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ITT 450

NAME: __________________________________________________________________

STUDENT ID: ___________________________________________________________

ITT450 – Laboratory Manual (Session 4)

At the end of this laboratory session, students should be able to:
i. Explain the concept of 3-way handshake and how it is used in port scanning.
ii. Identify list of ports available on the target
iii. Identify list of services and its version number running on the target
iv. Differentiate difference type of scan available on nmap


Enumerating target is a process used to find and collect information about ports,
operating systems and services running on the target machines. This information will be
handy later on to identify vulnerabilities that exists on the services discovered.
(Note: Please remember to keep your result from Laboratory 2 handy since we will be using
result from laboratory 2.)

Port scanning is the method used to determine the state of the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports on the target machines. An open
port means that there is service running on the port and is accessible whereby a close
port indicates that there is no service listening on that port.
Before proceeding with the lab, we need to have an understanding of the TCP/IP protocol.

1.Explain the TCP Protocol

2. Explain the UDP Protocol

2019-2021© MOHD ALI MOHD ISA 2

ITT450 – Laboratory Manual (Session 4)

3. Explain three-way handshake with the aid of diagram.


4. List range of well-known port numbers

5. List range of registered port numbers

1. nmap is basically the swiss-army knife of network security testing and is popular
amongst security tester. Run nmap on the first domain or IP addresses obtained in lab 2
by using the following command:
nmap <IP address or domain>
write down the output.

2. There are 6 port states that can be detected by nmap: open, closed, filtered, unfiltered,
open|filtered, closed|filtered. Explain all of the states.

2019-2021© MOHD ALI MOHD ISA 3

ITT450 – Laboratory Manual (Session 4)

The default scan in nmap is TCP SYN (for a privileged user) but nmap is already fully
loaded with other types of scan.
1. For each of the following scan, execute the scan, explain characteristic of the scan, write
down the command and its output.
a. TCP Null scan
b. TCP ACK scan
c. TCP Windows scan
d. UDP scan
e. FIN scan
f. OS scan
f. Service scan
g. Ping scan

By default, nmap will only scan 1000 most common ports for each protocol but this can
change by specifying the port options.

1. Write down the command to scan for only port 22 and 80

2. Write down the command to scan port from 1 to 1024

3. Write down the command to scan for only 100 common ports.


2019-2021© MOHD ALI MOHD ISA 4

ITT450 – Laboratory Manual (Session 4)

Result of nmap can be save to external file so that it can be further analyze using other
tools. One of the options is to save the result as XML output.

1. Run the following command and write down the result. (If its too long, attached it with
your laboratory report)
nmap <IP address> -oX myDoman.xml

2. Write down the command to convert the the XML file into HTML file. Attached the
resulting HTML file with your report.

-End of Laboratory Session 4: Alhamdulillah and Well Done-

2019-2021© MOHD ALI MOHD ISA 5

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