Reflection For PO-2 Uni

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UTS Business School



Student Name: Sarah Zayba Ahamed Student No:

Student Email: Date Submitted: 8/11/2022

TA: : Pranati Balijepalli Workshop Day & Time: Wednesday 12pm

Word Count: 1650

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Signature: Sarah Zayba Date: 8/11/2022
21212 People and Organisations
PART 1B : Future Of Work Framework
TA: Pranati Balijepalli
Student Name : Sarah Zayba Ahamed
Student ID : 24663054
In this reflection I will write my journey of improving and developing my interpersonal skills

throughout this semester by quoting evidence of work done in class, my experiences and

academic articles. In Part A, the skills that I considered important were relationship skills and

communication skills. Throughout the 10 weeks of this semester I aimed and centered my

weekly reflection on developing and reflecting these skills only to realize that I was not

aware of what these skills require , mean and entail and to find this out was my goal .I made

commitment to show progress and effort by adhering to my SMART goals as in a study it

revealed the self-control and discipline allows one to predict a successful outcome as fewer

absences and less procrastinations are driving forces to achieve your goals(Duckworth &

Seligman, 2017).After the many tutorial activities and group discussion I have been exposed

to scenarios that require me to asses and think about how to approach certain situations and

during such activities I was able to develop these skills .At the end of the semester I am glad

to have experienced and gained more knowledge on how to develop my interpersonal skills. I

feel a lot more confident, prepared and less overwhelmed.

To develop my skill I identified my progress and weakness through the weeks; I did this

through constantly referring back to my SMART goals and identifying what I need to do. In

every tutorial class i set a specific time in which I have to talk to my group when contributing

to discussion or tutorial activities. The specific time I set was 7-8 minutes or more depending

on the discussion length. I made sure to measure this goal by reflecting on my weekly

reflections and this goal is definitely attainable if I am committed to put in the effort. I

managed to adequately contribute and communicate with the group and in week 2 I realized

that communication must go both ways and that I should be more open minded.

Other people’s opinions direct decision makers to

additional alternatives or unintended consequences, as these opinions
may provide a different framing of a problem, an alternative ex-
planation, or disconfirming information
Other people’s opinions direct decision makers to
additional alternatives or unintended consequences, as these opinions
may provide a different framing of a problem, an alternative ex-
planation, or disconfirming information
Other people’s opinions direct decision makers to
additional alternatives or unintended consequences, as these opinions
may provide a different framing of a problem, an alternative ex-
planation, or disconfirming information

In week 2, we watched a video and we discussed the hamburger case study. In this case study

we had to pick the best possible solution in our group. I thoroughly shared my opinions

communicating well with the group as did they and we all were divided having differences of

opinions. There were small debates going on whereby I tried to convince the other side as to

why my answer was more logical. Afterwards people were giving their opinions talking on

the mic and I came to realise how much differences of opinions there were. Like how diverse

we are revealed through our diversity score (appendix 3) I realised how different all our

minds are and this is what makes a great discussion , innovative ideas and a creative mindset.

After the discussion my view started to change , this is because a study revealed that other

people opinion causes decision makers to focus on other alternatives and provide a new

framework that challenges their initial thoughts allowing one to gain more creativity

developing and broadening their perspective (Yaniv, 2004) . Upon realising I made a note to

not only talk but to attentively listen as Marisah Gafhoor highlighted in the week 4 speech

(appendix 6). Furthermore , in week 7 we played a survival game , in this game one of the

girl said that this material should be a priority but we all ignored her however in the end she

was right and she was saying how everyone ignored her. I realised that's it’s important to

consider everyone’s opinions to avoid mismanagement and future conflict. The role of

listening is extremely important because it builds a positive interaction, enhancing

relationship skills and also allows for greater efficiency as uncertainty is reduced and

information is less likely to be misunderstood or mismanaged via speakers (Weger, H.2014).

Furthermore, from appendix 1 my analysts’ tools is only 8% so I must develop this by being

more aware of analysing the situation by considering everyone opinions in decision . After

knowing this I developed this skill in week 9 , as in this week we discussed the article on how

to present which recommended we split the script .I had an idea and proposed it to the group

stating how we should divide in to group however , unlike last time I listened to everyone

else and considered their opinions realising my plan was not the best and so we went with

Zoe idea . I was proud of myself for being able to adjust my views and listen to other people

for the best outcome for the group.

In my Part A reflection I clearly outlined the importance of relationship skills in being able to

allow for greater efficiency and an healthy work environment. This was extremely important

and I am more aware of its seriousness .I made a specific goal that is to ensure to check in on

everybody every 3-4 days to ask simple questions like ‘how we are all doing’ . I also was

realistic with myself and helped people with their task to the best of my capability, if

someone was not finished I would help them out. I wanted to attain a healthy relationship

with everyone to comfortably be able talk to them and ask questions.

This is because a theory explained that If one person has power/status, it can instill fear

within others causing ineffective or no communication to occur and this destroys

relationships ( Ahyia & Oppong, 2016) .My goal was to make sure I am approachable and not

be scary to other people so I can receive the same kindness ; kindness is one of my strength's

from the personality trait done in week 3.I have experienced exercising such skill specifically

in week 5 when we made our group charter. This was a difficult task because we had to

outline and divide our workload in the future .At this moment we were all very confused and

unprepared on how to divide the work causing us all to get a bit worried and anxious.In order
to develop my skills I decided to initiate conversation to make everyone comfortable with

each other to comfortably share ideas. I did this by asking everyone's opinions their strengths

and their weaknesses and make sure that everyone is ok with what they are doing and after a

lengthy discussion we finally shared our opinions on the parts we wanted and divided the

work (appendix 5).In this week I found out that to be comfortable with each other to

strengthen a relationship all it takes is a healthy conversation and I kept this in mind to

develop my skill. A journal article states that if conflict is managed properly than it can result

In a positive outcome as it can enhance team building skills, critical thinking and generate a

more stress-free and less tense environment (Gossman, W.2020).I was faced with conflict as

no one wanted to do a task as we had another assignments to submit. Thinking on how to

develop my skills I used the managerial skills and HRM from the Roger case study of

orienting and it is evident that we have to make a proper decision as a team not individually

so everyone is happy because it can cause dissatisfaction to members (appendix 4) . I

suggested we ask everyone the difficulty of the other assignments and we concluded the I had

the least workload so I should take on the task. I was proud of myself as through

communication we understood each other difficulties and found the best solution .The ability

to solve conflict made me more confident in my team as I knew in the future we can

overcome any obstacle and so we will achieve the marks we had hoped for (appendix 4).

Furthermore , having good relationship skills improves productivity as group members can

act as a phycological support figure as in a Journal article it is important to prioritise a

relationship and its components for trust and confidentiality as this is needed for greater

mental health care . (Lynch et al., 2020) .In week 10 , I understood this and aimed to develop

my trust and confidence in my group members by relying on them to motivate me and act as

a support mechanism for the stress and nerves felt when I needed to perform .I asked the

members we should all work together in motivating each other and providing support for
each other and this worked out well as we all were supportive off each other increasing

efficiency . We planned to meet each other before the actual test to calm each other down and

this helped me and reduced my nerves.

To conclude, my communication skill SMART goals were making sure I contributed and

communicated well during the tutorial activities with my group members. I developed this

skill by realising my weakness in active listening and started to consider other people

opinions. I worked on this weakness by listening and implemented it in week 10

My relationship skill SMART goal was to always message and catch up with everyone

regularly and help other team members out with their work. I developed this goal throughout

the semester by using conflict management and phycological comfort to strengthen our

groups relationship and my relationship skills to foster a healthy working environment. I

achieved this as I had good relationship with everyone.


This is the Acra writing tool , the feedback for me was good , I ticked all the boxes not

having to do much work however I had a lot of grammar errors and spelling mistakes as

some of my sentences were way to long this broke the flow of my paragraphs making my

arguments a lot less weaker. I than proceeded to make my sentence shorter by splitting them

in half and focusing on generating greater clarity. I also put in my work through Grammarly

and made my sentence more simple and concise .Grammarly rated my writing as 84% while

word rated it as 78% . I did manage to tick the boxes for initial thought , deeper reflection as

there were many areas of my paragraph were the system detected this. I did not add more due

to the word limit. For Turnitin in my similarity report was 14 % before I have added changes
and edited the document. I made sure that all the sources have been paraphrase properly

referenced with in text citation and put in the reference list .When looking at my work and

going back to the marking rubric , I realized I needed to add more evidence , artefacts and

make sure it is of high quality. I went ahead and looked for more artefact and evidence by

going over the modules one by one and generating more information. I than realized I had

many primary sources but a fewer secondary sources so I added more artefacts and evidence

to my work.

Week 2

In this week we wanted to video and we discussed the hamburger case study. in this case I knew was
very interesting and controversial in our group as we had differences of opinions and we were all
trying to justify our reasons and lokey trying to convince each other to side with one another. after
the class finished all theie discussion questions the mentor after around peoples opinions and we all
had different ideas and options. I found this really interesting because initially I thought everyone
would be thinking the same thing and I was trying to convince my group members on why option 2 is
the best.But I realised that we are all different and have unique minds. one of the guys thought out
of the box and said he wouldn't go for any of the options. I realised how interesting our minds work
and how fun it is to communicate our different ideas .

Week 3

Week 3 was interesting week because it required the personality test activities the most interesting
thing was not our group had to share I'm a different personality traits that we each received. I got
strength and kindness and a love for nature . I remember everyone else getting different things and I
was worried thinking that none of us are similar and so we might not get along as much as I thought
we would.

Week 4

In this week we watch the video on a manager working for telestra. This video really inspired me as
it changed my perspective the manager in Telstra who was a woman and was the motivating
figurehead because even though she had a very high position in her company she still made sure
that she listened to everyone around her and brought everyone up with her power and her abilities.
she always discussed with her team on any decisionmaking and never had an egotistical approach or
power dynamic within her employees. this inspired me to be a good leader and to make sure to
always unpolled integrity and never be stuck up because of your position.

Week 5

In week 5 we had to make our group charter this was a difficult task because we had to outline and
divide our workload in the future at this moment. we were all very confused and unprepared on how
to divine the work. from my previous assignment in another class I realise the best way two divide
workload is too beforehand ask everyone's opinions their strengths and their weaknesses and make
sure that everyone is OK with what they are doing and no one leave the room confused and there is
no misunderstandings. after a lengthy discussion we were all aware of the task ahead and what we
must do no one was confused to start dividing the world I asked everyone around what they're
willing to do and we all dividen our work however towards the end someone had to do a task that
was close to the due date on the assignment and no one wanted to do this because we had other
assignments to complete so then I suggested we ask everyone the difficulty of the other assignments
and we concluded the eye hand least difficult workload so I should take on the task. this was a really
effective way to communicate and get out things done. additionally we filled out a timeline and
made a commitment that we all probably adhere to this.

Week 6

In week six we had to refer back to a case study called from Rogers tyre explorer. this was the first
time we had to analyse the case of the other team and we all work together dividing the task
properly and making sure we all have equal parts. I enjoyed this because everything was moved and
stress free we did this efficiently and we worked well together as a team we had to analyse human
resource management practises and the impact it has on the staff and employees and after reading
the case study I realised how serious this job must be taken

Week 7

Week 7 was a really fun week because another table what's divided and a part of the group came
and sat with al group so it was nice to meet up with new people and at this point I became
comfortable we talking and introducing myself and having conversations with other people I find it
rather fascinating then it being draining and overwhelming. in this week we had to play the survival
game and I got the military Sergeant this was a very difficult task for me because I am always
considering other peoples opinions and after I hear everyone I change mine thoughts as I have
considered others but because I am the sargent I have to stand my ground and express confidently
my thoughts because I am meant to be knowledgeable in this matter it was hard to do this because I
genuinely did not know what was happening and what to do in a scenario but I had to act like this I
failed miserably because I kept in being unconfident undoubting everything I say by saying like oh I
think we could die this is something that I should improve on. when we were discussing on the ranks
we had some conflict and one of the girls send that this should be true priority but we all ignored her
however in the end she was right and she was saying how everyone ignored me but in a funny
manner and that point I realised that's it that it is important to consider everyones opinions and
listen properly to everyone in such heated discussions because every information is valuable and
should be considered. nonetheless we all shared our ideas and communicated well which improved
from the beginning.

Week 9

During week 9 we discussed as a group through reading th article how to prepare for our upcoming
presentations and what to do.At this point I became really confident in my communication skills as I
was able to voive in my opinions whilst also lisiting to each other.I recommended that we all split the
script in hakf and all have a go at doing the main part that was the explaining of the solotuions and
the case study.However while listenting to everyone else and considering the other opinions I
realised my plan was not the best and so we went with zoe idea , I was proud of my self wfor being
able to adjust my views and listen to other people for the best outcome for the group

Week 10

Week 10 was a streddfull week because our presnetations were next week.We were al getiing
owrrired and anxious as for 3 people in the group it was our first time presenting.AT this point I felt
really comfortable with the group and was able to ask for motivations suggestion and for lots of
practice runs before we acrually presented.The group agreed and we decided to do this
Appendix 1 Belbin roles , week 6 activity

Appendix 2 , group charter – our final goals

Appendix 3 , diversity score in group charter

Appendix 4 , Week 6 roger case study

Appendix 5 , timeline for group project

Appendix 6 , week 4 guest speaker


Ahyia, A., & Oppong, A. (2016). COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE:


213). Global Institute of Research and Education

Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2017). The Science and Practice of Self-Control.

Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(5), 715–718.

Gossman, W., Ellis, V. L., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2019, July 11). Conflict Management.;

StatPearls Publishing.

Lynch, L., Moorhead, A., Long, M., & Hawthorne-Steele, I. (2020). What Type of Helping

Relationship Do Young People Need? Engaging and Maintaining Young People in

Mental Health Care—A Narrative Review. Youth & Society, 0044118X2090278.

Weger, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). The Relative Effectiveness

of Active Listening in Initial Interactions. International Journal of Listening, 28(1), 13–


Yaniv, I. (2004). The Benefit of Additional Opinions. Current Directions in Psychological

Science, 13(2), 75–78.

Ahyia, A., & Oppong, A. (2016). COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE:


213). Global Institute of Research and Education

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