Update COVID19 Research Cagwait

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Republic of the Philippines

Surigao del Sur State University

Poblacion, Cagwait, Surigao del Sur


II. Proponents

Anthony B. Yanto
Noelito B. Salcedo
Joezer S. Azon
Ian A. Cruza

III. Introduction

Tech companies, governments, and international agencies have all

announced measures to help contain the spread of the COVID-19, otherwise
known as the Coronavirus. Some of these measures may be effective and based
on reports from surveys; others may not be as successful. Mobile apps for
instance, are indeed bridging the distance between citizens and organizations as
social distancing and confinement strategies implemented worldwide call for new
ways of interaction and communication.

As we move into a new era where healthcare can be processed online; food
can just be delivered on your doorstep; and work can be done in the bedroom,
both public authorities and private initiatives are increasingly making use of apps
to reach the population. Considering the number of people who have
smartphones today and generally use apps on these devices, public health
authorities have showed support as trend towards favoring these apps grow


We have been weakened by the potent enemy we face day by day and there
will come a time where we empty our artillery and drain our energy battling the
abhorrent virus. This is the reason why the role of information technology has
become a necessity today more than ever. As people still continue to move
around places for various reasons like work/jobs and other personal motives,
mobile apps that are used as contact tracker and data collector will have a
potentially crucial role in tackling the current phase of coronavirus response.
Accordingly, this study gears towards creating a system that can be
accessed thru a mobile application which will allow the local government
agencies to conveniently provide people with quarantine/travel pass without
physically going to offices to get permits, and subsequently use location data for
easy and quick tracing.

The success of this mobile application is based on the number of its users
and the locality supporting it. Hence it is suggested that local governments must
apply this system as one of the solutions for the growing threats brought upon by

IV. Objectives

Contact tracing and tracking apps have become popular in East Asia and are
credited for part of the success in containing the virus. This study is framed on
the idea that access through information technology is invaluable to curb the
spread of the virus and pursues on the creation of a mobile application devoted

 Create a more systematic location surveillance processing within the

 Identify the individuals issued with a quarantine pass/worker’s pass/travel
permit/authority to travel pass;
 Locate the people moving around a specific area/location in a particular
time; and
 Confirm the health status of individuals going in and out the locality.

This is the projected mechanism of the proposed mobile application.

Registration Screen – each user must have to register by filling-out the
registration form requiring the name, current/permanent address, and contact
details of the applicant user.

For verification purposes, the user must provide/upload a valid ID.

If user is household designated as breadwinner/errand person, user will need

to apply for Community Pass
If user is a worker, he/she will need to apply for a Workers Pass. User will
also need to upload valid ID from the company/firm he/she is working.

After registration, the application will generate user’s QR Code.

Login Screen – if user is already registered

Home Screen – this will show basic user information and user’s generated QR
code. Detailed information of user will be on Profile Screen, ID screen for
uploaded IDs, map screen to show where the location of the user is.

Verifiers can either be a government official or a designated personnel, tasked
to confirm that users input truthful data/information (especially for the address).
For instance, user is from the Municipality of Cagwait, the designated verifier
should also be a person from the same Municipality. As such, we will be able to
ensure that the user is from the location he disclosed.

Scanner Screen – this screen will scan the user’s QR code. The result will be
the information of the user and his uploaded valid ID. The guard/checkpoint
personnel will verify the ID of the user, this will ensure that user is the registered
owner of the pass.

Moreover, this is the save point of the app to save the user’s location/date/time
for possible future contact tracing.

In case the user doesn’t own/have access to a smartphone, we can have him
register to the verifier. The verifier will register the user unto the database and
will then be given a hard copy of the Quarantine Pass (Q-Pass) to the user. The
Q-Pass will show the user’s information including the QR Code. The user may
present the hardcopy Q-Pass to checkpoints/chokepoints before entering an
establishment or locality.

User Screens
Checkpoint Screens

Web Site: Can be accessed at

Users: https://mobileqpass.com
Admin: https://admin.mobileqpass.com
V. Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the Mobile QPass are the citizens of Surigao del Sur.

VI. Pictures

Mobile QPass presentation to Ryan Tapayan, Tourism Officer designate of

Cagwait LGU
Mobile QPass presentation to Local IATF headed by Municipal Mayor of
Cagwait, Hon. Lilian Y. Lozada
Mobile QPass demonstration/implemetation to frontliners and selected tourist

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