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Nicole Angeli M.

BSEE 2-2 | Module 2 | Assessment | Engineering Data Analysis

1. Use “faithful data in RStudio. Extract waiting variable and compute only the
average of less than or equal to 50 mns of waiting time to next eruption.
2. Create a 8 x 5 matrix that contains a number from 1 to 40. Fill matrix by columns.
Make sure that the names of the rows are Apple, Banana, Orange, Grapes,
Mango, Limes, Watermelons an Apricots and the names of the columns are Blue,
Red, White, Green and Yellow. A. Extract row of Apples, Grapes and Apricots.
3. Create a factor, based on the information given.
I asked 150 residents of Barangay De La Paz to rate their level of agreement
about mass testing. Most of the respondents answered “Strongly Agree” with
frequency of 60, Fifty of them answered “Agree”, followed by “Disagree and
“Strongly disagree” with frequency of 30 and 10, respectively.
4. Create a scatter ploy using basic and enhance graphic of RStudio. Use “faithful”
data in Rstudio.
Take note: xlab=”Eruption time(min)
ylab=”Waiting time to next eruption (min)
main=”Eruptions of Old Faithful”
5. Let’s say that you’re students taking seven classes. Here’s the table containing
your final grades for each class
Class Exams
Mathematics 88.00
Chemistry 87.67
Writing 86.00
Arts 91.33
History 84.00
Music 91.00
Physical Education 89.33

A) Create a vector containing the final grades for each class using the variable
name “final scores”.
B) Create a vector of character data called “class names” containing your
C) Assign the class names to each grade in your final scores vector.
D) Extract elements from final scores vector to create two new vectors:
“liberal arts”: containing your writing and history final grades.
“fine arts”: containing your art and music final grades.
E) Calculate the average of each new vector.
F) Calculate your grade point average from your “final scores” vector that we
created earlier. Store the result of your calculation in the variable “GPA”
G) Compare “final scores” to GPA to see whether the grades in each class is
higher than the “GPA”. Store the logical output in a vector named “above

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