TEKS MC (English Version)

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Salam. Basmallah

First of all, there isn’t a glorious word to say in this opportunity except thanking and praying onto Allah Al-
mighty. The king of the universe, the lord of human beings who bestowed his mercies and blessings to all
creatures. Him only we worship and Him only we ask for help.

Sholawat and salam we deliver to our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) who had been sent by Allah to
guide us from the darkness to the brightness with full knowledge and technology

__________________TOPIC _____________


That’s all what could I deliver to you in this golden opportunity. Al haqqu mirabbik falaa takunanna minal
mumtariin, If you find any mistake in my speech, pardon me. Because I’m just a human being who can still make
wrong deeds and mistakes. Thank you very much for your attentions.

The last but not least I say wassalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.


Your excellency : Mr./Mrs ……………. (as the head of ../director of ..)

Respectable : The teachers
Honorable : Audiences/my beloved brothers

Basmallah. Salam
First of all, there isn’t a glorious word to say in this opportunity except thanking and praying onto Allah Al-
mighty. The king of the universe, the lord of human beings who bestowed his mercies and blessings to all
creatures. Him only we worship and Him only we ask for help.

Sholawat and salam we deliver to our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) who had been sent by
Allah to guide us from the darkness to the brightness with full knowledge and technology

Standing in front of you as the master of ceremony (Me, Ahmad) I would like to bring the agenda of the
moment today. Firstly, let me read the programs one by one.
The 1st program is opening, 2nd is reciting the holy Qur’an, the 3 rd is speech, the 4th is performance and the
last is closing.

Let’s open our first meeting by reciting basmallah

Thank you very much. May our meeting run well from opening until closing, aamiin

Well, let’s come to the first program namely reciting the holy Qur’an which will be recited by … and the
English translation by … . To all reciters please take your time.

Thank you very much, may God receives it as our rewards.

And now, time to speech, 1st speech by ….. as the director of …, 2nd speech by … as the leader of …

For Mr … as …. to proceed the stage. The time/place is yours.

(thanks for your nice speech/amazing speech)

We are going to the most waited program, Performance our speaker . Give applause for Mr …

That’s perfect speech, congratulation for you, sir

Well the audiences, those are the programs of our moment. Last but not least,, as the MC, I’d like to
apologize for the inconveniences and mistakes I did. Billion thanks for your kind attention, let’s close our
meeting by reciting hamdallah together.

The last I say wassalamu’alaikum wr wb. Thank you for join, I’m Ahmad, See you on the next moment.

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