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1. Avoid Negative Thoughts & Be Humble 2. Grab Opportunities floating Around 3.

Hustle &
Keep Moving 4. Invest Your Assets to Money Making Outcomes 5. Listen to Others 6.
Never Compromise on Your Decisions and Dreams 7. Make Good Connections in Your
Field/Niche 8. Keep Your Savings for Rainy Days 9. Keep Your Intention Right for the
Good Cause 10. Take Care of Your Health & Time 11. Avoid Distractions & Fight Alone
12. Think Out of The Box 13. Set Your Short-term Goals to Achieve a Bigger
Milestone/Target 14. Generate Money Making Ideas that Set You Apart from Others 15.
Never Cheat and Over Deliver Your Services With Honesty 16. Be Patient & Never Stuck
Yourself for Unnecessary Things 17. Learn and Unlearn by Updating Your Skills/Services
18. Be Consistent and Dedicate Yourself for Your Passion 19. Be a Good Leader 20. Be a
Good Storyteller and Mento

The business formula will change definitely over the years. What works in pak will not work
elsewhere for example.

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