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1. Perennial crops are those whose life cycle is completed in more than one year.

of the following is an example of a tree fruit?
a) Mango
b) Pili nut
c) Pineapple
d) Strawberry

2. Which type of crop produces fruits that are enclosed by a stony structure?
a) Tree fruits
b) Nut fruits
c) Small fruits
d) Beverage crops

3. Why are production practices for perennial crops treated separately from those for
annual crops?
a) Perennial crops are mostly trees or tall growing plants and stay longer in the
b) Essential practices for perennial crop production are not applicable to annual
c) Perennial crops require special treatment for postharvest handling.
d) All of the above.

4. Which of the following is an example of an industrial crop?

a) Mango
b) Pineapple
c) Cotton
d) Strawberry
5. When selecting fruits for the fresh fruit market, which of the following
characteristics is NOT important?
a) Sweetness and wholesome taste
b) Non-fibrousness
c) Attractive color of flesh and rind
d) Large fruitedness and small seededness
6. Which of the following criteria is important for fruits that are intended for
processing into juice?
a) Sweetness
b) High acidity or sourness
c) Large fruit size
d) Attractive color of flesh and rind
7. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for selecting plantation crops?
a) Yielding ability
b) Regularity of fruiting
c) Resistance to pests
d) Sweetness of the fruit
8. What is the acceptable yield level (in tons per hectare per year) for papaya?
a) 8-10 tons
b) 15-20 tons
c) 4 tons
d) 40-50 tons
9. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for selecting coconut trees?
a) Rounded crown
b) High yield of 1200 to 1500 nuts per harvest
c) Large cluster of berries
d) Medium-sized nuts for copra production
10. Which variety of pineapple is commonly used for canning and fresh fruit?
a) Smooth Cayenne
b) Queen
c) Red Spanish
d) None of the above
11. Which mango variety is preferred in the export market?
a) Carabao
b) Pico
c) Katchmanita
d) None of the above
12. Which banana variety is commonly used for cooking and processing into chips and
a) Lacatan
b) Latundan
c) Bunguln
d) Saba
13. Which citrus variety is known for its large size and thick, rough rind?
a) Szinkom
b) Ladu
c) King
d) Ponkan
14. Which cocoa variety is resistant to pod borer?
a) Criollo
b) Forastero
c) Trinitario
d) None of the above
15. Which factor contributes to higher temperatures in the Philippines?
a) Surrounding warm seas
b) Cool air currents
c) High elevation
d) Absence of valleys and plains
16. What is the average annual temperature in the Philippines?
a) 23.2°C
b) 27°C
c) 30.5°C
d) 37.1°C
17. Which type of crops require higher optimum temperatures?
a) Cool-season crops
b) Warm-season crops
c) Shade-loving crops
d) Drought-tolerant crops
18. What is the light saturation point in lux for sun-loving plants?
a) 5,376 lux
b) 53,763 lux
c) 500 footcandle
d) 5,000 footcandle
19. Which type of climate in the Coronas System of Classification experiences a very
pronounced maximum rain period from November to January?
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IV
20. Which of the following is a disadvantage of seed propagation for perennial crops?
a) Plants grow into large trees
b) Plants bear fruit sooner
c) Plants retain parental characteristics
d) Plants show regularity in fruit quality
21. What is the advantage of using asexually propagated materials for planting?
a) Trees are larger and sturdier
b) Plants breed true-to-type
c) Seed germination is faster
d) Plants exhibit regularity in flowering
22. Which of the following is NOT a kind of vegetative propagule used for asexual
a) Runners
b) Suckers
c) Seeds
d) Corms
23. How can the hard seed coat of certain seeds be cracked to enhance germination?
a) Soaking in boiling water
b) Rubbing with sandpaper
c) Fermenting for several days
d) All of the above
24. What is the purpose of scarification in seed propagation?
a) To remove mucilaginous materials
b) To enhance seed germination
c) To prevent respiration of seeds
d) To protect seeds from oxygen and water
25. What is the purpose of a nursery in plant production?
a) Harvesting of mature plants
b) Transplanting of seedlings
c) Seed storage for future use
d) Testing different crop varieties
26. Which of the following materials can be used for shading in a nursery?
a) Plastic sheets
b) Sand and garden soil mix
c) Bamboo slats
d) Fertilizer
27. Why is wind protection important in a nursery?
a) To reduce soil erosion
b) To regulate sunlight exposure
c) To prevent insect infestation
d) To control weed growth
28. What is the recommended percentage of wind penetration in a shelterbelt?
a) 100%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) 25%
29. Which of the following species is suitable for windbreaks in a nursery?
a) Banana
b) Bougainvillea
c) Kamachile
d) Tamarind
30. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when determining the planting
distance for fruit or plantation crops?
a) Fertility of the soil
b) Available moisture
c) Planting materials
d) Topography of the land
31. Which planting system maximizes land utilization and allows for a greater number
of trees per unit area compared to the square system?
a) Quincunx or diagonal system
b) Square system
c) Hexagonal or triangular system
d) d) Contour or terrace system
32. In high-density planting, what is one of the important management inputs required?
a) a) Total clearing of the area
b) b) Selective clearing of vegetation
c) c) Regular pinching of terminal buds
d) d) Planting filler trees between rows
33. Which system of cultivation is applied in hillsides to prevent erosion and conserve
moisture between tree rows?
a) a) Square system
b) b) Hexagonal or triangular system
c) c) Contour or terrace system
d) d) Quincunx or diagonal system
34. What is the purpose of providing temporary shade crops like pigeon pea in fruit and
plantation crops?
a) a) To fix nitrogen in the soil
b) b) To control erosion
c) c) To maximize land utilization
d) d) To provide shade during the growing period
35. What is the main disadvantage of multiple cropping?
a) Increased labor component
b) Large amounts of nutrients and moisture needed
c) Difficulty in eradicating pests and diseases
d) All of the above
36. Which cropping system involves growing two or more crops together on the same
piece of land?
a) Monocropping
b) Relay cropping
c) Intercropping
d) Succession cropping
37. What is the primary advantage of intercropping with coconut?
a) Increased yields of coconut nuts
b) Improved weed control
c) Enhanced growth of intercrops
d) Reduced risk of pest attacks
38. Which type of fertilizer primarily enriches the soil's physical structure?
a) Chemical fertilizers
b) Natural organic fertilizers
c) Inorganic fertilizers
d) Synthetic fertilizers
39. How can organic materials be best utilized as fertilizer?
a) By applying them without decomposition
b) By using them immediately after harvest
c) By composting them before application
d) By burning them to prevent disease spread
40. Which factors determine suitable irrigation programs in water management?
a) Soil factors, climatic factors, and plant factors
b) Soil factors, drainage factors, and plant factors
c) Soil factors, water availability, and plant factors
d) Soil factors, irrigation techniques, and plant factors
41. What is the critical growth stage when irrigation is most needed?
a) Early vegetative stage
b) Flowering stage
c) Maturation stage
d) Fruiting stage
42. How can the need for irrigation be determined based on soil and water
a) Using gravimetry, tensiometer, and electrical resistance blocks
b) Using soil texture analysis and evapotranspiration rate
c) Using pH and nutrient content of the soil
d) Using weather forecasting and plant growth rate
43. Which method of irrigation involves applying water in small channels or furrows?
a) Surface irrigation
b) Overhead irrigation
c) Drip irrigation
d) Sprinkler irrigation
44. What is the advantage of drip irrigation?
a) High water efficiency and reduced disease risk
b) Ability to cover large areas quickly
c) Suitable for windy areas with high salt content in water
d) Requires less maintenance and labor
45. Which of the following is a physical process of plant growth control that involves the
removal of plant parts?
a) Girdling
b) Vernalization
c) Thinning
d) Propping
46. What is the purpose of pruning in crops like mango, coffee, and citrus? a) To control
the height and size of the crown b) To remove diseased branches c) To facilitate ease
in spraying operations d) All of the above
47. What is vernalization?
a) The process of inducing flower formation in plants
b) The removal of excess suckers from a plant
c) The physical interruption of the flow of photosynthates
d) The cold temperature treatment of seeds prior to germination
48. Which plant growth regulator is commonly used to promote rooting in plant
a) Gibberellins
b) Ethylene
c) Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)
d) Abscisic acid
49. How can propping be beneficial in commercial banana plantations?
a) It prevents fruit loss from bunch fall
b) It protects plants from environmental stress
c) It promotes flower and fruit development
d) It enhances mineral uptake in plants
50. Which class of phytohormones is known for its synthetic derivatives that are
significant in agriculture?
a) Indole-auxins
b) Cytokinins
c) Gibberellins
d) Abscisic acids
51. What is the primary action of indole-auxins as growth regulators?
a) Promotion of cell division and enlargement
b) Inhibition of root development
c) Induction of seed dormancy
d) Prevention of senescence
52. How can plant growth regulators be used to control fruit set and development?
a) By modifying floral sex expression
b) By enhancing mineral uptake
c) By inducing seed dormancy
d) By promoting leaf and flower drop
53. Which plant growth regulator is commonly used to promote branching in softwood
a) Abscisic acid
b) Gibberellins
c) Ethylene
d) Auxins
54. How are rooting regulants typically applied in plant propagation?
a) By soaking stems in a solution for 24 hours
b) By spraying the mother plant with growth regulators
c) By dipping the basal ends of cuttings in an alcoholic solution
d) By incorporating regulants in talc or liquid formulations
55. Which type of maturity of fruits and vegetables is determined by visual indicators,
size, shape, color, appearance, texture, and other factors?
a) Harvest Maturity
b) Physiological Maturity
c) Commercial or Horticultural Maturity
d) Maturity Indices
56. What does physiological maturity refer to?
a) The attainment of the final stage of biological function by a plant part
b) The stage of development of a plant organ at its maximum size and growth
c) The stage at which the plant or plant part possesses the prerequisites for
consumer use
d) The stage where any organ of the plant attains full growth and development
57. Which type of maturity is determined by the purpose for which the fruit or
vegetable is harvested?
a) Harvest Maturity
b) Physiological Maturity
c) Commercial or Horticultural Maturity
d) Maturity Indices
58. What are the factors that can lead to poor quality at harvest?
a) Wrong variety, improper production methods, and immature harvesting
b) Lack of knowledge of market requirements, improper production methods,
and overmature harvesting
c) Poor control of insects, weeds, and diseases, inadequate fertilization or
irrigation, and improper variety
d) Inadequate control of rodents, wrong variety, and overmature harvesting
59. Which processing method involves making the product more suitable for
manufacturers or consumers and may or may not involve structural change?
a) Primary processing
b) Secondary processing
c) Fermentation
d) Drying
60. What is the importance of proper postharvest technology?
a) Minimize postharvest losses and maintain quality
b) Increase the nutritive value of the produce
c) Reduce the production costs
d) Accelerate the ripening process
61. Fruit bagging is a special practice used to:
a) Promote better photosynthesis
b) Enhance phosphorus uptake
c) Protect fruits from insects and diseases
d) Induce flower production
62. Trellising is primarily done to:
a) Control Asian corn borer
b) Provide support to banana stalks
c) Fix atmospheric nitrogen
d) Expose crop leaves for better growth
63. Inoculation in crop production involves:
a) Coating leguminous seeds with rhizobium
b) Wrapping fruits in suitable containers
c) Detasseling corn flowers
d) Pruning limbs and branches
64. Detasseling is performed to control:
a) Insects and diseases
b) Wind damage
c) Asian corn borer
d) Phosphorus uptake
65. Desuckering is practiced to:
a) Regulate crop production
b) Enhance fruit ripening
c) Increase seed germination
d) Prevent wind damage
66. Ratooning is a special practice commonly used in the production of:
a) Sugarcane and pineapple
b) Mango and banana
c) Tomato and cucumber
d) Grapes and passion fruits
67. Propping is done to:
a) Prevent toppling of banana stalks
b) Induce flower production in mangoes
c) Control the direction of growth in trees
d) Remove unnecessary shoots from abaca
68. Flower induction is a practice used to:
a) Enhance phosphorus uptake
b) Wrap fruits in suitable covers
c) Force plants to produce out-of-season flowers
d) Separate maiden suckers for planting materials
69. Pruning is primarily applied to:
a) Control Asian corn borer
b) Expose crop leaves for better photosynthesis
c) Fix atmospheric nitrogen
d) Provide support to banana stalks
70. Vegetative propagation involves the use of:
a) Seeds for crop production
b) Roots, stems, and leaves for plant multiplication
c) Chemical methods to induce flower production
d) Physical barriers against insects and diseases
71. Which banana variety has the shortest gestation period?
a) Saba
b) Lacatan
c) Latundan
d) Bungulan
e) Cavendish
72. What is the most favorable temperature range for banana cultivation?
a) 20 to 25 degrees Celsius
b) 25 to 27 degrees Celsius
c) 27 to 30 degrees Celsius
d) 30 to 35 degrees Celsius
e) 35 to 40 degrees Celsius
73. Which citrus variety is commonly used for making jellies and marmalades?
a) Calamondin
b) Mandarin
c) Pummelo
d) Sweet Orange
e) Lemon
74. Which propagation method is preferred for citrus cultivation?
a) Seed budding
b) Grafting
c) Marcotting
d) Tissue culture
e) Air layering
75. What is the recommended fertilizer ratio for citrus trees in their fourth year?
a) 150-100-100 (N-P-K)
b) 225-140-200 (N-P-K)
c) 300-200-300 (N-P-K)
d) 400-200-360 (N-P-K)
e) 500-200-420 (N-P-K)
76. Which mango variety is known for its perfect blend of sweetness and sourness,
succulent flesh, and pleasant aroma?
a) Carabao Or Manila Super Mango
b) Pico
c) Katchamita
d) Cavite Special
77. Which mango variety is smaller than the Carabao variety, has fibrous orange to
yellow-orange flesh, and is sweeter but not melting?
a) Carabao Or Manila Super Mango
b) Pico
c) Katchamita
d) Cavite Special
78. What is the recommended method of land preparation for backyard planting of
mango trees?
a) Plowing and harrowing the field
b) Digging big, deep holes with a diameter of 30-50 cm
c) Layout the field using the desired planting system
d) Digging a hole wide and deep enough to accommodate the ball of soil that
goes with the planting material
79. Which cultural practice is recommended to add fertility to the soil and keep down
the weeds in mango farming?
a) Pruning
b) Intercropping
c) Fertilization
d) Irrigation
80. What is the purpose of bagging or wrapping mango fruits?
a) To restrict weed growth
b) To induce off-season flowering
c) To control pests and diseases
d) To protect fruits from rain and strong winds

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