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Goñias Patatas

Business Narrative

Proposed To: Mr. Jater Jay Iman Sabusab

Proposed By: 12-hephaestus, Group 2

Rose Ann Ocenar

Stephen Troy Algentera

Cherry Lou Fuentiveros

Cryskka Mae Bisco

Jan Enricko Dela Rosa

Hershey Ciruelos

Joshua Espelita

Kenneth Carpio

Nicole Anne C. Sumanga

Al Neezar Makakua Pananggulon



II.Daily Accomplishment Report

A. Day 1
B. Day 2
C. Day 3
D. Day 4
E. Day 5
F. Photo Documentation
(Day 1-5)
III.Profit and Loss Summary


A. Rose Ann Ocenar

B. Stephen Troy Algentera

C. Cherry Lou Fuentiveros

D. Cryskka Mae Bisco

E. Jan Enricko Dela Rosa

F. Hershey Ciruelos

G. Joshua Espelita

H. Kenneth Carpio

I. Nicole Anne C. Sumanga

J. Al Neezar Makakua Pananggulon

I. Introduction

This narrative report provides the results of gonia patata's business operations. The narrative report
goal is to establish an outcome framework of the business operations. The business undergoes all
the procedures of the business plan. Our product is made with a distinctive Filipino flavor in mind,
with basic nutrients in potato and intriguing flavors suited for both youngsters and the elderly. As the
business motto says, "finest potato ever fried," the business offers consumers' satisfaction. People of
all ages and genders enjoy the range of tastes in our beverage product. I can proclaim the business a
success based on the initial five days of operation. As entrepreneurs, we will strive to keep the cost of
our products as low as possible without sacrificing quality. We emphasize the top class and nutritious
content of the food we provide in our marketing plan.

II. Daily Accomplishment Report

➤ Day 1\

At the beginning of our business. Each member of the business team agreed to a prepayment of 100
each and obtaining 800 pesos of capital to purchase materials and lease equipment. The products
are sold quickly, and we have generated 1721 pesos in sales and 921 pesos in profit.

➤ Day 2

On the second day of our business, the plan and roles of the business team are managed effectively.
Unlike the first day, on this day sales are partially purchased. with a generated income of 1381 pesos
and 581 pesos profit.

➤ Day 3

The third day of the business is a little hectic for the duties of the business team due to the team
members' busy schedules and a school examination, but we still manage to run the business.
However, the profits are minimal compared to the first and second days. with a generated income of
1234 pesos and 434 pesos profit.

➤ Day 4

On the fourth day of business operations, We began adjusting our business strategy in an effort to
boost the declining revenue over the previous three days. Many customers have contacted us and
set reservations as a result of our product's online promotion. Today, we earned 1520 pesos, leaving
us with a 720 peso profit.

➤ Day 5

at the fifth and last day of the business, we have finished and sold all the orders of yesterday
reservation, we finished the operation this day right away to celebrate the successful business
operation, today we have generated an income of 1495 pesos with a profit of 695 pesos
(Photo Documentation)

Day 1-5
III. Profit and Loss Summary

P&L (₱) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Revenues 1721 1381 1234 1520 1459

Cost of 800 800 800 800 800

Goods Sold

Gross profit 921 581 434 720 695

Capitalized 0 0 0 0 0

SG&A 0 0 0 0 0

Subsidies 0 0 0 0 0

Lease rentals 150 0 0 0 0

Other 0 0 0 0 0

Other 0 0 0 0 0

EBITDA 0 0 0 0 0

D&A 0 0 0 0 0

Operating 921 581 434 720 695


Financial 921 581 434 720 695


Financial 800 800 800 800 800


Proft (loss) on 0 0 0 0 0

Exceptional 0 0 0 0 0

Exceptional 0 0 0 0 0

Profit before 0 0 0 0 0

Corporation 0 0 0 0 0

Net income 921 581 434 720 695

IV. Conclusion

The entire business operation was a success; it has taught us a lot about the fundamentals of
operating a business, most of which were unknown to some of us, which is great because at the
conclusion of the operation, we have learned a lot about starting a business, in terms of purchasing
materials, producing a product, and selling the product.

After carrying out this operation, we have had time to think about it and make suggestions for
improvements based on the days we actually carried it out. Firstly, a business plan for a new
business should always reflect reality to ensure that its implementation in practice will go efficiently.
Second, student leaders and members should exercise caution when executing plans, roles, and
tasks, especially when the personnel can't handle the task, in proper operation, manufacture, of
service or product ads ordered by customer or client, Lastly, the business strategy is crucial for
coordinating the plans for the operation of the business and should be prepared for a successful
IV. Reflections

❖ Rose Ann Ocenar

I learned that starting a business requires both teamwork and hard work. We should be able to set
and achieve goals. It is not easy to start a business. We students have our own responsibilities at
home, as well as many school activities to complete, so it is difficult for us to manage and balance
our time in selling our product. We had a lot of issues, such as making a lot of mistakes while cooking
our spiral potatoes. We also had difficulty finding customers because we sell through peddling. The
variety of problems that can arise from not understanding the basics of money can damage our
business. As a result, we must keep in mind that making and losing money has a significant impact
on our business. Wealth management and accumulation go hand in hand. We need to allocate our
funds wisely if we want to make a lot of money. One of the key reasons for the underperformance of
investments is poor risk management. When it comes to risk management, you must be proactive,
comprehend the risk-return relationship, and take appropriate action. In this activity, I learned that
accepting failure is part of the journey and there's always a room for improvement and seizing
opportunities. In order to have a successful business, we need to believe in ourselves and have the
courage to do it. Consistency and patience is the key. We should also be wise in making a product so
we can avoid wasting a lot of money
❖ Stephen Troy Algentera

Over the course of five days, we faced many challenges, including finding the best materials,
manufacturing the product, and selling it. However, overall, I believe we handled these challenges
successfully compared to what we had anticipated. Our operation has experienced many failures, but
these setbacks have made us stronger and taught us valuable lessons.

A business strategy or plans are crucial for running a business, but before we conduct the business
operation, I lacked expertise and a clear understanding of what makes a good business manager.
I've since discovered that a good manager must enjoy their work, have a thorough understanding of
client wants, solid communication skills, and good analytical skills in order to be a successful

As the leader of the group, I find it challenging to manage my teams, since each member of the
group has a busy schedule and other priorities. Nevertheless, we worked together to complete the
task and supported one another. I divided the roles and tasks among us in accordance with the
member interests, and through effective teamwork, we successfully ran the business and acquired
valuable knowledge.
❖ Cherry Lou Fuentiveros

Doing activities together is one of the most satisfying and enjoyable things to do. We sold our product
to our friends, which initially worried me because I thought no one would buy it. I enjoyed selling
because it was one of my dreams, and I don`t know why. I believe we done great in our activity. I'm
hoping for more interesting activities because our entrepreneurship is taking shape.

I learned a lot from these activities. I also learned how to multitask like we did. While we are selling,
we are doing our PETA on MIL and 21st, on that day we completed two activities. We learned how to
help each other because we all need cooperation. And I think our activity was successful.
❖ Cryskka Mae Bisco

This activity is fun yet challenging. On the first day, we sold our product quickly because tornado potato is
new to some, as well as the second and third days. Sequentially, on our fourth and last day, we sold our
product in a different place to attract more customers. Throughout the process, we experience difficulty
with our product and materials. For instance, in making our product it was difficult for us to cut a perfect
shape for our potato, and a way of putting the cheese in the potato. In addition, since not many of us are
accustomed to selling products we are also having difficulty in selling them to other people, but even
though we encounter these problems, we still overcome them because of our teamwork. I gained a lot of
experience in this activity such as making a profit and handling a business even though it is not simple
because it requires a lot of effort like planning and strategy to make our product stand out from the rest.
Also in business, we need a sophisticated manpower and teamwork for us to sell our product quickly and
to accomplish our business plan.
❖ Jan Enricko Dela Rosa

In entrepreneurship, I experienced cooking and doing door-to-door sales. First of all, my sales
experience was a happy one. I also learned a lot while we were making and selling our product. I
have also explored a lot that I can use as a lesson when I start my own business or build one.
Second, while we were selling, I noticed that you can't start the business if you don't have enough
equipment. Just like we said, the machine took a long time, but the products are ready. all. Thirdly,
this is where you have to spend a lot but don't expect anything to be returned to you because it's like
a gambling business; you will fight but you don't know if you will win because the winning of gambling
is the income that can be returned to you. Fourth, this is where we are selling, and while we are
selling, we are having a hard time looking for someone who can buy our product because we are
selling at home, and it is just on the corner. Fifth, in our product that is being sold, it must be sold
immediately because if it stays in its container for too long, it will shrivel and not taste good to eat.

When selling, you need persistence and team work. This is also where your intelligence and your
sales strategy will be tested. Overall, my experience was a happy one because I saw that we all
struggled, as they say if you don't struggle there is no success.
❖ Hershey Ciruelos

We experience difficulty in producing and marketing our goods when we first launch our small
business, but we are able to overcome them with each other's support. I am aware that handling
money in business requires caution and mindfulness. To prevent the collapse of your company, you
must apply intelligence. We were equipped with tools and ingredients, making preparation simple for
us. We sold our products quickly on the first, second, and third days because it attracted the buyer's
interest because they were unfamiliar to them. We made the decision to sell it somewhere else on
the fourth and fifth days in order to attract more purchasers. I gained a lot from this experience,
including the fact that businesses must think of new strategies or ways to expand in order to maintain
our business and also to make our business grow
❖ Joshua Espelita

Based on the activity or the small business enterprise that we do, we encountered and overcome
challenges, not just in preparations of our products but also in selling it. At first, everything seems to
be going smoothly, but after they have tried and become familiar with our products things start to
change, so we decided to sell it on the other place. I've learned that in business, the constancy of the
profit isn't consistent, occasionally you won't make any profit, and other times you will, you just need
to come up with a new strategy or way in order for your company to expand and grow.
❖ Kenneth Carpio

I was first overjoyed that many individuals wanted to purchase our items, maybe just before they
became familiar with them. Our profit from this is still small. Because we are hesitant about asking
people to buy our items, my group and I have difficulty promoting them to our customers. After
completing this task, I came to the realization that running a business does not necessarily result in
success. To provide our customers more options for items to chose from and to purchase, we need to
get more creative with what we can offer them.
❖ Nicole Anne C. Sumanga
❖ Al Neezar Makakua Pananggulon

The experience has been rather challenging. Our product is relatively unknown. Although it's
basically just twisted fries. We had a hard time finding interested customers. But it was all worth it.
From preparing, cooking, promoting and to finally selling. There were things we didn't expect such as
the fact the there would be a handful rejected potatoes. And that our products value had to drop
because some of them went stale while we were trying to sell them resulting in not making the
desired quota. Experiencing how to run our business cannot be describe with a thousand words but If
i were asked to try. I'd describe it as an experience that isn't for me. It's stressful and time-consuming.

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