Phrasal Verbs

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act up: to behave badly (yaramazlık yapmak)

If you act up like this in the classroom, the teacher will send you to the principal’s office

blow up: to explode (patlamak)

A few terrorists blew up the bridge and ran away

break up: to end a relationship (Ayrılmak, ilişkiyi kesmek)

He has just broken up with his girlfriend

break out: to start suddenly (patlak vermek, çıkmak)

The World War I broke out in 1914

break down: to stop working (bozulmak)

My car broke down last week and I took it to the garage.

bring up: to raise children (çocuk yetiştirmek)

He was brought up by his aunt

call off: to cancel something (İptal etmek)

The football match has been cancelled because of rain

call for: to need something (gerektirmek)

Solving these paragraph questions calls for intense concentration.

call at: to visit a place briefly (uğramak)

The bus called at the bus terminal for 15 minutes

come across: to encounter sth by chance (rastlamak, karşılaşmak)

I came across one of my childhood photos while looking for a book in the attic.

come out: to appear or leave a place (çıkmak, yayınlanmak)

He came out of prison 15 years later

come by: to obtain something (elde etmek)

How did you come by so much money?

come down with: to be afflicted with illness (yakalanmak (hastalık))

I have come down with the flu

come up with: to produce (an idea) (bulmak, önermek)

I came up with the right answer

come over: to visit someone informally (ziyaret etmek)

My friend came over last night and we had a good time

check in: to register at a hotel (giriş yapmak)

We will probably check in at the hotel at 4 p.m.

check out: to leave a hotel (çıkış yapmak)

We packed and checked out of the hotel early in the morning
cut down on: to curtail (kısmak, azaltmak)
We have to cut down on our expenses to save up some money

do up: to fasten (iliklemek)

Do up your coat, it is freezing cold.

do away with: to abolish (son vermek, kaldırmak)

Countries must do away with nuclear weapons

drop out of: to leave a school (okulu bırakmak)

My father said he dropped out of high school

drop by: to visit informally (uğramak)

I will drop by your office tomorrow morning

fill out: to complete a form (tamamlamak (form))

You must fill out this form to check in.

find out: to discover something (ortaya çıkarmak, bulmak)

At the end of the investigation, the inspector found out that she told lies

get on: to board a vehicle (binmek)

He gets on the bus at the same station every morning

get on (well) with: to be on good terms ((iyi) geçinmek)

Her daughter can’t get on well with her friends

get across: to make something understandable anlaşılır kılmak, aktarmak

A good teacher can easily get across his or her ideas to students

get away: to escape (kaçmak)

The thief started to get away, but he was caught by the police very soon

get out: to leave a place (çıkmak)

We must hurry and get out of this cave

get over: to recover from an illness (İyileşmek, atlatmak)

It took me nearly two weeks to get over the flu

get back: to return (dönmek)

We got back to the office after the meeting.

get rid of: to eliminate (Kurtulmak, defetmek)

We need a more transparent administration to get rid of corruption

give up: to quit doing something (bırakmak, vazgeçmek)

Never give up

give away: to give as a present (hediye vermek)

The library is giving away old books to thechildren

give off: to emit (yaymak (koku))

So many cars in the city give off bad smoke andpollute the environment
hand in: to submit (teslim etmek)
If you have handed in your paper, you can go out

hand over: to surrender control of (devretmek)

He is considering handing over his business to his children

hand out: to distribute (dağıtmak)

A group of clowns are handing out toys in the street

hang up: to break a telephone connection (telefonu kapatmak)

She hung up suddenly when the doorbell rang

keep on: to continue (devam etmek)

Keep on working till you get what you want

keep track of: to stay informed about sth. (takip etmek)

A teacher has to keep track of the developments in his or her field of study

leave out: to omit (atlamak, çıkarmak)

I was going to play in the match but they left out my name

look up: to search for (aramak (sözlük vs.))

I must look up this word in the dictionary to answer your question

look over: to examine (incelemek)

You should look over your report before you submit it to the teacher

look for: to seek (aramak)

I looked for my wallet all day but couldn’t find it

look after: to take care of (bakmak, ilgilenmek)

I have to look after my daughter since my wife is at work today

look forward to: to ancipate with pleasure (dört gözle beklemek)

Successful students look forward to the beginning of a new semester

look down on: to despise someone (küçümsemek)

Some politicians look down on their own people and lose many votes

make for: to move towards (yönelmek)

He made for the living room to take a chair

make up for: to compensate (telafi etmek)

Nothing can make up for the loss of a child

pass away: to die (ölmek)

My grandfather passed away at the age of 93

pass out: to lose consciousness (bayılmak)

The man passed out when he learnt he won the lottery

pick up: to lift sth or take smb. in vehicle (kaldırmak / araçla almak)
Can you please pick me up from school?
point out: to show (göstermek, işaret etmek)
We must point out the historical places in the region firstly.

put aside: to save money (bir kenarda tutmak)

You must put aside some money for rainy days

put on: to wear (giymek)

I have to put on my apron at work

put out: to extinguish (söndürmek)

The fire brigade couldn’t put out the fire in the hospital

put off: to delay (ertelemek)

The teacher put off the final exams because of the ongoing festival

put forward: to propose, suggest (ileri sürmek, önermek)

The proposals the US put forward for peace in Syria didn’t work

put away: Put sth in its place (yerine koymak)

Put away all your books and notebooks before you start the exam

pull over: to stop by the side of a road (sağa çekmek(araba))

Let’s pull over and buy some food

pull out: to extract something çıkarmak

I got my tooth pulled out yesterday

put up with: to tolerate (katlanmak)

I can’t put up with this nonsense any more.

see off: to say goodbye (uğurlamak)

I am going to see off my friend at the airport

set off: to start a journey (yola çıkmak)

We set off for Kayseri early in the morning

set up: to install (kurmak)

My son set up lots of games in my computer

show off: to demonstrate haughtily (hava atmak)

He came to the meeting by Ferrari to show off

take up: to start a hobby (başlamak (hobi, spor))

I took up doing taekwon-do when I was 18

take after: to resemble someone (Çekmek, benzemek)

My daughter takes after her mother

take over: to get control of sth (devralmak)

Some terrorists tried to take over the country by force

take off: to remove (Çıkarmak (kıyafet, gözlük))

It is too hot here, I will take off my coat
try on: to wear sth to see if it fits (üzerinde denemek)
Can I try it on, please?

turn up: to arrive unexpectedly (çıkagelmek)

He turned up at my house late at night

turn down: to reject an offer (reddetmek)

I thanked her for the offer but turned downpolitely

turn around: to turn to opposite direction (arkasına dönmek)

Everyone turned around when he came with a luxurious car

turn on: to start a machine (açmak)

Can you please turn on the light?

turn off: to stop a machine (kapatmak)

Do you mind if I turn off the aircon?


look for: aramak

look after: bakmak, ilgilenmek
look forward to: dört gözle beklemek
look up: sözlükte / rehber bir şey aramak
look into: incelemek
I am looking for my glasses.
What are you looking for?
I look after my neighbour’s dog when she is away.
He looks after his old grandmother.
I am looking forward to meeting you.
He was looking forward to his holiday.
He did not know the word so he looked it up in the dictionary.
We looked up his address on the internet.
The police will look into the case again

put out: söndürmek

put away: yerine kaldırmak
put off: ertelemek ötelemek
The firefighters managed to put out the fire.
Put out your cigarette!
Put your toys away!
He put the notebook away and stood up.
The meeting was put off due to the bad weather conditions.
You should not put off going tdthe dentist any longer!

call off: iptal etmek

Tomorrow’s game has been called off due to the bad weather conditions.
We called off the meeting.

take up: yapmaya başlamak (hobi), yer kaplama

take off: yükselmek, kalkmak, çıkartmak
take on: üstlenmek
I will take up playing tennis.
This file takes up 2 gb.
My plane took off late.
His business took off after his wise actions.
He took off his t-shirt.
I can’t take on any more work.

set up: kurmak (şirket, program)

set out: yola çıkmak
set about: başlamak, girişmek
He set up the company single-handedly.
We set up a new office program.
If we set out now, we will be there in time.
He set about expressing himself in a wrong way.

find out: öğrenmek

After he found out that she does not like him, he left the city heartbroken.
We will find out the results this afternoon.

break up: ayrılmak

break down: bozulmak
break into: zorla girmek
They broke up because they could not put up with each other any more.
My car broke down while I was going to Leeds.
Somebody broke into my office at night.

pick up: toplamak, birini bir yerden almak, kapmak

I can pick you up from the airport, if you like.
He was picking up apples.
He picks up new words very quickly.

point out: işaret etmek

The mayor pointed out the problemes in the slums.

hold on: beklemek

hang on: beklemek
Hold on / Hang on a minute please

make up: oluşturmak, uydurmak

makeup for: telafi etmek
He made up the whole story! It is not true!
He always makes up good excuses for being late to work.
Women make up 45% of the workforce.
This magazine is made up of 2 parts.

carry on: devam etmek

go on: devam etmek
keep on: devam etmek
drive on: devam etmek
He carried on speaking.
Carry on! Do not stop!
Despite the terrible weather conditions, we went on playing.

put up: birini misafir etmek

put up with: katlanmak, tolere etmek
He put me up last night.
If you want, I can put him up.
I cannot put up with your silly attitute any more!
How do you put up with the irrational demands of your boss?

turn up: sesi açmak

turn off: kapatmak
turn on: açmak
turn down: sesi kısmak, reddetmek
turn into: -e dönüşmek
Can you turn up/down the music?
Turn off the music! I am studying.
Why are you turning on the tv?
He turned down the offer.
In the movie, the man turns into a monster.

get through: üstesinden gelmek, başarmak

get away with: yanına kar kalmak
get away: kaçmak
get on: binmek
Do not worry. You will get through all these difficulties in no time.
Because there was no proof, he got away with his murder.
After opening the cage, the lion got away.
Get on the bus!

bring up: çocuk yetiştirmek, bir konuyu gündeme getirmek

Peter Parker was brought up by his aunt.
In the meeting, as expected, he did not bring up the topic of salary.

put aside: kenara koymak

You should put aside some money for rainy days.

work out: vücut çalışmak, anlamak

he looks fit. He must have been working out.
We will work out this later.

knock down: yıkmak

They are knocking down the building in order to build a hotel.

look out: dikkat etmek

watch out: dikkat etmek
Look out / Waych out! A car is coming.

speak up: sesini yükseltmek

Can you speak up? I cannot hear you.

try on: üzerinde denemek

Can I try this jacket on?

ring up: aramak

I will ring you up tomorrow.

pay back: borcunu ödemek

He did not pay back.

show around: gezdirmek, sağı solu göstermek

I can show ou around if you like

grow up: büyümek

He grew up in a huge city.


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