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College of Dentistry – Department of RDS 536 RDS- MIDTERM EXAM

22/3/2018- 05/07/1439 (12-12:30 PM)

Student' Name ……………………..KKU ID: …………SN ……..Signature ………………….

1. Which of the following can result from improper wedging?

a. Proximal overhang b. Improper contouring of restoration

c. Large gingival embrasure d. All of the above
2. Which of the following is a retainer-less matrix system?

a. Automatrix b. Universal matrix

c. Sectional matrix d. None of the above

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE when using the universal matrix?
Gingival position of band is 1mm Direction of band removal is in occlusal
a. occlusal to margin b. direction
Pre-contouring of the band is Wedging is done occlusal to the gingival
c. necessary d. margin.
4. Accessing the proximal carious lesion from occlusal surface without involving the
adjacent marginal ridge is done in which type of preparation

a. Conventional b. Slot

c. Tunnel d. Mini-box
5. Which of the following is NOT ideal for a good matrix?

a. Should be easy to apply b. Should establish proper contour

c. Should be easy to remove d. Should be very soft and flexible

6. Once early cavitation occurs, why minimal intervention is not usable?

a. Increased plaque retention b. Inability to arrest the active lesion.

c. Compromised adhesion d. Unaesthetic appearance of lesion.

7. Which is NOT used to enhance remineralization of early caries lesions?

a. Casein phospho peptide b. Titanium teraflouride

c. Nano hydroxyl apatite d. Tricalcium phosphate

8. What is the required matrix for a MOD preparation done in tooth # 24 requiring a
composite restoration?

a. Sectional matrix b. Mylar strip

c. Ivory No:1 matrix d. None of the above

9. Which is NOT a key concept of minimal intervention dentistry?

a. Early diagnosis of dental caries b. Remineralizing non cavitated lesions

c. Sterilization of carious lesion d. Reversing the active lesion

10. The main disadvantage of air abrasion as a technique is due to

a. Increased tactile sense for removal b. Decreased precision of preparation

c. Increased time for completion d. Decreased adhesive bond achieved

11. What is used to clean carious lesions and ensure sterilization of the prepared tooth for
adhesive restorations?

a. Sodium hypochlorite b. Chlorhexidine

c. Ozone d. Carisolve
12. Which type of wedging is used when there is a concave proximal contour?

a. Wedge wedging b. Contact wedging

c. Double wedging d. Single wedge

13. Which of the following alternate methods of tooth removal use abrasive tips?

a. Ultrasonic preparation b. Air abrasion

c. Chemo-mechanical preparation d. Laser ablation

14. What problem decreases on using sodium bicarbonate particles in air polishing?

a. Pulpal damage by heat b. Sound and vibrations felt

c. Cross contamination d. Granulomatous lung reactions

15. Which method shows an more sensitivity to differentiate active dentinal caries lesions?

a. Carisolve b. Laser ablation

c. Spoon excavator d. Tungsten carbide burs

16. What is the main advantage of stepwise excavation of caries?

a. Infected dentin remains b. Two appointments needed

c. Less chance of pulp exposure d. Increased strength of the tooth

17. Why is cervical pulp exposure and capping less successful than coronal exposure?

a. Increased bacterial penetration b. Lack of isolation

c. More marginal microleakage. d. Restriction of pulpal blood flow

18. Why mineral trioxide aggregate is more preffered as a pulp-capping agent?

a. Higher pH value b. Long setting time

c. Better sealing of exposure d. More economical material

19. The slotted side of retainer is directed towards __________direction intraorally.

a. Occlusal b. Gingival

c. Buccal d. Lingual
20. What is the critical test is done in deep carious lesions to assess need of pulp capping?

a. Dental radiograph b. Visual and tactile test.

c. Pulp sensibility test d. Test cavity preparation

End of Questions ------------------- Good Luck

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