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Modeling the Impact of World Primary

Energy Supply on Temperature

Change: A Multiple Regression
Analysis Approach
Kristianne S. Garcia, Erica Joy Estrella,
Mikhaela G. Carpio, Lyka Marie E. Alonzo, Angela P. Monreal
BS Mathematics - AS 3A - High Five

This research study aims to examine and model the relationship
between world primary energy supply and temperature change
using a multiple regression analysis approach. The study recognizes
the significance of understanding the impact of energy supply on
global climate patterns. The research utilizes also a stepwise
regression analysis to further improve the accuracy of the model.
Through the application of multiple regression analysis, the study
investigates the predictive power of different energy sources on
temperature change, considering their individual contributions and
interactions. The findings provide valuable insights into the extent to
which world primary energy supply influences temperature change,
taking into account the effects of various covariates and controlling
for potential confounding factors.
Keywords: stepwise regression analysis, temperature change,
covariates, confounding factors
1 Introduction
Mathematical modeling is a distinct field within mathematics, encompassing algebra,
geometry, number theory, and topology. It involves creating simplified representations,
known as mathematical models, to understand and analyze real-world phenomena.
These models employ various mathematical tools such as algebraic equations,
probability, statistics, and graph theory. Mathematical modeling often requires the
development of new mathematical approaches to address complex problems and gain
insights that traditional methods may not provide (Malkevitch, 2023). The vital role of
mathematics in solving global issues, particularly the interaction between society and
nature, should not be overlooked. Human beings engage in diverse activities that involve
both influencing and being influenced by the environment. As individuals enter the new
millennium, the world is confronted with a critical and urgent challenge presented by
climate change.
Energy assumes a significant role in various facets of human existence. Electricity
serves as a vital source for lighting and cooling, while fuel is instrumental in facilitating
transportation, heating, and cooking activities. The production and consumption of
energy exhibit interconnectedness with numerous dimensions of contemporary life,
encompassing water consumption, the utilization of goods and services, transportation
systems, economic advancement, land allocation, and population expansion. Notably,
the generation and utilization of energy, predominantly reliant on fossil fuels, significantly
contribute to the phenomenon of climate change, responsible for over 84% of
greenhouse gas emissions in the United States (EPA, 2016). This contributes to Global
Warming, which is defined as the effect of human activities on the climate. Activities such
as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, as well as extensive deforestation, release
significant amounts of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) being the
most prominent (Houghton, 2005). These GHGs are responsible for the greenhouse
effect, a process that further contributes to climate change.
Greenhouse Effect is the radiative process by which, the GHGs trap the sun’s heat
inside the Earth, making it warmer than it was supposed to be. However, the significant
increase in the amount of these GHGs results in abnormal Climate Changes that can
lead to negative impact to the whole planet (Miller, 2006).
To combat Global Warming, the Paris Agreement was signed by the 196 countries
involved in the United Nations, where it aims to lessen global warming to below 2°C
(United Nations, n.d.). Thus, the aim of the study is to model, understand and analyze
the relationship of the global sources of primary energy to global warming with the aid of
En-ROADS - a program developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and
Ventana Systems, Inc.
In this study, the researchers will focus on the parameters of global energy supply
sources and the temperature change specifically. Included here is the taxing of the
amount of energy acquired from non-renewable sources of energy such as coal, oil,
natural gas and bioenergy. Coal is one of the largest sources of energy supply in the
United States (Longwell, 1995), which has a significant effect on the high CO2 emissions
(Magazzino et. al., 2021). On the other hand, oil, which is the more limited, principal
competitor of coal in producing energy, which, according to Wuebbles and Jain (2001),
contributes to the concentration of CO2 emissions in the present and more especially, in
the future if no change occurs in the status quo. Additionally, studies made by the Union
of Concerned Scientists (2013), show that if society continues down the path of excessive
reliance on natural gas, it will become progressively difficult to reduce CO2 emissions to
levels that will have a significant influence on the climate. Lastly, bioenergy, despite being
a good alternative for the other non-renewable sources, still comes with the
environmental risks that can contribute to Global Warming (Ottinger & Miller, 2010).
For renewable and nuclear sources, the study will focus on promoting the research
and development of these sectors. Renewable energy sources, such as solar,
hydroelectric, wind and geothermal are alternative sources of energy that are cleaner,
more economical and as the term implies, will never run out completely (Ottinger &
Williams, 2002). Also, according to an article written by Sharma (2014), despite nuclear
energy being a good alternative for the traditional sources of energy, it still is considered
as unsafe due to its radioactive property. Thus, the support for the development of a safer
and sustainable technology for nuclear power is important to cut the overflowing demand
of fossil fuel acquired energy.
In this study, the researchers will formulate a mathematical model that will predict
the temperature change through the use of regression analysis.

2 Statement of the Problem

The researchers desired to formulate a mathematical model using historical data that
will give essential contributions in expounding the understanding towards the impact of
world primary energy supply to temperature change. To materialize this, the questions
below are the problem that the researchers want to answer at the end of this paper:

1. What mathematical model best describes the data?

2. What are the implications of the mathematical model on the data gathered by the
3. Too what extent do coal, oil, bioenergy, gas, renewables, and nuclear energy
sources contribute to temperature change?
4. Are there any threshold levels or critical points at which certain predictors have a
more pronounced effect on temperature change?
5. How can these factors affect the global temperature increase as a single
6. How significant are the individual effects of each predictor on temperature
7. How well does the multiple regression model using those predictors explain the
observed temperature data?
3 Significance of the Study
The proposed study on the relationship between global sources of primary
energy and global warming is expected to yield significant contributions to the
fields of energy policy and environmental science. By utilizing the En-ROADS
simulation tool, the study aims to assess the impact of different scenarios involving
subsidies for renewable energy and taxes on non-renewable sources on global
temperature and greenhouse gas emissions. The study’s findings and conclusions
based on this analysis ought to benefit the following:


The study is expected to be of significance to energy

companies for potential contribution into committing to sustainability such
as cleaner energy sources and commercializing non-renewable sources.
Civil Society
The study is also expected to promote awareness to the
organizations, including NGOs to make up strategies and partner up with other
organizations as well as the government to produce projects for the betterment
of the world.
This will provide potential significance to the government, as
the most powerful body in a country, the government has the capacity to
conduct research for discovering new-zero carbon, policies to tax carbon
use and to contribute to the global cause of mitigating climate change.
This study can be an eye-opener to sway the people towards active.
participation, gain media attention and to put pressure on different sectors
such as: businesses, NGOs, and government. Aside from such, the study
can also be beneficial to the public to use their field of expertise to make
their personal plan of creating a more sustainable world.
Future Researchers
This study would be a suitable basis for future researchers for the
further development of the studies involving development of studies
regarding environmentalism, sustainable development, urban planning,
policy making, and other fields that involve the process of handling our world
and its energy sources.

4 Preliminaries
In this section, the definitions, relevant theories, and theorems were
presented to better understand the mathematical concepts that will be employed in
determining the impact of world primary energy supply on temperature change
throughout the study.

4.1 Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression is a statistical technique utilized to determine the
relationship between one dependent variable and two or more independent
variables. It can assess the strength of the association between the dependent
variable and independent variables, as well as predict the value of the dependent
variable at a particular value of the independent variables (Bevans, 2020).
4.1.1 The Statistical Objective in a Regression Analysis
The statistical objective of multiple regression analysis is to develop a linear
equation model that identifies the optimal weighted combination of independent
variables to predict the criterion variable. In this regression model, each predictor
variable is assigned a weight. For each case, the predictor variables are multiplied
by their respective weights, summed together with a constant term, and yield the
predicted score on the criterion variable. The weights for the predictor variables are
determined in a way that minimizes the differences between the predicted scores
and the actual scores across all cases. This minimization is achieved using the
ordinary least squares method, which aims to find a straight-line function that
minimizes the sum of squared differences between the predicted and actual values
of the criterion variable. These differences, known as prediction errors, are reduced
by fitting the model to the data.
In essence, the model represents the function that minimizes the sum of
squared errors and provides the best possible prediction of the dependent variable
based on the regression equation.
4.1.2 The Regression Weights for the Predictors
As the model aims to optimize prediction accuracy by incorporating the
predictors together, the specific weight assigned to each independent variable in
the model is relative to the other independent variables included in the analysis.
Therefore, we can only conclude that within this particular set of variables, a specific
variable is weighted to a certain extent in the model. However, if a different set of
independent variables is considered, the weight assigned to that variable may vary
This relativity of variable weights has implications for interpreting the results.
One implication is that the weight assigned to a variable does not reflect an inherent
characteristic of the variable itself, but rather describes its specific role in the
analysis when combined with other variables.
4.1.3 A Complete Specification of the Regression Model
There is a possibility that variables not included in the research design could
have had a significant impact on the results. Some potentially valuable predictors
may have been overlooked during the literature review, while others may have
required extensive resources or may not have been measurable with the available
instruments at the time of the study. However, when interpreting the results of the
regression analysis, we assume that the model is fully specified, meaning that all
the important variables predictive of the outcome variable have been included.
Based on this assumption, we can draw conclusions about the phenomenon under
study from the analysis results. If potentially important variables were omitted, the
model is considered incompletely specified and may have lower external validity.
Given this assumption, it is crucial to carefully select the variables for inclusion
in the analysis based on theoretical and empirical rationale. It is often disappointing
to realize later that important predictors were omitted from the study, as their
inclusion could have led to different dynamics and a distinct model compared to the
one obtained. It is therefore essential to make efforts to avoid such oversights and
ensure comprehensive variable selection in the research process.

4.2 Regression Equation

The regression equation, which represents the prediction model, is a
straightforward expression of the general linear model introduced by Adrien-Marie
Legendre in 1805. In this model, a weighted linear combination of variables is used
to predict the value of a specific variable. In multiple regression analysis, the goal is
to predict a single variable, but it is also possible to predict the value of a weighted
linear combination of another set of variables, as done in canonical correlation
Similar to simple linear regression, the multiple regression equation can be
presented in both raw score and standardized score forms. Each form will be
discussed separately.
4.2.1 The Raw Score Model
The multiple regression raw score (unstandardized) model (equation) is an
extension of the raw score (unstandardized) equation used in simple linear
regression. The equation can be expressed as follows:
𝑦 = 𝛽₀ + 𝛽₁𝑋₁ + 𝛽₂𝑋₂ … + 𝛽ₙ𝑋ₙ + 𝜖
where y represents the predicted value of the dependent variable; 𝛽₀ is the y-
intercept which represents the value of the dependent variable when all
independent variables are set to zero; 𝛽₁𝑋₁ is the regression coefficient which
represents the impact of a change in the first independent variable on the forecasted
value of y, 𝛽₂𝑋₂ is the regression coefficient which represents the impact of a
change in the second independent variable on the forecasted value of y, and is
calculated as part of the regression analysis; 𝛽ₙ𝑋ₙ is the regression coefficient
associated with the last independent variable; 𝜖 represents the error term which
shows the degree of variability between the predicted values of the dependent
variable and the actual values, which indicates the amount of error in the estimated
4.2.2 The Standardized Model
The multiple regression standardized score model (equation) is a broader
version of the standardized score equation used in simple linear regression. The
equation can be represented as follows:
𝑦 = 𝛽₁𝑋₁ + 𝛽₂𝑋₂ … + 𝛽ₙ𝑋ₙ + 𝜖
In the standardized score model, all variables are expressed in standardized (z)
score form. Unlike the raw score equation, where variables can have different
scales, in the standardized equation, all variables, including the criterion and
predictor variables, are measured on the same metric. Specifically, their means are
0 and their standard deviations are 1. In the standardized equation, 𝑦 represents
the predicted z score of the criterion variable. Each predictor variable (denoted as
𝑋 in the equation) is associated with its own weighting coefficient, denoted by the
lowercase Greek letter 𝛽. These coefficients are commonly referred to as beta
weights, standardized regression coefficients, or beta coefficients. Similar to the b
weights in the raw score equation, they are also known as partial regression
coefficients. These coefficients typically range between 0 and 1 as decimal values.
However, if the predictors are highly correlated (a situation known as collinearity or
multicollinearity), the beta coefficients can exceed the range of ±1. It is important to
address collinearity by either removing highly correlated predictors or combining
them into a single composite variable.
Each term in the equation represents the z score of a predictor variable
multiplied by its associated beta coefficient. In the standardized form, the equation
does not include a 𝑦 intercept since it is assumed to be zero and is not shown.

4.3 Step Methods of Building the Model

The step methods discussed here, which are part of the broader category of
statistical regression methods, involve a sequential approach to constructing the
regression equation. The decision-making process for selecting the order of
predictors in the model is primarily handled by software programs. The forward
method, backward method, and stepwise method will then be explored. Unlike the
standard method, these approaches build the model incrementally, one step at a
time. The main objective of these step methods is to create a model that includes
only the “important” predictors, although the notion of importance is relative to the
set of predictors included in the analysis. The methods differ mainly in how they
determine the steps for adding or removing variables from the model.
4.3.1 The Forward Method
In the forward method of multiple regression analysis, instead of including all
variables in the model simultaneously, independent variables are added one by one.
Each step corresponds to the inclusion of a single variable into the model. At each
step, the variable that contributes the most predictive power is selected, provided
that it explains a statistically significant portion of the unexplained variance in the
dependent variable. Typically, a significance level of 0.05 is used to determine
statistical significance. Once a variable is added to the model, it remains
permanently included. However, this permanence is not necessarily true for
variables added in the other step methods discussed. In the subsequent steps of
the forward method, the remaining variables are evaluated, and the variable with
the highest statistically significant partial correlation (the correlation between the
residual variance of the outcome variable and the additional predictor) is added to
the model, given that it meets the criteria for statistical significance. This process of
adding variables to the model is repeated for each remaining predictor, with the
variables already in the model treated as covariates.
4.3.2 The Backward Method
The backward method operates by gradually eliminating nonsignificant
predictors from the model, rather than adding significant variables. Initially, the
backward method follows the same step as the standard method by including all
predictors in the equation, regardless of their significance. However, this is just the
starting point for the backward method, while the standard method would stop here.
The model containing all variables is then examined, and significant predictors are
identified for retention in the next step. Nonsignificant predictors are evaluated, and
the least important one, whose removal would have the smallest impact on
decreasing 𝑅 2 (the coefficient of determination), is eliminated from the equation. A
new model is constructed without that particular independent variable, and the
evaluation process is repeated. This cycle of removing the least significant predictor
and rebuilding the model continues until only statistically significant predictors
remain in the equation.
4.3.3 The Stepwise Method
The stepwise method of constructing the multiple regression equation
combines elements of both the forward and backward methods. It follows the same
procedure as the forward method until the point where a third predictor is added to
the equation. At this stage, the stepwise method diverges and introduces the
possibility of removing a predictor if it is deemed insignificant. The stepwise method
starts with an empty model and gradually builds it step by step. Once a third
independent variable is included, the stepwise method allows for the removal of an
independent variable if it is not contributing significantly to the prediction of the
dependent variable. In order to be included in the model, predictors must
demonstrate a statistically significant contribution (p ≤ .05) to the variance explained
by the dependent variable.
This entry criterion is more stringent than the removal criterion. This
distinction is important to prevent variables that were removed in one step from
being re-entered in subsequent steps due to a lower threshold for entry. By setting
a higher standard for entry than for removal, the stepwise procedure avoids the
potential issue of variables repeatedly being removed and re-entered, creating an
endless loop.

5 Methodology
The data on various variables that affect global temperature increase such
as coal, oil, gas, bioenergy, renewables and nuclear were first collected by the
researchers using the EN-ROADS. The researchers then applied the multiple linear
regression to analyze the relationship between the dependent variable and
independent variables. With that being said, the researchers can then predict the
behavior of the dependent variable which is the global temperature change at a
given value of the independent variable namely coal, oil, gas, bioenergy,
renewables, and nuclear. This prediction can be used to forecast the potential
impact of world primary energy supply on global temperature change in the near
future. Additionally, the researchers also used the stepwise method to improve the
accuracy of the prediction.
The accuracy of the model’s predictions was validated by comparing them to
actual data from past years. The validation process will confirm the model’s validity
for forecasting future scenarios. The detailed methodology will provide policymakers
and stakeholders with valuable insights on the most effective ways to address
climate change by promoting the use of renewable energy and limiting the utilization
of non-renewable sources through taxes.

6 Results and Discussion

This section of the study will discuss the various methods and
statistical techniques that was employed to address the Statement of the Problem.

6.1 Multiple Regression Analysis

Figure 1.1 Tests of Significance in the Regression Analysis

The model built was statistically significant, 𝐹(6,6) = 1989.930, 𝑝 < 0.05.
Figure 1.2 Model Summary

As shown in the given table above, the value of R is 1.000 which indicates a
good level of prediction. The model accounted for approximately 99.9% of the
variance of temperature change (𝑅 2 = .999, 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅 2 = .999) meaning to say
that it can be explained by the predictors nuclear, renewables, oil, coal, bioenergy,
and gas.

Figure 1.3 Coefficients

Based on the Figure 1.3, the multiple regression model is as follows:

𝑦 = .443 − .003𝑋₁ − .001𝑋₂ + .000𝑋₃ + .009𝑋₄ + .020𝑋₅ + 0.38𝑋₆
where y is the temperature change being predicted, 𝑋₁ as coal, 𝑋₂ as oil, 𝑋₃ as gas,
𝑋₄ as bioenergy, 𝑋₅ as renewables, and 𝑋₆ as nuclear. The model illustrates that
when all predictors remain constant then the predicted value of temperature change
will be .443. On the other hand, the model shown that for every increase in coal
there is a decrease of .003 in temperature change, holding other predictors
constant. Same goes with oil, as it increases there will be a decrease of .001 on
temperature change, holding other predictors constant. For gas, there will be no
effect in the temperature change as it is equivalent to .000. However, in the case of
bioenergy there will be an increase of .009 in temperature change every time it
increases, holding other predictors constant. As renewables increases, temperature
change increase also at .020, holding other predictors constant. Lastly, there will be
an increase of .038 in temperature change every time nuclear increases, holding
other predictors constant.

Figure 1.4 Observed and Predicted Values of Temperature Change using the
mathematical model 𝑦 = .443 − .003𝑋₁ − .001𝑋₂ + .000𝑋₃ + .009𝑋₄ + .020𝑋₅ +

Year Y Obs Y Pred

2010 1.04 1.02202
2011 1.06 1.03963
2012 1.08 1.05968
2013 1.1 1.07954
2014 1.12 1.09844
2015 1.14 1.1173
2016 1.16 1.14143
2017 1.19 1.16388
2018 1.21 1.18611
2019 1.23 1.20835
2020 1.26 1.23381
2021 1.28 1.25918
2022 1.31 1.28577
Figure 1.5 Scatterplot of Observed and Predicted Values of Temperature Change

Based on the Figure 1.5, the visual representation of the observed data
points are being closed to the predicted values.

6.2 Multiple Regression Results Using Stepwise Method

Figure 2.1. Tests of Significance for Each Step in the Regression Analysis
Upon examining the output presented in Figure 2.1, it becomes apparent that
the final model was constructed in three steps, each resulting in a statistically
significant model. The analysis of the degrees of freedom column indicates that one
variable was added during each step, thereby increasing the count of predictors in
the model. Furthermore, a deduction can be made that no variables were removed
from the model, as the count of predictors steadily increased from 1 to 3.
This deduction regarding the absence of variable removal is supported by
the information displayed in Figure 2.2, which tracks the variables entered and
removed at each step. The figure clearly illustrates that renewable, nuclear, and
coal were successively entered in steps 1 through 3, with no variables being
removed throughout the process.

Figure 2.2. Variables that were Entered and Removed

Figure 2.3 Model Summary

Figure 2.3 presents the Model Summary, displaying the R Square and
Adjusted R Square values for each step, as well as the corresponding R Square
Change. In the first step, renewables were introduced into the model, resulting in an
R Square value of .984. This value coincides between with the square of the
correlation between renewables and temperature change (.992 = .984), which is
also indicated as the R Square Change. Moving to the second step, nuclear was
added to the model, leading to an R Square value of .999 when both predictors were
included. This indicates a gain of .015 in the R Square value (.999 - .984 = .015),
which is reflected in the R Square Change for that step. By the end of the third step,
the R Square value reached .999, matching the 𝑅 2 value obtained using the
standard method, which included other statistically nonsignificant variables in the
Figure 2.4 Coefficients

Based on the Figure 2.4, the model using stepwise method is as follows:
𝑦 = .551 + .020𝑋₁ + .050𝑋₂ − .002𝑋₃
where y is the temperature change being predicted, 𝑋₁ as renewables, 𝑋₂ as
nuclear, 𝑋₃ as coal. The model illustrates that when all predictors remain constant
then the predicted value of temperature change will be .551. On the other hand, the
model shown that for every increase in renewables, temperature change increases
also at .020, holding other predictors constant. Additionally, there will be an increase
of .050 in temperature change every time nuclear increases, holding other
predictors constant. Lastly, the model shown that for every increase in coal there is
a decrease of .002 in temperature change, holding other predictors constant.
Figure 2.5. Observed and Predicted Values of Temperature Change using the
mathematical model 𝑦 = .551 + .020𝑋₁ + .050𝑋₂ − .002𝑋₃

Year Y Obs Y Pred

2010 1.04 1.04924
2011 1.06 1.0702
2012 1.08 1.09066
2013 1.1 1.1109
2014 1.12 1.13132
2015 1.14 1.15076
2016 1.16 1.17408
2017 1.19 1.19592
2018 1.21 1.21786
2019 1.23 1.24078
2020 1.26 1.26734
2021 1.28 1.29346
2022 1.31 1.3189

Figure 2.6 Scatterplot of Observed and Predicted Values of Temperature Change

Based on the Figure 2.6, the visual representation of the observed data
points was so closed to the predicted values.
Upon utilizing stepwise method in multiple regression analysis, the model
became more accurate as presented by the graphical representation
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5 References 3.1 General references

En-ROADS. (n.d.).
EPA (2016). Climate Change Impacts. Retrieved from:
Longwell, J. (1995). Coal: Energy for the future. Progress in Energy and
Combustion Science, 21(4), 269–360.

Magazzino, C., Mele, M., & Schneider, N. (2021). A machine learning approach on the
relationship among solar and wind energy production, coal consumption, GDP, and CO2
emissions. Renewable Energy, 167, 99–115.
Houghton, J. (2005). Global warming. Reports on Progress in Physics, 68(6), 1343–1403.
Malkevitch, J. (2023). Mathematical Modeling. Retrieved from:
Miller, R. G. (2006). Inside global warming. Science Scope, 30(2), 56–60.
Ottinger, R. L., & Miller, S. E. (2010). Bioenergy in Developing Countries: Potential and
Risks. Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review, 1(1), 23–32.
Ottinger, R. L., & Williams, R. (2002). RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES FOR
DEVELOPMENT. Environmental Law, 32(2), 331–368.
Sharma, S. (2014). Nuclear Power in the Context of Global Warming. Economic and
Political Weekly, 49(17), 24–27. Suk, S. (2018).
Price on carbon. In An Estimate of Internal Carbon Pricing of
Korean Companies under the Emission Trading scheme (pp. 5–10). Institute for Global
Environmental Strategies.
The Paris Agreement. (n.d.). United Nations Climate Change.
Thorium. (2020). World Nuclear Association. https://world-
Union of Concerned Scientists. (2013). Gas Ceiling: Assessing the Climate Risks of an
Overreliance on Natural Gas for Electricity. Union of Concerned Scientists.
Wuebbles, D. J., & Jain, A. K. (2001). Concerns about climate change and the role of
fossil fuel use. Fuel Processing Technology, 71(1–3), 99–119.

6 3.2 Supporting references

Manjong, N. B. (2018). Modelling Sustainable Energy Transitions for Ghana. Pan-
Africa University (Institute for Water and Energy Sciences)
This paper contains information regarding the worldwide energy system that
one of Africa's countries has. It shows the measurement of the sustainability of
fossil fuels and scales of infinite renewable resources (wind and solar). They used
a dynamic system to model the interactions of the various intervening components
in the two subsystems under evaluation: the fossil and renewable sub-systems.
With technology progression, although fossil fuels progress faster than
renewables, they are quickly depleted. As a result of the study, it appears that
renewables are better energy resources for the Ghanaian economy than fossils.
Rooney-Varga, J. N., Kapmeier, F., Sterman, J. D., Jones, A. P., Putko, M., & Rath,
K. (2020). The Climate Action Simulation. Simulation & Gaming, 51(2), 114–140.
This paper discusses En Roads, which influences energy and climate policy
decisions. With the help of Climate Action Simulation by En-ROADS, people can
understand the relationship between energy supply and climate. The paper also
shows how it works by planning, listing the material, and displaying the layout,
sequence, and outline for the Climate Action Simulation role-play. According to the
findings in the study, Climate Action Simulation enhances understanding of the
climate-energy system while also increasing emotional engagement with climate
change and the energy shift necessary to address it.

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