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Module Orientation for Success in Higher Academic 2023-2024

name: Education year:

Student ID Tutor name:


Student Campus:

E-Portfolio for Reflection on Learning, SWOT Analysis and CPD Plan

Reflection on Learning
Planned outcome: Where do I want to be after completing these areas of learning in
Module 2? What do I want to be doing? (3000 words)

Document- A: Reflection on learning (1200 words)

i. Reflective learning and its importance

Success in higher education orientation encompasses various aspects such as academic

preparation, social integration, wellness, and job readiness. Academic preparation involves
gaining a comprehensive understanding of the academic system, course prerequisites, research
methodologies, critical thinking skills, time management, and study abilities. In order to achieve a
well-rounded education, it is essential to engage in social integration by connecting with
classmates, instructors, and participating in campus activities.
Campus counselling and health services play a crucial role in maintaining overall mental,
physical, and emotional well-being. It is essential for students to acquire skills in stress
management and self-care.

Post-graduation skills are essential for career preparation. The programme encompasses various
components such as internships, research projects, networking, resume writing, and

Financial aid, scholarships, and having a good understanding of financial matters can also be
beneficial. In order to achieve success in higher education, it is essential to possess a growth
mindset, perseverance, and adaptability.
ii. Description of a reflective model.

The Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (1988) is a highly effective tool that is utilised for self-evaluation,
promoting a deeper level of learning, and improving performance in future tasks. The process
consists of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan.

Description: During this stage, we provide an objective explanation of what occurred, providing a
detailed account of the event without any personal judgement. During my Business and Tourism
Management module, I faced difficulties in comprehending the concept of strategic planning.

Feelings: During the event, we take time to reflect on our emotions and thoughts. In this
particular situation, I experienced feelings of being overwhelmed and frustrated as a result of my
limited comprehension.
Evaluation: We carefully analyse the situation, taking into account both the positive and negative
aspects. Although I faced challenges, I found value in the case study discussions as they
provided a practical context for the theoretical concepts.

Analysis: During this phase, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the experience by
exploring its underlying dynamics. I came to the realisation that my struggle was due to not
having been exposed to strategic planning concepts before.

In conclusion, we take the time to reflect on our actions and consider what we could have done
differently. We also contemplate the lessons we have learned from our experiences. Upon
reflection, I have come to the realisation that I should have taken the initiative to seek clarification
earlier on. In doing so, I could have made better use of the resources that were readily available
to me, such as lecture recordings and supplementary readings.

Action Plan: In this section, we will outline the specific steps we would take in the event of
encountering a similar situation. In the future, I will take the initiative to seek help, actively
participate in group discussions, and establish a consistent schedule for self-study in order to
improve my understanding.

The application of Gibbs' Reflective Cycle in my academic journey facilitates ongoing learning
and growth. Engaging in this practise assists me in recognising any areas of knowledge that I
may be lacking in, as well as in formulating effective approaches for comprehending intricate
topics. In addition, practising self-awareness helps me to better understand and control my
emotions, which in turn enhances my ability to handle difficult academic situations with resilience.
By incorporating Gibbs' model into my routine and regularly reflecting on my experiences, I can
enhance my learning not only in my current module but also in future ones.

iii. Using reflective approach to feedback and feed-forward to inform and improve future
formative and summative assessments.
Formative assessments encompass ongoing evaluations conducted in a deliberate manner,
aiming to monitor the progress of student learning and deliver consistent feedback to students.
Black and William (1998) argue that evaluations have a significant role in identifying areas for
students to enhance their performance. This allows educators to modify their instructional
methods based on the results of the assessments. Formative assessments are commonly
employed in educational environments and encompass a diverse range of activities, including
quizzes, class discussions, and draughts of work.
In contrast, summative assessments are examinations administered at the conclusion of an
instructional timeframe with the purpose of assessing student comprehension in relation to a
predetermined criterion (Harlen & James, 1997). The purpose of these assessments is to gauge
the efficacy of the educational process in facilitating learning over the course of instruction. In
academic environments, it is customary to employ standardised assessments and adopt a formal
approach to their implementation. Instances of such assessments encompass the culminating
examinations, scholarly compositions, and project exhibitions that students may be mandated to

I have recently been provided with summative feedback pertaining to my performance in the
Academic Skills for Business and Tourism Management module. The feedback provided in this
particular instance highlighted the absence of practical application of theoretical concepts to real-
life scenarios. After careful consideration of the feedback received, I recognise that one area in
which I can improve is my ability to adequately situate academic theories within their appropriate
contexts. I would employ a reflective framework, such as Gibbs' Reflective Cycle, to acquire a
deeper understanding of the fundamental factors contributing to this matter. There appears to be
a potential deficiency in my comprehension regarding the interplay between theory and practise.

In the forthcoming period, I intend to formulate and implement a strategic course of action aimed
at augmenting this specific domain. Active engagement in case study discussions, proactive
pursuit of supplementary examples showcasing the practical implementation of theories in real-
life contexts, and deliberate construction of hypothetical scenarios to refine the application of
acquired theories are integral components of this process.

It is possible to change the process of providing summative feedback into a helpful formative tool
that may be used for learning in the future if one incorporates a reflective attitude into the
process. The term "feedforward" is typically utilised to refer to this process. It would be to my
advantage to correct the existing problems and also to take measures to prevent issues of a
similar nature in future modules. This will add to the continuous improvement and progress that
is being made.
iv. Conclusion
The use of reflective learning, such as employing tools like Gibbs' Reflective Cycle, is essential in
higher education. It helps to foster self-awareness, pinpoint areas of knowledge gaps, and guide
the implementation of strategic actions for improvement. Assessments, whether formative or
summative, are essential components of the learning process. Formative assessments play a
crucial role in making ongoing adjustments to facilitate continuous learning. On the other hand,
summative feedback can be utilised reflectively to provide valuable insights for future learning
and improving performance. In my situation, taking the time to reflect on the feedback I received
from the Business and Tourism Management module would help me improve my ability to apply
theory and ultimately achieve better academic results. Embracing reflective learning and
considering feedback as a continuous learning tool can have a profound impact on academic
performance and personal growth. It becomes an invaluable aspect of the higher education

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