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• Welcome to the Magical World of Crystals!!!
• Crystal holds power that goes far beyond its
• Crystals emit energetic vibrations that impact how
you feel, sense and interact with your environment.
• You can work with crystal to straighten your
intention, whether it is prosperity, health, love,
relation, creativity or spirituality.
• Every crystal has a unique mineral structure that
aligns with sacred geometry. Crystal can be
programmed to work with you on a specific
• Crystal contains unique messages and information.
• Crystal has magical correspondence and vibrates to
specific number of intentions.
How crystal works

• When you focus your energy on something, it

• Thought and intentions are like a road map for
energy to follow.
• Crystal completely transforms harness and guide
energy during formation of crystal over thousands
and millions of years.
• Healing crystal harness the life giving elements of
the universe with the energy of the sun, moon, earth
and the sea.
Methods to Cleanse and Energize your Crystals

• 1. SUNLIGHT - Keep it in the sunlight. The sun burns off old energy and
refills it with vibrant and new energy. Place your crystal outside under the sun
for 2-4 hours

• 2. FULL MOON - When the moon is at its brightest, keep the crystals under
the moonlight for 2 to 4 hours. It will restore the crystal to the brightest form.

• 3. SAGE– The smoke created when burning sage carries away any low
vibration energy stored in the crystal. Immense your crystal in the smoke of
burning sage for 30 seconds.

• 4. SOUND – Play the music of Tibetan singing bowl. Sound breaks up any
stuck or stored energy and restores harmony due to the frequency of the music.

• 5. SELENITE – Place your crystal on top of a piece of selenite for 2 to 4

hours. Selenite is a powerful crystal used for cleansing and purifying energy. It
also magnifies the energy of any crystal when placed on top of it.

As a general guideline, it is recommended that you cleanse and energize your

crystal every time you set a new intention or at least once every 30 days.
Crystals that don’t need cleansing:

• Kyanite
• Azulite
• Diamond
• Phenacite
• Apophylite
• Citrine
Crystals that don’t like water

These crystals should not be dipped in water for a long

To energize, clean under running water only or clean
with a wet cloth.

• Angelite
• Turquoise
• Kunzite
• Selenite
• Kyanite
• Malachite
• Calcite
• Labradorite
Crystals that don’t like sunlight

These crystals should not be kept for long time in the

sun. To energize, it can be kept only for 20 minutes.

• Aventurine
• Amethyst
• Aquamarine
• Beryl
• Citrine
• Rose quartz
• Kunzite
• Sapphire
• Fluorite
• Smoky quartz
Uses of Crystal

• Carry it in your pocket or purse.

• Wear it as a jewelry
• Make a gem water or elixir with it.
• Place it in your work place
• Keep it in your vehicles
• Set it by your bed
• Include it in a crystal grid
• Meditate with it
• Use it in a ritual
• Use it in bathing water
Crystal programming
Step 1:
• Obtain crystal
• Choose the crystal, one that you have being thinking about it.

Step 2:
• Pre-program the crystal
• Pre-program the crystal in the method that feels right to you in order to prepare the
crystal to accept your intention and cleanse it of any prior intention or negative

Step 3:
• Think of your intention
• Any intention is a clear statement of purpose in regards to your aspirations, dreams
and values. Write your intention with your finger on the crystal.
• Be sure it is affirmed in the present tense and includes what you desire.

Step 4:
• Let the energy flow
• Raise your vibration by finding your bliss.
• Hold your crystal and think of your intention. Allow the energy of the intention to flow
freely into the crystal.
Crystal for Migraine

• Lapis lazuli crystal and/or amethyst crystal can

help reduce or eliminate migraine. Place the
crystal on your forehead as needed.
• Placing the crystal on the forehead at the first
symptom can help stop migraine.
• Related chakra: Third eye and crown.
Crystals for Asthma

• Malachite, amber and/or tigers eye can assist

with reducing asthma and relieve symptoms.
Wear or place near the chest.
• Related chakra: solar plexus and heart.
Crystal for Anger

• In order to cool down anger, hold these crystals

in your hand peridot, amethyst, howlite, and/or
rose quartz and take a deep breath.
• Related chakra: root
Crystals for Prosperity

• Attract prosperity with citrine, moss agate, ruby

and/or jade.
• Keep it in your purse/wallet, cash drawer or the
wealth corner of your house.
Crystal for Memory

• Enhance your memory with pyrite, clear quartz,

rhodonite and/or fluorite. Carry with you when
you are studying or when you are going for an
• Related chakra: Third eye and crown.
Crystal for Courage

• Increase your courage with blood stone,

carnelian, aquamarine and/or ruby. Carry with
you or wear as needed.
• Related chakra: Heart
Crystal for Addiction

• Release addiction with amethyst, lepidolite

and/or iolite. Wear or carry with you all the
• Related chakra: Root.
Crystal for Health

• For general health and healing, use clear quartz,

amber, amethyst or green calcite. Hold or place
as appropriate for the healing work that needs to
be done.
• Related chakra: Heart chakra
Crystal for Psychic Abilities
• There are many crystals to increase your psychic
gifts. Like lapis lazuli, amethyst, kyanite,
labradorite, apatite and moonstone. These are
the best crystals to increase your psychic
• Carry or wear as needed or hold during
• Related chakra: Third eye
Crystal for Visualization
• Do you have problems with visualization or
seeing things in your mind’s eye during
meditation? Let iolite, topaz or green tourmaline
help you with that.
• Hold it in your hand or on your third eye to
enhance visualization
• Related chakra: Third eye
Crystal for Insomnia
• Amethyst, lapis lazuli and/or soda lite can treat
insomnia and help you to get a good night sleep.
Place your preferred crystals under your pillow,
next to your bed or make it as a crystal grid.
Crystal to Boost Immune System
• Boost your immune system with amethyst,
malachite, lapis lazuli and/or moss agate. Carry
it with you as needed.
• Related chakra: Heart
Crystal for Job Interview
• Citrine, aventurine and ruby helps with job
• Citrine is one of the top prosperity crystals, plus
this happy stone attracts success. Aventurine
brings good luck and abundance.
• Ruby helps in abundance and to give you the
passion, confidence and motivation to go after
the job you desire. Always carry it with you.
Crystal for Sinus

• Flourite, aventurine and/or emerald can help

relieve sinus pressure or sinusitis. Carry or hold
on the forehead as needed.
• Related chakra: Third eye
Crystal for Upset Stomach

• Emerald and/or yellow jasper can help to calm

an upset stomach. Carry it with you or hold on
your stomach.
• Related chakra: Solar plexus.
Crystal for Passion

• Ignite your passion with ruby or garnet. Wear or

carry it with you.
• You can also place them in a grid at each of the 4
corners of your bed.
• Related chakra: Root and sacral.
Crystal for Cramps

• Bloodstone, turquoise, chrysocolla and/or

malachite can be used to ease cramping of all
kinds. Chrysocolla works especially well for
menstrual cramps.
• Hold to the site of the pain as needed.
Crystal for Thyroid

• Balance thyroid deficiencies with aquamarine,

chrysocolla, lapis lazuli or blue lace agate.
• Wear it as a pendant, especially near the throat
chakra or hold it on the throat for approximately
15- 20 minutes a couple of times each day.
Crystal for Nausea

• Carry or hold emerald, sapphire or yellow jasper

to help eliminate the feelings of nausea.
• Emerald works very well with nausea and upset
stomach when held in your hand or on your
stomach Use your intuition to pick the right
crystal for you. Related chakra: Solar plexus.
Crystal for Protection from Energy
• Protect yourself from energy and psychic
vampires with aventurine, ruby, labradorite and
or black tourmaline.
• Labradorite helps protect aura and black
tourmaline blocks negativity.
• Wear or carry it with you especially near the
• You can also make a grid at home and place 1 of
each crystal in each of
Crystal for Pregnancy

• Moonstone, unakite, ruby and red jasper are

very supportive crystals for the mother and baby
during pregnancy.
• Moonstone is especially helpful for all stages of
pregnancy including fertility, pregnancy, child
birth, breast feeding and hormonal imbalance.
• Related chakra: Sacral
Crystal for Nervousness
• When you are nervous; hold watermelon
tourmaline crystal, sapphire or amethyst to calm
your nerves.
• Wear continuously or hold for 15-20 minutes
until you feel relaxed. Remember to take deep
• Related chakra: Solar plexus and heart
Crystal for Sciatica
• Lepidolite, green turmoline and/or hematite can
assist with sciatica nerve damage. Hold to the
site of pain as needed.
Crystal for Relaxation
• Enjoy an evening of relaxation with amethyst,
pink tourmaline, golden calcite, lepidolite
and/or smoky quartz.
• Carry it with you or put it in your bathing water
or under your pillow.
Crystal for Diabetes

• Citrine, serpentine and/or pink opal can assist in

controlling diabetes.
• Carry it with you continuously and work with
your crystal on the solar plexus for 15-20
minutes every day.
Crystal for Back Pain
• To reduce and relieve back pain, hold magnetite,
hematite and/or lapis lazuli to the site of the
Crystal to Reduce Worry
• Carry or wear amazonite, azurite and/or
Lepidolite to help ease your worrying and to help
you feel calm.
• Also hold the crystals to your solar plexus while
breathing deep to reduce worry.
Crystals for Common Cold
• Carry or wear fluorite, carnelian, and/or moss
agate to help you combat cold.
• These are safe to use or to create a gem elixir or
simply add it to your water bottle. Related
chakra: Heart.
Crystal for Dyslexia
• Sugilite and/or black tourmaline helps in
assisting with dyslexia. Hold or carry with you as
• You can also work with this crystal by meditating
with it or holding it on your third eye.
• Related chakra: Third eye
Crystal for Peace
• Attract peace into your life with rose quartz,
amethyst and/or turquoise. Carry it with you or
keep it in and around your environment.
Crystal for Concentration
• Enhance your concentration with carnelian,
fluorite, clear quartz, hematite and/or lapis
lazuli. Carry or wear as need.
• Related chakra: Third eye
Crystal for OCD
• Allow amethyst, peridot to help you with your
tendencies. Carry it with you or use on your
chakra everyday for 15-20mins
• Related chakra: Third eye and solar plexus
Crystal for Communication
• Enhance your communication skills with
aquamarine, blue lace agate, chrysocolla and/or

• You can carry it with you always or wear it.

Related chakra: Throat
Crystal for Cholesterol
• Carry with you or wear yellow fluorite and/or
green aventurine to help lower your cholesterol
• Related chakra: Heart
Crystal for letting go of the Past
• Release and let go of the past with rutilated
quartz, light green serpentine and/or smoky
• Hold the crystal in your hand daily and pray “i
lovingly release myself from the past and allow
myself to live in the present”.
Crystal to Soothe Burns
• Soothe burns with rose quartz and/or sodalite.
• Hold onto the site of pain only if the pain is a
minor pain. Hold near the burn for severe burns.
• You can put the crystal in the freezer for a few
minutes to cool the crystal down before applying
it to the desired place.
Crystal for Faith
• Increase your faith with emerald and/or
labradorite. Hold or carry as needed.
• You can also meditate with these crystals by
either holding it in your hand or placing it at the
crown chakra
• Related chakra: Crown
Crystal for Lowering Blood Pressure
• Sodalite can help lower high blood pressure.
Blood pressure is regulated at the Heart chakra.
• Place this crystal on the heart chakra everyday
for 15-20 minutes. Carry or wear it as need.
• If blood pressure is low, wear a ruby to raise
your blood pressure.
Crystal for Arthritis
• Malachite relieves arthritis and joint pain.
• Place it on the site of the pain and always carry it
with you. You can use essential oils like lavender
and rosemary.
Crystal to Quit Smoking
• Let amethyst, and/or hematite help you in your
goal to quit smoking. Carry continuously with
Crystal for Students
• There are a variety of crystals that can be beneficial
for students. Fluorite for memory, mental focus,
clarity and to fight colds/flu. Clear quartz for
memory, mental clarity and general health.
• Citrine for confidence, happiness and mental focus.
Rhodonite for confidence, memory and talents.
• Turquoise for peacefulness, calming and
communication, including public speaking and
speaking your own truth.
Crystal for Auto Immune Disease
• Wear or carry with you, rhodonite or
aquamarine to assist you with the over active
immune system. That is the cause of various
autoimmune diseases. Related chakra: Heart.
Crystal for IBS
• Orange calcite can help alleviate IBS (irritated
bowel syndrome).
• Carry it with you or use as a gem elixir or put it
in your bathing water.
• Related chakra: Sacral
Crystal for Bruises
• Reduce bruising with rose quartz, hematite,
amethyst and/or blue lace agate. Gently hold to
the bruise as needed.
• You can also put the crystal in the freezer for a
couple of minutes before working with it to help
with minimizing the swelling.
Crystal for Creativity
• Boost your creativity with citrine, aventurine or
carnelian. Wear or carry it with you as needed.
Related chakra: Sacral
Crystal for Metabolism
• Boost your metabolism with sodalite, amazonite,
labradorite or chrysocolla. Carry, hold or wear
your crystal as desired.
• Related chakra: Heart and third eye
Crystal for Nightmares
• Chase away nightmares with amethyst, smoky
quartz and/or prehnite. Put the crystals under
your pillow or in a safe place next to your bed.
Best for kids too.
Crystal for Good luck

• Attract good luck into your life with tiger’s eye,

aventurine, jade or sunstone. Carry it with you
Crystal for Emotional Balance

• Malachite, moonstone, rose quartz and/or

rhodochrosite helps to re- balance your
emotions. Wear or hold the crystals as needed.
Related chakra: Solar plexus.
Crystal for Skincare
• Detoxify - Amethyst, ruby, emerald
• Calm the skin – Amethyst, rose quartz, black
tourmaline, emerald
• Acne –Amethyst, moonstone, ruby
• Deep cleanse – Malachite, rose quartz, emerald
Anti-aging –White tourmaline, diamond, rose
quartz Radiance –White tourmaline, Moonstone
• Environmental toxins –White tourmaline, jade,
turquoise, clear quartz.
Crystals for Happiness
• Bring happiness and enjoyment to your life with
citrine, rose quartz and/or sunstone. Carry it
with you or place it on your heart chakra.
• Affirmation: “i am filled with happiness and i
spread joy everywhere i go”.
Crystal for self-love
• Attract love into your life and open your heart to
love with Rose quartz, rhodochrosite. Hold your
crystal to your heart and say - Affirmation: “I
attract love effortlessly. Iam loved. I am loved”.
Crystal for smoothening relationship
• Increase your love with rose quartz or rhodonite.
Related chakra: Heart
• Affirmation: “i love and accept myself
Finance/prosperity crystal
• To attract finance, prosperity, good luck, keep
Citrine, green aventurine, pyrite, jade, carnelian,
tiger eye, ruby and malachite.
• These can be kept in a mojo bag together and
kept with you all time. It can also be placed in
your locker, cash box, or where you keep your
• Affirmation: “i am being positively flooded with
money, energy and abundance”
Crystal for home/office
• Always keep these crystals as mentioned below
for positive energy, good luck, removing
negativity, and all general purpose.
• Put a clear quartz crystal near your front door,
black obsidian near the back side or last room of
the property, rose quartz in the living room,
citrine in the kitchen, carnelian in the office,
smoky quartz in the bedroom , amethyst in
master bedroom, aquamarine in the bathroom.
Crystals for weight loss
• Blue apatite, sodalite, clear quartz, and peridot
you cam carry or wear for weight loss.
Chakra Crystal Set
• Root: Red jasper
• Sacral: Carnelian
• Solar Plexus: Citrine
• Heart: Green Aventurine
• Throat: Blue Lace Agate
• Third eye: Sodalite
• Crown: Amethyst

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