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RoseDog Print on Demand Publishing Agreement

AGREEMENT, made this 21st of December 2022, between Noah Roy, hereinafter
DEFINITION OF called the Author, and RoseDog Books, an imprint of Dorrance Publishing, Co, Inc.,
PARTIES with offices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a company engaged in performing
publishing services, hereinafter called RoseDog.

RoseDog is a publisher which charges an author a fee to perform the services

outlined below.

I. GRANT OF Whereas the Author desires to publish a Work through RoseDog for print on demand
RIGHTS and e-book distribution, while retaining all other rights, the Author grants and assigns
to RoseDog during the full term of this contract the non-exclusive right to print copies
of and fulfill print on demand orders for a Work described as or titled “Here I Stand:
The Days When You Dared to Dream” hereinafter called the Work.

II. THE The Author agrees to deliver to RoseDog, on or before the date of the signing of this
COMPLETED Agreement, a copy of the completed Work, together with all necessary drawings,
MANUSCRIPT photographs, charts, and designs, if any, in digital format and to provide and pay the
additional cost for the inclusion and production of an alphabetical index, if the Author
deems the Work requires one

The digital manuscript can be presented in a PC or MAC word processing format. If

RoseDog is unable to read and manipulate the contents of the disk, or if the disk
requires extraordinary changes by the publisher to render it usable; RoseDog agrees
to inform the Author promptly so the Author can provide a digital file that can be

If the content of the Author’s disk contains charts, text or illustrations saved in a
manner in which RoseDog believes, in its professional opinion, will not result in a
quality finished book; RoseDog will inform the author and suggest actions to be
completed by the author so that the quality of the finished book may be improved.
These suggestions may include, but are not limited to, the author providing original
copies of artwork or giving permission at additional cost for RoseDog to re-scan
some of the author’s material at a higher level resolution.

RoseDog shall exercise reasonable care in the handling of all materials belonging to
the Author and in the possession of RoseDog during the term of this Agreement.
RoseDog shall not, however, be responsible for any loss or damage to, nor carry any
insurance on, the Author's material. The manuscript, illustrations, disk(s), or other
materials will not be returned. The Author agrees to keep copies of all materials
provided to RoseDog.
The Author agrees RoseDog will perform absolutely no editing or proofreading of the
Work whatsoever. The Author agrees to provide the final version of the Work in a
digital format to RoseDog.

The Author also agrees to write and provide basic information for “About the Book”
and “About the Author” pieces on disk or paper; and an author photo, if desired, in
color or black and white. Combined word count of “About the Book” and “About the
Author” pieces must total between 200 and 300 words.

III. AUTHOR'S The Author agrees to pay RoseDog the sum of $2,480 in consideration of this
FEE Agreement as follows: the sum of $500 to be paid upon this contract's signature by
the Author; followed by 8 monthly payments of $247.50.

The Author understands that RoseDog makes no contribution to the cost of

publication. There will be no other cost to the Author for the production of the Work
unless the Author shall request any changes, deletions, alterations, or additions to
the proofs of the Work which deviate from the Work as delivered with this

If the Author shall add new material to the Work at any time following the signing of
this Agreement, or if the Author shall make any changes, deletions, or alterations to
the Work, RoseDog agrees to make such changes, deletions, or alterations, and/or
to add such new material only on condition that the Author shall pay RoseDog, on
request, all the additional costs and expenses involved.

IV. PRODUCTION RoseDog agrees to have assigned an ISBN (International Standard Book Number),
SCHEDULE designed the pages for the book in a manner it deems appropriate, created the cover
and uploaded both the cover and text to RoseDog Bookstore web site
( (where it will be available for purchase as an on demand
printed paperback and e-book) within one hundred eighty (180) days after execution
of this contract by RoseDog or Author delivery of a final version of manuscript,
whichever is later, unless prevented by delays by labor or by the Author, acts of God,
or other circumstances beyond its control.

Additional days will be added to the production schedule as follows if the publisher
has agreed to provide additional services for the author as noted in Section V
Production Specifications:

➢ For publishing projects that necessitate scanning or input of the authors

pages to make a digital file plus editing of the author’s manuscript an
additional 10 days will be added to the production schedule (total of 190

➢ For publishing projects that necessitate scanning or input of the authors

pages to make a digital file plus editing of the author’s manuscript and
inclusion of artwork provided by the author an additional 10 days will be
added to the production schedule (total of 190 days).

➢ For publishing projects that necessitate editing of the author’s manuscript

and inclusion of artwork created by RoseDog Books an additional 10 days
will be added to the production schedule (total of 190 days).

➢ For publishing projects that necessitate scanning or input of the authors

pages to make a digital file and inclusion of artwork created by RoseDog
Books an additional 30 days will be added to the production schedule (total
of 210 days).
➢ For publishing projects that necessitate scanning or input of the authors
pages to make a digital file plus editing of the author’s manuscript and
inclusion of artwork created by RoseDog Books an additional 50 days will
be added to the production schedule (total of 230 days).

The Author agrees to accept via e-mail and read, correct, and return all materials
submitted by RoseDog to the author for review, which normally consists of the
designed pages and designed cover, within ten (10) days in order to allow for
meeting of production schedules. The page design and the content, style, and
format of the cover will be entirely at the discretion of RoseDog.

V. PRODUCTION The Publisher agrees to prepare the Work for on-demand distribution and to print
SPECIFICATIONS copies of the Work when receiving bona-fide orders according to the following

Finished Book Dimensions: 6 x 9

Text Stock: 60 Pound Offset
Type Size, Font Type, and Page Design: As selected and deemed appropriate by
Cover Stock: 10 PT C1S
Binding: Paperback, Perfectbound
Cover: Full color
Interior Book Printing: Text, Black ink
Interior Illustrations: None

Books printed at USA manufacturing location

VI. RETAIL PRICE RoseDog shall determine the retail price of the Work.
PAYMENTS ON RoseDog agrees to remit to the Author payments on sales of the Work at the
SALES following rate(s):

For books sold to bookstores, wholesalers, distributors, or what is known as the

“book trade” the Author receives twenty (20) percent of the wholesale (discounted)
price for each book sold and paid for.

For books sold directly to individual consumers the Author receives thirty (30)
percent of the retail price (the price printed on the book) for each book sold and paid
for. Books are sold to individual consumers as non-returnable.

It is understood that no payments shall be made on books that are damaged or

destroyed; supplied in exchange, given away, or distributed for promotion purposes;
furnished at no charge or sold to the Author; sold to a legally recognized corporate
entity of which the author is materially associated; shipped but for which RoseDog
has not received payment.

RoseDog shall send to the Author or his/her duly authorized representative a

statement of the number of qualifying sales that result in earnings and remit the
Author’s payments from the sale of the Work on January 31 and July 31 of each year
via electronic funds transfer in U.S. funds. Statement of qualifying sales shall be
based on all sales made and paid for as of the previous October 31 and April 30
respectively to allow for a proper accounting. If no sales qualify for earnings, then a
statement will not be issued.

Author agrees to provide RoseDog with any changes to the author's legal name,
mailing address, e-mail address or bank information a minimum of 45 days prior to
the next regularly scheduled earnings payment dates of January 31 and July 31. If
such changes are not provided in the timeframe noted, then RoseDog cannot
guarantee that such changes can be made before the next regularly scheduled
earnings payment date.

To facilitate electronic funds transfer Author will provide RoseDog with the Author’s
bank account and bank routing information. If the address of the Author, as
indicated in this Agreement, is located outside of the 50 recognized U.S. states, then
Author’s earnings on sales will be made in bank check form in U.S. funds.

If Author’s earnings amount is less than $25.00 in a given earnings period, Author’s
earnings will accumulate until the amount of $25.00 or more is reached and then will
be paid at the next regularly occurring earnings payment date.

Upon termination of this contract as described in Section XI RoseDog will remit to the
Author payments on sales then accrued or thereafter accruing and will be paid at the
next regularly occurring earnings payment date.

RoseDog may from time to time change the retail price of the Work as shall in its
judgment be required. In the event of a revised retail price, RoseDog will notify the
Author in advance of the change and will remit the Author payments on the sale of
the Work at the percentages provided for in this Agreement based on the revised
retail price.

VII. AUTHOR When the book pages and cover are designed and the book is uploaded to the
COPIES RoseDog web site, RoseDog shall send the Author 3 copies of the Work at no extra
charge if the address of the Author, as indicated in this Agreement, is located in
one of the 50 recognized U.S. states. If the address of the Author, as indicated in
this Agreement, is located outside of the 50 recognized U.S. states, RoseDog shall
send the Author 3 copies of the work for the cost of shipping from RoseDog's office
to the Author's address. The author is responsible for paying any customs fees,
duties or tariffs.

Author, or a legally recognized corporate entity of which the author is materially

associated, may purchase further copies at a 40% discount from the retail price plus
cost of shipping. The author is responsible for paying any customs fees, duties or
tariffs, if applicable. The disposition of all Author copies is at the sole discretion of
the Author; should these copies be offered for sale, the Author may retain any
monies received.

Author does not receive earnings on copies purchased by the author or a legally
recognized corporate entity of which the author is materially associated.

VIII. PROMOTION RoseDog agrees to perform limited, specified promotion of the Work for the purpose
of attempting to gain some recognition for the Work.

RoseDog shall submit the Work to a specified number of local, and/or selected,
media, outlets, and organizations. In those instances where reviews or publicity may
be obtained, RoseDog has no influence over the content of those reviews or

Preparation and implementation of the following promotional activities shall constitute

full and complete compliance with the promotional requirements of this Agreement.


➢ Prepare a publicity release

➢ Prepare a color enhanced digital interactive Press Kit that features a

synopsis of the book, an Author biography, a copy of the publicity release, a
high-resolution copy of the book's cover and links to the RoseDog On-line
bookstore and

➢ Create a listing at publisher’s media site,, which

contains a synopsis of the book, an Author biography, a copy of the
publicity release, and a high-resolution copy of the book's cover. is easily searchable by Author name, book title,
or genre. Credentialed media will be invited to request a printed or digital
review copy of the book at the DorrancePressRoom site. RoseDog will
provide up to fifty (50) traditionally printed copies of the book to fulfill
bonafide requests. An unlimited number of digital review copies will be

➢ Compiling a review and publicity list and contacting approximately three-

hundred (300) media outlets appropriate for the Work and/or the Author,
such as:

▪ local and selected national newspapers

▪ local or specialized national magazines,
▪ local or specialized terrestrial radio and television stations,
▪ print newspapers & magazines
▪ trade journals,

Review media will be contacted via e-mail, fax or electronic

submission, as is the media's stated preference in industry reference
material, and offered an opportunity to receive a free review copy of the
work by visiting the publisher’s on-line pressroom at

➢ In addition to the review copies made available as stipulated above,

publisher will provide one traditionally printed review copy of the book to up
to a total of ten (10) media or book publishing industry contacts of the
Author’s choice, if the Author provides complete contact information for the
media or book publishing industry contact.

➢ Distributing the publicity release to on-line news media and RSS news
feeds including, but not limited to,
▪ Google News
▪ Yahoo! News
▪ on-line blogs
▪ on-line talk radio programs
▪ on-line newspapers & magazines


➢ Create a Google AdWords search engine marketing campaign by

developing a keyword list and creating an ad relevant to the book’s content
and the Author’s background. These keywords and ad will be uploaded and
then will show on Google search results when searchers, worldwide, enter
queries that contain the selected keywords. Ads will link directly to the
book’s listing at The campaign budget will be

➢ Post a cover of the book, sample inside page content and links to ordering
information on Google Book Search


➢ Prepare a New Book Project Summary, a full-color marketing piece

containing introductory information about the book including a copy of the
book’s cover image and back ad copy (About the Author and About the
Book) designed to pique bookseller’s interest in the book and it's writer.
Additionally this marketing piece will include:
▪ ordering information including an offer to ship books on
▪ an offer for an appearance for an autograph reception; if agreeable
to the Author
▪ an opportunity to receive a free review copy of the work by visiting
our pressroom at

➢ Distributing the New Book Project Summary piece via fax, e-mail or
traditional mail up to twenty-five (25) selected booksellers in the Author’s

➢ Distributing the New Book Project Summary piece via fax, e-mail, electronic
on-line submission or traditional mail up to ten (10) selected local libraries.

➢ Distributing pertinent new book release data via fax, e-mail, electronic on-
line submission, or traditional mail to approximately twenty (20)
wholesalers, distributors, jobbers, and major book chain headquarters
primarily as reference materials announcing availability of the Work.

➢ In the case of non-fiction or special interest categories, sending pertinent

new book release data piece via fax, e-mail or electronic submission to up
to twenty-five (25) selected on-line book outlets or book clubs, which
specialize in books or merchandise on or relating to the subject of the Work.

➢ Submit a listing on that contains a copy of the book’s cover

image and back ad copy (About the Author and About the Book).

➢ Submit information to Books In Print, an essential bibliographic tool for

libraries and booksellers.

➢ Create a listing on RoseDog Bookstore ( that

includes a copy of the book’s cover image and back ad copy (About the
Author and About the Book)

➢ Following the distribution of the New Book Project Summary, telephone up

to twelve (12) selected booksellers in the Author’s area to introduce the
availability of the work, making an offer for an appearance for an autograph
reception; if agreeable to the Author.


➢ Create and print three hundred (300) full-color direct mail marketing
postcards that contain a copy of the book’s cover image and back ad copy
(About the Author and About the Book) along with book ordering information
and mailing up to two hundred (200) postcards to the Author’s personal
mailing list. Publisher will provide, at the Author’s request, up to 100
promotional postcards for the Author’s personal use. These postcards for
the Author would be provided after the book has been printed and is in the
promotion phase of publication.

➢ Send a digital version of the direct mail postcard via e-mail to an unlimited
number of e-mail addresses provided by the Author. Author to provide e-
mail addresses in a digital format. The e-mail addresses should be
primarily associates of the Author. The Author must have permission to use
the e-mail addresses and they cannot be from rented or harvested lists. The
content of the e-mail will link directly to the listing
for the book to allow for easy ordering.
➢ Provide Authors, via e-mail, with a copy of the digital version of the direct
mail postcard for their own distribution.

➢ Publish a notice of the work’s availability in the RoseDog E-mail Newsletter,

which includes a short description of the book and a link to the book’s listing
at the RoseDog on-line bookstore.

The Author’s suggestions will be considered and implemented whenever feasible

within budgetary restrictions by substituting these suggested activities for some or all
activities previously listed in this Paragraph.

Publisher reserves the right to substitute a comparable promotional requirement

should publisher be prevented from implementing any portion of the promotional
requirements, as stipulated above, due to the failure of a third party vendor used to
implement a promotional requirement.

While the Author may undertake additional promotion of the Work at his own
expense, if he so desires, the Author agrees that he will not undertake any such
promotion without informing RoseDog, in writing, in advance of placing or mailing
such promotion so that RoseDog may approve the wording and information intended
for dissemination. If Author chooses to not have RoseDog implement e-mail mass
mailing to potential book customers on the Internet, but rather to take such initiative
on his own, Author is to provide details of the intended mailing including the vendor
selected for implementation, return address information, and e-mail wording prior to

IX. AUTHOR'S The Publisher shall, at no added charge to the Author, take the steps necessary to
COPYRIGHT secure the rights and protection afforded to a published literary work by the United
PROTECTION States copyright laws and will file the copyright in the Author's name.

X. AUTHOR'S The Author covenants that:

GUARANTEE ➢ the Work contains no matter which, if published, will be libelous, obscene,
or otherwise unlawful or which will infringe on any proprietary interest of
common law or statutory copyright;

➢ that any instruction, formula, or recipe contained in the Work is not injurious
or harmful to the user or to the public;

➢ that he/she is the sole author and proprietor of the Work and has full power
to enter into this Agreement;

➢ that the Author has attained at least eighteen (18) years of age; and

➢ that the Author and his/her legal successors will hold harmless and
indemnify RoseDog from all manner of claims, suits, judgments, recoveries,
expenses, and attorney's fees arising from any alleged violation, whether or
not sustained by a court of law, of proprietary right or copyright of the Work,
including plagiarism, or from any libelous, obscene, or otherwise unlawful
matter contained in the Work.

If in RoseDog's judgment the Work contains any libelous, obscene, or otherwise

injurious or unlawful matter or any infringement of common law or statutory
copyright, RoseDog shall be under no obligation to issue such part or parts of the

If the Work contains any previously copyrighted material, it shall be the responsibility
of the Author to secure, entirely at the Author's expense, written permission to reprint
the material and to place a notice in the Work stating such permission has been
granted (if necessary) in advance of providing the final form of the Work to RoseDog.
XI. ELECTRONIC Author grants and assigns to RoseDog non-exclusive rights to the Work, in digital
PUBLISHING electronic form, during the term of this Agreement. RoseDog agrees, at no additional
cost to the Author, to make the Work available in digital formats that can be read on
desktop computers, laptops, and portable reading devices. The same copyright
protection, which covers the Work in printed form, will extend to its electronic form.

RoseDog strives to make the work available, in digital form; within thirty (30) working
days of the date printed books become available, though it cannot be responsible for
delays due to the performance of third party digital form retailers.

The appearance of the Work in digital form will be as close as possible to the printed
version. Some differences in typeface, graphics, or photographs and other
illustrations may occur due to constraints of digital formatting and distribution. No
new mechanical editing, typesetting, proofreading, or design will be performed in
creating the digital version of the Work. The digital version will be created by
formatting the same text made available for printing in the physical format.

Distribution via publisher’s web site

Digital versions of the Work will be made available for purchase directly from the
publisher’s on-line e-commerce store. Formats will include, but not be limited to, the
portable document format (pdf). RoseDog will determine the retail price for the
digital versions of the Work. Author earnings will be paid at the rate of eighty percent
(80%) of the retail price set for the digital versions sold directly from the publisher’s
on-line e-commerce store. Earnings will be paid on the same schedule and for the
same sales periods as for sales of the printed books, as outlined in Section VII of the
Agreement. As with the printed books, RoseDog does not guarantee that any
specific number of books in the digital form will be sold.

Distribution via a Third Party Digital Form Retailer

Publisher and third party digital form retailers will prepare digital versions of the Work
in other formats to allow the Work to be purchased, downloaded, and read on
portable reading devices such as e-book readers and cellular smart phones. A third
party digital form retailer will determine the consumer retail price, digital conversion
fee charges and the wholesale price. Author earnings will be paid at the rate of forty
percent (40%) of any payment received by the publisher, which is normally the
wholesale price minus the cost of third party digital form retailer conversion fees.
Earnings for payments made by digital form retailers will be paid on the same
schedule and for the same sales periods as for sales of the printed books, as
outlined in Section VII of the Agreement. As with the printed books, Dorrance does
not guarantee that any specific number of books in the digital form will be sold.

XII. TERM OF After six months have expired from the time the Work is first made available by
CONTRACT RoseDog for purchase, RoseDog reserves the right to terminate the Agreement at
any time by informing the other party in writing via certified mail.

At any time after the Work is made available, the Author has the right to terminate
this Agreement. The Author will receive no refund of payment of services by

If either party terminates the contract, RoseDog will remit to the Author payments on
sales then accrued or thereafter accruing. Upon such termination, RoseDog's liability
under this contract shall terminate.

If, after publication of the Work, RoseDog determines, in its sole judgment, that the
Work contains libelous, obscene, or otherwise injurious or unlawful matter, or
infringes upon any common law or statutory copyright, RoseDog may terminate the
contract immediately upon written notice to the Author sent by first-class mail to the
Author's last known address. All sums previously remitted and/or owing to RoseDog
by the Author shall be forfeited or payable in such circumstances.

If the Author fails to make the payments specified in this contract, RoseDog may
terminate the contract on thirty (30) days’ written notice sent by first-class mail to the
Author’s last known address. Any sums previously remitted to RoseDog by the
Author shall be forfeited.

If the Author terminates the Agreement during the production process, and RoseDog
is not in breach of this Agreement as described in Section XV, then any sums
previously remitted to RoseDog by the Author will be forfeited.

XIII. NO SALES The Author understands that RoseDog has not guaranteed, nor intends to
GUARANTEE guarantee, the sale of any specific number of copies of the Work.

XIV. COMPLETE This contract represents the complete Agreement between the Author and RoseDog,
AGREEMENT and no representation other than those contained herein shall be binding.

No modification, alteration, or waiver of any provisions of this contract shall be valid

unless provided for in writing and acknowledged by both parties.

This Agreement is offered for acceptance within thirty (30) days from the date it is
first mailed to the Author. If not signed by such time, RoseDog reserves the right to
revise the terms of this Agreement.

XV. CHANGE OF The address of the Author is as indicated in this Agreement.

All letters, communications, and notices sent to the Author to the address so
indicated shall be deemed good and sufficient, unless the Author shall have notified
RoseDog, in writing, by certified or registered mail, of change of address.

XVII. This Agreement is entered into in the County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of
PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania and represents the entire Agreement between the parties. Any verbal
CONTRACT AND statements not specifically incorporated into this written Agreement are abandoned,
ARBITRATION void, and of no force and effect. This written Agreement is the entire and only
Agreement between the parties.

Any dispute, controversy, or claim, of whatsoever nature, concerning, arising out of

or relating to this agreement, or the breach thereof, or the said Work, and any
dispute, controversy, or claim, of whatsoever nature, arising between Author and
Dorrance (including Dorrance’s officers, directors, and employees) shall be governed
by the substantive and procedural law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
shall be resolved by binding arbitration, administered by the American Arbitration
Association then in effect, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator
may be entered in a court having jurisdiction thereof. Any claim must be brought in
an individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or
representative proceeding.

In rendering the award, the arbitrator shall determine the rights and obligations of the
parties according to the substantive and procedural law of the Commonwealth of

The parties waive any claim for punitive damages, and waive any claim for damages
in excess of the amounts paid to each other with respect to the said Work. The
arbitrator shall have no authority to, and shall not and may not, award punitive
damages. The arbitrator shall have no authority to and shall not and may not, make
any award to either party in excess of the amounts paid by that party to the other
party with respect to the said Work. The arbitrator shall not and may not, in any
event, make any ruling, finding, or award that does not conform to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

The arbitration proceedings shall be held and conducted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Neither the parties nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results
of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of all parties. The
prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of arbitrator’s fees and administrative

Dorrance shall not be in default of any provisions of this Agreement if the Author has
not fully performed all terms and conditions thereof by him/her to be performed, it
being understood that performance by Dorrance is based upon full compliance by
the Author.

If Dorrance shall fail to perform any of the conditions by it to be performed, then and
in that event it shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement unless the Author
shall have given Dorrance written notice thereof by registered or certified mail, and
Dorrance shall have failed to show all efforts to cure the default within ninety (90)
business days thereafter.

Author acknowledges that the services and products contracted for are
intended for the business purpose of promoting a literary work commercially
and not for any personal, family or household purpose. Dorrance has made no
representations concerning the likelihood of sales of Author’s literary work
and, specifically, no representation that the likelihood of sales will be
increased through the purchase of services or products from Dorrance to
promote the Author’s literary work.


XVIII. It is agreed that the stipulations and agreements herein shall apply to and bind the
SUCCESSION OF heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the Author, and the successors and
PARTIES assigns of RoseDog.

In witness whereof the parties hereunto set their hands the day, month, and year first
SIGNATURES above written.



Social Security Number


by its

PAYMENT ❒ I have enclosed my check for $_______________________

❒ I authorize RoseDog Publishing Co., Inc. to charge $_________________ to my

Credit Card account number ___________________________________

Expires____ CVV_____

❒ I authorize Dorrance Pubishing Co., Inc. to charge future monthly payments to the
above payment method on the 10th of each month.

Copyright © 2019 by RoseDog Publishing, Incorporated.

Tips for Writing Your About the Author and About the Book Copy

As part of the production of your title, we ask you to supply About the Book and About the Author
paragraphs for placement on the back cover of your book. We ask that you submit this material to us via
email or hard media such as a CD or a flash drive. These paragraphs are known as “back ad copy”.

It is called “ad copy” because it is your chance to “sell” your book to a prospective consumer. When
looking at a book either on a retail store shelf or through an online store, the first thing potential readers
do is pick up the book and flip it over to read the back cover, or if they are online, look for the product
description. More than just wanting to know what the book is about, readers want to know why they
should invest in purchasing and reading it. The back ad material should do more than give a brief
synopsis of your book and a short history of your hobbies and interests. Rather it should entice readers
to want to know more about the content between the covers.

The back ad copy will be used in the direct merchandising of your book. It will be featured in places such
as online book retailer sites. If you have purchased our promotion program, the copy will also be used in
the creation of marketing pieces sent to media, retailers, and direct consumers. It is very important that
this copy about you and your book be presented in a way that draws in readers and makes them want to
know more about your book.

When writing your back ad material, there are a few key points to keep in mind.
This written piece should contain between 200 and 300 total words. Our staff will mechanically edit the
paragraphs for issues such as consistency, punctuation, grammar, and spelling, but as the book’s author,
we believe you are the person who can share with readers the most compelling reasons to purchase your

It should be written in the third person and not the first person. (For example, “Author Daniel Blank had a
lifelong love of horses” rather than “I had a lifelong love of horses.”) Be sure to include information about
where you live and what your hobbies and interests are.

It is important to include a few main elements to your piece. First, you want to show how your book is
relevant to readers. Why is the book important to readers, and how will the content therein touch on their
daily lives, their concerns, their wants and fears? Why should the content of the book important to them?

Next, you want to share with your readers why your title has credibility. What background do you have
that shows why you are able to write as an expert about this topic? Former military personnel might have
a unique view of armed conflicts between countries; a grandmother of four could bring her experience in
the entertainment and teaching of youngsters to a children’s book; a man who has suffered at the hands
of prejudice and bigotry may be well suited to share the fictional story of a young man sharing these

Lastly, you want to focus on what makes your story unique. What makes your book special or different
and stand out from others like it? Are you sharing a story from a new and distinctive perspective? Is this
title providing readers with important lost or forgotten information? What about your book makes it stand
out? How does your own experience make the story distinctive?

The book’s relevancy, credibility, and uniqueness may all come together to make your book special and
important to readers. A well-written summary of you and your book might have the ability to draw readers
in and make them want to spend their money on purchasing your work. Marketing that brings a reader to
a book retailer or online site to see your book can only do so much. Once readers have found your book,
you may have only one chance to grab and keep their attention. Following some of the tips above do not
guarantee a book sale but may be just what is needed to make readers take that second, third, and final
profitable look at your work.
Our Lowest Fee Guarantee is simple. If you provide to us, in writing, another publisher’s proposal or order form for the same
comprehensive list of services that we offer in our Basic or Basic with Promotion Publishing Package (detailed below) and our
fee is higher, we will not only lower our fee to match, but reduce it by another 10%!

Our Lowest Fee Guarantee gives you peace of mind knowing that you are purchasing all of the services needed for the proper
publication of your book and getting the best value for your money.

RoseDog offers complete publishing packages that include the elements needed to properly and professionally release your
book to the public. Other publishers may entice you with a low initial price, but once you add in the necessary elements that
you need to properly publish your book, your fee can be hundreds of dollars higher.

Use the handy chart below to compare our services and discover the value that we offer.

RoseDog Other Publishing RoseDog

Basic Company With Promotion

Fee $1,480 $2,480


Unlimited consultation with Publishing Consultant about project development.

Unlimited phone and e-mail support from personal Project Manager during book production.


Custom design (not a template) interior text pages for creation of a trade paperback. Book
can be any size from 32-980 pages.

Include unlimited number of interior illustrations, charts or graphs.

Finished book available in printed format and as an e-book in pdf, EPUB and Kindle format.
E-book can be read on Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, computers and smartphones.

Custom cover design allowing the author to submit an idea for the cover to be used as a
guideline and using author submitted artwork if desired.

Author photograph on cover of book

Editing of cover “back ad copy”- the About the Author and About the Book information found
on the back cover of the book.

Paper galleys or electronic galleys (author’s preference) of book pages and sample of cover
sent to author for review before printing.

Author gets 3 copies of finished book.

RoseDog Other Publishing RoseDog

Basic Company With Promotion


ISBN (International Standard Book Number) assigned and UPC Barcode.

Copyright Registration.
Library of Congress Control Number.


Custom listing created for book on publisher’s bookstore site that features Google Preview
and ability to purchase e-book versions in pdf and EPUB formats.

Book listing created at with Search Inside feature and Kindle version.

Book listing and sample posted to Google Book Search.

Information submitted to Books In Print, an essential bibliographic tool for libraries and

Book information submitted for listing with Baker & Taylor, a book wholesaler selling to many
brick and mortar bookstores.

Book available for order at brick and mortar bookstores.

Bookseller returns allowed. Retailers that display our books in their brick and mortar
bookstore can return any unsold books for full credit.

Toll-free book ordering number for individual consumers.

Ingram Lightning Source. Ingram is a large wholesale provider for more than 71,000 retail
and library customers globally.


Prepare a publicity release and color enhanced digital interactive Press Kit and distribute to
approximately three-hundred (300) media outlets.

Distribute the publicity release to on-line news media and RSS news feeds including Google
News, Yahoo! News, on-line blogs, on-line talk radio programs, on-line newspapers &

Create a listing at publisher’s media site, Credentialed media
request a printed or digital review copy of the book at this site.

Create a Google AdWords search engine marketing campaign.

Prepare a New Book Project Summary, a full-color marketing piece designed to pique
bookseller’s interest in the book.

Following the distribution of the New Book Project Summary, telephone up to twelve (12)
selected booksellers in the Author’s area, making an offer for an appearance for an
autograph reception.

Create and print three hundred (300) full-color direct mail marketing postcards and mailing
up to two hundred (200) postcards to the Author’s personal mailing list.

Send a digital version of the direct mail postcard via e-mail to an unlimited number of e-mail
addresses provided by the Author.

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