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P: (Mientras camina) Uffff I’m already late, I have to go pick up my children.

E: Dad, Dad, we are here.

P: Oh there they are, (los abraza), hey guys, did you wait long?

A: Just a little, don’t worry. Dad, can we go eat something? It’s that I’m very hungry.

E: Me too Dad.

P: Okay, let’s go eat, I know a place around the corner.

(Caminan hacia el lugar de comida rápida, los hijos van buscar una mesa, Y el papá se acerca al

J: Good afternoon Mr , welcome to Fast Food, how can I help you?

P: Good afternoon, I would like to see the menu. What is there to eat?

J: We have a hamburger, salchipapa, hot dog and pizza.

P: (gira a ver a los niños) Children, what do you want to eat?

E: I want a cheeseburger without ketchup please

A: I’m going to want a slice of pizza.

P: Okay, make it a hamburger, pizza and for me a salchipapa please.

J: And do you offer them something to drink?

E: A small glass of Fanta for me please

P: A personal bottle of Coca Cola

A: A glass of lemonade, please.

J: Okay, your order will be ready in a moment.

P: Thank you very much. (Se sienta y empieza a hablar con sus hijos)

P: and how was school?

A: Very good, today I had Spanish class with teacher Akemi, her class is very interesting.

E: Exactly, her class is so dynamic, I would like the finance class to be like this

P: Good daughter, and you?

E: I had a math test today, I finished it very fast, it was easy to do.

P: I’m very happy for you

E: and dad, where is mom?

A: They said they would come together.

P: She couldn’t come, she’s very busy at her office.

A: I understand, I hope I don’t get home too late, the sky is cloudy.

E: Dad, can Mom bring some sweets when I get home?

A: Eduardo, you only think about sweets.

E: You are a liar, That is not true, plus I deserve it for being a good student.

P: hahaha calm children, I’ll call her later to tell her to bring the sweets.

(el vendedor habla al señor)

J: Mr, your order is ready. (el padre recoge la comida y la lleva a la mesa)

P: Eduardo, here is your hamburger (Le entrega su hamburguesa)

E: thank you, Just that I wanted

P: April, the pizza for you (le pasa su pizza)

A: thank you

P: and this for me (tomando lo que pidió lo pone sobre la mesa).

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