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Report: Foreign Language Learning in Mexico

by Andrés Araujo

In a global world, speaking a foreign language has become a crucial ability to

successfully obtain a variety of opportunities in different fields. Learning a language could
be considered easier to acquire depending on variables such as the location, the mother
tongue, the motivation, etc. In fact, the prominent emergence of technology has facilitated
the access to language resources which has made possible getting knowledge from home.
Nevertheless, is the internet the answer to accelerate the process of learning a language?

In Mexico, authentic places are barely found to practice a foreign language.

Students of English deal with limited exposure not only in schools, but also at home if their
relatives have no awareness of it. Additionally, not all people have access to the internet to
increase their exposure to the language. On the other hand, those who do have access to the
internet face a lack of motivation which impacts their performance negatively.

Despite having thousands of indigenous languages in Mexico, people opt to learn

English due to its contemporary relevance. A large number of students have realized the
amount of opportunities which are offered as a consequence of mastering languages.

To sum up, regardless of the dearth of authentic spaces to put into practice language
skills, stakeholders should look for accessible alternatives which suit them. In other words,
there are multiple alternatives to achieve language proficiency. If learners expand their
motivation, there will be more growth in their language mastery.

Araujo, Vicente

Daniela Vicente Uc


There is a wide variety of content, but the main argument cannot be located. The
writing piece should be related to the topics of interest to the publisher, but the author is
only focused on the impact of FLL and the use of the internet, despite being related, might
not be of much relevance for the publisher.

Araujo, Vicente
Communicative assessment:

The author does hold the reader's attention. Complex ideas are presented in a very
simplistic way, which facilitates the reading, but the lack of connection between them
weakens the text as a whole.


The text has a very good organization, and the linking devices are used marvelously.


The vocabulary (such as ‘dearth’) demonstrates the vast knowledge the author has,
since its use was correctly done, since a word with similar meaning is used in a previous
paragraph. The tone and register are appropriate to the level.

Araujo, Vicente

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