First Aid - Writing Practice

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First Aid - Writing Practice

1. Describe the first aid management required for a sprained ankle.

2. Outline the signs and symptoms of someone experiencing shock.

3. Describe the first aid management required for someone suffering

an anaphylactic shock.

4. What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? How

might diabetes affect sports participation?

5. What is a stroke and what signs may be present for someone who
has had a stroke or is having a stroke?

6. Outline causes of an asthma attack and describe the first aid

management required for an asthma attack.

7. Examine the potential dangers that may be present at a car


8. What is the first aid management for someone who has dislocated
their shoulder?

9. Provide examples of when a pressure immobilisation bandage

might be used for first aid.

10. Describe the first aid management required for a deep wound
spurting blood.

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