Debate Abortion

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Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can survive
outside the womb. It is a medical procedure that has been legal in many countries for
decades, but it is also a moral and ethical dilemma that has sparked heated debates
and protests around the world.

Our position is that abortion should be legal and accessible for all women who need it,
regardless of their circumstances or reasons. We believe that abortion is a fundamental
human right that protects women’s health, autonomy, dignity and equality. We will
present some arguments to support our position, which include some of the ones I’ll
introduce in the next few seconds:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 21 million adolescent

girls aged 15–19 years in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) had pregnancies
each year, of which approximately 50% were unintended and which resulted in an
estimated 12 million births. Many of these pregnancies are the result of child marriage,
sexual abuse, lack of education or access to contraception. Adolescent mothers face
higher risks of maternal mortality and morbidity than older women. They are more likely
to suffer from eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, systemic infections, anemia and
postpartum hemorrhage. Their babies are also more likely to have low birth weight,
preterm birth and severe neonatal conditions.

Abortion can prevent these adverse outcomes and save lives. According to the WHO,
safe abortion services are essential for reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. In
contrast, unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of maternal death and injury in
LMICs, accounting for an estimated 7 million hospitalizations and 22.800 deaths
annually. Abortion can also improve the quality of life and well-being of women and girls
who have unintended pregnancies. It can allow them to continue their education, pursue
their career goals, plan their families and exercise their autonomy. It can also reduce the
social and economic costs of unwanted childbearing, such as poverty, domestic
violence, child neglect and abandonment

I urge you to support abortion as a vital option for women and girls who face unintended
pregnancies. Abortion is not only a matter of health, but also a matter of justice, and
dignity. Thank you for your attention.
María argues that this is positive: "I think it's progress, not everyone can afford a private
For Sonia Lamas, spokesperson for ACAI (Association of Accredited Clinics for the
Termination of Pregnancy) and worker at the Dator Clinic, abortion is a right: ''women
exercise the right at 16, at 17 and from 18 years of age' '.
He considers the new abortion law to be positive because if the parents have
convictions or religious beliefs that do not allow it, "this way we do not leave any woman
under 18 years of age at risk if their families are told about their decision to abort" and
an advance since "it is a way for women to stop being protected in the exercise of our
And she assures that "to date there is no such training in the academic curricula."

Arguments against abortion Irene Sánchez, a retired pediatrician and collaborator of the
Madrid Foundation, are against it: ''Assessing my years of profession, it seems to me
that it is not an appropriate decision.
In addition, as a doctor, he highlights the negative effects that it can have on the
physical and mental health of minors such as “a lot of psychological disorder because it
is a very tough decision.


Today we are here to discuss one of the most important and divisive issues of our time:
abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can
survive outside the womb. It is a medical procedure that has been legal in many
countries for decades, but it is also a moral and ethical dilemma that has sparked
heated debates and protests around the world.

Our position is that abortion should be illegal and prohibited for all women who want it,
regardless of their circumstances or reasons. We believe that abortion is a grave
injustice that violates the right to life of the unborn child and harms the dignity and
well-being of the mother. We will present some arguments to support our position, which
include some of the ones I’ll introduce in the next few seconds:

Abortion is murder as it is the act of taking human life. We will show that life begins at
conception, and that the fetus is a human being with inherent value and potential. We
will also explain why the sanctity of human life is a universal principle that should be
respected by all civilized societies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
an estimated 73 million abortions took place worldwide in 20201. That means that every
year, more than 73 million innocent lives are lost to abortion, which is more than the
population of France or Thailand. How can we accept such a massive loss of human life
as a normal or acceptable practice?

Second, we will argue that abortion is not a matter of personal choice or privacy, but a
matter of social responsibility and justice. We will demonstrate that women do not have
the right to control their own bodies and reproductive decisions at the expense of
another human being’s life, and that they have a duty to protect and nurture their
children, born or unborn. According to the European Health Information Gateway, over
60% of abortions in Europe in 2021 were due to unintended pregnancies. That means
that most abortions could have been prevented by using effective contraception or
abstaining from sex. Why should women resort to killing their unborn children when they
have other options to avoid unwanted pregnancies?

We hope that by presenting these arguments, we can persuade you to agree with our
position, or at least respect our right to hold it. We also hope that by engaging in this
debate, we can foster a constructive dialogue and mutual understanding among people
with different views on this complex issue. Thank you for your attention.


Abortion is, simply put, killing a human life. The fact that science has used the excuse
that it is considered a baby from 12 weeks is just an excuse. They are babies, they are
important for the natality rate. If you hadn't wanted a baby, you would have used a
condom. God has blessed you with that baby, you can't let it go. As we have said
before, there is an immense probability that the rapist will present an erectile
dysfunction, so we cannot blame them for the women's carelessness.

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