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Beptiet Board of Po b l i o ~ t i o n
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1906 First
1964 3000
The publishing of this Dictionary completes over six-
teen years of continuous labour i n this before almost
unexplored field. Words will undoubtedly still be dis-
covered not contained ~ i t h i n . i t pages,s but the great bulk
of the vocabulary, both religious and colloquial, is here
within reach of the student.
In questions of spelling I have throughout relied on
the opinion of educated Rachins. Tllcy now have the
beginning of a literature, and the language i n prirrted
form has been before them o v e r ten years. Consequently
the orthography can to a large extent be settled with
some degree of certainty. Still we would not forget that
a first attempt will of necessity show the defects covmon
to all n e w undertakings. 111 many instances absolute
certaintj- is impossible. T h e letters b and p, d and t , g
and k , j, s h and chy, are often used interchangeably, eve11
i n the same locality. Many Kachins would spell gdja i n -
stead of k d j a , gdbu illstead of Raba, j d s h w n or shdshawts,
chydba or jdda, byaw or fynw. These differences are, how-
ever, of no special importance, but I have everywhere
accepted as the standard what'seems to be the prevailing
T h e beginner m a y have some difficulty i n finding cer-
tain classes of words, on account of the peculiar pre-
formatives i n which the language abounds. The preform-
ative r , for Px. (see page 42,) may easily be confused with
the generic word a , ( w r c , ) ( p a g e 50.) Thus ubaw,is thehead
of a bovine, but r baw, the head of a fowl. , The preforma-
tives fd a n d bu, gin, kin and lrRitr,gu~nand Rut~z,rrctn, rram
and n', stcsr and sam are frequently used interchangeably,
and i n a few instances I have placed tihe same word under
the different letters, leaving its final classification an open
The difficult problem regarding the tones may seem tD
have h c r n rntirelv ignored, as co tonal marks have been
introduced, An 'explanation of the tonal system has
already been given i n my K'achin Grammar T h e tones
are more important than generally admitteb by Kacllin
students. but they can be mastered only with the help of
a native teacher, and it would be useless to burden these
pages with tonal marks i n regard to which no two
Europeans would ever agree.
I n concluc!ing this work it gives me great pleasure to
acknowledge t h e valuable help received from various
sources. All the literature on Kachin, as known to me,
has been freely consulted, a s well as grammars and vdcab-
ularies of the principal languages and dialects of Burma
and adjacent countries. I n this connection I w i s h partic:
ularly to express my indebtedness to the late Rev. J . N.
Cushing, D. D., Ph. D., who was the first to collect a vocab-
ulary and publish an outline of a K a c h i n grammar. A
somewhat fuller vocabulary by the Rev. L. W. Cronkhite,
D. D., was also of great help to me i n my early studies.
Rev. W. H. Roberts of Bhamo, and R e v . Geo. J. Geis of
Myitkyina, have rendered valuable assistance i n various
ways, both as to words a n d definitions. Grateful mention
is also due to H. G. A. Leveson, Esq., M. K. A. S . , F. R .
G. S., who as Deputy Commissioner of Bhamo showed the
greatest interest i n the o n d e r t a k i n g .
I t is my hope that the following pages may contribute
their share towards t h e education and progress of t h e
Kachin tribes, arrtl m a y also h e l p somewhat to salve the
interesting philoluqicnl probiems w h i c h t h e numerous
dialects of Hurrna y r e s t n t to the ztudent of languages.
Bhamo, June 1, 1006 0.H.

IG is with pleasure that the Raptiat Board of Publicstions

once again makes available thia very valuable referenoe
work in i t 8 first reprint since World War 11.

Pablioations Beoretary.
a Adjective
adv. Adverb.
Bur. Burmese.
coup. Couplet.
comp. Compare.
conj. Con junction.
derv Derivative.
fig, Figurative1 y.
Gram. Grammar.
inter. Interrogative.
lit. Literally.
n. Noun.
OPPa . Opposite.
par. Particles.
plur. Flu 1-a1.
postp. Postposition.
pron. Pronoun, Pronomial or Pronounced.
sing. Singular.
V. Verb.


The first vowel i n the Kachin alphabet : sound of

a, as i n father.
A, A general preformative used, ( I ) as a euphonic
prefix with monosyllabic nouns, especially i n an
enumerative discourse; thus abxm, ajum, instead of
bunr and jum; hi gaw adau da, azi da, anga da jaw
da sai, he gave a gong, a spear, and cattle; ( 2 ) i n
the formation of verbal nouns, adjectives and ad-
verbs; asung,use,from sung,to use; aka, broken,from
&a, to break; atdwan, q u i c k l y , from &wan, to make
A, Noun affix indicating the genitive case; ski a nta,
his house; instead of a , t h e Hkauris use ya, ye or
2 ; 1ya gunrang, our pony.
A, Verbal particle indicating, ( I ) continuation d a
state or action; slti n sa ngu a i , he is a-going; shi
rurw a yap nga ai, he is still asleep; ( 2 ) the third
person sing.; shi hpa gdaw nga a f a ? what is he
doing ? shi gdlaw nga a ymzg gaw, if he is doing; (3)
an indefinite Present, used interchangeably with a i ;
shi gdlaw a , he is working.
A, Privative prefix, giving a negative sense-signifying
what is contrary; e damsa a i drmsu, a priest just
officiating-without meaning or sense-thus being
no proper priest; a baw rnrrfzg a i , senseless prattle
(of t h e village "advocate;") a grrn gnw n g#n nngai,
I am not carrying for the sake of carrying.
A , n. Blessing, happiness; a . blessed, highly favoured;
cornp. shda: a /rc a i uja, a highly favoured person;
ARawkkam a fa rc ga.
A b a t , n. (from bat. to wind around.) A winding, thus
a turn, course; a period of time; abat jaw, v . t o do
one's turn: to t a k e the place i n order of course.
Abuk. a. (from buR, t o be dull.) Dull, sluggish, dolt-
ish; a b u t abak, same; abuh ndak re a i wa, a dull
Abum, n. (from bum, t o swell.) A bud (Hkauri;) comp.
a#% a n d rndjawm.
Abum, n. A story; same as bwnz.
Abung, n.(from bung, to be alike.) A model, a pattern.
Abut, n. D i r t , t r a s h ; abut anaw. same; cornp. agang
chyltlang, and pasi # d m ; v . to be filthy, & in eating.
~ b a i , u. (from h i , t o turn back.) T o hinder, impede,
intercept; comp, d a n g ; nbai abat; n. a hindrance,
impediment; abai atang, same as n b a i n d a ~ ;(mostly
used by t h e Hkauris.)
Abai, a. (from baz, to be entwined.) To be entangeled,
entwined, as i n running v i n e s ; ~ z a ni a m r u hta aboz
Itra kdtaw t z ~ g a i ;comp. nhtu and shkang.
Abau, n. A genealogy; only used as a coup. of aAtih;
comp. h b a u .
Abau, a. (from hau, to be plump.) F a t , plump, chubby;
abau r r az w a , a plump roind-cheeked person; abas
a d i , same as abau.
Abaw* n. (from baw, a kind.) A k i n d , sort; a tribe, a
clan; abaw amyrr, see parts.
Abrut, u. (from brut, to crop.) T o crop, to browse,
cornp. avaw : nga nr tsifigdr h f t a b ~ u ska
t m a ai.
Abrawp, v. T o speak or act in an incoherent. confused
or disconcerted manner; nbvawp abvap, to ramble, as
i n speech: n. rambling; dai mdchyz at wa n durn nz
tndpw, ahyawp nrluap v a i nga az, the s ~ c kman hrlnp
unconscious I S rambling.
Abya, v . (from bya, to flow, as water from a spout.) To
hang, as a streamer, or shoots of t h e banyan
Abye, a. F l a t : ( a corruption of a&&)
Abyen, v. T o hit, strike, as with a heavy piece 01 wood;
hfwntawng Ate dye# U ; comp. anu.
Abyoi, v . (from byoi, to sport.) To play, sport, as a
fish; comp. byarc.
Achyang, a. (from chyang, to be black; cornp. tnd-
chyang and ama?tg;) black, d a r k ; opp. to alrpruw; a-
chyang a i pn/awng hpun r , wear the black coat.
Achye, a.(fromchyr,to peck; t o s p l i t , a s wood.) Peck-
ing, splitting, or striking, as a serpent; lrp~ittachyr
a i wa, a wood-splitter.
Achyen, n. (from chyen, to halve.) A b a n d , s h r e d ,
strip, as of cloth; achysn nvang, same; ~ v m f a rachym
avang nii jaw L .
Achyin, s. T o teach; o n l y used as a coup. of shdvin;
hi sltdrin achyin raz nga a i , he is teaching.
Achyaw, v. To prod! goad, thrust as with a dart;aclyaw
anaw, same; daz shingna l t l e shi lrpr arhyaw anaw
bkam di zc, do not thrust the stick into him.
Achyaw, n, Aloes wood; the Agallochum; Bur. m q 8 .
Achyoi, a. (from chyoi, to be beautiful.) Beautiful, hand-
some, pretty; achyoi az ma, a beautiful child; achyoi
a ndv. beautifully; i n a fine, finished, elegant
manner; cornp. chyoi chyoi, and atsawm sha.
Adamzau, n Chicken-pox : cornp. numdzkg and hpur;
adanrzau Rap a i , v . to have chicken-pox.
Adep, v . (from drp, to press.) To rap; to hit, as with
a stone cracking a nut; to crush, as by falling on
anything; cornp. add, adawt, adup and anep.
Adi, n. A female: a daughter of the sun-nat; mostly
used i n religious poetry, as a coup. of ~ L d y i ; AZ~tsaw
shdui, Ntsang adz.
Adip, v . (from d i p , to force.) 'T'o compel, coerce, and
thus to oppress; a d i f nkrt;d, r. force, violence, intimi-
dation; Y. to use force; to oppress; comp. tsingri.
Cszngvat and &ds/rrtrz Rltshe.
Adit, v. (from dit, to hammer.) T o strike, as w i t h a
hammer or mallet; to shake down, as paddy i n a bas-
ket; mam hj6e adil shdjawm rr.
4 Adaw.
Adaw, a. (from daw, to part.) A part, division; adaw
art, a fraction; ndaw ashon, a limb, a
memberao the body; also called. hktlm shan.
Adawt, v T o pound, as w i t h a pestle; adawt lung, to
drive, as a pointed post into the ground; see parts;
adawt ayni, to pulverize, as by pounding.
Aga, An interjection expressive of surprise or displeas-
ure; a a! shi shing a d i i ?
Aga, n. #he earth; ginding aga; see ga.
Aga, r. (from ga, to ward off.) A charm, anything
carried to avert danger; comp. jak, Zakhpoz, ahRyu
and seng; aga gan ai mdjaw rhyrcpda n ARra ai.
Aga, n. Word, instruction-, command; (see ga); aga law,
to issue, as an order.
Agam, n. (from gam, to be modest.) Modesty, diffidence;
comp. hkmgga, ana and nrang; v . to show modesty,
and thus respect an& reverence; shi du wo hpe gvai
agam n a ai.
Agarn, v. firom gam, to part with.) T o give grarui-
tously; agam sha Rau ma, eat without thought of com-
Agang, n. Dirt, filth; agang chydlang, a. stained, dirty,
filthy, agang chydLang re- a i m a , a dirty child.
Agat, v . (from gat, to be scattered.) T o scatter;.agal
aga, same; n. a scattering; ski J a i a r a i hje agat aga
dz' Rau nu az
Agu, v (from g u , to be husked.) T o be without husk
or covering; comp. d r i f t ; hhainu agu yaw raw r a i
nga a t , the tnalze is all husked; sR/ agu Zeng taw nga
a t , he is lying without covering,-stark naked:
comp. aRrin.
A g u , 72. A term of relationship; see gu.
Agu, a. (from gu, to be bent.) Bent, humped.
Agu. n (from g ~ t o, scale, as a fish.) To strip, divert,
deprive, as of property; shz 9 z . r a arai agu La wwu a i l
he has s t r i y p e d , ( " scaled" ) me of all my things.
Agung, n (from jiutzg, to tempt.) A temptation; agung
n l a u , tcmptatibn, a l l u r e m e n t , enticement either good
or b a d ; comp. ayawm; slri ~ g r w go h u ARrvm nna
shat at,

Agut, 0. T o skin, as the shin; cornp. aARut; hku Lfa

ARraf ai #&jaw, f i . 8 a ~AingZalzg agrrt Raw se a i .
Agau, v . T o be useless; (Atsi;) a e agau, a . useless.
Agaw, v . T o coax, entice, whee le; agaw ajaw, to act
as when coaxing n child to eat or drink; to cajole.
Agaw, v. T o loaf, t o "tramp; " &a rai agaw ARawnr
n fa?
Agaw, n. A good sign or omen; agaw agan, fortune;
see, gaw gan; agaw agan n nga ai, there i s no luck;
nanp hpc gungji agaw m d i , gungnnng agaz @yi.
Agawng, a. Weak-minded; agowng anang; n. a weak-
minded hanger-on; shi agawng anang ra ai wa rt ai.
Agoi, v. T o under-estimate; to regard as poor, weak,
or the like; sang ngai hpe nrdtsan agoi n n i ? do you
take me for a pauper-?
Agrak, v . T o wash, rinse, as a bottle; d u r n h j e agrak
(&&shin Raw w; shdngu Afs agrak Rau u.
Agre, v. I?o drip, as from a rock; to cleanse, as by place-
ing i n the dripping, or gentle flow from a spout; n-gn
hje Aka Ata agre RdsRin kav a.
Agret, v. T o scratch, as a thorn; to graze, as a bullet;
also pron. dinggret; cornp. di~zgsoiand ajawt; sand
#Ua agrel ai, atsawm sha n ARra a i .
Agrip, v . T o whip, " birch," with soft twigs ; comp.
anu; shi hpe lrpun nltRri hr'e agrij a i .
Agru, v . T o cry; t o " howl; " hpa vai agvv n #a?
Agrawp, v . (from grawp, to be broken.) T o break,
fracture, crunch; agrawp-agrap, a. broken, etc.; torn,
tumbled down ; agrawp agrap r t a i rzta.
Agya, v. T o deride, make f u n of; asawng agya, mdni
agya, see parts; agya shdla, to mimic; to chirp, chatter,
as birds, at early morning; r ni agya yang nhfoi
htoi na ni wa ai.
Agyek, a. Dwarfish; agyrb agyad, dwarfish, undersized;
n. a dwarfish, undersized person; opp. to Akum LRra;
comp. 6% 6~1.
Agyi, n. One of rank or influence; (Bur. )@a a head-
man, a leader; ltpdga agyi, a leader of a caravan;
agyi amat, an " elder;" (from the Shan.)
6 Agyoi.
Agyoi, a. (from gyoi, to be unsettled.) Unstable, un.
settled, roving; ngyoi a i wn, an unsettled person.
Aja, n. (from j a , gold.) Wealth, property; especially
the sum required for a marriage dowry; comp. A##;
a i , to pay the dowry.
Aja,""adv. from j a , to be hard
Forcibly, with will or
might; aja awa, hard, with orce, powerfully; shi lrpc
nja awa Adyai? v.
Ajak, n. A charm; see jak.
Ajf, n A paternal grandfather; see j i ; a j i awoi ni, an-
Aju, 72. A thorn; (see 1%;)a sharp spike of any k i n d , v .
to penetrate, as a thorn; a j u mdchyi a i , to have sharp,
shooting pains; comp. kdwa mdchyi ai.
Ajaw, rulv. I n a haphazard way; ajaw ajap, carelessly,
without thought or concern; dcri sltmfan ajaw ajap
hkum di Rau I(; (by some pron. Rdjaw R d j a j . )
Ajawt, v. (from /awl, to pay a passing visit.) To
raze, rub against, touch lightly i n passing; comp.
Bdznwi?, and agret; ajazui? ajat, to touch l ~ g h t l yagain
and again; singkyi u Aka hpe ajawt a j a t re a i .
Ajoi, n. A viss; see joi.
Aka, a. (from Ra, to be striped.) Striped, as a tiger;
aka akaw, same; cornp. ateng apan and afmp aprap.
Aka, An interjection, expressive of pain.
Ake, adv. (irom Re, to strut.) W i t h a strutting, affect-
ed gait; ?@a rai a k e hkawm n irr ?
Aku, adv. (from Rr, to be-careful.) Carefully, eautious-
l y , i n an attentive manner; ak?r Led jam a , hold it
carefully; m a h j e aku pawl2 a .
Aku, v . T o show inexperience, or inefficiency.
-aka, adv. I n a slack, ineffective manner.
Akaw, n. (irom Raw, to honour.) Respect, regard, consid-
eration; aRaw aZaw, same, but also used as a verb;
mdnam ni h j t akaw aZaw d i u.
Akawk, a. (from Raw&,to be knocking.) To rap, knock,
as at a door; chyr~ghkuLpt aibawk u.
Akawng, v . T o produce a sound, as when striking a
hollow log; w g a w a8 wa punghkaw ahawng nga. .
Akawng, u. (from kawng, to be swelling.) T o swell, as
a poisoned limb; t o rise, swell, the waves; n. a
Akawp, n. A crust, rind, shell, or the like; see kawp.
AkLjawng, adv. (from kdjawng, to be startled.) In a
startled manner; akdjawtrgsha, suddenly, in a mo-
ment, at a twinkling; comp. y a sha and a/rRring sha ;
dai nkdjawftg sha dyin a i l it happened i n a moment.
A k r i , n. Heart-wood; see Rri; a , solid, hard, impervious;
shi 7nrisin a k v i tawfzg raai nga /rr ai.
Akri, a. (from Rri, t o be unbroken, as a sound.) Persist-
e n t , persevering and thus continuous; ny2 a seng a d i i
trga / i az, my top rontinues (spinning;) lit. is con-
ti nuous.
A k r i n , a. (from Ryin, to b e bare.) Bare, naked, nude;
akvzn a k r u , aRrin akvaw, and aLri?r ayaltg, bare,
destitute, denuded, stripped; also used adverbiallv;
n n n h t ~a nga ni rtyz a yi a k i i ~ raRnr d i sha &nu y a nia
nt ai; akrirr sha, adv. all bare; entirely, perfectly;
nta aRrin sha ye Rau u .
Akrit, v . T o cut, chop, as a b i g tree with a dull d a h ;
d a i nt tipig dnt h@tz hpe akrzt t i mufig rr daw /w ai.
Akraw, lz. Mind; see h a w .
Akrawk, v. (from Rrawk, to excavate.) T o bore, as an
animal; to form a round hole as when a rat eats
its way into a pumpkin; ys ni Rdhkunr akrawk sha
ma n i ; comp. atawk a n d nhtu.
Akrawn, a . Uneven, rough, bumpy; yup shnrn nkvawn
a r , the bed is bumpy; comp. nat a i , v . to be uneasy,
displeased; nzlinn?lg wn hpc ski myit akrawn da wu a*.
Akrawp, v . T o crush, craunch; same as agrnwp.
Akrawy, n. (from Rmwp. to be hoarse.) A noise, as
when walking through dry leaves; shdvaw m i Run
rtkvawp / a i wa sni.
Akrawt, u. (from Rvawt, to crowd out.) T o annoy,
cause inconvenience or discomfort, as with a view
of getting rid of undesirable visitors; d a r m i r e na
slranhte /rpe a b m w t shdfraw kau mu.
Akroi, v . T o be persistent; akroz a m z , a. persistent, but
careful and thus slow; nkvor anoi i k a w m a i n ~ d j a wla*
8 Akya.
n d r 2' ai; ado. persistently, earnestly, and continu-
ously; shi anoi aRroi Rjyi a i rrz(ijaw ngni jaw se ai.
Akya, a . (from kya to be soft.) Soft, not hard; nkya
sha, adv. softly; nkya shiu'n, a . soft, without strength
or solidity.
Akyang, s. Habit, behavior, as acquired by practice;
Bur. loqf;comp. hturz and nrnwz ahzi; akynrzg k d p
a i wa, a well behavc man.
Akyin, v , TO roll, as a turban, into a ball; ba7rg/rRnw
a&yin fawn mu.
Akyu, n. Favour, grace; consequence, result, use; Bur.
x+rri(:.ahyu a r a , same; akyu nra kdda jaw t i mung
akyu n nga sai.
Akyaw, a . (from Ryaw, to be shriveled.) Weak, infirm,
feeble; akyaw m i rs a i wa, a feeble person.
Ahka, adv. Of a truth, verily; cornp. kka.
Ahka, a . (from hka, to be bitter.) Bitter, as fruit;
brackish, as water.
Ahka, n. A debt; agrievance, a feud; see hka.
Ahkang, n. (from kkang, to rule.) Permission, com-
mission; authority, power; Bur. ma$; nkkang aya,
same; ahkalrg jaw, to authorize,
. empower, grant per-
Ahkang, n. Offensive, disagreeable odor, as from some-
thin decaying; comp. ahfu and'ahkyng; v . to emit
an o ensive odor; nga mang akkang n i .
Ahkang, n. A track, foot-mark, imprint; see hkang.
Ahkang, v.(from kkang, to be entangled.) T o entangle,
entwine; to wind around, as a bandage; cornp. adai,
aARyen and Rdyawj; ahkang mat, to be entangled; r u
hta shi ahkang m a t sai.
Ahke, n. A custom; same as ahki, which see.
Ahki, n. A custom; a tribal usage; also pron. ahke; comp.
Ahking, n. A general custom or usage, aktung ahking;
cornp. l a i ; a habit, manner; d a i shi a akRi?zg rai nga
Ahku, n. (from hku, to be friendly.) Friendship; ahku
a r a . same; see parts and comp. sumtsaw sumva.
Ahkum, v . (from - - ARum, to prohibit.) T o hinder, pre-
Ahkret. 9

vent, oppose; comp. abai; s h i ahkum a t majaw, h ~ a

n dt itc at, as he opposes I can do nothing; ahktrm
d d r a , n. an obstruction, opposition, check.
Ahkung, a. T o mirror, reflect, as i n a mirror; htoi n-
Abung ai; to gather, as red clouds, before a storm;
sumwi ARyeng a/zkzrng ai.
Ahkung, n. (from hRu7z , to overshadow.) Fame, glory;
v. to be exto!led, ce ebrated, renowned, as for great
achievements; shi a arnwng siidnrzg, ahkung ngn ni,
his glory or power is renowned.
Ahkut, v . (from bkut, to be rubbed.) T o rub, as for the
sake of polishing; to remove, as by rubbing or grat-
ing; to obliterate, as a family name; shankte a a-
mying ahkrct.ka2r m d sai.
Ahkut, v . T o surpass or outdo, M u natt ahkut ai; a. ex-
cessive a n d inveterate; also used adverbially; ski a
kdsha gaw M u nnn ahhut ?ma Lrt u a i , his son is
a most inveterate thief; lit. in stea ing.
Ahkawk, v . To strike against; to collide; aAkawR M a t ,
to dash against each other, to collide, as boats; li
shddn ahkawk hkat ai.
Ahkawng, n. (from hknw7tg, to be coiled.) A coil, as of
rope; v . to wind or coil, as a rope or snake; daai
Lrtpu ah Rawng nga ai.
Ahkawt, V . T o feign, pretend, " fool as i n play; a k k a v t

chyai, to be " fooling; " ahkawl jaang drtmhpyawt aai,

in play you will cut (the tree;) i.e. your fooling will
bring you into trouble.
Ahkawt, v . T o m a k e a semi-circular incision, as with a
d a h , when joining timber in native fashion; dai ngau
hpe ahkawt kau nmz m d u t mzc.
~ h k r a n ~a., Inverted; ahkvang ahkrat, adv. upside
down, topsy turvy ; comp. gdZe #ax and ndi &a;
nnrzg gn tswz yarzg, akkrnng nhkrai nga nna h k r a i
tsun ndai.
Ahkrap, u: T o scrape, as a road, with a hoe; shaptghkawp
htr t s z n g d ~hje nhkrap Rau rr.
Ahkret, v. T o g n a w , as a mouse; y u ahkret Hguar; n. the
sound produced, as when g n a w i n g .
a K
10 Ahkri.
Ahkri, v . To be careful; aARri ahkrai, rrdv. carefully
and persistently; comp. a z i ~ rayang; a h R r i a h k r a i satr
y u mg.
Ahkrim, v . T o threaten, t o alarm, as with a threat; comp.
d d r u ; ngai sa ahkrim ai mdjaw, s h i ltkrnp nga a i .
A h k r i n g , n. (from Ahring, to delay.) A moment, a
short time; a h k r i n g sha, adv. a little, a moment, i n
a short time; ah&ring,sAa naw /a a.
Ahkrip, adv. (from Akrip, to act in unison.) I n unison,
concord, harmony, agreement; a h k r i p r a i mdnaw w .
Ahkrit, adv. (from h k r i f , to fear.) W i t h fear; ahkril
aba, " w i t h fear and fatigue;" diligently, with ear-
nestness and assiduity; a h w a n shdngri mdyu ai,
ahkrif nda gd/aw r .
Ahkrai, u. T o scratch, as with the fingers, when searching
for something on the ground; comp. a l t k r i aARrai;
isa am rawng a i Run a h k ~ nyu i mu.
Ahkrau, adv. (from h k r a u , to intercept.) In an inter-
cepting or interrupting manner; ltpn m i a h k r a u (sun
n ta?
Ahkraw, a. Dried, cured, as fish; comp. chydhkraw; a-
hRraw altkra, dried up, arid, parched; a h k r a w a h k r a
Y P az g a l an arid waste.
Ahkyam, n. A flake, a lamina; ahkyam @a, a. plate-like,
adu. too wide or broad; na n pn/i ahRyan2 npa y a i Lit
da i.
Ahkye, v. T o jerk, twitch; ahkye La, to snatch, to t a k e
with a jerk; alrkye dtan, to jerk, twitch, as in cramps.
Ahkyen, V. T o wind, to bandage; comp. Rdyown and
dumbat; jumflan ahkyen u.
Ahkyeng, a. Red; see Akytng.
Ahkyep, v. (from hkyep, a fragment.) T o break, as
bread, into small pieces; ahkyep a/@, same; n. f r a g -
ments, crumbs, leavings ; akkyep ahkap, same as
aARyej aLep.
Ahkyet, n. A dale, dell, small valley; see hkytf; ahkyot
chyaulang, same as ahkyef.
Ahkyi, v . T o be dispersed, strewn, scattered; a h k y i
aARyej, to be scattered a11 over; ?ryt. n matt2 nhkyi
ahkyep r a i nga ai,
Alem. 11

A h k y i k , v . T o pull down with force; comp. uhkye and

Rarawt; ahkyik jdhkrad, to pull down,as from overhead.
Ahkying, n. Offensive odor; a stronger term than a-
Aba~rg;(from Ahying, to stink.)
Ahkying, r. Time, i n passing; Bur. w a f ; cornp. na, irrr,
alak, hRra, p r a t , LaR Atak and tawng mbrang; a time-
piece, a clock, a watch; a period of time, an hour; ya r
akRyitg shi ldngaz rat nga ai.
Ahkyu, n. A spell, a charm, especially in regard to love
affairs; comp. aga; aARy* chyr, v . to be skilled i n
charming-as i n a love affair
Ahkyaw, v . T o be shiftless, or changeable; ahkyaw a-
Irkyam, adv. i n a shiftless, go-as-you-please manner.
Ala, n. A male; opp. to ayi; cornp. la.
Ala, v. (from la, to be waiting.) T o wait, await, to
tarry; ala nga at a t m , the time for waiting; (aLa is
mostly used by the Hkauris.)
Ala, v . To radiate, reflect as light; Atoi a/a, or tu aia, a.
bright, resplendent, effulgent; cornp. Rddnm.
Alak, a. (from (ah, to be ungovernable.) Unconcerned,
Alak, n. (from laR, time.) A period, division of time;
cornp. ahkyzng; mo2 ning na aLak t? anhtr hpdga suni
l a ai, dai Apang no alaR e grai myat ca aai.
Alam, n. A layer, stratum, thickness; see Lam; alam
achyam, layer upon layer, bed on bed; comp. AfaP
m i Atr Atap mi; nlung alam achyam a i jawng ago a2
Alap, n. A leaf; see lap
Alap, v. T o bob; to move i n a quick, jerking manner;
shigaw tndre A b n aLap r a i nnn Akawtn ai.
Alat, 7r. (from /at, to be first born.) T h e first born;
Rdsha slat; alat ningshawmg.
Ale, An interjection expressive of surprise; ale, ski gar
mat wa sai.
Ale, adv. T h e more-the more; comp. Le; (Hkauri
a l e tsun mdg-ang, ale shdnang, the more he is warne
the more h e persists.
Alem, v. (from lent to munch.) T o move the jaw or lips,
as when munching or mumbling; p r a r t ~ d a , n-gwp
altm rat nga a i .
12 Alen.
Alen, adv. (from len, to roam.) In a roanlrng, roving,
rambling manner; shi alew Rkawm nga a i , he is roam-
ing about; alen apynwn, a. roaming, roving, loafing;
comp, braR; a k n apyawn Y r a i wa, n. a roamer.
Alen, n. Habit; see k n ; alen ningli, conduct and thus
moral example; see parts.
Aleng, v . (from leng, to be active.) T o regard, consid-
er, esteem; nang ngni hpc nzilna aleng n ni? do you
consider me a fool ?
Alep, n. A cruel kind of nat; see, Zep facawng.
Alet, a. (from let, continuing.) Passing; adv. in pass-
ing; ale/ fihjbrang i n passing; see miilet nhfrang.
Alet, a . (from let, to be alert.) Bright, witty, clever;
( H kauri .)
Ali, r. A proper name applied to a chiefs'male children;
alz' azazr, same; see parts.
Ali, n. A cold; alz awaw, a cold, and illness caused by
a cold; an epidemic; (Hkauri;) cornp. ana and nsa;
dai k g hfaw&u!ung aZi kltba wa sai. .
Ali, n. An attendant; aZz ama, attendants, followers, as
of a chief; cornp. li ma and sdz~agsaZa.
Aling, v. T o be round; (Hkauri;) see lam.
Alu, n. A religious offering; Bur. ras;cornp. lahkawn.
-bang, v. T o give, as for religious or charitable pur-
-jaw, v. Same, as alzr bang; see parts.
-lu, v. T o make an offering; Bur. 3.
Alum, a. (from Zgm, to be round.) Round, circular.
Alai, n. Conduct; aZai alen, behavior, demeanor; comp.
a y a w aGai and l a i lm.
Alai, v. (from La;, to dig up.) T o extract, pull out, as a
splinter, a thorn or the like; j u alni Rau ai.
Alaw, An interjection expressive of happiness or joy;
comp. mdlaw; alaw, h n g scng mi, Ata sa ai.
Alawn, v. (from lawn to force.) To urge forward; to
; n i hfe alawn woi mu; comp. shdchyrt.
~ m p e l ma
Alawng, n. A semi-divine being; a sage; Bur. =cane
alawngpaw, to appear, as a sage; comp. arawng.
Aloi, a. (from Zoi, to be few.) Small, few.
Amun. 13
Aloi, a.(from Loi, to be easy.) Easy, without difficulty;
also used adverbially; n d a i amv ngai aloi sha gdlaw
h nngai.
Allwan, adv. (from idwan, to make haste.) Quickly, i n
haste, without delay; cornp. lag /as, fin f i n , and
chyang chyang.
Am, v. To stutter, stammer; comp. mda; derv. mdam; am
mat, to be stupefied, durn-founded, confused.
Ama, n. (from ma, a child.) A servant; see a h anra; a
young inexperienced person; kdhfawng ama n i h k r a i
.nga ma ai.
Ama, n. A bond, security, guaranty; Bur. m o ; cornp. hfd-
Irkam; ama Akam, a security; one who goes bail; v .
to go security.
Ama, e. Black, swarthy; comp. amang; nyk a nga ama
ama r a i /i ai.
Aman, n. T h e face; cornp. myr man and awyaw; amatr
man az, t o change face or appearance to suit new
conditions; Rdtsan aman gaw man nit e.
Amang, a. Brownish, auburn or copper-red; comp. ama
a n d mang; dai a r i amang nsan a i .
Amang, n. A corpse; comp. ? m i mang; a carcass.
Amu, n. Work, labour, business; Bur. my; comp. bangZi,
kklttum, mddan, a n d mdgam; a law-sui t , litigation ;
amu Akrum mdyu n n i ? are you anxious for a law-suit?
an224 daw, v . to break off, as work; to postpone or
adjourn, as a case in court; cornp. nAfut.
Amu, a.(from ma, t o b e palatable.) Savoury, palatable;
nrnu ama, adv. a t ease, i n f u l l enjoymont; amu sha,
adv. i n an easy, or peaceful and contented manner;
ngaz nnrtg e nnzu sha nga ngn n ~ g a i .
Atnun, 72. Hair, as of an animal; cornp. umrrtt; beard or
hair of t h e human body; cornp. kdua, and nran.
Amun, 12. (from nrurt, to be atomical.) Small, dustli k e
particles; n?pza?rnnrnw, minute, aton~ical;v . to reduce
to small particles or fractions; comp. nyun nynw.
Amun, n. (from mrcn, to give indication.) A facial ex-
pression, as of pleasure or displeasure v . to indicate
by certain signs or conditions; sA2 sha ntdyyu nnzus
rai 7tga u i .
14 Amung.
Amung, a. (from nzrcng, to be cloudy, dark.) Sullen,
sulky; v . to be low-spirited, listless, apathetic; arai
sum az mrtjaw shz amtlng Lkawnc Hga az.
Amung, a . Spotted, as when mouldy; nmung mung ai, v .
to be mouldy; spotted, as from mould; (Hkauri.)
Amup, adv. (from m r p , to hack, split and flatten bamboo.)
I n a hacking, irreeular manner;
a- amap, same;
yz m a ang yang amup amap hRvm rai.
Amut a. Rrom m a t , to be blue.) Blue; (any shade "I
that colour;) daz nba amut nsan az.
Amai, a. (from maz. to be good.) Good, proper, desir-
able; amaz ahkat, a. easy, not difficult; amai nARai
Aknm isun, graz yak ai, do not say (it is) easy, it is
very difficult; amaz ama or Rmnz amang, ordinary,
common, normal; also used adverbially; d a i am24 Ape
amaz nmang sha n r a i nga; amaz sAa, a h . well, pro-
perly, without fault.
Amau, adv. (from m a r , to wonder.) In a confused, un-
decided, uncertain manner; Apa r a i amau dung nga
n tap
Amaw, adv. (from maw, to intend.) In an indifferent
manner; nnzaw a h h , with (good) intentions, but with-
out will or purpose; amaw aARe, rc a i w a , a man-who
means w e l l , but accomplishes nothing.
Amaw, v. T o increase; amaw ahpua, ads. profusely, with
exuberance, i n great numbers; comp. mdyat mdya,
and azat aza; shz a kdshe ni amaw ahflra rai s w
m d p l wa m d sni.
Amawm, n. A fiber, tissue; see mawm.
Amawn, n. (from mawn, to adorn.) Adornment; amawn
nsam, beauty, comliness, pleasing appearance; (by
some, appearance in general;) see asam.
Amawp, v . T o bite, as a dog or a hog; to maul. as a wild
animal; to be troubled or possessed by t h e Ldta not;
n a p % hpe Ldsa e nmawp da &at.
Amoi, n. An aunt; see moi.
Amra, v . T o tear; (Hkauri for nmya, which see.)
Amya, o. (from niya, to be torn.) T o tear, lacerate,
maul, as a tiger its prey; eomp. mdgn and mdhkyit;
nnrya shn, to devour, as a feline.
Ana. '5
Amyat, n. (I rom myal, to gain; Bur. oped.j Gain, prof-
it; ajnyat sha, to make a profit, to gain, as i n
a business transaction; @&ga ga ai ni, anyat sAo
ma ai.
Amyi, T h e eye; see m y i .
Amying, n. (from mying to name.) A name; omyzng
bang or Ra, to enroll; to take, as a census; cornp.
shdparz /a; amyr'ngdangat, to change and give a new
name, hence to install, as i n an ofhce; nmying gang,
u. to trust i n (the name of) some one; see parts; a-
tnying sang a i , to go by an assumed name; to use a
nom dr plume; see parts, and cornp. stjinghbawt.
Amyit, n. Mind; see myit; amyit amang, thought.
A m p , n. A race, a tsibe; nnzyu 6aw shdgu, a l l tribes and
races; a kind, a sort; kpun amyu myu nga a i , all kinds
of trees are here; a relative, kinsman, one of the
same clan or family; d a i we 7 ~ ay amyu ~ r a i nga ai;
comp. tndyu dama; amyu myzc, a . all (of a kind.)
Amyaw, a. Sticky, soft, adherent; anzyaw amya, same;
Amyawk, n. A g u n , cannon; Bur. 3)~Q3d; comp. taupau.
An, fron. T h e first per. dual; vie (two;) see Gram.
-nu, n. A mother; a n nu nn wn ni, our parents; (only
used as a pronominal dual.)
-nau, n. A younger brother or sister; en Apu arr nau; see

-hte, pron. T h e first per. plur. we, (three or more;) arrkt~
sa n a ga ail we wi 11 go; anlrte a , our o r ours.
An, o. T o be, as in full strength, bloom, beauty, maturity
or the like; cornp. Bur. sf; n p i n-gun naw an n&
yang, lrpa mungda~zgn n p i , w h e n in my f u l l strenght,
I could do anything; y a lct~nanrpan an sai, the flowers
are now i n f u l l (bloom;) rtn?ttsi an jang, i a ril, come
when the fruit is fully (ripe.)
Ana, n. Illness, sickness, disease; cornp. aii, and Bur,
- 9 3 ; nna ah&ya,a malady, epidemic; cornp. mdch,w' md-
haw; sltn nARyn amyu mrlu ~ r g aai.
Ana, 12. A sign, indication; si na aria nga ai; a trace,
mark, vesti gel as of sometlli n g lost or almost effaced;
Rani h na ana 7~arun rrgn ?I&R ai.
16 Ana akra.

Ana akra. a. A malicious insinuation or suggestion; ana

akkra skdlaz, to make (1 it establish) such insinu-
atlons. a Kachin holds that speaking about death
may cause death; thus i t an i y e n grave a
man says to his companion. This is your grave, he
has " established" an ann nRrct; comD. hkaw va.

offending; comp. nga&; Bur. mrt3.

Ana, n. An elder sister; see %a.
~ n a ;n. A holiday; a special time for religious obser-
vances; see na.
Anak, v . T o heft; to try, test the weight of, as by hand-
ling; comp. naR, dingnak,and dinglid.
Anam, v. T o be decayed; only used as a coup. of atsnin.
Anam, n. A jungle; see nam; comp. alzaw.
Anam, n. A term of relationship; see nant.
Anan, v. (from nnn to follow.) T o follow u p and com-
plete, as a work of destruction, sLz nJlt n nhtu anan
Rauya ni a i , he (completely) broke my sword,--(it
was only damaged before-being understood;) u hpk
anan sat Rar a, kill the bird--(it is more than half-
de ad.)
--akao, v. T o aggravate, make worse, as a dlsease by
mistreatment; comp. kdnan; dar machyz at wa hpe 3 2
anan akan di nnu kdyat wu-ni.
Aaang, n. A daughter of a chief; comp. ali: azang aabang,
daughters of a chief; see Bang.
Anap; v. (from nap, to be folded.) To fold as a letter,
or paper; comp atcmda; ( ~ k a u i i . )
Anat, a. T o he rough, bumpy; (Ilkauri lor nkrawn;) to
irritate, chafe, as by rubbing against something
rough or knotty; .rampi nrtnt ai mriJnu~.dar sampu
/tpe n ggtr lu nngai.
Anep, V. (from rrrp, t o spread, as a carpet.) To crush,
c r u m p ! ~ ,or s m o t h e r , as by- z i t t i ng or ll-;ng on; comp.
adrp; zua kdnu hn.~An ltpe anrp sat bau of,the sow
kilicd t h e pig by lying on i t ; shi n ~ j en pn/aung onep
taw y a ni n i .
Anep, $1. MUCOUS, froill the nosc; see acp.
A n i , n. A term of relationship: s r e ri?
Anaw. 17
Ani, 72. Amenstruation cloth; see fii; ani ba, Y. to wear
the cloth.
Ani, rt. (from ni, to be near.) Nearness; v . to come, or
draw near; njri sha, adv. near by.
Anin, v. (from 7 t i 7 1 , to be compressed.) To compress;
to press, urge, as a request or petition.
-anaw, odg. Urgently, vehemently, ardcntlj.; shi rz v a i
n p a i R f c drrin anaw rtga ttrzn hkzrm shnht.
Aaing, n. A term of relationship; see ?ri?tg.
Anu, N. A mother; see flu.
Anu, n. T h e brain; see w .
Anu, v. T o beat, strike, flog; comp. abycrt, Rayat, and
hLwi; ngai hjuntnwng hit ?tang h j c arzu na dc n i .
-ajin, v. T o molest, annoy, v e x , pester; to misuse, as a
tnaster his slaves; s h i majum n i hbe anu a j i n di w s
az mltjazw, shanhtt hpvawng mat ma a i .
Anu, v. To be at ease; same as nma; nnu sha, adv. at ease,
or at peace; (comp. nu.)
Anum, N. A womar.; see nam: afturn aZa, females and
Anum, n . Delicious, sweet, as to the taste; daz' shnt ttznz'
arru nl tt' ngn n i :
Anut, v . T o rub, as when washing a garment; to trample
down, rain
or grass, as cattle,-wearing the spot bare;
see nut; 7zga n i shdnga hp2tnz nnuf Rau md tta n i .
Anai, n. T h e brain; only as a coup. of nnzr.
Anai, n. Yarn; see 7~ai.
Anau, 72. A younger, brother or sister; see 92024.
Anaw, v . T o lay, as grain or jungle; rtga ni Ini ni Rjnnc,
nam nnnw nt'.
Anaw, v. T o be encu~nbered,weighed down, as with care;
to have care of; ann7u adnw, same; nta ktc a m w ~ 6 n w
Y P a i n i jha jau zoa art,. .#

Anaw, 7t. S a y or juice, as from a tree; sce iraw; nnaw

ac/ljlna!n i , to tap a tree; anaw RPL ac/tjlaw shdjfon kazd
24. .. -."t

Anaw, w . Dirt; s r c t t h ~ n?:nuj.

Anaw, 7 2 . A jungle; coop. of n;innt; artaiu atraa: rtt, things
of the jungle.
18 Anawn.

Anawn, v. (from Hawn, to shake, quake.) T o sway, as

branches of a tree.
-anan, v . T o shake, quiver, as from a shock.
-ashunt v. T o shake, as a tree; (both in the trans. and
, intrans. sense.)
-awam, v . T o move up and down, as when swinging on
the limb of a tree; h j u n /ctRrng n i hpr anawn awam
di ma.
Anoi, v. (from noi, to hang.) T o h a n g on to; to adhere
to; adv. in an adhering, or persistent manner; comp.
-akroi, adv. Persistently; see akvoi anoi
Ang, v. T o be in line with; to face in the same direction;
adv. just or directly opposite; wora h j u n d n i nta hte
ang a i , the tree is in line with (or stands directly
opposite to,) the house; to have reference to, to be
aiming at; cornp. shaang, s a w f , and /aRap; slri lsun a i
ga wora wa Ata ang a i , his words referred to that man.
-ang, adv. Directly, straightforward; worn hpzrn de ang
nng sa mu, yo straight to that tree.
A n g , v. T o be swollen, and thus overflowing, as a river;
comp. ing; d a i zing m d i hLa ang nga ai.
Ang, v. T o be broad,.wide, as an open country; o n l y
found in religious poetry.
Ang, n. A water-basin; Bus. 4F.
-dung, n. An earthen wash-bowl, or the like.
n. A species of herb; (S han.)
-nam, n. A kind of creeper; same as Apdlzdn.
-wang, n. A kind o f watercress; comp. wa /ai.
Angun, n. (from ngun, to grumble.) Grumbling; comp.
spat angun.
Angau, n. Timber; see ngau.
Angaw, n. Fragments; angaw angani, fragments, rem-
nants, leavings.
Angawk, n. (from ngawd, to be silly.) A foolish, s i l l y ,
puerile person; cornp. mnnn, mdsat, and nzyit 72 grzn n i
w a ; nttgawk n?zgaR, a. foolish, not sane; also used as a
vcvb; shi a kasha angawk nngak re a i
Angwi, n. (from ngwi, to be gentle.) Gentle, mild,
peacefut, tiactable; aagwz nngamn, same ; ang7ui
Apa. 19

afzgawn rt. ai w a , a gentle, well disposed person.

--sha, adv. Gently, peacefully, moderately, without strife
or unnecessary haste.
Anyak, v. T o be squashed, reduced into pulp or a Rat
mass; fztsa de 7za hkvnt wa a i i,rd;aw 7 ~ j . e a hkum
a n y a k kaiv se ai.
Anyap, a. (from #yap, to be paste-li kc.) Soft, sticky,
A n y i n g , v.(from nyiyzg, to snarl.) T o growl or snarl; to
engage in a noisy quarrel, or brawl; ~ ~ t j ' i ~ zg
n. a snarl; a squabble, brawl, wrangle; also used as
a verb; wora yen aqiying n7zya~zghkat nga ma n i
Anyaw, v. T o hit, or p u n c h something soft, elastic or
springy; s h i Ran anyaw jla u.
An yawp, a. (from nyawp, to be decayed.) Rotten, decay-
ed, crumbling; d u ni a a n y a w p a i nta.
Ap, v. T o cover, as a dish with a plantain leaf; d i hpe
/&paw hLa a p d i u ; to overspread, cover, as birds a
paddy-field; tl ni yi ting a p d i mu at; to be covered
Ap, v. T o be opened, as the lips while speaking, or a lid,
slightly tilted; n-gup ap n a w raz yang, while his
mouth was still oDen.

-di, v. T o lift, as one side of a lid, while glancing at

what is under; d i mdgap ap d i tl.
Ap, v. T o remain without sprouting, as seed i n the
ground; anhtr u y i ~na?itof mat saz, 602' t i ~ l gna x l f m ;
to become speechless, deprived of the f acuity of speech,
as by illness; d a i wa mdchyi k a w nlza jfa du Akra ga
a p ntal sai; to remain speechless, silent, as because of
fear; s h i drc n i a man hje wa7tg n72a a/.mat sai.
Ap, v . T o hand over, commit, deliver; Bur. mS.
-da, v. T o entrust, deliver i n trust; to confide to the
care of. <
-kau, v. T o deliver into the hands of; to betray.
-ya, u. T o deliver, give up, and thus to betray.
Apa, n. Solid matter i n opposition to liquid; see pa.
Apa, a. (f rom pa, to be flat.) Flat, not 1,ound nor globu-
lar; apa ni? alawng r a i lti? is it flat or round ?
Apa, 72. A plain, meadow or field; see pa.
(\pang, a. ( f r o ~ np a s q , to be spotted.) Spotted, dappled,
see atcng apang.
Apap, a. (from pap, to be soaked.) Soaked, d r r nched,
thoroughly wet; comp. guntpap; nrdranggmz h r t r or
ntrijaw, njrc a fn'/ou)7zg npap mat sai.
A p a t , n Amber, glass; see pot.
Apu, 72. Intestines; see P t d .
Apu, 71. (Irotn p a , to bloom.) A bud, a flower, blossom;
comp. mdjawsz.
-pu, v. To flower, blossom, bloom.
Apun, v. (from pun, to pluck.) T o pull, (pick,) as grass
from a flower bed; comp. 6aw.
Apup, 12. A kiss; see p2~p.
Apup, v. To be repetitious, a s i n speaking.
--Pap, n . Prolix; diffuse or longwinded.
Aput, v. (from p u t , to be grumbling.) T o whine, w h i m -
per, as a child; to grumble, complain; a p x t n7r~r472,i t
urumbling, a whining, complaint; also vscd as a verb;
aput a p a i , same a s , a p a l a n g r n .
Aput, v. T o br rugged, rough, shagg)..
-apat, v. T o be rough, not smooth; to be crumpled, as a
carpet; nn n jahtnt' nput npnt r a i icgo lir dai.
-shlnut, u. T o be shaggy,as hair; n j f r a Rn?-a a p x t shd-
nz~trnz' ntat sni.
Apai, v. (from p a i l thc left.) T o bc awkward; comp.
l d p a z ; to s p e a k , as with a brogue; gn a f n i n i .
Apau, n. A jt:wls h a r p ; sec Pau.
Apaw, 72. P i t h ; c o r k ; comp. /dsdzut.
Apawm, v . T o hill, as corn; y n n ~ ; y Rdba i zl go,go npawnr
u; see f o ~ l j t , and grlwpawm; to place, as manure
aroilr~da trec.
Apawng, 71. To be prrforatcd, full of holes; see pnzung;
shdkrrrji nl)nwng mi n i : npawng ajn?rg; n . per-
foratcd; 2. to be spotted, w i t h large d a r k spots; n ~ ~nr '
dtrnrss apaiu?g n j n ~ t g~ u ngea i a?.
Apawnp, n. .C\ loud report, o r s h a r p c r a c k , as m a d e by a
bamhoo b t ~ r s tni g horn heat; kdwn aFau~ng72yl: ai.
Apawp, r f . A snail; generally pron. Z d j n z ~
A p a w t , 71; The base o l a trunk or stern, f r c i l ~w h i c l l i h c
roots protrude; see p a w l
Apoi, n. A feast; see poi.
Apoi, adv. (from poi, to be blown as chaff.) Drivcn
bither and thither; d a i w n ?zaf t? ohkawm ntzn npoi
hkawr,r ?zga n i .
Apra,. o. (Irom j r u , to be pure.) Pure, clean; virtuous,
-asan adv. Witllout defilement, with untarnished repu-
tation; without guilt or its consequences; unhurt, free
from i n jury, safe a11d sound; nnhti. d n i xitrg (up npra
asnlr sda l a i /2d sd gaw ai.
Aprat, n. A mole, a birth-mark; a dark spot on the skin.
-tu, 2. T o grow, as dark spots on the skin.
Aprat, ~ t A. g e ; a period of time; see $ r a t ; aPrat ngn, v.
to be old and on the decline; sprat hputzgtzgaq, n.
middle a g e ; see parts.
Apreng, a . (from j r e n g , to be straight.) T a l l , straight
and regular as a palm; comp. tmi/u?tg; shi?rgLz'tn hpan
nprcng mi 92gu ai.
Aprup, v. (from fir#), to puncture.) T o puncture, prick,
-aprap, o. Punctured, etc; v , to resemble anything yunc-
tured or perforated, and thus speckled, spotted.
Apyet, 71. Fault, guilt, evil; Bur. m @ d .
-ana, s. Fault, sin; comp. y d a k , and see parts.
-lu , 1). T o be guilty.
-aga, v . T o be guilty, and thus to incur or suffer punish-
ment; comp. yubaR ~ p z .
-raw, v. T o forgive.
Apyawn, o. To rove; see nlttt apyaw?r.
Ahpa, a . (frorn hpn, to be thin.) T h i n , not thick; lmnisnu
nlrpn, thin paper; easy, not difficult, nhpn az anlzr,
easy lvork.
-sha, ndv. Easilv*n ( ~ tzn bu?lg/i t s u nn
~ gaw, ahfa sha r a i
ngn ~ idB;.)
Ahpang, a. (from hpaprg, to be behind.) Behind, opp. to
aslraw~rg;nhpt:?lg dl hkna m t r g a i ai gdrai 74 d t p ma
i, those behind have not yet come up.
Ahpu, 71. (Irom h j u , to stink.) Odor, smell, as of some-
t h i n g decaying; not as strong as nhkutzg or ahkyifzg;
tnnng nhpa ?J' ng;r rtrttnan~a i ,
22 Ahpu.

Ahpu, v. T o dust, as by shaking a garment; comp, nhpu.

-sharun, v . T o shake, as the dust of- the feet, or fruit
from a tree; namsi ahpa slidrun mu, shake down
the fruit; lagnw na nhfu, a@% shdrun Rau mu.
Ahpu, n. An elder brother; see h j h .
Ahpuk, v . T o pat, to tap; to shake and pat, as a pillow;
4zcnghRzrm ahpztk shdwawm r .
Ahpum v. (from hphprm, to embrace.) T o embrace, hold
i n the arms.
~ h ~ u nv. ,T o break out as hives or the like; Lrigat sha
yang, Lkvm a h p r n wa; to scale, peel off, as the skin
after an eruption; comp, hdhpan; ski h p r t hput ana,
Akam ltpyt ahplcn wai ai.
Ahput, n. Measles; see /Ifat; nba rai ni? ahput rar n i
Ahpawm, a. Bitter, acrid; see hpawm; shdldwi hpji a-
ltpawm n' nga ai.
Ahpawt, v. T o puff, to blow i n puffs or whiffs; comp.
&ma; nsa ahjawt ai; n. a whiff, a small gust.
Ahpawt, a.(from irpnwt, to-morrow.) An indefinite future;
altpawt nang de sa r i t , come (after a month or two;)
adv. next, (next season;) ahpazut ginhlawng, next dry
season; ahflawi mringai e dtl rit, come at the next
harvest (season;) aAPawt Rashung in ngai d~ na ring
a t , I will come next -cold season.
Ahpra, v. T o be widely scattered or extended: see amaw

Ahprang, v. T o hew, fashion; see @rang.
Ahpre, v. T o scratch, as a fowl; to dig, scratch, as with
claws or fingers ; a ni nhpzplc a Q r e ma ni, the fowls
scratch the dust; comp. a/rpri.
-kau, v. T o scatter by scratching.
-la, v . T o scrape together.
-ya, v. To divide, apportion, as by scraping.
Ahpreng, v . T o be i n l i n e ; a. pa:.allel, extended i n the
same direction; adu. i n line, side by side; masha law
law ma ahprrlrgpgp nga ma ai.
Ahpri, v . T o scratch, as a fowl; same as ahpre,
Ahprup, v. T o squirt with the rnoutll; see h p r a j .
Ahprut, v. T o strip, as a tree of its fruit; shi namsi
Arang. 23

alrpyut sha ai; to tear, pull off, as the hair; shi mnna
du a i mdjaw, kdra ahprut ai.
Ahpraw, a. (from hfraw, to be white.) White; opp. to
achyang; comp, mdhpraw; hdla ahfraw, a white man,
(forei gner.)
Ahpraw, n. Appearance, presence, aspect; shi a/tpraw
tsawtn nga ai; a/tpraw asam, aspect, mien, demeanor;
shi ahpraw asam knrring rai Zu fa? what is his mien
or bearing? ahpraw nsam, visage, look; see asam; slri
a ahpraw nsam htap nga a i , he is good looking,-of
fine looks or features.
Ahprawp, v. To make a noise as when sipping; see
hprawp; shi pahp ahprawp /u nga ai.
Ahpya, v . (from hfya, to slice.) T o chop, hack; to cut to
pieces; comp. azal.
Ahpyang, v. T o hang, as a vine; idgat noi daw a/tpyang
gzga ai.
Ahpye, v. (from hpye, to be wounded.) T o wound; n. a
wound, scratch, sore or the like; ahpye bdba nga ai.
-alam, v . T o be wounded, mangled, lacerated, hacked;
hflyen masha n i shi hpe a@ye a Z a ~ di Ralc mlt nu ai.
Ahpyet, n. Wind on the stomach; see lipyet.
Ahpyi, n. Skin; see itpyz.
Ahpyawm,. v. T o entice, decoy, allure; dai ztfa s h i ipe
altpyawm wa nu ai.
Ahpyawp, v. To lie; see @yawp
Ara, adv. Yes, just so; comp. a r and vai sa; see Gram.

Ara, n. (from r a , to like. Friendship, love; see altku.
Ara, n. Grace, favour; on y as a coup. of akyu.
Ara, a. (from ra, to be e v m , ) Even, smooth, level, flat.
-sha, adv. or a. Smoothly, evenly; even, smooth; d n i Ru
.a.ra sha di z,make the table even.
Ara, n. Fever; (Hkauri;) comp. hkali.
-rap v. T o have fever; shi ara va shi.
Aram, n. (from ram, to be sufficient.) A person having
reached the age of puberty; comp. la ram and 7zunz
r a m ; arnm n i h k m i r a i ma a i
Arang, n. Capital, a sum, as for investment; funds, cash;
arang 12 lu at mltjaw &dga n ga /u ai.
Arang, v. T o make a noise, as when walking heavily on
84 Arap.
' &
a board floor; comp. slidvat; also used adverbially;
ny2 n d s a d~ k d a i avangalrkawm 72 l a ?
Arap, nrlv. (f roll1 rrzp, to throw away.) At a throw; ara)
arn slm, let it go, good for nothing, or the like.
Arat, n. A term ol relationship; see r a t .
Ari, rc. A spear; see ri.
Ari, n. Gleet; see vi.
Ari, s. T o shake off, as with a quick jerk of the hand, or
in shaking one's self; to spri rille, as w h e n snapping
with the fingers; shi asai hpe ari b r ~ zai; comp. IdAlik
bun ai; nri /mu, to shake OH.
Ari, n. Punishment, chastisement, discipline ; comp.
-jaw, v. T o punish.
-hkarn, v . T o bear or suffer punishment.
-hkrum, v. To be punished, chastised and thus suffer-
i n g ; ldgr at' w a j a w , sht' art' l r k ~ z ~ nga
t n ai.
Arin, u. (from rin, to be ground.) T o grind, crush, as
by grinding; to accomplish, as by a grinding process.
-aran, v. To torture, to put, as to the rack; sRi do2 ma
h # ~arin avan di kau nrc ai.
Arin, v. (from rin, to understand.) T o try, test, as some
one's ability; dai wa h e ngai a r i n ya st ai, ngai n
datrg we ai.
Arip, v. T o pound off the outer husk of paddy; see rij.
Arip, u. T o insult; see aroi u r i ' .
Arit. ~ r A . cruivc; a funnel-shaped basket for catching
fish; see rit.
Arit, 12. A dividing line between two paddy fields; comp.
jltrit; hkauna a r i t , y i avil t a w z u .
Arit, v. T o rub off, as the bark of a young tree, by tying
a pony to it, or the like; gumrc, dzcfz a i ntbjaw, irpxn
pawl a v i l mat sat'.
Aru, a. A root; see ru; fig. hereditary stock.
-arat, n. Lineage, descendants, postrri ty; comp. Rdsku
knslrn and nzritu ?)tam;kdjt' RnzLloi ?ti n n r u a r a t shi
7~ ckya gawyl a i .
Aru, An interjection nf warning or attention; look out,
take care, or the like.
Aru, 1t. A vine, creeper; see rtr,
Arawng sgdang. SS

Aru, Y. To jump or toss, as a baby; see ru; ma Raji &

pawe aru a .
Aru, 0. T o consider, calculate; comp. sawn.
-yu, v . T o nledi tate, contelnplate; slri nzyil a r u yu lrga at.
Aru, a . (from r u , to be difficult.) Trouble, vexation.
--ara, t z . Trouble, difficulties; a. difficult, labourious, pain-
f u l ; a r u a r a up a i amtc, arduous work.
-ayak, a. Difficult etc; see parts.
Arum, R . (from r g m , to crumble.) T o have lost, as a
tooth; sAi klitaw a i majazu shi wa a r u m mat sd lu ai,
he fell and lost (knocked out,) a tooth
Arut, v. (from r a t , to rub.) T o rub, abrade; to rub in or
to erase; comp. kazut; sai hkra a r v t Raw ?nu.
Arai, w . Property, goods, belongings, things i n general;
comp. rat', aja and nrang; shi arai law Law lu ai.
Arai, v . (from r a i , to be.) T o arrange, make prepa-
rations, as for future emergencies; k t a n i ~ g@yrn
dsnt na, d i i nigzg naw a r a i la ga, next year we will
gght, this year let us make our preparations.
-chyai, v. T o play, as at work.
-yu, v. To try, attempt, with a view to realization; aang
~lzyitgltrai hkam htzdm, ,taw a r a i yzr u .
Arau, 12. (from r a a , to be at leisure.) Leisure; (Hkauri.)
Araw, v. T o gulp, to eat in a piggish manner; often used
adverbially; comp. ddgrawf; shad araw *, or skat
nmw sha a, gulp, (or choke) it down.
Araw, u. T o be grown and half-ripe, as fruit; srngwum
s i nrnw w a sai, sha gaw, sha ntai sni.
Arawm, v . To remove, as a tree; see rawnz.
Arawn, ,;. A ridge; see m w f t .
Arawn, n. Behavior, conduct, habit, acquired by practice.
-alai, rz Habits, practice, ordinary course of conduct.
shi a arltwn a/ai Rdja yzga ZZL ai.
Arawng, n. Honour, renown, reputation; arawrzg /zd a i wa,
an honoured person; comp. hjrcfig.
-lada, n. Ho~louror fame; nrcrw?tgh d n d a t , u. to make a
disp1a)r; to excite, a s faille; to put on airs;" shanktt
6 1

n 7 ~ 2 P0 arawng
~ /ada dat dun ma.
-s%dang, n. Splendour, sublimity; a r n w z g sddatg rawfrg
ai wa, a celebrated, illustrious person.
26 Arawng.
Arawng, 11. A semi-divine being; same as alawng which
see; a r a w n g p a w ai, v. to appear, as a Buddh.
Aroi, n. (from y o i , to insult.) Insult.
-arip, n. Insult, contempt, incivility; a n h t ~hpe n r o i
a r i p Rkgm r a i mi.
Aroi, v. T o tie, as a number of cattle, by the same rope;
comp. nzai roi; ldgrt sumfzrm n i hpe gyil nroi Cawn
da mzr a t .
Asak, n. Age, life; Bur. I?=&; comp. a t r e f .
-gglu, v . T o be old; a. longevous; see parts.
-kSba, v. T o be aged; a , aged.
-kaji, V. T o be young; not advanced in years; a. young.
-ram, v. T o be young; having passed the age of child-
hood; comp. #rat ram.
Asam, n. (from saw, to appear, seem.) Appearance,
expression; comp. a h j r a w asam, amawn asam and
akyang asam; mdnang wa a asam hpe yzr u ,notice the
appearance of your companion.
Asan, a. (from san, to be pure.). Clear, clean, pure.
-apra, a. Clean, free rom impurity; morally pure,
-awan, v. T o be tenantless, thus empty, void; n. a void,
vacuum, empty space; /dm% asalr awan.
Asan, v . T o be free, as from illness.
-apan, adv. At ease; without care or trouble; anhtr a
ntn yawng, asan apan r a i nga ai.
Asan, v. (from san, to be empty.) T o disregard, to slight,
ap unworthy of notice or respect; shi nye a ga asan
kazr ,ya ai.
Asat, n. (from sat, to step.) A step.
-giilai, v. To change step.
Asep, n. (fromsep, to scale.) Scales, as of a fish.
-alap, a. Scaly, flaky, laminated; also pron. azep alap;
sdwoi asep slap r a i nga ai.
- ~? u' v. T o scale; see parts.
Asi, n. (from si, to die.) Death; a. dead, lifeless, i-n-
-hkam, v. T o suffer (accept) death, as for another.
-ayup, a. Dead, dull, inactive; v, to feel dull, without life
or vigour; nye hhum asi a y r j nglr nngai.

Asi, n. Fruit; comp. vzantsi.

-s I, v. T o bear or bring forth fruit.
Asi, a. Cold; mostly used as an interjection; comp. alrfe.
Asim, a. (from sinz, to be quiet.) Still, quiet.
-sha, adv. Quietly, peacefully; asinz sha ftga u , be at
Asin, n. T h e liver; comp. sin and tndsin.
'Asin, n. Hail; see s i ~ t .
Asin, 91. (from sin, to be dark.) Darkness; a. dark, black;
lamu asin n' ?cga a t ; v. to be dark, black, as before
the eyes, thus to be dizzy, giddy; vcyye 6aw asin n'
Rga az:
-arnang, n. Black, thick darkness.
Asit, a. (from sit, to be tasteless.) ~ a s t e l e s s ,insipid;
shat mai asit n' nga hi; asit awawt, same; c/zyavu asif
Asu, adv. Very; mostly applied to illness.
a , adv. Very, to an extraordinary degree; d a i ma asu
ah' r a i miichyi %ga ai.
Asung, v . (from sung, to become violent.) T o increase,
grow worse, as a fever; d a i nza hRaZi asung nga ai.
Asung, v. (from sung, to be deep.) T o be excessive,
beyond proper limits; a s m g arung. adv. excessively,
i n an extreme degree; shi hpe Rdyatynng asungarung
hkrm di mix.
Asung, a. (from sung, to use.) Usefulness, use; Bur. mq.
-shang, v . T o be useful, of use; d a i 6aw Q u n h j a
asung sltang n ta ? of what use is this kind of wood?
Asut, v. (from s r t , to sniff.) T o blow or wipe the nose;
l&di anEp asgt ni.
Asuya, n. T h e Government; Bur. =$tq; nsaya du n i ,
Aaai, n. Blood; see sai.
-pru; v. T o bleed.
Asau, n. Oil, fat, lard; see sa*; fertility, richness, as of
soil; ga s a r ; a. rich, i n taste or as soil; oily, juicy;
savoury, delicious; namri nsas, luscious fruit.
Asaw, n. A form of rash; astzw saw, v. to break out, as
the rash.
18 Asaw asa.
Asaw asa, a. I t c h i n g , as from the rash; kklrnt L Z J L Z Wass
7 ~ g aa i .
Asaw, v . To sham, act as i n play.
-ale, ndv. In a playful, sportive, not serious m a n n e r ;
asaw aZk nga 9rna hRzc?tt t s u ? ~ .
Asawm, a. Empty, containing nothing; see sawm and
nsawm; nta nsawm, an empty house ; ildi asawm, an
empty egg-shell.
Asawn, n. A malignant female nat; see sawn.
Asawng, a. (from sawng, to be abundant.) Much,
many; a d v . abundantly, to a great degree or extent;
asawnggdikdyat a ; give him a hard w h ~ p p i n gshawng
na k t e asawprg Za wa rit.
Asawng, a. (from sawng, to be dry, as fire-wood.) Dry;
h p u n asawng j z k ?mu.
Asawng, v . T o scout, sneer at, to treat with contempt.
-asang, n. Ridicule, contempt; v . to ridicule, etc. shi
sltanhts lrpe nsawng asuftg di k a u m u ni.
Asoi, v . T o look at, as with curiosity or.inquisitivc-ness;
comp. azi; ?tang hpu asoi yzc ega n l a ?
Asoi, a. (from soi, to cut fine.) Fine, i n crumbs or
-sha, adv. Small, fine, i n crumbs, bits or chips; na a
matat asoi shn m a w n u .
Asha, n. A child; see sha.
Asham, adv. Back a n d f o r t h , to and fro; dai m n yi hRnn
a asham hkawnr rLga a i .
Ashan, 72. Flesh; see sha9~.
Ashap, v. T o scoop or lade out; shingbzd nshczp zr; to bale,
a s water; h k a nshnp zc; see s h n j .
-alap, v. To throw or toss, bv a scooping motion; dni
ma?@l I p e $hi ashap a/n/, riiekazc mu ai.
-shalau, v. T o scoop out, as with the band; ma gaw mam
l t p e ashap shahre mi ytgn ni; to stir up, cause confu-
sion; ant26 hpc njltnj sRliha knzr y n nirt ni.
Ashat, n. Food, (boiled rice ;) see S A R I .
Ashe, Interjection, expressive of uncertainty, hesitation,
or a questioning attitude; comp. shc, and see Gram.
Ashen, v . T o wind around; Hkauri for nlrkyt,~.
Ashep, v. T o break i l l pieces; Hkauri for nhRykpld.
Ashep, v . (from shrp, to be torn.) To tear, rend, rive;
to reduce to rags and tatters; cornp. gang, je, and
mya .
-alap, v . T o be ragged, tattered; n. rags and tatters;
see parts.
-ashap, a . R a g g e d , torn, tattered; j d e w n g ashel) ashap
-ashin, v . T o be torn in longitudinal pieces; h n g u
La) ash@ ashin r a i nga a i ; see y arts.
Ashi, v . T o hiss, as a serpent; cornp. ahtit.
Ashim, v . (from shim, to be i n hiding.) To be still and
quiet; comp, a s h ;
-sha, a d v . I n a still and quiet manner; quietly, confid-
ingly; ashim shn 7tga rc, be still and quiet.
Ashin, v . T o split into spllnters; ltpun ashin r d ; to tear
as strips oi cloth; slcmpan ashin u .
-ashan, a. Split, torn, stripped; comp. shdri skdran.
-ashep, a. Same as, ashin askan.
Ashit, v . T o be striped; see shit; comp. Ra i a .
-ashit, a . Striped; nshif ashit rr a i shdvaw.
Ashu, n. A frog.
Ashu, a. T o taunt, jeer a t ; to express, as joy over an
other's misfortune; comp. asawng; shi ngaz Apt askn
d a nngai; nshuniga, n. a taunt, jeer, mockery,ridicule;
such.terms as, nzadfit sha a , /nwm sha a , o r /cRr#m
slta r , would be called, asAa a i g a .
Ashu, n. Animals.
-ashan, 72. Animals; (mammals of any kind;) cornp.
~ g , &bye, and nanr r a i .
d a s a t d r t ~ t ~ t c ?irzdtse
Ashu, n. A skin disease; see J A N ; ring-norm, eczema,
(cancer ?) or ulcerous swellings, are called ashrc, i n
different localities.
-shu, v . T o suffer, fro111 ashrc.
Ashu, v . T o be ailing.,
-amu, a. Ailing, pinlog, languishing; n. ache, pain,
general debility; corny. atsrr atsam, anyzng a n y r t q ,
and nt dcA9.i.
Ashu, n. Grand-chi1d1-cn;see slrw.
Ashum, n . (from sku~rz,to be salt.) Saltish; sRat nzai
ashum n' rzga ni.
30 Ashun.
Ashun, v. T o shake off or down; comp. anawn; rtanrsi
hpr ashzln jakkvat r , shake down the fruit.
-ashan, v . T o s h a k e up, and thus to stir up, jostle,
agitate; d a i / f p ? b n h p a~s h r n ashalt Akzrm di mzr.
-awam, v. o be shaking, quivering, palpitating,
agitated ; a z a w anam ni ashrn nwam yai Ega ai.
Ashup, v. (from shzip, to wring.) T o w r i n g , as clothes
in washing; mddi a i jdlawfzg hlIpc ashup nna /an* r ,
wring and hang out the wet garment.
Ashut, v. T o gasp, as when sneezing, or as a child when
crying; kdhti i}zd;ya nlza ashivt Pzga n i ; riza h k r a p nslrrt
ftga az . -l

Ashai, v. T o be excited, stirred up, and thus noisy,

clamorous, boistcrous; comp. kashai; ashai hkam nga
m y i t , don't be excited. , .
Ashai, v. (from shai, to cross.) T o divide and deal out,
as a sum of money; d a i grrnMuaw ashni lawn mn.
-la, a. T o cotnpute, calculate and determine, as to
shares; nafzlrta a nl~zyatl t p e ashai La m r , . figure out
your gain,-shares, i n the profit.
-yu, v. T o look, here and there and everywhere; shang-
hRawp lipe tan2 nshni y u u , look everywhere for
the hoe.
Ashau, ? I . Saltpetre, nitre; see sltazd.
Ashawn, -do To trip, to bob; to walk, move, as when
hesitating between each step; Itkralzgma a i ashawn
hRawm nga ma ai.
-ashain, v . To rnove, as when stalking game; jaqawng
n i asha ashan tun2 ,ma ashawn asham itknzu?n nga
ma ai.
Ashawng, 9 t . (from shna:?zg,t o begin.) A beginning, the
forefront; opp. to ahjnng.
Ashawt, v. To g r a i e , touch l i -nIh t l y , as i n passing; cotnp.
ajawl; sPi n ldpglzg /It&fzxaz hpe ashawt B a i l ~iai.
Ashoi, n. (from shoi, to hiss, as steam.) A hissing noise,
as by a fire o r t h e l i k c ; wa~2vrundi n i ashot' lrga ni.
Ashanan, adv. ( f r o m shdnan, to follow.) Ii1 a persisting,
tenacious, retentive manner; shi Itfc a ~ h d ? l a f zRan
md nw.
Asharau, adv. Well, perfectly; (the Hkahku for at~rrww;)
also skbrau; a or a i shdrau sha, same.
Ashatu, v. (from skafu, to jest.) T o joke, jest; to blame;
ngai shi APL.ashdlzd chyai yang shipawt wa a i , he got
angry when I was joking i n play.
At, v. T o rise, swell, increase i n size or numbers; n - g ~
nau baftg a i mdjaw sltaf at sai; wdre mdsha n i at
-nga a i .
Atak, v . T o cluck or click the mouth; shi Rctdai l i f e
d d r ~a i Run? sRi n-gut atak nga a t , he is clucking
his mouth, whom is he scolding ?
Atan, n. A class, grade, standard, as i n a school; Bur.
=mf 8.
Atek, n. (from tek, to be dwarfish.) A dwarf; cornp.
atawt and agyck; ftzuslra afek Zangai sa va ai.
Atek, v . T o tick, as a clock; to cause a noise, as when
rapping with a pencil; wora de hpa ateR nga a i Rm?
Aten, n. Time; comp. tcrp and a h k y i ~ g a; season; mam
d a n nu aten, harvest time; namsi myrn na afen, the
time or season when fruit is ripening.
-liidaw, 72. A division of time, a period; comp. du hRra
Ateng; adv. (from teng, to be true.) Truly, really,
actually; shi nteng H Z ~ S Z ai, L he is actually lying; shi
ateng g d h m a i .
Ateng, v. T o clank, clang or ring, as metals; janghRam
?zz h p r i atc?tg ~2gan i .
Ateng, a . (from tcng, to be spotted.) Spotted.
--apang, a. Spotted; 12. spots, as of a leopard; cornp. Ra
&a, and prtc prrc; atrlzg apang Y E a i rawng gawk.
-ateng, a. Spotted, ( w i t h small, regular spots.)
Atet, v . T o b u z z , hum, as a b e e ; &gal ate# a i , mdnam a u
na r a n i ; fig. to ti-ouble, annoy, as a buzzing fly; d a i wa
ngai h j e , l l h gn," 7rgn ? m a alet nga ai.
' I

Atet, p. T o touch, as a fire; same as kaltt; to blow, as a

fire, dni wayr d n i f i i i t ( / , st€f ti nzang, n g ~ u n gh k r a w
a i.
Atin, adv. (from ii?t, to hurry.) In a hurry.
Atin, a. (from tirz, t o be round.) Small, short, and
32 Atin abu.
Atin abu, a. Stubby, short, but large around; stout; see
Atu, a. (from 121, to be bright.) Bright, shining; comp.
Rdbrim; p a t nta nsalm ai.
-ala, n. Bright; see parts.
Atu, n. Interest, as on money; (Bur. raqr) comp. ava7zg;
the Kachin term is, gazrm/lpraw kiisha.
Atuk, 72. Animal poison; see ttlk.
Atum, n. A seed, kernel; see tam.
Atung, 12. A worm; see tang, and shcitang.
Atup, v. T o nibble at, for the sake of tasting; ntam atup
324 77224. . .
. -

Atut, v. T o blow, toot, as a horn or a whistle; n. the

sound indicated; a toot; s h i n pillthe atrct ai, he i s
tootir?L, his horn.
Atai, n. ( I rom tai, to be single.) One, as of a pair.
-sha, a. One only; not a pair; Ldhkawn a t a i sha kdawtii
a i , La~hyawpa t a i sha chyawp ai.
Atau, n. A bottle, a jar; comp. nnmtaa,/ut t a r , /awtawR
and ndrm; a t a a hta rzd bang 74, pour it into the bottle.
Ataw, An interjection, expressive of doubt; what? hey!
now then ! i n case t h a t ! see Gram.
Atawk, v. T o cut i n small pieces; to sever, as with a
single stroke, shi~tgriA f c atawk dzlt a.
Atawng, a . Round, cubical; comp. ayan; this word is o n l y
applied as a numeral auxiliary, to things round or
cubical ; comp. taw7zg; nlrcng atawng mi, one (round)
stone. alawng n ni, apa a n i ? is it round or flat ?
mzlR ntn7ong /dhkaw~~g., two loaves of bread.
Atawt, n . (from tnwl, to be stubby.) Short, undei-sizcd;
cotnp. n:A31~k,nick and ba 61t.
Atawt, a . T o calculate, reckon, compute; Bur. m q & ;
ntawt thy@ ni wa map sha /?Iai.
Atsa, 12. A term of relationship; sce isn.
Atsam, 1 2 . Strength, ability, endurance ; see, tsatu; colnp.
-rawng, 2. TObc s t r o n q ; etc. comp. )t-,grLa j n .
Atsam, ( r . (fro111isan!, td decay.) I l e c a j i n s , iottcn.
-kiinu; 72. A kind of caterpillar, cxiled 111- the H l ; ; ~ u r ~ s ,
tsa hkrz',
Atsom, n. Fibers, strings, as i n plants; v. to hc stringy;
dui ~ autsam
i lrkvai h k m i y a ~ l t ngrc
g ai.
Atsang, a. (from isatzg, to be light, not heavy.) Light,
of stnail weight.
--sha, a. L i g h t , and thus easy to do, to carry, etc.
Atsap, a. A bear; s e e i s c f .
Atsi, ?toA large clan of t h e Lallpai tribe, now regarded
as a tribe by itself, speaking a dialect different fn)m
hot h JC'?1ghpaw and fiknztvi.
Atsi, An interjection, expressive of contact with some-
t h i n g cold ; comp. asi and ahle; see Rdlsi; aLsi /e, hkzrnt
ra b w t i t , it is cold, do not pour it over me.
Atsi, 72. Medicine; see tsi.
Atsin, a. (from tsifz, to be quiet.) Quiet, still, silent.
-atsu, a . Quiet, calm, stillness; v. to be quiet, etc.
-sha, ndv. Quietly, silentl).; softly, calmly.
Atsing, 14. W e e d s ; see tsi?tga.
Atsip, n. A bird's nest; comp. tsij.
Atsu, n. A disembodied spirit; see tsu; ?tlfisAn st ni
hjl)ang atszc nnw gzgil ni.
Atsu, ~ t(from . t s u , to be weary.) Pain, suffering, afflic-
tion; v. to be tired, fatigued.
-atsam, n. o r v . same as above; nnm ?tau gfiZ'~w n i
nrdjnw, ntsu ntsnnz h k ~ a n zn7zg~i.
Atsai, n . (fro111 tsni, to be clean.) Clean, pure.
-awai, a. Entire, complete; ndv. wholly, completely, en-
tirely ; s h i d n i kdhtnw?zg. l t p e s t s a i nwni s l t n ~ a f jkaw
7 ~ 2 4ni.
-sha, ndv. Entirely, completely.
Atsa\vm, n. (from tsaww, to be beautiful.) Beautiful,
elegant, graceful; ~ L I ~ N / R Rntsnw?)~,a beautiful Rower.
--sh:l, ndv. Well z beautifully, becomingly; coxnp. achyoi
skn, and nsznzun shn; 7 d n i arnu hpe afsawnz sha gd-
/(ZWI t .
Atsawp, n. T h e body, apart from t h e soul; see fsawf;
the skin as shed by a serpent, or the dead body of
an insect.
Ahtalc, 1 ) . T o crowd, as into a bottle; d g 7 hta. ~ ahtak t4.
Ahtam, n. A k i n d of Chinese j a r , i n w h i c h liquoriskept;
chydru ba?zg aai n h t a ? ~ .
Ahtang, a. A form, a mould; see htang.
Ahtat, a. (Irotn lrtcz~,to be thick.) Thick.
-awat, a. Thick, heavy, as a garment; ahtat awat re at
pd/awng, a thick heavy coat.
Ahte, An interjection, expressive oi contact with some:
thing hot; comp. knhtet, and eisi; nlsin Prut wa
A t e , v. T o snap the fingers; ldylsng aAteR az'; n. a
s n a p , as of the fingers.
Ahtep, v. T o clap ~ h hands; r see Ltej6.
Ahti k , It. Genealogy, pedigree; comp. abum.
-labau, n. An aoctstral ilistory; a genealogy; also pron.
nhtzk a6ou; nhtik /Lib(za gown az', v . to recount and
enbmerate the ancestors and their descendants i n the
natural orcler of succession; alrttk l a b n a gawpz ai
/niRn, a genealogical table; an account of n family
Ahtin, v. (f rom h f i ~ tto, 13.: closely woven.) T o press or
push closer together, as strips i n weavintr *. a mat.
Ahtit, v. T o h l o w o r s n o r t , 3 s an a n g r y animal; comp.
Ahtu, v. (from h t u , to push.) To hit, strike. as the foot
against a stone; n h ~ r ghltr lapaw d l w kau s e ai.
-hkra, v. T o push, crowd, jcstlc; comp. ahfnwk.
Ahtun, a. (from htun, to be plump.) Plump, chubby.
Ahtung, n. A m a n n e r , custom, precedent; Bur. qr; comp.
lrlung; alrtz~~zg ohking, ctl~torn;see parts.
Ahtawk, v To touch lightly; to s t r i k e , hit, as with the
++ fingers or some small objcct; shi s h i q n n /r/r ahtawk
Hga ai.
Ahtawn, v. T o make use of, as of another's goods or
money; q a i z n a w nhtawz sha da nz a i .
Ahtoi, n.(fronl htoi, to be light.) Light, luminosity.
-nsan, a. Darkis'l, shady, dull.
-rawng, n. A name given to the second f e m a l e child,
( M a L*;j t h e traditional child of the Shingra
Htdmung; nanhte sa az' hpang; ngai shn Ahtot Rawng,
sz mat sb lz a i .
A w a , a. A father; see wa.
A w a , n. A tooth; see wa.
Awung. 35

Awa, n. (from wn, t o w e a v e , as a mat.) Net-work, net-

t i n g ol bamboo, wire o r t h e like.
A w a k , n. (from wnk, t o n 0 t c h . j A notch, ~ n d e n t a t i o n ;
v. t o notch, as a Kachin ladder; h k a n g h j r a w a k
Rat4 26.
A w a k , v . T o beckon, with a downward inotioo of t h e
h a n d , i n n a t i v e fiislrion; s h i ?tong dc sn y i t gtz, /dtn a-
w12 k zt ;COIII p. ditzgsi.

Awam, 2. (from wanr, to move up a n d down.) To move

slowly u p a n d down; comp. nshun; a d v . s l o w l y u p and
down; listlessly, i n a l o a f i n g m a n n e r ; shi awum
/tRaw?n nz'.
Awam, v. (from wn7n1 to dare.) To respect, t o treat
wit11 deference.
Awam, n. 4 c h a r m , rnaking a person invisible; see warn;
awnrtz c h y ~(ti nrtisha p z i IagrtK-lcyzug k d a z ?L f i r ~ t/ z t ai.
Awan, n , F i r e ; see W L Z K
Awan, v. T o be c l e a r ; see nsnlr; RWrZR wa, ndu. Clearly,
fully a n d truly; awalt wa girlfin ~ t g yr a vii.
A w a q rt. A d i s h ; see wnn.
Awan, ndn. Quick!).. ' (\.a corruption of aldwnn.)
A w a n g , o. T o cut u p Into sections; Bni h p t r ~hpc awaNg
d n w ttzzd.
Awat, 71. T o s w i n g Lack a n d f o r t h ; comp. Rawat.
Awu, n. ( f ronl z)u,to ycllute.) Pollution, contamination,
defilement; co111p mdlsal shdbcri.
-asin, n. S a m e , as awu; awz4 nsiu di,v . t o pollute, defile,
r e n d e r u n c l e a n ; shnnhlr gnu nyi. a ~ r t nApe nwrr a s i ~
di Razc rnli ?iu ai.
Awu, n . ( f r o m ~ 2 4 t,o ~ u m b l e . ) A lo\v rumbling o r hum-
m i n g sound.
-awa, v. T o r i n g , as t h e e a r s when t a k i nal.~ quinine;
j , n na nzuul, ncoa mz ngtz oi.
Itknli i s i /rd (zi ? j ~ k ~ 0 7 i7rj.s
Awun, 18. T o e x c a v a t e , to cli y , ns a tiinnel o r s h a f t ; shi
S ~ L ~ T~I L W N h ~ t Z? ~
Awun, n. A poetical name for the e v e n i n g .
-shi n g t u n g , a. Sa,;!e ; a7wsng s l l ~ t ~ ~ ~dtnui rnn. ~g
Awung, a . ( f r o m zu7!rzg, to be wide.) Wide, ample, fan-
l i k e ; comp. nruawng; nwxng mvnr/hT, wide a n d flowing,

as a g a r m e n t ; nwttng nzun7~gYLI n i p(i/azojrg*, a wide,

flowing g a r ~ n e n t .
Awut, 72. A b r i c k ; see zuut.
Awai, v . T o pause, make ;I short stop, as for rest; ma
a w n i n i , to take b r e a t h ; ?tryit n r u n i 112 ai,to stop, as
for rest o r reflection; 7tso awoi ' c r i ntcn, n a pause,
respite, short interval.
Awai, v . T o surround, a s game ; comp. Rlrwai an tl hkrntl;
nnallte wola Rnzufi'<. hktl awai wlz iittr rit.
Awau, v. (from wall, to chattel-.) T o c h a t t e r , as the
teeth from ague or cold; hk(r4 6tr n i j l ~ ~ i j l z znARa
u awau
Awaw, n. (froin waw, t o t a k e cold.) A cold; illi~ess
caused by a c o l d ; cornp. nLi nzunw.
-kap, o. To c a t c h c o l d ; see parts.
-shang, v. T o take a cold; s e e parts.
Awaw, v . (from zvnw, to he perforated.) T o ~ e r f o r a t e ,
riddle, pierce with smzll holes; coinp. ownwn and'
-ahkyang, a. P e r f o r a t e d , r i d d l e d , pierced w i t h holes;
nwnw ahkjta?tg Y C n i /iiRflnzv h f e sAnt RRu?lz mdkni.
-awa, n. Holes, perforations; n w n w n7uls hkr*nirai nga
Awawn, v. T o be l a r g e , spacious, as a room, entrance or
-awan, a. Spacious, l a r g e , ample; dnt'gnzuil. 0 7 U r Z Z f n nzoarr
r a i ngn ni.
Awawng, v. T o be wide, flowing 01. t r a i l i n g , as a robe;
comp. nzuufzg; nwawfzgtg.awn7tg, t o be wide and flowing,
as a g a r m e n t , a n d hence, swashing, s w a g g e r i n g ;
H..JZ a nziibnz~2 nwnwlrg m i Akzrnz I r h 7 o ~ ; r , do not be
s w a g g e r i n g around me.
Awawp, a . (from zvawj, to be dccayecl.) Decayed,
rotten as wood; R j z i n awnwp u i n t s n i .
Awawt, 71. A leech; s e e wnwt.
Awawt, v. T o be f u l l , a s of buiiet holes: comp. nrunw;
awuwt azuat, n. ho!es, as i n the ground; n. to be f u l l
of such holes; d c i slcli~al r h r nz~lnwtn w n t vaz n,ga n i .
Awoi, n. A monkey; see zuoi.
Awoi, n. A g r a n d m o t h e r ; see z o i .
Ayun. 37
Awoi, a. To look i n t e n t l y ; only used as a coup. of asoi.
Aya, n. O f i c e , r a n k ; ~ u r n: T ; - p o w e r , authority.
--clang, - v . 'To apl,oil;t to a n office; t o invest, as with
power o r nu<ll-ol-it)-;shnlthti. .$/tih/)e AAOZLIAAQIIIaya
d a ? q 11ld M I L n i , tlley rnadc him k i n g ; l i t . invested
him with kingship.
-jaw, v. T o apfiint-(lit. give,) to an office.
--jahkrat, o. To cashier. remove fro111 ofice.
-1u v . T o hold an oflice.
- - s h s r a w t , o. T o promote, advance i n rank and office.
Aya, a . (from y a , to he even.) E v e n , level, unbroken;
comp. a r a .
-sha, a . E v e n e t c ; d a i Kiihtnw?rgaya skn ?-or ngn ni.
Aya, n. A wild-goat; see yn.
A y a k , s.(from y a k , to be difficult.) Difficulty; see a m ;
a. h a r d , difficult.
Ayam, n. A jar; see jlaltr.
Ayam, vt. S t a g n a n t , putrid water; conlp. hRn; 9tJ.r a /dgaw
Ata uyam s h a ~ t grrna bdyn ttga ai.
Ayan, a . (from y n n . t o be extended.) E s t e t ~ d e d ,con.
tinuous, consecutive; as a numeval auxiliary, nyaa
applies to things long, s t r a i g h t , o r e s t c ~ l d e di n line;
k n v n nyna ici, one (long) bamboo; comp. aaaw and
ntnzugtg; suirtri n j r n n nii. one s t r e t c h of rope.
-sha, adu. I n line. i n a row; continuously; ( ? j r n u skn vnt
t s a p lau, s t a n d i n l i n e .
Ayat, a . (from jrnt, to be decn)*ed.) .Untid!., u n k e m p t ;
rotten, useless; n. rot; (Hkauri;) ?tong g ~ ' Q~ J Wj~ 7122
san ndaz.
Aye, a . (froii yc, to be jagged.) J a g g e d , dented,
serrated. .
-aya, a. Dented, crenate; o3.c njle 7.2 ai 11hf11.
Aye, v. (from j : r , to sweep.) To sweep; o3.r &or/, to
sweep avra!-; to d r i v e , force away.
Aye bing, s. A Deputy Commissioner; Bur. mcq:f$Z.
Ayep, a. A coon box; see jtefi.
Ayi, 72. A h i g h l a n d paddy-field; see jn.
A y i , n. A female; see j f z .
Ayq, r t . A r a t ; see yrr.
Ayun, 7 2 , Small, ml n n r e particles; powder; comp. n~izaz.
38 A y u n ayaw.
-ayaw, rt. Particles, as of crushed g r a i n ; h'nirtrt nyux
~yynw,corn meal.
Ayai, v. (from yai, to be ~ c a t t c r e d . ) 'To scatter, strew,
throw around.
Ayai, 51. T o crush, reduce to small fractions.
-mat, v. T o be broken, crushed, and thus i n disorder.
Ayawk, v. A slmple-minded,sillp, stupid person.
Ayawm, v. To decoy, allure, entice.
-bang, u. T o decoy, ambush, lead into a t r a y ; 7 p i dni
/ q g a i wn h j e ayaw711bnrrg halt w u ni.
Ayawn, a . (f r o ~ n ~ n wto n ,be oval ; comp. wliynw7z.) Oval,
oblong, curvilinear; also used as a verb; shnl hpc
flyawn [ti rrnn gztmynwrr tnwlt a ,
Ayawn, r j . T o slant, be slanting; ( H k a u r i ; ) corny,
Ayawng, a . All, the whole; see ynwgrg..
-ayan, n. All; see parts; nynwllg oyax vr ni k ~ w nhhrr7t2
la wa, do not t a k e a whole bamboo.
Ayawt, a. T o fan, as paddy; (Hkauri.)
Ayoi, ,I. Snlall coin, chanqe; g ? ~ r n / , / m wnyor' n /u it n i ?

Azam, n, Illness; only used as a coup.of nzt', which see.

Azat, zp. (fro111 znt, to he minced.) T o chop, mince;
shaft a z n f vitzt
-aza, v. T o chop, mince; to reduce to fractions.
-k2yau, ZJ T o hash, to mince and mix; fig. to annihilate,

'' reduce to mince-meat."

Aze ; I . T o hollow out, cause a ditch or cavity, as by
clrlpp~ngwater; hk(z nncr n i ? i ~ l i ; ( z z unnn n-gnn snttg ~ i .
A z e , n . (from .YP, to show the teeth.) Disfigured, drfnc-
ecl; also used as a noun; azc ?nr r n i %nu nnng dl hilyt/nt
s a a , do not coine here, )you " defor~nity."
Azep, n. (from e , b , to annoy.) T o v e x , trouble, : i ~ ~ n o y ,
as a child 1,y constant tensing; knshn gnw k;jw?r l r p ~
h R r n j neef r q n ( r t .
A Z I o. T o g a z e , stare a t ; c o m p . nsoz.
-yu, v. Same as nzz, a n d most common form; see parts;
mutg 1zg~ih/)l h,hn ,,at n z r yu H La ?
A z i , 2. T o be i l l ; saille as cztslc.
-nzanl, 71. Illness; see rrfsu ntsn?,t.
Azin, v. To be accurate, precise.

-ayang, ndv. Accurately, precisely, with exact confonn-

ity to rules and facts ; d n i ?tm#mdwi hpc aain tzyaag
hknt dnn 7 7 2 .
Azu, n. Semen; see 224.
Azu, v. T o trouble.
-azep, v. T o vex, trouble; see parts.
Azuk, a . (from z u k , to be overgrown.) overgrown and
*thus all covered, as a bearded face; mzrn nzrnk ai zua,
a person with a heavy growth of beard.
Azai, n. Wisdom, sagacity, cleverness; see mi.
-byeng-ya, IZ.Wisdorn, knowledge, prudence; see parts;
shi nani hy~?~g-y(z kdha ina11~gn i .
- - d a y v. T o s h o w sagacity, cleverness; to practice
trickery, artifice.
Azau, n. A prince; the son of a chief; see t n t t .
a , n. S a ~ l l esee
; parts.
Azaw, a. A follower, attendant on a chief; comp. znzu;
a,zaw 12 / ~ Z Uni d ? ~ .
Azoi, v . T o scare, f r i g h t e n ; (Hkauri.)
-chyai, v. T o friqhten, as a child, by a meaningless


T h e second vowel i n the K a c h i ~ l alphabet, represent-

ing a varying and sonleuhat sul~pressed sound. Not
used as an ini-tinl; see Gram.
Rem. Words with l t ; are i n t l ~ i sWork placed after the
full vo~rels.
The third vowel i n tllc I;;ichi n alphabet; short s o u ~ ~ofd
e, as .in t e n ; see Grain.
E, A noun affix used, ( I ) as n shortened form of the
accusative or dative h j c ; ngrri e jaw E , give i t to m e ,
instead of, l t g ~ i jaw e; shi e Rdyaya( n , instead of
slti hfle kdjmt a; see Gram.; ( 2 ) as a shortened form
of the i n s t r u m e n t a l h t r , w i t h ; shi kriwn r g(i/nzu n i ,
~ n s t e a dof, A-liwlr hta ,qii/,re)n i , he is doing i t with
bainboo; comp, 2.
E, Verbal p r t i c l e , Imperative mode, first per. sillp.. (or
i n careless speaking, also first per. plur.;) ?i$nz /,PC
~ L C, tell it to me; naAte hj,c isaa d ~ t,
~ S I L dau z instcad
of, anhtc / I j c 1 s ) ~ ~( Z~I L ~ut',( t h e subject i n each case
being it1 the sing.) tell i t to u s ; see Gram.
E , VerGal particle, cmphati c assertativc; comp. / I ;
shz~ig~,nigdL~cw 7116 La e; W U Y O / ~ ? ISO
I ~ z P.l

The fourth voltre1 i n the Kachin alphabet; long sound

of a , as i n ale.
E, A noun affix used, ( I ) as a dative of t i m e ; g z r l u l ' nttlr
n, at this t i m e ; ( ? ) as a locative; m i n i ntlr klitn 2, i o
this house; ( 3 ) as a lengthened for111 of the instru-
mental t; nhttl e piZnw z ~ ,instead of, tict ti^ E g,l~/ltw11,
do it with the sword; comp. a i ; a n d (4) as a vocatiire;
wora i ~8,i you over. there; (see Gram.)
E, An interjection expressive of disappointment 01- sor-
row; e, d n i h t ~ mnl'sni,
x Oh ! it is all gone,(destro) ed;)
2 hkawn e. Oh. nlv maiden
1 d

E ~ n t e r j e c t i b nused when calling fro111 a distance; E ?oa,

wa yiC, 011,father, come.
E verbal particle, second pel.. sing.; cornp.
SO ~ tdon't
Bur. 3;rS; 7~dnZ'L ' ~ I I ~jt/C'~tl~t , yo t h a t roacl:
l d a i ga /rka?rr tszrn e l , don't s a y t h a t ; s k k Gram, and

T h e fifth vo~veli n the Kachin alphabet; sound of ay, as

i n p r a j V e r see
; Grain.
E Interjection; various usages; & l a w , Ilkn,~/d i law,
now, do not do it.
Thc s i x t h vow(:l i n the i<achin alphabet. Whetl stand-
ing alone or a t the end of a word 01- s)~llal,le,i t I l n s ,
with a feu e s c c p t i o l l ~(cool[).
, f i - m ~ ~h gk ~, i - t i ! f ; <I he
sourlrl of i , as i n machitle; as a n initial nr i l l t h e
middle of a syllable it takes the short sound of i , as
in t i n ; see Gram.
I, pron. first per. plur. We; used by the Hkauris and
some northern.tribes, where the J inghpaws use a n h f ~ ;
I s a na, we will go.
-hteng, yron. W e ; s a i n e a s i ; cornp. a n h e ; see parts.
I, Verbal interrogative, used, ( I ) when requesting con-
firmation; s h i s h i ~ r g v a i g d a ws a d he did it thus-
did he not? or ( 2 ) when putting, as it were, a quest~on
to one's self; ngai hpa gdlaw na i ? what will I do 7
s h i nilrg r a i tsivn a hka idid he really say this?
I , n. A highland paddy field; same as yi.
I k , v. T o gasp or hiccough, as when crying; cornp. ashut.
-ik, adv. In a gasping hiccoughing manner; dai nta i k
i R nga nna hRraf nga ai.
In, v. T o persist, persevere, continue; comp. an; shanhtc
amu galaw zn ma ai.
I n , An abbreviated form of ipra, used as a copulative
conjunction or as an adverb of degree; as like as;
(also pron. n' i n religious poetry;) du salang n i
uhku i n rawn pzga ma hka gaw, may your chiefs and
elders flourish l i k e heifers.
Ing, o. To stand, as water i n a pool; derv. Laing; to rise
and fill, as a lake without a n outlet; d a i nawtag itzg
wa sai, the lake is filling up; comp, u,lint, lung, wan
and shdzag.
Ip, v. T o conceal, suppress, hold back, as information
or evidence; also pron: yip; d a i Zdgr a i amp Ape b ;,
Bar gaw, let us say nothing about the theft.

T h e seventh vowel i n the Kachin alphabet; long sound

-of o, as in old.
0 , A vocative prefix; o, wa B , oh, my father.
0 , An interjection, oh; many and various usages; 0 ,
kdrlcm rid law; o , r a i sn.

The eiqht vowel i n the Kachin alphabet. When

initial, b!. itself or at the e n d of a word or syllable, a ,
t a k e s t h e sound of 00, as i n moon; when i n the mid-
dle, it has the sound of oo, as i n wool; see Gram.
U, u. T o rise, as anger; to be in a r a g e ; derv. k n ~ t ;
comp. 624; s h i u wa ~zgaaz, ye72 m u , he is furious, .go
out of the way; to rise, as a river, to overflow, i n -
u n d a t e ; comp, rng a n d shau.
U , Verbal imperative particle, second per. sing.; comp.
m u , nu and su; nang sn ga/aw u , you g o and do i t ;
see Gram.; a causative particle, third per. sing. fol-
lowed by, ga; s h i sa 25 gsr, let him g o ; s h i n,gn ngn a
g a , let him be.
U , A general preformative; a shortened form of rtga,
cattle o r fish e t c , and wa, human beings or bamboo.
T h e words i n zl, m a v also be spelled as, wu; thus i n
many localities, II/IR; and wzclt krc, zldn~tgor wudnlzg,
would be equally correct. 1

-bun, n. Bullock-hire; comp. rrgns a n d gn slrcng; 7~ga

ubun sha a i , to make a living, as by means of caravan
-but, re. Short-jointed or short-backed cattle; . corny.
~ ~ Y @ *
-bai, n. (from 6 n i 1 to return.) A cow calving every
other year; u b n i 6ai ni, v. to calve every other year.
--bau, n. (from baa, to tend.) A young calf or s u c k l i n g ,
havin-g lost its mother; lnhaw batr ni, zl, to tend and
raise an ?rbn?r.
--baw, n. A head; see haw; lnbaw sa?whaw,a kind, a tribe.
-bawng, n. (f roil1 6azu7zg. to imprison,) Cattle held
because of debt or trespassing; ubnwsg dung.l v. to be
held or confiscated, as cattle for dcbt.
-bawng, n. A head; ( H k a u r i ; ) same a s , ubaw.
-bra, n. A variety of bamboo, grown inathe: hills; udrn
hte z r a , Rawa nnzyr~nrnh k ~ htn a grain ngang ai.
-bya, n. A foetus; a prclmature b ~ r t h of the bovine,
ovine, equine or cervine genus; comp. ~ d y ag, w i byn,
wa byn e t c ; ahya h j ~ nm', to cast the young.
-byap, n. (from h y n f , to be bushy.) Bushy bamboo.
-byep, n. (from bye), to he flattened out.) Small, low,
short-jointed cattle; comp. rrbz~t.
-chyang, n. A v a r i r t p of bamboo; mn n i urhyynl~ggo/,
m a at', the children 21-e shooting (making g u n s of)
t h e ztlhya?~g.
U gat. 43

--chyi, n. Manure; see ckyi.

-chyik, t z . Solid bamboo.
--chyit, 11. (from chyit, to itch.) Scab, mange, as attack-
ing cattle or horses; comp. guji chyil, and mdrrc.
-chyaw, a. T h e plantain bud; also pron. zdjuw; comp.
/atzgzd achyaw.
-da, l z . Gossip; same as mado.
-da, a. W i d t h ; comp. d a and di~tgds;wa rda, the width
of a paddy-house.
-dam, x . (from d a m , to be wide.) Cattle with wide,
l o n g ilorns; udam anzyr kaja aai n v r r a i nga ai.
-clang, i r . ((rom dang, to suffocate.) A frame or cross
for the sla).ing of sacrificial animals; nga udang, a
cross, for cattle; wa adnrtg, a cross for hogs; the
crosses i n most corllmon use are, d a n g dangchyoi-
dongbat-Ldga, jalalc adalrg- and mu /un udang.
--clang, n. (from daag, to intercept.) Bars, draw-bars;
udawg dritggrang, to bar, put up or draw the bars.
-dat, n. (frorn daf, to let loose.) Pasturage, a place for
i n g.
-dung, rz. (from d u n g , the best; comp. mddtlttg.) Malc
cattle or fowls, set apart for breeding or sacsifici;~l
purposes; a d n ~ r guli; same ; r d u ~ r guli manu, t h e price
of t h e choicest bovine.
-daw, 2:. (from daw, to cut up.) Sacrificial cattle; a
word used i n taunting, expressive of contempt, indi-
cating that the owner will be i l l and his cattle sacri-
ficed; comp. jli/tpu; n a n h t ~n cldnw a i nnhte a yi she md
?Zit 07'.
-dawn, n. (from dawn, to castrate.) A castrated bovinc:.
a a sr. A variety of mountain bamboo.
I ,r. (from ga, to split.) Bamboo split i n halves, as
w h e n used for roofin., b r i n g placed like tiles; rtga
~rtlr,a house built as described.
.5 p5 n. Ofronl g.n?zg, to be dry.) Bamboo, \!rood, or
t h e X r ~ u ~b~e idn g, dry and thus ready to split, crack,
as f r o m heat; 7rgnn.q ga ni. to split, crack, fissure, as
f r o m heat; g(z ug(zsg gn n i , the ground is cracking.
-gatl ; I . T h c whi tc bamboo; Bur. o7rElr Gigantochloa
44 Ugun.
-gun, ' 72. H i r e for cattle, as for carrying or ploughing
purposes; comp. ubun; ug.zln sha a i , to l i v e upon the
hire of cattle.
-gut, a. Strong, vigourous; wa figan zfgztt nz &L shlfgn u ,
call the strong men; n. a vigourous old m a n ; ~ g z l g t ~ ,
Y. to be very o l d ; di&a ztgzlt g t ~nprnt
, shanztt nu.
3 rr. A chisel.
-gyek, n. A small, undersized bovine;,coinp. agyek.
-gyit, n. (from g y i t , to tie.) A cattle-thief ; a person
t ~ , i n gup cattle, as for a d e b t ; zcgyit zdgn?zg, same;
&ija ijnnztc, dai nzng zigyit ? ?tgnama ai.
i k w. A k i n d of bamboo; same as uchyik.
-ju ,. v. T o sacrifice; see uLaallg.
-jaw, n. A pick-axe.
-jaw, i r . T h e ornamental curve, a t the head of a coffin;
dlifr ujaw.
--jawm, n. A bud; see ntrijawnt.
-jawm, n. Bushy or shrubby bamboo; ujawm wahfa~tg.
-jawng, n. A high kind of paddy house.
-jawt, n. Liquor, as g i v e n at a nat offering before the
killing of t h e fowl; cornp. Idhknn.
-ka, n. (from ha, to be spotted.) A spotted bovine.
-kam, ? I . A molar; wa uham.
--ksaw. n. A f e t u s ; young of cattle; comp, nbyz; a k m w
n cow being with young.
-kyik, n. A k i n d o f fisb;see ngntlkyib.
-kyin, n. Ants; see R d ~ y i n .
-kyip, 1 ~ (from
. kyzp, to be faded.) Lean, poor looking
cattle; rkyzp u k ~ f same. i,
-hka, n. A crumbling tooth; wn ahka.
A k a , n. Slightly cracked or fissured bamboo, wood or
t hc like ; d a i 12gat~z ~ h k nsni; (also used as a verb.)
-hkak, n. (from hbnb, to he hard.) Stunted, small, but
stul-d!-; ngn uhkak izqa t i mzurg., z-gu7z ja n i .
--hkam, n. (from hka?;, to bear.) Live-stock given as
security; comp. pdhknm; ~rhkamhbnm ai, v. to place,
as live-stock, in securit)..
-hkail, ir. A ford; uhknn r a p , v . to ford; lit. to cross thc
--Ilkang, n. Hoof-tracks; see ithang.
--h ki ng, n. A bullock pack-saddle; see; hking. -

-hku, n. An old cow; also called nga gumgai; xhAu u/a,

cattle for breeding purposes.
-hkai, a. Planted bamboo, opp. to 7tam kdwa, wild bam-
boo; nye uhRai hR%m Rran. ,
-hkawp, it. A split bamboo, used as stocks for prisoners;
fdgzd n i wa h j e uhkawp hfc i z ~ ~ ma. zp
-hkram; n. A forked bamboo; whhranz hfe nrddz'nru.
-hkrung, n. Living and h e n c e sacrificial animals; oyp.
to asi; aRRn*ng fsi, sacrificial animals, regarded as
"medicine," being offered for the health and welfare
of man; also called u j r a w n tsi.
-hkraw, n. (from hkraw, to be dry.) Dried maize;
Aknt'na gltkraw dat y a c.
-hkya, n. Cattle-tracks; comp. uhkaizg and mdhkrun.
-hkyeng, n. (from hkyeng, to be red.) Red cattle; see
rchyang, uhpraw, u h a , utcng and upattg.
-la, n. A bull; comp. zrltRz and uli; Hkauri, nga I n .
--lak, n. Straying animals; see /ah.
-lam, n. Lost or wild cattle; see lam; d a r n udam, stray-
i n g , lost or wild cattle.
-1ang) n. (from Lang, to sacrifice cattle.) Cattl6 set apart
for offerings; u j a ala9tg; see parts.
-lang, n. (from lang, to handle.) A handle of an a x e ,
spade or hoe; comp. gunglang.
-lat, n. A first-born calf; see aLat and /at.
-1i , n. A kind of tree; Hkauri, msngsa nirtgra.
-li, n. Cattle-disease; see (z'; rh' U ~ Z L Psame;
~Z, see parts.
- 1 n. A bull kept for breeding; t l / i lung, v . to copulate,
cover as animals; comp. wa /I h n g .
-lu, n. A kind of bamboo, mostly used for joists, hence a
joist; I C / ~ I hta chyinchkyen dallg na.
-lu, n. A mud-hole, puddle, a place where buffaloes
wallow; colnp. w a h ; 7 d a i mang e u/rc walu sawng
n ~ az.
-lung, n A calf; comp. LRnIung and mahng; rcga dwrrg
ARrat az.
a , n. A species of s a g o palm; d a i nu aa, v. to prepare
the palm lor food; see ns.
46 U lawn.
-lawn, ir. A young bovine, about two years old; see
luw92. e n .. . .

-lawng, a. A cattle shed, a barn, a stable; comp. i'awng,

and x ilzzu?rg, a fowl-house wa Law~zg,a pig-st)..
-10 72. A bufialo; Hkafcri nga Loi; wi'ot uLa, a buffalo bull;
a h i z r j l z , 3 buffalo cow.
l o a . (from i o i , to be easy.) Prolific; (only used of
anilnals;) opp. to uhti; dainga u/oia,lzyu rcri ?ma g r n i
vr liyal NLliga nga a L'
-ma, n. A young calf or foal; comp. nra, n/ztzg and
a~afi~. --
-ma, 72. The youngest male child of a chieI succeeding
his father and inheriting the property; I h l n gcz, the
country south of the Nbnzhpa river i n the ifkuapz'
hills, i n distinction from Mungga, the territory north
of the same river. T h e division took pl::ce after a
feast of a certain Jz7dhpa Hkzryz wa, ~ v h o made n
"double-dance," (hling htnfzg i:zdnnzi) for his twin
sons, the last born of wilicli was an zfjrcz; the first
born of the two sought a country of his own, (~rrtrng
hence t h e name IPIzrngga; U?~rani,the people of
the ma ga, including such villages, as Sinlum and
-man, n. (from man, the face.) Head, (individual),
said of cattle; Nga a m n n safzit mat sai, seven head
of cattle are lost; nga amarb g a r a i n m x nngai, I have
not yet examined the bovine.
-mang, n. A carcass; t h e dead body of an animal; see
mang; z ~ m u n gwcmong, carcasses of a n y kind.
-mang, n. A s p c c i e s of tlai-k-skinned bamboo; the
Gigantochloa macrostachya.
--mat, u. T o bc with calf, foal or lamb; opp. to rhtum;
clunzsx unzat rlci sai; comp. gltlvrra umaf and sag*
-mull, lz. Hair of animals; see man.
-mung, n. A species of short-jointed bamboo; the
Di nochloa madellandie; cornp. glrmhtlrng
-mungJ n. T h e mango; colnp. sagyaw; aniung si, the
mango fruit.
U re. 47

--mut, a. (from m n t , to be dark.) Dark, brownish; (onlip

used of cattle;) corny. uhkyeng.
--mai, n. The tail, as of cattle; see 9 7 2 ~ 2 ,rrmar and u mai.
-mawng, n. A kind of tree.
-na, n. A species of bamboo.
-na, n. A species of fish; see ngn urzn.
-nam, n. Strange cattle, not accustomrd to a place; comp.
munam; unam mi ngn a i nzujaw hkrtt ?rga nz
-*en, v. (from Hen, to be slippery;- s e e , m d n ~ n . ) T o
h a v e lost l u c k i n cattle-dealing; I L ~ Uutrx shcr yarrg
zrnan Rdshawt n i Ra, he that cats cattle-brains; will
"stumble" or "sli p" i n cattle-dealing.
--ni, n. (Irorn nz, to be tamed.) Tame or domesticated
animals; opp. to uzai.
-nu, n. Brains, as of cattle; see nu.
-nawng, 11. A herd, flock, drove, as of cattle; comp.
nawnn; annw?tg awa, same; ltga unawng uwa de ?rga
Ttza at.
-nawp. a.( f rom naiup, to extort.) An animal g i v e n or
extorted, a s i n settlement of a feud, over and above
what is proper; comp. baa i m z q and ja n a w p ; ngai
v~zawpwn nlrwp n s/ta/awm 1% attgat, I cannot give
cattle and pigs as black-mail."

-pra, n. A heifer; sometimes called, r~ganzuhkawn.

-prawn, n. Sacrificial animal; see uhhvxing.
-pyik, n. A species of thick bamboo.
-hpang, rt. (f rom hpnng, to be behind.) The last animal,
as of a caravan; see ushawng.
-hpe, 92. A species of fish; see nga u@e.
-hpai, PZ.A species of fish; see nga u h j a i
-hpaw, n. A tamed bison; see, hpnw Lam.
-hpra, n. Wild cattle of the jungle; also pron. uhprarcg.
~ h p r e , n. A species of bamboo.
-ra, n. T h e elephant bamboo; Bur. 0 ? q 8 8
-ram, n. A young bovine; see m m ; opp. to uma.
-rang, t r . Odor, as of boiled meat; comp. bat; ngn ararcg
manawz ai.
-rat, n. A kind of fish; see rtga ?drat.
-re, n. A strong long-jointed kind of bamboo, of wh! -h
bows are made.
-ri, n. A circular e d g e d chisel.
-ring, n. T h e castor-oil plant; uvi71g s i , the castor-bean.
-ru, n. A species of fish; see nga t w u ; a preparation of
dried fish.
-rum, n. A person h a v i n g lost his teeth; r ir~ztnz,wa rit.
-rum, n. Cattle disease; m u r m i z , rinder-pest, the hoof
and mouth disease; comp. a/i.
-run, v . T o lead cattle, as w h e n a cow is led that the
calf may follow; dun ?L h R m w n i nga hpt rcra?t La ja7tg
m a i az'.
-rung, n. Horns of cattle; see rttng.
-rut, n. Cattle or other animals chasing each other;
urzct r u t , to chase each other, as cattle.
a a. A small, but prolific kind of cattle.
-raw, n. A bunch, as of plantains; see Zringu wraw.
-raw, n. A species of bamboo, mostly used for rafters,
partitions and siding.
-raw, n. A pronged hoe made of bamboo.
-rawng, n. (from mwTzg, to be in confinement.) Cattle,
as penned up; a pen or inclosure, as for beasts; comp.
uZawng; nga tsaw y a n g gnw nrnwng, de sa nzzr.
- 0 n. A full-grown bamboo; cornp. mai roi; rroi d u n g
r 26 d u n g nga, the bird sits on the top of the bamboo;
uroi ri, v , to be full-grown, not stunted or broken;
see ri.
-san, n. The tassel, as of a stalk of maize.
--se, rt. A disease of the teeth; use se, to suffer from the
disease; use se y a n g wa ?z ngang a i .
-si, a. A sacrificed bovine; r k k r a n g usi, sacrificial
-sing, n. Smell, scent, as from cattle; see sing.
-su, n. A bull; cornp. %/a,uZi, and wtang.
-sum, n. Bamboo, as flowering; usum sum, v . to flower,
as bamboo; usum sum a i hpang 6ai n r a w t ai.
-sai, n. T h e sap of bamboo; see sai.
-soi, n. T h e life of a sacrificed animal, supposed to be
to and accepted by the nat; *so2 usa, same; see
fzsoi nsn; usoi usn shdhkyel ya, uya nsa shdl'et ya.
-sha, n: A calf, a foal; see sha and u n a ; uska ja, u, to
be prolific i n producing young.
-sham, n. Large branches of bamboo.
--shan, an. Beef; see shan; comp. n<a ss/c~rj,.
-shap, n. Cattle on hire; see shnp.
-shat, a. Fodder; comp. shat and ma /ar.
-shawng, n. T h e leader, as of a herd or caravan; the
animal going i n front; see shawtrg; nsknw~z~rtr dz7~gai
u@ang mung n ding ni.
-shoi, n. T h e rope passed through the nostrils of a
bovine used as reins; zrshoi shoi, 3. to lruncll the hole
and pass the cord through the nose or nostrils.
-tang, n. A bullock, a steer.
-teng, n. (from tetcg, to be spotted; see nft.7y.) A spot-
ted animal; cornp. trka; ufcng kawag, a place i n t h e
jungle where cattle herd and sleep.
-tu, n. A worn out axe or spade; 7twn xta; a, short, be-
cause worn out.
-tung, n. (from t a n g , a borer.) A worm supposed to
attack the teeth; nyr a wa &a u f u n g shang ni.
-tut, n. (from t u t , to be joined; see tndfut.) T w o
animals sacrificed at the same time on the same
cross to the same nat; shi rrtxt /nag ni.
-tawng, n. A piece, section of bamboo.
-tsa, n. Bamboo, rotten inside.
-tsang, n. A kind of fish; see ~ g utsang.
-tsen, n. Bamboo leaves; utsn / a j ; rttscrc /np h f r 6w2
mung d i rca re n i ; tctstn tsi, a very small bird, living
in bamboo clumps.
-tsi, n. A piece of leather, a nail or the like used as a
wedge, as i n an axe handle; slranhjyi h f i tczun utsi
t s i mu.
-tsawp, n. T h e fine white fibers inside a bamboo;
u t s i ~ w Rap
j a i kdwa.
-htang, n. A kind of fish; see lrga ahtang.
-htum, n. A sterile bovine; see htunr, and camp. a)a
htam, gzui htanr and nyutl irt~tt~z.
-htawng, H. A section or joint of bamboo, used for blow-
i n g a fire; also called nhtnrurtg dnw or zihlawng
ra w-ng.
-htoi roi, n. A bamboc used for blowing a fire; same as
uktawng rawng.
50 Uhtwi.
-htwi, n. A kind of fish; see nga ahtwi.
-ya, n. (from y a , to give.) A sacrifice (flesh, meat,)
given to the nats; see usoi.
-yan, a. (from y a n , to be extended; see ayan.) A length
of bamboo; s j l a n m i jaw rd.
-zai, n. Wild, untamed animals; oyp. to ani; zrni zlzai
amtya myu nga az.
U, n, A bird o t any kirld; ?tfn a , 7znrn 26, u amyu irtyzt; n
chicken, fowl, as the bird per se; also yron. wzt or awu.
-but, n. k kind of bird.
-baw, n. T h e head of a fowl or bird, considered a
great delicacy; also pron. u nbaw; iViwn a bn7u navng
a i ; 6nw sha y a n bazu sin a i d a .
-byit, d
s Small bir s of the kinds usually infesting
paddy fields.
-chye, n. A quail; so called by some Hkauris, while
others call i t h k d ~ i k ;comp. +yeng.
-chying jawn, n. T h e rump of a bird.
-di, n. A bird's e g g ; comp. bdren d i and /dpu di; see di.
-dut. n. T h e rain-quail.
-da&m, n. A tail-1;ss fowl; u d a w m iv dam, same.
-gam, 7:. A species of minivet.
-qan, n. A jungle fowl; Gallus gallus; also pron. a Ran.
-gum, I J . A species of quail; t h e traditional paddy pound-
er at a bird's dance; x cum gaw manau mam hfa ai

wa r a i ?e<gaai.
-gaw, n. T h e h o n-bill;
~ Buceros rhinoceros, also called
/tRzr?zg~~nng, which see; comp. gaw.
-goi, 7 ~ T
. h e crowing of a cock, thus the cock-crow; v .
to crow; hpawl ni u goi e rawl na ga aai.
-ju, n. T h e spurs, as of a cock.
u n. A ki~:d of bird, regarded as the follower of t h e
L R n ~ g r n v( ~ u gaw), and said to have pounded the
rice-flour, at the original "bird's dance; u ' 9
mdnau shddztng h l u a i wu r a i nga az.
-jawban, n. T h e cock's tomb; a plume of a bird; tl
fawng, n Rvnzu, u ri gaw a jzwdaw t u ma ni.
-kawp, 7;. 'The paddy-bird.
-krang, n. A kind of bird; a krnng n2djoj /aw l a w
sha at:
U pyen tsi. 51
-kraw, n. T h e gold-pheasant; Pllasianus pictus; fig. a
timid person.
-hka, n. A crow, a raven; comp. lika and R ~ h k a .
- 9 dawng, n. T h e croton-bug.
- ,, ja, n. Mica, mica slate; see parts.
- ) I wawm, 78. A kind of fruit, especially eaten by crows.
-hku, n. An old hen; colnp. uhka.
-hku, 72. T h e screech-owl; Strix flammca; comp. t i tu.
-hkai, n. A chick; young chickens just hatched; u Aksi
hje pdga yang B Rdnzr a nzyr.
-hkawn, n. (from Akaw%,to be early.) An early rise or
s t a r t ; v. to rise with the birds; II gawn a i aten e u
kknwr, ma ai.
-hkri, ir. A species of pheasant; (the Reeves's pheasant.)
-hkring, n. A small parrot; Psiftncus crythacus.
-hkru, n. A dove; see hh~rlcd r .
-hkrawng, n. A dressed fowl, offered to the nats.
-la, B. A cock, see la.
-lat, n. T h e earliest crowing ccck, the harbinger of
day; zdat hjttnggam, 3ee parts; u/nt ltpunggam goi
ngn R < the glorious herald of the morn is crowing.
-li, n. A cock for breeding purposes, see Zi and uli.
-lun, 11. T h e roosting- time of foii-!s or birds; u (un
taaws, same; f4 /?47zq, v. to roost or perch.
-lung, ?z. A )-oung chicken; tr Lung singdyi; comp. ulutzg.
-lawng, n. A fowl house; see lawilg and ?~Law?tg.
-langa, n. A species of night-hawk. much fearea be-
cause of its weird cry; gdja w n , u /ffrrgn sddga nga ai.
-lSnyawng, n. T h e mina bird; Graczr/~zi n t ~ v m d i a .
-mun, 31. Feathers; see nm7r, a?tzri??and nmttn.
-mut, n. A species of snipe.
-mai, ? I . The tail of a bird; see 7~nzni;;7l lirnz' kos', t h e
tail of a cock.
-m%gwi, ~ t A. turkey; see parts.
-nawng, 72. A flock of birds; see nnw7zg.
-preng, ?r. A quail; C o t a r n k z)r[/garis; calltcd by the
Hkauris 2i c b e or hkdfik.
-pyen tsi, n. A kind of herb, w h i s h reduced to powder
is s u l ~ l m s e r dto have tile power to drive away birds
from a field,
U pyek.
-pyek, n. A d u c k ; (Hknztri;) see hkai pveR.
-ra, n. A pigeon; comp. hkrzt dl!; the u r a figures as the
original "story-teller," (Jai z w , ) among the birds.
-rang, n. A cock; (tlkauri;) see, a h.
-ri, n. Pheasants of different varieties; comp. u &raw
and u ARri
-riJ n. T h e joint of a bird; same as, d a m ; ztri Rvaw, v.
to break the joints, as at a sacrifice; only used i n
religious poetry; zc ri kyaw, zt dam daw.
-raw, n. A basket used when carrying fowls to the
market; a bird's cage; by plan). called, m Zawng kdsha.
-sun, n. A frizzly chicken; u sun m s r l , same.
-sutJ n. Same as, u sm..
-sha galang, n. A fowl-eating !lawk or kite.
-shinJ n. A frizzly chickeil; (Hkauri;) see 21 stln.
-ship, n. A species of bird.
-sharaw, n. T h e blue or green jay, supposed to eat its
own kind; see parts.
*-tu, n. T h e carprimulgus or goat-sucker; by many called
zr n i a shat kdran ai' wa.
-tawk, n. A wood-pecker; see parts.
-tawng, n. A peacock; Bur, goflEr.
-ha, n. A sparrow; comp. Bur. 0 3 .
-tsip, n. A bird's nest.
- - ,# tsip, v. T o build a nest, as a bird.
-ts%wi, n. A kind-of bird.
--htu, n. A small kind of bird, very destructive to grain
- -htaw, n. A species of bird.
-yen, n. A species of bird,
-ven sinwa, n. A species of horn-bill, often ~uer~tioned
i n Kachin lore, because of its long troublesome tail;
myif mdlai hjbang ti /w n i , f i yr9i st'y~zunu nrai maihfung
r tu ai, you repent after i t is done, but the sit~wa's
tail grows behind; i . e . you cannot escape the conse-
quences of your deeds.
-yip n. A hen; a female bird; comp. 16 i n .
-yung, n. A species of night-hawk,
-yup,- n. A roost; comp. a /fin.
--yawm, ir. An oval basket, made to hold one or two
fowls, when carried to the place of sacrifice; comp.
wa yawnz.
U k , v. To be everywhere; same as ut, which see.
-uk, a . Everywhere, omnipresent.
Um, v. T o be puckered up, and thus folded as a bud;
derv. flzdum.
-bawng, a. (from 6nw,zg, to swell.) An ornamental
silver ktlob,on t h e handle of a Kachin "dress-sword;"
nyi. a gunghp~azos-gang umbawng mi /i nz.
-urn, a . Folded, puckered; dai mdti g d r n i 7r 02,
urn urn naw raz' ftga a i .
Un, v. T o be aroused, as to anger; shi rot a i tnujaw, fryc
a mcisi~zun ngu wn ~tzgat';comp. wupt.
U n l i , n. A robber; (Shan;) comp. damva; unit' /i, v. to rob.
Unlu, r . Power, strength; only found in religious poetry.
,, PrU, v. T o exhibit or put forth strength.
Un-yaw, n. T h e front, face, of the human body; opp. to
shingdar; coup. of attin rz; also pron. shing y w ; ua-yaw
aman htn ?izd/si?rgszrnthting hkat g n , let us : to
relilember each others faces; (\lit. fronts.)
Ung, v. T o fill as a lake; same as i f q ;some regard a ~ g
as a stronger word than tt~g.
U n g , v. T o Le pcrylexed, bewildered, puzzled.
--ang, a . Perplexed, e t c ; also pron. rc?tg walls; ski 7 t l ~ i f
nau law n i nlajaw 7r?zga v r a i ?zga ai.
Up, v . To cover over; to cover, as a cooking pot; to seek
cover, sllelter, as soldiers 011 the firing line; derv.
&up; cciiip. nzdgap; ?zn a naisn??~hflc dnp Ratn r ufl
da r , cover up your sweet-potatoes in the ashes; wop-n
hkctraw e h f r m washa law law u p ftgz m a n i , n
number of soldiers are hiding i n j~ondervalie)..
Up, v. T o preside over, to rule; Bur. 9 6 ; corn?. mttd?ciu; 7cp
a i wa, one who presides or rules; u p n i ahkn?rg, power,
authority; see parts.
-sin, v. T o guard; to take care of.
Ut, v. T o swallow; rrtdi a , swallow i t ; dcrv. ? ] i n n ( ; colnp.
mrtju; mostly used among t lle H kauris.
Ut, v. T o be everywhere; to cover, as i t were, the L:icc
of the ground; also pron. rck; comp. ch~lattr; Ai'juz
mang e kdln 7 1 t rrga a i , i n Burllla foreigners are found
everywhere; mdsha a t r a i ngn ai.
-ut, adv. Everywhere, i n every place.
U tiih p y a , 12. A topaz or yellow tournmali ne; Bur. gwqcpa
T h e ninth vowel, and first dipthong, i n the Kachin
alphabet; long sound of i , as i n mile or aisle.
Ai, Copulative conjunction (Hkauri de,) which cannot be
translated into English; s h i sn d7t a i skri/oi, when
he came; s h i j r u a i hpang, after h e left.
Ai, A connective (Hkauri de,) used as a relative pro-
noun; n z a i hpe Rartrnz a i wa, the Inan who is helping
me; Ithye~zga i baw, a red kind, lit. a kind which is red;
see Gram.
Ai, Verbal article, present Indicative, third person
sing. s h i g d a w a i , he is doing i t ; this a i is ofted
interchang;d with a; see Gram.
Ai, Noun affix used, ( I ) i n the formation of abstract or
verbal nouns; y u j a i , sleep, trorn 3 l z t j to sleep; LRring
7tga n i , a delay, from hRri?zg, to de!ay: kdda nigaw
greatness, or a great one, f rotn kd?ir, to' be great; ( 2 )
as a locative instead of a; mLaz' h'nn n i , i n this
vicinity, instead of, ndaz lzkalt e; ( 3 ) as a n instru-
mental of the same force a s e or 2; ~ 2 oi ' g d n w u , do
it with a spear, instead of r2' P , O r ~i e ga/aw a ;
and (4) 2s a dative of time illterchangeably with a;
d n i ntcn ni, at that time, for nrl~z't r t P 7 ~Z; see Gram.
Ai, a. Good, proper, becoming; cnmp. k k j g ; (mostly used
by the Hkahkus;) s h i go 71 n i n i , h i 5 talk i 4 not
proper; ni ?t n i n i wn, a person not v e r y good.
-sa, . n. Good; same as Jinghpaw, &ijo ssni
A i , ndv. Somewhat, every, to a certni~idcgrec; ni n kbja
n i ?runt, a woman somewhat bad.
--sha, ( m u . Well, carcfully, properl).; si(r111n i shn di Akni
m u , ylaot the paddy carefully.
-sharau, ndv. Well, properly, perfectly; same as, a s h ~ , * n u
.rha, which see.
-wa, ntiil. V e r y , greatly; comp. g,ni; dni ??tdsha n i mn
skiidzit s h d m ? ~ ai,
g that person I S v c r y persistent.
Aw. 55

Ai, a. One; somt. as /dngai; kriwn a i m i jaw vit.

-ma, a. O n e and the same; s a m e as, /dngai shn; inostiy
used by the Kachins i n the Hukong valley.
T h e tenth vowel and second diphthong i n the Kachin
alphabet; soulld of ow, as i n cow.
Au, adv. Yes, it is so; mostly used by the northern
Kachins, where the southern tribes would use rai sa,
a r , nma, rt rE or nzlaw; see Gram.
Au, A preformative.
-ba, n. F a t e , doom, lot, inevitable necessity; az6a g a q ,
v. to be fated, doorned, destined; (lit. io be pulled,
drawn, by fate ;) mdsha ni e 1,znz L'~E nu,anha P gang nu
a i , he was fated, doomed, to Le c a p r e d ; sAi e auhu
ganq a i m d j a z ~n, /awl /a a i , fate being against him,
(lit. pulling him) he could not escape; oubg / a , v. to
be fated, under predetermined destiny; thus, to be
lucky, fortunate; shi auda Z74 a i ?adjaw, shan fa se ai;
comp. ganz.
-hkya, r. Glutinous rice (rbaw marrz,) prepared i n a
chatty ,not as -is usilal, in a bamboo btr~~ghkvaw?zg;
auhkya hkya, zl. to prepare the rice; bz~?zg,tghhrawngn
LIC a i mdjaw; asAkJ~aRkyn sha ga ai.
-ra, n. A Hkaul-i name for a chief nsmed Za'au -Tang
' among the Jillahpaws; A u ~ a Zarzg, the name in full;
HRauri dzc ni La Nlang lip4 Aura Tang shdrrqyzng
mu ai.
Auk, v. T o snap, snatch at, as a dog; comp. Bur. 335; aak
d i , same; ma ldtrgaz' mi itpe gwi auk d i ru at.
The eleventh vowel and third diphthong i n t h e Kachin
alphabet; sound of aw as In law.
A w , An interjection expressive of surprise or satisfac-
tion; sce Gram.; nw! n d u r a i dam ;Ega yaflg, 9nd1zat1z
wa i
Aw, Verbal interrogative particle, used when a restate-
ment of a r e m a r k is requested, 01- acquiescence soli-
cited; @a dn n2,t.P what is it about? nangzn na aw?
you are going-are you ? comp. Bur. c @ .

Aw, v . T o open, as w h e n lifting one side of a dish-cover

to glance at the contents comp. a!; Aai di Rnp hpe
nw kau u.
v , 0. T o open, as the mouth to speak, to bubble as a
spring, to well forth, as the words of a prophet or
nat priest; tsdZzr~tgagn aw, dzd?,tsa aga h ~ a witgayngtg;
only used i n reli.gious poetry as a coup, of Lpaw.
Awba, n. Fate; same as aahn, which see.
Awk, V. T o grow worse, or more complicated, as a disease;
nfta awR a<
Awkloi, n. A large, often suspended scoop or ladle, used
i n scooping water, as from one compartment of a
paddy-field into an oth6r; (Shan;) nwbloi hie hRa
htawh kaa zc.
Awlaw, V . TO consent; to regard as proper or just; to
justify, as a n action or statement; to praise, as for
good conduct; du kdjn rai nga at' mdjaw, sRi lrfc
awZaw ga ai; nwlnw ltkrzrnr ai, v. to be justified,
vindicated; to be pronounced defensible, vindicable.
Awn, v. T o urge on, to incite, as to further efforts; to
drive, hurry forward, a n d thus to lead, take the lead;
derv. Itpdnwn; comp. shdawrt and lawn; poi ntam Rfu
*a nrcmsha ni lIpc awn u ; awn ai wa, a driver,
overseer; nwvt a i wa a-ga m d n t nttr.
-awn, v . T o feel s q u e a m ~ s hnauseated,
, and thus on t h e
point of vomiting; to be sick; brnw nwH awl2 sgc n i ,
Awng, v. T o conquer, overcome, beat; to pass, as an
examination; opp. to slrzrng; Bur, cotnp. aafzg
and n/aw; lipyen awftg a i , to conquer, as i n war; azong
zun n i grtsr/tpraw, i r . indemnity; a reward, as for beat-
ing i n a game; awng n i wa, a conqueror; one who has
passed, as an examination: one who comes out ahead,
as i n a contest.
A u ~ n g , v . T o become fleshy, corpulent; only used in
religious poetry as a coup. of ht7l)ng; colnp. hj;prtnz;
shn jlnvg c dnwftg, ynng a nung, by eating (the
sacrificc,) may he grow plump, by drinking may he
grow round.
A I V I I ~ ;v. T o prosper; comp. awng; to be happy and
content; shi gdhw ad am& awng wa we, his work will
prosper; awng sharau?rg., to rejoice, exult; adu. i n an
exulting manner; rejoicing greatly; s k i h k d ~ u n ckti6n
awng, s z d a i rndsz'n shdrawng, his heart greatly rc-
joiced, his " spirit " (mind) exulted; comp. kdbu.
Awng lawt, a. A species of i u n p u s (mildew) growing i n
damp places; by sonlc called, hRa mdkrat.
Awra, n. 'The same name as Aara, which see.
Awraw, An interjection used when calling a dog; ow-
raw myi pang, here, you speckle-e ye ; awraw gwi tsn,+.
Awza, n. T h e custard-apple; Bur. @ m ; awza h j u n , awra
s i , see parts.

T h e twelfth vowel and fourth diphthong in the Kachin

alphabet; sound of oi, as i n oil.
Oi, A responsive interjection.
Oi e , An interjection expressive of pity; o i L, m a gem
M u m h k r a p law.
Oi oil v. T o taste sweet, as t h e mouth after eating-
something producing sweetness; ddwi a i 6aw sha at
hpang, rnityzl o i o i izga )ran ai; comp. woi.
Oi yaw, Y. T o sing amorously.

The first consonant in t h e Kachin alphabet;

- sound of b,
as in English.
Ba, v. To be tired, fatigued, exhausted; comp. hR2, flu,
tsv and slrdba; ;hi gat nna g r n i hRi da nga ai.
-galawp, V. T o blow, pant, gasp for breath, as when
exhausted; ha A r / R w jn i , sa Aka she gdma ni ai.
-s i v. (from s i , to die.) T o be exhausted,"dead-tired;"

nanhti- h j e bar1 1za, itg~rli 6a si wa tU' ai, I am all

exhausted taking care of you. .\a

Ba, Y. T o be big, great; derv. R J a , nba, wun6n and

ynba; n. big, great; 7 ~ . a term of respect used w h e n
addressin;. an oldcr brother or sister; E' da, w a v i t ,
comc, 1,riillus'' ; ltpv 40 na 6a 1U' sa w a md ra a i , the

big (elder,) brothers anrl sisters are coming.

Ra, v . T o carry a cbild tied on the b a c k ; opp. to pawn;
comp. Rra~zg;to bear and t a k e care of an infant; ma
ba a t ; n-gyi ha a i ; see parts.
Ba, v. To be folded; derv. gztmba; to kneel, (" fold the
knees;") @ut ba; to retrace one's steps; comp. bai;
Nunhti. sunzhtang mabai bn wa,
Myi rra ahhang tsin-yn bni Ata wa;
turn around and retrace your steps, follow (lit. pick
up)) the former trail.
-ba, Y. T o reel, stagger, as a drunken man; also used
adverbially; chyaru nang a i masha ba ba rai nna
hkawm ai.
-byep, a. Flat-roofed; n. a roof, the shape of a shed-
roof; ba bye? ni nta marang yun a i da.
-hkyaw, a. Sharp-roofed; 'also used as a noun.
Ba, v. T o divine; see chvaba.
-brawng, r . (from bmmng, to confuse.) An unfavourable
reply portentous of trouble, received by divination;
dai hpawt ba brawng pru ai, sndi ms,go Law na nhten.
-san, n. An indecisive reply; see san.
Ba, n. A garment; see nba.
-hkang, n. A short skirt.
Ba, n. T h e brinjal, by some the tomato.
-hkri, n. A species of t o ~ n a t o mahkri
; sant.
-pa, s. A kind of bread made from the ndaw mam; see
shut htu.
-ra, v. To be full of holes, as worm-stung leaves; jdhtai
ba r n , a mat not closely woven.
Ba, n. F i s h ; (Shan;) c o n ~ p n. y a .
-dung, n. Gelatine, made from fish; also proo. fddung;
con~p.laidmng, shnn h j y i bn dugzg, wa shan bn drng,
and I r shan ba dung.
-hen0 3 ) a. Dried fish; gzga chyuhrl.vnw.
--hkyi, 92. A species of mud-eel, by some Kachins called
gu?ngnz's/l ritsnng.
-hkum, n. A species of small fish.
--leng, n. The "red" catfish; same as, nga s72a.
l i p n. Fresh fish.
-may n. Fresh b5nau; see baltau.
-nau, a. A preparation of fish; same as bdlzar, which see.
Ba sum, n. Pickled or soured fish; trgn jahkri.
Uak, n. A thud; comp. #ah; ntsa de nna bad nga rvza di
LRvat ni, i t fell from above with a thud; v . to fall
with a thud, and thus be squashed, flattened.
-bak, a. Flat, obtuse, broad and square, not sharp and
pointed; h t u m byen Rtumpa dak bad mi rtga a i l the
bottom of the paddy mortar is flat and broa'd.
Bak, v. (from the Shan baR, one hundred.) T o be filled,
overcrowded or ovei-flowing.
-bak, a. A large, indefinite number; adu. i n a large
quantity, abundantly; d a i zua arai bak bnk /u ai.
-jat, adv. Formerly, of old, from ages past ; coolp. gdj%
bnkjat; anhte'dai mwng i gajlc 6akjat k 5 7 ~ )n n a , a nga
zga sri ga ai.
Bam, v. T o be damp, dank, hunlid; comp. rrtridi, nant and
rzyaw; nyr a paLaw?zg bar12 mat soi, my coat is damp;
maisaw 6am nzat s a i mdjaw TZ m a i ka ai.
Barn, v. T o adjust ;I cloth around the f c r t ~ h e a d ;derv.
h i a n barn; to put a sign, as with a ribbon on the fore-
head; baw hta srmparz 6stn 2c.
Ram, v. T o establish a claim, as on a field.
-da, o. T o select, desi y i l a t e , lor future use or occupa-
tion; d a i ga /a nu bag12 da sc a i l I have selected t h i s
-la, v. T o claim the first right; s k i 6anz ia n i mdjaw
~ g a ni shdnang sc a i , as he claimed the first right, 1
did not follow it up.
Ban1 barn, 12. T h e cheek; only used as a coup. of skd6vi.
Ban, v. To be at rest; to be i n a state of quiet o r
repose; derv. lahnn; corny. sa, rau and snlr nmu; lrglrt
jlntrq, ban lzpa nn nngai, after n ~ i i s h i n g the work I
will be at -rest; 91. rest, leisure, repose.
Ban, v. T o intercept, stop, bar, ward off; comp. pat;
s h i h/?l"rr ni h j c dnrt shadang d a 9tzu ai, he stopped
the soldici-s,-(prevented them from proceeding;) to
dam u p , i n order to stop the How, as of a spring; Aka
n /ni Zu II X(Z jiihtni hle barz shridang wu ai.
Ban, u. T o ptlt i n , as the bottoin of a vessel, or of the
bore of an old S u n ; also pron. p n z ; sdnat batz rr,
/us/lir~gAATILsnwttr tc.
Ban, v . T o sow or plant, as tobacco, mustard, red-
pepper, or any other kind of seed, from which young
plants are expected to be transplanted; comp. gat,
ling and hRai; mdjaf t z ~ mboa dn a .
Ban, n. A tray, waiter, salver; miigri hnn Rtn bang %.
-ban, v . T o be tray-li ke, broad and flat; derv. Cdbnn;
shdla pan ban ban re a i , the sun-flower (lit. rnoon-
flower,) is " wide and flat;" shi a 6aw ban ba?r re a i ,
his head is broad and flat.
Ban, v. T o create; only used i n religious language, as a
coup. of &an.
Ban, n. A division, part, as of a family; comp. pang;
hpu ni a ban e ram l a w nga ai, ar~hti.n ban e n law
m a ai; a class, kind, set; shi anhtc n ban h t n n Zawm
ai, he does not belong to our class.
Ban, n. T h e place where a branch protrudes from the
Ban, n. A flower, or any thing resembling a flower; used
as a generic adjective; comp. pan.
-ba, n . T h e tassel, as of maize; hkai-nu baw 60; down,
as of a duck or goose; hRai ~ L ball R ha; see pan ba.
-baw, n. T h e " flower" of an ear-ornament (liltsum,)
worn either on a bag or i n the ear.
-byau, a. A fringe; also pron. fanbyau; PdZnzfvzg, /&an,
Q a j e t banbyazr; see parts.
-da, n. Underbrush; bush and shrub; s h d r i h z w da ga
de ngni r wa ftzriyr nngni, I do not wish to marry i n
that land of bush and shurb.
-du, n. Thatch before it is cut; also pron, hjzinda or
wundu; comp. dic, and shdngu; 6 a d a daft, u. to cut
-dung, n. A fence-post; also yron. k j r n - d u 7 r g
-gya, n. Burman borage; same as Pan-gyn.
-hkung, II. T h e k m m p f e r a ; see $a?[ hklc??g.
--ma, n. A clan of the N/zk?dfiz tribe,
-put, n. A tassel. tuft; see flag2 pat.
-su, n. A cow;(Hkauri.)
--htung, v . T o be naked; (Mkalrri;) comp. Itpnrcvnltg.
-yang, n. A kind of ilower.
-z 1. t n. A small, tiny flower.
Bat. 6r

Bang, a. T o cput, place, locate; nang c bangda u , put it

here; to put or pour into; &a Ata P bang u , put it in the
basket; ndunc hfa P rrr bang rc, pour i t into the bottle;
comp. da, bx, fawn, h f u n and fsaf.
Bang, v . T o camp; derv. ddbang.
-but, n. A camping-place; see parts; bang but mdchyu
Bang, n. A lacquered ratan ring worn by woinen around
the waist; only used i n composition; see nbang.
-chyang, n. Black rings; see parts.
-ka, n. Carved rings; see parts,
-hkyeng, n. Red rings.
Bang, v . To carry, bring along; comp. gun; (Northern
usage;) ydum n bang nu ni? do you not carry
Banghkri, n. A fruit, also called md/i' /arc; a species of
sour plum.
Bap, n. A book; (Shan;) a volume; laika bat LdARawng
shigun a i , he carries two volumes.
Bat, v . T o wind around; derv. nbat, dingbat, duvtzbaf and
labat; comp. Bur. o d ; suttrri irfe bat d i r , wind the
rope around it; to encircle, make the round; d a i
m a r c Zcihbawng i'angbat sa kazc st n i , I have twice
uone around the city; see sknbnt.
-mi, n. A week; nAfoibat mi.
Bat, v. (from bat, to wind around.) T o whip, switch, as
with a whip or switch; ri tawnghte bat d i dat mu.
-bat, v . T o whip, lash; comp. h f i w k ; ldsik hte bat bat
di Rau mu.
Bat, v. T o be made as with alternate coloured, circular
-bat, o. T o stripe; ndn dr bat bat rai nna ha ai; fig. to
mix, confuse, cause confusion; trda-dc bat bat trga n m
hkzlm fstcn, do not be contrary and confuse (my
Rat, n. Odor; any kind of smell, fragrant or offensive;
comp. nngawt, swplg, sdmn, sami%,siingazr , si??g,sai r a ,
s d r h y a j and s d h ; lrpa bat mdnavn n (a? what kind of
smell do lrou smell ? nampan Ate shun 6nt mdnam n i ,
I smell flowers a n d meat; k n / ~bat mnnam nngai.
62 Bat.
Bat, v. T o be J-ound,as a mallet; comp. pal.
-bau, TJ. A club, a mallet.
Batan, 72. Almonds; Bur. 03m$; bntan hpun-si-lap, see
B t , v. To be useless; good for nothing.
-be, n. Useless. valueless; adv. i n vain, uselessly, to no
purpose; by sornc pron. byyc bye; cornp. knma7t sha, and
/ i / l z ; nang ahyu n ~ p 6~ ,b~ r a i nga ndai.
-lggya, a. Useless, unserviceable; see parts.
B i k , v. T o break in, as a young bullock, for work; d a i
zglr kdska bih ram sai, the bullock is just right (as-to
a g e or size) for breaking i n .
Bing, v. T o control, t a k e charge of, assume authority
over; Bur. QE; also pron. deng or bying; wangdai amrr
bing a yaw, lrou t a k e charge of this work.
Bu, v. T o split and flatten barnbou; (Hkauri;) see map.
Bu, v. T o be abundant, plentiful; to be replete with;
tomp. /nu, a n d paw; shi gazu gumkpraw 6% a z , he is
replete w i t h money; dni ning mnnz 6% a t .
Bu. a. An officer; Bur. 83'3; hfycn bzr, a military officer;
comp. du; 6 1 6 , an officer of t h e P W. D.

Bu, v. 'I'o wear, as a s k i r t , or trousers; derv. l d u .

--jung, n. A pair of silk trousers.
-hkung, n. Ordinary trousers; see dung hkang.
-hpun, v. T o dress; see parts.
Bu, u. T o have fever; LRaZi 624 ai; comp. nra ra ni; to
be hot w i t h rage, n-ylcn b r ai; to be raving mad,
mdna bzi ai.
-kiishan, v, T o have convulsions; to suffer, as from
epileptic paroxysm; comp. Ltan kdshan.
Bu,, n. An abode, dwelling-place, habitation ; derv.
htingdzc ,
-ga, n. T h e horn.-;and, local habitation; nnhtr a ba ga
de bni ma na, we will return home,--go back to our own
-hkawm, v . T o go on a visit; ngnz dai n i 61: LRav~nnn
-nl, n. Inhabitants, natives of a certain place; nanhti.
kddnibu i z i r a i m y i t t n ? who are you i lit. from what
locality are you ?
Bum hkai. 63
Bu praw, v. T o raid a country; comp. Abang.
-sumbu, n. A basket carried at a dance (rndnaa,) for
the sake of obtaining presents from t h e nats.
-htawt, v . T o move, to change dwelling place.
-wa, v. T o move, to leave the native heal-th; anhta daz
7 z i 7 q 62t wn ?za ga a i .
Bu, v. 'To shelve, to put i n place, as on shelves; comp.
bang, mare, and lawn; nza7n gaw glircj nlsa e , jdhtai
ni /Icp ding E , brr lawn ntu.
Bu, v. T o pound, beat, as with some heavy instrument;
comp. R ~ a t shi ; hpe /rpuntawng Ltc 6 2 1 di u .
Bu, u. T o pass wind; see, @yet ba.
Bu, v. 'To be stubby; derv. wu 61*, and wzrdu.
-bu, a : Stubby; short, stout and round; comp. t i n tin,
hyi k y i and Bur. 9 ; v . to have the form or shape of a
bee's nest, found in trees; Ldrnt btc bu r a i nna mi
7~g.aa i .
Bu, n. Betel.
-lap, n. T h e betel leaf; Ir Lap 7miya n i , to chew betel-
-ru, n. T h e vine from which the leaves are obtained.
Bu, n. Walnuu; bu b u l l , see parts.
-ja, 9 2 . T h e hard walnut.
-hkrawp, n. T h e thin-shelled walnut.
Buk, n. Shan or Chinese paper; comp. bap; but6 /aiRa,
see parts.
Buk, v . To be sluggjsh; derv. abrR and sdbuk.
-bak a . Sluggish, ~ n e r tadv.
; i n a dull, listless manner.
shi chyaru nnng m a 6 r R 6nR hkawm a i .
-buk, adv. In a sluggish, listless, indolent manner.
1 k a . Mischievious, pernicious, r?oxious; sRi ga gd/e
gala% nrta 6 r k Lik a i mdsha r a i nga ni.
Bukgslilwi, n. A species of night-hawk (the Kachins say
night-eagle,) making the sound indicated by the
word; the bird is held i n superstitious fear b\r man),.
Bukpyat, a . By the job; Bur. yoS@oS; . job, a
Bum, n. A story, narrative, history; see abzcm.
-hkai, u. T o relate, tell a story; to narrate an incident;
ji woz ni a 6rm hkai dan mi.
64 Bum.
Bum, v . To be swollen, as the limbs when diseased;
cornp. a b u ~ nnknwng,
, bLzw7zg and rawn; /dpzt Rdwu n i
majaw Zdgaw bum wa ai. ,
Bum, n. A mountain; comp. kawng and mdrawtr.
-din, n. A mountain; coup, of bum lawn.
-ga, n. Mountainous country, i n distinction froill Ldyang
ga, the plains; bum ga layartg ga ni, those on mountain
and plain.
-lang, n. Mountainous; coup. of brm; barn g a Iangga.
-masha, n. A mountaineer.
-rang, n. A rugged mountain; cornp. Rarang.
-rinu -.' n. A wild, unbroken mountain tract; nang r 61tm
rrng bum rang ga r a i nga ai.
-tawn, n. A lofty mountain; cornp. ninglawn; bum lawn
bum din nga ai, here are high and lofty mountains.
-yan, n. A mountain range.
Bun, v . To sprinkle, pour, squirt, as liquids; to scatter,
as dust; mostly used i n combinations; a r i bun, to
sprinkle; a r u bun, to pour; gast't bun, to squirt; see
also ahpre and ldktik dun ai; comp. Ldpri; shi ga
Rabai 624n ai, h e is scattering dust.
Bun, Y. T o be angry, violent with rage; derv. supbun;
cornp. 611 and skdba.
Bun, n. A third-year highland paddy field; v . to cultivate
such a field; derv. Jtcn; cornp. kkumma.
-hka, n. A field (yi,) under cultivation the third year
in succession.
Bun, Y. T o sound, as a faint distant sound; n. a distant
sound or rumbling; comp. ngwn.
-bun, n. A faint murmur, rumbling or t h e like, as from
a distance; wora e 61472 b t l ~nga nlrn shdga, Rddai YZ
a i Run?
Bun si, n. Pimples.
Bung, v . T o resemble, be alike, correspond; derv. aburtg;
cornp. prc, hpawk and Bur. q ; anhit I?: htung hking
bung nga ai,our customs are a l i k e ; dni htc w o r n e, n
bung ai.
Bunghkam. 65

Rung, v . T o be large, profuse, as a sunflower, rose, or

t h e l i k e ; wag)rjaa htc irn?lzZ@ Bwtg ai.
Bung, n. To blow; derv. 1r6z~ng;a. windy.
-ga, n. An unpleasant breeze; (a word regarded as
profane;) bzrngga nhj4azi~ta i .
-li, n. A mild, gentle breeze.
-hpyi, n, A gentle gust of wind.
-hpoi, 7 ~ . The nat of the hurricane or whirlwind; a
hurricane; see parts; azu s h c ~ gn j)ziina7zq Bunghpoi mi
rzga ni.
-sin, n. A cold, chilling wind; also pron. ba~zgtszgz.
-so( u. To cool off , as in a breeze; a~zAteshinggan de
726u7zg bung sot ga, let us go outside and cool off.
-sha, n. A whirlwind, -a hurricane ; 61*~rgsltnchyai, to
blow a whirlwind or hurricane.
-shi, n. A haze; a smoky, hazy atmosphere; bung shi
nzz~ltg01- ntaw7~g)v. to be smoky, hazy; bzrngslti mrrttg
a i nzajizw kriua?tg n ?~z,tic /u.
a t s i n , 72. A cool breeze; see bangsin.
Bung, A general preformati ve; comp. pang.
-dup, n. (from dzrp, to pound.) A severe headache,
preceeding some other form of disease; Q u n g d u ~
mdrhyi a2 gzEn rai 7za nhtiin.
-ga, n. T h e forehead of a sacrificial animal; (only
found i n religious poetry;) comp. Idhtnn; coup. of
614rzggaz .
-ge, n. Brain-fever, or the like; bu9zgge mdchyi y a ~ g
6aw grin ai.
--gup, a.(fromgzfip, to double.) A " pair," two of a kind,
as of eggs, dried fish, or t h e like given to t h e nats.
-gut, v. T o glide off; see gJz5t.
-gai, n. See brngga.
-hka, v. (from Aka, to be separated; comp. rinhka.)
T o separate; to take leave of; especially applied to
the ceremony when a priest, sends off (shcibnwn d a t )
the spirit (tszr) to the realm of the dead; btlngltka
-hka, 72. A kind of oat offering.
-hkam, a. T h e round or leg, as of cattle.
66 Bunghkam.
nunghkam, n. A nat especially honoured by the Lahtnw
-hkan, n. T h e edge, or outside, as of a bed or sleeping
place; bunghkan de wan kahtet ai; v. to take t h e
outside, as of a bed; nang bunghkan u , g~gagaishingdrna,
you take the outside, I will take the inside, (nearest
t h e wall; lit. back.)
--.Ilku, TJ. A stockade or fence, as around a house or
village; a hedge, as of cactus; dnnghkzl jzl, a species
of cactus often used for hedges; b*nghku knnz ai, v.
to build as a fence or stockade.
-hkum, n. A pillow; bzrnghkzt?lt h k r m ni, u. to support
with pillows.
-hkung, n. Trousers; see 6% LR*ng.
-hkup, n. A surprise; a c o m i n g upon and taking un-
awares, as in a raid or the like; brnghkap dang, to
way-lay and surprise, as a caravan, for the sake of
plunder; nut shalrmltg ynng shc,bm~z~gABzlj dafzg na,
i f the nats are propitious, we will surprise them;
bnnghRz@ 111, to find, as an enemy) unprepared; 6mg-
IrRivP La a i mdjaw, s h n l ~ b th~j r n / o i sLa hpya /u sri
gaw ni.
-hkai, v. T o separate; only used as a coup. of bttgzglzhn.
-hkaw, n. Gifts received at a funeral; drzghkaw shdd?dlz ,
az, v. to present the gifts.
-hkaw, n. A turban; k7~gizkawhkazu ni, v. to adjust, or
wear a turban.
-hkawt, v . T o splice; see AkazwL.
-hkrak, v. To knoc.k, as t h e head; see l z k m k ; dnt ma
Itpe bnw bunghkrah y u m.
-hkran, v . T o propitiate, as a vicious n a t ; j7ru b o ~ ~ ~ ; h : / ~ a g
n i l jdhtx?zg.b1i7zgit.R1,~~7zni; comp. gzr, LSM a n d L o t .
- r i n v. T o hit on tht: h e a d ; shi nyi a hnw bzca$kri~?r
ya ai.
-hkrut, zj. T o wash t h e head; see hfirrtt; haw dx?zg/tkrst
ya e.
-111;rawng; n. A or wooden cylinder, used for
steaming rice; a crucible for melting metals; a
--la, n. T h e leader, i n a death-dance; see ,+~ih?~?~g.
Bai bai. 67

I 1 a . T h e arcca i l ~ t 1110stly
; pron. Pinlang.
-1 a t , 7/..4 blood-feud ;, and im a?lg hang-
/at,- harrglat hkn, a fine, as for inurder, or outrage with
fatal result, imposed on the guilty part or upon the

family or clan; a feud, lasting until s u c t fine is paid;

? , Z ~ S / , Uhasha sat a i mdjaw barrght lrba hkvttur n i .
-li, ? L . W o r k , labour; also pron. m n h or z ; comp.
nmlr and nrdgaa; burzglig~itaw,to ~ v o r k .
-lawn, M . A youth; see lawn; (only used i n poetry.)
--si, 71. W o r k ; only used as a coup. of bur@.
-hta, ~ r T . h e leader of the women i l l a death-dance;
comp. bfr7rgla; (the bu7zglrta e n d s the line of rnen and
begins that of the women.)
-warn, 7 t . 'The soft spot, fontanel, of a new-born babe;
the depression between the horns of cattle; the
illidclle or top of the head; also pron. bnwngwn~,t.
U I I ~ , 12. A kind of Shan paper; same as dap.
Bup, 7z. Sca-weed, or any species ,of a l g ~growing i n , or
covering a pond; 624p sai ai,v . to clear, as-a pond or
lake of weeds.
But, v. 'To be finished; see shnbut.
R u t , v. '1-0 encamp, bivouac; drrf shdvn, a camping place;
comp. d l i b n ? ~ ~ . ; dnhafzg E but. ? I J I L .
H u t , ; I . 'To be cliqging, or burrowing, as a mole; derv.
kfi614t and shigt~brct;comp. htu.
-but, 2). To b e , o r show signs of, burrowing; d a i shdrr
6at (rut uga ani, the rnole is burrowing.
R u t , 92. A place set apart for religious purposes; the
religious name for a mndn.
h i , I!. T o repeat, do over nqain; adv. over again,
repented1 y ; derv. nbrzi, chyikgdai and shddai; cornp.
nhtnng and sBdg~,uaa;bai ,-la, to take back; 6ai ma, to
return; see parts; dai grirai n tsawn, a i , baignlazu n.
Rai, v . To be encircled or begirded, as a tree with a
vine, a heavy rope, a colour-line or t h e l i k e ; derv.
abni and shingbai; comp. bat and f a i ; t o be striped.
-bal, Y. 'To be marked, as with streaks or rings of
v a r l e ~ a t e dcolours; worn hpan ahfluow ,rsnn bni bai
T C nz.
Bai di,
Bai di, v . To mark, draw lines of different shades, as
round about a post.
Baihke, n. A long, Rowing garment, worn on great
occasions; bailthe Iawng.
Baihke, n. A species of herb.
Bainam, n. A goat; comp, nnnt/a, nnjtzyi and ripe; brti?tan
KlisAa, a kid.
Bau, v . T o be fleshy, chubby and thus bulbous; comp.
bawk; derv. ginbaa.
-bau, a. Round-cheeked, chubby, chub-faced; shddyi
baa bazt r8 a i wa.
Bau, v . T o take care of, to provide for; derv. ubar and
mdbau; comp. ldnx and pau; shi d a i fitn lzpe bntc ail
he is t a k i n g care of the child; lzfi sha bnzc a i wn, n.
a provider, purveyor; j k h i r a i 6azc. a i , to provide, as
for orphans; s k i bar nu m n i , he will provide.
Bau, n. A gong; comp. y m malcg and ytcn seng baa.
-durn, v . T o sound a gong; 6au durn sligyi, a kind of
grain; see parts.
-ju, n. T h e convexity of a gong.
-kyit, n. T h e place where the gong-cord is fastened; a
linear measurement, same as, Ldhkam; jiiAIC.26 RRajrz
baa hyit.
-mawng, n. T h e ordinary small gong.
-mgsum, n. T h e three gongs used a t a death dance
(kdbzlng durn,) viz. the dingngwt, dmngding and dilp-
tawng 6au.
-Prep n. A gong giving forth a harsh, loud sound.
-sa, n. A small but expensive gong, kept by chiefs and
elders, and given as a part of a marriage dowry, but
never rung; n dzrht dat~sn.
Bau, v . T o conjure, charm; comp. m a n d a ? ~and nzksam;
the bnu consists of incantations, blowing upon the
object, effecting t h e desired result; kn7r ? ? ~ a ~ahiywni
~ P jzbnz
L bnu lz7tn jaw ma, charm some salt and give
to the sick man; shi dnu n i ntsi7z l 7 t a i , he is drinking
charmed water.
Bauhkreng, ~ z .A-'species of beetle, worn as ornaments;
(Hkauri;) comp. blila ja and myeng Aknm.
Baw. 69
Baw, n. The head; comp. pawns; derv. 246aw; fig. a
]wad, a leader; shi bnw Lai mdyu az.
-chyaw, v. T o fall head-lorig; comp. nhtang chyaw; ngai
YL d a ~ tgi m z n g , baw chyaw d i na we ai, I may not win,
but I will send him head-long, (to the ground.)
-jawp, n. 4 cap; also called gap chyawp.
-kinyin, v. T o be dizzy, giddy.
-mung, n. A counsellor, pleader, village advocate; the
second grade of ruler i n a Kachin community; also
pron. plimxng; bawmang bawmang, same; bawnzrng
bawv~anga itpaji Zan; comp. baw, to babble.
--mut, 72. Grizzled hair.
-nga, v . T o nod, as i n assent; to shake the head, as a
sign of dissent; to incline the head side-ways; see
-ngu, v . To bend the head forward; see parts; comp.
- . v . To bend the head backward.
-sin, v. To be giddy, dizzy, swimming.
-shtirawt, v. T o arrange a funeral; 6aw shdrawl ai nga,
t h e sacrifice killed at a funeral: also called baw
shakrz. . -
Baw, v. T o babble, prate.
-law, v. To babble, prate, to indulge i n idle talk; n.
sense-less prattle, barn law a i ma, a babbler, a back-
biter; r,-g7Q gaw 6aw Law, Idfa gaw Zagyaw.
-inung, n. A pleader; see under baw, t h e head.
--htak, s. A renegade, apostate; see RtaR.
Baw, n. A kind, sort; hpa baw dun? what kind is it ? a
race, 3 tribe; see abaw; comp. Zaknng, and amyyrc.
-daw, v. To be related; anllft nzdyu 6aw daw ai.
-sang, R. Relations; S i d i ga e a d d s a bawsang ni nga
21za n i .
-tau, A traditional, and thus proverbial simpleton or
fool; rdi Bnw Tall n h p q n gn m i nga ai, he trades
like Baw Tau, (who did not know enough to shift his
load from one shoulder to the other, but turned around
and found himself at home.)
B a w , v. To uproot, pull as weeds; lsing bar Aau u; to
extract, as a tooth, wn bnw Rnu ni; to pull out, ag
hair, d a r n baw ha?&ai; comp. ?lrdgnng and pan.
l3aw hkai, v. To transplant; see parts.
Baw, v. T o paclt, to arrange, as a load; hpnwl ni raw!
na,daz 7 i i lit l a w mn, pack to day, we will star1 to
morrow; daw baw nz*, hRap baw szu.
Bnw, v. T o burst open, as a sore or boil; cornp. wnw;
la shn shtnt a i szajaw finnrn 6ni bnw ni; to open or
break as an e g g falling on t h e y r ~ u n d ;cornp. gas;
n di h R m t 6 a u urnt sni;'to t e a r a hole, as i n a bag, or
break, as the bottom of a vessel; fingsmr 6rrw 7rna
g-am/~)mw ,~zntsni; to suffer from sotnethifig i n
the eye; see jtihkmr; / r?. d ( z i ~ t y 4a7o
i fin? se ai; to dis-
charge, as the nose; shz 7reP Jaw n i ; d e r v . nepbaw. .
Baw, rc. A respectfril name applied to the sccond girl
(MaI,u,) of a family; see Gram.
Hawjawp, 12. A species of grape; h n w j n w j h/i?~?r-sr-;
see parts.
E3awk, v. To \I(: round, chubby, ancl t h u s l~c:!utiful; comp.
w a w ~ ~ az .; round e t c ; used- as a term of endearment
for goodlookii~g children; ??tc bnzclk, i n dnwR, 7.2;
hawk, etc.
---bawk, a. Kotlnd, plilmp, chubby.
Rawk, n. T o coax, persiratle by coaxing; I r /tAp,nw ai zua
l i f e bawd.slrn woi wo ? ~ t inizb at'; to jest, talk nonsense;
cornp. shalu.
--bawk, v. T o call (" coax") a s labourers, qiving theill
rice and curry; gn bnr~jk bnwk shn gn; 11: f o o d , thur
-jaw, u. T o share, as rice or the l i k e ; see parts; ~.g,onis
1 z a s I have
1 a2 t ~ d j a wnn?z,<. haw b n u ~ k jnw / ( r u ~ ~nn,
none, I will share with )?ou; ?zg(ri Ate 6nwk /lzzu gc~,
come and share with me.
Bawm, v. T o s w e l l , as wood from d a m p n e s s ; coinp. bum
and bnwng; to rise, as dough, because of the yeast;
nau& bawm nz.
-bawm, a. Swelling; round and chubby, a s a b a b e ; 7rza
bawm bawm re az.
I b w n , v . T o bundle; d.erv. shkbnw~t.
Uawng, v. T o consult, coilfer; to hold a council; corny.
Bawp. 7.1

sdkpuw; s l i l n y ni dawng nga ma a t , the elders arc

consulting, (having met i n council.)
Bawng hkut, v . T o reach a conclusion, decisiol~,verdict,
after due deliberation; sdnng f ~dlti i nm% hpc bnw7tg
hkut 1 1 t c i strz'.
Bawng, u. A sprout, a shoot; knwa bawng, a bamboo
shoot; comp. nzdkzt; a young tree, especially a fruit
tree; 7 z n l ~ s Gawzg;
i see hkau ga.
-hkai, v. T o transplant, as young trees; see parts and
comp. 4a7u irkai.
Bawng, v. T o grow t a t , fleshy, corpulent; coup. of Azwng;
i n *ordinary 1 anguage this word applies lllostl y to
cattle; Rusira 6nzm~gnz irga kdn24, a cow with L fat
(round) calf; nza bnwag n i 7zurn, a woman with a
chubby child; comp. 6a7uk.
Bawng, v. T o suffer from a growth, swelling or in-
tumescence; nzrirzc7~gbnrung n i l to be hump-backed;
/li/ttan dawjrg nz', to have a swelling on the forehead;
to rise, as the ground i n bumps, low hills (ant-hills)
or mounds; gu 6owng izi shuvlt, ktrr slrdra kn7t n t z r ;
dcrv. ~rutlaw~rg, and gi7zdnwng.
-bawng, ( 2 . Enlarged, swelled, bulbous.
Bawng, 12. T h e head; C ~ I I dam; I ~ . (Hkauri, or i n religious
poetry .)
--barn, n. A cloth around the forehead; see 6nw dnnt.
-pu, n. A gray-haired, venerable looking person; s a m e
as baw h f r a w , and o n l y used i n poetry; bnw~rgpu
ldw24 S ~ U .
-warn, n. The top of the head; see bungwa?rz; dni ? t i jan
zingdung ang, dn7unga10m i ~ a j l t wang.
Bawng, n. A prisoner; n'ai tea 791d n bwrrg vai irgn n i .
-dat, 2). To release a prisoner.
--dung, n. To be imprisoned; bawtrg d n q n i i l l , ,a.
-galaw, v. T o pay or give, as indemnity to an innocent
prisoner, or simply a present when 'released; see
-sham?, 21. T o chffect the release of a prisoner, as by pay-
' ing his fine.
Bnwp, z t . To ~net:t, as :I chi(*f o l - a party of friends, w i t h
music, song, refreshments or the like; comp. tau and
Bawp dat, v. T o follow, escort, as a departing friend or
-la, v. T o meet on the way, for the sake of extending
a welcome, as to a feast; du nc hpr chyi~tghrzzt htc sa
bawp la,ga, let us go and meet the chiefs with druins
and gongs.
Bawp, a. T h e calf of the l e g ; see ldbawp.
-le, n. Pain i n the calf; bnzuple /c, to have pain, as i n
a case of cholera; Atawkdang dang yang bawj/t /c ai.
-lum, n. A poetical name for the calf; (lit. the round
calf .)
Bawt, .v.To f e e d , as a child or sick person from the
hand; comp, agaw; ma nz-hflcslzat dawt law mu.
Bawt, v. T o be short;but stout and stubby; comp. 611
624; (Shan.)
-bawt, a. Short, stubby.
Boi, v. T o be finished, ended, completed; s h i sha boz sai,
he has finished eating; comp. 6x1, ngul, and krc; shan-
hle ngut doi hoi r a i md sai; (boi is often used as a
verbal auxiliary for the sake of emphasis;) see
130i, v . T o s w a r m , as hees, i ~ a 602'
t ni; to fly away, as a
flock of bi lads, u boi nz'.
Boi, u. T o loan o r l e n d , as money or rice on interest;
p m k p m w 602' n i run, n. a money-lender.
Boi, 21. To be twisted, as a cord; d e r v . kciboi, chyyingbui.
Boi, u. T o wind as bamboo strips, w h e n finishing off thc
opening of the ordinary c h i c k e n basket, (26 m z u ; ) fig.
to surround, as a party of hunters the g a m e ; to locate,
inarli the place, as of game; ngni shnn hoi dn sc n i ,
sn chyawm sd ga, I have located the dcer, let us all
Boi, v. To have as a flexure or cow-lick; k f f h t n n hot ni;
Boi, v. T o carry a child i n K n c h i n fashion; (Atsi;)
comp. bn.
-bang, ' tt. The outer cloth (samdnzo,)used w h e n c a r r y i n g
a child,
Boi ji, a. 'The inner cloth, used for t h e same purpwe;
see ?that.
Rala, n. A clan of the Mdran tribe.
-le, o. T o plough; ( H kauri ;) same a s , gdll..
-le, v. T o turn over; to translate; b a h iralau, same;
-len, n. A sling; (Hkauri;) see pa/pn.
-lu, 9 2 . A Kac11i11 clan.
-luk, 7 2 . A mud-eel; see 92ga baht&.
-lawn, 7 2 . A k i n d of fish; see ngn bahwlt.
-nang, i r . A te rin of respect, used when addressing nats
or persons of importance; hknwf da?zn,tg iri E , honour-
able nats, c h i e f s e i c . hri7snng ?isnlrgdoi ?la nnw ttga a ;
comp. pli?za?rg.
-nl, 2 , Drawers, as worn b ~ .women; same as afii;
-nu, v . T o be i n disorder; the Hkauri for panu or jdup
which see.
-nau, 72. A preparation of salted and pressed fish; see ba
?taw; the Bur. clt8.
-nawng, ?z. A species of fish.
-ren, n. A tribe of Chinese-Shans, also callcd Mungsn;
Bdrcz ni 7zhtz~d l ~ nza f ai.
-ren, 72. An alligator; d d r c z l ~ l n g p ua, cave of an alli-
gator; (Kachin tradition;j fig. a house of a c h i e f ;
comp. a z ; B d r t n /tii?zgnrr /cfiftgwaw?~t,
mn'raw lungptt hfi?~c4~shrnwa; a ferocious,
6 d ~ c 7 zntrw~.our,
man-eating alli gator; see parts.
-sa, 7 2 . Filth; Hkauri forpasa.
-swi, n. Plaid cloth; same as pasnwz..
-wa, 7 2 . Existence; Bur. n o ; b d u ~ a wz?zgpru~t, the sum
total of existence; Bau~a l u 7 ; g y a r a ~r rr' Nangsnvtg

agitdn?z P st' 11gtz ~ t n11llj sat'.

Bra, u. T o be scattered, dispersed, disbanded; cump.
slcdbrn, isc and Bur. 6 2 ; bvn wn n i ni, a dispersion; a
scattering; .Yf[iwn )ti tiz7t;lg shfigil (. LS?,a 7tga 7izn ai.
Bra, o. T o be apart, severed, not close; to be forked; derv
74 Bra bra.
Bra bra, adv. Separately, a p a r t , disjointed1y;dai shdkum
bra hvn ri. a z , the (bamboo) wall is pointing i n every
direction (not fitting or well -made.)
Bra, v . T o r"n, discharge, as a sore; (Hkauri;) comp.
dya .
Brak, 0. T o rove, roam, tramp;" comp. brang and Zen.

-hkawm, v. T o rove etc.; see parts; brak kkawnz a i ua,

a rover, rambler., vagrant.
Brak, v . T o be broken, bursted, and thus i n fractures, as
a dish; hka wan drnb r a i mat sai; comp. ga.
--brak, a . Bursted, fractured, all i n pieces; na a wan
braR brak r a i mat sai.
-rap, adv. Entirely broken; see parts; pyelzgdi~z 6mR
r a p yai mat sai, the lamp is all broken-or broken
i n bits.
Bram, v. T o s e e k , search for; comp. t a m ; (mostly used
by the Hka,hku tribe;) bRai m i 6ram n ni? what do
yod seek ?
Bram, v. To disperse, scatter i n haste, as a crowd; s i r a
du yang, ma nt' bram mi nznt zua ma n i .
Bram, v. To have an irritating sensation; derv. kabram;
como. n ~ tkdbvnnt.
-bram, v. T o experience the pricking or tickling sen-
sation as w h e n a limb i's asleep; lzyyt. a iagaw y24p a i

Bran, v. T o become convalescent; to recover, to regain

health a n d s t r e n g t h , as after an illness; comp. prazun;
m d c h y i a i way n 6rofz ?r!n sai, the sick man is getting
13ran, v . T o increase, grow i n quantity s r numbers; to
be introduced and generallj- t r i e d , as a ncnr variety
of grain; d n i dnw ntallr idi h ~ n nma snr', this k i n d of
paddv is being widely introduced; to advance, spread,
a s a ;ace or tribe; ]iltghpaw anzyrr ni 6 1 . ~ 1w~a ma ai.
Rrang, o. T o go i n opposite directions; derv. kdbrang;
d a i shdrn vln shnnhte A L ~ ~ga L Ldc b ~ n n gvni sa wa mct
sai; to split, divide i n halves; see k d a ~ gh a n g , and
chy;vrn 6rang.
Urang, v. T o desert. leavc as holne and parents; derv.
skdbva~z~g; 7zglzt s / ~ a~ i hl*n;zg
i ?ant w o soi, lny child-
Bre t . 75
ren have (all) left (me or home;) 7 t . a young man;
(only used in composition;) a gathering of young
a d u p , n. A breaking up of a questionable nocturnal
e a t h e r i n g of young people; drnng dtrp d a p , v . to break
up such a gathering; n d a w n ang at mdltkawn
shadvang ni chyai y a ~ r gh, a n g dup d a p ma ai.
-ji, n. A young boy between twelve and fifteen.
-ram, n. A young man; see parts.
-sek, r ~A . young man about fifteen or sixteen; see parts.
Brat, 2 . T o speak, as a foreign dialect with ease and
accuracy; also pron. $rat; comp. Qri; shi Jlyin ga
brat a i . Brat, v . to become; see )rat.
Bre, v. T o be crosslegged, as a statue of Gaudama,; adv.
in a crosslegged manner; bye vai dsng a; comp. j n w t ~
j a v m vai drrrg, LPztt R n i n7m dung, and ding-yawm
Bre, v. T o crack, as a gun, to bray or produce a harsh
sound resembling braying; derv. 6nu brt.
--bre, 21. T o make a noise as when'a herd of cattle rush
into thick jungle; ~zglz? t i prom dc dre bye nga nna h t a y
Ataw shang ma ma a i .
Bren, 7 2 . A military drum; h r ~ adunz, see parts.
Bren, v. T o be flat; Hkauri for byen.
Rreng, a. T o show, exhibit as unity of mind, purpose or
opinion; shanhtt 6n7u7zg ltktlt nna Ircng rai 7zga ma
a i ; to join, as i n general laughter; sltanht~6re~zgrzga
wdni ma ai.
Breng, H. One of the four middle points in the game of
native back-gammon; see shliwxn laat.
Brep, ; . . T o crush, break as the joints of bamboo; d a i
khwn b 7 ~ pZL; to break, as a bone; n(rrng htc adep a i
u~lijizzuvtrn brrj, nzot s l i /i ai.
-brep, ndr~.I n a crushed, broken manner.
Brep, v. T o persist; to put forth strength and energy;
shi omzc brrp r a i g~iluufaz'.
-brel~, ado. With e n e r g y ; energetically, with force and
viour; h i 7 Y Q t~i tr?zrsg 6 r t ) 6 1 . r ) rai ?tftagd/aw ai.
Bret, n. The rasp in^ noise as w h e n tearing silk; bvrt nga
7z?tng n ? ~ /Cg l7
clZl4 u .
76 Bri.
Sri, 21. T o bc accurate, exact, as in writing or speaking:.
comp. 6mt and Bur. 8 ; s h i g a w /ifzp'tpaw ga a i n brt a i .
Bri, 2. T o fly, flutter, as sinall birds or insects; u at 6r2
, ..
nvra pyen mat wa sai; to snort, as a horse; gzdmra
Drz lraz nca ai.

Bri, v . T o become strong, courageous, daring, by the use

of certain kinds of medicine or tatooing; derv. htabri;
S a m ldn,6a.i m i b r i wa m a ntdsha hfie zihta;l?z kau ai.
Brim, v. T: be bright; - . derv. Rdbrznr.
-brim, a. Bright, sparkling, as a diamond; Lzr~tgseng
Lachyawp brim brim Y & ai.
Bring, v . T o drum, beat the drum.
~ r i ~v.; To keep Step, or be uniform, as in movement;
@yen n i b r i p rai nna sa wa m a ni; to produce a sound,
as when firing a number of guns at the same time.
-brip, aa'v. In step, keeping time, as in a dance;
shalzhte fznura hta brifi brifi raz' mdnnzt 7lza az.
Bru, v . T o conduct a funeral;- 7na7zg briv a i ; shanhte gaw,
Rcizua ltpe Rcibrng ldhRwi dam n7za 6 ~ m2r ai. ~
Bru, v. T o cry; see abrzc.
Bru, v. To destroy, as a village i n a raid; comp. ha f r n w ;
s h a n h t ~kdhlazu7zg tiltg hpt br7.4 ma a i ; nta Langai 1n2
bru a i mi it nga ai; cornp. dyu.
Bruk, adv. All at once, all a t the same time; / I ~ ~ ) Y E ni Yz
d a i ? f z d r e 61n brgk r a i sRn7zg m a ai.
Brum, v. To be clustered, growing in ears, clusters, or the
like, as fruit; mdszrm brunt, a comb, as of plantains.
Brun, v. T o be destroyed as fruit or grain by blight or
insects; ~znnzsi brzm mat sai; to be scattereh, dis-
persed, as a village when the inhabitants seek new
homes : worn kdhtawnp brzcn vzaf sni.
Brung, v.''o rush, as a crowd; adu. with a r u s h ; daz fizdrr
hta h p y m ni 6rzr7zg Yat Z U 1126 ~ sat; 12. a rush, the, .noise
as made by a partridge when fljfing.
Brup, u. T o e n t c r with force, as a s p e a r , thorn or the
like; also pron, prz~p;u p hpc 6r7tfl digcilzfin 7r.
Brut, v. T o be breaking as limbs, or fallinq, as leaves;
~ta.mdapbrat gnat sni; colnp. Br?rn.
Brai, v. T o be mashed, as potatoes; (Hkauri ;) xrri brai
ai; comp. Itpyai.
Brau, v. To return and remain, as a married woman, i n
her parental home; dai nr?n shi a ntddr w a Raw n wa
hbraw a i , a brag nga a i ; brau hkawm, to visit from
place to place.
Brau, v. T o hang, as clusters, creepers, or fringes;
(Hkauri ;) comp. byazb.
Brawm, v. To ascertain, find out, as t h e price of anything
for sale; guntra mdnu brawttt ytr r , find out the price
of the pony; d a i ni ju sha nu w a , sa dvawm szd.
Brawng, v. To be startled; adv. wit11 a start; derv.
Rabrawltg; &yen mdsha n i brawng mi nna rawt ma
Brawng, n. A tube; Hkauri for dyaw~zg.
Brawng, v. To swell, as steamed rice; shad brnghkrawng
'brawag sai; fig. to become known, come to light, as
a secret or a theft; comp, d a x v ~ gdcn
, and j a w ; [dgrt
brawngsai, the theft has become known, or has come
to light; to spread, as news; s k i ga t r a w n g sai.
Brawng, v. T o swell, be bloated, as a decaying corpse;
comp. bawfzg; mang drawng sai mlqiaw manam ai.
Brawp, u. T o stutter; see abrawp.
Bwi, v. T o be careful, considerate and gentle; a . careful.
etc; bwi a i ~zcmsha,a careful woman; to tend with
care, as a pony; hkyi ma bwi ai; n bwi ui, to be care-
less; s h i g a w n bwi a i mdsha rai nga ai.
-bwi, adv. Carefully etc; amu dwi bwi gdlaw mu.
Bwi, n. Thatch, when just cut; comp. J ~ d and r sldngw.
-lawng, n. A place where thatch is put before being
used; (Hkauri.)
-mung, n. T h e eaves of a house; dwi mung rep ai, v. to
cut the eaves; see parts.
-hpang, n. A p!ace where thatch has been cut; (Hkauri;)
comp. dzc rn.
-ra, n. Same as dwi hjang.
-tsang, n. A k i n d of bark (laisi bwifsang,) used as a
Bya, v. T o be destroyed, demolished, overthrown; derv.
~ b y a ,zdbyn etc; comp. Lttn, rv?t and shabya; dai nta
bya mat saz, the house is i n r u i n s ; to re-open, as a
sore, nma bya ai.
78 Bya.

Bya, a. To show, e x h i b i t ; see pya.

Bya, v.To run, spout, as water from a spout; comp. m ;to
run, as a sore; tnasdwi bya ni; to hang, as a streamer;
derv. n/.yn; sanzyi bya r n i nrtn noi nga ai.
-bya, a. Flowing, spouting, h a n g i n g , dripping.
Byada, n. A police m a n ; 13ur. 0 3 0 ) ~ also ; pron. dabya.
Byak, 2. T o be destroyed, broken up, crumbling, decay-
n ,. corny. Ilpjizk; nd'!t m ( i r r &yakfitat sai, this villaqr
i n '5
is broken up; to bc d e g e n e r a t i n g ; d a i / a byak mat s i t .
-byak, a . Broken, crumbling, decaying a n d t h u s
an, v. T o change, as money, p m l i p m w byan ni; to
translate, ga byun at'; Bur. @f.
ap, v. To. cover, overhang, as a v i n e , l u s l l y !,amboo, 01.
the l i k e ; derv. z~&yap;to flap, as the c a r of ;I dog;'
nwi nn b y a j nga ni; n. a close thicket, brusll-ivoocl;
4 5

( H k a u r i , brap;) uwva ly,yap L. sn y l ~stt.

-by ap , a. Over-hanging, a n d t h u s flapping.
Ryat, v. T o be e n d e d . to i ~ t v estopped, ceased; Bur. @d;
nna awk n i ?mijaw' hjci2.a hjfczi itrat sni, the caravans
have ceased, because t h e e p i d e m i c is spreading.
Bye, v. T o s t r i k e , slap, with t h e back of t h e h a n d ; colnp.
Rahpret, abyen, and hfwz';to strike with t h e side ok
the head, as hogs when fighting; wn nibye lzkat ma
a i.
Bye, v. To step, trample upon; derv. R i d y e ; nzn E ~ L
g u m r a dye sat wa /ant e ltbzbnz fzga shangrcn.
Bye, n. A measure of capacity; the sixteenth part oI
a basket, (dang;) Bur: @g;see G r a m . ; n m n i hrr wrr
jaw E .

Bye, v. To be useless; same as hc, w h i c h see.

Byesaw, n. A kind of sheath; comp. 11-gn a n d ~ ~ z ~ s h n ~ ~
only used in religious poetry,
B y e k , n. Anordinaryfishing net; a d r a g - n e t ; c o m p . s r t n ~ -
-ja, v. T o fish with a net.
-kdrawt, v . T o draw or d r a g a drag-net.
ie; byeksan, three pies,-one qual-tcr
Hyen, v . T o be flat a n d wide; dcrv. lunghyca and
s hz ngly e n .
-byen, a. Level, flat, plate-shaped, 6ytn bym reai h&wn
ARyrng fa wn r i t .
Byeng, v. T o rule; same as 6if?g, which see.
Byeng, v. T o be aslant; (Hkauri.)
--byeng, a . Oblique, slanting, sloping.
Byeng, u. To mock, deride, r i d i c ~ ~ lcornp. e; rzsawng.
-bun, v. T o overwhelm w i t h ridicule; scc parts.
1 v. T o be excessive, ;i.; i r l m o c k i ~ ~bycng
g: d x n 6ymg
/ai, n . scorn, contempt, derision; naf!g-gaw mdvla~zg
lQe byetzg ltta byetrg Lai r a i nga trdui.
Byeng-ya, n. Wisdom, intelligence, sagacity; Bur. ow;
comp. z n i bye?rg-ya and hpaji; byrtzg-ya rawng, v . to be
wise etc.
Byep, v. T o be low ; brtm byep, a low, as it were, flat-
tened hill.
-byep, a. Low, stunted; byej lytp ye ai wa, a stunt, a
stunted pig; camp. br 624.
Byet, n. Maggots, worms, as i n a carcass; nma hta byet
mcttsung ai, the sore is alive with worms.
-su, n. Maggots, grubs; the larva, as o! a fly.; byet isu
Lsu a i , to blow eggs, as flies.
Byili, n. T h e Indian trumpet flower; Bz'gnonia Indira;
Illyin ni byili s i law sha ma ai.
Byin, v . T o happen, chance; to take place or eflect; comp.
nga, t a i and shdbyin; c byin a ta? what has
happened? hpn 7l byirr ni, nothin?, (has happened;)
d a i gaw byin a t ~ ga i nz.t/aw by& ui,this happened
(chanced) because it should Lappen; to be able to
cause, do, accomplish; d n i w a g a w byiz aai, this man
can do it ; xarzg gnw a byin d n r , vou cannot do it.
Bying, a. To hit w ~ t hthe tlat of the-hand, as when beat-
i n g a drum; to slap; comp.iye; cRvzt)g bying ai,to beat
a drum (with the open hand;) ;hi a shdb9t.i dyi~ga,
slap him i n the face.
Bying, v. T o broi 1 meat; anhtr shag: hyzrzg sku ga, let us
broil and eat this meat; comp. j?b sha ai.
Bylng, n. A k i n d of tree with gorgeous red flowers,
(Trewia nudiflora?) often mentioned i n Kachin lore.
60 Bying tu.
Bying t u , 11. A place where t h e t r e e grows; byl,tg t u 7~lti/i
nz ngat, t h e supposed d\il\.clling place o f a nat namecl
N'Ynx N u z w , especially worshipped h), t h e Ldna t r i b e *
Byit, v. T o fade, be f a d i n g ] as a flower; comp. bjfiat;
7zn??zpa?zbytl ??zat sai.
Byu, v. T o be oily, g r e a s y ; comp. bynw; ( H k a u r i . )
-byu, n. F a t , greasy, oleagi nous; cun s a z ~bya bJ!lr ri. ai.
Byu, v . T o be destroyed; to loot, and destroy as an enelny
a village; @ym tlzaslra ni dni?pzrire byu kuzr nzri nzc l z i ;
comp. run, and bru,
Byu, o. T o be inferior, of little or no account.
-byu, a. Lnferior, trifling, trivial, t r a s h y ; hRing n /ang
yanggaw byn by2 san ai.
Byu, v. T o compose a n d s i n g as a minstrel: Ngai g i z m
nh$awng shdgzr 2 d t ~ Gala , nzajan RRrni bya.
Byut, v. T o w i t h e r , d r y a n d fal1,asflowers 0 r f r u i t ; c o m p .
byit, nydwi and nyz'p; 7~anzsi7~znhRrabyat m a t sai.
Byau, v. T o s a d d l e or harness, as a pony; gzrnzra hRi7zg
byna a ; t o put or adjust, as t h e h a n g i n g ornaments of
a b a g ; Lingsan or nhpye hynu ni; comp. b m u ; to f r i n g e ;
derv. banbyan.
Byau, V. T o play, as a fish; also pron. p y n u ; 7tga nz'lyau
c h y a i ai.
Byaw, o. T o melt; to be melted, or i n a m e l t i n g condi-
tion; comp. byawng; sazc, Idgat Rtc chyu dyaw ai; see
pyaw; to "melt," as t h e heart with f e a r ; to lose heart;
nzinln byaw; comp. milr/a gii/nzu; shdmzu kajawng n i
f~zlijawbyaw nzat sai.
Byaw, 8 . T o be happy; see fvnw.
Byawn. v. T o come o r go out of; opp. to I z ~ f l ;conip. /c and
p r y ; shiltggande 63.nwn mt'zt, go outside, g e t out; '
16 1

shz 7rpnrr dc lzrp ~ b n 7 ~$Cg ~ Y ~ W he R , e n t e r e d t h e front

and came out t h e back-way; to reach or come out at a
given point, as a road; daz' h m nang m (up wora de
bynw?z, the road turns off here and comes out over
t h e r e ; ;lla,irt~ na wa a i n i anhti. a nta byawn r a t g n / ~
m a n i , those who returned from Bhamo came out at
and passed our house.
Byawng, v T.o be melting; same as, byaw.
C hyarawn. 81

Byawng, 72. A stove-pipe, funnel or the like.

Byoi, v. To dart, or come to the surface as a fish; hka
dcjta dc rza nga Z d n p i m i dJ,oi uai ~ r ai.~ s
Byoi, v . To be slippery; comp. girdnpn; to slip or let slip
because slippery; hkangshar~?jrd7ml jrnrtg byui rtga ai.
-byoi, adv. I n a slipping manner; shddnnj htu snu chya
a i mdjaw, dyoi by02 7rga ntanerr ai.

T h e third consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; same as
the Bur. q;no equivalent i n English; (by many t h i s
sound is used interchangeably with ja and e v e n RRy.)
Chya, u. T o paint, besmear; derv. ghchya; comp. Bur. 4;.
tst hte chya x , paint. it with paint; to daub, plaster;
Itiu7?zpup Ate chya a ,plaster with mud; to colour, dye;
v2 Rte nba chya r , dye the yarn and the blanket.
Chya, v . T o catch, as a garment on a nail; lrpalr m k h
nye a lab* chya mat sai, my trousers caught a root; to
be fastened, attached, affixed, as between the fork of
a tree; comp. chyat and m d d c j ; worn RRvar de, ma
l a m ginhkyi hta r a , nang de krtrzgdn7zg Rdba hta chya.
Chya, An interjection expressive of disgust or d i s a p
pointment; chya! ya wa Rten mat s n Aha.
Chya, v. T o pile or lay, as stones or bricks; to lay, build
as a stone-wall; n h n g hte.wut chya r ; to stand, as upon
a chair i n order to reach'; /ctlrrkunt chya nna izlngj~ibu,
stand on t h e chair and go up there.
Ctrya, v . T o build, as a scaffold, to put u p scaffolding;
derv. mdchya; n. a "watch-tower" i n a paddy field;:
only used i n composition..
-hkrawn, n. A slanting kind of scaffold.'
-ling, n. A square kind (Hkauri;) comp chya t i n and
k t a i ua mdchya.
-tin, n. Same as chya Zing.
-htan, n. Same as chya hbrawn.
-rawn, n. A varandah-like scaffold, usually annexed to
t h e regular paddy house; see wa.
82 Chpak.

Chyak, n. T h e sound produced as \ushen eating, or w h e n

driving an edge-tool into a piece of timber; chyak
7ga Tznn achye j n n ai.
Chyak, v. T o bc small, short, minute; mostly used as a
. t a k ; also used adverbially;
c ~ u p of chysk gddzn
Chpnm, pnr. A verbal adversative particle; (but, as for;)
uscd mostly by the Atsis and Lashis, where the Jing-
hpaws use chyaw?~zand chya?c; ngai chyam gaw, but as
for me.
Chyam, v. T o try, experiment, to test; comp. dt?tg/iR and
~naranz;dnng n a Ran, n dang %a dun chyam y n a , try
i f you are able or not ? to.make a trial, put to the test,
tempt; shi hbraw na kzrn sa chyynm yn 21, call and see
if he will agree.
Chyam, v. T o be soaked, saturated, as a garment or field;
derv. ginchynm; ga r h y ~ mhRra ~zdn'ini, the ground is
wet all through; to pervade, be diffused through or
over all the parts ; myihpm/,/~njztchyanr h k m Rabri?~z
ai, the lightning flashes across thc whole s k y ; to ovcr-
run, deploy, as an army; hpycn mash& ni ngn ling
chynm wa ma n i .
-chyam, ndv. Co~npletcly, to the full,over and all around;
n y n m ~ ~ntsi~r
n ~ h y ~ rhynw
ni jaw s n 9 1 2
Cbyamka, z.A k i n d of tree witir fragrant yellow Rowers;
also called /avan or /dvnw?z hpzn.
Chyan, v. T o stretch, as i n orclcr- to r c n c h ; dcrv./dclyan;
comp. d c j a n d j ~ x cli;lfnn
; /(I 7!. chyrzn krihfnm a , reach
up (stretch,) and take or cut 'it down; to stretch, as
when aching from f e v e r . or t h e like; hA.?!nz Iszt ai
mdjaw chytynz ai; to walk on tip-toe as when i n a
hurry; comp. chyngtg.
-chyan, ndv. On tip-toc; allfzcmadzt n pa c h J l d ; ~ ~hyyoarai
sa nzzt.
Chyang, v. T o bc blacli; d r ~ v .nrhyyorzg, n z n ~ h ; l ~ nand~~g
shrichya~rg;n. bl nc k ; co:n p. n~(z?zg; #ci/n?r~?!gckynng, lz
black garment.
Chyang, v. T o worli, as a clay labourer; see nrhynng.
Chyang, v. T o know; lnostiy uscd as a coup. of (-/[YE, which
see; ( i ~ v vningrhyang.
Chyang, v. T o hurry, be in hast(.; comp. mularr and Idrau;
/iigaw mdchyiai ?)idjaw 72 r h y u ~ ~ g /axgai, u having a
sore foot I cannot hurry; to bc tlcet, quick i n
movements; shi gvai chyang ai w n ~ n grgn i ai.
-chyang, adv. Quicklv, speedily, expeditiously; con~p.
Akat hRat; wora kliXtaw?rgdr chyat~gchyar~gsa 7 1 ~ ~ .
Chyap, v. T o be on friendlv, intimate terms; comp. hRas;
nhRau achyap, r . friendship; to stick, adllerc, as soot
to a roof; nta kala e u t t t j ~chyn) ~i r z i ; to know, as a
dog t h e master's voice; gwr' gaw mcida a nsen chye
chyap ai.
Chyap, v. T o chirp, as a small bird; u k d n i c h y a j 7Zgn ai.
-chyap, v. T o be chirpinq, chirrupping; n. a chirping;
c h y a j chya/, l r g a ai u ILZ.
C l ~ y a t , v. T o be t i g h t , and thus to stick, as a sword
i n the s h e a t h or a door from s w e l l i n g ; 7~ktu N-gattg
chyat n i , t h e sword sticks (tight) i n t h e scabbard;
t o be lilled, jamrned crowded to the door, or the like;
comp. tsd?mw7t, a n d r i g ; a a hLa nrlisha
hjrigtg shyat rai aga a i , t h e house wherc they dance
is crowded, (jammed.)
---chyat, a h . I n a t i g h t , jammcd, wedged in, crowded
manner; hfyea k k r n i chynt chynt r a i 7xa ai; comp.
htnk htak.
Chye, v. T o peck, as a fowl; dera. n c h y ~and w l y r ; to d i g
with a hoe or pickaxe, ga chyc ai; to split, as wood;
l p u n chye ai; comp. m u chye, to strike, ("split,") as
lightning; to strike,bite as a serpent; Zdfz~ chyc ai.
Chye, v. T o sputter, sizzle, as hot fat.
--chye, adv. In a sputtering, sizzling manner; naman
chye chye ngn g t ~ aRhzgazc n i .
Chyen, v. T o d o ; (an obsolete root; see sltdch~c?~.)
Chyen, v . T o know, be acquainted with; comp. s/tdchyym;
s h i h t e rtgniai n c h r e ~ z g a a i , I am not vcry well
acquainted with him.
Chyen, a. Former, ancient; cornp. mnjni; only found i n
religious poetry: dai mung mdjoi n Zan, chytn sLingra
na n @ah.
Chyen, n. A half; comp. achycn, and kdang.
--brang, u. T o cut, divide in two; comp. k d a q d~n72g.
84 Chyen chyen.
c h y e n chyen, 2): T o halve; ndv, by halves; ~za,nsichj~rrr
chyen Rltran sAa ?)zrc.
-uaa 9
r. T o split i n halves; see parts.
--gran, v. To bisect; comp. Rdurg g ~ n n .
---mi, R. One 1 1 ; i l I ; :I tlloiety; one of two equal parts; ~ h r
h j e chyfin m i , 72~uvanru chyen nri jaw a.
Chyeng, v . T o know; (Hkauri;) see ckye.
Chyeng, v. To he stitling, as heat,.or deafening, as the
noise of crickets.
-chyeng, a h . In a stifling, or i n a deafening manner;
jan c/lj!rnf chyrng ngcz ni; kRrn chjlrng chyeng nga m a
Chyep, v. T o be hot.
-c hyep, adv. Exceedingly hot; ginhtawng hta jan r h y e ~
chy.ej nga.
Chye, v. T o know, understand, be acauainted with; (pron.
rhtyeng, by the Hkauris, and rhyd, by the. Hkahkus;)
comp. c h j ~ a f th~*mng
, and rin; r l z y ~ skbfrgan (seldom
s h d c h y ~ ;to
) instruct, impart knowledge.
-chyang, v. T o know; a. knowing, conversant, well
informed; rhyg thvangniZanr, n. knowledge, cognition;
a science; chyi. r/Iyang n i /atti law sga c r i .
-na, v. T o understand, comprehend, apprehend; chye na
nni? do you understand? shi dni g a TL chyc nn n i , he
'does not com.prehend the meadinq of what is said.
-ningchyang, n. T h e omniscient o n e ; Chye ?$fa iVi~tg-
chyagzg K a v n i $ K a s a n g ,the supreme, o~i~niscient, God;
C h ~ ei h a g H ) n 72 Nz'zgsa n , t 11 e om n is c ie n t
Creator ; chye wcr nirtgchyang, ittawrz hpgpaw l z t n ~ ~an g,
appellative indicating omniscience, used when ad-
dressing the f~zctdai7mt.
-ya, v . T o know, comprehend or apprehend, as the
thoughts and mind of another; ngai shi a myit c h y ya ~
d n we ai.
Chyeju, n. Grace, favour; cornp. akytl and Bur. c q r y r .
- , durn; 2). T o 8be grateful, feel under obligation

because of a favour.
- I ) jaw, v. T o do a favour; to express gratitude, to

give thanks
Chyim. 85

Chyeju hkam, v . To receive a favour; to obtain grace;

rrcty~jzc hkam la 42 wa, one who has received a
-- ), m a d ~ , 72. One who confers a favour; a benefactor.
- I) m3du11, 21. To show or do a favour; see parts.
-- )I malap, u. 1'0 forget a favour; to show ingratitude;
cSy<jzt 7~zuLapRaa a i wa,an ungrateful person.
- 9 nga, v. T o Le under obligation.

- y p htang, v. T o return, reward, rrquit a favour; pdgat

h j e Rdrum a i hte m b ~ e n ltgai
, c h y ~ j u bai irtang *a
~ngai. ..
Chye, v. To peck, etc; same as chye, which see.
Chyi, a. Insects; derv. mdchyi; (this root appears to be
obsolete and generic nouns of this class are pron. ji,
which see.)
Chyi, v. To b6 kindled, to be on fire; comp. shdch~~z; @an
kta wan rhyi nga ni, the wood is on fire; to be in-
flamed, as with hatred or anger; ndai bw ni, w o r u 62.4
ni htc gdsat r hyi nga ma a t , our people are i n a hot
(burning, flaming,) fight with those over yonder; ad;!.
i n a heated, inflamed, enraged, exasperated mannei-;

~narazldhkawn RdBfam rkvz ARat m a a t , those two
are fighting . with swords,) until "the sparks are
Chyi, v. To shout in unison, as a party of workmen;
derv. bdchjd; comp. Ryi and gdru.
-chyi, V . To shout, as sailors at the capstan; shddnw
R d ~ a w la2 nz chyi chyi nga tlna gdru ma ai.
Chyi, v. To chirp, peep, a3 a small bird; comp. chyip.
-yap; v. To chirp.
Chyi, n. Chaos.
--nma, n. 'rime before creation; primeval darkness;
chaos; also pron. ji nma; ckyi n a a @ri rrhjra p hpa
kY(jY~Z2?t 7lfd.Z.
C h t ~ i k , r . The
sound as indicated by the word.
c hLi;u, 2 1 . 1o taste, test by tasting; comp. mu; d ~trnmsi i
w a r i ) z t l rhjji?tz 9.74 u , taste (and see) i f the fruit is
Ctl)iln, whichsee.

Chyin ningli, n. an original discovery;

- or/*. corn-^.
Chying, 7,. T o be close, closely woven, as a rice basket;
opp. to Ahu ARu n i , to be perforated; cornp. chyip; n
chyink- at nLa mura?zg kayz~nnil a house not compact
(walls and thatch being ilill of ho!es) will leak; to be
free, immune from illness; kkrf7jz chyi?zkr a i mltjrrw
nna ahkya n shnrrg /zr nc', being immune (lit. of solid,
compact body,) he does not get i l l ; lit. illness cannot
enter; to be opulent, affluent; lnostly as a coup. of
ring; ski sui ~ i a gg, n r!z-gi?lg
~ ~ ?zgaai; derv. hiingclrying.
-chying, adv. Closely, compactly; jahtai hpe clrying
c/zying wa r ,weave r!le mat closely.
Chying, v. T o be i l l order, as things within a house;
O i n g h R ~chyzying
~ ai; (, IHk auri ;) comp. chyzj.
Chying, v. T o ache, tl~sob,as from pain; baw e chying
ngn nna Rciyat yu ai,be heat my head until it throbbed
with pain.
-chying, adv. I n an a c h i n g , throbbing, pulsating man-
ner; b u v a chyzng ~ k / l ~ i t ~z ~ ~y R'
g awzrichyi ai
Chying, a d v . V e r y , (as a rule equal to painfully or e x -
ceedi ngl y ;) comp. lachying and ~ ~ n c h y i n &ta g ; chyzng
nga mdchyi ai,my hand is very (painfully) sore; dni
shet mat chy.ying rng la ai, rhis curiy is very (surpass-
ingly) good.
Chying, YZ. A division ol time, geneially day-time;
comp. A k y i ~ g ;also pro!]. t s i ~ gor , zing.
-daw, n. (from dnw, a part.) An indefinite division of
time; jrzn clryingrinzu, a part of the afternoon; jan
rhyingdaw 1 ~ .llaw 2 zga ai, there is still time ; lit.
there is still a part of t h e sun; ~t is still hayl after-
a noon.
-law, n. T h e time from about eight to eleven A. M.;
often pron. Isingln70; dai v i jLz.?n chvr'frg(aw isan, to
day the s u n being h i g h ( i n the heavens;) the forenoon.
--tung, n. T h e middle of tlre day; noon; cornp. y a p tang;
shdni rhy,yi~~gtafig#yr' s h ~ r n me w a bliwa ai; chying-
l z l ng chj~ingtang,s a m e .
Chying, 7r. A drum; comp. h t u 7 0 ~ g .
-durn, v. T o drum; see parts.
-dam?, o. 'l'o n a k e a drum; cornp. - wawt.
9 Chyingdi, :r. a kind of tree; same as shhzgdi.
Chyinghkai. 87

Chyinggang, n. T h e cords, with which to tighten the

drum-head; also called chyzngvan.
-man, n. The drurn-head.
-mghka, n. T h e drum-head, or the central pnrr, where
the drum is sounded; shat ?la?! A R r l t ? m a , - 4 ~ r /dtsa
z gang ai, chying man m d L R a 72' ?zga ui.
--hpyi, TL. T h e vellum.
-ran, n. The drum-cords; same as chyinggang.
-tawt, n. A large drum, with double drum-heads, rnostly
used at great feasts, (ntdaa?,;). According to Kac h i n
tradition two orphans escaped the deluge ( , s h ~ u
shding,) i n such a drum.
Chying, A general preformative.
-bai, u. (from l a i , to return.) T o interfere, intercept,
to set back, as work.
-bawng, n. T h e roselle plant or fruit; also pron. sum-
bawng; chyyingbaw7zg ~'o~-si,-Aplcr, see parts.
-boi, n. (from boi, to be twisted.) T h e opening of a
Kachin bird-cage, or basket for keeping fowls at
night; w m w chyi7zgboi, see parts.
-bo~, n. A small grove, a cluster of trees or bamboos i n
the midst of all otherwise bare country; comp. shd-
Iawng; kcitsing hprn /uwn sat, 7~dchyangchj~ingloi
-brawng, n. A large branch, fro111 the end. of which
smaller branches radiate i n uiltbelar shape; a nat
altar, especially for the /libttf?~g, made of such a
-dang, n. A species of \ram.; the r o o t A f yam used
as seed; comp. mi chyi?zgdnng.
-daw, n. A kind of herb.
-jam, n. A species of van1 with edible leaves.
-lawn, n. A species of-herb.
-jawn, n. Small boils or pimples; Rbnngshan sni Lkra
~angchj~ingjamnttr lzida; cornp. shrikr-dwi.
n. (from LRR,to be open.) A door, a gate; comp.
nhRa and mnh Rrtf; r h j f i n z h b ~hkinbaw~rg, t h e thres-
hold; chyinghka /am, a doorway.
-hkai, n. A hook; (I-lkauri;) see chyingh~y:ri.
Chyingjawn, n. warts, e t c .
Cbying hkai, a . Supporting, nourishing, succouring,(only
used i n poetry;) rhyinghA;~zi nu tsen bawm r / r ~ l a/a
lanu 7zga ai; cornp. linghkni.
-hkra, n. A kind of worm especially destructive to yam;
chytnghhra nai sha ai.
--hktang, n. The native mustard plant; chyinglrkrang
Irkri, mustard-leaves prepared as sour-krout.
-hkring, n. Roots, as of a vi ne; powt chyinghbring A h i ,
d u n g aroi ri.
-hkraw, n. T h e mustard plant; only used as a coup.
of chyinghkm7rg.
-hkraw, n. A species of yam : see n a i chyL'71g/rrb~.azir.
-hkrawng, n. Yam or mustard; (Hkaui-i;) same as
chyi?zghk m w .
-hkyen, n. Split and flatiened bamboo, (mostly x r a , )
used as flooring, s ~ d i n gor the like; rltying-lrkj~endu-
m?rp-sot and htnx, see parts;
-hkyi, 7 2 . A hook, a peg; a nail used as a hook; cornp.
rhyyirzgh kai; ahtz u-gang chyinghkyi hta noz a.
-lap, n. A kind of bitter herb, only found at h i g h
-ling, n . A small kind of tree, much used for nat-altars;
ntx gci/aw yaax chy"rg/ilt,a t l r j l d k m w jaka m ai.
-ma , n . A kind of tree.
-ma, 72. A n offensive smelling insect.
-nam, n. T h e sesalnuln plant or seed; see nam and
combi nations ; cAvi7zgnn71z gat-naman-si-sou-y?,
-. see parts.
-n,aau, n : A kind of bird, supposed to be t h e priest
(dumsn) ainong the birds.
-PaU, .n.A solitary hill; l?zamwn c h y i w a u hta e dai
nzng jti h i y e n an.
-pring, n. A k i n d of l ~ i r d c; h y i n g ~ r i ? t g p r i .
-hpyi, n. A very old mother; (used of human beings or
dolnesticatcd animals;) n . hoary, aged; a n h t ~a 7224
rhyz?zgh)yiya dtr anw ngo nga ai.
- - r a t , n.A pipe,tube,n~ade of rattan or bamboo;(Hkauri;)
comp. la'n rat.
-raw, fP
n. A s h trap, m a d e of bamboo; cornp. sawn.
-ta, n. A species of banyan.
Chyinghta, 91. The world i n which we live; see dtitghta.
-htep, n. An ordinary Kachin bird trap, made of bam-
boo; chyinghtep hte a .hkam ai.
o h t i n , a . One of the Kachin clahs.
-htum, s. Limes or oranges; (Hkauri;) see shdlnwi si.
-htung, n. A kind of tree.
o h t a w , v. T o repeat, renew, as a word or action; also
used adverbially; d a i 7 n a r ~ldhkawgtg /arrg c/ryigjglrtaw
mza gdsal yang she dartg l u ai, h a v i ~ ~twice
g renewed
the charge (having charged three times,) they took
the village.
-htawn, n. A basket at the end of a split bamboo,
used as a hest (jat,) when- weeding a paddy field,
(zi7zg chyinghtawa,) or for holding a at durn, which
-htawng, 72. A species of elder.
-wang, n. A poetical name for a mushroom; also pron.
jengwang; s e t mdfi. I

-yang, 7 . A stable, hog-pen; only used in poetry;

(Idung wa Zi sat, m d r m chyingyang hta slrd/nt.
Chyip, v . T o be arranged, put i n proper order; cornp.
sh achy?''.
-chyip, adv. In an orderly, regular, methodical manner;
n r n i chyip chyij+ d2 d a mrc.
-magup, ;n. Sundry things; odd jobs and ends; $hi arai
chyip magrcp tsaw ai, he wants a little of everything;
ngai a m r thy+ wdgUP galaw.ra ai.
-sumhpa, TL. Every-thing; see parts; shi c h ~ i ps n ~ n h f a
hpyi ai.
Chyip, v . T o be filled, stopped up, as a hole or vent; cornp.
shdchyip; d n i hdu hpe rhyip h & r v k f i f ~u.
Chyip, s. T o be pressing,urgent, as i n making a request.
-chyin, v. To be. pressing, urgent and loquacious.
-nai, v . Same as chyip chyin; d a i wa n &a712 jaw naa,
c h y i ' rh~1i72chyip nai nga nna fsrcn ai.
Chyit, v. T o chirp, as a bird; comp. c h y n j and ch>.ijaf;
n. chirping; zc hkainichyit nga rna ai.
Chyit, v. To grasp, clutch, gripe; comp. p a ; s h i du
hpr chj~ifd i nna manat u , clutch his neck and squeeze;
to lash, truss, strap; also used ~tlverLially;t/rjlit rai
gyii EL, lash or strap it (securely.)
Chyit, v. 'To squeak, as a mouse; n. the squeaking; ski
clryit chyit nzzlng 7r zgn n i , he did not even squeak.
C h y u , v. To be alone ; a. only ; shi chya 9zg.a ni.
-sha, a. Only, by itself; adz): only, singly, merely; shi
chytr s h ngct rzi, he only is here; nnng clry2t shn /a u ,
you only take i t ; sAi d o i c h y x sha jaw a i , he gave
merely this. .
Chyu, 7r. Grace, favour; same as nkya; chjm n nga a i ma,
. a child of n o account.
Chyu, n. Lead, t i n ; shot, bullets; srinat chyu Rarnn e , give
me (divide) some of your shot, (or bullets.)
Chyu, v. T o depend, rely upon; to cling or cleave to;
derv. nzlichyzl; comp. g m ,hpn and shamyet; shi ngai
hpe sn c.hya nna hp~jgnga aai, he relied upon me and
went trading.
Chyu, n. T h e breasts of a female; m r d o i c h y ~hjang; an
udder, uga chyzc, bai~ram chyrc, gutnra chyu; milk,
ngo chjla, brr2aam chyzt etc.
-chyu, v. T o suck, as a babe; chyu chyu a i h a , n. a suck-
-jaw, V. T o nurse; chyu jaw Rdnn, the real mother f not
a step-mot her.
-ke, n. Curdled milk; 3. to curdle.
-kawng, v. To be f u l l , extended, as the breasts with
milk ; R n ~ t z rchyzt Ra?u?zga i majaw Rasha kawng ai; see
-kSbnng, n. 'The side and lower part of the breast,
where the heart-beatings are observed; chyu Rddang
shlimx az'.
-hka, n. T h e first signs of puberty; chya hka daw~rgai,
to swell as the breasts at puberty; chyu hka machyi
ai; (comp. hka to be bitter.)
-hka, v. (from hba, to part; comp. jdhka.) T o wean,
as a child; chytt Aka n i ma, a child about to be, or
just weaned.
-ran, v. To wean; see r a n ; (more common than rhyu
hka;) shi ma hpe chyu ran Rsu ssi.
Chyu rum, v. To suck the same breast; fig. to have the
same parents; chyu rum ma, ti. children of the same
-si, n. T h e nipple, pap; the teat of a woman or beast.
-sau, n. Cream.
-shup, v. To-milk; see parts.
-taupa, n. T h e whole of the breast.
Chyuk, v. T o makc the sound indicated by the word, as
when trying to stop or quiet a pony; n. the sound
i tsel f ; chyn k chyuk nga nna sa rtm a,
Chyum, v. T o be puckered up, as the lips; rr-gtrp chvum
re ai; t o be narrowed down, tapering; opp. to g r a .
-chyum, a. Conical, taperihg; Rlampa gra gvn, mdhka
chyum chuz~rn vai ?Jga ai, the bottom is wide, the
opening narrow; a htum hlam gaw n iturn, a ckyum
chyum gnw n c h y t d ~as ~ , for an end there is no end, as
f o r a point there is no point.
Chyum, v. T o be unfortunate, unlucky, and thus followed
by trouble, misfortune and disaster; comp. skoi chyrcm
and hhruwt; n. misfortune.
-sip . v . T o experience woe, illness or calamity, almost
to the point of death; s h i nrac/rli chyu7rr s i nga a i , he
is ill and almost dying.
-sha, u. T o suffer, as evil, misfortune, trouble; chvunz sha
u , "eat your desert," i. r. misfortune; comp. mddal s l a
a; ~ r g . nchyuru
i s h a t cha~unzsRa u,. fzgai hkvurn s l a
a i /rR~-rcmsha 14, what I suffer inay you suffer, w h a t I
experience may you experience.
Chyurn, a. Authorit),; legal or rightful power; an order,
either royal or divine; ~-hyunt114 n i t r i shn du & a h t a i
/24 n i , only those con~missionedcan become great
chiefs; a cereil~onial code, or a divine revelation;
S * g ~ f Pn jaw n i ch~la~iz ~Miiwn rzi vmr nin ai; ch~rrm
IaiRn, a book of revelations; the original book given
by N-gnult w a ; -/inghpe7u ~i chyam Laika yn n /rc nta ai.
Chyum, V. T o be grateful, happy; (Shan;) a'ai rzang jaw
ai jndjnw ngai g v a i c h ~ ~ n n ? tri n i , I am very grateful
because you gave it.
Chyun, v. T o sing, as for amusement; derv. rxlyun, which
92. Chyung. 6

Chyung, v. T o stick, adhere to; comp. ckya/, and but;

~ d l a w n gAta hkdgvuwi cAyung mat saz'; see jmg.
Chypng, 9 . T o be steep; kkdraw ckyung ri ai; adv.
headlong; comp. chjnw; ski ltktang chyung r a i n 7 ~ ddz
ltkrat wa ui tnrijrzw bazu adit Rau nu a i .
Chyup, v. T o suck, as through ,a straw, or the sweet
from flowers; colnp. ntdrua; shi &gat jdhkw rhyu) nz',
h e is sucking honey; to absorb, as blotting yaFer;
maisau gaw tsi chyap ai.
Chyup, v. To be narrow, tight-fitting.
-chyup, n . Narrow, tight-fitting; opp. to watrg wlang;
K d / n ai a po/nwng r/ryup rhyup vai nzn /a rri.
Chyup, v. T o close, as the hands, when catching a ball;
to gather as the mouth of a s a c k ; tingsan chyup
ai nna gyit u.
Chyup, v . T o grumble, growl, whine; comp. chyip; chyup
chyhynw c h y ~ pnai, adv. i n a grumbling, growling,
whining manner.
Chyut, v. T o .expel; (an obsolete root;) conlp. shdchyrt.
Chyut, v. T o wheeze, snuffle; waw sknng ri. ago, /adz'
chyhyul chyat nga ai.
Chyai, v. T o revolve, turn around, as a wheel, ieng chynr'
ui; to fence, spar, hkyen chyaz ai; to dance; to spin
as a top; comp. seig chyut , a n d sdmyrng chjw'.
Chyai, v. T o do a thing for pleasure o r , amusemeot;
(mostly used as a verbal auxi1iary;)gnt ckyni, to r u n
for fun; g z n s ~ pchyni, to play; agu clryai, to v i s i t ; Isun
chyai, to talk, chat; Rhawm, to promenade; sa
chyai, t o go or come on a friendly v i s ~ t .
Chyau, A v.erba1 adversative particle, with the sajne
force and meaning a s c h p m and chyawm; mostly
used by the Hkauris; ngaw ehjlarr n gd/nw shi.
Chyau, v . To interrupt, as i n speaking; derv. uchydu
and Rdchyarc; comp. shnlnu; to jabber, to prate. '
-chyau, v . T o interrupt, disconcert, intercept; rhyeu
chyaa nga nna hkum / n w ~p t ;~ adv. i n a jabbering,
prating and thus disconcerting m a n n e r .
-h.kak, a. Trifles, nonsense, i a b b e r ; chyntc hkik or
hkawk, same; chyau hknwk r h y n u h k a k h k u m lslrrr,
stop y o u r (nonsensical) jabber] ng.
Chyauji, n. A clan among the Lahpai tribe, of the
tik;luri branch; chyarcji ni.
, A valley; only l ~ s e das a coup. 0 1 nhkyet.
C h y a o l a ~ ~ g11.
Chyaul~pa; I(. r l clali among the Hl~unggans.
Chyaulq):l, w. hlind, strength ol mind; often used as an
adjective or as a coup. of srmi(zi; shctwa n u ~ t gchyrrukpa
s i t ~ A u mLisiir
i vewt ( t i , the strong mind (breast) cover-
e d w i t h beads rose i n anger.
Chyaw. :I. To be joint:cl. matclird, and thus fitting; derv.
sht~qlhyuzu;cotlll~.shctr./, t*n7u; to be related, united,
as Ly f;imily t i e s ; (rn nua r h y ~ ' urfa i g u ( t i , we :ire of
the s a m e family; n clzynu!, not to fit, to ~ J C irnpropcr;
c o i ~ i pjrrnf
. and s jnw.
---di, r p . T o join, match, fit; same as, shctchytzw.
Ch}-aw, 7 l . A spoon.
Chyaw, 21. T o colour, d ) c ; also pron. jaw.
Chyaw, a$z). Headlong; s c r c h p n g and nlrforzji ' / y a w .
Chyawk, P . T o picrun; to he i~ierced,speared. a n d thus
perforated; ch~*ualA. J i , to pierce e t c ; conlp. gdrttr; vi
htc rhy~rzc~k di u .
C h y a w ~ n , A verbal adversative, h a v i n g the force of, but,
as for, on the other hand, etc.; comp. C ~ J Y I T ) ~ . ~ h y a a ,
and see Gram.; tlgai c.hyawm grrw n 9-si angnz', as for
m e , I am not the one; ngaigaw hdvazo, r h i r h j w u ~ ? ~ ~
gaw rt ltkvaw a i , I agreed, but (as for him,) he did
not; r l j ~ a w mmc, a stronger form of r h j a r t t ~ ~7rnrrg
clryawf~tmL a /cigrr ai g ~ she w gyil law.
Chyawln, v . To be, peaked; corny. c h ~ w m ;
chycrwm chvawm, a . conical, conic and symctrical, a s
a mountain top; u1or.n btrm rhynztfm chyawnc i-i. n i .
Chyawm, a. To act i n unison; also pron. jnwm, w h i c h
Chyawn, zl. 7'0 be active, piirrgetic, ardent; ngni guw n
thjnzvn tmgni, ~ t n m h fthjlaerw
~ n i n i sa kt&, a m
feeble, (without vigour or energy) you energetic
ones go; c h r ~ a i c ~ hyetr,
x active etc; mostly used with
the negative; tr c/r~.nul~r n @err, enervated, feeble,
94 Chyawn.

Chyawn, v. '1-0 show spite; to be stubborn, obstinate,

perverse; ~ ~ , X Z S hk7-0)
J rltynwn ngiz ? m i ? do you still
cry ? (having l w c n told to be quiet;) rrde Rctyat t i
nzztrrg imzu hanichynwn ngn na nni? do you still laugh,
i n spite of sach a whippi n g ? rai ga tinz' nda7zg
rhyawn 7rg.n 92 ni? I n spite of evidence, doJ$ou still
stubbornly dcny it ?' adv. energetically, stubbornly.
Chyawng, v. To be puckered or funnel-like; derv.
iachyynwgzg; to deal out i n pinches; jutn Zoi m i
chyawng d i town u .
Chyawng, v. To lie scattered about; see jawng.
Chyawp, v. T o wear as a finger-ring; deiv. iarhyawp;
to pu.t 011 a n d w c a r , as * a cap ( g a p chyawp,) or a
thimble; con:p. j?~?zg and sup; to ad just, as a bayonet;
sn7tnt hta ri chyawp ai.
Chyawp, v. To nag; see p w p .
Chyoi, v. To k n o w ; see chyhy~.
Chyoi, u. T o h c beautiful, pretty, elegant; comp. Lsawm
and tsar'; a . bcautiful, etc.; chyoi az nnmpan, a pretty
-chyoi, a . Rcautiful, handsome; also used adverbially;
chyoi rhyyni 7.2 o i / o m wa md rit.
-pra, a. Pure, undefiled, holy; see parts; s h i gaw rhyoi
)rn n i w a ~zda t!
Chya, A preformat~ve,mostly.used i n the formatior1 of
verbal nouns, w i ~ c r ethe transitive form of t h e v e r b
takes jlt or sha; thus, chynktum, an e n d , (jdhtrm, to
e n d ) from hta?)z, to be ended; c h y d h , posses;ions
( ~ A n hto , enrich,) from / I & , to have.
-ba p u. T o divine; see shdba; chydba /a#, chydda w ~ w t ,
see shdba La), etc.
-ban, n. Pickled and d r i e d bamboo sprouts, ( m d k r u ; )
also called mlihkvi rhj~iihkmw,as the chyribnn is cnll-
ed mahkrt' before dried. I ,

-bu, 12. T h e dregs of 1 iquor (chydvtt,) from malted rice

(tsa,) after t h e first part (mdrhyan,) is drawn.
&bung, v. T o be f u l l of wind, and thus extended, as the
stomach; Zu sRa shut a i mdjaw Ran chydbang nngai;
( Hkauri, tiampurn P t l m ni.)
C h ~ x b r e n , r . A species of bird; rhynbren Qrc nrdnaa
/ i j a r m g r e si d a ; cornp. 717ry~7zg.
-dam, n. (from d a m , to stray; see shddanr.) A strag-
gler; a wandering shiftless iellow; a . wandering,shift-
less; nzrisha chyddaa~shat h Rum jaw.
-dug 72. (from dlc, to arrive.) An arrival; sa wa yarlg
gow chyadlc r a i nga ai, i f you go you will arrive; ( l i t .
there is an arrival).
-ga, n. A nat causing sores and skin diseases, i n reli gi-
ous language called Lkinkyu; chjltgn nat shnahpji
hte shaRau g r a i r a ai.
-ga, n. Raspberries; also pron. sltga; cornp. ga and com-
binations; chyaga si, the berries.
-grawng, n. A prostration, or a position as when kneel-
ing, touching the ground with the forehead; chyd-
grawnggrawng, v. to stay i n such a position; ma rhyd-
g r n w n g gmwng nna yzcp lrgn ai.
-gyi, n. A species of millet; same as slragji.
j postp. Beside, other; see shw; cornp. r k y d k m .
-kra, adv. Else, beside, except; mhsha chydk?*a rt nga,
there is no one else; r a i tkydkra mzrng n nga sai,
there is nothing more; comp. kva.
-kr-ang, ?z. Cold food or leavings; sAat chyakmng shblum
sha ga aai.
-kring, a. (from kring, to be sober.) Sound, sane; Irjybyi
llc a i ni a m i n h masha chydkring tli hf r fnzeng woi /21
ma a i . #

-kraw, 12. A kind of tree; also pron. shdkraw.

-hkan, n. A crab; see hknlt.
-hkat, a. (from hkat, to be burnt.) Burnt, scorched;
shlzn chydhknt, shot chydhRat mai shn n i .
-hku, n. T h e inside, as of a house; ndv. inside; see s h d n .
-h k u t , a. ( f rotn h k u t , to be prepared.) Prepared, ready,
as food.
--Ilkni, n. A large kind of squirrel; see mi rdyylihhi.
-hkaw, n. A kind of quince; cornp. sha shzrm si.
-hkaiut, 91. Coral; cliydlrkawl hng.
-llkri, n . (from bkri, to be sour.) Soured, pickled; ngn
chj~alrkvi,pickled fish; s h r z chydhkri, pickled meat;
l~zajnp(hyalrdri, pickles; cornp. maARri.
Chyahkrung, a. (from ithrtrng, to live.) Living; opp.
to chyasi.
-hkrai, n. An orphan; see jdhrkvai.
-hkrau, n. PaddlV!ready for husking; opp. to n-gu.
-hkrau, rz. Red lints, (eaten by Kachins.)
-hkraw, a. (from hkvaw, to be dry.) d r i e d , d r y ; o p p
to Rdtsing; h;)r~nchyaLkraw, dry wood; shan chYn-
Irkraw, dried meat; manr chyaRR~aze~, dry paddy.
-hkya, n. A kind of fruit; (wild cherries?)
-hkye, n. ?'he anus.
-hkyen, n. A k i n d of tree.
-hkyi, n. The barking deer; see kkyi.
-hkying, n. (frcrn Akying, to stink.j Offensive odour;
comp. cltyuhjr.
-hkyawn, t t . A fox, wolf or wild dog.
-lam, a. (from Inpi, to stray.) Wild, uncultivqted, un-
- - l a n g , v. T o be badly or only halt cooked; d a i n a i
chydlang mat s a i
-len, n. A large kind of cricket.
-li, v. (from /i, to be heavy.) Disappointment, hard-
ships; c/rya/t /at, adv. i n a 'down-hearted, disappoint-
ed, hopeless manner; Ranzj kdwn jdhka Rnu a i mdjaw
ngaairlyd/z /at nga nga ai,
-lu, n. (fro111 /a, to have.) Possessions; whatever may
be on hand or laid by, acquired either by chance or
work; g d h w da chydla wa sha rit, come and eat what
we have chanced upon, (what has been prepared or
left by others;) chyah ARztm hajam kciga fain /a u ,
do not take what is laid by, go a n d seek other thing^;
s k i ~ Z LchyaZz4 hta tnnz set ni, he is adding to what h e
already has; a. acquired, on hand; ckye chydh, what
one a1re ad y knows.
-lun, v. T o be ailing, aching; ma chya2zcn nga a i hkalz
bu na nkten.
-]up, v. 'To eat between meals; mn n i hkainu rhyd/rcp
sha ma ni; see /up.
-lai, a. (from l a i , tq pass beyond.) Additional; see
Chyaloi, n. Former, ancient time; comp. shdloi; adv. of
old; chydioi nhkoi, a. former, ancient, long past; moi
claydui nhkoi n n Aka /rpr hkn?n h r t shrtflvnw u.
-mang, a. ( f r o m irmng; a corpse.) Corpse-li ke; dead*

s e e chydsi.
-mu, n. Mould, mildew; comp. mnslrtc; chydmu. nzut, to be
covered (green) with mould; ~trdrangdanz ai mdjaw,
/aiRn chyyd,n~r?n7rt ma sai.
-niut, n . (from mat, to he blue.) Blue, and thus faded,
dusky, shabby, rusty; n w t chydmrcf, a faded " woman;

Zn chYdm*l, a rusty person.

-mya, n . (from mya, to be torn.) Torn, ragged; gum-
ya 4 %
h j m m n Zu ni mdjaw PdZawng ~ h j ~ a ? ).(/la ~
a , n. A preparation of decayed bamboo sprouts used
as food; Ityaw, m d k r r , kdwa rlynnn, see parts.
-na, a. (from nn, to be long i n time.) Chronic, linger-
i n g , continuing for a long t i m e , as a disease; dai ma
mdchyi chydna mat sai.
-nu, 7t. (from m ,a mother.) A female nat.
-nu, rt. A possession, heritage; cornp. shctna; dai ga
anhtd a c h j ~ ~ i nrna i n a rrtd /i ai.
-nun, B
n. T h e mother o N-gawn zuo, and progenitrix of
the present order of things; Chydnun IVoizkun, the
same ; (some regard Woishun as the husband of C/tj~ci-
nurt;) Chydnun Woishun, sumsing Ziimsc skdlaf, gin-
ditig n p shdfrat da nr ai.
-naw, n. A glutton; see naw.
-ngum, 72. The root of the tail; the end vertebra of the
spi n a1 chord ; maidang ckydfiggrrnr. * ,

-ngai, n. An infant, a babe; win rhydlrgai; cornp. shrtngai.

-ngau, n. A k i n d of bird. I,

-ngau, n. A species of begonia.

-- ngaw, n. T h e rump of a bird; r cIzydngaw.
--ngoi, 71. (from g z p i , to sound.) A sound, anoise; shd-
ltgoz' y n n g fin w chydngoz wa guw.
-nya, a.(from rzyn, t o b e soft.) Soft,flabby.
--nvalll, a . (from ityam, to be decayed.) Decayed, and
' t h u s crurnbli ng as a house; nla chydnyam gaw mdvang
rt.dY"n ar.
--nying, n. A kind of bird; also called chydrrying *ye#.
Chygnyip, n. S h a d e ; see sltanip.
-nyawln, a . W e a k , f a i l i n g , tottering; see 7zyaw~.
-pa, N. (fro111 p a , to be flat.) A flat, level surface.
-hpu, it. (from h j u , to stink.) Stench, offensive odour;
comp. chyahkyc~tg.;shalt thyahpu mdnnm sai. = Lk -.I

-hpung, n. T h e sides of a house, as distinguished

f r o ~ nthe front or b a c k ; see 7~hPung;c h y d l r p u n g l u ~ d a w
t h e principal fire-place i n a house; same as /@ daw
d n j ; d z ~sdang ni chya/rju~rgIztpdaw e de &a n i ;
~hynltplt?tgshachyang, the outside, along the s i d e s of
a hoose; also pron. a h t t ~ n g skarhya; rriylihflnng.
shrirhynf~ghRa?z P garel hRnuvn n i wa,Radai r a i nga u
ta ? .,
-hpra, n. A pantry; see jrihfva.
--hpraw, a . (from &raw, to be white.) White; 12. white-
--ran, 72. The chestnut tree or fruit; clryarart ja, the
chcstrjut burr; chyarnn si, the chestnut.
-rang, n. A threshing floor; n2(rm c h y d r a n g ; comp. htaiva.
-re, n. A writer, scribe, secretary; also pron. rhyari; ( a
corruption of t h e Bur. c ~ c q : ~ ~ )
-rcn, R . D e s t i t u t e , devoid, lacking; comp. gfivc~t;/usha
r/l)liirrn a i zua, a i:lm i shed person; 7~zrickyr rhyarcn,
one always ailing, t h u s lacking i n health; gwmh,brav
r h j d r r n nznl ?inn hfiiga a gn h a nr' nz.
- - I , 2 . Native becr, whiskey or liquor; comp. / a z ~ h k iand
dii~g-ru;see r a , and combinations; also pron. j a r x or
sh d r ? ~ . ..
-- nang, u. T o be intoxicaied, drunk.
- p,

J# ya, v . To be given to d r i n k ; comp.. kaui yo; chyd

rzc ya sltnng a i l to become a s l a v e to liquor; see j n .
- 11 yin, v. T o be a slave to d r i n k ; rhyavtc ~ 2 ' 7 2htu zue
or bu w n , to be always i n a state of drunkenness; n. a
drunkard, sot, inebriate.
- r u n g ru, adv. Headlong; (comp. rulzg, a thud;) s k i /E
d~ nhtnlzg crhynrtc7tg rtt rai nnn h k r a t wn sni.
--l-awng, n. (from mzc~ttg, to contain.) A cover, lid, as of
a pot; di 6 x chy;yavnzu?tg,a pot-lid; chydra7ijt/g m i i ~ uai, j
to cover with a lid.
--Sam, n. A stranger; see ls&a@~.
Chyssi, n.(fromsi, t o b e dead.) Dead;rt.adeadpr:rson;
rhydsi chyyiiatnng, a corpse; see pitrts; IrJ1e n r/rjfdsz
, chy~inzargR f e kdlmng /Ilp 126 H a a ta -9
-saw, a . (f roni snw, to Lc dry.) I)ry, d r i e d ; hfarr rhyttsnw
htn wa md ~ i l comp. ; rhydhkrazu.
-sheng, n. T h e a n u s ; ( H k a u r i ; ) see cityahbye.
-shiv r ~A. barking deer; (Hkauri;) see rhyahkjfi
-tu, n. (from I Z J , to grow.) A growth; k k a i ynrrg gav
chylitu w a ria at:
- t s a ~ n , n. (from tsanr, to 11e woi-11.) Decayed; worn;
shrin'rzw chyaLsunt R ha m jro~g.
-hten, ?c.(from Atrrt, to be crilrplcd.) A cripple; chyu-
htea Iuby~,a . lame, c r i p l ~ l e ddisabled;, n. a cripple, a
lame, disabled, pai-al) zed prrson or animal.
- h t u ~ n , a.(fl-om httdnz, to be ended.) An end; a m a x i -
rtium, acme; rhyuhtz~~ii I hyalrar', '2. supreme, utmost, last;
(dai a i rtna chyahtam c/lyci/aign ktrn da ni a i l this day
1 have spoken the last word,-there is nothing more
to be said; chyydhtztm chj~ci/nii t -3o t n , omnipotence.
-htai, 72. A .mat; also pron. jahtnr; comp. hlar; chyriltlai
wa, to weave, as a balnboo mat; scp rhyn'hfot.
-htoi, 72. A mat; same as rkyuhtni; (so pron by Hka-
hkus, Lawhkums, and some others.)
-htaw~ll, An adversative con junction: but, 011 the con-
trary; still, however; slrini n mcis:~a t , nopLg rlyalttawm
g r a u allisa izdaz, he lies a little, ).ou, however, lie a
great deal more; tm au~z,buna i 2~ tsnwttr n i , niorn chyu-
h l a w ~ zgvau tsazutrr az; ~01111,.j ~ a, n d nhluwm.
-wi, n. T o sew, join by nccdle and tliread; also yl-on.
chvwi; COIIIP.S U T ~. S I .
-woi, rz. A species of ape 01- monke~:, (according to
Kachin belief, a wild man,) i i ~ l ~ a b ni tgi dcnse forests;
no doubt a species of the brown Mlrl (rqucs, genus 12laca-
cus, are m e a n t ; t h e M. a~*ctol;?rs, a n d lM.brranezts, are
found all over t h e 1<achi11 I-Iills, i l l Yunnan aria
Assam, e v e n on snow-clad motintai n c ; comp. sifsawr
and s/ra Zlirc)n; ?itli.rkn r h v j n v i /rjklin sknziwg dr ynuvzg
or', the ckyiiwoi ~ I - ~ \ I tThSc heel i11 i r o ~ti,-probal~l y
an allusion to ( 1 1 ~ 1 fact t h a t t h c A l a r a g ~ t t - s have t h e
th'un1l-1 s u t bac1;tv;lrds.
100 Chygz ai.
Chyszai, a. (from aai, to be wild.) Wild; r ~ p c h ~ d a a i
W Rzc yaR l a ai.
Chylvi, v. to sew; also pron. chydwi; hpun p~Zazuflgt+wi

The fourth consonant, i n the Kachin alphabet; d , as

i n English.

Da, a. T o put, place, cause to remain i n a given position;

comp. 6nil.q and tnzun: Bur. a n t ; to stop, quit, as work;
dai ama Lrw da a,Stop this work (for a while;) ma e
k k ~ hRrapz d a * d a z r , child don't cry, stop, stop;
as a verbal auxiliary (see Gram.) d a , supplies the
idea of continuation, constancy or stability; comp.
bang d a , daro d a , ja da, haw da, tawn d a , etc.
-hpran, v . T o brace, as the feet, when pulling some-
t h i n g heavy; comp. l ~ h j y n nand , d a h f r a n , a brace.
Da, u. T o cast lots; to throw dice; to play or gamble, as
with dice; comp. h j n i d a da ai, nzizi da n i and-
shdnzyen d a ad.
Da, v. 'To be cross-wise; to be bent back-ward or out-
ward; derv, uda, irda. dingdn and Apaw do.
-day a. Oblique, tilted, slanting; shn~tgkawfdn dn ri.
ai; bent, curved, as the neck of a horse or certain
kinds of cattle; d n da ra a i izga d n , a curved necked
(deformed) bovine.
Da, 'v. T o front, face, as an opponent; (not i n common
use;) derv. ( C Z L N ~ LandZ ~ slrida; to chaIlenge.
-hkat, v. T o challenge, dare; gzpi ski h j c d n kkat
nfigni, I dared him (to do i t ; ) to vie, compete, as i n
archery; dai yalz p w Zdkjazu lrtt da hkut ?iza ni;
Da, Interjection expressive of contempt, or rejoicing
over a n others misfortrlnc; d a , slril~g byia II ga, a h ,
may it happen thus; dn! da! yn dtr uru m ei, qood C

good, now you are getting i t ; comp. also such forms

as, d a I d , dn l a w , dn oi e t c .
Da, Verbal particle, sign of direct or indirect quo
tations; see Gram.; B d 6 a i u rCa, (he . says,) throw i t ;
bni wa a &, return ( h e calls;) s h a n h t ~sa- wn t ~ t r is a i
dn, (it i s told) that they have gone.
Dahpran. 10I

Da ndai gaw, Plural demonstrative before citations,

quotations or an enumerative discourse; these; da
d n i gtzw Jinghpaw amyu ni rai 7tga wza ai: Wnckyr.t
w a L a a - G e m , L n L'V-NOW, La A?-'-La etc.-shd)rut
I 7 these are the fing/rpaw tribes: Wach~utwa
begal N-GUM,N-Naw, N-La etc; da ndai shi tsun
n i g a uai tzga a i , these are the words he spoke.
Da, - 7 r . A .web; a weaving; camp. kddn and wa.
-bang, n. T h e w'oof; LJ. to work in the woof; ri hpraw r r
hkyc frg hdynu nna da Qarrgmu.
-bawl;, a. The first clothing woven, a s for a three year.
old child; see parts and comp. dahng.
-da, v. T o weave. -A-

-dun, v . T o hold the web in position, while weaving;

see parts. ..

-gang, n. T h e plain part of a web; see parts

- - and comp.
-hku, n. T h e opening for the shuttle.
-hku, v. T o beat the woof.
--bkaw, n. T h e bar by which the web is held in position.
-hkrap, n. A width of cloth.
-lang, 71. T h e posts of a movable loom, supporting the --
dahkaw; a brace.
-lim, 11. *?'he batten.
--lung, n. (from h n g , to be young and growing.) The
first clothing worn by a boy (some also include girls)
about six years old; comp. dabnwR; ( H kauri ,Pdgauvzaf;)
dn/ttjig j a i , to dress in such clothing; see parts;
n r ~ h ~ r a dafttlzg
zv n7tns fai re ai, he is " begirt" with
new white garments. -

--nat, t r . T h e harness or heddles of a loom; dnrznt

nnf a i , to ad just the heddles; comp. shiwgtmf.
-hpoi hpa, n. The belt (usually a piece of raw-hide
about six inches wide and two feet long,) attached to
the web and slung around the waist, to hold the
weaving in position; also called, dahfoi hfyi or jhg-
hfii @a; see next.
--hpran, 12. The brace, against which the weaver, sitting
an the ground, puts the feet; thus with the help of
102 Da rai.
the dohkaw and (inh/oi / r j a , the \v\.caving is held in
Da rai, i r . A loom and all t h a t belongs to i t ; see parts.
-sing, n. Tllc warp; comp. ))zlfddztr~gYZ.
-sllan, 7 r . The 1)lain unenllroidcred part, as of a
woman's s k i r t ; opp. to r)~dkoka a i ; also called d a g a n g
or ( ~ L Z Izctn.
-turn, 91. The plain part of a wcb; see parts a n d dashan.
Da, A prrfol-mati v r , often ilidicating firmness and
-bang, n. One of t h e Maru clans.
-bya, n. A police-man; same as dyn d o , which see.
-ga, n. A plant-bed (hot-bed,) for s t a r t i n g paddy;
comp. Akardgn.
-gu sai, $2. A species of herb,(Hkauri from the Chinese,)
also callcd bnnghkdtu or hkdtu.
-gawng, v. T o try, persist; nmn da gnw~zgar' wa, a
persistent man.
-kan, Y. T o be firm, resolute, persevering; a. firin etc.;
d n R n n a i mo1a, resolute person; doknn d a d r i ~ z f ,a . firm,
unshaken, fixed, resolute; also used adverbially;
kjyerr s,cr zi d n k n n dak),t'?rg rai m a gdsat ma az;
dabnn da/iug, sarne; comp, drzkring dnhng.
-kun v. (from kiv)t, to g a t h e r momentum.). T o crouch
as a t i g e r ready to s p r i n g ; slrdmw wa hpc ILth na
?txe nna d(rbuh nga ai; to threaten i n the attitude of
a bull ready to fight; zrsn dakan rtga ai; to prepare to
c h a r g e , as i n a fight; Mnwa nt' A'da ?zi gdsal 7m nga,
ciakun uga nza ai.
-kring, n . (from k r i t ~ gto
, be firm.) F i ~ . msteady,
, fixed,
resolute; comp. J a k a l ~ ;dubri~zgdn/n7rgl same.
I n.(from /ant, to go astra)?.) A bastard; an illegiti-
mate child (comp. n-g~ji,) of uncertain parentage
-lang, v. T o be firm; (fig. from dn Iang, a brace;) most-
l y used as a coup. of d a k a n or dakring.
- 1 v. To "double" before t h e eyes; myi da l a i j a r z g ,
/dlzgai sRa. mung ldhbnwng t a i wa ai; see Lai.
-ma, n. A son-in-law; comp. RdltRri; rrgni nafzg life
dnata shdtni nn, I will inake you my son-in-law; dnnzo
ni, all the tlleillbcrs (relations,) of a husband's falllily
Darn. 103

or clan; opp. to ntriyn ni; Llihtl~w i , a t ni a

d a m a ni rai lega mu a i , the Ldktuw.~are the sons-in-
law of the Mdra?rs;--i. e. a Lahtaw rnan can marry a
M d r a n woman, but i -Mdmn m a n cannot marry a
Ldhtaw woman; daaro danti, rcl;ltions by intermar-
riage, on the husband's side; dmua / M ? L ~ , u. to settle
down (contrary to custom and thus 3 disgrace,) with
t h e family, or i n the home of the wife; comp. /uhhAi
Akzn aai; s h i gaw hpu n /a dtr ltg a?m (f R vza. /tr ?rg sai.
Damang, n. O n e of the Kachin clans. ,
-nam, n. A ford; oomp. a h t n a ; a pi~blicwatering-place;
ntsin /a mayu danam de gat mu.
-sha, v. To interrupt, break i n upon; to interfere, a s
with the progress oC chr work a t h a n d ; r z p i 7rta gdhw
nga yang, du ni d a sRn nta ai.
-shi, n. One of the LaRtaw clans; UasAi ai s k a w q i
Lahtaw du vai m a ai, dai hjn?rg I' ~ n ? ) z - y~ ~t mat z ai.
-shi, n. An heir-loom; (especially an article made by
the deceased;) njlc a shi?zgennigazo W N a dnshi r o i li a i .
Dak, v. T o fall on e n d , with a thud; to be pounded down
o r packed; n. a thud, or the l i k e ; comp. dak; h p u i d a k
nga nna, di hRrat sai. r l -.
-dak, a d ~ . I n a crowded, packed and compressed
manner; mnm gaw dai shi?zg~toiRta d a d d a k r a i *%a n i .
Dak kachyi, n. Trappings as f o r a pony; a pack-saddle,
with every t h i n g belonging to i t ; ngainga kkum mi,
doR Rachyi sa ya ni a i , I have given one bullock with
baskets (saddle, pannbir) complete. C

D a k h p a i , vz. A paddle; (Shan;) conlp. hsknnz and Ldslrap.

Dam, v. Tq. go astray, to lose the w a y ; to e r r ; derv.
uda?.a and chJl&!am; corip. yit; s h i /aaz dam rant sni,
he has lost the way; dam hknwnz n i wa, a strnvinq . . (or
erring) person. s ;T...
-shut, v . T o do wrong; to e r r ; see parts.
Dam, o. To exhibit,(openup,unfold,la)~ba~-c.,)asaped-
dler his ware; m i dzlt a i x i rai g~rudarn nzn ai; to
spread, as a table; to place as food before a company
sitting on the ground; ?tn?tg i. shot wa d ~ z w tya mi,
place (some of the) food 1 i t q i tuwn e ,
place beetle before (each and all.)
104 Dam,
Dam, v. To be wide, broad, rxtendcd, nb: a wide, open
country; derv. /ddanz; daw aai sddua, a wide broad
expanse; da91z dam, a,wide, as a dish; wan dam dam
re a i .
-lads, n oWide, broad, extended; d m /&a ~ re ai/dymzg,
a broad extended plain.
Dam, Verbal subj~inctive particle; i f , i n case that! nye
n w , wn 125 na d a i , i f
a r n i a shdnint dam j 1 r z 7 ~ ~ ~ g .aarig
you continue losing my things you will be fined; with
the causatives, 71 ga, m* ga etc. dnm may be render-
e d as an optative; e r n n~dhtrring~ f u Liwz' i r a i dam u
ga, let us call it right (:ither way; as a general
particle daft2 indicates a. condition forced or compul-
sory and hence undesirable; mam 92 i ~ ra i m d j n w
snhte hkaintl sha n shn dal~zgn a i , h a v i n g no paddy
we (are forced to) eat only maize.
Dan, 71. A country; see nzrc?zgdnn; a hill; see jittghb~tg.
Dan, v. To show, exhibit, present to v i e w ; comp. mddur;
na a LathynwP q a i h j e dan y a e , shuw me your ring;
to show, teach, by word or example; ski hpe fsun
dun a , explain it to hirn; galaw dais I , show me how
to do it; to make manifest or apparent; to show, open
up, as one's mind; ski n ~ l t y i tshi nnhtl hpr dan m i ui;
a dnn sha, adv. plain1 y ; fz$i n d o n sha nzzd Zzd ntrgai.
-dan, adv. Openly, plainly, clemly; comp. /e?zg /erg; ;ga
d a n d a n tszrn 20 s p e a k plainly.
-leng,, a. Open, plain to view, visible; dnn leng a i s h d r a
e da mzc.
-hkung, v . To be glorious, illustrious, full of sple~ldour;
also used as an a. or ad^.; d a ni n nrlawng stinang don
hRwng 7tga a i .
-PrU, v. 'To appear; to become visible; see parts; to be
disclosed, unearthed, revived, as something almost
forgotten; ji 7ua si a hfin m a dolt pra va ai; comp.
paw pru.
Dan, v. T o be worth; comp. ging, and Ru'r. m$t; dm'nga
hRua dnn ai, this bovine is worth twenty rupees;
to be adequate, sufficient, as a price; adv, enough; d n i
nzcinu d a n nga ai.
Dan, v. T o wear, as garters; see hpundangdan csi.
*Dam kay, 0. to leave, forsake,
Dang. fa$

Dan, v . T o prevent, hinder; to interpose, interfere, as a

nat, i n the aHai rs of men; derv. slringdoa and tram-
dan; comp. dung, abaz and aARu?n; nat d n ~ at i mdjaw
n sn /~c 7~?tl(rl', the nats interposing I cannot go.
Dan, v. T o cut, sever, as a rope; ~ u ~ ~ zdarr r i a, cut t h e
rope; conlp. dirt; to harvest, reap, as paddy; mnm dan
a i i r f t , the time of harvest; comp. ma; to condemn,
or execute,(lit. cut the cord o l life;) see u'aw datr ai;
shz du2 7 t t S Z I ~(trltt ~ T hkrallt
~ sai, he was executed this
d a y ; to be settled, tinally decided; 7zta gd/aw na ngai
7 q 1 1 t r i ~ z s~ tt uZ', I have decided to build.
D a n , ( 2 . Overgrown, as with jungle; ( l i t . a place fit for
t h e axe or the sickle;) hparidrr d a n , a place overgrown
with thatch; kRri7rgma dna Rdhtawtt~,a village over-
grown with ferns; comp. a so uraw dan, sdma dnn
ancl kliwn don.
Dan, 92. A cross-bow; see 7tcCafi.
-baur, n. T h e upper end of a cross-bow; see parts.
--Itaw, n. (from knw, to be bent.) T h e bow itself; comp.
d ingkn ZLI.
-tek, ?z. A small cross-bow, rnostly used by children;
see parts.
Dantawk, a. A species of Catechu; (the Acacia Surna?)
both the leaves and flowers are chewed as cutch,
and j~ield a substance but little inferior to ordinary
cutch; dnntnwk hptttt-4-pa, see parts.
D a n g , t z . A basket; a measure of capacity equal to or
about a -bushel; comp. Bur. mE8; see Gram.; mam
dn91g nztircg.a jnw e , give five baskets(bushe1s) of paddy.
Dang, v . To be obstructed, and thus hindered, stopped,
retarded; derv. Rlidnng, ~zdagzgand slingdatzg; comp.
d a n , fly_viR:tntl shd(l'n9ig.; -;b?r?zg!IXwhtn dnng n i 9)zdjnw 72
shang /I{ ga aai, the fence being i n ,the w a y w e could
not enter.
Deng, v. T o be choked, tl~rottled,stnothered, suffocated;
derv. zrdrztrg (wadey;) colnp. daa, nzdrit and shddlzng;
dn7t.g ani sza'p7w sr wn n i , hc died choked by a bone.
-si, v . To die, as b ~ suffocation;
l comp. skddang sot, and
Bur. cn&.
Dang, v. 'To deny, contradict; see 1 J a ~ g . -
Dangrang, rl. T o colltradict, to argue; shz' hte 7tgai shdla
n h f u i n mtijlrw du?~gro?rghkut gu n i , 1 was arguing
with him regarding the day of the month.
Dang, a . A cross, see gdnrtg.
-bat. , n. A k i n d of cross; see parts; also yron. dingbat.
-chyai, IL. A CI-oss,resembling a St. Andrew's cross.
Dang, V. T o be able; to have sufficient strength or
ability; clerv. pddn7q; comp. htu, h l n w , fiye and pin;
d n i ngoi dafrg hpni nng~ti,I a m able to carry i t ; to
overcome, conquer, defeat; see awng; s h i hjaji grax
rawftg nt' ?~r(ija*w dong Rnlr 121 oi, he will come out
ahead being- the more clever; nnhtr Mdwcz ni hpe
dang kau sa gaw n i , we conquered the Chinese; daalzg
Razd ar' am,rr. a conqueror; one who has beaten his
competitors or opponents.
D a n g , u. T o e x h i b i t , as power or authority; see nmying
dn?tg, ujllr d(z71g a n d s~tnidzt((Ling.
Dang, n d ~ .F u l l v over and above; ntanz dnng mdsztm
, )

dazg, f u l l y three baske.ts of paddy; fitnfstzt s h i ning

dang ((11 nz' zun, a person all of eighty years old.
--hta, a. 1 1 I whole; see Gram.; dangfhrr nzahkra
jzc, hr~w?rgn i h k r z i lnwng ai h k m i .
Dang, v. T o pile, as wood or stone.
--da, u. T o pile; put i n a pile; dung dn dmrg t o w n ; see
parts; h j l r l ~dnng lawn 2.
Dang, n. A story, loft, floor, as of a house; derv. md-
dang; comp. / a m , tsang and lrtap; dang mdsu.nt re at
nla, a three stoSryhouse; da%g rn! lrtc dnng m i n d t a
t s a w h ~ t gn
g n i , we ascend floor by floor.
Dan.g, v . T o sway, wave back and forth, as an officiating
a a l priest his bunch of grass; see guntdn n'ang; to
incline or hang over, as a ba~llbooready to fall; w o r n
dang re a i Rdwa /a u , take that bamboo which is
hanging over; to incline, lean towards; n.zng de c/n?tg
di dnt u ,incline it this way; to be descending, as the
sun; see ktidang; rLi nn de p a dong mi. ynltg wn na
nngai, this evening (or afternoon) when t h e sun is
on the descent, I will return; comp. jnn dnng, a n d
see Gram.
Dang, n. T h e buttocks; see ~zazda?tg.
Dap. lo?
Dany bau, n. The buttocks.
-gyehtawk, v. T o gird up t h e loin-cloth.
-kang, n. T h e buttocks, the rump.
-kawn, 72. Protuberant buttocks; c(lr7t&(zwn Rawn ai, u.
to show a protuberant b u t t o c l ~
-hkawp, r . T h e hip.
-pa;, n. A narrow loin-cloth just largc enough to-go
around; see parts; dang p u i /~ihaoi, or d~rugjapai#ui a i ,
v. to w e a r the cloth.
Danghkyam, n. A shuttle; (Hkauri, pdshrt;) see Akyam.
Dangwang, n. (from watrg, an enclosure.) A wide, am-
phitheatrical ravine,.dell or the like.
Dap, n. Ashes; see watt nap; a fireplace, a hearth; a corn-
partmrnt of a house, holding one or more fire-places;
see hpd(zw ~ f a jntlidai
, h p , n t d j ~ ~ v(itzp,
z nban dap and
n/a dap; a branch; division, .as of a clan o r family;
comp. Iaka7zg; ArGunz drip, the N-Ganz branch of the
family; N N a w r w , N L n (?lzrr/,etc.; see parts.
-dat, a ria! l/dlr&awng
v . T o make a fireplace ; a n h t t a ~ t t i.
dat ai
-daw, 11. Branches, divisions of :I family; dQ daw dap
chynz, same; see parts; r h z i ? t i 877u N I I ~ ~ La' riap &m
dap chyen ?ti m i t l ~ ~ rt~za
z nz, these are t h e branches of
our family.
-hkun, 72. A hearth; a fireplace; comp. 7zhka,r.
-hpren, n. A double fire-place i n t h e same room o r com-
partment; dap hjrm d u r , the space between two fire-
Dap, n. A fort; h#~ycn d a j ; a fortification; an encamp.
tnent ; comp. Bur. mS:
-bya, v. T o strike cntnp.
-jung, v . T o encamp, form into a canlp; see: parts.
-htu, o. To prepare a canlp; to d i g a s trenches around
a fort; see parts.
Dap, v. T o reach, carry, as t h e voice; only used in
religious poetry, as a coup. of hA7/r; comp. deb; Md-
tsn w gn L z j , h'tsn?r,a gn h Ra/, 700 ?tit.
Dap, v . T o protrude, j u t o u t . as the stump of a bamboo,
a partly buried log, o r t h e like; parrghkow dnp frga
a i &a vtyd a Ldgazcl ahla j f f / l p l ~ eai; to over-lap, a
Dap dap.
trregular teeth; see ZULZ zrdop; fig. to hold the head
high; to show pride, to be overbearing; nnng maska
hta ?ran dnp n h z , you are too overbearing; to be on
the nerve, high-strung and thus uneasy or unsettled;
nuw ?,nun h ) r ( r w ~ g1 ~ d y ? ~ nnn
1 r tnjlit d o p QU ai, the
bride is uneasy a n d wishes to r u n (back home.)
Dap dap, ~ d v I.n a protruding, j u t t i n g inannrr; wa d a p
duftrd n i ; with high head, proudl\~, a r r o g a t ~ t l a. ~;
uneasy, unsettled, flucluating- i n mind; shd hpa majaw
myit dtzp rCap ri. n i Aun ?
-pru, v . 'To re-appear, as a pole thrown endwise into
water; c o ~ n pri'rw~~g
. ~ Y I ! .
-yu, v. T o raise the head (or stretch the ileck,) as when
looking at something at a distance; shun ARrat wa a i
rnajow bow (in) yu n i .
Dat, v. T o put, place, fasten; (Hkauri;) cornp. b ~ n g ;dat
shi7~gfioiAtn jn7t~/llrn dnt a ; to pay, as a price; /rpw
dat ni.
Dat, v . T o liberate, set free, release; derv. adat; d a i
baw~rgddnt a,release the prisoner; to send, despatch,
as a messengel.; shi kiisa dat sai, he sent a go-
betweei~;to let, lease, allow the use of for comyen-
sation; ngnr' hp(iLfaw pz, z-dun dnt lzmz sAn s h nngai; ~
fig; to forgive, regard as free from guilt; comp. raw
dnt; to colnpose as a b a r d ; toallow a poetic outburst;
see Liikn dat a i and itt~tjnadnt a i .
--dat, v . T o set free, let go, permit to regain liberty;
d a i v hpe dat (tat a , let the bird go.
De, v. T o assemble, convene, as a t a bazaar or around a
fire-place; dzc sii/a?rg si Zivj~tnwtic, d c l i p z ma ni; to
encamp, as soldiers; k)jj~gr urn ni zuorfn Akdrnw e, de
nga m a ni; to build, erect or found, as a brick-struc-
ture, a city or the like; shi wnhjhzgzg hte mdre (it? c'cnga
ai; comp. Rap and guw.
-ai mi, a. A crowd; see jaw. a i me.
De, Verbal connective, used by the Hkauris instead of
ai; ngai grai ba de, I arn very tired; shi tsan de, he
said it.
De, Verbal particle, indicating close connection with
the object: see Gram.; ?rpirtnngnhpcjam nn de ai, I
will give it to you; ngai tcarrhta hpezfsun md dc ga, let
m e tell you. c ..
De, Locative affix; to; comp. rzde and gride; see Gram.;
nta dc wa r , return .to the house; particle used with
adverbs of time and place; hjnrzg de, afterwards;
aang de, here, at this place; personal pronoun. o ~ d y
used as a g e- n i t i q h i s , her, its; dc knftu, his., her or
its mother.
--a, Genitive neuter of de; (most commonly used;)derr
mdgap, its cover; de a shddaw ,zi, its posts. .
--gale, 72. Past time; adv. ages ago; dc g d e , ji woi /a&-
hfnk A nga ai, ages ago, during ancestral times, i t
never happened; d c ~ 'woi i Iakhtak, ddja gnndhja,
jaw maw ban /an, g d d i ban nwr.
-na, Ablative affix; f r b ~ nsee ; Gram.; 71zdrr dc r a , from
the town. ,.

-ma, Ablative affix; from; from out of; see parts;

s/tn?rhfi.wora md/i,,g d c nnn tlza a i .
Ilek, n. A depository; Bur. +; waw si deR, a powder
magazine; g.rmhp:prau dcR, a treasury.
D e k , v. T o test, examine or adjust, as a measure of
length or capacity; comp. h w t , and s A n L A ; na a
/a/a?rr htc ?rye tc /a/anz deRj,tc ga, let ine compare m y
"fathom" (measure) with yours; ndai dang wora hec
deR jfr gnw, 1e.t us test this basket by that; to use, as
a magic square ; sce ya??z(irk ni.
Dek, v. T o producc the sound r s when brnding and
relaxing a bow; rr. T h e sound itself; trdafz dek s p
sna kap ~ g a ni. .. .
Dem, v. T o mark, blot, spot or-stain; to stamp, imprint,
print ; ktntzg hhtn rB 111 /a ni /aiRn, a book (letter) print-
e d from t17pe;/lzikn dori ~i hhtnnq, type, as for printing;
to show as m a r k s , imprints oi- 'impressions; namwoi
h j t j ~ h t n ihtrr dcn; A: 7 1 1 ~c t i , the sirg;lr sliows the marks
of thc mat (on w h i c h i t w a s placcd t o liarden.)
Dem, zl. TObe filled to the top; also used adverbially;
comp. llpii?y d~r~z; ~ d z mktn ntsin d m r a i Akra ru
bang a.
Den, v. T o la)?, as stone or brick; to pave, as with stone;
hkan P ?ritl?lg I b m s n i ; to throw u p as an
embankment, a low inllcl wall, or t h e l i k e ; Irk& dinr
z /'ti- d4.1~ y l t ? l g c h ~ i ~li; ' to O V C I - l a yplaster;
Akn~ir/)u/,h t ~~Z l s2 1 ; to steep, as i l l (lye; comp. rhya,
gnw a n d nnnt;l/a &a n i .
Den,. o. T o rebuke, chastise; skz' k j e den h a zr, give him
his desert; to repay, render like for l i k e ; shna shdda
den lrknt nru ar t h e y are giving e a c h other their due;
to outrage, as a m a n a woman; see shiden.
Den, 12: A Chinese i n n ; Mdwa den; deft Z L an ~ ,inn-keeper.
Den-ga; 71. A coin, a specie; Bur. 387:; jn k7r-go, gunr-
hpraw dcn-ga, nzdgvi dcu-gn, see parts.
D e n g , v. T o deny, repudiate, and hence, take to t a s k , as
for spreadin$ false reports; derv. Rddeng; ngnz' h j c
?ndszfi shdtzl at mdjaw f q n i k ~ r g w ae i ; t o U g i v e the lie''
to anyone; to " t a k e up" anyone, to accuse as of
slander; shi pt dc'c?zf n i ~ n n r cbva ail a village where
all accuse tach other will be scattered; mdsa Akum
rzjvlrg, t ~ a l i t?tradn
~ /,Bun2 n'cfzg, givc no occasion to
deny a l i e , do not accuse the c h ~ e f .
-hkat, v. To deny, as t h e statements of one another
while accusing one another, as of false-hood; shan
, shd& dmg Ahat ma ai.
Dep, v. T o I)(: hurt, as a limb; to hit, touch, a s a sore
spot; 7zyly~a /liguw bun, a z hta dej kazl .re n i l 1 hit the
swollen part of m y foot; Y L ~ Ci f f f ahhum dtp u , do not
hurt m y h a n d .
Dep, v . T o r e a c h , as wit11 the hand, a pole o r the l i k e ;
corny. d a j , rhynrt and 10; ?tangadcp lzt TZ a i ? can you
reach it ? dri7un hte r i ~ j/ZL ai, h e can reach it with a
bamboo; to ovc~.take or have within reach; /dga
wn hpc dej h k ~ ah k a n ~ i c follow , the thief until you
overtake him.
Dep, v . T o be filled, crowdt:d; clcrv. adef and shircgdep.
-dep, adu. Cronclcd (to the door;) filled (to the top;)
nyd a ftirr. ? / ~ l i l ~ n idt et ) (A7/ ynl' scri. t

D e p , n. A .;mall 1,anll)oo t r a y ; shat dc]; a s m a l l rnat

used i n a l,:isl;tbt, i f tlicrc: is a ll(>l(: i n t h e bottom.
-wa, v. T O \ \ ~ ~suclr J I / ;r~ mat o r t ~ a y ,N ?.nzc! / I ~ N ~ I / J ( I e
d@ wa Bni~z*
Di. ttl

Dephka, rc. Thatch as nlade up by Shans or Burmans;

d a i nla A / L deplka hlr g d / ~ t pna.
Dk, v . To gather, convene; same as de, which see.
Di, v. To close,.as the eyes; m j d dt'; fig. to be blind; m y i
di na hpafzg YL' a i wa,a person blind and deaf.
Di, r . An uncle; a father's elder brother; comp. dim,
hi and wa dz.
Di, v. To pick, pluck, as flowers, fruit or vegetables;
comp. hta, Rtnt and p t t r ; ?m?)z/ln?r, ?tnrnsz'hte nanz/ap
di x ; to be broken, severed, as a rope ; sumrz di mat
sni; to be severed, detached, as fruit from t h e steam,
and thus falling; ~tntttsidi ?)tot sni; to be separated,
as from the rest of a party; to remain, be left behind;
see m d h l and hti; ?triinnng n i yawl wa a i @ring P
ngni di rtga nngai; to change ones mind o r opinion
and thus to part company with; shi gaw dai n%msha
Raw rtn myit di sni.
-da, v . To set aside, expel, or suspend; to choose, pick
out or select, as for special work; nanhtk 4ta tta
mdrnz ldngaz' mi lfz ( l a nztc. --
-hkrat, v . To'losc hold and fall from a height; ma gnw
Lps?z Rtn u a r(i i r k ~ n tsni, the child fell from the tree;
dz A R Y ni ~ sh~ig072,a falling star.
-mat, v . T o be broken, as a rope; colnp. dut; to fall off-
& a leprous limb; Ira & nuzt soi.
Di, v . T o do, m a k c , form, fashion; hpa dz ?rga n nz?
what are you doing ? k l i n i q dz im Rtrn? how will I
do i t ? shing di t ( , make i t t b ~ ~ass ; an auxiliary di is
used with intransi ti 1.e \verbs, lol-lning transitives;
gyit di u , tie i t ; ( t h e lorn1 s l l a g y l t , would also be
correct;) /?ya?rJ i n ,suspend i t ; hpnzu di r , open it;
to be guilty of illicit intei-course; (euphonic.) I

Di, 7t. The nose; comp. /d(?z' and wadi; (only i n composi- ,
--nyeng, o. T o have a nasal t~vatlg;t r . a nasal twang.
-rung, n. The nasal bone! see ?tzdn,7rg.
-sen, n. A long, pointed nose; see parts.
-sut, 71. A sniff; co~?ly.sat and ya sat.
Di, ?r. An cgg; n di, i ( i j t ~di,e t c ; spawti, ngn di, sLx di;
see parts.
112 bi bya.
Di Lya, n. (from-)bya, to be sgoiled; comp. rtbya.) Eggs,
without the ger'mi nal vesicle or germ-cell.
-di, v . To lay an egg; see 21 di di hi.
-karvp, n. T h e shell of an egg.
--lang, TJ. An e g g , broken i n the hatching; comp. chyyd-
/mtg and d i hyn; 2 t h k a i k~nzug~ngtg dz /nltg byiz ni.
--pawng, gt. A laying, as of two hens i n t h e same nerrt;
di Pnzvrtg*pilzulzg. n i , 2 ) . to lay as described.
-hpyi, a. T h c w h i t e of the egg, regarded as the skin
(hpjfi)of t h e yo1 k.
-turn, n. The yolk.
-tsatrp, w. The s k i n of a n egg.
Di , n. A pot; by some pron. nn'i
- - I a. An e a r t h e n or iron cooking pot.
-chyen, 7s. A potsherd; a broken pot.
-darn, R. A broad, sllallow pot; see parts.
-gap, n . A cover, lid, as for a pot; see mn'gizp.
- I , n. T h e dark sttbstance adhering to a new iron
pot; see di ~ z i .
-jang, n. T h e ordinary pot or kettle, for boiling rice.
-511, V. '1'0 b a k e , b u r n , as a pot.
-kap, n. (fro111 knp, to adhere.) Burnt rice adhering
to the sides of a pot.
-kru, n. T h r e e stones or pegs used as a tripod; comp.
~ n d f i r z d ; di kr74 j7tfi,q firm shiilz~1 1 1 1 ~ .
-hkomma, a . T h e noot adhering to tlie bottom of a pot;
gee parts.
-hkawn, v . T o t u r n over, ns a pot; o'i hkazua n i vzdjnw
shnt nlai ltknw mat sni.
-hkawng, n. A fratne on w h i c h to place cooking pots;
see parts.
-hkrau, n. A srnall t r a y of iron (or simply a f l a t stone)
used by opiun; ~ i n o k c l for * ~ drying plantain leaircs.
-ni, n. T h e darlc srii~,;t-nnccadhcring to new rnctal pots;
also callcd d i g ~ i di ; n i Piru n i , to be discoloured, as
food by t h e chcinicals f rorn a metal pot.
dsingkaw, 1 ~ A . s~llallliincl of pot.
-shu, i t . A small pot, tnostlp used for preparing curry.
Din din. 1 r3

Di shau, a. T o corrode as a copper pot; mdgvt' di Ata

mdhkrr jarlg, di shall ai.
-shau Law, n. A small pot; same a6 di ska.
Di di, n. A wood-pecker; (Hkauri;) camp.-u t a w k
Di di, n. A murmur, muttering, humming; comp. zor wu.
Di di, v . To be swelled, swollen; also used as an adjec-
tive; /&gal nn ai mrijlrw t ~ y?nun i di di Y P ai.
Di si, n. The " catch," as of a trap; comp. mddi
Dik, v . T o be fulfilled, carried into effect as an intention,
piomise or prophecy; m ~ i h t o ign d i k wa sni; to have
arrived, as an appointed time; atcn dik wa _r(lz; to be
satisfied, content, f u l l y i n agreement with; shi myit
dik sni; as an auxiliary - ---indicates
- - - - - _ _ dik
_ _ ----
supreme degree; $yaw dik saz, as happ-
-ni Z~rhyawfl,a perfectly beautiful ring; see
Dik, v . T o put,. pack, crowd or jam into, as preserves in-
to a jar or bottle; derv. RddiR; ~cdzorzhtn shnn k n t s i ~ g
hpe dik da r ~ ;to " bottle up," hem i n , block up, be-
seige; hJyen nzd.rhn r r i dni mdve h j c h'k lawn ?7za 72% ai.
Diln, v. T o give the finishing touches (usually t u r n ~ n g
down the splits around tlie edges,) of a woven basket
or the like; derv. hjut~gdinr;shirzg7zoi h t e mdhka
Dim, n. An uncle; a father's youngest brother; comp. dz
and s u c h forms as, fsa dint,nu di7~a n d wt7 dim.
Dim, o. To d a m , as a river; derv. 71ztidi7)t;see s h d d i ? ~dai ;
Irkn d i ~ zgnw; to ob~tl-uct,close, as a road; shi shnnkte
a hfdgn ai hpe / n ? ~ ri. digit slrlidnng trzzf ni, he prevented
their traders from passing.
-hpawng, n. A place below a dam, for catching fish.
--rap n. A fall-trap below a dam, for catching fish; see
Din, u. T o y ~ on t and wear, as a shoe; kj~cpdiadtn at.
Din, 2). T o k i l l , as lice or maggots, bj. pressing with the
nail of the thumb; tsr' htc slidfi~crtdin n i ; comp. gtct.
Din, v. T o he 0 1 ~ ~ 1 .
-din, n. Oval, egg-sllaped; comp. /urn and yawnz; din
din Y E nt' ~canrst'hle zc dl'.
1 14 Din.
Din, 3. T o put i n , as a bottom or partition; J ~ hkau C ~ d
/Ittl?~tpadi7r y a e; derv. nralitn; to intrrvelle, collie i n
between, and thus act as a barrier, d i v i d i ~ l gline or
the like; n~zktcn / d j ~ l z ? r2 hk(z din ngn n i , a river (flows)
between ~ s sli ; htr nye ,a / a j ~ . a nE p r n t %ihkau)ngdtn
s u t , two generations separate. him and m e ; ndv. be-
tween, betwixt; hpnwt din ~ r i ,day after to-morrow;
(lit. the day with to-morro\nr between;) ma& yin nrarnnr,
nhlo2' r(in masant, try, experiment yet. some time; see
Dinrin, n. One of the Jinghpaw cla~is.
Ding, v. T o be close, thick, of heavy growth, as stumps,
grai ti, or the like; opp. to m n ; s e e sLd(ii'ilzg; hprrn
pawf d i n g ai, the stumps stand close (to e a c h other;)
to be short, as time; nhtoi dtag ai; comp. tin; to be
abundant, and thus pressing, as work; dii ni a amu
nan ding ai; a. abundant, plentiful, ample; szrf r i n g
ai gan hkyilzg a i l sut hkring ai g a n ding ai. .
-ding, adv. Close, closely, not far apart; opp. to r a n Fan.
Ding, v. TObe severe, as a famine; a n l t t ~d a i ~ ~ i nhdu g
@g sd g a ai, this year we had a severe farnine; dai
7 t r 9 z g h k r m i n d i n s ai.
Ding, u. To be straight, rectilinear; opp. to mdgaw; a.
straight and thus honest, upright, true; d i ~ g a i hpun,
a straight tree; ~ n y i tding a i wn, an honest, upright
man; comp. teng, and preng; as a preforinative ding,
carries the i'dea of the straight, faultless, honest,
agreeable or beautiful.
-bat, n. (from bat, to be wound around.) A crossbar, a
stringer, a beam; a n arch", a space, as between two
pmts and a t o p b a r : the bow as of a cl-oss-bow.
-bai, a. (from bat', 'to t i r n back.) A hinderance; dinglai
dingna, an impediment, a d r a g on something; (also
used a s a verb;) nrashn n + n u yang, diltgbai dingna
ARum rai.
-bawn, n. A mineral spring; only used as a coup. of
-chyu, v. (from chyu, to clf1:ivr to.) T o be " lucky, as n9 I

bow or gun; comp. ~~tliktt; 71ye/ U ~ ~ Rg Wy a t d t ? ~ ~ l lli

a*,m y bow is very lucky; sdnaf mtikz~dingchp sn nn LC.
Dingchyung, a. (from chy,vrrtg, to he steep.) Perpcndi-
cular, steep, straight up and down; h k r dillgchyun. rai
nga ai.
-chyai, a . (from c/,to be cross-wise.) To cross, place
cross-wi se ; com p. daaagchyai; hpurtcltc ? ~ (z'itrgchyai
g nna
j u ~ gr .
-da, n. (from da, to be across.) W i d t h i n opposition to
length; see ada; the south; colnp. dt'?zgdu?rg;nlln yatzg,
adv. side-wise, cross-wise.
-da, v . ( f rom da, to stop.) T o stop, tarry; to remain, as
i n a waiting position; coinp. shddn; n a ~ t l t /a i ~ dingda
naw rai nga ?lzte la.
-dang, adv. Straight forward; s n n i r as d i ~ ding. g
-den, adv. Straight, without let up, steadily; see parts;
sdi ngai k#e dr'rrgden*hbarzsLdch3rut n a q ai.
-ding, a. Straight, not crooked; honest, upright; d k g
ditzg re a i Zani; adv. straight forwardly; honestly,
uprightly; comp. m&z ,?tan and trng icng; na ams
rli?zgdz'ng gdia'w 11.
-du, t z . One of the Jinghpaw clans.
-dung, n. (from dang, a n e n d , a pole.) Lenght i n
oppositiorl to width; comp. dingda; the north; d i q .
dung dirzgdn, north and south; dittgdugzg yang, (tdv-
lengt h-wise; end-wise; conlp. dri/gta?zg.
-daw, u. To balance, as a pair of scales: to estimate, as
by balancing; comp. dkk and dC'n&r'k; art a joi dingdaw
y u gaw.
-dawng, v. T o pitch, rise and fall, as a boat; (Hkauri;)
comp. gi?tdawrzg,and htumZau; to be troubled, down-
hearted; shi myit &gdawrzg Pzga az.
-gap a. A elan of the LdAtau tribe.
-gap v. To trade; only as a coup. of hjagu.
--ga, v. T o intercept, obstruct, as the view; (Hkauri;)
~0111~. shil~gga.
-gam, n. T h e body; see di~zgIu?zg.
---gam, n. Locusts; di~tgganr-yaw,same, and most common
form; also yron. n-gnnz-yaw.
-gu, n.(fromgw, to be bent.) Bent; adn. i n a bent or
bowed down position or m a n n e r ; g t c ~ ~ z pdt'rtgla i nr
k f c hkzlar htea n i at d z n ~ , g ahX-(rzun~7 ~ 7 1 0 du?z,n ?)?a02.
t 16 Dinggum.
D ~ n g g u m , 91. (from gum, to bend over.) A binder; same
. . .

as rgatc gttnr, which see.

-gung, a. A rest, cessation from labour; d7'1zggugu, r .
to pause, rest, cease from labour; laban dingg.ung gtl,
I~tyanghbaaaa ira; a religious n a m e for a spider,
supposed to be always resting i n the web; Hiuga
laran, Dinggung w n /riban Ape lraw shciga gaw.
-gup, v . T o bend, as the point of a blade; to bend, bow,
as the head; comp. ddguf.
3 v. T o graze, rub or touch.lightly i n p'assing; s h i a
6aw Rayat r/ingg2lt ya nu a i .
-gawn, v . T o move, as i n waves; hka Aju7tg/n dinggaw~
-gawn, v . (from gawa, to consider.) T o gather, call
and take charge of, as .orphans or school-children;
c h j ~ i h R r a ?tii hpe dinggarfin /a mza bau u.
-gawng, a. (from gawng, to be free from obsticles.)
Clear, open, as a road; dai lam dinggawng r a i 72ga a i .
-gram, n. A species of crab; (a spiny lobster I )
a 7z. A forest; comp. mti/ing and nznrrman.
--grang, a. (from grang, to bar.) A bar, a shutter; a
bolt, a nail used as a bolt; comp. hli~zggrang; a cur-
tain, a purdah; adv. through and through; rt' A t e
gld '/du n d i~zggva ng u .
-greq, a. (from gven, to be sharp.) Sharp, as a sharp-
.ridged h i l l or the back of a starved animal; shunytn
mdruttg dinggvrn nga ai.
-gteng, a h . (from grtng, to be i n line.) I n line;
R f y ~ n?ttn ni dtitggreng (sap mu ai.
-gre t, o. T o touch or rub, i n passing;- to graze; see
agre t,
-grin, a. (from grin, to be perm'anent.) Everlasting,
permanent, durable; adv. for ever; perpetually, con-
tinually; irtrtlu ga ningprin n nga 7zgn ai.
-gruin, v . (from grum, to be covered up.) T o cover, roll
one's self pp,as i n a b1anket;shinba dinggrum n n a p ~ p
nga az.
a v . ( f r o m g r u j , to be surrounded.) T o surround:
to cover, as with a net; sumgawn Ate knggrup zr.
--grau gram, n. A spider; (Hkauri;) comp, g i n d i g ~ a m .
Di tighkrap.
Dingkan, n. A brace, a .prop; a binder or girder; &a
dznghas; /dhjaw d i n g k r .
-kawl rr. A bow; (apart- from the bow-string;) comp.
Zddem; v. to bend as the knees; comp. Raw, daakaw
and &sawn.
-kren, a. (from R m , 'taught.) Taught, t i g h t l y
drawn, not Slack, opp. to rw ;sbingri ditfgkrcrr rw
gran nga at.
-hka, n. A nat offering; see bunghka.
-hkak, a . (from kRaA, to be hard.) Unripe and thus
hard, as fruit; nanrsi diugkkab Lbum sha.
-hkan, n. T h e timber of a floor.placed upon the joists,
(ng aiv rz ng.)
-hkang, tr. A bamboo vessel, especially for holding
curry; comp. ktzngkraw.
-hku, rz. A household, a family; gvr dit~ghkx,same;
comp. nhku, Atznggaw and shattu; dittghku ga, private
conversations; d i t t g l i k ~g u n o i , v . to assume family
cares; dingkku l a , a married man ; ditzghkw shdrun,
tb break up, as a family or household.
-hku, n. A measure, equal to the capacity of an ordi-
nary paddy mortar comp. AtumhRu; mam ditlgkku
" azda~adi~1ghRu/&hRawng~/rtumu.
-hkum, a. All, whole; ahkuuz dinghkum, each and all;
see kkum.
-hkung, n. A crest, ridge; same as dunghkung, which
-hkaw, n. A small hoe, used as a dibble, when planting
or sowing paddy; comp. t i ~ g g a wand titcgrhye.
-hkra, n. Dried branches, falling from a tree.
-hkra, tc. The ilium or flank-bone; u X d i n g k d r a , t h e
lower back of a fowl; zr kirgkhra. sAa yang m d s b
mctc/rji ai da.
-hkrak, v. T o knock with t h e knuckles; comp. ahtawk,
aRawR and g2ctn42ck; m a Rdjz I( bnw dinghRraA yang,
bangwnm daw ai
-Ilkrap, n . A building s i t e o r t h e like dug out of a hill-
side; I ~ RBznghdrap A t l c m u , dig a building site (at
t h e hill side;) /am a'znghkrap daw a * , to dig a road
along a lnountarn side.
I 18 Dinghkre.

D i n g h k r e , a h . (from RRre, to move s t r a ~ g h t ahead.)

S t r a ~ g h through,
t from e n d to e n d ; comp. dtitghdven;
s h i anhte a izta dtirghkre knu ya mt az.
-hkren, v . (from ARven, to pass through.) T o pass
through, t o force a w a y through an object; comp.
dt'ng/zRrawn; rdnat pd/n d z ~ l g h k r mr a t mnt sni.
-hkri, n. (from h k r i , to braid.) T h e receptacle for t h e
pellet of a bow; see l ~ h p a z udi7tghCrt.
-hkru, V. T o punch, as a joint of bamboo; see dzdnglckvtr.
-hkru, n. A bamboo d r i n k i n g cup; a barnboo " horn, # #

for holding liquor; tsdatni di7zghkrtc h t a na nztigyep

fsa hku, liquor from t h e precious d r ~ n k i n gcup.
-hkrum, v. (from Akrtlm, to meet.) T o adjust. as t h e
wood or b r a n d s of a fire; wan nhtnw d h g R R ~ z u. t~
-1kri n. T h e s p r i n g of a t r a p ; comp. zzng-ya.
-hkrawn, v. (from Akrawn, to be passed through.) T o
pass, as a pole through a b a s k e t , or the t h r e a d ,
through t h e eye of a needle; comp. diycghkrc~,gale a n d
shnshawtt; ka Ltn Rnxdnng c(l'7zghB~nwanzn hpat u ; to
baste; p(i/nwng dE'ngAkrawn e , baste the coat.
-la, v. T o be old, a g e d ; s h i dingla /a sn2, he is very old;
n. an old m a n ; comp. gztmgat; an old male of any kind;
n ZU 671g/a, an old cock; ulnngrl'ing/a, an old bullock;
di?zgZa dinglaw, a. old, aged.
-lan, v. (from /a#, t o be in constant use.) T o use, as a
tool; to be always u s i n g , a s a f avourite tool o r weapon;
nye nhtu n a a hbumLdzng/nnmu, do not use m y sword
too much.
- 1 v. T o test, w e ~ g h as , by balancing in t h e hand;
comp. dirzgdaw; also pron. p n g h k ; /i n Li dizglik y u
a; to t e s t , tempt, e n t i c e ; see chynln; dinglik j17/, t o try,
test, as the metal of an opponent.
-lun, v. T o roll up, as sleeves or t r o l ~ s e r spiilnwng,
; ldbu
dinghn u; see Zun.
a , v. (from laz, t o overstep.) T o go to excess; a h .
too much, too far; shdga di7tgZni) hkawm ding/ni, sha
dz ?rghi.
-lawng, v . To make, as a t r a c k through a field; nrdgwi
nz anhts O-.yiARZC ~2'ngZawngm i nna l a i mrrt wa m4
Ding hpring. 1 19

Dingloi, a. (from Loz, to be long, deep a n d narrow, as a

shaft.) Long, o r deep and narrow a s an undergroun(1
passage made by a burrowing animal; hRu ding/oi
raz #?raphbu bang wa sac.
-man, v. T o be true, honest, u p r ~ g h t ;see parts; a. tnle
e t c ; shi dzng man at wa raz ngn at.
-na, o. T o hinder; only used as a coup. of dingbai.
-na, n. A field; coup. of hhauna.
-nak, v . T o weigh, a s an object, in the hand; same as
anak,which see; cornp. ding/iR.
-nu, n. A klnd of nat; same as saw?t, which see.
-num, a. All; only used as a coup. of dinghkum.
-nut, o. T o walk or move backwards; cornp, nlct and
kdnut; to baulk, as a pony; g u m r a dingnut wa az.
-nai, n. (from naz, to be twisted,) The cogged rollers
of a cotton gin; Zdnyet dingnar; one of the two dancing
poles a t a mdnau; comp. sh&u?rg.
-nawng, adv. (from nawlig, to continue.) Always, with-
out e n d o r intermission; for e v e r ; shi diragnawtrg a
shn nga a i , he is -always e a t i n g ; prat dingnawngg nga
n i 6 % ~cornp. ; gdloi mu9Jg and tat 1 2 4 t .
-nye, n.(from nyt, t o cause woe.) Woe, calamity, punish-
ment; ding9zyt-hkrum-Zu, see parts; cornp. ddtte.
-nyip, a. ( f ronl ny$, to be green and soft.) Soft, green,
as a bamboo sprout; dingnyip d u r n htn tndluf Bang ds
-nyawm, v . (from njjawm, to b e squatting.) T o be i n a
squatting, stooping or crouching position; cornp.
/cthput hpvt di; dingayawn d a g a f , to fali upon the
face ; dif~gnyawma'altg, to squat low.
-pyang, n. ( from pyapig, to be long and straight.) Long
and stretched as a telegraph wire ; also pron. durn-
Pmw n. T h e outskirt.; of a village; also pron. dum-
kpn 9zg.
-hput, n. A restored and rebuilt villnpt:: s a m e as htrng-
hpztt, which see.
-hpring, v . T o be righteous, true; s(-2 p a r t s ; e . true, u p
r i g h t , righteous; ding hpvilrg a i lai::, r-ectitude, righte-
Dinglun, n. white ants; coup. of Rbiikun.
D i ~ ~ g h p y a w n gv., (from hpyawng, to move, as in line.)
To lle as heavy grass, having been laid by the w ~ n d ;
ngai l a i wa R Z htang mom dt'nghpyavng Y L at.
-ren, a. (from ren, to be i n line.) Even, unbroken, as
the long drawn notes of a bird: ?ndh&u dingren; to
place i n a long, even row; h i hRu dingren town a
-ru, v. To be slant, sloping, inclined, as a hill-side;
lam dzngru vni kkrat ~n ai.
-ru, n. Water or liquor (comp. cltydru,)-as given to the
nats; only used i n religious poetry; dingvu ngam ngn
n ni? dingwan lzgam n k m n nr?
-rut, n. A species of'mountain oak.
-rau, adv. (from rau, to be together.) Together; at the
same time or place; Irkdtaw taw rau sha yang, matcg
diltgratc az da.
-rau, v. T o be unsteady, as of hand, and thus unskillful
and bungling; Zdta nax dingraa at mctjaw rc n kRra az.
-raw, n. A small basket for an offerin ; see Ahngraw.
-rawng, v . (from mwng, to bob up.)I o stand, or raise
the heads, as a crowd when startled, or when gazing
at sotnet hi ng ; kdhtawng mnsha ni dingmwng v n i tr?tn
Akap mdda ma ai.
-sa, a. (from sa, to be old.) Old, not new; also pron.
niagsa or nsa; ntn dingsa, an old house.
-sa, v. To act from free will, without cause or provoca-
tion ; con1p. pdgawn ; dit~gsaRdyat ngu nna, Adyet dn
we a i , I hit him because I wanted to; dingsn hkungga,
a free-will offering.
-sa, v. T o trouble, annoy, pester; d a wa gaw n/i ama n i
h f e dingsn ni.
-sang, n. A species of bee.
-sat, n. A mark, s i g n ; see mdsnt dingsat.
-sen, n. A Chinese "cash;" Mctwa dingsm; a wheel with-
out spokes; Law dzfzg~en;a current copper-coin; m w i
--si, n. A small bell; sor'roi dingsi, a bell of a n y kind;
dzngsi durn-@a%, see parts.
-si, v . To beckon, motion, as with the fingers; comp.
waR; to question o r i n d i c a t e , RS by sign or look;
dzngsi dart, to show by sign.
Dingsing, n. The common house-lizard; also called
st 7zggu.
-su, n. A bow-knot; see gtnsu,
-sun. n. A moth; see mdnut dingsun.
-sup, n. A small bamboo-box; comp. yep.
-sol, v. T o graze; comp. soz, agret and di~gguet.
--shan, n. Dried twigs and branches; comp. l d k u ~ g :
hjufi n Lu az m q a w dingshan sda jr ga ai, not having
wood we burn twi gs; dzngshan dingshaw, twigs, small
sticks; comp. kdchyz Rac/zyaw.
--shawn, v. (from shawn, to enter.) To enter and take
up the abode i n a new house; also pron. ntngshaw~,
or htingshawn; dingshawn sh(zng, v. to have a
-shoi, v. To flourish or brandish, as a sword before the
face of some one ; shi nye a m a n /t ka ri dingshoi ya ~ i ;
see shoi.
-tan, v. T o be straight, as a piece of timber; to hold
stiff and straight, as a cord, the arm or the like.
-te, v. T o practice, as throwing, thrusting or shooting;
also pron. shingde; sdnat, ri, Zdhjaw Rte dingfs gaw;
dingle chyaz-jawng-RRat, to enter into a contest as
i n archery or rifle-practice.
-ten, adv. Without delay or intermission; comp. ding-
den; shz nye a hpang s dingtcn rai sharhytlt ai.
-tu, v. To toss with a jerk; to propel perpendicularly;
Zzmgdin di#gta s l i d h a r , toss the pebble; (lit. send
the stone upward;) dingla C24nggwa ai, to fly or bounce
-tung, a. All, the whole; comp. dingdung; fig. the human
body : ARum di7zgtun wan, k m w Ldwang san, cleanse
the body, purify the whole) frame; Ja C i Znar srng &
dingtuzg gaw Iashw ayar, dinggum gaw /Itbat a i
-tau. v. TOassist; to engage i n joint labour; (Hkauri;)
see shtngtarr.
-taw, ndv. At once, without delay; see dingtawrog.
-tawk, r . (from t a w k , to be direct.) . A cross-road;
short-cut; ding(awt dnn, n. to cut across, to take a
short-cut; h m dittgtnuk dnn ai mdjaw a / d w n ~dtr at;
to abbreviate, to come straight to the point, as i n
speaking; ga dingtazuk dan u; fig. to find an outlet,
to take the short and easy way; dzngfnwk dan ni Aka
7~yityzt mix.
Dingtawng, adv. At price, without delay, on the spur of
the moment; also pron. dinglaw; nhla md/aj kazc n i
mdjaw, shi dingtawng so (n ai. '
-tsen, v. T o drive i p , as rain forced by the wind;
-hta, e
nzaran dingtsen ai mdjaw, madi mat ni ai.
V. from hta, to pick up.) T o cling, cleave to; to
use, as a resting or stopping place; comp. mdhta; hz'
wa Zai sa manang 7zi $ye a nta dinghta ra nra ai.
-hta, a. Terrestrial; dinghta ga, the terrestrial world;
opp. to ddtsan ga; also pron, rlryinghta ga; d i ~ ~ g h t a
myit, the worldly m i n d ; dinghia mdsha, a human
being, i n oppositioo to a spirit.
--ham, v. T o cut, sever with a single stroke; comp.
Kdhtam and dtlmhjynwt; gnde n nhtu gvaw d a i a i haft,
Rawa dinghtam yu ga.
-htan, n. (from &an, nhtan, to put up 1n bunches-,) A
handful, tuft, as o l thatch, areens, or the like; v. to
bunc'i, put up, as greens, i n z u o c h e s for the market;
shangzt nz hpe dinglztan 49 a.
-htan, v . T o go back and forth; to walk the beat as a
policeman; corny. RdhRranf and nhtarzg; dai n i tzjj
ngai gat de ding rtan nngai, have (done nothing) all
day but going back and forth to the bazaar.
-htan, u. T o call out, mobilize or rendezvous, as sol-
diers; to obey the summons (see ktalz) and meet, as
for communal work; also pron. &an; ding/2tan di,w.
the "rendezvous k ~ t t l e ; " fig. the head quarters, or
reqdezvous for a body of warriors, where the nat
feasts and other preliminaries take place, aqd from
where the forward movement is made; gara nta hta
dinghtan d i dull na Rrn? i n whoes house is the " ren-
dezvous kettle" to be placed ? i. e. where are our
headquarters, etc. to be ? dinghtan rawt, to, begin the
forward'movement, to start for the front.
-htum, v. (from Atum, to be ended.) T o make e v e n , a s
t h e ends of a b u n c h o i thatch, the edges of a book, or
the like; cornp. mctltum; adv. e v e n , i n a precisely
similar manner; ningslcaw ningshun fie a2 kpedrnghtum
tawn a.
Ding htawng, v. T o stand as the posts or columns of a
colonade ; shddaw m d i dirzghtawrtg diwna jung u ; to
be of the same height and form; shan /dAkaw?tg nrartn
dinghtawng rai nna tsap nra ai.
-wak, v . T o be large, as a hole in a garment, board, or
the like; adv. too large,out of porportion; see wab;
pdawng hRvu dingwak mat sai.
-wan, 72. Liquor; only used as a coup. of dirtgru, which
-wang, R. (from wang, to be enclosed.) T o enclose, e n -
circle; sumrz htc d a i shdra h f e ditzgwa~gtawn a; a.
large, spacious.
-wum, v. T o m a k e even; only used as a coup. bf dinghhm;
which see.
- -yan, adv. (from yan, to be i n line.) I n line; i n a con-
tinuous, uninterrupted mannef; 7~anAtcding-yan tsap
-yang, a. (from yang, to be straight.) Straight, direct,
not crooked or deviati ng; also used adverbially; /d?ntr
samri d i n g y a f ~ lrkan
g u.
-ye, n.(fromye, to sweep.) A broom, a whisk; corny.
-yin,. n. (from yin, to turn around.) T o be dizzy,
giddy; cornp. kri in; baw-king-yirt rzga ai.
-yawng, a . All, w h , entire; see gawng; ngni hRurn
di?zg-yawng /a an we ai, I will take it a l l ; pi bibzg-
yawng lrcrc u , / a dingtawrzg gurt a.
-yawng, a. Straight; see yawng; dai wu ding-ynwng rai
nna taw nga a t ; adv. stretched out.
-zang, v. T o be studded as with objects s t u c k
into the ground; ri dingznng d i tawn a i , the place is.
studded with spears; to spring up as shoots, sprouts
or mushrooms; mlikn dingzang rai wad wn az.
-zawng, v T o stand on e n d , as t h e hair of the head; see
zawfzg; to stiffen a s hu~nanor animal hair fro111disease;
ftga si nn Rurz ? I I Z I L ~ Zdingznuvzg.n
u 7~gaat.
Dip, a. To press, force by pressing; derv. @dip;cornp.
1 24 Dip barlg.
shridzp,,yupdz'j and Bur. $ 8 ; lra~rga dip zc, press here;
to massage; 7tyt hhzrm d i p a ; to force, coerce; dip
hhungrart a a , to force a marriage.
Dip bang, v. T o crowd, force, as things into a box;
see parts.
-da; v . To fix by pressing; to press down; see pqrts.
-kZmyet; v . T o press, squeeze, push; to use moral or
physical force; to " pin down;" sharaw gaw wa h j e dip
Rdmyer ai.
-sha, v . To extort, take by force; d u ni bnhte hpe d i p
R d m y e l sha ma ai.
-shalup, V . T o dip, duck, submerge; see parts.
Dit, v. To drive as a peg, tentfpin or nail; to nail; derv.
adit; dil jung, to drive as a fence-post into the ground;
szrtz hpundung ni h j e did jzrng mu.
-kiirin, v . To toss and shake, as a basket, when filling
it with paddy.
Du, v. To give; only found i n religious poetry as a coup.
of s2z.
Du, n. T h e cotnmon porcupine; Hystrix cristata.
-dumsi, n. The porcupine ant-eater; see parts.
Du, n. A species of owl.
-du, n. Same; most common form.
-wan, n. A species of wood-pecker; comp. d i di.
Du, v. T o arrive; to come; derv: chyycfdu; sdi d a i n i du' na
ra ai, he will come to day.
-hkra, adv. Until, till; comp. k f u k ; shi sa a i d u ARra
naw ala nga a , wait until he goes.
-hkra ladaw, n. A season; an appointed time or season;
drr hRva /&aw gdrai n du ai, the time has not arrived.
-mPdap, adv. Very, too, far off, as to time or distance;
see miia!ap; mam hRai nn ten drr mddafl wa naw rai
nga a i , the paddy planting season is still far off; d a i
lam d u m a d a j tsan a i mdjaw ahwan n d r Zu ai.
-shah, a d v . All at once, immediately (on arrival,)
without delay; shi du shdlu tsgn ai, he spoke at once;
ngai d u shdlu sAa na nngai; comp. chya/u.
Du, n. A hereditary chief; see adu and mad#; du nz, all
of a chiefs family; du sdang ni, the chiefs and elders.
Du tsam. 125

Du gawng, n. Appearance, personal presence, bearing,

as of a chief; du g a w n g g a w n g a i , ~to
. have the appear-
ance etc.
-wa, 7z. A chief; see parts.
Du, 72. T h e neck; du bawhkrat a i h k a , a blood-feud; comp.
bulrg/at LRa.
-bawng, n. Goitre; see parts; du bawng tsr, goitre
medi ci ne.
-gawp, n. Silver buttons around the neck of a woman's
-gali, v . T o wear, as a neck-lace.
-ke, a. Neck-shaped; see parts.
-kret, a. Thin-necked; also pron. dup Rret; C, du Rref.
-krit, a. Thin-necked; same as du kret; v. to be thin-
necked; mrichyi a i mdjaw du Rrit Rrit sai.
-krung, rz. T h e nape of the neck; v . to bow the head, as
in sorrow of dejection; s k i A k r a ~rrna du Rrdng dwrrg
-krawk, tc. T h e hollow on each side of the neck just
above the clavicle; d u AkrawR h4u g r a d i u. ,

-lass, n. T h e large sinews of t h e neck.

- 1 s n. T h e salivary glands; du lrisi bawng ai, v . to
suffer from swelling of the glands.
-tawn, 72. A disease resembling diphteria.
-htek, n. A species of insect; a " jack-snapper."
-htau, n. A kind of throat disease; see parts.
Du, a. Thatch (shdngtc,) made up i n bunches (dinghtarp)
ready for use; comp. bwi and bmuitz; only used i n
-ba, v. T o break (gumda,) the thatch over the battens,
- b ~ e ~ ,v. T o untie each bunch of thatch, putting it even
along the rafters; also called du tyi.
-byi, 7 ) . Same as dl4 by($.
-lan, rp. T o put on thatch i n Burmese fashion.
-rap 11. A place where thatch has been cut; comp. brvi
r a.
--sat, sl. T o put on t h a t c h by breaking the tied root-ends
between t h e battens; dl{ sat @/up 7tn.
--tsam, n. Old thatch, ~till'~ood for use.
Du htan, v. T o put on tied bunches of th:ltch without
the hreitliing (du ~ n t ; du
) ktan irtn.
Du hka, a , U nhappi r~ess,misery, pai 11; Ilur. q q .
Du la, 72. A disease of inen; rheumatic coml~laintscom-
bined with sympto~nsof d ~ s e n t a r y Bur. ; q c u ~ dtr
; la
~)zachyz,v. to suffer from the disease.
Du Iadi, a. Sluggish, ignorant, and thus useless; comp.
AtzR shlimak; d u L l i d i re a i wa, a good for nothing.
1 adv. For no purpose.
Du s a t , it. An a n i m a l , a brute; (Shan;) dzr sat du ??zyeng,
same, and most common form; comp. ashu ashan.
Duk, v. To make a noise as a running horse, or the like;
dztR d z ~ kor d%k d a h , thud thud; dlck d z ~ knga nna
htzc shn ma ai.
Duk,. v. T o descend, go down; (only regarded a s a
localism;) nang nna /e de da.4 rai H.
Durn, n. A weight equal to two Zems; see Gram.
Durn, n. A granary, paddy-bin; comp. adzlit.
--hpawng, n. A temporary village of sheds or small
houses; see parts.
Durn, v. T o play a musical instrument; sunzjyz, a j n u Ate
Lingse d x m ai; to beat, as a gong or a drum, dau Ate
chying dlcilr u ; to c l a p the hands; Lahflawd durn u.
Durn, v. To remember; opp. to maLuf; to feel, and thus
bc conscious of; comp. na; ngai flzdnat y a ~ t gnang dtcm
?mi? do you feel my pinching? n durn, not to remem-
ber, to be unconscicus; ~tdurn shcimi, adv. i n a
moment of forgetfulness.
Durn, v. T o be cropped, cut short or shaved, as the hair
of a prisoner o;a Buddhist monk; to be bobbed, as a
horse's t ai 1.
--durn, a. Cropped; bobbed; bow dz471z durn re at wa, a per-
son with cropped hair; nnzai dzrm dant re n i u , a bob-
tailed bird.
Durn, v. To whisper.
-dtlm, adv. I n a whispcr; dzi:tt durn htc i t t c , same: comp.
kdhte; shnnhte dam durn k t r htr bnzu~lgma n i .
Durn, A preformative wit11 numeral aoxili arics, used
mostly by children, countin$ t h e stars or small objects,
r .

as a t play; see Gram. I hk auxiliaries arc at-ranged

Durn bat. 127

so as to rhyme with the numerals; thus ldngaz' dumbai,

Idzkawng dwmbrawrzg mdsum dumbrunt, m d / i dumdi,
mdnga dwmda, etc; such forms as, //t?rgaz h k d a z , fd-
Akawng LRabawng, or ldrzgaz ngabat, falrkswng nga
Bawng, are also used.
b u m , n. A bottle; a. bottle-shaped ; see 7durtl.
-ba, n. A kind of flute; pdARc.dumba.
-bun, n. Sections of bamboo, used for catching fish;
dwmdwn ja ai, to place the bamboos.
-baw, n. A large kind of bottle.
--ka, n. A carved bamboo case, as for a fan; see parts;
d~cmRakn, to carve the case; comp. wa la7w.
-krawk, n. A small bottle, box,or the like, made of wood
or horn; see parts.
--hkang, n. A bamboo vessel, used especially for curry.
-hkrak, n. A small covered bamboo box, as for opium,
or small articles.
-lawng, n. A large bamboo vessel, as for liquor, pic-
kled food, slop, or t h e like; chyanc htc wa sLat dam-
lawptg gzt/nw w ; dwmlawng hRu, a cave; a subterranean
cavity or passage; also pron. g i n L ~ w n ghRz.
-hpung, n. A libation; water as poured by a dumsn or
j a i w a , at a oat-feast (munarc;) dunthpung j a w , v to
pour the water; mcinazd 6% sltang a i shdna dzrm/tpung
ja.w ma ar.
-hpren, n. (from hprcn, to clatter.) Short sections of
bamboo, strung together and suspended by the gable
of a chiefs 'house, making a clattering sound, when
lnoved by the wind; dsnzltprctz noi, v. to suspend t h e
dumhjvert; darn/tpvew NO^ a i nta, a house entitled to
display a dutnhprcn.
--si H. T h e upper edge of a bamboo vessel, whittled or
pared down so as tc admit of the cover; dumsi Aka,
o. to whittle or pare down the mouth of a vessel;
d z ~ n s zhbn m a mngaj rc, whittle down and cover the
-su,p, ~ tA . small bamboo box; same as d ~ r z g s ~ p .
D p m , A general prcforinative.
'--bat, v. (from b a t , to bc wound around.) T o w i n d as a
bandage; Isi ba?zg 7 ~ 7 s~ u2 a z ~ a ~cr I bat a ; to be
suspended, " doubled over," as on anything intercept-
i n g when falling from a height; shi hpun hta na dz
Akrat nna panghkaw htn wn dnmbat nhtawm s i sat.
Dumbu, n. One of the Kachin clans.
-bung, n. A district north of the T a p i n g river.
-bai, v. (from bai, to be twined.) To twine as a v i n e
around a tree; bliwn Afa Lciptl damdaz l ~ n wn g ni, t h e
snake crawled up winding around the Ijamboo.
--bau, n. A rhinoceros: dzrnzbsu rung, a rhinoceros horn
given by chiefs as h part of a marriage dowry; J a m -
bau shu, a large kind of frog.
-+awn, n. A hot mineral spring; only used as a-coup. of
shdyit; see di ngbawn.
-bra, v. T o scatter; see bra and dumbru.
-brak, v. T o crack; see parts; to part i n the middle;; shi mkrt kaang ARu damdmk /at mat sai.
r , v . To scatter and fly away as scared birds; to
L send flying,"
1 as an apponents sword i n a duel; s k i
nhtu hpe gamai dumdri Rau ya sc ai.
-bru, v. (from bru, to be destroyed.) T o scatter, dis-
perse; dumbru dumb v a , adv. headlong i n all directions ;
kahtawng na n i dumbrzl dz~mdraLpvawttg nzat m a sni.
-bru, n. T h e report, as of guns when attacking a
village; also pron. damdruk; hpym ma n i gap durndru
ma a i ,
--brum, v. (from byurn, to grow together.) T o be con-
fused, as when several speak at the same time; pa
dumbrum a i mijaw n chye na ai.
-brung, n. An insect resembling the calandra, feeding
on bamboo sprouts; also called rndhkri dumbrung.
-brut, v. T o be torn as thatch by the wind; to be wrench-
ed as anything from its hold; lartc r u a i mlfjaw shdngu
dambrut mat sai.
-byen, n.(from adypn, tostrike.) A kindof trap.
-da, n. (from da, to gamble.) A contest, especially a
shooting match; dumda d a . to stake, wager, as i n a
contest; an gn7u dumda d a ga.
--da n. A k i n d o f t r a p ; d u m d a h t u n g , ~t.o s e t the trap;
ngai dumda Allcng nna Lkddu hRa /u a t ; comp, dumzo,
Dumdam, PJ. The palm of the hand; comp. dam; only
used i n poetry as a coup. of Zdhfan.
-dan, it. A cross-beam; dumdan shtchyaw %a,v. to place
a cross-beam.
-hku, n. A measure of capacity; see dinghiu.
-pyang, a. Straight; same as dit~gjyang, which see.
--pyawn, v . (from h l a w ~ zto, be side by side.) To run or
be parallel; adv. together, side by side; the same;
shan varc d2oltzpyawn taw q a ai; s h a n h ga ~ dumpyawn
tsilrtt vza ai.
--hpang, 72. T h e surrouundings, as of a house; the out-
skirts, as of a village; comp. dijtghpang and 'shing-
nawm; nrave dtcnrllpa?ig E yi hkyct~yang nta hkrrr w .
-hpau, n. One of the Jinghpaw clans.
-hpran, v. T o go off arcider?tally,as a gun; to touch the
trigger unawares; S L I F Z dumhprar
~I ai; ldshawng durn-
@ran ai.
--hprat, v. T o cut, as with n sword; see A j t a t ; rrktv Ate
nye a /&a dilmlrprat bnu se ai.
-hpren, v. T o fall one by one, (one hitting the other;)
see h j r e n .
-hprut, v . T o be severed; same as ~ h j r u twhich , see.
--hpraw, u. T o toss a.way; a r a i dut~ghprazvkasr ma.
-hpyanp. v. T o be suspended; to hang, as a vine; see
Apya 7tg.
--hpyut, v. T o slide, as down a bamboo; to stroke, as
w h e n greasing a pole; see hpyut.
--hpyawng, v. T o lie, as heavy grass; same as ding.
hpyaurrzg, which see.
-2pyawf, a. T o be slanting; a . slant, slanting; adv. dant-
wise, obliquely; Rcjwa dztrr,h~yawfdut kalr u .
r n rl To turn, as t h e !eg-.: of a bed, table, chair etc.;
see vtit.
r t a. T o mark w i t h an edge-tool, as around a log.
-sa. N. A natrpricst; comp. T s & P c ~ zHkvingwa,
~, ga
dtralsa, nzu danrsn and jnn dsmsn; u. to officiate as
a t a sacrifice; d u i nt itficri d ~ r m s nno; dumsa ga, n. the
semi-poetic religious formulas, chanted by a priest
while officiating; comp. ?tat ~ a dumsa ; sha, v . to earn
a livelihood, as a priest; see parts.

Dumsi , n.., A parru pi ne; see da dumsi; dr MJZ prfittg, the

spines of a porcupine; a specles of o r c l ~ i d ,Devtn ~ ro-
bt'um Bvimaruiarwm.
- , n. A cow; dfc?~zstlRdsha, a calf.
-yawng, n. A da gear;nhkyidum-yawftg, sec parts.
-za, f
n, A kind o trap; same as dunidn.
Dun, n. One of the clans of the Nlrkum tribe.
Dun, v. T o place, put (cause to, stand,) as a pot, table,
stand, chair, or anything inanimate; comp. bang and
shndw?~;shnt di kRra hta d x n u ; see da?lghtondidrn;
to prepare, or .draw as liquor; nlcm /a nn dzin ma.
Dun, n. To lead, conduct, guide, as by the h a n d ; ma h j e
dltn a,lead the. child; to lead, as an anitnal ; fig. to
present as a n animal for a sacrifice:
Mdt~tawkka?rgga 2 2 4 ~ 4rr, Ntsang hkrcltg a d z 11. ~
Dun, v. To tie, hitch,. as a. pony to a hitc ing post; ~rga
nraihh kta d u n da r ; to be connected, as by a ridge,
isthmus, strait, or the like; t o adhere, as a partly
severed neck to the body of an animal; clai 6xm /d-
A R n w ~ gdan nga ma ai, the' two mountains a r e con-
nected; nut Rkra kdlrfnm n. nnw dzrrz vtgzr a i ; fi . to be
n ~ y i dlrlt
l nza a i ; comp. mcilztt.
itnited, as i n mind, thought o r p u r p s e ; ~ h a n Jtkawlrg

Dun, n. A place, compartment;.a place assigned for a

certain purpose; comp.g9nwk;kdwn a dure, the father's
compartment; yz,b ni dun,'a sleeping place; shat shn
a i d u n , t h e e a t i n g place; ~rarzgdun E dsng u .
Duo, adz). Ail at once, said of a crowd, flock, herd, etc.;
mdshn ynwrlg dzcfz ~ n min t wn md sai.
Dung, u. T o sit, squat, perch;. Bur. 48; nuftg r dlotg rit,
s i t htre; r hlaw ltwg dung ai; to " sit," meet, as for
pleasure, consultation .or trade; see n r a , -baw~zgand
gurz dung ai; to t a k e up a position, as within a fortifi-
cation; comp. ? P & ~ s A Rd ~~I ~n agi .
Dung, e.. ' r o b e hardened and thus i n clogs; derv. b d r t t g .
-dung, a. Hardened, coa ulated, i n the shape of gela-
tine; dung dztng rP ai r yu.f
Dung, v. T o be terminated, brought t~ a point; derv.
f d ~ ~gtldtltzg)
g , ~ l d i l n gand
. n d u q ; a. best, upmost,
most exellent.
Dunghkung, n. A drest, ridge; fig. the backbone;
shitrgma du~ghkun mdgren o i ; ntn dunghkurrg, the
ridge of a house; a so pron. dznghkurzg.
-hkru, v. T o punch, pierce, as a joint of bamboo; see
ding&Rrr .
Dung, rr. Flour; see slrctdwzg.
.. n. Flour, as used at a nat offering; durrgji mdjaw,
y a puu rz't law.
Dung, n. A worm; see lung.
-bra, n. A caterpiller; (Hkauri;) see szdmbro;
-tai, r . A sillk-worm; ( H kauri ;) see tungtai; drtnglai ri,.
Dup, v . To pound, hammer, forge; derv. inadup and 9~dt4fl;~
shi nhtu dafl a i , he isrforging a sword; eomp. jan dup
ai; to set i n order, arrange, create; N-gawn w ~ l a m u
ga dup or; see brangdup dup n i ; (to beat, whip;
Northern usage.)
Dup, cw. T o be obtuse, blunt; see htaf.
Dup kret, a. Thin-necked; see d?c hret.
Dut, v. T o sell; d r t Rau,to dispose of by selling; opp. to.
mdri; comp. sip dul a i ; nuizg ddul n n n n i p will you
sell it ? ita d t u gdde lStc d34t rra wzc fa P for how m u c h
will you sell your sword ?
Dut, I v . T o cut, sever, disjoin; sunrri bttlrfam drrl u , cut
the rope; to break, snip, as a cord or the like;
jumkpa d ~ mat t sail the strap bmke; to fall off, as
the limbs of a leper; shi rtn dut mot sai; to be dried
up at intervals, as a small stream; Lka h b r t dut or;
fig. to finish, "cut sbort' as a piece of work: N-gawrc
wu Mbg&w gaw, Swmsi?zg/amu mi dut, Gindirrg .aga
shai itgirt.
Dut, v. To be c~.amped, i n want of room or space; rai ra.
sawng a i n t q a w shdvn art(f ni, because ot too many
things roo111 is scarce; dzmg shnva hte tsap shdra dut
a i nzdjaw karrang n trgo /u ai.
Dutadu, n. Tlre cooing of a dove; k k r u d ~dgt du rtgu ai,
the dove is cooing.
Dai, v . T o be sharp, as a tooth, edge-tool or the like;
cornp. j~r?zg,gua, and shddaz; nhtu dai az, the sword
is sharp; to be s h a r p , keen, as of tongue or i~htellecb;
ndai m a gnw, myit k t e ga dai a i nza rat' nga ai.
Dai, Y. T o grub, d i g up by the roots; comp. dawf and
gawt; lam kkan na hpun pawl n i dai Rau mi, d i g up
t h e stumps along the road; fig. to tell, narrate, as a
story; see hkai; nraf*nrdwi dai dan mi. ,
Dai, n. A kind of nat; see mddai.
-na, n. Insanity caused by the M&ai naf; dairm na ai,
v . to become suddenly insane; coinp. mdna; dai wa
daina nn ad ?tgenab.
Dai, n. T h e navel; see shddai.
--bawng, a. A large, prominent navel; 2. to be large, as
the navel; see parts.
-chyi, Y. To be related; see next.
-chyaw; v. (from chyuw, fo be joined.) To be related,
of the s a m e family ; daichyz'. d a i ~ h ~ ~ aclosely
v ; , related;
(lit. of t h e same navel;) dki wa kt2 ngai dnichyi dai-
clynw r a i lzga ga ai.
-daw, v . Tc c u t the navel; fig. to be born; d n i daw shdra,
a birth-place; see parts.
-doi, u. To cue the navel; same as d z i daw.
-hpyin, n. Pain i n the navel; h i @ - i n nrackyi ni, v.
to suffer from pain i n the navel.
Dai, Reflexive pronoun; comp. demonstrative dai, and
hRam; self, itself; see Gram; sAi d i i @law ai, he him-
self does it.
-de, j r o n T h a t or the (thing) itself; s4i daide LRva ai,
it hits itself
-dai , pro%. Himself, herself, etc.; shi ifci dai so ai,he him-
self went; shanhte d a i dai du ma ai, they themselves
came; shi d a i d a i sat, he killed himself-committed
suicide; tinafig d a i dai hka ltkrat slrong si wa ai.
-nip p r o n They themselves; L&ta dai n i sha lrpye~gdlnw
ma ai, the Ldna clan themselves ( o n l y ) fought.
Dai, Pronominal adjective, (this, that, comp. ndai,) used
( I ) as a demonstrative; ( 2 ) as a definite article, and
(3) in t h e formation of adverbs, adverbial phrases
and con junctions.
--de, f r o n . T h a t , (place,) d a i dc 5 0 : r , go t o that -place;
dni dr /a u , take that (or the) thing.
Dai m%jaw, terrj. Because, by or for the cause that; dai
mltjaw shi Rdbu 7rga a i , because of this he rejoiced;
dai.ra a i nzdjaw, because this is, or was so; SYrndsu
ail dai 7e ai nzbjaw s k i Ape h 9 a t w u a i .
-na, adv. This evening; d a i na de du na.
n i a h . This d a y , to day; dai ni gdlav a , do it to day.
-ning, adv. This y e a r ; comp. m~tritzgandhldnz'ng.
-hpang, adv. Afterwirrd, subsequently.
-hpawt, adv. This morning.
-rai yang, cortj. Therefore,for that or this reason; since
it is so; dai r a i y a n g g a w , i f it is so; Li r a i nna, and
this being so; hi v a i y a n g g a w 7zgaipw fm de ai.
-shSloi, adz.. Then, at that time; see parts.
-shata, adv. This month.
-hta ksga, c o ~ z j .Also, ,besides, i n addition to; slti gum-
@raw jaw a i l dai hta Rdga Iurzgseng mung jaw az. $

-hta n-ga, conj. More-over, over and above, Inore than

that; shi mdsu a i , dcli Ata n-ga shi Idgu az.
-hte maren, conj. I n the same way, i n like manner; see
parts; dni hte mdren $hi gdaw nga ai.
-yang, $yon. That or the place; daiyang e mdclrji m d h m
n nga a i , there is no illness i n that placer
Daidau, n. A clan among the Shans; daidau ginshi-
ndtu and pdawng, see parts.
Dau, v . T o hang; to be h Jng; comp. dang and slddau; to
be entangled, as a deer i n heavy undergrowth; fig. to
be attached, as a child to its parents; to " hang on
some one"; ma gaw &&nuadwa hfa myit daa ai.
-nan, u. To be entangled; see parts; dai shun gaw sing-
wum 8-nrulegahhang nna dau ?tan nga ai.
-sat, v . T o hang, k i l l by hanging; shallnhfe dai num s l a w
a i wa hpe dau sat M U ai. a

-sip o. T d suffer death by hanging; sAi dai darc s i mat.

soi, he hung himself; shi nun2 n Rant wa a i majaw dau
s i mat sat'.
Dau, v . T o be thick; (not used.)
-dau, a. T h i c k and protrudino nten dau dau re a i wa,
a person with thick protrud%g lips.
Dauje, n. One of t h e N h k u ~ ~clans; z Darrje n i NhRrm
arnyu r a i 7zga ma ai.
134 'Dauma,
Dauma, n. Oneaof the Mdrtl clans; also pron. ddma.
Daw, v . T o break, to be broken; to section, as by break-
ing or cutting; comp. grawp and btau; shingna Ape
daw u , break the stick; nbung P hpan dnw ?~zatsat', the
tree broke off by the wind; daw Aka, to separate from,
break off relations with; ngaz shi Ate n dnw n Aka
m dyw ai.

D a w , n. (from daw, to break.) A part, portion, section,

division; comp. h a m and hkambrm; d a ~m, i daw Rau
e , break off a portion; daw ARrawng di Raran r ,
divide it by halves; daw m i JAB jaw e, give only a
Daw, v . To fix, establish, determine; derv. laclaw; mtinu
daw gal let us fix the drice; nhtoz daw nna gd/aw u,
determine on a day and do it; daw da a i Ate mrtren
jaw lu na myit dai, you must give according to the
established (rule.)
-dan, . v . To judge, pass a sentence; to be condemned;
comp. dan.
Daw, v . T o handle with care; comp. Ru; wan n ga r ga
a t s a m sha (law zr, handle t h e dish carefully so it
wont break; lrang n d a v a i ntci~awhten ?mt s n z , be-
cause you were not careful i t broke; 74 ctgw n Ada
Akum r a i , hten na re az.
Daw, v . To be related, as by birth or marriage; comp.
Bur. em$.shan hpu nau daw a i , they are brothers and
sisters; s h a d t t i mdyac dama dnw m a ai.
-shan, n. A near relative; 7zgaz nau nyi a daw sRan m i
nga ai; a limb, a member of t h e body; .Adam a claw
shan ni; see parts.
Daw, v. T o serve, minister, as to a-party; comp. jaw 2nd
lau; shi hpe /u sha daw ai, he is feeding the
working men; .to render service - due to the super-
natural; sAi hkgngga daw a i l he is sacrificing; fig. to
render like for like; to defy, to dare; Rdnw .Rdwa daw
yang sz az d a , ntdrang daw yrcmg mddi a i da, he that
defies parents will d i e , he that challengts t h e rain
will .* get wet; 3 2 lrpytn ni ltpe daru a i , he meets
force vyjt h lorce.
Dawhpum. 139
Daw, v. T o dig out, hollow, scoop out, as a coffin, a Shan
drum, wooden dish, rice mortar, or the like; I i d a w /a
ai, to dig out, as a dug-out; nrdsa hpnn Lle L f a m k w
dasv ya e, make a paddy mortar of the cinnamon log;
chying d a w mu.
Daw, Verbal particle, Subjunctive and Potential modes;
if, might; comp. taw; see Gram.; shigdlaw lu ica vai
dav ngai myit nngai, I thought he might do i t ; s k i
hpe s h d p na v a i dam gaw, if I could call him.
Daw, n. A bullock or pony-basket; a pannier; nga daw,
gwmra daw: a bullock op pony-load; 7zga daw nd/i r a i
/u ai, he has four bullock loads; jum daw hngai m i
d u t e.
-baw, v . T o pack a bullock or pony-basket; to arrange
a load; see parts.
-byau, v. T o arranoe as the baskets, saddles, and the
like, before loadTng.
-ji, r. An oldi discarded basket.
u n. A regulation load, about fifty viss; d a i nga k d j z
daw ju gdrai u dzng /lr ai.
--hkawn, n. The halt of a load; see parts; jam daw
hknwn m i dtr! a , hkaw~tmi ngai /a vta, sell one of the
baskets (half a load) of salt, I will take the other
--ze, 7t. A large basket, not as a rule used for transporta-
tion purposes; hkotr y n bang nu dawze wa lawn mu.
Daw, n. A post; only used i n composition; see sA6daw.
-gawng, n. A fine, tall post; comp. sutnsai.
-hkap, n. The side-posts of a house, also called s h ~ y e n
(taw, i n distinction to the mdgnw dnm, or middle
--hkai, n. A tenon.
-hkrawng, 72. A staff; comp. s ~ m d o i .
--lam, n. A spear, as shot from a gun i n elephant hunt-
ing; nzagwi h f e dnziditnz kte gap y n ~ gsi ai da,
-lum, n. A large round post; see parts.
-nu, r. A f ront-post ; comp. s~mzsnt'.
-hpum, 72. The large front post, also c a l l e d n h j r dazc~,
or i n poetical l a n i u a X . e , srrm~nidzw gazung-; t h e central
pests;especiall y. of a chief's house.
i36 Dawsi.
Dawsi, p t . A nlortise,or an incision, asof a post; dawsi
hkn, to make an incision; see parts; daw s i hka nna
share mura mu.
-sha, n. Short posts supporting the girders; daw sha
hkni n i , v. to place t h e posts; see parts.
-tsun, n. A gable-post.
Daw ga, v . To be hot, as the sun; see jan dazv ga.
Dawhkawp, n. A kind of game, played as " last tag"
daw Lkaw? hkawp, 2). to play the game.
Dawshi, n. A clan a m o n g the Ldhlnws; also pron. ddsht.
Daw wa, a . Many, multitudinous; ntashn daw wa sa wa ra
at'; Apyen daw wa hiim r a n i .
Dawk, v. T o press, as i n ail oil-press; ?ranran dawR ai;
to dye, to varnish, as bv a process of pressing; hRri
dawR ai; to hammer, ljist into shape, as silver orna-
ments; d l lrknwp h z v R ni; to cover, as sand a former
field; zaibrzt dnzuk n i ; to dash through, and thus lay
as jungle; to " break brush;" nam mdh' dawk ai; to
stamp, seal; ddzik dawk 1 1 ; comp. makdawk.
Dawk, v. To be short, stubby.
-dawk, a. Short, stubby.
-hkyak, a. Foolish,silly.
Dawm, v . T o be IOW ar,d w i d e , as tub; n. a kind of tub-
shaped basket ; hi dnwm hta iriam szrr~tshivawng a i .
-dawm, a. Short, as a qarment, stubby: I f k a h k r ni l d b u
dawm d a w m mi 61e ;na ai.
Dawm, v. T o witbdrziv, t o k e back, reverse; ldta duww /a
rr, pull back your hand; to cease as life or breath and
thus to die; shi a nsu dawm mat sni; to be without
issue a n d thus become extinct, as a clan or family;
dai mdlrc hle hlixggaw dawm mat sar.
Dawn, v . T o geld, castrate, as human beings, hogs or
fowls; see zcdawn and mddawn; comp. d a w q and mawn.
Dawn, v . T o angle; q p dawn a t ; comp. h k ~ and ~ z hRwi;
to catch, as birds with bird-liine; gitnoi Xtz u dawn u.
Dawn, v. To point, as a g u n or spear at so:ne one, as i n
play; to flourish a swerd as though i9tending to
strike; comp. shlidittg; s b i ?;.&pi A g e grhh n? t e dawn nz,
he pointed his spear at me.
D a w n , v. To reach f o r t h ; derv. Z&LLWR; corn?. d a p
Dawn dawn, 0 . Protruding, thrust forward; shi Raw wti
dawtz dawn rai ltgn ai.
Dawn, v . To be round and chubby; shi a 7y~zdawtz rai /a
-dawn, a . Rounded, oval, egg-shaped; rr d i d a w n duwn
rt?ai hfe ya jaw 7nd nu.
Dawng, Subjunctive particle; if-may; s h i she tt re a i
dawng krn, I (wonder). i f he may not be t h e one; n
isawnr na I( dn wng gaw she jaw ril.
Dawng, v . T o geld, emasculate, as horses or cattle,'by
crushing the testicles; comp. dawn.
Dawn:, a. A cubit; a measure of length from t h e elbow
to t h e second finger-tip; comp. Bur. cm26; srinzrz dnwng
mi dnw y n e.
D a w n g , v. T o like, favour, take kindly to; mostly used
with its coup. y a w l i n the negative; aang sAi hpe n
dawng n yawl ndai, you hate hlm (or do not like him;)
she dawng hte yawl Law, of course I like him.
Dawng, v . T o rebuke, as for neglect, oversight, or the
like; to remind as of forgotten favours; comp. nthz!nu~ng
and deng.
D a w n g , . v . To appear, come forth..
-PrU, u. T o appear, to come to the surface, as a fish; hka
kdla na nga ni dawrrg Prrr m a ai; to become visible,
as a submerged island; hX.a Myet jta7zg, stldnwng nz
d a w q prr wn ~ i ;to appear, come forth, as i n re.-
sponse to a summons; ngni shdgn t i str7zg Iarcgai m i
pyi n dawng pru wn ai; .
-yu, v.. To obtain a view, as by stretching the neck;
comp. dap; to stare at, as i n ignorance or surprise.
D a w n g , A preformative. a

-ban, n. '4 f a n ; o n l y used i n poetry as a coup. of Ldyit.

-dep, n. A cover for a fish-trap; see dep.
-ding, n. T h e Sal or I n g y i n tree; any species of the
dipterodarpus; daw~cgdi~tg /@ /ahpaw kdja rai nga ai.
-ding, 7t. T h e sound produced by the second of, the
three gongs at a death-dance; dawvtsc(ittg bag, see
parts. .
-gawng, n. A loop, a noose;puli /idn7u?ygnw?zg~Atr u gyil
722 1f. .
Dawnggoi, n, A species of reed used for m a t s ; d a w e ~ 8 a i
hie wn ai chydhlai mdnmz a i ; ~/azunggornaz, a syecles
of yam. 'I

-kat, n. A kind of cattle disease; dawngRat Rat, 0 . t o '

sufTer, as cattle from the disease; nnhta a nga dawng-
hat knt ni.
-hkawn, n. A sail, a banner, a flag;.a mast or a flag-
staff; dawnghkuwl~ shltrawt, to hoist, as a sail or a
-hkreng, H . A species of wood. -- -
-mat, n. A middle, centre; only used in poetry as a
coup. of kdang.
-mu, n. A water-lily; a lotus; also pron. lawns mlc.
-r~gut, n. The largest of the three gongs at a death-
dance; see bau mltsum; dnwngag~t dnw?zgdi7zg a
m dna ng.
--pyi, n. A species of palm.
Dawp, v . T o retaliate, take revenge; comp. tai; e a t
shtlnhtt l t p e mdtai d a w j nn; to be avenged, as evil
inflicted on the unfortunate; chydltm (@ye hpe roi
ai m d j z w yudnk dawf da w u si; to suffer, as for the
sins of others; ji wa ni a Aka tndjaw ngai h f c dawp
mn ai.
Dawt, u. T o adjust, regulate, as scalesfor silver or
opium ; comp. dek; daz yoi h f e dawt ya a.
Dawt, v . To cut and clear, as old, heavy forest; comp.
dai and kkym; dai vzding ltpe dawt Rare u . -4
Dawt, v. T o be broken, as rice (n-gu,)i n the pounding;
mam a kang a i mdjaw n-gu dawt nna sfiing-run law
w a ai.
Doi, v . T o be cut as the hair; derv. gddoi; comp. shingan;
s h i man doi Raa sai, he has cut (or shaved) the beard;
to become extinct, "cut off," as a family o r tribe
comp. duwm; shi mbtu -mdra doi rap rai sai.
Doi, v . To trace, track the roost of a bird, or a bee's
nest, as by catching stray bees and tying a piece of
cotton to each; an&& dai na Idgat doiga.
Doi, n. An uncle; a father's younger brother, o r a
mother's elder sister's (twng) husband; comp. d i , dilw
and wa doi,
Dagaw. t39

Doi l ~ k a w r n , a. Betel ; o n l y used as a coup. of pidarcg.

Doilang, 7 2 . To swin ; s a m e as goi Iang.
Doilawa, n. A crow , an assembly; ndv. before, or i~
view of all; doi h w a hpawng g h w gwt n ni? do you
dare to do it before the crowd.
Da, A general preformative.
-u, n. A coffin; also pron. fdu.
-bak, v . T o press, crowd, force, as things into a jar;
comp. bak and abak; nrini durn Ata jltm ddbnk u.
--bang, n. A camp; a public stopping place; ark& wora
ddbnvzs E but nn ga ai.
-bu, a. T h e hump on cattle; aga d d u .
-bawng, a. White-legged; (applied to cattle;) dd-
da w rzg.
-chpawk, n. A division as of land; ga cCdrhyawk, a field,
a farm; ~ 3 . rit gn darhyawk n dut Zg ai.
-gam, n. Chestnut colour; (applied to animals;) nga
ddgnnt .
-gam, u. To curse, to imprecate evil against; shi shan-
hti. hpc d,rga?n kntc wu a i , he is cursing t h e m ; to
avow bi? an oath; to take. an oath; mu skdraw ddgam
hkva hRra n nt/u~rgn i ; ddgnnt dnla, n. a curse, impre-
cation, oath ; cornp. mnlsn'nzdwn and sangam.
-gan, v. T o open wide, as t h e eyes; shi ngai hfe myz
drignn 7znn h k r i t ai. P
-gap, v . To cover w i t h something wide and flat; comp.
gap, nzdggapand n'nfuj; ARinRawp life &gap fazurr u.
-gu, n. Power, strength; see hjhpangddgu.
-ui~k, a . Curvc-horned; anhte a nga da,4tRit mte n n i ?

--gum, a . (from , p n z , to bend.) Bent, curved, concave,

vault-li k e ; also proo. s h a g u k ; diddgxm h w n u.
'-gUP, o. (from gup, to be covered.) T o cmrer; to
envelope; to put or place as a basket, for t h e sake of
r con;p. dli'qoj; shingaoi R f r dctgup lawn r.
v. T o bow lon.; to sit o r kneel, with t h e face to-
wards the ground; to m a k e obeisance; also pron.
di~zkygu);shi ntj~ifirnlichyinnnhkrtnddg~rpngr. .
-gaw, 3. T o fold, as a n envelope; comp. guw; and
m a h i ; n. n packet, as of cooked rice; n ~ o iApe sAa2
ml7z dli~zzwN Z I j ( z w ttzi,

Dagawp, 11. T h e ordinary silver buttolls worn by women;

same as dzi gawj+.
3 V. T o scoop, ladle; (Hkauri;) see skdgawl; to
make a sweeping (scooping) movement with the
head, as a buffalo. ., . --.

3 v. T o boast, brag; same as grmzg, whicll see.
-wum,3 v. T o infold, wrap up, as in a blanket; see difrg-
grzcrtr. A -

3 v. To put on, as a glove, fingerstall, shoe,
jersey or the like; comp. g-raw and chynwp; to be-
come incarnate, as a nat; to assume the s h a p e , f0.1-m
or body, of someone else; nat yaw nznshn n h b x m
hkrang h j e ddgraw nna yzt n i l the nat put on n human
body and came down; daz' h j y i masha m i n h ddgrnzo
n7~asha slung ai, the witch took possession of (lit. put
on,) the man's spirit (ghost) a n d bewitched h i m ; to
inherit; to enter into t h e possession of another's
property; sdr'i wunli dtigmw n i l to receive an inherit-
ance; meyaw htifzggaw ddgmw n i l to assume charge
of another's house-hold and belongings.

-grawng, v. T o drink, as out of a jug, cruse or bottle;

da sdlang n i a dinghkrz~hfn Lhzinz d u g ~ a w n g/zt u ,
don't drink out of the chief's bottle; to lick a disil, as
a dog; gwi Atam Rta n-gx rl;g~aw~rg $ha 7zga ai.
-grawt, v. T o gulp, swallow eagerly; comp. arnw,
3dARawt and nnw; ning-yi dkgrawl mdya n ni?
-gyam, v. (from gyam, to keep.) A coop, an il~closurc
as for keepin.g poultry; u hpe dkgyam e bang md su.
-ju, n. (from ja, to converee at a central point.) A
centre; Minmaw nzdre n i h l ~n @dga ddia r a i zga a1
'Bhamo is our trading tentre; a basis, a n d hence
. origin, source; daigaw mahkra a ddjrc rai trga ai,
this is the basis (or source) of all; a progenitor;
ancestors; WncAyet wa j i ~ g h p a wni a d d j k mi ngn
at: .
-jawk n. A division, as of land; same as ddrhynzuk,
I. which see.
-kat, v. To show temper, decision, grit;" mostly used

adverbially; a ddkat a i , to 5 how a quarrelsome

spirit; n y i t &Rat a i , to "brace up;'' gru~zgdakat ~ to i ,
boast, brag i n a brazen impudent manner.
Dakam, v. To curse; same as ddganz, which see.
-kyeng, a. (froin kytng,to be aslant.) Slant; x . cattle
with horns of which one is straight and the other
-hkang, n. One of the Jinghpaw clans.
-khya, a. Different; other; Bur. mar; comp. Rdga; ?tang
ddkkya m i r a i ndai, you are diflerent (from others.)
-la, v . T o curse; n. an oath; see driganz.
-leng, a. (from Leng, to be clear.) O p e n , broad, clear
to view;ga ddZmg, open country; ?z/ztoi ddlet~g,broad
-ling, a. Red, brown; applied to animals; nga ddZi?tg
mdri zc.
1 a. (from lai, to differ.) Speckled, as cattle; ddi
nye a nga d d a i rai li ai; cornp. a h a .
-mun, a. Gray; applied to animals; cornp. mut; na7zg
nga ddmlcn n l a i n ni?
-mau, n. One of the M d r Q families.
-mya, n. A bandit, brigand, dacoit; Bur.; drir~zfa
mya, v . to rob, plunder, practice bri gandage.
-nang, n. (from nafzg, here.) A habitation, a place,
a position occupied; dd?ra?tgh k a i , v. to move, to take
up a new abode ; ddna fig a h Rai ai g.dsat ga,
-ne, n. Guilt, offence; cornp. dinggyi and m i p a ; zl. to
blame, charge; nang ngai e h j a dane f i t a ? for what
offence (do you blame me?)
-rat v. T o be engaged, as i n litigation; s d a n g ni dira
hkat nga ma a i ; cornp. tdya ddra ai.
-ram, adv. (from ram, to be sufficient.) ~ b o u t , - . a ~ a r l ~ ,
approxirnat'ely; ski /ap hRun ddranr La ai, he has
abut twenty Rupees; as, about as, according as;
comp. daf~g;~ m ?haw q a i ddvam riaw figu ai, there is
about as m u c h as you need.
-rat, 72. The subjects of a chief; the comtnon people as
distinguished from the chiefs: comp. m d j u nrdjln and
zaw; drr kasha dirnt nzinz Aku?rgva?r ni, the son of
the chief married a commoner's daughter; ddrat
(idrot', commoners, sul)jccts of a ruler.
* 'i
Daren , n. Dyse ntcry; ddren yen, v. to suffer from dysen-
t e r y ; comp. kan kdye; s h i ddren r t n 7znn mdchyi n i .
r , ZJ. T o rebuke, scold, warn; comp. mcika7z; sdrn wa
ma hpe duyza kau PUU a i , the teacher scolded the
child; to fight, to butt as horned animals; nga ni ddru
hkat m a n i .
-1-1, a. (from r r , to pour into.) Frequented; n. a free
or public rendezvous; dai yang mdsha ddru r a i ngn
ni, t h i s (place) is a meeting-place for everybody.
-ru, 72. Power, authoritv; :hi ddrrc n la..nno &yen n
dang lrc ai; a . great, 'excellent, august, magnificent;
ddru ni7zghjzcm ninghtawn, the great village (of a
chief ;) ddvu mdganz ga, the excellent (royal) words of
a chief or nat:
Na d & ~ agn 2 ~ na, 7 t g d i Hhripzgwa ntyit mu.
Mkgam aga izn, a'f~~~zsa mdsin su.
-raw, v. T o put end to end, brim t o brim, as when
covering one basket with another; comp. traw;
skz~tgnoishkda da d c l ~ a wLawn u.
%raw, it. A 4 k i n dof musical instrument.
-roi , 7z. Comtnon people ; see ddrat.
-\van, n. (from w a n ,to inclose.) A hole as i n a tree;
a species ol wood-pecker; comp. ufawk.
-wi, v.. T o be sweet; see dwi.
-wai , a. The devc-lap, as of cattle; nga ddtvai.
-yaw, n. A period of time; (Hkauri;) same as lawng
stdrn7zg or taw~z,qyemi, which see.
--zik, n. A scal, a s t a m p , ddzik Rap, v . to stamp; ddzik
dnwk, to s t a m p , st:al; see parts, and Bur. d36.
Dwi , o. T o be sweet, as sugar; a. sweet; also pron. dawi;
dcro. j%na dwi; namsi dwi ngn ai.
Dwi, n. A pair of hogs; wn d m i m i m d r i u ; comp. gap,
hdnp. hRnw7t, man, l z g q and turn.
Dwi, n. A water-proof made of l e a v e s ; see &aids a n d
n v i , 72. Grand-parents; coinp. ji d w i a n d woi dwi.

The fifth consonant i n t h e K a c l ~ i n alphabet; hard

sound of g , as i n go.
Darawt, a. common; coup, of driroi.
G a sheng. 143

Ga, v. To ward off, fend o f f ,and thus to protect, as a

charm; derv. aga; nyt ZaRhpoi ga a i mdjaw pd/a n
h k m a z , because m y charm protected m e , the bullet
did not hit.
G a , u. T o propitiate and expel, as a trouble-some oat;
cotnp. bunghbran; /dsa gn n i shdni R d a i hkum hkawm,
let no one walk about when the h s a is being expelled;
nhja hpc grut Rte ga ma n i , they propi ti ated the nat
causing ~nlscarriageby (sacrificing) a dog.
Ga, v . T o split, as timber, to crack, burst, as an earthen'
vessel; to crack open as the ground; /rpunkpj~euga
mat sat, the board split ; pat guzutn ,a-a mot sai, t h e
tumbler cracked; u-gang ga n i , the (parched) earth i s
cracking; to split, as a bamboo in the middle; to
divide i n two equal parts; comp. jag pu~gtivzgga,and
srr~daga; to pass through, as a country or village; to
take a short cut; s h i d a i hkarrnapa r g a sa wta ai,
he passed through the paddy-plain; (lit. divided it i n
-gal, v . T o limp; see parts.
-hkan, n. Half a viss; see Gram.
-lau, n. T h e saucer-shaped silver ornaments worn on a
woman's jacket.
Ga, Verbal particle indicating, ( I ) the first per. plur.;
anhte sa na ga ai, we will g o ; h/la di na ga ta ? what
wi 11 we d o ? anhtr sa Zu ga yang gaw, i f we can go; ( 2 )
t h e Causative i n the forms n go, a g a , myit ga, mu go,
a n d the optative, as in Ziga, Lit pa etc.; see G r a m ; (3)
the Past Perfect, interchangeably with j ~ u when , the
s t a t e or action is considered habitual or i n constant
progress; shz a sa nga ga a i , he had been going'there;
(4) the Exhortative, interchangeably with gaw; Y a
Bang r gwngdung Rdda na rawl ga, G a n g Znl hrda na
htnwt gaw.
Ga a. T o be; o n l ~used . i n religi,ous poetry as a coup. of
Hga; Jrlritsaru ga lam at nga, Ntsnng gn d n 7 ~az ga
m n at:
cJa, n. T r a d e ; see hpaga.
- - l l k y e n g , ; I . Bullock-hire; (Hkauri;) see ubun and rr-gwr.
-sheng, r . same.
144 Ga.
Ga, n. The carth; see w: ground, soil, earth; comp.gil;
- a place, district, country; Myen ga, Burma; S a m gal
the Shan States; Jinghpaw bum ga, the Kachin Hills;
cornp. also K d t m n ga, dinghta ga and munqkan g ~ .
-bum, n. A mound; see parts and gitdunz.
d c h y i n g , n. An "earth-drum;" a hole i n the ground,
covered with a bamboo "sheath," through which a cord
is passed; when "bowing" the cord a sound resembling
that of a horse-fiddle is produced; ga chjing dam, to
ga; chying durn yang mdralzg
"play9' the g r o u i ~ d ~ d r u m
htlr m . d a .
- - h m s a , #n.A nat-priest, xninisterimg especi-ally to the
terrestrial nats; see parts; comp. ga h k k t j a w ~ ~andg
ga hpunglum.
-kang, R. A -rut; see kang.
-kPgam,. n. Clay; see parts.
-kPsha, n. A minute .insect, par,ticularily tkublesome
during the rains, attacking the feet; ga Rdska sha,
v. to be troubled by the insect.
-hkinjawng, n. A prftst of the second order, officiating
at a sacrifice to one of the terrestrial nats; comp. ga
-la, n. T h e present world, or order a£t h i ~ ~ ga.s ;present,
--nat, n. A terrestrial nat; the nat of the earth; cornp.
mu naf; the original nat of the earth was Chydnxn
Woishun, but others have since taken the p1ace;ga plat
Rdwa, tosuffer as from illness caused by the earth-nat;
. see parts.
--pgsharn, n. E l k horn moss.
-;au, n.(Irorn sau, oil.) Richness of soil; fertility; g n
sau r rawng a i ga, poor soil, destitute of fertility.
-sSlum, TL. (from sdla~um, to be spongy. Porous soil,
produced by ants, used for medicina purposes; g n
sliGu?n Rte ~ z a s i nmdch y i t s i di ma at'. . .
-tawng, n. A clod; see parts.
Ga, 12. T h e raspberry; see chydga; ga Za~-fan--A~irn--
ru-see parts.
-chyang, n. T h e black raspberry; see parts.
-daw, re. A species of bramble berry.
-jaog, n. Ycllow raspberries.
G a hkyeng, n. T h e red raspberry.; see parts.
-mang, R. Black raspberries; (Hkauri ;) see parts.
-maw, n. Same as ga mang.
-tsit, rt. Yellow raspberries; also called ga jang; ga fsit
s/taw?z,nnzyin wa a i .
Ga, n. A labourer called for joint or communal work,
receiving only his food and drink; comp. nchyang;
trye a ga n i nta galup ma ai, my labourers are roofing
the house; joint or communal work, such as house-
building, paddy-planting, harvesting or the like
when labour is exchanged; j i g a , communal labourers
or work; see parts.
-daw, n. A large party, as of labourers, called for ex-
change labour; ga daw Iun du szd va ai, shaf n law na
law. ..
-galai, v. To exchange labour, as when building; comp.
ga tsun and see parts.
-kanawng, v . T o exchange labour, as during the busy
season; see parts; y i mdgangga kanawng ga.
-hpunglum, rt. An attendant upon a party of working-
men, especially the one serving the liquor.
-sa, u. T o s t a r t , as for the work of the day; see parts;
hdhfawrtg ni yawng ga sa w a ntd sai.
-saw, v . T o call, convoke, as labourers for exchange
labour; (often done by beating drums and gongs, the
calling party marching i n procession;) skanhfe mam
Ling ga saw ma ni, they are calling labourers for
paddy-planting; nnnf h j a ga saw n l a ?
-:sun, n. T o exchange, commute, as labour; see fszdn.
Gal n. A word; see nga; speech,language; Alyenga, the
Burmese language; Jifzghjaw ga, K a c h i n ; Aldwa ga
Chinese; comp. Hur. 0 0 3 3 : ; ga fsan a i l v . to speak.
-gal v . T o speak; to articulate; hpa 6aw pa ga n niP
what language are you speaking?
-gale, v . T o translate;. comp. ga pdh; gn gzle a i ma,
a. a translator; an interpreter.
- g ~ l u , v . T o by ci rcui tous i n speech; see parts; gn gi2w
~c, n. a thrush. t
-grang! n. (from f i ~ o ~ zto
f i boast.)
~ Gasconade, brayga-
doc1a; dai wa pa grang sha rhyc tsun ai.

Gaji byu.

Gaji byu, n. An A i s i (or J l d r u , ) house-warming.

-ka, V . T o carry weight aiid authority, as the spoken
word; na a ga n ka a i , saiarzgga she ku a t .
-kang, v . T o be reliable, true to fact as a statement;
see parts; na a ga a Rnlrg Lit dai; to become true, as
a prediction; myihtoi ga Rte mandan n Rang ai.

-kyet, v . Tb come to an agreement; to speak the last

word; n. an agreement; a word of honour; see parts;
dai gaw ga kyet r a i sai, ngn sa d u n r .
-lat, v. (from l a t , to scrape off.) T o sift, as words or
evidence i n order to arrive at the true meaning; ga
Cat k a u na, n re ai hpe /at Qazd nna t s u n nzs; to soften
down, to use euphonisms, as i n speech.
a , v . (from Zai, to go beyond.) T o disobey; to act
contrary, as to promise or agreement; see parts.
-law, u. (from l a w , to be much or . many.) T o quarrel;
ga Caw ga /a, n. a quarrel, dispute, brawl, contention;
ga l a w ga l a ngn,to be quarrelling; shun galoi mung
ga l a w ga l a nga ma ai.
-l%chyum, n. Meaning, sense, import,. as of a word; see
-12mang, v . T o s p e a k too fast, and thus indistinctly;
see parts.
- l ~ p a i , v . T o speak w i t h a brogue or accent; see parts;
lznang a ga n re ai mdjaw ga / q a i ?zga ai.
-l%reng, n. A hint, insinuation; see parts.
-pau, v . (from p a r , to mix.) T o a d d , as to a former
statement; to change the meaning, as of a word or
-hpaw, v . To begin to speak; derv. nhpaw or mdhpaw;
n. a prelude, introduction; see parts.
-raw, v. (from r a w , to loose.) T o defend; to make an
apology or defence; n. an apology, defence.
-sau, a. (from sau, oily.) ~ w e ~pleasant,t , "palatable,"
as words when attempting to please.
-sadi, n. A promise, agreement; see parts; comp. ndat,
ga shdka and Bur. 08;ga sddi d a , u. to promise, to
enter into an engagement or agreement; to pledge
one's self.
G a shildawn, n. Afigure of speech; an example; a parable;
see parts; n chyg nngai, g a shrtdawfi lsun a.
-shagup, a. A couplet; see parts.
-shSgawp, v . To make use of alliteration, as i n poetry;
n. a pithy saying; a proverb.
-shaka, n. An agreement; a compact, a covenant; ga
shdka d a , u. to enter into an agreement etc.
- s h ~ t e p , v. T o be silent, of few words; to keep silent,
as a bashful person ; nam nnan jun ga s h a t e j ai.
-tau, v. T o consider, as the import of a statement; see
-tsan, v. T o sift, analyze, scrutinize, as words or state-
ments; see parts; ga tsan a i na, n r a tsan a i wa, t h e
ear sifts (tests) the.words, the tooth tests the bone.
-YaU, v . T o endorse, as a word or statement; to intimate
as assent or approval; see parts. ..
Ga dLg-a, a. Many, multitudinous; ??zdshaga dnga, n. a
crowd, assembly, multitude: masha gu ddga (ah a i lam,
a road used by the multitudes,-a much travelled road.
G a k , n. T o make a sharp, whizzing sound, as a bow-
s t r i n g ; mian gaR nga ai.
Gam, v . To be lucky, fortunate; H. luck, good fortune- p,

comp. man, auba, hpawafz and Bur. n ) .


-hkyeng, v. T o be lucky, ortunate, "charmed;" ngai

gam hkyeng a i majaw n ,si n i ai law, being fortunate
1 did not die; gam Itkyeng a i wu,an exceedingly lucky
-rawng, v . T o be lucky; s e e parts.
-htik, v . To be i n luck; to be, as it were, supplied by
fortune; gam hti.4 a i majaw /1~7zgscng nrang.lrc nngai.
- - h p u k , v..To be unlucky; see parts; to lose, as luck.
-yuk, v . T o lose, as luck; see parts.
Gam, n. The first born male chi Id;' Ma Gntrr, AT-Ganr,
L a Gum; a Gam, may also be called, Ma Shawng,
M a Gawng, iLla Bvang, Kam 'Htoi, ]a Yzt~tg etc.
according to the clan or family to which h e belongs.
Gam, v . T o refrain, abstain, as from food; comp. Roi and.
Cst; Zzdsha gam ai, to fast; s h i shnt mai ganr tzi, he is
abstaining from curry; rhtoi ganr, a holiday, (Shan;)
ganz knu a i lam, F. abstinence, self-control.

Gam, v. T o divide; to share; comp. &&ran; na a shat

mai ngai hpe l o i m i gam e, give me a little of your
curry; n p a gzunlzpraw ngaz shanhti. &e gam kau se
a i , 1 distributed my money (among) them; dai shat
mai ~ a n h t gam
e sha mu, divide this curry among
Cam, n. Diffidence, timidity; see agam.
-gaw, v. T o show difidence, timidity, as before superior
ability or age; shi l t p e gam gaw at majaw, aja awa n
tszln Zzl ai.
Cam, A preformative, used mostly by the HRauris where
t h e Jinghpaws use ggm.
-chyaw; n. Malted rice; same as, tsapa, which see.
-da, n. A lot, (Hkauri;) see h j a i da; gamda da, v. to
east lots.
-gut n. S l a t e ; a slate or a slate-pencil.
-ga!, n. An old woman; see glcmgai.
-got, v. T o c l i n g to; coup. of gamnoi.
--noi, v. (from noz, to hang od to.) T o cling to, depend
upon; comp. anoi, gumnoi and mdnoi; to cling and
thus to climb :
HKddawn gnw, " Hpzdntsin tsi, 24 goi Rri e,
irs2ngdu ildgng e llgai gammi,
Tsingman d u n g e ngai gamgoi nna ntsin Zu ai."
-hpa, adv. Forever, perpetually; comp. chvdloi nkkoz
and gdjz~ga??z/ipa;gamhfyi ganzhpa, olden times, days
oone by; ndai bnttsa moi gamhpyi gamltpa na r a i sai,
this gong hails from ages past.
-hpyi, adv. Forever; only used as a coup, of gamhpa.
-tawng, a. Round, globular; (Hkauri;) see gunttnwng.
Gan, n. Wealth, riches; mostly used with sat, which see;
comp. Bur. o f : Matsaw sut num dingnum,
Ntsanggan hRwm dinghtxm l a pru md rit.
Gan, n. Health, general well-being; luck, fortune, as
regarding health; comp. gaw gan; gan ga, u. (from ga,
to ward off;) to ward off, as illness; to be exempt as
from common ills; dai ning gnn ge ai m d p w , mdlhyz
mddnw n hkvzcm 121 ai, this year ( g u a r d e d by good
fortune) he has not been i l l ; anlrte) a rta gnn n pa at'.
Gang. 149

Gan, n. A yoke: a (bamboo) carrying-pole, as used by

coolies; comp. Rrau and hRup gan,
--dang n. A yoke; mostly pron. kd'ndang, which see.
--se, n. A pin, inserted i n each end of the Radarcg, to
keep the baskets i n position.
Gan, v . T o render l i k e for li kt.;adv. each other, mutually;
shun gdsat gan mn a t , they are h g h t ~ n geach other;
cornp. also janggan and kdmir gatz.
-daw, n. A- kind of "love-feast ," or pic-nic;gandaw daw,
Y. to have a pic-nic; see parts.
Gan, v . T o l e a p , b o u n d , c a n t e r ; comp.gat andgumtawtrg;
rhan, s h ~ r u wg, u m r a gall a i ; to t a k e long steps, as
when going down a hill or stumbling; mdsha ldrzgaz'
m i gan ARrar wa m a i ; to act hurriedly, abruptly,
without delay; ngai shaf naw gan s t a n g a , let m e just
hurry throug!; my meal; /era a r a r gan sa /u su; cornp.
also such combinations as,gan bang, to leap, rush into;
gutr PYU,to dart out; gan rawt, to start up; gan tawf,
to leap upon; gan Lfim, t o spring, as a tiger, etc.
-hkap, v. T o leap, jump, as from one side of a stream
to the other; x . a leap, jump, bound, spring; see parts;
daz hRa gan hRaP ddram g a n g a i , this stream is about
wide enough for a Jump.
Gang, n. Steel; aa j ~ w ngang, blue steel; fig. the essence,
as of a dye or the like; comp mbhtatgasg.
G a n g , o. T o pull, as a punkah, or for the sake of stretch-
i n g ; comp: ddrawt; to jerk, tug; thus gang baw, to
pull, as weeds; gang d u n , to lead, as a stubborn
animal; gaag ddt, to break by pulling; gang ga, to
split, pull apart; g a n g je, to tear, rend, as clothing;
gang noi, to h a n g on to; see parts; gang n p i , to bend
as a twig.
G a n g , v. (from gaeang, to pull.) T o appeal to, rely on or
use, as the natnr of a ruler in self-defence; cornp.
h ~ r a w nand gau; skz gaw d u wa amying lrpe gang
nna hpyi p:ga az.
G a n g , v. T o be separated, distant, apart; comp. hRa;
nj.2 junghfiu lttc ngizi gang wet sdga ai, nly friend
and I have parted company,-are no longer of the
same mind; to eject, expel by force; chydru nang
Gang gang.

a i majaw gang kau gaw ai; a. wide, broad; d a i kka

dawng m d h lidram gang a i , the river is about four
yards wide. ..
G a n g gang, adv. Apart, with a space between; not as
strong as, tslzn isan; coinp. htep htep; n n n h l ~ g a ~ g g a n g
r a i tsap mu.
Gang, a. A stack (about a cord,) as of wood; hphpwn galtg
.gang a i , v. to stack and measure, 3s wood by the cord.
Gang, v. T o grow brbatl and flat, as the roots of a banyan
t r e e ; n.'the l lank-like, broad root, extending above
ground; comp. ARi?z-gaq,and h@n-gang
ShdZa, " N g a i hjrn-garallg htaw Matsaw ga n dap."
G a n g , A preformative.
--bang, n. Day-light; (Shan;) adv. in broad day-light;
comp. chyingtung; d a i wa shdni galeg bang t? pyz lag%
np a i , this man steals even in broad day-light.
-hkau, n. T h e firmament; Knaptg Ganghkaa, the celestial
regions; Ganghkan wa, the celestial~Nat;same as mu
nat; GangltRaz wa, sunistitg Cdmu hte ginding aga
l a p r a n e RahRrnng hkawnt ai; the celestial nat walks
back and forth between heaven and earth;--i.e.
causes thunder and lightning.
-hpang, it. A w a y s i d e resting-place; ganghpanggap, v.
t o prepare as a temporary shelter o'r resting-place.
-wan, n. Day-light; time of day; shaaigangwan e skanan
n Lang ra ai.
-ze, n. T h e betel; Bur. qS13r;gangze hjhprn, the areca
palm; gangze si, a betel nut; comp. 624 Cap.
Gap, v. T o shoot, as an arrow o r clay-pe1let;Zdltpaw hie
&an gap u; to fire, as a g u n ; sdnal gap ni.
Gap, v. T o build, put u p , a s a house or a h u t ; to pitch as
a tent'; comp. d e , gaw, and Bur. mS; nang i. su7n gap ga,
let us put up the hut here; jartghpa7zggap mu.
Gap, T o be covered, as with a lid or cover; derv. m d g e
and ldgap; comp, gu?; to contract a Levirate m a r -
riage; see gaida &a; s h i guvl kahpu a gaida gap
mu az.
--di, v. T o cover a n d thus to shield, protect.
Gap, n. A yoke, as of oxen; 7tga gap mi; a pair of
elephants, magwi gap mi.
Gatlung. 15

Gap, n. (from g a j , to cover.) A period of time; the time

covered, as by a ruler; moi na ARawAkam a gap 8
mung n ding ai.
Gapbe, n. A bag; only used in poetry, as a coup. of
tingsa n.
Gat, n. A bazaar; a market place; (Shan ndj.)
-baw, n. Duty, paid at a bazaar; gat baw daw, v. to col-
lect bazaar-fees.
-gang, v . T o go from bazaar to bazaar; fig. to be
unsteady, unsettled; myit gat gareg nga a i m d j a w , gdde
n ckye machylr ai.
-sa, v . T o attend a bazaar.
-t&, n. Quarters for a bazaar-guard; comp. Bur. b ;
barracks; police quarters.
Gat, n. T h e banyan tree; [&gat: only i n composition
and usually pron. git; gat hRri-fr7zg-zi, etc., see git
h k r i and forms under git.
G a t , v . T o cut, lop off, as twigs or small branches of a
bamboo; cornp. krum; Rctwa ldkying rzigat Rau a.
Gat, v . To sow, scatter, as seed; cornp. ban; mam nli gat
u ; to sprinkle, as blood on an altar; asaigat ai.
-ayai, v . T o strew, scatter, see parts.
Gat, v. T o run; see Rdgat; shi hpe dep kkra gat u .
-jawng, v . T o run a race; see parts.
-hkying, v . T o race, run i race; see parts.
Gat, v. T o be mature, as, of niind, and thus quick, clever,
smart; cornp. Rung; myit g a t a i w a , a clever, or alert
person; n gat ai, a. crude, immature, dull, slow:
Dlrwsa n rat ai, Hkringwa n gat nz.
Gat, n. Bees;seeidgat;only used i n colnposition and
often pron. git.
-bu, n. A small kind of honey bee.
-but, n. Young bees.
-baw, a. Wax.
-boi, rr. A swarw of bees; see parts.
-chyang, n. A large kind of bee.
+an, n. The common wild bee; see git jaa.
-hkrawp, n. A kind of bee's nest.
-lung, n. Young bees; see hRtVang.
15 2,. Gatmai.
Gatmai, n. A small kind of bee, (resembling sand flier)
uenerally found i n old trees, hollow logs o r posts;
gatntai Zep, the wax of t h e gatmaz.
-nen, n. T a m e bees; also pron. gitnen or ganen.
-nu, . n. A hornet; git nu Lddaptg.
-pa, n. Honey-comb.
-PYel n. A honey-comb, (because flat or plate-s haped;)
see parts.
--hpa'J"~, n. A small kind of bee; see githibawp.
- .
-sut, 92. Melted w a x .
-sawm, n. An empty honeycomb.
.-shang, n. A large yellow wasp.
-ting, r . A kind of bee; see git ling.
-tong, n. T h e young (larva) of the bee i n the comb.
--tsa, 1 2 . . Fermented hooey; see parts; the dregs of
honey. %.

-tsit, n. A yellow bee or hornet.

-yup, n. A kind of bee working during the night;
gal g u p s l a f r i c yztf ~p ma ai.
Ge, V. T o thicken, harden, congeal, as juice of sugar-
cane or t h e like; nn~nwor'ge mat srri; to coagulate,
curd, as milk; comp. Bur. 38; n. curd; also pron. gyr.
Gin, ad^. How, what, which; (an abbreviated form of
Rnning; see Gram.;) i n what wav or manner; g i n d i
gdlaza na hun ? how will he do' it ? gin nga tsun a
la? what did he s a y ; gin 7tgtc tsun n l a ? what will
you say ? gin re izgn mahtang dtln wn na Run ? which
cow (lit. what kind of cattle,) will we tie up? gin snn
wn rai ma i n ? how manv are there 7 gztt san a t u ?
how does he look ? (lit. w6at is his appearance 7)
Gin, A preformative indicating fulness and compre-
hensiveness; comp. gzim, kin and hRum.
-bait, n. (from bau, to be bulbous.) A single bulb,
tuber o r root; nai ginbau mi, one yam-root; yang-yi
ginbau lcihkawng, two potatoes; shlikan ginbau mlinga,
five onions; (also pron. gtlmbau.)
-bawm, v . (from bawm, to be swelling.) T o gather.
congregate, "swell" as a c ~ o w dn. ; a crowd, a gather-
k g ; mdshn g i n h e m nga a i .
Gindai. 153

Ginbawng, v. (from bawng, to be swelled.) T o be

rough, uneven, ridged, as a ploughed field; also pron.
;n. ridges, as made by loughing.
-chya,AR*ndav .wnf
( rom chya, to smear.) f o be besmeared,
bedaubed, bespattered, as with mud; hRum ting
gifichya mat sai.
-chyam, v. (from chyam, to pervade.) T o overrun, as
cattle a paddy field, nga ni y i ling ginchyam Rau
nzc at:
-chyan, v. T o divide; to exchange; only used as a coup.
of Raralr and also pron. kdchyan:
L a mdshat skingnoi kta /a hjajz' Rava~zgaw,
Nrtm mas hat s hingnoi hta num hfajigitrrh~~orz gaw.
-chyan, v. T o lay or be cross-wise; cornp. ddshaz; pa/i
ginchyan a i mdjaw n gang /a ai.
-chyum, R . (from chyum, to be tapering.) T h e base of
a hill, as seen from the top; Rawng Ate maraws
ginc/rytlm; a cape, a promontory; ga ginchyzm; an ex-
treme point, a terminus; mdve gznchyxm Raw nna
mtzre baw dx hhra.
-dip 72. Illness; only used in religious poetry as a coup.
of m a ~ k y i ;also pron. ndi: machyi slrdmai u , gzndi
shdtsaz' a.
-digram, n. A spider; also pron. Itkimiigram and
ndigram; cornp. dinggrng ltzbnn.
-dilagawk, a. A species of wood-pecker.
-ding, H. A poetical name for a pool; also called
Irpzngdung; cornp. gindaw; gindzng (ding.
-ding, n. The earth; only used i n religious poetry as a
coup. of aga; sumsing ldmu hte grnding aga.
-ding, u. T o turn a somersault; gindingdawng, to turn
somersaults; to pitch heels over head; also pron.
gu mdifzg dtz w ng.
-durn, v. To knot, as a thread or cord; r i g i n d u n u; n.
a knot, as on the end of a thread; comp. dingsu,ginsw,
and mdkyit.
--dun, o. (from dun, to lead.) T o walk, as arm i n arm,
or with arms around each other; cornp. ginshum.
-dai, n. The stem as of a leaf, flower or fruit; a peduncle
or pedicel; cornp. nkyang; namsi hle namIap gindai.
154 Gindaw.
Gindaw, n. A body ot water; same as ginding, which

i d a w n g , v. (from dawng, to stumble.) To fall, as from
an erect position; to turn over as a vessel; to turn
somersaults; comp. ginding and kbdawng; shi d u r n
.. gindawng nna ntsin h Raw mat sai.
v. T o be immature; n. a novice, a youth; also pron.
Rungji, which see.
-hka,, v. T o distinguish, discern, to exercise discrimina-
tion; also pron. grnghka; (comp. hka, to divide;) gzn-
hRn y u , to make distinctions; Ikdran ginitha, to sepa-
rate, divide into parts; ginhka tawn, to select and
set apart.
-hkai, v.(from hRai, tohook.) T o lock arms, a s i n
wrestling; mostly pron. gunghkai, which see.
-hkrang, adv. (from hRrangr, to pass through.) Rack
and forth, to and fro; also pron. Rdhkrang.
-hkyi, n. Deer-tracks or the like; a place frequented
by game; shan h j e ginhkyi L hkaf mr.
-la, n. Holes, as i n wattle; also pron. gingZa; mostly
used as a coup. of hkinji, which see.
-lang, n. (ftom lang, to handle.) The stem; as of a
pedate leaf; nanz/np ginlafig; the handle, as of a hoe,
rake or dipper; comp. ulang.
--]en, v. T o pass from one to another; comp.gdlcn.
-lung, v. T o be young and thus immature; opp. to ginsa;
also pron. gunglrng, which see.
-lut, v. To sink, as the earth at a n earthquake; ga
ginlat nna nawnglzbt t a i wa sai; fig. to "sink,'' waste,
squander, as money; comp. hddLat; shi gumhpraw
gindat Razt ni.
-lawng, n. A cave; a subterraneous passage or cavity;
also pron. dum/awng; ginlawng hkz his nga Ahrat
sz' ai.
-ngai, n. The top of a hill; only used i n religious poetry
with its coup. gindai:
ARawng ginngai ya dz ga,
Mdmwn gizdai ya puz ga.
-ra, n. The place where food and drink is served at a
feast; comp. shdva; la gznra d%so, sha ginra pru so.
Ginran, a. (from ran, to be separated.) To be loose, not
tight or close; Iachynwp ginrarz a i l the ring fits
loosely; mdgap ginran di, the lid is not tight; . mdsrrt
g i w a n a i , - t h e stopper. does not fit,-is too small,
comp. g d ~ a n .
-rang, v . T o be restless, as pent u p cattle; also pron.
ARangrang; nga ginrang nge a i l hpnw dat u ; to be
uneasy, restless, homesick or the like; sAi nta de wa
mdyu nna ginrang nga a i .
-rat, v . T o renew, as acquaintance or friendship; comp.
hlingvdl; shz' moz' na jinghhu nz' htt 6ai ginrat LRat
ma ai.
-ri, n. A fine thread, string or cord; the thread, as
spun by a spider; comp. sumri; the part, as of bark
or outer wood, which still unites the root and stem
of a fallen tree; Lipan gz'mi drtn ai mdjaw hpun n si
nga .
-ri, n. T h e nat responding to a nat prophet.
Ginri /an y a n t a nga, ginsang dung yang e ja.
-run, adv. (from u r n , to be double.) In an interlinked,
chain-like manner; v . to be interlinked, as when
runqing a three-legged race, or when walking with
the arms over each other's shoulders.
-rawn, v. To relate, narrate, rehearse, as the genealogy
of a person suspected of witchcraft; to pull as a rope
back and forth; (often used adverbially;) fig. to be
fluctuating, unsettled; mdrnintdZz'ginrawn ARawnr nga
ma ai.
-sa, a. (from sa, to be old.) Old, and thus mature,
solid, hard; comp. dingsa and m a ; Rawa g i ~ s aAte-
P d l z n mai shit ai; ginsa itpuff,same as hnsa or
mrttsdwi hbun, which see.
-sang, n. A kind of nat; coup. of ginri, which see.
-sap, n. T h e Luffa pentandra plant, bearing a long
gourd with a striped skin; see sap and combinations;,
ginsap si, the gourd.
-sat, n. T h e introductory shouting and preamble of
an officiating nat-prophet; also used as a verb; muihtot
ga ginsat ai.
-sen, n. A small insect resembling the sand fly.
156 Gi aseng.
Ginseng, n. An open-air entertainment conducted by the
young people; also called hkawn seng; ginseng d a t or
seng, v . to conduct an open-air entertainment.
-su, n. A bow-knot ; comp. gindum; gins% gyit ai, v. to
tie a bow-knot; gifiszr yan ai, to untie a bow-knot; see
-sum, n; A shed, a booth; see sw~z.
-sup, v . T o play, as a child; to'amuse one's self; ma ni
ginsap ng'a ma ai; comp. Riipmwng; ginsajb ginsap, n.
a game; a play..
-saw, n. A lock, or a lock and key; commonly called
-saw raw, -n. A kind of small yellow ants.
- - s o i , v. T o be on the look-out"for; see soi; also pron.
cinzoz; dai wb ginsoi sha kkawm a i wa r a i nga ai.
-shan, n. A plan, device, scheme; s h i h ~ l r ana ginshan
tam ni, he is devising a plan to obtain food; ginshaa
yaw, v. to plan, scheme, devise; Zbgu wa hpe rzm /a
na shiginshan yaw nga ai, he is planning to capture
the thief;gznshan lz nga, the scheme won't carry; there
is no way; ginshan m a . ai, to have a plan ; to see a
shift ; cornp. hhizjang.
-shang, n. A religious name for the PdCawng tribe.
-shang, n. A covered basket;same as szmzpa; (Northern
-shi, n. A band or ring of rattan or metal, with which to
encircle or band, as a hilt of a sword or the like;
cornp. wa /ah Rru-kdbya-Zbpni-kaji and daidnu
ginshi; ginshi sltnwn, v. to band with the bands.
-ship, a. Firm, strong; only used as a coup. of ginlrtif.
-shum, a. (from shvm, to hold.) To embrace, hug; to
fall upon, or clasp the arms around the neck;& noi
ginshrm ni.
-tan, v . T o shout, call, f r0.m a distance; shan gzntan ARat
nga ma ai.
-tawng, n. The morning (nhtoi gintawng,) or evening
(nsin gintawng,) star; gintawng prrr, v. to appear, as
the morning or evening star.
o h t e n g , n. A destination; the point aimed at;the goal end,
as of a journey; ginkteng n du n i , Rddai hRum wa mrc.
Ginghka. 157

Ginhtim, v . T o forbid, prohibit, warn not to do; to with-

hold, keep back, as a secret; dai sAt n bra u ga, gin-
htzm Rau mu.
- h t ~ p , V. T o keep down, as thatch w i t h bamboo splits;
to wattle; a . firm; see ginskcp.
-htung, n. A bridle; also pron. gumlrlung or rung-
-htawng, n. (from htaw~zg,to cease, as rain.) T h e d r
season; ginhtawng t a , the time from Oct. to ~ ~ r i (
opp. to h n a m t a ; see Gram.
-wan, n. ( f r m wan, to be circuitous.) A moment or
chance, as for escape from conhnement; [agut w a lawt
1%*a ginwan tam nga ai; adv. everywhere, all around;
rtga ~ z hpe i tam ginwan yu mu; g i r w a n gd/*az,to hit,
at the right time or place; hpa Lta mung n kRra a i ,
ginwarrgde w a sai, he passed without hitting against
-wang, n. (from wang, to surround.) P district;
suburbs, circumjacent parts; WaZa gzkwa;ug ARan a,
the district around. W a l a .
--yan, a. (from y a n , to be straight.) Straight, not bent
or crooked; comp. ayan; also used adverbially; sha-
kznt gift-yan tawn u.
-yin, 3 . To be dizzy; comp. baw gin-yin aqd Rdyitr;
4l - / ~ t f d rnangyang
a haw gin-yzk ai.
Ging, u. To be worth; comp. d o n ; i a p ma/i ging ai rai,
things worth four Rupees; ging dan, to be worthy,
deserving, meritorious; shi @a n ging, h#a n don.
Gi ng, A preformative.
-gang, V. To act arbitrarily; to accuse, or inflict as
without proof or cause; shi ngai l i p c ging-
gang e Zdgu sltdtu ai, he accuses m e of stealing
without cause; may# la d i k ginggang a i , nyt rai
Rdshtzn !a y a ar'.
a , Y. T o cross, as the legs; to coil, as a snake; to
twist, as strands of a rope; also pron. gurnhai or
-hka, u. T o separate, distinguish; same as ginhha,
w h i c h see.
158 Ginghkai.
~ G i n g h k a i , v. T o hook; see mbkhai; to be united, as by
bonds of affections; shan shdda isaw ua a i myif IJe
ginghbat nga ma a i .
-hkyi , n. A deer-track; see gifthkyi.
-la, n. Holes as i n woven wattle; mostly pron. ginla or
Akinla; coup. of hkinchyi, which see :
Hkinchyyi hka y u l a law, ging'Za hRu P Y ~ Ll a [gw.
-la, v. T o call; mostly used i n poetry as a coip. of
W o r a Rungdung e , skdre nga nna gingla.
Shdgnn nga nna skdga ai s a w , kddai r a i law ?
-yaqg, a. Straight; same as, gin-yan; mostly used by
the Hkauris. ,
Git, v. T o remain, be left, after a number or quantity
has been subtracted o r cut off; comp. Irti, ngam, pvai
and yet; hjyen mdsha lttiinga sha g i t mrt sai, only five
soldiers remain; l a p mdli iraw g i t sni, four Rupees
are still left.
Git, v. T o be re-born, to transmigrate; derv. ldgrt; nzdsla
ldhkawnggit md sni, two persons were re-born (by the
process of transmigration.)
Git, n. Soil, mould, e a r t h ; only used i n composition;
comp. ga.
-bum, n. An ant-hill; a small mound; comp. ga bum.
-chyang, 72. Black soi1,loam.
di k , n. H a r d , tramped down soil; also pron. g k d k .
&hkyeng, n. Red soil; ochre.
-mut. n. Alluvial soil.
-na, * n. Black mould; leaf-mould; gz't na tang, a large
black a n t ; comp. tangkaw.
-raw, n. Lumpy soil.
-wawp, n. Soft, spongy soil.
Git, n. Bees; same as g a t , which see.
-baw, n. W a x ; see gat 6aw.
-;an, n. T h e common wild bee; see gat j ~ 7 c .
*-lung, n. Young bees; same as gat l a q .
--mai, n . A sltlall k i n d of bee; p t ntai.
-mawng, n. A k i n d of poisonous leaf, the odcur of w h i c h
t e n d s to stupefy t h e bees; gi/maw~zgkawnt, 71. to blow
9 Gitkung, 72. a large k i n d of bees,
- small particles of the leaf into a nest o r hive, as
when removing honey- combs; gitmawng k d a u t nna
gitpa l a i l a mu. Gitmaw, 12. gold-bearing soil.
G ~ t p a , n. Honey-comb; see galpa.
-hpawp, n. A small kind of bee; also pron. githpawk or
-sha, n. Young bees.
-ting n. A k i i d of bee, making a capsule-like covering
of. clay, i n which the larva is found; cornp. gat tilng.
-htung-, n. A bee-hive; hRni d w i g i t Atugzg,-dnw hkawn
git irtung,-h~u7z gif h t u ~ gdifferent
, kinds of hives.
Git, n . T h e banyan; see ldgnt; only used i n cornyosition;
also pron. gal.
-gam, n. T h e large-leafed banyan, i n religious poetry
usually called g i t j i ; the Ficus retusa.
g gitgam shdkawng R Rroz;
G i t j i s A d R a w ~ ~loi,
.. -Gilji n j a w f y a du gn, gitgam n y a n g y a f r u ga.
I , n. Same as gitgam.
-hkri, n. A species of banyan with edible leaves.
-rawn, n. A species of banyan which grows by pensile
branches or stems taking root i n the soil.
-rawng, n. A species of honey-suckle; comp. gnwng
. Ryeng.
-tung, n. The common banyan.
-zi, n. A small kind of banyan: t h e Ficus.infectoria.
Githkri, n. (from gyif,to tie and k k r i ? to braid.) The
cord which according to Kachin tradition, originally
united heaven
Gu, v . T o slide or climb down, as on a rope or pole:
Giln sumri hta nu, gu71zhfai surndanz kta g u .
Gu, n. A father-in-law,-a husband's father; comp. Ru
and tsa; a brother-in-law,-a busband's elder brother,
or the husband, as addressed by the wife's younger
sisters; an uncle,-a paternal aunt's (trroi a , ) husband
or brothers.
Gu, v . T o scale, as a fish; derv. agu; to skin, as rattan;
to dismantle, as an old roof; comp. gaw: s t , s e j , and
yen; nga scp $26 I ( , scale the tish; shn~grtg a &au ~ I L ,
remove the thatch.
Gu, v . T o b e bent; fig. of great age; comp. u C p p f and ,414.
:.':Gitnen, n. same asgcztne7r.
160 Gu gu.

G u g u , J. Bent, stooping; gumgaigu gu vai hkawm ai.

Gu, v. T o be complete, as an appointed time; Ji shngai
nn nhtoz gu yatzg, when her t i m e to give birth had
come; nhtoz g a r a t n ga a i , the day has not yet come;
to be enough, suficient; ngau gu ai, there is sufficient
timber; shat gu a i , there is enough (to g o around;)
ldkrng ldma gzi ni, his skill is equal (to the emer-
gency;) derv. shcig*.
-byi, adv. Every year; (Shan;) di namsi g y byi a si
-gu, a. Whole ; palawng gu gu pa a i , the coat is whole-
not torn;adv. each and every one; every one, all around,
throughout; sRnt mbRaz gg g a jaw m i , give packets
of rice to each and every one.
-je, a . All, common to all; gr je gu mya, a. common, of
each and e v e r y kind; gz4 j g g r yareg, every thing;
sAi grje gu yang hpyi nga d i .
-hkra, adv. All aroui-id, from first to last; see parts.
Go, v. T o be bare, naked; derv. singga; to be without
husk or covering; see n-gr; shi gamva g r jawn a i , he
is riding bare-hack; n. rlce; (n-gu;) paddy; only used
i n combinations.
-hkrak, s. First class grain of any kind.
-leng, a. Clean, free from husk or chaff; bare, naked;
w~thouthusk or covering; onhle warn chydrang e g8
lezzg r a i sai.
Guk, v. T o be bent, curved, as a horn; derv. d&uR.
- ~ k , a. Bent, curved; nga rzfinggukguk r a i n g a ai.
~ : k , n. A narrow, wooden scoop or shovel for winnow-
ing paddy; mam jdhkvat ai guk 2ang.u.
Guk, v. To take notes.
-bang,' o. To take notes, as for reference, or to assist
the memory; maumiiwz a /am nraisaa hta guk dangu.
G u m , v. T o bow, bend, as i n token of respect, or when
picking up something or when passing through a low
door; comp. ltga and dugup; nem a i shdra gum nna
gale 71: to hang, or bend over, as a full ear of corn:
mam guuz aga ai.
G u m , v. T o belp, assist; only used as a coup. of &dram,
i n religious poetry: Malsaw Akraigulog Alan k d r z l ? ~ ,
Gum bawm. 161

Ntsang kkraiwa lan de gum.

Gum, v. T o be sufficient, adequate, all that is required,
as to quantity or amount; cornp. gu and hkum; gum-
APvaw gum yang aanf hpe wa na de a i , I will pa you
when I have the f u l l amount; nga gum sail a 1 the
cattle are here (none lacking;) mdsha gdraz n gum
ma az', all are not yet here.
-gum, a. Full, sufficient, adequdte; gumhjraw gum gum
raz nga a i , the sum is sufficient, (the f u l l amount is
Gum, A preformative indicating fullness, sufficiency or
comprehensiveness; cornp. gam, gin, hkum and num.
T h e Hkauris as a rule pron. this
-ba, Trns
v. T o fold, as a garment; n a gumbo gam Oru; to be
broken, as a bamboo, a stalk of grain, or the like;
mam gilmda ai; to be turned, as the edge of a sword;
nhtrr g ~ m b aaai; to be crooked, bent, as a deformed
limb; comp. hjatn.
-ba, n. Elephant grass; see Rumba.
-bat, v. T o wind round and round; to entwine; a strong-
e r form than dzdmbat, which see.
-bum, v . To heap; to sweep or brush into a heap; comp:
bum and hkambum.
-bung, , swell.) T o be clotted or caked,
Y . (from b u ~ gto
as with mud; ldgaw Ata hRuwt#up gumdungnga ai; to
gather, as into a bundle, or, as a number of ants
around a dead worm: tramlap hta RhRyin ru' gumbung
nga ma ai.
--bail Y. T o begird, encompass, as a vine a tree;
hpun hta a a m j a n u2.t grrvtrbai nga ai; to encircle, as
with a colour-line, for the sake of marking; comp.
-bau, n. A bulb; same as g z d a u , which see.
-bawm, v. To belong to; to be found associated w i t h ; to
be piled u p , huddled together; same as gindawn, but
mostly used in the religious language as a coup. of
kdnawm or gum/awm :
N a i f t f d l s a v h a n g kdnawm,
d a i N l ~ a n gARwngri gunrdawm,
Gumchya, v . T o knead, work into a paste; shat grmthya
a ; to mix, work, as mortar; LRumfaf gzinzchya az.
-chyan, n. A linear measure, (see cltyan,) from the end
of t h e thumb, to the end of the t h i r d finger; cornp.
-din, v. (from din, t o be round.) Round, globular,
spherical; g#mdin gumtawng, round, etc.; g ~ m d i nRa-
hkyin, v. roll up, as into a ball; gzmzdin g ~ m h k a w to
be congealed, thus t a k i n g globular from; fig. rolling
waves; n. a ball, a globe.
-dun, n. A linear measure, from the e n d of the thumb,
to the end of the first finger; a span.
-gu, n. T h e human body; see sLing.nyan.
-gun, n. (from gaan, to carry.) A guardian nat; a
provider, purveyor, thought of as a nat;gumglrn g r m -
h f a i ni, guardian nats; see parts.
JauZang a gumg.un ltpe d a r a y a n g m r n g wawm,
J a a h ~ a i a ~zdmhpaih f e dumsn y a q . mung isnwm.
-gai, n. A n old woman; opp. to dingla (Hkauri,gaftzgai
or itpunggai;) cornp. chyinghjyi; any old female
animal; u gzlnzgni, an old hen; dzimsr gumgai, an old
cow; gumgai da, the large, black, biting ant.
-goi, v. T o lean on, as for support; mostly used as a
'coup. of gzcmnot, which see. ,
-ja, n. A proper name, applied to a chief; cornp. j a , ] a
L a and Zau j a ,
-jan, n. (from jagas, to exceed.) Over-weight; a fig.
name for an unusually heavy baby.
-jat, adv. (from jat, to augment.) Always; gamjat
gutnnat, always, for ever and ever.
-ji, v. T o shoot low; (Hkauri ;) gumjz hkvat nz, to hit
below the mark, as a bullet; opp. to gamkta. T h e
Jinghpaw terms are n j u g& a i and ntsa tawt ai.
-ju, n. A witch; a nat causing whitlows; comp.gawsa,
Zdswq and Apyi.
-ju, n. A piece of raw b e e f , w i t h hair and s k i n , sent
to fellow tribesmen i n time of trouble, a s a sum-
mons for assistance; zlso pron. vzttijzt 01- ? ~ z m j a ;
g u m j r gat a i , to send around thcgu?~zjz~; Aka gci/aw n i
Gumlawm. 163
shdloi, hpu nau shagz R p e gzrmju gitt ma QZ; gumla
htau a i , to divide, as game, among friends or rel-
at i ves.
Gumjup, *v. T o be close, as fruit on an over-loaded
branch; n a m s i g u m j u ~nga ar'; to be filled, packed, as
a tree with birds; d a i h f u n gaw u Lte gzrmjzrj, ngu ai.
-jup, v . T o mould, roll as rice into a roll; ma hpe shat
gamjup jaw mu.
-jawm, v. T o compress, bring within a narrow limit;
see jawm.
-jawt, v. T o jump upward, as when rcaching for some-
thing over-head; gamjnwt tint' s dep l a ai; comp.
chynn and gamhtawn; to jump, as a fish out of the
water; nga gzmjawl fzga ai.
--kan, v. T o roll, as a horse; comp. @urn; to stagger,
or roll over, as a drunken man; chyavu na.g a i wa ga
npu e g r m k a n nga a i .
-kai , v . T o cross, as the legs; see ginkai.
-hkaw, v . T o be round; see gumdin.
-hkawn, v: T o collect, as scattered objects; see l~ARct7urr.
-hkawng, v. T o spread, publish, relate, as reports re-
garding a notorious person; see Rajai gumhkawng.
-lan, v. T o be self-centered; only used as a .coup. ol
gtlmlu, which see.
-lan, n. (from /an, to create.) A creator; only used as
a coup. of- Gamhpan; Mdtsaw du Gumlan, Ntsang du
-let, a. T o cling, cuddle or sfiuggle up to, as a child to
its mother; ma gnw Rdnr gaw a gumlet nga az.
-lu, v. T o be self-centered, exclusive and thus uncon-
strained or independent; shigaw gumh g8mLan rai
alza nga Rga ai.
-lau, v. (from Za24, to tempt.) T o cause trouble, mis-
chief, disturbance; to rebel, revolt; gumle gumluu, n.
trouble, rebellion; gaml'au wa, a rebel; a mischief
maker; grrnlaz~ising, a kind of weed.
--lau, n. A river near Sz'ma; Gzcmlalr r g m , a fall i n the
GumZntb river.
-lawm, v . To heap, pile; to huddle together; see gum-
164 Gumlawt.
Gumlawt, v. T o jump, as a rope; to hop, s k i p , a$ when
dancing; to leap, as lor joy; comp. gzlmjawt, sling-
tawt and gan lawt; ma Rddzr fznn gttm/awt nga ai.
-nat, adv. Always; coup. of grmjat; which see.
-nu , o. (from nap, to be crumpled.) To bruise, as
rruit by careless band1in.g; aamsi k p e h k u ~jam
umnup; to gripe, clutch, squeeze and thus to cause
Qurt; ~ c ~hphp~e hklcm
a i gumnap u.
-nai, v. (from nai, to twist.) T o press, grind, crush,
bruise between the hands;. cornp. mdnai; shddunx
gamnai a.
-mi, v. (from noi, to hang.) T o hang, on to; to cling,
depend upon ; see gamnoi; shi gumnoi a i myit mctdan
ai, he shows his dependency.
-nya, v. (from nya, to be soft.) To soften, reduce to a
paste; to knead; comp. g*umch2a.
--pa, a. (from pa, to be flat.) Flat; s. anything i n the
shape of a pan-cake; something flattened; d a i shat
At% gumpa r a i nga ai.
--pak, v. T o compress; pack, as into a jar; filled,
a~ the mouth with food; cornp. park; myi Ata n@tl
g%mpah mat sai, the eyes arefilled,("clogged") with
-pap, v. T o be soaked, or bespattered, as with blood C
soft mud or the like; comp. apap.
-puk, v. To stick, adhere to; to be covered, as with
dust, or mud, or, as a piece of meat with ants; 4aw i i a
ga, /dta hta shat, gumpuh ai.
-pa!, v. (from pai, to mark.) To. mark, as with spittle,
i n native fashion; comp. gumbai; to leave a mark, as
of spittle, foam, slime or other mucous matter; net
g z r w a i at:
-pawm, v . T o place, put, as manure around a tree; to
hill, as corn or y o u n g trees; comp. npawm.
-pye, 2. T o push over; shi ngai h#e gwtzpye dnt nvz&-(zi,
he pushed me over; &dnaw~tggumpyc, to push against;
Rabai grmpye, to "bombard," as w i t h rotten eggs,
mud, or the like, also called gumpye brcn nn; to throw
away as useless.
Gum ra. 165
Gumpyet, V . To flatten, as by pressi~lg or pounding;
co'mp. apyet; dai hkumfup lrpr Add r guwyet u.
-hpa, v . (from hpa, to cling to.) r' o adhere, stick, as
boiled rice, mud or the like; comp. g*m/rpu; d i hta
shat gztmhpn nga ai.
-hpan, n. (from h j a n , to create;) a Creator; see Gum/an.
o h p a n n. (from Atan, to compute.) A fortune-teller; a
pafmister; one who ~ r e d i c t sfuture events; grrmhjun
zva Apang de /&la sn y u ga.
-kpu, v. (from hpu, to stick to.) T o stick to, And thus
to cover, as flies a dish of food; ji nu ni shnn hta grim-
hpu nga ai; cornp. gampak.
-hpu, v . T o take or bring down; only used as a coup. of
shnylr :

-hpuk, v. T o tap, pat; to touch gently, as when waking

a sleeping child; yup a i wa hpe g u m h j r k jdsu n.
-hpai, n. A guardian mat; see gumgun.
-hpawn, v. (from hjawn, to be together.) T o bundle,
tie together; gzmzhjnwn shdc/y+ a i , to tie up into
a bundle; to combine, include as i n estimating;
mahdra gumhpawn y a n g gdde nga n l a ? how many
are there all included? to compute, sum up; g r n t -
hpawn nna tsan u ,sum it up and (then) speak.
-hpre, v. (from @re, to be studded.) To be spangled;
shdgan nigumh,dre nga h a ai; to be studded, as a
jacket with silver buttons; tingsan Ata da Rawp
gumhfre nga ai; to spring forth, as mushrooms; pa
Ata mddi gicmhfre nga ai.
--hpraw, 92. (from &raw, to be white.) Silver; money;
cornp. jn; ( H k a r r i , gamhfrawng or gzimkprawng;)
gwnhphpraw dek, a treasury; gumhpraw jan, a purse;
gamhpraw Rdsha, gain, interest; corn?. atu; sanall
change; gunzlrpraw maisi, silver-bulliori; uncol ned
silver exchanged by weight; see gyu.
-hprawng, n. Silver; see gumhpraw.
-ra, n. A horse, a pony; cornp. mn and shangma; p m r a
Rdsha, a foal ; (drilrg gumra galr ti mzcng n ARrat nga
166 Gum ra.
- -
Gumra, n. T h e roof of t h e mouth; yat t? j u /a zr /tl
ngut, mayu r a n , g z m r a isan.
-rak, v. T o buck, as a pony.
-rat, n. Blessing; see gixmring.
-ren, 2). T o move, as along a fence or wall; comp. g k ~ t ;
8unghRa 7~zdhnuhkan t , g u m r a gat gtrmren hkawnr ni.
i n v . (from r i n , to grind.) T o knead; to crush w i t h
the palm of the h a n d ; to knead a n d roll, as dough;
comp. gam7L.a; shat hpe g a m r i n nnn m6.kai ma.
-ring, n. (from ring, to be blessed.) Blessing, pros-
perity, fortune; gz~?)zring g a m m t , s a m e ; gzcmrizggum-
r a t f 7 t la n i zuaz, a fortunate person, one who has been
greatly blessed; gxmring. gxmhbnng, n. blessed; see
i t , n. A necklace; g ~ r n ~gd/i i t a i , to put on and wear
a necklace.
-rut, u. T o glide, slide, as down a hill-side; corny.
gzmfstcn; a-gam hknn e gzrmrlrt chyyai ga, let us slide
down the steep.
-rawny, v. T o be proud, haughty, puffed up; galtzraw?lg,
g u m t a w ~ t g ,i r . pridc, hauphtiness; pammwldg ggunztsn
a. proud, and t h u s acknowled,oing no authority or law;
gl*mra-wng ganrtsu gn, a country or place without a
ruler; comp. sin-ga.
-rawt, v. T o crawl, move, as a s n a k e ; g-7tnzmzut Lkaw?n
ail to move by crawling.
-sap, n. See gzzsafl.
--se, n. Proper name, given to t h e first-born son (Zalc
Gnm,) of a chief.
-shem, n. Notoriously severe or wicked; gzonskem a i dzr
nga ni miye hpr mnigan de na h k r i t m n ai.
-shu, N. Sugar c a n e ; see kttmshr.
--tung, a. One of the Kachin families.
-tawng, a. (from tawng, to be round and solid.) Round,
mlobul a r , and solid ; comp. ntnwng; nLzb?zg gu??ztn7ung,
one (round) stone ; h,bun gumfalung, one piece of wood;
comp. gum&%.
-tawng, v. T o gallop; q u m r a gzimtnwrtg anr; to run and
jump, as young cattle; dztmsu klisha glrmCnw,rg nga,
mdrang ht74 na ra.
Gun. '67

Gumtawng, v. T o be proud; see gummwng. I

-tsun, v. T o slip down, as a child i n bed; to slide, as
i n a chute, or down a steep descent; comp. gumrut.
-tsawt, v. T o writhe, jerk, as a dyin'g animal.
-hta, v. T o shoot high, said of a gun not accurate; see
numji; gumkta hfa, to hit or shoot above the m a r k ;
d a i sttnal gumhta hla ai.
-htun, n. A kind of tree, with esculent leaves.
-htung, n. A bridle; see ginhtwng.
- - h t u n g , n A piece of timber for the support of a w a l l ;
gumhtutrg jung a i , to place the timber; see parts.
-htawn, v. T o jump down; opp. to gumjawt; see htazua;
shi nta d s a de nn gzdnzhtawn yzl at:
-wan, n. A place, as for escape; same as gilrzc~an.
-wai, v . Tospeak i n riddles; to use figurative, ambiguous
or puzzling language; gumwai ga, n. a riddle; h'in-
gau mahRa e dumsi hRlc hRu ai-&a? Lndi re ar'; what
is it that has porcupine holes by the shore line? the
nose; guwwai grmsi, riddles; cornp. ga skdgaujd;
gunzwai ga Atai ai, v. to solve riddles.
-wai, v. T o surround, as game; cornp. maiwang; to hem
in, and thus cut off, as the retreat of an army; lrpym
ni Afe gurnwni m a gap madep lawn ma ai.
-aoi, a. 'To speak i n riddles; Hkauri lor grcmwai.
--yan, v. To be extended i n a straight line, as a snake,
rope, or the like; comp. ynn, ayan and in-yan.
-yu, f
n. (f rom y u , to descend.) Loss, as o caste, rank or
position; gztm-yzpu ai, to lose rank or position, as
when a chief (du) becomes a common citizen,(ddrat;)
du nigum;llrcyrr mot ma sai.
-yu, v. T o consider; cornp. y u and myitylc.
-yawn, v. T o roll, as cotton into rolls, when carding;
Pdsi gum-yawn u.
-yoi, v.(fromyoi,tobe pointed.) T o b r i n g t o a point,
as by rolling between the hands; comp. nzdyoi; slritrg-
gyin gyin na ga gum-yoimzc.
Gun, a. To carry on the back, suspended from the head
o r the shoulders; comp. /n7zg,pnwn and h j n i ; to carry,
t a k e along, as a pocket-knife, m a t c h e s , or the like;
Vaz'hkv~lgtr7z n nz? shnf g'zrgl xu ni?
Gun hpai,
Gun hpai, a. To carry; to bear, as a burden, or moral
responsibility; to execute, as contract work; see
parts; n h i amrr gurr hjbai a i wa Rddai u a i i n ?
Gun, n. Merchandise; goods for sale: (Shan;) Bur. q$,
-jang, n. A peddler's coolie.
-dam, v. To exhibit, as wares for sale.
--dung, v . T o transact business, as a merchant, shop-
keeper or peddler; g*n dung a i wa, rr. a merchant or
Gun, v. To remove, as a mat, blanket, or bedding; to
take off as a tablecloth; comp. Q*n; chyuhtni lrpe g t ~ t
Rau nna Rdtsu 14.
Gun, n. A guardian nat; see gumgun; g u n ARri?rg;vu,
the abode of the gun; gwn srcmri, the "cord," by
which the nat descends to bless the worshippers; gun
shing~tat,a guardian, supporting" spirit; see parts.
Gun hkung, n. Shan trousers.
Gung, n. Vegetable poison; a kind of strychnine obtain-
ed f roin a species of nightshade; comp. I r k , and pila;
gang zdla n i , to test the power of the poison, as on
rats, b ~ r d setc.;
, yutcg hptcn, a species of night-shade;
(The Yawyi7zs and L d s A i s use t h i s y reparation, poison-
ing arrows, spears etc. but the J i n g h p a w s seldom
follow this practice.)
Gung, u T o value, prize, as a family he~r-loom;a .
valued, precious, highly esteemed; ngai gung az ma si
nzat sat, my precious child is dead; ftgni g r a i grng
at' r a i mat mat sb li ni.
Gung, v. T o tempt, entice, allure; to influence for either
oood or bad; derv. agung.
-lau, v. To tempt; see parts; gztngCalr a i wn,a tempter.
Gung, A preformative; comp. gin and grtm.
-chying, a. Solid, without holes, cracks or perforations;
see chying.
--da, n. A bow; also pron. ningda or nda.
-dam, a . Wide, extended; also used as a verb: see
-dau, ir. A spoon; a ladle; same as ganzai; (Northern
usage.) ?
-dawn, ir. A warden; see g u ~ g h t a .
Cung je, n. A species of herb.
-kal, v. To cross, as the legs or arms;also pron. girrkai
or gumihai; /dhpzft gltngkai ar'.
-hka, u: To distinguish; cornp. gznhka.
-hkai, v . T o lock a r m s , as i n wrestling; shan Idla gun&
ARai nna gdsat m a ai; n. a lock, a grapple, as i n
wrestling; comp. ginhbni. Gunghtu, n. a llmb, a wing.
n. T h e stalk, stem, as of a plant; the handle, as
-la;?an edge-tool ; c a m p ~ / n n , uand ginlang.
-li, a. Blessings, gifts, as glven by the nats; comp.
salt' wunLz.

-lung, n. Tender sprouts, shoots or branches; v. to be

tender; cornp. gi~dang.
-lau, n. Young bamboo, about a year old; see parts.
-lawn, n. A young growing tree (or bamboo,) not yet
hardened; cornp. k w n ; a . soft, as wood; lrpun gatrg-
/awn Y Z ai mdjaw, shddaw n ngang sai.
--sa, a. Old; see ginsa; old hardened shoots; opp. to
gu @ng.
-sap, n. See ginsap.
-sin n. A blessing; coup. of gungfi.
-si, n. An ear or head, as of grain; cornp. nsi and usi;
mam gungsi bung ai; fig. issue, offspring ; shyigungsi
rat, shddang gungsz' gat. ,
-sau, n. A tree i n the process of drying up; a half-dead
branch or trunk; gungsalr rt?a i ndjaw n grrrng Lkraw
-turn, a. Stunted, said of bamboo; cornp. ldtunr and
hflundum; hdwa gunglum n ngang ai.
-tai, a. Single; cornp. shingfai; Rdwa gungtai tu a i , a
single bamboo is growing.
-hta, n. A warden, guardian, i n t h e nat country; coup.
of gu%tgdawn:
E, Matsaw drtngk ku vin ai gkhgdawn,
Ntsang lipilntam sin ai gunghta wa r.
Gup, u. T o be, dwel.1, (lit. sleep,) at a place; coup. of
Y ~ -.P
21 K
Y a , ngni ;2ldfsnw Akring-ya i. yup,
Ntsang /r kringdat e gup.
Cup, v. T o be doubled, to go i n pairs; derv. d u n g g q , n-
gap and sltligzlp.
-shi, n. T h e month of August; comp. l u x .
-tung, n. T h e month of September.
Cup, v. T o cover, as with a basket; to put on and wear,
as a hat; derv. &gap, k ~ g l l pand m a up.
see ban.
n. A wide hat, made of barnboo s eaths or shucks;

-chy;?wp, n. A pugeree, a cap; see chyowp.

-dengleng, n. A Chinese hat, woven of finely split
-du ru, n. A kind of mitre, worn by the leaders at a
religious dance, (mdnar.)
-ju, n. T h e crown of a hat.
-hkawp, n. T h e rim of a hat.
-yo( n. T h e tassel on the top of a hat.
Gup, n. T h e mouth; (n-gup;) only used in composition.
-gal n. T o be hare-lipped; n. a hare-lip.
-pa, v. T o be wide-mouthed; 72. a wide-inouthed person.
-pye, a . Wide-mouthed; see parts.
-shaw, v. T o pucker u p the lips; to purse the mouth.
-yep, v. T o draw the lips, as when crying; n. a person
w ~ t ha wide irregular mouth.
Gupchyu, n. A kind of tree, the bark of which is used
for ropes; grpclyu s r m r i hte nga r y i Akunz dun.
Gut, v. T o clean froin lice by means of a fine comb; derv.
t s i p t ;tsi g a t hte haw gut Rar u.
Gut, v. T o glean; see nlimg*atai.
Gut gut, n. W a t e r ; (only used as baby-tal k ; ) gztt gttt /rt n
n i ? will you drink some water ?
Gai, v. An interjection expressive of urgency; gnz, yn
sha mu; gai, ya rawt ga.
Gai, v. To sprawl ; (vulgar;) to limp; comp. go g n i nz;
derv. n-gat and (hgai.
-da, n. A widow, gaida jan; gaida ktn, v. to marry the
wife of a deceased elder brother; a 1evir:lte marriage,
also called gnidn gap, or gnidn X.ddhyt,r.

Gai jaw, v. T o m a k e an indecent show of the private

-na, n. A widow; only used as a coup. of gaida.
-taw, v. To sprawl; see parts.
Gai, n. A fowl; (Shan;) also pron. Rai, whichsec.
--dawn, n. A capon; also pron. knidawn.
-ju, 91. An ornament made of horn, (usually deer's
horn) and Chinese cash, worn on a bag.
--lung, n. A proper name, for an Nhkum woman.
-nam, n. The water-ousel; Cinclus aquaticus; see Rai-
Gai, n. Beads; only used in composition; comp. Udchyi.
-nu, 72. X large kind of red beads.
-sa, n. (from sa, to be old.) Beads handed down as an
-sha, n. Small beads; see parts.
Gai, n. Ginger; only uscd in composition; comp shdnam.
-dawt, n. Common ginger; only used i n poetry as a
.. coup. of gailrpu.
n. A kind of ginger; see gaila.
--hkyi, n. A species of ginger.
-hkaw, n. A kind of large ginger.
-hkyeng, n. The red ginger.
-la, n. A kind of g,i nger; gaiji hta ye/, gaiZa hla pr~fl.
-pa, it. The tuber-like ginger-root.
-hpu, a. The common ginger plant or roots; gaidazut
ningtsing rarc, gaihfu fndham sag.
--hpra, n. A ginger-bed.
-sheng, n. A very pungent kind of ginger.
-tsu, n. A preparation of ginger and dried fish, present-
ed as 3 nat offering.
Gau. . To w a l k as on a rail or a rope; to cross, as a
strranl o n a log or narrow bridge; comp. r a p and
Bur. 4:to walk on water, as a nat:
Lt h p u q g r a n g nang nau yu su,
Sa?z /rpu??gsannang gau y u su.
Gail, v. To round up and drive, as cattle into a shed 01.
to water; corny. g n w f ; ?p hpe ntsin garr yaw a , drive
t h e cattle to water; nga mahkva gau wn ma rit.
Gau, u. T o summon,call, as nats; a superior or a chief,
for the sake of help and assistance; to take along,
as helpers or defenders; comp. chyyts, Ram and hpa;
shr d u nz hPa gau tz?zn gdlaw a t , he called the chiefs
(to his assistance) and did i t ; hpyen yawl a i shdloi shi
nat nz hpe gau nnn sa n i .
Gau, v. T o open a ditch, as under the eaves of a house;
derv, nrdgazd, which see.
Gau, adv. Slowly.
-ngwi, adv. Slowly, leisurely, deliberately.
-si, adv. Slowly; mostly used as a coup. of ganngwi;
am% gdhw yang, gaangwz garst ARum rai.
Gau, n. A n onion; a leek; only used i n composition;
comp. shakau.
-bawng, n. The onion with the long, inflated scape; a
species of the ALLztnr cipa, with globular umbel.
-byen, n. A species of leek, resembling the A l h m
# o r m m , with broad linear leaves.
-hka, n. The nodding wild onion, Allurn cernuum, culti-
vated among the Kachins.
-lum, n. T h e A l h m cepa.
Gauri, n. A large clan of the Ldhfiai tribe, inhabiting a
score or more villages due east of Bhamo. The
Gaurzs, or as the word is generally pronounced
HRauris, differ to a certain extent i n dialect from
t h e Jinghpaws, and are more under Chinese influence;
comp. uma and mz3lzgga.
Gausa, n. A kind of nat; see gawsa.
Gaw, Noun affix indicating the Nominative case; see
Gram.; anhta gaw, we; verbal exhortative particle
denoting the plural, used interchangeably, with ga.
(The difference between garu and ga, i f any, is that
gaw is used when the object is in the plural, and ga
when it is i n the singular; shanlrte ltpe Rdrunz gnu,
let us help them; anhtt grilaw ga, let u s do it.)
Gaw, v . T o be bent, crooked, as a cane, a limb, or the
like; derv. mdgaw and singgaw.
-di, v . To bend; make crooked.
--wan, v . T o be crooked, curved; see parts.
Caw, n. The legs; only used i n composition; see ldgaw.
Gawnen. 173
Caw daw, Y. T o break a leg; n. a person with a broken leg.
-nai, v. T o be crooked, "twisted," as a leg; see parts.
-htawn, v. T o limp; see parts.
Caw, v . T o build with stone or brick; comp. de; nhpa7tg
gaw a i , to lay am>tonefouockhtion; wahpanggaw ai, to
put up, as a brick-building; to grade, as a road; nenz
az lam h f e g a h t e g a w Aa74 aru.
G a w , v. T o bark, peel off, as the bark of a tree; comp.
gw, ss, and sef;.to skin, flay, as an animal; shan hpyi
gaw u ; lrprnkpyigaw mat sai.
Gaw, n. T h e horn-bill; only used in composition; see r
-gam, n. A, large kind of horn-bill.
-hka, n. A species of horn-bill; the Bltceros monoceros.
-hku, n. The nest of the horn-bill.
-nawng. n. A flock of horn-bills.
-tai, n. Aspeciesof horn-bill, never found i n flocks.
Gaw, A preformative; comp. gawng.
-awn, s. T o feel squeamish; to suffer from nausea; comp.
awlz and kdawfi.
-awt, v . To hiccough; Hkauri for gde.
-gan, a. Good fortune, happy fate; comp. gan and gam;
OIZW gar nga az majaw, @a Aku k f a (ant mung n dut
7~ d a z g a i , because of good fortune nothing goes
wrong; (lit. nothing breaks or obstructs;) gaw ring a i
h k m z , gan hkying ai h k r a i ~ a l mu
' ga.
-jaw, 2. T o demand on short notice; to surprise with
an urgent and pressing request;'comp. agaw; ya sha
a(.an gar0 jaw /a a i r a i nga ai.
-lu, n. One of the clans of tbe M d r i j C Y ~ ~ E .
-mai, n. Adverse fate, misfortune, f l l luck, calamity;
gownmi gawsha, bodily or spiritual defilement ;gaunzaz
gawsha &up ni, to be defiled, (as by touching the
corpse of one having died by accident, or walking
o\-er the site of a burnt house;) gtrwmai gawshn,
hRylr?~z~ i to , m e c t cal:umit)., misfortune, especially as
:1 lesult of defilement; dni de hhunt sn, g a w t ~ a i
gnwshn Akrsnr na d a i .
-nen, n, The Y awyin New- Year's feast; gawnert rtcr;' a2,
to make the feast; gawvcrz Papa, see parts.
174 Gawhpa.
G a w l ~ p a , n. Corn; maize; same as libadnu; * (Northern
usage .) . & . .
, , L

--say n. A oat, (witch,) responsible for eye and mouth

diseases ; gawsn t o i a , to propitiate the nat, by
appropriate offerings of paddy, chewing-lime, cutch,
different kinds of yarn and tobacco, rolled up i n a
leaf and placed near some high-way.
-sha, 12. Adverse fate; coup. of gawmai.

-ya, n. A British soldier; a private; Bur. coTkp; gaw-ya

d a j , a fort, where British troops are quartered.
Gawk, 72. A room; comp. ARan; shat sAa a i gawk, a
dining-room; yup gawk, a bed-room; Riishin a i gawR,
a bath-room.
Gawk, n. T o growl, as a bear, tiger or wild boar; comp.
rawnggnwR; to bellow, as a bull; usx gawk ni.
Gawm, n. 'A cup for water or liquor, a chalice; comp.
wan and p a t gawm; L k m n gawm, a lacquer drinking
cup; gzrmhpraw gawm, a silver cup.
Gawm, adv. On account o f ; same as gawp, which see.
Gawm, v. T o lose, miss, fail, do i n vain; hpang hkraf ai
m q a w , shat gawm kag se ai. I lost my meal, being
late; ngaz gnmhjmzu gawm k n x S E a i l a w , I have lost
my money, (to no purpose-or by not being able to
collect, as a debt;) adv. i n vain, to no purpose; ngai
ski hpe Ram gawm se ai, I trusted him i n vain; ngcri
La nna tam p w m n i ai, I waited and sought i n vain.
Gawn, v. T o d r ~ v eor scare, as birds,wildhogs, monkeys
or the like from a paddy field; s h i u gawn nga ai; to
watch, guard, as a field; 7nam or y i g a w n ai.
Gawn, v. T o search out, trace, as the roots of a tree, rrc
gawn a t ; to inquire, investigate, as into the details
of a theft, or the doinqs of a suspicious prrson; myi
p r u - w a at urn Jddaz mi kun, h k a n gown y u u , find out
who thk person is that left a while ago; to narrate,
relate, as news, a story, fable or the like; maumdwi
gawn 74; to cletnil, as t h e lineage or pedigree of a
chief, or the wondc i-s a n d doings of nat :
Gawng sumprang. 175

Gawn, V . T o consider; to hold in respect; mostly used

nith the negative; n gawn, to treat with disrespect;
n gawn n sawn, n. disrespect, disdain; n gawn n sawn
dz, o. to treat i n a disrespectful, inconsiderate manner.
Gawn, u. T o g i v e , a s w a t e r to a c h i l d o r invalid,putting
t h e cup to the lips; mdc/zyi wa RPP nlsin gawn jaw u .
Gawn, n. A stork; (Shan.)
Gawn, v. T o be. bent, warped, as a board or a cover of a
book; to be depressed, sunk lower than the surround-
i n g parts; derv. dinggawn.
a a. Bent, warped, concave, gawn p w n rt a i h p r i
pa; depressed, sunk, as the space between the frontal
and nasal bones; Lahtaz gn7un l a w n re ai wa, a person
with a low, flat nasal bone.
Gawng, v. T o narrate; tell as a story; same as gawH,
which see; shiga s h d a w n ?tawgawpzg nna tsun ai.
Gawng, a. An overseer of coo1ies;Bur. oalez; v . to do the
work of an overseer; hda/igawng ai.
Gawng, o. T o hunt;(Shan;) derv. jaugawng; comp. gyam,
h l w i and mazwang.
Gawng, v. To throw, as wood, stones or bricks into a
heap; comp. gaw; dni wrrt hte hpun, d a i hRan E naw
gawzg law?&a .
Gawng, a. A g u n ; (Shan;) comp. sdnal.
-byet, n. A flat-barrelled gun.
-dawk, n. A fire-cracker.
-k yam, n. A pistol.
-hkung, n. A gun with the upper side of the barrel flat.
-maul 92. A large kind of gun.
-mawt, n. Fuse.
-hpai, n. A kind of gun.
Gawng, n. A spinning-wheel; a machine; comp. jak.
-dingsen, n. T h e wheel.
-kSbawng, n. T h e spindle.
-nap n. T h e posts, (lit. ears,) i n which the spindle
-ri, n. Machine-spun thread,-not hand-spun; comp.
Lhtn rz.
-sumprang, n. The spindle; same as gnwng kabnng; see
176 Gawng sar.
Gawng sai, n. T h e belt of the wheel.
Gawng, a . T h e pbys~calbody; comp. ARum; In religious
poetry g~lluj9~gand its coup. shzngma, are nearly
always used instead of kkunz; derv. ,ndgawng.
G n w ~ t gnzdgup E s/ldh?t,
Skingmn nrdgivf a s k d t s r t .
-da, a. Tall, erect, with high head; comp. d a f ; gawng
da re az wa sa wa ra ni.
-di, n. See next.
-durni 72. (from d ~ mto , play.) An indecent ceremony,
(now seldom practiced,) by which young men entering
upon their first trading expedition, are assured of
good luck; v. to practice the ceremony; also called
gawng d i ; Monmaw ds n sa yrr a i wn /tpe gizwngdum
ma ai.
-gawng, adv. Mechanically, without t u r n ~ n g ;gawng
- gawng rai' dRawm a i wa, a man who nioves with
machine-li ke precision.
-kya, a. (from Rya, to be weak.) W e a k , weary, ex-
hausted; ngai Rawsi nna gawng &)/a nttgaz.
--mSlai, n. A substitute; substitution; see parts; gawng
nrdZai hhtcngga, a substitutionary sacrifice; an anlmal
offered for the health and welfare of m a n
Gawlzg mrilai hkungga lu na.
Shingma 7ndlai LRungga jtl na.
-rcn, a. T a l l , erect, statuesq&; see parts; n. a term of.en-
dearn~entamong women.
-run, a. Exhausted and bewildered; dumfounded; see
parts and cornp. gawng kjm.
-shing-yan, 72. The human body; see parts; skan a
gawng sizing-yan bang ma: l g ai.
-shate, v. To trouble, weary, exhaust one's self; also
used adverbially; nnnggawng shritc Akum gdlaw.
--tsaw, a. (from tsnru, to be hi y h.) Tall, stately, impos-
ing; see next.
--tsawm, a . (frotn isawm, to be beautiful.) Beaut~ful,
shapely, well-foimed; a term of flattery or endearment
especially among women ; comp. gawng velr and
gawng tsnw,

Cawng, n. A foot;Hkauri; seegaw.

-htawn, v. T o limp; see gaw Llawn.
Gawng, A preformati vc.
-daw, n. A kind of tree; gawngdaw s i , seed of the tree
worn as ornaments.
-karang, 72. A paddy mortar, by which the pestle is
worked by the feet; also called Sam-Alum.
-kyeng, n. A species of honey-suckle, also called hka
gaw&yeng; com p. git rawfig.
--karu, n. A species of grallatory bird.
--iawng, n. A wooden or copper bell, hung around the
neck of a bovine-or suspended above a packsaddle;
Bur . ~ a 3 CEUGB
8 ; comp. dingsi.
-ma, n. A species of spotted woodpecker, resembling
the Pzcus mzmv.
-ngu, n. A pagoda; gazcmgnglc d e a i or gaw ai, to build
a pagoda; see parts.
-nyeng, v. To hang, as the bud of the poppy before
blossomi n g; kani si gawng nyeng sai.
Gawp, u. To place, as a bundle on t h e top of a filled
basket ; comp. m d m ; ~ t aa shingnoi hpring sa gang
gaw, ntsa e gaw! 76, i f your basket is f u l l , place it on
top; to add, as to a regulation load; na a daw ntsa r
]am naw gawp 2.
Gawp, V . To be hidden, concealed; derv. mdgawfl; g a v
nrdkoboi, to hide; see parts; shatzdte AArit nna p w p
nzakoi nga nta ai.
Cawp, adv. Becausr of; for t h e sake of; comp. mdrang
and see Gram.; tza a gawp E e d t a maARrs sAa /u s n
ga az, tor y o u r sake we all could eat.
Cawy, v. To be skilled, expert; to show skill, dexterity,
or adroitness; shi grai myit gawp ai wa Y E ai. he is a
person of qleat dexterity; ga gawf az tndjaw, p &die
ai wa tai hi, being skilled i n languages h e bycame
interpreter; [*Rung Lama gawp aai wa, r. a "Jack of
all trades."
Gawt, p. To drive, as a herd o l cattle, pack-bullocks or
t h e l i k e ; comp. ga74, LRnw and Llrarc; to drive away,
expel;y i t shang nz nga n i Lpe gawl Rau mg.
Gawt, v. T o clear away, remove, as stones, bsusll, of
rubbish; d a i nLztfzgni htp ~ ~ u n @ n 7niz hpegnwt halt mu,
clear away these stones and flowers; to dig, as yam-
roots; to grub; corny. d a i , duwt and g m ; rrni hte
hpun pawl gawt Ratl a .
Gawt, V. T o be possessed a i ~ dincited by nats; (wild
animals, uausually daring and rapacious are reyard-
ed as possessed by nats;) nal gawl a i mrijaw anhte a
ntn t? shdraw shang ssni.
Gawt, v. To be short, stubby; n. short, stubby; 6a hRang
gnwl du a i wn sn wn m ni.
-gawt, a. Short, stubhp, as a garment; comp. dawn
dnw?rz; da'i ldbu gawt gawt Y E ai.'
Gawt, u. T o be scooped out; derv. ddgawt, n-gaw!
and shligawt; a . a tray ( ? ~ - ~ n wonlyt ; ) used i n compo-
si tion.
--di, v. T o scoop.
-lang, n. A kind or tray; colnp. n-gnuwt.
-rawng, 72. A kind of tray.
Goi, v. T o crow, as a cock, a goi ai; to squeak (not hiss)
as some -kind of snakes, l a j u gai ai; t h e Kachins
,also believe that the alligator crows, baren g o i a i ; to
laugh loudly, ~ n i i ngaoi
i ai.
Goi, v . T o spurt, gush, as blood w h e n opening an artery;
corn p. hlaw; shi sni goi wnn sf zua ni.
Goi, An interjection expressive of-wonder and surprise;
g o i a,goi law, goi e law; an expletive with which a
Kachin love song nearly alwn)rs begins.
Goi, v. To be swinging; derv. n-g,oi and singgoi.
-lang, v. To swing back and forth.
-wat, v. To swing; see parts.
G3, A shortened forill of g i or ~ gam, used as a preforma-
tive; g d and kii, are i n a large number of words ~ ~ s e d
--a, v. T o fall hc;~c1long,as i n t o n fire; 7ira z riri
waft ritnng L' g~iahtw~g* zun .YO(..
-ang. v. To gasp for breath, as a d y i n q pri-son.
-e, Y . To hiccougb; see Rlic.
-un, v . T o crawl; scc B(i24n.
Gaba, v. T o b r o i l , t o burn, as the foot in llot ashes; to
s i n g e , ashal e a f ; also pron. kd6a; l q a w kta nmawng
lapogdda rc.
-baw. v . To bake, tr, steam; see Ra6aw.
- dap. a. T o toss;-only used as a coup. of gudarr.
-de, adv. of pl-ace. Where w h i t h e r ? see Grdm., shi
godr so wa sd ta ? where has he gone ? nu,
nna, from where ? whence? g d d ~nna du ma r~ ? from
where h a v e they come? gade haw nna, f roll1 what
place or point ? gad6 Raw nna karan nu Puu P from
what poiqt v. ijl we divide i t i
d e , adv. blow mucK ? how m a n y Z see Gram. .lnd comp
galow; mural x i d r mi ma la ? how many m e n are
there ? g ~ mi? d ~ h o w much ? ghie mr tslreu r in Y how
m u c h do you want ? gude /a7~g,h o w many rimes ? gride
fang sa a l a ? how many t i m e s (how often) did he go?
how, to what degree o r e x t e n t ; gddP gd/a kada ngo,
how gmat he is. J .
-de, i n t e r r o g a t i v e p r o n o u n , possessive form of kddaz .
see Gram., whose ? gPdP a RltsAa rar ta Y whose
child is it ? gdde ni ma& or gd& az mwzg, any-one;
followed by the n e g a t i v e (n) no o n e , nonc; g d e ai
m~ 4 chye ai, any-one knows it ; gadu az vzanf 72 nm ypc
sai, n o o n e has s e e n i t .
--di ba, n. Velvet; plush; Bur. md.ul.
-ding rl, n. A l a r g e kind of cultivated rattan.
i t n. A valley; see Rddir.
-duk, n. A d i t c h , m o a t , trench; comp. Addwng; gadah
hflr a t , to dig a trench or a fosse.
-dun, v. To be short; opp. to gdlu; comp. Rdlan; a .
short; adv. briefly: ga gadun lsun u , speak briefly;
g a h n gdhzu, short , stumpy, stubby.
-dung, lp. L e v c l country; the plains; a . level, flat; gd-
dwng l a y0fl.q
-&i, pron Who; see Rddai.
Z - ~ ~ L J , v. To w r i q y l e , writhe,toss, as i n p a i n ; d i h w

rnrichy~yr7za y*;/r;u 4adap ngn n i ; t o be m o v e d . as with '

emot-ion; to hc unskttled, uncertain, fluctuating; shi


Gadaw, v. To be alike; to resemble, be s i m i l a r ; dat yan

grtdizw IIZU a i , those two are alike; to compare, con.
trast; nn n Ate nyt? a gadam y u a ,compare yours with
m i n e ; g d n w sin-gun, n. a term of endearment among
young people; a " love," lover, gallant; see parts.
-daw, v. T o cut L O plrces; see bdktlrrn gM'aw.
-dawn, n. A k i n d of cricket; see hbddazun.
-dawn, v . T o stumble; see Rudawn.
-dawng, v. T o fall; see k d d a w n q
-dawng, v. T o be steep, precipitous; n h i lam gral
'gddawng trgn a i , this road -is very. steep; n. a steep,
precipitous hill or a s c e n t ; comp. n h b p m d h n and
-doi, v. 'I'o cdt,slice, slit; comp.doz; na gadoi, to cut,
as t h e ear of a slave; to reap, as gram, ( H k a u r i ; )
see dan.
-doi, V. T o wear, file down, as a jagged edge; also
pron. gdtoi.
-ja, adv. Truly, surely, indeed; gajn wn, same; see parts
and Gram.;gdja wn icng k g ,verily, i n truth.
-ju, adv. Formerly, always, ( i n thc past;) g*djrt dakjal,
gdj% g a d + , see parts.
-la, Q. To glitter; ItcgaZa a i ; comp. a/n.
-lam, v . T o trouble; only used as a coup. of Rajaiiz.
-lam, v. T o flutter; see Rdtam.
-lang, v . To be long; see gdu grilang.
-lang, it. An eagle, kite or hawk; see Znng and hdim~g.
--lang, v. To swing, as the arms when walking; scc goi
Zang, and ka/ng~g.
-lang, adv. Once; see fmzg; grilnng m i , once; also pron.
Rdla9rg mi. ,
--lap, v. To peel off; colnp. l a p ; to corne off i n tlli 11 laycrs;
ltpun /cpui @/up i ~ g aai.
--le, n. T h e rest, remainder; comp. shrijc; a . other,-the
other pcrson or thing; slcnltht~h/lr sAa jaw m u ,
hpe kkanr j m u , give only to them, not to the rest; dni
sha la z r , grt/e h Z ~ m
/a, take this only, not the othei
- 1 , rr. T o pass tllrou h , as an ori6cc, door, gatc, hole
i n thc wall or tlrc ike; comp. l e ; shi chyi7zghRn hzm
1kw gd/e mat wil sai, l1e passed (esca ed,) through
the openlng of the door; sdmyit na h u ndun h j a i
n+cr gdr a i , to pass through a needle's eye with a
cross-bow; n. an opening.
Gale, v. To turn over; see Le; to turn as a coat inside out
#&aw#g ga/e nna h j u n u ; gd/e gdlau, to turn, change,
alter; gdle gnLax rr a i wa, a changeable person, a
turn-coat; gd/e gdfn, to be contrary; a. contrary, per-
verse; g d l e gdla re a i w a , a contrary person.
-ie, v. T o fold, as the hands behind; slrildta gdle nna
Akawm nga ai,he walks w i t h the hands folded be-
-lem, v . (from /em, to be munching.) T o munch; shz
hpa sha a i Run ? n-gt-glrpgdcm n p ai.
-len, Y. T o pass along, as from one to another; see /en;
skat gdlen daf ma, pass along the rice; to let go,
as of a rope; swmri gd/Bn dat mu; also pron. g i n h .
-leng, v. To lie down; see Rdfeng.
-lep, v. T o slice, as a cucumber; gadoi gdep, to slice,
cut away, as the spoiled part of fruit; rrarnsiyat a i h t t
grtlep kaa nna sha mu.
-let, v. T o mix, as by pouring from one bottle into an
other; chydru g&et l a u go, ntsi,t bang a.
-li, v. T o wear, as a necklace, gunzric g d i n i ; a . a
necklace; (only used i n careless speaking.)
1 n. A quail; ( Hkauri;) also pron. RdfiR; see r prcng.
- 1 v. T o swarnl, as chicken-lice or fleas; td shittgfint
kte wa k d a i gn/im ai.
p v. T o singe; comp. &lip; to wilt as leaves used
for wrappers, by holding them over a fire; l d h p a w g d i ~
nna mdkai u.
-lu, v. To be long; opp. togidan; comp. pyavawn; a. long;
gdCIc gaang, long, extended; g d h gdang ri. ai wa, a
very tall person; g&lg Rdba, great, superior, mighty;
see parts, gdlg RdQe ai Akawhkanr ni, the mighty
-lu, v. To dip, as a sop; j d l l z p Ata shi nzu R gdltl rtza sha
a i , he dips the bread i n tea and eats; comp. diPgdla;
to roll, as i n mud or ashes; see ARdciwi; c i ~ ima
~ i g . u h mat
h k u m t i p ~daj sni, the child has roUed all
over i;l ashes. - .
Gitlu, V . T o revive, rekindle, as old hatred, pr an old
feud; moi sbdngut sai hka bai ga& prr qi, the.. feud
settled long ago is again stirred up; ana gdh ai, to
break out anew, as an epidemic; ama g ' a i ~ai, ~ to call
for vengeance, to demand, as blood for b1ood;'to 'meet
with retribution; tsu gab a i , to return, as a spirit
demanding vengeance.
-lun, v. To thrust, to pierce, as with a spear; ri hte
gdrra u , pierce it with the spear; g h n baw or waw,
to open by piercing; see parts.
-lup, v. T o roof, cover, as a house ; skdngu kte g d h p u ,
cover it with thatch; hpri @raw gdZup a i nta, a house
covered with iron.
l a , v. (from lad, to pass by.) To change, exchange;
to barter, interchange; Rlthti gdlai, to change, as
clothing; n. a change, as of clothing; ban gdlai a i ,
to pass, as from one stage or standard to another.
-lau; v . T o tuin over, to roll, as a stone ; comp. gdZe; nZmg
/apegd/alc Rau a , roll away the stone; Lkauwagalan ni,
to plough, turn over the soil; g d a u taw, to roll, as
down hill; to roll over, as when drunk.
-law, adv. Where; comp. gdde; gdtaw de sa n t a ? where
are you going ? g d a w ga de da n t a ? where did you
go? lit. what place did you reach ? nanhti. g d a w ga
de na rai myit la? from what country are you ?--where
d o you come from? how much? to what extent or
degree ; gdlaw wa fsaw n t a ? how high is it ? santri
g d a w wa r a n la ? how much rope. do2you want? . -
-law, v . To irritate, provoke, exasperate; shi ~ g a ihpe
gdlaw ai mdjaw mdsin pawl nngai.
i v. T o do, perform, work, labour; comp. a'i; hpa
gdZnw n t a ? what are you doing ? ama gdZdzu ma,
work on; gd/aw jaw, to serve, as at a table; to cater,
provide for; @Law ya. to serve, as for waqe:; or a
prize; mdyam gazu shi a nam n mdtzr /dning hi @law
y n ai.
-law, To settle, pay an indemnity, comp. mjrc and
n-grcnggdlau, n i ; $ t pay a fine, indemnity, as f o r hurt,
loss, or a broken marriage vow; ngai e n /a teng y a ~ g
gaw, g d a w m i ; make it good, i f you do not intend to
take (marry) me; g d a w a i p , a fine, mulct, indemnity,
especially as paid by a younger sister to an elder, i f
she marries i n advance of her; comp. shingbawt as p
and shdwa.
Galaw, v. To be notclled, jagged, as the edge ol a sword;
comp. ye, kdmyin and 8ilaurk; nhCu giilaw m a t sai,
the sword is all notched; minla g d a w , see parts.
-lawk, v..To extract, tear out; also pron. md/pwR, which
-lawn, v . T o grow fasf and large; see lawn and gwg-
l a v a ; hkum gdlawn a i ma, a fast growing child; /rpwn
g h w n a i shara, a place where trees grow fast and
--lakrp, u. T o throb, palpitate, as the heart; to heave,
as the breast; see fawp; ba gdawp, see parts.
l o adv. When; see Gram.; nang g d o i sa ma n f a ?
when will you go ? ever, always, or never, as deter-
mined by the governing verb; shi g d o i n nga nga az,
he remains for ever; sAz gd/oi B sa a i l he never rests;
gal02 mung, always; gal02 Ioi, when ? (referring to
repeated acts;) ga& hi gdnw r fa ? when, (at what
times) did you do i t ? gci/oi rai ti ntrng, at any time,
whenever, whensoever; gdoi rni ti mlrng g d a w n a i
-13wi.. v . T o wallow; see hka6dwi.
-ma, ' v. T o inhale i n whifls, as smoke, steam or odour:
shi wan hRut gdma 7zna milrit s i mat sai.
-mang, v. T o scatter; see Raming Ramang.
-mail v. T o strike, hit, with the back of a sword; see
n - g ~ n gdmai
g ai.
-mai, v. T o dip, as liquids with a dipper; to ladle;
shatmai gamai a i l to ladle curry; Ramai Itte grimai a.
-maul Y. (from mag, to wonder.) To show disgust,
aversion; to turn away, as i n disgust; shi n ra ai
mhjaw, m3,i man gdmnzt s a i
-maw, v. To gobble or gulp down ; see maw; mdnang
. garai n dx yang gbmnzu Rau zr, gulp it down before
' the others come.
Garnawng, v . T o rise, as smoke or clouds of dust;
gdmawng a i , the du* is flying; to swarm as insecto
around a lamp; raipyen gdmawng a i , the insects arc
swarming;gdmawng gdnralrg, to throng, to come and
go; to move i n multitudes; nrdsha gamnwng gdnoang
rai nga ma ai.
-mawt, v . T o be hot; see Rdhtef gdmawf.
--moi, v . To return, turn back; only used i n religious
poetry; coup. wlcndoi : - I

Wnngzing ktingnu de gdmoi na nngai,

CVnngde htingntc de wzvundoi m nfrgai.
v. TO lay, as the; wi nd lays
grai 11 ; see Rdmym.
-nung, v. To tarry, delay, defer; comp. ldnyan and
Rdbyin ;LRlcm gdnzrng tr, aldwan sn u ,do not tarry, g.0
-naw, v. T o root, to turn up with the snout, as swine;
also pron. Rdnaw; see naw.
-nawm, v. T o collect; see kanawm.
-noi, n. India rubber; see k ~ n o i .
.--noi, adv. Almost, nearly; not far off; see Gram.; shi
gdnoi hRru nga ai,he almost hit; gdnoi noi, same, and
most common from; shi gdnoi noi dep /u at, he can
almost reach it.
-hpam, u. (from @am, to be numb.) T o be benumbed;
see Rdhpam.
-hprawi, v. T o wallow; coup. of gcildwi.
-ra, v. To reloice ; coup. of kddtr.
-ra, n. One of the Kachin tribes; originally the Garas
belonged to the Ldhpai tribe, but are now consider-
ed separate.
-ra, v . T o quiver, vibrate, shake ; urzrns Riiyal una
gdra, hit the horn and the ear quivers.
-ra, Interrogative Pronoun; W11ich;gira lam rai nga
ai R x n ? which road is it ? glirn mdhlang, which one ?
see Gram.; g a r a mcthtnng ham nn rai n i which one
can I believe?
-ran, v . To divide; see Raran.
-rang, v. T o grind, whet, sharpen, as an edge-tool;
nhtu hpe gnrang r.
Gare, v. To tear, snatch, pluck away from; wan mang
kdfa na ma hpe g d r e la u , snatch the child from the
fire; mdttarcg a &la na gdre sAa na, to snatch the food
from an other man's hand; g d r e gdshe, same; comp.
ret; mdska tti hje d y e gdshe LRum rai myit.
--ren, f
v. T o be lone y, homesick; comp. chydren and
ginrang; ma myit gdren a i , the child is lonely; sknra
garen a i , to feel lonesome, alone, not at home or at

v . To slide and fall as anything placed against a
rail or wall; cornp. R d a w n g ; nktutzggduen ga ma! sai.
-reng, n. One of the Kachin families; G ~ r c n woihkyeng,
the red monkey Gdretzg.
--rep, n. The side of the chest; comp. nhkrenz; g d r e j
Bra, a rib; gdrep dinggrang mdchyiai, to have shoot-
ing pains from one side to the other; gdrep waw a i ,
t o be-sore, broken-backed as a pack-mule.
-ret, v. To follow, skirt, as a fence, shore, village or
the like; shi hRa kau gdret hRawm nga a i , he is
moving (walking along the shore; to move, as on
the s l y , being s y or ashamed to appear i n the
open ; ma Rdya nna gdret &kawm nga ai.
-rip v. To shake, as with fever or cold; shi h k r i t g d r i
nga a i ; to tremble, as from fear or weakness; shi
hkum ling mdchyi gctri nga ai.
-rip v . To regard as undesirable; to censure, to avoid or
shun ; comp. shdri; d a i rrta @e Rddai mung gdri mu
a i law,' everybody censures (and thus shuns) this
house hold; shi n-gun jd nna yawng e g - d r i da mu ai,
he is strong and thus given a wide berth by all.
i n , v. To shake down; see kdrin. \
-ru, v. To shout, ell, whoop; to raise as a war-cry;
comp. jcthtati and nzdrawn:
a , ndv. Very; usually pron. g r a i .
a v . To spread, as paddy to dry i n the sun; cornp.
kdhpyai; to lay i n order, as wood for a sacrifice or a
funeral pyre; b u n @c gdrai taw u ; cornp. rai and
a , adv. Yet; always governed, when alone, by the
negative or prohibitive; see Gram.; s h i g a r a i n du a i ,
he has not yet arrived; gdrai hkum sa, d o not go yet* . ,
gdrai nam, wait a little; 11ot yet; g d r a i rar, wait a
moment, not yet, hold 011; g d r a i shy; the Hkauri for
gdrai raz.
GBrau, v. To dry, by lacing over a fire; cornp. sAdRang;
also pron. Rcirau; %rap Aia maM gdrarc x .
-raw, v. To din, clamour; to be vociferous, as an ex-
, cited crowd; comp. kdshhai; hpa lam garaw wynyil la?

-rawt, v . T o pull, drag;

- see kctrawl.
-0, n. See Rdroz.
---sa, v. T o be hoarse, as from a cold; cornp. Rrawp;
to speak with a low, wheezing voice, as from weak-
ness; runw shnng nna ga gdsa mat n i t
-sat, 21. To fight, engage i n combat; see sat; Lpye7r
gdsaf, to war; ga gdsal, to quarrel; gdsat gdh, v. to
fight; ?r. a fight, strife, contest.
-su, v . (from szr, to buzz..) T o infest, and thus annoy as
troublesome insects; to pester, vex, as noisy children
a person at work;j r g r a w n g nag gdsu a i , n y u ) Lu ci,
the musquitoes are too annoying, I cannot sleep.
-suk, v. T o be in confusion; see Rasuk.
-sun, v. T o pilfer, filch; cornp. ldgu and s e n d i ; shigaw
gdssln sha hkawm a i .
-sung, v. T o nestle, as a child; to show attachment, as
a dog,,by fawning or f riskiog; g w i ~ r g a Raw i gdstrng
'nga az.
-sup, v. T o play; see ginsup.
-sut, Y. T o rub i n ; nma Ata saa gdsut u; to rub, as when
waxing a thread or chalking a line; comp. dumhpzll;
to spread, as butter; comp. chya; Ragr~p hila namin
gaszct mzl.
-sawk, v. (from sawR, to be searched.) T o search,
ransack; sAi nta tinggasawk, ltpa n wr g a w - a i ; to bc
in an attitude. as w h e n looking for something lost;
, slri n j s t nnaw RRan e gusawk hknwril ai.
--sawt, v. To drag, as t h e feet; see knsazut.
-so;, v. (from soil to stroke.) T o rub against; to graze;
cornp. ajawt; ngni kaw hkzrm yasuz.
-s2wi, v. T o rub up against and w h i l l r or purr, as a do;:
or cat showing affection;gwl'gaw ;itarin d n w gdsawi al:
Gashe, v. T o snatch; same as g d r e .
-sheng, v. T o fail, fall through; gdsheag gdnawag, t r . a
failure; v. to experience failure; dai nz @a, n byylir
a i , gctshenggdmawng raz mat sd ga az.
-shin, v. To be toro, tattered; cornp. ashin and ddrhin.
-shai, v. T o confuse; see ashat and Rdshat.
-shaw, v. To roar, as a mountain stream or a waterfall;
to make a loud confused sound, as a crowd; also pron.
Rdshaw; wora n i law gctshaw ma ai..
-shawt, v . To slip; see Rdshawt.
-s hoi, v. T o fly as sparks; to blaze up, as a flame; to flash,
as lightning; to shoot as an arrow; also pron. Pdshoz;
shdraw hhrw a i s h a m wan nli gashoi ai.
-tang, adv. Cross-wise; end-wise, horizontal, as deter-
mined by the leading verb; see tang; &a d e gdtang
tawn zl.
-ten, ~dv. How long ? until when or what time ? see
ten; and Gram.; gdten du A h a naw nga nga na n la ?
how long will you still be here ?
-ten, v . T o be exposed, as to the sun;see kdten.
-ti k,. v. To be far; g6tiR gatah, a. far, out of the way;
ngai gdtik gcttaR ga de ra yu nngai, I went to an out
of the way country.
-tu, v . T o act in haste; see kdtzt.
-tut, n. A movable barricade made of logs, behind
which shelter is sought, as when attacking; cornp.
Rdtut; gcttat htu a i wa ARda nda n hRvum ai.
-taw, v. T o stumble; see kdtaw.
-toi, v. T o wear, file down; see gddoi.
-tsit, v . T o squirt, as with a squirt; cornp. a@?-up; s h a ~ g -
gyen gyek yang, ntsin gdfsil dun irkat ma ai.
-tsu, v. To roll up; see &Lsa.
-hta, n. A kindof t r e e , t h e bark of whichis used for
ropes; see h a ; cornp. jik baw.
-hta, v. T o be brittle, dry, as bamboo strips; see RdAfa.
-wa, v. T o bite; see Rawa.
-wat, a. Temporary; udv. temporarily, for the time
being; shi ~ z f agdwaf vnwng a t , he is staying i n a
temporary house; 72-gu gdatnl /a a7tn shddu jaw u .
-wut, v. 'To blow with the mouth; see h a r t .
Gayawt, v. T o halt, limp; cotnp.guw Atawn; shi Idgaol
Ale# nlra gdjaw: ?zga a i .
Gra, v. T o grasp, gripe, clutch; derv. Ldgra and mdgra;
d u g r a , n. a gullet's-gripe; gva d i , v. to grasp, or
clasp; comp. ahkye and ?rrnn.rt; shi ldtn g r a ai u.
, the mouth of a jar or the
Gra; v. T o be l a r g e a r ~ r m d as
opening of a barrel; opp. to thyurn derv. ldgra.
a a. Large (wide j around; mdkko g r a g r a , htumpa
chyum chj/a.umrt a i , the opening is wide the bottom
Gra, v. To be sharp to the touch, as a tooth, nail, razor
or the like; comp. Aai.
-pa, a. Sharp, keen, cutting; n h f g g r a gra rr ai.
Grak, v . To be good, well done, fine, beautiful; comp.
AAraR; ~ t a . ~ r aai,Rthe house is fine; a . well, fine, etc;
ai shdralr g r a k di u , do it (very) well.
Gram, v. T o repair, as a housc, fence or bridge; to fix,
adjust; comp. R d p a , ldjang and sawm; dad ning nla
gram rawngna, we will live i n a repaired house this
year; nhdu hpe g r a m m a yi hkyen a.
Gram, v. To be left unmarried, having passed the
marriageable age; thus /a gram, an old bachelor;
R I I gram,
~ an old maid; to be empty and deserted,
as an old house; -daiatfa n Rdtsi sha gram nga ai; to
be uninhabited, waste,'.as land; d a i lamu g a gram
nga ai; comp. Rrum.
Gram, v. T o be very lean; colnp. groi, growm and idsi.
-gram, a. Lean, spare, t h i n ; hkw ARM a i mbha / d s i
gram g r a m re zi, the starved man is poor and thin.
Gram, v . T o bend, stoop, as over a fire; shi wan mang
nlsa e g r a m nga ai; to embrace i n sexual intercourse.
Gran, s. T o be long, extended, as an unusally long
house; comp. g u r ; ntn gran nga a i ; to be stretched
to its full length, as a rope; sumri gran r ; t o walk
in line or file, as when o n tile trail; see yan.
23 n. Extended, drawn out, stretched; samri lrpe
gran gran nga ai; adv.i n line, file, or row; hpyen ni
gran grnn rni ARawm ma ni.
Gran, v. To cut or b r e a k i n two; wan Rdang g r a n m i
ma-t sai, the dish is broken in two; to be torn i n
Gri. 1%

halves; nyg pdlawng gran r a i mat sai; to pass, as

through ( t h e centre o f ) a village; mdre bdarrg g r a n
r a i ga.
Grang, n. A curtain; nba g r a n g , a large curtain used as
a partition; chyinghka gmng, a curtain before a door;
cornp. suf; v . to curtain off; to pull a curtain; derv.
Grang, v. T o carry, as an umbrella; jawng g r a n g ai; to
place, as a mat or a branch for shade; shingnip na
mafu chydhfai g r a n g u ; to stretch, as bamboo strips
across a road to ward off evil spirits; Rdpang grafig u.
Grang, v . T o boast, biag; kdnran L i l a g r n n g a i w a , a v a i n
braggart ;-a vain ostentatious fellow.
Grang, v . To be mature; only used i n religous liortry;
Ginji mdgrau nnan grang kaw nna hkringwa sac' da,
he has been a priest from his earlist youth;-lit. from
the time he began to mature.
Grat, v. T o be chapped, as the hands; see lctgrat g r a t .
Gre, v . T o pound, as rice, the second or last time; cornp.
shdgrr; mam rip n-gu gre.
Gren, v. T o be raw-boned, razor-backed; derv. dinggrerc
and mdgren.
-gren, a. Raw-boned, scrawny; shi nard Ids2 nnn, nrdmrtg
gren g r t n m i nga ai.
Greng, v . T o be hard, tough, durable, as wood or timber;
kdwa q r ~ f i ga i , the bamboo is hard; grrcng greng, a.
hard,'tough etc. grerrg gro~lgr d n i Q u n ; fig. to be
well, strong, hardy, vigorbus; nanggrcng nga n rri?
Greng, v . T o be or stand i n line; derv. dinggrcg; comp.
hkrtm; adv. side by side, i n a line; shdgaa md/t'grcng
rai nga ai; greng greng, same as grcng, used adverb-
i a1ly.
Grep, v . T o be low, smouldering, as afire; wan grej r a i
sai, the fire is burning low; fig. t h e time when the
evening fire is dying; bed-time; y n j w j g r e p raz sai.
Gret, v. To graze, as a bullet; derv. agrcf or dinggref;
cornp. dzkgsoi; j a i a gret r a i sai, the arrow just grazed
Gri, v. T o continue, as a drought; see jolt gri.
Gri, a. Ignorant; devoid of knowledge.
190 Gri rnitgra.
Gri msgra, a. Ignorant, simple, boorish, unsophisticated;
comp. Rdring Rarang and h l r R slramak; gri magra
mdsho hpe hktlln shdshawn.
Grim, v. To act in unison; comp. kkrim; adv. i n
position, as they are; ma a i grim ;taw r a i mu, let t h e
children remain i n position; nAt%grim di lawn mu,
let (all) lay down their weapons (at once and where
they are.)
--grim, a h . In unison, all at once, at the. .same time;

h&cn ma ni grim g.rif)z hfyen pya ma ai.

Grin, v, T o be permanent, unchangeble, imperishable;
dcrv. dinggrin; mungga grii sai, the word is sure,
irrevocable; mbrc grin nga ai, the city is (firmly,)
2 adv. Permanently etc.
G r ~ n g v . T o be sound of mind and understanding; comp.
)ring; myit n gring a i wa, a brainless, irrational
person; n gring n gal% re ai wa, a simpleton; a silly,
intellectually weak person; to be sober, as after a
d r i n k i n i bout.
Grip, v . To blink, wink; myi gri) sha, a moment, a
twinkling; m y i g r i p sha mi nnw la a .
Grit, v. T o be decreased, deminishcd, reduced; myil
grit a i , to be humble; see shrlgrit; lbwa grit, adv.
below, under as in rank, or authority; s h i nye a iawu

~ rt; i adv. Immoderately; see mdgroi.

Gru, v . T o cut and clear, as heavy jungle or old forest;
comp. gawt; wora sha/awng h j e mv kau m r .
Grum, v, T o fall, with a crash; hp&z grgm nga nna taw
ai; fig. to carry with a will; to approve by acclamation;
anhtr mahkra i a grlcm ;Iga srt ga ai. ,
Grung, v. T o burn, blaze, flame; wan grungai; n. a blaze
a fl ame ; wan grung Raba nga ai.
Grung, v. To have i n abundance, over and above what
is necessary; comp. sawng a n d Law; d a i /usha grzrug
ai shdra rai sam a i , t h i s . appears to be a place w i t h
a n abundance of food; ski 6 / z / n nba grung ai.
Grup, p- To be surrounded, encompassed; maiwa~z' grrp
sai, t h c place of t h e game is surrouaded; myit g ' m )
Crawm grawm. 19 t'

a i , an all comprehensive mind; comp. ~nyit pawt

and I d p y a .
Grup di, v. To surround, encompass, encircle; n r d r t g r u p
di Rdwan u.
-grup, adv. Around, all about, on every side.
-yin, adv. All about, round about; see parts; m a ~ gr r u P
yzn hkan na kahtawng ni, all the villages round
about the city.
Grup, v . T o cover, as with a basket; to wrap, as a child
i n a blanket; derv. dinggr74f; comp. Raup: ma hpe
h a grup dz dawn a.
Grut, v. T o growl, as a tiger; s h d r a w g r u l n ~ ;to swallow,
as with a g u l p s h i g r u t nga n?ra r n l i y l r dnt nr.
Grai, v. T o become well, strong, as after an illness; yo
n n n g g r a i n i t ni? are you well now? a. good, excellent,
splendid; hi g r a i a i r a i ngu ai, this is splendid;
ah, gvai sai, yes, that's good; adv: very, exceedingly;
comp. ja ja, law law, nachying and s l a n g ; s h i sut grai
ZU a i wa, he is a very rich person.
Grau, u. T o bob up, as a fish out of water; hka hta na
nga g r n u rai flru ai. ,
Grau, v. To exalt, promote, elevate, as ill rank or
dignity; shi kpe share shltgan gvau d a gaw ai, we
promoted him to military leader; a. more, indicating
the comparative degree; see Gram.; sltifi.nw nnng hie
gvau tsaw nga ai, he is taller than !,ou; rdu. more,
w r e than; s l i shawng na htc gvau nrrn h h c n r .
Graw, v . T o put o n , a s a cap, shoe, glove or the l i k e ; to
bc put on ctc.; derv. digraw; g r a w d i , or di g r a w , to
put on, as a cap; fig. to i n h e r i t , a s property or a
family name;

Grawk, a. Tlle sound indicated; (ail onomatopoetic

word;) grawk rtga n' g d h x u.
Grawln, v. To be poor, lean, skinny; colnp.gram and
guoi; rrga tnam nnu Llnw n i mdjnw gvazuttr ?uat sac.
-grawm, a. Lean, t h i n , s k i n n y .

brawn,, v. T o die as cattle o r trees from digease; derv,

~ A t ' n ~ ~ g m wcomp.
ni; shrigrawtn; u r u m hie tty* a frga
a i g r a w m t12t7t sat, all my cattle have dicd of ml~rrien;
n y ~kewn n/ang g ~ u w mmat sai, all m y bamboo has
d i e d ; fig. to be devastated as a country i n t i ~ n cof
Grawn, v. T o be k,notty; see krawn.
Grawnp, zt. To s t a r t afresh; to begin a new growth, as
a t r e e apparently d e a d ; derv. N-grawng; nye a ?rams2
hpult graz~)?tg wn 9.n ai.
Grnwp, v. T o be broken, crumbled, fractured, splintered;
derv, a g ~ n w f ; comp, k m w p ; u d i g r a w p mat sai, the
e g g is broken; wa graw) wa ni, t h e tooth is crumb-
l i n g ; 6aw guawp sai, 'his skull is Iractured; szrtnpu
g r n w p ntot sai, the box is in splinters.
-grawp, ndv. In a crunching, grinding manner; t s a j t r i
? ~ t n R r z tpm7e;t, g y n u y nga n' d a w sha ma ai.
Grawt, v . T o gulp down, a s liquor; see ddgrawl.
C r o i , v. T o have finished, completed, as a piece of
work; cornp. boi, ngtct a n d gre; yi hkyen g r o i t~za nit
~ r i ?have you finished cutting your field?
Groi, v . T o be t h i n , lean, skinny; cornp.gram a n d grawnr.
-groi, a. T h i n etc.
Gwi, v. T o d a r e , venture; comp. rip and warn; rrgar j o i
s r m s h i hjni g w i d a we a i , I venture t o carry thirty
viss; to feel sure, confident; s h i hpe dang n a g w i d a we
a i , I feel sure I can beat him; s k i Lpe agam a i mdjclw,
n isun gwi a i , out of respect for him, he d i d not dare
to s ~ e a k .

Gwi, n. A d o g ; Bur. car; m d k p r i n g g w i Zawng, t h e bark-

ing hunting dog; g w i gaw, a name for a male dog;
dogs may be named, g w i gam, g w i naw and g w i Raw,
but are rarely given other human names; the ordinary
way of naming canines is after t h e i r colour of
marked peculiarities: thus g w i ba,"stripes;" gwipung,
spotty; myi j a n g , speckle-eye; du bai, ring-neck; g w i
htawp, white-leg; ma leeng, red-back; (Shan.)
--bya, n. An embryo dog;(often used as a term of abuse.)
--la, n. A male dog; see parts,
Gwi tsai. 493

Gwi lawn$, tz. An extra good llunting dog; Illy2 nirrgjv

j i z , grui Luwng n?rtai jdhRw i r , formerly
nine -hot s u n s shoae, and hunting dogs grew nine
-miha, a. A mad dog; (a term of abuse;) gw2 mdrta kaf
ai, to h a v e hydrophobia; also called gwz t , r d n a ma-
chjv' ai; gwi t n d ~ t ambchyz, pi zawn w a u ai.
-nsung, TL. A traditional hall dog and hall hog; gwt
ns?brtggwi hRum wn Lagaw tu ai; comp. wn otsgng.
--"gang, a. A puppy.
-ngawng, rt. A stray dog; also called pwilaam.
-ran, n. A dead dog; see parts; a word of abuse and
contempt; comp. gwi daw.
-wung, 7 2 , The long-haired, Chinese dog.
--wup, n. A bitch, guarding the litter; puiwrlp B ~ w aai.
-yi, n. A bitch; see parts; (often uied as a word of
abuse ;) also called g.wi h k z ~or g w i ARu Rdnu.
Gwi, n. An elephant; (only i n composition;) see mdgwi,
-kawng, n. A elephant tusk; ivory; fig. anything valu-
able, estimable or honourable; a. valuable etc; coup.
mdwa hkringhtawng.
Ya, f i f k t s d w &v wn ??znrz?d gwz'hawrzg sa mdnaf saz',
Maauz irkui~ghtawrtgsa madot sai;
g w i knwng bang n i , v. to give a tusk as a part of the
marriage dowry according to the custom among
-hku, n. A female elephant; see parts.
-hku, V . (from Aku, to be tame.) T o catch and tame,
as elephants; 7 t . a tame, and thus a working elephant.
-la, n. A male elephant; a tusker; fig. a strong, daring
young man; gwi /a shingram, a bold, daring, advent-
urous young brave.
-lam, a. A stray elephant; see parts.
-lung, a. An elephant calf; g w i hhr gwi / z t q t~tliyna i .
-ni, 72. A tame elephant; see parts.
--nawng, n. A herd of elephants.
-tung, TZ. An old tusker.
-tai, n. A sin le stray elephant; see parts.
-tsai, f
n. A w i d, visciaus elephant; opp. to g w i
194 Gwi hprang.
Gwi hprang! n. Wild, not tamed, elephants, opp. to pi
ni; sdtzz s h a ~ aE gwz h j r n f z g shnng nz.
Gya, v. T o prepare, get ready, as for work, a meal, or
the !i ke; s/zat g g n taw72 sci, nz ? is the rice served,
(-ready to eat ?)s h a n h l ~shot shn ?mg y a r g a ma at,
they are get ti ng ready for t h e meal ; nta gdazo nu gya
zga ma a i , they are preparing to build; shnnhte hpyeyen
rawt na gya ngn m a a i ; comp. hkyen.
Gya, v . T o deride; see agya; comp. Aky~yn.
Gya, 2). T o add, as unto a regulation load; lagan2 ai uaz ni
hpr h r u ntsa egyfyn m u , irot the remaining things on
t h e top of the (bullock) Imsket.
Gya, v. To hinder, interrupt, as at work; c0rn.p. nbat.
-ba, u. To interropt, to i n t e r p o x , intrude; q a i hhortza
galau na shi g y a da ~zgnni, he is interrupting my
ploughing; saprat myi 6n m u yzng, g y a ba at d a , he
was delayed seeing a gun ( i n h i s dream;) i. e. he did
not dare to go.
Gyase, v . A Chinese packsaddle; (Chinese.)
Gyarn, v. To lie i n wait for; to hunt, as game; comp.
t a m , hRwz 2nd swi; to seek, as employment; shi gam-
@raw gynni nz, he goes i n quest of money,-looks
for work.
Gyan, v. To have i l l i ~ ~ c as k , i n huntiilg; comp. Irptlk;
(bad luck will follow, i f a woman steps over leaves
used as wrappers for meat, i f garnc is cut up away
from where i t fell, or i t some one is spoken to on the
road;) nunrsha shan / r i h f a v sdingkawiai mdjaw, jlyalt
mat saL
Gye, v. T o be congealed; same as gc, which see.
Gye, v. T o punish; only used i n poetry, as a coup. of B y e .
Gye, v. T o be of accountable, responsible age; comp.
Rung and h k y a ; nattg m a 72 raz, asaR gye n i t dai, you
are not a child, you are of age.
Gye, v . To do fall-ploughing; see htaigys gyp u i .
Gyek, u. T o cackle; n. the s~il:ldindicated; (an onomat-
opoetic word;) ?L g9e;ck 0 t h nga ar.
Gyem, v . T o stoop low; to rroilch, as a tiger; to prowl;
hjytn mdsha nt gym ilg~z ma 0 1 : a . low, not tall;
mostly used in poetryeas a coup. of re?tz.
Gyi gaw. 195

Tsingdu, Ngai nnrc 7tc7rr, isinprrnn. Ngainntc gyrm,

Mdtsaw ga n d a j , NCsang ga n ARB#
Gyen, n. Frost; see hkye~t;(Northern usage.)
Gyen, u. T o be pituitous, slimy, as phlegm or mucus.
-gyen, a. Pituitous, slimy; viscous; mahka gyer gyeN
r a i nga ai. ,
Gyeng, v. T o be narrow, as a road; lam gyertgni.
-gyeng, . a. Narrow, limited, circulnscribed; slrarn ,n).~tg
gyeng rr ai mdjajazu,'law r s R a q la ai.
Gyeng, v. T o- .lean, -. be .aslant;
.. see Ryeng.
-gyeng, a. L e a n ~ n g~nclined.
Gyep, v. To. stick, as glue.
-gyep, a. Sticky, gluey, adhesive; 7 9 2 n /&la hta nam-
woi gyep gyep ngn saz.
.Gyet, v. See &yet.
~ y i , v. To cave, (all i n , as a river bank, hRin-gau gyi
m a t s a r ; to fall off, as a limb from disease,/ayunggJi
m a t sai; to break as a large limb from a tree; Idhung
g y i sai; to break a small piece from a larger one; to
have a sensation of breaking, as the shoulders when
carrying a heavy load; ?tye n ldhpa gyi na m a i , my
shoulder will break; derv. ttn fyi.
Gyi, n. A leader, a headman, 26 elder i n a village;
PC same as agyi; du sdlang, gyi sdlang ni h j e shaqa miv.

Gyi, n. To have a sore; n. a sore, a bruise; only r~srd

i n colnposition; cornp. nma: and gyi
-gam, n. Ulcerous sores on the lower extremities, gyz-
gant gaam, v. to suffer from such sores; shinglanggyrgam
m7rz nna, nla 7ta mdnaltg Cam ai.
-gu, n. A scab; gjif74 gaw a i , to fall off as a scab.
-gyi, 51. T o be emaciated; shi gyi gyi rai nga ai.
--lawk, n. A kind of herpes or erysipelas.
-tawk, it. Same as gyi lawk; see parts; gyitawk tawk, to
suffer from erysipelas.
Gyi, z . T o be curled, kinked, crisped; derv. mdgyz;
cornp. ~ltdg'nw.
-gaw, P . To be curled, twisted; to grow i n spirals, as a
vine ; uzn~razurt,Ngai yi yaw rawn, sumpya, Ngai gyi-
ga7u Lkmzua.
$Gyl, x . millet; s r e s h ' i i ~ t i .
Gyt gyi, a Curled, twisted, spiral; crisped, kinked; / d p u
mai t s a n gj.2 g y i r a i nga ai.
Cyik, v. T o be stiff, rough, as the hair from dirt.
- c rh
yik, a. Stiff, hard, coated, as with dirt; h k r m hta
kddgrdwi g y i d gyik ngn ni
Gyik, v . To flow freely, copiously, as the sweat on a hot
-gyik, adv. Copiously, freely; only said ol sweating
nau da ma sdZa sii/nt gyik gjik r a i m a t ni ai.
Gyim, v . T o be put away; to hide, as valuables; also pron.
hyiyinr; derv. Iiigyim; cornp. Rytm.
Gyin, v. T o roll, fashion, as-mud-peilets,shi~zggyi?~g~in
ai; to fashion as lead into shot or bullets by hammer-
ing or rolling, chyu gyin ai; cornp. shdgyin.
Gyin, n. Plants of the Cucurbitaceae family especially
of the genera Citrullus and Cucumis; cornp. k w -
-chyang, n. The common cucumber; C u c ~ ~ l l ~sativus;
by some, a musk-melon.
-la, n. Cucumber tendrils having blossoms but no fruit;
comp. la.
--li n . Cucumber seed for planting.
1 n. Small cucumbers.
1 0 n. The early cucumber.
-nai, n. A musk-melon; also called M d w a kanzgvz~r:
-shau, a. A watermelon; the Citrullus vulgaris.
- - - h i , n. Late cucumbers.
Gyinhka, n. A river i n the Mcitsaw (nat) country; Liaw
Gyinhka hRu a i r a i t i nga ma a i , R a hRu at n?ytt it
ga tiza ni.
Gying, n. The ends of a Shdwun dnw.
Gying, v. To shrink, contract; sicmri gying nral sai;
comp. iizcn; to be suffering from cramp or contrac-
tion of the muscles, ldgaw l d f a gying wa ai; to be
short, as time, nhtoi gying ai; comp. shdgying and
Gying, n. Time;same as hkying.
-un, a. To be unlucky; to have premonitions of impend-
ing danger; dai ?zing Prang gying PI@d a i , Rannng
hkum sa.
Cyawm gyawm. 197

Gyip, a. To bc narrow as a door or a mountain pass;

chyznghka l a m g y i j a t ; to be small, narrow as a room,
gawk gy$ a i ; comp. gytng.
- g y ~ p , a. arrow, close, strait, confined.
G y ~ p , v . T o fasten, as between split bamboo; Idgut ni &fir
uLRawp g y i j fawn m u ; to bend, as wood or bamboo
over a fire; ldgztn gjlip oi; guf hbowp gyip a i .
Gyip, v. T o be wilted, withered; also pron. RyiP.
Gyit, v . 'To. tie, bind; s u m r i hlc g y d u; to tie. up, as
cattle i n a raid, nga gyit ai; to imprison or take into
custody, as a person. suspected of crime, t#dsha gpl
n i.
-hkang, v . To tie, wind; see parts. !\

-su~nbyau, v . To tie, hitch, as a number of animals to the

s a m e post.
Gyu, n. Uncoined, but stamped silver used in- trade;
comp. gwmhpuaw nzaisi; dm-gn Rte n mai gdaw as,
gyar kte nzaz' n i ; comp. nam gwi.
Gyum, v. Saine as grant.
Gyau, v. T o act as a proxy or substitute, but under the
leadership of some one else; gyau da, see parts. '
-dat, v. To send, as a substitute, under the care df a
t h i r d party; 7rgni n su Yrc ai mijaw, shi @e gyavrrx dat
SC 0 2 .
Gyau 2). To deviate, swerve, deflect from a straight
line; k k a k d f a nhfu rtt'ngwal yang kdga de gyau raz
nznl wa az.
-g)iau, ndv. I n a deviating, straying, digl-essiv e manner;
ny2 a ga tc mddnf a< rrda de gjlnu gyn14 hbzrnr rai.
Gyaw, n. Transport; things transported, especially on a
military expedition.
-haw, v. T o carry, as munitions of war; a n k t t a s u y a
722. a gjlow Rtn w ga ai.
C y a w k , o. To be c o n c a v e , cup-shaped; see IdgyawR
-gyawk, a. C o n c a v e , hollow a n d rounded.
~ G w m , . T o b e decaying, inouldering, crumblink into
dust; gyawm mat ai; con~p.nynwm; to he failing, as
a n old man, d+qZa gynamt n i .
--gyawm, a. llecaying, declining, failing i n health and
Gyoi, i). To be unsettled, changeable, movingfrom place
to place; see agyot.
The seventh consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; only
used-in interjections, as an aspirate and i n words intro-
duced from foreign languages.
Ha, An ~nterjectionof surprise
H e , A noun affix, by some used instead of:lrpe.
Haw, V. T o announce; Bur, cm3; usually pron. ItRaw.
Hoi, Interjection of calling.

T h e eight consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; sound

of'J,as in English.
ra.j v . T o be hard; opp. to Rya; to be solid, unyielding, as
to the touch, and thus strung, powerful, stubborn; a.
hard, solid, strong, etc.; &ua jn nga a i , the wood is
hard; ga ja ailthe ground is hard (solid;) shi 12-g21n
ja ail he is strong; /a" ja a i , the sun is hot (powerful;)
sh2 11:g~Pja a i wn Y Z ai, he is a "cheeky " person;
hku nsa ja a i , the fanline is becoming severe; nrdsu
ja a i w a , a great liar; hRnwhRam a h f a n g ja nga az,
the King's glory is great.
-ja, ady. Very, exceedingly, excessively; comp. grai, la
and nachying; ski p ja skdkztt shdrang nga a i .
f a , a. To be good, not bad, corrupt or spoiled; derv.
kbja; ndai h j u n a si ja a i , the fruit of this tree is
wood; a. good, fit, excellent; Rdslta ja cti nzrmsha, a
woman havino a large number of healthy vigorous
children: SL&$ g.itskn v n , shddang gilsha jn,she bears
daughters and and sons (industrious) as young bees.
-ja, a. Active, alert, wide awake; slzi ja ja ya ai wa.
-miIra, v . To welcome; to show pleasure, satisfaction,
delight, as when meeting old friends; lndnang Lte ga
fsun angja ntdra nga az, there is pleasure speaking
to (o d) companions; sltankte shi dpe ja mdra di nna
L k a j la md n* n i , they received him with delight; ja
mdra a i ga, n. words of greeting and welcome.
J a daw. 199

Ja, V . To t a k e , receive, accept; to t a k e a posture or

attitude as when e x p e c t i n g o r receiving anything:
thus, Idfa ju ani, to hold out t h e hands, as for a gift
o r a whipping; slradyi p y a u , turn the face (expect-
ing stroke;) s / , z / d / r p u / r k a p ~ / L Zu i , he puts the
s hou I d e r t o t lrc load; tr-gup p r,open the mouth, (as
for food;) w n n jlr u , present (hold out) the cup; shl'
hka ja oi, he draws (lit. receives) water; comp. l a m
j n , 7 r g n la and ?r-gawtja.
J a , conj. 0 1 1 account of, because of; comp. gawf, jaw,
.mrir(ztrp and n r d p w ; s h i a j(z r tiye n nzdnang Iawm ,not
sui, btcaust. of him my companion came along.
J a , Interjection cspressive of doubt or wonder; ja r , h
/a taw c, I \rrot~derii he will get it ! ja i, g u m h j r a w
joi m i ~ r z rhta tow e ; l a pi, M d r o i e.
Ja, n. Gold; guld lace; property, a marriage dowry, the
sum a g r e e d upon, as for a bride; conlp. a j u ; l a 72 /a
o i mdjaw azinz t z /u /u a i , he cannot t a k e a wife, as
he has no iuonry; ja guuzhjraw, gold and silver,
(money or property;) a. golden, precious and thus
eminently auspicious; often used as a qualifying
adjective wit11 proper names belonging to the families
of c h i e f s ; j a La, the golden La.
-ulung, n. 'The y o u l ~ gson of a chief, as addressed by a
nat-prophet; see parts.
-ura, 92. A chief, (lit. golclen cock,) so addressed by a
nat-prophet; also pron. jo urang; ja u r a pwbart ba
-urang, n. A chief; same as l a nua.
-bang, v. T o pay t h e marriage dowry, the 1)rice for the
bride; comp. shdrvng shn'bau datrg nz; 71. a proper
name for a chief's daughter.
-baw, n. T h e price, as for a wife, slave or pack-animal;
comp. 4 u ; ja bow daw a i , to fix and pay t h e ' price;
l a baw gdde rai sd la? what is the price? (lit. how
much is the golden h e a d ? ) ngni Bang hpc l a daw
gumhpyaw b u v daw nna m ~ r srii de a i , n raz trz ?
-dim, n. A name lor a chief's youngest female child.
-daw, v . To pay the price as for a wife; same as ja
dazu daw. .
j a doi, r. A name for a Ma Roi, of a cheif's family. I

comp. shddoi.
-ga, n. A parting, as of friends or lovers; ja ga hka, to
part, as lqvers, or after an evenin entertainment;
an ,nan ni, pa yang, nz ~ z g t s i ? z gja ga r Rn wa sd ga.
rr. did sand; also called j a y a n ; see gu.
-gup, n. A doublet of each of the articles giv;n as a
marriage dowry; comp. gap.
-jung, v. 'To gild or be gilded, as the' edge of a
gong; to wear, as gold lace; hibyen b r ni 8121
p n g ma ai.
-jamoi, n. Gold ore; 6g. a gold flower; a poetic expres-
sion for anything bright, or beautiful; comp. hkan
jdmoi and Rang; jn j d l i r o i hpaw a i or pa a i , the gold
flower is blooming.
-krang, n. A name for the son of a Lalttaw chief.
-hkan, n. A net; only used i n poetry as a coup. of sum-
gawn; see parts; j a h k ~ nsunrgawle Zang'%na, mcthkx
;Irpurzggam de sa 712%.
-la, n. Proper name for a Ma La of a chief's family.
-lat, n. T h e first installment of a marriage dowry; see
parts; duma ni n r m /a na j n /at bang md sni.
-]en, a. Gold-bearing, gold producing; see parts; ja hrz
f a ~ g h k a n g , fig. name for a high-way. of traffic, as
a road to wealth.
-li, r . Proper name; the son of a L d h j a i or Mdvan
chief; a. golden; see parts; jali la, golden youth.
-mun, n. Gold dust; see jag.%&.
-maw, n. A gold mine; see maw.
y n a n , n.(from nan, to be new.) Newly procured wealth;
ja nafi t a m , v . to seek, prospect, as for gold; to
acquire, as new treasures; ja nizn t a m yang, p sa mat
a i , seeking new treasures, he loses the old.
:-pan, n. Gold-flower; a natrir of endearment among girls.
-pu, n. Gold-bud; used t h e same way as j u p a ? ~ .
-paw raw, n. Species of e l d e r , from t h e pith of which
artificial flowers are L a d e ; ja pnzu mu, htc ~ n ? i z p u n
gdaw r.
--rang, ta. (from a r a f q , capital.) Articles included i n a
marriage dowry.
Ja .rl, r. The early Autumn; l a r2 t a , the time from the
middle of Sept. to the middle of Oct.; ja ri ri, to set
in as the Autumn; ja ri ta e n a m s i hpu ai.
-raw, n. A name for a Ma NIH of a chief's family; d r
Rdsha /a Raw.
-sa, n. Family w lth; old property; opp. to ja B a n ,
which see.
-., a , n. dirt.
-sak, v . T o present gifts, as to a chief.
-saw, v . T o give as money, instead of a cow or slave
when settling a marriage dowry; see parts.
-sha, v . To receive ("eat,") a marriage dowry; see
-tawng, n. A goid bar; " gold-chunk;" a proper name
for the daughter of a chief.
-tsen, n. A femaleof a Ldhpaior Mdranchief's family;
p tsen ma, golden maiden-hood; comp. ja li.
-wun, n. The space i n front of a house; t h e ".wealth-
entrance;" i n poetry used as a coup. of ndaw; ja wun
ndaw e nga clyai ga.
-yang, n. The plain~;'c~mp.I1~~nng;onlyusedinpoetry;
mdnej ja ang, or Atzngnai p yang.
-yun, r'
n. Go d-sand; cornp. ja gu and ja man; Nanisang
hka de jq yun sawng ai.
Jak. n. A wench, a windlass; a sewing machine;. comp.
gnwng; maiZung pb hte Kdrawk u.
j-ak, n. A "charmed" piece of gold . or silver, and
especially a "chip of a thunder-tiolt" ( M a n @a,)
inserted under the skin to insure good 'luck and
invulnerability; derv. a@; jak 4,*or jak taw&, to
insert the charm; l d t a ldlrpum p jak l a p aii jak hkwl,
one covered with charms, thus a robber,.a brigand;
ngat jaR ARuf ltkrunr imgai.
Jak, u. To change as money; (Northern usage;) same as
gustnzhphpraw byan ai; gunrhpraw 3aR ya mi.
J a k d a w , n. A district north of the Namhkam valley;
pk daw itharaw, a sacred valley i n the j a k d a q
district, also called Jikdaw sznzsai.
Jam, n. A s e i n e ; comp. byet, dimvaw and sumgawn; jam
ja, to fish with a seine; see parts.
202 Jamgaw.
Jamgaw, n. (from gnw, to be curved.) A poetical name
for a fan; jamgaw h y i t .
Jamjau, v. To be difficult; (Northern usage;) same as ru
ynR; dni 6ugzgLi grai janzjnzl ni.
Jamna, n. A mirror, a looking g1nss;fal seng l a m a ; by
many called p a t or myi 3%.
Jamhpoi hpa, n. A strap worn by women when weaving;
same as jing'hpoi @a
J a n , n. A bat. without a shoulder-strap; a pouch, a sack,

a tube-like bag for rice and money worn around the

waist; comp. iiag3an; n-gf4 kte g~mltprctw pfi
kyit I d .
Jan, u. T o be tired, weary, as of a hopeless undertoking;
comp. jin; agni shi hpc shdrin ;an ni ai, 1 am weary
of teaching h i m ; n j e ~ to , be unwearied, assiduous;
Ldng ZdkR* n jan a i wa, a constant (unwearied)
Jan, u. T o be able to bear, endure; not to succumb; ski
htnwkdang mdchyi jan /a ai, he pulled through an
attack of cholera; jnn nn?c &yet a i mdjaw, n jan /rc ma
ai, the sun being too hot, they could not endure it;
Gizn shingknng Ape nan, Mngnm shingknng Ape jan,
he bears the light supernal, endures the shining
Jan, v . T o be erect, perpendicular; comp. mli/a?zg; Ian
pn,a. erect, upright; jan j n ~ ztsap a, stand straight;
jan lan, adv. i n a stiff, -straight, erect manner; sht j a ~
Laat ARawm ai.
Jan, v. T o be i n excess; to be over and .above; ndv. over,
more than; mctrai sumshijn~tni, there are inore than
thirty men; fig. to go to excess, to overstep the proper
limits; Hang naz pn ndai, you go too far, ( a r e too
overbearing;) n. an excess, superfluity; jnn a i n i ha2
wa mr, those i n excess (of the actual need) may
return; a verandah, nta jjnn; jan ( chyaiga, let us talk
(visit) on t h e verandah.
Jan, a. A sister, (see hdjan;) used by a man speaking
about his sister; shi ngai jan ue ai, she is my sister; a
respectful term designating a grown or married
woman; comp. nxm; ngni p l z , lny wife; a!% Inn, the
Jan mau. 24'3

chief's wife; ~ t ~ a djon,

tc a wife; mcinang jan, a I c m a k
companion; nja jun, a sweet-heart.
Jan, n. The sun; n i ~ t g j zjnn, ~ the fierce s u n .
-udang, n. A frame, cross. for a sacrifice offered to the
s u n nat.
-dahkaw, a. T h e time about seven A.M.;see Gram.; jan
dahkaw m i l a w , same and most common form.
-dingsip Z . I'agoda bells.
-du, n. The time towards sunset; v. to be declining, as
the sun; cotnp. jan shang; jan dzd magang sai, waga..
-dup, v. T o beat down, as the rays of the s u n .
-daw, r . A part of the day; comp. chying daw; also.
pron. Ian dawng; jan dfzw ga, the hottest part of the
day; jan daw ga e ma Atim ai.
-dawng, n. Same as jan daw,which see.
-ga, n. The abode cf the sun-nat; the "sun-country;"
comp. jan jan, mltdni g a and mrc fa.
- w3i , n. A drought; see parts.
a v. T o be hot, as the sun; see parts.
--Jan, w . The sun-nat; the "lady-sun;" also called, p n
-kSdang, n. The time about four P.M.; see parts.
-kayau, n. T h e time about one P. M.; see parts.
-hku, n. A kind of sun-nat causing bowel trouble; pigs,
llloles and e q g s are the:usual offerings to t h i s nat;
jan Lku h j e ihdru jlr yang, ningran ai da.
-hkungram, n. A place for the erection of altars to the
-Ilkungri, n. Ar. altar dedicated to the sun-nat.
--lam, v. ~ o ' h a n yor spreadaout i n the sun; see parts.
-!aw, 9;. The time about eight and nine A.M.; yhn Caw
s ~ i rnwt
, ga, the sun is high, let us start.
--11Igaw, n. A ssil beam; rays of the sun; a species of
Canna, found i n most places of U. Burma.
--ma;, n. Sun-shine; v. to shine, emit light and heat, as
the sun; jan mai n i shdra, a place exposed to the sun;
jnn mai a i shdra de lam r.
-mau, n. A. mitre, or crown, as for a King; ja jnnmafc,
gumhpraw janmar.
204 Jan maru.
Jan .rnaru, n. Prickly heat, Ian mdru 2 , 0. to have
prickly heat; Ian #a24 l a at w w w 3an nzdvtc ru 02..
-na, n. (from n a , to feel.) A place without shade, ex.
posed to the sun; comp. mcri and jan htn; jan
at shdra de Znm 71.
-nat, n, T h e s u n - n a t ; comp. l n l r jan.
-nu, n. The "mother- sun;" a poetical name given to
chiefs and persons of importance; j n ~nu ningtsaq
dzt nz.
-n-gyi, n. The " bastard-sun;" a rude picture ol the s u n ,
made of bamboo skin h u n g by a pn hkilngri.
-nnaw, r. T h e time about five P.M.; see Gram.
-nmoi nip, n. T h e twilight jast after the setting of the
s u n ; anhi8 jan nmoi nzp Cnz y a n g drr srt ga ai.
-nhpai, n. A lens, a sun-glass; see parts.
-pun gdi ng, n. Noon; jcn purtgding mctdi, or jan P?cngding
ga, the time when the sun is i n the mid-heavens; see
-pram, n. To appear suddenly, to break as the sun
through the clouds; see parts; jan pram nnn mai wa
ra ai.
-PrU , v , To rise, as the sun; jan fru aten, n. sunrise.
-shang, v. T o skt, as the s u n ; n. sunset; jan shang mndu,
evening; see parts.
Ysheng, n. Daylight, broad daylight ; comp. nrim s k e ~ g ;
Apawt ni, jang sheng r a i yang e sa ga.
-shu msyu, n. An eclipse of the sun; v. to be eclipsed, as
the sun; (the Kachin belief is that eclipses are caused
by a frog trying to swallow the s u n or the moon.)
-shiigawng, v . The evening halo; see parts.
-tingsa, n: A poetical name for the s u n ; t h e 41
s u n or sun nat;" jan tingsa ningltkaw d?r wa.nga.
-tsing law tsan, n. The time between nine to eleven A.M.
Dai kjawt jan t s i n g Zczu t s a n , nhpz @an,
Shinggyim mdshn Rdhjan y a , t h i s morn, the sun
ascending, the dust arising, t h e sons of men astir.
-htan, v. (from //tan, to respond.) To be exposed to
the sun; jaw Ltnn n i shd;.n, a place exposed to the
sun; a stronger tern2 t h a n pn nn.
Janghpang. 205

Jan wang, n. T h e halo around the sun.

-Y all , n. To be declining, as the sun, during the latter
part of the afternoon; comp. jaz kdynu.
- V. To shine, as the sun, at a given po~nt;nys a my2
wa%yan ze re ai, the sun is shining i n my face.
J a w v . T o prepare, as a corpse for burial; derv. nlaag
and Ldjang; see mang jang.
Jang, n. Bronze, metal used for Chinese cash, gongs,
bells; etc.; swmscng n i jang hle chyaw ma ai.
J a n g , f i . A carrier; (Shan;) o n l y used i n such combin-
a t i o ~ sas, glrn j a q , or hfai jarzg; comp. ckyang; p n g
sha, to do the work and receive the pay of a carrier.
-- - - -
Jang, adp.--when,4indicating completed time or action;
conp. yang; see Gram.; ndai gdkw ngut lang sAi sa
a i l when he h a d done it he left; shi du ngrct lang, wa
sit, return when he arrives.
Jang, v. T o be adverse, disagreeing, on unfriendly
terms; comp. Kyang and Bur. ;of 8 ; lafig gan, to be
oppcsite; shi hte ngai ga law Raw nna jang gun figa
ga ni, we have been out, (not on speaking terms)
since I quarreled with him.
.J ang, v. A Chinese balance; a steel-yard; comp. 102, yoi
and hkyyik.
-1i v. T o test; to sound the feelings of some one; to
weigh, as it were, in the balance; comp. dinglik; lung-
/ik ylc, same; see parts; knsltu &asha a nzyil sltijattglih
y u ttga ai.
-shcn, v. To weigh with a balance; see parts.
Jang, A prefonnative.
--daii, n. A male elephant without tusks; (Shan.)
3 v. To bar, shut out with bars; see di7zgguang.
-hkam, a. A silver-smith; (Shan.)
-ma, 92. One of the Ldhfai families.
-maw, n. The Atsi term forjalz ma.
-nyang, f'
n. A species of rose-ma low; both the Hibiscrrs
cocinczu and H. mosclt~sctos,are found i n the Hills.
-hpan, n. A kind of creeper w i t h edible leaves: the
langhfan i n bloom resembles the common mare's-tail.
--hpang, n. A tent,; comp. saw; ja?tghpnng gap ai, v. to
pitch a. tqqt.
206 Janghtung.

J a n g h t u n g , f r . T h e middle-man or spokesman, arran n

a marriage affair; the ja7zghtzr7zg is the intermediary
a g
i n whose house the emissaries ( h a ni) from the
would-be husband are staying, while lie conducts the
negotiations; nzrm hpyi yang p n g h t a n g Raw slrawftg
shang ma ai.
-wawm, n. T h e pine-apple plant or fruit; ja7zgwnwm ,i
sha yang &an mdchyi a i .
J a p , v. T o augment, as the thickness of a bolt, by 3
layer of plate or foil; comp. jut; (Shan;) d i n g g A ~ r g
ginrun ai mdjaw, mrigri jap se a i , as the bolt is too
small I wound copper foil around it.
J a p , v. T o be hot, pungent, peppery; derv. mdjap; comp.
h k n , h k u p , sham and kdpvep; to smart as the eyes
f r o ~ nsmoke; wan ltktlt mcijnw n3.e mya jafl s n i ; n.
pepper; only i n colnposi tion; see kdsheng.
-ban, 7r. Plants of red-pepper or chilli. -
-bawng, n. Red-pepper plants; see parts.
-ksl~pratn, a . Pungent, acrid ; rr. acrimony.
-hkum, 7 z . Red-pepper pods.
-mun, 7 2 . Pounded red-pepper.
J a t , v . T o a d d . illcrease, augment; conlp. jap, jnn and
srt; ndv. morc, ~nucli;?Ham clang m i 7znw jat a , a d d
an other basket of paddy; 4 t i m r iraw jat y a e l give
m e four annas more; 72-g74 nnu jot Raa se ni, I have
put i n too much rice; -jat bang, to a d d , as to a load;
ndni hta nn jat bntrg z b , add some of these t h i n g s ;
jat 7m g a l n. the realm of the dead; the p l a ~ econ-
stantly increasing its tenants; comp. Rdtsan ga; Zuj,
da a i ganltpraw gaw jat 7to gn cCc w a Zn nn, I will
return from "Sheol," to take the silver I buried.
J a t , v . T o breed, bear young and increase,-said of
beasts and birds of prey; comp. k k r a t ; t s a l , shdraw
hte k a l a ~ gni jat ma ni.
Je, v. T o tear, rend, as c l o t l ~ i n gcomp.
; g a ~ t gje; to be
torn and thus r a g g e d ; slri ?jznsi~zpawl n7zn hp2cn
jdzawngje kazr nix izi, h e hecalnc angry and tore his
clothing; to stop or prevent, as n fight; to force apart,
as by word or action, two persons or animals fighting;
to snatch, as the prey from n wild animal; shipt gdsnt
J e n da. 3a7
ai kpe ngai je Rau md se ai, I separated the two
fighting; dnigaw Akan Raw na je La a i r , a fowl saved
from .the claw's of the wild-cat.
J e je, a. Torn, ragged, i n shreds; je je ve aipalawng.
j e , v. To cause, as a quarrel.
-dawng, n. A cause, as for a quarrel or fight; comp.
mt~dduwng;je dawng t a m a i , to pick up a quarrel, to
" spoil for a fight;" d a i wa gaw je dawng gctlaw a i
rndsha r a i nga a i , this man is stirring up trouble.
-hpre, v. T o refuse obedience; to be contrary, re-
fractory, rebellious; to stir up, as strife; je h p r e a i H Z ,
disobedient, rebellious persons.
J e , v . T o be odd; derv. shiijc; shrigr ylr nnn jc-ai gaw
dawn da ma,look for thc even, leave the odd.
J e , n. Paper; comp. 71zaisnn;(Northern usage.)
- d u w a '. n. Paper; only used in poetry, as a coup. of
Je, adv. More than, most; comp. grazc; nang Ata ngai je
graa nngai, 1 am bigpcr than you; ngai jpgfdng ai me
s2 mat sm, my most precious child is dead; the
more-the more; comp. ch~~lthtawm and IL.;je jhw j u
sAa, the more g i v i n g i h e more eating, i.e. the more.
you give him the more he wants;je durn jr ngoz, the
more music the more noise je kdyat je rift,the Inore
whipping t h e inore affection; je sltdrin jeanguwt, the
more teaching the bigget fool.
Jedau, n. A district South-west of Bhamo; Jedalc murg
Ldhtaw ga r a i nga ni.
Jem, u. T o be close, as i n relation, friendshipor intercsts.
-jem, odv. Closely, intimately; n. intimate, etc. diri wa
n y a~ jifiihku jcm jem vningeama ai,'he is m y intimate
friend; shan shddiz @a nnu jtne jem rai nga m a a i ,
they are closely related to each other; (lit. are close
brothers or cousins.)
J c n , v. T o strain, to filter; f a htn na jdhRa jm la a; to
separate as coals from the ashes; drip jen nrr.
J e n , v. T o spread out and hang up as, garments or hides
for drying; shanhpyz' gaw kriwa hfn jc?z ntz.
-da, V . To hang, suspend, as on a frame or a cross; t~
208 J e n ren.

J e n ren, adz). On tip-toe; cornp. l d j e m ; s h i l(igaw tnatlryi

rznn jell vcn hkawitz ni.
Jenghkycng, it. A rake; comp. stcisit and ZdRjri; je?tg-
hkye7zg A l c fzenz/aj, rndsif klztr ?nu.
Jengseng, 72. A fan; only used i n poetry as a coup. o[
L d j i t ; cornp. jam gaw; jengseng /&lit inng m a / ~ R R
ha a.
Jengwang, n. A species of mushroom; in poetry used as
a coup. of m i t i ; cornp. chyingwang.
Jep, v. To forbid, prohibit, interdict; shdmw.hRsnz no/,
7zga naa, dz~n i j e f ?>znn i , the chiefs s a y , do not set
fire to the jungle; cornp. jel; jep a i t a ~ aa, prohibitory
law or statute.
Jet, v . To repress, restrain, as by a sharp order, quick
action or firm attitude; cornp. j e f ; (jef, is equal to
you must oot, jet, do not;) derv. R d j e t ; ngni ga tsun
yang, du wn jct R a w ni ai, t h e chief stopped my speak-
ing,-(ordered me to stop;) ma ni naw bdshai a i mlijaw
s d r n e jet Rag ma ai.
Jet, v. To be pure, unadulterated, unmixed, unalloyed;
derv. shangjet; cornp. fa and zin; jn jet, pure gold;
gumhfrazu jet, unalloyed silver; Jinghpnw jct, a f u l l -
blooded Kachi n ; jet a i l a i Zaba mari 14.
Jeju, rr. Merit, favour; cornp. chYeju.
- ,, je jan, n. Saine as jeju.
Jeyang, u. T o give an opinion; to draw an inference; to
judge; comp. fdra darn; jtyeng a i wa, an arbitrator,
referee, judge.
Ji, v. To collect, as an old debt; see Lka ji. .
J i , n. A labourer; only used as a coup. of gn; ji g n saw ai,
to call day-labourers; see ga .raw; j i g n saw a i shani e,
the d a y w h e n he called labourers.
J i , v. T o like, favour,fancy; mostly used with the negative
as a coup. o f r i ; derv. njz.
J i , v. To set and show the teeth, as when angry; gwi wd
j i di dat ai.
- ji , adv. Showing the teeth, as an angry dog; i n a gnash-
ing, grinding manner; shdraw wa ji j i d i d a n ai.
J i , v. T o be small, diminuative; derv, rtctjiand rrumji;
small; m d w d noi ji,a small basket:
ji htang. *Og

ji nban, a. All, small and great; ji nban mahkra @E Raran

jaw m u , give tc all, big and small.
] i , n. Winged insects, of t h e genera Musca, Simzltizlm
and C a l u x ; also pron. chyz; derv. t ~ z d j or
i mdchyi.
-bum, n. A species of horse-fly, resenlbling the Cicada
din rdi.
-grawng, n. A musquito; comp. nchyawng; jig'rawmg
g m n g , a musquito net,-callcd jtgraw?zg , a t l by the
-nu, n. T h e common fly; ji nrr gut, a drone; (lit. a Ry-
bee;) comp. gat; ji nu di, the eggs of the fly; comp.
.. f s u ; j z rzzr di di,v . to blow, deposl t eggs, as a fly;
j z ?ra Isit, t r . a ye1 low fly.
J I , ndv. Long ago; not used alone.
-mak, adu. Long-since, ages ago; see next.
-mi, adv. L o n g since; for or after a long t i m e ; comp.
a n ; shl' gnw l i ~ 7 z rai
i ynng e 6aiPrw wa a i , he returned
after n long absence; shi g a w 12 mi ji ma& rai h&ra
na ma/ uz', he has prolonged h i s stay for a long time.
--nma1 n. Ages past; see c h j i nma.
J I , n. An ancestral spirit; (comp. jz, a grandfather;) a
n a t ; j i gal the spirit land; same as mzlga; ji net,
ancestral spirits, as objects of worship; see parts;
~rnhfrji jaw n n f ;law ga at; we give (sacrifice) to
spirits and nats; jz lsdsanz nal Isbsam, strange spirits,
st range nnls; ji mdnang s i n p a maihpang.
J i , r . .\ grandfather; comp.ji, a s p i r i t , a p i a n d R d ~ ;see
Gram.; the brothers of a grandfather,(being regard-
ed a s so many grandfathers;) a respectful desig-
nation, addressing-an old man.
--ba, .n.A grandfather's elder brother.
-baw.k, n. A grandfather's second elder brother; see
-dim, n. T h e youngest of a grandfather's brothers.
-doi, n. The third of a grandfather's brothers; an N L a .
-dwi, n. An affectionate term for a grandfather.
-ke, a. A great great grandfather.
-hkai, n. A great grandfather.
-htang, n. The fifth of a grandfather's brothers; an
Ntfr or N- Yaw.
2 10 J i htung.

J i htung, n. The sixth of grandtather's brothers; an

N- Yaw.
-wa, n. Paternal ancestors; ji rua ni, the fathers; t h e
patriarchs; see parts.
-woi, n. Grand-parents, ancestors; dui o m s ji woi ni 0
ZaKhtaR haw nna byr'n n i .
J i k , n. T h e fourth of a basket, (dang;) see G r r m . j n r l
Bur. 8d;mnm jik mij'azem n t .
J i k , v. To buy or sell urr credit; jik l a , to get, obtain on
credit; j k y a , to give, sell on credit; ngai p ~ i ~ u , n ~
l i k /a SP nna, shi l r p c ngn rhydhkrazu jik yn sr ni.
J i k , n. Rope; (Shan) s a m e as swmri.
-baw, n. A k i n d of tree the inner bark of whicll i s
used for ropes; same - as gdhta hprdn; jik baw szrmrr
see parts.
--lam, n. A tether; jihZam /am a i , v. to tether; g x m r a hpz
jiklam lam shdyaw mzr.
-maw, s. A cord for a cooking-pot.
-pye, n. A trace; especial1 for a plough.
-htep, Y
n. Reins, especial y the kind used for cattle.
J i n , v. To be ready, as a meal; ready, prepared, as
for work; comp. hfimt and hkym; shat ]in s n ni .? is
rice ready? amw ]in sd n i ? is the work done I ear. is
everything ready ? (Many of the northern Kachins
regard this word as improper and indecent; see
i n , a. Ready, done, finished; also used adverbially;
nta d e zun na ngai jin jin r a i sai.
j i n , v. T o be tired,wearied,asof sameness or monotony;
comp. jan; ngai shan sdn jin ni n i l nga baz sho sn nn, 1
am tired of eatin2 meat and will again eat fish; shr
hpe ng-ai s h d p jil: sr ni, I atn tired of calling him.
J i n , v. T o b e p l r t e d , oprncd, as t h e lips, thus e x h i l ~ i t i ~ ~ q
the teeth; m a jz~znz u l u , a person always sl~owingt h e
.. teeth, either from n a t u r e or habit.
- J , a. Opvned, uncoarered.
J i n , n. T h e f e m a l e private parts; t h e vaqin:4, t - ( v n b )
--bay n. 'The m o n s Venel-is.
-di, n TIie n y ~ n p h c rclitoris.
Jingling. 211

]in kau, n. The orifice of. the vagina.

L h k y i l V rz. T h e ~ n u c u sof the vag-ha; a term of foul abuse,
-hku. n. T h e vapinal canal.
-mu& n. T h e ha% covering the female private parts.
-- ran^. n. Libidinous desire: an ol~sceneterm.
V '

-sin, n. T h e nyrnphae clitoris.

-ti, n. T h e labia puderida.
J i n g , n. An angle; a corner; (Shan;) comp. j t r t ; l t n g
mrisum d i g d a w u , draw a triangle; ji~zgnrn/i di (awn
u , put it four square; dni nLn ling shi rawng /a a i l
the house has ten corners, (anxles.)
Jing, A preformative, indicating iolidity; comp. ch.i~g.
--dawng, n. T h e thigh; o n l y used i n poetry as a coup. of
-hkam, t z . T h e large horse-fly.
-hkam, n. T h e flanks,as of an animal; Ran ji~tghdame
Rajah yang s i wa na da.
-hkang, tz. T h e top of a hill; a hill; so called by
metonymy; Rawngjizghkang de sa L a ~ gma mu, go up
to the top of the hill ; dan li~tghkang,apoetical name
for a hill, also called lawn jinghbnng.
--liku, t z . A friend; jinghku jing-yr ?zi, ffiends; nrdgyin
jinghdu, a close friend; jinghku Aka a i l v. to make
Lriends; see parts; jinghhu shaw ai, to v.ow friend-
s hip.
-h kai, n. A mother; see chyinghkai; v. t o bear, bring
forth, give birth; only used i n religious poetry as a
coup. of skdngai:
S h i sh&tgai hfingihrlrying
nta gdZaw,
Jingh Rai htingc h zing nta g d y a w ..
--hkra, rz. A kind ot worm; also pron. chyitrghRra, which
-hkri, n. (frorn Ahri, to braid.) A braid; wreathen
work; also pron. zinghbri.
--hkyen, v . T o throw, as a spear; see ri jing/tkyen.
--lam, n. T h e elephant's trunk; mrtgwi jing/am.
-len, n. A small kind of bee.
- - i n , n. A species of tiny sparrow; m d j o i R d j i jt'ngLiftg
s di,the jingling's e g g is naturally small.
212 Jinglau,

Jinglau, n. Trouble; wine as gnnu'nw, which see.

Jingma, n. A kind of insect; also pron. rhyingma, which
-mat, n. Vegetable poison; see isdmat.
-hpa, n. A bow-string; a band, strap, as for a basket.
also pron, jumlLpo.
-hyaw, a. The largest a n d most influential tribe of the
race known as Kachin; the jinskpaws are divided
into numerous clans and tribes of which t h e Ldhpai,
Mdri), Mdralr, LaAtaw and NhRum are the most
noteworthy; the meaning of the name is uncertain;
(see introduction;) pnwng- jinglipaw mdska ai, t h e
central Jing&aw race.
-hpoi hpa, n. A piece of raw hide, about six inches
wide, worn around the waist and attached to a web,
to hold it taut while weaving; also called jarnhpoz
h j a or dahpoi hpyi.
-hta, n. To tarry, delay; comp. chyinghta and dingktu.
mostly found i n religious poetry, as a coup. of na .-
Y a MdCraw w a n e nau na s& ga ai,
Nfsang ndaw e nau ji~zghtasd ga ai.
-htum, a. Limes; (Hkauri ;) comp. shdldwt si; also prow
chyiaghilt m .
-yu, m. A friend; coup. of jin Rdu which .see.
l i t , v. To emit a n offensive, etid fluid, as t h e c i v i t - c a t
or certain insects; to squirt the liquid as i n the eyes so
as to cause temporary blindness; chyakkyawn ni shon
nga @C nzyi jil nga ma ai.
lit, B. Urine.
-bu, a. rl-'g urinate, as a babe.
---byell, a i o urinate; same as jit du.

-bawng, n. The bladder; also called shdbnwng.

.. Y. To v. To pass the urine; see next.
- 1 , urinate; also pron. jil chy2.
---hkang, n. Smell, as of urine; jil Lkang mdttarn n i .
-hi, n. A disease of t h e bladder; jit A t i h t i a i , to suffer
from t h e disease, finding diihculty i n passing t h c
Ju- 2 13

Jitna, n. A reel; a skein, as of yarn; jilna na Ate do

sing mu.
j u , V . T o burn, as wood ; ski Rdwa ju ai,he burns bamboo.
hpun n ju h k r a w a i , the wood wont burn; to cremate:
as a corpse; Northern i<achins often practice =re-
mation, but. the southern tribes confine it to women
hav-inp died i n child-birth, or persons haviny been
afflicted with some dreaded disease; d u x g ju
oi nkkap, a place where a woman having died i n
confinement has been cremated; to roast, broil, as
over a slow fire; shan / u u , broil the meat; to sacrifice
hogs or fowls to the nats; comp. nga Iang; a n i f r u ju
wa ju ga ai.
Ju, V . T o become daring, thus making .repeated attacks,
as a tiger; dai shdra t? shdraw ju ai mdjaw, we nta W Q
sai, tigers (constantly) visiting this place, n o hogs
are l e f t ; fig. to be impudent, brazen,- grasping; to
practice feline rapacity; shi jr a i zaa 'rai nga ai, he
is a rapacious fellow; nal isasanz ja oi, he is attacked
by strange nats.
J u , V . T o like, be satisfied with; to accept as good and
proper; cotnp. dawl~pand r a ; ?rang tcgai h f e n j g
n ni? don't yoil f z n l e ? she ju law, of course I like
you; i n religious poetry j z often takes as a coup. ru:
/i Raga 4 c j . a w n y a n s ji Rdga ju nro a i /u,
Nut Rdg.a k>e lawn yang, trot kltgiz ru ma a i /p.
Ju, v. To conPerge; to ineet a t , or have a comrnon centre;
derv. ddja and ntuju; comp. a n g and Bur. p ; Maraznw
rndre 1 mdshn ynw3tg ju m a az, all m e e t (converge,) at
Rhamo; to bc gathered, as for a feast; mdnov mdfu
jinghdar ni j r r ntlz s(i ~ i ?
-gal n. Central China; rrgai ju ,6u dlc yu n i ai, I have
visited t h e interior of China.
J u , d v . Formerly; see gdju.
- ~ ; ~ a j a t , a h . For e v e r , everlasting; (from jat, to add on
to) j? i t a shriibn, an everlasting covenant; dai
7ttn ju m d j l z l ? z ( ~ )if n/u p ! a w da soi.
J u , n. A thorn; bramble; comp. Bur. q:;see ' bxrzgkbx jr
and vi ja; derv. a j ~ .
214 J u ju.

JU ju, 2. T o bc pricked, as 1)y a thorn; to prick, as

-nhpan, w. A thorn-hedge, as of brier or cactus.
-singwum, n. A thorn or bramble-bush.
--shinpa, n. A thorny rod; fig. trouble, vexation; atsnwa
sha n yaw yu n i g d a w ynng, ju shzngrra inz a r , doing
things carelessly it becomes a thorny rod.
Ju, n. A great, religious dance; see nzdnau.
-manau, a. The great religious dance, mcstly practiced
by the chiefs on the East side of the irrawaddy; j~
mdnnu shltai na nu14 shtzwng kumdcrw tri,the supporters
oi the leader at a great dance; jrc shi1zgdrr7rg t?zd,nat,r
nnu baw, the master of ceremony.
Jum, u. To hold, hold on to, take hold of; j z t f i z U , take
hold; nang e junz r , hold here; comp. shnnt.
-bang, v. T o arrest, lay hold of; (Iikauri ;) see ritn.
Juol, a. A measure of length, about one foot; (the length
of two hand-breadths, with the thumb extended
between;) jum mdsrm bdbn u i 7ua inn2 r .
Jum, n. Salt; also called njrd~n;p p ~ "a z m a h n , the salt-
creating nat; see pait.
-boi, v. T o exchange, as salt (or rice.
-dwi, n. Sugar; ( l i t . sweet salt.),
-gang, n. Rock-salt.
-ga, re. Bad salt; mdno junrqa, a term oi abuse; a funeral

feast ; natihiri a vnatta j a n r ~ a7qa ~ n kadai

t sha nu ? who
will attend your funeral feast ? I
-ju, v. T o burn salt; in extreme cases, when other
means have failed, salt, red-pepper or pitch are
burned to drive away the nats; myit htum a i wa jam
ju a i , the desperate man burns salt.
-hka, v. T o be salt; a. salty; shat m a i j74m fznzl RRa ai.
-hkut, v. T o retail salt; sAi j u m hkut dzrt ai wn rai nga
ai, he is a retail dealer i n salt.
-hkyik, v. T o sell, (weigh) salt whole-sale; opp. to
jum irkzit; shi jam kRyik in ai.
--lum, v. T o sell whole-sale, as a basket .at a time.
Jumhpa, t r . A strap; same as i h g h p n .
J u n , n. T o happen as predicted; nzyitir,?igtz j~unai; to be
sure, reliable, as a statement or promisc; comp. hang;
J ai. 2 15

sAz% ga gdhi nrmg n jut2 nd, his words arc never

reliable. , .

J u n , V . T o raise, place, fix, as a post; 7zla an do^ jun ,)td

sai, they havc raised the (house) posts; to drive as a
peg into the ground; d d m y n n i ri htc nzdsazut~ jan
ma at:
J u n , n. A thief or a robber (Shan;) Myen prat c jz47t sarung
ma a i .
J u n g , v. T o be sharp, as an edge-tool;(Hkauri ;) see dnr;
nlrfu jlcng kkr-n gdrang u.
Jung, v . To be fixed, placed, as a post i n t.hc ground;
comp. jun; to place, raise, fix, as a post; shlidnzu nrdtzgn
jatlg mu, put up five posts; t o . be firmly rooted, to
have a hold, ;is a trcc; rr jung a i l the roots h a v e a
hold; to be firm, unshaken, cstablishcd, ns i n convic-
tion; s l i dai :on Ata mvit jung ai, he firmly holds to
h i m ; to be or become chronic as a disease; comp.
Ahykyu7zg; s k i mlrrhvi jung nna s i n i , his disease became
chronic and he died; to accuse, blame (lit. put guilt
on some one;) shi ngai 41ARa jung a i l be (insists)
on blaming mc, (as for the sake of causing a feud.)
Jung, 7 2 . A silk qarment; see bu jung; Kdla lung, Myen
jung, Alcirun j;* trg rai Ran P
Jung, 72. Wheat; (l-orn the Bur. (Bengalec) $I; comp.
ARaulntl; ja72g skndu~g,wheat flour.
Jup, v . To grow, as fruit i n bunclles or tlusters; comp.
stitbn w.
--jup., adv. I n clusters or bunches; nzdyetr si g r a i j z b p .
j u j rai ?tga ai. 5,-
Jup, v . T o be tied; only used i n the form sddjz{jt, which
Jut, v. T o 1,e pierccd, as wit11 an awl or spear; jut di, to
pierce; to pricl: or punch as with sharp instrument;
comp. shdjztjtrl; ri Ate jut di 7t?za jahkrit u.
Jut, n. A corner; ccimp. njaf and jitrg; ( t h e lines, as ~f
the hand; I d l o miika jztt ra7v?rkr oi.) .
jail n. T o .spend, a< money; to br current, circulating,
as specie c~ri-enr y ; shi gz~mh/;raw~rrzujzi ui, he is
spending too m u c h money; dci gnr~zh/?-n?u7 i . o ~72i
j ( ~ i - / n~it, this coin is not curl-ent here; 7 2 ~ dcl-ga
~ ~ 2
jai /a ai shi gyzc j a i ai, I use coin, he carries uncoined
J a i , v. To circulate, as a story; derv. Rcljai; only used i n 8
-lat, 78. A disciple or follower of a professional story
-li, a. A professional story-teller; only used as a coup.
of jaiwa, which see; j a i 4 mdun, the pay (wages) of a
story-teller; same as jaizua shahmi.
-wa, n. A professional narrator of Kachin traditional
lore; a piura, as the highest authority on history and
tradition, is employed oh important occasions, to
rehearse the -creation. story, ahd the subsequent
events of the Kachins i n d adjacent races; j a i wn gn,
the poetical language employed by a ]aiwa, not
generally known by t h e uninitiated; comp. dtlmsa,
myihtoi and nat ga; Jaiwa wn a i , to do the work of a
Jaiwa; nat sat ni n f a e jaiwa wa ai.
Jaiwawng, n. Incest; among Kachins sexual intercourse
between brothers and sisters, cousins ( R d k R r i Ratsa
ni,) and members of t h e same clan or tribal families, is
considered incest; t h u s a Luban man cannot marry a
Ldbnn woman. e v e n t h o u g h the .actual blood relation
is none; ( i n the Hukcng valley greater liberties are
allowcd and me~nbcasof the same tribe or clan often
i n t e r n a r r y ;) jaizuawng wnwng, v . to practice incest;
to marry within one's own family or tribe; also..pron.
j a u w a w q zuawfrg.
Jau, v. To offer, sacrifice to (serve) the nats; comp. lstljau,
jaw and &w; to serve, wait upon, attend, as at meals
or at a feast; derv.hgdjaijar; coup. ?tau:
Le wzrn P nau ai,ndaw e jazl a i ,
Wanang jan dingsa, gun mdsha, Hang gau ytc sr.
Jau v. To be early; comp. Lkaafi and Bur. co3; /oi mi
jau sa a , go sortiewhat early; a . early, often used as a
qualificative; lazt myin, early ripe (fruit;)jatl fr,early
growth: p3 /ria;. eal-ly planting.
- -jau, a. Ear! y ; rhr jahpnwt jau $zu razut sni, he got up
Jaw. 21Z

Jau hkawt, v. T o finish early, as on a market d a y ; d a i ru'

lribzr pdlawng j a r dut hhawt nngai.
Jau, 2). T o catch, as something flying or falling;. derv.
d d j a u , which see.
Jau, Y. TO ride; same as jawn; (Northern usage.)
Jau, v. T o rule; (rare.) A master, lord; a Government
official; comp. zau; p jau e, ngai n chyoi nngai.
-bak, a. All; see parts.
-bu, n. A military officer; see parts.
-badan, n. A fortune-teller; see gumhpan.
-banang, n. A chief or a nat; a respectful term.
-gun, 72. A stall-keeper i n a bazaar; also called p z g m
a 72. A hunter; one skilled in the use of arms,
ndanjaugawng,an archer; sanat jaugawng, a good shot.
-kang, n. A custom-house officer; see parts; t h c usual
expression is Rang Lla az wa.
-hki, n . A ferry-man.
-hkau, n. A w hole-sale paddy-dealer.
-hkyen, n. A juggler; one versed i n the use of charms
and mantras; p u h k y e n pi, to practice jugglery.
-lung, n. An elder; sdra lung, a great teacher. -
-mun, n. A Shan priest.
-maw, n. Rain during the cold season, or e s p e c ~ a l l y
during harvest time; jaumaw mdrang mdjaw, m m
hten wa sat:
-maw;, n. Waiters, as at a funeral feast.
-poi, tc. A merchant.
-hpa, n. An elder; a person of importance.
-.tak, n. One fortunate; as i n guesslng or gambling; see
wawngi Mdwa ni a jauwawng h.
n. A King; (lit. one who wears robes;) see

Jauwawng, n. Incest; same as jaiwang, which see.

Jaw, u. T o give, because requested or under obligation;
to give, as alms, to serve, as food, to sacrifice to t h e
nats, to pay, as a labourer; comp. y a , sad, shzln and
yaw; jaw dang, to have i n abundance and thus be able
to offer continually to the nats; p w Aka, to cause a
feud, as by harbouring thieves; nve a nrdnatrg nz ldgu
a i mdjaw, jaw Aka ARrnm sd ga or.
2 18 Jaw.

Jaw, v . T o pour into; comp. ~r baa; to water, as plants;

nampan n i ntsin jaw r ; comp. dz~?rrhpungjaw a i ; to
dye; ri hpe mdhlat hte l a w u , dye the yarn w i t h
indigo; to enamel; Sam n2 gzrnzhjuaw hfa t s i (namya,)
jaw ma ai; t o cast, mould; comp. chyam.
Jaw, v . T o harmonize, be propel-, by right or chance; to
fall on, as a lot; dai /rpaida s h i h t a jaw sai, the lot
fell on him; s h i t a k jaw a i , he guessed correctly;
LRaiai wa, sha jaw a i , i t is proper (a matter of course,)
that t h e planter should eat (the fruit;) d a i hRr n jaw
a i , this does not harmonize.
Jaw, v. T o ridicule, taunt, sneer a t ; comp. asawng and
jawng; ngai n dang a i majuw s h i zgai hpe jaw kau
nz' ai.
Jaw, a. A measure of capacity equal to ten baskets;
..- (Shan;) also pron. chyaw; mam jaw masunr jaw e.
J a w , conj. For, because o f ; derv. mnjaw; comp. gawp; na
a jaw d n g a i mtlng d d r u Raz~a i /&ram n i ni, because
of you I also had a scolding.
Jaw. v. T o be collected, as i n a mass; wora e masha pw ~ a i
nga a i , - t 3 F p e d p k dre massed over t h e r e ; to be
s t a c k e d , as arms; sdnat shara sha jaw di taw% a ,
stack t h e guns i n one place; to be g a t h e r e d , as the
corners oi a cloth; derv. majaw; to be made up, as the
h a i r into a top-knot; see njaw; in composition this
jaw is found as a preformative with collective force.
-ai me, n. A crowd, n g a t h e r i n g ; only used in religious
poetry as a coup. of de a i mi; de a i m i hkum yu, jaw
s i me hRum prr, let there be n o gathering,, may no
crowd come forth, (as i n the case of an accldent or
-ban, n. T h e cock's comb; see a jawban; jawban &a, V .
to grow a large comb; fig. t o be covered with glory
as a chief; ngai shu ]a a r a , jawban ba sai.
--dung, n. A top-knot; a poetical name for the njaw;
jan c h y i n g t u ~ ~e gtang, m d r a i j a w d r n g e ang.
-gu, v. T o go bare-headed; not to wear a turban;
--grang, n. A hair-pin; see parts.
--gyit, n. T o tie up the hair with a s t r i n g ; jaw gyil fii
swmri, a band for the hair.
Jawm jawm. 19

Jaw hkinraw, adv. Fornlerly, from long ago; a. former,

old; nzoi jaw hdinvaw n~znAka ningtsa 6ai pru wa
ai, a debt from long ago comes up again.
-hkyen, rz. H a i r twisted into a knor; see adkyen.
-le, v . (from Ze, to be passed through.) T o tie the hair
into a knot; masum ttr'ng e jaw Ze 1%a i .
-lup, adv. For e v e r ; l u i a r ' p m jaw /up pvaL t u p nu mdtu
gdlaw s u i , this is done for ages to come.
.-maw, adv. For ages past; see de gale.
-maraw, v . T o gossip; to carry, as tales; to circulate as
evil reports; jaw mdraw h h m ip,do not make a
noise about it.
-hpawng, s. A hair-switch; see parts.
- s h ~ n g r a w , u. T o noise abroad, as an unfavourable
report; see jaw maraw; a. unpleasant, doubtful; de
abale jnw shingraw Ltuju m i hRum nga, lrturat ARum
go, do not mention former doubtful tales, of e v i l do
not speak.
-set, n. False hair; same as jaw hpawng.
-ti, n. A small knot; a name for a person with scanty
urowth of hair.
Jawk, n. A quid, as of cutch or lime; shaji jawR m i l a w
e, g i v e me a quid of cutch.
Jawm, v . T o be contracted; derv. ujawm and mdjuwm.
Jqwm, Y. T o join forces; to co-operate; adv. together,
unitedly, i n company; also pl-on. c l y a w m ; anhte jawm
sha g a , let .us eat together; jawm d z j mu, all press a t
cnce; a n / t t ~ &urn g u n jawm hfai&, let us carry and
shoulder i t together; fig. to chase, drive game, as a
party of hunters; Rdhlawng ni shan jawm ma a i , the
villagers are chasing a deer; to drive away, expel, as
a nat; shanlrfc dai ndang jawm ma a i ; jawm d i , to plan
and do i n unison; sAan jnwm d i jawm maw, they (two)
acted and planned w i t h one accord; (often used as a
euphemism when h i n t i n g at immoral relations.)
J a w m , v. T o s i t w i t h the legs bent under t h e body;
comp. b y e . d.,

-jawm, n d v . Rent under; s h i j a w m jawm v a i dung aai,

h e s i t s w i t h the legs bent under h i m ; shi jawm jawm
r a i shn at'.
2 20 Jawn.

Jawn, n. A vessel used i n distilling liqdor; l a u h k i shddx

r a jawlrla wa rit. I

l a w n ? v. T o ride; g v m r a jawn na, to ride a pony; comp.

p a ; sLi leng lawn ai, he drives a cart; ngai /i jamn n a ,
1 will go by boat.
Jawn, v. T o be planning mischief.
-lawn, v. T o be active and irrepressible, especially i n
regard to mischief; s h i nau jawn lawn kkawnr o i
mdlaw,gdde ya n na y a n g amu hkrum nu ai.
Jawng, v. T o ridicule, sneer a t ; same as jaw, which see.
Jawng, v. T o vie, compete, contend; to use emulous
efforts, as in a contest; derv. shingjawtrg; cornp.
hkyitzg; g a t j a w g y u ga, let us run a,,race;
dawt jawfzgga, let u s compete i n jumping; ashan shiy
jawng nga ma ai, t h e y are trying to see who can eat
s a

the most.
Jawng, v. T o be scattered, strewn about i n confusion, as
books on a table or the like; nlung jawng nga a i l
stones lie all about; nga jawng a i , fish (everywhere)
as for drying; Ru ntsa t l a z k a jawng nga a i , books
are scattered all over the table; mdsha y u j jawng nga
ma ai, the people are sleeping all about here.
Jawng, v . To be startled; derv. Rdjawng.
-jawng, v. T o prick up, as the ears, of a startled
a n ~ m a ;l g u m r a na jawng jawng r a i nga ai.
Jawng, n. A school, a monastary; Bur. -68.
-up, n. A schoo.1-manager; see parts.
-ma, n. A pupil; school-children.
-neng, n. .A poetical name for a watch-tower (mdchya,),
in a paddy-field; jawng neng machya.
]awng, n. An umbrella; comp. Bur. 'qjgr; j n jawng, a
golden umbrella; Ratst' jawng, a bat-shaped um'brella;
maisar jawng, v . a paper umbrella.
-gunglang, n. An umbrella handle.
-gup, V. T o carry an umbrella; cornp. htawng,
--grang, v. To open up, as an umbrella.
-shingna, n. An umbrella rib.
Jawp, v. T o talk, as a parrot; to chirp, as a cricket; to
talk nonsense; to be garrulous, nagging; shi kd7jzan
lila j a w j nga ni, he is talking nonsense.
Jawp jawp, ndv. I n a nagging manner; nag nag;"
gd/oi ?nztngjawf jawp rai nga ai, it is always nag
nag with him.
J a w , v. T o pay a passing visit; to move about, as an
officer on inspection; derv. a i m m g ling
p w t koa se a i , 1 have made the round of the country;
d 7 8 ni mdrc ni juwt iiRawm 7 ~ aaz', the chiefs are-
visiting the villages, (as on inspecti'on;) mung jawt ai
wn, an inspector; one who travels from place to place.
Joi, v. T o hook, spit, as meat; comp. shGoi; shan joi
. . n , hook the meat; to string, as fish; Pdli Ata nga

Joi, v. T o be on the look-out; to have an eye on; to be

alert, as for a chance; cornp. asoi and mdyun yu;
Idgut x i now nqa gtga ai k r t t , sa 102 yu u. be on the
look-out and see i f the thieves are still about.
Joi, n. One viss; Rupees one hundred i n silver; also.
called indkni mi.
Joi, 7 2 . A balance; comp. jang, LRjtiR and yoi; ( a 102 is
-usually a balance with a stone for a weight, a n d a flat
' basket as a scale or a dish.)
-dawt, v . T o adjust a balance; as when weighing.
-gun, n. Same as jaugun.
-hku, 72. T h e notch on the lever of a balance.
-hkyeng, v. T o balance, or to show over-weight; see
-lem, v. T o falsify a balance; see parts; also called j o i
-man, i t . A commonly accepted balance.
-si, n. T h e weight; (nearly always a stone.)
Ja, A causative preformati ve, prefixed to intransitive
verbs forming transitive; jd and shn, are strictly
interchangeable, but the tendency is to use j& with
sibilants and aspirates, and she before unaspirated
letters; (as a n%un formative jd should be distinguished
from ~ l y nwhich
, as a rule is used with abstract and
verbal nouns.)
-ba, n. The eqg-plant, brinjal; cornp. ha; also pron.
shdhe; sdni ;/rdbn, a variety of the brin jal ; j d b n /+
hjwn-si and ilon, see parts.
Jaba, v. T o divine; see chydba and r h d k .
-ban, n. Pickles; see chyadan,
-ga, v. T o split ; see g a .
-gyi, n. A kind of herb; see shdgyi.
-hka, v. (from hba, to be parted.) T o part, separate,
(from h k a , to be bitter,) to make sour, cause to be
bitter; (from hRa, to have a gfievance,) to raise a
quarrel; (from LRa, a trqce,) to trace; comp. jrthkang.
-hka, n. The nat of wisdom; Madaw j a h k a , Hpan wa
-hkam, v. (from hRam, to be at a stand-still.) To
interrupt, delay, retard; s h i ngai t shdga nna, nye a
a m r jaitkurn Rar ya n i ai.
-hkang, v. (from LRang, a trace.) To leave 9 trace,
foot-mark, impri nt ; see jdhRa.
-hkap, v. (from hRafl, to reach, b e sufficient.) To
cause to be enough or sufficient, as food for a certain
length of time; tdnam hte ginhtawng ldpran P maw
hRlrn htr jdhkap na.
-hkat, v. (from hRnt, to be burnt.) T o burn, scorch,
-hkik, o. (from hkik, to be proper.) T o adorn, deck,
decorate; to perfect, render complete.
-hku, n. Sap, juice; liquids, as of animal substances;
jdhku ktnwng, v. to dry up, as the sap of a tree; jdhku
ing,to be sappy, juicy, succulent.
-hku, a. The number nine; jahku dap l~ng,bw sin,
w a r d the cave with the nine fire-places; jahku ski,
-hkurn, v. (f rorn hkum, to be complete.) To complete,
bring to a consumation; comp. shdnung.
-hkun, v. (from hRun, to be dry.) T o dry, as clothing.
-hkut, v. (from hbzct, to be prepared.) T o prepare, get
ready, as food.
-hkai, n. A k i n d of squirrel; see m a i chyahkai.
-hkau, v. T o cause, as fi-iendship; see liRau.
-hkaw, v. To 1113ke f r i e n d s ; to cause to be on terms of
intimacy ; (the Hknuri for jd~iiRknz4.)
-hkawt, v. To su!p d o w n , as liquor; ntsin jdhbawt n; to
finish, complete .IS a piece of work; see hkawt.

Jiihlioi, v. (from hkoi, t o vanish.) T o drive away, dis-

per.,e, s c a t t e r as a Hock of birds; t o finish, complete;
mang ftzitkoi a i bltnglr j a h b t ' k a u mu.
-hkra, v. T o sharpen as a n edge-tool; (Hkauri;) comp.
-Ilkram, v. T o m a k e wide as a hem; s e e irkram; to grow
big, rounded; t o a t t a i n t o full size; mdska jallkram
wn law az' sa wa ra-ai.
-hkran, v. (from Akran, t o be mixed.) T o g e t , as some-
t h i n g in the e y e ; myi jrihk-ran kau a i majaw m d c h j i
?zg(aai; t o mix, a1loy; gum@raw Ata mdgrz' j d h k r a n
jw7rg 72 tsawm n i ; t o associate, intermix, a s different
races; Alyi?~n i hta Jinghpaw j d h k r a n nga u i .
-hkrang, v. (from hkmlzg, t o be through.) To open, a s
a road; comp. waw; (waw, refers t o t h e o p e n i n g ,
jhhkrang, t o its completion.)
-Ilkrat, v. (from irkrat, t o fall.) To drop, throw down;
t o depose, divest, as from office o r of authority.
-hkrim, v. T o t h r e a t e n ; s e e ahhrzm,
-hkring, v. T o delay, cause t o waif; s e e i r k r i ~ t g .
--hkrit, v. (from h k r i t , to fear.) T o f r i g h t e n , scare.
-hkru, v. T o cough; comp. mdhlut; rz, a cough; jairhru
Csi, cough-~nedi ci ne.
-ilkrum, v. T o harmonize; cause t o meet; see h k r u m .
-hkrung, v.(from ARrung, t o live.) To r e v i v e , re-ani-
mate, re-vivify.
-hkrup, v. (from /2R7-tzp, t o :see.) T o verify, confirm,
authenticate ; shanAt8 a g a j d h k r a j yu nzu.
--h k r a i , n. A n o r p h a n ; s e e hkrai; h b r u n g j d h b r a i , a
cast-awav- j d h k r a i nmai, f a t her-less children o r
orphans l j d l t k r a i , gaidiz, mdfsan mayarz ni.
-1lkraw) n. T h e throat, t h e gullet; see mdyu.
-11kraw) v. (from h k r a w , to be dry.) T o dry; comp.
-hkroi, v. T o scratch with t h e nails; ( H k a u r i ; ) comp.
-mai, n. Proper name for a Ma K a w a m o n g t h e
-moi, R. Ore; see ;la jdntoi andgrcmhpraw jdnzoi.
--nat, ndv. For ever; see /?ant jdnal.
224 Jdhpa.

Jiihpa, u. (from hpa, to be thin.) T o thin down, make

less thick; hpri Ape adz@ jahpa Rau mu.
-hpan, V . (from hfan, t o be mature.) T o instruct, to
develop as mind or faculties.
-hpan, n. (from h j d n , to compute.) A talisman; a
piece, as of clothing or some small article, used in
divination to ascertain the future of the party to
whom it belongs; dai nunrsha /tpejdhpan La nna wawt
y r mix, get the woman's things and divine; a tally;
jdbpan daw, to ~ o t c hthe tally, as when keeping score;
jdkpan l a , to tally; to take, as a census; du 722 mung
@&an /u ma ai.
-bpat, v . T o teach, catekhise, instruct; see @at and
-hpu, n. A price; wages; comp. hpu and nrdnu; cattle
as offered at a funeral; (a term of abuse;) nanhU a
jdhpu n i anhie a nga hpe ddru kazc ai, your (funeral)
cattle are fighting our (live-stock;) v . to sacrifice
cattle at a funeral; wa si yang nga md/i j d e u sai.
-hpu, v . (from &a, to behold.) T o announce, make
known, cause to see; sang num La yang, ngai @e mang
-hpuk, V. (from h p r k , to be in bad luck.) T o cause
bad luck ;'nang nre a rndhkam jrthpuk ya ai mrtjdw u
n 1%sat:
-hpun, v. (from b u n , to dress.) T o dtess, as a child;
kashun ai ma /Ept nba jdhjun a.
- h p a ~ , u. $from h j a i , to dissemble.) T o feign, to play
off, to seek, as an excuse; shi Lagawn nnn m d c w
liihjaz a i , he is lazy and feigns illness; shi a ~ u d n kAla
/ahpat nna rim maw ai.
-hpaw, v. T o begin; to break, as the rains; see hpaw;
a . early, opening; byingpu jdhpnw mdrang, the early
rains, when the hying is blooming.
-hpawng, v. To collect; to cause to congregate; see
hpa wng.
-hpavrt, n. T h e morning; see itpawt; jii,'rpnzvt mdnaf,
the early morning; pihpawt shat, the morning meal;
Jahpoi, v. T o deride, mock, scoff; see h j o i ; j d h ~ o ia i wa,
a mocker, a scoffer.
-hpra, v . (from hpva, to be ended.) To finish, bring
to a close, as a piece of work; d a i ni na yi ngan
hpawt ni $ b r a nn.
-hpra, n. A pantry; a closet used especially as a liquor
depository; also pron. cA d h p r a ; (the corner of a house
set apart for t h e nats; 6orthern usage.)
-hprang, v. (from hfralzg, to be awake.) T o arouse;
to remind, call attention to; comp. shadurn.
-hpring, v. (from @ling, to be full.) T o fill; ntsilr hte
-hprai, v. T o disturb, as someone at work; to undo; see
h j r a i ; naahte eye a amu j a h f r a i Rau y a ma ri az.
-hpraw, v. (irom &raw, to be white.) To whiten, to
blanch, to bleach.
-hproi, v. (from hproi, to be sufficient.) T o do, extend
to each and all; adv. each and ail; all around; jnw
ja/tproi, to give to each a n d all; shnga jahtau j&&roi
zr, call all around; du ni mung j i i h j ~ o ihkawm ma
ni, the officials are travelling all around the country.
--hpye, v . (from to bc wounded.) T o wound; ngai
shi l t p e kahtam jdhpye lna 12% ai.
-pfik, n. Chilli, red-pepper; Hkauri; see mdjaj.
-ram, n. (I rom ram, to be moderate.) A measure, portion,
allotment; shdwoina aye a $ram maa rdni /Ite rai
-re, n. A measure of capacity, cqual to one-sixteenth of
a basket, (dang;) Bur. OWUS.
i t , n. Provisions, as for a journey; expenses while on
the road; Bur. o q d ; comp. tnnggvin; La sha jarit R d L i
jaw na R ~ n . 9
i t , n. A boundary; a border; see ril; idmu ga jdrit, a
frontier; Maron ga jdrit, t h e Chinese frontier.
- r u n g , n. A plate, a platter.
-rawp, n. A rest-house; a Bur. zayat; jkvazup /z,tf, a
(.rave with a structure resembling a zayat.
-san, v. (from san, to be clear.) T o clear, purify;
jdsan jdse~g,see parts.
from sa,to he awake.) To arouse, a w a k e ; ~ , ~ p
a2 wa hpe jastl Z J .
-sum, v . (from sun:, to be lost.) TO lose; to spend in
vain; to squander, as money.
-sung, u. (from szizg, to be deep.) T o deepen.
-Shawn, v . T o conduct; usually pron. shdshawn.
-hta, v. To exaggerate; see hta; to excel, as i n speak.
ing, joking and t h e like;, ga jdhta ai wa, an eloquent
-htap, v . (from lrtap, to be pleasing.) To beautify; to
put on a pleasing exterior; to feign as friendship; to
practise, as evasicns or unfair -rneails; sht gnwgctla wa
tsang- at n r a i , a. j6hlaP u i sha r a i nga az.
-hte, n. Provocation, cause, as for anger; jdhte tam, to
seek an occasion, as for a quarrel; to provoke, irritate,
incite ; comp. dane.
-hten, v . (from Aten, to be destroyed.) To destroy,
injure ; comp. chydhten.
-htep, v . (from h t e j , to be close.) To bring close
h i , v. (from hti, to be left.) To leave out or behind,
as one of a party; to set aside; to expire, draw
the last breath; shi nsa $,$ti ban ai.
-htirn, v. (from h i m , to charge.) T o close, as a trap;
to pull the trigger, as of a 0 p u n ; sdnat jdhtim dat g.
-hting, v. To prepare, arrange, as for a feast; see hting;
&awl din poi gdLuw nu, vai./;thtirzg ma.
-htu, n. A k i n d of basket, used f o r catching fish; see
hlu; comp. rit; jrthtu ja, v. to fish with t h e basket.
--htuk, v . (from htrck, to be proper.) To adjust; to
spell ; ga jdhtuh, a. a s)lllahle; jihlab ni laika, a
~ h t u m , a. The eighth of t h e Kacbin months;(May;)see
-htum, V . (from htum. to be e n d e d . ) To elld, terminate,
bring t o a close; &omp. LA- O -jii/ztfd?n e,

last of all.
-htun,- v . (fl-om Atun, to be s h r u n k . ) To s h r i n k , cause
to shrink, as a garment.
fahtung, rr. A powerful and cruel nat, inhabiting water-
falls, caves and deep forests; two of t h e /ahluttg
family, Di~rgva Shun zva and NlrRut c h ~ a n g are ,
especially n~entionedi n Kachin tradition.
-htung, n. A thicket; (Northern usage;) see shdhwnp.
-htai, v. (from iriai, to' relate.) T o inform, enlighten;
to train, as a dog; shun shdchyrt shu nrc gwi jdhtai mu.
-htai, n. A mat; see chydktar' and &pya.
-htau, v. To call, shout, cry out aloud; comp. gdru,
mctrawn and shllga; m a irk-rap jdhtaz ai, t h c child is
-htaw, n. Food eaten at a natal feast; jdlttuou s h t , same;
ma d a i doigang @taw $hat sha ma a i .
--htaw, v . To scatter, put to flight, as a wolf a flock of
sheep; shavaw e nga jdhtaaw dat a i ; to cause to
retreat i n confusion, as a con uered arin) ; hpyete

masha ni Lpe tauhpalr hte Rap jd rtaw Rar ijiiu.
v . (from Ltoi, to be light.) T o l i g h t , illumine,
cause to shine; ?zsin sin aigawk t wan j&idkLoi mu.
-wat, v. To extort, force, as money, on false pretence;
comp. shadyet; to cause, as a quarrel for the sake of
extorting a fine; Hang gaw jdwat l a m ai fitasha r u i
nga d a z .
-yau, n. Food;sameasskat; (only usedinpoeiry;) j w r
/tpungRrang, same; also called sh&awf hputrgkrang.

The ninth consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; a s an

initial it takes a sound almost like g k , when final as k ,
i n English; k and g are often used interchangeably, even
i n the same locality; digraphs kr and ky.
Ka, v. T o write; derv. laika; to draw, especially the
on the posts ( l h r , ) at the entrance ol a
villaoe, or on the "monument" of a grave; Jinghpaw
n i l d L n hLe l w r a w n g Ra ma ai; to embroider; see
m d i k a ; to carve, as a bamboo case for a fan; shddrang
922' dwmka Ra naa ai.
K a , 21. T o be striped; conp. ateng; derv. aka.
-ka, a. Striped; Ra Ra. re a i skdraw, a striped tiger.
J ~ S U ,V. (from su, to be awake.) T o arouse, awake; ygp
ai wa Ape - -ids%
- zi.
-sum, v . (from sun:, to be lost.) T o lose; to spend i n
vain; to squander, as money.
-sung, P. (from sung, to be deep.) T o deepen.
-shawn, v . T o conduct; usually pron. shrtskawn.
-hta, v. T o exaggerate; see h a ; to excel, as i n speak-
ing, joking and the like; g a $hta a i wa, a n eloquent
-htap, v. (from Rtaf, to be pleasing.) To beautify; to
put on a pleasing exterior; to feign as friendship; to
practise, as evasions or u n f a i r -means; skz gnw gqa wa
tsang az n rai, a /ahtap a i sha rai rJga ai.
-hte, n. Provocation, cause, as for anger; j d k t e tam, to
seek an occasion, as for a quarrel ; to provoke, irritate,
incite ; comp. dam.
-hten, v . (from Lten, to be destroyed.) T o destroy,
injure ; comp. chyhhten.
-htep, v. (from Ltep, to be close.) To b r i n g close
h i , v. (from hti, to be left.) T o leave out or behind,
as one of a party; to set aside; to expire, draw
the last breath; s k i nsa jrtkti kau ai.
-htim, v. (from htim, to charge.) To close, as a trap;
to pull the t r i g g e r , as of a gun; sdnat jiihtina dak u.
-hting, v . To prepare, arrange, as for a feast; see hting;
hpawt d i n poi gdluw na, rat'.jd/rtt'~zgnzn.
-htu, n. A kind of basket, used for catching fish; see
L h ; cornp. r i t ; j~thtaja) v. to fish w i t h t h e basket.
--htuk, v . (from hiah, to be proper.) T o adjust; to
spell; ga jrthtrk, n. a syllable; jbhtub ui Laika, a
--htum, n. T h e eighth of the Kachin months;(May;) see
-htum, v.(from htum?to be e n d e d . ) To e n d , terminate,
bring to a close; comp. cLjtri/rtunt; h2zrrg--j ~ i l t r d ? n e,
last of all.
-htun, . o. (froin ittun, to be s h r u n k . ) T o s h r i n k , cause
to shrink, as a garment.
Jahtung, t r . A poweriul and cruel nat, inhabiting water-
falls, caves and deep forests; two of the /ctAiuug
family, Dizgra Sh2.472 wa and M R g t c h ~ u n g ,are
especialiy mentioned i n Kachin tradition.
-htung, n. A thicket; (Northern usage;) see shdlawng.
-htai, v. (from Alai, to relate.) To infirm, enlighten;
to train, as a dog; sdan shachyut sha n a g w i j d h t a i mu.
-htai, n. A mat; see cdyaktai and nhpya.
-htau, v. T o call, shout, cry out aloud; comp. eciru,
7ndrawn and shaga; ma hhrap jdhtag ai, thc child is
-htaw, n. Food eaten at a natal feast; jahtaw .chat, same;
ma d a i doi yang jdhfaw shai sha ma ai.
-htaw, v. To scatter, p u t to flight, as a wolf a flock of
sheep; shavaw e ttga jahtaw dat ai; to cause to
retreat i n confusion, as a con uered a r m y ; @yen

maska ni /ipe tarchparr Ate Rap ja ztaw Rau 32%.
u. (from htoi, to be light.) T o light, illumine,
cause to shine; fzsig sin a i g a w h e wan jaLLoi mu.
-wat, v. To extort, force, as money, on false pretence;
comp. shubyet; to cause, 2s a quarrel for the s a k e of
extorting a fine; nang gaw jawaf Cam ai nrdsha r a i
nga ndaz.
-yau, n. Food; same as shat; (only used i n poei:.v;)jdyarc
hfltlnghrang, same; also called skddawt h f i ~ z ~ k r a n ~ .

T h e ninth consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; a s an

initial it takes a sound almost like gk, when final as k ,
i n English; k a n d g are often used interchangeably, even
i n the same locality; digraphs k r and ky.
Ka, v. T o write; derv. LaiRa; to draw, especially the
on the posts (Zdlan,) at the entrsnce ol a
villaoe, or on the "monument" of a grave; ,Gtgh''aw
ni /ri%an hie Ctlpgvnwng Ra ma ai; to embroider; s e t
wdRa; to carve, as a bamboo case for a fan; slabrang
nt'd#mka Ra ma a i .
Ka, 2). To be striped; comp. ateng; derv. aha.
-ka, a . Striped; Ra Ra. 1.e a i skdraw, a striped tiger.
2 28 Ka.
Ka, 2.T o dance, moving hands, arms and body, as well
as the feet; Bur. m; comp. mdnnx; derv. LdAo.
Ka, v. T o be dry, as paddy; sanle as ka7tg1, which see;
v.?znmha riznt sai.
Ka, . n. One pie; also pron. g a ; see Gram.
Ka, Verbal interrogative particle, imp1yi ng strong
uncertainty or surprise; d a i @a 6aw rt n ka ? what
kind is this ? ngai hpa tsun na ha-i? what can 1 say?
see Gram.
Ka, v. To hold between the teeth; see 9nrtRa and ma-
krang; iC.n c l i , same; wa Ate da di a.
Ka, n. A promise; derv, sAltRa and g a shdka.
-dam, n. An entrance fee; a fee, as paid to a teacher;
ka dam tazrjrr ai,v. to pay, as a fee to a teacher;
jarchkyen shdvin a i sdra hpe, s h i Rn dam tawn ai.
-kungla, adv. Freely, a t ease, without care or trmble;
comp. Kungla LaRn; n. a t (the time of) leisure; gin-
Atawng Ra RtcfzgZa e hkrum chyaiga.
Ka, n. An open wicker basket; comp. shi~tgnoiand nRa.
-bu, n. A low but wide basket; see parts.
-ji, n. A smali basket, mostly carried by men.
-ku, n. A small bag-shaped basket.
-ra, H. A kind of wicker-basket.
-htang, n. A wicker-tray; ran r a n ika htang.
Kak, v. To caw, as a crow; u hRa Rak ai.
Kam, h. T o believe, have f a i t h or confidence i n ; comp.
sham and Rrcm; ngai s h i /ipr n Ram, I do not believe
him; knnz shdra n nga a i , there is no cause for faith
or trust. .+.. 1..

-sham, n. F a i t h ; see parts; Rant sham a i myit, faith,

-shut, v. T o e r r , a s i n faith; to place false trust or con-
fidence i n ; to doubt; ham sltrct at mlfit likr~fjzvawptg.
Kam, v. T o bc m i l l i n g , inclined, disposed; comp. mdyu;
s h i k a v ~g~'i/nwa i , he is willing to do it; n Ram, a.
unwilling; coup. nnm:
E'H k v i , ~ f w a2, A!dtsn?u du n nnfn ai,
Ntsaftg dn g d r a i n kam ar' law.
Kan bu, 2 29'

Kam, v . T o be empty and thus shrunken, as the stomach.

-kam, a . Shrunken, contracted, drawn; n g a i Rawsi fins
Ram kam raz' ni ni.
Kam, n. Luck; see gnm.
Kam, A prefortnative tnostly used by the Hlcauris where
the Jinghpawr; wculd use gz~riror k z m .
-bum, it. A part, portion; also pron. hfin?irbt~?ir, which see.
-bai, v. T o impede, intercept; comp. n6ai.
-hkaw, t t . T h e coarser part of t h e h u s k of grain; comp.
-htaw, post). For, for the s a k e of; comp. ~ ~ z a at un d irtdva;
na n RamAiaw ngtri sn a?zgai, for your sake I went.
-htawag, n. A species of herb; set. kz;;~Ltfiw~zg.
-htoi, n. A proper name for a Hkauri Ma Gam.
-yawn, Y. T o roll ; see grrm-yarun.
Ka-mai, n. A dipper, a ladle; Hkauri, knimai; ka-mai
htegamni u, dip with the dipper:
Kan, n. Brimstone, sulphur; Bur. mi; kna j u , v . to extract
sulphur; Ran j# ai s h d m .
Kan, v. T o b t dried up, as a stream; Aka kan m a t s a i ;
comp. Bur. o f y to be unable to sprout, as grain, or
orow, as the hair; nau machyi a i mdjaw 4aw Ran ai,
he is bald because of illness; jan 7tna ja n i fnrtjaw
mam Ran s i mat sni.
Kan, v . T o grow, flourish, prosper, as a well governed
country; s h i a ZaRhtoR gi:wns Ran wa sni, t h e land
prospered durin(y 3
his time j y a ntupzg 1~ Lnn PRraw ai,
now the country is not prosperous; c o n ~ p hkyirtg.
Kan, v. T o put, or be, on the back; comp. s l t d P ~ ~ z k i t pmrz
Ran iii :awn a,put the child on its back; ski tr-ga d r
Ran m i tazu rzga a i , he fell on his back, (backward);
mnltg ka?z hi sni, the corpse was (found) on its back.
Kan, n. Luck, fortune; see gnn and p u p a ; knnga, 2:.
to be fortunate; see gupzga.
Kan, n. A pole; (Shan;) see p n .
--clang, n. A carrying-pole, as used by coolies.
--leng, rr. A yoke for oxen; see wnwn-dan.
-se, n. See gattse.
Kan, s. The stomach, belly, abdomen ; comp. Ps knn.
-bu, v . T o have a distended stomach; comp. Rnfz tzt;
230 Kan chying.
Kan chylng, u. To be costive, constipated; camp.
-dawm, V. To b e weak," hollow," as for lack of food.
--kyaw, v. To be empty, and thus craving food.
-hkaw, v. To have d i a r r h e a ; see Ran mrtse.
-.hkyeng, 12. A severe f o r m of dysentery.
-m$chyt, v. T o have stomach-ache; n. stomach-ache.
-mase; v. T,o have diarrhoea; ~ td.i a r r h e a ; see parts.
-pai, n. The spleen; also pron. Rumpai; Ranpai machyi
ai, to h a v e an enlarged spleen.
-sa; v. T o evacuate the bowels.
-san, v . To feel relieved, as after pain i n the stomach.
-tit, v. T o have a distended stomach; n. a distended,
or bloated stomach.
-htaw, u. To stop, as diarrhoea; see parts; also called
Ran Ltawng a i ; n9e a Ran h a w saz.
l, -htawng, v. Same as Ran Ataw.
-wang, v . (from wung, to be enclosed.) To be selfish;
to provide (enclose,) for one's own stomach only; n. a
selfish person; manang hpe gaw n fsalcg n i , tit;nng Rar
sha wnng oi.
Kan. n. An ear ornament; see 12Ran.
-um, nc. A flower-shaped .ear ornament; see parts.
-lawng, a. A tube-shaped ornament.
Ka-ni, n. Opium; Ra-nipu, the poppy; Ra-~zibar;, a dish
for preparing opium; &a-niya, an opium slave; 'see
Kandawng, n. T h e morning star; (Hkauri;) see gindawtrg.
Kang, v . To be hot; td emit heat, as the. sun or a flame;
comp. AdAtet ai; wan nau Rareg ai mdjaw n 7 z i lv a i ;
fig. to fear; mostly so used as a coup. of hRrit; sAi a
ARvit a ka%i nga a % ,he is (full) of fear; ngai n hkvit
n Rang n q a i , I h a v e no fear.
Kang, v. To be strong, durable; mostly used i n the
religious language as a coup. of ngang; comp. hkaang.
E Hkri~zgwaa, Mrttsaw ARrai gup~gggang sai.
Ntsang h Rraiwa Laag sai.
Kang, v. T o be sure, reliable; to come true, as a predic-
tion; eomp. jzn; shi tsmd a i g a k a ~ ai,
g his words arc
sure; m a n d ~ t tk a l ~ gui, t h e spell is reliable; nwawt ga
' hang a i , the diviner's words have come true,
Kangka, a. Faithful, reliable, true, constant: also used
adverbially; ski :sun ai h f e mdren Rangka gdi'aw a i ,
he will surely do as he said; Rangka izshan gra, true
as a sharp edge.
Kang, s. T o be stretched, tense, taught, not slack; opp.
to a#.
-kang, adv. Tightly; i n a sttetched, tense manner;
sumrz h f e Rang kanggyit r; corr~p.king Ring.
Kang, v. To escape, go scot-free; Bur, mgr; comp. ga.
Kang, v. T o be dry, as paddy, garments or the like;
comp. Ra, A h 7 2 and Rkmw; nzem Rangsa ni? is the
paddy dry? pd/awng Rang m a t sai, the coat is dry.
Kang, 72. A cut, a r u t , a pass, as through a hi1l;ga Rang,
a road worn deep by caravans and continuous wash-
ings; h@ga na* /ai a i mdjalu ga R a g byin ai.
Kang, v. T o call, as a deer; comp. kkawng and tercg;
shaa Rang ai.
Kang, n. Duties, customs, revenue; comp. Bur. c p w m d ,
and LRansi; W O E kd* hRum i a i , the native desig-
nation f o r t h e second defile i n the Irrawaddy, where
according to tradition, the monkeys coi!ected customs
horn native boatmen.
-ba'ng, u. TO pay duty.
-ja, s. T o be heavy, as duty.
-koi, v. T o avoid paying duty.
-hkap, v . T o intercept, as for the sake of collecting
-hpyi, v . T o levy duty.
-sha, v. T o collect duty; to make a living as a custom-
house officer.
--wa, n. A custom-house.
Kang shawang, n. A species of striped snake.
Kap, v. To stick, adhere to; to be attached, coalesccnt;
comp. Bur. m8, chyaj, chyrrtg and skuk*; pdlawng
hta /rRamp%pk a j a i , t h e mud sticks to t h e garnient;
Idmu Ata e skdgna ni Rap nga ai, the stars," adhere"
(stick) to the heavens; to be possessed, as of a nat;
shi ,tat Rafi ai wa rai frga ai, he is a man possessed;
to be guilty, as of sin or guilt; to h a l e incurred, as a
debt; ncng Lda kap ndai, you are i n debt; t o h a v e , as
an illegitimate child; shi n-gyi kap ai; see /a Rap.
K a t , v . T o be close-fitting, tight, as a garment; pstawng
nau Rat az, t h e coat is too tight; to be rank, full, well
matured, as an ear of inai ze; mum m i Rat ai; to be f u l l ,
satisfied, satiated, as with fcod; comp. Akru kat.
-kat, adv. Tightly; to the i u l l , u n t i l satisfied; n ~ z d t eARru
ARru Aat kai she sd g.nw nz.
Kat, v . T o create, beget, b r i n g forth; only used i n reli-
gio1.s poetry as a coup. of / a t ,
Ke, v. To be wet; ( i l k n u r i ;) comp. nindi; s k i mavnfzg ke
mat sai,he is wet f r o m the rain.
Ke, v. T o be or make neck-shaped; ~zaindnud z ~Re, a
bottle with a long narrcw neck.
--ke, a. Neclc-shaped, and thus concave; tazfba du Re ke
re a i l the gourd ]?as a long narrow n e c k ; Ru ldgaw
ke Re di dumrirl 73.
Kk, v. To be s c a r c e , few, not plentiful; also pron. kye;
comp. t a w ; d ~ sbltrn.
t i. nga ushat Rk ai, fodder is
scarce i n this place; nuntsha l a kh /a ai, marriageable
men are few.
KC, v. To sti-ut; also pron. be; see ake.
-kk, adv. With a strutting, affected gait; n a t q Ri. kk m i
Akawm n p n ni?
Kekdau, n. A species of p a r q u e t ; also pron. kyekdaz~;
comp. Raikz.
Kin, A prefor~native,i n some localities used interchange-
ably with gin.
-di, adv. How ? a different form of gin di,which see.
-ding, n. Stable; n. a poetical designation for t h c earth;
same as ginding, which see.
-ding, n. A kind of open wicker basket, ~ i s c d when
distributing food, as at a feast; hln sh.,.! hpni
-du nan, n. A large beetle.
-dai, n. A stem; same as ,aizdai, w h i c h Fee.
-ji, n. T h e ordinary reed-like grass found i n ~ ~ a m p y
.. places; also pron. gwigji.
-1, B. A scarab; see R!.i7tch..i.
Kinla, n. A species of elephant &rass.
-rat n. A species of grass; coup. of kirrji.
-ru, n. A' glutton; a person wit11 an hiordinate appetite;
Raw Rinvic, shu Ri7zvu, see parts and c o m p . k r ~ r .
-raw, v. T o loose; also pron. g i n r a w .
-raw, 72. A species of bamboo; olten found as a coup. of
lugy eng :

-sa, lo. A species of oak; (Lahtaw;) same as mdsawi

h j z l ~which
, see.
-sha, a. Foul, smutty; ga kinsha, foul, s m u t t y language;
ga Rinsha d u t ai, v. to use smutty, obscene language;
sliignw kdnau d'trta ni a mnn r ga kinshn daf ai.
-shi shang, n. A species of squirrel.
-htang, n. A wicker t r a y ; usually pron. da htatzg.
--hti htan, n. The fire-fly; same as myihfan i t r ; Rinhfi
htaa she RdsAoi wa a i , the fire-flies are "swarming,"-
said when a man has been hit and sees "stal-s;" k k -
h t i lrfalr she Rlishoi n' a'igdmai daf u.
-ya, n. A pipe-stem; nhkn kin-yn; R i f t - y n y a ,to make a
pi pe-stem; maichyu Y R hpe din-jla y a ,mai%tawng#awt
hpe t a d a 6a.
-YU, n. A spy; (comp. y a ; ) Rin-yu dat ai, u. to send a spy;
kin-yu y u ai, to spy, do the work of a spy.
-mi, n. A promontory; mostly found i n the religious
language, as a coup. of ginchynm.
K i n g , v. T o be tight, secure, i nseveralle; comp. ka?zg and
-king, adv. Firnlly, tightly; k i , q k i n g g y i t m u .
Ku, v. To be bent, bowed, curved: /rt/z/5ntu ku nz', the bow
is bent; hrtzua kcr ni; cornp. rnriinw-and g u .
-ku, a. Bent, curved, humped; a?iirrrng fir* fin Y E ni.
Ku, v . T o show caution or care; to be careful, as when
handling breakable objects; der-i. aktr; nfsin (ii 614
Ape Ru n7za hfni u.
Ku, v. To be able to bear, as misfortune or ridicule; to
show patience; s h i gdde kdyat mi ti w u n f n hn ~ g n
7 z g n i ; corRp. s h d ~ o y ~ g .
K I I , v. Tc show reverence, and t h u s hornagk and worship,
Bur. 4;;mostly used as a coup. of nnw, w h i c h s e e ; shi
sumlo h/,e ilnw ni, k r oi.
K u , I t . A platform, or anything i n the shape of a table;
comp. Bur. q;yrp k r , a bed; sha k w , a dining table;
laika Rzt, a writing desk.
Ku, n. A father-in-law; a brother-in-law; (Hkauri;) see
Kuk, v. T o call, as a certain kind of wild-cat,(nzairltlnr,)
much dreaded as an evil omen; nzaidz~~rrk a k y n ? r ~
~tzlishns i wa nn da.
I , v. T o t i e securely, as animals or tner~;comp. kisg,
-kuk, odu. r n i ti yhtly, securely,-said of t y i n g ;
lligzrt masha ? t i lrpe shingrz hte kab kztk Aknnkr
tnwn a .
Kukdun, 12. The cuckoo; also called pakdzrn; kzik(lrn
L e j ai main gnw /a n i da.
K u m , v. T o m i ! , partition, fence off; d e r v . shiiktiw;
comp. diiz; z/r3an kztm a i , to barricade, as a road;
m'irc g 9 . 7 t j bu?tgh&zk kw?n r , surround the town with a
wall : daz' ni ntn shliRum kivm na.
I<urn, A general preformati v e , used interchangeably
with gum; (Hkauri, Lam.)
-bn, n. T h e ordinary elephant grass; a handful of this
orass is often held by a nat-yrtest ( d u m s n , ) while ofi-
clating; also pron. gunzba; hrmbh s/,n/(ri,io solemnize
a marriage; see shrtlai and kangji.
-bau, le. One of the Kachin(Atsi,) lamilies.
-chya, v. T o m i x ; see gzrmc/zj/a.
-dut, v. T o be fenced off; see parts.
-daw, n. T h e second leader i n a dance, (~~zci?zr~u;) the
kkmr(aw always follows the naushnwng; .knmrlae; d * 7 0
hi. 7). to lxrform the duties of a Rzivzdaw.

-doi, N. -4 staff; same as szdmdoi, which see.

a n . A species of w i l d canna.
-yyin, n. A cucumber; cornp. gjirt ant1 n-gyin; Hkaul-i,
ha ?izP' 111'72.

i 11. A species of mushroom; also pron. nnnrji.

-ju, n. A species of plum; Rlr?njlr si, the comp.
I<umla, n. A sign, token, indication; ~ r t gd/nro
~r nu Rumla
ngn a i , t h e r e are indications of house building; /dmiR
burnla, a s i g n , miracle; see parts.
-ma, n. Skill, talent; usually pron. kamn, which see.
- m i , a. A proper name for an N-Gum among the
-pai, n. The spleen; same as Ranjai or /,ku?)z/lni.
-hya, n. ~ u d see ; hRwmpa.
-hpa, n. A g i f t , present; a n offering, as to a nat; nat
ka)tzhja nrdyawnz mu, w r a p u p the nat-oKcring; a bribe;
comp. sltke ma7znwn; du ni Rumh/,a .r/l(z ma n i , the
chiefs (officials) accept giIts,(bri bes;) bu7~zh)ashagan,
to send, as a present : A'itgn'nt isn/graw shdet y a e ,
N h g m R24mltpa shdkyet ya e.
-hpang, n. A proper name for an A'-Caw, among the
L li hpa is.
-hpai, i t . A g u n ; comp. slinnt; sometiines used as a
coup. of sdnnt; skotzhtr sdnat k u m h j ; z i kddnw nga ma
n i ; k u n r h ~ a i g a fal i , to fire a g u n .
-hpaw, n. A g i f t ; caup. of k u m h j a .
-hpya, n. A species of lobster.
-hpya, n. A kind of tree; kunzhpyn si.
-ran, v . (frorn van, to be apart.) T o b r e a k up and part,
as members of the s a m e family; coinp. RLiran; ahhi&
Ate Rumran wa a i p v a t s h i r a i sni:
-sang, a. A proper n a m e :for an iV'iZ;lru among t h e
-shu, n. Sugar-cane; alsb pron. gu?;zsha; kunzsha rin
ni, Y. t o press sugar-cane; dupnsiiu s u n , a field of
-shoi, n. A kind of briar-brush; ( a species of t h e
Mimosa;) kztmshoi kjun 6z~ngilBafi~i 02'.
-taw, n. The second leader i n a dance; same as Rzlmdaw,
which see. .
- - h a w , fostp. For; same as kamht'zw, w h i c h see.
-htawng, n. A species 01 bush, t h e acid leaves of which
a r e much valued as food; kuitzhtnftg inp h e shan
Ralung sLa ma.
-htoi, n. A proper name f o r a n . A T - G R ~ Hkauri,
Ka mhtoi.
*.$Cpmmi, n. sugar-cane; coup. of Rumsha,
Kum-yang, A proper name for an Ar-Gn~tt,a m o n g the
Nhkrrms; Ln K n m - j ~ n n f ATlifirtni
i. zun.
Kun, u. To throw off, as a blanltet, a sheet o r the like;
rndchjv' a i wn n6n Run il'i kau ni; to peel off, as the
skin a l t e r an illness; h j y i k u n rai mat sni.
K u n , v. T o be bent, as a s t i c k ; derv. htingbsn; to move
as a worm, hendi n g or curving t h e body.
-kiln, n. Bent, curved; \vorln-like i n motion; ?zlrtzc rrnu
k j n ai rnbjo7o ktr7r ktr?i ri. l z i , the blade being too thin
is bent; shr7rCgf(~i ktl?r ktln ~ n hkrzzunr
i oi.
K u n , v. T o prepare to s p r i n g , c h a r g e , as a wild beast;
comp. s h a k t ( 9 ~ to
; be ready,.as a beast, to charge, es-
pecially said of a \\rild boar, i nlinbiting t h e r e a l m of
the d e a d ; derv, dadzrn:
/ ' n m i ynng gnw, nztn mi I n l a w ,

Kun, n. T h e side (usually the riqht)of :I K a c h i n house,

assigned for f alnily colnpnrt,<ents; opp. to 1rt) dnzo;
m a iri kun e nnwm, dr'?rghta B A h ~ ~ n z ~ .all r ) rthe
, children
a r e i n (with their mothers,) all are together; Run
mbgn, see parts.
Kun, Verbal interrogative, used with indirect questions,
or when alternatives are implied; see Gram.; shi dw
~m kun, n dzr nn krtn, ?L rh1.i. ngigai, I d o not know i f
he will collie or not; n g a i > o i k ~ r n? shr' r . [ r i ka?r Y Is it
I , or is it h e ? shi .~hl?t~ h r tI I Q X ' Z ~ I L ? shi sun w r c n i l he
asked i f he could eat.
Kun, n. A person; (Shnn.)
-jun, 7 r . A thief or a r o l ~ b c r comp. ; dlit)~jlo.
--hkan, 9 z . A lazy perso!l; s n m c as /tig(1zolz ni ~ ~ r i i s h a .
-le, ?r. A loafer; see p ~ ~ r t s .
-mi, rr. A r i c h m a n ; a capilulist ; ku?r??risd/lli) see parts.
-yawn, n . A b e g g e r ; snllle as hjyi shlz nr' ntdshn..
Kung, tr. O r e ; +vw~/iPi.(rrnk r ~ n ~silver ,?, ore ; ~ t t l i g r ik z i l g ,
copper ore ; iurrnsi fir~rtg,sulplli~r-produci n g rock.
Kuny, v. T o be bent; c o ~ i l p k. u .
-kung, 4. R e ~ l t , c u ~ - \ ~ v t l ,~ u ~ n p ~s hd i; n i~rlfskiRn?/g
kulzg 9 . e a i l his back ( l i t . waist,) is beilt.
Kung, u. T o be .matured, full-grown, as fruit, and thus
ready for use; comp. myin; ? ~ t z ~ t rRs7zg
si sai.
--kuog, n . Full-grov~n,m:iture, not soft or tender; Rung
Runt re nz /tkni?zrr d u u w a ril.
-],pan, a. Mature, f u l l y developed, not young or in-
experienced; see parts; d e i w a kzcrtg hpan nga ai.
K u n g , v. T o branch; grow, as a branch; derv. /fiRung; rz.
a branch; o n l y used i n composition.
-dam, n. A large, overhanging branch; see parts.
-dung, n. T h e stern or trunk of a plant or tree; see
-lat, n. Large branches; see parts.
Kungdau, n. A 1adle ;(HknhRzi;) comp. ka-mai; Rangdau
hle ddgawt r .
Kungdawn, v. T o praise, extol, i n word or song; mostly
used as a coup. of slriiknw~z.
Kungji, n. Elephant crass; same as Rumba; Ruttgji Rang-

nang,the rows of grass (Rrf~zha) sprinkled with blood,

between which a bride passes; see shd'ai; tutzgjz
Rungnafrg 6 n i k ~ k t d 7j i 0 , to add new rows of grass;
fig. for having a ne1.v marriage, the bride belonging
to a family which for generations has intermarried
wit 11 the bride-groom's family.
Kungkang, n. A species of Chinese parsley.
Kungla, n. A species of elephant grass, used for brooms.
Kungla, n. Ease; a time of ease and leisure; same as Ra
Rangla; k u ~ g l a/aka. same, and most common form;
hpa n ngu, kungllz .ln/kfla tz' rzp, there is nothing, (to
trouble us,) we are at leisure.
Kunglep, 78. A species of beans.
Kunglep, 1 ~ A . soft kind of was; comp. gzlbaw; gitnzai
k ~ n g l e psee
, parts.
IGungli, 78. A bow; (Hkituri;) see r t h a .
liungmai, n. A ladle; (Ilkauri ;) same as Ra-mai.
Kungnang, a. Elephant grass; see kzr~cgji.
K u n g n u , n. A species of fern; see Akrirlgnrzc pan.
I<ungpyi, n. A species of fern.
Kup, v . To be entire, complete, perfect; comp. clyz'',
t s ~N
q I DS~R ~ ~ I Q .
2 38 Kup kup.
Kup k u p , a. Ccmplete, perfect, i n good order; arni Rap
y a i v~gnn i , the things are i n good order; ski (2
hpnji hap h u j r a i sail his slciII is perfect-complete."
Kusu, n. Msri t; Bur cq3jcS; C O I I I ~ .j e j ~ ;Rzzs11,o r R O S la
ai, to have merit.
Kut, v. T o be enslaved, addicted, as to a habit; tllus,
chyara ~ I J Lni we, an inebriate or drunlcard; hani Rat
a i mlijow Lrig(zwn a i , being addicted to opium he is
l a f y ; sAi nhRn Rut nga a i , he is bound to the pipe,-
be1 ng an inveterate smoker.
Kut, v. T o be persistant', persevering; see ~ A a b u t ;hat di,
to persist, hold out; l'oi n z i k v t nazu di z t , hold out a
little longer; Rut rai ynng s u t , nul i l z i yalzg h j y r d ,
persevering you prosper, retreat m e a n s defeat.
Kut, v. T o be determined, to have the mind made
up; comp. hkut; d a i nga m k r i nu ngai atyit lrteshn
Rut di da we at:
Kai, v. To be foeward, premature, precocious, as a child;
ski ga tsxn ikai a i ma mi 7~gna< this child is
advanced i n speech (beyond its ycars;) to be ardent
and thus exacting, as i n work; comp, nzni; s h i g a w y z '
aiiZnw k a i a i w a r a i ngn ai.
Kai, v. T o wear, as flowers or ornaments i n the e a r ; derv.
/akui; -/inghpaw n i nampan, / d R a i hte l'dlsi~nRai n2n
ni; to wear the first clothing, as a child; see j a i .
Kai, 72. A proper name for t h e fifth female child; see
Gram.; K u i hfnrzg, a name for a ICzi or -Ma Kai.
Kai, s. A bird; (Shan;) see g a i , and Ldnz.
-,davin, n. A capon; also pron. gaidnwn, which see.
-ke, PL. 'A paroqyet; usually pron. hkaikc.
-nam, n. T h e water-ousel; see gainam.
-sang, n. A species of water-fowl.
-sek, n. A kind of very sinall bird, generally found i n
the h t i r ~ g mtree, and thus called lttrirgrn Raise&.
-taw, n. A f o w l , used as a decoy when trapping jungle
fowl; see taw.
I-Cai, A prefcrrnative.
-chynn, 1~T . h e individual selected and sent by the
marri:~ge n e p t i a t o r s (Rdsa ni,) to a prospective
bri dc-groom's home, announcing t 11c success of the
negotiatiotrs, so that arrang6:mcnts may be made for
t h e wedding; hpawt f z i nanz shlirnwt ya 7ia nrn L ,dni
ni knic/tJmn dat dat?ga.
Kaidu, n. A k i n d of palm, fl-011; t h e broad leaves of which.
a water-proof is made; rsce hdhfra; kaidrr pan, a
species of orchid; the Cj~tciidiunz Lowidam, or C.
-du, n. A gunny s a c k ; see Jan.
-kaw, n. (from R a 7 ~to , be curved.) The elbow; o n l y
. used i n poetry as a coui). of srdchynrrg dttnz.
-lang, n . A pestle used i n t h e s n ~ a l l mortar called
Roihtune; Raihtil7it i~ai/a?rgianz u .
-mai, n. A ladle; see Rrr~xcez'.
-hpoi, 72. Flint for s t r i k i n g fire; (Hknziri;) also pron.
paihpoi; ccmp. ~zhpaiand hfni k t r .
-seng, n. A spccies of palm resembling the Razdu, but
with snlaile-r leaves.
-htum, n. A sinall mortar used for pounding curry-stuff.
-vin, 72. A k i n d of ginger cultivated i n gardens;
(HRaa r i ; ) corn p. shag tsrnng.
Kau, v. To abandon, reject, do a w a y with; comp. raw;
Rau da ai, to put a w a y ; shi nlrm kau da n i , he has put
away his w i f e ; as a verb::! auxiliary Rau is f r e y
used with words totfi~8@;pnf,give, - - =ur, lose- etc.,
(see Gram.,) Rcflai K a z ~ 1:) ~ h s o - ~itv away; wora dc
bang hau a , put it (aside) over there; sli jaw wkau soi,
he gave it away; ntsin k j r 1.u bn2c u ,pour out the
water; s h i g.unrhfraw skumat dau sai, he lost the
money; ski r i n q tsun kau sai,t h i s is what he said.
Kau, a. A few, s o h e ; derv. aiEau.
&ma, a . Some; (Hkauri;) see ka% mi.
-mi, a. Scmie, a f e w ; kart nzi S ~ Z wu s n i , knu mi n sa
s o n ~ ewent, some did not go; nga kns mi she92 j'a e,
w e i g h m e a few fishes; kaa ti ~ m z ui t g ~?za n i , a few
are still left.
Kaw, ?z. A proper name for t l ~ cfirst female child; see
Gram.; a AIa Kazu Itnay also be called, J l a or lihzu
Shnwnc, Ma HRin, Ihzt Aha or Av(ia)C'hyettz.
Kaw, v. To float, not to s i n k ; only applied t o living
things; comp. wnw and ynwag; to be carried, as by
p Kau chyen, a. some; ado. i n parts.
the current; hjung kuw /d/lknzuul~,ontisunt i. she wa
R a ?, I was carried clown (streain,) two or three
bends; klrw Zawt, to make ("float") as the principle or
invested capital i n a busiileis tr;~nsaction; g ~ y y n~ ; 7rgn
ura7tgpyi n kaw /azut ar' sha dztl koa sc n i
Kaw, v. T o know or be known; only used i n the negative
and as a coup. of i ; s h i n chj.2 n haw, he knows
nothing; 7~ c h y ~n kazu rt ni lttrishn hkum shtishnwr,
do not bring i n an unknown person.
K R W , v . TO honour, respect, regarcI; derv. a l a w ; only
found with the negative i l l coml~inationwith n law;
n knw n l a w , to disregard, show disrespect, to be
lacking i n reverence; s h i 7 z y E a gn hpe n kaw n law
d i y n n i , he does not show respect for m y words.
Kaw, v. T o be crooked, bent,, curved; derv. dingkaw,
mdkaw and hprngknw; comp. hr4.
-kaw, a. Crooked, curved, bent; jnwng gunglang Raw
haw rd n i .
-htawn, u. To l i m p ; to w a l k and jilmp, as a crow; comp.
g~~w~,rhtnwn; iagaw 7 ~ d c k . yni
~ ' 7tu~knzu htrrzun ?z9rn hRawm

--yawnp, v . T o jump 011oile leg; 32n gnzu knw yawns m i

gtga ni, the child is jumping on one leg, (having the
other bent back.)
Il;nw, v. To be hungry; see next.
-si, v. T o be hungry; Ti. hunger; also pron. k m w s i (prob-
ably the niost original forla, see parts,) nncl by some
northern tribes Rag; si; kozusi hpnltgkdra, hunger and
thirst; kixwsi ?)zrriijaw Ban kynw.
Kaw, N o u n a f f i x indicating the dative; see Gram.; shi
knm t s r n s z , speak to him; s h n n l t t ~ Rnu~ htct d a ?4,
order them; ngai t n 7 ~Aknlr rit, foilow me.
--na, pait. Froin; see G r a m ; o f t e n used a i an ablative;
z p z i R~ZZCIlie hfizinz /'a, s/Zc::Alf knm ?:a /a mzt, do not
t a k e it f!-onl rne, take i t from them.
--nnn, part. From; used n: a locative; ?za?zgPnw 7ntn p y a
?4,start from here; ndz!. of time, Il-om; ya knw Izrtn,
from now on ; d ~ z iii~fg
i birw 1212(1, f i-om t h i s year.
Itawli, a . T o blet d , bjv o y c n i : ~ ga veiil; see sat' knwk n i .
Kawng 24 1

Kawk, 11. Customs, revenue; Bur. momM; fomp. &aHg;

kawk Izta a t , to collect, as customs.
Kawk, v. To be rapping, knocking; see akawh.
-kawk, v. To be rapping, knocking, as at a door; chying-
Aka knwk Raw& uga ai, Rddai r a i la?
Kawk, 12. A small bottle or box; (Shan.
Kawm, v. T o side with, take the part o , and t h u s to pro-
tect, to shield; shi hfr kawm ai ntaslra law nga ai
nzdjaw, @a n d i /I$ ai, as he has a number of defend-
ers nothing can be done with him; Rawm ai wa, n. a
protector, defender.
Kawm, v. To fear; to have a sensation, as of fear; to
feel " Sreepy "; derv. kdknwsz.
-kawm, a. Fearing, uneasy, troubled, t I creepy ", as
w h e n imagining seeing wild animals or " ghosts " on
a dark night; min/a m a a i ?~djaw,f%hkap knwm kawwz
nga I(;w.
K a w ~ n davvm, a. All, the whole, everything; sAanAt~
mnhkra Rnwetz dnwm La r~zalwa fnd fza a i , they have
taken everything and gone; aga kawm dawm, the
whole world.
Kawn, v . To tend, as a child with special care; comp.
lrkazvzg; to feed, fatten, as a pony for t h e market;
(Shan;) see ma Ruwa; sAat sha la matr dumsu &&sku
k n w ~da fntb.
Kawn, v. T o give, as water to a child; see gawn.
K a w o , a. To "cuddle*' down, as near a fire; ttna R d s A z c ~ g
nz m'ijnzu, W a l t Ramn Ra~srrttrngni; kawn taw, to recline,
be stretched out, as i n a comfortable place; narrg 2
ka iu?t i n w ptga ri ka 2
K a w n , 2. To be protruding, as the buttocks; comp. Raw.
-kawn, a . Protruding, bulging: shi nar hpum ttnn
a,nt',r'n?~gkrrrun knwn rt?R Z .
K a w ~ : q , 92. A tusk; n r w i X*n?u?ig,an e l e p h a n t tusk; wa
f i i 7 c t 7 z g , a boar's tusk; s/rrf~*nulRnw9rg, a tiger's t u s k ;
R ~ t r . ~ hazu t ~ g rri, v. to pull the tusk; 1.: to deprive of
s t r e n g t h , power or authority; Jr'ctI~zni anhtr a knwng
bnzu kazt y n ?nli ~ r ai. i
Kawng, v. To be full, extended, as the udder with milk;
see ckyu R~tzctngn i ; to be rounded, as n well fed calf;
142 Kawng.
nga Rdsha baw7tg a i ; to be full, well developed, as
frult; derv. slzi~rgkaw7tg;langzl si kawng ai.
Kawng, n. An elevation, a hill; comp. bxuz and nrarawn,
Rawrig j i t t g h t ~ z g ,the top of a hill; k a w ~ z gshadzing, a
large hill.
Kawng sAndu?zgy a du la l a w ,
Marawn ARri?zgnzxag y a Prlc nit t.

Kawng, n. Regard, respect; only used with the negative;

comp. Raw; Rawng- n durn a i , 7). to treat with disrespect
o r indifference; shi n g a i hpc kazung n durn nna n
shdga a i .
Kawp, v . T o cool, as heated iron ; hpri kawf sni; to "cool
down," abate, as anger or wrath, masin k a w j sai; to
abate, decrease, as fever; hka/i ' n z q sa n i has the
fever gone dtown ?
Kawp, postp. For; see gewp.
Kawp, adv. Completely; see lse,b knwp.
Kawp, n. A crust, r i n d , sllell; see ahnwp; rnostly used i n
colnposition; di d a w j , an egg-shell; muk Rawp, a
crust; see also, k k o i k a w f , ntaan Aawp, jdARan kowp
and komhpya kawp.
Kawt, v. To step or pass over; derv. s/ti~zgkawl;cornp.
A Rap.
--di, v. T o step or jump over; pangllkn7u knwt di lai mat
wa a,step over the log and pass on; to pass, as time;
d a i n i n g Aka n hku nr Rnwt zua s a i , this year has
passed without a famine.
Koi, v . T o avoid, shun, k e e p at a distance from; derv.
markoi; cornp. gam; /am kor a i , to turn aside, as from
t h e highway; to go a round about way, as when avoid-
i n g an obstacle, or undesirable object; ?ulireAka h k r m
l a i Rdga hRr Roi nza, do not pass by the village, go
arourid; sAi mdnam koi n i , he avoids entertaining
K a , A preformative; comp. gd; (probably a shortened
form of hunt, as n' is of ? L Z ' ~ Z~ 7~ , O~ 2~ . )
-a, v. T o gasp for breath ; same as gdn?zg.; s h i ?tsa s hlz
a i 7raw ddn ?tgn ni.
Kaang, H. A middle, midst, centre; comp. arts; kdang
8 t s a j 7zga u , stand i n the middle; kdang dawtlgmat, a
middle; see parts; kdnng drartg, v. to halve, divide i n
halves; comp. chyen d r a r ~ g ; nn?~zsikdang i r a n g d i u ,
divide the fruit in halves; kdalrgga, to split i n twoor
halves; see parts; banrzg Lktrp, to cut i n two equal
parts; n. half, as of a road; Cam kaang k k a j l a i ~ a iwe,
have passed half of the road; Rdnng hkrawrrg, to
divide in halves; to halve; see parts; Rdnng hfan, to
balance; place s o as to balance; see parts; Kciang
Shinpya n. the " central level " country; - - the tra-
ditiogal home of the first human beings; comp. mdjoi
shingra bum; see Introduction 111, page V 11.
Ahr apyawn ARrirzgwa majoz 72 nga,
Kdang Slri7gm Raw nna n pya.
-ap, v . T o cover, as with a slab or the like; comp. a p
and Rnup; h a g byea htr kdap lawn mu.
-ap, v. (from ap, to be opened.) T o open, as the mouth;
to open, as a lid; to lift up, as a stone, when looking
for anything; nlzrzg tgfidnpyu y a ~ t jdhkaa g rawrrg ai. ,
-e, v. T o hiccough; also pron g d e . ,-

-i, v. T o roast i n embers; also pron. kdyi; kdi k d d , .

same as klii; shatmai R d i dlfafr jaw m r .
-u, v. (from s,to inundate.) T o be unsettled, disturbed,
as a country; ??zu7sgnzdnzkg kiiu ? z p rzrza dai ?ri?zgglisnl
-un, v . T o crawl, creep, a5 under a blanket or anytlliilg
l o w ; mlirza~zgw a Raw ~t6aR ~ U R~ ~ I ma. L R
-un, v. To ache; see hdrt.
-up, v. (from 14/),to cover.) T o cover, envelope; shat
h#e di htc kdu) da 7 4 ; to fish, as with a casting net;
sat~z-gnzun htc k b z j a; fig. to overwbeltn, as with
-ut, v . T o a c h e , throb with pain, as a boil; also pion.
R ~ z G I s~k; l i k ~ l i ~kiiltt
u i ni.
-aw, D. To l i f t ; ( M k a u r i ; ) s e e kdwnw.
-awn, a. T o o p e n , a s t h e g r o u n d w l ~ e n s p r o u t s a r e b r e a k -
i n g through; comp. n7un; ntlidi i z c wn n i ttrdjaw ga
hriaw~tzctn at'.
Kaba, v. T o roast, burn, singe, as by a hot iron; also
pron. geabn.
-ba, a . (Irorn ba, to be big.) Big, large, great; opp. to
R d j i ; comp. g d h ; k d h r ~wn,v. to grow, as a child; to
become big; RaJn ?zbrrz, t o be big; Rada wn n i shdra,
72. the place where one is broagllt up.
-bang, a. A hand-spindle, illostly used by women to
s i n while w a l k i n g ; Blt6u?zg shlikri ai, to spin, t w i r l
t e spindle; bdbnlzg ~ r i , i d . yarn spun upon a hand-
spindle; opp. to gawag ui.
-ban , n. A proper name for a male child; Kabnng
&mskawllg, Kdbnng Ynwng, see parts.
-bu, v. T o be glad, happy, rejoicing; Rad74 g a r n , t i . joy,
gladness, happiness; see parts and cornp. awlzg; ?nnm
law h at mdjaw kddu ga a i .
-bu, v. To crack, as the fingers or joints; 5 6 2 Lala
ldyung kdbx l e t dung nga a i , he i s sitting and crack-
i n g his fingers.
-bum, v. T o sprout, as paddy; (Hkauri;) see knbawlrg.
-bun, n. T h e winged w h i t e ant; see kcihkufr.
-bun, v. T o stir in orcler to mix, as with a dipper or
1adl.e; shatmai jlthRr kddalz waa bang r .
-bun, v, To strain, sprain, as a muscle or loint; also
ron. kripun; camp. &&yaw;shi Ldkang kla k k v a f nfza
gkilm Rdlun knrc izu n i .
--bung, n. The death-dance; a religious dance kept u p
almost every e v e n i n g i n t h e house of a clrceased, u n -
til t h e spirit ( t s a , ) is set?t off to t h e land of t h e an-
cestors; cornp, samRbri~zg,lrihfize~i and i r d ~ ~k oa h~k ~ m z g ;
kdbang durn, (f rotn d a m , to so~:nd t h e r 11 lee got1gs
used,) to darice the death-dance; A n h t ~lffhkwz'd ~ n z
mdnnwl ARrai~rgn,Kdburtg dzlm ~~rcinnzot L k m i uz gn n2.
-bai, v . T o t h r o w ; ccrnp. yap and yawn; kdbaidut nz, to
t h r o w at, or to a certain point; kddai kale u , throw i t
--baw, v. To si.cnn7, or !lake; see gdbnit,; H k a ~ r,if i i i b n w t ~ t .
-bawng, u , (fro111b:;w;:g, a sprotit.) To s p r m t , gcrnlinate,
as paddy ; ntom 4Li3cr:olzgsai; to s ~ t r i . e l l ; i-i sc . ;IS cooked
rice or dougll i n fermentation; ;j.jg7,:; fi5i3a:-c?~g ai, to
flower as maizc; to blist'er, as from a Suril; comp.
Idpaw; wntz hRru trtrn h)yi kdbawrrg ai; kdhnwng
Rhjawgtg, w . b!isters, or bumps; v. to rise as blisters.
Kgbawp, v. T o sit or fall down suddenly; to collapse;
mdchyi n i wn kdbnwf dung wa a i ; to be steep, abrupt,
precipitous, as a hill-side after a land-s1ide;dam Litgaw
-boi, v. T o twine, spin, twist, as yarn; rz Rdboi La nna da
da nn; to bore; hku kddoi a i ; to whirl, as waters i n a
whirl-pool ; hka Rlidoi.
-bra, v. (from bra, to be apart.) T o be forked, crotched,
as the limb of a tree; n. a fork, a crotch, as of a limb,
/rpun Rdbra; comp. Y Z kribm, a halberd, and ??zyi!kabva,
to be uncertain, o f " divided" opinion.
-brak, v. To be cracked open, as dry g r ~ u n d ;see
gdbra k.
-bram, v. T o shine; see Rdbrim.
-bram, v. To experience the pricking sensation, as when
a limb is asleep; see bram and nri.
-brang, v. (from brang, . to be split.) T o be cleft, rent
open; split, as a board; to separate, as contending
parties, and thus to umpire, decide a question as a
mediator; shan ga Law ma a i majaw, ngai sa tsun Rd-
h a n g Rar y a ma we ai; n. a fork, as of a tree;
(Hkauri;) see Rdbra.
d r a t , v. T o overflow; also used adverbially; comp. Rd-
prawk; ntsin naic &ring a i mdjaw Rdbrat Akaw sai,
being too full (with' water,) it overflowed ; mom Rdbrat
h Rra bang y a e.
-brim, v. To shine, emit light; comp. brim, ru and
Ltoi; knbrim k J r a m , to be li ht, bright, shining,
dazzling; a. light, etc; habrim fdbram rr at pair(Rr
law fig.
-bring, v. To be turbulent; see Rctbrawng.
-brum, u. T o meet; see kkrum.
-brawng, v. T o be unruly, turbulent; to s t i r up, as a
tumult; mdrt? ling yawl kddrawng wa ma ai; to make
contortions, as an actor; manggdang n i R&brawfigfip
ma ai; kdbrzng Kddrawn ; n. a tumult, hubbub, riot,
melee; also used as a ver%.
K ~ b y e , v. T o .step, tread, trample or w a l k on; coinp. dye
and myet; Rang e Rabye tl, step here; Rdbye Razr ai,to
tramp down; to crush, as under the foot.
-byi, n. A species of tree; also pron, gdbyz.
-by in, v. T o be delayed by odds and enc!s, as W h e n
starting on a journey; comp. gdnung; sht al'iwar n sa
w a ai, a k a b y e nga a i .
-byaw, v. T o cook, soften by cooking; shat shatmai Rd-
byaw ska ga; to prepare, as opiu111 for smoking; comp.
byaw; ski Ran2 kddyaw lu n i
-byawng, v. T o melt; see dyawng; to cook, as food;
(Hkauri;) same as kddynw.
-chyan, v. To divide; see k d ~ a n .
-chyan, v . T o instigate, incite to evil deeds, as a nat,
especiaNy said of the itat, who is supposed ta
prompt people to acts of wickedness, for which they
in turn are killed; nang h j e /dsa E Rachyn?z dn ndni,
t h e fdsa nat is prompting you; i.c. you are persuing a
course leading you to ruin (sure death;) nya np n i a
sat a i gaw, ldta Adchyan n n i ? are you incited by the
/dsa nat, as you persist i n killing my c a t t l e ? (for
which I am sure to kill you.)
-chye, v. To scold; mostly used as a coup. of krijet; ma
/rpe Rdchye kRum nga.
-chyeng, v. T o be harsh, sharp as i n voice; to be u n -
pleasant, as t o the ear; ski a ga Rachycng n i mdjaw
mctska R d ~ a w n gma a i .
--chyep, u. T o be crowded as a room, and thus to be i n
lack of space; ( H k b u r i ; ) mdska nazl law n i mijaw,
shdra Rdckyep a i .
-chyi, v. T o shout, as i n unison; see chyi.
-chyi, a . Small i n number; f e w ; comp. Rriji; bdchyz
Rdjaw or kdchyi kdchynzu, a . small, few; a v a i Rdrhyi
Rctrhyaw, odds and ends; hdchyi kiipzr, same as klichyi
-chyung, v. T o be drawn, pinched, and thus lank or
emaciated, as wHen suffering from ague or cold; shi
Aka& Rdchyung nga n i ; coin p. klisiianAr.
--chyai, v. T o change; mostly used as a coup. of gului.
Kiichyau, v. T o catch, as anything falling or flying; to
catch, i n the air or on the fly; nanrsz g a g d r a i n du
hkrat, Rechyag fa we ai; also pron. Rdjau. -
-chyaw, a. Small; coup. of Rdrhyi..
-chyawn, v . T o faint; to appear as though dead; ndsAp
fbngni m i Rachyawn w a nga ai.
-chyawng, v. T o cook, prepare, as food; (mostly used
by Northern Kachins;) comp. shndu; shat Rachyawng
wa, n. a cook; fig. to concoct, plot, devise; daz, y a shi
Rdchyawng fa a i anru rni nga ai.
-da, v. (from d a , to weave.) To weave (in haste,) as a
rough mat or basket ; jahtai Rlida nga nngaz.
-da, pron. Whose 7 ( H k a r r i for g d e a or Radai a ?)
Rdda a ngaLaw? whose cow is i t ?
-dan, a. (from dan, to be i n view.) Visible; fig. used i n
religious poetry as a designation for the celestial
regions : Dai gaw duwa ninggawn e ri, ningtsan
hiidan e si.
-dang v . T o fall from an erect position, as a bamboo,
tree or the like; comp. Akrat, Rndawnp and Ratow;
h f u n daw Rddang wa a i , the tree broke-and fell; skz
chydra nang nna Rddang wa ail he was drunk a n d ;
-dap, v. T o be unsettled; see gadau gadap.
-deng, v. (from dtng, to accuse.) T o accuse, charge
each other, as when quarreling; shan sAdda Rddeng
hkat ma ai.
-di k , a. (from diR, to be close.) Sticky, adhesive; ga
kddik k t t dz' bzd pzai g & l ~ wat'.
-ding, n. A species of r a t a n ; see gdriing vi.
-ding, v. T o fall; mostly used as a coup of kddanger
-di t , n. A valley; comp h k i ~ a w/;dm. ga R d d i f , a valley,
as between mountain r a n g e s ; v. to be depressearsee
dit; Badit duag n i , u. to sit down with a thud; comp.
Rddawj; shi krti(it d s q ntm las ski Ranut kau a i
-du, v. To echo, reverberate, as thunder; comp. ARung-
hlawng kiidzb and h p n ? i g f n ~ ~to g ; ~ i b r a t e ,as a house
when it thunders or from an earth-quake; 6azr Rada
durn yang nln ltlrg hdd~rwa nz.
248 Kgdu,
,, Z

Kadu, n. A k i n d of bush, with acrid, edible leaves; hadu

n r d h t a ~l o i ?zgaga, sdhka mmdhfan LRroi sa V J g
~ ~ .
-du kang, n. A kind of lizard; same as hRinh ha /duan,
which see.
-du hka, n. A species of squirrel; comp. ntdadwi; Rddu
hRa Ran Itprn, a kind of tree.
-durn, v. T o mu~nble;to speak i n a low, suppressed
voice; comp. &Ate; nzdnang n na ai sha, kp.z isaw Ra-
drm nga myit ta ?
-dung, n . ' T h e cotton tree; Bombox m a l a b n r i ~ m comp.
-dup, v. T o meet suddenly and unexpectedly; comp.
Akrlcm and k d l r t ; ddmya.hfe B d d Q ai, to meet, or fall
into the hands of robbers; k d d q y u a i , to perceive;
mu RdrtziP ai, to discover, detect; see parts.
-dai, Interrogative pronoun; who ? see Gram.; comp.
gnde; Hang kddai mi n t a ? who are you ? Rddai mzlng,
pron. whosoever, anyone; Radar rai t i manr, anyone;
Rddaz a, whose? ndi+ Rcfdai a gumrn P
-dau, v. T o turn upside down; see gddnu.
-daw, v. To seek pleasure; pyaw d a w kddaw ai; a .
pleasi rig, agreeable; see gddaw.
--daw n. A moat, as dug around a Fort; rkddaw Atlr a i
k;wng M d w a d a p rai nga ai. L.

-dawn, v. T o stumble; to stop abruptly, suddenly,

when scared; nam de Jars a i .mdjaw Rdriawn /sap
nna m&a y21 nngai, hearing a noise i n the jungle I
stopped (short) and looked around; ga Rddawn ai,
to stutter, stammer; myit K d a w n ai,to be disturbed
and thus upset, as in one's plans.
-dawn, v . T o be short, as of food; to be i n want, shi
/usha kddawn ai, he is short of food; arang Rb'awn
mat sai, his capital is running low.
-dawn, n. A gryllus; see hR&awn.
-dawng, v. T o fall or tip over, as a post, bottle, jar or
the like; comp. Rcidang; also pron.gddnwng; (rk&awng,
refers to the falling or " rolling" over of short
objects, while Rddang implies long or tall, FUC-11 as
poles, trees or t h e like;) s h i y a p nga npza Radazung
ai, he was nodding and rolled over.
Kadawng, v.' T o be steep, as a road ; see gttdawng.
--doi, n. A kind of seed; see hQdioi roi.
--pa, v . T o be different, distinct from;daihte wuragaw
Rdga rai nga ai, this is different from that; pron.
other; another, (a different one;) mnsha Rdga shdga
a , call an-other man; r a i Rdgu n nga sai,there are no
other things; Pdga kdga, or Raga ga, different; apart,
by itself; k d a /ah, ndv. by itself; shi Raga /ad r a i
hkawm a i , f e is w a l k i n g by himself; Rdga /ah mi,
something different from t h e subject i n question;
Rdga laaR m i naw r a nga n 7 r i P do you still want some-
thing else ? Rdga lak rr ai wa, a contrary, obstinate
-gam, t z . Clay; see ga kdgam.
-gan, v . (from gan, to spring.) To leap; to gallop;
p m r a Rdgan hkawm ai, the pony is galloping; Rdgan
Rap, to leap, as over a ditch; Aka hkaw7tg kdgan Rap
w , leap over the ditch; Rdgan hkap, n. a leap, a
bound; dai Aka shi kdgan ARap slra Y E ai.
-gat, v . To run; to flee; see gal; a/$wa?z kdgal u , run fast.
-gu, n. A father-in-law, etc; see gtl.
-gup, n. A hat; see g%p,ARdgup a n d l d g g p .
I , n. A n insect; see h k d ~ r i .
--gy~nrin, n.. T h e common earth-worm; also called R d j i n
jail comp. RaRyin or n-gyi~z,worms, as i n the stoinach
'of a child.
-ja, v . (from ja, to be hard.) To be .well, good, proper,
.agreeable; nang Raja tlga n n i ? are you well? dai baw
nht* Rdja nga ai, this is a gcod kind of sword; b d j a
a i ktgng hRa7z w , follow proper customs; n Raja, a. un-
well, bad, improper, disagreeable.
-ja, v . T o be startled; only used as a coup. of kdjawng.,
-jam, v . T o be troublesome, +mischievous, wicked; to
cause trouble; kajam g d a m , 11. trouble, confusion, $is-
order; also used as a verb; A i j ~ v in i wa,a mischief-
maker; an unprincipled or immoral person; shi k d j a n
ai nuti? rai nga ai.
+an, n. A sister, (of a man,) regardless of age; see jarr
and comp. Rdyt~ng.
-jang, v . T o arrange; same as Ljja~zg,which see.
32 r
Kajap, v. T o do by halves; see Rajav.
--?at, adv. For ever; see kajrc.
-je, n. A kind of embroidery; kcije nrlika, R q e gzrshi,
see parts.
-jet, V. T o scold, rail a t ; comy. jet; to prohibit; to re-
buke and thus to prohibit; rtatrg rndrnlzg /IPe nntl kdjel
,ro!at ;fig. to be hot, oppressive, as the sun; Rajef R b ~ r ,
ndv. i n a railing, scolding, harsh or violerlt manner;
kajd hilet, i n a hot, or oppressive manner; also used
as a verb:
Tingsn ninghkaw ja kdpt ai,
Mawraw~rd u Rrwng 2 pal2 lung sa/af Ralrt nt.

i , n. A grandfather; see j i and combinations; Rdjz' Rd-

woi n i , grand-parents, ancestors; slti n Rliji knwoi ri a
tsu h f e shi jaa da wzt ai.
-ji, a . ( f r o ~ nji,to be small.) S n ~ a l llittle,
, unimportant;
opp. to &&by;R d j i wa, to grow small; R d j i nga) to be
small; cornp. Rdchyi; d l i j i $ha, adv. a little, i n a small
degree or quantity; kaji Rdsllan, small, -stunted; nang
e Rdwa R d j i kasha7z ska 1% ai, only' stunted bamboo
grows here.
i n a , n. T h e cornmon earth-worm; an angle worm;
also called R a j i ~ tr i n ; see Ragyin rin.
i t n. A kind of embroidery; kdjit mlika; the lower
part of a Kachin woman's skirt; Rlqjit p t , v. to finish
up, as the lower part of the skirt with this embroidery.
u adv. For ever; kaja bak jat, for ever and ever; R a j g
Rajat Pprat janat, for ever and ever; from ages gone
to ages to come; by some pron. Rrijut.
-ju gai, n. See next.
-ju jai, n. T h e common white stomach worm; also pron.
Rdja gat; comp. Rdgyirt rin.
- ~ u k , v. T o tickle; also pron. kdjwt ; ma Rdjuk j n n g s i
wa az i f you tickle it the child will die.
-jun, v. T o fail, as i n growth; namsi pnwt Atawl h k a i
yang kri~urta t , transplanting the tree it did not grow
(as before;) to run down, to decrease, as i n mental 01-
p h y s ~ c a lpower; opp. to pnn; shi mdchyi bnw nna Rci-
jlcn mat sac.
. . adv. For ever; sarne as krtju, which see.
a v. T o spread, publish, as a report, rumour or news;
see jai; d a n g shi h j e p w m Rdjai d a mu ai, all are
speaking about him; Rdjaai gumhkawngaz, v . to spread
or be spreading, as news; n. a report and thus lame,
notoriety; Rdjaz gumhkcwngtsaw ai, to seek publicity
or fame; Rdjaigdra, to publish, as a report; to sound
some one's praise; see parts; shi a Lam nzung ling kdjai
gdra wa sai, the whole country is sounding his fame;
Rdjai m d r a r ~n. , a report; publicity, ~ o t o r i e t ythe
; nat
(fate, see nzdrauj,) that takes notice of currant re-
ports, and acts according as he is pleased or displeas-
ed; sacrifices are always offered to the kdjajai mdraw,
(see mdraw raw,) when anything has aroused pub-
lic interest; mdsha narc Rdjai a i mdjaw, R d j a i mdraw
e Rawa nu ai, he is afflicted (" bitten ") by the mdraw
(fate,) because people have talked too much about him.
-jau, v. T o catch i n the air; see kdchyau.
-jaw, . v . T o do by starts; kdjatjam kajap, a h . by starts, by
halves; i n a go-a~-~ou-please or hap-hazard manner;
cornp. ajaw ajaj; amu g d a w yntrg Rdjaw Rdjap Akum
rai, L t e j Irthti di mu, when working do not go by
starts, keep closely to it.
-jawm, v . (from jawm, to act unitedly.) To surround;
crowd as a number of people around a common object;
shanAt~yawng d a i nzdchyi a i wn hpe sa kdjawnz prga m a
a i , they all gathered around the sick man.
-jawhg, v . To be startled; to start, as from fright, pain
or emotion; comp. &an; shi ARvit kajawng nna
kfrawng m a at'.
w , v. T o tickle; same as kdjuk, which see.
-kang, v. To roast, to toast; shan Rdkang 74, roast the
meat; muk bddczrrg 74, toast the bread; cornp. kang, R d i
and Bur. m f ; to bake, as by a slow fire.
--kawm, v. To itch; see kawvz.
-kyin, n. The common black ant; see ukyt'n; by some
' pron. kagyin.
-hka, n. A crow; cornp. Aka and x RRn.
-hkam, v . To yawn; s h i y u p nrdyu nna RQARam ai.
_hkan, n. A ford; see uhRan.
K a h k a t , v . (from hknt, to contend.) T o strive. contend,
contest; werthtd kpn nhknn i kdkkat nga ?~1#1't t o ? what
are you striving about? to dispute, debate; cotnp.
gdsal; sRnvz nhtzt d a n g at gn hit kdhknf ntn ai.
-hkum, t l . A pumpkin; see hkum and combinations.
-hkun, a. T h e white ant; knhkun bum, a hill or nest
of the white ants; k d h k t ~ ni z d * , rr. the passage made
by the white ants; v. to make and use the passage;
shddaw hta Ralrkziu h7~a i , the whits ants are building
up the post; kdhRzin a / z l f ~ ai bytng-yn, incompre-
hensible wisdom; (skill which the white ants cannot
attack, as they can soft wood.)
-hkau, n. A cousin, etc.; s e e hkfzu.
-hkrang, v. T o move ( w a l k , run or fly,) back a n d forth,
to and fro; comp. ItRmng, ginlrkrang and ndaw R+
-hkrem, n. A kind of embroidery; R d h k r ~ mmdka; see
-hkri, n. A cousin; see LRri; a son-in-law.
--hkru, n. A dove; see Rkru da and u hhrn du.
- h k r ~ m , v. (from Akrunz, to meet.) T o arrange, as the
wood or brands when starting a fire; wnn nhtaw nz hpe
RdARrztm g.
-hkyin, v. To gather, collect, as scattered articles Into
a heap; comp. miiltkaw~zg; aarai nZang shdrn sha
kcthkydyin gaw, bring all- the things to one place; to
live together, -crowd, as several families into the
same house; Ltinggaw m&/intn ldlrgaisha h f a Rdhkyzn
rawng ma ai; to marry, ("pick u p " and add to the
family,) a deceased brother's w i l e ; cornp. g n l d n L f a
ni; shingkra lite gnida'kdhkylk n i , a, wi dower tnarryl n g
a widow; Rdhkyin e n t r i i n , to gather together, to
collect; n. a heap, a collection, a pile; see parts.
-la, n. T h e month of October; also called Lunjing; see
Gram.; (this is really the first month i n the Kachin
-la, v. T o split, cleave; comp. ga and hkdla; kdwa &a/a
a,split the baniboo;.baw Rd/a ya de ga, I will split
your head; & z m p i n Rdla mta kdvan jaw 74.
K ~ l a , n. A foreigner; Bur. 9 c u 3 8 ; Krilu nchyung, a native
of India ( a d a r k , " coloured " foreigner;) k'(~La
n h j r a w , a European; bd/a skd/)rc, gram; Rda ja,
n species of beetle, usually called bauhRrdng.
-lam, o. T o flash, glitter, gleam, as the lightning, a
bright blade or glass; comp. g d l a ; nkta Rd/alit dan a t ,
to brandish, flourish t h e sword, as i n defiance.
-lang, v . T o swing as the arms when walking; see
fn7~gand pil/a~tg;s s A i / p w /dta kdlang ai.
--lang, n. ~b deny; mostly u s e d a s the .coup. of trdong;
to be green; only as a coup. of kdrsiftg.
--lang, n. An eagle; see /altg and gdZwzg; n-gyi n y i ~ g
RltZartg, a poetic name for an eagle or hawk.
-lang, v. To be lazy; coup. of ldgawn.
--lang, adv. Once; at one time or on one occasion; see
faltg and nrrnuazg; kdafdg ma or kaZnngnri, once; shi
RdZang m i gdlaw ai, he did it dnce; kd/ang Lang, at
times, sometimes; Rd/nngsAa, once, only once; shi &d-
fang sha ga tsztn a i ; tdlang ska mi,o n l y once; kdlatrg
sha m i chyam U.
-langgyi, n. A venereal disease; syphilis; comp. Rwi;
kd/sng gyi g y i ai, to suffer fl-otn venereal trouble.
-lpp, u. T o scale off, as the skin; to turn, as the l e d of
7 a book; cornp. k s n ; mostly
-le, v. To turn; see gdfe.
-le, PJ. An exclamation of joy, often introducing a love
song; comp. g /nw goi W e , wmmi tirtpe, a
joyous sound, a sounding fiddle; Raf~dnt, o. to intro-
duce, as a love-song, with the word knh; R d e l e , the
-le, n. An outlet, as from a valley; h k y ~ Rf d e ; see gdZe,
to pass.
--leng, u. To lie down, to recline; 3lu.p kii/crzg u , l i e down
to sleep; nLa/rt~<q(070 aai, to reclinc; tc! take a recum-
bent position; see parts; kdlrftggrfstknn, to roll; as a
horse; shi chy8l.n nn722 n?tn PiiIe7tg ,;~?rnlhnlc9~ ai.
-lep, v . T o slice; see griitj.
--let, v . T o run, as sweat; see gd/el.
l i p u. To singe; see gd/@
-lut, v . To squander, as m o n e y ; see gi7i!itt.
Kama, a. s k i l l , dexterity, cleverness; u. t o be clever;
nnng 7zau Rlinta 7:g.a ndai, you are too clever, (too con-
scious of your ab~lity;)kdmn ma, to show skill or cun-
n i n g ; co~np.mdka; kdmapru ai, to exhibit, as special
mental gifts; shi a kdsha ni mnhkra kdmn frzr ai
h b a i rai ma ai.
-ma, v. T o come by gusts or whiffs; see glima.
-mak, y. (from ntnb, to be confused.) To confound,
abash, baffle ; ?pishi hflc hfa klimnk kazr .wtd ai.
-man, a. (from man, to be empty.) Empty, vain, use-
less; comp. 6~ 6i. an4 Ma; ga kdman, empty, useless
words; nonsense; Raman sha, a&. in vain, to no pur-
pose; zaptg Ranran ska slrakut ndai, you are presevering
for not hi ng.
--mang, v. To shatter, scatter, spatter; (usually follow-
ing its coup. Ratning;) coinp. Rdmawng; taupau pdZa
AKra ~imdjaw tzta kdming kdmang rai mat sai, be-
cause struclc by a cannon-ball the house was shattered;
ma ni gi~zsnpn i mdjaw hRa Rdming Rlimang r a i nga
--mang, 1 2 . (from matrg, a corpse.) A sign, indication,
as of luck i n hunting or fishing; Rlimang taw, v . to
appear as a eood sign or omen; dai ili slratz 1%sha na
ra oi,chyiibac/ltn &dmn,zg law sai; a pattern; only s o
used as a coup. o f kasi; kdsi'kdmang yu, to follow' a
-ming, v. 1'0s h a t t e r ; only used as a coup. of kdwzaltg or
-mu, n. A mus'n~.oom;a fungus, especially of the kinds
growing on trees; colnp. mdli, a d z e p , mdktawng,
numji, mdngai a n d Bur, 9 8 ; pungehkaw k f a kamu tr ai.
-mu, u..To j e r k , twist; to struggle, as when fightiVg;
comp. Abnt; hantr La ni, to force against one's wlll;
nunz knma nz', to commit rape.
-nlun, v. T o suffer, as from stomach ache; see mun; knn
Rri~?tzdnnzkrhyi n i .
--mun. Z J . T o wash; coi~p:of kdshin, which see.
-mung, it. (Iro~n riturtg, a word.) A word, saying or sub-
ject; h j a kdfizfrng t.rn9~~ ~ z y ita? t of what are you
speaking ?

Miitsaw di sanztr Rdmurtg let da d e g a ,

Ntsang dtr s r m t u aga htct da de ga.
Katnut, n. A dipper; a poetic name 'for a Ramai; Rdnzut
Ramai Ate w a i di m a , stir with the dipper.
-mut, v. T p join, connect;only used i n poetry as a coup.
of m t u i ;

Ntsagrg rzumlrkawng u a rndtut n a ,

-mai, v. To ladle; see grinzai.
-'hlu, v. T o turn away, as i n disgust; see 71zau.
-mau, v. T o shatter; only found as a coup. of kanting;
the Hkauris generally say Raming Ranzaw, for ba?)zing
kdmn wng.
-rnawng, v. T o rise, as dust, smoke or the like; see
gcinzaw~zg; Rdmirzg kamawtzg., to scatter as dust; to
spatter, as water; to swarm, as insects; u trz Ranrtrrg
hdwtawng nga a i .
-moi, n. A mother-in-law, etc; see moi.
-myen, v. T o push back or tramp down, as heavy grass
or underbrush; comp. tanen; napn Ramyen shdnenz
kazc wzb.
-myet, v. T o fall upon and hit, as a falling tree or stone;
t z p i hpe dnw ddttzl-cf ai, the tree fell and h i t
m e ; to pounce upon; shdmw gwi -@e barnyet ai, the
tiger sprang ("fell") upon the dog; krimyet dl), v. to
force, oppress, extdrt; ski n LRraw a i j i ~ tRdmy~tdij,
AKurzg~aamr a i , she did not agree, but they forked
her to marry; Rdnryd ska, to use force, to practice
-myin, v. T o turn, as the edge of a sword or be turned
up, as the hen1 of an old sleeve; nhfu kya m a kamyirz
a i , the sword is soft and turns (the edge;) fiq. to turn
away from, as because of fear or shame; c o i p . h k r i f
R ~ m y i nand dliyryn kdnzyin.
-myin, v. T o swarm as insects, to be thick as with dust
or flocks of slnall birds; a stronger word than Rd-
;~ ~ z n c h yxi ,RR?,ingdte AkniRe Rdmyin ai.
n elder sister, etc.; see 7za.
K ~ n a m , n. A daughter-in-law, etc.; see nam.
-nan, v. T o follow. to cling, as a child to its mother;
see nan and anna; ma kdnu Raw hdnan a i ; to pattern;
copy, as a model; Rcisi y2c m a Ranan ha; look at the
pattern and copy t h e carving; Rdnan gdLaw, to
imitate; see parts.
--nan, '' v . T o slla ke, to tremble; comp. gdra.
--nang, adv. (from na7zg, hefe.) Where? whither? cornp.
gade and see Gratn.; (grtde indicates direction, whi'le
bdnaltg, has i n view the exact stopping place;)
Rdna~dg sa 1~ tn ? where (to what place,) are you go-
i n g ? Rdnnng nn or Rdnang aka? whence ? from where?
Rlinarzg* nzung, anywhere, everywhere; kdning Ranang,
here, there and everywhere; ddnang, followed by the
negative, nowhere; shi Rrt7znltg n sa, he is going no-
whr. re ; Biinnng kdnang, wherever-there; Rd-
ltalrg dzr Rrtsaag yap.
-nen, v. To push back, and force a way, as through a
jungle; comp. kdmyen and /afra Rdnen.
-ni, n. A mother-in-law, etc; see ni.
-ai, Mcdal adverb indicating uncertainty or complete,
ignorance; see Gram.; kdlri A , or kdnignw, well, who
knoinls? who can tell? Rani t a ? or Rd?ti shata? who can
tell ? no one knows.
-ning, n. A sister-in-law; see ning.
-ning, adv. Where? see Rdnang.
-ning, v. T o push; coup. of bdnawlcg, which see.
-ninp, /?zterrog.2tiz~eadverb; how? comp. gin and see
Gram.; fidni~cgd i nn ? how will he do it ? k d ~ z i ~ ,z g~ aor
kdninga raz nme, how ? why 7 Rrtfti7dg m i nnze gcilnuj n
ta ? how did you do it ? R~inipzgrai 121ize kdyal wrb hka ?
why did he whip you ? Rdniltg rai ame Law, how? why?
or as an adv. of cause, because o f ,for the reason that,
replying, as it w'ere, to the question why ? s/ci s i run
sai, bdning uai nme law, shat n nga sai, he died (why?)
because thgre was no food; Rdnifzk san, how many? or
how big does it ,seem to b e ? lipyen n i Rdni?zg san wa
vai ma la? how'many soldiers are there? Ratziltg snn
zua Law a fa? bow big does it appear to be ? Baning
san wa re n taP how does i t look or appear? Rd?ting
kdna, however; kdning Rdna byin ar, to happen acci-
dentally; bdning, followed by the negative, nothing, in
no way; anhfe hdning n r a i na ga ai, we can do
Kanu, n. A mother; an aunt,-a mother's sister; see nu;
fig. afirst cause or principle; the gist, as of a question;
ga kdnu LRrai tsun u , mention only the main points;
a main-stay or support; Jingrltpaw n i a R ~ n uwan r a i
nga ai, fire is the main-stay of the Kachins; Rdnu
kdwa, parents; see parts; kdnlc dim, etc., see nu and
-nu, n. A pattern of carving or embroidery; kdnu mdda
hien, Rdsha mdka chyen; Rdnu singRaw, a kind of
carving on a dunrha; kdnu nu. v. to carve or em-
broider the kdnu.
-nu, n. Germs, grubs, minute worms, as infesting a sore;
kdnu rawng a i mdjaw mdchyi n mai RKraw ai.
-nun, v. T o rub, as when removing stains, or as when
anointing a sore; also pron. mdnun; Rdyaw a2 shdra
sail chya nna Rdnun u.
-nun, v. T o recede, fall back; comp. kdnut; @ung de
-Dung, v. T o delay; see gdnung.
-nung, v . T o be wrinkled; same as Rdnyung, which see.
-nup, v . T o crease, crumple; see n ~ p maisau
; Ranup m a t
-nut, v. T o recede, retreat; to go backward; comp. nut
and kdatln; ltpong de Rdnuf wa r , go backward;
lipyen rrlnsltn ni shnzung dc n Atr lu a i mdjaw, nhlang
d e bai kafznt wn nza ai.
-nut, v. T o have a crick, as i n the small of the back;
comp. knshia and kdyaw; ngai @un hta na Ahrat nna
mdsht' kd?zztt mat snl'.
-nau, n. A younger brother or sister, etc.; see nag; kd-
nau nnu, v . to have younger brothers, sisters or
-naw, 2,. T o root, as a hog; see gcinaw.
-nawm, v. T o gather, amass, hoard; mostly used with
its coup. gxnrda7onr;
Kan de Rdnawm, dinghku de gumbawm.
Kanawn, v. T o associate, keep company with; cornp.
m d m m ; shi Lte ARum kdnawn, do not assodate (frater-
nize,) with h ~ m ;Ranawn manang, n. a companion, an
associ ate.
-nawng, v . T o push, as against a door; see nawng; kd-
nawng dad, to push, impel, thrust; Rltnawng gumpye
Rau ai, to push over, to upset by pushing; fig. to over-
throw; dat wa lrpe 'Rdnawng Rau mu, push the man
-nawt, v . T o move, a s by easy stages; comp. nawt and
mdnawl; yat yat sha Rltnawt a i mdjaw La* n du az,
coming at a slow pace he was late.
-noi, n. India rubber; comp. noi hkrat; also pron. gltnoi;
b ~ r dlime; same as git noi.
-nga, v. (from nga, to be bent.) T o bend as head or
body sideways; to shake, as the head; mailak Rdnga
nna baw Kau 24; Adngi Rdnga, to sway, as the body to
music or the like; shi shddawng nna Rdngi Rdnga rai
nga at.
-ngat, v . T o bend, as the head forward; see ngat and die
knngat; to wag, as a dog's tail; gwi kn6a yang nnrm
Rdngal ai.
-ngl, v . To shake, as the head; see Rdnga.
-ngu, v . To be bent or bowed down, as when ill, i n
sorrow or i n deep meditation; to hang the head, as a
sick animal; comp. ngu; Rdng?r kdnga rai, jan shddu
kau ai, Rangai kdngai r a i , jan shdlai Rar ai.
-ngai , v . T o rnove, twist, as when nervous or uneasy;
cornp. ngai; to move, roll on the edge, as a heavy box
or barrel ; daw hkawn kdngai lawn ma.
--ngau, v. T o f r y ; shan sau hte krtngau u , fry the ineat
in lard; comp. &Rang.
-ngawn, v . To uproot, remove root and all; cornp. 7 p w n
and dai; wa kpang kawt kdngawn kau md nu az.
-ngawng, v. To copulate, have sexual intercourse.
-nyin, u T o feel stiff and a c h i n g , as w h e ~suffering
from malerial fever; iibn/z' hu yang ~ / I R u ) ? z R d f l y i f i
ltga az.
Kgnying, v . T o be troubled; coup. of Rnnyung, which see.
--nyit, n. A stylus; Bur. ma6.
-nyung, v . T o be wrinkled, as t h e skin; ski nau Idsinno
lrpyi Ranyavzg ai; to be creased, crumpled; nba rkd-
nyung ai; comp. Rlipzrm; kdnyzng krtnyung, to be
troubled, downcast, disquieted; shi myzt Rdnying
kdnyung nga ai.
-pa, v . T o mend, patch; p d a w n g Raja v , mend the
coat; shanhtd nta magaw kapa ma a i , they are repair-
i n g the roof; fig. to e n d , as a procession; n. the tail
end; d a n g a /iPungdzm Rlipa wa.
--pa, v. T o run, as a frightened child against its mother;
to stumble, as a drunk person upon those he meets;
ma ARrit Rajawvtg m a R a ~ ma ntnn dc gat h p a wa n i .
-Pam, v. To be creased; see Rapurn.
-Pa%, 12. A kind of ornament; see hkajan .
-pat, f
v. (from pat, to be obstructed.) T o c ose, shut off,
as a road; to obstruct, b a r ; Lam a hpun daw Rapat Hga
-ping, v . T o be f u l l of holes; coup. of Kdpawrcg, which
-pu, v. T o be small; see Rachyi Rdpu.
-pum, v. T o be wrinkled; to be i n folds or plaits; comp.
Rdnyyung; pdntg n Rltprcm a i shn nep a ; k d p r m kllpa?~r,
n. creases, folds, plaits.
-Pun , v. T o sprain; see R d b m .
-pun, v . T o spring, well, as water from a spring; #pun
hRa Rqicn a i , the spring-water is welling forth.
-pung, v. To cook, prepare food i n a green bamboo;
see flung;. di n La a i m q a w Rltwa Ata Rltpicng sha ga a t .
-put, v . T o fill, as a grave;lrszkng /tRu bdgrct u; to fill,
pack, as earth around a post; shddaw nARun Rdput w ;
to be crowded;filled, as with labourers, visitors, or the
like; ga ni Rltput bang wa mi^ r a a i , chyaru jaw *a.
-pau, v. T o be turned,"folded," as the edge of a sword;
comp. &&myinand Rapyin; nye rRtr Raflau mat sai.
-paw, v . T o crack, split open, w i t h a loud, sharp report,
as a bamboo because of heat; comp. &&#rang; Rliwa
Rdpaw n i sRa, it is only bamboo cracking; to pop, as
pop-corn; Ikarirlc Rdpnw s; comp. miafzg kapnw.
KBpawk, v. T o dig or hollow out; comp. Bur. edo5; go
Rdjawk /a u , dig a hollow; to pull up, as plants when
too thick; mam nazc nzdtsat az shdra RdpawR kau mu;
to cut into for the sake of removing; cornp. Rdlawk;
mdgyz hta no shnn kdjawk in mu.
-pawem, v. To hill, as corn; see apawm and p m p a w m .
-pawng, v . T o be f u l l of ,holes, as an old garment;
corn-p.fawng and apawng; Rdpawng Rdjbang, n. holes;
ptilawng wall hRra nna Rdipawng Rdpangr mi mat sai,
the coat was burned and is full of holes; k&pzng
Rdpawng, v. to be dug up, as the ground by insects;
ARinji sawng az shdra aga kdfing Rdfawng raz nga ai.
-pra, Y. To split; see Kdprang:
-pram, v. T o shine, as the-sun just breaking through
the clouds; see jan pram and pram; comp. Rddram;
to be bright, active, full of life, as a child; shi grai
Rdpraln a i ma r a i nga az.
-pran, v. T o part i n the middle; to be between or i n the
middle; n. a middle; comp. Zdflran and Rdang; Rapran
gn,to split i n two equal parts: i n poetry WMVJ-gumis
used as a coup. of Rdfran;
Gan mdsha nang sdawng vdshawn de nga az
Htaw nhblc mdsha nang, /rpang shingdzm R d p a az,
Andtr ARringwa dumsa n i k d j r a n uma-g*m r
nga ga at. You guardian nat will take the lead,
you household-nat will close the rear, we roy a1 priests
will stay between.
-prang, v. T o split, open, suffer disruption; comp. Rapaw
and ddjran; also pron. Rdjva; jan /a a i mdjaw kdwa
Rapvangga mat sai.
-prap, v. (from prap, to be flashing.) To flash, as
li g h t n ~ n gor the reflection frotn a heliograph; comp.
Rdlam and myih$rap.
--prat, u. To brust open, explode; to burst, as the shell
or husk of grain; mam naa ja a i mdjaw hpyi Kriiprat
wa az.
-prep, n. A k ~ n dof funeral ornament; see izRlifr~p.
--prep, v. T o smart, as the e es from smolte; to itch, as
from prickly heat; to fee a hot, pungent sensation,
as when eating red-pepper; nzdjap s l a yang tr-gwt
Raprep a i .
Kaprep, w. To be grown together, as two plantains; corny.
&yep; n. two protuberances grown as one; hngu
Raprep sha yatig, ma mdrun a i da.
-prip, v . T o flash; see jrij; coup. of kdprap.
-pru, v . To temper, harden, as steel; Rang ?tarnu?: hte
kdfrlc a, harden the steel i n oil; nhtu Rdprr u .
-pruk, v. (from pruR, to be splashing.) T o dip, to
wash, as vegetables (or garments,)di ping a n d splssll-
ing; chyinghbvang hka Lta sa Rdpru /a m d su; R d p r l t k
kaprab, to splash, as children playing i n water; ma
ni Lka hta RapruR Rdfrak r a i nna ginsup nga ma a i ;
RdpruR si, to drown; cornp. a d r i t si.
-prum, v . T o grow i n pairs; see drmdrum.
-prau, u. (from p r a u , to be slipping.) T o slip, slide, as
when stepping on a slippery stone or bamboo; comp.
kashawt and Rdhprai; ski Rawa Rdprav wu nrra &4/eng
law tzga ai.
-prawk, w. To splash over, as water; comp. kdbrat;
Rdf~awkARaw ai, to spill, as when carrying a vessel
filled to the brim; ntsin lrpai a i wa nau shdmu a i
majaw RdfrawR LRaw ai.
-prawn, v . To be side by side; HRauri; see Rdpyawn.
-prawng, v. T o parboil, as meat; n-gu Rdpawng la nna
drcnghkrawng Ata kadaw*u.

v. T o romp, frisk, as a child; comp.
dravng and prawng; nyp ma g r a i Rdprawng c ye sai. PsuPr
v . T o flow, as oil, or honey; corrip. hwz; g i t p n g
j d h h & & p y a hkvat ai,
-ppang, v. (from pyang, to be i n a straight line.) To
dart, hurl, as a spear; to fall, as rain i n heavy drops or
in "sl~eets"; mdrang kdpyang nga ai.
-pyenp, v . T o move out of the way; comp. yen; *md a
mz de kdpyeng trap mu, stand over to one side; /ai a %
r:i kdpjlmg lawn mu, get the books out of t h e way.
-pyi, v . 'To be wrinkled, as the forehead of an animal,
t h e \n?rinkles going up and down; nam nga chydk&yi
kdlltarz kdpyi; to be drawn. as the face from cold, f e a r ,
or t h e 1 i ke; slri lrkvit -
R d p y i ai.
K a p y ~ n , v. T o fold, hem; to turn, as the e d g e of a sword;
to be wrinkled, as the skin; comp. kamyin.
-PYU, v. T o be melted, as metals; comp. dyawng; hpri
R l t p p ai; to be razed to the ground, as a town; nzdrt
ddngai mi Rhpyr Rau d a sd gaw ai.
-pyun, v. (from- pyun, to be slippery.) T o slip, slide,
move smoothly and easily i n eel-like fashion; hkan-
sbarr kklrmpup Rdta d e kdpyun shang mat sai.
--pyut, o . ( f r o m p y u t , to be paste-like.) T o be soft,
sricky, gluey, as over-ripe fruit; namsi nag myzn k m u t
mat sai.
-pyau, v . (from pyau, t o be shooting, darting.) To
exhibit power, swiftness, grace, as an eagle i n
aerial navigation; p i / a ~ n* i j y e l t Rdpyau hRawm ma ai;
to play, as a fish; nga Rdfyau ai.
-pyawn, v. (from pynwn, to be along side.) T o be or
place side by s i d e ; ma y a n kdpyawn ylrp ma a i , the
two children sleep side by side; nanhdr rau kdnawn
kdjyawn r a i myit, move in unison side by side; kdwa
y a n l d h k a w ~ ~kdj+yawn
g dawn a.
-hpa, n. T h e shoulders; also called Lbhpa; Rdhpa npu,
the arm-pi t; hallpa shingban, the shoulder-blade; kahpa
n r a , the collar bone; mawn rawn sznda ngau ltpai
-hpam, a. (from h j a m , to be numb.) T o be benumbed;
to have lost, as taste or feeling; also pron. gdhjam;
n y shinglet
~ krihjam ai.
-hpan, v. (from h j a n , to blow, as dust.) T o be i n
motion, astir, as a crowd on the way to the bazaar;
dai hpawt jan chyingLaw tsan, shinggyim mdsha Rdhpan
yang, this morning the sun being high, the children
of men astir.
-hpinu a h . One by one: hdhping kdhpawng, i n spots;
shPhtn n6a hdhping kdhpawng sha tu ai.
--hpu, n. A n elder brother; see h p r ; Rdhfu kdnau,
brothers and sisters: see h nag; relatives i n
general; shanhtt kdliiu kanau'ni r a i nga ma ai.
-hpun, u. To suffer from cutaneous eruptions; comp.
kparr and ahjwn; h Rum mddid yang, Raltpun wa wa
raz nmgai
Kahpai, %.A large, oily seed, much valued as an article
of food; Kdhpai t%nrgrai sau ai.
+poi, v. (from irpoi, to be swarming.) T o swarm, as
bees; to .rise, to vanish and disappear, as clouds or
smoke; nta nltRyan na wan hRut Rd/rpoi ai.
-hpra, v. (from hpra, to be startled.) To be terrified,
hikrzt kdhpra ai; to be troubled, annoyed, agitated;
see myit and mrfsin Rdhpra.
-hpranl, v . T o feel a pungent, acrid and choking sen-
s a t ~ o n ,as when eating chilli or something acrimoni-
ous; see @ram and jap;, mdjap sha yang n-glrp
kdhpram a i ; n. a kind of acrid yam; nai Rdlrpranr.
-hprap, v. To move with short, rapid moveinents, as
the eye-lid, the ears of animals, or wings of small
birds; see &rap.
-hprat, v. T o be full; mostly used as a coup. of Ra/tpving.
-hpre, v. (from &re, to patter.) To sputter; shon jrc
yang kdhpipre ai; to emit and crackle, as sparks; hfrttz
R d Q r e a i j% yang nta Akru na.
-hprek, v . To slap; same as kdlrpret, which see.
-hpret, v . To slap; also pron. kdhprek; comp. bye;
shddyi Rd/lpret a i , to slap the face; mdgyi Rdhpref
a i , to slap or tap the thigh, as i n defiance or challenge.
-hprim, v . To fly, buzz, as bees; seeL Apnin; gitglrng
-hpring, v . (from &ring, to be full.) To act i n a
decided, positive manner; Pdhfrzng Rdhprang, adv.
i n a straight-forward, undeviating manner; Rdhpring
Rdlrprang sa wa mu, go without delay or hesitation;
kdhfluing &&#rat, ~ o stiivel y, definitely; sa na n sa na,
kahflring RdAprat tsun ma.
-hpru, adv.(from irpra, to shoot up.) In haste; see R a h .
-hpru, v. To flock and swarm as vultures around a
carcass or small birds i n a fruit-tree; ma ni skahja
s h d ~ ne kdhflyzd sa wa ma ai.
-hpru, n. A k i n d of water-proof or rain-covering made
of kaidlc leaves; also called dw2; Rdhpru g a p , V . to
wear the covering.
- h ~ r u p , z ~ .To flap the wings, to jerk, as a dying bird;
u h j t hkafz i. dun wa yang Rdhprup ai.
Kahpmt, v. (from @rut, to be severed.) To be cut or
broken, as a rope; Rdhprut k d k p m t , same; also used
adverbially; sumri fsam mat a i mcijaw Rd/rprut kd-
hpraf rai mat sai.
-hprai, v. To lose hold of, to let slip or glide through
the fingers; comp. Raprau; ngai wa hpe jrrm Rdhprai
d a f Razr se ai.
-hpraw?, v. To be scaling, as the bark of a scorched tree;
hpun hdfsing wan nat yung Q y i &&@raw ai; to be
breaking out, as sores or ulcers; shi hkum ling
Rahpraw hpye ai, his whole body is f u l l of sores,-
-hprawk6, adv. In a rustling manner; see hprawb; n a n
hta hpa Rahprawk hkawm a Run 2
-hproi, v . T o lap, as boards, shingles or the like; .Rd-
hprzng Rdhproi, overlapping and thus uneven, odd;
ngarc n i ltpe ihdhprzng RaApvoi di lawn mu.
-hpyan, v. To spread, as cloth; to unroll, unfurl; see
h h a n ; to stretch, as a rope; Ltuga ginri kdyan, htuga
sumri Rdhpyan.
-hpyen, v . (from @yen, to be opened up.) To open up,
as a bag; to unroll, as a roll or bolt of cloth, when
measuring it; to open, as a' sore; nma Rdhpyeta nna Rd-
shin kau mic, open the sore and wash it.
-hpyet, v. (from &yet, to be vanished.) To be gone,
vanished, scattered to the wind; krihfyi kdltpyel, same;
also used adverbially; nya arai yawng Rdhpyel rai
mat sai.
-hpyai, v. T o be mashed and flattened; see hjyai; to
spread out, as a bundle of thatch, a heap of paddy,
or the like; comp. gdrai, Rdhpyan and &@yen; pal2
shddawn an kd/tpyaz' tawn inu.
-hpyau, v. Grorn hpyau, to be suspended.) To cling,
as children to their parents; n2a ni R n h /el Rltwa Raw
hRan Rdhpyau ma ai, the children i n joy are clinging
to their father.
-hp aw, v. (from @yaw, to follow i n the wake of.) T o
rollow, swarm, as flies around a herd of cattle, or
children afound some one amusing them; nga n i o
V a n g r mdchyi n i Akan Rlthfyaw nang ma ai.
Kahpyoi, o. To overlap; same as R d h p ~ o i iwhich see.
-ra, rc. T h e hair on the head; cornp. man; Rdra sinp
gawng, one single hair; kdra singhkat mi, one fine
hair; kdra tsing tsilrg, hair and root; Rdra raw ai,
to fall off, as the hair; kdra Cdchyi gang ai,to pull the
hair, as when fighting; shan kltra tsing tsittg gdLawR
hRra hR7a mdgra hkat ma ai.
-ra, v. T o be thirsty; see Q a n g Rdra ai.
-ran, v. (from ran, to be apart.) To divide, distribute,
apportion; cornp. Itpvai; kdran jaw, to divide, dis-
pense, as free gifts; &ran kdchyan, (or kdran Cd-
chyan,) to divide, deal out, allot.
-ran, v. T o be loose, see ginran.
-rang, v. T o be simple; see Rdring.
-rang, Y. T o grind, as an edge-tool; see gdrang.
-rap, n. T h e lower screen over a Kachin fire-place;
cornp. r a p and Cupdmg; kdrap Ata mam Rdratr mu.
-rat, n. A sister-in-law; see rat.
-re, v. T o snatch; see gdre.
-rem, n. The second line of embroidery woven into the
otherwise plain part of a skirt.
-ren, v. T o be lonely; see gdren.
-ret, v. To skirt, as a village; see gdret.
-ri, v. T o be stingy; comp. mdji; R d r i kdhtz, a. stingy,
close-fisted; R d r i Rdhti r ~ . a wa,
i a miser; cornp. nni.
i n v. To press, shake down, as paddy into a basket;
see vin and gdrin.
-ring, v. (from ring. to be overgrown.) T o be simple,
boorish; kdring &rang, a. crude, rustic, boorish; Rd-
ring Rdrang mdsha, n. a boor, rustic or uncivilized
person; cornp. hkang ring.
-rut v. T o shout; see g6724.
-ru, v. To shake, as when washing a bottle; ndum Rdru
kdskz'n z.
-rum, v . To help, assist, aid; cornp. nrum, shingtar,
htawn, tawn and .(sawn; kdvlrnr az wa, a helper, an
-rut, v. To suffer from the want of nourishment, as a
babe or young animal; ma chyhyu R a ~ u rnna s i ai; myzt
krtrzrL e i , to be at the wit's e n d ; ngat myil k a r r t lrna

hpa n chye galaw ai.

Kdrai, 72. (from raz, to create.) T h e supreme ~ e i nthe ~ ;
Creator; K a r a i h'asn7zg) the self-existing first cause;
the Spirit above all, invoked only in time of extreme
danger or dire calamity; K d r a i Wa, same as K d r a z
Kdsang; K d r a i Kdsang Sdgya, see parts.
-rau, v. T o dry over a fire; see gctrarc.
-rawt, v. T o draw, d r a g ) haul, pull, as a cart; comp.
gang and hkrut; shi maz'hng barawt ai, he is hauling
logs! Leng barawt r , pull t h e cart; to drag, as i n
s i h g ~ n g hRrm
; Rlirawt myit, do not drag.
-rawt, n. A species of cricket.
- 0 n. A circle of bamboo placed i n front of a house
of mourning; kdroz l u n g , to fix a n d arrange the karoz,
the day a person dies; Raroz baw, to remove the
K d r o i the day the spirit (tsu,) is sent to the nat-
country; (see nzang madoi;) the bamboos are generally
used for a structure over the grave; fig. to perform
the final funeral rites; Rliroi garaz n baw myit ni*
have you not yet removed the Raroi? i . e . have you not
performed the final rites? Raroi tu n i nta, the house
of mourning.
-sa, v. T o be hoarse; see gbsa.
-sa, n. (from sa, to go.) A messenger; an envoy; a go-
between, as i n a marriage affair; Rdsa dal a t , to send
a messenger or representative; kasa ding&, one who
negotiates a marriage affair, ngai hfe hdsn dz'ng'la
dat nna La aai mung n rai.
-sari, n. A plant of the aloe family.
-sang, v . T o be disengaged; free from impediments;
Rdsang RdZang, same; nsni s ralr nngai nnnhte Rdsang
RdLang Y C a i n i sa mu.
-sat, v . TOfight; see gasat.
-se, n. A foreigner; coup. of KdLa.
-sen, a. A kind of grass; see Rnstng.
-seng, n. A kind of heavy grass with secund leaves,
used for brooms; also called Rin/a or Rastn.
-si, n. A pattern, a model ; hnsi k d m a n g , same; see
parts; fl.chyeyang Rasz y u trna gdaw u.
Kiis hi. 267

Kasuk, v. T o be i n disorder, confusion; RdsrtR Adsah, adv.

topsy turvy; see RatAaR Adsha&; nta n h h AAun AasttR
Rasak ARum di tawn w.
-son, v. T o pilfer; see gdsun.
--sung, v . T o rub against; see gdsung.
-sung, n. A kind of shrub, twigs of which are tarried
i n the hands, a t the close of a dance; nau dat shdno
de kdsung Ate mdnawn /ang nna mdnau ma ai.
--sup, v . To play; see ginsufl.
-gut, n. Rubbish, litter; kdswt kasaw, rubbish, garbage;
(Hkauri;) see shdnul shdnaw.
-eut, v. To rub; see gdsut.
-sawk, v. T o ransack; see gdsawk.
-sawt, a. To drag the feet, as when walking, or rubbing
them against the floor, as when sitting in a chair;
see sawt; to touch, rub against, as when sitting or
passing in close quarters; comp. Rnsoi; fig. to be on
friendly terms; to hob-nob with; shi ngai htc Rnsawt ai
wa rai nga ai; to have sexual intercourse.
-soi, v. (from soi, to graze.) To touch, rub against,
graze; not as strong a word as kdsawt; see gdsm.
-sawi, o. To sniff; see gasdwi.
--sha, n. Achild; see sha; the young of an animal; see
dxmsu Rasha, gumra Rlisha, gwi Rdsha, etc.; interest,
as on money, gwmhpraw Rdsho; kdshd jat, v . to bear
young, as an animal; camp. hkrat; k&Aa [at, the first-
born; kdsha hpangdim or shddoi, the last born; see
also Rashu Rasha; Rasha mdka, a kind of embroidery;
comp. kdnu mdka.
-shan, v. To suffer, as from spasmodic fits or connilsions;
see bsc Rdshan and ktan kdsknn.
-sheng, v. (from sheng, to ache.) To be sharp, acrid,
b i t ~ n g mlijajap
; jap kdskeng ai; to be stinging, painful;
nrdsin Rasheng tndchyi a i ; fig. to be sharp, bitlhg,
stinging, as a rebuke; aa aga naa Rdshengai majaw
nrdsha pawt ma a i ; Rdsheng Rimawng, to be at odds;
see parts; atthtt a'ai ni Rdsheng kauzawng nga nna bra
ga ai.
-s h i , 11. Beads; (Hkauri ;) see hkdchyi.
KBshi, 0 . T o entice; m d a t m i n h hdshi ai, the weasel8
entice the spirit (to leave the body;) the Kachins
believe that weasels can entice a n d "imprison" the
ghost of a living person, i n which case t h e unfortunate
victim will soon die.
-shin, v.(fromshin,tobe washed.) T o wash,as haods,
feet, dishes or articles of food; to bathe; see Aka
Rashin; comp. myit and hRri~t;Ldgaw Zdta Rnilr& u ,
wash hands and feet; Rdslrin Rdmwn, to wash, cleanse,
to purify.
--shin, v . T o sprain or dislocate, as a joint; comp. kalun
and Rctyaw; s h i Rataw m a ldgaw kashi~zk a ? nzc ~ ai.
-shing, v . T o ache, as when stung by a bee; kashing
Rdshetig, to be i n pain; see p a r t s ; hashing dashawng,
to have a sensation as though pricked with needles;
nye hkum Rdshing kdshawng ngu nrta mdchyi ai.
-shu, n. A grand-child; see sha; Rash% kdsha, grand-
children; descendants.
-shu, v . (from SAI, to hiss.) T o cool, as hot iron by
putting it into water; gang kdprzc yavzg kdshrc m a ai,
tempering steel you cool it ( i n water;) fig. to cool off;
to fail, as the effect of a speech; to belittle or " pour
cold water on" some one's efforts; tcgai lsun a i ga
shanhte Rnshu Rau ya ma ni ai.
-shuk, v . T o be confused, jumbled, topsy turvy; corn
Rdsuk; kaskak Rashah, to be mixed, tangled, comp I- P.
cated, as a law-sui t ; comp. Bur. QS;amu Rdsltuk kdsAa;d
r a i nga ai.
-shun, v . T o coerce, extort, t a k e by force; guhltpraw
krishzcn /a ai wa, an extortioner; k&sAzcn Rdshan, to
use force, wrest, extort by violence; n. force, violence;
comp. shdnyen and hpyr; kashlrn Rdshe, n. violence,
extortion, illegal exaction.
-shun, v . T o touch or handle anything within sight, as
a child; 7ra nsha p w nalc kdshun nit dai; /&!a Rashan,
to be meddlesome, meddling, dai ma /dta nau kdshun
--shun, n. A species of fern used as food; Aka Akrat az
wa &dshunpnwl mdnat ai,
Kashung. v. To be or feel cold; comp. kdlsi; kds)ung
durn, to feel the cold; see parts; RdsAung ma ji jap ai,
n-gyt ma yalr hkrap at'; Rdshung l a , the cold season.
--shai , v. (from shai, to differ; see ashaz and gdsdai.)
T o be spliced or overlapping, as timber; ngau mdtu
kdshai a i ; to be awry, not in true position; to divert,
diverge from the true course or action; shdkap Rct-
shai a i , his jaw is out of joint ; myit Rdshai ai, ga Ro-
shat a t , the mlnd wanders, the words fail;. to make a
confused noise, as an excited multitude; Apa
v a i ga Rdshai ma a i Rvn ? ga law nhten ? what's the
noise, are they quarreling ?
Dumsa p si Rdngai na hang van l a ,
H R ~ i n g w ayu si Rns Rai na nang san /a ;
where the priest's words fail do thou correct, where
his voice will fail do thou amend.
-shaw, v. T o roar, as a waterfall; see gdshaw.
-shawng, v. T o suffer, as pain to no purpose; see Rct-
shing; kdshawng Ramawng, adv. for no good, all i n
vain ; Rdshawng kltmavng rai Ian shddu Raw sd gaw
ai, we have made the sun go down (have waited all
day) for no good.
-shawt, u. T o slip, slide, lose foot-hold; comp. Rdjraic;
/am mdnen ar mdjaw RdsAawt taw ai, the road being
slippery he slipped and fell.
-shoi, v . T o hiss; see ashoi and gctshoi.
-ta, v . T o be devoid, wanting; ngai gumhpraw kdta
nngaz, I am (absolutely) without money; Rdnu Rdwa
Rdtn az wa, a child without parents; to be free, as
from debt or guilt; r u Rata Aka Rdta a i wa, a man
free from grievance free from debt; adv. nothing; i n
vain, contrary to expectations; Rnta n nga ai, there is
nothing; hdta m i ve a hRa, I (hoped) i n vain,-it end-
ed i n nothinq; kdra mt si a hRa! no use ( s e e k ~ n g )for
fruit there; ;omp. m a kdta.
-ta, n. An i n s ~ d e ;comp. nhku; opp. to sltznggar; czdv.
i n , inside; nta Adta e, I n t h e house; nta kdta de, inside
the house; nhksr kdta d e , inside the inside.
--tak, v , To cackle; see kdtek.
Kgtan, o. To be shocked, overwhelmed, as with fear or
emotion; to be dumfounded; m u ngoi a i mdjaw hdkn
ntcgai; winla hdtan a i , to have a nervous shock, to be
paralyzed; shi kdjawng nna m i d a kdtan mat sai.
-tang, v. T6 lean over; see gdfang and kddang.
-tek, v . To cackle, as a hen; RdteR kdtaR, same.
--ten, a&. H o w long ? see gdlen.
-ten, v. To be exposed, as to the sun; to be close, as to
a fire; see nzaten and Ralet; wan nar Rciten yang Akat
ai,jan nau Rdten yang hkrawp ai.
-tet, v . T o be close, almost to touch, as a fire; a stronger
form than kdtrn; comp. atet.
-ting, v. (from tifig,to be congested.) To be black and
blue, as from a bruise; to be congested, as t h e blood
from a pinch or contusion; ldgaw ahflr k d t i ~ gRaw
se ai.
-tip, v. T o singe; comp. gdlt'f; to "fumigate," as gar-
ments, (holding them close to a fire) for the sake of
exterminating vermin or germs (Rdntr,) of contagious
diseases; htawkdang nga a i shara na w a ynng, n f a e
h f u n n6a Rdtrp ma ai.
-tu, v. T o show agitation, excitement; k d f u knhpru,
adv. suddenly, abruptly, with warmth, passion or
perturbation; sh2' k a f u kdhpvu rawt nna Rknwm ai,
he suddenly (abruptly,) rose and went a w a y ; kntu
kdta, i n an agitated manner.
-tun, v. T o be very short; a stronger term than gndun;
a. short, small, petty, insignificant; ri kattrta sha mi
jaw e , give me only a short (very short,) piece of ~ a r n ;
a r a i Rdlan taR Rachji rkyak.
-tung, n. An aunt; spe lung.
--tut, u. T o press, push on, as towards a goal; Rnrut
shang, to urge, as a lover his suit; to be persistent;
comp. gdlul; to meet, run up against; ngai mdni
jinghi~uwn LPe hkrum Ratut nngai; ( i n the Hokung
valley kritgb is almost everywhere used instead of
L k r t l n t ; ) k d t a l Rdnnw, adv. i n a n importunate, pertina-
cious or clamorous manner; kdtut k d t a l , i n an annoy-
ing, teasing manner; without a let up; shi hdtul &at
ngn nna gn fsulc ai.
' ~ a t a w , v. (from taw, to be reclining.) To stumble and
fall; comp. Rddang; Lagaw ahtu nna Rdtaw nngar, I
struck my foot and f e l l ; myzt &law, v . to take offence,
to be displeased; myit kdiaw shdngun, to cause some
one to stumble; myit Rafaw share, a stumbling block,
ai cause for offence.
-tawng, v. T o cut down, as an opponent in a fight; see
kwng and ittau; to cut up, as wood; &un masam
- k h a w n g di nna Rdtawng daw u.
-tawt, v. T o stumble; to take a jump or spring forward,
as when stumbling; shi Zhgaw ahtu Rdtawt ai; see
tawt; sindawng kdiawt, to be hot-tempered, easily
offended; sindawng Rafawt a i wa mdsha ARdLa ai.
-tsa, n. A father-in-law, et'c.; see fsa.
-ban, v . T o sift, as grain; comp. Ratsuj; hkuwawn kte
Rd#san x .
--tsan, n. (from isan, to be far.) T h e realm of the dead;
the land of the here-after; Rdtsan ga, same; opp. to
d i q h t a ga; comp. j a i na ga, tsu ga and nat ga; kdtsan
ga si a i n i wa shdra Y E az. ,,
-tsabg, ZJ. To be void; coup of katsi, which see.
-tsa$, zi. T o winnow, as grain, by tossing on a tray or
the like; comp. kcttsnn; mam Ratsap a.
-tsat, v. (from fsat, to scamper off.) T o run away,
abscond, escape, as a prisoner; comp. &rawfig; h u n g
idngaz' m i kdtsal mat wa sai.
-tsen, n. T h e religious or poetic title for a common
woman; comp. ja tsen and hpun tsen; Kdtsen Kaw

shawr~g,Kdtstn Roi b m ,Kdfsen a i Ltang, see parts.
v. T o pierce, as with a hot iron; sumprang Ate
Rdtsei waw rc, force a hole with an (heated) awl; nyd
higaw hpri Ate Rdtset Rau nna machyi ai.
-tset, v . T o be par boiled, as greens or hastily prepared
curry-stuff : Mdli hka kau gcirtl, kdshwn na roi m d r e f ,
ltkzrrnhtm r u na ga Rdtset.
-tsi, 3. To be cool, cold, of low temperature; see isi;
comp. hdshang; ntsin Rdlsi mat sai, the water is cool,
( h a s cooled off;) niyit krifsi, to be lonely, desolate.
-tsi, v. T o be vacant, void, solitary and dismal; Rdfsi
Cdisang, a. void, vacant, empty etc.; also pron. hdlsi
272 Kg hta.
Rdtsan; Rdtsi Rdfsang r&a i shdra, a solitary place;
shzng-ran Rdtsi a i , to fail, as an old person nearing the
end ; shi gaw shing-ran Rdtsi ai, st' na nhten.
Kstsin, v. T o be penetrating, as a cqol wind; see fszn:
-tsing, v. T o be fresh, green, raw, unripe and unpre-
pared, as fruit or food; kllnzgyrn kdlsing*sha a i mdsin
r a i li ai, eating green (raw) p ~ ~ m p k i nproduces
s bad
temper; Rdtsing Rdlang, a. f r e s h , raw, etc; Rdtsing si,
to be withered, paralyzed, as a limb; ldta Rdtsing si
a i wa, a person with a paralyzed hand.
-tsing, v. T o bring to a close; to finish; kdtsingkdtseng,
to finish, complete ; amu yawng Ratsing R&eng ai nna
ARawm zc.
-tsit v. To squirt; see gdtsif.
-tsu, v. T o roll up, as a mat; n6a Rlttsic x , roll up the
-tsu, n. A prawn; see hkdtsr.
-tsu gai, n. A worm; same as k d j gai, ~ which see.
-tsun, v. T o flow, drip; only found in poetry as a'coup.
of Rdyun :
Dai hRa mijoifl~ungfingnna kdfun,
S h i ~ g r bum
a pungting nna Ratsun.
-tsung, v. T o be teeming, as worms i n a carcass; see
tsung; to swarm, throng, as a crowd at a feast; poi hta
masha Rdtsrng ai.
-tsut, v. T o wipe, as dishes; to dry or clean by rubbing;
kdfsat Rdkat same; hRumf.ufl kdtsut Raic u , wipe off
the mud.
-tsai, v. T o devour; see sha and fsai; n y ~ a shdni shat
gwi r kdtsai Rau nu ai.
-tsawt, v. T o jump, as a fish on the surface of the water;
to jump, as a child out of a lap or a chicken out
of a basket; ma gaw Ranu a ldhpyen na kdlsawf
pru ai.
-hta, v. To be dry and brittle, as bamboo strips; to be
stiff, matted, as the hair; cornp. gahta.
-hta, v. (from hta, to exaggerate.) T o be hasty, percip-
it ant, vehement; myit nau Rdhfa yang shut ch.8 ai.
Kiihta, adv. Above, overhead; opp. to Rdwu; sce /&a
and ntsa; rkrthta de nna, f ro~n above; kdhta d r /urtg
w a rc, go up there.
-hta, n. A kind of tree; seegdhfa.
-htam, v. T o strike, cut, slash, g a s h , nlnlie an incision,
as with a sword; comp. Afbm, to part; l t v n htc ac1rq.e

a,nhR i Ategndoi u , nhtu hte kdhtaam u; wrmg kdhfam
ai, t o e at war; same as munggdsat at.
-htan, v. (from irtait, to bound.) T o rebound, as a
ball; to jump, as a frog or grasshopper; shu R n h t n ~ ~
-htan, n. 'The forehead; see L d h f a ~ .
-htan, it. T h e bamboo (nUI grass,) used when d i v i n ~ n g ;
same as sjzrittzan; Zdmu shdmau - izddaz' kdhtan.
-hang, v . (from htaig, to revert.) T o pass back and
forth; mnsha kdhtalrg fzga a t , knl-ytb raz Ran? people
are (constantly) passing, 1 wonder i f they are spies ?
to pay, as repeated visits; daz nz tzgaz h j n n g de Rasa
Rdktnng 7na at.
-htap, v. (from htap, a layer.) To a d d , place one upon
another; adv. agal n and agaln; kdhtap t s a r zc, repeat
the word,-say tt agaln, laikn ni /tpe Rlihtap tamn u ,
place ( p i l e up,) the books -one upon the other.
-hte, v. T o whisper; conlp,&dPrm; shan k j a RrAte nra
at kun ?
-hte, v. T o drop, drip, as tears, rain or the like; ny
Prdwz Rdhte a i , the tears are dropping ( f alli ng;) ntsin
RdAtc at, the water is dripping; mdrang nst RdAtc nz.
-htek, u. To snap with the fingers.; see hfek; Ldtn htc
RdhfcR rc; comp. Lahtek.
-htep, v. (from Ltep, to be close.) To be close as
agal n s t a support; slrcthunt ne Rdktep ana tsap r , stand
close to the wall; to eome close to; to coalesce;.-#gar
kte nau hhacm kdhtep, ynpz la at.
-htet, v. To be hot, b u r n ~ n gfirey;
, comp. Rdjet, p and
Cgm; bn7u Rnhtct ai, the head is hot,-he h a s fever,
mostly said of a child; myit kahtet az, to be trou.bled;
see parts.
-hti, v. T o sneeze; tncijnp jrr yang Rdkti at.
' K ~ h t l , u. (from h t ~ to , set aside.) To change; klikti
gd/az, to change, as places, or a guard on duty; n. a
change, as of clothing; hpre paiawng ha/rt~g d a i n
Cu rmgai.
-htl, v . T o be harsh, stingy, close-fisted; see Rdrz;
&ahti Rdrr, harsh, austere; same as , + a n kahtz.
o h t i n g , v. T o be uneven; hdhtz~tgkahlan, a . uneven, of
unequal length, helght or appearance; a~zktea yz
kdhtzng Rahtan raz sai, our field ( g r a m ,) looks uneven.
-said w.henapatches h a v e been laid, as by the w i n d ,
-htuk, v . T o hit against, as i n t h e d a r k ; cornp. gawk,
htnwR and LtuR; kdhtah Rahfah, same; nga ni ngaz
lrpe RdhtuQ RdhtaR raz. ma az, the fish hit,-swam
against me, (while bathing.)
-htum, v . (from h t r m , to be ended.) T o cut into pleces,
as a rope or bamboo; Rahtrm gddaw, to cut or tear i n
--htawk, v . (from htawh, to be snapped.) T o break, as
tender sprouts; RdhtawR kdhlah, a. broken, snapped
oti; mdkrzc ni Rahtawk R~f.jttnkrctz : j z : : f sat.
-htawk, v . (frorn htawk, to touch.) To touch anything,
as with a moistened finger causing it to adhere; l r m
Rdhtnwk slrn az, to eat salt as described.
-htawng, n. A village; comp. dz~mhpawngand mare;
ddhtnwng lttawng ai, v . to build a village; kdktawng
Rdchyawng, a small straggling village; Rdhtawvag ni,
-wa, n. A father; see w a and combinations; coinp. Rltnu
Rdwa; kdwa mdlaz, a step-father.
-wa, n. Bamboo; cornp. u (page 42,) ma and combina-
tions; Rdwa gat-kran-sat a n d shaw, see parts; kdwa
y a n mz, one s ~ n g l ebamboo; kdzua shzc, a species of
frog, found i n bamboo clumps.
-wa , ZJ.(from wa, a tooth.) To bite; y w i krtwa ai, the
dog bites; cornp. Bur. dl:; to cause illness, affliction,
misfortune,-said of nats; nat Rriwa a i ~ n d j a wmd-
chyi ar; kdwn machyz ai, to ache; suffer pain; %gar
k h m ling kdwa mdch.ji at.
-wak, V . (from wnA, to be large around.) To increase i n
size as a cavity or opening; nhRlr,t rrou kdzunk mat saz.
K~warn, v . To w a v e , as the waves, long grass, flow~ng
garments, or the like; cornp. warn and awnm; ado.
listlessly, shabbily, i n a careless manner; mctsha
/&ngai t i t i bnwnm hRnzum a i .
-wan, v. (from ?rlan, to be in a circle.) T o encircle, en-
compass, surround; comp. Bur. 088; kawatr hkazam
n i , to visit, as f ronl place to place; to make a circuit,
as for inspection; Rawafr Rlitsan, to v i s i t ; ski mdchyi
ni h j e Rdwa~zkdtsan 31%ai, he is visiting the s i c k ;
tt. a circle, a round opening, as for a stove-pipe or
the like: ,C.dzuatz wnw, to cut a hole as for a stove-
pipe; kda1atz taw,!, to' draw a circle; see warg and

-wang, v. (from rua?q, a circle.) To go i n circular

waves or ilndulatioi~s, as when a stone is thrown into
a .body of w a t e r ; see wang.
-wat, v. T o make a trial of; see gdwat.
--win, v . T o turn; (Kkauri;) see Rdyifz.
-wu, adv. Under, below; opp. to Radtn; also pron. Idwu;
comp. 7zprpu; 3. to be below, as in rank o r position; du
ni a kdwu zn ugyi ni.
--wun, tr. T h e space under the eaves of a house; see
wan and / ~ W U ? Z .
--wut, v. T o blow, as when blowing a fire or 2 candle; see
gnwut; wan jiig3'wug a ga kdwul u.
-wai, u. (from w a i , to whirl.) T o be winding, as a
road; (urn kgwai ai; to make a sweep, as with t h e
arm; Ldta Ate kdwni dat u , sweep it away, with the
wave of the hand; nga kdwai ai, t o s w i n g the head
(horns,) as cattle w h e n fighting flies.
-wau, zl. (from w a r , to be chattering.) T o chatter, as
the teeth from cold; see awau; to move, as the jaw
with spasms.
-waw, v. (from waw, to open.) T o lift, raise, elevate;
~ t s ade Rdwaw dat u , l i f t it up; Rdwaw mdra rc, raise
it and put it down.
-wawn, v. (from -wnwn, to be spacious.) T o be roomy:
cornp. nwawa; Rdwawn Rltouan, a. roomy, s p a c i o u s
l ~ r t g j r k d w a m hdwarz u-e ai, the cave is (very)
Kawawng, v . (from wawng, to be wide.) T o be wide,
flowing, as a robe; see awawtzg; Rdwz'ng Rdwawng.
or Rawawng Rdwang, a. wide, flowing; comp. awawng
n wang.
-wot, n. A grandmother; see woi and combinations.
-ya, v . T o itch; to tickle; comp. Rriprcp, Rayut and Bur.
8 ; kdya arta, n. itch, an itching sensation, an irri-
tation; Rdya nna mdchyif a i , itchino you scratch; lafa
Raya a t , to have an "itching palm,?,'-to be always u p
to m~schief.
-yap v. T o be ashamed; to be bashful; shr Ape Rdya
nngaz, I am ashamed of him; k a j ~ a Rahpa, n. shame;
Rdya n su ai, not to know shame; Raya az man n mafzg,
RaAtet w a d i n Rang, he thinks of no shame, he feels
not the heat of the flarne.
-yan, v. T o be straight; see yatt, nyan and gin-yan.
-yang, v. (from yang, to be straight.) T o line, as with
a ruler; t s i Ate Rdyang tawn u , draw a line with ink; to
go straight, as an arrow; plila. Rayang wa ai; n. a line;
a plaid; a . lined; plaided; maRa Rdjrang az laprr, a
plaided skirt.
-yap, v. T o chop, mince; comp. nzat; halttam Rdyap, to
cut into small pieces; nafzg hpe nzat kdyap Rau de ga,
I will chop you up.
-yat, v. To whip, lash, flog; comp. a m ; s h i hpe n Att
hayat u ,whip him with a ratan.
-ye, v . To slip, slide, as a child carried on the back; to
be awry, asquint, out of place, as a bag hanging to-
wai-ds the middle of the back instead of down the
side; ma shingma d e Raye d a t u , slip, shove the child
(from t h e hip,) towards the back; s h i hpe bye Raye
dat u , hit him so he turns sideways.
-yen, v. (from yen, to step aside.) T o break, as brush;
nnm dd3r.m LRazum mr,open a way t hrougli the jungle,
(as by pushing back the grass or under-brush;) to
open, a s a sore, pressing back the sides, nma Rayen
l z i ; kliva Rdyen ai, to part, as the hair, when cleaning
t h e head i n native fashion.
--yeng, v. T o clear, push back,as things on a table; comp.
yorg a n d R/iyen; m i n i @a n h p r t hdyc7tg ~ R Z Cm ~ .
Kayep. v . (from yep, to adjoin.) T o be or Lrin!. close C>

together; to cause to adjoin; comp. kdprtp; also

used adverbially; k a y e ~t r a p ma, stand close; ndni
hle wora hle k ~ y e plawn *; to taper; to narror down;
mltLRa Rdyep ai; Raylj kayap,to be drawn, or puckered
as the lips of a child when crying.
-yj, v. T o broil; see Rai.
-ytn, v . (from y i n , to be turned.) T o turn around;
to rotate; comp. c/Z3,ai; kayilr hkawm, to walk as i n
a circle, or around a corner; myit Rayin, to change
the mind, to be converted; shingdu de R ~ y i nu , turn
the back; Rayin klt~ww,to turn i n every direction, as
when on the look-out; /om makau hRan e hpyen nga
nhttn, Rdyin k&vaw r a i myit.
-yin, n. A Karen.
-yun, v.(fromyan, to be leaking.) T o l e a k , as a house
or a vessel ; comp. ikatsz~tz;d a i 7zfa marang Rayan ai;
see @ye.
-yun, n. A species of evergreen; Rayan @un.
-yung, n. A brother,-a woman's brother; see kdjan and
-yup, v . T o press, grind, rub, as an ear or head of grain
between the hands; kan mdchyi k a y q ai, to have
grinding pains i n the stomach; namlap mhnai Ruyup u.
-yut, v . To itch; to have a strong desire, craving o r
appetency ; (Hkauri;) comp. kdya; Idla krijjrrt ai, to
have an "itching palm;" Rdjam nzdyg Rayut a i , to
have lustful, libidinous desires.
-Yau, v. (from yazl, to be mixed.) T o mix, intermix; to
co-mingle; Rayuu jdhkar, to be intermixed, or amalga-
mated; Rliyaa kliya, to mix, blend; to be i n confusion;
k u j ~ a uRaya g i f h k ~ ~ m g g r t nmixed
a, soil red and black;
azaf Rayau, to raze, rnix with the soil; see parts.
-Yau, v. T o be on the descent, as the sun; see j a a ' h a ~ a u .
-yaw, v . (from y n w , to be sprained.) T o strain, sprain,
as the ligaments; to dislocate, luxate, as a joint;
comp. Rdshin; cut, sever, and thus make a new
beginning; coup. of daw; R d ~ a f i gizn dnyazw na Run?
where will we cut in ?-where will I begin (telling
t h i s story ?)
Kayaw, a. T6 be plentifu1,as fruit; worn hpun hta tramst'
she ddyaw ngn ai.
-yawk, v. T o call, as a fowl when caught.
--yawp, o. T o wrap, wind around, as swaddli n~;-clothes;
comp. nhkyen and sap; to cover, overl;ty, incase as
with metal; mu h j e nba Lte Rayawp 2 4 .
-yawt, v. (fro111 y a w t , to be limping.) T o halt, limp;
Zag,aw Rayawl ai.
-zu, v. To be crumpled; colnp. Rasu; pd/awng Rnzw
jawrrg lzga ai.
-zut, v , T o drop, to s t a g g a r and fall, as a drunken or
sick man; chyar* naltg ni wa kdzut dafzg nga ai.
--zawt, u. T o slip out, abscond; mostly used adverbially;
comp. kdtsawt; s h i dai hpung na kdzawl prrr mat
wn sni.
K r a , v . T o warm one's self, as by a fire; see jan kra and
wan k r a .
-Kra, u. T o jut out, project, protrude; derv, clryakra and
shingkra; corn p. shingju; shingrz mdtu kva ai, t h e
end of the rope is sticking out; to "shoot' up," tower
above, as a man taller than those aroilnd him; shi
grdu g i t h nna maLRra h t n k r a ai.
Kra, v . TO be on the back; to be i n a supine position;
opp. to shdgum or icxg,up; comp. firan; adv. on the
back, etc.; s h i n-ga de k m ~ u w ldgn a i ; to stand on its
crown, as a h a t , or on its bottom, as a dish.
Kra, v. T o be on the look-out; comp. mdkran.
-kra, adv. Look out, take care; Rra Rm v n i m u , kRdZa
Kra, v . T o zct i n a careless, indifferent manner.
--la, ndv. Carelessly, negligently, without thought or
-concern ; k ~ hn ntln hRzm gn/nw.
Kra, u. T o be wanting, lacking; only used i n poetry as a
coup. of m ;li h j u f ~ g n a f z nnw
g ro a i , salr kpuxgsan
naw kvcr; 3s'.
Kram, a. T o be wasted, gone to waste, because not used;
coinp. gra??z; shntnznz' RrnlPz ~mztscrz'.
Krarn, v. 'TO have a seilsztion as thotlgh p r i c k e d or
bitten as by sandflies; d e r v . m ~ k r a v z ;nyi hkwm k ~ n m
nga ni, hpn kliwa QP' /1'117~?
K l a ~ nkra111, adv. I n a prickc(1, pinched or bitten manner.
K r a n , u . T o c u t down, f e l l , as trees; cornp. a k r i t , h u m
and sat, dai kdwa Lpe ~ Y R ? L k a ~I*, cut down this
Kra11, v. T o be a p a r t ; derv. / a R r a n ; cornp. r a n .
-kran, ndv. Apart, separately; opp. to htep hfep; Ryan
k r a n r a i t s a p mu, l r t e j A t e j hkum r a i .
Kran, v. T o be i n a supine position; same as k r a , which
Krang, v. T o wash, as a bottle; ( Hkauri;) comp. ;baru.
Krang, v. T o sprawl; (vulgar;) derv. idkrang; cornp. gai;
to be distinct, a s a foot-print, finger mark or t h e like;
6a Rrang, to carry, as a child, pick-a-pack.
-krang, a. Plain, distinct,-said as of a hand or foot
print, where t h e marks of fingers or toes are plainly
visible; ya shawng L shz hRa?rg Rrang Rrang r a i
LRawm wa sai, just before us he walked (making)
plain foot-prints; shat di Ata /dta Iafsa LRarrg Rrang
Rrang re a i , gdde a mbda vat Rzrn ? in the pot are
visible finger marks, whose ghost is it ?-said in t h e
belief that t h e ghost of a person soon to die, can
appropriate (steal,) a part of the food prepared for
a funeral feast.
Krang, t z . An altar for the celestial (ntsa,) nats; cornp.
Mdtsnm Rrang na r a w t , Ntsang ARwzgrinna Ltnwt.
Krang, n. A proper name; see ]a Rrang.
Kre, v . T o be hnished, brought to a close; comp. boi,
ngut, fawm a n d sAdRre; anhta a yi dai ni Rre sai.
Krem, v. T o have f a i t h , confidence, reliance, as i n the
ability or integrity of some one; cornp. Ram; ,tang
ngaz @e 72 krem R n i ? have you no confidence i n me ?
she Rrent law, of course I have; shi Apt n Rrem a i
vrci/aw n shangun we at'.
K r e n , v. T o pass through; see drngkren.
K r e n g , n . A vital part, the injury of which insures
speedy, death; cornp. ldreng and reng; Rreng faw
p d h n a ,seek a vital spot and spear i t .
Krep, n. A bed-bug; see shdkrep.
280 Krep tsu.
Krep tsu, n. A " starved" bed-bug; Rrep tsn &tima n i .
Kret, v. T o gnaw; rc. a gnawing; comp. akret and mdbrrt.
-kret, a. Gnawing;yu Rret Rret nga az.
Kri, v . T o spin, as d top; comp. cliyai; selrg Rri ai; comp.
Rri, to be unbroken.
k r v. T o twist, as a rope; also used adverbially;
shingri Rri Rri di rit mu.
Kri, adv. Alone,'all by itself; see nga Rri.
Kri, n. ~ e a r t - w o o d ;the duramen of exogenous trees;
comp. n i r i ; hpun &pi sha /a mu; fig. solidity, worth;
a. substantial; dai wa Rri sha rawng ai, that man is
all heart-wood
Kri, v. T o be drawl; out and unbroken, as the notes of
certain birds; comp. aRri and dingren; ltp~cntsin
Isi hpu ngga m r goi Rrz.
Krin, v . T o be bare, naked, nude; derv. akrin; comp. grc;
baw Rrin ai, to be bald; h j v a Rrin ail the tree is
. . denuded foliage;) see singgu &in; dai prang
Rrin nga ai.
Kring, v. To sober down, as after a drinkin bout; comp.
gring; to regain soundness ot m i n d , as a ter tempor-
ary insanity ; s k i shawng de mdna C i m ' ya Rrin sai.
Krihg, v . T o be firm, stable, immovable; derv. h & r i n g ;
mostly .found
. i n poetry as a coup...of di~zg;nshan yang
mtcng Rring nga sai, awan yang dzng nga sai.
Kringkrawn, n. .A traditional being, the mother of the
seven original nats, fowls, creeping things, and the
earth in its earliest form; also called Kvingrcawn.
Kringmung, 2. A hill; only used in poetry as a coup. of
drtm or sdddung; dai nnt ya btlmchyaw 6 ~ ~ Rringmung
1 2
2 dsc.
Kringnawn, n. A traditional being; see Kringkvawn.
Krip, u . T o die down, abate, as a fire; comp. num and
shdkrij; wan krif sai, the fire is ooing down; shdraw
Rrip mat sai, the jungle fire is su&iding.
Krit, v. To grind the teeth, as i n sleep; wn krit a i mdskn
le wa hRnrz na niang tzva miikret ai re a i da, he who
grinds the teeth is g n a w i n g bones from the grave,-
while t h e person is sleeping the ghost ( m i r l a , ) is
abroad seeking food.
Krau.. 28 I

Krit, v. T o be thin, as around the neck; cornp. k c .

-krit, a. Very thin, (around the neck;) nau mdchyz' ai
mrZjaw dg k r i t k r i t she r a i mat sai..
Krit, adv. Just a little; see grit.
Kru, v. To have a n inordinate appetite; comp. Rinru and
Akvu; Rru a i wa, a gourmand; Ran Rrx a i mrtsha shat
she ja ai. . - , , .

Kru, a . The numeral six; kru mdjan, n. the pleiades,

(lit. six women;) kr* shi, sixty; Rru tsa, six hundred.
Kruk, v . T o cluck, as a hen calling her young; rr &nu
k r u b kruR nga.
Krum, v. To trim, prune, lop, as dead or superfluous
branches from a tree; comp. hran and gat; dai ni ngai
@ u s Rrum sa nngai.
Krung, n. A valley, vale, dale; comp. R ~ t Z i fand hkdraw;
G a w i Rmng, the Hkauri valley; Arrrng sinwa r , a
deep valley; k r r n g sirnua hRon e ].htung nga a i .
Krung, v. T o h a v e or be i n abundance, as everyday
necessities; comp. n taw n isang; /?r sha Ltc ltpun aha
Rrzdrzg ai. . .- , . _
Krut, v. To gargle, gulp, swallow w i t h a noise.
-krut, I . With a gulp; ;ha m l i y a i mdjnw mdjren
kyat k r u f ngn mdj~f6a i , longing to eat you gulp the
saliva,-i. c. 170urmouth is watering.
Krai, v . T o be dry (the steam or vapour having evapor-
ated,) as boiled rice ready for eating; shat Rroi sa
yanggnw sha mrc.
Krau, v. A yoke, as worn by carriers; a dooly, palanquin;
comp. Itpaichyau; Rvnu numda, the part of the should-
er where the yoke rests; the collar-bone; krau numda
gdde S ~ * My m g shtlrn u, bdshnwt nhRa skn hkam
shgm ya l a w .
Krau, v . T o dry up, as paddy for want of rain;
mdvafig n htrc ~i n2Lijaw mam krau mat sai; to be over-
dry as paddy ready for husking and thus easily
broken; derv. chydkrarc; maw nau Rrau a i mdjaw n-gu
adawt a i . , - -, .. - - . -. .
Krau, v. T o dig out, as worms or a bee's nest from a
hollow tree; lagat, lung hte zdai krau nna sha mrr.
282 Kraw.

Kraw, v. T o i ~ u ~ *or s t b r e a k , as an e g g ~ ~ ~ lthe l e ~young

break t h r o u g h , or as t h e v c l l u i l ~ of a d r u m ; comp.
Rmwk: u di hta ?tn rr hRtzr' Ryaw pya ai.
Kraw, 1 2 . T h e inside of the c h e s t and e p i g a s t r i c region,
r e g a r d e d as the s e a t o l sensations a n d affections;
comp. tsadztng; Rraw Ijwartg, s a m e as kvaw and rnost
common f o r m ; tii;. t h e h e a r t , t h e m i n d ; sAi tinang
a Rraw ldwang nn hjajt' htr gdLsw a i , he acts accord-
ing to t h e d i c t a t e s (lit. wisdom,) oi h i s own mind;
kraw ngawn a i , v. to be hzppy; Rraw g d a w a i , to feel
nauseous, on t h e point of vomiting; k m w shdkrawz,
an encysted tumour.
-si, v. T o be hungry; s e e Raw si.
Kraw, n. T h e w a r n i n g sound, as of a hen w h e n s e e i n g a
hawk; zl krnw ngn, hkna g ~ i i n ~7 zg~ ~nhten. n
K r a w y e n g , n. A c i c a d a ; an). insect of t h e o r d e r hemiftera;
comp. lzkra.
Krawk, v. T o d i g or hollow out, to e x c a v a t e ; d r r v .
akrawk; cornp. taw& a n d k r a u ; to p e c k , a s a wood
p e c k e r ; m a wi'ga krawk !~/zynimnnz, t h e children are
d i g g i n g holes (cavities) i n t h e ground.
Krawn, n. A H k a h k u clan; Krnw7r g a , &awn masha,
see parts.
K r a w n . v. T o be uneven: s e e rrkrnwz.

K r a w n , n. T h e shoulders; coup. of Idhpn, which see.

Krawn, v. To be d r a g g e d , pulled; kraujn di,to pull, lead,
as an animal; comp. grrag a n d dmn; m a /Ipe Rrawn di
u , pull (or lead,) t h e child a w a y ; lizyi n mtc a i wa /tpe
Rrawn di d a x a ; t o s u s p e n d ; o n l ~ rused i n poetry as a
coup. of nawn; jnn n-gyi izawn, shatn ir-gyi Rrawn.
Krawng, n. T h e h e a r t or m i n d ; s a m e a s kvaw, which
Krawp, v. T o rustle, as dry l e a v e s ; d e r v . ukrawp; t o be
hoarse, rou y h , g r a t i n g , as t h e voice; comp; gasn and
y a w ) ; s k i m d y u Rvawp mat sai, 72 shagu la ai.
Krawt, v. T o be crowded out. as an undesirable individ-
ual, from a village; derv. akrawt; s h i nkyang n kdja
a i majam nga s h a r a Rrnwt nga ai.
Krawi, n. A boil, a p i m p l e ; o n l y used in combinations;
s e e shdkrawz.
Kye pdi n.

Krawi jap, rt. Small but painful ulccrs or pimples; R F ~

la, n. pus, niatter produced b y suppuration, as of an
ulcer, having hardrned i n t h e sore; Rrrtwi hjang, a.
the beginning, first swelling, as of an- ulcer.
Kwi, n. A form of vrnerial disease; comp. kdlang gyi
and ri; k w i Rwi, u. to suffer from the disease.
Kya, v . T o be soft; oyp: to ja; comp. LRyaw and nrdni;
myit kya, to be mild, soft, timid; gawng Rya, to be
weak; jaa kya, to cool down, as towards evening; jan
Rya y a n g wa u.
Kyang, n. Behavior, habit; see nhyang; comp. hpyin and
jang; spunk, temper.spirit; Ryang m w n g ai, v , to show
meaness, spunk or k h t ; dui nga kyang rawng nhten,
this brute will probably show fight; shi Ryapzg rawng
a i ma ra a i , he is a child w i t h spunk; kyang idban,
to be f u l l of meaness, mischief, badness; hyung ladan
a i ncrtska rnn~za~g Ate lawng n itRr2cnz a i ; kynnggan,
to be at odds, not on speaking terms; shi hte ngai y a
du kRra k,vnng gan nga ga ai; Ryang RRnt, same as
Ryang gon; see parts.
Kyap, n. A Rupee; Bur. q S ; also pron. gyap; comp. Lap.
Kye, v . T o be well; see Rr.
Kyetawk, n. The ordinary bamboo drinking vessel,
made with a handle; Bur. q&scm3&.
Kyek, u. T o call, as a bird caught in a trap; see gyek; a
kyych ng~z~i mdhRarn hla Lg nkten.
Kyekdau, n. A species of paroquet; see ReRdau.
K ~ e m , v . T o keep, lay by,,set aside, as for special pur-
poses; comp. gyim, rem and mdhkawng; ?tye gum-
@yaw nnzghynn dn y a w , keep my nioney for me;
nang /lpc jaw na ngai Loi m i kyem da we a i , I will keep
(set aside.) some to give you.
Kyeng, o. To be aslant; to incline, as the head; to
deviate, as from line or position; comp. gj:e)tg and
nLRye; derv. ddkyeng, nkyeng and da Rjteng.
-kyeng, a. Inclined, leaning, slanting; du k3;eng Rytng
ye a i zua, a person
cocking" or inclining his head.
Kyepdin, PZ. A shoe; (Shan;) comp. sauhkni and Afttng-
Att'n; kj~cpn'i~z dzn a i , v. to put on or wear a shoe;
284 Kyet.
Ryepdin Itkrup, to squeak, as a shoe; kytpdit2 sumri,
a shoe or boot-tie or lace.
Kyet, 21. T o be ended, finished, completed; comp. k ~ t
and slzdkyet; gn Ryet r a i sai, the speaking is ended,-
the last word has been spoken; a. active, skilled,
efficient; Ryet ainumsAa, an active and efficient w~
man;, a d v . perfectly, completely; Ryet d i gyif da s&
n i have you tied i t all u p ? n Ryet n Akaw, incomplete,
of no use, inefficient; see parts.
Kyet, v. T o b e empty, suffering from hunger; comp.
sAbRyet; to starve ; d a i ni tap ngai kyet nga nngai.
Kyi, v. T o screarn,as n chi1d;comp. chyi; ma kyikyinga
h k r a j n a a i , hpa hkrit a i Run?

Kyi, v . T o e small, dwarfish.
a. Stunted, undersized, dwarfish; ma n Rdba kkraw
ai Ryi kyi a rai nga ai.
Kyik, u. T o be choked, clogged, as a machine by dust
or rust; Leng Kyik n i , snu chya mu; to stick, as the
blade of a rusty jack-knife; sdnat n Rdshin a i mdjaw
Aking Ryik mat sad.
Kyim, v. T o keep; same as kyem or gyem, which see.
Kyin, v. T o be pressing, urgent, as work.
-dut, n. Hardships, trouble; difficulties; kyin dul hRrum
ai, to suffer hardships ; ngai kyin dut ai skdni e, nanklt
mdnang ni n kdrrm myif dai.
Kyin, v. T o feel stiff, aching, as when fever is coming
-kyin, a. Stiff, aching; ARum Ryin kyin ngu da nngai,
ARati 6u na nhten.
Uyin, v. T o be soft and easily twisted, as a bamboo
split ; #&ti Ryin Ryzn nga ai.
Kyin, n. A package, as of Chinese needles; Mdwa
srtmvit &in mi mdri u .
d d

Kying, v. T o be i n trouble; see Ryin, gyitzg and gying an.

Kying, n. A proper name; the ninth child either male
or female; Ada Kying, Kying nang, Kyr'ng hfan.
Kyip, v. T o be withered, wilted, dried up, as a flower;
also pron. gy+; derv. htingkyi); comp. &yaw and
nyiwi; to be wrinkled, shriveled, as w i t h a g e ; dingla
wa nna shabyi shcidanz k y i ~ nga ni a i .
Kyit, v . T o g i r d , girdle, as with a girdle; derv. skznghYit;
comp. g y i t ; hjdga n i rrbn hte n-gu jan kyit ntn ai, the
traders tie blankets and rice-pouches around their
waists; adv. securely, said of tying; comp kyet;
ldgaw Lta /Eyit di % , m a k ethe l e g fast,-tie it secure y
Kyu, n. Favour; same as aRyu, which see.
Kyu, v. T o rumble, as the stomach.
-kyu, .n.T h e rumbling; comp. raw r a w ; Raws? a i m a j a w
Ran kyu Ryu nga a i .
Kyaw, v. T o be dried up, contracted or shriveled; comp.
kyip; Ryaw a i nail dried up yams; m y i kyaw ai, to be
blind, (the eye "shriveled;") Ralr kyaw ai, to have
an etnpty (contracted,) stomach.
Kyawm, v . T o be shocked, terrified; to be stiff, as with
f e a r ; Ryawnt kynwm, a . shocked, etc.; shdrsw nye a
mdkaa P shaga a i majaw, m i n h kyawm kjlawm nga si.
Kyaw-na, n. A snow-drift; (Chinese.)

The eleventh consonant and first aspirate i n the Kachin

alphabet; k aspi rated. ( T h e Hkauris pronounce this
letter with a harsh guttural sound, stronger than the
German ch as i n madchen; written kh.) Dig-raphs h k r ,
and hky.
Hka, An interjection with verbal force; bring i t , give
it here;opp. to maw, take it (out of my hand;) Aka
law, give i t quickly; maw hka sha la a i wa, n. an ex-
tremely lazy persbn,-one who eats only as it is
brought or given to him.
Hka, Verbal article used as an interrogative or em-
phatic, imp y i n g strong uncertainty or surprise; see
Gram.; shi Ape hpa dz rznr wa hka? why was he
arrested ? a , dai w a U P a hkn, well, it was really he!
H k a , v . T o be bitter as quinine; comp. ARri, jaf and
Bur. d r ; shdgri hRa nga ai, gall (bile,) is bitter.
Hka, v . T o be parted, separated, open; derv. chpinghka
and mahka; comp. jdhbs; to part, separate, as com-
panions; nuntbraw drnng nanzshe dang hka am ~ya;
daw hka, to sever, disjoin; to rend apart; see parts; shi
Rtr ngai n d a w n hha ntzgai.
286 H ka.
H k a , u. T o be remote; at a distance; comp. gang; ski a
nta htr nye a Lripran e p i kRa nga a i , there i s q u i t e
a distance between his house a n d mine; zva h k a , to
have !GSL a tooth,-lit. t o have a space between t h e
t e e t h ; zun hka n i w a a mattdan rtpoi, t h e man with a
lost tooth, who has bad luck in magic.
Hka, v. T o notch, mortise; t~ m a k e an incision i n
timber, as for joining, spricing o r scarfing; comp.
hpyawj; Lakang a-ganz hka ma, notch the ladder,-
the log used for steps; shddaw Aka nna mat& u ,
splice t h e posts and join them.
H k a , n. An imprint, a t r a c k ; s a m e a s AKang, which
H k a , n. A crow; see tl Aka.
-chyang, %. A large black crow.
-la, n. A raven or n large ('male" crow; Lka la h&a
chyynzg shnt daw ~zitkvnvtg,t h e black male crow carried
away the repast.
H k a , n. Proper name; t h e seventh male c h i l d ; Ma Hka,
H k a i i , H k a t a w n , H k a h i a n g , different names for a
Hka, n. A smoking pipe; only used i n composition;.
see nhka.
-bau, n. An ordinary pipe.
-baw, n. T h e pipe-head
-hkyi, n. T h e soot of a pipe.
-tu, n. A clay-pipe.
-yawnl, n. A c i g a r ; comp. sailt'k.
H k a , n. A d e b t ; h&agdd~wa Kltba lit f a ? how great is
your debt ? ~u h k z , a crime, an offense a grievance,
a cause for a quarrel or feud; comp. mdra and
nzdda7e~?zg;see also 6uftgLat hka, Lagu hRa, )ahRam
hRn and s u m r a i h R a .
-chyang, 91. A serious, grievous offense or grievance;
a ' ( black crime;" opp. to A h h j r u w ; hRn rh>lang raz.
n i ? hka h j r a w rat' ni?
-dm, ?t. To decide, d e c l a r e for a f e u d ; to throw down
the gauntlet; dni ni nnhti. hka da,r ftnn ltgn /nag sha
pa r r i ; comp. drz?~, to decide.
Hka wa. 287
Hka dung, v. To force the settlement, as of anold debt or
i3 comp.dung and mashangdung; anhte a nta t
Aka dung mdnam nga ai.
-ga, v. (from ga, to split.) T o expose, as the real
offender i n a crime; to turn State's evidence; slmn
Lahkawng hka g a md sai.
-ji, v . T o collect, as a debt o r a fine.
-jung, v. T o incriminate; to admit, as a crime; see
parts; sht' nga Zagu nna hRa jung mu ai.
-kap, v. T o be i n debt; to be guilty, as of a crime; k k n
Rap n i w a , a debtor; the guilty party.
-hkap, u. 'To admit, as of guilt a n d assume the fine; see
-lu, v. T o be i n debt; see Ziv; same as hka kap.
- madin, 1.(from madi~z,a y arti tion.) A fine, as pai d
by the father of an illegitimate child; hka madz'?z d a t
a i l to pay the fine, as to the maiden's parents.
-hpraw, , be white.) A slight offense.
n. (from h f l ~ a wto
-raw, v. T o settle, as a debt or a feud; to forgive.
-sa, v. T o explain, make a defence, as when charged
with an offense; ngai hka sa Rag ri a i , y a gaw n wa
r n sui.
-shan, ?z. Sacrifices offered when a feud i s declared or
--shingram, n. T h e "merry-dancers," (see shingram,)
supposed to foreshadow.feuds i n the district towards
which the streams of light seem to flow; wan shing-
rant hkyeng a i , hka slzingrnm tszf ai.
-tam, v. T o act so as to cause a feud or offense;-espec-
ially said i n regard to illicit sexual relations.
--tawng, v. T o be settled, as a debt or a feud; dai ?ti Raw
nna h Ra tawttg sc ai.
-ha, u. T o pick up a quarrel; to have incurred, as a debt.
-htang, 7). T o avenge, take revenge.
u . T o render satisfaction; to atone, as for
guilt; see parts.
-htiny!u, a. To mediate p e a c e ; to drink i n honour of
peace being restored; also called chvarz~h t i n g h ai.
a o. To settle, pa!-, liquidate, as a debt or a fine;
hA70t'~'tzhXloi shn ARn wn snz'.
288 Hka.
Hka, 12. Water, as i n a lake, spring or river; comp. ntsilr,
nyanz, and hpnlzg; a spring, a river.
-u, n. An aquatic bird.
-ukut, i t . LiAsnipe;also called hRa m u f .
-hungli, H. A fresh breeze, as from a lake.
-bawng, v. (froin bawvzg, to imprison.) T o fetch water
for the funeral rites of a chief;-called imprisoning
the water, because guns are fired into the spring, and
.when -the water is driven back a plunge is made for
the desired amount, and a hasty return effected.
-deng, TI. A spring, a'source, as of a stream.
-dim, n. (from dim, to dam.) A dam.
-dung, n. T h e source, as of a river; see parts.
-dawk, n. An artificial lake,
-dawny, 72. A rice-mortar and pestle worked by water-
power; kRa daw~zghtvm, the mortar; see %htum.
-uaib J n. A small stream, or tributary; see parts..
P kyeng, re. A species of honey-suckle.
-la, v. T o draw water; see ja.
-kan, o. T o be dried up, as a stream caused by heavy
rains; conlp. Ran and Ahyet.
-kallg, ?z. Ferry-hire.
-kau, a. T h e bank, shore, as of a lake or river; comp.
-kawm, n. A shore; (Hkauri;). same. as hbakau.
-kamu, n. A sponge.
-kSra, a. A species of alga, (genus Co~t/erva,) growing
i n mountain streams.
-hkin-gau, n. A bank, as of a river or lake.
-hku, n. T h e headwaters, as of a river; the up-river
district; opp. to hkanam; a channel, as of a riuer;
HRahka ni, inhabitants of the Upper Irrawaddy
valley, being solnewhat different i n language, dress
and customs from the Ji~ghpaws or HRalcris; h h
RRu htu a i , to form a new channel, as a river.
-hkawng, n. A ditch, as for drainage or irrigation.
-hkawp, n. A river-bank; a shore; same as hRaRau ;
(Northern usage;) comp. ARawp.
-hk%nu, v. T o be muddy, impure, as water; a , unclean,
impure, muddy, turbid water; opp. to Akn san.
Hka la, v. To Lead a stream, as into a field.
-lam, n. A channel; a water-way; see parts.
--len, v. T o lead the water, as in irrigation ditches.
-leng, n. A w a v e , a billow; a ripple; hka Ie~rghta ai,to
rise, as the waves.
-li, n. Malerial fever; comp. a m ; hkalz' du, to have fever;
1Rah Rawp, to abate, as lever.
-lim, v . To overflow; see Iz'm
-lu, n. A water-supply; the spri!lg or stream from which
a community obtains its drinki~;gwater.
-law pan, n. A lily.
-lawns, n. A pond, a pool.
-marit, v . To drown; see ~t~ris-l':.
-mazup, n. A confloence, a junction of two or Inore
streams; see zup.
-nam, n. The down-stream; opp. to khahku; kknaam
ngai dg ytr n q a i , I have visited the lower river.
-nat, n. The guardian nat of a river or spring; a person
drowning is supposed to be d r a g g e d down by the
. . .water nat.
-nu, n. The main river of a district; Aka nlr Aka warn, the
m a i n artery, as of a country; comp. Aha gaiand Aka sdi.
-numri, n. A kind of tree.
-numraw, 79. A sea-monster; see wnzraw.
-nawng, n. A lake; see nawvzg.
-n-gwl, n. T h e mole-cricket.
-pang, n. An inlet; a small' bay.
-PrU , a. An outlet; see parts.
- , n. A species of cotton-wood.
pu ru, n. A species of vine; see hbufitruni r a .
-hpungIa, n. Rapids; a wild nlountain stream; see parts.
--hpaw, a. To bubble up, as water from a spring; see
hpaw; fig. to Bow, as the words of an officiating nat-
--hpawk, n. A spring.
--hpawk. n. A contrivance worl:ed bjr water-power, by
w h i c h split bamboos striking against each other
produce a sharp sound, fc;r t h e sake of searing away
birds from a paddy field; ccinp h k p a w k ; ARakpawl
dkn u.
H k a m hkung. 29t

Hkak h k a k , a. H a r d , solid; not ripe or soft; nanrrigdrai

n n2y:lt ynnr hR'zR hkak tzga.

-lum, ?z. An e g g ; o n l y used figuratively by a nat

p r o p h e t ; ( s e e / u 7 ~ to
, be round.)
Hkak, v . To c l e a r t.he t h r o a t , as of phlegm; mahka kkak
nga n' kl;u u .
Hkak, v . To thump, kllock, knuckle, as t h e h e a d ; baw
hRaR dz'iz.
Hkam, n. Gold-leal or gold-wash;(Shan;)
paint w i t h gold-wash; t o gild; hRam jdmoi, gold o r e ;
gold-leaf, as on a pagoda :
de y2d yang soiroi dings2 gdru .
A'dung ?~z(ichyt~n
hkam jdmoi sha pru.
Kduttg duzu~zgnrnii. J ~ I yL a ~ g
Hkam, v . T o l e a v e fallow or untilled, as a field; dai
nzng hkauwa kkam ~ ? z l a i to ; be a t a stand-still, a s
when forced to break OH ordinary work; comp. h~hprui;
mdchyyi mlljaw d a i nizg h f ~ g ahkam nngai, t h i s year
I left off trading because of illness; umu jahkring
mi sha shi ltkn~tz~ r :s~n it, he left t h e work for only a
moment; J L Z Z U F . : . ~amu k a i n ~ gmi rz hdam yu nngai, 1

have not once izlissecl school.

Hkam, v. To trap; derv. nrdARem, which see.
Hkam, u. To be well, aang kRam ngn ni? a r e you well ?
kRam kdja, ado. well, very well; nanhtc hkam Raja
nga myit f ~ i ? are you well ? Akum Rlija nga ga ai, we
are very well.
Hkam, n. A measarc of lellgth, about four yards; sumpan
ARam mi ?tgai ruiiri xi nz.
Hkam, v . T o accept, t a k e , receive, as reward o r punish-
m e n t ; to b e a r , endure, sustain, experience; derv.
uhkanr and jo'irknn; comp. mii?ra sRn and Bur. 6 ; s k i
a a m n ?zgui Ak.?rrr sc ai,I have t a k e n ( a n d a m responsi-
ble for) his work; y a i n ARam Lx nrrgai, 1 cannot
endure it.
-bum, n. A part, 3. portion, a share; comp. Latitbu?;;; La-
ngai kte lbngai a r i r n t ~itkamdr/nr
~ fawn mu.
-hkung, v . ( f rcm hktltzg, to be ablaze ; comp. dnrt kkung.)
To meet, as w i t h f a m e or slander; shio /anz mung
29 2 Hkam la.
tircg kajai hkam LRltng wa sai, t h e whole country is
ablaze r e g a r d i n g him.
H k a m la, v. T o a c c e p t ; t o b e a r ; see parts.
-sha, v. T o bear, e n d u r e with patience o r fortitude.
H k a m w a m , 78. An e x t e n d e d declivity, as between two
hills; cornp. Rddit; ltkdraw hkanzwam.
H k a n , n. A wild cat; ( F e l i s catus;) cornp. /d#aw t r ; hkatz
h k r a , t o growl, as a c a t ; n. t h e growling.
H k a n , v. To fish with a c a s t i n g n e t ; cornp. 6ytR Ravawt,
nga dawn a n d hRwi; nga hRnn a i w a , a fisherman;
anhte slcmgawn htc nga ARan ga; comp. hRn?r,to follow.
l-lkan, n. T h e amount of Rupees t e n ; (Shan;) t h e tenth
cf a viss; s h i gunzhfraw ARan m i jaw na.
t l k a n , v. T o be pushed b a c k , as t h e eye-lids, w i t h the
fingers; derv. nzukkan; A h a d ~ i , t o push b a c k , as the
eye-lids; myi hRan di u.
Hkan, n. A place, vicinity, propinquity; any undefined
locality within proximity; comp. h p w n ; worn Akan r
t a m a , look over there,-over yonder; lcrn hbntt e
shdvaw khawm nga a i , a tigel- is p a s s i n g (somewhere)
down there.
H k a n , n. A compartment; a room. a s i n a c o n ~ p a r t m e n t
house: cornp. g ~ w kand Bur. a$,; kkavt ? ~ r u / i,.sung nz
n t a , ;house with fbur a p a r t m e o t s .
H k a n , Personal pronoun t h i r d person d u a l ; t h e y ( t w o ; )
same as shan, which s e e ; hkna La/rk[rzvrg,t h e y two.
-he, Personal pronoun third person plural; the).; same
as shanhti, which see.
t l k a n , n. A crab; on1 y used in composition ; see chp-illAlan.
-chyang, n. A black k i n d of small c r a b ; hknnrhyaxg
.-dau, n. T h e ordinary p i n c h i n g crab.
-kawp, rs. The c a r a p a x of a crab.
Ilkan, v . To c a n t e r ; see gan; to l e a p , as a t i g e r ; skdraw
hfinir 7t2nt wn sot'.
H k a n , 21. T o follow; (cornp. hkan, to fish;) Akntr nafzg, t o
follow, c h a s e , pursue;nye a lipanghkan r i t , follow me;
shz k u a hRnn natrg n , follow him; to twist, as a rope,
slri su?lzrz likafz az,
Hkang hkang. 293
Hkan bawp, v . To accompany,'attend, escort; see i n w f ,
aft' ama ni hkatz 6awP nga ma a i l t h e attendants are
following him; hkan bnwp hkan norrg n i . followers;
see parts. a

-nang, v. T o follow, as a disciple h i s master.

-sa, v. To follow, accompany, as on a journey.
-shachyut, v. T o follow, chase, pursue, as game; see
-tam, v. To hunt, seek, go i n quest of.
Hkan, n. T a x e s , tribute, revenue; Bur. mg$.
-barig, u . T o pay taxes.
-si, n. Taxes, tri bute; hkansibang, v. to pay t a x e s ; Akansi
hln, to collect taxes.
--tawk, n. Taxes; (Northern usage;) LRan t a w & or
hklz?zst' hta at' wn, a tax-collector.
-hta, 2). T o collect taxes; same as kRansihtn.
Hkan, r . A pattern, style, as i n basket weaving; (not
used by itself.)
-noi, n. A pattern woven i n triangles; tzgai hkannoi
shingtloi wa M nngai.
-pyi, n. A pattern of the ordinary kind.
-htung, n. A pattern resembling plaids; Lbanpyi tint a i l
Rkanhtuftg dai shaJxn mu.
Hkan jawi, n. A species of herb the seed of which are
pickled ; h h r t jdwi chydhkri RRri rr.
Hkanhpa, n. A meteoric stone; (a "thunder-bolt, hurled
at animals" ;) dusat drmrye~g @e mar nchyp yang, irknn-
@a Atc ai.
Hkanhti htan, n. A fire-fly; (Hkauri;) see RinAti / t a n
and myihtan t u .
Hkang, v. To wind, bandage, lash; comp. ahkyen; to tie,
bind, as cattle; trga hpe h k a ~ t gfawn mu; to be entan-
gled, interlaced; clerv. n h k a ~ g ;ARnng town, to lash,
as timber of a raft; kkanghkjh hkyatzg, n. fetters,
Hkang, v . T o be strong, durable; comp. %gang.
-hkang, a . S t r o n g , durable; mostly found as a coup. of
ngang ngang; ndu. securely, or i n a powerful manner;
most1y found i n poetnf; B r praw de Rang yatrg ning-
j a Rang,
~ Zwn r a i de ; m ~ ~ tuwgga ~ o nhkang:
294 Hkang
Hkang, v . T o steer, as a boat; /i likang rii wa, a helms.
H k a n g , v. To rule, exercise authority, to govern; comp.
*#; derv. ahhang; m a r c hfio~zgcci d?c wil, the chief who
rules the village.
-da, v. T o commission, authorize, to appoint.
-jaw, v. T o grant permission; see ahhang jaw.
-hpyi, v. T o ask permission; usually, ahkang Ajyi.
Hkang, n. A.track, trail, im r i n t , trace; also pron. hRa;

the hog,-said
gwi a wa ARang shdmal, t l e dog t h a t lbst the track of
of a l a z y person who sleeps instead
o f l o o k ~ n gafter his field.
-hkang, a. To track, make a mark or an i m p r i n t ; mdgwi
hkang hknng nga ai.
Hkang, v. To prosper; mostly used as a coup. of rtng,
which see.
Hkang, v. To s t i n k ; derv. ahkalrg, which see.
Hkang, n., gum-lac, cochineal; comp. Rkyz'bkang; a
dye (re& or purple) obtained from the cochineal
insect; LRang Ate chya a i ri, yarn dyed with the dye.
-j&hku, n. Dye; see parts.
-kanu, 72. T h e coccus or cochineal insect.
-pa, n. Lac, stick-lac. -qb

Hkang, n. A Chin; (the Shan name for a K a c h ~ n ; a. )

boorish, uncivilized.
-da, a. One of the Kachin clans; ItRanr da ntasha n i ;
the gar-fish or ke; hRan da nga amyu Ldngai nri.
-ga, n. T h e Chin country; &hang gu de sa may%
n ni? do you wish to go to Chin land ?-said to
obstreperous slaves or petty criminals, as t h e Chins
were supposed to be cannibals, and bought slaves for
sacrificing to the nats.
-je, n. A clan of the NhRum tribe.
-hkyi, n. A lion; hkanghkyi Cawng, a lion's den.
-hkyi hkyang, n. Chains, letters, hand-cuffs; see hknrrg,
* to wind.
-rang, a. Boorish; see Akangring. -
-ri , n. A Chin-spear, much valued as a weapon of war;
kpa?rg de hRttm ka?tzr, Hhang vi numjlrt ra ai.
"1-lkanghtan, a. a figurative name for a rabbit.
*?dU r -
Hkap. 295

Hkangring! a . Boorish; hkangril~f hkangrang, rude,

uncivilized; same as kdring kdrang, which see.
-se, 72. T h e scincoidian, a lizard eaten by the Kachins.
-shan, n. A mud-eel.
-htan, ?r. A proper n a m e among the Ldshis and Labyas
for a ltla Gnm.
Hkap, v. T o carr)., reach, as the voice or a missile;
derv. nhfiaj ; comp. dep and g!n hRap ;na nstn hkaf
3I ai 1 ~ 3a' ~?r hkn) ai,your voice w11l carry mine wi 11 not;
to reach, be extended so as to touch or reach to; see
d a j ; Ngni Ll/atsnw ga n dup, M s n n g ga 9d.h Rap; n . a
: calling distance; a reach, a throw, a leap; wore Rti-
htaw2~gshaga / ~ R L shn z ~ m i 7zga ai, that village is
K 4
easily within calling distance; Aka# k k m , n d v . until;
nye a jd/czwr~ghfiini~zgtlkrnlr h k a f ARra hfu7z na we ai.
-wap, n. A declivit),; s a m e as hkamwam, which see.
H k a p , v. T o intercept, wa).-lay, cut ofl, catch, seize on
the way; comp. shddnttg; to accept, agree to; see LRam;
often used adverbiall~*.
-gap, v. T o way-lay for the sake of firing a t ; see parts.
-hkalum, v. T o receive, welcome, as guests with signs
of pleasure; to extend a warm (see Zum,) greeting.
-la, 3. T o receive, accept, take delivery of; shi jaw a i
dumsu ? ~ g n iARap la n i , I have accepted, (taken
charge of ,) the cow he gave.
-mu, v. T o catch sight of; see parts.
-hpya, 2. To way-lay, seize, as robbers a caravan; see
-shachyut, rl. T o intercept, cut off, head off, as when at-
tempting to drive animals into or from a pasture, or
the l i k e ; g u t ~ r ahpe ~ g a ihRa] skdchysti d a t we a i , I
drove back the pony.
-shayu, v. T o meet, as a man carrying a load, for the
sake of rendering assistance; dai ula a 12.1 )Rap s h d y x
ya #.
-tau, v . T o meet, on the wa)., as an expected visitor.
Hkap, n. A load, as carried i n two baskets by a Shun or
/inq/lpaw; comp. /il; ~ q a iu h k n j m i m d r i s t az, I
bought a (coolie) load of fowls; Hknttri ni /il {an,
/ingApaw ai hRap hpai me s i .
296 Hkapgan.
The pole or coolie stick, at each end of
the baskets are carried; comp. RnndurrX.
~ k a t , v . T o be burnt, scorched, parched; derv. r h y d h ~ n t ;
shat hRat mat sni, the rice is burnt; s / , i n g / ~ n gwan
hkat LRaf, mdgyi / d g r a t gml, the skin p a r c h e d by
fire, the thigh chapped ( b y dirt,)--said of a l a z y
person always sitting by the fire.
H k a t , v . T o be resolved, determined; comp. h h r t and
gwi; my2t hknf ynng gnw g d h a~, ?L hRat Tang gaw
fawn dn zc.
H k a t , v . T o contend, strive; see Rdhknt; to dispute,
debate; shi ngai h f e hRat ai; as a verbal auxiliary
hkat is used i n a number of cornbinatiorls implying
strife or conflict; gap M a t ai, to fire on one another;
khying /that a& t o vie; ndang kdZang hkal n i , to
J engage i n a n animated con-
quarrel; I --S Z L ~ Rai,~ to
versation; kdmzd k t , to wrestle.
Hkat, v . T o be kicking, as a horse; derv. fdhhat.
-di, ;u. T o kick, as a horse; h g a w hkat di a .
-hkat, v. To "show the heels," to hurry: also used
adverbially; comp. chya~igchyang; lam sb hknb hkat
Hkat, n. An outer passage, as for escape; a "back-door,"
a "retreat," as i n a mole-hole; hknt e Lhrf 11, catch
it (the animal) i n t h e outer passage; corny. s~i/tpang;
hku mddlrng htn Afln yang ARat hka przr a t .
-hkat, v . T o open the passage; to provide w i t h a " b a c k -
'* door" as for retreat.
H k e , v. T o be oval and large around.
-hke, a. Oval, curvilinear; s h i n-gup hRe Rhe re ai,his
mouth is (large and) oval-shaped; hbe hRe re ni ch.ling
H k e , v . T o gasp, breathe hard.
-hke, adv. In a gasping manner; usn hkr kke Bga ai.
H k e k , An interjection with verbal force; rise, .move;
hkeR shoi, same; also pron. htck slloi; kRek shoi, sa wa
n i g a , rise, let us be off.
H k e t , v . To be astute. wily,crafty,shrewd; comp. Bur. ad;
s h i g r a i hbct nz zon mi nga s z , he is a very crafty
* Hkawng, v . to be insipid; see hknw.
person; shz grai h Re/ ai majaw 72 sat /II gaw ni, as he
was vcrv shrewd we could not k i l l him.

H k l , v . To be tired, worn out, exhausted, as i n body or

mi nd; comp. ba; daz nz kadawng izrng m a h k i mat ai ai.
-ba, v To be worn out, etc; a . w o r n , weary, tired, ex-
hausted; dispirited; see parts.
-si, v. To be exhausted, almost collapsing; a. fatigued,
"dead tired;" comp. ha si; ngai hRz sz 6n si Y Q Z nga
Hki, PZ.A custom, usage; see a h k i and comp. hhizg; h k i
i d j a , a good custom; hki n klijlz hRu?n h f i ~ n .
Hkik, v . To be elegant, beautiful; comely; cornp. jahkik.
and tsawnt ; nta A k i i ai, the house is e l e g a n t ; to be
proper, reasonable, as the price of a thing; Tnijn2 nnn
n hkzk ai.
a , n. Small silver buttons, as worn on a b a g ; cornp.
du gazup.
-hkik, a. Beautiful, elegant, showy; also used adverbial-
ly.; hRik hkiR Akam ARam, same; Akik LkiR ARnm
hkam APan p a / a w y 6% hpz1z ni wa, an elegantly
dressed person.
Hkim, n. A snare; a ooose, as for catching birds; Akni-
t a w rnnkau grzrj hRva /rRinz j ~ s gtawn mrc.
Hkin, v . To annul, repeal, cancel, as a bargain; to give
or t a k e back, as anything sold; IZJ~Z n d247its2k 6 n i hkzfi
ya-c, fzgar nja we az, return m y cow, I cannot part with
it; n gwmra bat i t k i ~gnw, take back your pony;
shan aw wa dzct a i amu hkin kau ma nzc ai, they have
annu led their hog bargain.
H k i n , A preformative; cornp. gin.
n.(from bawfzg, to swell.) A t hres hhold; c h y t ~ ~
hdn kkinbaw~rg; ridges, as thrown up by a ploog
see girtdn~ng.
-chyang, n. A structure over a ,arajVeresembling a bee-
hive; hibincl?~~nrzg lq,a " bee-hive " grave; cornp.
jdvawf Zzdp ;A Ri)tclfyav~g..s/(a~~g or gdlcp, v . t o e re'ct the
structure ; see parts.
-chyi, n. Holes, as between the strips or splits of a
bamboo Inat or wall; also used as an adjective; ARtn-
c h y i lrku or hkinrhjli hkilzln, same; cornp. Rdclryi; Naf
398 Hkinehyi.
ttz hkinchyz hkzr nzdlioi er hkoz ?zga,kk:;:!lr lrku nsoz at
ARoz np,t h e nats are probably peeping through t h e
holes, they are most likciy peering through every
Hkinchyi , n. A beetle ; a scarab; insects of the genus
Scarabaexs; comp chyz ; hkinc/r).t pyea a i , the beetles
are flying; dai hjang San /rpu?rgsan hkinchyi /at Akin-
yang #rat.
I d a n g , n. A button; same as hkaidang, which see.
-di, n. A long piece of wood, a pole or the like, used as
a prop, especially against a door; comp. mtidr and
dinggmng ;chyyinglrka h &in& d a r ; R Ridzgvam, n. a
spider; see gindigmm ; hkindt' ZdhKaf, a pattern for
a certain kind of bamboo-wall ; Akin&' ZdAiawk, a kind
of small bird.
-ding, n. A prop; same as hRiUi and mostly used i n
poetry; nzdhjaw hkinding lawng nga ga; a gate.
-dit, v. To k i c k , spurn; see shingdit.
-du, n. A kind of lizard; kkiIzda ka ldran, same; hkinalg
ka ldvizrc, wz*nhkum aaftg ntdjan, a poetical designation
for a woman of a chief's household.
-du tep, n. An ear-wig; also called mill tep
-durn, a. A knot; see gindum.
-daw, r. A t i nkl of trap; also pron. gimiaw.
-dawt, n A steep bank, a brink ; ga ningrut SPra khirp-
dawt tad sczi,the land caved i n and formed a bank; kka
t , brink,edge of a water fall; Shixgrn
~ u m . h K i n d a wthe
lakizzdnwt Raw m a , from the time the borders (brink)
of " Eden" were formed.
-gang, n. (from gang, to be wide.) The broad plank-
like roots of a banyan t r e e ; comp. ZdRang; also
p ro n. kding-gang or hpa %-gang.
--gau, n. A shore; see Aka hbn-gau.
-jang, n. An outlet. egress,-especiallv said of a place
wheke game is used to escape when chased; s h a s
hkinjaag r hknp h r , catch the deer a t the outlet;
hg. an outlet and thus a way, a chance, an opportunity;
shz sAa na grnshan tam ti nzung hbinjnng PZ mr u~e
u r , he 1s s e e k i n g a ineans of livelihood but has no
c h a n c e ; /a /a na Akr'njung tam r , try some method of
obtaining it.
Hkinji, n. Food; poetic form, coup. of sukku; kitinji
gdlaw s d k k a pihyaw ; also called wwlrjt.
-ji, n. A poetic name for a maiden:

Shaayau ninghka shdkya, slr~nsnimdni rau pya pr.

-ji chya, n. A small blackant.
-1i hku, n. .9ainoll hole; see ARinchyz'.
- n. ( h o r n jilt, to p a c k . A glutton; hkinjin nnkrw,
an insatiate devourer o food; s k i L R i n j i n lrakrw r o z
nnn n hkru chyil si.
--jawng, a. (from jaw^ , to be startled.) A k ~ n dof
trap for b i g game io esting a padd) field: Akinjawng
s k a c h ~ e nn i , to m a k e or set the trap.
-jawng, n. A nat-priest of the second order; t h e one
who selects and arranges the parts of the sacrifice on
the altar afterwards giving a portion to each par-
taker; ~ b ; , i j n ? ud~ ~~the , part of t h e neck given as
pay to a hki~zjazulnmrtg.
-kyu, 91. A k i n d of nat; same as Chydga, which see;
HRiprRyn d2i h Rinnam lam.
--la, n. A hole; see hkinchyi.
-lang, n. A kind of tree.
-lang, n. Laziness; the poetic term for / d g a ~ # ;I ~ g o m
ARilc/ang la ni, to spend t h e time i n idleness.
--Ma, n. Soot: same as hkzcmma, which see.
-na, n. A clothes-horse or the I i ke, as for drying yarn;
hhinnajrtngrna ri masit n m , put up the frame a n d
comb the yarn.
-nam, R A k i n d o f nat; see Akinkyu.
--num, n. Anger, t h e angry m ~ n d only ; used i n poetry;
kkinnztm vinvoi n ni, sindni mdszn n s i ; also pron.
-pai, H. The spleen; see kan pai.
--ran, v. T o marry; see hktmgran.
300 Hkinru rawng.
Hkinru rawng, n. A kind o f s p ~ r a lsnail.
-raw, a. A species of bamboo; also called / r k r * m w , ~ ~
-rawng, a. (from mwfrg, to col~tain.) An elevated
scaffold, an "aerie," as used by a n a t prophet ( ~ ~ ~ ~ z,)h t o r
when consulting the nats; /rkinruiu?~gs h a m w t , to raise
the structure; f ~ h ao~ ?)lnrzt
~ hkrnrazung
~ s
skdrawf mu.
-tit, a . (from tit, to be extended.) E x t e n d e d , 7 t . a
cavity, a small hollow place, such as an ant-hole; an
aperture; hkintit iiizunng, same; k n h k ~ ~mdjnwfl hki~tzt
Ldwang dyzn a t .
-turn, n. T o fold, as the arms; to huddle up, as before a
fire; ma kdshu~rgaz mdjizzo hkzntunz nnn y$tP ai.
-yang, n. A beetle; see lzkznckyz.
Hking, n. A sieve; /zfir?~g Afii?tg,v. to sift, separate by
a sieve; lrking htc h k i q kazd ma.
Hking, n. A saddle, a harness; comp. daw; hking niawn,
a pack-saddle; see parts; dnw dynw an /thing nrawr
lam la wa rit.
Hking, v. To balance, be i n equipoise; thus jdhking, to
balance, poise : daw hking snz.
Hking, v. To grow, flourish, prosper; comp. hkang and
Ran; mam hRzng nga a i , the paddy is growing luxuri-
antly; daz n t a ~ chking nga ai, this city is prosperous;
sli a maPrgdan n liking /% ai, his kingdom cannot
Hking, n. A custom, usage, practice, precedent; comp.
hilmg, R R i , h f y i n and ahking; dai gaw anhta a kdirrg
n r~ ai. Hking, . n. implements.
Hkinggang, n. A ridge; a wide root, as af the banyan;
see hhn-gang.
Hkinggau, n. A bank, a shore; same as itkin-gau.
Hkingkawp, n. A sheath, as of bamboo; see hjuregknwj.
Hkitlang, n. A species of creeper; hbitlang ru kte ndan
j m z h f a if wg.
Hkitra, n. A long white seed mostly used as ornaments
on bags; same as the Bur. +5og.
Hku, v. T o m a k e or become friends; to befriend; derv.
mdhkzr, nhltr and jinghbu; s h i ngai ltte n hdl* mdyu
ai, he does not wish to become my friend; to tame, as
Hku wawn. '301
an animal; mdgwr kktl or w a , an elephant tamer; to
force, (beat,) as t h e web w i t h t h e batten; see du hku;
hRu ,namw r a nhknzu. n. the nat of friendship; comp.
Hku, n. Stdrvation, a f a m ~ n e ;s c a r c i t y , or lack of food;
#bung hkw, a famine because of w i n d destro),~ngthe
crops; n-gawn hRu wn, a general famine.
-ding, v. T o abate, as a famine.
-hku, v. To suffer, as f r o ~ nseal-cit) ol food; to be starv-
ing, famishing; dai 7zz?zg maw ra nzajuw auhtr LRa
ARu ga ai.
w Hku, n. A hole, perforation, opening, cavity, pit or the
like; kRu izga,sri& z, there is a hole, take care; 4-m;
a p a s s a g e ; c o m p . / a ~ ~ z ; d nhi k l t ~ ~ a z ' k r t aistl-tii-~k6
path? see gzrtlawng h d u , lrsazg hhz1 and Bur. q ;v. to
-- perforate; to open, as a path; aanx P lam n hRu ai,
here 1s no passage; to reopen as a fallow field, or
y lay out, as a new garden; shi hkauna hku nu, he will
' work a (new) hkauna; to be weak, open to ailments,
susceptible, as to climatic changes; opp. to chying; na
P a hRum naw ARu a i rndjuw sad2 u, as lrou are still
'& weak (lit. as your body is still open,) take care; to
establish a precedent, Fo allow, permit; dzr ni kku n i
5 >dpw ngai nrng r d kRrunt ,trzgoi, because the chiefs
lead the way (permitted it,) I suffer this.
-dingbang, 72. A wide opening or passage, as made
by an animal.
-dingloi, n. A passage, as of a burrowing animal; see
-dingwang, n. A wide circular opening; see parts.
-hku, v. T o open, make a hole, to perforate; to be
opened, bored, broken or dug through; wora slrltkslrn e
ARzl Aktl ai.
-mPlang, u. T o be wide open, as a door; see parts.
-waw, v. To bore, perforate; to d i g , open, as a road; to
excavate; see parts.
-wawn, n. A wide spacious opening; a shallow flat-
bottomed wicker-tray used to separate grain from husk
by shaking and tossing; Bur. 6 ~ 1 3 3 mam
; hpe hkuwawn
hie kdtsap knu mu.
302 Hkuwawt.

Hkuwawt, 72. A small side-door in a Kachin 11o:ise; k k x -

wnwt chyinphka, a wi ndow: hktrmawt hhn, sanie; comp.
h RdZap.
Hkuin, o. T o be complete, full, all of a kind, ccii:p. p m ;
~ n h t ad R w z nga gn n i , all of us are ]]ere; . i h ~r s i lidurn
n i , he has all kinds of inedici n e ; ,zi!ni rzin T no?.vk?nn
h h m ai, there is a full collection ol flowers i n this
narden; hRing a hkxnz ai majaw h j n n g.(i/aw ~ I ni,
J the
saddle incomplete (some parts missing) nothing
tail be done; h / r 2 ~ n zdinghRam, a . f u l l , complete.
n. Cotn lete, total, all; nga hkzdm hkarz m i n g a
ai, all (kinds of cattle are here.
Hkum, n. A unit; a. one, whole, single; (Hkauri;) comp.
--bu~n, n. A portion; one division; see kRan26lcnt.
-hkam, n. A unit; one single thing; one whole part or
portion; pzgai kRuw ARam sltn Pji jaw e.
-ma, a. One, single; a di hkumma jaw r i t , give me one
.(a whole,) egg.
-mi. a. One: same as hKumir;lzn.

Hkum, 72. ~ i a n i i n a body, l a corporeal frainr; comp. Lsawf,

aoniufzg and Bur.' 405;a mass, as of matter; xhtoi hI.unr,
a luminary; reflexive pronoun, self, one's self; ngai
Aktbm, myself; nnng kkatiz sd r ,go yourself; shi hkum
dzc na, he himself will come: see Gram.
-chying, ' u. T o be sound, in i o o d health; immune, a s
from illness; s e e chyi~zg.
-kya, v . T o be lithe; to be weak, soft; see parts.
-hkra, u. T o be of large proportions; h k r m hRra ai
nar~sknRdba Zoi ai.
-hltrang, 71. T h e body; form, shape, stature; kba?xhkra~zl
grilg at' w a l a person of tall stature; see h&yang.
- n inbnu, v. T o be p r e g n a n t ; comp. na-unz i z n s i ~ t .
-hpan, v . T o massage i n native fashion.
--san, u. To be confined; to be i n child bed; t o m e r i - ; t s ~ .e;~ ~
to e v a c u a t e t h e bowels; (cuphemisti c ; ) s e e pal-tc.
- shing-yan, n. Stature, hei ~ h tallness;
c. t .,
hkunz sir'.ir~f-ynn
ai, to be tall; dkum shing-yon n jpawzg az' t u a , a
small person,-a man of no stature.
Hkumhkyeng. 303

Hkum, v . T o prohibit, prevent, h i n d e r , obstruct; nu ma

ni LRam a i m d j a w n sn /u nrgnz, because m y parents
prevented me I could not come; verbal prohibitive
particle; do not; see G r a m . ; cornp. rhwnz and hfutcg;
hkum gdlaw a,do not do it; /t&u?~tLdgu, m a r . child,
don't steal; hktifir shtira, i r . an obstruction, an obstacle,
a hindrance.
-ba, a. A partition, a wall; comp. skakum and mddi*;
LRamba Rum a i , to put u p a partition.
-ban, 72. (from ban, to bar.) A d a m ; a temporary door,
gate, f e n c e or t h e l i k e ; sun chyi?zghka Len2 & j d k k i
Atc kkunzban da ZL; 3. to put up as such a barrier, etc.
.-bye, n. A kind of t r a p ; see hyc.
d a , o. T o prevent, hinder. obstruct; see parts and
comp. bni, d n q and p a t ; rrzdfzam hpe hRum da a .
--dun, n. A h i n g e ; see ARddun.
l a , n.(from/ai,topassby.) W~nding,zigzag;Lkunrli
hil.unz/ai, same; /tknm/i hBum/ai Y E az chyyingltla, a
windi n g doorway.
-tawn, v. T o delay, detain, stop; s h hpc r wa shangun
a i sha ARr(vz ia:wz N , stop him that he may not return.
Hkum, n. F o a m : f r o t h ; only used i n composition.
-bail n. ~ a l\ -i a . ' s p i t t l e , flowing as while at sleep or. be-
cause of u n t i d l r habits; cotnp. mnyet'cn: kikumbaipru ai,
to secrete a n d Hcw, as the saliva; to froth, spume,
foam, as animals.
-bawp, n. Foani, f r o t h .spume, s c u m ; h k 1 ~ 9 1 z b al dz ~
w~u a?,
to foar~l,as w h e n suffering from an epileptic tit; hdum-
6awf 4 ~ n l /n, i , to f o a m , as agitated water.
--pa, n. M u d ; Inire: (Northern usage.) Y i ~ a ? tirn hRum-
pa a t al'
-PUPp n. M u d , m i r e ; m o r t a r ; hk?lt~rprcp kkz~mpa,same;
/ern hRdro;o c l i i ~ r ; ~ : f r : , h hkatiipn soiif7Lkro i ; h k ~ m j u p
den nl', to p l ~ < t , : ; -w i t h m u d .
-tsai, vz. S a n d ; (Northern lunge;) s c r s n i f r u .
Hkum, 72. A p ~ ~ ' p ] ; i n ;c.n!y used i n combinations; see
-jang, 72. T h e l o n g \n-liir- p::mpkin; (I-lliar~ri;) see hkvm
-hkyeng, 72. T h c ordinary ellom om pumpkin.
304 Hkumlik.
Hkumli k , n. An undeveloped pumpkin.
--litsin, n. The white pumpkin.
- - m u t , 72. A variety of the yellow pumpkin.
--rum, ~ tA. k i n d of w i l d pumpl<in; hkzcmrum r u , the
pumpkin vine, called by Northern Kachins ARa/lpu
a , n. The orange gourd; the Cucarbzta ovife~a,of
different varieties.
-warn, n. A large round pumpkin.
Hkunlma, a. Soot; the fine particles of carbon coloorii~g-
smoke; comp. hkllmrrr, hhrima a n d numji ;hkttnzma yt,
a highland paddy field of the first year's cultivation,
thus covered with cinders a n d soot; cornp. drbnhRa
and n j u x
Hkumsaw, n. A key; same as,samsaw, which see.
Hkun, a. Twenty; see G r a m . j j ' h R u n , Rupees twenty.
Hkun, v . T o be drying, or dry, as the ground after a rain,
washed garments or the like.; cornp. hkruw and hang ;
pdlawng hkun mat sai, t h e coat is dry; to be dry, as the
throat; ngai Lpang k d ~ nlza e jdhkraw hRu?z sni.
Hkun, n. An official; (Shan;) h k r n wa, ltRu7r ni; comp.
da; an appellative with common names especially
among chiefs; H k u n Sang, the chief Sang; Hklcn
Sew. Hkzcn La etc.
0 1

Hkung, v. T o overhang and o-vershade, as a tree a

garden-spot; hkxng a i nzijaw mn?n n t7! ltRraw
ai, because of the overhanging trees the paddy will not
grow; to overshadow, eclipse, excel; derv. ahikwy;
cornp. d a n Akung and hharn hbzclzg; to be ablaze, to
glow as the evening s k y ; jan s h a q mizhkn jlllz htoi a
LRung aai; a. glory, splendour.
-ga, v . T o honour, respect, re\ierence; shi ngni /rpe 71
kkangga ai,he does not honour me; hkfingga Lara, n.
honour, veneration etc.; h k u ~ z t p/ u r n d i , v. to honour,
etc.; Rdna y a n kdwa /tpe iika%&a h r a r i i m a , honour
your parents; hRzl~zg~in Lam nzlisat ?rzdsir di nza, observe
the (ordinary) rules of courtesy.
-ga, n: A bovine or hog offered as a sacrifice; comp.
Idhkan and k f i ~ r t d ? ~ 7 ahhunggo
; jam, to offer- such a
sacrifice; rrhku ain shdga hkunggn sumhti a Law.
Hkut. 305
Hkungngwi, n. Bran; the finer part of the husk; comp.
mcthhaw; hkungngwi wa hpe yaw ma.
-ram, n. A collection of nat altars; the place i n front
of a house where the nat altars are found; see
Ahrmgram; rndchyi nzdRaw nag; +&rum a i mdjaw,
IRungram hpe gaw shrtraw she ram zai k w .
--ran, u. T o marry; to solemnize a marriage; comp.tram
la and nrcm shalai; also pron. krkinmn; h k u ~ g r a nat
poi, n. a marriage feast.
-rang, n. A horn-bill; comp. rc gaw; (In Kaehin tradi-
tional lore the Hktzngrat~g is the chief of the birds,
but because of its bad temper has no followers or
attendants;) fig. a chief without subjects :
U gaw gawng n myin a i , Hkvngrang gaH n grilr ai.
-rang, - - - v. T o be restless, not at ease; same as ginrau~ng,
which see.
-ri, n. A nat altar; comp. hkwlrgram, &rang and t a w r ;
lrtga L Rungri-chyi;~zgbrawng-mg and jdlrtvng Abung-
r i , see parts; Aku?tgrri jztng, a. to erect a nat altar;
ARungri Cddap, the place of the altar where the nats
are supposed to be i n waiting while the sacrifice is
prepared, and where they recetve their portion.
n , n. A ridge; a rib or larger veins, as of a leaf;
shdyam si LRut~gri~zg va wng az.
Hkup, s. To be acrid, bitter and astringent; comp. kRa
and i k v i ; mdkawk si h k u j ai.
Hkup, v . To be i n halves; see &sang RRuj.
-di, a. To halve, divide i n twoequal parts; n ~ r n s Aaang
h R q cli Rayan gag8,
-hkup, ndv. In halves; i n equal portions; kiihktrm r t i /rpc
t ~ pulap ga (awn u .
I r k ~ hRzcp
Hkut, v. To be ready, prepared, as food; derv. chydAR*L ;
comp. jbt, Ahat, ngrtt 2nd ~ k a ik4.t.d mi, rice
is ready; to be decided, ready or prepared to act; ya
ngai nzyit Akri s a i , now I have made up my mind;
see bazung jikut, alikai, zc~rnhbrtt,and IdARut ; comp.
hkycn and Bur. qoS; hpyt ARwt kau mzc, scrape off the
Hkut, v. To retail, as salt; cpp, tc : i r ? ~ r dt'; rh'jlrrn dhut
dut a i , hc sells salt ( i n smn!l
36 Hkut.
H k u t , v . To rob; see l a k hkut.
Hkai, An interjection with prohibitive force; don't,stop,
h h z , hpa raz Run shdga nga n l a ?
Hkai, Interrogative pronoun, mostly used by the Nortb-
ern Kachins; what? comp. hpa and see Gram.; LRai mt
gctlau, nga myit t a ? what are you doing ?
H k a ~ , n. A grandmother; a grandfather; see ji hRai.
-dwi, n. A respectful term for a grandmother; comp.
woi dwz.
-tung, n. An aunt.
Hkai, v. T o pour a libation, as before a nat; coup. of
M a w , which see.
-lawng, n. A bamboo pump, a s used in a liquor jar.
-tsin, %. The piston of the pump; comp. htung; the
whole pump.
Hkai, n. A fowl; a bird; see Raz.
-ke, n. A paroquet: see Raihe.
-pyek, rp. A duck; also called a pyek.
-taw, n. A decoy fowl; see Raitaw.
Hkai, v. T o be hooked; derv. mdARai, chyinghhaz and
singh Rai.
-dang, n. A button,. hook, clasp or the like; also pron.
1 v. T o be unable to sell, as stock on hand; nyd n g ~
hR=m m i hRai/ai mat sail I am unable to exchange
one of my cows; to fall through, as a business transac-
tion; nye a a r a i hRazlai mat sai.
-pau rau, ta. A kind of white seed used. as an ornament;
a glass-bead: ma n i itRaipaa vaa gdli ma az..
--shum, n. A balustrade; see hRrnis/zum.
Hkai, v. T o plant, as seed; /IRilg?i /*m Aka2 11, plant the
pumpkin seed; to trailsplant, as saplings; comp.
bawng, hkaiand ban; to cultivate, as vegetables; to dig,
clear, prepare, as a lowlarld paddy field; comp. Akyen;
hRazrfza hbai na sdangkawp l a w a n t , bring the hoe
for clearing the field; t o move, change, as a dwelling
place; Ltilagrn a kdja az mdjaw nta ARai mat gd a i l
t h e site being unsuitable we have mougd our house;
to shed the skin, os a snake; l d t v 8suwp hAai a t ; to
peel off, .as the skin after an tllciess; mdchyi k n h *
Hkau. 307

ARrum ar mdjaw Ldgaw hpyi Akai mat sai; to bear

children, or young,-mostly said of animals; see ]at
and k k r a t ; ltyag Rdsha hkai n i ; to tell, relate, narrate,
as a story; maumdwi Akai u.
Hkaibang, n. A highland field, not irrigated but ploughed
or dug as a lowland field; kknibang chye or gdlau, to
dig or plough the field; yz n hkyen Zu a i litdjaw
Rkaidang chye na.
-nu, n. Maize, Indian corn; Lkairiu u j a w , a corn-cob;
Akainu usi, an ear of maize; hhniqrr npnw, pop-corn;
Rkainu 3ti, a maize-field.
-nau, n. A field (dknibang,) dug or ploughed during the
rainy season so as to give the sod time to rot; (comp.
pdna r .)
-ningmai, n. A collective name for garden vegetables;
mostly pron. khai nmai; d n i siln r hkai ningmai LRum
a i , i n this garden are found all kinds of vegetables.
-nmai, n. Vegetables; see ARai ningmai; hkai nwai suf
l a w e.
-ngu, r . Maize; (Hkauri;) same as itbainu.
I , n. A species of fern with a long fluted stem;
-ram, v. T o plant, work, as a garden.
-turn, n. Seed of any k i n d ; a colletive term for seed;;
Atdning na matu hkai t r v ~ jahkzlln a ; see parts.
Hkau, n. A stage, a days journey, as with a pack-bullock;
(Shan;) nga Akau m i daram tsan ai, it is abo-ut one
day's journey; LRalr nrdsz& naw sa u , go three stages
-jau, Y. T o reckon by stages; to calculate, compute;
myil hkalr j a a gzl mi-, give a n estimate of it.
Hkau, v. To be on friendly, intimate terms; fzgai sCti Ate
n hkar n i , 1 cannot get along with him; shcrdn RRau
ga a i mctjaw n Aha lzx a i , being attached to each other
we cannot separate.
-ram, n. ~ t t a c h m e n taffection;
, see parts.
Hkau, n. A term of relationship; ( I ) a brother-in-law, a
wife's brother; (2) male cousins; (male children of a
paternal aunt (kamoi,) or a maternal uncle, ( h a , ) -
- children of a paternal uncle or a maternal aunt being
regarded as .brothers and sisters; (3) a polite term
used by young men of equal age and standing when
addressing each other; camp. A R r z ; e IRau N a w , sa
Hkau, v. To bc bent, curved; comp. Raw; h j t l n b y e n
hkerr mat s n i , the board is bcnt (as when exposed to
the sun;) irigaw Akilz~hkau, t o be bow-legged.
-da, n. The part oi' t h e covered house-f ront, usually
called ltprnrc or hpinru; (on rainy days the hhauda
is the place for the men;) npan h b a d a shown datn
-ka, n. The regular ICnci~in(Hkahku,) broad-sword, as
distinct from the S h a n blade now in common use; a
respectful designation Lor an old nat-priest; nrngwawt
hkaltka Raba guw: i:%acRa nhpyr r a i htan.
--kyu, n. A broad-swcjrd; tomp. /zdpdivz.g nhtu; same as
hkaukia; it1 poetry &ten caliod kRauRa Ryu n-gaw.
-la, n. A cross-ham; also pron. dRvarJa; ltkaula Ata
m d ~ amu; a Eenm with pegs or hooks for hanging
Hkau, n. The rice-plant; paddy; (Shan;) comp. mam;
grain; only med in combinations as a generic adjec-
tive; comp. Bur. mx5.
--bum, R. A stack of rise; hkkirbum barn a i , v. to stack
--hi, n. (from doi, to loan or lend.) Paddy, as borrowed
or lent on interest; hkmr 602 hi,s. to lend or loan, as
-chyang, n. Biighted paddy; M a r c h ~ n ~chyuttg
ig oi, v, to
-dek, n. Parched rice; (Shan;) see siinr32 mpaw.
-durn, H. GIa;tinous rice; same as d n w mnm.
-dawm, s. srnall rice-basket; cnmp. %am dam.
- - g a , n. A rim-nursery; comp. d a g ~ ;hdarcga da.d na or
gat a a , to prepare and sow, as a hut-bed.
--gat, n. A bazaar; a village or town having.a bazaar;
see gat.
-jan, n. A small bag lor rice, as for a journey; see Ian;
also caiied mom &a.
--jaw, n. A shock orstook of paddy; Lkau p w )&a* bum
Hkau hkak, n. (,from A k c d ~ , to 1)c hal-d.) I l a r d r i c e .
opposite to glutirlous; hkurr hknk trdaw man hm
kdyaw ai.
-hkang yau, n. A species of long-bearded paddy.
-hkai, n. A species of awn!esr paddy.
-hkyeng, n. Red I-ice;sec tnam Akyeng.
-hkyu, v . To borrow padd;~;scc h Anu d o r .
--lam, n. Glutinous rice (r&nw :;.iji,) p r e p a r e d i n bam-
boos; lrkaulam (an: ai or AL~ar!inrn i*.ijung a i , v . to
prepare the rice.
-lan, n. Wheat; hknrrltrn kdS4r::pj;! Chi 11rse straw-hat;
Rhauh?z mam, wheat.
- 1 1 n. A sheaf; same as hkauhfaf.
-ling, n. A sheaf of rice; Bur. mm5gE1
-lung, n. A species of lowland paddy.
-lawi, n. A paddy-mill; see Atmnrin.
-mun, tr. Flour;bread; see wuk.
-na, n. An irrigated ~ a d d y f i e l d :cpp. to y i ; comp. nt#
and combinat:ons; hkctlcnc d i t z b a , a field under irriga-
tion; Akauna Lking, a harrow: kkarna pa, a tract of
irrigated paddy land; dRa:r~ia jlrc?zg, land suitable
for lowland cultivation; Aknxnn ~irnnt,lowland paddy;
comp. yi mam.
-pyj, n. ~ l i g b t e drice.
-pyi seng, n. A species of glutinous rice.
-hpa, n. Maize; (Shan;) see ARtzirze.
-1-1, r . New sprouts from old stalks (roots) of rice; mam
Akauri bai ruwt ai.
-wun. tr. A species of highland paddy.
-ya, n. Millet, mostly used for liquor, but eaten when
rice is scarce; comp. ya and srigyi.
Hkauri, n. A clan of the Lrthpai tribe; see Gauri.
Hkaw, v . To wind and wear, as a t u r b a n ; derv. bu~ghdaw
and ZdARaw; comp. mawnghkuw hRaw az.
-lum, n. Neura1iga;baw irkawlut~t,neuraliga of the head.
Hkaw, v. To round up and drive, as cattle into an in-
closure; comp. gag, gawt a n d ARrcu; hkaw bang,
same; dilmsu nr' hpc ui'aw~zga2 hRaw Eatrg u .
Hkaw, v. T o be skilled, capable, efficient; ccmp. A p t ; A
hhaw, a. inferior, useless, incapable, good for nothing;
3 10 Hkaw,
~rhRaw a i wn, a useless, person; n hRaw n kyet, use-
less, etc. z Lkaw s kyet a i mdsha /rpe hRum shdngua.
Hkaw, v . T o have lost i n taste or strength, as salt. lime,
tobacco or the like; also pron. LRawng; cornp. lrkrerzg
and hpot ;junz htr mdhl hkaw m a t saz.
Hkaw,, a. One, single; comp. ARum ; (mostly applied to
speech; ga hkaw mz,a single word.
Hkaw, ,v. o preach; see haw; to predict, foretell, as
good fortune, cornp. ana aRra; to extend, as good
wlshes; ngamat wunli kkaw y a mz, wish me (predict)
prosperity and fortune; to bless,. as new rice; mam
nnan shnt jtpe hkaw naa sha ma at.
Hkaw, v. T o spill; gztsi~~ hkaw mat saz, he spilled the
water; to evacuate the bowels; see Kan M a w ; to pour,
as a libation to a nat; comp. Y%;
Hpajzcm nat hkaw /dnawn yang aiyang.
H j a l a m ~ z a thRaz ladawn yang a i &rang.
Hkaw, v. T o be concave.
-hkaw, a. Concave, bowl-shaped; hRaw k k a w ra a2 wan
htc shdkawt u .
Hkaw, n. A palace; (Shan;) comp. htilzgnw.
-dung, v. T o assume power and authority, as a new klng;
to ascend the throne j lit. to occupy t h e palace; hKaw
dzmg a i shdning, the year of instalment, as into an
-hkam, a. A king; kkawhkam jan, a queen.
-hktn, n. T o be invested with regal power, (Shan;)
same. as hkaw dzbng.
-seng, n. A emperor; (lit. the palace of precious stone.)
Hkawbang, a. One o f .the Kachin families; HRawbang
Hkawmnw, same.
Hkawk, v. T o knuckle; kkawk sha dt yang hkrap az; to
knock, as t'he head agalnst anything; shan baw
sha'da hkawk n i ; to collide; see ahkawk.
Hkawm, v. .To walk, to travel; cornp. sa; m a gdraz n
hkawm la a i , the child does not yet walk; shi wad?
hte ARawm sa a t , he went (travelled,) by steamer.
- c h y a ~ , v. To promenade; see parts.
-dam, v. T o walk, as for pleasure; /zkawm dam az yubak,
general evil; lit. evil walking everywhere.
Hkawn. 311

Hkawm, 91. A kind of m u s k the smell of which is

believed to cause aborption ; hkawm m d n a n yang na-
naszn hkum hten az da.
Hkawn, v . To fall down from an elevation; to drop;
comp. hR2-at; woz hPun na hRuw7r slri, the monkey fell
from the tree; hkawn hkuat, s a m e ; to get an early
mornlng start; hpawt de /Ik(tuvt RU k n n f will we
start early to-morrow morning? hpawt de nang du
hhra ARawn md vit, come here early i n the morning;
sht'gat de hRawn na, he will s t a r t early for t h e bazaar;
manap LRawn, n. a n early morning start.
Hkawn, u. To.skim off, as froth from a kettle; comp.
Lkai and sai; to separate, as good fruit from bad; to
select and put aside, as good timber. rejecting the
bad; mam Ata na nsawm hkuwn Rau wzu.
Hkawn, v. To wear, as bracelets derv. /rfARawk, which
Hkawn, v. T o pass, go or soak through: hkawn kkra,
adv. through, all through; /rpu~pyrn hkawn h h a
tawk wazu u cut a hole right through the board;
shdngu hka&n wa nna Klihte a i , the thatch is soaked
through and drippi ng.
Hkawn, v. To -
( LaARawn.
be collected;,see
Hkawn, v . A club, a cudgel; comp. laya: 5/12 /tPt ARawn
Ate abym m u , beat him with a club.
Hkawn, v. One out of a pair; half, as of a load; Zdgaw
/&awn m i , one leg; m ~ zhkawn sha t a ar w a , a one-
eyed man;-lit. a man growing only one eye; dam
hkawn mi. half a load,-one of the two baskets
constituting a load.
Hkawn, n. A cow-lick; a circular flexure, as i n the hair
of a n ~ m a l sparticularily
, i n horses regarded as a sign
of ternper or luck; bkawn Rcija, a good mark; the
marks, as of the hand or finger-tips; mdlscn aa mvng
fz'nazg a hhawn kta rawng nga a i , the one (destined)
to be poor bears his own marks; /rkamn yg, v. to ex-
amlne and interpret the meaning as of flexures or
marks; tomp. h i ; gzlmm (nm garzg hkactwr jlrc nna
Hkawn, rt. RIaiden-hood, vi 1-ginit).; dcrv. ~ndAkawn; a
young woman; Chydnulr sdnz't lalrg hknu~tzhtnng bar
.. p mn., AChydnun returned to maiden-hood seven times.
young girl; camp. brang /i.
-la, n. A young (large) woman; cornp. gwi la.
-ram, n. A young girl having reached the age of
puberty; a maiden; see parts.
--sek, n. 4 virgin; see parts and collip. brafig stR.
-seng, n. An out-door entertainment; see gilrseng and
cornp. drangd*; Aknwn seng d n t s t , to conduct or
break up, as an out-door entertainment.
-tung, n. An. unmarried woman between twenty and
twenty-five; sAt hkuzun lu~cg. hknwn /a rrri saz.
Hkawng, n. A ditch; see hka hkaw7zg.
Hkawng, u. T o keep, lay aside: to hoard, amass; derv.
mdhkawng; rnrits Za~cgzna nga lrshc Cam a i mr @a rnd-
l a w Akawng da 7 m ta? to baby, pet, indulge and
spoil, as a child: Rlinzz a ma Rknw7cg, a nmothers pet;
ARawng oi ma grrw dnzung n i l s k d n n at ma gnw bran
a t , the petted child stares ( i n ignorance,) the wide
awake child prospers.
Hkawng, V. To be coiled; derv. ahRawng and shing-
hkaw7zg; a s k e ~ nas, of yarn; see r i hknwfrg.
-hkawng, a. Curved, coiled: 7rr1rzg hkawng A k a w ~ ~ g ,
curved horns; s ~ r m v hdaw~rg
i hknzung, a coiled rope.
Hkawnglawny, n. A bell; same as gawnglawng, which
see; comp. hkdruwk.
Hkawp, v. T o border, rim, edge or the like; k d g ~ j
hkawp a,rim the hat; ha ku LRawp na, to furnish the
table with a border or a moulding; to bind, as i n
sewing; pdlawzg hkawp e;a; n. a border, rim; edge,
moulding- or the like.
Hkawp, a. A layer, as of grain in a stack; comp. lam and
Irrap; ttn a hknzrbam hta Ldawp gdde r a i ia? how
many layers has vour stack ? na a lit ltkawp mdngn
shn m w r g aai, the& are only five layers in your load.
Hkawp, w . An honourary epithet or appellation for nats
or great chiefs; a. royal, august, supreme; an ltkawp
nil we (royal) two; h d a w j e, august chief, or nat;
lrkawp banang; see parts; drzt ninghpum rin n i ltknmp
I4 koi.
bbtta?rg niizgmf~gd i i , thou royal chief (nat ,) guarding
the country.
Hkawt, v. T o cut, shape, as a cavetto; see ahkawt; t o
dissever with a slanting, oblique stroke; comp. gawt;
shi a nu hknult knlr ylz ? H Z ( , cut off his e a r (root and
all;) t o give, as a "close shave;" pnwt hknwi d i &ran
Rau u , cut i t down to the root;gu htc h&;zlt di htaw
zc, cut down (and remove i t ) vitll the soil; to tinish,
bring t o a close; d a i ?ti nntn hRlzwt ss AUTL?' will we
hnish the work (get to the root of the matter,) to day?
Hkawt, o. (from hknwt, to cut close.) T o be close, near,
contiguous; ad;..near, close to, just; shi 3fannraw
tndrf hkawt di s ~ gaw
i n i l he came near to Bhamo; dai
agar' Raw hkazvt mrl n p n i , i t came cloie to me; /dwu
ARawt, just below; /dhtn ARawt, just above; 2dzurr
hkawt e Rran u , cut just below, ( t h e point first aimed
at;) shi hta mu,zg hkawt rai wn n i l he nearly became
(entangled) i n a quarrel.
Hkawt, z!. T o play, tease, " fool with"; see uhkawt; ARawt
chyai, to feign, "fool with;" shnn sddda ARnruf chyai
ma ai.
Hkoi, v . T o surround, a s an altar with ornaments; kkungri
hpe b ~ j u n gAte hRoi mrc; to enclose, invest, as a
besieging army a c i t y ; @pen nzdsha ni dai mdrr hpe
g r q di Akoi town da mu ai.
Hkoi, o. T o scatter, disperse, as a flock of birds; comp.
boi; 14 rri htoi mat sai, the birds flew away; to l i f t
clear off and vanish, as smoke, clouds or mist; sunrwi
ARoi mat sni ; to abate and cease, as an epidemic; ali
hkoi nznt sat' ; ta remove, scatter to the wind, as by a
stroke of the hand; ntso dr rra 7z Rdja nf hpe A h i &nu
Hkoi, v. T o take a chance; derv. mnARoi, which see; adv.
Ii kely, probably; nang hkoi rai t r i n P it is rob ably
you? daz p i rndrii,rg hkoi htu i? is it likely it will rain
to day? hhoi ~ h t r nmost , likely, i n all probability; hp;
hkoi wa nhten, my brother wi 11 most likely come; ardshs
n i Ahoi Idgu trktefl.
k 3. T o borrow or lend, as money or rice; comp.
J h a f : ' ( h k o i , presupposes a return i n kind, shnp, the
identical arti-cle;) ARoi Az, to borrow; s k i ptnhPraw j o i
m i hkoi i n n7za lipbga ga ai, he borrowed a hundred
rupees and wenJ trading; Akoi ya, t o lend; /qm d ~ g a
hkoi y o e.
Hkoi, r. A shell, mollusc, univalvular shell-fish.
-kawp, n. A shell, conch; any marine shell.
-bu, n. A species of planorbis.
--hkyin, n. Scalariform shells.
Hkoize, n. Chinese chop-sticks ; also pron. seme.
Hkg, A preformative; comp. ga and Ra.
-bai, a. A numeral adjective; see d z ~ m .
-bawp, n. A species of gourd; (Hkauri;) see ginsaf.
-byi, n. A kind of tree; same as l'amau h@n.
-chyi, n. Beads; Akltchyigairu, large beads ; hkackyz gai-
sha, small red beads; hkltckyi gatja or kblichyi sawx,
old and valuable beads, especially of a k i n d resemb-
l i n g amber; hkdchyyic/yuwi a i , v. to s t r i n g beads;
hkdchyr yafz, a s t r i n g of beads.
-dun, n. (from d u n , to lead.) The socket i n which a
door turns; Lkddrcn chyifg/lka, a swinging door;
comp. hkdnoi; RRddun cllyi?zg/lRa gaZaw mu; see
-dawn, 1. A species of cricket; a gryllus or mole-
cricket (?)also pron. Rridawn; comp. Akakrit.
-gup, n. A h a t ; comp. kdgup; h R a u / a n ~ A R d g ~a ,straw
hat; AkhRawp h k a g u j , a hat made of bamboo sheaths
ARdg~pgup, v . to wear a hat.
--grit, tr. A cricket; see ttRiiR'rit.
- - ~ar a w i , n. Dirt, filth; Akdgrawi hap, v . to be dirty,
filthy; LRdgrdwz ihbridu~zg,ariicles i n daily .use, (being
s o i l e d by usage;) dat gaw s i a i wa a Akdgrawi hkddung
mz nga ai, these are the things belonging to the de-
ceased; wa a hkiigrdwt h k d d ~ ~ngai ' n ~ Lang angai.
-krit, r . A cricket, a cicada; hkakrit i t d ~ d a w n any, in-
sect of the genus Gry//us; hkbkrit hk~idawn,skingtaz
sumbra, crickets and worms,-i nsects i n general.
--la, Y. T o wound; to cut, s t a b , or the like; s k i hpt hgaw
r hR&a lla, wound him i n t h e l e g ; ARUa nda,. n. a
wound, cut, laceration; AknZn w6a di,v . to wound, etc.;
hk@a bmglat, blood-guiltiness; see parts.
Hka la, PZ.A kind of ):anI;hCdla @ & , a syeciesoi snake
so called because resembling i n shade t h e young
shoots of the hRdla yam; Akdla-sGru, see parts.
-lam, n. Brinjal; (Atsi;) see shddn.
-lam, a. T o deceive; see RRdIem.
-lap, n. A small window; a trap-door; comp. /a) and
gdap;-chycihpxng mdga dr hkdlap dat ma.
-]em, Y. (from lem, to be deceived.) To deceive,
delude, mislead; colnp. / , M a % and pyawm; A R ~ h r n
sha, to practice deception, trickery, artifice, guile;
h&a/rtn hkctlaltt, 72. deception, etc.
--]en, v . (from /fa, to be lead by.) To pass; to transfer,
from one to another; comp. gci/tn; r v s nwa Reitawng
ting P /tRu/tn da m u ai; to procrastinate; comp. d d i ' e n ;
ski 7zgai hpt y o dg ARra ARdlen Kau n i ai.
-li, v. T o pass, cross, as on a road; AkdLi hkdlai, to meet
and pass; see lai; finitz hRcl/i ARdai gaw a vai nga
ga a i l r a i tim' r ARrum Akraw ai, we have been pass-
i n g each other but did not meet (see each other.)
1 v . To be "bumpy;" coup. of hRd/nw&,which see.
-lum, v. (from /unr, to be warm.) To receive, as guests
with signs of pleasure; to give a warin welcome; hRd-
Ignr la, v. same; see hRap A & d / ~ r n .
--lung, a. (from /~cng, to be tender.) Young, tender,
small; n. the young of any kind of an animal ; g f m r a
Rd~tLang,a foal; ~chkrt/~rrg,a young b i ~ d shingtuz
; hRb-
h n g , a maggot, a small worm.
-lut, v . To lose, squander, as time or money; comp.
gin&; to fail, as i n an undertaking; ny8 a / a m anw
- h.kii/art mnf sti Zi at:
1 n. A flea; mostly pron. hkd/dwi, which see.
-lai, 2). To pass, to cross; see hRlt/i.
-lau, v. (from Zar, to tempt.) T o entice, allure, seduce;
comp. hkdlem; sAi d a i ttxmsha /Ipt ARalai Za nu ai.
-lawk, x . A n ouch, a bezel, a socket, as for a gem; also
pron. hk/awB; a. rough, u n e v e n , full of holes and
bumps; kRaZzR hRctlawR, same; ga ARdZik hhdlawk rai
Tzgn n i .
--lawng, n. A window or a side-door; mmp. hkuwawt
and hkdhrp; ItRuwuwf, h&&Zap,h & n / a w ~mdreng sha.
Hkaloi, a. Wide,large,asashaft;samea s d i ~ ~ g f owhich
--lawi, v. T o wallow, as.a buffalo; to roll i n dust or ashes,
as-fowls; r* ni drip htn hkctlbrbi n i .
-kiwi, 7t. A flea; see zua hkii/(izui; also pron. hR(i/ai.
-na, n. A famous village in the Atsi district.
-nu, v. To be dirty, turbid. foul, as w a t e r ; see hka hku-
xu; to be foul, filthy, si;lutty, as i n speech; shi myil
hkdnu a i w n rt. 0,'; to b e cloudy, unsettled, as the
weather; /df1224 hkri7211 ~}znfsai.
--],urn, n. ~ n ~ esee r ;lrki,intr?tt.
-nau, 72. A proper name for a A4n J h w .
-noi, r . (from izoi, to hang.) A door-hinge; a loop, by
which a door is hung; k k d ~ o dnw, i the post within the
loops; hklz~toichyinghkn: a door s\n7ungwith loops; opp.
to ltkadlln clzyinghkn.
-pang, n. Star-shaped bamboo ornainellts hung at the
entrance of a village to ward off nats; hkltfnng grang
ai,o. to hang a string 'of such ornaments.
-pau rau, n. A kind of seed; see hknijhztl m u .
-pani, &. A species of moth-like insect especially de-
structive to grain; hkuf~izclilnam sha ai.
-prep, ~ tMat-shaped
. ornaments h u n g around a grave;
kkdprep prep or hhri, to weavc t h e ornaments,
usually of wollen yarn and bainboo splits,
Akrai Akdpve) h k r i ma a i .
-pya, n. A kind of braided rattan band; hRdpyn gzwlri,
see parts.
e r a , a. T o be indifferent; h k d m A ~ P ,a . ind:fferent,
careless, negligent; h A i m b&ni wn vzdnn7tg b e s
kdrum r a az.
-ram, rt. T h e cat-fish or bull-head.
-ran, n. (from &s, to be apart.) T o be loose, as a stop-
per, knife-handle or the like; conlp.ginranand kdran;
to be liberal, generous; /fftn hRiiran n i wn, a n open-
handed person.
-ran , r. Dry land; land, as opposite to water; s k i
kr%dva,zg ddr n dPI) h d I(;, h e did not reach land;
LRavar~gm a n , highland paddy; hkdmng l e ~ ga, ran-
way car:
H k i rl, v . T o be in disorder; hkdrz ARdrarr, same, 0
disarranged; usually pronounced s h d ~ zshdva*.
-ruturn, n. T h e anckle; also pron. ARrrtrm.
-rum, u. To be dry, unsavory, unpalatable, k k d r u m
ARdra, a. unsavory, insiped; ARnu hbyc shut h&drtlm
hkdrn r e ai.
-raw, r . A narrow valley, a defile, a gorge; comp. krung
and Rnriit; h k n ~ n wvthkap, valley and h i l l ; S A ~ ~ RPYI
mu lu a i Rkamw, a deep, dark gorge,-from which
the stars are seen at daytime.
-rawk, n. A cattle-bell, made of .banlboo or wood; comp.
gawrzg/awvrg a n d dingsi
-rawnl, a. ,A kind of tree.
-tu, 72. A specles of herb; see dagrc sai; two kinds of t h i s
herb are known, one of whjch is called bur% h k d l r .
-turn, n. Work; a job; comp. funr, h j r a t and &mu;
Akaiu~~r namrang, same.
-taw, n. A specles of lark; (the Eromap/ri/a rorunta?)
comp. tnw and combinations.
-toi roi, n. A species of round white seed, used as orna-
ments; colnp. hkaipaa m i .
-tslp, 71. A bat; commonl). pron. jdlszp; hddfsijl jaulrrg r .
a klnd of umbrella.
-tsu, n. A prawn, a shrimp.
-htep, ZJ. To come close to; see Rdhfcj.
-wan, v. To encircle; see k a ~ a n .
-wawt, n. A small door; same as irRuwawt, w h i c h see.
-yam, v . T o be depressed; coup. of hkdyam.
-yu, TZ. A species of v i n e ; A k d y ~/ap shddu sAa mtv.
-yaw, u. To be ailing; Akdyaiyaaj hkdyaty, to be depressed,
dejected; vzgai ? hddynw khdyam ngu nngor; to be
ailing, to suffer, as from mental or physical weakriess.
-yawin. v . To fashion into a funnel-shaped form;to roll,
as a cigar; comp. 3,asu;m and h&uhajrawm.
Hklawk, n. An ouch; see hkalnwk.
H k r a , vz. A large cricket; a gryllus; h k r a Irrbnr, a young
gr);llus; kkrn g n v hdsha7zg Ata i. n shdgo ai.
Hkra, n. T i m e , season, as for sowing; comp. du h k r a ,
/&ow and vntpz; ras' k k a i na hkra c?r~ sat', the time-for
3 18 Hkra hkra.
planting has arrived; k d r a g d r a i rr du ri, it i s not tlw
season; kRrn hi sni, t b e season is past.
Hkra hkra, v . T o be periodical; ndv. regularily, at stated
times; a . periodical ; numshn hkra hkro, " woman's
periods;" ma chjlangni hkr-(1Akro a i ntqi;~u)Rarr mnchyi
a i.
Hkra, n. A tripod; comp. ?ndhRm and n ~ ( i k r z ihRra
; H 1%
at' nrdjaw h d A r r 111.
Hkra, post). 'Till, unto, until; corny. dr/ k b m and mate; si
dRra, unto death; ~rzdchyih k r n k ( ~ t n tn , beat llim till
he is sick; ba hkren g(iltzw r , C r R k ~ nt ( ~ n2l 4 '
H k r a , v. To hit, as a mark; comp. h k o z ~ ) Rd,e j and h t a k ;
sht ngat c: h k m a i l h e hit me; 7 ~ p hi j r hktcttr hRm, do
not hit (or touch) me; to ~ n e e texperience,
, suffer; see
hkvum; shi r u y a k at' hkratrz a i hk1.(7 n ~ 'h, e encounters
and suffers hardships and trouble.
Hkra, H. T h e right, opposite to p a i l the left; derv. N-
h k m ; hRra de, adu. to the right; hkrn de flni (ic )Rum
rai, turn neither to right nor left; hkru i h t n , the right
hand; kkru m'ign or h k r n nhkrem, the right side; see
Hkra, v. To be careful; ~ ( 2 ' 7 ~ . with care ancl precision;
kRrn di 1 4 , do i t carefully, deliberately; truly, really,
without mistake; ?zgai shi l I p e h R ~ nmr SF n i , I have
really seen him,-I saw him without inistake.
-hkra, n d v . Carefully, with solicitude; hRra h k m tauJn
da nrv, put it down carefully.
Hkrak, v . To knuckle, to rap; derv. difighkrat; adv:
straight, without fail; shi h j c h k m k si y a u, go
straight and give it to him; d a i ni k k m k sn Y , -go
to day,-at once.
-hkrak, ndv. With a rap, snap or t h e like; nzp'hfnt htvak
RRrtzR rtga sAuttg aai.
H k r a k , P . 'l'o be good; n hRraR az', to he bad; cotnp.
s h a w j ; to be on f I-iendly terms with; shi R l e lpgai n
hRrnR gn ai, we a r e not on the best of terms
F l k r ~ m , 21. To trail or run, as a plant; corny. h k r a w r ;
knhkgm r* kkram a i l the pumpkin vine is trailing;
to grow large, "~bushy,"as cefiain kind of trees: Apun
Hkrao sawm. 3 19
lzhran wa law ai; to wander and be unsettled, as the
mind; s h i myit hkram nga ru;
Hkram, r. (from Akram, to trail.) The hammadryad;
see pu kkram.
-chyang, rz. T h e black hammadryad.
-mut, n. T h e shaded variety.
Hkran, v . T o be mixed, intermixed; to intermingle;
comp. jdhbran; mnm hta z a i ' r u Akron az, sand is
mixed with the paddy,-or there is sand i n the paddy;
Myen hla ]E'nglipaw hbran a i , Kachins are interming-
ling with Burmans.
Hkran, v. TO touch lightly; d e w . dznghkran; not as
strong a word as h k r a ; kkran di, to give a slight
touch, rap or the like; daz ma Apt ltbmn sA& dz y a q
ARrup ai.
Hkran, n. A side, as of a river, valley or the l i k e ; a
point on the compass; comp. andga and nkkrtnr; Aka
wora hkran, that (the other) side of the river; nfa
kkran d e R u v z nam hkran dc k z r n is it towards the
side of the house or the edge of the jungle; s i ~ f r n w
kkralz, the east side; sznna hkras, the west.
Hkran, n. Lacquer; comp. IrRnng; hbvnn gawm, a lacquer
-chyang, B . Black varnish or lacquer.
-hkyeng, n. Red varnish, etc.
Hkran, n. Felled trees or cut down bamboos, as of a
highland paddy field; ARran yi, a wood and field; comp.
hkumma yi.
-insrap n. A singing bird somewhat . resembling the
-nat, u. T o burn a highland field,--especially sald of
the second burning of trunks and large branches,
not co~lsumedi n the first; comp. yt ?tat; dai ru k R r a ~
#at u .
-nrnang, H: Piles of b u r n ~ n gwood, as i n a paddy field;
corny. W U H ma?%.
-sawm, v. To collect and heap the wood, for burning, as
i n a field: s e r .rnulm; k k m n sawnr'ngrt jang maw
t i q 'ga .
3m Hkran zat.
Hkran zat, v . To cut up, as trees 01- branches for burning;
yi hkyen a7 slzrtloi h hran a t 11.
Hkrang, H. A s h a p e , 'hgure, form; ARr)tr h h r u t ~ ga, shape,
an animal body; hkrarrg 614l1g c z z , to be alike, as i n
figure a n d stature.
Hkrang, v. To pass, as a bullet through a board; comp.
dinggrang and hdren; hpu rrpycn Rya a i majaw sdnal
pala k k m n g , the board bei n~ soft the bullet passed
through; to be open, c l e a r , & a road for trafic; Nam-
&ham /am ya Ahrung s a i , the Namkham road is now
open; to .reach, ascend, as praise or prayer, to the
Celest i a1 regions; htrc7u Mutsaw Hkri~tg~g-yu wang l a ,
Ntsang hRrirtgdrrt ARru71g /a.
Hkrang, v. T o release, liberate, as a prisoner; comp.
Adye; dl4 wlz d a i bawnf hfle hRmng dot nu ni.
-la, z). To save, redeem'; lnostly used as a cot~y.of khyc
Hkrang, v. ( f roo1 hkmng., to pass through.) To speak
plainly; a. plainly, distinctly, accurately,-applied to
speech; kg x k b m f t g l r i v t z t z , a child unable to speak
naa rndrhyi n i mlijoro g a )yi w A R ~ a n g1% at.
Hkrang, 96. T h e fahulolrs I-iver by w b i c h fire was first
discove1.ec1. Hkrang, n. a limb.
-- h ka. r l . Same; F C C parts;
--ma, 71. A goose ; (Hkauri;) co~np.hkyat~gtti(z;h b r e n g v
i c z n r , a wild goose; comp. ))lck /am.
H kran y , a. T h e ~llustardplant; see rhyinghkrang.
-du, n. A variety of the mustard plant.
-hkyi, r . A radish; cotnp. /(121611.
--hkri, a. Sour-kraut made of mustard leaves; comp.
ckydh kri.
--tum, H~ A mustard seed.
Hkrap, e. To cry, to weep; comp. myt pvttwz; LRvaP kd-
chyi kkteap kashnru, to a.itl. to weep or cry bitterly;
hRra/, 7 l ~ ~ ?hkwl,l7$
i f ~ g o i ,wai!i ng, lor~dweeping or la-
mentation; /rkmp ni h k ~ a pb J e j , to w h i m p e r ; n. one
always whimpering or w h i ~n~qi; coln y. also hkrnj4 shd-
barn and hkrd/r ~kng,t.tftg.
Hkrap, n. A clan of t h I , a h t ~ w ttihr; Ilkt,rz$ n t Lfiklaw
amysc mi M a t r i .
Hkrat, v. To fall from an elevation; to drop down; comp.
di h t r u t , Rddawng, Akawn, r a and rufzg; nfa d e nna
AR#m hkrat, do not fall from the house; comp. also,
hpang hkrat, to fall behind; aya hRrat amn': to lose (fall
from) an office; gumhpraw Akrat ai, to contribute,
give, as money; dilmsu Rdsha Lkrat ai, to calve; to
bring forth young, as animals; see jat; du Qaw hRrut
a i Aha, a blood-f eud; same as Qicnglat hka.
Hkre, v. T o move i n a straight, unbroken line; a.
straight, unbroken, without deviation; also used ad-
verbially; Rawa Ldrzgai m i Atdraw d e ARve 7rga nna
gunrsurc mat wa sai.
-hkre, adv. Straight ahead; without delay or deviation.
Hkrem, v. To be side by side or i n line, as soldiers at
drill; derv. nhtrcm; comp. greng; adv. side by side;
ARrem r a i nira tsap mil; i n order, one by one; inostly
used in religious poetry with its coup. sem:
Mdnu gwikawng mdnat lrkvem r a i nzyzt,
M a w a k t r i ~ g h t a w n gmddal sem vai myit.
-hkrem, v . To be close to, at "the elbow of '; also used
adverbially; ngai lrpang d e hRrem hkrem r a i wa ai
mdjaw, gdmai dat we ai.
Hkren, v. To be pierced through and through; h k r m di,
to run, pierce through; r i h t c hkren di 24; adv. through
and through, from side to side from first to last., from
top to bottom; npawt ndang hkven ga r , spiit it from
top to bottom; npawt %dung hkren tsutz a,tell it from
first to last; lit. from bottom to top; comp. Ahrang.
Hkreng, v: To have lost taste or strength, as liquor;
comp. Lkawng; chyavu htretdg. m a t sat.
Hkrep, v. To be i n line, i n a row, as buttons or the like;
comp. greng; derv. mdhtrej; palawng hta hRiRgar
/tRvep nga ai.
-hkrep, adv. In line, i n a row.
Hkret, v. To be shrunk, as i t were, dried up.
--hkret, a. Shrunk, shrivelled, wrinkled and thus puny;
h k ~ e ht k r ~ Y&
t a i ma.
Hkret, v. To rasp, grate; derv. rndhkrrt and hpaihkret;
to gnaw; see altkret.
323 Hkret. hkret.
Hkret hkret, ndv. I n a rasping, grating o r gnawing
manner; y* hkrrt hkret nga shara nga ai.
H kri, n. A term of relationship; ( I ) cousins,-a paternal
aunt's. (?JZOZ a) daughters; ( 2 ) an aunt,-a paternal
aunt's husband's sister; (3) a nephew or niece,-a
sister's children; (4) a son-in-law; (5) a respectful
appellation used by a man when addressing a woman
of equal age or standing; comp. hkau.
H k r i , v. T o braid; con$ r j t ; see md/ahri, dinghkri a n d
z i ~ g h k r hi h r i ai; hRri d a p , n. see iddap.
Hkri, v. T o be sour, tart, acid; cornp. Aka; derv. chydhbri,
hkraptghi'rri and nzdhhri; namsi h b r i a i , the fruit is
sour; fig. to be sour, crabbed, morose; namsi rng yang
myit A R r i a i hkrum nn, dreaming about (sour) f r u i t
means unpleasantness.
Hkri, n. Black varnish, as used for rattan rings; cornp.
-chya, v. T o varnish; see parts.
-dawk, v. T o extract the juice from which the varnish
is obtained.
-kSwa, v. T o be poisoned by the varnish, shown especial-
ly by swelling of the face.
-hpun, n. The tree from the fruit or sap of which the
varnish is produced; a species of henna.
Hkrihkraw, n . A joint; comp. {am*; Rdyaw yang Akri-
hRraw Kdshai a i .
Hkrim, v . T o act i n unison; adv. all at once, with one
accord; comp. g r i m and h f r i m ; nanhte nlang Akrim
rot' dsng mu.
-hkrim, adv. I n unison, etc.
Hkrim, v. T o threaten; see ahbrim; to last, continue, as a
feast;poimaliya hkrinr a i , the feast is lasting four days.
H kring, v. T o wait, to delay; comp. jiihkring and ala;
to linger, defer, procrastinate; shi nau ltkring nga a i ,
he is delaying too long; n. a moment, a waiting~while;
see ahkring; hdrzng m i jyi hbffnz hRripzg, do not defer
even one moment; / r k v i ~ zsha, nafv. a little, a while,
only a m o m e n t ; h k y i ? ~.c?;a
~ . nzi s k a p y a e.
Hkring, A pretormative mostly used with religious
* Hkridun, 98. a gravel b e d ; bed-rock.
Hkrihgbu~n, n. A place (hill) set apart for religious
purposes; comp. 6zt a n d mdda.
-bawp, n. T h e burdock or urena hemp; (?)a weed with
repand leaves of the species Lappa; hkvinglawp nga
ikriyawf, hkrilzgji nga mctrz.
-dat, it. The abode of a nat; cornp. ngat and A R r i ~ g - ~ :u
S~r?lzwiman az ngat, ninghtt sax a i hhringdat.
-ji, 72. A k i n d of prickly weed with oval leaves; comp.
h Rringdawp.
-jung, iz. A chief's assistant.; see Akringmang.
-jaw, it. 'l'he packet of fresh meat given as a part of
the wages to a nat-priest; cornp. /tRving/a; dumsa wa
h f e Ak~i?tg/nwya m z .
-la, n. T h e regular wages paid a hat-priest; cornp.
Akrirtgj~zwand mazn; i f a " beef ", is sacrificed the
duntsa receives the " clod," the hhinjawng the neck,
and the chief of the village a hind-quarter or l e g
(mrigyi;) when a fowl is offered a leg falls t o t h e offi-
ciating priest.
-law, v . T o unfasten, loosen; same as mdZaw; to expel,
drive out, as a oat; see kdvingfraw.
-mang, n. A chief's assistant; a "lieutenant;" hkring-
jzag hkvingrnarzg nz, a body-guard, close attendants.
-tnu, n. A fern; RRringmu f a n , ferns.
-mung, n. A hill, an elevation; a village site; cornp.
kawrtg and shadung; l a Rawng shddrng, ja shang
h kri?cgmrng.
-mau, n. A poetic name for fire; hkringmatc wan snm
shalu mu.
-mau, n. A kind of brush; (sage?) tndsha ga madat
mrtya??, hRrl'rrgszau . ~ : i r ~b n i n a m .
-nang, 92. A sinew, tendon of the groin or shoulder;
, hkri?zg7~1zfrg btrm 02, a swelling of the groin; kdhpa
hkri7tgnnng ~ k t d r l n~t~. ~ i
-ni n u , 7 t . T h e sciatic nerve.
-nga, n. (from p L g . 0 , to h e . ) The dwelling place of a
?mL;comp. hRn?zgd(rt a n d irgnt.
-ngu, n. A I-espectful tern1 for a chief; Mdda adu nr,
maba hkrtng?~gzt71;.
Hkringpraw, v. T o expel, drive out, as undesirable nats;
see f r a w and shdpraw; ngai kumda kRrzngwaz ai
AkringLaw, ktlngji hkrirrgwai a i h Rrirzgpraw.
-san, a. (from san, to be chosen.) Chosen, elected, set
apart; RRringsdn dumsa, a chosen (and thus honoured)
-htawng, n. An honourary title of a nat; a hereditary
profession,-generally religious; comp. gwikawng
and see example under Akrem; Rkri?zghtnwng katu, v .
to have a strong bias or inclination to follow, as the
profession of the forefathers; hkringhtawng nga, to
be in the ancestral succession,
-wa, n. A nat priest of the highest order; comp. dumsa,
hp*ngZa m and tsdltl ng.
-wan, n. An order of nats; the religious name for the
mddai altar, commonly called h j h t a w n g ; hkringwan
l'gj5htawng hi, Cdjran dap s h i hRroi.
-wai, n. (from wai, to sway.) A bunch or handful
of elephant grass (Rrmba,) wagged or wafted by a
nat-priest while oficiati ng; himda Rbringwai a i yeng,
Rrngji hkringwai a2 seng.
-wawm, n. A cold; only used poetically as a coup. of
tanam; comp. waw; kkritzgwawm tanam hRrlrm da
-yan, . n. (from yan, to be extended.) A width of split
bamboo (chyinghkyen,) laid cross-wise , as when weav-
i n g a floor, or mats for the side of a house.
-yu, n. he abode of a nat; only used i n poetry as a
coup. of hkringdat; hkring-yr gup, v. to dwell, as a
nat; see parts.
Hkrip, v. T o act i n unison; derv. akRrip; comp. hRrzm
and ZdAkrip.
-hkrip, adv. At once, in the same way, i n unison; Apyrn ma
ni h k r i p AkriP y a i nna lrkawm ma a i l the soldiers are
marching keeping step; lang Ldla ARrij hRrip di mu.
Hkrit, v. T o fear, be afraid; cornp. kyawm and wamm;
derv. ahkrit; h k r i t ' gari, to fear and tremble; hkril
kdmyin,to fear and reverence; hkrit s h ~ r an. , danger,
occasion for fear; hkrit shari, to fear and take warn-
ing; hkvzt s h d r i ri ai, shingLang ,nun makyz ai.
Hkrithpa, n. Fear; LRn'thfa nsan a t w a , a man inspiring
fear; Lkrithfa nsan a i r a t , an object of fear.
Hkritung, n. T h e abdomen; the womb, regarded as the
place of growth and development (not - conception,
comp. pu ]at,) of t h e embryo; ski hRriturzg nna wa lu
a i l Akrdwang nna myit s* a i , he cut teeth from t h e
womb, was wise from his birth.
-wang, n. T h e womb; same as hkritrcng; usually prop.
/t Rvdwareg.
Hkru, v. T o be full, satiated, as with food; comp. Rat;
hRru Akra sAa u ,e a t till you are satisfied.
-hkru, adv. Until filled, satisfied or satiated; nnnhte
yawng hRru hRuu Rat )at sha mu.
Hkru, v. T o burn, to be consumed by fire; derv. htinghkru;
comp. nat and f r a w n g ; nta h k r u a i , t h e house is burn-
ing; shdraw Lkrv a i , the jungle is on fire; ARvis mat,
to be burned down; mare ling hkru mat sai.
Hkru, v. T o pierce; corn? maR and hpr2; often used as
an interjection; pierLc LC, run it through; r i Lie ARrrc
di w.
Hkru, n. A kind of tree; a species of p d m ; hkru pawl
g r a i sau ai.
Hkru, v . T o descend; coup. of yu; comp. gu.
Hkru, 92. One of t h e Kachin months, also called L u n si;
January; see Gram.; ARra ta r md~hayauvrghkru sha
lu ma at:
Hkru, v. T o be good; comp. k ~ j a ;a. good, reasonable,
virtuous; 1726,2~1 h & i u ai, a reasonable, proper price;
hkyu n hkvu rr a i nz, those good and bad.
-hkra, n. Good, proper, etc.; n ARru n irkra re a i . wa, a
very bad persol]; h k y u hRva a i rri k t c Rdnawn mu.
-ndung, a , Ancient; pristine, ancestral; hRru ndrcngga,
the ancestral (good olden) country; ARru d w n g ga
nna chye ga or.
Hkru, n. A bird of t h e genus Columba; comp. u h k r u , Rd-
hkru and ?d Y O .
-du, n. A dove; usually called u hturcdu.
-jeng, n. T h e r~n g-dove or fox-coloured turtle-dove;
also called /I kurtji; h k r u l e ~ g
gaw amyu Rdji re az.
-ji, n. The ring-dove; same as LRrujesg.
326 H kruwa.
Hkrr~!,va, n. The emerald dove.
Hk:.i~ln, v . T o meet, converge; derv. di7tghRrum; comp.
h k m , lazt and h b r z ~ p shz
; k p e ARrrcm nrc ni? did you
meet him? myit h b r l ~ maz, to a g r e e , be of the same
opinion; to experience, suffer; sht' nzdr,!7yz' grai hkrum
ot', he-is suffering a great deal of sickness; shi ji nat-
tsasam ARrurn n i , he has met (and is thus suffering
from) strange nats; a n hh~rcrna i , to suffer punish-
ment; to express the passive voice, hkrlrm is general-
l y used; see Gram.; sAi tsaw ra LRrum a i ma rg ai, he
is a beloved child; (to have sexual intercourse; north-
ern Kachin; cornp. R d t z d ; ) n. a meeting, converging;
mliraz mlislrm hRvlre r a i nna dung nga ma ai.
h k r u m , n. A crash; see gram.
Hkrun, n. A path; see milhlrrrn; (probably t h e o r ~ g i o a l
word for road;) hRrun Lam, a road, a path; hRrin Lam
hkawm nz ma, a wanderer; kkratn a hkam yan, lam e
hkum hfyan.
Hkrung, v. T o l i v e , to be alive; derv. c h ~ d h k r z l n g ;see
jahbrung; LRrung at nil si laat az' nz, the living and
t h e dead.
Hkrup, v. T o meet, confront suddenly and unexpectedly;
colnp. Ratut and h h r r m ; gdv. unexpectedly, acci-
dentally, fortuitously; shi Lgng seng mu ARrup ai, he
found unexpectedly a precious stone; shi gang ai baw
sha hkrlcp az, he accidentally (by mistake,) took
poison; sAi ja kabye hkrup ni, he happened to s t e p on
a thorn.
Hkrup, v. T o crunch; to squeak, as a shoe, and thus to
wear a shoe; kyeplin Akrup dt u ,wear (squeak,) the
-hkrup, adv. i n a crunching manner; "crunch crunch;"
shz rhan/zpj.l c/tydh/traw hhrup h k r u p nga nnn sha at.
Hkrut, v. T o wash clothing: cornp. bu7zghkrrrt and Rd-
shin; pdl(zw7rg hkytct. u.
Hkrut, v. T o snatch; cornp. hkyye and Rdrawt; to pull
with force; i;ilrtai kkrztt di /a u.
Hkrut, n. A whet-stone; see nhhrzst.
-nen, n. A smootll, fine-grained whet-stone; see parts.
Hkrauhkran. 327

Hkrutsai, n. Sand or the like put on a stone to faciliate

grinding. .
-zut, n. A rough soft-grained stone.
Hkrai, v . To be alone; derv. chydhkrai; comp. tszk; a.
only, alone; rzgai h k r a i sa na, I only will go; n. an
orphan, only used i n composition.
-hkrai, a. Alone, only; also used adverbially; a n h t ~
h k ~ n hR;r-az
i mz'ga ai. it is only we.

-nang, n. A poetic name for paddy; ARuai7ra?zg wwunjz

-ngawk, n. An orphan; a term of abuse; "you foolish
cast-away; see parts.
-+ha, adv. Alone, only, singly; Bang hRraz sha sa u .
-htawng, n. (from htawng, to be kicked out.) An
orphan, a cast-away ; h k r a i Rfawng hkraz l a p , an out-
cast, an abandoned or ostracized person; /dsa hRmz
htawng /zRrai jap ni, a term of abuse ,-you condemned
Hkrai, v. T o bridge; derv. mddkvai; n. a b r ~ d g e . - - o n l ~
used i n cornposi tion.
-gung, n. A large bridge.
-raw, n. A suspension bridge; hkrarraw yawn a t , ZJ. to
put up such a bridge.
-shum, n. A balustrade; comp. hkaishum.
-wa, n. A large traditional bridge, built by N-gawn 7ua
across the Upper Irrawaddy; hlatsaw hkrazgung naw
/an n a , N t s a q hRraiura saw h f a n nn.
Hkrau, u. T o mount, bestride; n y shipzgma~ C ARrau r a i a ,
get up on m)l back; gumra hta A ~ Y ~ raz E L II, mount the
pony; hkrazc re, to rest, as a g u n on the shoulder;
comp. htnn and m d r a ; sdnal hkrau rar a ,shoulder
the gun; to rest, as a nat on an a l t a r ; gungdawn n/rr a
lddaf wa ?nung ngni Lau, z~achyaAkungrz' hta hkrau.
Hkrau, v. To impede, to intercept; k f r a w n g ai wa Ape
hkrav nna rim u , intercept the run-away and capture
him; to head off, as a stampeding herd; comp. hibaw,
nnnr na nga ni /tdc /om de hkrnvl dlrf rtttc; see a k k r a u .
-hkran, ' o. T o exempt, as froin illness or failure; to ward
off, as misfortune; o n l y used i n religious poetry as a
coup. of rauran :

Latsa rzr7rg hpytnz, h t s a nzng 14Arau h Ryan md sat;

above I k e e p (the sacrifice) a century and ward off

evil, a hundred years 1 guard it exempting them (the
sacrificers) from i Ilness.
H kraula, n. A cross-beam; see hAazlLa.
Hkraw, v . To agree, concur, give assent to; nang hRraw
n ni? do you agree ? shi n hRraw a i , he does not
agree or want to; n h R m w , cannot, will not; lap m i e
iaika n p r u /IR~tzwaz, you cannot get the book for
one rupee;-lit. the book does not agree to appear,etc.
Hkraw, u. T o be dry, as wood, grass or the like; derv.,
chydhkraw; comp. Rang, hkan, hparun, saw and
htawng; a . dry, not green; h k r a w ai hpsn htazg wa rit;
to be dry, as the throat; to be harsh, gruff, grating, as
the voice; comp. jdhRraw; may% LRraw hkra nga ai,
see yu h k r a w .
Hkraw, v. T o p ~ c k , a sa l o c k ; t o t a k e a p a r t , a s a g u n o r a
machine; opp. to shdchyaw; comp. Zan; sdlrat hking
hpe Akraw kau u .
Hkrawk, v. T o search, ransack; comp. sawk and tam;
/&gut w a l t p e san hkrazuh y a m u , examine (scrutinise,)
t h e thief; shz njut nnaw shdgx tam hRvawR yu a i , he
is prying into every nook and corner.
Hkrawk, v. T o be hollow, depressed;.(Hkauri;) see
Hkrawk h k r a k , v. T o crack, clap, as the hoofs of cattle;
a h /&aw hkrawk h k r a k , gxmua, /dgnw $ 2 4 1 daR.
Hkrawn, v. T o recline, be recumbent; hhrnwn t a w , to
recline, as on the elbow; to trail, creep, as a creeper;
comp hhram andg~lga7.o;~u h k ~ n w na? haw raz ni.9
h n g a i 6aw rat nz . is it a creeper or a climber?
,Hkrawn, v. T o be through, as a pole through an opening,
or a thread through a needle, d e r v . d i ~ g k k r a w n ;
comp. hkren; hkrawn di,to pass t hrou g h as described;
sdmyit na hRu rz hkrawn dt' u , thread the needle; see
shawn; to follow, as a road, or the m ~ n dand will of
another; lam hRzi hkrawn raz mrr, follow the beaten
Hkya. 3 a9
track; rrgai mytl ai kRu kkrawn rai nru, act accord.
i ng to my will.
Hkrawnhkra, n. A kind of " tripod;" pegs of bamboo or
b oreen wood driven into the ground; hkrawnkkra hta
ndra nna Rdbung u.
Hkrawng, v . To be broken i n two, as a sword; cornp.
h a n g hkrawng; to have reached the middle, as of a
road, or of life; nye nhtu hkrawng rai mat sai, my
sword is i n two; shi praf kdang Akrawtzg nga nrc ar,
he has reached middle age.
Hkrawp, v . To be dry, rustling and thus brittle; comp.
bu Ahraw$, di tikrawp, and shaf hhrnwfl; nam l a p
Akraw yang hikra+ hkrawp nga ai; to crack, split;
cornp. g r a w f ; baw hkrawp d i a.
Hkrawt, u. To even, square, finish off, as the bottom of a
post, the mouth of- a bamboo vessel or the l i k e ;
shddaw Akrawt u , square the post; miam hfumpa
ARrawf rai mat sai; fig. to be ended, done with,
squared; Rtawkdang nrdjaw htingkaw LRrawf rai mat
Hkroi, v . T o ascend; to climb; cornp. lung and h i ; ntsa
de hRroi rai mu, climb up.
H k r ~ n a w n , a. Gentle, pleasant; also pron. sdnawn; IrRrd-
nawn bungi'i irpungsu, mdjarrg hpun/ap shdmu, the
sighing of the gentle breeze, the trembling of the
H k r ~ w a n g , n. The abdomen; see hkritung and hkriwong.
H k w i , v. T o h u n t , chase, pursue; cornp. gyam, dawa and
Ahan; shan hRwi, t t ~ hunt; nga Akwi, to fish, as by the
use of a dam; ja grcmhpraw h t w i ai, to hunt, search,
as for money; mdsha rim na 1Rwi ai, to. pursue with
intention to capture.
Hkya, v. T o chide; to ridicule; cornp. asawng, gya and
roi; shi ngai /rpe hRya ai; ARya ARrum ai, to be
Hkya, v. To put off,defer, delay, as work; cornp. gya; +A7
amtc hkya Raa saz.
Hkya, v . To prepare glutinous rice; see arhRya hhyo.
Hkya, v. To be as two of a kind; mostly used adverbial-
ly; cornp. Akyaw; like, like as; shz ma Irkya gde u z ,
H kya hkya
h i s mar~rlrrsare those of a c h i l d ; hkya m i , alike, of a
k i n d ; rzrr hAjlo ? ~ rar
i nga g n nz, we are two of a kind;
shar~hti.lrLjfn r,,r mz nga wll~a i , they are of the same
Hkya h k y a a . Like, resembling; m a Lkya hkyn at wa,
a puerile person.
Hkyak, V , To show independence; hkyaR d a t , to act on
one's own accord, or to form a clique, as for independ-
ent action; see h k y a ; sAi h k y n t daf n n n sn a t , he fol-
lowed his own will and went; hkyak mz, n. a clique;
mdnnn,o l r t r n d a w ~ z g aai slm hkyaA mz v a i nna g d a w
ma ai.
Hkyam, v. T o he large; derv. ahkyam ; comp. thyurn.
-hkyam, a . Large; n. i n large portions or parts; mcilzd
hkyam hhya?~:r a i n n a m a w t ndaw.
Hkyam, v . T o wind, as yarn on a shuttle; derv. ding-
H k y a m s a , n. Happiness, rest, pleasure; hkynmsa jaw.
to grant a respite, reprieve; Bur. qS:s~3;hkyamsa lu-
nga-yn, see parts.
Hkyanghkyi hk yang, n. Chains, hand-cuffs; see ARang-
hkyi hRyang a n d Bur. c@gBr.
Hkyangma, R. A goose; see irkrangma.
Hkye, v . To be red; same as ARye~g.
Hkye, v. T o tear; same as je, which see.
Hkye, v. To rescue, save, deliver; comp. mawaz, saz and
Bur. pdj; hRye A k r a n g La, to rescue, as from drowning;
Akye l a n i zun, a deliverer, an emancipator; to snatch;
Lkye di /a 2 4 , snatch it away; derv. aARye; see wa

Hkye, v. T o be aslant, leaning, inclined; derv. tzhkyt;

comp. g y e g , h hYe7rg and hyeng; Rkye di,to " ti p H , as
a basket; shillgnoz lzpe hkye di a.
-hkun, n. A division, square, on a native backgammon
board; see shdwsa d&.
Hkyenam, a. A Chinese clan.
Hkyem, v. T o get ready; same as Akyen, which see.
H k y e n , v. T o cut a n d clear, as jungle or a highland
paddy field; cornp. Ryan, d a w t , d n i and gawl; nang na
tram hkvpnr 7r, cut this jungle; d a i n i y i Akye~zna.
Hkyen, u. T o prepare, get ready, put things i n order;
comp. gyz, j i r c , r . / t J . z j , Lawn a n d h j a r g ; r Aatrhte mdtzau
hkyen 7nn a i l they are g e t t i n g ready for the dance;
raz hkyen ngut sai, raz' wa aru, everything is in order,
go a h e a d ; sknt Akycn lawn nzd nu ai, the food is all
ready-"on the table."
Hkyen, u. T o fence, to spar; derv. j a u h k y e ~ ;n. fencing,
Sparring; kRye,c chyai,to practice fencing; hkytn cAyr
ni wn kpe kpa a di la ai.
I-l kyen, v. T o scrape off; comp. ahhut; hfyi LRyett Rag
a m rhn m u , scrape off the skin and e a t it.
Hkyen, v. T o strain, filter; to draw off, as water from
boiling rice; comp. jen; z-gu jdhRa hkyan Rau mu.
Hkyen, n. Frost, snow, ice; comp. gyea and Ryaw-na;
!,kyrn h k ~ a lv; . to fall, as frost or snow.
Hkyen, v. T o be in sorrow, distress; mostly used as a
coup. of yawn, which see.
l-3kyen, v. T o be wound, as a bandage; see ahkyen; comp.
Hkyeng, v . To be r e d ; see ahRymg; a . red, crimson; also
yron. hkye; ga Rkyeng, red soil; rz' Rkyeng, red yarn.
Hkyeng, v . T o tip, as scales; to overbalance, to exceed,
as proper weight; joi hkyeng hRra bang u , put on till
you tip the scales; fig. to be overbearing; to excel, a s
i n strength or other qualities; nryit kh~leaga i w a ,
an overbearing person; na ga nau h h y ~ n gndai, you
are too insolent; n - g ~ nh k y e g ai wa, a n over-strong
H k y e n g h k a tr. The depiession around the anal orifice.
Hkyep, v. To break; t o reduce to small pieces or frag-
ments, to cut up, as meat; deiv. n h k y e ~ shan ; hkyep
nna s h a d ~ tm v , cut up the meat a n d prepare it; n. a
small piece, a morsel, a crumb; muk hkyep 7ni, a piece
of bread. . -
Hkyet, u . T o dry up, evaporate, as liquids; to fall, as a
river; hka hkyet mat sai; to expire, emit the last
breath; sLi srsa kRyet mat sai.
H k y e t , n. A dale, dell; a gentle depression between two
h~ 11s; see ahkytt and kndil.
H k y i , n. To blow t h e nose; no# kkyzu
332 Hkyi.
H k y i , n. T h e barking deer; Curvas Muntjac; Bur. 4; see
chyahkykyr, shan and shan nga.
-dut , n. T h e Porcine deer; cornp. zau nyi.
H k y ,~ v. T o ride; (Shan;) see p w n .
-an, n. A saddle; see grrmra RRi7rg.
-ma, n. A ri'ding pony.
-zau. n. Food; provision, as for a journey; (Hkailri;)
corn p. jarit and tanggyiir.
H k y i , 71. A l v ~ n e discharges, excrement, ordure, dung,
dirt; comp. Bur. oqr,myz kkyi, nep h k y i and wa uhkyi.
-byep, v. T o be untidy; n. an untidy person; a term of
-hkang, n. Lac, black varnish; saine as hkang, which
-nye, 2). T o evacuate the bowels; (Hkauri;) comp. Ran
-nyi, v. T o evacuate the bowels; cornp. Ran Maw.
-hkum, n. Chyme or chyle; hkyz hLzcm hte pasa sa sha
yang mg az'.
Hkyik. 92. Large hanging scales; a balance for weigh-
l n g heavy objects; cornp. jang, joi and jum hkyik; v.
to weigh wholesale; jam d a m e jam sa hkyiR ga.
Hkyik, v. To be pulled down; see ahkyik; ARyik di,v. to
pull down; hkyiR dt' Ka'rawt la zc.
Hkying, n. Time; see ahhying and cornp. c h y i q ; LRyzng
n nga ai, there i s no time; ya hkying, the present time.
Hkying, a. A thousand; hkying mi, one thousand; hkyiying
m i mun mi, thousand and tens of thousands.
Hkying, n. A kind of magic square, also called yam,
which see; hkyingdth or y u , v. to divine with the
Hkying, v . T o vie, compete, contend; cornp. jawltg; gat
h k y i n g y ~ga, let us run a race,-lit. compete i n run-
ning; sAa Lkying mu, compete i n eating,-see who
can eat the most; anhtz skirzgtawt hkying ga.
Hkying, v. T o pull, d r a g , as by jerks; cornp. aAKye and
-hkying, adv. In a jerking manner; by jerks, by sudden
pulls or s t a r t s ; nve a pdlawng hkyirzg hfiying rtga
&drawl ai, hpn r a l kun P
Hkyawk. 333

Hkying, V. T o s ~nik ; derv. a h h y i q and ckytihkyrrzg.

-hka, n. A species of ginger, also called prangsknna9)r.
-hkang, a . Stinking, rotten, offensive to the smell; see
parts; hiyi~zghkarzg pdnau.
--ma, n. A 1;ind of offensive smelling insect; also pron.
chyingnzn ;h ky yi9tgg?)zanzy i jil ai.
Hkyu, n. A charm, muntra, spell; see ahkyu; kkyu bau, V.
to charm, as i n a love affair; hhyw chye - a i wa, nla na
mdhkawa h j e bnu shiijuaw /a a z
Hkyun, n. T h e kidneys; see nhkywn.
-nra, n . The lumbar vertebrm.
-sau, n. T h e fatty tissues surrounding the kidneys.
-shan, n. Loin or sirloin.
-tawng, n. T h e kidneys; see parts.
Hkyung, V. To be chronic, as a disease; comp. l u ~ g to ;
be i n constant suffering and thus steadily growing
weaker; ngai tri ?zing mrtswm ning kkyung rzi ai, I h a v e
been suffering two or three years; to be weak,
timorous, f aint-hearted; derv. ldhkytlng.
-hky:ng: a . Tin~orous,f aint-hearted and thus fawning,
cringing; fznng h f i r a i hkyang hkyuttg raz re ta P why
are you so timorous ? hRyrng kkyung re ai gwz.
Hkyup, V. T o clink, ring, as money; shigumhfraw kkyup
nga n fttrfgra /a ai.
Hkyut, u. T o scald; (Hkauri;) see m h .
Hkyau, n. T o be crisp; comp. h k ~ a f .
-hkyau, a. Crisp, friable; v . to produce the sound, as
when eating anything crisp; shanhte chyznghkrattg
hkyau ARyau nga n7rn sLa ma a2.
Hkyaw, v . To coax,wheedle; to pacify, as by coaxing; Bur.
E@; shl' JtPt a t s a w a Ahyaw yrr mu; derv. ahkyaw.
Hkyaw, v . T o be alike, of a kind, or of t h e same set;
same as hkya, which see.
Hkyaw, v , T o slouch, as a h a t ; . hkyaw ai ARadan
hkdgup, a straw slouch hat; LRarclan &yaw g r a u Rdja.
Hkyawk, v. T o present a petition, as at court; to sue;
also pron. shawR; Bur. cq305.
Hkyawk, v. T o be depressed, hollow,'sunken, low; derv.
IrihRyawR: nau nrdchyi a2 mkjaw myz hkyawd a i , hav-
ing been very sick his eyes are sunken; ARyawk a i
334' Hkyawm.
shara, a depression, as i l l the ground; hkyawk at
shara kdptlt mu.
Hkyawm, v . T o be inclosed, sheltered, housed, as a
herd, flock or the like; comp. hpyawng; ma n i yawng
Akyawm vai mLt sni, all the children are i n ; ngq ni
d a w n g de hkyawm r a i nzd sai, the cattle are (all) i n
the stable; jan du n i mtijaw, u 7 z i tr lawng de hhyawm
r a i md sai; see nawlrz.
Hkyawng, n. A stream; Bur. c@38:; comp. Aka ski; ndai
hkyawlzg e ltkauaa g d a w rra tsuwm aga ai.
Hkyawp, v. T o grab," scoop o r " shove in;'' W La arai

mahRra shi hhyynzuj di au a i , he scooped i n (grabbed)

all my things; to sieze, grab, as an inheritence by un-
lawful means; Rdwa a sdli 7u24nZi Ma Ganz kkvaz
h k y a w j di 7zu a i ; comp. ~/lyawj+.-
Hkyawt, v. T o banish, expel, exile, as a witch or family
of witches; hpyi RRyawt a i ni K d a t a i ma ai; to drive
out, expel, as nats from a house or community, the
inhabitants having changed religious views; du ni
nat hkyawt Rntl nna, K d r a i Kdsang naw nrd sai; comp.
nat skdpraw and flat Rau az'.

T h e fourteenth consonant i n the ~ a c h i nalphabet; 1 as

i n English.
La, n. A member of the La tribe; the La and Wa tribes
were originally one, but now broadly speaking, the
La forms the Buddhist and the W d t the spirit-worship-
ping branch of the same race; La / ~ r flobg
, mounds or
elevations found i n the Kachin hills, supposed to be
the graves of the La's who formerly inhabited this
\ territory.
La,? v . T o close, shut, as a door; opy. to hpaw; /a da, to
shut; see parts; rhyirzghin /Ipe /a dn 8 , shut the
L;, v . T o wait, tarry, stay or stop for; derv. a& and
mdla; comp. hikri~tg; la u , wai,t, (lit. yet wait;)
La sha m d a , wait for your desert, (lit. wait and eat)-
a phrase implying a threat.
Lahpawk. 335
La, v. l o take; t o accept; comp. j a ; derv. md/a; to take,
as a wife; shi n r t l j c gnynt n /a ai; to refer to, to
-bat, v. (from bat, to wind around.) T o refer, have
reierence to; shi irpe La bat nna fsun ai, he spoke
with reference to him.
-kap, v. (from bap, to adhere to.) To refer, allude to,
aim at; comp. slliiang; sAi sltanhfr hpe Za Rap nna
tszrn ai
-liau, u. T o take away, remove; comp. Atawh Rau and
ynzum kaz; see parts.
---$ a , v. (from so, to g0.j To take, convey, take along.
-wa, o. (from wn, to return.) T o bring; bring back; to
La, a&. Very; yaE La ni, very difficult;a3ocH
fsawm /a ai,very
pretty; hRa l a n i , very bitter.
--chying, adu. (from chying, very.) Very, exceedingly;
also pron. mzchyi?zg; shi lachying 92 A k ~ aai.
-hka, adz,. Very, t o an unusual degree; comp. ahka; grai
kajiz /a hbn gnw, this seems surprisingly good.
La, v. To flash, as lightning; to break, as the dawn;
derv. ala a n d gd./a; nhtoi la Y & a i , the day (light)
is dawning
-la, v. To be flashing or dawning; wan la la ri a i , the
flame (fire) is flashing; nhfoi fa Zn ye n i .
La, n. A month; Bur. m; see shdtn.
-hka, n. A monthly salary; Bur. ms; see shafa shadrai.
La, n. T h e h a n d ; an abbreviation-of &La or ldyung.
-chyawp, a. A finger-ring; see chyawf
-dawng, a. Stupid, dull, not active; comp. shdbu /a-
-mut, n. A linear measurement equal to two thirds of a
fathom; see mat.
-Pal, u. T o be left-handed; see parts; l a f a i a i zua tsa)
a n-gyi izzn nra ai.
-paw, 7 1 A callus, as of the hand; a . callous; lapaw paw
or, u. to be callous, hardened, as the s k i n ; , a a u nilw
g d / a w nz' 7 ? 2 d ~ n i/ojauj
/~ pnw ni.
--hpawk, v. TO clap the hands; n. a clapping of the
h a n d s ; Lnh)nu~X-t J l r u ~?i~lrlt.
336 Lahpraw.
Lahpraw, v . To clasp the hands; to dove-tail; lahpraw
Ryet di zd.
-shap, n. Scent, smell, horn the human body; comp.
sdma; /ashap manam a i , to emit the odour.
-ya, n. A pole, a staff; (Shan;) comp. Irkawn.
-zang, n. A band, a necklace; (HRawi;) comp. gumril;
lazanggaji, v . to wear a necklace.
La, n. The third nat born by Kringnaw~t;(Kachin tradi-
tion;) La NLa, Yi sut zaw swnzsam saw; the third son
i n a K a c h i n family; also proo. NLa or Ma La; a Ma
L a is also named La Arar, L a Doi, L a Lam,L a Sam,
La Tsan,~ or La Rzizg.-
-gang, n. (from &gang, to be dirty.) The light-colour-
ed variety of the white handed Gibbon; Lagang sha-
ra, poetic name for the variety; lagang shdra ning
nzl nsha.
* *
La, n. A male; opp. to nz2nz; la i t t u i~ is it a male
or female ? qualifying adjective with masculine pro-
per names; L a Gum, the male (man) Gam; La NLa,
La NNaw, etc. see Gram.; noun affix indicating the
masculine gender; gwi la, a male dog; gamra l a J a
stallion; r la, a cock; (any tree or shrub not bearing
fruit is also called a la; comp. gyin la, hpai 2a and
singwrm la;) s i n si a i gaw k h k r a i ARraz.
-baw milka, v. To bite off a man's head,"-said of a

woman who has lost twoor more husbands; comp. num

baw mdRa; la baw V Z ~ R aU i num, a woman with whom
union is fatal.
--gawng, v. T o be mannish; see la Ran.
-gram, n. A bachelor; see parts.
--kan, n. A mannish woman; la Ran Aan ai, v. to be man-
nish, masculine,-said of a woman; also called la
gnwng gawng at:
-hkwi, v. To entice, as a woman a man; see parts.
-lu, v. To he married; see parts.
--ni, o. To be attractive, engaging, as a woman; /a nz
n i ntlm, a woman admired by men.
--numsa, n. A bride's male attendants on her wedding
.I day; comp. numsa.
La nnan. 337
La nnan n. A bride-groom; see parts and comp. nrtm nnan.
-hpai, v . T o carry on the work of a man,-said of a wo-
man; see parts; r . men's work, as done by women.
-sha, n. A man; a male; opp. to numsha, a woman; /asha
ma, a boy; opp. to n*msha ma, a girl.
-shan, n. A muscular woman; lashan shan ai, v. to have
the muscle -and strength of a man,-said of a strong
-shaw, v . T o entice and seduce a married man; to com-
mit adultery with an other woman's husband; comp.
nzcm shaw.
-tawt, u. T o be unfaithful in marriage relations,-said
of a woman; see parts.
Ladik, adv. T o no purpose, in pure mischief; see IiR
diR and m i i y ~/adz&.
-lip adv. I n vain; see liLa.
-ta, adv. T o no purpose; same as Ladik.
Lali, n. A bow; Bur. o a r ; comp. mian and /d/z)lzw.
Lara, n. Honour; see ARungga.
Laru, n. Bacon; (Chinese.)
Lasang, n. ~ t r e nh;~ mgr;n t Zasang, power, strength; a&.
wlth force, hard; see n-gicn.
Lasang, n. A family among the Yaw Yins.
Layu, n. A braided rattan band, used as a -
. .
girdle, strap-
or the like; comp. sawnghkang.
Lak, v. To-become ungovernable, as by anger or fright;
comp. Shan mfi and Lt'k; dumsu [ah wa sat', t h e cow
became unmanageable; a . unruly' refractory, sullen;
also used adverb1 ally: s h i mttst'n pawf m a laR kRawm
ai, he was enraged and sullenly went away; singular,
uncominon, reserved and unsociable; Lakmi, n. a
person different from others, one indifferent to society
or public opinion; see a/ak;'a set, a clique; ngai'hdka
lakmi, shi Iaktui, s/tan/~teZakmi ga/aw m a a i , I am
by myself, he is one by himself, t h e y make up a set.
L a k , n. Day) time, a g e ; urn n i n a h k , from day beforc
yesterday; j f n /ztc nn /rzh, the present time.
-htak, n. Age, period, time; an era; Bur. cuofimrfi:; /i
woi ni a Iakhtak r , during ancestral times; Alyelt ,ti a
L d k f a k i. hpyclr Arw 7zga at'.

Lak, A preforlnntive; (probably from Bur. cuA a hand

or Shan m.6, a weapon.)
-chyik, 7,. A kind of embroider),.
-chyoi , n. A revolver; comp. gawlzg kj~anr.
-le, n. Magic, necroinancy; legcrdeinain; comp. daa, go,
Zazu,~~, w a n h a and wnm; h k i r sdra, a magican, a
-na, a. A female elephant; lnkan knw~zg, a f e ~ n a l e
elephant tusk.
-nyan, .n. A species of mountain lizard; also pron.
-hpoi, n. A charm, an a l i ~ u l e t ; Bur. ~ 0 5 8 ;comp. aga;
Znkhjoi l a k p , a charm, especially worn in time of
w a r ; LnRhfoi grin, v,t o wear a charm or an amulet;
Inh/r)oi hpoi or p k , to lose its power, as a charm; see
pa 1-t s.
Lam, v . To open, as a bundle; to lay, hang, or spread
out, as a garment i n the s u n ; comp. Bur. cgf: and
Infit; h f ~ l jdnep
n Lam kazc ?nu.
L a m , n. A layer; a s t r a t u m ; derv. n l n l t ~ ;comp. fikowP,
h f r n g / a r t and htnp; a leaf, as of a book;'a thickness,
as of a wrapper, g a r m e n t , blanker or t h e like; mraisn2r
Lam idhknwng jaw c.
Lam, v. T o be wide, extended, as a plain; comp. daw;
Mnn?lzaw /byang grni (Rj72. ni.
Lain, n. A road, way, street; Bur, mSt; comp. h k ~ a;
cause, reason; h j a La~tzaz~siyz pawl n t a ? postp. con-
cerning, about; h j n law tsatr n i n ? about what are
you speaking 7 a line; /a?it ? ~ a / r k ~ to & tdraw,
, or mark
with lines; v. to wander, rove, t a k e to the road; dm'
zua /ant ~zgani, he is roving; i w 2 nzi gnw, ndv. again,
moreover, on the other hand.
--dam, u. T o g o astray, to miss the road; see parts and
comp. sznitou tart; Arn~ri'zni n i u n hpe inm u ; see lam
-ga kang, 12. A r u t ; :I deyiacssion worn i n a road.
--ga~v, 72. A g r a d e d road; see parts.
- - @a~ I u , n. W a t e r ; (only s o called by ;\ nat-prophet.)
--mye, v. T o repair a road; fig, to settle, adjust, as a
point of controversy.
Lan hpyak. 339

Lam numda, n. A n even, level road; see parts.

-numgaw, n. An ascending road; also called Lam Rcf-
do w zg.
-numrnaw, n. A high-road; same as nmnw lam.
-numshe, n. T h e fork of a road; also pran. Cam nshe or
Lam she.
-praw, n. A point (fork) where several roads meet;
(Hkauri;) a crossing.
-hpunggaw, n. A crooked, winding road; also called Lam
-sun, 11. A proper road; see parts; fig. to be right, pro-
per, becoming.
-she, n. A fork of a road: see l a m nufizshe.
-waw, v. T o open or make a road.
-yang, n. A 1ine; Lam yang (ii,v. to draw a line.
-yen, v . To step or turn aside; to make way, as in pass-
ing; Lam yea M U , du ni du ma ai.
-yi t , v. T o lose t h e way, to go astray; same as /am
-yawng, v . To survey and determine the proper route, as
of a road; fig. to do what is right and proper; /am n
yawag ~ n ga i hku@ tsun.
Lam, v . T o Bash, as bright steel; derv. gbla??z.
-lam, a. Flashing; comp. Ca La.
Lam, v. T o measure by fathoms; derv. (darn; comp. Bur.
d;(not i n common usage) ldlam mdsu?~z 1 ~ w ;7 ~
Lan, v . T o exhibit; comp. dnn; to take apart, as a piece
of machinery; see hkraw; sdfznt hkitzg k j e Ln7z Rau u.
Lan, v. To create; derv. pzlnrz; only found i n poetry as a
coup. of hjan.
Lan, v . T o build a bridge ; only used as a coup. of
htan. .,

Lan, v . T o be i n constant use ; den-. n'ig,c/nn, d a r t and

sAd/an; comp. /ang; to be l~ardenecl,inured; see mrt/a~r;
gun/e /L ai mdjaw i z ~ eh k a w h n m a t snz; to. be ob-
durate, stubborn, obstinate; shi a ddsha n shdrtlt at
majaze, h n mat wa sat'.
-lan, a . Erect, stiff, not easill* bent or bowed; shi /at&
La72 re a i wa.
--hpyak, v . T o annoy, be up to inischief; see next.
340 Lan. su.
Lan su, v. T o oppose, antagonize; fan su a i ma, an
antagonist, an opponent; Hang gaw ngni hpe ltpa
mbjazu Znn sa 72 ta?
Lanlnk, a. Many, numerous; divers, sundry; mdsha Can-
Za R Zai n i lam re ai.
Lang, v. T o slay, offer in sacrifice, as an animal of the
bovine or ovine genus; comp. j%;shi aZoi miinga Zn~tg
sni, he offered five buffaloes; to cut down, fell, as a
large tree; see Rmn; yi. nn hphpan Zang Kaa ma.
Lang, v. T o carry i n the hand; comp. giln and k j a i ; to
take or bring along; shi nAtg lang nna ngai hpe shd-
den ni, he took a sword and drove me out; shap lang
nn, to use borrowed things.
Lang, n. A mountain; only used as .a coup. ,
of bum, which
Lang, v. T o be swinging, as a punkah, the arms, or the
like; derv. doi Iang, goiZnng and KdZang; ldtn Znng di
dnt n i she RRrn ai, he s w u n g h i s arm and hit him.
-lang, adv. I n a swinging manner; shi Cdta Cang lang
r n i 7tna hkawm ni.
Lang, v . T o do o'nce; derv. kblang; lang mi, adv. once,
Qne time; lnng m i izaw d i 2 c , do it once more; h?rg
sha, once only; Zang nzdrang m*R, once, even once;
gdde Zang? how many times ? with the cardinal num-
bers lafzg forins the ordinals; Zdhkawng la~tg,tvice,
or the second time; mttli tong sa ai shdloi e, when he
went the fourth time.
-lang, adv. At times; once i n a while; see Rlflang Zang.
-1Pta, ndv. All at once; Iang /dtn sha, all at once, to-
gether, with one accord; nnnht2 n h n g Zang Cdtn sha
gat ma.
-maw, adv. A little; Zang maw sha, only a little, only a
pinch or a mouthful; (see maw, to take;) ndai shnt
mai lnng maw shn mi izgn ai. L

-hprati, adv. Once, one time only; ngnignw Caltg @rat4

lsun don yffngc/zy?nn ~jzgai, telling me once 1 will
understand it; shanht~h f e /ang tgpprar gaw tslcn sai.
-rau, a h . Once; see parts; dai ngaiiarzg ~nzlgszwn a y u
ni ai. , t

Lang, TZ. A bird of thc falcon family; see Adlang.

Le lau.
Langda, tc. A vulture; an eagle; Bur. ~ E t m .
-dut, n. A species of night-hawk or screech-owl.
-ji, 'n.A hawk, a kite; Bur. co6t9f..
Langchyi, n. A tower, a turret; a watch-tower; langr/tyi
sin, v. to keep a look-out from a watch-tower.
Langkap, e. A species of the areca nut.
Lap, *.-Aleaf; nampan la), a leaf of a flower; a sheet,
as of paper; maisa% lap Lalrkawng, two sheets (or
leaves) of paper; a coin, specie; comp. Ryap; peksan
C n p me, one pice.
-lap, v. To leaf, grow leaves, as a tree.
Lap, v. T o be turned, as the corners of the leaves of a
book; to scale, as the bark of a eucalyptus; derv.
-di, a.To scale, take off i n layers or scales; to lift, as
a stone when looking for crabs; h n g byen lap dz 9%
yang chydh Ran rawag ai.
Lap, v. T o bob; derv. slap; to overlap or to be i n close
succession; adv. just, close on to, at the heels o f ; ski
7 y e a CcfhPan /ap a du sni, h e was close at m heels, 7

(lit. soles;) dtzmsa w a .ldhpan /aj+ Tang si ai,he died

just after the priest (arrived.)
Laplang, n. T h e long sharp-pointed Shan dab; (cornp.
Shan ~ 8 . )
Lat, v . T o beget; mostly used in poetry as a coup. of
f r a t ; to be first-born; n. the first-born; comp. a/@, R&
sha /at and Bur. cud.
Lat, v. T o shave off, as shavin s ; n-gym Zat u; to strip
or slit off, as very thin slits rom a bamboo; fig. to ab-
breviate, as i n speech; to cut short, as words or sen-
tences; ski ga /at Kazc 7zna tsrdn a i
Le, v. To turn over; derv. gde, m d e , n/e and shingle; dai
l t p c Akznr /e, don't turn i t ; a-ga de l e d i rc, turn on your
-!e, v. To be changed,as the vision;see m y i l e t e ; to be
withholden, as the eyes,so as not to see; ("the nats of-
ten parade ghosts as living beings, men being unable
to see the difference; those that behold such a sight
will soon die.")
Le lau, u. T o be turning or- rolling over; see gde gdlaa.
Le, Y. To pass, as through an orifice or narrow pasage;
derv. ' t i ; ?IIZ'BZ' hkzt l e , pass, (squeeze) through
here; to lead, as a strear11 into a new channel; &ha Ze
bnngwa r; to snatch, as a brand out of a fire; zijn7~/;in
ju a i ltnisam Ze La u.
-manu, a. A move on a shriwung dnw, passing, four marks.
Le, Verbal particle, used as a n interrogative, or em-
phatic assertative; comp. Bur. &; ?zalzg [&? is it y o u ?
nang ri. n i lei of course it is jlou; sha u h,now do eat;
hkunt gdlaw Ze.
Le, a&. T h e more-the more; see ale a n d j e ; Le kayat /e
lag^. -
Le, Pronominal demonstrative adjective; this or that;
used of objects locally below t h e s p e a k e r ; postp.
down; coiny. Ittaw and wo; see Gram.; /e szdng a i de,
down in that deep place; l e Rltta de, down i n there;
Ze npa de, down below; Zera, t h e r e , down there; nga
ni /era de nga a i , t h e cattle are down there; /e d r ,
down there; Ze d e yzt wa m a , g o down there; /e anng,
down at that place. - - . ... ,

-le, adv. Down, downward; ie Ie waw waw, at random, i n

a hap-hazard manner; le lt Ltaw htnw, up a n d down, at
random; fig. thoughts, fancies, that come and go; Ze Ze
htaw Maw kRam myit.
Le, v . T o b e g l a r i n g ; c o m p . I a .
-le, a. Glaring, staring; ntyi Le Le wa ae ze, with glaring
eyes and glistening teeth.
Lem, v. T o munch, to chew, as w i t h the gums; t o move
jaw or lips, as when c h e w i n g or munching; derv. aZent,
nlem and gdlrm.
-lem, v. To move, as the jaw; n-gap /em /em rai ngn a i ,
hpa tsalt ai Rzn? his lips are moving, w h a t does he
Lem, v. To deceive, to practioe trickery; derv. Itkdem;
comp. l a r d a n d Bur. 8 8 ; Crm ska ai ma, a deceiver, a
trickster; mdnu masa gdaw yang, maizang /Ipc lee,tr ai,
he deceives (cheats,) his companions i n trade.
Lem, n.A weightJ-(about one ounce;)see m a / e m : ~ c ~ r z
mi Pyi n La n n g ~ i .
Len, v . T o train, teach, as a pony o r dog; to drill,
soldiers; shi h h e nzn ~ , t i Ape /en yo ai ; to lead, as a
stream into a new channel; see gd/m and sLd/tn; n.
a soldier,. one under military instruction; Mnwa len
ni, Chinese soldiers; shi Kdh fm rai 3zg.u az.
--dat, v. To pass on, from one to the other; adz!. by de-
grees; chvdrzd nhlung ntsa d e l c 7 z shulttu dat mu, pass
a n the bottle to (those) up there; ngna daw Ze ga dc
ttn shdylr dat mu.
-la, v . To coax, as an animal with food; gumra /zpe mam
Ate Len La a.
Len, v . T o ramble, roam. rove; derv. aien; comp. Bur.
9s;lrn RRawm, to visit from place to place; adv.
along, i n conlpan)7 with; shi pot' hknn (; sha irn u i , he
is along at (lit. eating) the feast.
Len, n. Habit, conduct and moral example; see u / m a n d
l a i krz: v. to follow an example; to adopt, as a new
Leng, n. A wave, a billow; see Aka hng.
Leng, n, A wheel; a vehicle, a cart: comp. Law; leng
dingsen, a wheel; see parts.
Leng, v. T o be projecting o r protuberant.
-leng, a . Projecting, swelling; Ran Lmg lcng re ai wn.
Leng, u. T o be light, bright; derv. ddeng; comp. Atoz and
Bur. ' ~ 0 8 8nhtoi kttg u i , the day (or the lig!lt) is bright;
to be active, qilick,.bright; myit Ceng az u a , a bright
person; /eng a IZLaz wa, a heavy, cumbrous or dull
person. see aleng.
-leng, a h . Plainly, c l e a r l y ; leng r'e7zg tsun a, speak
plainly; lcng /cftg daft h n , distinctly, open1y.
Lep, v. T o overtake, to come u p with; s k i nzdstnng ni hfle
lefl s n i , he overtook the companions; to attain a cer-
tain height or position ; n n h t ~ji woz 9zz a hp,pllfzdurr Le)
h ga n i , we cannot attain the exellenccs of the
ancestors; to reach; comp. dQ; ngai a lep at, I
cannot reach it; (this last usage is not considered
good Kachin.)
Lep, n. A frame or structure resembling a palisade used
i n partly damming a stream; / b p jrcng, v. to place the
stakes or posts of the structure.
Lep, v . T o slice; derv. g d e t ; to cut off, as the point of a
cigar; tndtu /ep, tzclr.t'lrn h p r e f ; to pour, as a small
quantity of liquidi from a vessel before drinking;-
the amount thus 'poured is usually regarded as a
libation i n honour of the earth-nat.
--bat a. Thick-tongued; (lit. a Lolded tongue; see Let da.)
1,ep palawng, n. A cruel kind of nat much feared i n
some localities; comp. sawn and chydhtu?rg; /ep p d -
iawng chydhkaa h k w i sha n i .
Let, v. T o be alert, active, quick; see a h t ; comp. z e f ,
Rang and + n ; /el n i ma hpe kiidai n ma] sha lr ai.
I x t , v. T o be continuous or of long duration; lnostly used
adverbially; d n i n i t a p ngai- Rawsi l ~ nngni,
t I have
been hungry all day; verbal continuative affix,-most
easily translated as a participle; see a/et; shi sa Let
sha a i , he eats (while) walking; nam n i lam hRawm
l e t si ri ma a i l the women spin cotton (while) travel-
ing; wa (ct lsztgz da u.
Let, v. T o command; coup. of h t d ; r , ntyz' sunzta agp l e t

Let, a. TKe tongue; see shirrglet.

-ba, v. To have an impediment of speech,(lit. a folded
tongue;) also yron. Lep ba; nang shdga yang l e t da l e j
ba nga ndai.
Li, n. A disease; a nl-alady, an epidemic; see aZi; cold
or fever as the illness per se; derv. hkali.
-nchyi, n. A disease of any kind; also pron. Li ~ingchyi;
Li nchyyi waw hjundaw.
-tsi, n. Fever medicine -; (quinine.)
-waw, n. A cold; see parts.
Li, n. Seed, any grain used as seed; see rCi, nlz, naili
and manzlz'; li tawn d a n a , to select and keep the seed.
Li, Verbal affirmative particle, first singular;
see Gram.; d a i Bye a h i k a r a i li ai, t h i s is tny book.
Li, v . T o be heavy; opp. to tsang; comp. mr~jan,?zaRand
Bur. om; derv. c h y d i ; dai L i t Z i la ai Law, this load is
very heavy; myit li, to be sorry, oppressed; to be
Li, n. A servant; only used i n composition; see ali.
-ma, n. A follower, attendant of a chief; see a h ama,
Li stinan, n. A follower; a hanger-on ;(Shan;) shalrhr~Ape
shltga a i n vai, li sdnan sha rai ma ai.
Li, n. A boat; a sailing vessel; comp. shanghpaw fi,wa:.
/i and Bur. o y .
-bunghkup, v . T o capsize, as a boat; see parts; to "turn
turtle. '
-baw, n. The prow.
-daw, v. T o make, as a dug-out; see parts.
-jawn, v . T o s a i 1 , t o t a k e passagelas w i t h a sailing
vessel ; see parts.
-hkang, v . T o steer; n. a rudder; a helm's-man.
--law, n. A racing boat; Bur. ccg3ea).
-mai, n. The stern of a boat.
-hpungnang, n. Water; only found~irireligious poetry;
also called li hpungkrang; Lz' hpungnang san itpang-
safig, the boat-carrying crystal liquid.
--shap, v. T o row; n. an oar.
--htu, v . To push, propel a b o a t , as by a pole; Bur. 0948.
-htumlau, v . T o turn over to capsize; li hfumlar nna
rncisha mrtrit sz a i .
Lila, adv. In vain, to no purpose; comp. lali; Rdman M a ,
311 i n vaio; 68 dp Lila. uselessly, without profit or
Lilung, n. The spring of a gun; I i h n g Lar mat sai.
I.ik, n. A Book; (Shan &.)
-laika, n. A book; see parts.
Li k , v. T o be alone; comp. lak; adv. by-sell; shz k k r a i
LiR r a i nga a i , he is all by himself.
-dik, adv. To no purpose; without cause; comp. La diR;
Cik'iiR l i R d a , without cause or provocation.
- 1 adv. Alone, i n a solitary manner; ngai k k r a i 12.6
t i R sa wn nngai, 1 went alone,-all by myself.
--nga, a. Outside; ndaw /iR nga, n. the space i n front of
a house ; an outsider; liR ngn %urn,a mistress, a para-
mour; Lik nga s6dbrang dznghk2c ?rum, a paramour a n d
a married woman; /id nga nm, a bastard; IiR nga
hkawm rhyai, to seek outside pleasure.
Llm, v. T o be overgrown, covered, as a field with weeds;
cornp. prim and Bur. ; yz' liszg tsing 1% mat sai; to
be inundated, f l ~ o d e d ,as a field or b r ~ d g e ;mrtlrkraz
6Ra /im mat soi: to be closed obstructed, :IS a road;
comp. stm and skim.
L i m . Y . T o creep, crawl, as 3 flea or o t t ~ c rinsects: derv.
galtm and shi~zg/inz.
-lim, adv. I n a creeping, crawl; ng manner,-said 01, ' i n -
Ling, o. T o serve, as food at a feast;(Shan &E;) comp.
jarc; daz nz anhtt hpe ling mi.
Ling, v. T o use, as paper money instead of silver; corny.
sang; rha?zhte wzazsau gunzhtraw Zing ai; to weigh
or value. as one thing against a n other; lung seng
grnzhpraw hte h?zg ynrrgpyz' ic lzt n i , jewels cannot be
had e v e n i f welghed against silver; gumhpraw htr
ling Ln at tsi, medicine worth its weight i n silver.
L ~ n g . v. T o be round; (Hkauri and Atsi;) comp. Lu73z.
--ling, a. Round; see Ltcm isrm and rlbz din.
L I P , n . A species ol horse-leech; comp. wawt; Lip sshang,
,u. to suffer from t h e leech,-usually attacking t h e
mouth or the nostrels.
Lit, n. A burden, a load, as for a m a n ; comp. daw and
-baw, v. To pack, arrange a load; see parts.
-gun, v. To carry a load; see parts.
Lit, Verbal affirmative or i nterrogative particle, second
person singular; see Gram. and comp. /i; dat na a nga
rar lit d a i , these are vour cattle; na palawng r a i Lil
ni? is it your coat ?
Lit, A preformati ve.
-iat, n. A tube; see 1itLawng.
--lum, n. One of the bars supporting the warp in
weaving; shingnat nat na /illurn (dngai mi m d / z
ya e.
--lawng, n. A tube; a drain-pipe; only found i n poetry;
comp. ritlawng; LitLaw?rg Litlnt, same; jdARu LMawng
lifi'at mdyoz githng dnt.
Lu, V . TObe able, can; shz g&w /tc at', he can do it; shz
shdrang h a t , he 1 s able to endure it; h , with t h e
particles of the Indicative mode forms the Potential;
see Gram.; ~ a n f g a l a w/I( ndai, you can do it.
Lu na, tr. Can, must; ndaz nanggdlaw lu na, this you must
do; (the difference between can and must is i n
Kachin only distinguished by the tone.)
Lu, Verbal afhrmativt particle, third person singular;
see Gram. and comp. fz' and ~'2.t;dai shi a gunzva r e i
tu n i , this is his pony.
Lu, Y. T o g i v e ; see a/u Lu a i .
Lu, v . To be i n a disturbed, unsettled state, as a country
or principality; (from the Shan q ,to be ruined.). t

mang Lu w a a i majaw 7nyit r r slritra Rada nga az'.

Lu, v. T o drink; nisin La a , drink water; derv. Atzng/u;
to smoke; jinghfaw ni nrulz~thte kanz /u ma ai.
-hpa, n. Drink.
-sha, n. Food and drink; Lush@ s h a u a , food; cornp.
htun, sa/tRa and wunli; I w h a gam, v . to abstain from
food; to fast.
Lup v. T o have, possess; to acquire; derv. clrydu; sut /a
i/ a i w a , a rich m a n ; j a n l u nngai, I have nomoney.
-gam, n. Luck, fortune; see parts.
-miflun, v . T o be greedy, voracious; mostly used i n
religious poetry :
HRawp r , shdgu mying h n yang, n a n g l u m U u n
nga na hfe,
M y i t i n shapun ga na hpt, ARrit nga ga a i l a w .
-su, v. T o be rich, have i n abundance; lu sw a i wa, a
man of wealth; s k i La na su na, h e will have (enough)
and i n abundance.
Lu, v. T o be rolled up, as a sleeve; see mnlu; Lu di, to
roll u p - d a i Aka hfa ladu lu di Rar nra rap w a u; fig.
Y ko stgaL va /u fu at wa, a hog thief ; u l u lu o i w ~ ra,
chicken thief.
Lu-myang, n. T h e Atsi families on the west side of t h e
NShnww river as distinguished from those on t h e
east side, ordinarily called Nzngjzx~r;Lu-nzyang Ate
Ni~zgjunka@u Ranrau raz ma t z i .
Luk, n. A child, or a weight; (from t h e Shan q6.)
-kyap, a. One rupee; t h e one-hundreth part of a viss.
-hkan, 92. The tenth of a viss; coinp. gnhkan; (Shan
cclap* )
348 Lukhki.
Lukhki, n. A son-~n-law;see dama; h R l t k i hkin, y. to
marry and settle i n the bride's home and not as is
customary with the bridegroom's family; same as
dama Lung.
-law, n. An accepted weight; h k l a w n 1% malaw yam
rhyen hte shen a.
--mu,' n. A weight equal to two annas; ( a state of un.
concern or q u i e t ; probably a corruption of yrrp m ,
also pron. h p mu; LuAma nga, to be i n a state of quiet
or rest.)
-suk, n. A soldier; ( S h a n q 6 q d ; ) @yen LrtRsuR nil
troops; INXS*R Cdda, an army; hRsuR saw az v to
mobilize a n army.
-hti, n. T h e weight of [our annas; see parts.
-yoi, n. Change; small coin ; see parts.
Lum, v. T o be round; comp. tawng, dzn, wan a n d Bur. 48
-lum, a . Round, circular,cylindrical, globular, spherical;
6um Lam re ni shadaw.
Lum, v T o be warm, as food or clothing; derv. AptlngLum;
comp. Rahld and Bur. 4; to be lukewarm, tepid; ndsin
lum ai; to show affection; see hkdlzcirt.
Lum, n. A proper name ; /(am L a m ,Roi L a m ,HI* Lur,r,
Man L a m , Naw L a m , T u Lgm.
Lgm, v , T o be entire; (see Bur. qr;) a. the whole, all.
entire; mostly used adverbially; jam ZIrm dz dn't a ,
sell the whole (load) of salt; nga Lam di m d r z n.
-maw, n. A high-road; same as lam fimaw or nmaw Lam.
-hpai, n. A traditional plain; comp. naura.
Lun, n. A proper n a m e . M a L n n , Hting Lun.
Lun, v. T o lead; coup. of d x n : to carry; coup. of g u n ; to
speak; coup. ot tsun; these combinations are only
found i n poetr) :
A , y n Mdtsaw dzr hpt /nn sa, Ntsang d~ @ P

Csun sa.
L u n , v. T o be ailing; see chyaLun.
Lun, V. T o expose, lay bare, as sown seed by the scratch-
ing of birds; zt ni 97znm L m z sha ma az'; to examine, or
exhibit, as. the belongings of a suspected smuggler;
dv ni Rani r n v z d t r dltt a i wu a L i l hpe iun ys nzzr a$
Lunghkrung. 349

Lun, V.T o lift up, elevate; derv. mdlun; see s A h r c ;

shdngu mdgaw dc Lun d a l mu, bring t h e thatch up 0"
the roof; to rise, as smoke; wan ltkzlt h n Y L ai.
--lun, a. Rising, as smoke or anger; ascending; camp.
A ng.
Lun, n. A month; (Shan 44;) the Kachins f r e q u e n t k g
the Shan bazaars number the months as follows, /*a-
jing,hn-gam,/un sum, lun s i pl u n Aa,-hn Lu R , l a n h k y d ,
b n byel, Lun gar ,.Lunsip, lunstp el, h n s i p sawng; see
t u n b u , n. An auger, bit or gimlet; Bur. q ( y ; comp.
Lung, v. T o ascend; opp. to y u ; corny. Lun, h k r a u and
hkroi; bum Zrcng, to ascend a hill; to climb, t o scale;
n d a i hpun Ata Lung )w u , climb that tree; see also
dama Lung, jawng lung and u l i lung; Idmu lung r a ,
sai Akyeng aARung na, a curse ,-may you ascend to
the sky painting it red with your blood,-may you die
by accident.
Lung, v. T o be young and thus soft; derv. dolung,
ganglung and hkithng.
-lung, a. Soft, tender; flabby, flaccid; da ma hiurn shan
lung (ung re ai.
Lung, v. T o cause misfortune, as a bowlder, tree or post,
i n h a b ~ t e dby a nat; daz'nta n hRam kdja aaigaw, hpwn
n d e e L z d ~ t gda mu ai.
Lung, n. A field; (Shall 48;) comp. law& hkaana h n g
mi, one lowland paddy field; shi hbauna lung mdli
/a ar',
Lung, n. A stone; a r o c k ; s c e nlung.
-bawng, n. A small bowlder; (Hkaurz'.)
-bra, rr. A ledge of rocks; a stony tract; protruding
rocks; miinoi lungbra ya ngn s h a r a .
-byen, w . A slab.
--din, n . A pebble; small round stones.
--gam, n. Soft sand-stone.
-la, n. Pebbles.
-kring, n. Granite; Lung&ri?~g/zrngkrung, same.
-hkri, n. Alum.
--hkrung, n. A rock; a large bowlder.
350 Lunghkrut.

L u n g h k r u t , +. A whet-stone; ( H k a u r i ; ) s e e nltkrzr~.
-ma, n. A bowlder; coup. of hnghbrutlg.
-ni, n. Moss on stones; s e e parts.
-hkyeng, n. A ruby; any r e d s t o l ~ e .
-nep, n. A pavement.
-pa, n. A slab.
-pup n. A cave; fig. thc abode of a chief, see b*,*ra
-hpraw, 72. Alabaster; marble.

-rap, n. A stone e m b a n k m e n t ; 1 1 r n g ~ a pr a p nz, t o h u ~ l d

an e m b a n k m e n t .
--rawk, n. A rocky, stony place; also pron. Lal~gmwp.
-raw , n. S a m e as h n g v a w k . -
&, n. Precious stones; a jewel.
-sha, n. G r a v e l .
-tawng, ~ tA . stone; lit. a round, solid stone.
-heawn, n. A n overhanging rock.
L u n g h p a u , n. A k i n d of coat or jacket: I ~ n g h f i uIarngrfi.
Lup, v. To e n t e r , pass i n t o t h e interior of; opp. to h j ~ n w x ;
n p a n de /Ilp, nbalig de byawn; he e n t e r e d the front
a n d came out t h e back-way; t o branch off, as a side
t r a c k ; tam wora de h d p .
Lup, n. A g r a v e ; comp. nsaltg L h ; t h e structure over a
g r a v e ; s e e j d v a w ~L*, a n d Akinchya~~g- ?up; v. to
bury, i n t e r , inhume; comp. mang mdbz'; dai ni rnn?zg
lzlp na.
-krawng, n. The i m a g e , figure on t h e top of a g r a v e .
-hka, n. The ditch around a grave.
-hkreng, n. T h e dance around the g r a v e ; / Z L ~ h k v ~ l z g
mdnau az, v . t o d a n c e around a grave just dug.
-lawng, n. (from Cawng, an enclosure.) A g r a v e ; Ratsan
/up Lawmg hhl ga.
-nga, 92. S l a v e s , c a t t l e , fowls and t h e l i k e , dedicated
a n d presented at t h e g r z v e , to a deceascd chief.
e v e r afterwards r e g a r d e d as his property; Lap nga
ni, s l a v e s o r descendanrs dedicated t o a departed
-ra, n. A burial p l a c e ; Lup vn Rant-n a i , to c l e a r a n d
prepare the burial place; r i u z n z Lap ra kanrn ar,
e a w t ni lztp htu nn ga ai.

Idup rim, v . T o build a structol-e over a grave.

-ting, n. A g r a v e ; Luptitrg kkran, the side towards a
-wa, n. A cemetary; a place of illtei-ment.
Lup, R . T h e chief fire-place i n a I<achin house; (Hkauri
- ,
-ding, n. The upper screen over a fire-place; cornp.
Raraf; /gpdit~g? r / r l r c . a large sword given at a wed-
ding or settling of a feud. placed over t h c / u M h ~ g .
-daw, n. T h e chief fire-place, the place of honour,
where friends are entertained and corlsultations held:
also called daw dap, /up daw drip, chjfdhflung d a j o;
c h dhp~cg~g
~ /up daw d q ; the /UP dau) cia) has lour
divisions, (dun) vi z. [dhln d u n , nhlupzg dur., &wu d x r
and nlttang Afing dun, t h e two first being reserved for
visitors o r friends especially honoured.
-dawi, n. A kind of yeast or leven, made from the
roots of a shrub called h p ddui h f u ? ~ also; called (up
a u v~g.
-hkan, 72. The upper screcil; coup. of /z~@z'ng, which
-moi, n. A kind of leven; see /upddzui.
-seng, a. T h e lower screen cf n fire-place; coup. of
Rdrap, which see.
-htawng, n. T h e fire-place at the m d a i daj; see LRring-
8 wast.
Lut, v . T o slip; to slide, as a land-slide; derv. ginZut and
nawng l u t ; ndni ynng e ga l z d t ntat sai; to squander,
arang h t .
-lut, a . S l i d , fallen i n , a s a b a n k ; L~tt/ut rc n i sltdra.
Lut, n. Tobacco; see maZut.
-lap, n. T h e tobacco leaf.
-lau, n. Odour, smell. of tohacco; corny. bnt; rcgai At-
/a7~ md?znm rr?qai.Lupsa,rr. 2 figurativename for liquor.
-si, 8 . The tobacco blossom and capsule ; lzdsi nzdka, a
k i n d of embroider),.
- ~ o i , n. Fine cut tobacco; see parts.
Lai, v. To return; only ased as a coup. of bai.
Lai,. n. The tongue; only used i n poetry as a coup, of
sh ingirt.
* Lupwang, n. COUP. of /upding.
kai .
Lai, n. Habit, custom; see alaz and a r a w ~olai
-len, n. A pattern, model, precedent; cornp. n1'ngLi and
Bur. ~ c y shi
; mdsha l a i / e ~hkan az wa r k a2.
Lai, v . To dig up, exhume, disinter, as a corpse, hidden
treasures or the l i k e ; s h i m a n g h t ~g*mhpraw yam
l a i la aai; to remove, as anything i n the eye; see
sAdCai; myi Jaw sail lai Rau ya e.
Lai, v. T o pass by, to go beyond; derv. chydlai and dinglai;
cornp. Bur. %f; shr'ya ska Lai a i , just now he passed;
to exceed, overstep, transgress; comp. tawl; t a r a /oi
a i wa, a law-breaker, a transgressor.
Lai, v. To be changed; derv. galaz; to change, exchange;
(Shan 0 3 9 ; ) h j r a w lai, to change colour or appearance;
myit Cai, to be converted, change the mind; mdning r
[am lai sai, last year the road was changed; to chew
the cud, to ruininate; nga ni ushat /at az, to hold
the breath, or breathe, as w h e n singing or under
water; nsu l a i chye a i masha Aka r shang a ; cornp.
Lai, n. S i l k ; (Shan m9.)
-ki[nu, n. The silk-worm.
-nba, n. Silk-cloth.
-ri, n. Sil k-thread.
-shat, n. Leaves of the mulberry tree; comp. Ldbri hpufi;
Lai ~ h a ltd 6 r i Lap r a i nga ai.
Lai, A preformative; (probably from t h e Shan cot, to be
-dung, #.(from dung,best.) The essence, constituent
arts, as of fluids, juices, curds and the like; cornp.
Sa drcng; shan j&k?r hidung, the essence of broth;
1Rumpup Zaidzcng, the softest, slimiest part of mud.
-ka, n. A book; c h y ~ mlaika, a sacred book; bi/i ZaiRa,
a book, a letter; comp. l i k ; Zaika baw, a postage
stamp; IlziiEa Ra, to write; see parts; CaiRa ka a i wa, a
scribe, a secretary; LazRa hti, to read; see parts.
-hka, n. A species of paddy; Cazhka mnm.
-hkru, lz. A kind of shrub with edible leaves.
-leng, n. A tree resembling the oak; an extract chewed
like cutch is obtained from i t s b a r k .
-1i. a.A book; coupiof /&a, which see.
Lailaw, n. A land-slide; only found in poetry as a *up.
of shdrut; a hill in the Lana country; Lailaw durn.
-lawm, n. (from lawm, to go with.) A belt or heavy
band, used for carrying purposes; the poetic word
for ndat; d a i ldmu tadawn arai, aga nbnf t a i ngu sag..
-nam, n. The tract of land south-east of t h e Hkauvi
hills, regarded as the original home of the Ldhtaw
tribe; Lainam hjunggaw ga, the country and source of
the lainam river.
--hpaw, n. A bowmfor clay-pellets; (Hkarcri;) see Zdltpaw.
-si, n. A kind of tree with wood.resembling ebony;
Laisi bwisang, fibre, coir, from the fruit of the tree;
Laisi mbzui, a fibrous (hair-li ke) substance used as punk
or tinder; Zaisi mdwi hta wan nhprat shdknp mu.
Lau, v. T o mount; coup. of itkrag, which see.
Lau, v. T o induce, entice, tempt; derv. g u ~ d a u ;comp.
giltzg and likdlem; to influence for good or e v i l ; to
prevail on, persuade; shi ~ l g a/rpe
i lau /a nu ai.
Lau, v . T o be turned or rolled over; d e r v . gala%and
s/rd/au; Zaz~di, to turn or roll a thing over; Z i Lasr vai
ta7u nga ai, the boat lies turned over; to turn the
stomach; to cause nausea, sickness, qualm; nbaw skaf
lau ai.
Lau, v. T o hurry, show haste; cotnp. [dwa?~;/nu d i , make
haste; adv. quickly; Lau g~ZZ.arom u , do it quickly.
-lau, adv. Quickly, in a hurry, i n haste; Lau Zarr hkum rai.
my i f .
Lau, A preformative; (Chinese.)
-ban, n. The leader of a caravan; the head muleteer;
see Lawban.
-ban, PZ. Incense; see Zawbnn.
-bu, n. T h e large white radish; (Hkauri;) see hkranp
Ithykyi; Zauba pawf, same and most common form,.
-hki, n. Distilled liquor; whiskey; comp. c!vdru:
-hku, n. Native beer; magyep laackku, poetic name for
liquor or native beer;
Mdgyej /auhR* Zu yang,sailetz ningYrn /up ?ign ai,-
M3.i Raw h fangrang e lndmut szblwloi I ~ Pfrrga ai.
-ac, n, A mule; see Luwze,
354 Law.
Law, v. T o be m a n y or much; derv. mdlaw; rrzdsha law
nga a i , t h e r e a r e man): persons here; n a z g e l a Law
ngn a i , here is much gold; a. m a n y , much, numerous;
cornp. ga law.
-law, adv. Greatly, much, many, to a g r e a t d e g r e e ; skr
law law sha a i , h e e a t s a g r e a t d e a l ; ga l a w l a w hktlm
-sa, adv. Enough, to satisfaction; l ~ a sln i , s a m e ; cornp.
r a m sai; nlsin g a r n i s l a w sui, t h e r e is not (yet)
water enough.
-wa, v. T o increase, multiply; rial irigrg y n tsawmra
law wa sai,t h i s year the wild-goats have considerably
L a w , v. T o b e satisfied, pleased, content; d a i htd wa p w
sd y a n g , rnyit gdrai n Low s ni .? h a v i n g been given
all t h e s e t h i n g s a r e you not yet satisfied? i n t e r j e c t ~ o n
expressive of joy; law, g o i gale waltnt dingse.
Law, Verbal particle used, ( I ) as an e m p h a t i c ; comp. l e ,
. y a w a n d Bur. - 3 ; sa u law, g o ; hk24972 gd/aw a law,
d o n ' t d o it; s e e Gram,; ( 2 ) as an interrogative; derv.
gdlaw; ya g a d r l a w ? now where a r e you g o i n g ? h j h
law ? what is 'it; s e e also Rd~zingvai nmr law; (3) as
an e x h o r t a t i v e ; l a w , g i p ~ s u gj n , let US play; /aw,g,alaw
a , let us d o it; law, bang ya 6, now give it,-put it
f ere.
Law, n. A c a r t ; comp. lcng; (Shan -1.)
Law, n. A mule; Bur. ~ 0 3 3 S, h a n coof.
-ban, n. T h e l e a d e r of a c a r a v a n ; a head muleteer; a
head of a g a n g of workmen; often pron. latrban.
-ze, n. A mule; a pack-mule; also pron. l a m e .
t a w , A preformative.
-ban, n. Incense; f r a n k i n c e n s e , Bur. c c u m f ; shz Zawdar
nal shii??zawngni.
-hkutn, 71. A family among t h e Ldhtnws.
-le, v. To mix, a d d l o r t h e s a k e of increase o r adulter-
ation; ( S h a n ; ) shal Atc hkntnu / a u / c u , a d d (mix)
maize with t h e rice; r h ~ a u uh t r rtszn /aw/e n i , to add
water to liquor.
--mun, a. A family of t h e Llina clan of the i l l n r n ~tribe;
Lawr~zunga the Law~izza?~ hills, noted for their bamboo.
Lawn lawn. 35 5.
Lawhpa, a. To be covetous, grasping, eager to obtain;
Bur. ~m333;cornp. ma and nam?nbk l a w h j a ; lawhpa
myil, n. covetousness, avarice, cupidity; fawhpa ai
mytt rawng a i w a , a greedy person.
-sawn, 7 2 . A basket near a cooking-place used as a re-
ceptacle for ladles, spoons and the like.
-tawk, n. A bamboo bottle; see ndsm.
-htawrl, v. To limp, to jump on one leg, as a crow;
(probably a corruption of gaw ktawn-az.)
nhtawng, a. A bamboo vessel.
Lawk, n. A bed or compartment of a lowland paddy
field; cornp. Cang; hhauna lawR idhhawng.
Lawk, v . To be extracted, dug or torn out; derv. g d a w k
and mdiawk; to be dented, as a sword; nhtu law& r a i
mat sai; cornp. myi IawR, a one-eyed man)-a man
with one eye torn out.
--lawk, a . Extracted, torn out; d s o used adverbially.
Lavk, Interjection expressing giving or receiving;
cornp. Caw, hRa and maw.
Lawkhpak, n. A district i n the Northern Shan States
known for its fine cattle; /awRhjak ga e nga flaw az.
Lawm, v . To accompany, be along, be associated with;
derv. failawm; shi n Cawm a i , he is not along; postp.
with; shi hjtiga ga a i ni hta lawm ai,he is i n company
with the t r a d e r s , - o r is one of the traders; ski sharr-
Rt8 hte sha lawm ai, he is eating with them; d a i amu
hta nang lawm nu niP did you have a share i n this
work ?
Lawm, v. To be filled to overflowing; darzg lawm r a i hRra
Afeng y a 74; fawm lawm, adv. i n a copious, exuberant,
overflowing manner; cornp. g r m l a w n .
Lawn, v. To be urgent; derv. alawn; cornp. nwtt; to urge,
force, push, as an undertaking; manau lawn ai, to
push the preparation for a dance; shanhtci h/ym lawn
ma a i , they are urging on a war.
Lawn, v. To shoot up, to be of rapid or steady growth;
derv. gzt7zglnz~~tz a n d /Iptcnlawlt.
-lawn, n d ~ Rapidly,
. continuously,-said of growth; ski
gaw /anL'~g M e ianing taus tawa rai Rdba iua nga a i ,
356 Lawng.
lx is steadily developing year by year; won lawn
Lawn di u ,stir up t h e fire,-cause a bigger flame.
Lawng, V . T o s t a k e , wager, bet, as i n gambling; Bui.
rco~Eo;s k i gumlzpraw lawng nna sa7za.t dittgte ai.
Lawng, v. T o be fleshy, fat, corpulent; coup. of awng or
bawng :
~Vdhkazunshnbrang l g yang 8 bawng a i ARrai,
Chya y a n g e lawng a i hRmi, nga ma ni;
to be satisfied; to have i n super-abundance; to be
replete'; shan law b /a n i mlljaw lawrrg mat wa sai,
h a v i n ~had his fill of meat he is satisfied; lawng
Akrn Taw d a t u , give until he is satisfied,-or to over-
flowing; t o be superior, out of the ordinary; derv.
nlawng; comp. gzvi law?~gand shdrawng lawng.
Lawng, v. T o be open, unobstructed; derv. ~raLawng;
/UM Zawng re a i , the road is open; ja Akinding iawng,
g r m h f r a w chyi?zg/rRa h$awng, r a i sa wa sd ga, the
golden g a t e is a j a r , the silver door is open, let us go
forth; to be broken through, as the bottom of a basket;
shingnoi !,t*nrpa law~zglgai mat sai.
L a w n g , n. AD inclosure, a stable, barn or coop; comp.
uLawg~g, lawltg, gzlmra Zawng, ~ g auiawrzg, g w i
lawng a n d Bur. ea~Ga;fig. a spice-garden; nhpvng fsi
lawng gddaw, shdchya tsz Lawng kdhyaw.
Lawng, n. A missile, such as a knife, needle, bone, piece
of leather or the like, sent by magic into t h e heart or
intestines of an adversary, causing speedy death.
-dat, v. T o send t h e lawfzg; s h a n h t ~a n h t ~a drc wa hpe
lawng dat sat Raa ma ai.
-lawng, v. Same as f a w n g d a t .
Lawng, n. A coat; see palawng a n d combinations such
as baihke lawng, shaunyi ( a w ~ ~Zanghpnvg, i ' a ~ n gand
hpah ikai lawng.
-du, n. The neck or collar of a coat or jackct.
-doi, n. A short jacket.
-hkum, n. T h e body, as of a coat.
--hkoi, n. A short over-coat.
-ta, n. Sleeves; jd(a?u?dg /&la.
--htung, H . A jacket without slecves.
L a w n g wai, r . A double-breasted jacket.
Lawp, v. T o heave, as the chest when breathing; d e r v .
gdlawp; to move, as t h e li ps ; n-g%$ h w p re a i .
-lawp, a . H e a v i n g , showing signs of breathing; shr f i j a
Zawp l a w p naw re ni. he is st111 breathing.
Lawt, n. A percussion cap; law( 71 nga sn m d r i u ; also
called dw snn (Bur.) or mdkavz .pu.
-tawng, n. S a m e ; an&& lawt tawng c h y a w j ga ai.
Lawt, v. T o contract, as a disease; to catch, as a breeze;
to become e n t a n g l e d , involved, as i n complications;
opp. to Lawt, to escape; s h i hRn!i /ni.ut sai, he has con-
tracted fever; n b u ~ ~irhwl g a i sharn tsnp u , s t a n d
where you can catch the breeze; nat /awl ai mdjaw
mdclzyi n i l he is i l l having happened i n the way of
the nats; s h i hka lnzell at' wn re at', he is a man en-
tangled i n debt; jz' lrnf lnwt 7zn sddz u ; comp. m d r a w
Lawt, v. T o escape, gain liberty; derv. shang/awt; to be
free, unrestrained, at liberty; Bur. qld;hawfig dung nz
/awl wa ma ai, the prisoners escaped; Law1 Lrc a i nt
Rdbu, those at liberty rejoiced; to be exempt, as from
taxation; see skrt/awt.
Lawt, n. Small bamboo rings o r glass balls, strung on a
native crupper to protect the rump of a pack-animal
from the rubbing of the cord; snihhang lawt.
Lawt, v . To jump; derv. gunu'awt.
-lang, v . T o jump take hold of and swing; see parts.
Loi, v. T o ascend; coup. of hRroi.
Loi, v. T o be easy; opp. to rzl; comp. Bur. quS; derv.
aZoi s h a ; Zoz' a i LRu, the easy way; dni a7m lot nz', this
work is easy; to be of early growth; derv. d u i ; dat'
mn?,t'/oi nl'haw re n i , this is an early kind of p a d d y . -
Loi, v. T o be long and narrow as an under-ground pas-
s a g e ; derv. clt'?~g/ol',. shrirlc h h t /02 /OZ re ni.
Loi, n. A ~nountain;(Sllan 9 3 9 ; ) a large number of Kachin
hills and villapes h:[ve names derived from tile S h a n ;
thus Loije, LA jntd, Loih ka7tg a n d L o i / u l l ~ ;Loiin ng
hpa/ap, a famous ten from the Lozhtng hills; Loz sam
sr'p, the traditional thirty Hills i n t h e Stn/z d i s t r ~ c t .
Loi, v. To be few; a. few, not man).; see Gram.
Loi li.
Loi l i , a . A little; a f e w ; shat Loili jaw e , give m e a little
rice; mbguw s i /oi L i jaw e.
l o , a. A little; a few; a small quantity; adv. a little,
scantily, sparsely, i n a small degree; araz I o i l o i nga
a2, there are a few things; s h i l o i / o i mdsri n i , he is
l y i n g a little; s h i loi loi sha jaw a i l he is giving b w
-mi, a. A little; jgm lo2 mz'jaw e.
-sha, adv. Just a little; derv. aloi sha; l o i shu mz or Ioi
sha pyi, a small quantity; loi sha m i jaw a.
U, A shortened form of Idnqai, one, only used in such
combinations as ldning, ldni, etc. see Gram.; a con-
nective with adversative force; nankte mw Idnza ~z
n u , na Ldra n na myit dai, as for seeing you see, but
do not see, hearing you hear, but do not hear; a
general preformative.
-ing, n. (from ing, to stand, as water.) A pool in the
couise of a stream; the deep part i n a small body of
water; opp. to vai; comp. Bur. qrfi and 48; hRa Cdi~tg,
hp~ngding (ding, see parts.
-ung, n. One'of the Kachin families.
-ba, a . (from ba, big.) Firm, steadfast, stanch; bold,
daring; also used adverbially; ldba t? gra d i a , take
ijrm hold; hpycn 1dba nil the brave soldiers; comp.
h R s z c R and l'dsham shaevt.
-barn, n. The guard of a hilt; n h f u ldbnm, y~hRa /&barn.
-ban, n. (from ban, to rest.) Rest, a time of leisure or
rest; fig. one who is resting; comp. dizggung; ladan
nga, to be resting; /ddan nhtoz, a dav of rest.
-ban, v . (from ban, to be disk-shaped.) T o be of wide
circumference; a. tra~r-like or disk-shaped: Rat and
broad; s h i baw ldbnn nz', his head is broad a n d flat;
Ryang. idban a i , to be "broad," fast, of liberal ideas
and habits.
-ban, n. A short squared or hewn post at the e n t r a n c e
of a village, (see m d s h a ~ ~ gon , ) which are drawn rude
pictures of rice, ornaments and household 21-ticles, re-
presenting the villager's petitions to tllc r ~ a t s i; ~ i b a n
jzrng, to place the posts; Laban k n , to draw t h e pictures
on the posts.
Labang, u . 0 1 1 ~ :of clans ol the Nlikrrnr tribe, called by
northern K a c hi ns, [ j u t r l r n 01- . S L ~ S ~ ~ L .
-bat, v. (from hat, to encircle.) To be surrounded,
brought under control or influence o f ; comp. /&skunr,.
shz hta 12 w t Ldhat 7 ~ g aaz, the nats have him under
control; R / I I I W L I Wlridat n l , he is (always) suffering
from cold; a. a handful, as of tllatcll or t h e l i k e ;
hRauga labat mi jaw e.
-bu, n. Trousers; a s k i r t 01-waist-cloth; see bu.
-buk, a. Dull: same as abuk, which see.
-bait a. T h e third wife of a Kachin harem; comp. /dsAi
and Idtuttg.
-bau, 7 1 . A narrative, story, legend, history; comp. a h t i k
and dam; j z wol' rtz a L d b ~ uthe , ancestral story; &baa
gnwn or nlrt, v. to narrate, relate, as a story or legend.
-bau, n. A bulb, tuber; conlp. rrai baa; labax pawl, a
species of yam; a kind of orchid, D t t d r o d i u v . Thersi-
-bawl)- 72. T h e calf of the leg; see dawj.
-bawt, a . Short or shallow; see bawi; / d b ~ z z u fIdbat, wide
but shallow, as the hole i n a paddy mortar; ak&m hRw
Lctbnwt Idbat ye o i .
-bra, n. A fork; see Radm; a Kachin famil); see Ldbya.
b , n. T h e mulberry tree ; comp. / a t shot.
-bya, n. A family of the L a b a n g clan; HRauvi, Labra.
-bye, 2). T o be twisted, as a blade, or warped, as a
board ; d u n g hRrn ai mdjaw nhtx /dye mat s a i ; comp.
chycihten /rfhjfe.
-hying, n. ~ h - outside e of the e a r s ; nn [dbyiflg dayat u ;
d a Idshzng dumsi iabying.
-bwi, rr. One of the Atst' families; also pron. Nhwr.
-chya, a . A kind of tree; also pron. nranau truu
yang 10rhyn hpzrn Atn nnn nzddnz d a p e ~ h d k a px .
-chyan, v. ( f rorn ihyan, to reach after.) T o be eager,
i n a hurry, on tip-toe; mostly used adverbially; gat e
jna /dchjrrx r a i ma.
--cbyang, n. A species of vine w i t h beautiful white
flowers; / c i ~ / z ~ a nlap
g chycthRyz sha ra a i
--chyen, n. (from c/ryen, to do.) Work; ljchyen ma-
nawm, the wages paid the lollowcrs of a bridc,(xuwsa;)
comp. s d R e mdnawn; . rtrr ntsn ni /dchycn mdnawn sha
m a az'.
Lachyi, n. T h e root of the hair; kara Ldchyi ?~rdchyi ni;
kdra idchyignng a t , to pull out, as h a i r ; to pull, as the
top-knot or cue; also pron. /dji; cornp. chyi.
-chyln, v . T o complain; see /hltit.
-chyit, n. Flax, hemp; lachj~itri, linen thread; h e m p ;
/~tchyitlop, hemp; leaves from which bang (ganja,) is
-chyum, n. Sense, meaning, ifiport, as of a word or
sentence; see ga kchyilm.
-chyung, n. One of the NhRam families.
-chyut, n. Indigo; see ivahtat.
-chyawk, n. A" pinch; cornp. drichyawrk; ldch-awR la, to
t a k e by pinches; Idchyawk sha /a mzl; see next.
-chyawng, n. A n amou.nt larger than a pinch(/cichyawd,)
but smaller than a hand-ful, (latap mi.)
-da, a. Wide; see dam La&.
-dam, a. (trom dam) to be extended.) Wide apart;
n r u n g Ladam nga ai.
-dan, s. A kind of ear ornament; comp. Bur. ptmS.
-dang, . n. A large cotton g i n ; a press for crushing
sugar-cane; comp. ldnyet; Lbdang ria, to gin or crush.
-dang, a. A chisel, borer, jumper; an auger, gimlet;
cornp. h n b r .
-dap, n. T h e top of an altar, where the offering is plac-
ed; sometimes called Lkrzdap; cornp. h b u n g r i lddaf.
-dat, n. (from d a t , to send.) T h e salient point, mean-
i n g or import, as of an argument; g a lddat n mdna az,
the meaning is not clear; ga Lddat tsawm ail the point
is well taken.
-di, adv. Often, repeatedly; Lidi Zang, many a time; s h i
Indi Lang gdlaw y?l sui, he has done it many a time;
Zddi Ldmun, often, always, continuously; z d a i Cam
lndska lridi ldmun laz' a i law re az'.
-dip n. T h e nose; Hkauri nddi; s e e di; Zlirti hkirzggang,
the septum; Zcidi hku,the nostrils; comp. htawnghtnwng;
lddi hhvtt, the depression of the bridge ; / d d i 7zl-hyrcs,
the tip of the nose; miinant nnm a i wa /dl' nchyr~n
d4w 12a n' nga ai.
Lsdu, n. Short hair, ("bangs,") a f r i n g e of hair, as worn
by unmarried girls a n d some old men; comp. /dga;
Z d z c daw. to cut the fore-locks short: L t d % ahkrct Lad., -
to grow, as the hair after having b e i n s h a v e d ; fig. to
exceed; adv. excessively, outrageously, i n humanly;
narzggaw manang hpe Ictd* ahknt nna roi rdai; Zndu
/ail adv. same as /ddu ahdzrt; a. excessive, etc.; Zdda
Zai sha a i wa,an excessive eater.
-du, n. (from d a , to arrive.) T h e return, as of a date, a
- new-year, birthday, or the l i k e ; a n anniversary; a.
annual; Zadu hdrum, v. to have rounded, as a month
o r a year; s h i d a t a ladzc h k r r m sni, he (the babe)
has rounded the (nrst) month,-is a month old; dai
Zddn g a r n i 72 hkrzlnz, it has not seen its (first) anni-
versary; ngai sha mrisanz zing lbdr LRrum sai, m y
child has had its third birthday; lad%Zai, to be passed,
as a date, or a new-year; Lddn wa Pzt~zgnang, n. one
replete with years; the first man to die.
-durn, n. A kind of shrub.
-dau, R. A scraper; comp. s/ti7zgdan; lddau /de ARut kau
i nttl, scrape it away with the scraper.
-dau, v. T o be in haste; see ldrau.
-claw, n. (from d a w , to fix.) Time, a set time, a definite
period; cotnp. hkra and d r hkva ladaw; h d a w ldnga,
a time, period, season; Ladaw Langa a tam a i wa, a
person disregarding times and seasons.
-dawn, v . To stretch out the arm; conlp. [dtawtz; Zdta Id-
d a w y~a ai, to stretch, put out, the arms at f u l l length.
-gal n. T h e hair, (Ram or /&a,) especially of a dead
person; n i n lciga hka9tg. mat sni.
-ga, v . T o b e o l d , hardened, stiff, and thus set, as i n
mind or ways; comp. guxgsa and m g n ; shatarai Zap
ldga mat sai, the curry stuff is old-and not fit to use;
trgai shi~lg/et/dga mat sai, m y tongue is stiff,--unable
to pronounce new sounds; ski 7 1 2 > i t Ate h k i ~ ml f f g amat
sai, he is set i n mind and " body "

--ga, a . (from g a l to split.) Split, forlted, dentate,

palmate, erose; Zdga LRungri, a forked altar; namlap
laga, a dentate, erose or palmate leaf.
Lagap, IL. (froin gap, to cover.) The one who brings up,
(covers,) the r e a r of a Kachin dkmy; the captain or
chief i n command; comp. [dnga; ngui hpyen /&gap Y ~ Z Z
- g a t , n. Bees; honey; conip. gat and git; &gat jakktr,
honey; Lligat chyu, to press out honey; idgat yta, t o
sting, as a bee.
-gat, 72. The banyan or baurin tree; see gat and g i t ;
ldgat noi d n w , the pensile branches o r stems of cer-
tain banyans that take root i n the ground.
-git, B . (from i t , to transmigrate.) A " transmi-
grator;" one reborn by the process of transmigration
or metempsychosis ; u sni wa sai n dip a i wa gaw it
6ai git ai.
-gu, v. T o steal; comp. nzliszln and Bur. 41; Zbgr am*, n. a
theft; L d p [ a p t , a thief; /kg% ska a i wa, a " profes-
sional" thief; 12 mdsu ya7Jg hpa R tszln, n Ldgu yang
hpa n g x n ; /agu LdRan, a thief; see parts.
-gu, v. T o be hanging, drooping, as the wings of a sick
fowl; a. drooping, e t c ; blichyxng n i 2c guw L&g24 16gg
hkawm r d ai.
-gum, n. A species of fig tree; comp. maihpang.
-gun, n. A scraper used i n cleaning or weeding a field;
t s h g kdsha n i hpe idgun A r k ahkgt kalc mu.
-gup, n. A hat; usually pron. hagup.
-gut, n. A thief; see Ldgtgu; liigut ndw, an inveterate
thief ;-a term of abuse.
a 3 t v. (from gai, to sprawl.) T o limp, walk, as a splay-
foot person; g w i gwi a i wa /am sn yang lagai az.
-gaw, n. A foot, a leg; comp. gaw; /~igaw hkau, to be
bow\-legged; l ~ t g a w/djcn, to walk on tip-toe; idgaw
hten, to be lame; ldgaw y r n g , a toe; ldgaw jl*ng nu,
the great toe ; Ldgaw Zabawp--ia/r~a~~-LahtZ'~z-Lat~a-
hjhprigau and shingLang, see parts.
-gaw, a. (from gaw, to be bent.) Crooked, twisted,
deformed; comp. mdgaw; iata /dgaw a i wa, a man
with a crooked arm.
-gawn, v . T o be lazy, indolent, idle, slothful; (rtgnw*
mdkun, n. an exceedingly lazy person; Zagawn hRin-
tang, n. laziness, etc.; jan dingsn ju, Lagawe hkinlnngla.
Lsgawng, n. Strength; see rc-gur.
-gawt, v. To scoop; see ddgalut and shdgawt; /a/n fit(
dap we lrtgawt la e ; n. a scoop; a small shovel, as
for ashes.
-goi , n. Bulrushes ; Tha/ia canna!foormis; Lrtgoz' jrthlai
mats made of bulrushes; lagoi rrai, a species of yam;
see also hfawgoi.
-gra, n. (from gra, to grab.) A handful, a "grab;" a
clutch, a grasp; lagra mi jaw r .
-gra, v. (from g r a , to be forked.) T o spread, as the
fingers; ldyzmg (agora u ; to throw up the arms, as when
startled; s h i hRrit Rdjawng Cdgra az.
-gram, v. (from gram, to bend over.) T o groop, f u ~ n b l e
about, as i n the dark; comp. hmawm; to sit monkey-
fashion, as before a fire; Rashwng a i mdjaw wan ntu?tg
e lctgram nga ai.
-grang, n. A species of creeper the sprouts of which
are eaten.
-grat, a. (from g r a t , to chap.) A chap, "crack," as i n
the hands or feet; also pron. Ldgret; Ldgrat g r a t , v. to
chap, to be chapped, as the hands or feet; Rashtrng
a i mdjaw lagaw ldfa [dgral g r a l ai.
-gret, n. A chap; same as Laqraf.
-gya, n. (from gya, to talk.) A "talker; a go-between,
I 9

as i n a marriage affair; (Hkauri;) see kdsa.

-gya, v . To be useless; be Ldgya, a. useless, unservicable;
nanggaw 68 Lagya r a i nga ndai.
-gyen, n. Solid bamboo; the bamboo-producing tab-
asheer; lagym naw, tabasheer; comp. Rinraw.
-gyeng, v . (from gyeng, to be leaning.) T o be crooked,
as a deformed leg; a. slant, leaning, inclined.
-gyep, n. A species of wild plantain the leaves of
which can be used as sand-paper.
-gyi, v. To be frozen; to be stiff, numb, as from cold;
hRyen RlilSye yarzg lagaw ldgyi ai; rau Rctshung yarrg 9za
lctgyi ai.
-gyim, v. (from gyzm,to hide.) To conceal; to do in
secret; adv. secretly, i n a hidden, concealed manner;
comp. w~agyi?~z and m d p n ; shi hgyzm wa ai, h e re-
turned secretly.
L.~gyaw, V. T o be contracted, drawn, as a paralyzed limb;
u ldgaw sha y a n g ldta ldgyaw na d a .
-gyawk, v. (from gyawR, concave.) To be f u l l of holes,
as a bad road; comp. ZachyawR; ga ZagyawR mat sci;
n. a shallow hole, a depression; Lam e hpund~zwLagyawR
sa-wng ai, the road is full of holes with rain-water.
-gyawng, n. A ravine, gulch, canyon; Irigynruizg d a ~ g -
wang z t?r a i Q z n Bran wa rit.
-ja, n. A kind of tree; see iachya.
--la v.(from j a , t o be hard.) T o be dense, overgrown,
difficult or impassable, as a jungle, road or the like;
Lam (djn mat sni, the road has become difficult; to
become virulent, malignant, as a disease ; mdchyi L d j ~
l a ai.
-jang, v. T o s e t in order, adjust or prepare; cornp. gravz,
mdzang and mye; yn n r a i Zajang u ,now put the t h i n g s
i n order; to mend, repair; d a i n i nta bai Zajan,o im.
+en, v. T o divide, as work, into a number of equal
parts; to " take a s t e p a t the time;" see Lagaw Zcijer;
Lajen ren, to divide, allot, as work ; nanhte d n i anru
Cdjen rsn di'galnw Baa mz.
-jep, n. T h e but-end, as of an arrow.
-ji,.. n. T h e root of the hair; see Zachyi.
i n , v. T o complaim; to bewail; Lajin laroi, n. a com-
plaint; l l i j i ~ tLdroi ga, a complaint, an expression of
barief, censure or resentment; Adyam ni Zd$n Zdroiga
tsalt ma ai.
i n i n n. T h e common earth-worm; see kdgyiiz r i g
and Rdjin jai.
- n. T h e spurs of a cock; (shortened form of u la jz~.)
-JU jaw, n. T h e depression in the back of the neck;
L a p jaw gamai yang, hctda~tg/oi ai.
-jawng, r . A proper name for a female.
-.]oi, n. A Laslri prop'er name for a male.
--ka, n. T h e hammer of a g u n ; srinat i i k a .
---ka, a. Alone, unmarri:.d; see gravz; dam ~ a w n Zrikn, g
an old maid ( i n a hut;) /a Zdka, an old bachelor; a
" f ree-lover.' '
-ka, n. A minstrel, a village bard; Zdka Ra, v. to sing
and "versify," asoata wedding, house-warming or the
like; comp. 7 r i q k a ; t d k a shddrai hru, to reward the
minstrel; /skn sllrtkazl or ynu, to join i n the "chorus"
of the minstrel's song; see parts; ldRa mdraw / V u , to
propitiate the " muse" with a sacrifice; Ldka mdraw
kpu , /u fin s/rit6rai h t r .
Lakan, 92. A silver tube, worn as an ear-ornament; comp.
kan, /atan and shakaz'.
-kan, u. T o hide, as a theft; see ldgu; shr i r i g r r gaw
chYc, Iakan n chye.
-kang, 12. T h e f r c r n u m or bridle of the t o n g w ; also pron.
hdinggaxg; shznglet /adnng dun a i l v. to be sllort, as
the "bridle," a ridge connecting two hills or ranges;
hkyrt /d.Rang, LIlp Ldku~zg,see parts.
-kang, n. A ladder,stair-way, steps; Bur. c2m3r; / d b a w
hdraishz~nt,a balustrade; Lakang N-gam,a notch, s t e p ,
of a native ladder; lahang Atan, to raise, as a ladder.
-kap, n. Pi nchers, snuffel s , compasses, tongs; /aka/ Rap,
v , to use, as pinchers, etc.
-kap, n. A captain, commander; see Z ~ a p .
-ku, n. A measure of capacity equal to two hand-fuls;
/aka m i /&pa2 /ahikaw?zg yawng a i .
--kum, n. A fig; same as Lag247z, which see.
-kung, n. (from ku~rg, to branch.) A, limb, branch,
bough; comp. Bur. =@a and Lakying; a branch, divis-
ion, as of a tribe or family; a clan; s e e dap; N-gem
ldhung ni, the descendants of N-gam.
--kung, n. A flat paddle-shaped stick, wooden spoon or
t h e like, usedfor stirring food while cooking; a trowel;
Ldhrt~gL a h a p . coolting utensils.
-kung, . S i l l dexterity, adroitness; see Rung and
dama; l d k r n g Ianza, skill, ctc.; see parts; LaRung &ma
g u or gawp, v. to be all around clever; see parts.
--kai, v. T o wear, as e a r ornaments; see Raz'; anhfe
nampan, &Ran hte /dts?dn hknz ga ai.
-kaw, n. T h e upper part of t h e ear; see ldkawng.
-kawn, o. T o support, assist, lead, as a child, a weak or
drunk person; comp. d u n ; mctchyr a i wa hpe ldkuwn
zun mu; to present, as a gift; only so used as a coup. of
IrZ~awn,which see.
L ~ k a w n , a. To recall, bri t i g back, cause to return, as
a s t r a y i n g ghost, by the means of special rites and
ceremonies; comp. mt'nla dam a n d Lu/aw.
-kawng, n. T h e upper part of t h e e a r ; opp. to Lapyen;
often pron. Laknw; na LaRawng, t h e e a r ; poetic for
part of the ear.
-kran, Y. (from k r a n , t o b e forked.) T o be forked,
bifurcated; n. a furcation; h p n n I d k r a n , a fork of a
t r e e ; ldta l a k r a n , t h e d i g i t a l i nterspace; Ldgau ld-
Rrnn, t h e groin.
-krang, v. T o sprawl; IdRyan nna tsQ a i , t o s t a n d with
t h e limbs wide apart; s e e L a n g .
-kying, n. A small branch, a twig; Idkung l ~ t k y i n gni,
branches a n d twigs.
-kyaw, n. Pus, f rom an inflamed e a r ; comp. l n t s a a p ; l d -
Ryaw y u n , v. t o g e n e r a t e pus.
-hka, v . (froin h&a, t o m a k e an incision.) T o c h a p ,
c r a c k open, a s t h e s o l e of t h e foot; comp. /agrat;
ldgaw l a h k a ga ai.
-hka, v. T o wind between t h e thumb a n d t h e l i t t l e
finger; n. a s k e i n thus wound; r i h h k a mz iahka ka.
-hka, v . (from hRa, t o be remote.) T o move, remove,
s h i f t ; comp. htawt; to carry, as timber for a building;
dai n i t u p ngai ngau LahRa nngai, I have carried tim-
ber all day.
-hka, v . T o press, u r g e ; s h i Ldhka tsun nngai, he was
u r g i n g m e ; adv. persistently a n d excessively; obsti-
n a t e l y ; d a i wa ldhRa mdsu a i l hRam Ram, h e is per-
sistently l y i n g , d o not believe him; /dhRa hkum h k ~ a p .
d o not cry too much; n Rdja azaiamu h h R u hkum galaw
myzt .
-hka, n. An offering; s e e LdARan.
-hkak, n. A mallet; a club smaller t h a n a batbau.
-hkam, v. T o s t e p ; Ldgaw m a c h y i n i mdjaw n /dLRant lu
az'; n. a s t e p ; LdkRam htawt, t o s t e p , measure by s t e p s ;
LdhRam mdnga htawt nna tsap u , move five s t e p s and
s t a n d ; a s p a n ; comp. gumchynn; lahkam IdzRawng
dawng mz rawpzg oi, two s p a n s m a k e a cubit.
-hkan, v. (from hknn, t o follow.) T o offer as g a r m e n t s ,
money o r ornaments i n addition t o a bloody sacrifice;
mtndsha hpe bujung m i hte /dkhan mu, offer a s i l k - g a r :
ment to t h e house-nat; /aLRan / d A R a , n. an offering of
this kind; LdARan Idhba shdgu hkungga hte lawm or'.
LPhkang, n. One of the Jinghpaw families.
-hkap, n. T h e hamstring; the inside of the bend of the
knee; / d h R u j d a n or kdhtam, to hough, hamstring.
-hkat, v. T o kick, as a horse; comp. shzlzgdt't and
Atawng; gumra htc utang f'dhknt ai.
-hki, a. A son-in-law; see fubhki.
-bku, v . (from hRu, to befriend.) T o guard, protect,
care for; see Lcinz~.
--hkurn, n. A chair; a stool; comp. punghhum.
-hkum, n. One of the clans of the Ldhpaz tribe; comp.
-hkum, n. A pumpkin; see RdhRum.
-hkun, v. T o succor, care for; same as ldLRu; shz hpe
atsawm sha hbu /ahkun di u .
-hkut, u. (from hkxr, to scrape.) T o paw, as a horse;
to scrape, dig, with the front-foot; slrdraw ga /ahhut
-hkaw, n. (from hbau,, to wind.) A ball of yarn, thread
or the like; ri /dhRnw mi h k k a w n m a .
-hkawk, u. T o be rough, uneven, f u l l of bumps; /dhRawt
/&had, same; ga lrfhknwk /ahRah rai nga a i .
-hkawn, n. A bracelet; see kbawn; LuhRnwn mddar, the
length from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger;
nye nga Ibhkawn nrddal du sai; the (horns) of my cow
are as long as, etc.; comp. r'dhpraw htrcm and Bur.
c u d c d .
-hkawn, v . T o collect, as money for religious purposes;
see hkawn; u di,gaitsu /d/rkawn m u ; 72. a collection,
contribution for such purposes; ldhkawn l d h t a w n - p w
-&a, see parts.
--hkawn, v. T o wind, as yarn into balls or skeins; comp.
rr and IdARaw LdhRawn at'.
-hkawng, a. T h e number two; by some pron. nARawng;
ldhRawttgjren, two finger's width; see Gram.
-hkawt, u. To cut obliquely; see hbawt; to scoop up;
(rare ;) corn p. [dgawt.
368 Lahkra.
La11kra, a. (from kRru, the right.) R i s h t ; opp. to (cipai,
l e f t ; -/dhhvn maga yen m a , turn to the right; IahRra
iata mddun U.
-hkra, TZ. A k i n d of tree.
-hkra, a. A variety of bamboo; flrzmbusn duflora; /a-
hkra durn-yan, or lahkra Iarnaa, a joint of the bamboo;
the constellation Orion; by sollle pron. Iahkra &g-yan.
-hkre, n. The back of the ankle, regarded as the upper
part of the heel; comp. shingrim; /dh&re hhret or
hkren, adv. from (head) to foot; unto the ankles, heel
or ground; shi /ahRre hkrct mdchyyi a i , he is sick from
(head) to foot; s h i Iiibn /bhRrc RRrryz brr a i , his
trousers rcacli to t h e ankles; n-gang gala idhkre du ai.

heal the whole body, cleanse the whole trame; may

it (the disease) break through the heel and depart
through the five toes.
-hkrem, a. T o side, edge up to; see hkre*; ngai hpe
&dyal nn nga nna'/alrkrem ngn ai. ,

-hlireng, n. T h e space around a grave; comp. ARrcng

and /up hkrmg; I d A R r e ~ r g md?znn, to dance around a
-hkring, v. T6 feel cramp i n t h e legs, as when climbing
a hi 11 ; nhRap yu yang laARnp /dARrifzg ai.
-hkrip, v . T o keep, as step; see hlcrifl.
-hkru, 72. A tree of the same family as the /&chyn; /li-
hRru, Ngai /dm% ngaa vai, hchya, N g ~ inzddai itgntr
tai. b-

-hkru, n. T h e hoof; (rihkrzt g n , to part the hoof; Idhkru

ga ai baw, cloven-footed animals.
-hkrau, v. T o be careless; ndv. i n a careless, indifferent
manner; see hkrnlc and nhkrow; /dhbmzc [dhkra
h k z m di u'.
-hkwi, n. The death dance; see kabtcng.
-hkwi, n. A species of tree.
-hkyang, n. A k i n-d of tree.
Lihkyap, v . To be passed, wasted or lost, as time; d a i
ni nhtoz IdhRyuj mat sar, h j a n gdlaw Cu, this day 1s
gone and nothing done; ndai shdla ldhkyap mat s&,
hpattg na shata e she shang sd %a.
-hkyeng, v . T o walk, as a splay-foot person; coup.
hkyeng and nhkyeng; 1%ju at m@aw lagaw tdh&ytnp
nga .
-hkyi, a. T h e little finger or toe; ldta Ldhkyt, the little
finger; lagaw /aLRyi, the little toe; also called yung
-hkyik, n. A kind of tree ; mltraw shabaww at rk&m L l d -
LRyiR hpaw Cang ma at; LdhRyiR fiat, a specles of
-hkyung, v. (from h k y ~ n g cringing.)
, T o be cowering,
crouching, bent; IahRyung hkawnz,to walk, as a frozen
person or scared dog.
-hkyawk, n. (from hRyawR, to be sunken.) A depres-
sion. aperture, hole. as i n a road, wall o r the like;
comp. ldgyawk; by many ldgyawk and [dhkyuwk are
used interchangeably.
-hkyawn, n. A narrow ravini; a long narrow vesrel;
(ddkyawn hta chynrlc bang Ca mu.
-1 a. adv. Even, until; to the. exrent or degree that; shi
ntaf~angsaw la &La sa wa ai. he even went and called
a companion; ngai hpe Rdyat na sAzngna lang C&a re
nz, i n order to beat m e he even carried a stick. Re-
flexive pronoun; self; nearly always found with hkum
or ran; see Gram.; wgui hkum Zn/a, my own self; Hang
Rkvm ldCa gdaw tl, you yourself do it; slrr lala non
mu saz, he himself saw it.
- - l a m , n . A f a t h o m ; s e e l a m ; I d l a m g d d t n t a P how many
f athorns are there ? v . to measure by f athorns) to
extend the arms, as when measuring a fathom; Idla
LiLam nna ]en lawn u.
-le, o. (from Le, to turn.) To disobey; to misinterpret.
as an order; s h i n v t ga ld/e nna sa n t , he went
contrary to m y orde;;; to cross, as the hands on the
back ; &gwt w a @e L f f r LdZe ~ nna gyit ma.
--li, v . To be greet], fresh, verdant; a. grccn, c:.c.; ,nanrlap
i l i Z i n i , the leaves are green and fresh; tszt /a6 ai
shara, a verdant field; fig. fresh, young; /d/I st'n-gun
ni k l e mdjart nju nz'.
Lalaw, v . T o recall, summon, as a straying ghost;
comp. ldRawn and minla /&law; to urge the ghosts to
return to their respective owners, a s after a funeral;
mang sa a i de na wa yang LaLaw ma n i .
-ma p v . T o beg*-udge;see Idhfawt.
-ma, n. Skill, ingenuity; see /dRung/htna; na?rg/daa nrz
shdfraw y n Z L , show your skill;-lit. show one (kind)
of skill.
-ma, n. Things, belongings, property, as left by a
deceased, one moving, or the like; s h i gaw masha
&ma hta a i w a r k ui, he is the man that took over
(became possessed of, inherited,) the things left.
-ma, a.Some,few;/dntamaor~~mami,some,s~mething
few; a r a i (dma m e nga ai,there a x a few things;
idgaa mi raw p w e , give a little ( a few things,) more;
idma m i sha, only a few, a little, somewhat; comp.
Apa hpa and ma; Idma m i sAa jaw e, give only a little
-ma, n. A family of the N/tktlms.
-man a. The space, length, as between two joi-nts of a
bamboo; comp. L&lmyi; Cii~nanglidgn, short-jni nted; l i t .
short-spaced; C f i t ~ z n pyawn
n ai, v. to be extended, long,
between the j c ints; fig. time, as bctween events;yq nn
l&mane, at the present hour; adv. while, when,during
the time that; fzgai n nga ai/ctman' P, while I was absent,
shi gat sa ci lamran e, when he was i n the bazaar.
mmang, v . (from mang, to think.) T o be excited, troub-
led, over-anxious; a. excited, rtc.; excessive, immoder-
ate; mvit Cnmang ai,to be troubled; myit :zag /among
yang shut rhye ai,being too excited causes mistakes;
s h i rc-gun dat idmang a i , he is excessive i n display of
-mat, v . T o s p r i n g , rebound, as a spring; & n n - g ~ nl d -
mnt a i l the branch flew back; Rdwa /dmalwa nna h k d h
-rnik, n. A supecnat~~tal sign or occurrence; Bur. $W;
l&nrz"li.k?r?i;la, a sign, wonder, miracle; see parts: ldmt'k
d o n , a. to show a sign,etc.
Lgmu, n. The firmament, the heavens; comp, nrx; sumsrng
/&mu,the expanse of heaven; ldmu ganghkau, the
firmament: see parts; ldmu mr,v. to be cloudy; /dm#
mrng, to be alternately cloudy and clear; &mu m u o r ,
a celestial nat; see parts; ldmu mddtn, t h e firmament;
/&mu Rdsa. an angel; &mu sdlaf, liquor, tllc poetic name
for chycivu; lit. celestial sweat; h m s htumpa, the
-mum, n. A witch; also called nsin nat, t h e spirit of dark-
ness; comp. hpy7'; L6nzum Rau~a,u. to bewitch,-lit. to
bite, as a witch; /rimom ndat and u p;see parts.
-mun, a. The numeral ten thousand; see mwn; &mun
Idisa, hundreds, myriads, a large indefinite number;
/dmiln lang, ten thousand times; comp. Iddi tang; Id-
mar htznggaw prlc n' )rat, k t s a hfz'figpwyrr n' /at.
-mun, n. A kind of creeper; ldmut~rlc.
-mung, n. One of the Lltlrfaw families.
-mut, n. A dipper; same as Rdmut and Romai.
-mat, rt. A species of vild fig;see maihpang.
-mau, n. The bark of the Rdbyi tree used for chewing;
In colloquial the tree itself is often called Idmas.
-maw, n. A family of the Mdran tribe.
-maw, v. To be dark, black, shaded;. comp. CdAtawf;
shingtaz mlcn mdtu lamaw ai,the ends., "tips" of the
caterpillar's hair are dark.
-maw. n. Short legs; a. short-legged: c m p . ldgaw; &maw
l u a2 mdsha -lam sa n rhyang ai.
-mawm, v. To grope, feel one's way, as i n the dark; myi
n mu at mdjaw Zdniawm ARawm ai.
-mya, V . T o toddle, tottle, as a child beginning to walk;
ma ldmya ARawm chya ai.
-my am, u. To be frowzy, tangled.. as the long hair of a
mendicant; comp. noyam and (dwurcg.
-myang, n. One of the Kachin families.
--myi. n. A joint, as of bamboo; comp. ItRriARraw; /dmfiyi
ldman, the joints. as of the body: kawa lamyi gat ai,
to whittle off, the joints of bamboo: w a r ldmyi [dman
m d c h ~ aai.
-myin, n. Nails, claws, -talons; sltctvaw l'emyzfr gal# at;
ldnrqzn ARvawt. t o cur, the nails: ldrnjv'rr dA.a*g,
the black of the nail; a linear measure the width
the black of the nail.
Lamyit, v . T o wash the face; (Hkauvi;) see myit.
-myi t , n. A fish-hook; (1L.auri;) see myek.
-na, n. A clan of the hfaran tribe.
-na, adu. One night or evening; comp. ldni and idning;
shi idrra mi sha Adring ai, he stayed only one night.
-no, v. (from #a, t o delay.) T o tarry, stop or rest a
while; coup. of sa:
Kzingdzlng e nay:, lrina ga, Rlcnglat c naw sa ga.
-nam, n. T h e rainy season; also pron. yi-nam; (linam l a ,
the time from May :o the end of Sept.; opp. to gin-
htawng l a , which see.
-nang, n. (from nang, to follow.) The hind hoofs, as of
bovines; the horny protuberance on the ankles of a
horse; gumra ( h a n g tu ai; an appendix of any kind.
-nap, n. (from nap, to dish.) A leaf used i n dishing
rice; also pron. ldnfp or [anyap; ldnap nap, to dish;
see parts.
-nem, %.(from nem, to be low.) A s l o p e p a sloping h i l l ;
a hill or mountain side; also prom manem; comp.
nhkap and hpyin; dai ldnem hte ngai yr' Adyen na.
-nen, n. A bride's early visit to the parental home;
ldnen htang, v . to pay the visit.
-nep, n. A leaf used as a spoon; see [Itnap.
-nep, n. Booty, loot: plunder; ldnep ja, loot; ldnefl Ak,v .
to pillage, take booty, spoil, as in war; ldnep hta yang
hRdla hRrum ai, he was wounded while pillaging.
-ni, adv. One day; comp. n i and &%a; lam' mi, one day
(only;) h n i na mi r , on a certain day; Lani sat, n. a
day's journey; dai lam Idni sat tsan a i .
-ni, v . T o bless a bride ; see nni; also pron. ldnyi.
-ding, a d v . One year; see ning and comp. (dna; laning
m i s d a , only one year; laning n. an anniversary;
s h i ldnzng lddu gdrai n hkruln ai.
-nu, n. The thumb or big toe; Gdta [dnzc, ldgaw lanu;
comp. yung nu.
-nu, v . (from n u , a mother.) T o tend with maternal
care; to "mother;" Lzinlr Idkku, to nourish, succor; to
render, as aid or assistance; comp. shrr; Ufi I4 Y a ,
s u ~ ~ rndut
z ' &nu, ntiam LdhRwi LithR~.
Lanung, n. A k i n d of bird; Ianunf sinma, same; see parts.
-nawn, Y. (from nawn, to push foxward.) To hand over;
to convey, transmit; h s h a Ldnawn mr, hand over
(pass,) the food; to push, urge forward; to hand over,
as a finished piece of work; fMdtsaw hkraigung id-
tamr, ya mi, Nlsang hkraiwo Liirlnawn ya mi; to present,
make over, as. a gift; ya Mdfsaw sut idnawx, Ntsacrg
gas /&awn.
-noi, u. (from mi, to hang.) To cling, hang on to; to
depend upon; see Idshum.
-nga, n. Wild plantain; see ~ g a ,and combinations;
comp. Id~cgu;ldnfil si, the fruit of the wild plantain.
-nga, n. A species of night-hawk; also pron. ldny4; see x
-nga, n. (from nga, to be.) A p a r d , a sentry, a watch-
man; cornp. ldba and idwarn; sin ldnga ni, sentinels;
see parts.
-ngan, n. Plantains; coup. of L a p ; the inner part of the
plantain stem; wa n i hpe ldngan jaw u.
--ngang, v . T o lead, as a band or company on the war-
path; a military leader; comp. idgap; du wa Cdngang
sa a i , the chief is leading.
--ngu, n. The plantain, the banana; comp. ldnga; C a w -
zrchyaw or ujaw, the plantain bud; Idngrc #pa,a comb
of plantains; h n g u uraw, a bunch of plantains; l ' d ~ g s
Idngan, plantains of all kinds; ldngg i a p l r p u n - s i ,
see parts.
-ngai, a. The numeral one; n. a u n i t ; also pron. m g o i ;
nzdrha lcfngai, one person; Ldngai m i , one; ldngui ngai,
some, a few, one now and then; lringui ngni sAa, some
only, etc.; /dngai hle dliagiri, adv. one by one; k g a z
@ang hngai, one after another.
-nya, n. A species of night-hawk; sane as i d ~ g awhich ,
-nyan, u, To be slow; to be easy-going, sluggish, dila-
tory; /anyan a i wa marrang tr d t ) ai; adv. i n a slow,
s l y , stealthy manner; lagut ni /t.tGan hkalum ma ei.
- n j "p, 92. A leaf used as a spoon; see &nap.
374 Llnyet.
Lgnyet, n. A small cotton gin; comp Ibdang; fdnyet hle
pdsi ri~za i .
--ny~n, v . To be slow, dull, lingering, inactive; comp.
ldnyen; ldnyzn a2' wa lazr n ngzrt ni, the inactive m a n
is not done i n a hurry; Latu lrtnyir, to be slow of hand,
not nimble; myit ld?zyin, slow, as i n thinkin , not
quick, alert or spirited; shat sha Ldttyz'n, to be s ow i n
-nyu, n. A mina bird; both the small mina and talking
mina are included; also pron. Zdnyawng and by the
HRaw ris, ningmya wng ;L d n p ga sh dga c h y ~ai.
-nyau, n. (from nvau, to mew.) A cat; also pron.
Cdmyar; ldnyaa &dsha, a kitten.
-nyawng, n. A mina bird; see ldnyu and u ldnyaw?tg.
-pa, n. A rafter; nta lapa; see pa and wunhti slidraw;
ldpa hRa ai,to notch a (bamboo) rafrer; l d j a noi or
#a, to put on the rafters.
n. A flower; (Hkauri; see natnpan.
--ping, n. The outside ear; Hkauri;) see Zdbying.
-pu, n. A snake; a serpent; see p* and combinations.
- # I di, a. Ophidian eggs.
- t hkai, v. To shed the skin as a snake; Idpn tsawp

hkai ai.
- # D tsip, n. The nest of a snake.
- 7 tsawp, n. A shed snake skin; also pron. #?r tsctwp or
pdtsa wp.
-pu, n. The soft inside substance of bamboo; opp. to
Cdsa; Zdpa mdga, the inside.
-psi, n. A measure of capacity; one open handful, the
equal of two k t i l p s ; see Gram.
-pai, a. (from pai, the left.) Left; opp. to Zdhkra,
rieht; comp. W a i ; Ldpai mdga, the left side; v . to be
left-handed, awkward, bungling; ga Cdpai, to speak
with a brogue; myi idpal' ai, to be cross-eyed; myit
Cdpai a i , to be perverse, or sinister; Ldjaz ginshi, see
-pai, n. The cow-hage (cow-itch,) creeper; ldpai pu' the
flowers of the cow-hage, emitting an offensive odour
supposed to cause a cold; l ~ a i + mdnam yang waw
shaptg a i da.
Lapau, s. To be knobby; comp. bau and jaw; to be swell-
ing; n. a knbb; a hard protuberance or a swelling;
shz idgaw /apau az'.
--paw, a. A blister; coinp. Actdawng; ( a is caused
by pressure, .a Rdbawngby a burn;) lapcw paw, v . to
blister; I d j a w daw a i l to break, as a b!ister; /&paw s i ,
wages for work; lit. reward for blisters.
-paw, v. To force an opening, as with a crow-bar; &paw
jung, to drive, as a pointed post into the ground;
hpundung lapaw ju:ig $6.
-paw-tc, n. A cheetah; a srnall leopard; comp. Akar.
--pawp, n. A snail; /&$owp nea, the slime secreted by
the snail; Idpawp Ramp, the shell of a snail.
--pra., Y . T o place, as i n a vice, under a weight, or the
11 ke; to place so as to be attacked or supported from
t v o sides; mdrai CdAkawng n g ~ i hpc &fva nna hdyal
ni a i , two men (one from each side j assailed and
beat me.
-pran, Y. To be in the middle; see Rapran and Abang;
(rtpmn P, adv. i n the middle, between, betwixt; shan a
ldpvan e tsaf a , stand between them; ldpran hku ARan
u, follow t h e middle path; W r a n dap shi, the central
f i re-pl ace.
p i , o. (from ~ Y Zto, be defused.) To sprinkle; matzg
makoi shctni mdska hpc ldprz, on the funeral day the
people are sprinkled; fig. to set, as a fowl; l v r i Rau
sai u di Rddai n sha, no one eats e g g s (in the process
of) hatching; /dpri C q r a i , to sprinkle; also used ad-
verbi ally; n. a sprinkling, as of holy water.
-prai, 2 ) . Te be uncertain, unsettled; see psi.
-prawk, v . (from prawk, to splash.) To babble, prate,
chatter; ranggaw nau /u#rawk ndai.
-prawng, u. T o bob up, i n unexpected places; same as
Rdbrausg, which see.
-pyen, n. T h e lobe of the ear; na idfym; the vent or
touchhole, as of a gun; sannt lapyen.
-pyin, v. T o be stron e firm, as of hand; lala [iffyin ai
wa, a man with a fi;;n grasp; to show as strength.
vigor or endurance; a. strong, etc.; lam so Lctpyitt a i .
to show endurance i n walking; s f a Ltpyin a i wa, a
vigorous eater; myif ldpyzn ai nam, a strong-minded
Lahpa, n. T h e shoulders; see Rahpa; Ldhpa shan, the
" clod " given as a priest's wages; iuiipa lagaw, a
f ore-f oot.
-hpa, n. A linear measure equal to the width of the
hand; see Gram.; nye nhtlc ldkpa hi pa ai.
spa, n. The tree on which the cochinal insect is mostly
found; /d@a hban hta hkang l a n g a i ; Ldlcpa ru, a
creeper with poisonous leaves.
-hpan, a. The palm of the hand; Ldta /d@an; comp.
dz.mdam; the sole of the foot; Zagaw la/tpan; a species
of fungoid; see tsap Ldhpaa; lahjan @raw, v . to be
white-soled (from dust;) a term of abuse applied to a
tramp or one constantly on the move; Ldhfan @raw
a i wa, an unsettled person, a tramp.
-hpang, v. T o be deaf; (hard of hearing or totally
deaf;) comp. hpang and i d y a z u ~ g ;shi myi di Ldhpang
aga ai, he is blind and deaf ; ntyi a'i Zdhpang, adv.
with closed eyes and ears,--fig. i n a rage, with ex-
treme violence or passion; s/.i ngai /ipe myi di Zd-
/Ipang nna Rayat ai.
--hpu, n. (from h f u , to view.) A visit; a gathering, as
a t a funeral; s i Ldltpu, a funeral, or a gathering of
mourners; anhte s i l'dhfu sa ga ni, we are going to the
(house of) mourning; LaApu ja; presents given at a
funeral; (rikj4-u Ldnga, a curious, staring crowd; a stir-
ring event; anhft a Rahtawlzg e IdriLpa [ d ~ g an nga)
nothing (to draw a crowd) happens i n our village;
Ld/tpu ldnga rai y a n g nz4m r,i shnw7zg 97% ai.
--bpum, n. The fore-arm; a LkiiLpaw, the arm;
~ d h ~ x idtn,
w a h . with both hands, with double force;
ldh>ii:~z /iitu B gdmni a , strike w i t h both hands.
A h p u t , n. (from hpztt, to kneel.) The knee; ldhfut
s h d n ~ y t nthe
, knee-cap; Ldhfiat @art di,v. to kneel.
---hpai, 72. The largest of the Jinghpaw tribes; the
HQaxri, A t s i and Hpzlnggan clans are all LdhJaiJ;
S d h l i L a h j a i , J f r i r i j Gmmja.
L a h p a i , n. (from h p m , to carry.) A load, as of wood;
hplrn i d / t p a z ntz h t a w a rzl.
-hpaw, n. T h e arm above the elbow; see /a/rpvm.
-hpaw, 91. A leaf, used as a d i s h , wrapper, or the like;
see. hpaw a n d c o m b i n a t ~ o n s ;hlrpnw pyitr, a small
bundle of leaves; Laltfaw t s w , a l a r g e bundle o r roll;
/d@aw Atat, u. to pick the leaves; /a/'jaw pyiyin mi
s l a /ZL h t a t n~zgnz.
-ohpaw, n. A bow for shooting clay-pellets; comp. rrdan
a n d Caiitflaw; ldhpaw dilrghkrz-jz'qhpa and kap, see
-hpawt, v. T o regret, be sorry for; to b e g r u d g e ; nye u
pd/aw?tg p w k a z ~a n Lahfawt izngaz, 1 regret g i v i n g
away my coat; ado. with r e g r e t , in a grudging, re-
l u c t a i ~ tmanner; /rih~,puwtjaw, to give with regret; Id-
hfawt mat, to p a r t with reluctantly; h k p a w t &ma, to
regret the loss off; adv. wit hour cause or excuse; hpa
dz &&awl lama ha6ai Raa ww ta -9 w h y did you thought-
lessly throw it a w a y ? a liilrpawt or lakfawt ldma n di,
not t o r e g r e t , begrudge o r spare.
-hpawt, adv O n e morning; Ia.hpawt mi; see hparrt.
-hpra, 9 ~ . Dry leaves; l d h p r a w l a h p r a , fallen autumn
leaves; La/lprazu l d h p r a h k r a t at'.
-hpra, H. A pantry; mostly pron. jiihpva.
-hpran v. T o brace, as t h e feet when pulling; comp. da
kpvan; h g a w lrihpmn nlra kurawt mu.
-hprang, n. T h e groin.
-hpri, i t . A r a k e ; see hbrz and jenghkyerrg.
-hpraw, n. Diy leaves; see / & b r a .
-hpraw, v. T o clasp t h e hands; see h k p r a w .
-hpraw, rr. (from /rprazu, wbi te.) The i n s ~ d (the
e white,)
of t h e h a n d ; i o h p ~ s uhtiknr, a measure equal to the
length of the 11nnd irom wrlst to tinger-tips; a hand,
a palm; comp. llihkawn ~ ~ n d ~and 7 t l d h f a n : shi a
nga /L~@YRW h t ~ i l rt - n i s(?z,( t h e horns) of h i s ox (cattle)
a r e a s long as tlie hand.
-hyyen, 7 ~ .T h e . l a p , the bosom; slz?zg.nyar Idhpyer,
poetic name for t h e bosom: ji71ghkni ?rtr tsen dirzg-
myau CLihflyc-?~ e I L Z ?~g(lrutzga a i
L a h p y i n , v . To split, as bamboo splits for m a t s ; opp, to
wuwzi; lah)yz',t pdi, a split of the inner and softer
part of the bamboo.
-hpyaw, N. Whistling; Zahpyaw danr or /@yazu, to whistle,
shrtdn da Zdkflyaw durn kRaf g a yaw !
-hpyawk, v . T o snap the fingers: ( H k a u r ~ ; )see hie&.
-hpyawn, v. T o be awry, out of line; na a chyahtai gaw
Iahfyawn r a i Z i l dai.
--ram, v . T o be quick, sprightly, active; comp. ram and
~ ; [dram nz wa, a mail quick of hand; ga /ci-
L ~ r n z lata
ram n i , to be quick, ready, as i n zrgument.
--ran, n. A kind of tree; see chyyn?nha.
-rang, v. T o b e at rest; coup. of idban.
-reng, n. (from reng, to be choice.) The v i t a l s ; comp.
Areng; a tender or sore point; Lareng e b v q di a ,
stab him i n the vitals; v. to hit, hint, insinuate; see
p a /dyeing; dut wn Raw im gn Lkreng h k r a i ARrai
pra ai, you h a v e only insinuatiofis from him.
-reng, v . T o be swift: see rerogand ldrau.
-rino n. A pony; only found as a coup. of gurnra; see
nag; Zdrznggllmra n ~ d h p r i n g g wZawng.
-ru, n. A hurricane, tornado; cornp. mawru; Zaru bungga,
a gale; la'rzl ru, v . to blow a hurricane.
-ru rat, n. Foot-hills, high-land; comp. Itprng~zarn;Zdvu
mt Akan r hpun kdwa shai wn sni.
-rung, a. A kind of long Hute; l a r a n g sumhkran.
--tau, v. T o be swift, rapid, expeditious; cornp. /dram;-
Larau l d d ~ uadv. , swiftly, rapidly; Zdreng l d r a u , same;
shanhte [rireng Zarar r a i mn at.
-raw, R. (from r a w , to wear, as leggins.) Leggins,
(worn by women;) comp. shnnghtzn and hpligugall.
-rawn, n. A kind of trce; same as chyamka and ldran.
- , v . To conlplai n ; see [ d j i ~ .
-sa, 72. A tendon, sinew, ligature; coinp. sap sdraj); fdsa
gyzzg, v . to h a v e cramp; n. c r a m p , spasmodic ccntrac-
tions of the limbs; /asn tawng, the male organ;
-sa, n. The skin of b a ~ ~ l b o oopp.
; to b p s ; lrtsa mdga.
*. t h e skin-side, t h e outer side.#
Lap1 n v e t osee; coq-lp of hh#zc. Laru laraw nsoots; comp.rg.
L~sa., n. (from s s , to cause an accident.) An accident,
a curse; (not used singly:) a. accursed, damned, comp.
kdchyan; idsu gal the rcalm of those h a v ~ n g died an
execrable death; (the upper regions;) corny. ndang gn,
/&a lam,death by accident; Ldsa mang, the corpse of
one having died by accident; Zasa na, a suspension
of work, as when some one i n a village dies by
accident; see parts; h s a nat, the nat causlng death
by accident; the spirit of one t h u s deceased; /dsa
HZ, spirits of those dead by accident; the "damned"
or "accursed;" / a ~ nsz, death by accident, (a misfor-
tune and family disgrace;) a person destined thus to
die; a term of abuse, regarded as a curse; Rang
/dsa st ndaz, you will die by accident, r . z , you are
accursed. Lasen, R. a kind of tree.
-seng, n. The carpus and metacarpus of the fore-arm;
see Cdszlcg; lcttn /liseng ldngai sha rawng at num, d a n g
s2 no; the tibia and fibula of the leg; /dgaw idseng; a
kind of tree, also called shdvaw b z e n g hp%n.
-sl, v. T b be lean; comp. magvu; a. lean, thin, gaunt,
s k ~ n n yopp.
; to h urn; Lasi a i w a , a lean person.
-si, n. A species oPCJoa-bean; comp. n a a ~ h f x ;pea-nuts,
(ga /dst ;) see nawlthan.
-sl, n. One of the Ildarij families.
-sik, n. A switch, a whip; ZdsiR hfe Rdytzf 2,.
-sing, n. T h e wrist; Idta Ldszng; /dszng snwf, a kind of
tree the leaves of which are used as sand-paper.
-su, n. An obituary notice;'' a call to a funeral; comp.

/dhpl(; / ~ S USU, v . to call to a funeral ; /(isu sn az yan,

the two individuals conveying an obiruai.) notice, cal-
l i n g friends and relatives to the funeral.
-sun, n. The close of a dance: see ldtsm.
-sut, n. A moth; see m d ~ t u f .
--saw, n. A IbwYt'n, also called Lishrrw; see Yaw-
--saw, n. A tendon; same as ldsa.
-sawk, n. A kind of nat (demon,) often appearing i n
the form of a caterpillar; IdsazuR shara, the rustling
[ambng dry leaves,) caused by t h e n;o\ cments of the
Idsawd; ZdsawR ngn yang @un ARarn i f -,,
- ow/.
Las.lwp, n. A \11cious w ~ t c h also , called yzr; see A f l j i ; Zd-
snzup saw#, to be bewitched by the nat; /&sawp Aliwa
ynng g i d a f sz ai.
--sawt, 12. A plane; a g r a t e r ; ( H h n a r i ; ) see m d r r l ; Id-
snwt sawt, v. to plane; to scrape; to d r a g , a s the feet
against a floor.
-s3ma, rt. A carpenter; Bur. codao2s.
-siwi, n. T h e marrow of the bones; nrn h s a w i .
-siwi, w . A species of mountain bamboo; Rawa /cisnz~z.
- s ~ w i , v . T o shave or whittle off, as the s h a r p edges of a
bamboo split ; also yron. usawi.
-sha, v. To pervert, distort, as a statement; shi aye n ga
laska Razc ya ai.
-sham, n. A pole for propelling a boat; comp. dakhpai.
-shan, v. T o jerk, twitch; same as kdshnn, which see.
-shang, 74. A species of wasp; same as gat skang; grang
at' W L ZLdshnng.
A s h a p , n. (from shap, to paddle.) A paddle, an oar;
/as/rnp hjivn, a species of tree.
-shem, n. T h e bow, as of a cross-bow; ( / 3 k n u r i ; ) comp.
h i n. A tribe closely related to the A t s i ; see Intro-
duction; a JingAflnw family of the Labang clan.
-shi, n. Worm-wood; ldshi pila, poison from the worm-
h i , n. T h e bush-shrike or thanzmopAiIe ( 1 )
--s hi, n. T h e second wife among two or more; comp. (6-
hrng and Z&bai; Zdshi nap2 n Rant t a i nngni.
-shin, v . To wash the hands; ( H k n u r i ; ) see kdshivz.
-shing; n. T h e tube, hole of the e a r ; an /~fshi?zg ~ R I c the
touc h-hole of a g u n ; srinnt Cishing.
-shum, n. ( sham, to hold.) A hold, a grip; /rishrrnt
yan, Zdbat Q y a n , let go t h e hold, relax t h e grip; A-
rhgm ldbat , v. to have under control ; see idbat;: Nshum
/&oi, to be attached to, bourrd, as by affections; to
cling to; see parts; ldshutn shawl /d6a b a w l , ado. firm-
l y , closely, with strong hand and steady grip; m a hpe
2itshu.m shawt liiba pawl di ma^.
-shawng, 72. T h e trigger of a g u n ; sunat N A n z u n g .
k s h a w n g , n. T h e cadamla tree.
Lashawt, n. (from shawl, to scrape.) A chisel; a gauge.
-shoi, 72. T h e muzzle of a bovine; a cord run througll
the muzzle; lashoi s gFa di u ; /ashoi skoi, to pass
a rope through t h e tuuzzle, as of an ox; see xshoz
-ta, a. T h e human arm or hand; i d t a /iihjum-lasiptg-
ndlrng, see parts; /am nzuka, the lines of the palm; !a-
Cn mltRn y u . v . to practice palmistr).; idta lrihn, strength;
see parts; adv. with pow7er,strength; / i i r z / ~ b ajum 24;
/dln /a, v. to choose, select; to e l e c t , set apart, as for
service; comp. sen; nazg isazw ai /dta /a al,clioose the
one jrou want; h t n dau, to select, pick out and throw
away; to s e p a k t e , reject, put away; s-gu lrin na rhj/(i-
kkrnu lata Ruu u.
-tan, n. A species of vine bearing edible fruit.
-tan, 72. An ear ornament, ( a bamboo tube, a roll oi
paper or the like,) worn by m e n ; latan tag e, v. to
wear the ornament.
-tat, n. A kind of hair disease; Rdra &Cat sha, v. to
suffer from the disease; see parts.
-turn, v. T o be amputated or lost, as a limb; see t a m ;
war2 hkru ai nodjaw shi a L d g n w latarn mat sni; n. a
maimed person or animal; a lafzrm i, sa rit; the soft
inside of bamboo; (Hkauri;) see Ldpw.
-tung, n. T h e first or principal wife among two or more;
comp. ldbai and &ski; Cdtung b s h i ni, a Kachin
" harem."
-tung, n. A borer; comp. shifigdai and mdza; hlrcng
shang, v. to bore, as a borer.
-tu P , v. T o close the fist; ldta i d l a p u; to hold on to, to
clutch, as a mother the child; knl~?tgaw ma hpe a
I d t Q lrgn a i ; a. a handful, ( t h e hand nearly closed;)
Latap m i jaw e, give a handful ; the fist; comp. Ldtsup;
Zatzcp dazvrzg, a measure equal to the length from the
knuckles to t h e elbow.
-tut, n. A , w h i s t l e ; icttut dzrm a , blow the whistle.
-tau, u. T o swell; same as Idpnu, which see.
--tawn, 2). To stretch out the arm; same as Lddaw~;to
11anrl over, transmit; to help, assist; comp. httaww;
hjitgn a i / r p ~ j d Latawa d 7 1 ~ 2 1 , h e l p the traders t o food.
LBtsa, n. T h e fingers or toes viewed collectively; comp.
ZQung; /agaw &fa /dlsa ?ti; /dtsa n gu az' u , a fowl
short of one or more toes.
-tsa, a. One hundred; coinp. lsa and h m u n ; gtrnrlrprnw
/dt.snl L: hundred rupees; also called pumhPraw j n i m i
or nzdkai nzi.
-tsan, n. A species of maize resembling "pop-corn."
-tsang, n. Fingers, tdes; see ~ d f s a .
--tsen, tr. A kind of tree.
-tsi, v . To be foot-sore, as from excessive walking; wora
wa /dgaw / d l d az.
-tSun, n. An ear ornainent worn by women or an offici-
ating priest (jniwo) a t a dance (mdnau;) comp. Id-
Rnn; (the Ldtsan is suspended from the helix, the /d-
Ran is worn i n the lobe;) ldtsun / d & a i , v . to wear the
-tsun, n. Branches or wreaths carried during the clos-
ing ceremonies of a religious dance, (mdnau;) fig. the
close of such a dance; also pron. ldssrn; nalr drtt sAdna
P shanh!~lrttsult Iang nna nrtirrnu m a a i , at the closi ng
evening t h e y carry wreaths and dance.
-tsup, v . To close the fist; same as Ldtup, which see.
-tsai, n. The odina tree, always selected for a chief's
coffin; comp. sama; dlc ddu h t s a i hpmz Ate dam m2c.
-tsaw, Y. To partly restore or pay the equal, as of
things accidentally lost or injured; rcgni nau sum n i
az h i mi naw /dfsazu e.
-tsaw, n. The first created bird; (Kachin tradition.)
-tsawn, v . fo keep the legs straight, as when slee ing;
SY /blsawn hjren mi &a dung n i , be sits wit! the
legs straight i n front of him; to lie straight and rigid,
as a corpse; fig. to be dead; ntusha Latzgai nri idisawn
mat sai, one man was " laid out."
-tsawp, n. Ear-wax; cerumen; na h t s a w p ; conlp. atsaw).
-hta, a. Upper; oyp. to ldwzt; f&ta m m g , the upper
country; h h t a d e , adv. above, u p there; same as Rdhta;
dai gaw h f a w ldhta dr nga n i , it is way up there.
-htak, n. (from htnR, to apostatize.) An apostate, re-
negade; h P t w u i &hiah.
-htam, n. A species of, yam; see na ktam.
L a h t a n , n. T h e forehead; s e e &an; also pron. kdhtan;
l d d t a n daw, to be g~ay-haired; same as baw /Ipraw;
Ldhtan htnn, v.'to adopt t h e forehead a n d appearance
of a monkey, as a spirit ( t s v , )when e n t e r i n g the realm
of t h e d e a d ; woishin ZdRtan gaw ya h t a n rrit Law.
-htang, v . (from htnng, to return.) To retrace, as former
s t e p s ; t o return t o t h e s t a r t i n g point; t o round, finish
a round; g i n s h i /dhla?rg lrkvup ail t o go t h e circuit;-
Jit. t o " finish t h e ring:'
--htat, a . (from ittat, t o be thick.) Coarse, rough, un-
comely; s e e inas s h b a t .
-htek, v . T o s n a p t h e fingers; comp. lahtek.
-htek, f t . A kind of nettle; s e e nzdhttk.
-hteng, a. (froin hte~rg,t o measure.) A measure, a s for
powder; wn?lsi ldhteng.
-hti, ?z. A band, a s for a hilt;/dLtithyawfl,v. to put o n
t h e b a n d ; colnp. htep /&ti; by some icthti is pron.
. Iahtwz.
-htik, n. Handcuffs, manacles; Bur. cpnfid3d; CdhtiR
bang or skdchyat ai, v. t o handcuff.
a h t i n , n. T h e heel; /dgaw Cd/iti?t,- Ldhtzn b d b c ail to s t e p
on some ofie's heel,-regarded a bad omen; /&tin
krihyc yuag s h a t ma2 ?z mu a i .
- h t u n ~ , 2). T o s t r i k e , hit, with the inside of t h e fist, (not
with the knuckles;) cornp. w a /atup m a
ldlttzlm zc.
-htaw, n The leg just above the ankles; comp. Idsing;
Akn Zdhtaw lim ail t h e water is over t h e ankles.
o h t a w , n. A kind of shrub.
-htaw, n. O n e of t h e Kachin tribes; La NNaw Ldhtaw
wn Nnw Lawn,
-htawng, .tr. T h e Hkauri for L.dlat\zn).
-htawp, v , To have a white b a : ~ daround t h e leg, as
a n animal ; comp. [&maw;gurrzrn idgaw Zdhlawp aai.
-htoi, rz. An Atsi proper name !tsr A n N-Gam; same as
H d a z l r i , Gam Htoi.
-htwi, n. A b a n d ; same as i d h t i , which see.
-vit, n. A fan; ( H k n u r i ; ) see idyit.
-wan, v. To hurry; derv. a l d w a t ; comp. /(zu a n d (nvazd;
to be swift, rapid, quick; slir' Zn7~ottai wa rai #ga n i .
L a w a n ) ?r. A policeman; a patrol; comp. / a ~ ~ g a ; / d w a ~ ~ t
,patrols; /Lzwan hkazent, v . to patrol; corllp. kuwnlt
-wallg, n. (from wang, to be round.) A cave, a v a u l t ;
iliwa~rgh h z ~ ,a vault-like cavity; k r a w ldwa?rg, the
c a v i t y of t h e t h o r a x ; fig. t h e m i n d ; see parts a n d ex.
u n d e r LaAKre.
-wap, n. A bear; only used as a poetic coup. of t s a p
LlikIa faug nzaga de l s a p /aulnfl ht2'~z?zn 111a1 ~ 2 .
-wen, n. A k i n d of bird; ( H k a u r r ; ) same as u yeH
sinwa, w h i c h see.
-WI, v. T o flow, as water; derv. hlninwi; cornp. Rcifyn;
also pron. Lwi o r ydwi; h k a n law2 Lu a i .
-wi, n. T h e citrus; only used in con~binations;s e e shd-
fdwz; also pron. fwi, which s e e ; Luwi d w i , an o r a n g e , a
sweet citron; Luwi ARri, a bitter lime; Lawi hpawm, the
lemon; Lawi swi, t h e sweet lime.
-wu, a . Lower; opp. t o Zrihta; ldwu mu?rg, t h e lower
country; h w w de, adv. below, down t h e r e ; comp. ptpzc
a n d Rdwu; s h i a Liwzl e nga a i n i , those under or
below him; ldwrr abya, h a n g i n g down; Rdrn Zawu abya,
the fringe " of hair, around o r below the top-knot;

ldwu shu, see lciwai shiv.

-wun, 72. T h e place sheltered by the protruding eaves;
also pron. hdwun; 7 ~ t aldwult e nga shafig. sai.
-wung, v. To be s h a g g y ; comp. Latiryam; a . s h a g g y ,
wooly; nye gwi k w u n g r a i /i ui; n. a name for a
shaggy d o g -
-wal, v. T o be wrapped up, as i n a b l a n k e t ; to wear, as
a shawl; m a nba h w a i rqga ai; Zbwaish&, a. venerable;
wrapped u p , as it were, i n a g e and g r a y hair; bawsg
p u hhringwa r a i sai d a , lawat shiv d a m s a i a i r a i da.
-wawt, n. A cooking place d u g as i n the s i d e of an em-
bankment; hkra n lu yang Zdwawt hku htu r, if you
have no tripod d i g a hole for cooking.
-ya, n. A plain; see ldyang.
-yang n. (from y a n g , to be level.) Low, level country;
a plain; opp. to bum; comp. #rang; bum ga Laynng ga,
mountain a n d plain; Zdyang nzdsha, an inhabitant of
the plains.
Layang, n. A species of white mountain ash; l q a n g h j x n
l t p e nta ngar ARw shdtai, do not use the w h ~ t eash for
timber,-being an unlucky tree, the stump never. send-
ing out new shoots.
-Yen, n. A leaf used for d i v i n ~ n gpurposes; the religious
term for shdda l a p ; Idyen makrung, same; also cadled
hpnji 72ingadung :
Nizgjrtm dingsa gaw hpaji nzngdung rii nria
Layen maRrung mdkyii nna san.
-yin, n. (from y i n , to turn.) A four arined reel for
reeling yarn; ldyin hta r i Nhkawn mu.
-yit, 91. (from jit, to fan.) A f a n ; cornp. Iavit and Bur.
us;see also dawnglnn, jn7tzgaw and j~nqsryrg/ ~ j p i t .
-yung, n. A finger or toe; see yung and / d f s a ; comp.
Bur. curfiat; h y u n g tsen, a di git; /dyung shun, v . to
point the hnger at; see parts.
--yawng, v . To be hard of hearing; to be confused. a s
from different sounds; cornp. ldhpang; ski no /&yawng
nga ni.
-yawt, v. To limp; same as Rd n u t , which see.
-tik, 71. A seal; same as ddzi[ which see.
-zing, 11. One of the H k a u r i families.
-zum, ~ t One
. of the Marip families; comp. Mdzunr'.
Lwi, v. To flow, as water; see h w z ; (this and similar
words are pronounced as i f spelled with the long
German o.)
Lwi, ?t. T h e citrus; see Ldwt and combinations.

The fifteenth consonant i n t h e Kachin alphabet; m, as

i n English; diphthong m y .
Ma, n. Paddy; same as ?)lamor mutt; so pron. mostly by
the Nh&xm tribe; ma jaw mi jaw t .
Ma, n. A meal; nrn mz, one meal; anhts m a s h e s k i
sha $a az, we eat m e a t at every meal; mdchyi ai ma
ma mlisunz 71! S ~ Usol', the s l c k man h a s missed three
386 Ma.

Ma, 2. T o a s s i s t ; Bur. o; corny. R~irum;skz hpe Karur c

ma n i 7 n r ~ n whpa ~nu?zgchye ni.
Ma, v. T o be d a r k , black; comp. maw) and malrg; nstn
tila r a i yalzg, w h e n i t became d a r k ; l i t . w h e n dark-
ness became black; nzn ?;La,a. dark, black; chyang nza
nzn, a. dark, black; achjfang. nza nta, intensly (deep)
black or d a r k ; 7 1 2 ~nra
~ ri. a i gu?~itm,
a black horse.
Ma, Nullleral adjective, one; (Hkauri;) see vai; Ldngai
tun, one unit; /dtsa m a , a hundred.
Ma, Verbal interrogative expressive of dubiousness or
uncertainty; ngni Rnnigtg r a i na m a ? what shall I do ?
rzgnz Radai hte 1~ga m a ? with whom shall I stay ?
ftgaz g d d ~hfvaw?zg Tna m a ?
Ma, Verbal particle third person plural, sometimes
shortened to m d ; shanhte sha ma a i , they are eating;
s h a d t i wa m a sai, they have returned; shanhte k d -
nang nga ma t a ? where are they ? shanhte r a i ma
dawng, it may be they.
-da ga, vz. Gossip; (cornp. d a , sign of quotation;) lit.
"words quoted by them,'' (the public;) ma d a ga hkzjm
Ram, do not believe i n gossip.
Ma, n. A child; comp. R d s h and mang; dai nya a m a ,
this is my child; a servant, a personal a t t e n d a n t ; see
aZi ama; the inhabitants of a village, or members of d
family; anhte L d h t a w ma ni raiga a i , we a f e Lblttaws;
young and inexperienced people i n general; fzdaz
kdhtawng e ma h b r a i hbrar' nga a i ; a , child, used to
qualify proper, names given to children; Ma Can$,
the child Gum; comp. also such names as M a Bmpzg,
Ma Gazung, M a K a w , M a Htn, etc.; see Gram.
-ba, v. To nurse a child; see ba.
-bai, n. A bastard; see abaz'; a term of abuse.
-byai, n. A dead babe; ma dyai R d n z j , a woman whose
children die i n infancy; a term of abuse.
-chyPnpai, n. A baby
-gun, v. T o be pregnant; see parts, and corny. ?to-am.
-ka, n. A bastard; a. term of insult.
-mihang, n. T h e placenta; see &at.
-y au , n. (fromyal!, to mix.) A bastard; comp. n-gyi, ijJn
bnz and ma ha; a term of insult.

Ma, v . T o be exhausted, finished, ended, spent;gunr/rpraw

ma sai, theamoney is spent; shi rrau bn nna ma ai, he
is too tired and exhausted: cornp. mat; adv. all, whol-
ly, entirely; ny+?a yam 7 t g n si ma saz', my cattle are
all dead; sdnat Rtrn m a sai, the gun is entirely
broken, (destroyed.)
-hkra, a. All, the whole; see parts and comp. danghta,
d a n g and yawng; R d j i RdPn ::mhRra.
-ma, adv. All, altogether, completely; ma ma l a wa mr,
take it al.1 and go; m a ma ska Rau se ai.
-mat, v. T o be exhausted, all g o n e o r vanished; see
parts; nyr a warn ma nzal sai.
Ma, a h . or conj. Also, and; comp. mung; n-gu ma, jum
ma, ngn ma m d r i v , buy rice (and) salt, and fish; ngai
ma, s h i ma, s h a n h t ~ma sa nr ga ai, I, he and t h e y are
going; this term shortened to ?;la and prefixed to
verbs is freely used i n adverbial phrases expressive
of fullness, comprehensivencss or completeness; see
Gram.; nga mdnga, everythicg existing; t a m b t r , all
that is growing; hikawm mdRkawm, everything walk-
i n g.
Ma, v . T o be greedy, grasping, exacting, lustful; comp.
marin and Zawltpa; a. greedy, ctc; shi gumlrpraw
ma a i wa re ai, he is a greedy (money grasping) man;
Zusha ma a i wa, a greedy ("piggish") person when it
comes to eating; antrc ma a i wa, an exacting worker;
nu% ma a i wa, a libertine; a " rake."
-hpa, n. Anything valuable or worth striving for; tr
ma@a /Ipe ma d a i , you covet undesirable things.
Ma, adv. Nothing, for nothing; comp. lama; only used
i n composition.
-dawng, adv. Perhaps, perchance, may be; shanhiz sAa
nga m a dawnggaw, they may be eating; s h a d & q a i
Raw nga na ma dawng, they will perhaps stay w i t h
-kata, adv. For nothing; without cause or provocation;
see parts; shi ngai hpe nza kdta 8 sa Kdpat ai.
-ja, adv. Wil fully, wantonly; shi ngni lrpe m a ja e a!&#
Raa n i a i .
Ma, odu. Before last; onl]. i n adverbs of time; see Gram.
388 Ma na.
Ma na, adv. Night before last; comp. mltna and moz na.
-ni, adv. Day before yesterday; see mani and moz ni.
-ning, adv. Year before last; see waning and moi
-hpawt, adv. Morning before yesterday morning; see
mdni Apawt.
Ma, n. A pony, a horse; (Shan or Chinese;) comp. ggntra
and hkyi ma.
-den, n. A kind of skin disease.
-gu, v . T o be bare-backed,-without a saddle; s A i me
gu jawn ei, he is riding bare-back.
--jum, n. A bay horse.
-kawn, n. A stall-fed pony; see parts.
1 n. A spotted pony.
-lau, n. Paddy, as fed to a pony.
-law, n. A pack-pony.
l o n. Exhaustion, said of a pack-pony ; ma Zoi lor, v. to
be exhausted and fall, as a pony under a load.
-ngan, n. A stallion.
-ngawk, a. A scrub pony, a nag.
-shat, n. Pony feed; comp. gzlmra shat.
-zung, n. T h e mane, as of a pony; also pron. ma z r m ;
ma zung rep, v. to cut the mane.
Ma, A preformative.
-ba, a. A spinning-bee.; an assenlbly of women, as for
the purpose of spinning; (Hkauri;) see saarzln dun;
mada bn, v. to assemble, as for a spinning-bee; some-
times applied to a feast.
- n. Cold; coup. of hashung; o111y used i n poetry.
, n. T h e brow-antlered rrcsa deer; ma& gaw prang ga
L sha nga ai.
-mu, n. Epilepsy; (Shan;) mnmzl mzc a i , v. to be epileptic;
mamu ml* nna si a i mltsha gaw dingdlrng dc /zcp ma ai,
an epile tic is buried standing.
-ya, i)
n. A evice; a plan; mnya y n , v. to devise; mostly
used i n poetry; see next:
-yang, n. Defiance;'a bold, insolent attitude; mnynngyu
nna maya y a , u hpe y u nna * yawm wa,observe his
attitude and lay your plans, take note of the fowl be-
fore making the basket.

Mak, 72. Dye, colouring, used in tattooing.

-Sam, v. To tattoo.
-htu, v. T o tattoo; comp. Bur. ql.
Mak, v. T o be insatiable, of inordinate appetite, desire,
or lust; mnh n i , 12. lust, lasciviousness; a state of insa-
tiateness; nnlzg sna maR adai, you are too insatiable;
?iznR q i nzlm, a lascivious woman; shut 7naR az wn, a
Mak, v. T o h i t , strike, as with a sword; comp. hkrw and
wai; mak di, to hit; 72htz~hte mak dz' u ; to be hit and
thus confused, distracted, i n disorder; nzc wa s i 7xnt
~ z n nmyit mnR fli ai.
-mak, B . Confused, disordered, jumbled; nzak mad re ai
mu?zg, a country i n confusion torpitude or inactivety;
mak mad di,to confuse, etc.
-mat, v. T o be dazed, or in a stare of confusion,
torpitude or inactivity; shi nryit maR mat sai.
Mak, n. A bullet; (Shan.)
-durn, n. Bullets; makdam nrdjnn, the goddess of hunt-.
--dawk, n. A close-fitting bullet; makrCawR dawd, v. to
ram down such a bullet.
-ja, r . A-rifle-ball;
-lam, n. A stray bullet; see parts; ma&Lam hRra #a,
hkuin sa a .
-lung, n. A bullet, a ball.
-hpau, 72. Shot.
-sawn, B. A bullet mark; 7lznksaw7t sawn ai, u. to h i t the
same mark twice or more.
Maksa, n. Gleet, gonorrhea; same as ri; maksa sa, v. to
suffer' from t h e disease,
Mam, v: T o be blurred, dimed, as the eye-sight; to be
failing, as the sight.
-mam, a. D i m , blurred, indistinct; q vznm 7lrant ni md-
t z '

jaw atsawm sha n m a /I( ni.

Mam, TZ. Paddy; t h e r i c e plant; also pron. nzn or man;
comp. hkau, n-g?c and shat; see also ~nlitutand may%;
the most conlmon kinds of rice are the ~tpnzttk,hba*
h k a i , h &nx/zing,/rX.(~nrn%n,
nzihding, ~ ~ b ( ~ isdal,
i1, irkkye,
I Z ~ O Z~
, oirhjrnw
, and nnwnghlr nznnz.
390 Mam bum.
Maln bum, n. A rice s t a c k ; seeh k a u l w ~ .
-bay n. Glutinous rice; (Hkauri;) see i~baw.
-boi, n. Borrowed'or lent p a d d y ; see hkalr boi. . ..
-chyaw, n. A measure equal to ten baskets of paddy;
see jaw.
-dan, v . To. cut, mow, reap, as paddy; see parts.
-durn, n. A granary; see parts.
-dup, v . To thrash, as paddy.
-daw, f i . A large basket for storing rice.
-0ua 9 n. Husked rice; (Hkauri;) see r-gw.
-gum, v . T o fill, as paddy; see parts.
-ja, n. First class paddy; see parts.
-kgbye, u. To trample, tread out, as paddy by men or
cattle ; see mum d u f .
--li; n. Seed-grain; see n2i.
-mu, v . To cut (reap) t h e heads, not the straw, as.of
paddy; comp. mam dnn.
-nloi, n. Early rice; see parts.
-nmoi pu, n. T h e spikelets just forming into the head;
lit. the " bloom" of the grai n ; nznm nmoi pg PH ai, v.
to bloom, as graiit.
-nnan, n. New rice; mngn nnaa sha, v. to eat ne'w rice,
to have a harvest feast.
-pa, v . T o be laid, as heavy grain, by the wind.
-san, le. Empty, light grain.
-sang, n. A large paddy-bin.
-sum, n. Blighted paddy.
--sup, v. T o be rank; to run into straw only, as paddy in.
very rich soil.
--shau, v. T,o gather the first ripe heads of paddy (any-
where i n the field,) as in time of scarcity oi food;
shdloi m z d i y i ~ 2 2 4shaiz, B U ~ I ZIZ mai Zn /nu.
-ting, a. T o plant a highland paddy tield; see parts.
--htu, fi. T o husk paddy by pounding.
-htum, . w.A paddy mortar; see hlum.
-wut, v . To be blighted, as a paddy field; ndung wn
mcijaze, nzam wztf mat saz'.
Man, n. Paddy; see.mant and ma.
' Man, n. A Burman; (Shan;) see &hen.
Man myit. 39 1
Man, v. To be visible, plain to view; a. visible; fig.honest,
true; often used as a coup. of dan, di?zg and teng; man
a i dang, a true, accepted measure; wan nz l o t , the
standard viss :
N a a L R~ing-yayawl2 yang ir kring-ylc man ai 'da,
Ntsang lzRvingdat g a w b ynzg, hkringdat dafz uz
Man, n. A pair; comp. gap and dwi; kyeyegdin nrnn mz,a
pair of shoes; LaRnn man mi, a pair of ear ornaments:
CdARawn 7nan mi, a pair of bracelets.
Man, v . T o be empty, vacant, disengaged; unoccupied;
derv. Rdman; comp. Bur. 3; nta ma:r a t , nnnlite w a
rawldg ma rit, the house is vacant, come and occupy
i t ; mam d?*m man a i , the granary is empty.
Man, v . T o resemble, bear the similitude of; comp. Jan;
mrtkyin n' man, ji~ghkzrn' san ni wa rar' i? he looks
like an old friend, does he not ? Lkau chyang a' marl
ai, myi pang m a n ai; t o have visions, as is sleep, (not
regarded as dreams;) cornp. jwp nzmzg; mdni na /tpe
man a i d a , yesterday's happenings " appeared " (in
his slumber;) y@ mang t~rajing7z r a i , man ai sha raz
a i l it was not a real dream, o n l y " night-thoughts."
M a n , v. To be i n the habit o f ; to be used, accustomed to;
derv. zma?i; s h i hi alnu man n i , he is used to the
work; shi chjtdrx /21 ma?z saz ??zdjaw,6ai rt du lu a t .
M a n , n. A shark; the saw fish; see n a mala.

-den, n. A dark blue colour.

Man, rz. Shan cotton cloth; a kind o dye; (Shan, ~ 4 . )

-le, n. Shan cotton cloth.

--lung, n..A kind of cotton cloth.
-maul n. A species of shrub. -
Alan, n. The.face; the counteiance; comp. nryi man; the
page of a book ; lazha ma%.
-e, adv. Before, i n the presence of; in front of; ski man
r shong mu, enter i n before him:
-de, ntlv. Before: i n front of; see Gram.
-kang, a . To &'shame-faced; see parts.
-myit, v. To Washthe face; see parts.
392 Man mags.
Man n ~ g g a , n. T h e front; opp. t o shi7zgdu mrtga, the back;
.see parts.
-pa, v. T o obtain favour; lit. to "gain. countenance;" shi
dz~?ti n 7lza7z e mnlz pn a i wa Y Z ni; comp. mmt s2tm.
-pyawng, n. A field-glass; a telescope; comp. Bur.
-sum, v. T o lose favour; lit. t o "lose face;" opp. t a iften
$0; to betray s h a m e , f e a r o r apprehension, as when
c h a r g e d with an offence; see r~zyintnn sztm M'.
--shgkat, n. A k i n d of monkey; corny. Lahtnt; only used
i n poetry :
N-gmu w a liihlai naw gingln yu gnzu,

M a n shdkat n a w shdga yzfi gow.

-htat, v . To be bold, brazen-faced; "thick-skinned."
-yawng, v. T o be face t o face; to face; 7 g n i hfang de
mart yazu?tgyzb rz't.
Mandan, n. A c h a r m , muntra, spell; Bur. o m $ ; cornp. bag,
Rhyz~, lnkle a n d Zawlzg; mnndan bau, 21. to charm;
mnndag~man-ya, n. a charm, etc.; ntnndnn siira, a
charmer, e n c h a n t e r ; a magican.
M a n g , n. A child; ( H k a u r i ;) s e e ma.
M a n g , v. T o t h i n k ; comp. myit; t o be troubled, concern-
e d , anxious; often used a s a coup. of tsa?zg; ya y a n g
ma?tg ai,gillaw ynlzg d a n g a i .
Mang, v. T o d r e a m ; s e e man a n d y u j ?ttn?zg.
M a n g , n. Sacrificial meat eaten only by grown people;
lira w i m w g skn ydng myi n mu a i da.
Mang, v. T o be d a r k , black o r dull red; comp. n~ta?zg;
chynng mnfzg, blackish; hkyefzg nma~tg)- r e d d i s h ; (sit
mang, greenish.
Mang, v . T o be s c a t t e r e d , as d u s t ; derv. k d ~ ~ a ? fig.
~ g ;to
exhibit u~lusuals t r e n g t h ; coup. of hknng, which see.
Mang, n. A corpse; a carcass; comp. ntoi malzg.
-b,ru, v. T o conduct a funeral; R. the obsequies, the last
rites or funeral ceremonies; cornp. 6 n c and nmzg
--gang, n. Leprosy; mnng ang Rap, v. t o have leprosy;
??tanggang bnp a i wa, a eper.f
Mang shgrawn. 393

Mang gillang, a . A royal executioner; a herald, retainer,

-jung, v. T o keep a corpse i n the ~ j a efor future
-1; O. T o cremate; women having died i n confinement
or such as die from chronic diseases are cremated.
-ke, 72. A k ~ n dof insect emitting a strong offensive
odour ; comp. chyingma.
-kSshin, n. T h e ceremony of washing the face of a dead
person with the left hand (of the corpse;) v . to per-
form the ceremony; mang kdshzn yang Ldpai /dta hte
hashin ma aa.
-man, r . Liquor; a poetic name for the best kind of
liquor; comp. mdtsi tsa hRu; mangnzart hfnng machyan,
rnalrgma hpang jdhRa.
-mu, n. Liquor; same as mangman.
-makoi, n. The final obsequies when the spirit ( f s u ) is
sent (shabawn daf,) to the ancestral realms; the mang
mdkoi, always an expensive affair, may take place
months or years after the actual burying ( f z 4 p mnkoi;)
u. to perform the obsequies; comp. mdyuwng and
-nat, v. To cremate; same as mang jtc.
-nnan, v . T o cause a drought or heavy rain, as a .
deceased chief; see nnan.
-nrau, n. Two or more deceased, at the same time, i n
the same house; also called mazg shiingtar.
-sa, v . T o depart, as a spirit for the nat country; n. the
departure; mang so ynng stinat gap mu.
a s h i n g t a u , v. T o die, as two or more, i n the same house,
at the same time; comp. u m r z g n m z t .
--shabawn, v. T o sehd the spirit of a deceased to the
ancestral realtns; see sfrdbnwu.
- s h ~ k r u , v. To dress a corpse; to present, as presents to
a deceased; ndai nba mang shdkru ma.
-shakrawi, n. An internal tumour.
-sharawn, v . To place a corpse i n state at the nat place
(aat ra or njn7zg) after having been washed (mang
kushil~,)and properly clothed; rat m z mang shdrawn
tnwn mg.
394 Mang hta.
Mang hta, v . T o reclaim a corpse, as after a battle.
Mangoawng, n. A species of millet.
an&, n. Work; (Hkailri;) see izrngh'.
Map, v . T o defraud, cheat, swindle; comp. maw and
mawp; map /u,to obtain by fraud; ntaj sha, to practice
cheating, or swindling; joi map n i , to falsify weights;
map skn a2 wa, tt. a swindler; a "cheat."
Map, a. Partly; see nktoi map.
Mat, v. To be lost; comp. shdmat and ma; nye a nga mat
sat, my cattle have disappeared; gxmhj+raw mat sai,
the money is lost; verbal auxiliary signifying that
a thing is lost, ended or terminated; see ma mat,
sum mat, ktum mat and hRru mat.
Mat, v. To be sprung, as a spring, bow or anything bent;
derv. [amat; fig. to be contrary, to "spring back,"
to go opposite to instructions; ngai lntidu~t ui lam
n hRan, Rdga de mat r a i sa wa ai.
Mat, n. A nettle; see tsdmat.
-tung, n. A variety of a most poisonous nettle; mat t ~ n g
na at.
Me, Interrogative auxiliary used interchangeably with
mt; comp. nme; hpa me ? what is it ? gara me /a na
R a n which one shall I take ? adversative particle;
but; nangde sa rit ngl* yang me, Rdga de a sa nr gaw,
I call him hither but he goes away.
Mi, Numeral adjective, one; only used in composition;
comp. ma; nta mi, one meal; /a# mi,one rupee; ldngai
m i , one u n i t ; (aning mi, one year; see Gram.
Mi, Interrogative auxiliary; comp. me; hpa m i gdkw
, n la? \\;hat (one thing) are you doinus & '.
verbal sub-
junctive particle, i I ; see Gram.; ngai shtng she prga a i
mi (or me) nazg hhte / ~ j ascng a t a t if I spoke thus,
how does i t concern you? shi she re a i mi ngai h j e a
,+.a at kugz? if he was the one that struck me.
Mi, drbal particle d e n o t i n ~the first person singular or
plural as the object; see &am.; s/taahte ngai lrpe (sun
mi a i , they told me; shi anhie h j e p w mi a i , he gave
us; nanhte ngai Ape jaw mi, you (plur.) give to me; an-
dte ltpc jaw mi, give to us; (in this ~diornthe plural
subject may be followed by the object i n the singular
and vice versa, but in no case can both subject and
object be i n the singular; thus, na7tg ngai h p ]OW C ,
not jaw mL)
Mi, v. T o remember; only used as a coup. of dztm; also
pron. myz; comp. n dzrm skrtmi.
Mik, v. To be close-fisted, niggardly ; comp. ?ltaR;nzik ai
wa, n. a sharper.
Ming, n. A country; (Shan a t ; ) comp. nzung.
Minla, 11. A ghost, a s p i r i t , ( a kind of "astral body;")
comp. tsu; also pron. maLa or nunzla; m z d a byaw,
lose heart; see parts; m i d a dam, to stray, as a ghost;
the Kachins believe that the ghost of a living person,
or the guardian spirit of a heap or stack of paddy
may leave at will, and i n the shape of a cricket g-oes
about begging for water; when this happens the per-
son i n question will die, or i f paddy, it will i n
some way be destroyed; m i d a gdlaw, to be startled,
dumbfounded; to give up (lit. notch,) as it were, the
-host, as from fright; mida Ldkawn, v . to recall a
straying ghost; see parts; m i d a Zdaw, to summons a
ghost, as after a funeral, to return to the bod)^ to
which it. belon gs; (appropriate offerings are always a
part of these recalling ceremonies.)
Miwa, n. A Chinaman; usually pron. M c w a .
Mu, v . T o see, behold; see m y i mu, ~z&z"aand y z d ; to
find; opp. to tam; mu Zu nu ni? did you see (or find)
it ?
Mu, le. Work; see amu; wages; only used in poetry as
a coup. of shdbrai.
Mu, v . T o taste good; to be savoury, palatable; shat
mni grai mu ai, the curry is very good; to taste, as of
salt; comp. ngam; s h n jam ma oi, the meat tastes
saltish; fig. to be happy, satisfied, contented; sAawafig
amyzt mu, sindai rndsin su; mu mzr, a. tasteful, savoury,
-mu, adv. In a satisfied manner; (rare.)
Mu, n. A two anna bit; Bur. yr; the.Kachins on the Shan
side use nyet instead of mzc; m% wt' or myet mi, two
396 Mu.
Mu, Verbal particle, sometimes shortened to t n d , third
person plural except i n the imperative where it also
follows the second person plural; see Gram.; shnehta
ad a w m s a i , they do or did i t ; shanhte Ra6a m a 1%
ga, that they may rejoice; &lining ngrc mu La ? what
did they say ? s h a n h t ~kpc jaw mu, give to them;
n n n h l ~gdlnw m a , you do it.
Mu, v. To cut the heads, not the straw, as of paddy; see
Mu, v. T o be cloudy; see /&nu mu ai; n. the sky, the
heavens; comp. Bur-. + S t ; the nat of the s k y ; thunder
or lightning.
--achye, v. (from achye, to split.) T o strike, as lightning.
-adu, v. (from d*, to arrive.) T o strike, as l i g h t n ~ n g .
-bunghkran, v. T o propitiate and deliver from the
power of the mzc nat; see parts; wa kdnu mz Ate mu
bu~tg/zhmna i Y E ai, they propitiated the nat (and
liberated the victim,) by sacrificing a sow.
-0-7 n. Thunder; mu ga t i m , v. to strike, as lightning
bc''f rom a clear sky;" jan nprang ne,mr ga Atim.
-hkungri, n. An altar dedicated to the celestial nat;
see parts.
-hkup, n. Fog; (Hkahku;) also pron. r n d A K Q ; see sai-
-lam, n. A variety of creeper dedicated to the ma aat.
-lam nni, n. T h e evening haze; (food of departed
syiri ts.)
-nan, n. T h e breaking of the rainy season; comp. nnan;
mzb nnn m w t , v. to be heard, as the first thunder of
the' season.
-nat, n. T h e " thunderer;" the powerful and dreaded
spirit of the sky; the nat causing thunder and light-
ni ng; comp. Mdtsnw nat,
-ningwa, n. A thun der-bolt ; (lit. thinder-axe;) mar nwn;
a meteoric stone; hpu~ze chye n i mu awn.
--ngoi, v. T o thunder; 13. thunder; see mu shkga.
-sheng, n. A female nat of the upper regions; a spir~ilof
the wind; see duzghfoz',
-shi, 18. The history or doings of the celestial nal; g r r u
sbi gawn, v. to narrate the doings, as at a sacrifice.

Mu shaga, u. To thunder; lit. the mrr is calling; cornp.

mu ngoi.
-tsam, r . A place where lightning has struck, thus a
place to be avoided; mu tsam nga ai shctra y2 kRum
-htim, v. T o strike, as lightning; see parts.
Mui, n. Punk; mostly pron. mdwi.
Mu-u, n. The hoopoe, the supposed teacher of the cuckoo;
mw-w daw?~gban,hka nga Rkangshan.
Mu-urn, v. T o bud; n. a bud; see mdum.
Muk, ndv. Only, even; cornp. mung; (mostly used by t h e
Lcilzas;) Ldgzgnz mz maR n nga ai, there is not even one;
ga hRnv i r r i muR n tsan ai; cornp. Bur. 9.
Muk, v. T o be sullen, sulky, soured i n m ~ n d ;cornp.
Bur. ?I/ and mzcng.
-muk, a. Sullen, sulky, sour; mlrk mak re a i wa.
-nu, n. Quiet, repose; cornp. Lukmu; a . reposeful, etc.;d&
mrkna, the quiet chief.
Muk, n. Bread; Bur. y$.
-lcawp, n. Crust of bread.
-pa, H. A wafer: r*

-shSdung, n. Flour; see parts.

-tawng, n. A loaf of bread.
-yun, PZ.Flour; same as mzrR shddu~rg;see parts.
-Yaw, TJ. Barley; muk-yaw mum.
M u n , a. Ten thousand; mrrn Lahkawng, twenty thousand;
mran scw, myriads, an indefinite, large number.
Mun, n. Animal hair; the hair of the body; comp. kdva;
man H L Z L P ~beard;
, 14 ?n?JTz, feathers; mdlaf mun, fur;
shamw a t r n , ti qer's hair; g a m r a mun, horse hair.
-pun, v. T o pick but hair; to pluck, as a fowl.
Mun, v. T o be fine, atolnical; derv. aman; (Shan.)
-mun, a . Fine, small, minute,, atornical; mun mult re a i
shdCG~?zg,fine flour. .
Mun, v. T o practice, as gymnastics; RRum malz yaHg
Lcignw hitla h k r n w ai. ,
M u n , v. To show, indicate, as suspicion, pleasure or the
like b). look or expression; derv. nnzztn; shz mdnz nzz4n
re n i , he is at the point of laughi n q ; 1zgnz hpe shi myi
398 Mun.
mlcn YZ a t , he is looking askance at me,-expressing
suspicion, or mistrust.
Mun, v . T o be continuous, protracted, as a dull pain;
derv Rd?tzun; Raa mlrsr s' nga a i .
-mun odv. A l w a y s , c o n i i n u o u s l y , s a i d ~ fp a i n ; k a n m u n
man nga nzrtrhy2 n i , my stomach is always aching;
mdsz'n mlrn ?nu%?nga mdchyi ai.
Mun, n. Luck, fortune; comp. amba.
-gam, e. Luck; m z n $.am lip, u. to be i n luck ; see parts.
-hkyeng, v. T o be lucky; same as gum ARyeng, which
-htik, v . T o be i n 111ck;comp. gam htik.
-yuk, v. To lose, as luck, to be unlucky; see gam yuh.
M u n g, v. To be cloudy; see Lrinz* mang.
Mung, con^. Also, and; comp. mzck; q a i mung sa na, I
also will go; eomp. Rgdai nrnng, r a i t i nolr~zg,ga/oimmg,
and see Gram.
Mung, n. A basket (about the capacity of half a bushel,)
used i n carrying'at each end of a pole or coolie-stick;
comp. Ra, sRit;gnoi and ki:ngka.
Mung, v. T o be sullen, sulky, sour.
-mung, ndv. In a listless, apatllctic, low-spirited or
sullen manner; s k i m?lng lnzfing raz isap nga az.
Mung, n. An order, command, iostruction; a word; mung
n mlidat a i ma, a disobeying child.
-ga, n. A word, order, command, as by a nat: nat mgngga
mddal a; ji mlcng nat ga n Lai L I ~ai; see parts.
-dup, v. To consult, deliberate, as at a meeting of village
-tai, v . To speak back; to retod.
Mung, n. A country; also pron. rn:zg*; comp. ga; Myen
mlrng, the country of Burmz.
-dan, a. A country, a kingdom; m u ~ g d a nshdgu &, i n
e v e r y land.
-dung, vr. T h e jack-fruit tree; (Hkauri ;) see d u n g .
-daw. n. A district; mang daw LazEa, a Governlilent
certificate granted a district chief; mung dazu dun, t h e
worth, value of a district; fig. anythi n q of great value:
shaahtr mung daw dan Iz-: 2m.r a t , the; h a v e ( a jt>wel,
a charm or the like,) the worth of a district.

Mung ga, n. The HI-auri hills north of the Narnhja river;

see zmw.
a n. Tlie JIogok district; a ruby from Mogok; dai
9tLung m n g gzl r n i ni?
g , n. A governor.
-kan, w. T h e v:ci.ld; ~jizrzgkaa t z a g ' , the whole world;
nrrr~tgkanshdujar, to encompass the world,-to try, test
and enjoy all t h e world can give; fig. "the way of the
world;" ~ ~ g :i~,rn?&@an
ai slrawaiga/aw da we az.
- 1 n. A blood-feud; same as bzctrglat, which see.
--leng, n. A district i n northern Kachin land.
-liban, n. The country of rest; Paradise; (Shan;) mgng
liban d* mdyu nngaz.
-lu, v. T o be i n a disturbed state, as a country; see Lu;
n: a war song, a song of the village bard, as when
danger threatens; nzungh / u , v. to sing the song.
1 n. T h e Irrawaddy; same as mdlt' M a ; comp. Lai.
-lawn, v. T o arouse, excite, as public opinion; see Cawn.
-na, n. A district i n the northern Shan states; Mang na
jan do ga.
-nun, n. Assam; (by some the whole of India;) M u ~ g
nun mashn, a n Assamese.
&a&, n. T h e Hukong district.
-Qpyil n. The nat (spirit) country; (Shan ;) nzang kpyz
v*', the abode of the nats.
-sa, n. A Shan principality i n western Yunnan; its in-
habitants are known as skillful silver and black-
-shiikoi, v . T o traverse, wander; shi mung shdkoz nna
lsun a i , he is going and publishing it throughout t h e
country; shi nrung shakoznna hRvap oz.
-wawt, u. A diviner; (Hkauri;) see awaud.
-zung, n. Mildew; comp. nsha Lama; mungzufig awi, v.
to be mildewed.
Mup, v. To hack, split and flatten bamboo, as for flooring,
siding or the like; derv. am%#; cotnp. b ~ chyznghkyen
mzcp da ma.
Mut, v. T o be blue, or bluish; derv. chynrnsl and amul.
-mut, a. Blue, bluish; any shade of blue.
hlut, n. A linear measure; see la mat.
Mai , v. To be good; comp. R d j u ; a. good, proper, accept-
able ; derv. aftzczz.
-mal, adv. Good, well, ~ r o p e r l y maz
; ma2 gdlaw ma.
-nhpang, a . Healing; 72. whatever promotes wellare,
good health or prosperity; comp. mdsai sumtzr.
Mai, n. A squirrel; ma2 rhydhrkaz, a large black squirrel;
the first dead object seen by man; fig. anything
unnamable or marvelous; mat chtyakbat n z r nga nga ai,
sa yu ma, there is something " unusual" go and see.
Mai, v. T o show, as ardor or earnestness; mostly used i n
poetry as a coup. of Rat:
Shddaw hta ma2 a?i v , nga h#e k a i di x .
Mall n. A tail; see nmai; a euh~einisticname for the
male private parts.
-dang, n. The buttocks; the rump comp. dan hang;
maidang Zz, v. to be heavy, slow, lazy, unwil ing to
move. see parts.
-durn, Y. To be without a tail; see parts; a. tail-less.
--dut, v. 'I'o be bob-tailed; ~ 2 .bob-tail.
--gan, a. Outside; alien; cornp. shingRan and sdnan;
mazgan mdsha, an outsider, an alien; tdra maigaan, a
-kyaw, v. To have lost the generative power,--only said
of males.
-tsan, a. The t i p of the tail.
-htung, n. The root of the tail; wa maihtungshayang
izfang hkrat az da.
-htawn, n. T h e end of the tail; when of different colour
from the rest; na%ge maihtawn l ~ n g a mi i Lawm ai.
Mat, n. Wood, woody substance; timber; (Shan;) comp.
@an; a. wooden.
-i, n. The common large reed; mai-i dzlng, n. a place
overgrown with reeds.
-aw, n. Reed-grass; h&a maiaw, wood reed-grass; kkd-
rang mataw, pampa's grass; comp. ktingnam.
-bau, n. A mountain birch.
-chyu, n. A fine-gra~nedmountain bamboo, inuch valued
as material for different k i n d s of vessels.
-di, n. A k ~ n dof fruit tree; Bzlnsera senatn.
Maldum, n. A species of wild-cat.
-dau, v . To hunt; see maihkratc. '
-gu n. Husked rlce; see n-gu; m ~ z gvc, clean, first
class rice; see parts; fig. health, ortune, prosperity;
coup. maifsen se:
H ' a n nga , Ru ngla la Ra n' nga',maiga g v P , maitsen

U m u ~ ~/Ipulzgkawp
g, a' Rang, wunboi Apawlsaw n'
salz ra ai.
-kyang, n. A kind of tree; ScAe(cAera lrejaga.
-hka,. n, A kind of bamboo.
-hkaw, I. A species of reed; a' species oi the Melica.
-hkawng, H. Sycamore; comp. &Rum.
-hkrau, n. A hunt; see hkrau; v. to hunt; fig. to reflect,
consider; maihkuau maidau, adv. reflect1 n g l y, after
due consideration; maihbvaw maidau tsun mu.
-lak, r . A peg driven into the ground. as for tying pack-
-lu, tt. The rusa deer; same as mala.
-lung, n. A timber log ready for sawing; nzaihng
kauawt-shaw-ref, see parts.
-lau,. n. A bamboo for propelling a boat, raft or the
like; comp. CdsAap and Idsham.
-mi, r. A species of the ficus; comp. lamai and ~ z d y e n .
-na, n. A nail; comp. h p r i mdsen.
-naw, n. A kind of tree. 1

-"gap, n. A tree.of the Dadergia family.

-hpan, n. A fence; see *@an.
-hpang, n. The common wild fig; comp.ldkum and Bur.

--roi. v . T o lead, as a number of cattle by' the same

rope; to stri ng, as fish; (see sumroi;) M. a number of
animals thus lead; a string, as of fish; shi nga mairoi
m i lu ai.
-sak, 78. T e a k ; firtona gvandis.
-sang, n. T h e thorny bamboo; Lamdusa sfiomw.
-sen, n. The Dt'Zienz'a ornatn.
--sit n, Silver or gold bullion; see gumhtraw marsi.
402 Mgisau.
Maisau, n . Paper; lit. "wood-~ulp;" maisarc dzrf, v. to
mani t acture p a p e r in Shan fashion.
-saw, n. A kind of tree.
-shang, a. A chase; see maiwang.
-ting; n. A poisonous plant especially dangerous to
horses; ??zaiti?tg /+, the most common desi g n a t i o ~ lfor
the p l a n t .
-tau, n. A kind of creeper; "any one s t e p p i n g over this
creeper will lose his way; mnitau tart, v. to stray, to
lose the way; gltaitau rzr shi~zgknwtya~zg,?~znitn?~ iazl
n i dn.
-tsen, I J . Rice; ntaztse~zse, t h e best quality of rice; only
used i n poetry as a coup. of ?lzaiglc grr.
-htawn, 91. A species of mulberry.
-htawng, n. A variety of bamboo the roots of which are
valued for pipe-stems; see Rin-ya.
-waog, n. A hunt, a chace.; see parts; maiwang ?mi-
- shnng, same; maiwa~zggrlcpor sltang, to join or pursue
t h e chace.
-wai, v. To surround, a n d thus to bag, a s game; comp,
kriwaz; sjtn?z/Lted a i shnn hpe maiwai lzna gap az'.
Mau, a. A copper pot; (Chinese?) comp. maw.
-hpa, it. A cover for t h e pot.
-hpyeng, n. A cover; same a s malchfa.
Mau, v. T o wonder, marvel; t o be astonished, amazed;
derv. nmnzl; t o turn away, a s in disgust; s h i Rliga de
mnu rnz lrznt ai; z. a wonder; mag szcmlipn graz' 7qa.
-iin, 72. T h e wages paid to a j a i w a ; see mdz47t.
-by i n , n. A co~nplain t , ailment, disease ; comp. tangbyin:
Rdhtct at go d r nznubyin snwng ai.
-dung, v. To be barren, as a woinan or impotent, as a
man; n. barrenness, impotency; maudung num, a
barren woman ; maudu?zg la, an impotent m a n ; comp.
a/Lfa~jt; nzatrduug dzrng, to remain barren or impotent.
-hke. 12. X pledge, earnest, token; a notched stick
or the like qiven as a pledge or sign of a promise

o r an agreement; also pron. padke; nrazdRc hRr, v. to

notch, m a r t , as a stick o r sword thus given.
-lam, n. A nat especially served by the Damau family.
-mi I n. A story; see nrauurdwr.
Mawza. 403

Maurnun, n. A primeval forest; comp. nrdling; maumun,.

dinggram, a poetic name for such a forest.
-mawn, n. An old overgrown field; see s h n ~ i .
-mPwi, n. A story, tale, narrative; also pron. maumi;
cornp. bum and ldbau; mawmdwi mausa, a story, etc;
mawmdwi h Rai-gawn-dai, see parts.
-hpa, n. A wonder, marvel; a. wonderful, nlarvelous,
astonishing; mauhpa amu, a wonder, a miracle.
-hpyi, fz. A beggar; same as hfyi sha ai wa.
-sap n. A story; see maumdwi.
-Saul n. Paper; mostly pron. nraisaw.
-sumbrang, n. A youth; comp. shdbrang.
-sumpha, n. A wonder, a marvel; see parts.
-hte, n. A clown, playidg the part of an incendiary
after a fire; by some pron. pauhte.
-wu, v. T o jabber, prate, as a half-witted person; s k i
mdna 624 nna mau wu wr nga ai.
Maw, v. T o take, as in one bite or swallow; lang maw
sha, adv. onelyenough for a bite or one mouthful; tldni
shat Long maw sha r a i nga ai, this rice is only 3
mouthful; as an exhortative maw means, take it, eat
it, put it i n your mouth; opp. to Aka; also proa. maw4
Maw, v. To purpose, intend, premeditate; cornp. mawn;
derv. amaw; shi &a g d a w rra maw ail he intends to
build a house; to defraud, practice dishonesty; coinp.
map; to have sexual intercourse, (euphonic;) see di.
-hpyi, n. A beggar; also pron. ma*hpyi.
-sha, v . To practice fraud, disllonestp, as in business;
maw skn ai wa, a trickster, a cheat, a deceiver.
Maw, n. A mine; (Shan;) ja maw, a gold mine; maw
Irpaw, v. to open a mine.
-ga, n. A mining district; (especially the jade mines
and district north-west of Kamaing.)
-ru, rc. A flood, an inuodation; mrawr* r*, o. to overwhelm
and cause destruction, as a flood.
Maw, n. A pot; a pipe; (Shan.)
-sang, n. A large kind of chatty.
-ya, 72. The bowl of a pipe; S h a n wftsl.
Mawza, tr. A hose, a stocking; (Bur.) mawza ddgraw, v.
$0 put 011, as a stocking.
404 Mawk.
Mawk, v. T o take; see maw; interjection of surprise;
~izaiuk,dt' ga mat sai. 1
Mawhkaw de k , a. Spotted; (Shan;) mawhkaw dek durrg-
hkaw, a spotted turban.
Mawm, n. Fibers, as of tissues or muscles; L d s i ai figs gaw
mawm snwngai; see amawm.
Mawm, v . T o nibble; to munch; to sip.
-mawm, adv. I n a nibbling, munching or sipping manner;
wa n t~dn i n i mawm mawm rai sha ma ni.
Mawn, v. T o purpose; to be ready, as for immediate
action; comp. maw. shi shn na mawn a i , he is ready (or
getting ready) to eat; shi rawt na mawn ngn ai, he is
considering (or has about decided) to start.
Mawn, v . T o cut, castrate, as a hog; cotnp. dawn and
dn wng.
Mawn, v. To cut, slice, as tobacco into fine particles;
comp. mn.zut and soi; mahd mawn, n. "fine-cut."
Mawn, n. T h e padding, usually i n the form of pillows,
for an ordinary bullock-pack; rnnwn ski~ig-kawtyang
nga hpyc ai.
Mawn, v. T o be adorned; to be dressed or dccked, as with
fine clothing or ornaments; to be decorated, embel-
lished; derv. amawn; comp. skdmawrz a n d raz; nlcm
nnan mawf2 n i , the bride is adorned (as with jewels;)
sha ha %ampan-hie m a w n ai, the table is decorated
with flowers.
-sumli, v. T o deck, adorn, decorate, garnish, embellish;
see parts.
Mawng, v . T o be rising in clouds, as smoke or dust; derv.
k d ~ a z u : i g ;nhpu mawng ai, the dust is flying; wan
hRtlt mawng a i , the smoke is rising, circling i n the
air, or filling, as a house; mawngdi, to raise, as dust;
fig. to cause confusion; to stir up things.
Mawng, k . The tumbler of a gun-lock; sanat mawng.
Mawng, E . A kind ot s k i n disease; comp. @am.
--hkrawil, r ~ T . o break out, as the disease; n. eruptions.
--shiiktiiwi, n. A n ulcerous form of skin disease.
Mawnghkaw, n. A malignant kind of cough; comp.
~ d h k r u ; nrawnghbaw ltkaw, u, to suffer from the
Malvng ngarai, n. Hell; see parts: rioawrcg ngarai d i , the
cauldron of hell; (Shan.)
MawpJ v. 'l'o defraud, cheat; comp. map and maw; nrawp
sha, .to cheat; to defraud, especially by weight or
me asure.
Mawp, v. To snap, bite, as asdog; derv. a m a w j , which
Mawp, v. T o be dusk, almost dark.
-ma, a. (from ma, to be black.) Dark, dusk; n. the
shade of night; d a i Q a w t nhtoi maw? ma r rawt so
go a i l we started this morning while (yet) dusk.
-inawp, a. Dusky, shady, sombre; n. shade; nsin mawp
mawp, the shade of darkness.
Mawt, r . A kind of tree; mawl hpyi, the bark, used for
ropes; mawt h p ~ hle i s u m ~ i g d a wma ai.
Mawt, v. T o shave, cut, slice, as tobacco leaves or the
like; comp. grtZef and mawn; m d h t ?~cawtnna lang a.
Mawt, adv. Apparently, like; seems; ar r n i mawt nga az,
it looks like mother; wora slrdyaw vaz naawt ngu ai,
that seems like a tiger; (now, just now; cornp. tawt
and myz jpat; only by northern Kachins.)
Moi, n. A term of relationship;(r) a paternal aunt; comp.
tu~cgand ntoi; ( 2 ) a mother-in-law, a husband's
mother; cornp. ni; (3) a middle zged woman of a
family with which intermarriage is allowed, when
addressed by a man.
Moi, v. T o propitiate the nats, as by a sacrifice; cornp.
dunghhran; slri mnchyi nr:a i z moi az wfijaw si mat sai.
Moi, le. A corpse; only used as a coup. of 2~ttnng;dnz ni
77202 ma?rg nz nRoi na.
MOI, adv. Perfectly, beautifully; o n l y used i n poetry as a
coup. of chyoz; s u m r i kanrzrt moi mdlrrl chyoz.
Moi, ado. Fol-merly, i n the past, long ago; (Shan Q6;)
moz j i wn 722 a #rat e, formerly i n ancestral times;
.moi pvn N J O wai
~ nga ?la haw w gumgaz.
-moi , ndzj. Long ago, ages past; daz ?lroz riroz t! byz* az.
-na, ndv. Three nights ago or more; comp. mdna and
vnn rca.
-nl, adv. Three days ago 01- more.
-nlng, adz!. Three years ago or more.
406 Moi ya.
Moi ya, odv. Sotne days ago.
Ma, Verbal particle, shortened form of the pural ma or
mu and the connective ma, which see; an abbrevia-
tion of the adverbial m a or moi; comp. malea, nzani,
etc.; a general preformative,
-a, v. T o be incapable of uttering distinct sounds; to be
speechless. cornp. Bur. s ;mda ai w a , one deprived
of the f acu\ty of speech, but able to produce certain
sounds; a dumb person or a mute is usually called
n s h ~ g aLa ai wn.
-am, v. (from a m , to stutter.) T o become speechless, to
lose the power of expressiorl either temporarily or
tor always; to stutter or hesitate, as i n speech.
-u, n. T h e Adam's-apple; the crop of a bird.
-urn, v . (from urn, to be puckered.) T o hold, as water
or smoke in the mouth; to dissolve 011 the tongue, as
'a pill; tsi mdam a.
-un, tr. T h e wages paid an ulficiating jaiwa Or a 72nt
prophet, as at a dance; also pron. ~tzangsnor mag-r*;,
comp. hkringla and shadrai.

Jaiwa shribrai &a m i fawn nga myit ta?

-un, n. T h e cocoanut; Bur. ?$r; miinn &as, the cocoa-
nut palm; mdne tsip, coir.
-ut, v . T o swallow; see at; t s i muztt zg.
-au, n. A large kind of chatty; mdnzl di.
-ba, t r . (from ba, to be big.) A chief, a ruler; nlostly
used i n poetry as a coup. of ilzbdu; n~ndzladu mnda
L Rringnga n i a.
-.bu, n. Wings; poetic 'as a coup, of siv~gkaw;
Ldmlc de pyen yu 71' ga ngg ynng, mdd% si&aw
-bung, n. The wind, (Hkauri;) see ndung.
-bai, v.'(froin bai, to return.) T o chaoge course; to
retrace one's former steps; also used adverbially;
comp. k.
Mdchya, n. A high scaffold-like structure used as a watch-
tower i n a paddy field; cornp. chya, and combinations.
-chya, n. A kind of t r e e ; also pron. mdcltyang; mdchya
si, n. a very acid fruit, sometimes used i n making
powder; mdchya n d ~ mthe , elbow; cornp. RaiRacu and
see parts; mdclya lap, a carving on a dumda.
-chyan, n. T h e first and best brew, as of beer or liquor;
comp. c h ~ n b a ; mdchyayan htawng ski, the earliest part
of t h e d r y season; mdchyan htawng shi h d a w wa
ra ai.
-chyang, n. A k ~ n dof tree; s e e nzdchya; a grove; see
chyingboi; fig. paddy; a paddy llal-vest ; mdchya?zg sz
mdszmz, three p a d d y harvests; strength, power; on1y i n
poetry a s a coup. of %-gun; machjerrg riu?td,t h e elbow.

-chyang, a. Black; see clyatzg a n d cornp. m d h j r a w ;

mdchyang ri, black thread.
-chyi, v. T o be ill, s i c k , unwell, diseased; comp. grizdi;
ivtd~hyimpkaw, M. illness, sickness; cornp. a h and a ~ a ;
to ache; t o have a pain; Kdwn mdrhyz, t o ache; wa
nzdchyi, toothache dalv ?~dcht;lli, headache; nzyz mdchyz,
a pain in t h e eye.
-chyi, n. Small winged insects; see j z ; mdchyz nzdjrnn,
winged insects such as musquitoes sandflies, etc.
-chyi, v. T o k e e p silence so as to insure luck as i n hunt-
i ng; c ~ r n p . ~ ? n d;(when
ji a t r a p is set game must not be
mentioned, if a scare-crow is placed i n a field the
name of a bird must not be uttered, etc.;) mdhkaln
h Ram y a n g mdchyi yaftg she /a nn, rr mnchyz gavrg
nznlikam no; n. silence; ? ? t n c h ~sAi7tz1
~ to k e e p
a n d preserve silence, a s regarding a theft or murder.
- 1 , n. A rim, a b a n d , as around the e d g e of a basket;
comp. liliriggnr~t;mrfchyi chydwi or shcibna, v . t o rim,
bar.ld, a s a b a s k e t ; see parts.
-chyin, n. T o nip off; to remove by pinches; to pick, as
a bone; cornp. maltti; ma a t n m ?ndc/tj~inshn ma az.
-thyit, 91. Rash, itch; cornp. mnra; I). to suffer, as from
r a s h ; hRxnz mdchyit ni; , / r d c i . ~ i fmcthknt, rash, itch or
the like.
Mach u, V. (from chyyw, to depend upon.) To cling to,
depend upon; hbigt-gax md'h~u ni, to hug the shore;
shag hka mdc/ryr a i l the deer clings to (depends
upon,) the brook; 72. the place, or cause, as of pain; shi
mdchyi a i aw mdchyr n c h y ~ai, he does not know
where it ac es,-the place or cause of the ache; a. re-
liable, trustworthy, and thus a for a rock or a
nat prophet; ntdcltyu lzlng$krrcng, the "reliable" rock.
-chyut, n. Bumps, or the like; machyyrt mduut, a bump;
a swelling, protuberance; cornp. Rdbawng kajawng.
-chyai, v. T o designate, dedicate or consecrate, as for
religious purposes; cornp. shdman; r di mdchyai ail to
"bless" the egg used to ascertain the place for a
grave; naura mdchyai ail to dedicate t'be place for a
religious dance; shat nzrtchyai a i , to " consecrate" the
food eaten at a feast.
--chyaw, n. A kind of fern; mdcllyaw pa or pawl, €he
root, bulb of the fern, used for liquor.
--chyaw, n: (from ch aw, to be joined.) A socket; ri
mkhyaw, the "soc et" of the spear-head; a euphonic
expression for the female private parts.
Ochyawk, v. T o be bump),, uneven, rough; i12richyawk
mdrawk, same; gn 7~iichyawbmdrawk ra ai.
-chyawng, v. T o be broken, gullied, as the gtound
after a heavy rain; lilrichyawng mdrazu~zg,92, gullies,
-chyawng, n. Growth, advance, progress or result; Bang
wa m i hpa mrichyawng jat na mang n rail you will
accomplish nothing; ftya a nma hpe mdchyawng Ata,
mdjat a5 ya ni ai.
-chygwi, n. (from chydwi, to sew.) A stitch; mbchydwi
ding, v. to be close, as stitches; mdchydwi ran, to be
long, as stitches.
-da, v . To behold, observe, notice; comp. f m w , mu and
y v ; mdda mdra, to look carefully; ma 7 z i hpe r~dida
mdrayzd mu, have your eyes on the children; cornp.
myil &a.
-da, n. A4'sacred" place,usually the topof a hill where
a chief has been buried; mnda bum or kaw?zg, a moun
tain top or hill set apart as "sacred;" ntaJa isingdrc,
a variety of fine grass; mada svnrpum, the religiour
* narze for "consecrated" ground :
Bzd sumpurn e rraw, hldda sumpurn 8 hfaw.
Madang, v. (I rom dang, to protrude.) To appear, jut out,
protrude; jb madang wa a t , the thorns are sticking
out; mndang kdwa, a kind of bamboo.
-dang, n. T h e floor of a house, regarded as the first
story from the ground; see datzg; mddang (saw ai,
the floor is high from the ground; nrddang nrm ai, the
floor is low.
-dap, v. To .be out of reach; a h . too, somewhat; see du
madap and dap.
--dat, v . T o listen, harken; comp. aa; nyd ga mddat a; t o ,
mind, obey; d a t W d r a , to pay attention; to listen
and give heed to; mddat mhflat, to -harken and lay.
hold of; to attend closely ro; nyd a ga 41madat mctra
mu; madat sha, adv. good enough; (lit. "eat what you
were told";) a phrase expressive of scorn, contempt,
indifference or the like; comp. ARmm sha; m&dat sha
u,nang nra n hkrum yang Rddai h h m m na P good
enough for you, if such a one as you is not punished
who will be ?
-dat, n. An order, direction, instruction; cornp. ndof and
mtftsun; ga mndat, the final instructions, as of a dying
person; a "will;" wa gdrai n siyang ngai hfe ga mddd
f s r n d a at':
--dat, v. To reserve; to let remain, as one tree out of a
number to be cut down; cornp. gill rtgam and b f i ;
namja7z gdle barn nnn Rdang nn mddal da m*, pull up
the other plants, let those i n the middle remain.
-de, v. T o note; poi s h ~ n imrtde nna sa rit, note the
least day and come; to give notice, to inform; gdta
shdnz L sa na, nhtoiatsawm sha mdde dat u ; n. a notice,
an intimation.
o d e , adv. How much, so much,as much; n a n h t ~hpe ngai
shat jaw mdde durn m r , remember how much food I
gave you; shz gdaw a i made nankte munggdaw ma.
--den, v. To widen, extend, expand; mddtn ]at wa, to
grow, expand. as a kingdom; mdden s*mAka, to
* b f ~ d ahka la, n. a traditional Inan.
53 g
become wide, as a cleft, rent or crevice; 7zma rnrfhrr
na, to grow i n size, as a sore; hRa lam maden mat saz,
Madep, n. (from dep, to reach.) A distance; a reach;
mostly found i n poetry.
-di, v. T o be moist, damp, w e t ; comp. shi, a p r j and
mndit; ga mad2 a i , the ground is damp; shi nrctrang
miidi az, he is wet from rain.
-di, v . T o prop, brace, support by a prop; comp. htawR;
mddi daw, n. a prop, a brace; to point, as the finger
at; shz ngaz /tPe ldyrng madi nil he is pointing his
finger at me; s h a R ~ sharang
t 7zddi, to persist; sAdRa:
shdrang mudi lawngban shadnng, persisting you pre-
vent (escape) an apology,-as for neglect.
-dim, n. (trom dim8 to dam:) A dam; comp. hldmnwk;
nga ja mddim, a fishing dam; mddim dim or p n g , a. to
dam, as for hshing purposes.
-din, tc. (from din, to partition.) A wall, a partition;
madira LRunzda, a wall, partition; shddu mddin, a kind
of embroidery; Zamu mddi~zand LRa madin, see parts.
-dit, v. T o moisten, wet; comp. mddi; a. wet, moist,
damp;pdZi mdtlitnna shajztp a,moisten the splits a n d
i n zr .
ti e ; ga m adit la m a s h i ~ ~ g g ygyin
-du, v . T o possess; to have rule and authoritv over, shi
daz mung madr %a ail he 1s ruling over this country;
to perform the duties of a husband; n. a lord, ruler,
master; colnp. dtl, namdu and mada; wadu wa, a
husband; 7 ~ a d z Jl a n , a w i f e .
-du, a. (from d u , to arrive.) Valuable, expressive of
love..or affection; m y 3 mdhu k t l ~ ~ h faa loving
, gift,-
carrying with it, as it were, the heart of the giver;
/dta mddu Rrmhpa, a helpful, useful gift; 7tlyit nzddr,
n. anxiety.
-durn, n. T h e Thyrsostachys oliveri; si az ?ti mddzrst
@an kta ? n y z prawi wa Ratswt ma ai.
-dun, v. (from dun, to g u ~ d e . ) T o show, point out,
exhibit; Lam madun s, show me the road; m&an dan,
to show, inform, explain; shi gn/aw ni Akn neadlrn
dalz u ; (am madun a i wa, n. a guide.
-dung, n. (from dzcl~g,to be upmost.) T h e basis, found-
ation, root of a thing; mostly used adjectively; comp.
kctnrr and da rc; also pron. nat~)zdrmgor vtrmdung;
rnbdmrg ri, t e warp; comp. mdjajan r i ; ga nrdtz?zg,
the definition, meaning, or the subject matter; /ant
mddzcng, cause, source, basis; myit mddung, the upper-
most i n thought or affections; 11zan'uttg h a n g li, a
promising young man; nji mndung, the way of the
ancients; ancestral traditions or customs :
Nji mddung mddgn de ga law,
Nwoi nz~hkawvtglndtsan de ga Law.
M ~ d u p , n. (from dup, to pound.) A sledge; mddttf sum-
du, a sledge-hammer; 7fzaduj sumd?r gddkam, w z c ~ d t i
Cakap shcinzc?~~.
-dai, v. T o groan, moan; c o n ~ p ,skdvung; nt4chyi a i md-
jaw shi mkdai kga ni.
-dai, n. A great nat to whom the chiefs offer; tsingdu
laddai, a less important nat of the same order t o
whom the common people may offer; the fnddai is
the special supplier of wealth; madai dap, the comyart-
ment of a chiefs house i n which the mddai altar
(mddai h t a v n g , ) is placed; mddai g a , the abode
of the mridai; nzcidni Rnhtan, the divining bamboo;
see skdman; mLidai wit, the "?ttddai pig;" mda'ai wa
Ata, to "pick up" and carry away the :'pig;"-at the
close of a dance (mdnau,) a large yam called a " pig,"
is placed by the side of a sacrificed cow nick-
named a ''sow" and a supposedly crazy man called
~ T s a w u a w nw a , steals and carries away the < pig; -
1 I 1

this to illustrate an old tradition.

-daw, conj. But, on the other hand; comp. malttang; dai
n Rdja, d a i mddaw kdja, this is bad, but this is good;
shi kRrnw n i , ngaz m d a w n Rkraw ntzgai.
-claw, n. T h e fiat of wisdom; "Vadaa~sahka, see parts;
a fig. name for the elephant grass (Rsmba) used by a
nat priest; ntddaw ahtan di, the rendezvous, as for.
an army; see &tan di.
-dawm, v. T o be f a r , remote from; to be out of sight;
mddawnz mdyawm, adv. farfrom; n nzddaww', not within
sight; shanhte dzc na lnadaw?n mayawm naw ~ a nga i
at, they are still far away; law na gdrai n mddawm
at, there is not yet: enougll; n mddawm Raw ntta hRum
t s r n , do not mrntlon things out of s ~ g h t .
Madawn, v . To throw up, as a babe or a s ~ c kperson, to
vomit; comp. nhpat; ma k d j i madawn ai.
-dawn, n. A step, as of a ladder; see nzlmdawn.
--dawng, n. (from dnwtlg, to rebuke.) Displeasure; dis-
like; shanhts dil nz a ?nlidowng Rkrit ma ar, they fear
the displeasure of the chiefs; revenge, retaliation;
mddazwtgdawp or htang, v. to retaliate ; see parts and
comp. mdtad.
-dawng, tc. A kind of tree.
-dol, v. T o hunt, as birds after d a r k ; see doi; u
mddoiga; ldgat madoi n2r.
--doi, 11. T h e female breast;(poetical;) see chyu.
-ga, n. A kind of tree; mdga ta, the third rnonth
(December,) in the Kachin year;.conlp. lun; the month
when the mdga is i n bloom.
-ga, n. A side, margin, border; d a i mdga, this side; dai
durn wora rndga, on the other side of the hill; hkra
mdga, the right side; par mdga de krtyzn u,turn to the
left; comp. gdrep, hkran and nltikrem; a p o ~ n ont the
compass; sinpraw mdga, the east; dingdung mdga, the
north;,^. to side with; shigxmlaa ni hpe mdga a2, he
has sided with (joined) the rebels; to shield, protect
defend; comp. mdRawp mdga; kdnu ma hpe nzdga ai,
t h e mother defends t h e child; mdga hRa, to choose
sides and thus to part; to separate and depart i n
different directions.
--gam, n. (from e m , to be lucky.) Power. authority;
mdgarn rawng a2 x7, those in authority; a. excellent,
superior, royal; magan2 nmu, excellent or royal work;
rzrigicm g a , a royal decree; magam num, a superior
s s m a n ; (a chief's dau yiiter;) comp. ddru:
Ddru Hkring-ya a gdmoi, mdgam Hkringdaf a

-gan, n. Work; see mdkan.

-gan, n. A species of ground-rat; mdgar &hifigtap.
Magan, n. kind of tree the bark of which is used for
-gan, v. To wee,d; see next.
-gang, v. T o pull weeds; see gang; to weed (by pulling,)
as a garden or field; (Hkauri mdgan;) yi sa mdgang
u, go and weed the paddy field; shi tszng mdgang nga
a i , he is pulling weeds.
-gang, post#. About; adv. first, ahead, already; nu d u
mdgang, mother is about to come,-at the point
of arriving; ngai d u mdgang m' ai, I came first.; Bang
sa mdga%g%, you go ahead; shi shawng e nga magang
sai, he was there before t hem,-was already there.
-gap, n. (from gap, to cover.) A cover, a lid; comp.
chydrawng; v. to cover, as with a lid; s u a p u mdgap
d a mu.
-gu, v. To be lucky, as a g u n ; also pron. mtlku; sdnat
mdgu dingchya na, to charm a gun, as by smearing the
muzzle and lock with blood; a. lucky, charmed; mdgu
az sdnat, a lucky gun,-one
I 6
always killing;" m d p
a i shdra, a place where game is always found; mdgu
a i g a , a "lucky hit," t h e right, true or proper word.
-gum, n. (from gsrnl, to bend.) The ridge or comb, of
a house; magam brr, v . to thatch the ridge; ta cover,
as the face with the hands; mnn mdgilr;z ai; fig, to
shut, as the ears against a warning; n .ham. madat a2
[;jaw Ita mdgz~nz~ ai.
-gun, n. (from gan,to carry on the back.) A load, as
carried on t h e back; comp. lit; k p g n mdgan mi, a load
of wood; shd~rglcmligun mi, a load (bundle) of thatch.;
magun s h i n g ~ ~ oat basket
, load; fig. the basket,-equal
to a load; n. carryinn- 9'
rndgfin mdni at wa, one who
always carries a stnile; nmszc mdgirn, a great liar-
one always "loaded with a lie."
~ g u p , n. (from gu1*),to cover.) Every, all,-with nouns
of location or place; cornp. sAcig2t and sbdgap; mung
rndgztp e, i n every country; mdrc m d g Q Rta, in all t h e
villages or totvns.
--gau, n. (from gar,to open, as a ditch.) A ditch worn,
as by eave's-drippi ng; nna m d p w .
Mapaw, v. T o be bent, crooked; opp. to mdLang; comp.
gaw, myit mdgaw, m d g j 2 and Bur. n. the roof
of a house; mdgagaw ?$gas,the ridge-pole; mdgaw daw, a
centre post supporting the roof.
-gaw, 72. A pear; mdgaw gai, \%;Id pears; mdgaw
hfhp*n-si, see parts.
-gawn, v . T o scoop up; to follect into a heap; to gather
up, as with a sweep of hands or arms; comp, Ating-
gawn; to appropriate, as things belonging to an other;
ngai Ate kdran ga ngu ai, s h i e h k r a i mdgawtc la n i ai.
-gawng, n. The traditional cattle who ate the "fruit of
lifel'(tstthRr~ngtsi,) because of which "their descend-
ants" are Inow sacrificed; mdgawftg kinru, a greedy,
voracious bovine; see parts:
Nwa mdgawtrg Rinrzi wa e sha nu da,
Nnu nzdgawng Rinrlr mdjan a i La ntc da.
-goi, n. Evil; coup. of sdoi, which see.
-gra, a. Ignorant; see gri mdgra.
-gra, n. A tick; mdgva jwry, v. to infest, as ticks; mdggra
shingcdyen or mdgra szngtsam, a small kind of tick, or
-pa, v. T o be sharp, as a razor, a tooth, nail or the like;
comp. gra and dui; nhtg mdgra ARyo gdrang r .
--gra, v. (from g r a , t o grasp.) T o seize, grab, grasp,
clutch; shdraw shan @E mdgra nr.
-%rang, n. A grating.
-gren, v . T o be sharp, edge-like; comp. gren; kdwa mri-
gren a i hta Ldgaw r a t Raa se az, I cut my foot on a
sharp bamboo; n. an-edge, as of a split bamboo or the
like; see n - p e n .
g , n. Brass, copper, tin; magn hhycng, copper; mdgri
tsit, brass; nzagri kkan/zpa, a thunder-bolt ; mdgri
saidnzung, brass-wire; md 9o r i gawnz, a brass cup.
-gru, v . T o be lean; (Hkaurl;) see mdkru.
- grau, a. (from graa, to excel.) Strong, excelling.
--grawp, 72. A kind of mushroom.
-groi, v. T o howl, scream; ?ndgrot Rlc grzt, ndo, i n a
howling,shrieki ng, screalnini manner; shi mdggroz hle
grit rai nna hRrap az'.
Magwi, n. An elephant; cornp. gwi and combinations;
magwz m a n a ~ ~see
g , parts.
-gyen, n. A silk sash, given as a part of a wedding
dowry but never worn; shi m a g y t n y a n jaw at.
.--gyeng, n. T h e tamarind; mdgyelcg @an--si, see parts.
-gyep, n. lllaltcd rice; liquor; only used as a coup.;
magyep tsahka, a n d magyep ItzuhRi, see parts.
-gyi, n. The thigh; the ham of a pig, the hindquarter
or round of a beef; mdg)ji sha, v. to be entitled, as a
chief, to t h e ham or round of a sacrifice; m a i ska ai
du, a fully authorized chief having a rig t to the f'
ham or round from every village sacrifice; cornp.
-gyi, v . To be curled, spiral, kincked; cornp. mdgaw;
also pron. tz'ngg~i;Rara mdgyz a i , the h a ~ ris curled;
Rashan mdgyi, a spiral tern; mag32 noz,to hang curled,
as a snake.
-gyjm, v . T o do i n secret; see idgyim.
-gyit, n. A poetic name for a grandfather; mdgyit
Rdjz g i d a i sumri.
-hoya, n. An agate; an opal; Bur. uycp.
--ja, v. (from ja, to e,rert.) T o watch, to be vigilant, on
the look out; corny. nzdkran; sin az masha a mdja nga
a i.
-jan, A courteous ap.pellation for a woman; madam,
my lady; see ,&a,,, ' hflraw niv mdjan and ninghRa
mdjan; nja mdja?t, n wai na?~zfan.
-jan, n. T h e woof; &&jan ri; comp. madrtng.
-Jan, n. War; comy, k p y ~ nnzalnn ; baw, v . to begin a war;
mdjan ga, the seat of w a r ; nzdpn mye at, to mediate,
as i n case of war.
+an, a. A love song, sung ~n chorus; comp. gde, nchyun
and luRa; wrrljnn dot or pn,v. to sing a love song.
--jan, v . To care for, look after, as a party o strangers;
dat' mdna?tz T Z Z jtPc zgat n a j m t Ira.
adv. Very; n z ~ j a i zt s n a ~ wai, ver!. prett .

-jang, v. T o collect, sweep together, as rubbish for

b u r n i n g ; dai sk2li~g.jimwnrn i h j r ntilntrg nat Rau mu.
--jag, n. ~ e . d - ~ c ~ chi ~ &l l -i ;; comp. )ap; also called
jdp/ER, mdbuik and mdynng.
Majat, %.(from jat, to increase.) Growth, addition.
-jen, R. A kind of embroidery.
-jen, n. A clearing, as for a village; fig. intermarriage;
mdjen je, v. to clear, open up a site, as for h village;
d a i mare nnan de Tang ji rvn ni majen je m a ai;
to marry, as into a clan or iarnily where marriage
relations were not before customary or allowable.
-ji, n. A kind of tree with a white flower producing a
yellow dye; mdji chya, v . to dye with the flower; md?
t a , the month when the tree is in bloom; November.
-ji, v. T o put forth, as new leaves; comp. mctku; @an
Lap m aji ai.
-ji, n. Soot; see ntlmji.
-ji, v . To be miserly, stingy; g r m h j r a w mdji a i wa, a
miser; to be close, noncomrnital, uncommunicative;
comp. mrtchyz; ga mdjz a2 wn, a man of few words;
.. n. persistence; m d j i ji,to remain unmoved, persistent.
-1, a . Small; see
small insects; m
k j i j u ,
r m d j i , small birds; m d j i ji,
n. 2 kind of beetle.
--jlng, v. T o be true, genuine; o. true, real, pure, unadul-
terated; comp. jet; Rawa '?zri,jing,t h e real f ather,-not
a step-father; daz mdjz'flg r a i nga a i , sawi ai n vai,
this is the real thing, no imitation; to be whole, not
torn, as a coat; je ai LKum hpun, mdjing ai mlthtang
Afun rr, do not wear the torn but the whole coat; to
be untouched, not exhausted or finished; shi mam
mdjing naw r s az, his paddy is as yet untouched-he
has not begun selling or using it; a n h t ~a yi mctjing
Haw rai nga ai; adv. very, truly,.exceedingly; comp.
nachying; dai mdjing kdja Y E n i .
-ju, adv. Formerly, from ancient time; mdju mdjaf,
same; dai n r d p mlljai kaw nna nga saz.
-ju, n. A token, a sign; see gum&.
u , n. (from p,to converge.) Firmness, strength of
character, stability; fntlju j l r ~ g ,v.. to be persistent
firm, immovable; ~ d j u+z jlrq a i wa, a vacillating
-jun, o. T o be hea-vy,-only said of a living human
being; comp. k; &urn a i ma gaw mdjrrri ai.
M ~ J U P n A shroud: the dress of a corpse; nralup 1dh$sr
az u to shroud. to dress a corpse.
-Jut. u T o thrust, as with a spear; see j g t ; to bob; to
"jump from place to place" ; adv. i n a bobb~ng,jerk-
ing, jumping manner; daz wu Ratzang mrng mdjut
k b w m az, this fellow is bobbing up everywhere.
-jaw, n. The top-knot; see n p w .
--jaw, u. To gather and tie up, as the four corners of a
sheet; comp. jaw; n-gu m d p w v , tie up the rice,--ln a
cloth, large leaf or the l i k e .
-Jaw, conj. Because, for, for this or that reason; there-
fore; cornp. jaw and d k a n ; see Gram.; shz sn at md-
jaw %gar n sa nt ailbecause h e w e n t 1 did not go; na
n majaw shz slrdranp a t , tor your sake h e held out;
dai r g ai m d p w hpad/tkulw t m n ; adv. through.
-jawm, u. T o bud, as a flower; see p w m ; n. a bud;
nampatt mujawm dz %
- - l a w n , n. A goad; also pron. nlawn or shzngjawtt.
-jawn, 71. To loaf; cornp. rnqut; wzqawrr az wn, a loafer.

-jawng, n. Progress, result; see t)zachyawng.

Because; ( H k a u r i ;) same as mltjnw.
-joi mT? as a matter
v. course; a . ordinary, custom-
a r y , common ; comp. shh,qrn ; ~ ? z d ~ ogo, t common,
everyday speech; nzajni rr itga, i t is not customarv- '. '
odu. naturally, customaril:r, habitually; lor no partl-
oular pur~ppose;major c h y n q at BPW, things natitrally
black; nrdjoz p w az wu,one who gives because i t is
i ; nzdjoi n t s r n , I am not speaking just
~ u s t o r n a r ~ngai
for the sake of "hearrng myself talk;" majoz ssAi7z'g?,a
d 2 4 7 1 ~ . the naturally flat rnountai n :-a plateau; ngat
ma/oi n /an shingun x e n , I am not doing things
(creating, producing,) for no particular purpose.
-ka, n. (from Rn, to write.) Embroidery, carving,
drawlng; steps, movements, as of a dance; kddung
dam mdha shlbgr ~ g x la%, t Rlikng gat az.
-ka, n. Ability, skill, talent; cornp. Rama and hpaji;
nnng mrika n bop at wa vai ndai, you are a m a n of no
mark or ability.
-ka, u. T o place under guardiansh~p;comp. mags; nye
i. tltdkrt lawn at ma, the child tntrusted to my care
Maka, 2). To hold b e t w e n the teeth; comp. l a bow G ~ & u
and makrang; to bite the lip, as when angry; nlnr mnha.
-kam, n. (from Ram, to believe.) Faith, belief, trust,
mdkam masham, faith; a surety; a security; maham
n nga, no surety, or reason t o trust.
--kam, n. Power, etc.; same as nrd am, which se&
--kan, f
r. Work, labour, especial y paddy cultivation;
comp. amu; also pron. mdgan; mdRar rawt, to begin
the clearing of a field; mdkan y i ngam, the field
under cultivation.
-kan, v. To press a ainst; to strain, as when evacuating
the bowels; to la our, as a woman in travail ; fig. to
blurt out; to scold, rave at; shi gaw ma h j e maRan
jdARvap wu ai.
-ket, n. Dysentery; (Northern Kachin;) comp.dawnghat.
-ku, a. A shoot, sprout, young branch or. twi ; comp.
m d k m , ~nyilmdku and $rat nrdhrc; mdka u , v . to
sprout, shoot up, as a shoot.
-ku, v . To be lucky, as a g u n ; see mdgu.
-kum, n. A ridge; see mdgum.
-kun, v. To crouch, as a tiger ready to s p r i n g ; see kun;
to gather strength, impetus, momentum, as for a
jump or forward movement; myil mdkun, to makc
up one's mind.
-kai, v. T o bundle; to make up, as a package, packet or
parcel; shat mdhai a; n. a bundle, etc.; gurn@raw
ntdkai mi, one packet of silver,-equal to one hun-
dred rupees; shat mdkai Rva rawng ai; shi mddar'
hbkawtzg sha la at:
-kai, n.Akindoftree.
-kau, adv. or postp. Beside, near b y , at or by the side
of; comp. ntkmkau and sew; titn ?nd&azdP, beside the
house; shi mdkatl e dung u , sit by the side of him;
hka mli/cazs e, by the river; rt. a side, an edge; thus
hka nziiRctu, nta mdkazc, ktl mabaa.
-kaw, n. Illness; see mdchyz.
-kawk, n. The apple, a crab-apple; comp, nzrigaw;
makawk R ~ u n - s i , see parts; p~zdknwkmiifi, the inush-
room usually found on ant hills.
-kawm, adv. Beside, ctc.; (tlkauri ;) same as t ~ z d k a x
Makawp, (from h a z y , a shell.) T o cover s h ~ e l d ,

defend; rrtdkawp mdgo, to defend, protect; see parts,

n. a defender or defc'nce; a protector or protectlorr.
m d k a w j nrdga k nga, there 1s no defender or no pro-
tection; 7lrdkawfl manga?o/, Y , to cover, etc.
- k o ~ , v.(Iromkoz,toavo~d.) Tohide,conceal, disyu~se
nodkoz mmdga to hide, secrete; comp. shzngbyz, sAi7rgR*r9
f ~ r pand mang mdkoi; 5/12 mdkoz nga uz, he I S hiding;
gumltpraw hfe mddoz a,hide the money; nzdkor 7rp~vang
a. a burial.
-kram, v. 'Fo be mixed, as sand with food; see Rvam;
shat Lla rrhttg ,,rd&ratrr az, lsan Rau ma.
-kran, v. T o be alert, a c t i v e or on the watch, as when
fearing d a n g e r comp. Rm and *rdla; hjyen nrdkran
az 7 1 z c t j n 2 1 stlnaf fang ga az
- kran, v To present a beautiful exterior or appearance;
to be showy; hkawhkam a irhaw graz mdhran at.
-krang, v. T o hold between the teeth; to bite for the
s a k e of holding; comp. maha.
-krat, a. A variety of fungus.
-kret, v To gnaw; by some pron. mdkvut; yu nnahret
skn a t , the rat '1s gnawlng; gwz nya mdhrrl ar.
- k r ~ m , v . T o smart, a s the eyes because of smoke; to be
o n e d g e , as the teeth; myz mdkrillr nz, the eyes are
smarting; namsz s h yang wa nrdkritn or, eating
f r u i t the teeth are set on e d g e ; yu mdkriwi, to look
askance; to shun, as an undesirable person.
-kru, v . To be lean; see m d p o and comp. Idst; (Hkauri )
-kru, PC.Bamboo sprouts or shoots; comp. mltkil; mdkvac
niudupzg, the ends or tops of sprouts pickled and
eaten; see mlikbrz.
-kru, t r . T h r e e stones or p e g s , supporting a cooking
pot; comp. h k m ; ga hte makvar gdhw u , m a k e a
"tripod" of mud.
-krung, 72. Fresh sprouts, new twigs, a s on old branches;
also pron. srmrkvrrng; comp. m d k u , mdRru and vttdf.rsn.
-krut, v. To g n a w ; see m a R ~ c t .
-krai, v. To pla). w i t h ; to amuse, as a child; to frolic,
to sport; to play, as the cat with a mouse; /rt;rr;yau31%
tndkraz a t .
I l l a k l - a w , 7c. T h e tl-ee-fern.
-k yln, - a. A friend; mostly used as a coup. of jinghba;
s k i i ~ y ai k*az'?~gmakyirz rai /i az, s h e is my (sister-In-
l a w , ) friend; ~ z d k y i a jinghku izi, our (esteemed)
f 1-iends.
-kyit, v. T o tie, make a k n o t ; comp. k y i t ; (mostly used
when t y i n g with bamboo splits;) pal; @ e makyit w .
-hka, v. T o open, as the mouth; see hka; to be open, as
A o o r , a pit, o r t h e l i k e ; a. wide-open; also pron. sum-
hha; s h i n - g ~ p~ n a umdhku ai, his mouth is wide-open
i n amazement; 72. an opening, t h e mouth, as of a cave;
shingrtoi mbkka; nsavzg hku mahkn.
-hka, n. Mucus,' phlegm of t h e respiratory organs;
mkyzc z mahka k a p ai.
-hkam, n. (from Akum, t o trap.) A trap; comp; hkim,
mahtam and nhkuw; mn/lkam dz' si, t h e catch; mahkam
hpzlngkan, t h e s p r i n g of a t r a p .
-hknn, v. T o o p e n , f o r c e open, as a . s o r e o r t h e eyelids;
s e e hkaa; t o push, force b a c k , as t h e s k i n around a
sore; corny. mahkn a n d su?nhkan; n w a muhkn7~ttna t.71'
bang n ,open the sore and put i n medicine.
-hkan, n. Rust; see s h k a f ~ .
-hkat, n. Rash; see m d c h y ~ i .
-hki ng, n. Hot-season paddy or cultivation; nzdhk,is
shnt n mu a i , hot-season r i c e does not taste good
-hku, a. (from hRa, t o become friends.) Friendly,
s u c c o u r i n g , supporting; comp. 7rtdtrx; nzlikku Lka, the
( l i f e ) supporting spring; ,rtiihka m a r a wan, the
succouring longed for fire; ?t~rihktbhktlngga, a peace
offeriny; v. to befriend; to c l i n g to for support:

-hku, n. A sound, a note, a noise; sinlai ~)zahku,the

human voice; comp. nsert; muhku nu n z a l a ~ .the
muse," the yoddcss of s o n g ; /aka wa ~ z d h R f nc g mltjaa

hPe shffga ai, tllr b a r d is calling tile muse; nzdkbtr

gbLz4, a long note; mdhku izgawre, sweet-voiced; rrzahdtl
snln c r i , t o carry far, as a sound.
Mahkup, n. F o g , mist; see m u h h u j .
-hkut, v . T o scoop up; to m a k e a clean sweep of; comp.
I hRut and ntligawn.
- -
v. T o hook; to be insnal-ed, entanglrd, "hooked",
as among thorns; to catch, as a garment on a nail;
palawng 1% hta mdhkui a i mdjazp, je sai.
-hkaw, n. Chaff; the coarser part of husk; comp. h k u ~ ~ g -
-hkaw, n. A kind of small crab-apple; nzahkaw hpun-
sr', see parts.
-hkawn, n. A young girl; a maiden; an unmarried
woman; see hkawn and combinations; mdhkawn saw,
v. to court a maiden.
-hkawn, v. T o sing, chant; nzattkaw7z mltngoi, to sing;
to praise by song; mahkawn gal a song, a hymn;
mahkawn Laaika, a hymnbook.
-hkawng, v. T o gather, collect; to hoard, accumulate ;
shi a j a g r m l t p r a w ma.hkawng $a nga ai.
-hkawng, n. Traditions; coup. of m d d m g , which see;
also pron. numkkuwng.
-hkoi, n. (from Ichoi, to t a k e a chance.) A chance;
mdhkoi a mdjaw khying ma a i l because t a k i n g chances,
or because of your " perhaps" (exhibiting uncer.
tainty,) time is lost; m d h b i hha, loss, because of tak-
i n g a chance; adv. by chance, perhaps, likely, yro-
bably; comp. nhfen; nang mahkoi rai n la? perhaps it
is you ? ngai mdkkoi mzl na i
-hkra, n. A tripod; ( H kauri ;) see hkra.
-hkret, v . T o mark, as with the finger; to strike, as a
match; to rule, draw a line; comp. mdri; n. a ruler;
nzahhref jiltbang nna ga zr.
-hkrep? a. Plaited; see Akrep; rnahkvep rhyi?cghka, the
p l a ~ t e ddoor.
-hkri, n. (from hkri, to be sour.) Pickled, soured
bamboo sprouts; comp. chydltkri and chyaban; maARri
mctdzng, the pickled ends of bamboo sprouts; see ma-
Rrs rnzdu7zg; mii/ckri m r r a , the place where a whole
conlmunity pickle their bamboo sprouts; mnhbrz kkrz
az, v. to pickle bamboo sprouts; nzdltkrilar. todish up
pickled bamboo sprouts.
M s h k r i , n. (from h k v i , to braid.) A braid; a kind of
grass often uscd for wreaths; rrrdhhrz' h k r i a2 baw,
anythin braided.
--hkru, a . Foetic name for the throat; cornp. mdyu.
-hkrun, n. A path, t r a c k , made by s n ~ a l l a~linlals;see
h k r u r and rhKya; dunrsi mdhkrun s l a re ai.
-hkrai, n. A bridge; see h k r a i and combinations;
maLRrai lalr or htaw, to put up a. temporary bridge.
-hkwi, n. A cord; only used as a coup. of sumri.
-hkyeng, a. (from hkyeng, to be red.) Red, or shades
of red.
-hkyit, v. To scratch with the nails; Rdya ai mdjaw
mahkyit ai.
-hkyu, v . T o keep, guard, take care of; cornp. ndchyu;
nye nhtu hpe mdhhyu u, take care of my sword;
linang vai m d l k y a HZ*.
-la, v . T o pry, bend open, as with a lever; cornp. s h i ~ g -
La; to d i g out, as with a stick; n h n g mriln Kau u.
-la, n. A ghost; see mida.
-la, v. (from la, to take.) T o remove, take or strip off;
idpu ma/a kau u , strip off the bamboo s k i n .
-la, n. (from l a , to wait.) Delay, extension, as of
time; auba b a i mlila n nga, fate knows of no delay;
adz,. for good, for ever; myit mlila hRa a i , to part for
ever; shi a kctsha n i y e s k i myit nrllla jdhha do nr ai,
h e has -parted with his children for ever,-he is
thinking no more of his departed (dead children;
Lrnperati v e particle second person plura?, denoting
delay, remaining, continuation or the l i k e ; n a n h t ~hti
7zga md/a, rernai n here; naw nga mdLa y a w , you (please)
1-emain,-a polite expression when parting; na?thtt
hkyen mnia ngai da jang dlrmsn na.
-la la, o h . Very, exceedingly, comp. i n ; m d a la kdjn
ai, it is very good; mdla La ba /a nngai, 1 am exceed-
i n g l y tired.
-lam, a. .(from lam, to stray.) Straying, erring; wye
rndla9a or m d a m num, a harlot.
--lan, Y. To straighten, unbend; mdgaw ai hpr m d a n rr,
make the crooked straight; to be stretched, and t h u s
stiff and rigid.
Malang, v . To be straight, not crooked or bent, as a tree,
board, road or the like; comp. prrrzg, pyeng and nryit
tndlang; to be ajar wide open; chyinghka nrn(ang nga
-lang, r t . One of the Hkauri families.
-lap, v. To forget; m d a p mdli kaa ai, to forget, t - h o w
out of t h e mind; shz n drcm shdmi rndlap m d f i , in a m e
ment of forgetfulness he overlooked it; ngnr r i d u p
~ h a nsha n1~amtl/op ntagai
-lat, n. An animal-of the weasel family resembling t h e
stoat; see Rdshz and ru; m d h t a ska ai.
-le, v. (fro111 t e , to turn.) T o tear or pluck out, as the
eyes; corny. m d a w k ; chydhkyalur e nyi md/e sha Ruu a i .
-lem, t z . A kind of tree; nzaLmz turn, the seed ol t h e
fruit used as a weight; see [em.
-len, v . (from /En, to ramble.) T o move, be "on the
wing", as a bird; a h . i n a rambling, or " flying"
manner; hlaw ntsa rnrt/rn pyen s i u , the birds flying
(moving) above.
-]en, n. A sting; same as t n / e n , which see.
-let, v . T o be passing; comp. l e t ; a. passing; m d e t
nhPvang,a. passing; adv. while or i n passing; SAZ' mdlel
n/rprang hknwm na, he will pass by; m&t nhprnng
shang nna isart d a mu, while passing go i n and tell
them; md/rl nhjvang mdnanr, a pa sing guest; a
stranger, wanderer, pilgrim.
t i , n. A young man; same as r t l i , which see; m d i La ni.
4 , v. To srrlooth, scrape, shave, as a bamboo strip; pdz'
m d i Rau u.
-li, n. A jungle; coup. of Ham, which see.
-li, n. Work ; same as brtngZi or mnng/r'.
--lit n . A day; an indefinite period of time; coup. of nhtoi;
nAtoi di~z9n lili >!in.
-li, n. A father-in-law; o n l y used as a coup. of mdyu;
also pron. ningli.
-li, v. T o pray; only found i n poetry as a coup. of hfyz:
Nang k p t n i kprngjigawn t?rd/i, Rungnatrg a agon
--li, a. The numeral four; ~ r z l t l i pthe, guava; Bur. vDcum3;
mdli h t a , the Irrawaddy; (lit. the four rivers;) tnd/i
ga, the Northern Bur. basin, named after the Irra-
waddy; w d i Iau, a very sour k i n d of plum; (Shan;)
see bangkhrz si; tndi'i/ipren, a linear measure equal to
t h e width of four fingers; m ~ slri, ~ 2forty; nzd/i tntr, a
Maling, n. A forest, a wood; rndling mailr, an extensive
wood; nrnCing chyinghkring-dingg~am--t~au?3zut~, see
parts; mabng sdnnnm, a variety ol ginger.
-ling, n. A mild k i n d of measels; comp. hptdt; mlj/ilrg
ling, a. to suffer from the ctisease.
-lu, v . (from h,to have.) TO be grasping, insatiate;
comp. mdrim and h f y u ; n a v t ~ ~ g anasc
w wzdlu ndoi.
-lu, v . To scald; to soften by means of hot water; /rputrX-
/am k / a u 7 3 t ~ ~ l za.
-lu, u. To roll up, as sleeves o r trousers; cornp. Itt and
dttrg.L~n;pdhwng m d u nna g(i(rcw U .
-lu, v. T o slip, lose hold of ; shi ngni h j e r i m m&/zt ai,
I slipped lrom his hold;--lit. h e caught and (let)
lne slip; ndv. i n a slip-shod, careless, half-finished
manner; tzgtzi dai u sat md/u we ail I only half
killed the fowl--thus it escaped; nanhtr shal jaw
mrih nn, nnru mz, you will not have rice
enough, prepare more.
-luin, v. (from Ign, to be tepid.) To simmer; to heat,
prepare, as gruel or sof t-boiled rice; @a Ate nns'jahRri
md/urn 14; fig. to be overwhelmed ("simmering",) as by
misfortilne; 1 9 2 yubak hta nzdlivrn nga nlzgni.
--lun, n. ( f r o m Iun, to elevate.) A hill, an elevation;
m d h n mdgnw or numgaw, s a m e ; miilun nuntgaw ndai
nga yang, lawn sn ra az' w a sa na.
-lun, v T o be greedy; see 1%nzci/zc9z.
-lut, n. Tobacco; wtd/ut h ,v. to srnoke tobacco; mdhl
mrihknw , tobacco; mtr/zll nzri/l bnztj s/latml?z'shnt maw.
1 v. (from lai, to change.) T o change, repent,
change the mind; h p m w nzdlni she n tzggn, wzyiyil mdlaz'
gnw nga a i ; to substitute, mostly used as an adjective;
Rriwa m d h i , a step-father; gawng wzti/(zz hkungga, a
vicarious sacrifice; n. a su1,stitutc; aw/tti. n n2ltLa2 shi
raz nga a*; ada. i n place of, instead of; chydru n nzd/ar
ntszn jaw tza Rivn?
Malaw, v . T o loosen, to be loosened, o r loose. ;is a knot,
nail, or the l i k e ; t o slip; to be out of joint; cornp.
~2aLe;t o pull off, a s a ring; junrhpa md/aru mat sai,
the s t r a p has become untied.
-law, n. (from Law, to be much.) T h e lat-ger p a r t , side,
portion, s h a r e , etc., when a division i s m a d e : mdlaw
mdga, the "lion's share;* opp. to nznyerr nzdga; mdiaw

mdga /u a , t a k e the biggest p a r t , a h . this much; as

much; f d t n nzcijnut, an arm's l e n g t h ; tan cia hRaw
malaw trow isazu a t ; mii/azp de, the man;.
--law, on'z~.Formerly; some d a y s or time. ago; ( Northern
usage;) mahw z htengdu sai.
--lawk, 7.. T o tear, pluck out, as an e y e ; to be torn, as a
Piece from a garment, wall or the l i k e ; s h i n y 2 myi
maAzalk ska kau m w az'.
--lawm, v. T o be careful, considerate; mu/awm mdgawm,
adv. with care, considerationl or attentive respect;
md/awm mdgaum di,to d o with care, etc.
-lawng, n. T h e largest part, e t c ; ( H k a u r i ; ) s e t mdlazu.
--lawng, v. T o be rent, torn, opened, 'breached," as a
g a r m e n t , fence, wall or the like; comp. malawd; nfa
malazung mad s a i , t h e house has been torn open ( a s by
a hurricane;) mrl/awng md/ang, a . rent, torn, cleft; n. a
gap, break, breach, etc.
-lawt, n. Tobacco; ( H kauri;) see md/ul.
-matl v. T o die i n parturition; same as nmat.
-mu, n. T h e heavens; (Hkauri;) same as lamu.
--mug, n. A-mango; see Icmzcng.
-mut, a. (from m a t , to be blue.) Bluish, d a r k ; m d m ~ t
szcmwz, a d a r k cloud.
-nap v. T o be mad, insane, crazy; comp. angawk; n. a
mad-man, a lunatic; a fool; mdna n/engl to r e g a r d or
treat as i nsane; see parts; be raving m a d ;
m'ina m n k a , adv. in a i t crazy," disproportionate man-
ner; maria mtika htu a i , it rains out of all proportions;
mnna n a t , s.the nat causing insanity; muna nut n o i
yang dainam ilryahkrtl~gdat u ; mana shdchyyoi, v . to
accuse of insanity; t o regard as insane.
-na, n. A k i n d of tree.
-na, adv. Last nlght; comp. ma na.

Maria, 7r. Food eaten at a funeral; nrdvta dnwt, v . to pound
the funeral rice; (and old woman begins the pounding,
using her left hand; w h e n a handful or so is cleared
of husk she tllrows i t to the wind signifying her
wish to no more be called upon for such unpleasant
work;) mdna mlljnv, a packet of food g i v e n or
received at a funeral; lzzdnn Haze), v . to p a r t a k e of a
funeral least; (disrespectful; see parts;) md?m sha, to
eat t h e funeral feast; fig. to be patlent, to show
calmness, or resignation; gis di ti mung a rndnfr ska
aga nngai, whatever happens I will' show patience.
-nam, v. T o smell; n. smell, scent; cornp. bat and Bur.
968; mdnam shd&ram, n. smell; ntdaani nglzwn n i daw,
sweet smelling things; mdnam nnm as, to srnell
-nam, n. A visitor; a guest; sumtsan mdnam, visitors
or strangers from afar; mdnam daw, v. to show hos-
pitality; to entertain, as visitors or strangers.
-nam, t z . One of the JZrrip families.
-nan, adv. (f rom nan, to be permanent.) Always; before
negatives, never; shi nzdnan r a i sni, he is always the
same; s k i mctnan n chyt ai, h e never knows; n~d?mrrnu,
from old ; nye a wot' gaw m d l ~ a nf a r a i sai.
-nang, n. A mammoth; (Kachin tradition;) an elephant;
coup. of m w i .
-nang, n. A companion, an associate; cornp. Bang and
rrcmnang; Rdnawn mdnang, a companion, mate, fel-
low; manang jan, a female companion; (adv. now; a.
accompanying; only used i n poetry; mdnatrg dai ~ r i ,
mdnnnt daz nn, see parts.)
-nap, n. T h e early morning; jahjnwt ind~zapt hkaz~vzxa,
we will start early; mdrrap shal, an early morning
meal; r ~ d n a pshat dep, a distance that can be covered
before t h e morning meal.
-nat, v . T o grasp, squeeze; to hold ti htly; cornp.
mctgra, jam and sht4j; n j a awa vzanat tl; to obey; only
i n poetry as a coup. of mddut.)
-ne, H. T h e perils; (vulgar;) comp, nc, tmaz' and m a h m
-nem, n. .A slope; see Ldnem.
M%nai .
Mgnen, J . T o be slippery, smooth. "oily;" comp. f y u n ;
lam mdnen a i . the road is slippery; mdnm d g a , soft,
smooth, oily words.
--neP, ?d. (from n e f , to pave.) A pavement, a floor;
nadfiep s h i n g h r a m , a poetic or fig. name for a Boor or
--ni, w . To be soft; a. soft, fine; cornp. kya and n t ; p s i
mani, soft cotton; shndung rnd~tni,fine flour; shan mdnr,
soft flesh; sep nrdni, fine (small) scales; fig. a prawn
or a small fish; sep m d n i nsan shdprz, fine scales cover
t h e wound;--i. e. a small fish (offered to the nats)
bri n y s healing.
-ni, v. T o laugh; mdni gor', to laugh aloud; n. roaring
laughter; manz seng brcngai, to "split" with laughter;
cornp. mdnit.
-ni, adv. Y e s t e r d a y ; comp. Bur. wt and ma ni; mdni
hpawt, yesterday morning.
-ning, adv. Last year; cornp. nzng.
-nit, Y. T o laugh; cornp. nrdni; to laugh at, to snicker
at; hkrrm nrdnit; (mostly Northern usage.)
-nu, PI. \Vorlns, as i n a sore or the intestines; cornp. Rnntr.
byef a n d Rdgyt'n; a tape-worm, thread-worm or yin-
-nu. v. T o befriend; coup. of mdARu, which see.
-nu, n. A price; cost, current value; cornp. /rpu and
jcthpu ; nzapzr mdsa, a price; mdnu mdsa lsun u, give
your price; mdnu Rdda a i l v. to be expensive; mdrv
hfa, or m d ~ u R d j i a i l to be cheap; a. costly, precious,
glorious; cornp. gwzkawng.
-nu, v. T o be suitable, proper, accordant; t c h z gu mdnu
n i l this is the proper word; dutrg s h d a n nr&sva t , t h e
seat is uncomfortable; l d t a n mhtr, it is awkward ( t h e
hand not b e i n g trained;) ndrrw ai kkaf h j a i u, carry
t h e suitable load.
--nun, v. T o rub w i t h t h e fingers; same as kdnun, which
-nut, IP.A moth; n d a u l d i ~ g s x n same;
, (poetic;) mdnxl
sAn a t , v . to be moth-eaten.
-nail v. (from roai, to be twisted.) To twist, screw, bore;
manai R d y u p , to rub. as an ear of grain between the
hands; mdnai mdkai, n. twisted, screw-shaped; p
md?tai, t o twist, falsify, as a statement; mdnaz hkat, to
play a g a m e in which two opponents try to twist a
pole from e a c h other.
Manau, n. A great nat-feast a n d religious dance, supposetl
t o be of supernatural ori gin; see natt and combinations;
j u nrdna%, t h e religious name of the feast; comp.
s u i mdnnu a n d j d d n ~ gmrtnazt; the feast which lasts
four, six or e ~ g h t d a y s can be given only by those
who offer to the mltdni nnt; mattazt shdcfizng, the
carved a t the center of t h e floor, the
lines of which indicate t h e steps and movements to be
followed; s e e parts; md?zm%nazt, v . t o dance; to strut
a n d s p r e a d t h e tail, as a pea-cock.
-naw, v. T o reach down, (dive into,) for the s a k e of
pulling out; nzdnaw La, t o pull out, "pick," as the
contents of a bag, pocket, box or the l i k e ; shz nye
Lingsnn nn gzt?nhpraw miinnw La a i , he took t h e money
from my b a g ; manau, yu, t o bring t o l i g h t ; t o test,
examine, especially i n a moral sense; lndnnw isawn, to
have the " first pick."
--naw, n. T h e mouth; (poetic;) comp. n - g a p ,v. to be
talkative, loquacious; shi manaw r a w n g ai wa re az,
he is a t a l k a t i v e person,-a t a l k e r ; maznw n ruwng,
to be quiet, of f e w words; manaw ~zinghpagu, a love
song; (poetry;) s a m e a s tzchyzin ga.
-naw, n. A tadpole; see naw a n d combinations..
-nawn, o. T o b e jealous; to envy; manawn mdsham or
nldnazoa myit, n. envy, jealousy; nzaaawn n a t , a witch
(/dnti%t~z,)h a r m i n g those t h a t arouse jealousy by t h e ~ r
f a m e , beauty, prosperity, o r t h e like.
-nawn, v. T o rub; ( H k a u r i ; ) see mdnror.
-nawn, n. A variety ol g r a s s ; see sumprn.
-nawng, n. T h e mouth; ( H k a u r i ; ) see mdnaw.
-nawt, v. (from nnwt, to trip.) T o heave, wave, a s a n y -
t h i n g held by the hands; rnrinnlut Rn, to jump, dance a h
s k i p , as a child; jnw?z ilzrinnwt,to swing, as a child up
and down i n t h e arms; d74nzhpnngl the spacp
around a house; t h e childrens' play ground.
Mahpring. 429

ma no^, v. (froin nui, to hang.) To hang on to, cling to;

to be unittd. as of mind or purpose; .manoiru, a variety
of creeper or climber, also called mdnoi rlc shang;
shddung s r ~ n r zr i t , mdnoz r u shang rawt.
-nga, a. T h e numeral five; Bur. 6 1 1 ; mdnga shi, fifty;
manga ylrngLat, the five fingers or toes.
-nga, v . T o swing, shake, as a brand, causing it 'to
blaze; comp. kat~ga;wan nhtaw mdnga a.
-nga, v. (from nga, to push.) T o repel, as an attack;
anhte hjyen ~ z @e i uzanga Rail dat sdgaw ai,we drove
back (repulsed) the enemy.
-figan, v. T o bend backward; see n p n ; adv. backward;
ma d z ~mrtf~ganai, the child's neck is bent backward.
-figan, v. T o hold out, persevere; rndngan Trga, ado. u n t o
the last; u n t i l old age; see parts; ntu?zga~rn nga, belore
(his) rime; prematurely; n y wa ~ ma~rgatz ngo a r , my
father has held out u n t i l old age; nang nrangan n nga
na i d a i , you will die before your time,-by accident;
fnangan nga hkra sharz'n u .
-ngat, y . To shake; see manga and gat.
-ngu, 72. T h e lower part of the spinal chord; ngai maprga
mdchyi ai.
-ngun, a. Wages; same as mdvn, which see.
-ngal, n. A variety of much valved mushroom.
-ngai, n. The harvest season; see ~ g a i ;mangar' t a , t h e
season of the new rice; (by some the whole time of cul-
tivation, or from the time paddy is sprouting to the
end of the harvest;) n/oi 71zafzgai,the early p a r t of the
season; y i n r mangei, the latter part.
-ngawp, v. T o cover; see ntakawp.
-ngoi, v . T o sing; see. mahkawn.
-nyap, a. (from nyafl, to be soft.) Soft, moist, spongy;
comp. madi.
-pyen, n. (Irom flyen, to fly.) Wings; coup. of singkaw;
7 ? z q y e n mu nz', singhew tszc ai.
-hpan, - n. A fence; ( H k a u r i or Lahkurn;) see nltpan.
-hpat, n. Ambergris; Bur. s t u d .
-hpring, a . (from hpring, to bark.) Barking; lig. a
barker, a dog; f,z,rli/tl)ring gal; hwfzg, t h e barking dog.
Miihpraw n . ( f r o m h p r a w , to be white.) White; md-
hprnw r t , white yarn.
-ra, o. T o be o r place upon; comp. v a , 6u a n d jat/iaib*tc
htn /i mdra mat s a i l t h e boat is (aground) on the
s a n d ; Rr ntsa P m d r a da r , place it on the table; fig.
to obey; coup. of mddaf.
-ra, 18. (trom r a , t o be guilty.) Fault, g u i l t , crTminality;
corn?. ddne and yvbak; shi hta nrrira ?z izga; m a r a /a, v.
to be guilty; mdva shdgux, to blame, accuse, incrimi-
-ra, v . (froin r a , t o like.) T o befriend; mostly used as a
coup. of i?iuhku; ~ d r sdga, a adv. all you need o r want.
-ra, ndv. For t h e s a k e or good of; see lndtzb mdra.
-rain, v . (fro111 r a m , t o b e moderate.) T o delay, as a
decision, so as t o give time for fuither experiment or
1 comp. shi?tgrafvr; to test, as a d r u g ; mrt-
?ah2 masam, a n experiment; a prolongation, as of an
experiment; sdi mai wn ?za ku,r, dai ni nnw ntriranzj/*
u ,wait to day a n d se,e i f he will reco\ e r (otherwise
sacrifice tomorrow.)
-ran, a. One of t h e Jinghpaw t r i b e s ; hldrnn n'in~slratzg
nz; N m d w i R a n , Ningsha~rgR n n , I l / n yaw R a n , dif-
ferent M d r a f t families.
-ran, Y. (from Y R L , t o be apart.) T o s e p a r a t r , push 01-
s e n d away; nrdratz r a i , n. that part of a marriaoe
ceremony by which a bride is officially "separated al,

from her former life; comp. b7orzghRn hkaz; t h e bride

e n t e r i n g t h e bride-groom's house, 1s folloaped by a
priest, who repeatedly touches her head m-i t h a noose
of elephant grass saying, Mdran F a t , w d m r u chying-
hRyz hRaz, you are severed (from t h c past,) ),our (evil)
fate han s on this hook (noose.)
-rang, v . I?o provide; s e e arang; ? r r n ~ n , i sl h n , to d e p e n d ,
as old people on their children lor support: .rAt gaw
shi a Rdsha nz Ape n m d m n g shn lu a z .
r a n g flostp. or adv. Because of, by t h e means or help
o f ; through; m u n nzdvnng e hjtr7r j r t , sAiir ax1 n siiimng
e sltnn lu,by means of t h e lightning (splitting a tree)
we have fuel, by h e l p of the tiger (who did the kill-
ing) we have meat. ,
Mkang, a. (from ratzg,to fall in showers.j R ai n; ntdranx
m&fawng, a shower; nzdrang 'tr;ril, to rain inces-
santly; murang ?z-ya?n,fine rain; mdra?rg mi, o l tiqSi,
rain drops; nidravcg ~ t s i nrain-water;
, tndrnrtg hpowng,
to abate, hold up, as rain; mdrang h t u , to rain.
-rat, n. Nature, make up, constitution; gdrtr tsi h t c Liuk
no Run, tinatrg mdrat shc i.2 ai, i t depends on your
own make up, what medicine will do you good.
-rat, v. To cut with a backward stroke; see n u m ~ a t .
--re, n. A town; a large village; comp. kdhtnwng.
-re, pro#. (from rc, to be.) It, or it's, (it is;) Rda'ni l t l d r c
(Rddai m i re) nhte?t ? who may i t be: shi mdrc nhtcn,
it's probably he; nu mnre n chj~b>.
n d v . (from yen, to h e equal.) Same, e q u a l l y , just
as; see G r a m . ; ski t i z t ? t at' j 2 f ~~nyelt; just as he said;
shar adreti kdja ma a i , they ( t w o ) arc equally good;
dai h f e wore mdren r a i Bga ai, this and that are t h e
same; mdrert sha, just the s a m e .
--rag, n. A town; same as mdre, which see.
-ret, v. T o scratch, as a thorn; nhtu nkrwng htr ~ t d r e ut ,
scratch with the point of the sword; 9 z p h g a w j u hm
mdret shdhpye Rau S P a i , 1 scratched and wounded my
foot on a thorn.
-ri, v . To buy, purchase; opp. to dut; m d r i l a , to buy; see
P .
-ri, v. To mark, line, nlle; comp. mnkkrct; s?tmpnn hpe
mdri lawn nna ref m , mark (line) the cloth and cut
it; ldnryifz hte mdui #, mark with the nail; wan n-p
Rte m d r i ic.
- r ~ , rc. D e w ; comp. saiwan; ma sa kdnang n dg, kkart s a ,
mdri n Afu; mdvi RRrat, v , tr, fall, as dew;mdri nsi,
a dew-drop; m d r i pan, a rose; Bur. )frupt.
r i m 8. To be gluttonous; comp, m and nokru; ma-
rim ai wa, a glutton; shas mdrim ai skbunw, a vorac-i-
ous, (lit. gluttonous,) tiger; a term of contempt.
r i m , v. Tobe full-grown; mrtrim 7?zdngffni,0. full-grown,
of age, of stature; comp. wa-rzgan; shi ??zayim mafigam
i n , v . To be gree,dy,covetous, avaricious;,
s&i and mdrit: gu?iz@~aw mfirin ai wa, a man
greed). Lor money; ? ~ ~ nzlirzn, ;t to be selfish; to have a
s t r o n g d e s ~ i - eor appetite lor; muna~zga matu n ?nyit
hkvrz h k r a myit ?~zarznizi.
Mrii-lp, 71. One of the Kachin tGbes; Mdrip wa Gunrla.
-it 2 . T o choke; to be stifled; comp. dung; m a r i t si, to
die, as by drowning or suffocat~on;shz wan hkut marit
s i uz.
i t , v. T o desire, long for, hanker after; comp. marin;
s h i namsz mdr2't ai, he is longing for fruit; mdrit
[hying, a famous ("desirable") kind of drum; marit
si, luscious fruit; ( a k.ind of fruit mentioned in Kachin
-ru, n. A large tribe, cognate to the Jinghpawz, calling
themselves Laltg W a ; the M a r m , of which their are
several branches, originally inhabited the country
north of the N m a i rive^; some of t h e Marzcs are
called "dog-eaters," and are regarded as inferlor by
the J7zgh;baws; Miiru g a , the hZaru dialect, from
which Atsl and L a s h i have sprung; see Intioduction;
t~zarzcnaz', a potato.
-TU, a. Itch; comp. r u , j a ~ m d~r u , maclzyil and yam,
jnaru r u , v. to have the itch; maru hta, to become
virulent, as i t c h ; bdnau sha Tang maru hta wa az ah.
-rum, n. (frorll r u m , to centre.) A centre; an origln,
soul-ce, spring; comp. d d j a and madung; lasa marzel;lz,
the centre oi the tendons,-supposed to be the wrist
or the ankle; 7cya ? ~ z a ~ u m the, "centre-bone,"-the
s houlder-'blade; kdwa mrfrxm, a proge n~tor; A f ~ o t
shiltgrn glz yawtLg a ~lzhvu?nrat' fzga at.
--run, v. T o q i p , to suck, as through a straw; comp. c h y q ;
sha~~ln?z h t ~7llsz'n nzdran l'u u .
-run, u. (from rrdn, to g o by pair's.) T o have twins; shi
nza marztn nz'; n. a twin; ivzarun ?Ha nz', t h e twins; to
be s)lnonymous; go mliran n i , the words have the same
- m e a n i n g or sound.
-rung, n. T h e spine, the splnal column, the back-bone;
fig. the "backbone," the main-stay ; coup. of madung;
~ ~ z a ~ bnwtzg-dinggx
x?~g or dz'ngbaw, v. to be hump-
backed; see parts; ntliralzg 112uchyi az, to suffer from
b ac k-ache.
Marut, r n. (from r u t , to rub;) A grater; comp. l a a w r ;
mdruf r u t , o. to grate; to rub; maRru hpe mdrrrt At.
rat nna mdhkrz' hRri mzc.
a , n. A human being, a person, a n individual; mdrai
gnde r a i myit la? how marly (individuals) are you? in-
dividuality, manhood, force', strength oi character;
shi mhrai n rawnf ai, he has no personal force,
"magnetism," o r strength of character; a. manly; hu-
man; comp. ex. under jawdung;

possessing manhood strength is exuberant, desir, n,o

character pcvrer will develop.
-rau, n. T h e pine or fir; fndvau naw, pitch.
-rau, 'n. O n e of the IVhku~nfamilies.
-rau, n. Fishing by stupefying the fish by the pulp or
juice of the Gisonous dumshoior Ltaura vines; n r a ~ a ~
ru,v. to fish, pouring the narcotic pulp into the stream;
tinang silowa hka Ata e mdrau n m a i yu ai; comp.
nrau and hplrngrau.
-rau, v. To pass on, to push ahead; shi nrdnongnz a shawfrg
de mdrau ai, he went ahead of his companions; a&.
too far, too high, too much; nang Rraa at hpon nar
nzdrau ai, you are cutting t h e trees roo tar upl-
leaving 'too high stumps; shi kart marau a i l h e goes
too far; mdrau la, to go beyond what is proper or
-rau, adv. Together; see vau: mang ndraw, two corpses
i n t h e same house at the same time.
-raw. n. One of the Jinghpaw families; also called
-raw, n. T h e fates i n the form of nats, of which there
arc said to be thirty nine; comp. numyaw; an evil
genius (sin mdraw,) thc sixth born cat, ( L a iV-Yaw,)
who observes and acts upon evil r e p ~ r t sslander,
, bad
wishes, crlrses, and the like; ( a personification of
suspicion, e n v y and revenger) of these nats, who
are a kind of "recordingangels," five are esp-:(:!ally
feard, v i t . S i n rhydufoij-a% ja d.92, the nar of darkness,
the mother of them all, and the most dificult to
propitiate; Nhtum du,sa ma kdnu, and Su wa nu, sa
h f i d u , the lords of the expirin breath, the nats of
barrenness and accidents; N u maraw ra trhknw,
the nat of friendship; and Nga I z d u , 7zga hfuftg kana,
the nat of the plantain groves; the two most often
mentioned are the rkdjai mdraw a n d mcttsn ?~rdzaw,
which see; only fowls, pigs and dogs are offered to the
mdraw; maraw d a f , v. to s-immon the spirit of revenge
to afflict an enemy; mdraw kap, to be under the influ-
ence of an evil genius; mdrnw lungpu, a. the cave, the
dwelling place of the nidraw nnf; comp. bdrenLungjtr;
mdraw naZ, an evil genius; same as mdraw or sin
mrtraw; mdraw h p r , to sacrifice to the nat of friend-
ship, (LKw mavaw,) as at a family reunion or a wed-
ding; fig. a wedding; dai num hfe mdraw h j u sd ttit
has t h e woman been married? lit. have offerings been
-made (for h e r ? ) miiraw r a w , to propitiate and send
OH a mdraw; various ceremonies a r e practiced accord-
i n g to t h e nature of the case; if a n nbtum da sa wa
Ran%, f. ex. is sent off, a cinnamon tree is riddled and
studded with bullets and spikes, and a dog wound u p
in elephant grass is hung up i n t h e next tree; comp.
nhkaw hhraw.
M3rawk, v. To be bumpy; see mdehyawk.
-rawn, n. A long, extended hill, mdrawn tingpau or md-
yawn tsifitum, a long but low hill, or a protrusion of a
high hill ; cornp. razun; pndrawn bum-chyingboi and
Kawng, see parts.
-rawn, v. T o shout, to scream; cornp. g d r r ; mdrawn
shdbam, to howl, to " bawl," to shriek.
-rawng, n. T h e fates; same as mciraw, which see.
-rawng, v. (from rawfzg, to bob up.) T o project, pro-
trude, to j ~ out ~ t in different directions; mdrawng md-
chyaw~zg,to rise, as mountain tops, to branch, as twigs,
the antlers of a s t a g , or the like; n. protrusions, jut-
t i n g ~ ,tops; marawng mdrang, ~ r o t r u d i n gobjects,
as stones, pillars or posts oI ruins.
-rawp, v. T o sniff; to t a k e , as deep draughts of breath;
Rani murawp nz, to take deep draught of opium
Maoi, v. To angle; (Mkauri ;): see dawn.
-roi, n. A.poetic'name for a bee; see numroi.
-0, n. Abuse; see roi and shoi mdroi.
- n. Regret; maroi n ni, regret will not cease; comp.
-roi , Interjection, expressive of grief; ja goi mdroz I .
-sa, v. T o be sharp, biting to the taste, causing an itch-
i n g sensation; to be a c ~ dor tart, as some kinds of
fruit; comp. hduj; to h a v e the taste as of green cinna-
mon; rndsa h j u n , the cinnamon tree.
-+a, v . T o be well; see mdsan.
-Sam, v. T o prolong, as an experiment; see mctram..
-sari, v. (from san, to be clear.) T o be well, fit, sound;
also pron. mdsa; s k i hhum mdsan sd ni? is he well and
sound? to be agreeable, pleasant to eye or ear; s k i g a
a mdsan n' nga ai, his words are always pleasant;
ldyang ga a mdsan n' vt? ai.
-sang, v. T o pick up, as leavings; see mdzang; mdsaag
sha, to eat, as leavings; mdsha n i a hpang e tam m b
sang sha nngai ;
--sat, V . To mark; to sign; drc n t d s a f , to honour, to show
signs of respect, as to a chief; mdsaf m&a, n. respect,
marks of distinction; mdsat mdsa, hkungga /araD
hpaw hap ltpaw ga; masaf dingsat, a sign, a memorial;
mQsat laiha, a label.
-se, V . To clear, re-open, as an obstructed or choked up
- channel or drain; comp. Ran mace, and nna m a e ai.
--sem, v . T o be inclined, disposed, i n favour of; maser
yu, to view intently, as with intentions of procuring
i t ; m h t m cla, to have the " eye upon "; dai s u m h/rpr
s h i mnsem da wu ai,he has his eye on that womanD-
with a view to marriage.
-sen, v. (from serz, to be pointed.) T o sharpen, brieng
to a point; a. pointed, sharp, as a point; comp. n&yoz;
n. a point; kdwa nzdsen hla Ldgaw j u Rau S E ai.
-sen, n. Battens or slats placed under t h e rafters; md-
sm ngau, the " 611et," or wall-plates; mdsen daw, the
(outside) posts supporting the wall-plate; comp.
shdrem; -
masen shdkup, v. to tie on t h e slats.
Masin, n. A line, a cord, (often ticd I~amboosplits,)
stretched across a field to keep away birds; also call-
e d , wa hpg s u m r i ; mdst'n d z n ail v. to stretch the line.
-sin n. T h e liver; see sin; emotion, sensibility, temper;
~ soul ; comp. ?xyit mdsin; nzdsin n si, mdroz' 7l ni.
r n nd,
- I ) ggdun, v. T o be irritable; see myit gddum.
- I gahta, o. T o be quick-tempered; lit. of " brittle

- P I l a , v. T o be firm; a . unemotinal, without feeling.
- I f kawp, v. To be appeased; see parts.
kahpra, v. T o be i n fear, distress; see parts.
- ) I miichyi, n. Liver-complaint or indigestion; v. to
be offended; comp. myit mdchyi ai.
- J nuk, v. T o be stoical, imperturbable, indifferent,

as to danger.
- ,I nshang, v. T o be of violent, incontrol.lable temper.
- I* pawt, v. T o be angry; to show temper; see pawl.
- ,, rawt, v. T o be aroused, as temper or feeling.
- salum, n. T h e mind;(rare;) lit. liver and heart.
- 99

9 9- htinggawt, n. The diaphragm (?)lit. the " Iiver-

@ t

brim ; mbsin hti~zggnwtmlichyi ai.

-sing, v . To mark; mds* fawn, to mark, as timber for
s a w i n g ; n. a mark; sign, trace, as after a former en-
graving; comp. mdsal; shawng'e mdsing tawpt nna rtl u .
-sit, v. To comb; to rake, to harrow; n. a harrow; a rake,
(rare ;) comp. jenghkyeng and j a s i .
-sit, n. A kind of fungus growing on trees; mbsz't mdsei,
same; masit mdsai, Ma Gam a Rdwa sha n mat'.
-su , v.(frotnsu, to dissemble.) T o l i e ; t o f e i g n , topre-
tend; comp. hp9awj; nang mdszl ndai, you lie; shi mo-
chyi masw ai, he is feigning sickness; masu ai w a , a
liar; mdsg ndum, a deceiver; lit. a "lying bottle."
-sum, a. T h e numeral three; see sum; vttiszvz P Y P ~aZ ,
linear measure equal to t h e width of three fingers.
--sun, a. A mi clge.
-sun, n. A narrow path; also pron. stlnzsur.
--sun, v . T o pilfer; to practise petty theft, as a shop-
1if ter; comp. /dga:s k i Ldmn mz masgn gz(n 71% n?
-sup, v. T o inhale, as odour or gas; conlp. nzdrau:p. J ~ I I
ga scth mdsarj izna mahyz ai.
Masu:, n. A nurse.; one who cares for children; n.a d s u l
a /u az' mdjaw amu r ga/aw /u.
-sai. v . T o be Ioolish, weak of intellect, v o ~ dof judg-
ment or discretion; cornp. mdna; ma;nz marai, same;
;rrt&sazmdraz re at wa, a foolish man.
-sai, v . T o be improving, to grow b e t t e r , a-s during an
illness; daz ni Lot mz mdsai v a saz, he is a little better
to day; nrdsaz sumtu, n. health, or t h e way, or secret of
health; shz mdsai s m t z l Cam, mat' nlljanf b t am.
-sawm, Y. T o gather up and remove as waste-paper,
rubbish,or the like; maisazl h t ~ h r i n ushai;lzw
~ mdsawm
Razc mzc.
-sawn, n. A bamboo spike sharpened at bcth ends,
driven into a path by raiders to prevent pusuance;
mdsawn lung,to force the spike, as into road; comp.
rawf; linang mdsawn Ltrt ju ai, he is lacerated by his
own spikes; a caltrop.
-sawn, a d v . Beside; by; at the edge or borderof; close
to; comp. makau;
K d h ~ umdsawn t nga, kdnar rndscwln r Bra.
-sawp, v. Tostroke, pat, rub gently, as when soothing a
child; cornp. gumhp;dk; mdsawp masin, same; ma nz
hpe mdsawj m4ssin d i ~ r .
-sha, n. A human being, a man; shimggyrm mdslra, a
person; masha kdsha ni, the *children of men, h; inan-
i t y , a stranger, see mdshzc; a. h u m a n ; protr. other;
masha nzcm, an other man's wife; mdshn rai, other
people's property; ma @dga mdsha m d r a ; m&ha
chyawoi, a "wild man"; see chydwoz; mdsha wt, the
guardian house nat; same as g u ~ g u t z ;mdsira ai,the
household nats; mdska n i hpe hjrr~gdxtrr m d i *a.
-sham, n. F a ~ t hsee ; maham.
-shang, n. A human being; (Hkauri;) same as n d s h a .
-shang, =.(from shang, to enter.) T h e village entrance;
the "sacred grove" or place at the entrance of a
v ~ l l a g ededicated
, to the natsof the chief where the
whole community offer half-yearly sacrifices before
and after harvest, and special offerings when visited
by public calamities such as war, drought, pestilence,
cattle-disease or famine ; also pron. ntlmshang; camp,
Pyeng; mdshang dung, n. to m a k e a dernonstratlon
before an unfriendly village, as i n the case of a
blood-feud; the attacking party takes possession of
the "grove," they drive pegs into the ground vowlnq
to tie a pig or cow to each one before they leav;,
they kill fowls and in every way make themselves
object~onableattempting to force a speedy settlement;
n d r h a ~ gshctrawf, to "arouse" the nats of the chief;
to sacrifice and invoke the tribal nats, as w h e n
reparing for war; mltshang wa, the small open
$use or shed at a mdshnng:
Matsaw slrt gan nang pyevg i hdjai na myi/ ni9
Numshang ma 2 gdlaz' na myit ni?
A, nang k e n 8 n kdjai, mdshang 2 n gdfai law.
Mrshat, n. A4igurative name for a food basket (comp.
J a f , ) or a woman's basket; see shingnoi:
Hkinjawng wa ARringlai mdsha la mdshaf gun u ,
Hflunglum la Apungli, mdsha num shingmz gun u.
-she, n. T h e fork of a road, or a crossing of several
roads; also pron. rormshe; coup. ~lumbraw,which see :
Nang mdlsaw numbraw klflrmn ai nga ma az.
Nang ntsang numshe hkrum az nga ma ai.
-phi, a. The waist, t h e loins, the small of the b a c k ;
mdshi mdchyi, to suffer back-ache; n. back-ache; mdshi
Rdbrn and mdshi dznghkra, see parts.
-shu, n. A stranger;only used i n poetry as a coup.of
mdsha, and mostly applied to the "shades" i n " Hades"
(kdfsan ga,) of other tribes than Kachins; Ldngni
mdshe mrtsha mdshe, lbhkawng mlishe mash% mdske.
-shu, n. Mould, mildew; mashu idmu, same; mdshu /dnzu
muf a i o r t u a i , v . to be moulded, mildewed.
-shun, v. T o snatch, to take hold of everything within
reach, a s a child; also pron. nhmshun; comp. mdsun.
-shun, n. An altar; only used as a coup. of Akungvr.
Mashut, v . T o thrust, as a fire-brand towards an opponent,
or one's own hand into a fire, denoting extreme a n g e r ;
mashut bang, to thrust, as the hand into the fire; wan
mdshut l u , to thrust a brand, as before an enemy.
-shawn, v T o lead, to be first; see shawn; also pron.
numrhawn; mdshawn dc, adv. first, ahead; nang shawng
mdskawn de sa u.
--shawt, to. A sheath; coup. of n-ga; mdshawt n - p hie shd-
lam hpyengchyz sumhti rc law; the jaw, coup. of nhRa;
mdshawt nhka hRam jam; a kind of nat; P u n g md-
shawt 1%n2 r , Matsaw hkungga yai na law.
-ta, v . To litk, lap, as a dog; comp. fa and srl; mdla Iu,
to lap; mdta sha, to lick, as a plate.
a , a. Even, level; only used as a coup. of neng in re-
li gious poetry:
Neng Rayan n'nga ga, mdla Rdhpyan sa wa ga.
-tan, v . To suffer from heart-burn; n. heart-burn; nbaw
shat Ale mlihkrz sha yang mdtan at.
-tan, v. To curse, dare," challenge", as a hunter a tiger;
(by curslng a tiger the animal will become bold, a n d
s h o w ~ n ghis d a r ~ n gor spite will approach the hunter,
thus falling an easy prey;) ga yam at mdsha shdraw
hpe mdlan ic.
-tang, v . To observe, ascertain and thus to decide; nga
kddat dut na Run tam matang y u mu, o and find out
who has c a t l e for sale; to be d e c i d e 8 determined,
resolved; nta gcilaw nza ngu nna matang da we ai.
-tang, n. The throat; (poetic;) s6e mdyu and yawp.
-te, adv. Even, at this time; see te; ya du mctte n c h ~ r
ail he does not know even now.
-te tawk, n. A kind of acorn; the seed of the gilrsa tree.
-ten, ta. Time; see ten; a. present; maten ya kte, the
present time; the "now"; mdlrn dai nzng, the present
-tep, v . T o pinch, as with pinchers; to fasten, secure,
as between two pieces of timber; to be squeezed,
jammed, as a limb; to b u n w a k e u i -gw
shot n a i mdtrp u; k a l e p matea, -age.
-tet, v. To be near a fire; see R d t ~ f .
Mati, n. A mushroom, a toad-stool; cc-np. t i and Ram*;
cAyinswang nzdti,a poetic name for a mushroom; some
of the. varieties as named by t h e Kachins are, d n p
m d f i ; Kb/ang nzdlz,shagan m d t i , and mdkawh mdli.
-tin, u. To be blunt, dull, as t h e point of a sword, qoad,
awl, or t h e like; nhkyi ltkrung nzdtin mat sai.
-tin, v . T o push back t h e prepuce; also pron. numtin.
-ting, n. The place in a house where the water is kept;
see hiingnat.
-tu, n. An e n d , extremity, t ~ p ,point; comp. nkurng,
d u n g and nchyan; ldyung mdfu, the finger's end; / d d i
matu, the tip of the nose; a d v . when, at the point o f ,
a t the moment of; dingla mdlu na?n l a ai, he married
when getting old; s i matr ga m d a t isun, he spoke
(made his w ~ l l )at t h e moment of dyrng; lu maiu na
hprcnggun d a w a i , the trap-spring breaks at the mo-
ment of closing;-fig. almost, t u t just missing it; md-
lu d i m , v. to cover, overlay, finish off, as an edge, rim,
or t h e like; ga mdtu dim a i l to have the last word;
mdfu gddoi, t o circumcise; mdlu m d r a , n. issue, of[-
spring, descendants; mdtu mara la-kra and Alum,
see parts; ngai si tzk' nyi. matrc nrara nga a i .
-tu, flostp. For, in behalf of; see Gram.; na n matu, for
you; m d f u mdva, for, i n behalf of, for the s a k e of;
(Hkauri, Kamhtaw; Hkahku, uman;) oomp. gawp; na
mdtzr luza'ra nla gdlaw ga ai.
-turn, r. A kind of fungus.
-tun, v. To show; see mddun.
-tung, n. A variety of prickly plant.
-tut, v. To connect, join, link; see f u t ; sumri mdtu
n r d t ~ t to
; mediate, arbitrate, as be: .veen belligerents;
t o summon, as to a family reunion, to call fellow tribes-
men, as to arms; mdjan baw na nga nna Rd.hp?r Rdnau
matat nza a i ; mdlul mdnoi, adv. successively, i n order.
-tut, n. New paddy from three to six inches high; fig.
the growth or coming up, as of paddy; comp. shdltlt;
mam mdtztt tsawm ai, the new paddy is promising, or
is (coming) beautifully; a figurative name for the
beard; see ni~gmtln.
MUsu n. 4 4
Matai, n. (from t a i l to avenge.) Vengeance, punish-
ment, revenge; comp. mddawng; mdlai dawp--#up and
htang, see parts; mdtai w a , an avenger.
-taw tek, n. A kind of acorn; same as mdle taw&.
-tam, v. T o throw up; see mddawn.
-tawt, v. T o stump the foot or toe; ( H k a x r i ; ) see =At*.
-tsa, v. T o swear, to curse; to use prolane language;
cornp. ddgam; mdlsa mdwa, same; n. swearing, cursing;
mdlsa mdunw, the nat (see m d r a w , ) that effectuates or
is executing a curse; mdtsa shdnam, a variety oi (wild)
oinger offered to the nat of imprecations; 7)zdlra y a m ,
v. to be effective, as a curse or malediction; vzdtsa yam
a i wa, a man whose cursing is always effective.
-tsan, v . T o be poor, destitute, helpless; mdtsan mdyan,
same; n. poverty, misery, dist.-ess; mdtsan a i wa, a
poor, helpless, miserable being; mdtsna durn, v. to have
pity, or compassion; to sympathize; see parts.
-&at, v. T o loathe, despise, detest, abhor; mdtsat skd6at,
a. foul, filthy, disgusting, nasty; n. foulness, refuse,
dirt, anything d i s ~ u s t i n g ;shdraw shdn hpc ml~rsat
nngai, I loathe tiger s meat; mdlsaL shdbat re ai wa, a
filthy, disgusting person; mdlsat shddat h h a i hkvai,
nothing but filth.
-bat a . T h e numeral eight; mdlsat shi, eighty; mdtsat
tsa, eight hundred.
-tse, v. T o be wild, fierce, ferocious; cornp. mizen; a.
wild, etc.; mdlse [&ye, wild, ferocious animals, such as
the carnivora; cornp. a s h ashan.
-tsi, n. Leaven, yeast; mdtsz tsa Aka, a kind of malted
rice; see isa.
-tsing, v . T o notice, mark, note; to keep or have i n
mind; to remember, as a road or a lesson; comp, darn;
lam mdtsing d a nu n i ? do you remember the road ?
matsing da, to note down; mdtsing laika, a note-book;
mdtsi~zgshd/rpart, an account; a memorandum.
-tsuk, v. T o be of heavy, generous g r o w t h , as the beard;
see isah; n-@ nmun mdtsuk az.
-tsun, n. (from isun, to speak.) A word, czmmand; a
will, a testament; cornp. mlfdat; wa s i y a n g , gt? mdlsan
tsun n i a i l when father died he expressed his will to
me; mdtsun mdroi, sayings, traditions; shi ji wa ni u
mdts%n md voi chye ma ai.
Matsun, n. T h e terminal leaf, scape or spike of a plant,
. being as it were an extension of the paienchyma.

-tsung, v. T o teem; see tstcng and kdtsung.

-tsut, v. T o stop, "cork," as a bottle; n. a stopper; comp.
tsut; to be choked, (lit. "stopped,") because of
over-growth; comp. ding; mam nau mdtsut a i nRalc mi
baw kazc mu.
-tsaw, n. (from tsaw, to be high.) T h e upper regions;
mdtsaw g a , t h e celestial heights; cornp. nfsang ga;
mdtsaw nat, the celestial nat, (ma, sinlap and by
some the mddai;) mdlsazu Rrang, an altar for the
mdtsaw nat :
Htaw mdtsaw gu Akrang La, ntsnng ga wang k.
-tsSwi, n. P u s ; mdtsdwi ldhkawn na, to suppurate, gener-
ate pus; shdbrdwi mdtsriwi ldhRawn nna mdchyi ai.
-tsSwi, n. T h e native burr-oak; also called ginsa.
-hta, v. (from itla, to pick up.) T o cling with fond-
\ ness, as to home or parents; to show preference, option,
choice; d a i nta shi mdhta shdra rai 7tga ai, this house
is (the place of) his choice.
-htan, v. T o survey set apart and designate, as a
piece of land; to engage, put under a pledge; mdhtan
daw, a boundary post, a land->lark; mdhtanda ainum,
a betrothed woman. *

-htan, v. T o impale, as the head of a robber;'drtmya

baw hpe shdwa rummaw d md/Ltanda u .
-htang, n. A kind of tree.
-htang, pron. or adversative conj.; which, that, but, on
the other hand, as dependent on the leading word;
comp. chyawm; (often untranslatable;) gdra mdhkng,
which one ? nang mehtang sa na Run ? is it you that
will g o ? naai ntdhtang /a w , (but) take this; dai ma
faji mcthtang t m w m ai, the small child (on the other
hand) is p r e t t y ; shanhta c h y ~ma a i , nanhtt mdhtang n
rhyd m ~ $ dai
Mshtat, n. Indigo; aail; mdhlat gang, a dark blue dye;
mdhtat lap, leaves of the indigo plant from which the
dye is prepared; also called Ldchyut.
-htek, a. A variety of nettle; also pron. ldlrtek; comp.
o h t i , v. T o pinch with the nails: comp. mdtej and ma-
-, clryin; m d b i l a , to take by pinches.
-htu, a. One of the Hpawla families.
-htum, n. A roof-sha ed tiger trap, with two apartments,
made of stout po es driven securely into the ground;
i n the smaller room a dog or a pig is placed to attract
the game which enters the larger apartment from
the opposite end and is caught by the fall-trap door;
mdhtum Ram, u. to eptrap with the fallitrap; ngaishd-
r a w mdhtam hum ai
-htum, v. To be uneven, some long and some short;
comp. dinghlum; mcthtum mdiawt, a . uneven, not of the
same length; nga# ntdhtun m d ~ a w di l nna hkum lawn.
-htut, v. T o haveea severe dry cough, often attended
by blood spitting; comp. jdhkrrr; w a w shang nna mdyr
mdhtzlt ai.
o h t a w , v. T o spit, expectorate; comp. p m t ; mdyerc
htaw b r a , to spit on, to cover with spittle; see parts.
-htaw, n. A kind of fungus; a sponge; by same pron.
-htaw, n. (from h k w , above.) A pinnacle, a summit; a.
high, elevated; mlthtaw nchyrtn, the h i g h
-htas, v. To be gathered or crowded togetf aebrl;e dumsw
ni shdra sha mdhtaw nga ma ai.
-htavrng, n. A fungus; see m ~ h t a w .
-htawng, n. The unfilled part of the warp at the end of
a web; mdhtawng daw, the fringed ends of a web
when cut irom the loom.
-wa, n. A Chinaman; also pron. M i w a ; M d w u ga,
Chinese; Mdzva wrung, China.
-wa, a. Priceless; coup. of zzntcfnu,which see; only used
i n poetry.
-warn, a. (from worn, to dare.) Delicate, questionable;
nrdwam mddam, t t . delicate subjects; nnu a man &
mdwam mddam hkum Iszcn.
Miivran, fa. Medicine; the poetic name for isi.
-wat, n. A basket; o ~ l l yfound i n poetry; comp. masha/;
muwnt noi ji /ria bang 26.
-wai, v. T o rescue, save; comp. Itkye; bawirg dwltg a i nz
hpr mdwai /a ntu.
-wau, n. A kind of very acid fruit, resembling a n apple;
mdwuu sigrai Rtri ai.
-ya, v. To masticate, to chew; m d h l mdya, to chew to-
-ya, n. Red-pepper; see mdyang.
-yam, n. (from yam, to enslave.) A slave; m d j a m dap,
a couple of slaves ( a family,) given as a part of a
marriage dowry; dil ni num la yang mdyam dap mi
bang ma ai.
-yan, n. Small winged insects; mayan sawng ai; see md-
chyi mdyan.
-yan, n. (from y a n , to be long.) A length; a row, a line,
as of houses along a street; LdAtaw ntbyan, the length,
extension, of the Lghtaw district; Manmaw mdyan
gralt r a i ga u a ga ai, we passed the whole length of
Bhamo (town or district.)
-yang, n. Red-pepper; also pron. maya; comp. ntdjap;
(mostly Northern usage.)
-yang, v. T o bury; see mudoi.
-yat, a. T o increase, multiply; pzgyat mdya, to breed,
bear, bring forth, as children or youilg in a prolific
manner; mayat wa, n. a father of a large progeny.
--yat, adv. Just now; a corruption of myi yat.
--yen, H. Silver-leaf, tin-foil,
--yen, n. A kind of banyan; (the Ficlcs glomerala *)
-yen, n, Saliva, spittle; ~~zbycycn nzahtaw, u. to spit; mdyen
#rat,'to expectorate, LO eject the spittle; mdyen sap,
to spit in t h e hands, as w h e u working.
-yen, r. T h e smaller part, portion, share, when a divi-
sion is made; opp. to ntu/lzw; nzayen mdga, the smaller
side, part or numbers; nzaytn de,the few;malaw de sa
mu, mdyen dc nga nzu, let rhe many go and the few
-yu, u. To wish, have an inclination for; tnostly used as a
verbal *optative seldom as a principle verb; ~ m p .
Ram; nnng gdlaw mdyu rz n i do you wish to do i t ?
s h i n sha mdyu a i , he does not wish to eat; a.common,
ordinary; see y u ; mdjll*s i ni, the natural way of
dying, opp. to /lira si; nzi2ljyu ga, common, everyday
speech, opp. to nnl or srtlanq ga; gizdyu mdyyn ni, the
common people; adv. just bccause, because it pleases;
cornp. majoi; s k i m d y r a d u n f nga az, he is sitting be-
cause so inclined,--without thought or purpose; kyin
a i skdta r mdyu hRum rai ~ n ~ do i t ,not he so indiffer-
ent during the busy season; nznyu la dik, a&. i n a
fitful, self-willed, lawless, ov(.rbearing, arbitrary man-
ner; comp. ginggang and La dik; sLi ngai hpe mdyu lo
d i k t? gdmai ai.
Mayu, n. The throat, including the gullet, larynx and
windpipe; cornp. ja'hkraw, yr and Bur. q[; V . to swal-
low; cornp. mdwt; mdya dnt u , swallow it; (the Kachins
think that water enters the windpipe into t h e lungs,'
while solid food goes down the esophagus;) m~tyai
Rdsa, to wheeze; mdyu kran)?, to be hoarse; see parts.
-yu, n. Growing paddy; see ;nrifut; mdyu moi, v. to sacri-
fice in order to insure g o d crops;nldj~umdgang, to weed,
as half-growq paddy; see parts; smyu l a , the paddy
growing season; m ~ i y ann, the time for the nrctylr moi.
-yu, n. A kind of feud; same as slcmmi, which see.
-yu, n. A wife's relations; ~zhy24ni, all the members (re-
lations,) of a wife's family or clan; mdyw dama nt,
intermarriageable families; see parts; mdytyr nt @u
b u n ma ai, dama n i bag gun ma ai, the wife's rela-
tives determine t h e dowry, the mans' carry the gong,
-pay the price; mdyu nrdli, the wife's relatives; ma-
yu Lkin-gau shliticm, to obtain easy terms, as when set-
tling the price of a bride; rnd3,a s l a w , to e n t e r into
marriage relations with a new family or clan.
-yun, v . T o go on the sly, to act i n secret; cornp. lcigyim;
adv. slyly, secretly, i n a concealed manner; mdyun
mdyazu, slyly and i n a prying manner; mdyun n&, a
kind of witch, (nat;) comp. ldmr/?z and hfyi.
-yut, v . T o strip, as leaves or heads of grain, as an ele-
phant; to have a griping sensation, as of cramp; Ben
ndyrl mdchyi ai.
446 Ma yaw.
Mayaw, n. A house-hold; coup. of hiinggaw.
-yawm, v. (from yawnr, to be funnel-shaped.) T o be
tapering, cone or cigar-shaped; to roll into such shape:
comp. Akayawm.
-yawn, v. (from y a w l , to be ovate.) T o be i n t h e shape
of a bud; to join the hands, as the Burtnans, while
praying; to wrap or roll up, as a small packet of dried
fish or the like; comp. kdyawp, mlijnw and makat; yu
mdyawn, nga ntdyuwn daw sai.
-yawng, v . (from yawng, to face.) To t u r n t h e face to-
ward; fig. to perform t h e hnal funeral rites; same as
mang mdkoz; mdyamng ngu, the cattle offered at the
occasion; nwa h f e gdoi nadyaw~gna n i n ?
--yawng, adv.(from yawng, all.) No, n o t h i n g at all; nta
mltynwng n nga sat, there is no house,-nothing
worthy of the name; sha nu mri;;awvzg 11 7iga sat, there
is nothing at all to eat.
-yoi, v. T o sharpen, bring to a paint; kdwa mdyoi la nna
jinghkym U.
-za, n. A small worm infesting g r a i n ; comp. Idlung.
-za, n. Cinnamon; also pron. ~ z C ~ S C which
, seee.
-ra, u. T o fill, as with dirt, refuse or rubbish; cornp. za
and #&a; n. dirt, filth, rubbish, sweepings; mdza ai'
ye Rag mu, sweep out the dirt.
-zang, v. To rehash, as leavin s at a feast; comp. m&
sang; to select the good an throw away the useless;
a d t r shar tam mdzang ska ga; to pick up and re-
model, as old discarded clothing or the l i k e ; sltingnoz,
?&Attar hte jdlawng m d i a z g la a t ; to polish pr "brush
up," as anything Lor a long time neglected:
-zen , v. (from zen, to be sharp.) To (be cruel, ,. brut]&,
savage; cornp. mdfse.
-=PI v . (f rom z e j , to be rough.) To be (rough, frowzy ,
shaggy, as fur, beard or- the li kc; comp. nzdzrct, tsap
mun m d z e j ai.
--zep, I. A species of fungus; also, brake.
-21, n. A stick i n the shape of a knitting needle used
i n certain kind of games; comp. h j a t ii.
-zing, v. To keep, as t h ngs ~ for some one else; nye araa
rn&%ngda y a t , put a w a y my things for keeplng; to
arrange, prepare as food, lodging or the like for an
expected party; to provide, lay i n stock, as clothing
for children.
Mazuk, c. (from zuR, to be overgrown.) To be filled,
covered, as a floor with rubbish; mdzzck mdzak, rub-
bish; comp. R~cAukRdshab; fig. disorder, confusion.
---zum, v. (from zum, to go i n pair's.) To be closely
associated with; Rctnawn .mdzivrn ai, to be on intimate
and familiar terms; sang ngai Lle nrrtzrcm ga.
--zup, R. (from zup, to congregate.) A confluence, a
junction, as of two or more streams; v. to form, as a
t , v. To be rugged, cragged, rough, lull of asperities;
comp. mdzej; bzc mrtzzlt ai, to be rude, harsh, cruel.
--raurng, v. To inter, inhume; (disrespectful, if said of
an old person;)' to bury, as a plague-stricken person;
si ni wn h j e m d z a w g Raa mu.
-zawi, n. A chiprnuik; a variety of Tamias (ystert.
MI aw, adv. Yes; cornp. nma and see Gram.
Mya, 92. An emerald; Bur. Q.
Mya, v. T o be torn, ragged; derv. a m p , chydmyu and
-mya, a. Torn,rent, ragged, tattered; cdmp. myrng and
ashep asha); h f a n pdawng mya mya n ai.
Myam, v. To be shaggy, tangled, as long hair; derv.
ldmyam; cornp. zem and mdzep.
-myam, a. TangIed, as hair; baw myam myam re ai.
hlyan, v. To be elastic; comp. Afun; to stretch, as rubber.
-myan, a. Elastic, ductile or contracting.
Myang, v. To be torn; same as myrz, which see.
hlyap, v. To be indistinct, as from a long distance.
-myap, a. Indistinct; adv. indistinctly, obscurely; wan
mjap myap re ai, a faint light.
Myat, v. To gain, make a profit, as by trading; derv.
amjat; shi ltpaga myat sai.
Mye, v . To be lost, gone, vanished; cornp. mat; mdyal
nga ai, ya mye r a i sai; n. trouble, loss; u RnsAa hje nga
yang, u-hdntr a mye, chicks are the hen's trouble.
Mye, v. To repair, as an old road, a watch or machine;
cornp. ldjang; to mediate, act as peace-maker or g e
between; to settle, as an old feud by arbitration.; s/lonq
hte a hka /a mye sa ni?
Mye, v . T o pass off, as into s l e e p p e e myen.
Myek, n . A fish-hook; comp. ~ g amyth, lnmyzt and Bur.
d8 9 3 8 .
Myek-yoi, n. A beryl (?)Bur. +b.
Myem, v . T o be light, as unfilled grain; derv. nnL3trn; to
be only half-opend, as the eyes.
-myem, a. Light, as grain; half-opened, as the eyes,
Myen, v. To pass, fall off, as into sleep or a swoon to
gradually lose consciousness; also pron. ntye; comp.
myit nawng.
Myen, v . T o work steadily, without interruption; corny.
Bur. @P.
-myen, adv. Col~i~nuously, without interruption; skdni
skiigzt myen wyen a giilaw Hga mzl.
Myen, v. T o hang, suspend, as a ba ; comp. @ye; t z q -
san wyen di a,let the bag hang down the side.)
Myen, v . T o bend and wave, as grain before the wind.
-myen adz. I n a waving manner; ndlcng brngyang hpan
da mycn myen re ai.
Myen, A. A Burman; also pron. Man o r Myin; Chinese,
Mien; Myen ga, Burmese; Myen wung, Burma.
Myeng, n. A kind of beetle.
-hkam, n. T h e green beetle, (lit. the golden beetle,)
worn as an ornament.
-seng, n. The "precious beetle"; a variety of the same
Myet, n. A two anna bit; (Shan;) see mr.
Myet, v . T o fall into a light early sleep; to doze.
o m y e t , adv. In a d o z ~ n g ,drowsy, half-sleepy manner;
ngai myst myet sAa naw ~ g yang a shi bai jds% a& he
woke me again just as I was dozing off.
Myet, v . T o be pressed or pinned down, as by hand or
foot; derv. Rdmyet; v e t di,to pin down, to hold down;
sht ngaz Ape Cagaw h l ~ nzyet Y& az he held me down
with h ~ foot.
M ~ I , Verbal particle; same as m2.
Myi kunglau.
My1 adv. Ago; some time ago, a while ago; shz myi lai
sat he passed a while ago; before, previously; myi
shanhtt?graz (?I nza a i , ya mlilsan md sai, formerly they
were well off, now they are poor.
-myi, adu. Some time ago; quite a while ago; shi myz
myi w a du r a ai, he came quite a while ago.
-na, adv. Long ago, ages gone, i n times past; d a i gaw
m y i na jz wa ni a LRai a i h p r n
-sha, adv. Just now, only a moment ago; s h i m y i s h a du
-yat, adv. Just now, a moment ago; myi yat sha, only a
moment ago or since-; shz myz yat nga ai, he was here
a moment ago; comp.yat and mayat.
Myi, n. Lightning; fire; comp. Bur. 9 8 ; only used in com-
-hprap, nh (from Aprap, to flash.) Lightning; myi-
hprlrp h p ~ ai, b it .is lightning; myirtlprap gdla-gttfam
- g a s h i .anh Rdprap, see parts.
-tung, n. One of the M d r i j families.
-htan t u n. A fire-fly; myihtan fugdshoi ai, v . to make a
display, as fire-flies; fig. to see " fire-flies " (sparks,
" stars",) as when severely hit in the head; bow /eta
h j u n hkra nna myihlan trc she gaAoi wa ai.
Myi, a. The eye; comp. Bur. +8.
d a w , v . (from Jaw, to burst.) T o 'hurt the eye; m y i
baw Zdta daw.
-chyin, n. A klnd of contageous eye-disease; comp. md-
-da, v. (from da, to be cross-wise.) T o be cross-eyed or
squ I nt-eye d.
-di , v. To close, shut the eyes; myi di Zdhpang, see id-
-gup, v. (trom gz~p,to cover.) To look down-ward, as
when angry or ashamed; myi gup gap ~a a i wa gyaq
r Rdja; ?n. a kind of stinging insect, somewhat larger
than the sand-fly.
-grip, v. To blink*; see parts.
gkunglau, v . To wink,
Myikaw, a. (from haw, to be arched.) T h e arch over
the eye; the brow; comp. htangrang; mynyikaw man, the
e ye-brow.
-kret, v. To be blear-eyed.
-kyaw, v . T o be blind; comp. &yaw and myi htefr.
-hka, n. T h e cavity of the eye.
-hkyi, n. Discharge or dirt of the eye; see parts.
-hkyawk, v. (from AkyawR, to be depressed.) T o be
hollow, sun ken, as the eyes from illness; also called
myt sung at 7

-lat, v . T o blink, as when looking at the sun.

-1e n. (from lee, to turn.) A hallucination; my2e /e, v .
to have a hallucination, or an optical illusion; nat nt
shi /tpe myJe l e Rau ya ai, the nats deceived him
with an illusion; to turn the white of the eye, a s i n
fright; to roll the eyes.
-li, n. The common eye disease;. see 2.; myiCi r'i ai,to
suffer from the disease.
-mam, v . To be blurred, " running together"; see mam.
-man, n. T h e face or countenance; see man; myi mavz
pa, to gain recognition; to obtain or come into
favour; myi man sum, to be out of favour; to have lost,
as standing or influence; to "lose face;" to be deject-
e d ; myr man Lfap,. to be i n favour; see parts; myi mats
hfen, to blush; to show shame or a sense of guilt; myi
m a n kfat ai,see map ktat ai.
-mu, v. T o see; myin mr,to be blind, or not able to see;.
my2 n mzl a i wa, a blind man.
-mun, n. The eye-lashes; see parts.
-mun, v. To scowl; to look at with suspicion; see man.
-mut, v. (from m r f , to be dark.) To be of weak or
defective sight.
-mau, v: To turn the eyes away from, as i n disgust; see
-my$ v . T o have the eyes half shut; shi myi, myz my; re
az wa.
-pai, , v . To be cross-eyed; see f a i and myt da.
-pau, n. An eye disease attacking fowls; myzjau pau
ai, v. to swell as the eyes from the disease; see parts.
-pra, v. To look up, as when startled; see parts
Myik myik.
Myi pri, n. Tears; see next.
-.-praiwi , n. Tears; also pron. myi prz; myz )vdwz' P y a , v. to
shed or flow, as tears.
-hpraw, n. T h e white of the eye; m y i h p r a w g d a a a i , v .to
turn the white of the eye, as a dying person; fig. to die.
-hpyi, n. T h e eye-lid; see
-Sam, v. T o be able to see ar;f a . far-sighted; see sam.
-set, n. Spectacles; myisef set .ai, v. to wear spectacles;
see set.
-sai da, v. (from sai, to smile.) T o give a favourable
impression, as at first sight; ngai shi htr m y ' sai da
h f uR go ai.
s h a , n. T h e pupil; lit. the child of the eye.
-turn, n. The iris; see parts:
-htan, a. (from Ltan, to respond.) A find; myihtan ja,
a reward for returning anything found; myihtas ja
jaw, v. to give the reward; mat a i a r a i mu a i mdjaw
nzyihtan ja ltl az.
-hten, v. T o be blind; see parts, and comp. myi byow
and myz n mu.
-htau, a. A cataract of the eye,
--htoi, n. (from ktoi, to be light.) A nat-prophet; a seer;
lit. the one with the enlightened eye; i n poetry.called
nat lahkum, a nat's chair; ( a prophet is never buried
before the seventh day for fear that he is not really
dead, but only on a journey to the nat country;)'myi-
Itoz ga, the figurative language used by a prophet
when interpreting the will of the nats; myzhfot'gztrsat,
or hkvzngsat, see ginsat, nzyihtoz mrtun, see mdun;
myihtoz shtlng, v to be i n prophetic ecstacy or inspir-
ation; see shang; myl%toz'shbyu, to summon a prophet,
as i n special emergencies; myiktoz Afoi, to be inspired,
as a prophet; to obtain and transmit information from
the mu's; to prophesy.
-yu, ZJ T o see. look, behold; n. a looking-glass; comp.
pat and lamna.
Myik, v. T o be confused; comp. maR.
-myik, a. or adv. Confused; disconcerted; wild, as with
head-ache, pain or the like; nye a 6aw my& myik nga
hkra ~ m ~ hat. yi
Myin, n. A Burman; see A,Zyen.
Myin, v. T o be naked; poettc coup. of Rrzn.
Myin, u. T o edge, to hem, as a garment; derv. ddmyzn and
Rdmyrn; 72. an e d g e , a hem; p d l a w g myzn u .
Myin, v . T o be rlpe, as frult; comp. Rung and Bur. g&;
nam st gdraz n myzn a t , the fruit is not yet ripe; myin
wa ai, to rlpen; myzn Zaz az, to be over-ripe.
Mying, v. To name; derv. amyzng; n. a name; mostly so
i n composition.
-dang, v. T o g-ive, as an honourary name; to formally
recognize as i n authority; see amyzng dang and dang;
n. an honourary name d e n o t ~ n gauthority or excel-
lency; some of the following are the most common: Bu
dan, conspicuous leader; B u ging, worthy officer; Bu
h t ~ , a g g s e s s ~ chief
v e ; B u nin, pushing cornmander;Baw
mrng, head of the country; K y a j seng, precious rupee;
]ax Rang, chief steward; HRam &at, old carrier
S,, n. (from dung, to be upmost.) * T e first and re-
gular name given according to the order of birth;
these are, males: Cam, Naw, L a Tu, Tang, Yaw,
H k a , Roi, Yun, Kyzng and Kyzng Nang; females:
Raw, La, Ror, H t u , Kaz, HRa, Prz Y~cnand Kytng;
comp. Ma Cam, etc.
-hkawt, n. A nick-name; see ARawt and amyzng sang.
-mying, v. T o bear a good or renowned name; to be
celebrated; ngai myzng mying a t num la na ~ n g a i .
-ns,ang, .n.A great, honourable name; a name per st;
d u nz a mying nsan.g,ltRungga ma2 az; see nzngsang.
Myit, Verbal particle, second per. plur.; see Gram.; myit
.dai, .same; nanhtr grilaw myit daz, you are doing it;
nankte r a i myit ni.? is it you? g d a w myzt yanggaw, i f
you (ye,) do it; hRum rai myit, don't you do it.
Myit, v . T o wash the face; cornp. Kdshin and /&myit, ygp
rawt ynng ma% myit u.
Myit, v. T o be run out, as seed, kinds of grain, or the
like; anhta a nga myit mat sat, our (breed of) cattle
have come to an end.
Myit, n. Mind, thought, emotion; the rational faculty of
man,the intellect; comp, amyit, mang, masin and shd-
.-C v, to think, to reason: a. mental; adv. mentally-
Myit gylp.
hlyit ada y u , v . To reflect, to think within one'sself.
-ahkyep, u. T o be uncertain, unable to decide or form
an opinion.
-aru yu, v. T o reflect, weigh, as evidence; lit, to trace
the root of the matter; see aru yrr; to meditate, con-
-ung ang, v. T o be perplexed; see ung ang.
-bai, v. T o change the mind;see bai.
-chyang, v . (from chyang, to be black.) TO be of an
ugly disposition; lit. "black-minded"; also called m e
sin cti ang.
--da, v. firom dn, to place.) T o decide, determine; to
be fixed, resolved, decided, determined; my2t da ai
ARu hRan g d a w mu.
-dap, v. T o be uneasy; see dap.
-dep, v. (from dep, to reach.) T o understand, compre-
hen d, fathom.
-di, v. (from di, to sever.) T o break off, as a n engage-
ment; to withdraw, as affections.
-di k , v . T o be satisfied, pleased, content; to be appeased;
see diR; to be persuaded.
-ding, v. (from dillg, to be srratght;) To be honest, true;
upri ght.
-dip B u. (from dip,to press.) To suppress, as anger; to
control, as the temper.
-du, v. (from d u , to arrive.) T o extend, as sympathy;
to have a fellow-feeling; to pity; kdwa a myzt Ratha
Kaw d~ at':
--durn, v. (from durn, to remember.) To remember, as a
friend; to be concerned, anxious, as regarding the wel-
fare of others.
-dun, v. (from dun, to be connected.) T o agree, to be
of the same mind or opinion.
-daw, v. (from Aaw, to be broken.) To be simple-m~nd-
ed, half-witted; n. a half-witted person; a term of con-
-gat, v. To be quick, clever; see gat.
-gu, v . (from g u , to be complete.) T o have a compre-
hensive mind.
-gyip, v T o humble; to be humble; see g y i ' .
Myit gsdun, v . T o be i riitable, touchy, easily offended,
see gddun and masin gadun.
-g%lu, v. (from g d h , to be long.) T o be forbearing,
longsuff eri ng, slow, as to anger.
-ja, v. (from l a , to be hard.) T o be hard-hearted, void
of affection; to be severe, stubborn, obsti nate, in-
-kap, v. (from Rap, to adhere.) T o be precocious pre-
-kung, v . T o be mature; see Rung.
-kup, v. T o be perfect, lit. "rounded," as i n mind or
-kSba, v. T o be encouraged; to be hopeful; to be proud,
--kaji, v. T o be dispirited, down-hearted, dejected, sad.
-karen, v . T o be lonely; see Rdren.
-kayin, v. T o change mind; to be converted; see parts;
and mytt mdlat.
-kya, v . (from Rya, to be soft.) T o be mild, yielding;
opp. to nryzt l a ; comp. gawng Rya.
-hkat, v. T o feel assured, convinced, as of success; dai
amu nang myii hkat gaw gcilaw u.
-hkut, v. T o be convinced, settled, as i n convictions;
see kkut.
-hkau, v. T o agree, to be on friendly terms; see hkau.
-hkrum, v . (from hkrirm, to meet.) T o agree, to be of
the same mind or opinion.
-la, v . T o be anxious, concerned, troubled.
--leng, v. (from leng, to be bright.) T o be bright, "clear-
headed," of sound mind and understanding.
-let, v. T o be willing, active, aggressive; see parts.
--li, v. (from 4, to be heavy.) T o be slow, dilatory, in-
-lu, v . (from la; to have.) T o think, consider; to have
a thought or opinion; comp. myit ya.
-la( v. To be changed, converted; see /ai and myit md-
la 2.
-law, v. (from law, to be many.) T o be perplexed, be-
wildered, distracted; myrt nau law a t , /ips n c h y b gd.
Law cza,
Myit hprang. 455
Myit mang, n. T h e mind: thoughts; see emyitamang: e.
to be troubled, anxious, uneasy, solicitous; see mang;
y% yang mjat mang ai, gduw y a n g a'ung a t , looking
at it I was troubled, doing it I succeeded; myil mang
hRang yan a i , to overcome, as anxiety, indecision, or
the like; to unravel a mental tangle.
-mat, v . To be despondent, hopeless; see mat.
-mu, v . (from m*, to see.) To be satisLed, content,
gratified; to be convinced, able to see or undersiand.
-mitda, v. To hope, to have hope; see mdda.
-mSgaw, u. (from gaw, to be crooked.) To be dishoi~est,
insincere, "crooked"; opp. to myit m d l ~ n g .
-m%ku, a. (from mdku, a shoot.) Hope, expectation,
pleasant anticipations; mjit mdRtt daw, v . to lose hope
or faith in: to be disappointed, to be frustrated;
myit mdklc rawt, to revive, as hope.
-milkran, v. To be alert; see mdkran.
-m%lang, v. T o be honest, upright, "straight;" opp. to
myit mdgaw; see mdang.
-millai, v. To repent; n. contrition, repentance, conver-
slon; see mdai and myzt Rayin.
-masin, n. The mind; the soul; see parts and comp. fsu.
-nem, v. To be humble; to show repentance; see nem.
-naw, v . To question, examine, as one's own mind; see
mdleaw yzc.
-nawn, v. To imagine, fancy, suppose; see nawfi, vzyit
nawn myil sawn, thoughts, fancies, suppositions.
-nawng, v . (from nazung, to push away.) To wander, as
the mind; to be i n a trance; comp. myen; to be absent-
-pyaw, v . To be happy, satisfied; see pvaw.
-hpa, v . T o trust in; see hpa.
-hpat, v . T o be bright, active, precocious; see hpat.
-hpawm, v. (from hjawm, to be un~ted.) To be of the
same temperament, or mental make up; to agree;
comp. myit Ahram.
-hp%ang, v. T o be keen, sagacious, clear-headed; see
Myit hprat.

Myi t hprat, n. (from h j r a t , to sever with a stroke.) To

be decided, no longer waverinq or uncerta~n;lnyd
hprai mytt /Iprut, decided, d e t e h l n e d , positive.
-rap v. (from m to be even.) T o be harmonious,
agreeing, as in feeling and action; slradtr nta ling
myil ra llga m a at.
-ru , v, To be in trouble, distress; mjjit r a shbra, inyil r?r
myit v a , or myti rtl myit y a k , n. trouble, distress,
anxiety; myti rtl myzt m law rrga a t .
-run, v. T o be broken-hearted, down-cast, despondent;
comp. gawng ran ni.
o r a w n g , v. (from rawng, to contain.) T o be self-willed,
"heady," op~nionated;to be of strong mind or charac-
ter; to be mature; ma gaw ~zyz'tgdrat' n rawngat.
-slm, v T o be composed; see s2.m.
--SIP, v . T o be at ease; to be tranquilized, not agitated
or disturbed.
-su, v. To be mature, of sound mind or judgment, to
have experience and knowledge ; see sa.
a u p , v. T o be self-willed and independent; to show a
mind of one's own; shi nzyit sap rai nna gd/aw at.
-shaw, v. T o be half-witted; comp. myit daw; a word of
contempt; myit skaw at wa r, h A u m rat mt.
-shiiwaw, n. Depression, dejection, bordering on de-
spair; myit shdwaw wamt,v. to be i n despair, etc.
-tawk, v . T o be logical; to be selfish; Eang tinang ldhtnn
tawk sda myit ndaz, you are only thinking of your-
self, lit. of your own forehead.
o t a w n g , v . To be agreed; to be ready; to be satisfied;
nga mdri &a ~ g amyit i grtl*nt 72 iawng nngaz; see tawng.
-tawt, v . T o transgress; see parts.
g t s a n g , v. T o be anxious, perplexed, puzzled; to be care-
worn, troubled, as with the daily affairs of life; myit
rrc mvit tsang, n. care, anxiety, trouble; see parts.
o t s e n g , v. T o throw (lit. sweep) out of mind, to take no
notice of; see tseng.
-tsep, v. To be decided; see iszp.
-tsadn, v . To be relieved, encourar-ed, ,> made happy;
nang sa kdrafn ai mdjaze, ngl~icnzyil Lsnwn ngzi nngai.
Myit htak, v . (from htak, to be crowded.) To be full
and thus impelled, as by thought or desire; ski n k d j a
az ntyzf htaR r a i nga a i l his mind is .full of evil.
--ken, v. (from liten, to be destroyed.) T o be hurt, as in
feeling; to be discouraged, averse, unwilling; to be
dissatisfied; s k i m y i t hten saz, @a n gb/aw mdyu ai
-htep, V . T o be happy, satisfied, as after the complet~on
of a piece of work; nta ngrt sar, myit htep ngu n2 at.
--htuk, v. To be intent, bent, as on an object; to wish,
have the mind set on;. na nta, nang myit htuk az LRrr
ankt8 g d a w na, we will build your house according
to your wish.
-htum, V . (from hfgm, to be ended.) T o be exhausted
in mind; to be at loss to know what to think or do; to
be at one's wits' end; to be discouraged, ready to give
up; ~ g a mi j d htum sat &a n d i lu nngai.
-htai,, V . To be quick-witted; see htai; comp. M , myit
htai a i ni4 law l a w tz shdrin r a az.
-wang, v. To be doubting, uncertain; (Hkauri;) see ung
a ng.
-yu, v . (from y u , to see.) TOthink, consider, reflect;
cornp. myit 1%; myit 3%mmu, think i t over; n. thought
reflection; atsawm sha myit yrr yr mu, give it careful
-yawn, V . T o be in sorrow; see parts.
Myu, n. A kind, a sort; a tribe; see a m p ; Rdwa myu law
nga, there are many kinds of bamboo; Ld/tpaz m y r
Rdba at:
Myau, n: A Chinese. temple ot fort; (Chinese;) Mdwa
myalr hta hfyc# sa~ungai.

The sixteenth consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; n, as

in English; digraphs, n g and ny; see Gram.
Na, Possessive pronoun, second per.sing., shortened form
of n a y a; thy, your or yours; nu nta, your house; no
nsha, your child; aa a gunzva, your pony; na a rai
n nt' is it yours? see Gram.
Na, Locative or ablative affix; from, in, (belonging to;)
see Gram. and comp. nna; nta fia hlrpa raz t a P what
things are i n your house; shi mdre H a d u a i , he came
from t h e city; shi Raw na la a , take i t from him; nyi
nla nn-arai, things i n or from my house.
Na, Verbal particle, Infinitive Mode, or Future tense;
nang hf'~'Rdrztm na shi sa ai, he came to help you;
s k i sa na, he will go; na Ii, na lil, na lu; particles
expressive of doubt or conjecture; see Gram.; dai shi
a Laika rat' na Cu ar', this may be his book; daz' nankfa
a gumra r a i nu nrd lit dat, it is likely to be your pony.
Na, n. Time i n duration; derv. chydna; comp. ahkyzng;
v. to be long, or to ~ p e & as time; gdde rpa wa na' n
c h p , I do not k-6ifTonp it will take,-how much
time will be spent; ado. long agoJg!9ngsinre; sAi sz a i
gaw sai, he died long-agc or it is long since he
died; very, see combinations.
-chying, adv. Very, exceedingly, in. an extraordinary
manner ; comp. Cachying and chykng; shi rtac/ryircg
mdchyi ai.
-du, a. Chronic; of long duration; mctriryi na du mat sai,
mai yak ai,the illness is of long continuance, cure is
-ga, a. Tough, hardened; 9. to be useless or tasteless, as
food that has stood for a long time; see lago; shat
mai Lap na ga mat sai.
-gyi, n. T o be recovering, as after an illness; (probably
from ana, illness;) a. convalescent;.na gyi hRuh gaw
shat g r a i sha r a ai.
-kru, v. To be gluttonous; lit. long to fill; rrakru marim,
n a k r r itkinjin, a glutton; a term of contempt.
-nap adv. A long time; long ago, or a long time to
come; shi kdga mung de na na wa nga ai.
Na, V . To sting, as a bee or a-nettle; hgat na ai, the bee
stung; mattang na a i , to be nettled, stung by nettles.
Na, v. To feel, be aware or conscious of; comp. durn; ma-
sha ngaihfe ahtawk a i ngai na nngai.
Na, V . To be poisonous or intoxicating; same as rang,
which see.
Na, n. A term of relationship; ( I ) an elder sister; (see
kana and nna;) ( 2 a sister-in-law,-a husband's elder
brother's wiIe;
female cousins older than t h e
N a ung. 459

speaker; (4) a respectful appellation used in address-

i n g a female acquaintance older than the speaker.
Na, n. A holiday; a special time set apart for religious
purposes; ndang no,ictsa na, and n d y u na. see parts;
a period of one, two or four days, when speclal sacrl-
fices are offered at the "sacred grove," and work is
suspended; see mnskatrg.
-na, v. T o observe, as the period of two days (mdyu na)
and especially the four day's penod just before rlce-
planting, when special offerings are made to the princl.
pal nats; onhte na no ga ai, amu n g d a w l n na.
-pru, a. To end the ceremonies and resume the regular
-hpaw, v . T o begin, as the holiday; see parts.
-shi, n. The two last days of a four day's period, or the
last day of a two day's period; opp. to na tang.
-tung, n. The first half of a four or two day's holiday
season; opp. to tta shi.
-tar, n. A one day holiday, as when a man is struck by.
lightning (Idsa na,) or when a woman dies In confine-
ment (ndnng na;) na fat na, v . to observe the day.
Na, v . To hear; n, the ear; comp. Bur. 93 and Isem.
-byap, n. To be flap-eared; also used as a noun.
-labylng, n. T h e auricle; see parts; na idkawng-&&yaw
-16pyen -/d/lpang -/dshing-Idtan -/titsun - / d l s a w
and Ldyawng, see parts.
-na, v. T o hear: na B na a i wa, a deaf. man.
-PY' n. Deafness; na& pat ai, to be hard of hearing,
napyipat a2 w a , a deaf person; a word of contempt.
-hpa, v. T o be keen of hearing; fig. to be obedient,
- h ~ a n g , v. T o be deaf; see l a b a n g .
-htat, v. Tobeslowof hearing; beslow,unwilling,
-shSpan, v. T o gradually enlarge the hole in the lobe;
h k a n Aaz na mat% na shd@n mu.
Na, n. A lowland field; see hkautza; only used i n corn-
posit ion.
-ung, n. A field always kept moist by surface water; see
460 Na jawn.
Na jawn, n. A plough-share.
-kawm, #. T h e bbrders of a field; ( H k a u r i , the borders
of a compartment;) ?m Rawm chye az, to enlarge, as by
digging, t h e borders of a field.
-kawng, n . Terraced fields on the side of a hill watered
by irrigation.
-hkam, v . T o lie fallow, as a field; see -parts.
-hking, n. Farming implements.
-lawk, n. A compartment, as of a rice-field.
-sit, n. A harrow; comp. mdsz'f.
-htai, n. A plough.
Na, n. Plants of the a r a m family; comp. naz; only used
in composition.
-chyu, n. T h e calla or water-arum (?)
-kawng, n. A spadix or stem of yam, used as food; also
pron. na Raw.
-mut, n. The Indian turnip.
-mawn, n. A species of yam.
-mPwi, n . T h e arrow arzlm, much used for feeding
-ru, n. T h e sweet flag or calamus ()
I , n. Leaves resembling those of the lady-fern;
coup. of Rashztn, which see.
-tai, n. T h e dragon-arum.
-tsun, n. A terminal leaf of an arzcm or deoscorea, used as
food; see mdtsun.
-htam, n. A variety of yam; (the Colocasia anfiqclorum 1 )
also pron. lahtam.
-wawp, n. A species of yam or taro.
-ya, n. Skunk cabbage; see nai ya.
-ysw, n. A v a r ~ e t yof arum.
Na-urn, v. T o be 'pregnant; also pron. na-ung; comp. A h m
n mdnu; na-ym nnszn, to be pregnant,-most common
form; n. pregnancy.
Na-ung, n. T o be pregnant; same a s na-urn.
Nak, v . T o be heavy; (Shan;) see [ . ; a . a dead-weight.
-nak; a. Heavy, mostly applied to stones or metals;
h j r i , c A p , n h n g naB naA nga ai.
Nak, v. T o hit, strike; (boyish slang;) shi hpe naR p w a ,
give i t to him, hit him hard,
Nam chying. dl
Nak, Pronoun, second per. slng.; you; (Northern usage;)
see nang.
Nam. n. A term of relat~onship*( I ) a sister-in-law -a
wife's vounger sister or t h e wife of a younger brother;
( 2 ) a daughter-in-law. (3) a nephew or a niece,-a w e
man's brother's children.
Nam, v . T o be willing; coup. of Ram, which see.
Nam. a . Dov~n-stream;see lzkanam and tsun nam.
Nam, v . To taste, or smell, as of splces; derv. mdnam:
jum, nrajnp nam s a 111 9 does it taste of salt and pep-
per? naln hkra bang u
N a m . u T o be soft, fluffy or downy.
-nam. a . Soft. fluffy; flabby, bloated, puffed up: m&/yz
a2 w a hpt shum y u yang num nam nga a t .
Nam, n. A coat; see baznnm.

-la, t i . A buck; a he-goat.

-yr. n. A she-goat.
N a m , n. Sesamum; see c h y t ~ i g n a m
-byen, n. T h e Sesame Indz'czcm.
-tnan, n. Sesamurn oil.
-wurn, n. A variety of sesamum.
Nam, a.The stomach; ( a corruption of the Atsi warn;) see
ha H.
-pum, n . A stomach complaint caused by a nat or a
ghost; na+um pum ai, v . to suffer from the complaint;
also pron. wamptlnfum az; rampurn Rdwa-iawm and
d a n g . see parts.
Nam, A preformative; (Hkauri;) see Bum.
-du, n. A master: see mddu; namdu jan, a wife.
-mak, v . To have a strong feeling, appetite or passion
for: see parts; namrnnik lawhpa, avarice, cupidity.
Nam, n.A jungle; a. wild, uncultivated; derv. nnam; comp.
Atun hpa and ya gyzn.
-u, n. W i l d birds of the jungle; opp. to hRa u or nta a .
-chying, n . T h e turmeric plant or root; namchyzng tsd,
the Curcuma longa, often used for colouring food.
especially curry; samr/rying p r u , o. to show a llvely
yellow or saffron colour, cons~dered a sign of good
health; namchying chyang, the Currrmli ~ e d o a r z o ,
often used as a m e d i c ~ n e ;[he yellow dye extracted
443 Nam lap.
from the root; fig. the bright tuft or top-feathers 01
certain birds:
U gaw hkungvang Ape shi namchying ya dat
wl~ ai.
Nam lap, n. Wild leaves, herbs, plants of any kind, many
of which are used as food; hRa hR% ai.majaw nam / a t
jal sAa ga ai; nam Lap nam law, same..
-1ai h kyet, n. T h e instep; the tarsus;(lit. the depression
caught by the jungle.)
-ru, n. Creepers; see n x m r u .
-shan, n. Game of the jungle; see parts.
-pan, a . A Rower; see pun and combinations.
a n. Wild animals of the jungle; anhtt a yt nnm vai
e sha Razc rta at.
-si 9 n. Fruit of any k i n d ; want st nam saw, a l l kinds of
fruit, especially as used for food; nam si wahkrz, all
kinds of acid fruit.
Nam, n. Water, oil; liquids of almost any kind; fineness
of silver or other metals; (Shan;) mostly used in
words introduced from the Shan.
-01, n. Shan sugar; see nammoi.
-chy~m, n. Water as oozing through the ground; nam-
chyzm chyzm or p n c , v. to ooze, percolate, as water;
namchyzm chyim oz shura, a low, marshy place
-dau, n. A p ~ t c h e r ,bottle. garglet; also pron. namlau;
see t a u .
-g*l I
n. Uncolned silver; comp. m a i n and gya.
-hkan, a. Calcareous; natrrhkar hRa, calcareous water;
namhkan ga, ground surcharged with carbonate of
lime; namhkan lztng, anything petrified; a petrifaction.
-hkun, n. A well; see Aka htang.
-hkawn, M. Indi o; same as mdklal ung.
o h k a w n g , n. A t f -itch; same as Aka Rawng.
i m n. Dropsy; see namlz'ng.
-1i ng, n. Dropsy; also pron. narnlzm or n u d i n g ; nam-
ling Ling or prrc, to be dt.opsical; namling y a n , to perco-
late as moisture through the skin.
-lawm, n. Shan silver.
-l&num, tc. Hives.

Nammukdilra, n. The ocean; Bur. mpa~p.

-moi, n. Shan sugar; also pron. aanroi; jaggery.
-myin, n. Earth-011;petrolium.
-ngan, n. Semen; comp. zu.
-nginleng, n. Mercury, quicksilver: mang H Iten u ga
nam-ngznlcng %gap hta bang u .
- h p a ~ . n. A water-gate. as i n a paddy-field.
-ria n. Dew; (Hkauri ;) see m ~ r r ' .
+an, n. Solder; namsan chyaw, v . to solder.
-su, n. Slime, as on stagnant water; asphalt; see nrmsu.
a tt. The root of t h e tongue, the supposed site of the
sub-l ingual glands.
-tau, n. A bottle; see mmdau.
-htan, n. Burmese jaggery or sugar made from the
sugar palm; ~ m h t a hpun,n the sugar-palm; Bur. @:oE.
-htum, . A flood, inundation; namktum htum, to
-htun, n. Lime; (Hkauri and Atsi jdhkwi;) numhtvn
lung, lime-stone; alabaster; n-autnrhfunju. to burn lime;
see htun and combinations.
-ya, n. Starch; enamel; nan-ya dcn ai,v. to enamel.
-yawng, n. A water-conduit; an aqueduct.
Nan. v . T o be new; derv. nnan and Ltingnan; a. new;
opp. to sa; n a i sa sha, naz nan Rdhtap.
N a n , v. T o be able to bear; coup. of i n n , which see.
Nan, v . T o follow; coup. of hRan: to be mixed with; to be,
as one of a company; to intermingle; derv. anan,
k h a n , nnan and shdnan; cornp. hkran and l a w m ; shi
anhte Ata nan a i , he is i n our company; to l i g h t ,
illumine, as with a torch; ngvi n m u yang shdnan naa
ya mu.
Nan, v . T o be unchanged; to reniain, continue i n the same
place or position; derv. mdnan; shi d a i mdre h f a nga
rcen a i l h e remains i n the city.
-nan, adv. Continually, permanently, always; cornp.
nawng nawng; /Itmu ga moi nna nan nun a nga nga at',
Ajang de nzurzg n a n nan a nga nga no.
Nan, Reflexive pronoun; self, n~yself, etc as
determined by the governing personal pronoun, see
Gram ; comp. ARun and '..;a; ngaz mur* mu nngor, 1
464 Nan.
myself saw it; nanhlt nangd/aw mytr nzP did you your-
selves'do i t ? shanhfi hkuwz a a tlstcn~ ma ai
Nan, Personal pronoun, second person dual; you (two;)
comp. a n and shan; see Gram.; nan a , your; nan a
g u m r a , your pony; na a rat nga L : , rt IS yours.
--hte, pvon. second per. plur., (three or more;) nanhlt sa
ma, you go; rzanhtr a , your or yours.
Nang, v . T o follow; to be along: derv bdnang, iinang,
mdnang and sdnang; comp. hkan; nyr ma n i nang kaw
n Bang ma ni? are not my servants with you? ( t o
contain; to carry, as thingson a journey; comp. rawng;
this is only Northern usage.)
Nang, Personal pronoun, second person singular; you;
comp. naR and see Gram.; nang g d a w ndai, you are
doing it; hang a , yours; (Hkauri;). see a n ; n~%bum
--Idla and nan, see parts.
Nang, a h . Here; (Hkauri, ntng;). nang e , he , i n this
place; nang de, here, at or to this place; shortened
form, nde; nang d e or nde wa r i t , come here; sang de
nna, from this place; Bang Raw nna, from out of here.
Nang, v. T o hear; (Hkauri;) see na.
Nang, n. A polite designation for a chief's d a u g h t e r a
princess; comp. Zau; the most common names i n
Nang are the following : a Knw 1s called, Nang a7wn.
Nang bang, Nang Roi or Nang seng; a Lu Nang ?tern;
a Roi,Nang doi; a H f u , Naltg raw or Nang shan. a
K a i , Nang Htang; a HRa, Nang fawp and a Pn,
Nattg Pr2.
Nang, v . T o be intoxicated; see chydnl nang; to be un-
d e r the influencf. of narcotics; danz nang; md/ut nafig;
nang a i haw, i r . narcotics, soporifics; anything polson-
ous (as herbs) or intoxlcar~;lq.

Nang, v . To sting, as a bee; see na.

Nap, v. T o dish up, as rice ; dcrv. (dnap; shal nap barrg 21,
dish up the rice (in p a c k ~ t susing the plantain leaf.)
Nap, v. To fold, as cloth; (Hkauri;) see gumda.
Nat, v. T o be held tightly; d,:rv. nzdnat; n a t d i , tograsp,
grab, squeeze; du nat di a.
Nat, v . To lean agai nst ; derv. sRdnat and htzngnat, rial
da', to cause to lean or rest against.
Nat kap.
Nat, V. T o set fire to; to start, as an incendiary fire; to
burn, as a house, village, jungle or paddy-field; comp.
; Rau, to burn to the ground; M ~ W nUi atchtd
/ t k ~ 1 ~#a/
a RdAtawn~ttat hag ya md t z i a i , the Chinese burned
down our village; skdraw M L , tb start a jungle fire;
h g a t nut, to smoke bees.
Nat, n. A spirit, a demon; nuts, beings superior to man
having dominion over some part of the earth or sky;
Bur. 9 6 ; comp. 3, nzdtsaru and Ajyi; some of the
most common nats are the following: Mzl not, the
celestial nats of which Burzghjoi and Mg Sheng are
the most important; jhhtrcng, the " Satyrs" of Kachin
lore; Mdsha nut, g2lnrgx~,tribal (ancestral) nats of
which there are legion, most of them being "deified"
w q s t r a l spirits; Jan, the sun nat; Jan dR*, a nat
~ a u s h gintestine trouble; Chydga, the nat causing
sores; PdhRaff, a mischievous " Pan"; Mdraw, the
"fates"; ZdhRa and Sittlap, the " Minerva " of the
Hills; Mddai, the nat of the rulers; Sawn or d a n g
reat, the nats causing death in confinement; Ga, shddij
or sumfum, terrestrial nats; Nats of the wind (%dung
nat,) water (hda nat,) fire, earth and sky, beside these
mentioned, are innumerable; nnt bungkkrafi-hRung7i
-moi-toi-soi and sad, see parts.
-byen, v . To be chronic, as 3 disease; see parts and nat
-daw, v. To serve the.nats.
-ga, n. The religious language used by an officiating
priest (duma,) story-teller (jaiwn,) or prophet (m2i-
hloi;) opp. to mdyu ga.
--g&law, v. T o offer sacrifices to the nats; see rrai jaw.
-jun,g, v. To be chronic, as a disease; see parts; nat
lung nat byen, n. an old chronic disease.
-jaw, Y. To sacrifice to the nats; t o perform religious
ceremonies, as i n case of illness or when seeking
special favours; also called nat gdaw or nat jaic; comp.
nat bunghtran, etc.; ji p w nat jaw a i ni, those
sacrificing to the nats.
-kap, v. To be possessed; to be under the influence of
rtats; rrat-kap a i wa, tz. one possessed.
466 Nat kswa.
Nat kawa, v . (from kdwn, to bite.) T o punish, as a nat;
to be afflicted (lit. bitten,) as by a nal; (illness, mls-
fortune, trouble, is all caused by t h e malice or rancor
of the.lznfs;) nat kdwa nt majaw nzachyi ai, he is i l l
because of the malevolence of the nats.
-inPdun, 3. To publicly acknowledge, as an ille itimate
child; l i t . to present the same to the househo d nats;
hi ni 12g~iw-gyih f e lzat mddrn la nu.
-mPtse, n. Especially wicked nats; demons; see parts;
ngai ?rat nrdtse hkr2cm ai ai.
-ra, n. The corner of a house dedicated to the flats; see
parts; flat p.(r de AR2cm Lai mu..
-shang, v . T o be possessed by a nat; see parts.
-tawn, n. A large nat-altar with four legs.
-tsatsam, T J . Strange or foreign nats; those not of the
tribal, village or household "pantheon; v see parts:

]i tsdtsam h j e yeng mu, Nat tsdtsam hpe seng mu.

-htawt, s.A section of bamboo, a "horn" (bottle,) used
as a r e c e ~ t a c l efor. water or liauor offered to the nats;
nat htnw; daw, v. to introduce and add a new nai
(a recently disembodied spirit,) to the household
reats with proper offerings; see parts; dai ni jz a isu
6ni fru ai mdjaw nat htawt daw ga ai.
-wawm, v . To request, demand a sacrifice, as a nat; see
--zam, v. To be eilected, irritated, as a sore, by nats and
. thus prevented from healing; fiat lam a i nrdjaw nma
n mni hRraw ai, atsi mung akya n nga ai.
Ne, v . T o cohabit; to have sexual intercourse; (vulgar;)
euphemistic terms are di, hkrum, maw or shut.
-hpye, n. A harlot.
Ne, n. T h e male organ; see nrdne.
--urn, n. The prepuce.
-di, n. T h e testicles.
-ru, 96. Masturbation; neru ru,. v; to practice masturba-,
-ZU, n. Semen.
Nem, v . To be low, not tall; derv. mdnem; comp. myi(
g ~ b r n ,shdrrr?n and Rur. 34; a, short, low; opp. to t s s ~ ;
Ni. 46 7

nem a i wa, a short person; nla nem ai, the house is

Nem, v. To pacify; as a child; toappease,calm,allay the
agitation or e J..;ternc:~t of; coinp. Rur. 38; dai ma hpe
Barn zb; ycr7~nn i wa jlPe ~zem71.
Neng, a. Level; a level place; sec mntn.
Nep, v . T o dish up, as rice; same as nap, which seekderv.
Nep, v. T o spread, as a carpet, sheet, mat. or the like;
derv. anep and f i d n e j , to put, as bedding for a pony;
yi k k ~nep , u ; t o p u t down, as flooring; to pave, to ma-
cadamize ; comp. /ir?zgn e f .
-nep, a. Even, level, not undulating; a n h t ~a ga r r f nef
' r a i nga a?'.
Nep, n. T h e inucus of the nose; snot; Bur. 96; derv. anep.
-hkyi, ' n. Dried mucus; see parts.
-hkyi, s. To blow the nose.
-baw, v . To run, a s ' t h e nose; nef 6aw baw, lddi skaw
-san, \n. Drippings from the nose; kkrap a i mdska nef
san abya.
Ni, n. Moss; see h n g ni and h j n n xi.
Ni, n. A term of telaticnship; ( I ) A mother-in-law,-a
wife's mother, and her sisters; cornp. moi; ( 2 ) a sister-
in-law,-a wifes' brother's wife.
Ni, n. Drawers or a cloth, worn during menstruation;
see a t ~ and
i pdni.
Ni; v . To be near, not distant; opp. to isan; comp. k t m
and Bur. pa hka ni ni ?#?re,a village near to water.
-ni, a. or adu. N e a r , close, n i g h ; comp. htrp Rtcp.
Ni, v . T o be t a m e , not wild; opp. to zai: comp. k k x and
slzani; shbraw n 7 t i AAraw ai, the tiger will not be
Ni, Plural ahix; see Gram.; wora a i , those over there;
, ~ - . M n n ' K a f z p787.. the people of Man Kang.
Ni, Verbal particle, first per. - sing. present plur.
h i d ni; see C-ram.; rgdr wa ni-a$, I -have returned;
interrogative i l n p l y i n ~a conjectural s t a t e ; s h i g d h w
nu ni? did he ( r e a 1 1 ~ ) ~ dito? r ~ a n h sha
l ~ nga rnyit nip
are you eating?
Ni, Personal pron., second per. plur.; you; (Hkauri and
Northern usage;) comp. nanhta; ni Lteng, same.
Ni, Numeral adjective; two; only used in composition;
see Gram.
-na, adv. Two nights; I L na ~ de sa chyai ai.
-ni, adv. Two days.
-ning, ndv. Two years; nz n i n g ~n sa drr ai.
- hpawt, adv. Two mornings; n i hfawt hRawn
-tsa, a. Two hundred; Lap n i ira jaw e.
Nik, v . T o humiliate, disgrace, abase; to take the
"starch" out of some on?; shi narc l e t a i ntdjaw niR
Karc m a nu ai, as he was too "bright," they took him
Nila, n. A sapphire; Bur. ymo.
Ni-ngan, re. A young man; same as wa-ngan.
Nin, u. To press, compress, cram, crowd into; derv. anin;
comp. hpyai; nin bkra bang u ; to be compressed, etc.
Ning, n. A year; see shdning; only used i n composition;
d a i nigg, this year; mdning, last year; htdning, next
year; Ldnt'ng mi, one year; h t s a nt'ng, a century.
Ning, n. A term of relationship; ( I ) a sister-in-law; a
husband's sisters or the wife of a brother; ( 2 ) the
sisters of a daughter-in-law, when addressed by the
mother-in-law; (3) a respectful designation among
otherwise unknown females addressing each other.
Ning, Verbal participial particle; (Hkauri;) same as
nna; s h i ngzr ning tsun de, speaking he said.
N i n g , adv. Thus, i n this manner; comp. shing and nang;
see Gram.; ping de, thus; ning r a i , thus, in this way or
fashion; ning ~zgirtsttn u , speak thus; ning san, this
much, to such an extent; nt'ng san wa, same as ning
Ning, adv. Here; same as rzang.
N i n g , pron. You; same as nang, which see.
N i n g , A general preformative usually shortened to n b)'
the f i n g h ~ a w s ;comp. num; i n religious poetry for the
sake of the metre, i n Hkauri and Northern usage the
unabbreviated form is frequently found. Only the
most common forms i n aing are here given.
-ba, a. Great, big and ferocious; comp. Rdba and &a.
Ningbaw, v . (from baw, a head.) To originate or super-
intend, as a pliblic work; dai amu nan ni'ngbaw d n i
-byen, n. A yariety of arum.
-bu, rc. A large, heavy blade; sec nbrc an hpa tang.
Ochyang, *. A hireling; a day-labourer; see nthyang.
-da, n. An arrow; ( H kauri ;) see p d a .
-dang, v. T o contradict; to obstruct; see ndang.
-dim, a&- Behind; (Northern usage;) see /tpanfde.
-dung, n. A sword; ningdrtng ninghaoe, sword and b a g ;
see dung.
-daw, n. (from daw, to break ) A short or a broken
sword, mostly used by women.
-ga, n. A sheath, a scabbard; see n-ga.
-gang, n. A shield; see n-gang.
-gawn, a. All, the whole; great, strong, mighty; see
-jap, n. Strength, valour; ningjap mang, v. to exhibit
-ju, a. Fierce; n. a kind of vulture.
-jum, n. A diviner; coup. of ningzuuwt, which see.
-ka, n. A bard; see /&a; ningRa ntdjan, the Muse.
-krai, n. A haft; see nkrai.
-hkan, n. Shame; see nARan.
-hku, n. A hilt; see nhklc.
-hkawng, n. A professional story-teller; coup. of Jaiwa.
-hkawng, n. The sun; tingsn ninghhawng, the old sun; a
day; (poetic) ninghkawng law ;ra sai, the day is f a r
gone; comp. nhtoi. Dai n i nifighbaw7zgg,tuloz ngai ? t z i
yawn, ula ngai m i dawn na nga; fig. the ills of the
day; the sun as causing fever.
Dzngltta mdga ngum nznghhwng h p s d a kum,
Dz'nghta m&ga nga ninghkarvng /ti):tn!a da.
-la, a. Great, important; coup. of n i n g t n : ~ ; ~ .
-li, n. An example; see tdz; a wife's relatives; also
pron. m d i :
ShI' gaw m d p f a.m ningli dram.
-len, Adversative participial particle ; see nLcn; ngui
&&am ninglen sa wa izi tnctjaw ARru?n 7ru ai.
. -.
470 Ningrnun.
Ningmun, n. T h e 'beard; see n?lzzrn.
-mut, n. A kind of leopard.
-mawng, n. Power, authority; conip, d~jvtt.
-nan, a. New; see m a n .
-ngai, v. Ta enjoy, as riches or spiritual blessings.
-nyawng, n. A inina; see Zanyu.
-pawt, n. A beginning; a foundation; ningpowl n i n e
Itpalcg, t h e beginning, genesis; see nzxmhpang.
-hpa, n. A love-song; see manaw izi~rghpn.
-hpum, n. The village of a chief, a capita1;comp. ntng-
N g a i shadrang ma ala,

-ra, n. A pledge; see miat.

-ran, v. T o exempt, as from illness; coup. of hkvauhkran
or Yauraa.
r i m n. T h e twilight; see nrim.
-rut, v. To be broken; see r z f f ;T I . n ravi'ne, gap, land-
Mdtsaw rnddz~zg?zingruty a d ~ ma
i ai.
-sa, a. Old; see dingsa and nsa.
-Sam, n. A cut, a wound; nifzgsam 1 ; h , a deep scar;
ningsam pvn, a visible s c a r ; fi5z;tgsnnr isi,medicine for
a wound.
-sang, n. Exalted, glorious, divine; see itsang.
-sen, n . T h e voice ; see nsen.
-so;, it. Breath;lifc; ~zingsoiningsa,same; see nsoinsa;

Dni prat e shinggyiw rnaslza ~i haw, szr~nrin:i

s?dnzda;ilz kzl ,

-shan, n. T h e edge of a blade; see nshnn.

-shang, n. One of the Addran f arnilies: sec l t f d r a z .
-shung, z.Cold; comp. kashr~rg;ui~~g~shzing La, the cold
season ; same as Rliska~zgtgla or , ~ s h ; i ~t ag.
--tam, ~ t Eloquence;
. poetic g-ifts; ningtnnr c h y ~or rawltg,
v . to beeloquent or poetic.
Ningten, n. The lips; see nten and skinglen.
-teng, a . Spotted; see atenf; n. a ipot.
-tawn, a. Great, excellent; n. the biggest, best; see
lawn; nznglawn a i mahlangya m i .
--tsa, adv. Above; see ntsa.
--tsam, n. Heavy fog; nloisture; driving fog or drizzling
Nzngtsam httl ai m d j w nta tsattc mat ai
--tsang, n. Sorrow, mourning; ninqtsarr,: L R l i i l ) or dru, to
be crying or mourning; shi kbna n ningtsn?rg a dru
a i.
-tsing, n. A youth; (poetic;) Ningtsing h h i , Ningtsing
tsa; see parts; a. fresh, beautiful; comp. Ratsing.
- -hte, n. Drippings; comp. kdhle; nizghtetsan, the "drip-
PI n g" clouds; ninghte tsan hbringdat, the sky as the
abode of a nat.
-htu, n. A sword; see nhtu.
-htut, v. T o break; to be broken; see ningmt.
-hta:vn, n. A large village or district; comp. n t n g 4 u m
and ginwang; Hpun-gan ninghtawn h d a .
-htoi, n. A day; see nh'foi, shdni and rzinghkawng.
-wa, n. An axe; see nwa.
-wan, u. T o roam; to prowl; shdraw ningwan ARawm
-wat, v. T o flourish, as a sword; see wat.
-wa~vt, n. A diviner; see nwawt.
-yam, n. A kind of creeper.
-yan, n. Long; see yan; ning-yan nhlu, a long, slender
Nip, v. To shade, as a tree; derv. slti?zgnip;comp. Bur.
9 s ; to caste a shadow; to be overcast, as the sky; &mu
or jalt ni;b ai, the sky (or the sun) is overcast,(hidden
by a shadow.)
-nip, adv. Faintly; i n a shadowy, obscure manner; nip
nzp mi hkawm a i h j a rr a i Ran?
Nit, a. T o sit; only used as a coup. of Mil, i n religious
poetry; comp. dung:
Chyctn*n m q a n gaw,

nit ra2,
]ingltbar ling-nyang hta dang hlil rai.
Nit, Verbal particle, second person singular; plur. nd
nit; see Gratn.; nang tsltn nit dai, you s a i d it ; nang sha
nil nit have you eaten? hkunt gd/aw nil, do not do it;
comp. Bur. 18; nang sa nit, you go; ya natzg h R ~ unil
dawng, now you are probably satisfied; nang lang nit
dtawm m e nda?zg nga ndai, after you had (the use of)
it you deny i t ; zang jin nit taw gaw ra?r sa na, i f you
are ready we will go together; nanlttt pru md nit, you
(plur.) go on.
Nu, v. T o be slack, as a rope; oyp. to Rang; to be para-
lyzed, as the tendons; ltkringnang nu ai; fig. to
" slacken" the cord of life,-to hasten the end; shi
sumri z u , sumdan kg ai.
Nu, v. T o sllde,'as down a rope; coup. of gu, which see.-
N u , o. T o be soft, tender; to "soften," boil, as sago or
the like; Lku hRu a i mdjaw ulai nu guai.
-nu, a. Soft, tender, delicate comp. nai nai; nu nzt noi
nai YZ a i shaist.
Nu, n. T h e brain; see anu and Bur. &r.
Nu, v. T o be tired, aching; coup. of tsu, which see.
N u , v . T o be able, capable of; to bear, endure; coup. of
Atu, which see.
Mdtsaw shiagkang h j e n nu dam nga ma a i ,
Ntsang shingkang h f e n Aru daw ngu ma ai.
Nu, Verbal particle, second or third person singular,
Imperative, or past tense; see Gram.; plur. prd nu;
shigdLaw nzt a i l he did i t ; nang mlc nu ni? d i d you
see i f ? y a sa n r , now go, (having waited so f a r ; )
shanhttgrilaw m a nu a i , they did it.
Nu, v. T o d w e l l , see shdnr and anu sha.
Nu, n. A mother; comp. kdnrc.
-dim, n. An aunt,-a mot her's youngest sister.
--doi, n. An aunt,-a mother's younger sister;. the wife
of a paternal uncle (wa doi.)
Num shabawn. 473

Nu tung, n. An aunt,-a mother's elder sister, or the w i f e

of an uncle older than the father, (wa di a m&du ion.)
Nuk, v. T o be daring, indifferent, as to danger; myit
a i wa h Rril n chye ai.
Num, a. All; coup. of ARunr; see dz'ngnunz.
Num, v. T o become quiet, calm; cornp. sinz; to die down,
as a fire or a high wind; to subside, as a flood; w a n ,
ldru hte A R p num ai; to abate, decrease i n virulence,
as an epidemic; mdehyi num a i mai wa tra.
Num, v. T o be properly flavoured and thus palatable, as
food; cornp. mu; to relish because savory; num a i bow,
things properly flavoured, not too sweet, sour, etc.
Num, n. A female; opp. to l a ; a woman, a married wo-
man; a wife; cornp. ldtsng Rum, /dsAi num and /ddai
num] see jnn and wunhkum; (num is by some con-
sidered disrespectful as implying concubinage; see
Introduction page XI.)
-bail n. A married woman having returned to her
parents; nunz dai laha, a " grass-widow;" see parts.
--brau, n. A flighty woman; see bra*.
-dung, n. T h e first or chief wife.
-gal i t . A proposal; numga dnn, to reply to a proposal
-gram, n. An old maid; see gram.
-la, v. T o marry, take a wife; shi num gdrai n /a.
-ningnan, n. A bride; mostly pron. num nnan.
-numl v. T o live as i n concubinage; to keep a mistress
or a paramour, said of a married man.
-sa, n. (from sa, to lead.) A bride's escort and attend-
ants; ltum fzztmsa fii, the bride-maids; la numsa, a
male attendant; etiquette requires that a chief's
daughter should have a hundred followers, t h e
common people as many as they can afford to pay;
numsa sa, v . to escort a bride.
-sha, n. A female; numsha m a , a girl; comp. Zaslta.
-shawl Y . T o commit adultery; num shaw a i wa, an
-sh8bawn, v . T o send a bride from home and parents;
(parents and nearest relatives never attend the wed-
ding which always takes place i n the bride-groom's
474 Num shalai,
Num shalai, v. To conduct a bride between two hedges of
elephant grass s p r i n k l e d w i t h sacrificial blood, thus
sealing t h e mar-riage vow; also called ku,nbn s h d h t ;
comp. hkunzvan.
-shitrawt, v . To start, as a bride for the marrlage cere-
monies; nztm sharawt ai shdni, the day a bride starts.
-tai, v. T o be married ,-said of the woman; lit. to be-
come a woman.
-wa, v . To marry; s k i num garaz n wa ar, she has not
yet married; dni n t q nw1.t wa nn nhten.
Num, A yreforrnative used interchangeably with nam or
nzng, often abbreviated to ?ad, or even to a'; thus
namshung, numshalzg or mashang; namdung, numdtrlrg
or ndang.
--bat. n. A figurat~vename for water or liquor; n*nzbnt
hpang du, numra hpang su.
-braw, n. A place where a number of roads converge
or cross; a crossing; see Lam irambraw and mdshe.
-bya, n. A premature birth; see nbya.
t d a , a. Even; level ; conlp. nda; numda l a m , a level road.
-dan, v . (from dnn, to hinder.) T o interpose; r , an
obstruction, impediment, for which a nat is respon-
sible; nltmdnw nanzdan, 'omens, signs,-mostly un-
f avourable.
-du, n. A master; same as n*md;d or mddu; the shaft of
a spear; rz numdu.
-dutig, n. A basis; see mddung; n u m d u ~ gegntlmmang, a
highway; comp. uungdu~rg.
-dai, n. An orchid; see wa mddai.
-daw, n. A sign; see nunzdn~z.
-ga, n. A side; see nzciga.
-gaw, n. A bend; conip. ~irrtfiaw.
-jang, v. To h e ~ p pile,
, as for a bon-fire; see njang;
.. hjundnw hjb~rntazgh j e nuwtlang not Raa mu.
-11, a. Small; comp. firijr'; x nwntji, small birds; see njz; *.
a kind of mor; ~r lui~gus;cornp. kdnizd; n g m p arcmloi,
small birds.
-JU, n. A sign; a piece of raw meat; s e e g u t n ~ u
-jut, Y. To thrust, as with a spear; t o pierce; see m d p k
Apang de Akum kdtrzst, HRang ri numjut ra s t .
* N u m c h ~ i n gsharau, n , a jungle.
Nuinraw. 475

Numjai, r . A kind of shrub.

-jawn, n. A goad; see t?za/;rwn.
-kun, Y. T o strike, hit with t h e back of a ~ ~ ( n d ;
(Hkauri;) also pron. nambun; comp. gdmai.
-kawng, n. A hill; see Rawng.
-kau, n. A road-side; a side, a border; see m h u ;
mdsha sa wa yaag numkaw rCc yen m u .
-hkaw, r: Chaff; see mahkow.
Ohkawng, rr. A high-way, same as nutnmaw; traditions;
see mdkkawng.
-hkrun, a. A small path; see mdhkrwn.
-la, n. A ghost; see nzida,
-li, n. Soot; see wau nwnt/i.
-ling, n. Scarlet fever; numling ling, v. to have scarlet
-lai, n. A side-track; see lai.
-ma, tt. A sore; see ttma.
--maw, n. A highway; see rmaw and m m m a w .
-nang, n. An associate; same as nrdnang and rrmplang.
-naw, v . T o lay, as grass or jungle; see annw; nam
numnaw yawffga i de hlran w .
-nawn, n. An associate; a "chunl;" comp. Rdnawn.
-hpang, i t . A foundation; see ninghpang.
--hpra, a. Wild, ferocious; see ntipra.
-hprut, v . To be wanting, lacking; see nhprut.
-hpr-awt, n. The outskirts, as of a village; see hprawt.
-hproi, v. T o wander; numhjroz numhprang, a . pass1 ng;
see parts; same as malet nhprang.
-rap n. Water; see ~cumbat.
-rang, aa'v. Once; coup. of Rd/ang; Kltlang nunzrang sha,
only once; s k i Rd/ane nrrmrang ska shut at:
-rang, n . W o r k ; see hkatzdvz.
-rat, v. T o c u t ; see m d r a t .
r H. Dew; see m a r i
-ri, n. A kind of tree; alne as hRa nu?tzri.
-ru, n. A creeper; see pzantru and shingru.
-rai, lz. An individual; see maraz.
-raw, n. k monster, a brute; comp. marnw, a nlonstros-
ity; a. monstrous; nzdshn rrnmram, a human monster,
k k o nlrmmzu, n leviathan"; R a j i n rraiiiraw, a mon-
4 76 Numraw
strous worm; bnrm n m t r a w , a monstrous alligator, a
"behemoth"; ZJ:Z ncntraw, a traditional wild boar;
mawru ;rr yang ddren nlrmvaw Lawm ai.
Numraw, n. A kind of wood.
-0, n. A bee; see mdroi; numroigil nen Pyen ai.
-sat, v.(from sat, tokill.) Toclose,as a p a t h or a side-
track; when a party is traveling, the leader if far
ahead of some unacquainted with the road, breaks off
and puts twigs or branches across every by-path to
guide those that follow; hpa~tgna ni n dam mu ga lam
n%msat da u .
-su, n. Slime; see nanzszl.
-sun, n. A narrow path; see masrrn.
-shang, n. The village entrance; see mdshang.
-shap, v. T o confuse, jumble, and thus obscure, as a
statement; mdsha a ga shi hkan nzl~r~sltap ai.
-she, n. A cross-road; see mdshe.
-shu, v. To fall, as particles of food from a boiling pot,
c0nsidere.d unlucky if falling on some other dish un-
der preparation ; nzcmsh?r nhpu, ill-luck, misfortune;
see parts; nrmshu nltplc Y P a i sha yang, nwmshu nhpu
re; a i hkrzlm na. ?

-shut, v . T o poke; see mdskut.

-shawn, v. T o lead; see mdshawn.
--ta, n. A resting place; see mdta; only used i n religious
K d t s i ~ h d r aroaw r a i ga, rrumta s h a m naw shai ga.
-tin, n. A kind of tree.
-tin, v. Same as M t i % , which see.
-tawt, v. T o stump, stub, the foot or toe;(Hkauri;) see
-tsan, a.(from tsan, to be far.) Distant,far,fromafar;
also pron. srmlsan; ngai numtsan lam hRawm na, 1 will
walk a distant road; namtsan masha, a stranger, alien,
-wan, v T o hinder; coup. of numdan.
-wawt, n. A diviner; coup. ~tingwawtor nwawt.
-ya, n. A spark; wan trum-ya Ramawng az; comp. wan
N a; b au.
N u n , n. Tree-cotton; see kddung; mawn Afa nun bang
r , stuff the "pillow" w i t h tree-cotton.
N u n , v . T o turn back, havinpmade a start; shanhte LPang
de bat nrfz rot m a a i , afterward they turned back.
N u n , u. T o be thread-bare, somewhat worn, or as. a
garment; n y t a #a/awng nutr sha naw rti ni, s h i hpe
jaw Ratl se ai.
Nung, adv. Thus; same as zing.
N u n g , n. A proper name for a Ma N a w among the Myi
2.24 ngs.
Nung, 7r. A Kachin tribe, called K h u n Nang by the
Shans, inhabiting the territory north-east of the
Kamhti valley; (see Introduction page V I I ; ) the
Pangsw, Pwshu and N u m u n Nungs are tributary to
Kamhti chiefs.
Nup, v. T o be creased, crumpled, rumpled; derv &&nap
gurnnup, and panup.
-nup, a. Creased, etc.; nye a pdawng nap nap raz mat
Nut, b. T o be retreating; derv. kdnut and hfzngnrtl.
-nut, adu. I n a receding, retreating m a n n e r shz @ang
d e nut n u t rat w a a i .
Nut, v . T o be worn or rubbed bare; derv. a n a l , d a z
y a n g n u t nga az, nga hpum a i nkten, t h ~ sspot is worn
bare, cattle probably herd here; to trample down, as
grain; to harrow, as a field; to tangle, as a skeln of
yarn; see shdnzlt.
Nut, v. T o stripandtwist, asbark for ropes; derv &&nut;
to trace, ferret out, as a plot; comp. h b a u nut
Nai, v . T o be sticky, adhesive and e l a s t ~ c ;Rdgam ga
nai r&ai.
-nai, a. Sticky and thus soft, flabby; comp. n r nu; shz a
skan nu nzc fiat naz r~ ai.
Nai, v. T o be lanquid, dull, lethargic, spiritless; naz law,
to be i n a drowsy, sleepy, or tran'ce-li ke state; sht nbaw
shat sha nnu n a i t a w nga a i .
Nai, n. Y a m ; plants of the genus Deoscorea and edible
varieties of nru71r a r e called nor; comp. n a ; see n-un,
nnor , ldhkyik and hpalrgan nai.
--bau, n. A variety of y a m used for liquor.
4 78 N a i chyingdang.
Nai chyingdang, n. A yam with branching tubers: see
-chyinghkra, n. A worm or grub infesting yam; see
-chyinghkraw, n. The "trailing" v::nl, with runners from
which tubers t a k e root; the ~ r d s r o r e ao i h n .
-dingga n. A variety of cultivated yam; the Deoscorea
r ~ i s p a t a(?)
3 htan, n. A kind of cultivated yam.
-kahpam, n. A species of acid yam; the Deoscor~n
g / o b ~ s a(P) also called s a i h d / ~ p v a m .
-kahpram, n. Same as rlai Rdhpam.
-hku, n. Cult~vatedyam; see parts; a variety of yam
mostly cultivated around houses; the D. saliva.
-hkala; n. A species of wild y a m ; there are two kinds
of this, one of which 1s used as food; see ARda.
-hkra, n. T h e s a m e as the n-xn yam.
-hkyeng, n. T h e purple yam; D. atropsrvparea.
-la, n. A variety of y a m usually fed to hogs.
-lep, rc. The flower of the trailing yam.
-loi, n. Early yam : see parts.
-nbyen, n. A kind of yam: see nbyeft.
-nhkrun, n. The Chinese yam; see nni lung.
-pawt, n. A tuber o r mot-stock of yam.
-hpaw, n. A kindof yam; all kindsof yamused as food,
or such kinds as do not grow runners.
-hpra, n. A yamfield; see parts.
-hpraw, n. The white yam ; D.aerst'coLoor.
-Sam, n. T h e sweet ( lit. the Shan-potato.)
-sh%narn, n. A ki ,ld of ginger-like yam; see parts.
-tung, n. T h e Chi n c s r y a w ; t h e D .batatas or Jzponzcn;
also called nai n h k v u ? ~
-yap n. S k u n k cabbajie; alsc called na ytz.
Nau, v. To walk, as on a rai!: coup, of gnw, which see.
N a u , v. T o serve, as a n a t ; cbup. of jaw which see.
Nau, adv. Too, too I T I L I C ~;Isee Gram.; naB yak n i ama, too
difficult work; shi nnrr sha a i , h e eats too much; Zit
nau Ii ai,the load i s too heavy.
Nau, n. A preparation of fish: see bdnau.
--hkum, n. Pressed tish.
Nauhtu, H. Fish-paste.
Nau, s. A term of relationship; ( I ) a younger brother or
sister; ( 2 ) cousins, younger than the speaker,-the
children of a paternal uncle or maternal aunt; comp,
@ a , hkarc and hkrz; ( 3 ) a sister-~n-law,-the wife of
an older blother addressing the wife of a younger.
-na, n. A sister, or female cousin of uncertain age;
shiltggyznz ?tau na nz7zg hpv wa, anothcr man's sister
a brother of our own.
-nau, v . T o have younger brothers or sisters; ngaz nau
n n a r nt az, 1 have no younger brothers or sisters.
Nau, v . T o dance; derv. w : d n n r ; H. a dance.
-bawl n. T h e commencem.rnt of a dance; l~azrbawbaw,
v. to commence, b e g ~ na dance, by dancing early i n
the morning around the ?>zcidaz'daf.
-du, n. A funeral dance; nasc du k d f ~ t ,u. to hold the
dance, as after the day of the burial (mang mnkoi.)
-dut, v . T o close a dance; 92. the close of a dance; nau
d74t s h a m , the last d a y of a dance.
-ra, n. The dancing floor;-a circular space i n front of
the house rn the centre of which is -placed the skd-
-shawng, n. The leader of a dance.
-tung, r . The time during which a dance is held.
Naw, n. Juice, glue, resin, copal, mastic, or the like from
different kinds of treets; see h j u n naw and new sd-
na W T Z .
Naw, v. T o be soft, as a blade; a. soft, gluey; #At% nnw
mat saz,
Naw, v . TOroot, as a hog; to burrow, as a ground-rat; to
devour, gulp down, as food or drink; (disrespectful;)
derv chydnaw, kdnau, and nranaru; cornp. mdna naw;
shdrzc shinqhzlt naw shcipruw cri.
Naw, Y . To open; caul,. of //paw.
Naw, v . T o be jealous; (Hkauri;) see mdnawn.
Naw, adv. Yet, besldes, still, still inore; naw chyano y).u
u , still try, continue your attempts; nnw jaw e, give
still inore, skt naw -vufi. r r p ( 1 2 , h e is s ~ i l lsleeping;
nnw hkrr'ng rra, yet w a t ; fiJraz' naw, not yet; see
40 N aw..
Naw, n . Proper name (or the second male child; cornp..
myinp d b n g , the f . d h f a w . \ are t h e supposed descend-
ants I r o m [he hrsr Mu Now.
Naw, v . T o show obeisance or homage: to bow, kneel, as
belore a rcller, to worshlp; du h,bc naw mu.
---KU. V . TO worship: see parts; Sam n i s u d a &w &a
ma at.
Naw, n. A tadpole; see mdnaw.
-byin, n. A tadpole; nawbyin baa, a tadpole, most com-
mon name; nawbyti baa, shu Rdsha.
N a w , n . Pulse; leguminous plants or t h e ~ seed; r only used
i n composition; comp. pveng, shdpre and sandu.
-chyang, n. T h e common French or kidney bean; Phas-
e o h s vrlgavtj.
-dik, n . A preparation o( boiled and iermented Goa-
beans, ( l d s i , ) with salt, liquor, c h ~ l l i and ginger;
comp. naw/rpu.
-kyu, n. T h e crowder-pea.
-hkun, n . T h e peanut; also called ga / a s z , see / d s i .
-lep, 9,. The sword-bean; Canavalia ensz~ortnts.
- 1 n. Early bzans, peas or pulse of any kind.
-nam, n . T h e w h i n , (woad-waxen;) Genista tinctorza.
-hpu, n. A preparation of boiled and fermented Goa-
beans, (idsi,) and salt; comp. nawdiR.
-wawm, n . A variety of bean; t h e snail-flower, Pkaseohs
ca r a c d l a . rn
Nawm, v . T o be enclosed, housed; coup. of hhyawm
which see :

Nawn, v . T o pull along; coup. of hrawn; to carry, take

along; (Northern usage;) comp. g u n ; hRai m i nawn
m y i t t a ? what do you carry ?
Nawn, u . T o stir, as a fire; to push forward, to convey
w~thin reach; derv. ldnawn; shal alltwafa hhut u ga
wan nhtaw nawn m u .
Nawn, v . T o s h a k e , q u a k e , vibrate, quiver. derv. anawn
an.d isdnawlt; cornp. shiimu, w n m and nnang nawn.
-nawn, a. Shaking, quivering, vibrating,-shivering;also
used adverbially; colnp. warn warn.
Nawn, v. To reflect, consider, suppose; derv. rrlrowrr; to
regard, consider, as worthy of respect, confidence or
homage; n nnwn, to be thbughtless; to disregard, slight,
treat with disrespect; s h i r a i tra re ai ~igaitrnwn da
we at', I supposed it was he; slzi @a 7r nawx ai, he
thinks of nothi ng,-is tlloughtless and careless; nang
ngai hpe h ~ anwn a n la? what do you (consider) take
me f o r ? shi ~ r g a hpc
i @a n nawn a i l 11c has no regard
for me; n. thought, consideration, supposition:
Alcitsaw LRrt'ng-yu Ran& nga n' nawn,

-sawn, v . T o consider; to regard, respect; n nawn n

sawn, to disregard, show disrespect; comp; gawn sawn.
Nawng, u. T o be i n a mass or lump; r . a congregation, a
herd, a flock; coinp. wgnawng, u nawng, eun rawng,
gwz nawag, nga rzawng, e t c ; adv, with, together with;
vu Ale nawng 6nw Rnu u , pull it up w i t h t h e root; s A i
kpe a r n i hte nawng woi wa mu, send (lead) him away
with his things; rpgar'gaw tan-hawk a AIlm lzta ltawng
r a i n i n i l l i k e the turtle I come withmy little house.
-nawng, ~ d v .In flocks, herds, packs or the like; u nz'
nnzu:zg wnwng r a i hRaw:n ma ai.
Nawng, v . T o continue contrary to expectations; derv.
dingnaw~zg; sRi du tzi Raw hkaa nawng mat a i l he
continues to follow the c h i e f ; ylcp nnwng, to fall into
a sleep or trance; a&!. always, for e v e r ; s h i d a i mare
6 nawng a nga nga a i .
-nawng, a h . For e v e r , always, continually; comp. Nan
nnn a n d fat tat; s h i rrnwng nawng n nga ngn n i .
Nawng, v . T o p u s h ; derv. Rdnnwng.; and nnnwng; naulng
d a f , to pus11 away; comp. shdnawsg and fsawng; to
deliver, h a n d over; njlr ARauna hp?r Ape nawpg knu se
ai, 1 have handed over my field to my (olderj brother;
to present, "deliver," as a sacrifice to the nars;-
a t the end of t h e ceremony parts of t h e sacrifice are
placed ("presented") on the altar, when the "life"
of the animal enters the "stables" of the nat;-piat
gdraz' ,r nawng yang shan n nzai sRa ar', meat must not
be eaten before the nats have had t h e i r share.
4s 2 Nawng.
Nawng, n. A lake, a pond; Bur. 46.
--htut, v T o poison, as a pond; see hdut.
-warn, n. A inassh; see warn.
Nawp, v . T o stick, a s mud; /Iku/npuj anwp a z , hogrr h k a
&or mu the mud w ~ l lstick, g o another w a y ; to pay,
as compound interest; nga m i hlu lrgn mz nguz ? Z I C W ~
ya tla, I will give one bullock as ~ n t e r c s ton one-
r e t u r n ~ n gtwo for one; to extort as black-mail; see
Nawt, v T o s t e p , move, as ahead, aside behind, etc.; two
de /OI vat nawt mz u , move (step) over a little; shnwptg.
dr nawt rat %,moveahead; t o trip, skrp; derv. ncdt~awt;
to walk,as a cake-walk; to move with measured steps,
as a soldier. .. . - -.
. r ,

-nawt, adv. I n a tripping, skipping, qu~cli-stepmanner;

nnu shawltg wa znwn nawt ilnwl rat nzanrru ~ ~ t l .
1 , v . T o suspend, to h a n g ; derv. n n o i , ezrtnoz and
skingnot; pd/awng noi d a zi, h a n g up the coat; fig. to
c l i n g to, t o d e p e n d upon; to be attached to; comp.
nrdltrt mdnoi; ?Ha gaw shz n ka~rzid l a not ?/goa2 the
child IS clinging (hanglng on) to its mother; n. a
.. basket, used by women.
I , tz. A small basket of the kind carried by wornen;
mdwnl noi ji.
N Q I , v . T o be l i m p ; to be soft, t e n d e r ; to be elastic; comp.
-hkrat, n. Rubber, as an article of use; see gdnoz.
-noi, a . Limp; soft, tender; w e a k , soft, effe~ninate; n-gun
n yawn 7zna a Rya n' rzoi noi vzgu nngai, I have no
s t r e n g t and feel weak; vtoi tzoi r e a i wa, a "tender-
Na, A preformative used mostly by the Hkauris.
-di,.. st. The nose; see Zddi.
-]In, n. A worm ; see kdjin.
-ga htoi, n. Jasper; Bur. ?ma.
N, Negative particle; Bur. o ; see Gram.; ndv. not; S ~ Z '
hpa n t s t ~ nn i , he says nothing; g i / a w in ai d a , he
says he cannot do i t ; n m a t , not good, h a d ; n hkrzr ir
shnwp, ?t gnwt ?z ?law?/,see parts.
N, A shortened form of nang, personal or possessive
pronoun, (see Gram.,) used as a noun prefix or verbal
particle; ~ t n u ,your mother; nwa, your father; nsku
nsha, your grandchildren; see also, njz nwoz, n/rpu
nnau, nni, nnam, n h k r i , and ntrng; nang @a tsun n
l a ? what do you say? Hang galaw n yang gaw, if you
do it; nang n sa n y a n g gaw, i f you do not go.
N ' , conj. And; abbreviation of nna; comp. Z P Z ; ski sa n'
Csan a i l he came and spoke.
N , General preformative, shortened form of nzng, nam
o r num,most frequently used by the Southern Kachins.
-un, n. A kind of mountain yam; comp. nnoi and nai.
-au, n. A large boiler; a cauldron; n-au di L m , a wide,
1arge boiler.
-ba, n. A cover, blanket, rug; see ba; n6a hpun a i , v . to
cover, as with a blanket.
-ba, n. Small-pox; also called nampan; nba ba, v. to have
small-pox; nba chynng, "black small-pox," a severe
form of small-pox; frdn @yaw, a mild form; nba htu or
Sam, t o vaccinate.
-ba, a.(fromba, to be big.) G r e a t , b i g and ferocious;
also pron. nitzgba; shduaw nba nyau ail the great tiger
is growling; nbn bawd, a species of herb; nda gitnoi, a
species of creeper; n6n h h k n m , an electric eel.
-bang, n A lacquered rattan hoop or ring, woin by
women around the waist; see da,tg and combinations.
-bang, n. T h e rear of a llouse; opp. to npan; nbang
c l t y i ~ g k k athe
, back door; a stranger never makes his
first entrance through the back door; nbafig ngau
ktawn or Atawng, the back verandah.
-bat., n. T h e cloth with which a child is carried tied on
the back; n4al sirmdaw; the placenta; comp. ma
m dptang.
-bu n. A walnut; see bsc, and combinations.
-bu: n. (from brr, an abode.) A home, abode; 72624 bra
to dig erse and return home, as after a feast.
-bu , n R blade; see nzngbu.
--bu, n. A species of dove; ndlr r u t , same; this dove is
often regarded as possessed; (see 6 2 4 , to rave.)
484 Nbun.
-bun, n. (from ban, to dust.) Dust; shdltgu nbtra, fine
p a r t ~ c l e s of thatcll; maw ab*n, "paddy dust;" &xn
kdmawng, v. to be dusty; nbatn ye, to dust, as garments
or furniture.
--bung, TL. (from irrag, to blow.) Air, wtnd, the atmos-
p here; ~ b 7 4 ~ dLgaru,
g a hurricane.
--bung, n. A borer, especially attacking bamboo; abnng
shn, tc attack, as the borer.

-bung ju, a. A kind of tree; a b r g z g j u hpun.

-bau, n. A kind of tree; see maibn*.
-bau, a . Chubby; see b a g ; ndau l a , a fig. n a m e tor a
tiger; ~ t b n z bl u n j r r sn /n sha r u ; see ? ~ d t n n .
-baw, c. To bellow, as a bull; to bawl.
-baw, n. Glutinous rice considered a delicacy; n6aw
nsclzg, s a m e ; see mam nbaw
-bawi, R. One of the Lddan families.
-bram, n. King-worm; nbmm mata, to have ring-worm.
-brang, 72. One of the Labya families.
-braw, n. A cross-road; see numbraw.
-bya, n. (from bya, to be destroyed.) A premature birth,
a mtscarriage; cornp, rbya; ndya dya, v . to have a
miscarriage; nbya g a , to propitiate the nat causing
miscarriage; to bury a premature birth.
-bye, n. T h e slde, as of a blade; comp. n-gang and
rshan; ndye mat, v. to be twisted, as a blade; nhtx n6ye
mat az.
-bye, n. (from bye, to s t e p on.) A kind of trap; also
pron. hR?dmbye.
--byen, r;. A large deer-trap.
-byen, n. A variety of wild yam used for feeding
-chyan, n. T h e point, as of a needle or a thorn; comp.
m d l u , nchywn and d ~ z d ~ z g .
-chyang, n. A hireling, a day-labourer; a coolie; scr
chyang and ningthya7~g;~rshyaagjarz, a handmaiden.
-chye, tr. (from dye; to peck.) A small hoe, used in
weeding a paddy field; comp. ti91gchye.
nntu, pal n .
-c h y i , v. T o be i 11 ; see aji, a n d mdc/iyi, ~rc&ytyi
trouble, ailment.
-chyin, 7 ~ .A lovesong; (Northern usage;) see nc//,vart.
Nchyi k, adv. Vcry much; nckyik ~rmak,i n an uncommon
degree, or extraordinary manner, out of all propor-
tions; nzdvat2.g nrhyik amah htzc az.
-chyun, n. The tip, as of the nose; a pinnacle, a spiring
point, a summit; comp. md/ztnw nchj~~?z; ntn nchyan,
a gable.
-chyun', n. A love song; also pron. nch~c:'n;coinp. /aka
and ma?raw niaghja; a c h ~ n nc h ~ ~ n n s., to sing i n
chorus, as the young people at an evening eotertain-
-chyawng, n. A mosquito; coup. of jigrnzl~~g.
-da, a. Level; see nivlztda.
-da, n. (from d a , to be crosswise.) Width, breadth;
opp. to di~tgdung;a. wide; nda nzdga, the wide part,
width; ndn tang, adv. crosswise; across; :da tang ding-
dztrzgyatrg, crosswise and lengthwise; comp. dingda.
-dan; s. A cross-bow; see don and combi2;tions.
-dang, u. (irom dang, to be obstructed.) To deny,
contradict; ndang kdang, to den:;, gainsay; d a n g
Rdlang hknt, to dispute, contest, controvert; ndang
Rdlangga, n. a contradiction, a denial; a dispute.
-dang, v. (from dang, to he choked.) To be unable to
deliver i n childbirth; n h n g si, to die i n confinement;
one of the greatest calamities known to a Kachin;
ndang hajaw, to die, as mother and child; d n n g k d s i ,
to die i n confinement; ndangbzl?;g/tzt,n. n blood feud, as
when an unmarried woman dies i n confinement; ndnng
Lam, death i n confinement; see nmat /am;ndang r u m ,
a woman having died i n childhirrh; she is regarded,
as a ?rat ( ~ d a n g nnt,) and the corpse is burned; ndang
jawm, to drive away the nut that caused the death i n
-clap, v . T o place embers and hot ashes on a plantain
leaf over boiled rice; Bi!ltg/tRran~zg n /zd a i mdjaw
~ d a shnp ga at'.
-dat, v. To promise, to pledge ; comp. madat; nal ~zdatai,
to promise or pledge, a sacrifice, at a l ~ ~ t u i date:
-e gn
~ d n t ,a promise; ndnt rrfartg, a pro*nise, a pledge;
?zd(rt~ ( Z N Z a, kind of padd)r.
Nde, adv. Thus, to such an extent; nde nlaw, for so long
a time; comp. mrtde; nde nlaw r a i tim' n ma ai; mir
de, this much, i d e mi, this much or thus: nde mi jam
-de, adv. Here; (Hkauri;) see sang de.
Nden, n. Fearlessness, boldness; nden p, v. to be bold
fearless, courageous; to be blustering, or assuming:
nden ja a i wa hRrif Rdya n chyp a i l
-den, n. Time; (Hkauri;) see nten.
-diJ tc. A pot; see d i .
-di, v . T o .be close; to crowd or move, together; ndt
lawn $ 8 , put the things close to ether; n a n k l ~m a h R ~ a
shdra sha ndi ngn mu, you a1 crowd into the same
-di, v . To stagger; ndi nda, to stagger; to zig zag; to
move i n short turns a n d angles; adv. to and fro, back-
ward and forward; i n a staggering, rambling, inco-
herent manner; ndi nda LRwm Lsun; ski a myit ndi nda
nga ai.
-digram, n. A spider; see gindig-ram.
-duJ n. A stump; comp. hbttn du; Rdwa nda, a bamboo
stump; yi hRu ndu, stubble.
-du, s. A wild boar; see wa du.
-du tep, n. An earwig; also prbn. hhindu tep.
-durn, n. A bottle; see drrnr and combinations; comp.
gamdau; kdwa ndgm, a bamboo "bottle" or '"horn.!'
-durn, n. A granary; see dam.
-dung, n. (from dung, to be brought to a point.) A top,
as of a tree, bamboo or post; opp, to npawt; the small
end, as distinguished from the wide or bottom end;
shddaw d u n g , the top or small end of a post.
-dung, n. The jack tree; Artocarpus integri/i/ia ;ndung
nail a variety of yam.
-dung, n. Figurative name f ~ ar sword; ndtrng nhpye:
coup. mridzrng.
-dup, n. (from dap, to pound.) A blacksmith; ndwp
n h k a h same.
--dut, a . Unbreakable; see dut; ndut ndartg, adv. with-
out let or hindrance; i n an untrameled m a n n e r ; tzdrl
sumri Zrinu ;rrfsnnr /dt~kwz'/ah&&.
Ndai, pron. a. This; comp, d a i and wora; ndoi nta, this
house; ndaz g r m r h , this pony.; ndai hRran 8, this side,
( a s of a river.)
\ /

--dai, Verbal particle, second person sing.; plur. myit

. daz; comp. tzif dnz and /if dai; narrg rai ndai, it is you.
-dau, n. One of the Kachin families.
-dau, v. T o be loud, noisy, vociferous; nang nar ndau
nz m q a w ~trrishamdszn &ahpya uz'
-daw, a. (Iroln d a w , to break.) Broken; n f a ndaw, a
dilapidated house; nhfu ndaw, a broken sword; n.
anything broken; often applied to a sword; cornp.
nshi; fig. something difficult. .- -
-daw, n. T h e open space i n front of a house; a front-yard;
comp. chyd/tpu,zg, nnbnng, npan, and wu;; d p w yan
Rddit, the "lawn" in front of house; ndaw 'liR nga,
adv. outside; see parts; rzdaw RahRrang, v. to dance
i n front of a house, as at a funeral feast; cornp. &&bung
durn and ldhRreng manau; ndaw ri, the two spears
carried by the leader in such a dance; ~zu'aw mdtrau,
same as ndaw RdhRrang.
-dawng, v. T o hate; see dawng.
-dawng, n. T h e open house-front; (Hkauri;) see M'aw.
-dawt, v . T o be anxious; to long to do; to desire earnest-
ly; to be constrained, compelled i n one's mind; mdnnng
wa galaw a2 /tpe yr nna miawl nfzgai.
-doi, n. An aunt; comp. doi and nr doi.
-ga, n. A live coal; a charred piece of wood; ,camp. nra
and nhpra wan n-ga; wan n-nga ~ I mdhkrei L K.
-ga, n. A sheath, a scabbard; also pron. n-gang; comp.
mdshawf; shlfdang fa /awn nz ndrhawt n-ga tang r a i
-ga, v . T o lean backward; to lie on the back; cornp.
nhkrem and shagam; n-ga de Rdmg u , lie on your
back; n-ga Rm or Rran, adv. on the back, supinely.
-gap adv. More than; o;er and above; see Gram. and
Bur. om; daz h f n n-ga, moreover, beside; fzgai /u a i
htn n-ga nnrzg /a ndai, you have more than I; shad jaw
nr h f a n-ga gumhpraw mung jaw n i ai.
--gam, v. T o be steep, precipitous; t z . a precipice; comp.
shdrut n-gam and nhRap; n-gam RdLeng aai wa a numda
lam ARrtrp, he w h o slept on the precipice found the
level road,-he who was nearly ,ruined is now doing
N-gam, n. A step, a notch, of a native l a d d e r ; conip.
ldkang; n-gam hka mrr, notch, the "steps;" n-gam ding
or r a n , see parts.
-gam-yaw n. Locusts; see Jirr gam-yaw.
-gar', f
v . T o intercept, as the ight; cornp. shinggang; to

overshadow, d e g r a d e , ,obscure ; shi kd?!a APe n-gan

nna nlcm wa ai, she d e g r a d e d h e r (older) sister
marrying (before her); to do unexpecredly, or contrary
to usage; R ~ w agaaJ Rifskn hpe n-pan RUB nna si w a
a i.
-gang, n. A shield; also prow n-ga; n-gang kdhng,- a
small round shield,
-gang, n. A sheath; see n-ga.
-gu, n. Husked rice; s e e p a n d and mangg2c.
-gum, a. T o bend forward; to be flat on the face; see
shdgilm; cornp, n-ga and v~ngup.
-Qun, n. S t r e n g t h , power, Iorce; comp. ddpytn and turn;
n-gun d a l , v . to put f o r t h s t r e n g t h ; n-gwn ja, to be
strong; n-grbn durn, to t: exhausted; a-grp, i d p w , n.
s t r e n g t h , etc.; n-gun Llrsaag, a h . with g l e a t effort,
resolutely and violent1y ; li.-gu~- Lasung abyetr u ; n-gun
yawm, to lose s t r e n g t h . to become weak.
--gung, n. The back of a b l a d e ; cornp. n s k a ~nbyen , and
unggrimai, v. to h i t , strike w i t h the back
nRrung; n;P:
a swor considered a n insult; n-gung g d h w , to
settle a quarrel i n which swords had been drawn.
--gung bai; n. A k i n d of shrub.
-gup, n. A pair; two of a ltind, applied to fowls, e g s ,
prawns, e t c ; (some r e g a r d n-gtlp and Quxggup as t e
same word.)
L g ~ p , B , The mouth; cornp. mdnawng; n-gup n-gau, poet-
I C name f o r the mouth; n-gnp n-got4 shinglet shinglail;
n-guf (i, u . to be slow of speech; a-g?r/, ?~zd/awng
or n-gwp t u , to be taikati ve; n-gup 92 t x , to be quiet,
reserved, close-moutl~ed,(lit. not t s g r o w a mouth);
n- rp tap, to close t h r mouth ; n-gz~p~z-g(zt, t h e corner
f the mouth. ,
N-gut, v . To be vexed, irritatedm;
gdrai n t a i /u a i tn,+w
myz> n-gul angar.
n. A corner, as of the mouth; see gai and n-gzp 78-
-gaw, v. To respect; n-gaw nnyeng, n. respect, affection,
love; comp. nyeng; n-gaw nnyeng az 7 ~ ~ 2 ' 4thi: , loving
heal t ; 72-gaw nwtzi, love, pity, mercy; n-gaw riwai di,
to show mercy, love, benevolence.
-gaw, n. A household, a family; see htinggaw; n-few
Atawt or wa,to niove, as a family; n-guw ?@a,a crowd,
a multitude.
-gaw g a w k , a. A scorpion; n-gaw guwk Rawa a i , to sting
(lit. bite,) as a scorpion.
-gawn, a . All, the whole; great, strong, rniillty; comp.
nlirggnwlr and taws; rnusitgktzn htu tt-gawn, all ~n the
land; N-gawn L~hyartua, the reat Chyarun; see
parts; N-gawlt iVa or N-gawn #a Mdgam, the tradi-
tional progenitor of the Kachins, the son of Chydnnn,
and the creator, (rather former, architect) of heaven
and earth.
-gawn, n. A bamboo spade, used i n digging ? grave;
comp. ugawn; ti-gawa htc sk;ng6ztt shuj PI)*;
-gawn ba, n A kind of cricket.
-gawng, n. A corpse; see gawtzg; n-gazung r p u , the pole
( u s u ~ ! l ybamboo,) to ivhicl? a coffin 1s lashed, when
carried to the grave; r-gozung rzgdu hte /ahjaw g h w
yang u h &pa a t .
D n. A shallow, losely woven balnboo basket used
as a tray; hkvatr n-gazuf, a lacquered tray; f d / r ; n-gawf,
the ordinary bamboo basket; comp. gnze~tand combi-
-gawt, n. A rim; see Atinggawt.
b 1 n. (from goz, to swing.) A swing.
-goi l a t u ~ n , n. T h e rainbow; r - g o i laturn Idyung kte
/ d a w n yang &la Idtt4m fta do.
-grak, a. Bad, useless, worthless; (Northern usage.)
-gren, rr. (from gven, to be sharp.) A sharp splint
(usually a bamboo splint,) as an article of use; n-grm
/at, to spEt and whittle, as a bamboo knife; umung
42 K
n-gren l a t nna wanbu shddaz' d a t daw m u , whittle a
bamboo k n i f e and cut the navel; comp. mdgren.
N-grau, n. T h e white-handed gibbon; the Hoolock mon-
k e y ; n-gratr wu [ahtat.
-grawm, a . (from grawm, to be lean.) Knotty, bony,
lank, shabby, scrubby; n-gvawnr x-gram,s a m e ; n-grawm
n-gram r k nz A j z r ~ rseng Rag w ?
--grawng, n. (from grawtLg, to grow anew.) A proper
name for a MU N a w ; also pron. Naw Grawng.
-gyeng, u. To lean, incline; see gyeng; shddaw n-gymg
ai',the post is leaning; a ' z ~ n-gyeng a i , to hold the head
sideways; m y i n-gyeng ani, to look askance; myit n-
gyeng, to be inclined, disposed, drawn towards.
--gyi, n. A bastard; comp. rivnggyi; n-gyz da law, a child
born i n illicit union.; n-gyi ma Ra or it-gyt ma yau, a
child of "mixed" (and uncertain) parentage; n-gyiba,
t o have an illegitimate child.
-gYf j
n. A picture of the s u n ; see jaan n-gyi; n-gyi
hying RdLang, an eagle; only found i n poetry.
--gyin, n . A cucumber; see kamgy&z.
-ja, Y. T o show love, affection, tenderness; krinu gaw
ma hpe nja ai; a . dear, loving, aHectionate; nja i., m y
dear; nja wa,a dear friend, a lover; nja jan, a sweet.
heart; nla nnhpra, tender, loving, etc.; s h i nja nhpra
ga a lsun nga ai.
-ja, n.. Gloss, brightness, luster; (comp. ja, gold;) nya
Rdbrim, to be glossy, as s i l k ; n. beauty, nobility, as i n
appearance; s h i nryi man nja pru ai.
-jang, n. T h e platform i n the nat corner ( n a ~r a ) on
which a corpse is placed; the spirit ( t s u ) resides here
u n t i l sent to t ne nat country; coup. shrilen; comp. jang
and mang jang.:
Tsu gaw shd/en na raw! la law,

- ~ a n g , u . T o heap, pile; see nunrjang.,

-]at, n. (from jat, to increase.) A nest, as of a h e n ;
comp, hip.
N krawn, $9 1

N j i , u. T o be ill; see nchyi; to be no'isy, boisterous and

thus pestering; njz n-gzc, a. troublesome, pestering,
.. vexatious; n j i n m x , n. pain, trouble, ailment.
I , a. Small; 7r. small birds, see numF;Jn p joi',, a kind
of snake ravaging bird s nests,
-ju, n. A piece of raw meat; see gumja.
J , a . (from jh, to attack a s a tiger.) Fiercel vora-
cious and thus unbearable; skaraw nju, a voracious
tiger; nju jan, the fierce, unendurable sun: comp.
ningju .
-jut, n. A n Atsi, tribe; also called Lzrngjvn or LOSO; lit-
those erecting stone landmarks.
-jut, n. A corner; see jut; njut nnaw, a nook, a corner;
s h i n j a t nnaw hkan e kiisawk a i , he ransacked every
nook and corner.
-jaw, n. T h e top-knot; the hair as made up on the toy
of t h e head; see jaw and combinations.
-ka, n. A wicker basket; see ka and combinations.
-kan kawt, n. A mantis; also pron. wangkang 4nw0
-kang, n. A worn blade; comp. ndnw, d a p , nbu and
n hkyi.
-kap daw, n. T h e king post near the mddaz dap, Tn the
house of a chief; nRnp daw nu rhkroi u law.
-kup, u. T o turn, "fold" as the edge of. a blade; comp.
Rdmyz'n; nhtu nk@ ccz' Raktam n #yaw ai.
-kau, a. Some, certain; see Rau; rcRau m i , some; n&au
tni sha, some only; only a few or a part; nkau mz sho
$U a t , only a few have come; nbau mr shn l a w e.
-kawn, n. The part of an offering given to the chief;
comp. tnagyi; toll, duty, impost; d a w n h a ~ or g shuzun,
to pay, as toll, etc.; comp. Raag and /dhRauwz,
-kra, n . (from k r a , to protrude.) Protruding, promi-
nent; n-gup nRra ai w a , a person with prominent
-krung, n. The point of a sword; see nchynn.
-krai, 72. The part, as of a n edge-tool entering t h e
handle; n k r n i s h z p , v. to form, as the part for the
haft; n h h nkrni /z@ nhka Ata jung u.
-krawn, n. T h e spring of certain kinds of traps;
(HRauri;) see dumda; the beams, as of a bridge,
(rare;) nhrawc; kkvai ;uo, t h c traditional bridge built
by N-gawrz ['aMdgnt,:iii.
Nkyang, n. A s t e m , a petiole, e s p x i a l l y of flowers
growing i i i c!r.rsters; also p r n . r/tiirgky-.sng; camp,
g t ' d a z ; a c!ustc :., ;?n ur!:bel; n k y o z d . / d r z p i mi jaw e.
-kyem, n. One ci t h e Northern Rachin L'amilies; N k p m
-kyu, n. A sick!e; (Ldhhxnz;) see i,hi5ya*.
-hka, n. A sniolting pipe; see hi;!: and combinations; (a
cooking pot; Northerr. usage.)
-hka, n. T h e chin; t t z jaw; nl?rhrzut nhkn, the smooth
chin; shaz J T niiks, ~ the jabbering jaw; nhka nkkaz,
the chin or j a w .
-hka, n. A door; see rkyinghLa.
-hTtam, n. A kind ~ j f nigh;-hawk; also called Akam
nhbam; hRam nhRum u hba ARr3 a i mprrlj:~wshanr e n
Ppu h a i .
-hkan, n. Rust; a , old, venerable, because rusty; nhkan
dau sa, the old "rusty" gong; rrhRan knp or j m g , to
be rusty; &Ran sha, to be e s t e n by rust.
-hkan, H. (from LRan, to ( c i l o i ~ . ) A cause; conj. because
of, o n account 0:; cornn. fizdjtzw; s / ~ u ~ ~ gunzhfraw
nhRan gasat nga ma ai, they a r e ql~arrelingon
account of rnorre y.
--hkan, v T o sslbside; to become less Irequent and troub-
lesome, as attacks of illness; ~ z a c h y ia i w loz' mi
nhRnn sat'.
-hkan lung, n. Petrified wood; see ncamARan lutrg.
-hkap, i t . A steep hill, ascent, deciivity; see h k a t ; a .
steep, h i l l y ; ndai /ant nhRap ngn a;; L R ~ r a wnhkap
r'rrkan e, among valleys and hills; corn?. ?warn.
-hku, n. An inside; postp. or ndv. inside, $thin; opp. to
shinggan; cornp. c k . ~ l i A L a ;fzta nhXa de shang mu.
-hku, n. A handle, h i l t , h s t t ; corny. nRrni and ulang;
nhiu n h k u ,a hilt.
-hkum, n. One of t h e Kachin tribes; Lu Ntu, T u
h'R74m .
-hkun, n. A c a v i t y , a pit, a deep hole, as i n t h e ground;
cornp. LRu and ginLawlzg ARzI; n h l v n nhklzw, holes
and cavities; shi nhkrrn i.rAknw ARax h k m l sai nhlm.

N hkut, n. Smoke; see wan nkkat; 7zhkuf hkrr ai, to smoke,

to rise, as smoke.
-hkau, 7e. A kind of water snake.
-1lkaw n. A trap; same as mahkam; ahhaw ktung,v. to
set a trap.
--hkaw, n. The fates; co!ip. of nzaraz.~,which see.
-hkaw, 7r. Voluntary gifts presented at a funeral,(mang
mdkoi;) nhkaw sa, to go and present the gifts; nhkaw
shadun, to present and place the gifts before the offi-
ciating priest who involies a blessing.
-hkawn, n. A maid; same as mrtkkaw~z;shdyi nhdawn
n i , shadang /a /awz ni.
-hkawng, a. Two; same as /ahRlzumg.
-hkra, n. A species of creeper t h e roots of which are
used i n dyeing yarn.
-h krang, n. The mustard pl A n t ; see rh~,i7tghrbrarzg.
-hkrang, v. T o h i t ; see hkrang; nlrdrang Rung&, the
traditional bo1.v of N - f a w n IVa.
-Itkrem, n. (from i r k ~ e m to, be side by side.) T h e side
of the body, as distinguished frorn the front or back;
the e d g e or back, a s of a book; t~lrkvctnd e , a h . by the
side of; sideways; conlp. n-e-Q a n d n-gum; 7~yi~ h k r r m
dc t s n j u , stand at my sid6; nithrcw~dc kdleng a, lay
on the side; ~ t / ~ k r ede ? ~sit
t 21, move sideways.
-hkri, a. Drv or dead,-said of vegetation; shdraw
kkru a i lcpb7zg. h j x n nk L r i sawng ai.
-hkrin, v. To be unusual, as i n height, weight, size, etc.;
a. surpassing, excelling; opp, to ?tk&yi;dai lapzmg Ata
rcgn nhkri~zI ~ t t z g ~m r 'i vawng n i .
-hkru, . a. Bad, wicked; see kRrlr.
-hkrun, n A support, as for a vine; a bean-pole or the
like; zhkrzrn nut', the Chinese yam; nhkru7t skdatt,
to train, as beans on poles.
-hkrut, n. A whetstone, a hon.3; see A R r r c t and combi-
nations; t h e bicuspids, as of hogs, supposed to serve
as whetstones for the tusks.
-hkye, a. Red; see Akyepzg; rnnnz vtARyr, red rice.
-hkye, v . To be aslant, oblique, inclined; also pron.
nhkyeng; comp. n-gymg; dini'kj.r n i , the pot leans over,
n - p p nhkyettg, to make faces; to draw, as the lips

Nhkyeng, v. 'To he aslant; see nhkye

-hkyi, i r . A small k n i f e ; a dagger, a pocket knife; also
pron. ashi; fig. anything small: adv. small, less;
tawngban ai mdjaw yudak nhkyi na /u ai, because he
apologized he will receive less punishment; comp;
tzda w .
-hkyun, n. The kidneys; see hkyun and combinations.
-hkyau, n. A sickle, a scythe; see nkyu and n s l a u .
- l a , n. The room or compartment where the unmarried
women receive and entertain their male friends; n/a
dap, same; u n yan i z l c z , the smooth-floored room; %/a
dap sin a i wa, a slave; nLa pran, to meet for amusement,
as young people, in the maiden's compartment; see
parts and comp. n m dtlng.
-lam, n. A . clan of which the Myitung, Mdnanr and
H p a u r s families form a part.
--Ian, a. Ordinary, every-day, in constant use: see Ian;
Aai nye a n h t ~n h n r a i li ai'; this is my every-day
-lang,, a. All; comp. danghta, mahkra and yawng; d u n g
LM, all, everybody, everything; n h n g sa u .
-lap, n. A piece, part, as of a broken sword; nhtu nlap
hpe nkrai shup nna nhRu jung u .
-le, a h : (from Ie, to turn.) In a turned manner; nle de,
wrong side out, inside out, outside i n ; s2 a i masha
hpe nZ2 de idlrpun ma a i l they put a dress wrong side
out on a corpse.
-lem, v. T o be tal kati v e , loquacious, garrulous; see tern;
nazt nZem a i mdsha a ga n dtizg ai,
-lens Verbal particle, same as ningCen, which s e e .
-let, v . T o be passing; same as ma/et, which see.
-li, n. Seed; grain used as seed; see Ii; n/i htum sai, the
seed has run out.
- 1 m n . A second growth or reapfng during the same
season; a rowen, an aftermath; nlim g u t , to harvest,
as a second growth; to glean, as after reapers.
A l u m , n. (from h m ,to be hot.) T h e hot weather; cum
la,the hot season; opp. to kashung fa.
-lung, n. A stone; see lung and combinations.
N l u n g , IL. The madder plant and root used for dyeing
purposes; also pron. shinghng or yanL'ung.
-lul)g, n. The first cutting of paddy; n h n g PitLafi poi, the
early harvest feast; d u n g Rctngaw, v. to roast (and eat)
new paddy; comp. nnryi and + t s d ; n h n g shddun, to
offer new paddy to the nats; to offer the first-fruits of
the field.
-law, a. T o rejoice, and make a demonstration, as after a
victorious battle; fig a victory; comp. /cidang; b y e n
' a w wa m a r a az'.
7 ~ 2d
-lawng, n. A man-eating tiger; nLawxg kawa az'; comp.
lawng; shdraw n(awng,.a man-eater; ( a man-eater is
generally suppossed to be a man who by a skilful use
of tiger's claws and incantations can be changed
at will into a tiger.)
-lawt, n. (from lawt, to be free.) A freed-man, one
manumitted fromser,vitude; an escaped prisoner; also
pron. shanglazut.
l o Y. (from (oi, to be early.) T o be of early growth,
a . early, the first of the season; nloi mam, early
paddy; shdfire nloi, early beans; .namsi namsaw d e z ,
early fruit.
-ma, ndv. Yes; also pron mma; comp. mlaw; nmu /awl
yes, by all means.
--ma, n. A wound, cut, laceration; a scar; nma bya, to
re-open, as a sore; nma hbatrg,'a scar; n n m ntdhkar,
to grow ia,size, to spread, as a sore; nmu r u n , to re-
- open, ,as a nearly healed wound; n m a sdtftrm, to be-
come poisoned as a sore ; to suffer f roil1 blood-poison-
ing ; nyntc ldmyin gaw ,turn sanam a:.
a. (from man, to be used to.) ~ x ~ e c e n c e v.d : to
have experience; sAig&/aw nman rai nga a$ he has
experience i n doing it.
--mat, a. Bad; evil, repugnant.
-mat, v. T o die in parturition; also said of a husband
dying during the pregnancy of h i s wife; comp. ndang;
slri nmat /am wa sni, she (or he) has gone the way of
those unable to bring forth;-the man not living to
see the issue i s regarded as a woman having died in
confinement, but the blame is always on the woman.
+ Nman, v. coup. of nsan.
496 Nme.
Nme, Verbal particle third person plur.; ngai shanht*
h f e rsult ,&me ai, 1 told t h e n ) ; an auxiliary used i n the
fornlation of ad verbs and adverbial phrases; Rdntng
rai 7 ~ 7 ~ how
e is i t ? Rd~~t'ng
mi I Z ~ E Z Claw, because; see
-mun, n. The beard; see niwn; n-gu) nnzzrn, a mustache;
nhka nmutr, the chin-brxrd; a qoatee; n ~ r ~ unmau, n a
-mut, n. Harvest; ~ m x m t ,harvest-time; ntrtzd shang, v.
to begin the harvest.
-mail n. A tail; see mai and combinations:
-maw, v. T o be stained, soiled, " coloured," as around
the mouth ; m a sh~idu?z,q sha m a n-gtlp r m a w a i .
-maw, n. A high-way; see Lam rtmaw.
-maw, a. A platform attached to a watch-tower i n a
paddy-field; nmaw m i rawng, the time about five P. M.;
the time when the sun ison an equal height with the
-mawng, v. To grow i n patches; mam nmawfig a patch;
as w i t h i n a field, of uni:sually fine paddy.
-moi, n. Blossoms, as of grain; spikes, spikelets; see
maw nmot ;nmoi p r ~ ,to blossom, as grain; nmoi m d -
r a m , odour, as from a field i n bloom; jan nnroi n i f , the
time near sunset.
-myem, a. Light, as grain; see myem.
-myi, n. N e w and roasted rice, as eaten at the feast of
t h e " first-f rui ts;" cornp. nlung shddun and ntsit.
-na, n. Dripping from the eaves; naa ARmt, v. to drip,,
as f tom the eaves; nna mugnu, n. an eave's-ditch; nna
magaau wmd aar, to clear or enlarge an eave's-ditch.
- n a , post!. Frotn; de z n n 01- Raw ?ma, f r o m ; see parts;
a d v . of comparison, used with grau; s h i g r a ~nna tsnw
a i , he likes it e v e n more; c m j . a n d ; ngai sa ?urn m x
at, I came and s a w ; m m p . ?:n and see Gram.
-nam, n. Leaves, twigs, especially as covering a place
where sacrificial meat is cut u p ; see iram.
-nan, a. New; see nan and ni~zgngnan; ~rlrtuitna~z,a new
-nan, v. To cause excessive rain or drougllt, as the
offended spirit of a chief is suyposcd to do; also called
m o ~ ggrzmztl; the Kachins hold that the s irit of a
chief can cause a deluge o r a drought i f &spleaued
with the funeral akremonies; i n such Q case the
relatives aye held responsible and must propitiate the
off ended party ; /&isni ddil n dew-pangm a q xlrafl a i d a .
Nnang nawn, t ~ (from . Tznwn, to s h a k e . ) An earth-
quake; nnatlg nawfl ?lawn ai, to be i n progress, as an
earthquake. 6
-neng, n. Glutinous rice; (Northetn usage;) s c e nbaw.
-ni, v . To pronounce the marriage blessing i n 1)ehalf of
a bride; also pron. Zdni; n u m /a ai shlini nxljz niri ei.
-4n. , Suffeii ngs; nlpi n k r i , sufferings, misery, distress;
comp. nhturn nni; ski nni nRri Raba /rRrum ai.
- - n u n , * n. A proper name among the N/,kams.
-nun, ic. A Negro; A'nan shdchyang n i , black men,
Negroes; comp. Mungnztn.
-naw, n. A nook; see rjui.
-naw, A sprout, a new shoot, as from a root or stump;
/tpun R r a ~kau a i lcpang nnaw bai rawt a i .
-nawn, n. Long strips of shavings used as ornaments,
as around a n a t a l t a r or the l i k e ; nnuwle hkut, to shave
OH the shavings; nnawn byail, to hang, as the shav-
-nawn, v. (from nawn, to suppose.) T o be sure or
confident; n u ddru na nnawn nngai.
-nawn n. A path, a track, as through a jungle; jungle,
as laid by forcing a path; nam nnawR Hang de yawng
--nawng, v . (from %awn , to push.) To cause death by
infidelity; -an unfaith ul wife will, i n Kachin opinion,
cause her husband's death; skz'a d d a r wn kpe dai wa
L nnavng sat w a i k a l
--noi, n . A kind o l yam; n?zoiaai.
--ngu, adv. (from ~ g l to , speak.) Inclined, disposed,
likely; mdchyz na nngr rtngai, I am on the point of
bei ng sick ; r gcilaw ni, nga ngu fla nngtr nngai, 1 am
inclined to say I do not wish to do it.
-ngum, v. T o bend forward; same as n-gam.
-ngup, v . To bend forward; same as n-gvnr, nngvm or
shdg,unr; mostly used by the Hkauris.
498 N ngai.
Nngai, a. One; same as i d ~ g n i .
-npai, Verbal particle first person sing.; see Gram.;
ngai sha nngai, I am eating.
-ngawt, . Scent, fragrance, odour, as from a 'field;
* camp. bat; hkahu nngawl nod7~amai.
--nyeng, n, l ' b e flying lizard; Drpco fimdricatiu.
-nyeng, rr. The whiskers, as of a cat; skdraw nnyeng,
the whiskers of a tiger.
-nyeng, n. A kind of blackbird; nrsgerrg nyet w , same,
see #yet.

--nyawt, a. To call, as a buffalo; to bleat; comp. nbaw;
uf'oi H n awt nga ai.
-pan, n. he covered but unfloored front of a house
where the cattle are kept aod general work is done;
comp. vdatcg; ripen j724, see prv.
--pan, a. (from pan, to bear.) Unborn, primeval, primor-
dial; npan 2c, the traditional woman (bird) existing
before the present order of things; @an p, the
primeval land.
-Papj v . To show, as a heavy growth of beard; n-g%p
nmztn npaj at:
-pel n. A goat; (onomatopoetic;) coup. of bainaw.
-pu, adv. Under, below, beneath; opp. to ntsa; nth uku
e dung a , put it under the house.
-puh, n. A highland paddy field under cultivation th,e
-pun, r
second ear; comp. dunlrRa and LRumma.
n. ( rom Pztn, to well forth.) A spring; khanfin

-paw, f
@aw n a ai.
a. from paw, to crack.) Popped, cracked open;
k h i n t l npaw, pop-corn; npaw wju, a kind of bird.
-pawt, . re. A beginning, a foundation; a bottom; opp. to
ndzmg; #)awl nhjang,see nkpung; n j a w t mdnal, to be
of t h e same stock; to have, a s t h e same ancestry.
-prang; a&. I n ; nfrangr, i n ; w i t h i n the limits, or in
the presence of; jan n j r a z g e kRlrm drng, do not sit
in the sun; ntdrung nprnng c /zRum hdawm.
-prik, n. Red-pepper; (Northern usaqe.)
-pring pri, n. A k i n d of b i r d ; n p r i n i t r r u .
-hpa, j r o n W h v ) w h a t ? (i-lkauri ;) see hpa.
-hpan, ?z. A fenie, as around a field; cornp. dunghku.
o Nnyau,- D . to cleanse.
Nhpan, n. Paddy, as rowin on or around a thrashing
P f
floor; au & n pan law law irr ai.
-hpang, n. (from irpang, to begin. A beginning; qfawt
nltpang, a foundation, nhjang am nna, from the first;
edv. at, before, i n the presence of; /dgaw nhpaflg
a d u n g u , sit at hi.s feet; daev nlrpanzt l a a s u , put it
i n front ol (the place for) his head; cornp. man 8;.
nhpang be, v. to carry home the first-fruits, as of a paddy
harvest; ~hpafzgba a i poi, the feast at t h e occasion;
(on the feast day the woman d the household picks a
few ears of grain from a small patch left till the end
. of the harvest, puts them i n a large basket and
walks away as though carrying a heavy load; this
begins the home-carrying of the grain.)
-hpang, n. Rice; only used as a coup. of n-grr.
-hpat, v. T o vomit; to spew: ( r h p a t , is said of grown
people, mddawlr, of children.)
-hpu, v. T o boil over, as a pot; cornp. numshu n h j g oi.
-hpu, n. Dust; comp. aA#,pu, ga 72hjrc and d u n ; nhfu
ntawng ai, to be dusty; nhpu @an, to rise, a5 clouds
of dust ; dai h2awt nhpx @an ga ai.
-hpu, a . Worthless; see hpu; nhfu nu2, useless, worthless,
undeserving; nhpzt n r i d i , v . to treat as useless, etc.
-hpum, i t . A villsge; see ninghpum.
-hpun, n. A s t a l k , as of growing grain; comp. y i M u ;
ma% n@vn R66a ai.
-hpung, n. The sides of a house; same as ckyrhfrcng,
which s e e ; /ahla n&ung, /dww nApu7tg, the upper or
lower si:le, ( a s determined by the elevation or incline
of the lli l l on the side of which the bouse is built.)
-hpai, n. A sinall cylinder of horn, bamboo or stone,
with a close-fitting piston, used for kindling fire;
tinder or punk is attached to the end of the plunger
which kindles when by a sharp stroke it is driven
home; nhpai Lalrlzg, flint; see h f a i and combinations;
jan nhpai, a lens.
-hpaw, v. (from hpazu, to open.) To begini start, as
work; also pron. makpnw; nhflaw si,those that make
a start, as in p a d d y plantin ; a chief or elder begins

and after two days the vil age people are in their
500 Nhpaw.
Gelds; n h j a w n n , t h e holiday before sowing or plant-
iog; see na; ga nlrpuw, a pre.face, a n introduction.
N h p a w , 12. Abundance; nhpaw n-ya, adv. abundantly,
amply, plentifully.
-hpawng, n. (from hj'r wag., to congregate.) A clump, a
cluster; also pron. mdh#izw?zg.; cornp. mam,tg nkpawng.
-hpra, a . Dear, affectionate; see njo.
-hpra, a. W i l d , fierce, uncontrollable, ferocious; also
pron. nhprang; mrtgwi n h p m , a wild elephant; waff
nhpra, wild-hre; wan n h j v a n-ga, bituminous. coal,
supposed to be caused by volcanic fire; jan ~ A p r athe ,
fierce sun; shdraw nhpra, a ferocious tiger.
-hpram, n. The glow-worm; see hprant; nh/vanr A h a
yang /dta @ye a i da.
-hprang, a. W i l d ; same as nhpra.
-hprap, n. Lightning; same as ~ ~ j ~ z / l p r a p .
-hprat, v. To strike fire, as w i t h flint or steel; to strike,
as a match; n h f n i n h j r a t 26.
-hprut, a. W a n t i n g , l a c k i n g ; ndv. too short; see kprzit;
slrmri %@rat n i rvtd;a?e, a mutzit /It ai.
-hpraw, a. (from /tpmzr~,to be white.) \Vhite, pure,
clean; comp. mdhpraw; ~ ~ h p r n zhRa, u a. t h e river of
death i n which t h e soul bathes and changes appear-
ance before entering t h e l a n d of the ancestors; water
with which the corpse of a chief is washed: see
mang Rdshin; n h p u a k mam, a kind of white rice.
-hprawt, n. The border, outskirts, as of a field; cornp.
sh'i'ngaawm; j.;nkpvazut kkan a woi sawng aai, monk-
eys are plenti i u l all around the field.
-hpya, 71. A "drier," as for tobacco, fruit or t h e like;
n h f y a h t n ntdJc:t lam x .
-hpye, i r . A hag, a haversack; also pron. titqhpye;
corny. t m ' f i ~ a n ;a fig. name for a dress sword; ndrrng
n h ~ j l e ;corn!,. $,?ye.
--hpyeng, n. h bag; (Hkauri; see itpyeng.
-ra, L
a. (iroln 1 . 0 , ti2 w a n t . ) onely, yearning, love-lorn;
tsaw rl; ma?:??% hte hka wa nna n r a fa nngai; n. a
lover, a deer friend; comp, nja; n r a e, sa vzt, come
h e r e my friend, lover or dear.
Nsa, 50 1

Nra, n. A place for amusement;comp. shdra and kting-

ra: nra dung, v. to meet, as young people for amuse-
ment; comp. ~ L prnn Z a;.
-ra, n. A bone; n r u t twa, same;corn . gdrcp nra.
a coal pit.
n. Charcoal; n m ju, to char c arcoal; n r a nARun,

-ran, n. A time of rest or peace; see ran and nhkan.

-rang, n. A bone; same as nra.
4 -ren, r . A measuring rod; Npan 24 shddacun nren sA&
f i a t nna /dm% aga h j e shddavn ra ni.
-re, ado.(fromrt, tobe.) Like,something resembling:

-rip v . To be annoyed, displeased; m a narr gdrrr az ma-

jnw n r i nngai; to be il-ritated, as the skin by any-
thing poisonous; n. irritation; s h n r i s h a Tang n r i Rn-
brim ai.
r i m , n. T h e evening twilight; see rim and rthfoi
Ajrim; nrim sheng, the t w i i ~ g h tjust before the dark-
ness of night.
r i p , n. A long broom made of bamboo branches used
as when sweeping a thrashing floor, or i n a field to
cover grain just sown; n t i p ri;b or ye, to use the
broom; to sweep.
-ru, n. (from ru, to be difficult.) Perplexity; rru nra,
trouble, embarrasment, difficulties; d a i d i n f h k n nrrr
nrn rai nga md ai.
-rum, n. (from rum, to help.) A helper; nrvm nfau, a
help, helper, helpmeet; nang shi a nrum nfaa r a i nga
rtda 2.
-rung, n. A horn; see rung, rtga rang and ururrg.
-rut, 12. .A bone; see nra.
-rau, t r . A species of creeper; see mdrau.
-rawng, v . T o be grovi~ing,as grain; lit. to be straight,
as a growing stalk before bent by blossonl 01- ear;
7~am gdrat' n gglcm a i l naw nrnwvg Itgn at'.
-sa, a. Old, not new; see sa and dingsa; Pdicwng nsa
kau 16.
Nsa, n. Heat, gas, as c a u s e d b y f e r m e n t a t i b n ; c h ~ nn~~~ a
ja nna namdaic k d f a w ai, because the liquor fermented
the bottle broke; ga rsa, gas, vapour; ali awaw R S Q ,
cold,, grip, influenza; an epidemic; ttsa gdra, to spread,
as an epideprk; to be "in the air," as the war spirit,
or the like; fijye?~nsa p a ai, the desire for war is
spreading; nsa ja, to increase i n virulence, as an
epidemic; to ferment; fig. to be excited.
--sa, H. (from su, to breathe.) Breath; nsoi nsa, breath,
life; ndaw nsa, life, animation; nsa awai; to take
breath; nsa awai la a i ahkyzr~g,a breathing spell, a
short time for taking breath j nsa Akyet-mdvit-sdaw
-kti and ktzlm. see ~ a r t s .
I b
-Sam, n. (fromsam, to seem.) Appearance, look, visage,
aspect, mien; see ahfbpraw nsam; moral force, strength,
character; see sum and combinations; nsam pya, V . to
exhibit, as personal ,strength or animal magnetism;
nsam rawng, same; shi aya Rd6a la Bnn asam pr* ai,
--Sam, n. A wound, a clean cut, as from a sword; a gash,
an incision; comp. nma; nsam /at, to cut, make an
incision; .to chip off; nsam fsi, medicine for a cut.
--zan, a. Light, empty, unsubstantial; see maw nsas.
-san, adv. (from snn, to resemble.) Something, ao
though, apparently; comp. sam and zawn; shdraw nsan
a i m i dung agu ai, something resembling a tiger is
sitting there; wa nsan a i n ~ m s i apparently
, good
fruit; hkvil ~zansa?t r i rai mi 7/ga nga ai.
-sang, a. Great, noble, exalted, glorious, divine; nsang
'mdgam skdja ga, let u s persist in noble work; nsa7zg
h a n g , exalted chief; nzying nsang, the divine name.
-sang sawn, n. A jungle lizard; also pron. khartg sawn.
-se, n. Substance; set: se; essence, pith, gist; worth,
character, c a p c i t y ; nse n rawng a i wa hRu a hk~r
rcga ai.
--sen, n. Asound; the voice;cornp. mdhbrc; nsenkdda k t r ,
with a loud voic?.
-sen, a. Pointed; scc sen; nhtv nsen, a pointed sword.
--seng, n: An entertainment; same as ginserag, which see.
-si, n. An ear, head, as of grain; cornp. pngsi; nsi
naisi, grain and vcgctables of all kinds; see si.
Nsin, n. (from sirr,' to be dark.) Darkness; n n n chyip,
to be fully dark; nsin ~heng,"gilded" darkness; nsin
Itat, thick darkness; nsin s a t , a kind of witch; see
hmum; nszn sin, to grow dark; n n n l a , the first pres-
ents,.(usually a dried squirrel o r rat wound up with
fish in two blankets), presented by the party asking a
woman i n marriage; also called yu nga mdyawn.
-sing, n. New growth, as of jungle i n an old field.
-su, a. (from su, to dissemble.) Slanderous; jealous.
envious; nsu ga, slander; nspr ntrawa, envy, jealousy,
slander; nsu nnawn ga tsun a i wa, a jealous slanderer;
nnr nat, the nat of envy or slander.
-sun, n. A path; see Lam nsun.
-sung, a. Monstrous, abnormal, deformed; gwz nsung, a
dog with legs, or body of some other animal; see wa
-sung, a. (from sung, to be deep.) Deep; nsung hku, a
a a w m , a. Empty; (deprived of the contents, as husk, an
egg-shell, or the like;) u di nsawm, an empty egg-
shell; mam nsawm, husk.
-soi. %.Life;see nsa and ningsoi.
-sha, n. An edge, as of a blade; see nhsan.
-shan, n. The edge of a blade; comp. n-gung and
nihru~g;also pron. rwha; nhtu n s h n , the edge of a
-shang, a. (from s h n g ; to enter.) Filled, crowded, re-
plete; nshang n b a ~ g ,+me; nshu nshang, crowded to
the doors, to utmost capacity; shdra nsltang nbang ra
ai, the place is crowded to the utmost; poi e nrctsha
nshu nshnng r a i ma ai.
-shang, n. The loins, waist, small of the back; nshang
h ~ a, slender waist; a kind of carving; Nshang ran,
one of the 1i11gApaw families.
-*hat, n. A needed supply, a s of food; see shat; nshat
kdwat, to pound and set aside, as the rice needed for
the day; mom nshat La r, take paddy (enough) for the
day, the journey, etc.
-shin n. A small knife; (Hkauri;) see ~ h k y z .
4 h u , v. TObe crowded; see nshang.
504 Nshu lamu.
Nshu lamu, n. Mildew; see mdshu idmtl.
-shung, n. Cold; nsh+ng t n , the cold st:ason; see &ashang.
-shut, V . To hiss at; to send ("sic") a dog at some one;
shanhtr mdna?n hpe gwi nshut n2a ai.
-shai, Y. '(from shai, to differ.) T o do by mistake,
e ; Rnr a i amu, a mistake,
oversight, i ~ ~ l d v e r t e o cnshai
an oversight.
-shau, n. A scythe; see nhkyeyn?r
-shaw, v. T o be uneven; nshaw nskun, a. uneven, not in
line; comp. r n d h t i r ? ~mdlawl;
~ ngalr ni nshaw nshun
AKum d i tawn m i .
-shawn, a. A house-warmi n g ; see dingshawn.
Oshawng, ' a. (from shnwng, to be first.) First, foremost;
see n i n g s h w n g ; /at nza rshawng, the first child.
-ta, n. A house, a dwelling, a home; comp. hting and
coybi nations; rrtu ~:bu~~g--ndaw-*chyun-md aw -
n p n and gap, see parts; nta de wwa ga, let us go ome,
-to the house.
-tam, v. To laugh, roar with laughter; comp. mdni; shi
mdni hpa ts2cn a i m d h w nlam nngai.
-tam, a. Efoquence; see n i ~ g t a m .
-tang, - v. To promise; coup. of miat, which see.
-te, adv. So little, this small; opp. to nde; r nte sha law
ai, the fow1.i~only this large,-so small.
-tern, a. Sober, grave, calm; see tern; num knan ntem
nga .ai,
-ten, M. T h t lips; a-gf@ nten; saitclp n i w e n , the lips;
. see p-arts.
-ten, adv. (froni tevt, time.) This time; mdni rten 8 ,
this time yesterday; hpawt ni nter~e sa pit, come this
time tomorrow morning.
--teng, a. To throw; n t o q &alr mu, t h x w it. away; comp.
-teng, a. Spots; see ute~zg;a fig. name for a leopard;
mdni anhlt nteng Lg gap ga ai.
-ti'ng gaw-yun, n. A whip-poor-will (7)
-turn, n . A bott1e;see 9d2'92.
+awn, adv. Just as, at t h e time or moment when; tn'
s d t o du no d a w n e ski si mat sat, he d i e d just as the
doctor c a m e , jan $hang ntawn e sa tnn.rit..
Ntawng, v . To cut, sever; see t d a z g ; ntawng nktu, a
miraculous sword first worn hy N-gawtr L K z ; N-gcz~un
W a a otawng n k f u htc ARrang Rung&. I
-tawt, n. The threshold, the door-sil!; the space i n
front of a door; ntawt ngau gum.e d a pnc wa nit e.
- tsa, adv. Up, upon, above, upper; opp. to n f a ; nta nts:z
C, upon the house; ntsade h n g a , go u p ; ntsa nn gawk,
the upper room ; shi a ntsa 6 /t b2sm dzr ~rg.
-tsam, a. Sharp, even-edged; ntsam ai vr/2in hte R d h t l r n
#yaw ai.
-tsam, n. H e a v y fog; see n i w s a m .
-tsang, n. Mourning; ntsanga brz, to mourn, be i n mourn-
i ng; cornp. s;hdrung; shi Rliru a ntruag LZ b m az.
-tsang, adv. Above; same 2 s ~ z t s n .
-tsen, 6 . T o suspect; see tsen.
-kin, n. Water for drinking or household purposes;
cornp. hRa, m t n and /tpong; ntszrt Zu u , drink the
-kit, n. (from i s i t , to be green.) New, or unripe grain;
a d u n g sklidun y a n g ntsit /a nna nmyi htu sha ma a i .
-htan, v . T o put up, as greens i n bunches; pdli nhtan u ;
n. a bunch, tuft, handful; see dizghtan.
-htan, v . T o mobilize, as an army; see n'inghtan; nhtan
shai, to he opposite, contrary, adverse; ahtan sha2 a i
wa, one on the opposite side; an adversary; nhtnn shai
yang antu n byin hkraw ai.
-htan g, u. (from htang, to reverse.) T o return, reverse;
ado. back, backward; i n a returning or reversed
manner; nhiangzua u, go back; nhtang de Rnnnt wa u,
move backward; shddaw nhfa~zg de y a zt, reverse, and
give the other end of the post; ski xhtang de myit a i l
he is thinking backward; nktang chyung, headlong
see parts; nhtang chyaw, headlong, heels over head;
cornp. chydrung ru; shi nhtang chrynw di RRrat a i , he
fell headlong; a . out of season, second,-said, a s of
fruit or a crop; nanrsi nhlang, fruit out of season, a
second crop.
-hte, n. Felt; see sumhte.
-hten, ndv. (from h t m , to suppose.) Perhaps, probably,
presumably, supposedly; cornp. Rkoz; shi r a i nga n h t ~ n ,
+ Ntsun, n. COUP. of d a w .
04 6
506 Nhti.
it is probably he; d a i hRu mai nhten, this is resum.
ably the way; nkten m a , abundantly, libera ly; lit.
without thou ht or let; shi n a i hpe nhten nsa jaw ai.
N hti, a. (from hi,to be left ehind.) Late,-said of
vegetables; opp. to d o i ; mam nhti, late paddy; shdpre
nhti, late beans; A R a i m nhti, late maize.
-hti htan, n. A fire-fly; same as myUtan t u .
-hting htang, a. Double, crosswise; nhting htavzg h
dam, the side of a fire-place nearest the middle wal(
never offered to honoured guests; see parts.
-htu, n. A sword, a dah; nhtu abu-dye-nchyan-ndaw
-n-gtlng-nkr~lng-&at -nsAan and n-yan, see parts.
-htum, n. E v i l , harm, calamity; n h t r m dg sa wa kdnu, a
nat causing accidents; see mdraw; &turn nni, evil,
-htung, n. A bamboo water-vessel, mostly used as a
bucket; comp. ndum.
-htung, n. A kind of tree; same as chyinghtang.
-htung, n. A place, as for sleeping; the place for the
head, as i n a bed; opp. to ahpang; comp. htingre; fig.
top, head, dignity, exce1lency;'nhfuag dun, the chief
place around a fire-place; the place between the fire
and the outside wall; also called hR&hyz dan dun;
nhtung nhka, adv. head to fbot, top to bottom, first to
last; a. first, supreme, most excellent.
-htut, u. To stop, break off, discontinue, as work; amu
-)tAttlt shangun na, to cause the work to stop.
-htau, n. A kind of poisonous creeper.
-htaw, n. A fire-brand; nhtaw daw,a stick kindled at
one end.
-htaw, v. T o be plentiful; nhtaw n-ya, a. ample, ~ l e n t i -
ful; also used adverbially,
--htawm, adv. (from Atawm, to be behind.) After,since,
although; sat nhtawm s shddg ma, kill and (after
that) prepare it; nhtawm is often most conveniently
translated as, and, or with the participle, having;
s h d d ~nhtawm sha H , cook and eat; tszcn nhtawm n
durn n n i t having said it do you not .remember i t ?
ldgu a i wa Rpe &dYtzt nhtawm dat dat ma.
Ohtawn, a. A village; see ninglriown.
Nhtawng, f i . Elder; see chYin A f a w q .
-htoi, f
8. Light; see hfoi an obtm'; a day from sunrise
to sunset; comp. shdni; nhtohbat, a week, lit. a"roundl'
of days; nhfoigzntawng, the morning star; nhtm gyiug;
to be short of time; nhtoi la, to brra k , as day; nhtoi
mddat, to appoint a day; nhtoi Afoz, to dawn; nhfoi
shdgu, an even day; n h b i shdje, an odd day; nhtoz
rawng, a proper name for a Ma La; afig. name tor
a chameleon often mentioned i n Kachin tradition.
-wa, n. An axe; see ningwa
-wa, v . (from wa, a tooth.) T o notch, dent," tooth,'' as a
sword; nAtz nwa mat sai.
--wang ka, n. The common broad-sword usually worn by
old mcn; also pron. nwang Rang.
-wat, v. T o swing; see wat; to strike sidewise, as
with a sword; nhtr hte nwat Lkat n; nwat swat, to
swing, etc.
-wai, v. T o respect; to love; see n-gaw nwai; s& a gu
. hpe nwai a i mdjau, nga naB ~ n g a i .
-wawt, n. (from wawt, to divine.) A diviner, one who
ascertains the will of the nats by augury or divination;
nwawt dumsa, a diviner who is also a priest.
-ya, n. A spark; see sum-ya.
-Yam, n. A kind of creeper.
-Yan, rr. (from yan, to be long.) The ordinary Shan
dah; comp. nmggyan; opp. to d a w ; sdi n-yan kpye
ai; a. long; N y a n durn o r g a , the early home of the
Ldna tribe; Nyan nat or Naw, a traditional son of
a Mdran chief, now regarded as a nat; N y a n Naw
Mu nu, N-gawn Chydnun du.
-yat, n. A thick protruding under-lip; n-yat a i wa
sa wa ai. '.
-ye, a. (from ye, to notch.) Notched, dented; rr-yc a j
nhfu n mat:
-yep, a. Drawn, puckered; see yep and gap yep; ma
hkrap ndy* nna n-gap n-yep
-yi, n. Matter, purulent discharge, as from a corpse
under decomposition; n ~ J ai r , v. to discharge, as
purulent matter.
- n. A kind of bird.
N-yun, n. Anper, rage; n-yun du, v . to be raving, raging,
frenzied; n-yun bu a i masha mdna hfe mdren.
-yawt, ZJ T o hate: see yawt and dawng.

-zam, tr A drizzle; fine ram or mist; comp.,rzngl~am;

nzam htu, v to drizzle.
-z i , n. A bamboo split; see wunzi.
N g a , v. T o say, speak, declare: comp. n p ,g a and i s a n ;
rhi ning nga, he spoke thus: nu .ngaz Ape, LVa rzt, nga
a i l mother tells ine to return; l i t . mother says to me,
" Return; aang ~22nenga ndai, this iswhat you s a ~ d .
1 9

Npa, v. T o slant, to lean; d e r v . kbnga; to bend back-

ward; to lean, as a post: comp. n-gyeng; shadaw nga
w a a i , the post is leaning, fiq. to be on the decl~ne,
to be old, to lean, as I r were, towards the grave; praf
ngo. a t wa, a man on the decline; to reach the other
side, as of 3 h i l l ; Rddawnggduez n figs ydng /aAAaw?zg
/ang sa ga a t , w e rested cwice betore reaching t h e
downgrade of the hill.
Nga, v. T o be. to exlzt; comp. byitr, to remaln, continue;
dcrv. [Gngu, co h a v e , possess; as a v e r b a l d u r i l i a r y .
nga supplies the idea of continuat~on conslancy or
stability; see Gram, and comp. ,zn?r
-mu, n . Prosperous; ngamu ngnnrnz, prosycrous, happy
and content. sht ngamu ngamat nga ngn az.
-mun,o, n - i l l ; nga mlcng a'anghln, the whole world.
-mangal a . All; everything; nga manga /a wa rzt.
--nga, v . T o bc stable, permanent; a. fixed, staylng, re-
maining; dwelil ng.
--sha, v . T o be engaged, as i n business: to s t a y , as a
guest; ?rang kndai hte nga sha na n f a ? w i t h whom
will you (remain and) eat ? with whom will ;ou stay?
fig. to practice, as concubinage, incest, or the ilke; shi
Sum n u n htr nga ,sha a i , he is l i v i n g w i t h a Shan WO-
man; shz kdhdrt' h f e nga s l a . a i . t

-yawng, n. Everything i n existence; nga yawng figs

pra, the totality of existence; the world.
Nga, n. T h e w vI d planrai n ;see Canga.
-dung, n, T h e end of a plantain leaf used as a wrapper.
-kawng, n. T h e large central valn of a plantain leaf.
-krawp, n. A variety of w i l d plantain.
Nga ulai.

Nga k y a , n. -4 variety of wild plantain with v e r y soft

-hkra, a . The half oi a plantain leaf used as a wraFper.
-hkrawn, n. X variety of wild plantain.
-li, n. T h e shoot of a pianta~n;vzga Z'L drr, nga Aturn
Ranu, a n a t , ( m d r t r w ) d w e i l ~ n qi n a wild plantain grove.
-shi, n. The common wild oiantain of the h i l l s .
-ti, n. The wild plantaln & i d : see uclr),aw.
--tu, n. A variety oi iowland plantain.
-htung, n. A variety oi plantain.
-za, n. A plantain grove: a place where wild plaritains
grow i n abundance: nga za &n/lng-pa or y a ~ g ,see
Nga, n. Cattle; a taurus; an andma!of the b o v ~ n egenus;
comp. y a m nga a n d dumtr , i:, /inghpaw colloquial,
nga is i n combinations c h a n g e d i n t o u or w u , (see
page 42), while i t is usually retalned by the Hkauris.
-an, n. A young bull; see oarts.
-bya, n. A foetus: see %by;.
-chyu, n. Milk; an udder: see rhya and combinations.
-dang, n. A cross;.see zcuuttg.
-la, n. A bull; see ula: aiso pron. zgd(z.
-leng, n. An ox-cart; see parts.
-10 n. A buffalo; see icLoz.
-hpaw, lo. A tamed bison: comp. &paw Llzrn.
-Pra, n. A heifer.
-rem, v. T o keep, tend, herd, as cattie; tl. a herdsman.
-rung, n. T h e horns of cattle; see rnrrrg.
-su, n. A steer, a bullock; a bull; see w s ~ .
--shat, n. Fodder; see ushat.
-tang, n. An o x ; a pack-bullock.
Nga, n. Fish; Bur. cy:; the Jingkpn7vs often change this
nga into u : thus nga A t n ~ g ;Lfanrq , or r i p rktaflg is
correct; the 17'Ratlni generally retain the nga, or
shorten it to irgzt; (see rr page 42.1 \

--ubat, n. The l a r g e silure; Rur. 8rooS..

-uc hyu, n. The bristle-finned sprat.
-ukyik, M. A species of cat-fish.
-ula bawp, r . The amblyopus sucker.
-ulai, n. The red-eyed gud yeon (?)or mashir.
510 Nga una.
Nga una, M. A species of (poisonous?) cat-fish.
-uhpe, n. The fresh water herring; Bur. C l r o o S u
-uhpyin, IJ. A species of turbot.
-uhpai, n. The silvery cat-fish.
-urat, n. The black-headed systomus.
-utsang, n. A species of mountain carp.
-ushu, n. A fresh-water porpoise.
-uhtang, n. A species of mountain trout.
-uhtwi, n. A species of c'at-fish.
-bawm, n. A preparation of fish offered to the nats.
-biilang ga, n. A preparation of dried fish.
-bSluk, n. A mud-eel, or conger eel.
-balawn, n. T h e silago.
-bgnau, .n.Salted and pressed fish.
-chyawng, n. T h e long-headed cat-fish; Bur. dac@E:a..
-giIbawng, n. The four-toothed porcupine ( ?)
-di, rr. Spawn.
-dawn, v. T o angle; see parts and comp. mdroi. ,

-hkan, v:To fish with a net;

-hkangda, rr, T h e gar-fish; see parts.
-hk%ram, n. A kind of fish; see itkdram.
-hkwi, n. To fish by the use of a dam; see hkwi,
-hkyeng, n. The mashir.
-man, n. A shark; a saw-fish; Bur. clao$a.
-rnai, R. T h e tail of a fish; nga mai hkra, same.
- ~ r o i , v. To angle; (Hkauri ;) see nga dawn.
-myin, n. The short-headed cat-fish; Bur. d@a.
-myit, .n. A fish-hook.
-naw, n. The Ion -headed barbel (?)
fici a1 purposes.
n. Dried sh, moistened and prepared for Gacrk

--aep, n. T h e scales of a fish.

-sing-gung, n. Fins; see parts.
~ s u r n r a w n , n. A species of stone-sucker.
--samyin, n. T h e small amblyopus sucker; s d ~ ~ lung f i
oshinggyen, n. The gills of a fish.
--shadan du, n. The black-backed systomus.
-sh&la lap, ir. T h e small minnow found i n shallow
Nga shari', n. The common stone-sucker.
-shayu, a. The common eel.
-zaibru htu, n. A small sucker, found i n coarse gravel.
Ngak, V . To fall suddenly backward, as in a swoon; rr.
a kind of sleeping sickness; ngak shang, v. to sufIer
from the disease.
Ngam, v . T o leave; to remain over, as leavings after a
meal; ngam da, to set aside, zs food for an absent
party; cornp. di, git, mddat, h t i and Atawng; n. leav-
ings; a part, a section, - _ as of a field; comp. y2 ngan;
nyt a ngam sha i;.
-rigam, adv. Part by part, section by section, each by
itself; shat ngam ngam sAa u ,eat e a c h (dish) by itself,
-do not mix t h e food; yi ngam figan ndgang a.
Ngam, v. To taste, as of salt or spices, cornp. shltm and
mu; shat mai jam ngam sd ni P
Ngan, v. To scold*(Northern usage;) cornp. ngun.
Ngan, v. To be able to bear, endure; coup. of jan.
Ngan, 72. T h e white-headed bungarus; cornp. Bur c$t;
ngan 6aw lu yang sui su a i du.
Ngan, n. A disease attended with fever, delirium and
convulsions, supposed to be caused by some venomous
influence; 'Bur. ~ $ 8 ; ngan lung or shang, v. to sufler from
the disease; ngan h a g yang shingfawn chyang n t d ~ i
a r u t mu. .
Ngang, v. T o be' firm, strong, durable; cornp. hkang, an
and tarpg.
--ngang, a. Strong, durable; d v . firmly, immovably; sh&
ahw ngang ngang jang sai.
Ngang, v . T o live i n a riotous, wanton, licentious manner; 1
n. libidinous desire.
Ngang, conj. But, nevertheless; (shortened form of nga
yang;) wa u ngang n wa, being told to return he does ,
not ;\&a u ngang ro sha.
Ngap, v. To end, cease, stop, as crying, music or the
like; comp. sim; ma E , %gap u, child, stop crying:
ahkying nguf mot mi, t h e clock has stopped; adv.
with a blow, a stroke, or t h e like; sAi hpe ngap di sot
Raor m24.
512 N g a p ngap.
Ngap ngap, adv. Closely, at the heels of; shi nye a
8 ~zgal)ngap hkan sa ~g ai.
N gat, n. The dwelling place of a nal; coup. of A R r i ~ g d a t ;
byizg t u md/i a i ngat.
%at, v . To wag, as a dog's tail; dm-;-. i ~ n g a t to
; vibrate,
as a machine; g w i wmai n//at r e as'.
-ngat, adv. In a wagging or vibrating manner.
Ngu, V . T o drop, bow, as the head; d e w . Rdngu; opp. to
ngn; also pron. ngeguk.
-ngu, adv. With bowed head; sRi gew rtga t t p c rai nna
hrkawm Rga a i
N p , v To utter, say, ca!l, declare, speak; derv. 9 i 7 ~ g i ~ ;
cornp. aga and tsun; shing sgr nsn lsun 11, thus say
anh speak; sdlang wa ngu m u , call him Elder; Rdning
ngu w r la? what do you h a v e to say ?
Nguk, V. To bow t h e h e a d ; same as nga, which see.
N g u leng, n . A species of wild tabrus; (Shan;) the Bos
sodaic2i s.
Ngum, v . To be complete , coup, of hRzdm.
Ngum, n. Peaches; see s t l y x n t .
-kap, n. A variety of peach.
-hka, n. The bitter peach.
-hkri, n. T h e acrid peach.
-law, n. A variety of peach.
Ngun, v. To growl, murmur, grumble; comp. P ? L ~ .
-"gun, adv. In a muttering, grumbling, murmuring
manner; ldntu n g m ngalr nga ai.
Ngup, o. To be beveled or slanting; comp. hjazv ngap.
--nguP, adu. In a beveled manner; i n a cigar-shaped
manner; i&di nchyun ngup ttgztf rt) ai.
Ngut, v. To be finished, completed, done; comp. 602,
groi, h e , tseng, fsep and shdng.tlt; verbal particle past
o r future pertect; see Gram.; nmu rngtri s a i l the work
is done;(to be able. willing, dcsirous;kiorthernusage.)
-ngut, adu. Completely, e n t ~ r e l y ,in a perfect manner;
amzk n g a l 7 ~ g ~raz
1 s a ni?
Nguf, V. To grunt, as a pig; wa isgal ai.
Ngai, Personal pron. first person sing.; I ; comp. Bur. d
ngai a , mine; see rtye; ngai sa no nngaz.
Ngai, v . T o arrive, as the time w h e n paddy ripens; derv.
mangai: mhrrgaz ngai ai; tnai nram agaz az l a , the
paddy (or crop) ripenlng season.
Ngai, v. To bezr children; cornp. shdngai; a babe; see
chy dngai.
-bawm, n. A nursing baby; a chilbby child.
-hkyeng, r . A ruddy baby.
Ngai, v. T o move, push, shave out ot t h e way; derv. hd-
ngai; W O de l o i 2 ~ szgni
' rai z t ; ngai d2, t o m o v e , etc.
- ~ g a i , adv. I n a moving manner.
Ngai, adz#. One;see ldngai.
-mi, a. One; a unit; mdrar ngai mi, one person; ngni m i
ska,only crie.
-ngai , .adz,. Someone; mdsha ngai sgai d u sai, someone
has coine.
-sha, a. Only one.
Ngau, r. Timber, lumber.
-dang. n. A joist.
- ~ ?u l n , n. Theorname;ltnlbinder a t t h e frontof x house.
-)en? s. New timber; ngau ]en r t n , a house built of en-
t ~ r e l ynew timber.
-sat. v: To cut timber.
-shaw, a. 'To c o l l ~ c i g, e t out, as timber for a house.
-htawn, n: T h e back verandah; comp. ndarg; also pron.
ngau dlawng.
-htawng, n. Same as ngau ntawn.
Ngaw, n. The c/erodem'ron (?) much valued as
Ngaw, v. T o be irznitated, cut of patience; (rare.)
N gaw , pro*. I ; (Atsi ;) q a w maisat ai.
N g a w , s. A nat worshipped by t h e Ldhtaw chiefs; Ngaw
w a , same.
Ngawk, v. To be loolish, silly, puerile; derv. angawk.
Ngawn, v. T o he loose, not firm.
-ngawn, a. i,oose, movable, not firm; sA&daw nguwn
HgawB 7-ai rzga a:'.
Ngawn, v. To he docc all at once; m'v. together; s a m e as
nnwag; pout hte rzpwa gawt &nu mu.
Ngawn, u. 'To be pleasant, agreeable, delectable, enjoy-
able; ngoi ngaw*, a pleasant sound; ngawn oi bat,
514 Ngawng.
agreeable odour ; to be happy; pleased; shi grnz ~~grgaw.
ai. (Among some Northern tribes this word is re.
garded as indecent, conveyingonly the idea of sexual
pleasure .)
Ngawng, v . T o saunter, stroll; also used adverbially; ski
n d n a nna rtgaw~ghkawm mat ~ a i .
Ngoi , n. A noise, a sound; v . to make a noise, to produce
a sound; ngoi ikctba, a big noise; s ~ m p y ngoi3
i az, the
flute is sounding.
Ngoi, v . To rise, as a hill; a. gradient, rising, ascendifig;
comp. n g a i and vdwz; fig. to arise, to start; go
forward; comp. rawt; ngoi m i %,-arise,get up, or let
us start:
M d l ~ a wwan nna ruwf ngoi,
Nfsung ndaw nna Atawt c / t ) u i s;i ga az.
N goi, n. The ordinary Burmese tea-pot or jug; conlp.
shau Aawn.
Nga, A preforrnative; shortened form ot vzgn.
-la, n. A bull; ( H k a u r i . )
n. T h e infernal re ions; hell; Bur. c+; ngdrni
mung. same; ngdraidi, t e caldron ot hell.
N g w i , v . T o be bent; to bcnd or hang, as branches over-
loaded with fruit; si nau /a ai mtzjaw dai h p x n ngwt
mat s a i ; to slope, incline, as an inclined plane.
Ngwi, v . T o be gentle, mild, peaceful; see a n p i and
gnu ngwi; a . gentle, mild, etc.; npvr' ai w a , a gentle
-ngawn, a. Peaceful, happy; V L . peace, happiness; see
-ngwi, ndv. I n a peaceful, gentlegmanner.
--pyaw, n. H a p p i n e s s , peace, joy, bliss; a&!. i n a happy,
blissful m a n n e r ; ttgu~ingwi12ynw py,ynm ngn mu.
N ya, v. T o be soft, pliable; comp. fiu r. g;/dnam t n t go
nya a i .
-nya, a . Soft, easily yielding.
Nya, v . To encounter; comp. Bur. 6 3 8 ; to meet, as in a
duel or friendly conflict; wa-ngna s/t*dt~nnyn hknt ma
a i ; to play, to frolic; t o h a v e sexual intercource.
Nyi. 515

Nyak, v. T o beat, squash, as w i t h t h e butt of a rod or

piston; see anyak; ktdmgn Rte shi /tpe nyak d i u ; to
strike, as with t h e back of a sword.
N y a m , v . T o be decayed; derv. chydnyam, which see.
Nyan, n. Mind, intellect; understanding; Bur. SXUS ;
comp. myit; 7zyan rawng, to be intellectual.
Nyan, v. T o be slow; derv. ldrryan.
-nyan, a. Slow, tardy; adv. i n .a,slow, dilatory, procras-
tinating manner; shi Hyan n y a r r a i hkawnr ai.
Nyang, v . T o snarl; same as nying.
N j a p , v. T o be sof: aod paste-like; shat nyap a2
-"Yap, a. Soft, plastic, pliant, dough-like.
Nyap, v . T o extort, exact, as money; to squeeze, to put, as
In stocks; d u wa mare ni lIpe gumltpraw #yap h ai.
Nye, v . To punish; see nye.
Nyen, v. T o defrsud; dsrv. shanyen; nyen la o r s h , to
take by fraud, force, deception or tricke j ; s l i nye
a rai *yen la at.
Nyeng, v. To reprove; coup. of deng, which see.
Nyep, v . T o be soft; same as nyap; R. mucus; see nep.
Nyet, v . T o deny, disown, contradict; comp. Bur. & € t i
nyet R a r , to deny, disavo\v, disc!aim; cornp. ndang;
nyct az ga, a denial.
Nyet. n. The name of a traditional black bird; see nnyeHg
nyet u :
Nnyemg nyet u nyet nna, Sha gow, nga az.

N f r i n g p r i u f r i ntdnarr gdlnw ntza, Sha gaw,

nga a i .
Nye, Possessive pron. first person sing.; comp. ngai a;
nye gurnra, my pony; nye a ntn, my house.
Nye, V. To punish; to cause woe, penalty, retribution;
d e r v . ditzgnyt; n. punishment, I-etribution:

Nye, v . To encounter; same as nya, which see.

Nyi, 7). To e v a c u a t e t h e intestines.
N y i n , v . T o be tired as of sameness of food; to feel
heavy, drowsy, lethargic; comp. ]in.
N y i n g , v. T o growl, snarl, as a dog; also pron, r-yang,
to growl, gnarl or grumble; Idwad t a n g m d g a de shdraw
nba nyi?~gmga ai.
-chyai, v. T o hum,to jingle.
N y i n g , v. A cutaneous disease appearing i n white spots
on the s k i n ; Bur. 8 E r
Nyip, v. To wilt, fade,wither,as a Rower;comp. kyit; to
be shrunk, contracted, shriveled.
-nyip, a . Wilied, etc.
N y u i , v . To be faded, wilted, withered; aytri mat, same;
comp. nyip and Bur. 96s; nam' na Apun lap n i vryui
mat sai, the l e a v e s of the jungle are faded.
Nyung, v . 'To be sad, dejected, depressed, dispirited;
derv. R a n y x ~ ~ gcomp.
; Bur &.
-nyung, a d v . I n a languid, sad, dejected, crest-fallen
manner; mdchyi a i mbsha nyung n p n g r a i Akawm ai.
Nyau, v . To roar or mew, as an animal of t h e genus
felis; derv. ldnyau; n. a cat; nyau nyalr ai
Nyau, v . T o seize, to maul, as a tiger; comp. .~yllya;shdvaw
gwi hpt nyau di nu ai.
Nyau bung, n. A chatty; (Hkauri;) see d i 6u.
Nyaw, v. To be damp,soft or slushy, as the ground aiter
a heavy rain; comp. mbdi; m d r a n g Atu nna p .nyaw
nzat sat'.
Nyaw, v. To be empty, shrunken; same as Ryaw; to feel
pain, as of hunger.
Nyawm, v . T o b e d e c a y i n g ; coup. of gyawm.
Nyawm, v. T o squat, to be squatting; derv t l i x t g n p w ~ ;
rryawm nyawvz, adv. i n a squatting, stooping or crouch-
ing manner.
N y a w p , v. T o be decayed,crumbling,breakiog down, as
a n 01 d house or fence; cornp. gynwm; r r y ~a r i a nau
na at' mdjaw %yawp mat sai; fig. to humble, cause to
decay; to die, t'o kill ; s h i hpe nyawp d i Rnu zl.
Nyawt, n. T h e c r y (bleat) of a buffalo; (onornopoetic;)
u. to bleat; d o i nyawt nga ai.
Pan ran.

T h e nineteenth cons0nan.t i n the Kachin alphabet;

sound o l b p .

Pa, v. T o be Hat, level; derv. apa and chydpa; cornp.

jyen and Bur. @; a. flat, level; lung p a , a flat stone;
~ u g u a, savanna, a prairie; hkarna pa, a lowland
paddy field; pa dung mvng, an extensive plain broken
by hills here and there; pa mi, one flat object; d u n g
pa m i sa la 11.
Pa, n. Solid substance, flesh, bone or pulp in distinction
to life, breath, blood., or juice; coup. pi; comp. Bur.
u d ; nat pa n sha a i nsa sha sha a i , the nat does not
take .(eat) t h e meat (the solid substance,) but only
accepts the life; n a m s i p a , pulp, the juice having been
extracted; dry, solid food, as distinguished from
liquid; nang jahRu a d w i n ' nga,aiLu u , n g a i p a a Ada
n ' nga n i sha na.
Pa, v. T o put up, as rafters; see i d p a .
Pa, v . To be' mended; derv. Rd#a.
-di, v. To mend, to patch.
Pa, u. T o gain, or b e i n , favour; see m y i man pa ai; to
meet suddenly and unexpectedly.
Pak, v. To be clogged, filled, as with dust; derv. gum-
)ah; f n R &, to throw, as a pinch of salt into a dish of
food; di hta jum pa& d i bang u ; v . to smack, as t h e
lips; lz. a smack, a low thud.
Pan, :n..Three fourths of a viss; j#m pan mi shen ya e .
Pan, v. T o put in, as the bottom of a vessel; see ban.
Pan, v . To be enlarged, as t h e hole i n the lobe of the
ear; comp. shdfan; fig. to grow, advance, mature; shri-
(an a i wa pan a i , shdyun a i w a kdyun a i .
Pan, n. Cloth; cotton cloth; see sumpan; cornp. Bur. c94.
-chyang, 72. Black cotton cloth.
-hkret, n. A piece of cloth used for w i p i n g an opium
-pyi, n. A width of cloth
-hpraw, n. White or bleached cotton cloth.
-ran, YZ. T h e ordinary Shan longcloth; ~ n u s lni .
5 18 Pan.
Pan, n. A flower; see nampan; comp. ban and Bur. "1s; a
blossom; anything resembling flower or a blossom;
small-pox ; corn p. nba .
-ba, n. Down, as of a duck; see ban ba.
-baw, n. An artificial flower; see ban ~ R W .
-byau, n. A fringe; see ban l y a x .
-du, n. Thatch; see ban du.
-gya, n. Burman borage; PLedm7ttAus aromafic-us.
-hka, n. A species of orchid; Dendriodzum crassiode.
--iikung, n. The Burman kaempfera; a word of endear-
ment among young women.
-hkrawng, n. T h e laurus.
-hkye, n. A nosegay; a boquet; see parts.
-hkyeng, n. T h e amaranth.
-lap, n. Plantain leaves, sliced and dried for mixing
with opium.
-lawng, n. A species of balsam.
-put, n. A tuft; see ban put.
-se, n. A variety of orchid.
-si, n. A species of orchid.
-soi, n. A variety of cummin.
-shaw, n. A tassel or plaid, as an ornament on a bag.
-tap, n. A species of orchid.
-teng, n. A variegated flower.
-tsun, n. A sweet-scented kcempfera.
-yang pan, FZ. A kind of flow~r.
Pang, u. T o be spotted; see apangand rzpang.
-pang, a. Spotted, dappled.
Pang, r. A class, company, division or subdivision; comp.
bua; pang m i hte pang mi g d a i wo ai, one company
alter the other is passing; v. to go i n company, as for
mutual protection; a d 1 6 hpdga panglrr ga.
-hkang, n. A caravan road; pr?;g/r.kan<La L I ~ same.,
--hi, n. The Eindaw-gyi l a k e , i n ~ o r t h e r nBurma; my1
hkvum yang pangkae nazurq dong ai da.
Pap, v . To be soaked; derv. and guf~zfnp.
-pap, a. Soaked, drenched.
Pat, w. T o obstruct; to s h u t , stop u p ; to d o s e , as a road
or path; comp. pyik and Eur. 1oil); 7 c'
kitlwkdaflg dang a2
m d p w mdre Lam pat h nra ni.
Pat, n. Amber; glass.
-gawm, 7l. A tumbler.
-hkrung, n. Amber, so called because of its magnetic
(electric) qualities.
-seng,- 7 ~ .Amber for ornamental purposes.
-wan, 11. A glass vessel.
Bata, n. A p r r m i t , alicense; B u r . o ~ o .
Batemya, n. A ruby or carbuncle; Bur. ~ g j @ .
Pe, n. One anna; a weight equal to two dums; see Gram.
Peksan, n. A pice.
Pi, adv. Even; see pyi.
Pila, n. Poison; (Hkauri;) see gung.
Pilan, n. A swallow.
-sen, n. The swift or the barn-swallow.
-yawn, n. A kind of bird.
Pik, n. L i n e n cloth; Bur. 8d;piR nba and pih'sampas,
see parts.
Pinlang, n. A kind of astringent, bitter froit; also yron.
b i d a ng.
Pinra, n. A platform for general use either obtside of or
i n the s p a n d a house; also called fwnra.
Pitdung, a. T o be barren; (Hkauri ;) see nraidung.
Pu, v . To be stiff, aching, as after a day's hard work; to
be tired, as of sitting, lying, walking or a n y continued
effort; comp. 6a; dai ni t q amu gdaw tin& PY nngat.
Pu v . T o be well filled, thus yielding the proper measure
or weight, as rain; hpwngnam mam sha yang n pw ai,
bum gtz rm ?ad tang pv ai.
Pu, v . T o bloom, blossom, open, as a flower; n. a bud; see
aju, hpaw and Bur. ya; nampan gdraz n pv ai.
-pu, v . To bud; to open, as a bud; to flowef.
Pu, n. A snake; see,ldj%.
-darn, Z. The traditional serpent causing earthquakes.

-jat, v. T o breed, as a serpent; see parts.

-hkgla, n. A viper; see parts.
-hkram, a. T h e hammadryad; see hkram.
-rnut. n. T h e ribbon snake.
-mawp, n. A kind of snake.
enen-, n. Phlegm,' mucus, secreted by a snake; see #nm.
-nui , t z . The python.
52 0 Pu pyen.
Pu pyen, n. T h e cobra; see parts.
-mi, s. A species of water snake:
-tsit, n. The common green snake.
-htum, n. T h e Russell viper; pu Aturn gaw /a jahku sha
n i hpe sh~(!~zwrnkazr ai da.
Pu, n. T h e bowels, intestines, guts.
-dung, n. The large intestines; also pron. pbdulsg.
-gai, n. T h e srllaller intestines.
--kan, 7r. The stomach; see parts.
-hka, h. T h e biliary vesicle.
+at, n. The womb; also pron. pdjal.
-nu, n. T h e colon,
-hpam, n. T h e stomach; see parts. (Hkauri.)
-sang, n. The gullet, t h e esophagus; the pylorus; also
pron. pdsnng.
-shi, n. T h e s m a l l intestines; same as pa gat'.
-shaw, n. T h e rectum.
-htum, n. T h e appendicula vermifor~nes.
-yi t , r. T h e paunch.
P u k , v. T o c a l l , s h o u t , as from a distance; shi lrpe puR
J J ma,
~ shout, (c2!l hirn by shouti~lg:)to babble, talk
nonsense; slzi sddna tu/. pzrI Pak T I ~ ~ C Oai.
-dun, n. T h e cuckoo; see Raikdun.
Puxn, v. T o swell; see barn.
Pun, v. T o pass by, go beyond; (Chan 7 3 6 ; ) to escape,
as war or famine; coiilp. /ai; dui ~iinghpyrn k t a nn
f u r itr sai, this year has passed without a war; s k i
arang pun sai, he has made more than the sum
Pun, v. To be welling forth, as a sprin:;; d e w . ~flrm;
-pun, ndv. I n 2 w e l l i n g or bu!,bling r n a r ~ n e r ;hRa zpur
fztr flu72 r n i pru az'.
Pun, v. To pluck, pick, as a [owl; to pill! ( o u t ) the beard,
as w i t h pinchess; shi i l a t m pan ai: comp. 6aw; derv.
apu n .
-hka, n. A field; comp. Itpzr* and ban hRa.
-ra, n. A platform; see pinrir.
Pung, n. A section cf ?reen bamboo used as a cooking
pot; derv. k d , f i 2 ~ i 2;jj: Zf! j,dltgPtl9agdaw mu.
~ ~11
Pungda, n. The bamboo put slantwise over the hre to
facilitate the quick boiling of the food; see next; fig.
the time i t takes to prepare the food.
-dung, n. A bamboo i n .which the food is broiled or
slowly prepared: fig. the time consumed i n broiling;
puvzgd'ung gaze n /a /rr a z , pungda s h r la * n gn ai,
cannot wait for the pungdzrng, but w e will for t h e
pa ?@a.
-su, n. A bamboo once used and thrown awa)?.
-sawn, n. Food wrapped i n a plantain leaf (idlipow) and
broiled i n a p m g ; pnngsawn sowa, u . L O prepare such
Pung, r . T h e head; o n l y used i n composition; comp. bou.
-chyang, v. Tc be young; (lit. to be "black-headed,"
not gray.)
-ding, n. The zenith; a top; daw pzngdilrg, the top of
tile head; 6 . ~ 7jnngdittg,
~ the top oi a hi 11 or mountain;
jan #~nga!i~lk,, mid-heavens.
--kan, n. A kind of scalp disease; v . to be baldheaded;
see parts; n. baldness.
-kum, n. T h e skull.
--krin, o. To be naturally bald; see parts.
-law, v . 'l'o be gray-haired; comp. pu7qhfraw.
-hpraw, v . T o be gray-haired, lit. white-headed; comp.
bnw hpraw; opp. to pstngrhyutrg; jltnghpvaw pwng-
/am aigGawRdning n di lu ai.
-saw, n. Dandruff.
- - s h a n , 72. Meat, as from the h e l d of an a n i m a l .
Punghkum, 92. A chair; a stool; also pron. ldkkunz.
Punghkaw, n. A fallen tree i n the process of d e c a y i n g
a windfal!; lam r pungARaw pat ngu a i .
Pup, v. To kiss; see a p u p ; comp. utritram; nin t r i shdda
shubyi fzrp hknt ma a i .
Pup, V.-TO dip, steep, as y a r n i n oil, before dyeing; wd-
hdyc c h ~ r rnn sazt E rz' pup u .
Put, u. To p o u t , a s a c h i l d ; to grumble, whine;see aput;
comp. ngun; g t ~ m / z p r a wn 1% /a n i majuw nchyang
pub nglz ma ai
-put, adu. I n a grumbling, scolding, "nagging" manner.
Put, v. T o be rugged; see a p r t ; a. a t u f t ; see panput.
Poi up: 533

Pawn, v . To carry i n the arms,as a babe, a sick person,

or the like; cornp. ba, g u n and /an ;ma h p e j a w n u ;
parun sltdrawt, to lift, raise, as a ba e or a sick person.
Pawng, v. T o add, sum u p ; cornp. k w n g , Lpawng and
Bur. 4 8 s ; to have i n common; tp go i n shares; r t a
pawng raw?lg na, to occupy the same house; aro pawag
sha ga az, w e are having o u r meals together; a d v .
with, together with. J
Pawng, v . To be uprooted, extracted, pulled, as a flower
or a moth; comp. 6aw; yawng di, to uproot, extract;
n a m p a ~pawng di /a u.
Pawng, v. T o be round, ah a hole; cornp. turn; derv. a-
pawng and R&pawfzg.
-pawng, a. Round; h 4%pawng pawng re a i .
Pawng, 2. To be central.; a. central, and thus of chief im-
portance; comp. wunpavng; pazung Ijiltgllaw mdsha
n i slanhpyi hzka ju sha Rau mu ar .
-yawng, a. 'The progenitorof theoldest Kachin tribes;
see parts.
Pawng, n. Pith; (Hkauri;) see paw.
Pawp, n. A snail; see /apawp; Pawp /a Z a u Gawag, a
poetic name for a snail; fig. a chief.
Pawt, r. The root, as of a .tree; derv. %pawl; a founda-
tion; v. to be rooted; fig. to have, as root or founda-
tion; to extend, as the rootlets and fibers from the root;
myit pawl ai, to be rooted, well informed, to know, as
a subject i n all its details; u Akai Pawl, to be able to
cover, as a fowl its brood; u hRai nau Law a i mdjatv
u kdnv n pawl /u ai.
Pawt, v. To be aroused, angry, hot; cornp. mdszn pawl;
sAi g r a i pawl nga ai, he is very angry; rnyzt pawl az
masin hta b y h ai.
Poi, v . To be blown, as chaff: to be carried away, as by
t h e w i n d ; comp. hkoi and n a w n g ; d u n g L Rawat yang
ARungngwi ni poi m a t sai.
Poi, v . T o lend, as money; see 6 0 2 ; poi sha, a broker;
comp.jaqoi; Bur. arm.
Poi, x . A feast, festival, entertainment; Bur. 8 8 ; cornp.
mdnau; PgigdLaw;o. to feast, make a feast.
-up, n. A manager of a feast.
524 Poi ka..
Poi ka, n. A dance, as at a feast.
Poi, a . A point, as i n a game; a stake or a forfeit.
-gun, v . To lose, as in a game; nangpoi [angat' mi gun
nit dui, I am one point ahead; lit. you carry" (are

burdened with,) one point; poi shdgrtn, to beat; ? z p r

shi hpe poi m d s r m shdgun se a i , I beat him three
-raw, c. To equalize, as i n a game; ngaz na a poor raw
Rntl / a s a dt a i , I have scored (so we are equal); lit.
I have relieved myself o f the poi o t s you had against
Pa, A preformative.
--thyin, i z . A button; (Hkauri;) see irkadang.
-dang, a . (from dang, to overcome.) Victorious, con-
quering; pctdang mdlpau, a feast of triumph; jddang
ninghkawng, the s u n , the victorious protector or light-
giver; $&ang szrmciu, the "victorious hammer," a
traditional emblem of victory; pddnng stllildrr kdlang,
t o wield t h e "hammer" of victory.
-ding, a . Strange, foreign, alien, outlandish; pading
stlmlsnn, strange, e t c . ; see parts; pddhg mdnam natlg
de hRnm shit/ni, do not s e n d strange visitors this way;
n . an alien country; pddzng de no, from a foreign or
unknown country.
-duk, n. A species of yam; also called hRa nai:
-dung, n. Gelatine;see ba &ng.
-dung, YZ. The large intestines; see Pil dwng.
-gawn, v. (from gawn, to consider.) T o be thought-
less, careless, inconsiderate; a. thoughtless, etc.;
comp. dingso; fdgawn ra a i ma, a thoughtless person ;
adv. carelessly, negligently, without thought or con-
cern; p d g a w ~pri,oan, s a m z ; 6su h f e pdgawn dilm yang
ga wa no; by some pron.pdknzirn.
-gawng, n. The first clot'l~iogfor a boy; (Hkauri;) see
d at24 ng.
--jat, ) I . The womb; see $u jut
-kang, a. Striped; also pron. LpdRang; parhafzg l d h , a
striped skirt; l>dhnngahpyc, a striped bag; comp. ka.
-hkarn, n. (from hRam, to receive.) A security, as for
money; a bond; pdhfiunz hRnm, u. to go security; to
bail, as a prisoner; pdhRnm hRa: a debt incurred, as
by going security. @
Pahkan, a. A kind of jungle nat: comp. c h ~ f d g aPdhkar
RLrwuyaytg baw /tpye a i d a .
--hke, . A bugle, a French-horn; comp. dunrba and;
jdhlnzt .
---hke, s. A pledge, a token, an earnest; comp. mawhke.
-ilkung, n. Black satin.
--hkram, n. T h e hammadryad; see pu ,+.!ram.
-la n. T h e cardamom plant; pd/a turn, t!ic s e e d ; ILrr.

-la, A n arrow; a pellet, a bullet or bail; comp. rtmR

and singkyz; ndan pdla, sdnal pd!a.
-lam la, n. A butterfly; (Hkauri jI'2'am Ln;) fig. 2 b i r d ;
only so called in the prophetic (:jzyzhbi) language.
-lang, n. Violets; (Hkauri ;) see Aptirnng.
-lip n . ' A bamboo split, used for t j - i o y purposes, or i n
weaving baskets, mats, or the like; coinp. luhpyi~and
wunzi; Pdli mdi-shit and shdjufl, see parts., v. T o turn over; see gde and 6 d L ~ .
-ten, n. T h e sting; as of a bee; the poi.: (I:' a serpent's
tongue; also pron. 6dLkn; ldgat P ~ I H jzmg
z ai.
-Iai, One of the Jinghpaw families.
--Izi, n. A species of iguana; comp. h p a r k j u t , ,iRn;+c
2nd d d a i ; p d u i la pdaanr, the speckled iguana.
--lau, n. One of the J i nghpaw families.
--lawn, v. T o be careless; coup. of pdgapun, which see.
-lawng, n. A jacket, a coat; see l a w ~ gand co~i~bina-
tions; comp. hjur, pdlawn .
--Inwng, n. A tribe closely re ated to t h e Shans.
ury or two ago they inhabited large parts of the
~ a c h i nhills, but were gradually d r ~ v e nout; a few
are still found scattered among the Jinghpaws, but
most of t h e m live i n sec!uded places o n t h e higile-t
hills; they call thernselvss Rurnai and are B u d d h l ~ i ~ , ;
Pdiawng nuvz or nat Pdiawng, a ferocious nat much
dreaded by the Kachins.
---man, n. A pleader; see pdmwrung.
Parnun, n, Scrapings or shavings, as from whittled bam.
boo; (cornp. mun, hair;) the h a i r y fibers of a bamboo
bursting f roln heat; shdmatz &paw ynng f d m m pru
-mung, a. A pleader; p d m u n g paman, same; see daw
m w g .-
Pttmung'pdman, dmmsa , jaiwa ga chyerc.
-mut, n. The ribbon snake; see pa mat.
-nang, v . T o die, as by accident; (Northern usage;)
comp. ldsa and ndatzg; PPdlza~gGam, a term indicating
that the person will die by accident; pdnaag tsen,
a term of abuse addressed to a woman indicating that
she will die i n confinement.
-nen, n, Phlegm; see pzl B e n .
-nep, n. A mat or mattress, used as a bed; pdnep nep, v.
to spread, as a mattress, or the like; see parts.
-nup, v. (from nix#, to be creased.) T o be ruffled; fig.
.to be hostile, at sword's p~ints;'pdnrrppanen or pnnlrp
p d m , ah. at odds; with disrespect, contempt or
disdain; sdra h p ~PBnwP ' prinen LRum r a i .
-nui, tr. A p y t h o n ; s e e p u nwi.
-hpun, n. Clothing, bedding, covering; see hfun; shi
j6dAPicn pyi 9c la ai.
-ran, v . (from m n , to. be separated.) To separate, as
the intestines i n order to wash them; pu n paran yang
a 7nai shap ai.
-ru, n. A kind of blanket.
-sa, Z ~ i n c e meat,
d fish or t h e 1ike;pdsa sa, u . to mince ;
to prepare, as lninced meat, eaten nearly raw.
--sang, a. The pylorus; see prc sang.
-si , n. A cornb; a rake, used i nstead of a harrow; comp.
masif; ARauna h a s i t o i jdsi; 6aw p d s i / a 7 4 .
-si, a . Cotton; comp. sd arid combinatio~s;pn.~r'pap, v .
to w h i p , dress cotton, a:; with e bowstring; jlisi Id-
LRunt, a cotton gin; (KL:auri,-)see / d u n g and ldnyel;
P d s i rirz a i l to g i n cotton; j l i s i shaw, to pick cotton;
P d s z tunr, cotton seed; p~f.ciyi, a cotton field; comp.
a a w i , n. Piaid cloth; usually prom daswi.
Prang. 527

Pitsham, r . An embroidered woolen skirt, much valued.

and worn 0111) on Iesti ve occasions.
-shau, n. A turban; see paishau; (HRauri.)
-tsip, n. A bat; also pron. kkak+ or A dtszp; pdtsij
Zrctzgpa, a cave of bats; plttsip hprim, t e dusk, when
the bats begin to Ny.
-htau, f i . A horn or a conch used as a t r u m p e t or bugle;
comp. #ahhe; pdhlaa arum ai, to blow the horn.
-wa, a. Great, glorious; comp. ddwa, tazua and rbdzua;
n. existence :

-yuk, r . Camphor; Bur. o q d .

-zap rr. Dirt, refuse; (Hkauri;) see ~ ~ z a z a .
Pra, u. To be pure, clear, clean, beautiful; romp. a j r a
and rhyoi; to be clear, evident, unmistakable.
-pra, a. Purr, etc.; a h . clearly, evidently, wilfully; dai
ski a nsam f r a pya rai nga a i , this is plainly his do-
i ngs,-his marks-lit. exhibit.
Pra, v . T o be, exist; often found ar a coup. of nga; ji wa
ni pya. a i pyat w w sai, it w a s pleasant during
t h e ancestral times; Ahawn /Ita~z~q j r a , to renew, as
maiden-hood; myi nga pya ngayang, i n days gone by
when 1 was " living,"-when i n i u l l strength.
Pram, u. T o break, as the sun t h r o u g h the clouds; see
jan pram; dai n i jdhbring sAa jnn pram ~ g nna a bai
nip mat ai. -. ,

Pran, Y. To meet, as the yo ing people for amtisement; see

nla pya; oi; to fall, as a meteor or a s h o o t i n g stars;
to change places, as the morning or e j ~ e n i n gstar;
s h d p n pran a i mv y w g sumrai AA:Z ~ i h m mna da.
-tawm, n. The time about nine to ten P, hl.; t h e time
for t h e evening amusement. I

Prang, v. To swarm, as insects after a rain; nzara~tgAtu

ai +ng kd6un Rdgyiirprang ai; to be cror~~ded, swnrm-
ing w i t h people, as a bazaar; nzdska prr;ng r gumra
hknm javn; ( n . a herd, a swarm, a c m w d ; Hhusri.)
Prang, n. A plain, a moor; (a level stretch of land under
cultivation; Hkauri; see # a ) ; a prairie, a heath, and
vegetation peculiar to such land.
Prang u gam.

Prang u gam, H. A partridge,or a species of prairie hen.

--shsnam, n. A variety of ginger.
--t ai , n. A rabbit, a hare.
Pray, v. T o flash, as l i g h t i ~ i n g derv. ; RQpvaP; comp. ah.
P r a t , v. To articulate plainly and distinctly; see drat.
Prar, n. A ~nole;see ad?rct.
P r a t , zl. T o expectorate; 20 spit; comp. mdktaw; to squirt,
as with t h e mouth; prai Kau, to spit out, as food; n
mdyg ZU. a i ntdjaw prat Rau st ai.
P r a t , zl. To b e a r , give birth; to b e g e t , see s h a j r a t ; n.
time age, period, generation or cycle; comp. npvat and
asah; Idmu ~ L PT Y ~ Lthe , time (age) of creation; pral
dingsa, f r a t dinaqnawlcg; prnt id?rlrt o r prat tup) ndv.
forever, without end; perpetually, eternally; see parts
and comp. Rtani h t n i a ; #rat t?rp jaw hFJ forever,
w i i h o u t end; llinzu ga p r a t dingsa e a nga nga a,
heavens and e a r t h remain forever.
P i e , v . To be alike, similar, equally m a t c h e d ; comp. 6u7tg
and sAdprc; shan shdda prr ma ni, they resemble each
other; adv. In an equal, parallel, similar manner;
mdnnng zua kte pre Lkra gdnw ZL.
Pre, v. To crackle, as a fire.
P r e n , n. An i n c h , ( K a c h i n iileasurment), equal to the
width of a finger; comp. .~z.tmj+renand tstn; iakkawng
pre?~,two fingers' width.
Preng, u. To be straight, a. t i l n l e r , a palm o r the wood-
oil tree; comp. d2'~zga n d pyo?ig; prew az ngau tam x ,
find some straight timber.
-preng, a. or o h . S t r a i g h t .
Preng, n. Beans; see s h f i p ~ c n g ( s h d p r ea) n d 92a2u; flrc?z~~
l o t , early beans; same as naw Zni; a leguinincus plant
of any kind.
-bawrn, n. Green o r fresh beans or peas; see parts.
--hkawm, n. T h e scarlet runner or the crowder pea;
Hkauri for ltnw kyu,which see.
Prep, v. To crush; see brep.
Pret, v. To rasp; see bred.
Pri, v . To be smoothed over, leveled; comp. praz and
s h ~ t p r i ;a. smooth, polished, even, not rough or bulging;
Prut. 5 29
dai hpunfyen f r i Lkva sR~tSawmr , plane this board
until it i s even; pri mat a i Cup, a leveled grave
Pri, v . To spread, circulate, as a rumour or report; derv.
Capri; daz shi ga mung CingPvi r a i sai, this news has
spread over the whole country; to he filled with,
scattered broadcast, as aliens in a foreign country;
comp. rt and chyatn; Myen man Kdh hte ri r a i sai.
Pri, n. Proper name for t h e seven& born @,(Ma Pri.
Pri npra, n. Chaos; also pron. kprz nhfva; see chyi nma.
Pri prawn, n. A kind of tree.
Prim, v . To be soaked; to be'filled to the top, as with a
liquid, but .not overflowing; comp. h; n-gn kta ntsin
Prim mi hAra dang a, just put in water enough to
soak (but not to overflow or cover) the rice; pa fin
LRa prim r a i sai, the whole field is soaked wit
Prip, v. To flash, as steel or sheet-lightning; derv. Rdprip;
shtu przj di dat u ,let the sword flash.
-prap, u. To flash; see parts..
Pru, v . T o come or go out; cornp. praw and shdpraw;
#rj71( wa x , go out; pru, wa n't, come out; hkring m i
ska pru wo rr, go out a moment; to rise, as a celestial
luminary; jan p r u , sltdta f r u , see parts; kka pya, or
span pnc, to leave the house on t h e fourth day, as,a
woman a f t e r confinement; shi Aka gdra n ) f u ai.
PN, v . To be speckled, as a hen
-p ru , a. Speckled; comp. afeng apan, a p r u afrap and
~ L ZRa.
Pruk, v . To splash, be splashing; derv. RdpruR; n. a
splash; shu hka t t a pruk nga n' gamktawn dang wo
ai, the frog jumped into the water with a splash.
-lup, v. To plunge, to dive; sAi LRa d e praA /up roi
shang wa ai. .
Prunq v. To splash; a stronger word than PrtzR; a&.
Gjth a splash, a plunge, or a rush; ski lding t prung
nga n' hRrat batqe wa sni.
Prup, v . To prick, puncture, as with a needle; comp.
by@; derv. aprz~9;!dgaw hta na yak PruP Ras u.
Prut, v . To boil; to bubble, as boiling water; ntsipl gdrai
n $rut sag, the water has not yet boiled; to open, as
.S30 'Prai.
a bud; to sprout, burst, as it were, into life; nam/ap
$rat s a i
Prai, v. To be effaced, erased, rubbed out or off; comp.
pri; a h h ~ n gP r u i mat sai; to be leveled, as an old
grave; /zip j r a i u ~ a sai;
t to be settled and forgotten, as
an old feud; to be healed, as an old sore; see hprct;
rrr Aha ps a i sai, t h e debt (grievance) is settled; 7x.a
# m i _sni-
Prau, v. To be sliding, slipping or tripping; derv. kdAfimrc;
sXi b47m hta p ~ a z jrai nna Rdlelzg taw ai.
-salau, odu, i n haste; i n a cursory, superficial manner;
jrozt sdLizu ska jfr yazg gazeo atsawm s L n c h y r Zu .zi.
Praw, u. To bring ol:t; to come or bring out; see skdijtpraw;
t o wax, a- thc moon; J d d t a praw, t h e new moon; # l v z ? u
?rtdfn, t h c time of the waxing moon; opp. to s i mQa;
' M r x i ~ ashii;.zg,aiai m a , a child born during the
time of the waxing moon; (to raid. plunder; only so
used i n poetry; see 621 praw).
Praw, v. To be observant; praw di, to observe; conlp.
mdda; fzgai gam bdlaizg mi fmw rai yang c h ~ nngai, r
I know it all by a single glance.
Praw, v. T o be happy; (Hkauri;) see pya=!.
Prawk, v. T o splash; iarne as przcb; derv. Zdprawk.
Praviir, v. To mix; (HkauG;) comp. Rdyau; shat f i . o : u ~ c
sha 24.
Prawn, v. To revive; to become reanimated; to recover.
having been at t h e point of death; comp. bran; shi s2
mat sni n rai,prawn sai.
Prawng, v. T o be burned, as a house to the ground; comp.
Akr*; nta h t r y i prarung r a i mat sai, the house and
the field are burned.
Prawng, n. An opiurn pipe; (Hkauri ,) see jyawng.
Prawng, v. To come to light; derv. /d)ra?wg; see
Pya, a . T o s h o w , exhibit; Bur. 63%;also pron. bya; t o
parade, as t r w p s ; ~ & P T Z nz' h,fiycn bya ma ai.
-dm, v . 'To S ~ O L V ,as wares for sale; see parts.
-yu, u. T o show, . + exhibit, as 7for inspection; nu a n r . ~ i
ghde liga ar kz:7z +:.(2 y s u.
Pya, ZJ. To run, drop;as honey irom a nest; see b a .
Pyak, v. To be destroyed; see byah.
Pyan, V. To grow, unfold and flatten, as a leaf: comp.
hpyan; ~zamIappyan ai. -
Pyang, v . T o he tall and straight; derv. dumhang;
coinp. p:~c~zg and urdlhgzg; d a i hpicn grai pyang ai;
a&. s t r a i,-I~ h ti,n a direct line; ri hie pvang dz a.
Pyat, adv. With nleasurod s t e s: doiwa , hdawm n a
ai; (only used among the Jlikums;) to slip; (Shan? f
Pye, v. To be mlierly.
.. a. Miserly, niggardly; f i r ji pye jawd, same; nang
-11 J

pye ji lye jawL 2.k: ~ d e i comp. ; ma@.

Pye, ZJ.To be flat, as t h e side of a board; to be deep, as an
animal body; d e r ~ j al?ye,
. 7 ~ .a side, a s of a sword.
-pye, a. Flat; adv. Ratwlse; k c jtye re ai hpunpym hta
wa U.
Pyc, n. One anna; see #e.
Pye, v . To overccrne; (Shan;) ngai sbi hft pye la ai.
Pyek, n. A duck; see r pycR and hkaipyek.
-Lam, 2 A wild duck.
-nawng, n. A flock of ducks; see parts.
Pyem, n. A smalls flat basket used by men instead of a
-hpa, n. Same.
P y e 4 v. To fly; coinp. E x . Q; u nipyen ma ai.
-kPnawng, v. To fly, as a Rock of birds.
Pyen, n. A village entrance; see pycng.
Pyen, v. To remove, strip off, as the soft inside (Zdpu) of
bamboo sections i:;tended for splits, ( p d i ; ) #dl2 (d*
pyen Razt u .
Pyending, n. A lamp; seepyefzgdin.
Pyeng, FZ.A village entrance; also pron. #yen or flrmg;
only found i n poetry as a coup. of rndsku~g,
Pyeng, v. To move, shift to one side, as a crowd; comp.
nan, hpyawng and ym; pyeng r ~ iadz,. , to one side,
out of the way; nanlila mahkra mdga mi de Pyeng rai
Pyengdi n, n. A lamp; also pron. be,rdi#g; sa?r fyeragdin,
a candle; pgc?~git'ilrsl;,tdzin, a lamp-stand; pym~dit~
shdlu, v. to light, as a laamp.
5 32 Pyet.
Pyet, v. T o be flattened; as by pressing; shnt rnr~kaidbm
LRra a i nzdjaw ,&yet nzni sez'; to lie flat, prone, as on the
ground; hpyen m a ni ga hkum pyet r a i nna Ratgt
hkawm'ma a i .
-pyet, adv. or a. In a flattened, or prone manner; flat,
prone ; n-gup pyel #yet r&oi wa.
Pyi, v . T o be soft, supple, pliable, as a bamboo split.
-pyi, a. Soft, etc.
Pyl, adv. Even; also pron. pi; comp. Y Z and Bur. o ~shi;
pyi n gdlaw /a a i , not even he can do it; shanhte t?yi
sa ma ai, even they went.
Pyi, n. A flute, fife, pipe; see s z i w y i .
-hkrap, n . A flute giving the sound as of a crying
-hkrawng, n. A bamboo wind instrument with a metal'
mouth-piece; pyihdrawng magri szrmfyi L5e h w m ai.
-lang, n. A small pipe or whiskle made of straw.
-sun, n. A flute w i t h a double reed.
Pyik, v . T o be clogged, blocked up; to be obstructed and
closed, a s a door, road, or the like; comp. pat; lam
jyiR mat sai; to be closed, as a school; comp. Bur.
Pyin, n . A small bundle; see i d h j a w p y i n .
Pyip, v . T o press, -squeeze, as puss from a boil or juice
from a lime; comp. s h r p ; na a shdkrdwi mdtsdwz pyq
Rau m r .
Pyun, v . T o be slippery, as an eel; derv. Rdf?ytla; comp.
mdnen; slip, as through a window; shi hkltwawt
ARu pyun Lprawng r a i mad sai; to be glib, slippery,
deceitful; shi h 7 4 n re a i wa.
-pyun, a. Slippery; adv. in a slipping manner, because
s h ppery; nar mdnen a i majaw j y r ~ tj y u ~ zr d ai.
Pyut, v. T o be soft, s l i m y , paste-li ke.
-pyut, a.Soft,paste-like,sticky, as so(t-boi1edrice;shan
h j e pyut pyut r a i hkva shajyaw z t .
Pyau, v . T o fly, flit, as a swallow, derv. kkfyazr; comp.
byar; piZan pyan jyerr a i ; to piav, shoot, as a fish; to
fly, as a missile i n a direction not aimed a t ; fig. to go
contrary to orders or instructions; ngzi r s t ! ? ~ni Akx a
khan a i l Raga de Pynu r a i mat zua ai.
Pyau pyau,, adv. In a darting, flitting, shooting, zlgzag
manner; nga 7rz f y a u p y a u rat rhyai ma ai.
Pyaw, v. T o be boiled, and thus soft, tender, in a paste-
l i k e or m e l t i n g condition; cornp. shdpyaw and byaw,
n r a pyaw /,&a shdpyaw a.
-pyaw, a. Soft, tender, well done, as meat.
Pyaw, v. T o be pleased, happy, satisfied; to enjoy one's
self; see epyaw; by some pron. byaw; Hkauri p r a w ;
cornp. Bur. ~ p 8ya ; s h i pyaw nga ail now he is happy.
--claw, n. Happiness, pleasure; cornp. tangflaw.
-ngawn, v. T o be happy; pyaw ngawn at lam, happiness;
see ngawn and ngwipyaw.
-pyaw, adu. I n a happy, blissful s t a t e or manner; an&
pyaw pyazu a q a g a ai.
Pyawn, v . T o be more than ordinarily long, as a joint
o r section of bamboo; cornp. guw; d a i kdwa h m a n
pynwn a i , d a i ntdhtang n pyawn ai;this i s long jointed
bamboo, but chis kind has short ~ o i n t s ;chydhtoi wa
za l p r a t ~pyrr,w?ta i pd& tam 11.
Pyawn, v. T o be side by side; along side; derv. durn-
pyawn and Rdpyawn; adv. side by side, length by
length, (only said of long objects not of thinos b-
globular ;) 7 ~ ~ r a i /Rawptg
dh pyawn rui taw nga ma ar.
Pyawng, n. A tube, a pipe, a barrel, as of a g u n ; also
pron. byawng; cornp. Bur. @$; the ordinary Chinese
opium pipe; see prazwng; sdlzat pyawng, a gun-barrel;
wan htrtng pynwrzg, a stove-pi pe; Rani Czi a? pyawng, an
opium pip?.
Pyawng, v. To m o v e ; to float, to sail; comp Atawf; (only
used by some of the Bharno Kachins; Bur. +St.)

T h e twentieth consonant in the Kachin alphabet; p

a s p ~ r a t e dwith
; t h e H k a u r i s h p takes a pf sound; thus
pfan, pjhng, p j u n , i nste ad of hpan, hpang, h e n , etc.
H p a , v. To r e l y , depend upon; to trust i n ; camp. Bur.
07 and rhyu; shz du ni Raw hpu nga-ui, he is trusting
i n the c h i e f s (authorities;) to lean, as upon a staff or a
I r.i e n d ; shi jZp
' tgA Ra nl' hta hpa nga sai.
Hpa, m T o be thin, not thick; opp. to itfat; comp. Bur
68:Apunpyrzc hpa ai, the board is thin; to be cheap,
nor expensive; mdna @a ai; be t h i n and w e a k , as
a wall.
Hpal Noun formative; rnahpa, desirable things; rswub+a1
things worth mentioning; Akurthpa, things causing
fpar; fear, terror; shahpa, food; h e a l d r i n k : n : u u h ~ a ,
a wonder.
H p a , n. A dah; (Shan.)
-rung, n. A large knife, the hatchet of the Shans.
Hpa, n. A thick-rice gruel; s o t t Loiled rice eaten as
porridge; mdchyi ai wa h p e hfa jaw mu.
-lu, v . To eat (drink) the gruel.
- r n i % l ~ r n , ~u. To prepare, as rice gruel or rice porridge;
ma Rlthtet az mdjaw tsu hpe /ipu. m d w n ~ i ~ a d aas. 2~
-pa, a. A thick rice porridge; ~i .iln~siZ na n z d ~ u.bpr,pa
Hpa, n. T h e shoulders; see iii,$pa; only used i n composi-
-dip, n. (from dip, to press.) T h e part of t h e shoulder
on. which the burden tests while carrying; kkap nlrlc
hpai nna h#hpadi*# mctchyz ai.
-ja\vn, n. Tile sl:oui&~;'(sre ~ A A Y H , to ride;) only USIMI
in poetry; coup. hpdlawt.
Shilegs3!a~qgrmgzt slr&a~ui, pai h k ~ ahp~ji.nrun
Itpda wt.
-hkai la-g, n. A sleeveless jacket; a vest; see parcs.
Hpa, Pronominal interrogati.v;:, what 2 comp. s k f a a.11d
n?;nan& F,P n tswn n' ta? wha(. d r e you saying? h#a ia?c
Rdwa n t a t what (one thing) t i ; you?
-hpa, a. .Some; shei k p a hpa sha *, eat some rice; rr or
adv. something, anythirjg; sLi hpa hpo skn s h t ~ ~he i.
has probably eaten something; hfa bps jaw 24.
a , adv. Why ? wherefore 7 for what reason ? h p ~
tsun n ta? why did you speak 7 lipa m i t i nz:t?ag, any-
thing, whatsoever; /J+ m i ti' mzizg gd/?.s,yyrcng n m i
ARraw ai, he will not get well whate:?er i s done; hA$c
ral' ti mung /a v , take anything.
Hpa, n. A garment; (Shan.)
Hpekman. 535
Hpajzck, n. A silk garment usually given as a wed
ding present.
-jet, ro. A towel; a handkerchief.
-jawng, n. A blanket, a quilt; comp. nda.
-kau, n. Leggings, worn by men; also pron. kp~tgau?
comp. /draw.
-myen, n. Silk cloth.
Hpa, a. The tca plant; the thea.
-dik, n. Pickled or pressed tea; hfadik dik,to press or
pickle, as tea; hpadik h!ow a:' ni Lai mat ntd sai.
--lap, n. T h e leaves of the tea plant; the ordinary tea
of the m a r k e t ; also pron, hpdap; IrpPl~p-la, to drink
-ri, n. Nervousness or sleeplessness, as from drinking
too strong tea; h j a ~ ri, i v . to suffer, as from nervous-
ness;-Mart' rz' a i ~ z d j a wn l g yap ai.
Hpa, n. A band, a strap, as for carrying purposes; see
jlr m hpa an d jizghpa .
-baw, R. The part where a cord unites w i t h the strap.
-lap, n. T h e wide part of a strap carried over the fore-
-na, n. T h e loop (lit. ear), as of a basket through which
a strap or cord is passed.
-n, n. Cords; (Hkauri.)
i t n. T h e cords, united with the strap.
Hpaji, n. Wisdom, understand in.^; cunning, craftiness;
comp. zaz and shdran; hpajz h p a ~ a t ,same; h j a j i
byeng3~a,wisdom; see parts; hpaji dan, to sllow under-
stanil~ngor cunning; R ~ a j idaw, to plan, scheme,
devise; to act wisely; n. q l a n , a d e y i s ; hjajz' d u n g ,
the height or summit o ~ w i d ~ ~ f Tleaves - i e used i n
divii:at~on; see shaba lap; hpaji aingri&?ig b a r a t
mtidrung, hpnji r a w q , to be wise, judicious, saga-
cious; h p a p Aturn, to be foolish, stupid, void ol sense.
Hpak, n A measure of capacity equal to two jdres;
Buh gA;szcni /r)izSak m i j y z n nga ai.
Hpak, 72 T h e curlander plant or seed; (Shan.)
-gyi, n T h e coriander; also pron. hpaL;~i;GjoRgyi si.
--man, n. A k i n d of bush or sma?l tree the Xe:.-ies of which
are used as food.
536 Hpam.
Hpam, 72. A k i n d of ulcerous swelling; comp. nruwng and
shdrbvdwi; d a i ana hpam mi'nga ai.
Hpam, v. T o be numb, bcnurned, without feeling; .derv,
Rdkpam; n n a hte h g a w hpam ai
Hpam, v. TO plicate, fold, double, corny. gzlnjbu, pa(r
hpum dz dow u , bend the split and break i t ; n. a fold;
a plication; Ldhkawng masum hpam dz' nna'gumba u.
Hpan, v. T o compute, to pass qn opinion or sentence;
derv. $@an; / r p ~ nai hRu, an opinion, a judgment;
to divide, allot, as an inheritance or presents; to pay,
as wages; kbdgrdwz kadung hpan na, to divide the
property of a deceased; Runr/tpa hpun na, to parcel
o u t , as presents; Ralnhpa hpan uz wa, a person
delegated to distribute the presents, as at a f u n e r d l ;
h p q a u H Z hpe J d b r a i Lpan mr.
Hpan, v. To form, create, bring, as ordci uut of chaos;
comp. (an, raz, &at a n d Bur. uf; N-gawn Wa Inm* ga
hpan da sat; w a n Mddiv, a Creator; H ~ QWa R Ning-
sang, the Creator; cornp. C h y ~Wa Ningchyang and
K d r a z Kdsang.
b a n , v. To be mature, developed; to be acute, as i n
mlnd; see jdhpan; comp. Rang; daz ma myit hpon a i
ma rat' ago a i .
Hpan, v. T o rise, be blown, as clouds of dust or smoke;
derv. RdApan; see Apan.
Hpan, v. To massage, manipulate the body; i n native
fashion; see kRum h ~ a ai; n to plough a field the second
time; /un huh kta hkarna @an ma a i ; cornp. L t a i .
Hpan, v . To be crosswise; adv. across; wore Cam r
hpan var taw nga a i , a snake is l y ~ n gacross that road;
dingdung yan nda hpan, lengthwise a n d crosswise;
kltan hpan, rlght across i n the middle; dat sumpan
h p e &an @an d i nna hdra~csc.
Hpang, v. #o be deaf; see ncr /pang and /d/rpang
Hpanf, v. T o begin, commence, start, adv. first, d e n -
n pang; c h y ~ h t ahpang
i a,begin (the weaving of) t he
mat; d a z yt ngai lrpang a i rr, I first worked this field.
~ building, a feast, a war
to make p r e p a r a t i o n s , ~for
or t h e like; cornp. hkyclt; drc ni @ y e n ltpang ma a i ,
the chiefs are preparing f o r war; nta gdaw ntz h s h
H pu. 537
hpang Lawn mu, if going to build, lay i n your supply
of food; dl4 nz' mdnau kpang nga ma ai.
Hpang, v . To be behind; opp. to skawng; to follow; song
shawleg u ~ g a hpangna,
i you go ahead I will follow;
hpang ~ g , ado. subsequently, afterward, later on; ngai
hkoiai gumhfraw hpang I lu yang e y a na; after,
behind; n . e hpang-r hRart\rit;)pangdt,
- after, behind;
afterwsrd. ,

-hkrat, v. T o fall behind; to be late; see parts; shi mam

tipig ltpang hRrat sai.
-hti, v To stay or remain behind; see parts.
Hpang, n. Liquor (formerly also water), as given to the
nats; only used i n religious poetry; maregman hpang
--gara, v . To be thirsty, to desire, as drink; s l d g ~ o i
/tpu:?g#sing gdra; ski Rawsi hpaag gdra grai ARvvm
n 2'.
-jahku, n. Liquor; only found i n religious poetry.
-kara, Y. To be thirsty; mostly pron. Irpanggctra.
Hpat, v . To read; Bur. u d ; comp. hti; to be bright, acute,
ripe, as i n understanding; comp. jdhpat; d a i ma hpat
az' ma r8 at:
H at, v . To be stiff, as something starched.
-!paf, a. Thickened, inspissated, stiff;maisaa @at h f o t
az, nyap nyaj n r a i , the paper is stiff, not soft.
Hpat, 2,. To be i n the centre; see k d a ~Itpat.
-wat, f
u. To be plumb; i n the centre; g. to hesitate, be
vacillating; to be on the fence; shigaw h a n g A ~ a t -
wat nga ai masha.
Hpe, v . To allot, parcel out, as work; see Afye.
Hpe, Noun affix, objective case; see Gram.; by some
pron. he; Hkauri, P j e ; shi lrpe -jaw u , give to h i m ; ngai
lrpe jaw 6 , give to me.
Hpe, n. Satin; Bur. k ;
-&a, n. Satin garments or blankets; see parts.
Hpin, n. Wood; same as Apun.
-da, n. A mark; see hpunda.
-dang, r . Garters; see hpundang.
Hpu, v . To smell offensively; to stink; derv. nhptr,chydhpu
and aaw AQa; comp. ARying and Bur. p d .

68 E

Hpu, a. T o view, 'inspect; to come, as out of curiosity;

derv. idhpu; comp. Bur. o a ; ?zta lrkrlr ai m4jnlu law
law ~u hpu ma ai, because the house burned many
came to see; to express astonishment, grief, or the
like, 2s when anything unusual has happened; hpa
ARum @rc, atsin sha ~zgau .
Hpu, v. T o be adhesive, sticl:ing; dgrv. gzmltpu.
-hpu, a. Sticking, adhering; l d t a hta shut hpu rai
nga ai, the rice is s t i c k i n g io the fingers; fig. to cling,
stick, as a child to its ixor.her; K~in;r kta wa ni &a
hpa r a i nga ma ai.
Hpu, v. T o be of val~te.wortl!; f e r v , jrih*; to be expen-
si ve, hi gh-price d ; k n i ni,->r, ) marn gvai hpu a t ; n. a

marriage dowry, the amount g i v e n for a bride; comp.

+ and /rpleji itpaga; hf:ats b ~ ~ ~ - n b l : - - rsee
-bang,. v. T o pay t h e arnouui asked for a bride; see
i , parts.

-ja, n. The price paid for a bride; see parts.
-lat, n. The first inetal!ment paid for a bride.
-hpyi, v. T o ask, settlc the price, as f o r a wife; see
parts; ya a p m t 2 lqas kdba n h j j i ill ai.
Hpu, n. A term of reiatipnship; ( I ) an elder brother;
( 2 ) cousins, a paternai unclc's or aunt's ( t u n g a ) male
children older than t h e syeaicer; (3) a brother-in-law;
a woman's elder sister's 1laabai;d; corny. Sahpa; lzpu
da-doi-ji-htang, see parts.
-nau, n. Brothers and sisters, etc.; sek parts.
-shawng, n. A proper riame for:a Mn Gam; so called
by younger brothers, sistkrs or cousins; comp. ma
-wa, v. T o be related; see hpa'wa.
Hpuk, n. A nat w i t h the power to take possession of a
corpse and appear 'in the apparently liviilg body of a
deceased; nyaz ckying 7nnng shi7zgkawi jaitg, hp$ih
shang ai da.
Hpuk, v . T o be-bewitched, as a trap, g ~ sdam, , etc., and
thus under a spell of b ~ ldu c k ; (5l1;in;)c5711p. gptt,hpoi
and yu R ; md h & a hpa
~ k mat mrzn ha.a n hfi /zRraw ai.
.Hpum, v:* T o embrace, fold i n the arms: to h u b'. a * see
a@*m and ginsnum; shan shi~dn@ Y ~ J $f q a ma az.
Hpundum. 539

Hpurn, v . To be f a t , plukb, corpulent; opp. to Idsi; /rprm

wa, to grow fleshy; dai wa grai Rprm a i .
I-lpum, v. To lie down, rest, as an animal; zga fii hpam
ai, the cattle are lying down; to lay or set, a s a hen;
u kdnu u di hptlm nga ai.
Hgun, n. Manure.
-bang, v. T o fertilize, manure; hpun bang yong Akai
lsalzg ai.
Hpun, n. A penny, mite, stiver; A t i 7 n i @HZ mi +yyi 8 /a
nngai, I have not even a four anna bit oi a penny.
Hpun, v. To break out, as hives; see a h f x n 2nd kdhpidn:
H P U ~ ,v. To put on and wear, as a coat; cornp. drl; /j&awng
hprcn u, put on the coat; to cover, as wit11 a blanket;
opp. to n e j ; see Bur q r and ju/rpun; nba hpilr, nna y a p u .
-da, n. Taxes; (Northern usage;) cornp. Raasi; hpunda
I t t a , ' ~ to
. collect, as taxes.
--da, n. A mark, standard, preeminence also pron. hpmg-
da or hpinda, hfunda def or lep, v. to reach, attain,
as to the height of a superior; anhle ji zuoi ni a h f u d a
n dep 1%ga ai, we cannot come u p to the ancestral
pre-eminence; N j i t t i a hkvingjzlng h#r>zda dep,
Akri~zgrnangh j u d a Lep.
--clang, n. Rattan rings worn as garters by both men and
women; also pron. hpindn~g;hfltrndaltg dn:r a i , 2. to
wear the rings.
-daw, n. A cold; see hfitngdaw.
--.Caw, a. Rain-water; see hpu~zgdaw.
-nba, a. A blanket, rug, quilt, etc., used as a cover.
--palawng, n. Clothing, clothes; shi Qua jb~lnwngu 1%
ai,he has no clothing; HRnng ni Ajbznn )d/ow~g rt rrga
ma ai.
-&nep, n. Bedding; see parts.
Hpun, n. A tree, a bush; a stalk, as of a flower or grain;
wood, woody substance; comp. hphpangand ngna; Hkauri
-ban, n. The place where a branch protrudes from the
trunk; see parts.
-du, pz. The stump, as of a tree; comp. nn':l.
-du, fi. Thatch; see d a d # . -
--durn, n. A tree of stunted growth; comp. gunglrr712.
540 Hpundung,
Hpundung, n. A fence-post; Apundung p n g ; v . to put
down, as fence-posts.
-daw, n ,A dead tree, still standing; cornp. pztnghkaw:
'-ganl n. A lever; cornp. g a n h n g
-gang, n. The wide, plank-like roots, a s of a ban yaw
see gang.
-gang, n. A cord, as of wood; Itpun-ganggang, v. to cut
and measure as cord-wood.
-gu, la. Bending branches, as of the weeping-willow; see
+a, n. The bake tree; h j g n ja si, bale fruit.
-jum, a. A small log, ot which two or three are always
found at a fire-place to hold the fire; dai shddaw hpe
hpzlnlicd shdtai g.
.-kun, n. The spring, as of a trap; see klm.
-kung, n. A large branch; see CdRicng.
k i p n. Heart-wood; see Rrt' and akri.
8-hkaw, -n. A fallen tree; see picnghhuw.
-hkyep, n. Chips; see parts.
-hkraw, n. A hallow log; see hjhmgkrhw.
i l a , n. A tree not bearing fruit; lit. a male tree; see
1 , n. A leaf; seew; hpgn/ap hpzlnlaw, .leaves; N-
g r a a wa idhtat irpunlaw re #ga rsga va, hpgnlap t t r e
sa ra ai.
-lawn, n. A young tree; see lawn and pnglazun.
-mat, n. The main part of the trunk; the body, as of a
tree; kpanmat kte sAo k h a n la mw.
om$, n. A hollow (lit. eye), as formed at the base of a
branch; Aprnnyi hpunmai,same; dinggrng wa &ban C,
lspunmyi hRu nna yzl rit, h j a n n a i hRw nlza rit.
-nam, n. Lowland; see. hpungnam.
-nu, n. A large, or sacred tree; h p m nu h$un Gam,same;
see parts.
-ni, n. Moss, as on a tree; comp. h n g nil.
-pau, n. A knobby tree; see pau.
-paw, n. Pith;seepaw:
-pawt, n. The root, base, asof a tree; see paw!.
-pyen, n. A board, a plank; see parts and comp. Bur:
Hpun hpang, n. The base of a tree; see h f i n g and hpun
-hpra, v. To cut, hew, as a l i v i n g tree for the sake of a
andmark; n. a tree thus hewed; see parts; nu a rzt ktr
nyt a ldpran P hpun k h a r .
-hpyi, n. Bark; see hpyi.
-ra, n. The place for fire-wood, inside a house; see parts.
-ru, n. Roots; see ru.
-si, r. Saplings, young trees,
-sau, n. A tree i n the process of drying up.
-sen, n. Chips; see parts. ,
-shang, n. Fire-wood; dried branches or the like fit for
fire-wood without splitting.
-tawng, a. A heavy piece of wood; a club, a log; see
-tsawrn, n. Punk, spunk, touchwood.
-hta, v. To gather fire-wood; see parts; also pron. h f i n
-hang, v. Same as kpun Ma.
-htum, n. A clamp; a short piece of wood of any kind;
hpunhtum Ate namsi Rdbai di tc.
-htau, r. A mince-board; see parts.
-htawn, v. To girdle a tree; see parts; n. a girdled, tree
i n the process of dying. -
-wawp, n. Soft wood; see parts.
Hpung, Prohibitive particle; (Hkauri;) by some pron.
pfung; see hktcm and sham.
.Hpuog, n. A gathering, an assembly, a congregation;
comp. ban and /;pawng; a flock, a herd; see nawng.
-dim, vt. The last born child; see dim and shddo<
-gai, n. An old woman; (Hkauri;) see gemgai and
-lam, n. (from l a m , a thickness.) A layer, a thickness;
chyirzghkycn itpu nglu rn id L ka w?cg raai nga ai, t he re is
a double thickness of flooring; a wall or fence, three
or four double, as around a village; d r n g h k ~hpung-
lam, same.
-yawm, n. An inclosure as for taming w i l d cattle; see
yawm; ultprang hRu l a na &pnng-yawm Rum ga.
542 Hpung.
Hpung, n. Wood; a. woody; cornp. hpun; only used i n
--daw, n. A dead tree; see hpzndaw.
-kun, n. The spring of a trap; same as hpanhun.
-kawp, n. The heavy sheaths enveloping the lower
joints of elephant bamboo, used for hats, etc., also
pron. hkingffawp; hptl~zgkazvp&ggtcp, see parts.
o n a m , n. Foot-hills; lowland; opp. to barn; plains, wcod-
e d plains; cornp. prang,/dr% at, ldymzgand htingrzni;
lrpllngnam ga gaw Rlthter' ai,the plains are hot; Itgung-
Barn hie .bum Iaprar e Ldrs at ga nga ma ai.
-tang, n. T h e echo; hpvngta:zg Rddu-gdshaw or wa, v .
t o echo, reverberate; to respond, as the echo: hkdraw
hkas a jdhfau yang hpwngtang wa ai.
Hpung, n. Glory, honour; comp. Bur. q f a .
-An, n. A semi-divine being; see next.
--Un, s.A semi-divine being, the elder brother of H'tlng-
An, born by C / t y l t n u ~after
~ having the ninth time
returned to maiden-hood: .

jinghkai nta gdbyaw.

-da, n. A mark, standard; see //PN7m!a.
-dagu, a. Power,streng-tb, glory; Bur. cq$im#r.
-gam. a. Great, glorious, foremost; see gam; mdli hka
-gan, n. A 1nrg.e 2 n d povt?erful clan of the L d h f n i tribe,
mostly f o i ~ i ~along d t h e old Chinese caravan road;
the G i t r n ~ u 3village was formerly the centre of the
Hptlnggaz territory.
- v. To erl#ibit,as glory or power.
a n . Proper name for a chief's son; also called
j a Rra,rg.
-nung, o Great, abundant, copious; s ~ /tprcngnnng,
t gan
L2d 9~ghk 7 2~ZJ gr.
-nga, n. Mid311 age; sce next.
-ngang, n. FTi-!ijle age; the time of orime manllood; sAi
-7 1
I lj.5, Lb
gpyi n d x na ra Ai, he will not even
reach nridulc age; Prai hpangngank nga ai.
Hpungnang. 543

Hpung rawng, v. To possess glory, honour; power; see

I parts.
-shi ngkan g, n. Glory, splendour, grandeur, lustre; see
-tsen, n. Paper name for a daughter of a chiei; same
as ]a t s e ~ .
Hpung, n. Water; comp. hka, hpang, ntsin, and 4; only
used i o composition.
-ding, w. A pond; a. pond-iiltr ; comp. gindzng;Qungding
/ding, a pool or pond.
-dun, n. Water or licuor, as pour-d to the nats; grcmgun
mddka ,ti /rpe h p a n & t W ~$-en,
a h;h? h~ren d i no.
-daw, n. Rain-water; wstcr, as collected i n ditches or
gutters; small pool.,; / z i / j i t : ~ ~ kka,
zu same; hjrtngdaw
kRa ing n i , the water is standing i n pools; h@zgdaw
lffwi a ? , the rai n-water i z flowing.
-day n. A cold; mostly urcd as a o u p . of waw.
-gaw, a . Winding, bending, as a stream; see gaw.
--jut, n. A ha\;. a n inji-t;see jut.
-la", v . To i i v e , as water at a sacrifice; to pour a
lihation; n. a libation.
-- kawn, n. The 5 r s t of all rivers; see hfz{l,gshawtr.
-krang, 71.Water; o n l y lourid i n poetr), see /z h p w ~ g -
. na ?zg.
-krany, n. Food; only used in poetry or fig. speech;
ankle s h d a u ) ! /tparrgRrang sha ga.
-la, n. A whirlpool, rapid; a swift current; hku h f a n g h
jn a i mdjaw n ral) 174 ai.
-lurn, a. Hot water; see Zv:n; hjk~nghnt.chd24m r ,fd/OP
shad% %a, heat some water to m a k e tea.
-lum, n. A nat priest of the third order; the special
assistants t o the D r m s a , who attend to the liquor,
k e e p the pots and kettles boiling and arrange the
parts of the sacrifice; hptrnghnz hpuirg/i or hjurtgCau,
same ; women generally officiate as assistants, but
o n l y men are admitted when offering to some of the
more i m p o r t a n t nars, w c h as Siri!afl ar.d J d a i ;
hpnnglunz ;.z?z jaw ti,c h ~ l & ~r~rdchyzn
-n m~ij2:.
--nang, IZ. Water; see /ih$;ragirzang.
Npungnawm, a. flowing water. -
544 Hpungnung.
Hpungnung, n. Quiet, slowly flowing water; a slow current;
comp. nmzg; opp. to hpung/a; rai e gaw AfingCa ja ai,
h f ~ t z g n g n ge rap ga.
-rau, jz. Fishing by stupefying t h e fish: same as M r a u ;
lrpltrzgrau r u , v . to fish thus; same as m a m a ru.

-sari, v. To be watery; to be diluted, as liquor; clryciru

h p m g s a n mat sai; to be drowned, lost, as a pinch of
salt i n a barrel of water; shat mai hta j ~ n rh ~ n g r a u
mat sai
--sang, n. Water; see ran hpltngsang; coup. of lz lrpung-
-&awn, ti. I'he tirst created river, according to Kachin
tradition; see shawn; coup. / z p s ~ g k n w ~ .
-tang, n. T h e bottom, as of a river; 1Ra hjpungtang dat
ARra shringyv, dive to the bottom.
-tun, n. A sudden rush of water; d heavy rise; hha
hjungtua gdrai n dzd yang r a p mz.
-tsing, ,fz. Water; only u s e d i n poetry; skdgrot hjung-
tsing gd:*a nngai, I am t hi rs ty ; hpzcngtsing tsi, the cool
morning breeze; t h e time between one to three A. M.;
see Gram .; hjbztrtgising isi, 28 gui Rri.
-wan, v. To boil or bubble, as water.
n. A whirlpool.
v. To swim; ccrnp. byan, pyaz~and tsawt; ma ai
hrka hjwng-yawt nga ?lra ai.
Hput, n. Measles; see airput; hpat Rap, V . to take the
measles; Aput hpul, to have :be measles.
Hput, v. T o efface, raze, l e d with the ground; derv.
d i n g h p ~ t ;@yen ?ti dai mdre hpe nlrpu hte hfut di
Rau mtz nu ai.
Hput, v . T o thrust, transfix, as a spear into the ground;
ga Afa ri hput di a ; to stab, gore; nga l t p c ri hte ltprt
di zt.
Hput, n. A large wicker basket; Bur. y d j ; comp. m u q .
-ding, n. A large basket i n which paddy is kept i n the
9-ya, n. coup. of @tinpawn.

hta dat.
546 Hpai da.
Hpai da, n. Dice; pieces used i n gambling; A f i i d a da
u. to gamble, as w i l h dice; to cast lot.
-hti, n. A a missing dice; see parts.
-YInl v. T o shake the dice; see parts.
-zi, n. A stick i n t h e shape of a knitting needle used
i n certain kinds of games; same as mdzi; h f a i z i da, u .
to play w i t h the sticks.
Hpau, a. A- Jinghpaw clan of which the most prominent
families are t h e Hfaudau-gan-jang-jejztrn-jmg
--Ran- hdan- hRum -la--lawn- mat-nat -shwi-
shaz-yam and yawn; Hpauyawn ni grnu kaba sam
ma at'.
-gan nai, n. A species of yam.
-1um htu, n. A traditional wild Inan; same as Sititam or
-maw. n. The commoe broadsword usually worn by old
men;sdzang ni hfa*nraw nAtu Apye m a ai.
Hpaurang, v . To be naked, nude: (Hkauri;) mostly said
of children ; comp. si~zggukrzn and danhtang; ma Rajz'
n i Apaurang r a i 7tga ma a t . . .
Hpaw, v. To open, as a door; opp. to la: coup. waw: comp.
Bur. SF; chyinghka hp.ctw u ,open the door; to open, as
a flower, to expand, spread open ; comp. p ;to well,
bubble up, as water from a spring; hkh npun hpaw a i :
fig. to speak, to recite, as poetry :
HRa @awl d a i @awl Ian n v n pru yang, darnja

Hpaw, v . To mix, compound, as medicine; comp. Rd-vau

and Bur. emroof; hktlnr mltchvi y a n g t s i ltpaw 26.
Hpaw, n. A bison; see ahpaw.
--larn, n. A wild bison; also called nga hpawZnm.
H p a w , n. A leaf, as an article of use; see Ilihfiaw and
Bur. ~ 5 . I

-da, n. A leaf (lrtltpaw), laid crosswise (see ndn), i n

m a k i n g up a package; opp. to hjawdz~ng;hfawdung
hPa7uda Llehfmw tm u.
--dung. n. A lcaf laid lengthwise (see ntiul~g), i n making
up a; see hpawda
Hpawga, n. A leaf put as an extra wrapper around a
bundle :
Bang hjazudz mai, sltijup w a ~ n Rai,

-gop, n. A double layer of leaves; v . to double, as a

wrapper; see parts.
-goi, n. A leaf oi a species of water-lily.
-jan, n. A kind of leaf mostly used by the Shans.
--hkan, n. A leaf used as a wrapper.
-lap, n. A leaf used as a wrapper; see parts; coup. of
Itpa wgoi.
-hkyawn, n. A dish made of leaves; @awlthyawn ARyarvn
ai,v . to fold the leaf so as to make a dish.
-lang, n. The ordinary plantain-leaf used as a wrapper:
H t a w h n g sawn l a , lipawtang k k r m n shn.
-ngup, v . To fold, tuck the ends of a leaf, as when
making u p a package.
-hpru, n. A kind of wild plantain leaf.
-tsaw, n. Used and thrown away leaves.
Hpawk, 3. T o h i t with a thud; to w h a c k ; hjuntawng k t e
sdi ltpe h p a w b di a ; to h i t , as a rnark; fig. to suffer, as
the results of evil; nanggdtaw a i a m u na a Alum &a
hpawR vr ai.
Hpawm, v. T o act i n concert or partnership; adv. unit-
edly, with one aim and effort; comp. jawm; shdwa a m u
gctCaw y a q , hpawrn yaptg she ntni ai.
Hpawm, 21. T o be bitter, acrid; comp. RRa and h k u j ;
mdchyn si hjawm ni law.
H ~ a w i n i , n. A middle aged woman; h/lawmiprat /aiyang
g u n p i vai sai.
Hpawn, v. To gat her together; derv. gumhpawn; to be
collected, as into a bundle, heap or the like; comp.
/dhRnwn; adv. together; rdaihlt? hfnzun di m u , gather
the t h i n q s together; nrlar' hie wora hfe hpab7z dz fizz.
Hpawn, v. 'To be i n the process of drying, as washed
clothing, or the ground after a shower;gm /oimihpau1n
rat' wa s ~ t .

Hpcwng, v To open; (l-l k a u r ~ ; see) dpaw.

Hpawng, v . T o ceasc, a s r a i n ; see *widrang A p a m g .
Hpawng, 11. A float, a raft, as of t ~ m b e r ;Bur. CUD€; comp.
w a u r ; hjawng htu, to propel a raft
klpawngl An inclosure; only used i n poetry as a coup, of
Cawng or zuawng.
Hpawng, ZJ. To gather, congregate, dssemble; corny.
Z U P ; n. 'a g a t h e r i n g ; see it/lung; shcwn hpawng, a
g a t h e r i n g ot people; kdwa Apabawfq, a c l u m p of bam-
boo; hpjen hpcwng, a company of soldiers; hpnwng
s/lirrym ga l z i ai wrr, one superior to the crowd,-lit.
one w h o passes through the assembly.
H p a n r h ~l ~ t , TL. A species of i guana; comp. hkangsc; hpa*
b z r i " bdresz tat' ar' d a .
Hpawt, a. A morning; t h e morrow;adz.. to-morrsw; comp.
ahpawt a n d i;thpawt; dai W w t byin ai, it happened
this morning.
-de, aa'v. To-morrow morning; same as hpawt Phpawt
o r hpi;wt n? a j ~ h p a w t
-din, oda. Morning(day o r night) after; see din; hpawt
dtn hkhzwt, morning after to-morrow; @awl din ni,
day after to-morrow: hpawt din nu, n i g h t after to-
-jdhpawt, a&. To-morrow morning; see LpazoC de.
-man ap, edv. Early morning; early to-morrow morn1 ng
dar hpawt m d r a p e, early t h i s morning.
-nap adv. 'To-morrow night o r evening.
-nil adu. To-morrow; h ~ n w tni nu jakpawl, to-morrow
morning; see hpawt de.
Hpoi, v. A patch, tuft, clump, or the like in an otherwise
bare spat; vznm Apoi v a i f z ai, a small patch sf grass
(or weed), is growing there; Rdva kjoz shn r a i l u a i ,
o n l y a t u f t of hair is growing.
Hpoi, v. T o v a n i s h , disappear; comp. h k o i , i k o w a n d
lipzdh; d e r v . jahpoi; to have vanished, o r be lost, as
luck. glory, honour, flavour, o r the like; marrdae
sai. t h e charm has lost i t s power; ski a nmzcng hpor
mat sail his glory has vanished; Csi hpoz 7nnf a i l t h e
fruit has lost its flavour,
tlpoi hpoi, Vanishing; also used :~dverbially; I&,
nsa b o d &oi re ai; v . to swarm as Lees from a h i v e ;
see kdhpoi; Idgal Apoi @or re a t .
Hpa, A preformative.
-awn, n. (from awn, to lead.) A leader director
comp. hjdrcng.
-ga, n. T r a d e ; a caravan; hjdga dizgL7d or hpdga yun-
g a , same; hpdga ?ti, traders; shi h f d g a yum-ga R CAYP
gdhw ai, he does not know how to trade; kpdga b u t , u
tto camp, as a caravan;-n. a caravan carill,; see pdrts,
hpdgn ga, to trade; see parts; h)dya ipnzrlnt, to go i n
partnership, as-in trading; h p d j a PC?:,to escort a n d
guard a caravan; Q d g a sham, to u b t z i n peirnisslon,
as from the local authorities to engage i n caravan
trade; ( i n former days Shan or Chirrtsc ti-aders could
pass through the Hills only by permission of the
Kachin chiefs.) I

-gal', n. Leggings or gaiters, as worn by men; also

called gaw ARyrc; comp. / d r a w ; / z A ; > d ~ ~gazr
t k at, v. to
put on and wear, as gaiters.
-jang, v. (fr~nljaalzg~ toprepare.) T o serve, arlfood;
to do the work of a waiter or a cook, as at a feast;
-ji, a. The amouht given for a woman i n *arriage;
k p a j i /cpdga, same and most common form; comp.
hpu and skdnrngshdka.; ngai h k r i a /rpijzhjdga sAa
na nngdi.
-jump n. An inferior order of nats; /Ipajrrm hpdZam, un-
known and inferior nats; A#eprn hpd/a71z p w orhkaw,
to pour a libation to such nats.
--jau, n. (from Ian, to serve.) A steward a waiter; a
servant, as at a dance or funeral feast.
-kang, a . Strlped; see fahang.
-kawn, n. One of the Maran clans; Murnn H j ~ R a w nnr.
-kyi, n. Coriander; see Apokgy2.
-kyln, n. A button or a hook; ( H k a u r i ; ) see LRazdang;
also pron. ~ U C ~ J I Z T J
-hkam, re. A security; see fahkatn.
-lam, n. Inferlor nats; see A f a ~ t l n&darn.
-ra , n. An Image, usually of Buddha ( S h a n H p r a ,
B u r ?TI;) W I YOW ~ az,toworsh~pa n Image or idol
Hparan, v . (from van, to be apart.) To judge, decide,
pass an opinion; to act as umpire or arbiter; Aparan
a i w a , n. a referee, arbiter, umpire.
-rang, n. A kind of creeper; hpdrapzg [/a, violets; @a.
rang yi, a creeper with leaves resembling those of
violets, much valued as food;.(Hkauri pdlang.,
-rap, . u. T o flutter, as a bird. hpdrap Irjduup, same.
-reng, t i . (from reng, to command.) An overseer, a
taskmaster; one i n command or authority; nranau
hpdreng wawt na, to select the leader or director of a
dance by divination; mdnau kpdreng hpra a i wa reng
-raw, n. Garlic; Bombay onions; cornp. gaH and shdknu.
-raw hte, n. Print, chintz, cretonne.
-tsip, n. A bat; see pdtsip.
-wa, n . Relationship; ( a corruption of hpipzr, a brother,
and wa, a father;) hphpawa dnw si, to be related; nang
hfe ngai nuut hpawa daw ngn gaeai.
-wa, Adverb of time or place; about, somewhere; comp.
LRan; wora hjdwa a dzlngu, s i t somewhere over there;
ndaz ltpnwa i gd/aw u , do it here (at this place;) u go2
hpdwa e wn rit, return about cock-crow; shi y a j twng
@awn P s i sni, he died about midnight.
-widung, n. A plough; a kind of harrow; see hpwi
Hpra, n. An image; see hwro.
Hpra, v: T o bc finished, ended, brought to a close; see
jrtltpra; cornp. ngat; hi n i y i ngam &ra h h a hhyrn
no we a i , to-day I will finish clearing the field.
Hpra, v . To drop, ler fall, go; r hpe hpro di a , let the
bird go; ldta irtu na namsi hpra m i n;..t n i , the fruit
dropped out of m y hand; ltpra re n i , to fall, as a star;.
/dmu de z n skdgan e r a r a i likrat wa ni, a star fell
(dropped) from heaven; to be startled, to lose presence
of mind; see RaApm; Rdjawng ai vtiijaw nzrisin e r a
r d ai.
Hpra, adv. A piece, one or more for each; cornp. gu,
iztroi and yen; nan hpra di nnn Rdran n, divide and
take each a piece,
Hpra hpra, adv. One or more apiece; each; skat makat'
hpra h p m k t a gun mu, each one take a package o l
rice alonq; /d?zgx sz l d k b w n g hprn k p r a nga na
nhtm, th&e may be two plantains for each.
Hpra, Adverb of time; after to-morrow, or after next
year; hpra d i n n t , day after to-morrow; e r a ni, day
after to-morrow, ( Hkauri;) an indefinite future time,
(Jinghpaw;) ngeai &awt n i h p r a n i grtLaw no, I will
do it sometimes; lit. to-morrow or the day after; h f r a
ning) year after next; see Gram.
Hpram, v . T o taste bf spices, as food; derv. Rdhjrom;
shntntai hta majnp hpram h f r a m re ni.
Hpran, v. To weed or thin out, as plants growing too
thickly; comp. baw; chyz'nghkrang nar zup a i kjratr
kau ma.
Hprang, ',v.T o hew, to fashion, as with a dah; to hew,
cut, a; when squaripg a post, marking a tree, or the
like; ndar' shddaw hpe h p r a ng mu.
Hprang, u. T o awake, to be aroused, come into conscious-
ness; see durn h j r a n g , myit @rang and y u t i c p r a ~ g ;
fig. to be wide open, as a door; mostly used adverbi-
ally; chyinghka h j r a n g lang hpaw mnden nga a t .
Hprang, a . Wild: see g w i hfrang.
Hprang, v. To pass, as a road by a village; to be near,
as to a road; d a i lam Mankang n Irprang ai, this road
does not pass by ManRang; nmaw lam hprang uz mare,
a town by a trading road; to follow, as a road; dat'
Lam h j r a n g r a i a, take this road; s k i d a i Lam h p r a n g
rat mat sni,he followed or took this road; adv. straight
ahead; fig. with a stroke, at a go; comp. ga and
@rawt; nyt a r a i maARra w a i h j r a n g di wa nr ai.
Hprap, v. T o flutter or flicker; derv. kd&ruf; to flash, as
light; see m y i h p r a f ; to flap, as the ears of a mule;
lawze a na @ r a p h p r a p rat' nga a i .
-hpr?p, adv. I n a fluttering, flickering, flashing or flap-
ping manner; s k i myi @ r a p ApraP naw r a i nga ai.
Hprat, v . T o cut, sever, as with a blow; derv. R a h p m ~ ;
see Bur. 6d.
Hpre, v. T o depart, deviate, vary, as from the original,
or the paient s t o c k ; comp. je hfhpre; nlrpraw Ata na
&.bye mnm &re ai, np u c h ; ~ > ; Atrl
d y nil w , p ~ ~ ~ P Y Q w

hprc a i , white rice prcduces r e d , bl:~:!c cattle breed

w h i t e ; to break away, as from servitude or custom;
Myen nt K d a arilyang n i kaw na b$vr prtl ma ai.
Hpre, v . To h i t , as a bullet or pellet; dcrv. ahprc and
R d k p r e ; comp. hhru and ma): ~ ; 7 l f i ! h i t ~ P . YdPi l~ hit
i t w i t h the gun; to patter, as 1-aii1drops; n-grc.gaiya~rg
APre np or; n. a patter.
Lipre, w . To be studded, spang!ed; t o be spztted, varia-
gated; derv. gum/rpre, which see.
--Epre, a. Studded, spotted, etc.; r:::d/.a / t p t &)re Y L or
nba, a marly coloured or m a n y patterned garment.
Hpren, v. To sit, as with the lc?s straight i n front; also
used adverbially; $hi A2tsaru.g h&Orn:, u a i nnn d z ~ ai;g
to fall, as in a row or line; derv.a'xmhj3rez; ?darn ni
hprcn rai mat ma sar, the bottles ( b i n b o o vessels)
fell ,-the fail oi the first causi;!? the far1 of the next

one and so on.

Hyren, v. To be equal; coup. of rea, v;hicll see.
Hprcp, v. To cut, as the point of a c i g a r ; comp. Cep; to
cut, as tobacco into fine-cut.
Hpret, u. T o be erased, effaced, obliterated, as a mark,
track, rut or the like; cornp. $ m i ; to fill, for the
sake of leveling, as a rut or ditch; RXa Lknvltg hpref
40% mu.
i 91. Iron; a nail; comp. mai~zoand k a ~ ~ g .
- - ! r a w n. Zinc; see parts.
--~;i.n-~u, n. Wire; generally telegraph wire; see parts.
- - s a i dawng, rr. Slender wire; iron thread; see parts.
---shSraw, st. L ~ d e s t ~ i lae ;inagraet.
1-lpl-irn, v . To break as the n o r n i n q light; comp. h f r a m ;
t o f!jr, as bats, or swarming bee;; de1.v. k d h p ~ i m w ; i ~
rint, itpdtsi'p lIpri~t4.
Hpring, v . To be full, as a vessel with water; comp. at,, jdhphpring and Hu r. @&;hpri7.y hhra bang u fill it ;
to be f u i l , as of gocdness; s e e tirng hprz'ng.
I-lpring, a. 'To b ~ a r k ,to call attention b y barking, as a
watch-dog; see nrdh.brz'flgeand zvnr; jut..' i r i /tpa n t w a i
mrjjazc, hpring nglga a i Ru* ?
Hpru, v . T o appear, as a sign, augery, or indicat~on,rr.
garded as a reply w h e n consulting t h e nats by divin-
ation; cornp. p r u ; shamawn Aka @a- hp7u a la? what
do the bamboo fibres indicate? %ga larrg hprw a t , the
(sign is) that a bovlnc be sacrificed; 72 hpvu n mai, a .
inauspicious, improper; inappropriate, unfit, unbeco~n-
Hpru, v. T o dart, dash at; to rush, as soldiers w h e n
charging; derv. kdh#vu; ta shoot, fly up, as a f ock of
-hpru, adu.' In an upward shooting manner; with a rush
or a dash; u ai @ r u h j r u r a i pyrn sa ma az, t h e
birds rose and Rew away; shi @e @rlc hprrr dz' r i m u ,
capture him with a rush.
Hprun, v . T o unravel, as a web, embroidery o r the
l i k e ; mdRa n p w at' majdw dai hprun knu se az; to
demolish, a s a stone wall or structure, removing stone
by stdne; cornp. v u n ; LRn Ltung hpe h ~ r u nRau mu.
Hprup, v . To squirt, as water w i t h the mouth; comp.
a h p r u p , htingfsit i s i t and Bur. @dj; p d l i h k r c w mat
sai miijnm, stsin hprzif n?in s h ~ j u pm u .
Hprut, v. To be cut, broken, severed, as a rope; d e r v .
n h p r u f ; hprrrt d i ) t o cut, sever; fig. to be decided,
determined, ullwavering, ( l i t . to have cut the cord of
doubt;) na n nzji! @rut rai sd yang gaw sa wa su; to
be i n close proximity, a t the heels of, close on to;
comp. Bur. 605;shi a rthtang hj',rui r rngai du nngat.
-hprut , adv. Closely, i n a contiginous manner; comp.
hrep /dhti; s h i n /;fang a ngai @rut hphpnR hkan nngui.
H p r a i , v . To be discontinued, suspended, as work; comp.
Akam, gya 60 and pvaz; ngai adai Rkrzrni a i niltjuw PLJE
a hkdium h j r a i mat sai.
Hprai, v. T o divide, as a present; comp. kdran; zdui
g x m h ~ u a z unnrrAft sltdu'a da hproi hng mu, divide
this money among :ou; to offer, as a sacrihce; coup. of
yai .'

Nfsang hkxngga y a irpl-ai na Law.

Hprau, adv. Through and t!lrough; from first to last; shi
hpe hbraz6 di mddun s, show him the whole through
and through; shanhte hpe kdlang m i hp,pmr ngu rzna
tsiln d a n mzt, tell them once from first to last; l o n g m i
h p r a u iszin yn:?gc h y ~nu nngni, being once thoroughly
informed I understand.
Hpraw, v. T o cause a noise, as when walking among dry
leaves; nnm /ap hprarr, hprnu, ngo nnn shnra ai.
Hpraw, v . To be white; a. white; see a h p m w , chydhpraw,
jdhpraw , mdhprazu and nltprazv; hpraw f s e ~/dhpa,
the palm of the hand; see parts; &raw tsan /a@a pa,
to be the size of the palm, as the w a x i n g moon; ya ma
la Apraw sell h i d f a payw~g,sAayzndkawn /a na nngai.
Hpraw, n. Appearance, presence, aspect; see alrpraw;
comp. aman, an-yaw, mdraz' and rub; /@yaw rawng-
tsawnr or htap, v. to be beautiful, of pleasing appear-
ance; see parts.
-jaw, v. To ridicule, make fun of someone's personal
appearance; hpraw jkw ja, a fine imposed, as for in-
jury to one's personal appearance or for ridicule;
ngai hpe ldgaw htin ai wa nga a i mdjaw @raw jaw
ja shawa we ai, I fined him for calling me lame.
-nu jan, n. The "gcrddsss" of beauty; see parts.
Hprawk, v. To rustle; derv. Rdhflrazcb; n. a rustle; Pam
d f hprawlk hprlzzol nga skdra ai.
Hprawn, v. To elope; hprazurr l a , to abduct a woman
with a veiw to marriaee; n. an abduction or elopement;
nzlm h p m w n kasa rz, the emissaries arranging the
abduction of a woman; call a nat; see nawn.
Hprawng, $. T o flee, run away, decamp, bolt, abscond;
ma icprawzgsai, the child ran alvay; hpyen hpmwng
mat md sai, the enemy fled; hfvnwng r, run.
Hprawng, v. T o be white; see L f m w .
Hprawp, v. To make a noise, as when sipping; see
ahprawp; to purl, gurgle; s k i hpa @yawp nga nna
Z# ai.
Hprawt, v. T o s k i r t , edge, verge; s k i dai mdrr hpvawt
lCai wa sai, he just skirted the village; nta damhpang
hprawt / ~ p m w yit Akyen na, to clear a field close to
the surroundings of a house.
Hpyan. 555
H p r o ~ , v . To be sufficient, enough, as for all of a party;
enough to go around; comp. g u ; shat hproi sai, there
is rice for all; hproz itkra, adv. every, each; nia hproz
hRva ldhkawn mrr, collect from every house; ngai mrrng
&rot hRra p w t se ai, 1 have been all around (visited
every part of) the country; comp. jdlrproi. '
-hproi, adv. For all around, for o r to every one; h p a / ~ / ,
hprot &rot jaw mK, give tea to all.
Hprawi, v . T o cover, cloak, veil, wrap up, as i n a robe,
mantle or the like; ma hpe nda lrtc hprdwi di ma.
Hpwi, v . T o harrow or rake, as a flooded field; also
pron, hpbwi; A k a ~ l t a@e hpwz u .
-dung, z.A kind of harrow; see hp.dwzdung.
-hkum, n. A kind of riding harrow.
-hpwi, v. T o be soft, mellow, mollifying; n a i hRut yang
h p w i hpwt nga ai.
Hpwi, v . T o be i n debt,or u n d e r obligation; Hang #gat
hpe l a p m i hpwi ra ndai, you owe me a rupee; ngaz
6te jawm sLa a i mrijaw ngai hpe lrpwi ra ndai.
Hpya, v . T o be soaked, as by rain.
--hpya, a h . Wet. through and through; hRum ting ma-
rang h j y a hpya r a i mat ni ai.
Hpya, v . To cut up, as meat or a sacrifice; see ahpya;
comp. Q3:; shan hpya u , cut up the meat; to - raid- rob,
plunder, as a caravan; shanhte hpdga h f j a ma ai,they
rob the traders; to capture, kill or sell, as a family
suspected of witchcraft; see Ajyi hpya.
-duty V. To sell, as slaves or a family of witches.
-sha, u. T o live, as by robbery; k f y a AY hjya sha, same;
moi Prat h f y a 126 h j y n sha taw /aw gdlaw ma ni.
Hpyak, V. T o be worn and out of gear, as a machine;
gawng hpynR mat saz; comp. b j ~ a kand pyang; to be
16 rusty ", f eble, old, out of date; dat wa LpyaR mat
sai, that Inan is failing; ngat hpyak pnat nz ai.
Hpyan, v . To spread t h e wlngs, as a bird; comp. pyan,
jtna and Bur. E$; to open, as .the hst; to unroll and
flhtten obr ; shat m ~ R d znz hpyrrn n , spread open the
food packages; fig. tv grow open u p , e x p a n d , as the
mlnd ; shz m yz't hpyatr at' nza raz nga az.
Fipyang, v. To be absndorccl, indifferent, as t o character
or honour; t o have IC~SC, as self-respect, modesty or
vi r t u c ; coilly. Apya4; dni iizmsAa scrz: hiya~zgsm', this
; rrvrrwng hjyccjzg az wa
wnnlall has lost her n ~ o d e s t y shi
rai ~zgan i .
Hpyat, v. T o cut, sever; Eur. Gc8; see hf;yi?t;to intervene,
as i n a quarrel; t o break up, put a stop, as to a fight; -

L 722' S/IL /ri?),at ya nzi ga.

a?L R Q ~ J ((21
tIpyeJ v. T o be woundi-:d,---cot, stablicd, or t h e like; t o be
sore, as w i t h open sorts; t o break open, as a sore;
comp. jdhpye; n ) . ~ a ~ ( J ~ L Z Z hive
J n i , rily foot is sore,-
breakill9 out x i t h soies: ~ t h t &$
a >
: ~ Abre Lrkrn Rdhtam u.
I-Ipye, v. To carry, as a b i g or a sw&d suspended from
the shoulder in native f ashiori; derv. r;hpye; cornp.
myen; nhlu n - g a q hjye u , czrry the sword and
Hpye, o. T o allot, assign, parcel out, as work; also pron.
Itpe; nta gctlaw nu nrdtu ~c,Cyafig ni Age hpye a,assign
the coolies their parts of the b3ilding,-send some
for posts, others for barnboo, some for thatch, etc.
Hpye, k . Liquor; (Atsi a n d ~qkauri;)see rlryam;also
pron. j,f,a;hPj8 h k ~ ai i Y ; $ ~ @ Z P ~ shdba zuawt ytr r .
Hpye, v. To leak; d r i p ; stronger th,lo. fi~iy2m.
-hpye, adv. I n a dripping malaiier; n. to be dripping;
nhtung Yaw ai nzdjajnw i~t~-L'i k;yc hjyg Y r ai.
Hpye, v. T o be unchaste, liceriticus; to practice prostitu-
tion ; see tre &)ye; Jzpy~a2' am;d, n. prostitution, whore-
dom; hpyd c ~ nam,
i a harlot, same as shdwa num. '

Hpyem, v. To keep, t e n d ; coup. of rem:

Usoi ngai rem na, asa izgai hpyem na.
Hpyem, v . To be slack, as a bowstring; comp. n u ; ndan
jumhprr h ,y e ~ zai.
-hpyern, l
a. lack; empty and thus relaxed; natr Rnwsi a i
m d j u ~Rar~h)yem hpyrfp~rd ai. J:
Hpyen, v . To be spread out and thus flat, even; dew.
k d e y c n ; to be opened up.
-hpyen, adv. 011 the salne level, i n common, on equal
terms, without line or division; an lipu an nau nz
&yea hpyen pa rai h k y e n 121 kkyen sha ga.
Hpyen, n. An adversary, an ehemy; cornp.g*~nlau;hpym
amu,enmity; Lify~nmdga, the adversarics' side; odv.
against; nyt? n itj?yrt: 'n !aw ma ai.
- tai, v . T o become an enemy; see parts.
Hpyen, n. War, a battle, a firlit;comp. mdjtn.

-awng, 7). To conquer, to gain a victory; sec parts.

-bu, n. An officer; a captain.
-dap, n. A military camp, a bivouac; a cani.onment; sec
-dang, v. To conquer; nee dn71g.
-gaduk, n. A trench; see gddnd.
-gasat, v . To fight, engage i n war; n. n fi~l:t,a battle;
shanhte &yen gdsat RdBa g h a t nra a i , t h e y fought a
great battle.
-kifdup, n A skirmish; a short campaign; :el: parts.
-ma, n. A soldier; see parts.
-masha, n. A soldier, one on the war-path.
-nhtan, v . T o mobilize, as an army; see a k L a .
-ri, n. A spear; fig. a soldier, a fighting unit; na o hpycn
rigztde nga lit ta? how ~tlanysp-nr:; do 1 . c ~have?
-rawt, v . To start, march, as :c battle.
-sum, v . T o be defeated; to laze i n battle.
--saw, v . T o call, order, as the men of a vilI-qc or district

to join the forces; see saw.

-shang, v . T o attack, to rush, as a stockade; arrhtr n
mdre e &yen shang sai.
-shung, v. To be defeated, as i n battle; comp. Bur. 084.
-sh%rin, v . T o drill; to learn the use of weapons.
-tai, v . T o enlist; to become a soldier.
-htim, v . To charge; n. a charge, sally, rush, attack;
shanhlt' hpye~zhtim na r a ai, maja mrr.
-wang, v. T o surround and thus to besiege, as a town;
s h a d t i . dalr ~;z(ireh2e /Ipj;rn wa??gt a w t ? n foL
-wang, ri. A drilling place, as for soldiers; a campus.
-yan, v . To march, as soldiers.
Hp eng, n.A bag; see iz/rfyc?t,g;oply used i n composition.
K L?

-c yi, 72. A n ornamental ha:; made by Northern Kachi ns;

by scme pron. hpyerzgs~*z'.
-gang, s.An old, soiled and tarn bag.
-gyi, n. Same as hfyengclryi.
Hpyeng-yawns, n. A kind of bag or haversack.
Hpyet, n. Wind on the stomach; see a h j j e t .
-bu, a. T o pass. wind; (vulgar;) a polite way v~ouldbe to
say, nsa shdlai, or d u n g n krija skdlai.
-sun, V. T o pass wind.
Hpyet, v. T o be destroyed, vanished, gone; derv. b&
hpyet; comp. h f y i and Bur. 905.
-hpyet, adv. All gone or vanished; mostly found as a
coup. of hpyi hpyi; comp. ma ma; ~zyea a v a i ni hpc
hpyi ltpyi hpyet hpyet di Tzna jlihten krta zu r i i .
Hpyi, v. To be neglected and thus destroyed; derv.
-hpyi, adv. I n a neglected and thus demolished, scat-
tered manner; only found as a coup. of @yet hpy~t!.
-ri, v. , T o neglect, slight, shirk, as work; also used
advemrbially ; shi anrz A@ hpyi ri d i kaaw da ai, he is
shirking (and leaving) his work; ma woi a i nzim ma
hpa hpyi ui re ai, the nurse is neglecting the child;
SAZ h j y i c z ~ an'f~ngi nga ai.
Hpyi, u. T o rush, to move forward with impetuousness;
adv. wit11 a rush, or a dash; sLi hpyi raigat mat wa
-hpyi, adv. W i t h a rush; i n a spurting! gushing, spout-
ing manner; sni @yi r a i f r z t CL.
Hpyi, v. To b e g , ask for, pray; see 9;lnuhfyi; sAi shat
hpyi nil he is begging for food; akyzc Apyi, to pray;
see parts; num @yi, to ask a woman i n marriage; to
woo; ?tam hpyi manam ni, the emissaries arranging a
~ n a r rage.
-sha, ZJ. TO b e g ; to live by begging; APyi sha a i wa, a
begger; lipyi sha hkn n nga, liagu Aka she 7zga ai.
Hpyi, n. Skin, bark, a skin-like covering; sRan h f y i , skin,
fur; kpzrn h / y i , bark; nryi hfyz', the eye-lid; laika hpyz.,
t h e cover of a book; also pron. nhpyi.
--gaw, v. T o s k i n ; to strip, as b a r k off a tree; see parts.
-jiihpa, v (from Apa, to be t h i n . ) To disgrace, bring
d~shorlouror s h a m e a s on a f a m i l y ; daz'nzt~~zshz kdhju
k d y x n g ni a hpyi jakpn ui, this woman is disgracing
her b~-others.
---masu, n, Cuticles; see h f p i s d w n .
Hpyi su. 559

Hpyi hpa, v . T o be thin-skinned; n. fig,a cow; see hfyi

-hpun, v. (from hjtrli, to cover.) T o assume a false
appearance; to feign, practice hypocrisy; comp. sawt;
!&t hplrn. ai ma, a hypocrite, deceiver, pretender,
imposter; ski gaw ling/&Ru hjlyz Qztn (72 wa rai nga ai.
-hpyi, adv. I n a statuesque, stiff, stolid, dull, obtuse
manner; shi hpe shn7lgan yaag hpyz hpyi mi a dung
7zga ai, sending him he sits like a statue.
--sgma, n. Cuticles, scarf-skin; fine minute particles, as
adhering to b a r k ; also called hjyr mdsu.
-htat, v. T o be thick-skinned; n. h g . a buffalo; hpyi @a
gaw (a cow) n m nngaz, hpyi s t a t (a buffalo) she ra
Hpyi, n. A nat, spirit, with power to bewitch human
b e ~ n g s ;a witch, a man o r a woman possessed by such
a syirlt; &yz s1 az nz rttztzLa ZahR'zw~zgLu mn ai,
witches have two souls. Two kinds of "witch-spirits"
are reco nized, viz., /dmtmz or asilt, regarded as corn-
parative y harmless, while the Lasawp or y u , are
vicious and feared by all. A person possessed may
o r may not be col~sciousof being under such influence.
-dm. n. (from dan, to show.) A public confession of
being possessed by a "witch-spirit,' attended by a
sacrifice; hpyi day/ dafi ai, v. to publicly declare that
one or more in the family are witches, giving the
community permission to sell or kill them, i f from
that time onward they trouble (bewitch) their fellow
men; this is done that the spirits .concerned may take
warnlng or be scared off.
-kiiwa, v . (from Knwa, to bite.) To bewitch; to be be-
witched and thus suffering illness or misfartune.
-lu, v. Tu be possessed by a "witch-spirit"; ltpyi /a at'
ni, witches, a fainily of witches; their power is re-
garded sornewb~~t as that of the "evil-eye."
--hp)*a, n. A r a i d on a family of witches; see parts; hpyi
hj;!z hp2fi ~ r;. i ,to raid with a view of selling or.
killing a fzrnily of witches.
-su, v . T o be possessed; same as hpyzlu; see parts.
560 Hpyi shung.
tfpyi shung, U. To take pcssession, as a "witch-spirit,"
using the person as a "medium"; see shzlng, d a i wa
h t n itpyi a i . ,,..

Hpyin, n. Flabit, manoer practice; ) - comp; Ryang and hi;

ski n h f ~ i p z7% k ~ i a(ti.
Hpyin, v . T o 60 aroui:l; t o erlcircle; coup. of yin; n. a
windlass, a capstan; cornp.]fak; shctdaw kpe hfyin hte
m d g ~ n /a i niu, haul the post with t h e windlass..
Hpyin, n. T h e side, slapt, slope, as of a hi!.]; comp.
Ldncm; ndai kpy2'~ze Ilihpnru n i7c ai, zipora h ~ y ze' ~ tu
I-lpyit, ;I. To err, sin. trnnsgl-css; comp. s h z f a n d Bur. 68;
t o offend as a superior; c / r 3 ~ ~ t n ?tang * yctng8d'u sdaitg
h f e L?jvitai.
Hpyu, o. To strip, deprive, d i v e s t , as of g a r a ~ e n t sor
ornaments; hl?yu LC.,s a m e ; cofiip. Rdshnn a n d E ~ Z ;
? ~ z ~ < j ~ on: i zhkam hta an n r a i hpyic l~ a ' m a i , they
s t r i p p e d the ;lave of hi.; t h i n g s ; ' n y ~D gi n nrddat ai,
: , a aleni x g ~ irri/lyzys l a sc a i .
n f f i j ~ ? ishi
Hpyu, Y. To betray, as clisli k c , fear or uaeasiness, by the
change of countenance; Lii,az~ Rdjoi ywzg I d p aai wo
ccz~onsyi m n ? ~ ,.'R 1 41l~rec ai, s p e a k i n90 about theft t h e
thief shows uneasiness; s h i ra a2 hRu it chyaw ai
nrd/a?r, izyyi man Lpyzl re ai, as his wish did not carry
his f a x fell.
-hpyu, ndv. Tn an uneasy, shame-faced manner; ldga a i
ma 7z-g,zd$ zd~72,gti nzu~rg-my- h j y r hpyu re az.
Hpy!?, o. To stroke, as when greasing a post, rope or the
h k e ; derv. dnnih~yrrt;to slip, as w h e n t a k i n g hold of
s o n e t h i n p qreasy; fig. to slip, miss, let go, a s a chance
L? L.

or oppoi-tanlty; see untler h c t .

-hpyut, adz!. I n a stroking or sliding manner; slcmri Ata
saz6 h p j g t h p ~ z l tdi a ~ s u. t
Hpyai, v . To mash or be mashed, as a boi!ed potato:
cornp. ( t ~ t i zand jin; nai hRnt yanggaw hjynni at;
to he crunhed or crumbled, as a clod; giz gumdin hpyai
rni m n J .YO,?'.
H p y " ~ , a. T o hap.. o r Fe suspended, as n he]!; h@:a14 di,

t o ha11r:! suspe i l d ::d; comp . mi; tit;g~:snrzi t ~ r&yr~~.ghhji

h a i w di i r , hang t h e bag on t h e hook; Apynu vai,
to be hanging, as a child around the mother's neck;
ma gaw Rdnlc Lta Apyau vat nor at.
Hpyaw, v. To lay, as heavy grass; see k p ~ a w r r g and
Hpyaw. u. To w h i s t l e , d c r v ldhpyaw: comp. hjyoi, s k i
lam su let ldApyaw hpyaw at.
Hpyaw, v . T o "water," as the mouth.
-hpyaw, v. To secrete, as saliva, to "water" as the
mopth; also used adverbially; namsi sha mdyr az
ml~jau,mdyen iz&,a,au, hpynw iz<Caai, his mouth is water-
ing, (lit. saliva rs.secreting) wishing to eat the fruit.
Hpyawn, v. T o be long, oval, oblong.
-hpyawn, a. Oblong, oval, long, as a face; shi a nyi
man hpynwn itfyawn T E az.
Hpyawng, v To move i n line; to lay or head i n the same
direction, a s the tall grass of a newly forced jungle
path; also pron. Ctpyaw; derv. dinghpyawng; to follow
in the wake of; ~ziz?ihtrtrdaz lam sAa hjyawng rat ma
m u , just follow this t r a c k ; nam nnaw hfyaw re az Aku
sn wa u , shiiloi mt: ~ r are ai, follow the lay of the
jungle ( p a t h ) a n Y O U will find'him.
Hpyawp, v. T o whittl;, as when fitting a cover to a bam-
boo vessel; dr7tt;,ik:,a /t/?yaze.~flnna ntdgap a; to notch,
splice, mortlsc; coillp. d b a ; ngnu, hpjawp nno shdchyaw
a ; 6g. to splicc, to " ~ o t n " as lies; to be adept, as i n
deception, prevarication or evasion; s h i h f y a w j r h y h
hfa chyawf at nga nnna chj@ mdsu ai; to dodge, palter,
-hpyawp, v. To join, as lie to lie; same as h j y a w f , also
used adverbially; shi &yawp @yawp nga nna nzdsrr a t .
Hpyawt, v. T o be c u t slantwise; derv. damhpyawf,
hfyawt di, to cut or strike slantwise; nhtu hte hpyazut
dz' Razc zc.
Hpyoi, v . T o whistle ; saine as h f y n w ; mdnen IdApyaw
hpyoz, soft, (enticing) whistling.
a Pf .
T h e twenty-first consonant in the Kachin alphabet, a
blending of p and I , mostly used by the H k a u r ~ s ,
where the Jinghpaws use hp.
Pf a, pron. W h a t ? see @a.
Pfang, v. T o be behind; see l ~ ~ $ a n g .
Pfe, n. Liquor; see hpye.
Pfun, n. Wood; see h j u n .
Pfung, Prohibitive verbal particle; see hptrrig.

T h e twenty-second consonant i n the Kachin alphabet;

r as i n English.
Ra, n. T h e fifth of the Kachin months; February; m la,
same : also called /u?z ha.
Ra, tt. traditional river; same as gyinhka, which see.
Ra, Verbal particle third per. sing. (plur. f a d r a ) , in-
definite Present or Future, used with verbs of nlotion
to denote the action as in progress; see Gram.; comp.
YZ; shidu r a ni, he is coming; s h i sa na ra a i , he will
be going; shanht&du md ra ai.
Ra, 12. A place; comp. shdra, and such combinations as
nat r.a, nau ra and hjum r a .
Ra, ZJ. To be placed, laid, as upon a table; derv. ~ l z a r a ;
coup. of chya, which see; ra di,to place, put; ka Ata
kzika ra di i d .
Ra, 2. T o be even, smooth, level, flat; derv. litifcgra and
wzrgzra: comp. ara and skdra; a. e v e n ;; adv.
equally, the same; shanhtr chye r a m a ai, they all
k-now the same; yawng 2% ra ma ai, they all have the
same amount ,-are equally rich.
-ra, a h . I n an equal, e v e n or level manner or degree;
r a ra di taw?$m a jaw mu.
-sha, adv. Evenly; see ara sha.
Ra, n. To be continuous, as the falling of ripe f r u i t , dry
leaves, tears or rain drops; comp. vang and bya; nzyi
Prdwi ra Y E ai.
-rap adu. Continuously, incessantly; namsi pa va mt
ARrnt ai, the fruit is continually falling; n-gu r a rue
rd a t .
Ra, v. T o t e parted, separated; opp. t o cltytng; s a m e as
vapz; w a ra or u r a , a person w i t h teeth f a r apart.
--ra, a. Par. apart: see rnva ratc; ka va vn gctlnw z ~ .
Ram ram. 563

Ra, v . To like, esteem, relish; cornp. kam, mdyu and

t s a w ; glgai daz ma ltpc graz ra ail I like the child
very much; to like, be fond of, as an object of enjoy-
ment and hence to wish, desire, long for; ngar dal
hpr laoo m ni, I desire this very much; shi ra mz r a i
II ga, let it happen according to his wish.
-ra, adu. According to wish, liking, desire or longing;
yn ngai gat L? r a ra sa w a r i r a , now I will go to the
bazaar and buy what I wish.
Ra, u. T o be i n need, want; coup. h a ; ma Pdlowng m az,
the child needs clothing; to feel the compulsion, neces-
sity, urgency of; shz nta gdaw ra a i l he is compelled to
build a house; ?*anzavn tam u , seek all that is needed;
to be lacking, deficient, i n a moral or ethical sense;
derv. mara; to be guilty, at fault; cornp. shdra, to
blame; ngai tr r a nngai, shi she ra a r , I am not at
fault, he is; n. fault, guilt, a mistake, a slip; dai ra
kdba n raz, this is not a great fault.
-haw, n. (from baw, the head.) Blame; r a Baw shagus
rta, u. to blame, charge, as with guilt; agar n re a i
hpr, ra' baw shdg.un m a ai, they blame m e though it is
not I ; nafig ,na baw gun ndai, you are to be blamed;
lit. you carry the blame; ~ n rag haw gu7t a , you take
the blame.
-boi, u. (from boi, to be finished.) To be made, as a
slip or a mistake; gndrain va yang nankti n shsdum
lnyit dai,ya ra h i mat sai.
-mawt, v. To appear, as though i n need; comp. sant and
j~tazut;to act, as though guilty; nCsi?z ra ?7rawt nga ai,
sa ja su.
R a k , v. To crack and creak, 4s an old floor; ~ k y i n g k k ~ e n
ntsa 2 mk yak 72,q-i 7:nn mdnazc ma ai.
Ram, v . To be iiltirnatc. or congenial; comp. hkaa ram;
ngai .chi htr 21 ran1 & ni, I and he are not congenial.
Ram, o. T o be enough, s u ~ h c i c n tmoderate, , suitable and
reasonable ; d e r v . w t d ? . n ? n ,[dram and shnmm; camp.
/(la,,; r a ~ rsni, icav&a'n a , it is enough, let it be.
--ram, o h . Enough, sufficiently; i n a moderate, temper.
ate, equable illanner or degree; s k i Rpe m m yam
564 Ram.
& u , punish him moderately;sLaltnai /tla n t d p p
Tern r a m skn ba?rg a.
Ram, n. T h e a g e of puberty; h a n g ram, a young m a n ;
hRomn rntx, a young woman; # r a t r a m , t h c age of
youth; young people, a youth; ram nz ginsivp itga w a a i ;
the last quarter of the moon, the proper t i m e , as for
cutting bamboo, or sowing certain kinds of seed;
comp. hR7.a; kdwa &e ranz t sat y a n g nbu?zg n sha a i .
-du, v . T o reach the a g e of puberty; to arrive, as the
planting season.
-ga, n. Frolic: mirth; playful, sportive talk; see parts.
-rau, P. T o be of the same a g e ; see parts.
-tam, u. To find (lit. seek) t h e proper season, as for
cutting certain kinds of timber, or for sowing seed;
ram n tn?;zy a n g ngau h k r ~ nsat, r a m a n g yalrg ?zai ar.
Ran, v . To be stiff, rigid, as a corpse; r a n wa, to become
stiff, rigid; mang r a n 7 ~ a sai. t
Ran, v. To be apart, separated, divided; derv. Runt~an,
k d r a n and /Ipdran; also pron. r a ; to sever, separate,
disunite; ngaapzr mn r ,n ralt y a n g gaw n 7gznt s h z p
a t ; to wean, as a child; comp. jdhka and cIi3.2~van; to
leave, a s birds the nest; to separate, break u p , scatter,
as a family; nrtltt~iji Raw nna r a n w a st^ ga nz; to be
scarce, as WOI-k; to be far between, as large trees i n a
field; y i Rta hpttn r a n a i , in a field the trees are (few
and) f a r between.
-ran, a h . A p a r t , separately, far between; opp. to ding
ding; ~ h n l ri a~n r~a n~ jgng a,place the posts (far)
-rau, adu. Some; i n places; i n spots; d a i kahtawxg nn
nt, nga r a n rau sha la ma a i , only some (or a few) of
these villagers have cattle; nyr a yi e m a w raft r a ~
shn tu az.
Rang, u. T o fall, as i n showers; derv. m&ranga;comp. r a ;
namsz mng rat Akraf ai; t o be prosperous;. mostly
found i n poetry as a coup. of ARang and rat.
-gungs~ , 72. F o r t u n e ; see r a t gu7zgk.
R a n g , v. To be concupisce'nt; to be d r i v e n b ~ sexual .
dosifes; to burn with lust; comp. ngctlzg.
Rat rang. 565

Rap, v . T o cross, as a river., bridge, or the like; s k i m ~ L i

lrka r a p saz: rap shdra, a crossing, a ford.
-kawt, v . To be across; see parts.
-tawng, v. To be clear across; see parts.
Rap, v. To throw away, reject; comp. Lnbr:~; (seldom
used by itself.)
-ara sha, adv. All together; with one accord; see parts.
-di, v. T o throw aside or away; rap dido, to reject,
forsake, abandon;.^ Rdja ai wa /rpr 7*nP di da 24.
Rap, v. T o be scattered, as fallen f r u i t all around a ti-ee;
daiyarzg namsi she r a p nga ai; comp. p w q :
Rap, n. The central fire-place; (Hkauri;) see 133, derv
-ding, I ( . T h e central hearth; see Lzcpdi7zg.
-daw, 72. T h e men's side of a house; see Lupdaw.
Rat, v. T o scratch, wound, lacerate, as when zccidentally
st1 i k i n g against anything sharp; comp. hpyr; rzgai
nlzta htn ldta rat kau se ai, 1 cut mj-hand against the
sword; Rrtwa n-gren Ata /kgaw r a f knu sr ai.
Rat, n. A term of relationship; a sister-in-law, a wife's
elder sister or an elder brother's wife; a brother-in-law,
-a itfisband's younger brother; comp. k i t m i and ku.
Rat, v . T o be shaking, trembling; to shake, as thunder
the earth:

Rat, v. T o be effective, as a drug; see mdvat; tst rat

y a ~ ggaw mai na r z ni, if it is the right kind of
medlclne I will be well; to be prosperoiis, flourishing,
thriving, successful; derv. gzmzraf; nanhld a ~ ~ hRaw te
la garzz n rat ai, nanhft haw la yang s h ~
r o t ai, i f you
marry among us there will be no prosperity, we will
flourish it marrying with you ; slranhik KlisRu kdsha
mf ma nz',
a w. Fortune, prosperity, blessings; coup. rung
g 20 ~zgsi:
R a t p n g l i y a w n . rang gztngsi iaw,a.
-rang, v . T o be prosperous, blessed; see parts; y n kaw
nlza nnfihte rat Tang wa ga //nzcl.
R e , v . T o be ; see re.
Re, v . To rustle, as dried ieaves;.comp. &re.
-re, adv. I n a rustling manner; a . r u s ~ i i n g nanz
; de re re
lzga tznn gat wa ai h f a rai krri?
R e , v. T o be thin: see re.
Rem, v . To tend, herd, feed, as cattle; to keep, as
domesticated animals; comp. yaw and sku; coup.
hpycm; shi nga rem ai, he is tending cattle; sdglc r t m
ni wa, a shepherd, one tending sheep; Myen ni r , wa
n r e m m a ai.
Ren, v. To be too long, as a strap, a girth, or the like;
opp. to gying;comp. shdren; jrrmhfa re72 ai, shdgying
z r , the strap is too long, shorteo it; to be long; pro-
tracted, extended, as time; shloi nazr ren zun sai,
aldwan g d a w ma, it is taking too much time, hurry
-ren, a. Long, tall and lank; comp. gawng r m .
Ren, v. T o be equal; derv. miiren; cornp. lrpva and
-di, v . To equalize; adv. equally, alike; nankte Lap rcn
d i Kay& la ma.
R e n , v. T o suffer from dysentery; see d d r e n Yen.
Reng, v. T o direct, order, command; derv. hpkreng; &
ni hpe reng u , direct the labourers; to call, shout;
( H kauri;) slri h f e 4 2 relzg~ mu. ~
Re ng, v. T o be fine, splendid,choice, prime, excellent; see '
shdreng; reng n i pdlawlz~,a fine garment; rengai Lutzg
seng, a choice jewel; ngai reng ai gtlmrra lu n?rgai, I
have an excellent pony; to be exceptional, rare, u n -
common and distinguished; shi rcng a i wa r a i r p i ar.
Reng, n. A vital part; vitals; (Hkauri;) see kreing and
Keng, v: To b e ; ( H k a u r i ; ) same as re a i , or r n i r,ga ai; '
shi sh* reng nga de.
Reng, v : To be quick, active.
--larau, a . O u ~ c k active;
, coup. seng idsau.
Rep, To clip, cut, shear; cornp. ze~z; sumpan ILP m a
pdlawng chydwi u , c u t t h e cloth a n d sew the coat; shi
srigu umun rep ai, he is shearing sheep; zmnn rep n i
Z J R , a shearer,
Ret, a. T o bc well, healthy, full of life and activity;
coup. of eel:
Gz~tcgjigawvet, gungnnnggaw zet tzga a i .
Ret, o. To be sawed; to saw; derv. zi7igret.
-di, v. To saw; see parts.
-sane. n. A file.

Ret, a. To be snatched, as a brand; comp. gdre.

-di, v . T o snatch, to pick; yet d2 I n , same; shr' n y a~ / d f a
nn gztmhpraw yet di jn a i l he snatched (picked) the
money from m y hand: nhtzc rei di /a 7 ~ n aRdhlam u.
-rap. v.-To pick,-snatch and throw away; sce parts; wan
mang na red rap d i Razl mu.
Re, v. T o be, to e.xist; (lit. it'is;) coinp. nga, r a i and t a i ;
also pron. see also such combination as slting 7 2 ,
7zing rr and dai r8.a~; shi dai wn Ye ai, he is the man;
dai Lam, n Y E ai, t h i s is not the way.
Re, v . Tb be lean, spare, thin ; also pron. ye.
-re, a. Lean, e t c . ; . r t . r i reai wa sa wa ra a i . -..

Ri, n. One million;.or by some ten millions; ri mi, same;

(there is a difference of opinio~las to whether wan or
ri is the word for a millick.)
di , adv. Also, too, even; comp.'muzg; %gai ri sa na kun?
can I also go? rang ri jaw nn n nz? will e v e n you
'give? naprg rilu n nz? do you too h a v e i t ?
Ri, v. To like; to be able to be& or endure; mostly used
with t h e negative; derv. zi?zgn and skdrz? comp. ji
and ra; -n. ji, to dislike, hnd unbearable; ~tpi?Ira ni
@e 71 jinngai, I cannot bear the children; Idyangga
a mdchyi hpe n ri rtza du 6 a i w a ai.
Ri, v. T o be-long and drawn out, as the note of a bird;
only used i n reli gious poetry as a coup. of &ri:
I1 ri n' ri, u goi 7i' k r i .
R I , n. Rattan; t h e rattan vine; giiding ri, lipully-ya ri,
yzfnhka rt and rim shz';lt,kinds of rattan.
-hka, n. A k i n d ol rattan.
-tawng, n. A rattan stick or rod.
RI , n. Gleet, gonorrhoa, or the I i ke; comp. k u t .
--byi.11, a. T o suffer from gleet; see parts.
568 Ri ri.
Ri ri, v. To glaet, to suffer, as from gonorrlicea; same as
ri byzn, and most comrnoil form; r i rt' a i oddjaw, Rdnang
n sa lu ai.
Ri, a. A thread, cord, string; yarn; comp. sumri, sltingri
gaw%gvri, &la ri,/dchyzt ri, nrdhtang ri and nzbjan ri.
-jitna, v . To wind into a skein; r i j z t na mzjit na x ; n.
a hank, a sliein; see parts.
-l%hka, i .A s k e i n ; see ZdARa.
-lphkaw, n. A ball, as of yarn.
-l%hkawn, v . To wind, as yarn.
-masit, v. T o comb, as thread after sizing; see parts.
-ri, v. To spin; nizrm ni ri ri ma ai.
-s%myan, n. A strand, as of a cord; ri sdmyan mt n
ngang ai.
Ri, n. A spear; see Bhang ri, d a w ri, @yen ri and
shdtrng ri; a lance.
-dawn, v . T o aim, as a spear; see parts.
-gSlun, v . To spear; see parts.
-jinghkyen, v. T o throw, as a spear; see parts.
-lan, n. A small spear; a spear for everyday use; see
-lang,, n. A spear handle; comp. rlnng; see n'numdu:
-lap, n. A spear head.
-machyaw, n. The "shoe" of a Kachin spear; see parts.
-numdu, n. A spear handle; a shaft; more common than
ri Zang.
-nawng, n. An iron spear; (handle and all made of
-nhtu, n. Weapons, as of war; see parts; hpyen shdni e
ri nhtu lang 712s.
Rim, v. T o catch, seize, capture, arrest; comp. sAiPi
shanhte bawetg r i m ma ai.
-bang, v. To imprison; to keep i n custody.
-hkrup, v. To catch, to succeed, as i n arresting a crim-
-la, v. T o arrest; to capture and imprison; shanhte
liiggglct wa hpe rint l a nna htawng hta ri'm da,vg mu ai.
Rim, v. To be dusk; derv. nrim; n. dusk; an hi^ mdna
nvim r i m raiyang drc sa ga ni.

Rim, Y. T o place, as the battens ( s h b r e ) across the

rafters ( I a p n ) of a roof; d e r v . httngrt&; al\o c . ~ l l c d
shdre re a t ; h z ' 7tz antit2 ?ria rr'm 7rn.
Rim, ~ 2 .R a t t a n ; see ri; only used i n compocition. -
-hka r l , n. A species of rattan, the sprouts of which are
eaten: comp. r i hRa and see parts.
-shat, n. A variety of rattan.
.-shin, n. A kind of rattan; same as kfung-ya ri.
Rin, v. T o turn, as the leg of a table.; to cause a mark,
line, or deep impression, as a vine encircling a tree.
T h i s word is nearly always found i n its form dztnzri7z.
Rin, u. T o be g r o u n d to grind, as flour; dcrv. ~ r i and n
k f u m r t n ; to pulve;ize, reduce to powder; wan ist. Atu
9za Ran r i n m u ; to press, reduce to pulp, as sugar-
cane; Rumshu riiz mu; to gin, as cotton; see f ~ s ri l a ,
to knead and roll, as dough; see gurnrirz;* grind
i t out, to master, acquire a knowledge of; see p r i t r and
shdrin;.ngai dai amu n r i n fa we ai, 1 cannot under-
stand this matter; shi r i n la wrr ai, he has mastered
Rin, v. T o shake down, as t h e contents of a basket;
derv. Rayin; to be quaking, quivering.
i n , adv. I n a shaking, quivering or tre-mbling manner;
Cdmw ga uzn r i n nga nna shlimu &a a i .
Rin, Verbal particle, second person sing., denoting the
action as i n progress; see m ; nnng sa ri7r dii mdjnw
ngai kabzc nngai, I rejoice because you a r e corning;
nang sa na ui7z ni? will you be going? t a m yang nanhte
mu na md r i dai, ~ seeking you (plur.) will find it.
Ring, v . To be blessed, fortunate; derv. g~lmj,ing;comp.
rang; coup. Akang; shi a Rdshu Rdska ni rirzg wa ma
nu ga, may his posterity be blessed; rzng j*at,.same;
see parts; ring v a t na g d l u Rdba na ngu shiiyzr a i .
Ring, P. T o be luxuriant,as vegetation;yisl~nvzr i n g s a i
mctjaw, n g a i dai A k y ~ nan.
Ring, Verbal particle first person sing. (plur. rct ga),
denoting the action as i n progress; comp. uin and ra;
see Gram.; ngai sa ring agai,I a m coming; n g a i nan-
k f e Raw sa na ring tzgai.
Ringtaw, 4 v . At once; (Hkauri ;) see dingtnw.
Rip, v . To dare, venture, hazard; comp, gwi; dai nm#
lrpe n p i rip da wt a i , I venture to undertake t h i ~
work; sdvn am24 ttgni ?L r i ' we ~ iI dare , not become a
teacher; to defy, set at naught; comp. r o i rip; ngni
hpe rip a i ?tzdjkw shi gd/(rw n i .
kip, v. 'To pound, as paddy the first time; to take off the
outer husk; comp. gre; ya maw r+ mu.
Rip, v. T o sweep, as a floor or a field with a large broom;
see wi); 792nm filcg a i @nag. n r i p rip u .
Rit, n. A cruive; a funnel-shaped basket for catching
fish; comp. jdhttt: also pron. a r i t .
-ja, v. T o place the basket; to fish with a cruive; see ja.
-Jan, it. The covering or outer funnel of a cruive.
-rawog, n. A k i n d of dam,used as a means for catching
large fish; r i t rawng lgta i q n i d d a sRa7tg ai.
Rit,. v. To twist, as when making a rope; to wind, twine,
wreathe; Rlihta hjyi hte sztmri r i t a.
Iiit, Verbal particle Imperative; may be rendered as an
ndv., here; comp. sit and see Gram.; coup. ait; sa rit,
come here; wn r i t , return hither; nnnlrti. z h n g wa m a
rzt, all of you come back here;
Rit, v. T o fix,as a boundary line; derv. jdrii a n d arit; n.
a dividing line; only used i n composition.
-nawng, n. (from nnwng, to push.) - A removal, shifting,
as oi a boundary line; r i t nawzg flrawng ni, u. to move,
chan a.oe, as a landmark ; r i t naw7ag aav?rg a i mdjaw g a
Law az. a t -
-tawn, v. T o fix, agree upon, as a landmark or dividing
-rung-ra, n. T h e front batten holding the web, as in
Kachin weaving; p i t rung-m n Lu yafzg da n cCa
Z?t ai.
Ru, v. T o grow; coup. of tw; to take root; 72. a root, as of
a plant; der y. nrzc; ~ r r z ~ r z f ar?u~ zkrai 78 m ai.
-clam, it'. Wide-spreading roots; see parts..
-hkrawn, n. R u n n i n g roots; see parts.
Ru, v. To blow, as a gale; derv. Lars and ? ~ & a w r aldra ;
~LIWYU r~ at'. .) .
Ru, a. An :animal resembling a squirrel living i n trees.
and 'feeding on fruit; rs gaw /lingu law s h s ni.
Ru h kri. 5 71
Ru, . v . To bc tossed or $ m p c d , baby;
ia3 d e w , a r u and
gdrzr .
Ru, v. To like, be satisfied with; onty used i n religious
po.etry as a coup, of j u ; ru ji or ru nang, fig. a young
-gam, a. Pleasant; n. pleasure; rugam atsatn, same;
m g a m ntsaplr shdgun no, to cause, send, as plcasure.
Ru, v. T o be hard, difficult,' troubleson~e;derv. a r u ; to
be harsh, rigorous, severe; r u a i a m a , diificult work;
n. a debt, grievance, a leud; see a r a .
-hka, n. A debt, grievance, feud; see Aka; ru hka m i n
nga gaw frgai h j e shdwa n i a i , he fined m c e v e n though
there was no grievance; dai ning ru hka knln /tRrt*m
n i ai.
-tsang, 72. Care, trouble, anxiety; see isnng.
-yak, v. To be hard, etc.; n, hardships, trouble, difficult-
ies; 7 %y a k law 7zga ai; m yak a i slrara, a place of
Ru, v . T o pour; to fall i n torrents, as rain; to fall, as ripe
fruit; to tumble,.fall, as an old wall.
-bang, v. T o pour, as into a bottle; di l t a 1.2~ En~rga .
-bun, v. T o pour upon, or to sprinkle, as for tlle sake of
--jaw, v. T o water; as plants; see parts.
-kau, v . T o pour out; nfsin r u kaa r , pour out the
water; to shed, as the blood of a sacrifice.
-hkrat, v . T o fall, as ripe fruit; to tu~nble,as a wall; to
fall i n torrents, as rain; shukztm uu h k m t sni, the wall
tumbled down, collapsed; nrara~rgLie rtnnzsi r u hbrat
Ru, 72. A vine, a creeper, a climbing plant; see Rumshoi
r u , /rihpa r u , nhtatl r u and htazrra r u ; comp. shingru.
-hkai, 72.' A creeper, as ~ l a n t e d
or cultivated; see parts.
-hkram, v . A running vine; see parts.
-shang, n. A creeper or climber; nr&roi ru s h n g , same;
only used i n poetry.
-ru, v. T o grow, as a vine; apra /uw at az 2.21 ru az daw
tt maz ska 7na a i
Ru, n. Native beer or whiskey; see l h ~ ' d ? , i l .
-llkri, ~rA . kind o f bitter beer; see parts.
Ru gang.

Ku gang, 7 ~ Old
. beer or whiskey of exceptional quality;
r z d h k r i rtr. gzzng n kunz /I( nngai.
Ru, a. 'The ba~nboorat; a species of mole; see shdru.
-di, n. The main passage, as burrowed by a mole..
-dup, u. '1'0 see a mole on the open road, considered
unfortunate; a mole or bamboo rat is never killed i n
the open ; ra d g f g d m n i ynfzc i.aziichyi kltdn Atrzrm nr.
-hkramn, *. A species of mole; comp. yz,hRrawn and
see parts.
1Zu Imperative particle, used by some instead of u , nu

or sz8; -r;lit 7%)go or return.

Ru k , n. Form, figure, external appearance; comp. hpraw;
shi cz rztk n tsaww ni, llis appearance is not pleasing.
-man, 72. Form, build, shape, as of an animal; ?ye a
dz,wszt P Z J mnlz ~ tsaw?tz Zi ai.
Ruk, n. Clatter, rattle; a bang, a tramp.
-dip v. T o clatter, rattle; to bang.
--ruk, ndv. With a clatter;' S ~ J bang, I ~ tramp tramp;
Mdwn hf~iga~ z mk i ru& ?zgn nna y n n sa wn nia ai.
Rum, v. To help; (an unused root;) derv. Rdrum and
Rum, n. A water-fall; rztsz RRi?uZnzut E hRa gumhkzbn
~ n c hRmt
z ai; (comp. dnt, page X.)
Rum, v. T o have a common source,origin, rise or centre;
derv. mfirzmz; con~p.chya ;*,7:rn and d q k ; to be of t h e
same family or tribe; to have the s a m e pedigree,
descent or lineage; sRa7tlttr a kitji Rdwn ni rant ma
Rum, v. T o crumble and fall, as a decayed tooth; see
a u r m ; to shell or pick, as grain from an ear o[
maize; hkninu rrtn2 i t ; to be notched, dentkd, as an
edge-tool; fig. to fall, bc swept away, as by disense cr
war; see nrum; nga law /(zw ru*n mat ;ni, a l a r w
llur~lberof cattle were c:~rriedoff; hi ni?~,~. B hpjcrt
Rte htrrwkdang E ~tznslrn/nn8 /aw rztnz m a t sni.
Rum, A preformative mostly usecl by the Hkauris instead
of n u m or its shortened form m d .
-dung, 7z. A centre, a source; a highway; same as
. -
?rt cid x ng.
-ga, ~ rA
. side; see ntaga.
Rumgawng, n. A roof; see mdgaw.
-mawng, 72. A highway; same as u7l:nw.
-nang, n. A co~upan.ion,an associate; same as mdrmrtg;
ngaz' runarzar~g7; Ziv s h i
-mi, 72. A criclcet; same as hkra, o n l v uscd in poetry:
S/tdiu?rg hliltghan r rtrm7za.i hkra s A l p nga nz.
Run, v . To pull down, to raze or demolish, as an old
house or village; comp. dya, dy74, h p ~ u n hten , and
shdrzrn; d a i r t i nrihtd a t ~ t ar t c 7 z hazr nn ga ai, to day
we will tear down our hoosc; to fall, as over-ripe fruit;
namsi run nznt s n i , the fruit is all fai!ing; fig. to be
upset, as i n mind. shi a niyit r u n mat saz.
Run, v . To be i n pai;s; to be, as twins; derv.gin7-tln and
rn(2mn; rwgt me, adv. two by two; nra lahkawng r u n
r a i hkawjica wa ma sai.
-run, aclv. Two by t w o ; pair by pair; hpyen ma 722' r u n
rr4n rni hKnul~;l.ima as'.
Rung, v. To become violent, acute or chronic, as a
d ~ s e a s e ;comp. larig; s h i 7 ~ ar;i m a m ~ c h y irurzg wa
ai, he has been getting worse since day before yester-
day. f

Rung, - v. To pour;d, a s rice for a sacrifice; coup. Afrcftg;

n-gSsrung ~ z / i $ a . htui~,g~;
?~~ to f ill1 with a thud; ~ r a. thud.
-rang, r t . A tllud; see parts.
-rung, ndv. With a thud; with heavy steps; ~ h a nrutcg
mltg 72ga 7tnn /i;aw a n ~ai.
Rung, 7t. h court-house; Bur. 4:
e a r n u , 78. Gova-nmen t work; rung amu hte r a n g a htrcfrg
akhlb 72 ch28 ga zi.
Rung, 72. A horn; see xrsflg and 7zga rang.
-dam, n. Wide bra!lching horns; see d a m .
-hkawng, s. A curved horn.
-pawt, v . T o butt, as a bu!l against a bank, a tree or the
li ke; usual1y called ~ P R ~ L bdrnzg ~CT ai.
Rung, A preformative mostly used by thc Hkauris in-
stead of girt, r i i l l ~ : ,h a g 01- it'
-clang, 2). T o deny; same as ndan,nol- 17irz~r~'n~zg.

-gap rt. A dam, t h e poetical word for t.rrtr; also pron.

Runggy i..

Kunggyi, iz. A bastard; same as n-gyi.

-htung, \ bridle; same as gi7zAtung or gumhtu7zg;
it. i
baw%rni&g htn rtcnghtztn'g bnlzg a.
--htang, o. To turn back; see nhtdsq.
Rut, v. 'To run, as cattle when chasih: each other; derv.
/$rat, which see.
Rut, D. T o rub i n , as oil; to oil, smear. or the lilie; sce
n r r t ; cornp. srri; Itpunjyen nammjin rat s, oil the
board,--lit. rub the board with earth-oil; to grate,
crush or grind, as spices; derv. ?%drat; Akalcya r a t
ska zc.
-kau, v. To rub out, erase; comp. aARut; to scrub, as. a
floor; d a i dlcn @ e t s u j ~ zkte rut Rnu u.
kut, v . To spill, pour out, as paddy from a basket; comp.
ru; shingnoi Ata a n lnam rut r a i mat sai.
Rut, v.:To be suffering, as from want of nourishment;
derv. R d r w t .
-rut, v . T o be sufferi-ng, lonely, bereft; ji~ghrku n2 hie
Aka wa a i mctjaw rut ritt 7zgu nngai.
Rai, n. A shallow, shoal, bar, as i n a river; opp. to [ding;
comp. gindaw; zdiitg hkzc nas sirrzg, ai, rat hk* vap ga.
Rai, n. Things; a thing, goods, property; see arai; n p
rai hkztm (a, do not take my things; a. small, wild, u n -
cultivated; thus, t t r n i or nga rot, a small breed of
cattle; mcisAa rai, an uncivilized person; hRgm vai,
wild cucumbers; nam rai, things .of the jungle.
,Rai, v. To stop, wait; derv. gdmi; adv. yet; w i n re ai,
naw Akrizg u, not yet, w a i t a little longer; to stay,
remain, as over night; to put up, as at a public place;
gbra ria. e m i an 7nyil t a ? i n which house will you
stop ? anlrte Ati~zgftuhln 2 mi itn ga ai.
Rai, v . To be able, c a n ; m i yzc gn,see i f you can do i t ;
sht dai nlttrc mi ~ T ai,
L hc t a n do t h c ~vorli;nGitg n 7rgn
yazg nnhta Rnning n mi 9i.r <a at', when you are not

present 'we can do nothing; to form; cleate, fashion;

coup. skai; derv. Xdrirai; niostl~r found in religious
poetry: Ir

Nagawn wn Maprm ,cow gtnn'ixg ongiz mi dnt,

Strmsiitg shai ng:ztL 1 2 1 m 6(1i W ~ 1Z:1 or.
Rauran. 5 75
Rai, a. To he, exist; (lit. it is;) comp. rr; often used as a
verbal auxiliary or emphatic; see Gram.; hi irpo yai
I d w h a t 1s i t ? shi sn T r n rat, he will go; to be true,
exist, as a f a c t ; d e r v . s h d r a i and Atfizgguar; daz LRu
v n i nga si, this is the true way;dai r a i a f a , let it be
so,-let u s call this the truth; shi ra a i l a m rai rc ga;
see rzraiyu.
-a, adv. Yes, i t is so.
-nga, adv. Yes; shingrai r a i nga a t , thus it is, or yes,
~tis so.
-sap adv. Yes, it is so, it is well, true or proper; a r a a r a
rai sa,
-sai, adv. Yes; same as rai sa.
-ti, conj. But, nevertheless; r a i t i nwng, or rat tim', but,
however, n e v e r t heless ; sLi sa mdyu m r t i mung, Rdnu
kdwa y a n n hkraw m a ai.
-taw, adv. I n that case, this being so; r a i taw, fa a , i n
that case take it; rar taw, @a mdjaw n sa? this being
so, w h y do you not g o ? ya rrci tam? now what? how or
why 1s i t ?
Rau, v. To be quick; derv. fareu; to be quick, make
haste, be i n a hurry; (Hkauri;) see chyang.
Rau, v . T o fall suddenly; to topple over; shi rz-gu de r a u
rat nna Ra/ew< taw a t , he fell on his back; fig. to die
suddenly; comp. knn; ?na7rg unu rat sai.
Rau, v . T o be or act together; derv. rzmu; a4v. together,
all at once; at the same time or place; comp. r a m
rag; nanktr Tau rawt e n , you start together; postp.
with; comp. ,hte ;a%,: ~ q a zvat4 sa e, go with m e ; s h i
ngaz hie r a u n sn iikraw ar; (the Ilkahkus often use
rarc where Southern Kachins use h f ~jlo ;n r a u nrdjap.)
Rau, v . To have spare time; to be at ease or leisure;
comp. ban; tinrig gdoi raar 7ta hi!?? ? when will you
have time? ngaz 11 pzf~ggnl',I 2i11 not at leisure; rat4
ai nht&, a time of leisure, spare time; rntr a i nhfoz n
pzga, there is no time for it: n?,au n h f n u , ndv. without
let, pause, cessation or intermission; shi nrarc nlrtau
a gd?aw ?rgn ni.
-ran, o. T o be exempt, as f roll1 illncss; only used in
poetry a6 a coup. of hkvnrthkmu.
Raw, u. To put on, as a cap, a glove, tl-ouscrs, a shoe or
the l i k e ; same as d d g m m ; derv. w m w , la~nw and
-di, u. T o dress, as a 'child; ?no:d p e j d a w n g m w dz' u .
--re, .v. T o put on, as a garment; to nssume, t a k e over, as
authority, power, as a chief; Rdshn gia,k i w n ahhang
e vaw rd ai.
R a f , 7). Tb untie, unbind, loose; sunzrr raw u , u ~ ~ ttihee
rope; to send away, abandon, divorc'e;as a wife; t u
fall off, as the hair, a f t e r an illness; comp. run; hRa
r a m ai, to remit, absolve; to forgive; mkra raw, to
explain, offer an apology, a defence; see a l w maraw
Yaw ai.
-dat, v . T o release, liberate, as a slave; see parts; to
remit, forg-ive, as sin; shi jzlbaR raw d a l na.
-di, v. To divorce; to abandon; 7znn2 hjc shr r a w dt
ha= ~zsai, he sent away his wife;.sAt n f n h j e r a w di
Razl rzsr at'. , t

-kau, v. T o liberate, set tree, let go; see parts.

-la, v. T o remove, detach, a s a bird from a trap.
-nga, v. To be free, a t libcrt);; comp. LawL nga.
-shSran, v. T o l e i v e , as children to take c a r e of t h e m -
selves; a h . free, at w i l l , i n an unguarded manner;
nza itt @e raw shdran hkum dt mil.
R a w , n: Wild fire; see slrdmw.
-ga, v. To be swept, as by a jungle fire the second t i m e
within t h e same year; n. a jungle fire, as described;
raw ga dai hRrz y a n g sat yak ai.
Rawm, v. To remove, clear away, as straw from a thrash-
ing-floor, or heaped up weeds fron1.a field; mam r h y d -
rang na yi ARu a t rawm kau mu.
Rawn, v. Toswell, form a ridge; to welt,as the s k i n w h e n
hit bv a rattan; comp. btrm; hjyz lttr Ldsa rawtt nz; to
be u n d ~ r l a t i n ~
, i n long low r ~ d g e k ;derv
mdrawn; to be bent, curved, arched, as t h e bamboos
supporting a native suspension bridge; see chya yawn
and Akmwn; to bend, iilcurvatc, arch; h k m z m w rawn
m ?lgau gdh t a m u ; to protrude, h a n g over as a
bamboo or a b r a ~ l c hof a tree; opp. to d t n p ; nta dr
?i~euna i &Rung @hpe krar Razr mr, cut the branch ..
overhanging the house.
Rawn, v. T o like, find agreeable, as scent or odour; dai
baw nampan yawl: nngai, I enjoy (the scent of) this
flower; n rawn ai bat, offensive smell; mdchyi yang gaw
shat ra rawn nngai, when ill I cannot bear (the smell
of) food.
Rawng, v. To have on hand, as work; to hold, contain;
to possess, as mind, characteristics, or the like; derv.
urawng and chydr~awng;d i myil n rawng ai, he has
no m i n d , is void of understanding; shi amu rawng a i ,
he has work on hand; nam r shdraw, nta r mdsha
rawng ma ai, the jungle holds (has) tigers, i n a .
house are found men; to confine, shut up, as animals
i n a stable; to imprison; rZawng Ata wa n i h j e rawng
da m ~pen , up t h e pigs in the stable; ski hpe Ltawng
Rtn rawng mu, put him i n prison.
Rawng, n. The sum of two rupees and eight annas; the
.fourth of a Man; rawng mi, same ; rawfig ttthkawlcg 8
18 dfdl LKraw ~ n g a i .
Rawng, v. T o be jutting, bobbing up, raising, as head or
body, a9 when startled; derv: dizgrawng and nb-
ruslng; shanhid nlang rawyg ~ a nna i yawl fsap ma az.
-raving, adv. In a jutting, or bobbing manner; with a
jump, spring or bound; shanAU rawng rawng ru2 nna
Akap y~ ma a i , they bobbed up (or raised theit heads)
to have a look at it.
Rawng, n. A tiger or a leopard; see shdraw.
-chyang, n. The black cheetah or leopard.
-gawk, a. A leopaid or cheetah; see parts.
-mut, a. A species of tawny coloured tiger, said. to
possess superior strength; rawng mat m a p z )&ha
kbwn ai.
Rawng, v. To be proud; derv. g a m ~ a w ~ g .
-rawng, v. T o show pride; to be overbearing; n a n ~ sat
ni ??zitjawrawlzg rawng nga m a s k d p ndaz.
Rawp, u. To stud, as an embankment, stockade, or the
like with bamboo spikes; comp. jrmg; to drive, as
spikes into a road so as to prevent pursuit; drrnghku
rhyi%ghka l a m c nadsawz yawp tawn da mu.
5 78 Rawp.

Rawp, v. T o be sore, to ache, as the feet froin too much

walking; comp. tuurazi; h m vtail kkawm a i mdjaw
h g a w r a w j mat sai.
R & ~ , v. T o sniff; (an apparently obsolete root;) derv.
mdrawp, which see. J

Rawt, a. To rise, arise; derv. gumrawt, Rdrawt and

shdrawt; to get or stand up, as after sleeping or
sitting; shi y r j razed sai, he is getting up (from
sleep;) hRsm a'zcltg, razut a, do not be sitting, arise;
rawt ai fen dlc sai, it is time to get up; to start,-begin,
as a journey or work; a n k t ~dai ni rawt ra ga ai, we
will start to-day; to shoot, sprout, as a new shoot;
nnaw rawt ai; comp. myit rndRlc rawt az; to be feviv-
ed reanimated; to receive new life; shi bai hikvustg
rawt a i , .
-tsap, v. To stand; see parts.
Roi, v. T o mock, taunt, jeer, laugh at; derv. aroi; comp.
asavng and jdhjoi; ma ai n&i hje r o i ma ai, the
children are laughing at me,-poking f u n at me; to
deride, insult, treat with disrespect or contempt; ngai
k f e roi a i mrtjaw shdwa rea, I will fine him for insult-
ing me.
r i p , v. To mock, etc.; see parts; n. insult, contempt;
defiance, spite; comp. aroi a r i j ; ngui Ater a i tndjuw
n a n h t ~ngai hpo roi rip myit dai.
Roi, n. Feminine proper n a m e ; the third born girl;
NRoi or M a Roi; (comp. H k a u r i , Shdroz;) Roi ji,
Roi s m , Rui hi,different names for a Roi.
-grawng, fa. A traditional being inhabiting great forests;
r comp. Chydwoi and Siinam.
Ra, A preformative mostly u'sed instead of'.&.
-ga, Verbal particle first person plural, future tense;
anhtc sa M ~d g a ~ i .
-na, Verbal part~cle,future; (Hkauri;) ngai sa rct na, !
I will go.
-na, adv. One night; see (dam; (Hkauri.)
-nip adv. One day; r d n i l t t d s,dni, day by day; comp. hnz'
kte Ir&m'.
-ning, adv. One year; rctningmi dte ~.dnifzg mingaia
la nga nvzgui.
* Roi;, n* a c m l e of bamboo; same as &poi.,
'Sa. S79
FUwi, v. To be gently sloping, slanting or inclining, ar
a hill,-regarded as descen,ding; opp. to ngoi; dai
kawngginchyum rdwiaz', the cape is gently sloping
(towards the water;) to be tipped, .gradually narrowed
down to a point; ldprr ntnitsan r d w i a i .

The twenty-third consonant in the Kachin alphabet;

sound of s; as i n English.
Sa, Verbal particle past Indefinite; comp. sai; orily used
in careless and inexact speaking; n g ~ sa, t or rai sa,
adv. es, it is finished, done, all over; ngai gdaw sa,
I di it; shanhtr g d a w sa, they did it; nanhtt dai
gdla w sa .
Sa, v. To rest, pause, stop, as for respite; comp. ban and
?azi; Bang r sa ga, let us rest here;ya sa na a k 2 y i ~ g
n nga ai, now there is no time for rest,-or intermis-
sion; n a n l f i naa sa myit dai.
-ra, n. A resting place; see parts.
Sa, v. To breathe; derv. ma.
-dawn, n , A gasp, panting, catching of the breath; also
pron. sa daw; sa dawn dawn a i , Y. to pant, gasp,
breathe. in a laboured manner.
-hka, n. (from Ada, to be bitter.) Gasping, puffing,
panting; comp. ba g a / a p j a i .
l a , v. T o hold the breath; see hi.
Sa, v; T o cause accidents; (an obsolete root;) derv, &a;
comp. sa, to breathe.
-hti du, n. A kind of maraw nut; see sa wa rr.
-wa .nat, n, T h e nat causing death b y violence or acci-
dents; &sa s i a i w a gaw sa wa nat P g a n g a i re ai.
-wa nu, n. One of the draw n a b ; sa wa n r , sa htidu,
the -mother of accidents, the Lord of the expiring
Sa, v. To be old; a. old; opp. to nun; derv. dittgsa and
§a, V . T o go, to conte; sa ga, let us go; sa vit, come here;
nang 8 sa dugg e, come and sit here; shi rang e sa nga
ai, he came aild tlvielt here; to escort, accompany, as
a bride or departing friends.; derv, r;imsa.
580 §a dat.
Sa ,dat, 2. Ta dismiss; to escort, as d e p a r i i l ~ gfriend?
part of t h e way; to "see off ," as visitors; shi mdtcirii~
n i /Lpe sn d c t sn ai.
-la, v. T o bririg; opp. to la sa; laika hje sa La w~ou rii,
bring the%ook.
-sa, v . To escort, accompany, as a bride from the home
of hcr parents to that of the bridegrcom; comp. ya;
3ziwzso a i ~3iR U sa ~ sa ma, ai, the attendants are
escorting the bride; shi R R r i t ai m&j[zursa sa ma,
beczuse he is afraid go with 'him.
-wa, r. To go, to come; comp. h n g wa and yil wa; yt de
sc ma m d Set$.
Saba, a. S i l k ; (Shan;) gumhjraw la yartg sg6n dunghkaw
zgai n t d r i hkaw na.
Sabra, n. Soap; see sabya. -
Sabya, n. Soap; Bur. ~ 0 8 6 3 ; Hkauri sadm; sabya h t e
R n s h i ~IPHZ.
Sase, fi. Bamboo sticks, size a n d shape of knittiilg need-
les, used for d i v i n i n g purposes; (Yawyin;) s a s ~wazut,
v. to divlne with the sticks.
Sasi, M. Silver ornaments, such as worn by Kachin men;
comp. sai rci.
Sak, n. A g e ; see asah; ;ciR R&a, old age; scak Rtam, to
die; see parts; sak kdji az ma sa n ttraz ai.
Sak, I ) . T o offer, present (respectfully), as a gift to a
chief; Bur. ad; comp. p u a n d p w ; dtl. ni lspe mrtgwi
Rawng nzz sak mil.
Sak, v. To be hard, brittle,"Hnd thus easily breakable;
saR ai kdwa gaw d a w lot a i
Sak, v. T o crowd, to fill by u r g i n g or pressing; comp.
anifi; warn daw hta mam s a d ma.
Sakse, n. A witness; anything affording pro01 or evi-
dence; testimony, e v i d e n c a ; Bur. =&om; sakst h-
hbawrzgsltdga mu, call two witnesses; hpa sakse n rz,gaa,
there is no evidence; sakse itham, V. to bear w i ~ n e s s ,
to g i v e testimony; sakse Aham a i wa, a witncss; sgksc
shdbrai, the witness' reward, as i n a criminal case.
Sam, n. A Shnn; Bur. 988; Sam go-htittg and i l t ? ~sei. ~ ~ ,
parts; ( S a m shabrang, 92. a bullock; Sar;z ,tzii/,finzcn, .?
hcit el-; terms only used'in religiwus poetry.)
Samsa. 58 1

Sam, u. T o tattoo; see ma& Sam; tt. a needle used in

tattooing; snvz kte maR cam ya e.
Sam, u. T o carry far, as a projectile; comp. tsan; s d m t
$d/a sam ai, the bljllet carried far; nafig Rdbazyatzg H
sam ai, ngai kabciyalcg she s a i n ai, you cannot throw
far, I can; lnyi snm az, to be able to see at a long dis-
tance; myit sam a i wa, a far-sighted or long-headed
-Sam, d v . Far, at or to a distance; d ~ n g s a msang kdbai
2 ; ) throw the stone far away.
Sam, 72. Hair of the head; comp. Bur. d.
-ban, ir. The cue or top-knot of hair left on the top of
the head after the rest has been shaved; cump.
Bur. d o e ; Afiwa n i pxngding s a m k n madat mg a i .
-bung, i t . A sprinkling of gray hair among black; salE-
61i72g.6u, V. to have gray hair, as a young person; shi
n bnw sambzsng bu C - ai.
Sam, :I. To appear, seem; nang e nlsin n rawng snm ai,
here does not appear to be any water; nyi. a czroi
/ ~ g gai sAi rai sam ai, he seems to be the one who
stole my things; n. appearance, visage; see urrmz;
habit, manner, disposition; comp. agyarzg; shi s u m n
?tang a i , he has no manners. (
-nang, n . Habit, nature, way; m a ni ginswp ai, mdjot'
samnang ri. az; adv. for the sake of, because i t is
habitual ; sa?nnang YZ a i mdjaw shi gdaw sai.
--Sam, v. To have the appearance of; dai wa m n z snm
sam ai, this man looks like a woman.
--tsang, v . To be light, agile, nimble, quick; s a ~ t ~ f s ~ z x g
a i zua ltpe Rridai 72 Lep LZL a i .
Sam, A preformative mostly used by the Hkauris where
the Jinghpaws would use sum.
-du. n. A I~anlnler;see sumdzc.
-la, 11. A p ~ c t u r e ;see sumZa.
--rnSnap, tt. The midriff, t h e diaphragm.
-pan, n. Cloth; see sunzpan.
-pu, it. A b o x ; see sump#.

-pyi, n. A flute; see s u m j y i .

-ri , n. A cord; see civm~z'.
--sa, n, Favour, mercy; same as hkyamrsa.
Samshi, a. Thirty; see srumshi.
-seng, n. A kind of bell; see srcmseng.
-hting, n. Bellows; see sztmhting.
San, v. T o ask, question, inquire, interrogate; shi hpe san
rr, ask him; >a?.. a i g a , n. a question; san ai wa, an
inquirer, questioner; Sun a i Caika, a Catechism., c
- -

-yu, v. To inquire, interrogate; to examine; Rdning rai

lam rai Kun saH yu u.
San, v. T o select, choose; comp,ldta la; du wa R@a naw
san s. ., ,
-da, V . To choose, select, set apart; to elect ; shdra sen
da mr,select a place; shi san da ai wa r a i q a ai, he
is the chosen (elected) man.
-ya, v, T o choose, select, pick out, cull; see parts; nya
a mdb ga sap ya mi, pick out a piece of land for me.
San, n. An umbrella; (Hkauri or Chinese;) see jnwng.
Sari, v. T o be light, empty, as g r d ~ n ;d u n g kdba wa ai
mdjaw mam sun mat sai.
San, v. T o resemble, show appearance, as to numbers,
features, size, colour or t h e like; mostly used adverb-
ially; derv. m a n ; sil(x+:22 5oin sat8 wa Law ma tz? how
many are they (apparently)? liing san wa l a w aai,
there seeihs to be this much; gia snn wa rz a taP how
does it.look? ah$?-aw sen ai, it resembles white,-is
somewhat or apparently white. !
San, v. T o be clear, pure, crystal, as water or a-jewel;
derv. asan; see jdsafd; colrlp. chyoi, pra and seng; pal
san ai, the amber is clear, transparent; n san ai, a .
impure, unclean; religiously or ceremonially unclean;
comp. Bur. m#; a m p n san a i aam hkzlrn 'b, do not
take a woman from an unclean (bewmhed) family.
-d8leng, a . Clear, bright, as daylight; see ddZeng.
-pra, v. T o be clean, pure, innocent, holy; see parts.
--hpungsang, n. Water; see parts and como. l'i hpungnang.
-seng, v. To be clear, pure, lucid, transparent; to be
ethically good, proper, becoming; sun seng a i am%
gdaw ma.
Sandu, n. A pea; any kind of penus Pi.?.;rn.but genernlly
the Chinese pea; comp. shipre; sarkdr shutiwoi m u ai.
Sapria. 583
Sanleng, n. Turkey-red cloth; chintz; (Shan;) hfym nrs
n i sanleng blmgA&aw A&aw ma r i.
Sang, v. To polish, brighten; see ahRzlr.
Sang, u. To be exhausted, worn out; to be expended, as
strength; comp. tsang; l.t natl C z ni mrqiaw sang tizat ru'
a t , the load being too heavy I am exhausted; fiyr a
nga san mat sd li ai, my bullock is worn out.
Sang, v. 'IPo give, replace, substitute, as an equivalent;
gltmhfraw n lu a i mdjaw baa mi 212jzg ya dt ga, having
no cash let .me give a gong; m d y c ~a mata ski nga
sang ai,he gave a cow instead (or i n place) of a slave,
(as a part of a marriage dowry); mdj~antsazg aai izga, a
bovine thus given.
Sang, n. A bin, as for paddy.
-kum, v. To partition off, as a bin; see parts; mam bang
na mdtu sang kiln2 mrr.
Sanghka, n. A kind of braid or embroidery; sanghha
ARki, to braid; see parts; sanghkn niiozg tsawm ai.
Sanghkam, el. To initiate, as a novice into a religious
order; sanghkam. poi, n. the ceremony of initiation;
d2i ni jawng ma ddhkawng sanghkam ma a i do.
Sanghkaw, n. A kind of shrub the leaves of which are
used for veast or leaven.
Sanghpaw, 1;. The papaw, papaya; sovzghbaw si, same; a
corruption of the Bur. coed)?.
Sanghpaw, n. Tin, corrugated iron; (Shan;) sanghpaw
@ri, same; sanglpaw C i , a boat; see shonglrpaw / i .
Sap, v . T o spit i n the hands to facilitate a firmer hold;
tndyen sap la n%a jam r .
Sap, v . To put, as a plantain leaf between the layers
when packing; to dam, as a sma!! stream; md& zuaw
yong nam sap mzr.
Sap, n. The caul, omenturn.
-&nap, tn. Same as sap and most common form; Rpyi
sap sdnap @a ai.
Sap, n. The Luffa pentandra; see ginsap.
-bup, n. A variety of the Luffa.
-hka, n. A wild variety not eaten.
-lam, n. Same as sap hka.
i n n. Aystriped variety, much"va1ued as food.
584 Sat.
. ___
Sat, 'o. To step, move the feet; to take the first steps,
as a child; comp. sdsat;.nta gaw Ldgaw sat chtye ai;
to swing, as a swing; n-goi goi sat ai; n. a step,
a turn.
Sat, o. To be dried up and dead, as leaves; Lap sat ai
&ng, lap nnan gdlai a i , after the aead leaves new
ones will sprout; Rdwa l a p sat mat sai.
Sat, v. To kill, to rnorder; derv. gdsat; comp. Bur. ad;to
quench, extinguish, as a flame; wan hje sat Rau i ~ to ;
end, terminate, as a discussion; AKum ga h w , ga sat
Kazc md nzc, don't quarrel, end your dispute; to cut,
fell, as trees for timber; ngazc d i na hpzcn sat ma;
~ d s h asat a i wn, n. a murderer.
Sat, n. A mat; ( ~ h a nmd.)
-hkum, n. A small mat made for c0verin.g the saddle
or load of a bullock.

-lam, z.A mat protecting - the under part of a saddle.

Se, Verbal p r t i c l e first person sing.- past; see Gram.
and comp. ni; ngai t s r n da?s se ai, 1 have told him;
ngai dai hjawt yr se ai.
Se, .v. T o be wearied, care-worn, exhausted; cornp. hkz
, and sang; nta g d h w nna se mat ni ad;'jdse, to wear
out, exhaust; shi n . e a nga jdse kax ya ai.
Se, v. TG pick, as a bone; to strip, as t h e flesh from a
bone; cornp. gaw and sep; rzra hta na sLan se la mu;
fig. to practice extortion.
-sha, v. (from sha, to eat.) To "skin" or "fleece" some-
one; to exact by exorbitant or pressing demands; shi
ngai h$e se sha ai.
Se, n. Substance, worth; see nse; d . noble, of worth: n se,
bad, low, lewd; n .re ai nam, a lewd woman.
-se, adv. Sincerely, artlessly, without guile; without
stop or let, continually; comp, s i si; a r t h t ~s h d ~shdga
am% se se a gdZaw ;tga ga aai.
Sebaw, n. A plant with gladiate leaves and small red
Sedan, n. A paint-brush; Bur. oar&.
.Sehkam, n. A monk, a hermit; (Shan;) sehham jawfig,
a monastery.
Scng chyai.

Sek, v . T o land, moor, as a sailing vessel; Bur. +; sek

az shara, or sek a i daranr, a lariding place, a wharf;
w a d i da~ranrI sek r p ai.
Sel;, v. To be youthful, fresh, vigorous; see bmrrgsch and
Akawgz sek; shi sek ai ma rai nga ai;
-sek, a . Youthful, etc.; v. to be i n the state of . a vergin
or a young lnao before reaching the age of puberty.
Sem, v. To be of uniform growth, as grass, grain, or t h e
like; h#uvzd;td sem rai i o l a i shdva dan mu.
Sen, a.-One hundred thousand;. see man; sea mi, same.
sen, v. To be pointed, tapering or peaked; derv. nrcisen;
dun sen, a peak; comp. tiparc sen.
-di, v. To break or nip off the point; eg. to pilfer, filch;
to take his "commission", as a native servant; -lafix- r
LRam wa gaw guwhpram sm d2 sAa ni.
-sen, a. Pointed, tapering, peaked; also used adverbi-
ally; scn sen re ai tthtu, a pointed sword.
k- n g , -v. T o concern, relate, ip ertain to; corn?. Bur. 48;
--*€r Bang Ate ngai @a seng ga fa ?
d a i ?tang hte k@ n seng ai,t is does not concern you;
-, v. To appoint, fix, as a day; cornp. midat; a n h t ~
.' t yu zm da na.
nlrm ~ h d r a w n4
S e n g , n. A shop, a stall; f u r . 48.
Seng, v. To be quick; see rmg.
--liisau, a. Quick, active; coup. of v e n g l a u o r .
*. .- -
Seng, v. To be clean, pure, free from dirt or contami-
ymg,.tscng and isawag; to clean, as
as t h e things f roin a room, or
gnwR seng k ~ ma, u clear
this room; n. a clearing, a cleared space; nye a I N J ~ ~
Rdga srng taw; da ya m i , make other room for me.
Sen n. A jewel, a precious stone; see lungseng and
%ur. 8 $ ; a charm; comp. ga and lakhjor.
--chyai, v. To spin, "dance," as a jewel; -the Kachins
attribute life to precious stones, and believe t h a t
some of them select a slab or rock i n the jungle
where they whirlor spin until t h e spot is quite worn;
such a jewel if found is regarded as an infallible
charm; ;esE chyai a i s R a ~ a , place where the said
is supposed to oc+ur.
586 Seng maw.
Seng maw +. A mtne or place where precious stones are
dug; see parts.
-poi, n. A ktnd of beetle worn as an ornament;
(Hkaurl ;) see myeng hkam.
Seng, n. A top, as for play.
-chyai, v:To sptn a top.
-hpawk, v To play a game of tops;-each player tries
to stop the opponents top by hitting it w i t h his own.
-htawk, v . T o play with tops; see parts; same as seng
lrpawk; ma nz sezg LtawR hRat ma ai. I

Sep, v. T o peel, as an orange; to remove, as the bark of

h tree; comp. gaw andyen; namsi hfyi sep Rau nna
sha mu, peel the fruit and eat it.
Sep, n. Scales, as of a fish; nga sep, bdren sep.
-gu, v. T o scale, as a fish; see parts.
-mSni, n. Fine scales; see mdni.
Set, v. T o add, augment, join on to; comp. pf; to add, as
an annex; nta nau R d p a2 mdjaw set ar, the house-
being too small we added tp i t ; dang rnr hta dye mi
naw sat mu. ?

Set, v. To produce a sound,as when licking, lapping,

slicing cucuti:Lers or jump1 ng pebbles on the surface
of water; comp. Isel.
-set, adv. In a licking, lapping manner; sAzng/et hte set
set dz a , be licking w i t h the tongue; LRa set set ar.
SI, v . T o die, expire; derv. asz and chyast ; comp. rum,
Alan and Bur. c a ; see also nsa hhyci-hit and hfum;
shr st mat*sat,he died; to be quenched, extinguished,
as a flame; w a n st mat sat.
Si, n. Fruit; see as< Iramst, hprn sz and Bur. 8 1 .
-SI , v. T o bear fruit; sisz a i h f t l n , a fruit bearing tree;
s i n s i ai h j a n Ryan Rau mu.
Si n. A kind of pottage; (by Northern Kachins, curry.)
-malum, v. To prepare, as curry; same as si sr'; comp.
hpa rndhm.
- SI v. T o prepare t h e pottage, or curry.
St Y. T o be sedate, serene; see tern si; to be particular,
punctillious, fastidious; Asuya nt matsak si ma az, the
Government 1s ~ a r t ~ c u l in a r regard to teak; ngar wa
.dingla i r mwng, shitdrang sz nga a t , my father is an old
man but fastidtous as a youth; skabrang s i , n. manners
6 of youth.
Si si, adv. Earnestly, seriously; i n a punctillious, circum-
stantial, precice manner; see ~e re; skabrang s i s i , n.
what is becoming to youth; shdbrana ni shddrang si si
nga ma ui, the young Inen are part~cular(of their
appearance); mdhknwn s i n r h y t si a t 7zumsLo.
-sawn, zf. To do as a piece ol work i n a careless manner
after having started out well; to deteriorate; dai ma
ngai shdnglrn yang s i sawn rt? ai.
Si k, v . T o speed, move w i t h haste; lllostly used adverb-
ially; mdraz' LcthRawng sik rai wn 7)zd su.
Sim, v. T o abate, subside; to become quiet, at a stand-
still; comp. Hum; ana siim sni, the epidemic is subsid-
ing; sim w a n i , the w i n d is quieting down;
b y e n Loi m i zim sai.
Sim, v . T o store up, put away; see shim; n y a~ a r a i lrpe
shi sim d a at:
Sin, n. A diamond; Bur. 8$.
Sin, v. T o watch, guard, tend, have i n keeping; comp.
bau and pau; nla hpe sin rr, guard the house; sis ai
wa, n. a watchman, a guardian.
Si n , Verbal particle, Present Perfect, second person sing.
(plur. md sin), used i n some localities instead of or
intercharigeab'ly with nit (plbr. md i d ) ; rangshut sha
s i ~ zni? have you eaten? nctnhte amr n g ~ ma t sin riF
S i n , n. Hail; hailstones.
-'hkrat, v . T o hail.
Sin,, v . T o be or become dark; derv. nsin; r. darkness;
an evil nat or genius; see mdvaw:
Sin mu dr ga, Mdrazw ltp~cde ga.
-chya\voi, n. An evil genius ( m d m w ) living i n dark
caverns; see parts; the Sin cli,ydwoi Jan ja doi, is
usually regarded as the mother of the thirty nine
mdraw nats.
-krai, n . A species of night-hawk (?)
l a , n. A spirit ( m d r a w n n t ) , to which an .offering
(usually a white fowl,) is given the morniilg after the
close of a dance (mdnau); s i d a a daw, a tall slender
Sin maraw.
tree placed i n the centre of a dancing-floor (nnu m,)
being bent by a strong rope to allow the offering
to the s t d a z mavaw to be fastened to its top bran-
ches; sidaa dnn, v. to cut the rope so as to allow the
tree to sprlng back.
S i n maraw, n. An evil gentus; see mdrllw; dirt m d m w
shb/nwt a t ) v. (from lawt, to be entangled;) to cause
e v i l , misfortune, as by cuising or spreading evil
reports; fig. to ruin some one s character or chance of
success; ri(111g ngai lrpe sin mdrnw slrd/awl ndai.
-na, a. The west; comp. shdnn; sinr~nfliang, a western
-praw, ln. The east; see p m w ; sizpmw mdga ja?r przr
sftdrn. , 9'

Sin, r . Tile liver; see mdsir~;the liver and.not the heart

is the important part of I<achin anatomy.
-da, n. T h e chest, the thorax; s i d a go, (from go, to
split), a lincar measurement, the length from tllc end
of t h e second firlger to t h e middle of the chest. a
yard, half a iathom; d a i sind'z ga ij~dinwshn g d h az.
-de, n. The kidney of a bird; see sririe.
--din, n. The ~ l ~ i d r i fdiaphragm;
f, comp. sam i t z d ~ n p .
-du, n. T h e lobe of the liver;, 2. to be irrl-
table, easily pi-ovoked or excited.
-dai, n. hlind; coup. of masin; sindat' nrdsin rawt, 2). to
be angry; see rhyyaut.d#a.
-dawng, n. (from dawng,to stumble.) Irritability, anger;
stndarvrrg kdtawt ai,v. to be irritable, easily excited or
angered; comp. ~ 2 n gddm;d~ slzi sinrdazv~g&(awl a i
wn re at.
--ga, v. To be proud, overbearing, haughty; si?z-gn Znhpra,
same; m a n i sddvrc sin sha ynng st'?$-ga n i do.
-gun, n. A youth; see sznggun.
-ja, n. The liver, regarded as a more s o l i d gland t h a n
the si~twnwl,or s a h t z .
--pail n. T h e spleen; see h~jipniand krnzpaz; b y some
only the spleen of animals.
-hpra, v. To fear; same as nsrii/'n kdhprrr; w hka s h ~ n
sha yulzp szn hpra ar da.
Sinwawp, 72. The l u n g s ; scc wawp; sz~rwaw#hkmw yang
hpang gdva at d a .
S i n , A general prefor~native.
--Law, n. A cluster, as of f r u i t ; see su?)zdaw.
-da, v. To pass, as a catcrpiilaror grub icto a chrysalis
01- pupa; tufrg sinda ai, itpang Pjycn az, the grub be-
comes a pupa then i t flies; n. a pupa; comp. sunrdrn
and shingchyut.
-lang, n. The Jack-in-the-pulpit;a plant of the genus
-lap, n. An order of n a t s ; ( a Ma La among thy a1:irits;)
a dispenser of wisdom; wn in m i hfc sinlap s/id7tg11~
-leu, v T o rove; s t d ~,rpyawn, same; scc f i l f ~ t
-len, 92. A species of Ichneumon pr Indian rnungoose;jfu
srnh7r, s a m e ; by some a musk-rat; si9dtn y a v t n , o. to
d e c e ~ v ethe mungoose,-to lead the animal into a
passage that can be easily closed up behind i t ; fig. to
t r a p ; shonhte shz h f e sinlrn jlawnz nna sat kau 72224 a t .
I gz. A species of water-fowl; /dnrzr or hka u sznii.
-li, 7~. ,Inheritance; see sdi.
-lu, n.'Vapour;steadl; see salrr.
-lu, n. Evil, misfortune; only used i n religious poetry;
szlrhc p r u , to befall, as e v i l .
1 n. A kind of fish;
a 71. Sound; sz7zlaz nzaltkro sound, nolse; see parts;
the volce.
-wa, i t . A dell; coup. of dvang; k r ~ n g sznzfa ARan 8
jdktung ngn a i l sddi mu.
-wa, a. Public, common to all; see shdwa; sznwa Aka, a
public spring or well.
-wa, a. Honorable, great; only uscd i n religious poetry;
thus, u sinwa, the (sacred) 1101-n-hill; Sitzi.c;n ga kr,ang,
a naine given to the child of a Ldhtaw chief; Sinrtja
maihpang, an honorary n a m e lor a nat-priest .
i mdnang Sirrwn mnihfa?zg
j :ra QZ'.

--yang, Lto be straight.) T o bc pendant;

v . ((rom yatrq 1
to be h a n g ~ n g as
, a v i n e ; lagat utr si72-~ln7rgncr ai.
Sin-yu, n. One of the LrtLtrcw families; Ldhtaw S i n y r .
-yu, n. Wire, metallic thread; comp. saidawng; hprt
s i n - y i , heavy telegraph wire: mdgrz s i w y u , copper
thread. yr

-yawng, n. Proper name; one of the names that may be

. given to a Ma Gam.
Sing, v. T o make a feast; to serve, as a public meal;
comp. ( i q ; hppnwt dc anhte /asha sing na, to-morrow
we will have a feast; poi sing, n. an overseer a t a
Sing, v. To plan, prepare, as for building, weaving or
the like; Izpawt de nta sing n~ ga d i , to-morrow we
will arrange for the house building; comp. d a sing
and the Bur. PF.
Sing, n. Srne!i, scent, odour, as of fresh, raw or unpre-
pared food; comp. bat and sdma; shan sing mannm a i ,
he smells t h e smell of meat (flesh;) gyin sing manam
az, to scent cucunlbers.
Sing, Verbal particle, Present Perfect,first person sing.;
conip. s i z ; ngai sha sing a i .
Sing, A general preformative.
-ga. v. T o be proud; see sin-ga.
-gat, n. A water-pipe, a conduit, as from a spring; an
eaves-trough; Hk'anri, singhang; Aha htung n Lzi yang
singgat Lta ja lu ga ai.
-gat, n. Rawness, soreness, as on babies from chaffing or
uncleanliness: siltgpt pt, v. to become sore, galled,
or raw; m a KrEji /rpe n &skin y a yang singgat gat ai.
-gu, n. Awater-lizard;comp.dingsi~zg; alsopron. singkzi.
-gu! v. To seek warmth, as an ailing person; only used
~n poetry :

Sa ninglun ashtr a m u nga nga ai.da.

-gu, ('from g u , to be bare.) Bareness, nudity, naked-

ness; S Z Z ~ ~ , 4nn.
Z I v . to be naked; see parts; siizggr
Rrz~r,t o be naked, bare, h d e ; comp. /rpazlmng; si~ggzd
H to
~ ~ IN be bare, uncovered, naked, nude; see &fig.
Singhkat. $91

Singgun, n. A youth; Irl/i singgun, same; a term of endear-

ment; dear, darling, love, lover; comp. nla; sznggun
drang, a gallant, a lover; srnggwz pwz, a love, a-sweet-
heart; t? sznggzn, n g a i @ang dr sn chyaz rzt.
--gung, n . Bristles; fins; see wa and rcga sznggung; szng-
gang shdchyea o r s l d r a w t , v. to bristle; to s t a n d erect,
as bristles.
-gau, n. A snare;sznggatl hRam az, v. t o be insnared, to
insnare, entangle, trap; s k i sznggau ARnm nna u /a ai.
-gaw n. (from gaw, to be curved.) A bend, turn, wind-
i n g ; staggaw dad; v . to t u r n , bend, w n d , twist, as when
d a n c ~ n gin native fashion; shggyz szltggaw, a. curved,
bending, corrugated; a h . i n a bending, twiating, wind-
lng manner; singgaw mdka, a pattern of embroidery.
-gaw, n. A kind of cooking pot; same as d i szngbaw.
-gawng, n. One single hair; comp. sr?lg/that; Kdra sing-
gawng mz 6aw rc. /

-gawng, a. T h e bird usually called ir Eyit; mdgum y i n

w a Rdan no sznggawng u byit.
-goi, n. (from goz, to swing.) A hanging cradle; a
hammock; ma hpe sznggoi hda g n i a.
-gyi, v. To bend; see s i ~ g g a wa n d gy.
-ka, a. A small,, undersized person; s h i nau Rdjz ru
majaw singha ngu mu at.
-k ang, n. A water conduit; (Hkauri ;) see singgat.
-ku, n. T h e water-lizard; see singga.
-kaw, n. w i n g s ; u singRaw.
-kra, a. A widower; see shingkra.
--kra, n. A kind of basket used when maltin rice; also
pron. shingkra; Hkauri, singkrang; sing ra htn t i n
dat ma ai.
-krang, n. A malt-basket; see sz'nghra.
k r n. A species of blackbird; also pron. singkyi.
-kyi, n. A kind of blackbird; see singkri.
-kyi, n. A poisoned and barbed arrow.
-hkat, a. A qualifying adjective applied to anything
hair-straw,or t hread-li k e , also used as a numeral aux-
i 1i ary ; com p. singpwng; Rdva singhkat ld/tRa;vng, two
(fine) hair; tsingda sr?zghkat mi, one spear of grass;
YZ sing/iRat rnhtitrn, three threads.
592 Si ngh kung
Singhkung, n. Shall t ;.ouscrs, Ibhu s;?tg,o/rkung.
- h k a ~ , n. (from /t.(.ai, to hook.) Thc thorns, as of rattan;
Y Z st7rghknz; thc !look-shaped claws grown by the
python, alsb called pu sznghkgz.
-rip n. Rope; see suw~uzand shingrz.
-ring, a. Wkdding presents give11 to a brlde's parents;
(not used alone;) singtzng ka, n. the basket i n which
the presents are carried; fig. t h e presents, t h e contents
of the basket; sifzgtifzz sa, to convey the presents;
singling ;a a i 9 r i singling ka gun 772u.
--tsam, n. A k i n d of tick; see mdgra; also called shzng-
-king, i r . Fine hair, fibre or the like; also used adjec-
ti v e 1y ; R d r a s i ~ z g f s i ~ rshan
g , singfsi?zg,
--wum, n. A bush, shrubs, dense undergrowth; also pron.
-za, u. To destroy, demolish, as' one's own property in
a rage; shi ~ n d s i np a w t nnrf shi b rar szngza kacl nr
at'; aiso prcm. sbzit.
Sip, v. T o be reduced, to go down, as a swelling; comp.
yawm; sha7i:z.g P da 6awn az, ya sip mat sd l g ui.
Sip, u. To buy or sell who esale; szp l a , to buy whole-
sale; s z j y a , to sell, as i n a l u m p ; cornp. d n f ; nye a gua
.mrtnang wa h j e sip ya se az, 1 sold out t o my com-
Sip, v . T o know how to plan; to show taste.
-Sam, o. To be -tasteless, insipid; cornp. srt; shatmaz -
hta jjurn sip sam sha ~tgaai,202 mr naw bang r .
-sawng, v. To dress with taste; to adorn, beauti ty; sAr
tinang a hh~uw$yi n chy&sif sawng ai.
Sit, v. To be tasteless; see asit and s i p Sam;
-sit, o. Tasteless, in'siyid.
Sit, u. To move, as to one side; comp. nzd, nawf and
Bur.-q&; / o i mi sib 74, move a little; arnz nz / ~ P Lszt
tawn m z c , move the things a w a y ; k t @ hte) raz srt
dwng m u , move and s i t closely,-crowd together;
verbrtl iwperai-ive denoting motion away from, opp. to
rit; sn sit, 20 a w a y ; nid sll, reiurn ( t o your place);
ecat de sn 2tzd sl'l.
Sitna~n, N. A hobgoblin; see s u f ~ i --n m .
- -
Sum. 593

Sit.nau, n. A proper name for a Ma Cam, especially

among some of the Ldhlaw families; also pron. Sutnat!.
Su, v. T o be agreeable, pleasant; coup. of m u , which see.
Su, v. T o call to a funeral; see ldssc su.
Su, v. To have, possess; comp. /u; s t l t s r ai wa, a rich
person, a m a n possessing wealth; to be possessed, a s
by a nat; hpyi su a i ni, witches; (to give, e n r i c l ~ ;
mostly found in poetry, with its coup. du; du rit ru 7 i t . j
-jung, v. To be possessed; su jlrng su dycn, same as aat
l i n g nat byeft. a

Su, v . To be awake; conip. j d s a ; shi s i yaltg shdga I , call

: me when he awakes; to be wide awake, of sound
judgment, of keen intellect; see myit SI.
Su, v . T o speak; (Northern usage;) comp. tsun and
Bur; 4.
Su, v . To b e shaded; to dissemble; derv. mdsu; comp.
ntdsun. I: I

-su, a . Shaded, resembling; kkyeng su s u Y P nba, a gar-

ment reddish i n appearance.
Su, v . To be infested, 7 ; with fiies; derv. gdsu.
-su, a. Infested, harassed; v . to be swarming,as insects;
dabaltg E tnachyi sa su nga n i majaw ?r yup /u ai.
Su, Imperative particle, denoting immediate action; .ra
tsun sa, go and tell (at .once;) nnnhtc amu gd/aw
md su. \

Sum, v. To be defeated; to lose, fail; derv. tang~zrmand

h j y t ~sum;si/igamltpmw sum sai, he lost his money;
to fade, as a varrnent: p & Z a w ~ ssrrllr~ g ai, the coat is
fading; to be ;shamed, to " lose face;' see myt w a n
s?tm ai; coo~p.$saw.
S u m , v. To bloonl, a s the bamboo; see zsam sEm.
Sum, n. A booth; a temporary s h e d ; comp. gilrsilm; a
fish-trap, a s uscd by the Burmans; RE.
-gap, v..To put c p , as a booth or a shed.
-sum, v. T o fish, a5 with a 6sh-trap.
-wum, 12. A b ~ s h sec; S~~Z~WZL~PZ.
Som, a. T h e nuitlber rhl-ee; see mtiswnz; comp. Bur. 4:.
-shi, n . T h i r t y ; ?ndshc s7tmshi raw?zg.nza az.
Sum, A general preforrnative; Hkaurl, saw.
594 Sumbu.
Sumbu, n. A pocket; comp. sumpw; pdlawrrg su~nduAte
g u n mu; a basket 01-receptacle, carried a t a nat-feast;
6u sumdu, same; 6% sumbu gwn at wa, the m a n carry-
ing the basket.
-bau, n. A gong, as given to an officiating j a i w a ; see
-baw, n. A bunch, a cluster, as of fruit; ri s i sirtbaw.
-bawng, ?t. T h e rose1 le ; see chyhyi,rgbawng.
-L%wi, it. at tan shoots, used as food; sambdwi mcttsun
kte skatmaz shddu sha ma a t .
-bra, ft. A caterpillar with long poisonous hair; comp,
sinda, s h i n g t a i and lung; szmdra ju a i , to be poisoned
by t h e hair; srrmbra ju y a n g g r a i tndthyi az.
-brang, n. A young man; s e e shdbrang; mau sunzbmng,
same; only used i n poetry.
-brung, n. A kind of tree.
-brung, i t . A kind of insect, mostly found on bamboo
sprouts a n d thus often called rndkkrz sambrung.
-brung, n. A bamboo vessel i n which dried meat is kept;
skan sunedvung g d r a u m u .
-brup, n. A s p i t , as for roasting meat; a probe, a lancet;
comp. shz'ngjdwi; s t l m b r u j hta shan shajoz mtl, h a n g
(spit) the m e a t on the spit; s u m 6 r u ~hte shakrawz' d o u ~
2d .
--byau, v . (from dyau, to be suspended.) T o hang, as
clothing on a line, fruit, or the l i k e ; to h a n g and
swing, as an acrobat; comp. gyit sumbyau.
-da, n. A heap; see sumpurn.
-dam, n. A rope, a cord; coup. of S Y ~ a ~cloud; ; coup. of
sumwz'; H kauri, sumdaz'.
--ding, n . F l a x ; see idchyyil; s a c k i n g or cloth from plants
of the genus Corckovus; Yawyin n i ldchyit sumdtng
b z ~ma at'.
-du, n. A hammer; comp. Bur. q and sumrep.
--dai, n. A rope; see sumdam.
-daw, n. T h e outer cloth tied around a child when
carried on t h e back ; colnp. nbnt and boibang.
-doi , t z . A staff, a rod ; a sceptrc ; colnp. d a z ~ h k r a w n g .
-gawn, 72. A casting net; colnp. h k n n ; szrmgawn kdbat
a i , v . to fish (cast) with t h e net.
*Sumdung sumshan, r , a large bag.
Sumpum. 595

Sumkrung, n. Sprouts; see makrung.

-hka, v. T o be wide open; to spread, extend; same as
-hkan, v. T o open or be opened, as a sore; same as mtt-
Rkan; nma sujnhRan wn a i mdjaw mdchyi ai.
-hkran, n. A kind of long flute; .Larung sumhkran,
-hkring, -n. T h e death-dance; same p Rddung, mostly
used i n poetry; sumhkriltg Rdbu7zgdirm x a .
--la, n. A picture, a figure, an image; an idol;.comp.
shaLa; sumla Ra, v. to draw, as a picture; stlrnla inwb
ail to chisel, as a statue; to sculpture; sumla ?taw, to
worship an idol.
-lang, n. T h e plum; sumhng kfan-si, see parts.
-li, v. T o adorn; comp. mawn szdmZz; to dress, attend to

the toilet; h k w n s u h l i u law.

--lawn, v . T o prepare, as for a feast, journey or the like;
s h a n h l ~sa wa 'na samlawr ngu ma a i ; see lawn.
-ma, n. A kind of bamboo often used for brooms; also
pron. sdma; summa hle %ripg d f f w w u .
-mawn, v . T o arrange, as for a journey; see mawn.
-m%wi, n. A cloud; silmmdwi sanzdnm, clouds; see
-myit, n. A needle; see sdmyit.
-nep, n. An anvil; srmd?c sumnep, a blacksmith's
-nung, v . T o be gentle; see nung; a. gentle, mild, meek,
affectionate, compassionate; comp. skingdi; shi sum-
nirng a i myit rawng ai.
-nut, - n. One of the A t s i families.
-Pan, z. Cotton or linen cloth; see pan and combi-
nations; comp. Lai, stlinhtc, s d g ~and idckyii.
-pu, n. A box; a trunk, a kind of basket, used as a trunk;
comp. ginshang and sambfc; sumflu k f a bang mu.
-pum, n. A heap, pile, as of stones; a crowd, a throng;
srmpzrm sarrrtin, zl. to pile, heap or crowd; n. a pile,
etc.; a cluster; lttnsira s u n z p ~ l ~sumdn
n nga nga ma ai.
-pum, n. A k i n d of terrestrial nat, related to the
s/ru$@; sumpurn ;ow. v. to offer to the oat; sumpurn
cup, to bury the offering, as at the entrance of a
596 Sumpau.
village o r i n a paddy field; (the Hkauris often bury
it i n t h e front (?zpan) of a house.)
Sumpau, 72. A cluster, as of g r a p e s ; comp. sumbow.
-pra, n. A long, vine-like jungle grass; mdnawn stxmprn.
s a m e ; m a n a w ~stl71zfi~l)m
laja ai.
-prang, n. An awl; a brad; hpajisumprang, a brap, used
in basket m a k i n g ; gzlwng or sd?znt s u e r a n g , a ramrod.
u p r a t , n. A wedge; sumprat dit or tawR, t o drive a
wedge;rlawngsz~~npratditm~. ..
-pren, *. A linear measurement equal t o t h e width of
the hand; s e e Byen; swmpre% Lahpa, same, s e e parts;
st~tlzp~en /dh1?h/)npa, to h a v e t h e width of t h e hand:
Sumprcn /lihja pa ai mrichyang kjajet yawn mi.
- P Y ~ . n. A flute; a n y kind of wind instrument; see h i
and combinations; s u ? ~ p ydurn,
i v. to play, as a wind
-hpa, a. All; a d v , of all k ~ n d s ;s k i daw sumhja p w ai.
-lips, n. A wall woven a s a m a t ; comp. skdkum; a k i n d
o r ornamental c a r v i n g ; sztmhpn da, v. to weave the
wall; s~m/ll?ada aai nta ngaxg ai.
n. A suecies of shrub with aromatic leaves.

--hpwi, 12. T h e heavens; (only i n r e l i g ~ o u spoetry;) Sttm-

/z#wz ?rang,a traditional s e m i - d i v ~ n efemale; hyea wa
Ningsang, Szl?tzhj+wiBang mdjaz a mayen 6 a n f i nlza hRa
kflntt dn n8 az.
-ra, odu. (from r a , to be even.) A l i k e , i n the s a m e
way or manner; mahRvd mazun sumre mu,all dress
a l i k e ; yawn$ mniihhamn ruuzra mix, all sing the same,
-or k e e p time i n unison.
-ra, n Love; see sumtsnw.
---ri, 72. (from ~ ia thread.)
, A c o d~, a rope; .$urn?7 sum-
dznz, a cord; fig. the c o d~ oi l i f i n ; stlnrm s u m d ~ r njam, o.
to hold the cord (th1-cad) of l i f c ; sumyi h n , to c r ~ the t
col-d, to s l a y , or sent(.ncr. to d e a t h ; sr*mrt gdi?,, 0.
longevous; ( t o be t i c ~ d ,i111i t e d , a i by col-CISof f~ ierld-
s h i p ; to depend u l , o n hc connected with; naxg kiina7ig
sunzvr n f a ? w h a t (lit. whr:rc) arc: your connections )
-whom do yoil depend upon or a s s o c ~ a t e with i h ~ f l
nau ni kaw runzri n' nga ?%a n n p i . )
Sumtsan. 597

Sumru, v. To associate with; coup. of zrraw.

-ru, v. To consider, reflect, ponder; gee oru; Ji Ian,
s h d p sumrtr yrc ~zgaa i .

-ru, a. Every; only used as a coup. of s k d g u :

-ru, n. A spear, given as a part of a jatwa's wages;

sum ru rizgtzlng, same.
a t r . A fine, as incurred by illegitimate relations
w i t h an unmarried woman; sumror hka, same; comp.
nziln sham h ha and mdyu; sumrai /I Ra daw az, or wa ai,
v. to pay the fine; d a i ai slrmrai hka wz ngzd ni ai.
--raw, u. (from yaw, to put on.) T o s e a r , as old clothing
or things left by a deceased; comp. ddgraw; ski
ka'.wn a a r a i SztTzrau m a hkawm at:
-raw, n. T h e socket of a plougl?>ha:e: comp. wzdclryaw.
-rawn, n. A species cf st~ne~sucl;rr;see Rga sumrawrr.
- 0 , n. Tik Hltauri f o r m.u'roi, w h i c h see.
-seng, n. The Rat Burmese gong ( c @ t e g , ) whether
circular or triangular; slrmscng d r m , to beat t h e gong.
-sing, a:. The heaveris; srmsi~zg/d?iia, a. celestial; w .
the heavens; see parts; sumsi7zg Lrtmx kasa ni, angels,
celestial messengers; comp, gzttding aga.
-su, n. Guilt; onlv used i n po'etry.
-sai, a. Ib laugh;'coup. of m&i; swmsai mdnz gya, the
soit laughter.
a , a. A tall, fine post; sumsat daw gaGng, a k i n g
post; sztmsai daw nu, the central post.
-saw, it. .'i key, a lock; comp. gz'~~sau, a n d BUP.r q .
-tu, n. A word, a corninand, a s z y i n g ; comp. murrg;
mostly :ound i n po-try ; szrmtzc Rri~xac;izg,same: -

-taw, n. 'l'!i~ outer cloth used when carrying a child:

same a:; S K ~ I ! ~ : ! ~ Zwhich
~U, see.
-tsan, 2. (from Lsat~,to be far.) Far, distant; same as
ntcmtsan; s6i samtsaa mxng de h h w m n i , he has ,.;one
to a far country.
598 Sumtsaw.
Sumtsaw, a. (from h a w , to be high.) Upper, superior;
cornp. mdtsaw; slcmtsaw YZ' nang, a variety of much
valued rattan :
. ,

Stlmtsacu v i Rang jdjkrat,

-tsaw, n. (from tsaw, to like.) Love, affection; sanztsaw

srmra, love, passion, lustful desires; v. to exhibit, as
undesirable or improper love; shi a i i i h k r i h ~ sunztsaw
sumra Y E a i mdjaw kdyat mzl ai.
-htang, n. A box; coup. of sumpa.
-htang, n. The arm; coup. of &&am.
o h t a n g , v. T o reverse, return; see Atang, nhtang and
-hti, n. Pinchers; sumhti lctRaLfi,same; see parts.
-hte, n. Felt; see sanghte.
-hting, n. Bellows; s*wrrikling d a m ai, v. to blow the
-hting, v. To remember, recollect; coup. of m d i s i ~ g .
-wi, n. Clouds; also pron. srmtndwi; srmwi srcmdam,
clouds; by some mist, vapoiflr; comp. sziwan; a. emi-
nence, lustre, splendour; Sumwi Sumdant wa,the all-
glorious one, the Supreme Being; shi a'a ni a szk9:rwa'
svmdam l t p e n hKrit ai, he does ode feat the eminence
of the chiefs; svmwi man nifighte tsan, the rtgion of
Sun, n. A garden; fiamfan sun, a Rower garden; sdetntai
sun, a vegetable garden; sacn gdlaw sAa ai wa, n. a
-kum, v . To fence a garden.
%n, v . To be proper, becoming; sarz ai hku grt1a.w ma,n
sgn ni hRlc hbam tsivn, do what is proper, do not say
what is unbecoming; to be moderate, not violeat, as
the wind; comp. num; nbazg sszln nga ai.
Sung, v . T o use,.make use of; Bur. 48;derv. asang; sang
shang,to be of use; h j a s w g skang n la? of what use
is i t ; dai sztngn shaltg ai, this is of no use; su~zggn
.rhang ai rai, useless things.
5ut. 599

Sung, v. To be deep; opp. to tan^; Rla sharrg sung a t , the

water is very deep; to be deep, mysterious, profound;
ga rung muRg~ssuBg,deep, niystcrious words; to become
violent, as a disease; derv. aw?zg.
-sung,. a . Deep; adv. deep, deeplv, violently; v . to be
ailing, to shows signs, as of s u h c r i n g ma gazu sang
s a n g rai ngai ai. b, t

Sung, n. Scent, odour, smell, as from clothing, held or

jungle; comp. 6at and sing; figai yi sa?Lg, ARazrna surrg,
masha,sufzg, shdraw sung nravznfiz sngur.
Sunghte, n. Felt; also pron. sr:~nhtr; comp. s u e a n .
Sup, v . To overlay, tit, as a sword-hilt with metal; comp.
Rdyawp; n-gang hta galcmh)raw sup ai, the sheath i s
overlaid with silver; to be close-fitting,adjusted, as to
size, shape, etc.; comp. tslcp; s z d' ~ ,to fit, adjust, as
a ring; la.chyawl+ szp d i 21; adv. just, with ease but no
more; hi a idgaw sQ sdaug sai, his foot just went
(or fitted) i n ; chyznghha lam RdjL' n i ?ndjaw masha sup
sha re ai. .
-sup, v. To stick close, as to work; a&. diligently,
with assiduity; shi gaw shkni shdgr a m u s a p sup a
@law nga ai.
Sup, o. T o be playing; derv. ginsgf.
-sup, adv. In a ylaylul, friendly or amicable manner;
sup s z q Ran Ran, same and most co.nlmon form; Mynr
ni hte Ji~tghjaw?ni-yagau snp sup Ratr Run r a i la md
Supbun, n. Anger; rage; also pron. sddan or subrtrt; mp
ban b l m , v. to rave, t o be wild, furious, as with uncan-
trollable anger; d a n g szQEnn E , a term of abuse; see
S u t , n. A mosquito curtain; snt p n z g ai, or sut no2 a i , v.
to hang the curtain.
Sut, 2,. To sniff; to snuff; derv. asttt and yasut; lcfdi sat
nga a i wa, a person always sniffing.
Sut, v. To be proper, becoming, suitable, befitting; dai
pdlawng graz sub a i , this garment i s very becoming;
shi a ntn gaw & j v z sat s A /z n r . v
~ut, o. T o aim at, refer to, as i n speaki1.g; camp. ARra,
/ahat and shdang; shi ngsi l p t sir! t z n f r tsun a t .
600 Silt,
Sut, o. T o offer t h e ar~nualsacrifice (usu:illy a libation of
liquor,) to all the village or househ;\!d nats; shi daz
~ t nat
' swl ~ i ada. I,'.

Sut, n. Wealth, riches, property; comp. Bur. y. \

-dck, n. A chest, a safe; see dek; also pron. sddek.

-gan, n. Wealth, riches; see gan.
-lu, v. T o be rich; sut (Ir cci wa, a rich mail; comp. scthti.
-manau, n. A great religibus dance, held for the sake
of obtaining wealth; see mdfzau.
-oam, n. A gnome or. female hobgoblin, a single hair
of which insures wealth and pobver; t h e szlfnam, or as
also pron. sitnam or s d ~ z a m inhabits
, dense forests, .and
is by many regarded as the s a m e as the Chydwai,
which see: i

Sutnam mdjan p%ngdin,a L myi tiai tzl,

-nau, n. Proper name; see Sitnar.

-hpungnung, a. Wealth, ab:rndance, affluence; see parts:

Ntsang rugdm g a r lzingh Rrrng.tizwn nit e.

--ring, v. To have to overflowing; sgt ring gun chying,
overflowing abundance and wealth.
-su,, v. T o have, as wealth; to be tic:); same as sat Ziv;
see stz.
a , n. T h e first human to die; Sgt we rtladtz,,
same; also named Ptdnzgnang (or H'ung
Jnn jay2 gaw sztnrri shanzl yang,
S2;i wa Mddg diyzgZa
t ?rat s k ~ n u nu.
z g ~p, i
Sai, Verbal particle, present perfect, third person sing.
see Gram.; ,shipdlaw sai.
Sailung. 60 r

Sai, v. To take up or of water; comp. A b e ; to pick,

fish cut, as drift-woud; to skim,as oil or dirt from t h e
surf ace of water ; g~fj.?'?~hta tzn 7 r l u ~s a i kau ntlc; to
separate, as grain from chaff; n-gs hta na nbun sui
Rarc mu; coinp.-
Bur. =US. A

-la, v . To deliver, save, as from drowning; ngai hRa

r yawng u)a 7rg.ayang, m a n p i r s a i /a ai.
Sai, v . ~ o s m i l e derv.sumsai
; and m y i s a i d n ; shinrdni
sui ye ai, he is smiling; n. disposition, inclination,
tendency; comp. lai; sAi a sai /rpe yu yang khuaw na
zawn nsnrt a i
Sai, Y. T o be stained, (slightly stained), as the lips from
the use of tobacco; sAi a nten Ata m a h t mayen sai rr
ai. -

-len, r . The lips; only used i n poetry as a coup: of

Sailen ningtm chya, skauyau ninghka shdkya.
Sai, n. Mist, fog; not used alone.
-gyen, n. A cool breeze, followed by fo,g or mist.
MdLi yuptung lung zua, suigyyer dungh hlu~rgngd.
-wan, n. Fog, mist; comp. n r d r i , LRyen and maLRup;
seiwan Akrat ai, to be foggy, m i s t y ; saiwan Langh, a
poetic name for fog.
Sai, n. Blood; see asoi; comp. Bur. c g r .
-bau, v. T o stop bleeding, as by help of magic; see
-bra, v . To force the blood, from a n y given part of t h e
body; see dm; s a i hra isi, 92. a medicine accomplish-
ing the work.
-da, v . To like; comp, sai, to smile and myi sai da.
-kawk, o. T o bleed, let blood, by opening a vein; shi
baw m'irhyl'ni icjjaw i r t i knwR Rau ai; n. blood-letting.
-hkaw, u. To biecd freely or profusely; see hkaw; du
ctnw sai /IRnw.
-lam, n . -4 vein.
-lung, v . T o yo or rush, as tl!c blood to the head; haw
de soi /r?~g yang mdxa ~ z ria.
601 Sai nu,
Sainu, n. A preparatioll of blood, Rour and rice; blood-
pudding; s i n d k a i hta sainu bang u .
-raj n. Scent, odoul-, smell, as from blood; comp. bat;
masha. lr ka/a a i shhra sa yafig saira mdnam ai.
-ru , n. (from r u , to pour.) Hemorrhage; excessive
menstrual discharge; sai r r r u , v. to have, as a hernor-
rhage. .Lak-
-san, 72. Pale blood; blood mixed with water.
-su, n. T h e men-ses; s a i su src a i , n. tc menstruate.
--ting, n. A congestion of the blood; v. to congest, as
the blood i n a bruise or contusion; &fa adep k a r u i
hla s a i tt'ng saz.
-htang. n. A kind of cattle disease, i n which blood is
passed with the urine; s a i h t n q - htong ai, v. to have
such discharges.
-ht aw, v. T o bleed, as from an artery; sLi R d j i sha hRnh
Rau ai ht'a sai Ataw m a si ai.
-htawng, v . T o stop, as bleeding; see parts.
-yun, n. T h e menses: (vulgar); see sai sa.

Sai, r . Rope; (Shan ; trappings, as for a pony or pack-
saddle; only use i n combinations.
n. A breast-yoke; see saiwup.
-byau, n. T h e cords with which the padding (mawn,)is
held to the frame of a pack-saddle; see dyau.
-dawng, n. A chain; pnrhpraw s a i d a w ~ g ,a silver
[watch) chain; hpri saiduwng, an iron chain. .
-gangj n. The ropes holding the baskets, as of a bullock-
load, i n place; suiganggang, v . to use t h e ropes.
-gawt, n. A kind of wlcker scoop used i n fishing; see
-kyet, n. A girth, a s o f a saddle; see shifigkyit.
-hka, n. T h e ropes passing under the clods, as of a
-hkang, n. A crupper; saihkang hkang, u. to fit with a
- 1 , n. A cigar; see sci(ik.
-lawt, n. Small wooden o r bone balls strung on a
crupper; see Znrltt; saiZawt bang mzl.
-man, n. A kind of creeper; saiman si, the seed of the
creeper used as ornaments.
Sauhpang. 603
Sairang, n. A belt; saivang shingkyz't, same; see parts.
-hta, n. A kind of tree often mentioned i n religious
poetry; coup. saihtwi; sazhia shdgawng hi,snihtwi
mdrawn hkroi.
-htung, n. Shan matting made of a kind of reed;
sailttung pdnep, same; saihtulsg da ai, to w e a v e the
-htwi, n. A lii nd of tree ; coup. of saihta.
--wup, n. A breast-yoke; same as sai-ap; sarzelzrf zuzrp, v.
to use the breast-yoke. ,
-yang, n. A belt, a girdle; sarne as s a i r a f ~ gw, liich see:
Sazyang shinghyit Ryit r a i mv law.
Sau, v. To be savbury, delicious, luscious; to be oily, as
a nut; Rdhfai tam sHa yarrg. sau ai; to enjoy, or be
sweet, as rest; to be at leisure; s k i ga/oi mtrng a sau
trga ai; fig. to be oily, smooth-tongued, flattering; ga
sau a i mdsha, n. a flatterer; ga d w i ga sau, sweet and
oily words; n. oil, fat, grease; see asau; wa s a z , lard;
nga sag, tallow; ga sau, richness, as of the soil; a. oily,
fat, etc.; sau a i wa, a fat hog; sau a i ri, yarn steeped
in oil.
-gye, n. (from gye, to be of age.) A young woman; a
maiden; mahkawlr saagye, same.
-lau, v. To give the right flavour, taste or relish; to be
just right, as food; mostly used adverbially; naatlaj
shalmai sazclazl sha dz' m a Rdtset u.
-rap, n. T h e caul; the fat around the .bowels; comp. sap
-sau, v. T o be oily, greasy; to be fat, fleshy; narpggaw
chydhkyia sau sau r a i ndai, you put on tlcsh as a
deer,-in a hurry but will lose it .as fast,-said of one
who makes a showy start but soon gives out.
-siIman, n. Leaf-lard or leaf-fat.
-wan, z. A candle; lit. oil-fire; snzjalalz shdtlwlt, n. a
Sauhkai, n. A shoe ; (Chinese;) also pron. z a r h t a i ; comp.
Ryefldin; satlhkai hkai, v. to wear, as a s l ~ o e .
Sauhpang, a. A frame house; comp. wnhjhzng; (Chinese;)
sazlhfnng ~ t as ,a m e ; see parts.
604 Saw.
Saw, v. T o be d r y , as fire-wood; d e r v , chydsnu; comp.
h k v ~ w ;t o be seasoned, as timber; to dry up, as a
;ore : shi le mun /02' mi s a w rnz' sai.
Saw, ;bos!p. Near, close by, adjacent to; comp. mdkau and
mdsawn; aye n sclzo t? flga a , be near to me.
Saw, Y. T o call, as for temporary service; see ga saw
and hpyen s s w ; to court, as a maiden; cornp. shnga
and znw; sAdbrnr&-tpn i rndhknzut~saw ma a i .
Saw, v. To be pomp&s, ostentatious, vaunting, gaudy;
derv. asum; cornp. tsnw, shdkawng and sh~treng;saw
ai myit, pompousness.
-chye, v. To be pompous, put on ";iirsW; dni shddrang
g r a i saw chyt?n i , this youth is most ostentatious.
-braw, v. T o be gay, and thus unreliable, shiftless;
cornp. Bur. oro9- *'.
n a n g g a w nazb saw b m z v ndai.
-se, a . Gay, s p o r t ~ v e ,wanton, lascivious; nalc sawse at'
num, a fast woman; sawse lawRLek, wanton, riotous,
unrestrained; n. a persor! of ho morals.
Sawk, v. T o search, ransack, as a house; derv. gctsawk;.
comp. t a m , shai and .suwb; nye a tingsnn h k u m sawk,
do not search my bag; to be searched; ltta tilrgsawk sai.
Sawm, v . To prepare, as a field for sowing; to remove,
as refuse from a room; maisat4 hle shdnztt shdnaw
sawm Ran ntlc; comp. Isnwm; to make, as the toilch-
hole of a g u n smaller, i f too big; n d ~ w p a nye a sdnal
ldshing sawm y a ai.
Sawm, v. T o be empty, as grain, or an egg-shell; derv.
asawm and ' I ~ S Q W N I ;11 d i snwm mat sai.'

-rawm, n. T h e early morning; coup. of mctn@; only

used i n poetry:
Sawmrawm mrirralb e nzdgam yin zwa de h h a w n nn.
Sawn, v. T o calculate, compute, reckon; to figure uo, as
mo-nney ; to cipher; cornn. nawn; gz~nth~firnru cq&i!e' nga
ai suwn yu u ; sawn a i Luika, an arithmetic; to regard,
hold worthy of respect; see gawn.
-hpan., v. T o ' f i p r e , cipher; n. a numeral, a number; a
figure i n arithmeric; sown h.P;ann snzun yzc n , figure up
the numbers; sawn h j a n laikn, a n account; an arith-
an sang, o. T o I-eibect;o n l y used with the negative;
Sf n rowri n sang, disrespect, disregard.
Sawn, v. T o a d d , fill i n , augment; mam nau r a n a i nrdjaw
dRan sawn na, as t h e paddy is too thin I will plant i n
(between); to hide, leave, as anything i n the jungle;
nyz a nhtu nnm e sawlr da Ae a i , I left m y sword in
the jungle; to hit, as a former m a r k , see maksawn
sawn a i .
Sawn, n. A bamboo spike; see mdsawrz.
-rawp, v. To be studded with spikes; see Y C W ~ .
--tai, n. A single spike, as i n a road; see tai.
Sawn, v. To die; comp. si; nzana lzga ZPngai m i sawn r a i
' mat sai, last night a cow died.
Sawn. n. A malignant female nat; t h e spirit of a woman
having died i n confinement; see d i t p a a i ~ dirdnng;
sawn rzum ni, spirits of wonien having died i n child-
bed, especially feared and troublesome i n confine-
ment cases; sawn panhkung, n. a kind of l i l y , supposed
to be worn by such spirits.
-kSwa, v. T o be troubled, as a woman i n labour, by the
nat; a n y complications in a case of confinement is
attributed to the sawn or ndarzg gnat.
Sawn, n. A kind of basket or fish-trap with which fishing
is done in rapids; also called rhying.raw; sawrr jiz a i , c.
to fish with the basket or trap; see parts.
Sawng, u. To be dry, as fire-wood; (Hkauri;) see s a h
and asawttg.
Sawn.g, v. T o be abundant, plentious; see asawng; wora
/tkra?~e ashat sawng ai; to grow, extend, as a sore;
n7;ra sawng 72 ? t i ? is the sore getting worse ? adu. all,
f u l l y , entirely; daihtclt sawzg ai, it is all destroyed;
gaiaw y n n g gaw, gd/cw saw~zgdi U .
-hpai, n. A kind of covered basket, carried by t h e
Northern Kachins; t-/kaARu 7 2 2 snwzghpai p t z ma ai.
-sawng, adu. Much, m a n y ; i n a pleased, happy manner;
shigaw aum"la nu nga nno mait sawng sawrzz ngu da
wzz a t .
-ya, adv. For some time ; n i d ~ Atu
~ ~a i~saw,r,n-ga
g wa na
saz, it is some time sincc i t rained; s o u l ~ g - j ,n~ no
yang, before long; comp. gddr 7; %ayang.

Sawng, a. T w o ; (Shan.)
-hkang, n. The band or braided strap by which a sword
or scabbard is carried, also callcd layu:
S a w ~ g h k a n glayu r a i tim' a yawn mi.
-hkang, u. T o make a double march i n one day, as
a caravan; n. a double march; sawngkkang n ARang
yang nazc aa ai.
-hkun, n. A malignant form of diarrhea; sawnghbun
'RRun a i , v, to sufier from the trouble.
-Mi, n. Eight annas; lit. two four anna bits; Jinghjaw
Sawp, v. T o be light, of no weight; comp. tsang; also
used adverbially; Pdsi lit atsang s a w j nga ai.
-sawp, a. Light, having no weight or heft; sawp sawf
re ai maisau Caika.
Sawp, v. To be stroked; derv. mdsawp.
-di, v. To stroke, rub gently with the hand.
Sawt, v. Torub,as the feet against the floor when sitting i n
a chair; to drag, asthefeetwhenwa1king;derv. Rasawt.
-sawt, adv. I n a rubbing or dragging manner; shz a
&gaw snut sawt a5 nna Akawm ai.
Sawt, ado. A s ; same as zawn; (Northern usage.)
Salnrt, v. To make a feint; to pretend, to practice hypoc-
r i s y ; comp. hpyi irpun; sawt a i mdshn, a pretender, a
hypocrite; shi m d n a n g n r a i , sawt a i sha r a i nga ai..
Soi, ~. T o be cut fine, as tobacco; see asoi; to cut fine;
$am n i mdlzlt soi ma ai.
--mi, adv. In a fine, filmy, cobweb or thread-like manner;
r d d h t h j e soi sot di nna mawt mu.
Soi, v. T o graze, almost hit; comp. agret and ajawt;
derv. gdsoi.
-la, v . To pass, as an offering before a sick person
before presenting i t to the nats; damsa mdchyi a i w a
haw nna kurn/zpa Ate soi La anna ndat a i , t h e priest
passed t h e gift before the sick man, (or slightly
~ouchedhim w ~ t hi t ) . and m a d e t h e promise.
--soi, u. 'To go, pass, as a whisper; n. a vague rumour, a
nlourh to mouth w h i s p e r ; h k e n gctsat 7za sot snz' ngn
ni na nrlgei.
Saga. 6 q

Soi sha, adv. Just, almost .*"nearly;paCa ngai Raw soi srta
re ai,the arrow almost hit or touched me..
Soi, T o gaze a t ; see asoi.
-yu, v. T o gaze, as through a hole or a window;to look,
as when on the search; hkinji RRu s o i y u mu.
Soi, n. Small silver ornaments, as worn on a bag or the
t i ke.
-noi, v. To wear the ornaments; see parts; soi no2 ai
kkdgar, or hRiRga8r.
-0, tt. Small silver ornaments; see sasz'; small bells,
see dingsi; soiroi din@ gdru.
Sa, A preformative; an abbreviated form of the verbal
particles sa or sai, and i n words relating to cotton
(pas;), of si.
-up, v . T o be hot, warm, sultry, close and oppressive;
dai ni gvai sdgp ai, to-day it is verJ1oppressive ; sd*
yang mdrang kta na; to be sweating.
d u k , n. A dolt, dunce, numskull; see buR; sdbuk sadah,
--bun, n. Rage; see supbun.
-baw, n. One of t h e Jinghpaw families.
-bawn, n. T h e lungs; (Atsi ;) see sinwawp.
-boi, n. A table; Bur. e ~ : $ j t .
-brum, n. A porcupine spine; same as d?4msi#rung.
-byi, n. Grapes ; see tsdbyi.
-chyap, n. Odour: see sdjap.
-dang, n. Glory, honourf splendour; see arawng sctdafrg,
s d d a n g p n l , v. to be honoured.
-de, n. The kidney of a bird; see s i d e .
-dek, a . A cash-box; see s ~ de&. t
-di, v. T o be careful, to take heed; Bur. a&;~ ( i d I,i be
careful; s d d i nga, to be careful; sndi sdhka, n. heed,
caution, attention; a. attentive, careful. reliable, f&A-.
ful; sddi sdhha re a i z)n,a iaithful or reliable person.
-du;' n. A cotton field of last year's cultivation; s d d u
hta dai ni~zgntam dai ti~zgna.
-dun, n. A spinning-bee; comp. meba, sadaw d u n , v. to
engage, a s t h e women i n a spinning-bee.
-ga, n. Undressed cotton, or cotton of poor quality;
comp. s d r i .
Saga, a. (from f a , to split.) T o be digitate, as a 'leaf.
-ga, it. Raspberries; see chyuga.
-gat, 3. (from got, to be mature.) T o train, as the
m i n d ; to advance, as i n mental power; tinang a myzt
sdga t $12 u .
-gu, n. A sheep; comp. y a y ; wool; n. woolen; sdgrc
krisha, a lamb; s a p /rkd/ulzdq, a small lamb, see parts;
sii,nr /a, a ram; a wether; sag% h w v ~ g ,a sheep-fold;
sdga mzun, wool, fleece; sdga hpung, a flock of sheep;
sdgu rma, to tend or herd sheep; saga ui, woolen yarn;
sdgu sin, to tend sheep; see parts; sltgu sltalp,. mutton;
sdga yi, a ewe.
-gup, n. A padded and quilted garment; (Shan;)pdlaw7tg
sdg* r a i ni?
-gawn, v. (from gawn, to inquire.) T o consider, reflect
upon; to hunt, search for; s h a n g h k a w ~shgawn yu mu.
-gri, 72. Bile; see shdgri.
-gya, n. T h e Creator; cornp. Bur. =@:; Hpaa we Sdgya,
same and inost common form.
-gyi, r . The chief of a caravan; cornp. ag$; zcsagyi, same.
.3 ?z. T h e wild mango; comp. umuag.
--jap, i r . (from a , to be pungent.) Odour, smell,
especially from the feline a n d porcupine animals;
also pron. s ~ t h y n f ;comp. bat; dumsihte shduaw srtjap
nzdzam nz'.
-ke, n. A bribe; comp. Ksmhja; sdRe m a n a m , a bribe,
a present intended for a bribe; sltkc mdnawn sha, v. to
accept, as a bribe.
--sku, 92, The thick skin, as on the back of a hog or
a porcupine; r/ztnzsi sdku mu ai. .
-ka\vp, n. The "First-fruits," as of game, fish or sacrificed
animals presented to the nats; s'tkawp h w p , u . to
offer, as a part of game, etc.; sakaivp g&ai n k a w j
yang Rda'ai Ahrm s h a , mz, let no one eat before the
part to the nats has been offered.
-hka, n. A creator; the nat of wisdom; comp. sinlap:

--hka, rr. Food, victuals; comp, shahfa and wunjz;

sdLko.@'up,a place, as for cc.oliing.
Sghka, n. A kind of tree; see kdda.
-hkang, n. A camp; (Northern usage;) see ddbang.
-hkap, n. A batch, as of cotton; see Rhaf; pon'sdhlop
mdsum jaw rz't.
-hkun, n. The old-fashioned Kachin flint-Lock; also
called +a.
-hkung, n One of the i T l d r i j ( M d r g ) families.
-hkaw, n. A variety of peach, or quince.
-lam, n. A Chinese (or Y a u y i n ) woman's skirt.
-lan, n. A handful, as of cotton divided when carding;
Pdsi srilan m i jaw ai.
-lang, n. An elder; an adrriser or assistant. as to a chief;
{ d u sdut/ang ni, the chiefs and eich-5; agyi s h n g ri,
same; srilang Qawng, a, meetiiip. .. as of the village
elders; v . to meet; sniang ni L!p(zwngma ai, hjtz b a w ~ g
ma ai Racn ?
-lat, n. Sweat, perspiration; s d / e t pru, v. to perspire;
jan ja ai majaw stlal pru ai.
-li, n. An inheritance; s d l i w a d i , inheritance, property,
as inherited; saZi war& ddgrnm, v. to inherit; s d i
wrnli mM'r na, to take pos?ession, as of a heritage;
n.p a s d l i werttn/i nnng fitddm :A
1 k n. A 13urman cigar; Elur.raad8; alsopron. saiiik.
I v. To test; see sh&k and diptglih.
-ling, a. The oleaster. plum.
-lu, n. Vapour, steam, mist;.sdgmdnam, v . to be muggy,
to smell, as a n v t h i n g damp or moist; s d i v ~rawf, to be
steamy, humid; C d m ~nzz yang mu aggr, sb(u rawt
yung nzdrang kltl; a s t e w ; d u l m a i d ~ , z&
shlrdsl mzt, prepare a stew.
A u , a. Shaded, v5riegated; also used adverbially; n~rc
a glcmra l t k y e ~ z ~ . s d .rze&. a i .
-lum, n. A n o v i c ~ same
; as sd/xng.
g l u m , n. T h e heart; (by some the liver or the biliary
gland;) fig. t h e m i n d ; see mdszk sdLatn.
-lun, s. Illislortune; same as s i n h .
--lung, n. A m e s s e n g e r ; s&ng $&La,servants, followers;
a qovjce, a disciple: comp. & umz and b d a z g ; aa
imp, a lower grade of natn
M a i , v . T o covet, long for, hanker after; comp. ra; d a i
Iwp~ghRawngai s a h i dn we ni.
-lau, n. Spinach; a species of weed; see shctLau.
-law, n. A flying squirrel; comp. y2c dyi.
l o , a . Early; see Loi; n. an early bean; lasi saloi;
pdst' sa/oi, early cotton.
-ma, n. Smell, scent, as from human beings; sdma
- sdnzu, same; s h i mdshn sama mdnnm az'.
-ma, n , . g~i f t , as from a youngman to a m a i d e n ; a
'love-token; mah Rawn siabrang n i sdma ja.w hkat ma
-ma, n. Eruptious, as of the skin;-peelings, as of bark;
sama hap, v. to suffer, as from eruptions.
-ma , n, A kind of banboo: see summa.
--ma; n. A master; Bur. ax&*; one skilled i n some work;
thus l~isdmn,a carpenter; shanhpyi sdma, a tanner.
-man, ' n. Leaf-larda;see snu sdman.
:man, 72. A variety of bamboo; see skliman.
-mu, n. Scent; s e e sdma. .,
m n. A kind of tree, generally used for cofins by the
comlnon people ; colnp. l'dtsai.
-mitwi, n. A kind of tree; (Alsi;) Jinghpaw, -.zaz'bnc
kpun. -
-myan, 12. Thread; see myan; a strand, as of thread;
sdmyn?z a r i , ordi nary thread.
-inyeng, n. T h e "spirit," genius, "life, B as of a pun;

srtmycng chyni, v. to play, "dance," as a "spirit" on

some p a r t i c ~ l a rpart of a gun, insuring good luck;
comp. seng chvni; nyb n sdv~athla sdmyeflg' rhyai ai.
-myi n , 11. A species of stone-sucker; see nga sdmyin;
sdmyin /zrng,nytm, same: see parts.
-myit, n. A need1e;sdmyit n a h R r , t h e e y e ( l i t . the ear),
of a needle; sdmyit shawn, v. to thread a needle.
-myaw, 12. Cotton; paniawvzg samyaw, same; comp. f d s i ;
mostly used i n poetry.
-na. 72. Wisdom; (HRnhRu.)
-na, P A s13ecies of herb.

-nam, n. Blood-poisoning;,see rtmn srinanz.

-nan, n. A stranger, outsider; ( S h a n ; ) /i sdtznn, same;
. comp. mnigarz; dai nmix hto li sanan n s h ~ n if: g a/'.
S n a n g , n. A traditional boar; sdnanggam wa a @ .
-nap, n. A kind of ttee; sdnap Aka, the tree from the
bark of which the common native face powder is
made; Bur. q 6 a 7 r .
-nat, n. The heddle-bal of a Kac h i n loom; see shingnat.
-nat, n. A gun; Bur. ~ = + d jcomp.
; gawBg, Rvmhpai, faR-
chyoi,myzba, sdhkztn and
gun lock; sakat Laha
parts; sdnat mnwng, t
gun stock; sanat n h j n i , the flint, as of a flint-lock;
sdnat jdla, a bull e t ; sdnat sumprang, a ramrod; sanat
jyawng, the barrel of a gun.
-ni, r. A species of acrid fruit i n shape resembling the
brinjal; comp. jdba.
-nit, a. The numeral seven; comp. Bur. gjS; sdnit shi,
seventy; sdnit y a , the seventh day.
--nun, n. A kind of herb the leaves of which are chewed
as tobacco. q

-nawn, a..Gentle, refreshing, as a breeze; same as ARrd-


-nawn, n. A gruel ; naw sdnnwn, a pulse pap or pottage.

-ngam, n. A curse, malediction, denunciation; comp.
ddgam; slingam ARrum, u. to be cursed or denounced;
sLtllgam lahkawn rza, to experience (lit, store up,
collict), as public execration or' malediction; nang
misha n i a sd?~gamlliklev~na i wa r a i nge d a i .
-ngan, v. To return; see sddngan; ngai mctsritz ya E Eai
snngar w a na ring ngai, I will return within three
days; a. t h e month of J u n e .
-ngang, n. The slow-loris, or lemur; Nycticedus cisareus;
the Kachins think that the mole (sAdrti) becomes a
slow-loris; t1;a.t it lives without eating and dies i f
struck only once, but revives if the blows are repeat-
e d ; saiigang sbngri, the gall of the loris, supposed to
give a man the tenacity of the animal.
-ngu, n. Thatch; see sA/Engu.
-ng6, - rt. A kind of bird.
--ngum, n. The peach; singum @an--si, see parts..
Sgngau, n. S c e n t , smell, as from anjthiog €miling,
f r y i n g or singeing; corny. bat; sdngnu shang, V . t o be
affected by s u c h s m e l l ; to cause il~bessby s m e l l i n g , as
anything burning; n mrcn jiv yatrg sa?tgnzr ~ t ~ onaa ~ ~ i t
sharzg ai.
-ngawk, n. A fool; same as angawh.
-pe, 72. A disciple, a f~llower or adherent, as of a teacher
or religious system; Bur. mu&; sdpe t a i , o. to become
a disciple.
-pawr, tl. A kind of nat; see sddfawt.

-pa, n. A cock; comp. rc La; only used i n poetry:

Saprai si, a. a figurative name f o r a n egg.
Wanang nhlci hloi wn,s@va lptiit yen gai Eila.

-prawng, n. Boils, pimples; see shripraruttg..

-hpang, -n. (from ljperrg, to be behind.) A hole or
passage without an c:c;;pr or " r c ~ r e a t , " as in t h e hale
of a mole; opp. to hkat; Xkai /,ka7tn r'd~csrsikX.a h / t ~ ,
sdhpang hku nga. ni.
-hpaw, 8. A kind of coti:on.
o h p a w , v. (from itpaw, t o mix.) To consult, exchange
views; comp. dawxg; d a i o ~ i z fnaizg /-LC nzjqzi sahb17~
nna gdhw ga.
-hpra, n. A cotton field; .rdhpa yi, same.
-+a, r . A teacher, an instructcr;Bur. acp.
--ra hka, n. One of the four rivers regarded as the
source of the lrrawaddy.
r n. Dressed cotton; the best quality of cotton; opp.
to sdgu; sdriguw l a q n n , sdfa gazu d r t nn vz c i ; fig.
modesty, virtue; ~ d r zsddang, honour, virtue, self-
respect ; dai ma s d r i sada~ghpyareg ai.
m , n. The twilight; see vim and nrim; wanallg nsil~
s d r i m w a lzga ai.
i n n. Ginned cotton; see uin and p s i rig.
-rum, v . To agree; same as jdhkrum; # d f ~ h t ej n z u ~ g
gdkau) xn myzl sarafxjlti m i l .

--rawt, o. To d r a g as t h e feet in walking; comp sawt

and )nuawl; ldiari, S ~ ~ Y L T nRrZ
Z V ~ dku)tr /rknri!ne.
--san. rz. A tribe of Karbins; sce S k k ~ n .
Sha. 613
81sat. Y. T o m c a s u r e , n r by steps; to
((rot11 .(izi,tostep.j
moderate or control; to come to or reach a conclu-
sion ; also pron. rhrts,rt; tz'zang 71ivit h f ~7: c.hy,t sdsaf
ai ~0 ga70 hjo. hAu h j n ialn p~magn dung i l ~ ai.
-tang, n. The month 0.f October; the month of religious
festivals; Bur. =me:; sdtmg jaw# shdla, same; see
--ti, v.,,Tobe wheezing, as when affected with asthma;
layau mztn sha /nmnt yang s d t i ai du. ,.I.
-turn, n. Cotton seed, jrisi iunr; see turn.
-- tsam, a. Rotten; see Isam, a n d sftdfsa??~.
-tsan, n. A Kachin tribe i n the Hokung valley, s u t -
divided into Nzkgru, PiJn a n d jdknwp Kachins.
Their di alect dilfers sull-~ewhatiron1 ordinary Jing-
hpaw; (see Introduction, page XIII;) the word is also
pron: Sdsan or Tsasoa.
-tsang. v. (from isaltg, to be troubled.) To trouble,
afflict, annoy; s-e shutsang.
-tsim, u. T o finish, as a funeral; see i s i ~ z .
-hti, n. A rich man; Bur. q o g s ; c c a p . /u su; also pron.
tsdhti; sdhti Aunmi, a rich man, a capitalist; see
-WI, v. To allure; see swi.
-wai, n. The flap, as on t h e fro:lt of a Eu~*:aesrjacket;
grgai sdwai xoi ai; t h e dewlap of a bovine.
-woi, n. The pan olin or manis; sdwui gaw wa n tu ai.
-yoi, n. A braid; Chinese;) sdyoihkyina,u. tobraid, as
t h e hair.
-zap v . T o destroy, demolish; see singza and dingsa.
-zau, 72. Food; (Chi nese and Hkauri ;) also pron. shdtnu.
Swi, v. T o allure, entrap, decoy. c s t c i l b? artifices;
Bur. b; also pron. s d w i ; corny. gjtant; s R i ?zgu srt m u go
sAi lrpe swi r(a wx ai.
The twenty-fourt h consonant i n the Kachi n alphabet;
sound of s h , as i n English.
S h a , n. A child, a son or a daughter; comp. nra and shx;
see kdsht, nsha and Bur. a m ; a nephew or a niece 3
the children of a brother o r a wife's sister; a n
affectionate term addressing children jn general,
ngaz sha, wa rit.
S h a , a h . Only, merely, solely; comp. Bur. m:, and s u c h
words as, afoi sha, ahhying sha, achyoi sha, hkrat shu
and ya sha; idngai sha jaw e, g i v e only one; anhte
marn sha Ataw na ga a i ; postp. but.
Sha, v . To e a t ; derv. fusha; cornp. Bur. 0 3 8 ; to corrode,
consume, as rust; see &Ran sha ai; to derive, as a
livelihood, maintenance; nang hpa ga/aw sha a ta?
what do you d o for a living? ngai yi sha n ~ t g a i ,I
cultivate (1i.t. e a t ) paddyfieids; sha na r a i , n. food-
stuff, victuals, provision.
-jarit, I. Food, as for a journey; s e e j d r i t a n d tangg~lir~.
-ku, n. A dining table; see parts.
1 u. T o be gluttonous; sha l a i a i wa,n . a glutton, a
gormandizer; an excessive e a t e r ; comp. Rinru.
-lawm, n. A species of wild cat; it is supposed to share
the prey with tigers, or to catch on t h e sly game as
brought down by hunters, hence the name; see Lawm.
-mun, n. Luck, as in obtaining a livelihood; s e e man.
-hpa, n. Food; provision, victuals; comp. sdhRa.
-shurn, n. A variety of quince; ( H k a u r i ; ) s a m e as
sdhhaw si.
-shawng, n. (from shawng, to be first.) T h e person first
permitted to eat new rice, or break t h e fast, 2s at a
feast; sha shawng wawt, v. to ascertain by dib ination
who is to be the privileged party.
Shaji, n. Prepared cutch, as for chewing; Bur. 9 3 ~ ~ 0 1 ;
shaji mdya, v . to chew cutch.
Sham, v . To believe; coup. of Ram, which see.
Sham, v . T o be ripe, as a boil; cornp. i z i ; s h b k r d w i g d r a i
n sham yang hRum daw; to do For t h e pleasure of
doing; to be ripe or ready, as for a.n undertaking;
(camp. ham, to be willing); shi shat sha ham di, he
eats for the pleasure of it ; shanhtr RPJ,,en g d s d sham
ma a i , they fight i n earnest, or because they h a v e
prepared for it.
S h a - m ~ e t , n. A saw: (Hkauri,) see zbtgrd.
S h a n , 0. To resemble; cornp. lasha a n d nztr~zslinsharz ai.
Shang. 615
Shan shan, a. Resembling: adp. as, like as.
Shao, n. Fl-esh; thus ashan, animal food, meat; ngo s h a n ,
beef; sdga s k a ~ z , m u t t o n ; wa zhnn, pork; tr shan,
-hpyi, n. The skin, or fur of an animal; see hpyz; parch-
ment; nzoi finghpaw ni shatrhpyi I ~ r i k n/ a q ma ai.
Shan, Personal pronoun third pers. dual; t h e y (two;) see
Gram.; cornp. y a n and yen.
-la, n. A married couple; w o r a y a n s h a d a yai ma ai.
-nau, tt. A brother or sister or brothers and sisters;
see nag.
-hte, p~onT . h e third per. plural; they,(three or more;)
shanhfd sa na ma ai,they will go;slantlie a , posses-
sive, their or theirs; skanhtd a ntn htepz sa,.
Shan, n. A deer; large game, as used for food; comp.
shat and t s z ' n d ~ .
--durn, n. T h e choice part, as of game; shan dwm shan
tawng, same.
-gap, v. T o hunt, as deer; also called shan gmm, s h a ~
l a w m or shatr skdchyut.
-gin h k y i , n. Deer-tracks; see ginhkyi and shan shadan.
-krang, n. A sambur; a hart; Cervus eristotr./is.
-nga, n. T h e red deer.
-shadan, n. A place frequented by game; shan Zai
shadon, same; cornp. ginhkyi.
-turn, n. The choice part, as of game; same as shan durn.
-tsi, n. A kind of bush planted to insure good luck i n
hunting; whenever a deer is shot a few drops of the
blood is sprinkled on its leaves; skan-fsi hfa sai
l d f r i u.
-htau, n. A molar; mctchyi ai sha~rhtau.
Shandau, n. A robber; see shantau.
Shanma, n. Adonkey; comp.gzmrn.
Shantau, u. T o wrest, take by force; (Hkauri and
Northern usage;) see Rdshuz; n. a robber; shantar
Ittngju, a c a v e (den) of robbers.
Shany, adv. Very, truly, in a high degree; cor;lp.grai;
shang Rdja, v e r y good; shang fsawnr a i .
Shang, o. T o enter; to come or go i n ; comp. s6awn; shi
n shang 224 a?,he cannot enter; to hold, h a v e czpacity
for; see rawng; sbingmt hta n hang az kdga htu bnwg
a,the basket will not hold i t , place i t somewhere else;
to begin, as the work on a house, a grave, or the l i k e ;
drti nz' hkz'mk ung shang na, hpawt nl Lzrp htu na.
Shangtawm, n. tine ahout e i g h t 1'. !\I.; tire time to
enter and stay around the fire-place; see irru~m;an&&
shan@udn~d d r o m & du ga at.
-wa, v. To l i v e , as a woman with a man not her legal
husband; s h a q ma ai nmm, a mistress, a concubine;
s h n g zua shaplg t a t , same; na%g gas shang ma shang
tat rairidai, you are one who has forced yourself upon
S h a n g , A preformative.
-gan, n. The yellow robe of a Buddhist priest; Bur
~ s d f r ;rhanggnn idwai, to wear the robe.
-gYe=h n. The T h i n g y a n festival; Bur. mu?. ,

--let, n. (f rca jet, to be unadulierated.) A m a n of pure

blood, one not a slave or an alien; comp. skolrgL'awt.
-kai, v. To tie up, as a 16ngyi in Eur~nesefashion; shagzg-
&(ubak, same.
--tyi, v. To be castrated; (Hlcauri;) shangkyi Q /a, a
capon; see kkaid~wn.
-hkawng, n. A loop, a hoop, a coil, a ri ig;see RRaumg
-hkawp, n. A hoe; (Atsi.)
-lawt, a. (from Iawt, to escape.) A freedman; same
as dawt,
--hpaw, H. Tin; same as sanghpaw, which,see; skangkjaw
li, a h a t , a sailing vessel; a steamer; shanghjaw si,
the' papaya fruit.
o h t i n , a. Leggings, worn by women; see &raw; shang-
htin hh'a, D. to wear the leggings.
Shap, v . To borrow, to'lend; see hkoi.
-la, v . T o borrow, as an article for household purposes,
a tool pr the l i k e ; nhtu skap la zprayi kkyez na.
w y a , P. Tolend; to hire or let; ngar' nyma j z p z s h a p y a
Shap, v. To row, as a boat; derv. ZdsRap; to d i g or scoop
out, as sand by the handfuls; to bale, as water; to
dish out, as rice and curry; zhki:u klia I I U s.hingdut shap
Rau a; d i hta a n shiztwai shap jaw C.
Shap, u. To be shifting, loose and unsteady.
-shap, u . Loose, moving, shifting, sinking, as sand;
znibru shap shap.
Shat, r. A deer; see shun and Bur. w d .
-krang, n. A sambur; same as s/r.znkrang.
--nga, n. The Rusa h i f l e i a p h u ~ ;eomp. shan nga.
Shat, vt. Bailed rice, ready for eatill ; comp. mam and
n - p ; food, fare, the staple part o the diet; yo
a fare of millet; hkaiau Shut, toiled maize; rag
shat; yam prepared for food.
-ban, n. A tray; see ban.
-jam, n. A preparation oi rice, meat, salt and other
~ n g r e d i e n t s ;a kind of rice stew or hash; shallam
jam, v . to prepare the dish.
-kinhtang, n. A kind of basket used as a tray; see
--kschyawng, v. T o cook,prepare, as rice or other food;
comp. sdet shddu; shat kdckymmng wa, a cook.
-hkrawp, n. Rice adhering to the pot; see h k r r w j .
-hkyep, a. Crumbs; sknr hkygp shat lep, crumbs aed
-rnai, 92. Curry; comp. si; s k i m i lap, greens or vege-
tables used for curry.
-nam, n. Parboiled rice.
-naw, ~ tWater
. in which rice is boiled; starch.
-hpraw doi, t r . (from doi, to seek.) A hanger on, a
parasite, a sycophant or toady; ~ u s g gaw sku& k j r a w
doi ai wa rai vzga t r & i
--htu, o. To pound or kneed, as glutinous rice; r. gluti-
nous rice ready for food; shot htlc h i s mu.
-shadu, u. T o cook, prepare, as food; conlp. shut kd-
r/13awnaq; shal sA&u ai wa,s cook.
She, adv. Indeed, trul)?,i n f a c ~ dt.rr. ; ash*; she, pd/aw na,
@a rai n gdlaw na:' indeed 1 wili .doit, why not? a&
enlphatjc verbal auxiliar\,, also used adverbially; do;
she, sha zt /art), do r a t ; s k r , p i c c law, do give i t to me;
she, sa rzn law, 1 do (wish) LO go.
She, An adversative con juwtion; but; slzsg A h m dvrg
ma,nang s h d~ m g u , do not sit here, bkt over there;
618. She,
rzgai isrtrr a i she shz' n mddat a< I have spoken but he
does not obey; she in? a&. well, what is i t ? who
knows; s e e shdtu.
She, u. 'To cross; (an obsolete. root;) see numshe and
Shen, v . To weigh; comp. shin and Bw-. qf ; jzrm shen ya
e, weigh the salt.
Shen, v . T o be torn, re'nt, riven; Bye a /a621 j~ hta shen
r a i mat sai, my trougers were torn by thorns.
S h e n , P ~ o n.Third
. person dual : they (two); the Hkauri
for shan.
Sheng, v. To h u r t , pain, as a bite or s t i n g ; /dgat lra yang
sheng nga ni, when the bee stings it hurts; aye hkrrrr;
sheng* nga ai, hpa Riiwa ai R z r ~ ? I feel a stinging
sensation, what has bitten m e ?
Sheng, a. Early; (only applied to divisions of time;) jan
zheng, early morning; nrim sheng, the early part of
the evening; nszn sheng E anhte du ga ai, we came i n
the early part of the night
Shenghpang, n. A kind of spade.
Shep, v. To be torn, as clothing; derv. ashe!, which see.
-shep, a. Torn, rent, reduced to rags and tatters; hpxn
palawng shep shep re ai wa, poi de hRam sa.
S h i , a. T h e numeral ten; m d r a i shi, t e n persons; the
cardinals from eleven to nineteen are formed by
prefixing, and from thirty to hundred by affixing shi;
thus, s/ri nrdnga, fifteen; mdnga shi; fifty, n~dngnski
mdnga , fi ft y-five.
Shi, ,6ron. Third person sing.; he, she or it; s l i i g u ~ wsai,
he did i t ; ski hpe shdga zfi, cal1 him or her; shi a nla,
his .or her house.
-a, pron. Third per. sing. possessive; his, her, hers, its.
-hkum, pron. Reflexive form of s%z; himself, herself,
S h i , n. News, tiding-s; ndai Rdja a i sAi r a i nga ai,this is
good news; gossip, tattle, tales; shi mazvn, news.
-ga, n. News, etc.
- l a i k ~ , n. A newspaper.
-tsun, 3 . To tell, relate news; to tell tales, to tattle;
shi t s t m yang ga Law c h y ~ai.
Shingbut. 619

Shi htawn, u. To carry news, tales, slander o r gossip.

Shi, v . To be wet, soaked, as by rain.
-shi, a. Wet, d r e n c h e J , soaked; conlp. mddi.
-msri, n. The month of J u l y ; the "wet' month.
-yu, n. A kind of tree; the Heriliera afterruata.
-yu, n. The pipe-fish; also pron. shdyu.
Shim, v. To be still, unmoved, composed, quiet; derv.
ashint; shanhte dai shdvu 1 shim go md sai, they
this place; to keel, silence, with-
comp. ntaclryt slrinz at; dur anizr n
shim 1%ai mdjuw Qruwngwu suz.
-da, v. T o hide, put away, as for safe k e e y ~ n y ;comp.
Ryem; ngpi bui wa ai dtt Akra n y ~a aruz shim da
y a e.
-shim, a. Hid, covered, overgrown; tye a yi nam shim
shim rar mat sai, m y field is overgrown with (and
t h u s hid under) jungle; nmtm shim shim rP a i WG, a
man whose face is all covered with a beard.
Shin, v. T o weigh; same as shen.
Shin, v . T o wash, take a bath; comp. Aka shin; derv.
Rashin; to be washed; shigdraz n shin az.
Shin, v. T o be sprained; derv. Rnshirt; 7zy~a Ldgaw shin
nga a t , m y foot is sprained.
S h i n g , pro=. a. Thus or this; comp. nzng; see' Gram.; shing
digrl/azu u , do it thus, or i n t6is way; s h i v nga izbzrm
tsun, do not speak thus; shing nga tsux rr, sppak thus,
or i n this manner; shing san, this much; see parts.
-rai, adv. Thus, i n this way or manner; d a i l a m n rai,
sizing vai gdlaw u; sRing r a i y a n f , i n case that, i f or
since this is so; sking r a i y a n g , bai wa a ,this being so
return; shing n r a i , i f not, then; or; nnng sa na 7r ni?
shing n r a i ngai sa na Run ?
Shing, A general preformative, often shortened to sha;
comp. z i n g .
--ban, n. The shoulder-blade; the scapula or ornoplate;
a spade, the blade-bone of an animal used as a spade.
--bang, n. T h e shoulder-blade;(Hkauri;) same as shing-
--but, n. (from Jut, to b e dig ng.) Earth, soil, as dug
from a pit, a hole or the 'lqke; zhingbrrt shap Rnu a ;
610 Shi n gbai.

jan shin bat, the supposed diggings arouod thc: place

( s h a f t ) rom where the sun rlses; juian shr'xg,bwl t jbr
Bag va r a a i .
Shingbai, a. (from dai, to encircle,) Striped, as ;I gar-
ment,-the stripes going around and not u p a n d clown:
comp. Rn do; rhinzfiui oi p L t / l r s t ~ r g .I: s t r i p c d coat;
.-, hind of striped cricket; ban
s l t i ~ g b a ik u w j ~ t l qa, !ara.,-:

/Lplmq.sarsg E shifa,,obaiktatc yc-v~gr shri/nt w a n i .

-byen, n. The clavirlc; set? 6jre.1i.
-byi, v . To take s h e l t e r , cover; to hide, as in a place of
safety; hpyet~mu ni ij$utr kin shivzgbyi nna gu) mu a i ,
the soldiers took cow-r (behind) the trees and fired;
shingbyi s h d w r ~ zsame; ~, shingbyi shdwlmg shdra, n. a
shelter, covert, refuge.
-byin, n:A kind of basket in which aa offering to the
mu nat is presented; sAiqg6yin ha, same.
-chyen, n. A kind of worm or caterpillar; also a kind of
tick; comp. s i ~ g t s a m .
--chyut, *. A smooth caterpillar of the day-flying Lefiidc~k
h a ; cornp. s 1 ( ~ 6 r aand sinda.
-&yaw, v. (f rorn clryraw, to be joined.) To tie together,
as two ears of maize by the husk; n. two of a kind
thus tied together; Maim ski~gchyaw ddngaz' mi
&w c.
d a n , n. (from dsrr, to intercept.) An interception,
obstruction; comp. nam&?c.
--clang, o. (Erom dorcg, to hinder.) To put up, as a
barrier; to intercept; camp, s / . l s ~ a skanhN
~~; ~gaz
hpe LRnp shctdaag mi a i .
-dep, v. (from drb, to be close.) To be or act in
unison, as for mutual assistance ; wa-ngan skisgdcp,
same; comp. sh2ngto.u; tt. co-operation; fianlte shddfi
shinqdc? : ~ t . x , zypLarc1 7 ~ 4 .
-di, ~ o be quiet, peaceful, of r mild, gentle disposi-.
v .T
tion; a . niild, gentle, pacific, etc.; shi shzhgdi d wa rai
931.p ai.
-dit, zp. Tr:, kick i o r w a r d ; to adt!iiitister, as a kick; shi
/ r p t shzkga'zt a ; cunlp. iriilfia; 4iilJ h i u w ~ g ;to spring,
as a ti grr; sheraw wa k p shingdzt ~ ari; to kick down.
Shingdu, adu. Behind; sAi~gd'um d p , behind. hark, hack-
ward; opp. t o man mdga; ?rye a shi~~rdrk de danrg at, sit
behind me.
---dau, v. T o assist; see shirrgtau.
-ga, v. To intercept; see shingga~zg.
-gan, a. ~ h outside;
c adv. outside, con, 1,. ntnigarz; ,skin$-
gan,de Pra u ,go outside; a. outside, exterior; shihggan
szd, real estate; opp. t o 7~ltRuS R I , ilionc j or valuables.
-gan, v. To hide from view; t o overshadow; also puotr.
slti7zgdan; comp. shinggang; t o - p : ~ ,LO o u t r a n k , to
outshine; shi rzgai h f e shifiggaa knrr aqza 7rr~w/a ai, he
(my younger brother) passed me, taking a w i f e ,
(betorc I did, contrary to custom); to conceal; t o
disown; shi kdshn hflc sltinggan kau ana si sai,he died,
"keeping it a secret" from his child; ( i . c . to spite
the child who was i n disfavour, the ~ a c h i nidea being
that an old. Inan can die at will); H. the e y e ; shilrggarr
myi $ha, same; only i n poetry.
--gang, v. To obstruct, as the view; comp. shinggan;
- h f i n shinggaug ai %&jaw n mu 2 ~ 4n i ; t o stand or be
in the way; naBg shinggang Jddeng ntiaiai.
--gun, v. T o prowl; see shiq&~#z; ga kta ski~ggvnrrsr.
--gawn, a. To collect; same as mctgurun.
-grun , n. Small, broken rice ; see sling-rrcr.
a rl. To surround; see sAa'g*~tlp.
-grawm, t z . (from gunwnz,, to be dead.) CITindfaHs;
broken and dead trees, or jungle; j ~ ihRnn nu s h i w
grow~~ 7 at l t u t l ma.
-gring, a. An edge; comp. hkazg-ri~g.
-gyeng, u. Gills; see figs shi~ggj~r~zg.
-gyep, 7 1 . A kind of tree.
-gylm, n. (from gyim, to hide.) Confinement; sking-
gyiuz r.owng. t o be confined to t h e house, as a pregnant
woman; s h i ~ i.~ ~ kbarrr,
<- ~ ~ . i npregn;rncy;
c s h i l r ~ ~ ~ ;%(isha,
a humall k i n g , one born of wcinan: .~hrn';gyinz rrau
x a , ning,t.rivg htv4 ma, relatire;, h i ~ t h v r sa n d sisters.
-gyin, ;I. To collect, gather, r a k e ( l i t . rrl!l) in; to b r i n g
tage t her; ?,ta ni hpe shingyi'z 10 mu: n. a mud-pelle,
C .
lj22 Shinggyawm.
as for a bow; see gym; shznggyin r u , a variety of
Shirlggyawm, a. Dead jungle; same as shinggraw~z.
J v . T o tend, as a babe; coinp. /1-?7zu.
-jam, n. An awl, a'prod.
-jen, n. Gills; (Hkauri;) same as shi~zggyeng.
+en, n. The waist; shingjen 102 shang, same; c n l y i n
poetry; (a valley, same as hhyet; Northern usage.)
-jet, n. A species of bee.
u a. Rough, uneven; v. to swell; to grow, as p~mples.
--jut, n. A corner; see jut.
-]awn, n. A goad; see mdjawvz.
-)awng, v . T o contend, vie, compete; see jawng; ma ~1
gat sh'ngjawng nga ma ai.
-jgwi, n. A spit, as for roasting meat; cornp. sumb~rcp;
shingjawz hta shan dinghkren nna jr a.
-kan. v . To hide from view; same as shinggan, which
-kang, n. (from Ra~tg,to emit heat.) Glory, lustre;
see h p m g s h i ~ g h a n g ;shzngknng skizgwang, same; a.
vlorious, majestic, illustrious.
-kun v . T o prowl; see dus; to hide or crouch, as behind
cover when on the firing line; also pron. shi~~ggzrn;
hpun hta shingkun az majaw n mu La at -.
-kawng, v . To form, as a bar, barrier, or obktruction;
mam n hRaw a g a grup hkra shingkawlrg t a a n tl; n.
a bar, etc.; see kawng, to be full.
-kawt, v . T o step or jump, as over a ditch; cornp. Rawt;
sht%gkawt irav nus l a i U , j u 1 1 1 ~o v e r and pass on;
fig. t o m a r r y , as a yolinger sister before a n elder;
skz~zg,kawt;a, n. a fine or compensation, as paid by a
younger sister to t h e elder \nrhen marrying before
-ha, v. T o straddle; see kriz; shi j!dt~ghikawshzptghra
nna dsnp ai. he stood straddlinq the log.

-kra, n. A w i d o w e r ; also ,)roil. s t ~ ~ q h r a .

-kra, n. A k i n d of basket: see s t ~ - / I . ~ r i .
-krarn, n. A length, as oi tiattcned ba~mboo;chy~nghkyrn
shirigkrain L a A k n ~ w?riup ~ irzrr.
-ktl, 92. A variety ol biacliblj-d. sr:c , v n g 2 ~ t .
Shingman. 623.
Shingkrai, n. T h e s n ~ a l lof the waist; comp. nbmi and
-krou, n. A log, stone, block or the like, used as a
support, (not a brace, m d d i ) ; man2 chjlahtai nrnz a i
nzdga dr skingkrnlr lawn u,place a support under the
lower side of the paddy mat.
-krawn, n. A log, used as a bridge; only, found i n poetry:

-kyang, 72. A cluster; an umbel; conlp. ?tLya?zg.

-kyet, v . T o tie hard and securelv; also used adverbi-
al 1y ; d a i ma h j r gyit sltingky~th u .
--kyit, n. (from kyit, to gird.) A belt, g-irdle, sash.
--la, u. ?'o pry; conlp. mdza; to pry 01-push against, to
obstruct, as by p r y i n g ; Irpztn hte hkap shirrgla d a mrc.
-lang, n. The s h i n ; see lrtgnw shingLafianfi.
-lap, n. A species of ground-rat ; see inag(rn.
1 n. (from l e , to pass through.) T o overtake and
pass, as someone on t h e road; to pass, to outdo;
nzanang h p s h i shingle Rnu r?m sn run ni.
-lep, n. T h e torlgrie.
-let, n. T h e tongue; see Let and combinations; also
pron. shzn,o(ch; shing/et sham, rl. to put out the tongue;
sh%/ct s/ziljgii, or s h i n g j ~ t s h i n g h u , the tongue;
names mostly used i n poetry.
-in, n. Chicken-lice; IL s h i n g / h , same; 74 h w n g d shin,a-
/im / i ?i i~ m rt ~ icom'p. ; ga&. -,

i n n. T h e wood-oil tree; shingiiin hjrrz, the tree;

~/li?zg/i?i~ X Q Z U or s n n , wood-oil or g u r j u n .
1 n. Rue or m i n t ; shinglinz pnz, same; see parts.
-lau, n. T h e tongue; see shi~tglet.
-lau, v. To confuse; see shdlazc.
-lawi, n. A species of tree.
-ma, i t . The back; ma ~ P shingmn E dc do a , carry the
child on your back; fig. the body; coup. of gawng,
which see.
-man, i t . A. fringe; shingmar h a - t t r or vawng, v. to be
fringed; comp. Innbyntc; shingmnn t u a i nba, a
garment or blanket with a fringe.
Shingmang, n. The back; same as skingmn.
-mun, n. (Irom man.,hair.) Hair-like fibers, as of rattan,
bamboo, or the l i k e ; comp. skdmawn; filaments, f i b e r ;
shingmlrn sAi%gmnw,same.
-na s. A cane, rod, or limber switclr; a riding s t ~ c k ;
JsLingfi~z hfyz a i , to "beg for t h e stick," to behave so
as to deserve punishment; na#g shingnu Mi ndnz.
-na, n. A shadow; comp. skif~gnip;lwctska s h i n p a , t i l e
human shadow; pat s / r i ~ z , ~ ~a -reflection,
a, as i n a glass.
-nan, t z . (from xan, to follow.) A body-servant; a slave,
gi vcn as a parat of a nlarri qge dowry; shi%g~rorn ~ f w ,
a female s o gi v c n ; a handmaiden.
-nang, n. A c a n e ; samr: as sJ'i~zgra.
-oat, n. T h e heddles or hcddle-bar of a Kachin loom;
shr)zgmL nni, :I. to m a k e or arrange t h e heddles;
s k z n p a t rr thre3d im heddlts: also pron. sdhat.
-nat, 11. The loops on t h e ribs of a basket (shi~grmi),
thmr!:rh w h ~ c l lthe a t r d p or rope (jing%rpo)is passed;
fig. hdif ol a b;iskct, up to the mlddle loops; shinjinat
d r kkra h a q ya rit.
-ni, a. (from n i , t o t amc.) perfect, finished; slrilzgni
n dung, a. imperfprt; adz.. imperfectly, without a
finishing touch; yrd r.aati shingirt a nang oi,his voice is

far from pleasa:lt; s h z x p i n m n g az am?$kkgnz g*dlizw.

-nip, n. Shade, as from a tree; comp. nip and shingna;
shzngnzp r dugzgga, let u s sit in the shade.
-nu9 n. A woman, a mother: see n*; nrdjaan .ch.i~zgr~a
?r r.
-nawm, 21. T'hc*harders,as of a field, or t h e outskirts,as
of a vi 1 1 age ; yi shi?zg$~ewxa, @?&reshingnnawmP (11 a2.
--noi, n. (from mi, to hang.) The ordinary basket
carried by women; comp. Lknpz. and mdshaf: s d i ~ ~ g r m '
, p n ,to carry the basket; sdtz'fignozp a jicmhpa nang,
because of t h e basket you procure a stray;-fig. a
bastard becomes the (adopted) child when the mother
marries,-you are so much ahead.
-nyang, r7. T h e human body; comp. s h i ~ ~ g - ~ $skiftg-nr:
~ j f i ~gantgzr,
zg t h e w h o l e boc1.y; also proo. r/iirzgl~yan.
--oyen, a. A cliameIton, or the t r e e lizard; . r i i f ~ p y m a
g4 j r i h i ! ~ a~t , the words of the c h ~ r n e l e o nbrought
destmctioo ,--a ref e ren cc to a tradition that Matnes
Shingtung. 625

the chameleon , ( s e e shilrgra htdmilng) for causing

death of young or middle-aged people.
Skingnyeng, v . To pet, fondle, caress; shan skdaa shing-
nyeng ma ai.
-nyau, n. T h e lap; shingnynlr Zcthfyen, same.
-ra, a. (from r a , even.) Flat, even; original, natural,
common; shingra RRirtg, common usage; sAi?zgra ga,
the old ancestrnl home of the Kachins; comp. mdjoz'
s h i n p a ha; sAi9:gra Ggmja, the chief who first in-
troduced the manart; shingra htamung, the chameleon
(shingnyea) responsible ior the death of young people.
--ram, v . (from m m ,to be moderate.) ~d tcst, try, as
the efficacy of a medicine, a nat offering or the like;
colnp. rnda.a??:.
--rain, n. T h e aurora borealis, or the "merry-dancers,"
of which the Kachins distinguish the hka shiregram,
forshadawing feuds,. and wan shingram, portending
fire; sAig?g.ram hRrat a i , v. to shoot as the streams of
light of the merryidancers. ,..
-ran, i.2. A s~~pernaturol appenrance; a vision, a reve-
latio:~;shi:zgron maa'ffn, v. to vouchsafe, as a reve-
l ation; ski?-gmn w m , to have a vision.
-ri, n. A rop-, a cord; same as sumri.
i n , n. The heel; s h i n g r b LdhRre, the insrep; see
.du&krc and Lfi'Ltin.
r i p , n. A proper name (male) among the L d J a v
i t s.A barnbco rope or cord ; by m a n i a rope, string,
cord af any kind; comp. sn9;:ri.
, ~ tA . vlne, a creeper, of any kind; see ru.
- - r u n , PJ. Small, broken rice; same as shi~,ng,-urr.
--raw, s. A v i n e ; o n l y used as n cot[]. of s h i n p a .
--tang) n A divisio~lof time; coup. of ck~i?~gdctw.
-te, v. To practicc as shooting; samf*as dittgte.
-ten, i t . T h e lips; same as ~ ~ ' i i g t oi. , + ,nttw.
-ten, n. Dry land; s a m c ns hbi.vnr?g; (Northern usage.)
-teng, 71. A n a m e ; onll- 11sed as a coup. of n@23/I'ftg;
, .
anzyvzg ssAil!p1~,r,; .r/;t
LL7: ni h u ~ .
-tung, 7:. A. g- r e a r d s n r e ; onl], ~ r s e das a coup. of ju or
;I r 5 ht'r;gturz,q ~?tdnarr.
79 K
* S h i n g r : ~ ~ n., a gathering..

Shingtai, ad:,. (from l a i , to be single.) . Only; -solely,

singly; also used as an adjective; mrisia s h i q o i
hpyen ~r mai sa a i , a single man cannot go to war.
-tai, n. A worm or caterpillar of any k i n d ; comp. srmdro,
shingchyen, sitzda an d t u tlg.
-tau, Y. '1 o render help, assistance, as when carrying;
o h . together, for mutual help, or co-operation; comp.
sAingdlp; n dang ai gaw shingtaa hpai mu, if you are
not able, carry it together, or between you, as 0n.a
-tam, i t . Mint; skingtazrrn rhyalt,., black mint, used as
medicine; shingtalu?~rhya~igngon t.ti byis ai.
-tawt, v. To jump, leap, as over a fence; comp. taut
shz'ngknwt and i s m .
--htep, n. A bird-trap; generally pron. chjinghtep.
-wang-, n. A circle; a ring, a s made of rope; sumri
-wang, n. Glory; only used as e coup. of shingkang.
-woi, m. A small basket of the kind carried by women;
comp. shing~toi.
-yan, n. (from ynn, to be straight.) Tallness, height of
stature; the bod ; comp. slting~yang.; shing-yele tr
.rawng ai wa, a s ort man; lit. a man without height;
Kringkrawn mdjatjan hte Kringnbwn a h hklcnz
yala jdhka~lnlza shdngai ai gaw nat rai sai.
-yaw, n. The face; only found i n poetry; comp. un-yapa.
-yaw, v. To examine, as one's own make up; to look, as
in a glass; see y a w y u .
a. (from yawng, all. All, the whole, mostly
applied to the human bo y ; shingyawng shzfipyas,
the same; ha yang shin yawBg .shin y a n shrmawt
nu, i n dancing we move t e whole bo y. d
Ship, u. T o shade, throw a shadow; only used as a coup.
of nip; clying2il.g ship r n d i r du ga, chydkraw nip a i
mdli pru scz wa ga.
Ship, 21. To hold, detain or imprison, as a messenger
or emissaries sent to settle a feud;v ~ g e ihpang ds
s k d n p n ai k ~ s ani h f c s4i6 a'i tawn st ai; comp.
Ship, 3. Tobe confused; der\. asht'.
Ship ship, a. Confused; jumbled; shi+ sk@ shaj s h p ,
loose, s o f t and moving, as s a n d
Shit, v. T o split, strip, as bamboo splits used for tying;
shi puz' skit ai.
Shu, n. A term of relatiomhip: (I) a grandchild; comp.
kdshu and nshu;. ( 2 ) all the younger relations of a
son-in-law;(3) an affectionate term ,used by old people
to children.
-mashi, n. Descendants of the third generation; sh~c
mctshi shu ntdsha, generation after generation.
Shu, 'n. A skin disease; see a s h .
Shu, Prohibitive particle ; (Hkauri ;) comp. rai; .gdrai
shu, do not (yet) do it.
Shu, . v. To be unpleasant; only found as a coup. of mu;
d e r v . a s h amu. .
Shu, v. To take care of, nurse, tend, as young children, a
garden or animals; comp. [&nu and rem; ma shu ai
r u m , a nurse, an ayah; nakhts nga n .shv ai mdjaw
artit& a yi sha Rai nrc ai, because you did not tend
your cattle they have eaten our field.
Shu, v. To collect, gather, store; comp. -
shirrggyin; to
harvest, mam shu ai; (Hkauri.)
Shu, o. T o hiss, as at a dog, or as a serpent; Zrtpu
shr nga n m ARawm lai wa sai; derv. Rash%.
Shu, n. A frog; a toad; same as ash%.
-chyit, n. A toad; (the Kachins believe that a dog wjll
go mad if biting a toad.)
'-di, n. Frog's spawn; see di.
d u n g , n. A variety oi frog,eaten by t h e Kachins.
-gawk, n. T h e common frog, eaten by all .natives.
-gyeng, n. A variety of edible frog.
g r , n. A species of frog.
-kawng, n. A variety of very noisy frog.
-nu, n. A frog much relished as food; a bull-frog.
-nba, n. A marsh-f rog.
-ran, n. A long kind of edible frog
-ri, n. A variety of loud-croaking frog.
--te k , . n. A variety of marsh-f rog.
Shuk, v. 'To grunt; n. a grunt; wa shah ega a-
&rri Ptga ai.
628 Shuin
Shum, a. To t a k e hold of; same as jlrm, w h i c h see.
Shum, Prohibitive particle; same as hRlcm, which see;
shwm giila7.u 2 ~ ;sLz.~mdi.
Shurn, v. To he salt; a. saltish; shan j ~ mshun2 ai,the
meat is (tasting of) salt.
S h u n , la. A k i d n e y ; s a m e as hkyzjn,
S h u n , v. To be s t i r r i n ~ ,s h a k i n g , and thus rustling

deri;. asAzs?t; shua di,to stir, sha!ie.

shzra re n i h / a hRawm at' ,bgn "
adv. Ir. a s h ~ k i n g agitated, manner; nam shan

S h u n , v. T o point, as t h e fillger at someone; shi legai

h f &luyivr~gsh37~ r6i s ~ r p k z i ; to give; hand over; see

Rdshun; (only colloci.?ial;) ?:a a r a i nzdnang wa hpe

sku,. dt' i:laz~a.
S h u n g , v. To he or become iiosscssed by a nat; myi/rtor
skung 6;. h f i i s/:zlrliz ni, :;cc parts; shzng, indicates
a state oi frenzy, e c s t a c y , h o ~ d e r i n gon madness, the
subject being. entirelyilncler the induence of t h e n a t s
or spirits. -
Shung, 21. T o lose; to be cieteai:cti.;Bilr. $8; comp. stlm.
S h u n g h t e , . n. IVooiea cloth or broa.dciot h; felt.
S h u p , v; T o x r i n g , sqlreeze or press o u t ; pa hta na jddkx
s h u j i n I M I J , s q i x e z e :he juice out ol t h e pulp; nba hit
s k ~ f i p n n a 2%) wring 2x3 hnnlg out the blanket.
S h u p sheng! a. Chinese tirnbreis; cymbals; shEcj, sheng
, Lte thy yn rg dlrm mu.
Shut, v. T o e r r , make a mistake; to miss the rnailc; to
-hpyit, v . T o err, s i n , transgress; see parts; n. sin, quilt; %

a f a u l t , a mistake; sizrt /tpyPt ,426~nLf~rai,- there is

rrave fault; shut h f y i f ai nfdshn, a transgressor;
t especially one guilty of iliicit sexual relations.)
Shut, Prohibitive particle; same a s ;a,; (Hkauri.)
~ h a i , u. T o forrn, create; only usc:! as a coup. of r a i .
Shai, 2 . To be noisy, as a i l excited crowd; deru, cshni
and kdshnz'; shni shai, a. a aoise, a d i n , noisiness.
Shai, v. T o be different, diverse, 111i:i ke, dissimilar; derv.
a s k a i and kdsh,oi; dni h.te w,ovn Rte shai nga r t i , this
is different from t h a t ; to be overlapping; as t w o
pieces of timber; to be cross\vise; sRi shai, to cross,
Shaw . 639
to place crosswisz; dai ngau ~ h n ~i g ' aat', the timber
is overlapping--docs nor meet rrrd to end; rhatr a
myit shai ccga a i , they are divr4rse, unlike, or anta
nistic i n mind, or ways ol t h i n k i n g ; comp. nhtur s
a , v. To divide, distribute, apportion, allot; d a i gwn-
hpraw nnnlt~eshdda shai la mu.
-lang, v . To accept and use, as a portion or shares.
-yu, v . To search, ransack, scrutinize; to look into
every nook and corner; R y e a nhtu mat a i , hticrggaw
slldgu s h z yu mu.
S l ~ a u , n. Saltpetre; nitre; shnw shddw, v. to prepare,
(boil) saltpetre, extracting i t , as from the soil under
old houses.
Shau, v . To corrode, as copper; see di shar.
Shau, v . To gather, as the earliest ripened grain; see
mam shau ai.
Shau, v . To be crisp; (-Hkauri;) see hihyalc.
-shau, a . Crisp.
Shau, n. A pot; (Chinese I )
-kaw, n. A small cooking pot; same as d i skaw Row.
--kawn, n. The ordinary Chinese tea-pot; comp. ~ p .
-yaup n. The jaw; shauyau ninghin, same. w

Dai na skaayau ninghka shilkya ga.

Shauka, n. Tobacco; (Northern Kachin;) comp. hrdfut
and ya-urn.
Shaulau, v. To cause or stir up, as trouble; comp. shdiaa;
shi mctnang Ltr ldpvan e shaaiam ai.
Shnunyi, n. An ordinarv Sha!~or Chinese coat; shaunyr
lnwng, s a m e ; shaunyi / f i r ~ ? h/lii
r ~ az.
S h a w , v . To take, pull, or drilw :.~t; comp. baw, I s * ! , Laz'
and h f e ; nAAzn g i a aim hj52 :.i~rrw?iz.iiu; to deduct, as
c #

Irom a price; mlinz sirn;o u , lc)wer t h e price ; coinp.

Bur. Q W ; to redeem, as ;i pawned article; tong da ai
r a i hldleileg s h a z ~na; to seduce, as ;! married woman;
see nlcm shrxw.
S h a w , v . To be u n d u l y i n t e r e s t e d , c o n c i i - n e d or soiicit-
ious, as t o other peoples afinirs; tiit:ilcra~ a..
a amu
y ~ n g# Z d ~ ? t gwwn h ~ cR m n i shcm s i , do1 ng yoor own
63Q Shaw.
work, you better not trouble about your companions;
nys a m r ltpe h k r m shaw,nu a n x she shaw u :
Shaw, v. T o roar, as a cataract; derv: gd~haw.
Shawk, v. To petition, as a court of justice; to sue, bring
a law suit; to prosecute; (from t h e Bur. cq3oS.)
Shawn, v. T o lead o r bring in; to enter; to put or conduct
into; derv. dingshawn or ni~gshawn;comp. shdrhawn;
ngau n i hpe nta npll d shamn bang a, put the timbers
under the house; to thread, as a needle; see sdmyit
shown; to push or go ahead; see shnwng shawn; to
exceed, go beyond; also used as a comparative adverb;
d a i nguu wora hte s & m r a i zga ad, this timber is
longer than that; nang ngci h k shawn r a i nit dai, you
are taller, (shorter, h e b i e r , or whatever may be the
point of comparison), than 1; shi a f r a t hgai Lta loi
mi s h a m ra2' sai,
Shawn, v. 'To flow, d; tc;irs, sweat, or water poured on the
mound; cornp. ,?dtui; J + z ~ ja c / i mdjtzd sdlal s h a m ai.
Shawn, v . 'Tobob; derv. arhrr7vn.
-shawn, v. T a moue, bob, jerk, as a goose, peacock or
other long-nec!zed animal, the neck; gtlnzra du s h a m
shawn re ai.
Shawng, v. T o go or be 6rst, in front, ahead; to begin;
derv. asha?vn,n; :yzxg sdawng E I , you go ahead; di
yawng Ata sharung aP, ht: be_nan ahead of all; adv.
before, first, ahead; shawnp sa y go ahead; shawng
g d a m r ,do it first; shawzg*Je,before; shawngde mafig,
formerly; s t P J ~ I T CU, ~i n t h e beginning; adv. of
comparison, rea ly, rnqre, i v a greater degree than
previouslv cornp. shcu~n;chi ni shazv~tg ngrr %W
nrdchyi &: t e d a y I am really sick; ARum shdga nga
yang slrazu~zg q~i rri, vrllen ardering silence they
(shout) more cha:) t e fore; showng di nna nrdnat Y, take
firmer (hold) and squeeze. .)

-rawng, n A giant; a man or animal of more than

ordinary height; mcisha shawnpawng/dngai mi hkran
n a di, there is a giant (one unusually tall) among
t ifem. (

- & a w n , v. T o go ahead; to push ahead; n a g shaomrg

' s b w n B nr(f l r i P did you push ahead a n d arrive first?
sha. 631

Shawng shawng, adv. Formerly; long ago; dai r u d r r ngai

~ h a w n gshawlrg de du yu 222 ai.
Shawp, v . T o be good, proper, true, reliable; n skawp, a.
bad, improper) .evil; comp. hRru; myit n shawp as
wa, an evil person; shawp a i ma, a good child.
Oshawp, a. Well, good, pleasing; also used adverbial1y ;
shi shavp shawp taga nna r h ~ dmdsu ai
Shawt, v . T o scrape, as a road or a field; derv. ashawt
and n&sdawt; /am shawl mu; to plane, as a board, to
shave off, chisel, smooth, pare off; shawt shbra, same,
and most common form; ltpunpycn Aje shawt sh&a
mr; adv. with thoroughness, with root and all; see
/dshzcm shawl.
-di, v. To handle with care; mu lrpe shawt'di /a u, l i f t
the child with care.
Shoi, v. T o pass a cord or ring, as through the nozzle of
an ox; d&v. ushoi and ldshoi.
Shoi, v. T o flash+ lightning; to lick the air, as a flame;
to hiss, as a serpent; derv. asAoi and dshoi.
-~hoi, ado. In a flashing, flaming or {issing manner;
wan nzcrniz' S ~ O ~1202'
Z Y e ai.
Shoi, a. Small, weak, insignificant; n. a n y t h i n g small,
paltry, weak and contemptible; trang shm m i ngai n
h b i t de ai, you weakling, I do not fear you; 9rarrg
shoisha m i n ailtpegwz'n rw', you little mite, do you
dare me ? evi , misfortune.
-chyum, v. (from chyrm, to be unfortunate.) T o meet
misfortune, to suffer, as retribution for evil; shi i d .
shoi clryzl,n ai hkrum nga az; n. retribution,
to be driven, as by passions or strong
appetite; num am% Ata shoi chyrm a i wa shut vzga a i .
-magoi, R. Abuse; see next.
-mSroi, n. Abuse, rude speech; see a h ; v. to abuse,
revile; also called shoi mdgoi; ski rndiafig hpe shoi
mdroi xga nna tsun az.
-hpa, n. Misfortune, accident, e v i l ; comp. shoz c/r,rrm;
ngai shoihpa hk~rltnrnna &tang n ;a lu nngai.
Sha, Verbal causative used interchangeably with ja, sd
and shdngun, which see; a general noun preformative;
comp. chyd; XRum so shcttrgus or hkuw shdsa, stop him.
Shna, v. (from a , to be blessed.) To b!css, praise, glorify.
--any, CJ. (from nzg, to be i n liric \vlxh.) T o dilc-ct; to
refer to, to aim at; comp. hk~z,fi;srSi h;be skdil;.zg ~ z m
dswn z$.
-ap, v . (from ap, to cover.) To scatter, as a boil; slid-
Rrdwi shdap a i isz chya y n mi; to i ~ o l ddetain, , force to
remain, as against the wish.
- m i 9 3 J (from i q , to fill, as a lake.) To flood, deluge;
see skdzc,
-it, rr. A hot-water s p r i n g ; see shyit.
--u, v. (from a,to rise, as a river.) T o inundate, deluge;
shdu sdaing, to deluge; n. a n inundation, a deluge,
especially the deluge of tradition; s k d u shding dni,
to cause or send a deluge, to inil::clate; 1%/:ga:w~ Wa
m d ~ i njaw( nrza dai shdr shding 'dai ui.
-up, v. T o stupefy, deprive of sensibility, as ,by drugs
or a "mantra"; comp. Kdap a i d S I ~ Q I J ldgzit P ; n i mads
ilpe mandan Ate shrtzlp nna ldgtgzr ma ai.
--awng, v. (from awng, to be happy.) To praise, extol;
to cause as pleasure or happiness.
-oi, o. To inu~ldate;same as shdn; (Northern usage.)

-h, v. (from ba, to be tired.) 1'0 tire, fatigue; ( a d v .

very; Hkahku; skdba (or clzylyrtpu) TL tsaa ni, not very
-bn, n. The brinjal; see +do; t h e brow-antlers of a deer
i n their velvet state; sLa6a woi, to hang, as the antlers.
--ba, r . Divination, augury; also pron. chyuba, or j ~ 6 n ;
shdhz /ap, a species of v a g i n a n t ieaf used for di v i n -
ing purpbses; skrtda hphpru, v . to be propitious, as an
augury; see parts; shdba wawt, to divine, prognosti-
cate, as by t h e shrtba l a p or s l z n ~ 2 r ~ the
; ~ ; Kachi n s use
various methods by w h i c h the will of the nsts are
ascertained; mdchyi a i tiidjaw shi sliliba wawL nz.
-barn, v. T o bray, as an ass; to cry aloud; to howl.
-bat, v . (from bat, to wind around.) T o be carried, as
a child i n native fashion; comp. ba; Aatra hpc mn
shdbdt u, let t h e (01der)sistei carry t h e child: to beget
a n illegitimate child; d a i /a z - ~ ? st':,&zi
3 J .i nn ai.
--bat. f a . Filth; see mdlsnl shdEn!.
ShPbu, v . (from bu, to rage.) To enrage, inflame, incite,
provoke ; thus g~ (run shdbzt, to be prolix, long-wi nded;
shat sha s k d b i ~ t, o e a t inordinately; shdtu s l r ~ l u to
tease excessively.
-buJ a. Unskillfui, destitute, as of practical knowledge;
shdbu a i nz~mshnri dn maAa TZ c h p a f; s h a h La d ~ w s g ,
n, a sict~pleton;comp. chyddu.
-bum, o. (from b i r m , to be swollen.) To cause to swell.
-bun, v. 3'0 e n r a z e ; same as s h a l , ~ comp.; ~rc2dr?~.
-bung, v. (from tlcf~g,to be alike.) To cause to be
-but, f
alike; s h d m ~s~/ . ! J ~ Y P ,to equalize, to ha;:nonize.
V . (from irt, to be finished.) 'I'o finish, as the
covering of a house; lrta r z d ~ r rzi but ni9)zttjaw a'ai ni
shddat ga ai.
--bai, v. (from bui, to be returning.) To return, send
back, to prevent, stop; mdnung d /rpr Lam a h k m m
yang, shdbsi kau daf mu; to reverse, as an order; to
withdraw, as a statement.
-bawn, v . To bundle; to put up as in bundles; n. a bundle,
a bunch; corny. nhfan; Zaika shdkwpr, a volume, a
tome, a bound book.
-bawn, v. To send away; tcj t3 firant perrnissioa to leave;
sztm shdba-WN~ t 'to , send-from home, with religious
ceremoaies, as a mzidea to be married; nchyang
shdbawn ai, to send away, release, as a day labourer;
shdbawn daf, to grant leave to depar: to send away,
especially applied to the ceremony by which the
spirit of a deceased ( f r u a s t ) is sent to tirc country of
the ancestors, ( j i woi m i a ga, see rktlsafr ga;) dai isu
R d j i &woi w.:' haw sltdbcz~ndat sai.
-bawng, n. Thc bladder; same as jit 6az)q.
-boi, p . (from hi, to be finislied.) To 611i.h) brinq to a
-bra, v . (from 6vn, to be scattered.) To scstter, dis-
perse; shi h>;fiw nza nd hpe shL9dvndot nu ai.
-bran, v . To revive ; see 61-an and shhj!z;i.
--brang, it. youth, a y o u n g unmatritd m a n ; comp.
brang; v. to dri~yc,r s children away fro:n home.
-brangJ v . To clezr and open, as a scad; dai ni ~ U Z
Zdpyan e wazu sL;buct:g karc ma.
Shiibrai, a. Wages, pay; a reward; conlp. m d u ~ rtwu , and
Itkringla; ldka shddrai hpa rai ta 9 hfu yawn mi law,
skdbrai tawn mi law.
-bya, v. T o destroy; jdhten s l d b j u a i ; to degrade.
-byet, :I. To put up, a s in big bundles.
-byet, r . To extort, as money; to l e v y a fine, as for the
sake of extorting money; comp. jawat; HkahRx ni
Law shdb ~t sha ma ai.
-byi, ir. T e cheek; comp. barn barn; shtibyi Rahflret a i ,
to slap the face; shddyi hkyaw, a water-shed.
-byi, adv. Behind; only as a coup. of slringdu.
-byi, v. To take shelter, cover; same as shingbyi.
-byin, v. (from b in, to happen.) To perform, effectu-
ate, accornplisK, execute, bring to pass; s h i hi am%n
sht~dyinh ai; d d b y i n slidbrat, same.
-hying, B. A kind of herb, much valued as food.
--byaw, n. To melt, as metals, wax, or the like; also
pron. shdbyawrcg.
-b awng, v. To melt; same-asshd6yaw.
-c ya, v . (from ch a, to fasten.) To try on, as new
clothing; ndai ddu ranr n ram-shdchyayg z; comp.
-chyang, n. The outside, as of a house; same as rhya-
&ung; sldchjarag khan r nga' ni tie nga nra oi; also
pron. rhdchya.
-chyen, v. (from chydn, to know.) To introduce, to re-
commend, cause to be acquainted, to befriend.
-chyen, v. (from chyen, to do.) T o set, as a t r a p ; to
accomplish, as a piece of work; mctgunz shachycn a;
to cock, as a gun.
--chyi, v. (from rhyi,to be on fire.) To ignite; to kindle
a fire.
-chyiy, u. (f rorn chyif, to be in order.) T o arrange,
set in order; a r a i hpe atsawm sha shaclyi
to stop up, as a vent; dai hrku shctchyii, u ; to leal.
--chyum, v. (frorn chyzm, to be unfortunate.) To cause
r; fig*

silffering, to 'bring disaster; mdnrtttg wa 2 ngad Ape

s/Lic hvam d a *n~gaz.

-chyut, u. T o drive out, expel; comp. shddsn and skd-

Sh&hYaw, v. (from rhyaw, to fit.) To fit, adjust, as
pieces of mac hi nery.
--chyoi, p. (from chyoi, to be beautiful.) To #cleanse,
purify, beautify; to perfect, sanctify; comp. shdpra.
--da, Y. To take aim, as when intendin to fire, strike,
hit or the like; ski sgai &a nhfu te shdda ai, be
lifted or aimed the sword. (intendin
d a , #run. a. Each; shada Ja, each ~t er,
m n h shdda~
E strike*)
to one another;
dd Rnrum mu, help one another; nanhtr
shdda hRgm ga law, do not quarrel 'kach with each,"
-among yourselves.
-dam, v. (f roin dam, to go astray.) To lead astray, to
mislead, to bewilder.
--dan, n. A clan of t h e Lahpai tribe; shddandr, a breed
of rnuch valued cattle.
--dan, V. (from das, to be plain.) To show, exhibit; to
*explain; rhddan shdleng, and rhdpraw sldricrrc, see
parts; comp. rhan shddan.
-dang, v. (from dang, to hinder.) To stop, as a clock;
(from dang, to be able,) to overcome, to master; to
resolve, to decide. ,
-dang, n. A son; shddrrng sAa; comp. sfidyi s k i .
-de, adv. Thus, this many or to this extent; m d s k
shdlc ma /aw fip yafig tg d a ~ gmyif ' n i p being so
many can you not do it; shad&de, a h so many.
-dek, o. (from d d R , to test.) To test, adjust, a a
measure of capacity.
d e n , v. To expel, discharge, eject, drive out; comp.
shrtchyt; n Raja a i mtfsAa hpe shddm Rau mv,- see
-dik, v . (f rum dik, t b be fulfilled.) T o IuIfi11; to satisfy,
gratify, please.
-ding, v. (from ding, to be straight.) To straighten,
make straight; to aim, as a bow or a gun; comp. shad&.
-ding, v. (from ding, to be abundant.) To provideF
abundantly, as for a feast; poi ra maru (usha shdding
da mzb.
-dip, n. A kind of terrestrial nat, offered to by the
chiefs; d r ni slrddz'' j a w ma g2; shddit ih2ahftmg, a
poetic name for t h e shddip.
Shtidu, o. To prepare, as food; shi s l a t shrfdlc wga n i .
-du, v. To blame, charge, as with a crime, to accuse;
lgiri TJ i z i l i p e , shi shndu ai, althouoh I am not the
one, he blarnes me; to transport, dellver, as goods;
see dzt, t o arrive.
-durn, v . (from dam, to remember.) To remind; shd-
dwrr .rAdhprazg, to remind and thus, to e:il?ort, ndvise,
warn, or caution; to awake, bring to c~niciousness.
-dun,r. 21. (from ctlcn, to be placed, as a nit ovcr a fire.)
l o put, place, a9 a chair: or anything-that xi11 s t a n d ;
d a i .:Ai%gxri h9c ncrng ;h&d$n ? J , put t h e ljssltet here;
n. a stand, sce f y c n g d i ~ ~s i ? d d ~ ~ nto; present, as a
srnal! offering t o a !;at; ma ni waw wr?a a i nal

- shdilun ga ni.
dung, n. Floili.; shddztng hta, a. to reduce to flour by
p o u ~ d i n csec parts; cornp. muR slddung.
b p

--dung, n. The s q u a r e or plank-like darrcing p&t,

carved v r i t l ~ daccettes, placed i n t h e renrre of a
dancingfloor (r,a?r//a,)at a great feast (mdnnlr;) see
mtl~la% s R ~ i d ~ ~ ~cocomp.
r!g; d i ~ g n a i .
--dut, v . So urge, drive, as an overseer his labourers;
~~chya?zg f ~ hpe
d shddad ma; to incite, goad, ~ r o m p t .
--dai, 92. The n a v e l ; see dai, and combinations.
-dau, n. A family among the AUrips.
--dm, v. (froin daa, to h hung.) T o hsng, execute by
hanging, as a criminal; d c i wa hpe ri xhtu L i e n k k r a
ai sha shddag sat V J ~ . 6

--claw, n. A post; see dow and combinations; cornp.

hpxndrcng; shddazu jiwz nza.
---dae, v. (from daw, to fix.) To help, strengthen; to
build up, edify; to give moral support.
--dawm, Y (from dawm, to be extinct.) To end, termi-
nate; to exteri-ninate. to extirpate; shdr,rw a anhie a wa
(z' skddawm ha%ya rnk ni az'. b

-dawn, v. T o measure, P S with a measbring rod; n. a

linear measurement; cornp. ga sAddaw7c; to measure,
and thus to compare, to examine, investigate i n order
:o discover reseinblance or difference; shdrEnw~jjfna,
hg. the span (lie. skein), oI life.
Shadawng, P. (irom dawng, to appear to view.) T o
leave open, as a pot; to expose, lay bare; to show,
exhibit, as a wound; shi a l d t n k f m ni shi n shddawng
h h a w ai.
--dawng, u. To I.v-i-look, an d t h u s to pass by; also pro%.
sAdlawnga; dai :em rqaw nrlttrnng ni Ape shddnwng lawn
nna. shi izAr~.+ shat sha ng.a o i .
-dawt, n. Food ; shdduwf hftrngkra?zg, food, nourish-
ment; only used i n poetry.
-do;, n. The last horn child i n a Iamily; also called
hf mngdizz.
-ga, e. (from gc, to speali.) To summon,to call; da?irmsa
shdga s; to .e--!J; out; to make a noise, as by loud talk-
ing; comp. j j / l t n x and tap; to kry, call, sing, as birds
or animals; u , wa s L d p ai.
--gan, n. A s t a r ; shrt,#onltdyi, a meteoric stone; a specits
of marble; sRLdganala pya#, v. to fall, as a star; see
parts; n. a :neteor; shdgan wankkuf, a. a comet; (Lit.
star-smokci; shn!*an gat ai, to be striped, as a ripe
mclon or ;umpkGn; g r n k y i ~sidgan gatycr~;gs R r , di
S / ~ Gizn 7-2 3;; shdgan mrtti, a species of mushroom; v.
fig. t o cpen widc, as the eyes.
-gan, x . A hero; only used as a coup. of shave.
-gu, fa. 'An offering, a sacrifice; mostly used as a coup.
af hkrngga or drtsglat.
---gu, G. (from p, tb be sufficient.) All, every; see
Gram.; amyu d:w s k d g r , all tribes and races; nktci
shdgu, cvc!-)I day; shdra sh&g74 hkan a, in every place.
-6U, a. Even, not odd; nlrtoi skdgrc, nhtoi shdje r r i Kzn,
R ch.? 0 2 .
--gum, n. (f ro:n gFm, to be complete.) To count over,
;I$ a sum of money, a herd of cattle, or :he like;
.t,!icig?($~z yli, to t a k e , as an inventory; na at'ai maAKrn
sfiiig?!w 3'21 ".
-gu~, 71. To lie prone, not supine; opp. to n-ga; pee
g ~ ~ .
--gun, 7). (fi.0111 gi4:7, t o carry.) T o load; to send, nri 7
l e t t e r , or a n y t l ~ng
i to be carried; comp. n t d r n .rhdg?{;i
a i and shdugrrn.
S h g p p , u. (from g@, to be douhle-1 To double; to
couple; shdgap nxa gdlnut mzc; comp. ga s l q g l p
-gawng, a. Glorious, high, brilliant; fig. the heavens.
-gawp, o. To rhyme, or make use of rhythm, as i n
poetry; see ga shdgawp.
-gawt, v. T o scoop up with the hand; see gawt.
-goi, a . A l l , the whole; farcnggyi mxrrg sltdgioi hdrrmm
nga ai, the governor has gone through the whole
country; ngaz murng shagoi Rar sr ai, I have been
-grang, n. A species of edible kanpfoera; ( H k s ~ r i ,
-pang, v. To become troublesome, as the nats; see
grang, to boast.
-gien, a. A species of creeper.
g r , n. Bile; gall; the gall-bladder; also pron. sagri.
sgrim, n. A kind of trap.
-grin, v. (from vs, to be permanent.) To establish,
place on a so id basis; to confirm, to ratify, to make
true and unalterable.
-grit, v. (f rom p i t , tobe decreasing.) To lower, humble;
to decrease.
o g r u n g , v. (from grpng, to blaze:) To kindle, or stir,
as a fire.
-gruP, v. (from g r q , to be surrounded.) To surround,
encompass, enclose; dat mart hfie shdgrup mtl.
-grai, v. (f r o ~ ngrai, to be well.) To perfect, to make
entire or complete; nhtu shdgmi u.
-grau, v. (from gran, to excel.) To exalt, promote; to
p,raise, extol or applaud; opp. t o sltignif.
-grau\ n. The outer skin, as of fruit; hpyi shdgrau Rap
--poi, n. Water; slrigroi Apu!ngtsiai!g,see parts.
- V . (from gwi, to venture.) To urge, press; to
insist, to beq over and over again; ski ngai /rpe nuM
wa siagwi &.
--gyeng, u. To force, cocrcc: shas myit n i h r m a i
w d f a ? skdgytnz
~ Akat ma or';to quarrel, fight, each for
his own.
-gyi, s. A species of millet; Milium paspalurn.
5Mgri-111,a. an edge.
Shagyin, a. To rhorten, or tighten, as a strap; juahpa
Hau me# ail shdgytn u , the strap or band is too long,
shorten it; also pron. zhagying.
Lgyaw, n. Wild mango; see idgyaw.
a , v. (from ja, to be hard.) T o exert, put forth, as
strength; to persist, persevere; comp. sA&X,ut;s h = ~ a
wa, adv. exceedingly.
-jang, V erbal particle plural, of partitive force; shun-
AIP s h q a s h d j a ~ g m aa i , they are calling (from every
direction;) mdrztmg n2 shut rho shdjasg nga ma nr , my
compz nions are eating, (being distributed t h r o u q- h a u t
the village.)
-je, v . T o be odd, not even; opp. to shagu; postp. bpside,
at the side of, in the place of; ngai hta s A d j Bddai n
shang l ~no, one beside me8canenter; see jc.
--jup, v. To tie, as with a bamboo split; p d i /tte s l d j u p
-jut, u. T o pierce, as the ear; no shdjut ai; to thrust
through, as with an awl.
- - I , v . T o thrust into, or transfix, as with a pointed
i nstnunent; to hook, spit or the like; see jui; s h a ~h j e
szc+rang hta skdjoz' tc.
-ka, v. To assent, concede, concur; d r wa a ga @e
s h a h ya mu, agree or assent to the words of t h e
chief; comp. ga slidha.
-kap, n. The jaw.
- kap, v . (from kafii to adhere to.) To fasten, stick,
-- ke, a. (from Re, to be wet.) To moisten, wet, dampen;
p d i hpe J S ~ d k xr; n. a species of herb.
s kA
--kum, n. (from Rltm, to partition.) A wall; partition; a
fence; comp. srcmhja and ARuda.
--bkun, v. (from Run, to spring.) To brace, as the
nerves; to gather momentum, as for a stroke; n r d ~ o l ~ g
zua hte htu ARaf na nga nna n-gun sAdRan ai.
-- kung, n. A s e a m , as on a garment; shdkang chptzur, v.
to sew a seam; shdhlmgga, to r i p , as a seam.
v. (from but, to be persistent.) To ~ersist,
persevere ; romp. shdja; .tha&gt s k a r a ~ g ,;t bear,
endure; to exhibit, as patience; to undergo, as suffering
bravely 2:13 with self-command; znw .~haiFut sharnfzg
24, do not give up; held on, etc.
Shskai, ;i. To yr!t oa, as ornaments; see kai.
-kau, 2.i. An onion; a leek; comp.guic,, a n d combinations;
s h n t ~ ~ t nLta
z shrikna barzs u .
-kau, v. To rim, as a basket, or the !ikc; dai mangJ
da);g R t c s / i i ~ g ? z o slldkua
t 1 ~ tl.
; the rim, as of a basket.
-kau , . v . To join i n and repeat, as the chorus oi the
song oi a native bard; laka shakan ni.
-kau, B . A kind of creeper; shdkow mi.
-kaw, v. To double (lit. float), as capital invested i n an
enterprise; n v z na avnng /Ipe 6ai lu shdknw sc a i ; see
-kav:n, v. TCJpraise, extol, glorify; r~ give thaolts;
shdkown B z ~ ~ ~ g - ~t owpraise, l e , etc.; 91. pi-:ise, a joyful
tribute of gratitude ; applause, acclaim.
-kawng, o. T o show ofi, to swagger; to parade i l l a
proud, pompous, ostentatious manner; sRi PdGfi?uz~
nnan h j a n n i nzdjaw sRdRnwag aqb ai; shakorr:~~i
~ d a m n gv. , to show OK, etc.; N. porn& sl$yaggcrJ ostco-
-kawp, v..(from kawp, t o be cool.) To cool; t o quiet,
pacify, appease; Kahtd at hpc s h a h w f i n3n shn s:z.
-k ,..
,a, v. '(from Rra, to be protruding.) To protl-udc,
thrust out; s ~ ~ nhjc r i s / ~ d h r da a t a ; to promise; s/-,rificye
da a2 ga, a promise, n word of honour; ttarpskiibva da &.

a2 g~ shdf~up u ; a joke, a jest; see shdtw.

--krarn, o. To salute, greet; shdkram a2 p,n salutation,
an act of greeting; shdkram M a t , v. to bid welcoiile,
t o greet vii th words of welcome: sddhram dat ai, to
bid f arewcll.
-krat, r . A body louse,;csmp, t s i ; sddkrai fifiq, t o lice;
see d i ~ .
,+-Itre, c. (from h e , t o be finished.) TQ finish, bri n g t o

-krcp, w . * A bed-bug.
--krip, n. ( f r m Rrif, to abate.) T o "take down," to
Irumble; t o ijunish.
--krai, n. P. spkcies of bird.
-kraw, A. A k.itld of tree ; sane as ehp!kvaur.
Shakrawp, v To parch, to scorch; see Rruwp.
-krSw~, n. A boil, an ulcer, a carbuncle; see R Y ~ W Zand ,
parts; conlp. rh.~tngj~~wrn.
-kya, v. (from dyu, to be soft.) To soften.
-kyet, v. To finish, bi-in y to a close; see k y r f .
-hkau, n. A innrrlaye gift to a daughter from her
-hkyet, v. (from R h y t , to dry up.) To evaporate; to
cause to dry up, lower or diminish, as water i n a
stream or vessel.
-la, v . T o joke, jest, play with.
-la, R . A k i n d of tree; the month of April, w h e ~t!le ~
tree is i n blossoms; see Gram.; zAdLa ta, April.
-la, 92. A picturo; (Northern usage;) see srcmla; s . 4 d h
Rayat, co take a picture or a photograph.
-la lap, 7 2 . A ltii~dof fish. /

-ian, V . T o support, give strength or aid; s/rn/nri shd-

bran, to reanimate, revive, rejuvenate.
-Ian, v. T o make over, as a burden, to someone else; to
allow the free use, as of tools, implements, or the
like; a'u zi gaw a l i a m a r t i lrpe scireat skuan nza ni.
--lap, n. Bitter herbs of any kind; shanhfe sha rra siiuap
dd La md sg.
-lat, o. To beget; coup. of s k h j r a t .
1 v . To expel; see l e .
-len, a. To picase, be pleasant or agreeable, in ordcr to
gain favour; to lead, coax, as an animal, by thowing
food cr the like; see Len; to lead, as water, from one
part of a field to another; n. coup. of ?zjang, which see.
-let, o. To finish, make perfect; coup. of shdkyet.
-li, v. To be attentive to, to look after, or carefully
attend to, as children, stock or valuable property; r a i
n shdh' n i m d j a u ~mat m a sai.
--li, v . To complain of, to belittle, "'run down," z
~ t master; shigaw sAz a 7tzddlr 7r: Aj,e A , k ~ g
s e r v a ~ his
e dzd h h a tsrn shdh ?zgaai; shnli nchyz, n. grumbling,
1 , v. To lattice, as when puttlng u p a light bamboo
fence, or the like; shi sscn sA&m da as; ~ t lattice- .
work; ski skuLh12 wct ai.
S h ~ l i p , n. A cocliroacli.
-lit, tc. A thicket: see s/ra/azu9ig.
-lu, v. (froin / I $ , to be disturbed.) T o be sullen, s u l k y ,
a n d thus show childish spjt-e; aq;i n jaw a i majaw
s h a h 0 2 , he is sulky becrtusc. (you) did not give him
-lu, n. A variety of beetle ; s j ~ t i i nkampai; ( H kauri .)
-lum, u. (from lrtni, to bc warm.) To heat, warm, as
-lun, v. T o elevate, raisc to or place 011 a h i g h e r level;
fig. to exalt; s l l d h ~ r/ n , to cause to ascend, to take u p ;
see Lu72.
-lung, n. A liiiltl of tree; the (ork n l a t r e e ; shli/tt?tg
&am-ban; oni!; used it: pnetr)..
-lung, u . To lcnve oB (or soine time, as child-bearing;
shi kdshn n s h i i ~ g n ia t , j~:~isarnl:z!i/c' nirij~shljLx~~;: nznt
a t , it is three 01- dour \!cars sincc: shc had a child.
-Iut, u. T o pick, as t h e t e e t h ; cornp. na ska/tlf.
a y . (from lni, to pass b y . ) T o conduct past a given
point; to g r a n t , as a c a r a v a n , perlnission to pas5,
Apdga ni /tpe Rk?tm /rkrl:n m u , shlj/lrz dnt n r ~ do , not
stop t h e traders, let then? pass; to solelnnize a mar-
riage; (lit. to lend - t h e bride ;tc~-oss t!~:: lop placed
between rows of eleph:r;.t - a i ) s;rinkled
with the blood of a sacrGce;) azhtc dot r t i rzunr
s h d a i na g12 ni: to exceed, t o pass, ns. t h e proper
bounds; shi guru yai shn di nn hpc, shalni n17a kdynt ai.
-lau, v. (Irorn l t r t t , to turn 0 v e r . j T o s t i r , as food i n
cooking; ?)tala s h n / m t s; to confilse, disconcert,
confound; IL.!,? a p r hRn?;t s//dh7l r .
--law, v . (from law, t o bc m a n y . ) T o lilultipl)., increase;
s h h w &a, H. a woman's varrnent, a skirt; sl([i/az*htat

Ising, a poetic name for R s k i r t .

-law, u. T o meet, scv, a tiger 01- wildcat on a high-
way, regarded as a bad omen; h k a n .~hn~,o-w .~hd/auj'
yang, yawn Rkjlen hkrmnt ni dn.
-lawm, v. 'To i ~ ~ c l u d eembrace;
, see lnwm.
-lawn, r l . T o 111-gt:, pus11 l o r \ v a ~ - dsee
; / ~ n ) sto ; nlloiv f u l l
freedom o r libert,,; dnt ?izn h ~ sllj/nrn?r c t ( r ? r ~ t rn i lirdjaw
nzdsha gn IL i)ttit!nf t ~ i .
Shiklawng, n. A thicket, a wood of small extent; adaialig
shcEdiwtzg, a eclose!y set thicket: shdit sRcl/awq, heavy
rowth or unde'rlrush, as foutrd here and there i n a
feld; sh&i$ sLdLawng rar nna dkum migang; comp.
- - l a w , v. T o liberate, set free; see lawt.
l o , ndv. of time. When or then; slti sa a s sltdZoi, when
he went; sAd/oi sRmktt? bag wa ma ai, then t h e y re-
turned! daz shdh;i r, at that time; comp. g&i and
chydloi; conj. t h e n , i n that case; dai n Zang yagti~,s h d o i
ndai lang u, i t you do not carry this, then t a k e that;
sltdloi ynng, at that time or moment; straightway;
shdloi hkaixjazl, n. a fig. term for early rice ( d o i
mam); shalooi hhailjau myin sai.
-l%wi, n. Limes or oranges; see ldwi and combinations.
-man, v. (from titan, to be used to.) To habituate,
accustom, harden, inure.
-man, v. To bless, to pronounce a benediction; shdmaz a i
ga,a blessing, a benediction; .camp. machyai.
-man, n. The srnail bamboo (ntil-grass) used when di-
vinina9 see sh Ja wawt; (the bamboo is placed over a
slow re; joint by joint bursts with a loud report, and
the hairy fibres on each ~ i d eof the fracture (sR&
mown) are carefully examined, as by these the e v e n t s
are foretold;) i d m r skrtman nsddar kdhtaa I, a d s % ga
h h m bun, mdgow ga hkum Cua b w ; shdman dungbup,
a '(pair" of such bamboos; (to carry only one indi-
,cates the measuring of a corpse.)
-ma, v. T o lose; to cause to disappear; see mat; to
-mu, v. To blow, a s smoke into a rat hole.
--mu, v. T o move, stir; Zdta skdma uc, move the hand;
shdnrr shdmaud, to move stir, agitate; to shake,
tremble, as t h e ]caves be/ore the wind; nam Zap n i
shdmrr sltrimnu~tngn a t .
-mal, v. (from rtnr, to be well.) To cure, to heal;
mbchyi skd~rzaza , gitldi skdlsai a,heal the ill, cure the
Shsmau, 71. (fro111 m a g , to wonder.) T o astonish, amale,
as a magician with something ma.rvelous; matldan S a r a
ni masha hpe l./tyr shdnraa lizn a t .
-mawn, v. (irom mawn, to be decorated.) To adorn,
decorate. embellish.
-mawn, n. The fine hairy fibres thrown out on each side
of a. slit, as of bursting bamboo (shaman,) by w h i c h
prognostications as to future events are m a d e ; coup.
Lagawng; shiimnwa shanznn de ga, Zagaung san de ga.
-mawng, v. (from mawrzg, to fly, as dust.) T o stir up,
as dust, to spread or occasion promiscuous^ talk, or
reports reflecting on someone's character; shr' ga
s/tanzaw7zg a i n r m , a woman causing public comment.
-mawt, v. T o move, stir; t o move o r stir something; see
- m ~ w i , a . 'To Le heavy w i t h sleep; yup shanzawt n i .
-myen, n. A species of creeper; E n t a d a parsactha;
sAd?~zyczn-ga, the pod of the creeper, of ten more than
a yard long; shamyen turn, the seeds, often used by
children i n play; shdmyen daw a i , v. to play with the
-myet, u , T o lean upon; to confide or trust i n ; shdnzlfct
shlintzt, to l e a n , depend upon, as for support or com-
fb fort; N Z U hjlz
~ n i nza Rltrzv hta skrimyet nga ai.
-mying, v. (from nzying, a name.) T o namc, give a
name; @a amytng shamying n a Rz~n?
-na, v . (from iza, to hear.) T o inform, tell, to make
known; to communicate, give information; shi h/e
shdna y a $1.
-na '* v. (from na, to be long i n tirne.) T o extend i n
t i m e ; to postpone, to delay.
-na, n. Night, i n opp. to day (shaai); shalra .rho:, the
evening meal; eventng, i n opp. to morning; jii/rparul
shdna shligs skt sa ai.
o n a m , x . Ginger; con~p.gai; h121 lzpc shlifzant hte ndnt im
rd ai
-nan, n. (from nnt:, to light.) A torch; a nnmbc;lu;
shiittna shit ~ 7 to, split splits, as for a t o l - c i ~ .
-nan, v . T o m ~ x , as salt and red-pepper; cmlp.
* Shlmyin, u. to cleanse; coup of s/andvin.
Si~arran, v . To fibiah, t e r ~ i n a t e ;see anon; to take, to
rnarry, as the mother of an illegitimate child; s k i n-gyz
bdfzu hf6 /a shdi;an ai.
-naIlg, pro^^. We; same as anhie or z hterrg; (Northern
usage .)
-nang, v.Toadhereto,tofdlowup,stic!: a s t o a p i e c e ~ f
.work; comp. nang; a . every; ~ n o s t l yused
; with nouns
of time ; shdn:'sAdaa?zg,s/zdni~shawang, shdtrztigshdnarpg,
every day, night and year; Lump. shdgu; shcttrang r u ,
n. a species of creeper.
-nang, a&. Here, there, just where you are; see nang;
g nge ai,the things are right here
d a i arat s h a n a ~ ~zga
or t h e r e ; slldxang na wan l g m , bring fin& Iiom where
you are; comp. shltnung.
-nat, v. To lean, place, rest or put against; na a sdnal
s R ~ R z e~ s~ i ~a sz o t a , place your g u n against the wall;
comp. shdmqct.
-nem, v. (from nem, to be low.) To lower; fig. to
humble; myit shdntm, t o repent.
-nen, n. A leaf, dish rag or the like, used w h e n lifting
a hot dish or pot from off t h e fire; dr' hpc shdtren hte
Adaw?z a: v . to use t h e leaf, etc., as descriljed.
-nit n. A day, in opp. to night (shasta); cbrnp. nktoi;
shdni slzat, the midday meal; see n i a n d ningkrbawng.
-ni, v . (from t l i , to be tamed.) To t w e , domesticate.
-nl, v . (from xi, to be near.) To bring, or cause to be
-ning, rz. A year; see nitrg; skanittg htirzgini ?,idgap,
- every year.
-nu, v. To cleave, cling to: to dwell; comp. n u ,chydnu and
machyylc; s h n u ai shara, a home, a dwelling place.
-nu, u. (from 92% t o be slack, as a rope.) To slscken,
relax; fig. to pacify, (relax, lessen t h e tension of the
mind;) to become used to and t h u s settled and content;
dai nzmshn m y d n shdnu hkvaw n i .
-nung, adv. There, just or right there (within plain
v ~ e w ; )also pron. shaning; comp. shdnnfig; 7~ Ldnxai mi
shdnztng nn aidkau i dung nga ai.
-nung, o. T o complete, as preparations; mostly used as
a coup. of jahkum.
Shanut, v . To be twisted, tangled, snarled; sunzri Ate n
shdnul mat soi; shalout shdnaw, n. refuse, sweepings,
rubbish, trash; shanut shctnaw y e Rau mtt, sweep away
the refuse.
-nail v . To simmer, to boil slowly; n-t;?r 3Fungnhpanf
Atung, shddu ngu f shdnai AQut yang,Gl,peul gui ndung
r m&yawrz, @aw lap ninglsing e s h ~ b n w z ;comp. nni.
--naw* v. To force, coerce; shdnaw shahjuw, to insist, to
be pressing or urgent; s&' ngai hpe S ~ Q ? L U W shdhpaw
di nna s l a t jaw ai; to soften, as a piece of steel; see
o n a w n g , v. (from aawng,to be pushed.) To passor go
beyond, fixed, intended or proper lixni~;;sAi hpe t a n
nna," Bai wa rit " ngau ai she, sa shcirazung mat wa
ai, he went to' call him, but passed on himself; ngai
AKawm skdnawng mat zun rrrgai, I went further than
I intended; shiga t.rzn ihd~rezvngai, he speaks more
than is proper.
-nga, v . (Irorn nga, to be.) To fuIfill, carry into efiect,
as a p r o r ~ ~ i s e .
-nga, v. (from rrga, to -bend backward.) To intercept,
stop and turn'back; hfyen mdska n i h f c kRap shdngo
Kaz dnt ? I : , J ~ stop
, and t u r n back the soldiers.
-ngan, n. The mooth of J u n e ; see Grnm.; also, pron.
sd ftgnn .
-ngu, n. Thatch, ready to put on a roof; cornp. ban drr
and s h a f t g a ~ .
-ngun, u. To shavc.; to remove, as a beard; dam sha7dgrtrt oi.
-ngun, v. T o send, dispatch. as a messenger; comp.
s h ~ g a n :~ L d n g u nma, a messenger, a servant; verbal
auxiliary with causative force; cornp. ~ i . 4 ~shi ; h ~ gd-
taw s h d q u r a , cause, make, send or i o r c e him t o do
i t ; nra IC:p&Ihkzcm sn sddngun, prevent t h e child from
going; thus,dai h j e shdngzct o,or d a i p e ngul 3-4s-
%gun u , would be equal1 correct.
o n g u t , zl.(from n g r i , to be nished.) T o finish,complete;
h i n i amrc shdnglct r , finish the work t o d a y ; camp.
shdbor, shdkre, and shdkyef.
-ngai, v. T o bear, bring forth, give birth; comp.
and jinghkai.
Shangaw, ndzl. I n Iront; same as shawagdr; (Northern
--ngaw, 92. A poetic name Lor thatch; rhdngaw tzuuwlti.
-ngawn, 2. To atxuse, comfort: comp. 7zguwa and shdngwi.
-ngoi, v . (from agot, a sound.) T o bound, make a sound
or noise; to play, as an iastrument; sampyz rrfdngoi u.'
-ngwi, u. (iI-or.l A ~ U Z to , be gentle.) To amuse or com-
fort; shal~g;.i skdtzgewn, to amuse, entertain, divert,
beguile; rka?igaz shipyaw, to entertain* to comfort,
console, solact., encourage; shdngwi shd&aw c l i
words of comfoi-t, etc.; jluwn hkyen kRvrm a i n i
shct?~gndrshii/ynw i m .
--oya, D. TO sditen; see nya.
--nyea, u. T o force, t a k e by force; to coerce; see nynr;
comp. Rdshztn; sArinjc9n !(a, s a m e .
-pa, V. T o rxterld, as a cobra its hood; see pa; /'/u dk
shltpcl ni; t o e x p a n d ; to tlatten, as anything naturally
-pan, o. (from ]a?,, to be mature.) To bring up, as a
child; ~hrikz~n,u shli/.vzr., to develop, as the intellectual
-pung, n. ;I greea bamboo i n which food is prepared;
(Hkauri;) see pzlng.
-paw, v. ( f roln p f ~ vto, appear.) To spread, or facilitate
the spreadinq of, as news.
-pawng, t t . A i i r n p l e or boil on the sole of the foot;
also pvoa. shdFraung.
-pawt, n. A kind of m a l i g n a n t nat, causing sores or.
ulcers In t h e f a c e ; comp.galosa; a swelling or sore
caused by the n a t ; shdpuwt Rawa ar rxdjaav at dr dtr
to1 du?c l i s z r .
-poi. o. To scatter to t h e wind; see poi.
-111-a, 71. (from p m , to be pure.) To cleanse. purify;
s l ~ ~hi yt o ~.vhdpra, to purify , to sancri fy
-prat, z). (from p ~ . a t , a g e . ) To beget,procreate, gener-
ate: s h , i L t z t , to beget; to bear, give blrth;
cornp.rhnwpz. d e , yan kdshn law /aw shdprat shllat
??:n n z .
--prc. a (fr011) p r r . to be alike.) T o barmnize: to
Shapre, n. A leguminous plant of anv k ~ n d beans,
; peas,
by some shdprt, are confined to Slllnbing beans, etc.,
while non-climbers are called /dsz; comp. now and
-preng, a. A bean; a y e a ; see preng; (Hkauri;) same as
sk aprc.
-pti, P. To smooth, polish; see prz.
-prut, v. To boil, cause to boil and bubble; see pnrt; to
blurt out; ga shdprat az wn, 72. a talker, a humorist, a
-prai, v. T o efface, erase; see pmi.
-praw, v. To b r i n g o u t ; to exhume; to give, contribute,
as to a subscription; shi hfia n skupipraw Ahraw a i , he
does not care to contribute; s k d p r a w shddan, to
explain, interpret, elucidate, as the m e a n i n g of a
-prawn, v. T o revive, reaniinnte; see prazwn.
-prawng, a. A boil or pimple, on the sole of the foot;
also firon. ~Aapawngor sd)mw;zg.
-pyan, v. (f.rom pyafz, to unfold.) T o unroll, unfold,
expand; t o disclose, reveal.
-pyen, v. (from pyerr, to fly.) T o release, as a bird,
caught i n a tray; t o throw away, as worthl'ess things;
to drive out, expel.
-pyik, v. (from pyik, to be obstructed.) T o close, stop
up, as an opening.
-pyaw, v. T o boil; see pjla70.
--pyaw, u. (from pyaw, to be happy.) T o amuse; to make
happy; to comfort; see sRa?zgwi.
-ra, n. A place; worn skiirn cis srr ,: a. no to that place;
comp. yang and r a , i n s u c h combinations, as naura,
/up r a , and nat m; an occasion, a subject matter; also
u s e d as a verbal auxiliary; isart shdra n nga, there is
no occasion for talking; dni / ~ r i A6raf
~i shara a nga a i ,
here is no cause for crying. ,--
-rat v. (from r a , to be e v e n . ) 1 o make e v e n , smooth; to
-ra, v . (from v a , to be at fault.) To blanie; s a m e as
mdra s h d p n ai.
Shara, v . T o make a noise, as when walking among dry
leaves; to shake the flgor, or the like, as when walk-
ing; hkurn shdra mu,y a t y a t sha hhawnz mu, don't
shake (the house), walk gently. .
-ra, n. A variety of gibbon; see lagang.
-ram, v. (from mwt, to be moderate.) T o moderate; to
measure, dose out, as medicine; I s 2 hpe sharam nna /u
24; shavam y a , t o consider, deliberate.
d r a m , 72. An otter; coup. mdjoi.
-ran, v. (from m n , to be apart.) T o place or put
-ran, n. Wisdom; shrtran su7nnrawa, same; only used as a
coup. of hpaji; hpnjz' shdrin de go,s h a r a r sammawn
achyin di ga.
-rang, v. T o bear, endure; to show patience, resignation;
to persist; comp. shdkat; /oi mz naw s h d r a ~ r gm u , bear
it (or hold out) a little longer.
-rat, v. T o ring, as a hand-bell; dt'ngsi shdral rr; to
shake, and thus rattle, as dice, or a rattle-box; n. a
rattle, a n d thus a rumour, report; ~ r g n i n a awa a sitdrat
n n n ya t~ryitni? h a v e you heard no runlou r re garding
111y bl-other?
-re, n. A hero; thus a leader, a captain, as on the war-
path; hjym share shdgax 722 prau,wa uza ai.
-re, n. Ratte ns used for a roof ; share re a i , or r i m ei, to
tie or nail, as battens or scantling.
-re, n. Stocks; comp. s/tdr&tz.
-rem, n . The tie-beams of a roof; shavtm daw, the posts
supporting the tie-beams, or the wall-plates.
-ren, a. To keep,confine i n stocks; /dg-rr aiiclnhpe r / l d r r
htn e ~hiis.enzt. t-
-ren, V. (from utrr, tobe apart.) To lengthen, let out,
as a rope, or a strap; opp. to shdgyz'7i.
-reng, v. (from rtng, to be choice.) T o show pride; to
put on a i r s ; to be haughty and insolent; daz zua gaw
hi n hRmm kpr g m i share~zgai; to adorn, beautify,
as a house : drrr nin shci~engli71d I ~ U a i . x

-ri, 7c. An old overgrown p a d d y field; yi Rax ai @ong

s h d r i tat' w a a t ; shn'ri rnn;rcnzawn!same as shdrz.
Shari, v. To cut i n slices, as fruit; r . a slice; aat)rsr shdri
nri jaw e; ~ A n r ishdrn~r,to slice, cutti n x up and d o w n ,
not across; to be i n disorder, see hktirr Xvrtr-n;v.
-ri, v. To remember ( w i t h fear,) as p c ~ n i s l r l ~ ~ e na t ,
warning, a sad experience, or the like; comp. rz and
s h d n n ; mrin?ng m r ilrdrh 11;nr prw d a k k ~ as h d y ?
nngai, I still 11;ivt: th:: c?:perir.ncr of last ),ear's illness;
to warn, as bjv punislrrilrnt, to reach by experience;
ldgu n i we ~ h a nt , give the thief a warning
(teach hiin a lessoil,) a r ~ d!iit hirn go; d m zuu s h ~ i ~ z
tim' n s h r i r j i j z o r , w e 1::~ve warned (punished) him,
but he does not k n o w ilovc to take a warning; shari
shdral, n. unpleasant experiences) troubles of various
kinds, hardships; dai zing zgzri s / i d r z sharnt Zaw /aw
LRrtcm tt~~glzicbw, this ).ear I have had hardships
- enough.
-ri, n. A variety of roselle; the red sorrel.
r i m v. (from rirn, to catch.) T o frighten; to f e ~ g nJi ,
though ready to s t r i k e ; comp, nhdrzut; ngni SAZ lIpc ct
s h d n n n~tgaz. t

i n v . (from rin, to grind.) To teach, instruct,; to

punish, chastise, as a child; shdritz ya, to instruct,
shilrin h,to learn; sdra ni shdrzh ya, 7za nz' shtirzn /a
m a ai, the teachers teach, the pupils learn (receive
iilstructiol~;)sR,:.vis nsh3!2'rt, to teach, see parts; shkrzn
shag^, to t e z c h , preach, give public instruction.
-ring, Y . (from r i ~ gto , prosper.) To prosper, multiply.
-ru, n. A mole; animals of the genus TaZjba; a bamboo
rat; comp. ru a n d combinations; see wundu.
-ru, 21. (from r t t , to be difiicult.) To afflict, trouble, to
render difficult; shdva slrlijnb, n. trouble, difficulties,
h z r d s h i p s ; see parts. ,

---riln, v. (from r a n , to be demolished.) T o demolish,

tear down, an old house; dai a t n Ape shtirnn Rat4
?nu; to put off, l n v aside, get rid of;chyi~zghlnhkrigrdwr
shdrun a l a w ; t i s t r i p , as a t r e e of ir!; fruit; ncrmsi hkuwz
sA(irr~;Rnu ~ t t s;h n m n s h o b p , drst rrlction ; see parts.
-rui,g, v. T o mourn; s h d r t t m g sh'iynwt, to wail, !ament;
r,) moan; to grieve over; ~ P N ~sz L mat ai mijaw shz
J /'iirzrng shdyau~tm i ngu.
Shgrung, 7~. A marriage dowry; ~ L d r u n g~ h d k a t rthe, pres-
ents given by tire bride's parents to ttlc tride-
groom's; opp. to /rpd;i hpdga.
-rut, n. A land-slide; shdruf g a - g y i - r u , 2 . to c a w .
slide,as a rit c ~ - b a t l k , oar mountain s ~ d e ; s e parts,
e and
comp. zz'agrtll.
a , v. T o clear the throat; mdya sharai ai.
a , o. (from r ~ ito , be.) To consider, deliberate; t~
get ready, make preparations; to effectuate, take
action; cornp. shdbyir; ngui naw shdrai /a n gn, naw
/r Rring g ~ .
-nu, v . ( f r o ~ nm a , to follow.). To imitate, to learn, as
by obsel-vation; shdrau a i mvit, an imitative and
retentive mind; shi ndup kpajz khan sharav /a sa.
-raw, n. A jungle-fira; wild-fire; skdraw Akru, v. to burn,
as a junzlc.
-raw, tr. Battens or s c a ~ ~ t l i n gused
s, t o support a wall;
shdraw shdbnp a i l Y. to place the timbers.
-raw, rz. A tiger; corny. rawngand combinations; sAaraw
nba, the Bcngal tiger; skavaw n/uwrrg, a man-eater;
see nlawrpg.; shdruzu gawd-grut-nga-nyrn and tryau,
see parts. t
-rawn, v. T o place a corpse 1 1 1 atate; see marrg shdrawn.
-rawng, 21. To like, take pleasure i n ; to relish; comp.
aav2g ihclrnwrtg; dai ma hpe ngaigrai shdmwno nngaz.
-rawng, u. (from rawng, to contain.) To inCm; to
arouse, excite, as to ang&; ga Law na Atum shduawrrp,
do not stir up a quarrel.
-rawng, r . A tiger; ( Hkauri ;) see shdraw.
-rawt, a. (from rawt, to rise.) To raise, lift up, elevate;
to advance; Rdtnw ni hpe shhrcazut mu, raise the
f nllen.
-I-oi, rr. Proper name; the e i g h t born male child; Mo
Hka n hflnng P Shdroi.
-sat, o . T o step; see slrsnt.
-shawn, v. T o conduct, lcad in or through; see s6awn.
-shawng. n. A thicket; r l l y t h r n ~ ccoup. of s h d l a w v .
-ta. adu. Who k n o w s ? a shortelled form of s h e , but, and
the interrogative l a ; hntlt s h ~ t o(she l a ? ) well, who

knows 7
Shata, n. The mom; see !a, and combinations; a lunar
month; cornp.@n2 shatn hi,the time oi the full moon,
or the t i m e i n the evening when the moon rises;
shdtn p m w , v. to w a x , as the moon; ~ t the . new moon,
t ~ m eof the r,ew moon; s i ' i f n mdhkarboti, s,the fairy of
the moon; shata mlthkamx sidpar a i d kind of spiritu.

alistic seance i n which t l ~ c"maid" of the moon is

summoned to reveal t h s f u t ~ ~ rofe those present;
shdtn shr 7nciyyt1,an eclipse of t h e moon; see jan sLu
m d y a ; s h d l n shdgawng, ~ t .f u l l rnosr!; a. t: be f u l l , as
the moon; shntn zunzg, t h e "riniy;' .> a r o u n d the moon;
see parts.
-tan, v. TOslander, revile, v i l i f y , d e i a m e : sht Tzgat @e
shdtnn at, he is slandering me; ;haran nhhnn, slander,
contumely, reproach, shame ; s kiran n6kakz hkrum ai,
to be slandered, etc.
-te, adv. This little; see n t ~ shrtte
; ska ngaz ?z La na.
-ten, 72. T i m e ; see icn a n d l?ten; ~ l r ~ i t e dzb
i ~ 2 sat, the time
h a s come.
-teng, v . (from feng, to be true.) To vcrify, confirm,
-tep, v . To be grave, sober, serious, soinbre, solemn; num
a nnn7z s h d l ~ pa i .
-tin, v . (from tin, to be urgent.) To urge; t o make
pressure to bear; to hasren.
-tin, n. The: buttocks; coup. of mnza'ang.
*-tu, v . (from h ,to be light.) To l i g h t , as a lamp;
pyengdig~s h d t z ~2c; to polish, blanch, or whiten.
-tu, v: To joke, jest, trifle with; .thdtzi s h b k ~ asame; , n.
a joke, jest, witticism; shdtlc shdkra gn hjne shiflawt
w a ai.
--tu, v. T o crowd out; to corner; to shut i n , coop or pen,
as an animal; nga T I , hpe ztL111w~g P gawt shut?<da mu.
-turn, u. T o squander, as time; see t a m and hkdtum.
-tun, v. (from tun,to melt.) T o melt, liquefy, dissolve,
as chemicals; to brew, draw, as liquor; (hydra (sing
shdtun mzt.
-rung, n. 4 w o r m , borer, caterpillar , (Hkauri ;) see lung.
'-tung, n. A spear, as a part of a w e d d i n g present to
t h e bridegroom's family; sAdt?*ngn ,same.
Shatup, a. (from tuj, to be complete.) To fulfill; to carry
into effect; to obey, as an order, to keep, as the law,
to observe, as religious functions.
-tut, v. T o raise, as flowers; to grow, as a beard, hair, or
the like; shi n-gup nmun shatut! ai.
-tai, u. (fom tai, to become.) To effectuate; to accom-
plish, make, produce; ski nzdgri hpe gumhjraw shdtai
-tai, u. T o place, support on a block, as when splitting
wood; Itprnntnwng hta shdtaz nna Rdhtam u .
-tawm, v. 'To finish, as a harvest; see tawm.
-tawn, v. T o blunt, dull, as an edge-tool; see lawn.
-tawng, v. To resolve, determine, conclude; see tawfig;
nn nga dut na myzt shdlnw~tg~ t r r ,ti? h a v e you con-
cluded to sell your ox.
-tawt, v. (from fawt, to force over.) T o throw, as a
stone over a house; a n n l u q kabai shdtawt jawngga.
- t i w ~ , n. A kind of tree.
-tsam, v . (from i s a ? ~force.)
, To incite, urge on, spur
on; ngai shatsam ar mdjaw shanht&gdlaw ma ai.
-tsan, zi. ( I rom tsan, to be far.) To lengthen, as a road;
to remove, as anything undesirable; to kill.
-tsang, v. (from tsaf:g, ' t b be. , t r c ~ b i e d . ) T o trouble,
annoy; S ~ ~ Yshutsang,Z 72. trouble, anxiety, vexation.
-tsim, v. (from isim, to settle.) T o f inisb, conclude, as
the ceremonies of a funeral; also pron. satsim.
-tsit, v. T o make green; see isit; to enamel, as w i t h
green enamel.
-tsup, v. T o con~plete;see isup.
-tsai, v . To cleazse, purify; sce isni.
-tsaw, v. (from isaw, to be high.) To heighten, to raise,
elevate; comp. shdrawl.
-tsawm, v. (from tsnwm, to be beautiful.) T o adorn,
beautify, enlbellish; comp. shaptpra.
-htawng, n. A birthday feast; see jihtaw.
-vi, n. A female; see s i d y i .
-wa, v. ([I-cm w a ,to repa)?.) To fine, impose a fine; to
mulct; comp. idtsaw a n d gdlazu at jn: /dg?gu a i wn hpe
shawa m u . fine the thief.
Sltdwa x A n assembly, a congregation; a . public, common;
comp. pdwa and t a w a ; shdwa hpawrtg, a public gather-
1 1 1 ~ .shdwa h k a , a public well; see st'lewa; shdwa m n z ,
a harlot; shdwa galaw, to do, as communal work, to
r a k e part, as the whole conlmunity : skltwa idhknwn ai,
to collect, as taxes or public money; slrawa ~ a n ga,
kind of much valued beads.
-wan, a. To do piecemeal; to do i n p a t c h e s to leave
out. as part of a story; go tstrn yung PZ m a ;i ska skr-
waft du ai.
-wan, v. To purify, cleanse; coup. of shasan or jttsan.

-wang. :).(from wang, to be inclosed.) To inclose,,shur i n ,

fence i n ; to surround, encompass; comp. shdgrzcp; dnr
v g , l hpc sumvi ktc shdwan La nna dix hla graw di mil.
-wang. 8
2). T o be all-inclu ing; a. comprehensive: n.
rnlnd, intellect; mostly used i n religious poetry as a
coup. of nmvzl; Shawang amzyzt n m?~,.?z'ndointdsz'n ?r us.
-wang, n. A kind of striped snake; also called kmg
* shdwattg.
-wun, n. A specie; of quail; shdwan a. ..
-wu n , n. A cowry; shdwan taw,v. to play with cowries; la. a
game r e s e m b l ~ n gbackgammon played with cowries.
--wung v . T o take shelter, cover; n. a shelter; see shift,{-
bii a. sheltering.

--waw, v . (from waw, to be floating;) To float.

--waw, o. (frommaw, to perforate.) To'be despondent;
to have lost heart: nzyit .thdu)aul nmw~ta?,to despond,
despair; Kenu d d w n n i si nrnt a i n t d j o v rnz~ils ,rrZr;aw
" -
wawt da wu az
--uia\~m, u To ralse, as d o u g h , from ).past 01- I r a v e n ; t o
I l t leavened ; see 7LmW?it.
O . odv Fol-merly, in t i m e s p a s t ; s/ru?;~ri, c o t ! 7 1 i ~n~i ,
1.a ; n ; l ~ 7, trgn nz, foi-merly there was, now t h r r e is n o t ;
*slkwau?n, v. cwp of s / r l a w x .
skazuoi ;Ra /cte nrctrm, as i n times gone by, according
to ancient custom; shdwor na hki~zg htr i i z d v r a hkan
.gctlaw mu.
Slilya, n. A kind of herb; slrhya si-rrcJ see parts.
- ya, v . (from y a , to give.) T o suspend; to lct down, as
a rope into a well; sunrui shdya ya e.
- tan, re. A k i n d of tannin tree.
- lam, v . (from y a ~ , r ,to be enslaved.) To enslave; to
become accustomed to; (Hkauri); comp. s h d ~ ~ z a n .
-Ya n.J v. T o hurry; comp. d r m h j r a ~ c ;to take in, as a
s~de-show,t o visit, as on the s a y ; g ~ dc t sa j z n g
tsadrk AKI shciyntr prna laifin 6nsg da 11 y a w , when you
g o to t h e bazaar, go by the post-office and mail t h i s
letter; dai wn yang, ~zycnta deslrriyalr am rzt, on your
return pay me a visit.
-YanJ u. T o let out, as a flock of sheep from an inclosure;
see garr; zc/naw7zg kta na nga ni hfc @am shayan daf
-yap, v. To prepare, as curry; nnm/aj s/rea14 shn ga.
-yet, n. To d i m i n i s h ; to send away, take o u t , as some
fro111a c r o ~ v d??26shn ; nau h w a2 n k n i ~~~tishdyit lau 7izlrtc.
-yi, i t . A female; shriyi s h n , a daughter; comp. yz, and
s h d a ~ z g ;kika.ui.i, shdzri.
-yit, rz. i\ hot l l ~ i i ~ c i - spring;
al also ji~-ort.shait; shyit
hka gazu Jfiiiht~t7ina j u ~ nshlcrit ai; di?tgbnwa shayit,
-yu, n. The eel, or pipe-fish; nga sha~fj.a.
-yu, 2. T o soothe, as 3 child; ftta h j e s l t d j a a
-yu, v. (from ytt, to descend.) T o put d o ~ v nas , n load;
to let down.
-yu, t z . fhe piei-ardi a f r u i t ; the i l . r i t i c r . n attrnnata.
-yu, 72. The hip-jo~nc

-yun, u. T o l o w ; conlp. kdyna; opp. to s A a / ~ n .

-yet, o. To be i ~ p a t h e t i ci,n d i f f e r r n t ; mfitia?tghtc maren
t o m ti I N W ? ~ II~ ~/zf, /IA~rnwn i rnbj&:;~ liijlil s h f i ~ ~ tri zl n r .
--yaw, ;I. T o grol,iT weakel-; comp. y n w ; t o w e a k e n , to
t a k e d o w n , ac an overbearing pcrson.
--yawm, sl. T o d i n ~11is11,
i lessen; sec ynza~rr.
-yawn, 7 T o point, as a g u n , a t someone; sec jlown;
Hang de s d t ~ A ~ bf ~ m.rAliynmn.
Shdyawn, u. T o slacken, as a rope; see yawlt.
-yawng, v . (from yawng, t o be floating.) To float, as a
raft ; ngau shdyawng a .
-yawt, v. To mourn, to lament; to bemoan, bewail;
comp. sI'c'.Yx?z~.
-za, v. T o destroy, as one's own work; see singa2sa.
-zai, o. (from n i , to be wild.) T o allow, as a dog to
run, or become wild.
-zau, n. Food, provision, as for a journey; see sdzazc.

The twenty-fifth consonant i II tllc Kachin alp11abet;

when initial i t has almost a d t sound, when final t, as i n
Ta, n. A month: see s h i n ; ya na t a , the coming month;
a season; kashrnz t a , t h e cold season; nlzdvz t n , the
hot months; see also lananz to, mdyyu l a , mrt~gaifa,
*mut ta and htingre l a .
T a , v . To lick; see mdta.
Ta, v. To build a house; derv. nta; to use, occupy, a c a v e ,
a shed or the like, as a dwelling-place; ski (Irn@w
~ P Fnla l a .

Ta, Verbal interrogative, used i n reIerence to perfectly

unknow13 subjects; see Gram., and comp. i , Ro, ~i and
ma; ltpn gnhw it fa? what are you doing? na ytyi hpa
dyin k t t d what has happened to your eye?
T a , v. T o be left, placed, and thus r e m a i n i n g ; derv. Lata;
comp. da; w a shat ska ya t a zai, I left father eating,
or waiting for his meal; a. pcrinanent, same, identical;
pure, u n m ~ x e dd; a i mljhkrai ?nyina t a nazu m i izga ar',
this is the same old bridge; dai ZdBan ja t a r a i nga
ai, this bracelet is pure gold; 773yit nzyi tzta t o , the
natural mind.
-bu, n. A kind of very durable Chinese cloth.
-mya n. T h e food eaten by a bride and bridegroom;
(Hkauri ;) J i ' z g h ~ a w hkaw
, lzknw shat.
o n a m , n. A severc and p e r s i s t e ~ tcold: comp. waw;
hkringwau71z tnna?n k ~ a j 2 zat Caw.
Tawa, PZ. Existence; n-gawn i n w a , a . universal; see parts
and comp. shduw; lawa P Ilc ai hka, a s p r i n g used by
T a k , v . To be s ~ n a l l adv.
A ; small, minutely; see rhyaP.
Tak, o. [ro guess', conjecture, t o form, as opinions at
random; comp. ' h t a i a n d t a u ; dat gut7tlrpraw gdde re
a i ~ n yu
k u.
Tam, v. '1'0 seek, look for, search for; t o h u n t , as game;
ta b e lcoking, as for work; conip. h a m , snwh and ski;
mw hkra t a m a , s e e k t i l l you find it; nga ri sa tan
T a n , n. A division; a class, a s t a n d a r d ; Bur. mf:; comp.
Tan, v. To be ready; (Shan;) comp. jirc a n d rau; ngai
gdrat 72 t a n nngai, latrjla?rgsn no.
Tan, o. T o be effective as a inedicine,narcotic herbs, or
t h e like; ru f a z ynng gnga si n i , i f t h e herb is effective
t h e fish will die; t s i n l a t r a i m d j a w nma t r ??zaiLR~aw
T a n g , u. T o p a w n ; to mortgage; gamltpraw n /a az rndjaw
s k i ha74 tattg d a 7224 ai.
T a n g , 21. To be s t r o n g and thus immovable, as a struct-
u r e ; only used as a r h y t ~ l m i ccoup. of ngang or ARong.

Matsaw hdvnigangnga?zg rg ngong,

Ntsang LRraiwa tang n tang so y u mu / a @ . .
Tang, ' v . T o be s t r a i g h t ; adv. s t r a i g h t , r i g h t ; comp. anf
a n d Bur. oaE; /ahla tang, straight o v e r h e a d , in the
z e n i t h ; In the highest; /dm# f d h f a fang de, in the
hi h e s t heavens; ? d a tang,r i g h t across; Apun /am I
?z a fang Law 9zg.n n i.
T a n g , V . To be shallow, not d e e p ; oyp. to sung; comp,
r o t , l': kn t a n g nt hRzc r n f i n t u .

Tang, r ~ Proper . name; t h e fifth born male child; may

also be n a m e d Gzrn or Ta?zx Grin.
Tang, t i . A way! :i road; an a n t e c e d e n t , a cause; Shan
-byin, n. Cotnplaints,. ailmeats; disease; Shan rn884;
comp. ~narbjv'n;r C ~ A f e /g(z t a ? t g J ~ ~sawng
in aa.
658 Tangdai.
Tangdai, n. T h e time or hour, as of death; the appoint-
ed hour; nye a tnngdaz skn a dtd dtt gaw 72 si s n nngnt,
1 will not die before m y time comes.
-gyin, n. Food; see jdril.
-kaw, n. A species of large black a n t ; also called gzt
na tang.
-kyin, n. (from kyin, to be press~ng.) Hardships,
trouble, misery; opp. to langfyaw; tn~tggkyi~ kridrrp, v.
to experience, as hardships.
-krang, n. An umbel; (Hkauri;) see shinghyang.
-hkak, v. T o be intimate with; n. intimacy.
-1en1, n. Business capacity; comp. [em, ability, as i n
trade, building,or the like; tang/emgat uai wa, a sharp
keen business man; a "sharper."
-1awt n. (from lawt, to escape.) A n escape, flight, un-
expected departure; tangkawt tavz, v. to seek, as a
means of-escape.
-pyaw, n. (from pyazu, to be happy.) Pleasure, enjoy-
ment: cause for joy or gratification; iangpynw lam yang,
tangkyirz kddup, seeking pleasure he fpu nd misery.
-sum, n. (from ston, to lose.) Loss, failure, defeat,
@&ga g a yang,gdZoz nzu~zgtlangszrm hkrum nligaz.
T a p , v. T o call, to cry; comp. shagn and v m g .
--tap, v. T o prate; to jabber; to gabble; nang t a p rap
naw gzga rzga n nz .? are you still jabbering.
Tap, a h . Also, although, even; ngai t a p n rar' yang me a
shndu nr gaw, although i t is not I , I am blamed; 7ta a
pd/awng rap n tsawm yang, mat yaag mat gaw.
Tat, v . T o drop, let fall; comp. d a t .
Te, v. To be sent, driven, propelled, as a projectile;
derv. dirrgte; d u n g Rayaf t e dat u , h i t the stone and
send i t " flying"; ?Ha Ape LdAtuin it Rau u.
T e , n. A ridge of e a r t h , as i n a paddy field: Shan ~ 0 % .
-na, n. A terrace, as of a paddy field; t e ~ g a r h w , v , to
terrace, as a field on a hill-side.
-nam, v. A species of herb.
Te te, n. A variety ol mina; t e i r u .
Tel:, v . To f i l l , as a tooth; to stud, as w i t h nails; shz w a
l'rfa p tek ai, his tooth is filled w i t h gold: ulcawng
hiiwggrung ht1, hgvi tek m u .
Ti. 659

T e k , v. T o guard, as a prisoner; to follow on thc sly, as

a spy; to tame, domesticate, as by rigid confinement;
sdanhfe d a i / d g x w a lil)e tek da mu ai. . &

T e k , v. To be smal1,minute; derv. atek; comp. t ' l k , tek

mz, i t . a pinch, as of tobacco, opium or the l i k e ; tek
Rara, the bowl, as of an opium pipe; teR k d ~ ahta Ra-
n i tek mz bang r.
-tek, a. Small, diminutive, mlnute.
T e ~ n , v. T o be closely shut, as the 1ips;daz wn nLen tern
re ai; to be taciturn, silent, reserved.
-si, v. T o be sober, calm, serious; see parts; 5hi tern sz
rai nna a ?zga nga a t . ...
Ten, n. T i m e ; derv. atepz, g a t m , shdfen; comp. ahkying,
y n ten, the present*time; y u p i c n , sha ten, r a w f t e r
duvz m a , remember the time for sleeping, eating and
r i s i n g l g a r a ten d u n la? at what time (when) did
you come. ,
T e n , v. T o pursue; camp: shdden; d d w a ni Ape dep hRra
hkan ten mu.
T e n . n T h e esoteric part, as ot magic, jugglery,
swordsnlanship or the like, only 'known to the i n ~ t i -
ated; hhycn shiiri7t yuag fen murzg lasum a i .
T e n g , v. T o throw; see f e and nfeftg.
T e n g , ' a. T o call, as a deer; comp. Rang.
T e n g , v. T o be spotted; derv. ateng.
-teng, a . Spotted; comp. pang j a r g ; rawngguwh teng
ferzg paltg pnf~gr2 ai.
Teng, v. T o be true, honest, upright; comp. dzng and
rtznn; derv. aLc7tg and shdtcrzg; to be correct, accurate;
shi tsz6n n i g n telzg ?zgu ( 2 ~a i . ,.
-man, a . True, honest; comp. ding maR; teflg man ai
antu, honest work; t c ? q nznlt czi jlkz tsun 14.
-teng, adze. T r u l y , honestly; i n an upright, exemplary,
truthful i n n n n e r ; comp. man nlnn; gu tcng teng tsun a .
-tawk, ndv. I n line w i t h , straigllt ahead of; cornp. tam-
t a p and d i ~ ~ ~ t a z ?znllg
u d ; ~ f n htci teng taw4 ~i isokz wn.
T e y , v . T o pinch; to be pinched; derv. nzatcp.
-tep, ndv. I n a pi~lchingmanner.
i Adversative coltj. but; comp. m i fz, and see Gram.
660 Ti mung.
Ti mung, c o ~ t j .B u t , ho1,vever; nL!m i l a w li mung n /a a i ,
I give, but he does not t a k e it.
-rum, cotrj. Eut, howevei-, but but; tz I U t ~i r a , but but,
b u t o r i f ; t i rsr~zi r F a , s u m i>zaArnd d r a , but and i f ,
woman's and childn-ens' talk.
Ti, n. A mushroom; see 72~utz.
-chyang, n. A species of black mushroom.
-hpra, r . A species of mushroom.'
Ti-nang, Reflexive j r o n . himself, yoursel[, herself, itself,
h i s own; each; see Gram. ; tz-nnr:g d n i , same; ti-nang
daaidaa, L+senggarafgaratl, let e a c h d r y (things) at
his own fire-place; 11-nanp wzdhksrn hta ti-nnng 1%az,
h e is caught (himself) i n his o w n t r a p ; ti-nang hRum
hpe ARlcm sddgratl, do not exalt yourself.
Tik, v. T o be intense, strained, on the point of s n a p ,
ping; comp. dik.
-hprut, ndv. With a snap; clear off; right through;
sumri tik /tpvrcl v n i mat sai.
-sha, adv. Almost, nearly; shi ngai h j e Rdhtam a2 rat
sha ue ai, he almost cut me; shi di hkuat na it'& sha
rai sai.
-tik, adv. Intently; i n an earnest, fixed m a n n e r ; ngai sa
Ba f i k lik myit se ai, i a m intent upon going; 5/22 n
hhraw, tiR t i 4 re a i .
Tim, conj. But; shortened form of t i vzung; should be
written t i m ' .
Tin, v. To be dwarfish; comp. din, to be oval; derv. atin.
-tin, a. Dwarfish, stunted, undersized; tin tin ba bu,
same; see tin itR 2 4% 1-1 ( ~ZSG.i
Tin, v. T o bc u r g e n t , pressing; i n a h u r r y : hkrm ti% u,'
be not urgent; a . hasty, precipitate.
-shgpun, adv. Hastily, urgently, showing passion or im-
patience; ga islot jnrzg tin S B ~ ~ P I C/Ifi2:7,v
-tin, nrlu. Hastily, hurriedly; tin fiz g ~ Y ~ imf*,ttn c. tin
Ti nang, pl-on. Himself, etc., see ti-?tang.
Ting, - -1. ,To bc firm, imlnovable; comp. i!zng; coup. of
/r Rn:tg.
Ting, o. To congest; see .k$ting and s n i r'i;rg.
.,.,, ~.
Tin grawng. 66 r

Ting, . be complete; a. all, the whole; Rkul:~t i ? : ~

~ v To t h,e
whole body; @2atigfzltg, the whole country; sta ti^!^,
t h e whole house; dai n2ng ling: this wllolc y ~ ; i r m
; d~e
Ling tam mu.
-di, v. To complete; collect into one; also used ad-
verbi ally; dai n~.zlrkrct i ~ di
g sha u .
Ting, v. To plant, as highland paddy; coxp. 6rn)gat,
hhai and lnnm f k g . 1 he planter dibbles away with
a smal1,hoe throwing i n a f e w grains as he goes. i

-chye, n. A sxnall hoe or dibble used i n paddy planting.

-gaw, n. A small hoe; also pron. dinghkaw.
--kaw, n. A dibble; same as tingchye.
Ting, A general preformative; cornp. dillg; often pro#.
-=u n. T h e spring, as ot a trap; comp. dingga.
-gaw, n. T h e fan palm.
-gren, a. Rough; same as di~iggrkn.
-gyi, a. Curled, kinked; same as mdgyi.
a n. Great; see tingnzt.
-1% n. (from jot,-to increase.) A nest, as for a setting
hen; see njaf.
-ku, n. Rent; see kzt and diptggx.
-kun, v . T o be bent, as a bamboo; finghlrn hknwm, to
crawl, as a caterpillar, a leech or the like; also pron.
h ti7zgh24 zz.
-nu, a. Great, glorious; tingnu tingja, same.
-nyang, n. A low stool;' v i ti7zg?tyang, same; used espe-
cially by priests while officiating.
-pau, i r . A low long hill; coup. of miif-amn; comp.
-ra, iz. A yak's tail o r the like coloured red, used as an
ornament with pack-mules; (Chinese.)
--rat, n. A species of fern.
-rat, 72. A pipe, tube, made of rattan; c h y d ~ nynnr hta
ti?rg?*atlung 7 ~ u cornp.
. chyil;grat.
--ru, a. A speciep of creeper.
-raw, n. A Ssh-trap; same as ckyi~rgmv.
-rawng, n. A lime-rod or lime-twig used i n catching
662 Ti ngroi.

Tingroi, n. A species of oak.

-sa, a. Old; see diagsa; tivzgssa ~ninghbaw,the old sun.
-san, n. T h e ordinary Kachin b a g or haversack; comp.
~thpyeand htung; ti?zgsnw hpye, v. to wear a bag.
-se, n. A stringed instrument dl any k i n d ; a violin,
harp, or the 11k e ; tingse d t i n ~ v.
, to play, as a fiddle; to
-sen, a. Pointed; see ??zdsen.
-si, n. A species of burdock.
-tsi, adv. With difficulty; ti?gtsishn dz~21t~ nlzgai, it was
only with (great) difficulty or effort that I could come;
tingtsz tingman sha, onlv with ( g r e a t ) effort, difficulty
or persistence; a'ai g u m b r n z v hpe tingtsi tizgngman sha
LZL /a we az.
Tit, v. T o be distended, inflated, swelled; see kan tit
and zaw.
-tit a. Distended, bulging, swelled; comp. bazung dawng;
trng a n tit tit re a i , hpa ggn a La ?
Tu, v. T o sprout and grow, as a plant; derv. chydta;
comp. Rdda wn; dai 7zanzpan n fx Akraw ai; to grow,
as a limb of the body; shi na ir t i mang n nn 1%ni,
he has (is growing) ears, but cannot hear; t d d i t u a i
wa n c h y ~mrtnam ai.
Tu, v. T o be shining; to emit light; derv. a t r ; cornp.
shriltl; wan tu nga a t , the light is burning bright.
-ala, a. Bright, shining, dazzling; see parts.
Tu, a. A word; shortened form of sumtzc.
Tu, v. T o rise, as a river; comp. tung; Bur. o j t .
Tu , n. Proper name; the fourth male child; also called
L a m , Tu Lum or T a Gawng.
Tu, v. T o be short; derv. nt*, n , shortness; Bur. oj.
Tu, n . T h e porcupine; see dzc.
T u k , n Poison, venom, as of snakes or insects; comp.
gungo I.
-htawk. v. T o administer. as an antidote for animal
p i i o n ; tuR htnwk n i isr:. medicine, as for snake bites,
scorpion stings, o r the l i k e .
T u ~ n n. The seed, kernel, or stone, as of fruit; chying-
ilkrang r a m , mustard seed; rhyrtran turn, a chestnut
Tut nawng.
kernel; szngwum turn, a peach-stone; a nut, the kernel
as of grain.
Tum, v . To be stumped; see idturn; fig. to be squandered,
as time.
--turn, a . Stumped; h g a w tzrm izcm, stump legs; a club-
foot, or a person with an amputated leg.
Tun, v . To dissolve, melt, as snow,or chemicals; comp.
byawng and skaturr; p n r tun mat sai, the salt has
dissolved, turned into brine; hkyen dzrm tun ai mdjaw
Lka fwzg w a ni.
Tung, v. T o rise, swell, as a river; cornp. t u ; mdvang h f u
a i mdjaw hha f a n g w a a i .
Tung. v. T o sink; to be sunk and thus lost; adv. all,
completely, entirely, clear down; s k i Aka de tmrg lz~p
r a i mat wa sail he s a n k clear to the (bottom) of the
river; shi m a h k m trrng yn Rau sai, he gave all com-
pletely a w a y ; shnnkte y i de kkraz t a n g rai ntct sai;
comp. l i n g and Cawm.
Tung, n. An aunt; a mother's elder sister, or an uncle's
( R d w n di a ) wife; comp. k ~ i l a n g ;nu n kana turzg.
Tung, n. A worm, especially a borer; derv. utztng; cornp.
-tai, n. A worm, borer, caterpillar; ( H kauri;) & 2 4 a chyd-
hRmw htn twrzgtni shnng a i
Tup, v. T o be even, equal; to be true, complete; to come
true; comy. shdtzrf; ski a ga CtrP s n i , his words came
true; a . all, the whole, applied to time; cornp. ling and
see Gram.; shanz shdnlr trip, all day and night; shaning
t u p , the whole year; / r a t t u p i., throughout the
(whole) age.
-di, v. T o make, as of equal, size; n g a z ~t @ d i ilnu~n , cut
the timber of equal size,-or even; to close, as the
rnou th .
-tup, n. All, whole; also used adverbially; go lzcP t z ~ p
tstclz n , speak the whole (truth l ~ t . ivord.
Tut, v. T o be joined, bound or tied together; drrv. ntatrtt;
shaft n wzjrt ,!?it 1 p 1 2 ~ nzd saz; nda. always, ever; cornp.
ttrp and t h g .
-nawng, adu. Al\vays, perpetually, throughout all t i m e :
see parts; shi Hang i. lut mzw?rg a nga tp a i .
664 Tut tut.

^rut tut, adv. Always, for ever; sht' do2 /am tzdt fact a
g & ~Hga n i , hewalwaysdid it this way.
Tut, rc. A scalaria shell: comp. hkoi, and a!uI.
--durn. v. T o blow tlie sllell.
Tai, v. T o become ; comp. ?%a, byin and rai; siu'nglai gaw
Pdlom la t a i at, the caterpillar becomes a b ~ t e r f l y ;
sdi t o i ngu pang tai,byin ngu yozg dyifj.
-wa, o. To become; see parts.
Tai. v. To be single; derv. utcr and shingtai; ndv. an
only, an odd, an e x t r a ; shnvna,~6unggzp m i tnz, two
( a pair of) bamboos (and) one e x t r a ; p m r z t m a n /d-
/Lhaw?zge f a t , two pair of necklaces and one over.
--mi, a . One single, an o n l y ; z i di t n i m i , a single egg.
--sha, a. A single, an only, an odd; shiman tai sh kddai
n Lang m a aif no one carries a single shdman.
Tai, v . To retaliate, take revenge, render like for like;
derv. mdiai; comp. Ittang; sAi~gg3za i a i , to aveaage, as
injuries; to repay, as e v i l ; ga t a i , to retort, answer back;
npi hfe Rd>lat ai mdjew ngai t a i na we ai.
Tai, n. A Shan; comp. Sam; one of the Tai race; Tai
Dazl, Tai Nn, Taz' Nz', tribes of the Tai race, as
kn&n to the Kachins: cornn. bnidau.
Taiyu, n. A mud-pellet; cbup. bf s h i n g b ~ l ' i tniyr ~ ~ ; sling-
gyin la %pea u gcp m z 8 .
Tau, v. To go astray; see maitnu in24 ai. -
Tau, n. A piece, as of meat; comp.tazung and shan tau.
Tau, v. To meet, as a party half way; comp. bawf and
hkrgm; to help, assist; see Rarz&~?a; shi axhtg k#e tau
mi a i , he came to our help; jinghku ni h j i ~sn . tds mu.
-la, v. T o meet, go - a n d meet, as for the snkc of render-
i n g assistance, or to weicorne; coii~p.A i n p ti:?^; lit gz!~
a i ri tcu i n mu, go and meet t h e carriars.
Tau, w. T o have premonitions; to anticipate, to foresee;
comp. Bur. c c o 3 d ; hfyea a n m byzfr nn shi sha?ung nza

- - s. T o consider; to favour. c o u n t e n a n c e ; to treat

with partiality; nnng du iua myi nrax hpe i n a y a nna,
mdnaflg ni hpc n dznz tidai, you favcut. t h e chief a n d
forget your companions.
Tau, n. A tortoise; Shan .=6.
Taw. 665

Tau bren, a. The sea-turtle; a terrapin or marsh-tortoise.

-ku, n. T h e soft tortoise.
- k a w k , n. A tortoise; a turtle of any kind, being the
conlinon name for the order Che/onin.
-se, n. The ordinary small tortoise.
Tau, 7 2 . A gourd; a' calabash; a gourd used as a bottle,
hence, a bottle, a cruise; a . bottle-shaped or vase-
shaped; Shan rn6.
-ba, 7 T h e bottle gourd; inuba ?rdzdm, a calabash of
which the largest is called 72-gx iaubn; the bowl for
the opium i n an opiurll pipe; comy. k i ~ r - y a .
-chyum, a. (from chyzrm, to be tapering.) Xarrowed
down, neck-shaped, as the n e c k of a bottlc; see t a u be.
-diiwi, 72. An edible variety of calabash.
-ke, a . (from Re, to be neck-shaped.) N e c k - s h ~ p t d ,
slender and rounded; tauchyzmz i a s k r , narrowed
down and bulging, neck dr lotus-shaped; shaped as
t h e turned legs of a table.
-hkang, a . Round, globular and large; law tnzrhknng
?)zare a i wa, a person with an unusually large head.
-hpau, n. A cannon, a large field-piece.
--rau, n. Stiffness, lameness, as from walking; comp.
yawp; nrdgyi taurail mdchyz a i .
-wang, n. A large subterranean hole, passage or shaft;
ZJ. to be in the shape of such a passage; r d a i pang
gitdaw~rgARu inrwatrg r u i nga ui.
-wung, n. A large jar or chatty; colnp. nnmtnrr; tau-
wung hta chyaru bang mu.
Taute, n. The tuktoo; Bur. cm3rFja.
Taw, u. To recline; to lie down; comp. ka/e?lg t a w and
k k r a w ? t~a w ; to lie, as a fallen log, or things scattered
on the floor; nn7zg e c y a i Rdchyi Rachjlnw t a w nga ai;
to be subject to, as a slave; see d a w ; n i m ~ d ~ t .
a 7 2 p e Law ma az.
Taw, Y. T o be scarce, rare, few; comp. kc; to be i n need,
i n w a n t ; h s h a Inw ac', food is scarce; singwum st' Law
ai, peaches a r e few; a n h t ~kpa . mzrrig n taw ga ui, we
are not i n need of anything.
T a w , v. T o gamble, as with cowries; see shdwun tow;
arzirt~ga?nhjraw ~ U Z gn. U
Taw, v . T o hunt, entrap, decoy, as jungle fowls, using a
tame fowl as a decoy; see kaz'taw; dat' ? t i kaitnw taw
ymzg a gal2 lalrgai m i l ~ nngni.
T a w , Verbal subjunctive particle; comp. dnw; if, i n '
case that, if-then; nang n sin itp Law p w , 7 2 ~ ~~ 'a i
n mat na vr ai, i f you had watched 111). t h ~ n g shad not
been lost; ngai i s i i s i c h y ~t o w , s h i mni ?rn vc n i , if 1
had known how to g i v e medicine he would have
recovered. \

Taw, Interjection, expressive o! interrogation; well?

what t h e n ? ning n c(iynlrg, taw, gird di na? i f not this
way, well, what way (am 1 to do i t ) ? comp. ntaw.
T a w , n. A species 01 lark; see hdlitaw.
-mung, a. A species of khdtaw.
-rau, n. A srnall species, always found i n pairs.
-0, n. A species resembling the tawraa.
-Sam, n. A species always flying i n flocks.
-tsit, n. A yellow species.
-tsip, n. A nest of the lark; one of the intestines of an
T a w , v . T o be opposite; ( a n obsolete root.)
-tap, v . T o be opposite; comp. yawng, and nhtan; a.
opposite, over against, facing each other; also used
adverbi a11y ; d a i Aah fawng worn Rahtnwng hte tnwtnp
r a i nga ai, this village stands opposite to t h a t , ( a s
on each side of a river;) wora 62cm d a i bnnz tawtap
re ai; see taw&.
Tawk, v. T o be opposite, direct, i n l i n e w i t h ; coinp. 'na
and taw; d a i nta fa wA e Apun Rahn tr ~ l g nn i ; derv.
-tawk, adv. Directly i n line with; d a i mdrr tawk fnwk
hku sa wn mzc.
T a w k , v. T o chisel, as wood 01-stone; to excavate, as by
chisel 01- gauge; to be h e ~ v as ~ ,n tomb, out of a rock;
comp. RrawQ; ulaw7tfi di?zggygrang tazuk 1,; ugnwn hle
shddnw tawd u.
-waw, v. T o h e w , as a tomb; see parts.
Tawk, v . T o cut, chop, as a rope, m e a t , or the like, into
pieces; s~rnzritaw&dzrt u.
Tawm, v. T o have completed, finished, as a paddy-
harvest; ma7n tawm s d ga ai, we have finished with
the paddy; to be gone, and thus absent, out of sight;
7cln nn ? t iyawng tawm nrd sail all of them are away from
the house; d n i ps de kdhtawng yawng tawnz md sail
the whole village has gone to the field; yi wa tawm,
n. the time when all return from the paddy field;
jli dztfrg Lawm, the time when all leave home for the
fields; see shangtawm.
T a w ~ n , v. T o he short,'stubby, as a garment; to be tucked
up, as a skirt, when crossing a river; hka rap yang
Liibzt shlitawnt zr .
-tawm, a . Short,stubby.
Tawm, n. A proper name for a Ma H k a , male or female.
Tawn, v. T o put, place; comp. bang; n a h k o j 7rnng z
tfGw35-u, put your load here; to leave off, set aside,
as workLd a i amu tawn cln md fis,-leave this work
(for a time;) to survey and fix, as a boundary line; du
722' Lamu ga jdrit Lawn da ma ai.
Tawn, n. A four-legged nat altar dedicated to the house-
hold nats, (mdsha nat;) fawn kbungri, same.
Tawn, v. T o be blunt, dull, as an edge-tool; opp. to dai;
comp. shcttawn; nye nhtu fawn mat sar'.
Tawn, v. To.add, as one length of bamboo to another,
trying to reach, as the top of a tree; namsirr dePyang
shingna lawn mu; to assist, help, "give a lift;" comp.
kdrum; trandfe d a i wn Ape l o i l o i fawn mu, help that
man a little; nyP mam n law n i nrdjaw na mam hRrn
naw tawn r, as my paddy is giving out (is not enough)
assist me with another twenty baskets (either as a
oift or a loan;) comp. d k w n .
Tawn, v . T o excel, transcend, as i n beauty or value;
derv. ni?tgfawn;d a i nZzdng ntahkra hfa i n u m ~ ~ ai.
Tawng,. v. T o be round, spherical; derv. cltazong, opp. to
nyztn; 72. a round lump, a block, a mass; fozong r a i n i
is it i n a lump? a . round, spherical, or approaching
these forms; comp. htng tawng, K I ~ lawngR and kpxn
tawng. F

Tawng, n. A short period of time; shi nye a nfa r iaw~zg

ya m i sa ngn a i , he stopped at my house for som'e
66s Tawng,
t i m e ; l a w q wzlrdra7l~,.aninterval, a season, a lorlaer
or shorter period; shz tuwng m l i r a ~ ~Ahnwm g mat n7ra
4ni wa a t , he was gone for some time and returned;
v . to intervene, to pass, as a period of t i m e ; shi a n n g 2
[Ilnitjg mi tawig-hRrn 7 z p 72a sni.
Tawng, v. T o be able to cut, sever, strike off, a s the
head of a bullock with a single blow; lzyc nhlrr tzggn i?7l
'tnwng /i n i , ? ~ an / l i ) z p p~lz'7z Lnzo~zgn i l m y sword will
sever the neck of a bullock, yours will not go through
a'plantain; fig. to be decided, determined, of fixed
purpose; cornp. shatnwng; ?utlrg tawng nu n i are you
decided? adv. fully, completely, through and throurh;
hka r a j tawngya7zgjlzztkdi jaw ne, when fZly
across we will pay the f e r r y man.
Tawng; v. T o mark, observe; Bur. cmE:.
-ban, v. T o implore, entreat; to beg pardon, to apolo-
gize; Bur. c u n s r o ~ ;t a w ~ t ~ d aain ga, an apology; sktrt
ni mdjaw tawngban m x .
-yu, v. T o observe; see dawng ylr.
Tawngmu, n. The .lotus; see dawngma.
Tawt, a . To cipher, calculate, reckon; Bur. o a d ; see
atawt. I
Tawt, v. To be or go.beyond, to overstep o r be forced
over; derv. Rdtawt and shingtnwt; comp. l a i ; adz.
over, across, from side to side; d a i n h n g RPun LawL
RRva Rddai a. throw the stone over the tree; t a r a tawt.
to transgress;ga tawt, t o disobey, break, as a comrnand-
Tawt, adv. Now; iawt r, just now; comp. mawt; (Northern
Tnwt, v. To be short; comp. nem.
-tawt, a. Short, stubby, dwarfish; comp. bu 624, gyek gjtek
and tin tin; fnwt tawt re az' num.
Tawt. ,n. One of the squares of a shnwun t a w ; tnwt r a
rn70i ai.
Tol. v T o propitiate: appease. as certain kinds of oats;
?tniitpum toi,gnwsa 102'. s h d p q w l l o z ; comp. dttngh km72;
Ja~snmdchyz yang nn,njttnr toi n i : fig. to finish, as a
sacrifice. ,
Toi, v. To be even with,
Tsa hkri. k9
Toi toil a. Even with; Cdhput toi toil knee deep; 6 k n
mdgyz f o i inz sha rap ga ai.
Toi, V . T o put together; to lead or tow, as by the means
of a rope; Bur. +.
Ts, A preformative; comp. da.
-u, n. A coffin; see dau ; tau daw, v. to make a coffin; see
-ra, n. Law: any particular principle or law; Bur. mcp;
trtra agyi, a judge; t a r a drira, to judge, administer
justice; see parts; t a r a kkaw, to preach; iura / a i , to
transgress the law; i d r a lawi, to transgress; see
i n , v. (from r i n , to grind.) To roll, as between the
fingers; to be rolled and thus round; 3 a t tdrzn lawn
7 r , roll and dish u the rice; tdrin Idrin, a . rolled and
thus round, globu ar.

-rum, v. T o swell, as a gland; to feel, as a swelling that

cannot be seen; d u Casi tarurn tarum nga ai.
T r a w , ndv. I-leadlong; (Hkauri;) comp. chyaw; skz k d -
dav~tzgi r a w , he fell headlong; s k i nhtang de t v a w
nga ai, he fell upside down.
T w i . v. T o suppurate, a3 a boil; comp. s l a m ; shahvawz
twz saz.
The twenty-sixth consonant i n the Kacllin alphabet; a
blending of t and s ; no equivalent i n English.
Tsa, n. A term of relationship; ( I ) 'a father-in-law, a
wife's father; comp. Ru; ( 2 ) a brother-in-law, the
brothers of a woman's brother's wife; (3) a maternal
a respectful compellation used by a woman, address-
r ,
ing a man of equal age and standing.
I sa, 92. Malted or fermented rice; also pron. tsapa.
-dat, v. T o prepare the rice and yeast for fermentation.
--dun, v. T o draw, as liquor from the rice; see parts.
-hku, n. Fermented liquor; romp. r
-hkri, n. Fermented a n d soured rice used for liquor; v .
t o fervent and sour; nat P nzhj~w isa h k r i ai; a
species of caterpillar; ( H kauri;) see lsam k n ? ~ ~ .
670 Tsapa.
Tsapa, n. (from F a , pulp.) Fcrnlentcd and ~ntoxicating
rice, considered a delicacy,or as a substitute for liquor;
also called fsn trtisznr or gnmchyazu.
-tsasinl, n Fermented rlce; same as &pa.
T s a , v. 'l'o be light, not heavy; see isorzg.
Tsaln. 7 S t r e n g t h , force; cclpab~lit).,ability; utsam and
shatsntrt; colnp. 7z-gz4n, tsnrrz rawng az ma, a man with
force or ability ; tsant /ZLn i w n a n ~ ukaba gan Lu a i .
-mari, a d v . T o the utmost, wit11 all strength; d a i 722'
rzgai f s a m m n v i hgriL(czu n n p i , to-day 1 will do tny u t -
most; t.ram mqrz shbdcn y n n g she dep ni.
Tsain, v. T o be decayed, rotten; derv. atsanz. and c/ryd-
Isam; comp. zanz; shddaw t s n m ni m a j a w 7ztd d a w az',
the house fell because the posts had decayed; tsanz
7aat a i p d a w n g n rzgang a i .
--ksnu, n. A species of caterpillar; so called because
resembling a rotten twig; Hkauri, isa h k r i .
Tsan, v . To be far, distant; opp. to n i ; derv. kdtsnn a n d
sumtsnn; comp. sanz and y a ; t s a n a i de Lkrrln sa, do
not yo far: d a i mnvc a i n t s a n ai.
Tsan, i.T o clear, cleanse; to remove, as things from a
room; fig. to remove, to kill; Idha hta na i i n g s i isan
k a u y a e. .- ,
Tsanlun, n . The olive; Bur. 3 j q E . -
Tsang, v. To be light, not heavy; opp. to li; by some pron.
fsa:comp. sawp; to feel at ease;tobe unconcerned, light-
hearted; lit isong ai, the load is l i g h t ; see atsong sha.
Tsang, v. T o be troubled, afflicted, burdened; comp.
shdisa7tg and ' ~ 2 4 isafzg; to be anxious, troubled, con-
cerned; to entertain fears or misgivings; to be solicit-
ous, disturbed; k d n ~nln hpe tsnng u i , the mother is
anxious regarding the child; nga? nzrinang zun APE
gvnz fstzng mzgnz.
-tsi, a h . With difficulty; (I-lkaul-i;)see f i n g / s i .
T s a n g , v. T o be r a ~ ~I ku x, u r i n n t , rxuhel-ant, as flowers or
grain ; comp. 2n1rg, nnmhflun Law az 71zdpzcr vznnzflnn
tsang az. 1

Tsan x. A layer, as of thatch; comp. dung; shdngtr tsnng

mdsrnr g,h/uj, it, put on three layers of t h a t c h ; fia7zg
riir~gai lrfa qu7zg a t .
. - r r .
Tse n g. 67 1

Tsaog, v . To fall, as a light, cooling shower; to squlrt.

--tsang,. adu. I n a cooli 11g n~anner,-only said of rain, or
liqu~ds;nrrlrarq i s n ? ~Isa?~g
g Ega r n a htu wa ra a i ; v. to
be squirting; ?z/rtu?~g waw nlra fitsin isang tsatzg Y a a t .
Tsap, v. T o stand; cornp. Bur. qS; naxg e tsap u , stand
here; to stop, stand still, remain standing; k k r i ~ z gm i
naw tsap ytl r ,just stop ( s t a n d ) a moment; rawt tsap
u , rise and stand.
Tsap, 7r. A bear; comp. Lawap.
- n. T h e comnlon small black bear.
a t n. T h e den, as of a bear.
-liihpan, n. T h e paw of a bear, a speclcs o l fungoid,
resembling the paw; cornp. kumu.
-n-gang, n. T h e back of a bear, (the hide being used
for shields.)
-ra, n. T h e place where a bear hibernates.
-ru, n. A k i n d of large black bear.
-tun0 b.' n. T h e large black bear; same as tsab r u .
T s a p n ~ , a. R a p ; (Hkauri;) see tsuploi.
T s a t , v. T o stick, fasten, as flowers i n the hair; npzu hto
naMnn tsat ai; to force, place, as a sword between
the weavings of a bamboo wall; comp. bang; nktu nz
hpe s k d k u ~ ~e zisat d a mr.
Tsat, v. To jump, as a frog; to scamper off, as an animal;
derv. Rdtsaf ;
-tsat, adv. In a scampering manner; shdraw Zdngai mt
tsat tsat r a i ga?z wa sai.
Tse, v . To be broken up, dispersed and scattered, as a
crowd; comp. bra; d a i poi 7zn ?ltnsAa isc r a i sai.
Tsem, v. T o be faint, indistinct, as a distant sound.
-tsem, ah. Faintly, indistinctly; shi i s m tscw r z p 7zna
ARrap nraf w a sai.
Tsen, v. To be convinced, assured; ldgw w a hpe ngaz tsctr
se a i , I am a s s ~ ~ r eregarding
d the thief; at n rsc~ta i ,
not to be f u l l y convinced, and hence to suspect, mis-
trust, distrust.
Tsen, n. An i n c h ; Idjlsng tscn, the width of one finger;
comp. prcn, and see Gram.; ldyugzg tseu ?taw jat 8 .
Tseng, v . To remove, clear away; cornp. sengi dai a r m
ni Rdga de tsettg cCi kau ms, rcmovk the things to an
other place, ,to finish, make a " clean sweep;" daz y i
rrgnm dot nz tsmg di Lau nru; comp. rsep.
Tsep, v. T o be finished, all clear and square, as a busi-
ness transaction; comp. ngut.
-kawp, adv. Completely, all fi~lished;amu yawng dai n2
tscfi ' haw# dr' sai.
-tsep, adv. Proper1 y ; n k t a fsep t s q di kavang u .
T s e t , v. T o be energetic; see set.
Tset, v. T o be sliced; qomp. 4,set, and gddoi.
Tsi, n. Drugs, medicine; paint, ink. dye or the like; r s t
7nawn,r; comp. Bur. cm; t s i Irigaw garzg az, to bring a
present (generally money) to a medical man, so as to
secure his services; other presents, given during
time of treatment, are as a rule : Lst d a n 7zjz?h, a
sword, tsi Ltu shirzgban, a spear, t s i ba izbat, a s k i r t ,
and t s i ~ztdgap,a gong.
-rung, n. A hospital.
-sara, n. A doctor.\.

-tsi, o. T o administer medicine; to treat ~ l l e d i c a l l ~ .

Tsi, t z . T h e head-louse; comp. s h b k m t ;
-gut, 72. A fine comb; v. to lice, especially with t h e help
of a fine conib; cornp. din. .
-ru, n . A oit; t h c egg of a louse.
--raw, 92. The phthiriasis or lousy disease; Lsi raw fua?zg,
v. to suffer fronl t h e disease. P
Tsi, u. T o abstain froin certain kinds of food, as when
i l l ; cornp. ptn; 126 sha n isr y a w? ) zma b7c ai.
Tsi , a. Cold; v. to bc cold; derv. atst a n d katsi; comp. htct.
Tsik, v . T o be all alone; comp. Ritrai; adv. i ~ ; a secret,
concealcd t n a n n r r: shi hkmz e h j ~ a k k a6 tsih xar ? m a
- r a w q 7zg~az.
Tsiin, u , To entel- and be imbedded, as a spear; tsrm
ARva, a d z . to t h e hilt; rrgn htn n l o p Csittr Akva gdztn
jung 7 4 : to be settled, a d j r ~ s t c d to
; have, as i t were,
taken root; shr ~llanttrnwga e tsiuz ror' ?ma sa ngn ma!
sat: tsim islznr, fig. a tick; coup. of uzkgua.
Tsin, v. To :)e still, silent, quict; d e w . atsz't~,nzn ~ 2 yn '
Lsifi m a t 7/zd sni, the chi ldl-en a r e now quiet.
Tsin, v . To bc cool, as a brecze; derv. htrtzgtsi?~and
674 Tsi t
Tsithkum, n. A' clan among the NHRrm tribe comp.
also such names as Share HRum, and Naw gu m u m .
Tsu, v . T o be stale, rancid, putrid, applied to cooked
food; comp. ynt, and Bur. 48;shat nzai tszt ~ Y Z Lsai. ~L
T s u , zl. T o be tired, stiff, aching, as when long confined
to one position; derv. atsu; cornp. 6a; ma pawn ai
m/ljaw Cata tsu mat n i ai, my arm aches- carrying the
Tsu, n. An antilope, or the porcine deer; comp. ARyi d a t
and shan; tsrv aya, antilopes., and wild goats, a generic
name for these species of ruminants.
Tsu, v . T o be of independent turn of mind.; myit tsa re a i
mdsAa n tsun r a a i , a n independent man consults
no one.
Tsu, v . T o peopitiate the e a r t b n a t (go nat) or the nat-of
a spring (Aka nat), by the burial of a fowl, or a feast;
cornp. danghkran; when new ground is opened, a site
for a new house selected, or the first posts put IJF, a
fowl is buried as a dedicatory offering to t h e nat of
the earth; thus kka tssr,ga ts%,h t i n ~ m tsic a n d shhdaw
Tsu, n. A disembodied spirit; a shade, a ghost; comp.
--gal n. The realm of the shades; see Rdtsan ga and jjnt
na ga.
- - aa 8 l u , v . T o return, as a spirit, sent off to the land of tbe
ancestors; see parts And cornp. ts2~shdbaw~t.
--jau, v . T o place food (without salt 01- pepper,) and a
fire, before the place where the spirit dwells ( n a t ra,)
between the time of death and final departure to the
tszc ga.
-hkumpai, n. The food presented to a shade, during the
cerelnonies attending its departure to the ancestral
- - - I n. A shade, ghost, spirit, regarded as n nnt; see
parts. I # ,

-nllkun, ?z. A grave; see parts.

--shXbawn, a. T o send a s p i r i t to t h e land of thc an-
cestors; sce shkbawn; ~ t t.h e feast and ceren~olsiesat-
t e n d i n g the departure; cotnp. ??zltrt,n nzdkoz.
.d k ,,
Tsung t s u q . 675

Tsuk, v. To be heavy. as grain. a beard, or the like;

derv. ~ P Z L ~R.~ S U
-tsuk, a . Thick heavy. d s d growth of grass; also used
adverbially; man tsak ~ s u krat in az.
Tsun, v . T o work by turns; to exchange, commute, as
labour; see ga isun; Rang ngaz @r ga g d r a i n tsvn
ndai, ou have not yet returned m y days labour.
Tsun, v. $0 be hanging, as a leaf; (an obsolete root;)
derv. latszln, matsdn and na tsun.
Tsun, v. To speak, tell, say; to talk; comp. ga ga, s p
and itgr; ga hkum t s r n , do not speak.
-chyai, v . To speak, talk, chat; see pax ts.
-sh%ga, v. T o teach, instruct; see parts; comp.sknrin.
-shana, v . T o inform; see parts.
Tsun, n.'An arm, branch. as of a stream, caused by a
bank or small island, regarded as a convenient place
for damming so as to catch fish; t a n gita'an, a bbort
branch. measured by the length of the bank or island;
tsuagdg nga a t , there is a long stretch (that can be
dammed); a dam; comp. runggo and dim.
-haw, n. The head of the fork, or divide. (see parts,)
and thus of the dam.
-g%law, V. To dam, by shutting off the warer from one
branch of the fork, letting it escape by the other,
thus laying bare the river bed.
a , H. The shallower of the two branches: tsva lo
-lawng, n. An island; see parts.
-mang, n. A deserted dam or fishing piace; also pron.
-nam, n. The "down stream," of a dam, or a place to
be dammed..
-nu, n. The deeper of the two branches; opp. to tsrn
la; tszn irn mdga de tsun galaw gaw, ismn La dr nga ai
n rritwzg ai.
-ran, n. An isle; see parts.
Tsung. o. To be swarm, ng, as a crowd; derv. hdtzung; to
be t e e m i n g , as wornis; t o grow, as hair cn a czrerpillar.
-tsung, n. Teem)ng ; shaggy, hairy; s/;i~gda.-w x n isan.G
Tsung v. To use; see s r r g .
Tsup, a. To be complete, accomplished, fulfilled; comp.

t a p . R%p and myit tstdp; s h r i t s q , to complete, etc.

---tsup, a. Complete, perfect; comp. R ~ P 7
kzdp and ~z.i~am

Tsupni, n. Rags, tatters; a dish or wash-rag; comp. isap
ni; iszlP~;i~ S Z ~ ~ L B Wrags
I L , and tatters.
Tsut. V . 1'0stop, plug, "cork," as a bottle; derv. f ~ a r ~ g t ;
ndltm hpe maisat tsut u.
Tsut, v. To draw, as a sword; comp. shaw; to take, pull
out, as things from a basket, bag, box or the like.
Tsai, y . To be clean, pure, clear, free from dirt or defile-
ment; derv. Rdtsai; cornp. seng, pra and chynt; di

Rltshilt isai sni, the dish is washed clean; to do away

wit'h, to exterminate.
--tsai, adv. Clean; perfectly, entirely, comp. m a mcr; t s u i
t s a i y e a , sweep clean; tsai tsai rat Rar x , rub it o u t
T r a i , s. Intellect, wisdom'; usually .proli: zai.
Tsau, u. To clear, go d e a r over,.a; when jurnuing, leap-
i n g or vaultii~g;often used adverbial!^; d& Icla slzing-
taw[ yang tsazl ~8 aai, y h e n he jumps he goes clear
over: dai 6lnnghRtl h f e ngai fsau di na we a i , I will
clear the fence,-jump right over it.
T s a u l l t u , n. (from Atu, to dig.) A hoe; (Hkauri;) see
slrcz;~tg~a wp.
Tsaw, v. To be high, tall, lofty, towering; opp. to nem;
derv. A~dtsnw;dai nta grni tsnw ni; a . high, etc.; tsaw
a i 63t792, a high mountain; tsaw a i wa, a tall person;
tsaw htunz, highest; exalted, sublime.
Tsaw, v. To want, require, desire, wish for; comp. pa;
gang h f a isaw n t a t what do you want? gz:mhPraw
g d e isaw n t a ? how much rnoi~eydo you require, or
want 7 nang namsi tsaw n ni? do you wish Iruit ? to
relish, like, love; s k i daai 712a hpe tsaw ai, he likes (or
loves) the child: dnt daw sltat mci tsaw da we ai. I
like (relish) this kind of curry.
-ra, v. T o love; a. love, affection; cornp. sz~mtsawsanara.
--rawn, n. T h e " crazy" man,who steals the pig, at the
close of a big dance; see noddai wa.
Tsawm, v. To be beautifu1,pretty. handsome,finc:derv.
atsawm; comp. chyoi; nampan rsowm ui, the flower is
beautiful; a . beautiful, etc.; tsawnt a i ma, a pretty
child; tsaw~nai sumla, a fine picture; see s h ~ t r a m n .
-tsawm, adv. Beautifully, handsomely; in a fine, en-
quisite manner.
-Tsawm, v. T o find acceptable, as a oat an offering; coup.
of wawm; dai ni rra s h e x wawm sa, h h n g g a tsawm
Tsawmra, a. Several; quite a number; nhtoi tsrrwmro na
sai, several days have passed; mdsha tsawwra m i sa
md sai, quite a number of persons went; artzi tsawm-
ra naw nga az,there are still quite a number of things
left; adv. quite, considerably; shi n-gan tsawrnra rawng
ai, he is quite strong.
Tsawn, V . To be. or feel relieved; to be lightened, as a
burden; lap h t s a baricm a i mdjaw, shi tsawn rai sai,
because you let him have a hundred Rupees he is
relieved; Bang sa k d m m a i mdjajaw, nyai Lo2 m i isawn
n i at:
-di, v. T o relieve, assist, succor; cornp. Rdvunr and
lawn; am% hykn a i wa ltpe tsawn di u.
Tsawng, v. To remove, clear away; put away; to banisb,
as out of sight; rai n i h j e Raga de tsawng di Rax mu,
move the things to allother place; ng.a. ni hpe tsawng
di Rau mu, drive away the cattle; cornp. stzg and
nawng; P en e nawng, nlcmshang e tsuwrgdi Baa mu.
Tsawp, n. T e animal body; cornp. hkanr; the shell, as it
were, for the life or the sou1;see atsaw#; the shed skin
of a serpent, an einpty cocoon, a dead body,or the like.
Tsawt, v. To swim, as a dog or a frog; to go by leaps,
as when swimming; shi Lka hL5mng--awt naa Crawl
hRawna nga ai; to jump and skim the water, as a fish:
derv. Rdtsawt; nga ni tsawt hkawm nga ai.
T s l , A preformative.
-byi, n. The grape, vine or fruit: Bur. 096; rsabyi or
lsddyz jdhkzr, wine; tsdbyi nc-si, see parts.
-dung, n. The seat of sensations; only used in poetry
as a coup. of Rrav; a. inmost; tsndang Rrawt~gwarn C,
i n the inrnost pulsating heart.
Tsalung, a. A nat priest; an honorary designation, only
used in poetry; tsdr'ung laZi, same ; also pron. sdlung.
which see. t

--mat, n. Nettles; comp. mattung; poison, a s nt nettles

or other herbs; comp. gang; tsctmat na ynng mdclyt oi.
--mai, a. (from mai, to be good.) Precious; see ding-
o r n u n , a. (from mun, to be lucky.) Lucky; only applied
poetically to a sword; Z s d m u n nhtu, the lucky sword.
-mawn, n. A kind of herb.
-oawn, v. (from nawn, to quiver.) T o swarm, to breed
multitudes; to be thronged, as with multitudes of
men or animals; poi r mdsha lsdnawn nga ai; tsdnaum
tsdnang, a. thronging, etc.
-pa, n. Malted or fermented rice; the Hkauri for' tsa pa,
which see.
-ri, n. A scribe: same as chydre, which see.
-Sam, n. A stranger, foreigner, an alien; by some pron.
chydsam; comp. maigaan and sannn; shi jingkkr n rp
a i , isctsam r a i nga a i , he is nor a friend (an acquaint-
ance,) but a stranger; t s d s a m myit, to be indifferent,
unconcer~~ed, treating all as strangers; nnng gnw jing-
hku myil n inyit, tsdsam myil myit ndat, you do not
treat me as a friend but as an alien; tsdsam tdta; to
deal with friends or one's own people, as with
strangers; Lsdsain / d t a hte hRz/m l a h k r a , do not smite
me w ~ t hthe'hand of a stranger.-do not deal with me
as though I were none of vours.
-hti, n. A poetic name lo; the Ldhpni tribe; an/%&
Tsaiti Ldhfat m a ni mi ga az.
-hti, v. To be rich; see sakti and kunmt.
The twenty-seventh consonant
in the Kachin alphabet;
aspirated t.

Hta, v. T o sit, to rest; coup. of sa: comp. dung

Hta, u. To pick, take up, as from the floor; derv. mdhfn
and dilzghto; cornp. a'i and htang; to pick, gather, as
wood; see hptln hta; to collect, as taxes; k u x s i hta; to
accept, adopt, as a n e w faith or custom; a n h t ~Sam
ht~lnghta ga az. - -
H t a la, v . T o pick,etc.; s e e p a r t s .
Hta, v. T o rise, swell, g o high, as waves; to rise, as
anger; to scold, rail at; to break out, as prickly heat;
derv. kdhta; comp. ddru and Bur. a;gn n madat
yang wa hta wn na, if you do not obey, father will
scold; s h i g d o i mung hta a i , h e is always r a i l i n g ; to
gossip; hta hdawm, to go around -2ozsiping; comp.
jdhtn; shi nzarc hRan r a hta ARawnt 3tga ui.
b r n. (from bri, to be daring.) A k i n d of insect, or
intoxicating concoction supposed to m a k e 2 m a n
darinp and ~nvulnerable.
Hta, n. Al species of Sterculia; see gdhta:
-hkyeng, x . The Stercula ramosa.
-hpraw, n. 'The Stercula versico!or; the bzi-1: of this
species is t h a t co~nmonlyused for ropes.
Hta, v. To be above derv. Zdhta.
-wa, n. A great celesti a1 nat; same as mridci ?/.li; Htuwa
Hpraw Htan,o; see Chyc Aiingchvnng; Ht/taan ill&
* Itlangjazea Il(kungrc71g~same; see parts.
Hta, Locative affix or postposition; i n , i n t o ; nzarp htn
shnng 26, enter into the city; ndrrm k t a dmrg a . put it
i n the bottle; particle of comparison, Suprriztive
degree; see Gram.; ndai nrahkra ktu p a n r ; i , this is
the greatest, -or greater than all: adz!. dpsr:. aside
from; shi bta kdgu kddai n ngn, apart f r o ~ nhim there
is no one; comp. d n i Lta Rdga and dai htn n - g ~ .
-na, part. From out of; nta Lta na prrc m:!,come out of
the house.
-ni, adv. (from nil near.) For ever; htrazi iitana, f o r
ever and ever; for aye: eternally;-lit. from near and
time to come; lama ga Rtani htana' a irga np i r z .
Htak, v. T o apostatize, backslide; to abandon, as faith o r
profession; derv. h h t n k ; Sam hfunggyi !ungai nz/ AtaR
mat saz.
Htak, v. T o be crowded, jammed, filled; comp. rhyat and
hpring; fig. to be f u l l of either good or e v i l ; shi mas*
a i myzt Rtak rai ftgtgn l n n i .
* Mta. a-a ghost; coup. 01 mida.
680 Htak htak.
( -*

Htak htak, adv. In a crowded, jammed manner; n d r r ~

/zto p m htak htak mi zgn ai.
Htam. o. To work, be engaged, e s p e c i ~ i ; yin Governncnt
or military service; comp. gak; Bur. w81; shi dzc am?c
htam az.
Htam, v. To grow, increase, multiply; s4t a amyu nz graz
htarn wa md sai, his tribes greatly increased; coup. of
law; shi a hasha kdsha ~ z law i wa htam wa m a sai, his
children increased and multiplied; nye a nga ni Law
&tar& wa mtt saz.
Htam, n. A part. a division, a share; g u m h p ~ a whiam
shi di nna &&ran u , divide the mcney into ten parts
and distribute it; a fraction. a dividend; htam shi hta
Ltam Ahiknwng ski jaw ai, he gave two tenths,-lit.
out of ten parts he gave two; htaw mdsrm Rta izn htam
ma nzai /a na, I will take one third; adv. twice,
double, times; nyd a hta ski a &am LrihRnwng jan lzfi
ai, his is double the amount ot mine; s k i a nzam n y e a
Ada Atam mrtnga graB (11 ai, his paddy is five times
that of mine.
-hyra. adv. Equally, a part for each; Rtam h ~ r di a nna
kdran jaw ma.
Htam, n. A large, glazed bottle. for holding and carry-
ing liquor; (Shan;) k t a ~ nhta lazihki rawng at.
Htan, v . To answer, reply, respond; fzgai sRdg.a ynrg htnn
a , answer when I call; to retort, speak back, as a
child to its parents; derv. ahtan;.ga Rtan az mdjaw
Rdyat wu ai, 1 whipped him because he spoke back.
H t a n , Y. T o raise or put up, as a ladder or a flighr of
.stairs, lahang htan az; (to swing a bridge; only used
as a coup. of lan i n religious poetry.)
Htan, v. T o faint; to be, as i n the thi-c.csof death; as a
coup. of si, to die; masha nzahkra si wa h l a n wa nit nzd
ra ai.
-kashan, v. T o suffer from spasms. fits or convulsions:
comp. 611 Kdshan; ngan lang a t wa htan kashan wa a t .
Htan, v. T o protect, as a coar of mail or h e a v y g a r m e n t ,
causing a missile to stop or rebound; pnlawng hiolr ai
m e w n @ye ai,the coat protecting ! I I ~he was not
hurt : to strike and
- ricochet, as a bullLt : derv. K~jLz'an;
pd/a hfltln Atan a i mdjaw shan luu law w hl?yr 0 1 , the
bullet striking the tree the deer was not ser:ously hurt.
Htan htan, adz!. I n a rebounding, ricochetting manner;
/zing din Radai yang ktan htaa rt. ai.
Htan, v. T o h a n g (almost horizontally), as a Kachin
sword at the s ~ d eof the wearer; comp. kRraw, myerP,
. and nat.
o h t a n , v. To put on and wear a sword Kachin fashion;
ehta n - g a q htan htan r a i mm.
Htan, v. To'break, snap, as something hard or brittle;
nyi.s k t a htan r a i mat sai; comp. daw.
-htan, a. Broken, snapped; also used adverbiallv.t 9tEung

wa ai mdjzw, ?ndRru n i htan Atan r a i mat sai.

I-itao, n. T h e forehead; see Jdktar; v. to put on the fore-
head of a monkey, as a spirit ( t s w ) is supposed to do.
-ham, n. A mark, sign, upon the forehead; see barn.
-de, vz. The 'mark, or "star", as on the forehead of
cattle; u. to grow, as the star.
-deng, o. T o be long-headed; a. dolicho-cephalic; Atan
deng a i we, a man with a long narrow head.
-shawt, v. T o be somewhat ortho-cephalic.
Htanda, n. The chest; (Hkauri;) see siada.
Htang, n. A time; turn; times; used as a multiplier;
comp. &am; nu n nga nye n nga htn mastlnz Ata~gyaai
lil dai, your cattle are thrice as many as mine; sanzt
ni Ltang lung ikdwzrt u , blow (as when practicing
magic) twice seven times.
Htang, v. T o return; to revert, to turn around; derv. bti7zg
htang, sumhtung and nhtang; dai rtgau hpe &ang di
tawft u ; to return, give back, as something borrowed;
shi ngaz hpe /aika n Ltang ai, he has not returned the
book; to be requited; to suffer, as like for like; shi a
p b a R ski Raw dai hfang wa ai, his evil is coming
back upon him; adv. up side down; turned around.
Htang, n. A mould; see ahtang; a cast. a form.
-dip, v. T o mould; to cast; to set types, as when
Htang, v . T o parry. ward off, a s a blow; s k i rrhtu hpr
ngai hkap hfang Rarr se ai; to answer, as an argument;
shi a ga nfai hkab Atany l~rai ma,pw shi n dang ai.
-.r ,

682 Ktang.
Htang, o. 'Co pick up; ( ~ k a u r i ; )see h a .
Htangnya, n. A kind of tree; also called litangnaw.
Htangrang, rz. A kind of tree; (the Bignonia sli#n/ata?)
htangraxg si c l y d k k y i g r a i s.ha a i .
Htangrang, n. T h e arch over the e y e ; coup. of myikaw.
Htangwa, n. A proper name for a M a Tzt or Ma Yaw;
a proverbially clever man figuring i n Kachin tradi-
tion; dui wa gaw Htarrgwa /&la dep ai, thies man has
the hand of H t a ~ g w n - i s as clever as he was.
H t a p , V. To be of a dcep,black or red colour;dai sumpan
Atnp ni, the cloth is black or red; mtiyen ktap ai, the
spittle is red; to be ruddy, and thus beautiful; ma ktap
a i : to be pleasing, agreeable, delightful; myit n htap
ai wa,a disagreeable person; n htnp az n ~ ~ ta tdis- ,
reputable f amily,-usually a family of witches; fzingksa
htap nga& lap, on the outside beautiful a s . a plantain
-tsing, a. Beautiful; see-shdlaaw htap tsing.
Fitap, tl. A Iayer, a stratum; a lamina; derv. bd6tap;
ccirr~p.daft% and Bur. mS; maisaa htap mi htc Rtup mi
kd/>Laji z p ai.
--:ap, v . To quiver, shake; see parts; to be agitated; myit

AtuA6lu# a i , nzdsin h t a j Zap ni.

Htat, v. T o be thick, not thin; opp. to kpn; derv. LdAtat;
maisau Ltat ai, the paper is thick; to be thick, dense,
as darkness;.nsin ktat a i .
Htat, u. T o pick, collect, as large leaves used for wrap,
pers; &&paw Atat ai; comp. di.
Hte, A particle used, ( I ) as an instrumental; with; comp.
r ; nhtz Lte Rdhtam u , cut with a sword; ( 2 ) as a
comparative; ndai gnw wora htc graz Rdja az, this is
much better than that; and (3) as a copulative con-
junction; and; g z m r a l ~ l n g a im i t i l e h m s r Idngai m i ,
one p o n y and one cow; see Gram.
Hte, v. To bale, as water from a boat; Li hta nn hka hte
Rnu a ,bale out t h e water from the boat; to scoop as
paddy into or from a basket; to throw or toss by a
scooping motion; comp. knurl; mam hpe shingnoi hta
lrte bang a ,scoop the paddy into the basket; ZaiRa r t i
hpe Lte R a ~ 11,

Hte, a. To pull out, extract, remove, as a thortl i l l t h e

foot; nye a Ldgaw A t a fin j u hte kau ya e ; comp. i a z .
Hte, 3. To be scarce, as food or money; /usha hie gum-
hjrau, hte a i ; to run out, as supplies, at a feast; poi
galaw yang /a sha kt6 ai. .
Hte, a . Hot; Rte Ate, very hot; ndulrm kte htc; comp. t s i ,
htei and ahte; hte n c h y ~ngm,he does not know how
to say, hot :-he does not feel the heat.
Hte, n. Wool (7) (Chinese;) a cord.
-len, n. A telegraph wire.
-hpyi, a. Woolen or hairy; Ate/rpyi lawng, a rough,
shaggy overcoat; Nang m y i t a w Rta?rgmnx r , ( a
monke).) wzinpaw shdwun n n i ? A t e A k i /rrwns n @u7/
n ni? I

-shi, n. A Chinese trident.

Htek, An interjection indicative of rising, as iron1 a sit-
ting posture; dteR shoi, sa w a ni ga, I a m rising and
on the point of going.
Htek, v . T o snap, break, as a needle; derv. kdhtek;
comy. kta?z and h t a w k ; srtmyit htrk raz mat sar.
Htern, v. T o produce the sound as when fir in^ a g u n ;
sa?znt hte hfem di 2 .
Htem, v . T o come or draw near; (Shan;) see ni; nanhtr
ngni Raw hbum htbm mu.
idten, Y. T o conjecture, presume, suppose; derv. nhten;
d a i hku r a z na rc ni trgoz h t t z se ai, I suppose it is
this way; to know, understand; comp. rhyr?z; mdka
Atea n i ni, I understand how to do this embrcider).;
Rdnu mdRa hten, knsha mltka c h y e ~ .
Hten, v . To be broken, destroyed, ruined; derv. chyahten;
see jdhlen and rua; comp. such co~nbinations as,
ldgazu h t m , myi A i m , aa /r fen, knn htrtz and v a htrn
ai; mung h t m ntat sag, t h e country is ruined.
-htu, adv. I n a limping manner; /agaw hfrn n i wa,hten
kt14 nna liknwm a i
Hteng, v. T o measure, as grain; de v . /ahttng; mom
Ateng yu u.
Hteng, Plural affix, used w i t h nouns and pronouns; see
Gram. and comp. htr; (as a pronominal a f f i x . htrtrg is
mostly used b y Hkauris and some n o r t h e r n tribes;)
684 Hteng.
dai Atellg rtyc d Y P ai, these (things) are mine; tli
Ateng sa ma,i hterzg R sn shi, you go, we will not go.
Hteng, Locative affix; here, t h e r e , yonder, as determined
by the leading word; cornp. htd yartg; 12a a nga a w a
Lteng B ng(r v r p i ~ i your
, cattle are over there.
Htep, v . To be close to; to be near, i n close contact with;
derv. Rahtcp; comp. ni a n d y.?; ma qaw kdzu Ate iht~p
m i dung ngn a i , the -child is sitiing close to its
-l%hti, u d ~Closely,
. attentively and thus blamelessly;
dai wn gaw a m s shdgu hin LC'? /ahti r a i nrza galaw ai.
-htep, udv. Close, closely; i n a n adjoining, contiguous
manner; 7~anktaL t e j Btep t s a p ma.
Htet, v. To order, instruct, enjoin, direct, tell, command;
jam m d r i na ngai shi hpe hlet dat se ai, 1 have told
(ordered) him to go and buy salt.
Mte, Plural a f i x ; corny. ni and htcng; see Gram.; chi Lte
gaw s a n 2 L ~ zu , t a k e these things or this much; the
plural of the personal and possessive pronouns are
formed by the use of this hte; anhi%, we; nnnhta a ,
yours; d a i Ate yang, adv. in or at this place; see parts.
Hte, zj. T o ternove; see h e .
Hti, v. To read; laiha L f i r ; to count, as money; gum-
hflraw hti ylc *.
Hti, v. To leave, stay or remain behind; sRanLte shi Ape
Lti da i r ~ dnu ui, they left h i d behind; nmzg naw A t i r ,
you remain here (while we go on); mdsha ni $a mat
w a ai hjang, sAi bhrai shn h i nga a;; comp. n p v ~
and nsa Lti.
Hti, v. T o empty, as a box or a basket; comg. lttawk and
man; sanzflz, hpe k t i u , empty the box; shingnoi Lfiz na
mam A t i mu.
Hti, n. A four anna bit; gamltpvam h / i mi,one fourth of
a Rupee.
Hti k, v. 'To break ofl, as a flower; namsi Ate nnmpan htik
di la a; to be left behind, severed unexpectedly, as
from a company; cornp. kli; shignw hi pang hlik r a i
mat sai; to pour out, see htit.
Hti k,' n. A f ai;iily history; a genealogy, same 2s ahtik,
which see.
Htik, v. To be 'lucky; see gam ktik.
Htim, v. T o dart;tospringupori,as a t~ge'r:slr8rnru lrtirn
ai; to charge, as i n a fight; anhfc R ntdvc t e j r n
h t h ai; to strike, as the cock or hammer of a gua,
/aka h i m ai; to strike, as lightning, mlr htim ai,
Htim, v . T o hold i n custody, a s a prisoner; Bur. 3 5 ;
comp. rim; to dam, as a stream; cornp. dim.
Htin, o. To close, bring close together, as the splits of
a bamboo wall or m a t , by poundit~gor pushing; derv.
aktin; shdRum da ei skdhi, nfsawm ska Atin a,weave
the wall-mat very close; fig. to instruct, to "pound
Hting,' v . To herd, keep, as cattle; cornp. Atim and r c m ,
Bur. 3 8 8 ; nga ni hpe afsawnz sha hting da nzu.
Hting, v . T o be prepared, ready, as a meal or a feast;
comp. h k z t ; see jdhtz'ng; poi hting sai,g d a w sn gaw.
-dang v. T o prepare, as a feast; only used i n poetry as
a coup.-of Lajang.
Hti?g, A general preformati ve, mostly relating to build-
ings, implements and household afTairs.
-ba, n. A large bag, or haversack; a . wallet; cornp.
tizgsnn; also pron. AtingPa or htungbu.
-ban, n. A fork. as of*a limb of a tree; see Atuw6an.
-bu, n. A neighloor; see 624; htingb?c itting~gmzgni,
nei ghbou rs. ,
-chying, n. (from chying;to be solid, closed.) A poetic
name tor a house; g d h htiqchying Afingvawn gd.
-ga, n. The ordinary light open basket, in which wood
or the like is carried; comp. Ra and mung.
-gap, n. A cover, as for a drinking cup; see gap; di,tb-
hRru htingglip; ntsin htinggap, a drink of water.
-gaw, n. (frum gaw, a roof.) A family, a house hold;
d o i BdAtawng E htingguw g&dc nga a ta ? cornp. n-gaw
and mdyaw; Atirggaw yawn ai, to enter into the
conjugal state, to begin family life; shi dai ning
htinggaw rawn sai.
-gawn, v . To adopt and bring up, as orphans; d a i chyd-
ARrai ma ni hflc nong liinggaron la r ; to lead, guide,
as a p a ~ t yof children; comp. nt&guwn.
--gawng, n. A family; same as htingaw,
686 Htinggawt.
Htinggawt, n. A rim, a border, as of a tray or basket;
comp. mdchyyi; shzngnoi hti7tgfi~ wl,see parts and n-gazol.
-grang, it. A bar, a shutter, a cross-bar. as of a cattle-
s h e d ; see grang; an axle, a renon; v . to pass through,
as a bar, a spear or the like; a h . to and fro, i n 2nd
out; shi gaw RdLtawng shagzr LRan t htinggrnng
hhnwnz ai.
--grum, v. To cover, envelope, as the head with a shawl;
Biya Rlthpa Ale ktileggrum ai, to cover, enwrap with
s h arlre.
-kan, n. A brace; see dingkan.
-kun, v. T o bend, as a stick; to crawl, as a leech or
caterpillar; see dun and ti~~gkzw; a. bent, curved,
bow-like; sltingna hfingRztn /&mat wa ai azltlnw ngai
hpc hkra az.
-kung, a. Bent, as with age; v . to be bent; nau gtlvzgaz
ni mdjaw marung LtingRztng mat sat.
-kraw, 72. A charred or a green bamboo section, used
as a cooking vessel ; comp. plc?zf and dinghkang.
-kraw, 1 2 . An old abandoned house; nta /ztingkrav; /UP
hta gaw yup &a, htingkvaw htn gitw n yup hpa d a ,
you m a y sleep on a grave but not i n an abandoned
-kyang, n. A cluster, 3s of fruit; same as sltzagkyang.
-kyip, 72. A bottle of dried, and thus "corrugated"
bamboo; see &yip.
-hku. n. ,Aninside; comp. dinghbtr and nAKu.
-hkru, n. (from hRvu, to burn down.) A fire, a confla-
gration; htztzghkru sa hpu ga; comp. hti?rghkva7wt.
-hlirup, a. To rebuild; see htifrg(t,p.
-hkrai, 12. A solitary house, all by itself; see APraz; a .
solitary, only said of a house; lzra htinghbrai; h t i q -
lrhrni hkrai, v. to build a n d live i n a house, away
from a village.
-hkrawt, n. A n incendiary, or otherwise unknown fire,
destl-oying a village or several houses; con~p.Afipzg
-lan, n. (from (an, to handle.) A 1;s-ge hnrnboo ~ v a t c l -
vessel, carried by a priest whcii libations (dnlil-
~ P I I ? !are
~ )pou~cd.
tltingnan. 687
- 1

Htinglen, n. A small water vessel, as used by a oat-

priest. . .
-let, v. To pass on, go by, be passing, as travellers; dai
lam t mdshn shdnishdgr htinglel ai,people are passing
he're (this road) every day ; dai yang sidnlw htinglet
'at' ukkya re ai, this is a path where tigers are (always)
. passing.
-1 i, v. T o change; see ittinglai.
- 1 ~ ,. u. (&om / a , to drink, as. at a feast.) To mediate,
intercede, interpose; comp. Atingrai and mdtut;
du s& n i shan @e ittingla y a ncd nu ai, the
elders are mediating (negotiating) between them; to
be reconciled, conclude terms of peace,-lit. to drink
thee".peace-cup,"-see Atizggaf; ngai shi htp Ati@
sd ga aai, I have come. to terms with him; hfinglzk yrr
+zi wa, a mediator, an intercessor; a peace-maker;
h t i ~ g hhtinglai, mediation, intercession.
--lump n. A species of bees.
--lun, n. A proper name among the L i b j a clan, given to
aJ4a Cam.
-lup, v . (from /11j,to enter.) To rebuild a house, on an
old site; htinglup hti7~glrkrup,to visit, enter a house,
as on a friendly visit; h t i n g l q hlingshaag, a . visit-
i ng; slran shada girai n LtingZu yang, Atinglup hfing-
s k a ~ gz naai hkat nzn n i , haying not been reconciled
.they are not on v i s i t i n g terms.
a , V. T o intercede, act as a go between; mostly used
as. a coup. of htingh; by some pron. hfins/i' ictinglai.
-law, n. A small bamboo water vessel.
-lawmi n. A bamboo vessel used as a dish; hiigg/awr~z
Lta &a bang u .
-n~ut, " n. Debris, rubbish, on t h e site of a torn down
house; htingmrt Rdsdin marang, showers falling at
the time of house building washing away, as it were,
the rubbish.
-nam, n. A grass closely resembling pampas grass;
comp. maiaw.
-nao, s. (from nan, to be new.) New, n o t old; ?rta
htitl,;za?z, a new house; n. a proper n a m e for a first
born nlale child, ( AJ-game)
688 Htingnat.
Htingnat, n. The corner of a house where the wate
vessels (nhttlng n i ) are placed; see nat; mdtiltg hfitlg-
n a t , the religious name for the place.
-nem, n. (from aem. to be low.) The plains; coup. of
Icty ang.
-nu, a. (from 7224, a mother..) The house of a chief;
cornp.hkaw; a palace; lanifizl htingna, a palace; poetic
and religious name; see parts, and e*. under baren.
-nut, v . T o go backward; comp. kda%t.
-nai, n. Foot-hills or lowland; comp. hjungnam; htingnai
gn jan j a a i l the lowlands are hot; comp. jn yang.
-ngang, a. A neighb~ur~; lnostly used as a coup. of
It tingbu . x

-nyip, a . (from vtyip, to be withered.) Dried and thus

contracted, as green soft bamboo; n. a ~ ~ e s sofe l such
bamboo; comp. Atingkyip.
-pa, a. A large bag; see iztingba.
-hput, n. (from hpztt, to level w'ith the ground.) T h e
site of a burned and destroyed village; a village rebuilt
on such a site; also pron, dinghpztt; kli~zgliputhjang
F n a d ~ edai de ai mdjaaw Ltizghput kadkanmg bni n p
ai re ai.
-hpye, n. The ordinary Kachin bag; see irhfye.
-rap n. (from m, to be level.) T h e site, as of a house
or a village; nto htingva, a house site; mare dtingra,
a village site.
-ra, n. A species of rree, or shrub, with sweet honey-
flowers; htia ina kaiseh, n. A humming hi rd ; htingra
Raiserk a Cu ow kahtaat ai wa rai nga ai.
n. The paddy planting season; Ittijzgra ta, the
months of May and.June, when the fields are'prepared
and the seed sown; btingra yi, a newly burned %and
prepared held; comp. LRrmlna yi.
--rat, a. To be conciliated; to restore peace and order,
as after a war; often used as a coup. of htingrui;
comp. /zting[z~;to reach an agreement, to col?clude as
a treaty; Ldhtaw nt hte Hjzrnggan zi shdit'n hfingr-ur
M a t ma re?,the Lahtaws and Hpunggans have come
to an agreement (or have made a treaty between
themselves )
Hringre, n. The foot (the place for the [wet,) as of a bed;
or sleeping place; opp. to nktung; ma n2 gow htingve
de dwrg ma, let the children sit at the foot of the
-rim, n. (from vim, to put up t h e ratters ot a house.)
The " skeleton" of a roof; the rafters and battens
without the thatch; Ltingrzm ga saw ai. to call
labourers, etc., preparatory to thatching.
a v. (from mi, to rectify.) To propitiate, appease,
conciliate, as'nats by offerings; d a i n i n n l t ~nat hting-
r a i nn ga oi; htingvaz hdanggae, a sin-offering; an ex-
piatory sacrifice; Atingrai Atingrat, a propitiation, or
an expiation; Atingrai htingxat a i trga, the bullock
offered as an expiatory sacrtfice.
-raw, n. The small bamboo basket (something like an
ordinary fruit basket), in which a part of a sacrifice is
- on a nat altar.
--sang, n. The house of a chief; o~llyused as a coup. of
htingutl; ktzngsang chyzng,see ktingchyiag; also pron,
htingtsa ng. i
-shawn, i t . (from sh&wn, to enter.) An entrance i a o a
new house; a house-warming; also pron.dzinpha&
and nsdawa; comp. Ati~tgwawn.
--tsam, s. Evil, misfortune, bad luck, especially thought
of as clinging to the old site of a hoxse destroyed
long ago; ]i htiqgtsom juag ai nrdaw, nat hti~tgtmn-
p ~ azg s h w , remove (lit. loose,) the evil (lefr by
former) household oats, take away t h e (hidden)
-tsang, n. T h e house of a chief; see Lti~lgsang.
-tsi p, 71. (from tsip, a nest.) A house; only in figuratiw
and poetic language; comp. ktingrhjing; ktzngdstp
lrtawtig, a kind of flower.
--tsit, n. A squirt; h t i e s i t 671% or kit, v . to squirt; see
parts, and comp. ItprrQ.
-],tang, a. (from htang, to revert.) Double; ktixg Adang
mbnau, a double dance (one at the front and one e,
baclt of a chief's house, at the same time), sometimes
held w h e n male t\rvins are born.
690 Htingwan.
Htingwan, tr. 'I'he space within a town or village limits;
a precinct; fig. the town or village itself ; kti%gwan
Rnta e gumlnu byin a i ; ndv. i n , within, applied to a
vi 1 lage; shi mare Lti9zgwan 8 hk~zwrna i .
- w a n g , n. An open space, ( a market-place), a s w i t h i n a'
village. -
--wung, a. The space under the long eaves of a Kachin
house; also pron. /rtauiA*wr?tg;trga ni hting,wt~ngdai(r
L grtrct hRawm nga ai.
-wawn, n. (from wawn, fire.) o kindle the fire at a
new fanlily hearth; the Rtiugshazow and ktingwaw?~
always go together.
-yan, yan, to be continuous.) A house, serving
tt. (f r o ~ n
as the home of several families; hting-yaiz rawng, to
live, as several families under the same roof; nddyal
sta myit Akrzrnz yaltg, izfi~zg-yazrawng Z Z ai. ~
-ye, n. 'll1e last drops, as of Liquor, i n a . vessel other-
wise regarded as empty; chyyrirrx Atizg-ye Lkyrft kus %,
strain ("squeeze") the last drops (from the bottle.)
Ht$, v. TO' be close, a s a bamboo w a l l ; only used as a
coup. of chytp; s k d k ~ l mn chyifl n htifl ai.
Htit, v. T o sit; coup. of nit, used i n religious poetry; dai
pang latit rai u , sit here; t o place, as a bottle on a
table; nnmdar /zpc dai yang htzt d i a,place the bottle
he re.
Htit, v. T o strain and pour out, as water from a dish of
new-boiled rice; also pron. Atib; di hta na nfsin itit
kazl mzl.
Htu, v. T o dig, delve; nhbrn htr r , dig a ditch; comp.
Bur. qt.
-kgbun, v . To dig and loosen the earth, as around
plants ; sampan pawl Atzc kadz~nzt.
H t u , v. T o pound, husk by pounding, as paddy; ?%am htrc
ai: to reduce to flour, powder, pulp, or the like, by
pounding; sltltdg~tghtrc, warrtsi htu, mdtsi his, pa pa
hla, see parts.
Htu, v . To push, impel, as a carriage, boat, or the like;
d e r v . nhtu; comp. hd?znw9ig a n d Eur. 4:;le~zght:r H ,
push t h c cart; Lfislrnmx htc lz lrtu ~ J Z ~ C .
Htu hket, v. To push, shove, thrust; to play, as tlie
Kachin " tug-of-war;" the contestants take hold of the
ends of a stout bamboo pole and try to force each
other backward: ikandang bte Atu Ahat ga.
Htu, d. To rain; see mdrang Atrc.
Htu, v. To build a nest, as a.bird; a tsip M u az.
Htu, v. To be able, have strength, as to carry a liyinr
hurnan being; comp. dang and nu; (&a is applied
only to living beings, while dang refers to animals,
inanimate things or a corpse;) ma Mau mdjun ai m d -
jaw n lit* nt~gai.
Htu, n. Proper name; the fourth female child; Ma Htzt.
-ga, a. A religious name for a spider; Hhga &drag,
same; comp. Dinggurzg %laCdban.
Htu, la. A sword; see nchttl.
-nawng, n. A sivord, hilt and all of steel.
-rawn, n. A large sword; same as ikatlRa.
Htugyi, r . Clay;brick; comp. m d .
!;Ituju, n. (from jr, to attack.) Evil, misfortune, disas-
ter, especially as caused by stranpa or unknown oats;
h t u p hiorat, same : cornp. hti~gtsow.

Ld@i daw sha md& la,&rang &w r i a mdkoi?

Ngai HRringwa iii 'ijclftpta%g2 sbkdwan,

San hpu?zgsangr -&an.
Htuhku, n. A butcher; (Shan.
I-ituhpu, r t . Pickled beans; (SLr2fi;j sre ::ZU hju.
Hturen, r . P. k i n d of Rute.
H t u k , 9. TJ fit, s u i t , be beccn~Ing;c s x p . jdht5ik; to be
proper, fair, suitable, spprcpriztc; nuiiz isxm ai ga tr
htsk at,;:hat you say is no! Frcpe:.; t o be effective,
as the right k i n d of tn;diclne; -to agree, be of the
same m i n d ; shan ld/zkaw?zga kizb.4 gav ai.
. A .
Htuk. v. To draw, as a salary, or tnoney from a bank;,
Bur.. apdj; camp sham; hjyen ma ni shdtla slrddkai btt&
ma ai,
Htuk, v. To h i t against; comp. RRra; ngai ltps htuh Tcga
lrpa re a i Lwn ?'what was it that hit me ? ndv. until, as
far as, clear t11roug.h; ngai Raw htuR sa r i f , come
right up to me; dai mdre h l z d zgai sa nngai, I went
clear to the village; dai hka haw m a kt& Rtang mi
-htu.k, adv. I'n a hitting or rapping manner.
Htum,, v . To be ended, terminated; to be finished or ex-
' h a w e d ; derv. chydhfum; see jdhtsm; lam htrm sai,.
the road'ends here; I ~ s hittz~rn sni, the food is allJ
gone; n htum, n. unending n htzcm n wai, adz?.Rr
ever, eternally; comparatAe particle, Superl'ative
degree; d d j a Atam, the best; tsazum htam ai nantpnm,
the most beautiful flower.
d a k , a. Square at the end, flat-bottomed, obtuse; Atam-
gngn htvlrrbak llga ai.
-ban, n. A tray of a coon-box; a fork, crotch, as of-'a
limb; also pron. ktingdale.
--hkra, adv. Until the end; lam htlcm R&mhkan x .
-lau, a. T o undermine, wear away, as water an embank-
ment; ?~zddivzhtai?~z'na mat .mi.
-myit, n. (from myit, to wash the face.) A bamboo
vessel; used for washing purposes by the women; also
protrl. lrtmgmyit.
-pa, n. A bottom, as of a tub, dish, bag, or t h e like.
-Pan, n. A tray; same as RZumdan.
-pang, .r.A bot-tom, ( H kauri ;) see htilmpn.
-hpang, rr. The surroundings, as of a house; see dtdnz-
Htum, n. A paddy mortar; lturrz litn manr At21 mu.
-byen, n. A wide mortar;,a trouqh-shaped mortar. with
sometimes tvio or more places'for pounding
-daw, v. To make a mortar; see parts.
--hku, n. The concavity of a mortar; the measure ef
?add)-, as I i n nt one time; mam ktwv~zkba tlzl
jaw t .
--mun, n. The pestle w i t h which the paddy is ppunded.
I l h m r i n . r. (from ria, to g~GPrd$ A miH lor h - k g
paddy; htumrPa Aka +.z W.
--mwng, a. cfrom fawng, a blmk.) The common n o r t a r
.made from aiblmk af wood; comtp. htzza&yen.
Htun, u. To put, store away, as inta a cleeed h k e t ;
c m ~.bang;
. .waw &fie kRi~zghaw) kt& A&n du ~ 4 , ,put
t h e paddy i n (a basket lined) witsh bamboo sheaths;
Ra&a ldhflaw Ate m d h t h h n mu.
Htun, v. Ta shrink, as a garment; comp. chyum; pdazung
& . n i bmdjuw&tun mat ~ a i .to ; contract, as rubber;
OPP* to myan; to be drawn, as a leech into a ball;
derv. ahtun; nm'hilthrat Ate wi?wt Afun nna gddun mat
-'htun., .a. Contracted and thus rouud, globular, formed
as a ball, 'lump or mass; du hygtt .kYult, short, h e a v ) -
necked; v. to be " rolling;'" as a very stm't person
when wdl'king; shi nau &fm .ai ~ n w f &an P t m
Htun, Y. Totake,a"Lite," a s w h a n l i u a h m y ; n g o i s w
&wrnra $a sau, I will have a bite and b e &to
lahe &Id; i h r d ei,to haw r .fewwhiffs .uX &he
opi~llnpipe, as ,before going ti^ wwk; c.byavn &bun ai,
ro "peg," to tipple; to .sip; .&mtg a'm d .
chyduu hticn m~gaz'.
mun, s. Lime as chewed anitk .betel; Bur. q;.sse
--ba D 1sA shunam box; Bur. 4aopr.

-hkaw, n. Dry and~tastelesslime; see +;tlYs.

--~&yesrg, m. The' ~ e limed 1milcell with tk juice .of .thr
ammeaic plam~(zzamcAyi~g,) used for .chew*.
+rant, HZ. m e ofidinary slaked r t i m e ; . d n t&duwh,$raw,
tobacco and lime, as for chewing.
*&,pD n. Very dense and heavy jqgde,; comp. *ram;
(Shan;) ndai yang Atunhpa snm L k y i q g w rrrdnrge az.
H-31~. 10. A t h ; 1 ~ L a q ebamboo mssel, as fer water,
d w w or like; see u a k q g and /b Qa;fwa shnf
htung his bang u,
d t ,
n.A shmt bamboo wessel. as k bko)diwliquids;
mmp. and vzfitung.
-myit a.,Avessel 30r washing; see * b m m m
694 Htung.
Htun , v. To settle down, as smoke; chycikfiu kdta r w4n
&&hut Atang nga at, t h e smoke is settling down inside;
to be left, as sedement, after t h e rise and fall of a
river, or at the botto~nof a vessel; hku kkyet a2 ltpang
ndm QUR htrng nga ni.
Htung, v . To pump; hi ARaitsin Ate rkydru lrtrng ai.
Htung, v. 'To spring, shut, as certain kinds of traps; comp.
dumda h t r n g a i and ndRaw htangai; to place endwise,
as boards, poles or bamboos, when putting up a
stockade; hpvn kte Atung katn a i b u a g h h , a stockade
made of logs.
Htung, n . A custom, a usage; derv. ahtang; Bur. 48;
comp. aRyan and arawn a/ai; a m ~ d eof worship, a
religion; re igious ceremonies; Myen ai Gazudnmn
Irtgng Akizn ma ai; htlrnghki, see parts.
-hking, n. Custom, way, manner; .see parts.; shanAtr a
htfl~zghkRZ'~tgA rkdja nga nrd ai.
Htung, n. A large bag; not used singly.
-ba, *. A bag, a wallet; same as hiilegla, which see.
-hkin, n. The ordinary J i ~ g h j u wbag, differing some-
what f r o ~ nthe H k a u r i ; comp. tingsan.
l a , n. The ordinary white ~ 6 t t 0 nbag; mdhpraw rz hte
da a i tingsan hpe A i l ~ ~h li zga ma ai.
Htunghtia, n. A shoe; ( knrri;) comp. Ryepd(in; kturzg-
I t i n i t i n a i , to put on and wear a shoe.
Htup, v. T o be obtuse, blunt, not pointed, accute or
sharp; also iron. dz@; corn
-htup, Ern
v. To be rounded, as t e dak* edge of a spade, hence
not sharp; slrifigban Atvp htz@ re ai wldjaw n jrng ai;
to be curved as the point of a falchion sword; nhtu
btgp At+ re oi.
Htup, v. To wrap up, bundle up; Bur. q 6 ; comp. Akaang
and Ahyen.
Htut, v . To poison, as a lake or stream, for the sake ot
stupefying the fish; shanhtt htaara r:r hte nawng hllrC
ma ai.
Htai, w. To be keen, clear-sightcd. ~ c c u t rof intellect;
comp. hung and act; a. keen, cle;irsighted, bright;
m$ htai ai wa,a clear-sighted man,(used both in its
Htau. 695

literal and fig. sense;) Atai a i ma, a bright child; h f a i

a i g w i , an intelligent dog.
Htai, v. To guess, solve, as a riddle; grnmwni p ktaz a i ;
to interpret, as a dream, to explain, as a vision or a
prophecy; yup mawg Ate shingran htut ai; comp.
gainhfian and taR; yuf matrg htai a i wa, an inter-
preter of dreams.
Htai, v. To plough; derv. na htai; sAi k k v n a life na
Atai hte h t a i at'; comp. gdau and hpan.
-gye, 92. Fall-ploughing; htaigye gye a i , to do fall-
ploughi ng.
-hka, n. A furrow..
Htai, n. A mat; see chydhtai.
-da, n. A mat of the usual pattern; coinp. &a.
-dung, n. A ~ n a woven t corner-wise.
-/"P, B . A piece of an old mat.
-- am, V. T o blow away, as a mat, to Rap, as a mat before
the wind; fig. to be driven by the wind; d a i zua gaw
htai /am hRawm ai.
-ra, n. A figurative and religious name for a threshing
floor; nhpraw hfnirn de dddnnwm, nhkye htaiya &
gtcmbawm wa rit; comp. chyyrtrang; Rtaira rndchryrr,
see parts.
i t , n. The edge of a mat.
-yaw, n. A large kind of mat; $hi a m d l r jrihks bye Atai
y a w /a wa md rit, bring a mat for him nine feet ( n i n e
steps) wide.
~ t a i l a i , ' v. To contradict, gainsay; comp. dangratrg;
skan shdda Ltailai ?znago law ma a i , they cont radi cted
each other and (began) quarelling; htailalai irRat, to
disagree, be at variance; nun shnda hfailai M a t
nzyzt ni?
Ijtau, u. T o be at leisure; coup. of r a u ; n p i n rau r
ktalc n a nttgai

I-Itau, s. bugle; see pahtau.
V. T o blsw a bugle.
Htau, v. T o cut off, sever, as a twig o r branch, with a
si ngle.stroke; h$un h j e Atau.Rau mu; to decapitate,
bellead, as a person, or sacrificiel animal; Idnut wa
- 2
hje ktau &a& mu; fig. t o sacrifice; n d r a w Ape r u'dngut
m i htav 24, behead ( 5 ncrifice) a 'the mbraw nat.
Htauli, v. To be careful, considerate, cautious, citicurn-
spect; Atadz' htaut'a, a. carelfu1l,rsutious; sPz ~hpdga
gumgra hta htauli latarla my? n nga a t , he is not
carelul in his .trading;.adv,with c~nsi~deration a n d at-
tentive respect; will1 ngly and with pleasure; sdru
a m r -gd/awyang, hlauCi ./ttau/a gdlaw m u .
Htaura, n. A tpoisonous ,herb, a species of 3t)~ychnos;
when )pounded into pulp .and ,put into a stream or
pond the fish is stupefied and caught; c ~ n q pIrtrt.
Htaw, v . T o stampede, as a herd of cattle;.to.break and
run, as a frightened crowd; nga ai R4jawng nna Ataw
ma az.
Htaw, Y T o transport, caiTry,as by pack-animals; g2cmra
/tta p n t Ataw mrc, carry sdlt by ponies; nang hpa htaw
n ta Y what are you carrying; (to haul, as by cart; not
-common usage;) to carry, as a load, to asiume respon-
sibilities; to 'labour; d a i W , n g a iTJ htaw se a i , I cannot
carry this load; hkarna am% q a z ' naw htaw da we a i ,
I am still able to cultivate paddy; da am% ttgai n
Afaw lu se ai, 1 am unable to perform the duties of
chief; Ataw Akaw ya yr, adv. in caravan ashion. k f

Htaw, a. This, that; adv. there, (at an elevatioh higher

than that of the speaker;) comp. Ze, dai and wo; &taw
de, up there, u p to; htaw de na or hfaw de h u ' n n a ,
from up there;' &aw de Z%ngjtrsu, go uplthere,; %gar
htaw de nna yu wa nngai, 1 have come (down from
there; htaw r a , up there, at the place up. there; htaw
va hflm &rankzu r , cut down the tree up there; htaw
ra roi k d a i rai ma taP who are those up t h e r e ?
B, A t a w m yan, Oh! you two up t h e x !
Htawk, n. A shrub cultivated .for medicinal pu8,poses; a
medicine considered an antidote for snake poison;
laflu Rawa yang AkwR a r a t mu.
Htawk, v. To remove, clear, as the things out of a .house;
to unload, as a boat; cornp. h t i ; awk na a r a i Atawk
Rag nna RdsLis u ,remove the t ings, and wash,the
room; ti hta na a r a i hlirwk u , unlopd t h e boatf- to
crowd out. displacg,-and thus to supersede; -K&/o ni
Mynr mdsha m , h f i h l a d haw ma or. the %om
are crowding out (displacing) the Burmans; h Ad$
drr Rdba Ape htawg a?, t h e "small" (young) thief i s
superseding the big one; to scoop out, remove $y a
scooping motion; hRa t a w k Rarc m a nga &rQla m u .
Htawk, v. To prop, brace, as w i t h a lightgieoc of k k r ;
not as stron as madi; shakum hpe udaw .hte & a d * ,
prop .the wa ,1 with a piece of bamboo.
,Ht&k, v. T o touch lightly; derv. RdLtawk and a h t w h ;
ngai e htawk nga ai, kddai r a i ta P who touahed me ?
Htawk, v. To be broken, snapped; derv. .Rdhtaw% corny.
61an and htrR; to break, snap, as anything ,green or
brittle; tiamlap iprdkmrng AtawR r a i maf ~a.z', the
sprout (sapling) is broken off.
-clang, n. Cholera; see ,parts; Irtawkdaqg daqg .ailV. to
die (lit. tumble over) from cholera.
Htawm, v. To move, remove, as things, from one place
to another; comp. Atawk; d a i n i tup r a i htawrn nngai,
I have been moving things all day; Sam ntz ngau
htawm wa mb riZ, remove the timber from the jungle
(placing it)'here:
Htawm, v. To be exhausted, out 01 breath; to be we&, as
from hunger or illness; comp. tawm; ngai m b h y i &a
nsa htawm htawni ngu mngai.
Htawm, v . To follow, be subsequent, said of t h e . ; dew.
chydhfawm and = & t a w ; a. future, coming; ktawm
prat, future time; adz!. aker, afterward, subsequem!Jy;
ski Ltawm lrpang e A l ~ na i , he iollowed afterward;
ya &awm de sa .n't yaw, come a k e r some time;
Atawm P, after, behind; nye a htawnt e mdsha maw nga
ai, after me there are still others; comp. hpa* .
*Htawn, v. To splice, as timber; see lawn; to , h e p, aid,
assist; comp. Rdrirm and isawn; nandte ngui hpt htawfi
taw gaw,d a i ni ngrt na re ai, if you had lhelped me I
would have finished this day; to repeat, spread and
add to, as news or gossip; see ski htawn&i; to pr*
claim, as a message.
Htawn, v . To girdle,. as a tree; see hpvn irt-; ti,
tonsure; to shave the head, leaving only the top-knot.
Hkalcri ni biiw hfawn m a ai; fig. to squander, do

away with another person's property; sh2 q e a pum-

kpraw Atawn shutsang ngn a i ; d e r v . ahfawn.
Htawn, v . To limp; comp. gawhtawn.
-lawn, v. To limp, halt: comp. l a w Atawn; ldgaw kayaw
Rau az' md]aw, /am sa yang &awn lawn az.
-rawn, v . T o limp; same as Ltawn law%.
--htawn, adv. I n a limping, halting manner; &am ma-
chyz a i majazjaw ngn htawrz Atawn uui hkawm nga ai.
Htawng, v . T o excel, as i n stature or mental equipment;
to be higher, taller than, and thus superior to; cornp.
gvau; Rdsha gaw Rdwa Afa Aiawng a i , the child is
taller than the father; h f u n gaw nta hta htnwng a i ,
the tree is higher than the house; du hta Atnwng a2'
wa, a man excelling a chief; Hang ngaz Ata htawng
mdya n n i ? do you wish to become my superior?
Htawng, v. T o leave behind, as children or property at
death; derv. zrhiawng and hRraz b a w n g ; comp.
ngam; Rdnz gaw kdsha L ~ h k a w n g htowng da ai, the
mother left two children 7 sAt nge
e l e aktawng
n u t a ? h o w m a n y l ~ r a d o l c a t t l e d i dfdde ve? da
Htawng, v. T o build, as a village; see kahtawng.
Htawng, u. To kick forward, or as when playing foot-
ball; comp. skilzgdit; shi ngbz hpe Atawng ai.
Htawng, v. To opeil and carry, as an- umbrella; cornp.
jawng gap; /an ja yang p w n g Atawng %.
Htawng, . . n. The long, cylindrical Shan drum; comp.
-durn, v. T o beat the drum; see parts.
-lawng, v . To be perpendicular; to be column-shaped or
straight, as a post; ( t h e idea is that the object has the
same size and s h a p e (rom top to bottom, is not taper-
i n g or bulging;) dai shddaw Atawnghwng r a i nga ar;
a. column or pillar.-shaped; Rtawnghuvzg wan h k r t , a
pillar of smoke; fig. n. smoke; Ltawnghzwng Id&, the
I-Itawng, v . To stop, as a hemorrhage; see sai htawng;
to dry up, as s a p or juice of a tree; Rdwa usai Atawreg
tnat sai; to cease, as rain; 7ndrang Atnwng; derv. gin-
hta wng.
Htawngga, n. (from ga, to crack, as dry ground.) The
height of the dry season; the months of April and
May; wafang htawngga, same :
Wa lang htawngga na shbmyet h@n nu ngaz mi,
during the hot (dry) season I am a protecting tree.
-shi, t r . The opening or early part of the dry seascn :
Mdngai htawng shi /&daw wa.
Mdklr nitzgba rawt h a w wa.
Htawng; n. A jail, a prison, a penitentiary; Bur. c m G .
-bang, v. To imprison.
-hkrat, v. To be imprisoned.
-rawng, v. To be confined i n prisoa.
-shang, v. To suffer imprisonment; nga Cdgr a i nzdjaw,
ski htawng shazg sai,
Htawt, u. T o move, change, as a dwelling place; comp.
&awR and htawm; bu-nfa and h t i n g ~ airlawt, see
parts; anhtr wora Rdhtawng de Ltawt na maw ga ar
we intend to move to that village.
Htawt, n. A bamboo vessel, (usually a section of bamboo),
used as a receptacle for liquids presented to the nats.
-htang, n. (from htang, to reverse.) A vessel opened
at the lower (larger) joint instead of at the upper
(smaller), used when offering to t h e mu nnt.
Htoi, v. To be light, to give, emit, as light; derv. ahtoz',
nhtoi and myilrfoi; comp. jdhfoi; to shine, as a star;
shdgan d a t a Ltoi ai; fig. to be ripe, white, as grain
for the 11arvest;ya.lrt~gaw mam ndung htoi wa sai.
-1oi a. Straight, as a gunbarrel, a shaft, or t h e like, not
crooked or bending so as to obstruct the light.
-htoi, a . Bsi yht, shining, clear; also used ;idverbially.
Hta A preforkative.
-le , n. The pomegranate; Bur. ad.
-mun, a. Tllc pestle of a paddy mortar; see /Itum?nun.
-mung, n. A village headman; (Shan.)
-mawk, c. 1 d a m ; comp. madim; ndaz hka baji Lta
htdri:azlt! j.wg nzz.
-myit, t ~.4. vesbel for washing purposes; see htt&r1;
-ning, ndo. N e x t ) - e x ; comp. ning; d a i ring, i r f d ~ i n g ,
hpra ni~zg,this year, next and year after.
M l l n i n g , ada. ( f ~ o m rrmg, here.,) mhee, up h; a
corruption .di .&tam nurg, aiso ;pmn fithm.8; w paw
hldning dung nga az.
+Rung, odv. Upthere; s a m e a s && .
Htwi, v . To b:,a, glse a blow wit.h the. ist.;aolqp.#& and
fdhtarn; shan ga Law nna &tow'A&RLmu m..
Htwi, v. To retreat, .recede, withbrilw.,; c q p . Rdnrrf;
shanhtt nau shddrcf ar mctjalu anlrfe itpafig de Afwi ga
ai,as they pressed us -too hard xwkre461%a&.
Htwi, v . To be fleshby,plump, .grofs.
-Iwi, a. Fleshy, hanging, as f l a b b y , l h ~ e .tlesh;
d du'aw
nau lrpu m nna hfwi &tundwz'&m' we d.
-htwi, a. Plump, flabby, grm; shi 'M b z ' m .~na
&$urn az,h e is lplump and 'fat.

The t ~ e n t y ~ e i g ' hconsonant

th io&e Kachin al$dbet; v,
as i n !English; oHly used ;by rhe Hkauris in a Iem ,words
such as v i , a ,paddy 'fie1d, lava a h n ; m p, ..y i and i*f.

The twenty-ninth .consonant ia t.he * W i n dphabet;

w, as i n English.
Wa, v. %'be i n motion ;#to'become;comp. byin,taiand nr
see Gram.; ma, is &+useti as .a~xerb-dau+%iary to
indicate motion, movement, rharrge +cifhposiriwn; bytn
w a , to -happH; 3ai wa, t o -return, %BawasTO .grow,
shangat wa,, to bear, m'wa, t o die, .Agm wa,.to creme,
etc.; shi a am% slang ruzt wa b t n wn sa2
W P ,v . T o return; &a de wa a , return to your house,-go
home; shi n wa ARraw ai, he dues .not wish to camt.
back; to pay, as a debt; ski hRa gctvai n wa ai, he %as
not yet paid .the debt; tosettle,, as a feud; bung/crl *%c
wa #gut sai,6he blood-feud is settled; comp. s~mnrz'
W P nn; to befmed; to pay, as a fine; conip. s h ~ and u
Wa, 3. T o weave, as a bamboo mat, wall, basket, ur*e
i a i , & wa ai,s k p o o i
like; comp. da; see s h y ~ X f awa
wa a i and s h a k ~ mw a a i : dew. a m . .
Uh, a. Po.<marry;Csaid~otL$h woman;). see num rua as;
di.& mkgparno w e ra r t &,.she will macry this year.
W 2. T m a r t ; . ( n e t wad singly); a. this, many,
much; ndai l t t ~a~rrai nga o i , there are this many;
n a mi n Law aagai,this much (or many)
d a i hti. ~ k w
is: DO^ enaurgh~dm' nu' ktao, dz na, wora she la m,
what will I do with this, I tvill take that; d v . very,
many,, quite; w h o Luau lapu wa rcga ai,there are very
many.(pmsomk Lam dsr~evmrawa fso7o ai, it is quite a
distance; shi nar hying zcJa mcirhyyi ai,he is quite seri-
ously ill.
-dam, v. To-pub on a h ; to be stuck up; nang nan w a
h &, you; are tsmstu~kup; wa darr sorrg b r e ~ ga, .
vain, ostentatious; w a &n s m g brew w a e , you uain
-hkya, a. To. p~lnerrt~,. tn ugwt someone's plans; d '
nin nta gdam na fig8 ai, du m' e lua hhyt kau n r l u'
ai, said I would build a house this )ear, but the
chiefs have upset my plans; ts"saatoh,"as the profits
from someone; see hkye; same as a+ jahten fie.
Wa*, n, The thread, a%.oi a screw, (dingRuang wa;J
d i ai, to fasten with z screw; wa rEtr,w a i jaw
bni shaw wa a i ; c o m p Bur. od.
Wa, rc A hut, or asmad4 house, in a paddy field;* rw a
highland paddy-house; shdzcm wa, the house, as built
fm a chief, by the wholewrnmunity; comp. s u n .
Wa, n. M a l h e r ; comp. Rdwa and nwa.
-di, n. An uncle; a fathery~~eeler brother, or a mother'p

a@ 't; ( t w m g a ) husband; a respectful designa-
tion a r sskg an elderly man.
n. An unde;% lather's youngest brother, or the
husband of a mother's youngest sister.
-doi, R. An uncle ; a father's younger brothers, or the
husbands of a mother's younger slsters.
Wirl M. A h m a o being; a person; a genus Horno; & Z r u m
m ~ . h ps&
m yx- w, ask that m m a n (female;) ndai wa,
this person; with proper names or titles, w a is often
added either for ~ u p h o n y or as an honorary affix;
N - p w aw, the man. N-gawn; du w a , the chief; comp.
also sd/ang wn , lr Rifij-p; w, ,@ha and myz'htat:wa.
703 Wanang.

Wanang, n. A follower; see parts; a servant at a feast;

a poetic name for the sun or a cloud; wanang tifigsn,
" the true follower;" wanang ninghtoi Atoi wa; also
pron. waZang.
-lang, r. same as wanang.
-lip n. A male human being; comp. uLi; w a li chyz7zghkai,
a father; see parts.
-ngan, n. A full orown man; a person having reached
the age of rnat;ity and independence; wa-ngan ni du
ma az.
Wa, x. A tooth; derv. Rdwa, to bite. ,
-udap, v. (from dap, to protrude.) To be overlapping
or protruding, as irregular t6eth; comp. drip d a j .
-udik, v. T o bite, clinch, or gnash the teeth'; wa I d i R
, gnash a n d grind the teeth.
z ~ r i ato
-udawn, a. Overlapping, as teeth; comp. wa uda).
u i , n. The gum.
-ukam, n. A in01ar.
-man, n. The incisors.
-urum, n. A decaying tooth.
-use, r ~ Toothache
. from a decayed tooth, supposed to be
occasioned by a worm; wa tcse se ai,v. to sufier from
such. toothache.
-utung, n. The "worni" (see tang,) eating a tooth.
-uhtap, 7 ~ Overlapping
. teeth; see parts.
- m y , v. To suffer from uaothache; nye wa JWZ
m d ~ h y ngai ai.
W a , n. A hog; comp. Bur. 06.
-bya, v. T h e f e t u s of a hog; see ubya.
-du, n. A wild boar; wa du dang, a prickly kind of yam.
-dung, rt. A hog kept for breeding purposes; comp.
w'dung and w a 2".
-dawk, n. A small pig-sty.
-diiwi, e. A pair of hogs.
--grang, n. A trough, as made from a joint of bamboo.
-grawng, n. A digging, as dug or rooted by a hog,-
especially wild hogs.
-ju, v . To sacrifice a pig; see j z ~ .
-ka, n. The ordinary long trough, used for pigs.
-kang, n. A trough; a manger.
. Walaw

Wa kaw, n. A hog's tusk; also pron: wa Rawng.

-kawng, n. A hog's tusk.
-hku, n. An old sow; see uhku.
-hkawm, v. T o creep on all four, as a small child.
-hkallwi, n. A flea; also pron. wa ARhi.
-hkrang, r . Strange hogs; kdga wa h k r a ~ g .
-hkrawng, ~ r Half
. a p ~ g ,as offered to the nats; sea
-hkyam, n. A p ~ not g yet castrated.
-la, n. A boar.
-lu, n. A place where hogs wallow; comp. u h .
-lawng, n. An inclosure for pigs.
-lahkru, r . The foot (" hoof ") of a pig; wa l d i k v u gix-
shi, see parts.
-mat, n. A sow with young.
-mawn, n. A castrated hog.
-naw, n. A herd of swiae; same as wa nawrrg.
-nawng, n. A herd of swine.
--n-gang, n. The s hculder of a hog; see parts.
-nngawn, rr. The snout of a hog.
-nsung, n. A species of Indian badger; also pron. z o
ting sung. , --
--pra, n. A young sow; see $ ~ a . .
-hpu, n. A bamboo contrivance, to scare away wild hogs
from a paddy field.
Osinggung, n. Bristles; see parts.
--sau, n. Lard.
-shan, n. Pork; comp. Zavu.
-shat, n. Swill; food for hogs. -.--
d t i n g s u n g , n. A species of badger; same as wa nsrcng.
--tsa, n. A herd of wild hogs.
-htau wa, n. The chief of the male attendants ( / a
nzamsa ni) following - a bride, who also kills the sacri-
ficial hog:
-yaw, v . To tend and feed hogs; Mawa ni htr Yafiy7'?i
~ r ~i ~ z y t zma
w ai.
n. Bamboo; comp. k a i ~ nwrc , and u ; Bur. 078.
8:;~. a. A carved bamboo c a s e , as for a f a n ; m o d ?
used i n poetry as a coup. of dnmka; mdjawrn uta h$c:ig

* tza :uadaw dumka.

Waba.i-n, n. a bamboo.
-9 .
- --
W a h an&. ~r.A chmp ofi bamboo; ural wa /z$aq,, at
c usetr or clump of elephant bamboo; ugad v o h,@aug,.
see parts.
-ra, n r Elephant ba'tpboe;(Hkauri :) mostly pron. uva cu
Wa, A preformative.
--du dang, n. A prickly kind of yam.
-du yan, n. A centipede.
-chye, a. A clan on family also called Hpaulu.
-jifmoi, ts. A specics of vine; the pitch of this vine is
often used a,s wax i n grafting.
--kintu, n. A figure (hyacinth I) Bur. cjloJdl.
-hkyetwa, n. T h e traditional ancestor of all. the Kaehin
tribes; an&& gaw WahRyet wa a R d s A t l &&ha ni r a i
Hga ga at:
l a ; n. A species of herb called angwang by the
--lilngu, n. A species of the "hog-plaotain.'!
--mtidai, tr. An orchid of any kind; comp. dumsi #rung,
maichyhyic r g , janhka, etc.; HRaari, wgndai.
-mLsang, rr. A kind of fruit.
-mayan, n. A kind of fruit; a drupe with a prickly
-myi, rz. The mount ail^ oak; wa myi si, an acorn.
-na, s.A species of herb used as a fever medicine; wa
na Cdphang Zap; the leaves of the herb.
-hpang, n. A brick building; any kind ol house not
roofed with thatch; comp. scanltpang.
-sha nnam, n. A k i n d oh tree.
-siring, n. A kind of acid plum, (Hkauri.)
-htau ang, n. A species of herb.
-yan, n. The pleasure compartment .oE a Kachin house;
wnyan nln, see parts.
Wak. n. T o beckon, i n native fashion, with a downward
motion of the hand; derv. awak; comp. dingsi.
Wak, v. T o be round and f u l l ; a. large around; derv.
Rriwak. %

-wak, a . Round and large; my2 zuaR wah re ai wa, z

person with large eyes.
Wak, v.. To be notched; derv. awak, which see.
Wan seng. 795
Wak, n. T h e Sal tree; the Pentacme Siamensis; n. the
gun1 of t h e Sal.
-Pau, n: The white coating on the tongue of a sick
person; zuaBsnk kap, v . to be coated; m n c / r j v a i wa a
shingle/ hta waksa R Rap sai.

Warn, v . T o dare, to be bold, not tirnid or bashful; comp.

gwi and agafn; Bur. +; shi dtr wa hpe ga n tsra wam
ai, he does not dare to speak to the chief.
Warn, v . To grow and spread, as a vine; shirzgvzr warn or;
to rise and spread, as smoke or a cloud; wan hkut
warn ai; fig. to be unsettled, changeable; wam
ai; derv. awalzt and hiwarn.
Warn, v . T o shake, as a tree; see awarn and kdwam.
-warn, a&. In a shaking, agitated manner.
W a m , n. A charm, supposed to make a person invisible;
charms of this kind are obtained from a certain kind
of bird, the skull of a killed man, or the hand of an
abortion; comp. LaRk; want g u n a i ?adsha Idgrc yrng
kadnz rz ??auaz' da.
Wampum, v. A kind of stoi~lachcomplaint; also #run.
nanz@nz, which see; comp. Bur. oSsy.
W a n , a. The number one million; see Gram; also j r o n .
wawn; wax m i , one million.
W a n , v . T o be clear, pure, clean, undefiled; derv. awan;
often used 2 s a coup. of snn; tsifzgdrt hltkrrn ya w a r ,
tsz'ngma n li?ap7zynng j l a sct 92.
W a n , v . T o be i n n c i r c l e ; to be coiled, wound, as into
a coil or a ring; d e r v . kn:oan a n d irtingwan.
-di, 2. To draw, as a circle; to coil, c u r l , circle around,
as a snake when attacking; hkr:tzn ALP ? u n ? ~ da, i draw
a circie with the pencil; to encircle, surround; s k a n l t r
ngaz h j e wax nri u z z a i .
-wan, adu. I n s coiled or encircling m 2 n : l c r .
W a n , n. A dish of a n y kind; corny. AL17 : i t ( 2 ? r , and jdvairg.
-daw, n. A ,p-lazed earthen dish, bowl, etc.

-pa, n. A plate; Sam- as jdra?ihf.

-pren, it. A p l s t e or saucer.
-seng, fa. Dishes, cups; especially Chinese tea-cups;
bnbvtm mnn sozg k t n mdgyep tsa lrhv dnr:gjta 7122.
Wan, n. Fire; comp. wawn.
-chyi, T o be kindled, as a fire.
--an. To burn, fire, as the jungle around a field or a

!~nur;e;wan n ga n i yi hRunz nat.

--gang, n. Fire produced by friction, as of wood or bam-
1100; asn:epnggang, v. t o start a fire as described; after
a hou;e has accidentally burned, all the fires of the
village are put out, while t h e fire-nat is driven away,
and new fires are kindled by the friction of r a t t a n and
rlcyinpn wood, by a man and a woman named respec-
~ ~ v e 7ic l y and H t r .
--grung, ti. A flame; u. to burn; see parts.
--&ang, v. ' hot, as a flame; see parts.
-kra, ;I. T o warni one's self by a fire; see parts.
-hkut, .n. Smoke; wan kkut lrka (ti, TI. to o:taslrc..
-4 ,
a. A steatner.
--mang, ir A fire-place; any place where fire is or ha!;
'been kindled; a bonfire.
---a, a. To f e e l t h e heat, as from a fire; see parts; mddi
ai.pda7wzg waa na a i skctra krnn ms.
-nat, v. T o set fire, as to rubbish, a house or a village;
to burn, as jungle ; comp. nta nat, nau2 l;at and shdnrw
fiat; rum1 mt a i LRangga, a burnt-offering.
-numli, it. Soot; also pron. wan zli; comp. n:i!nji.
-num-ya, ut. Sparks.
-n-ga, n. A dead coal or charcoal.
-nhkut, 92. Smoke; same as wan h k t ~ t .
-nhpra, 8. Wild-fire; volcanic fire; nkpra wan x-'qo, Si-
tumi rlous coal; s e e n h j ~ a .
-nhSprat v. T o strike fire, as with flint; n@ai htc wnn

n @rat ai.
-nhtaw, n. A live coal; a fire-lrand.
--Sam, n. Fire; only used i n poetry; hbringmaa waxsanc
shdtu 7rzze.
--silinglet, n. -4 flame; see p a t s .
-shingram, n. The aurora borealis; see sdingva~ir.
-Ahan, n. A torch; see parts.
--tsi, r:. Gunpowder; mur.fsi /ifu ai, v . to make g u n -
povrder; see parts.
-htung, a. An oven; see parts; a stove.
Wan wu, n. Fine ashes.
-vvut, o. To ignite; to start, kindle a fire; skat rhddv
nu nz,ifz$ w a n wut u.
--wawn, v . T o start and keep np a fire, as for drying
Wandan, a. T h e ordinary yoke for oxen; hkatlna gdlau,
yasg wandan r a ai.
wandu, n. A species of native bean; cornp. shdprt
Wan-gam, n. A fast; a day of leisure;(Shan;) a religious
holiday; wan-gam shdni, a fast.
Wang, v . T o surrender, as i n a fight; n gdsat ai sha matog
nztc, surrender without a fight; mark nzasha ni gaw
dn~g aai mdga wang ma ai, the villagers surrendered to
the vtctorious side; nanhtt, anhte Law waug nod ril,
sl~rrender;(lit. you, come over to u s ; cornp. Bur. oE),
Wang, v . To enter, go or come i n ; cornp. Bur. 0 8 ; only
used as a coup. of Ikrang, which see.
Wang, v . To surround, encompass, as soldiers a town;
hpyi9~lnbsha nr dai mdre hpe wang lawn da mu a i ,
the enemy has surrounded the town; to appear, as
the ring around the sun 01 the moon; cornp. jan and
shafn wnng; fig. to gather, collect, " surround " as
iood lor one's own use; Z a w h ~ aaz ni h a n g a mdlu
Ran zuang a i ; dcrv. shingwang.
Wang, n. A circle; cornp. slranglrkaw~tg;an enclosure, a
compound, the space, as inside a fortificaticn; also
pron, wzng; v . to move i n circles; derv. Rdwang.
-wang, ad^. I n a circular shape or manner; hRa w ~ r g
wnng re a t , to move i n circular waves or undul-
Wang, a . Round; (only used as a preformative.)
-bum, n. The poetic name for the grain otherwise called
-de, a. Royal: only applied to a palace; coup. of wa~zg-
zing,which see.
-di, re. A Chinese official; wangdt du:wa nrzr ni k t r ga
. lzkrum az da.
-dau, a . Brazen, impudent; wnngdau wanglum same;'
daz wa gaw R d a i h j r n z r n ~n A&it n Bdya a t . wan,n-
dart nmng/u,r rt o i . d
tOe Wanglu.
Wanglu, a. Impudent; wangZ'zt wanglang, bold-faced. im-
modest, impertinent, insolent; w n ~ g l gwarglang rr
ui ltzdshc l$)~~gyz"t ms. (

z , n. A Kachin" club;" a house where the young men

gather at e v e n i n g .
-zing, n. Royal, magnificent; only applied to palace;

Wangkang, n. A mantis; wangkang Rawt,same; see nkan

Wap, a. To be bulging, baggy or wrinkled; vlau Zdsi a i
mdjaw hpyz zuaj g i , being so lean the skin is wrink-
led; ARmw ni hpun gaw hpyi wal, ai.
-wap, a. Bulging, etc.; fig. l a x , loose, vague, applied to
the mi n d ; ~ t y i ut a p zuap ~~gtg*
Wat, v . To be pendent; dcrv. gdwat; to be dangling.
-wat, ado. In a pendent and thus dangling manner; ~ d -
tsip wat wut m i nlsn rtoi nga ai.
Wat, v. T o pretend; comp. gdwat; ski hpe g d a w shdngan
yang, skz waf la a i hkrai.
We, Verbal particle, first per. sing. Present Indicative;
see Gram.; ngai s h i /tPe tsan W L bi, I am speaking to
him; ngai sha we g a , let me eat it,-or I wiil eat; ngai
tsaw do w e ai, I want it; ndai ngai la na wt a7; shi
hpe n at Raydt na we ai.
We, v. ?go be nicked; (Hkauri;) see ye.
We, v . T o sweep; (Hkauri;) see ye.
Wewu, n. A screw; Bur. o d q .
Wenyi, n. Spirit; Bur. 8&.
Wi, Interjection of surprise.
Wing, n. A yard, compound, enclosure; same as wang,
which see.
Wo, a. This, that, (on the some level with the speaker),
also pron. wow; comp. Ce and htaw; adv. over there.
straight ahead; we d . , over there; wo nafig, over
yonder, over there; a;ova, that place or thing; wora dr-
so *, go to that place; wora ni, you, over there; w w a
kpc skdia 74, call those over there.

j v , To be ui-.clean, impure, polluted, contaminated;

derv. awu; a. unclean, etc.; bawngdvrrg a i wa h#e rkat
wu jaw r , give the prisoner defiled food; (this expres-
sion refers to the custoni that a wcman steps seven
times over food given a prisoner, which causes con-
tamination, and also renders his charmes and incan-
tations ineffective.)
Wu, v. T o murmur, mumble, mutter; derv. a w v ; wora dc
mdsha wu nga ai, Rpa g d a w ma a i dulr ? people are
muttering over there, what can ir b e ? wu wu, a
murmur, etc.; wg zcw di di, a loud murmur, mumbling
or muttering; Bur. qoSq&dd;sbawa t,tdslic r r i rcw wu
didi nga ma ai; to hum, as insects: n. a humming;
&gal wu wu nga a i .
-da ga, n. A hearsay, a rumour; comy. nza da ga, and
see parts.
V L U , Verbal particle, third per.sing.; comy. wt7alldsee
Gram.; s h i gaw d a i wa hpt, Sa +it, ngr nna sRdgi2 ww
ai, he called the man, telling him to come here; sAi
hpe gddc jaw mu t a ? how much shall 1 giv,e him ?
Wu, v. T o swell and ache; to throb, as from the bite of
a snake;
-wu, adv. In a swelling, aching, throbbing manner; Iagof
na a i ~ ~ z d j a s&i
w , n m ~ man
i rn14 wx rai bum ngu ai.
Wu, A prefornlative; same as rc, which see; words such
as udalzg, a cross, adat, pasturage, uga split bamboo.
u l a ~ g a, handle, may also be spelled, zi)rtda~tg,
wuga, wrlagzg, etc.
-bu, a. Stout, short; see 624; mostly u s e d as a coup. of
-din, a. Short, stubby, knobbp; see parts; ufuuiir waba
ue ai Rkniiilr wa ni hpr jaw u.
\Vu, n. A bird, a fowl; see r, and combinations.
Wum, 3. To be rich i n foliage and t h u s widespreadiny,
as a tree; derv. s i z g z m ~ n ;lap w u m P Z h p ~ l nnpr e
sAingn+ Rctja a i .
Wun, n. T h e open space in front of a house;same as indaw,
and mostly used i n poetry; y x n i. k k r m ng4, miow r
h k l m p m ; d e r v . Rawutr and ldwnrc.
Wun, v. To rise, swell, as a stream; comp. i ~ t ga n d an.
ankle a /rrkuuwa Aha wwt a z , the stream through our.
paddy field is filling; to be giowlnq a n d incrraslng,
as a cquntry i n wealth and population; daz Y Z ~ Y Ce mu
wrtn ai,that village has a n abaodance of children .
Wun, v. To excavate; to dig c.irt, as a mole or rabb11
from its hole; d a i nr anlrte sirdrz~ wzln ga ai; see
Wun. A general preformative.
-nut, a. Vigorous; only used as a coup. of zlgrt; w a n
ttzrt nu, to be old; comp. ztgat g:v and sJd7zztt nu.
-ba, n. A blanket; ( H k a u r i ; ) same as wdu.
-ba, a . (from bn, to be big.) Luxuriant, exuberant i r l
growth ; mdku wr nbn pnzut, A:) si?~-yal;g 2-n7.t
-bu, n. The navel; only used i n p i x t r y as a coup. of
shddai; wunbzr shadai daidnw, i?,gr~Li mitsrn e mrijnw.
-bu, n. A mole or a shrew; mostly used as a coup. ol
slrdnc; wunbu s h r u hta w a ma ~ dcorny, ; wzrbze.
-bu, a. Beauty, comeliness; mostly used as a coup. of
, &raw; s h i hpraw wunbiv razmg nr.
-boi, n. Blessings, a fortune; see zuzdnli.
-chyan, n. Bumps: see w u n n u ; comp. nrhdva72.
-du, n. Thatch; (Hkauri;) comp. danu'z~and hpzlnda.
-dung, n. A centre, a ce~ltralpart; zowndrd72g sskingrrz,
the traditional "Eden," i n Kachin 1c.i.e; comp. kdn7tg
and mdjoz shz'ng~a.
-dung, n. A division of time; see wzmtzr?ig.
--dai, n. An orchid; (Hkauri;) see mbdaz; zurpzdai s n n o -
hRa, a species of orchid, o ~ o s t l yfound i n t h e ~ l i a u ; i
hills, of the genus D~ndrobizmz.
-doi . v. T o return ;see gdmnz'; ~ ? I Y J~ i exgdnzoi wa ga, ding-
hRu d b wundoz wa giz.
-gum, n. A middle; a. between; mostly used as a coup. of
Rdpran. which see.
-pau, a. A blessing; see wsnli.
-JI, n. The smoke or soot, as of a lamp-chimney; s a m e
as wan mdji.
-ji, n. Food: only used i n poetry as a coup. of sahku;
N-gawn z w wrnjigdlaw, sdLRo W y a w nltn sha a i .
a n. A species of flower.
W u ~ k u , a ; Shallow, flu-bottonlrd; only applied ta the
wicker tray used for winnowing rice; ur#r6hu A h
wawn. Wunhku, n. a slave; coup. of mctyrurr.
-hkum, n. A woman, a female; wudRrr;m ~lid,i~- wurc-
Adurn Hang mdju*.
-hkut, V. T o cut off; to ~ o l t s h ;see hkrt asld oornp,
-lang, n. An inheritance; see w ~ d i .
-li, n. Blessings, fortune, luck, prosperity; comp. srtli
wrnli; w a d i nga, to be fortunate, lucky, etc.; nan4tt a
nta wunZi n nga (or 72 Lu) 71yit dai, your house ii. not
lucky or prosperous; w g d i wunboi, same as wndi;
wzrnZi wan-gag, blessings, prosperity, welfare; U.6 Fa
Llcnz ga w w r nZi Zu in Lat , zuan-fizz&grr n' gat-u
the young Inan Ta L r m receive fullness of b essings
(and) obtain complete prosperity; w r d i y m n , tu
P' .""'
bless, cause prosperity; ngai (Imiunlamwsn/i-yawfi,
L'jtsa lam wun-gan tazv,r, hundreds of. blessings h give,
untold prosperity I grant; wzrnli wudung, blesdegs,
wealth, inheritance; comp. fang.
-ma, n. A sore; (Hkauri;) see irmn.
-nu, n. Splinters or bumps, as on a rough board; figj.
undesirable accretions; o'nly foulld in religious poetry;,
kdsgng zurnna wunnuf, /iig iven w u , ; l k p a mwnkkai,
wear off the rough of the k d s ~ ~ ~cut z g ,ofi the bumps of
the ldgyen.
-nut, v. T o rub off; only used as a coup. of wunhkrct; to
cut off, or polish.
-pu, n. A pelican; Bur. 6Q.
-paw, 92. T h e cowry shell; only used in poetry as a coup.
of shdwun; wanpaw rhdzc~ur l a h f g(z.
-pawng, a. Centre; niiddle; comp. ) i t 3 ) i A ~ and a1u71-
dvng; Idmu wu@azung,ga wwzlr~$dzut~ig: tbq: t ~ ~ i d dofl r
heaven, the centre of earth.
-ra, n. The place where t h e sacred ba~nbou( s h d m u ? ~ )
grows; comp. Atingra; d u i b f ~ w n ~ h f or . ~ l / c i r i : n ~mu?tru
a i , this is our place for (groii- in^) the shaman.
a , n. A report; publicity; cornp. kujo?; :ilaarni tc/:dnw,
the Fate (nat) taking notice of public rcports; same
., . & 3 , .J.
7'2 , Wun shingtung.
as R d j a i nzd7aw; wunraz nhknw hrtraw. a. t o propiti-
ate the nat; only used as a coup. of Kdjaz mdraw raw.
Wun shingtung, 8 . The evenine: evening time; wu~r
shz,rgtu~gdm rlnn, ningka n z ~ i ~p ;h~t a n o , a t t h i s even-
i n g time. the bard will call the hluse.
--tung, a. Ti me; comp. tung. chytngtu?zg and yttplz~ng;
wuntuzg dai 722, the mid-day time; u~xnlzc?zgdaz no,
the evening time; also pron. wztlulz~ng.
-hti, n. Pinchers; only as a coup. of /&Rap.
-hti, n. Rafters; s a m e as Idpa; w ? ~ ; ~ / lshdwaw,
tz poetic
name for rafters; zdnt zingraw lrpe at, ?nitizkrz slrcirr
h f shdzap,
~ wnnhti shdwnw hLn s/rd&nfi.
- h t ~ , n. T h a t c h ; shangu zuu~rhti;only used i n poetry.
-htu, a Shallo*; same a s w ~ L ~ z which ~ R I ~ see.
-yaw, n. T h e face; see ?/n-ynw.
i n. Bamboo splits or strips ( p d i ) split across a n d
pnit uzrnzz; ufzinzz'
not with-the g r a i n ; opp. to /&ltpyi~l;
shit 7nzt, Ldhfyin n fsnw of.
Wung v. T o be wide, ample, a s a g a r m e n t ; d e r v . awazg;
coinp. wawng.
-wang, a. Wide, ample; wzt~zgwowg r t at pnLaiu~z,g.
-wung, a . Wide, extended, fan-like.
ilruy, v. T o cover; same as n p , which see.
Wut, v T o blow, and thus, to kindle, make or s t a r t a
fire; derv. Rawat; see wan wat.

Wut, v. T o lash, strike as w i t h a soft r a t t a n : guntra .hpp

wzd di a ; to strike, whip off, as long grass with a
sword; nan2 ni hfc. nlrttc lrfc wztt dt doir ii.
Wut, v. T o dry up, as grain, instead of filling out and
maturing; to become ligllt, as grain out of season;
?na?nnnu jn7r iing z x n w z c t 7 9 2 n l s a i
Wut, n. The sixth month i n the I'7chin year; April; also
called Zzn haR; see Gram.
Wut, n. A b r ~ c k Bur.
; 36; csmp. lrt?tgyi.
-den, 2. T o lay br1cks;see parts.
-kSbaw, v. T o burn bricks.
-htang, N. A bric?;-muuld.
Wai, Interjection o f surprise.
Wai, v . T o f a d e , w i t h e r a n d die, ac a. flower; to droop;
?rampan u j n i ai, t h e flower i s (;ding or drooping; n
Waw twt.
Atam n wai, a. unfadin ; n 61rm n w a i a i n a m p a r , an

Atrrm n wai n
unfading flower; adv. a ways, for ever; dai namjan f i
21~nga ai, this flower is always bloom.
ing; to abate, as an epidemic; a/i w a i ai.
Wai, v. T o whirl, as a whirlpool; derv. awai, ddwai and
1Ra wai: comp. Bur. br; to stir, as with a ladle; conlp.
kdmrt; to be winding, as a road; to strike cut with a
sweeping movement; to be filled, as the air with
scent or odour; nnntpan w a i nga nna mdnam ai.
-hprang, v. To be caught and carried away, as i n a whirl-
pool; to pick up and carry away, as anything seen
along a road; sAi 7238 a nhtu wni hf~orar~g di izu ai.
-shang, v . T o be caught and sucked i n , as by a whirl-
pool; see parts.
Wau, v. T o bark, as a dog; rwi wau ai.
Wau, v . T o be shaking. chattering, as with ague; derv.
awar and kdwazt; t'o snap and snatch, as a dog; fig.
to act as a dog; to be grasping; shi shan tsawmra
mi wau dz' /a nu ai.
Waw, a. There; see zuo.
Wqw, v. T o be perforated, pierced; to h a v e a hole in or
through; derv. awew a n d Rrizc~anf;see kRu waw; nam-
dalc waw a i m&ja7r, R I S Zh~ dZ~ l c ~
a it , there being a hole
in the bottle the water is leaking; to pierce, perfo.rate,
make a hole in; maisau h j r wnzo *; to open up, as a
road, a door-way, or t h e lilcr; nang e i ~ m maw ir,
open up a passage here; : 3 0pe11, as the mouth to
speak; cornp. Qaw; waw W Q W , hdu. full of holes.
Waw v. T o float, not to s i n k ; colnp. yn7ung; h j u n zcaw
ai,nllcng n wnm a i , a c o d floats, stone does not; *tgoi
hRa shaxgr yar~gir shanp kRraw ui,.u8enf a i , I cannot

dive, I just float.

Waw, .n. .A cold; see nwaw and L F u a d a ~ .
-kap, v. To catch cold.
-ren, it. A cold; see next.
-ri, n. A cold; a catarrh, caused by 3 cold; ~ l a a h~j ei
~ ~ mctkawp.
mdngnwf, u l n v r r hjt
-&ang, u. T o have caught a cold: to suffer from the
effects of a cold; fieni waw shang rraa murhyi tm,<a-E',
r.tawt. n. Croup.
pw 'MI= waw.
Waw<waw, v. To catch cold.
wawk, v. To be torn, rent, pierced, or the like; 7nnisar
wazud m i sail the paper is torn; lddpiw warcll raz
mat sai; comp. aJawand wawng.
Wawm, v. T o l i k e , be pleased with, be happy over:
comp. tsaw and dtzwng; ycga jaw az' Rumhpa iza9zg wawm
nu n i ? are you pleased w i t h the present I gave ? ( t o
be desirable; i n this sense mostly as a cpup. of
W anr~n, v . T o [ear, be afraid, timorous, a n d thus to hesi-
tate; comp. Ithrit; ~rlivngnzahka Lsap yn~zg,wawm nga
~ n g n i ,I feel afraid w h e n s t a n d i n g by the e d g e of
t h e rock; @sa / t ~ ~ rt2u g nnrLg v a w m n ni? do you fear
climbing the tree ?
Wawm, v. To rise, as dough or a n y t h ~ n gterinenting;
mdlri zoawm az; to rise, as a bubble, blister, or t'hc
l i k e ; to be bloated, inflated and thus swelling; to be
f a t , plump.
-wawm, n . Bloated; fat, round, plump, as a chiid; wawm
mnwnz rE n i ,?tu, a plump child.
Wawri, a. Fire; (Hkauri;) see wnw.
-wawn, o. To keep up a fire, as for d r y i n g purposes; see
wnrz wawyL az':
Wawn, a. T h e nurnber one million; see waa.
Wawn,: v . To lead, guide, as a child; see woi wuwir
Wawn, v. T o feel squeamish; niostly pron. aswn,w h k h
Wawn, la. A raft, a float, used as a fcrry , comp. Irpowng.
-bas?, a . The front of the rait; comp. Cz baw; opp. to
waslp/n ~ a i .
-shachyaw, v . T o construct a raft, as when intending to
cross a river.
-htu, v . T o propel the raft; see parts
Wawn, v. To he spacious, large, as a room; comp. Aka-
waw;)t,a ~ u a w ~can~I
z ;ddwazvz.
-wawn, n. L a r w spacious, roomy; dnz gawk wawn wawn
wa g~uiaga az; conip. wnwng z u n q .
Wawng. 21. To hive a hole clear t h r o u g h , comp. wnw and
wawR; zt:c?ox %krtr ai, mdjaw, ?Lrr a nda waw~rg7az mat
sai, m y blanket w a s h ~ r n e dd e a r throuqh
-. i n thr fire
Wawng, u. To be wide, ample, flowing, as a robe-; s a
awazuyzg and kctwatwz~.
-wang, a. Large, spacious, roomy; comp. wawn wazdrn:
ndai n ! ~wawng wrrwng r a i roga ai.
-wawng, a . Wide, as a garment; W u wawng wawng,
wids trousers; flowing, as a robe; h p a j m k g ~ a w n g
Wawng, n. A host, throng, horde, multitude-, cro~rd;
applied to a n armyla caravan or thelike; M u m wuwng
hRrnt a i l a horde of Chinese is coming dowa; &/a ni Lpc. Rddai n gctsat /u ai, no one can fight
t l ~ e forei pner's hosts.

Wawng, U. To practice incest; see jaizvaw~gwawng.

Wawp, u. To be spongy; soft and yielding, as a sponge;
derv. sinwawp and h,bm wawp.
--wawp, a . Soft, spongy, and thus- pliable and yielding;
shabrdwr' wawp wazuj r d ai, the boil is soft-yielding
to t h e toilch; wawp wawp Y P a i hpun, soft spongy
Wawt, o. To divine; practice divination; see shdba wawt;
hya wnwt n i n t what are you tr)rin,o to prognosticate 7
o r what are you trying to find out?--(by the mean.s of
divi nation).
W a w t , v . T o make, as a flute, jew's harp, bugle, hative.
fiddle, or a n y other small musical instrument;'comp.
chying duw; sumpyi maw# ai, jbau, pdhRe Ate tingsr
wawt ai.
Wawt; v. To be full of holes; derv. uwawt, which see.
-wawt, a. F;II of holes, perforated; da/ sA&a ( ) A % )
wawl wazol rd ai.
Wawt, n. A leech; comp. lq.
-hying, n. The horse-leech; the common water-leech.
-Yam, n. The land-leech, also called /ipid/rpra wawt, be-
cause found among dry leaves; the Hirudo Zty~Ianzca.
Wawt wawt, n. A species of bird; also called zuawt waud
la ga wng.
Woi, v. To feel sweet to the taste; mostly pron. oil which
see ; woi woi,a. swer t ; jlr m &wi ska yang, mdyu woi
woi ngo ai.
Woi, v. To be faded, as a flower; (Hkauri;) same as war',
'which see.
Woi, v. To lead, guide, conduct; comp. awn and d u n ; to
tend, take care of, as a child; Bang n:a u n i atn nga v ,
ngai yi d~ sa nn vou s t a v at home and take care of
t h e child, I am gdiby to the field.
-la, v. To lead, conduct. direct; mdna?rg ni hpr woz /a
ma su, lead or direct your companions (to this place.)
-sa, v. To lead, show t h e way, as to a village or tield; ma
irjeyidc woisu ss,show tllr child (the w a y ) to t h e field.
-wawn, v. To lead, dircct;sarne as woiawn, which see.
Woi, n. A graudrnothef; comp. nwoz and woi.
-dwi, n. An affectionate term for a grandmother; comp.
jz' dwi*
-ke, n. A great-great-grandmother.
-hkai, n. A great grandmother; some make no distinc-
tion between moi dzui and ajoi AKai.
Woi, n. A monkey; corny. chydwoi and n-gruu; wm' a
nmn Rhjnrd, to finger :ind pick as a monkey its-
wounds,-to be u p to foolish rnischiel.
-baw, n: A species of f e r n ,
-hkyeng, n. The red-tipprd pig-tailed monkey; the
lnuws L e o ~ ~ z s .
-lup, n. A large male monkey usually found alone; also
called wai t a i .
- l ~ h k u m , n. T h e buttocks of a monkey; see parts.
-myi nawn, n. The s m a l l black fl) supposed to cause
sore eyes.
-nawn y , n. A troop of monkeys; see parts.
--shin, r . A species of L'angur, genus Sentnopitlecus.
According to K a c h i n belief, a disembodie'cl spirit
( 15s) adopts the face, o r especially the forehead, re-
sembiing that of a Lzingur, b e f o r e crossing the river
of death (nhpr.-:c~M a ) .
Kdlsan alworr m a n , zuoz'shigr [&an hinr
-shamycn, 1 ~A
. 5pt.cle.j of small Entada: s e t rhdmyen.
-sharaw, n. The r~lnnke):tlgzr.
-yam, n. A m o i l k ~ yactirlg a-: sentry, supposed to be the
s l a v e of the troop 01 campany.
Woishun, r. The traditional husband of Chydnup, or
according to some Chya#an with an other name;
Chjcnun h k Cl'oishzla nal ni hpr ~ L ( ~ t t gai.
Woiwang, n. A iig. name for the toy of the head; pang-
dilrg woiwang.
The thirtieth consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; y,
as i n English.
Ya, v. To give; to hznd or deliver over; to return, as a
borrowed article; to yay, as waqes; comp. jaw; sAi
hpe CaiRa ya a, give him he book; sec also such
combinations as, a$ y ~to, deliver; hRoi ya, to lend;
tsun ya, to iniorrn; woiya, to conduct, etc.; with verbs
denoting mental activity ya, is often used as an
, know; mrr ya, to s e e , to appre-
auxiliary; c h y ~ y a to
hend; ?izyityu, to think.
Ya, n. Millet; comp. hrkarcya and shrtgyi; Akr hka a*
majauyyz shat sha ga ai.
Ya, r. A wild goat; see aya; p a n i hnghra hkan e rcga
Ya, part. Possessive affix; (Hkauri;) sec o.
Ya, u. To be even, level, unbroken, as a piece 01 ground,
a road, or the like; derv. aya and Zkjfn; comp. ? a and
yang; mzcng ya ai ga, level count47: ndni shdra yea
n i , this place is flat, even or level; finhkamglam ya
at, the road to iManhkalsg is all level,-not rough or
broken. 6

Ya, 72. A habit, as the opium o r liquor habit; a sot, an

inebriate, a slave, as to opium or drink; Aai wa Rani
j f a uni ng:: ai, this man is an opium slave; comp.
rhtyhrrc j;(7 and yi?~.
--awn ;!. 1'0 he confirmed. as i n t h e opiuin habit.
-shang, :.. 'To acquire, as the opium or liquor habit;
t n n i 2tnn i ~jta7rg
: ga sLa9g a i , i f you smoke too much
opium j-ou will get into the habit,-thus not being
able to break off.
Ya. n. ,lday; a natural day of twenty-four hours; comp.
n L t o i and s h d s i ; nadsrcm yo lcpatzg 8 sa r i f ,come after
three days; anhU mdlzya rrktoi e rawt yong Akvtr ifar
du na ri a t , i f we start on the Iourth we will be there
on t h e sixth day; mctnga y n sat ai /am.a five days
. journey.

Ya, n. The present time; adz.. now; comp. Bur. cay; ya

~ a w mr,
t now arise, or start now.
-e, adv. just now, at the present moment; anhtm ya e dlt
ga ai.
--du hkra, adv. U p to the present; shi y a du Akra gdrai
tt wa ai.
-kaw n n a , adv. From now on; j a haw nna LRunz gnlaw.
-hkring, adv. \k moment; y a hbring shn nzi naw /a r ,
just wait another moment.
-na, adv. T h e coming time; nc.:ct, i n time; ya nn /liban
nbtoi, t h e next Sunday; yn no slcctta e n g a i gctl'aw na,
I will do it the coming (next) month; ndaiprat g d ~ n
ai,y a na prni -cdlit ai, the present time (age) is short,
the time to come (eternity) i s long; comp, jat na ga.
-hpang de, adv. Hereafter; see parts.
-sha, a&). Only a moment;ya shn 60i zun zt y a w , return
immediately; ya sha ya sha, now a n d again; over and
over again; shiy a slta ya sha gciiaw ai.
--hte, adv. Now, any time; ya A t e ldnanz P, now during the
rainy season.
-ya, adv. Sometimes, a t any time; ngar' ya ya bai SO na,
I will return sometimes.
Ya, A preformative; (Shan, tor medicine.)
-ba, a. (form ba, to be bi q.) Corpulent, portly; dzngla

yaba, a portly old man.

a n. A species of poisonous creeper; comp. n k t a r
v r ; yugan ru Ate nawng ht2ct nzn ai.
a la. Vegetation, as after a jungle fire; comp. nam;
shdraw U a n g t? ya-gyzn rawf sai.
-hkao, n. A Shan n u n ; a n unmarried deaconess or priest*
ess; Bur. ooS%cu98.
-hkau, n. (from y a , nzdyya, to chew and hdarc, to be
mixed.) A quid of tol~acco, bettle, lime, etc.. all mixed
--hkyu, n. A poetic name for tobacco; adsit yaltJyby8 rai ti
n z u ~ glawn u , give also the yellow tobacco leaf.
Yam 'len. 7 19

Yahpyen, n. Opium; (Hkauri;) cornp. Ranz; ya/sl)yen dr,

dz.trnRRrdk-taupa, s e e parts.
--sut, n. (from SIC^, to inhale.) Smcllirw-salt 3 menthal,
or the like.
-sai, n. A species of scutch grass.
--wai, n. A species of grass, resembling crab-grass.
-ya, n. Medicine; (Shan.)
-yi, 11. A preparation of any kind preo:~redand drunk
as tea; chyifzghkra,~g#ghte yayi ka,>ang/iv gc let us
steep and drink mustard-flowers.
Yak, v. To be hard, difficult, perplexing; comp. rcl; a.
hard, etc.; yak a i amrr, difficult work.
Yam, v. To be used to, accustomed . to, inured; comp.
#Ian and shltyanr; asah Rbda sai lrtdjaw n-g+ 72 yam
m a LaiRa w shiirz'fl al: .
Yam, F. To become true, effective, productive of 1-csults,
as a curse, imprecation, spe1.l or the likc; cici ?rum a
gildtsa ga yam ai, this woman's curses becamc true;
dzwitsa ga yau2 a i hde nd7*8,t d a i d?t ma s i mat sar,.
according t o (the imprecations at) the priests the
chief died; ;tmlu?an ga ym:t sni.
Yam, Yr. Itch; comp. kli;lla and see P;-aP; a species of.
s i hi',, yarn kap n i .
fruit-salt; ch~~ingnrt,:
--shang, v . To take the itch by contact or caontagion;
tsap jrant, n. "bear-itch," supposed to be talien, if step-
ping i n t h e footprints of a bear.
Yam, I?. A kind of magic square; m u c h ~ ~tzri h@n kte
yanr g d l a ~r ; see Rkyi~tAy.
-dek, v. T o use the magic sqc~are;to divine.
-wawt, v. To consult the square; see parts.
---yu, 21. To consult the square; same as pa???wawt.
Yam, z,. To enslave; s4i ~ z g t z liijt jwttz ai; to be enslaved;
derv. rtrdyom; comp. .;hd~,an?;to be tamed, domesti-
cated, as animals; lz. R sI2ve; a beast of burden; (as a
noun onl) used i n roinposi tion;) cump. y ~ m .
-kyim, rz. A:I old slave; one who for a long time has
belonged to the fan!il y ; sce k y i ~ ~ z .
--len, n. A slave exchanged, as for a debt, or g i v m as a
part of a marriage dowry. A
7 20 Yarn nga.
Yam nga; n. Domesticated animals, beasts of b u r d e n ; see
-sha, v. To keep slaves; fig. to make a slave of some
one; to treat a s a slave.
-htawt, n. An exchanged o r sold slave; yaci: ./I ;:
Atawt; see parts.
Yam, n. A jar; a large glazed chatty; a pot of various
-bu, 1 ~ A . low b u t wide pot or jar; see parts.
-grip n. The taste or smell, as froill a new jar.
-kam, n. The substance used i n glazing ware; glazing.
-kawk, n. A powder flask; (Shan.)
-kra, n. A large kind of jar.
-hkye, n. The ordinary Burmese jar.
Yan, a. Both; cornp. y m ; set: G r a m . ; worn yan e , Y Z Lwa
md rzt, come down, both of you; slti banzt y n a kdvju,
both his mother and father.
Yan, v . T o be unrolltd and spread out, as a bundle; fie. to
be loosened, as tl:e tongue of a m u t e ; shi a sli&et
yan sai; comp. Ajyrrn; to be extended, drawn out i n a
l i n e ; derv. ayan, gin-yan, kci;yav.shaynn and /ili~zg;ynn;
to move, walk, flow, etc., i n an uninterrupted, consecu-
tiye manner; a h . i n l i n e ; sai jrnn ai, the blood is
flowing (uninterruptedly;) lipyen mdslza ai jlan ,n wa
ma ai,t h e soldiers are marching i n line.
Yan, n. A long narrojv strip, as of cloth; a bandage, or
the like; see txynn; a line, as of a page; /ai'ko ya7r
mdsum hti z, read three lines; a . a numeral auxiliary,
applied to anything long, as a cord, bamboo, or the
like; rz J a n mz, one length of thread; Kawa yan m i ,
one bamboo.
Yanlung. n. A kind of root; see n h n g .
Yang, n. A goat; (Chinese;) see dai~zam.
-lass, at. Guts, used as cords.
Yang, ?j To bestraight,.not bent or circuitorrs, as a tree
or a road; ynng ai fzgau la wa rit, b r i n g 3' s t r a i g h t
piece of timber; adv. l e n g- t h w i s e ; opp. to tars$<;t~'27tg-
&fig yyang, eda tang.
Yang, v . To be level, as a piece of ground: derir. Rayang,
and I e a n g ; corn p. j l n : #pan yang .~ingg,u dl: f r24
Ye. 791 :
. -
nil law; n. a place, a locality; mdai yurcg r rrgu n l re--
main at this place; gdra yang t? tu a ta P where (lit. i n
what locality) did it grow?
Yang, adv. When, (incompleted action), opp. to jarcg;
ngat tsurz yang, s h i n madat ail when 1 speak he does
not obey; ngai wa yang s k i n izga, when 1 returned he
was not there; gdrai-yang, before, while; nta garni H.
ngul yang jdhpr irkurn y a . ngut jang she ya m u , while
the house is unfinished do not pay, but when finish-
ed pay; Ian gdrai n rawt yarzg sa md r i t , come before
the sun is up; verbal particle, subjunctive; if; R ~ n i n g
rad nme law nga yang, if, so to speak.
-paw, Sudj~ncizveparfich; i f , i n case that, supposing
that; see Gram.; ski t a m a yaflggaw mr nu,i f he seeks
he will find it ; nang tsaw la yang gaw jaw de ga, i f you
want i t I will give it.
Yaag-yi, n. Potatoes; (Chinese;) also called Mdru nai,
or simply, not, which see.
Yap, V . T o chirp. as a bird; comp. c h ~ a p ldsa l yap a i , to
call, as the spirit of one who has dled by accident; see
i d s a s i a i ; (the Kachins believe that such a spirit re-
turns and calling as a bird or a pig summons other
members of 'the family to follow.)
Yat, v. T o be rotten, decayed, putrid.; derv. ayat; to be
spoiled. " high," as m e a t or food; sku% yat mat mir
comp. tsam and 1516.
y'at, V . To hang, as the ends or sides of a table-cloth,
-covering or the like; shdyaf, to cause to hang down;
y e kzd lrta nba daw ~ N yat Z hkrat tlga ai.
Yat, v. To be slow; corny. Ldnyan and yet.
-sha, adv. Slowly; moderately.
-yat, adv. Slow1y, tardily, not rapidly; y a t y a t fsrcrr u ,
speak slowly jy a t y a t sha hkawm G , go very slowly..
Yat, a&. Soon; in a short time; see Gram.; comp. my'
-yang, adv. Soon; after a while; yadyang wra w rmgai,
I will return after a while; comp. yet uzai.
Ye, u. To-sweep; comp. ding-ye 3 ~ dai ; gawk ye keu u ,
sweep this room d
Ye, v. To squtal, as a pig, or any other animal; wa
shdraw Rdwa ai mdjaw ye a i .
Ye, v. T o be daring, bold, brave; Bur. 4:; cornp. ~zdrnj a
and share az.
Ye, v . To be nicked, notched, dented; derv. nyt. and
I z - y e ; wan ye nznt sai, the dish is nicked; nye n h t r ye
mat sai: to fall back, step out of line, withdraw, or be
lost, as one ol a party; comp. yet; lrtpmn ai masha
Idrzgai mi ye mat sai.
Ye, v. T o be shaggy; to hang, as long, shaggy hair; to
boil over and thus to sizzle; comp. n2yam and zem.
-ye, a. Shaggy, rugged; sitnanz Rcira ye ye ra a i ; ndv.
i n a,boiIing, sizzling manner; di6a ye y e re a i .
Yebung, n. A water bucket; an oil tin; Bur. oqQ.
Yenan, n. Oil, earth-oil; kerosine oil; Bur. rrqf.
Yek, v . T o be notched; same as ye, which see; ?tye a
nhtu yek rai mat sni.
Yem, v . T o be few; (Shan;) comp. Loi and yoi.
Yen, v. T o skin, peel off, as the skin of a plantain; comp.
sep; Zlingtx hjyi yen kau zt. \

Yen, v. T o cut and lay open, as a piece of meat, a fish or

the like for the sake of rubbing i n salt, shan yen nna
jam chya r.
Yen, v. T o go aside, to step to one side, as when meet-
ing or overtaking any one on a road; In?%y e n tn, clear
the road,-step aside; derv. kltyen; fig. to give i n .
Yen, a. Both; (Hkauri ;) same as ynn; wora yen Rndai
Kun? yen ldhkawng sa mu.
Yeng, u. T o move, shift to one side, as a crowd; comp.
pyeng; nanhtt d a i mdga yeng mi mu.
Yeng, v . T o sweep or clear, as a room; to remove, as
things i n the way; mostly used as a coup. of seng,
which see.
Yep, n. A coon box; a small box or purse of a n y kind;
cornp. g~mpAm7fi yep and ?rtnL~dyep.
Yep, v . T o be close together; to adjoin, be contiguous;
derv. kdyep; comp. Lttj; n g n i Lte yep rg ai ittingbu,
the neighbour whose house is adjoining m i n e ; adv.
close, together; ski ht2 yrp vai nna d u q a,sit close
to him; mdvaz' mdszmt yep sa wa * P sat, three men
Yi yura. 723

went together; to be drawn, shrunken, as the mouth,

having lost the teeth; n - g q yep rt ai wa, a toothless
person, (one whose lips are shrunken); to bring along.
as medicine, visiting a sick person; sAnang gam wa
dz prawn ai, Nkhzm du gawng yawn a i , t s i ARrung
Isi wa hte yep, t s i tsit tsi nan hte 6rep.
Yep yep, adv. Closely o r adjacently; together, i n com-
pany or unitedly; m d r a i ldhkawng yep yep rai nna sa
mzr, go two and two together.
Y e t , v. T o be lost, to fall out of line or withdraw, as one
of a party; comp. ye and kti; a n h t ~a mtttrartg/&~tgai mi
yet mat sai, one of our coinpanions has left; to lose,
as a rup2e or more out of a certain sum; shawng de
lap maqa izga, y a /&hRawng yet mat sai, before there
were five rupees, now two are gone.
Yet, a h . S o o i ~(Hkauri;)
; see yat.
-mai, adv. Soon; after a while; same as yat yang.
Yet, v. T o be slow; (Hkauri;) same as yat.
-Yet, adv. Slowly; same as y a t ynt.
Yi, Feminine affix distinguishing the gender of the lower
animals; uyi, a femaie bovine; guli yi, a bitch; wa yz,
a sow; gztnra yi or uyi, a mare; see Gram, and cornp.
Yi, Interjection of fear; yi io, ngai hprawng w a , look out,
I will run; yi /aw,shdraw w a /awn
Yi, n. A highland cultivation; a field, not irrigated;
cornp. hkauna and Bur. w3; manz yz, a highland
paddv field; &a-zi yi, a poppy field; Itkainrc yi, a'maize
fie1d;'pdsi yi, a cotton field; comp. also ~ P t r nyr', hkai
bang yi,yilr wa and yil /I Rrai.
-baw, 72. T h e upper end of a field; opp. to yi htang.
-hku, n. S t r a w ; yi ARzr si, grain; only used i n figurative
or poetic language.
-hkyen, v. To cut, clear, as a field; see parts.
--nam, n. T h e rainy season; same as Zdnam; also pron.
-nu, n. T h i s year's field; c o m y . g t nu mdngai.
-ngam, $8. A part, division of a field, apportioned, as for
a day's work; d a i Radai a yr tzganr rai t a
-yura, n. Straw; same as y i hRa; (Northern usage.)
724 Y i htang.
Yi htang, n. The lower end of a field; opp. to yi baw.
-ya, n. A field regarded as a whole; ma ni hpe yi j f ' c
de ARwm shavzg shdngrtr, do not allow the children to
go into the field.
Yin, v . To be turned around; derv. Rdyin; to adopt, as a
child; dai wa a hdsha lrpr shi yin da nzr ai,she has
adopted that man's child; to seek a nominal mother
for a sickly child; ( i f a child is ailing, a diviner dis-
covers that recovery will follow, i f another man's wife
wifi consent to become its nominal mother for a cer-
tain period;) shi a RdsAa LRam Raja n h i r a w a i
mrtjaw, masha jan h j e kana yin mzl ai, as his child
did not grow .strong another man's wife became his
(nominal) mother; to be giddy, dizzy; comp. daw yin.
Yin, v. To encompass, environ; to make a circuit; cornp.
grup; to dance, as around a post.
S8msai daw gawng y i n sa wa ga,

--wa, n. A clearing, as for the paddy fields of a village;

the fields, viewed cotlectively; yifz wa de sa ga, let us
go to the fields; a measure of distance; dai k m yin wa
LdhRatung &ram tsan ai, the distance (road) is as far
as two paddy clearings; comp. yi and yit hrkrai.
Yin, n. A habit, as of taking stimulants or intoxicarits;
cornp. y e ; ha-ni yin shang ai, he is acquiring the
opium habit; ItpaLap yi7z vawng ai, he is under t h e tea
habit ; nhRa lu yang yz'n raw% ai, smoking a pipe you
get into the habit; see chydru y2'7z.
Yip, v . To cover, conceal; to keep back, as part of a story;
same as ip,which see.
Y i t , v . To fan; see /dyil pi! ai; to clean, winnow, as rice
by fanning; 7 r h n nbaw ytl kau u .
Y i t , n. A field; s a m e as yi; only used i n combinations.
-hkrai, r. A single paddy field; opp. to yigt ma, which
see ; zyi (7 yz' g t 6 z v yz't hkrar' r a i /i oi.
-shu, a A s h a d e d field; a place alv.rays shaded, or never
drled by the sun; jan n kRra ai shdva yll shtl %a ma
--htang, n . T h e lower end of a field; same as y i Idang,
- -
Yit, v . To mistake; to commit an error b y oversight or
forgetfulness; comp. dam; farn yzt a i mdjau, Rdga
kdhfawng d e p r u g a ai, mistaking the road we came
to the wrong (other village; ga yit yang, mdnang h p ~ i t
ai, the wrong wor hurts the friend; (lit. a mistake
i n speech, hurts the companion;) tinang a nga achyoz
she i z chye ai nzdjaw, mdnang wa a nga la yif sa,not
remembering accurately his own cattle, by mistake
he took his companions.
Yit, v. T o cut, as when performing a surgical operation;
shan g&oi y i t u ; comp. yen.
Yu, v . T o descend, go or come down; opp. to lung; comp.
shayu; Zd d e yu wa tl, go down there; ngai bum de na
ytc wa nngai, I have come down from the mountains;
to be degradid, reduced from a higher to a lower
rank; see gum-yic y u ai; shi dr, amu hta na yu mat
sai, he has ':come down from" (been deprived of) the
chief's office; to leave off, as a half finished work.
Yu, V . T o see, observe, behold; comp. mu and mdda;
verbal auxiliary with words denoting thinking, re-
flection, cognition, or the; thus m j i t y u , to think;
san y r , to question, examine; chyyim y u , to taste; hpai
y r , to lift, carry, so as to test, as strength; dang n dang
hpai y u U. r

-yawn, u. T o t a k e care of; to tend, as a child; see parts.

-nai, v. (from nai, to be dull.) To be bored, wearied,
tired of; mini poi ngai yu n a i mat t z i ai, I have seen
enough (am tired) of this feast.
Yu, Verbal particle, denoting the Past (generally, Past
Perfect;) ngai shawng d e du yr ni ai, I have been
here before; ngni shi hpe saw ya se n i , slti n da Akraw
n i.
Yu, n. The throat; see m d y l c .
-hkraw, v. To be dry, -(hoarse), as the throat from
speaking; 72. a dry throat; yu hkraw mdun, mdhkru or
shabmi, wages paid to an officiating Jaiwa; Ycl ltkraw
mahkric sumra ringtang yawn, a s wages for the
"dried throat " give the tasselled spear.
-ngwi, a. Pleasant, applied to the voice; n. a sweet,
pleasant voice.
Y u si.
Yu si, n. The Adam's apple; comp. Par sz; fig. words,

Yu, a. Ordinary, colnrnon; see mdyyr.

-li, a. Ordinary; y u liskdflri, uriv. carelessly, indifferent-
ly, without thought or purpose.
-maya, n. T h e common people; the lowest class; the
rabble; yr mdya hpe ARrm sktiga, du sdzang hpe sha
s h d ~ ama.
Yu, n . rat, ~ a mouse; a nat, a witch, i n the shape of a
rat; comp. yun and ldsawp; nya a nga h j e yw e kdwa
sat Raa;ya ni ai,witches ( i n t h e shape of rats) h a v e
killed my cattle.
b , n. The flying fox; also pron. yu byi.
-byi, n. Same as yzc bri.
-chya, a. A- species
. of mouse; comp. y q n ch3a.
--lung, n..A shrew-mouse.
Fkumgyin, N. A species of pumpkin.
-hkrawn. n. A s ~ e c i e of
s bamboo rat: corno. rzc hkrawn.
' > A
-li, n. A species'of lemming; an epidemic of rats; yu 22
wa, v . to migrate, as the rats; yzr ii zua ai shdning ARlr
hkzt ai, famine attends the y e a r t h e rats migrate.
-hpraw, n. White mice; dzr n i j u &raw rrm a;.'
-sinlen, n. The musk-rat; (?)see siden.
-samyit, n. A species of shrew.
-shi nglap, n. A species of mouse resernbli ng the harvest
mouse; yu shinglap hte gaisu di ma ni.
Yubak, n. Evil result or consequence; sin,or punishment,
as for sin; evil, guilt; comp. shut, apyrt and mdra;
yubak gun, v. to be guilty, as of wrong-doing; to be
conscious, as of s i n ; thus y d a k shctgun, to blame,
accuse; yzrdak gdlaw, to sin, to do wrong; yubah dat,
to forgive, overlook, as wrong-doi::g; yubak jaw, to
punish; yudnk hRncm, to scffer, as punishment; yabark
h or nga,to be guilty; to be convicted, as of a crime:
yulak r a w , to forgive, pardon, absolve.
Yudiya, n. Siam; Bur. gS:L$rsm=r; Ygdzya mang dingb'a
mdga t? nga ai.
Yuk, v. To lose, as luck; see. ga?n y a k , mun y a k and
comp, hpuk; v . to degrade, dishonour; numsha ldbu
ngai hpr jrtlrpun n i mdjnzu R y e a irpv~zgyu R mat saz,
because they dressed me in a woman's sklrt my
honour is gone.
Yum, v. To enslave; same as yam.
-ga, n. Trade; comp. dittgga; nearly always used as a
coup. of irpdga; /ingA~aw ni @dga yrm-ga a rhyt
nzn ai.
--len, n. A slave; see y a m ken.
-htawt, n. An exchanged slave; see yam ktaot.
-sip n. An old, valueless slave; comp. chyasi; yinn 5 t
nanggizw hpa n kkaw ndai.
Yun, n. Proper name; the eighth born child either male
or fernale.
Yun, v. to be leaking; derv. kdyus; eta waw a i mctjow
lttdvang yzcn ai.
Yun, n. Dust, powder; derv. ayrca; jayarc, gold dust;*
yatz, dust; nlungyun, stone crushed to powder.
Yun, n. A rat; same as yu.
-buk, n. A field rat.
-chya, n. A small mouse.
-chyi n, n. (from mdclyin, to nibble.) A rat, a mollse;
often used as an opprobrious term:
Yun, ~ r A . gong; comp. 6au.
-mang, z.A large clear-sounding gong.
-seng, n. A larqe valuable gong; see stag; mostly rc-
garded as a &ic term, used as a coup. of yurr aang;
vm a yan mangyala s c ~ darn g yu gaw:
Yung, v. To spend, as money; to put into circulatibn,
as currency; (Hdarri;) comp. jaz.
Yuilg, n. A finger; see ldyung; a toe.
--hkyi, n. The little finger or toe;/cUeyuxgk&yi,ddgazu
yung hhyi.
-lat, n. T h e forefinger, or corresponding toe.
-nu, H . 'The t hutnb or the great toe; comp. j a n g sha.
-Sam, 12. T h e nliddle finger or toe.
-sha, n. The four fingers or toes viewed collectively;
opp. to yzing nu; see parts.
-shan, w. The third (ring) finger, or corresponding
Yung, n. A brother; ngai $bzg, my brother,-said by a
7 28 Yup.
Yup, v. To sleep:#. sleep; comp. Bur. oRS and gap.
--a, r. Deep sleep; time of deep sleep; the early part of
the night, when sleeping most soundly; Idgut r i y u p
a a shar a i mdjaw mddu ni n durn a i .
-- s. walking i n the sleep; y u f d a m dam a i , Q.
to walk i n the sleep.
-dip, n. The nightmare; y a p dip dip, v . to have the
nightmare; supposed to be caused by a nat.
-gan, n. Insomnia, sleeplessness; y z ~ pgan gan a i , v. to
suffer from sleeplessness; comp. yzrf jang; mana t a p
ngaiyarj an gan nngai.
-gawk, -! v . o snore; see y a p hkawk.
--grep, v. T o pass off into sleep; see parts.
-jang, n. Sleeplessness ; (Mkauri ;) same as y u f gan.
-jawp, v. T o talk i n sleep.
-ku, R. A bed; comp.yap za.
-hkawk, v . T o snore; also prcin. yz@ gawR or y g p lung.
-man, v. To dream; see parts.
--mang, n. A dream; y+ vzalrgmang or mu, v. to dream.
-mu I v. T o be sound asleep; yllp m u yz@ ma Y& a w a ,
one soundly asleep, and awakened with great diffi-
culty. I

-mye, v. To fall asleep, asfromfatigue;see mye.

-na, n. A light sleep; y u j aa na ai, v. to be half asleep,
to doze; y#p na na a i wa aIoi sha n durn Akraw a?.
-nan, v . To over-sleep; see parts.
-nga, v. T o nod; see parts.
-pyaw, v. To sleep soundly; see parts.
-hprang, v. T o wake, as during the middle of the night;
ma- y* kfra#g haw nna dai hpawt dsl kRva n yuj
-ra, n. A sleeping place; see parts and comp. yup Ru.
--su, n. A heavy sleep; yup su yuf mn, same; sRi gaw
yup su y a p ma vai r n a a y w j nga a i , he is "sleeping a
deep heavy sleep;" y a p sar sun ai,v. to feign sleep; to
share, as the same blanket; ngai mdnang wa hta yup
su s t l t t lawm na.
*ha, V . T o be able to sleep; mostly used with the
negative; ngai y* n la sAa angai, I am unable to
Yau ya. 7 39
Y u p shaup, v. To happen during t h e sleep;
ngai YUP shdrrp nna machyyi nngai, I becamesee
my sleep.
i l l uring

-tung, i t . Midnight; comp. chyitr fung; daigawyztptang

kpdw'iz c byrn ail it happened furing the houi of mid-
n i g h t ; lung ~ ~ ~fung, v. to be the time of midnight.

-tung,v. T o snore; see yup hkawk.

-tawk, rr. Murder, as of a sleeping man; y a p tawk fawR
a i , v . to murder, as a sleeping man.
Yut, v . T o become or grow worse, as illness; to fail,
grow weaker by degrees; tsuf r a i u ga ngvyaang y u t
-yut, adv. Weaker and weaker; ngai yaf yut ngu nna
mdchyi ma nngai.

Yai, v.3" scatter, throw about; see ayaz; to scatter, SOW,

as seed; comp. gat; to invest, as i n various undertak-
ings, for the sake of gain;, amyal h sha na m d l r s/ri
a r a n g y a i ni.
-kau, v . T o 'spend, squander, as money; cornp. girzZut.
Yai, v . T o be soft, or mealy, to the touch; hkut a i nai
go w mdnnl yang yai ~a nz'.
Y au, v . To respond; to give a word or a sign (usually a
grunt), of assent; shi ,tyb a ga n you ya ni, he does
not respond to what I say; to respond, as when sing-
ing i n chorus; ldRa ga yau 0 2 , to -join i n and sing, as
the refrain of a song; cornp. shdkau.
Yau, v. To turn and proceed i n an opposite direction
than expected; used both i n a literal and figurative
sense; y i de sn ga ngu ai, Rdga de ynu uai nrat wa a i
I said, let us go to the field, but he turned righ';
around and went elsewhere.
Yau, v. T o move or work, as the jaw.
- - p u t a . Moving, i n motion, as the jaw; s-gaj ynlr y d l ~
Y P ai hja sku n i Run?
Y au, v . To be mixed; de'rv. Rdyau.
->'a, a; Mixed: adv. i n a mixed jumbled or confused

Myen m d r e t Sam nz'yau ya./aww 7~2aaz'.

Yau, v. T o be long; (Shan;) see g d h ; d a i szcmvi nau yax
a i , daw nzi daw Rau u .
-hpyau, a. Long; dai ~zgntt i ~ a t lwa ynzn hpyazl a i , this
timber is too long.
Yaw, Verbal exhortative particle; hpnwt ~ z lai i sa md
rit yaw, come again to-morrow-will you not? ndai
lam gdLazer zl yaw, do it this w a y ; comp. Znw.
Yaw, Interjection, expressive of surprise ; yaw, y a Rten
mat sai.
Yaw, v. T o survey, take a preliminary survey of; comp.
yn wng.
--yu, v. To inspect', take a view of; to consider, as the
cost; to survey, as a building site; ptn htingra yaw
yu i l , look over (or select) a site for the house; /am
waw na shdra yaw y a a.
Yaw, v . T o float with the stream; same as yawng, which
see; Apzn y a m mat sai.
Yaw, v. T o forteit; Bur. 9 5 ; to pay damages; comp.
wo; ngni sRi n mi shdmnt bntl a i mbjnw gamkpmw
y a w ni ai, having lost his things 1 had to pay a fine
(or damages).
Yaw, v. To feed, or fodder, as animals; wu ni hfe wa
shnt yaw U ,feed the pigs; g a m r a hfe mnm yaw u ,
give the pony paddy; to feed, tend, keep, as hogs,
fowls, (and dogs,) for t h e market; comp. rcm; Mawa
n i wa yaw nza ai, the Chinese keep hogs; ncing wa
gdde yaw n 2a? how many hogs do you feed?
Yaw, v. To be worn out; to have expended and lost, as
will, energy, courage, etc.; comp: Bur. cog?; anhti: a
shdrd wa yaw nzat sai, our leader has lost his powers;
dai nga kbaana gaZou a i nzdjnm,' n - g r yaw ~ mat sai,
the bullock 112s been worn out i n the fields; nyr a myit
yaw mat sai, I have lost tny will.
Yaw, v. T o be sprained or out of joint, as a limb; derv.
Qdyaw; Rdtnw a i nadiazif ? z j z e o i n p w yaw rai mat sai.
-jan, adv. In a halting, limping manner.
Yaw, n. T h e sixth male child; hla Yaw,L a N y a w ; Yaw
Htnng, Y a w H ~ u ynames , for a Y a w ; see Gram.; L a
N y a w /rtmzl mA1Zat, the celestial Mddai nai holds the
place of a Y a w among the oats.
Yawm 73 1

Yaw, A preformative.
-nam, 7 ~ .The rainy season; yuw nand l a , same; only used
in poetry; also pron. yz@ nam, or ydnam la; p fsrn ma
trz' u yaw nam, shdwung fsawm /utrg/lr f a i ,
w g a i tsitwnz R d h j r w rai,be.for the women a protect-
ing cave, a covering .water-proof during the rainy
-ship n. A key or a lock; (Hkauri); see sumsnw.
-Y'", 72. A race on the Chinese borders, closely related
to the Chinese, but with language and custon~s of
their own; they cultivate maize, and raise pigs,-and
are looked down upon even by the Kachins; J'nw-yin,
. Chinese, ".Yejin," a jungle man.
Y a w k , V . T o call, as a tow1 when captured; rr yawb nga
ai, Akan htinr a i Run?
Y a w k , v. T o degrade, "run down," as by slander, de-
traction, calumny or the like.
-ya*k, adv. I n a slanderous, detracting, degrading
manner; shi anhtr h j e ynwk yawk sha ngu kaa m i a i ,
he is just speaking abobt us in a depreciating or
slanderous manner; rzanggazd mavmng /tpe yawk yawh
r~gannlz jahpoi ndai, you are mocking your companion
i n a degradinq manner.
Yawm; u. To be dilninishing, growing less; to be failing,
as i n strength, n-gun yuwm a i ; to be falling, or going
down, as a river, Lka yazum oi; to be less, lacking, be-
low the m a r k or t h e average; dai nitzg eye a mam
yawm sai, this year lny paddy has fallen below the
usual amo"nt (raised on the field;) l a p m i htn hti mi
yawm a i j out of the rupee four annas are lacking;
dang nzi Atn bye m i yawm ai,one basket (of paddy)
less one byc.
Yawm, a. T o roll, as a cigar; see hkayawm; fig. to be
contracted, rolled, as at w e r e , into :he smallest
possible compass; derv. mdyawm.
-yawmy adv. In a d r a w n , rolled up, compressed manner;
yawm yewm rc a i mdsha hlhawtn izga ai.
Yawm, v. T o trap, as a mole; see j i d e n yawm ai; d e r v .
ayn wm. -
732 Y a'wm.
Yawm, adv. E m p t y , without anything, all stripped; yawm
Ate mawm, same; /dgtrt ni shi a arai &gu La Rau a i
m d p w , yawm Rte mnwm she r a i sai; shnnhtt ngai hpe
hpa mztng n jaw a i , yawm h f r mawm d l nna dat d a f
mi ai.
Yawn, v . T o give; coup. of tawn; comp. jaw.
Jai& mdun @a m i yawn,
jaiwa shdbrai /rpa m i tawn myzt t a t
Y a w n , v. To be pointed, ovate or lanceolate; derv.
ayaun, gzrlnynwn and mayawn; a. ovate; (Hkauri,
oblong, and thus slant; cornp. nhkye.)
-yawn, a. Ovate, lanceolate, etc.
Yawn, v.' T o tell, relate, as a story; coup. of gamn.
Yawn, v . T o be slackened, as a rope; see s h y a w n , and
cornp.; to relax; to remit, deduct; shi l a p ItAztn
wa ang t i nzang ngai l a p mrtnga ynwn ya se a i ; adv.
slowly, by degrees; shi hpeynwn jdhkrat u.
Y a w n , v . To throw, as a piece of tin-foil, a flat stone, or
the like; h n g f a yawn kar u ; to "sail," as an eagle;
R~langyawnhhawm nga ai; cornp. yawng.
Yawn, a, Both; same as yan or yen; Northern usage.
Yawn, v. T o b e i n sorrow, mourning, or grief; cornp.
-hkyen, a. Sorrow, distress, mourning, grief; see parts
and comp. skdrang slidyawt; wa si nrat n i 7mfjnw
anht6 ynwn hkytn hhrrcnz ga ai.
Yawng, v. T o float, drift, as a raft; cornp. waw; li yawvtg
mat'sai, the boat drifted away; hka tang nna puszg-
Ahnw pungtunm yawng ma a i
Yawng, v. T o f a c e ; to turn, as the back toward some
one; shan 7~zyyiman yawng ma a i , they are facing each
other; shizgdu de yawng ma,turn your back; to face,
turn toward; derv. mayawng; sinpraw de yawzg t t ,
turn toward the east; to be facing, as a given direc-
tion; nunggddeyawng n t a ? what (place or direction)
are you facing ? i. t . where are you going? ngaipdgazjn
a yawn hkawm nngai, I am facing i n every direc-
tion,-{am going nowhere i n particular.
Yawng yu, 0. To inspect; tosprvey; see jlaw yu.
Y awng, a. All, t h i whole; deru. md u w ~ ~comp.
g; mahkua;
yawngla wa md rzt, bring it a1 ;yawng sa wa mu.
a. All, t h e whole; yawng mdyawng, each and
all ; a r u i yazung rndyawng, everything.
Yawn deng, n. One of the NhRum families; La N-Yaw
$ a w n g . ~ R u mwa Yawagdeng.
Yawp, v. To be wrapped, wound around; derv. kdyawp.
-di, v. To wrap; to wind around, to overlay.
-yawp, a. Overlaid, covered, as with metal.
Yawp, v. T o be hoarse; coup. of Rrawp.
N'ai mdtang Ruawp, sinlaiyawp nugai.
Yawt, v. To be limping, halting; derv, kayawt.
--yawt, a . Limping, lame; y a w l yawl rZ ai gmmra, a
lame (sore-footed) pony; lagaw daw ai mdjaw yawt'
y u w f rt?ai.
Yawt, v. To like, favour; see dawng.
Yoi, n. Srnall scales; comp. joi; small money, change;
(Shan); s e e ayoi.
Yoi, v . To be pointed, sharp, as a point; derv. gum-yoi
and mayoi.
-yoi, a. Sharp, pointed; comp. sen sm; yoi yoi rd ai
shingna, a pointed stick; yoiyoi re a i law.
Yoiyin, n. The race usually called Yawyin, which see.
Yanam, n. The rainy season; see Laaanz and paw Ham.
Yawi, v. T o flow; same as ictwi; comp. yulr and y ~ w ;
hRdraw s hRa y d w i ai.

Tlie thirtyfirst consonant i n the Kachin alphabet; r;as

i n English.
Za, v. To be filled, replete, crowded w i t h ; derv. mdza;
comp. @ring; ndai wan hta za di bong u , fill, Xea up
this dish; dai mdre l r p y e ~LRvai zn r a i sai, the vil age
is crowded (overrun) with soldiers.
Z a , v. To be damaged; comp. s h d z a ; f z j i a arai nau za
m a t s a i , my things are i n too bad a state,-have been
too roughly handled; h p y e ~ ' l a i ai ~ttni-lwa r a i za mat
Z a , 92. E~nhroidery; Bur. 83; comp. tndba.
-hkri, v. T o embroider; see parts.
-htu, 2). T o work, especially Burman embroidery.
Zak, v. 'To be ramed, driven, as pilcs, ;takes, o r the like.
- , v. To ram, drive, as piles; to thrust, a-, a spear;
hpvndang raR dzjftng m a .
-zak, a. Rammed, diiven; v. to be studded, as with
spi kcs; s!.anAte anhte a lam zaR zaR d i y a m i ai.
Z a m , v . To annoy, as a laat; see nat zam.
Zam, a. 1'0 be decaying, rotten: a stronger form t h a n
Zan, v. To be long, tall, as bamboo; comp. tsan; Rliwn
zan i sha La wa md rit.
Z andau, n. A pair of scissors; also pron. zenda7*.
Zang, o. T o be rank; see tsang.
Zang, v. To pile, as wood; comp, gang; jz& na Rpztn nan,g
B zang tawla ma.
Zanghka, n. An ornamental rattan ring warn as a garter
or around t h e waist; za7zghka nbnng, s a m e ; a species
of orchid, the Dendrobilrnt f h i r s z f i r u m ; znrzghika hka,
v. to make, finish;as the rings.
Zat, u. T o be minced; see asat; to mince; to cut i n small
pieces; mdkrw zat nna mdhkri Akri mu.
Zat, v. T o be well filled; as a barn, granary, or the like;
coup. of at;
Nga n i @an xlazung hta dat a t ,

Ze, v. To stare, gaze;or glare at; comp. a z i yr; shi ngai

hflg zc r a i nnn mnda ai.
Ze, iv. To plunge or fall plump, as into a,river; also used
adverbially; k hPtli,:$ang e ze rai hkra shang so a i .
Z e ze, a. Shining, whitish, glistening; comp, le 2e.
Z e n , 21. To be shaggy, frizzled; comp. myam and ye.
--zem, a. Shaggy, frizzled, frowzy; 4aw zem zem ra ai
ma. \

Zen, v. T o he sharp, smart, keen; comp. zet; derv. mdzen;

zen n i Pga h j e R d a i n map lu ni.
Zen, v. To clip, shear; s2r.u h f e .su@an Zen ai; to
cut, as hair; kltro zr:: %au u: comp. re@.
Zing. 733

Zendau, n. A pair of shears or scissors; comp. zattdar.

Zeng, u. To arrange, as the articles i n a room; to be ib
' order; comp. sag and iseng; an&& zeng rai go ai,we
are i n proper order.
--zeng, ~ d v In. an orderly manner; dai ~ a rni ze%g aeng
di nna (ajang Rau mu.
Zep, v. To be rough to the touch; derv. mdzep.
-zePl a. Rough, stiff, as bristles; t s a j m.un zep z e j plga ai.
Zep, v. T o scold, nag, annoy, as by constant growling
and grumbling; See azep and w a z e j .
Zet, v. T o be energetic, alert, w'ide awake; to be lively,
full of vitality and thus playful; comp. ten; z d a i ma
hje shbngun %w.
2.i; n. A branch of the L d h j a i tribe; see Atsi.
Z i , v. To be small, as a flower; see ji.
.-ii. a. Small, minute: z i zi re a i n a h ~ a n .
~i k; v. T o be'of h e a i y growth; comd. zak.
-zik, v. T o be heavy, as the growth of hair or a beard;
n . e baw hta Rdra kirk ziR r a i nna trt ai.
Zim, v. To be quie't, still, and thus orderly, without con-
fusion; comp. sim; nanhta a a m a hi &i zim naw di
m 24.
kin, u . T o be pure, genuine, of the first water, as' a
diamond; Zang sstvg zin ai; to be free from knots, as
a board; h j a n shan zin a i ; to be without the bony or
sinewy parts, as meat; shan zin ai.
Zindung, n. A name; see z i e a w .
Z i n l i , n. An epidemic, especially cattle disease; comp.
li and ali; rkdlhtr~ga z i d i savmg ai.
zSinlawng, n. A n island; see tzc~t2nwng.
Zinpaw, n. A name; only used i n the religious language
with its coup. zindung; (probably from zin, to be pure,

Zinpaw zindang shi hkvai daw.

Zing, v. To pierce, as it were, the heart; shenhtt? ngai
Irpe .rim lea nga a i mdjnw, musin zi7tg rzga hkra hkrzt
kau sc at'.
7.36 Zing.
Zing, A preformative.
-hkai, n. T h e "claws" of a python; also yron. singhkaz;
comp. pu s i ~ g h k a i .
-hkri, a . An ulster; an overcoat of the kind worn by
-ni, n. Nats; vicious, cruel nats; eifrgnz' ldlsang ai lcpe
/tRrzt m s , fear the cruel nats.
-rat, n. Trouble; see zingri.
-ret,. a. A saw; comp. yet; also yron. Lsi7tgrct.
-ri, v . T o trouble, annoy; to vex, persecute, injure; ehrgrz
zingrat, n. trouble, vexation, persecution; zz'ngri zing-
rat hkrlrm a i , to be persecuted, e t c . ; comp. ri and
-rut, n. A pit, a pitfall; comp. nzngrzrt and shartrt; ziltg-
rrt htu, u. to prepare, as a pitfall; nnng g~zwiddnarg
h j e zizgrztt htw izdni.
-raw, 72. The preliminary offering presented, when a
larger and more complete sacrifice is promised to the
nats; ndat zizgraw shdwa7zg, izingi/n k r m h j a jrilrkrang.
-htung, n. One of the &&flaw families.
--yap ' n . ' ~ h etransverse shaft, that holds the spring of a
trap; . c o ~ ~dinghkrai;
~p. zileg-ya shdmawtyong mahkam
&i& wa 'ti*
ZU, V. To meet; cpup. of ji; comp. Bur. q.
Zu, n. Semen; sperm; see atzc: a poetic term is hpraw
nu-wnjrth Kr .
-tung, n. An unnatural discharge of semen; (by somd,
gleet i) v. to suffer from the discharge.
-yan, v. To have a discharge of semen.
Zuk, v. TQbe shaggy; derv. a i u k and mctzzik; comp.
--zuk, a. Shaggy, frowzy, overgrown, as a bearded face;
d a i wa nmun z z ~ kzzcR rt?ai.
Z u m , u, T o be i n pairs; derv. nrdzum; comp. gq4 and gtcf;
t o be double.
-zum, adv. I n pairs, t w o by two; aarchts zsm zvln r a i
%Biz l s a p ~ z b .
Zumbra, v . (from b r a , to be scattered.) To scatter, dis-
perse; zumdra zlrmbra, to scatter,. r u n , disperse, as a
colnpany of Iri ghtened children; also used adve rbi-
ally; sdra du ynng ma n i iambm srmbra r a i nna
hpnawng mat ma az.
Zunlawng, n. An island; also pron. zidawng, or most
commonly, isun/awng.
Zunnam, n. The lower end of a dam;see tsunnam.
Z u p , v . T o gather, congregate, assemble; to form, as a
col~fluenceof two or more streams; derv. mdzup; to
r t o r e , board, as treasures; to stable, as cattle; comp.
Dai nga udsng mdnu,Y d f s a w utawng &a 4,
D a i shdgtr ARufzgga, Msang ulawng Ata z v .
-.hpawng, v . T o congregate, assemble; see parts; n. a
congregation, assembly, gathering; nangr sa$/rpowng
kdba r a i sai.
% a t , v . To cling, cuddle, snuggle; derv. Rdzuf; also used
adverbially; m a gaw Adntl a ldhpyeli P aut rail nna
dung u i .
Zai, v . T o be wild, untamed; a. wild, untamed, uneiviliz-
e d , unpolished, borish, savage; opp. to Aka or ri;
comp. uni urai; zai a i mdsha n i h j a j i n rawnp ma
a 2'.
Z a i , n. Wisdom, understanding; see a z a i
-byeng-ya, n. Wisdom, etc.; see aaai bycn -ya.
Z a i , n. Sand; not used s i n g l y ; cornp. Bur 8.
-bru, n. Sand; zaibru jang, a sandbank, a dune, a sandy
region, a desert; cornp. hkunrtsai.
- b ~ - a w n , n. Coarse sand, gravel.
-ni, 72. (from n i , to be sofr.) Very fine sand; the corn-
nlon white sand or dust; z a i ~i /lz wa rit.
Z ~ U , v. T o d ~ s . up, 9 as for a feast; anhte dtl tti a m d w n
zav ga ail we are dressing for t h e chief's feast; to
m a k e up and wear, as finery, or showy garments at a
feast; cornp. m a w ; poi eau n a tzhgsan da mzc
Zau, H. A prince; (Shan; a son of a chief; a title g i v e n
to all m a l e members comp. natrg,) of a chief's family;
see Gram.; a Zmlc Gam, may also be c a l l e d , Zau Gyi,
Zar R i , Za* Rip, Zaa Scrpg, etc.; a Naw, may be call-
ed Zaa Ding, Zau Lawr; etc.; a La, is called Za'au doi
etc., but these names differ greatly in different locali-
Zaudi, n. A large kind of pot.
Zauhkai, n. A shoe; comp. kyefdzn; also pron. sarhkai.
Zaunyi, x . A species of deer; the brown-antlered Rusa;
the Bur. moE,
Zaw, n. The subjects ol a chief; especially those of h i s
own family or tribe; comp. ddral; zaw n 114 ad d z d , a
chief without subjects; see saw.
e n a m , n.(from nam,to be visiting.) A new subject,
one who has just come u n d e r the authority of a
-nawng, n. (from nawng,a host.) The whole popula-
tion (especially if large and powerful,) under the
authority of a ruler; zaw nazvng zaw wa,a population;
arnultitude, a host; zaw naw;ng zaw wa u p a i du, a
chief goverrling a large population.
-shahg, v . To become the subject of a chief; see parts;
shi d a i ning reye a nrzng hla zaw sharrgsai, he has
this year settled down within my jurisdiction.
-wa, n.- A multitude; see zaw sawfig.
-woi, v . To lead, conduct, assist, as one who leaves the
village oI one chief to become the subject of another.
Zaw, v. To be or feel distended, swelled; comp. tit.
-saw, a. Distended, swelled, as the abdomen; namj4tdw -
shang nnq &an zaw zaw ngu tlngai.
awk, v . To scout, spy out, reconnoiter; comp. satuk;
Ldhtaw f i i A h z n rawt md sai dn, woru m d i i sa zowb
yu gazv, i t is said the Ldhtows h a v e risen, keep a
look out at yonder jungle.
Zawk, v. To eat.
--zawk, o. '1'0 e a t ; (disresp!?ctlrrl;) skat zaw.4 z a a k d~ a .
Zawn, 21. a Q resemble: a h ! . as, l i k e , similar, h a v i n g the
resemblarlce of; dai (ig?.ft.!ze'; * j r d (7. Z ~ Z ~ PL
U Pn~i . t h i s cow
resembles m i n e ; dai saxpa at rr, do it like t h i s ; gAfai

aaaji+l 2zgg arnn ,d,~$f~z ;I s c~ ~ I:_i,i;:

! ' ' !'r3;onoanceC)
I ,b~ t h e sarue
way as I do; dczi rtat;r~i?i:u r m zoz.wi a n n;, t h i s looks
like palatable Inlit.
%awn zawn, a. Like, as, similar: also used adverbially;
wura wa /tpr aamn saw# rr ai, that man looks like
my brother.
Zawng, v . To stand on-end,as the hair; to be bristling;
derv. pungzawfrg; comp. tsung.
-zawng, a. Bristling; bristly; dai nga man zazung zawng
~a a i , uLi kap ai nhten.
Z a w t , v . To gurgle; to fill to overflowing; adv. i n an -over-
flowing and t h u s gurgling manner; nyt? a d u r n hta
nlsivt zawt vai LAra b a ~ g~a ai.
Zoi, v . To joke,banter, play tricks with; see nzoi; comp.
.ckdtzl shdkra.

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