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Analysis by Marko Zidarić

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report Overview, Front view

Model data
Name Type National design code Material code Model Ex [N/mm2] Ey [N/mm2]
1 S 235 Steel Eurocode 10025-2 Linear 210000 210000
2 C24 Timber Eurocode EN 338:2009 Linear 11000 370

Name  T [1/°C]  [kg/m3] Material Contour Texture P1 P2

1 S 235 0,30 1,2E-5 7850 ...... ...... Steel fy[N/mm2] = 235,00 fu[N/mm2] = 360,00
2 C24 0,20 8E-6 420 ...... ...... Wood 1 Soft E0.05[N/mm2] = 7400

Name P3 P4 P5 P6
1 S 235 fy*[N/mm2] = 215,00 fu*[N/mm2] = 360,00
2 C24 Gmean[N/mm2] = 690 fmk[N/mm2] = 24,00 ft0k[N/mm2] = 14,00 ft90k[N/mm2] = 0,40

Name P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14

1 S 235
2 C24 fc0k[N/mm2] = 21,00 fc90k[N/mm2] = 2,50 fvk[N/mm2] = 4,00 kcr = 0,67

Name: Material name; Type: Type of material; Model: Material model; Ex: Young’s modulus of elasticity in local x direction; Ey: Young’s modulus of elasticity
in local y direction; : Poisson’s ratio; T: Thermal expansion coefficient; : Density; Material: Material color; Contour: Material outline color; P1, P2, P3, P4,
P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14: Design parameter;

Name Drawing Process Shape h b tw tf r1 r2 r3
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1 HEA 200 Rolled I 190,0 200,0 6,5 10,0 18,0 0 0
2 L    80X 80X10 Rolled L 80,0 80,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 0
3 150x300 Other Rect. 300,0 150,0 0 0 0 0 0

Name Ax Ay Az Ix Iy Iz Iyz
[mm2] [mm2] [mm2] [mm4] [mm4] [mm4] [mm4]
1 HEA 200 5383,32 3656,53 1205,98 207903,0 3,6923E+7 1,3355E+7 0
2 L    80X 80X10 1510,78 677,18 683,28 53269,8 874962,9 874962,9 -511232,8
3 150x300 45000,00 37500,00 37500,00 2,3154E+8 3,375E+8 8,4375E+7 0

Name I1 I2  I W1,el,t W1,el,b W2,el,t W2,el,b

[mm4] [mm4] [°] [mm6] [mm3] [mm3] [mm3] [mm3]

Model 3.axs –2–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

1 HEA 200 3,6923E+7 1,3355E+7 0 1,0545E+11 388660,8 388660,8 133551,2 133551,2

2 L    80X 80X10 1386196,0 363730,0 45,00 2,1418E+7 24504,7 24504,7 12747,5 11010,4
3 150x300 3,375E+8 8,4375E+7 0 2,3141E+11 2250000,0 2250000,0 1125000,0 1125000,0

Name W1,pl W2,pl iy iz Hy Hz yG zG ys zs y z w

[mm3] [mm3] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] []
1 HEA 200 429500,3 203819,7 82,8 49,8 200,0 190,0 100,0 95,0 0 0 0 0 -0,1
2 L    80X 80X10 39340,8 20216,8 24,1 24,1 80,0 80,0 23,4 23,4 -17,4 -17,4 70,2 70,2 0
3 150x300 3375000,0 1687500,0 86,6 43,3 150,0 300,0 75,0 150,0 0 0 0 0 0

Name S.p.
1 HEA 200 9
2 L    80X 80X10 4
3 150x300 5

Name: Cross-section name; Process: Manufacturing process; h: Cross-section height; b: Cross-section width; tw: Web thickness; tf: Flange thickness; r1, r2, r3:
Rounding radius; Ax: Cross-section area; Ay, Az: Shear area; Ix: Torsional inertia; Iy, Iz: Flexural inertia; Iyz: Centrifugal inertia; I1, I2: Principal flexural
inertia; : Principal directions; I: Warping constant; W1,el,t, W1,el,b, W2,el,t, W2,el,b: Elastic section modulus; W1,pl, W2,pl: Plastic section modulus; iy, iz: Radius of
inertia; Hy: Dimension in local y direction; Hz: Dimension in local z direction; yG: y coordinate of the center of gravity; zG: z coordinate of the center of gravity;
ys: y coordinate of the shear (torsion) center relative to the center of gravity; zs: z coordinate of the shear (torsion) center relative to the center of gravity; y, z,
w: Wagner’s coefficient; S.p.: Stress calculation points;

Load cases
Name Group Group type
1 ST1 --- ---
2G PERM1 Permanent
3 ST2 PERM1 Permanent

Name: Load case name; Group: Load group; Group type: Load group type;

Load groups (Eurocode)

Group Type G,sup G,inf   0 1 2 Additive
1 PERM1 Permanent 1,350 1,000 0,850 1

Group: Load group; 0, 1, 2: Psi factor; Additive: Simultaneous load cases;

X [m] Y [m] Z [m]
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 3,000
3 0 6,000 0
4 0 6,000 3,000
5 6,000 6,000 0
6 6,000 6,000 3,000
7 6,000 0 0
8 6,000 0 3,000
9 3,000 0 3,000
10 3,000 6,000 3,000
11 6,000 3,000 3,000
12 3,000 3,000 3,000

Nodal supports
Node X [m] Y [m] Z [m] Type Namez Kz KzV Namexx Kxx KxxV
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/rad] [kNm/rad]
1 1 0 0 0 Glob. Rigid - Translational 1E+10 1E+10 — 0 0
2 3 0 6,000 0 Glob. Rigid - Translational 1E+10 1E+10 — 0 0
3 5 6,000 6,000 0 Glob. Rigid - Translational 1E+10 1E+10 — 0 0
4 7 6,000 0 0 Glob. Rigid - Translational 1E+10 1E+10 — 0 0

Node Nameyy Kyy KyyV Namezz Kzz KzzV

[kNm/rad] [kNm/rad] [kNm/rad] [kNm/rad]
1 1— 0 0 Rigid - Rotational 1E+10 1E+10

Model 3.axs –3–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

2 3— 0 0 Rigid - Rotational 1E+10 1E+10

3 5— 0 0 Rigid - Rotational 1E+10 1E+10
4 7— 0 0 Rigid - Rotational 1E+10 1E+10

Node: Supported node; Type: Support type; Kz, Kxx, Kyy, Kzz: Initial stiffness;

G: Beam self weight

 [kg]
1–56 1761,504
Total 1761,504

: Total mass;

ST2: Distributed loads on beams and ribs

Type Length a/d Pos. px py pz mtor my mz
[m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
1 Beam G ln. 3,000 a 0 0 5,00 0 0 0 0
1,000 0 5,00 0 0 0 0
4 Beam G ln. 3,000 a 0 0 5,00 0 0 0 0
1,000 0 5,00 0 0 0 0
5 Beam G ln. 6,000 a 0 0 0 -10,00 0 0 0
1,000 0 0 -10,00 0 0 0
9 Beam G ln. 6,000 a 0 0 0 -2,00 0 0 0
1,000 0 0 -2,00 0 0 0
10 Beam G ln. 3,000 a 0 0 0 -2,00 0 0 0
1,000 0 0 -2,00 0 0 0

Type Eccentricity ey ez
[mm] [mm]
1 Beam G ln. No eccentricity

4 Beam G ln. No eccentricity

5 Beam G ln. No eccentricity

9 Beam G ln. No eccentricity

10 Beam G ln. No eccentricity

Type: Load type; Length: Element length; a/d: Position by ratio(a) or by length(d), * = throughout; Pos.: Position; px, py, pz: Load force component; mtor:
Torsional moment; my: Flexural moment about local y axis; mz: Flexural moment about local z axis;

Model 3.axs –4–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Entire model

Report Front view

Report G, Front view

Model 3.axs –5–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report ST2, Front view

Linear static analysis


Beam displacements
Critical Min,Max.

Beam displacements [Linear,(SLS Quasipermanent) Critical]

Sh. Cross-section C min. Loc. Node ez fx Critical combination
name max. [m] [mm] [rad]
— — — —— — — — — —
9 3 150x300 ez min 3,000 (12) -28,069 0,00010 [G+ST2]
10 1 HEA 200 min 3,000 (12) -28,071 0,00003 [G+ST2]
7 1 HEA 200 max 0,825 0,419 0,00033 [G+ST2]
8 1 HEA 200 fx min 2,850 -2,540 -0,01333 [G+ST2]
6 1 HEA 200 max 0 (4) -0,109 0,00383 [G+ST2]

Sh.: Cross-section; C: Extremal component; min. max.: Extreme type; Loc.: Cross-section local x position on the beam; ez: Translation in local z direction; fx:
Rotation in local x direction;

Model 3.axs –6–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report [I], Linear,(SLS Quasipermanent) Critical Min., eZ, Diagram, Front view

Report [I], Linear,(SLS Quasipermanent) Critical Max., eZ, Diagram, Front view

Model 3.axs –7–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report [I], Linear,(SLS Quasipermanent) Critical Min., fY, Diagram, Front view

Report [I], Linear,(SLS Quasipermanent) Critical Max., fY, Diagram, Front view

Internal forces

Beam internal forces

Critical Min,Max.

Beam internal forces [Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical]

Sh. Cross-section C min. Loc. Node Nx Vz My Critical combination
name max. [m] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
— — — — — — — — — — —
2 1 HEA 200 Nx min 0 (3) -56,246 -2,523 0 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
10 1 HEA 200 max 0 (11) -0,004 -3,622 0 [G+ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 Vz min 0 (2) -12,980 -37,088 8,458 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) -12,980 47,270 39,002 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 My min 2,700 -12,980 0,873 -40,433 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) -12,980 47,270 39,002 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]

Model 3.axs –8–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Sh.: Cross-section; C: Extremal component; min. max.: Extreme type; Loc.: Cross-section local x position on the beam; Nx: Axial force; Vz: Shear force in
local z direction; My: Flexural moment about local y axis;

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Min., Nx, Diagram, Front view

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Max., Nx, Diagram, Front view

Model 3.axs –9–

Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Min., Vz, Diagram, Front view

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Max., Vz, Diagram, Front view

Model 3.axs – 10 –
Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Min., My, Diagram, Front view

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical Max., My, Diagram, Front view

Nodal support internal forces

Critical Min,Max.

Nodal support internal forces [Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical]

Node X [m] Y [m] Z [m] Type C min. Rx Rz Critical combination
max. [kN] [kN]
— — — — — — —— — — —
1 1 0 0 0 Glob. Rx min -2,549 -46,123 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
4 7 6,000 0 0 Glob. max 2,551 -8,066 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
2 3 0 6,000 0 Glob. Rz min -2,523 -56,246 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
4 7 6,000 0 0 Glob. max 1,889 -5,975 [G+ST2]

Node: Supported node; Type: Support type; C: Extremal component; min. max.: Extreme type; Rx: Support reaction force x component; Rz: Support reaction
force z component;

Model 3.axs – 11 –
Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić


Beam stresses
Critical Min,Max.

Beam stresses [Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical]

Sh. Cross-section C min. Loc. Node Smin Smax Vmin Vmax
name max. [m] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]
— — — — — — — — — — —
2 1 HEA 200 Smin min 3,000 (4) -322,22 300,37 0,14 4,23
9 3 150x300 max 6,000 (10) -0,22 0,22 0 0,28
2 1 HEA 200 Smax min 0 (3) -10,45 -10,45 0,09 4,16
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) -322,22 300,37 0,14 5,45
9 3 150x300 Vmin min 1,500 (50) -4,41 4,41 0 0,17
8 1 HEA 200 max 4,500 (38) -8,15 7,45 5,25 9,00
9 3 150x300 Vmax min 3,000 (12) -6,78 6,79 0 0,06
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) -104,18 99,43 0,07 40,57
9 3 150x300 Somin min 0,075 -0,38 0,37 0 0,27
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) -104,18 99,43 0,07 40,57
9 3 150x300 Somax min 0,075 -0,38 0,37 0 0,27
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) -322,22 300,37 0,14 5,45
4 1 HEA 200 Vymean min 0 (7) -1,50 -1,50 0,75 5,09
1 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (2) -87,77 80,30 0,81 6,25
5 1 HEA 200 Vzmean min 0 (2) -20,87 17,06 0,42 23,82
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) -77,17 73,65 0,05 30,05

Sh. Cross-section C min. Loc. Node Somin Somax Vymean Vzmean

name max. [m] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]
— — — — — — — — — — —
2 1 HEA 200 Smin min 3,000 (4) 5,12 322,22 -2,41 -0,47
9 3 150x300 max 6,000 (10) 0,21 0,48 0 0,18
2 1 HEA 200 Smax min 0 (3) 10,45 12,69 -2,41 -0,47
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) 5,12 322,22 -2,41 -0,47
9 3 150x300 Vmin min 1,500 (50) 0,30 4,41 0 -0,11
8 1 HEA 200 max 4,500 (38) 10,81 15,88 0 1,21
9 3 150x300 Vmax min 3,000 (12) 0,10 6,79 0 0,04
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) 70,31 104,71 0 8,78
9 3 150x300 Somin min 0,075 0,04 0,48 0 -0,18
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) 70,31 104,71 0 8,78
9 3 150x300 Somax min 0,075 0,04 0,48 0 -0,18
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) 5,12 322,22 -2,41 -0,47
4 1 HEA 200 Vymean min 0 (7) 1,99 8,94 -2,53 0,47
1 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (2) 7,16 87,78 2,41 -0,47
5 1 HEA 200 Vzmean min 0 (2) 11,63 41,30 0 -5,10
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) 52,08 77,56 0 6,50

Sh. Cross-section C min. Loc. Node Critical combination

name max. [m]
— — — — — — ——
2 1 HEA 200 Smin min 3,000 (4) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
9 3 150x300 max 6,000 (10) [G+ST2]
2 1 HEA 200 Smax min 0 (3) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
9 3 150x300 Vmin min 1,500 (50) [G+ST2]
8 1 HEA 200 max 4,500 (38) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
9 3 150x300 Vmax min 3,000 (12) [G+ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
9 3 150x300 Somin min 0,075 [G+ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
9 3 150x300 Somax min 0,075 [G+ST2]
2 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (4) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
4 1 HEA 200 Vymean min 0 (7) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
1 1 HEA 200 max 3,000 (2) [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 Vzmean min 0 (2) [G+ST2]
5 1 HEA 200 max 6,000 (4) [G+ST2]

Model 3.axs – 12 –
Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Sh.: Cross-section; C: Extremal component; min. max.: Extreme type; Loc.: Cross-section local x position on the beam; Smin: Axial stress cross-Section
minimum; Smax: Axial stress cross-Section maximum; Vmin: Shear stress cross-section minimum; Vmax: Shear stress cross-section maximum; Somin: Von
Mises stress cross-section minimum; Somax: Von Mises stress cross-section maximum; Vymean: Shear stress in local y direction; Vzmean: Shear stress in local
z direction;

Steel design

Structural member utilization (Eurocode)

Critical Min,Max.

Structural member utilization (Eurocode) [Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical]

Design Type Material Shape Max. Loc. Analysis Max.    Nx Vy
member [m] [kN] [kN]
1(9–8) (Beam) S 235 HEA 200 0 N-M-LTBuckl 0,151 -2,545 0,007
2(2–9) (Beam) S 235 HEA 200 3,000 N-M-LTBuckl 0,148 -2,547 -0,010
3(10–6) (Beam) S 235 HEA 200 0 N-M-LTBuckl 0,132 -2,521 -0,007
4(4–10) (Beam) S 235 HEA 200 3,000 N-M-Buckl 0,119 -2,526 0,012
—— — — — — — —— — —
1(9–8) (Beam) S 235 HEA 200 0 N-M-LTBuckl 0,151 -2,545 0,007

Design Vz Tx My Mz Ky Kz Kw Za C1 C2 C3 Curve N Curve

member [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] class N class LT
1(9–8) 5,676 0,195 -11,910 0,027 1,000 1,000 1,000 As defined — — — c 0,761 b
2(2–9) -5,677 -0,136 -11,911 0,027 1,000 1,000 1,000 As defined — — — c 0,761 b
3(10–6) 5,619 -0,029 -11,797 -0,020 1,000 1,000 1,000 As defined — — — c 0,761 b
4(4–10) -5,619 -0,029 -11,796 -0,027 1,000 1,000 1,000 As defined — — — c 0,761 b
—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1(9–8) 5,676 0,195 -11,910 0,027 1,000 1,000 1,000 As defined — — — c 0,761 b

Design LT a Critical combination

member [m]
1(9–8) 1,000 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
2(2–9) 1,000 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
3(10–6) 0,903 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
4(4–10) 1,000 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
—— — ——
1(9–8) 1,000 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]

Design member: Design member (endpoint nodes); Shape: Cross-section; Max. Loc.: Maximum Location; Analysis: Analysis resulting the maximum value;
Max.: Maximum Value; Nx: Axial force; Vy: Shear force in local y direction; Vz: Shear force in local z direction; Tx: Torsional moment; My: Flexural moment
about local y axis; Mz: Flexural moment about local z axis; Ky, Kz, Kw, Za, C1, C2, C3, Curve class N, N, Curve class LT, LT, a: Design parameters;

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical, Utilization ULS, Diagram, Front view

Model 3.axs – 13 –
Analysis by Marko Zidarić AxisVM X7 R1c-qf1 · Registered to Marko Zidarić

Timber design

Structural member utilization (Eurocode)

Critical Min,Max.

Structural member utilization (Eurocode) [Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical]

Design Type Material Shape Max. Loc. Analysis Max.    Nx Vy Vz
member [m] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1 (9–10) (Beam) C24 150x300 3,000 N-M-Buckl 0,821 -0,017 0,001 -2,502
—— — — — —— —— — — —
1 (9–10) (Beam) C24 150x300 3,000 N-M-Buckl 0,821 -0,017 0,001 -2,502

Design Tx My Mz Ky Kz KLT Load LambdaRely LambdaRelz

member [kNm] [kNm] [kNm] pos.
1 (9–10) -0,001 -20,452 -0,004 1,000 0,500 1,000 Top 1,175 1,175
—— — — — — — — — — —
1 (9–10) -0,001 -20,452 -0,004 1,000 0,500 1,000 Top 1,175 1,175

Design LambdaRelm kcy kcz kcrit kmod st90d Critical combination

member [N/mm2]
1 (9–10) 0,605 0,562 0,562 1,000 0,600 0 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]
—— — — — — — ——
1 (9–10) 0,605 0,562 0,562 1,000 0,600 0 [1,35*G+1,35*ST2]

Design member: Design member (endpoint nodes); Shape: Cross-section; Max. Loc.: Maximum Location; Analysis: Analysis resulting the maximum value;
Max.: Maximum Value; Nx: Axial force; Vy: Shear force in local y direction; Vz: Shear force in local z direction; Tx: Torsional moment; My: Flexural moment
about local y axis; Mz: Flexural moment about local z axis; Ky: Buckling factor about the local y axis; Kz: Buckling factor about the local z axis; KLT: Lateral
buckling factor about the z axis; Load pos.: Design parameters; LambdaRely: Relative slenderness ratio corresponding to bending about the y axis;
LambdaRelz: Relative slenderness ratio corresponding to bending about the z axis; LambdaRelm: Relative slenderness for bending; kcy, kcz: Design
compression strength reducing factor due to axial instability; kcrit: Design bending strength reducing factor due to lateral torsional instability; kmod: Design
resistance modification factor for duration of load and moisture content; st90d: Tension perpendicular to the grain;

Report [I], Linear,(All ULS    (a, b)) Critical, Utilization ULS, Diagram, Front view

Model 3.axs – 14 –

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