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Kabul University

Engineering faculty
Civil engineering department

Learning of water cad software, & water distribution class

project through water cad.

1402 2023

Group members:
Nick Mohammad 12493
Najibullah 12507
Wahidullah 12541
Sayed Omidullah 12540
Abdul Sabur 12463
Ahmad Fawad 12410
Murtaza 12539
Mohammad Zamir 12484
Mohammad Omer 12440
Instructor: Assist. prof. Ahmad Fawad Ehsas

Table of Contents page
First chapter(learning of water cad) ..................................................................................................... 4
First lesson start with water cad .................................................................................................... 4
Second lesson work with water cad ............................................................................................... 5
Third lesson model a water distribution system…………………………………………………………………………6
Forth lesson conclusion and practical work of water supply system………………………………………….7
Some data of survey…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Way of entering data to water cad……………………………………………………………………………………….….9

Second chapter(group project of water distribution system) ............................................................ 13

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 13
Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 13
Work in water cad……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14

Learning of water cad.
First lesson: start with water cad.
The following item is the first step in water cad.
1st click on water cad icon in your computer screen.
2nd click on create new project.
We start with the presentation of the application window layout.
It will be just a short summery because we will see them concretely step by step
in solving problems.
The standard (file)toolbars contains controls for deleting, finding, undoing,
redoing, actions in water cad

Figure (1.1) first view of water cad

Figure (1.2) second view of water cad after create new project.
The analysis toolbar contains controls for analyzing project etc..
For working on any project 1st we should select system of unit then click the
tools menu and select the option command, click the units tab.
Since you will be working in system international units, click the reset defaults
button and select system international.
Click the drawing tab to make sure drawing ode is set to schematic, because we
will build a schematic drawing not scaled one.

Figure (1.3) here we can change units and type of drawing
The difference between schematic and scaled drawing is, when creating
schematic drawing the lengths of the tubes must be entered a
scaled drawing pipe lengths are automatically calculating from the position of
the pipes bends and start and stop nodes.
Now is time to set up the project.1st: choose file –project properties and name
the project Lesson 1 and click on ok.2nd: choose file save as .in the save file as
dialog box browse to my document /Bentley/water cad folder. Enter the file
name lesson 1 schematic drawing and steady state analysis. We need to move
the cursor on the drawing panel and right click to select reservoir from the
menu or click the icon from the toolbar.
Second lesson: Work with water cad
After selecting reservoir, click to set R-1. Right click to select junction from the
menu and click to set J-1. Click to place the intersections J-2,J-3,J-4,J-5. And we
should click on J-1 to finish right click and select done from the menu and
choose file save
We continue by entering the necessary data. The data required for the network
are: the reservoir require elevation, the pipe require diameter, length, and
material junction require elevation, demand. We enter the data through the
properties editor to access an item properties editor, we should double click on
the item. Open the reservoir editor for R1 set the height as 198m.

Figure (1.4) here we add all the properties(pipe, reservoirs…)

We enter the following information. We put the elevation of each junction .(J1-
120m,J2-110,J3-125m,J,J5140m.)To add demand click the ellipse in the demand
collection field to open the demand box and enter the value for demand.

Enter pipe properties: Click pipe p-1 to open the pipe editor for each the point
enter the diameter length and the pipe material. In order to enter the material
type click the ellipsis to open the engineering libraries box. Click on material
libraries /Material Libraries.Xml, and then click on appropriate material type and
then click select. It is more convenient to enter data for similar elements in
tabular form rather than to individually . Select all the network …..right click edit
table pipe table. Click on p-1 to open pipe editor and enter the length of pipe.
The next step is to run a steady state analysis. Click the icon to open the
calculation option manager.
Third lesson: model a water distribution
NOTE: water demand and diameter are calculated by formulas from the data
we have.
Frist should cheek that system is SI and drawing is schematic. We need to move
the cursor to select the reservoir from the toolbar. Click to place the
intersections J1,J2,ect.We continue by entering the necessary data the data
required for the network are: the reservoir required elevation the pipe required
diameter length and material junction required elevation, demand.

Figure (1.5) water distribution system

We should specify user Defined lengths for pipes. Set user defined length to
true and enter a value in the length Feld Its more convenient to enter data for
similar elements in tabular form.
Enter the value of the water demand depending on the number of house by
making the calculation with respective formula. We click compute to perform a
diagnostic check on the network data There is warning on issues: Negative
pressure……. Click pump from the toolbar, move the cursor on the drawing
panel and click to set pump1 Click in the pump definition field and click on edit
pump Click new to create a new pump definition Name it pump1 Enter the
following information In the property editor select pump1 from the definition

4th lesson: conclusion of our work in water cad and establish as a practical
example a water distribution system.

Figure (1.6) map of a small village

The above figure shows a small village and for that we will establish a water
distribution system for this first we have to know the distance between each
house the amount of people which live there the elevation of each house.
We did this procedure and by use of excel and statistics we summarize and
interpret our data.

house elevation people

A 12m 12
B 13m 3
C 11m 6
D 14m 8
E 12m 7
F 23m 9
Table (1.1) elevation and amount of people in each house

distances between each house
Between A and B 13m
Between B and C 15m
Between C and D 12.5m
Between D and E 14m
Between E and F 12.3m

Table (1.2) distance between each house

house demond
A 0.3L/s
B 0.5L/s
C 2L/s
D 0.6L/s
E 0.7L/s
F 0.35L/s

Table (1.3) demand of each house

Now we start our work by water cad .
First establish of reservoir.

From here we can add


From here we can establish pipe and reservoir

Figure (1.7) establish of reservoir

Figure (1.8) the network of water distribution system which establish through
The above figure is the network of water distribution system which we

Here we can add all

the data of reservoir

Figure(1.9) how we can enter data

So in the properties we can add all the necessary data of pipes, reservoir and
junction. And if we have a big water distribution system there would be so
difficult to enter one by one all data for that we have entering data by tabular
form below I show that how we can do this.

After selecting the

whole network ,right
click then click on
edit group.

Figure(1.10) entering data in tabular form

Click here


figure(1.12) here we can enter all the necessary data of pipes

Here we can add

required demand
in each junction


After entering all the necessary data, we run the software.

By use of this option we can

compute and run our water
supply system

Figure (1.14)
If after run of our water supply system, we face with problem in our system
then we should check it again and if we faced with negative pressure then by
using of pump we can solve it.

From here we can

add pipe where we
need it.

Figure (1.15)

(project) Introduction:
water distribution or water supply system is a system with which we can
deliver water into deferent side or point. We can design this system by hand but
the result of our work will not be that much precise which we have desire of it.
So in today’s world there are more convenient way to do this one of that defiantly
will be use of a software by the name of water cad. So in this project we design
by use of water cad a distribution system for a village which has problem from
water side. Our project has five part in which we collet analyze and intraplate our
data, first part is introduction, second part is methodology, third part is result,
fourth part is summary and the last part is conclusion.
In this part we have two deferent topics, first we have discussion about the
surveys which we do for this project, and second we mentioned all the procedure
which we do by water cad to design this project.
First, survey our survey consist surveying of number of houses, the people
which live there, the distance between each houses, and selecting the best
location for reservoir because selecting of location has direct effect on elevation
of reservoir as all of as all of us know better the elevation of reservoir is the most
important things in our project if we didn’t do this that would be imperfect from
both economic and technique side. From technique side there would be negative
pressure, and solving that problem from technique side not easy .From economic
side for solving negative pressure we need for some pumps which has cost and
that would be out of our budget.
after all when we collect our data, we enter all the data one by one to water cad
and finally run the water supply system. In side of water cad we used from excel
as well. The procedure of our work is below.
[1] Check the system of unit and drawing.

Figure (2.1) checking system of units.

Figure (2.2) establish of house.

Figure (2.3) location of village’s houses

Figure (2.4) The whole water supply system.

Figure (2.5) enter of data

Figure (2.6) entering of data by tabular form.

The result of our work is the following things
[1] collecting data and summarize our data by use of some statistics graph
[2] after analyzing data by use of water cad we design water supply system.
Analyzing of our data is below.
We have two zone and at all 21 houses.

zone house population elevation

1 14 23 zone house population elevation
2 12 34 14 14 23
3 15 24
15 9 12
zone 2
zone 1

4 13 42
5 11 13 16 12 16
6 9 15
7 8 13 17 12 45
8 7 17 18 18 23
9 5 34
10 7 23 19 19 35
11 15 14 20 21 42
12 13 34
13 20 35 21 8 43
Table (2.1) population & elevation of each house.
zone house distance
1-2 23
zone house distance
14-15 23
zone 2

2-3 22
3-4 34
4-5 34 15-16 22
5-6 45 16-17 34
zone 1

6-7 56
7-8 76 17-18 34
8-9 23
9-10 45
18-19 45
10-11 23 19-20 56
11-12 45
12-13 56 20-21 76
Table (2.2) distance between each houses.

population of each houses of the 1 st zone
2 3 4
13 1

5 6



10 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Figure(2.7) the population of each house in 1st zone

elevation of each house of 1st zone








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Figure(2.8) elevation of each house in the 1st zone

elevation of each house of the 2nd zone

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure (2.9) elevation of each house in the 2nd zone

Figure (2.10) final work
The above figure is our final work, and that is the plan of water distribution
system which we design.

Summary: the following item is the summary of our work.

[1] survey for water supply project in a village
Our survey contains the following items
(1) count the number of house
(2) the number of people which live in each house and in the whole village
(3) elevation of each house specially elevation location of reservoir.
(4) the distance between each house, for recourse length of pips
[2] we summarize our data by use of statistics
[3] by use of water cad we design the water supply system of that village.

Conclusion: the flowing item is the conclusion of our work.

We design water supply system for a village which has the following characteristics
[1] there are 21 houses which we surveyed and our house survey consist measuring distance
between each house this was just for knowing the require amount of pipe.
[2] 262 people live there, this was necessary for knowing the demand of each junction and as well
demand of reservoir.
[3] we establish a reservoir of 112m height
[4] we establish a junction for each house
[5] according the population of each house we consider a demand for them
[6] and finally we complete the design of system


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