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That is, AR can broadcast virtual 3D content on top of existing 2D footage, making TV shows and movies

more visual for example are Game shows & Virtual sets.

AR incorporates three features: a combination of digital and physical worlds, interactions made in real
time, and accurate 3D identification of virtual and real objects.

AR in print media

AR Newspapers - Augmented reality newspapers are an excellent way to engage and entertain readers.
The reader can read the traditional paper and also scan a target image to reveal the augmented content
related to the story. Newspapers can augment cartoons or share video stories with their readers.

(Augmented Reality Software Development Kit) An augmented reality (AR) platform for iPhones and
iPads from Apple. Introduced in 2017 along with iOS 11, ARKit is Apple's counterpart to Google's ARCore

iOS 11 is the biggest AR platform in the world, allowing you to create unparalleled augmented reality
experiences for hundreds of millions of iOS users. Now you can build even more immersive experiences
by taking advantage of the latest features of ARKit, available in iOS 11.3 beta.

Through the use of Augmented Reality technology could make use of the real physical context and
thereby enrich the educational process of antibiotics prescription.

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