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Before Before After Wastes PIC

After stitching to heel lining to upper process,the operator of that process need to cut the
It is recommended to analysis from front Dept of cutting to fixed the sizes of heel lining and
extra heel linging and takes 10.62s for one pair because heel lining components size is not Over Processing Technology
fixed with vamp.

Undefined heel shape quality issue is occurs 2 pair in 20 pair.It need to repair again. It is recommended to take care from stitch and join process and next processes. Defect Production

The operator can't work easily to pick the shoes .Cause of the two roughing machines are
If behind roughing machine move to the east ,the opreator can easy to pick up the shoes. Motion Production
far to take the shoes for the operator.It's can increase the motion waste.

There has two extra machine in preparation area.One machine is between punching and
stitching and join quarter lat/med.Another one is between two machne of stitch and join It is recommended to remove two extra machines. Transportation Production
quarter lat/med.It is need to take transport time 3.45s between the processes.

There has one table and two seats between glue spray to press heel lining process and
It is recommended to remove one table and two seats to reduce tranportaion time of 3.45s. Transportation Production
hammering process.It need to take transport time 3.45s by hammering operator .
In preparation area ,the stitch and turn folded operators give
It is recommended to arrange the stitch and turn folded process for
backside the vamps to the next process after finishing her process.So Motion Production
more comfortable.
It cause motion waste and not comfortable for the operator.

There has 6MP for stitch heel lining to upper process and 2MP for
glue spray to attach collar foam process.The glue spray to collar foam
It is recommended to change the Layout for more convinient to
need to take the components from the line by walking to the Transportation Production
tranport between processes.
process.It take 15.35s to bring all components from six stitching

In preparation area, there are two MP and two machines for

It is recommended to try to reduce 1MP and 1 machine for attach
attaching size label to heel lining process. The CT is 12s and it Over Production Production
size label to heel lining.
should be one for this process.

In stitching area, there are 6 operators for stitching heel lining to It is recommended to try to reduce 1MP and 1 machine for stitching
Over Production Production
upper, the CT is 75.18s and it needs only 5 MP for this process. heel lining to upper.

Punching process opertor takes the componnets from baskets by It is recommended to place the WIP shelf to put the components to
Motion Production
curving body.It takes motion time 10s for one time.. reduce motion time.

In assembly area, oil are leaking in toe lasting machine and it doesn't
It is recommended repair the toe lasting machine not to leak oil. Safety TPM
match with HSE.

In delasting process, when the operator peels off the glue from It is recommended to put plastic bag under the machine to collect the
Others Production
lasting, glue are spread on the floor and the working area is dirty. glue from the lasting.

There is no marking in the scanning area which is used by all A2-2F

It is recommended to mark in floor. Others Production
This TPM bag is not match with 6S, because it is install with glue.
It is recommended to install by screw. Others Production
That is was dirty for machine.

Behind the heel counter shelf, tapes are placed with card box. It is recommeded to remove, or keep its with other shelf or basket. Others Production

In WIP shelf, there is no kanban sheet and data. It is recommeded to place and show the data. Others Production

This TPM bag is not match with 6S, because it is install with tape and
It is recommeded to install with screw. Others Production
glue. That it was not match standard.

In outsole shelf placed area, this cardboard box and basket is mixed. It is recommeded to place the reject materail area and cardboard box
Others Production
It was not match 6S. is needed to remove to RMCC.

In parking area, there is a wrong marking floor.

It is recommeded to change the white tape under the trolly. Others Production
It is not match standard point.

In universal pressing process, the pressing mold take place on the

It is recommended to place in the mold shelf which is belong to it. Others Production
attaching oven machine. That is not match set in order point.

There are two operators for punching collor foam in stitiching area. It It is recommended to put one punching machine and 1 MP for that
Others Production
took 14 sec for pair. process.
There are two stitich and turn machines in preparation. But the stitch It is recommended to make standard time for stitch and turn
Others TPM
and turn time is different. machines.

There has one oven between toe lasting process and side lasting
It is recommended to remove the extra oven machine . Others Production
process.The oven is not needed in Deportivo II Model.

In size label pressing process,it isn't needed to use full part of pattern By using this pattern, we can reduce the extra parts and save the lost
Others TPM
for components. paper pattern.

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