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Enhancing Power System Reliability using Multiple FACTS

Henry Olanga1, a) and Rubesh2, b)
Department of Energy Engineering, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Department of Energy Engineering, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe

Abstract— This research paper explores different aspects related to the utilization of multiple FACTS devices, specifically fo-
cusing on control modes, settings, and their impact on power system reliability. In the evaluation of power system reliability, two
UPFCs are employed within a test system. By employing multiple UPFCs, it becomes possible to effectively control various pow-
er system parameters, including bus voltages, reactive power, and line flows. However, the influence of UPFC control modes and
settings on power system reliability has not been adequately addressed thus far. To address this gap, the paper proposes various
control modes for UPFC and suggests optimal settings that enhance reliability. Furthermore, a reliability index evaluation is
performed with the objective of minimizing the associated remedial action cost (RAC). The proposed methodology is applied and
tested on the IEEE nine bus system, providing a comprehensive analysis of the performance of multiple UPFCs.

Index Terms— Composite system reliability, optimal control mode and settings, unified power flow controller (UPFC), Reme-
dial Action cost (RAC)

I. INTRODUCTION ponents. The proposed approach focuses on minimizing

ESRAC (Equivalent System Remedial Action Cost) as a
The unified power flow controller (UPFC) is a highly versa- means to improve system reliability [9]. A selected set of
tile device within the flexible AC transmission systems contingencies is analyzed, utilizing optimal power flow
(FACTS) domain, widely utilized for power flow control (OPF) to minimize RAC and calculate the optimal UPFC
and optimization [1]. Concurrently, the reliability of protec- injections, as well as the sensitivity of RAC to UPFC injec-
tion systems has gained significant importance due to their tions. The contingency analysis results are utilized to deter-
critical impact on power system reliability [2]. A novel ap- mine post-contingency UPFC injections and estimate the
proach to analyze protection system reliability has been in- associated ESRAC for different control modes and settings.
troduced through the concept of uneasiness probability [3]. By formulating a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
While conventional power systems have well-developed problem, the paper seeks to obtain the optimal UPFC con-
techniques for reliability evaluation [4],[5], where similar trol mode and settings [10].
reliability levels and regulated prices are implemented for
customers of the same type, the evaluation typically relies II. EVALUATION OF POWER SYSTEM RELIABILITY
on AC or DC power flow techniques to identify network In general, reliability refers to the capacity of a compo-
violations during contingency situations[6]. Enhancing nent or system to fulfill its intended function. Within the
power system performance without requiring generation realm of power systems, reliability evaluation entails as-
rescheduling or topology modifications can be achieved sessing the system's capability to meet the load requirements
through the control of power flow within the system. By [11]. Consequently, power system reliability assessment
utilizing controllable components, line flows can be adjust- encompasses two primary domains: system adequacy and
ed to ensure thermal limits are not exceeded, losses are min- system security. System adequacy evaluates whether the
imized, stability margins are increased, and contractual ob- power system has adequate resources to meet the anticipated
ligations are met while maintaining economic generation load demand, while system security focuses on ensuring the
dispatch [7]. Addressing the need to optimize transmission system's ability to operate securely and withstand disturb-
capacity while adhering to transmission and security con- ances without compromising its functionality [12].
straints, controllable FACTS devices are crucial in minimiz- A. Domains of Reliability Evaluation
ing costs through optimal power system operation [8]. A power system can be categorized into three primary func-
This paper aims to determine the optimal control mode and tional regions: generation, transmission, and distribution
settings for UPFC to enhance the composite reliability of systems [13]. The concept of system adequacy pertains to
power systems, assuming the availability of all UPFC com- the presence of adequate facilities within the system to ful

Copyright © 2023 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
fill consumer demand. On the other hand, performance by considering the impact on the entire net-
system security refers to the system's ability to effectively work [20].
respond to disturbances originating within the system. Both types of indices are valuable in assessing power
While these concepts are interrelated, the evaluation of reli- system performance and provide a comprehensive under-
ability is typically conducted within a specific domain, ei- standing of the reliability levels within the system [21].
ther adequacy or security, with a predominant focus on ade- Aggregated system reliability performance indices are
quacy [14]. effective for evaluating the overall performance of a uni-
B. Hierarchical levels for reliability evaluation form system. However, when applying these aggregated
Reliability evaluation of power systems can be con- indicators to systems with non-uniform performance, the
ducted either within each individual functional zone or at mean values can be misleading. Customer-weighted indica-
hierarchical levels obtained by combining the functional tors tend to prioritize areas with a large customer base,
regions [15]. while capacity-weighted indicators tend to emphasize areas
HLI analyses involve evaluating the generation systems with higher energy consumption. As a result, the valuation
and their ability to meet load demands, disregarding the between different areas may become relatively uniform.
influence of transmission systems on overall system reliabil-
ity. Adequacy indices at this level include metrics such as III. ARCHITECTURE, FUNCTIONALITY, AND
loss of load expectation (LOLE), loss of energy expectation OPTIMIZATION OF CONTROL MODES OF UPFC
(LOEE), failure frequency, and relevant duration [16]. The structure of a UPFC comprises two identical in-
HLII studies are employed to assess the adequacy of verters that are interconnected in parallel and series with
existing or proposed systems, considering the impact of power systems using corresponding power transformers [22].
various reinforcement alternatives at both the generation and Assuming negligible power losses in the inverters, the net
transmission levels. The adequacy evaluation in this level active power exchange between them is zero. Each inverter
yields two sets of indices, one related to the system load is equipped with a control unit that receives measured sig-
points and another related to the overall system. Key indices nals and operates based on the control modes specific to that
in this level include failure frequency and its duration. inverter [23]. The control unit generates firing commands to
HLIII evaluation pertains to the analysis of the entire ensure the regulation of designated power system parame-
power system, encompassing all functional zones from gen- ters according to their predetermined settings
eration units to customer load points. However, due to the A. Principle of Operation for UPFC
complexity of practical power systems, a comprehensive The essential components of the UPFC consist of two
assessment of all three functional zones is typically not fea- voltage source inverters (VSIs) that share a common dc
sible. Instead, the distribution system, which receives relia- storage capacitor and are connected to the power system
bility data from the load point indices of HLII, is evaluated. through coupling transformers. One VSI is connected in
Common reliability indices in this level include the system parallel (shunt) to the transmission system via a shunt trans-
average interruption frequency index (SAIFI), system aver- former, while the other VSI is connected in series to the
age interruption duration index (SAIDI), and customer aver- transmission line through a series transformer.
age interruption duration index (CAIDI). The reliability The series inverter is responsible for injecting a control-
assessment in this thesis work focuses primarily on the lable symmetrical three-phase voltage system, with adjusta-
transmission system within the adequacy domain [17]. ble magnitude and phase angle, in series with the transmis-
These analyses encompass various procedures such as sion line. This allows for active and reactive power flow
load flow analysis, contingency assessment, generation re- control on the transmission line, enabling the exchange of
scheduling, transmission overload alleviation, load curtail- active and reactive power between the series inverter and
ment, and more. This thesis work aims to cover all the re- the line.
quired procedures within an analytical approach [18]. The reactive power is electronically supplied by the se-
C. Indicators for System Reliability Performance ries inverter, while the active power is transmitted to the dc
System reliability indices are utilized to gauge the per- terminals. The shunt inverter operates in a manner that it
formance of a system, specifically highlighting any defi- draws the required dc terminal power (positive or negative)
ciencies in terms of undelivered energy, average number of from the line while maintaining a constant voltage across
interruptions, and average outage duration. These indices the storage capacitor, Vdc. Consequently, the net real power
generally fall into two categories: customer-weighted and absorbed from the line by the UPFC is only equal to the
capacity-weighted. losses incurred by the inverters and transformers.
Customer-weighted indices take into account the im- The remaining capacity of the shunt inverter can be uti-
pact on individual customers and reflect the level of service lized to exchange reactive power with the line, thereby
experienced by them. These indices consider factors such as providing voltage regulation at the connection point.
the number of interruptions each customer experiences and B. Operating modes
the duration of outages they encounter. By incorporating the The control modes associated with the series and parallel
customer perspective, these indices provide insights into the inverters offer control over reactive power, voltage, and
quality of service received by the end-users [19]. phase angle. The two voltage source inverters (VSIs) can
On the other hand, capacity-weighted indices focus on operate independently by isolating the dc side. In this sce-
the overall system capacity and load served. These indices nario, the shunt inverter functions as a Static Synchronous
consider the amount of energy that remains undelivered due Compensator (STATCOM), which generates or absorbs
to interruptions and the average number of interruptions reactive power to regulate the voltage magnitude at the con-
experienced by the system as a whole. Capacity-weighted nection point. On the other hand, the series inverter operates
indices offer a broader perspective on the system's reliability as a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), which
generates or absorbs reactive power to regulate the current

Enhancing Power System Reliability using Multiple FACTS Devices (Henry Olanga and Rubesh)
flow and subsequently control power flows on the transmis- bility assessments. In fact, two systems with the same per-
sion line. centage reserve but different unit compositions may exhibit
The parallel inverter can be configured to operate as a con- vastly different levels of reliability. Relying solely on per-
stant reactive power source or as a voltage controller. In centage reserves can be misleading, as it implies that a fixed
contrast, the series inverter offers different control modes amount of reserves can eliminate all risks, which is not the
such as Power Flow Control Mode, Voltage Control Mode, case in reality.
and Voltage Injection Mode. These control modes provide By employing probabilistic methods, power system
various strategies for managing and optimizing power flow planners and operators gain a more comprehensive under-
standing of system risk and can make informed decisions to
within the system.
enhance reliability. These methods provide a more accurate
Overall, the control modes associated with the UPFC enable
representation of system performance, considering the prob-
precise control over reactive power, voltage, and phase an- abilistic nature of failures and uncertainties, resulting in
gle, allowing for effective regulation and optimization of more effective reliability evaluations.
power system parameters.
Reactive Power Control Mode: B. Measurement of System Energy Reliability
The parallel inverter in the UPFC can function as a constant The loss-of-energy approach is a meaningful method for
source of reactive power. It injects a predetermined positive evaluating system reliability as it quantifies the expected
or negative reactive power at the point of connection (PB). fraction of unserved energy resulting from capacity outage
The control of the shunt inverter translates the reactive pow- events. Unlike other approaches, this method takes into con-
er reference into a corresponding request for shunt current, sideration the magnitude of different outage events, making
which is then adjusted by controlling the gating of the in- it more relevant from a physical standpoint.
verter. This control mode utilizes a feedback signal repre- To determine the life history of a component, we utilize
senting the dc bus voltage to achieve the desired reactive probability distributions fU(t) and fD(t). Here, fU(t) repre-
power injection. sents the density function of up times TU, while fD(t) repre-
Automatic Voltage Control Mode: sents the density function of down times TD. In this context,
In this mode, the reactive current of the shunt inverter is let Xt denote the state of the component at time t. The fol-
lowing definitions are applicable:
automatically regulated to maintain the voltage at the point
of connection on the transmission line at a specified refer-
Probability of being in the up state:
ence value. Voltage feedback signals from the sending end PU(t) = P[up at t] = P[Xt = U]
bus, which supplies power to the shunt coupling transformer, Probability of being in the down state:
are used for control and regulation. PD(t) = P[down at t] = P[Xt = D]
Power Flow Control Mode:
Unlike STATCOM and SSSC, the UPFC has the capability By understanding these probabilities, we can gain in-
to independently regulate both real power and reactive pow- sights into the operational states of the component and eval-
er at their associated settings. This control mode allows the uate its impact on overall system energy reliability.
UPFC to maintain a desired power flow on the transmission
line, regardless of system changes. The reference inputs for V. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
this mode are the desired values of real power (P) and reac- To assess the influence of UPFC control modes and set-
tive power (Q). tings on system reliability, the IEEE nine-bus test system
Voltage Injection Mode: (shown in Fig. 1) is employed. In this study, an additional
In Voltage Injection Mode, the UPFC determines and main- 230 kV transmission line is incorporated, connecting B4 to
tains the voltage magnitude (Vd) at its associated settings by B8. Due to the unavailability of specific reliability data for
controlling the voltage and phase angles. The reference in- the IEEE nine-bus test system, the reliability information
puts for this mode directly specify the desired magnitude from the IEEE reliability test system is utilized as a substi-
and phase angle of the series voltage source inverter. The tute.
series inverter then injects the specified voltage into the sys-
tem as instructed.
These control modes provide the UPFC with versatile capa-
bilities to regulate reactive power, voltage, and power flow,
enabling effective control and optimization of the power
system parameters.
A. Advantages of Probabilistic Methods over
Deterministic Criteria
Probabilistic methods have proven to be significantly
more effective than deterministic criteria in assessing sys-
tem reliability. Unlike percentage reserves and other rule-of-
thumb approaches, probabilistic methods offer an analytical
foundation for consistently evaluating system risk across
different configurations. They take into account crucial fac-
tors that have a substantial impact on system reliability, in- Fig. 1: IEEE 9 bus system with UPFC
cluding unit size, failure rates, and load characteristics.
A comprehensive reliability evaluation highlights that
Deterministic criteria, on the other hand, are insensitive
the loading of L48 significantly contributes to system unre-
to these influential factors, often leading to inaccurate relia-
Enhancing Power System Reliability using Multiple FACTS Devices (Henry Olanga and Rubesh)
liability. To enhance system reliability, a UPFC is installed VI. CONCLUSION
at B4 on L48, aiming to mitigate the loading issues. Fig. 1 This paper introduces the optimal control mode and set-
illustrates the configuration, where PB is directly linked to tings for Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFCs). A two-
B4, and L48 is positioned between BS and B8. The UPFC source power injection model is utilized to analyze the im-
comprises two identical 160 MVA inverters interconnected pact of UPFC control modes and settings on reliability indi-
by a DC link. ces. The modified IEEE test system is employed, and relia-
The objective of the UPFC installation is to reduce the bility indices are calculated to evaluate the effectiveness of
power extraction of L48 from B8, decreasing it from 17- UPFC installation. The application of UPFC results in a
j8.76 MVA to 12+j6 MVA, thereby reducing the loading on notable 31% improvement in reliability indices in the given
L48 by 18%. Six different cases are examined, each involv- example, with a marginal 4% error in the estimation of Re-
ing various combinations of control modes for the parallel active Assurance Criterion (RAC). Furthermore, the dynam-
and series inverters. For each case, appropriate settings are ic performance of the power system is assessed to determine
determined to achieve a power extraction of 12+j6 MVA the influence of optimal UPFC settings. Reliability indices
from B8 to L48. The pre-contingency condition remains are computed to ascertain the optimal UPFC control mode
consistent across all cases. and settings, and the estimated costs are subsequently uti-
By analyzing the impact of these control modes and set- lized in a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem to
tings, valuable insights can be gained regarding the en- identify the optimal UPFC configuration.
hancement of system reliability through the implementation
of UPFC in the studied scenario. REFERENCES
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Enhancing Power System Reliability using Multiple FACTS Devices (Henry Olanga and Rubesh)

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