13 PONIENTE Branches-of-Humanities

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College of Education
Teacher Education Department

1st Semester
AY 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course:

SNED 31- Instructional Adaptations for Teaching the Content Areas
(Social Science, Humanities)

Topic: Branches of Humanities

Submitted to:
Rosal S. Concepcion
Instructor III

Submitted By:

#13 Poniente Cid Erick R.



October 11, 2022

At the end of the discussion the students will be able to
 Define Humanities and its importance
 Differentiate the branches of Humanities


Humanities are distinguished in content and method from the physical and biological sciences
and, less decisively, from the social sciences. Also humanities include the study of all languages
and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy. Humanities is the study of human culture,
including history, literature, art, and philosophy. It covers a wide range of topics, from the ancient
world to the modern day. Humanities are important for many reasons. They help us to understand
our own cultures and histories, and to appreciate the cultures and histories of others. They
promote critical thinking and communication skills and allow us to understand and engage with the
world around us in a more meaningful way.

Branches of Humanities


History is the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or
people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation
of their causes. History is treated in several articles. For the principal treatment of the subject of
historiography and the scholarly research necessary for the discipline, see historiography.
Information on any specific historical topic, such as the history of specific peoples, cultures,
countries, and regions, will be found under the relevant title. For information on the historical
aspects of military affairs, economics, law, literature, sciences, art, philosophy, religion, and other
fields of human endeavor, the reader should also first consult the relevant title and review the
subtopics in the Table of Contents. The general articles contain many cross-references to specific
historical movements and events and to biographies of significant figures. History is the study of
change over time, and it covers all aspects of human society. Political, social, economic, scientific,
technological, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious, and military developments are all part of
history. Usually, professional historians specialize in a particular aspect of history, a specific time,
a certain approach to history or a specific geographic region.
The word history came from the Greek word Historia which means Finding out, inquiry, and
narrative. In some interpretations Historia means knowledge acquired by investigation. Will and
Ariel Durant are the former historians and latter a researcher presented how history be part of an
industry, art, and philosophy.
Development of History
Prehistoric Period it refers to the time when system of writing was not yet invented to record
The earliest writing system we have are the following:
Cuneiform in Mesopotamia
Hieroglyphics in Ancient Egypt
Logograms in Ancient China

In ancient Egypt, written history is started around the middle of the third Millennium BCE. the early
Egyptians chronicle ancient Egyptian history by listing the names of kings and the rulers of Egypt.
With this do you were able to create a logical system that allowed them to establish cycles or

Ancient Mesopotamians also recorded history by providing a list of kings but aside from that they
also wrote narrations which weaved a coherent historical account. Some of these accounts were
we counted in what is now known as the Sumerian stele or standing stone slabs a famous
example of this is the Stele of the Vultures which contained inscriptions of wars with bordering
regions and depictions after the battle.
In ancient China, the studying and recording of history became more developed. history was used
to propagate Chinese moral philosophy, which was linked to their political and social lives. It is
thought that Confucius (551-479 BCE) was the first to have studied and compile Chinese history in
the books Chunqui (spring and autumn annals) and Shujing (classic of history). A more detailed
and longer historical study was done by Sima Quian (145-87 BCE) in his work Shiji (historical
records), which covered a 2,500-year period of Chinese history. Sima Quian was regarded as the
grand historian because of his extensive work.

the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament is considered as an important historical writing in the
Western civilization. through a detailed genealogy the Old Testament provides a creation story
and a list of kings just like the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians. Also, in this time Old
Testament recounts how, that Hebrews struggled and endured to live in their promised land.

In the ancient Greece logographers (from the Greek words logos mean story and grapho means to
write) we are the first historians. As they authored stories on the origins of peoples, places, and
towns in prose style. Also, they authored stories based on oral tradition at the time, they added
factual data to these stories including geographic and cultural information.

Roman historiography is not surprisingly Greek in origin as most of Greek culture was invented by
Polybius (200-118 BCE), a Greek historian was instrumental in Roman history as he wrote why
Rome did not see fit to recount its historic achievements. Polybius was also one of the first who
have used the method of comparative analysis in the study of history. Also, he made an analysis
on the rise and fall of Alexander the Great in comparison to Rome's achievement in conquering
most known world without collapsing its political system and institutions.

the early Christian concept of history was mired with apocalyptic expectations for early Christians
believed that the world is about to end with the second coming of Jesus. As such their concept of
history was simply the incarnation, death, resurrection and second coming of Christ. while in the
Islamic conception of history relies on the Quran as it traces humanity’s history from Adam to
Muhammad, the prophet, and the founder of Islam. Islamic history also relied on the Hadith or the
traditions and sayings that were said to have come directly from Muhammad.

history the Renaissance adhered more to the scientific Galileo rather than the philosopher Plato.
The study of history became more critical on of how classical works were translated, passed
down, and written over time. Thus, The Renaissance was not simply a period reminiscing classical
Greek and Roman past but was a more inquisitive and scientific revisiting of such past.

language allows us to express and understand each other’s thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
According to linguistics professor Robert A. Hall he defined language as the institution whereby
humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitual use of oral auditory
symbols. Linguistics is interdisciplinary in nature, intersecting the humanities with social sciences
as it inquires on the basic element that allows societies to communicate ideas across time and
space The term linguistics was derived from the Latin word lingua which refers to language.
Linguistics as a discipline deal with three principal components: sound, structure, and meaning.

Important Personalities in Linguistics

The first individual credited to have practiced the study of language is Panini of India (born fourth
century BCE). it is systematically categorized Sanskrit sounds into consonants and vowels, and
nouns and verbs. At around the seventh century BCE in the Middle East, Sibawayh documented
the Arabic language by distinguishing the difference in sounds and phonemes. In the western
world Plato was the early scholar of language. His work, Cratylus, explored the meaning of words
by looking into their history.
Ferdinand de Saussure

Was a Swiss linguist and semiotician credited ask the father of structural and modern linguistics.
structural linguistics start this language a system of contrast and equivalent which means that the
meaning of a word is understood only in its relation to other words in the system. Also, he
developed structural linguistics from his exploration of the concept of sign. The sign it is
instrumental in communication as it provides the signifier (the sound or written letters of an idea)
and the signified (the idea addressed by the signifier). The actual object in the real world
addressed by the sign called the referent and this referent has as many signs attached to it as
there are languages in the world.

The Prague School

it is established in 1926 by the Prague linguistic circle or the Prague school was a group
composed of Czechs and other linguists not held regular meetings in published Travaux du cercle
linguistique de Prague, a journal on linguistics. The focus and interest of this group was
phonological theory and syntax.

The London School

Sweet established an applied linguistics tradition through his works, which focused on language
and phonetics. Jones on the other side stressed that perceivering. transcribing, and reproducing
minute distinction of speech sounds much be emphasized in studying language The tradition
established by Sweet and Jones resulted in a more meticulous attention to phonetic details and
led ear training to become a major linguistic field of study in Britain.

Sapir And Whorf

Edward Sapir (1884-1939) and Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941) were American linguists who
developed the principle of linguistic relativity or the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis they pioneered
linguistic determinism why is the idea that language influences the way people think and shapes
the way people perceive the world. According to the linguistic determinism language is deeply
rooted in culture which is why speakers of different languages view the world differently from one
Noam Chomsky

He is an American linguist, philosopher, and social justice activist from the 1950s onward also he
established several objectives that continued to direct linguistics studies until today. Also, he
exposed well-formed sentences as one of the central ideas of generative grammar. For him
human beings can understand their language system not only through imitation and repetition but
most importantly through abstraction. He is ideas seek to explain how and why language is
produced and understood, how and why language is acquired and developed, and why and what
processes does language change and vary.

Etymologically the word philosophy comes from two Greek words Philo means to love and sophia
meaning wisdom philosophy originally meant love of wisdom and in the broad sense wisdom is
still the goal or philosophy. Philosophy is also defined as the attitude of the mind not by natural
light of reasons studies the first classes of the highest principles of all things under this definition
we must consider the four things specifically the scientific approach, the natural light of reason, the
study of all things, and the first cause or the highest principle.

Finally in attaining wisdom there is a need for emptying. Emptying is as suspending one's
judgment and conclusion about a matter and mentally exploring the pros and cons, the
characteristics, and the purpose of an idea or a situation. Emptying can be intellectual for instance
Taoists consider an empty cup more useful than a full one. It only means simplicity and humility
emptying can be also spiritual for Christians like us. Christian philosophy poor in spirit means
compassion. Emptying is also a physical. The Buddhists refrain from misuse of their senses
thereby emphasizing a unified whole. Without the virtue of emptying, we will only learn just the
partial philosophy that is knowledge based without being holistic (in terms of acquiring wisdom
through various dimension of being human including our psychological, social, emotional, and
moral aspects in life). And lastly remember in the rush simply means respect unite with sincerity
and humility, because humility makes a man into an Angel, but pride makes an Angel into an evil.
also remember Knowledge is Nothing Without Character.
1. It includes the study of all languages and literatures, the arts, history, and philosophy.
a. Humanities
b. Philosophy
c. Language
d. History
2. It means “to love”
a. Philo
b. Sophia
c. Lingua
d. Historia
3. It means “wisdom”
a. Philo
b. Sophia
c. Lingua
d. Historia
4. Swiss linguist and semiotician credited ask the father of structural and modern linguistics.
a. Noam Chomsky
b. The London School
c. The Prague School
d. Ferdinand de Saussure
5. They were American linguists who developed the principle of linguistic.
a. Sapir and Whorf
b. Noam Chomsky
c. The London School
d. The Prague School
6. It means Love of Wisdom
a. Humanities
b. Philosophy
c. Language
d. History
7. He is an American linguist, philosopher, and social justice activist.
a. Sapir and Whorf
b. Noam Chomsky
c. The London School
d. The Prague School

8. The tradition established by________ resulted in a more meticulous attention to phonetic

details and led ear training to become a major linguistic field of study in Britain.
a. Sapir and Whorf
b. Noam Chomsky
c. Harry Sweet and Daniel Jones
d. The Prague School
9. The first individual credited to have practiced the study of language
a. Sapir and Whorf
b. Noam Chomsky
c. Harry Sweet and Daniel Jones
d. Panini of India
10. It is established in 1926 by the Prague linguistic circle
a. Sapir and Whorf
b. Noam Chomsky
c. The London School
d. The Prague School
Answer key:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. D

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