Storyland June 2023

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JUNE 2023

Marlee and the Garden Surprise

Early one Saturday morning as mom and dad sleeps, six-year-old Marlee Ray
sits on the floor, drawing. She stops when she hears a bell jingling outside. At first,
she thinks it is Otto, the next-door neighbour’s dog but Otto doesn’t wear a bell.
“That’s not a dog!” She stands still and thinks. “It sounds like a baby horse.”
Marlee goes down the concrete stairs and onto the green lawn.
“Don’t hurt me!” something shrieks.
Marlee is astonished to see a winged purple horse with a pink
flowing mane tangled in the branches. She handles the unicorn with
careful hands and sets her free. “Oh, thank you!” The flying horse
somersaults in the air.
“My name is Bellabel. If ever you need help, just call ‘BELLAAABELLL’ and I
will come.” Up into the sky she flies and then is gone.
Later in the evening, Marlee tries to climb a pine tree
because it is more challenging than her slides. Marlee is a long
way from the ground before she looks to see how far she’s gone.
Dad hears her cry and tries to help. However, the branches keep
breaking. That’s it! Marlee snaps her eyes open.
That night Marlee sits proudly by as mom stares at dad’s
smartphone. It is there! Filmed proof!
Suspended in the air and lowering her daughter to the ground
safely by her clothes is a giggling Marlee in the teeth-grip of a
purple unicorn with a pink flowing mane.

1. If you could choose any kind of friend, imaginary or real, what kind of friend
would you choose?
2. What would be the best thing about having this kind of friend?
3. Do you think unicorns are real? Why or why not?
JUNE 2023

Marlee and the Garden Surprise

Early one Saturday morning as mom and dad sleeps, Marlee Ray sits on the
floor, drawing. She stops when she hears a bell jingling outside. At first, she
thinks it is Otto, the next-door neighbour’s dog but Otto doesn’t wear a bell.

Marlee goes down the concrete stairs and onto the green lawn.

“Don’t hurt me!” something shrieks.

Marlee sees a winged purple horse with a pink flowing mane

struggled in the branches. She sets her free. “Oh, thank you!”
The flying horse flips in the air. “My name is Bellabel. If ever
you need help, just call ‘BELLAAABELLL’ and I will come.” Up into
the sky she flies and then is gone.

Later in the evening, Marlee tries to climb a pine tree

because it is more exciting than her slides. Marlee is a long way
from the ground before she looks to see how far she’s gone.

That’s it! Marlee snaps her eyes open. “BELLAAABELLL!”

That night Marlee sits proudly by as mom stares at dad’s

smartphone. A giggling Marlee in the teeth-grip of a purple
unicorn with a pink flowing mane is filmed!

1. What kind of friend would you choose?

2. What would be the best thing about having this kind of friend?

3. Do you think unicorns are real? Why or why not?

JUNE 2023

Marlee and the Garden Surprise

One Saturday morning, Marlee Ray sits and draws on the floor. She stops
when she hears bell sounds outside. At first, she thinks it is Otto, the next-door
neighbour’s dog but Otto doesn’t wear a bell.

Marlee goes down the stairs and onto the garden.

Marlee sees a purple unicorn stuck in the branches. She sets
her free.

“My name is Bellabel. If ever you need help, just call ‘BELLAAABELLL’ and
I will come.” Up into the sky she flies and then is gone.

Later, Marlee tries to climb a pine tree. Marlee cries

because she had come a long way.

Marlee snaps her eyes open. “BELLAAABELLL!”

That night, Marlee keeps watching her picture with the unicorn in her dad’s

1. What kind of friend would you choose?

2. What would be the best thing about having this kind of friend?

3. Do you think unicorns are real? Why or why not?

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