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Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference


ENCE September, 2. - 6. 2013

Hermetia illucens application in management of

selected types of organic waste
Markéta Žáková Marie Borkovcová
Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and
Apiculture Apiculture
Faculty of Agronomy of Mendelu in Brno Faculty of Agronomy of Mendelu in Brno
Brno, Czech Republic Brno, Czech Republic

Abstract— The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
of using the insect Hermetia illucens for treatment of different
types of organic waste. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens A. Material
(L.), is a nonpest and warm-temperature region insect that is For experiments we used insect that is commonly
useful for bioconversion of putrescent waste. Lab scale recognized as a forensic indicator for determination post
experiments were used for evaluation of potential of the mortem interval: Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758).
biodegradable municipal waste materials (kitchen residues, grass,
Biological classification is to Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae.
sewage sludge, separated solid material from biogas plant)
reduction by Black soldier fly larvae. We concluded that the use
Often this insect is called Black soldier fly. Larvae were bought
of black soldier fly larvae has a great potential in organic waste from commercial breeding MD Terraristik Ammerweg
management. The highest weight reduction of waste material (by (Germany) where they are offered as a feed for pets (reptile,
66.53% of the original mass) was reached in waste plant tissues. amphibian, insect). This insect is not widespread but is
Weight reduction for food scraps – highly problematic kind of common in warmer regions of the Czech Republic. Incidence
waste - was calculated by 46.04%. Worst results were achieved of Hermetia illucens in Europe is shown from Second World
with compost tea from garden waste – larvae reduced the initial War as majority non-original kinds of Diptera from North
amount of waste by only 8.47%. Firstly grubs finished their life America [9] thus Black soldier fly is not original kind in the
cycle after 35 days in catering waste, together with waste plant Czech Republic. Larvae were delivered in packages of 120
tissues, quality culled biodegradable municipal waste and poorly pieces in breeding substrate (millet), the size of the larvae at
culled biodegradable municipal waste. delivery was 0.5 mm in average (from 0.2 to 0.7 mm).
Keywords- Black soldier fly; waste management; strategy of Experimental spaces: Experiments were carried out in 2012
municipal in biological laboratory without special equipment at the
Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and
I. INTRODUCTION Apiculture, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, where
the relatively standard humidity and temperature were ensured.
From a perspective of a waste manager, advantageous Experimental containers: BioPod Plus (Prota Culture™
features of Hermetia illucens (HI) (Linnaeus, 1758) is no LLC, USA) is especially designed according to typical
preferences of animal or vegetable origin of consumed behaviour of Hermetia illucens in order to consume waste.
material. Neither is there a necessity to separate waste of Larvae (grubs) consume waste in the body of BioPod Plus,
vegetable origin for composting technology nor the waste of consequently climb after migration ramp to the harvest bucket,
animal origin for processing of biogas as traditional ways are when grubs want to become pupae.
required. It is known that Hermetia illucens larvae are used for
reducing weight of food waste [1][2] and for reducing weight Pupae can be either a feeding or can emerge adults who in
of manure [3][4][5][6]. For very favourable results, the usage appropriate temperature conditions mates and they sit on the lid
of HI for the treatment of organic waste is discussed not only in BioPod Plus where adults lay their eggs. New small larvae
states, where the incidence of HI natural [7] but also in states hatched from eggs crawl holes in the lid for the waste which
where you will need to use controlled breeding [8], as in the closes a development cycle of HI.
case of Czech Republic. Thus, if we assume that the use of HI For measuring of temperature and humidity we used
will be possible in Czech Republic, then we need to find out sensors type Minikin TH and TT (EMS Brno, Czech Republic).
which other types of organic waste could be effectively weight- These sensors work permanently and they save values every
reduced by larvae of Hermetia illucens, and this was the aim of ten minutes as we set. Average temperature was 27.2°C and
this research. * average humidity 45.2%.

This report was supported by the IGA - Internal Grant Agency
Faculty of Agronomy MENDELU No. IP 6/2013.

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Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference


ENCE September, 2. - 6. 2013

B. Experimental Methodology Larvae could consume significantly less waste where to

Principle of methodology was to compare several types of liquefaction occurred gradually. The second highest reduction
biodegradable waste from perspective of possible involvement (at 53.96% of the original mass) was conducted in food scraps
of HI for treatment. For this purpose it was selected 14 types of that were sufficiently moist and without hard parts.
waste (Table 1). 10 kilograms of type of waste were added to Temperature and humidity are important conditions for living,
each experimental pod and 240 pieces larvae (two growth and activities of insects generally. For insects Hermetia
commercially supplied boxes) of size 0.2 to 0.7 mms were illucens ideal temperature range is between 27 and 37°C which
added. The experiment was terminated on the day when the guarantees 74-97% survival [11]. Larvae Hermetia illucens
first adults began to hatch. First adults started to hatch after 35 consume also waste in low temperature conditions but not very
days from beginning of experiment. In this moment quickly because their behaviour is generally slower. The lowest
experiments were stopped. This experiment was for the temperature for satisfactory consuming waste was determined
purpose of statistical evaluation repeated 5 times. Always at the on value 21°C. Optimum value of moisture varies according to
end of the experiment consideration of waste residues was the different stages of the development cycle HI. Particularly
performed. Residues were taken from BioPod on the device for after the larvae leave the stage larvae posfeeding their food
weighing. Grubs, pupae and adults were measured after source, they are exposed to ambient humidity which value
finishing the experiment, from each pod or harvest bucket 30 significantly affects the pupation and emergence of adults [8].
specimen were taken and measured. All results were statistic The average humidity was 45.2% in our experiments. These
evaluated by one-way analysis of the variance-ratio test, average values were sufficient for development of flies and
including post-hoc Tukey’s test. their consuming of waste. Some larvae finished their life cycle
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION after 35 days in these conditions. It was in catering waste,
together with waste plant tissues; quality culled biodegradable
During the 35 days of testing, larvae have reached different municipal waste and poorly culled biodegradable municipal
stages of development: larvae, pupae or adults (Tab. I). waste. In other types of waste, however, development took
Average decrease of waste was calculated for each of them. In place at the same temperature and humidity, development was
group 1 the larvae reached the stage of "adults". The average significantly slower, which was evident from the size of the
reduction in this group was 48%, unconsumed remnants were larval stages and their behaviour (the size of the larvae at the
52%. HI in group 2 reached developmental stages of "pupae", end of the experiment and their behavioural activities are in
and the average waste reduction in this group was 18% of the Tab. I.). Development of Hermetia illucens larvae at warm
original weight. In group 3, the larvae almost did not evolve, 27,8°C temperature subsequent completion of the life cycle can
and did not even reach the stage of pupae. The average require an additional 55 days [12].
reduction of residues in this group was 14%. Detailed results
for each type of waste are given in Tab. I. From our observation, however, the development of the
larvae of Hermetia illucens depends not only on temperature,
The highest reduction of waste material (on 33.47% of the but also on different types and amount of decaying materials
original mass) was reached in waste plant tissues. Slightly and the proportion of liquid food components. The life cycle of
worse results were seen in the groups: quality culled Hermetia illucens did not finish in these pods: offprint from
biodegradable municipal waste, catering waste garden waste, processing biogas, waste from rain drains, sludges from
food scraps and poorly culled biodegradable municipal waste. treatment of waste water. Reasons may be the moisture of
Reduction was at 53.96% of the original mass for food scraps materials and the amount of suitable nourishment.
and 65.02% for poorly culled biodegradable municipal waste.
For other types of waste was reduced to only 82.03% of the Pupae and consequently adults are suitable for making
original mass waste (waste from rain drains) or even just other generation of Hermetia illucens. There is a possibility to
97.81% (Garden waste). use pupae and adults as a feed for fish [13], reptiles and other
pets. Other potential area where insects Hermetia illucens
Different reduction may be influenced by many factors. A could be used is a prevention of waste production.
significant factor is amount and composition of bacteria in the
digestive tract of the larvae HI [2]. It could be impact on This option is interesting from the perspective of municipal
growth and development of larvae HI after inoculating poultry waste management that is inherent problematic for further use
manure with bacteria from HI larvae [4]. The actual weight of the material (composting, processing into biogas) as required
reduction may not be the only indicator of positivity using by Directive 2008/98/EC of European parliament and of the
larvae HI processing biological waste. It was demonstrated an Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain
increase in ammonia (NH4+) concentration five-to sixfold Directives, which provides landfill as a last level of hierarchy
relative to unprocessed leachate by larvae [10]. of waste management.
The best results were achieved in those BioPods which
contained pasty fraction of waste since the start of experiment.

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Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference


ENCE September, 2. - 6. 2013

Serial Types of waste Weigh of Reduction Standar How Stage of life cycle Score Homog Size of
number of materials remains of waste d much% of Hermetia illucens size / eneous grubs,
attempt [g] weight deviation original after 5 weeks of stage group, pupa
after 35 weight consuming of the and
days [g] remained develo signific adults
pment ance [mm]
1 Waste plant tissues 3347 6653
33.47 Adults flaying out 1 B 3
2 Garden waste 8758 1242
87.58 Medium pupa 2 A 2.7-3.5
3 and water, consequently 9153 847 91.53 Swimming grubs A 1.7-2.7
compost tea [ml] 83.7 2
4 Chicken droppings (hen 8320 1680 83.20 Medium pupa A 2.7-3.5
manure) 183.6 2
5 Cow manure 9025 974 90.25 Small pupa A 1.0-2.7
142.6 2
6 Offprint from processing 9125 875 91.25 Small grubs A 1.0
biogas (dried part of
digestate) 83.8 3
7 Waste from rain drains 8203 1797 82.03 Small, medium grubs A 1.0-1.7
180.1 3
8 Sludges from treatment 8448 1552 84.48 Small grubs A 0.5-1.0
of waste water 147.7 3
9 Quality culled 5525 4475 55.25 Adults flaying out B 3
biodegradable municipal
waste 1093.1 1
10 Catering waste 5411 4589 54.11 Mating adults, extremely B 3.5
428.1 large pupa 1
11 Food scraps 4604 C 3.0-3.5
5396 431.7 53.96 Large pupa 2
12 Garden waste 8781 1219 87.81 Large pupa C 3.0- 3.5
122.8 2
13 and water, consequently 8306 1694 83.06 Swimming grubs 2 A 1.7-2.7
compost tea [ml] 192.6
14 Poorly culled 6502 3498 346.2 65.02 1 B 3
biodegradable municipal
waste Adults flying out

Legend: serial numbers 2-3 and 12-13 are defined after Waste Catalogue of Czech Republic and differ with amount of
biodegradable material

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Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference


ENCE September, 2. - 6. 2013


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