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San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Parents’ Perception on the Implementation

of Modular Distance Learning at San Gregorio
Integrated School

Action Research

Prepared by:




Public Schools District Supervisor

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Parents’ Perception on the Implementation

of Modular Distance Learning at San Gregorio
Integrated School

Edjie P. Calanog
San Gregorio Integrated School
District of Laurel

This study is envisioned to examine parent’s perception on the

implementation of Modular Distance Learning at San Gregorio Integrated School
S.Y. 2020-2021.Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: what is
the profile of the respondents;how do parents perceive Modular Distance
Learning, the challenges and problems encountered by the parents in guiding
their children and the opportunities met in the implementation of Modular
Distance Learning and what course of action may be done to augment a positive
feedback and strengthened parents’ involvement in the implementation of
Modular Distance Leaning.It utilized a descriptive design of research. The
respondents of the study were the 82 parents of San Gregorio Integrated School
from Kinder to Grade 9. This study exposed that the respondents were employed
part time; majority of the parents were highschool level/graduate and has 2-3
members of the family who are studying. The parents have a strong agreement
that modular distance learning is the best option of continuing education in the
new normal and it provides learning that is safe and not risky. The problems and
challenges encountered by the parents consist of additional stress and burden to
the parents; difficulty in providing technical and academic support to children in
modular distance learning; it consumes the time in monitoring the childrens’
answer and failed to do the household chores and lack of methods used/no
methods used in teaching so the pupils get bored easily.As to the opportunities in
the implementation of modular distance learning it gives positive close bonding
among parents and children; enhances the communication betwen and among
parents and children; and parents were able to teach life skills to their children.

Keywords: Modular distance learning, perception, descriptive design

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

I. Context and Rationale

The public health emergency brought about by COVID 19 calls for the Department of

Education (DepEd) to be innovative and resources in delivering quality, accessible, relevant and

liberating education. In response to this emergency, DepEd developed the Basic Education

Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to ensure the learning opportunities are provided to our

leraners in a safe manner, through different learning delivery. In line with this, the Department

through its Regional and Schools Division Offices undertake the urgent and necessary

development, production and provision, in accordance with its mandate.

Moreover, 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV, section 1 and 2 states that Section 1.

The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels. And

shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Section 2 stated that the

state shall (1) establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate ang integrated syatem of

education relevant to the needs of the people and the society; (2) establish and maintain a

system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels.

Pursuant to the above-cited constitutional provisions, as well as Execuative Order No.

292 or the Administrative Code of 1987, Republic Act No. 9155 or the Governance od Basic

Education Act of 2001 and RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Deped is

mandated to protect and promote the right of access to quality basic education. Accordingly, it is

leagally tasked to provide a learner-centered, inlusive, responsive, relevant and contextaulized

K to 12 education.

In line with this legal basis, education must continue and must be responsive to the

needs of the learners in the new normal. Citing results from the Learner Enrollment and Survey

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Forms (LESF) gathered nationwide, DepEd said that 8.8 million parents preferred modular for

their children both in public and private schools. Modular modality refers to both printed and

digital or offline learning materials.

Morever, DepEd said 3.9 million parents chose blended modality or a combination of two

or more alternative learning modalities. Only 3.8 million parents opted for online. A total of 1.4

million parents prefer educational television while at least 900,000 chose radio-based

instruction. Around 500,000 or half a million parents preferred other modalities. DepEd said the

LESF was the main enrollment tool used for the remote and dropbox enrollment for School Year

(SY) 2020-2021. “The tool is an expanded version of the regular enrollment form which captures

not only the basic profile of learners but also relevant survey questions for parents designed to

profile the household in terms of their readiness for distance education,” DepEd said.

The LESF captured the vital information that will provide DepEd with evidence in making

the implementation of Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) grounded on data such as the

employment status of parents or guardian, manner of going to school of students, and number

of students in every household.

Other information includes the presence of household members that can provide

instructional support in distance learning, availability of gadgets and devices, access to Internet,

preferred learning modality, challenges that may affect learning in distance mode, and the

number of private school learners who enrolled in public schools.

Of the current total enrollment for SY 2020-2021, DepEd data showed that 20.95 million

are students enrolled in public schools or 92.8 percent of last school year’s enrollment rate.

There are 1.37 million students who registered in private schools or 31.9 percent of the total

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

enrollment in SY 2019-2020. The enrollment data covers Kindergarten-to-Grade 12, including

Alternative Learning System (ALS) and non-graded learners with disabilities. Of the current

number of enrollment, 1.54 million students are in Kindergarten; 10.97 million in Elementary;

7.02 million in Junior High School (JHS); and 2.44 million in Senior High School (SHS). A total

of 58, 643 learners with disabilities also registered along with 313, 263 students under the ALS.

Region 4-A (Calabarzon) still has the highest number of enrollment with over three million

followed by Region 3 (Central Luzon) with 2.35 million and National Capital Region (NCR) with

2.30 million students.

The education system is greatly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. But despite this,

the Department of Education (DepEd) Laurel District is still adamant to continue delivering basic

education to all Laurellians. In line with this, San Gregorio Integrated School is doing its best to

distinguish the effective modality to be implemented in every school. These include different

learning delivery modalities that the department will look into such as Online Learning, Modular

Distance Learning, Blended Learning, Radio-Based Instruction, and TV-Based Instruction. As a

final learning modality based on the parents’ responses on the LESF, Modular Distance

Learning emerged to be the best fit at San Gregorio Integrated School.

Finally, based on the dry run conducted last July 2020 and initial implementation of the

modular distance leaning, parents were severely affected and experience a culture and

academic shock as they take their part as an active implementers of the delivery modality.

Various challenges and problems confronted them in the actual implementation. As officer-in

charge and guidance conselor of the school, these urge the researchers to conduct this study.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Action Research Questions

This study is envisioned to examine parent’s perception on the implementation of

Modular Distance Learning at San Gregorio Integrated School S.Y. 2020-2021.Specifically, it

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. employment status;

1.2. educational attainment;

1.3. household members who are studying;

2. How do parents perceive Modular Distance Learning?

3. What are the challenges and problems encountered by the parents in guiding their

children in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning?

4. What are the opportunities met in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning?

5. What course of action may be done to augment a positive feedback and strengthened

parents’ involvement in the implementation of Modular Distance Leaning at San

Gregorio Integrated School?

II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

San Gregorio Integrated School come up with a proposed action plan of addressing the

parents’ challenges and problems encountered in the delivery of modular distance learning.

(Please see attached Proposed Action Plan)

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

IV. Action Research Methods

A. Participants of the Study

The participants of this study were the 82 parents who may consist of a mother, a father

or a guardian of the pupils of San Gregorio Integrated School S.Y. 2020-2021. The design was

selected on the basis of nature of the problem and the study hypotheses. Slovin’s Formula and

convenience sampling were used in the selection of the respondents because subjects are

selected of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researchers in times of the


Table 1

Summary of Respondents

Grade No. of Respondents

Kinder 8

Grade I 9

Grade II 12

Grade III 7

Grade IV 4

Grade V 7

Grade VI 10

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Grade VII 10

Grade VIII 7

Grade IX 8

Total 82

B. Data Gathering Methods

A descriptive quantitative design was used in this study. This action research relied chiefly on

the responses of the parents in the given survey questionnaire. Interview was also employed to

further solidify the answers of the respondents.

C. Data Analysis Plan

The data obtained was carefully tabulated, evaluated and analyzed using percentage

and ranking to identify the parents’ perception on the modular distance learning The data and

information gathered were analyzed using the following tools:

Percentage. This was used to indicate the frequency of the sample wherein scores fall

into specific group.

Ranking. This was applied to determine the importance of responses and which among

the variables were given first or their specific position of importance.

Weighted Mean. It was used as measures of the average responses of the parents in

their perception to modular distance learning.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Scoring of responses. The score of each item was given a corresponding weight value

with 1 as the lowest and 4 as the highest score. Descriptive equivalents or verbal descriptions

were provided for the interpretation of numerical results.

Options Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.50-3.49 Agree (A)

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree (D)

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

V. Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data.

Profile of the Parents of San Gregorio Integrated School

Table 2
Profile of the Respondents

Employment Status
Responses Percentage
Full Time Employed 22 26.83%
Part Time Employed 38 46.34%
Self-Employed 15 18.29%
Unemployed 7 8.54%
Total 82 100%

Educational Attainment
Elementary Level 19 23.17%
Secondary Level 54 65.85%
College 7 8.54%

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

MA/Doctoral 2 2.44%
Total 82 100%

Household Members Who Are Studying

0-1 21 25.61%
2-3 54 65.85%
4-5 7 8.54%
Total 82 100 %

As shown in the table, the profile of the parents was disclosed. As to the employment

status, 38 or 46.34% of the parents of San Gregorio were employed part-time. This includes

being a caretaker at the houses at Canyon Woods, occasional nature of work this period of

pandemic such as catering, nail care servicing, dishwashing, laundry and the like. Morever, 22

or 26.83.% of the parents were full timer worker such as campany operator at Laguna and

Cavite and security guards; while 15 or 18.29% of them were self-employed and 7 or 8.54 were


It implied that majority of the parents of San Gregorio Integrated School were part time

and full time workers. This makes them difficult in the guiding and supervising their children in

the implementation of the modular distance learning. As a result, many of them hired tutor for

their children while others ask favor for their elders and other family members to help the

children in answering the modules.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

As to the educational of the parents, 54 or 65.85% finished high school level; 19 or

23.17% were elementary completers, 7 or 8.54% were finished college and 2 0r 2.44% were

Master of Arts or Doctoral graduate.

It can be inferred that these parents can really assist and direct their children in terms of

instruction of the modular distance learning. They are equipped with the basic skills and

knowledge to instruct their learners on what to do to the laening tasks given by the teachers.

For the last variable under the profile, majority of the family have 2-3 learners as

supported by the 54 or 65.85% of the responses, 21 or 25.61% of them have 0-1 learners and 7

or 8.54% have 4-5 learners.

Based from the data, it can be deduced that there is really difficulty for them to manage

their time in order to teach and instruct their children. Based on the interview, the parent claimed

that she had to manage her time in order to teach the chidren at the same do their work.

Balancing time is really important.

Table 3 presents the perception of the parents of San Gregorio Integrated School. As

depicted in the table, the parents strongly confirmed that modular distance learning is timely and

relevant while still battling the Covid 19 pandemic as evidenced by its weighted mean of 3.98

interpreted as strongly agree. They further believed that it provides learning that is safe and not

risky with the weijted mean of 3.88 interpreted as strongly agree.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Table 3

Parents’ Perception on Modular Distance Learning

Items WM Verbal
Modular distance learning is the best option of continuing 3.70 SA
education in the new normal.

It provides learning that is safe and not risky. 3.88 SA

Parents play active role in the successful implementation of 3.33 A

Modular distance learning is timely and relevant while still 3.98 SA
battling the Covid 19 pandemic.

It allows the learners to self learning. 3.28 A

It encourages individualization and therefore permits every 3.17 A

learner to learn in his/her own pace.

It requires management of time for the various activities 3.80 SA

loaded to be answered within a week.

Composite Mean 3.59 SA

Legend: Strongly Agree (SA) Agree(A) Disagree(D) Strongly Disagree (SD)

The respondents strongly agrred that MDL requires management of time for the various

activities loaded to be answered within a week as shoen by the weighted mean of 3.80. Also,

they perceived that modular distance learning is still the best option of continuing education in

the new normal as it gained the weighted mean of 3.70 which bears the interpretation strongly


Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

However, there is an agreement of the respondents on the statements parents play an

active role on the successful implementation of modular distance learning; modular distance

learning is timely and relevant while still battling the Covid 19 pandemic; and it allows the

learners to self learning; and it encourages individualization and therefore permits every learner

to learn in his/her own pace with the weighted mean 3.33, 3.28 and 3.17 respectively.

It can be assumed that these parents have a positive perception towards the

implementation of modular distance learning because thet believe that education must continue

amidst the COVID 19 pandemic.

Challenges and Problems Encountered by Parents in the Implementation of Modular

Distance Learning at San Gregorio Integrated School

The challenges and problems encountered by the parents include the following:

1. Modular distance learning gives additional stress and burden to the parents.

2. Difficulty in providing technical and academic support to children in modular distance


3. It consumes the time in monitoring the children’s answer and failed to do the household


4. Lack of methods used/no methods used in teaching so the pupils get bored easily.

5. Heavy workload makes the parents and pupils exhausted.

6. There is pressure since the modules are to be submitted to a specific time.

7. Pupils’ workload level progresses every week. There is an increased output expected

from them.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

8. The pupils were not motivated

9. Lack necessary learning because the teaching learning process solely depends on the

interpretation of the parents and how he/she instructs the child.

10. There must be 100 % parents’ involvement which makes it difficult for working parents.

Opportunities in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning

1. Close bonding among parents and children.

2. Enhances the communication between and among parents and children.

3. Quality time spent with the children.

4. Safe from the dangers of COVID 19

5. Education does not stop.

6. Parents were able to teach life skills to their children.

Please see Attached Action Plan Designed for Parents for the Implementation of

Modular Distance Learning


On the basis of findings obtained through the analysis of data gathered, the following

conclusions were arrived at:

1. On the profile of the respondents, they are employed part time; majority of the parents

are highschool level/graduate and has 2-3 members of the family who are studying at

San Gregorio Integrated School.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

2. The parents have a strong agreement that modular distance learning is the best option

of continuing education in the new normal and it provides learning that is safe and not

risky. They strongly agreed that it requires management of time due to various

activities loaded to be answered within a week.

3. The problems and challenges encountered by the parents consist of additional stress

and burden to the parents; difficulty in providing technical and academic support to

children in modular distance learning; it consumes the time in monitoring the childrens’

answer and failed to do the household chores and lack of methods used/no methods

used in teaching so the pupils get bored easily.

4. As to the opportunities in the implementation of modular distance learning it gives

positive close bonding among parents and children; enhances the communication

between and among parents and children; and parents were able to teach life skills to

their children.


Based on the findings and conclusions made, the following recommendations are suggested:

1. Parents must be empowered by the teachers and school head to continue to be the

active partners in the implementation of modular distance learning.

2. Teachers may encourage parents to have support group to boost support for modular

distance learning until the fourth quarter.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

3. Reinforcement of teachers to parents is urgently needed like webinars and open channel

of communication for their queries and easy facilitation of their instructions to the

learners at home.

4. Teachers in every station must set virtual meetings, kamustahan or conferences to

address the problems and challenges encountered and able to find solution.

5. Feedback giving must be intensified to help the learning parents under the teaching and

learning process of the new normal.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Proposed Action Plan for the Parents to Address the Problems and Challenges

Encountered in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning

at San Gregorio Integrated School

Objectives Activities Time Persons Resources Success

Frame Involved Needed Indicator

Project PEMDL  Conduct dialog School Conducted

Parents Empowerment in with the parents Head
Modular Distance every week. October Teachers
Learning 2020 Parents Conducted
 Provide schedule - Guardians
for the teachers July LGU Php.
and parents to 2021 2,000.00
follow up the (MOOE
challenges and Fund)
problems met. Conducted

 Provide
inputs and To be conducted
outputs for the
benefits of the
To be conducted
 Monitor feedback
giving for the
 Conduct weekly
assessment or
monitoring to
assure active
involvement of
the parents.

Project ANAK  Strengthen the To be Conducted

relationship of the
Ako Na Aagapay sa parents and October
children through 2020 To be Conducted
Karunungan Mo active -
involvement. July School Php.

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

 Creating of 2021 Head 1,000.00

support group Teachers (MOOE
among teachers Parents Fund)
and parents on Guardians
the various LGU
techniques and
motivational To be Conducted
activities fro the
children to relax
and love learning
at home.
 Providing time
activities to
lessen the burden
in guiding the

Launch Best  Acknowledges March School Php. To be Conducted

the efforts and 2021 Head 1,000.00
Parent/Guardian Award sacrifices of the Teachers (MOOE
parents in the Parents Fund)
successful Guardians
implementation of LGU
modular distance

VIII. Work Plan

ACTIVITIES Month Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month Month 6

1 5
Shade the corresponding
month per

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Add rows if necessary

1. Gathering Literature June

of the Study 2020
2. Drafting the research June
3. Conducting of July
Research 2020
4. Peer Validation of the July
Result 2020
5. Finalization of the Septemb
Results er 2020
6.Statistical Treatment October
and Concerns of the 2020
7. Drafting of Reseach October
Output 2020

8. Encoding and polishing October

of the paper 2020

9. Submission of action October

research to the school, 2020
district and division

Appendix A. Responses of the Respondents

Items 4 (SA) 3 (A) 2 (D) 1(SD)

Modular distance learning is the best 63 13 6 0
option of continuing education in the
new normal.
It provides learning that is safe and 75 4 3 0
not risky.
Parents play active role in the 32 45 5 0

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

successful implementation of MDL

Modular distance learning is timely
and relevant while still battling the
Covid 19 pandemic.
It allows the learners to self learning. 26 54 1 1
It encourgaes individualization and 23 54 1 4
therefore permits every learner to
learn in his/her own pace.
It requires management of time for 75 2 1 4
the various activities loaded to be
answered within a week.

Dochy, F.J.R. Modularisation and Student Learning in Modular Instruction in Relation in Relation
With Prior Knowledge. Heerlen, Netherlands
Suheyla Demirkol Oralk. An Evauation of Modular Distance Teaching in the preparatory English
Program. Aksaray University. 2018

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch
San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

DepEd Order No. 18 Series 2020 (Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources in
the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan
DepEd Order No. 21 Series 2019 (Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
DepEd Order No. 12 Series 2020 (Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan
1987 Philippine Constutution
Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987)
Republic Act 9155
Republic Act 10533

Address: San Gregorio, Laurel, Batangas

Cellphone Number: 09101329526
School ID: 501011
Email add.:
Facebook Group: San Gregorio Integrated Sch

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