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I. Identifying Information

A. Date of the activity : April 1-2, 2020

B. Training Venue : MMGH-BOHOL CHAPTER Conference Room

C. Target Participants : Nurses (32) Medical Technologist (15)

Security Personnel (3) Cleaners (9)
Resident on Duty (2) Pharmacist (4)
Information Desk Personnel (3)
Ambulance Drivers (3) Lifters (9)
Medical Director (1)
TOTAL- 80 participants

D. Total Budget Requirements : 15,000.00

II. Rationale:

The purpose of this training program is to provide information on what should be

doing to be prepared and to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the
COVID-19, how to identify a case once it occurs and how to properly implement measures to
ensure there is no further transmission to health care worker or to other patients and others
in the health care facility. This training is intended for health care workers and public health
professionals, as it is focused on infection prevention and control.

III. Objectives

A. General Objectives:

After 2 days of training program all participants will be able to gather information on
how to be prepared and properly respond to an outbreak in particular the one due to COVID-
19 virus here in the province of Bohol.

B. Specific Objectives:

1. Define respiratory droplet precaution.

2. Identify signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients.
3. Enumerate properly all PPE materials.
4. Demonstrate proper donning and removing of PPE materials.
5. Means and ways on how to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 Virus
IV. Description of the Activity

A. Activity Content

1. Mode of transmission

1.1 Define droplet precaution.

1.2 Ways on how to prevent the transmission.

Respiratory droplet precaution is said to be the mode of transmission of COVID-19

virus as released by the World Health Organization WHO. Droplet precaution refer to infection
prevention and control interventions to be used in addition to routine practices and are
intended to prevent transmission of pathogens spread through closely by respiratory or
mucous membrane contact with respiratory secretions. Droplet precautions are measures
used for diseases that are spread by direct contact through droplet transmission. Droplet
transmission refers to a large droplet, greater than 5 microns in diameter, generated from the
respiratory tract of the source patient during coughing, sneezing or during procedures such
as suctioning and bronchoscopy. These droplets are propelled a short distance of less than 2
meters of the new host or fall onto surfaces.

2. Identify Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 patients

2.1 List all the symptoms and its characteristics

2.2 Measures on how to manage the symptoms

People maybe sick with the virus for 1-14 days before developing symptoms. The most
common are fever, tiredness, cough and difficulty of breathing by the WHO.

3. Personal Protective Equipment PPE Materials

3.1 Approved list of PPE for health care worker by the Worl Health Organization
3.2 PPE list and its usage

Personal Protective Equipment commonly referred to as PPE is an equipment worn to

minimize exposure to variety of hazards. PPE are the materials worn by all health care
workers or personnel to create a barrier and can protect people from getting the infections.

4. Proper donning and removing of your Personal Protective Equipment

4.1 Proper sequence in donning of PPE

4.2 Proper sequence in removing of PPE

Proper donning and removal of PPE is one basic step in safety culture. A safety culture
refers to a work environment where there is a shared commitment to safety on the part of
the managers and employees. This is also vital in any hospital setting to make sure that
building a strong safety culture is a means to enhance your infection prevention program.
All personnel responding to outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) need to
have the basic knowledge and skills to mount an effective response. They need to understand
what ARIs are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk of infection and to
understand basic hygiene measures to protect themselves.

5. How to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus

5.1 Importance of hand hygiene and social distancing.

5.2 Importance of boosting the immune system.
5.3 List the high-risk individuals that can acquire the virus.

You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:

-Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
-Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze
-Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell
-Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell

B. Methodologies

Open Discussion
Demonstration and Return Demonstration

C. Requirements for Resource persons

PPE Materials (N95 Mask, eye shield, head cap, gown, foot cover, gloves)

D. Expected Outputs

1. All participants are able to define respiratory droplet precaution at their level of understanding.
2. All attendees are able to enumerate all the PPE materials and its importance.
3. All participator are able to identify signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients.
4. All participants are able to demonstrate properly the correct sequencing of donning and removing the
5. All attendant are able to identify means and measures on how to prevent acquiring the virus.

E. Monitoring and Evaluation Schemes

A. Participants will be asked with questions pertaining on what they have learned with training
program. Allowing them to verbalize concerns about the topic.

B. Participants to demonstrate proper PPE sequence in donning and removing properly.

IV. Resource Requirements

1. Funding
Snacks 10am & 3pm x 2 days CHAPTER will use its
funds for a budget of
4,000.00 for 80 persons
present in the training

Budget 8,000.00
Lunch Meal x 2 days

Budget 2,000.00
PPE Materials (N95 3M mask, eye shield, gown, head cap, foot
wear) for demonstration purposes only.

Small notebook and pens good for 80 persons Budget 1,000.00

2. Venue

MMGH-BOHOL CHAPTER Conference Room Free

3. Manpower

Resource person: Mrs. Rubie Sarabia Chief Nurse

Facilitator: Ms. Claridette F. Juanich, RN
Documentation: Mr. Neil Araneta, RN
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Shela Agosto
4. Logistics

Laptop, Projector, Sound sytem, Microphones Hospital Property

Small notebook 80 pieces and pens 80 pieces

PPE Materials N95 3M mask 7 pcs, eye shield 7 pcs, gown 7 pcs,
head cap 7 pcs, foot wear 7 pcs, gloves sterile 7 pairs.)

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