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wee The Nation Toward pustainable Ene En MALAYSIA BEACON OF SUSTAINABLE — SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATIONS ENERGY AGENDA IN PURSUIT OF NET-ZERO EMISSIONS w.seda.gov.my ‘As a premier sustainable energy (SE) Authonty, SEDA Malaysia plays a major role in the successful implementation of sustainable ‘energy initiatives by the Government. ‘The cover features SEDA Malaysia's logo that has been given a special troatment, and surrounded by confetti to commemorate the Authority's 10th anniversary. It's to illustrate that this special ‘cition of SEM magazina will put the spotlight on all of SEDA Malaysia's initiatives, programmes and achievements over the last decade in promoting the deployment of sustanable energy measures as part of the solutions towards achieving enerey ‘secutlty and autonomy. The beehive pattem is also used in the design as it represents SEDA Malaysia's vast network and successful collaborations with stakeholders over the years, and future goals to take Malaysia's SE ‘agenda to greater heights +—_—______. "f= a & wee we 2ntanayaterace fr Energy Commission ovr 5 Issue 12 Pronnatonal tea econ ey ag Era senna Ser mae Ce ee eet ea eee cs ad Congratulatory Messages from KeTSA ‘Special Notes from Authority Members Beacon of sustainable energy agenda ‘Transforming Malaysia into a serious solar player Biomass in energy mix penetration Harvesting organic wastes for biogas-based energy Res) coe Bere arieTen rey cn Se ert Ev erenyrs peer vroies ‘Small hydro in power generation Sees ee aire vete Dal Energy efficiency in sustainable development ee arnt ‘SAVE programme: Savings for the Rakyat poe Peer arty cre ‘Successful collaborations in pursuit of net-zero emissions Recognised digital expertise in accelerating sustainable energy transition eaten Calendar of events Tecra een Cee Ree Perea eee GTN ee a ee Tene ess ene nee eee ene eee ee eens Cee en Ue aCe eee en NG eee Ue} eee en ci eens ete aera een (NREPAP) implemented during he Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) The country's green growth for tee ee (ea enn ue meena eater NE ere ae) During the tabling of the Twelfth Malaysta Plan (2021-2025) recently, Prime Minister See Ghee at en ees aces) to transform Malaysia into 2 carbon neutral country by 2050 atthe earliest a5 ee eee ere ate renewable energy (RE) generation, the contribution of solar, biomass and Does ein te The Ministry of Eneray and Natural Resources (KeTSA) Is confident that et te ae ES eee Se een ad GON aera mae eee enero —s eee ee ie aan D a eee Reon es er ge Ste es eer Ute cece ee ee a a ee eee rey Cer eminence eo ire sen ee teed see! ee Eee} feo eee eee eee as eee eG er eee See ny realising 35%of RE inthe capactty mix while demonstrating Malaysia's good reenact a eee et eo cs Reacts Cert ene Ne eh cae ea Pere ne eee eer eer enerey in the country, The Ministry looks forward to SEDA Maleysla’s continued commitmentin the development of sustainable ener, for the betterment of the eee ee ett ein PED Mess mee ECL) eis EN Re ee TCC) Or oe ery esa ced eee re eee ec Cen ‘an urgent global priority to this Gay. and embracing renewable energy (RE) transition ere ee ence et ee hen ee ‘commitment to Paris Agreement 2015 and our national decarbonisation agenda the need Perret cee Bee a eae eee eee ue eo rer ee eae en eke Len ec Pere neta a anemia Gea Pen eee eee ee een eee aka SEDA Malaysia is established, carrying the mandate of developing and promoting RE and energy efficiency (EE) measures in the country. The establishment of SEDA Malaysia has brought on positive Cee eee meee SEE cs eee ieee eae ee en a Se ee ee ea a continuously building nevr strategic partnerships with domesticand International stakeholders to diversify and complement our existing Gane ewe et est eer ce ee eet eee ec Gaerne brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and this proves that SEDA eee Ae eee eer a Cree ee eee ate ee eee ee erg Pee es ee ei ee rat Pome ues nec enue enone eee ey ‘our clean anergy transition and subsequently contributes to the glcbal efforts eager err ee tetera eens Tee ne Ce eee ome) eae eae eae SE a eA a) osama SES ed oe OLA oo a kOCeN) Se nee a 5 oy Prone Reese eee een tee ce es that SEDA Malaysia vil continue to strive and alm to be at the forefront of RE Peete’ Ab Emporieringy Presence eee este a eee the establishment of the Sustainable Energy Development Authonty or better SN oe eet eee Ee gea eee AU aes the Feed-in Taff (FT mechanism in Malaysia, The implementation of FIT Is part ofthe ere eer eer ena tera re met ey through the sustainable utilisation of indigenous renewable energy (RE) resources. The total RE installed capacity from localised generation in electricity supply was Sree approdimately only 105MW during the pre-FIT period enc Coan are ee eee) ene et ee Cee ee ten See e I SEN GR eS projectsin operation under the FiT mechanism, Localindustries. which support the Implementation of FIT projects along with the renewable ree ee tere neni) It goes to show that FIT under SEDA Malaysia has played a pivotal eee eee een ee Re a has successfully created new sources of economic growth for the country, creating new local jobs and economic activities as well as nurturing a poo! of entrepreneurs, and RE experts in various fields iirc ess once eee aoe rs Dea eee re ene eta See ean ee eter ee) Deen eee tet Cee oan eer ese Cana cy Bey eA) DL NOEL Brae aod een COT) AG ae EDA Malaysia was established on Ist September 2011 with the mandate to Pema eee a ear ee oC oC Ury re enen eget nue) One ae Oe eee eRe ee et eae ea em ee pre ee ener sentence Seen Ree rere ee ee eee een the full utilsation of renewable enerey (RE) resources to meet the target set by the ‘Govemment; 31% of installed RE capacity mix by 2025, SoS ee Su ema a Lecce) renee eget ester tee Ue eyes eter nee UE tac ey ta ee ernie ecm ee nee et eee Ue eee tee Ue een Tee eee Ecce DO eta en ee et ee ean cans ON Penaeus eer eee tee iy for us. The Authority hopes to continue realising the sustainable energy agenda in the country through various programmes and Initiatives introduced by the Government, Pee ae ue Led STUY Uo eo) rasta aa Eee ON TN Se ea en 3 SPECIAL NO" f FROM AUTHORITY Niantic eet cea eet escges = EN} CRO ae aoe ed ‘occasion for SEDA Malaysia as we reached the frst decade . Cerne teem eu for their undivided commitment in bringing the Authority's Pe eee Rea cue ae tg Beer eer ee SMe a ene aN Tene ec orton tein eee ere ea soc a eo Bie Steet gee en ase an Ewe ne ie eg ena ee eee ee) ee Rae eee a aac See eeu nue ion ta oneal SE eee NON on) ee ere 4 Seem res uy Ee aa ea) een needa eer ee ars Se eC Ren aa Reco eee aan Mee eco Pr Sse een Pies neers Peon Ecroac tT Som ee ee eG Onn aaa Ree ta eye ee en eee ener tuansition over the past decade, Reaching the th year | @ ee en ree ete Nee eae eh Coen ether a et Pe aU aetaL Ty y ; Cee r Ce ue ONCE aco oem ecu ere ena eens Guanes 4 7 Beene coreg ead eda Ral UY . May our journey of corporation success continue even in ." Ree rieras ao YBRS, PUAN USHA NANDHINI JAYARAM | 5 0 0 5 5 Sea = N , BEACON OF = FNioyatece é | BD) teeter uC me teen een) pave the way for the formation of an authority to nurture further ICR leu ns sa eta A [ere e eee tee EOS Ge tal koh ecru ag Ce ISS a eco ee La ao) e (G0) VEEN mie UCR re econ oom Dea CMU cereal oUt Re Meroe en Coe made, but the pursuit of excellence in the SE sector has never let up for VEE C es Vea ae SS at nec en Rest ea a Saeed Peete Brac urd MATS The Malaysian Fifth Fuel Policy was initiated since the year 2000, triggered the country’s sustainable energy (SE) agenda, namely the generation of electricity via renewable resources, In the early years, Malaysia undertook renewable energy (RE)- related _progiammes, namely the Small Renewable Energy Power Progiamme (SREP); the Biogen Full-Scale Model Demonstration Project (Biogen FSM); the Malaysia Builaing Integrated Photovoltaic Project (MBIPY): and the Centre for, Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE) Lessons learnt from the implementation and the challenges of these RE-related programmes ylelded animportant conclusion: Malaysia was in need of a policy with, {a dynamic action plan. On 2nd April 2010, the then Cabinet ‘approved the National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan (NREPAP), setting Malaysia's SE agenda into a higher gear. ‘The NREPAP is cncal to provide a clear policy regarding RE development and the accompanying approaches to achieve the naticnal targets set tis 2 convergence of energy. indksty, ‘esvironment, green technologyandinformation dissemination policies. Italso provides the market with clear signals, which ‘are translated into investment decisions by businesses This unambiguous and robust policy is necessary to overcome: business inertia, which can act as an impediment to change. ‘Out of the NREPAP emerged the Renewable Enerey (RE) Act 20 (Act 725]. which was passed in Paliament on 27th Apsll 201 to provide for the establishment and implementation of the Feed:-in Tarif (FIT) mechanism to boost the RE generation and toprovide for any other related matters. The FT is fundamental to the success of Malaysiass RE policy and the comerstone of, RE industry development for the country, Ss By guaranteeing access to the grid and setting a favourable price per unit of energy generated, the FiT mechanism ensures that RE becomes a viable long- term investment for companies, industries and even individuals. Compared to other RE policies, the FIT mechanism has the highest number of countries adopting it dueto tselfectiveness. and efficiency The FiT mechanism in Malaysia, launched on ‘st December 201, oblizes the Distribution Licensees (DLs) to buy RE from Feed-in Approval Holders (FiAHS). The rates to be paid are as set out in the Schadule of the RE Act 2071 Fora specific imo, DLs would pay for aach unit of renewable ‘energy supplied to their respecte clectitcity grids. By _Buaranteeing access to the grid and setting a favourable price Per unit of enerey generated, the FIT mechanism ensures that RE becomes a viable long-term Investment for compenies, ‘ndustles and even individuals. The effective period or duration in which the RE can be sold to DLs depends on the type of incigencus resource PU ers NEVES With the introduction of the FIT machanism and the RE Fund ‘nto the development of Malaysia's RE sector, the formation Cf an Implementing agency to oversee them Is imminent. SEDA Malaysia was then established as a statutory body on ‘st September 2011 It was mandated under the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2071 (Act 726), SEDA Malaysia, among other things, has the main role of administering and managing the implementation of the FIT mechanism, This was mandated under the RE Act 201. SEDA Malaysia offically opened iis man office in Putrajaya on 2and November 201, The fist quota for the FIT mechanism, ‘nas released via an e-FiT online system on ist December 201 at 12.0lam. The total quota offered was for a period from the point of launch until the frst half year of 2014, SEDA Malaysta has allocated a total of SOSMW quotas for various, RE resources. The allocation made was 190MW each for the. year 2011/2012 and 2013, while forthe frst halt of 2014, a total, of I25MW was offered for applications by prospective RE developers Ee Pers rar ‘The RE Act 2011 also facilitates the formation of the RE Fund which Isto finance the implementation of the FIT mechanism, Provided under Section 23 of the law, it is derived through the collection of a certain percentage from the total electricity ill invoiced by the DLs such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad to thelr consumers. However, domestic electricity consumers who are. using 300kWh and less of olectncity per month are exempted from contributing to the RE Fund. It is based on a ‘polluter- pays’ concept, where the ones who pollute the most, pay the ‘most. The Goverment has provided a grant of RM300 million a the initial RE Fund to expedite the implementation of the FiT mechanism in Malay'sia. Proud eet) ere Pied Prag earn Ena Ta Lt a} i 3 Brea try Ses NATION! ENERGY SUMMIT Empowering Nations vic Sustainable Inaugural address by Apart from the FiT mechanism and the RE Fund to promote the widespread deployment of RE resources, SEDA Malaysia is also entrusted to implement energy efficiency (EE) projects mandated and authorised by the Government. EE is a key element of a good SE policy. By making the commitment towards EE, changes have been made in the way energy is supplied and used. Energy ‘Apart from the FIT mechanism ang the RE Fund to promote the undespread deployment of RE resources, SEDA Malaysia, Is also entrusted to implement anergy efficiency (EE) projects, mendated and authorised by the Government. EE is a key ‘element of @ good SE policy. Sy making the commitment towards EE, changes have been made in the way energy Is, supplied and used, Opportunities for improvement on the demand side of the energy equation are as diverse as those, Con the supply side, and often provide significant benefits SEDA Malaysia also undertook two EE-related projects during, Its inception year. The first project is the Government Lead By Example (GLBE), where the Government will spearhead the practice in efficient use of energy in Government-owned bulldings. The second project is the Sustainability Achieved Via Eneigy EMciency (SAVE) progamme through smart collaborations with the key stakeholders including the Energy Commission (EC). Public Works Department. SiRIM, Sabah Electritty Sdn. Bhd, (SESB) and SESCO Berhad as well as biand owners of selected home electrical appliances and also, retailers throughout Malaysia. The SAVE programme is a pilot Initiative to increase sales of eneray efficient appliances by providing rebates to purchase 5-Star eneray efficent-rated home appliances namely refrigerators and ait-condltioners,, {and the installation of energy efficient chillers for commercial, bullsings. The programme was launched on 7th July 2071 The year 2012 marked another milestone for SEDA Malaysia. It was a year where SEDA Malaysia expanded its reach ‘nto human capital investment. Boing 2 knowledge-based ‘organisation, SEDA Malaysia 1s also tasked to increase the human capacty developmentin the RE industry. Thisincludes, addressing the competency gap for solar PV technology. ducting workshops on biomass. biogas. and small hydro. The year 2012 also saw SEDA Malaysia's collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UTM) and Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) to conduct the ISPQ accredited training course on the design of grid-connected PV «systems. In the same year, SEDA Malaysia targeted to nitlaie the solar PV training course for chargeman and wireman, and the solar PY training course for solar PV Installers by 2013. On 7ih November 2012, SEDA Malaysia launched its inaugural Intemational. Sustainable Energy Summit (ISES) thet has become the key knowedge and networking platform for the. 2012 was a resounding success, attenced by neaily 400 participants including members of the press with renowned international, regional, ‘and local speakers, The ISES was made a biennial event. On 7ihNovernber2012, SEDA Malaysia alsoinked a Memorandum ‘of Understandine (MoU) with Perak Hi-Tech Park Sdn, Bhd. {PHTP) on small hydro technology. The year also saw the Authority initiate the Retrofitting and Energy Efficiency SE industry and investors. The I Programme of Goverment Buildings The programme, involved Ministry of Natural Resour (MINRE) and the Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), Subsequently, MAMPU registered a total electricity savings of RM76,804 00 while the. MNRE recorded savings of RMI45,276 00 between July 2012 and November 2012. ss and Environment SEDA Malaysia then continued to register landmark achievements in the coming years. The year 2013 saw various training modules related to Gnd-Connectad Photovortalc (GCP¥) Design Systams were published Similarly, modules for EE and Enerey Management were published in the same, year too. The Authority also established an Energy Demand Management Unit in 2013. Collaborations with higher learning, made in 2013, appointing them as traning partners in the efforts to raise the level of competency in RE-related areas for Malaysia's labour force. The solar PV sector recaived a shot in the arm in 2014 when the Authonty introduced the New Quota Allocation Mechanism for solar PY for non-Individual applicants, SEDA, Malaysta completed its Government Lead By Example (GLBE) Project - GCPVSystemsInstalationat selected 2520vernment, buildings in Putrajaya in 2015, institutions and research institutes wer 5 8 errr seda © zener one arane Ay ‘eDecenber “nett of Introduction of RE Industry Directory the Feed Tarif in Malate vio 24th September plementation F entine system (Fre Quota Rootop Programme (uncer FT scheme) fetease) (© TmWoveme~ MoU ath Peak Miach (© Irplrentation fhe Entry Poet Project ere 9) urate as andere) CE) National ey EZonone seas Kea) Economic ‘anstrmaton Boware TP) Gorerment tea by eae Pasa ee (PHT P} on sna Myo © Rewofiting ane Eneigy ficiency Plogarme (of Goverment Duieings ruoleng Misty ‘t Narr Rescures and Savona (in) arth Malayan Anca: (GLBE) Fo 105 Goverment erties Modernization and Managernent Plannin © Sustainability Achieved Vin Gseqwaney) EnereyEticeney (SAVE) (© 7m anaeen Novener Estalshed Energy Demand Maragernest (EDM) unit Development of Sustainable Low Carbon . Pasthed Cretay ficieey and ‘| )- erry Managemen: Wecules (© implementatin of New Quota Atecation Mechanisms {orselar Pv for non-cvisislsppiants 13 Abalotrg mechani for sla vt ated apactios upto A258 1B Amer point ystem nas adopted to allocats eta for inoppliatons recover manual fr sor PV win tated capactesabore 25x up to and © Conpleten of Government Lead By Excmpt> (Elie) Project CePY Syste ntaaon at ‘elect 25 Government uldngzin Paras (© nftaton of Low carpon Buteing Facttaion Including MA Programme for Local author, State "ih July ~ Sota PY qua leased or ‘Governments ana Government Agencies © Development af aLon Carbon CT Gude {Energy ae Carbon Emerion Bane Sy of (© stusy on Ener arescaroon Erion “eecemmaseater (ele Sector © Setaniohmant of Gnerey Audit in Diling etarenceforconmerlal buiaings) Introduction of Repistare PY Saris Provider (R0VSH) rectory (© Dernonstiston Project ocr United tions ‘Gevepment Progen (UNDP) The Bulking Sect {Enoey Etency Project (OSEEP) athe Asherty La Encty Ofiee(Sarchofee Kota bale) (© Rppointd as one of th key members in the Bulcing ‘Sector Energy Eficioncy Projet Techical ae steering oo 22 Sustainable Energy Malaysia| Volume esue 2 ° ° ° ° ° CDA Maleysa hes eats cerporte scat ‘eaponsbilty (CS) ntetvs to appt Malaysians “ombotngthe COMD- No ponder those whose Uathoed arate bythe cere station andthe MCD Partcpated inthe Second Malaysia Eneay Ruetable (Que) wien spar of the Wort Economie Forums WEF) ErertyProtamme n ASEAN, to aberate on he ‘renites of Malaysia's every arson Incucing the ‘an-tevel prncpes of Malay’ National Emory Peey oir orgniaed aitinarvth the nteranal Res {Gncey Agerey(AEHA) alnorteoninnontions era Scones renewable powered estore {Cereruanon ef e-bekane fer Biogas arc maura ®-beng fo ‘srl ‘he aunching oF NEM calcustorto asthe putin extating Introucion of now francine mecnanams fr rotton tla PY ‘em ssa Inning ar power purenace agreement (PPA) ‘SEDA Malays fcttate.an cease number focal authors (Goch ae Kuala Lrpurcity Ha. Petang ya cy Counc, Sah ‘lam City Counc Sasang Nurcial Cound Hane Tua Jaya Mun Counal sey Comorason sntethor) rough ‘aoncty enancemert ara action on desiopnet ct ‘SEDAMalasiais ole inolved in a cy-tovty collaboration between Kuala Limpur iy Halland Tokye Metropolitan ‘Government which Acton and UTM represent eel {cehnial porter fate nate fe Lobel Erwonmerta ‘Steger QOES)represere technical partner rn Japan. Tes, faction programme's Aree by the Minty of Evironment span ‘SEDA Malaysia hac bean mandatecte develop the Renewable ‘Energy Transition Roncreap (RETR) 2035 © © eeccee 23% January Inaugural « Balloting on Slar Potente (PV) hepato for rains ‘sn and cin Ao Completion of Conprenersve Wind Maprang a selecoastes in Masia bined Solr oan Data for Malaysia raises ‘appointed a implementing agency for Energy Aust Constional Gran (EACG) for (Commaril Bunge (Under Teh Malaya Pla) [evlopment of Sutsnabe Lom Carbon Due Asvesement by wing Gren Perera [secant Sytem (GronPRSS) ander tn Corina ncstel Standerd(I5 20) ‘appointed a the ead concltan for Mitigation Project from Unite Nations Development Programe (UNDP) ~ Green Toebrology ‘oxsiaton forthe Derelooment of tam Carbon Cities (GIALCL) Imelementaton of Mot Energy Motrin (MEM) programme Inaugural e-nene for Biogas ‘SEDAMaysia nas tied the treet set for commer buLahgs and sched a curate total of #6 approve appictons under BAG (© S€DAMalaysa has comsetedtwo sues ne ‘on Low Crbon ard ede Destin Stay (ComD5) wine shoneased Langlawi asa ewe ‘arbon and mn Malays and ance tay ‘on Ow Ske Waste Maragamert and Vast Cheectruaton rn Cyoeaye © Treamises 2018 00 © Me mplemertavon of saysina eataene © SOOM of FIT prejcte ‘etioved Commercat Operationin Jone (© Fist Nationa! Seen Commitee 50) Meeting er TALC Pract (© Insugual Suetarable ergy tay (SEM) Pee THE HALFWAY MARK [As SEDA Malaysia approached the halfway mark of its 10th aniversary, the Authority has added a host of feathers in its ‘cap, Between the year of its inception in 2011 and 206, the Authority has strategically deployed numerous programmes, training modules and policies to keep the development of Malaysia's RE as well as the EE sectors abreast with the current, needs and challenges, ‘Among the notable events of the year 2016 were the Energy ‘Audit Coneltional Grant (EACG) where SEOA Malaysia fs the ‘implementing agency for commercial sector; the inception of the Green Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC) project; the maiden ¢-Balloting on Solar PV Applications for individuals on 28th January 2016; completion of Comprehersive Wind Mapping at selected sites in Malaysia and the Geothermal Assessment, Study (Magnetotelluic Study) in Ul Slim Perak: and the implementation of Net Energy Metering (NEM) programe. The NEM programme has come into the picture following the ‘overuholiring response from the stakeholders. particularly from the solar PY segment, for the FIT mechanism, With the NEM programme in place, those who generated elactcity va solar PV resource ate allocated with thelr quota via such a programe. while the biogas, biomass and mini hydro industry players secured theirs through the FIT mechanism. 24 olume 5 Between the year of its inception in 2011 and 2016, the Authority has strategically deployed numerous programmes, training modules and policies to keep the development of Malaysia's RE sector abreast with the current needs and challenges. Starting from Ist November 2016, the then new NEM Programme was deployed to complement the successful FIT mechanism. Under the NEM programme, the electraity produced from the solar Pv system installed willbe consumed, ‘in stu by bullding owners and any excess of the generated electricity willbe exported and sold to the DL suchas Tenaga Nestonal Berhad and SESE at the prevailing displaced cost 1s prescribed by the Energy Commission. As NEM helps to reduce consumption of imported electricity from the ullty, ‘companies, its an energy officiont as woll as an onorgy cost ‘savings measure, Enerey transition has become the buzzword for 2016. Its a global phenomenon as more counties are jumping into the bandwagon Many counties adopted high RE targets in thei future energy mix. During the 22nd Conference of the Parties {COP 22} to the United Nations Framework Convention on ‘Glimate Change (UNFCCC), a total of 47 developing countries pledged to transit to 100% RE, Even companies have pledged to do the same by a cortain period, Malaysia ratified the Paris. Cumate Agreement along ith the deposition of instrument with the UN Headquarters in 2016. Malaysia's Nationally- Determined Contribution (NDC) is to reduce the country’s, {greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45%. by the year 2030 relative to 2005 levels. This consists of 35% on an unconcitional basis while a futher 10% is conditional upon the receipt of support from developed counties in terms of climate finance, technology vansfer and capacty butlaing [At the regional front meanwhile, the meetings at the ASEAN, level in 2016 also concluded on a high note with renewed affirmation for thenneed for stionger energy cooperationtowards connectivityandintegration inthe spirt ofthe ASEAN Economic Community. In particular, the inception meeting between ASEAN Centro of Energy (ACE), Intemational Renowable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Renawable Energy Support Programme (RESP) In Manila, Republic of the Phiipines, on 1th March, looked into the development of an RE Outlook fox ASEAN- REmap Analysis to suppott the RE energy target of 23% by 2025. Malaysia's greater commitment on energy transition at the interational level as wel as at the regional level raised further the importance and significance of SEDA Malaysia in the, nurturing and development of the SE sectorin the country. By the end of 2016, the Authority had approved 3625 Feed-in Approval (FIA) applications, representing 2320434MW of RE installed capacities. This represented a year-on-year growth of 20.1%, with solar PVforindividuals as the largest contributor for the number of applications with 3,448 applications. in Volumes suet 25 tetms of approved RE installed capacities, small hydro was the laigest coninbutor wth 73.65¢MW, followed by solar PV idual with 65 9450MW, geothermal with 37MW, biogas with 33.3480MW, solar PV incividual with 321940MW, biomass with 2350MW, and lastly solar PV community with 34064MW. The cumulative numbor of FIA applications: approved incroased to 11,264, repcosenting 1386.3634MW of, approved RE capacity for the year under review, for non-indiv Efforts towards fulfilling the nation’s RE agenda gained an ‘acdtional boost in 2016 as talks on formulating Malaysia's RE Transition Roadmap were triggered during the year. The: inital stage of formulating the roadmap saw the Authority providing inputs for Malaysia's energy transition from fossil ‘ual to sustamablo RE to the then Mirisiry of Enoray, Green, Technology and Water (MESTECO) eRe) EXPANSION OF SPECIALISED SERVICES ‘The year 2017 saw the technical expertise in EE from the SEDA Malaysia's energy demand managoment (EDM) unit propelled the Authonty’s name to new heights, SEDA Malaysia oversaw ‘Sv programmes uncer the EE mechanism in 2017 due to high demand from the Industry In one of the programmes ~ Low Carbon Building Facilitation Progiamme ~ the Authority was honoured to be able to work with the Selangor State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) to promote energy efficiency and create, avrareness to the public SEDA Malaysia's trade journal dubbed as the Sustainable Energy Malaysia (SEM) also made its debut in 2017 The: quarterly magazine provided a platform for SEDA Malaysta’s tointeract with its stakeholders on the latest developments of Malaysia's SE sector as well as alerting them on the available, services extended by the Authority. A history was made in the FiT domain in 2018. For the frst, lime, the biogas quota for the year was released based on an e-bdding concept. This aligned with the call by the then, Ministry to improve price discovery ofthe tariff offered by the FIT. The inaugural e-bicding for 30/W of biogas at the end of, 2018 was a success, The Authority received 28 bids witha total ‘capacity of SLBOMW. The range of basic bid taif (excluding bonuses) submitted by the bidders vas from RMO2210/kWh to RMO3I84/kWh while the celing basic bid tanit was, RMO.3184/kWh, Another landmark development was made The quarterly magazine provided a platform for SEDA Malaysia’s to interact with its stakeholders on the latest developments of Malaysia's SE sector as well as alerting them on the available services extended by the Authority. = SEDA Malaysta’s Sustainoble Energy Malaysia (SEM) trade journal for he NEM programme vihich posted a passive performance: in 2018 Besides the FiT mechanism, the Net Energy Metering (NEM) 1s at end of 2018 continued its moderate performance, The total NEM applications approved was 520 applications with total capacity of 27.81MW while the total prokects achieving operation was 223 with total capadty of 8.01MW, leaving a. balance of 472 19MW/ of NEM quota which would be available Lunt the end of 2020. In October 2018, the Government made {an important announcement to enhance the NEM concept to allow excess solar electricity to be compensated cn acone-on: one offset basis instead of the displaced cost. This paved the ‘way for the implementation of NEM 2.0 on 2nd January 2019, Expectations were high then that there would be an improved take up rate with the NEM 201 place. With the NEM 20. a total of 1.252 applications, representing 10241MW of NEM, was approved in 2019, bringing, the rnulative approved capacity of NEM to 130.21MW. The response for the NEM programme in the year alone was, overwhe) sng, with an approves tr case of nearly 3.68 times the total 2016 10 2018. The e-bidd ne for the FIT quota expanded to Include small hydro industry players in 2019. SEDA Malaysia also launched the NEM calculator in 2019 to assist the public in estimating their investment cost should they invest in the solar PY system under the NEM 2.0. In addition, the year also saw SEDA, Malaysia establish anew 2019 directory for PV investors, an CNET UL ‘The year 2020 caueht the world by surpiie. The COMID-19, Dandemic altered somany routines that anew normal emerged from the global outbreak As the implementing agency of humerous RE and EE policies and programmes, SEDA Malaysia does not have the luxury to keep its activities and operations ‘on hold, its operations are crucial for Malaysia's RE agenda, SEDA Malaysia activated its business conbnuity plan during the movement contol order (MCO) period. It initiated several virtual meetings with the RE industry playeis, ¢ ed capacity building activities, and public awareness programmes. The challenging year saw SEDA Malaysia participated in the Second Malaysia Energy Roundtable (MER), which is part of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Energy Programme in, ASEAN, to deliberate on the prlorities of Malaysias enerey transition Including the high-level principles of Malaysia National Energy Policy. Itmanaged to jointly organise aviebinar ith the IRENA to deliberate on innovations fora decentralised renewable powered system, By the end of the year, the entire NEM 20 quota ot SOOMW, was exhausted, way ahead of its closing date, witch was, fend-2020. Anticipation was igh then among the RE industry players that the NEM 30 wil be introduced On 29th December 2020, the NEM 30 was announced by the Government with a fresh SOOMW quota to be offered The application for the quota under the NEM 30 was set to begin in phases starting trom ist February 2021 ‘and will end 1st December 2023, Unie the NEM 20, whieh categorised four categories, namely Residential, Commercial, Industal and Agriculture, the NEM 30 Is divided into three progiammes, namely NEM Rakyat, NEM Government Ministies and Entities (GoMEn) and Net Offset Virtual Ageregation (NOVA, tne uaa The early part of the year 2021 saw SEDA Malaysia launched the Sustainability Achieved Via Energy Efficiency (SAVE) 20 programme to encourage consumers to buy energy efficient fefrgerators and conditioners. Initial responses to the. NEM 30 indicated that local RE industry players are keen to. be part ofthe circular economic activites. SEDA Malaysia is celebrating its 10th year anniversary on Ist September 2021, The outiook for the RE Industry remains, challenging but the prospects are bright as the world steps. Up ite energy transition efforts to address climate change land greenhouse gas emission issues. SEDA Malaysia is ‘also finalising Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap 2035 (formety known as Renewable Energy Transiton Roadmap 2035) The roadmap is planned to pave the direction towards, realizing the national RE target towards low-carbon power sector. The Roadmap is a formulation of strategic framework ‘and calls for concerted and coordinated actions between ‘various stakeholders in enabling Malaysia to tap into the huge potential made available through RE projects in promoting for, Improved economic, environmental and socal outcomes. Sao ny S Cy Ey for Future Success oe ete en eed eee a ne een etry of SEDA Malaysia and congratulations for SEDA Malaysia on the See ea eu ass en ee a ey ce ee ae ee ee i ee ene ern er eet En s [As Malaysia is currently the coordinator for the ASEAN Renewable ae ca ee) SEDA Mataysia will continuously work together to support the ‘implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation Chote eae er een tee en feponal target of having 23% RE In Total Primary Energy Supply and, ES eee SE PPA CURE Pana a) eee a acta) ASEAN Centre for Energy Re Re Taam e heh e Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) System Design z Off-Grid Photovoltaic (OGPV) System Design e Sy Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) for Wireman & Chargeman Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) Installation and Cece fey Tae We Cn CUT ie Kel -lteke a cena Continuous Development Programme for Continuous Development Programme (CDP) for SEDA Malaysia Grid-Connected Solar PV _ Systems Design Qualified Persons (QPs) Awareness Trainings: Introductory Training on Grid-Connected Photovoltaic | (Cero BBs) olan oles lier] eel . oe item MU Clue lial lM ee thy www.seda.gov.my Conquer the present, for Tomorrow and Beyond ‘Tho establishmentof the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (GEDA) Malaysia in 2011 wasa majormilestone as twas. testament to Malaysia's determination in daving the agenda ot sustainability for the sake of our society, Much has been achieved by SEDA Malaysiain the last 10 years. These include the culmination of a mature solar photovoltaic (PY) industry “with export capacity by the local solar PV service providers. In other Words, Malaysia is no longera mere exporter of solar manufactured goods. In the Last two years, we also witnessed the listing of three Local companies with solar PY servicesas thelr core business. Meanwhile, our national installed solar PV capacity has increased from less than 30MW in 2012 to more than 1GW currently. All this could not have been achieved without SEDA. Bravo and Happy 10th Anniversary! DAVIS CHONG PRESIDENT MALAYSIAN PHOTOVOLTAIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (MPIA) — TRANSFORMING MALAYSIA’ INTO A SERIOUS Reseed Brac uy alaysia’s solar industry has grown tremendously over capacity for solar photovoltaic (solar PV) under the AAs of July 2021. the total installed capacity for solar PV recorded has Preece nest a es eee te ae Sea eer) SUCCESS DRIVERS From the surface loval, tis no surpse fora tropical nation tke Malaysia, which is blessed with abundant natural daylight, to experience exponential gionth in the solar industry. However the truth 1s government policies. and implementation by various stakeholders, play a larger ‘ole for any industry's growth, When it comes to the Malaysian solar industry's success, part lof the creat to the success goes to the implementing agency, the Sustanadle Energy Development Authonty (SEDA) Malaysia, SEDA Maleysia.astatutory body formed under the Sustainable Enerey Development Authority Act 2011 (Act 726}. is authorised to realise a level of sustainability In energy production and, usage, ensuring that the cutrent eneray requirements are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meat tev needs, Within the solar industry space. the Government introduced ‘several initiatives to grow the industry. with two key initiatives being mandated to SEDA Molaysia as the implementer. These Initiatives are the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) mechanism and the Net Energy Metering (NEM) programme. «: FEED-IN TARIFF :. FAT, which was introduced in 201, allows its certified Feed-in Approval Holders (FIAH) to sell or export the excess energy to ‘the national power grid at a recommended rate fora specific pertod. Certified FIAH are entitled to benefits ke the generation tarif and export taiff payment ~ where the producers get pald for the electricity generated and other incentives offered under the green technology and the renewable energy programmes. During the early years, the sustainable energy resources, ‘iigibie forthe FIT scheme were biogas, biomass, small hydro and solar PY. At the end of 2012, the total installed capacity of FIT applications for solar PV fs 168.98MW. for both individual applicants (1233MW) end _non-individual applicants (156.65MW). By the end of 2013, this figure grew by 82% to 208.98MW, which make out of 2628MW for the individual applicants and 162,70MW for the non-inalvicual appltcants, In 2014. a new community category was added to FIT's solar PV application. During the same year, the total installed opacity is 25228MW, a 20.7% increase from the previous Within the solar industry space, the Government introduced several initiatives to grow the industry, with two key initiatives being mandated to SEDA Malaysia as the implementer. ‘year. The Individual applicants contributed 40.15MW, while the community contributed 172MW, and 210.4IMW are from the non-individuall applicants, For 2015, the total installed capacity for solar PV grew by 287%, compared to 2014 to 3248IMW. The Individual applicants registered 6054MW, wile the non-indiviiual applicants, recorded 258 OIMW and 6 26MW comes from the community, applicants. 2016 isa remarkable year forthe global solar PV industry. For ‘the fist time in history, the global solar PV installed capacity ‘overtook wind in installas capacity. Solar PV recorced TIGW while wind registered SIGW Likewise, In Malaysia the total Installed capacity for solar PY increased by 31.2% compared to the same period a year ago, to 426 42MW. 92.67MW are from the individual applicants, while the non-indlvidual recorded 324,]0MW and 9.65MW are from the community applicants, “Towards the end of 2016, 2 new programme was introduced to ‘complement the successful FT mechanism, NET ENERGY METERING (NEM) The Evolution (On Ist November 2016, a Net Energy Metering (NEM) mechanism was launched. The concept of NEM Is that the electrelty pracuced from the solar PV system installed will be consumed in situ by bullding owners and any excess of the generated electricity will be exported and sold to the Distribution Licensees such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd, (SESB) at the prevailing displaced cost as prescribed by the Energy Commission, Malaysians can apply and install these solar PV systems, fon their homes. office buildings or even factories rooftop. Successful applicants of NEM proerammes will not get cash In etur for the excess electricity exported to the distribution system Instead, these applicants wil enjoy lower electricity bil asthe. ‘excess energy may offset part of the electricity bil, The NEM. programme, also was known as NEM 10, had a tow take-up, rate vith only 278MW installed capacity by the end of 2018 The low take-up rate was partly due to the expensive PV modules and the lack of awareness of solar PV. The Authonty then assessed the concern raised in the NEM 10 mechanism and adcresced the issues by conducting awareness and engagement sessions to Increase the service providers and provided a leasing modal inthe market, as more Deople understood better the potential in the nation's solar industry, In 2018, the Ministry reviewed the price reintroduced the progmamme as NEM 20, The Authority also. introduced various supporting services to further promote the NEM mechanism, These include NEM Calculator: the Registered Pv Service Providers (RPVSP); and the Registered Solar PY Investor (RPV!) Directory, mechanism and ‘The NEM 2.0 revived the NEM applications, and the installed capacity shot up to 10322MW In 2019 and 295.8SMW in September 2020, Correspondingly, the whole SOOMW quota for NEM 2.0 was, fully taken up ahead of ts closing date at the end of 2020. Due tothe overwhelming response for the NEM 20, the Ministry of, Energy and Natural Resources (KeT'SA) announced the launch of NEM 30 on 29th December 2020, giving a new SOOMW auota to Malaysians by phases 7 ‘The Birth of NEM 3.0 Eee nn Ue a ee ae) cre een eee aoe ene eee et nes ee nes ‘categories: Residential, Commercial, Industialand Agriculture, Rane eo atte ese eM eae cua Pe eum MLSS ay eee ‘and Entities (GoMEn) and Net Offset Virtual Aggregation ro) De ety Pate ie ur eure ees eee cr ee ee eee RCE) Sepa e ou ence emacs Beet a ee mee es Sr Poca a Re mo Rok en this. Itis open toall ministries and agencies, their departments, een a en Seeger) eee eee ue are Dee en eee eee ear re a niece ene nee ees Meanwhile, the NOVA programme, specially targeted for eee ee ee ‘applications on Ist Apr 2021. The quota allocated is 300MW. As of 2nd September 2021, 137743MW of the 10OMW Groeten raw re Peer Caen eee aT GoMEn has been approved. The NEM NOVA has seen a Ree eee See ee em es eee ac Re se Reo eo a con} Cee ee ge eau aaa Reese te ems Beg eee get yeaa en best RE resources to tap for individuals, to do thelr parts in Cconiributing to the national pursult of raising the eneigy mix, een ese A fresh 10OMW quota has been Elves MRC Tsien CeCe ME hoe rca 4kW for Single-phase power supply Pe UT RACAL CS power supply units. Sr ra MALAYSIA’S LEADING PV MONITORING & PERFORMANCE DATABASE UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION, REAL-TIME MONITORING AND REPORTS ON SOLAR: PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) IN MALAYSIA. HARNESS AND ENERGISE TOMORROW'S ENERGY, TODAY. SORE ce a re nie Oe acs Pea! eee ae een aot eee ah see an See oN ne ect nea tesco Pee ee ea eee nec nt er eee Sac Pee een Sue ce eee eee te ncn become the reference for designing national energy policies and programmes in the future THE PVMS SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE TG Dace kercaNe nu TTC DUN Energy Generation DATA enue peice eed Global irradiance, Peeeeaarsy ane Rien) Prec iad cd Aenea een eae www.pvms.seda.gov.my Enhanced collaborations to unlock Green Economy Opportunities | would tke to congratulate SEDA Malaysia for commemorating Its 10th year anniversary, ‘On behalf of the Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation (MBI), 1am honoured to pen cur congratulatory message in, Conjunction this auspicious event. Over the years, MBIC has been working with SEDA to advocate the agenda of bio-energy. MBIC hasbeen regularly invited by SEDA Malaysia to address, the bioeneray stakeholders at their Intemational Sustainable Energy Summit (ISES), ministerial and stakeholders dialogue, Socsion. Similarly, MBIC has also invited SEDA Malaysia to deliver the latest updates on biogas and biomass power development under Feed-in Tariff (FIT) schemes in MBIC'S annual biomass industry networking seminar. Due to vast potential of bioenergy sector in Malaysia, MBIC. looks forward to enhance working relationship withy SEDA, Malaysia and relevant government authorities as (well as Industry stakeholders to address bamiers and unlock green ‘economy opportunities, More intervention is expected by various government agencies to address the current Issues, haunting the development of bioenergy such as access to, feedstock, government incentives, green finance, green lane approval etc. Last but not least, MBIC sincerely hope SEDA Malaysia will, dive the national bloeconomy agenda to greater heights for, the benefit of the country to address climate change Issues, and opportunities. Thank you. DATO! LEONG KIN MUN PRESIDENT MALAYSIA BIOMASS INDUSTRIES CONFEDERATION (MBIC) Bee Wom Cs co Re MT ig Ce UC acne Cm arr mes] POU ue eo} ‘Among the RE resources identified for the purpose are biogas, biomass, solar PV and hydro. Some De Cn ecu ks ies eaeen eee eee ee ee Bre eee te ene isle an eM cee er ne amount of biomass wastes with the economic potential of Pee eee) Ae Peete Brac uy ae ~ SM) lero eee er T aL fbr fo For important endeavours ahead Pee mn ee See Congratulations.on your dedicated efforts in raising awaréness ee eee ec eet eee nas Pee ae ee meta providing continuous support to the Enerey Commission, Pee seee enter tres er ers programmes oiganised over the last 10 years. ‘On behalf of the Eneray Commission, we applaud your era etn sere eee iy Demat ets Bur ecu a ABDUL RAZIB DAWOOD Cregecwu aga) ESS eee ey concervation of the natural environment. ‘Aswe know the need for countries and businesses to address decarbonisation eee eee oe ered In that aspect, SEDA Malaysia has played a critical role in increasing the Dene iene ea i tae ae eee ees Ree ON enn Gs eta Eats Teo) eer aes PC ern cl Rc uence ea ero of renewable energy in Malaysia has contributed to the increase Perea tet Cee rae) significant growth in the nation’s RE capacity, turther boosting our Semen een iy eee een ee uae tee er ae Sor Sone Mer ene ener cre untae t een ies ren look forward to continue working with you to further accelerate Cees ee ances? Government's target of having 31% RE installed capacity by Pio CE UM CL RSL Lg to convey my heartfelt congratulations to oyun aCe Un ae PN ee Ce ede ead Pa ene try yet men eee eee eee eect een eae a scree ect Pee Ree ees eee ean Tuc dei Oran ae ee cetny Cee eau eae eee eee) eee ec Son St wave ‘Authority (SEDA) Malaysta on your 1Oth-anniversary Sarawak Ermer ee oan onus teen a ee eee eee) Cs es nee eee aes Malaysia has beena trusted partner in our renewable energy, one eer ecu ee eer CIC erenene ts ea eae eau ie Urea change within the country. We are also grateful for the See een een Semester cd ‘generation in Malaysia's renewable energy generation mix, Ble ee recente ieee eee eee aca BN eager eee Pore ee ite eee ane a ees enn as Peet eo erin mn eine tt Peete ates meen eee eee Mee este ee tee ee aetna ecg Perera cen Rese ee ae es Peat gered Seas Rees eves ere ec nae enone) ‘include innovative solutions to light up off-grid remote een se eee eee eer) hydro, until we can achieve grid-connectivity to these distant co Rene Oe ee ee Roe en Rees eee ee ein) eae eens ae ued eet hydrogen production and refuelling station. We also offer Ce ee ree DATU HAJI SHARBINI SUHAILI Cereals PA Ude sod Reena teen ere eae Eo ee eee een ur) ere ne ee ens Se enero eee eeu aera Beene er ec ea) Pee eee eee pee gee een Neat Ror ae ey eet ae ees Preree tee ti Teme onemete netics Dee C on encc eee Ly Prec ae ean Pere Lenton) eta s Pree eee eee aman es cri See eG eed CST) SEDA Malaysia on your 10th Year Pree e ue Ws Zee aw oS ye \ AS PN eran anes enh geet reer eee oer eee aes Pe ee ee ics) Ree re era emir & Pe ee eee acy See eee ea eee ea) See ee eee ea eae ug ody to encourage, promote, monitor and develop sustainable energy een nee he tes ee ene en ee en a ee eee er eT eee ea ee eee cel ‘SESB strongly supports the Government's good intentions and SEDA Ree a a en racy eee ae se Cn eee ee cee ee ee nee cee development, but also playing a key role to ensure that the environment Js well preserved for future generations, Insyallah Finally, once again on behalf of SESB, congratulations to SEDA Malaysia Cota ar eye ee Ce Cece ey eee an er eon ae Rea eae Ge Eun erty DATUK IR. ABDUL NASSER BIN ABDUL WAHID Beau kaa) Oe eae ee Tat UU ello ey | all iets Sil) Lea NPA a Ie , RATE CARD @ generg 2022 Aas aS ee 0 PAGINATION Aa CS GD} Lr) ey etcetera} erro) Inside Front Cover (IFC) cata) Outside Back Cover (OBC) Tre ree een) chr) CLO hogan) ches) enero eos) art) Pee eats Gey 15,000 Seer Scena Cente EY 10) Be ee tend aes eS) ao Err) Eee ey Seay Cee eX) eee eens Be ice rg) ea xr DEADLINES PUR uty Rata ieee peer etet tr he cee er ete Epes ering oe eed eee ee een ene eerie aan ere ey Dy ee Cesc ‘The advertiser is required to make the payment betore the publication dato feameer pip newer’ specs manana ol Perry rey No cancellations once booking is confirmed All final decisions on magazine artwork le with SEDA Malaysia a WHY SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MAGAZINE? Sustainablo Energy Malaysia Magazino is the country’s premier source of sustainable energy (SE) content for white collar professionals as it covers extensively on SE development, policies, and market outlooks for all SE industry playors in Malaysia. {A vast majority of our magazine's audience consist of executives or managers working at the top line of. SO ea ee a eee Se ane ane aay Ce eer eee eee em Uno ek try local customer sentiment, the magazine aims to provide a global perspective on the deployment of SE Pree See ee Sn cae ce er eee nee ee SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MAGAZINE 20) =} Riley ilo] P) aN By red Bene) reed erent acu Target Audience 20 years old and above Geateaey rg er meee er) ees cea Pe ata rere 2,000 print run Distribution eg ee CeLEer Peano cs rae CIs READERSHIP PROFILES LT ves cole) 3 Pee ad bs A od OCCUPATION ee ono Es (een res ae po Cer eae SO Ac To Pte Ca efficiency (EE), One sits on the supply side while CNet MLC ME eco Creu aur ero la Re eaa eee ances Pree A ence Coen ees Mee aa es came eC of productions, and compromising the comfort level and safety, is the primary objective of EE. iE CE eC Lo 'since Its inception on Ist September 2011, Ue he ie ten es See een c Neen neers ce nue ee Race eee eeu eter Cee eee a ec See sie mae ead Bete See eae eee eur ten acs Se eee) See ene et ere Bee eee ars BO sates Fors my a ALD ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (eee Leap) For the GLBE initiate, SEDA Malaysia has rolled out a. Programme to introduce energy management and efficiency systems in Government buldings through thelr main activities The programme comprises: Promotion of energy management and efficiency systems; Capacity building of energy management and efficiency systems among duit servants and facilty maintenance through seminars and taining: Implementation of energy saving measures (ESMs) in Government buildings The retvofiting of Government buildings: and Promote the implementation of Eneray Performance Contracting (EPC) mechanism at national level When the GLBE initiative was started in 201, SEDA Malaysia has Identified a total of 105 Government bulldings uncer the Effitent Management of Electical Energy Regulations. 2008, (EMEER 2008) asintensiveelectrcity users The hosts of these buildings are ministries, departments, agencies, universities, and hospitals. A key performance indicator (KPD 2012 was established to measure the success of the initiative in that year ‘The 2012 KPI for GLBE wore savings of 3% electricity among the 93 government buildings owned by entities such as state govemment, agencies, universities, and hospitals; and savings of 10% electricity among the T2 identified ministerial bulldings in Putrajaya By the end of 2012, out of the 93 selected government buldines, 48 of them had successfully achieved the 3% electricity savings target and this translated to 122 millon kWh saving and a reduction of 83.000 tonnes of CO, emission. As, for the ministry buildings in Putaleya, all 12 had successfully achieved a savings of 10.4% reduction in electricity consumption equivalent to a saving of II milion KWh and a. reduction ot 7.800 tonnes of CO, emission, By the end of 2012, out of the 93 selected government buildings, 48 of them had successfully achieved the 3% electricity savings target and this translated to 122 million kWh saving and a reduction of 83,000 tonnes of CO, emission. Soc ry Br

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