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Do Thanh Nhan- Counter-argument

It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

argued disparaging imprinted cultivate forefathers ignorant

plagued appreciating proved agree grasp monotonous

It is ……………………. (1) that children at school should be taught about the history of
their hometown rather than that of the globe. I firmly ……………………(2) with this
view for the following justifications.

The main reason why it is of greater importance for schoolboys and schoolgirls to be
informed of the domestic history is that it helps them to ………………..(3) a sense of
patriotism and national solidarity. It is true that many parts of Vietnam were
………………(4) by numerous wars including French colonialism and American
imperialism. Therefore, if the young are aware of how their ……………….(5) bravely
fought against the enemies and sacrificed their lives for current freedom and peace,
greatly stimulating them to make more efforts in their study to become a useful citizen
accordingly. On the contrary, placing more priority on teaching young learners what is
occurring around the world would end up making them ……………..(6) of their local
historical values, depriving them of roots. Even worse, children may make
………………… (7) comments on their own history if exposed to outstanding figures
who achieved more resounding success in the world.

In addition, what happened to the children’s ancestors would be easier to have a

firm………… (8). Unarguably, the heroes and heroines in many wars are familiar with
young students as those names tend to be heard somewhere in daily conversations, even
……………. (9) in their minds through initial stories from their parents. By contrast, it
is …………. (10) challenging to memorize foreign names found in the lessons on
international history due to language barriers. Consequently, schoolchildren have little
difficulty in …………….. (11) the historic significance, thereby developing more
interest in the subject itself.

By way of conclusion, I totally believe that better emphasis should be placed on the
history of a student’s local area than the developments in global history, which both

Do Thanh Nhan- Counter-argument

strengthens the national identity and offers a comfortable and effective time learning
that ………….. (12) subject.

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