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Unit 6

Exercise 1
Complete each of the following sentences using at, in or on. Use x if no preposition is
at lunch time, please. I won't be able to hear you in the restaurant.
1. Don't call me _______
on time. It's impolite to be late.
2. You should come _______
on Monday morning?
3. Could you come _______
X next week.
4. I'm going to do the presentation at their company _______
in two months.
5. They're getting married _______
in the 16th century.
6. This beautiful building was built _______
at present is very difficult.
7. The situation _______
at the moment.
8. John's away on holiday _______
at Easter.
9. I've got two days off _______
X the following day.
10. We told him about it _______
in ten minutes.
11. You can wait for him. He'll be back _______
on public holidays.
12. The company is closed _______


Exercise 2
Choose the correct preposition in each sentence:
1. We get up __ the morning.
a. at b. in c. on
2. We go to bed ___ night.
a. on b. in c. at
3. It's always hot ___ summer.
a. in b. on c. at
4. The movie starts at two ___ the afternoon.
a. in b. on c. at
5. Autumn begins ___ September.
a. on b. at c. in
6. They were married ___ 1990.
a. on b. at c. in
7. Joe arrived _______ me.
a. by b. after c. since

8. It has not rained at all ___ two weeks.

a. for b. before c. since
9. Breakfast is served ___ seven o'clock.
a. in b. at c. on
10. Kevin and Joe have been in the same class ___ first grade.
a. for b. on c. since
11. He planned to stay here ________ two weeks but they need him back at work immediately.
a. by b. for c. until
12. Could you deliver the new computer monitors _________ the end of next week? We need
them before next Friday at the latest.
a. until b. during c. by
13. I waited for her call _________ 6 p.m. but she didn't call. I suppose she was busy.
a. until b. for c. over
14. No one was allowed to use any written materials _______ the exam.
a. by b. over c. during
15. I hope he hasn't had an accident. He said he would be here ____ six but he hasn't come yet.
a. by b. until c. to


8. What time did you arrive __________ the airport?

9. What time did you arrive __________ New York?

10. Don't sit __________ this stool - it's broken.

11. It’s easy to get there. Turn left __________ the next crossing and you'll see a big
green building.

12. That man over there keeps staring __________ you, Mary. Do you know him?

13. There aren't many public toilets __________ the city centre.

14. We usually use the front entrance but there is another one __________ the back
of the building.

Exercise 4

Exercise 3 Choose the correct prepositions.

Complete each of the following sentences using at, in or on.
I'm Peter and I live (of/ at/ in) Germany. (In/ During/ At) summer I like to travel (after/ to/
1. Our headquarters are __________ 65 Long Street.
towards) Italy, because (by/ from/ of) the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a
2. You can see all members of our staff __________
in this photograph. plane (from/ over/ against) Munich to Rome. (From/ On/ After) the airport we went to our
3. The man sitting __________ the armchair in the hall is waiting for you, Mr. Green. hotel (by/ with/ on) bus. We stopped (between/ up/ at) a small restaurant for a quick meal. The
4. I didn't have time to read the whole report properly. I just looked at it quickly while I driver parked the bus (over/ behind/ below) the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the
was __________ the plane.
driver, so we waited (on/ outside/ down) the restaurant (through/ for/ in) one hour. The driver
5. The address mentioned __________ this booklet is out of date. You can't use it.
was walking (across/ through/ off) the small park (near/ over/ around) the restaurant which
6. Where are those letters that I left __________ my desk?
we did not know. So we were very angry with him. But my holidays were great. We sat (over/
7. I saw a mistake __________ the beginning of the text.
at/ round) campfires and went dancing (for/ till/ against) the early mornings.


Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions.
as by like with with in as by means of via on
1. Wood pulp is used _____________ the production of paper products.
by means of a show of hands.
2. How should we vote for class president? _________________
towards the island on a hovercraft.
3. The tourists arrived ___________
like such a fool. Sit up and pay attention.
4. Stop acting ___________
via Paris I think.
5. How will you go to New York? ___________
with a bowed head.
6. After he heard the news he just stood ___________
by a bottle thrown from the crowd.
7. He was hit ___________
8. He worked ___________ a janitor before he went into acting.
with a knife as he went through the park.
9. He was assaulted ___________
10. He has been doing it ___________ a hobby for 15 years.

** Showing LIKE or HOW

AS = in the capacity of someone's profession/ habit
He takes over as managing director next month.
BY = by degrees
“Inflation is growing fast, isn't it?” “Yes, it's getting higher by the day”.
LIKE = behavior; in the manner of
She always acts like a child when she doesn't get her way.
WITH = having a quality of manner
He ran the race with spirit and enthusiasm.

** Showing WHAT FOR or PURPOSE

FOR = the express purpose
This machine is used for making computer screens and televisions.
IN = a part of a process
These chemicals are used in the film developing process.
TOWARDS = to do something for a specific purpose or reason
I'm putting this money towards a new a car.

** Showing WHAT WITH or BY WHAT Exercise 5

Choose the suitable preposition is the parentheses.
BY = A. instrument (human or object) B. means C. agent (in the passive) D. author /creator
1. He cannot play football (because of/ for) his swollen leg.
A. He was killed by a falling boulder.
2. (According to/ By) the timetable, the train leaves at 8:27.
B. You'll have to come by air if you want to get here before Thursday.
C. The new shopping mall was built by a private company. 3. People (as/ like) the Joneses always copy us.
D. Have you read the new book by Stephen King? 4. I'm going to swim (across/ over) the river.

BY MEANS OF = means (more formal than by) 5. Nothing can flow (across/ through) this pipe.
The winner was chosen by means of a secret ballot. 6. I'll wait for you (before/in front of) the shop.
7. Our success was (due to/ because of) luck
VIA = by way of
We flew via Brussels is to go to Athens from New York. 8. I'm not very good (at/to/against) figures.
9. 'Throw it (at/to/against) me so that I can catch it.
WITH = instrument (usually object with a human subject)
The man robbed the bank with a fake revolver. 10. Their sales increase (through/ as a result of) effective marketing.

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