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Course OWJ101108

WCDMA RNP Antenna Isolation

Analysis (UMTS-GSM)

OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM)
ISSUE1.1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Course Description........................................................................................................................ 1
Course Introduction................................................................................................................... 1
Targets of the course................................................................................................................ 1
References................................................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1 Scenario Classification................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Co-Existence....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Co-siting.............................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 Interference Analysis.................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Assumption from GSM and 3GPP specifications................................................................5
2.1.1 WCDMA BS.............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 GSM BS.................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 GSM to UMTS..................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 UMTS to GSM..................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 Interference Test........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Interference test methods................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 GSM Spurious Emission Test Configurations...........................................................8
3.1.2 Test Equipments and Accessories............................................................................8
3.1.3 Test Process............................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Interference test results....................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4 Antenna Isolation Test................................................................................................ 10
4.1 Test method...................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Test condition......................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Antenna Isolation Test Configurations....................................................................11
4.1.3 Test Equipments and Accessories..........................................................................11
4.1.4 Test Process........................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Test results........................................................................................................................ 12
4.2.1 Case 1 – Antenna Isolation of GSM900 and UMTS................................................12
4.2.2 Case 2 – Antenna Isolation of GSM1800 and UMTS..............................................12
Wide-band Antenna Selection........................................................................................................ 13

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Course Description

Course Description

Course Introduction

Targets of the course


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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

1.1 Co-Existence
Co-existence is that UMTS sites and GSM sites are in the same geographical area,
but not co-located.Figure 1-1 shows an example of co-existence.

Figure 1-1 co-existence

In this scenario, antenna location of different system is random from each other. If the
antennas of different system are shooting at each other, the victim cells will reduce a
lot on both capacity and coverage, or even is blocked if the interference is strong
enough. Because of this, the radio network planner has to be careful on this scenario
to avoid antennas point to each other.
Normally, the worst case for this is not macro cell to macro cell, but macro cell to
micro cell. This may introduce the dead zone for MS. Figure 1-2 gives an example of
this worst case:

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Figure 1-2 worst case for co-existence

Actually, if GSM user is at the cell edge of GSM macro cell meanwhile much close to
another UMTS micro cell, it will have great interference impact on UMTS network. For
example, assuming GSM MS’s RF performance is only satisfy GSM 05.05, the
spurious emission to UMTS band is -30 dBm/3M (around -29dBm/3.84M ). If the
Minimum Coupling Loss is 50dB, the interfering signals will around -79dBm/3.84M.
For more details of the interference calculation part, please refer to chapter 2.
The worst case can be avoid either we keep the sites co-located, or enlarge the MCL.
Co-existence currently is not a popular design in UAE because Etisalat is the only
mobile operator in UAE and has already a successful GSM operator. Co-siting for
UMTS and GSM is more efficient way to building 3G network.

1.2 Co-siting
Co-siting is that both UMTS and GSM sites are co-located in the same place. As
mentioned above, Co-siting is more popular way to build UMTS network. Figure 1-
3shows an example of co-siting:

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Figure 1-3 co-siting

Comparing with co-existence, co-siting has some advantages:

Operator can reuse the resources of old sites and reduce the cost for building UMTS
Operator can reuse the GSM drive test and optimization results and take as a
reference to UMTS (for example: BCCH singal distribution);
Co-siting can reduce near-far effects, because pathloss to both UMTS and GSM are
always equal and dead zone are less likely.
Since co-siting is the most popular application in UAE. The following chapters are all
focus on this part.

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Chapter 2 Interference Analysis

For co-siting scenario, the interference situation we have to investigate is:
GSM BS transmitting antenna is interfering UMTS BS receiving antenna;
UMTS BS transmitting antenna is interfering GSM BS receiving antenna;
In the following part, we will only investigate on these two situations.

2.1 Assumption from GSM and 3GPP specifications

2.1.1 WCDMA BS

1. Spurious emission

In 3GPP specification, scenario of co-existence with GSM has already been

considered and it has more rigid requirements to spurious emission on GSM 900
band and 1800 band.Table 1-1 shows the results:

Table 1-1 Specification of UMTS spurious emission (from 3GPP 25.104)

Bands (MHz) Maximum Level/ Measurement Bandwidth

30 ~ 1000 876 ~ 915 MHz ≤ - 98 dBm/100 KHz
Others ≤-36dBm/100KHz
1000 ~ 2100 1710 ~ 1785 MHz ≤ - 98 dBm/100 KHz

2. BS acceptable noise calculation

Normally, background noise without loading is calculated with formula:

BG_Noise=KTW+NF, where:
K: Boltzmann constant;
T: temperatures in degrees Kelvin;
W: receiver bandwidth;
NF: noise figure of BS;
The typical value for KT=-174dBm/Hz, and assume typical NF=3dB, so the typical
A typical acceptable sensitivity degradation level of radio system is less than 0.4 dB. It
means that the interference is 10dB lower than the background noise as the noise
floor will rise 0.4dB after adding 10 dB low interference to the background noise.
Based on the above BG_Noise value, the extra interference signal should be less
than -115 dBm/3.84MHz.

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

2.1.2 GSM BS

1. Spurious emission

In GSM 05.05 specification, the limitation for GSM 900 and DCS 1800 spurious
emission of UMTS band is very low, only ≤-30dBm/3MHz:

Table 1-2 Specification of GSM900 and DCS1800 spurious emission (from GSM 05.05)

Band Maximum Level/ Measurement Bandwidth

9KHz-1GHz ≤-36dBm/3MHz
1-12.75GHz ≤-30dBm/3MHz

2. BS acceptable noise calculation

Same as UMTS, background noise can also be calculated with formula:

The typical value for KT=-174dBm/Hz, and typical NF=3dB, so the typical
A typical acceptable sensitivity degradation level of radio system is less than 0.4 dB.
It means that the interference is 10dB lower than the background noise as the noise
floor will rise 0.4dB after adding 10 dB low interference to the background
noise.Based on the above BG_Noise value, the extra interference signal should be
less than -128 dBm/200kHz.

2.2 GSM to UMTS

For UMTS, NodeB acceptable noise is less than -115 dBm/3.84MHz. According to
table 2, the worst case of GSM spurious emission leaked in UMTS band is
-30dBm/3MHz (-29dBm/3.84MHz). Thus the isolation between GSM transmitting
antenna and UMTS receiving antenna is: -29dBm – (-115dBm) = 86dB. Assume both
antennas are directional antenna and have same azimuth (see Figure 1-4).

Figure 1-4 Co-located scenario: space isolation distance (horizontal/vertical)

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

In this scenario, the horizontal distance needed between two antennas is so large that
it is impossible to be satisfied when co-siting. This is the worst case and additional
rejection filter should be used at the GSM BS side if this case happens.
Actually, the RF performance of GSM BS equipment is vendor dependent and
normally is much better than that from GSM specification. For example, normally for
GSM 900 BTS, in order to co-located with DCS 1800, extra attenuation will achieved
in DCS 1800 band, which is close to UMTS band.

2.3 UMTS to GSM

For GSM, BTS acceptable noise is less than -128dBm/200KHz. According to table 1,
the maximum GSM spurious emission leaked in 900 and 1800 band is
-98dBm/100KHz (-95dBm/200kHz). Thus the isolation between UMTS transmitting
antenna and GSM receiving antenna is: -95dBm – (-128dBm) = 33dB. Assume both
antennas are directional antenna and have same azimuth (see figure 4). In this
scenario, the average space distance between two antennas is less than 1m for
horizontal, and less than 0.2m for vertical based on the test data in Table 4-4 and 4-5.
This is a reasonable isolation to achieve under mono pole or building roof situation.
Comparing the results above, the isolation got from GSM interfering UMTS is the
restricted part.

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Chapter 3 Interference Test

3.1 Interference test methods

From the theoretical calculation of chapter 2, we find that the isolation is very difficult
to achieve when two systems co-located. This result is too pessimistic. Actually, the
RF performance of BS equipment is vendor dependent and normally is much better
than that from UMTS and GSM specification.
Interference test is the best way to get the idea of how many isolation two systems is
actually needed. The test method is as following:

3.1.1 GSM Spurious Emission Test Configurations

Figure 1-5 GSM Spurious Emission Test Configuration

3.1.2 Test Equipments and Accessories

The test equipments and accessories are listed in Table 1-1

Table 1-1 List of test equipments and accessories

test equipments and accessories Type Number Mount

Spectrum Analyzer Agilent E4445A(with LNA option ) 1
WCDMA BPF(Band Pass LGP145 1
WCDMA/GSM900 Diplexer LGP135 or Kathrein 782 10250 1
WCDMA/GSM1800 Diplexer LGP145 or Kathrein 782 10243 1
Dummy Load RF power handling >100W 1

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test equipments and accessories Type Number Mount

Test Cable 4
Connecter Adaptor DIN(male)/N(female) 6

3.1.3 Test Process

The test process is listed in Table 1-2:

Table 1-2 List of test process


Frequency band:1920~1980MHz
RBW :100KHz
VBW :300KHz
Average times: 20
LNA Status: ON
1) Set up the test system according to figure 3-1
2) Let GSM BTS output maximum power
3) Record the spurious power using Peak-Search function

3.2 Interference test results


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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

Chapter 4 Antenna Isolation Test

The exact antenna isolation of two systems needs to be less sensitivity degradation
based on the analysis in chapter 2 and 3. In practice, it is difficult for engineer to
achieve a real space isolation distance between UMTS and GSM antennas. The
reason is that the two antennas are working in a merged near-field zone of RF
electromagnetic field, which the electromagnetic field distribution and isolation level
needs more complex analysis theoretically. A field test of antenna space isolation is
adapted to fit the current situation in UAE project. The related test is described in this

4.1 Test method

The test is carried out by two cases which are GSM900-UMTS antenna and
DCS1800-UMTS antenna. Each antenna is cross polarization type. The configuration
of test system is shown as figure 4-1.

4.1.1 Test condition

Two cases are tested:

GSM 900MHz cross-polarization antenna and UMTS cross-polarization antenna
DCS 1800MHz cross-polarization antenna and UMTS cross-polarization antenna
The features of antennas tested are as following:

Table 1-3 Features of Antenna tested

Vendor Type Number Gain HBW VBW

GSM 900
JB 7600 17dBi 60° 9°
DCS 1800
JB 5022004 18dBi 60° 5.5°
MAT 5162100 18.5dBi 65° 6°

Two 9m 1/2” cables are used in this test and each cable’s loss is regarded as 1dB in
GSM 900 band and 2dB in GSM1800 and UMTS bands. The isolation data in this test
is processed so that the cable loss is excluded.
The antenna ports are selected so that transmit antenna and receive antenna have
the same polarization.
The antennas are installed 8m above ground and are directed toward the same

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

4.1.2 Antenna Isolation Test Configurations

Figure 1-6 Configuration Diagram of Antenna Isolation Test

4.1.3 Test Equipments and Accessories

The test equipments and accessories are listed in Table 1-1:

Table 1-1 List of test equipments and accessories

Test equipments and accessories Type Number Amount

Spectrum Analyzer HP8594E 1
Test Cable 9m 2
Antenna GSM,WCDMA antenna 2
Connecter Adaptor DIN(male)/N(female) 4
Matching Load N(male) 2

4.1.4 Test Process

The brief description of three test steps and instrument settings are given in Table 1-

Table 1-2 List of test equipments and accessories

HP8594E settings:
Frequency band:890~2170MHz
RBW :100KHz
VBW :300KHz
Average times: 20
output power:10dBm
signal type:CW


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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Chapter 1 Scenario Classification

1) Set up the test system according to figure 4-1

2) Turn on RF power
3) Record the isolation values at different frequencies.

4.2 Test results

4.2.1 Case 1 – Antenna Isolation of GSM900 and UMTS

The antenna isolation data of GSM900 and UMTS antenna in two frequency bands is
recorded in Table 1-3. The cable loss is not included in these data.

Table 1-3 Antenna isolation data between GSM900 and UMTS

890MH 902.5M 915MH 935MH 947.5M 960MH 1920M 1950M 1980M 2110M 2140M 2170M
z Hz z z Hz z Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
65dB 68dB 68dB 71dB 65dB 70dB 55dB 58dB 62dB 49dB 52dB 62dB
70dB 72dB 73dB 71dB 71dB 71dB 57dB 61dB 67dB 62dB 66dB 63dB
72dB 71dB 70dB 69dB 72dB 72dB 65dB 66dB 68dB 57dB 58dB 60dB
71dB 73dB 73dB 69dB 71dB 73dB 71dB 67dB 70dB 58dB 63dB 63dB

4.2.2 Case 2 – Antenna Isolation of GSM1800 and UMTS

The antenna isolation data of GSM1800 and UMTS antenna in two frequency bands
is recorded in Table 1-4. The RF loss of cables is not included in these data.

Table 1-4 Antenna isolation data between GSM1800 and UMTS

1710M 1747.5 1785M 1805M 1842.5 1880M 1920M 1950M 1980M 2110M 2140M 2170M
Hz MHz Hz Hz MHz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz
63dB 61dB 56dB 62dB 68dB 62dB 51dB 58dB 60dB 66dB 57dB 57dB
62dB 67dB 66dB 67dB 66dB 62dB 54dB 54dB 68dB 60dB 55dB 58dB
63dB 66dB 62dB 61dB 60dB 60dB 59dB 59dB 58dB 62dB 66dB 68dB
70dB 62dB 62dB 67dB 62dB 63dB 60dB 62dB 61dB 66dB 69dB 66dB

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OWJ101108 Antenna Isolation Analysis (UMTS-GSM) ISSUE1.1 Wide-band Antenna Selection

Wide-band Antenna Selection

For the antenna selection, introduce the new antenna is preferable, especially for
optimization freedom. But sometimes the room is limited and we have to use wide
band antenna for both GSM and UMTS.
When selecting wide band antennas for new UMTS system, it is better firstly following
chapter 2 and 3 to test the interference between each other and find the safe isolation
value. Then with this isolation value, you can choose the proper wide-band antenna
from antenna list.

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