
Mangyan-Mababad PH174004024
Manhac PH175907008
Manhanip PH060413012
Manhara PH063040053
Manhayang PH063043046
Manhilo PH086407039
Manhoy PH061902014
Manhulugin PH045607050
Maniak PH074611023
Maniango PH035414004
Manibad PH061908016
Manibaug Libutad PH035415017
Manibaug Paralaya PH035415018
Manibaug Pasig PH035415019
Maniboc PH015522021
Manicahan PH097332051
Manicla PH034926013
Manigawong PH086401011
Maniguin PH060606027
Maniha PH098313026
Manihala PH175202006
Manika PH060409015
Manikaan PH097327011
Maniki (Poblacion) PH112305021
Manikling PH112510010
Manil PH097226005
Manila PH050515024
Manila de Bugabus PH160202065
Manila Group PH153630026
Manila North Cemetery PH133905901
Manilan PH097330013
Manili PH124702025
Manili PH126507007
Manilop PH156601022
Maninang PH061915009
Manindolo PH153805008
Maningalao PH160207007
Maningcao PH074620010
Maningcay De Oro PH056214010
Maningcol PH104210035
Maningcol PH175209013
Maningding PH015538013
Maningning PH086409014
Maningning (Pob.) PH175316028
Maninihon PH074606013
Maninila PH050502026
Maninila PH050504026
Maninila PH063030073
Maninila PH063040054
Maniniog PH036908013


Asturias PH072206000
Mahayag PH097315000
Calabanga PH051708000
Lopez PH045622000
Mercedes PH051607000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Akbar PH150708000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Gloria PH175206000
Sibonga PH072246000
Mogpog PH174004000
Looc PH175907000
Malinao PH060413000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Dao PH061902000
Calauag PH045607000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Minalin PH035414000
Mambusao PH061908000
Porac PH035415000
Porac PH035415000
Porac PH035415000
Lingayen PH015522000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
San Jose City PH034926000
Anahawan PH086401000
Culasi PH060606000
Siay PH098313000
Bansud PH175202000
Libacao PH060409000
Tabina PH097327000
Kapalong PH112305000
San Isidro PH112510000
Bacungan PH097226000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Butuan City PH160202000
Wao PH153630000
Santa Cruz PH133905000
Tukuran PH097330000
Carmen PH124702000
Lutayan PH126507000
Indanan PH156601000
Sapi-An PH061915000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Sibulan PH074620000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Malitbog PH086409000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Camalig PH050502000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Miagao PH063030000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Mayantoc PH036908000


Cebu PH072200000 Region VII

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
NCR, City of Manila, First District PH133900000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manion PH153811025
Manipis PH072250010
Manipis PH074621004
Manipongol PH118204020
Manipulon PH063019014
Maniwaya PH174005036
Manjunlad PH056212028
Mankilam PH112319011
Manla PH104213012
Manlabang PH087804009
Manlabay PH097308024
Manlabong PH056214008
Manlacbo PH060618016
Manlag PH175312007
Manlagtang PH072248014
Manlamonay PH101304014
Manlampong PH045644012
Manlana PH045605024
Manlapay PH072222023
Manlapay PH072224025
Manlapig PH036904011
Manlawaan PH083745009
Manlayaan PH045619029
Manlayag PH072223024
Manlayag PH097330014
Manlayo PH045618034
Manlibunan PH174005037
Manlico PH086403017
Manlico PH166808006
Manlilinab PH086002024
Manlilinao PH083738066
Manlilisid PH083724017
Manlimonsito PH051604007
Manlin PH098302014
Manlingay PH074614022
Manlipac PH074604021
Manlocboc PH015502018
Manlot PH063014025
Manloy PH083714011
Manloy PH083715025
Manlubang PH051734029
Manlucahoc PH064527013
Manlucugan PH051612010
Manlum PH072235018
Manluminsag PH074613014
Manlut-Od PH054117019
Manmuntay PH051601014
Mano PH072243019
Manobisa PH124706053
Manobo PH124706033
Manoboc PH054102018
Manoc-Manoc PH060412010
Manogtong PH074602017
Manoligao PH160204004
Manoling PH061913012
Manongkaling PH153820011
Manongol PH124704021
Manook (Pob.) PH056208022
Manoot PH175108012
Manorigao PH112504006


Parang PH153811000
City of Talisay PH072250000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
Maco PH118204000
Estancia PH063019000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Matnog PH056212000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Caibiran PH087804000
Dumingag PH097308000
Prieto Diaz PH056214000
Valderrama PH060618000
El Nido PH175312000
Tabogon PH072248000
Don Carlos PH101304000
San Narciso PH045644000
Buenavista PH045605000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Capas PH036904000
Tabango PH083745000
Gumaca PH045619000
Danao City PH072223000
Tukuran PH097330000
Guinayangan PH045618000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Cortes PH166808000
Basey PH086002000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Javier PH083724000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Buug PH098302000
Mabinay PH074614000
Bais City PH074604000
Aguilar PH015502000
Carles PH063014000
Capoocan PH083714000
Carigara PH083715000
Sipocot PH051734000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Vinzons PH051612000
Oslob PH072235000
La Libertad PH074613000
Placer PH054117000
Basud PH051601000
San Remigio PH072243000
Magpet PH124706000
Magpet PH124706000
Baleno PH054102000
Malay PH060412000
Ayungon PH074602000
Carmen PH160204000
President Roxas PH061913000
Mamasapano PH153820000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Gubat PH056208000
Rizal PH175108000
Caraga PH112504000


Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manraya PH084817003
Manresa PH137404058
Manreza PH112508010
Mansa-ilao PH166812008
Mansabay Alto PH104208029
Mansabay Bajo PH104208017
Mansablay PH064514013
Mansacul PH061916011
Mansagomayon PH074618013
Mansahaon PH083733006
Mansalanao PH064517008
Mansalaya PH051712011
Mansalip (Pob.) PH083733010
Mansanas PH097337008
Mansangaban PH074604022
Mansangat PH051714012
Mansasa PH071242009
Mansaya-Lapuz PH063022105
Mansayao PH166714009
Manseje PH074607012
Mansibang PH023120009
Mansilano PH153637010
Mansilay PH045646025
Mansilingan PH064501051
Mansiwat PH174001036
Manta PH156612030
Manta-angan PH064508014
Mantabuan Tabunan PH157010013
Mantacdang PH015537017
Mantacdang PH015544037
Mantahan (Pob.) PH086407040
Mantailoco PH153631015
Mantalisay PH051718046
Mantalongon PH071236012
Mantalongon PH072210027
Mantalongon PH072222024
Mantan PH156617013
Mantanas PH012924023
Mantang PH082623013
Mantangale PH104303008
Mantangon PH063021028
Mantaong (Oquendo District) PH086003097
Mantapoli PH153616051
Mantasida PH071213020
Mantatao PH071210025
Mantayupan PH072210028
Mantibugao PH101314016
Mantic PH104215004
Mantiguib PH060411014
Mantija PH072223025
Mantila PH051734030
Mantile (Pob.) PH034902015
Mantiquil PH074619015
Mantivo PH097216014
Mantugawe PH051601015
Mantukoy PH104206008
Mantulang PH063035034
Mantuyong PH072230018
Mantuyop PH074619016
Manual PH112406017


San Antonio PH084817000

Quezon City PH137404000
Manay PH112508000
Lingig PH166812000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Isabela PH064514000
Sigma PH061916000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
La Castellana PH064517000
Del Gallego PH051712000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Josefina PH097337000
Bais City PH074604000
Garchitorena PH051714000
Tagbilaran City PH071242000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Mainit PH166714000
Bindoy PH074607000
Naguilian PH023120000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Boac PH174001000
Siasi PH156612000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
San Quintin PH015537000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Marogong PH153631000
Libmanan PH051718000
Sagbayan PH071236000
Barili PH072210000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Lugus PH156617000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Taft PH082623000
Balingoan PH104303000
Igbaras PH063021000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Marantao PH153616000
Catigbian PH071213000
Calape PH071210000
Barili PH072210000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Tangub City PH104215000
Makato PH060411000
Danao City PH072223000
Sipocot PH051734000
Bongabon PH034902000
Siaton PH074619000
Sibuco PH097216000
Basud PH051601000
Concepcion PH104206000
City of Passi PH063035000
Mandaue City PH072230000
Siaton PH074619000
Kiblawan PH112406000


Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII

NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Manuali PH035415020
Manubuan PH124708025
Manuel A. Roxas PH141102148
Manuel Barral, Sr. PH086003178
Manuel del Valle, Sr. PH045641009
Manuel Guianga PH112402070
Manuel M. Roxas PH071244014
Manuel Peralta PH118603025
Manuel Roxas PH112506002
Manuel Roxas PH126318004
Manueva PH012922015
Manuk Mangkaw PH157004002
Manumbalay PH050511012
Manupal PH124708026
Manupeg PH036903029
Manurabi PH056212029
Manurigao PH118210015
Manuto PH101317018
Manuyo Dos PH137601012
Manuyo Uno PH137601005
Manuyog PH101805007
Manyagao PH166724029
Manyayay PH166811008
Manzana PH051733014
Manzante PH012912020
Manzon PH015532052
Mao PH153805024
Mao PH153828006
Maoasoas Norte PH013312007
Maoasoas Sur PH013312008
Maoay PH140101015
Maogog PH050505017
Maolingon PH054110015
Maomawan PH071248008
Maon Pob. (Bgy. 1) PH160202066
Maonon PH050508031
Maopi PH050503033
Maot PH051606040
Maoyon PH175316029
Map PH097223020
Map-an PH104211007
Mapaang PH118204021
Mapaca PH118201005
Mapaco PH050504027
Mapaco PH143209018
Mapaga PH160306015
Mapagmahal Pob. (Barangay 2) PH045633008
Mapagong PH043405028
Mapagong PH045630016
Mapait PH034919007
Mapalacsiao PH036916050
Mapalad PH023127007
Mapalad PH034928007
Mapalad PH035403014
Mapalad PH036916051
Mapalad PH037704007
Mapalad Pob. (Bgy 1) PH175107006
Mapalasan PH074613015
Mapandan PH036908014
Mapang PH175203018


Porac PH035415000
Matalam PH124708000
Baguio City PH141102000
Calbayog City PH086003000
San Antonio PH045641000
Davao City PH112402000
Trinidad PH071244000
Malita PH118603000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Santo Niño PH126318000
Santa PH012922000
Simunul PH157004000
Manito PH050511000
Matalam PH124708000
Camiling PH036903000
Matnog PH056212000
New Bataan PH118210000
Quezon PH101317000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
City of Las Piñas PH137601000
Sagay PH101805000
Surigao City PH166724000
Lianga PH166811000
San Jose PH051733000
Magsingal PH012912000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Pugo PH013312000
Pugo PH013312000
Bangued PH140101000
Jovellar PH050505000
Mandaon PH054110000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Butuan City PH160202000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Daraga PH050503000
Labo PH051606000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Gutalac PH097223000
Panaon PH104211000
Maco PH118204000
Compostela PH118201000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Pinukpuk PH143209000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Perez PH045633000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Palayan City PH034919000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
San Agustin PH023127000
Santa Rosa PH034928000
Arayat PH035403000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Dinalungan PH037704000
Paluan PH175107000
La Libertad PH074613000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Bongabong PH175203000


Pampanga PH035400000 Region III

Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mapangpang PH034916016
Mapangpang PH034917019
Mapanique PH054120013
Mapaniqui PH035405018
Mapanit PH012904017
Mapantao PH103511011
Mapantao PH103518012
Mapantao PH153604025
Mapantao PH153611065
Mapantao PH153620030
Mapantao PH153625020
Mapantao PH153629022
Mapantao PH153631016
Mapantao PH153635035
Mapantao-Balangas PH153636019
Mapantig PH126504022
Mapapac PH056202015
Maparat PH118201006
Mapaso PH056209017
Mapatag PH060608034
Mapawa PH118205002
Mapawa PH166724030
Mapawoy PH142706022
Mapaya PH175110030
Mapayag PH101312034
Mapayag PH153831003
Mapayao PH025010014
Mapgap PH083708046
Mapgap PH086418028
Mapid PH051717020
Mapili PH054103013
Mapili PH063039020
Mapili Grande PH063004019
Mapili Sanjo PH063004020
Mapiña PH054111022
Mapisi PH012913008
Mapisla PH140113006
Mapitac PH021526018
Mapitogo PH054103014
Mapno PH084814014
Mapoling PH153611066
Mapolopolo PH015509006
Maporong PH050512029
Mapua PH104303009
Mapula PH112402071
Mapula PH175910022
Mapulang Bato PH061902015
Mapulang Daga PH050501021
Mapulang Lupa PH031415012
Mapulang Lupa PH137504018
Mapulo PH041032009
Mapulo PH101312035
Mapulog PH104320004
Mapulot PH045646026
Mapurao PH021503019
Mapuroc PH023132010
Mapurog PH103519014
Mapurog (Migsale) PH104203017
Mapurok PH124701009
Maputat PH045649019


Lupao PH034916000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
San Pascual PH054120000
Candaba PH035405000
Burgos PH012904000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Salvador PH103518000
Bayang PH153604000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Tugaya PH153629000
Marogong PH153631000
Picong PH153635000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Isulan PH126504000
Barcelona PH056202000
Compostela PH118201000
Irosin PH056209000
Hamtic PH060608000
Maragusan PH118205000
Surigao City PH166724000
Mayoyao PH142706000
San Jose PH175110000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Datu Anggal Midtimbang PH153831000
Kayapa PH025010000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Balud PH054103000
San Enrique PH063039000
Badiangan PH063004000
Badiangan PH063004000
Mapina City of Masbate PH054111000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Balud PH054103000
Palapag PH084814000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Basista PH015509000
Oas PH050512000
Balingoan PH104303000
Davao City PH112402000
Romblon PH175910000
Dao PH061902000
Bacacay PH050501000
Pandi PH031415000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Taysan PH041032000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Naawan PH104320000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Allacapan PH021503000
San Mateo PH023132000
Sapad PH103519000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Alamada PH124701000
Unisan PH045649000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maputi PH082614007
Maputi PH086023013
Maputi PH104320005
Maputi PH112502007
Maputi PH112510011
Mapuyo PH054113014
Mapuyo PH087806009
Maqueda PH051711029
Maquiapo PH035407007
Maquilao PH104215028
Maquina PH063018030
Marabanan (Balanan) PH097315003
Maraboc PH015548015
Marabulig I PH023108045
Marabulig II PH023108046
Maraburab PH021502016
Marabut PH086020031
Marabutuan PH118602022
Maracabac PH056206017
Maracanao PH175302005
Maracta (Pob.) PH043413007
Maracuru PH021512015
Marader PH153816025
Maradiona PH060603006
Maradodon PH012905017
Marag PH148105006
Maraga-a PH112406018
Maragang PH097344011
Maragano PH084814015
Maragat PH084821002
Maragat PH148104017
Maragatas PH112507021
Maragayap PH013303024
Maragñi PH051732014
Maragol PH034917020
Maragondon PH045638008
Maragondong PH083717033
Maragondong PH074613016
Maragooc PH175206021
Maragubdub PH060614029
Maraguit PH063012037
Maragusan (Pob.) PH118205003
Marahan I PH042101012
Marahan II PH042101031
Maraiging PH160205010
Maralag PH061908017
Maralag PH097308025
Maralag PH097313015
Maramag PH082603014
Maramara PH104217007
Maramara (Pob.) PH082622008
Maramba PH050512030
Marambong PH052006013
Maramig PH060610008
Marana I PH023114057
Marana II PH023114058
Marana III PH023114059
Maranao Timber (Dalama) PH153624058
Maranat Bontalis PH153618018
Marandig PH063013051


Maslog PH082614000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Naawan PH104320000
Banaybanay PH112502000
San Isidro PH112510000
Mobo PH054113000
Kawayan PH087806000
Caramoan PH051711000
Guagua PH035407000
Tangub City PH104215000
Dumangas PH063018000
Mahayag PH097315000
Laoac PH015548000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Alcala PH021502000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Castilla PH056206000
Agutaya PH175302000
Lumban PH043413000
Enrile PH021512000
Talayan PH153816000
Belison PH060603000
Cabugao PH012905000
Luna PH148105000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Tigbao PH097344000
Palapag PH084814000
San Vicente PH084821000
Kabugao PH148104000
Lupon PH112507000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Maragni San Fernando PH051732000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Real PH045638000
Dagami PH083717000
La Libertad PH074613000
Gloria PH175206000
San Remigio PH060614000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Maragusan PH118205000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
Jabonga PH160205000
Mambusao PH061908000
Dumingag PH097308000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Balangkayan PH082603000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Sulat PH082622000
Oas PH050512000
Pandan PH052006000
Libertad PH060610000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ditsaan-Ramain PH153624000
Masiu PH153618000
Calinog PH063013000


Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII

Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maranding PH103505033
Maranding PH103509015
Maranding PH153828007
Marang PH150705044
Marang PH153818007
Marang-marang PH099701033
Marang-marang PH157009020
Marangan PH097308026
Marangas (Pob.) PH175305010
Marangog PH072211018
Marangog PH083719023
Maraning PH157009006
Maranlig PH174006014
Marannao PH023131022
Marao PH045629009
Marao PH083721017
Marapal PH063027014
Marapangi PH101308018
Marapangi PH112402072
Marapilit PH086023026
Marapong PH097214015
Marapong PH097217008
Mararag PH166814007
Mararangsi PH086012023
Mararigue PH023130008
Maras PH097218018
Marasat Grande PH023132011
Marasat Pequeño PH023132012
Marasbaras PH086001014
Maraska PH175212008
Maratudo PH012912022
Marauoy PH041014030
Maravilla PH043415018
Maravilla PH043417031
Maravilla PH054115012
Maravilla PH072249014
Maravilla PH084811014
Maravilla-Arellano Ext. (Pob.) PH015527050
Maravilla (Pob.) PH015527049
Marawa PH034912012
Marawi PH036903030
Marawi PH153638029
Marawi Poblacion PH153617141
Marawis PH071247023
Maray PH060604015
Maraya PH097341011
Marayag PH050507026
Marayag PH086413006
Marayag PH112507022
Marayag PH166714010
Maraykit PH041023023
Maraymaray PH101304015
Marayos PH175209014
Marbel PH124708027
Marbel (Embac) PH124704022
Marber PH112401016
Marbon PH160311016
Marcatubig PH086003095
Marcela (Pob.) PH148107005
Marcelina PH160301009


Kapatagan PH103505000
Lala PH103509000
Datu Abdullah Sangki PH153828000
Sumisip PH150705000
Barira PH153818000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Languyan PH157009000
Dumingag PH097308000
Bataraza PH175305000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Hilongos PH083719000
Languyan PH157009000
Torrijos PH174006000
San Mariano PH023131000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Inopacan PH083721000
Lemery PH063027000
Kibawe PH101308000
Davao City PH112402000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Sibutad PH097217000
Marihatag PH166814000
Motiong PH086012000
San Manuel PH023130000
Sindangan PH097218000
San Mateo PH023132000
Marasat Pequeno San Mateo PH023132000
Almagro PH086001000
Roxas PH175212000
Magsingal PH012912000
Lipa City PH041014000
Magdalena PH043415000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Palanas PH054115000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Lavezares PH084811000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Jaen PH034912000
Camiling PH036903000
Tagoloan II PH153638000
Marawi City PH153617000
Valencia PH071247000
Bugasong PH060604000
Vincenzo A. Sagun PH097341000
Libon PH050507000
San Francisco PH086413000
Lupon PH112507000
Mainit PH166714000
San Juan PH041023000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Matalam PH124708000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Bansalan PH112401000
Talacogon PH160311000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
City of Bayugan PH160301000


Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X

Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Marcelino Memije PH042123020

Marcella PH054121019
Marcelo PH071231012
Marcelo PH083707034
Marcelo PH097227008
Marcelo PH064505024
Marcelo Alberto (Pob.) PH052011035
Marcelo Green Village PH137604009
Marcelo H. del Pilar PH063022106
Marcelo H. Del Pilar PH045619030
Marcial O. Rañola (Cabaloaon) PH050504008
Marcilla PH175309013
Marcos PH013313028
Marcos PH023126007
Marcos PH083708047
Marcos PH086007092
Marcos PH160208009
Marcos (Pob.) PH012811016
Marcos (Pob.) PH012922016
Marcos Calo PH160207008
Marcos District (Pob.) PH034930037
Marcos Village PH034919008
Marcos Village PH035409017
Marcos Village PH097325011
Marede PH021523007
Marelo PH034908007
Marfil PH160307004
Marfrancisco PH175209015
Marga PH166727004
Margaay PH012823033
Margaay PH012905018
Margaay PH012914017
Margen PH083738067
Margos PH103505034
Margot PH035401014
Margues PH126503016
Margues PH153807024
MARI Pob. (Mabini-Rizal) PH063029030
Maria PH060609026
Maria-Cristina PH103502015
Maria Caridad PH124718020
Maria Clara PH025703023
Maria Clara PH063022107
Maria Clara PH086407041
Maria Cristina PH060410013
Maria Cristina PH063022108
Maria Cristina PH097201021
Maria Cristina PH103504015
Maria Cristina East PH013306018
Maria Cristina West PH013306019
Maria Fe PH030809027
Maria Paz PH041031026
Maria Plana PH086417023
Maria Rosario PH071224038
Maria Theresa PH034903098
Maria Uray PH097201022
Mariana PH137404060
Mariano Espeleta I PH042109069
Mariano Espeleta II PH042109070
Mariano Espeleta III PH042109071


Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000

Uson PH054121000
Mabini PH071231000
Bato PH083707000
Kalawit PH097227000
Calatrava PH064505000
Virac PH052011000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Gumaca PH045619000
Marcial O. Ranola (Cabaloaon) Guinobatan PH050504000
Coron PH175309000
Rosario PH013313000
Roxas PH023126000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Gandara PH086007000
Magallanes PH160208000
Banna PH012811000
Santa PH012922000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Talavera PH034930000
Palayan City PH034919000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
San Pablo PH097325000
Santa Ana PH021523000
City of Gapan PH034908000
Rosario PH160307000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Tubod PH166727000
Vintar PH012823000
Cabugao PH012905000
Narvacan PH012914000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Kapatagan PH103505000
Angeles City PH035401000
Esperanza PH126503000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Maasin PH063029000
Laua-An PH060609000
Baloi PH103502000
Arakan PH124718000
Diffun PH025703000
Iloilo City PH063022000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Madalag PH060410000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Iligan City PH103504000
Bangar PH013306000
Bangar PH013306000
Orani PH030809000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Sogod PH086417000
Inabanga PH071224000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Quezon City PH137404000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Marianos PH060416014
Mariatao Datu PH153626078
Maribago PH072226016
Maribi PH083748035
Mariblo PH137404061
Maribo (Pob.) PH153611077
Maribojoc PH104216023
Maribojoc PH166718002
Maribong PH063025048
Maribucao PH104308024
Maribulan PH128001007
Maribuyong PH063017028
Maricaban PH072244006
Maricalum PH064527014
Maricolcol PH063030074
Maricrum PH056216049
Maricum PH083718021
Maricum PH083741020
Maridagao PH153822006
Marifosque (Pob.) PH056213033
Marigne PH060602028
Marigondon PH050513017
Marigondon PH072226017
Marigondon PH175903011
Marigondon Norte PH175912006
Marigondon Sur PH175912007
Marikaban PH041033005
Mariki PH097332052
Marikina Heights (Concepcion) PH137402013
Marikit PH023121009
Marikit PH034920010
Marikit PH037702016
Marikit PH175107005
Marilag PH041021020
Marilag PH137404062
Marilag (Punaya) PH045607051
Marilima PH052011036
Marilog PH112402073
Marina (Pob.) PH064503006
Marinab PH056203033
Marinas PH056216020
Marinaut East PH153617070
Marinaut West PH153617071
Marinawa PH052003013
Maringian PH175310011
Maringyan PH063030075
Marinig PH043404010
Marintoc PH054113015
Mariposa PH054101023
Mariquet PH012822014
Mariroc PH050517023
Marirong PH063028059
Marita PH061913013
Mariveles PH071219012
Market Area (Pob.) PH043428012
Market Area Pob. (Dist. 1) PH050503034
Market Site (Pob.) PH083718029
Market Site (Pob.) PH174004025
Market Site Barangay 3 (Pob.) PH056207023
Market Site Pob. (Bgy. 9) PH050516025


Numancia PH060416000
Tamparan PH153626000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Tanauan PH083748000
Quezon City PH137404000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Tudela PH104216000
San Benito PH166718000
Lambunao PH063025000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Alabel PH128001000
Dueñas PH063017000
Santa Fe PH072244000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Miagao PH063030000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Dulag PH083718000
Pastrana PH083741000
Pagagawan PH153822000
Pilar PH056213000
Barbaza PH060602000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Lapu-Lapu City PH072226000
Cajidiocan PH175903000
San Andres PH175912000
San Andres PH175912000
Tingloy PH041033000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
City of Marikina PH137402000
Palanan PH023121000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Casiguran PH037702000
Paluan PH175107000
Rosario PH041021000
Quezon City PH137404000
Calauag PH045607000
Virac PH052011000
Davao City PH112402000
Binalbagan PH064503000
Bulan PH056203000
City of Sorsogon PH056216000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Bato PH052003000
Cuyo PH175310000
Miagao PH063030000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
Mobo PH054113000
Aroroy PH054101000
Solsona PH012822000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Leon PH063028000
President Roxas PH061913000
Dauis PH071219000
City of Santa Rosa PH043428000
Daraga PH050503000
Dulag PH083718000
Mogpog PH174004000
Donsol PH056207000
Santo Domingo PH050516000


Aklan PH060400000 Region VI

Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Market Subdivision, Upper PH141102160

Market View PH045624035
Marketsite (Pob.) PH099701034
Marlangga PH174006015
Marmol PH072252036
Marnay PH012930022
Marobbob PH021504035
Marogong East PH153631017
Marogong Proper (Pob.) PH153631018
Marong PH063025049
Maronguillo PH031422015
Maronong PH015538014
Maroroy PH050503035
Maroyogroyog PH175313006
Marozo PH012914018
Marquez PH045629010
Marsada PH156613041
Marsada PH156616011
Marsolo PH098309011
Martilo PH074613017
Martinez PH060617009
Martires Del 96 PH137606003
Maruaya PH012818018
Marubay PH084808036
Maruclap PH041005045
Marufinas PH175316030
Marugang PH104206009
Maruglu PH036904023
Maruhom PH153627043
Maruing PH097313016
Marulas PH042111004
Marulas PH137504019
Marungko PH031401008
Marupangdan PH086006033
Marupay PH097211008
Marupay PH097222016
Marupit PH051709002
Maruwa PH157004010
Maruyogon PH175316031
Marvel (Pob.) PH083722013
Marvel (Pob.) PH087805011
Marzan PH021522012
Mas-in PH083738068
Masa PH072224026
Masaba PH072223026
Masaba PH083733007
Masaba PH083740026
Masablang PH143213024
Masabud PH104205019
Masadag PH012930023
Masadya PH175905010
Masaga PH050515025
Masagana PH031415013
Masagana PH137404063
Masagana PH175208030
Masagana (Pob.) PH037703009
Masagana Pob. (Barangay 3) PH175312008
Masagaosao PH087806010
Masagongsong PH087806011
Masagud PH063040055


Baguio City PH141102000

Lucena City PH045624000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Torrijos PH174006000
Tuburan PH072252000
Sinait PH012930000
Amulung PH021504000
Marogong PH153631000
Marogong PH153631000
Lambunao PH063025000
San Rafael PH031422000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Daraga PH050503000
Linapacan PH175313000
Narvacan PH012914000
Padre Burgos PH045629000
Talipao PH156613000
Panglima Estino PH156616000
Naga PH098309000
La Libertad PH074613000
Tibiao PH060617000
Pateros PH137606000
Piddig PH012818000
Laoang PH084808000
Batangas City PH041005000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Concepcion PH104206000
Capas PH036904000
Taraka PH153627000
Lapuyan PH097313000
Kawit PH042111000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Angat PH031401000
Daram PH086006000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Jose Dalman PH097222000
Camaligan PH051709000
Simunul PH157004000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Isabel PH083722000
Culaba PH087805000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Danao City PH072223000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Palompon PH083740000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Clarin PH104205000
Sinait PH012930000
Concepcion PH175905000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Pandi PH031415000
Quezon City PH137404000
Naujan PH175208000
Dilasag PH037703000
El Nido PH175312000
Kawayan PH087806000
Kawayan PH087806000
San Joaquin PH063040000


Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region

Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Masaguing PH175208031
Masaguisi PH174005038
Masaguisi PH175203019
Masaguitsit PH041015016
Masalasa PH036917015
Masaling PH064507022
Masalipit PH031421031
Masalisi PH041012022
Masalong PH051606041
Masalongsalong PH051607021
Masalukot PH174005039
Masalukot I PH045608012
Masalukot II PH045608013
Masalukot III PH045608014
Masalukot IV PH045608015
Masalukot V PH045608026
Masamat PH035413017
Masambong PH137404064
Masanag PH060605010
Masanag PH060608035
Masangsang PH035413018
Masantol PH030809009
Masantong PH157002018
Masao PH098316025
Masao PH153615047
Masao PH153623025
Masao PH160202067
Masapang PH043430003
Masaplod Norte PH074609016
Masaplod Sur PH074609017
Masara PH118204022
Masarawag PH050504029
Masarayao PH083726010
Masaroy PH063013052
Masaya PH041021021
Masaya PH043402005
Masaya PH045605025
Masaya (Pob.) PH045634021
Masaya Centro (Pob.) PH023127008
Masaya Norte PH023127009
Masaya Sur PH023127010
Masayan PH160313007
Masayo PH060607034
Masbaranon PH054109011
Mascap PH045808006
Mascariña PH045637010
Mascariñas PH101308019
Maseil-seil PH015544038
Masgad PH166715009
Masgrau PH061906020
Masi PH021518012
Masi PH021525006
Masi (Zinundungan) PH021521018
Masiag PH126501008
Masibay PH103515016
Masical PH021504036
Masical PH021506028
Masical PH021526019
Masico PH043422009
Masicong PH013314033


Naujan PH175208000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Bongabong PH175203000
Lobo PH041015000
Victoria PH036917000
Cauayan PH064507000
San Miguel PH031421000
Lemery PH041012000
Labo PH051606000
Mercedes PH051607000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Mexico PH035413000
Quezon City PH137404000
Caluya PH060605000
Hamtic PH060608000
Mexico PH035413000
Orani PH030809000
Bongao PH157002000
Tungawan PH098316000
Malabang PH153615000
Pualas PH153623000
Butuan City PH160202000
Victoria PH043430000
Dauin PH074609000
Dauin PH074609000
Maco PH118204000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Kananga PH083726000
Calinog PH063013000
Rosario PH041021000
Bay PH043402000
Buenavista PH045605000
Pitogo PH045634000
San Agustin PH023127000
San Agustin PH023127000
San Agustin PH023127000
Veruela PH160313000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Esperanza PH054109000
Rodriguez PH045808000
Mascarina Quezon PH045637000
Mascarinas Kibawe PH101308000
Umingan PH015544000
Malimono PH166715000
Jamindan PH061906000
Pamplona PH021518000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Rizal PH021521000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Nunungan PH103515000
Amulung PH021504000
Baggao PH021506000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Pila PH043422000
City of San Fernando PH013314000


Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B

Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Masidem PH015508014
Masidlakon PH097201023
Masiga PH174003017
Masigay PH153806029
Masigay PH153836012
Masigla (Pob.) PH175316032
Masigun PH023105013
Masigun PH023126008
Masiit PH043406010
Masikap PH045638017
Masikap (Pob.) PH043410027
Masikap (Pob.) PH043414011
Masikap (Pob.) PH175316033
Masikil PH012804009
Masile PH031410032
Masili PH043405029
Masin PH021502017
Masin PH045647041
Masin Norte PH045608016
Masin Sur PH045608017
Masinao PH043427014
Masintoc PH012816008
Masipag (Pob.) PH045625021
Masipag (Pob.) PH175316034
Masipi East PH023106025
Masipi West PH023106026
Masipit PH175205037
Masisit PH021522013
Masjid Bayle PH156603017
Masjid Punjungan PH156603018
Masla PH144410015
Maslabeng PH153803030
Maslog PH071206025
Maslog PH072223027
Maslog PH072248015
Maslog PH082612005
Maslog PH086418016
Maslog PH074620011
Maslug PH083708048
Maslun (Pob.) PH043410028
Masoc PH025005011
Masoli PH051703015
Masolun PH153605018
Masolun PH153609027
Masolun PH153627046
Masonoy PH071237012
Masorot PH153606030
Maspasan PH063013053
Masubong PH104213013
Masudsud PH175905005
Masukol PH031416004
Masula PH099701058
Masulog PH064517009
Masulog PH074608007
Masulot PH153813021
Masumbang PH083736016
Masupe PH013305017
Masuso PH031415014
Mat-e PH083736023
Mat-e PH166804007


Bani PH015508000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Gasan PH174003000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Datu Salibo PH153836000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Burgos PH023105000
Roxas PH023126000
Calauan PH043406000
Real PH045638000
Liliw PH043410000
Mabitac PH043414000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Bangui PH012804000
City of Malolos PH031410000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Alcala PH021502000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Candelaria PH045608000
Candelaria PH045608000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Paoay PH012816000
Macalelon PH045625000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Cabagan PH023106000
Cabagan PH023106000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Kalingalan Caluang PH156603000
Kalingalan Caluang PH156603000
Tadian PH144410000
Buluan PH153803000
Balilihan PH071206000
Danao City PH072223000
Tabogon PH072248000
Lawaan PH082612000
Tomas Oppus PH086418000
Sibulan PH074620000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Liliw PH043410000
Bayombong PH025005000
Bato PH051703000
Binidayan PH153605000
Ganassi PH153609000
Taraka PH153627000
San Isidro PH071237000
Bubong PH153606000
Calinog PH063013000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Concepcion PH175905000
Paombong PH031416000
City of Isabela PH099701000
La Castellana PH064517000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Sultan Sa Barongis PH153813000
Merida PH083736000
Balaoan PH013305000
Pandi PH031415000
Merida PH083736000
Cagwait PH166804000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mat-i PH104306015
Mat-i PH104320006
Mat-i PH160207009
Mat-i PH166724031
Mat-i PH175915008
Mat-y (Pob.) PH063030076
Mataas PH050501022
Mataas Na Bayan PH041012023
Mataas Na Bayan PH174004026
Mataas Na Bayan (Pob.) PH174001037
Mataas Na Bundok PH045619031
Mataas Na Burol PH042118028
Mataas na Kahoy PH023101018
Mataas na Kahoy PH034909012
Mataas Na Lupa PH041014031
Mataas Na Lupa PH041026014
Mataas Na Lupa PH041032010
Mataas na Lupa (Checkpoint) PH042110037
Mataas na Parang PH031419038
Mataas Na Pulo PH041019033
Matab-ang PH072251025
Matab-ang PH097307032
Matab-ang PH064528023
Mataba PH054101024
Matabana PH060414010
Matabao PH054104008
Matabao PH071245019
Matabao PH160201011
Matabungkay PH041013015
Matacla PH051715016
Matacon PH050514032
Matacong (Pob.) PH051604008
Mataddi PH025706007
Matadero PH036916096
Matadero (Pob.) PH034903050
Matag-ub PH063023030
Matagabong PH153801022
Matagantang PH054117020
Matagbac PH050517024
Matagbac PH054112012
Matagbak I PH042101013
Matagbak II PH042101032
Matagdem PH015532053
Matagnao PH083701038
Matagnop PH061902016
Matagobtob Pob. (Talisay) PH097201052
Matagok PH083713039
Mataguisi PH148106014
Mataguiti PH035410007
Matahimik (Pob.) PH175316035
Matain PH037114016
Matala PH041010012
Matalaba PH174005040
Matalang PH097318017
Matalang PH097333010
Matalangtalang PH054101025
Matalao PH021526020
Matalao PH072224027
Matalapitap PH036910019
Matalatala PH043414004


Claveria PH104306000
Naawan PH104320000
Las Nieves PH160207000
Surigao City PH166724000
Santa Fe PH175915000
Miagao PH063030000
Bacacay PH050501000
Lemery PH041012000
Mogpog PH174004000
Boac PH174001000
Gumaca PH045619000
Silang PH042118000
Alicia PH023101000
General Mamerto Natividad PH034909000
Lipa City PH041014000
San Pascual PH041026000
Taysan PH041032000
Indang PH042110000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Toledo City PH072251000
Dumalinao PH097307000
City of Talisay PH064528000
Aroroy PH054101000
Nabas PH060414000
Batuan PH054104000
Tubigon PH071245000
Buenavista PH160201000
Lian PH041013000
Goa PH051715000
Polangui PH050514000
San Lorenzo Ruiz PH051604000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Janiuay PH063023000
Ampatuan PH153801000
Placer PH054117000
City of Tabaco PH050517000
Milagros PH054112000
Alfonso PH042101000
Alfonso PH042101000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Abuyog PH083701000
Dao PH061902000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Calubian PH083713000
Pudtol PH148106000
Macabebe PH035410000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Subic PH037114000
Ibaan PH041010000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Midsalip PH097318000
Lakewood PH097333000
Aroroy PH054101000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Dumanjug PH072224000
Paniqui PH036910000
Mabitac PH043414000


Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X

Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Matalava PH015522022
Matalibong PH050518017
Matalin PH153615074
Mataling-Ting PH043427015
Matalipni PH050510017
Matallucod PH012929003
Matalngon PH063030077
Mataloto PH083729016
Matalud PH086025018
Mataluto PH086024006
Matam PH097203011
Matam-is PH083708049
Matambag PH084814016
Matambo PH050512032
Matambog PH063040056
Matamis PH041021022
Matamo (Santa Lucia) PH035403031
Matampa PH104322009
Matampay PH101306010
Matampay PH103502016
Matampay PH103508012
Matampay PH103513013
Matampay PH103514019
Matampay PH103516017
Matampay PH153602053
Matampay PH153615070
Matampay PH153616054
Matampay PH153617072
Matampay Bucana PH103509003
Matampay Dimarao PH153606031
Matampay Ilaya PH103509016
Matanag PH045603026
Matandang Balara PH137404066
Matandang Gasan PH174003018
Matandang Sabang Kanluran PH045610026
Matandang Sabang Silangan PH045610027
Matandang Siruma PH051735013
Matanga PH087801005
Matangad PH104309007
Matangcong PH061916012
Matangharon PH063016019
Matangkap PH045631008
Matanglad PH050513018
Matanglad PH054112013
Matango PH051612011
Matangog PH054101026
Matangtubig PH031403008
Matanlang PH051606042
Matanog PH153602054
Matanubong PH012909013
Matao Araza PH153618061
Mataoroc PH051722015
Matapay PH083719024
Mataphao PH060415010
Matapitap PH036906020
Matapol PH126311011
Mataque PH051602012
Matara PH050507027
Mataragan PH140115009
Matarannoc PH036914005


Lingayen PH015522000
Tiwi PH050518000
Malabang PH153615000
Santa Maria PH043427000
Malinao PH050510000
Sigay PH012929000
Miagao PH063030000
Leyte PH083729000
San Jorge PH086025000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Katipunan PH097203000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Palapag PH084814000
Oas PH050512000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Rosario PH041021000
Arayat PH035403000
Salay PH104322000
Kadingilan PH101306000
Baloi PH103502000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Matungao PH103513000
Munai PH103514000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Balabagan PH153602000
Malabang PH153615000
Marantao PH153616000
Marawi City PH153617000
Lala PH103509000
Bubong PH153606000
Lala PH103509000
Atimonan PH045603000
Quezon City PH137404000
Gasan PH174003000
Catanauan PH045610000
Catanauan PH045610000
Siruma PH051735000
Almeria PH087801000
Gitagum PH104309000
Sigma PH061916000
Dingle PH063016000
Panukulan PH045631000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Milagros PH054112000
Vinzons PH051612000
Aroroy PH054101000
Baliuag PH031403000
Labo PH051606000
Balabagan PH153602000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Masiu PH153618000
Minalabac PH051722000
Hilongos PH083719000
New Washington PH060415000
Gerona PH036906000
Norala PH126311000
Capalonga PH051602000
Libon PH050507000
Malibcong PH140115000
San Manuel PH036914000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Matarawis PH175302006
Matarinao PH082619035
Matarling PH150703011
Matata PH150711007
Matatag PH150702068
Matataja PH045628025
Matatal PH156605021
Matatalaib PH036916052
Mataub PH071214016
Matauta PH074622014
Mataya PH153802017
Matayonas PH086016036
Matayum PH054105020
Matayumcab PH036906021
Matayumtayum PH036907014
Mataywanac PH041034011
Mate PH045647042
Mate PH097207010
Mate PH097344012
Mate PH098315016
Mate PH160308010
Matelarag PH084810026
Matengen PH153812029
Mateo PH124704023
Mateo Francisco PH097219013
Materling PH150711008
Mateuna PH045647043
Matho PH166808007
Mati PH097324017
Mati PH103501013
Matiag PH097219029
Matiao PH112509020
Matiao PH118211006
Matibay PH150702069
Matibuey PH012917004
Matica-a PH083738069
Maticdum PH166819011
Maticmatic PH015538015
Matictic PH031413015
Matikang PH150703012
Matikiw PH043420009
Matilac PH124711022
Matilak PH153814013
Matilo PH118209013
Matim PH098310014
Matimbo PH031410033
Matimbubong PH031419021
Matimos PH153639009
Matin-ao PH071212014
Matin-ao PH071240013
Matin-ao PH083710047
Matin-ao PH086403018
Matin-ao PH086407042
Matin-ao PH097303021
Matin-ao PH097338008
Matin-ao PH166704006
Matin-ao PH166714011
Matina Aplaya PH112402074
Matina Biao PH112402078
Matina Crossing PH112402075


Agutaya PH175302000
Salcedo PH082619000
Lantawan PH150703000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
Mulanay PH045628000
Maimbung PH156605000
City of Tarlac PH036916000
Clarin PH071214000
Tayasan PH074622000
Buldon PH153802000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Cataingan PH054105000
Gerona PH036906000
La Paz PH036907000
Tuy PH041034000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Manukan PH097207000
Tigbao PH097344000
Titay PH098315000
San Francisco PH160308000
Las Navas PH084810000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Siocon PH097219000
Ungkaya Pukan PH150711000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Cortes PH166808000
San Miguel PH097324000
Bacolod PH103501000
Siocon PH097219000
City of Mati PH112509000
Pantukan PH118211000
City of Lamitan PH150702000
San Emilio PH012917000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Tandag PH166819000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Norzagaray PH031413000
Lantawan PH150703000
Pakil PH043420000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Kabuntalan PH153814000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Olutanga PH098310000
City of Malolos PH031410000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Carmen PH071212000
Sierra Bullones PH071240000
Burauen PH083710000
Hinunangan PH086403000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Bayog PH097303000
Pitogo PH097338000
Burgos PH166704000
Mainit PH166714000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000
Davao City PH112402000


Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B

Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


Matina Pangi PH112402077

Matinabus PH061916013
Matindeg PH034906032
Matindeg PH036911007
Matingain I PH041012024
Matingain II PH041012025
Matingbe PH168506008
Matingkis PH034917021
Matingkis PH034930039
Matinik PH045622052
Matiompong PH126508013
Matipaz PH104201019
Matipok PH041007028
Matiporon PH054112014
Matipunso PH045641012
Matiyaga (Pob.) PH175316036
Matlang PH083722014
Matling PH153615075
Matmad PH025706008
Matnog PH050503036
Matnog PH051601016
Matnog PH061905010
Matobato PH086003098
Matobato PH074607013
Matolong PH015525028
Matoogtoog PH051607022
Matti PH112403014
Matuber PH153830004
Matubinao PH054105021
Matubog PH036903031
Matucay PH021503020
Matue-Butarag PH012910005
Matugas Alto PH104207010
Matugas Bajo PH104207011
Matugnao PH054115013
Matugnaw PH104215053
Matulatula PH175210013
Matun-og PH072208020
Matun-og PH097303022
Matungao PH031405004
Matungao PH083742015
Matungao PH175214016
Matunoy PH097223021
Matuog PH074622016
Matupe PH101318026
Maturanoc PH034911038
Matusalem PH023126028
Matutinao PH072207018
Matutuna PH175912008
Matutungan PH112412009
Matuyatuya PH174006016
Mauan PH025004017
Mauanan PH021521017
Mauban PH015507007
Maubo PH071247024
Mauboh PH156611017
Mauboh PH156613042
Maug PH160202068
Maugat PH034924006
Maugat PH041019035


Davao City PH112402000

Sigma PH061916000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Pura PH036911000
Lemery PH041012000
Lemery PH041012000
San Jose PH168506000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Talavera PH034930000
Lopez PH045622000
Lambayong PH126508000
Aloran PH104201000
Calaca PH041007000
Milagros PH054112000
San Antonio PH045641000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Isabel PH083722000
Malabang PH153615000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
Daraga PH050503000
Basud PH051601000
Ivisan PH061905000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Bindoy PH074607000
Manaoag PH015525000
Mercedes PH051607000
City of Digos PH112403000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000
Cataingan PH054105000
Camiling PH036903000
Allacapan PH021503000
Gregorio del Pilar PH012910000
Jimenez PH104207000
Jimenez PH104207000
Palanas PH054115000
Tangub City PH104215000
Pola PH175210000
Balamban PH072208000
Bayog PH097303000
Bulacan PH031405000
San Isidro PH083742000
Socorro PH175214000
Gutalac PH097223000
Tayasan PH074622000
San Fernando PH101318000
Guimba PH034911000
Roxas PH023126000
Badian PH072207000
San Andres PH175912000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Torrijos PH174006000
Bambang PH025004000
Rizal PH021521000
Balungao PH015507000
Valencia PH071247000
Patikul PH156611000
Talipao PH156613000
Butuan City PH160202000
San Antonio PH034924000
Nasugbu PH041019000


Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI

Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maugat PH041031027
Maugat East PH041020019
Maugat West PH041020020
Maui PH023118010
Maui PH052004017
Maujao PH175204009
Maujo PH086409015
Maul PH153616055
Maul Ilian PH153616097
Maul Lumbaca Ingud PH153616110
Maular PH104201020
Maulawin PH043419010
Maulawin PH051610015
Maulong PH086005026
Maungib PH036911008
Maunlad PH045638015
Maunlad (Pob.) PH045619032
Maunlad (Pob.) PH175316037
Mauno PH060609027
Maunong PH043405031
Maura PH021505030
Maurang PH087804011
Mauraro PH050504030
Mauringuen PH175303008
Mauswagon PH097204004
Mauswagon PH097206040
Mauswagon PH097225009
Mauswagon PH101304016
Mauswagon PH101322014
Mauswagon PH104204010
Mauswagon PH104314006
Mauswagon PH118205015
Mauswagon (Pob.) PH168503009
Mauway PH137401017
Mauylab PH086402022
Mavalor PH041021023
Mawacat PH035406034
Mawacat PH086003099
Mawal PH097218019
Mawal PH097226006
Mawaque PH035409018
Mawegui PH148102021
Mawi PH071221015
Mawodpawod PH083743017
Maxingal PH021516025
Maxvilla PH084823010
May-Anao PH051736013
May-Iba PH045814005
May-igot PH084809011
May-it PH086002026
May-It PH043416022
May-It PH045623024
May-Ogob PH051725010
Maya PH015520008
Maya PH063005015
Maya PH072221013
Maya PH083730012
Maya-maya PH097328024
Mayabay PH060602029
Mayabay PH086006034


City of Tanauan PH041031000

Padre Garcia PH041020000
Padre Garcia PH041020000
Delfin Albano PH023118000
Caramoran PH052004000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Malitbog PH086409000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
Marantao PH153616000
Aloran PH104201000
Pagsanjan PH043419000
Santa Elena PH051610000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Pura PH036911000
Real PH045638000
Gumaca PH045619000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Laua-An PH060609000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Aparri PH021505000
Caibiran PH087804000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Araceli PH175303000
La Libertad PH097204000
Liloy PH097206000
Godod PH097225000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Cabanglasan PH101322000
Calamba PH104204000
Laguindingan PH104314000
Maragusan PH118205000
Dinagat PH168503000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Bontoc PH086402000
Rosario PH041021000
Floridablanca PH035406000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Sindangan PH097218000
Bacungan PH097226000
Mabalacat City PH035409000
Conner PH148102000
Duero PH071221000
San Miguel PH083743000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Victoria PH084823000
Tigaon PH051736000
Teresa PH045814000
Lapinig PH084809000
Basey PH086002000
Majayjay PH043416000
Lucban PH045623000
Ocampo PH051725000
Infanta PH015520000
Balasan PH063005000
Daanbantayan PH072221000
Macarthur PH083730000
Tambulig PH097328000
Barbaza PH060602000
Daram PH086006000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mayabig PH175201014
Mayabo (Santa Maria) PH098311018
Mayabobo PH045608018
Mayabon PH074625006
Mayacabac PH071219006
Mayag PH050512033
Mayag PH144402013
Mayag PH166722007
Mayaman PH153631020
Mayamot PH034932013
Mayamot PH045802004
Mayamot I PH034931011
Mayamot II PH034931012
Mayana PH071225024
Mayana PH072210029
Mayana PH072234017
Mayana PH082609029
Mayana PH101805008
Mayang PH036907015
Mayang PH063046035
Mayantoc PH034918012
Mayao PH050512034
Mayao Castillo PH045624015
Mayao Crossing PH045624027
Mayao Kanluran PH045624028
Mayao Parada PH045624029
Mayao Silangan PH045624030
Mayaon PH118208012
Mayaopayawan PH051721011
Mayapa PH043405032
Mayapay PH060405009
Mayaposi PH074614023
Mayapyap Norte PH034903052
Mayapyap Sur PH034903053
Mayasang PH041012026
Mayatba PH043408017
Mayatba PH043429017
Maybacong PH082604030
Maybancal PH045809004
Maybato PH051608018
Maybato Norte PH060613023
Maybato Sur PH060613024
Maybo PH174001038
Maybocog PH082615009
Maybog PH083708050
Maybog PH086003101
Maybubon PH034911039
Maybula PH124714014
Maybunga PH060609028
Maybunga PH082602013
Maybunga PH137403012
Maycaban PH034906033
Maycatmon PH051721012
Maydaso PH051721013
Maygatasan PH160301010
Mayha PH175909016
Mayhay PH045630017
Maylobe PH086022019
Maymangga PH042102008
Maymatan PH051715017


Baco PH175201000
Payao PH098311000
Candelaria PH045608000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Dauis PH071219000
Oas PH050512000
Bauko PH144402000
Sison PH166722000
Marogong PH153631000
Zaragoza PH034932000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Talugtug PH034931000
Talugtug PH034931000
Jagna PH071225000
Barili PH072210000
City of Naga PH072234000
Guiuan PH082609000
Sagay PH101805000
La Paz PH036907000
Tubungan PH063046000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Oas PH050512000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lucena City PH045624000
Lucena City PH045624000
Montevista PH118208000
Milaor PH051721000
City of Calamba PH043405000
Buruanga PH060405000
Mabinay PH074614000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Lemery PH041012000
Famy PH043408000
Siniloan PH043429000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Morong PH045809000
Paracale PH051608000
San Jose PH060613000
San Jose PH060613000
Boac PH174001000
Maydolong PH082615000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Guimba PH034911000
Tulunan PH124714000
Laua-An PH060609000
Balangiga PH082602000
City of Pasig PH137403000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Milaor PH051721000
Milaor PH051721000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Odiongan PH175909000
Pagbilao PH045630000
Paranas PH086022000
Amadeo PH042102000
Goa PH051715000


Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B

Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V


PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Maynaga PH050514033
Maynganay Norte PH012926020
Maynganay Sur PH012926021
Mayngaran PH054111023
Mayngaway PH052008023
Maynonong PH050518018
Mayo PH112509021
Mayo PH126502021
Mayombo PH015518021
Mayon PH050503037
Mayon PH056206018
Mayondon PH043411010
Mayong PH050518019
Mayos PH060602030
Mayowe PH045647044
Mayoyao Proper PH142706023
Maypangdan PH082604031
Maypange PH086012024
Maypangi PH056206021
Maypatag PH083708051
Maypulot PH045620029
Maysalay PH051715018
Maysalong PH086003102
Maysan PH137504020
Maysantol PH031405005
Maysilo PH137502011
Maysua PH050514034
Maysuran PH052004018
Maytalang I PH043413008
Maytalang II PH043413009
Maytigbao PH082615010
Maytoong (Pob.) PH043418008
Maytubig PH064514014
Maytunas PH137405010
Mayubok (Pob.) PH045634027
Mayuga PH071223017
Mayuga PH086405007
Mayunoc PH063040057
Mayuro PH041021024
Mazawalo Pob. (Lili-on) PH083740022
McArthur PH072253005
Mckinley PH012909014
Mckinley PH084805034
Mckinley PH112414013
Mckinley PH074611019
Mclain PH067901016
Mebak PH150705045
Mecolong PH097307034
Medallo PH104213025
Media Once PH072251026
Medicion I-A PH042109016
Medicion I-B PH042109072
Medicion I-C PH042109073
Medicion I-D PH042109074
Medicion II-A PH042109017
Medicion II-B PH042109075
Medicion II-C PH042109076
Medicion II-D PH042109077
Medicion II-E PH042109078
Medicion II-F PH042109079


Polangui PH050514000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Santa Maria PH012926000
City of Masbate PH054111000
San Andres PH052008000
Tiwi PH050518000
City of Mati PH112509000
Columbio PH126502000
Dagupan City PH015518000
Daraga PH050503000
Castilla PH056206000
Los Baños PH043411000
Tiwi PH050518000
Barbaza PH060602000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Mayoyao PH142706000
City of Borongan PH082604000
Motiong PH086012000
Castilla PH056206000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Infanta PH045620000
Goa PH051715000
Calbayog City PH086003000
City of Valenzuela PH137504000
Bulacan PH031405000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Polangui PH050514000
Caramoran PH052004000
Lumban PH043413000
Lumban PH043413000
Maydolong PH082615000
Paete PH043418000
Isabela PH064514000
City of San Juan PH137405000
Pitogo PH045634000
Guindulman PH071223000
Libagon PH086405000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Rosario PH041021000
Palompon PH083740000
Tudela PH072253000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Catarman PH084805000
Sulop PH112414000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Buenavista PH067901000
Sumisip PH150705000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Sapang Dalaga PH104213000
Toledo City PH072251000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000
Imus City PH042109000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Medico PH034918013
Medina PH012809018
Medina PH042112004
Medina PH060410014
Medina PH063003011
Medol PH126509040
Megkawayan PH112402189
Mejo PH098303028
Melale PH118202034
Melgar PH168501010
Melgar A PH175208032
Melgar B PH175208066
Melilia PH112412010
Melojavilla (Pob.) PH034903054
Melville PH175304009
Membuli PH104322010
Menchaca PH064505026
Mendez PH050514035
Mendez PH174004027
Mendez Crossing East PH042119033
Mendez Crossing West PH042119013
Mendiola PH043429008
Mendis PH101316013
Mendoza PH175318011
Mentering PH104210036
Mentring PH103512009
Mentring PH153621020
Menzi PH099701036
Meocan PH124718021
Meochao PH124704024
Merangerang PH101317019
Mercado PH031409004
Mercado (Pob.) PH086002038
Mercado (Pob.) PH086021019
Mercado (Pob.) PH174001039
Mercado Pob. (Bgy. 5) PH050505018
Mercadohay PH083746009
Merced PH063006024
Mercedes PH056213034
Mercedes PH060410015
Mercedes PH072238011
Mercedes PH086005027
Mercedes PH086009020
Mercedes PH086416009
Mercedes PH097204005
Mercedes PH097305035
Mercedes PH097332053
Mercedes PH112504007
Mercedes PH166818017
Mering PH083746010
Merit PH175215015
Mermer PH015525030
Merryland PH071209031
Merville PH137604010
Mesalipit PH035404012
Mesaoy PH112314009
Meses PH097207021
Mestizo Norte PH015532054
Meta PH153827006
Metadicop PH153628046


Nampicuan PH034918000
Dingras PH012809000
Magallanes PH042112000
Madalag PH060410000
Anilao PH063003000
Palimbang PH126509000
Davao City PH112402000
Diplahan PH098303000
Laak PH118202000
Basilisa PH168501000
Naujan PH175208000
Naujan PH175208000
Santa Cruz PH112412000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Balabac PH175304000
Salay PH104322000
Calatrava PH064505000
Polangui PH050514000
Mogpog PH174004000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Siniloan PH043429000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Roxas PH175318000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Maigo PH103512000
Piagapo PH153621000
City of Isabela PH099701000
Arakan PH124718000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Quezon PH101317000
Hagonoy PH031409000
Basey PH086002000
Villareal PH086021000
Boac PH174001000
Jovellar PH050505000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Banate PH063006000
Pilar PH056213000
Madalag PH060410000
Poro PH072238000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Jiabong PH086009000
Silago PH086416000
La Libertad PH097204000
Dimataling PH097305000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Caraga PH112504000
Tago PH166818000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Victoria PH175215000
Manaoag PH015525000
Buenavista PH071209000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Bacolor PH035404000
New Corella PH112314000
Manukan PH097207000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Datu Unsay PH153827000
Tubaran PH153628000


Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
City of Isabela PH099700000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Metebagao PH101309021
Meti PH153830005
Metokong PH097307035
Metolza PH175208033
Meybio PH118602023
Meysulao PH031407016
Meytegued PH175320014
Meyto PH031407017
Mi-isi PH050503038
Miabalawag PH153606032
Miabas PH054115014
Miaga PH054121020
Mialem PH104207012
Mialen PH104205020
Mialen PH104209025
Miampic PH097225010
Mianay PH061905011
Mianay PH061916014
Miapa PH063029033
Miaray PH101303008
Miarayon PH101320018
Mias PH097203012
Miasin PH097325012
Miasong PH126317011
Miatan PH097203013
Mibantang PH101317020
Micalubo PH153635037
Midatag PH097226007
Midconding PH153819012
Middle Quezon Hill Subdivision(Quezon Hill Middle) PH141102154
Midpandacan PH153819013
Midpapan I PH124711023
Midpapan II PH124711040
Midtapok PH126508014
Midtimbang (Pob.) PH153831004
Midtungok PH126512016
Migabod PH056213035
Migara PH086003103
Migcanaway PH104215005
Migcawayan PH101302010
Migcuya PH101303009
Miglamin PH101312028
Migpange PH104203019
Miguel Macasarte PH124716010
Miguel Mojica PH042114023
Mijares PH037706017
Mikit PH112501013
Milad PH097210017
Milagro PH083738070
Milagros PH160303016
Milagrosa PH042104011
Milagrosa PH045610028
Milagrosa PH056206019
Milagrosa PH083744006
Milagrosa PH137404067
Milagrosa PH074618014
Milagrosa (Baluno) PH098301002
Milagrosa (Guiob) PH175204010
Milagrosa (Pob.) PH083702052
Milagrosa (Pob.) PH175316038


Kitaotao PH101309000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000
Dumalinao PH097307000
Naujan PH175208000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Calumpit PH031407000
Taytay PH175320000
Calumpit PH031407000
Daraga PH050503000
Bubong PH153606000
Palanas PH054115000
Uson PH054121000
Jimenez PH104207000
Clarin PH104205000
Oroquieta City PH104209000
Godod PH097225000
Ivisan PH061905000
Sigma PH061916000
Maasin PH063029000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Talakag PH101320000
Katipunan PH097203000
San Pablo PH097325000
Tupi PH126317000
Katipunan PH097203000
Quezon PH101317000
Picong PH153635000
Bacungan PH097226000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Baguio City PH141102000
Gen. S.K. Pendatun PH153819000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Lambayong PH126508000
Datu Anggal Midtimbang PH153831000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Pilar PH056213000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Tangub City PH104215000
Damulog PH101302000
Dangcagan PH101303000
City of Malaybalay PH101312000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Banisilan PH124716000
Mendez PH042114000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Baganga PH112501000
Polanco PH097210000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Esperanza PH160303000
Carmona PH042104000
Catanauan PH045610000
Castilla PH056206000
Santa Fe PH083744000
Quezon City PH137404000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Alicia PH098301000
Bulalacao PH175204000
Alangalang PH083702000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000


Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH


Milagrosa (Tulo) PH043405057

Milagroso PH086417024
Milan PH061906021
Milan PH063027015
Milaviga PH052004019
Milawid PH045631009
Milaya PH124709028
Milaya PH153630029
Milbuk PH126509027
Mileb PH153829006
Milibili PH061914039
Milidan PH097224012
Miligan PH097319021
Militar PH097330015
Military Cut-off PH141102071
Millamena PH060616048
Millan PH067905008
Miluya PH056206020
Mimbalagon PH104308026
Mimbalawag PH153604022
Mimbalawag PH153632038
Mimbalawag PH153635061
Mimbuahan PH104323007
Mimbuaya PH153630030
Mimbunga PH104308027
Mimbuntong PH104308025
Mina PH050502027
Mina PH060408007
Mina PH063028060
Mina PH103506037
Mina PH126509039
Mina-a PH060406018
Mina-anod PH082613014
Mina-utok PH064505025
Mina de Oro PH175203037
Mina East (Pob.) PH063031012
Mina West (Pob.) PH063031013
Minaba PH074606014
Minabang PH023114060
Minabay PH153802018
Minabay PH153818011
Minabel PH021509012
Minabuyoc PH034930041
Minadongjol PH051731011
Minagbag PH023122010
Minahan Norte PH045617011
Minahan Sur PH045617012
Minalaba PH051711030
Minallo PH023120010
Minalulan PH076104014
Minalwang PH104306014
Minamaing PH124708028
Minan PH061917030
Minane PH036905019
Minanga PH021505031
Minanga PH021510021
Minanga PH021514015
Minanga PH021519017
Minanga PH021520007
Minanga PH021521019


City of Calamba PH043405000

Sogod PH086417000
Jamindan PH061906000
Lemery PH063027000
Caramoran PH052004000
Panukulan PH045631000
Midsayap PH124709000
Wao PH153630000
Palimbang PH126509000
Rajah Buayan PH153829000
Roxas City PH061914000
Baliguian PH097224000
Molave PH097319000
Tukuran PH097330000
Baguio City PH141102000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sibunag PH067905000
Castilla PH056206000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Bayang PH153604000
Calanogas PH153632000
Picong PH153635000
Sugbongcogon PH104323000
Wao PH153630000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Camalig PH050502000
Lezo PH060408000
Leon PH063028000
Sultan Naga Dimaporo PH103506000
Palimbang PH126509000
Ibajay PH060406000
Llorente PH082613000
Calatrava PH064505000
Bongabong PH175203000
Mina PH063031000
Mina PH063031000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Buldon PH153802000
Barira PH153818000
Calayan PH021509000
Talavera PH034930000
Sagñay PH051731000
Quezon PH023122000
General Nakar PH045617000
General Nakar PH045617000
Caramoan PH051711000
Naguilian PH023120000
Maria PH076104000
Claveria PH104306000
Matalam PH124708000
Tapaz PH061917000
Concepcion PH036905000
Aparri PH021505000
Camalaniugan PH021510000
Gonzaga PH021514000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Piat PH021520000
Rizal PH021521000


Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A

Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Minanga PH023117006
Minanga PH023120011
Minanga PH023131023
Minanga PH023137032
Minanga PH063017029
Minanga PH097220018
Minanga PH153612035
Minanga PH153626067
Minanga (Buntong) PH153633020
Minanga Este PH021508014
Minanga Norte PH021515015
Minanga Norte PH021517017
Minanga Norte PH023133011
Minanga Proper PH023102041
Minanga Sur PH021515016
Minanga Sur PH021517016
Minanga Sur PH023133012
Minanga Weste PH021508026
Minante I PH023108048
Minante II PH023108049
Minantok Kanluran PH042102009
Minantok Silangan PH042102027
Minaog PH097202007
Minap-os PH082617027
Minapan PH124714015
Minapan PH156612032
Minapasuk PH064505027
Minapla PH175320028
Minaring Diladigan PH153611098
Minarog PH086022020
Minata PH086004022
Minaulon PH103501016
Minayutan PH043408018
Minda PH112303015
Minda (Pob.) PH086007052
Mindagat PH101313003
Mindalano PH103518013
Mindamudag PH153628023
Mindanao (Pajo) PH072229010
Mindoro PH012934020
Mindoro PH013306020
Mindulao PH104317014
Mindupok PH128005009
Mines View Park PH141102072
Minien East PH015538016
Minien West PH015538017
Minimao PH153639010
Mining PH035401015
Minio PH054118015
Miniros PH153636020
Minlasag PH097217009
Minol PH071231013
Minolos PH072210030
Minongan PH101317021
Minoro PH051733015
Minoyan PH064520019
Minoyho PH086414007
Minsalagan PH101304017
Minsalirak PH101317036
Minsamongan PH101317022


Maconacon PH023117000
Naguilian PH023120000
San Mariano PH023131000
Tumauini PH023137000
Dueñas PH063017000
Sirawai PH097220000
Lumbatan PH153612000
Tamparan PH153626000
Buadiposo-Buntong PH153633000
Buguey PH021508000
Iguig PH021515000
Lasam PH021517000
San Pablo PH023133000
Angadanan PH023102000
Iguig PH021515000
Lasam PH021517000
San Pablo PH023133000
Buguey PH021508000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Amadeo PH042102000
Amadeo PH042102000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Oras PH082617000
Tulunan PH124714000
Siasi PH156612000
Calatrava PH064505000
Taytay PH175320000
Lumba-Bayabao PH153611000
Paranas PH086022000
Calbiga PH086004000
Bacolod PH103501000
Famy PH043408000
Carmen PH112303000
Gandara PH086007000
Malitbog PH101313000
Salvador PH103518000
Tubaran PH153628000
Malabuyoc PH072229000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Bangar PH013306000
Magsaysay PH104317000
Maitum PH128005000
Baguio City PH141102000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Kapatagan PH153639000
Angeles City PH035401000
San Fernando PH054118000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Sibutad PH097217000
Mabini PH071231000
Barili PH072210000
Quezon PH101317000
San Jose PH051733000
Murcia PH064520000
San Juan PH086414000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Quezon PH101317000
Quezon PH101317000


Isabela PH023100000 Region II

Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Minsapinit PH104308028
Minsubong PH104215030
Minsulao PH098313027
Minsuro PH101314015
Mintabon PH104325008
Mintac PH054105022
Mintal PH112402079
Mintay PH052003014
Minto PH050504031
Minuhang PH083706019
Minuli PH034905030
Minundas (Santo. Niño) PH098311019
Minuri PH023115024
Minuswang PH083706020
Minuyan PH031413016
Minuyan PH031420006
Minuyan II PH031420037
Minuyan III PH031420038
Minuyan IV PH031420039
Minuyan Proper PH031420041
Minuyan V PH031420040
Miondas PH153626024
Mipaga PH153625021
Mipaga Proper PH153617075
Mipangi PH118209014
Miputak (Pob.) PH097202013
Mira PH012903014
Mirab PH153815022
Mirador PH084813015
Miraga-Guibuangan PH063043047
Miramar PH012912023
Miramar (Pob.) PH086021020
Miranda PH041030010
Miranda PH064511016
Miranda PH064521016
Miranda (Pob.) PH112317025
Mirangan PH098313028
Mirasol PH124701016
Mirayan PH175206022
Misi PH063025050
Misibis PH050501023
Misibis PH050518020
Misok PH097218020
Misom PH104202007
Misong PH175210025
Mission PH012913009
Mission PH021525007
Miswa PH045620030
Mitacas PH104202008
Mitazan PH104201021
Miti PH050502028
Mitimos PH097212007
Mitla Proper PH035415021
Mitugas PH104216024
Moabog PH072236007
Moalboal PH098314010
Moalboal PH098315017
Mobo PH060407011
Mobo-ob PH086025019
Mobod PH104209026


Gingoog City PH104308000

Tangub City PH104215000
Siay PH098313000
Manolo Fortich PH101314000
Talisayan PH104325000
Cataingan PH054105000
Davao City PH112402000
Bato PH052003000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Barugo PH083706000
Carranglan PH034905000
Minundas (Santo. Nino) Payao PH098311000
Jones PH023115000
Barugo PH083706000
Norzagaray PH031413000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
Tamparan PH153626000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Marawi City PH153617000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Bantay PH012903000
Upi PH153815000
Mondragon PH084813000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Magsingal PH012912000
Villareal PH086021000
Talisay PH041030000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Pontevedra PH064521000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Siay PH098313000
Alamada PH124701000
Gloria PH175206000
Lambunao PH063025000
Bacacay PH050501000
Tiwi PH050518000
Sindangan PH097218000
Baliangao PH104202000
Pola PH175210000
Nagbukel PH012913000
Santa Teresita PH021525000
Infanta PH045620000
Baliangao PH104202000
Aloran PH104201000
Camalig PH050502000
Rizal PH097212000
Porac PH035415000
Tudela PH104216000
Pilar PH072236000
Talusan PH098314000
Titay PH098315000
Kalibo PH060407000
San Jorge PH086025000
Oroquieta City PH104209000


Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X

Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X


PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH


Mocaboc Island PH071245018

Mocag PH021506029
Mocamad Tangul PH153618062
Mocol PH063028061
Mocong PH051601017
Mocpoc Norte PH071230042
Mocpoc Sur PH071230043
Model (Pob.) PH175316039
Modern Site, East PH141102074
Modern Site, West PH141102075
Mogao PH140113007
Mogbongcogon PH112502008
Moguing PH083710048
Mohon PH063022109
Mohon PH072247014
Mohon PH072250011
Mohon PH083746011
Mohon PH083748036
Mohon PH086408012
Mohon PH104201022
Mohon PH104211008
Mohon PH104324004
Moises R. Espinosa PH054112015
Mojon PH031410034
Mojon PH043410029
Mojon PH043422010
Mojon PH060603007
Mojon PH060613025
Mojon PH060616049
Mojon PH072209016
Mojon-Tampoy PH041022030
Molansong PH097325013
Molatuhan Alto PH104208018
Molatuhan Bajo PH104208019
Molave (Pob.) PH084805064
Moldero PH023137055
Molet PH061906022
Molicay PH104210038
Molimoc PH153602013
Molina PH063046036
Molinete PH041011013
Molino PH042115022
Molino I PH042103014
Molino II PH042103045
Molino III PH042103046
Molino IV PH042103047
Molino V PH042103048
Molino VI PH042103049
Molino VII PH042103050
Moliton PH097211009
Molmol PH118602024
Molo Boulevard PH063022110
Molobolo PH072252037
Molobolo PH064507023
Molobolo PH074624008
Molocaboc PH064523014
Molocboloc PH104301009
Molon PH126509028
Molopolo PH086406016
Molopolo PH086408013


Tubigon PH071245000
Baggao PH021506000
Masiu PH153618000
Leon PH063028000
Basud PH051601000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Baguio City PH141102000
Baguio City PH141102000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Banaybanay PH112502000
Burauen PH083710000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Sogod PH072247000
City of Talisay PH072250000
Tabontabon PH083746000
Tanauan PH083748000
Macrohon PH086408000
Aloran PH104201000
Panaon PH104211000
Tagoloan PH104324000
Milagros PH054112000
City of Malolos PH031410000
Liliw PH043410000
Pila PH043422000
Belison PH060603000
San Jose PH060613000
Sibalom PH060616000
Bantayan PH072209000
San Jose PH041022000
San Pablo PH097325000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Lopez Jaena PH104208000
Catarman PH084805000
Tumauini PH023137000
Jamindan PH061906000
Ozamis City PH104210000
Balabagan PH153602000
Tubungan PH063046000
Laurel PH041011000
Naic PH042115000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Tuburan PH072252000
Cauayan PH064507000
Vallehermoso PH074624000
Sagay City PH064523000
Alubijid PH104301000
Palimbang PH126509000
Liloan PH086406000
Macrohon PH086408000


Bohol PH071200000 Region VII

Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Molopolo PH112406019
Molos PH097221004
Molosbolos PH050507028
Moloy PH126313023
Molugan PH104307011
Molum PH097313017
Mombon PH086005028
Mombon PH086025038
Mompeller PH072205033
Mompolia PH142709005
Mompong PH153807026
Mona PH015503018
Monamon Norte PH144402014
Monamon Sur PH144402015
Monbon PH056209018
Monbon PH084814017
Monbon PH086023014
Monbon (Pob.) PH086016025
Moncado (Pob.) PH112317026
Moncado Colony PH153617076
Moncado Kadingilan PH153617077
Monching PH098313029
Mone PH166803010
Mongabong PH086002027
Mongahay PH054121021
Mongayang PH142708011
Monggoc PH140118009
Mongkay PH157004003
Mongocayo PH126316030
Mongol PH142706024
Mongol Bongol Pob. (Bgy.1) PH084821003
Mongolbongol PH086006032
Mongpong PH061914040
Mongpong PH174005041
Mongpong PH074612019
Monic PH034918014
Monica Blumentritt PH063022020
Moning PH052002014
Monlaque PH060406019
Monpon PH063007018
Monpon PH063017030
Monserrat PH071216007
Monserrat PH112506007
Monserrat (Pob.) PH051720006
Montabiong PH142704016
Montag PH168501011
Montalban PH084822018
Montana PH071205008
Montaña PH045637011
Montaña (Ik-ik) PH041031028
Montañeza (Inamlang) PH072229011
Montay PH124705023
Montay PH153615049
Montay PH153806030
Montay PH153834008
Montay Montay PH157002019
Monte PH012816009
Monte-Magapa PH063023031
Monte Alegre PH021504037
Monte Alegre PH083722015


Kiblawan PH112406000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Libon PH050507000
Surallah PH126313000
City of El Salvador PH104307000
Lapuyan PH097313000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
San Jorge PH086025000
Argao PH072205000
Hingyon PH142709000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
City of Alaminos PH015503000
Bauko PH144402000
Bauko PH144402000
Irosin PH056209000
Palapag PH084814000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Island Garden City of Samal PH112317000
Marawi City PH153617000
Marawi City PH153617000
Siay PH098313000
City of Bislig PH166803000
Basey PH086002000
Uson PH054121000
Aguinaldo PH142708000
Pidigan PH140118000
Simunul PH157004000
T'Boli PH126316000
Mayoyao PH142706000
San Vicente PH084821000
Daram PH086006000
Roxas City PH061914000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Baras PH052002000
Ibajay PH060406000
Barotac Nuevo PH063007000
Dueñas PH063017000
Cortes PH071216000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Magarao PH051720000
Lagawe PH142704000
Basilisa PH168501000
Silvino Lobos PH084822000
Baclayon PH071205000
Montana Quezon PH045637000
Montana (Ik-ik) City of Tanauan PH041031000
Montaneza (Inamlang) Malabuyoc PH072229000
Libungan PH124705000
Malabang PH153615000
Datu Piang PH153806000
Northern Kabuntalan PH153834000
Bongao PH157002000
Paoay PH012816000
Janiuay PH063023000
Amulung PH021504000
Isabel PH083722000


Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI

Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Albay PH050500000 Region V
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Monte Alegre PH083726011

Monte Alegre PH083734014
Monte Alegre PH097302037
Monte Bello PH083726012
Monte Calvario PH051705018
Monte Carmelo PH056206022
Monte Claro PH175110032
Monte Dujali PH112324008
Monte Verde PH083708094
Montealegre PH072242001
Montealegre PH072252038
Montecalvario PH056203035
Montecillo PH045645029
Monteclaro PH045622053
Monteflor PH061911010
Montehermoso PH071212015
Montela PH097302038
Montelago PH175208034
Montemayor PH175208035
Montenegro (Maguiron) PH051702011
Monterico PH083708052
Monterico PH083738071
Monterico PH104201023
Montero PH012902012
Montes Balaon PH045603027
Montes Kallagan PH045603028
Montesuerte PH071212016
Montesunting PH071212017
Monteverde PH072240015
Monteverde PH126501016
Monteverde PH175214017
Montevideo PH071212018
Montevista PH064501052
Montiaan PH153606033
Montible (Pob.) PH175316040
Montilla PH064519014
Montinola PH063022112
Montinola PH063040058
Montivesta PH160301038
Montol PH104203020
Montpeller PH072203006
Montpiller PH067901017
Montserrat PH072236008
Montserrat PH166707012
Moog PH104314007
Moonwalk PH137604011
Moradji PH097337009
Morado PH023114061
Morales PH060402009
Morales PH126306012
Morales PH174005042
Moras De La Paz PH035421002
Moraza PH037101010
Morcillas PH063046037
Moreno PH015512012
Morente PH175203020
Morera PH050504032
Moriatao-Bai Labay PH153618039
Moriatao Loksa Datu PH153627047
Moriatao Loksadato PH153617079


Kananga PH083726000
Matalom PH083734000
Aurora PH097302000
Kananga PH083726000
Buhi PH051705000
Castilla PH056206000
San Jose PH175110000
San Isidro PH112324000
City of Baybay PH083708000
San Francisco PH072242000
Tuburan PH072252000
Bulan PH056203000
Sariaya PH045645000
Lopez PH045622000
Pilar PH061911000
Carmen PH071212000
Aurora PH097302000
Naujan PH175208000
Naujan PH175208000
Balatan PH051702000
City of Baybay PH083708000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Aloran PH104201000
Banayoyo PH012902000
Atimonan PH045603000
Atimonan PH045603000
Carmen PH071212000
Carmen PH071212000
Samboan PH072240000
Bagumbayan PH126501000
Socorro PH175214000
Carmen PH071212000
Bacolod City PH064501000
Bubong PH153606000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Iloilo City PH063022000
San Joaquin PH063040000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Bonifacio PH104203000
Alegria PH072203000
Buenavista PH067901000
Pilar PH072236000
Dapa PH166707000
Laguindingan PH104314000
City of Parañaque PH137604000
Josefina PH097337000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Balete PH060402000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Santo Tomas PH035421000
Botolan PH037101000
Tubungan PH063046000
Binalonan PH015512000
Bongabong PH175203000
Guinobatan PH050504000
Masiu PH153618000
Taraka PH153627000
Marawi City PH153617000


Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII

Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao


PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH


Moriones PH036918009
Moro Point PH153811034
Morob PH097226018
Moroboro PH063016020
Moroboro PH083728021
Morobuan PH067902020
Morocborocan PH050515026
Morocborocan PH054114005
Morocborocan PH054121022
Morong PH012803023
Morong PH045645030
Moroponros PH050512031
Morubuan PH063012038
Mosangot PH104304005
Mostro PH063003012
Motag PH060412017
Motherlode PH051605008
Motibot PH097218021
Moto PH063038015
Moto Norte (Pob.) PH071230050
Moto Sur (Pob.) PH071230051
Motoderazo PH175208036
Motong PH097220019
Motong PH074610017
Motorpool PH166727005
Motosawa PH097307036
Motrico PH036907016
Mount Apo National Park under Jurisdiction of Davao City PH112402901
Mount Apo National Park under Jurisdiction of Kidapawan City, Cotabato PH124704901
Mount Apo National Park under Jurisdiction of Magpet, Cotabato PH124706901
Mount Data PH144402016
Mount Diwata PH118207022
Mountain View (Puluan) PH098311013
Moyo PH097215015
Mozzozzin North PH023134010
Mozzozzin Sur PH023134009
MRR-Queen Of Peace PH141102091
Mt. Ararat PH160301039
Mt. Carmel PH160301040
Mt. Nebo PH101321021
Mt. Olive PH160301041
Mt. View PH030807019
Mua-an PH124704025
Muabog PH072248016
Mualbual PH084808037
Mualbual PH086023015
Mucas PH097213019
Mucdol PH037706018
Mudan PH128002020
Mudboron PH083702031
Mudeng PH140108008
Mudiang PH112402080
Mudiit PH140107009
Mudseng PH124709029
Muelang PH015527051
Muelle Loney-Montes PH063022113
Mugdo PH086008022
Muguing PH060403016
Mukas PH103508013
Muladbucad Grande PH050504034


San Jose PH036918000

Parang PH153811000
Bacungan PH097226000
Dingle PH063016000
La Paz PH083728000
Jordan PH067902000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
Monreal PH054114000
Uson PH054121000
Badoc PH012803000
Sariaya PH045645000
Oas PH050512000
Cabatuan PH063012000
Binuangan PH104304000
Anilao PH063003000
Malay PH060412000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Sindangan PH097218000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Loon PH071230000
Loon PH071230000
Naujan PH175208000
Sirawai PH097220000
Dumaguete City PH074610000
Tubod PH166727000
Dumalinao PH097307000
La Paz PH036907000
Davao City PH112402000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Magpet PH124706000
Bauko PH144402000
Monkayo PH118207000
Payao PH098311000
Siayan PH097215000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Baguio City PH141102000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
City of Valencia PH101321000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Mariveles PH030807000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Tabogon PH072248000
Laoang PH084808000
Zumarraga PH086023000
Salug PH097213000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Glan PH128002000
Alangalang PH083702000
La Paz PH140108000
Davao City PH112402000
Dolores PH140107000
Midsayap PH124709000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Hinabangan PH086008000
Banga PH060403000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Guinobatan PH050504000


Tarlac PH036900000 Region III

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Albay PH050500000 Region V


PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH


Muladbucad Pequeño PH050504033

Mulangan PH063021029
Mulao PH072218012
Mulao PH072227007
Mulapula PH063035035
Mulaug PH153812030
Mulawin PH030809010
Mulawin PH042120012
Mulawin PH175111007
Mulawin PH175208037
Mulay PH045607053
Mulig PH112402081
Muliguin PH045649020
Mulok PH124711024
Mulom PH098308023
Mumulaan PH012816010
Mungayang PH142703014
Mungit-mungit PH156613043
Mungo PH021528022
Munguia PH025007015
Munlawin PH041025011
Munlawin Norte PH041002009
Munlawin Sur PH041002008
Muñoz PH097215024
Muñoz (Poblacion 14) PH086005047
Muñoz East PH023126029
Muñoz West PH023126030
Muntay PH103508014
Munting-Tubig PH041010013
Munting Ambling PH043415003
Munting Batangas (Cadre) PH030803004
Munting Coral PH041007030
Munting Ilog PH042118029
Munting Indan PH041019036
Munting Kawayan PH043416023
Munting Mapino PH042115023
Munting Parang PH045646027
Munting Pulo PH041014032
Munting Tubig PH041003037
Muntingdilaw PH045802018
Murallon PH104308029
Murallon (Pob.) PH174001040
Muraya PH012920021
Murcon PH034915013
Muricay PH097322034
Muritula PH160309018
Murong PH025003005
Murtha PH175110031
Musimut PH148104018
Muslim PH153825008
Muslim Area PH150704008
Muslim Village PH153630031
Muta PH025009017
Muti PH097332054
Muti PH153825009
Muyco PH063044030
Muyo PH098302015
Muzon PH031420007
Muzon PH041023024
Muzon PH041024016


Muladbucad Pequeno Guinobatan PH050504000

Igbaras PH063021000
Compostela PH072218000
Liloan PH072227000
City of Passi PH063035000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Orani PH030809000
Tanza PH042120000
Santa Cruz PH175111000
Naujan PH175208000
Calauag PH045607000
Davao City PH112402000
Unisan PH045649000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Malangas PH098308000
Paoay PH012816000
Kiangan PH142703000
Talipao PH156613000
Tuao PH021528000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
San Nicolas PH041025000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Munoz Siayan PH097215000
Munoz (Poblacion 14) City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Munoz East Roxas PH023126000
Munoz West Roxas PH023126000
Kolambugan PH103508000
Ibaan PH041010000
Magdalena PH043415000
City of Balanga PH030803000
Calaca PH041007000
Silang PH042118000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Majayjay PH043416000
Naic PH042115000
Tagkawayan PH045646000
Lipa City PH041014000
Balayan PH041003000
City of Antipolo PH045802000
Gingoog City PH104308000
Boac PH174001000
San Juan PH012920000
Llanera PH034915000
Pagadian City PH097322000
San Luis PH160309000
Bagabag PH025003000
San Jose PH175110000
Kabugao PH148104000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Maluso PH150704000
Wao PH153630000
Kasibu PH025009000
Zamboanga City PH097332000
Guindulungan PH153825000
Sara PH063044000
Buug PH098302000
City of San Jose del Monte PH031420000
San Juan PH041023000
San Luis PH041024000


Albay PH050500000 Region V

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Basilan PH150700000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Muzon PH042115024
Muzon PH045813002
Muzon PH137502012
Muzon I PH042117007
Muzon II PH042117015
Muzon Primero PH041002011
Muzon Segundo PH041002012
N C Ordaneza District (Pob.) PH112411007
N. Roque (Rizal) PH056203036
N.S. Amoranto (Gintong Silahis) PH137404042
Naagtan PH056208023
Naalad PH072234018
Naasag PH101804009
Naasug PH060412011
Naatang PH071225025
Naba PH060606028
Nababarera PH051701011
Nabaccayan PH021513035
Nabago PH101321022
Nabago PH166724032
Nabago PH074625007
Nabalawag PH124709030
Nabalawag PH153818008
Nabalay PH175902008
Nabali-an PH064510009
Nabaliwa PH101316014
Nabang PH086003105
Nabangig PH054115015
Nabannagan East PH021517029
Nabannagan West PH021517030
Nabao (Pob.) PH034903087
Nabaong Garlang PH031419022
Nabaoy PH060412012
Nabasagan PH054107012
Nabasan PH050503039
Nabataan PH104304006
Nabbabalayan PH021519018
Nabbialan PH021504038
Nabbotuan PH021527018
Nabbuan PH023135021
Nabhang PH074602018
Nabilid PH097211010
Nabitasan PH063022114
Nabitasan PH063026016
Nabitasan PH063037037
Nablangbulod PH050513019
Naboc PH118207010
Naboctot PH054117021
Nabong PH086013026
Nabongsoran PH054101027
Nabonton PH050508033
Naborot PH063038016
Nabuad PH071224039
Nabuangan PH148102012
Nabuclod PH035406017
Nabulao PH064527015
Nabulo PH084806026
Nabulo PH086016026
Nabuna PH104201024
Nabundas PH124712040


Naic PH042115000
Taytay PH045813000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Rosario PH042117000
Rosario PH042117000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Alitagtag PH041002000
Padada PH112411000
Bulan PH056203000
Quezon City PH137404000
Gubat PH056208000
City of Naga PH072234000
Mambajao PH101804000
Malay PH060412000
Jagna PH071225000
Culasi PH060606000
Baao PH051701000
Gattaran PH021513000
City of Valencia PH101321000
Surigao City PH166724000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Midsayap PH124709000
Barira PH153818000
Banton PH175902000
City of Himamaylan PH064510000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Palanas PH054115000
Lasam PH021517000
Lasam PH021517000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
San Ildefonso PH031419000
Malay PH060412000
Claveria PH054107000
Daraga PH050503000
Binuangan PH104304000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Amulung PH021504000
Solana PH021527000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Ayungon PH074602000
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas PH097211000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Leganes PH063026000
Pototan PH063037000
Pio Duran PH050513000
Monkayo PH118207000
Placer PH054117000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Aroroy PH054101000
City of Ligao PH050508000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Inabanga PH071224000
Conner PH148102000
Floridablanca PH035406000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Catubig PH084806000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Aloran PH104201000
Pikit PH124712000


Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A

Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nabundas PH153822007
Nabundas PH153837010
Nabundasan PH124714030
Nabunturan PH072210031
Naburacan PH056212030
Naburos PH104202009
Nabuslot PH175209016
Nabutay PH076104015
Nacabuklad PH101318019
Nacagang PH144409017
Nacalma PH023104014
Naci (Doce) PH126313024
Nacional (Pob.) PH104207016
Naclub PH063030078
Nacolcol PH037101031
Nacube PH086007054
Nacuralan PH034906034
Nadacpan PH082617028
Nadawisan PH054105023
Naddungan PH021513036
Nadsaag PH013316024
Nadsadan PH063040060
Nag-Cruz PH045634017
Nag-Iba PH041016016
Nag-Iba I PH175205038
Nag-Iba I PH175208038
Nag-Iba II PH175205068
Nag-Iba II PH175208039
Nag-uma PH021526021
Naga PH050518021
Naga PH063037038
Naga PH082617029
Naga PH082618014
Naga PH083707020
Naga PH086003106
Naga PH118202013
Naga-asan PH083705025
Naga-naga PH083739018
Naga-naga PH098301016
Naga (Pob.) PH104207014
Nagabgaban PH025701021
Nagacadan PH142703015
Nagaja PH082610006
Naganacan PH023108051
Naganacan PH023134011
Nagaparan PH140106006
Nagarao PH054117022
Nagas PH050512035
Nagas PH050518023
Nagasi PH064516009
Nagatiran PH013303026
Nagattatan PH021503021
Nagattatan PH021518013
Nagatutuan PH021513037
Nagba PH061901016
Nagba PH063029034
Nagba PH063045040
Nagba PH063046038
Nagbabalayan PH148104019
Nagbac PH086009021


Pagagawan PH153822000
Shariff Saydona Mustapha PH153837000
Tulunan PH124714000
Barili PH072210000
Matnog PH056212000
Baliangao PH104202000
Pinamalayan PH175209000
Maria PH076104000
San Fernando PH101318000
Sagada PH144409000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Surallah PH126313000
Jimenez PH104207000
Miagao PH063030000
Botolan PH037101000
Gandara PH086007000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Oras PH082617000
Cataingan PH054105000
Gattaran PH021513000
San Juan PH013316000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Pitogo PH045634000
Mabini PH041016000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Naujan PH175208000
City of Calapan PH175205000
Naujan PH175208000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Tiwi PH050518000
Pototan PH063037000
Oras PH082617000
Quinapondan PH082618000
Bato PH083707000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Laak PH118202000
Babatngon PH083705000
Palo PH083739000
Alicia PH098301000
Jimenez PH104207000
Aglipay PH025701000
Kiangan PH142703000
Hernani PH082610000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Santa Maria PH023134000
Danglas PH140106000
Placer PH054117000
Oas PH050512000
Tiwi PH050518000
La Carlota City PH064516000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Allacapan PH021503000
Pamplona PH021518000
Gattaran PH021513000
Cuartero PH061901000
Maasin PH063029000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Tubungan PH063046000
Kabugao PH148104000
Jiabong PH086009000


Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nagbacalan PH012805028
Nagbacalan PH012816011
Nagbacalan PH023124006
Nagbalagan PH012804010
Nagbalaye PH074618016
Nagbalayong PH030808003
Nagbalioartian PH012930025
Nagbalon PH031411007
Nagbangi PH063028062
Nagbangi I (Amatong) PH060614030
Nagbangi II PH060614031
Nagbarorong PH052002015
Nagbayan PH037104006
Nagbettedan PH012928015
Nagbinlod PH074618015
Nagbitin PH025014004
Nagbo-alao PH074605008
Nagbobtac PH084814018
Nagbukel PH023129005
Nagbukel-Tuquipa PH140114007
Nagbunga PH037104007
Nagbunga PH037111012
Nagcaduha PH086021021
Nagcalbang PH043417032
Nagcalsot PH050515027
Nagcampegan PH023108050
Nagcanasan PH140119010
Nagcasunog PH074607014
Nagcuartelan PH025002010
Nagcullooban PH012930024
Nagdayao PH060616050
Nagerong PH076103010
Naggasican PH023135022
Naghalin PH083726013
Nagkaisang Nayon PH137404068
Nagkalit PH051712012
Nagkaysa PH015536018
Naglabrahan PH034911041
Naglabrahan PH034917022
Naglaoa-an PH012928016
Naglibacan PH140125010
Naglicuan PH012817014
Nagmisaan PH036910020
Nagmisahan PH034906035
Nagongburan PH012930026
Nagoocan PH084806027
Nagotgot PH050511013
Nagpalangan PH015513018
Nagpan PH128007021
Nagpanaoan PH012904019
Nagpanaoan PH012922017
Nagpandayan PH034911042
Nagpapacao PH086011016
Nagpatayan PH012811017
Nagpatpatan PH012822015
Nagquirisan PH063040059
Nagrambacan PH036903033
Nagrangtayan PH021522014
Nagrebcan PH012803025
Nagrebcan PH012925017


City of Batac PH012805000

Paoay PH012816000
Ramon PH023124000
Bangui PH012804000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Morong PH030808000
Sinait PH012930000
Marilao PH031411000
Leon PH063028000
San Remigio PH060614000
San Remigio PH060614000
Baras PH052002000
Castillejos PH037104000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Villaverde PH025014000
Basay PH074605000
Palapag PH084814000
San Isidro PH023129000
Luba PH140114000
Castillejos PH037104000
San Marcelino PH037111000
Villareal PH086021000
Nagcarlan PH043417000
Rapu-Rapu PH050515000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Pilar PH140119000
Bindoy PH074607000
Aritao PH025002000
Sinait PH012930000
Sibalom PH060616000
Lazi PH076103000
City of Santiago PH023135000
Kananga PH083726000
Quezon City PH137404000
Del Gallego PH051712000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Guimba PH034911000
Science City of Muñoz PH034917000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Tineg PH140125000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Paniqui PH036910000
Cuyapo PH034906000
Sinait PH012930000
Catubig PH084806000
Manito PH050511000
Binmaley PH015513000
Malungon PH128007000
Burgos PH012904000
Santa PH012922000
Guimba PH034911000
Matuguinao PH086011000
Banna PH012811000
Solsona PH012822000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Camiling PH036903000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Badoc PH012803000
Santa Lucia PH012925000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nagrebcan PH013307019
Nagrebcan PH013310017
Nagrumbuan PH023108052
Nagsaag PH015535010
Nagsabaran PH012920022
Nagsabaran PH013306021
Nagsabaran PH013316025
Nagsabaran PH021504039
Nagsabaran PH021511020
Nagsabaran PH025006007
Nagsabaran PH036913011
Nagsabaran Norte PH013305018
Nagsabaran Sur PH013305019
Nagsaha PH074611020
Nagsaing PH015517016
Nagsanga PH012817015
Nagsangalan PH012934021
Nagsantaan PH012905019
Nagsaraboan PH013303027
Nagsaulay PH041023022
Nagsayaoan PH012926022
Nagserialan PH036903034
Nagsidorisan PH013311028
Nagsimbaanan PH013303028
Nagsinamo PH045623025
Nagsincaoan PH012905020
Nagsingcaoan PH012909015
Nagsipit PH063040061
Nagsiya Pob. (Bgy. 8) PH050516017
Nagsubuan PH060607035
Nagsulang PH061904024
Nagsulang PH063027016
Nagsulay PH071227015
Nagsulo PH045806017
Nagsupotan PH012920023
Nagtablaan PH012925018
Nagtagaan PH013313019
Nagtalongtong PH041015017
Nagtengnga PH012924024
Nagtipulan PH140110009
Nagtoctoc PH041015018
Nagtrigoan PH012819015
Nagtuang PH071230044
Nagtupacan PH012926023
Nagtupacan PH021518014
Nagtupacan PH140110010
Naguelguel PH015522023
Naguey PH141101004
Naguiddayan PH012903015
Naguilayan PH015513021
Naguilayan PH015532055
Naguilayan East PH015527052
Naguilayan West PH015527053
Naguilian PH012907008
Naguilian PH021509007
Naguilian PH021516026
Naguilian PH140120005
Naguilian PH148101005
Naguilian Norte PH023114062
Naguilian Sur PH023114063


Bauang PH013307000
Luna PH013310000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
San Manuel PH015535000
San Juan PH012920000
Bangar PH013306000
San Juan PH013316000
Amulung PH021504000
Claveria PH021511000
Diadi PH025006000
San Clemente PH036913000
Balaoan PH013305000
Balaoan PH013305000
City of Guihulngan PH074611000
Calasiao PH015517000
Pasuquin PH012817000
City of Vigan PH012934000
Cabugao PH012905000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Juan PH041023000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Camiling PH036903000
Naguilian PH013311000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Lucban PH045623000
Cabugao PH012905000
Galimuyod PH012909000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Santo Domingo PH050516000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Dumarao PH061904000
Lemery PH063027000
Lila PH071227000
Cardona PH045806000
San Juan PH012920000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Rosario PH013313000
Lobo PH041015000
Santa Cruz PH012924000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Lobo PH041015000
Pinili PH012819000
Loon PH071230000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Pamplona PH021518000
Lagangilang PH140110000
Lingayen PH015522000
Atok PH141101000
Bantay PH012903000
Binmaley PH015513000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Caoayan PH012907000
Calayan PH021509000
Lal-Lo PH021516000
Sallapadan PH140120000
Calanasan PH148101000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Ilagan City PH023114000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH


Naguillan (Pagpag-ong) PH012814008

Naguimba PH012902013
Naguirangan PH012805029
Naguirangan PH013316026
Naguirayan PH140118008
Naguituban PH013316027
Naguma PH086003107
Naguneg PH012914019
Nagustan PH060414012
Nagwaling PH030811016
Nagyubuyuban PH013314034
Nagyubuyuban PH013316028
Nahaong PH086405008
Nahapay PH063020024
Nahapunan PH050501024
Nahawan PH071214017
Nahud PH071218008
Nahulid PH084806028
Nahulid PH086405009
Nahus-an PH072247015
Naiba PH074617008
Nailaban PH054110016
Naile PH060406020
Nailo PH071247025
Nailon PH072211019
Nailon PH104216025
Nainday PH054117023
Naisud PH060406021
Najandig PH074625009
Naje PH124718022
Najus-an PH061908018
Nakalaya PH051605009
Nakanmuan PH020905003
Nakar PH023128013
Nala (Pob.) PH097216026
Nalapaan PH124712041
Nalasin PH012816012
Nalasin PH012822016
Nalasin PH012927016
Nalasin PH012928014
Nalasin PH013305020
Nalayahan PH051735012
Nalbang PH063028063
Nalbu PH142706025
Nalbuan PH140113008
Nalbugan PH063013054
Nalhub PH072222025
Nalibunan (Pob.) PH083701039
Naligusan PH060406022
Nalihawan PH060608036
Nalihugan PH086007055
Nalil PH157002045
Nalilidan PH126505020
Nalin PH124709031
Nalinan PH153812031
Naliwatan PH083724018
Nalkan PH153830006
Nalneran PH015509007
Nalook PH060407012
Nalsian PH015517017


Nueva Era PH012814000

Banayoyo PH012902000
City of Batac PH012805000
San Juan PH013316000
Pidigan PH140118000
San Juan PH013316000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Narvacan PH012914000
Nabas PH060414000
Pilar PH030811000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
San Juan PH013316000
Libagon PH086405000
Guimbal PH063020000
Bacacay PH050501000
Clarin PH071214000
Danao PH071218000
Catubig PH084806000
Libagon PH086405000
Sogod PH072247000
San Jose PH074617000
Mandaon PH054110000
Ibajay PH060406000
Valencia PH071247000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Tudela PH104216000
Placer PH054117000
Ibajay PH060406000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Arakan PH124718000
Mambusao PH061908000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Sabtang PH020905000
San Guillermo PH023128000
Sibuco PH097216000
Pikit PH124712000
Paoay PH012816000
Solsona PH012822000
Santiago PH012927000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Balaoan PH013305000
Siruma PH051735000
Leon PH063028000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Licuan-Baay PH140113000
Calinog PH063013000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Abuyog PH083701000
Ibajay PH060406000
Hamtic PH060608000
Gandara PH086007000
Bongao PH157002000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Midsayap PH124709000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Javier PH083724000
Datu Blah T. Sinsuat PH153830000
Basista PH015509000
Kalibo PH060407000
Calasiao PH015517000


Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I

Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Batanes PH020900000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nalsian PH015525031
Nalsian Norte PH015511047
Nalsian Norte PH015524050
Nalsian Sur PH015511048
Nalsian Sur PH015524051
Nalubbunan PH025011009
Nalumsan PH063014026
Nalunao PH045623026
Nalundan PH063020025
Nalundan PH074607015
Nalus PH128003013
Nalusdan PH060602031
Nalvo PH012926024
Nalvo (Cababaan-Nalvo) PH012817003
Nalvo Norte PH013310018
Nalvo Sur PH013310019
Nam-o Norte PH063030080
Nam-o Sur PH063030079
Nama PH015530022
Namagbagan PH015505012
Namagbagan PH015539010
Namal PH142711006
Namalangan PH012922018
Namalpalan PH012912019
Namaltugan PH013319008
Namaltugan PH148101006
Namamparan PH025006008
Namanday PH050501025
Namantao PH050501026
Namantao PH050503040
Namarabar PH140117003
Namat Masla PH126509029
Namatacan PH037112008
Namatay PH063016021
Namatec PH144407010
Namatican PH012925019
Namatucan PH015501012
Namayan PH031410035
Namayan PH137401018
Nambalan PH036908015
Nambalan PH036915009
Nambaran PH012802015
Nambaran PH012928017
Nambaran PH143213025
Nambbalan Norte PH021529029
Nambbalan Sur PH021529048
Namboongan PH013317015
Nambucayan PH143213026
Namillangan PH142707009
Namit-ingan PH140107010
Namitpit PH012915005
Namnam PH101318020
Namnama PH023107016
Namnama PH023114064
Namnama PH023115025
Namnama PH023137033
Namnama PH098315018
Namnama PH126306013
Namnama PH142707008
Namnama (Pob.) PH012930027


Manaoag PH015525000
Bayambang PH015511000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Bayambang PH015511000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Quezon PH025011000
Carles PH063014000
Lucban PH045623000
Guimbal PH063020000
Bindoy PH074607000
Kiamba PH128003000
Barbaza PH060602000
Santa Maria PH012926000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Miagao PH063030000
Miagao PH063030000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Anda PH015505000
Santa Maria PH015539000
Asipulo PH142711000
Santa PH012922000
Magsingal PH012912000
Sudipen PH013319000
Calanasan PH148101000
Diadi PH025006000
Bacacay PH050501000
Bacacay PH050501000
Daraga PH050503000
Peñarrubia PH140117000
Palimbang PH126509000
San Narciso PH037112000
Dingle PH063016000
Sabangan PH144407000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Agno PH015501000
City of Malolos PH031410000
City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Mayantoc PH036908000
Santa Ignacia PH036915000
Bacarra PH012802000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Tuguegarao City PH021529000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Dolores PH140107000
Quirino PH012915000
San Fernando PH101318000
Cabatuan PH023107000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Jones PH023115000
Tumauini PH023137000
Titay PH098315000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Sinait PH012930000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Namo PH056203037
Namocon PH063045041
Namolan PH015522025
Namonitan PH013317016
Namoroc PH012823035
Nampalcan PH015544039
Nampicuan PH023103019
Namruangan PH012905021
Namtutan PH013314035
Namuac PH021522015
Namuat PH051713006
Namuccayan PH021526022
Namuco PH041021025
Namuken PH153824007
Namulandayan PH034916017
Namulditan PH142709006
Namunga PH041021026
Namurabod PH051705019
Namut PH104216026
Nanaguan PH023114065
Nanagun PH153636018
Nanan PH098311014
Nanangduan PH140119011
Nanauatan PH021521020
Nanbagatan PH015548016
Nanca PH064508015
Nancalabasaan PH015544040
Nancalobasaan PH015546024
Nancamaliran East PH015546025
Nancamaliran West PH015546026
Nancamarinan PH036910021
Nancapian PH015524049
Nancasalan PH015527054
Nancayasan PH015546027
Nandacan PH015510007
Nanding Lopez PH063018031
Naneng PH143213027
Nanerman PH012928018
Nanga PH063020026
Nanga PH063037039
Nanga-an PH124703013
Nangabulan PH034931013
Nangalao PH175313007
Nangalasauan PH021504040
Nangalinan PH021506030
Nangalisan PH012925020
Nangalisan PH013303025
Nangalisan PH015520009
Nangalisan PH021527019
Nangalisan PH025003006
Nangalisan PH141113006
Nangan PH112506008
Nangan-nangan PH097344013
Nangapugan PH015537018
Nangca PH097212008
Nangcaan PH097212009
Nangcamotian PH013313020
Nangcaon PH104321011
Nangi PH153815023
Nanginan PH097203014


Bulan PH056203000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Lingayen PH015522000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Vintar PH012823000
Umingan PH015544000
Aurora PH023103000
Cabugao PH012905000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Sanchez-Mira PH021522000
Gainza PH051713000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Rosario PH041021000
Sultan Mastura PH153824000
Lupao PH034916000
Hingyon PH142709000
Rosario PH041021000
Buhi PH051705000
Tudela PH104216000
Ilagan City PH023114000
Lumbayanague PH153636000
Payao PH098311000
Pilar PH140119000
Rizal PH021521000
Laoac PH015548000
Enrique B. Magalona PH064508000
Umingan PH015544000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Paniqui PH036910000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Mangatarem PH015527000
City of Urdaneta PH015546000
Bautista PH015510000
Dumangas PH063018000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Guimbal PH063020000
Pototan PH063037000
Kabacan PH124703000
Talugtug PH034931000
Linapacan PH175313000
Amulung PH021504000
Baggao PH021506000
Santa Lucia PH012925000
Bacnotan PH013303000
Infanta PH015520000
Solana PH021527000
Bagabag PH025003000
Tuba PH141113000
Governor Generoso PH112506000
Tigbao PH097344000
San Quintin PH015537000
Rizal PH097212000
Rizal PH097212000
Rosario PH013313000
Opol PH104321000
Upi PH153815000
Katipunan PH097203000


Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V

Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX


PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nangka PH063009017
Nangka PH072208021
Nangka PH072212010
Nangka PH072219009
Nangka PH072223028
Nangka PH097306017
Nangka PH101311008
Nangka PH103502017
Nangka PH137402006
Nangka PH174006017
Nangka PH074606015
Nangka I PH174004028
Nangka Ibaba PH045647022
Nangka II PH174004029
Nangka Ilaya PH045647028
Nangkaan PH041018014
Nangobongan PH140122011
Nanguilattan PH021519019
Nanguma PH043414005
Nanguyudan PH012816013
Nanhaya (Pob.) PH043430004
Nanipsan PH054110017
Nannarian PH021519020
Nansangaan PH015524053
Nansiakan PH025010015
Nansuagao PH012907009
Nantangalan PH015530023
Nantawacan PH025009028
Nanuccauan PH021504041
Nanunga PH064511017
Nanungaran PH021521021
Nanyo PH112315022
Naocondiot PH054117024
Napaan PH060412013
Napacao PH074619017
Napaccu Grande PH023125012
Napaccu Pequeño PH023125013
Napalico PH101309035
Napalico PH124718023
Napaliong PH023115026
Napaliran PH104302019
Napalisan PH086007056
Napandong PH067903013
Napangan PH104217008
Napantao PH086413007
Napao PH050501027
Napaod PH051606043
Naparaan PH082619037
Naparasan PH084812010
Naparing PH030804020
Napaset PH013305021
Napaset PH013310020
Napasu-an PH074614024
Napatag PH060417007
Napawon (Napunuon) PH051715019
Napilan PH097212010
Napilihan PH051612012
Napindan PH137607010
Napnapan PH118211007
Napnapan Norte PH063045042


Batad PH063009000
Balamban PH072208000
Boljoon PH072212000
Consolacion PH072219000
Danao City PH072223000
Dinas PH097306000
Libona PH101311000
Baloi PH103502000
City of Marikina PH137402000
Torrijos PH174006000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Mogpog PH174004000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Mogpog PH174004000
City of Tayabas PH045647000
Mataasnakahoy PH041018000
San Juan PH140122000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Mabitac PH043414000
Paoay PH012816000
Victoria PH043430000
Mandaon PH054110000
Peñablanca PH021519000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Kayapa PH025010000
Caoayan PH012907000
Pozorrubio PH015530000
Kasibu PH025009000
Amulung PH021504000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Rizal PH021521000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Placer PH054117000
Malay PH060412000
Siaton PH074619000
Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Napaccu Pequeno Reina Mercedes PH023125000
Kitaotao PH101309000
Arakan PH124718000
Jones PH023115000
Balingasag PH104302000
Gandara PH086007000
Nueva Valencia PH067903000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
San Francisco PH086413000
Bacacay PH050501000
Labo PH051606000
Salcedo PH082619000
Mapanas PH084812000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Balaoan PH013305000
Luna PH013310000
Mabinay PH074614000
Tangalan PH060417000
Goa PH051715000
Rizal PH097212000
Vinzons PH051612000
Taguig City PH137607000
Pantukan PH118211000
Tigbauan PH063045000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Napnapan Sur PH063045043

Napnapon PH126509030
Napnot PH060410016
Napnud PH063026017
Napo PH012912025
Napo PH012928019
Napo PH025001006
Napo PH050514036
Napo PH071202009
Napo PH071224040
Napo PH072214007
Napo PH076105008
Napo PH084814019
Napo PH097201024
Napo PH097302040
Napo PH103510004
Napo PH160306017
Napo PH174005043
Napo (Pob.) PH052006014
Napo (Pob.) PH071230045
Napok PH153805025
Napolan PH097322035
Napoles PH064502018
Napolidan PH051719025
Napon-Napon PH034920011
Napotiocan (Salvacion) PH084808038
Napsan PH175316041
Napti PH060404016
Napu PH012803026
Napua PH144407011
Napuid PH060611022
Napulan PH097220020
Napungas PH112301028
Napuro PH086016027
Napuro II PH086016037
Napurog PH104216027
Nara PH153812053
Narangasan PH054112016
Nararagan PH021507014
Narat-an PH063030082
Narauis PH064511018
Narirong PH060602032
Narnara PH140119012
Naro PH054106020
Narorogan PH063030083
Narra PH013303029
Narra PH015535011
Narra PH023112032
Narra PH043425022
Narra PH153602014
Narra PH175206023
Narra PH074606016
Narra (Minara) PH175318012
Narra (Pob.) PH084805071
Narra (Pob.) PH175315014
Narra Este PH013314036
Narra I PH042118052
Narra II PH042118060
Narra III PH042118061
Narra Oeste PH013314037


Tigbauan PH063045000
Palimbang PH126509000
Madalag PH060410000
Leganes PH063026000
Magsingal PH012912000
Santo Domingo PH012928000
Ambaguio PH025001000
Polangui PH050514000
Alicia PH071202000
Inabanga PH071224000
City of Carcar PH072214000
San Juan PH076105000
Palapag PH084814000
Dapitan City PH097201000
Aurora PH097302000
Linamon PH103510000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Santa Cruz PH174005000
Pandan PH052006000
Loon PH071230000
Datu Paglas PH153805000
Pagadian City PH097322000
Bago City PH064502000
Lupi PH051719000
Pantabangan PH034920000
Laoang PH084808000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
Batan PH060404000
Badoc PH012803000
Sabangan PH144407000
Pandan PH060611000
Sirawai PH097220000
Asuncion PH112301000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Santa Margarita PH086016000
Tudela PH104216000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Milagros PH054112000
Ballesteros PH021507000
Miagao PH063030000
Hinigaran PH064511000
Barbaza PH060602000
Pilar PH140119000
Cawayan PH054106000
Miagao PH063030000
Bacnotan PH013303000
San Manuel PH015535000
Echague PH023112000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Balabagan PH153602000
Gloria PH175206000
City of Bayawan PH074606000
Roxas PH175318000
Catarman PH084805000
Narra PH175315000
City of San Fernando PH013314000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
Silang PH042118000
City of San Fernando PH013314000


Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI

Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
La Union PH013300000 Region I


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Naruangan PH021528023
Narvacan PH013317017
Narvacan I PH034911043
Narvacan II PH034911044
Narvaez PH042107009
Nasaka PH063029035
Nasalaan PH045642010
Nasandig PH054104009
Nasapahan PH063027017
Nasapian PH124702027
Nasaug PH086407043
Nasi PH041021028
Nasibac PH097226008
Nasidman PH063001014
Nasig-id PH074625008
Nasingin PH071226016
Nasipang PH097212011
Nasipit PH072210032
Nasirum PH063031014
Nasisi PH050508032
Naslo PH063037036
Naslo-Bucao PH063029036
Naspi PH056213036
Nassiping PH021513038
Nasugban PH063043048
Nasuje PH056203034
Nasukob (Pob.) PH175204011
Nasuli PH060614033
Nasuli PH063029037
Nasuli-A (San Ramon) PH060607042
Nasuli C PH060601015
Nasunduan PH054113016
Nasungan PH074613018
Nasunogan PH061902017
Nasunogan PH083738072
Nasunogan PH175902009
Nataban PH064524008
Natan PH098303029
Natandol PH175110033
Natangcopan PH103516018
Natangcopan PH153625022
Natangcopan PH153637012
Natappian East PH021527020
Natappian West PH021527042
Nataron PH153616059
Natasan PH050507029
Natatas PH041031029
Natawo PH084814020
Natba PH012802016
Nati PH086407044
Nati PH126512017
Natimonan PH086007057
Natipuan PH041019037
Natividad PH035407008
Natividad PH060617010
Natividad PH061911011
Natividad PH063008011
Natividad PH063025051
Natividad PH082621008
Natividad PH126502022


Tuao PH021528000
Santo Tomas PH013317000
Guimba PH034911000
Guimba PH034911000
General Emilio Aguinaldo PH042107000
Maasin PH063029000
San Francisco PH045642000
Batuan PH054104000
Lemery PH063027000
Carmen PH124702000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Rosario PH041021000
Bacungan PH097226000
Ajuy PH063001000
Zamboanguita PH074625000
Getafe PH071226000
Rizal PH097212000
Barili PH072210000
Mina PH063031000
City of Ligao PH050508000
Pototan PH063037000
Maasin PH063029000
Pilar PH056213000
Gattaran PH021513000
Santa Barbara PH063043000
Bulan PH056203000
Bulalacao PH175204000
San Remigio PH060614000
Maasin PH063029000
Tobias Fornier PH060607000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Mobo PH054113000
La Libertad PH074613000
Dao PH061902000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Banton PH175902000
San Carlos City PH064524000
Diplahan PH098303000
San Jose PH175110000
Pantao Ragat PH103516000
Saguiaran PH153625000
Bumbaran PH153637000
Solana PH021527000
Solana PH021527000
Marantao PH153616000
Libon PH050507000
City of Tanauan PH041031000
Palapag PH084814000
Bacarra PH012802000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Sen. Ninoy Aquino PH126512000
Gandara PH086007000
Nasugbu PH041019000
Guagua PH035407000
Tibiao PH060617000
Pilar PH061911000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Lambunao PH063025000
San Policarpo PH082621000
Columbio PH126502000


Cagayan PH021500000 Region II

La Union PH013300000 Region I
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Romblon PH175900000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


Natividad (Pob.) PH013311029

Natividad (Pob.) PH037112009
Natividad (Pob.) PH043421006
Natividad North (Pob.) PH034904008
Natividad South (Pob.) PH034904009
Nato PH051731012
Nato PH056208024
Nato PH060601016
Nato PH082623014
Nato PH097218022
Nato PH160303017
Nato PH064517010
Nattanzan (Pob.) PH021515017
Nattum PH142706026
Natu PH041021027
Natubgan PH083726014
Natubleng PH141105012
Natubo PH104311009
Natulongan PH101308020
Natumolan PH104324005
Natunuan PH041022020
Natunuan North PH041026015
Natunuan South PH041026016
Natutungan PH124708029
Naubay PH082613015
Naugsol PH037114017
Nauguisan PH083714012
Nauguisan PH083715026
Nauhang PH064527016
Nauhon PH060615007
Naulayan PH083733008
Naulid PH063030084
Naulo PH037113016
Naumuan PH063031015
Naungan PH083738073
Naungan PH157007026
Nauring PH060611023
Nausok PH071225026
Nauzon PH034913009
Nava PH086403019
Navagan PH021505032
Navais PH063022115
Naval PH083719025
Navalan PH097330016
Navalas PH063017031
Navalas PH067901018
Navaling PH035411005
Navalita PH086404014
Navaluan PH015526021
Navarro PH042108016
Navarro PH086003109
Navarro PH168501012
Navarro PH168507004
Navarro (Datu Saber) PH153617083
Navarro (Pob.) PH166723004
Navatas Daku PH086019004
Navatas Guti PH086019005
Navatat PH015509008
Navillan PH063046039
Navitas PH045610029


Naguilian PH013311000
San Narciso PH037112000
Pangil PH043421000
Cabiao PH034904000
Cabiao PH034904000
Sagñay PH051731000
Gubat PH056208000
Anini-Y PH060601000
Taft PH082623000
Sindangan PH097218000
Esperanza PH160303000
La Castellana PH064517000
Iguig PH021515000
Mayoyao PH142706000
Rosario PH041021000
Kananga PH083726000
Buguias PH141105000
Jasaan PH104311000
Kibawe PH101308000
Tagoloan PH104324000
San Jose PH041022000
San Pascual PH041026000
San Pascual PH041026000
Matalam PH124708000
Llorente PH082613000
Subic PH037114000
Capoocan PH083714000
Carigara PH083715000
City of Sipalay PH064527000
Sebaste PH060615000
Matag-Ob PH083733000
Miagao PH063030000
Santa Cruz PH037113000
Mina PH063031000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Tandubas PH157007000
Pandan PH060611000
Jagna PH071225000
Laur PH034913000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Aparri PH021505000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Hilongos PH083719000
Tukuran PH097330000
Dueñas PH063017000
Buenavista PH067901000
Magalang PH035411000
Hinundayan PH086404000
Mangaldan PH015526000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Basilisa PH168501000
Tubajon PH168507000
Marawi City PH153617000
Socorro PH166723000
Talalora PH086019000
Talalora PH086019000
Basista PH015509000
Tubungan PH063046000
Catanauan PH045610000


La Union PH013300000 Region I

Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Navitas PH060413013
Navitas PH060416015
Navitas PH061909033
Navotas PH041003038
Navotas PH045806018
Navotas PH175205039
Navotas East PH137503006
Navotas West PH137503007
Nawal PH141104007
Nawi PH086022021
Naya PH036911009
Nayawan PH061917031
Nayom PH015520010
Nayon PH142705009
Nayon PH064525005
Nayong Kanluran PH137404069
Nazareno PH013301008
Nazareno PH054120014
Nazareno PH056208025
Nazaret PH067901019
Nazareth PH034910003
Nazareth PH060405010
Nazareth PH060616053
Nazareth PH097214016
Nazareth PH098306017
Nazareth PH104305058
Nazuni PH063016022
Nebga PH083701040
Nebo PH097214017
Necesito (Paniatan) PH060609029
Ned PH126319013
Neighborhood PH051703016
Nekitan PH153807025
Nekitan PH153812033
Nemeño PH097337010
Nemmatan PH023127011
Nena (Luna) PH082620005
Nenita PH084813016
Neogan PH042119014
Nes PH124709032
New Abra PH124708041
New Agutaya PH175319005
New Aklan PH128002021
New Alabang Village PH137603009
New Albay PH118205004
New Alegria PH118201007
New Alimodian PH124708001
New Antique PH098312009
New Antique PH124710020
New Argao PH097204006
New Argao PH118603027
New Asturias PH118204023
New Baclayon PH112408014
New Bago PH072206016
New Baguio PH124707025
New Balamban PH112319012
New Balanac PH083751020
New Bantayan PH112301029
New Barbacan (Retac) PH175318013
New Barbaza PH124710021


Malinao PH060413000
Numancia PH060416000
Panay PH061909000
Balayan PH041003000
Cardona PH045806000
City of Calapan PH175205000
City of Navotas PH137503000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Bokod PH141104000
Paranas PH086022000
Pura PH036911000
Tapaz PH061917000
Infanta PH015520000
Lamut PH142705000
San Enrique PH064525000
Quezon City PH137404000
Agoo PH013301000
San Pascual PH054120000
Gubat PH056208000
Buenavista PH067901000
General Tinio PH034910000
Buruanga PH060405000
Sibalom PH060616000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Kabasalan PH098306000
Cagayan de Oro City PH104305000
Dingle PH063016000
Abuyog PH083701000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Laua-An PH060609000
Lake Sebu PH126319000
Bato PH051703000
Datu Odin Sinsuat PH153807000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Nemeno Josefina PH097337000
San Agustin PH023127000
San Julian PH082620000
Mondragon PH084813000
Tagaytay City PH042119000
Midsayap PH124709000
Matalam PH124708000
San Vicente PH175319000
Glan PH128002000
City of Muntinlupa PH137603000
Maragusan PH118205000
Compostela PH118201000
Matalam PH124708000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
M'Lang PH124710000
La Libertad PH097204000
Malita PH118603000
Maco PH118204000
Malalag PH112408000
Asturias PH072206000
Makilala PH124707000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Villaba PH083751000
Asuncion PH112301000
Roxas PH175318000
M'Lang PH124710000


Aklan PH060400000 Region VI

Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII


PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH


New Barili PH118204032

New Basak PH097308027
New Bataan PH097204007
New Bethlehem PH097206041
New Bethlehem PH118202035
New Bohol PH112314010
New Bohol PH124704026
New Bugasong PH124708030
New Bulatukan PH124707026
New Busuanga (Pob.) PH175307007
New Caaluan PH051737024
New Cabalan PH037107014
New Calamba PH097227009
New Calape PH118208014
New Calinog PH126506012
New Camiling PH112303016
New Canaan PH098315019
New Canipo PH175319006
New Carcar PH097204008
New Caridad PH124714016
New Carmen PH097340010
New Carmen PH112402082
New Cartagena PH104212022
New Casay PH112323004
New Casul PH097208006
New Casul PH104206003
New Cebu PH112414014
New Cebu PH124707027
New Cebu PH124713022
New Cebu PH126508015
New Cebulan (Sambayon) PH118208016
New Clarin (Miral) PH112401017
New Compostela PH101302011
New Consolacion PH124710024
New Cortez PH112314011
New Culasi PH124711025
New Culasi PH124714017
New Culaylayan PH175313008
New Cuyapo PH126315012
New Cuyo PH175318014
New Dagupan PH175102004
New Dalaguete PH118208015
New Danglayan PH041006024
New Dapitan PH097212012
New Dapitan PH097221005
New Dapitan PH097223022
New Dauis PH118209015
New Dumangas PH126316011
New Eden PH101316015
New Era (Constitution Hills) PH137404023
New Esperanza PH124710025
New Gingoog PH160303042
New Guia PH061907018
New Guinlo PH175320015
New Gumawan PH063040062
New Gumiad PH025007018
New Ibajay PH175312009
New Igbaras PH124711026
New Ilalim PH037107015
New Ilocos PH112407014


Maco PH118204000
Dumingag PH097308000
La Libertad PH097204000
Liloy PH097206000
Laak PH118202000
New Corella PH112314000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
Matalam PH124708000
Makilala PH124707000
Busuanga PH175307000
Tinambac PH051737000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Kalawit PH097227000
Montevista PH118208000
Lebak PH126506000
Carmen PH112303000
Titay PH098315000
San Vicente PH175319000
La Libertad PH097204000
Tulunan PH124714000
Sominot PH097340000
Davao City PH112402000
Plaridel PH104212000
Braulio E. Dujali PH112323000
Mutia PH097208000
Concepcion PH104206000
Sulop PH112414000
Makilala PH124707000
President Roxas PH124713000
Lambayong PH126508000
Montevista PH118208000
Bansalan PH112401000
Damulog PH101302000
M'Lang PH124710000
New Corella PH112314000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Tulunan PH124714000
Linapacan PH175313000
Tantangan PH126315000
Roxas PH175318000
Calintaan PH175102000
Montevista PH118208000
Bauan PH041006000
Rizal PH097212000
Tampilisan PH097221000
Gutalac PH097223000
Nabunturan PH118209000
T'Boli PH126316000
Pangantucan PH101316000
Quezon City PH137404000
M'Lang PH124710000
Esperanza PH160303000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Taytay PH175320000
San Joaquin PH063040000
Dupax del Norte PH025007000
El Nido PH175312000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Magsaysay PH112407000


Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI

Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI


PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH


New Iloilo PH126315008

New Isabela PH126511010
New Israel PH124707038
New Janiuay PH124710026
New Kababae PH037107016
New Kalalake PH037107012
New Kalibo PH124710022
New Katipunan PH086409035
New Katipunan PH097318018
New Katipunan PH112318009
New Katipunan PH112410023
New Katipunan PH118205016
New Kidapawan PH101308021
New La Union PH128005010
New Labangan PH097312015
New Lagao PH126511011
New Lambunao PH126315009
New Lawa-an PH124710027
New Lebangon PH097210018
New Leon PH124717010
New Leyte PH118204033
New Lituban PH097219016
New Look PH104212023
New Loon PH112301040
New Lourdes PH071216008
New Lower Bicutan PH137607022
New Lucban PH141102076
New Lumbacaingud PH153626027
New Mabuhay PH168503016
New Magsaysay PH023104015
New Maguisa PH056207024
New Mahayag PH086005029
New Malaga (Dalisay) PH112315023
New Malitbog PH112315024
New Man-ay PH118205017
New Manunca PH086017019
New Maug PH160306016
New Minarog PH086012025
New Moriones PH051725011
New Murcia PH112410024
New Namangka PH074614025
New Nazareth PH168501022
New Nongnongan (Masimag) PH101304018
New Opon PH112407022
New Orlins PH021517033
New Oroquieta PH097327012
New Panay PH118205018
New Panay PH124711027
New Panay PH124714018
New Panay PH124717011
New Panay PH126503018
New Pandan PH124708031
New Pandan (Pob.) PH112315025
New Pangasinan PH126504024
New Pangasinan (Bo. 4) PH126306014
New Panggangan PH175316042
New Passi PH126511012
New Poblacion PH013308009
New Poblacion PH051707006
New Poblacion (Calingao) PH067901020


Tantangan PH126315000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Makilala PH124707000
M'Lang PH124710000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Olongapo City PH037107000
M'Lang PH124710000
Malitbog PH086409000
Midsalip PH097318000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Matanao PH112410000
Maragusan PH118205000
Kibawe PH101308000
Maitum PH128005000
Labangan PH097312000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Tantangan PH126315000
M'Lang PH124710000
Polanco PH097210000
Aleosan PH124717000
Maco PH118204000
Siocon PH097219000
Plaridel PH104212000
Asuncion PH112301000
Cortes PH071216000
Taguig City PH137607000
Baguio City PH141102000
Tamparan PH153626000
Dinagat PH168503000
Benito Soliven PH023104000
Donsol PH056207000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
City of Panabo PH112315000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Maragusan PH118205000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Prosperidad PH160306000
Motiong PH086012000
Ocampo PH051725000
Matanao PH112410000
Mabinay PH074614000
Basilisa PH168501000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Magsaysay PH112407000
Lasam PH021517000
Tabina PH097327000
Maragusan PH118205000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Tulunan PH124714000
Aleosan PH124717000
Esperanza PH126503000
Matalam PH124708000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Isulan PH126504000
City of Koronadal PH126306000
Puerto Princesa City PH175316000
City of Tacurong PH126511000
Burgos PH013308000
Cabusao PH051707000
Buenavista PH067901000


South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII

Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
Benguet PH141100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
South Cotabato PH126300000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


New Pontevedra PH124715010

New Quezon PH112404019
New Rizal PH084805037
New Rizal PH097214018
New Rizal PH124710028
New Sagay PH098312010
New Salem PH036906022
New Salem PH160301042
New Salvacion PH097205026
New Sambog PH112314012
New San Agustin PH086002028
New San Jose PH030804021
New San Juan PH037102017
New San Roque PH051728011
New Santiago PH112301030
New Sibonga PH112406020
New Sibonga PH118209016
New Sicayab PH097210019
New Siquijor PH097208008
New Society Village Pob. (Bgy. 26) PH160202070
New Taligue PH083701057
New Tambo PH097203027
New Tanglag PH143213040
New Tangub PH097214019
New Taokanga PH112508016
New Tubigon PH160314012
New Tuburan PH097344014
New Unidos PH097318019
New Valencia PH112402083
New Village (Pob.) PH097328027
New Visayas PH101303010
New Visayas PH101304019
New Visayas PH112315026
New Visayas PH112318017
New Visayas PH112410025
New Visayas PH112507024
New Visayas PH118204034
New Visayas PH118208017
New Visayas PH160308011
New Visayas PH160312005
New Zañiga PH137401019
Newagac PH021513039
Newland PH097208007
Ngabangab PH012817016
Ngan PH118201008
Ngarag PH023106015
Ngibat PH143215021
Ngileb PH142707020
Ngingi-an PH063010009
Ngingir PH153632041
Ngingir (Kabasaran) PH153620034
Ngolos PH082609030
Ngoso PH086007058
Nian PH097306034
Niangkaan PH156619006
Nibaliw PH015523014
Nibaliw PH015526022
Nibaliw Central PH015533016
Nibaliw East PH015533017
Nibaliw Magliba PH015533018


Antipas PH124715000
Hagonoy PH112404000
Catarman PH084805000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
M'Lang PH124710000
Roseller Lim PH098312000
Gerona PH036906000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Labason PH097205000
New Corella PH112314000
Basey PH086002000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
Cabangan PH037102000
Pili PH051728000
Asuncion PH112301000
Kiblawan PH112406000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Polanco PH097210000
Mutia PH097208000
Butuan City PH160202000
Abuyog PH083701000
Katipunan PH097203000
City of Tabuk PH143213000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
Manay PH112508000
Sibagat PH160314000
Tigbao PH097344000
Midsalip PH097318000
Davao City PH112402000
Tambulig PH097328000
Dangcagan PH101303000
Don Carlos PH101304000
City of Panabo PH112315000
Santo Tomas PH112318000
Matanao PH112410000
Lupon PH112507000
Maco PH118204000
Montevista PH118208000
San Francisco PH160308000
Trento PH160312000
New Zaniga City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Gattaran PH021513000
Mutia PH097208000
Pasuquin PH012817000
Compostela PH118201000
Cabagan PH023106000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Alfonso Lista PH142707000
Bingawan PH063010000
Calanogas PH153632000
Pagayawan PH153620000
Guiuan PH082609000
Gandara PH086007000
Dinas PH097306000
Omar PH156619000
Mabini PH015523000
Mangaldan PH015526000
San Fabian PH015533000
San Fabian PH015533000
San Fabian PH015533000


Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII

Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I


PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH


Nibaliw Narvarte (Nibaliw West Compound) PH015533029

Nibaliw Norte PH015510009
Nibaliw Sur PH015510010
Nibaliw Vidal (Nibaliw West Proper) PH015533030
Nica-an PH124705024
Nicanor Zabala PH175318034
Nicdao PH101301011
Nicolas (Bulo) PH175105008
Nicolas Agatep PH021517019
Nicolasa Virata (San Jose) PH042123021
Nieva PH045616015
Nieves PH034927009
Nigui PH035412013
Niing PH045641013
Nijaga PH086003110
Nilabo PH097212013
Nilasin 1st PH036911010
Nilasin 2nd PH036911011
Nilentap PH015532056
Nilo PH097344015
Nilombot PH015528012
Nilombot PH015538018
Nilumisu PH023112033
Ninety Sixth Pob. (Bgy. 8) PH042108009
Ninikat Ng Pag-Asa (Pob.) PH175104015
Nining PH015536019
Niño PH063015018
Niño Jesus PH051703017
Niño Jesus PH051716009
Niño Jesus (Santo Niño Jesus) PH050507045
Ninoy PH015502010
Ninoy Aquino PH101307013
Ninoy Aquino PH074608012
Ninoy Aquino (Marisol) PH035401036
Niog-Cabison-Bulaney PH015527055
Niog-niog PH156604030
Niog-niog PH156610010
Niog-Sangahan PH156613044
Niog I PH042103015
Niog II PH042103051
Niog III PH042103052
Niogan PH041029020
Niogan PH045810007
Nipa PH054115016
Nipa PH063015019
Nipa PH063038017
Nipa PH083713040
Nipa PH084814021
Nipa PH086006035
Nipa PH086024007
Nipa-nipa PH156612035
Nipaan PH097218064
Nipaco PH036910022
Nipoo (Bulo) PH037704004
Nito-an Lupsag PH063020027
Nituan PH153811017
Niug Norte PH021526023
Niug Sur PH021526024
Niugan PH031401009
Niugan PH031410036


San Fabian PH015533000

Bautista PH015510000
Bautista PH015510000
San Fabian PH015533000
Libungan PH124705000
Roxas PH175318000
Baungon PH101301000
Magsaysay PH175105000
Lasam PH021517000
Gen. Mariano Alvarez PH042123000
General Luna PH045616000
San Leonardo PH034927000
Masantol PH035412000
San Antonio PH045641000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Rizal PH097212000
Pura PH036911000
Pura PH036911000
San Carlos City PH015532000
Tigbao PH097344000
Mapandan PH015528000
Santa Barbara PH015538000
Echague PH023112000
City of General Trias PH042108000
Lubang PH175104000
San Nicolas PH015536000
Nino Concepcion PH063015000
Nino Jesus Bato PH051703000
Nino Jesus Iriga City PH051716000
Nino Jesus (Santo Nino Jesus) Libon PH050507000
Aguilar PH015502000
Kalilangan PH101307000
Canlaon City PH074608000
Angeles City PH035401000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Luuk PH156604000
Pata PH156610000
Talipao PH156613000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Bacoor City PH042103000
Taal PH041029000
Pililla PH045810000
Palanas PH054115000
Concepcion PH063015000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Calubian PH083713000
Palapag PH084814000
Daram PH086006000
Tagapul-An PH086024000
Siasi PH156612000
Sindangan PH097218000
Paniqui PH036910000
Dinalungan PH037704000
Guimbal PH063020000
Parang PH153811000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Santo Niño PH021526000
Angat PH031401000
City of Malolos PH031410000


Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I

Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Quezon PH045600000 Region IV-A
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Occidental Mindoro PH175100000 Region IV-B
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Cavite PH042100000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Rizal PH045800000 Region IV-A
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Cagayan PH021500000 Region II
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III
Bulacan PH031400000 Region III


PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH


Niugan PH041012027
Niugan PH043404011
Niugan PH137502013
Niyugan PH034912015
Niyugan PH041007031
Niyugan PH041011014
Noa PH124706037
Noboran PH097312016
Nocnocan PH071243017
Nogpo PH050507030
Noli PH160301011
Nomoh PH128004012
Nong-nong PH160202096
Nonoc PH054107013
Nonoc PH076102017
Nonoc PH166724033
Nonok Norte PH086407045
Nonok Sur PH086407046
Nonokan PH156609031
Nonong Casto PH041012028
Nonong Senior PH037708014
Nonoy PH063022116
Nonoyan PH097224013
Nopulan PH097337011
Noque PH098310015
Norhaya Village PH153617142
North Avanceña PH063022008
North Baluarte PH063022118
North Bay Blvd., North PH137503008
North Bay Blvd., South PH137503009
North Cadulawan PH103514021
North Centro (Pob.) PH051734031
North Daang Hari PH137607023
North Fairview PH137404142
North Fundidor PH063022117
North Lamidan PH118601003
North Larap PH157005022
North Laud PH156612037
North Manta PH156612038
North Manuangan PH124711021
North Manubul PH156618009
North Mapang PH097212006
North Musu Laud PH156612040
North Paarol PH156615007
North Poblacion PH034918016
North Poblacion PH037106006
North Poblacion PH037706019
North Poblacion PH051605014
North Poblacion PH056210019
North Poblacion PH072234019
North Poblacion PH076102018
North Poblacion PH101315014
North Poblacion PH101802006
North Poblacion PH104319011
North Poblacion PH140103016
North Poblacion PH074603014
North Poblacion PH074612023
North Poblacion PH074623020
North San Jose PH063022119
North Signal Village PH137607024


Lemery PH041012000
Cabuyao City PH043404000
City of Malabon PH137502000
Jaen PH034912000
Calaca PH041007000
Laurel PH041011000
Magpet PH124706000
Labangan PH097312000
Talibon PH071243000
Libon PH050507000
City of Bayugan PH160301000
Maasim PH128004000
Butuan City PH160202000
Claveria PH054107000
Larena PH076102000
Surigao City PH166724000
City of Maasin PH086407000
City of Maasin PH086407000
Parang PH156609000
Lemery PH041012000
San Luis PH037708000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Baliguian PH097224000
Josefina PH097337000
Olutanga PH098310000
Marawi City PH153617000
North Avancena Iloilo City PH063022000
Iloilo City PH063022000
City of Navotas PH137503000
City of Navotas PH137503000
Munai PH103514000
Sipocot PH051734000
Taguig City PH137607000
Quezon City PH137404000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Sitangkai PH157005000
Siasi PH156612000
Siasi PH156612000
Pigkawayan PH124711000
Pandami PH156618000
Rizal PH097212000
Siasi PH156612000
Tongkil PH156615000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Masinloc PH037106000
Dipaculao PH037706000
Jose Panganiban PH051605000
Juban PH056210000
City of Naga PH072234000
Larena PH076102000
Maramag PH101315000
Guinsiliban PH101802000
Medina PH104319000
Bucay PH140103000
Bacong PH074603000
Jimalalud PH074612000
Valencia PH074623000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Taguig City PH137607000


Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A

Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Zamboanga Sibugay PH098300000 Region IX
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
NCR, Third District PH137500000 National Capital Region
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Camiguin PH101800000 Region X
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
NCR, Fourth District PH137600000 National Capital Region


PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH


North Silumpak PH156612041

North Villazar PH051734032
Northern Cababuyan PH142709012
Northern Paligue PH112411008
Northern Poblacion PH072242008
Northern Poblacion PH072253006
Northern Poblacion PH104202010
Northern Poblacion PH104204011
Northern Poblacion PH104212024
Northwest Poblacion PH034918017
Notong PH153623026
Notongan PH103515018
Nouvelas Occidental PH086002029
Novaliches PH043410030
Novaliches Proper PH137404070
Novallas PH074621005
Novele PH160307005
Nuangan PH124704027
Nueva PH043425010
Nueva PH148107006
Nueva Caceres PH072235019
Nueva Era PH023107017
Nueva Era PH023130009
Nueva Era PH160302009
Nueva Esperanza PH071248009
Nueva Esperanza PH086403020
Nueva Esperanza (Cabac-an) PH086412005
Nueva Estrella PH071248010
Nueva Estrella PH166723005
Nueva Estrella PH168502007
Nueva Estrella Norte PH086411021
Nueva Estrella Sur PH086411014
Nueva Fuerza PH071212019
Nueva Fuerza PH112319013
Nueva Gracia PH160305004
Nueva Granada PH071209032
Nueva Invencion PH063008012
Nueva Montana PH071209033
Nueva Sevilla PH063008013
Nueva Sociedad PH083738100
Nueva Union PH063035036
Nueva Victoria PH035413020
Nueva Vida PH071230046
Nueva Vida PH124710029
Nueva Vida Este PH071212020
Nueva Vida Norte PH071212022
Nueva Vida Sur PH071212021
Nueva Villa PH118601005
Nueva Visayas PH118206005
Nueva Vista PH083738074
Nueva Vista (Masawan) PH104217009
Nuevavista PH097214020
Nuevo Campo PH166718003
Nuevo Iloco PH118206006
Nuevo Trabajo PH160309005
Nug-as PH072202004
Nuing PH118602025
Nula-tula (Bgys. 3 & 3A) PH083747008
Nuling PH126506013
Numero PH043414006


Siasi PH156612000
Sipocot PH051734000
Hingyon PH142709000
Padada PH112411000
San Francisco PH072242000
Tudela PH072253000
Baliangao PH104202000
Calamba PH104204000
Plaridel PH104212000
Nampicuan PH034918000
Pualas PH153623000
Nunungan PH103515000
Basey PH086002000
Liliw PH043410000
Quezon City PH137404000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
Rosario PH160307000
City of Kidapawan PH124704000
City of San Pedro PH043425000
Santa Marcela PH148107000
Oslob PH072235000
Cabatuan PH023107000
San Manuel PH023130000
Bunawan PH160302000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Hinunangan PH086403000
Saint Bernard PH086412000
Bien Unido PH071248000
Socorro PH166723000
Cagdianao PH168502000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Pintuyan PH086411000
Carmen PH071212000
City of Tagum PH112319000
Loreto PH160305000
Buenavista PH071209000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Buenavista PH071209000
Barotac Viejo PH063008000
Ormoc City PH083738000
City of Passi PH063035000
Mexico PH035413000
Loon PH071230000
M'Lang PH124710000
Carmen PH071212000
Carmen PH071212000
Carmen PH071212000
Don Marcelino PH118601000
Mawab PH118206000
Ormoc City PH083738000
Don Victoriano Chiongbian PH104217000
Sergio Osmeña Sr. PH097214000
San Benito PH166718000
Mawab PH118206000
San Luis PH160309000
Alcoy PH072202000
Jose Abad Santos PH118602000
Tacloban City PH083747000
Lebak PH126506000
Mabitac PH043414000


Sulu PH156600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao del Sur PH112400000 Region XI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Apayao PH148100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Dinagat Islands PH168500000 Region XIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao del Norte PH112300000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pampanga PH035400000 Region III
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Occidental PH104200000 Region X
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Surigao del Norte PH166700000 Region XIII
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH


Numnum PH074622017
Numo PH126503020
Nunang PH103517017
Nunangan (Nunangen) PH153831005
Nungawa PH142711007
Nungnungan I PH023108053
Nungnungan II PH023108054
Nunguan PH124712044
Nungulunan PH142702021
Nunuk PH157006014
Nunuk Likud Sikubong PH157010018
Nunukan PH157011008
Nunungan PH103517018
Nurcia PH166810011
Nuro Poblacion PH153815025
Nursery PH054111024
Nusa PH157006024
Nusa PH175308008
Nusa-nusa PH157006023
Nusa Lumba Ranao PH153603041
Nuyo PH153802020
O'Donnell PH036904013
O-ong PH142709007
Oac PH071220027
Oaig-Daya PH012906024
Oaig-Daya PH012909016
Oaig-Upay-Abulao PH012816014
Oaqui No. 1 PH013310021
Oaqui No. 2 PH013310022
Oaqui No. 3 PH013310023
Oaqui No. 4 PH013310024
Oaquing PH013316029
Obaliw-Rinas PH050512037
Obat PH074618017
Obay PH097210020
Obayan PH086013020
Obi PH052004028
Obial PH126505013
Obispo PH083713041
Obligacion PH037701008
Obo PH052009013
Obo PH072222026
Obo-ob PH072209017
Obogon PH074621006
Obong PH015509009
Obong PH072222027
Obong PH082605015
Obongon Diot PH054102019
Oboob PH086003111
Obrero PH034903055
Obrero PH056203038
Obrero PH086003112
Obrero PH137404071
Obrero-Lapuz PH063022121
Obrero Pob. (Bgy. 18) PH160202091
Ocad (Pob.) PH084811015
Ocampo-Rivera District (Pob.) PH034912021
Ocana PH072214008
Ocao-Capiniaan PH025002022
Ocapan PH097324018


Tayasan PH074622000
Esperanza PH126503000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Datu Anggal Midtimbang PH153831000
Asipulo PH142711000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
City of Cauayan PH023108000
Pikit PH124712000
Hungduan PH142702000
South Ubian PH157006000
Sapa-Sapa PH157010000
Sibutu PH157011000
Poona Piagapo PH103517000
Lanuza PH166810000
Upi PH153815000
City of Masbate PH054111000
South Ubian PH157006000
Cagayancillo PH175308000
South Ubian PH157006000
Balindong PH153603000
Buldon PH153802000
ODonnell Capas PH036904000
Hingyon PH142709000
Dimiao PH071220000
City of Candon PH012906000
Galimuyod PH012909000
Paoay PH012816000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
Luna PH013310000
San Juan PH013316000
Oas PH050512000
Santa Catalina PH074618000
Polanco PH097210000
Pinabacdao PH086013000
Caramoran PH052004000
Kalamansig PH126505000
Calubian PH083713000
Baler PH037701000
San Miguel PH052009000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Bantayan PH072209000
City of Tanjay PH074621000
Basista PH015509000
Dalaguete PH072222000
Can-Avid PH082605000
Baleno PH054102000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Cabanatuan City PH034903000
Bulan PH056203000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Quezon City PH137404000
Iloilo City PH063022000
Butuan City PH160202000
Lavezares PH084811000
Jaen PH034912000
City of Carcar PH072214000
Aritao PH025002000
San Miguel PH097324000


Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII

Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Surigao del Sur PH166800000 Region XIII
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Tawi-Tawi PH157000000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Tarlac PH036900000 Region III
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Norte PH012800000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sultan Kudarat PH126500000 Region XII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Aurora PH037700000 Region III
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Eastern Samar PH082600000 Region VIII
Masbate PH054100000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Agusan del Norte PH160200000 Region XIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX


PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH


Ocapon PH025014005
Ocasion PH101319005
Ocayan PH175305011
Occidental II (Pob.) PH084807027
Occidental Linuk PH153626012
Ochando PH060415011
Ocup PH140119004
Odicon PH051727011
Odiong PH060401010
Odiong PH060616054
Odiong PH071225027
Odiong PH083724019
Odiong PH160303043
Odiong PH175212009
Odiong PH064519015
Odiongan PH063004021
Odiongan PH063038018
Odiongan PH083701041
Odiongan PH104308030
Odlot PH072211020
Odoc PH086010020
Odong-odong PH063028064
Oeste - A PH086020032
Oeste - B PH086020033
Oga PH052006015
Ogao PH056208026
Ogao PH118209017
Ogbac PH174001041
Ogbong PH052010012
Ogbot PH175203021
Ogob PH050510018
Ogod (Crossing) PH056207025
Ogoog PH144401010
Ogpao PH118604008
Ogsip PH060409016
Oguis PH052003015
Oguis PH072223029
Oguis PH104310009
Oguisan PH083730013
Ohaj PH142701022
Okiot PH074604023
Okoy PH072244007
Ol-og PH087807014
Olag Grande PH051737025
Olag Pequeño PH051737026
Olaga PH060616055
Olalo PH061911012
Olama PH153605019
Olandang PH124709033
Olandao PH074605009
Olandia PH056202016
Olang PH076104016
Olango PH023119008
Olango PH063030085
Olango PH072204008
Olango PH103511012
Olango PH153621021
Olas PH051717021
Olas PH153812034
Olave PH076101011


Villaverde PH025014000
Sumilao PH101319000
Bataraza PH175305000
Gamay PH084807000
Tamparan PH153626000
New Washington PH060415000
Pilar PH140119000
Pasacao PH051727000
Altavas PH060401000
Sibalom PH060616000
Jagna PH071225000
Javier PH083724000
Esperanza PH160303000
Roxas PH175212000
Moises Padilla PH064519000
Badiangan PH063004000
San Dionisio PH063038000
Abuyog PH083701000
Gingoog City PH104308000
City of Bogo PH072211000
Marabut PH086010000
Leon PH063028000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Tarangnan PH086020000
Pandan PH052006000
Gubat PH056208000
Nabunturan PH118209000
Boac PH174001000
Viga PH052010000
Bongabong PH175203000
Malinao PH050510000
Donsol PH056207000
Barlig PH144401000
Santa Maria PH118604000
Libacao PH060409000
Bato PH052003000
Danao City PH072223000
Initao PH104310000
Macarthur PH083730000
Banaue PH142701000
Bais City PH074604000
Santa Fe PH072244000
Maripipi PH087807000
Tinambac PH051737000
Olag Pequeno Tinambac PH051737000
Sibalom PH060616000
Pilar PH061911000
Binidayan PH153605000
Midsayap PH124709000
Basay PH074605000
Barcelona PH056202000
Maria PH076104000
Mallig PH023119000
Miagao PH063030000
Aloguinsan PH072204000
Magsaysay PH103511000
Piagapo PH153621000
Lagonoy PH051717000
Sultan Kudarat PH153812000
Enrique Villanueva PH076101000


Nueva Vizcaya PH025000000 Region II

Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Abra PH140100000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Bohol PH071200000 Region VII
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Agusan del Sur PH160300000 Region XIII
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Marinduque PH174000000 Region IV-B
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Oriental Mindoro PH175200000 Region IV-B
Albay PH050500000 Region V
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Mountain Province PH144400000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Davao Occidental PH118600000 Region XI
Aklan PH060400000 Region VI
Catanduanes PH052000000 Region V
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Misamis Oriental PH104300000 Region X
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Biliran PH087800000 Region VIII
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Antique PH060600000 Region VI
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Maguindanao PH153800000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII


PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH160000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
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PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH


Olawa Ambolong PH153617085

Olaycon PH118207011
Old Bulatukan PH124707028
Old Busuanga PH175307008
Old Caaluan PH051737027
Old Cabalan PH037107021
Old Camp PH051602013
Old Capitol Site PH137404072
Old Central PH013319007
Old Centro I PH023132013
Old Centro II PH023132014
Old Damulog PH101302013
Old Guia PH061907020
Old Guinlo PH175320016
Old Gumiad PH025706009
Old Kibawe PH101308023
Old Labangan PH097312017
Old Macopa PH112508011
Old Maguisa PH056207026
Old Mahayag PH086005030
Old Manunca PH086017020
Old Mirapao PH097306019
Old Moriones PH051725012
Old Namangka PH074614026
Old Nongnongan PH101304020
Old Poblacion PH013308010
Old Poblacion PH067901021
Old Poblacion PH103514020
Old Poblacion PH064509017
Old Poblacion (Maitum) PH128005011
Old Rizal PH084805038
Old Sagay PH064523015
Old San Agustin PH086002031
Old San Jose PH030804022
Old San Mariano PH023131024
Old San Roque (Pob.) PH051728012
Old Taligue PH083701058
Old Tinglayan PH143215022
Old Zañiga PH137401020
Olea PH015524054
Olegario-Caoile (Pob.) PH015527056
Olera PH086003113
Oleras PH084808039
Olilicon PH142704018
Olingan PH097202008
Olisihan PH086402036
Olisihan PH086417045
Oliva PH051601018
Olivete PH034902016
Olivo PH072249015
Olla PH043416025
Olo PH076106026
Olo-olo PH041015019
Olo-olo Norte PH012927017
Olo-olo Sur PH012927018
Olo Barroc PH063045044
Olo Cacamposan PH015527057
Olo Cafabrosan PH015527058
Olo Cagarlitan PH015527059
Oloc PH060609030


Marawi City PH153617000

Monkayo PH118207000
Makilala PH124707000
Busuanga PH175307000
Tinambac PH051737000
Olongapo City PH037107000
Capalonga PH051602000
Quezon City PH137404000
Sudipen PH013319000
San Mateo PH023132000
San Mateo PH023132000
Damulog PH101302000
Ma-Ayon PH061907000
Taytay PH175320000
Nagtipunan PH025706000
Kibawe PH101308000
Labangan PH097312000
Manay PH112508000
Donsol PH056207000
City of Catbalogan PH086005000
Santa Rita PH086017000
Dinas PH097306000
Ocampo PH051725000
Mabinay PH074614000
Don Carlos PH101304000
Burgos PH013308000
Buenavista PH067901000
Munai PH103514000
City of Escalante PH064509000
Maitum PH128005000
Catarman PH084805000
Sagay City PH064523000
Basey PH086002000
Dinalupihan PH030804000
San Mariano PH023131000
Pili PH051728000
Abuyog PH083701000
Tinglayan PH143215000
Old Zaniga City of Mandaluyong PH137401000
Malasiqui PH015524000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Calbayog City PH086003000
Laoang PH084808000
Lagawe PH142704000
Dipolog City PH097202000
Bontoc PH086402000
Sogod PH086417000
Basud PH051601000
Bongabon PH034902000
Tabuelan PH072249000
Majayjay PH043416000
Siquijor PH076106000
Lobo PH041015000
Santiago PH012927000
Santiago PH012927000
Tigbauan PH063045000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Mangatarem PH015527000
Laua-An PH060609000


Lanao del Sur PH153600000 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Compostela Valley PH118200000 Region XI
Cotabato PH124700000 Region XII
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Zambales PH037100000 Region III
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Capiz PH061900000 Region VI
Palawan PH175300000 Region IV-B
Quirino PH025700000 Region II
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Davao Oriental PH112500000 Region XI
Sorsogon PH056200000 Region V
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Zamboanga del Sur PH097300000 Region IX
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Negros Oriental PH074600000 Region VII
Bukidnon PH101300000 Region X
La Union PH013300000 Region I
Guimaras PH067900000 Region VI
Lanao del Norte PH103500000 Region X
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Sarangani PH128000000 Region XII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Negros Occidental PH064500000 Region VI
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Bataan PH030800000 Region III
Isabela PH023100000 Region II
Camarines Sur PH051700000 Region V
Leyte PH083700000 Region VIII
Kalinga PH143200000 Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR, Second District PH137400000 National Capital Region
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Samar PH086000000 Region VIII
Northern Samar PH084800000 Region VIII
Ifugao PH142700000 Cordillera Administrative Region
Zamboanga del Norte PH097200000 Region IX
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Southern Leyte PH086400000 Region VIII
Camarines Norte PH051600000 Region V
Nueva Ecija PH034900000 Region III
Cebu PH072200000 Region VII
Laguna PH043400000 Region IV-A
Siquijor PH076100000 Region VII
Batangas PH041000000 Region IV-A
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Ilocos Sur PH012900000 Region I
Iloilo PH063000000 Region VI
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Pangasinan PH015500000 Region I
Antique PH060600000 Region VI


PH150000000 Philippines (the) PH

PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH170000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH110000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH100000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH120000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH020000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH130000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH140000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH090000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH080000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH050000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH030000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH070000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH040000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH010000000 Philippines (the) PH
PH060000000 Philippines (the) PH


Olongtao Ibaba PH045625012

Olongtao Ilaya PH045625013
Olot PH083749006
Olotan PH083723023
Olotayan PH061914041
Oloybuaya PH036906024
Oltama PH015546028
Oluangan PH063028065
Olympia PH137602014
Olympia PH074604024
Olympog PH126303039
Oma-oma PH050508034
Omaganhan PH083745010
Omagling PH101313004
Omalo PH051717022
Omambog PH063043049
Omambong PH063028066
Omawas PH082615011

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