Project Report SMA - Merged

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Lokasi : Jalan Raya Serang No.KM 18.5, Bojong, Kec. Cikupa, Kabupaten
Tangerang, Banten 15710.

1 PENJELASAN UMUM ............................................................................................ 1

1.1 LOKASI PEKERJAAN ..................................................................................... 1

1.2 SISTEM STRUKTUR ....................................................................................... 1

1.3 STANDAR DAN PERATURAN ...................................................................... 2

1.4 MUTU BAHAN STRUKTUR .......................................................................... 3

1.5 SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................... 3

2 PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR ............................................................................... 4

2.1 SISTEM STRUKTUR ATAP ............................................................................ 4

2.2 SISTEM PENAHAN GAYA LATERAL ......................................................... 4

2.3 PEMBEBANAN ................................................................................................ 4

2.4 ANALISIS BEBAN GEMPA (SEISMIK) ........................................................ 8

2.5 KOMBINASI PEMBEBANAN YANG DITINJAU....................................... 14

2.6 PEMODELAN STRUKTUR ........................................................................... 15

2.7 PROJECT REPORT ........................................................................................ 32

3 PERHITUNGAN KOLOM ....................................................................................327

4 PERHITUNGAN BALOK .....................................................................................328


Proyek Pembangunan Sekolah direncanakan berlokasi di kota Papua untuk
data-data parameter gempa.
Struktur Bangunan yang direncanakan adalah Beton Bertulang 3 lantai yang
berfungsi sebagai rumah sakit dengan Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus
(SPRMB). Berikut merupakan ketinggian bangunannya.

Tampak Depan

Tampak Belakang

Tampak Kanan

Tampak Kiri
Tabel 1. Elevasi dan Ketinggian Struktur

Lantai Struktur Tinggi Lantai (m) Elevasi (m)

Lantai 1 4.20 +4.20
Lantai 2 3.80 + 8.00
Atap 2.90 + 10.90
Elemen Struktur terdiri atas Tie Beam, Kolom, Balok & Plat Lantai dari bahan
beton bertulang.
Perencanaan struktur bangunan ini berdasarkan peraturan, standar dan
ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Sebagai berikut peraturan yang
digunakan dalam acuan perencanaan bangunan ini.
a. Spesifikasi Untuk Bangunan Gedung Baja Struktural, SNI 1729:2020.
b. Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung, SNI 2847:2019.
c. Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Gedung dan
Non-Gedung, SNI 1726:2019.
d. Profil Baja Ringan, SNI 8399:2017.
e. Beban dan Desain Minimum dan Kriteria Terkait Untuk Bangunan
Gedung dan Struktur Lain, SNI 1727:2020.
f. Baja dan Tulangan Beton, SNI 2052:2017.
Mutu bahan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut.

a. Beton :

𝑓’𝑐 30 𝑀𝑃𝑎 (𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑓, 𝐾𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑚, 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐵𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑘, 𝑃𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑠𝑖).

𝐸 = 4700√20 = 21019,03899 𝑀𝑃𝑎.
𝑈 = 0.2 (𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜).
𝐵𝐽 = 2.400 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 .
b. Tulangan : 𝐵𝐽𝑇𝑆 420 (𝐷 ≥ 10 𝑚𝑚).
𝐹𝑦 = 420 𝑀𝑃𝑎; 𝐹𝑢 = 510 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐸 = 200.000 𝑀𝑃𝑎.
𝑈 = 0.3 (𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜).
𝐵𝐽 = 7.850 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 .
𝐹𝑦 = 240 𝑀𝑃𝑎; 𝐹𝑢 = 370 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐸 = 200.000 𝑀𝑃𝑎.
𝑈 = 0.3 (𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜).
𝐵𝐽 = 7.850 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 .
c. Baja Ringan : 𝑇𝐴𝑆𝑂 𝐶. 75.100 (𝐾𝑢𝑑𝑎 − 𝑘𝑢𝑑𝑎)
𝑇𝐴𝑆𝑂 𝑅. 40.45 (𝑅𝑒𝑛𝑔)
𝐵𝐽 𝐿𝐴𝑆 𝐺550 (𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹𝑢 = 550 𝑀𝑃𝑎)
𝐵𝐽 = 7.850 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 .
Dalam perencanaan serta pemgecekan strukturan rumah tinggal ini digunakan
software ETABS 2020.



Sistem struktur atap pada bangunan ini digunakan plat lantai beton bertulang s
yang disesuaikan dengan elevasi atap arsitektur serta kebutuhan ketinggian
Sistem penahan gaya lateral rumah tinggal ini direncanakan menahan beban
gempa nominal sesuai dengan persyaratan SNI 1726:2019.
Beban yang diperhitungkan, yaitu beban mati, beban hidup, beban gempa dan
beban angin.
a. Beban Mati (DL)
Beban mati meliputi beban akibat berat sendiri struktur, beban finishing,
beban plafond dan beban dinding serta beban lain yang melekat pada
struktur. Berikut merupakan beban mati yang terhitung.
• Beton bertulang, berat isi = 2.400 kg/m3
• Berat Finishing Lantai = 110 kg/m2
• Berat Plafond = 20 kg/m2
• Berat ME = 50 kg/m2
• Dinding bata ringan, berat isi = 650 kg/m3
b. Beban hidup (LL)
Beban hidup merupakan beban yang diakibatkan oleh pengguna atau
penghuni bangunan atau struktur lain yang tidak termasuk dalam beban
konstruksi. Berikut merupakan beban hidup yang terhitung mengacu pada
SNI 1727:2020 Tabel 4.3-1.
• Ruang Sekolah = 2 kPa

c. Beban Angin (WL)

Beban angin merupakan beban yang bekerja pada dinding bangunan yang
besarnya telah ditentukan oleh Peraturan Muatan Indonesia.
Rumus Tekanan Kecepatan (SNI 1727:2020, Pasal 26.10.2)

𝒒𝒛 = 𝟎, 𝟔𝟏𝟑 𝑲𝒛 𝑲𝒛𝒕 𝑲𝒅 𝑲𝒆 𝑽𝟐
𝐾𝑧 = Koefisien eksposur tekanan kecepatan, Pasal 26.10.1
𝐾𝑧𝑡 = Faktor topografi, Pasal 26.8.2
𝐾𝑑 = Faktor arah angin, Pasal 26.6
𝐾𝑒 = Faktor elevasi permukaan tanah, Pasal 26.9
𝑉 = Kecepatan angin dasar
𝑞𝑧 = Tekanan kecepatan pada ketinggian z.
Dengan Eksposur B, maka didapat hasil:
𝐾𝑧 = 0,5933 (Interpolasi Pasal 26.10.1)
𝐾𝑧𝑡 = 1,0 (Pasal 26.8.2)
𝐾𝑑 = 0,85 (Pasal 26.6)
𝐾𝑒 = 1,0 (Pasal 26.9)
𝑉 = 3,0 m/s (Peta Angin Dasar Indonesia
𝒒𝒛 = 𝟎, 𝟔𝟏𝟑 (𝟎, 𝟓𝟗𝟑𝟑)(𝟏, 𝟎)(𝟎, 𝟖𝟓)(𝟏, 𝟎)(𝟑𝟐 )
𝒒𝒛 = 2,78 m/s
d. Beban Gempa (EL)
Beban gempa yang diperkirakan akan terjadi dan besarnya dihitung
dengan Nilai Spektral Percepatan Di Permukaan Dari Gempa Risk-
Targeted Maximum Consider Earthquake dengan probabilitas keruntuhan
1 % dalam 50 tahun, Lokasi perencanaan:
Lokasi, Jayapura, Papua.
• Lintang = -2.5917104344255493
• Bujur = 140.66904530452507
• Kelas Situs = SE – Tanah Lunak

Program Respons Spektra Peta Gempa Indonesia 2019
(C) Copyright Puskim-PusGeN-ESRC, 2019-2020

Nama Kota : Jayapura

Bujur / Longitude : -2.5917104344255493 Degrees
Lintang / Latitude : -6.218205447172754 Degrees
Kelas Situs : SE - Tanah Lunak

PGA = 0.600000 g Fv = 2.000000

PGAm = 0.660000 g Sms = 1.200000 g
CRs = 0.000000 Sm1 = 1.204603 g
CR1 = 0.000000 Sds = 0.800000 g
Ss = 1.500000 g Sd1 = 0.803068 g
S1 = 0.602301 g T0 = 0.200767 detik
TL = 16.000000 detik Ts = 1.003836 detik
Fa = 0.800000
---------------------------- 0.600 0.8000 1.350 0.5949
Time (sec) Value (g) 0.650 0.8000 1.400 0.5736
---------------------------- 0.700 0.8000 1.450 0.5538
0.000 0.3200 0.750 0.8000 1.500 0.5354
0.050 0.4395 0.800 0.8000 1.550 0.5181
0.100 0.5591 0.850 0.8000 1.600 0.5019
0.150 0.6786 0.900 0.8000 1.650 0.4867
0.200 0.7982 0.950 0.8000 1.700 0.4724
0.201 0.8000 1.000 0.8000 1.750 0.4589
0.250 0.8000 1.004 0.8000 1.800 0.4461
0.300 0.8000 1.050 0.7648 1.850 0.4341
0.350 0.8000 1.100 0.7301 1.900 0.4227
0.400 0.8000 1.150 0.6983 1.950 0.4118
0.450 0.8000 1.200 0.6692 2.000 0.4015
0.500 0.8000 1.250 0.6425 2.050 0.3917
0.550 0.8000 1.300 0.6177 2.100 0.3824

2.150 0.3735 3.750 0.2142 5.350 0.1501
2.200 0.3650 3.800 0.2113 5.400 0.1487
2.250 0.3569 3.850 0.2086 5.450 0.1474
2.300 0.3492 3.900 0.2059 5.500 0.1460
2.350 0.3417 3.950 0.2033 5.550 0.1447
2.400 0.3346 4.000 0.2008 5.600 0.1434
2.450 0.3278 4.050 0.1983 5.650 0.1421
2.500 0.3212 4.100 0.1959 5.700 0.1409
2.550 0.3149 4.150 0.1935 5.750 0.1397
2.600 0.3089 4.200 0.1912 5.800 0.1385
2.650 0.3030 4.250 0.1890 5.850 0.1373
2.700 0.2974 4.300 0.1868 5.900 0.1361
2.750 0.2920 4.350 0.1846 5.950 0.1350
2.800 0.2868 4.400 0.1825 6.000 0.1338
2.850 0.2818 4.450 0.1805 ----------------------------
2.900 0.2769 4.500 0.1785
2.950 0.2722 4.550 0.1765
3.000 0.2677 4.600 0.1746
3.050 0.2633 4.650 0.1727
3.100 0.2591 4.700 0.1709
3.150 0.2549 4.750 0.1691
3.200 0.2510 4.800 0.1673
3.250 0.2471 4.850 0.1656
3.300 0.2434 4.900 0.1639
3.350 0.2397 4.950 0.1622
3.400 0.2362 5.000 0.1606
3.450 0.2328 5.050 0.1590
3.500 0.2294 5.100 0.1575
3.550 0.2262 5.150 0.1559
3.600 0.2231 5.200 0.1544
3.650 0.2200 5.250 0.1530
3.700 0.2170 5.300 0.1515

Analisis beban gempa dengan respon spektrum dari analisa dinamik dan
analisa static ekuivalen mengikuti Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa
untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung, SNI 1726:2019.
a. Kategori Risiko dan Faktor Keutamaan Gempa

Tabel 2 Kategori Risiko Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung

Tabel 3 Faktor Keutamaan Gempa

Bangunan ini berfungsi sebagai rumah tinggal atau perumahan sehingga
diklasifikasikan sebagai Kategori Risiko II dengan faktor keutamaan
gempa, Ie = 1,5.

b. Respon Spektrum
Didapatkan dari data sondir yang telah dilakukan di beberapa titik
klasifikasi situs dikategorikan sebagai Tanah Lunak (SE).
Bangunan rencana memiliki koordinat,
• Lintang = -2.5917104344255493 Degrees
• Bujur = 140.66904530452507 Degrees
Dengan jenis tanah lunak (SE) diperoleh nilai SDS = 0.692668 g
dan SD1 = 0.660888 g dengan gambar respon spektra sebagai berikut.

Gambar 1 Spektrum Respon Desain dari Peta Zonasi Gempa Indonesia

(Sumber: Desain Spektra Indonesia (

Tabel 4 Parameter Desain Seismik

Parameter Nilai Parameter Nilai

Ss (g) 1.500000 SMS (g) 1.200000
S1 (g) 0.602301 SM1 (g) 1.204603
FA 0.800000 SDS (g) 0.800000
FV 2.000000 SD1 (g) 0.803068

c. Kategori Desain Seismik
Struktur harus ditetapkan memiliki suatu Kategori Desain Seismik yang
sesuai dengan SNI 1726:2019. Berdasarkan Tabel 8 dan 9 SNI 1726:2019
dengan nilai SDS = 0.800000 dan SD1 = 0.803068 dan Kategori Risiko IV,
maka bangunan ini termasuk dalam Kategori Desain Seismik D
berdasarkan SNI 1726:2019 Pasal 6.5.

Gambar 2. Seismic Load Parameter x

Gambar 3. Seismic Load Parameter y

d. Kombinasi Sistem Perangkai dalam Arah yang Berbeda
Penentuan sistem struktur sesuai dengan SNI 1726:2019 Pasal 7.2.2 Tabel
12 Faktor R, Cd dan Ωo untuk sistem gaya gempa.

• R =3
• Ωo =3
• Cd = 2,5
e. Kontrol Ragam dan Partisipasi Massa Bangunan
Penentuan nilai massa disetiap lantainya dimana beban yang digunakan
merupakan beban mati yaitu beban struktur lantai itu sendiri dan beban

hidup dengan kombinasi pembebanan yaitu 100% beban mati ditambah
30% beban hidup.
𝑊𝑇 = 100%𝐷𝐿 + 30%𝐿𝐿
Pola getar yang ditinjau dalam perjumlahan respon ragam harus mencakup
partisipasi massa sekurang – kurangnya 90% massa. (SNI 1726:2019
Pasal 7.9.1 Analisis Spektrum Respon Ragam)

Tabel 5 Partisipasi Modal Terhadap Massa Bangunan

Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period SumUX SumUY SumUZ
Modal 1 0,437 0,0156 0,0488 0
Modal 2 0,348 0,9379 0,0587 0
Modal 3 0,325 0,9427 0,9501 0
Modal 4 0,3 0,9427 0,9501 0
Modal 5 0,3 0,9427 0,9501 0
Modal 6 0,3 0,9427 0,9501 0
Modal 7 0,3 0,9427 0,9501 0
Modal 8 0,299 0,943 0,9501 0
Modal 9 0,299 0,9431 0,9501 0
Modal 10 0,298 0,9431 0,9501 0
Modal 11 0,298 0,9431 0,9501 0
Modal 12 0,297 0,9431 0,9501 0

Tabel koefisien untuk batas yang dihitung dengan nilai SD1 = 0.803068 g

Diperoleh nilai Cu = 1,4

Diperoleh nilai Ct = 0,0466 dan x = 0,9
Hasil Analisa
Perioda fundamental struktur
• Perioda fundamental alami (T.Aktual/T.ETABS)
Mode 1 arah x - T1 = 0,437 s
Mode 2 rotasi - T2 = 0,348 s
Mode 3 arah - T3 = 0,325 s
• Batasan bawah – perioda fundamental pendekatan (T.Approximate).
Ta = Ct x hx = 0,0466 x 10,90,9 = 0,40 s
• Batasan atas – koefisien batas atas Cu x Ta.
Cu x Ta = 1,4 x 0,40 = 0,56 s
• Perioda fundamental yang digunakan,
Peninjauan arah x, Tx = 0,437 s ; Arah y, Ty =0,437 s

f. Gaya Dasar Seismik

Gaya Dasar Seismik, V, dihitung sesuai persamaan SNI 1726:2019 Pasal
𝑽 = 𝑪𝒔 . 𝑾
V = Base shear
Cs = Koefisien respon sesimik (SNI 1726:2019 Pasal
W = Berat seismik efektif.

Tabel 6 Massa Bangunan

TABLE: Mass Summary by Story

Story UX UY UZ
kg kg kg
Story2 67604,13 67604,13 67604,13
Story1 288798,29 288798,29 288798,3
Base 68879,6 68879,6 68879,6
Jumlah 425282,02 425282,02 425282

Berat Seismik efektif, W = 425282 Kg

• Gaya gempa statik ekivalen
𝐶𝑠 = 𝑅 = 0,4 (SNI 1726:2019, Persamaan 31)
( )

Syarat nilai Cs:

Nilai Cs yang dihitung dengan pasal Persamaan 22-24 SNI
1726:2019 tidak perlu melebihi berikut ini:
𝐶𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑋 = = 0,915 𝑠
𝑇𝑥(𝐼 )

𝐶𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑌 = = 0,915 𝑠
𝑇𝑦(𝐼 )

𝐶𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,044 𝑥 𝑆𝐷𝑆 𝑥 𝐼𝑒 = 0,0288 𝑠


Beban gempa dibagi menjadi 2 arah yaitu (Arah – X dan Arah – Y) dan
dikombinasikan dengan beban gravitasi sebagai berikut:
a. 1.4D
b. 1.2D + 1.6L
c. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr
d. 0.9D + W
e. 1.2D + W + L + 0.5Lr
f. 1.2D + Ev + Eh + L
g. 0.9D – Ev + Eh

Dimana, D = Beban Mati; L = Beban Hidup; Lr = Beban Hidup Atap; W =
Beban Angin; E = Beban Gempa (X/Y); ENVELOPE = Beban Maksimal

Gambar 4. Model 3D Struktur Sekolah

Gambar 5. Denah Tie Beam

Gambar 6. Denah Balok +4.20

Gambar 7. Denah Balok +8.0

Gambar 10. Concrete Frame Design

Gambar 11. Deformed Shape

Gambar 12. Diagram Momen 3-3

Gambar 13. Diagram Momen 2-2

Gambar 14. Diagram Torsi

Gambar 15. Diagram Shear 3-3

Gambar 16. Diagram Shear 2-2

Gambar 17. Diagram

Project Report
Model File: ETABS SD, Revision 0
Table of Contents
1. Structure Data 5

1.1 Story Data 5

1.2 Grid Data 5
1.3 Point Coordinates 5
1.4 Line Connectivity 27
1.5 Area Connectivity 48
1.6 Mass 54
1.7 Groups 54

2. Properties 56

2.1 Materials 56
2.2 Frame Sections 56
2.3 Shell Sections 67
2.4 Reinforcement Sizes 68
2.5 Links 68
2.6 Tendon Sections 68

3. Assignments 69

3.1 Joint Assignments 69

3.2 Frame Assignments 91
3.3 Shell Assignments 116

4. Loads 118

4.1 Load Patterns 118

4.2 Auto Seismic Loading 118
4.3 Applied Loads 125
4.3.1 Line Loads 125
4.3.2 Area Loads 128
4.4 Functions 131
4.4.1 Response Spectrum Functions 131
4.4.2 Time History Functions 131
4.5 Load Cases 131
4.6 Load Combinations 132

5. Analysis Results 134

5.1 Structure Results 134

5.2 Story Results 135
5.3 Point Results 135
5.4 Modal Results 185

6. Design Data 187

6.1 Concrete Frame Design 187

6.2 Concrete Slab Design 266
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Story Definitions 5
Table 1.2 Grid Definitions - General 5
Table 1.3 Grid Definitions - Grid Lines 5
Table 1.4 Point Bays 6
Table 1.5 Column Bays 27
Table 1.6 Beam Bays 35
Table 1.7 Brace Bays 40
Table 1.8 Floor Bays 48
Table 1.9 Wall Bays 53
Table 1.10 Null Area Bays 54
Table 1.11 Mass Source Definition 54
Table 1.12 Mass Summary by Story 54
Table 1.13 Mass Summary by Group 54
Table 1.14 Group Definitions 54
Table 1.15 Group Assignments 55
Table 2.1 Material Properties - General 56
Table 2.2 Frame Section Property Definitions - Summary 56
Table 2.3 Area Section Property Definitions - Summary 67
Table 2.4 Reinforcing Bar Sizes 68
Table 2.5 Link Property Definitions - Summary 68
Table 2.6 Tendon Section Properties 68
Table 3.1 Joint Assignments - Summary 69
Table 3.2 Frame Assignments - Summary 91
Table 3.3 Area Assignments - Summary 116
Table 4.1 Load Pattern Definitions 118
Table 4.4 Frame Loads Assignments - Distributed 125
Table 4.5 Area Load Assignments - Uniform 128
Table 4.6 Functions - Response Spectrum - User Defined 131
Table 4.7 Functions - Time History - User Defined 131
Table 4.8 Load Case Definitions - Summary 132
Table 4.9 Load Combination Definitions 132
Table 5.1 Base Reactions 134
Table 5.2 Story Drifts 135
Table 5.3 Story Forces 135
Table 5.4 Joint Reactions 135
Table 5.5 Modal Periods And Frequencies 185
Table 5.6 Modal Participating Mass Ratios 185
Table 5.7 Modal Load Participation Ratios 186
Table 5.8 Modal Direction Factors 186
Table 6.1 Concrete Frame Design Preferences - ACI 318-14 187
Table 6.2 Concrete Column Overwrites - ACI 318-14 187
Table 6.3 Concrete Beam Overwrites - ACI 318-14 192
Table 6.4 Concrete Column PMM Envelope - ACI 318-14 200
Table 6.5 Concrete Column Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 205
Table 6.6 Concrete Beam Flexure Envelope - ACI 318-14 214
Table 6.7 Concrete Beam Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 238
Table 6.8 Concrete Joint Envelope - ACI 318-14 261
Table 6.9 Concrete Slab Design Preferences - ACI 318-14 266
Table 6.10 Concrete Slab Design Overwrites - Finite Element Based 266
Table 6.11 Concrete Slab Design Overwrites - Punching Shear - General 268
Structure Data 03/07/2023

1 Structure Data
This chapter provides model geometry information, including items such as story levels, point coordinates, and
element connectivity.

1.1 Story Data

Table 1.1 - Story Definitions
Height Master Splice
Tower Name Similar To Color
m Story Story
T1 Story3 2,9 No None No Yellow
T1 Story2 3,8 No None No Yellow
T1 Story1 4,2 No None No Gray8Dark

1.2 Grid Data

Table 1.2 - Grid Definitions - General
Ux Uy Rz Story
Tower Name Type Size Color
m m deg Range
T1 G1 Cartesian 0 0 0 Default 1250 Gray6

Table 1.3 - Grid Definitions - Grid Lines

Ordinate Bubble
Name Grid Line Type ID Visible
m Location
G1 X (Cartesian) A -1 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) B 0 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) C 3 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) D 6 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) E 9 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) F 12 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) G 15 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) H 18 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) I 21 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) J 24 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) K 27 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) L 30 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) M 33 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) N 36 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) O 39 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) P 40,25 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) Q 41,15 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) R 43 End Yes
G1 X (Cartesian) S 44 End Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 1 -1 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 2 0 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 7 2 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 3 4,5 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 4 7,5 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 5 10 Start Yes
G1 Y (Cartesian) 6 11 Start Yes

1.3 Point Coordinates

Table 1.4 - Point Bays
Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
1 No 0 2 0
2 No 0 10 0
3 No 9 10 0
4 No 9 2 0
5 No 18 10 0

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 5 of 228

Structure Data 03/07/2023

Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
6 No 18 2 0
7 No 21 10 0
8 No 21 2 0
9 No 0 0 0
10 No 9 0 0
11 No 6 2 0
12 No 6 0 0
13 No 3 2 0
14 No 3 0 0
15 No 12 2 0
16 No 12 0 0
17 No 15 2 0
18 No 15 0 0
19 No 18 0 0
20 No 21 0 0
21 No 18 4,5 0
22 No 21 4,5 0
23 No 30 10 0
24 No 30 2 0
25 No 39 10 0
26 No 39 2 0
27 No 43 10 0
28 No 43 2 0
29 No 39 7,5 0
30 No 43 7,5 0
31 No 36 10 0
32 No 36 2 0
33 No 33 10 0
34 No 33 2 0
35 No 30 7,5 0
36 No 30 4,5 0
37 No 39 4,5 0
38 No 24 10 0
39 No 24 2 0
40 No 27 10 0
41 No 27 2 0
42 No 21 7,5 0
43 No 9 7,5 0
44 No 18 7,5 0
45 No 9 4,5 0
46 No 0 7,5 0
47 No 0 4,5 0
48 No 24 0 0
49 No 6 10 0
50 No 3 10 0
51 No 27 0 0
52 No 39 3,7 0
53 No 43 3,7 0
54 No 30 0 0
55 No 33 0 0
56 No 39 5,2 0
57 No 43 5,2 0
58 No 36 0 0
59 No 43 6,4 0
60 No 39 0 0
61 No 41,15 10 0
62 No 41,15 6,4 0
63 No 41,15 5,2 0
64 No 41,15 7,5 0
65 No 43 0 0

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Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
66 No 43 8,7 0
67 No 3 7,5 0
68 No 41,15 8,7 0
69 No 40,25 5,2 0
70 No 40,25 7,5 0
71 No 40,25 10 0
72 No 3 4,5 0
73 No 40,25 3,7 0
74 No 6 7,5 0
75 No 6 4,5 0
76 No 12 7,5 0
77 No 12 10 0
78 No 12 4,5 0
79 No 15 7,5 0
80 No 15 10 0
81 No 15 4,5 0
82 No 0 0,1818 1,0455
83 No 43 8,75 0
84 No 41,15 8,75 0
85 No 41,15 2 0
86 No 0 0,3636 0,9409
87 No 43 4 1,75
88 No 24 7,5 0
89 No 24 4,5 0
90 No 27 7,5 0
91 No 27 4,5 0
92 No 33 7,5 0
93 No 33 4,5 0
94 No 36 7,5 0
95 No 36 4,5 0
96 No 43 3 0
97 No 43 6,3 0
98 No 40,25 2 0
99 No 43 11 0
100 No 43 5,1 0
101 No 41,15 6,3 0
102 No 41,15 5,1 0
103 No 41,15 3,6 0
104 No 43 3,6 0
105 No 0 0,5455 0,8364
106 No 0 0,7273 0,7318
107 No 0 0,9091 0,6273
108 No 40,25 3,6 0
109 No 40,25 4,2 0
110 No 41,15 4,2 0
111 No 18 8,5 0
112 No 21 8,5 0
113 No 18 4,7 0
114 No 21 4,7 0
115 No 0 1,0909 0,5227
116 No 0 1,2727 0,4182
117 No 0 1,4545 0,3136
118 No 0 1,6364 0,2091
119 No 0 1,8182 0,1045
122 No 19,8 8,5 1,99
124 No 18 8,5 1,99
125 No 18 10 1,99
126 No 21 8,5 1,99
127 No 21 10 1,99
128 No 19,5 10 1,99

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Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
129 No 19,5 8,5 1,99
130 No 19,8 4,5 0
132 No 0 2,1739 2,8
133 No 0 2,3478 2,7
134 No 0 2,5217 2,6
135 No 0 2,6957 2,5
136 No 0 2,8696 2,4
137 No 0 3,0435 2,3
138 No 0 3,2174 2,2
139 No 0 3,3913 2,1
140 No 0 3,5652 2
141 No 0 3,7391 1,9
142 No 0 3,913 1,8
143 No 0 4,087 1,7
144 No 0 4,2609 1,6
145 No 0 4,4348 1,5
146 No 0 4,6087 1,4
147 No 0 4,7826 1,3
148 No 43 6 0
149 No 43 8 0
150 No 43 7 0
151 No 43 6 0,6
152 No 43 4 0
153 No 43 5 0
154 No 43 3 2,325
155 No 43 5 1,175
156 No 43 9 0
157 No 43 10 2,44
158 No 43 9 1,98
159 No 43 8 1,52
160 No 43 7 1,06
161 No 42 11 0
162 No 42 6 0,6
163 No 42 4 0
164 No 42 5 0
165 No 42 3 2,325
166 No 42 4 1,75
167 No 42 5 1,175
168 No 42 9 0
169 No 42 10 2,44
170 No 42 9 1,98
171 No 42 8 1,52
172 No 42 7 1,06
173 No 42 2 0
174 No 42 6 0
175 No 42 3 0
176 No 42 10 0
177 No 42 8 0
178 No 42 7 0
179 No 41 11 0
180 No 41 6 0,6
181 No 41 4 0
182 No 41 5 0
183 No 41 3 2,325
184 No 41 4 1,75
185 No 41 5 1,175
186 No 41 9 0
187 No 41 10 2,44
188 No 41 9 1,98
189 No 41 8 1,52

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Point m m m
190 No 41 7 1,06
191 No 41 2 0
192 No 41 6 0
193 No 41 3 0
194 No 41 10 0
195 No 41 8 0
196 No 41 7 0
197 No 40 11 0
198 No 40 6 0,6
199 No 40 4 0
200 No 40 5 0
201 No 40 3 2,325
202 No 40 4 1,75
203 No 40 5 1,175
204 No 40 9 0
205 No 40 10 2,44
206 No 40 9 1,98
207 No 40 8 1,52
208 No 40 7 1,06
209 No 40 2 0
210 No 40 6 0
211 No 40 3 0
212 No 40 10 0
213 No 40 8 0
214 No 40 7 0
215 No 39 11 0
216 No 39 6 0,6
217 No 39 4 0
218 No 39 5 0
219 No 0 2 0,4
220 No 0 10 0,4
221 No 0 7,5 0,4
222 No 0 4,5 0,4
223 No 3 0 0,4
224 No 3 2 0,4
225 No 6 0 0,4
228 No 9 0 0,4
234 No 12 0 0,4
235 No 15 0 0,4
239 No 18 0 0,4
243 No 18 8,5 0,4
245 No 21 0 0,4
247 No 21 8,5 0,4
248 No 18 4,7 0,4
249 No 21 4,7 0,4
250 No 24 0 0,4
251 No 27 0 0,4
255 No 30 0 0,4
261 No 33 0 0,4
262 No 36 0 0,4
266 No 39 0 0,4
273 No 43 0 0,4
275 No 18 0 1,15
276 No 21 0 1,15
277 No 30 0 1,15
278 No 39 0 1,15
279 No 0 0 1,15
280 No 9 0 1,15
281 No 43 0 1,15
282 No 3 0 1,15

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Point m m m
283 No 6 0 1,15
284 No 12 0 1,15
285 No 24 0 1,15
286 No 27 0 1,15
287 No 33 0 1,15
288 No 36 0 1,15
289 No 39 3 2,325
290 No 39 4 1,75
291 No 39 5 1,175
292 No 39 9 0
293 No 39 10 2,44
294 No 39 9 1,98
295 No 39 8 1,52
296 No 39 7 1,06
297 No 39 6 0
298 No 39 3 0
299 No 39 8 0
300 No 39 7 0
301 No 38 11 0
302 No 38 6 0,6
303 No 38 4 0
304 No 38 5 0
305 No 38 3 2,325
306 No 38 4 1,75
307 No 38 5 1,175
308 No 38 9 0
309 No 38 10 2,44
310 No 38 9 1,98
311 No 38 8 1,52
312 No 38 7 1,06
313 No 38 2 0
314 No 38 6 0
315 No 38 3 0
316 No 38 10 0
317 No 38 8 0
318 No 38 7 0
319 No 37 11 0
320 No 37 6 0,6
321 No 37 4 0
322 No 37 5 0
323 No 37 3 2,325
324 No 37 4 1,75
325 No 37 5 1,175
326 No 37 9 0
327 No 37 10 2,44
328 No 37 9 1,98
329 No 37 8 1,52
330 No 37 7 1,06
331 No 37 2 0
332 No 37 6 0
333 No 37 3 0
334 No 37 10 0
335 No 37 8 0
336 No 37 7 0
337 No 36 11 0
338 No 36 6 0,6
339 No 36 4 0
340 No 36 5 0
341 No 36 3 2,325
342 No 36 4 1,75

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Point m m m
343 No 36 5 1,175
344 No 36 9 0
345 No 36 10 2,44
346 No 36 9 1,98
347 No 36 8 1,52
348 No 36 7 1,06
349 No 36 6 0
350 No 36 3 0
351 No 36 8 0
352 No 36 7 0
353 No 35 11 0
354 No 35 6 0,6
355 No 35 4 0
356 No 35 5 0
357 No 35 3 2,325
358 No 35 4 1,75
359 No 35 5 1,175
360 No 35 9 0
361 No 35 10 2,44
362 No 35 9 1,98
363 No 35 8 1,52
364 No 35 7 1,06
365 No 35 2 0
366 No 35 6 0
367 No 35 3 0
368 No 35 10 0
369 No 35 8 0
370 No 35 7 0
371 No 34 11 0
372 No 34 6 0,6
373 No 34 4 0
374 No 34 5 0
375 No 34 3 2,325
376 No 34 4 1,75
377 No 34 5 1,175
378 No 34 9 0
379 No 34 10 2,44
380 No 34 9 1,98
381 No 34 8 1,52
382 No 34 7 1,06
383 No 34 2 0
384 No 34 6 0
385 No 34 3 0
386 No 34 10 0
387 No 34 8 0
388 No 34 7 0
389 No 33 11 0
390 No 33 6 0,6
391 No 33 4 0
392 No 33 5 0
393 No 33 3 2,325
394 No 33 4 1,75
395 No 33 5 1,175
396 No 33 9 0
397 No 33 10 2,44
398 No 33 9 1,98
399 No 33 8 1,52
400 No 33 7 1,06
401 No 33 6 0
402 No 33 3 0

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403 No 33 8 0
404 No 33 7 0
405 No 32 11 0
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407 No 32 4 0
408 No 32 5 0
409 No 32 3 2,325
410 No 32 4 1,75
411 No 32 5 1,175
412 No 32 9 0
413 No 32 10 2,44
414 No 32 9 1,98
415 No 32 8 1,52
416 No 32 7 1,06
417 No 32 2 0
418 No 32 6 0
419 No 32 3 0
420 No 32 10 0
421 No 32 8 0
422 No 32 7 0
423 No 31 11 0
424 No 31 6 0,6
425 No 31 4 0
426 No 31 5 0
427 No 31 3 2,325
428 No 31 4 1,75
429 No 31 5 1,175
430 No 31 9 0
431 No 31 10 2,44
432 No 31 9 1,98
433 No 31 8 1,52
434 No 31 7 1,06
435 No 31 2 0
436 No 31 6 0
437 No 31 3 0
438 No 31 10 0
439 No 31 8 0
440 No 31 7 0
441 No 30 11 0
442 No 30 6 0,6
443 No 30 4 0
444 No 30 5 0
445 No 30 3 2,325
446 No 30 4 1,75
447 No 30 5 1,175
448 No 30 9 0
449 No 30 10 2,44
450 No 30 9 1,98
451 No 30 8 1,52
452 No 30 7 1,06
453 No 30 6 0
454 No 30 3 0
455 No 30 8 0
456 No 30 7 0
457 No 29 11 0
458 No 29 6 0,6
459 No 29 4 0
460 No 29 5 0
461 No 29 3 2,325
462 No 29 4 1,75

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Point m m m
463 No 29 5 1,175
464 No 29 9 0
465 No 29 10 2,44
466 No 29 9 1,98
467 No 29 8 1,52
468 No 29 7 1,06
469 No 29 2 0
470 No 29 6 0
471 No 29 3 0
472 No 29 10 0
473 No 29 8 0
474 No 29 7 0
475 No 28 11 0
476 No 28 6 0,6
477 No 28 4 0
478 No 28 5 0
479 No 28 3 2,325
480 No 28 4 1,75
481 No 28 5 1,175
482 No 28 9 0
483 No 28 10 2,44
484 No 28 9 1,98
485 No 28 8 1,52
486 No 28 7 1,06
487 No 28 2 0
488 No 28 6 0
489 No 28 3 0
490 No 28 10 0
491 No 28 8 0
492 No 28 7 0
493 No 27 11 0
494 No 27 6 0,6
495 No 27 4 0
496 No 27 5 0
497 No 27 3 2,325
498 No 27 4 1,75
499 No 27 5 1,175
500 No 27 9 0
501 No 27 10 2,44
502 No 27 9 1,98
503 No 27 8 1,52
504 No 27 7 1,06
505 No 27 6 0
506 No 27 3 0
507 No 27 8 0
508 No 27 7 0
509 No 26 11 0
510 No 26 6 0,6
511 No 26 4 0
512 No 26 5 0
513 No 26 3 2,325
514 No 26 4 1,75
515 No 26 5 1,175
516 No 26 9 0
517 No 26 10 2,44
518 No 26 9 1,98
519 No 26 8 1,52
520 No 26 7 1,06
521 No 26 2 0
522 No 26 6 0

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Point m m m
523 No 26 3 0
524 No 26 10 0
525 No 26 8 0
526 No 26 7 0
527 No 25 11 0
528 No 25 6 0,6
529 No 25 4 0
530 No 25 5 0
531 No 25 3 2,325
532 No 25 4 1,75
533 No 25 5 1,175
534 No 25 9 0
535 No 25 10 2,44
536 No 25 9 1,98
537 No 25 8 1,52
538 No 25 7 1,06
539 No 25 2 0
540 No 25 6 0
541 No 25 3 0
542 No 25 10 0
543 No 25 8 0
544 No 25 7 0
545 No 24 11 0
546 No 24 6 0,6
547 No 24 4 0
548 No 24 5 0
549 No 24 3 2,325
550 No 24 4 1,75
551 No 24 5 1,175
552 No 24 9 0
553 No 24 10 2,44
554 No 24 9 1,98
555 No 24 8 1,52
556 No 24 7 1,06
557 No 24 6 0
558 No 24 3 0
559 No 24 8 0
560 No 24 7 0
561 No 23 11 0
562 No 23 6 0,6
563 No 23 4 0
564 No 23 5 0
565 No 23 3 2,325
566 No 23 4 1,75
567 No 23 5 1,175
568 No 23 9 0
569 No 23 10 2,44
570 No 23 9 1,98
571 No 23 8 1,52
572 No 23 7 1,06
573 No 23 2 0
574 No 23 6 0
575 No 23 3 0
576 No 23 10 0
577 No 23 8 0
578 No 23 7 0
579 No 22 11 0
580 No 22 6 0,6
581 No 22 4 0
582 No 22 5 0

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583 No 22 3 2,325
584 No 22 4 1,75
585 No 22 5 1,175
586 No 22 9 0
587 No 22 10 2,44
588 No 22 9 1,98
589 No 22 8 1,52
590 No 22 7 1,06
591 No 22 2 0
592 No 22 6 0
593 No 22 3 0
594 No 22 10 0
595 No 22 8 0
596 No 22 7 0
597 No 21 11 0
598 No 21 6 0,6
599 No 21 4 0
600 No 21 5 0
601 No 21 3 2,325
602 No 21 4 1,75
603 No 21 5 1,175
604 No 21 9 0
605 No 21 10 2,44
606 No 21 9 1,98
607 No 21 8 1,52
608 No 21 7 1,06
609 No 21 6 0
610 No 21 3 0
611 No 21 8 0
612 No 21 7 0
613 No 20 11 0
614 No 20 6 0,6
615 No 20 4 0
616 No 20 5 0
617 No 20 3 2,325
618 No 20 4 1,75
619 No 20 5 1,175
620 No 20 9 0
621 No 20 10 2,44
622 No 20 9 1,98
623 No 20 8 1,52
624 No 20 7 1,06
625 No 20 2 0
626 No 20 6 0
627 No 20 3 0
628 No 20 10 0
629 No 20 8 0
630 No 20 7 0
631 No 19 11 0
632 No 19 6 0,6
633 No 19 4 0
634 No 19 5 0
635 No 19 3 2,325
636 No 19 4 1,75
637 No 19 5 1,175
638 No 19 9 0
639 No 19 10 2,44
640 No 19 9 1,98
641 No 19 8 1,52
642 No 19 7 1,06

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Point m m m
643 No 19 2 0
644 No 19 6 0
645 No 19 3 0
646 No 19 10 0
647 No 19 8 0
648 No 19 7 0
649 No 18 11 0
650 No 18 6 0,6
651 No 18 4 0
652 No 18 5 0
653 No 18 3 2,325
654 No 18 4 1,75
655 No 18 5 1,175
656 No 18 9 0
657 No 18 10 2,44
658 No 18 9 1,98
659 No 18 8 1,52
660 No 18 7 1,06
661 No 18 6 0
662 No 18 3 0
663 No 18 8 0
664 No 18 7 0
665 No 17 11 0
666 No 17 6 0,6
667 No 17 4 0
668 No 17 5 0
669 No 17 3 2,325
670 No 17 4 1,75
671 No 17 5 1,175
672 No 17 9 0
673 No 17 10 2,44
674 No 17 9 1,98
675 No 17 8 1,52
676 No 17 7 1,06
677 No 17 2 0
678 No 17 6 0
679 No 17 3 0
680 No 17 10 0
681 No 17 8 0
682 No 17 7 0
683 No 16 11 0
684 No 16 6 0,6
685 No 16 4 0
686 No 16 5 0
687 No 16 3 2,325
688 No 16 4 1,75
689 No 16 5 1,175
690 No 16 9 0
691 No 16 10 2,44
692 No 16 9 1,98
693 No 16 8 1,52
694 No 16 7 1,06
695 No 16 2 0
696 No 16 6 0
697 No 16 3 0
698 No 16 10 0
699 No 16 8 0
700 No 16 7 0
701 No 15 11 0
702 No 15 6 0,6

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Point m m m
703 No 15 4 0
704 No 15 5 0
705 No 15 3 2,325
706 No 15 4 1,75
707 No 15 5 1,175
708 No 15 9 0
709 No 15 10 2,44
710 No 15 9 1,98
711 No 15 8 1,52
712 No 15 7 1,06
713 No 15 6 0
714 No 15 3 0
715 No 15 8 0
716 No 15 7 0
717 No 14 11 0
718 No 14 6 0,6
719 No 14 4 0
720 No 14 5 0
721 No 14 3 2,325
722 No 14 4 1,75
723 No 14 5 1,175
724 No 14 9 0
725 No 14 10 2,44
726 No 14 9 1,98
727 No 14 8 1,52
728 No 14 7 1,06
729 No 14 2 0
730 No 14 6 0
731 No 14 3 0
732 No 14 10 0
733 No 14 8 0
734 No 14 7 0
735 No 13 11 0
736 No 13 6 0,6
737 No 13 4 0
738 No 13 5 0
739 No 13 3 2,325
740 No 13 4 1,75
741 No 13 5 1,175
742 No 13 9 0
743 No 13 10 2,44
744 No 13 9 1,98
745 No 13 8 1,52
746 No 13 7 1,06
747 No 13 2 0
748 No 13 6 0
749 No 13 3 0
750 No 13 10 0
751 No 13 8 0
752 No 13 7 0
753 No 12 11 0
754 No 12 6 0,6
755 No 12 4 0
756 No 12 5 0
757 No 12 3 2,325
758 No 12 4 1,75
759 No 12 5 1,175
760 No 12 9 0
761 No 12 10 2,44
762 No 12 9 1,98

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Point m m m
763 No 12 8 1,52
764 No 12 7 1,06
765 No 12 6 0
766 No 12 3 0
767 No 12 8 0
768 No 12 7 0
769 No 11 11 0
770 No 11 6 0,6
771 No 11 4 0
772 No 11 5 0
773 No 11 3 2,325
774 No 11 4 1,75
775 No 11 5 1,175
776 No 11 9 0
777 No 11 10 2,44
778 No 11 9 1,98
779 No 11 8 1,52
780 No 11 7 1,06
781 No 11 2 0
782 No 11 6 0
783 No 11 3 0
784 No 11 10 0
785 No 11 8 0
786 No 11 7 0
787 No 10 11 0
788 No 10 6 0,6
789 No 10 4 0
790 No 10 5 0
791 No 10 3 2,325
792 No 10 4 1,75
793 No 10 5 1,175
794 No 10 9 0
795 No 10 10 2,44
796 No 10 9 1,98
797 No 10 8 1,52
798 No 10 7 1,06
799 No 10 2 0
800 No 10 6 0
801 No 10 3 0
802 No 10 10 0
803 No 10 8 0
804 No 10 7 0
805 No 9 11 0
806 No 9 6 0,6
807 No 9 4 0
808 No 9 5 0
809 No 9 3 2,325
810 No 9 4 1,75
811 No 9 5 1,175
812 No 9 9 0
813 No 9 10 2,44
814 No 9 9 1,98
815 No 9 8 1,52
816 No 9 7 1,06
817 No 9 6 0
818 No 9 3 0
819 No 9 8 0
820 No 9 7 0
821 No 8 11 0
822 No 8 6 0,6

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Point m m m
823 No 8 4 0
824 No 8 5 0
825 No 8 3 2,325
826 No 8 4 1,75
827 No 8 5 1,175
828 No 8 9 0
829 No 8 10 2,44
830 No 8 9 1,98
831 No 8 8 1,52
832 No 8 7 1,06
833 No 8 2 0
834 No 8 6 0
835 No 8 3 0
836 No 8 10 0
837 No 8 8 0
838 No 8 7 0
839 No 7 11 0
840 No 7 6 0,6
841 No 7 4 0
842 No 7 5 0
843 No 7 3 2,325
844 No 7 4 1,75
845 No 7 5 1,175
846 No 7 9 0
847 No 7 10 2,44
848 No 7 9 1,98
849 No 7 8 1,52
850 No 7 7 1,06
851 No 7 2 0
852 No 7 6 0
853 No 7 3 0
854 No 7 10 0
855 No 7 8 0
856 No 7 7 0
857 No 6 11 0
858 No 6 6 0,6
859 No 6 4 0
860 No 6 5 0
861 No 6 3 2,325
862 No 6 4 1,75
863 No 6 5 1,175
864 No 6 9 0
865 No 6 10 2,44
866 No 6 9 1,98
867 No 6 8 1,52
868 No 6 7 1,06
869 No 6 6 0
870 No 6 3 0
871 No 6 8 0
872 No 6 7 0
873 No 5 11 0
874 No 5 6 0,6
875 No 5 4 0
876 No 5 5 0
877 No 5 3 2,325
878 No 5 4 1,75
879 No 5 5 1,175
880 No 5 9 0
881 No 5 10 2,44
882 No 5 9 1,98

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Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
883 No 5 8 1,52
884 No 5 7 1,06
885 No 5 2 0
886 No 5 6 0
887 No 5 3 0
888 No 5 10 0
889 No 5 8 0
890 No 5 7 0
891 No 4 11 0
892 No 4 6 0,6
893 No 4 4 0
894 No 4 5 0
895 No 4 3 2,325
896 No 4 4 1,75
897 No 4 5 1,175
898 No 4 9 0
899 No 4 10 2,44
900 No 4 9 1,98
901 No 4 8 1,52
902 No 4 7 1,06
903 No 4 2 0
904 No 4 6 0
905 No 4 3 0
906 No 4 10 0
907 No 4 8 0
908 No 4 7 0
909 No 3 11 0
910 No 3 6 0,6
911 No 3 4 0
912 No 3 5 0
913 No 3 3 2,325
914 No 3 4 1,75
915 No 3 5 1,175
916 No 3 9 0
917 No 3 10 2,44
918 No 3 9 1,98
919 No 3 8 1,52
920 No 3 7 1,06
921 No 3 6 0
922 No 3 3 0
923 No 3 8 0
924 No 3 7 0
925 No 2 11 0
926 No 2 6 0,6
927 No 2 4 0
928 No 2 5 0
929 No 2 3 2,325
930 No 2 4 1,75
931 No 2 5 1,175
932 No 2 9 0
933 No 2 10 2,44
934 No 2 9 1,98
935 No 2 8 1,52
936 No 2 7 1,06
937 No 2 2 0
938 No 2 6 0
939 No 2 3 0
940 No 2 10 0
941 No 2 8 0
942 No 2 7 0

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Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
943 No 1 11 0
944 No 1 6 0,6
945 No 1 4 0
946 No 1 5 0
947 No 1 3 2,325
948 No 1 4 1,75
949 No 1 5 1,175
950 No 1 9 0
951 No 1 10 2,44
952 No 1 9 1,98
953 No 1 8 1,52
954 No 1 7 1,06
955 No 1 2 0
956 No 1 6 0
957 No 1 3 0
958 No 1 10 0
959 No 1 8 0
960 No 1 7 0
961 No 0 11 0
962 No 0 6 0,6
963 No 0 4 0
964 No 0 5 0
965 No 0 3 2,325
966 No 0 4 1,75
967 No 0 5 1,175
968 No 0 9 0
969 No 0 10 2,44
970 No 0 9 1,98
971 No 0 8 1,52
972 No 0 7 1,06
973 No 0 6 0
974 No 0 3 0
975 No 0 8 0
976 No 0 7 0
977 No 0 4,9565 1,2
978 No 0 5,1304 1,1
979 No 0 5,3043 1
980 No 0 5,4783 0,9
981 No 0 5,6522 0,8
982 No 0 5,8261 0,7
983 No 43 0,1818 1,0455
984 No 43 0,3636 0,9409
985 No 43 0,5455 0,8364
986 No 43 0,7273 0,7318
987 No 43 0,9091 0,6273
988 No 43 1,0909 0,5227
989 No 43 1,2727 0,4182
990 No 43 1,4545 0,3136
991 No 43 1,6364 0,2091
992 No 43 1,8182 0,1045
995 No 18 4,875 0
996 No 19,5 4,875 0
1009 No 0 10,8148 2,8148
1010 No 0 10,6296 2,7296
1011 No 0 10,4444 2,6444
1012 No 0 10,2593 2,5593
1013 No 0 10,0741 2,4741
1014 No 0 9,8889 2,3889
1015 No 0 9,7037 2,3037
1016 No 0 9,5185 2,2185

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
1017 No 0 9,3333 2,1333
1018 No 0 9,1481 2,0481
1019 No 0 8,963 1,963
1020 No 0 8,7778 1,8778
1021 No 0 8,5926 1,7926
1022 No 0 8,4074 1,7074
1023 No 0 8,2222 1,6222
1024 No 0 8,037 1,537
1025 No 0 7,8519 1,4519
1026 No 0 7,6667 1,3667
1027 No 0 7,4815 1,2815
1028 No 0 7,2963 1,1963
1029 No 0 7,1111 1,1111
1030 No 0 6,9259 1,0259
1031 No 0 6,7407 0,9407
1032 No 0 6,5556 0,8556
1033 No 0 6,3704 0,7704
1034 No 0 6,1852 0,6852
1131 No 43 2,1739 2,8
1132 No 43 2,3478 2,7
1133 No 43 2,5217 2,6
1134 No 43 2,6957 2,5
1135 No 43 2,8696 2,4
1136 No 43 3,0435 2,3
1137 No 43 3,2174 2,2
1138 No 43 3,3913 2,1
1139 No 43 3,5652 2
1140 No 43 3,7391 1,9
1141 No 43 3,913 1,8
1142 No 43 4,087 1,7
1143 No 43 4,2609 1,6
1144 No 43 4,4348 1,5
1145 No 43 4,6087 1,4
1146 No 43 4,7826 1,3
1147 No 43 4,9565 1,2
1148 No 43 5,1304 1,1
1149 No 43 5,3043 1
1150 No 43 5,4783 0,9
1151 No 43 5,6522 0,8
1152 No 43 5,8261 0,7
1153 No 43 10,8148 2,8148
1154 No 43 10,6296 2,7296
1155 No 43 10,4444 2,6444
1156 No 43 10,2593 2,5593
1157 No 43 10,0741 2,4741
1158 No 43 9,8889 2,3889
1159 No 43 9,7037 2,3037
1160 No 43 9,5185 2,2185
1161 No 43 9,3333 2,1333
1162 No 43 9,1481 2,0481
1163 No 43 8,963 1,963
1164 No 43 8,7778 1,8778
1165 No 43 8,5926 1,7926
1166 No 43 8,4074 1,7074
1167 No 43 8,2222 1,6222
1168 No 43 8,037 1,537
1169 No 43 7,8519 1,4519
1170 No 43 7,6667 1,3667
1171 No 43 7,4815 1,2815
1172 No 43 7,2963 1,1963

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Is Auto X Y DZBelow
Point m m m
1173 No 43 7,1111 1,1111
1174 No 43 6,9259 1,0259
1175 No 43 6,7407 0,9407
1176 No 43 6,5556 0,8556
1177 No 43 6,3704 0,7704
1178 No 43 6,1852 0,6852

1.4 Line Connectivity

Table 1.5 - Column Bays
Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory
C1 1 1 Below
C2 2 2 Below
C3 46 46 Below
C4 47 47 Below
C5 14 14 Below
C6 12 12 Below
C7 4 4 Below
C8 13 13 Below
C9 11 11 Below
C10 10 10 Below
C11 3 3 Below
C12 50 50 Below
C13 49 49 Below
C14 43 43 Below
C15 45 45 Below
C16 16 16 Below
C17 18 18 Below
C18 6 6 Below
C19 15 15 Below
C20 17 17 Below
C21 19 19 Below
C22 5 5 Below
C23 77 77 Below
C24 80 80 Below
C27 8 8 Below
C28 20 20 Below
C29 7 7 Below
C32 111 111 Below
C33 112 112 Below
C34 113 113 Below
C35 114 114 Below
C36 48 48 Below
C37 51 51 Below
C38 24 24 Below
C39 39 39 Below
C40 41 41 Below
C41 54 54 Below
C42 23 23 Below
C43 38 38 Below
C44 40 40 Below
C45 35 35 Below
C46 36 36 Below
C47 55 55 Below
C48 58 58 Below
C49 26 26 Below
C50 34 34 Below
C51 32 32 Below
C52 60 60 Below
C53 25 25 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C54 33 33 Below
C55 31 31 Below
C56 29 29 Below
C57 37 37 Below
C58 28 28 Below
C59 65 65 Below
C60 27 27 Below
C80 148 151 Below
C81 96 154 Below
C82 152 87 Below
C83 153 155 Below
C84 27 157 Below
C85 156 158 Below
C86 149 159 Below
C87 150 160 Below
C88 174 162 Below
C89 175 165 Below
C90 163 166 Below
C91 164 167 Below
C92 176 169 Below
C93 168 170 Below
C94 177 171 Below
C95 178 172 Below
C96 192 180 Below
C97 193 183 Below
C98 181 184 Below
C99 182 185 Below
C100 194 187 Below
C101 186 188 Below
C102 195 189 Below
C103 196 190 Below
C104 210 198 Below
C105 211 201 Below
C106 199 202 Below
C107 200 203 Below
C108 212 205 Below
C109 204 206 Below
C110 213 207 Below
C111 214 208 Below
C112 297 216 Below
C113 298 289 Below
C114 217 290 Below
C115 218 291 Below
C116 25 293 Below
C117 292 294 Below
C118 299 295 Below
C119 300 296 Below
C120 314 302 Below
C121 315 305 Below
C122 303 306 Below
C123 304 307 Below
C124 316 309 Below
C125 308 310 Below
C126 317 311 Below
C127 318 312 Below
C128 332 320 Below
C129 333 323 Below
C130 321 324 Below
C131 322 325 Below
C132 334 327 Below
C133 326 328 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C134 335 329 Below
C135 336 330 Below
C136 349 338 Below
C137 350 341 Below
C138 339 342 Below
C139 340 343 Below
C140 31 345 Below
C141 344 346 Below
C142 351 347 Below
C143 352 348 Below
C144 366 354 Below
C145 367 357 Below
C146 355 358 Below
C147 356 359 Below
C148 368 361 Below
C149 360 362 Below
C150 369 363 Below
C151 370 364 Below
C152 384 372 Below
C153 385 375 Below
C154 373 376 Below
C155 374 377 Below
C156 386 379 Below
C157 378 380 Below
C158 387 381 Below
C159 388 382 Below
C160 401 390 Below
C161 402 393 Below
C162 391 394 Below
C163 392 395 Below
C164 33 397 Below
C165 396 398 Below
C166 403 399 Below
C167 404 400 Below
C168 418 406 Below
C173 419 409 Below
C174 407 410 Below
C178 408 411 Below
C184 420 413 Below
C185 235 18 Below
C189 412 414 Below
C193 243 111 Below
C195 421 415 Below
C197 247 112 Below
C198 248 113 Below
C199 249 114 Below
C200 422 416 Below
C201 436 424 Below
C205 437 427 Below
C211 425 428 Below
C212 426 429 Below
C216 438 431 Below
C223 430 432 Below
C225 223 282 Below
C226 225 283 Below
C227 228 280 Below
C228 234 284 Below
C229 239 275 Below
C230 245 276 Below
C231 250 285 Below
C232 251 286 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C233 255 277 Below
C234 261 287 Below
C235 262 288 Below
C236 266 278 Below
C237 273 281 Below
C238 439 433 Below
C239 440 434 Below
C240 453 442 Below
C241 454 445 Below
C242 443 446 Below
C243 444 447 Below
C244 23 449 Below
C245 448 450 Below
C246 455 451 Below
C247 456 452 Below
C248 470 458 Below
C249 471 461 Below
C250 459 462 Below
C251 460 463 Below
C252 472 465 Below
C253 464 466 Below
C254 473 467 Below
C255 474 468 Below
C256 488 476 Below
C257 489 479 Below
C258 477 480 Below
C259 478 481 Below
C260 490 483 Below
C261 482 484 Below
C262 491 485 Below
C263 492 486 Below
C264 505 494 Below
C265 506 497 Below
C266 495 498 Below
C267 496 499 Below
C268 40 501 Below
C269 500 502 Below
C270 507 503 Below
C271 508 504 Below
C272 522 510 Below
C273 523 513 Below
C274 511 514 Below
C275 512 515 Below
C276 524 517 Below
C277 516 518 Below
C278 525 519 Below
C279 526 520 Below
C280 540 528 Below
C281 541 531 Below
C282 529 532 Below
C283 530 533 Below
C284 542 535 Below
C285 534 536 Below
C286 543 537 Below
C287 544 538 Below
C288 557 546 Below
C289 558 549 Below
C290 547 550 Below
C291 548 551 Below
C292 38 553 Below
C293 552 554 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C294 559 555 Below
C295 560 556 Below
C296 574 562 Below
C297 575 565 Below
C298 563 566 Below
C299 564 567 Below
C300 576 569 Below
C301 568 570 Below
C302 577 571 Below
C303 578 572 Below
C304 592 580 Below
C305 593 583 Below
C306 581 584 Below
C307 582 585 Below
C308 594 587 Below
C309 586 588 Below
C310 595 589 Below
C311 596 590 Below
C312 609 598 Below
C313 610 601 Below
C314 599 602 Below
C315 600 603 Below
C316 7 605 Below
C317 604 606 Below
C318 611 607 Below
C319 612 608 Below
C320 626 614 Below
C321 627 617 Below
C322 615 618 Below
C323 616 619 Below
C324 628 621 Below
C325 620 622 Below
C326 629 623 Below
C327 630 624 Below
C328 644 632 Below
C329 645 635 Below
C330 633 636 Below
C331 634 637 Below
C332 646 639 Below
C333 638 640 Below
C334 647 641 Below
C335 648 642 Below
C336 661 650 Below
C337 662 653 Below
C338 651 654 Below
C339 652 655 Below
C340 5 657 Below
C341 656 658 Below
C342 663 659 Below
C343 664 660 Below
C344 678 666 Below
C345 679 669 Below
C346 667 670 Below
C347 668 671 Below
C348 680 673 Below
C349 672 674 Below
C350 681 675 Below
C351 682 676 Below
C352 696 684 Below
C353 697 687 Below
C354 685 688 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C355 686 689 Below
C356 698 691 Below
C357 690 692 Below
C358 699 693 Below
C359 700 694 Below
C360 713 702 Below
C361 714 705 Below
C362 703 706 Below
C363 704 707 Below
C364 80 709 Below
C365 708 710 Below
C366 715 711 Below
C367 716 712 Below
C368 730 718 Below
C369 731 721 Below
C370 719 722 Below
C371 720 723 Below
C372 732 725 Below
C373 724 726 Below
C374 733 727 Below
C375 734 728 Below
C376 748 736 Below
C377 749 739 Below
C378 737 740 Below
C379 738 741 Below
C380 750 743 Below
C381 742 744 Below
C382 751 745 Below
C383 752 746 Below
C384 765 754 Below
C385 766 757 Below
C386 755 758 Below
C387 756 759 Below
C388 77 761 Below
C389 760 762 Below
C390 767 763 Below
C391 768 764 Below
C392 782 770 Below
C393 783 773 Below
C394 771 774 Below
C395 772 775 Below
C396 784 777 Below
C397 776 778 Below
C398 785 779 Below
C399 786 780 Below
C400 800 788 Below
C401 801 791 Below
C402 789 792 Below
C403 790 793 Below
C404 802 795 Below
C405 794 796 Below
C406 803 797 Below
C407 804 798 Below
C408 817 806 Below
C409 818 809 Below
C410 807 810 Below
C411 808 811 Below
C412 3 813 Below
C413 812 814 Below
C414 819 815 Below
C415 820 816 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C416 834 822 Below
C417 835 825 Below
C418 823 826 Below
C419 824 827 Below
C420 836 829 Below
C421 828 830 Below
C422 837 831 Below
C423 838 832 Below
C424 852 840 Below
C425 853 843 Below
C426 841 844 Below
C427 842 845 Below
C428 854 847 Below
C429 846 848 Below
C430 855 849 Below
C431 856 850 Below
C432 869 858 Below
C433 870 861 Below
C434 859 862 Below
C435 860 863 Below
C436 49 865 Below
C437 864 866 Below
C438 871 867 Below
C439 872 868 Below
C440 886 874 Below
C441 887 877 Below
C442 875 878 Below
C443 876 879 Below
C444 888 881 Below
C445 880 882 Below
C446 889 883 Below
C447 890 884 Below
C448 904 892 Below
C449 905 895 Below
C450 893 896 Below
C451 894 897 Below
C452 906 899 Below
C453 898 900 Below
C454 907 901 Below
C455 908 902 Below
C456 921 910 Below
C457 922 913 Below
C458 911 914 Below
C459 912 915 Below
C460 50 917 Below
C461 916 918 Below
C462 923 919 Below
C463 924 920 Below
C464 938 926 Below
C465 939 929 Below
C466 927 930 Below
C467 928 931 Below
C468 940 933 Below
C469 932 934 Below
C470 941 935 Below
C471 942 936 Below
C472 956 944 Below
C473 957 947 Below
C474 945 948 Below
C475 946 949 Below
C476 958 951 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

C477 950 952 Below
C478 959 953 Below
C479 960 954 Below
C480 973 962 Below
C481 974 965 Below
C482 963 966 Below
C483 964 967 Below
C484 2 969 Below
C485 968 970 Below
C486 975 971 Below
C487 976 972 Below

Table 1.6 - Beam Bays

Label PointBayI PointBayJ
B1 1 2
B2 2 3
B3 4 3
B4 1 4
B5 3 5
B6 6 5
B7 4 6
B8 5 7
B9 8 7
B10 9 1
B11 10 4
B12 12 11
B13 14 13
B14 16 15
B15 18 17
B16 19 6
B17 9 14
B18 14 12
B19 12 10
B20 10 16
B21 16 18
B22 18 19
B23 19 20
B24 20 8
B25 6 8
B26 21 22
B27 7 23
B28 24 23
B29 8 24
B30 23 25
B31 26 25
B32 24 26
B33 25 27
B34 26 28
B35 28 27
B36 29 30
B37 32 31
B38 34 33
B39 35 29
B40 36 37
B41 39 38
B42 41 40
B43 42 35
B44 22 36
B45 43 44
B46 45 21

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ

B47 46 43
B48 48 39
B49 47 45
B50 11 49
B51 13 50
B52 51 41
B53 52 53
B54 54 24
B55 56 57
B56 55 34
B57 58 32
B58 62 59
B59 63 64
B60 60 26
B61 65 28
B62 64 61
B63 68 66
B64 69 70
B65 70 71
B66 17 80
B67 73 69
B68 15 77
B69 279 280
B70 84 83
B71 280 275
B72 60 65
B73 20 48
B74 48 51
B75 51 54
B76 54 55
B77 55 58
B78 58 60
B79 85 61
B80 275 276
B81 276 277
B82 101 97
B83 98 70
B84 102 100
B85 46 2
B86 47 46
B87 1 47
B88 124 125
B89 103 104
B90 277 278
B91 126 127
B92 108 103
B93 109 110
B94 28 99
B95 173 161
B96 191 179
B97 209 197
B98 26 215
B99 313 301
B100 331 319
B101 32 337
B102 365 353
B103 383 371
B104 34 389
B105 417 405
B106 435 423
B107 24 441

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ

B108 469 457
B109 487 475
B110 41 493
B111 521 509
B112 539 527
B113 39 545
B114 573 561
B115 591 579
B116 8 597
B117 625 613
B118 643 631
B119 6 649
B120 677 665
B121 695 683
B122 17 701
B123 729 717
B124 747 735
B125 15 753
B126 781 769
B127 799 787
B128 4 805
B129 833 821
B130 851 839
B131 11 857
B132 885 873
B133 903 891
B134 13 909
B135 937 925
B136 955 943
B137 1 961
B138 125 127
B139 124 126
B140 129 128
B141 2 50
B142 50 49
B143 49 3
B144 43 3
B145 119 992
B146 118 991
B147 117 990
B148 116 989
B149 115 988
B150 107 987
B151 106 986
B152 105 985
B153 86 984
B154 82 983
B155 45 43
B156 995 996
B157 4 45
B158 1 13
B159 13 11
B160 11 4
B161 3 77
B162 77 80
B163 80 5
B164 962 151
B167 4 15
B168 15 17
B169 17 6
B170 7 38

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ

B171 38 40
B172 40 23
B173 35 23
B174 36 35
B175 24 36
B176 8 39
B177 39 41
B178 41 24
B179 113 111
B180 111 5
B181 6 113
B182 8 114
B183 114 112
B184 112 7
B185 23 33
B186 33 31
B187 31 25
B188 29 25
B189 37 29
B190 26 37
B191 32 26
B192 34 32
B193 24 34
B281 982 1152
B282 981 1151
B283 980 1150
B284 979 1149
B285 978 1148
B286 977 1147
B287 147 1146
B288 146 1145
B289 145 1144
B290 144 1143
B291 143 1142
B292 142 1141
B293 141 1140
B294 140 1139
B295 139 1138
B296 138 1137
B297 137 1136
B298 136 1135
B299 134 1133
B300 135 1134
B301 133 1132
B302 132 1131
B303 1033 1177
B304 1034 1178
B305 1032 1176
B306 1031 1175
B307 1030 1174
B308 1029 1173
B309 1028 1172
B310 1027 1171
B311 1026 1170
B312 1025 1169
B313 1024 1168
B314 1023 1167
B315 1022 1166
B316 1021 1165
B317 1020 1164
B318 1019 1163

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ

B319 1018 1162
B320 1017 1161
B321 1016 1160
B322 1015 1159
B323 1014 1158
B324 1013 1157
B325 1012 1156
B326 1011 1155
B327 1010 1154
B328 1009 1153

Table 1.7 - Brace Bays

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory
D1 279 1 Same
D2 280 4 Same
D3 275 6 Same
D4 276 8 Same
D5 277 24 Same
D6 278 26 Same
D7 281 28 Same
D8 996 129 Below
D9 995 124 Below
D10 122 130 Same
D11 126 22 Same
D22 28 151 Below
D23 99 151 Below
D24 156 157 Below
D25 149 158 Below
D26 150 159 Below
D27 148 160 Below
D28 148 155 Below
D29 153 87 Below
D30 152 154 Below
D31 173 162 Below
D32 161 162 Below
D33 168 169 Below
D34 177 170 Below
D35 178 171 Below
D36 174 172 Below
D37 174 167 Below
D38 164 166 Below
D39 163 165 Below
D40 191 180 Below
D41 179 180 Below
D42 186 187 Below
D43 195 188 Below
D44 196 189 Below
D45 192 190 Below
D46 192 185 Below
D47 182 184 Below
D48 181 183 Below
D49 209 198 Below
D50 197 198 Below
D51 204 205 Below
D52 213 206 Below
D53 214 207 Below
D54 210 208 Below
D55 210 203 Below
D56 200 202 Below
D57 199 201 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D58 26 216 Below
D59 215 216 Below
D60 292 293 Below
D61 299 294 Below
D62 300 295 Below
D63 297 296 Below
D64 297 291 Below
D65 218 290 Below
D66 217 289 Below
D67 313 302 Below
D68 301 302 Below
D69 308 309 Below
D70 317 310 Below
D71 318 311 Below
D72 314 312 Below
D73 314 307 Below
D74 304 306 Below
D75 303 305 Below
D76 331 320 Below
D77 319 320 Below
D78 326 327 Below
D79 335 328 Below
D80 336 329 Below
D81 332 330 Below
D82 332 325 Below
D83 322 324 Below
D84 321 323 Below
D85 32 338 Below
D86 337 338 Below
D87 344 345 Below
D88 351 346 Below
D89 352 347 Below
D90 349 348 Below
D91 349 343 Below
D92 340 342 Below
D93 339 341 Below
D94 365 354 Below
D95 353 354 Below
D96 360 361 Below
D97 369 362 Below
D98 370 363 Below
D99 366 364 Below
D100 366 359 Below
D101 356 358 Below
D102 355 357 Below
D103 383 372 Below
D104 371 372 Below
D105 378 379 Below
D106 387 380 Below
D107 388 381 Below
D108 384 382 Below
D109 384 377 Below
D110 374 376 Below
D111 373 375 Below
D112 34 390 Below
D113 389 390 Below
D114 396 397 Below
D115 403 398 Below
D116 404 399 Below
D117 401 400 Below
D118 401 395 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D119 392 394 Below
D120 391 393 Below
D121 417 406 Below
D122 405 406 Below
D123 412 413 Below
D124 421 414 Below
D125 422 415 Below
D126 418 416 Below
D127 418 411 Below
D128 408 410 Below
D129 407 409 Below
D130 435 424 Below
D131 423 424 Below
D132 430 431 Below
D133 439 432 Below
D134 440 433 Below
D135 436 434 Below
D136 436 429 Below
D137 426 428 Below
D138 425 427 Below
D139 24 442 Below
D140 441 442 Below
D141 448 449 Below
D142 455 450 Below
D143 456 451 Below
D144 453 452 Below
D145 453 447 Below
D146 444 446 Below
D147 443 445 Below
D148 469 458 Below
D149 457 458 Below
D150 464 465 Below
D151 473 466 Below
D152 474 467 Below
D153 470 468 Below
D154 470 463 Below
D155 460 462 Below
D156 459 461 Below
D157 487 476 Below
D158 475 476 Below
D159 482 483 Below
D160 491 484 Below
D161 492 485 Below
D162 488 486 Below
D163 488 481 Below
D164 478 480 Below
D165 477 479 Below
D166 41 494 Below
D167 493 494 Below
D168 500 501 Below
D169 507 502 Below
D170 508 503 Below
D171 505 504 Below
D172 505 499 Below
D173 496 498 Below
D174 495 497 Below
D175 521 510 Below
D176 509 510 Below
D177 516 517 Below
D178 525 518 Below
D179 526 519 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D180 522 520 Below
D181 522 515 Below
D182 512 514 Below
D183 511 513 Below
D184 539 528 Below
D185 527 528 Below
D186 534 535 Below
D187 543 536 Below
D188 544 537 Below
D189 540 538 Below
D190 540 533 Below
D191 530 532 Below
D192 529 531 Below
D193 39 546 Below
D194 545 546 Below
D195 552 553 Below
D196 559 554 Below
D197 560 555 Below
D198 557 556 Below
D199 557 551 Below
D200 548 550 Below
D201 547 549 Below
D202 573 562 Below
D203 561 562 Below
D204 568 569 Below
D205 577 570 Below
D206 578 571 Below
D207 574 572 Below
D208 574 567 Below
D209 564 566 Below
D210 563 565 Below
D211 591 580 Below
D212 579 580 Below
D213 586 587 Below
D214 595 588 Below
D215 596 589 Below
D216 592 590 Below
D217 592 585 Below
D218 582 584 Below
D219 581 583 Below
D220 8 598 Below
D221 597 598 Below
D222 604 605 Below
D223 611 606 Below
D224 612 607 Below
D225 609 608 Below
D226 609 603 Below
D227 600 602 Below
D228 599 601 Below
D229 625 614 Below
D230 613 614 Below
D231 620 621 Below
D232 629 622 Below
D233 630 623 Below
D234 626 624 Below
D235 626 619 Below
D236 616 618 Below
D237 615 617 Below
D238 643 632 Below
D239 631 632 Below
D240 638 639 Below

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Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D241 647 640 Below
D242 648 641 Below
D243 644 642 Below
D244 644 637 Below
D245 634 636 Below
D246 633 635 Below
D247 6 650 Below
D248 649 650 Below
D249 656 657 Below
D250 663 658 Below
D251 664 659 Below
D252 661 660 Below
D253 661 655 Below
D254 652 654 Below
D255 651 653 Below
D256 677 666 Below
D257 665 666 Below
D258 672 673 Below
D259 681 674 Below
D260 682 675 Below
D261 678 676 Below
D262 678 671 Below
D263 668 670 Below
D264 667 669 Below
D265 695 684 Below
D266 683 684 Below
D267 690 691 Below
D268 699 692 Below
D269 700 693 Below
D270 696 694 Below
D271 696 689 Below
D272 686 688 Below
D273 685 687 Below
D274 17 702 Below
D275 701 702 Below
D276 708 709 Below
D277 715 710 Below
D278 716 711 Below
D279 713 712 Below
D280 713 707 Below
D281 704 706 Below
D282 703 705 Below
D283 729 718 Below
D284 717 718 Below
D285 724 725 Below
D286 733 726 Below
D287 734 727 Below
D288 730 728 Below
D289 730 723 Below
D290 720 722 Below
D291 719 721 Below
D292 747 736 Below
D293 735 736 Below
D294 742 743 Below
D295 751 744 Below
D296 752 745 Below
D297 748 746 Below
D298 748 741 Below
D299 738 740 Below
D300 737 739 Below
D301 15 754 Below

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Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D302 753 754 Below
D303 760 761 Below
D304 767 762 Below
D305 768 763 Below
D306 765 764 Below
D307 765 759 Below
D308 756 758 Below
D309 755 757 Below
D310 781 770 Below
D311 769 770 Below
D312 776 777 Below
D313 785 778 Below
D314 786 779 Below
D315 782 780 Below
D316 782 775 Below
D317 772 774 Below
D318 771 773 Below
D319 799 788 Below
D320 787 788 Below
D321 794 795 Below
D322 803 796 Below
D323 804 797 Below
D324 800 798 Below
D325 800 793 Below
D326 790 792 Below
D327 789 791 Below
D328 4 806 Below
D329 805 806 Below
D330 812 813 Below
D331 819 814 Below
D332 820 815 Below
D333 817 816 Below
D334 817 811 Below
D335 808 810 Below
D336 807 809 Below
D337 833 822 Below
D338 821 822 Below
D339 828 829 Below
D340 837 830 Below
D341 838 831 Below
D342 834 832 Below
D343 834 827 Below
D344 824 826 Below
D345 823 825 Below
D346 851 840 Below
D347 839 840 Below
D348 846 847 Below
D349 855 848 Below
D350 856 849 Below
D351 852 850 Below
D352 852 845 Below
D353 842 844 Below
D354 841 843 Below
D355 11 858 Below
D356 857 858 Below
D357 864 865 Below
D358 871 866 Below
D359 872 867 Below
D360 869 868 Below
D361 869 863 Below
D362 860 862 Below

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Structure Data 03/07/2023

Label PointBayI PointBayJ IEndStory

D363 859 861 Below
D364 885 874 Below
D365 873 874 Below
D366 880 881 Below
D367 889 882 Below
D368 890 883 Below
D369 886 884 Below
D370 886 879 Below
D371 876 878 Below
D372 875 877 Below
D373 903 892 Below
D374 891 892 Below
D375 898 899 Below
D376 907 900 Below
D377 908 901 Below
D378 904 902 Below
D379 904 897 Below
D380 894 896 Below
D381 893 895 Below
D382 13 910 Below
D383 909 910 Below
D384 916 917 Below
D385 923 918 Below
D386 924 919 Below
D387 921 920 Below
D388 921 915 Below
D389 912 914 Below
D390 911 913 Below
D391 937 926 Below
D392 925 926 Below
D393 932 933 Below
D394 941 934 Below
D395 942 935 Below
D396 938 936 Below
D397 938 931 Below
D398 928 930 Below
D399 927 929 Below
D400 955 944 Below
D401 943 944 Below
D402 950 951 Below
D403 959 952 Below
D404 960 953 Below
D405 956 954 Below
D406 956 949 Below
D407 946 948 Below
D408 945 947 Below
D409 1 962 Below
D410 961 962 Below
D411 968 969 Below
D412 975 970 Below
D413 976 971 Below
D414 973 972 Below
D415 973 967 Below
D416 964 966 Below
D417 963 965 Below

1.5 Area Connectivity

Table 1.8 - Floor Bays
Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay
F1 4 1 46

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Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay

F1 2 67
F1 3 50
F1 4 2
F2 4 1 47
F2 2 72
F2 3 67
F2 4 46
F3 4 1 1
F3 2 13
F3 3 72
F3 4 47
F4 4 1 9
F4 2 14
F4 3 13
F4 4 1
F5 4 1 67
F5 2 74
F5 3 49
F5 4 50
F6 4 1 72
F6 2 75
F6 3 74
F6 4 67
F7 4 1 13
F7 2 11
F7 3 75
F7 4 72
F8 4 1 14
F8 2 12
F8 3 11
F8 4 13
F9 4 1 74
F9 2 43
F9 3 3
F9 4 49
F10 4 1 75
F10 2 45
F10 3 43
F10 4 74
F11 4 1 11
F11 2 4
F11 3 45
F11 4 75
F12 4 1 12
F12 2 10
F12 3 4
F12 4 11
F13 4 1 43
F13 2 76
F13 3 77
F13 4 3
F14 4 1 45
F14 2 78
F14 3 76
F14 4 43
F15 4 1 4
F15 2 15
F15 3 78
F15 4 45
F16 4 1 10
F16 2 16

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Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay

F16 3 15
F16 4 4
F17 4 1 76
F17 2 79
F17 3 80
F17 4 77
F18 4 1 78
F18 2 81
F18 3 79
F18 4 76
F19 4 1 15
F19 2 17
F19 3 81
F19 4 78
F20 4 1 16
F20 2 18
F20 3 17
F20 4 15
F21 4 1 79
F21 2 44
F21 3 5
F21 4 80
F22 4 1 81
F22 2 21
F22 3 44
F22 4 79
F23 4 1 17
F23 2 6
F23 3 21
F23 4 81
F24 4 1 18
F24 2 19
F24 3 6
F24 4 17
F25 4 1 6
F25 2 8
F25 3 22
F25 4 21
F26 4 1 19
F26 2 20
F26 3 8
F26 4 6
F27 4 1 42
F27 2 88
F27 3 38
F27 4 7
F28 4 1 22
F28 2 89
F28 3 88
F28 4 42
F29 4 1 8
F29 2 39
F29 3 89
F29 4 22
F30 4 1 20
F30 2 48
F30 3 39
F30 4 8
F31 4 1 88
F31 2 90
F31 3 40

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Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay

F31 4 38
F32 4 1 89
F32 2 91
F32 3 90
F32 4 88
F33 4 1 39
F33 2 41
F33 3 91
F33 4 89
F34 4 1 48
F34 2 51
F34 3 41
F34 4 39
F35 4 1 90
F35 2 35
F35 3 23
F35 4 40
F36 4 1 91
F36 2 36
F36 3 35
F36 4 90
F37 4 1 41
F37 2 24
F37 3 36
F37 4 91
F38 4 1 51
F38 2 54
F38 3 24
F38 4 41
F39 4 1 35
F39 2 92
F39 3 33
F39 4 23
F40 4 1 36
F40 2 93
F40 3 92
F40 4 35
F41 4 1 24
F41 2 34
F41 3 93
F41 4 36
F42 4 1 54
F42 2 55
F42 3 34
F42 4 24
F43 4 1 92
F43 2 94
F43 3 31
F43 4 33
F44 4 1 93
F44 2 95
F44 3 94
F44 4 92
F45 4 1 34
F45 2 32
F45 3 95
F45 4 93
F46 4 1 55
F46 2 58
F46 3 32
F46 4 34

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Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay

F47 4 1 94
F47 2 29
F47 3 25
F47 4 31
F48 4 1 95
F48 2 37
F48 3 29
F48 4 94
F49 4 1 32
F49 2 26
F49 3 37
F49 4 95
F50 4 1 58
F50 2 60
F50 3 26
F50 4 32
F51 4 1 29
F51 2 70
F51 3 71
F51 4 25
F52 4 1 56
F52 2 69
F52 3 70
F52 4 29
F53 4 1 52
F53 2 73
F53 3 69
F53 4 56
F54 4 1 26
F54 2 28
F54 3 53
F54 4 52
F55 4 1 60
F55 2 65
F55 3 28
F55 4 26
F56 4 1 70
F56 2 64
F56 3 61
F56 4 71
F57 4 1 69
F57 2 63
F57 3 64
F57 4 70
F58 4 1 68
F58 2 66
F58 3 27
F58 4 61
F59 4 1 64
F59 2 30
F59 3 66
F59 4 68
F60 4 1 62
F60 2 59
F60 3 30
F60 4 64
F61 4 1 63
F61 2 57
F61 3 59
F61 4 62
F62 4 1 73

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Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay

F62 2 53
F62 3 57
F62 4 69
F65 4 1 127
F65 2 125
F65 3 124
F65 4 126

Table 1.9 - Wall Bays

Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay PointStory
W1 4 1 122 Same
W1 2 126 Same
W1 3 22 Same
W1 4 130 Same
W2 4 1 996 Below
W2 2 995 Below
W2 3 124 Same
W2 4 129 Same

Table 1.10 - Null Area Bays

Label NumPoints PointNumber PointBay PointStory
A1 4 1 1 Below
A1 2 28 Below
A1 3 151 Same
A1 4 962 Same
A2 4 1 961 Below
A2 2 99 Below
A2 3 151 Same
A2 4 962 Same
A3 4 1 82 Same
A3 2 983 Same
A3 3 28 Same
A3 4 1 Same

1.6 Mass
Table 1.11 - Mass Source Definition
Include Include Source Source Source
Lump Move Mass Load
Name Is Default Lateral Vertical Self Added Load Multiplier
Mass? Centroid? Pattern
Mass? Mass? Mass? Mass? Patterns?
MsSrc1 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Dinding 0,3
MsSrc1 Atap 0,3

Table 1.12 - Mass Summary by Story

kg kg kg
Story3 0 0 0
Story2 67604,13 67604,13 0
Story1 288798,29 288798,29 0
Base 68879,6 68879,6 0

Table 1.13 - Mass Summary by Group

Self Mass Mass X Mass Y Mass Z
Group Weight
kg kg kg kg
All 377745,02 0 441350,13 441350,13 0
ATAP 35,63 0 35,63 35,63 0

1.7 Groups
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Table 1.14 - Group Definitions

Steel Concrete Composite
Name Color
Design? Design? Design?
All Yellow No No No
ATAP Red No No No

Table 1.15 - Group Assignments

Group Object
Name Type
ATAP Point 246
ATAP Point 294
ATAP Point 303
ATAP Point 305
ATAP Point 307
ATAP Point 308
ATAP Point 309
ATAP Point 315
ATAP Point 321
ATAP Point 322
ATAP Point 323
ATAP Point 324
ATAP Line 232
ATAP Line 233
ATAP Line 234
ATAP Line 235
ATAP Line 236
ATAP Line 237
ATAP Line 238
ATAP Line 241
ATAP Line 242
ATAP Line 243
ATAP Line 244
ATAP Line 245
ATAP Line 246
ATAP Line 247
ATAP Line 248
ATAP Line 249
ATAP Line 250
ATAP Line 251

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Properties 03/07/2023

2 Properties
This chapter provides property information for materials, frame sections, shell sections, and links.

2.1 Materials
Table 2.1 - Material Properties - General
Material Type SymType Grade Color Notes
C.075 ColdFormed Isotropic SQ Grade 50 Red
fc 25 Concrete Isotropic fc 20 Cyan
fy 240 Rebar Uniaxial Grade 60 Red
fy 410 Rebar Uniaxial fy 410 Magenta
RENK ColdFormed Isotropic SQ Grade 50 Red

2.2 Frame Sections

Table 2.2 - Frame Section Property Definitions - Summary (Part 1 of 4)
Area J I33 I22 As2 As3
Name Material Shape Color
cm2 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm2 cm2
B1 25/40 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Magenta 1000 127345,2 133333,3 52083,3 833,3 833,3
B2 25/35 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Green 875 102039,9 89322,9 45572,9 729,2 729,2
B3 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Green 375 17608,6 19531,3 7031,3 312,5 312,5
C.075 C.075 Cold Formed C Magenta 1,1 0,002116 10,1 1,8 0,5 0,4
ConcBm 4000Psi Concrete Rectangular Gray8Dark 1875 474572,9 390625 219726,6 1562,5 1562,5
ConcCol 4000Psi Concrete Rectangular Yellow 1406,3 278503,4 164794,9 164794,9 1171,9 1171,9
K1 35X35 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Cyan 1225 211338 125052,1 125052,1 1020,8 1020,8
K1A 25/25 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Gray8Dark 625 55013 32552,1 32552,1 520,8 520,8
RENK C.075 Cold Formed Hat Blue 0,7 0,0008656 2,8 1 0,2 0,2
SL 1 25/30 fc 25 Concrete Rectangular Red 750 77515,4 56250 39062,5 625 625

Table 2.2 - Frame Section Property Definitions - Summary (Part 2 of 4)

Fillet CG
S33Pos S33Neg S22Pos S22Neg Z33 Z22 R33 R22 Cw
Name Radius Offset 3
cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 mm mm cm6
mm mm

B1 25/40 6666,7 6666,7 4166,7 4166,7 10000 6250 115,5 72,2 0

B2 25/35 5104,2 5104,2 3645,8 3645,8 7656,3 5468,8 101 72,2 0
B3 1562,5 1562,5 937,5 937,5 2343,8 1406,3 72,2 43,3 0
C.075 2,7 2,7 1,7 0,7 3,2 1,2 29,9 12,8 22,3 6,7
ConcBm 15625 15625 11718,8 11718,8 23437,5 17578,1 144,3 108,3 0
ConcCol 8789,1 8789,1 8789,1 8789,1 13183,6 13183,6 108,3 108,3 0
K1 35X35 7145,8 7145,8 7145,8 7145,8 10718,8 10718,8 101 101 0
K1A 25/25 2604,2 2604,2 2604,2 2604,2 3906,3 3906,3 72,2 72,2 0
RENK 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,6 1,3 0,8 20 12 2,1 1,2
SL 1 25/30 3750 3750 3125 3125 5625 4687,5 86,6 72,2 0

Table 2.2 - Frame Section Property Definitions - Summary (Part 3 of 4)

Area As2 As3 I33
Name Offset 2 Offset 3 Offset 2 Offset 3 Offset 2 J Modifier
Modifier Modifier Modifier Modifier
mm mm mm mm mm

B1 25/40 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
B2 25/35 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
B3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
C.075 0 14,4 0 33,1 0 1 1 1 1 1
K1 35X35 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0,7
K1A 25/25 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0,7
RENK 0 2,2 0 26,9 0 1 1 1 1 1
SL 1 25/30 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0,35

Table 2.2 - Frame Section Property Definitions - Summary (Part 4 of 4)

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Properties 03/07/2023

Mass Weight
Name I22 Modifier
Modifier Modifier
B1 25/40 1 1 1
B2 25/35 1 1 1
B3 1 1 1
C.075 1 1 1
K1 35X35 0,7 1 1
K1A 25/25 0,7 1 1
RENK 1 1 1
SL 1 25/30 0,35 1 1

2.3 Shell Sections

Table 2.3 - Area Section Property Definitions - Summary
Total Deck
Element Deck
Name Type Material Thickness Depth
Type Material
mm mm
PLAT LANTAI Slab Shell-Thin fc 20 120

2.4 Reinforcement Sizes

Table 2.4 - Reinforcing Bar Sizes
Diameter Area
mm cm2
6 6 0,3
8 8 0,5
10 10 0,8
12 12 1,1
14 14 1,5
16 16 2
18 18 2,5
20 20 3,1
22 22 3,8
25 25 4,9
26 26 5,3
28 28 6,2
32 32 8
36 36 10,2
40 40 12,6
50 50 19,6

2.5 Links
Table 2.5 - Link Property Definitions - Summary
Defined Defined
Degrees of Mass Weight
Name Type Length Area
Freedom kg kN
m m2
Link1 Linear U1 0 0 1 1

2.6 Tendon Sections

Table 2.6 - Tendon Section Properties
Name Material Color Notes
Tendon1 A416Gr270 1 Red

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Assignments 03/07/2023

3 Assignments
This chapter provides a listing of the assignments applied to the model.

3.1 Joint Assignments

Table 3.1 - Joint Assignments - Summary
Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints
Story3 87 308 From Area
Story3 151 294 From Area
Story3 154 307 From Area
Story3 155 309 From Area
Story3 157 321 From Area
Story3 158 322 From Area
Story3 159 323 From Area
Story3 160 324 From Area
Story3 162 330 From Area
Story3 165 333 From Area
Story3 166 334 From Area
Story3 167 335 From Area
Story3 169 337 From Area
Story3 170 338 From Area
Story3 171 339 From Area
Story3 172 340 From Area
Story3 180 348 From Area
Story3 183 351 From Area
Story3 184 352 From Area
Story3 185 353 From Area
Story3 187 355 From Area
Story3 188 356 From Area
Story3 189 357 From Area
Story3 190 358 From Area
Story3 198 366 From Area
Story3 201 369 From Area
Story3 202 370 From Area
Story3 203 371 From Area
Story3 205 373 From Area
Story3 206 374 From Area
Story3 207 375 From Area
Story3 208 376 From Area
Story3 216 384 From Area
Story3 289 387 From Area
Story3 290 388 From Area
Story3 291 389 From Area
Story3 293 391 From Area
Story3 294 392 From Area
Story3 295 393 From Area
Story3 296 394 From Area
Story3 302 400 From Area
Story3 305 403 From Area
Story3 306 404 From Area
Story3 307 405 From Area
Story3 309 407 From Area
Story3 310 408 From Area
Story3 311 409 From Area
Story3 312 410 From Area
Story3 320 418 From Area
Story3 323 421 From Area
Story3 324 422 From Area
Story3 325 423 From Area
Story3 327 425 From Area
Story3 328 426 From Area
Story3 329 427 From Area
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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 330 428 From Area
Story3 338 436 From Area
Story3 341 439 From Area
Story3 342 440 From Area
Story3 343 441 From Area
Story3 345 443 From Area
Story3 346 444 From Area
Story3 347 445 From Area
Story3 348 446 From Area
Story3 354 452 From Area
Story3 357 455 From Area
Story3 358 456 From Area
Story3 359 457 From Area
Story3 361 459 From Area
Story3 362 460 From Area
Story3 363 461 From Area
Story3 364 462 From Area
Story3 372 470 From Area
Story3 375 473 From Area
Story3 376 474 From Area
Story3 377 475 From Area
Story3 379 477 From Area
Story3 380 478 From Area
Story3 381 479 From Area
Story3 382 480 From Area
Story3 390 488 From Area
Story3 393 491 From Area
Story3 394 492 From Area
Story3 395 493 From Area
Story3 397 495 From Area
Story3 398 496 From Area
Story3 399 497 From Area
Story3 400 498 From Area
Story3 406 504 From Area
Story3 409 507 From Area
Story3 410 508 From Area
Story3 411 509 From Area
Story3 413 511 From Area
Story3 414 512 From Area
Story3 415 513 From Area
Story3 416 514 From Area
Story3 424 522 From Area
Story3 427 525 From Area
Story3 428 526 From Area
Story3 429 527 From Area
Story3 431 529 From Area
Story3 432 530 From Area
Story3 433 531 From Area
Story3 434 532 From Area
Story3 442 540 From Area
Story3 445 543 From Area
Story3 446 544 From Area
Story3 447 545 From Area
Story3 449 547 From Area
Story3 450 548 From Area
Story3 451 549 From Area
Story3 452 550 From Area
Story3 458 556 From Area
Story3 461 559 From Area
Story3 462 560 From Area
Story3 463 561 From Area

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 465 563 From Area
Story3 466 564 From Area
Story3 467 565 From Area
Story3 468 566 From Area
Story3 476 574 From Area
Story3 479 577 From Area
Story3 480 578 From Area
Story3 481 579 From Area
Story3 483 581 From Area
Story3 484 582 From Area
Story3 485 583 From Area
Story3 486 584 From Area
Story3 494 592 From Area
Story3 497 595 From Area
Story3 498 596 From Area
Story3 499 597 From Area
Story3 501 599 From Area
Story3 502 600 From Area
Story3 503 601 From Area
Story3 504 602 From Area
Story3 510 608 From Area
Story3 513 611 From Area
Story3 514 612 From Area
Story3 515 613 From Area
Story3 517 615 From Area
Story3 518 616 From Area
Story3 519 617 From Area
Story3 520 618 From Area
Story3 528 626 From Area
Story3 531 629 From Area
Story3 532 630 From Area
Story3 533 631 From Area
Story3 535 633 From Area
Story3 536 634 From Area
Story3 537 635 From Area
Story3 538 636 From Area
Story3 546 644 From Area
Story3 549 647 From Area
Story3 550 648 From Area
Story3 551 649 From Area
Story3 553 651 From Area
Story3 554 652 From Area
Story3 555 653 From Area
Story3 556 654 From Area
Story3 562 660 From Area
Story3 565 663 From Area
Story3 566 664 From Area
Story3 567 665 From Area
Story3 569 667 From Area
Story3 570 668 From Area
Story3 571 669 From Area
Story3 572 670 From Area
Story3 580 678 From Area
Story3 583 681 From Area
Story3 584 682 From Area
Story3 585 683 From Area
Story3 587 685 From Area
Story3 588 686 From Area
Story3 589 687 From Area
Story3 590 688 From Area
Story3 598 696 From Area

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 601 699 From Area
Story3 602 700 From Area
Story3 603 701 From Area
Story3 605 703 From Area
Story3 606 704 From Area
Story3 607 705 From Area
Story3 608 706 From Area
Story3 614 712 From Area
Story3 617 715 From Area
Story3 618 716 From Area
Story3 619 717 From Area
Story3 621 719 From Area
Story3 622 720 From Area
Story3 623 721 From Area
Story3 624 722 From Area
Story3 632 730 From Area
Story3 635 733 From Area
Story3 636 734 From Area
Story3 637 735 From Area
Story3 639 737 From Area
Story3 640 738 From Area
Story3 641 739 From Area
Story3 642 740 From Area
Story3 650 748 From Area
Story3 653 751 From Area
Story3 654 752 From Area
Story3 655 753 From Area
Story3 657 755 From Area
Story3 658 756 From Area
Story3 659 757 From Area
Story3 660 758 From Area
Story3 666 764 From Area
Story3 669 767 From Area
Story3 670 768 From Area
Story3 671 769 From Area
Story3 673 771 From Area
Story3 674 772 From Area
Story3 675 773 From Area
Story3 676 774 From Area
Story3 684 782 From Area
Story3 687 785 From Area
Story3 688 786 From Area
Story3 689 787 From Area
Story3 691 789 From Area
Story3 692 790 From Area
Story3 693 791 From Area
Story3 694 792 From Area
Story3 702 800 From Area
Story3 705 803 From Area
Story3 706 804 From Area
Story3 707 805 From Area
Story3 709 807 From Area
Story3 710 808 From Area
Story3 711 809 From Area
Story3 712 810 From Area
Story3 718 816 From Area
Story3 721 819 From Area
Story3 722 820 From Area
Story3 723 821 From Area
Story3 725 823 From Area
Story3 726 824 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 727 825 From Area
Story3 728 826 From Area
Story3 736 834 From Area
Story3 739 837 From Area
Story3 740 838 From Area
Story3 741 839 From Area
Story3 743 841 From Area
Story3 744 842 From Area
Story3 745 843 From Area
Story3 746 844 From Area
Story3 754 852 From Area
Story3 757 855 From Area
Story3 758 856 From Area
Story3 759 857 From Area
Story3 761 859 From Area
Story3 762 860 From Area
Story3 763 861 From Area
Story3 764 862 From Area
Story3 770 868 From Area
Story3 773 871 From Area
Story3 774 872 From Area
Story3 775 873 From Area
Story3 777 875 From Area
Story3 778 876 From Area
Story3 779 877 From Area
Story3 780 878 From Area
Story3 788 886 From Area
Story3 791 889 From Area
Story3 792 890 From Area
Story3 793 891 From Area
Story3 795 893 From Area
Story3 796 894 From Area
Story3 797 895 From Area
Story3 798 896 From Area
Story3 806 904 From Area
Story3 809 907 From Area
Story3 810 908 From Area
Story3 811 909 From Area
Story3 813 911 From Area
Story3 814 912 From Area
Story3 815 913 From Area
Story3 816 914 From Area
Story3 822 920 From Area
Story3 825 923 From Area
Story3 826 924 From Area
Story3 827 925 From Area
Story3 829 927 From Area
Story3 830 928 From Area
Story3 831 929 From Area
Story3 832 930 From Area
Story3 840 938 From Area
Story3 843 941 From Area
Story3 844 942 From Area
Story3 845 943 From Area
Story3 847 945 From Area
Story3 848 946 From Area
Story3 849 947 From Area
Story3 850 948 From Area
Story3 858 956 From Area
Story3 861 959 From Area
Story3 862 960 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 863 961 From Area
Story3 865 963 From Area
Story3 866 964 From Area
Story3 867 965 From Area
Story3 868 966 From Area
Story3 874 972 From Area
Story3 877 975 From Area
Story3 878 976 From Area
Story3 879 977 From Area
Story3 881 979 From Area
Story3 882 980 From Area
Story3 883 981 From Area
Story3 884 982 From Area
Story3 892 990 From Area
Story3 895 993 From Area
Story3 896 994 From Area
Story3 897 995 From Area
Story3 899 997 From Area
Story3 900 998 From Area
Story3 901 999 From Area
Story3 902 1000 From Area
Story3 910 1008 From Area
Story3 913 1011 From Area
Story3 914 1012 From Area
Story3 915 1013 From Area
Story3 917 1015 From Area
Story3 918 1016 From Area
Story3 919 1017 From Area
Story3 920 1018 From Area
Story3 926 1024 From Area
Story3 929 1027 From Area
Story3 930 1028 From Area
Story3 931 1029 From Area
Story3 933 1031 From Area
Story3 934 1032 From Area
Story3 935 1033 From Area
Story3 936 1034 From Area
Story3 944 1042 From Area
Story3 947 1045 From Area
Story3 948 1046 From Area
Story3 949 1047 From Area
Story3 951 1049 From Area
Story3 952 1050 From Area
Story3 953 1051 From Area
Story3 954 1052 From Area
Story3 962 1060 From Area
Story3 965 1063 From Area
Story3 966 1064 From Area
Story3 967 1065 From Area
Story3 969 1067 From Area
Story3 970 1068 From Area
Story3 971 1069 From Area
Story3 972 1070 From Area
Story3 132 304 From Area
Story3 133 306 From Area
Story3 134 310 From Area
Story3 135 311 From Area
Story3 136 312 From Area
Story3 137 313 From Area
Story3 138 314 From Area
Story3 139 316 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 140 317 From Area
Story3 141 318 From Area
Story3 142 319 From Area
Story3 143 320 From Area
Story3 144 1075 From Area
Story3 145 1076 From Area
Story3 146 1077 From Area
Story3 147 1078 From Area
Story3 977 1079 From Area
Story3 978 1080 From Area
Story3 979 1081 From Area
Story3 980 1082 From Area
Story3 981 1083 From Area
Story3 982 1084 From Area
Story3 1009 1111 From Area
Story3 1010 1112 From Area
Story3 1011 1113 From Area
Story3 1012 1114 From Area
Story3 1013 1115 From Area
Story3 1014 1116 From Area
Story3 1015 1117 From Area
Story3 1016 1118 From Area
Story3 1017 1119 From Area
Story3 1018 1120 From Area
Story3 1019 1121 From Area
Story3 1020 1122 From Area
Story3 1021 1123 From Area
Story3 1022 1124 From Area
Story3 1023 1125 From Area
Story3 1024 1126 From Area
Story3 1025 1127 From Area
Story3 1026 1128 From Area
Story3 1027 1129 From Area
Story3 1028 1130 From Area
Story3 1029 1131 From Area
Story3 1030 1132 From Area
Story3 1031 1133 From Area
Story3 1032 1134 From Area
Story3 1033 1135 From Area
Story3 1034 1136 From Area
Story3 1131 86 From Area
Story3 1132 87 From Area
Story3 1133 134 From Area
Story3 1134 135 From Area
Story3 1135 205 From Area
Story3 1136 210 From Area
Story3 1137 212 From Area
Story3 1138 224 From Area
Story3 1139 226 From Area
Story3 1140 232 From Area
Story3 1141 234 From Area
Story3 1142 242 From Area
Story3 1143 244 From Area
Story3 1144 258 From Area
Story3 1145 264 From Area
Story3 1146 266 From Area
Story3 1147 280 From Area
Story3 1148 286 From Area
Story3 1149 288 From Area
Story3 1150 298 From Area
Story3 1151 300 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story3 1152 302 From Area
Story3 1153 1085 From Area
Story3 1154 1086 From Area
Story3 1155 1087 From Area
Story3 1156 1088 From Area
Story3 1157 1089 From Area
Story3 1158 1090 From Area
Story3 1159 1091 From Area
Story3 1160 1092 From Area
Story3 1161 1093 From Area
Story3 1162 1094 From Area
Story3 1163 1095 From Area
Story3 1164 1096 From Area
Story3 1165 1097 From Area
Story3 1166 1098 From Area
Story3 1167 1099 From Area
Story3 1168 1100 From Area
Story3 1169 1101 From Area
Story3 1170 1102 From Area
Story3 1171 1103 From Area
Story3 1172 1104 From Area
Story3 1173 1105 From Area
Story3 1174 1106 From Area
Story3 1175 1107 From Area
Story3 1176 1108 From Area
Story3 1177 1109 From Area
Story3 1178 1110 From Area
Story2 1 82 From Area
Story2 2 83 From Area
Story2 3 84 From Area
Story2 4 85 From Area
Story2 5 99 From Area
Story2 6 100 From Area
Story2 7 105 From Area
Story2 8 104 From Area
Story2 11 208 From Area
Story2 13 206 From Area
Story2 15 228 From Area
Story2 17 230 From Area
Story2 18 103 From Area
Story2 23 107 From Area
Story2 24 108 From Area
Story2 25 109 From Area
Story2 26 110 From Area
Story2 27 112 From Area
Story2 28 102 From Area
Story2 29 125 From Area
Story2 30 126 From Area
Story2 31 292 From Area
Story2 32 284 From Area
Story2 33 290 From Area
Story2 34 282 From Area
Story2 35 272 From Area
Story2 36 274 From Area
Story2 37 296 From Area
Story2 38 268 From Area
Story2 39 260 From Area
Story2 40 270 From Area
Story2 41 262 From Area
Story2 43 218 From Area
Story2 45 220 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 46 163 From Area
Story2 47 164 From Area
Story2 49 216 From Area
Story2 50 214 From Area
Story2 61 118 From Area
Story2 70 127 From Area
Story2 77 236 From Area
Story2 80 238 From Area
Story2 85 117 From Area
Story2 98 123 From Area
Story2 83 97 From Area
Story2 84 98 From Area
Story2 97 122 From Area
Story2 100 128 From Area
Story2 101 129 From Area
Story2 102 130 From Area
Story2 103 131 From Area
Story2 104 132 From Area
Story2 108 136 From Area
Story2 109 137 From Area
Story2 110 138 From Area
Story2 111 240 From Area
Story2 112 248 From Area
Story2 113 250 From Area
Story2 114 252 From Area
Story2 275 101 From Area
Story2 276 106 From Area
Story2 277 111 From Area
Story2 278 113 From Area
Story2 279 115 From Area
Story2 280 116 From Area
Story2 281 114 From Area
Story2 282 168 From Area
Story2 283 203 From Area
Story2 284 222 From Area
Story2 285 254 From Area
Story2 286 256 From Area
Story2 287 276 From Area
Story2 288 278 From Area
Story2 96 326 From Area
Story2 99 246 From Area
Story2 148 325 From Area
Story2 149 327 From Area
Story2 150 328 From Area
Story2 152 303 From Area
Story2 153 305 From Area
Story2 156 315 From Area
Story2 161 329 From Area
Story2 163 331 From Area
Story2 164 332 From Area
Story2 168 336 From Area
Story2 173 341 From Area
Story2 174 342 From Area
Story2 175 343 From Area
Story2 176 344 From Area
Story2 177 345 From Area
Story2 178 346 From Area
Story2 179 347 From Area
Story2 181 349 From Area
Story2 182 350 From Area
Story2 186 354 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 191 359 From Area
Story2 192 360 From Area
Story2 193 361 From Area
Story2 194 362 From Area
Story2 195 363 From Area
Story2 196 364 From Area
Story2 197 365 From Area
Story2 199 367 From Area
Story2 200 368 From Area
Story2 204 372 From Area
Story2 209 377 From Area
Story2 210 378 From Area
Story2 211 379 From Area
Story2 212 380 From Area
Story2 213 381 From Area
Story2 214 382 From Area
Story2 215 383 From Area
Story2 217 385 From Area
Story2 218 386 From Area
Story2 292 390 From Area
Story2 297 395 From Area
Story2 298 396 From Area
Story2 299 397 From Area
Story2 300 398 From Area
Story2 301 399 From Area
Story2 303 401 From Area
Story2 304 402 From Area
Story2 308 406 From Area
Story2 313 411 From Area
Story2 314 412 From Area
Story2 315 413 From Area
Story2 316 414 From Area
Story2 317 415 From Area
Story2 318 416 From Area
Story2 319 417 From Area
Story2 321 419 From Area
Story2 322 420 From Area
Story2 326 424 From Area
Story2 331 429 From Area
Story2 332 430 From Area
Story2 333 431 From Area
Story2 334 432 From Area
Story2 335 433 From Area
Story2 336 434 From Area
Story2 337 435 From Area
Story2 339 437 From Area
Story2 340 438 From Area
Story2 344 442 From Area
Story2 349 447 From Area
Story2 350 448 From Area
Story2 351 449 From Area
Story2 352 450 From Area
Story2 353 451 From Area
Story2 355 453 From Area
Story2 356 454 From Area
Story2 360 458 From Area
Story2 365 463 From Area
Story2 366 464 From Area
Story2 367 465 From Area
Story2 368 466 From Area
Story2 369 467 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 370 468 From Area
Story2 371 469 From Area
Story2 373 471 From Area
Story2 374 472 From Area
Story2 378 476 From Area
Story2 383 481 From Area
Story2 384 482 From Area
Story2 385 483 From Area
Story2 386 484 From Area
Story2 387 485 From Area
Story2 388 486 From Area
Story2 389 487 From Area
Story2 391 489 From Area
Story2 392 490 From Area
Story2 396 494 From Area
Story2 401 499 From Area
Story2 402 500 From Area
Story2 403 501 From Area
Story2 404 502 From Area
Story2 405 503 From Area
Story2 407 505 From Area
Story2 408 506 From Area
Story2 412 510 From Area
Story2 417 515 From Area
Story2 418 516 From Area
Story2 419 517 From Area
Story2 420 518 From Area
Story2 421 519 From Area
Story2 422 520 From Area
Story2 423 521 From Area
Story2 425 523 From Area
Story2 426 524 From Area
Story2 430 528 From Area
Story2 435 533 From Area
Story2 436 534 From Area
Story2 437 535 From Area
Story2 438 536 From Area
Story2 439 537 From Area
Story2 440 538 From Area
Story2 441 539 From Area
Story2 443 541 From Area
Story2 444 542 From Area
Story2 448 546 From Area
Story2 453 551 From Area
Story2 454 552 From Area
Story2 455 553 From Area
Story2 456 554 From Area
Story2 457 555 From Area
Story2 459 557 From Area
Story2 460 558 From Area
Story2 464 562 From Area
Story2 469 567 From Area
Story2 470 568 From Area
Story2 471 569 From Area
Story2 472 570 From Area
Story2 473 571 From Area
Story2 474 572 From Area
Story2 475 573 From Area
Story2 477 575 From Area
Story2 478 576 From Area
Story2 482 580 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 487 585 From Area
Story2 488 586 From Area
Story2 489 587 From Area
Story2 490 588 From Area
Story2 491 589 From Area
Story2 492 590 From Area
Story2 493 591 From Area
Story2 495 593 From Area
Story2 496 594 From Area
Story2 500 598 From Area
Story2 505 603 From Area
Story2 506 604 From Area
Story2 507 605 From Area
Story2 508 606 From Area
Story2 509 607 From Area
Story2 511 609 From Area
Story2 512 610 From Area
Story2 516 614 From Area
Story2 521 619 From Area
Story2 522 620 From Area
Story2 523 621 From Area
Story2 524 622 From Area
Story2 525 623 From Area
Story2 526 624 From Area
Story2 527 625 From Area
Story2 529 627 From Area
Story2 530 628 From Area
Story2 534 632 From Area
Story2 539 637 From Area
Story2 540 638 From Area
Story2 541 639 From Area
Story2 542 640 From Area
Story2 543 641 From Area
Story2 544 642 From Area
Story2 545 643 From Area
Story2 547 645 From Area
Story2 548 646 From Area
Story2 552 650 From Area
Story2 557 655 From Area
Story2 558 656 From Area
Story2 559 657 From Area
Story2 560 658 From Area
Story2 561 659 From Area
Story2 563 661 From Area
Story2 564 662 From Area
Story2 568 666 From Area
Story2 573 671 From Area
Story2 574 672 From Area
Story2 575 673 From Area
Story2 576 674 From Area
Story2 577 675 From Area
Story2 578 676 From Area
Story2 579 677 From Area
Story2 581 679 From Area
Story2 582 680 From Area
Story2 586 684 From Area
Story2 591 689 From Area
Story2 592 690 From Area
Story2 593 691 From Area
Story2 594 692 From Area
Story2 595 693 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 596 694 From Area
Story2 597 695 From Area
Story2 599 697 From Area
Story2 600 698 From Area
Story2 604 702 From Area
Story2 609 707 From Area
Story2 610 708 From Area
Story2 611 709 From Area
Story2 612 710 From Area
Story2 613 711 From Area
Story2 615 713 From Area
Story2 616 714 From Area
Story2 620 718 From Area
Story2 625 723 From Area
Story2 626 724 From Area
Story2 627 725 From Area
Story2 628 726 From Area
Story2 629 727 From Area
Story2 630 728 From Area
Story2 631 729 From Area
Story2 633 731 From Area
Story2 634 732 From Area
Story2 638 736 From Area
Story2 643 741 From Area
Story2 644 742 From Area
Story2 645 743 From Area
Story2 646 744 From Area
Story2 647 745 From Area
Story2 648 746 From Area
Story2 649 747 From Area
Story2 651 749 From Area
Story2 652 750 From Area
Story2 656 754 From Area
Story2 661 759 From Area
Story2 662 760 From Area
Story2 663 761 From Area
Story2 664 762 From Area
Story2 665 763 From Area
Story2 667 765 From Area
Story2 668 766 From Area
Story2 672 770 From Area
Story2 677 775 From Area
Story2 678 776 From Area
Story2 679 777 From Area
Story2 680 778 From Area
Story2 681 779 From Area
Story2 682 780 From Area
Story2 683 781 From Area
Story2 685 783 From Area
Story2 686 784 From Area
Story2 690 788 From Area
Story2 695 793 From Area
Story2 696 794 From Area
Story2 697 795 From Area
Story2 698 796 From Area
Story2 699 797 From Area
Story2 700 798 From Area
Story2 701 799 From Area
Story2 703 801 From Area
Story2 704 802 From Area
Story2 708 806 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 713 811 From Area
Story2 714 812 From Area
Story2 715 813 From Area
Story2 716 814 From Area
Story2 717 815 From Area
Story2 719 817 From Area
Story2 720 818 From Area
Story2 724 822 From Area
Story2 729 827 From Area
Story2 730 828 From Area
Story2 731 829 From Area
Story2 732 830 From Area
Story2 733 831 From Area
Story2 734 832 From Area
Story2 735 833 From Area
Story2 737 835 From Area
Story2 738 836 From Area
Story2 742 840 From Area
Story2 747 845 From Area
Story2 748 846 From Area
Story2 749 847 From Area
Story2 750 848 From Area
Story2 751 849 From Area
Story2 752 850 From Area
Story2 753 851 From Area
Story2 755 853 From Area
Story2 756 854 From Area
Story2 760 858 From Area
Story2 765 863 From Area
Story2 766 864 From Area
Story2 767 865 From Area
Story2 768 866 From Area
Story2 769 867 From Area
Story2 771 869 From Area
Story2 772 870 From Area
Story2 776 874 From Area
Story2 781 879 From Area
Story2 782 880 From Area
Story2 783 881 From Area
Story2 784 882 From Area
Story2 785 883 From Area
Story2 786 884 From Area
Story2 787 885 From Area
Story2 789 887 From Area
Story2 790 888 From Area
Story2 794 892 From Area
Story2 799 897 From Area
Story2 800 898 From Area
Story2 801 899 From Area
Story2 802 900 From Area
Story2 803 901 From Area
Story2 804 902 From Area
Story2 805 903 From Area
Story2 807 905 From Area
Story2 808 906 From Area
Story2 812 910 From Area
Story2 817 915 From Area
Story2 818 916 From Area
Story2 819 917 From Area
Story2 820 918 From Area
Story2 821 919 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 823 921 From Area
Story2 824 922 From Area
Story2 828 926 From Area
Story2 833 931 From Area
Story2 834 932 From Area
Story2 835 933 From Area
Story2 836 934 From Area
Story2 837 935 From Area
Story2 838 936 From Area
Story2 839 937 From Area
Story2 841 939 From Area
Story2 842 940 From Area
Story2 846 944 From Area
Story2 851 949 From Area
Story2 852 950 From Area
Story2 853 951 From Area
Story2 854 952 From Area
Story2 855 953 From Area
Story2 856 954 From Area
Story2 857 955 From Area
Story2 859 957 From Area
Story2 860 958 From Area
Story2 864 962 From Area
Story2 869 967 From Area
Story2 870 968 From Area
Story2 871 969 From Area
Story2 872 970 From Area
Story2 873 971 From Area
Story2 875 973 From Area
Story2 876 974 From Area
Story2 880 978 From Area
Story2 885 983 From Area
Story2 886 984 From Area
Story2 887 985 From Area
Story2 888 986 From Area
Story2 889 987 From Area
Story2 890 988 From Area
Story2 891 989 From Area
Story2 893 991 From Area
Story2 894 992 From Area
Story2 898 996 From Area
Story2 903 1001 From Area
Story2 904 1002 From Area
Story2 905 1003 From Area
Story2 906 1004 From Area
Story2 907 1005 From Area
Story2 908 1006 From Area
Story2 909 1007 From Area
Story2 911 1009 From Area
Story2 912 1010 From Area
Story2 916 1014 From Area
Story2 921 1019 From Area
Story2 922 1020 From Area
Story2 923 1021 From Area
Story2 924 1022 From Area
Story2 925 1023 From Area
Story2 927 1025 From Area
Story2 928 1026 From Area
Story2 932 1030 From Area
Story2 937 1035 From Area
Story2 938 1036 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story2 939 1037 From Area
Story2 940 1038 From Area
Story2 941 1039 From Area
Story2 942 1040 From Area
Story2 943 1041 From Area
Story2 945 1043 From Area
Story2 946 1044 From Area
Story2 950 1048 From Area
Story2 955 1053 From Area
Story2 956 1054 From Area
Story2 957 1055 From Area
Story2 958 1056 From Area
Story2 959 1057 From Area
Story2 960 1058 From Area
Story2 961 1059 From Area
Story2 963 1061 From Area
Story2 964 1062 From Area
Story2 968 1066 From Area
Story2 973 1071 From Area
Story2 974 1072 From Area
Story2 975 1073 From Area
Story2 976 1074 From Area
Story2 82 1137 From Area
Story2 86 1138 From Area
Story2 105 1139 From Area
Story2 106 1140 From Area
Story2 107 1141 From Area
Story2 115 1142 From Area
Story2 116 1143 From Area
Story2 117 1144 From Area
Story2 118 1145 From Area
Story2 119 1146 From Area
Story2 983 1147 From Area
Story2 984 1148 From Area
Story2 985 1149 From Area
Story2 986 1150 From Area
Story2 987 1151 From Area
Story2 988 1152 From Area
Story2 989 1153 From Area
Story2 990 1154 From Area
Story2 991 1155 From Area
Story2 992 1156 From Area
Story1 1 1 From Area
Story1 2 2 From Area
Story1 3 3 From Area
Story1 4 4 From Area
Story1 5 5 From Area
Story1 6 6 From Area
Story1 7 7 From Area
Story1 8 8 From Area
Story1 9 9 From Area
Story1 10 10 From Area
Story1 11 11 From Area
Story1 12 12 From Area
Story1 13 13 From Area
Story1 14 14 From Area
Story1 15 15 From Area
Story1 16 16 From Area
Story1 17 17 From Area
Story1 18 18 From Area
Story1 19 19 From Area

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story1 20 20 From Area
Story1 21 21 From Area
Story1 22 22 From Area
Story1 23 23 From Area
Story1 24 24 From Area
Story1 25 25 From Area
Story1 26 26 From Area
Story1 27 27 From Area
Story1 28 28 From Area
Story1 29 29 From Area
Story1 30 30 From Area
Story1 31 31 From Area
Story1 32 32 From Area
Story1 33 33 From Area
Story1 34 34 From Area
Story1 35 35 From Area
Story1 36 36 From Area
Story1 37 37 From Area
Story1 38 38 From Area
Story1 39 39 From Area
Story1 40 40 From Area
Story1 41 41 From Area
Story1 42 42 From Area
Story1 43 43 From Area
Story1 44 44 From Area
Story1 45 45 From Area
Story1 46 46 From Area
Story1 47 49 From Area
Story1 49 50 From Area
Story1 50 51 From Area
Story1 52 53 From Area
Story1 53 54 From Area
Story1 56 57 From Area
Story1 57 58 From Area
Story1 59 60 From Area
Story1 61 69 From Area
Story1 62 63 From Area
Story1 63 64 From Area
Story1 64 65 From Area
Story1 66 67 From Area
Story1 68 70 From Area
Story1 69 71 From Area
Story1 70 72 From Area
Story1 71 73 From Area
Story1 73 75 From Area
Story1 48 47 From Area
Story1 51 48 From Area
Story1 54 52 From Area
Story1 55 55 From Area
Story1 58 56 From Area
Story1 60 59 From Area
Story1 65 61 From Area
Story1 67 62 From Area
Story1 72 66 From Area
Story1 74 68 From Area
Story1 75 74 From Area
Story1 76 76 From Area
Story1 77 77 From Area
Story1 78 78 From Area
Story1 79 79 From Area
Story1 80 80 From Area

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Story1 81 81 From Area
Story1 88 88 From Area
Story1 89 89 From Area
Story1 90 90 From Area
Story1 91 91 From Area
Story1 92 92 From Area
Story1 93 93 From Area
Story1 94 94 From Area
Story1 95 95 From Area
Story1 111 171 From Area
Story1 112 173 From Area
Story1 113 175 From Area
Story1 114 177 From Area
Story1 219 96 From Area
Story1 220 119 From Area
Story1 221 120 From Area
Story1 222 121 From Area
Story1 223 124 From Area
Story1 224 133 From Area
Story1 225 169 From Area
Story1 228 209 From Area
Story1 234 221 From Area
Story1 235 223 From Area
Story1 239 231 From Area
Story1 243 239 From Area
Story1 245 243 From Area
Story1 247 247 From Area
Story1 248 249 From Area
Story1 249 251 From Area
Story1 250 253 From Area
Story1 251 255 From Area
Story1 255 263 From Area
Story1 261 275 From Area
Story1 262 277 From Area
Story1 266 285 From Area
Story1 273 299 From Area
Story1 124 1159 From Area
Story1 125 1160 From Area
Story1 126 1161 From Area
Story1 127 1162 From Area
Story1 128 1163 From Area
Story1 129 1164 From Area
Story1 122 1165 From Area
Story1 130 1167 From Area
Base 1 139 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 2 140 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 3 149 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 4 145 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 5 160 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 6 156 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 7 167 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 8 165 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 9 1158 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 10 148 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 11 147 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 12 144 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 13 146 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 14 143 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 15 157 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 16 154 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 17 158 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ

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Story Label UniqueName Diaphragm Restraints

Base 18 155 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 19 159 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 20 166 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 23 184 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 24 180 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 25 195 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 26 191 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 27 202 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 28 200 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 29 198 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 31 197 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 32 193 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 33 196 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 34 192 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 35 187 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 36 188 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 37 199 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 38 185 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 39 181 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 40 186 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 41 182 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 43 152 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 45 153 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 46 141 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 47 142 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 49 151 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 50 150 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 48 178 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 51 179 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 54 183 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 55 189 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 58 190 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 60 194 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 65 201 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 77 161 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 80 162 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 111 170 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 112 172 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 113 174 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 114 176 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ
Base 995 1169 From Area
Base 996 1170 From Area UX; UY; UZ; RX; RY; RZ

3.2 Frame Assignments

Table 3.2 - Frame Assignments - Summary
Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 B281 1067 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B282 1068 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B283 1069 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B284 1070 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B285 1071 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B286 1072 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B287 1073 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B288 1074 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B289 1075 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B290 1076 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B291 1077 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 B292 1078 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B293 1079 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B294 1080 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B295 1081 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B296 1082 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B297 1083 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B298 1084 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B299 1085 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B300 1086 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B301 1087 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B302 1088 Beam 43 RENK N/A -59,06 0,5
Story3 B303 1143 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B304 1144 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B305 1145 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B306 1146 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B307 1147 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B308 1148 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B309 1149 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B310 1150 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B311 1151 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B312 1152 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B313 1153 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B314 1154 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B315 1155 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B316 1156 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B317 1157 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B318 1158 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B319 1159 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B320 1160 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B321 1161 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B322 1162 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B323 1163 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B324 1164 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B325 1165 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B326 1166 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B327 1167 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B328 1168 Beam 43 RENK N/A -97,68 0,5
Story3 B164 1057 Beam 43 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 C80 234 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C81 236 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C82 237 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C83 238 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C84 241 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C85 242 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C86 243 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C87 244 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C88 254 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C89 256 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C90 257 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C91 258 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C92 259 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C93 260 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C94 261 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C95 262 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C96 272 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C97 274 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C98 275 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C99 276 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C100 277 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C101 278 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C102 279 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C103 280 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C104 290 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C105 292 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C106 293 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C107 294 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C108 295 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C109 296 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C110 297 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C111 298 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C112 308 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C113 310 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C114 311 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C115 312 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C116 313 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C117 314 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C118 315 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C119 316 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C120 326 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C121 328 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C122 329 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C123 330 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C124 331 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C125 332 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C126 333 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C127 334 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C128 344 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C129 346 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C130 347 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C131 348 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C132 349 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C133 350 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C134 351 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C135 352 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C136 362 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C137 364 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C138 365 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C139 366 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C140 367 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C141 368 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C142 369 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C143 370 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C144 380 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C145 382 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C146 383 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C147 384 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C148 385 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C149 386 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C150 387 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C151 388 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C152 398 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C153 400 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C154 401 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C155 402 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C156 403 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C157 404 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C158 405 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C159 406 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C160 416 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C161 418 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C162 419 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C163 420 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C164 421 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C165 422 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C166 423 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C167 424 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C168 434 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C173 436 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C174 437 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C178 438 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C184 439 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C189 440 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C195 441 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C200 442 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C201 452 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C205 454 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C211 455 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C212 456 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C216 457 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C223 458 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C238 459 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C239 460 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C240 470 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C241 472 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C242 473 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C243 474 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C244 475 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C245 476 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C246 477 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C247 478 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C248 488 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C249 490 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C250 491 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C251 492 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C252 493 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C253 494 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C254 495 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C255 496 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C256 506 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C257 508 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C258 509 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C259 510 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C260 511 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C261 512 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C262 513 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C263 514 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C264 524 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C265 526 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C266 527 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C267 528 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C268 529 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C269 530 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C270 531 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C271 532 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C272 542 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C273 544 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C274 545 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C275 546 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C276 547 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C277 548 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C278 549 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C279 550 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C280 560 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C281 562 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C282 563 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C283 564 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C284 565 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C285 566 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C286 567 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C287 568 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C288 578 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C289 580 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C290 581 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C291 582 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C292 583 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C293 584 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C294 585 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C295 586 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C296 596 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C297 598 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C298 599 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C299 600 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C300 601 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C301 602 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C302 603 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C303 604 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C304 614 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C305 616 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C306 617 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C307 618 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C308 619 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C309 620 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C310 621 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C311 622 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C312 632 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C313 634 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C314 635 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C315 636 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C316 637 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C317 638 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C318 639 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C319 640 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C320 650 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C321 652 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C322 653 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C323 654 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C324 655 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C325 656 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C326 657 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C327 658 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C328 668 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C329 670 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C330 671 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C331 672 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C332 673 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C333 674 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C334 675 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C335 676 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C336 686 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C337 688 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C338 689 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C339 690 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C340 691 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C341 692 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C342 693 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C343 694 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C344 704 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C345 706 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C346 707 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C347 708 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C348 709 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C349 710 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C350 711 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C351 712 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C352 722 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C353 724 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C354 725 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C355 726 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C356 727 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C357 728 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C358 729 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C359 730 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C360 740 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C361 742 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C362 743 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C363 744 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C364 745 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C365 746 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C366 747 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C367 748 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C368 758 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C369 760 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C370 761 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C371 762 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C372 763 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C373 764 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C374 765 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C375 766 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C376 776 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C377 778 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C378 779 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C379 780 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C380 781 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C381 782 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C382 783 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C383 784 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C384 794 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C385 796 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C386 797 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C387 798 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C388 799 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C389 800 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C390 801 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C391 802 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C392 812 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C393 814 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C394 815 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C395 816 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C396 817 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C397 818 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C398 819 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C399 820 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C400 830 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C401 832 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C402 833 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C403 834 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C404 835 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C405 836 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C406 837 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C407 838 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C408 848 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C409 850 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C410 851 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C411 852 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C412 853 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C413 854 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C414 855 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C415 856 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C416 866 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C417 868 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C418 869 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C419 870 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C420 871 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C421 872 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C422 873 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C423 874 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C424 884 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C425 886 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C426 887 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C427 888 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C428 889 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C429 890 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C430 891 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C431 892 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C432 902 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C433 904 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C434 905 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C435 906 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C436 907 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C437 908 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C438 909 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C439 910 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C440 920 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C441 922 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C442 923 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C443 924 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C444 925 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C445 926 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 C446 927 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C447 928 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C448 938 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C449 940 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C450 941 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C451 942 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C452 943 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C453 944 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C454 945 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C455 946 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C456 956 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C457 958 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C458 959 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C459 960 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C460 961 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C461 962 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C462 963 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C463 964 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C464 974 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C465 976 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C466 977 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C467 978 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C468 979 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C469 980 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C470 981 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C471 982 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C472 992 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C473 994 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C474 995 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C475 996 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C476 997 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C477 998 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C478 999 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C479 1000 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C480 1010 Column 2,3 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C481 1012 Column 0,575 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C482 1013 Column 1,15 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C483 1014 Column 1,725 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C484 1015 Column 0,46 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C485 1016 Column 0,92 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C486 1017 Column 1,38 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 C487 1018 Column 1,84 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D22 233 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D23 235 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D24 245 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D25 246 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D26 247 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D27 248 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D28 249 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D29 250 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D30 251 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D31 253 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D32 255 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D33 263 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D34 264 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D35 265 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D36 266 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D37 267 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D38 268 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D39 269 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D40 271 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D41 273 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D42 281 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D43 282 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D44 283 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D45 284 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D46 285 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D47 286 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D48 287 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D49 289 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D50 291 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D51 299 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D52 300 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D53 301 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D54 302 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D55 303 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D56 304 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D57 305 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D58 307 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D59 309 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D60 317 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D61 318 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D62 319 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D63 320 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D64 321 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D65 322 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D66 323 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D67 325 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D68 327 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D69 335 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D70 336 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D71 337 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D72 338 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D73 339 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D74 340 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D75 341 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D76 343 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D77 345 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D78 353 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D79 354 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D80 355 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D81 356 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D82 357 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D83 358 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D84 359 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D85 361 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D86 363 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D87 371 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D88 372 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D89 373 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D90 374 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D91 375 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D92 376 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D93 377 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D94 379 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D95 381 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D96 389 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D97 390 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D98 391 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D99 392 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D100 393 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D101 394 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D102 395 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D103 397 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D104 399 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D105 407 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D106 408 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D107 409 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D108 410 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D109 411 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D110 412 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D111 413 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D112 415 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D113 417 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D114 425 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D115 426 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D116 427 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D117 428 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D118 429 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D119 430 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D120 431 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D121 433 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D122 435 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D123 443 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D124 444 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D125 445 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D126 446 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D127 447 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D128 448 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D129 449 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D130 451 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D131 453 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D132 461 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D133 462 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D134 463 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D135 464 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D136 465 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D137 466 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D138 467 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D139 469 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D140 471 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D141 479 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D142 480 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D143 481 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D144 482 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D145 483 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D146 484 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D147 485 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D148 487 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D149 489 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D150 497 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D151 498 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D152 499 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D153 500 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D154 501 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D155 502 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D156 503 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D157 505 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D158 507 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D159 515 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D160 516 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D161 517 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D162 518 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D163 519 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D164 520 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D165 521 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D166 523 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D167 525 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D168 533 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D169 534 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D170 535 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D171 536 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D172 537 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D173 538 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D174 539 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D175 541 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D176 543 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D177 551 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D178 552 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D179 553 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D180 554 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D181 555 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D182 556 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D183 557 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D184 559 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D185 561 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D186 569 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D187 570 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D188 571 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D189 572 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D190 573 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D191 574 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D192 575 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D193 577 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D194 579 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D195 587 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D196 588 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D197 589 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D198 590 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D199 591 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D200 592 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D201 593 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D202 595 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D203 597 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D204 605 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D205 606 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D206 607 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D207 608 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D208 609 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D209 610 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D210 611 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D211 613 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D212 615 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D213 623 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D214 624 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D215 625 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D216 626 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D217 627 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D218 628 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D219 629 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D220 631 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D221 633 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D222 641 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D223 642 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D224 643 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D225 644 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D226 645 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D227 646 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D228 647 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D229 649 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D230 651 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D231 659 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D232 660 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D233 661 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D234 662 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D235 663 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D236 664 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D237 665 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D238 667 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D239 669 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D240 677 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D241 678 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D242 679 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D243 680 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D244 681 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D245 682 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D246 683 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D247 685 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D248 687 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D249 695 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D250 696 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D251 697 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D252 698 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D253 699 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D254 700 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D255 701 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D256 703 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D257 705 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D258 713 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D259 714 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D260 715 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D261 716 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D262 717 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D263 718 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D264 719 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D265 721 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D266 723 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D267 731 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D268 732 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D269 733 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D270 734 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D271 735 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D272 736 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D273 737 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D274 739 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D275 741 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D276 749 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D277 750 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D278 751 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D279 752 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D280 753 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D281 754 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D282 755 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D283 757 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D284 759 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D285 767 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D286 768 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D287 769 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D288 770 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D289 771 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D290 772 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D291 773 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D292 775 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D293 777 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D294 785 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D295 786 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D296 787 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D297 788 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D298 789 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D299 790 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D300 791 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D301 793 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D302 795 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D303 803 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D304 804 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D305 805 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D306 806 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D307 807 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D308 808 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D309 809 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D310 811 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D311 813 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D312 821 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D313 822 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D314 823 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D315 824 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D316 825 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D317 826 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D318 827 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D319 829 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D320 831 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D321 839 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D322 840 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D323 841 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D324 842 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D325 843 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D326 844 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D327 845 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D328 847 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D329 849 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D330 857 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D331 858 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D332 859 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D333 860 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D334 861 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D335 862 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D336 863 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D337 865 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D338 867 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D339 875 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D340 876 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D341 877 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D342 878 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D343 879 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D344 880 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D345 881 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D346 883 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D347 885 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D348 893 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D349 894 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D350 895 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D351 896 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D352 897 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D353 898 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D354 899 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D355 901 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D356 903 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D357 911 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D358 912 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D359 913 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D360 914 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D361 915 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D362 916 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D363 917 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D364 919 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D365 921 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D366 929 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D367 930 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D368 931 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D369 932 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D370 933 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D371 934 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D372 935 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D373 937 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D374 939 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D375 947 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D376 948 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D377 949 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D378 950 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D379 951 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D380 952 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D381 953 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D382 955 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D383 957 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D384 965 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D385 966 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story3 D386 967 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D387 968 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D388 969 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D389 970 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D390 971 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D391 973 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story3 D392 975 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D393 983 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D394 984 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D395 985 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D396 986 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D397 987 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D398 988 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D399 989 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D400 229 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D401 1089 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D402 1001 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D403 1002 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D404 1003 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D405 1004 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D406 1005 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D407 1006 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D408 1007 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D409 1044 Brace 4,6141 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D410 1116 Brace 5,5036 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D411 1019 Brace 1,1007 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D412 1020 Brace 1,3588 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D413 1021 Brace 1,7042 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D414 1022 Brace 2,0942 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D415 1023 Brace 1,9939 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D416 1024 Brace 1,524 C.075 N/A 3
Story3 D417 1025 Brace 1,1535 C.075 N/A 3
Story2 B1 67 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B2 68 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B3 69 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B4 70 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B5 86 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B6 87 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B7 88 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B8 99 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B9 93 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B25 95 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B27 97 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B28 100 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B29 98 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B30 101 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B31 103 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B32 102 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 B33 80 Beam 4 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B34 109 Beam 4 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B35 81 Beam 8 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B36 112 Beam 4 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B79 91 Beam 8 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B83 111 Beam 5,5 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B70 108 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B82 113 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B84 114 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B89 115 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story2 B92 117 Beam 0,9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B93 118 Beam 0,9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B69 82 Beam 9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B71 92 Beam 9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B80 96 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B81 105 Beam 9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B90 107 Beam 9 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story2 B94 232 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B95 252 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B96 270 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B97 288 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B98 306 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B99 324 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B100 342 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B101 360 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B102 378 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B103 396 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B104 414 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B105 432 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B106 450 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B107 468 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B108 486 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B109 504 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B110 522 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B111 540 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B112 558 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B113 576 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B114 594 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B115 612 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B116 630 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B117 648 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B118 666 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B119 684 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B120 702 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B121 720 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B122 738 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B123 756 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B124 774 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B125 792 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B126 810 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B127 828 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B128 846 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B129 864 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B130 882 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B131 900 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B132 918 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B133 936 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B134 954 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B135 972 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B136 990 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B137 1008 Beam 9 C.075 N/A 0,5
Story2 B145 1040 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B146 1041 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B147 1042 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B148 1043 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B149 1045 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B150 1046 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B151 1047 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story2 B152 1048 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B153 1049 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 B154 1050 Beam 43 RENK N/A 0,5
Story2 C1 110 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C2 116 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C3 144 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C4 149 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C7 179 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C8 180 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C9 181 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C11 183 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C12 184 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C13 185 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C14 186 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C15 187 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C18 190 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C19 191 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C20 192 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C22 194 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C23 195 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C24 196 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C27 198 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C29 200 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C38 206 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C39 207 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C40 208 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C42 210 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C43 211 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C44 212 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C45 213 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C46 214 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C49 217 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C50 218 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C51 219 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C53 221 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C54 222 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C55 223 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C56 224 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C57 225 Column 3,8 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C58 226 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C60 228 Column 3,8 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story2 C185 189 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C193 197 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C197 201 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C198 202 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C199 203 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C225 177 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C226 178 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C227 182 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C228 188 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C229 193 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C230 199 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C231 204 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C232 205 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C233 209 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C234 215 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C235 216 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 C236 220 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story2 C237 227 Column 3,05 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story2 D1 230 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 3
Story2 D2 1029 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 3
Story2 D3 89 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 D4 94 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 D5 104 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 D6 106 Brace 2,3071 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story2 D7 83 Brace 2,3071 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B1 1 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B2 2 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B3 3 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B4 4 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B5 5 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B6 6 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B7 7 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B8 8 Beam 3 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B9 9 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B10 10 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B11 11 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B12 12 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B13 13 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B14 14 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B15 15 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B16 16 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B17 17 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B18 18 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B19 19 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B20 20 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B21 21 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B22 22 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B23 23 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B24 24 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B25 25 Beam 3 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B26 26 Beam 3 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B27 27 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B28 28 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B29 29 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B30 30 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B31 31 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B32 32 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B33 33 Beam 4 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B34 34 Beam 4 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B35 35 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B36 36 Beam 4 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B37 37 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B38 38 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B39 39 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B40 40 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B41 41 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B42 42 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B43 43 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B44 44 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B45 45 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B46 46 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B47 47 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B49 49 Beam 9 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B50 50 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B51 51 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story1 B53 53 Beam 4 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B55 55 Beam 4 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B58 56 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B59 57 Beam 2,3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B62 59 Beam 2,5 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B63 58 Beam 1,85 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B64 60 Beam 2,3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B65 61 Beam 2,5 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B67 62 Beam 1,5 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B48 48 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B52 52 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B54 54 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B56 63 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B57 64 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B60 65 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B61 66 Beam 2 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B72 72 Beam 4 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B73 73 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B74 74 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B75 75 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B76 76 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B77 77 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B78 78 Beam 3 B2 25/35 B2 25/35 0,5
Story1 B66 84 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B68 85 Beam 8 B1 25/40 B1 25/40 0,5
Story1 B88 71 Beam 1,5 B3 B3 0,5
Story1 B91 79 Beam 1,5 B3 B3 0,5
Story1 B138 90 Beam 3 B3 B3 0,5
Story1 B139 231 Beam 3 B3 B3 0,5
Story1 B140 239 Beam 1,5 B3 B3 0,5
Story1 C1 119 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C2 120 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C3 121 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C4 122 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C5 123 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C6 124 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C7 125 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C8 126 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C9 127 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C10 128 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C11 129 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C12 130 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C13 131 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C14 132 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C15 133 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C16 134 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C17 135 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C18 136 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C19 137 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C20 138 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C21 139 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C22 140 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C23 141 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C24 142 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C27 145 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C28 146 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C29 147 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C32 143 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3

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Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Story1 C33 148 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C34 150 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C35 151 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C36 152 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C37 153 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C38 154 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C39 155 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C40 156 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C41 157 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C42 158 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C43 159 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C44 160 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C45 161 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C46 162 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C47 163 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C48 164 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C49 165 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C50 166 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C51 167 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C52 168 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C53 169 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C54 170 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C55 171 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C56 172 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C57 173 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C58 174 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 C59 175 Column 4,2 K1A 25/25 K1A 25/25 3
Story1 C60 176 Column 4,2 K1 35X35 K1 35X35 3
Story1 D8 991 Brace 4,2456 B3 B3 3
Story1 D9 993 Brace 4,2456 B3 B3 3
Story1 D10 1027 Brace 4,4677 B3 B3 3
Story1 D11 1028 Brace 4,4677 B3 B3 3
Base B8 1108 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B10 1030 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B11 1037 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B12 1052 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B13 1053 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B14 1065 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B15 1064 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B16 1060 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B24 1122 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B25 1104 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B33 1123 Beam 4 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B34 1124 Beam 4 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B35 1125 Beam 8 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B48 1100 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B52 1099 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B54 1095 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B56 1121 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B57 1120 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B60 1119 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B61 1126 Beam 2 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B156 240 Beam 1,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B85 1009 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B86 1011 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B87 1026 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B141 1031 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B142 1032 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Axis Min
Design Length Analysis Design Station
Story Label UniqueName Angle Number
Type m Section Section Spacing
deg Stations
Base B143 1033 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B144 1034 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B155 1035 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B157 1036 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B158 1038 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B159 1039 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B160 1051 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B161 1054 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B162 1055 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B163 1056 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B167 1061 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B168 1062 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B169 1063 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B170 1066 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B171 1090 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B172 1091 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B173 1092 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B174 1093 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B175 1094 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B176 1096 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B177 1097 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B178 1098 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B179 1101 Beam 3,8 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B180 1102 Beam 1,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B181 1103 Beam 2,7 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B182 1105 Beam 2,7 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B183 1106 Beam 3,8 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B184 1107 Beam 1,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B185 1109 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B186 1110 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B187 1111 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B188 1112 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B189 1113 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B190 1114 Beam 2,5 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B191 1115 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B192 1117 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5
Base B193 1118 Beam 3 SL 1 25/30 SL 1 25/30 0,5

3.3 Shell Assignments

Table 3.3 - Area Assignments - Summary
Section Property
Story Label UniqueName
Property Type
Story3 A1 64 None Null
Story3 A2 67 None Null
Story2 A3 68 None Null
Story1 F1 1 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F2 2 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F3 3 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F4 4 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F5 5 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F6 6 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F7 7 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F8 8 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F9 9 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F10 10 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F11 11 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F12 12 PLAT LANTAI Slab

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Assignments 03/07/2023

Section Property
Story Label UniqueName
Property Type
Story1 F13 13 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F14 14 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F15 15 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F16 16 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F17 17 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F18 18 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F19 19 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F20 20 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F21 21 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F22 22 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F23 23 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F24 24 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F25 25 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F26 26 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F27 27 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F28 28 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F29 29 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F30 30 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F31 31 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F32 32 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F33 33 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F34 34 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F35 35 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F36 36 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F37 37 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F38 38 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F39 39 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F40 40 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F41 41 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F42 42 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F43 43 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F44 44 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F45 45 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F46 46 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F47 47 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F48 48 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F49 49 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F50 50 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F51 51 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F52 52 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F53 53 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F54 54 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F55 55 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F56 56 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F57 57 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F58 58 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F59 59 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F60 60 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F61 61 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F62 62 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 F65 65 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 W1 63 PLAT LANTAI Slab
Story1 W2 66 PLAT LANTAI Slab

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4 Loads
This chapter provides loading information as applied to the model.

4.1 Load Patterns

Table 4.1 - Load Pattern Definitions

Is Auto Self Weight

Name Type Auto Load
Load Multiplier

~ChineseX Yes Other 0

~ChineseY Yes Other 0
~LLRF Yes Other 0
angin No Super Dead 0
Atap No Super Dead 0
Dead No Dead 1
Dinding No Super Dead 0
Ex No Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ex(1/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ex(2/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ex(3/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ey No Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ey(1/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ey(2/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Ey(3/3) Yes Seismic 0 ASCE 7-16
Live No Live 0

4.2 Auto Seismic Loading

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ASCE 7-16 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern Ex according to
ASCE 7-16, as calculated by ETABS.
Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = Multiple

Eccentricity Ratio = 5% for all diaphragms

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = Program Calculated

Coefficient, Ct [ASCE Table 12.8-2] Ct = 0,028ft

Coefficient, x [ASCE Table 12.8-2] x = 0.8
Structure Height Above Base, hn hn = 13,78 ft
Long-Period Transition Period, TL [ASCE
TL = 16 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Response Modification Factor, R [ASCE

Table 12.2-1]
System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 [ASCE
Ω0 = 3
Table 12.2-1]
Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd [ASCE
Cd = 2,5
Table 12.2-1]
Importance Factor, I [ASCE Table 1.5-2] I=1

Ss and S1 Source = 0.8

Mapped MCE Spectral Response

Ss = 1,5g
Acceleration, Ss [ASCE 11.4.2]
Mapped MCE Spectral Response
S1 = 0,6g
Acceleration, S1 [ASCE 11.4.2]
Site Class [ASCE Table 20.3-1] = F -
Requires Site Response Analysis
Site Coefficient, Fa [ASCE Table 11.4-1] Fa = 0,8
Site Coefficient, Fv [ASCE Table 11.4-2] Fv = 2

Seismic Response

MCE Spectral Response Acceleration, SMS

SMS = Fa SS SMS = 1,2g
[ASCE 11.4.4, Eq. 11.4-1]
MCE Spectral Response Acceleration, SM1
SM1 = Fv S1 SM1 = 1,2g
[ASCE 11.4.4, Eq. 11.4-2]
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, 2
SDS = SMS SDS = 0,8g
SDS [ASCE 11.4.5, Eq. 11.4-3] 3
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, 2
SD1 = SM1 SD1 = 0,8g
SD1 [ASCE 11.4.5, Eq. 11.4-4] 3

Equivalent Lateral Forces

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Seismic Response Coefficient, CS [ASCE CS =, Eq. 12.8-2] R
( )
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-3] CS,max =
T( )
CS,min = max(0.044SDS I, 0.01)
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-5]
= 0,0352
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-6] CS,min = 0.5 forS1 = 0.6g
( )
CS,min ≤ Cs ≤ CS,max

Calculated Base Shear

Period Used W V
Direction Cs
(sec) (kN) (kN)
X 0,32 0,266667 2832,1438 755,2383
X + Ecc. Y 0,32 0,266667 2832,1438 755,2383
X - Ecc. Y 0,32 0,266667 2832,1438 755,2383

Applied Story Forces

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Story Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story3 10,9 0 0
Story2 8 0 0
Story1 4,2 755,2383 0
Base 0 0 0

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ASCE 7-16 Auto Seismic Load Calculation

This calculation presents the automatically generated lateral seismic loads for load pattern Ey according to
ASCE 7-16, as calculated by ETABS.
Direction and Eccentricity

Direction = Multiple

Eccentricity Ratio = 5% for all diaphragms

Structural Period

Period Calculation Method = Program Calculated

Coefficient, Ct [ASCE Table 12.8-2] Ct = 0,028ft

Coefficient, x [ASCE Table 12.8-2] x = 0.8
Structure Height Above Base, hn hn = 26,25 ft
Long-Period Transition Period, TL [ASCE
TL = 16 sec

Factors and Coefficients

Response Modification Factor, R [ASCE

Table 12.2-1]
System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 [ASCE
Ω0 = 3
Table 12.2-1]
Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd [ASCE
Cd = 2,5
Table 12.2-1]
Importance Factor, I [ASCE Table 1.5-2] I=1

Ss and S1 Source = 0.8

Mapped MCE Spectral Response

Ss = 1,5g
Acceleration, Ss [ASCE 11.4.2]
Mapped MCE Spectral Response
S1 = 0,6g
Acceleration, S1 [ASCE 11.4.2]
Site Class [ASCE Table 20.3-1] = F -
Requires Site Response Analysis
Site Coefficient, Fa [ASCE Table 11.4-1] Fa = 0,8
Site Coefficient, Fv [ASCE Table 11.4-2] Fv = 2

Seismic Response

MCE Spectral Response Acceleration, SMS

SMS = Fa SS SMS = 1,2g
[ASCE 11.4.4, Eq. 11.4-1]
MCE Spectral Response Acceleration, SM1
SM1 = Fv S1 SM1 = 1,2g
[ASCE 11.4.4, Eq. 11.4-2]
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, 2
SDS = SMS SDS = 0,8g
SDS [ASCE 11.4.5, Eq. 11.4-3] 3
Design Spectral Response Acceleration, 2
SD1 = SM1 SD1 = 0,8g
SD1 [ASCE 11.4.5, Eq. 11.4-4] 3

Equivalent Lateral Forces

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Seismic Response Coefficient, CS [ASCE CS =, Eq. 12.8-2] R
( )
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-3] CS,max =
T( )
CS,min = max(0.044SDS I, 0.01)
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-5]
= 0,0352
[ASCE, Eq. 12.8-6] CS,min = 0.5 forS1 = 0.6g
( )
CS,min ≤ Cs ≤ CS,max

Calculated Base Shear

Period Used W V
Direction Cs
(sec) (kN) (kN)
Y 0,325 0,266667 3495,1138 932,0304
Y + Ecc. X 0,325 0,266667 3495,1138 932,0304
Y - Ecc. X 0,325 0,266667 3495,1138 932,0304

Applied Story Forces

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Story Elevation X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story3 10,9 0 0
Story2 8 0 287,4198
Story1 4,2 0 644,6105
Base 0 0 0

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Loads 03/07/2023

4.3 Applied Loads

4.3.1 Line Loads

Table 4.4 - Frame Loads Assignments - Distributed (Part 1 of 2)

Load Load Distance Relative Relative
UniqueName Story Label Direction Distance A
Pattern Type Type Distance A Distance B

1 Dinding Story1 B1 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0

2 Dinding Story1 B2 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
3 Dinding Story1 B3 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
4 Dinding Story1 B4 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
5 Dinding Story1 B5 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
6 Dinding Story1 B6 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
7 Dinding Story1 B7 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
9 Dinding Story1 B9 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
10 Dinding Story1 B10 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
17 Dinding Story1 B17 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
18 Dinding Story1 B18 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
19 Dinding Story1 B19 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
20 Dinding Story1 B20 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
21 Dinding Story1 B21 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
22 Dinding Story1 B22 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
23 Dinding Story1 B23 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
27 Dinding Story1 B27 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
28 Dinding Story1 B28 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
29 Dinding Story1 B29 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
30 Dinding Story1 B30 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
31 Dinding Story1 B31 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
32 Dinding Story1 B32 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
33 Dinding Story1 B33 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
34 Dinding Story1 B34 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
35 Dinding Story1 B35 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
36 Dinding Story1 B36 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
57 Dinding Story1 B59 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
59 Dinding Story1 B62 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
62 Dinding Story1 B67 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
66 Dinding Story1 B61 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
72 Dinding Story1 B72 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
73 Dinding Story1 B73 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
74 Dinding Story1 B74 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
75 Dinding Story1 B75 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
76 Dinding Story1 B76 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
77 Dinding Story1 B77 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
78 Dinding Story1 B78 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
90 Dinding Story1 B138 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1108 Dinding Base B8 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1104 Dinding Base B25 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1123 Dinding Base B33 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1124 Dinding Base B34 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1125 Dinding Base B35 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1009 Dinding Base B85 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1011 Dinding Base B86 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1026 Dinding Base B87 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1031 Dinding Base B141 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1032 Dinding Base B142 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1033 Dinding Base B143 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1034 Dinding Base B144 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1035 Dinding Base B155 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1036 Dinding Base B157 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1038 Dinding Base B158 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1039 Dinding Base B159 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0

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Loads 03/07/2023

Load Load Distance Relative Relative
UniqueName Story Label Direction Distance A
Pattern Type Type Distance A Distance B

1051 Dinding Base B160 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0

1054 Dinding Base B161 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1055 Dinding Base B162 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1056 Dinding Base B163 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1061 Dinding Base B167 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1062 Dinding Base B168 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1063 Dinding Base B169 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1066 Dinding Base B170 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1090 Dinding Base B171 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1091 Dinding Base B172 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1092 Dinding Base B173 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1093 Dinding Base B174 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1094 Dinding Base B175 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1096 Dinding Base B176 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1097 Dinding Base B177 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1098 Dinding Base B178 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1101 Dinding Base B179 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1102 Dinding Base B180 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1103 Dinding Base B181 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1109 Dinding Base B185 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1110 Dinding Base B186 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1111 Dinding Base B187 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1112 Dinding Base B188 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1113 Dinding Base B189 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1114 Dinding Base B190 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1115 Dinding Base B191 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1117 Dinding Base B192 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0
1118 Dinding Base B193 Force Gravity Relative 0 1 0

Table 4.4 - Frame Loads Assignments - Distributed (Part 2 of 2)

Load Force A Force B
UniqueName Distance B
Pattern kN/m kN/m

1 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47

2 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
3 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47
4 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
5 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
6 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47
7 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
9 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47
10 Dinding 2 0,975 0,975
17 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
18 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
19 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
20 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
21 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
22 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
23 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
27 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
28 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47
29 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
30 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
31 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47
32 Dinding 9 2,47 2,47
33 Dinding 4 2,47 2,47
34 Dinding 4 2,47 2,47

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Loads 03/07/2023

Load Force A Force B
UniqueName Distance B
Pattern kN/m kN/m

35 Dinding 8 2,47 2,47

36 Dinding 4 2,47 2,47
57 Dinding 2,3 2,47 2,47
59 Dinding 2,5 2,47 2,47
62 Dinding 1,5 2,47 2,47
66 Dinding 2 0,975 0,975
72 Dinding 4 0,975 0,975
73 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
74 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
75 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
76 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
77 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
78 Dinding 3 0,975 0,975
90 Dinding 3 2,47 2,47
1108 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1104 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1123 Dinding 4 2,73 2,73
1124 Dinding 4 2,73 2,73
1125 Dinding 8 2,73 2,73
1009 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1011 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1026 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1031 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1032 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1033 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1034 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1035 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1036 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1038 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1039 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1051 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1054 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1055 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1056 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1061 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1062 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1063 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1066 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1090 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1091 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1092 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1093 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1094 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1096 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1097 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1098 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1101 Dinding 3,8 2,73 2,73
1102 Dinding 1,5 2,73 2,73
1103 Dinding 2,7 2,73 2,73
1109 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1110 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1111 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1112 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1113 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1114 Dinding 2,5 2,73 2,73
1115 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1117 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73
1118 Dinding 3 2,73 2,73

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Loads 03/07/2023

4.3.2 Area Loads

Table 4.5 - Area Load Assignments - Uniform

Load Load
Story Label UniqueName Direction
Pattern kN/m2
Story3 A1 64 Live Gravity 0,4
Story3 A2 67 Live Gravity 0,4
Story2 A3 68 Live Gravity 0,4
Story1 F1 1 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F2 2 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F3 3 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F4 4 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F5 5 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F6 6 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F7 7 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F8 8 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F9 9 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F10 10 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F11 11 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F12 12 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F13 13 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F14 14 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F15 15 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F16 16 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F17 17 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F18 18 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F19 19 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F20 20 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F21 21 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F22 22 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F23 23 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F24 24 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F25 25 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F26 26 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F27 27 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F28 28 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F29 29 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F30 30 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F31 31 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F32 32 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F33 33 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F34 34 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F35 35 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F36 36 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F37 37 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F38 38 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F39 39 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F40 40 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F41 41 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F42 42 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F43 43 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F44 44 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F45 45 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F46 46 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F47 47 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F48 48 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F49 49 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F50 50 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F51 51 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F52 52 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F53 53 Live Gravity 1,92

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Load Load
Story Label UniqueName Direction
Pattern kN/m2
Story1 F54 54 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F55 55 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F56 56 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F57 57 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F58 58 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F59 59 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F60 60 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F61 61 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F62 62 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F65 65 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 W1 63 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 W2 66 Live Gravity 1,92
Story1 F1 1 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F2 2 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F3 3 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F4 4 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F5 5 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F6 6 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F7 7 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F8 8 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F9 9 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F10 10 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F11 11 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F12 12 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F13 13 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F14 14 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F15 15 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F16 16 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F17 17 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F18 18 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F19 19 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F20 20 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F21 21 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F22 22 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F23 23 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F24 24 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F25 25 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F26 26 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F27 27 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F28 28 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F29 29 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F30 30 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F31 31 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F32 32 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F33 33 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F34 34 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F35 35 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F36 36 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F37 37 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F38 38 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F39 39 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F40 40 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F41 41 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F42 42 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F43 43 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F44 44 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F45 45 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F46 46 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F47 47 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F48 48 Dinding Gravity 1,8

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Load Load
Story Label UniqueName Direction
Pattern kN/m2
Story1 F49 49 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F50 50 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F51 51 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F52 52 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F53 53 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F54 54 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F55 55 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F56 56 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F57 57 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F58 58 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F59 59 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F60 60 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F61 61 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F62 62 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 F65 65 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 W1 63 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story1 W2 66 Dinding Gravity 1,8
Story3 A1 64 Atap Gravity 1
Story3 A2 67 Atap Gravity 1
Story2 A3 68 Atap Gravity 1

4.4 Functions
4.4.1 Response Spectrum Functions

Table 4.6 - Functions - Response Spectrum - User Defined

Period Damping
Name Value
sec Ratio
UnifRS 0 1 0,05
UnifRS 1 1

4.4.2 Time History Functions

Table 4.7 - Functions - Time History - User Defined

Name Value
RampTH 0 0
RampTH 1 1
RampTH 4 1
UnifTH 0 1
UnifTH 1 1

4.5 Load Cases

Table 4.8 - Load Case Definitions - Summary
Name Type
Dead Linear Static
Live Linear Static
Modal Modal - Eigen
Dinding Linear Static
Atap Linear Static
angin Linear Static
Ex Linear Static
Ey Linear Static

4.6 Load Combinations

Table 4.9 - Load Combination Definitions
Name Type Is Auto Load Name SF Notes
0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Linear Add No Dead 0,9

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Name Type Is Auto Load Name SF Notes

0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Ex 1
0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Ey 1
0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Dinding 1
0,9 D + 1W Linear Add No Dead 0,9
0,9 D + 1W angin 1
0,9 D + 1W Dinding 1
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Linear Add No Dead 1,2
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Live 1,6
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Atap 0,5
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Dinding 1
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Linear Add No Dead 1,2
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Dinding 1
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Live 1,6
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W angin 0,5
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Linear Add No Dead 1,2
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Ex 1
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Ey 1
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Live 1
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Dinding 1
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Linear Add No Dead 1,2
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R angin 1
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Live 1
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Atap 0,5
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Dinding 1
1,4 DL Linear Add No Dead 1,4
1,4 DL Dinding 1
1D+1L Linear Add No Dead 1
1D+1L Dinding 1
1D+1L Live 1
ENVELOPE Envelope No 1,4 DL 1
ENVELOPE 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R 1
ENVELOPE 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 1
ENVELOPE 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R 1
ENVELOPE 0,9 D + 1W 1
ENVELOPE 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1
ENVELOPE 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 1

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5 Analysis Results
This chapter provides analysis results.

5.1 Structure Results

Table 5.1 - Base Reactions (Part 1 of 2)
Output Case Case Type Step Type
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m
Dead LinStatic 0 0 3704,4133 18452,6574 -81245,8564
Live LinStatic 0 0 825,0807 4126,9172 -17740,3677
Dinding LinStatic 0 0 1553,9292 8338,1178 -34326,5778
Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0
angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0 0
Ex LinStatic Max -2469,6294 0 0 0 -10372,4433
Ex LinStatic Min -2469,6294 0 0 0 -10372,4433
Ey LinStatic Max 0 -3047,7393 0 16371,9836 0
Ey LinStatic Min 0 -3047,7393 0 16371,9836 0
1,4 DL Combination 0 0 6740,1078 34171,8381 -148070,7767
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0 0 7319,3543 37084,3742 -160206,1937
1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0 0 7319,3543 37084,3742 -160206,1937
1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0 0 6824,3059 34608,2238 -149561,9731
0,9 D + 1W Combination 0 0 4887,9012 24945,5094 -107447,8486
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -2469,6294 -3047,7393 6824,3059 50980,2075 -159934,4165
1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -2469,6294 -3047,7393 6824,3059 50980,2075 -159934,4165
0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -2469,6294 -3047,7393 4887,9012 41317,493 -117820,2919
0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -2469,6294 -3047,7393 4887,9012 41317,493 -117820,2919
1D+1L Combination 0 0 6083,4232 30917,6924 -133312,8019
ENVELOPE Combination Max 0 0 7319,3543 50980,2075 -107447,8486
ENVELOPE Combination Min -2469,6294 -3047,7393 4887,9012 24945,5094 -160206,1937

Table 5.1 - Base Reactions (Part 2 of 2)

kN-m m m m
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
12231,347 0 0 0
12231,347 0 0 0
-67558,9709 0 0 0
-67558,9709 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-55327,6239 0 0 0
-55327,6239 0 0 0
-55327,6239 0 0 0
-55327,6239 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-55327,6239 0 0 0

5.2 Story Results

Table 5.2 - Story Drifts
Story Case Type Step Type Direction Drift Drift/ Label
Story2 Ex LinStatic Max X 0,000808 1/1238 114

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Story Case Type Step Type Direction Drift Drift/ Label
Story2 Ex LinStatic Min X 0,000808 1/1238 114
Story2 Ey LinStatic Max Y 0,004155 1/241 27
Story2 Ey LinStatic Min Y 0,004155 1/241 27
Story1 Ex LinStatic Max X 0,004712 1/212 20
Story1 Ex LinStatic Min X 0,004712 1/212 20
Story1 Ey LinStatic Max Y 0,007187 1/139 65
Story1 Ey LinStatic Min Y 0,007187 1/139 65

Table 5.3 - Story Forces

Output Case Step P VX VY T MX MY
Story Location
Case Type Type kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
Story2 Ex LinStatic Max Bottom 0,3835 6,0345 -0,0904 80,4399 12,1758 -65,3161
Story2 Ex LinStatic Min Bottom 0,3835 6,0345 -0,0904 80,4399 12,1758 -65,3161
Story2 Ey LinStatic Max Bottom 469,2029 3,7727 -635,5898 -14066,679 3687,6531 -12196,0481
Story2 Ey LinStatic Min Bottom 469,2029 3,7727 -635,5898 -14066,679 3687,6531 -12196,0481
Story1 Ex LinStatic Max Bottom 0 -2469,6294 0 12231,347 0 -10372,4433
Story1 Ex LinStatic Min Bottom 0 -2469,6294 0 12231,347 0 -10372,4433
Story1 Ey LinStatic Max Bottom 0 0 -3047,7393 -67558,9709 16371,9836 0
Story1 Ey LinStatic Min Bottom 0 0 -3047,7393 -67558,9709 16371,9836 0

5.3 Point Results

Table 5.4 - Joint Reactions (Part 1 of 2)
Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 1 139 Dead LinStatic 0,7673 -0,5238 67,9018 1,0456
Base 1 139 Live LinStatic 0,3708 -0,1054 7,7104 0,1419
Base 1 139 Dinding LinStatic 0,4901 -0,3045 24,3933 1,8911
Base 1 139 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 1 139 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 1 139 Ex LinStatic Max -53,3636 8,9802 -39,6857 -19,2127
Base 1 139 Ex LinStatic Min -53,3636 8,9802 -39,6857 -19,2127
Base 1 139 Ey LinStatic Max -0,9716 -41,7187 -79,0547 97,9293
Base 1 139 Ey LinStatic Min -0,9716 -41,7187 -79,0547 97,9293
Base 1 139 1,4 DL Combination 1,5643 -1,0379 119,4558 3,355
Base 1 139 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 2,004 -1,1017 118,2121 3,3728
Base 1 139 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 2,004 -1,1017 118,2121 3,3728
Base 1 139 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 1,7816 -1,0385 113,5858 3,2877
Base 1 139 0,9 D + 1W Combination 1,1806 -0,7759 85,5049 2,8322
Base 1 139 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -52,5536 -33,777 -5,1546 82,0043
Base 1 139 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -52,5536 -33,777 -5,1546 82,0043
Base 1 139 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -53,1546 -33,5145 -33,2355 81,5487
Base 1 139 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -53,1546 -33,5145 -33,2355 81,5487
Base 1 139 1D+1L Combination 1,6281 -0,9337 100,0055 3,0786
Base 1 139 ENVELOPE Combination Max 2,004 -0,7759 119,4558 82,0043
Base 1 139 ENVELOPE Combination Min -53,1546 -33,777 -33,2355 2,8322
Base 2 140 Dead LinStatic 0,7122 -0,8886 38,1072 0,2983
Base 2 140 Live LinStatic 0,2856 -0,3349 1,086 0,4603
Base 2 140 Dinding LinStatic 0,4201 -0,4836 14,7394 -0,7043
Base 2 140 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 2 140 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 2 140 Ex LinStatic Max -48,8628 7,9323 -41,0197 -17,7674
Base 2 140 Ex LinStatic Min -48,8628 7,9323 -41,0197 -17,7674
Base 2 140 Ey LinStatic Max -0,5379 -39,5063 103,9059 94,8657
Base 2 140 Ey LinStatic Min -0,5379 -39,5063 103,9059 94,8657
Base 2 140 1,4 DL Combination 1,4171 -1,7276 68,0895 -0,2866
Base 2 140 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 1,7317 -2,0857 62,2057 0,3903
Base 2 140 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 1,7317 -2,0857 62,2057 0,3903
Base 2 140 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 1,5603 -1,8848 61,5541 0,1141

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 2 140 0,9 D + 1W Combination 1,061 -1,2833 49,0359 -0,4357
Base 2 140 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -47,8404 -33,4588 124,4403 77,2124
Base 2 140 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -47,8404 -33,4588 124,4403 77,2124
Base 2 140 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -48,3397 -32,8574 111,9221 76,6625
Base 2 140 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -48,3397 -32,8574 111,9221 76,6625
Base 2 140 1D+1L Combination 1,4179 -1,707 53,9326 0,0544
Base 2 140 ENVELOPE Combination Max 1,7317 -1,2833 124,4403 77,2124
Base 2 140 ENVELOPE Combination Min -48,3397 -33,4588 49,0359 -0,4357
Base 3 149 Dead LinStatic -0,272 -1,2416 54,1968 0,8057
Base 3 149 Live LinStatic -0,1281 -0,5571 4,6149 0,7779
Base 3 149 Dinding LinStatic -0,137 -0,636 26,2826 -0,5091
Base 3 149 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 3 149 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 3 149 Ex LinStatic Max -53,0945 4,8382 -4,5791 -10,8614
Base 3 149 Ex LinStatic Min -53,0945 4,8382 -4,5791 -10,8614
Base 3 149 Ey LinStatic Max -0,1306 -43,6074 92,2198 102,2326
Base 3 149 Ey LinStatic Min -0,1306 -43,6074 92,2198 102,2326
Base 3 149 1,4 DL Combination -0,5178 -2,3743 102,1581 0,6189
Base 3 149 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6684 -3,0173 98,7026 1,7024
Base 3 149 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,6684 -3,0173 98,7026 1,7024
Base 3 149 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5915 -2,6831 95,9336 1,2357
Base 3 149 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3818 -1,7535 75,0597 0,216
Base 3 149 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -53,8167 -41,4523 183,5743 92,6069
Base 3 149 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -53,8167 -41,4523 183,5743 92,6069
Base 3 149 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -53,6069 -40,5227 162,7004 91,5873
Base 3 149 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -53,6069 -40,5227 162,7004 91,5873
Base 3 149 1D+1L Combination -0,5371 -2,4347 85,0943 1,0745
Base 3 149 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3818 -1,7535 183,5743 92,6069
Base 3 149 ENVELOPE Combination Min -53,8167 -41,4523 75,0597 0,216
Base 4 145 Dead LinStatic -0,3228 0,2299 76,88 0,0109
Base 4 145 Live LinStatic -0,1439 0,0979 13,6446 -0,1329
Base 4 145 Dinding LinStatic -0,1295 0,1246 34,8186 1,2769
Base 4 145 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 4 145 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 4 145 Ex LinStatic Max -57,0295 5,3487 -3,1593 -11,5972
Base 4 145 Ex LinStatic Min -57,0295 5,3487 -3,1593 -11,5972
Base 4 145 Ey LinStatic Max -1,969 -50,1478 85,6128 111,335
Base 4 145 Ey LinStatic Min -1,969 -50,1478 85,6128 111,335
Base 4 145 1,4 DL Combination -0,5813 0,4465 142,4505 1,2922
Base 4 145 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,747 0,5571 148,9059 1,0773
Base 4 145 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,747 0,5571 148,9059 1,0773
Base 4 145 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6607 0,4984 140,7191 1,1571
Base 4 145 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,42 0,3315 104,0106 1,2867
Base 4 145 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -59,6591 -44,3007 223,1727 100,8948
Base 4 145 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -59,6591 -44,3007 223,1727 100,8948
Base 4 145 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -59,4184 -44,4676 186,4641 101,0245
Base 4 145 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -59,4184 -44,4676 186,4641 101,0245
Base 4 145 1D+1L Combination -0,5961 0,4524 125,3432 1,1549
Base 4 145 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,42 0,5571 223,1727 101,0245
Base 4 145 ENVELOPE Combination Min -59,6591 -44,4676 104,0106 1,0773
Base 5 160 Dead LinStatic 0,6737 -1,355 45,9003 1,1622
Base 5 160 Live LinStatic 0,3635 -0,4438 1,8393 0,489
Base 5 160 Dinding LinStatic 0,8687 -0,5423 20,0253 0,0858
Base 5 160 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 5 160 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 5 160 Ex LinStatic Max -33,9145 -14,6278 -147,1031 15,5303
Base 5 160 Ex LinStatic Min -33,9145 -14,6278 -147,1031 15,5303
Base 5 160 Ey LinStatic Max 119,1475 57,4913 438,7041 -19,1897
Base 5 160 Ey LinStatic Min 119,1475 57,4913 438,7041 -19,1897
Base 5 160 1,4 DL Combination 1,8119 -2,4392 84,2857 1,7129

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 5 160 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 2,2587 -2,8783 78,0484 2,2628
Base 5 160 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 2,2587 -2,8783 78,0484 2,2628
Base 5 160 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 2,0406 -2,612 76,9449 1,9695
Base 5 160 0,9 D + 1W Combination 1,4751 -1,7618 61,3355 1,1318
Base 5 160 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max 87,2737 40,2514 368,5459 -1,69
Base 5 160 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min 87,2737 40,2514 368,5459 -1,69
Base 5 160 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max 86,7081 41,1017 352,9366 -2,5276
Base 5 160 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min 86,7081 41,1017 352,9366 -2,5276
Base 5 160 1D+1L Combination 1,9059 -2,341 67,7648 1,737
Base 5 160 ENVELOPE Combination Max 87,2737 41,1017 368,5459 2,2628
Base 5 160 ENVELOPE Combination Min 1,4751 -2,8783 61,3355 -2,5276
Base 6 156 Dead LinStatic -0,6392 0,196 77,3761 0,2217
Base 6 156 Live LinStatic -0,2805 0,0853 14,168 -0,1083
Base 6 156 Dinding LinStatic -0,3633 0,1461 31,9906 1,4639
Base 6 156 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 6 156 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 6 156 Ex LinStatic Max -58,907 0,5594 -50,2137 -2,2264
Base 6 156 Ex LinStatic Min -58,907 0,5594 -50,2137 -2,2264
Base 6 156 Ey LinStatic Max -3,4568 -53,5004 63,1556 118,0133
Base 6 156 Ey LinStatic Min -3,4568 -53,5004 63,1556 118,0133
Base 6 156 1,4 DL Combination -1,2581 0,4204 140,3171 1,7743
Base 6 156 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -1,5791 0,5177 147,5108 1,5567
Base 6 156 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -1,5791 0,5177 147,5108 1,5567
Base 6 156 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -1,4108 0,4665 139,01 1,6216
Base 6 156 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,9385 0,3224 101,6291 1,6634
Base 6 156 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -63,7746 -52,4744 151,9518 117,4085
Base 6 156 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -63,7746 -52,4744 151,9518 117,4085
Base 6 156 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -63,3023 -52,6185 114,5709 117,4503
Base 6 156 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -63,3023 -52,6185 114,5709 117,4503
Base 6 156 1D+1L Combination -1,2829 0,4273 123,5347 1,5773
Base 6 156 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,9385 0,5177 151,9518 117,4503
Base 6 156 ENVELOPE Combination Min -63,7746 -52,6185 101,6291 1,5567
Base 7 167 Dead LinStatic -1,0591 -0,3387 47,0002 0,0312
Base 7 167 Live LinStatic -0,4984 -0,08 2,3042 0,0788
Base 7 167 Dinding LinStatic -1,0175 -0,1229 18,5241 0,1169
Base 7 167 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 7 167 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 7 167 Ex LinStatic Max -13,1871 14,0377 129,9436 -15,4312
Base 7 167 Ex LinStatic Min -13,1871 14,0377 129,9436 -15,4312
Base 7 167 Ey LinStatic Max 72,8083 -233,1431 311,5014 301,3908
Base 7 167 Ey LinStatic Min 72,8083 -233,1431 311,5014 301,3908
Base 7 167 1,4 DL Combination -2,5002 -0,5972 84,3243 0,1606
Base 7 167 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -3,0858 -0,6574 78,611 0,2804
Base 7 167 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -3,0858 -0,6574 78,611 0,2804
Base 7 167 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -2,7868 -0,6094 77,2284 0,2332
Base 7 167 0,9 D + 1W Combination -1,9707 -0,4278 60,8242 0,145
Base 7 167 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max 56,8345 -219,7148 518,6735 286,1928
Base 7 167 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min 56,8345 -219,7148 518,6735 286,1928
Base 7 167 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max 57,6506 -219,5331 502,2693 286,1046
Base 7 167 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min 57,6506 -219,5331 502,2693 286,1046
Base 7 167 1D+1L Combination -2,575 -0,5417 67,8284 0,2269
Base 7 167 ENVELOPE Combination Max 57,6506 -0,4278 518,6735 286,1928
Base 7 167 ENVELOPE Combination Min -3,0858 -219,7148 60,8242 0,145
Base 8 165 Dead LinStatic -0,0279 0,2153 77,677 0,1807
Base 8 165 Live LinStatic -0,018 0,0989 14,4389 -0,133
Base 8 165 Dinding LinStatic 0,1002 0,1724 28,6065 -0,246
Base 8 165 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 8 165 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 8 165 Ex LinStatic Max -56,0428 0,2929 30,5402 -0,1171
Base 8 165 Ex LinStatic Min -56,0428 0,2929 30,5402 -0,1171

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 8 165 Ey LinStatic Max -3,2458 -58,0393 -8,9799 125,685
Base 8 165 Ey LinStatic Min -3,2458 -58,0393 -8,9799 125,685
Base 8 165 1,4 DL Combination 0,0612 0,4739 137,3543 0,0069
Base 8 165 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0379 0,589 144,9211 -0,242
Base 8 165 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,0379 0,589 144,9211 -0,242
Base 8 165 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0487 0,5297 136,2578 -0,1622
Base 8 165 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0751 0,3662 98,5158 -0,0834
Base 8 165 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -59,2399 -57,2168 157,8181 125,4056
Base 8 165 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -59,2399 -57,2168 157,8181 125,4056
Base 8 165 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -59,2136 -57,3802 120,0761 125,4844
Base 8 165 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -59,2136 -57,3802 120,0761 125,4844
Base 8 165 1D+1L Combination 0,0543 0,4866 120,7224 -0,1984
Base 8 165 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,0751 0,589 157,8181 125,4844
Base 8 165 ENVELOPE Combination Min -59,2399 -57,3802 98,5158 -0,242
Base 9 1158 Dead LinStatic 0 0 1,7672 0,5891
Base 9 1158 Live LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Dinding LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Ex LinStatic Max 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Ex LinStatic Min 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Ey LinStatic Max 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 Ey LinStatic Min 0 0 0 0
Base 9 1158 1,4 DL Combination 0 0 2,4741 0,8247
Base 9 1158 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0 0 2,1207 0,7069
Base 9 1158 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0 0 2,1207 0,7069
Base 9 1158 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0 0 2,1207 0,7069
Base 9 1158 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0 0 1,5905 0,5302
Base 9 1158 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max 0 0 2,1207 0,7069
Base 9 1158 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min 0 0 2,1207 0,7069
Base 9 1158 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max 0 0 1,5905 0,5302
Base 9 1158 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min 0 0 1,5905 0,5302
Base 9 1158 1D+1L Combination 0 0 1,7672 0,5891
Base 9 1158 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0 0 2,4741 0,8247
Base 9 1158 ENVELOPE Combination Min 0 0 1,5905 0,5302
Base 10 148 Dead LinStatic -0,1066 0,0038 34,1008 0,5835
Base 10 148 Live LinStatic -0,0476 0,0079 4,4928 -0,0102
Base 10 148 Dinding LinStatic -0,0418 0,0014 7,0906 0,0054
Base 10 148 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 10 148 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 10 148 Ex LinStatic Max -18,2274 1,6735 4,8257 -3,4044
Base 10 148 Ex LinStatic Min -18,2274 1,6735 4,8257 -3,4044
Base 10 148 Ey LinStatic Max -0,7929 -15,6435 -148,6781 32,5357
Base 10 148 Ey LinStatic Min -0,7929 -15,6435 -148,6781 32,5357
Base 10 148 1,4 DL Combination -0,191 0,0068 54,8317 0,8223
Base 10 148 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2459 0,0187 55,2001 0,6893
Base 10 148 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2459 0,0187 55,2001 0,6893
Base 10 148 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2173 0,0139 52,5044 0,6954
Base 10 148 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1377 0,0048 37,7813 0,5305
Base 10 148 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -19,2376 -13,9561 -91,348 29,8267
Base 10 148 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -19,2376 -13,9561 -91,348 29,8267
Base 10 148 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,158 -13,9652 -106,071 29,6618
Base 10 148 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,158 -13,9652 -106,071 29,6618
Base 10 148 1D+1L Combination -0,196 0,0132 45,6842 0,5787
Base 10 148 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1377 0,0187 55,2001 29,8267
Base 10 148 ENVELOPE Combination Min -19,2376 -13,9652 -106,071 0,5305
Base 11 147 Dead LinStatic -0,258 0,8697 90,3805 -1,8036
Base 11 147 Live LinStatic -0,1127 0,3758 27,4003 -0,5241
Base 11 147 Dinding LinStatic -0,1038 0,3491 40,9231 -0,478
Base 11 147 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 11 147 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 11 147 Ex LinStatic Max -16,526 1,7353 -21,7011 -3,727
Base 11 147 Ex LinStatic Min -16,526 1,7353 -21,7011 -3,727
Base 11 147 Ey LinStatic Max -0,6317 -14,5799 40,0352 31,029
Base 11 147 Ey LinStatic Min -0,6317 -14,5799 40,0352 31,029
Base 11 147 1,4 DL Combination -0,465 1,5667 167,4559 -3,003
Base 11 147 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5937 1,9941 193,2202 -3,4809
Base 11 147 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,5937 1,9941 193,2202 -3,4809
Base 11 147 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5261 1,7686 176,78 -3,1665
Base 11 147 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,336 1,1318 122,2656 -2,1012
Base 11 147 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,6838 -11,076 195,1141 24,1356
Base 11 147 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,6838 -11,076 195,1141 24,1356
Base 11 147 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,4937 -11,7128 140,5996 25,2008
Base 11 147 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,4937 -11,7128 140,5996 25,2008
Base 11 147 1D+1L Combination -0,4745 1,5946 158,7039 -2,8057
Base 11 147 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,336 1,9941 195,1141 25,2008
Base 11 147 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,6838 -11,7128 122,2656 -3,4809
Base 12 144 Dead LinStatic -0,0759 -0,0947 19,7884 0,7187
Base 12 144 Live LinStatic -0,0359 -0,0406 -0,4918 0,0563
Base 12 144 Dinding LinStatic -0,023 -0,0375 2,323 0,0609
Base 12 144 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 12 144 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 12 144 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4797 1,9342 2,1942 -3,9886
Base 12 144 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4797 1,9342 2,1942 -3,9886
Base 12 144 Ey LinStatic Max -0,998 -15,7453 -39,5034 32,5275
Base 12 144 Ey LinStatic Min -0,998 -15,7453 -39,5034 32,5275
Base 12 144 1,4 DL Combination -0,1293 -0,17 30,0267 1,0671
Base 12 144 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1715 -0,216 25,2821 1,0134
Base 12 144 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,1715 -0,216 25,2821 1,0134
Base 12 144 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,15 -0,1917 25,5772 0,9796
Base 12 144 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,0913 -0,1227 20,1325 0,7077
Base 12 144 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -19,6277 -14,0028 -11,7319 29,5185
Base 12 144 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -19,6277 -14,0028 -11,7319 29,5185
Base 12 144 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,569 -13,9338 -17,1766 29,2466
Base 12 144 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,569 -13,9338 -17,1766 29,2466
Base 12 144 1D+1L Combination -0,1348 -0,1728 21,6195 0,8359
Base 12 144 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,0913 -0,1227 30,0267 29,5185
Base 12 144 ENVELOPE Combination Min -19,6277 -14,0028 -17,1766 0,7077
Base 13 146 Dead LinStatic -0,0196 1,0303 101,9094 -2,0289
Base 13 146 Live LinStatic -0,0099 0,4523 32,2971 -0,6314
Base 13 146 Dinding LinStatic -0,0151 0,4152 45,8062 -0,5687
Base 13 146 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 13 146 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 13 146 Ex LinStatic Max -16,6765 2,3714 29,675 -4,8367
Base 13 146 Ex LinStatic Min -16,6765 2,3714 29,675 -4,8367
Base 13 146 Ey LinStatic Max -0,4767 -14,2503 39,4192 30,4256
Base 13 146 Ey LinStatic Min -0,4767 -14,2503 39,4192 30,4256
Base 13 146 1,4 DL Combination -0,0426 1,8576 188,4794 -3,4091
Base 13 146 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0545 2,3752 219,773 -4,0136
Base 13 146 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,0545 2,3752 219,773 -4,0136
Base 13 146 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0485 2,1038 200,3947 -3,6348
Base 13 146 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,0328 1,3425 137,5247 -2,3947
Base 13 146 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,2017 -9,7751 269,4889 21,9541
Base 13 146 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,2017 -9,7751 269,4889 21,9541
Base 13 146 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,186 -10,5365 206,6189 23,1942
Base 13 146 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,186 -10,5365 206,6189 23,1942
Base 13 146 1D+1L Combination -0,0446 1,8977 180,0128 -3,229
Base 13 146 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,0328 2,3752 269,4889 23,1942
Base 13 146 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,2017 -10,5365 137,5247 -4,0136
Base 14 143 Dead LinStatic -0,2772 -0,1446 25,651 0,7867

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 14 143 Live LinStatic -0,0979 -0,0574 -0,0664 0,0788
Base 14 143 Dinding LinStatic -0,136 -0,0648 4,1426 0,1001
Base 14 143 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 14 143 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 14 143 Ex LinStatic Max -18,2557 2,4011 -3,5547 -4,8576
Base 14 143 Ex LinStatic Min -18,2557 2,4011 -3,5547 -4,8576
Base 14 143 Ey LinStatic Max 0,1069 -15,4208 -73,2194 31,933
Base 14 143 Ey LinStatic Min 0,1069 -15,4208 -73,2194 31,933
Base 14 143 1,4 DL Combination -0,5241 -0,2672 40,054 1,2015
Base 14 143 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6254 -0,3301 34,8175 1,1703
Base 14 143 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,6254 -0,3301 34,8175 1,1703
Base 14 143 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5666 -0,2957 34,8574 1,123
Base 14 143 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3855 -0,1949 27,2285 0,8081
Base 14 143 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -18,7154 -13,3153 -41,9167 28,1983
Base 14 143 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -18,7154 -13,3153 -41,9167 28,1983
Base 14 143 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -18,5343 -13,2146 -49,5456 27,8835
Base 14 143 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -18,5343 -13,2146 -49,5456 27,8835
Base 14 143 1D+1L Combination -0,5112 -0,2668 29,7272 0,9656
Base 14 143 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3855 -0,1949 40,054 28,1983
Base 14 143 ENVELOPE Combination Min -18,7154 -13,3153 -49,5456 0,8081
Base 15 157 Dead LinStatic 0,0745 0,8413 90,361 -1,7615
Base 15 157 Live LinStatic 0,03 0,363 27,259 -0,5048
Base 15 157 Dinding LinStatic 0,0321 0,3435 40,9277 -0,4734
Base 15 157 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 15 157 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 15 157 Ex LinStatic Max -16,4976 1,3787 20,9606 -2,7837
Base 15 157 Ex LinStatic Min -16,4976 1,3787 20,9606 -2,7837
Base 15 157 Ey LinStatic Max -0,6707 -14,9248 43,7318 31,7919
Base 15 157 Ey LinStatic Min -0,6707 -14,9248 43,7318 31,7919
Base 15 157 1,4 DL Combination 0,1363 1,5213 167,4331 -2,9395
Base 15 157 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1694 1,9339 192,9753 -3,3949
Base 15 157 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,1694 1,9339 192,9753 -3,3949
Base 15 157 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1514 1,7161 176,6199 -3,092
Base 15 157 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0991 1,1007 122,2526 -2,0587
Base 15 157 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,0169 -11,83 241,3123 25,9162
Base 15 157 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,0169 -11,83 241,3123 25,9162
Base 15 157 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,0692 -12,4454 186,945 26,9495
Base 15 157 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,0692 -12,4454 186,945 26,9495
Base 15 157 1D+1L Combination 0,1365 1,5478 158,5477 -2,7397
Base 15 157 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,1694 1,9339 241,3123 26,9495
Base 15 157 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,0692 -12,4454 122,2526 -3,3949
Base 16 154 Dead LinStatic -0,1115 -0,0913 22,0063 0,7164
Base 16 154 Live LinStatic -0,0496 -0,0393 -0,0344 0,056
Base 16 154 Dinding LinStatic -0,0417 -0,0298 2,9791 0,0471
Base 16 154 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 16 154 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 16 154 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4757 1,3169 2,3865 -2,6874
Base 16 154 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4757 1,3169 2,3865 -2,6874
Base 16 154 Ey LinStatic Max -0,7736 -16,1176 -49,3977 33,3291
Base 16 154 Ey LinStatic Min -0,7736 -16,1176 -49,3977 33,3291
Base 16 154 1,4 DL Combination -0,1977 -0,1576 33,7879 1,0501
Base 16 154 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2548 -0,2023 29,3317 0,9964
Base 16 154 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2548 -0,2023 29,3317 0,9964
Base 16 154 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,225 -0,1787 29,3523 0,9628
Base 16 154 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,142 -0,112 22,7848 0,6919
Base 16 154 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -19,4743 -14,9793 -17,6589 31,6045
Base 16 154 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -19,4743 -14,9793 -17,6589 31,6045
Base 16 154 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,3913 -14,9126 -24,2264 31,3335
Base 16 154 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,3913 -14,9126 -24,2264 31,3335
Base 16 154 1D+1L Combination -0,2027 -0,1604 24,951 0,8195

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 16 154 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,142 -0,112 33,7879 31,6045
Base 16 154 ENVELOPE Combination Min -19,4743 -14,9793 -24,2264 0,6919
Base 17 158 Dead LinStatic -0,2224 0,9449 95,7773 -1,9051
Base 17 158 Live LinStatic -0,0964 0,4091 29,5882 -0,5685
Base 17 158 Dinding LinStatic -0,0873 0,3911 43,3081 -0,5415
Base 17 158 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 17 158 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 17 158 Ex LinStatic Max -16,3821 1,1011 -0,7442 -2,1682
Base 17 158 Ex LinStatic Min -16,3821 1,1011 -0,7442 -2,1682
Base 17 158 Ey LinStatic Max -0,7299 -15,107 44,6799 32,2162
Base 17 158 Ey LinStatic Min -0,7299 -15,107 44,6799 32,2162
Base 17 158 1,4 DL Combination -0,3986 1,7139 177,3963 -3,2086
Base 17 158 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5084 2,1795 205,582 -3,7371
Base 17 158 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,5084 2,1795 205,582 -3,7371
Base 17 158 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,4506 1,9341 187,829 -3,3961
Base 17 158 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,2874 1,2415 129,5076 -2,2561
Base 17 158 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,5625 -12,0719 231,7647 26,652
Base 17 158 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,5625 -12,0719 231,7647 26,652
Base 17 158 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,3994 -12,7644 173,4433 27,7919
Base 17 158 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,3994 -12,7644 173,4433 27,7919
Base 17 158 1D+1L Combination -0,4061 1,7451 168,6736 -3,015
Base 17 158 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,2874 2,1795 231,7647 27,7919
Base 17 158 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,5625 -12,7644 129,5076 -3,7371
Base 18 155 Dead LinStatic -0,0974 -0,111 21,7824 0,7446
Base 18 155 Live LinStatic -0,0439 -0,0471 -0,7478 0,0674
Base 18 155 Dinding LinStatic -0,0357 -0,0332 2,355 0,0501
Base 18 155 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 18 155 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 18 155 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4185 0,8871 -3,5544 -1,8642
Base 18 155 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4185 0,8871 -3,5544 -1,8642
Base 18 155 Ey LinStatic Max -1,1378 -16,4542 -47,6703 33,966
Base 18 155 Ey LinStatic Min -1,1378 -16,4542 -47,6703 33,966
Base 18 155 1,4 DL Combination -0,1721 -0,1886 32,8503 1,0926
Base 18 155 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2229 -0,2417 27,2974 1,0515
Base 18 155 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2229 -0,2417 27,2974 1,0515
Base 18 155 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1965 -0,2135 27,746 1,0111
Base 18 155 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1234 -0,1331 21,9591 0,7203
Base 18 155 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -19,7529 -15,7806 -23,4787 33,1128
Base 18 155 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -19,7529 -15,7806 -23,4787 33,1128
Base 18 155 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,6797 -15,7003 -29,2657 32,822
Base 18 155 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,6797 -15,7003 -29,2657 32,822
Base 18 155 1D+1L Combination -0,177 -0,1913 23,3896 0,8622
Base 18 155 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1234 -0,1331 32,8503 33,1128
Base 18 155 ENVELOPE Combination Min -19,7529 -15,7806 -29,2657 0,7203
Base 19 159 Dead LinStatic -0,0798 0,0197 34,2287 0,5641
Base 19 159 Live LinStatic -0,036 0,0134 4,6285 -0,0159
Base 19 159 Dinding LinStatic -0,036 0,0099 6,9537 -0,0116
Base 19 159 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 19 159 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 19 159 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4199 0,6164 3,609 -1,2206
Base 19 159 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4199 0,6164 3,609 -1,2206
Base 19 159 Ey LinStatic Max -1,3559 -16,5876 -133,0319 34,3749
Base 19 159 Ey LinStatic Min -1,3559 -16,5876 -133,0319 34,3749
Base 19 159 1,4 DL Combination -0,1478 0,0375 54,8739 0,7781
Base 19 159 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1895 0,0549 55,4337 0,6398
Base 19 159 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,1895 0,0549 55,4337 0,6398
Base 19 159 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1678 0,0469 52,6566 0,6494
Base 19 159 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1078 0,0276 37,7595 0,4961
Base 19 159 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -19,9436 -15,9243 -76,7663 33,8036
Base 19 159 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -19,9436 -15,9243 -76,7663 33,8036

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 19 159 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,8836 -15,9436 -91,6634 33,6503
Base 19 159 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,8836 -15,9436 -91,6634 33,6503
Base 19 159 1D+1L Combination -0,1519 0,043 45,8109 0,5365
Base 19 159 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1078 0,0549 55,4337 33,8036
Base 19 159 ENVELOPE Combination Min -19,9436 -15,9436 -91,6634 0,4961
Base 20 166 Dead LinStatic -0,1144 0,0264 34,1816 0,5509
Base 20 166 Live LinStatic -0,0502 0,0159 4,6306 -0,0209
Base 20 166 Dinding LinStatic -0,035 0,0158 6,9704 -0,0236
Base 20 166 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 20 166 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 20 166 Ex LinStatic Max -18,3961 -0,1235 -0,6642 0,2351
Base 20 166 Ex LinStatic Min -18,3961 -0,1235 -0,6642 0,2351
Base 20 166 Ey LinStatic Max -1,5119 -17,1111 -118,1799 35,478
Base 20 166 Ey LinStatic Min -1,5119 -17,1111 -118,1799 35,478
Base 20 166 1,4 DL Combination -0,1951 0,0528 54,8247 0,7477
Base 20 166 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2525 0,0728 55,3972 0,6041
Base 20 166 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2525 0,0728 55,3972 0,6041
Base 20 166 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2224 0,0633 52,6189 0,6166
Base 20 166 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1379 0,0395 37,7339 0,4722
Base 20 166 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,1304 -17,1712 -66,2252 36,3297
Base 20 166 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,1304 -17,1712 -66,2252 36,3297
Base 20 166 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -20,0459 -17,195 -81,1103 36,1853
Base 20 166 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -20,0459 -17,195 -81,1103 36,1853
Base 20 166 1D+1L Combination -0,1995 0,058 45,7826 0,5064
Base 20 166 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1379 0,0728 55,3972 36,3297
Base 20 166 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,1304 -17,195 -81,1103 0,4722
Base 23 184 Dead LinStatic -0,3852 -1,0698 54,7295 0,4596
Base 23 184 Live LinStatic -0,1776 -0,4938 4,8115 0,6496
Base 23 184 Dinding LinStatic -0,1963 -0,4853 26,4968 -0,8281
Base 23 184 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 23 184 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 23 184 Ex LinStatic Max -53,0934 -3,9502 2,2587 8,7808
Base 23 184 Ex LinStatic Min -53,0934 -3,9502 2,2587 8,7808
Base 23 184 Ey LinStatic Max 7,2494 -59,3683 104,5908 137,4562
Base 23 184 Ey LinStatic Min 7,2494 -59,3683 104,5908 137,4562
Base 23 184 1,4 DL Combination -0,7356 -1,983 103,1181 -0,1846
Base 23 184 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,9427 -2,5591 99,8705 0,7628
Base 23 184 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,9427 -2,5591 99,8705 0,7628
Base 23 184 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,8361 -2,2628 96,9836 0,373
Base 23 184 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,543 -1,4481 75,7533 -0,4145
Base 23 184 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -46,6802 -65,5813 203,8332 146,61
Base 23 184 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -46,6802 -65,5813 203,8332 146,61
Base 23 184 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -46,387 -64,7666 182,6029 145,8225
Base 23 184 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -46,387 -64,7666 182,6029 145,8225
Base 23 184 1D+1L Combination -0,7591 -2,0489 86,0378 0,2811
Base 23 184 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,543 -1,4481 203,8332 146,61
Base 23 184 ENVELOPE Combination Min -46,6802 -65,5813 75,7533 -0,4145
Base 24 180 Dead LinStatic -0,31 0,371 77,2346 -0,2931
Base 24 180 Live LinStatic -0,1397 0,1498 13,7816 -0,2457
Base 24 180 Dinding LinStatic -0,1235 0,2651 34,9515 0,9719
Base 24 180 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 24 180 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 24 180 Ex LinStatic Max -56,893 -4,2989 0,6693 9,3233
Base 24 180 Ex LinStatic Min -56,893 -4,2989 0,6693 9,3233
Base 24 180 Ey LinStatic Max -4,2785 -67,2545 93,5494 148,4089
Base 24 180 Ey LinStatic Min -4,2785 -67,2545 93,5494 148,4089
Base 24 180 1,4 DL Combination -0,5574 0,7845 143,0799 0,5616
Base 24 180 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,719 0,9501 149,6836 0,227
Base 24 180 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,719 0,9501 149,6836 0,227
Base 24 180 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6352 0,8602 141,4146 0,3745

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 24 180 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,4025 0,599 104,4626 0,7081
Base 24 180 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -61,8067 -70,6933 235,6334 158,1067
Base 24 180 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -61,8067 -70,6933 235,6334 158,1067
Base 24 180 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -61,574 -70,9544 198,6814 158,4404
Base 24 180 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -61,574 -70,9544 198,6814 158,4404
Base 24 180 1D+1L Combination -0,5732 0,786 125,9677 0,4331
Base 24 180 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,4025 0,9501 235,6334 158,4404
Base 24 180 ENVELOPE Combination Min -61,8067 -70,9544 104,4626 0,227
Base 25 195 Dead LinStatic -0,0338 -0,8743 67,834 0,0825
Base 25 195 Live LinStatic -0,1245 -0,3288 6,6076 0,3781
Base 25 195 Dinding LinStatic 0,1955 -0,4421 32,2103 -0,9681
Base 25 195 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 25 195 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 25 195 Ex LinStatic Max -54,0115 -6,7242 -2,1723 15,0323
Base 25 195 Ex LinStatic Min -54,0115 -6,7242 -2,1723 15,0323
Base 25 195 Ey LinStatic Max 7,7333 -71,3148 128,8524 164,8206
Base 25 195 Ey LinStatic Min 7,7333 -71,3148 128,8524 164,8206
Base 25 195 1,4 DL Combination 0,1482 -1,6662 127,1779 -0,8525
Base 25 195 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0443 -2,0174 124,1832 -0,2641
Base 25 195 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,0443 -2,0174 124,1832 -0,2641
Base 25 195 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0304 -1,8201 120,2186 -0,4909
Base 25 195 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,1651 -1,229 93,2609 -0,8938
Base 25 195 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -46,2478 -79,8592 246,8988 179,362
Base 25 195 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -46,2478 -79,8592 246,8988 179,362
Base 25 195 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -46,1131 -79,2681 219,9411 178,9591
Base 25 195 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -46,1131 -79,2681 219,9411 178,9591
Base 25 195 1D+1L Combination 0,0372 -1,6452 106,6518 -0,5074
Base 25 195 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,1651 -1,229 246,8988 179,362
Base 25 195 ENVELOPE Combination Min -46,2478 -79,8592 93,2609 -0,8938
Base 26 191 Dead LinStatic 0,0978 0,5844 96,814 -0,6957
Base 26 191 Live LinStatic 0,0333 0,2334 17,4416 -0,4038
Base 26 191 Dinding LinStatic 0,2558 0,4184 41,1463 0,6789
Base 26 191 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 26 191 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 26 191 Ex LinStatic Max -57,6189 -7,3091 -3,6989 15,8602
Base 26 191 Ex LinStatic Min -57,6189 -7,3091 -3,6989 15,8602
Base 26 191 Ey LinStatic Max -4,429 -80,1739 106,1993 177,1528
Base 26 191 Ey LinStatic Min -4,429 -80,1739 106,1993 177,1528
Base 26 191 1,4 DL Combination 0,3928 1,2366 176,6858 -0,2951
Base 26 191 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,4265 1,4932 185,2296 -0,8021
Base 26 191 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,4265 1,4932 185,2296 -0,8021
Base 26 191 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,4065 1,3531 174,7646 -0,5598
Base 26 191 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,3439 0,9444 128,2789 0,0527
Base 26 191 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -61,6414 -86,1299 277,265 192,4532
Base 26 191 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -61,6414 -86,1299 277,265 192,4532
Base 26 191 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -61,704 -86,5386 230,7792 193,0657
Base 26 191 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -61,704 -86,5386 230,7792 193,0657
Base 26 191 1D+1L Combination 0,387 1,2362 155,4019 -0,4206
Base 26 191 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,4265 1,4932 277,265 193,0657
Base 26 191 ENVELOPE Combination Min -61,704 -86,5386 128,2789 -0,8021
Base 27 202 Dead LinStatic -0,997 -3,9824 97,661 -4,1407
Base 27 202 Live LinStatic -0,3715 -1,2574 10,7041 1,6502
Base 27 202 Dinding LinStatic -0,8676 -3,2643 46,9252 -10,2193
Base 27 202 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 27 202 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 27 202 Ex LinStatic Max -50,0376 -8,4843 42,0167 18,5536
Base 27 202 Ex LinStatic Min -50,0376 -8,4843 42,0167 18,5536
Base 27 202 Ey LinStatic Max 6,3646 -67,8959 42,5813 164,7022
Base 27 202 Ey LinStatic Min 6,3646 -67,8959 42,5813 164,7022
Base 27 202 1,4 DL Combination -2,2633 -8,8396 183,6506 -16,0163

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 27 202 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -2,6583 -10,055 181,2449 -12,5478
Base 27 202 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -2,6583 -10,055 181,2449 -12,5478
Base 27 202 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -2,4354 -9,3006 174,8225 -13,5379
Base 27 202 0,9 D + 1W Combination -1,7648 -6,8484 134,8201 -13,946
Base 27 202 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -46,1084 -85,6808 259,4205 169,7178
Base 27 202 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -46,1084 -85,6808 259,4205 169,7178
Base 27 202 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -45,4379 -83,2287 219,4181 169,3098
Base 27 202 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -45,4379 -83,2287 219,4181 169,3098
Base 27 202 1D+1L Combination -2,236 -8,5041 155,2903 -12,7098
Base 27 202 ENVELOPE Combination Max -1,7648 -6,8484 259,4205 169,7178
Base 27 202 ENVELOPE Combination Min -46,1084 -85,6808 134,8201 -16,0163
Base 28 200 Dead LinStatic -1,1556 2,6873 120,2019 4,8353
Base 28 200 Live LinStatic -0,6026 0,8817 17,6199 -1,3238
Base 28 200 Dinding LinStatic -0,8516 2,019 53,7487 11,5557
Base 28 200 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 28 200 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 28 200 Ex LinStatic Max -53,356 -7,9754 47,4838 17,8081
Base 28 200 Ex LinStatic Min -53,356 -7,9754 47,4838 17,8081
Base 28 200 Ey LinStatic Max -4,4257 -83,3248 163,7046 186,2131
Base 28 200 Ey LinStatic Min -4,4257 -83,3248 163,7046 186,2131
Base 28 200 1,4 DL Combination -2,4695 5,7812 222,0313 18,3251
Base 28 200 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -3,2025 6,6544 226,1827 15,24
Base 28 200 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -3,2025 6,6544 226,1827 15,24
Base 28 200 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -2,841 6,1254 215,6108 16,0343
Base 28 200 0,9 D + 1W Combination -1,8917 4,4375 161,9304 15,9075
Base 28 200 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -60,6227 -85,1747 426,7993 220,0555
Base 28 200 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -60,6227 -85,1747 426,7993 220,0555
Base 28 200 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -59,6735 -86,8626 373,1188 219,9287
Base 28 200 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -59,6735 -86,8626 373,1188 219,9287
Base 28 200 1D+1L Combination -2,6098 5,588 191,5704 15,0672
Base 28 200 ENVELOPE Combination Max -1,8917 6,6544 426,7993 220,0555
Base 28 200 ENVELOPE Combination Min -60,6227 -86,8626 161,9304 15,0672
Base 29 198 Dead LinStatic -0,1615 -0,1554 125,7099 -0,2437
Base 29 198 Live LinStatic -0,1911 -0,0602 33,9215 0,0635
Base 29 198 Dinding LinStatic 0,2135 -0,0551 59,1614 -0,5907
Base 29 198 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 29 198 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 29 198 Ex LinStatic Max -15,2548 -2,1082 -9,6604 4,4227
Base 29 198 Ex LinStatic Min -15,2548 -2,1082 -9,6604 4,4227
Base 29 198 Ey LinStatic Max 0,8302 -24,1187 -124,1583 50,7445
Base 29 198 Ey LinStatic Min 0,8302 -24,1187 -124,1583 50,7445
Base 29 198 1,4 DL Combination -0,0125 -0,2727 235,1552 -0,9318
Base 29 198 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,286 -0,338 264,2877 -0,7815
Base 29 198 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,286 -0,338 264,2877 -0,7815
Base 29 198 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1714 -0,3018 243,9347 -0,8196
Base 29 198 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0682 -0,195 172,3003 -0,81
Base 29 198 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -14,596 -26,5287 110,116 54,3475
Base 29 198 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -14,596 -26,5287 110,116 54,3475
Base 29 198 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -14,3564 -26,4219 38,4815 54,3572
Base 29 198 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -14,3564 -26,4219 38,4815 54,3572
Base 29 198 1D+1L Combination -0,1391 -0,2707 218,7928 -0,7709
Base 29 198 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,0682 -0,195 264,2877 54,3572
Base 29 198 ENVELOPE Combination Min -14,596 -26,5287 38,4815 -0,9318
Base 31 197 Dead LinStatic -0,2853 -1,7434 56,4049 2,3856
Base 31 197 Live LinStatic -0,1179 -0,7927 13,147 1,0888
Base 31 197 Dinding LinStatic -0,1443 -0,6244 25,841 0,8361
Base 31 197 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 31 197 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 31 197 Ex LinStatic Max -15,6758 -1,4513 -17,6872 3,3015
Base 31 197 Ex LinStatic Min -15,6758 -1,4513 -17,6872 3,3015

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 31 197 Ey LinStatic Max 2,2204 -19,7366 19,4072 43,6986
Base 31 197 Ey LinStatic Min 2,2204 -19,7366 19,4072 43,6986
Base 31 197 1,4 DL Combination -0,5437 -3,0652 104,8079 4,176
Base 31 197 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6753 -3,9848 114,5622 5,441
Base 31 197 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,6753 -3,9848 114,5622 5,441
Base 31 197 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6046 -3,5092 106,6739 4,7877
Base 31 197 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,4011 -2,1935 76,6054 2,9832
Base 31 197 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -14,06 -24,6971 108,3939 51,7879
Base 31 197 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -14,06 -24,6971 108,3939 51,7879
Base 31 197 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -13,8565 -23,3813 78,3254 49,9833
Base 31 197 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -13,8565 -23,3813 78,3254 49,9833
Base 31 197 1D+1L Combination -0,5475 -3,1605 95,393 4,3106
Base 31 197 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,4011 -2,1935 114,5622 51,7879
Base 31 197 ENVELOPE Combination Min -14,06 -24,6971 76,6054 2,9832
Base 32 193 Dead LinStatic -0,2471 0,884 87,4119 -1,8687
Base 32 193 Live LinStatic -0,1093 0,3912 27,219 -0,5626
Base 32 193 Dinding LinStatic -0,114 0,3617 38,6708 -0,5394
Base 32 193 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 32 193 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 32 193 Ex LinStatic Max -16,4567 -1,8982 -15,8321 3,9304
Base 32 193 Ex LinStatic Min -16,4567 -1,8982 -15,8321 3,9304
Base 32 193 Ey LinStatic Max -1,2786 -22,0929 51,5752 46,9848
Base 32 193 Ey LinStatic Min -1,2786 -22,0929 51,5752 46,9848
Base 32 193 1,4 DL Combination -0,46 1,5992 161,0475 -3,1556
Base 32 193 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5854 2,0483 187,1155 -3,682
Base 32 193 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,5854 2,0483 187,1155 -3,682
Base 32 193 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5198 1,8136 170,7841 -3,3444
Base 32 193 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3365 1,1572 117,3415 -2,2212
Base 32 193 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -18,2551 -22,1775 206,5273 47,5707
Base 32 193 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -18,2551 -22,1775 206,5273 47,5707
Base 32 193 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -18,0717 -22,8338 153,0847 48,6939
Base 32 193 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -18,0717 -22,8338 153,0847 48,6939
Base 32 193 1D+1L Combination -0,4704 1,6368 153,3017 -2,9707
Base 32 193 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3365 2,0483 206,5273 48,6939
Base 32 193 ENVELOPE Combination Min -18,2551 -22,8338 117,3415 -3,682
Base 33 196 Dead LinStatic 0,0378 -1,7238 58,8375 2,3674
Base 33 196 Live LinStatic 0,0145 -0,7723 12,8857 1,064
Base 33 196 Dinding LinStatic 0,0058 -0,6666 27,4314 0,9019
Base 33 196 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 33 196 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 33 196 Ex LinStatic Max -15,6996 -1,474 20,3766 3,1269
Base 33 196 Ex LinStatic Min -15,6996 -1,474 20,3766 3,1269
Base 33 196 Ey LinStatic Max 1,9822 -18,5566 16,7667 41,1151
Base 33 196 Ey LinStatic Min 1,9822 -18,5566 16,7667 41,1151
Base 33 196 1,4 DL Combination 0,0587 -3,0798 109,8039 4,2163
Base 33 196 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0743 -3,9707 118,6536 5,4452
Base 33 196 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,0743 -3,9707 118,6536 5,4452
Base 33 196 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0656 -3,5074 110,9221 4,8068
Base 33 196 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0398 -2,218 80,3851 3,0326
Base 33 196 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -13,6518 -23,538 148,0654 49,0488
Base 33 196 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -13,6518 -23,538 148,0654 49,0488
Base 33 196 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -13,6776 -22,2486 117,5284 47,2746
Base 33 196 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -13,6776 -22,2486 117,5284 47,2746
Base 33 196 1D+1L Combination 0,0581 -3,1626 99,1546 4,3333
Base 33 196 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,0743 -2,218 148,0654 49,0488
Base 33 196 ENVELOPE Combination Min -13,6776 -23,538 80,3851 3,0326
Base 34 192 Dead LinStatic 0,0665 0,831 88,2329 -1,7855
Base 34 192 Live LinStatic 0,0287 0,3605 26,4431 -0,5162
Base 34 192 Dinding LinStatic 0,03 0,3514 39,535 -0,5182
Base 34 192 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 34 192 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 34 192 Ex LinStatic Max -16,4912 -1,4049 21,2187 3,0387
Base 34 192 Ex LinStatic Min -16,4912 -1,4049 21,2187 3,0387
Base 34 192 Ey LinStatic Max -1,2385 -20,8252 51,5802 44,2775
Base 34 192 Ey LinStatic Min -1,2385 -20,8252 51,5802 44,2775
Base 34 192 1,4 DL Combination 0,1231 1,5148 163,061 -3,018
Base 34 192 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1558 1,9254 187,7234 -3,4867
Base 34 192 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,1558 1,9254 187,7234 -3,4867
Base 34 192 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1385 1,7091 171,8576 -3,177
Base 34 192 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0898 1,0993 118,9446 -2,1252
Base 34 192 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,5911 -20,5211 244,6565 44,1391
Base 34 192 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,5911 -20,5211 244,6565 44,1391
Base 34 192 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,6398 -21,1308 191,7435 45,191
Base 34 192 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,6398 -21,1308 191,7435 45,191
Base 34 192 1D+1L Combination 0,1252 1,5429 154,211 -2,8199
Base 34 192 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,1558 1,9254 244,6565 45,191
Base 34 192 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,6398 -21,1308 118,9446 -3,4867
Base 35 187 Dead LinStatic -0,1526 -0,1975 109,5511 -0,1573
Base 35 187 Live LinStatic -0,0641 -0,0944 37,552 0,1221
Base 35 187 Dinding LinStatic -0,0787 -0,0761 49,7652 -0,5406
Base 35 187 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 35 187 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 35 187 Ex LinStatic Max -15,292 -1,2337 -1,1425 2,5814
Base 35 187 Ex LinStatic Min -15,292 -1,2337 -1,1425 2,5814
Base 35 187 Ey LinStatic Max 0,9322 -20,2372 -105,7611 42,5246
Base 35 187 Ey LinStatic Min 0,9322 -20,2372 -105,7611 42,5246
Base 35 187 1,4 DL Combination -0,2923 -0,3526 203,1368 -0,7609
Base 35 187 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,3643 -0,4642 241,3098 -0,534
Base 35 187 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,3643 -0,4642 241,3098 -0,534
Base 35 187 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,3258 -0,4075 218,7786 -0,6073
Base 35 187 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,216 -0,2538 148,3612 -0,6822
Base 35 187 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -14,6856 -21,8784 111,875 44,4987
Base 35 187 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -14,6856 -21,8784 111,875 44,4987
Base 35 187 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -14,5758 -21,7248 41,4577 44,4237
Base 35 187 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -14,5758 -21,7248 41,4577 44,4237
Base 35 187 1D+1L Combination -0,2953 -0,368 196,8683 -0,5758
Base 35 187 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,216 -0,2538 241,3098 44,4987
Base 35 187 ENVELOPE Combination Min -14,6856 -21,8784 41,4577 -0,7609
Base 36 188 Dead LinStatic -0,1375 0,326 100,6733 -0,0779
Base 36 188 Live LinStatic -0,0579 0,1443 33,7063 -0,2109
Base 36 188 Dinding LinStatic -0,067 0,1572 46,1725 0,3852
Base 36 188 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 36 188 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 36 188 Ex LinStatic Max -15,5745 -1,1985 2,3874 2,5391
Base 36 188 Ex LinStatic Min -15,5745 -1,1985 2,3874 2,5391
Base 36 188 Ey LinStatic Max -0,2129 -19,9826 57,2913 42,1671
Base 36 188 Ey LinStatic Min -0,2129 -19,9826 57,2913 42,1671
Base 36 188 1,4 DL Combination -0,2595 0,6136 187,1151 0,2762
Base 36 188 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,3247 0,7792 220,9105 -0,0457
Base 36 188 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,3247 0,7792 220,9105 -0,0457
Base 36 188 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2899 0,6927 200,6867 0,0808
Base 36 188 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1907 0,4506 136,7784 0,3151
Base 36 188 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -16,0773 -20,4884 260,3654 44,7871
Base 36 188 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -16,0773 -20,4884 260,3654 44,7871
Base 36 188 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,9781 -20,7305 196,4571 45,0213
Base 36 188 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,9781 -20,7305 196,4571 45,0213
Base 36 188 1D+1L Combination -0,2624 0,6275 180,5521 0,0964
Base 36 188 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1907 0,7792 260,3654 45,0213
Base 36 188 ENVELOPE Combination Min -16,0773 -20,7305 136,7784 -0,0457
Base 37 199 Dead LinStatic -0,5893 0,331 102,7929 -0,1125

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 37 199 Live LinStatic -0,3331 0,1235 29,615 -0,1929
Base 37 199 Dinding LinStatic -0,0821 0,1818 49,4735 0,33
Base 37 199 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 37 199 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 37 199 Ex LinStatic Max -15,3167 -2,0649 3,4854 4,3642
Base 37 199 Ex LinStatic Min -15,3167 -2,0649 3,4854 4,3642
Base 37 199 Ey LinStatic Max -0,2026 -23,9175 67,7651 50,4642
Base 37 199 Ey LinStatic Min -0,2026 -23,9175 67,7651 50,4642
Base 37 199 1,4 DL Combination -0,9071 0,6453 193,3836 0,1725
Base 37 199 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -1,3222 0,7767 220,209 -0,1136
Base 37 199 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -1,3222 0,7767 220,209 -0,1136
Base 37 199 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -1,1223 0,7026 202,44 0,0021
Base 37 199 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,6124 0,4798 141,9872 0,2288
Base 37 199 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -16,6416 -25,2799 273,6905 54,8306
Base 37 199 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -16,6416 -25,2799 273,6905 54,8306
Base 37 199 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -16,1318 -25,5027 213,2377 55,0572
Base 37 199 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -16,1318 -25,5027 213,2377 55,0572
Base 37 199 1D+1L Combination -1,0044 0,6364 181,8814 0,0246
Base 37 199 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,6124 0,7767 273,6905 55,0572
Base 37 199 ENVELOPE Combination Min -16,6416 -25,5027 141,9872 -0,1136
Base 38 185 Dead LinStatic -0,0028 -2,2636 65,9951 3,1475
Base 38 185 Live LinStatic -0,0066 -0,9969 16,0948 1,3881
Base 38 185 Dinding LinStatic -0,0174 -0,9389 30,9045 1,3017
Base 38 185 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 38 185 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 38 185 Ex LinStatic Max -15,9521 -1,7945 45,387 2,9164
Base 38 185 Ex LinStatic Min -15,9521 -1,7945 45,387 2,9164
Base 38 185 Ey LinStatic Max 1,3164 -15,3529 30,0116 33,9141
Base 38 185 Ey LinStatic Min 1,3164 -15,3529 30,0116 33,9141
Base 38 185 1,4 DL Combination -0,0213 -4,108 123,2976 5,7082
Base 38 185 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0312 -5,2504 135,8503 7,2996
Base 38 185 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,0312 -5,2504 135,8503 7,2996
Base 38 185 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0273 -4,6522 126,1934 6,4668
Base 38 185 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,0199 -2,9762 90,3001 4,1344
Base 38 185 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -14,6629 -21,7996 201,592 43,2973
Base 38 185 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -14,6629 -21,7996 201,592 43,2973
Base 38 185 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -14,6555 -20,1236 165,6986 40,9649
Base 38 185 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -14,6555 -20,1236 165,6986 40,9649
Base 38 185 1D+1L Combination -0,0267 -4,1995 112,9944 5,8373
Base 38 185 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,0199 -2,9762 201,592 43,2973
Base 38 185 ENVELOPE Combination Min -14,6629 -21,7996 90,3001 4,1344
Base 39 181 Dead LinStatic 0,0458 0,9345 94,452 -1,9031
Base 39 181 Live LinStatic 0,017 0,4024 29,0237 -0,564
Base 39 181 Dinding LinStatic 0,0173 0,3963 42,7997 -0,5609
Base 39 181 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 39 181 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 39 181 Ex LinStatic Max -16,6078 0,3877 61,9424 -0,1172
Base 39 181 Ex LinStatic Min -16,6078 0,3877 61,9424 -0,1172
Base 39 181 Ey LinStatic Max -0,9781 -17,3387 27,2696 36,6656
Base 39 181 Ey LinStatic Min -0,9781 -17,3387 27,2696 36,6656
Base 39 181 1,4 DL Combination 0,0815 1,7046 175,0325 -3,2252
Base 39 181 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0996 2,1616 202,5801 -3,747
Base 39 181 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,0996 2,1616 202,5801 -3,747
Base 39 181 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,0894 1,9201 185,1659 -3,4086
Base 39 181 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0586 1,2373 127,8065 -2,2737
Base 39 181 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -17,4966 -15,0309 274,3779 33,1398
Base 39 181 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -17,4966 -15,0309 274,3779 33,1398
Base 39 181 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -17,5274 -15,7137 217,0186 34,2748
Base 39 181 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -17,5274 -15,7137 217,0186 34,2748
Base 39 181 1D+1L Combination 0,0802 1,7332 166,2755 -3,028

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 39 181 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,0996 2,1616 274,3779 34,2748
Base 39 181 ENVELOPE Combination Min -17,5274 -15,7137 127,8065 -3,747
Base 40 186 Dead LinStatic -0,2891 -1,9255 59,0446 2,6672
Base 40 186 Live LinStatic -0,1229 -0,8482 13,082 1,1772
Base 40 186 Dinding LinStatic -0,1261 -0,7923 27,74 1,0909
Base 40 186 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 40 186 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 40 186 Ex LinStatic Max -15,6167 -1,1492 -19,6639 2,2384
Base 40 186 Ex LinStatic Min -15,6167 -1,1492 -19,6639 2,2384
Base 40 186 Ey LinStatic Max 2,1044 -16,2586 12,5734 36,0587
Base 40 186 Ey LinStatic Min 2,1044 -16,2586 12,5734 36,0587
Base 40 186 1,4 DL Combination -0,5308 -3,488 110,4025 4,8249
Base 40 186 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6696 -4,4599 119,5247 6,175
Base 40 186 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,6696 -4,4599 119,5247 6,175
Base 40 186 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5959 -3,951 111,6755 5,4686
Base 40 186 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3862 -2,5252 80,8801 3,4913
Base 40 186 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -14,1081 -21,3589 104,585 43,7657
Base 40 186 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -14,1081 -21,3589 104,585 43,7657
Base 40 186 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -13,8985 -19,9331 73,7896 41,7883
Base 40 186 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -13,8985 -19,9331 73,7896 41,7883
Base 40 186 1D+1L Combination -0,5381 -3,566 99,8666 4,9352
Base 40 186 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3862 -2,5252 119,5247 43,7657
Base 40 186 ENVELOPE Combination Min -14,1081 -21,3589 73,7896 3,4913
Base 41 182 Dead LinStatic -0,2533 0,8683 90,0673 -1,8194
Base 41 182 Live LinStatic -0,1103 0,3725 27,1078 -0,5257
Base 41 182 Dinding LinStatic -0,1025 0,3722 40,8285 -0,5337
Base 41 182 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 41 182 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 41 182 Ex LinStatic Max -16,5278 -0,7807 -10,1177 1,7474
Base 41 182 Ex LinStatic Min -16,5278 -0,7807 -10,1177 1,7474
Base 41 182 Ey LinStatic Max -1,161 -18,2897 44,5336 38,8809
Base 41 182 Ey LinStatic Min -1,161 -18,2897 44,5336 38,8809
Base 41 182 1,4 DL Combination -0,4572 1,5878 166,9226 -3,0809
Base 41 182 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5829 2,0101 192,2817 -3,5582
Base 41 182 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,5829 2,0101 192,2817 -3,5582
Base 41 182 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5168 1,7866 176,017 -3,2428
Base 41 182 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3305 1,1536 121,889 -2,1712
Base 41 182 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -18,2055 -17,2838 210,433 37,3855
Base 41 182 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -18,2055 -17,2838 210,433 37,3855
Base 41 182 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -18,0193 -17,9168 156,3049 38,4571
Base 41 182 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -18,0193 -17,9168 156,3049 38,4571
Base 41 182 1D+1L Combination -0,4661 1,6129 158,0036 -2,8789
Base 41 182 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3305 2,0101 210,433 38,4571
Base 41 182 ENVELOPE Combination Min -18,2055 -17,9168 121,889 -3,5582
Base 43 152 Dead LinStatic -0,1023 -0,2431 110,626 -0,0658
Base 43 152 Live LinStatic -0,0457 -0,1116 37,9588 0,1566
Base 43 152 Dinding LinStatic -0,0463 -0,1196 50,2589 -0,4513
Base 43 152 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 43 152 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 43 152 Ex LinStatic Max -15,1178 1,5248 5,9065 -3,2061
Base 43 152 Ex LinStatic Min -15,1178 1,5248 5,9065 -3,2061
Base 43 152 Ey LinStatic Max -0,0951 -15,3148 -92,156 32,1906
Base 43 152 Ey LinStatic Min -0,0951 -15,3148 -92,156 32,1906
Base 43 152 1,4 DL Combination -0,1894 -0,46 205,1354 -0,5434
Base 43 152 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2421 -0,5899 243,7442 -0,2796
Base 43 152 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2421 -0,5899 243,7442 -0,2796
Base 43 152 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2147 -0,523 220,9689 -0,3736
Base 43 152 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1383 -0,3384 149,8223 -0,5105
Base 43 152 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -15,4276 -14,3129 134,7194 28,6109
Base 43 152 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -15,4276 -14,3129 134,7194 28,6109

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 43 152 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,3512 -14,1284 63,5728 28,474
Base 43 152 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,3512 -14,1284 63,5728 28,474
Base 43 152 1D+1L Combination -0,1943 -0,4743 198,8437 -0,3605
Base 43 152 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1383 -0,3384 243,7442 28,6109
Base 43 152 ENVELOPE Combination Min -15,4276 -14,3129 63,5728 -0,5434
Base 45 153 Dead LinStatic -0,1001 0,2949 101,3639 -0,0065
Base 45 153 Live LinStatic -0,0446 0,1328 33,987 -0,1844
Base 45 153 Dinding LinStatic -0,0424 0,1217 46,5967 0,4633
Base 45 153 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 45 153 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 45 153 Ex LinStatic Max -15,4611 1,5276 -1,5099 -3,2129
Base 45 153 Ex LinStatic Min -15,4611 1,5276 -1,5099 -3,2129
Base 45 153 Ey LinStatic Max -0,3423 -15,1187 50,6529 31,9178
Base 45 153 Ey LinStatic Min -0,3423 -15,1187 50,6529 31,9178
Base 45 153 1,4 DL Combination -0,1825 0,5346 188,5061 0,4542
Base 45 153 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2339 0,6881 222,6126 0,1605
Base 45 153 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2339 0,6881 222,6126 0,1605
Base 45 153 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2071 0,6084 202,2204 0,2711
Base 45 153 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1325 0,3871 137,8242 0,4574
Base 45 153 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -16,0105 -12,9827 251,3634 28,9761
Base 45 153 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -16,0105 -12,9827 251,3634 28,9761
Base 45 153 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,9358 -13,204 186,9673 29,1623
Base 45 153 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,9358 -13,204 186,9673 29,1623
Base 45 153 1D+1L Combination -0,1871 0,5494 181,9476 0,2724
Base 45 153 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1325 0,6881 251,3634 29,1623
Base 45 153 ENVELOPE Combination Min -16,0105 -13,204 137,8242 0,1605
Base 46 141 Dead LinStatic 1,9774 -0,1444 61,9249 -0,2075
Base 46 141 Live LinStatic 0,8773 -0,0617 14,9914 0,0849
Base 46 141 Dinding LinStatic 0,8306 -0,0878 28,6785 -0,4913
Base 46 141 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 46 141 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 46 141 Ex LinStatic Max -14,2249 2,4618 -3,1585 -5,1892
Base 46 141 Ex LinStatic Min -14,2249 2,4618 -3,1585 -5,1892
Base 46 141 Ey LinStatic Max -0,7131 -14,6841 -87,0466 30,8772
Base 46 141 Ey LinStatic Min -0,7131 -14,6841 -87,0466 30,8772
Base 46 141 1,4 DL Combination 3,5989 -0,29 115,3734 -0,7817
Base 46 141 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 4,607 -0,3599 126,9747 -0,6044
Base 46 141 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 4,607 -0,3599 126,9747 -0,6044
Base 46 141 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 4,0807 -0,3228 117,9799 -0,6553
Base 46 141 0,9 D + 1W Combination 2,6102 -0,2178 84,411 -0,678
Base 46 141 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -10,8573 -12,5451 27,7748 25,0327
Base 46 141 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -10,8573 -12,5451 27,7748 25,0327
Base 46 141 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -12,3278 -12,4401 -5,7941 25,0101
Base 46 141 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -12,3278 -12,4401 -5,7941 25,0101
Base 46 141 1D+1L Combination 3,6852 -0,2939 105,5949 -0,6138
Base 46 141 ENVELOPE Combination Max 4,607 -0,2178 126,9747 25,0327
Base 46 141 ENVELOPE Combination Min -12,3278 -12,5451 -5,7941 -0,7817
Base 47 142 Dead LinStatic 1,8003 0,2064 52,3606 0,1134
Base 47 142 Live LinStatic 0,8006 0,086 12,4221 -0,1212
Base 47 142 Dinding LinStatic 0,7602 0,0827 25,5682 0,5223
Base 47 142 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 47 142 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 47 142 Ex LinStatic Max -14,6313 2,4659 -10,3167 -5,193
Base 47 142 Ex LinStatic Min -14,6313 2,4659 -10,3167 -5,193
Base 47 142 Ey LinStatic Max -0,4626 -14,5836 76,3144 30,7351
Base 47 142 Ey LinStatic Min -0,4626 -14,5836 76,3144 30,7351
Base 47 142 1,4 DL Combination 3,2807 0,3716 98,873 0,681
Base 47 142 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 4,2015 0,468 108,2762 0,4644
Base 47 142 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 4,2015 0,468 108,2762 0,4644
Base 47 142 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 3,7212 0,4164 100,823 0,5371

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 47 142 0,9 D + 1W Combination 2,3805 0,2684 72,6927 0,6243
Base 47 142 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -11,3726 -11,7013 166,8206 26,0792
Base 47 142 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -11,3726 -11,7013 166,8206 26,0792
Base 47 142 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -12,7133 -11,8493 138,6903 26,1663
Base 47 142 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -12,7133 -11,8493 138,6903 26,1663
Base 47 142 1D+1L Combination 3,3611 0,3751 90,3509 0,5144
Base 47 142 ENVELOPE Combination Max 4,2015 0,468 166,8206 26,1663
Base 47 142 ENVELOPE Combination Min -12,7133 -11,8493 72,6927 0,4644
Base 49 151 Dead LinStatic -0,2625 -1,992 59,0347 2,7776
Base 49 151 Live LinStatic -0,1115 -0,8754 13,1167 1,2213
Base 49 151 Dinding LinStatic -0,1128 -0,8365 27,7353 1,1758
Base 49 151 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 49 151 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 49 151 Ex LinStatic Max -15,665 1,7173 -22,0258 -3,6988
Base 49 151 Ex LinStatic Min -15,665 1,7173 -22,0258 -3,6988
Base 49 151 Ey LinStatic Max 0,1407 -12,731 16,2085 28,4495
Base 49 151 Ey LinStatic Min 0,1407 -12,731 16,2085 28,4495
Base 49 151 1,4 DL Combination -0,4804 -3,6253 110,3839 5,0644
Base 49 151 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,6063 -4,6275 119,5637 6,4629
Base 49 151 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,6063 -4,6275 119,5637 6,4629
Base 49 151 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,5394 -4,1023 111,6937 5,7302
Base 49 151 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,3491 -2,6293 80,8666 3,6756
Base 49 151 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -16,0636 -15,1159 105,8764 30,4808
Base 49 151 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -16,0636 -15,1159 105,8764 30,4808
Base 49 151 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,8734 -13,643 75,0493 28,4262
Base 49 151 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,8734 -13,643 75,0493 28,4262
Base 49 151 1D+1L Combination -0,4869 -3,7039 99,8868 5,1746
Base 49 151 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,3491 -2,6293 119,5637 30,4808
Base 49 151 ENVELOPE Combination Min -16,0636 -15,1159 75,0493 3,6756
Base 50 150 Dead LinStatic 0,0003 -2,3267 67,8336 3,2431
Base 50 150 Live LinStatic -0,0047 -1,0213 16,6538 1,4242
Base 50 150 Dinding LinStatic -0,015 -0,9789 31,4888 1,376
Base 50 150 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 50 150 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 50 150 Ex LinStatic Max -15,9 1,5265 31,4939 -3,6571
Base 50 150 Ex LinStatic Min -15,9 1,5265 31,4939 -3,6571
Base 50 150 Ey LinStatic Max -0,0472 -12,3897 8,2241 27,8303
Base 50 150 Ey LinStatic Min -0,0472 -12,3897 8,2241 27,8303
Base 50 150 1,4 DL Combination -0,0145 -4,2363 126,4558 5,9164
Base 50 150 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0221 -5,405 139,5352 7,5464
Base 50 150 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,0221 -5,405 139,5352 7,5464
Base 50 150 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,0193 -4,7922 129,5429 6,6919
Base 50 150 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,0147 -3,0729 92,539 4,2948
Base 50 150 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -15,9665 -15,6554 169,2609 30,8651
Base 50 150 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -15,9665 -15,6554 169,2609 30,8651
Base 50 150 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,9619 -13,9361 132,2571 28,468
Base 50 150 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,9619 -13,9361 132,2571 28,468
Base 50 150 1D+1L Combination -0,0193 -4,3269 115,9762 6,0433
Base 50 150 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,0145 -3,0729 169,2609 30,8651
Base 50 150 ENVELOPE Combination Min -15,9665 -15,6554 92,539 4,2948
Base 48 178 Dead LinStatic -0,0963 -0,0823 20,8036 0,6926
Base 48 178 Live LinStatic -0,0429 -0,0368 -0,523 0,0484
Base 48 178 Dinding LinStatic -0,0357 -0,0124 2,5813 0,009
Base 48 178 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 48 178 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 48 178 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4912 -0,8052 -11,863 1,5358
Base 48 178 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4912 -0,8052 -11,863 1,5358
Base 48 178 Ey LinStatic Max -1,9084 -18,4905 -42,8455 38,1259
Base 48 178 Ey LinStatic Min -1,9084 -18,4905 -42,8455 38,1259
Base 48 178 1,4 DL Combination -0,1705 -0,1275 31,7064 0,9787

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 48 178 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2199 -0,17 26,7089 0,9176
Base 48 178 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2199 -0,17 26,7089 0,9176
Base 48 178 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1941 -0,1479 27,0227 0,8886
Base 48 178 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1224 -0,0864 21,3046 0,6324
Base 48 178 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,5938 -19,4436 -27,6858 40,5503
Base 48 178 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,5938 -19,4436 -27,6858 40,5503
Base 48 178 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -20,522 -19,3821 -33,4039 40,2941
Base 48 178 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -20,522 -19,3821 -33,4039 40,2941
Base 48 178 1D+1L Combination -0,1749 -0,1315 22,862 0,75
Base 48 178 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1224 -0,0864 31,7064 40,5503
Base 48 178 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,5938 -19,4436 -33,4039 0,6324
Base 51 179 Dead LinStatic -0,0828 -0,0587 21,9051 0,651
Base 51 179 Live LinStatic -0,0379 -0,0269 -0,0243 0,0311
Base 51 179 Dinding LinStatic -0,0298 0,0015 2,9908 -0,0167
Base 51 179 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 51 179 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 51 179 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4036 -1,1117 -7,826 2,2003
Base 51 179 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4036 -1,1117 -7,826 2,2003
Base 51 179 Ey LinStatic Max -2,3453 -19,7937 -54,7045 40,82
Base 51 179 Ey LinStatic Min -2,3453 -19,7937 -54,7045 40,82
Base 51 179 1,4 DL Combination -0,1457 -0,0806 33,658 0,8947
Base 51 179 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1898 -0,112 29,2381 0,8141
Base 51 179 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,1898 -0,112 29,2381 0,8141
Base 51 179 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1671 -0,0958 29,2527 0,7955
Base 51 179 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1043 -0,0513 22,7054 0,5692
Base 51 179 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,916 -21,0012 -33,2778 43,8158
Base 51 179 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,916 -21,0012 -33,2778 43,8158
Base 51 179 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -20,8532 -20,9567 -39,825 43,5895
Base 51 179 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -20,8532 -20,9567 -39,825 43,5895
Base 51 179 1D+1L Combination -0,1505 -0,0841 24,8716 0,6653
Base 51 179 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1043 -0,0513 33,658 43,8158
Base 51 179 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,916 -21,0012 -39,825 0,5692
Base 54 183 Dead LinStatic -0,0868 0,0526 33,9211 0,4879
Base 54 183 Live LinStatic -0,0394 0,0259 4,4945 -0,0457
Base 54 183 Dinding LinStatic -0,0305 0,0478 7,1502 -0,0875
Base 54 183 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 54 183 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 54 183 Ex LinStatic Max -18,1719 -1,3596 -3,8162 2,7572
Base 54 183 Ex LinStatic Min -18,1719 -1,3596 -3,8162 2,7572
Base 54 183 Ey LinStatic Max -2,297 -21,0092 -162,5364 43,436
Base 54 183 Ey LinStatic Min -2,297 -21,0092 -162,5364 43,436
Base 54 183 1,4 DL Combination -0,1521 0,1213 54,6396 0,5955
Base 54 183 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1978 0,1523 55,0466 0,4249
Base 54 183 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,1978 0,1523 55,0466 0,4249
Base 54 183 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1741 0,1367 52,3499 0,4523
Base 54 183 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1087 0,0951 37,6791 0,3516
Base 54 183 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,643 -22,232 -114,0027 46,6455
Base 54 183 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,643 -22,232 -114,0027 46,6455
Base 54 183 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -20,5775 -22,2737 -128,6735 46,5448
Base 54 183 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -20,5775 -22,2737 -128,6735 46,5448
Base 54 183 1D+1L Combination -0,1568 0,1262 45,5657 0,3547
Base 54 183 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1087 0,1523 55,0466 46,6455
Base 54 183 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,643 -22,2737 -128,6735 0,3516
Base 55 189 Dead LinStatic -0,0883 -0,0141 23,1295 0,5711
Base 55 189 Live LinStatic -0,0397 -0,0097 0,4139 0,0001
Base 55 189 Dinding LinStatic -0,0275 0,033 3,7771 -0,0737
Base 55 189 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 55 189 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 55 189 Ex LinStatic Max -18,4081 -1,5999 -1,0707 3,2977
Base 55 189 Ex LinStatic Min -18,4081 -1,5999 -1,0707 3,2977

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 55 189 Ey LinStatic Max -2,2301 -22,6104 -59,3879 46,583
Base 55 189 Ey LinStatic Min -2,2301 -22,6104 -59,3879 46,583
Base 55 189 1,4 DL Combination -0,1512 0,0132 36,1583 0,7259
Base 55 189 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1971 0,0005 32,1946 0,6118
Base 55 189 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,1971 0,0005 32,1946 0,6118
Base 55 189 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,1733 0,0063 31,9463 0,6117
Base 55 189 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,107 0,0203 24,5936 0,4403
Base 55 189 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,8115 -24,204 -28,5123 50,4924
Base 55 189 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,8115 -24,204 -28,5123 50,4924
Base 55 189 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -20,7453 -24,1901 -35,865 50,321
Base 55 189 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -20,7453 -24,1901 -35,865 50,321
Base 55 189 1D+1L Combination -0,1556 0,0091 27,3204 0,4975
Base 55 189 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,107 0,0203 36,1583 50,4924
Base 55 189 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,8115 -24,204 -35,865 0,4403
Base 58 190 Dead LinStatic -0,1133 -0,0154 21,7423 0,5636
Base 58 190 Live LinStatic -0,0498 -0,0088 -0,3472 -0,0048
Base 58 190 Dinding LinStatic -0,0478 0,0409 3,2274 -0,0916
Base 58 190 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 58 190 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 58 190 Ex LinStatic Max -18,3429 -1,9664 -3,8814 4,009
Base 58 190 Ex LinStatic Min -18,3429 -1,9664 -3,8814 4,009
Base 58 190 Ey LinStatic Max -2,5296 -23,9917 -65,3264 49,4363
Base 58 190 Ey LinStatic Min -2,5296 -23,9917 -65,3264 49,4363
Base 58 190 1,4 DL Combination -0,2064 0,0193 33,6667 0,6975
Base 58 190 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2634 0,0083 28,7628 0,5771
Base 58 190 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,2634 0,0083 28,7628 0,5771
Base 58 190 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,2335 0,0136 28,9711 0,58
Base 58 190 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,1498 0,027 22,7955 0,4157
Base 58 190 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -21,106 -25,9445 -40,2368 54,0253
Base 58 190 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -21,106 -25,9445 -40,2368 54,0253
Base 58 190 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -21,0222 -25,931 -46,4123 53,861
Base 58 190 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -21,0222 -25,931 -46,4123 53,861
Base 58 190 1D+1L Combination -0,2109 0,0166 24,6226 0,4672
Base 58 190 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,1498 0,027 33,6667 54,0253
Base 58 190 ENVELOPE Combination Min -21,106 -25,9445 -46,4123 0,4157
Base 60 194 Dead LinStatic 0,0726 0,1197 35,5966 0,3673
Base 60 194 Live LinStatic 0,0245 0,0503 5,9317 -0,0903
Base 60 194 Dinding LinStatic 0,0596 0,078 9,3787 -0,1501
Base 60 194 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 60 194 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 60 194 Ex LinStatic Max -18,5045 -2,3065 -10,6883 4,6818
Base 60 194 Ex LinStatic Min -18,5045 -2,3065 -10,6883 4,6818
Base 60 194 Ey LinStatic Max -2,6421 -25,1554 -194,0568 51,9909
Base 60 194 Ey LinStatic Min -2,6421 -25,1554 -194,0568 51,9909
Base 60 194 1,4 DL Combination 0,1612 0,2455 59,214 0,3641
Base 60 194 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1859 0,302 61,5853 0,1461
Base 60 194 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,1859 0,302 61,5853 0,1461
Base 60 194 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1712 0,2719 58,0263 0,2003
Base 60 194 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,1249 0,1857 41,4156 0,1805
Base 60 194 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,9753 -27,1901 -146,7188 56,873
Base 60 194 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,9753 -27,1901 -146,7188 56,873
Base 60 194 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -21,0216 -27,2763 -163,3295 56,8532
Base 60 194 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -21,0216 -27,2763 -163,3295 56,8532
Base 60 194 1D+1L Combination 0,1567 0,2479 50,907 0,1268
Base 60 194 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,1859 0,302 61,5853 56,873
Base 60 194 ENVELOPE Combination Min -21,0216 -27,2763 -163,3295 0,1268
Base 65 201 Dead LinStatic -0,4328 0,0028 15,3538 0,5158
Base 65 201 Live LinStatic -0,1727 -0,0046 1,0276 -0,0194
Base 65 201 Dinding LinStatic -0,2326 -0,0412 0,667 0,0053
Base 65 201 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 65 201 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 65 201 Ex LinStatic Max -17,2056 -2,7505 6,3593 5,5629
Base 65 201 Ex LinStatic Min -17,2056 -2,7505 6,3593 5,5629
Base 65 201 Ey LinStatic Max -1,9981 -27,0185 -196,211 55,7952
Base 65 201 Ey LinStatic Min -1,9981 -27,0185 -196,211 55,7952
Base 65 201 1,4 DL Combination -0,8385 -0,0374 22,1623 0,7275
Base 65 201 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -1,0282 -0,0452 20,7357 0,5933
Base 65 201 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -1,0282 -0,0452 20,7357 0,5933
Base 65 201 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,9246 -0,0425 20,1192 0,605
Base 65 201 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,6221 -0,0387 14,4854 0,4696
Base 65 201 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -20,1283 -29,8115 -169,7325 61,9631
Base 65 201 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -20,1283 -29,8115 -169,7325 61,9631
Base 65 201 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -19,8258 -29,8077 -175,3663 61,8277
Base 65 201 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -19,8258 -29,8077 -175,3663 61,8277
Base 65 201 1D+1L Combination -0,838 -0,043 17,0484 0,5018
Base 65 201 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,6221 -0,0374 22,1623 61,9631
Base 65 201 ENVELOPE Combination Min -20,1283 -29,8115 -175,3663 0,4696
Base 77 161 Dead LinStatic 0,0817 -1,9511 59,5973 2,7229
Base 77 161 Live LinStatic 0,0319 -0,8589 13,2445 1,1998
Base 77 161 Dinding LinStatic 0,0251 -0,8155 27,9398 1,1435
Base 77 161 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 77 161 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 77 161 Ex LinStatic Max -15,5789 0,8331 23,0893 -2,0111
Base 77 161 Ex LinStatic Min -15,5789 0,8331 23,0893 -2,0111
Base 77 161 Ey LinStatic Max 0,094 -13,2584 10,3522 29,4614
Base 77 161 Ey LinStatic Min 0,094 -13,2584 10,3522 29,4614
Base 77 161 1,4 DL Combination 0,1395 -3,5471 111,3759 4,9555
Base 77 161 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,1741 -4,5311 120,6477 6,3306
Base 77 161 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,1741 -4,5311 120,6477 6,3306
Base 77 161 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,155 -4,0158 112,701 5,6107
Base 77 161 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,0987 -2,5715 81,5773 3,5941
Base 77 161 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -15,3299 -16,4411 146,1425 33,061
Base 77 161 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -15,3299 -16,4411 146,1425 33,061
Base 77 161 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,3862 -14,9968 115,0188 31,0444
Base 77 161 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,3862 -14,9968 115,0188 31,0444
Base 77 161 1D+1L Combination 0,1387 -3,6255 100,7816 5,0661
Base 77 161 ENVELOPE Combination Max 0,1741 -2,5715 146,1425 33,061
Base 77 161 ENVELOPE Combination Min -15,3862 -16,4411 81,5773 3,5941
Base 80 162 Dead LinStatic -0,2123 -2,2946 65,2464 3,2027
Base 80 162 Live LinStatic -0,0882 -1,0113 15,8617 1,4129
Base 80 162 Dinding LinStatic -0,0874 -0,9598 30,58 1,343
Base 80 162 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 80 162 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 80 162 Ex LinStatic Max -15,9395 1,0695 -38,2273 -2,1063
Base 80 162 Ex LinStatic Min -15,9395 1,0695 -38,2273 -2,1063
Base 80 162 Ey LinStatic Max 0,4176 -13,5558 18,0059 30,0387
Base 80 162 Ey LinStatic Min 0,4176 -13,5558 18,0059 30,0387
Base 80 162 1,4 DL Combination -0,3847 -4,1722 121,925 5,8268
Base 80 162 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -0,4833 -5,3314 134,2545 7,4469
Base 80 162 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -0,4833 -5,3314 134,2545 7,4469
Base 80 162 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -0,4304 -4,7246 124,7375 6,5991
Base 80 162 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,2785 -3,0249 89,3018 4,2254
Base 80 162 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -15,9523 -17,2109 104,5161 34,5315
Base 80 162 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -15,9523 -17,2109 104,5161 34,5315
Base 80 162 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -15,8004 -15,5112 69,0804 32,1578
Base 80 162 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -15,8004 -15,5112 69,0804 32,1578
Base 80 162 1D+1L Combination -0,3879 -4,2657 111,6882 5,9586
Base 80 162 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,2785 -3,0249 134,2545 34,5315
Base 80 162 ENVELOPE Combination Min -15,9523 -17,2109 69,0804 4,2254
Base 111 170 Dead LinStatic 0,3127 -0,5546 68,3349 -1,437

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 111 170 Live LinStatic 0,1483 0,0041 17,651 0,0543
Base 111 170 Dinding LinStatic 0,1478 -0,3166 30,9254 -2,5828
Base 111 170 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 111 170 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 111 170 Ex LinStatic Max -21,9959 -51,7142 -522,2753 9,0429
Base 111 170 Ex LinStatic Min -21,9959 -51,7142 -522,2753 9,0429
Base 111 170 Ey LinStatic Max 31,9598 -24,0894 289,1283 2,3504
Base 111 170 Ey LinStatic Min 31,9598 -24,0894 289,1283 2,3504
Base 111 170 1,4 DL Combination 0,5856 -1,0931 126,5942 -4,5945
Base 111 170 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 0,7603 -0,9757 141,1688 -4,2203
Base 111 170 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 0,7603 -0,9757 141,1688 -4,2203
Base 111 170 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 0,6713 -0,9781 130,5782 -4,2529
Base 111 170 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,4292 -0,8158 92,4267 -3,876
Base 111 170 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max 10,6352 -76,7817 -102,5688 7,1404
Base 111 170 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min 10,6352 -76,7817 -102,5688 7,1404
Base 111 170 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max 10,3931 -76,6194 -140,7203 7,5172
Base 111 170 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min 10,3931 -76,6194 -140,7203 7,5172
Base 111 170 1D+1L Combination 0,6088 -0,8672 116,9112 -3,9655
Base 111 170 ENVELOPE Combination Max 10,6352 -0,8158 141,1688 7,5172
Base 111 170 ENVELOPE Combination Min 0,4292 -76,7817 -140,7203 -4,5945
Base 112 172 Dead LinStatic -0,6833 -0,2334 65,4179 -1,5961
Base 112 172 Live LinStatic -0,322 0,0209 15,7681 -0,0108
Base 112 172 Dinding LinStatic -0,3174 0,024 22,0001 -0,0106
Base 112 172 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 112 172 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 112 172 Ex LinStatic Max -11,6854 -0,1816 527,1439 0,0556
Base 112 172 Ex LinStatic Min -11,6854 -0,1816 527,1439 0,0556
Base 112 172 Ey LinStatic Max -64,247 -80,0972 376,5069 93,8684
Base 112 172 Ey LinStatic Min -64,247 -80,0972 376,5069 93,8684
Base 112 172 1,4 DL Combination -1,274 -0,3028 113,5851 -2,2451
Base 112 172 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination -1,6525 -0,2227 125,7305 -1,9432
Base 112 172 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination -1,6525 -0,2227 125,7305 -1,9432
Base 112 172 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination -1,4593 -0,2352 116,2697 -1,9367
Base 112 172 0,9 D + 1W Combination -0,9324 -0,1861 80,8762 -1,4471
Base 112 172 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -77,3918 -80,514 1019,9205 91,9873
Base 112 172 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -77,3918 -80,514 1019,9205 91,9873
Base 112 172 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -76,8648 -80,4648 984,527 92,4769
Base 112 172 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -76,8648 -80,4648 984,527 92,4769
Base 112 172 1D+1L Combination -1,3227 -0,1885 103,1861 -1,6175
Base 112 172 ENVELOPE Combination Max -0,9324 -0,1861 1019,9205 92,4769
Base 112 172 ENVELOPE Combination Min -77,3918 -80,514 80,8762 -2,2451
Base 113 174 Dead LinStatic 1,9307 -2,6706 93,9802 1,9022
Base 113 174 Live LinStatic 1,0264 1,2818 28,9281 0,4551
Base 113 174 Dinding LinStatic 0,8651 -4,7155 40,3634 0,6664
Base 113 174 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 113 174 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 113 174 Ex LinStatic Max -325,374 -979,8073 -834,5722 -87,7517
Base 113 174 Ex LinStatic Min -325,374 -979,8073 -834,5722 -87,7517
Base 113 174 Ey LinStatic Max -123,8407 -647,676 -372,3948 -14,7925
Base 113 174 Ey LinStatic Min -123,8407 -647,676 -372,3948 -14,7925
Base 113 174 1,4 DL Combination 3,5681 -8,4543 171,9357 3,3294
Base 113 174 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 4,8241 -5,8694 199,4246 3,6772
Base 113 174 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 4,8241 -5,8694 199,4246 3,6772
Base 113 174 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 4,2083 -6,6385 182,0677 3,4041
Base 113 174 0,9 D + 1W Combination 2,6027 -7,119 124,9456 2,3783
Base 113 174 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -445,0064 -1634,1217 -1024,8992 -99,1401
Base 113 174 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -445,0064 -1634,1217 -1024,8992 -99,1401
Base 113 174 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -446,612 -1634,6023 -1082,0214 -100,1659
Base 113 174 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -446,612 -1634,6023 -1082,0214 -100,1659
Base 113 174 1D+1L Combination 3,8221 -6,1043 163,2717 3,0237

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Unique Step FX FY FZ MX
Story Label Output Case Case Type
Name Type kN kN kN kN-m
Base 113 174 ENVELOPE Combination Max 4,8241 -5,8694 199,4246 3,6772
Base 113 174 ENVELOPE Combination Min -446,612 -1634,6023 -1082,0214 -100,1659
Base 114 176 Dead LinStatic 0,7094 0,1396 95,8582 0,8589
Base 114 176 Live LinStatic 0,3184 0,0254 27,8665 -0,0342
Base 114 176 Dinding LinStatic 0,3076 0,0517 34,9166 -0,0732
Base 114 176 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 114 176 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 114 176 Ex LinStatic Max -10,0399 -0,6224 181,7768 1,0829
Base 114 176 Ex LinStatic Min -10,0399 -0,6224 181,7768 1,0829
Base 114 176 Ey LinStatic Max -1,496 -16,1861 -440,1411 34,0032
Base 114 176 Ey LinStatic Min -1,496 -16,1861 -440,1411 34,0032
Base 114 176 1,4 DL Combination 1,3008 0,2472 169,1181 1,1293
Base 114 176 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 1,6684 0,2599 194,5327 0,9028
Base 114 176 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 1,6684 0,2599 194,5327 0,9028
Base 114 176 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 1,4774 0,2446 177,8129 0,9233
Base 114 176 0,9 D + 1W Combination 0,9461 0,1774 121,189 0,6998
Base 114 176 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -10,0586 -16,5638 -80,5514 36,0094
Base 114 176 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -10,0586 -16,5638 -80,5514 36,0094
Base 114 176 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -10,5899 -16,6311 -137,1753 35,7859
Base 114 176 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -10,5899 -16,6311 -137,1753 35,7859
Base 114 176 1D+1L Combination 1,3355 0,2167 158,6412 0,7516
Base 114 176 ENVELOPE Combination Max 1,6684 0,2599 194,5327 36,0094
Base 114 176 ENVELOPE Combination Min -10,5899 -16,6311 -137,1753 0,6998
Base 996 1170 Dead LinStatic 1,584 18,295 19,7602 1,9364
Base 996 1170 Live LinStatic 0,8063 4,7715 6,1311 0,0715
Base 996 1170 Dinding LinStatic 0,3737 11,5106 10,1433 0,335
Base 996 1170 Atap LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 996 1170 angin LinStatic 0 0 0 0
Base 996 1170 Ex LinStatic Max -765,855 1043,3574 620,0548 -9,0189
Base 996 1170 Ex LinStatic Min -765,855 1043,3574 620,0548 -9,0189
Base 996 1170 Ey LinStatic Max -10,6176 -709,8318 -432,1691 39,8221
Base 996 1170 Ey LinStatic Min -10,6176 -709,8318 -432,1691 39,8221
Base 996 1170 1,4 DL Combination 2,5913 37,1236 37,8076 3,0459
Base 996 1170 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5R Combination 3,5645 41,099 43,6654 2,7731
Base 996 1170 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W Combination 3,5645 41,099 43,6654 2,7731
Base 996 1170 1,2 D + 1 W + 1 L + 0,5R Combination 3,0808 38,2361 39,9867 2,7302
Base 996 1170 0,9 D + 1W Combination 1,7993 27,9761 27,9275 2,0777
Base 996 1170 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Max -773,3918 371,7617 227,8723 33,5334
Base 996 1170 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L Combination Min -773,3918 371,7617 227,8723 33,5334
Base 996 1170 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Max -774,6733 361,5017 215,8131 32,8809
Base 996 1170 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY Combination Min -774,6733 361,5017 215,8131 32,8809
Base 996 1170 1D+1L Combination 2,764 34,5771 36,0347 2,3429
Base 996 1170 ENVELOPE Combination Max 3,5645 371,7617 227,8723 33,5334
Base 996 1170 ENVELOPE Combination Min -774,6733 27,9761 27,9275 2,0777

Table 5.4 - Joint Reactions (Part 2 of 2)

Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 1 139 -0,5185 0,0113
Base 1 139 0,3995 0,0036
Base 1 139 -1,4704 0,0093
Base 1 139 0 0
Base 1 139 0 0
Base 1 139 -119,535 -0,5675
Base 1 139 -119,535 -0,5675
Base 1 139 -2,9719 -0,4616
Base 1 139 -2,9719 -0,4616
Base 1 139 -2,1963 0,0251
Base 1 139 -1,4534 0,0286
Base 1 139 -1,4534 0,0286
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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 1 139 -1,6931 0,0264
Base 1 139 -1,9371 0,0194
Base 1 139 -124,2 -1,0027
Base 1 139 -124,2 -1,0027
Base 1 139 -124,4439 -1,0097
Base 1 139 -124,4439 -1,0097
Base 1 139 -1,5894 0,0242
Base 1 139 -1,4534 0,0286
Base 1 139 -124,4439 -1,0097
Base 2 140 -0,5846 -0,0248
Base 2 140 0,2873 -0,0087
Base 2 140 -1,5848 -0,0029
Base 2 140 0 0
Base 2 140 0 0
Base 2 140 -110,934 -0,6077
Base 2 140 -110,934 -0,6077
Base 2 140 -0,6207 -0,3903
Base 2 140 -0,6207 -0,3903
Base 2 140 -2,4032 -0,0376
Base 2 140 -1,8267 -0,0466
Base 2 140 -1,8267 -0,0466
Base 2 140 -1,999 -0,0413
Base 2 140 -2,1109 -0,0252
Base 2 140 -113,5537 -1,0394
Base 2 140 -113,5537 -1,0394
Base 2 140 -113,6656 -1,0232
Base 2 140 -113,6656 -1,0232
Base 2 140 -1,8821 -0,0364
Base 2 140 -1,8267 -0,0252
Base 2 140 -113,6656 -1,0394
Base 3 149 -0,6314 -0,0026
Base 3 149 -0,2891 -0,0016
Base 3 149 -0,3133 0,0045
Base 3 149 0 0
Base 3 149 0 0
Base 3 149 -116,7678 -0,6027
Base 3 149 -116,7678 -0,6027
Base 3 149 0,1085 -0,3968
Base 3 149 0,1085 -0,3968
Base 3 149 -1,1972 0,0009
Base 3 149 -1,5336 -0,0012
Base 3 149 -1,5336 -0,0012
Base 3 149 -1,3601 -0,0002
Base 3 149 -0,8815 0,0021
Base 3 149 -118,0194 -0,9998
Base 3 149 -118,0194 -0,9998
Base 3 149 -117,5409 -0,9974
Base 3 149 -117,5409 -0,9974
Base 3 149 -1,2338 0,0003
Base 3 149 -0,8815 0,0021
Base 3 149 -118,0194 -0,9998
Base 4 145 -0,7071 -0,0017
Base 4 145 -0,3155 -0,0013
Base 4 145 -0,2835 0,0048
Base 4 145 0 0
Base 4 145 0 0
Base 4 145 -124,6135 -0,5944
Base 4 145 -124,6135 -0,5944
Base 4 145 -4,4901 -0,4413
Base 4 145 -4,4901 -0,4413

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 4 145 -1,2734 0,0024
Base 4 145 -1,6367 0,0006
Base 4 145 -1,6367 0,0006
Base 4 145 -1,4474 0,0014
Base 4 145 -0,9198 0,0033
Base 4 145 -130,5511 -1,0343
Base 4 145 -130,5511 -1,0343
Base 4 145 -130,0235 -1,0324
Base 4 145 -130,0235 -1,0324
Base 4 145 -1,306 0,0018
Base 4 145 -0,9198 0,0033
Base 4 145 -130,5511 -1,0343
Base 5 160 0,0873 0,0717
Base 5 160 0,0927 0,0262
Base 5 160 0,434 0,0392
Base 5 160 0 0
Base 5 160 0 0
Base 5 160 -86,1825 7,0367
Base 5 160 -86,1825 7,0367
Base 5 160 125,557 -22,1669
Base 5 160 125,557 -22,1669
Base 5 160 0,5562 0,1397
Base 5 160 0,6871 0,1672
Base 5 160 0,6871 0,1672
Base 5 160 0,6314 0,1515
Base 5 160 0,5126 0,1038
Base 5 160 40,0059 -14,9787
Base 5 160 40,0059 -14,9787
Base 5 160 39,887 -15,0264
Base 5 160 39,887 -15,0264
Base 5 160 0,614 0,1372
Base 5 160 40,0059 0,1672
Base 5 160 0,5126 -15,0264
Base 6 156 -1,1414 -0,0004
Base 6 156 -0,5033 -0,0008
Base 6 156 -0,6056 0,0058
Base 6 156 0 0
Base 6 156 0 0
Base 6 156 -127,1074 -0,8526
Base 6 156 -127,1074 -0,8526
Base 6 156 -7,1442 -0,8348
Base 6 156 -7,1442 -0,8348
Base 6 156 -2,2036 0,0053
Base 6 156 -2,7806 0,0041
Base 6 156 -2,7806 0,0041
Base 6 156 -2,4786 0,0046
Base 6 156 -1,6329 0,0055
Base 6 156 -136,7302 -1,6829
Base 6 156 -136,7302 -1,6829
Base 6 156 -135,8845 -1,682
Base 6 156 -135,8845 -1,682
Base 6 156 -2,2503 0,0046
Base 6 156 -1,6329 0,0055
Base 6 156 -136,7302 -1,6829
Base 7 167 -1,1645 0,0402
Base 7 167 -0,5287 0,0104
Base 7 167 -0,9165 0,0177
Base 7 167 0 0
Base 7 167 0 0
Base 7 167 -64,2248 1,4706

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 7 167 -64,2248 1,4706
Base 7 167 92,1786 -23,4875
Base 7 167 92,1786 -23,4875
Base 7 167 -2,5468 0,0739
Base 7 167 -3,1599 0,0826
Base 7 167 -3,1599 0,0826
Base 7 167 -2,8427 0,0763
Base 7 167 -1,9646 0,0538
Base 7 167 25,1111 -21,9405
Base 7 167 25,1111 -21,9405
Base 7 167 25,9892 -21,963
Base 7 167 25,9892 -21,963
Base 7 167 -2,6098 0,0683
Base 7 167 25,9892 0,0826
Base 7 167 -3,1599 -21,963
Base 8 165 -0,2879 0,0548
Base 8 165 -0,1369 0,0237
Base 8 165 0,0406 0,0296
Base 8 165 0 0
Base 8 165 0 0
Base 8 165 -123,1484 -1,1556
Base 8 165 -123,1484 -1,1556
Base 8 165 -7,1958 -1,4552
Base 8 165 -7,1958 -1,4552
Base 8 165 -0,3625 0,1064
Base 8 165 -0,5239 0,1333
Base 8 165 -0,5239 0,1333
Base 8 165 -0,4418 0,1191
Base 8 165 -0,2185 0,079
Base 8 165 -130,7859 -2,4917
Base 8 165 -130,7859 -2,4917
Base 8 165 -130,5627 -2,5319
Base 8 165 -130,5627 -2,5319
Base 8 165 -0,3842 0,1081
Base 8 165 -0,2185 0,1333
Base 8 165 -130,7859 -2,5319
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 9 1158 0 0
Base 10 148 -0,2156 -0,0006
Base 10 148 -0,0965 -0,0004
Base 10 148 -0,0837 0,0013

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 10 148 0 0
Base 10 148 0 0
Base 10 148 -37,2277 -0,1614
Base 10 148 -37,2277 -0,1614
Base 10 148 -1,6703 -0,1119
Base 10 148 -1,6703 -0,1119
Base 10 148 -0,3856 0,0004
Base 10 148 -0,4968 -0,0002
Base 10 148 -0,4968 -0,0002
Base 10 148 -0,4389 0,0001
Base 10 148 -0,2778 0,0007
Base 10 148 -39,337 -0,2733
Base 10 148 -39,337 -0,2733
Base 10 148 -39,1758 -0,2726
Base 10 148 -39,1758 -0,2726
Base 10 148 -0,3958 0,0002
Base 10 148 -0,2778 0,0007
Base 10 148 -39,337 -0,2733
Base 11 147 -0,4275 -0,001
Base 11 147 -0,1874 -0,0005
Base 11 147 -0,1719 0,0011
Base 11 147 0 0
Base 11 147 0 0
Base 11 147 -34,8599 -0,1575
Base 11 147 -34,8599 -0,1575
Base 11 147 -1,3163 -0,112
Base 11 147 -1,3163 -0,112
Base 11 147 -0,7703 -0,0003
Base 11 147 -0,9847 -0,0008
Base 11 147 -0,9847 -0,0008
Base 11 147 -0,8722 -0,0005
Base 11 147 -0,5566 0,0002
Base 11 147 -37,0484 -0,27
Base 11 147 -37,0484 -0,27
Base 11 147 -36,7328 -0,2692
Base 11 147 -36,7328 -0,2692
Base 11 147 -0,7867 -0,0003
Base 11 147 -0,5566 0,0002
Base 11 147 -37,0484 -0,27
Base 12 144 -0,1735 -0,0008
Base 12 144 -0,0803 -0,0004
Base 12 144 -0,0579 0,0012
Base 12 144 0 0
Base 12 144 0 0
Base 12 144 -37,5793 -0,1629
Base 12 144 -37,5793 -0,1629
Base 12 144 -1,9276 -0,1281
Base 12 144 -1,9276 -0,1281
Base 12 144 -0,3007 0,0001
Base 12 144 -0,3946 -0,0004
Base 12 144 -0,3946 -0,0004
Base 12 144 -0,3464 -0,0002
Base 12 144 -0,214 0,0005
Base 12 144 -39,8533 -0,2912
Base 12 144 -39,8533 -0,2912
Base 12 144 -39,7209 -0,2905
Base 12 144 -39,7209 -0,2905
Base 12 144 -0,3117 -2,873E-05
Base 12 144 -0,214 0,0005
Base 12 144 -39,8533 -0,2912

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 13 146 -0,095 -0,001
Base 13 146 -0,044 -0,0005
Base 13 146 -0,0482 0,001
Base 13 146 0 0
Base 13 146 0 0
Base 13 146 -35,0723 -0,1573
Base 13 146 -35,0723 -0,1573
Base 13 146 -1,0899 -0,106
Base 13 146 -1,0899 -0,106
Base 13 146 -0,1812 -0,0004
Base 13 146 -0,2326 -0,001
Base 13 146 -0,2326 -0,001
Base 13 146 -0,2062 -0,0007
Base 13 146 -0,1337 0,0001
Base 13 146 -36,3684 -0,2641
Base 13 146 -36,3684 -0,2641
Base 13 146 -36,2959 -0,2633
Base 13 146 -36,2959 -0,2633
Base 13 146 -0,1872 -0,0005
Base 13 146 -0,1337 0,0001
Base 13 146 -36,3684 -0,2641
Base 14 143 -0,4523 -0,0007
Base 14 143 -0,1663 -0,0006
Base 14 143 -0,2144 0,0009
Base 14 143 0 0
Base 14 143 0 0
Base 14 143 -37,2718 -0,163
Base 14 143 -37,2718 -0,163
Base 14 143 -0,3856 -0,0916
Base 14 143 -0,3856 -0,0916
Base 14 143 -0,8476 -0,0001
Base 14 143 -1,0232 -0,0009
Base 14 143 -1,0232 -0,0009
Base 14 143 -0,9234 -0,0006
Base 14 143 -0,6215 0,0003
Base 14 143 -38,5808 -0,2552
Base 14 143 -38,5808 -0,2552
Base 14 143 -38,2788 -0,2543
Base 14 143 -38,2788 -0,2543
Base 14 143 -0,833 -0,0004
Base 14 143 -0,6215 0,0003
Base 14 143 -38,5808 -0,2552
Base 15 157 0,037 -0,0004
Base 15 157 0,0119 -0,0004
Base 15 157 0,018 0,0013
Base 15 157 0 0
Base 15 157 0 0
Base 15 157 -34,8083 -0,1629
Base 15 157 -34,8083 -0,1629
Base 15 157 -1,428 -0,126
Base 15 157 -1,428 -0,126
Base 15 157 0,0698 0,0006
Base 15 157 0,0815 0,0001
Base 15 157 0,0815 0,0001
Base 15 157 0,0744 0,0004
Base 15 157 0,0513 0,0009
Base 15 157 -36,162 -0,2886
Base 15 157 -36,162 -0,2886
Base 15 157 -36,1851 -0,2881
Base 15 157 -36,1851 -0,2881

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 15 157 0,067 0,0005
Base 15 157 0,0815 0,0009
Base 15 157 -36,1851 -0,2886
Base 16 154 -0,2218 -0,0011
Base 16 154 -0,099 -0,0006
Base 16 154 -0,0833 0,0011
Base 16 154 0 0
Base 16 154 0 0
Base 16 154 -37,5695 -0,1664
Base 16 154 -37,5695 -0,1664
Base 16 154 -1,6951 -0,105
Base 16 154 -1,6951 -0,105
Base 16 154 -0,3938 -0,0004
Base 16 154 -0,5077 -0,0012
Base 16 154 -0,5077 -0,0012
Base 16 154 -0,4484 -0,0008
Base 16 154 -0,2829 0,0001
Base 16 154 -39,713 -0,2722
Base 16 154 -39,713 -0,2722
Base 16 154 -39,5475 -0,2713
Base 16 154 -39,5475 -0,2713
Base 16 154 -0,404 -0,0006
Base 16 154 -0,2829 0,0001
Base 16 154 -39,713 -0,2722
Base 17 158 -0,3765 -0,0002
Base 17 158 -0,1642 -0,0002
Base 17 158 -0,1483 0,0014
Base 17 158 0 0
Base 17 158 0 0
Base 17 158 -34,6363 -0,1773
Base 17 158 -34,6363 -0,1773
Base 17 158 -1,5628 -0,1622
Base 17 158 -1,5628 -0,1622
Base 17 158 -0,6755 0,0011
Base 17 158 -0,8629 0,0008
Base 17 158 -0,8629 0,0008
Base 17 158 -0,7644 0,0009
Base 17 158 -0,4872 0,0012
Base 17 158 -36,9635 -0,3386
Base 17 158 -36,9635 -0,3386
Base 17 158 -36,6863 -0,3383
Base 17 158 -36,6863 -0,3383
Base 17 158 -0,6891 0,001
Base 17 158 -0,4872 0,0012
Base 17 158 -36,9635 -0,3386
Base 18 155 -0,2013 -0,0003
Base 18 155 -0,0907 -0,0003
Base 18 155 -0,0745 0,0014
Base 18 155 0 0
Base 18 155 0 0
Base 18 155 -37,4996 -0,1809
Base 18 155 -37,4996 -0,1809
Base 18 155 -2,2869 -0,1635
Base 18 155 -2,2869 -0,1635
Base 18 155 -0,3563 0,001
Base 18 155 -0,4611 0,0006
Base 18 155 -0,4611 0,0006
Base 18 155 -0,4067 0,0008
Base 18 155 -0,2556 0,0012
Base 18 155 -40,1932 -0,3437

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 18 155 -40,1932 -0,3437
Base 18 155 -40,0421 -0,3433
Base 18 155 -40,0421 -0,3433
Base 18 155 -0,3664 0,0008
Base 18 155 -0,2556 0,0012
Base 18 155 -40,1932 -0,3437
Base 19 159 -0,1749 0,0007
Base 19 159 -0,0789 0,0001
Base 19 159 -0,0739 0,0019
Base 19 159 0 0
Base 19 159 0 0
Base 19 159 -37,5389 -0,2435
Base 19 159 -37,5389 -0,2435
Base 19 159 -2,727 -0,2206
Base 19 159 -2,727 -0,2206
Base 19 159 -0,3187 0,0029
Base 19 159 -0,41 0,0029
Base 19 159 -0,41 0,0029
Base 19 159 -0,3626 0,0029
Base 19 159 -0,2313 0,0025
Base 19 159 -40,6285 -0,4612
Base 19 159 -40,6285 -0,4612
Base 19 159 -40,4972 -0,4616
Base 19 159 -40,4972 -0,4616
Base 19 159 -0,3277 0,0027
Base 19 159 -0,2313 0,0029
Base 19 159 -40,6285 -0,4616
Base 20 166 -0,2196 0,0069
Base 20 166 -0,0972 0,0029
Base 20 166 -0,071 0,0047
Base 20 166 0 0
Base 20 166 0 0
Base 20 166 -37,5239 -0,3036
Base 20 166 -37,5239 -0,3036
Base 20 166 -3,1609 -0,3997
Base 20 166 -3,1609 -0,3997
Base 20 166 -0,3784 0,0144
Base 20 166 -0,49 0,0178
Base 20 166 -0,49 0,0178
Base 20 166 -0,4317 0,016
Base 20 166 -0,2686 0,011
Base 20 166 -41,1164 -0,6873
Base 20 166 -41,1164 -0,6873
Base 20 166 -40,9534 -0,6923
Base 20 166 -40,9534 -0,6923
Base 20 166 -0,3877 0,0146
Base 20 166 -0,2686 0,0178
Base 20 166 -41,1164 -0,6923
Base 23 184 -0,8674 0,0243
Base 23 184 -0,3915 0,0093
Base 23 184 -0,4348 0,0177
Base 23 184 0 0
Base 23 184 0 0
Base 23 184 -116,7596 -0,5765
Base 23 184 -116,7596 -0,5765
Base 23 184 15,6144 -2,4162
Base 23 184 15,6144 -2,4162
Base 23 184 -1,6491 0,0516
Base 23 184 -2,102 0,0616
Base 23 184 -2,102 0,0616

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 23 184 -1,8671 0,0561
Base 23 184 -1,2154 0,0395
Base 23 184 -103,0123 -2,9366
Base 23 184 -103,0123 -2,9366
Base 23 184 -102,3606 -2,9532
Base 23 184 -102,3606 -2,9532
Base 23 184 -1,6936 0,0512
Base 23 184 -1,2154 0,0616
Base 23 184 -103,0123 -2,9532
Base 24 180 -0,6751 0,024
Base 24 180 -0,3041 0,0093
Base 24 180 -0,2673 0,0177
Base 24 180 0 0
Base 24 180 0 0
Base 24 180 -124,3182 -0,572
Base 24 180 -124,3182 -0,572
Base 24 180 -9,2885 -2,3996
Base 24 180 -9,2885 -2,3996
Base 24 180 -1,2124 0,0513
Base 24 180 -1,5639 0,0614
Base 24 180 -1,5639 0,0614
Base 24 180 -1,3815 0,0558
Base 24 180 -0,8748 0,0393
Base 24 180 -134,9882 -2,9158
Base 24 180 -134,9882 -2,9158
Base 24 180 -134,4816 -2,9323
Base 24 180 -134,4816 -2,9323
Base 24 180 -1,2464 0,051
Base 24 180 -0,8748 0,0614
Base 24 180 -134,9882 -2,9323
Base 25 195 -1,41 0,0214
Base 25 195 -0,3185 0,0086
Base 25 195 -1,4847 0,0181
Base 25 195 0 0
Base 25 195 0 0
Base 25 195 -118,2109 -0,5525
Base 25 195 -118,2109 -0,5525
Base 25 195 16,5055 -2,4471
Base 25 195 16,5055 -2,4471
Base 25 195 -3,4587 0,048
Base 25 195 -3,6863 0,0575
Base 25 195 -3,6863 0,0575
Base 25 195 -3,4952 0,0524
Base 25 195 -2,7537 0,0373
Base 25 195 -105,2006 -2,9473
Base 25 195 -105,2006 -2,9473
Base 25 195 -104,4591 -2,9623
Base 25 195 -104,4591 -2,9623
Base 25 195 -3,2132 0,0481
Base 25 195 -2,7537 0,0575
Base 25 195 -105,2006 -2,9623
Base 26 191 -1,1364 0,024
Base 26 191 -0,0625 0,0094
Base 26 191 -1,3306 0,0191
Base 26 191 0 0
Base 26 191 0 0
Base 26 191 -125,3641 -0,5293
Base 26 191 -125,3641 -0,5293
Base 26 191 -9,6702 -2,4631
Base 26 191 -9,6702 -2,4631

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 26 191 -2,9216 0,0527
Base 26 191 -2,7943 0,0629
Base 26 191 -2,7943 0,0629
Base 26 191 -2,7568 0,0573
Base 26 191 -2,3534 0,0407
Base 26 191 -137,7911 -2,9351
Base 26 191 -137,7911 -2,9351
Base 26 191 -137,3877 -2,9517
Base 26 191 -137,3877 -2,9517
Base 26 191 -2,5295 0,0525
Base 26 191 -2,3534 0,0629
Base 26 191 -137,7911 -2,9517
Base 27 202 0,6381 0,0189
Base 27 202 -0,6618 0,0099
Base 27 202 2,2698 0,0191
Base 27 202 0 0
Base 27 202 0 0
Base 27 202 -112,6717 -0,5811
Base 27 202 -112,6717 -0,5811
Base 27 202 14,5691 -2,2305
Base 27 202 14,5691 -2,2305
Base 27 202 3,1632 0,0456
Base 27 202 1,9767 0,0576
Base 27 202 1,9767 0,0576
Base 27 202 2,3738 0,0517
Base 27 202 2,8441 0,0361
Base 27 202 -95,7289 -2,7599
Base 27 202 -95,7289 -2,7599
Base 27 202 -95,2585 -2,7755
Base 27 202 -95,2585 -2,7755
Base 27 202 2,2462 0,0479
Base 27 202 3,1632 0,0576
Base 27 202 -95,7289 -2,7755
Base 28 200 0,5067 0,0307
Base 28 200 -0,9463 0,0093
Base 28 200 2,3626 0,0184
Base 28 200 0 0
Base 28 200 0 0
Base 28 200 -119,4234 -0,5033
Base 28 200 -119,4234 -0,5033
Base 28 200 -9,6698 -2,3595
Base 28 200 -9,6698 -2,3595
Base 28 200 3,072 0,0613
Base 28 200 1,4566 0,07
Base 28 200 1,4566 0,07
Base 28 200 2,0244 0,0645
Base 28 200 2,8186 0,046
Base 28 200 -127,0689 -2,7983
Base 28 200 -127,0689 -2,7983
Base 28 200 -126,2746 -2,8168
Base 28 200 -126,2746 -2,8168
Base 28 200 1,923 0,0583
Base 28 200 3,072 0,07
Base 28 200 -127,0689 -2,8168
Base 29 198 -0,3045 0,0062
Base 29 198 -0,3015 0,0025
Base 29 198 0,2609 0,0049
Base 29 198 0 0
Base 29 198 0 0
Base 29 198 -32,6864 -0,1449

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 29 198 -32,6864 -0,1449
Base 29 198 1,8988 -0,6425
Base 29 198 1,8988 -0,6425
Base 29 198 -0,1654 0,0136
Base 29 198 -0,5869 0,0164
Base 29 198 -0,5869 0,0164
Base 29 198 -0,406 0,0149
Base 29 198 -0,0132 0,0105
Base 29 198 -31,1936 -0,7725
Base 29 198 -31,1936 -0,7725
Base 29 198 -30,8008 -0,7769
Base 29 198 -30,8008 -0,7769
Base 29 198 -0,3451 0,0136
Base 29 198 -0,0132 0,0164
Base 29 198 -31,1936 -0,7769
Base 31 197 -0,4848 0,0061
Base 31 197 -0,2023 0,0023
Base 31 197 -0,2439 0,0047
Base 31 197 0 0
Base 31 197 0 0
Base 31 197 -33,0873 -0,1455
Base 31 197 -33,0873 -0,1455
Base 31 197 4,5937 -0,6543
Base 31 197 4,5937 -0,6543
Base 31 197 -0,9225 0,0132
Base 31 197 -1,1493 0,0157
Base 31 197 -1,1493 0,0157
Base 31 197 -1,0279 0,0143
Base 31 197 -0,6801 0,0102
Base 31 197 -29,5215 -0,7854
Base 31 197 -29,5215 -0,7854
Base 31 197 -29,1737 -0,7896
Base 31 197 -29,1737 -0,7896
Base 31 197 -0,9309 0,0131
Base 31 197 -0,6801 0,0157
Base 31 197 -29,5215 -0,7896
Base 32 193 -0,4078 0,0064
Base 32 193 -0,1808 0,0025
Base 32 193 -0,1836 0,0049
Base 32 193 0 0
Base 32 193 0 0
Base 32 193 -34,7394 -0,1435
Base 32 193 -34,7394 -0,1435
Base 32 193 -2,6926 -0,6524
Base 32 193 -2,6926 -0,6524
Base 32 193 -0,7545 0,0138
Base 32 193 -0,9622 0,0165
Base 32 193 -0,9622 0,0165
Base 32 193 -0,8538 0,015
Base 32 193 -0,5506 0,0106
Base 32 193 -38,2857 -0,7809
Base 32 193 -38,2857 -0,7809
Base 32 193 -37,9826 -0,7853
Base 32 193 -37,9826 -0,7853
Base 32 193 -0,7722 0,0137
Base 32 193 -0,5506 0,0165
Base 32 193 -38,2857 -0,7853
Base 33 196 -0,034 0,0067
Base 33 196 -0,0176 0,0027
Base 33 196 -0,0344 0,005

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 33 196 0 0
Base 33 196 0 0
Base 33 196 -33,1045 -0,149
Base 33 196 -33,1045 -0,149
Base 33 196 4,244 -0,6514
Base 33 196 4,244 -0,6514
Base 33 196 -0,0819 0,0144
Base 33 196 -0,1032 0,0174
Base 33 196 -0,1032 0,0174
Base 33 196 -0,0927 0,0158
Base 33 196 -0,065 0,0111
Base 33 196 -28,9532 -0,7846
Base 33 196 -28,9532 -0,7846
Base 33 196 -28,9254 -0,7893
Base 33 196 -28,9254 -0,7893
Base 33 196 -0,0859 0,0144
Base 33 196 -0,065 0,0174
Base 33 196 -28,9532 -0,7893
Base 34 192 0,0296 0,0064
Base 34 192 0,0116 0,0025
Base 34 192 0,0171 0,0048
Base 34 192 0 0
Base 34 192 0 0
Base 34 192 -34,784 -0,1472
Base 34 192 -34,784 -0,1472
Base 34 192 -2,6231 -0,6428
Base 34 192 -2,6231 -0,6428
Base 34 192 0,0585 0,0138
Base 34 192 0,0712 0,0165
Base 34 192 0,0712 0,0165
Base 34 192 0,0642 0,015
Base 34 192 0,0438 0,0106
Base 34 192 -37,3428 -0,775
Base 34 192 -37,3428 -0,775
Base 34 192 -37,3633 -0,7794
Base 34 192 -37,3633 -0,7794
Base 34 192 0,0583 0,0137
Base 34 192 0,0712 0,0165
Base 34 192 -37,3633 -0,7794
Base 35 187 -0,292 0,0063
Base 35 187 -0,1242 0,0025
Base 35 187 -0,1465 0,0047
Base 35 187 0 0
Base 35 187 0 0
Base 35 187 -32,6965 -0,1516
Base 35 187 -32,6965 -0,1516
Base 35 187 2,0028 -0,6291
Base 35 187 2,0028 -0,6291
Base 35 187 -0,5553 0,0135
Base 35 187 -0,6957 0,0162
Base 35 187 -0,6957 0,0162
Base 35 187 -0,6211 0,0147
Base 35 187 -0,4093 0,0103
Base 35 187 -31,3149 -0,7661
Base 35 187 -31,3149 -0,7661
Base 35 187 -31,103 -0,7704
Base 35 187 -31,103 -0,7704
Base 35 187 -0,5627 0,0134
Base 35 187 -0,4093 0,0162
Base 35 187 -31,3149 -0,7704

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 36 188 -0,2626 0,0062
Base 36 188 -0,1123 0,0024
Base 36 188 -0,1237 0,0046
Base 36 188 0 0
Base 36 188 0 0
Base 36 188 -33,3111 -0,1528
Base 36 188 -33,3111 -0,1528
Base 36 188 -0,4523 -0,6242
Base 36 188 -0,4523 -0,6242
Base 36 188 -0,4914 0,0133
Base 36 188 -0,6186 0,0159
Base 36 188 -0,6186 0,0159
Base 36 188 -0,5512 0,0145
Base 36 188 -0,3601 0,0102
Base 36 188 -34,3146 -0,7625
Base 36 188 -34,3146 -0,7625
Base 36 188 -34,1235 -0,7668
Base 36 188 -34,1235 -0,7668
Base 36 188 -0,4987 0,0132
Base 36 188 -0,3601 0,0159
Base 36 188 -34,3146 -0,7668
Base 37 199 -0,8926 0,0065
Base 37 199 -0,496 0,0025
Base 37 199 -0,1447 0,0049
Base 37 199 0 0
Base 37 199 0 0
Base 37 199 -32,9818 -0,1417
Base 37 199 -32,9818 -0,1417
Base 37 199 -0,4438 -0,6384
Base 37 199 -0,4438 -0,6384
Base 37 199 -1,3942 0,0139
Base 37 199 -2,0093 0,0166
Base 37 199 -2,0093 0,0166
Base 37 199 -1,7117 0,0151
Base 37 199 -0,9479 0,0107
Base 37 199 -35,1373 -0,765
Base 37 199 -35,1373 -0,765
Base 37 199 -34,3735 -0,7694
Base 37 199 -34,3735 -0,7694
Base 37 199 -1,5332 0,0138
Base 37 199 -0,9479 0,0166
Base 37 199 -35,1373 -0,7694
Base 38 185 -0,0879 0,0054
Base 38 185 -0,0457 0,0021
Base 38 185 -0,0649 0,0041
Base 38 185 0 0
Base 38 185 0 0
Base 38 185 -33,3856 -0,1533
Base 38 185 -33,3856 -0,1533
Base 38 185 3,1075 -0,5632
Base 38 185 3,1075 -0,5632
Base 38 185 -0,188 0,0117
Base 38 185 -0,2436 0,014
Base 38 185 -0,2436 0,014
Base 38 185 -0,2162 0,0127
Base 38 185 -0,1441 0,009
Base 38 185 -30,4943 -0,7038
Base 38 185 -30,4943 -0,7038
Base 38 185 -30,4222 -0,7075
Base 38 185 -30,4222 -0,7075

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 38 185 -0,1986 0,0116
Base 38 185 -0,1441 0,014
Base 38 185 -30,4943 -0,7075
Base 39 181 -0,0005 0,0037
Base 39 181 -0,0052 0,0014
Base 39 181 -0,0012 0,0034
Base 39 181 0 0
Base 39 181 0 0
Base 39 181 -34,9296 -0,1895
Base 39 181 -34,9296 -0,1895
Base 39 181 -2,142 -0,5605
Base 39 181 -2,142 -0,5605
Base 39 181 -0,0019 0,0086
Base 39 181 -0,0101 0,01
Base 39 181 -0,0101 0,01
Base 39 181 -0,007 0,0092
Base 39 181 -0,0017 0,0067
Base 39 181 -37,0786 -0,7408
Base 39 181 -37,0786 -0,7408
Base 39 181 -37,0732 -0,7433
Base 39 181 -37,0732 -0,7433
Base 39 181 -0,0069 0,0085
Base 39 181 -0,0017 0,01
Base 39 181 -37,0786 -0,7433
Base 40 186 -0,489 0,0056
Base 40 186 -0,2088 0,0021
Base 40 186 -0,2175 0,0043
Base 40 186 0 0
Base 40 186 0 0
Base 40 186 -32,9417 -0,1564
Base 40 186 -32,9417 -0,1564
Base 40 186 4,3147 -0,6246
Base 40 186 4,3147 -0,6246
Base 40 186 -0,9021 0,0121
Base 40 186 -1,1384 0,0144
Base 40 186 -1,1384 0,0144
Base 40 186 -1,0131 0,0131
Base 40 186 -0,6576 0,0093
Base 40 186 -29,64 -0,7678
Base 40 186 -29,64 -0,7678
Base 40 186 -29,2845 -0,7716
Base 40 186 -29,2845 -0,7716
Base 40 186 -0,9153 0,012
Base 40 186 -0,6576 0,0144
Base 40 186 -29,64 -0,7716
Base 41 182 -0,4174 0,0063
Base 41 182 -0,1826 0,0025
Base 41 182 -0,1682 0,0046
Base 41 182 0 0
Base 41 182 0 0
Base 41 182 -34,8239 -0,1679
Base 41 182 -34,8239 -0,1679
Base 41 182 -2,4498 -0,6134
Base 41 182 -2,4498 -0,6134
Base 41 182 -0,7526 0,0134
Base 41 182 -0,9613 0,0162
Base 41 182 -0,9613 0,0162
Base 41 182 -0,8517 0,0147
Base 41 182 -0,5438 0,0103
Base 41 182 -38,1253 -0,7666

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 41 182 -38,1253 -0,7666
Base 41 182 -37,8175 -0,771
Base 41 182 -37,8175 -0,771
Base 41 182 -0,7682 0,0135
Base 41 182 -0,5438 0,0162
Base 41 182 -38,1253 -0,771
Base 43 152 -0,2092 -0,0005
Base 43 152 -0,0931 -0,0004
Base 43 152 -0,095 0,0012
Base 43 152 0 0
Base 43 152 0 0
Base 43 152 -32,4666 -0,1596
Base 43 152 -32,4666 -0,1596
Base 43 152 -0,2067 -0,1181
Base 43 152 -0,2067 -0,1181
Base 43 152 -0,3879 0,0005
Base 43 152 -0,495 6,793E-06
Base 43 152 -0,495 6,793E-06
Base 43 152 -0,4392 0,0002
Base 43 152 -0,2833 0,0008
Base 43 152 -33,1125 -0,2775
Base 43 152 -33,1125 -0,2775
Base 43 152 -32,9566 -0,277
Base 43 152 -32,9566 -0,277
Base 43 152 -0,3973 0,0003
Base 43 152 -0,2833 0,0008
Base 43 152 -33,1125 -0,2775
Base 45 153 -0,2065 -0,0005
Base 45 153 -0,0919 -0,0004
Base 45 153 -0,0876 0,0012
Base 45 153 0 0
Base 45 153 0 0
Base 45 153 -33,1776 -0,1591
Base 45 153 -33,1776 -0,1591
Base 45 153 -0,7634 -0,1235
Base 45 153 -0,7634 -0,1235
Base 45 153 -0,3768 0,0006
Base 45 153 -0,4826 0,0001
Base 45 153 -0,4826 0,0001
Base 45 153 -0,4274 0,0003
Base 45 153 -0,2735 0,0008
Base 45 153 -34,3685 -0,2824
Base 45 153 -34,3685 -0,2824
Base 45 153 -34,2146 -0,2818
Base 45 153 -34,2146 -0,2818
Base 45 153 -0,3861 0,0004
Base 45 153 -0,2735 0,0008
Base 45 153 -34,3685 -0,2824
Base 46 141 2,6921 -0,0027
Base 46 141 1,1945 -0,0013
Base 46 141 1,1283 0,0004
Base 46 141 0 0
Base 46 141 0 0
Base 46 141 -31,2372 -0,1593
Base 46 141 -31,2372 -0,1593
Base 46 141 -1,0969 -0,116
Base 46 141 -1,0969 -0,116
Base 46 141 4,8972 -0,0035
Base 46 141 6,27 -0,0049
Base 46 141 6,27 -0,0049

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 46 141 5,5533 -0,0042
Base 46 141 3,5512 -0,0021
Base 46 141 -26,7808 -0,2796
Base 46 141 -26,7808 -0,2796
Base 46 141 -28,7829 -0,2775
Base 46 141 -28,7829 -0,2775
Base 46 141 5,0149 -0,0036
Base 46 141 6,27 -0,0021
Base 46 141 -28,7829 -0,2796
Base 47 142 2,4443 0,0013
Base 47 142 1,087 0,0004
Base 47 142 1,0319 0,002
Base 47 142 0 0
Base 47 142 0 0
Base 47 142 -32,033 -0,1557
Base 47 142 -32,033 -0,1557
Base 47 142 -0,9231 -0,1219
Base 47 142 -0,9231 -0,1219
Base 47 142 4,4539 0,0038
Base 47 142 5,7042 0,0042
Base 47 142 5,7042 0,0042
Base 47 142 5,052 0,004
Base 47 142 3,2317 0,0032
Base 47 142 -27,9041 -0,2737
Base 47 142 -27,9041 -0,2737
Base 47 142 -29,7244 -0,2745
Base 47 142 -29,7244 -0,2745
Base 47 142 4,5631 0,0037
Base 47 142 5,7042 0,0042
Base 47 142 -29,7244 -0,2745
Base 49 151 -0,4317 -0,0015
Base 49 151 -0,1843 -0,0007
Base 49 151 -0,1892 0,0008
Base 49 151 0 0
Base 49 151 0 0
Base 49 151 -33,047 -0,1596
Base 49 151 -33,047 -0,1596
Base 49 151 0,2432 -0,102
Base 49 151 0,2432 -0,102
Base 49 151 -0,7936 -0,0012
Base 49 151 -1,0021 -0,0021
Base 49 151 -1,0021 -0,0021
Base 49 151 -0,8915 -0,0017
Base 49 151 -0,5777 -0,0005
Base 49 151 -33,6953 -0,2633
Base 49 151 -33,6953 -0,2633
Base 49 151 -33,3815 -0,2621
Base 49 151 -33,3815 -0,2621
Base 49 151 -0,8052 -0,0014
Base 49 151 -0,5777 -0,0005
Base 49 151 -33,6953 -0,2633
Base 50 150 -0,0648 -0,0004
Base 50 150 -0,0352 -0,0002
Base 50 150 -0,0525 0,0013
Base 50 150 0 0
Base 50 150 0 0
Base 50 150 -33,3795 -0,1595
Base 50 150 -33,3795 -0,1595
Base 50 150 -0,0307 -0,1031
Base 50 150 -0,0307 -0,1031

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 50 150 -0,1432 0,0008
Base 50 150 -0,1866 0,0006
Base 50 150 -0,1866 0,0006
Base 50 150 -0,1655 0,0007
Base 50 150 -0,1108 0,001
Base 50 150 -33,5757 -0,2619
Base 50 150 -33,5757 -0,2619
Base 50 150 -33,521 -0,2617
Base 50 150 -33,521 -0,2617
Base 50 150 -0,1525 0,0008
Base 50 150 -0,1108 0,001
Base 50 150 -33,5757 -0,2619
Base 48 178 -0,1926 0,0052
Base 48 178 -0,0862 0,0021
Base 48 178 -0,0709 0,0041
Base 48 178 0 0
Base 48 178 0 0
Base 48 178 -37,6066 -0,2075
Base 48 178 -37,6066 -0,2075
Base 48 178 -3,9197 -0,5858
Base 48 178 -3,9197 -0,5858
Base 48 178 -0,3405 0,0114
Base 48 178 -0,4399 0,0136
Base 48 178 -0,4399 0,0136
Base 48 178 -0,3882 0,0124
Base 48 178 -0,2442 0,0088
Base 48 178 -41,9144 -0,7809
Base 48 178 -41,9144 -0,7809
Base 48 178 -41,7705 -0,7845
Base 48 178 -41,7705 -0,7845
Base 48 178 -0,3496 0,0113
Base 48 178 -0,2442 0,0136
Base 48 178 -41,9144 -0,7845
Base 51 179 -0,173 0,007
Base 51 179 -0,0791 0,0028
Base 51 179 -0,0621 0,005
Base 51 179 0 0
Base 51 179 0 0
Base 51 179 -37,4506 -0,1687
Base 51 179 -37,4506 -0,1687
Base 51 179 -4,6487 -0,6776
Base 51 179 -4,6487 -0,6776
Base 51 179 -0,3044 0,0148
Base 51 179 -0,3963 0,0179
Base 51 179 -0,3963 0,0179
Base 51 179 -0,3488 0,0162
Base 51 179 -0,2179 0,0113
Base 51 179 -42,4481 -0,8301
Base 51 179 -42,4481 -0,8301
Base 51 179 -42,3172 -0,835
Base 51 179 -42,3172 -0,835
Base 51 179 -0,3142 0,0148
Base 51 179 -0,2179 0,0179
Base 51 179 -42,4481 -0,835
Base 54 183 -0,178 0,0067
Base 54 183 -0,0809 0,0026
Base 54 183 -0,0628 0,0049
Base 54 183 0 0
Base 54 183 0 0
Base 54 183 -37,1194 -0,1534

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 54 183 -37,1194 -0,1534
Base 54 183 -4,6498 -0,6712
Base 54 183 -4,6498 -0,6712
Base 54 183 -0,312 0,0143
Base 54 183 -0,4059 0,0171
Base 54 183 -0,4059 0,0171
Base 54 183 -0,3573 0,0156
Base 54 183 -0,223 0,0109
Base 54 183 -42,1265 -0,809
Base 54 183 -42,1265 -0,809
Base 54 183 -41,9922 -0,8136
Base 54 183 -41,9922 -0,8136
Base 54 183 -0,3217 0,0142
Base 54 183 -0,223 0,0171
Base 54 183 -42,1265 -0,8136
Base 55 189 -0,1797 0,0065
Base 55 189 -0,0812 0,0025
Base 55 189 -0,0584 0,0049
Base 55 189 0 0
Base 55 189 0 0
Base 55 189 -37,4431 -0,1513
Base 55 189 -37,4431 -0,1513
Base 55 189 -4,5946 -0,6643
Base 55 189 -4,5946 -0,6643
Base 55 189 -0,31 0,014
Base 55 189 -0,4039 0,0167
Base 55 189 -0,4039 0,0167
Base 55 189 -0,3552 0,0152
Base 55 189 -0,2201 0,0107
Base 55 189 -42,3929 -0,8004
Base 55 189 -42,3929 -0,8004
Base 55 189 -42,2578 -0,8048
Base 55 189 -42,2578 -0,8048
Base 55 189 -0,3193 0,0139
Base 55 189 -0,2201 0,0167
Base 55 189 -42,3929 -0,8048
Base 58 190 -0,2139 0,0071
Base 58 190 -0,095 0,0027
Base 58 190 -0,0861 0,0053
Base 58 190 0 0
Base 58 190 0 0
Base 58 190 -37,3527 -0,1486
Base 58 190 -37,3527 -0,1486
Base 58 190 -5,0288 -0,7085
Base 58 190 -5,0288 -0,7085
Base 58 190 -0,3856 0,0153
Base 58 190 -0,4948 0,0182
Base 58 190 -0,4948 0,0182
Base 58 190 -0,4378 0,0165
Base 58 190 -0,2787 0,0117
Base 58 190 -42,8193 -0,8405
Base 58 190 -42,8193 -0,8405
Base 58 190 -42,6601 -0,8454
Base 58 190 -42,6601 -0,8454
Base 58 190 -0,395 0,0151
Base 58 190 -0,2787 0,0182
Base 58 190 -42,8193 -0,8454
Base 60 194 0,0434 0,0069
Base 60 194 0,0079 0,0027
Base 60 194 0,0627 0,0053

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 60 194 0 0
Base 60 194 0 0
Base 60 194 -37,5764 -0,144
Base 60 194 -37,5764 -0,144
Base 60 194 -5,1885 -0,6856
Base 60 194 -5,1885 -0,6856
Base 60 194 0,1235 0,015
Base 60 194 0,1274 0,018
Base 60 194 0,1274 0,018
Base 60 194 0,1227 0,0163
Base 60 194 0,1018 0,0115
Base 60 194 -42,6422 -0,8133
Base 60 194 -42,6422 -0,8133
Base 60 194 -42,6631 -0,8181
Base 60 194 -42,6631 -0,8181
Base 60 194 0,114 0,0149
Base 60 194 0,1274 0,018
Base 60 194 -42,6631 -0,8181
Base 65 201 -0,6556 0,01
Base 65 201 -0,2648 0,0028
Base 65 201 -0,3415 0,0054
Base 65 201 0 0
Base 65 201 0 0
Base 65 201 -35,7762 -0,1371
Base 65 201 -35,7762 -0,1371
Base 65 201 -4,296 -0,6669
Base 65 201 -4,296 -0,6669
Base 65 201 -1,2593 0,0193
Base 65 201 -1,552 0,0218
Base 65 201 -1,552 0,0218
Base 65 201 -1,3931 0,0201
Base 65 201 -0,9315 0,0143
Base 65 201 -41,4652 -0,7839
Base 65 201 -41,4652 -0,7839
Base 65 201 -41,0037 -0,7896
Base 65 201 -41,0037 -0,7896
Base 65 201 -1,262 0,0181
Base 65 201 -0,9315 0,0218
Base 65 201 -41,4652 -0,7896
Base 77 161 0,0473 -0,0002
Base 77 161 0,0152 -0,0002
Base 77 161 0,0027 0,0014
Base 77 161 0 0
Base 77 161 0 0
Base 77 161 -32,8975 -0,1636
Base 77 161 -32,8975 -0,1636
Base 77 161 0,2649 -0,1148
Base 77 161 0,2649 -0,1148
Base 77 161 0,0689 0,0012
Base 77 161 0,0838 0,0009
Base 77 161 0,0838 0,0009
Base 77 161 0,0747 0,0011
Base 77 161 0,0453 0,0013
Base 77 161 -32,5579 -0,2773
Base 77 161 -32,5579 -0,2773
Base 77 161 -32,5873 -0,2771
Base 77 161 -32,5873 -0,2771
Base 77 161 0,0652 0,0011
Base 77 161 0,0838 0,0013
Base 77 161 -32,5873 -0,2773

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 80 162 -0,3643 -0,0003
Base 80 162 -0,1528 -0,0003
Base 80 162 -0,1551 0,0014
Base 80 162 0 0
Base 80 162 0 0
Base 80 162 -33,3746 -0,1734
Base 80 162 -33,3746 -0,1734
Base 80 162 0,8302 -0,1555
Base 80 162 0,8302 -0,1555
Base 80 162 -0,6651 0,001
Base 80 162 -0,8368 0,0006
Base 80 162 -0,8368 0,0006
Base 80 162 -0,7451 0,0008
Base 80 162 -0,483 0,0012
Base 80 162 -33,2895 -0,3281
Base 80 162 -33,2895 -0,3281
Base 80 162 -33,0274 -0,3277
Base 80 162 -33,0274 -0,3277
Base 80 162 -0,6722 0,0008
Base 80 162 -0,483 0,0012
Base 80 162 -33,2895 -0,3281
Base 111 170 0,1704 -0,0387
Base 111 170 0,0819 -0,0233
Base 111 170 0,0882 -0,0196
Base 111 170 0 0
Base 111 170 0 0
Base 111 170 -27,9982 0,751
Base 111 170 -27,9982 0,751
Base 111 170 18,0795 -7,8858
Base 111 170 18,0795 -7,8858
Base 111 170 0,3267 -0,0738
Base 111 170 0,4236 -0,1033
Base 111 170 0,4236 -0,1033
Base 111 170 0,3745 -0,0893
Base 111 170 0,2415 -0,0544
Base 111 170 -9,5442 -7,2242
Base 111 170 -9,5442 -7,2242
Base 111 170 -9,6772 -7,1893
Base 111 170 -9,6772 -7,1893
Base 111 170 0,3404 -0,0816
Base 111 170 0,4236 -0,0544
Base 111 170 -9,6772 -7,2242
Base 112 172 -0,5404 -0,0248
Base 112 172 -0,2548 -0,0124
Base 112 172 -0,2527 -0,0109
Base 112 172 0 0
Base 112 172 0 0
Base 112 172 -23,2256 -0,5266
Base 112 172 -23,2256 -0,5266
Base 112 172 -50,6709 -8,6879
Base 112 172 -50,6709 -8,6879
Base 112 172 -1,0093 -0,0456
Base 112 172 -1,309 -0,0605
Base 112 172 -1,309 -0,0605
Base 112 172 -1,1561 -0,0531
Base 112 172 -0,7391 -0,0332
Base 112 172 -75,0526 -9,2676
Base 112 172 -75,0526 -9,2676
Base 112 172 -74,6356 -9,2478
Base 112 172 -74,6356 -9,2478

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Analysis Results 03/07/2023

Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 112 172 -1,048 -0,0481
Base 112 172 -0,7391 -0,0332
Base 112 172 -75,0526 -9,2676
Base 113 174 -1,7599 -0,3398
Base 113 174 -0,793 -0,1469
Base 113 174 -0,6044 -0,132
Base 113 174 0 0
Base 113 174 0 0
Base 113 174 -34,7774 32,8836
Base 113 174 -34,7774 32,8836
Base 113 174 -23,6944 7,5229
Base 113 174 -23,6944 7,5229
Base 113 174 -3,0683 -0,6078
Base 113 174 -3,9852 -0,7748
Base 113 174 -3,9852 -0,7748
Base 113 174 -3,5094 -0,6867
Base 113 174 -2,1884 -0,4379
Base 113 174 -61,9812 39,7198
Base 113 174 -61,9812 39,7198
Base 113 174 -60,6602 39,9686
Base 113 174 -60,6602 39,9686
Base 113 174 -3,1574 -0,6187
Base 113 174 -2,1884 39,9686
Base 113 174 -61,9812 -0,7748
Base 114 176 0,8998 0,1294
Base 114 176 0,4041 0,0574
Base 114 176 0,3906 0,0564
Base 114 176 0 0
Base 114 176 0 0
Base 114 176 -25,2357 -1,0677
Base 114 176 -25,2357 -1,0677
Base 114 176 -2,2795 -0,5452
Base 114 176 -2,2795 -0,5452
Base 114 176 1,6504 0,2375
Base 114 176 2,117 0,3036
Base 114 176 2,117 0,3036
Base 114 176 1,8745 0,2691
Base 114 176 1,2005 0,1729
Base 114 176 -25,6406 -1,3438
Base 114 176 -25,6406 -1,3438
Base 114 176 -26,3147 -1,44
Base 114 176 -26,3147 -1,44
Base 114 176 1,6946 0,2432
Base 114 176 2,117 0,3036
Base 114 176 -26,3147 -1,44
Base 996 1170 10,5268 -16,1278
Base 996 1170 2,2387 -3,5666
Base 996 1170 7,001 -11,1734
Base 996 1170 0 0
Base 996 1170 0 0
Base 996 1170 -551,2743 882,4519
Base 996 1170 -551,2743 882,4519
Base 996 1170 -312,0076 445,5515
Base 996 1170 -312,0076 445,5515
Base 996 1170 21,7385 -33,7523
Base 996 1170 23,215 -36,2333
Base 996 1170 23,215 -36,2333
Base 996 1170 21,8718 -34,0933
Base 996 1170 16,4751 -25,6884
Base 996 1170 -841,4101 1293,9101

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Unique MY MZ
Story Label
Name kN-m kN-m
Base 996 1170 -841,4101 1293,9101
Base 996 1170 -846,8068 1302,315
Base 996 1170 -846,8068 1302,315
Base 996 1170 19,7664 -30,8678
Base 996 1170 23,215 1302,315
Base 996 1170 -846,8068 -36,2333

5.4 Modal Results

Table 5.5 - Modal Periods And Frequencies
Period Frequency CircFreq Eigenvalue
Case Mode
sec cyc/sec rad/sec rad2/sec2
Modal 1 0,437 2,286 14,3636 206,3117
Modal 2 0,348 2,872 18,0482 325,7359
Modal 3 0,325 3,073 19,3079 372,7932
Modal 4 0,3 3,332 20,9354 438,2913
Modal 5 0,3 3,332 20,936 438,3151
Modal 6 0,3 3,333 20,9389 438,4361
Modal 7 0,3 3,333 20,9394 438,4584
Modal 8 0,299 3,349 21,0411 442,7287
Modal 9 0,299 3,349 21,043 442,8085
Modal 10 0,298 3,351 21,0522 443,1945
Modal 11 0,298 3,351 21,0539 443,2647
Modal 12 0,297 3,37 21,1744 448,3564

Table 5.6 - Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 1 of 2)

Modal 1 0,437 0,0156 0,0488 0 0,0156 0,0488 0 0,0271 0,0029 0,9211
Modal 2 0,348 0,9223 0,0099 0 0,9379 0,0587 0 0,0045 0,3746 0,0093
Modal 3 0,325 0,0048 0,8914 0 0,9427 0,9501 0 0,36 0,003 0,0504
Modal 4 0,3 0 0 0 0,9427 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 5 0,3 0 0 0 0,9427 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 6 0,3 0 0 0 0,9427 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 7 0,3 0 0 0 0,9427 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 8 0,299 0,0002 2,062E-06 0 0,943 0,9501 0 6,932E-07 2,784E-06 4,255E-06
Modal 9 0,299 0,0001 0 0 0,9431 0,9501 0 0 1,058E-06 1,503E-06
Modal 10 0,298 3,958E-06 0 0 0,9431 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 11 0,298 8,579E-07 0 0 0,9431 0,9501 0 0 0 0
Modal 12 0,297 0 0 0 0,9431 0,9501 0 0 0 0

Table 5.6 - Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 2 of 2)

Case Mode SumRX SumRY SumRZ
Modal 1 0,0271 0,0029 0,9211
Modal 2 0,0316 0,3775 0,9304
Modal 3 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 4 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 5 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 6 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 7 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 8 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 9 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 10 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 11 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808
Modal 12 0,3916 0,3806 0,9808

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Table 5.7 - Modal Load Participation Ratios

Static Dynamic
Case ItemType Item
% %
Modal Acceleration UX 97,62 94,31
Modal Acceleration UY 98,89 95,01
Modal Acceleration UZ 0 0

Table 5.8 - Modal Direction Factors

Case Mode UX UY UZ RZ UX* UY* UZ* RZ*
Modal 1 0,437 0,017 0,057 0 0,926 0,016 0,05 0 0,935
Modal 2 0,348 0,957 0,01 0 0,033 0,98 0,01 0 0,01
Modal 3 0,325 0,006 0,93 0 0,064 0,005 0,942 0 0,053
Modal 4 0,3 0,976 0 0 0,024 0,985 0,001 0 0,014
Modal 5 0,3 0,944 0,024 0 0,032 0,945 0,027 0 0,028
Modal 6 0,3 0,013 0,099 0 0,888 0,018 0,91 0 0,072
Modal 7 0,3 0,524 0,076 0 0,4 0,856 0,134 0 0,011
Modal 8 0,299 0,875 0,006 0 0,119 0,975 0,008 0 0,017
Modal 9 0,299 0,944 0,004 0 0,053 0,981 0,005 0 0,015
Modal 10 0,298 0,964 0,001 0 0,035 0,987 0,001 0 0,011
Modal 11 0,298 0,66 0,001 0 0,339 0,988 0,002 0 0,01
Modal 12 0,297 0,022 0,854 0 0,124 0,022 0,944 0 0,034

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Design Data 03/07/2023

6 Design Data
This chapter provides design data and results.

6.1 Concrete Frame Design

Table 6.1 - Concrete Frame Design Preferences - ACI 318-14
Item Value
Multi-Response Design Step-by-Step - All
# Interaction Curves 24
# Interaction Points 11
Minimum Eccentricity? Yes
Design for BCCR? Yes
Ignore Beneficial Pu for Beam Design? Yes
Seismic Design Category D
Design System Omega0 2
Design System Rho 1
Design System Sds 0,5
Consider ICCESR No
Phi (Tension) 0,9
Phi (Compression Tied) 0,65
Phi (Compression Spiral) 0,75
Phi (Shear and Torsion) 0,75
Phi (Shear Seismic) 0,6
Phi (Shear Joint) 0,85
Pattern Live Load Factor 0,75
Utlization Factor Limit 1

Table 6.2 - Concrete Column Overwrites - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story2 C1 110 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C2 116 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C3 144 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C4 149 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C7 179 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C8 180 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C9 181 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C11 183 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C12 184 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C13 185 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C14 186 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C15 187 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C18 190 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C19 191 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C20 192 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C22 194 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C23 195 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C24 196 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C27 198 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C29 200 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C38 206 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C39 207 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C40 208 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C42 210 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C43 211 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C44 212 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C45 213 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C46 214 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C49 217 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story2 C50 218 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C51 219 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C53 221 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C54 222 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C55 223 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C56 224 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C57 225 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C58 226 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C60 228 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C185 189 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C193 197 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C197 201 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C198 202 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C199 203 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C225 177 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C226 178 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C227 182 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C228 188 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C229 193 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C230 199 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C231 204 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C232 205 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C233 209 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C234 215 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C235 216 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C236 220 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 C237 227 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C1 119 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C2 120 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C3 121 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C4 122 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C5 123 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C6 124 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C7 125 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C8 126 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C9 127 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C10 128 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C11 129 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C12 130 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C13 131 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C14 132 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C15 133 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C16 134 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C17 135 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C18 136 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C19 137 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C20 138 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C21 139 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C22 140 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C23 141 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C24 142 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C27 145 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C28 146 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C29 147 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C32 143 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C33 148 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C34 150 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C35 151 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story1 C36 152 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C37 153 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C38 154 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C39 155 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C40 156 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C41 157 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C42 158 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C43 159 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C44 160 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C45 161 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C46 162 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C47 163 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C48 164 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C49 165 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C50 166 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C51 167 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C52 168 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C53 169 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C54 170 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C55 171 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C56 172 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C57 173 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C58 174 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C59 175 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 C60 176 Column Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

Table 6.2 - Concrete Column Overwrites - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

Non Sway Non Sway

Effective Effective Sway Sway
Moment Moment Moment Moment
Length Length Moment Moment Consider Minimum
Coefficient Coefficient Factor Factor
Factor (K Factor (K Factor (Ds Factor (Ds Eccentricity?
(Cm Major) (Cm Minor) (Dns (Dns
Major) Minor) Major) Minor)
Major) Minor)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Non Sway Non Sway

Effective Effective Sway Sway
Moment Moment Moment Moment
Length Length Moment Moment Consider Minimum
Coefficient Coefficient Factor Factor
Factor (K Factor (K Factor (Ds Factor (Ds Eccentricity?
(Cm Major) (Cm Minor) (Dns (Dns
Major) Minor) Major) Minor)
Major) Minor)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Non Sway Non Sway

Effective Effective Sway Sway
Moment Moment Moment Moment
Length Length Moment Moment Consider Minimum
Coefficient Coefficient Factor Factor
Factor (K Factor (K Factor (Ds Factor (Ds Eccentricity?
(Cm Major) (Cm Minor) (Dns (Dns
Major) Minor) Major) Minor)
Major) Minor)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Program Determined

Table 6.3 - Concrete Beam Overwrites - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story2 B1 67 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B2 68 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B3 69 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B4 70 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B5 86 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B6 87 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B7 88 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B8 99 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B9 93 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B25 95 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B27 97 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B28 100 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B29 98 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B30 101 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B31 103 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B32 102 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B33 80 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B34 109 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B35 81 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story2 B36 112 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B79 91 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B83 111 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B70 108 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B82 113 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B84 114 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B89 115 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B92 117 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B93 118 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B69 82 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B71 92 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B80 96 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B81 105 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story2 B90 107 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B1 1 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B2 2 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B3 3 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B4 4 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B5 5 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B6 6 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B7 7 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B8 8 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B9 9 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B10 10 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B11 11 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B12 12 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B13 13 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B14 14 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B15 15 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B16 16 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B17 17 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B18 18 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B19 19 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B20 20 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B21 21 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B22 22 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B23 23 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B24 24 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B25 25 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B26 26 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B27 27 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B28 28 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B29 29 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B30 30 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B31 31 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B32 32 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B33 33 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B34 34 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B35 35 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B36 36 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B37 37 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B38 38 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B39 39 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B40 40 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B41 41 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B42 42 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B43 43 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B44 44 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Story1 B45 45 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B46 46 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B47 47 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B49 49 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B50 50 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B51 51 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B53 53 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B55 55 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B58 56 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B59 57 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B62 59 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B63 58 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B64 60 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B65 61 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B67 62 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B48 48 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B52 52 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B54 54 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B56 63 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B57 64 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B60 65 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B61 66 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B72 72 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B73 73 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B74 74 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B75 75 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B76 76 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B77 77 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B78 78 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B66 84 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B68 85 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B88 71 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B91 79 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B138 90 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B139 231 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Story1 B140 239 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B8 1108 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B10 1030 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B11 1037 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B12 1052 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B13 1053 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B14 1065 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B15 1064 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B16 1060 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B24 1122 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B25 1104 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B33 1123 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B34 1124 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B35 1125 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B48 1100 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B52 1099 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B54 1095 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B56 1121 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B57 1120 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B60 1119 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B61 1126 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B156 240 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B85 1009 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unbraced Unbraced
Unique Design Length Length
Story Label Design Section Frame Type LLRF
Name Type Ratio Ratio
(Major) (Minor)
Base B86 1011 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B87 1026 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B141 1031 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B142 1032 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B143 1033 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B144 1034 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B155 1035 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B157 1036 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B158 1038 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B159 1039 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B160 1051 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B161 1054 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B162 1055 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B163 1056 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B167 1061 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B168 1062 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B169 1063 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B170 1066 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B171 1090 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B172 1091 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B173 1092 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B174 1093 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B175 1094 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B176 1096 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B177 1097 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B178 1098 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B179 1101 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B180 1102 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B181 1103 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B182 1105 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B183 1106 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B184 1107 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B185 1109 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B186 1110 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B187 1111 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B188 1112 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B189 1113 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B190 1114 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B191 1115 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B192 1117 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0
Base B193 1118 Beam Program Determined Program Determined 0 0 0

Table 6.3 - Concrete Beam Overwrites - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

Ignore Beneficial Pu
Consider Torsion?
for Beam Design?

Program Determined Program Determined

Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 154 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

Ignore Beneficial Pu
Consider Torsion?
for Beam Design?

Program Determined Program Determined

Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 155 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

Ignore Beneficial Pu
Consider Torsion?
for Beam Design?

Program Determined Program Determined

Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 156 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

Ignore Beneficial Pu
Consider Torsion?
for Beam Design?

Program Determined Program Determined

Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined
Program Determined Program Determined

Table 6.4 - Concrete Column PMM Envelope - ACI 318-14

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 157 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

P M Major M Minor
Story Label UniqueName Section Location PMM Combo Ratio or
kN kN-m kN-m
Rebar %

Story2 C1 110 K1 35X35 Top -7,1967 2,7105 -48,7864 ENVELOPE 0,352

Story2 C1 110 K1 35X35 Bottom 1,6359 -26,8349 56,9565 ENVELOPE 0,525
Story2 C2 116 K1 35X35 Top 8,1044 4,4119 -47,4219 ENVELOPE 0,336
Story2 C2 116 K1 35X35 Bottom 16,9371 -30,7129 55,0873 ENVELOPE 0,53
Story2 C3 144 K1A 25/25 Top -22,1339 2,3345 -30,6994 ENVELOPE 0,741
Story2 C3 144 K1A 25/25 Bottom -17,0973 -11,4815 30,7639 ENVELOPE 0,888
Story2 C4 149 K1A 25/25 Top 31,4746 2,0329 -30,0336 ENVELOPE 0,705
Story2 C4 149 K1A 25/25 Bottom 38,1901 -11,1319 29,6783 ENVELOPE 0,836
Story2 C7 179 K1 35X35 Top 73,5032 -4,7501 -54,1697 ENVELOPE 0,38
Story2 C7 179 K1 35X35 Bottom 85,28 -6,1969 64,8191 ENVELOPE 0,458
Story2 C8 180 K1A 25/25 Top 8,3476 -3,493 -7,7286 ENVELOPE 0,229
Story2 C8 180 K1A 25/25 Bottom 4,5922 3,5623 13,1868 ENVELOPE 0,351
Story2 C9 181 K1A 25/25 Top 11,0987 -5,3262 -7,9771 ENVELOPE 0,27
Story2 C9 181 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,6817 5,5604 14,1521 ENVELOPE 0,404
Story2 C11 183 K1 35X35 Top 14,3503 -1,163 -40,4519 ENVELOPE 0,276
Story2 C11 183 K1 35X35 Bottom 23,1829 -12,664 48,3312 ENVELOPE 0,385
Story2 C12 184 K1A 25/25 Top 9,688 -1,9872 -11,5316 ENVELOPE 0,288
Story2 C12 184 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,5227 2,1693 26,9212 ENVELOPE 0,64
Story2 C13 185 K1A 25/25 Top 13,3126 -2,7563 -9,4209 ENVELOPE 0,25
Story2 C13 185 K1A 25/25 Bottom 20,0281 2,7898 22,4989 ENVELOPE 0,548
Story2 C14 186 K1A 25/25 Top -21,8166 -0,4961 -27,3658 ENVELOPE 0,629
Story2 C14 186 K1A 25/25 Bottom -16,5648 -0,7494 27,6541 ENVELOPE 0,64
Story2 C15 187 K1A 25/25 Top 22,3506 -1,1877 -25,2072 ENVELOPE 0,584
Story2 C15 187 K1A 25/25 Bottom 29,0661 0,6796 24,5886 ENVELOPE 0,56
Story2 C18 190 K1 35X35 Top 56,1682 -6,8428 -54,5386 ENVELOPE 0,394
Story2 C18 190 K1 35X35 Bottom 67,9451 3,2198 65,1229 ENVELOPE 0,444
Story2 C19 191 K1A 25/25 Top 9,7192 -3,3455 -7,8122 ENVELOPE 0,228
Story2 C19 191 K1A 25/25 Bottom 11,0728 2,9045 12,4351 ENVELOPE 0,32
Story2 C20 192 K1A 25/25 Top 8,9211 -4,601 -7,2316 ENVELOPE 0,24
Story2 C20 192 K1A 25/25 Bottom 16,6012 4,3902 11,164 ENVELOPE 0,319
Story2 C22 194 K1 35X35 Top 39,7375 -2,4097 -29,3585 ENVELOPE 0,205
Story2 C22 194 K1 35X35 Bottom 20,5886 -26,6474 14,0158 ENVELOPE 0,249
Story2 C23 195 K1A 25/25 Top 4,5121 -2,1327 -9,4524 ENVELOPE 0,244
Story2 C23 195 K1A 25/25 Bottom 18,7631 1,514 22,4432 ENVELOPE 0,528
Story2 C24 196 K1A 25/25 Top 13,2195 -3,4949 -9,6023 ENVELOPE 0,269
Story2 C24 196 K1A 25/25 Bottom 19,935 4,1512 22,599 ENVELOPE 0,568
Story2 C27 198 K1 35X35 Top 15,0011 -1,8044 -50,275 ENVELOPE 0,346
Story2 C27 198 K1 35X35 Bottom 23,8337 -13,6528 59,1255 ENVELOPE 0,461
Story2 C29 200 K1 35X35 Top 11,437 -1,2512 -49,7302 ENVELOPE 0,344
Story2 C29 200 K1 35X35 Bottom 20,2696 -32,2246 64,7694 ENVELOPE 0,602
Story2 C38 206 K1 35X35 Top 16,6417 -0,6845 -54,3676 ENVELOPE 0,372
Story2 C38 206 K1 35X35 Bottom 25,4744 -11,2577 60,855 ENVELOPE 0,461
Story2 C39 207 K1A 25/25 Top 9,3228 -2,4256 -6,3135 ENVELOPE 0,179
Story2 C39 207 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,0029 2,205 9,0328 ENVELOPE 0,232
Story2 C40 208 K1A 25/25 Top 10,0821 -3,9502 -8,3135 ENVELOPE 0,25
Story2 C40 208 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,0572 4,1676 12,9863 ENVELOPE 0,352
Story2 C42 210 K1 35X35 Top 14,4128 -10,1742 -39,7944 ENVELOPE 0,316
Story2 C42 210 K1 35X35 Bottom 57,8593 2,7641 39,2393 ENVELOPE 0,272
Story2 C43 211 K1A 25/25 Top 9,4203 -7,455 -10,773 ENVELOPE 0,37
Story2 C43 211 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,255 8,3336 25,2941 ENVELOPE 0,693
Story2 C44 212 K1A 25/25 Top 10,5699 -7,0898 -9,617 ENVELOPE 0,34
Story2 C44 212 K1A 25/25 Bottom 18,3511 7,072 21,4426 ENVELOPE 0,586
Story2 C45 213 K1A 25/25 Top -18,8124 -2,0548 -28,5443 ENVELOPE 0,686
Story2 C45 213 K1A 25/25 Bottom -13,6001 2,3678 28,9048 ENVELOPE 0,698
Story2 C46 214 K1A 25/25 Top 21,3062 -0,8162 -26,4506 ENVELOPE 0,606
Story2 C46 214 K1A 25/25 Bottom 28,0216 0,6548 25,6819 ENVELOPE 0,585
Story2 C49 217 K1 35X35 Top 89,4553 4,1473 -70,2942 ENVELOPE 0,483

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Design Data 03/07/2023

P M Major M Minor
Story Label UniqueName Section Location PMM Combo Ratio or
kN kN-m kN-m
Rebar %

Story2 C49 217 K1 35X35 Bottom 34,0632 -15,6667 76,8983 ENVELOPE 0,59
Story2 C50 218 K1A 25/25 Top 5,5808 -2,1097 -8,3031 ENVELOPE 0,217
Story2 C50 218 K1A 25/25 Bottom 17,326 1,5976 14,3965 ENVELOPE 0,346
Story2 C51 219 K1A 25/25 Top 4,1007 -3,4886 -10,1173 ENVELOPE 0,281
Story2 C51 219 K1A 25/25 Bottom 15,101 3,5561 17,0182 ENVELOPE 0,433
Story2 C53 221 K1 35X35 Top 17,9164 -7,9212 -54,1588 ENVELOPE 0,4
Story2 C53 221 K1 35X35 Bottom 67,0403 -3,4059 51,8923 ENVELOPE 0,358
Story2 C54 222 K1A 25/25 Top 11,1741 -6,47 -9,5275 ENVELOPE 0,325
Story2 C54 222 K1A 25/25 Bottom 18,287 6,096 20,4487 ENVELOPE 0,548
Story2 C55 223 K1A 25/25 Top 8,4671 -6,9717 -10,8984 ENVELOPE 0,363
Story2 C55 223 K1A 25/25 Bottom 16,3019 7,0629 21,5256 ENVELOPE 0,589
Story2 C56 224 K1A 25/25 Top -7,1144 4,3706 -28,6076 ENVELOPE 0,721
Story2 C56 224 K1A 25/25 Bottom -2,5417 -2,8148 35,2652 ENVELOPE 0,846
Story2 C57 225 K1A 25/25 Top 25,965 0,9669 -33,2251 ENVELOPE 0,761
Story2 C57 225 K1A 25/25 Bottom 32,6805 2,4901 32,5759 ENVELOPE 0,769
Story2 C58 226 K1 35X35 Top 95,8145 -6,6668 -55,2897 ENVELOPE 0,396
Story2 C58 226 K1 35X35 Bottom 36,3557 -15,7685 48,5148 ENVELOPE 0,402
Story2 C60 228 K1 35X35 Top 23,4976 -12,6834 -54,7496 ENVELOPE 0,427
Story2 C60 228 K1 35X35 Bottom 32,4601 7,4969 46,0631 ENVELOPE 0,343
Story2 C185 189 K1A 25/25 Top 11,1792 -5,7645 -4,8972 ENVELOPE 0,217
Story2 C185 189 K1A 25/25 Bottom 10,446 -21,5695 -17,2165 ENVELOPE 0,789
Story2 C193 197 K1A 25/25 Top -15,0053 -1,6819 -20,5165 ENVELOPE 0,497
Story2 C193 197 K1A 25/25 Bottom 49,0596 -24,9109 -72,0604 ENVELOPE 1,994
Story2 C197 201 K1A 25/25 Top -80,7315 2,4895 -23,6578 ENVELOPE 0,621
Story2 C197 201 K1A 25/25 Bottom 48,8512 -34,6964 -15,7619 ENVELOPE 1,031
Story2 C198 202 K1A 25/25 Top 26,7972 -5,1516 -23,3659 ENVELOPE 0,594
Story2 C198 202 K1A 25/25 Bottom 82,1529 -32,7845 -19,7239 ENVELOPE 1,068
Story2 C199 203 K1A 25/25 Top 45,9096 2,2489 -18,3648 ENVELOPE 0,438
Story2 C199 203 K1A 25/25 Bottom 62,2598 7,2685 -24,3816 ENVELOPE 0,655
Story2 C225 177 K1A 25/25 Top -6,1431 -1,6104 -5,9175 ENVELOPE 0,162
Story2 C225 177 K1A 25/25 Bottom -28,6166 -20,0119 -14,2164 ENVELOPE 0,706
Story2 C226 178 K1A 25/25 Top 8,9902 -7,4744 -6,6027 ENVELOPE 0,287
Story2 C226 178 K1A 25/25 Bottom 9,0342 -21,4507 -15,1121 ENVELOPE 0,743
Story2 C227 182 K1A 25/25 Top -63,7862 -4,0243 -27,5845 ENVELOPE 0,717
Story2 C227 182 K1A 25/25 Bottom -60,7377 3,198 39,1366 ENVELOPE 0,959
Story2 C228 188 K1A 25/25 Top 9,1126 -4,7453 -6,6937 ENVELOPE 0,233
Story2 C228 188 K1A 25/25 Bottom 10,9148 -21,0395 -16,1526 ENVELOPE 0,756
Story2 C229 193 K1A 25/25 Top -49,3028 -2,9759 -26,4456 ENVELOPE 0,666
Story2 C229 193 K1A 25/25 Bottom -46,2543 2,129 36,6485 ENVELOPE 0,877
Story2 C230 199 K1A 25/25 Top -42,6306 -1,8656 -23,9932 ENVELOPE 0,587
Story2 C230 199 K1A 25/25 Bottom -44,3989 -21,7156 -18,282 ENVELOPE 0,831
Story2 C231 204 K1A 25/25 Top 5,042 -1,1413 -4,6724 ENVELOPE 0,121
Story2 C231 204 K1A 25/25 Bottom 9,8741 -22,472 -21,0808 ENVELOPE 0,887
Story2 C232 205 K1A 25/25 Top 2,7371 -2,2774 -7,4327 ENVELOPE 0,202
Story2 C232 205 K1A 25/25 Bottom 10,8498 -22,9036 -22,7507 ENVELOPE 0,93
Story2 C233 209 K1A 25/25 Top -64,0934 -1,4575 -28,5483 ENVELOPE 0,694
Story2 C233 209 K1A 25/25 Bottom -68,1805 -22,287 -23,7674 ENVELOPE 0,968
Story2 C234 215 K1A 25/25 Top 4,5977 -0,2731 -6,3762 ENVELOPE 0,148
Story2 C234 215 K1A 25/25 Bottom 12,1 -22,7336 -26,1961 ENVELOPE 0,996
Story2 C235 216 K1A 25/25 Top 1,2276 -2,2616 -8,4597 ENVELOPE 0,226
Story2 C235 216 K1A 25/25 Bottom 10,8542 -23,1191 -28,0745 ENVELOPE 1,042
Story2 C236 220 K1A 25/25 Top -71,4232 -1,6242 -36,6742 ENVELOPE 0,875
Story2 C236 220 K1A 25/25 Bottom -68,3747 -1,5548 50,7594 ENVELOPE 1,187
Story2 C237 227 K1A 25/25 Top -67,5278 -1,5356 -48,3591 ENVELOPE 1,132
Story2 C237 227 K1A 25/25 Bottom -64,0154 -3,9466 50,2656 ENVELOPE 1,224
Story1 C1 119 K1 35X35 Top -56,5792 -80,7837 -48,1679 ENVELOPE 0,813
Story1 C1 119 K1 35X35 Bottom -46,7074 121,2035 80,1848 ENVELOPE 1,259

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Design Data 03/07/2023

P M Major M Minor
Story Label UniqueName Section Location PMM Combo Ratio or
kN kN-m kN-m
Rebar %

Story1 C2 120 K1 35X35 Top 27,2827 -73,2656 -47,838 ENVELOPE 0,745

Story1 C2 120 K1 35X35 Bottom 37,1545 110,4252 80,7344 ENVELOPE 1,176
Story1 C3 121 K1A 25/25 Top 106,9199 -20,9139 -21,5272 ENVELOPE 0,864
Story1 C3 121 K1A 25/25 Bottom 113,6354 33,66 26,1443 ENVELOPE 1,218
Story1 C4 122 K1A 25/25 Top 146,7657 -21,8613 -19,8509 ENVELOPE 0,85
Story1 C4 122 K1A 25/25 Bottom 153,4812 35,3178 25,1762 ENVELOPE 1,232
Story1 C5 123 K1A 25/25 Top 29,7451 -33,8204 -23,1067 ENVELOPE 1,157
Story1 C5 123 K1A 25/25 Bottom 37,5799 40,5225 27,4914 ENVELOPE 1,382
Story1 C6 124 K1A 25/25 Top -23,8038 -34,732 -24,3989 ENVELOPE 1,202
Story1 C6 124 K1A 25/25 Bottom 27,5526 39,8533 28,8116 ENVELOPE 1,396
Story1 C7 125 K1 35X35 Top 74,1861 -96,1536 -69,6724 ENVELOPE 1,011
Story1 C7 125 K1 35X35 Bottom 84,0579 130,5511 99,3044 ENVELOPE 1,405
Story1 C8 126 K1A 25/25 Top 246,1007 -29,0107 -22,7248 ENVELOPE 1,056
Story1 C8 126 K1A 25/25 Bottom 252,8162 36,3684 33,4456 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C9 127 K1A 25/25 Top 171,7258 -30,15 -24,0047 ENVELOPE 1,104
Story1 C9 127 K1A 25/25 Bottom 178,4413 37,0484 33,2577 ENVELOPE 1,432
Story1 C10 128 K1A 25/25 Top -112,6981 -33,7659 -23,9361 ENVELOPE 1,237
Story1 C10 128 K1A 25/25 Bottom -107,6615 39,337 29,1316 ENVELOPE 1,448
Story1 C11 129 K1 35X35 Top 46,8258 -86,4839 -63,3702 ENVELOPE 0,918
Story1 C11 129 K1 35X35 Bottom 56,6975 118,0194 96,9579 ENVELOPE 1,317
Story1 C12 130 K1A 25/25 Top 147,9934 -27,1343 -34,4782 ENVELOPE 1,255
Story1 C12 130 K1A 25/25 Bottom 154,7089 33,5757 37,563 ENVELOPE 1,449
Story1 C13 131 K1A 25/25 Top 98,2962 -27,3465 -30,8229 ENVELOPE 1,185
Story1 C13 131 K1A 25/25 Bottom 105,0117 33,6953 35,193 ENVELOPE 1,403
Story1 C14 132 K1A 25/25 Top 46,6548 -25,5123 -24,6666 ENVELOPE 1,022
Story1 C14 132 K1A 25/25 Bottom 230,4048 33,1125 29,7225 ENVELOPE 1,28
Story1 C15 133 K1A 25/25 Top 231,3086 -26,4713 -30,416 ENVELOPE 1,159
Story1 C15 133 K1A 25/25 Bottom 238,0241 34,3685 39,4108 ENVELOPE 1,503
Story1 C16 134 K1A 25/25 Top -30,8535 -34,2893 -26,0238 ENVELOPE 1,229
Story1 C16 134 K1A 25/25 Bottom 31,3138 39,713 30,8976 ENVELOPE 1,436
Story1 C17 135 K1A 25/25 Top -35,8928 -34,8678 -27,5605 ENVELOPE 1,274
Story1 C17 135 K1A 25/25 Bottom 30,3762 40,1932 32,4059 ENVELOPE 1,477
Story1 C18 136 K1 35X35 Top 71,3726 -105,6131 -84,5946 ENVELOPE 1,161
Story1 C18 136 K1 35X35 Bottom 81,2444 136,7302 115,3558 ENVELOPE 1,541
Story1 C19 137 K1A 25/25 Top 217,9241 -28,6779 -26,3137 ENVELOPE 1,12
Story1 C19 137 K1A 25/25 Bottom 224,6396 36,1851 36,9158 ENVELOPE 1,489
Story1 C20 138 K1A 25/25 Top 208,3765 -29,7742 -26,8744 ENVELOPE 1,154
Story1 C20 138 K1A 25/25 Bottom 215,092 36,9635 38,1475 ENVELOPE 1,53
Story1 C21 139 K1A 25/25 Top -98,2905 -35,157 -27,4655 ENVELOPE 1,324
Story1 C21 139 K1A 25/25 Bottom -93,2539 40,6285 33,1202 ENVELOPE 1,541
Story1 C22 140 K1 35X35 Top 28,2647 164,3713 193,7269 ENVELOPE 2,209
Story1 C22 140 K1 35X35 Bottom 350,3559 -40,9603 9,2333 ENVELOPE 0,358
Story1 C23 141 K1A 25/25 Top 124,8749 -25,8804 -34,322 ENVELOPE 1,226
Story1 C23 141 K1A 25/25 Bottom 131,5904 32,5873 38,9655 ENVELOPE 1,457
Story1 C24 142 K1A 25/25 Top 112,987 -27,3292 -36,0657 ENVELOPE 1,291
Story1 C24 142 K1A 25/25 Bottom 119,7024 33,2895 40,7513 ENVELOPE 1,507
Story1 C27 145 K1 35X35 Top 71,9448 -94,4489 -92,9965 ENVELOPE 1,14
Story1 C27 145 K1 35X35 Bottom 81,8166 130,7859 125,0484 ENVELOPE 1,561
Story1 C28 146 K1A 25/25 Top -87,7374 -35,3791 -29,6859 ENVELOPE 1,363
Story1 C28 146 K1A 25/25 Bottom -82,7008 41,1164 35,6551 ENVELOPE 1,593
Story1 C29 147 K1 35X35 Top 494,876 104,6663 -205,3512 ENVELOPE 1,886
Story1 C29 147 K1 35X35 Bottom 502,5309 -26,8473 296,0524 ENVELOPE 2,079
Story1 C32 143 K1A 25/25 Top 99,5331 -39,2998 -90,7275 ENVELOPE 2,657
Story1 C32 143 K1A 25/25 Bottom -147,5163 8,8992 6,1301 ENVELOPE 0,443
Story1 C33 148 K1A 25/25 Top 1010,3951 -126,7831 -110,6829 ENVELOPE 4,84
Story1 C33 148 K1A 25/25 Bottom 1014,3007 99,357 124,6276 ENVELOPE 4,569
Story1 C34 150 K1A 25/25 Top 165,7196 -63,8309 -27,9464 ENVELOPE 1,881

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P M Major M Minor
Story Label UniqueName Section Location PMM Combo Ratio or
kN kN-m kN-m
Rebar %

Story1 C34 150 K1A 25/25 Bottom 172,4351 62,8595 33,3627 ENVELOPE 1,96
Story1 C35 151 K1A 25/25 Top 180,925 -19,3916 -38,7758 ENVELOPE 1,19
Story1 C35 151 K1A 25/25 Bottom 187,6405 37,1819 48,2918 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C36 152 K1A 25/25 Top 21,3975 -36,3419 -34,0422 ENVELOPE 1,433
Story1 C36 152 K1A 25/25 Bottom 29,2323 41,9144 39,8434 ENVELOPE 1,665
Story1 C37 153 K1A 25/25 Top -46,4521 -37,0326 -36,6955 ENVELOPE 1,502
Story1 C37 153 K1A 25/25 Bottom -41,4155 42,4481 43,109 ENVELOPE 1,743
Story1 C38 154 K1 35X35 Top 74,6382 -99,8772 -112,9066 ENVELOPE 1,298
Story1 C38 154 K1 35X35 Bottom 84,5099 134,9882 156,7203 ENVELOPE 1,785
Story1 C39 155 K1A 25/25 Top 250,9897 -29,5308 -34,3193 ENVELOPE 1,301
Story1 C39 155 K1A 25/25 Bottom 257,7052 37,0786 48,53 ENVELOPE 1,744
Story1 C40 156 K1A 25/25 Top 187,0448 -31,0557 -37,6372 ENVELOPE 1,399
Story1 C40 156 K1A 25/25 Bottom 193,7602 38,1253 50,9959 ENVELOPE 1,815
Story1 C41 157 K1A 25/25 Top -135,3006 -36,3169 -38,6253 ENVELOPE 1,593
Story1 C41 157 K1A 25/25 Bottom -130,264 42,1265 46,0147 ENVELOPE 1,853
Story1 C42 158 K1 35X35 Top 47,5194 -74,3723 -100,0726 ENVELOPE 1,07
Story1 C42 158 K1 35X35 Bottom 57,3912 103,0123 149,1364 ENVELOPE 1,551
Story1 C43 159 K1A 25/25 Top 180,3245 -25,2687 -48,6967 ENVELOPE 1,509
Story1 C43 159 K1A 25/25 Bottom 187,0399 30,4943 53,8908 ENVELOPE 1,719
Story1 C44 160 K1A 25/25 Top 98,2571 -23,9709 -42,7545 ENVELOPE 1,358
Story1 C44 160 K1A 25/25 Bottom 104,9726 29,64 50,5288 ENVELOPE 1,63
Story1 C45 161 K1A 25/25 Top 221,2549 -24,4905 -37,5278 ENVELOPE 1,265
Story1 C45 161 K1A 25/25 Bottom 227,9704 31,3149 45,6103 ENVELOPE 1,568
Story1 C46 162 K1A 25/25 Top 240,3106 -26,7793 -34,7447 ENVELOPE 1,255
Story1 C46 162 K1A 25/25 Bottom 247,0261 34,3146 44,0312 ENVELOPE 1,597
Story1 C47 163 K1A 25/25 Top 25,8495 -36,6906 -42,1898 ENVELOPE 1,606
Story1 C47 163 K1A 25/25 Bottom 33,6842 42,3929 49,7908 ENVELOPE 1,876
Story1 C48 164 K1A 25/25 Top -53,0394 -37,3836 -45,2706 ENVELOPE 1,69
Story1 C48 164 K1A 25/25 Bottom -48,0028 42,8193 53,3308 ENVELOPE 1,956
Story1 C49 165 K1 35X35 Top 96,2942 -99,6079 -137,5012 ENVELOPE 1,448
Story1 C49 165 K1 35X35 Bottom 106,1659 134,9615 191,3456 ENVELOPE 1,999
Story1 C50 166 K1A 25/25 Top 221,2683 -29,668 -45,8467 ENVELOPE 1,539
Story1 C50 166 K1A 25/25 Bottom 227,9837 37,3633 61,3209 ENVELOPE 2,009
Story1 C51 167 K1A 25/25 Top 183,1391 -31,0836 -48,2041 ENVELOPE 1,614
Story1 C51 167 K1A 25/25 Bottom 189,8546 38,2857 63,9025 ENVELOPE 2,079
Story1 C52 168 K1A 25/25 Top -169,9566 -37,219 -47,3269 ENVELOPE 1,814
Story1 C52 168 K1A 25/25 Bottom -164,92 42,6631 56,323 ENVELOPE 2,1
Story1 C53 169 K1 35X35 Top 62,8667 -73,3706 -121,5764 ENVELOPE 1,197
Story1 C53 169 K1 35X35 Bottom 72,7385 102,371 181,8884 ENVELOPE 1,752
Story1 C54 170 K1A 25/25 Top 126,7979 -23,0495 -47,1316 ENVELOPE 1,434
Story1 C54 170 K1A 25/25 Bottom 133,5134 28,9532 57,8056 ENVELOPE 1,77
Story1 C55 171 K1A 25/25 Top 93,2946 -23,9064 -47,7399 ENVELOPE 1,461
Story1 C55 171 K1A 25/25 Bottom 100,0101 29,5215 59,357 ENVELOPE 1,812
Story1 C56 172 K1A 25/25 Top 244,2328 -35,2474 -45,35 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C56 172 K1A 25/25 Bottom 250,9483 45,8712 55,4592 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C57 173 K1A 25/25 Top 253,6356 -39,5399 -42,843 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C57 173 K1A 25/25 Bottom 260,3511 50,0436 54,0671 ENVELOPE O/S
Story1 C58 174 K1 35X35 Top 382,4122 -106,833 -146,3665 ENVELOPE 1,538
Story1 C58 174 K1 35X35 Bottom 395,5745 148,0451 218,8652 ENVELOPE 2,204
Story1 C59 175 K1A 25/25 Top -181,9934 -35,0222 -52,0274 ENVELOPE 1,876
Story1 C59 175 K1A 25/25 Bottom -176,9568 41,4652 61,2975 ENVELOPE 2,187
Story1 C60 176 K1 35X35 Top 217,154 -73,0156 -138,1647 ENVELOPE 1,272
Story1 C60 176 K1 35X35 Bottom 230,3164 102,1965 208,854 ENVELOPE 1,901

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Table 6.5 - Concrete Column Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

V Major At Major V Minor

Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Major Combo
kN mm2/m kN

Story2 C1 110 Top K1 35X35 8,5357 ENVELOPE 203 31,1009

Story2 C1 110 Bottom K1 35X35 8,5357 ENVELOPE 203 31,1009
Story2 C2 116 Top K1 35X35 26,5731 ENVELOPE 505,57 39,3443
Story2 C2 116 Bottom K1 35X35 26,5731 ENVELOPE 505,57 39,3443
Story2 C3 144 Top K1A 25/25 3,5146 0 16,1746
Story2 C3 144 Bottom K1A 25/25 3,5146 0 16,1746
Story2 C4 149 Top K1A 25/25 3,1549 0 15,2755
Story2 C4 149 Bottom K1A 25/25 3,1549 0 15,2755
Story2 C7 179 Top K1 35X35 0,4355 ENVELOPE 10,36 34,474
Story2 C7 179 Bottom K1 35X35 0,4355 ENVELOPE 10,36 34,474
Story2 C8 180 Top K1A 25/25 1,8791 ENVELOPE 65,25 5,5737
Story2 C8 180 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,8791 ENVELOPE 65,25 5,5737
Story2 C9 181 Top K1A 25/25 2,872 ENVELOPE 99,72 5,8312
Story2 C9 181 Bottom K1A 25/25 2,872 ENVELOPE 99,72 5,8312
Story2 C11 183 Top K1 35X35 53,1462 ENVELOPE 1011,14 40,3302
Story2 C11 183 Bottom K1 35X35 53,1462 ENVELOPE 1011,14 40,3302
Story2 C12 184 Top K1A 25/25 1,0746 ENVELOPE 37,31 9,8731
Story2 C12 184 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,0746 ENVELOPE 37,31 9,8731
Story2 C13 185 Top K1A 25/25 1,1551 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 40,11 8,1708
Story2 C13 185 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,1551 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 40,11 8,1708
Story2 C14 186 Top K1A 25/25 0,096 ENVELOPE 3,33 14,4789
Story2 C14 186 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,096 ENVELOPE 3,33 14,4789
Story2 C15 187 Top K1A 25/25 0,3711 ENVELOPE 12,89 12,8056
Story2 C15 187 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,3711 ENVELOPE 12,89 12,8056
Story2 C18 190 Top K1 35X35 2,8064 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 66,74 34,763
Story2 C18 190 Bottom K1 35X35 2,8064 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 66,74 34,763
Story2 C19 191 Top K1A 25/25 1,6566 ENVELOPE 57,52 5,3652
Story2 C19 191 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,6566 ENVELOPE 57,52 5,3652
Story2 C20 192 Top K1A 25/25 2,3763 ENVELOPE 82,51 4,8562
Story2 C20 192 Bottom K1A 25/25 2,3763 ENVELOPE 82,51 4,8562
Story2 C22 194 Top K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 26,5731
Story2 C22 194 Bottom K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 26,5731
Story2 C23 195 Top K1A 25/25 0,9469 ENVELOPE 32,88 8,198
Story2 C23 195 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,9469 ENVELOPE 32,88 8,198
Story2 C24 196 Top K1A 25/25 1,9734 ENVELOPE 68,52 8,2536
Story2 C24 196 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,9734 ENVELOPE 68,52 8,2536
Story2 C27 198 Top K1 35X35 3,5585 ENVELOPE 84,63 32,0075
Story2 C27 198 Bottom K1 35X35 3,5585 ENVELOPE 84,63 32,0075
Story2 C29 200 Top K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 33,6763
Story2 C29 200 Bottom K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 33,6763
Story2 C38 206 Top K1 35X35 3,1295 ENVELOPE 74,43 33,6971
Story2 C38 206 Bottom K1 35X35 3,1295 ENVELOPE 74,43 33,6971
Story2 C39 207 Top K1A 25/25 1,2233 ENVELOPE 42,48 4,0499
Story2 C39 207 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,2233 ENVELOPE 42,48 4,0499
Story2 C40 208 Top K1A 25/25 2,1433 ENVELOPE 74,42 5,6186
Story2 C40 208 Bottom K1A 25/25 2,1433 ENVELOPE 74,42 5,6186
Story2 C42 210 Top K1 35X35 53,1462 ENVELOPE 1011,14 39,3926
Story2 C42 210 Bottom K1 35X35 53,1462 ENVELOPE 1011,14 39,3926
Story2 C43 211 Top K1A 25/25 4,0831 ENVELOPE 141,77 9,2645
Story2 C43 211 Bottom K1A 25/25 4,0831 ENVELOPE 141,77 9,2645
Story2 C44 212 Top K1A 25/25 3,6581 ENVELOPE 127,02 7,9649
Story2 C44 212 Bottom K1A 25/25 3,6581 ENVELOPE 127,02 7,9649
Story2 C45 213 Top K1A 25/25 1,1638 ENVELOPE 40,41 15,1182
Story2 C45 213 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,1638 ENVELOPE 40,41 15,1182
Story2 C46 214 Top K1A 25/25 0,359 ENVELOPE 12,47 13,4144
Story2 C46 214 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,359 ENVELOPE 12,47 13,4144
Story2 C49 217 Top K1 35X35 5,7651 ENVELOPE 137,11 42,7346
Story2 C49 217 Bottom K1 35X35 5,7651 ENVELOPE 137,11 42,7346

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V Major At Major V Minor

Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Major Combo
kN mm2/m kN

Story2 C50 218 Top K1A 25/25 0,9823 ENVELOPE 34,11 5,9966
Story2 C50 218 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,9823 ENVELOPE 34,11 5,9966
Story2 C51 219 Top K1A 25/25 1,8688 ENVELOPE 64,89 7,1865
Story2 C51 219 Bottom K1A 25/25 1,8688 ENVELOPE 64,89 7,1865
Story2 C53 221 Top K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 40,4366
Story2 C53 221 Bottom K1 35X35 46,4495 ENVELOPE 883,73 40,4366
Story2 C54 222 Top K1A 25/25 3,246 ENVELOPE 112,71 7,6873
Story2 C54 222 Bottom K1A 25/25 3,246 ENVELOPE 112,71 7,6873
Story2 C55 223 Top K1A 25/25 3,6349 ENVELOPE 126,21 8,3457
Story2 C55 223 Bottom K1A 25/25 3,6349 ENVELOPE 126,21 8,3457
Story2 C56 224 Top K1A 25/25 22,2825 ENVELOPE 618,96 18,5139
Story2 C56 224 Bottom K1A 25/25 22,2825 ENVELOPE 618,96 18,5139
Story2 C57 225 Top K1A 25/25 0,55 0 16,8258
Story2 C57 225 Bottom K1A 25/25 0,55 0 16,8258
Story2 C58 226 Top K1 35X35 3,6851 ENVELOPE 87,64 29,6429
Story2 C58 226 Bottom K1 35X35 3,6851 ENVELOPE 87,64 29,6429
Story2 C60 228 Top K1 35X35 19,8764 ENVELOPE 378,16 29,0005
Story2 C60 228 Bottom K1 35X35 19,8764 ENVELOPE 378,16 29,0005
Story2 C185 189 Top K1A 25/25 3,6178 ENVELOPE 125,62 8,3606
Story2 C185 189 Bottom K1A 25/25 9,8764 ENVELOPE 342,93 8,3606
Story2 C193 197 Top K1A 25/25 1,4029 ENVELOPE 48,71 10,6352
Story2 C193 197 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,5023 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 364,66 57,8434
Story2 C197 201 Top K1A 25/25 4,8688 ENVELOPE 169,05 12,6399
Story2 C197 201 Bottom K1A 25/25 41,0149 ENVELOPE 1424,13 12,6399
Story2 C198 202 Top K1A 25/25 5,0189 ENVELOPE 174,27 11,32
Story2 C198 202 Bottom K1A 25/25 12,2803 ENVELOPE 426,4 11,32
Story2 C199 203 Top K1A 25/25 4,6625 ENVELOPE 161,89 8,5108
Story2 C225 177 Top K1A 25/25 0,3206 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 11,13 8,3732
Story2 C225 177 Bottom K1A 25/25 9,3577 ENVELOPE 324,92 8,3732
Story2 C226 178 Top K1A 25/25 4,9242 ENVELOPE 170,98 8,921
Story2 C226 178 Bottom K1A 25/25 9,8139 ENVELOPE 340,76 8,921
Story2 C227 182 Top K1A 25/25 44,2104 ENVELOPE 1228,07 29,0092
Story2 C227 182 Bottom K1A 25/25 44,4707 ENVELOPE 1235,3 29,0092
Story2 C228 188 Top K1A 25/25 3,0407 ENVELOPE 105,58 9,2416
Story2 C228 188 Bottom K1A 25/25 9,7371 ENVELOPE 338,09 9,2416
Story2 C229 193 Top K1A 25/25 44,1845 ENVELOPE 1227,35 27,4322
Story2 C229 193 Bottom K1A 25/25 44,474 ENVELOPE 1235,39 27,4322
Story2 C230 199 Top K1A 25/25 44,181 ENVELOPE 1227,25 24,6777
Story2 C230 199 Bottom K1A 25/25 44,4735 ENVELOPE 1235,37 24,6777
Story2 C231 204 Top K1A 25/25 0,2672 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 9,28 6,6199
Story2 C231 204 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,2969 ENVELOPE 357,53 9,7218
Story2 C232 205 Top K1A 25/25 1,0062 ENVELOPE 34,94 9,1213
Story2 C232 205 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,458 ENVELOPE 363,12 10,5006
Story2 C233 209 Top K1A 25/25 44,2032 ENVELOPE 1227,87 29,7674
Story2 C233 209 Bottom K1A 25/25 44,4685 ENVELOPE 1235,24 29,7674
Story2 C234 215 Top K1A 25/25 0,6633 ENVELOPE 23,03 8,5425
Story2 C234 215 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,4057 ENVELOPE 361,31 12,102
Story2 C235 216 Top K1A 25/25 0,932 ENVELOPE 32,36 10,4828
Story2 C235 216 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,553 ENVELOPE 366,42 12,9722
Story2 C236 220 Top K1A 25/25 27,7618 ENVELOPE 771,16 38,0146
Story2 C236 220 Bottom K1A 25/25 27,7618 ENVELOPE 771,16 38,0146
Story2 C237 227 Top K1A 25/25 1,4425 ENVELOPE 50,09 37,2169
Story2 C237 227 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,0641 ENVELOPE 359,1 37,2169
Story1 C1 119 Top K1 35X35 53,1546 ENVELOPE 1264,12 33,777
Story1 C1 119 Bottom K1 35X35 53,1546 ENVELOPE 1264,12 33,777
Story1 C2 120 Top K1 35X35 48,3397 ENVELOPE 1149,62 33,4588
Story1 C2 120 Bottom K1 35X35 48,3397 ENVELOPE 1149,62 33,4588
Story1 C3 121 Top K1A 25/25 12,3278 ENVELOPE 428,05 12,5451
Story1 C3 121 Bottom K1A 25/25 12,3278 ENVELOPE 428,05 12,5451

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V Major At Major V Minor

Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Major Combo
kN mm2/m kN

Story1 C4 122 Top K1A 25/25 12,7133 ENVELOPE 441,43 11,8493

Story1 C4 122 Bottom K1A 25/25 12,7133 ENVELOPE 441,43 11,8493
Story1 C5 123 Top K1A 25/25 31,729 ENVELOPE 881,36 26,9527
Story1 C5 123 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,8858 ENVELOPE 885,72 26,9527
Story1 C6 124 Top K1A 25/25 31,5282 ENVELOPE 875,78 26,9527
Story1 C6 124 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,6851 ENVELOPE 880,14 26,9527
Story1 C7 125 Top K1 35X35 59,6591 ENVELOPE 1418,82 44,4676
Story1 C7 125 Bottom K1 35X35 59,6591 ENVELOPE 1418,82 44,4676
Story1 C8 126 Top K1A 25/25 17,2017 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,3995
Story1 C8 126 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,2017 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,4356
Story1 C9 127 Top K1A 25/25 17,6838 ENVELOPE 359,1 33,9996
Story1 C9 127 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,6838 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,0357
Story1 C10 128 Top K1A 25/25 32,0616 ENVELOPE 890,6 31,7273
Story1 C10 128 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,1961 ENVELOPE 894,34 31,7273
Story1 C11 129 Top K1 35X35 53,8167 ENVELOPE 1279,87 41,4523
Story1 C11 129 Bottom K1 35X35 53,8167 ENVELOPE 1279,87 41,4523
Story1 C12 130 Top K1A 25/25 15,9665 ENVELOPE 554,39 15,6554
Story1 C12 130 Bottom K1A 25/25 15,9665 ENVELOPE 359,1 18,1006
Story1 C13 131 Top K1A 25/25 16,0636 ENVELOPE 557,76 15,1159
Story1 C13 131 Bottom K1A 25/25 16,0636 ENVELOPE 557,76 15,1159
Story1 C14 132 Top K1A 25/25 32,0675 ENVELOPE 890,76 14,3129
Story1 C14 132 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,1683 ENVELOPE 893,56 14,3129
Story1 C15 133 Top K1A 25/25 34,32 ENVELOPE 359,1 13,204
Story1 C15 133 Bottom K1A 25/25 34,3561 ENVELOPE 359,1 13,204
Story1 C16 134 Top K1A 25/25 31,6035 ENVELOPE 877,88 26,9527
Story1 C16 134 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7604 ENVELOPE 882,23 26,9527
Story1 C17 135 Top K1A 25/25 31,5848 ENVELOPE 877,35 26,9527
Story1 C17 135 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7416 ENVELOPE 881,71 26,9527
Story1 C18 136 Top K1 35X35 63,7746 ENVELOPE 1516,69 52,6185
Story1 C18 136 Bottom K1 35X35 63,7746 ENVELOPE 1516,69 52,6185
Story1 C19 137 Top K1A 25/25 17,0692 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,248
Story1 C19 137 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,0692 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,2841
Story1 C20 138 Top K1A 25/25 17,5625 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,1967
Story1 C20 138 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,5625 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,2328
Story1 C21 139 Top K1A 25/25 32,0663 ENVELOPE 890,73 32,0663
Story1 C21 139 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,2007 ENVELOPE 894,46 32,2007
Story1 C22 140 Bottom K1 35X35 87,2737 ENVELOPE 2075,55 53,101
Story1 C23 141 Top K1A 25/25 15,3862 ENVELOPE 534,24 16,4411
Story1 C23 141 Bottom K1A 25/25 15,3862 ENVELOPE 534,24 16,4411
Story1 C24 142 Top K1A 25/25 15,9523 ENVELOPE 553,9 17,2109
Story1 C24 142 Bottom K1A 25/25 15,9523 ENVELOPE 553,9 17,2109
Story1 C27 145 Top K1 35X35 59,2399 ENVELOPE 1408,85 57,3802
Story1 C27 145 Bottom K1 35X35 59,2399 ENVELOPE 1408,85 57,3802
Story1 C28 146 Top K1A 25/25 32,0656 ENVELOPE 890,71 32,0656
Story1 C28 146 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,2 ENVELOPE 894,44 32,2
Story1 C29 147 Bottom K1 35X35 73,6038 ENVELOPE 1400,36
Story1 C32 143 Top K1A 25/25 21,0046 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 729,33
Story1 C32 143 Bottom K1A 25/25 11,0472 ENVELOPE 383,58 1,5136
Story1 C33 148 Top K1A 25/25 82,0299 ENVELOPE 2848,26 80,514
Story1 C33 148 Bottom K1A 25/25 77,3918 ENVELOPE 2687,21 80,514
Story1 C34 150 Top K1A 25/25 24,5607 ENVELOPE 852,8 16,134
Story1 C34 150 Bottom K1A 25/25 24,5607 ENVELOPE 852,8 16,134
Story1 C35 151 Bottom K1A 25/25 10,5899 ENVELOPE 367,7 16,6311
Story1 C36 152 Top K1A 25/25 31,5619 ENVELOPE 876,72 26,9527
Story1 C36 152 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7187 ENVELOPE 881,08 26,9527
Story1 C37 153 Top K1A 25/25 31,6009 ENVELOPE 877,8 28,3763
Story1 C37 153 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7578 ENVELOPE 882,16 28,3763
Story1 C38 154 Top K1 35X35 61,8067 ENVELOPE 1469,89 70,9544
Story1 C38 154 Bottom K1 35X35 61,8067 ENVELOPE 1469,89 70,9544

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V Major At Major V Minor

Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Major Combo
kN mm2/m kN

Story1 C39 155 Top K1A 25/25 17,5274 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,4258
Story1 C39 155 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,5274 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,4619
Story1 C40 156 Top K1A 25/25 18,2055 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,082
Story1 C40 156 Bottom K1A 25/25 18,2055 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,1181
Story1 C41 157 Top K1A 25/25 32,0586 ENVELOPE 890,52 32,0586
Story1 C41 157 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,193 ENVELOPE 894,25 32,193
Story1 C42 158 Top K1 35X35 46,6802 ENVELOPE 1110,15 65,5813
Story1 C42 158 Bottom K1 35X35 46,6802 ENVELOPE 1110,15 65,5813
Story1 C43 159 Top K1A 25/25 14,6629 ENVELOPE 509,13 21,7996
Story1 C43 159 Bottom K1A 25/25 14,6629 ENVELOPE 509,13 21,7996
Story1 C44 160 Top K1A 25/25 14,1081 ENVELOPE 489,87 21,3589
Story1 C44 160 Bottom K1A 25/25 14,1081 ENVELOPE 489,87 21,3589
Story1 C45 161 Top K1A 25/25 31,6248 ENVELOPE 878,47 21,8784
Story1 C45 161 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7256 ENVELOPE 881,27 21,8784
Story1 C46 162 Top K1A 25/25 34,3684 ENVELOPE 359,1 20,7305
Story1 C46 162 Bottom K1A 25/25 34,4045 ENVELOPE 359,1 20,7305
Story1 C47 163 Top K1A 25/25 31,651 ENVELOPE 879,19 31,651
Story1 C47 163 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,8078 ENVELOPE 883,55 31,8078
Story1 C48 164 Top K1A 25/25 31,6011 ENVELOPE 877,81 25,9445
Story1 C48 164 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,7579 ENVELOPE 882,17 25,9445
Story1 C49 165 Top K1 35X35 61,704 ENVELOPE 1467,45 86,5386
Story1 C49 165 Bottom K1 35X35 61,704 ENVELOPE 1467,45 86,5386
Story1 C50 166 Top K1A 25/25 17,6398 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,266
Story1 C50 166 Bottom K1A 25/25 17,6398 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,3021
Story1 C51 167 Top K1A 25/25 18,2551 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,061
Story1 C51 167 Bottom K1A 25/25 18,2551 ENVELOPE 359,1 34,0971
Story1 C52 168 Top K1A 25/25 32,1895 ENVELOPE 894,15 27,2763
Story1 C52 168 Bottom K1A 25/25 32,3239 ENVELOPE 897,89 27,2763
Story1 C53 169 Top K1 35X35 46,2478 ENVELOPE 1099,87 79,8592
Story1 C53 169 Bottom K1 35X35 46,2478 ENVELOPE 1099,87 79,8592
Story1 C54 170 Top K1A 25/25 13,6776 ENVELOPE 474,92 23,538
Story1 C54 170 Bottom K1A 25/25 13,6776 ENVELOPE 474,92 23,538
Story1 C55 171 Top K1A 25/25 14,06 ENVELOPE 488,19 24,6971
Story1 C55 171 Bottom K1A 25/25 14,06 ENVELOPE 488,19 24,6971
Story1 C56 172 Top K1A 25/25 31,5652 ENVELOPE 876,81 26,5287
Story1 C56 172 Bottom K1A 25/25 31,666 ENVELOPE 879,61 26,5287
Story1 C57 173 Top K1A 25/25 20,6726 ENVELOPE 359,1 25,5027
Story1 C57 173 Bottom K1A 25/25 20,6726 ENVELOPE 359,1 25,5027
Story1 C58 174 Top K1 35X35 60,6227 ENVELOPE 1441,73 86,8626
Story1 C58 174 Bottom K1 35X35 60,6227 ENVELOPE 1441,73 86,8626
Story1 C59 175 Top K1A 25/25 26,9527 ENVELOPE 748,69 29,8115
Story1 C59 175 Bottom K1A 25/25 26,9527 ENVELOPE 748,69 29,8115
Story1 C60 176 Top K1 35X35 46,1084 ENVELOPE 1096,55 85,6808
Story1 C60 176 Bottom K1 35X35 46,1084 ENVELOPE 1096,55 85,6808

Table 6.5 - Concrete Column Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

At Minor
Story Label UniqueName Location V Minor Combo

Story2 C1 110 Top ENVELOPE 739,64

Story2 C1 110 Bottom ENVELOPE 739,64
Story2 C2 116 Top ENVELOPE 748,55
Story2 C2 116 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,55
Story2 C3 144 Top ENVELOPE 561,62
Story2 C3 144 Bottom ENVELOPE 561,62
Story2 C4 149 Top ENVELOPE 530,4
Story2 C4 149 Bottom ENVELOPE 530,4
Story2 C7 179 Top ENVELOPE 819,86
Story2 C7 179 Bottom ENVELOPE 819,86

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At Minor
Story Label UniqueName Location V Minor Combo

Story2 C8 180 Top ENVELOPE 193,53

Story2 C8 180 Bottom ENVELOPE 193,53
Story2 C9 181 Top ENVELOPE 202,47
Story2 C9 181 Bottom ENVELOPE 202,47
Story2 C11 183 Top ENVELOPE 767,31
Story2 C11 183 Bottom ENVELOPE 767,31
Story2 C12 184 Top ENVELOPE 342,82
Story2 C12 184 Bottom ENVELOPE 342,82
Story2 C13 185 Top ENVELOPE 283,71
Story2 C13 185 Bottom ENVELOPE 283,71
Story2 C14 186 Top ENVELOPE 502,74
Story2 C14 186 Bottom ENVELOPE 502,74
Story2 C15 187 Top ENVELOPE 444,64
Story2 C15 187 Bottom ENVELOPE 444,64
Story2 C18 190 Top ENVELOPE 826,74
Story2 C18 190 Bottom ENVELOPE 826,74
Story2 C19 191 Top ENVELOPE 186,29
Story2 C19 191 Bottom ENVELOPE 186,29
Story2 C20 192 Top ENVELOPE 168,62
Story2 C20 192 Bottom ENVELOPE 168,62
Story2 C22 194 Top ENVELOPE 505,57
Story2 C22 194 Bottom ENVELOPE 505,57
Story2 C23 195 Top ENVELOPE 284,65
Story2 C23 195 Bottom ENVELOPE 284,65
Story2 C24 196 Top 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 286,58
Story2 C24 196 Bottom 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 286,58
Story2 C27 198 Top ENVELOPE 761,2
Story2 C27 198 Bottom ENVELOPE 761,2
Story2 C29 200 Top ENVELOPE 800,89
Story2 C29 200 Bottom ENVELOPE 800,89
Story2 C38 206 Top ENVELOPE 801,39
Story2 C38 206 Bottom ENVELOPE 801,39
Story2 C39 207 Top ENVELOPE 140,62
Story2 C39 207 Bottom ENVELOPE 140,62
Story2 C40 208 Top ENVELOPE 195,09
Story2 C40 208 Bottom ENVELOPE 195,09
Story2 C42 210 Top ENVELOPE 749,47
Story2 C42 210 Bottom ENVELOPE 749,47
Story2 C43 211 Top ENVELOPE 321,68
Story2 C43 211 Bottom ENVELOPE 321,68
Story2 C44 212 Top ENVELOPE 276,56
Story2 C44 212 Bottom ENVELOPE 276,56
Story2 C45 213 Top ENVELOPE 524,94
Story2 C45 213 Bottom ENVELOPE 524,94
Story2 C46 214 Top ENVELOPE 465,78
Story2 C46 214 Bottom ENVELOPE 465,78
Story2 C49 217 Top ENVELOPE 1016,32
Story2 C49 217 Bottom ENVELOPE 1016,32
Story2 C50 218 Top ENVELOPE 208,21
Story2 C50 218 Bottom ENVELOPE 208,21
Story2 C51 219 Top ENVELOPE 249,53
Story2 C51 219 Bottom ENVELOPE 249,53
Story2 C53 221 Top ENVELOPE 769,33
Story2 C53 221 Bottom ENVELOPE 769,33
Story2 C54 222 Top ENVELOPE 266,92
Story2 C54 222 Bottom ENVELOPE 266,92
Story2 C55 223 Top ENVELOPE 289,78
Story2 C55 223 Bottom ENVELOPE 289,78
Story2 C56 224 Top ENVELOPE 642,84

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At Minor
Story Label UniqueName Location V Minor Combo

Story2 C56 224 Bottom ENVELOPE 642,84

Story2 C57 225 Top ENVELOPE 584,23
Story2 C57 225 Bottom ENVELOPE 584,23
Story2 C58 226 Top ENVELOPE 704,97
Story2 C58 226 Bottom ENVELOPE 704,97
Story2 C60 228 Top 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 689,69
Story2 C60 228 Bottom 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 689,69
Story2 C185 189 Top ENVELOPE 290,3
Story2 C185 189 Bottom ENVELOPE 290,3
Story2 C193 197 Top ENVELOPE 369,28
Story2 C193 197 Bottom ENVELOPE 2008,45
Story2 C197 201 Top ENVELOPE 438,89
Story2 C197 201 Bottom ENVELOPE 438,89
Story2 C198 202 Top ENVELOPE 393,06
Story2 C198 202 Bottom ENVELOPE 393,06
Story2 C199 203 Top ENVELOPE 295,51
Story2 C225 177 Top ENVELOPE 290,73
Story2 C225 177 Bottom ENVELOPE 290,73
Story2 C226 178 Top ENVELOPE 309,76
Story2 C226 178 Bottom ENVELOPE 309,76
Story2 C227 182 Top ENVELOPE 1007,26
Story2 C227 182 Bottom ENVELOPE 1007,26
Story2 C228 188 Top ENVELOPE 320,89
Story2 C228 188 Bottom ENVELOPE 320,89
Story2 C229 193 Top ENVELOPE 952,51
Story2 C229 193 Bottom ENVELOPE 952,51
Story2 C230 199 Top ENVELOPE 856,87
Story2 C230 199 Bottom ENVELOPE 856,87
Story2 C231 204 Top ENVELOPE 229,86
Story2 C231 204 Bottom ENVELOPE 337,56
Story2 C232 205 Top ENVELOPE 316,71
Story2 C232 205 Bottom ENVELOPE 364,6
Story2 C233 209 Top ENVELOPE 1033,59
Story2 C233 209 Bottom ENVELOPE 1033,59
Story2 C234 215 Top ENVELOPE 296,61
Story2 C234 215 Bottom ENVELOPE 420,21
Story2 C235 216 Top ENVELOPE 363,99
Story2 C235 216 Bottom ENVELOPE 450,42
Story2 C236 220 Top ENVELOPE 1319,95
Story2 C236 220 Bottom ENVELOPE 1319,95
Story2 C237 227 Top ENVELOPE 1292,25
Story2 C237 227 Bottom ENVELOPE 1292,25
Story1 C1 119 Top ENVELOPE 803,29
Story1 C1 119 Bottom ENVELOPE 803,29
Story1 C2 120 Top ENVELOPE 795,72
Story1 C2 120 Bottom ENVELOPE 795,72
Story1 C3 121 Top ENVELOPE 435,59
Story1 C3 121 Bottom ENVELOPE 435,59
Story1 C4 122 Top ENVELOPE 411,43
Story1 C4 122 Bottom ENVELOPE 411,43
Story1 C5 123 Top ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C5 123 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C6 124 Top ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C6 124 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C7 125 Top ENVELOPE 1057,53
Story1 C7 125 Bottom ENVELOPE 1057,53
Story1 C8 126 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C8 126 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C9 127 Top ENVELOPE 359,1

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At Minor
Story Label UniqueName Location V Minor Combo

Story1 C9 127 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1

Story1 C10 128 Top ENVELOPE 881,31
Story1 C10 128 Bottom ENVELOPE 881,31
Story1 C11 129 Top ENVELOPE 985,82
Story1 C11 129 Bottom ENVELOPE 985,82
Story1 C12 130 Top ENVELOPE 543,59
Story1 C12 130 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C13 131 Top ENVELOPE 524,86
Story1 C13 131 Bottom ENVELOPE 524,86
Story1 C14 132 Top ENVELOPE 496,98
Story1 C14 132 Bottom ENVELOPE 496,98
Story1 C16 134 Top ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C16 134 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C17 135 Top ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C17 135 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C18 136 Top ENVELOPE 1251,38
Story1 C18 136 Bottom ENVELOPE 1251,38
Story1 C19 137 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C19 137 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C20 138 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C20 138 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C21 139 Top ENVELOPE 890,73
Story1 C21 139 Bottom ENVELOPE 894,46
Story1 C22 140 Bottom ENVELOPE 1010,28
Story1 C23 141 Top ENVELOPE 570,87
Story1 C23 141 Bottom ENVELOPE 570,87
Story1 C24 142 Top ENVELOPE 597,6
Story1 C24 142 Bottom ENVELOPE 597,6
Story1 C27 145 Top ENVELOPE 1364,62
Story1 C27 145 Bottom ENVELOPE 1364,62
Story1 C28 146 Top ENVELOPE 890,71
Story1 C28 146 Bottom ENVELOPE 894,44
Story1 C32 143 Bottom ENVELOPE 52,55
Story1 C33 148 Top ENVELOPE 2795,62
Story1 C33 148 Bottom ENVELOPE 2795,62
Story1 C34 150 Top ENVELOPE 560,21
Story1 C34 150 Bottom ENVELOPE 560,21
Story1 C35 151 Bottom ENVELOPE 577,47
Story1 C36 152 Top ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C36 152 Bottom ENVELOPE 748,69
Story1 C37 153 Top ENVELOPE 788,23
Story1 C37 153 Bottom ENVELOPE 788,23
Story1 C38 154 Top ENVELOPE 1687,44
Story1 C38 154 Bottom ENVELOPE 1687,44
Story1 C39 155 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C39 155 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C40 156 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C40 156 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C41 157 Top ENVELOPE 890,52
Story1 C41 157 Bottom ENVELOPE 894,25
Story1 C42 158 Top ENVELOPE 1559,66
Story1 C42 158 Bottom ENVELOPE 1559,66
Story1 C43 159 Top ENVELOPE 756,93
Story1 C43 159 Bottom ENVELOPE 756,93
Story1 C44 160 Top ENVELOPE 741,63
Story1 C44 160 Bottom ENVELOPE 741,63
Story1 C45 161 Top ENVELOPE 759,67
Story1 C45 161 Bottom ENVELOPE 759,67
Story1 C46 162 Top ENVELOPE 359,1

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At Minor
Story Label UniqueName Location V Minor Combo

Story1 C46 162 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1

Story1 C47 163 Top ENVELOPE 879,19
Story1 C47 163 Bottom ENVELOPE 883,55
Story1 C48 164 Top ENVELOPE 900,85
Story1 C48 164 Bottom ENVELOPE 900,85
Story1 C49 165 Top ENVELOPE 2058,06
Story1 C49 165 Bottom ENVELOPE 2058,06
Story1 C50 166 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C50 166 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C51 167 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C51 167 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C52 168 Top ENVELOPE 947,09
Story1 C52 168 Bottom ENVELOPE 947,09
Story1 C53 169 Top ENVELOPE 1899,21
Story1 C53 169 Bottom ENVELOPE 1899,21
Story1 C54 170 Top ENVELOPE 817,29
Story1 C54 170 Bottom ENVELOPE 817,29
Story1 C55 171 Top ENVELOPE 857,54
Story1 C55 171 Bottom ENVELOPE 857,54
Story1 C56 172 Top ENVELOPE 921,14
Story1 C56 172 Bottom ENVELOPE 921,14
Story1 C57 173 Top ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C57 173 Bottom ENVELOPE 359,1
Story1 C58 174 Top ENVELOPE 2065,77
Story1 C58 174 Bottom ENVELOPE 2065,77
Story1 C59 175 Top ENVELOPE 1035,12
Story1 C59 175 Bottom ENVELOPE 1035,12
Story1 C60 176 Top ENVELOPE 2037,66
Story1 C60 176 Bottom ENVELOPE 2037,66

Table 6.6 - Concrete Beam Flexure Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

(-) Moment As Top (+) Moment

Story Label UniqueName Location Section (-) Combo
kN-m mm2 kN-m

Story2 B1 67 End-I B1 25/40 -4,3211 ENVELOPE 311 53,0359

Story2 B1 67 Middle B1 25/40 -0,698 ENVELOPE 311 21,1887
Story2 B1 67 End-J B1 25/40 -60,4038 ENVELOPE 471 0
Story2 B2 68 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,6755
Story2 B2 68 Middle B1 25/40 -1,2482 ENVELOPE 311 0,4028
Story2 B2 68 End-J B1 25/40 -4,6847 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B3 69 End-I B1 25/40 -5,2722 ENVELOPE 311 1,8992
Story2 B3 69 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 21,3179
Story2 B3 69 End-J B1 25/40 -58,879 ENVELOPE 483 0
Story2 B4 70 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 2,367
Story2 B4 70 Middle B1 25/40 -0,1177 ENVELOPE 311 0,7118
Story2 B4 70 End-J B1 25/40 -6,6878 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B5 86 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,3679
Story2 B5 86 Middle B1 25/40 -1,3809 ENVELOPE 311 1,3913
Story2 B5 86 End-J B1 25/40 -5,5515 ENVELOPE 311 0,9703
Story2 B6 87 End-I B1 25/40 -4,9804 ENVELOPE 311 1,1836
Story2 B6 87 Middle B1 25/40 -7,6775 ENVELOPE 311 2,6279
Story2 B6 87 End-J B1 25/40 -34,5802 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B7 88 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,149
Story2 B7 88 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 2,7618
Story2 B7 88 End-J B1 25/40 -10,2064 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B8 99 End-I B2 25/35 -1,4308 ENVELOPE 269 0,0833
Story2 B8 99 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,7933
Story2 B8 99 End-J B2 25/35 -2,3398 ENVELOPE 269 3,0519
Story2 B9 93 End-I B1 25/40 -12,5892 ENVELOPE 311 1,5183

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(-) Moment As Top (+) Moment

Story Label UniqueName Location Section (-) Combo
kN-m mm2 kN-m

Story2 B9 93 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 10,8267

Story2 B9 93 End-J B1 25/40 -60,8167 ENVELOPE 481 40,2185
Story2 B25 95 End-I B2 25/35 -0,4019 ENVELOPE 269 2,1514
Story2 B25 95 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 0,3598
Story2 B25 95 End-J B2 25/35 -3,5461 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B27 97 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7219 ENVELOPE 311 1,4668
Story2 B27 97 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 0,374
Story2 B27 97 End-J B1 25/40 -7,6629 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B28 100 End-I B1 25/40 -4,9618 ENVELOPE 311 1,8498
Story2 B28 100 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 20,0154
Story2 B28 100 End-J B1 25/40 -56,9195 ENVELOPE 471 0
Story2 B29 98 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,652
Story2 B29 98 Middle B1 25/40 -0,1141 ENVELOPE 311 1,0446
Story2 B29 98 End-J B1 25/40 -6,2527 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B30 101 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,1967
Story2 B30 101 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,0863
Story2 B30 101 End-J B1 25/40 -10,8683 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B31 103 End-I B1 25/40 -7,0874 ENVELOPE 311 39,8592
Story2 B31 103 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 21,2544
Story2 B31 103 End-J B1 25/40 -60,4921 ENVELOPE 485 0
Story2 B32 102 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 1,3102
Story2 B32 102 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 0,9722
Story2 B32 102 End-J B1 25/40 -11,9385 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 B33 80 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 4,5063
Story2 B33 80 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 5,994
Story2 B33 80 End-J B2 25/35 -8,6864 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B34 109 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 4,5275
Story2 B34 109 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 7,704
Story2 B34 109 End-J B2 25/35 -6,5643 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B35 81 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 12,9998
Story2 B35 81 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 11,5408
Story2 B35 81 End-J B2 25/35 -50,8111 ENVELOPE 459 0
Story2 B36 112 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 9,7012
Story2 B36 112 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 6,2427
Story2 B36 112 End-J B2 25/35 -1,1211 ENVELOPE 269 0,1134
Story2 B79 91 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 9,7237
Story2 B79 91 Middle B2 25/35 -4,2982 ENVELOPE 269 3,3641
Story2 B79 91 End-J B2 25/35 -13,3889 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B83 111 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 8,7249
Story2 B83 111 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 7,1545
Story2 B83 111 End-J B2 25/35 -4,0675 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B70 108 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 3,8587
Story2 B70 108 Middle B2 25/35 -0,7249 ENVELOPE 269 1,3833
Story2 B70 108 End-J B2 25/35 -4,0868 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B82 113 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,8298
Story2 B82 113 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,7554
Story2 B82 113 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,1558
Story2 B84 114 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,656
Story2 B84 114 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,2175
Story2 B84 114 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 0,9293
Story2 B89 115 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 5,4003
Story2 B89 115 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,0358
Story2 B89 115 End-J B2 25/35 -2,0317 ENVELOPE 269 1,2591
Story2 B92 117 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,9775
Story2 B92 117 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 3,41
Story2 B92 117 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 4,8101
Story2 B93 118 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,0051
Story2 B93 118 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,1789
Story2 B93 118 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,0259

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(-) Moment As Top (+) Moment

Story Label UniqueName Location Section (-) Combo
kN-m mm2 kN-m

Story2 B69 82 End-I B2 25/35 -1,1199 ENVELOPE 269 5,5629

Story2 B69 82 Middle B2 25/35 -0,4521 ENVELOPE 269 2,0573
Story2 B69 82 End-J B2 25/35 -7,265 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B71 92 End-I B2 25/35 -0,0796 ENVELOPE 269 0,6073
Story2 B71 92 Middle B2 25/35 -0,6322 ENVELOPE 269 2,303
Story2 B71 92 End-J B2 25/35 -6,1924 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B80 96 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,1455
Story2 B80 96 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 0,8711
Story2 B80 96 End-J B2 25/35 -2,4794 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B81 105 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 0,546
Story2 B81 105 Middle B2 25/35 -0,6172 ENVELOPE 269 1,648
Story2 B81 105 End-J B2 25/35 -6,331 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story2 B90 107 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 0,927
Story2 B90 107 Middle B2 25/35 -0,7209 ENVELOPE 269 1,9678
Story2 B90 107 End-J B2 25/35 -8,7604 ENVELOPE 269 0,1769
Story2 D1 230 End-I B1 25/40 -0,099 ENVELOPE 311 3,8822
Story2 D1 230 Middle B1 25/40 -5,7231 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 D1 230 End-J B1 25/40 -10,8967 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 D2 1029 End-I B1 25/40 -1,2395 ENVELOPE 311 51,8958
Story2 D2 1029 Middle B1 25/40 -17,794 ENVELOPE 311 0,4876
Story2 D2 1029 End-J B1 25/40 -45,4172 ENVELOPE 455 0
Story2 D3 89 End-I B1 25/40 -0,4986 ENVELOPE 311 44,7114
Story2 D3 89 Middle B1 25/40 -13,5196 ENVELOPE 311 0,2865
Story2 D3 89 End-J B1 25/40 -36,9325 ENVELOPE 362 0
Story2 D4 94 End-I B1 25/40 -0,566 ENVELOPE 311 38,9079
Story2 D4 94 Middle B1 25/40 -10,6767 ENVELOPE 311 0,1216
Story2 D4 94 End-J B1 25/40 -30,919 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story2 D5 104 End-I B1 25/40 -1,0806 ENVELOPE 311 52,3367
Story2 D5 104 Middle B1 25/40 -17,4258 ENVELOPE 311 26,8433
Story2 D5 104 End-J B1 25/40 -45,1534 ENVELOPE 455 0
Story2 D6 106 End-I B1 25/40 -1,3566 ENVELOPE 311 57,5525
Story2 D6 106 Middle B1 25/40 -19,2105 ENVELOPE 311 29,4875
Story2 D6 106 End-J B1 25/40 -49,6465 ENVELOPE 494 0
Story2 D7 83 End-I B2 25/35 -2,0418 ENVELOPE 269 48,3591
Story2 D7 83 Middle B2 25/35 -21,7725 ENVELOPE 286 22,8741
Story2 D7 83 End-J B2 25/35 -49,4441 ENVELOPE 535 0
Story1 B1 1 End-I B1 25/40 -23,6047 ENVELOPE 311 74,2808
Story1 B1 1 Middle B1 25/40 -47,8279 ENVELOPE 364 30,8072
Story1 B1 1 End-J B1 25/40 -82,8113 ENVELOPE 666 5,9554
Story1 B2 2 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 60,0532
Story1 B2 2 Middle B1 25/40 -43,3736 ENVELOPE 330 8,9768
Story1 B2 2 End-J B1 25/40 -43,1027 ENVELOPE 329 0
Story1 B3 3 End-I B1 25/40 -24,7563 ENVELOPE 311 48,6479
Story1 B3 3 Middle B1 25/40 -45,7694 ENVELOPE 348 23,1627
Story1 B3 3 End-J B1 25/40 -76,7919 ENVELOPE 619 3,8544
Story1 B4 4 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 59,6541
Story1 B4 4 Middle B1 25/40 -45,1957 ENVELOPE 353 9,2256
Story1 B4 4 End-J B1 25/40 -52,4436 ENVELOPE 432 0
Story1 B5 5 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7574 ENVELOPE 311 0,4799
Story1 B5 5 Middle B1 25/40 -3,9619 ENVELOPE 311 9,7887
Story1 B5 5 End-J B1 25/40 -72,8785 ENVELOPE 587 0
Story1 B6 6 End-I B1 25/40 -37,9094 ENVELOPE 346 64,8758
Story1 B6 6 Middle B1 25/40 -65,7763 ENVELOPE 566 20,2117
Story1 B6 6 End-J B1 25/40 -159,5337 ENVELOPE 1362 87,7123
Story1 B7 7 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 3,7675
Story1 B7 7 Middle B1 25/40 -39,279 ENVELOPE 356 10,2767
Story1 B7 7 End-J B1 25/40 -42,326 ENVELOPE 425 0
Story1 B8 8 End-I B1 25/40 -3,2841 ENVELOPE 421 109,8281
Story1 B8 8 Middle B1 25/40 -45,8962 ENVELOPE 383 0

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Story1 B8 8 End-J B1 25/40 -126,6309 ENVELOPE 1068 0

Story1 B9 9 End-I B1 25/40 -54,0106 ENVELOPE 531 71,2272
Story1 B9 9 Middle B1 25/40 -83,5061 ENVELOPE 768 26,941
Story1 B9 9 End-J B1 25/40 -65,6279 ENVELOPE 630 44,0362
Story1 B10 10 End-I B1 25/40 -1,2862 ENVELOPE 311 1,8746
Story1 B10 10 Middle B1 25/40 -10,9587 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B10 10 End-J B1 25/40 -26,074 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B11 11 End-I B1 25/40 -1,0472 ENVELOPE 311 48,3383
Story1 B11 11 Middle B1 25/40 -4,2824 ENVELOPE 311 1,4273
Story1 B11 11 End-J B1 25/40 -61,5504 ENVELOPE 475 0
Story1 B12 12 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7083 ENVELOPE 311 32,9559
Story1 B12 12 Middle B1 25/40 -33,6124 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B12 12 End-J B1 25/40 -58,7394 ENVELOPE 452 0
Story1 B13 13 End-I B1 25/40 -1,1772 ENVELOPE 311 33,0047
Story1 B13 13 Middle B1 25/40 -42,945 ENVELOPE 326 0
Story1 B13 13 End-J B1 25/40 -72,0807 ENVELOPE 561 0
Story1 B14 14 End-I B1 25/40 -0,5892 ENVELOPE 311 35,3591
Story1 B14 14 Middle B1 25/40 -36,3729 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B14 14 End-J B1 25/40 -63,8134 ENVELOPE 493 0
Story1 B15 15 End-I B1 25/40 -0,335 ENVELOPE 311 35,7265
Story1 B15 15 Middle B1 25/40 -42,5239 ENVELOPE 322 0
Story1 B15 15 End-J B1 25/40 -71,9347 ENVELOPE 560 0
Story1 B16 16 End-I B1 25/40 -0,3796 ENVELOPE 311 49,9974
Story1 B16 16 Middle B1 25/40 -0,6696 ENVELOPE 311 2,0697
Story1 B16 16 End-J B1 25/40 -55,9843 ENVELOPE 431 0
Story1 B17 17 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 6,4669
Story1 B17 17 Middle B2 25/35 -0,4907 ENVELOPE 269 2,738
Story1 B17 17 End-J B2 25/35 -11,1949 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B18 18 End-I B2 25/35 -3,572 ENVELOPE 269 17,5143
Story1 B18 18 Middle B2 25/35 -3,5581 ENVELOPE 269 1,3644
Story1 B18 18 End-J B2 25/35 -20,0565 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B19 19 End-I B2 25/35 -0,6303 ENVELOPE 269 12,3337
Story1 B19 19 Middle B2 25/35 -8,6038 ENVELOPE 269 2,6867
Story1 B19 19 End-J B2 25/35 -23,5867 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B20 20 End-I B2 25/35 -0,0153 ENVELOPE 269 11,8664
Story1 B20 20 Middle B2 25/35 -4,6695 ENVELOPE 269 1,6975
Story1 B20 20 End-J B2 25/35 -20,0095 ENVELOPE 273 0
Story1 B21 21 End-I B2 25/35 -0,5375 ENVELOPE 269 16,728
Story1 B21 21 Middle B2 25/35 -5,1702 ENVELOPE 269 1,782
Story1 B21 21 End-J B2 25/35 -19,6911 ENVELOPE 357 0
Story1 B22 22 End-I B2 25/35 -1,0275 ENVELOPE 269 17,8181
Story1 B22 22 Middle B2 25/35 -6,6516 ENVELOPE 377 2,4457
Story1 B22 22 End-J B2 25/35 -21,347 ENVELOPE 514 0
Story1 B23 23 End-I B2 25/35 -0,3959 ENVELOPE 405 16,8153
Story1 B23 23 Middle B2 25/35 -6,8677 ENVELOPE 427 7,5791
Story1 B23 23 End-J B2 25/35 -22,2527 ENVELOPE 550 0
Story1 B24 24 End-I B1 25/40 -0,4124 ENVELOPE 311 49,9869
Story1 B24 24 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 2,07
Story1 B24 24 End-J B1 25/40 -53,9826 ENVELOPE 415 0
Story1 B25 25 End-I B1 25/40 -3,2518 ENVELOPE 311 42,9721
Story1 B25 25 Middle B1 25/40 -24,7935 ENVELOPE 386 1,5922
Story1 B25 25 End-J B1 25/40 -58,874 ENVELOPE 606 0
Story1 B26 26 End-I B1 25/40 -50,1107 ENVELOPE 391 109,0607
Story1 B26 26 End-J B1 25/40 -30,7489 ENVELOPE 311 48,0358
Story1 B27 27 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 85,6363
Story1 B27 27 Middle B1 25/40 -53,7034 ENVELOPE 423 9,6204
Story1 B27 27 End-J B1 25/40 -43,2805 ENVELOPE 331 0
Story1 B28 28 End-I B1 25/40 -29,8233 ENVELOPE 311 65,0227
Story1 B28 28 Middle B1 25/40 -55,2051 ENVELOPE 424 35,2971

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Story1 B28 28 End-J B1 25/40 -103,7188 ENVELOPE 832 3,7852

Story1 B29 29 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 35,3397
Story1 B29 29 Middle B1 25/40 -40,4248 ENVELOPE 412 8,869
Story1 B29 29 End-J B1 25/40 -52,4993 ENVELOPE 467 0
Story1 B30 30 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 0,7846
Story1 B30 30 Middle B1 25/40 -4,6805 ENVELOPE 311 8,7319
Story1 B30 30 End-J B1 25/40 -44,7778 ENVELOPE 348 0
Story1 B31 31 End-I B1 25/40 -0,4005 ENVELOPE 311 80,8909
Story1 B31 31 Middle B1 25/40 -72,9495 ENVELOPE 568 46,4882
Story1 B31 31 End-J B1 25/40 -127,9401 ENVELOPE 1053 1,765
Story1 B32 32 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 33,3754
Story1 B32 32 Middle B1 25/40 -38,7496 ENVELOPE 338 9,508
Story1 B32 32 End-J B1 25/40 -54,9641 ENVELOPE 422 0
Story1 B33 33 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7928 ENVELOPE 311 25,3642
Story1 B33 33 Middle B1 25/40 -10,0538 ENVELOPE 311 13,2402
Story1 B33 33 End-J B1 25/40 -62,5667 ENVELOPE 483 0
Story1 B34 34 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 27,0968
Story1 B34 34 Middle B1 25/40 -5,2162 ENVELOPE 311 15,8707
Story1 B34 34 End-J B1 25/40 -74,2564 ENVELOPE 580 0
Story1 B35 35 End-I B1 25/40 -67,3674 ENVELOPE 531 45,5284
Story1 B35 35 Middle B1 25/40 -19,6025 ENVELOPE 311 49,1939
Story1 B35 35 End-J B1 25/40 -157,2174 ENVELOPE 1342 0
Story1 B36 36 End-I B1 25/40 -76,2503 ENVELOPE 602 2,5613
Story1 B36 36 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 14,8823
Story1 B36 36 End-J B1 25/40 -2,4942 ENVELOPE 311 2,9894
Story1 B37 37 End-I B1 25/40 -50,8162 ENVELOPE 388 14,3603
Story1 B37 37 Middle B1 25/40 -2,0811 ENVELOPE 311 42,1841
Story1 B37 37 End-J B1 25/40 -57,4398 ENVELOPE 441 0
Story1 B38 38 End-I B1 25/40 -48,4331 ENVELOPE 369 14,9966
Story1 B38 38 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 41,3198
Story1 B38 38 End-J B1 25/40 -56,2211 ENVELOPE 431 0
Story1 B39 39 End-I B1 25/40 -79,4972 ENVELOPE 623 9,6731
Story1 B39 39 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 50,583
Story1 B39 39 End-J B1 25/40 -77,5245 ENVELOPE 615 0
Story1 B40 40 End-I B1 25/40 -71,062 ENVELOPE 585 11,3067
Story1 B40 40 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 43,3474
Story1 B40 40 End-J B1 25/40 -59,2464 ENVELOPE 464 0
Story1 B41 41 End-I B1 25/40 -57,3776 ENVELOPE 449 15,2663
Story1 B41 41 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 53,2148
Story1 B41 41 End-J B1 25/40 -58,4665 ENVELOPE 461 0
Story1 B42 42 End-I B1 25/40 -52,198 ENVELOPE 399 12,3402
Story1 B42 42 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 44,9917
Story1 B42 42 End-J B1 25/40 -50,8071 ENVELOPE 393 0
Story1 B43 43 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 36,1438
Story1 B43 43 Middle B1 25/40 -0,1426 ENVELOPE 311 43,4675
Story1 B43 43 End-J B1 25/40 -80,7888 ENVELOPE 634 0
Story1 B44 44 End-I B1 25/40 -64,2819 ENVELOPE 542 55,0194
Story1 B44 44 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 48,2812
Story1 B44 44 End-J B1 25/40 -79,3196 ENVELOPE 662 0
Story1 B45 45 End-I B1 25/40 -82,6192 ENVELOPE 650 0
Story1 B45 45 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 43,9164
Story1 B45 45 End-J B1 25/40 -22,3522 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B46 46 End-I B1 25/40 -73,6296 ENVELOPE 574 8,7296
Story1 B46 46 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 46,9597
Story1 B46 46 End-J B1 25/40 -53,5532 ENVELOPE 414 35,0116
Story1 B47 47 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 32,5839
Story1 B47 47 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 46,5931
Story1 B47 47 End-J B1 25/40 -83,4208 ENVELOPE 657 0
Story1 B49 49 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 33,3029

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Story1 B49 49 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 41,9463

Story1 B49 49 End-J B1 25/40 -80,0869 ENVELOPE 628 0
Story1 B50 50 End-I B1 25/40 -53,1552 ENVELOPE 407 10,6259
Story1 B50 50 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 46,093
Story1 B50 50 End-J B1 25/40 -42,2244 ENVELOPE 328 0
Story1 B51 51 End-I B1 25/40 -64,7861 ENVELOPE 501 16,6688
Story1 B51 51 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 54,227
Story1 B51 51 End-J B1 25/40 -52,0724 ENVELOPE 403 0
Story1 B53 53 End-I B2 25/35 -8,7936 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B53 53 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 10,9843
Story1 B53 53 End-J B2 25/35 -3,4195 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B55 55 End-I B2 25/35 -35,0471 ENVELOPE 314 0
Story1 B55 55 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 10,128
Story1 B55 55 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,4723
Story1 B58 56 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 2,2544
Story1 B58 56 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 6,0018
Story1 B58 56 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 4,2741
Story1 B59 57 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 9,9
Story1 B59 57 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 12,4787
Story1 B59 57 End-J B2 25/35 -3,4977 ENVELOPE 269 6,4635
Story1 B62 59 End-I B2 25/35 -7,7242 ENVELOPE 269 7,0963
Story1 B62 59 Middle B2 25/35 -16,2468 ENVELOPE 269 1,3556
Story1 B62 59 End-J B2 25/35 -15,5376 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B63 58 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 9,8837
Story1 B63 58 Middle B2 25/35 -6,3106 ENVELOPE 269 2,5569
Story1 B63 58 End-J B2 25/35 -12,2992 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B64 60 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 10,4401
Story1 B64 60 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 6,9369
Story1 B64 60 End-J B2 25/35 -4,4765 ENVELOPE 269 0,1967
Story1 B65 61 End-I B2 25/35 -7,7106 ENVELOPE 269 0,9059
Story1 B65 61 Middle B2 25/35 -13,6416 ENVELOPE 269 4,9675
Story1 B65 61 End-J B2 25/35 -14,8231 ENVELOPE 269 1,5884
Story1 B67 62 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 1,8708
Story1 B67 62 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 8,3991
Story1 B67 62 End-J B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 9,7714
Story1 B48 48 End-I B1 25/40 -0,4589 ENVELOPE 311 38,5941
Story1 B48 48 Middle B1 25/40 -47,5383 ENVELOPE 362 0
Story1 B48 48 End-J B1 25/40 -80,2218 ENVELOPE 629 0
Story1 B52 52 End-I B1 25/40 -0,6271 ENVELOPE 311 43,2335
Story1 B52 52 Middle B1 25/40 -38,0638 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B52 52 End-J B1 25/40 -67,8031 ENVELOPE 526 0
Story1 B54 54 End-I B1 25/40 -1,0979 ENVELOPE 311 61,6938
Story1 B54 54 Middle B1 25/40 -7,2742 ENVELOPE 311 1,5824
Story1 B54 54 End-J B1 25/40 -80,6031 ENVELOPE 632 0
Story1 B56 63 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7195 ENVELOPE 311 48,9062
Story1 B56 63 Middle B1 25/40 -35,7611 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B56 63 End-J B1 25/40 -67,3529 ENVELOPE 522 0
Story1 B57 64 End-I B1 25/40 -0,7012 ENVELOPE 311 53,1293
Story1 B57 64 Middle B1 25/40 -36,1242 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B57 64 End-J B1 25/40 -68,4439 ENVELOPE 531 0
Story1 B60 65 End-I B1 25/40 -1,2918 ENVELOPE 311 75,6384
Story1 B60 65 Middle B1 25/40 -10,2158 ENVELOPE 311 1,8283
Story1 B60 65 End-J B1 25/40 -99,5855 ENVELOPE 796 0
Story1 B61 66 End-I B1 25/40 -1,4064 ENVELOPE 311 86,6268
Story1 B61 66 Middle B1 25/40 -31,7874 ENVELOPE 311 0
Story1 B61 66 End-J B1 25/40 -151,9933 ENVELOPE 1286 0
Story1 B72 72 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 12,5231
Story1 B72 72 Middle B1 25/40 -11,2855 ENVELOPE 311 9,9816
Story1 B72 72 End-J B1 25/40 -34,5285 ENVELOPE 311 0

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Story1 B73 73 End-I B2 25/35 -0,2115 ENVELOPE 345 16,388

Story1 B73 73 Middle B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 345 8,7074
Story1 B73 73 End-J B2 25/35 -20,1374 ENVELOPE 376 0
Story1 B74 74 End-I B2 25/35 -0,6231 ENVELOPE 269 15,5008
Story1 B74 74 Middle B2 25/35 -4,3855 ENVELOPE 269 1,903
Story1 B74 74 End-J B2 25/35 -17,7559 ENVELOPE 275 0
Story1 B75 75 End-I B2 25/35 -1,0326 ENVELOPE 269 18,6222
Story1 B75 75 Middle B2 25/35 -8,6548 ENVELOPE 269 2,5894
Story1 B75 75 End-J B2 25/35 -22,675 ENVELOPE 271 0
Story1 B76 76 End-I B2 25/35 0 ENVELOPE 269 11,2258
Story1 B76 76 Middle B2 25/35 -4,6396 ENVELOPE 269 1,6702
Story1 B76 76 End-J B2 25/35 -19,0449 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B77 77 End-I B2 25/35 -0,57 ENVELOPE 269 11,9466
Story1 B77 77 Middle B2 25/35 -4,4716 ENVELOPE 269 2,3799
Story1 B77 77 End-J B2 25/35 -18,2357 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B78 78 End-I B2 25/35 -0,9146 ENVELOPE 269 12,5295
Story1 B78 78 Middle B2 25/35 -7,1701 ENVELOPE 269 0,2252
Story1 B78 78 End-J B2 25/35 -20,0259 ENVELOPE 269 0
Story1 B66 84 End-I B1 25/40 -59,1592 ENVELOPE 463 16,2752
Story1 B66 84 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 53,8392
Story1 B66 84 End-J B1 25/40 -50,8361 ENVELOPE 405 0
Story1 B68 85 End-I B1 25/40 -52,1275 ENVELOPE 399 13,0665
Story1 B68 85 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 311 45,0052
Story1 B68 85 End-J B1 25/40 -46,6335 ENVELOPE 372 0
Story1 B88 71 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 224 51,0008
Story1 B88 71 Middle B3 -35,8205 ENVELOPE 626 26,3457
Story1 B91 79 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 979
Story1 B91 79 Middle B3 -43,4021 ENVELOPE 637 0
Story1 B138 90 End-I B3 -0,7347 ENVELOPE 280 22,3115
Story1 B138 90 Middle B3 -10,5128 ENVELOPE 334 28,4144
Story1 B139 231 End-I B3 -22,2543 ENVELOPE 442 0,8239
Story1 B140 239 End-I B3 -1,0851 ENVELOPE 647
Story1 B140 239 Middle B3 -0,2366 ENVELOPE 777
Story1 B140 239 End-J B3 -8,3376 ENVELOPE 391 0,1251
Story1 D8 991 End-I B3 -32,4382 ENVELOPE 462 0
Story1 D8 991 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 121 4,5874
Story1 D8 991 End-J B3 -1,3576 ENVELOPE 114 37,8316
Story1 D9 993 End-I B3 -4,8987 ENVELOPE 756 0
Story1 D9 993 Middle B3 -4,7694 ENVELOPE 756 1,0325
Story1 D9 993 End-J B3 -8,3094 ENVELOPE 808 0
Story1 D10 1027 End-I B3 -1,3968 ENVELOPE 111 32,9236
Story1 D10 1027 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 162 3,2844
Story1 D10 1027 End-J B3 -30,8534 ENVELOPE 482 0
Story1 D11 1028 End-I B3 -9,2726 ENVELOPE 118 0
Story1 D11 1028 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 111 1,0024
Story1 D11 1028 End-J B3 -13,0205 ENVELOPE 169 1,0529
Base B8 1108 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B8 1108 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B8 1108 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B10 1030 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B10 1030 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B10 1030 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B11 1037 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B11 1037 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B11 1037 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B12 1052 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B12 1052 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B12 1052 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B13 1053 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0

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Base B13 1053 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031

Base B13 1053 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B14 1065 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B14 1065 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B14 1065 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B15 1064 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B15 1064 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B15 1064 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B16 1060 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B16 1060 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B16 1060 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B24 1122 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B24 1122 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B24 1122 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B25 1104 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B25 1104 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B25 1104 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B33 1123 End-I SL 1 25/30 -2,3852 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B33 1123 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,8674
Base B33 1123 End-J SL 1 25/30 -6,9388 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B34 1124 End-I SL 1 25/30 -2,3852 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B34 1124 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,8674
Base B34 1124 End-J SL 1 25/30 -6,9388 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B35 1125 End-I SL 1 25/30 -27,7553 ENVELOPE 303 0
Base B35 1125 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 3,4694
Base B35 1125 End-J SL 1 25/30 -27,7553 ENVELOPE 303 0
Base B48 1100 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B48 1100 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B48 1100 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B52 1099 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B52 1099 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B52 1099 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B54 1095 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B54 1095 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B54 1095 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B56 1121 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B56 1121 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B56 1121 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B57 1120 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B57 1120 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B57 1120 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B60 1119 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B60 1119 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B60 1119 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B61 1126 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B61 1126 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1031
Base B61 1126 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,8247 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B156 240 End-I SL 1 25/30 -2,116 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B156 240 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 2,2229
Base B156 240 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,699 ENVELOPE 219 3,7476
Base B85 1009 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B85 1009 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B85 1009 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B86 1011 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B86 1011 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B86 1011 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B87 1026 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B87 1026 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B87 1026 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0

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(-) Moment As Top (+) Moment

Story Label UniqueName Location Section (-) Combo
kN-m mm2 kN-m

Base B141 1031 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0

Base B141 1031 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B141 1031 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B142 1032 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B142 1032 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B142 1032 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B143 1033 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B143 1033 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B143 1033 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B144 1034 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B144 1034 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B144 1034 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B155 1035 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B155 1035 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B155 1035 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B157 1036 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B157 1036 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B157 1036 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B158 1038 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B158 1038 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B158 1038 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B159 1039 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B159 1039 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B159 1039 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B160 1051 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B160 1051 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B160 1051 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B161 1054 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B161 1054 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B161 1054 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B162 1055 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B162 1055 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B162 1055 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B163 1056 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B163 1056 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B163 1056 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B167 1061 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B167 1061 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B167 1061 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B168 1062 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B168 1062 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B168 1062 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B169 1063 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B169 1063 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B169 1063 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B170 1066 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B170 1066 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B170 1066 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B171 1090 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B171 1090 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B171 1090 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B172 1091 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B172 1091 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B172 1091 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B173 1092 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B173 1092 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B173 1092 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B174 1093 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B174 1093 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301

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(-) Moment As Top (+) Moment

Story Label UniqueName Location Section (-) Combo
kN-m mm2 kN-m

Base B174 1093 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0

Base B175 1094 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B175 1094 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B175 1094 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B176 1096 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B176 1096 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B176 1096 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B177 1097 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B177 1097 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B177 1097 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B178 1098 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B178 1098 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B178 1098 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B179 1101 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 360 2,371
Base B179 1101 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,3299 ENVELOPE 360 1,953
Base B180 1102 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,9758 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B180 1102 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,3253
Base B180 1102 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,9758 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B181 1103 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,5269 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B181 1103 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,0538
Base B181 1103 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,1615 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B182 1105 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,2505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B182 1105 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,501
Base B182 1105 End-J SL 1 25/30 -1,503 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B183 1106 End-I SL 1 25/30 -1,0234 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B183 1106 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,3722
Base B183 1106 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,9772 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B184 1107 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,4639 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B184 1107 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 0,1546
Base B184 1107 End-J SL 1 25/30 -0,4639 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B185 1109 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B185 1109 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B185 1109 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B186 1110 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B186 1110 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B186 1110 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B187 1111 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B187 1111 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B187 1111 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B188 1112 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B188 1112 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B188 1112 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B189 1113 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B189 1113 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B189 1113 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B190 1114 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,1084 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B190 1114 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,1926
Base B190 1114 End-J SL 1 25/30 -2,7105 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B191 1115 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B191 1115 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B191 1115 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B192 1117 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B192 1117 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B192 1117 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B193 1118 End-I SL 1 25/30 -0,6505 ENVELOPE 219 0
Base B193 1118 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 219 1,301
Base B193 1118 End-J SL 1 25/30 -3,9031 ENVELOPE 219 0

Table 6.6 - Concrete Beam Flexure Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story2 B1 67 End-I ENVELOPE 406
Story2 B1 67 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B1 67 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B2 68 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B2 68 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B2 68 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B3 69 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B3 69 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B3 69 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B4 70 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B4 70 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B4 70 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B5 86 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B5 86 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B5 86 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B6 87 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B6 87 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B6 87 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B7 88 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B7 88 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B7 88 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B8 99 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B8 99 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B8 99 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B9 93 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B9 93 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B9 93 End-J ENVELOPE 319
Story2 B25 95 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B25 95 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B25 95 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B27 97 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B27 97 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B27 97 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B28 100 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B28 100 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B28 100 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B29 98 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B29 98 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B29 98 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B30 101 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B30 101 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B30 101 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B31 103 End-I ENVELOPE 323
Story2 B31 103 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B31 103 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B32 102 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B32 102 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B32 102 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 B33 80 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B33 80 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B33 80 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B34 109 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B34 109 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B34 109 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B35 81 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B35 81 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B35 81 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B36 112 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B36 112 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B36 112 End-J ENVELOPE 269

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story2 B79 91 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B79 91 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B79 91 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B83 111 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B83 111 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B83 111 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B70 108 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B70 108 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B70 108 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B82 113 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B82 113 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B82 113 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B84 114 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B84 114 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B84 114 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B89 115 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B89 115 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B89 115 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B92 117 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B92 117 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B92 117 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B93 118 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B93 118 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B93 118 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B69 82 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B69 82 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B69 82 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B71 92 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B71 92 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B71 92 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B80 96 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B80 96 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B80 96 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B81 105 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B81 105 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B81 105 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B90 107 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B90 107 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story2 B90 107 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story2 D1 230 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D1 230 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D1 230 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D2 1029 End-I ENVELOPE 501
Story2 D2 1029 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D2 1029 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D3 89 End-I ENVELOPE 418
Story2 D3 89 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D3 89 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D4 94 End-I ENVELOPE 365
Story2 D4 94 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D4 94 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D5 104 End-I ENVELOPE 507
Story2 D5 104 Middle ENVELOPE 314
Story2 D5 104 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D6 106 End-I ENVELOPE 552
Story2 D6 106 Middle ENVELOPE 337
Story2 D6 106 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story2 D7 83 End-I ENVELOPE 521
Story2 D7 83 Middle ENVELOPE 294
Story2 D7 83 End-J ENVELOPE 312

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story1 B1 1 End-I ENVELOPE 579
Story1 B1 1 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B1 1 End-J ENVELOPE 330
Story1 B2 2 End-I ENVELOPE 478
Story1 B2 2 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B2 2 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B3 3 End-I ENVELOPE 372
Story1 B3 3 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B3 3 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B4 4 End-I ENVELOPE 474
Story1 B4 4 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B4 4 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B5 5 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B5 5 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B5 5 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B6 6 End-I ENVELOPE 501
Story1 B6 6 Middle ENVELOPE 385
Story1 B6 6 End-J ENVELOPE 778
Story1 B7 7 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B7 7 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B7 7 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B8 8 End-I ENVELOPE 916
Story1 B8 8 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B8 8 End-J ENVELOPE 562
Story1 B9 9 End-I ENVELOPE 557
Story1 B9 9 Middle ENVELOPE 397
Story1 B9 9 End-J ENVELOPE 507
Story1 B10 10 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B10 10 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B10 10 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B11 11 End-I ENVELOPE 369
Story1 B11 11 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B11 11 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B12 12 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B12 12 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B12 12 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B13 13 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B13 13 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B13 13 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B14 14 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B14 14 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B14 14 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B15 15 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B15 15 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B15 15 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B16 16 End-I ENVELOPE 383
Story1 B16 16 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B16 16 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B17 17 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B17 17 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B17 17 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B18 18 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B18 18 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B18 18 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B19 19 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B19 19 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B19 19 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B20 20 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B20 20 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B20 20 End-J ENVELOPE 269

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story1 B21 21 End-I ENVELOPE 273
Story1 B21 21 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B21 21 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B22 22 End-I ENVELOPE 381
Story1 B22 22 Middle ENVELOPE 364
Story1 B22 22 End-J ENVELOPE 414
Story1 B23 23 End-I ENVELOPE 510
Story1 B23 23 Middle ENVELOPE 434
Story1 B23 23 End-J ENVELOPE 446
Story1 B24 24 End-I ENVELOPE 383
Story1 B24 24 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B24 24 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B25 25 End-I ENVELOPE 483
Story1 B25 25 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B25 25 End-J ENVELOPE 382
Story1 B26 26 End-I ENVELOPE 887
Story1 B26 26 Middle 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1630
Story1 B26 26 End-J ENVELOPE 371
Story1 B27 27 End-I ENVELOPE 696
Story1 B27 27 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B27 27 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B28 28 End-I ENVELOPE 504
Story1 B28 28 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B28 28 End-J ENVELOPE 396
Story1 B29 29 End-I ENVELOPE 404
Story1 B29 29 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B29 29 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B30 30 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B30 30 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B30 30 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B31 31 End-I ENVELOPE 635
Story1 B31 31 Middle ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B31 31 End-J ENVELOPE 495
Story1 B32 32 End-I ENVELOPE 320
Story1 B32 32 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B32 32 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B33 33 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B33 33 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B33 33 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B34 34 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B34 34 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B34 34 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B35 35 End-I ENVELOPE 357
Story1 B35 35 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 377
Story1 B35 35 End-J ENVELOPE 620
Story1 B36 36 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B36 36 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B36 36 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B37 37 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B37 37 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 320
Story1 B37 37 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B38 38 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B38 38 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 313
Story1 B38 38 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B39 39 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B39 39 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 386
Story1 B39 39 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B40 40 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B40 40 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 329
Story1 B40 40 End-J ENVELOPE 311

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story1 B41 41 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B41 41 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 409
Story1 B41 41 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B42 42 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B42 42 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 343
Story1 B42 42 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B43 43 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B43 43 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 330
Story1 B43 43 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B44 44 End-I ENVELOPE 468
Story1 B44 44 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 368
Story1 B44 44 End-J ENVELOPE 344
Story1 B45 45 End-I ENVELOPE 314
Story1 B45 45 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 334
Story1 B45 45 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B46 46 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B46 46 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 357
Story1 B46 46 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B47 47 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B47 47 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 355
Story1 B47 47 End-J ENVELOPE 317
Story1 B49 49 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B49 49 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 318
Story1 B49 49 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B50 50 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B50 50 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 350
Story1 B50 50 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B51 51 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B51 51 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 415
Story1 B51 51 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B53 53 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B53 53 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B53 53 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B55 55 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B55 55 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B55 55 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B58 56 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B58 56 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B58 56 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B59 57 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B59 57 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B59 57 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B62 59 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B62 59 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B62 59 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B63 58 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B63 58 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B63 58 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B64 60 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B64 60 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B64 60 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B65 61 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B65 61 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B65 61 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B67 62 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B67 62 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B67 62 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B48 48 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B48 48 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B48 48 End-J ENVELOPE 311

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story1 B52 52 End-I ENVELOPE 328
Story1 B52 52 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B52 52 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B54 54 End-I ENVELOPE 476
Story1 B54 54 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B54 54 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B56 63 End-I ENVELOPE 373
Story1 B56 63 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B56 63 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B57 64 End-I ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B57 64 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B57 64 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B60 65 End-I ENVELOPE 591
Story1 B60 65 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B60 65 End-J ENVELOPE 380
Story1 B61 66 End-I ENVELOPE 684
Story1 B61 66 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B61 66 End-J ENVELOPE 594
Story1 B72 72 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B72 72 Middle ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B72 72 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B73 73 End-I ENVELOPE 451
Story1 B73 73 Middle ENVELOPE 379
Story1 B73 73 End-J ENVELOPE 282
Story1 B74 74 End-I ENVELOPE 303
Story1 B74 74 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B74 74 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B75 75 End-I ENVELOPE 270
Story1 B75 75 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B75 75 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B76 76 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B76 76 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B76 76 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B77 77 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B77 77 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B77 77 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B78 78 End-I ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B78 78 Middle ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B78 78 End-J ENVELOPE 269
Story1 B66 84 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B66 84 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 412
Story1 B66 84 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B68 85 End-I ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B68 85 Middle 1,2 D + 1,6 L + 0,5W 342
Story1 B68 85 End-J ENVELOPE 311
Story1 B88 71 End-I ENVELOPE 775
Story1 B88 71 Middle ENVELOPE 394
Story1 B88 71 End-J ENVELOPE 626
Story1 B91 79 Middle ENVELOPE 663
Story1 B91 79 End-J 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1376
Story1 B138 90 End-I ENVELOPE 301
Story1 B138 90 Middle ENVELOPE 397
Story1 B138 90 End-J 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 691
Story1 B139 231 End-I ENVELOPE 371
Story1 B139 231 End-J ENVELOPE 740
Story1 B140 239 End-J ENVELOPE 331
Story1 D8 991 End-I ENVELOPE 213
Story1 D8 991 Middle ENVELOPE 121
Story1 D8 991 End-J ENVELOPE 554
Story1 D9 993 End-I ENVELOPE 721

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Story1 D9 993 Middle ENVELOPE 718
Story1 D9 993 End-J ENVELOPE 749
Story1 D10 1027 End-I ENVELOPE 513
Story1 D10 1027 Middle ENVELOPE 162
Story1 D10 1027 End-J ENVELOPE 258
Story1 D11 1028 End-I ENVELOPE 111
Story1 D11 1028 Middle ENVELOPE 111
Story1 D11 1028 End-J ENVELOPE 111
Base B8 1108 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B8 1108 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B8 1108 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B10 1030 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B10 1030 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B10 1030 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B11 1037 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B11 1037 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B11 1037 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B12 1052 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B12 1052 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B12 1052 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B13 1053 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B13 1053 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B13 1053 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B14 1065 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B14 1065 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B14 1065 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B15 1064 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B15 1064 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B15 1064 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B16 1060 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B16 1060 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B16 1060 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B24 1122 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B24 1122 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B24 1122 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B25 1104 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B25 1104 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B25 1104 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B33 1123 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B33 1123 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B33 1123 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B34 1124 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B34 1124 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B34 1124 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B35 1125 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B35 1125 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B35 1125 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B48 1100 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B48 1100 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B48 1100 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B52 1099 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B52 1099 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B52 1099 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B54 1095 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B54 1095 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B54 1095 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B56 1121 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B56 1121 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B56 1121 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B57 1120 End-I ENVELOPE 219

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Base B57 1120 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B57 1120 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B60 1119 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B60 1119 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B60 1119 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B61 1126 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B61 1126 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B61 1126 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B156 240 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B156 240 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B156 240 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B85 1009 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B85 1009 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B85 1009 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B86 1011 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B86 1011 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B86 1011 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B87 1026 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B87 1026 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B87 1026 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B141 1031 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B141 1031 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B141 1031 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B142 1032 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B142 1032 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B142 1032 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B143 1033 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B143 1033 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B143 1033 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B144 1034 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B144 1034 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B144 1034 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B155 1035 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B155 1035 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B155 1035 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B157 1036 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B157 1036 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B157 1036 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B158 1038 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B158 1038 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B158 1038 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B159 1039 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B159 1039 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B159 1039 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B160 1051 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B160 1051 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B160 1051 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B161 1054 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B161 1054 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B161 1054 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B162 1055 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B162 1055 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B162 1055 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B163 1056 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B163 1056 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B163 1056 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B167 1061 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B167 1061 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B167 1061 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B168 1062 End-I ENVELOPE 219

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Base B168 1062 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B168 1062 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B169 1063 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B169 1063 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B169 1063 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B170 1066 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B170 1066 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B170 1066 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B171 1090 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B171 1090 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B171 1090 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B172 1091 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B172 1091 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B172 1091 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B173 1092 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B173 1092 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B173 1092 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B174 1093 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B174 1093 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B174 1093 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B175 1094 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B175 1094 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B175 1094 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B176 1096 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B176 1096 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B176 1096 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B177 1097 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B177 1097 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B177 1097 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B178 1098 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B178 1098 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B178 1098 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B179 1101 Middle ENVELOPE 360
Base B179 1101 End-J ENVELOPE 360
Base B180 1102 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B180 1102 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B180 1102 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B181 1103 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B181 1103 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B181 1103 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B182 1105 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B182 1105 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B182 1105 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B183 1106 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B183 1106 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B183 1106 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B184 1107 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B184 1107 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B184 1107 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B185 1109 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B185 1109 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B185 1109 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B186 1110 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B186 1110 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B186 1110 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B187 1111 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B187 1111 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B187 1111 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B188 1112 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B188 1112 Middle ENVELOPE 219

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As Bot
Story Label UniqueName Location (+) Combo
Base B188 1112 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B189 1113 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B189 1113 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B189 1113 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B190 1114 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B190 1114 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B190 1114 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B191 1115 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B191 1115 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B191 1115 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B192 1117 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B192 1117 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B192 1117 End-J ENVELOPE 219
Base B193 1118 End-I ENVELOPE 219
Base B193 1118 Middle ENVELOPE 219
Base B193 1118 End-J ENVELOPE 219

Table 6.7 - Concrete Beam Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story2 B1 67 End-I B1 25/40 64,5313 ENVELOPE 968,94 2,0704
Story2 B1 67 Middle B1 25/40 61,0185 ENVELOPE 916,19 0,4879
Story2 B1 67 End-J B1 25/40 60,0147 ENVELOPE 901,12 0,4953
Story2 B2 68 End-I B1 25/40 43,681 ENVELOPE 655,87 9,3215
Story2 B2 68 Middle B1 25/40 43,7248 ENVELOPE 656,53 9,3215
Story2 B2 68 End-J B1 25/40 44,0352 ENVELOPE 661,19 8,9898
Story2 B3 69 End-I B1 25/40 65,3771 ENVELOPE 981,64 0,0755
Story2 B3 69 Middle B1 25/40 62,4887 ENVELOPE 938,27 0,7723
Story2 B3 69 End-J B1 25/40 65,3727 ENVELOPE 981,57 0,7684
Story2 B4 70 End-I B1 25/40 44,8187 ENVELOPE 672,95 6,5437
Story2 B4 70 Middle B1 25/40 43,6079 ENVELOPE 654,77 8,4018
Story2 B4 70 End-J B1 25/40 44,4314 ENVELOPE 667,14 8,4018
Story2 B5 86 End-I B1 25/40 43,3532 ENVELOPE 650,95 8,0422
Story2 B5 86 Middle B1 25/40 43,4799 ENVELOPE 652,85 8,7026
Story2 B5 86 End-J B1 25/40 44,6105 ENVELOPE 669,83 8,7026
Story2 B6 87 End-I B1 25/40 36,0079 ENVELOPE 540,66 3,1091
Story2 B6 87 Middle B1 25/40 35,5897 ENVELOPE 534,38 3,1091
Story2 B6 87 End-J B1 25/40 31,4568 ENVELOPE 590,4 1,8216
Story2 B7 88 End-I B1 25/40 44,1861 ENVELOPE 663,45 7,0162
Story2 B7 88 Middle B1 25/40 43,2404 ENVELOPE 649,26 7,4474
Story2 B7 88 End-J B1 25/40 44,5365 ENVELOPE 668,72 7,4474
Story2 B8 99 End-I B2 25/35 35,8864 ENVELOPE 623,03 2,004
Story2 B8 99 Middle B2 25/35 34,2391 ENVELOPE 594,43 2,004
Story2 B8 99 End-J B2 25/35 36,6204 ENVELOPE 635,77 0,0094
Story2 B9 93 End-I B1 25/40 51,6639 ENVELOPE 775,73 2,1023
Story2 B9 93 Middle B1 25/40 50,4575 ENVELOPE 757,62 0,0249
Story2 B9 93 End-J B1 25/40 78,4311 ENVELOPE 1472,05 2,5901
Story2 B25 95 End-I B2 25/35 36,0025 ENVELOPE 625,04 0,0443
Story2 B25 95 Middle B2 25/35 33,9833 ENVELOPE 589,99 0,0037
Story2 B25 95 End-J B2 25/35 36,3647 ENVELOPE 631,33 0,0037
Story2 B27 97 End-I B1 25/40 44,0497 ENVELOPE 661,41 10,3156
Story2 B27 97 Middle B1 25/40 43,6556 ENVELOPE 655,49 10,3156
Story2 B27 97 End-J B1 25/40 43,9368 ENVELOPE 659,71 7,7839
Story2 B28 100 End-I B1 25/40 63,8324 ENVELOPE 958,44 0,0823
Story2 B28 100 Middle B1 25/40 61,1472 ENVELOPE 918,13 1,4718
Story2 B28 100 End-J B1 25/40 63,9639 ENVELOPE 960,42 1,4268
Story2 B29 98 End-I B1 25/40 44,1857 ENVELOPE 663,45 7,1633
Story2 B29 98 Middle B1 25/40 43,1831 ENVELOPE 648,4 7,1633
Story2 B29 98 End-J B1 25/40 44,4808 ENVELOPE 667,88 6,8643
Story2 B30 101 End-I B1 25/40 43,5765 ENVELOPE 654,3 8,8326
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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story2 B30 101 Middle B1 25/40 43,2395 ENVELOPE 649,24 9,0141
Story2 B30 101 End-J B1 25/40 45,4236 ENVELOPE 682,04 9,0141
Story2 B31 103 End-I B1 25/40 62,4736 ENVELOPE 938,04 0,7775
Story2 B31 103 Middle B1 25/40 64,6574 ENVELOPE 970,83 3,9563
Story2 B31 103 End-J B1 25/40 64,1258 ENVELOPE 962,85 3,9563
Story2 B32 102 End-I B1 25/40 44,2556 ENVELOPE 664,5 8,7775
Story2 B32 102 Middle B1 25/40 43,2274 ENVELOPE 649,06 9,0664
Story2 B32 102 End-J B1 25/40 46,0873 ENVELOPE 692 9,0664
Story2 B33 80 End-I B2 25/35 34,1203 ENVELOPE 592,37 6,5198
Story2 B33 80 Middle B2 25/35 29,0976 ENVELOPE 505,17 7,1073
Story2 B33 80 End-J B2 25/35 34,7158 ENVELOPE 602,7 7,3086
Story2 B34 109 End-I B2 25/35 44,1586 ENVELOPE 766,64 6,6903
Story2 B34 109 Middle B2 25/35 40,2032 ENVELOPE 697,97 6,6903
Story2 B34 109 End-J B2 25/35 36,8785 ENVELOPE 640,25 3,4138
Story2 B35 81 End-I B2 25/35 28,5079 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 494,93 0,0491
Story2 B35 81 Middle B2 25/35 19,6623 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 341,36 0,5194
Story2 B35 81 End-J B2 25/35 30,996 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 672,66 3,5439
Story2 B36 112 End-I B2 25/35 41,2338 ENVELOPE 715,86 4,5434
Story2 B36 112 Middle B2 25/35 38,9853 ENVELOPE 676,83 4,5434
Story2 B36 112 End-J B2 25/35 29,3401 ENVELOPE 509,38 0,3406
Story2 B79 91 End-I B2 25/35 16,7787 ENVELOPE 291,3 0,2697
Story2 B79 91 Middle B2 25/35 18,2591 ENVELOPE 317 3,3367
Story2 B79 91 End-J B2 25/35 16,7581 ENVELOPE 290,94 3,3367
Story2 B83 111 End-I B2 25/35 27,5456 ENVELOPE 478,22 1,5609
Story2 B83 111 Middle B2 25/35 22,9272 ENVELOPE 398,04 2,4218
Story2 B83 111 End-J B2 25/35 24,4864 ENVELOPE 425,11 2,4218
Story2 B70 108 End-I B2 25/35 46,6024 ENVELOPE 809,07 0,5692
Story2 B70 108 Middle B2 25/35 48,9537 ENVELOPE 849,89 0,7676
Story2 B70 108 End-J B2 25/35 50,3969 ENVELOPE 874,95 0,7676
Story2 B82 113 End-I B2 25/35 47,2323 ENVELOPE 820 0,9294
Story2 B82 113 Middle B2 25/35 46,7603 ENVELOPE 811,81 0,7157
Story2 B82 113 End-J B2 25/35 47,6905 ENVELOPE 827,96 0,7157
Story2 B84 114 End-I B2 25/35 46,5477 ENVELOPE 808,12 0,9882
Story2 B84 114 Middle B2 25/35 47,4448 ENVELOPE 823,69 0,9191
Story2 B84 114 End-J B2 25/35 47,9087 ENVELOPE 831,75 0,9191
Story2 B89 115 End-I B2 25/35 48,6597 ENVELOPE 844,79 1,1685
Story2 B89 115 Middle B2 25/35 51,7125 ENVELOPE 897,79 1,2009
Story2 B89 115 End-J B2 25/35 53,1557 ENVELOPE 922,84 1,2009
Story2 B92 117 End-I B2 25/35 98,443 ENVELOPE 1709,08 0,0513
Story2 B92 117 Middle B2 25/35 97,3605 ENVELOPE 1690,29 0,0513
Story2 B92 117 End-J B2 25/35 96,7883 ENVELOPE 1680,35 0,1729
Story2 B93 118 End-I B2 25/35 95,0865 ENVELOPE 1650,81 1,1832
Story2 B93 118 Middle B2 25/35 94,1595 ENVELOPE 1634,71 1,1832
Story2 B93 118 End-J B2 25/35 95,2419 ENVELOPE 1653,51 1,0839
Story2 B69 82 End-I B2 25/35 32,341 ENVELOPE 561,48 5,8791
Story2 B69 82 Middle B2 25/35 35,2275 ENVELOPE 611,59 6,6452
Story2 B69 82 End-J B2 25/35 32,0121 ENVELOPE 555,77 6,6452
Story2 B71 92 End-I B2 25/35 31,8142 ENVELOPE 552,33 7,5128
Story2 B80 96 End-I B2 25/35 34,6951 ENVELOPE 602,35 0,0042
Story2 B80 96 Middle B2 25/35 32,1776 ENVELOPE 558,64 0,0042
Story2 B80 96 End-J B2 25/35 34,8235 ENVELOPE 604,57 0,0042
Story2 B81 105 End-I B2 25/35 31,8707 ENVELOPE 553,31 5,9573
Story2 B81 105 Middle B2 25/35 32,877 ENVELOPE 570,78 6,1311
Story2 B81 105 End-J B2 25/35 31,9063 ENVELOPE 553,93 6,1311
Story2 B90 107 End-I B2 25/35 31,8906 ENVELOPE 553,66 7,2387
Story2 D1 230 End-I B1 25/40 51,7028 ENVELOPE 776,32 1,3233
Story2 D1 230 Middle B1 25/40 55,4836 ENVELOPE 833,09 1,4974
Story2 D1 230 End-J B1 25/40 57,3436 ENVELOPE 861,01 1,5554
Story2 D2 1029 End-I B1 25/40 77,9263 ENVELOPE 1170,06 0,0783
Story2 D2 1029 Middle B1 25/40 76,1557 ENVELOPE 1143,48 0,0749

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story2 D2 1029 End-J B1 25/40 76,5576 ENVELOPE 1149,51 0,0735
Story2 D3 89 End-I B1 25/40 64,3341 ENVELOPE 965,98 0,3749
Story2 D3 89 Middle B1 25/40 62,5561 ENVELOPE 939,28 0,1913
Story2 D3 89 End-J B1 25/40 64,3024 ENVELOPE 965,5 0,136
Story2 D4 94 End-I B1 25/40 56,5639 ENVELOPE 849,31 0,1107
Story2 D4 94 Middle B1 25/40 54,7728 ENVELOPE 822,41 0,0728
Story2 D4 94 End-J B1 25/40 56,6531 ENVELOPE 850,65 0,1533
Story2 D5 104 End-I B1 25/40 78,232 ENVELOPE 1174,65 0,0078
Story2 D5 104 Middle B1 25/40 76,4523 ENVELOPE 1147,93 0,0082
Story2 D5 104 End-J B1 25/40 77,3025 ENVELOPE 1160,7 0,0084
Story2 D6 106 End-I B1 25/40 83,5222 ENVELOPE 1254,09 0,6627
Story2 D6 106 Middle B1 25/40 81,7599 ENVELOPE 1227,63 0,5039
Story2 D6 106 End-J B1 25/40 83,6472 ENVELOPE 1255,96 0,4531
Story2 D7 83 End-I B2 25/35 70,6014 ENVELOPE 1225,72 0,7417
Story2 D7 83 Middle B2 25/35 72,7949 ENVELOPE 1263,8 0,6891
Story2 D7 83 End-J B2 25/35 74,3961 ENVELOPE 1291,6 0,6724
Story1 B2 2 Middle B1 25/40 80,3926 ENVELOPE 1207,1 8,482
Story1 B3 3 End-I B1 25/40 89,7754 ENVELOPE 1347,98 4,8708
Story1 B3 3 Middle B1 25/40 106,2661 ENVELOPE 1595,59 0,0666
Story1 B3 3 End-J B1 25/40 96,6908 ENVELOPE 1451,81 4,6321
Story1 B4 4 End-I B1 25/40 80,3576 ENVELOPE 1206,57 6,8162
Story1 B4 4 Middle B1 25/40 85,7599 ENVELOPE 1287,69 5,0129
Story1 B4 4 End-J B1 25/40 75,8536 ENVELOPE 1138,94 6,8727
Story1 B5 5 Middle B1 25/40 89,9138 ENVELOPE 1350,06 8,932
Story1 B7 7 End-I B1 25/40 69,4766 ENVELOPE 1043,19 5,5119
Story1 B7 7 Middle B1 25/40 79,4482 ENVELOPE 1192,92 4,9256
Story1 B7 7 End-J B1 25/40 71,5917 ENVELOPE 1074,95 4,999
Story1 B10 10 End-I B1 25/40 66,7905 ENVELOPE 1002,86 4,1132
Story1 B10 10 Middle B1 25/40 74,3535 ENVELOPE 1116,42 6,4298
Story1 B10 10 End-J B1 25/40 77,4907 ENVELOPE 1163,52 6,4298
Story1 B11 11 End-I B1 25/40 93,0938 ENVELOPE 1397,8 0,0229
Story1 B11 11 Middle B1 25/40 95,7684 ENVELOPE 1437,96 6,0718
Story1 B11 11 End-J B1 25/40 98,1011 ENVELOPE 1472,99 6,0718
Story1 B12 12 End-I B1 25/40 93,4831 ENVELOPE 1403,65 4,2662
Story1 B12 12 Middle B1 25/40 109,496 ENVELOPE 1644,08 4,2662
Story1 B12 12 End-J B1 25/40 110,7331 ENVELOPE 1662,66 1,9495
Story1 B13 13 End-I B1 25/40 107,4305 ENVELOPE 1613,07 5,9438
Story1 B13 13 Middle B1 25/40 124,8543 ENVELOPE 1874,69 5,9438
Story1 B13 13 End-J B1 25/40 126,0914 ENVELOPE 1893,26 2,4571
Story1 B14 14 End-I B1 25/40 96,7633 ENVELOPE 1452,9 3,4514
Story1 B14 14 Middle B1 25/40 113,0714 ENVELOPE 1697,77 3,4514
Story1 B14 14 End-J B1 25/40 114,3085 ENVELOPE 1716,34 0,552
Story1 B15 15 End-I B1 25/40 105,8801 ENVELOPE 1589,79 3,9221
Story1 B15 15 Middle B1 25/40 122,7278 ENVELOPE 1842,76 3,9221
Story1 B15 15 End-J B1 25/40 123,9648 ENVELOPE 1861,33 1,3751
Story1 B16 16 End-I B1 25/40 90,1126 ENVELOPE 1353,04 1,8634
Story1 B16 16 Middle B1 25/40 94,1335 ENVELOPE 1413,42 3,3488
Story1 B16 16 End-J B1 25/40 96,4662 ENVELOPE 1448,44 3,3488
Story1 B17 17 End-I B2 25/35 33,5723 ENVELOPE 582,85 1,9374
Story1 B17 17 Middle B2 25/35 40,4204 ENVELOPE 701,74 2,5672
Story1 B17 17 End-J B2 25/35 43,4384 ENVELOPE 754,14 0,9638
Story1 B18 18 End-I B2 25/35 40,5133 ENVELOPE 703,36 3,0231
Story1 B18 18 Middle B2 25/35 37,4953 ENVELOPE 650,96 3,0231
Story1 B18 18 End-J B2 25/35 37,5216 ENVELOPE 651,42 2,2514
Story1 B19 19 End-I B2 25/35 39,294 ENVELOPE 682,19 2,4004
Story1 B19 19 Middle B2 25/35 36,6342 ENVELOPE 636,01 4,147
Story1 B19 19 End-J B2 25/35 39,6522 ENVELOPE 688,41 4,147
Story1 B20 20 End-I B2 25/35 39,4906 ENVELOPE 685,6 3,0474
Story1 B20 20 Middle B2 25/35 37,0477 ENVELOPE 643,19 3,0474
Story1 B20 20 End-J B2 25/35 40,0657 ENVELOPE 695,58 1,5778

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story1 B21 21 End-I B2 25/35 43,7979 ENVELOPE 760,38 2,8583
Story1 B21 21 Middle B2 25/35 40,9811 ENVELOPE 711,48 2,8583
Story1 B21 21 End-J B2 25/35 43,9991 ENVELOPE 763,87 2,1502
Story1 B22 22 End-I B2 25/35 58,2503 ENVELOPE 1011,29 2,4439
Story1 B22 22 Middle B2 25/35 55,6003 ENVELOPE 965,28 4,0625
Story1 B22 22 End-J B2 25/35 58,6183 ENVELOPE 1017,68 4,0625
Story1 B23 23 End-I B2 25/35 67,7098 ENVELOPE 1175,52 3,3835
Story1 B23 23 Middle B2 25/35 64,9723 ENVELOPE 1127,99 3,4055
Story1 B23 23 End-J B2 25/35 67,9903 ENVELOPE 1180,39 3,4055
Story1 B24 24 End-I B1 25/40 88,6492 ENVELOPE 1331,07 0,3456
Story1 B24 24 Middle B1 25/40 92,7065 ENVELOPE 1391,99 8,2291
Story1 B24 24 End-J B1 25/40 95,0393 ENVELOPE 1427,02 8,2291
Story1 B26 26 End-I B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 0 9,6144
Story1 B26 26 Middle B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 0 9,7619
Story1 B26 26 End-J B1 25/40 0 ENVELOPE 0 4,0882
Story1 B28 28 End-I B1 25/40 111,2495 ENVELOPE 1670,41 5,4962
Story1 B28 28 Middle B1 25/40 127,5931 ENVELOPE 1915,81 0,1952
Story1 B28 28 End-J B1 25/40 118,2015 ENVELOPE 1774,8 5,6545
Story1 B29 29 End-I B1 25/40 75,0657 ENVELOPE 1127,11 5,4925
Story1 B29 29 Middle B1 25/40 83,6907 ENVELOPE 1256,62 5,4925
Story1 B30 30 Middle B1 25/40 61,6528 ENVELOPE 925,72 7,5466
Story1 B31 31 End-J B1 25/40 137,6032 ENVELOPE 2066,11 5,0026
Story1 B32 32 End-I B1 25/40 69,2708 ENVELOPE 1040,1 8,6056
Story1 B32 32 Middle B1 25/40 77,6872 ENVELOPE 1166,47 4,204
Story1 B34 34 End-I B1 25/40 74,526 ENVELOPE 1119,01 8,0782
Story1 B34 34 Middle B1 25/40 56,1292 ENVELOPE 842,78 6,8904
Story1 B35 35 End-I B1 25/40 94,7384 ENVELOPE 557,55 6,5681
Story1 B35 35 Middle B1 25/40 46,3157 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 7,2932
Story1 B36 36 End-I B1 25/40 107,8081 ENVELOPE 753,8 5,4535
Story1 B36 36 Middle B1 25/40 101,8483 ENVELOPE 664,31 8,8049
Story1 B36 36 End-J B1 25/40 53,8541 ENVELOPE 0 8,8049
Story1 B37 37 End-I B1 25/40 16,1184 ENVELOPE 302,52 6,7185
Story1 B37 37 Middle B1 25/40 29,8248 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 359,1 6,3004
Story1 B37 37 End-J B1 25/40 48,139 ENVELOPE 0 7,2193
Story1 B38 38 End-I B1 25/40 38,5573 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,1863
Story1 B38 38 Middle B1 25/40 29,4151 ENVELOPE 359,1 6,5717
Story1 B38 38 End-J B1 25/40 34,8454 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 7,1106
Story1 B39 39 End-I B1 25/40 30,403 0,9 D + 1W 359,1 6,4285
Story1 B39 39 Middle B1 25/40 31,5532 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,167
Story1 B39 39 End-J B1 25/40 32,4779 0,9 D + 1W 359,1 7,4011
Story1 B40 40 End-I B1 25/40 35,3961 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,9174
Story1 B40 40 Middle B1 25/40 30,6106 ENVELOPE 359,1 6,0589
Story1 B40 40 End-J B1 25/40 36,6422 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,3378
Story1 B41 41 End-I B1 25/40 32,8692 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,8265
Story1 B41 41 Middle B1 25/40 29,6067 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,8265
Story1 B41 41 End-J B1 25/40 44,07 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,4484
Story1 B42 42 End-I B1 25/40 60,3266 ENVELOPE 40,86 9,3992
Story1 B42 42 Middle B1 25/40 29,1724 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 359,1 8,2652
Story1 B42 42 End-J B1 25/40 49,2714 ENVELOPE 0 10,6837
Story1 B43 43 End-I B1 25/40 9,0841 ENVELOPE 170,5 8,9388
Story1 B43 43 Middle B1 25/40 11,2047 ENVELOPE 210,3 7,4083
Story1 B43 43 End-J B1 25/40 75,2386 ENVELOPE 264,76 7,2283
Story1 B44 44 Middle B1 25/40 29,0661 ENVELOPE 359,1 6,8609
Story1 B44 44 End-J B1 25/40 51,3907 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,6382
Story1 B45 45 End-I B1 25/40 21,1175 ENVELOPE 396,35 6,48
Story1 B45 45 Middle B1 25/40 28,7985 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 359,1 5,6319
Story1 B45 45 End-J B1 25/40 4,1857 0,9 D + 1W 26,38 8,4574
Story1 B46 46 End-I B1 25/40 44,4607 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,6452
Story1 B46 46 Middle B1 25/40 9,9286 ENVELOPE 186,35 6,8966
Story1 B47 47 End-I B1 25/40 26,8768 ENVELOPE 0 9,4508

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story1 B47 47 Middle B1 25/40 12,0455 1D+1L 46,04 6,0775
Story1 B47 47 End-J B1 25/40 76,8677 ENVELOPE 289,22 6,0447
Story1 B49 49 End-I B1 25/40 35,6241 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 8,96
Story1 B49 49 Middle B1 25/40 27,5563 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 37,62 7,1282
Story1 B49 49 End-J B1 25/40 48,333 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,844
Story1 B50 50 End-I B1 25/40 61,2151 ENVELOPE 54,2 8,9103
Story1 B50 50 Middle B1 25/40 29,5046 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 359,1 8,1934
Story1 B50 50 End-J B1 25/40 49,8661 ENVELOPE 0 9,6599
Story1 B51 51 End-I B1 25/40 37,3975 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,2452
Story1 B51 51 Middle B1 25/40 30,0499 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,5484
Story1 B51 51 End-J B1 25/40 41,9041 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,0147
Story1 B53 53 End-I B2 25/35 40,624 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 705,28 5,8211
Story1 B53 53 Middle B2 25/35 37,5314 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 651,59 7,6459
Story1 B53 53 End-J B2 25/35 31,9113 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 554,02 6,6649
Story1 B55 55 End-I B2 25/35 44,9827 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 780,95 2,9504
Story1 B55 55 Middle B2 25/35 41,89 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 727,26 4,6717
Story1 B55 55 End-J B2 25/35 30,8 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 534,72 4,6717
Story1 B58 56 End-I B2 25/35 52,9892 ENVELOPE 919,95 4,467
Story1 B58 56 Middle B2 25/35 51,8449 ENVELOPE 900,09 4,467
Story1 B58 56 End-J B2 25/35 50,0774 ENVELOPE 869,4 4,2723
Story1 B59 57 End-I B2 25/35 47,2255 ENVELOPE 819,89 3,7263
Story1 B59 57 Middle B2 25/35 43,2702 ENVELOPE 751,22 4,0903
Story1 B59 57 End-J B2 25/35 46,83 ENVELOPE 813,02 4,0903
Story1 B62 59 End-J B2 25/35 41,9301 ENVELOPE 727,95 5,0787
Story1 B63 58 End-I B2 25/35 47,3933 ENVELOPE 822,8 7,0841
Story1 B63 58 End-J B2 25/35 54,7686 ENVELOPE 950,84 6,7428
Story1 B64 60 End-I B2 25/35 38,6893 ENVELOPE 671,69 2,1543
Story1 B64 60 Middle B2 25/35 45,9897 ENVELOPE 798,43 3,5062
Story1 B64 60 End-J B2 25/35 47,8865 ENVELOPE 831,36 3,5062
Story1 B65 61 End-I B2 25/35 42,5722 ENVELOPE 739,1 4,8405
Story1 B65 61 Middle B2 25/35 40,5104 ENVELOPE 703,31 6,1574
Story1 B65 61 End-J B2 25/35 38,9553 ENVELOPE 676,31 6,1574
Story1 B67 62 End-I B2 25/35 63,5175 ENVELOPE 1102,73 5,303
Story1 B67 62 Middle B2 25/35 61,6834 ENVELOPE 1070,89 5,303
Story1 B67 62 End-J B2 25/35 57,9753 ENVELOPE 1006,52 0,5987
Story1 B48 48 End-I B1 25/40 111,3032 ENVELOPE 1671,22 3,4806
Story1 B48 48 Middle B1 25/40 128,0979 ENVELOPE 1923,39 3,4806
Story1 B48 48 End-J B1 25/40 129,3349 ENVELOPE 1941,97 0,2691
Story1 B52 52 End-I B1 25/40 101,4693 ENVELOPE 1523,56 4,3401
Story1 B52 52 Middle B1 25/40 117,8103 ENVELOPE 1768,92 4,3401
Story1 B52 52 End-J B1 25/40 119,0474 ENVELOPE 1787,5 1,7286
Story1 B54 54 End-I B1 25/40 119,0316 ENVELOPE 1787,26 0,007
Story1 B54 54 Middle B1 25/40 121,3736 ENVELOPE 1822,43 5,9946
Story1 B54 54 End-J B1 25/40 123,7063 ENVELOPE 1857,45 5,9946
Story1 B56 63 End-I B1 25/40 103,6013 ENVELOPE 1555,57 3,3279
Story1 B56 63 Middle B1 25/40 120,0239 ENVELOPE 1802,16 3,3279
Story1 B56 63 End-J B1 25/40 121,261 ENVELOPE 1820,74 0,2734
Story1 B57 64 End-I B1 25/40 108,927 ENVELOPE 1635,54 4,2342
Story1 B57 64 Middle B1 25/40 125,1651 ENVELOPE 1879,36 4,2342
Story1 B57 64 End-J B1 25/40 126,4022 ENVELOPE 1897,93 1,419
Story1 B60 65 End-I B1 25/40 145,1983 ENVELOPE 2180,16 0,0431
Story1 B60 65 Middle B1 25/40 148,2462 ENVELOPE 2225,92 7,1826
Story1 B60 65 End-J B1 25/40 150,579 ENVELOPE 2260,95 7,1826
Story1 B61 66 End-I B1 25/40 200,6184 ENVELOPE 3012,29 1,0071
Story1 B72 72 End-I B1 25/40 46,9926 ENVELOPE 705,59 5,9855
Story1 B72 72 Middle B1 25/40 36,6129 ENVELOPE 549,74 0,6141
Story1 B72 72 End-J B1 25/40 43,139 ENVELOPE 647,73 6,0215
Story1 B73 73 End-I B2 25/35 54,9183 ENVELOPE 953,44 3,264
Story1 B73 73 Middle B2 25/35 52,1376 ENVELOPE 905,17 3,264
Story1 B73 73 End-J B2 25/35 55,1556 ENVELOPE 957,56 0,7973

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Story1 B74 74 End-I B2 25/35 41,0852 ENVELOPE 713,28 2,6569
Story1 B74 74 Middle B2 25/35 38,3463 ENVELOPE 665,73 3,1005
Story1 B74 74 End-J B2 25/35 41,3643 ENVELOPE 718,13 3,1005
Story1 B75 75 End-I B2 25/35 39,7234 ENVELOPE 689,64 3,3571
Story1 B75 75 Middle B2 25/35 36,7055 ENVELOPE 637,25 4,9803
Story1 B75 75 End-J B2 25/35 39,6716 ENVELOPE 688,74 4,9803
Story1 B76 76 End-I B2 25/35 39,2507 ENVELOPE 681,43 3,602
Story1 B76 76 Middle B2 25/35 37,0812 ENVELOPE 643,77 3,602
Story1 B76 76 End-J B2 25/35 40,0992 ENVELOPE 696,17 2,9113
Story1 B77 77 End-I B2 25/35 39,4587 ENVELOPE 685,05 3,529
Story1 B77 77 Middle B2 25/35 36,4407 ENVELOPE 632,65 3,5501
Story1 B77 77 End-J B2 25/35 39,1026 ENVELOPE 678,86 3,5501
Story1 B78 78 End-I B2 25/35 37,9114 ENVELOPE 658,18 4,335
Story1 B78 78 Middle B2 25/35 38,1768 ENVELOPE 662,79 5,9883
Story1 B78 78 End-J B2 25/35 41,1947 ENVELOPE 715,19 5,9883
Story1 B66 84 End-I B1 25/40 66,0804 ENVELOPE 127,25 5,7758
Story1 B66 84 Middle B1 25/40 29,6667 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 5,587
Story1 B66 84 End-J B1 25/40 31,434 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 6,5915
Story1 B68 85 End-I B1 25/40 39,2984 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 359,1 7,3002
Story1 B68 85 Middle B1 25/40 29,1607 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 359,1 7,8815
Story1 B68 85 End-J B1 25/40 35,4001 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 12,96 8,5937
Story1 B88 71 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 1,0248
Story1 B88 71 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 4,9772
Story1 B88 71 End-J B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 4,9772
Story1 B91 79 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 1,9629
Story1 B91 79 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 21,1912
Story1 B91 79 End-J B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 21,1912
Story1 B138 90 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 17,0239
Story1 B138 90 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 22,045
Story1 B138 90 End-J B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 22,045
Story1 B139 231 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 7,7876
Story1 B139 231 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 9,6281
Story1 B139 231 End-J B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 5,8877
Story1 B140 239 End-I B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 11,1337
Story1 B140 239 Middle B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 11,1337
Story1 B140 239 End-J B3 0 ENVELOPE 0 2,5756
Base B8 1108 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B8 1108 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B8 1108 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B10 1030 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B10 1030 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B10 1030 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B11 1037 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B11 1037 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B11 1037 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B12 1052 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B12 1052 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B12 1052 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B13 1053 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B13 1053 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B13 1053 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B14 1065 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B14 1065 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B14 1065 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B15 1064 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B15 1064 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B15 1064 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B16 1060 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B16 1060 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B16 1060 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Base B24 1122 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B24 1122 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B24 1122 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B25 1104 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B25 1104 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B25 1104 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B33 1123 End-I SL 1 25/30 24,3827 ENVELOPE 521 0
Base B33 1123 Middle SL 1 25/30 19,1786 ENVELOPE 409,8 0
Base B33 1123 End-J SL 1 25/30 24,3827 ENVELOPE 521 0
Base B34 1124 End-I SL 1 25/30 24,3827 ENVELOPE 521 0
Base B34 1124 Middle SL 1 25/30 19,1786 ENVELOPE 409,8 0
Base B34 1124 End-J SL 1 25/30 24,3827 ENVELOPE 521 0
Base B35 1125 End-I SL 1 25/30 21,2659 ENVELOPE 359,1 0
Base B35 1125 Middle SL 1 25/30 18,6638 ENVELOPE 0 0
Base B35 1125 End-J SL 1 25/30 29,0721 ENVELOPE 359,1 0
Base B48 1100 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B48 1100 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B48 1100 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B52 1099 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B52 1099 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B52 1099 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B54 1095 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B54 1095 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B54 1095 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B56 1121 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B56 1121 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B56 1121 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B57 1120 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B57 1120 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B57 1120 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B60 1119 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B60 1119 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B60 1119 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B61 1126 End-I SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B61 1126 Middle SL 1 25/30 29,186 ENVELOPE 623,63 0
Base B61 1126 End-J SL 1 25/30 30,423 ENVELOPE 650,06 0
Base B85 1009 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B85 1009 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B85 1009 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B86 1011 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B86 1011 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B86 1011 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B87 1026 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B87 1026 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B87 1026 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B141 1031 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B141 1031 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B141 1031 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B142 1032 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B142 1032 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B142 1032 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B143 1033 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B143 1033 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B143 1033 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B144 1034 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B144 1034 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B144 1034 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B155 1035 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B155 1035 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B155 1035 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Base B157 1036 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B157 1036 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B157 1036 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B158 1038 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B158 1038 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B158 1038 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B159 1039 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B159 1039 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B159 1039 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B160 1051 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B160 1051 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B160 1051 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B161 1054 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B161 1054 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B161 1054 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B162 1055 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B162 1055 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B162 1055 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B163 1056 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B163 1056 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B163 1056 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B167 1061 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B167 1061 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B167 1061 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B168 1062 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B168 1062 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B168 1062 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B169 1063 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B169 1063 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B169 1063 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B170 1066 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B170 1066 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B170 1066 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B171 1090 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B171 1090 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B171 1090 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B172 1091 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B172 1091 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B172 1091 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B173 1092 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B173 1092 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B173 1092 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B174 1093 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B174 1093 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B174 1093 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B175 1094 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B175 1094 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B175 1094 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B176 1096 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B176 1096 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B176 1096 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B177 1097 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B177 1097 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B177 1097 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B178 1098 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B178 1098 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B178 1098 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B179 1101 End-I SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 0 16,1141
Base B179 1101 Middle SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 0 0,7779
Base B179 1101 End-J SL 1 25/30 0 ENVELOPE 0 0,7779

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V At T for At
Story Label UniqueName Location Section V Combo
kN mm2/m kN-m
Base B180 1102 End-I SL 1 25/30 41,1683 ENVELOPE 879,66 0
Base B180 1102 Middle SL 1 25/30 38,5662 ENVELOPE 824,06 0
Base B180 1102 End-J SL 1 25/30 41,1683 ENVELOPE 879,66 0
Base B181 1103 End-I SL 1 25/30 27,7285 ENVELOPE 592,49 0
Base B181 1103 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,0447 ENVELOPE 492,41 0
Base B181 1103 End-J SL 1 25/30 27,7285 ENVELOPE 592,49 0
Base B182 1105 End-I SL 1 25/30 24,043 ENVELOPE 513,74 0
Base B182 1105 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,8162 ENVELOPE 466,16 0
Base B182 1105 End-J SL 1 25/30 24,043 ENVELOPE 513,74 0
Base B183 1106 End-I SL 1 25/30 19,4108 ENVELOPE 414,76 0
Base B183 1106 Middle SL 1 25/30 17,0604 ENVELOPE 364,54 0
Base B183 1106 End-J SL 1 25/30 19,4108 ENVELOPE 414,76 0
Base B184 1107 End-I SL 1 25/30 39,1208 ENVELOPE 835,91 0
Base B184 1107 Middle SL 1 25/30 37,8837 ENVELOPE 809,48 0
Base B184 1107 End-J SL 1 25/30 39,1208 ENVELOPE 835,91 0
Base B185 1109 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B185 1109 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B185 1109 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B186 1110 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B186 1110 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B186 1110 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B187 1111 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B187 1111 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B187 1111 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B188 1112 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B188 1112 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B188 1112 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B189 1113 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B189 1113 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B189 1113 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B190 1114 End-I SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B190 1114 Middle SL 1 25/30 23,6602 ENVELOPE 505,56 0
Base B190 1114 End-J SL 1 25/30 28,8643 ENVELOPE 616,76 0
Base B191 1115 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B191 1115 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B191 1115 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B192 1117 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B192 1117 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B192 1117 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B193 1118 End-I SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0
Base B193 1118 Middle SL 1 25/30 21,2347 ENVELOPE 453,73 0
Base B193 1118 End-J SL 1 25/30 26,4388 ENVELOPE 564,93 0

Table 6.7 - Concrete Beam Shear Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story2 B1 67 End-I ENVELOPE 0 2,0704 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B1 67 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,4879 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B1 67 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,4953 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B2 68 End-I ENVELOPE 607,81 9,3215 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B2 68 Middle ENVELOPE 607,81 8,9898 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B2 68 End-J ENVELOPE 586,18 8,1983 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B3 69 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0755 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B3 69 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,7723 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B3 69 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,7684 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B4 70 End-I ENVELOPE 426,68 6,0232 ENVELOPE 308
Story2 B4 70 Middle ENVELOPE 547,84 8,4018 ENVELOPE 303
Story2 B4 70 End-J ENVELOPE 547,84 8,4018 ENVELOPE 303
Story2 B5 86 End-I ENVELOPE 524,4 8,0422 ENVELOPE 407
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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story2 B5 86 Middle ENVELOPE 567,45 8,7026 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B5 86 End-J ENVELOPE 567,45 7,9971 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B6 87 End-I ENVELOPE 202,73 3,1091 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B6 87 Middle ENVELOPE 202,73 3,1091 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B6 87 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,8216 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B7 88 End-I ENVELOPE 457,49 6,6337 ENVELOPE 287
Story2 B7 88 Middle ENVELOPE 485,61 7,0162 ENVELOPE 274
Story2 B7 88 End-J ENVELOPE 485,61 7,1134 ENVELOPE 271
Story2 B8 99 End-I ENVELOPE 155,69 2,004 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B8 99 Middle ENVELOPE 155,69 2,004 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B8 99 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,0094 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B9 93 End-I ENVELOPE 0 2,1023 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B9 93 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0249 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B9 93 End-J ENVELOPE 168,89 2,5901 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B25 95 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0443 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B25 95 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0037 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B25 95 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,0037 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B27 97 End-I ENVELOPE 672,63 10,3156 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B27 97 Middle ENVELOPE 672,63 7,7839 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B27 97 End-J ENVELOPE 507,55 7,0407 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B28 100 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0823 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B28 100 Middle ENVELOPE 0 1,4718 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B28 100 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,4268 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B29 98 End-I ENVELOPE 467,08 6,8647 ENVELOPE 279
Story2 B29 98 Middle ENVELOPE 467,08 6,8643 ENVELOPE 280
Story2 B29 98 End-J ENVELOPE 447,59 6,4758 ENVELOPE 293
Story2 B30 101 End-I ENVELOPE 575,93 8,8326 ENVELOPE 318
Story2 B30 101 Middle ENVELOPE 587,77 9,0141 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B30 101 End-J ENVELOPE 587,77 8,1785 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B31 103 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,7775 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B31 103 Middle ENVELOPE 257,97 3,9563 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B31 103 End-J ENVELOPE 257,97 3,8883 ENVELOPE 407
Story2 B32 102 End-I ENVELOPE 572,34 8,7775 ENVELOPE 316
Story2 B32 102 Middle ENVELOPE 591,18 9,0664 ENVELOPE 327
Story2 B32 102 End-J ENVELOPE 591,18 9,0664 ENVELOPE 327
Story2 B33 80 End-I ENVELOPE 506,54 6,3712 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B33 80 Middle ENVELOPE 552,18 6,2816 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B33 80 End-J ENVELOPE 567,82 7,3086 ENVELOPE 281
Story2 B34 109 End-I ENVELOPE 519,78 6,6469 ENVELOPE 279
Story2 B34 109 Middle ENVELOPE 519,78 3,3806 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B34 109 End-J ENVELOPE 265,23 3,4138 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B35 81 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0491 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B35 81 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,5194 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B35 81 End-J ENVELOPE 275,33 3,5124 ENVELOPE 312
Story2 B36 112 End-I ENVELOPE 352,98 4,5434 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B36 112 Middle ENVELOPE 352,98 4,5434 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B36 112 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,3406 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B79 91 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,2697 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B79 91 Middle ENVELOPE 259,23 3,3367 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B79 91 End-J ENVELOPE 259,23 3,3367 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B83 111 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,5609 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B83 111 Middle ENVELOPE 188,15 2,4218 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B83 111 End-J ENVELOPE 188,15 2,4218 ENVELOPE 354
Story2 B70 108 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,5692 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B70 108 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,7676 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B70 108 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,7676 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B82 113 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,9294 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B82 113 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,7157 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B82 113 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,7157 ENVELOPE 0

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story2 B84 114 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,9882 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B84 114 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,9191 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B84 114 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,9191 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B89 115 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,1685 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B89 115 Middle ENVELOPE 0 1,2009 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B89 115 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,2009 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B92 117 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0513 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B92 117 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0513 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B92 117 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,1729 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B93 118 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,1832 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B93 118 Middle ENVELOPE 0 1,1832 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B93 118 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,0839 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B69 82 End-I ENVELOPE 456,76 5,8791 ENVELOPE 226
Story2 B69 82 Middle ENVELOPE 516,28 6,6452 ENVELOPE 255
Story2 B69 82 End-J ENVELOPE 516,28 6,6452 ENVELOPE 255
Story2 B71 92 End-I ENVELOPE 583,69 7,5128 ENVELOPE 289
Story2 B71 92 Middle ENVELOPE 698,04 8,9847 ENVELOPE 345
Story2 B71 92 End-J ENVELOPE 698,04 8,9847 ENVELOPE 345
Story2 B80 96 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0042 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B80 96 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0042 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B80 96 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,0042 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 B81 105 End-I ENVELOPE 462,84 5,9573 ENVELOPE 229
Story2 B81 105 Middle ENVELOPE 476,34 6,1311 ENVELOPE 235
Story2 B81 105 End-J ENVELOPE 476,34 6,1311 ENVELOPE 235
Story2 B90 107 End-I ENVELOPE 562,39 7,2387 ENVELOPE 278
Story2 B90 107 Middle ENVELOPE 588,38 7,5732 ENVELOPE 291
Story2 B90 107 End-J ENVELOPE 588,38 7,5732 ENVELOPE 291
Story2 D1 230 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,3233 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D1 230 Middle ENVELOPE 0 1,4974 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D1 230 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,5554 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D2 1029 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0783 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D2 1029 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0749 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D2 1029 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,0735 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D3 89 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,3749 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D3 89 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,1913 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D3 89 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,136 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D4 94 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,1107 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D4 94 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0728 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D4 94 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,1533 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D5 104 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0078 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D5 104 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0082 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D5 104 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,0084 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D6 106 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,6627 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D6 106 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,5039 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D6 106 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,4531 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D7 83 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,7417 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D7 83 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,6891 ENVELOPE 0
Story2 D7 83 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,6724 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B1 1 End-I ENVELOPE 730,33 11,2004 ENVELOPE 404
Story1 B1 1 Middle ENVELOPE 652,4 3,6782 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B1 1 End-J ENVELOPE 842,19 12,916 ENVELOPE 466
Story1 B2 2 End-I ENVELOPE 1348,85 20,6862 ENVELOPE 746
Story1 B2 2 Middle ENVELOPE 553,07 2,5545 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B2 2 End-J ENVELOPE 1061,02 16,272 ENVELOPE 587
Story1 B3 3 End-I ENVELOPE 317,6 4,8708 ENVELOPE 332
Story1 B3 3 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,0666 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B3 3 End-J ENVELOPE 302,04 4,6321 ENVELOPE 342
Story1 B4 4 End-I ENVELOPE 444,46 5,0129 ENVELOPE 400
Story1 B4 4 Middle ENVELOPE 326,87 4,6773 ENVELOPE 407

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story1 B4 4 End-J ENVELOPE 448,14 4,596 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B5 5 End-I ENVELOPE 1047,52 16,0649 ENVELOPE 579
Story1 B5 5 Middle ENVELOPE 582,41 5,6253 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B5 5 End-J ENVELOPE 1851,73 28,3984 ENVELOPE 1024
Story1 B6 6 End-I ENVELOPE 1530,3 23,469 ENVELOPE 846
Story1 B6 6 Middle ENVELOPE 4223,54 64,7729 ENVELOPE 2335
Story1 B6 6 End-J ENVELOPE 2238,45 34,3292 ENVELOPE 1237
Story1 B7 7 End-I ENVELOPE 359,41 4,4902 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B7 7 Middle ENVELOPE 321,18 2,7967 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B7 7 End-J ENVELOPE 325,96 4,99 ENVELOPE 405
Story1 B8 8 End-I ENVELOPE 699,79 10,7321 ENVELOPE 387
Story1 B8 8 Middle ENVELOPE 699,79 10,7321 ENVELOPE 387
Story1 B8 8 End-J ENVELOPE 699,79 10,7321 ENVELOPE 387
Story1 B9 9 End-I ENVELOPE 1237,38 18,9767 ENVELOPE 684
Story1 B9 9 Middle ENVELOPE 1262,26 19,3582 ENVELOPE 698
Story1 B9 9 End-J ENVELOPE 1220,23 18,7137 ENVELOPE 675
Story1 B10 10 End-I ENVELOPE 268,2 4,1132 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B10 10 Middle ENVELOPE 419,26 6,4298 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B10 10 End-J ENVELOPE 419,26 6,4298 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B11 11 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0229 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B11 11 Middle ENVELOPE 395,91 6,0718 ENVELOPE 289
Story1 B11 11 End-J ENVELOPE 395,91 6,0718 ENVELOPE 289
Story1 B12 12 End-I ENVELOPE 278,18 4,2662 ENVELOPE 365
Story1 B12 12 Middle ENVELOPE 278,18 4,2662 ENVELOPE 365
Story1 B12 12 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,9495 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B13 13 End-I ENVELOPE 387,56 5,9438 ENVELOPE 305
Story1 B13 13 Middle ENVELOPE 387,56 2,4571 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B13 13 End-J ENVELOPE 160,22 2,4571 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B14 14 End-I ENVELOPE 225,05 3,4514 ENVELOPE 392
Story1 B14 14 Middle ENVELOPE 225,05 3,4514 ENVELOPE 392
Story1 B14 14 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,552 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B15 15 End-I ENVELOPE 255,74 3,9221 ENVELOPE 374
Story1 B15 15 Middle ENVELOPE 255,74 3,9221 ENVELOPE 374
Story1 B15 15 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,3751 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B16 16 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,8634 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B16 16 Middle ENVELOPE 218,36 3,3488 ENVELOPE 397
Story1 B16 16 End-J ENVELOPE 218,36 3,3488 ENVELOPE 397
Story1 B17 17 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,9374 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B17 17 Middle ENVELOPE 199,45 2,5672 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B17 17 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,9638 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B18 18 End-I ENVELOPE 234,87 3,0231 ENVELOPE 337
Story1 B18 18 Middle ENVELOPE 234,87 2,2514 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B18 18 End-J ENVELOPE 174,92 2,2514 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B19 19 End-I ENVELOPE 186,49 2,4004 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B19 19 Middle ENVELOPE 322,19 2,4004 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B19 19 End-J ENVELOPE 322,19 4,147 ENVELOPE 285
Story1 B20 20 End-I ENVELOPE 236,76 3,0474 ENVELOPE 327
Story1 B20 20 Middle ENVELOPE 236,76 1,5778 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 354
Story1 B20 20 End-J 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 122,58 1,5778 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 354
Story1 B21 21 End-I ENVELOPE 222,07 2,8583 ENVELOPE 339
Story1 B21 21 Middle ENVELOPE 222,07 2,1502 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B21 21 End-J ENVELOPE 167,05 2,1502 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B22 22 End-I ENVELOPE 189,87 2,4439 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B22 22 Middle ENVELOPE 315,63 0,302 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 354
Story1 B22 22 End-J ENVELOPE 315,63 4,0625 ENVELOPE 287
Story1 B23 23 End-I ENVELOPE 262,87 3,3835 ENVELOPE 319
Story1 B23 23 Middle ENVELOPE 264,58 0,0013 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 354
Story1 B23 23 End-J ENVELOPE 264,58 3,4055 ENVELOPE 319
Story1 B24 24 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,3456 ENVELOPE 0

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story1 B24 24 Middle ENVELOPE 536,58 8,2291 ENVELOPE 297
Story1 B24 24 End-J ENVELOPE 536,58 8,2291 ENVELOPE 297
Story1 B25 25 End-I ENVELOPE 827,12 12,6849 ENVELOPE 457
Story1 B25 25 Middle ENVELOPE 827,12 12,6849 ENVELOPE 457
Story1 B25 25 End-J ENVELOPE 805,43 12,3522 ENVELOPE 445
Story1 B26 26 End-I ENVELOPE 626,91 9,6144 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B26 26 Middle ENVELOPE 636,53 9,6144 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B26 26 End-J ENVELOPE 266,57 4,0882 ENVELOPE 376
Story1 B27 27 End-I ENVELOPE 1050,9 16,1167 ENVELOPE 581
Story1 B27 27 Middle ENVELOPE 730,48 2,6029 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B27 27 End-J ENVELOPE 1312,7 20,1318 ENVELOPE 726
Story1 B28 28 End-I ENVELOPE 358,38 5,4962 ENVELOPE 312
Story1 B28 28 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,1952 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B28 28 End-J ENVELOPE 368,7 5,6545 ENVELOPE 307
Story1 B29 29 End-I ENVELOPE 358,14 4,8332 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B29 29 Middle ENVELOPE 358,14 5,0876 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B29 29 End-J ENVELOPE 600,8 4,4697 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B30 30 End-I ENVELOPE 1114,82 17,0971 ENVELOPE 616
Story1 B30 30 Middle ENVELOPE 492,08 6,7672 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B30 30 End-J ENVELOPE 1367,67 20,9748 ENVELOPE 756
Story1 B31 31 End-I ENVELOPE 1168,45 17,9195 ENVELOPE 646
Story1 B31 31 Middle ENVELOPE 1414,02 21,6857 ENVELOPE 782
Story1 B31 31 End-J ENVELOPE 326,2 5,0026 ENVELOPE 352
Story1 B32 32 End-I ENVELOPE 561,13 8,6056 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B32 32 Middle ENVELOPE 274,12 2,2282 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B32 32 End-J ENVELOPE 810,5 12,4299 ENVELOPE 448
Story1 B33 33 End-I ENVELOPE 1544,61 23,6884 ENVELOPE 854
Story1 B33 33 Middle ENVELOPE 1544,61 23,6884 ENVELOPE 854
Story1 B33 33 End-J ENVELOPE 1680,74 25,776 ENVELOPE 929
Story1 B34 34 End-I ENVELOPE 526,74 3,0505 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B34 34 Middle ENVELOPE 449,29 6,8904 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B34 34 End-J ENVELOPE 906,16 13,897 ENVELOPE 501
Story1 B35 35 End-I ENVELOPE 428,28 5,7346 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B35 35 Middle ENVELOPE 475,55 7,2932 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B35 35 End-J ENVELOPE 1217,61 18,6735 ENVELOPE 673
Story1 B36 36 End-I ENVELOPE 355,6 5,4535 ENVELOPE 327
Story1 B36 36 Middle ENVELOPE 574,13 5,9835 ENVELOPE 393
Story1 B36 36 End-J ENVELOPE 574,13 7,746 ENVELOPE 362
Story1 B37 37 End-I ENVELOPE 438,08 6,7185 ENVELOPE 392
Story1 B37 37 Middle ENVELOPE 410,82 2,533 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B37 37 End-J ENVELOPE 470,74 6,3004 ENVELOPE 396
Story1 B38 38 End-I ENVELOPE 403,38 6,1863 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B38 38 Middle ENVELOPE 428,51 6,1863 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B38 38 End-J ENVELOPE 463,65 7,1106 ENVELOPE 384
Story1 B39 39 End-I ENVELOPE 419,17 5,0195 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B39 39 Middle ENVELOPE 336,92 5,0195 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B39 39 End-J ENVELOPE 482,59 5,271 ENVELOPE 403
Story1 B40 40 End-I ENVELOPE 385,84 5,8367 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B40 40 Middle ENVELOPE 395,07 5,8367 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B40 40 End-J ENVELOPE 413,26 5,0558 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B41 41 End-I ENVELOPE 379,92 5,8265 ENVELOPE 401
Story1 B41 41 Middle ENVELOPE 379,92 4,8389 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B41 41 End-J ENVELOPE 355,26 4,8389 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B42 42 End-I ENVELOPE 612,88 9,3992 ENVELOPE 362
Story1 B42 42 Middle ENVELOPE 538,93 2,8761 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B42 42 End-J ENVELOPE 696,63 10,6837 ENVELOPE 385
Story1 B43 43 End-I ENVELOPE 582,86 7,4083 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B43 43 Middle ENVELOPE 483,06 3,6562 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B43 43 End-J ENVELOPE 471,32 7,2283 ENVELOPE 407

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story1 B44 44 End-I ENVELOPE 642,94 6,8609 ENVELOPE 403
Story1 B44 44 Middle ENVELOPE 447,37 4,483 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B44 44 End-J ENVELOPE 432,85 6,6382 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B45 45 End-I ENVELOPE 422,53 5,8419 ENVELOPE 394
Story1 B45 45 Middle ENVELOPE 367,23 4,5748 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B45 45 End-J ENVELOPE 551,47 4,5748 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B46 46 End-I ENVELOPE 433,3 5,1472 ENVELOPE 401
Story1 B46 46 Middle ENVELOPE 449,69 3,3337 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B46 46 End-J ENVELOPE 647,05 8,887 ENVELOPE 391
Story1 B47 47 End-I ENVELOPE 616,24 6,0775 ENVELOPE 382
Story1 B47 47 Middle ENVELOPE 396,29 3,3473 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B47 47 End-J ENVELOPE 394,15 6,0447 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B49 49 End-I ENVELOPE 584,24 7,1282 ENVELOPE 361
Story1 B49 49 Middle ENVELOPE 464,79 3,5891 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B49 49 End-J ENVELOPE 446,27 6,7961 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B50 50 End-I ENVELOPE 581 8,9103 ENVELOPE 350
Story1 B50 50 Middle ENVELOPE 534,26 2,9147 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B50 50 End-J ENVELOPE 629,88 9,6599 ENVELOPE 348
Story1 B51 51 End-I ENVELOPE 342,01 5,1501 ENVELOPE 400
Story1 B51 51 Middle ENVELOPE 361,79 5,2452 ENVELOPE 399
Story1 B51 51 End-J ENVELOPE 392,19 5,5484 ENVELOPE 393
Story1 B53 53 End-I ENVELOPE 452,26 5,8211 ENVELOPE 312
Story1 B53 53 Middle ENVELOPE 594,03 5,8211 ENVELOPE 312
Story1 B53 53 End-J ENVELOPE 517,81 5,8216 ENVELOPE 323
Story1 B55 55 End-I ENVELOPE 229,22 2,9504 ENVELOPE 348
Story1 B55 55 Middle ENVELOPE 362,96 2,9504 ENVELOPE 348
Story1 B55 55 End-J ENVELOPE 362,96 4,1984 ENVELOPE 339
Story1 B58 56 End-I ENVELOPE 347,05 4,467 ENVELOPE 277
Story1 B58 56 Middle ENVELOPE 347,05 4,2723 ENVELOPE 282
Story1 B58 56 End-J ENVELOPE 331,93 4,2723 ENVELOPE 282
Story1 B59 57 End-I ENVELOPE 289,5 3,7263 ENVELOPE 301
Story1 B59 57 Middle ENVELOPE 317,78 3,7263 ENVELOPE 301
Story1 B59 57 End-J ENVELOPE 317,78 4,0903 ENVELOPE 299
Story1 B62 59 End-I ENVELOPE 649,44 8,3591 ENVELOPE 321
Story1 B62 59 Middle ENVELOPE 649,44 8,3591 ENVELOPE 321
Story1 B62 59 End-J ENVELOPE 394,57 5,0787 ENVELOPE 313
Story1 B63 58 End-I ENVELOPE 550,38 7,0841 ENVELOPE 318
Story1 B63 58 Middle ENVELOPE 550,38 6,7428 ENVELOPE 335
Story1 B63 58 End-J ENVELOPE 523,86 6,7428 ENVELOPE 335
Story1 B64 60 End-I ENVELOPE 167,38 2,1543 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B64 60 Middle ENVELOPE 272,41 2,1543 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B64 60 End-J ENVELOPE 272,41 3,5062 ENVELOPE 323
Story1 B65 61 End-I ENVELOPE 376,07 4,8405 ENVELOPE 339
Story1 B65 61 Middle ENVELOPE 478,38 4,8405 ENVELOPE 339
Story1 B65 61 End-J ENVELOPE 478,38 6,1574 ENVELOPE 289
Story1 B67 62 End-I ENVELOPE 412 5,303 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B67 62 Middle ENVELOPE 412 5,303 ENVELOPE 354
Story1 B67 62 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,5987 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B48 48 End-I ENVELOPE 226,95 3,4806 ENVELOPE 389
Story1 B48 48 Middle ENVELOPE 226,95 3,4806 ENVELOPE 389
Story1 B48 48 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,2691 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B52 52 End-I ENVELOPE 283 4,3401 ENVELOPE 361
Story1 B52 52 Middle ENVELOPE 283 4,3401 ENVELOPE 361
Story1 B52 52 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,7286 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B54 54 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,007 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B54 54 Middle ENVELOPE 390,88 5,9946 ENVELOPE 291
Story1 B54 54 End-J ENVELOPE 390,88 5,9946 ENVELOPE 291
Story1 B56 63 End-I ENVELOPE 217 3,3279 ENVELOPE 396
Story1 B56 63 Middle ENVELOPE 217 3,3279 ENVELOPE 396

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story1 B56 63 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,2734 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B57 64 End-I ENVELOPE 276,09 4,2342 ENVELOPE 364
Story1 B57 64 Middle ENVELOPE 276,09 4,2342 ENVELOPE 364
Story1 B57 64 End-J ENVELOPE 0 1,419 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B60 65 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0,0431 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B60 65 Middle ENVELOPE 468,35 7,1826 ENVELOPE 259
Story1 B60 65 End-J ENVELOPE 468,35 7,1826 ENVELOPE 259
Story1 B61 66 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,0071 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B61 66 Middle ENVELOPE 426,69 6,5439 ENVELOPE 283
Story1 B61 66 End-J ENVELOPE 426,69 6,5439 ENVELOPE 283
Story1 B72 72 End-I ENVELOPE 390,28 5,9855 ENVELOPE 299
Story1 B72 72 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,6141 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B72 72 End-J ENVELOPE 392,64 6,0215 ENVELOPE 307
Story1 B73 73 End-I ENVELOPE 253,59 3,264 ENVELOPE 318
Story1 B73 73 Middle ENVELOPE 253,59 0,7973 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 354
Story1 B73 73 End-J 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 126 0,7973 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 354
Story1 B74 74 End-I ENVELOPE 206,42 2,6569 ENVELOPE 348
Story1 B74 74 Middle ENVELOPE 240,89 2,6569 ENVELOPE 348
Story1 B74 74 End-J ENVELOPE 240,89 3,1005 ENVELOPE 331
Story1 B75 75 End-I ENVELOPE 260,82 3,3571 ENVELOPE 323
Story1 B75 75 Middle ENVELOPE 386,93 3,3571 ENVELOPE 323
Story1 B75 75 End-J ENVELOPE 386,93 4,9803 ENVELOPE 253
Story1 B76 76 End-I ENVELOPE 279,85 3,602 ENVELOPE 307
Story1 B76 76 Middle ENVELOPE 279,85 2,9113 ENVELOPE 340
Story1 B76 76 End-J ENVELOPE 226,18 2,9113 ENVELOPE 340
Story1 B77 77 End-I ENVELOPE 274,17 3,529 ENVELOPE 314
Story1 B77 77 Middle ENVELOPE 275,82 3,5501 ENVELOPE 315
Story1 B77 77 End-J ENVELOPE 275,82 3,5501 ENVELOPE 315
Story1 B78 78 End-I ENVELOPE 336,79 4,335 ENVELOPE 287
Story1 B78 78 Middle ENVELOPE 465,25 4,335 ENVELOPE 287
Story1 B78 78 End-J ENVELOPE 465,25 5,9883 ENVELOPE 230
Story1 B66 84 End-I ENVELOPE 376,61 5,587 ENVELOPE 405
Story1 B66 84 Middle ENVELOPE 364,3 4,7928 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B66 84 End-J ENVELOPE 429,8 4,7928 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B68 85 End-I ENVELOPE 476,01 7,3002 ENVELOPE 362
Story1 B68 85 Middle ENVELOPE 513,91 2,8928 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B68 85 End-J ENVELOPE 560,35 8,5937 ENVELOPE 407
Story1 B88 71 End-I ENVELOPE 340,25 1,0248 ENVELOPE 104
Story1 B88 71 Middle ENVELOPE 1652,44 4,9772 ENVELOPE 430
Story1 B88 71 End-J ENVELOPE 1652,44 4,9772 ENVELOPE 430
Story1 B91 79 End-I ENVELOPE 0 1,9629 ENVELOPE 0
Story1 B91 79 Middle ENVELOPE 7035,55 21,1912 ENVELOPE 1830
Story1 B91 79 End-J ENVELOPE 7035,55 21,1912 ENVELOPE 1830
Story1 B138 90 End-I ENVELOPE 5651,97 17,0239 ENVELOPE 1470
Story1 B138 90 Middle ENVELOPE 7318,99 22,045 ENVELOPE 1904
Story1 B138 90 End-J ENVELOPE 7318,99 22,045 ENVELOPE 1904
Story1 B139 231 End-I ENVELOPE 2585,5 7,7876 ENVELOPE 673
Story1 B139 231 Middle ENVELOPE 3196,57 9,6281 ENVELOPE 832
Story1 B139 231 End-J ENVELOPE 1954,74 5,8877 ENVELOPE 508
Story1 B140 239 End-I ENVELOPE 3696,42 11,1337 ENVELOPE 962
Story1 B140 239 Middle ENVELOPE 3696,42 11,1337 ENVELOPE 962
Story1 B140 239 End-J ENVELOPE 855,1 2,5756 ENVELOPE 222
Story1 D8 991 End-I ENVELOPE 466,67 1,4056 ENVELOPE 121
Story1 D8 991 Middle ENVELOPE 466,67 1,4056 ENVELOPE 121
Story1 D8 991 End-J ENVELOPE 466,67 1,4056 ENVELOPE 121
Story1 D9 993 End-I ENVELOPE 1157,55 3,4866 ENVELOPE 301
Story1 D9 993 Middle ENVELOPE 1157,55 3,4866 ENVELOPE 301
Story1 D9 993 End-J ENVELOPE 1157,55 3,4866 ENVELOPE 301
Story1 D10 1027 End-I ENVELOPE 1386,59 4,1764 ENVELOPE 361

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Story1 D10 1027 Middle ENVELOPE 1386,59 4,1764 ENVELOPE 361
Story1 D10 1027 End-J ENVELOPE 1386,59 4,1764 ENVELOPE 361
Story1 D11 1028 End-I ENVELOPE 1202,51 3,622 ENVELOPE 313
Story1 D11 1028 Middle ENVELOPE 1202,51 3,622 ENVELOPE 313
Story1 D11 1028 End-J ENVELOPE 1202,51 3,622 ENVELOPE 313
Base B8 1108 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B8 1108 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B8 1108 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B10 1030 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B10 1030 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B10 1030 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B11 1037 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B11 1037 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B11 1037 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B12 1052 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B12 1052 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B12 1052 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B13 1053 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B13 1053 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B13 1053 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B14 1065 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B14 1065 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B14 1065 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B15 1064 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B15 1064 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B15 1064 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B16 1060 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B16 1060 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B16 1060 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B24 1122 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B24 1122 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B24 1122 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B25 1104 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B25 1104 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B25 1104 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B33 1123 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B33 1123 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B33 1123 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B34 1124 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B34 1124 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B34 1124 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B35 1125 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B35 1125 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B35 1125 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B48 1100 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B48 1100 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B48 1100 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B52 1099 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B52 1099 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B52 1099 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B54 1095 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B54 1095 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B54 1095 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B56 1121 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B56 1121 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B56 1121 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B57 1120 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B57 1120 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B57 1120 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Base B60 1119 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B60 1119 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B60 1119 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B61 1126 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B61 1126 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B61 1126 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B156 240 End-I ENVELOPE 850,5 8,8508 ENVELOPE 371
Base B156 240 Middle ENVELOPE 850,5 8,8508 ENVELOPE 371
Base B156 240 End-J ENVELOPE 850,5 8,8508 ENVELOPE 371
Base B85 1009 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B85 1009 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B85 1009 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B86 1011 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B86 1011 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B86 1011 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B87 1026 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B87 1026 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B87 1026 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B141 1031 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B141 1031 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B141 1031 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B142 1032 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B142 1032 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B142 1032 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B143 1033 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B143 1033 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B143 1033 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B144 1034 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B144 1034 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B144 1034 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B155 1035 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B155 1035 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B155 1035 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B157 1036 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B157 1036 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B157 1036 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B158 1038 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B158 1038 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B158 1038 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B159 1039 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B159 1039 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B159 1039 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B160 1051 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B160 1051 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B160 1051 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B161 1054 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B161 1054 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B161 1054 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B162 1055 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B162 1055 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B162 1055 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B163 1056 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B163 1056 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B163 1056 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B167 1061 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B167 1061 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B167 1061 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B168 1062 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B168 1062 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Base B168 1062 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B169 1063 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B169 1063 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B169 1063 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B170 1066 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B170 1066 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B170 1066 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B171 1090 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B171 1090 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B171 1090 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B172 1091 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B172 1091 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B172 1091 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B173 1092 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B173 1092 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B173 1092 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B174 1093 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B174 1093 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B174 1093 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B175 1094 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B175 1094 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B175 1094 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B176 1096 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B176 1096 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B176 1096 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B177 1097 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B177 1097 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B177 1097 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B178 1098 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B178 1098 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B178 1098 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B179 1101 End-I ENVELOPE 1548,47 16,1141 ENVELOPE 675
Base B179 1101 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0,7779 ENVELOPE 0
Base B179 1101 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0,7779 ENVELOPE 0
Base B180 1102 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B180 1102 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B180 1102 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B181 1103 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B181 1103 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B181 1103 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B182 1105 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B182 1105 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B182 1105 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B183 1106 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B183 1106 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B183 1106 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B184 1107 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B184 1107 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B184 1107 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B185 1109 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B185 1109 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B185 1109 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B186 1110 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B186 1110 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B186 1110 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B187 1111 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B187 1111 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B187 1111 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B188 1112 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0

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At As
T for As
Story Label UniqueName Location T for At Combo Torsion T for As Combo Torsion
mm2/m mm2
Base B188 1112 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B188 1112 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B189 1113 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B189 1113 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B189 1113 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B190 1114 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B190 1114 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B190 1114 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B191 1115 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B191 1115 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B191 1115 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B192 1117 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B192 1117 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B192 1117 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B193 1118 End-I ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B193 1118 Middle ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0
Base B193 1118 End-J ENVELOPE 0 0 ENVELOPE 0

Table 6.8 - Concrete Joint Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 1 of 2)

B/C Major B/C Minor

Story Label UniqueName Section B/C Major Combo B/C Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story2 C1 110 K1 35X35

Story2 C2 116 K1 35X35
Story2 C3 144 K1A 25/25
Story2 C4 149 K1A 25/25
Story2 C7 179 K1 35X35
Story2 C8 180 K1A 25/25
Story2 C9 181 K1A 25/25
Story2 C11 183 K1 35X35
Story2 C12 184 K1A 25/25
Story2 C13 185 K1A 25/25
Story2 C14 186 K1A 25/25
Story2 C15 187 K1A 25/25
Story2 C18 190 K1 35X35
Story2 C19 191 K1A 25/25
Story2 C20 192 K1A 25/25
Story2 C22 194 K1 35X35
Story2 C23 195 K1A 25/25
Story2 C24 196 K1A 25/25
Story2 C27 198 K1 35X35
Story2 C29 200 K1 35X35
Story2 C38 206 K1 35X35
Story2 C39 207 K1A 25/25
Story2 C40 208 K1A 25/25
Story2 C42 210 K1 35X35
Story2 C43 211 K1A 25/25
Story2 C44 212 K1A 25/25
Story2 C45 213 K1A 25/25
Story2 C46 214 K1A 25/25
Story2 C49 217 K1 35X35
Story2 C50 218 K1A 25/25
Story2 C51 219 K1A 25/25
Story2 C53 221 K1 35X35
Story2 C54 222 K1A 25/25
Story2 C55 223 K1A 25/25
Story2 C56 224 K1A 25/25 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 0,798
Story2 C57 225 K1A 25/25
Story2 C58 226 K1 35X35

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B/C Major B/C Minor

Story Label UniqueName Section B/C Major Combo B/C Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story2 C60 228 K1 35X35

Story2 C185 189 K1A 25/25
Story2 C193 197 K1A 25/25
Story2 C197 201 K1A 25/25
Story2 C198 202 K1A 25/25
Story2 C199 203 K1A 25/25
Story2 C225 177 K1A 25/25
Story2 C226 178 K1A 25/25
Story2 C227 182 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,671
Story2 C228 188 K1A 25/25
Story2 C229 193 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,651
Story2 C230 199 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,641
Story2 C231 204 K1A 25/25
Story2 C232 205 K1A 25/25
Story2 C233 209 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,672
Story2 C234 215 K1A 25/25
Story2 C235 216 K1A 25/25
Story2 C236 220 K1A 25/25 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 0,849
Story2 C237 227 K1A 25/25
Story1 C1 119 K1 35X35 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 0,264 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 0,494
Story1 C2 120 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,258 ENVELOPE 0,352
Story1 C3 121 K1A 25/25 0,9 D + 1 EX + 1 EY 0,539
Story1 C4 122 K1A 25/25 ENVELOPE 0,517
Story1 C5 123 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,621 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,084
Story1 C6 124 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,601 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,07
Story1 C7 125 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,399 ENVELOPE 0,452
Story1 C8 126 K1A 25/25
Story1 C9 127 K1A 25/25
Story1 C10 128 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,656 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,305
Story1 C11 129 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,349 ENVELOPE 0,326
Story1 C12 130 K1A 25/25
Story1 C13 131 K1A 25/25
Story1 C14 132 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,548
Story1 C15 133 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,415
Story1 C16 134 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,626 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,073
Story1 C17 135 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,177 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,075
Story1 C18 136 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,484 ENVELOPE 0,496
Story1 C19 137 K1A 25/25
Story1 C20 138 K1A 25/25
Story1 C21 139 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 3,036 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,343
Story1 C22 140 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,783 ENVELOPE 0,663
Story1 C23 141 K1A 25/25
Story1 C24 142 K1A 25/25
Story1 C27 145 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,534 ENVELOPE 0,515
Story1 C28 146 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,958 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,339
Story1 C29 147 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,905 ENVELOPE 0,334
Story1 C32 143 K1A 25/25
Story1 C33 148 K1A 25/25
Story1 C34 150 K1A 25/25
Story1 C35 151 K1A 25/25
Story1 C36 152 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,016 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,077
Story1 C37 153 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,634 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,137
Story1 C38 154 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,421 ENVELOPE 0,596
Story1 C39 155 K1A 25/25
Story1 C40 156 K1A 25/25
Story1 C41 157 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,68 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,682
Story1 C42 158 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,349 ENVELOPE 0,428
Story1 C43 159 K1A 25/25
Story1 C44 160 K1A 25/25

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B/C Major B/C Minor

Story Label UniqueName Section B/C Major Combo B/C Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story1 C45 161 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,523

Story1 C46 162 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,46
Story1 C47 163 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,612 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,283
Story1 C48 164 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,62 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,401
Story1 C49 165 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,39 ENVELOPE 0,732
Story1 C50 166 K1A 25/25
Story1 C51 167 K1A 25/25
Story1 C52 168 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,003 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,111
Story1 C53 169 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,357 ENVELOPE 0,525
Story1 C54 170 K1A 25/25
Story1 C55 171 K1A 25/25
Story1 C56 172 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,487
Story1 C57 173 K1A 25/25 ENVELOPE 0,736
Story1 C58 174 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,299 ENVELOPE 0,776
Story1 C59 175 K1A 25/25 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,166 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 2,461
Story1 C60 176 K1 35X35 ENVELOPE 0,254 ENVELOPE 0,639

Table 6.8 - Concrete Joint Envelope - ACI 318-14 (Part 2 of 2)

JS Major JS Minor
Story Label UniqueName JS Major Combo JS Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story2 C1 110
Story2 C2 116
Story2 C3 144
Story2 C4 149
Story2 C7 179
Story2 C8 180
Story2 C9 181
Story2 C11 183
Story2 C12 184
Story2 C13 185
Story2 C14 186
Story2 C15 187
Story2 C18 190
Story2 C19 191
Story2 C20 192
Story2 C22 194
Story2 C23 195
Story2 C24 196
Story2 C27 198
Story2 C29 200
Story2 C38 206
Story2 C39 207
Story2 C40 208
Story2 C42 210
Story2 C43 211
Story2 C44 212
Story2 C45 213
Story2 C46 214
Story2 C49 217
Story2 C50 218
Story2 C51 219
Story2 C53 221
Story2 C54 222
Story2 C55 223
Story2 C56 224 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,521
Story2 C57 225
Story2 C58 226
Story2 C60 228

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JS Major JS Minor
Story Label UniqueName JS Major Combo JS Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story2 C185 189

Story2 C193 197
Story2 C197 201
Story2 C198 202
Story2 C199 203
Story2 C225 177
Story2 C226 178
Story2 C227 182 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834
Story2 C228 188
Story2 C229 193 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834
Story2 C230 199 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834
Story2 C231 204
Story2 C232 205
Story2 C233 209 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834
Story2 C234 215
Story2 C235 216
Story2 C236 220 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,521
Story2 C237 227
Story1 C1 119 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,428 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,803
Story1 C2 120 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,431 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,602
Story1 C3 121 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,549
Story1 C4 122 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,549
Story1 C5 123 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,482
Story1 C6 124 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,482
Story1 C7 125 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,67 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,763
Story1 C8 126
Story1 C9 127
Story1 C10 128 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,572
Story1 C11 129 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,576 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,56
Story1 C12 130
Story1 C13 131
Story1 C14 132 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,422
Story1 C15 133 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,37
Story1 C16 134 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,845 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,482
Story1 C17 135 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,142 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,482
Story1 C18 136 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,819 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,841
Story1 C19 137
Story1 C20 138
Story1 C21 139 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,586 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,593
Story1 C22 140 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,361 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,243
Story1 C23 141
Story1 C24 142
Story1 C27 145 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,912 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,877
Story1 C28 146 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,551 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,594
Story1 C29 147 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,601 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,57
Story1 C32 143
Story1 C33 148
Story1 C34 150
Story1 C35 151
Story1 C36 152 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,052 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,482
Story1 C37 153 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,844 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,509
Story1 C38 154 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,709 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,026
Story1 C39 155
Story1 C40 156
Story1 C41 157 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,837 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,738
Story1 C42 158 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,578 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,754
Story1 C43 159
Story1 C44 160
Story1 C45 161 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,383

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JS Major JS Minor
Story Label UniqueName JS Major Combo JS Minor Combo
Ratio Ratio

Story1 C46 162 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,424

Story1 C47 163 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,578
Story1 C48 164 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,834 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,63
Story1 C49 165 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,661 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,295
Story1 C50 166
Story1 C51 167
Story1 C52 168 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,899 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,916
Story1 C53 169 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,594 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,957
Story1 C54 170
Story1 C55 171
Story1 C56 172 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,352
Story1 C57 173 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,821
Story1 C58 174 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,524 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,453
Story1 C59 175 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,602 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,325
Story1 C60 176 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 0,436 1,2 D + 1 EX + 1EY + 1L 1,224

6.2 Concrete Slab Design

Table 6.9 - Concrete Slab Design Preferences - ACI 318-14
Item Value
PhiTen 0,9
PhiComp 0,65
PhiShear 0,75
Ignore Pu? Yes
CoverTop mm 15
CoverBot mm 15
BarSize 18
InnerLayer Layer B
PTCGSTop mm 25
PTCGSBotExt mm 40
PTCGSBotInt mm 25
SlabType Two Way
UserStress No
InitConcRat 0,8
LLFraction 0,5

Table 6.10 - Concrete Slab Design Overwrites - Finite Element Based

Unique Rebar Cover Ignote

Story Label LLRF Design?
Name Material Specification Type PT?

Story1 F1 1 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No

Story1 F2 2 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F3 3 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F4 4 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F5 5 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F6 6 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F7 7 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F8 8 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F9 9 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F10 10 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F11 11 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F12 12 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F13 13 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F14 14 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F15 15 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F16 16 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F17 17 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F18 18 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No

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Unique Rebar Cover Ignote

Story Label LLRF Design?
Name Material Specification Type PT?

Story1 F19 19 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No

Story1 F20 20 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F21 21 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F22 22 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F23 23 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F24 24 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F25 25 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F26 26 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F27 27 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F28 28 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F29 29 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F30 30 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F31 31 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F32 32 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F33 33 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F34 34 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F35 35 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F36 36 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F37 37 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F38 38 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F39 39 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F40 40 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F41 41 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F42 42 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F43 43 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F44 44 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F45 45 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F46 46 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F47 47 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F48 48 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F49 49 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F50 50 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F51 51 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F52 52 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F53 53 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F54 54 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F55 55 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F56 56 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F57 57 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F58 58 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F59 59 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F60 60 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F61 61 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F62 62 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No
Story1 F65 65 A615Gr60 From Preferences 1 Yes No

Table 6.11 - Concrete Slab Design Overwrites - Punching Shear - General

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 87 308 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

Story3 151 294 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 154 307 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 155 309 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 157 321 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 158 322 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 159 323 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 160 324 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 162 330 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 165 333 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 166 334 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 167 335 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 169 337 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 170 338 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 171 339 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 172 340 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 180 348 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 183 351 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 184 352 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 185 353 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 187 355 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 188 356 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 189 357 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 190 358 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 198 366 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 201 369 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 202 370 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 203 371 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 205 373 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 206 374 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 207 375 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 208 376 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 216 384 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 289 387 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 290 388 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 291 389 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 293 391 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 294 392 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 295 393 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 296 394 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 302 400 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 305 403 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 306 404 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 307 405 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 309 407 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 310 408 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 311 409 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 312 410 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 320 418 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 323 421 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 324 422 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 325 423 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 327 425 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 328 426 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 329 427 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 330 428 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 338 436 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 341 439 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 342 440 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 343 441 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 345 443 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 346 444 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 347 445 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 348 446 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 354 452 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 357 455 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 358 456 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 359 457 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 361 459 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 362 460 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 363 461 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 364 462 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 372 470 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 375 473 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 376 474 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 377 475 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 379 477 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 380 478 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 381 479 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 382 480 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 390 488 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 393 491 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 394 492 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 395 493 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 397 495 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 398 496 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 399 497 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 400 498 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 406 504 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 409 507 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 410 508 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 411 509 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 413 511 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 414 512 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 415 513 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 416 514 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 424 522 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 427 525 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 428 526 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 429 527 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 431 529 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 432 530 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 433 531 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 434 532 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 442 540 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 445 543 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 446 544 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 447 545 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 449 547 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 450 548 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 451 549 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 452 550 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 458 556 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 461 559 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 462 560 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 463 561 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 465 563 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 466 564 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 467 565 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 468 566 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 476 574 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 479 577 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 480 578 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 481 579 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 483 581 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 484 582 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 485 583 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 486 584 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 494 592 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 497 595 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 498 596 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 499 597 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 501 599 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 502 600 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 503 601 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 504 602 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 510 608 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 513 611 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 514 612 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 515 613 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 517 615 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 518 616 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 519 617 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 520 618 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 528 626 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 531 629 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 532 630 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 533 631 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 535 633 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 536 634 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 537 635 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 538 636 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 546 644 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 549 647 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 550 648 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 551 649 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 553 651 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 554 652 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 555 653 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 556 654 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 562 660 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 565 663 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 566 664 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 567 665 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 569 667 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 570 668 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 571 669 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 572 670 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 580 678 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 583 681 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 584 682 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 585 683 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 587 685 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 588 686 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 589 687 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 590 688 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 598 696 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 601 699 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 602 700 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 603 701 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 605 703 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 606 704 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 607 705 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 608 706 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 614 712 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 617 715 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 618 716 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 619 717 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 621 719 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 622 720 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 623 721 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 624 722 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 632 730 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 635 733 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 636 734 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 637 735 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 639 737 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 640 738 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 641 739 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 642 740 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 650 748 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 653 751 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 654 752 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 655 753 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 657 755 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 658 756 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 659 757 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 660 758 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 666 764 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 669 767 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 670 768 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 671 769 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 673 771 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 674 772 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 675 773 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 676 774 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 684 782 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 687 785 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 688 786 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 689 787 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 691 789 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 692 790 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 693 791 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 694 792 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 702 800 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 705 803 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 706 804 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 707 805 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 709 807 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 710 808 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 711 809 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 712 810 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 718 816 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 721 819 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 722 820 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 723 821 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 725 823 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 726 824 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 727 825 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 728 826 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 736 834 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 739 837 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 740 838 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 741 839 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 743 841 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 744 842 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 745 843 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 746 844 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 754 852 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 757 855 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 758 856 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 759 857 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 761 859 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 762 860 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 763 861 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 764 862 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 770 868 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 773 871 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 774 872 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 775 873 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 777 875 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 778 876 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 779 877 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 780 878 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 788 886 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 791 889 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 792 890 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 793 891 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 795 893 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 796 894 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 797 895 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 798 896 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 806 904 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 809 907 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 810 908 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 811 909 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 813 911 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 814 912 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 815 913 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 816 914 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 822 920 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 825 923 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 826 924 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 827 925 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 829 927 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 830 928 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 831 929 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 832 930 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 840 938 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 843 941 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 844 942 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 845 943 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 847 945 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 848 946 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 849 947 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 850 948 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 858 956 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 861 959 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 862 960 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 863 961 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 865 963 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 866 964 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 867 965 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 868 966 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story3 874 972 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 877 975 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 878 976 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 879 977 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 881 979 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 882 980 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 883 981 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 884 982 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 892 990 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 895 993 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 896 994 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 897 995 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 899 997 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 900 998 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 901 999 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 902 1000 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 910 1008 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 913 1011 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 914 1012 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 915 1013 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 917 1015 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 918 1016 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 919 1017 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 920 1018 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 926 1024 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 929 1027 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 930 1028 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 931 1029 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 933 1031 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 934 1032 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 935 1033 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 936 1034 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 944 1042 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 947 1045 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 948 1046 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 949 1047 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 951 1049 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 952 1050 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 953 1051 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 954 1052 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 962 1060 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 965 1063 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 966 1064 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 967 1065 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 969 1067 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 970 1068 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 971 1069 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story3 972 1070 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 1 82 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 2 83 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 3 84 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 4 85 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 5 99 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 6 100 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 7 105 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 8 104 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 11 208 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 13 206 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 15 228 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 17 230 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

Story2 18 103 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 23 107 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 24 108 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 25 109 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 26 110 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 27 112 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 28 102 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 29 125 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 31 292 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 32 284 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 33 290 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 34 282 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 35 272 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 36 274 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 37 296 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 38 268 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 39 260 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 40 270 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 41 262 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 43 218 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 45 220 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 46 163 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 47 164 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 49 216 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 50 214 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 77 236 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 80 238 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 111 240 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 112 248 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 113 250 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 114 252 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 275 101 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 276 106 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 277 111 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 278 113 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 279 115 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 280 116 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 281 114 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 282 168 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 283 203 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 284 222 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 285 254 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 286 256 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 287 276 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 288 278 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 96 326 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 99 246 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 148 325 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 149 327 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 150 328 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 152 303 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 153 305 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 156 315 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 161 329 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 163 331 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 164 332 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 168 336 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 173 341 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 218 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 174 342 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 175 343 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 176 344 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 177 345 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 178 346 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 179 347 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 181 349 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 182 350 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 186 354 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 191 359 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 192 360 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 193 361 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 194 362 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 195 363 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 196 364 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 197 365 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 199 367 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 200 368 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 204 372 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 209 377 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 210 378 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 211 379 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 212 380 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 213 381 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 214 382 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 215 383 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 217 385 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 218 386 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 292 390 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 297 395 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 298 396 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 299 397 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 300 398 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 301 399 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 303 401 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 304 402 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 308 406 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 313 411 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 314 412 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 315 413 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 316 414 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 317 415 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 318 416 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 319 417 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 321 419 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 322 420 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 326 424 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 331 429 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 332 430 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 333 431 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 334 432 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 335 433 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 336 434 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 337 435 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 339 437 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 340 438 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 344 442 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 349 447 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 350 448 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 351 449 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 352 450 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 353 451 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 355 453 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 356 454 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 360 458 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 365 463 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 366 464 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 367 465 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 368 466 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 369 467 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 370 468 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 371 469 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 373 471 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 374 472 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 378 476 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 383 481 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 384 482 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 385 483 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 386 484 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 387 485 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 388 486 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 389 487 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 391 489 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 392 490 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 396 494 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 401 499 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 402 500 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 403 501 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 404 502 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 405 503 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 407 505 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 408 506 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 412 510 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 417 515 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 418 516 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 419 517 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 420 518 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 421 519 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 422 520 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 423 521 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 425 523 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 426 524 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 430 528 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 435 533 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 436 534 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 437 535 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 438 536 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 439 537 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 440 538 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 441 539 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 443 541 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 444 542 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 448 546 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 453 551 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 454 552 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 455 553 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 456 554 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 457 555 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 459 557 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 460 558 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 464 562 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 469 567 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 470 568 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 471 569 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 472 570 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 473 571 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 474 572 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 475 573 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 477 575 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 478 576 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 482 580 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 487 585 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 488 586 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 489 587 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 490 588 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 491 589 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 492 590 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 493 591 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 495 593 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 496 594 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 500 598 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 505 603 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 506 604 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 507 605 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 508 606 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 509 607 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 511 609 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 512 610 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 516 614 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 521 619 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 522 620 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 523 621 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 524 622 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 525 623 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 526 624 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 527 625 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 529 627 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 530 628 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 534 632 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
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Story2 540 638 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 541 639 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 542 640 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 543 641 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 544 642 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 545 643 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 547 645 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 548 646 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 552 650 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 557 655 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 558 656 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 559 657 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 560 658 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 561 659 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 563 661 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 564 662 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 568 666 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 573 671 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 574 672 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 575 673 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 576 674 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 577 675 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 578 676 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 579 677 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 581 679 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 582 680 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 586 684 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 591 689 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 592 690 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 593 691 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 594 692 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 595 693 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 596 694 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 597 695 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 599 697 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 600 698 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 604 702 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 609 707 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 610 708 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 611 709 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 612 710 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 613 711 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 615 713 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 616 714 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 620 718 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 625 723 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 626 724 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 627 725 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 628 726 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 629 727 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 630 728 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 631 729 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 633 731 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 634 732 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 638 736 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 643 741 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 644 742 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 645 743 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 646 744 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 647 745 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 648 746 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 649 747 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 651 749 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 652 750 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 656 754 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 661 759 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 662 760 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 663 761 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 664 762 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 665 763 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 667 765 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 668 766 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 672 770 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 677 775 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 678 776 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 679 777 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 680 778 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 681 779 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 682 780 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 683 781 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 685 783 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 686 784 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 690 788 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 695 793 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 696 794 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 697 795 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 698 796 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 699 797 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 700 798 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 701 799 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 703 801 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 704 802 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 708 806 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 713 811 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 714 812 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 715 813 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 716 814 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 717 815 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 719 817 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 720 818 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 724 822 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 729 827 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 730 828 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 731 829 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 732 830 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 733 831 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 734 832 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 735 833 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 737 835 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 738 836 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 742 840 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 747 845 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 748 846 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 749 847 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 750 848 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 751 849 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 752 850 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 753 851 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 755 853 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 756 854 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 760 858 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 765 863 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 766 864 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 767 865 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 768 866 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 769 867 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 771 869 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 772 870 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 776 874 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 781 879 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 782 880 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 783 881 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 784 882 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 785 883 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 786 884 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 787 885 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 789 887 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 790 888 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 794 892 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 799 897 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 800 898 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 801 899 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 802 900 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 803 901 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 804 902 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 805 903 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 807 905 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 808 906 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 812 910 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 817 915 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 818 916 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 819 917 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 820 918 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 821 919 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 823 921 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 824 922 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 828 926 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 833 931 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 834 932 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 835 933 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 836 934 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 837 935 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 838 936 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 839 937 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 841 939 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 842 940 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 846 944 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 851 949 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 852 950 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 853 951 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 854 952 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 855 953 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 856 954 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 857 955 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 859 957 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 860 958 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 864 962 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 869 967 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 870 968 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 871 969 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 872 970 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 873 971 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 875 973 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 876 974 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 880 978 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 885 983 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 886 984 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 887 985 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 888 986 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 889 987 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 890 988 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 891 989 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 893 991 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 894 992 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story2 898 996 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 903 1001 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 904 1002 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 905 1003 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 906 1004 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 907 1005 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 908 1006 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 909 1007 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 911 1009 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 912 1010 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 916 1014 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 921 1019 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 922 1020 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 923 1021 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 924 1022 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 925 1023 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 927 1025 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 928 1026 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 932 1030 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 937 1035 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 938 1036 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 939 1037 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 940 1038 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 941 1039 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 942 1040 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 943 1041 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 945 1043 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 946 1044 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 950 1048 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 955 1053 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 956 1054 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 957 1055 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 958 1056 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 959 1057 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 960 1058 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 961 1059 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 963 1061 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 964 1062 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 968 1066 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 973 1071 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 974 1072 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 975 1073 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story2 976 1074 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 1 1 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 2 2 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 3 3 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 4 4 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 5 5 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 6 6 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 7 7 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 8 8 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 10 10 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 11 11 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 12 12 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 13 13 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 14 14 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 15 15 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 16 16 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 17 17 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story1 18 18 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

Story1 19 19 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 20 20 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 22 22 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 23 23 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 24 24 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 25 25 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 26 26 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 27 27 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 28 28 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 29 29 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 31 31 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 32 32 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 33 33 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 34 34 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 35 35 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 36 36 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 37 37 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 38 38 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 39 39 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 40 40 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 41 41 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 43 43 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 45 45 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 46 46 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 47 49 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 49 50 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 50 51 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 48 47 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 51 48 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 54 52 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 55 55 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 58 56 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 60 59 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 65 61 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 77 77 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 80 80 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 111 171 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 112 173 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 113 175 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 114 177 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 223 124 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 225 169 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 228 209 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 234 221 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 235 223 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 239 231 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 243 239 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 245 243 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 247 247 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 248 249 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 249 251 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 250 253 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 251 255 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 255 263 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 261 275 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 262 277 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 266 285 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 273 299 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

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Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Story1 124 1159 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 126 1161 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 129 1164 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 122 1165 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Story1 130 1167 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 1 139 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 2 140 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 3 149 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 4 145 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 5 160 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 6 156 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 7 167 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 8 165 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 9 1158 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 10 148 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 11 147 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 12 144 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 13 146 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 14 143 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 15 157 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 16 154 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 17 158 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 18 155 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 19 159 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 20 166 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 23 184 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 24 180 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 25 195 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 26 191 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 27 202 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 28 200 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 29 198 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 31 197 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 32 193 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 33 196 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 34 192 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 35 187 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 36 188 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 37 199 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 38 185 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 39 181 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 40 186 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 41 182 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 43 152 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 45 153 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 46 141 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 47 142 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 49 151 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 50 150 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 48 178 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 51 179 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 54 183 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 55 189 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 58 190 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 60 194 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 65 201 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 77 161 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 80 162 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 111 170 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 227 of 228

Design Data 03/07/2023

Unique Check Punching Location Perimeter Effective Opening Reinforcement

Story Label
Name Shear? Type Type Depth Type Definition Type

Base 112 172 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 113 174 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 114 176 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 995 1169 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None
Base 996 1170 Program Determined Auto Auto Auto Auto None

ETABS v20.2.0 Page 228 of 228

Spefikasi Kolom K1 35X35
Data Nilai Satuan Keterangan
fc' = 25 Mpa mutu beton
fy > D10 = 410 Mpa mutu baja > D-10
fy < D10 = 240 Mpa mutu baja < D-10
h = 350 mm tinggi
b = 350 mm lebar
ds = 40 mm selimut beton
d' = 58 mm tinggi efektif
d = 292 mm tinggi dari atas
hingga ke tul.
B1 = 0,85 f'c < 30 Mpa -> 0,85
φkolom = 0,75 Faktor reduksi
D.sengkang = 10 mm Diameter tul.geser
d1 = 292 mm
d2 = 233,5 mm
d3 = 175 mm
d4 = 116,5 mm
d5 = 58

Spasi tul = 58,5 mm

Spefikasi Tulangan
D.tul As' = 16 mm Diameter tul.utama
As = 1004,80 mm2 L.Tul. utama - 1
n.As = 5 Jumlah tulangan
Ag = 122500 mm2 L. penampang
As' = 1004,80 mm2 L.tul. utama -2
D.tul As' = 16 mm D.tul utama -2
n. As' = 5 Jumlah tulangan As'
Ast = 2009,6 mm2 Total tulangan
Es = 200000 Modulus E.Baja
As1 --> d1 = 401,92 mm2
n.As1 = 2
As2 ---> d2 = 401,92 mm2
n.As2 = 2
As3 --> d3 = 401,92 mm2
n.As3 = 2
As4 -->d4' = 401,92 mm2
n.As4 = 2
As5 -->d5' = 401,92 mm2
n.As5 = 2
p = 0,016405
Data Nilai Satuan Ket.
Pu = 293,138 Kn Aksial Ultimit
Mu = 14,11 Kn Momen Ultimit
Pn. Hsl Sap = 390,85 Kn Aksial butuh
Mn. Hsl Sap = 18,81 Kn Momen butuh
φPnb = 814,47 Kn Aksial kolom manual
φMnb = 111,94 Kn Momen kolom manual
Cb = 173,47 Garis netral
Xb = 175,00 Garis sumbu
a = 147,45 Tinggi blok teg. tekan
Pn0 = 2707,49 Kn Aksial sentris e=0
Pn.max = 1624,49 Kn Aksial maksimum
φPnb>Pu ok
φMnb>Mu ok
Cek Nilai Regangan
ey = 0,0021 Regangan Baja ultimit
Cek Nilai Regangan Baja
es-1 = -0,0021 d1 leleh
es-2 = -0,0010 d2 belum leleh
es-3 = 0,0000 d3 belum leleh
es-4 = 0,0010 d' 4 belum leleh
es-5 = 0,0020 d' 5 belum leleh
keruntuhan tekan
Nilai Tegangan Baja
fs1 = -410 Mpa = fy
fs2 = -207,65 Mpa < fy
fs3 = -5,308219178 Mpa < fy
fs4 = 197,0376712 Mpa < fy
fs5 = 399,3835616 Mpa < fy
Gaya Internal masing - masing baja
Fs1 = -164787,2 N
Fs2 = -83460,33973 N
Fs3 = -2133,479452 N
Fs4 = 79193,38082 N
fs5 = 160520,2411 N
Total Resultan Baja
Cs = total Fsi (Fs1 + Fs2 + Fs3 + Fs4)
Cs = -10667,39726 N
Gaya Internal Baja
Cc = 1096626,238 N
Momen akibat gaya internal baja
Ms1 = 19280102,4 Nmm
Ms2 = 4882429,874 Nmm
Ms3 = 0 Nmm
Ms4 = 4632812,778 Nmm
Ms5 = 9390434,104 Nmm
Momen Total akibat gaya internal tulangan
Msi = Total Msi
Msi = 38,19 Kn/m
Momen akibat gaya internal tekan beton
Mc = 111,06 Kn/m
Kuat Aksial Balanced (PNb) & Momen Balanced (MNb)
Pnb = 1085,96 Kn (Cc + Cs)
Mnb = 149,25 Kn (Mc + Ms)
Cek Eksentritas
e.pu = 0,048 m eksentritas Hsl.SAP
e.pb = 0,137 m eksentritas Balance
Aksial - Lentur Gaya Tekan Terkecil
Kondisi P (kN) M2 (kN-m) M3 (kN-m) Nu (kN) 0,00
P max -1014,301 94,140 75,050
P min 519,290 5,210 28,230
M2 Max -311,500 -213,855 68,728
M2 Min -311,500 301,391 -92,170
M3 Max -29,240 2,110 229,099
M3 Min -216,210 -142,822 -166,288

V2 (kN) 244,910
V3 (kN) -57,490
V2 (kN) -119,140
V3 (kN) 242,300
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang/Tinggi Kolom, L Input mm 4200
Sisi Pendek Kolom, b Input mm 350
Sisi Panjang Kolom, h Input mm 350
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Input mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Input mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Input mm 40
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Input MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Input MPa 410
Tinggi Balok, hb Input mm 400
Ln L - hb mm 3800
Syarat Gaya dan Geometri
Tidak dipersyaratkan.
Syarat Gaya Aksial 21.6.1 Pu > 0.1 Ag fc' ? OK
Baca R18.7.1
Syarat Sisi Terpendek b >= 300 mm ? OK
Syarat Rasio Dimensi Penampang b/h >= 0.4 ? OK
Pengecekan Terhadap Gaya Dalam Aksial-Lentur (Menggunakan PCA Column, atau SP Column, atau CSI Column, dll.)
Jumlah Tulangan, n Input 20
Luas Tulangan Longitudinal, As n *π/4 *db2 mm2 4021,2
Rasio Tulangan, ρ As / (b * h) 3,28%
Cek ρmin dan ρmax 1% <= ρ <= 6% OK
Pengecekan Strong Column - Weak Beam (SCWB)
Momen Nominal Kolom, Mnc Input (nilai terkecil) kN m 135,493
Mn Tumpuan Balok Input kN m 82,397
Mn+ Tumpuan Balok Input kN m 82,397
Cek SCWB 2 * Mnc >= 1.2 * (Mn- + Mn+) OK
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang/Tinggi Kolom, L Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 4200
Sisi Pendek Kolom, b Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 350
Sisi Panjang Kolom, h Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 350
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 40
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal MPa 410
Tinggi Balok, hb Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 400
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 3800
Panjang Zona Sendi Plastis
lo1 h mm 350,0
lo2 Ln / 6 mm 633,3
lo3 450 mm mm 450
lo Max (lo1; lo2; lo3) mm 633,3

Tulangan Transversal Zona Sendi Plastis/Tumpuan

Jumlah Kaki Sisi Pendek, n1 Input 4
Jumlah Kaki Sisi Panjang, n2 Input 4
Spasi, s Input mm 75
Spasi Kaki Terbesar, xi max S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 Input mm 200
Ash 1 n *π/4 *ds2 mm
2 2
Ash 2 n *π/4 *ds mm 314,159
Ash / s, 1 mm2 / mm 4,189
Ash / s, 2 mm2 / mm 4,189
Confinement /Kekangan Zona Sendi Plastis
Lebar Penampang Inti Beton, bc S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 b - 2cc mm 270
Panjang Penampang Inti Beton, hc S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 h - 2cc mm 270
Luas Penampang Kolom, Ag b*h mm 122500
Luas Penampang Inti Beton, Ach bc * hc mm 72900
Sisi Pendek/Sumbu Lemah
Ash/s min, 1 0.3 (bc * fc' / fy) * (Ag / Ach - 1) mm2 3,360
Ash/s min, 2 0.09 * bc * fc' / fy mm2 1,482
Cek Ash/s 1 Ash/s 1 >= Ash/s min ? OK
Sisi Panjang/Sumbu Kuat
Ash/s min, 1 0.3 (hc * fc' / fy) * (Ag / Ach - 1) mm2 3,360
Ash/s min, 2 0.09 * hc * fc' / fy mm 1,482
Cek Ash/s 2 Ash/s 2 >= Ash/s min ? OK
Cek Spasi
smax,1 b/4 mm 87,5
smax,2 6 * db mm 96
hx xi max mm 200
smax,3 = so 100 <= 100 + (350 - hx) / 3 <= 150 mm 150,000
smax Min (smax1, smax2, smax3) mm 87,500
Cek Spasi OK
Kuat Geser Zona Sendi Plastis
Gaya Geser Desain (Perlu input dari PCA Column, atau SP Column, atau CSI Column, dll. dengan fpr = 1.25 fy)
Mpr Kolom Input, (nilai terbesar) kN m 244,910
Vu 1 S21.5.4 2 * Mpr Kolom / Ln N 128900
Gaya Geser Hasil Analisis Struktur
Vu 2, Sumbu Lemah Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 244910
Vu 2, Sumbu Kuat Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 57490
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Lemah
Vu Max (Vu1, Vu2) N 244910
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc')0.5 h d; d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 N 86870
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Vu / φ - Vc N 239676
As/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 mm2 / mm 2,0020
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc')0.5 h / fy mm2 / mm 0,2646
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 h / fy mm2 / mm 0,2988
Cek As/s Ash / s 1 >= Max (As/s Perlu, As/s Min) ? OK
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Kuat
Vu Max (Vu1, Vu2) N 128900
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') b d; d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 N 86870
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Vu / φ - Vc N 84996
As/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 mm / mm 0,7100
0.5 2
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc') b / fy mm / mm 0,2646
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm / mm 0,2988
Cek As/s Ash / s 2 >= Max (As/s Perlu, As/s Min) ? OK
Tulangan Transversal Luar Zona Sendi Plastis/Tumpuan
Jumlah Kaki Sisi Pendek, n1 Input 2
Jumlah Kaki Sisi Panjang, n2 Input 2
Spasi, s Input mm 75
Av Sumbu Lemah n *π/4 *ds mm2 157,080
Av Sumbu Kuat n *π/4 *ds2 mm2 157,080
Confinement /Kekangan Luar Zona Sendi Plastis
Spasi max 1 6 db mm 96,0
Spasi max 2 150 mm mm 150,0
Cek Spasi Spasi <= Spasi Max ? OK
Kuat Geser Luar Zona Sendi Plastis
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Lemah
Vu Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 119140
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') h d; d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 N 86870
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Max (Vu/φ - Vc; 0) 71983
Av/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 0,6013
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc')0.5 b / fy mm2 / mm 0,2646
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm2 / mm 0,2988
Cek As/s Av/s >= Av/s Perlu ? OK
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Kuat
Vu Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 242300
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc')0.5 b d; d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 N 86870
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Max (Vu/φ - Vc; 0) 236196
Av/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 1,9729
0.5 2
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc') b / fy mm / mm 0,2646
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm2 / mm 0,2988
Cek As/s Av/s >= Av/s Perlu ? OK
Spefikasi Kolom K1
Data Nilai Satuan Keterangan
fc' = 25 Mpa mutu beton
fy > D10 = 410 Mpa mutu baja > D-10
fy < D10 = 240 Mpa mutu baja < D-10
h = 250 mm tinggi
b = 250 mm lebar
ds = 40 mm selimut beton
d' = 56,5 mm tinggi efektif
d = 193,5 mm tinggi dari atas
hingga ke tul.
B1 = 0,85 f'c < 30 Mpa -> 0,85
φkolom = 0,75 Faktor reduksi
D.sengkang = 10 mm Diameter tul.geser
d1 = 193,5 mm
d2 = 147,83 mm
d3 = 102,16 mm
d4 = 56,49 mm

Spasi tul = 45,67 mm

Spefikasi Tulangan
D.tul As' = 13 mm Diameter tul.utama
As = 530,66 mm2 L.Tul. utama - 1
n.As = 4 Jumlah tulangan
Ag = 62500 mm2 L. penampang
As' = 530,66 mm2 L.tul. utama -2
D.tul As' = 13 mm D.tul utama -2
n. As' = 4 Jumlah tulangan As'
Ast = 1061,32 mm2 Total tulangan
Es = 200000 Modulus E.Baja
As1 --> d1 = 265,33 mm2
n.As1 = 2
As2 ---> d2 = 265,33 mm2
n.As2 = 2
As3 --> d3 = 265,33 mm2
n.As3 = 2
As4 -->d4' = 265,33 mm2
n.As4 = 2
As5 -->d5' = 0 mm2
n.As5 = 0
p = 0,016981
Data Nilai Satuan Ket.
Pu = 293,138 Kn Aksial Ultimit
Mu = 14,11 Kn Momen Ultimit
Pn. Hsl Sap = 390,85 Kn Aksial butuh
Mn. Hsl Sap = 18,81 Kn Momen butuh
φPnb = 347,57 Kn Aksial kolom manual
φMnb = 40,48 Kn Momen kolom manual
Cb = 114,95 Garis netral
Xb = 125,00 Garis sumbu
a = 97,71 Tinggi blok teg. tekan
Pn0 = 1392,57 Kn Aksial sentris e=0
Pn.max = 835,54 Kn Aksial maksimum
φPnb>Pu ok
φMnb>Mu ok
Cek Nilai Regangan
ey = 0,0021 Regangan Baja ultimit
Cek Nilai Regangan Baja
es-1 = -0,0021 d1 leleh
es-2 = -0,0009 d2 belum leleh
es-3 = 0,0003 d3 belum leleh
es-4 = 0,0015 d' 4 belum leleh
es-5 = 0,0000 d' 5 -
keruntuhan tekan
Nilai Tegangan Baja
fs1 = -410 Mpa = fy
fs2 = -171,62 Mpa < fy
fs3 = 66,76175711 Mpa < fy
fs4 = 305,1426357 Mpa < fy
fs5 = 0 Mpa < fy
Gaya Internal masing - masing baja
Fs1 = -108785,3 N
Fs2 = -45535,70149 N
Fs3 = 17713,89701 N
Fs4 = 80963,49552 N
fs5 = 0 N
Total Resultan Baja
Cs = total Fsi (Fs1 + Fs2 + Fs3 + Fs4)
Cs = -55643,60896 N
Gaya Internal Baja
Cc = 519073,3292 N
Momen akibat gaya internal baja
Ms1 = 7451793,05 Nmm
Ms2 = 1039580,065 Nmm
Ms3 = 404585,4078 Nmm
Ms4 = 5546809,078 Nmm
Ms5 = 0 Nmm
Momen Total akibat gaya internal tulangan
Msi = Total Msi
Msi = 14,44 Kn/m
Momen akibat gaya internal tekan beton
Mc = 39,53 Kn/m
Kuat Aksial Balanced (PNb) & Momen Balanced (MNb)
Pnb = 463,43 Kn (Cc + Cs)
Mnb = 53,97 Kn (Mc + Ms)
Cek Eksentritas
e.pu = 0,048 m eksentritas Hsl.SAP
e.pb = 0,116 m eksentritas Balance
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang/Tinggi Kolom, L Input mm 4200
Sisi Pendek Kolom, b Input mm 250
Sisi Panjang Kolom, h Input mm 250
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Input mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Input mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Input mm 40
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Input MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Input MPa 410
Tinggi Balok, hb Input mm 400
Ln L - hb mm 3800
Syarat Gaya dan Geometri
Tidak dipersyaratkan.
Syarat Gaya Aksial 21.6.1 Pu > 0.1 Ag fc' ? OK
Baca R18.7.1
Syarat Sisi Terpendek b >= 300 mm ? NOT OK
Syarat Rasio Dimensi Penampang b/h >= 0.4 ? OK
Pengecekan Terhadap Gaya Dalam Aksial-Lentur (Menggunakan PCA Column, atau SP Column, atau CSI Column, dll.)
Jumlah Tulangan, n Input 12
Luas Tulangan Longitudinal, As n *π/4 *db2 mm2 2412,7
Rasio Tulangan, ρ As / (b * h) 3,86%
Cek ρmin dan ρmax 1% <= ρ <= 6% OK
Pengecekan Strong Column - Weak Beam (SCWB)
Momen Nominal Kolom, Mnc Input (nilai terkecil) kN m 135,493
Mn Tumpuan Balok Input kN m 82,397
Mn+ Tumpuan Balok Input kN m 82,397
Cek SCWB 2 * Mnc >= 1.2 * (Mn- + Mn+) OK
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang/Tinggi Kolom, L Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 4200
Sisi Pendek Kolom, b Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 250
Sisi Panjang Kolom, h Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 250
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 40
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal MPa 410
Tinggi Balok, hb Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 400
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Longitudinal mm 3800
Panjang Zona Sendi Plastis
lo1 h mm 250,0
lo2 Ln / 6 mm 633,3
lo3 450 mm mm 450
lo Max (lo1; lo2; lo3) mm 633,3

Tulangan Transversal Zona Sendi Plastis/Tumpuan

Jumlah Kaki Sisi Pendek, n1 Input 4
Jumlah Kaki Sisi Panjang, n2 Input 4
Spasi, s Input mm 60
Spasi Kaki Terbesar, xi max S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 Input mm 100
Ash 1 n *π/4 *ds2 mm
Ash 2 n *π/4 *ds2 mm
Ash / s, 1 mm / mm 5,236
Ash / s, 2 mm2 / mm 5,236
Confinement /Kekangan Zona Sendi Plastis
Lebar Penampang Inti Beton, bc S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 b - 2cc mm 170
Panjang Penampang Inti Beton, hc S21.6.4.2 R18.7.5.2 h - 2cc mm 170
Luas Penampang Kolom, Ag b*h mm 62500
Luas Penampang Inti Beton, Ach bc * hc mm 28900
Sisi Pendek/Sumbu Lemah
Ash/s min, 1 0.3 (bc * fc' / fy) * (Ag / Ach - 1) mm 3,615
Ash/s min, 2 0.09 * bc * fc' / fy mm 0,933
Cek Ash/s 1 Ash/s 1 >= Ash/s min ? OK
Sisi Panjang/Sumbu Kuat
Ash/s min, 1 0.3 (hc * fc' / fy) * (Ag / Ach - 1) mm 3,615
Ash/s min, 2 0.09 * hc * fc' / fy mm 0,933
Cek Ash/s 2 Ash/s 2 >= Ash/s min ? OK
Cek Spasi
smax,1 b/4 mm 62,5
smax,2 6 * db mm 96
hx xi max mm 100
smax,3 = so 100 <= 100 + (350 - hx) / 3 <= 150 mm 150,000
smax Min (smax1, smax2, smax3) mm 62,500
Cek Spasi OK
Kuat Geser Zona Sendi Plastis
Gaya Geser Desain (Perlu input dari PCA Column, atau SP Column, atau CSI Column, dll. dengan fpr = 1.25 fy)
Mpr Kolom Input, (nilai terbesar) kN m 119,140
Vu 1 S21.5.4 2 * Mpr Kolom / Ln N 62705
Gaya Geser Hasil Analisis Struktur
Vu 2, Sumbu Lemah Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 119140
Vu 2, Sumbu Kuat Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 57490
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Lemah
Vu Max (Vu1, Vu2) N 119140
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') h d; d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 N 40800
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Vu / φ - V c N 118053
As/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 mm / mm 1,4997
0.5 2
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc') h / fy mm / mm 0,1890
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 h / fy mm / mm 0,2134
Cek As/s Ash / s 1 >= Max (As/s Perlu, As/s Min) ? OK
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Kuat
Vu Max (Vu1, Vu2) N 62705
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') b d; d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 N 40800
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Vu / φ - V c N 42807
As/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 mm / mm 0,5438
0.5 2
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc') b / fy mm / mm 0,1890
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm / mm 0,2134
Cek As/s Ash / s 2 >= Max (As/s Perlu, As/s Min) ? OK

Tulangan Transversal Luar Zona Sendi Plastis/Tumpuan

Jumlah Kaki Sisi Pendek, n1 Input 2
Jumlah Kaki Sisi Panjang, n2 Input 2
Spasi, s Input mm 75
Av Sumbu Lemah n *π/4 *ds2 mm
2 2
Av Sumbu Kuat n *π/4 *ds mm 157,080
Confinement /Kekangan Luar Zona Sendi Plastis
Spasi max 1 6 db mm 96,0
Spasi max 2 150 mm mm 150,0
Cek Spasi Spasi <= Spasi Max ? OK
Kuat Geser Luar Zona Sendi Plastis
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Lemah
Vu Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 119140
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') h d; d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 N 40800
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Max (Vu/φ - Vc; 0) 118053
Av/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = b - cc - ds - db / 2 1,4997
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc')0.5 b / fy 2
mm / mm 0,1890
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm / mm 0,2134
Cek As/s Av/s >= Av/s Perlu ? OK
Tahanan Geser Beton Sumbu Kuat
Vu Dari Sheet Gaya Dalam N 119140
φ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
Vc 0.17 (1 + Nu/(14 Ag)] (fc') b d; d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 N 40800
Vs Perlu 11.1.1 Max (Vu/φ - Vc; 0) 118053
Av/s Perlu Vs / (fy * d); d = h - cc - ds - db / 2 1,4997
0.5 2
As/s Min 1 - 0.062 (fc') b / fy mm / mm 0,1890
As/s Min 2 - 0.35 b / fy mm / mm 0,2134
Cek As/s Av/s >= Av/s Perlu ? OK
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 8000
Lebar Balok, b Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 400
Panjang Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 800
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 349
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 240
β1 Tabel Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 7650
Gaya Dalam
Vu,tumpuan Input kN 49,9
Vu,lapangan Input kN 27,8
Gaya Desain
Vg,tumpuan S21.5.4 R18.6.5 Input [Kombinasi 1.2 D + L] kN 51,83
As+ Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm2 1005,310
- 2
As Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 1005,310
apr 1.25 a (tumpuan positif) mm 96,983
apr- 1.25 a (tumpuan negatif) mm 96,983
Mpr S21.5.4 R18.6.5 As+ * (1.25 fy) * (d - apr /2) +
N mm 154828397
Mpr S21.5.4 R18.6.5 As- * (1.25 fy) * (d - apr /2) -
N mm 154828397
+ -
Vsway atau Vpr (Mpr + Mpr ) / Ln N 40478
Ve Vg + Vpr N 92308
Tahanan Geser Beton
Vpr N 40478
1/2 Ve N 46154
Pu N 3440
Ag fc' / 20 N 125000
Vc Diperhitungkan? Vc = 0 jika Vpr >= 1/2 Ve dan Pu < Ag fc' / 20 Iya
Vc N 74163
Penulangan Geser
Jumlah Kaki Input 2
Av n *π/4 *ds mm2 157,080
Spasi Input mm 80
Spasi Max 1 d/4 mm 87,25
Spasi Max 2 6 db mm 96,00
Spasi Max 3 150 mm mm 150,00
Cek Spasi OK
Vs Av * fy * d / s N 164462
Batas Vs 0.66 * (fc') *b*d N 287925
ϕ, 21.2.4 0,75
Vn Vc + V s N 238625
Vu N 92308
ϕVn / Vu 1,939
Cek Kapasitas ϕVn / Vu >= 1 ? OK
Penulangan Geser
Jumlah Kaki Input 2
Av n *π/4 *ds2 mm2 157,080
Spasi Input mm 100
Spasi Max d/2 mm 174,50
Cek Spasi OK
Vs Av * fy * d / s N 131570
Batas Vs 0.66 * (fc')0.5 * b * d N 287925
Vc 0.17 * (fc') *b*d N 74163
ϕ, 21.2.4 0,75
Vn Vc + V s 205732
Vu N 27800
ϕVn / Vu 5,550
Cek Kapasitas ϕVn / Vu >= 1 ? OK
Desain Lentur

Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Input mm 8000
Lebar Balok, b Input mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Input mm 400
Panjang Tumpuan 2*h mm 800
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Input mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Input mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Input mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d h - cc - ds - db/2 mm 349
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Input MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Tul. Longitudinal, fy Input MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Input MPa 240
β1 Tabel 0.65 <= 0.85 - 0.05 * (fc' - 28) / 7 <= 0.85 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Input (Sisi tegak lurus lebar balok) mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Input (Sisi yang ditempel balok/sejajar lebar balok) mm 350
Ln L - c1 mm 7650
λ Asumsi tidak menggunakan beton ringan 1
Gaya Dalam
Mu,tumpuan (-) Input kN-m 64,78
Mu,tumpuan (+) Input kN-m 19,25
Mu,lapangan (-) Input kN-m 0

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

Mu,lapangan (+) Input kN-m 44,55

Pu Input kN 3,44
Syarat Gaya dan Geometri

Tidak dipersyaratkan.
Syarat Gaya Aksial Baca R18.6.1 dan Pu <= 0.1 Ag fc' ? OK

Syarat Tinggi Efektif Ln >= 4d ? OK

Syarat Lebar 1 b >= min(0.3h, 250 mm) ? OK
Syarat Lebar 2 b <= c2 + 2 * min (c2, 0.75 c1) ? OK
Penulangan Lentur
Tumpuan Negatif
Jumlah Tulangan Negatif Tumpuan, n Input 5
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 22,500
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? TIDAK
Jumlah Lapis 2
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 1005,310
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc')0.5 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 266,006
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 297,927
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,15%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 Tidak ada 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 77,586

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 127,860
c a / β1 mm 91,278
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,008
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 115,074
Mu,tumpuan (-) kN-m 64,780
Cek Kapasitas ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 509,338
Tumpuan Positif
n Input 5
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 22,500
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? TIDAK
Jumlah Lapis 2
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 1005,310
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 266,006
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 297,927
As min,4 0.5 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 502,655
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,15%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 77,586

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 127,860
c a / β1 mm 91,278
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,008
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 115,074
Mu kN-m 19,250
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 151,355
Lapangan Negatif
n Input 5
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 22,500
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? TIDAK
Jumlah Lapis 2
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 1005,310
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 266,006
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 297,927
As min,4 0.25 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 251,327
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,15%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 77,586

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 127,860
c a / β1 mm 91,278
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,008
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 115,074
Mu kN-m 0,000
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 0,000
Lapangan Positif
n Input 5
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 22,500
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? TIDAK
Jumlah Lapis 2
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 1005,310
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 266,006
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 297,927
As min,4 0.25 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 251,327
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,15%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 77,586

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 127,860
c a / β1 mm 91,278
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,008
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 115,074
Mu kN-m 44,550
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 350,278

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 8000
Lebar Balok, b Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 400
Panjang Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 800
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Pinggang, dbt Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 349
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 240
β1 Tabel Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 7650
Parameter Geometri Penampang untuk Perhitungan Torsi
Acp b*h mm2 100000
Pcp 2 * (b + h) mm 1300
xo b - 2cc - ds mm 180
yo h - 2cc - ds mm 330
Aoh R22. xo * yo mm 59400
Ao 0.85 Aoh mm2 50490
Ph 2 * (xo + yo) mm 1020
Gaya Dalam
Tu Input kN m 10
Pengecekan Kebutuhan Tulangan Torsi
Tcr 0.33 * (fc')0.5 * Acp2 / Pcp N mm 12692308
ϕ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
ϕ Tcr / 4 N mm 2379808
Perlu Tulangan Torsi? 11.5.1 Tabel Tu > ϕ Tcr / 4 ? Iya
Perhitungan di bawah ini harus diperiksa
Pengecekan Kecukupan Dimensi Penampang
Statis Tertentu = Kesetimbangan, Statis
Jenis Torsi Kompatibilitas
Tak Tentu = Kompatibilitas
Tu Pakai, 22.7.5 ϕ Tcr atau Tu N mm 9519231
Vu Dari Sheet Desain Geser N 92308
Vc 0.17 * (fc')0.5 * b * d N 74163
2 2 2 0.5
Tegangan Utimate Geser+Torsi { [Vu / b*d] + [Tu Ph / (1.7 Aoh )] } MPa 1,934
Kapasitas Tegangan Beton ϕ * { [Vc / (b * d)] + 0.66 * (fc') } MPa 3,113
Cek Dimensi Penampang Ruas Kiri <= Ruas Kanan ? OK
Parameter Umum Lainnya
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan Torsi = Kuat Leleh Baja
fy / fyt 1
Tulangan Lentur dan Geser

θ diambil untuk balok komponen struktur non

θ ° 45
Penulangan Transversal Torsi
n kaki Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Geser 2
n kaki Lapangan Dari Sheet Desain Geser 2
s Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 80
s Lapangan Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 100
s max 1 Ph / 8 mm 128
s max 2 300 mm mm 300
Cek Spasi Tumpuan s Tumpuan >= s max ? OK
Cek Spasi Lapangan s Lapangan >= s max ? OK
Av+t / s Tumpuan Pasang n *π/4 *ds2 /s 2
mm /mm 1,963
Av+t / s Tumpuan Pasang n *π/4 *ds2 /s mm2/mm 1,571
At / s Tu / (2 * φ * Ao * fy) 2 mm /mm 0,307
Av / s Tumpuan Perlu (Vu Tumpuan / φ - Vc) / (fy * d) mm2/mm 0,584
(Vu Lapangan / φ - Vc) / (fy * d) 2
Av / s Lapangan Perlu mm /mm -0,443
Av+t / s Tumpuan Perlu R9.5.4.3 2 * At / s + Av / s 1,197
Av+t / s Lapangan Perlu R9.5.4.3 2 * At / s + Av / s 0,170
Av+t / s min 1 0.062 * (fc') * b / fy 0,189
Av+t / s min 2 0.35 * b / fy 0,213
Cek Geser + Torsi Tumpuan Av+t / s Pasang >= Av+t / s Perlu dan min ? OK
Cek Geser + Torsi Lapangan Av+t / s Pasang >= Av+t / s Perlu dan min ? OK
Penulangan Longitudinal Torsi
db atau dbt mm 10
db, min 0.042 s mm 4,2
Cek db db >= db min ? OK
As Perlu Tumpuan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm2 509,338
As Perlu Tumpuan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 151,355
As Perlu Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm2 0,000
As Perlu Lapangan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 350,278
Al At / s * Ph mm2 312,695
Al min 0.42 * (fc')0.5 * Acp / fy - (At/s) * Ph mm2 199,500
As + Al Perlu Tumpuan mm 973,387
As + Al Perlu Lapangan mm2 662,973
n Tumpuan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 5
n Tumpuan Tengah Input (Disarankan Kelipatan 2) 2
n Tumpuan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 5
n Tumpuan Vertikal 2 + n Tengah / 2 3
n Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 5
n Lapangan Tengah Input (Disarankan Kelipatan 2) 2
n Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 5
n Tumpuan Vertikal 2 + n Tengah / 2 3
Spasi Horizontal Tumpuan (b - 2cc - 2ds - db) / [min(n atas, n bawah) - 1] mm 39
Spasi Vertikal Tumpuan (h - 2cc - 2ds - db) / (n Vertikal - 1) mm 152
Spasi Horizontal Lapangan (b - 2cc - 2ds - db) / [min(n atas, n bawah) - 1] mm 39
Spasi Vertikal Lapangan (h - 2cc - 2ds - db) / (n Vertikal - 1) mm 152
Cek Spasi Tulangan Longitudinal Tumpuan Spasi >= 300 mm ? OK
Cek Spasi Tulangan Longitudinal Lapangan Spasi >= 300 mm ? OK
As + Al Pasang Tumpuan 2
mm 2167,699
As + Al Pasang Lapangan mm2 2167,699
Cek Lentur + Torsi Tumpuan As + Al Pasang >= As + Al Perlu ? OK
Cek Lentur + Torsi Lapangan As + Al Pasang >= As + Al Perlu ? OK
Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 4000
Lebar Balok, b Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Panjang Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 700
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 299
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 240
β1 Tabel Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 3650
Gaya Dalam
Vu,tumpuan Input kN 53,24
Vu,lapangan Input kN 36,57
Gaya Desain
Vg,tumpuan S21.5.4 R18.6.5 Input [Kombinasi 1.2 D + L] kN 22,73
As+ Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm2 804,248
- 2
As Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 804,248
apr 1.25 a (tumpuan positif) mm 77,586
apr- 1.25 a (tumpuan negatif) mm 77,586
Mpr S21.5.4 R18.6.5 As+ * (1.25 fy) * (d - apr /2) +
N mm 107251278
Mpr S21.5.4 R18.6.5 As- * (1.25 fy) * (d - apr /2) -
N mm 107251278
+ -
Vsway atau Vpr (Mpr + Mpr ) / Ln N 58768
Ve Vg + Vpr N 81498
Tahanan Geser Beton
Vpr N 58768
1/2 Ve N 40749
Pu N 10000
Ag fc' / 20 N 109375
Vc Diperhitungkan? Vc = 0 jika Vpr >= 1/2 Ve dan Pu < Ag fc' / 20 Tidak
Vc N 0
Penulangan Geser
Jumlah Kaki Input 2
Av n *π/4 *ds mm2 157,080
Spasi Input mm 70
Spasi Max 1 d/4 mm 74,75
Spasi Max 2 6 db mm 96,00
Spasi Max 3 150 mm mm 150,00
Cek Spasi OK
Vs Av * fy * d / s N 161029
Batas Vs 0.66 * (fc') *b*d N 246675
ϕ, 21.2.4 0,75
Vn Vc + V s N 161029
Vu N 81498
ϕVn / Vu 1,482
Cek Kapasitas ϕVn / Vu >= 1 ? OK
Penulangan Geser
Jumlah Kaki Input 2
Av n *π/4 *ds2 mm2 157,080
Spasi Input mm 100
Spasi Max d/2 mm 149,50
Cek Spasi OK
Vs Av * fy * d / s N 112720
Batas Vs 0.66 * (fc')0.5 * b * d N 246675
Vc 0.17 * (fc') *b*d N 63538
ϕ, 21.2.4 0,75
Vn Vc + V s 176258
Vu N 36570
ϕVn / Vu 3,615
Cek Kapasitas ϕVn / Vu >= 1 ? OK
Desain Lentur

Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Input mm 4000
Lebar Balok, b Input mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Input mm 350
Panjang Tumpuan 2*h mm 700
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Input mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Input mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Input mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d h - cc - ds - db/2 mm 299
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Input MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Tul. Longitudinal, fy Input MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Input MPa 240
β1 Tabel 0.65 <= 0.85 - 0.05 * (fc' - 28) / 7 <= 0.85 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Input (Sisi tegak lurus lebar balok) mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Input (Sisi yang ditempel balok/sejajar lebar balok) mm 350
Ln L - c1 mm 3650
λ Asumsi tidak menggunakan beton ringan 1
Gaya Dalam
Mu,tumpuan (-) Input kN-m 62,56
Mu,tumpuan (+) Input kN-m 23,88
Mu,lapangan (-) Input kN-m 20,87

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

Mu,lapangan (+) Input kN-m 23,88

Pu Input kN 10
Syarat Gaya dan Geometri

Tidak dipersyaratkan.
Syarat Gaya Aksial Baca R18.6.1 dan Pu <= 0.1 Ag fc' ? OK

Syarat Tinggi Efektif Ln >= 4d ? OK

Syarat Lebar 1 b >= min(0.3h, 250 mm) ? OK
Syarat Lebar 2 b <= c2 + 2 * min (c2, 0.75 c1) ? OK
Penulangan Lentur
Tumpuan Negatif
Jumlah Tulangan Negatif Tumpuan, n Input 4
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 35,333
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? IYA
Jumlah Lapis 1
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 804,248
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc')0.5 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 227,896
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 255,244
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,08%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 Tidak ada 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 62,069

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 88,359
c a / β1 mm 73,022
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,009
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 79,523
Mu,tumpuan (-) kN-m 62,560
Cek Kapasitas ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 569,422
Tumpuan Positif
n Input 4
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 35,333
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? IYA
Jumlah Lapis 1
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 804,248
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 227,896
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 255,244
As min,4 0.5 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 402,124
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,08%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 62,069

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 88,359
c a / β1 mm 73,022
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,009
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 79,523
Mu kN-m 23,880
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 217,356
Lapangan Negatif
n Input 4
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 35,333
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? IYA
Jumlah Lapis 1
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 804,248
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 227,896
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 255,244
As min,4 0.25 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 201,062
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,08%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 62,069

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 88,359
c a / β1 mm 73,022
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,009
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 79,523
Mu kN-m 20,870
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 189,959
Lapangan Positif
n Input 4
db mm 16
Jarak Bersih Antar Tulangan (b - 2 cc - 2 ds - n * db) / (n - 1) mm 35,333
Cek Jarak Bersih 7.6.1 25.2.1 Jarak Bersih >= db dan 25 mm? IYA
Jumlah Lapis 1
As Pasang n *π/4 *db2 mm2 804,248
As min,1 10.5.1 (fc') / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 227,896
As min,2 10.5.1, 1.4 / (4 * fy) * b * d mm2 255,244
As min,4 0.25 * As Tumpuan Negatif mm 201,062
Cek As min As Pasang >= As min ? OK
ρ As / (b * d) 1,08%
ρ max,1 B.10.3 0.75 ρb = 0.75 * 0.85 *β1 * fc' / fy * (600/(600 + fy)) 1,96%
ρ max,2 2,5% 2,50%
Cek As max ρ <= ρ max ? OK

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Desain Lentur

a As * fy / (0.85 * fc' * b) mm 62,069

Mn As * fy * (d - a/2) kN-m 88,359
c a / β1 mm 73,022
εs 10.2.2, 10.2.3, (d - c) / c * 0.003 0,009
ϕ S9.3.2 Tabel 21.2.2 0.65 <= 0.65 + (εs - 0.002) / 0.003 * 0.25 <= 0.9 0,900
ϕMn ϕ * Mn kN-m 79,523
Mu kN-m 23,880
Cek ϕMn > Mu ϕMn > Mu ? OK
As Perlu Mu / [fy * (d - a/2)] mm2 217,356

Template oleh 8 Minutes Learn

Pasal Referensi
Parameter Persamaan Satuan Nilai
SNI 2847:2013 SNI 2847:2019
Properti Material dan Penampang
Panjang Balok, L Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 4000
Lebar Balok, b Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 250
Tinggi Balok, h Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Panjang Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 700
Diameter Tulangan Longitudinal, db Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 16
Diameter Tulangan Pinggang, dbt Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Diameter Tulangan Sengkang, ds Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 10
Selimut Bersih, cc Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 30
Tinggi Efektif Balok, d Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 299
Kuat Tekan Beton, fc' Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 25
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 410
Kuat Leleh Tul. Transversal, fy Dari Sheet Desain Lentur MPa 240
β1 Tabel Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 0,8500
Panjang Kolom, c1 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Lebar Kolom, c2 Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 350
Ln Dari Sheet Desain Lentur mm 3650
Parameter Geometri Penampang untuk Perhitungan Torsi
Acp b*h mm2 87500
Pcp 2 * (b + h) mm 1200
xo b - 2cc - ds mm 180
yo h - 2cc - ds mm 280
Aoh R22. xo * yo mm 50400
Ao 0.85 Aoh mm2 42840
Ph 2 * (xo + yo) mm 920
Gaya Dalam
Tu Input kN m 9,5
Pengecekan Kebutuhan Tulangan Torsi
Tcr 0.33 * (fc')0.5 * Acp2 / Pcp N mm 10527344
ϕ Tabel 21.2.1 0,75
ϕ Tcr / 4 N mm 1973877
Perlu Tulangan Torsi? 11.5.1 Tabel Tu > ϕ Tcr / 4 ? Iya
Perhitungan di bawah ini harus diperiksa
Pengecekan Kecukupan Dimensi Penampang
Statis Tertentu = Kesetimbangan, Statis
Jenis Torsi Kompatibilitas
Tak Tentu = Kompatibilitas
Tu Pakai, 22.7.5 ϕ Tcr atau Tu N mm 7895508
Vu Dari Sheet Desain Geser N 81498
Vc 0.17 * (fc')0.5 * b * d N 63538
2 2 2 0.5
Tegangan Utimate Geser+Torsi { [Vu / b*d] + [Tu Ph / (1.7 Aoh )] } MPa 2,005
Kapasitas Tegangan Beton ϕ * { [Vc / (b * d)] + 0.66 * (fc') } MPa 3,113
Cek Dimensi Penampang Ruas Kiri <= Ruas Kanan ? OK
Parameter Umum Lainnya
Kuat Leleh Baja Tulangan Torsi = Kuat Leleh Baja
fy / fyt 1
Tulangan Lentur dan Geser

θ diambil untuk balok komponen struktur non

θ ° 45
Penulangan Transversal Torsi
n kaki Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Geser 2
n kaki Lapangan Dari Sheet Desain Geser 2
s Tumpuan Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 70
s Lapangan Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 100
s max 1 Ph / 8 mm 115
s max 2 300 mm mm 300
Cek Spasi Tumpuan s Tumpuan >= s max ? OK
Cek Spasi Lapangan s Lapangan >= s max ? OK
Av+t / s Tumpuan Pasang n *π/4 *ds2 /s 2
mm /mm 2,244
Av+t / s Tumpuan Pasang n *π/4 *ds2 /s mm2/mm 1,571
At / s Tu / (2 * φ * Ao * fy) 2 mm /mm 0,300
Av / s Tumpuan Perlu (Vu Tumpuan / φ - Vc) / (fy * d) mm2/mm 1,514
(Vu Lapangan / φ - Vc) / (fy * d) 2
Av / s Lapangan Perlu mm /mm -0,206
Av+t / s Tumpuan Perlu R9.5.4.3 2 * At / s + Av / s 2,114
Av+t / s Lapangan Perlu R9.5.4.3 2 * At / s + Av / s 0,393
Av+t / s min 1 0.062 * (fc') * b / fy 0,189
Av+t / s min 2 0.35 * b / fy 0,213
Cek Geser + Torsi Tumpuan Av+t / s Pasang >= Av+t / s Perlu dan min ? OK
Cek Geser + Torsi Lapangan Av+t / s Pasang >= Av+t / s Perlu dan min ? OK
Penulangan Longitudinal Torsi
db atau dbt mm 10
db, min 0.042 s mm 4,2
Cek db db >= db min ? OK
As Perlu Tumpuan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm2 569,422
As Perlu Tumpuan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 217,356
As Perlu Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm2 189,959
As Perlu Lapangan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Geser mm 217,356
Al At / s * Ph mm2 275,704
Al min 0.42 * (fc')0.5 * Acp / fy - (At/s) * Ph mm2 172,467
As + Al Perlu Tumpuan mm 1062,482
As + Al Perlu Lapangan mm2 683,019
n Tumpuan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 4
n Tumpuan Tengah Input (Disarankan Kelipatan 2) 2
n Tumpuan Bawah Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 4
n Tumpuan Vertikal 2 + n Tengah / 2 3
n Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 4
n Lapangan Tengah Input (Disarankan Kelipatan 2) 2
n Lapangan Atas Dari Sheet Desain Lentur 4
n Tumpuan Vertikal 2 + n Tengah / 2 3
Spasi Horizontal Tumpuan (b - 2cc - 2ds - db) / [min(n atas, n bawah) - 1] mm 51
Spasi Vertikal Tumpuan (h - 2cc - 2ds - db) / (n Vertikal - 1) mm 127
Spasi Horizontal Lapangan (b - 2cc - 2ds - db) / [min(n atas, n bawah) - 1] mm 51
Spasi Vertikal Lapangan (h - 2cc - 2ds - db) / (n Vertikal - 1) mm 127
Cek Spasi Tulangan Longitudinal Tumpuan Spasi >= 300 mm ? OK
Cek Spasi Tulangan Longitudinal Lapangan Spasi >= 300 mm ? OK
As + Al Pasang Tumpuan 2
mm 1765,575
As + Al Pasang Lapangan mm2 1765,575
Cek Lentur + Torsi Tumpuan As + Al Pasang >= As + Al Perlu ? OK
Cek Lentur + Torsi Lapangan As + Al Pasang >= As + Al Perlu ? OK


Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 25

Tegangan leleh baja untuk tulangan lentur, fy = 240


Panjang bentang plat arah x, Lx = 2,00

Panjang bentang plat arah y, Ly = 4,00
Tebal plat lantai, h= 120
Koefisien momen plat untuk : Ly / Lx = 2,00 KOEFISIEN MOMEN PLAT

DUA ARAH karena Ly/Lx<2

Lapangan x Clx = 41
Lapangan y Cly = 12
Tumpuan x Ctx = 83
Tumpuan y Cty = 57
Tabel 2 dengan 4 sisi terjepit

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, = 10

Tebal bersih selimut beton, ts = 30



No Jenis Beban Mati Berat satuan Tebal (m) Q (kN/m2)

1 Berat sendiri plat lantai (kN/m 3) 24,0 0,12 2,880
2 Berat finishing lantai (kN/m3) 22,0 0,05 1,100
3 Berat plafon dan rangka (kN/m ) 0,2 - 0,200
4 Berat instalasi ME (kN/m ) 0,5 - 0,500
Total beban mati, QD = 4,680

Beban hidup pada lantai bangunan = 196

→ QL = 2,0


Beban rencana terfaktor, Qu = 1.2 * QD + 1.6 * QL = 8,752


Momen lapangan arah x, Mulx = Clx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 1,435

Momen lapangan arah y, Muly = Cly * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 0,420
Momen tumpuan arah x, Mutx = Ctx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 2,906
Momen tumpuan arah y, Muty = Cty * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 1,995
Momen rencana (maksimum) plat, → Mu = 2,906


Untuk : fc' ≤ 30 MPa, b1 = 0,85

Untuk : fc' > 30 MPa, b1 = 0.85 - 0.05 * ( fc' - 30) / 7 = -
Faktor bentuk distribusi tegangan beton, → b1 = 0,85
Rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance ,
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0,0538
Faktor tahanan momen maksimum,
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 7,4732
Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, f = 0,80
Jarak tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, ds = ts +  / 2 = 35,0
Tebal efektif plat lantai, d = h - ds = 85,0
Ditinjau plat lantai selebar 1 m, → b= 1000
Momen nominal rencana, Mn = Mu / f = 3,632
-6 2
Faktor tahanan momen, Rn = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) = 0,50271
Rn < Rmax → (OK)
Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan :
r = 0.85 * fc' / fy * [ 1 -  [ 1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc' ) ] = 0,0021
Rasio tulangan minimum, rmin = 0,0025
Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, → r= 0,0025
Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = r * b * d = 213
Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = p / 4 * 2 * b / As = 370
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 2 * h = 240
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200
Jarak sengkang yang harus digunakan, s= 200
Diambil jarak sengkang : → s= 200
Digunakan tulangan,  10 - 200
Luas tulangan terpakai, As = p / 4 *  * b / s =
Mpa = N/mm2
Modulus elastis beton, Ec = 4700*√ fc' = 23500
Modulus elastis baja tulangan, Es = 2,10E+05
Beban merata (tak terfaktor) padaplat, Q = Q D + QL = 6,640
Panjang bentang plat, Lx = 2000
Batas lendutan maksimum yang diijinkan, Lx / 240 = 8,333
Momen inersia brutto penampang plat, Ig = 1/12 * b * h3 = 144000000
Modulus keruntuhan lentur beton, fr = 0.7 * √ fc' = 3,5
Nilai perbandingan modulus elastis, n = Es / Ec = 8,94
Jarak garis netral terhadap sisi atas beton, c = n * As / b = 3,509
Momen inersia penampang retak yang ditransformasikan ke beton dihitung sbb. :
Icr = 1/3 * b * c3 + n * As * ( d - c )2 = 23318283
yt = h / 2 = 60
Momen retak : Mcr = fr * Ig / yt = 8400000
Momen maksimum akibat beban (tanpa faktor beban) :
Ma = 1 / 8 * Q * Lx2 = 3320000
Inersia efektif untuk perhitungan lendutan,
Ie = ( Mcr / Ma )3 * Ig + [ 1 - ( Mcr / Ma )3 ] * Icr = 1977950651
Lendutan elastis seketika akibat beban mati dan beban hidup :
de = 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0,030
Rasio tulangan slab lantai : r = As / ( b * d ) = 0,0046
Faktor ketergantungan waktu untuk beban mati (jangka waktu > 5 tahun), nilai :
z= 2,0
l = z / ( 1 + 50 * r ) = 1,6247
Lendutan jangka panjang akibat rangkak dan susut :
dg = l * 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0,048
Lendutan total, dtot = de + dg = 0,078
Syarat : dtot ≤ Lx / 240
0,078 < 8,333 → AMAN (OK)












[C]2010 : M. Noer Ilham

Kedalaman fondasi, Df = 1,20 m
Berat volume tanah, g= 17,56 kN/m3
Sudut gesek dalam, f= 0,00 
Kohesi, c= 2,70 kPa
Tahanan konus rata-rata (hasil pengujian sondir), qc = 15,10 kg/cm2
Lebar fondasi arah x, Bx = 1,50 m
Lebar fondasi arah y, By = 1,50 m
Tebal fondasi, h= 0,40 m
Lebar kolom arah x, bx = 0,35 m
Lebar kolom arah y, by = 0,35 m
Posisi kolom (dalam = 40, tepi = 30, sudut = 20) as = 40
Kuat tekan beton, f c' = 25,0 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 240 MPa
Berat beton bertulang, gc = 24 kN/m3
Gaya aksial akibat beban terfaktor, Pu = 426,800 kN
Momen arah x akibat beban terfaktor, Mux = 286,190 kNm
Momen arah y akibat beban terfaktor, Muy = 137,800 kNm

Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0,075 m

Tebal efektif foot plat, d = h - d' = 0,325 m
Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar foot plat, a x = ( Bx - b x - d ) / 2 = 0,413 m
Tegangan tanah pada bidang kritis geser arah x,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 552,529 kN/m2
Gaya geser arah x, Vux = [ qx + ( qmax - qx ) / 2 - q ] * ax * By = 455,502 kN
Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah x, b = By = 1500 mm
Tebal efektif footplat, d= 325 mm
Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, b c = bx / by = 1,0000
Kuat geser foot plat arah x, diambil nilai terkecil dari Vc yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 1218,750 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 2166,667 kN
Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 812,500 kN
Diambil, kuat geser foot plat, → Vc = 812,500 kN
Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, f = 0,75
Kuat geser foot plat, f * Vc = 609,375 kN
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
609,375 > 455,502 → AMAN (OK)

Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0,085 m

Tebal efektif foot plat, d = h - d' = 0,315 m
Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar foot plat, a y = ( By - b y - d ) / 2 = 0,418 m
Tegangan tanah pada bidang kritis geser arah y,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 547,504 kN/m2
Gaya geser arah y, Vuy = [ qy + ( qmax - qy ) / 2 - q ] * ay * Bx = 459,450 kN
Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah y, b = Bx = 1500 mm
Tebal efektif footplat, d= 315 mm
Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, b c = bx / by = 1,0000
Kuat geser foot plat arah y, diambil nilai terkecil dari Vc yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 1181,250 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 2047,500 kN
Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 787,500 kN
Diambil, kuat geser foot plat, → Vc = 787,500 kN
Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, f = 0,75
Kuat geser foot plat, f * Vc = 590,625 kN
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
590,625 > 459,450 → AMAN (OK)

Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0,085 m

Tebal efektif foot plat, d = h - d' = 0,32 m
Lebar bidang geser pons arah x, c x = bx + 2 * d = 0,665 m
Lebar bidang geser pons arah y, c y = by + 2 * d = 0,665 m
Gaya geser pons yang terjadi,
Vup = ( Bx * By - cx * cy ) * [ ( qmax + qmin ) / 2 - q ] = 342,915 kN
Luas bidang geser pons, Ap = 2 * ( cx + cy ) * d = 0,838 m2
Lebar bidang geser pons, bp = 2 * ( c x + c y ) = 2,660 m
Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, b c = bx / by = 1,0000
Tegangan geser pons, diambil nilai terkecil dari fp yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :
fp = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' / 6 = 2,500 MPa
fp = [ as * d / bp + 2 ] * √ fc' / 12 = 2,807 MPa
f p = 1 / 3 * √ f c' = 1,667 MPa
Tegangan geser pons yang disyaratkan, fp = 1,667 MPa
Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser pons, f = 0,75
Kuat geser pons, f * Vnp = f * Ap * fp * 10 = 1047,38
Syarat : f * Vnp ≥ Vup
1047,375 > 342,915 → AMAN (OK)
f * Vnp ≥ Pu
1047,375 > 426,800 → AMAN (OK)


Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar foot plat, a x = ( Bx - b x ) / 2 = 0,575 m

Tegangan tanah pada tepi kolom,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 389,214 kN/m2
Momen yang terjadi pada plat fondasi akibat tegangan tanah,
Mux = 1/2 * ax2 * [ qx + 2/3 * ( qmax - qx ) - q ] * By = 186,180 kNm
Lebar plat fondasi yang ditinjau, b = By = 1500 mm
Tebal plat fondasi, h= 400 mm
Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 75 mm
Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 325 mm
Kuat tekan beton, f c' = 25 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 240 MPa
Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2,00E+05 MPa
Faktor distribusi teg. beton, b1 = 0,85
rb = b 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0,0537574
Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, f = 0,80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 7,473
Mn = Mux / f = 232,725 kNm
Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 1,46888
Rn < Rmax → (OK)
Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 -  {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0,0063
Rasio tulangan minimum, rmin = 0,0025
Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, → r = 0,0063
Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = r * b * d = 3094,59 mm2
Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 16 mm
Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = p / 4 * D * b / As =
97 mm
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, → s= 97 mm
Digunakan tulangan, D 16 - 90
Luas tulangan terpakai, As = p / 4 * D * b / s = 3351,03

Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar foot plat, a y = ( By - b y ) / 2 = 0,575 m

Tegangan tanah pada tepi kolom,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 389,214 kN/m2
Momen yang terjadi pada plat fondasi akibat tegangan tanah,
Muy = 1/2 * ay2 * [ qy + 2/3 * ( qmax - qy ) - q ] * Bx = 186,180 kNm
Lebar plat fondasi yang ditinjau, b = Bx = 1500 mm
Tebal plat fondasi, h= 400 mm
Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 85 mm
Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 315 mm
Kuat tekan beton, f c' = 25 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 240 MPa
Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2,00E+05 MPa
Faktor distribusi teg. beton, b1 = 0,85
rb = b 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0,0537574
Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, f = 0,80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 7,473
Mn = Muy / f = 232,725 kNm
Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 1,56362
Rn < Rmax → (OK)
Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 -  {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0,0068
Rasio tulangan minimum, rmin = 0,0025
Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, → r = 0,0068
As = r * b * d = 3200,82
Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, mm
Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 16 mm
Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / A s = 94 mm
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, → s= 94 mm
Digunakan tulangan, D 16 - 90
Luas tulangan terpakai, As = p / 4 * D2 * b / s = 3351,03 mm2

Rasio tulangan susut minimum, rsmin = 0,0014

Luas tulangan susut arah x, Asx = rsmin* d * Bx = 682,500 mm2
Luas tulangan susut arah y, Asy = rsmin* d * By = 661,500 mm2
Diameter tulangan yang digunakan,  10 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah x, sx = p / 4 * 2 * By / Asx = 173 mm

Jarak tulangan susut maksimum arah x, sx,max = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan susut arah x yang digunakan, → sx = 173 mm
Jarak tulangan susut arah y, sy = p / 4 *  * Bx / Asy =
178 mm
Jarak tulangan susut maksimum arah y, sy,max = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan susut arah y yang digunakan, → sy = 178 mm
Digunakan tulangan susut arah x,  10 - 170
Digunakan tulangan susut arah y,  10 - 170

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