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Fase Única - Nı́vel 2 (8° ou 9° ano)

1 (ARO 2005 - 9.1). Given a parallelogram ABCD with AB < BC, show that the circumcircles
of the triangles AP Q share a second common point (apart from A) as P, Q move on the sides BC, CD
respectively s.t. CP = CQ.

2 (All Russian 2022) On a circle there’re 1000 marked points, each colored in one of k colors.
It’s known that among any 5 pairwise intersecting segments, endpoints of which are 10 distinct mar-
ked points, there’re at least 3 segments, each of which has its endpoints colored in different colors.
Determine the smallest possible value of k for which it’s possible.

3 (JBMO 2010). Find all integers n, n ≥ 1, such that n · 2n+1 + 1 is a perfect square.

4 (OBM 2022). Inicialmente um número está escrito no quadro. Então, a cada minuto, Esmeralda
escolhe um divisor d > 1 do número n escrito na lousa, apaga n e escreve n + d. Se o número inicial
é 2022, qual é o maior número composto que Esmeralda nunca poderá escrever no quadro?

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