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USN: 1JA21AT035
SEM: 4th SEM B.Arch.


Self-exploration is the basic process through which have a thorough understanding of our
true inner self and the path which we take on this journey leads us to many important
conclusions conducive to our happiness and values. Self-exploration is the initial stage of
the process of value education. Value education should not only be based on assumptions
or beliefs but the values must be universal, rational, verifiable, and natural. Value education
is required to understand our basic aspirations and the various ways to fulfil them leading
to happiness. Hence, to understand our aspirations and ourselves better, we need self-
Self-exploration is a constant dialogue between what we really are and what we want to be.
Our constant observing and curiosity towards our actions, beliefs, assumptions form a
conflict between what we are and what we want to become soon. This clarity of dialogue
between us and the inner voice about what we are and what we want to be, help us
understand ourselves better and the beliefs which are naturally acceptable to us. Self-
exploration induces this continuous urge to become a better version of ourselves through
self -investigation leading to self -evolution. Self-evolution encourages our personal growth
and harmony within self.
The only way through which we can understand our true needs and desires is self-
exploration. In this process, we our more aware about our aspirations and beliefs, which
are driven by this passive conversation with the internal conscience. The basic idea is that
the more we are in harmony with ourself, the better is our understanding about the various
aspects of life at all levels. The sheer understanding of oneself with the co-existence and
their interdependent relationship, is only possible through this harmony with inner self.
Self-exploration has paved the way for one’s recognition of their relationship with co-
existence at all levels. Through self-exploration we observe our relationship and equation
with the humans, matter, nature etc. As we understand our relationship with every entity in
co-existence, we try to fulfil our relationships with them and learn to be in harmony with
them. The understanding of relations with all the entities of co-existence must be devoid of
pre-conceived notions and assumptions which lead to misunderstandings and conflict.
There should be a transparent and pure understanding of these relations, which will enable
us to procure the plausible outcomes to be in continuous harmony with each of these
entities of co-existence. The interaction with all these entities of co-existence gives us a
better idea of the human conduct and the way of human life. This understanding of our
fellow beings aids us in aligning ourselves to them better and living accordingly. The
harmonious relationship between ourselves and the humans leads to mutual fulfilment. The
path being in harmony with nature leads to mutual prosperity, as nature has always been in
harmony with us, for it was yet to be deciphered.
The process of self-exploration brings to light self-innateness, where we realize our
aspirations and establish a dialogue with them. This persistent questionnaire with the self
about what is our reality and what we aspire to be, forms the basis of conflict affecting our
self-innateness and once we have mastered this problem, we will attain self-innateness.
Through self-innateness, we become confident and self-organized, as we clarity of thought.
Self-organization follows path of a definite frame of mindset, it is basically the process
through which we execute our goal of attaining harmony at all levels. Self-organization is
assessed in every aspect from our behaviour towards co-existence to our relationship and
interaction with them. Hence, the strong foundation of self-exploration is built on two
major questions; What is my desire? And the program or process to fulfil the same.
The above-mentioned ideals are mere proposals, which are meant to be tested and
experimented by each one of us in order to hold them good. These proposals should not
be assumed as the very first entity, our desire is our virtue irrespective of all aspects at all
levels. The process of inspecting these proposals is the process of self- exploration. These
proposals need to be tested because they need to be naturally acceptable to us, otherwise
they are as good as considered as assumptions and pre-conceived notions. Assuming these
proposals will only lead to burdening ourselves and hampering our evolution. The
procedure of evaluating these proposals should not be based on; written scriptures,
conclusions from physical experiments, others’ opinions. The validation of these proposals
should not be a comparison between what is written and what is ideated, but it is a mere
conversation within ourselves. We cannot draw out conclusions based on experiments
involving physical instruments, basically research, as these proposals are more subjective in
nature and our influenced by our perception of them. The assessment of these proposed
valued cannot be based on other’s opinions and here say, it requires our opinion, for it to
be naturally acceptable to us.
The verification of these proposals is firstly based on natural acceptance and secondly upon
living according to proposals. Natural acceptance is that intact and virtue which tells us the
difference between “our right” and “our wrong,” it is more of a subjective nature, as what
is naturally acceptable to one person may not whole good for another person. Natural
acceptance is spontaneous and is inbuilt in us and hence, cannot be learnt or taught.
Natural acceptance is the thought process which is the very basis of inner self and the most
truthful dialogue with it, assists in drawing conclusions and knowing our true desires.
Hence, if these proposals are naturally acceptable to us, then we validate them or they will
be outdated. Natural acceptance does not change with time or place. The standards which
are a part of natural acceptance are unaffected by time and place, and they always the same.
Natural acceptance is not based on our past-conditionings or beliefs as it is the depiction of
our true inner feeling and if it is affected by our beliefs then it is not natural acceptance.
Natural acceptance is constant and will remain till the very end of our existence. This is
experienced in our daily life, when we truly ask ourselves certain questions and receive
answers which are directly linked.
Natural acceptance will always be a part of us and we can refer to it for finding answers
irrespective of time and place. On observing the current scenario, it is very evident that we
do not make use of natural acceptance, and blindly follow our pre-conceived beliefs and
assumptions, we are so self-consumed, that we are defensive of even validating our own
assumptions and beliefs, these conditions lead to our disharmony with the world and
nature. The only solution to this problem, is that we should start realizing and
understanding the importance of validating the proposals and they can be evaluated based
on the results drawn on its application in real-life. Once, we start living according to these
proposals or apply them, we will be able to validate them based on our natural acceptance.
After realizing and understanding the power of validation of proposals, the answers should
be assuring, satisfying and universal. If they do not fulfil these criteria, then they are based
on our assumptions and past conditioning.
Self-exploration is intertwined with so many proposals and factors which form the basis of
our conscience and values. The very process of self-exploration is the process of value
education. For these values to be universally correct, need to be universally naturally
acceptable. Then after aligning results, we can universalize the validated values. Hence,
Self-exploration is the key to value education.

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