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- a co-opted member of an English county or borough council, next in status to
the Mayor.

2. Depreciate
- diminish in value over a period of time.
- disparage or belittle something

3. Remitted
- cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting a debt or punishment
- send money in payment or as a gift
- refer to an authority
- diminish

4. Tranquil
- free from disturbance; calm

5. Tableau
- a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or
from history; a tableau vivant.

6. Profound
- very great or intense
- having or showing great knowledge or insight
- very deep
- the deepest part of something, especially the ocean

7. Archaic
- very old or old-fashioned

8. Perverse
- showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is
unreasonable or unacceptable.
- contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice.
- sexually perverted.

9. August
- respected and impressive.

10. Cupola
- a rounded dome forming or adorning a roof or ceiling.
- a gun turret.
- a cylindrical furnace for refining metals, with openings at the bottom for blowing
in air and originally with a dome leading to a chimney above.

11. Perpetuity
- the state or quality of lasting forever.

12. Coquettish
- behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction; flirtatious

13. Vindicate
- clear someone of blame or suspicion
- show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified

14. Inextricable
- impossible to disentangle or separate
- impossible to escape from

15. Pauper
- a very poor person
- a recipient under the provisiond of the Poor Law or of public charity.
- a poor person who may bring a legal action without payment of costs.

16. Circumvent
- find a way around (an obstacle).
- overcome a problem or difficulty in a clever and surreptitious way.
- deceive; outwit

17. Virulent
- ectremely severe or harmful in its effects
- highly infective
- bitterly hostile

18. Acrid
- unpleasantly bitter or pungent

19. Lime
- a white caustic alkaline substance consisting of calcium oxide, which is
obtained by heating limestone and which combines with water with the
production of much heat; quicklime
- treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen
levels. Give a bleached appearance by treating it with lime.

20. Pallid
- pale, typically because of poor health.
- lacking vigour or intensity; insipid.

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