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Site Geology

Cibareno MHPP is designed to be constructed on the left side of Cibareno River. Cibareno River that will
be dammed relatively flow from northeast to southwest and included into young stadia river, characterized
by the presence of rapids, high river-slope gradient, stream flows in turbulent, V-shaped river profile
(Figure-2). V-shaped river profile indicates that vertical erosion more dominant than lateral erosion,
resulting the river flanked by narrow steep slope.

Morphology of Cibareno MHPP on and around project site is generally occupy on steep to very steep slope
hills morphological unit with slope value varying 20o-70o. However gentler slope is found around project
site in limited area. Steep slope hills morphological unit (slope 20o-35o) is distributed on upper slope, while
very steep slope hills morphological unit (slope >35o) is distributed on lower slope close to and adjacent
with the main river. The slope is covered by rather dense vegetation. Local people utilize the area as
plantation and paddy field.

Most of project site consist of andesite and tuff weathered soil and landslide deposit with varied thickness.
The soil is widely distributed on the surface occupy some part of waterway lane, head pond and around
power house site. Visually, observed soil is mixed with landslide deposit contain gravel to andesite boulder.
Observed soil is light brown to reddish brown color, very fine grained, consistency soft to firm, high
plasticity, contain abundant silt to clay with minor gravels to boulder of andesite. Excavation of soil material
can be done using excavator.

The observed bed rock of Cibareno River on project site is andesite. The outcrop of andesite can be observed
along Cibareno River on the river bank form a steep to very steep slope. The andesite is grey color, massive,
vesicular and jointed structure, aphanitic texture, comprise of very fine grained abundant mafic and felsic
mineral. The andesite is fresh, hard and jointed. The join trends cut andesit are northeast-southwest, north-
south and southeast-northwest. Tuff is observed around power house site can be observed at river bank.
Tuff is light grey, volcaniclastic texture, comprise of abundant very fine volcanic ashes, hard and fresh
condition. According to The Regional Geological Map Leuwidamar Quadrangle, the andesite and tuff is
corresponding with Cikotok Formation. However no clear boundary of andesite and tuff unit can be
Figure-2. V-shaped river profile formed by very steep slope at both side. The outcrop of
andesite is also observed along river bank

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