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I. Read the following dialogue

Mechanic : Good morning, Nashville Auto Garage, can I help you?

Man : Yes, I hope so. I'm having trouble with my car engine. It wouldn't start this morning.
Can you come to my house and repair it for me, please?
Mechanic : Umm....what can I say? Mm.... my men are working on some cars right now, sir.
I think you'll have to wait for a few hours. What if we come to your house tomorrow?
Man : But, I need the car tomorrow.
Mechanic : You could try other garages.
Man : I want to, but I don't have any contacts. Besides, I've been your loyal customer for a long time.
Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He's also a car mechanic like me and I can guarantee that
he'll repair your car as well as we do. Let me call him for you now.
Man : Oh, that's very kind of you to offer. Thanks.

II. Answer the following questions

1. What is the dialog about? The Man that making a call to ask some help about his car
2. Can the mechanic repair the man’s car right away? Why? No he can’t because his men are working on
some cars right now
3. What does the mechanic offer the man? he offers to come to the Man’s house tomorrow and offers to
call his colleague for the man
4. Does the man accept or refuse the offer? Why? he refuse, because he need to use his car tomorrow
5. Underline all expressions which offer help, along their responses (in text)

III. Put a tick in the suitable column

No Expressions Offering Help Accepting Helpnb Refusing Help

1 Can I help you? ●
2 Oh, please don’t bother ●
3 It’s very kind of you to offer ●
4 What can I do for you? ●
5 We can do it for you if you like ●
6 Oh, that would be marvelous ●
7 Oh, would you? Thank you very much ●
8 Is there anything I can do? ●
9 Do you want me to help you? ●
10 Let me help you ●
11 Oh really? Thanks a lot ●
12 That’s very kind of you ●
13 No, thanks. I can carry it myself ●
14 Perhaps I could assist in some ways. ●
15 Thanks. But I will be alright soon. ●

IV. Identify the speakers and the expressions of offering help or services.

This is for example.

A: I’ll help you stand up, Sir. We’ve called an ambulance.
B : Thank you
A: Policeman or stranger
B: The victim of accident
Expressions: I’ll help you stand up, Sir

1. A: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to Orchid Hotel. May I help you?

B : Good morning. Well, I’d like to reserve a room.
Speaker: A: receptionist
B: customer
Expressions: may i help you?

2. A: Excuse Ma’am. Are you looking for something? Maybe I can help you.
B: Oh yes. I’m looking for a hat for my daughter. Do you have hats?
A: Sure. Let me show you.
Speaker: A: shopkeeper
B: customer
Expressions: maybe i can help you

3. A: Oh, I’m so thirsty.

B: Would you like me to make a cup of tea, Dad?
A: Yes please. Thanks, son.
Speaker: A: Dad
B: Son
Expressions: would you like me to make a cup of tea, Dad?

4. A: Please, come in. What can I do for you?

B: I have fever, and I can’t breathe well, Doc.
A: Let me check you first.
Speaker: A: Doctor
B: patient
Expressions: What can I fo for you?

5. A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Yes. May I have a menu?
Speaker: A: person who work in restaurant
B: customer
Expressions: Can I help you?

6. A: Need some help, Mom?

B: Sure. Can you wash these vegetables?
A: Okay, Mom
Speaker: A: daughter
B: Mom
Expressions: Need some help, Mom?

7. A: Excuse Ma’am. What If I bring your books? They look heavy.

B : That would be great. Thanks. Please put them on my table.
Speaker: A: stranger or student
B: teacher
Expressions: What if I bring your books?

8. A: Good morning, Miss. How can I help you?

B: May I meet Mr. Ray?
A: Have you made an appointment yet? I’m sorry Miss. Mr Ray is in meeting now.
Speaker: A: front office
B: mr.ray's colleague
Expressions: How can I help you?

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