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CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green


Being the leader in an industry like ours requires creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit
as well as individual freedom and accountability. At the same time, it takes discipline and
consistency. We must deliver the highest quality products to our customers on time, every time.
And we can do that through the Caterpillar Production System (CPS).

We have big goals and unlimited opportunities waiting for us. We simply need to get the work
done in the best way possible. The great news is that we know what we need to do and how to
do it. CPS is at the very heart of our enterprise strategy — and that’s for a reason. By making
CPS part of how we do business, we can deliver superior value to our customers, shareholders
and our people.

I also want to mention the benefits of CPS to you, because it only works if you make it work.
It’s already helped us deliver big improvements in safety. It’s given us a simple and effective
process for collecting and acting on your ideas and feedback. It’s helped us improve efficiency.
And it’s helped improve our product quality and velocity.

These outcomes are just the beginning. As we further embed CPS into our business, the
positive results to us and to our customers will increase exponentially. I am absolutely
committed to CPS, and I need your commitment too. We are on the verge of getting CPS right
where we want it. Let’s work together and use this system to its fullest potential. We all want
to be part of a winning team and CPS will help us beat our competition and maintain our global
leadership position for years to come.

Doug Oberhelman, Caterpillar Chairman and CEO

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 1



Chase Waste......................................................................................................... 10
Pull......................................................................................................................... 12
Make Value Flow................................................................................................. 14
Drive Standard Work.......................................................................................... 16
Even the Load....................................................................................................... 18
Validate Our Processes...................................................................................... 20

Put Safety First..................................................................................................... 24
Take the Customer’s View.................................................................................. 26
Go, See, Act.......................................................................................................... 28
Stop to Fix............................................................................................................. 30
Develop People.................................................................................................... 32

Actively Listen..................................................................................................... 36
Make it Visual...................................................................................................... 38
Align the Targets.................................................................................................. 40
Act Decisively...................................................................................................... 42

Acronyms.............................................................................................................. 45
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................. 47

2 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
The Caterpillar Production System (CPS) is key to enabling our enterprise strategy to
achieve our Vision 2020 goals. By building on the foundation of Our Values in Action
through the power of 6 Sigma, CPS drives continuous improvement by producing
measurable results in PEOPLE, QUALITY, VELOCITY and COST (PQVC).

Through the deployment of CPS, safety is being embedded into our everyday processes —
every modification generated is evaluated for its impact on the safety of our people. CPS
is also driving Caterpillar to maintain a high standard of quality in our order-to-delivery
processes, ensuring everything is done in order — right part, right place, right time — every
time. It is driving us to operate in an environment with less waste and greater flexibility,
which allows Caterpillar to increase velocity and maintain a flexible cost structure during
cyclical downturns.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 3
CPS drives excellence by uniting 3 Sub-systems essential to continuous improvement
– the operating, cultural and management systems. In the past, these sub-systems have
often functioned independently of each other. As we work smarter and eliminate waste,
the sub-systems will overlap, ultimately uniting in one sustainable system — CPS.

• The Operating System defines the physical layout of the facility, the movement
of materials within and between facilities, eliminating waste and other tangible
components of the value stream.

• The Cultural System is the human element of the value stream. The goal is to create
an environment in which people freely share ideas that enhance the overall process.

• The Management System is about coaching rather than directing, recognizing

and rewarding continuous improvement and communicating very clearly what the
customer expects and what is required to meet those expectations.

Within each sub-system, certain disciplines have to be mastered to ensure ultimate

sustainability. CPS has identified 15 Guiding Principles that define how we should
approach our work.

4 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Chase Waste: Drive for the continuous and relentless
elimination of waste in all processes, with priority on
safety and quality-related wastes
Pull: Only order what is needed, when it is needed, in the
amount it is needed
Make Value Flow: Increase process efficiency to drive
continuous improvement in the customer experience
Drive Standard Work: Standardize tasks and utilize
common processes as the foundation for continuous
The Operating System improvement
is focused on waste
elimination using 6 Sigma Even the Load: Synchronize and optimize inventory flow
and 6 Sigma lean tools with customer demand to manage variability
Validate Our Processes: Prove the process and technology
work before introducing them into production

Put Safety First: Place the highest priority on eliminating

safety-related waste
Take the Customer’s View: Make decisions based on the
customer’s expectations
Go, See, Act: See it first-hand to ensure thorough
Stop to Fix: Cease activity when a problem occurs to
correct it in process

The Cultural System is Develop People: Identify, attract and develop people and
focused on making change teams to build Caterpillar’s long-term capability
possible and improving the
way we work

Actively Listen: Conduct process improvement dialogues

at all levels of the organization
Make it Visual: Build the visual workplace to make
deviations visible at a glance
Align the Targets: Align initiatives to achieve or exceed
dealer business plan targets
Act Decisively: Make decisions by consensus, thoroughly
considering all options, and implement with a sense of
The Management System
is focused on creating
the measurements and
management structure
to support continuous

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 5
The ultimate goal of CPS is the elimination of waste in our processes from order to
delivery. Caterpillar / Dealer goal is to be recognized as the industry’s “gold standard”
in Safety, Quality and Velocity and Distribution. To reach that goal and sustain our
standing, we must eliminate waste — any activity that consumes resources but creates
no value for the customer.







6 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Creativity /
Capability Defects
Lost opportunities due Production or rework of out-of-
to poor safety and an specification parts; rework due
underutilized workforce to information errors or processes
not adhering to standard work

Inventory Production
Excess raw material, Excess supply beyond
work-in-process or the requirements of
finished goods inventory the next process

Waiting Motion
Lost time due to poor product Wasted movement
and / or process flow — made while working
shortages, bottlenecks,
down machines and errors

Transportation Processing
Excess and inefficient Work that adds no value
movement of work-in-process to the customer or business

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 7

8 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Drive for the continuous and relentless improvement in the elimination of
waste in all processes.

Use pull replenishment to only order what is needed, when it is needed, in
the amount it is needed. Properly executed, this eliminates excess inventory.


Increase process efficiency to drive continuous improvement in the
customer experience.


Standardize tasks and utilize common processes as the foundation for
continuous improvement.


Synchronize and optimize process flow with customer demand to manage variability.


Prove the processes and technology work before introducing them into standard
work. Improving our processes, risk is minimized.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 9
Drive for the continuous and relentless improvement in
the elimination of waste in all processes.

Waste – Any activity that consumes resources but creates no

value for the customer.

Most activities fail to create customer-perceived value.

Accordingly, the greatest improvements in performance and
EXCELLENCE customer service come from eliminating the large number of
THE POWER OF wasteful activities throughout the value chain.
We use CPS for Dealers 6 Sigma to eliminate eight types of
We put Excellence waste found in our processes.
into action when we
accept nothing but The worst waste, Unused Creativity / Capability, is failing
the best quality in our to use the full potential of the workforce. The other types
products and services. of waste are Defects, Inventory, Over Production, Waiting,
Excess Motion, Transportation and Over Processing.

As organizations begin to accurately specify value, employees

realize that there is no end to the process of continuously
improving safety, quality, velocity and cost through the
identification and elimination of the 8 Wastes.

10 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• We are trained to identify and eliminate the 8 Wastes for transactional as well
as operational processes.
• We use 6 Sigma tools to eliminate eight types of waste found in our processes.
• We utilize employee creativity / capability to drive Continuous Improvement in
our processes.
• Value stream maps are created for processes and ownership is assigned.
• Management regularly participates in waste walks to continuously identify
and address waste.
• Rapid Improvement Workshops (RIWs) identified from Value Stream Transformation
Projects are conducted to quickly and efficiently improve and deploy processes /
solutions that eliminate waste.
• We use standard global assessments to identify improvement opportunities.
• We continuously use customer input to identify and remove non-value added activities.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 11
Use pull replenishment to only order what is needed,
when it is needed, in the amount it is needed. Properly
executed, this eliminates excess inventory.

Pull – A consumption-controlled material replenishment

process. Pull replenishment strives to eliminate
Over Production.

TEAMWORK Pull aligns processes with customer requirements by

THE POWER OF reducing excess Inventory, one of the 8 Wastes. Pull
WORKING TOGETHER regulates inventory as we work to replenish only what the
customer actually consumes. In contrast, a push strategy
We put Teamwork promotes excess by building to a forecasted schedule, even if
into action when we customers do not require the products.
view our suppliers
and dealers as our
business allies.

12 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• All inventory levels are targeted to meet customer’s needs and avoid aged inventory.
• The next downstream process is also a customer.
• We use just-in-time strategy for bringing material to the point of use.
• We align processes to satisfy customer needs.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 13
Increase process efficiency to drive continuous
improvement in the customer experience.

Flow – The smooth, uninterrupted transfer of products and

service information through the value chain.

Complex processes without standard work are difficult to

understand and improve. Processes should be simplified
EXCELLENCE to flow smoothly from one station to the next. This makes
THE POWER OF it easier to identify problems immediately and promotes
QUALITY continuous improvement. With simplified processes, value is
created efficiently, one part at a time, at the pace of customer
We put Excellence demand. We must transform workflow, from processing to
into action when we forecasting, to order and build what is needed, when it is
focus on delivering the needed, in the exact quantity it is needed. We must drive
highest value to our toward increased process efficiency, triggered by the pull of
customers, always with orders directly tied to customer needs.
a sense of urgency.

14 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Customer satisfaction is monitored to drive continuous improvement.
• We meet or exceed customer expectations for response time to inquiries
and product delivery.
• We eliminate work not viewed by customers as adding value.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 15
Standardize tasks and utilize common processes as the
foundation for continuous improvement.

Standard Work – The identification and documentation of

the most efficient way of performing a task, based on current
tools, processes and thinking.

Standard work is the organization of tasks into the best

TEAMWORK known sequence of procedures to make the most efficient
THE POWER OF use of people, equipment and resources. It is based on four
WORKING TOGETHER elements: takt time, work sequence, planned method and
material management. Documented, repeatable standard
We put Teamwork work ensures performance consistency, contributes to
into action when continuous improvement and is critical to achieving high-
we conduct business quality products.
worldwide with
consistent global

16 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• We standardize and document tasks and tools to drive consistent process
execution by all dealer personnel.
• We closely follow CPS and 6 Sigma methodologies when improving processes.
• We leverage standard work across all locations to continuously improve
process efficiency.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 17
Synchronize and optimize process flow with customer
demand to manage variability.

Even the Load – The discipline of evenly distributing tasks among

team members.

To Even the Load, we must balance work between steps

in the process, and utilize the time advantage of having
EXCELLENCE differentiated availability to support. When necessary, work
THE POWER OF is moved from one process to another and / or the number of
QUALITY workforce members is adjusted. Balanced workflow reduces
the impact on people.
We put Excellence
into action when we
see risk as something
managed and as
potential opportunity.

18 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• All process capabilities are optimized across dealer’s territory to meet
customer’s demand.
• We align our resources to meet customer demand.
• Significant changes in business will drive resource workload balance.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 19
Prove the processes and technology work before
introducing them into standard work. Improving our
processes, risk is minimized.

Validation – Processes must be proven effective

when measured against our distribution, velocity and
cost objectives.

EXCELLENCE Because new technology and processes are often unreliable

THE POWER OF and difficult to standardize, we increase risk to our customers.
QUALITY To reduce that risk, we implement processes only after
they are thoroughly considered and validated. Due to the
We put Excellence complexity of dealer processes, we use 6 Sigma consistently
into action when we for future processes.
accept nothing but
the best quality in our
products and services.

20 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• We test process changes using simulation methods, a sample set of customers,
or employees, prior to implementing them into standard work.
• We utilize CPS metrics to ensure improvement targets are realized.
• We use a feedback system including customer satisfaction results to develop and
improve successful practices.
• Formal processes exist and are followed for review and approval of proposed
process changes.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 21

22 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Build a safety-first culture by placing the highest priority on eliminating
safety-related waste.


Make decisions based on the customer’s view and the long-term Dealer
strategy, even at the expense of near-term goals.


See it first-hand to ensure thorough understanding.

Cease activity when a problem occurs to correct it in process.

Identify, attract and develop people and teams to build the Caterpillar and
Dealer long-term capability.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 23
Build a safety-first culture by placing the highest
priority on eliminating safety-related waste.

Across the enterprise, the Caterpillar Dealer Safety

Commitment is for dealers to embed safety best practices in
everyday business processes. Every modification generated
in CPS for Dealers is evaluated for its impact on the safety of
our people.
“Our work on safety will never be
We put Commitment
into action when done. Everyday we have to maintain
we protect the health
and safety of others our focus and recommit to making
and ourselves.
our workplace safe for everyone.”
– Doug Oberhelman,
Caterpillar Chairman and CEO

24 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Health, safety and ergonomic risk assessments are completed for new and existing
operations. Risks are prioritized and controls implemented.
• Accidents and near misses are investigated to determine root causes and corrective
actions taken to eliminate health and safety risks.
• Safety audits are consistently performed to verify compliance with local,
state and country regulations, and corrective actions are taken when necessary.
• Leadership teams perform safety walks regularly to inspect all work areas.
• Safety metrics are posted on visual metric boards.
• Safety action items are tracked and completed with a sense of urgency.
• All areas have documented and enforce safety practices including expected outcomes.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 25
Make decisions based on the customer’s view and the
long-term Dealer strategy, even at the expense of near-
term goals.

To Take the Customer’s View, we must first understand the

customer’s expectations and then, communicate and align our
response to those expectations in a common language across
the entire value chain.
THE POWER OF The long-term strategy of Caterpillar is directly linked to
QUALITY customer satisfaction and loyalty toward our products
and services. We earn customer satisfaction and loyalty
We put Excellence through an enterprise commitment to excellence and the
into action when personal pride we take in creating and delivering high-quality
we take an Enterprise machines, engines and components. As all levels of the
point of view. organization Take the Customer’s View, we must also pay
attention to the well-being of the workforce in order to ensure
long-term success.

Our customers expect the highest-quality product, delivered

to the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity and at
the right cost. When we fail to deliver on these expectations,
we damage the integrity and reputation of our company.
Therefore, we must Take the Customer’s View to filter and
eliminate all non-value-added activity.

26 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• We are committed to excellence and take personal pride in creating and delivering
high-quality products and services.
• We gather Voice of the Customer to identify critical needs and wants, which are
translated into improvement opportunities.
• Metrics and processes are in place to drive customer satisfaction.
• Customer feedback and satisfaction data are made available to the general
employee population.
• Customer information including equipment population is maintained.
• Developing Standard Work for product and service delivery.
• We utilize customer segmentation to develop targeted strategies across all value streams.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 27
See it first-hand to ensure thorough understanding.

Caterpillar Dealers are committed to continuous improvement

through root-cause problem solving and teamwork before
corrective action is taken. Observing issues first-hand is
expected at all levels of the organization to ensure a full
understanding of current issues.

COMMITMENT The future-state a dealer culture is centered on supportive

THE POWER OF leadership. Leaders are expected to visit the customer
RESPONSIBILITY workplace regularly, providing machine and service support.
Leaders will seek first to understand current issues and make
We put Commitment informed decisions based on the expertise of those closest to
into action when the problem. Together, leaders and team members will work
we take personal to create, verify and deliver robust solutions. It is through
responsibility. this personal interaction that we will recognize and utilize
the full potential of all members of the workforce to ensure
sustainable results.

28 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Management is visible daily working with employees to achieve goals.
• For each problem, there is an assigned owner and data is used when performing
root-cause analysis.
• Our employees collaborate to ensure mutual understanding of crossfunctional processes.
• Managers are change agents and have an active role in sustaining process improvements.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 29
Cease activity when a problem occurs to correct
it in process.

Stop – The workforce is empowered to stop an activity if an

operation does not meet the quality criteria.

Fix – The root cause is identified and permanent corrective

actions are taken. Safety and quality fixes are always first.
THE POWER OF Caterpillar Dealers are committed to delivering quality
QUALITY products and services. We must always Stop to Fix problems
when and where they occur, to ensure customer satisfaction
We put Excellence at all times. When a process does not yield the expected
into action when we result, we focus on identifying and solving the root cause
accept nothing but problem; quick fixes and workarounds are unacceptable.
the best quality in our
products and services.

30 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Defects are corrected before reaching customers. Employees are empowered
to Stop to Fix all processes.
• Root-cause problem solving is utilized to identify Stop to Fix issues and implement
necessary corrective actions with a sense of urgency.
• Response time is measured and documented when a Stop to Fix issue is identified and
• Focus is on eliminating the defects, not just finding them.
• Employees are recognized for the prevention and correction of problems.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 31
Identify, attract and develop people and teams to build
the Caterpillar and Dealer long-term capability.

Team Caterpillar’s long-term success depends on our ability to

continually improve the way we satisfy our customer’s needs.
To accomplish this in the dynamic environment in which
we work, we need to further invest in building the skills and
capabilities of current and future members of Team Caterpillar.
THE POWER OF Accordingly, we have developed a Capability Building process
QUALITY in conjunction with 6 Sigma that will enable our current and
future employees to excel in the CPS for Dealers environment.
We put Excellence
into action when we: As part of our assessment and recognition process, dealers
• Provide employees will monitor progress toward their goals by creating dealer
with opportunities excellence through the certification of CPS green belts, black
to develop. belts and master black belts.
• Select, place and
evaluate employees
based on their
qualifications and

32 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Employees are trained in all skills necessary to be effective.
• Employees are recognized and rewarded for achieving goals and certifications.
• Individual training plans are in place to build long-term core competencies.
• Ongoing training programs are in place for new employees.
• Our training clearly defines skills needed for each job and enables behavioral change.
• We provide a process for acquiring the required skills and hold leadership accountable
for administering it.
• Performance evaluations of leaders and the workforce are tied to successful on-the job
application of the knowledge gained in CPS for Dealers learning and training sessions.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 33

34 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Dealer management actively conduct process improvement dialogues at all levels
of the dealer organization. Ideas from these two-way discussions are documented
and researched for potential implementation.

Simple visual indicators of department, team performance, and targets are
positioned in plain view so deviations can be quickly diagnosed.


Deploy cascaded metrics and targets across the value chain aligned to the
enterprise strategy supporting People, Distribution, and Velocity.

Make decisions by consensus and implement with a sense of urgency after
thoroughly considering all options.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 35
Dealer management actively conduct process
improvement dialogues at all levels of the dealer
organization. Ideas from these two-way discussions
are documented and researched for potential

Process Improvement Dialogues (PIDs) – Regularly scheduled

two-way discussions between leaders and their organizations.
TEAMWORK Focused on continuous improvement, discussions are
THE POWER OF supportive, open and honest.
When we Actively Listen, we work together to identify issues,
We put Teamwork solve root cause problems and implement corrective actions.
into action when we Ideas initiated in process improvement dialogues are quickly
foster an inclusive assessed, verified, implemented and documented. Additional
environment. support or capability building is provided when necessary.

36 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Meetings are held regularly in all areas to review objectives and problem
resolution status.
• A Continuous Improvement process is in place for management to review innovative
ideas from all sources.
• Customer value survey results are obtained and action plans are established to drive
customer loyalty improvements.
• Common standard metrics are utilized in process improvement dialogues.
• There is an established communication plan to ensure thorough understanding of
strategy and alignment of goals.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 37
Simple visual indicators of department, team
performance, and targets are positioned in plain view
so deviations can be quickly diagnosed.

Visual Workplace – Positioning of all tools, components,

charts and indicators to make production status visible at a
glance. Making all standards and targets highly visible in the
workplace enables quick assessment and understanding of
INTEGRITY the actual conditions versus requirements.
HONESTY When our processes and workplaces are visual, problems
and wastes become clear to all employees. We must strive
We put Integrity to make the entire workplace visual to enable the rapid
into action when identification and resolution of any condition that is abnormal.
we are honest and Problems and issues that are visible to all get resolved!
act with integrity.
Simple visual indicators of performance and targets are
positioned in plain view so production deviations can
be quickly diagnosed. Identified wastes are given the
highest visibility and generate opportunities for continuous
improvement through process improvement dialogues.

38 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Standard metric boards are in place with focused on People, Quality, Velocity and Cost
(PQVC) metrics and posted for all employees to view current conditions.
• 5S are part of daily activities and audits are regularly performed to ensure standards are
maintained. Examples of areas impacted are literature displays in dealer lobby and parts
counters, rental service store, service bays, and / or any other areas customers will visit.
• All equipment delivered to a customer is clean and presentable.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 39
Deploy cascaded metrics and targets across the value
chain aligned to the enterprise strategy supporting
People, Distribution, and Velocity.

Metrics and targets translate into numbers. Aligned and

cascaded metrics focus attention on achieving / exceeding
targets and help in setting clear priorities. In effect, Dealer
employees quickly understand how they can make a
INTEGRITY difference and contribute to Dealer business plan targets
THE POWER OF through day-to-day decisions. Promoting collaboration and
HONESTY teamwork between departments to achieve aligned goals.

We put Integrity
into action when
we are fair, open
and honest in our

40 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Our standard metrics are directly linked to the long-term strategy.
• Metrics are available and timely to effectively manage the business.
• Dealer PQVC goals are communicated, understood and aligned with Caterpillar.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 41
Make decisions by consensus and implement with
a sense of urgency after thoroughly considering all

When we Act Decisively, we make decisions by consensus

using 6 Sigma methodology. We discuss problems in the
current state, identify and validate root cause, and implement
the best solutions quickly, with the full support of everyone
EXCELLENCE involved.

We put Excellence
into action when we
focus on delivering the
highest value to our
customers, always with
a sense of urgency.

42 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
• Continuous Improvement projects are prioritized and implemented with a sense
of urgency.
• We evaluate, prioritize and assign Continuous Improvement issues and ideas.
• Successful practices are shared with Cat and other dealers for replication.
• Employees are empowered to take action and supported by their management team.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 43

44 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
BB Black Belt OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
CBR Critical Business Requirement OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
CCR Critical Customer Requirement OT Overtime
CE Cycle Efficiency PAD Profit After Direct
CI Continuous Improvement PCS Process Control System
CGCM Caterpillar Global Change Management PDA Pre-Delivery Audit
CPS Caterpillar Production System PDCA Plan, Do, Check, Act
CRC Component Rebuild Center PID Process Improvement Dialogue
CSA Customer Support Agreement PINS Percent of Industry Sales
CSF Critical Success Factor PM Preventive Maintenance
CT Cycle Time POPS-C Percent of Parts Sales Caterpillar
CVS Customer Value Survey POU Point Of Use
DBS Dealer Business System PPE Personal Protective Equipment
DC Deployment Champion PQVC People, Quality, Velocity, Cost
DCAL Dealer Customer Acceptance Level QCO Quick Change Over
DITL Day In The Life RCCA Root Cause Corrective Action
DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control RIW Rapid Improvement Workshop
DMEDI Define, Measure, Explore, Develop, Implement SAI Strategic Areas of Improvement
DMT During Machine Time SIMS Service Information Management System
DPM Defects Per Million SJP Safe Job Procedure
EBC Employee Balance Chart SME Subject Matter Expert
ECM Electronic Control Module SMED Single Minute Exchange of Dies
EHS Environment, Health, Safety S.O.S. Scheduled Oil Sampling
EOS Employee Opinion Survey S&OP Sales & Operations Planning
ES Executive Summary SPA Sustainable Product Availability
EPE Every Part Everyday SWE Simulated Work Environment
FIFO First In First Out SWES Standard Work Element Sheet
FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis SWIP Standard Work In Process
FREP Finance Representative SWS Standard Work Sheet
GB Green Belt TPM Total Productive Maintenance
GP Gross Profit VA Value Added
IPV In Process Validation VOB Voice Of the Business
KBA Key Business Activity VOC Voice Of the Customer
KN Knowledge Network VSM Value Stream Map
KPI Key Process Indicator VST Value Stream Transformation
LDLI Last Day Labor to Invoice WACT Weighted Average Cycle Time
MBB Master Black Belt WIP Work In Process
MGPP Multi-Generation Project/Process Plan WO Work Order
MRP Material Requirements Planning YB Yellow Belt
MSA Measurement System Analysis YTD Year-To-Date
NVA Non-Value Added
CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 45
5S – Five related terms that all begin with the letter “S” (in English and Japanese) to describe
workplace practices conducive to visual control and workplace organization. The 5Ss are:
Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. 5S implementation is required in Value Stream
Transformation projects and Rapid Improvement Workshops.

8 Wastes – The major wastes typically found in all value streams. They are Unused Creativity
/ Capability, Defects, Inventory, Overproduction, Waiting, Excess Motion, Transportation and
Over Processing.

Aligned Metrics – A set of performance measures designed to maximize results.

Andon – A visual management tool that highlights the status of operations in an area at a
glance. It signals whenever an abnormality occurs. A typical andon is a light or sign that
summons quick response from a designated individual.

Business Process Lead Time – The time it takes from receiving a customer order/request until
the order or request is fulfilled. This includes all value added and non-valued added actions
taking place within the process.

Capacity Planning – The process of determining the amount of capacity required to produce to
anticipated goals in the future.

Change Target – An individual who will be impacted by a change in such a way that
communication will be required.

Caterpillar Global Change Management (CGCM) – Process used at Caterpillar and dealers to
mitigate risks involved when change is required. Through the CGCM process, communication,
learning and reinforcement plans are developed to address identified areas of resistance.

Caterpillar Production System (CPS) – Tools and methodology that enables transformation to
eliminate waste in values streams, continually improve processes and achieve People, Quality,
Velocity and Cost targets.

Change Readiness Assessment – A tool which incorporates key statements from the CPS
for Dealers Guiding Principles to review dealership readiness to lead the change required for
long-term sustainability of process improvements.

Chase Waste – Drive for continuous and relentless elimination of waste in all processes, giving
priority to safety and quality related wastes.

Continuous Flow – Producing and moving one item at a time, or a small consistent batch of
items, through a series of process steps. This should be done in a continuous manner with
each step producing only what is requested by the next step.

46 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Continuous Improvement Board – Applies the “Make It Visual” Guiding Principle to sustaining a
continuous improvement process by providing a visual way to track ideas and issues submitted
in a work area. It promotes timely action and visibly tracks the status of ideas and issues.

CPS for Dealers Black Belt – A CPS for Dealers Black Belt will be able to solve business
problems through leading and coaching Green Belts in CPS for Dealers projects utilizing:
• 6 Sigma methodology (must be a 6 Sigma Black Belt to become a CPS for Dealers Black Belt)
• Value Stream view/focus
• PQVC (People, Quality, Velocity, Cost) process measurements and prioritization
• A CPS for Dealers Black Belt must be:
• CPS for Dealers “one way” Champion – 15 Guiding Principles and system process
strategy (there is only “one way” to do CPS for Dealers)
• Effective Change Agent
• Proficient in CPS for Dealers tools
• Focused on identifying and eliminating waste
• Capable of teaching Green Belts and Yellow Belts

CPS for Dealers Master Black Belt – A CPS for Dealers Master Black Belt is the person
responsible for training CPS for Dealers Black Belts. They will also be coaching and guiding
the Black Belts through their Value Stream Transformation projects and the Rapid Improvement
Workshops. A CPS for Dealers Master Black Belt is also a 6 Sigma Master Black Belt.

CPS for Dealers Website – The CPS for Dealers safe source supporting the global Dealer
network by providing the tools and resources to implement and sustain a continuous
improvement culture across customer service, sales, used, and rental value streams. The CPS
for Dealers Website can be accessed at:

CPS for Dealers Guiding Principles – The 15 Guiding Principles identify how we should approach
our work (“The What”) to integrate & sustain these 3 Sub-systems (see Sub-systems) to achieve
our customer’s expectations and meet our strategic business targets (“The How”). The Guiding
Principles are: Chase Waste; Pull; Make Value Flow; Drive Standard Work; Even the Load:
Validate Our Processes; Put Safety First; Take the Customer’s View; Go, See. Act; Stop to Fix;
Develop People; Actively Listen; Make it Visual; Align the Targets and Act Decisively.

Critical Path – The series of consecutive activities that represents the longest time path
through the process.

Cultural Assessment – Provides an end-to-end view across an organization to identify issues

and barriers to change. Employees can then develop the plans and actions necessary to
ensure successful change within the organization.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 47
Cultural System – One of the three sub-systems encompassed within CPS for Dealers that are
essential to continuous improvement (Operating, Cultural, Management). The Cultural System
is focused on making change possible and improving the way we work. Five of the 15 Guiding
Principles fall within the Cultural System: Put Safety First; Take the Customer’s View; Go, See,
Act; Stop to Fix; Develop People.

Cycle Efficiency (CE) – A measure of relative efficiency in a process. Represents the

percentage of value added time of a process through the critical path versus total cycle time.

Cycle Time (CT) – The total time required to complete one complete cycle of a process.

Deployment Champion (DC) – The individual who is responsible for coordination of appropriate
resources and removing barriers to a project team’s progress. The DC is the overall champion
for CPS for Dealers within the dealership.

Drive Standard Work – The process to standardize tasks and utilize common processes as the
foundation for continuous improvement.

Efficiency – Meeting exact customer requirements with the minimum amount of resources.

Employee Balance Chart – A graph depicting how work is distributed across employees in
relation to Takt time. It shows each element of each individual’s task and includes all value
added work and all non-value added work. It is a simple tool for designing efficient employee

Error Proofing – Methods that help employees avoid mistakes. Commonly referred to as Poka-
yoke (POH-kah YOH-kay)

Even the Load – To synchronize and optimize inventory flow with customer demand to manage

Five Whys – A tool used for finding the root cause of a problem. Why is asked a minimum of
five times to flow through the symptoms of a problem to arrive at the actual root cause.

In-Process Validation (IPV) – By using functional component testing equipment, physical

detection systems, non-contact sensing devices, leak detection systems and other quality
checking methods, the chance of detecting defects is greatly increased. It allows for the value
and status recorded to be traceable to the product and process. It is not random checks but
part of Standard Work.

Inventory – Material or information present along a value stream between or in process steps.

48 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Inventory Turns – A ratio showing how many times a company’s inventory is sold and replaced
over a period of time. Generally calculated by dividing sales by inventory, it can also be
calculated by dividing cost of goods sold by average inventory.

Kanban – A method of inventory control, originally developed in Japanese automobile

factories, that keeps inventories low by scheduling needed goods and equipment to arrive a
short time before a production run begins. It is also a signaling device that gives authorization
for a withdrawal or replenishment of items in a pull system. Kanban is Japanese for “sign” or
“signboard”. Kanban cards are the most common example of these signals.

Lead Time – The amount of value-added time and non-value-added time for a product to move
through the entire value chain.

Lean – A business system for organizing and managing product development, operations,
suppliers and customers relations that requires less human effort, less space, less capital,
less material and less time. The outcomes have fewer defects compared to what the customer
requires than previous systems used for production.

Lean Transactional – Application of Lean production to non-production business activities such

as information technology, accounting, human resources and administration.

Level – A steady quantity and mix of work moving through a process. Leveling enables faster
response to varied customer requirements. It helps to determine personnel, equipment and
material needs. Leveling enables production to efficiently meet customer demands while
avoiding batching.

Material Flow – Movement of physical items through the entire value stream.

Metrics Board – Provides a method to visually display the current status on PQVC (People,
Quality, Velocity, Cost) metrics being monitored within a group or area. Aligns with the Make it
Visual Guiding Principle.

Metrics Cascade – Drives toward continuous improvement by using metrics that align with
the defined strategy for an organization. Starting at the highest levels in an organization
then “cascading” down through to the lower levels. A metrics cascade encourages a more
educated workforce, gives a clear indicator of the status of the chosen metrics, encourages
root cause problem solving and ensures short term gains do not compromise long term goals.

Management System – One of the three sub-systems encompassed within CPS for Dealers
that are essential to continuous improvement (Operating, Cultural, Management). The
Management System is focused on creating the measurements and management structure to
support Continuous Improvement. Four of the 15 Guiding Principles fall within the Management
System: Actively Listen; Make it Visual; Align the Targets; Act Decisively.
CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 49
Multi-Generation Product / Process Plan (MGPP) – A tool used to visually depict and
communicate a long-term direction by describing interim versions (generations) of a product
or process. It includes the vision, the product or process generation and the platforms and/
or technology required to deliver the vision. It is the action plan for achieving a defined future
state with goals set on a four month and 12 month timeline.

Non-Value-Added Activity – An activity that takes time, resources or space but does not add
value to a product or service. The activity may be necessary, but does not add value from the
customer’s perspective.

One Piece Flow – Making and moving one piece at a time.

Operating System – One of the three sub-systems encompassed within CPS for Dealers that
are essential to continuous improvement (Operating, Cultural, Management). The Operating
System is focused on waste elimination using 6 Sigma and 6 Sigma lean tools. Six of the 15
Guiding Principles fall within the Operating System: Chase Waste; Pull; Make Value Flow; Drive
Standard Work; Even the Load; Validate Our Processes.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) – The Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) measure
of how effectively equipment is being used. The objectives of OEE are to monitor and improve
performance of critical equipment, guide and monitor TPM implementation and to better
analyze capital needs.

Quick Changeover (QCO) – To shorten the time required to changeover a piece of equipment
from the last piece of a production lot to the first good piece of the next
production lot.

Pacemaker – The point in a value stream that initiates continuous flow. It is the start of the
communication flow. It sets the parameters of how the supply chain will flow and from it
downstream processes should flow to meet customer demand. It is the only point that is
scheduled in the value stream and is where material from upstream processes is pulled.

Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) – Improvement cycle based on the scientific method of proposing
a change in a process, implementing the change, measuring the results and taking the
appropriate action.

Planned Inventory – Amount of inventory needed before each step in a process to keep the
process moving smoothly.

Process Improvement Dialogues (PID) – Regularly scheduled open and honest two-way
dialogues between leaders and their organizations focused on Continuous Improvement. They
are fact-based discussions on People, Quality, Velocity and Cost issues with a emphasis on
root cause problem solving.

50 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Process Maps – This is a diagram or flow chart that includes shapes and arrows, which depict
the process from beginning to end. Each shape represents an action within a process. These
maps demonstrate how the process will enable the dealer to improve performance relative to
best practices.

Process Owner – Person who has the ultimate responsibility for the performance of a process
in realizing its objectives measured by key process indicators, and has the authority and ability
to make necessary changes. They receive the solutions created by an improvement team (VST,
RIW, 6 Sigma), and are responsible for managing the improved process.

Production Kanban – A signal that specifies the kind and quantity of product an upstream
process may produce.

Pull – A just-in-time strategy for bringing material to the point of use.

Rapid Improvement Workshop (RIW) – A 6 Sigma DMAIC process completed in a nine-week

timeframe. Four weeks for the pre-work, one week for the workshop and four weeks for the
follow up. RIWs are a requirement of Value Stream Transformation (VST) projects. RIWs
should never be run as stand alone projects not identified within a VST

Scorecard – A graphical representation of the progress over time of some entity, such as the
dealership, a branch, functional area or work area toward some specified goal or goals.

Setup Time – The time required to changeover a piece of equipment from the last part of the
previous product to the first good part for the next product. Also referred to as “changeover time.”

Signal Kanban – An instruction to get, move, produce, order, or take some other activity with
production materials”.

Spaghetti Map – A tool used to document the movement of an employee while performing a
job. In an area that is improperly laid out the resulting drawing often ends up looking like a
“plate of spaghetti”. This involves either obtaining or sketching the layout of a work area and
mapping the employee movements in the area. This simple technique can also be used to
document the movement of material or information in a dealership.

Standard Work – The identification and documentation of the most efficient way of performing
a task using current tools, processes and thinking. It allows for the reduction of variation in
processes enabling the achievement of consistent safety, quality, velocity and cost.

Sub-systems – CPS for Dealers encompasses three Sub-systems essential to continuous

improvement. They are the Operating System, the Cultural System and the Management
System. Historically, these 3 Sub-systems have often functioned independently of each other.
The goal of CPS for Dealers is to ultimately unite the three into one sustainable system.
CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 51
Supermarket – Controlled, managed inventory sized to meet customer demand within Takt
Time. The intent is to supply downstream processes and is generally located near the supplying
process. The material within the supermarket is to be removed only with an authorized kanban
and replenished only with an authorized kanban.

Takt Time – Is the time allocated to produce, repair or recondition one part, product or unit of
service, based on the rate of sales, to meet customer requirements. Takt Time is calculated by
dividing the available timer per shift (hours, minutes or seconds) by the customer demand per
shift (in units).

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – This is a set of techniques to ensure every machine in a
production or service process is always able to perform its required tasks. It requires a defined
maintenance program for the entire life of equipment, standard procedures and checklists and
trained operators and maintenance personnel.

Validate Our Processes – Prove that processes and technology work before implementing them.

Value – The inherent worth of a product or service as judged by the customer and reflected in
its selling price and market demand.

Value-Added Activity – An activity that takes time, resources or space and adds value to a
product or service. The activity adds value from the customer’s perspective.

Value-Added Time – The time spent in value-added activity to produce a unit. Time spent for
those work elements that transform the product or deliver the service in a way for which the
customer is willing to pay.

Value Stream – All of the actions, value-added and non-value-added, required to bring a
product or service from order to delivery (starts with the customer, ends with the customer).
This includes actions to process information from the customer and actions to transform the
product or complete the service on its way to the customer.

Value Stream Map (VSM) – A simple diagram of every step involved in the material and
information flows needed to bring a product or service from order to delivery. A current state
VSM follows a product or service path from order to delivery to determine current conditions.
A future state VSM is a visual depiction of the target state and highlights opportunities for
improvement to achieve a higher level of PQVC performance at a specified future date.

Value Stream Transformation (VST) – An enabling process within the Caterpillar Production
System for Dealers. VST enables the 3 Sub-systems and the 15 Guiding Principles to deliver
sustainable improvements in People, Quality, Velocity and Cost performance.

52 CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Value Stream Transformation (VST) Lifecycle – There are four stages to a VST Lifecycle.
Stabilize, Flow, Pull and Level. Stabilize implies general predictability and consistent
availability in terms of manpower, machine, material and method. Flow is the connecting
of independent capable and stable processes. Pull is where production is based on goods
consumed by customer processes. Level is achieved when production is carefully balanced for
mix and volume of the products being produced.

Visual Workplace – The placement of all tools, parts, production activities and indicators of
production system performance so anyone can see the status of the system at a glance. The
practice of making all standards, targets and actual conditions highly visible in the workplace
so that actual conditions versus requirements are visible to all involved.

Waste – Any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customer.

Waste Walk – A team activity that requires walking through a designated area with the
purpose of identifying and then eliminating waste in the area. Team members should all have
been trained on the 8 Wastes prior to the activity. Waste walks occur at the beginning of a
Value Stream Transformation, a Rapid Improvement Workshop and at regularly scheduled
intervals after the completion of the projects.

Withdrawal Kanban – A signal that specifies the kind and quantity of product that the
downstream process may withdraw.

Work In Process – Any material in various stages of completion throughout the facility. This
includes all material from raw material that has been released for initial processing up to
completely processed material waiting final acceptance as finished goods inventory.

CPS FOR DEALERS MANUAL Version 2.3 Rev. 3/13 Caterpillar: Confidential Green 53
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