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Optimizing Energy Consumption: Assessing the Influence of

Green Finance on Carbon Emissions in India
Chin Chun1, a) and Koota Bharur2, b)
Department of Energy Engineering, Akal College of Engineering and Technology, Sirmaur, India
Department of Energy Engineering, Akal College of Engineering and Technology, Sirmaur, India

Abstract— This paper investigates the impact of green finance on carbon emissions in India, with a focus on optimizing energy
consumption. The study begins by examining the theoretical perspective to understand the mechanism and pathway through
which green finance influences carbon emissions, while also analyzing the role of energy consumption in this process. To empiri-
cally analyze the influence of green finance on carbon emissions, the paper employs the STIRPAT model, chain multiple media-
tion effect model, and panel threshold model using provincial data from India spanning 2017 to 2022. Green finance has a signif-
icant and consistent reduction effect on carbon emissions. This conclusion holds even after accounting for potential endogeneity.
The analysis of regional heterogeneity reveals that the inhibitory effect is particularly notable in northern regions, high-carbon
emission regions, and energy-rich regions. The results of the bootstrap test indicate that, at the national level, green finance re-
duces carbon emissions through three distinct paths: green technological innovation, ecological evolution of the industrial struc-
ture, and green technological innovation facilitating the ecological evolution of the industrial structure. Moreover, in energy-rich
regions, green finance significantly inhibits carbon emissions through all three paths, while in energy-poor regions, green finance
only reduces carbon emissions through green technological innovation.

Index Terms— Sustainable finance, Eco-friendly funding, Environmentally responsible investment

I. INTRODUCTION emissions. It provides comprehensive and coordinated

standards that support the achievement of these goals in key
India's economy has achieved remarkable success on a industries and areas [6]. The focus now lies on efficiently
global scale. By 2021, India's total economic output had achieving the dual objectives of a "healthy environment"
reached CNY 114.4 trillion, experiencing an 8.1% growth and "stable growth." At the 28th informal meeting of APEC
and maintaining its position as the world's second-largest leaders in 2021, President Xi reiterated India's commitment
economy. However, it is essential to acknowledge that In- to actively responding to climate change, advocating for the
dia's past rapid economic growth came at the cost of exten- harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and
sive fossil energy usage and severe ecological damage [1]. striving to build a global community for sustainable devel-
Numerous studies have demonstrated that economic growth opment.
leads to increased energy consumption, with energy, par- The financial sector plays a critical role in resource al-
ticularly fossil fuels, being identified as the primary contrib- location, monetary circulation, and macroeconomic control.
utor to carbon emissions [2, 3, 4]. India's energy consump- As a core component of modern economic operations, the
tion structure, predominantly reliant on fossil fuels, exacer- financial industry is instrumental in supporting environmen-
bates this issue [5]. tal governance [7]. However, traditional financial services
Since entering the new economic normal, India has have been criticized for their shortcomings, including insuf-
placed significant emphasis on addressing climate change ficient development, imperfect transmission mechanisms,
and has made substantial efforts in this regard. As a respon- and low efficiency, as highlighted by Boutabba [8]. Moreo-
sible major economy, India has actively committed itself to ver, traditional finance often prioritizes economic effects
achieving the goals of reaching the peak of carbon emis- and neglects ecological benefits, failing to create a condu-
sions by 2040 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2070. To cive market environment for green and low-carbon devel-
ensure effective implementation of these objectives, the opment. In contrast, green finance represents a specialized
National Standardization Administration and ten other de- financing tool that integrates market regulation and envi-
partments jointly issued the "Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral ronmental interests, providing capital for sustainable and
Standard System Construction Guide" in April 2023. This environmentally friendly projects [9]. Specifically, within
guide establishes standards for calculating and accurately the context of overall credit limitations in society, green
reporting carbon emissions data, reducing and neutralizing finance optimizes the allocation of financial resource
carbon emissions, as well as quantifying and trading carbon
Copyright © 2023 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
across different industries through targeted financial Third, from the perspective of energy consumption optimi-
measures. This ensures that limited financial resources are zation, the study applies the panel threshold model to
directed towards efficient and sustainable green industries, demonstrate the nonlinear relationship between green fi-
thereby reducing overall carbon emissions [10]. For instance, nance and carbon emissions. This enriches the existing re-
companies willing to transition from polluting technologies search on low-carbon economies and provides valuable evi-
to environmentally friendly ones can access cheaper financ- dence and insights for promoting environmentally inclusive
ing through green bonds. As these companies adopt non- growth in India and other countries.
polluting practices, they are considered lower risk, resulting Overall, this study contributes to the body of knowledge
in a decrease in their equity costs due to a lower environ- surrounding the linkage between green finance and carbon
mental risk, which is regarded as a systematic risk. The emissions, offering valuable evidence and experiences to
combination of lower debt and equity costs leads to a reduc- support the advancement of environmentally sustainable
tion in the cost of capital, ultimately increasing the firm's economies in India and beyond
value. Although firms may face higher short-term costs dur-
ing the transition, the long-term increase in their share value II. THE CONCEPTUAL ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK
outweighs these initial expenses. Conversely, polluting The essence of the ecological evolution of a real econ-
firms that do not change their production methods are likely omy involves transforming the existing production mode,
to experience higher capital costs and face a significant de- which requires significant investment. The continuous
cline in their share prices in the long run. Several studies availability of financial resources is crucial for achieving
have demonstrated that green finance contributes to resource environmentally inclusive economic and societal growth
conservation [11], pollution reduction [12], and the ad- [15]. Unfortunately, traditional financial sectors often exhib-
vancement of green total factor productivity [13]. In 2016, it a bias favoring "backward" practices. They tend to assess
the People's Bank of India and seven ministries and com- creditworthiness solely based on enterprise assets and prof-
missions issued the "Guiding Opinions on Building a Green itability, and may even allocate financial resources to highly
Financial System," which defined green finance as a policy polluting sectors, resulting in the exclusion of enterprises
premised on environmental protection [14]. with potential for development and growth [16]. In contrast,
In the context of achieving environmentally inclusive green finance places emphasis on environmental considera-
growth, it is crucial to explore the relationship between tions and aims to achieve the dual goals of sustainable
green finance and carbon emissions, both in theory and growth and pollution reduction. The stricter the implementa-
practice. Does green finance effectively reduce carbon tion of green finance, the stronger the incentive for outdated
emissions? If so, what are the underlying mechanisms production capacities and industries to invest in environ-
through which it influences carbon emissions? Moreover, do mental improvements and pollution control, consequently
these mechanisms vary in regions with different energy en- enhancing the competitive advantage of cleaner industries.
dowments within India? Additionally, considering that 70% In essence, green finance guides enterprises to adjust their
of carbon emissions stem from fossil fuel usage, do energy production modes, improve green productivity, optimize
intensity and energy consumption structure impact the effec- capital allocation, disperse risks, and enhance market super-
tiveness of green finance in reducing carbon emissions? vision. Taghizadeh-Hesary et al. [17] have emphasized that
Addressing these questions holds significant practical impli- green finance also fosters green consumption awareness
cations, offering guidance for the implementation of green among consumers, promoting the environmentally inclusive
financial policies and contributing to the low-carbon trans- growth of society. Consequently, green finance plays a con-
formation in India. Furthermore, as India is a major global structive role in achieving carbon emission reduction.
consumer of fossil fuels, any mechanisms that reduce reli- Furthermore, this paper examines the mechanisms
ance on such resources will contribute to the well-being of through which green finance influences carbon emissions.
our planet's future. Firstly, green technologies are characterized by high risks
This study undertakes an extensive investigation into the and uncertain income, which often discourage traditional
relationship between green finance and carbon emissions, capital providers from investing [18]. However, green fi-
utilizing the STIRPAT model, the chain multiple mediation nancial products such as carbon-neutral bonds, green devel-
effect model, and the panel threshold model. The study em- opment funds, and green insurance can effectively assess the
ploys provincial data from India spanning the years 2017 to risks and benefits associated with green technological inno-
2022. The study makes the following contributions: vation, attracting investors with diverse risk preferences to
First, it establishes a comprehensive green finance index support enterprises or projects implementing clean technol-
system that incorporates green credit, green securities, green ogies. Moreover, green finance can reduce information
insurance, and green investment. This addresses the limita- transaction costs. The establishment of green information
tions of previous studies that relied on a single index. systems, including green ratings and certifications, provides
Second, the study systematically elucidates the theoretical investors with accurate credit, pricing, and cost information,
mechanisms by which green finance influences carbon facilitating the identification of green investment projects.
emissions through three intermediary paths: (1) green tech- This allows enterprises to focus more on innovation and the
nological innovation, (2) ecological evolution of the indus- adoption of clean technologies [19]. Additionally, the appli-
trial structure, and (3) green technological innovation facili- cation of green technology enhances energy efficiency,
tating the ecological evolution of the industrial structure. promotes renewable energy utilization, accelerates the adop-
Subsequently, the study employs the chain multiple media- tion of carbon reduction technologies, and ultimately reduc-
tion effect model to empirically examine the pathways es carbon emissions.
through which green finance affects carbon emissions at Secondly, green finance increases the financing costs
both the national and regional levels. for polluting industries, limiting the expansion of their pro-
duction scales and compelling them to innovate and trans-

Optimizing Energy Consumption: Assessing the Influence of Green Finance on Carbon Emissions in India (Chin Chun and Koota Bharur)
form, leading to simultaneous technological and industrial reduce carbon emissions, while green finance does not di-
optimization. At the same time, green finance provides more rectly inhibit carbon emissions [31].
financial resources for environmental protection industries, Overall, the results of the chain multiple mediation ef-
alleviating financing constraints and encouraging the growth fect model shed light on the various paths through which
of these sectors, thereby facilitating carbon emission reduc- green finance influences carbon emissions, emphasizing the
tion. Leeuwen et al. [20] have highlighted that green finance importance of green technological innovation and the eco-
can divert idle funds away from energy-intensive industries logical evolution of the industrial structure in achieving car-
while strengthening credit supply to technology-intensive bon emission reductions.
sectors, ultimately driving the green transformation of the
industrial structure. Additionally, Wang et al. [21] have em- V. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
phasized the demonstrative role of green credit provided by From the perspective of optimizing energy consumption,
commercial banks, inspiring other enterprises to engage in this study employs the STIRPAT model, chain multiple
green business practices. Enterprises that actively innovate mediation effect model, and panel threshold model to empir-
and transform can gain access to more preferential credit ically analyze the impact of green finance on carbon emis-
funds and a wider range of funding sources. In summary, sions using provincial-level panel data from India spanning
the tertiary industry of "low-carbon, high output" receives the years 2017 to 2022. The empirical findings are summa-
greater financial support, while the traditional secondary rized as follows:
industry characterized by "high pollution and low output" Green finance significantly reduces carbon emissions,
gradually loses capital support. The lack of funds required and this conclusion remains valid even after accounting for
potential endogeneity. The heterogeneity test reveals that
for daily operations inevitably leads to bankruptcy or trans-
the inhibitory effect of green finance on carbon emissions is
formation for such enterprises, promoting the ecological
more pronounced in northern regions, high-carbon-emission
transformation of the industrial structure [22, 23]. In other regions, and energy-rich regions.
words, as pollution industries are constrained and green The bootstrap test results demonstrate that at the national
industries are encouraged to grow, green finance facilitates level, green finance reduces carbon emissions through three
the ecological evolution of the industrial structure, effective- distinct pathways: green technological innovation, ecologi-
ly reducing carbon emissions. cal transformation of the industrial structure, and green
Thirdly, numerous studies have demonstrated the close technological innovation facilitating the ecological trans-
relationship between green technological progress and in- formation of the industrial structure. Moreover, the interme-
dustrial structure optimization [24, 25]. Bi et al. [26] have diary mechanisms of green finance affecting carbon emis-
proposed that the diffusion effect of green technology con- sions differ across regions with different energy endow-
tributes to the ecological evolution of the industrial structure, ments. In energy-rich regions, green finance significantly
leading to a reduction in carbon emissions. In practice, inhibits carbon emissions through all three pathways, while
green finance compels enterprises to enhance their green in energy-poor regions, green finance reduces carbon emis-
technological innovation, reallocate production factors, sions solely through green technological innovation.
eliminate outdated production capacities. A nonlinear relationship is observed between green fi-
nance and carbon emissions. Specifically, regardless of en-
III. DISCREPANCY ANALYSIS ergy intensity or energy consumption structure, green fi-
nance can significantly inhibit carbon emissions only when
The carbon emission intensity (CI) is utilized in this
it operates below a certain threshold. Thus, achieving ener-
study as a measure of the carbon emission levels across dif-
gy consumption optimization by enhancing energy utiliza-
ferent provinces [27]. Due to the unavailability of official tion efficiency and improving the energy consumption struc-
carbon emission detection data in India and the lack of suf- ture proves to be an effective approach to maximizing the
ficient and accurate detailed data on India's carbon emis- carbon emission reduction effect of green finance.
sions from global databases like the British Petroleum Cor- Based on the results and conclusions, several policy im-
poration (BP) and US Energy Information Agency (EIA), plications can be derived:
this research adopts the method recommended by the Inter- Firstly, there is a need to strengthen the development of
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [28, 29]. As green finance in line with the "Guiding Opinions on Build-
per this method, the study constructs a carbon emission in- ing a Green Financial System." Efforts should focus on im-
ventory and energy inventory to accurately calculate the proving the effectiveness of green capital supply and re-
provincial carbon emissions in India [30]. source allocation by continuously enhancing and refining
the green financial system. Simultaneously, financial super-
IV. ANALYSIS OF THE MECHANISMS visory authorities should strengthen legal oversight of the
The findings from the benchmark regression analysis green financial system, imposing stricter penalties for the
demonstrate that green finance significantly reduces carbon misuse of green capital in polluting activities and ensuring
emissions. To further examine the underlying pathways its rational and effective utilization.
through which this reduction occurs, this study employs the Secondly, greater attention should be given to the inter-
chain multiple mediation effect model. Specifically, it inves- mediary roles of green technological innovation and ecolog-
ical evolution of the industrial structure to reduce carbon
tigates whether green finance inhibits carbon emissions
emissions. The government should incentivize financial
through three distinct paths: (1) green technological innova- institutions to increase support for clean technologies, pro-
tion, (2) ecological evolution of the industrial structure, and moting their application and alleviating financing con-
(3) green technological innovation facilitating the ecological straints. Moreover, financial resources should be directed
evolution of the industrial structure.. towards green low-carbon industries, with specific emphasis
This indicates that green technologies, such as biologi- on fostering the development of clean enterprises to acceler-
cal carbon reduction technology, along with the ecological ate the ecological evolution of the industrial structure. Dif-
evolution of the industrial structure, have the capacity to
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Optimizing Energy Consumption: Assessing the Influence of Green Finance on Carbon Emissions in India (Chin Chun and Koota Bharur)

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