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Agriculture Production Optimization Engine Using Data Science

Er . Atul Kumar Agnihotri1

Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, UIET Kanpur India1

Abstract: In an economic sector agriculture plays a vital role identifying the best fertilizer for their soil and also detect the
for the development of the country. As we know that the due diseases and cure them.
to increase in the population the demand for the food increase
rapidly. In the past few decades, the traditional method of
farming is not fulfilling the requirement of today’s need.
There is no such a proper system which help the farmer to
grow the best suitable crops on their field by identifying the
soil parameter such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Ph value,
climatic condition, Rainfall and much more. One of the
possible reasons is the lack of proper planning for the
farming. In this Project we bring the new technology
Machine Learning which help the farmer to grow the best
similar crop for their field by checking there soil parameter
and climatic condition and help them to minimize their
losses. In the project farmer can plan to grow their crop,

I. INTRODUCTION such as rainfall and lack of technical faculties the crop yield
directly influenced.
As we all know that agriculture is more dependent on nature
of soil and climatic condition and we all see the sudden
changes like unpredictable rainfall, heat, air pollution,
fluctuation in humidity level which result in more loss to the optimize their farming and reduce their losses. We made a
farmer for farming. So, this project helps a lot to the farmer machine learning model to help the farmer by predicting the
to optimize their farming and reduce their losses. We made a best crop for their field depending on the soil parameter
machine learning model to help the farmer by predicting the climatic condition. Due to factor like soil , climatic condition
best crop for their field depending on the soil parameter such as rainfall and lack of technical faculties the crop yield
climatic condition. Due to factor like soil , climatic condition directly influenced.
such as rainfall and lack of technical faculties the crop yield
directly influenced.

Keywords: Machine learning, Crop Prediction, Fertilizer

Prediction, Disease Prediction

Objective: predict the best crop grown on the field. We take dataset from
the Kaggle
i. Find the most suitable crop to grown in your farm. which provide us dataset that consist of the data-frame i.e.,
ii. Find the best suitable fertilizer for your soil. rows and column that contains the value of soil parameter.
iii. Find the disease caught on your crop and advice to We have done data pre-processing, data cleaning etc. There
cure them. are three main part of the system which consist of User,
Server, and Climate Forecast API. The are many algorithms
used for the prediction for the parameter such as Linear
Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Multivariate
II. Literature Survey Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), K-Nearest
Neighbor(K-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
Crop Prediction, Fertilizer Prediction & Disease
Support Vector Regression (SVR), Decision Tree (DT),
Prediction: Random Forest(RF), Extremely Randomized Tree(ERT),
We all design a local host web name Argo Tech which run on Artificial Neural Network(ANN), Convolutional Neural
local host. It is a web-based system to predict the best crop Network(CNN), Deep Neural Network(DNN) . This Project
grown on the famer field. The aim of this web-based system proposed a model which can predict the crop based on the
is to provide user friendly environment in which they enter NPK i.e. Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorous. Brief
the soil parameter such as the value of Nitrogen, introduction of the Keyword are given below.
Phosphorous, Potassium, Ph level, Rainfall, State, City to
[1] Data Pre-processing: Data Pre-Processing is the data-
mining technique which converts the raw data into
meaningful format.

[2] Data Cleaning: Data cleaning is the process of fixing or

removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted,
duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. When Overcast
combining multiple data sources, there may be chances that
the data to be duplicated or mislabeled.
[3] API: API stands for Application Programming Interface.
It is basically a software that allows two applications to
communicate with each other. In this project we use weather
API which allows historical weather data.
[4] Linear Regression: In a Machine learning linear
regression is a linear model that work on the two variable x
and y. It work with the relationship between the input
variable x and output variable y and estimate the value of
response by using a line of best fit. When there is a single High Low
input variable called linear regression and when there is
multiple input variable called multiple linear regression.

[5] Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines: MARS is a

machine learning algorithm that deals for the complex non-
linear regression problems. MARS involves finding a set of NO YES
simple linear function that is the best predictive performance.

[6] K-Nearest Neighbor: K-NN is a non-parametric

algorithm and also known as lazy learner algorithm because it
does not learn easily from the training data-set. At a phase of
training it just only store the data and when it get new data it
classifies the data into category which is much similar to the [10] Random Forest: Random forest is the most popular
new data. K-NN is based on the supervised learning . In this machine learning algorithm which have a supervised learning
project we use K-NN algorithm to predict the crop name with technique it also have both feature classification as well as
the help of training the dataset using K-NN algorithm. prediction in machine learning problems. It contain a
numbers of decision tree which help in to solve the complex
problem in the machine learning model. It takes the decision
based on the number of majority prediction by each decision
tree in machine learning model and give its final output.
[7] Support Vector Machine: SVM is a type of machine
learning algorithm that perform the supervised learning and it
is used for both classification and the regression. Supervised [11] Artificial Neural Network: ANN is like a brain that
learning is know when a machine learning model is trained have an artificial neuron and based on the human brain
with the labelled data i.e. you have a data that classified in function and used to model the complicated patterns . ANN
structured manner each column and rows of the data will working is extremely similar to biological neutral network
labelled properly.
although they are not as identical. ANN only accepts the
structured data and numbers only.
[8] Support Vector Regression: SVR is also a type of
machine learning algorithm that perform the supervised [12] Convolutional Neural Network: CNN is a kind of
learning and it is basically used for finding the discrete network architecture for the deep learning and machine
values. Unlike all the regression which tries to minimize the
learning algorithm that mainly work with the image
error by predicting values which is closer to actual values
recognition that perform the operation on the pixel data .
SVR tries to fit the best line to the thresholds value.
CNN accept the unstructured data and also accept image,
[9] Decision Tree: Decision Tree is a supervised learning text, speech form of data.
technique that have both feature classification as well as [13] Snippets:
prediction. It is the most powerful tool. It is like tree structure
where each internal node and each branch denotes the
outcome of the events.

Example: Decision Tree for Playing Tennis


Conclusion: In the economic sector

agriculture plays a very important role for the development of
the country so today still most of the agriculture field are
under developed due to lack of the advanced technology so
by this machine learning model . This model predict the best
for the farmer for their farm based on the past year it will
recommend the best depending on the parameter of the soil.

Future Scope: The future scope of this project is to analyse

the dataset with the best accuracy and
improved the efficiency of the
algorithm which predict the more
accurate. With the aspect economic
growth of the farmer Fertilizer
it is more
profitable for them as it reduce
the risk of loss.

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