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SIOP Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:______Story Building_______________________________

Date: June 17, 2023

Grade/Class/Subject: 5th & 6th English Language Arts

Unit/Theme: Creative Writing

Standards: W.5.3. Write narratives to develop real or

imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and
clear event sequences.
a. Orient the reader by establishing a
situation and introducing a
narrator and/or characters; organize an
event sequence that unfolds

Content Objective(s): Students will create an original narrative

using characters, setting, and event sequence.

Language Objective(s): Students will list the five basic parts of a

narrative: Characters, Setting, Plot:
Beginning, Plot: Middle, Plot: End

Key Vocabulary Supplementary Materials

-Character -Spectrum Writing Worksheet

-Story Map

Nicholas Claus
SIOP Features
Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Integration Application Assessment
Options of Processes
___ Adaptation of _x_ Modeling _x_ Whole class ___ Reading _x_ Hands-on _x_ Individual

_x_ Links to _x_ Guided ___ Small groups _x_ Writing _x_ Meaningful ___ Group
Background Practice

_x_ Links to Past _x_ Independent ___ Partners ___ Speaking _x_ Linked to ___ Written
Learning Practice Objectives

___ Strategies __Comprehensible _x_ Independent ___ Listening _x_ Promotes _x_ Oral
Incorporated Input Engagement

Lesson Sequence:
Anticipatory Set
● Scholars will view the YouTube video: Writing a story with beginning, middle, end -
tutorial for kids
● Prior knowledge and interest questioning
○ Ex. What do you think makes up a good story?

Direct Instruction
● The setting of a story is when and where the story's action takes place. The setting of a
story may be in a real place or in a completely imagined place. The time during which
a story takes place may be in the past, the present, or the future.
● A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use
characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot
● In the beginning of a story, readers meet the character or characters and learn a little
about the setting and the plot. The first sentence makes readers want to keep on
● In the middle of a story, the action takes place. Readers see the character or characters
face a problem. The characters probably make one or more attempts to solve the
● In the end, the characters solve the problem in a logical way. Keep in mind that it is not
satisfying to have a story's central problem just go away by magic or by coincidence.
Your characters must deal with their problem to solve it.

Guided Practice
● The instructor and students will work on completing a basic story map covering:
Characters, Setting, Plot: Beginning, Plot: Middle, Plot: End
● The instructor will guide the class through a shared story development as a whole

Nicholas Claus
Independent Practice
● Students will create their own independent first draft of a fictional story that they have
created using characters, settings, and the beginning, middle, and end of a plot.

● Students are required to try:
○ Encourage the Process - get them to think through how events go together and
affect each other.
○ Being able to list the five major parts of a story: Setting, Character(s), Plot:
Beginning, Middle, and End.
● Use visual examples as much as possible to connect the written word with its visual

● The instructor will review vocabulary of basic story writing:
○ Character
○ Setting
○ Plot
● The instructor will review the sequence of story writing.









Nicholas Claus

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