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The importance of the English language in Mozambique

The English language in Mozambique is extremely important both at school, in society

and in general, it is used day after day. However, it is important because:
English has become the communication bridge between countries or people within
Mozambique. It is the international language of studies, travel, business, leisure and
other services, hence it is used in different situations in our country;
In the case of Mozambique, English has greater implications in the labor market and in
other areas such as (tourism, commerce, business, etc. ) growing and attracting the
international part.

The English language opens up a world of opportunities for residents not only of
Mozambique, it allows its inhabitants to try to improve their lives in several other
spaces, which is why those who speak English get jobs in the country, thus increasing
the possibilities of improving the quality of life. life, achieving more jobs.
The English language is important for Mozambique in education and society because it
helps citizens learn to communicate more efficiently and also with more creativity it is
an excellent activity to develop English you have access to new ideas, content,
information and news from other cultures.

And another importance and opens doors in the academic and professional environment
and you can travel more calmly and safely to other countries by being able to
communicate with foreigners more efficiently - without having to resort to mime so

In my opinion: Personally, I think it's super important to know how to speak English
because the best business opportunities are in English, whether for tourism, oil and gas,
diplomacy, etc.

Because the greatest opportunities are in English, it is easy for workers from
neighboring countries (who speak English) to seek and secure the opportunities we have
in the country, in hotels, restaurants, etc … and we cannot even seek and secure
opportunities in neighboring countries .

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